From e726bb8d6391faadfaf4366091eb109179a36861 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Mares Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 15:47:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Prednaska o tocich. --- 1-toky/1-toky.tex | 182 ++ 1-toky/Makefile | 3 + 1-toky/sit.eps | 828 +++++++ 1-toky/tok.eps | 1143 +++++++++ 1-toky/toky01.eps | 5886 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1-toky/toky01.svg | 567 +++++ 1-toky/toky02.eps | 492 ++++ 1-toky/toky02.svg | 250 ++ 1-toky/toky03.eps | 654 +++++ 1-toky/toky03.svg | 241 ++ 1-toky/toky04.eps | 1034 ++++++++ 1-toky/toky04.svg | 349 +++ 12 files changed, 11629 insertions(+) create mode 100644 1-toky/1-toky.tex create mode 100644 1-toky/Makefile create mode 100644 1-toky/sit.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/tok.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/toky01.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/toky01.svg create mode 100644 1-toky/toky02.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/toky02.svg create mode 100644 1-toky/toky03.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/toky03.svg create mode 100644 1-toky/toky04.eps create mode 100644 1-toky/toky04.svg diff --git a/1-toky/1-toky.tex b/1-toky/1-toky.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe5b8f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/1-toky/1-toky.tex @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{2}{Toky v sítích}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} + +\s{Motivaèní úloha:} Rozvod èajovodu do~v¹ech uèeben + +Pøedstavme si, ¾e~by v~budovì fakulty na~Malé Stranì existoval èajovod, který by rozvádìl èaj do~ka¾dé uèebny. Znázornìme si to~na~orientovaném grafu, kde by jeden vrchol pøedstavoval èajovar a~druhý uèebnu, ve~které sedíme. Jak rozvést co nejefektivnìji dostatek èaje do~dané uèebny? + +\figure{toky01.eps}{Èajovod}{2in} + +\s{Definice:} {\I Sí»} je uspoøádaná pìtice $(V,E,z,s,c)$, kde platí: +\itemize\ibull +\:$(V,E)$ je orientovaný graf. +\:$c:E\to{\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ je funkce znázoròující kapacitu hran. +\:$z,s \in V$ jsou dva vrcholy grafu, kterým øíkáme zdroj a~stok (spotøebiè). +\:Graf je symetrický, tedy $\forall u,v \in V: uv \in E \Leftrightarrow vu \in E$ (tuto podmínku si~mù¾eme zvolit bez~újmy na~obecnosti, nebo» v¾dy mohu do~grafu pøidat hranu, která v~nìm je¹tì nebyla, a~dát jí nulovou kapacitu). +\endlist + +\figure{sit.eps}{Pøíklad sítì. Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{2.5in} + +\s{Definice:} {\I Tok} je funkce $f:E \to {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ taková, ¾e~platí: +\numlist{\ndotted} +\:Tok po~ka¾dé hranì je omezen její kapacitou: $\forall e \in E : 0\le f(e)\le c(e)$. +\:Kirchhoffùv zákon: $$\forall v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}=\sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$ Neboli pro~ka¾dý vrchol kromì zdroje a~stoku platí, ¾e~to, co do~nìj pøitéká, je stejnì velké jako to, co z~nìj odtéká. +\endlist + +\s{Poznámka:} Pro~zjednodu¹ení zaveïme speciální znaèení: +\itemize\ibull +\:$f^+(v) = \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}$ (to, co do~vrcholu pøitéká) +\:$f^-(v) = \sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}$ (to, co z~vrcholu odtéká) +\:$f^\Delta(v) = f^+(v) - f^-(v)$ (rozdíl tìchto hodnot) +\endlist +Pak mù¾eme Krichhoffùv zákon zapsat jednodu¹e jako: $$\forall v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f^\Delta(v) = 0.$$ + +\s{Poznámka:} Pokud bychom se~chtìli v~definici toku u~bodu 2 vyhnout podmínkám pro~$z$ a~$s$, mù¾eme zdroj a~stok vzájemnì propojit (pak jde o~tzv. cirkulaci). + +\s{Poznámka:} V~angliètinì se~obvykle zdroj znaèí \uv{$s$} a~stok \uv{$t$} (jako source a~target). + +\figure{tok.eps}{Pøíklad toku. Èísla pøedstavují toky po~hranách, v~závorkách jsou kapacity.}{4in} + +\s{Pozorování:} Nìjaký tok v¾dy existuje. V libovolné síti mù¾eme v¾dy zvolit funkci nulovou (po~¾ádné hranì nic nepoteèe). Tato funkce splòuje podmínky toku, a~tedy takovýto nulový tok je zcela korektní. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Velikost toku} $f$ je: $$\vert f\vert:=f^\Delta(s).$$ + +\s{Cíl:} Budeme chtít najít v~zadané síti tok, jeho¾ velikost je maximální. + +\s{Otázka:} Má vùbec smysl mluvit o~maximálním toku? Bude v¾dy existovat? Nevybíráme zde toti¾ z~koneènì mnoha pøípadù a~na~první pohled není jasné, ¾e~supremum mno¾iny v¹ech tokù bude zároveò i~maximum této mno¾iny. + +\s{Odpovìï:} Ano, pro~ka¾dou sí» existuje maximální tok. Toto pomìrnì pøekvapivé tvrzení mù¾eme nahlédnout za~pomoci matematické analýzy. Nástin dùkazu je takový, ¾e~mno¾ina tokù je kompaktní a~velikost toku je spojitá (dokonce lineární) funkce z~mno¾iny tokù do~${\bb R}$. Proto nabývá velikost toku na~mno¾inì v¹ech tokù svého maxima. + +\s{Poznámka:} Pro~na¹e pøípady pøedpokládejme, ¾e~kapacity jsou racionální. Pomìrnì nám to zjednodu¹í práci a~pøíli¹ nám to neublí¾í, nebo» práce s~reálnými èísly je stejnì pro~informatika pomìrnì zapeklitá. + +\s{První øe¹ení:} Hledejme cestu $P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ takovou, ¾e~$\forall e \in P: f(e) < c(e)$ (po~v¹ech jejích hranách teèe ostøe ménì, ne¾ jim dovolují jejich kapacity). Pak zjevnì mù¾eme tok upravit tak, aby se~jeho velikost zvìt¹ila. Zvolme $$\epsilon := \min_{e \in P} c(e) - f(e).$$ Nový tok $f'$ pak definujme jako $f'(e):=f(e) + \epsilon$. Kapacity nepøekroèíme ($\epsilon$ je nejvìt¹í mo¾ná hodnota, abychom tok zvìt¹ili, ale nepøekroèili kapaicitu ani jedné z~hran cesty $P$) a~Kirchhoffovy zákony zùstanou neporu¹eny, nebo» zdroj a~stok nezahrnují a~ka¾dému jinému vrcholu na~cestì $P$ se~pøítok $f^+(v)$ i~odtok $f^-(v)$ zvìt¹í pøesnì o~$\epsilon$. + +\s{Otázka:} Najdeme takto ov¹em opravdu maximální tok? + +\s{Odpovìï:} Nemusíme. Napø. na~obrázku je vidìt, ¾e~kdy¾ najdeme nejdøíve cestu pøes hranu s~kapacitou 1 (na obrázku tuènì) a~u¾ hodnotu toku na~této hranì nesní¾íme, tak dosáhneme velikost toku nejvý¹e 19. Ale maximální tok této sítì má velikost 20. + +\figure{toky02.eps}{Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{1.5in} + +Nìkdy je potøeba poslat nìco i~v~protismìu. Definujme si~tedy rezervu hrany. Vyu¾ijeme zde, ¾e~sí» je symetrická. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Rezerva hrany} $uv$ je $r(uv):=c(uv) - f(uv) + f(vu).$ + +Uka¾me si~tedy algoritmus, který rezervu vyu¾ívá a~doka¾me, ¾e~je koneèný a~najde maximální tok ke~ka¾dé racionální síti. + +\s{Algoritmus (Fordùv-Fulkersonùv)} + +\algo +\:$f \leftarrow$ libovolný tok, napø. v¹ude nulový ($\forall e \in E: f(e) \leftarrow 0 $). +\:Dokud $\exists P$ cesta ze $z$ do $s$ taková, ¾e~$\forall e \in P: r(e) > 0$, opakujeme: +\::$\epsilon \leftarrow \min \{r(e) \mid e \in P\}$. +\::Pro v¹echny hrany $uv \in P$: +\:::$\delta \leftarrow min\{f(uv),\epsilon\}$ +\:::$f(vu) \leftarrow f(vu) - \delta$ +\:::$f(uv) \leftarrow f(uv) + \epsilon - \delta$ +\:Prohlásíme $f$ za~maximální tok. +\endalgo + +\s{Problém:} Zastaví se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus? + +\itemize\ibull +\:Pro~celoèíselné kapacity se~v~ka¾dém kroku zvìt¹í velikost toku alespoò o~1. Algoritmus se~tedy zasatví po~nejvíce tolika krocích, jako je nìjaká horní závora pro~velikost maximálního toku -- napø. souèet kapacit v¹ech hran vedoucích do~stoku $$\sum_{u:us \in E}{c(us)}.$$ +\:Pro~racionální kapacity vyu¾ijeme jednoduchý trik -- kapacity vynásobíme spoleèným jmenovatelem a~pøevedeme na~pùvodní pøípad. Uvìdomme si, ¾e~algoritmus nikde kapacity hran nedìlí, tak¾e u¾ zùstanou celoèíselné, a~algoritmus se~tedy zastaví. +\:Na~síti s~iracionálními kapacitami se~algoritmus chová mnohdy divoce, nemusí se~zastavit ale dokonce ani konvergovat ke~správnému výsledku. +\s{K zamy¹lení:} Zkuste vymyslet pøíklad takové sítì. +\endlist + +\s{Otázka:} Vydá algoritmus maximální tok? + +\s{Odpovìï:} Vydá. Abychom si~to dokázali, zaveïme si~øezy a~pou¾ijme je jako certifikát pravdivosti tvrzení, ¾e~algoritmus vydá maximální tok. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Øez} je uspoøádaná dvojice mno¾in vrcholù ($A,B$) taková, ¾e: +\itemize\ibull +\:$A \cap B = \emptyset$. +\:$A \cup B = V$. +\:$z \in A$. +\:$s \notin B$. +\endlist + +\s{Definice:} {\I Hrany øezu} $E(A,B) := E \cap A \times B$. + +\s{Poznámka:} Øezy se~dají definovat více zpùsoby, jedna z~definic je, ¾e~øez je mno¾ina hran grafu takových, ¾e~po~jejich odebrání se~graf rozpadne na~více komponent. Tuto definici splòuje i~ta na¹e, ale ne naopak. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Kapacita øezu} je $$c(A,B) := \sum_{e \in E(A,B)}{c(e)}.$$ + +\s{Definice:} {\I Tok pøes øez} je $$f(A,B) := \sum_{e \in E(A,B)}{f(e)} - \sum_{e \in E(B,A)}{f(e)}.$$ + +\s{Pozorování:} Pro~ka¾dý tok $f$ a~ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ platí, ¾e~$f(A,B) \leq c(A,B)$. + +\proof +$$f(A,B) = \sum_{e \in (A,B)}{f(e)} - \sum_{e \in E(B,A)}{f(e)} \leq \sum_{e \in E(A,B)}{f(e)} \leq \sum_{e \in E(A,B)}{c(e)} = c(A,B).$$ +\qed + +\s{Lemmátko:} Pro~ka¾dý tok $f$ a~pro~ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ platí $f(A,B) = \vert f \vert$. + +\proof{Indukcí a~obrázkem} + +Zaèneme s øezem ($V \setminus \{s\}, \{s\}$). Pro~tento øez lemma platí z~definice velikosti toku. + +Dále si~pøedstavme, ¾e~máme ji¾ libovolný øez ($A,B$) a~pøesouváme vrchol $v$ z~$A$ do~$B$. Tedy $A' = A \setminus \{v\}$ a $B' = B \cup \{v\}$. + +Uvìdomme si, ¾e~v¹echny hrany jednoho typu (napø. vedoucí z~$A$ do~$v$) se~chovají stejnì, tak¾e staèí uva¾ovat hrany pouze 4 typù: +\itemize\ibull +\:$\alpha$ -- hrany vedoucí z~$A$ do~$v$ +\:$\beta$ -- hrany vedoucí z~$v$ do~$B$ +\:$\gamma$ -- hrany vedoucí z~$v$ do~$A$ +\:$\delta$ -- hrany vedoucí z~$B$ do~$v$ +\:$\epsilon$ -- hrany øezu stejné pøed pøesunem i~po~pøesunu +\endlist + +\figure{toky03.eps}{Pøesun vrcholu $v$ z~$A$ do~$B$.}{1in} + +Potom pøed pøesunem ($v \in A$) se~$f(A,B)$ skládá z~$\epsilon + \beta - \delta$. Po~pøesunu ($v \in B$) se~$f(A',B')$ skládá z~$\epsilon + \alpha - \gamma$. Rozdíl tìchto hodnot je $\alpha + \delta - \beta - \gamma$. + +Nicménì z Kirchhoffova zákonu o~vrcholu $v$ (co¾ není ani zdroj ani stok) víme, ¾e~$\alpha + \delta - \beta - \gamma = f^\Delta(v) = 0$, nebo» $\alpha + \delta $ je to, co do~$v$ pøitéká a~$\beta + \gamma$ je to, co z~$v$ vytéká. Tedy tok pøes øez pøed pøesunem je stejnì velký jako tok pøes øez po~pøesunu. Pokud tedy lemma platilo pøed pøesunem, musí platit i~po~pøesunu. +\qed + +\s{Dùsledek:} Pro~ka¾dý tok $f$ a~øez ($A,B$) platí, ¾e~$\vert f \vert = f(A,B) \leq c(A,B)$. + +\s{Pozorování:} Pokud najdeme dvojici tok $f$ a~øez $(A,B)$ takovou, ¾e~platí $\vert f \vert = c(A,B)$, tak jsme na¹li maximální tok a~minimální øez. + +\s{Vìta:} Pokud se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví, tak vydá maximální tok. + +\proof + +Nech» se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví. Definujme $A = \{v \in V ; \exists $ cesta ze~$z$ do~$v$ jdoucí po~hranách s~$r > 0\}$ a~$B = V \setminus A$. + +Uvìdomme si, ¾e~($A,B$) je øez, nebo» $z \in A$ (ze~$z$ do~$z$ existuje cesta délky 0) a~$s \notin B$ (kdyby $s \in B$, tak by musela existovat cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ s~kladnou rezervou, tudí¾ by ale algoritmus neskonèil, nýbr¾ tuto cestu vzal a~stávající tok vylep¹il). + +Dále víme, ¾e~v¹echny hrany øezu mají nulovou rezervu, neboli $\forall uv \in E(A,B) : r(uv) = 0$ (kdyby mìla hrana $uv$ rezervu nenulovou, tedy kladnou, tak by patøil vrchol $v$ do~$A$). Proto po~v¹ech hranách øezu vedoucích z~$A$ do~$B$ teèe tolik, kolik jsou kapacity tìchto hran a~po~hranách vedoucích z~$B$ do~$A$ neteèe nic, tedy $f(uv) = c(uv)$ a $f(vu) = 0$. Máme tedy øez $(A,B)$ takový, ¾e~$f(A,B) = c(A,B)$. To znamená, ¾e~jsme na¹li maximální tok a~minimální øez. +\qed + +Zformulujme si, co jsme zjistili a~dokázali o~algoritmu pánù Forda a~Fulkersona. + +\s{Vìta:} Pro~sí» s~racionálními kapacitami se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví a~vydá maximální tok a~minimální øez. + +\s{Vìta:} (Fordova-Fulkersonova) +$$\min_{(A,B)} c(A,B) = \max_f \vert f \vert .$$ +\proof + +Ji¾ víme, ¾e~$\min_{(A,B)} c(A,B) \geq \max_f \vert f \vert$. Staèí tedy dokázat, ¾e~v¾dy existuje tok $f$ a~øez ($A,B$) takové, ¾e~$c(A,B) = \vert f \vert$. Pro~racionální kapacity nám Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus takový tok (maximální) a~øez (minimální) vydá. Jak je to ale s~reálnými kapacitami? Vyu¾ijeme tvrzení, ¾e~maximální tok existuje v¾dy. Pak mù¾eme spustit Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus rovnou na~tento maximální tok. Algoritmus se~nutnì ihned zastaví, nebo» neexistuje cesta, která by mìla alespoò jednu hranu s~kladnou rezervu. A~my víme, ¾e~pokud se~algoritmus zastaví, tak vydá minimální øez. Proto i~pro sí» s~reálnými kapacitami platí, ¾e~existuje maximální tok $f$ a~minimální øez $(A,B)$ a $c(A,B) = \vert f \vert$. +\qed + +\s{Vìta:} +Sí» s~celoèíselnými kapacitami má aspoò jeden z~maximálních tokù celoèíselný a~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus takový tok najde. + +\proof +Kdy¾ dostane Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus celoèíselnou sí», tak najde maximální tok a~ten bude zase celoèíselný (algoritmus nikde nedìlí). +\qed + +\s{Aplikace:} Hledání maximálního párování v~bipartitních grafech. + +\s{Definice:} Mno¾ina hran $F \subseteq E$ sevnazývá párování $\equiv \forall e,f \in F : e \cap f = \emptyset$. + +\s{Definice:} Párování je maximální, pokud obsahuje nejvìt¹í mo¾ný poèet hran. + +Mìjme bipartitní graf $G = (V,E)$. Na~nìm hledáme maximální párování. Sestrojme si~sí» takovou, ¾e~vezmeme vrcholy $V$ grafu $G$ a~pøidáme k~nim dva speciální vrcholy $z$ (zdroj) a~$s$ (stok) a~ze~zdroje pøidáme hrany do~v¹ech vrcholù levé partity a~ze~v¹ech vrcholù pravé partity povedeme hrany do~stoku. V¹echny kapacity nastavme na~1. Nyní staèí jen na~tuto sí» spustit Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus a~a¾~dobìhne, tak prohlásit hrany s~kapacitami 1 za~maximální párování. + +\figure{toky04.eps}{Hledání maximálního párování v~bipartitním grafu.