]> mj.ucw.cz Git - pciids.git/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
ownerMichal Vaner
last changeMon, 4 Mar 2024 17:00:14 +0000 (18:00 +0100)
2024-03-04 The PCI ID... ids_to_dbdump is still needed by the mailbot master
2024-02-24 The PCI ID... Index: Mention the DNS interface
2024-02-04 The PCI ID... Config: Removed testing credentials and renamed to...
2024-02-04 The PCI ID... index: Improved automated download policy
2024-02-03 The PCI ID... cron-daily moved to admin script repo
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... Admin scripts moved
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... update-web: Synchronize mirrors
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... cron-daily: a new script
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... index: Credits
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... update-web
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... static: Error documents
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... update-sf is no longer needed
2024-02-02 The PCI ID... pciids-export: Cleanup
2024-01-29 The PCI ID... Explain that we are not assigning IDs
2023-10-29 The PCI ID... Use #!/bin/bash
2023-08-08 The PCI ID... Revert "CSS: Limit body width to 1024px"
11 months ago master