}{2in} + +\bye diff --git a/1-toky/Makefile b/1-toky/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e82416b --- /dev/null +++ b/1-toky/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=1-toky + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/1-toky/sit.eps b/1-toky/sit.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f66f5e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/1-toky/sit.eps @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: Ipelib 60027 (Ipe 6.0 preview 27) +%%CreationDate: D:20071018214606 +%%LanguageLevel: 2 +%%BoundingBox: 107 284 460 489 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 107.459 284.641 459.645 488.218 +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 +%%+ font GKLBST+CMR12 +%%+ font OKRINM+CMMI12 +%%+ font PVGEOP+CMR17 +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset ipe 6.0 60027 +/ipe 40 dict def ipe begin +/np { newpath } def +/m { moveto } def +/l { lineto } def +/c { curveto } def +/h { closepath } def +/re { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto + neg 0 rlineto closepath } def +/d { setdash } def +/w { setlinewidth } def +/J { setlinecap } def +/j { setlinejoin } def +/cm { [ 7 1 roll ] concat } def +/q { gsave } def +/Q { grestore } def +/g { setgray } def +/G { setgray } def +/rg { setrgbcolor } def +/RG { setrgbcolor } def +/S { stroke } def +/f* { eofill } def +/f { fill } def +/ipeMakeFont { + exch findfont + dup length dict begin + { 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall + /Encoding exch def + currentdict + end + definefont pop +} def +/ipeFontSize 0 def +/Tf { dup /ipeFontSize exch store selectfont } def +/Td { translate } def +/BT { gsave } def +/ET { grestore } def +/TJ { 0 0 moveto { dup type /stringtype eq + { show } { ipeFontSize mul -0.001 mul 0 rmoveto } ifelse +} forall } def +end +%%EndResource +%%EndProlog +%%BeginSetup +ipe begin +%%BeginResource: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 +%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR10 1.00B +%%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52 +% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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60.652554 137.55778 61.811708 curveto +136.63831 63.439954 136.30221 65.671123 137.5 67.25 curveto +138.09808 68.449555 138.96563 69.540771 139.25 70.875 curveto +139.55445 72.776073 138.51672 74.537378 137.5509 76.088684 curveto +135.96112 78.603488 133.74049 80.744275 132.65625 83.5625 curveto +132.13236 84.863523 131.90524 86.264248 131.56012 87.620065 curveto +130.67888 91.645337 129.81238 95.673485 129.01523 99.716552 curveto +127.86084 105.44274 126.68505 111.16689 125.57486 116.90058 curveto +125.24094 120.05218 124.88496 123.26503 125.5 126.40625 curveto +125.84098 128.92356 126.39761 131.41255 127.08633 133.85627 curveto +127.9414 136.8093 129.20287 139.6323 130.63104 142.34913 curveto +132.75082 146.29145 135.33814 149.99799 138.46893 153.20644 curveto +139.89835 154.71103 141.50791 156.03937 143.17414 157.27271 curveto +145.46327 158.97427 148.04597 160.29487 150.8174 160.99747 curveto +153.84689 161.7798 156.98897 161.95673 160.09361 162.24037 curveto +167.15103 162.72239 174.22804 162.78384 181.29842 162.90625 curveto +186.29547 162.94874 191.30234 162.74031 196.26166 162.10994 curveto +198.74144 161.76497 201.1765 161.16547 203.59985 160.55005 curveto +206.50129 159.72281 209.28861 158.51902 211.88036 156.97435 curveto +215.07803 155.10117 218.02228 152.8326 220.98285 150.6128 curveto +226.43135 146.36568 231.88457 142.12306 237.26537 137.79068 curveto +242.61236 133.31601 248.04065 128.93344 253.23634 124.28211 curveto +254.94532 122.70478 256.53065 120.93133 257.51403 118.80146 curveto +258.26094 117.13112 258.80821 115.36651 259.24832 113.59062 curveto +259.81643 111.1257 259.89991 108.58605 259.96875 106.06719 curveto +259.98375 103.94988 259.91343 101.80969 259.32912 99.760543 curveto +258.86819 97.933882 258.15276 96.177965 257.22349 94.540727 curveto +256.24723 92.883634 254.98518 91.361686 253.451 90.195842 curveto +251.34118 88.624388 248.81106 87.749493 246.25 87.25 curveto +243.49107 86.671275 240.68943 86.313784 237.93207 85.720968 curveto 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curveto +238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto +240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto +241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto +249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto +261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto +270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto +267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto +259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto +248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.245 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +246.09375 93.4375 moveto +242.10625 93.847681 238.1488 94.489728 234.1875 95.09375 curveto +231.98215 95.861106 231.3439 98.656647 232 100.6875 curveto +233.51154 105.06599 236.34207 109.00526 236.90625 113.6875 curveto +238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto +240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto +241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto +249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto +261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto +270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto +267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto +259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto +248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.37517 179.49733 moveto +164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto +146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto +141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto +149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto +203.1444 171.6939 lineto +206.26632 170.85774 lineto +207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto +214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto +211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto +191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto +172.37517 179.49733 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.066126853 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +172.37517 179.49733 moveto +164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto +146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto +141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto +149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto +203.1444 171.6939 lineto +206.26632 170.85774 lineto +207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto +214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto +211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto +191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto +172.37517 179.49733 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.15355 175.61024 moveto +156.23914 175.61294 157.31941 175.63406 158.40173 175.71899 curveto +160.15202 176.01988 161.91792 176.06222 163.68871 176.06043 curveto +166.64982 176.03306 169.60922 175.97458 172.57002 176.04062 curveto +175.09927 176.12388 177.62291 176.30984 180.15265 176.3944 curveto +182.2777 176.45943 184.40148 176.48214 186.52453 176.36964 curveto +187.9014 176.28244 189.27952 176.22107 190.65853 176.18227 curveto +191.64038 176.15865 192.6225 176.16304 193.60452 176.16209 curveto +194.91222 176.16741 196.21992 176.17558 197.52763 176.1797 curveto +199.36603 176.18871 201.20446 176.18741 203.04288 176.18892 curveto +206.27218 176.1904 209.50059 176.2591 212.72994 176.26663 curveto +215.89992 176.27587 219.07692 176.22075 222.23952 176.47035 curveto +223.3632 176.5907 224.48936 176.66325 225.61879 176.69237 curveto +226.90512 176.72454 228.19181 176.68936 229.47666 176.76113 curveto +230.89068 176.84065 232.29324 177.04526 233.70492 177.15835 curveto +234.71554 177.28057 235.71781 177.19709 236.72543 177.1093 curveto +237.50041 177.05386 238.25891 176.87375 239.0254 176.75264 curveto +239.28785 176.6535 239.61961 176.77426 239.8795 176.68417 curveto +239.95634 176.65753 240.0087 176.58429 240.07995 176.54507 curveto +240.28546 176.44508 240.25323 176.34706 240.4465 176.51523 curveto +237.14085 178.83815 lineto +237.19784 179.00041 237.04596 178.97291 236.9162 179.03438 curveto +236.56889 179.13104 236.17832 179.047 235.82664 179.15273 curveto +235.06666 179.26828 234.31146 179.42632 233.5416 179.46395 curveto +232.52455 179.54806 231.50978 179.57213 230.49338 179.44836 curveto +229.09778 179.31151 227.7087 179.0953 226.30587 179.04502 curveto +225.00803 179.01081 223.70986 179.03843 222.41188 179.00724 curveto +221.29302 178.96705 220.17889 178.88147 219.06898 178.73041 curveto +215.9941 178.4144 212.89672 178.39349 209.80839 178.38926 curveto +206.50775 178.3969 203.20801 178.46524 199.90741 178.46696 curveto +198.06086 178.46841 196.21431 178.46709 194.36777 178.47535 curveto +193.04536 178.47882 191.72296 178.48568 190.40056 178.49011 curveto +189.42334 178.48999 188.44604 178.49451 187.46896 178.51154 curveto +186.10644 178.53957 184.74503 178.59933 183.38431 178.67447 curveto +181.28039 178.76707 179.17753 178.67302 177.07337 178.61637 curveto +174.54181 178.53642 172.01546 178.37713 169.4853 178.27013 curveto +166.52216 178.18908 163.56025 178.23958 160.59709 178.30899 curveto +158.78857 178.32508 156.99017 178.2761 155.19781 178.01096 curveto +154.10312 177.93559 153.0079 177.93251 151.91113 177.96601 curveto +155.15355 175.61024 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +162.78068 175.76852 moveto +164.13496 176.25254 165.42392 176.89125 166.67791 177.5904 curveto +167.8372 178.26938 168.98319 178.97411 170.23018 179.48468 curveto +170.82598 179.72862 171.3837 179.90136 171.99342 180.10265 curveto +173.23917 180.50408 174.52973 180.68228 175.83157 180.74859 curveto +176.75526 180.77887 177.67964 180.76801 178.60356 180.75738 curveto +179.34059 180.7522 180.07764 180.74963 180.81466 180.74348 curveto +181.44555 180.79091 182.05736 180.68362 182.67928 180.60099 curveto +183.51926 180.55103 184.31798 180.29372 185.11562 180.04799 curveto +185.89452 179.82798 186.69834 179.73059 187.47361 179.49546 curveto +188.13503 179.3125 188.80391 179.16003 189.47082 178.99738 curveto +189.88157 178.89869 190.29938 178.85706 190.72018 178.84027 curveto +190.91337 178.70044 191.16256 178.72033 191.37706 178.64389 curveto +191.4349 178.62328 191.48665 178.58846 191.54144 178.56075 curveto +191.60558 178.53796 191.66972 178.51518 191.73386 178.49239 curveto +192.94119 177.8866 194.53662 176.87873 188.72288 180.23514 curveto +188.69206 180.25293 188.77787 180.18611 188.81216 180.17662 curveto +188.83271 180.17094 188.88441 180.20259 188.90411 180.21349 curveto +188.43526 179.48498 187.74078 178.98249 186.99174 178.57492 curveto +186.32724 178.25953 185.85025 178.26299 185.15191 178.36835 curveto +185.42371 178.05376 184.04618 178.96875 184.42757 178.75291 curveto +189.9469 175.62936 188.30399 176.48714 187.10254 177.25113 curveto +185.2114 177.6546 183.86341 179.48143 181.98935 179.99858 curveto +181.55938 180.12283 181.15416 180.29682 180.70681 180.35668 curveto +180.33646 180.34124 180.01975 180.48537 179.66685 180.55984 curveto +179.22908 180.6462 178.78375 180.65325 178.33934 180.66277 curveto +177.95294 180.67312 177.56637 180.67157 177.17991 180.66648 curveto +175.52263 180.68434 173.87004 180.92162 172.22264 181.09165 curveto +169.90766 181.34113 167.61491 181.75382 165.31721 182.12377 curveto +164.59052 182.26913 163.85879 182.28595 163.12203 182.28478 curveto +162.52844 182.25749 161.92173 182.37762 161.35531 182.16676 curveto +159.79963 180.77327 163.59957 179.93203 164.53194 179.37706 curveto +164.89496 179.24955 165.24107 179.08517 165.61565 178.96805 curveto +166.07162 178.76972 166.54429 178.62425 167.0136 178.45291 curveto +167.41241 178.33214 167.82747 178.31271 168.24085 178.30621 curveto +168.612 178.29889 168.98325 178.30429 169.35445 178.30371 curveto +169.69871 178.44233 170.05558 178.51579 170.42338 178.54941 curveto +170.75744 178.579 171.09307 178.57788 171.42813 178.57825 curveto +171.78157 178.72664 172.14969 178.78665 172.52867 178.81936 curveto +172.77081 178.80663 173.03289 178.88824 173.2742 178.84785 curveto +173.39694 178.82731 173.51078 178.77005 173.63117 178.73854 curveto +174.01971 178.50015 174.3767 178.47652 174.76885 178.21798 curveto +173.66139 178.85564 170.31553 180.72603 171.44645 180.13096 curveto +172.6587 179.49308 173.82035 178.76328 175.01302 178.08951 curveto +175.04747 178.07005 175.15996 178.0325 175.12576 178.0524 curveto +174.04224 178.68271 170.76962 180.53524 171.85377 179.90601 curveto +173.04101 179.21693 174.23445 178.53857 175.42478 177.85485 curveto +175.75271 177.74213 176.10366 177.8286 176.42667 177.70613 curveto +176.98609 177.5839 177.55044 177.4715 178.11819 177.38684 curveto +178.8198 177.18922 179.53573 177.06412 180.26152 177.00507 curveto +180.92067 176.98174 181.56879 176.96561 182.22034 176.86303 curveto +182.73921 176.76732 183.26264 176.72408 183.78862 176.69612 curveto +184.14993 176.6825 184.5115 176.68356 184.87299 176.68492 curveto +185.16501 176.6851 185.45703 176.68408 185.74905 176.68531 curveto +185.97239 176.78087 186.18827 176.92341 186.43542 176.94453 curveto +186.62148 177.11791 186.79899 177.19233 187.04794 177.20857 curveto +187.48479 177.19394 187.8967 177.3482 188.32235 177.42604 curveto +188.557 177.50408 188.82875 177.43268 189.06331 177.49287 curveto +189.16964 177.52015 189.26272 177.58479 189.36374 177.62778 curveto +190.83594 178.79002 187.54529 180.12988 186.02331 180.14658 curveto +185.55453 180.18103 185.15312 180.0309 184.73804 179.82678 curveto +184.25187 179.53907 183.67613 179.38226 183.21974 179.04854 curveto +183.07275 178.95218 183.01278 178.81925 182.95524 178.66182 curveto +186.53183 176.78934 lineto +186.49318 176.78099 186.56301 176.87645 186.60155 176.88529 curveto +187.06746 177.16415 187.57211 177.38054 188.06137 177.61381 curveto +188.4482 177.75651 188.84047 177.82493 189.24951 177.73166 curveto +190.60666 177.31645 188.54153 177.94029 185.98626 179.70093 curveto +185.91518 179.74991 186.08338 179.8437 186.13007 179.91631 curveto +186.15001 179.94731 186.00405 179.84687 186.02734 179.87543 curveto +185.70763 179.7764 185.35437 179.81649 185.03104 179.71815 curveto +184.60625 179.62379 184.18378 179.54385 183.74922 179.51098 curveto +183.52187 179.44437 183.33401 179.31176 183.11866 179.23295 curveto +182.91746 179.15763 182.71264 179.03302 182.49422 179.04942 curveto +182.20366 179.04987 181.9131 179.0473 181.62254 179.04672 curveto +181.26764 179.04836 180.91252 179.04991 180.55817 179.07211 curveto +180.04445 179.10492 179.53545 179.1787 179.02613 179.2517 curveto +178.37241 179.33037 177.71452 179.3165 177.0595 179.38186 curveto +176.34343 179.47089 175.64218 179.62505 174.93795 179.78002 curveto +174.3668 179.88857 173.79561 179.99846 173.23057 180.13557 curveto +172.90125 180.16479 172.56711 180.18182 172.27934 180.36416 curveto +173.38691 179.72047 174.49458 179.07694 175.60206 178.43311 curveto +175.63529 178.41379 175.53532 178.47126 175.50209 178.4906 curveto +174.32313 179.17692 173.14487 179.86444 171.9655 180.55007 curveto +171.93391 180.56843 171.83765 180.62085 171.86927 180.60255 curveto +171.946 180.55813 181.05478 175.2944 171.63982 180.73707 curveto +171.25081 180.90483 170.83852 181.03839 170.4361 181.16406 curveto +170.04501 181.22992 169.65047 181.18363 169.25842 181.13847 curveto +168.89201 181.08627 168.53973 180.9645 168.17276 180.93822 curveto +167.83031 180.93152 167.48747 180.91516 167.14808 180.86641 curveto +166.79619 180.81008 166.4566 180.68301 166.10163 180.6651 curveto +165.73658 180.66165 165.37133 180.6613 165.00658 180.67871 curveto +164.61333 180.70885 164.22337 180.76951 163.85569 180.91977 curveto +163.38723 181.08895 162.91523 181.24592 162.4519 181.42863 curveto +162.08603 181.56296 161.73827 181.74149 161.36891 181.86434 curveto +162.46846 181.19327 163.57896 180.53981 164.66756 179.85112 curveto +164.6888 179.83768 164.62057 179.83295 164.59829 179.82131 curveto +164.57568 179.8095 164.55811 179.77521 164.53326 179.78098 curveto +164.51595 179.78499 164.65447 179.94947 164.67392 179.89878 curveto +165.21762 180.0074 165.78786 179.91048 166.33743 179.94342 curveto +167.04979 179.92719 167.75955 179.86768 168.46501 179.76523 curveto +170.72258 179.46107 172.97161 179.09206 175.23743 178.85095 curveto +176.96162 178.65372 178.68565 178.34646 180.42203 178.31145 curveto +180.80562 178.30731 181.1893 178.30865 181.57275 178.29629 curveto +182.0047 178.2753 182.43685 178.23978 182.85559 178.12408 curveto +183.20282 178.02713 183.55175 177.99746 183.90627 177.93566 curveto +184.3254 177.82429 184.72887 177.66298 185.1464 177.54564 curveto +186.58449 176.97516 189.23085 175.14337 183.3751 178.68462 curveto +185.03902 177.79137 186.49041 176.35273 188.3619 175.98103 curveto +189.05891 175.92899 189.70613 176.07196 190.32299 176.41272 curveto +191.12975 176.90979 191.87108 177.50017 192.43301 178.27274 curveto +192.4898 178.4011 192.65044 178.63609 192.46141 178.75 curveto +190.56608 179.89208 190.04391 180.46834 188.57161 180.96081 curveto +188.22335 181.08719 187.84751 181.18632 187.48027 181.22305 curveto +187.08067 181.25399 186.6859 181.32542 186.29664 181.42045 curveto +185.63514 181.57843 184.97274 181.73412 184.31818 181.91916 curveto +183.53849 182.10953 182.74376 182.23489 181.97633 182.47331 curveto +181.161 182.71716 180.33564 182.91268 179.48528 182.98701 curveto +178.85344 183.07185 178.22355 183.11926 177.58509 183.09097 curveto +176.85304 183.08797 176.12096 183.09126 175.38892 183.09597 curveto +174.46434 183.09659 173.53882 183.10729 172.61539 183.05325 curveto +171.30839 182.94842 170.02071 182.71238 168.7784 182.28125 curveto +166.89767 181.62364 165.12103 180.76153 163.42164 179.71818 curveto +162.14642 179.05112 160.85336 178.39728 159.46328 178.00144 curveto +162.78068 175.76852 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +198.10215 172.86806 moveto +198.76348 173.28395 199.45773 173.6265 200.21621 173.81684 curveto +200.9347 173.98461 201.67524 173.99477 202.40909 174.00644 curveto +203.0303 174.00768 203.65148 174.00026 204.27268 173.9966 curveto +204.72814 174.0494 205.13714 173.93479 205.57187 173.83127 curveto +205.91866 173.84022 206.13363 173.61819 206.42915 173.49098 curveto +206.63488 173.41402 206.87458 173.43701 207.09316 173.44069 curveto +207.20065 173.3804 207.48991 173.51971 207.5811 173.44222 curveto +207.60674 173.42043 207.59826 173.37717 207.60685 173.34464 curveto +198.76557 178.43402 207.72095 173.23253 207.87583 173.15785 curveto +209.00765 172.6121 203.54427 175.70678 204.61668 175.05195 curveto +204.64773 174.91727 204.7786 174.83861 204.8613 174.71684 curveto +204.86501 174.67601 204.85176 174.62975 204.87244 174.59434 curveto +204.90575 174.53731 205.09178 174.46214 205.15139 174.42838 curveto +208.74421 172.39328 207.3867 172.70937 208.83271 172.38487 curveto +209.18369 172.32577 209.44603 172.08384 209.80067 171.99955 curveto +210.07941 171.85163 210.37517 171.73771 210.67893 171.65433 curveto +207.51172 174.114 lineto +207.22113 174.22822 206.93579 174.35492 206.64237 174.46167 curveto +206.31898 174.61691 206.00524 174.78128 205.65338 174.85933 curveto +204.39867 175.46654 205.50278 174.93498 208.91098 172.97791 curveto +209.00239 172.92542 208.74552 173.14939 208.64041 173.14154 curveto +208.60462 173.13887 208.58279 173.09873 208.55398 173.07732 curveto +208.51448 173.15317 208.43913 173.38254 208.37889 173.42319 curveto +208.3573 173.43775 208.32818 173.41131 208.30282 173.40537 curveto +207.9689 174.83084 205.85514 174.76323 204.72806 175.66839 curveto +203.725 176.47396 206.95875 174.38598 208.06789 173.73415 curveto +208.09688 173.71711 208.00334 173.75305 207.97107 173.7625 curveto +206.79451 174.45671 205.61795 175.15093 204.44139 175.84515 curveto +204.24663 175.79187 204.04652 175.81358 203.84577 175.82073 curveto +203.63891 175.8421 203.4531 175.88233 203.27755 175.99917 curveto +202.99043 176.14595 202.70079 176.21104 202.38023 176.26203 curveto +201.93736 176.35995 201.49108 176.36016 201.03885 176.34839 curveto +200.42121 176.35045 199.80346 176.35349 199.18594 176.33812 curveto +198.4304 176.31924 197.67019 176.27692 196.94024 176.06296 curveto +196.15639 175.82204 195.43389 175.4434 194.72792 175.02855 curveto +198.10215 172.86806 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.48044 174.13919 moveto +155.7882 174.57016 156.27677 174.73312 156.6975 175.00444 curveto +157.83373 175.73719 156.37359 174.87614 157.18468 175.34735 curveto +157.4761 175.51302 157.49545 175.53572 157.74162 175.34228 curveto +157.74299 175.31138 157.73486 175.27854 157.74571 175.24957 curveto +157.75581 175.22261 157.82201 175.18943 157.84397 175.17676 curveto +157.85207 175.16603 157.87944 175.13712 157.86827 175.14459 curveto +140.94718 186.44796 145.63013 191.36137 140.89531 186.32077 curveto +140.63296 186.24001 140.36379 185.98531 140.05326 186.04796 curveto +139.85966 186.04868 139.71166 186.1475 139.53413 186.21585 curveto +139.06278 186.3053 139.1394 186.29827 138.7681 185.83564 curveto +138.69925 185.77619 138.5143 185.62349 138.50727 185.64937 curveto +138.49154 185.70726 138.60733 185.80617 138.5501 185.82416 curveto +138.47795 185.84684 138.43168 185.72812 138.36397 185.69441 curveto +138.31185 185.66847 138.25176 185.66328 138.19566 185.64771 curveto +137.86589 185.59509 137.54295 185.57537 137.21401 185.63549 curveto +136.83635 185.6882 136.45374 185.65911 136.07359 185.6714 curveto +135.99991 185.67228 135.92299 185.69565 135.85253 185.67405 curveto +135.56212 185.58503 135.14207 185.28683 134.89618 185.08869 curveto +134.90559 185.12753 134.95352 185.2326 134.92441 185.20521 curveto +134.67044 184.96622 134.38939 184.4923 134.22994 184.18038 curveto +134.20512 184.12166 134.11451 183.95539 134.15549 184.00422 curveto +134.26342 184.13282 134.50358 184.52889 134.45721 184.7076 curveto +134.44775 184.74403 134.29997 184.77111 134.28179 184.77556 curveto +134.21386 184.73965 134.09606 184.90078 134.0386 184.85522 curveto +133.7336 184.61343 133.50441 184.21427 133.30993 183.89069 curveto +133.23215 183.89324 132.77234 182.94369 133.04917 183.52604 curveto +132.87566 183.53719 132.47409 182.68295 132.59651 183.07434 curveto +132.59234 183.09334 132.59761 183.14524 132.584 183.13134 curveto +132.25955 182.80007 132.55451 182.95387 132.22766 182.87962 curveto +132.24474 182.93279 132.31247 182.99449 132.2789 183.03912 curveto +132.25132 183.07577 132.20516 182.9802 132.16081 182.96847 curveto +132.1161 182.95664 132.06644 182.98429 132.02209 182.97118 curveto +131.92272 182.94182 131.83537 182.88069 131.73857 182.84371 curveto +131.47912 182.74457 131.40843 182.74086 131.14356 182.68667 curveto +130.94332 182.69625 130.36662 182.43553 130.25842 182.64736 curveto +129.99481 182.79446 130.07463 182.686 129.78994 182.40591 curveto +129.73826 182.35506 129.62511 182.30621 129.56039 182.27485 curveto +129.3662 182.35218 129.16033 182.39367 128.9472 182.41582 curveto +128.88478 182.39042 128.70439 182.49635 128.65218 182.45395 curveto +128.41721 182.26316 128.21395 181.95757 128.0262 181.71702 curveto +128.23938 181.90788 127.99227 181.85375 127.99715 181.94236 curveto +128.00937 182.16449 128.07608 181.99756 128.00319 182.13937 curveto +127.62192 182.16434 127.23225 182.16412 126.84752 182.17126 curveto +126.76143 182.10518 126.48857 182.26522 126.40964 182.19914 curveto +126.12623 181.96188 125.90702 181.58741 125.70664 181.27905 curveto +121.93455 174.88573 132.52564 176.16761 142.6172 169.93055 curveto +142.8172 169.99557 143.02904 170.0267 143.23912 170.02961 curveto +143.33555 170.06088 143.35531 170.02198 143.46007 170.02158 curveto +143.48034 170.02089 143.5076 170.00418 143.52089 170.01951 curveto +143.63422 170.1503 144.13665 170.92184 144.07078 170.52241 curveto +144.2534 170.35356 144.26891 170.50321 144.44028 170.71359 curveto +127.50984 181.82981 lineto +127.63944 182.22423 127.45138 181.90186 127.26883 181.82575 curveto +127.14684 181.71123 127.06748 181.63008 126.93184 181.55015 curveto +126.90227 181.53273 126.82751 181.4688 126.84199 181.49991 curveto +127.05247 181.95189 127.29175 181.9443 127.05249 181.93532 curveto +126.98608 181.93475 126.8479 181.91087 126.82696 181.91893 curveto +126.67276 181.91678 126.50982 181.9255 126.39176 182.03576 curveto +146.81305 169.29715 147.15943 176.89898 143.1777 170.97263 curveto +143.05422 170.77106 143.10173 170.85138 142.96077 170.60616 curveto +142.68411 170.12485 142.7841 170.33062 143.1537 170.32191 curveto +143.59297 170.32947 144.03778 170.32569 144.47281 170.37461 curveto +144.79581 170.52613 145.05288 170.80234 145.28163 171.07153 curveto +145.12921 170.75012 144.78928 170.45437 145.37965 170.63783 curveto +145.74066 170.71892 146.08725 170.83453 146.39259 171.05109 curveto +146.97764 171.25984 146.04235 170.60081 146.78706 170.94511 curveto +147.06872 171.10946 147.35144 171.24643 147.67055 171.32966 curveto +147.84792 171.38779 148.09774 171.4757 148.28286 171.51329 curveto +148.38731 171.53449 148.4964 171.53048 148.59954 171.5573 curveto +148.70533 171.5848 148.80141 171.6419 148.90552 171.67517 curveto +148.95977 171.69251 149.02563 171.67711 149.07306 171.70864 curveto +149.15655 171.76413 149.21216 171.85303 149.28171 171.92523 curveto +149.56367 172.1997 149.67035 172.30189 149.81323 172.43392 curveto +150.05461 172.76586 150.08056 172.77386 150.3772 173.04118 curveto +150.6727 173.4994 150.51958 173.33499 150.80367 173.68902 curveto +150.54504 173.24349 150.71989 173.57247 150.5919 173.28721 curveto +150.38234 172.82014 150.57798 173.11034 150.85153 173.17863 curveto +151.38443 173.42566 151.71573 173.85788 151.98853 174.37225 curveto +151.99657 174.38739 151.96224 174.35023 151.9491 174.33922 curveto +151.90183 174.26106 151.50136 173.55058 151.89145 174.03349 curveto +152.01341 173.91305 152.17791 173.80777 152.35927 173.83778 curveto +152.79163 173.85209 153.2336 173.81036 153.65775 173.91007 curveto +154.06237 174.02296 154.45544 174.17312 154.85121 174.31316 curveto +154.92725 174.33961 155.00003 174.37862 155.07933 174.3925 curveto +155.12599 174.40066 155.17885 174.35557 155.22068 174.37781 curveto +155.39251 174.46914 155.48867 174.6839 155.69917 174.68974 curveto +155.62867 174.57017 155.53727 174.46067 155.48766 174.33103 curveto +155.45489 174.2454 155.98678 174.43265 155.94981 174.37115 curveto +156.2503 174.4506 156.51847 174.60265 156.78228 174.76454 curveto +157.19562 175.03891 157.63175 175.28456 158.01734 175.59291 curveto +164.03962 179.24392 146.74464 190.67336 141.05625 186.85261 curveto +140.763 186.62937 140.48632 186.3894 140.21583 186.13901 curveto +139.73504 185.73441 139.21556 185.32076 138.62877 185.09346 curveto +155.48044 174.13919 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +202.77116 173.11513 moveto +203.22744 173.38421 203.71473 173.57982 204.2298 173.69819 curveto +204.49741 173.76657 204.76274 173.69721 205.00981 173.81825 curveto +205.2022 173.90654 205.39447 173.99454 205.60466 174.01543 curveto +205.82055 173.96678 206.10368 174.09433 206.25292 173.91464 curveto +206.38336 173.73639 206.69827 173.81759 206.82934 173.6865 curveto +203.51612 176.06101 203.92713 177.47233 201.9128 176.16968 curveto +201.70895 175.97102 201.42301 175.95589 201.17969 175.84698 curveto +201.06736 175.7967 200.96781 175.7213 200.85781 175.66609 curveto +200.78742 175.61001 200.6894 175.60197 200.61635 175.55078 curveto +199.29935 174.62784 204.31022 172.82691 204.6525 172.62155 curveto +204.93596 172.60916 205.082 172.65436 205.31866 172.8116 curveto +205.49996 172.90223 205.67771 172.92734 205.87703 172.92377 curveto +206.22961 172.92409 206.58214 172.93019 206.93473 172.92863 curveto +207.30541 172.9233 207.67614 172.92511 208.04683 172.92155 curveto +210.50382 172.65006 205.33591 176.23138 204.3273 175.37797 curveto +204.11442 175.14354 203.91705 174.90611 203.75021 174.63684 curveto +203.56254 174.55735 203.48993 174.27139 203.32748 174.18873 curveto +203.30396 174.15479 203.24863 174.16587 203.22248 174.1369 curveto +201.95354 172.73086 206.06044 170.70604 207.54222 171.57941 curveto +207.76347 171.65203 207.99341 171.82739 208.19156 171.96863 curveto +208.51159 172.0751 208.84596 172.0974 209.18026 172.11511 curveto +209.45109 172.11985 209.72203 172.11629 209.99285 172.11242 curveto +210.98579 170.64342 210.38239 171.69533 206.00795 174.3618 curveto +205.99937 174.36703 206.12935 174.42983 206.07312 174.30705 curveto +205.97392 174.14325 205.90711 173.88301 205.67764 173.89725 curveto +205.51879 173.71264 205.28083 173.67962 205.12444 173.51527 curveto +204.90618 173.41811 204.78394 173.25867 204.67016 173.05427 curveto +204.61821 172.9375 204.6151 172.93532 204.56414 173.03789 curveto +208.60057 170.23152 lineto +208.73684 170.33046 208.87123 170.45576 208.93196 170.61659 curveto +208.99836 170.75925 209.16656 170.7998 209.27854 170.90679 curveto +209.46353 170.91937 209.57086 171.14932 209.75569 171.17964 curveto +210.01657 171.35767 210.18182 171.59068 210.32298 171.87152 curveto +211.33831 173.7168 207.90846 175.2635 206.03097 174.99231 curveto +205.75189 174.9896 205.47215 174.98845 205.19494 174.95135 curveto +204.80119 174.89499 204.4059 174.82318 204.06609 174.60233 curveto +203.85514 174.46366 203.62782 174.35374 203.41374 174.22323 curveto +202.02346 173.19388 203.45957 174.2996 207.50427 171.7144 curveto +207.76216 171.54957 207.04766 171.52801 207.35793 171.49048 curveto +207.42604 171.48224 207.44574 171.64255 207.51096 171.62809 curveto +207.66538 171.81444 207.82261 171.99497 207.98072 172.17954 curveto +208.13047 172.42716 208.33458 172.63251 208.51924 172.85427 curveto +209.73779 174.45279 205.8231 175.91785 204.08989 175.79721 curveto +203.72377 175.79454 203.35762 175.79801 202.99151 175.79323 curveto +202.62104 175.79119 202.24718 175.81212 201.87947 175.75838 curveto +201.64966 175.7073 201.43561 175.6174 201.22571 175.51097 curveto +201.07453 175.48114 200.8892 175.54602 200.73571 175.57552 curveto +202.09789 174.7332 203.48776 173.9341 204.82224 173.04856 curveto +204.89959 172.99723 204.49791 172.74632 204.81394 172.91358 curveto +204.85722 172.93649 204.90061 172.95916 204.94395 172.98195 curveto +205.29576 173.1638 205.68358 173.27534 206.00414 173.51831 curveto +207.89645 174.52224 208.78229 172.23319 202.95798 176.71274 curveto +202.75429 176.70219 202.58378 176.91636 202.36867 176.90162 curveto +202.10152 176.85827 201.82428 176.89074 201.56446 176.80455 curveto +201.36959 176.73274 201.18232 176.63599 200.97719 176.59446 curveto +200.71382 176.61818 200.45312 176.53036 200.20316 176.457 curveto +199.68114 176.28157 199.19005 176.03768 198.69588 175.79653 curveto +202.77116 173.11513 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +211.53207 170.40485 moveto +211.35525 170.30902 211.16185 170.25161 210.97834 170.1723 curveto +210.89939 170.13395 210.91124 170.1181 210.86155 170.01791 curveto +212.44751 169.30251 lineto +212.36499 169.17066 212.35148 169.18386 212.41818 169.21428 curveto +212.59412 169.29231 212.7701 169.37378 212.9539 169.4311 curveto +211.53207 170.40485 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +210.29345 171.33483 moveto +210.11111 171.2492 209.92202 171.18368 209.74623 171.08504 curveto +209.65913 171.05643 209.61935 170.98412 209.55521 170.9293 curveto +209.5243 170.93084 209.49393 170.92137 209.46335 170.91702 curveto +210.89668 169.93713 lineto +210.94595 169.95807 210.99397 169.98072 211.03227 170.01954 curveto +211.08134 170.07044 211.12371 170.11135 211.19158 170.1426 curveto +211.36596 170.23743 211.55381 170.30479 211.73428 170.38681 curveto +210.29345 171.33483 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +209.15291 171.47575 moveto +208.95687 171.4081 208.75645 171.35511 208.55208 171.32032 curveto +208.45287 171.30505 208.34982 171.24852 208.29677 171.16135 curveto +208.02319 170.55211 208.71327 170.82221 209.82169 170.28206 curveto +209.8421 170.27212 209.85106 170.32184 209.88146 170.30324 curveto +208.44097 171.2709 lineto +207.79992 170.79651 210.27342 170.84117 209.80542 170.29756 curveto +209.7765 170.25886 209.93345 170.34594 209.96743 170.33502 curveto +210.16602 170.38253 210.35997 170.45 210.56176 170.4824 curveto +209.15291 171.47575 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.1137 168.5225 moveto +213.32629 168.58723 213.54224 168.62776 213.75218 168.70013 curveto +213.85563 168.74788 213.96277 168.76113 214.07481 168.76713 curveto +214.18555 168.7576 214.28747 168.80838 214.38938 168.84677 curveto +214.4937 168.86156 214.5347 168.85251 214.60587 168.94242 curveto +214.61399 168.95785 214.62212 168.97328 214.63025 168.98871 curveto +213.11223 169.83404 lineto +213.11596 169.83809 213.11969 169.84213 213.12342 169.84618 curveto +213.13669 169.89522 212.97238 169.81864 212.95352 169.81602 curveto +212.85723 169.7832 212.76262 169.77501 212.66163 169.7687 curveto +212.54567 169.7478 212.43588 169.71044 212.32681 169.66607 curveto +212.1189 169.59659 211.90235 169.55728 211.69187 169.49625 curveto +213.1137 168.5225 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +212.1606 169.16582 moveto +212.27989 169.32073 212.4641 169.40443 212.59769 169.54237 curveto +212.63367 169.56659 212.61676 169.55805 212.64694 169.57071 curveto +211.18243 170.50231 lineto +211.1465 170.46865 211.16585 170.48743 211.12477 170.44556 curveto +210.98502 170.31405 210.824 170.20561 210.6908 170.06652 curveto +212.1606 169.16582 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +143.11353 171.2394 moveto +142.94811 171.11181 142.76995 171.00718 142.56855 170.94976 curveto +142.47591 170.91709 142.40574 170.8372 142.3089 170.82294 curveto +142.29977 170.82409 142.29034 170.82899 142.2815 170.8264 curveto +142.26297 170.82097 142.24786 170.80724 142.23003 170.79983 curveto +142.15975 170.77064 142.08365 170.7581 142.00922 170.74521 curveto +141.95731 170.74464 141.89219 170.71711 141.84131 170.73383 curveto +141.81486 170.7384 141.78672 170.73313 141.76141 170.74097 curveto +141.70043 170.73384 141.63807 170.73609 141.57663 170.73663 curveto +141.56412 170.72227 141.53797 170.74836 141.52433 170.7375 curveto +141.50545 170.72247 141.49454 170.69942 141.47788 170.68196 curveto +141.45478 170.65776 141.41924 170.65184 141.38679 170.62313 curveto +141.26807 170.51224 141.35311 170.59656 141.28527 170.6332 curveto +141.26384 170.61324 141.15775 170.50869 141.15205 170.5318 curveto +141.14822 170.53263 141.14336 170.53705 141.14057 170.5343 curveto +141.0822 170.47693 141.10692 170.46742 141.03844 170.43945 curveto +140.99085 170.41014 140.94763 170.36766 140.90373 170.33098 curveto +140.89356 170.32269 140.88373 170.31401 140.87399 170.30523 curveto +142.35483 169.39051 lineto +142.36256 169.39777 142.37023 169.4051 142.37813 169.41218 curveto +142.41432 169.44433 142.45123 169.47384 142.4949 169.49441 curveto +142.55166 169.53515 142.57608 169.57995 142.59952 169.57043 curveto +142.61788 169.58729 142.68911 169.66078 142.66432 169.57822 curveto +142.7468 169.57462 142.78483 169.65153 142.84772 169.69325 curveto +142.89078 169.71175 142.86973 169.70085 142.91992 169.73357 curveto +142.92785 169.73875 142.93894 169.75767 142.94353 169.74938 curveto +142.95976 169.72009 142.90311 169.71368 142.97918 169.71749 curveto +143.04119 169.71797 143.10444 169.72039 143.16584 169.7124 curveto +143.19416 169.71897 143.22389 169.71402 143.2526 169.72004 curveto +143.31056 169.73647 143.37186 169.74053 143.42958 169.75887 curveto +143.5364 169.7865 143.64164 169.82174 143.74666 169.85207 curveto +143.83022 169.89541 143.90328 169.95894 143.99581 169.98512 curveto +144.19356 170.06746 144.36968 170.18466 144.55436 170.29139 curveto +143.11353 171.2394 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.59324 169.70572 moveto +142.57472 169.70383 142.55536 169.70837 142.53725 169.70378 curveto +142.52383 169.70105 142.51201 169.69479 142.49961 169.68936 curveto +142.48659 169.68083 142.47132 169.67367 142.46031 169.66246 curveto +142.45846 169.66021 142.45631 169.65723 142.4538 169.65556 curveto +142.4269 169.63768 142.39843 169.62178 142.37098 169.60473 curveto +142.35052 169.59238 142.33013 169.57991 142.30893 169.56886 curveto +142.29863 169.56349 142.28818 169.55917 142.27843 169.55288 curveto +142.22416 169.50423 142.35296 169.45323 142.40914 169.45561 curveto +142.42632 169.45387 142.44159 169.45941 142.45724 169.46546 curveto +142.47088 169.47256 142.48321 169.48114 142.49765 169.48657 curveto +142.51256 169.49434 142.52919 169.49856 142.54559 169.50203 curveto +142.54873 169.5026 142.55191 169.50298 142.555 169.50375 curveto +142.57219 169.50801 142.55652 169.50514 142.57193 169.50929 curveto +142.58092 169.5117 142.58988 169.51248 142.59883 169.5152 curveto +142.61473 169.51862 142.63 169.52371 142.6456 169.52816 curveto +142.65505 169.53361 142.66477 169.53857 142.67571 169.53981 curveto +142.6768 169.5375 142.68165 169.54244 142.68296 169.5404 curveto +142.68373 169.5392 142.68344 169.53549 142.68221 169.53619 curveto +142.51888 169.63001 142.55752 169.66362 142.55352 169.60822 curveto +142.5497 169.60385 142.53858 169.6015 142.53236 169.59943 curveto +142.52244 169.59664 142.51221 169.59614 142.50198 169.596 curveto +142.49027 169.59227 142.48155 169.58381 142.47198 169.57658 curveto +142.44944 169.55936 142.42272 169.5486 142.39802 169.53482 curveto +142.37812 169.52559 142.36087 169.5118 142.34155 169.50157 curveto +142.32285 169.49159 142.30435 169.48173 142.2844 169.47448 curveto +142.27499 169.46859 142.26308 169.46621 142.25661 169.45663 curveto +142.23408 169.39761 142.24823 169.44534 142.38867 169.37065 curveto +142.39009 169.36989 142.39187 169.37085 142.39348 169.3709 curveto +142.395 169.37096 142.39655 169.37065 142.39804 169.37097 curveto +142.40257 169.37192 142.4081 169.3749 142.41212 169.37683 curveto +142.42912 169.38714 142.447 169.39586 142.46428 169.40568 curveto +142.48505 169.41952 142.50753 169.43031 142.5302 169.44059 curveto +142.55274 169.45288 142.57342 169.46808 142.59541 169.48123 curveto +142.60663 169.49048 142.61712 169.5003 142.62876 169.50906 curveto +142.63954 169.5162 142.6495 169.52391 142.65955 169.53205 curveto +142.66596 169.54016 142.67289 169.54681 142.68117 169.55286 curveto +142.6935 169.56037 142.70574 169.56852 142.71823 169.57612 curveto +142.72892 169.58283 142.73931 169.58864 142.7482 169.59774 curveto +142.74904 169.5993 142.74988 169.60086 142.75072 169.60242 curveto +142.6167 169.67713 lineto +142.61699 169.67728 142.61728 169.67744 142.61757 169.6776 curveto +142.60968 169.66956 142.59916 169.66516 142.59014 169.65856 curveto +142.57752 169.65024 142.56432 169.64299 142.55188 169.63448 curveto +142.54376 169.62804 142.53723 169.62056 142.53025 169.61295 curveto +142.52053 169.60471 142.50957 169.5984 142.49965 169.5904 curveto +142.48876 169.58165 142.47893 169.57183 142.46783 169.56338 curveto +142.4471 169.54962 142.42681 169.53507 142.40444 169.524 curveto +142.3814 169.51351 142.35892 169.50189 142.33745 169.48844 curveto +142.32042 169.47943 142.30356 169.4699 142.28593 169.46216 curveto +142.2804 169.46106 142.27591 169.46082 142.27034 169.46161 curveto +142.26892 169.46181 142.26489 169.46319 142.26613 169.46246 curveto +142.39741 169.38526 142.42126 169.43047 142.38919 169.37899 curveto +142.39375 169.38148 142.4041 169.38714 142.41052 169.38995 curveto +142.4305 169.39859 142.44974 169.40877 142.46913 169.41864 curveto +142.48749 169.42986 142.50457 169.4431 142.52388 169.45274 curveto +142.54949 169.46676 142.57694 169.47773 142.60059 169.49504 curveto +142.60837 169.50058 142.61608 169.50745 142.62624 169.50682 curveto +142.63738 169.50796 142.64838 169.51007 142.65884 169.51419 curveto +142.67119 169.51916 142.68433 169.52374 142.68925 169.53736 curveto +142.69649 169.59546 142.6899 169.55067 142.56179 169.63146 curveto +142.56041 169.63233 142.55925 169.62937 142.55777 169.62867 curveto +142.55536 169.62753 142.5523 169.6283 142.54998 169.62682 curveto +142.53952 169.62333 142.53001 169.61791 142.51973 169.61403 curveto +142.50454 169.60907 142.489 169.60564 142.47363 169.60129 curveto +142.45594 169.59734 142.43855 169.59259 142.42095 169.58831 curveto +142.40379 169.58397 142.38666 169.5792 142.37081 169.57114 curveto +142.35727 169.56473 142.34505 169.55593 142.33103 169.55055 curveto +142.31649 169.54552 142.3018 169.54401 142.28648 169.54636 curveto +142.23185 169.559 142.30031 169.54375 142.40851 169.47355 curveto +142.41057 169.47221 142.39449 169.4613 142.40645 169.47061 curveto +142.43549 169.48921 142.4661 169.50542 142.49456 169.52498 curveto +142.52276 169.54225 142.51934 169.54073 142.54867 169.55635 curveto +142.55757 169.56109 142.57442 169.56886 142.58386 169.57543 curveto +142.58592 169.57686 142.58859 169.58015 142.59039 169.58227 curveto +142.60117 169.59137 142.61339 169.59922 142.62619 169.60509 curveto +142.63768 169.61005 142.64957 169.61411 142.66198 169.61606 curveto +142.68015 169.61657 142.69834 169.61643 142.71652 169.61615 curveto +142.59324 169.70572 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.3611 169.39213 moveto +142.38573 169.3964 142.41019 169.4037 142.43358 169.41258 curveto +142.45138 169.41765 142.46674 169.42719 142.48121 169.4384 curveto +142.48984 169.44579 142.49805 169.45287 142.50842 169.45765 curveto +142.51666 169.46199 142.52359 169.46646 142.53016 169.47324 curveto +142.56266 169.52773 142.53702 169.48208 142.37708 169.5651 curveto +142.37474 169.56632 142.37263 169.56228 142.37051 169.56071 curveto +142.3624 169.55472 142.35433 169.54871 142.34617 169.54276 curveto +142.3352 169.53471 142.3253 169.52543 142.31414 169.51757 curveto +142.30776 169.51597 142.30409 169.50387 142.29991 169.50144 curveto +142.29912 169.50025 142.29862 169.49881 142.29754 169.49787 curveto +142.29698 169.49738 142.29605 169.49766 142.29534 169.49742 curveto +142.29132 169.4961 142.28733 169.49469 142.28338 169.49319 curveto +142.27396 169.48959 142.2647 169.48557 142.25523 169.48211 curveto +142.23015 169.47296 142.20267 169.46437 142.17732 169.4562 curveto +142.12603 169.44206 142.07532 169.42569 142.02377 169.41248 curveto +142.01074 169.40881 141.9975 169.40801 141.98408 169.40839 curveto +141.97082 169.4098 141.95927 169.40783 141.94711 169.40266 curveto +141.94043 169.3966 141.93588 169.38951 141.93411 169.38069 curveto +141.91685 169.31325 142.03378 169.26595 142.09749 169.28403 curveto +142.11304 169.29224 142.12803 169.30148 142.14436 169.30819 curveto +142.16726 169.31281 142.19038 169.31629 142.21338 169.32073 curveto +142.25396 169.32581 142.29438 169.33219 142.33505 169.33663 curveto +142.3539 169.33939 142.37016 169.33649 142.38771 169.34413 curveto +142.39751 169.34536 142.40494 169.35011 142.41358 169.35441 curveto +142.49551 169.37587 142.34081 169.42129 142.28361 169.45786 curveto +142.2654 169.45209 142.24953 169.44017 142.23301 169.43075 curveto +142.21214 169.41636 142.18974 169.40468 142.16609 169.39557 curveto +142.14198 169.38757 142.11863 169.37718 142.09441 169.36952 curveto +142.08471 169.36292 142.07309 169.36029 142.06323 169.35443 curveto +142.04757 169.34344 142.02796 169.34088 142.01147 169.33199 curveto +142.00915 169.33087 142.00309 169.32766 142.00026 169.32737 curveto +141.99696 169.32704 141.99317 169.32893 141.99142 169.33151 curveto +142.04092 169.30038 142.09043 169.26925 142.13994 169.23813 curveto +142.1459 169.24532 142.1551 169.24841 142.16256 169.25386 curveto +142.17325 169.26113 142.18372 169.2685 142.19497 169.27494 curveto +142.20388 169.27989 142.21134 169.28665 142.22167 169.28834 curveto +142.23361 169.29497 142.24645 169.29943 142.25892 169.30487 curveto +142.27093 169.30898 142.2817 169.31451 142.28971 169.32454 curveto +142.31419 169.39229 142.30006 169.34122 142.13612 169.42389 curveto +142.1337 169.42511 142.09683 169.40601 142.09277 169.40385 curveto +142.07065 169.3933 142.04864 169.38214 142.02781 169.36918 curveto +142.01696 169.36318 142.00712 169.35589 141.99709 169.34867 curveto +141.98675 169.3439 141.97738 169.33766 141.96627 169.33474 curveto +141.95395 169.32992 141.95216 169.32641 141.93838 169.32558 curveto +141.92203 169.32567 141.90659 169.32365 141.89102 169.31872 curveto +141.88106 169.31598 141.8793 169.31646 141.87071 169.31026 curveto +141.82464 169.28539 141.77507 169.26753 141.72702 169.24687 curveto +141.70911 169.23543 141.68448 169.23153 141.66837 169.21687 curveto +141.66411 169.21299 141.66339 169.20924 141.66131 169.204 curveto +141.7098 169.16961 141.76705 169.08519 141.82789 169.11468 curveto +141.83402 169.11765 141.83912 169.12144 141.84555 169.12398 curveto +141.85802 169.12859 141.86925 169.13582 141.88014 169.14339 curveto +141.8959 169.15005 141.9091 169.16135 141.92313 169.17091 curveto +141.93385 169.17788 141.94551 169.17884 141.95787 169.17944 curveto +141.97051 169.17888 141.98218 169.18382 141.99468 169.18576 curveto +142.00763 169.18553 142.0188 169.18939 142.03079 169.19355 curveto +142.03899 169.19589 142.04745 169.19601 142.0559 169.1961 curveto +142.06532 169.19612 142.07474 169.19599 142.08415 169.19599 curveto +142.09496 169.1958 142.10577 169.19606 142.11658 169.19613 curveto +142.1306 169.19628 142.14461 169.19605 142.15862 169.19601 curveto +142.22226 169.19427 142.18943 169.17678 142.01558 169.28403 curveto +142.01453 169.28468 142.0172 169.28625 142.01697 169.28747 curveto +142.01666 169.28902 142.01437 169.28554 142.01287 169.28504 curveto +141.99983 169.2808 141.98694 169.27469 141.97468 169.26833 curveto +141.9585 169.2616 141.94248 169.25475 141.92527 169.25114 curveto +141.91054 169.24696 141.89693 169.24276 141.88457 169.23353 curveto +141.87552 169.22132 141.86196 169.21296 141.84993 169.20384 curveto +141.8331 169.19513 141.81812 169.18247 141.80102 169.17434 curveto +141.79999 169.17422 141.79065 169.16916 141.78957 169.17175 curveto +141.78905 169.17301 141.78831 169.17648 141.78951 169.17584 curveto +141.83973 169.14889 141.8888 169.11987 141.93844 169.09188 curveto +141.93772 169.0922 141.93699 169.09252 141.93627 169.09283 curveto +141.77269 169.15901 lineto +141.77331 169.1582 141.77393 169.15738 141.77454 169.15656 curveto +141.89742 169.0866 141.88398 169.03945 141.94832 169.0787 curveto +141.96441 169.08952 141.98048 169.10031 141.99682 169.11075 curveto +142.00925 169.11966 142.02267 169.12775 142.03312 169.13899 curveto +142.04396 169.14605 142.05719 169.14804 142.06934 169.15194 curveto +142.08691 169.15727 142.10395 169.16432 142.12064 169.17197 curveto +142.1342 169.17797 142.14828 169.18306 142.16123 169.19023 curveto +142.21993 169.24077 142.0832 169.30344 142.01651 169.29926 curveto +142.0026 169.29923 141.98869 169.299 141.97478 169.29916 curveto +141.96381 169.29924 141.95284 169.29952 141.94186 169.29941 curveto +141.93217 169.29943 141.92245 169.29943 141.91277 169.2987 curveto +141.90337 169.29763 141.89415 169.29566 141.88527 169.29231 curveto +141.87407 169.28878 141.86244 169.28862 141.85095 169.28628 curveto +141.83885 169.28377 141.82702 169.28155 141.81466 169.28107 curveto +141.8003 169.27861 141.78716 169.27376 141.77538 169.26491 curveto +141.76178 169.25491 141.74775 169.2456 141.73259 169.2381 curveto +141.72193 169.23166 141.71115 169.22561 141.69945 169.22122 curveto +141.69352 169.21842 141.68584 169.21337 141.67878 169.21512 curveto +141.67751 169.21543 141.67441 169.21796 141.67551 169.21726 curveto +141.72359 169.18681 141.77164 169.15632 141.8197 169.12585 curveto +141.81854 169.12466 141.8175 169.12334 141.81622 169.12227 curveto +141.81604 169.12212 141.8161 169.12281 141.81627 169.12297 curveto +141.8179 169.12446 141.81965 169.12581 141.82146 169.12705 curveto +141.83616 169.13707 141.8522 169.14502 141.86792 169.15324 curveto +141.91731 169.17587 141.96824 169.19465 142.01871 169.21443 curveto +142.02397 169.21665 142.03072 169.2164 142.03605 169.21942 curveto +142.0511 169.22322 142.06664 169.22225 142.0819 169.22492 curveto +142.09251 169.22759 142.10152 169.23311 142.11186 169.23647 curveto +142.12337 169.24159 142.13459 169.24748 142.14527 169.25417 curveto +142.15516 169.26076 142.16424 169.26852 142.17465 169.27438 curveto +142.19515 169.28678 142.21592 169.29865 142.23786 169.30833 curveto +142.24811 169.31307 142.25892 169.31895 142.27039 169.32015 curveto +142.27273 169.32039 142.27944 169.31845 142.27744 169.3197 curveto +142.13088 169.41113 142.09801 169.36106 142.13826 169.41512 curveto +142.13225 169.40781 142.12134 169.40652 142.11343 169.40217 curveto +142.10086 169.39736 142.08873 169.39145 142.07602 169.38703 curveto +142.066 169.38226 142.05701 169.37585 142.04751 169.37015 curveto +142.03653 169.36302 142.02561 169.35586 142.0148 169.34847 curveto +142.00378 169.34195 141.9928 169.33566 141.9861 169.32426 curveto +142.09723 169.24864 142.08679 169.19958 142.15783 169.23534 curveto +142.17523 169.24239 142.19254 169.24958 142.20948 169.25769 curveto +142.22 169.26128 142.22921 169.26746 142.23951 169.27164 curveto +142.26291 169.28122 142.28633 169.29065 142.31016 169.29914 curveto +142.33426 169.30937 142.35737 169.32125 142.37909 169.33593 curveto +142.39605 169.34595 142.4133 169.35496 142.43169 169.36204 curveto +142.29101 169.45814 142.33685 169.48276 142.26645 169.4512 curveto +142.25863 169.44726 142.25028 169.44585 142.24204 169.44275 curveto +142.22634 169.4392 142.20963 169.44021 142.19389 169.43652 curveto +142.15326 169.43073 142.11272 169.42438 142.07192 169.41995 curveto +142.04733 169.41639 142.02198 169.41383 141.99867 169.40489 curveto +141.98411 169.39778 141.96986 169.38814 141.95385 169.38513 curveto +141.88514 169.38587 142.14014 169.34199 142.0944 169.29967 curveto +142.0931 169.29847 142.09233 169.29668 142.09086 169.2957 curveto +142.08995 169.29509 142.09151 169.29985 142.09054 169.29895 curveto +142.09039 169.30096 142.08943 169.30457 142.09298 169.30403 curveto +142.10396 169.30684 142.11536 169.30467 142.12658 169.3054 curveto +142.1405 169.30642 142.15392 169.31009 142.16715 169.31445 curveto +142.21624 169.33091 142.26509 169.34805 142.3148 169.36261 curveto +142.35028 169.37363 142.36004 169.37678 142.39524 169.38723 curveto +142.4121 169.39223 142.43877 169.39523 142.45104 169.41054 curveto +142.45472 169.41554 142.45762 169.42039 142.46325 169.4237 curveto +142.47319 169.43232 142.48275 169.44145 142.49345 169.44913 curveto +142.50135 169.45465 142.50913 169.46063 142.51746 169.46551 curveto +142.51983 169.4669 142.52702 169.46777 142.52475 169.46933 curveto +142.38053 169.56875 142.34407 169.5143 142.379 169.56473 curveto +142.37381 169.56 142.36672 169.55768 142.36084 169.55375 curveto +142.35099 169.54731 142.34238 169.53942 142.33312 169.53219 curveto +142.31951 169.52261 142.30532 169.51471 142.28918 169.51006 curveto +142.26596 169.50223 142.24245 169.49466 142.21781 169.49316 curveto +142.3611 169.39213 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.76509 169.17906 moveto +141.73152 169.17247 141.69716 169.17498 141.66323 169.17652 curveto +141.63743 169.17751 141.6117 169.17992 141.5859 169.18105 curveto +141.57801 169.1817 141.57013 169.18149 141.56223 169.18124 curveto +141.54175 169.18082 141.52166 169.18176 141.50158 169.17735 curveto +141.49113 169.17556 141.48398 169.17167 141.47676 169.1641 curveto +141.47298 169.16377 141.47808 169.16456 141.47217 169.16033 curveto +141.47142 169.1598 141.47033 169.16013 141.46947 169.15979 curveto +141.46578 169.15836 141.46216 169.15671 141.45856 169.15506 curveto +141.39468 169.12564 141.48783 169.16769 141.41356 169.13433 curveto +141.37363 169.11636 141.33349 169.09857 141.29473 169.07818 curveto +141.27519 169.06701 141.25816 169.05216 141.24209 169.03653 curveto +141.23386 169.03052 141.22893 169.02135 141.22118 169.01495 curveto +141.37176 168.9232 lineto +141.37767 168.93085 141.38386 168.93828 141.39091 168.94492 curveto +141.40601 168.95923 141.42151 168.97323 141.43989 168.98328 curveto +141.47743 169.00391 141.51553 169.0237 141.55521 169.03991 curveto +141.56372 169.04337 141.57218 169.04697 141.58075 169.0503 curveto +141.59638 169.05637 141.61445 169.05983 141.62703 169.07159 curveto +141.63185 169.07543 141.63943 169.07489 141.64514 169.07697 curveto +141.66474 169.07972 141.68468 169.07803 141.7044 169.07794 curveto +141.71209 169.07771 141.71978 169.07742 141.72747 169.07739 curveto +141.75216 169.07663 141.77686 169.07621 141.80154 169.07525 curveto +141.83719 169.07423 141.873 169.07213 141.90837 169.07803 curveto +141.76509 169.17906 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.35011 168.89234 moveto +141.36686 168.90502 141.3844 168.91722 141.3996 168.93177 curveto +141.40614 168.94045 141.41224 168.94296 141.42237 168.94353 curveto +141.42897 168.94364 141.43558 168.94316 141.44218 168.94292 curveto +141.44275 168.9429 141.44752 168.94265 141.44789 168.94281 curveto +141.44964 168.94358 141.4509 168.94518 141.45252 168.94618 curveto +141.45665 168.94873 141.46155 168.94966 141.4659 168.95197 curveto +141.47706 168.95523 141.48632 168.96206 141.49649 168.96748 curveto +141.50409 168.96827 141.51017 168.97319 141.51655 168.97709 curveto +141.52324 168.97582 141.52588 168.98137 141.53098 168.98452 curveto +141.53332 168.98725 141.53701 168.98423 141.53972 168.98531 curveto +141.54007 168.98545 141.54686 168.99035 141.54764 168.99091 curveto +141.55318 168.99359 141.55847 168.994 141.56449 168.99372 curveto +141.5727 168.9988 141.57906 169.0058 141.58849 169.00863 curveto +141.59841 169.01065 141.60854 169.0106 141.61862 169.01064 curveto +141.62666 169.01353 141.63342 169.01922 141.64222 169.01856 curveto +141.65397 169.01752 141.66368 169.0203 141.67406 169.02549 curveto +141.68056 169.02903 141.68492 169.02628 141.69161 169.03032 curveto +141.69743 169.03306 141.70462 169.03653 141.71125 169.03604 curveto +141.71911 169.03547 141.72482 169.04144 141.73265 169.04295 curveto +141.74019 169.04422 141.7452 169.05205 141.75316 169.0526 curveto +141.75801 169.05345 141.76293 169.05293 141.76783 169.05268 curveto +141.77261 169.06033 141.77819 169.05997 141.78629 169.06087 curveto +141.79557 169.06116 141.80486 169.06112 141.81415 169.0611 curveto +141.81563 169.06108 141.81714 169.06074 141.81859 169.06105 curveto +141.82082 169.06152 141.82282 169.06277 141.82501 169.06339 curveto +141.83532 169.06629 141.84646 169.06715 141.85707 169.06827 curveto +141.87004 169.06742 141.88133 169.07361 141.89355 169.07653 curveto +141.90495 169.07789 141.91501 169.08346 141.9252 169.08859 curveto +141.93458 169.09346 141.94443 169.09753 141.95465 169.10033 curveto +141.96532 169.10179 141.97461 169.10693 141.98457 169.11083 curveto +141.9926 169.11084 141.99884 169.11552 142.00653 169.11748 curveto +141.86127 169.21636 lineto +141.85354 169.2135 141.84578 169.21178 141.83816 169.20871 curveto +141.82878 169.20466 141.81924 169.2018 141.80945 169.19894 curveto +141.79894 169.19497 141.78851 169.19104 141.7788 169.18533 curveto +141.76894 169.18094 141.7587 169.1787 141.74838 169.17585 curveto +141.73718 169.17204 141.72588 169.17049 141.71412 169.16938 curveto +141.70004 169.16727 141.68601 169.16374 141.67175 169.16435 curveto +141.66171 169.16414 141.65155 169.16389 141.64175 169.16153 curveto +141.63755 169.16033 141.63331 169.15904 141.62947 169.15689 curveto +141.62449 169.1541 141.62346 169.15235 141.62319 169.15282 curveto +141.62262 169.15377 141.62405 169.15486 141.62449 169.15588 curveto +141.61843 169.15508 141.61249 169.15383 141.60697 169.15107 curveto +141.60054 169.14745 141.59449 169.14341 141.5872 169.1421 curveto +141.58001 169.13921 141.5741 169.13764 141.5666 169.13694 curveto +141.55965 169.13432 141.55273 169.1316 141.54577 169.12909 curveto +141.53904 169.12974 141.53343 169.12586 141.5275 169.12326 curveto +141.518 169.12021 141.5078 169.12208 141.49811 169.11955 curveto +141.49082 169.11711 141.48397 169.11258 141.47605 169.11339 curveto +141.46436 169.11256 141.45264 169.11114 141.44197 169.10589 curveto +141.43559 169.10229 141.4284 169.09477 141.42079 169.09572 curveto +141.41333 169.09399 141.40639 169.09096 141.39983 169.08698 curveto +141.39393 169.08493 141.38729 169.08499 141.38246 169.07971 curveto +141.38072 169.07849 141.3794 169.07632 141.37731 169.07599 curveto +141.37678 169.0759 141.378 169.07745 141.37748 169.07758 curveto +141.37502 169.07823 141.37034 169.07345 141.36838 169.07286 curveto +141.36207 169.06906 141.35517 169.06729 141.34888 169.0635 curveto +141.33957 169.05789 141.33017 169.05282 141.31977 169.04946 curveto +141.31639 169.04845 141.31018 169.04487 141.30662 169.04523 curveto +141.306 169.04529 141.30171 169.0483 141.29962 169.0467 curveto +141.29227 169.04658 141.28489 169.04621 141.27782 169.04397 curveto +141.26656 169.0401 141.25807 169.03282 141.25058 169.02364 curveto +141.23584 169.00983 141.21986 168.99717 141.20249 168.98686 curveto +141.35011 168.89234 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.98695 169.2802 moveto +142.00556 169.30037 142.02849 169.31642 142.05219 169.33006 curveto +142.0724 169.34334 142.09201 169.35758 142.11334 169.36903 curveto +142.13032 169.3783 142.14523 169.39046 142.15978 169.40306 curveto +142.16921 169.41276 142.18116 169.41891 142.18778 169.43099 curveto +142.19391 169.437 142.20008 169.44297 142.20624 169.44894 curveto +142.21106 169.45388 142.21607 169.45863 142.22109 169.46336 curveto +142.06222 169.47601 lineto +142.05747 169.47113 142.05269 169.46627 142.0477 169.46164 curveto +142.04099 169.45508 142.03399 169.44879 142.02894 169.44078 curveto +142.02026 169.43243 142.01073 169.42502 142.00198 169.41673 curveto +141.98785 169.40482 141.97255 169.39447 141.9564 169.3855 curveto +141.93599 169.37277 141.9162 169.35912 141.89602 169.34603 curveto +141.87205 169.33028 141.84916 169.31294 141.82881 169.29264 curveto +141.98695 169.2802 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.77574 169.11843 moveto +141.76237 169.10885 141.74955 169.09839 141.73432 169.09198 curveto +141.72499 169.08979 141.72305 169.08322 141.722 169.0744 curveto +141.72134 169.06977 141.72145 169.06514 141.72156 169.06049 curveto +141.71886 169.06705 141.72075 169.04914 141.72099 169.04726 curveto +141.72133 169.04393 141.72147 169.04059 141.72153 169.03725 curveto +141.72126 169.03125 141.72565 169.04815 141.72024 169.04914 curveto +141.87822 169.02418 lineto +141.88387 169.02514 141.88212 169.03327 141.88161 169.03826 curveto +141.88124 169.04175 141.88089 169.04524 141.88063 169.04874 curveto +141.88029 169.05429 141.87961 169.05567 141.88134 169.06082 curveto +141.88128 169.06418 141.88109 169.06759 141.88166 169.07091 curveto +141.88507 169.07276 141.88929 169.07034 141.89238 169.07466 curveto +141.90617 169.08326 141.91856 169.09416 141.93348 169.10089 curveto +141.77574 169.11843 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.9082 169.06693 moveto +141.91025 169.07249 141.92162 169.10288 141.92835 169.10177 curveto +141.9467 169.04871 141.92992 169.10055 141.77166 169.1028 curveto +141.77093 169.10281 141.77222 169.10144 141.77237 169.10073 curveto +141.77308 169.0974 141.77294 169.09382 141.77294 169.09045 curveto +141.77309 169.08171 141.77368 169.0772 141.77029 169.06946 curveto +141.76675 169.057 141.76482 169.06906 141.76595 169.06905 curveto +141.81925 169.06829 141.87249 169.06486 141.92575 169.06276 curveto +141.92954 169.06299 141.92619 169.0628 141.92913 169.06646 curveto +141.9309 169.06867 141.93115 169.06392 141.93482 169.07141 curveto +141.93694 169.07553 141.93594 169.07356 141.93782 169.07732 curveto +141.77836 169.08552 lineto +141.77673 169.08306 141.77764 169.08426 141.77562 169.08192 curveto +141.77033 169.07939 141.76797 169.07237 141.7662 169.06723 curveto +141.75808 169.00941 141.76304 169.05736 141.92471 169.04866 curveto +141.9257 169.04861 141.9274 169.06324 141.92953 169.06355 curveto +141.93264 169.07236 141.93231 169.08135 141.9323 169.0906 curveto +141.93228 169.09221 141.93235 169.10884 141.93108 169.10896 curveto +141.77146 169.12422 141.7908 169.16858 141.76925 169.115 curveto +141.76245 169.10058 141.75481 169.08653 141.74968 169.07135 curveto +141.9082 169.06693 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.84096 170.08921 moveto +141.83002 170.07637 141.81705 170.06592 141.80357 170.05597 curveto +141.79467 170.04998 141.78712 170.04225 141.77838 170.03608 curveto +141.76657 170.02754 141.75449 170.01929 141.74376 170.00939 curveto +141.73862 170.00406 141.73422 169.99719 141.72781 169.99364 curveto +141.72646 169.99179 141.72221 169.99068 141.72129 169.98842 curveto +141.72115 169.98806 141.72219 169.98773 141.72193 169.98744 curveto +141.72023 169.98558 141.69932 169.98585 141.731 169.98711 curveto +141.71833 169.8275 lineto +141.72866 169.82713 141.73301 169.82591 141.73856 169.83447 curveto +141.74111 169.83847 141.738 169.83445 141.74433 169.83794 curveto +141.74962 169.84085 141.75261 169.84785 141.75763 169.85115 curveto +141.76459 169.86301 141.77717 169.86911 141.78772 169.87738 curveto +141.79715 169.88333 141.80556 169.89001 141.81385 169.89752 curveto +141.82755 169.90813 141.84165 169.9182 141.85341 169.93107 curveto +141.84096 170.08921 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.21888 169.89176 moveto +142.2466 169.91483 142.27794 169.93246 142.30919 169.95016 curveto +142.33073 169.96184 142.35309 169.97275 142.37729 169.9775 curveto +142.39257 169.97882 142.4066 169.98541 142.42114 169.98978 curveto +142.43703 169.99199 142.45098 169.9982 142.46423 170.00704 curveto +142.47613 170.01444 142.48742 170.02292 142.49638 170.03374 curveto +142.50011 170.03986 142.50404 170.04541 142.50911 170.04968 curveto +142.41759 170.18096 lineto +142.41873 170.1814 142.42047 170.18336 142.421 170.18226 curveto +142.42124 170.18178 142.40999 170.17123 142.41088 170.16782 curveto +142.40532 170.15695 142.3938 170.15047 142.384 170.14387 curveto +142.37203 170.13578 142.35926 170.13135 142.34505 170.1287 curveto +142.33083 170.12424 142.31685 170.119 142.30198 170.11703 curveto +142.27698 170.11002 142.25399 170.09759 142.23147 170.08489 curveto +142.20012 170.0668 142.16845 170.0493 142.1387 170.02859 curveto +142.21888 169.89176 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.79985 167.22749 moveto +142.82861 167.25948 142.86238 167.28566 142.89847 167.30887 curveto +142.91453 167.3192 142.96422 167.34769 142.94733 167.33878 curveto +142.92242 167.32565 142.8987 167.31037 142.87439 167.29617 curveto +142.9377 167.33261 143.00401 167.36327 143.06879 167.39684 curveto +143.12623 167.42827 143.12731 167.42873 143.22657 167.48791 curveto +143.22964 167.48974 143.23184 167.49276 143.23457 167.49507 curveto +143.24135 167.50079 143.24827 167.50633 143.2555 167.51146 curveto +143.27188 167.52275 143.28549 167.53756 143.30168 167.54899 curveto +143.31495 167.558 143.32692 167.56908 143.33441 167.58341 curveto +143.34016 167.59174 143.34687 167.5983 143.35516 167.60423 curveto +143.40195 167.63169 143.51981 167.67648 143.21057 167.53965 curveto +143.19585 167.53314 143.21832 167.54655 143.19963 167.53459 curveto +143.19705 167.53325 143.1894 167.52909 143.19191 167.53055 curveto +143.23374 167.555 143.35852 167.62951 143.3176 167.60355 curveto +143.25925 167.56654 143.19691 167.53848 143.14221 167.49694 curveto +143.09481 167.46201 142.99293 167.40604 143.21748 167.53826 curveto +143.17637 167.52473 143.13426 167.51403 143.09186 167.50537 curveto +143.07076 167.50193 143.05054 167.49545 143.03057 167.48805 curveto +143.01659 167.4814 143.00933 167.48854 143.02191 167.47167 curveto +143.02638 167.48326 143.02609 167.49729 143.0268 167.5097 curveto +143.02761 167.52964 143.02745 167.54961 143.02747 167.56957 curveto +143.02758 167.58441 143.02796 167.59925 143.028 167.6141 curveto +143.02885 167.62505 143.02796 167.63505 143.02456 167.64544 curveto +143.01831 167.65814 143.0109 167.67015 143.00341 167.68213 curveto +142.99412 167.69534 142.98777 167.71052 142.98251 167.72574 curveto +142.97928 167.73662 142.97858 167.74737 142.97354 167.75756 curveto +142.97122 167.7628 142.9687 167.76793 142.96643 167.77322 curveto +142.82775 167.69551 lineto +142.83003 167.68992 142.83218 167.68423 142.83495 167.67886 curveto +142.83943 167.66942 142.83963 167.65859 142.84399 167.64902 curveto +142.85001 167.63288 142.85667 167.61663 142.86634 167.60234 curveto +142.8731 167.59154 142.8799 167.58079 142.88494 167.56903 curveto +142.88736 167.56019 142.88585 167.55097 142.88634 167.54189 curveto +142.88643 167.52726 142.88685 167.51263 142.88688 167.498 curveto +142.88676 167.47827 142.88662 167.45851 142.88516 167.43883 curveto +142.88394 167.42517 142.88108 167.41175 142.88002 167.39817 curveto +142.8831 167.39254 142.88776 167.38081 142.89324 167.38416 curveto +142.89438 167.38486 142.89438 167.38675 142.89552 167.38746 curveto +142.89847 167.38932 142.90288 167.38762 142.90569 167.38989 curveto +142.92579 167.39841 142.94592 167.40688 142.96745 167.41115 curveto +143.01023 167.41962 143.05209 167.43159 143.09455 167.44148 curveto +143.16185 167.4786 143.22853 167.50899 143.28858 167.55493 curveto +143.30172 167.56417 143.29552 167.55993 143.30894 167.56889 curveto +143.3124 167.5712 143.32294 167.57787 143.31932 167.57582 curveto +143.05598 167.42696 143.26232 167.53806 143.34672 167.59359 curveto +143.397 167.6417 143.24348 167.58847 143.20736 167.54414 curveto +143.20039 167.53667 143.19465 167.52829 143.18886 167.51991 curveto +143.17865 167.50867 143.1673 167.49905 143.15488 167.49026 curveto +143.13988 167.47731 143.12463 167.46464 143.10861 167.45295 curveto +143.1018 167.44745 143.09505 167.44158 143.08791 167.4365 curveto +143.08526 167.43461 143.0769 167.42955 143.07973 167.43116 curveto +143.11661 167.45216 143.25482 167.53167 143.19009 167.49467 curveto +143.16726 167.48139 143.14354 167.47045 143.12002 167.45844 curveto +143.0757 167.4358 143.03249 167.4111 142.98826 167.38829 curveto +142.92896 167.35411 142.86941 167.32036 142.81036 167.28575 curveto +142.75345 167.2524 142.69886 167.21488 142.65423 167.16585 curveto +142.79985 167.22749 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.53033 169.1164 moveto +141.5449 169.10673 141.56021 169.09813 141.57393 169.08723 curveto +141.57732 169.08194 141.58427 169.08088 141.58826 169.07689 curveto +141.58877 169.07636 141.58912 169.07574 141.58951 169.07513 curveto +141.74339 169.11913 lineto +141.74266 169.12084 141.74188 169.12251 141.74088 169.12408 curveto +141.73902 169.12697 141.73674 169.13127 141.73401 169.13335 curveto +141.73129 169.13542 141.72596 169.13362 141.72444 169.1381 curveto +141.71026 169.1492 141.69496 169.15816 141.68016 169.16838 curveto +141.53033 169.1164 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +143.40624 166.79916 moveto +143.40228 166.8264 143.39907 166.85374 143.39522 166.88101 curveto +143.39369 166.89879 143.39132 166.91611 143.38674 166.93334 curveto +143.38357 166.9452 143.38295 166.95746 143.38243 166.96966 curveto +143.37921 166.98094 143.37606 166.99162 143.37482 167.00339 curveto +143.37441 167.015 143.373 167.02677 143.37412 167.03838 curveto +143.21486 167.0255 lineto +143.21657 167.01363 143.21563 167.00146 143.21718 166.98957 curveto +143.21803 166.97813 143.21828 166.96663 143.22392 166.9564 curveto +143.22464 166.94312 143.22604 166.92979 143.22887 166.91679 curveto +143.23329 166.90012 143.23726 166.88364 143.23871 166.86633 curveto +143.24307 166.83915 143.2468 166.81199 143.24829 166.78447 curveto +143.40624 166.79916 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.64663 169.0994 moveto +141.6472 169.08302 141.64695 169.06661 141.64645 169.05023 curveto +141.64728 169.04266 141.65026 169.03561 141.65334 169.02872 curveto +141.65481 169.02616 141.65456 169.02247 141.65457 169.01944 curveto +141.65453 169.01723 141.65456 169.01827 141.65448 169.01633 curveto +141.81392 169.02892 lineto +141.81384 169.03104 141.81388 169.02991 141.81379 169.03233 curveto +141.81357 169.03802 141.81337 169.0437 141.81189 169.04925 curveto +141.809 169.05343 141.80692 169.05803 141.80497 169.0627 curveto +141.80447 169.07908 141.80422 169.09548 141.80479 169.11185 curveto +141.64663 169.0994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.55249 169.05253 moveto +141.5668 169.04307 141.5802 169.03202 141.59075 169.01844 curveto +141.59168 169.01621 141.59517 169.01377 141.59515 169.01104 curveto +141.59515 169.00964 141.59305 169.01303 141.59171 169.0134 curveto +141.58983 169.00584 141.58852 169.00825 141.58209 169.00677 curveto +141.58166 169.0067 141.58124 169.00663 141.58081 169.00656 curveto +141.74067 169.00111 lineto +141.74107 169.00144 141.74147 169.00176 141.74187 169.00209 curveto +141.74609 169.00571 141.74779 169.01075 141.75153 169.01422 curveto +141.75506 169.02355 141.75436 169.03323 141.74806 169.04125 curveto +141.73669 169.05622 141.72309 169.06848 141.70861 169.08043 curveto +141.55249 169.05253 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.73941 169.0741 moveto +141.74003 169.05729 141.73981 169.04046 141.73921 169.02366 curveto +141.73778 169.02052 141.74077 169.01457 141.73897 169.01156 curveto +141.73842 169.01065 141.73717 169.0127 141.73621 169.01315 curveto +141.89597 169.0145 lineto +141.89828 169.02164 141.89813 169.0287 141.89777 169.03614 curveto +141.89717 169.05293 141.89695 169.06975 141.89757 169.08654 curveto +141.73941 169.0741 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.44859 169.44485 moveto +141.4568 169.42847 141.4656 169.41249 141.47585 169.3973 curveto +141.48527 169.38325 141.50009 169.3748 141.51349 169.36513 curveto +141.52632 169.35451 141.53835 169.34305 141.54907 169.33031 curveto +141.5624 169.31302 141.57562 169.29563 141.58818 169.27777 curveto +141.59738 169.26379 141.61044 169.25283 141.61806 169.23783 curveto +141.61853 169.23687 141.62381 169.22332 141.62004 169.23142 curveto +141.77858 169.25171 lineto +141.77827 169.25848 141.77688 169.26387 141.77362 169.26991 curveto +141.76568 169.28605 141.75387 169.29839 141.74204 169.3118 curveto +141.7296 169.32999 141.71626 169.34756 141.70334 169.36541 curveto +141.69281 169.37964 141.68031 169.39192 141.66714 169.40364 curveto +141.65565 169.41407 141.64086 169.42026 141.63059 169.43178 curveto +141.61996 169.44574 141.6108 169.46068 141.60403 169.47692 curveto +141.44859 169.44485 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.47389 169.03156 moveto +141.48211 169.01631 141.4881 169.00017 141.49724 168.98541 curveto +141.50023 168.98204 141.50332 168.97411 141.50838 168.97301 curveto +141.50912 168.97284 141.50974 168.97402 141.51049 168.97389 curveto +141.51368 168.97156 141.51291 168.96876 141.51439 168.96391 curveto +141.66638 169.01442 lineto +141.66985 168.99769 141.66855 169.00604 141.66616 169.00987 curveto +141.65898 169.02253 141.66073 169.01219 141.65248 169.01982 curveto +141.64196 169.03301 141.6359 169.0482 141.62933 169.06362 curveto +141.47389 169.03156 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.31518 168.86961 moveto +213.31999 168.80033 213.32622 168.7312 213.33357 168.66214 curveto +213.34311 168.60992 213.3673 168.56211 213.39057 168.51491 curveto +213.39755 168.49985 213.4063 168.48544 213.4179 168.4735 curveto +213.42417 168.46806 213.43097 168.46516 213.43732 168.45951 curveto +213.44441 168.45297 213.45267 168.44829 213.46063 168.44305 curveto +213.47401 168.42935 213.4676 168.44514 213.46352 168.45369 curveto +213.51441 168.46256 213.56529 168.47143 213.61618 168.4803 curveto +213.61338 168.48045 213.61076 168.47881 213.60799 168.47886 curveto +213.60148 168.47897 213.59448 168.48181 213.5885 168.48398 curveto +213.57011 168.48961 213.55376 168.49968 213.53656 168.50798 curveto +213.51149 168.51929 213.48572 168.52895 213.46022 168.53922 curveto +213.4423 168.54605 213.42563 168.55536 213.40924 168.5652 curveto +213.39992 168.57 213.3928 168.57777 213.38416 168.58354 curveto +213.3796 168.58352 213.37413 168.59252 213.37192 168.5962 curveto +213.30447 168.58765 213.20077 168.60558 213.21523 168.53551 curveto +213.21843 168.52071 213.22932 168.51022 213.23916 168.49949 curveto +213.25085 168.48854 213.26227 168.47715 213.27476 168.46709 curveto +213.28381 168.45885 213.29519 168.45827 213.30632 168.45556 curveto +213.31901 168.45144 213.33169 168.4478 213.34399 168.44254 curveto +213.36496 168.43128 213.38612 168.42039 213.40724 168.40941 curveto +213.42528 168.39976 213.44332 168.39001 213.46188 168.38138 curveto +213.47416 168.37703 213.48584 168.37089 213.49841 168.36739 curveto +213.51394 168.35978 213.53041 168.35452 213.54686 168.34932 curveto +213.57977 168.33883 213.61266 168.32824 213.64632 168.32043 curveto +213.66597 168.31572 213.68544 168.31028 213.70457 168.30379 curveto +213.71676 168.30015 213.7286 168.29547 213.74021 168.29029 curveto +213.75142 168.28429 213.7639 168.28195 213.77583 168.27788 curveto +213.84063 168.24123 213.80406 168.26663 213.95377 168.30457 curveto +213.95226 168.31645 213.94515 168.32561 213.93818 168.3349 curveto +213.9259 168.34839 213.91335 168.3617 213.90041 168.37458 curveto +213.88905 168.3874 213.87644 168.39897 213.86404 168.41074 curveto +213.85223 168.42113 213.84199 168.43305 213.83067 168.44395 curveto +213.81747 168.45656 213.80468 168.46959 213.79047 168.48109 curveto +213.76749 168.50006 213.74209 168.51566 213.71643 168.53067 curveto +213.68898 168.54654 213.66096 168.56138 213.63254 168.57544 curveto +213.61775 168.58191 213.6047 168.59081 213.59205 168.60066 curveto +213.58315 168.60758 213.57323 168.61373 213.56669 168.6231 curveto +213.47508 168.61325 213.38504 168.63143 213.41329 168.55444 curveto +213.421 168.53878 213.43006 168.52387 213.44064 168.51 curveto +213.45097 168.49537 213.46293 168.482 213.47503 168.46882 curveto +213.48704 168.45677 213.49642 168.44253 213.50632 168.42878 curveto +213.52714 168.40082 213.54769 168.37252 213.57242 168.34785 curveto +213.58415 168.33784 213.59549 168.32712 213.60834 168.31853 curveto +213.62902 168.30711 213.65061 168.29741 213.67198 168.28736 curveto +213.7508 168.25325 213.70593 168.27143 213.86526 168.30535 curveto +213.86377 168.32205 213.85235 168.33258 213.84101 168.34359 curveto +213.81434 168.37157 213.77579 168.383 213.74101 168.39752 curveto +213.68507 168.42192 213.6276 168.44255 213.57083 168.46489 curveto +213.52402 168.48476 213.47959 168.50954 213.43359 168.5312 curveto +213.39962 168.54735 213.36427 168.56071 213.3315 168.57927 curveto +213.31901 168.5883 213.30448 168.59404 213.29142 168.602 curveto +213.29184 168.59913 213.28794 168.6062 213.2879 168.60472 curveto +213.28786 168.60313 213.29072 168.60053 213.28918 168.60012 curveto +213.05759 168.53881 213.0948 168.58917 213.14479 168.56077 curveto +213.15748 168.55238 213.16962 168.54313 213.18198 168.53423 curveto +213.20048 168.52205 213.21776 168.5082 213.23559 168.49509 curveto +213.25248 168.48276 213.26723 168.46791 213.28275 168.45398 curveto +213.29499 168.44468 213.30719 168.43533 213.31863 168.42504 curveto +213.33268 168.41253 213.34275 168.39684 213.35634 168.38382 curveto +213.37489 168.36882 213.39393 168.35426 213.41354 168.34065 curveto +213.445 168.32062 213.47843 168.30373 213.51212 168.2878 curveto +213.54312 168.2729 213.57493 168.25971 213.60582 168.24462 curveto +213.62551 168.23384 213.64455 168.22195 213.66373 168.2103 curveto +213.68039 168.20023 213.69741 168.19106 213.71569 168.18433 curveto +213.7282 168.17951 213.74046 168.17405 213.75351 168.17083 curveto +213.76602 168.1686 213.77857 168.16823 213.79115 168.16609 curveto +213.80936 168.16307 213.82778 168.16166 213.84621 168.16091 curveto +213.86637 168.1616 213.88618 168.15887 213.9061 168.15625 curveto +213.92823 168.154 213.95039 168.15347 213.97228 168.14925 curveto +213.99557 168.14222 214.0177 168.13226 214.04129 168.12613 curveto +214.06053 168.12057 214.08086 168.12155 214.10036 168.11787 curveto +214.15789 168.09081 214.30182 168.12046 214.24627 168.1779 curveto +214.23025 168.1942 214.21022 168.20632 214.19037 168.21741 curveto +214.16486 168.23057 214.13816 168.24121 214.11127 168.25117 curveto +214.09105 168.25869 214.07236 168.26931 214.05383 168.28019 curveto +214.03916 168.28893 214.02342 168.29556 214.00688 168.29972 curveto +213.99533 168.30278 213.98334 168.30243 213.9715 168.30256 curveto +213.85594 168.31373 213.74187 168.33704 213.62805 168.35942 curveto +213.59655 168.36538 213.56526 168.3725 213.53371 168.37824 curveto +213.53229 168.3785 213.51071 168.38235 213.50668 168.38165 curveto +213.4531 168.37229 213.39985 168.36116 213.34644 168.35091 curveto +213.33788 168.33264 213.35237 168.31838 213.364 168.30599 curveto +213.37768 168.2923 213.39439 168.28191 213.41161 168.27328 curveto +213.42738 168.2671 213.44332 168.26129 213.45968 168.25686 curveto +213.47785 168.25134 213.49468 168.24227 213.51193 168.23444 curveto +213.54075 168.22265 213.57009 168.21194 213.60006 168.20344 curveto +213.61867 168.19773 213.63754 168.19282 213.65611 168.18702 curveto +213.67238 168.18138 213.68852 168.17535 213.70456 168.1691 curveto +213.72448 168.15898 213.74533 168.15261 213.76707 168.14785 curveto +213.79171 168.14211 213.8168 168.13886 213.84155 168.1337 curveto +213.85475 168.13083 213.86802 168.12828 213.88148 168.1271 curveto +213.89983 168.12622 213.91821 168.12668 213.93658 168.12673 curveto +214.01482 168.12409 214.05483 168.13838 214.15009 168.15493 curveto +214.15237 168.15549 214.15465 168.15606 214.15693 168.15662 curveto +214.1081 168.14789 214.05873 168.14178 214.01045 168.13042 curveto +214.00418 168.12895 214.02325 168.12852 214.02941 168.12662 curveto +214.06958 168.1142 214.10774 168.0945 214.14572 168.07681 curveto +214.26595 168.02489 214.39107 167.98478 214.51664 167.94795 curveto +214.60469 167.92323 214.69302 167.8995 214.78119 167.87523 curveto +214.80942 167.86785 214.7962 167.87123 214.82083 167.86502 curveto +214.97035 167.90994 lineto +214.94415 167.91529 214.95815 167.91232 214.92839 167.91895 curveto +214.83735 167.94126 214.74645 167.96425 214.65604 167.98899 curveto +214.53142 168.02372 214.40805 168.06351 214.28991 168.11669 curveto +214.27597 168.12343 214.26203 168.13017 214.2481 168.13691 curveto +214.23529 168.14306 214.22247 168.14918 214.20968 168.15535 curveto +214.19946 168.16028 214.18933 168.1654 214.17907 168.17022 curveto +214.17326 168.17295 214.16786 168.17859 214.16147 168.17799 curveto +214.11214 168.17338 214.04775 168.16201 213.99168 168.15215 curveto +214.04046 168.16061 214.0892 168.16926 214.13801 168.17753 curveto +214.14074 168.17799 214.13268 168.17589 214.12992 168.17557 curveto +214.11558 168.17391 214.10074 168.17667 214.08636 168.17542 curveto +214.06854 168.17541 214.05072 168.17554 214.0329 168.17552 curveto +214.01937 168.17558 214.00592 168.17677 213.99263 168.17946 curveto +213.9677 168.18438 213.94279 168.18869 213.91777 168.19301 curveto +213.89697 168.19819 213.87577 168.20068 213.8569 168.21172 curveto +213.84105 168.21944 213.82413 168.2241 213.80812 168.23143 curveto +213.78898 168.23725 213.7697 168.24228 213.75055 168.2482 curveto +213.72068 168.25504 213.69219 168.26563 213.66359 168.27649 curveto +213.64633 168.28478 213.62924 168.29355 213.61179 168.3012 curveto +213.59615 168.30683 213.57966 168.31033 213.56398 168.31576 curveto +213.54741 168.32234 213.53202 168.33119 213.51812 168.34244 curveto +213.51462 168.34621 213.51138 168.35024 213.50767 168.3538 curveto +213.50457 168.35679 213.49761 168.35999 213.50504 168.35753 curveto +213.45567 168.34908 213.40631 168.34063 213.35694 168.33218 curveto +213.36075 168.33283 213.3645 168.33401 213.36836 168.33412 curveto +213.38088 168.33447 213.39893 168.33099 213.41045 168.32913 curveto +213.44363 168.32378 213.45095 168.32238 213.48627 168.31624 curveto +213.59789 168.29631 213.70947 168.27616 213.8209 168.2552 curveto +213.83229 168.25308 213.84334 168.2536 213.85487 168.25334 curveto +213.87108 168.25152 213.88659 168.24715 213.90119 168.23966 curveto +213.92009 168.22779 213.9394 168.21671 213.95999 168.20799 curveto +213.98643 168.19781 214.01338 168.18899 214.03885 168.17637 curveto +214.05746 168.16661 214.07624 168.15566 214.09153 168.14135 curveto +214.09273 168.14 214.09394 168.13866 214.09513 168.13731 curveto +214.10283 168.12851 214.0972 168.14115 214.09866 168.14147 curveto +214.14904 168.1526 214.20015 168.16015 214.2509 168.16949 curveto +214.23752 168.16216 214.20709 168.17095 214.19186 168.17142 curveto +214.16803 168.17584 214.1458 168.18444 214.12366 168.1942 curveto +214.10191 168.20131 214.07948 168.20226 214.05675 168.20325 curveto +214.03672 168.20533 214.01705 168.21036 213.99682 168.20937 curveto +213.97862 168.20966 213.9604 168.21026 213.94234 168.21262 curveto +213.93 168.21441 213.91825 168.21849 213.9057 168.21753 curveto +213.89237 168.21866 213.87979 168.22222 213.86752 168.22767 curveto +213.84991 168.23448 213.83214 168.24042 213.8164 168.25134 curveto +213.79617 168.26201 213.77717 168.27496 213.75718 168.28605 curveto +213.72631 168.30226 213.69328 168.31413 213.66199 168.32952 curveto +213.62869 168.34402 213.59672 168.36145 213.56566 168.38026 curveto +213.54628 168.393 213.52888 168.4082 213.50966 168.4212 curveto +213.50754 168.42312 213.49759 168.43199 213.49538 168.43441 curveto +213.48715 168.4434 213.48254 168.45534 213.47259 168.46285 curveto +213.46096 168.47333 213.44936 168.48385 213.43643 168.49275 curveto +213.41901 168.50474 213.4053 168.52162 213.38805 168.53394 curveto +213.37052 168.54751 213.35296 168.56102 213.33505 168.57408 curveto +213.32222 168.58219 213.31017 168.59163 213.29868 168.60149 curveto +213.29733 168.60239 213.29595 168.60327 213.29462 168.60421 curveto +213.2932 168.60519 213.29212 168.60754 213.29043 168.60723 curveto +213.23701 168.59771 213.11529 168.61939 213.13248 168.56793 curveto +213.13275 168.56711 213.13688 168.56297 213.13709 168.56275 curveto +213.14949 168.55175 213.16613 168.54841 213.17966 168.53872 curveto +213.21293 168.5184 213.24998 168.50597 213.28546 168.49013 curveto +213.30082 168.48301 213.32169 168.47354 213.33678 168.4658 curveto +213.36521 168.45123 213.39212 168.4335 213.42239 168.42269 curveto +213.47944 168.40069 213.53757 168.38129 213.59329 168.35605 curveto +213.62526 168.34198 213.66084 168.3308 213.68714 168.30712 curveto +213.69201 168.30152 213.69772 168.29721 213.70262 168.2918 curveto +213.70522 168.28893 213.70645 168.28526 213.70668 168.28533 curveto +213.70763 168.28564 213.7066 168.28733 213.70656 168.28832 curveto +213.75803 168.29781 213.8095 168.3073 213.86097 168.31679 curveto +213.8578 168.3172 213.85443 168.31748 213.85144 168.31873 curveto +213.84225 168.32254 213.83343 168.32721 213.82361 168.32963 curveto +213.80262 168.33869 213.78202 168.34862 213.76186 168.35943 curveto +213.7484 168.36639 213.73739 168.37667 213.72482 168.38509 curveto +213.69902 168.40702 213.67875 168.43444 213.66046 168.46281 curveto +213.65075 168.47764 213.64091 168.49254 213.629 168.50571 curveto +213.61628 168.51748 213.60514 168.53111 213.59497 168.5451 curveto +213.58492 168.55751 213.57635 168.57081 213.569 168.58501 curveto +213.54162 168.65157 213.70553 168.63631 213.41254 168.58118 curveto +213.41306 168.58161 213.41346 168.58271 213.41409 168.58248 curveto +213.42049 168.58018 213.43007 168.5629 213.43835 168.56202 curveto +213.45165 168.55095 213.46475 168.54027 213.48074 168.53319 curveto +213.51002 168.52098 213.53798 168.50582 213.56558 168.49027 curveto +213.59049 168.47598 213.61535 168.46131 213.63712 168.44242 curveto +213.65123 168.43144 213.6643 168.4195 213.67685 168.40674 curveto +213.6882 168.39573 213.69872 168.38419 213.70992 168.37308 curveto +213.72262 168.36169 213.73579 168.3506 213.74685 168.33756 curveto +213.75957 168.32526 213.77101 168.31191 213.78362 168.29949 curveto +213.78731 168.29536 213.79026 168.29111 213.79322 168.28646 curveto +213.79418 168.28494 213.79438 168.28295 213.79557 168.2816 curveto +213.79577 168.28138 213.7957 168.28217 213.79576 168.28246 curveto +213.84716 168.29354 213.89846 168.3051 213.94995 168.31571 curveto +213.9522 168.31617 213.94625 168.31231 213.94395 168.3123 curveto +213.93854 168.31228 213.93395 168.31762 213.9292 168.31935 curveto +213.9183 168.32728 213.90598 168.32911 213.89327 168.33263 curveto +213.88148 168.33855 213.86927 168.3441 213.85677 168.34796 curveto +213.8367 168.35433 213.81683 168.3609 213.7963 168.36576 curveto +213.76268 168.37205 213.72991 168.38184 213.69766 168.39317 curveto +213.68206 168.39829 213.6666 168.40349 213.65159 168.40994 curveto +213.64041 168.41686 213.62607 168.41866 213.61419 168.42448 curveto +213.59504 168.431 213.57737 168.44156 213.55939 168.45069 curveto +213.53851 168.46223 213.51626 168.47126 213.49641 168.48465 curveto +213.48447 168.49098 213.47253 168.49703 213.45923 168.49961 curveto +213.45788 168.50021 213.44943 168.50404 213.44839 168.50426 curveto +213.44179 168.5057 213.43442 168.50288 213.42837 168.5073 curveto +213.41466 168.51414 213.4057 168.52683 213.39341 168.53571 curveto +213.38564 168.54442 213.37551 168.55209 213.37189 168.56349 curveto +213.36103 168.62237 213.60807 168.62284 213.22048 168.54485 curveto +213.22049 168.54664 213.21987 168.54854 213.22049 168.55022 curveto +213.2207 168.5508 213.22165 168.54981 213.22224 168.54961 curveto +213.22337 168.54922 213.2249 168.54966 213.22575 168.54881 curveto +213.22781 168.54677 213.22768 168.54308 213.23027 168.54139 curveto +213.24057 168.53787 213.24787 168.53078 213.25633 168.52405 curveto +213.2739 168.51482 213.2901 168.50311 213.30893 168.49627 curveto +213.33434 168.48647 213.35961 168.47638 213.3848 168.46604 curveto +213.40219 168.45783 213.4181 168.44717 213.43611 168.44038 curveto +213.51076 168.4121 213.45394 168.42314 213.62322 168.45671 curveto +213.6278 168.4693 213.62491 168.47638 213.61501 168.48226 curveto +213.6143 168.48288 213.60766 168.48865 213.60721 168.48891 curveto +213.60172 168.49201 213.59508 168.49304 213.59146 168.49921 curveto +213.58413 168.50298 213.58069 168.51179 213.57242 168.51222 curveto +213.55947 168.51999 213.55099 168.53427 213.54332 168.54681 curveto +213.51798 168.59129 213.49444 168.63725 213.485 168.68811 curveto +213.47482 168.75589 213.46594 168.82425 213.47093 168.89295 curveto +213.31518 168.86961 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.18442 168.67731 moveto +213.19632 168.65435 213.21442 168.636 213.23175 168.61719 curveto +213.24705 168.60095 213.26258 168.58496 213.27579 168.56694 curveto +213.29132 168.5481 213.30844 168.53065 213.32658 168.51434 curveto +213.34726 168.4962 213.36741 168.47747 213.38927 168.46073 curveto +213.40718 168.44884 213.42355 168.43486 213.44134 168.42283 curveto +213.46166 168.41184 213.48193 168.4007 213.50245 168.39005 curveto +213.51629 168.38244 213.53033 168.37518 213.54439 168.36797 curveto +213.56309 168.35872 213.5801 168.34644 213.59746 168.33497 curveto +213.62422 168.31814 213.64957 168.29926 213.67498 168.28051 curveto +213.71475 168.25261 213.75161 168.22095 213.79121 168.19286 curveto +213.82042 168.17421 213.85123 168.15827 213.88142 168.1413 curveto +213.89653 168.13247 213.91156 168.12351 213.92662 168.1146 curveto +213.93708 168.10723 213.94904 168.10318 213.96117 168.09944 curveto +213.98286 168.09245 214.00455 168.08544 214.02623 168.07838 curveto +214.03969 168.07373 214.05345 168.07007 214.06717 168.06631 curveto +214.21778 168.11072 lineto +214.20427 168.11463 214.1906 168.11783 214.17715 168.12196 curveto +214.15602 168.12957 214.13477 168.13679 214.11327 168.14322 curveto +214.11056 168.1443 214.10786 168.14538 214.10515 168.14645 curveto +214.10304 168.14685 214.10082 168.14688 214.09881 168.14764 curveto +214.09701 168.14832 214.09572 168.15002 214.09393 168.1507 curveto +214.08928 168.15247 214.0838 168.15119 214.07996 168.15555 curveto +214.06452 168.1646 214.04886 168.17321 214.0333 168.18206 curveto +214.00315 168.19957 213.97131 168.2142 213.94114 168.23175 curveto +213.90097 168.25864 213.86455 168.29022 213.82586 168.31915 curveto +213.80049 168.33778 213.77622 168.35796 213.74978 168.3751 curveto +213.7317 168.3861 213.71495 168.39907 213.697 168.41027 curveto +213.68249 168.41636 213.66919 168.42502 213.65486 168.43148 curveto +213.63475 168.44236 213.61423 168.4525 213.59405 168.46326 curveto +213.57534 168.47367 213.55988 168.48861 213.54177 168.50001 curveto +213.51909 168.51509 213.49946 168.53379 213.47926 168.55196 curveto +213.4617 168.56735 213.44567 168.58401 213.42987 168.60118 curveto +213.4168 168.62025 213.40115 168.63696 213.38488 168.65334 curveto +213.36854 168.67085 213.35016 168.68734 213.33986 168.70937 curveto +213.18442 168.67731 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +212.75687 168.6927 moveto +212.77424 168.67678 212.79058 168.65983 212.80642 168.6424 curveto +212.81853 168.63036 212.82931 168.61704 212.83967 168.60349 curveto +212.84797 168.59048 212.86002 168.58277 212.87329 168.5758 curveto +212.88466 168.56902 212.89599 168.56209 212.90779 168.55606 curveto +212.91756 168.55188 212.92492 168.54384 212.93413 168.5385 curveto +212.94387 168.5339 212.95322 168.52869 212.96379 168.52628 curveto +212.9733 168.52253 212.9822 168.51668 212.99039 168.51058 curveto +212.99921 168.5041 213.00949 168.50039 213.01872 168.49454 curveto +213.03142 168.48451 213.04188 168.4726 213.05597 168.46436 curveto +213.07215 168.4549 213.08826 168.44562 213.10492 168.43693 curveto +213.13714 168.42085 213.16818 168.40255 213.19974 168.38525 curveto +213.22175 168.37502 213.24355 168.36442 213.2651 168.35328 curveto +213.28608 168.34392 213.30619 168.33285 213.3258 168.32092 curveto +213.34616 168.30813 213.36828 168.29842 213.39035 168.28902 curveto +213.41206 168.28013 213.43373 168.27117 213.45572 168.263 curveto +213.47477 168.25408 213.49413 168.2459 213.51356 168.23784 curveto +213.53137 168.23222 213.54756 168.22338 213.56301 168.21309 curveto +213.58008 168.20239 213.59765 168.1924 213.6153 168.18267 curveto +213.62692 168.17616 213.63905 168.17044 213.64975 168.16246 curveto +213.66182 168.1558 213.67359 168.14974 213.68494 168.14164 curveto +213.70019 168.13082 213.71587 168.12051 213.73243 168.1118 curveto +213.74381 168.10605 213.7559 168.10272 213.76857 168.10188 curveto +213.77906 168.09963 213.78931 168.0965 213.79987 168.09452 curveto +213.81596 168.09262 213.83213 168.09007 213.84742 168.08456 curveto +213.86052 168.07705 213.87132 168.06609 213.88332 168.05696 curveto +213.9125 168.03534 213.94305 168.01556 213.97359 167.99592 curveto +213.99697 167.98093 214.02209 167.969 214.04605 167.95507 curveto +214.05512 167.94935 214.06448 167.94429 214.07499 167.94195 curveto +214.08122 167.93947 214.08741 167.94239 214.09325 167.94081 curveto +214.1016 167.93807 214.10986 167.93581 214.11805 167.93283 curveto +214.27068 167.9797 lineto +214.262 167.97948 214.25493 167.98352 214.24617 167.98527 curveto +214.24045 167.98742 214.24316 167.98588 214.23814 167.99007 curveto +214.23519 167.99148 214.23022 167.9883 214.22709 167.9895 curveto +214.21702 167.98947 214.2079 167.99054 214.19902 167.99597 curveto +214.1746 168.01028 214.14818 168.02086 214.1239 168.03552 curveto +214.09392 168.05431 214.06417 168.07372 214.03666 168.09598 curveto +214.024 168.10558 214.01171 168.11555 214.0003 168.12666 curveto +213.98515 168.13584 213.96864 168.13784 213.95179 168.14197 curveto +213.94115 168.14237 213.93061 168.14414 213.92058 168.14783 curveto +213.90911 168.15177 213.89638 168.14924 213.885 168.15441 curveto +213.86799 168.16054 213.85274 168.17114 213.83786 168.18121 curveto +213.82649 168.18894 213.81712 168.19981 213.80359 168.20307 curveto +213.79817 168.20579 213.79435 168.21008 213.78913 168.21308 curveto +213.78225 168.21704 213.77429 168.21949 213.76784 168.22435 curveto +213.74994 168.23288 213.73312 168.24347 213.71599 168.25329 curveto +213.69965 168.26343 213.68443 168.27555 213.6657 168.28129 curveto +213.6456 168.28805 213.62585 168.29631 213.60711 168.30619 curveto +213.58538 168.31462 213.56362 168.32294 213.542 168.33161 curveto +213.52052 168.34081 213.49881 168.34956 213.47836 168.36091 curveto +213.45922 168.37419 213.4383 168.38505 213.41734 168.39515 curveto +213.39516 168.40552 213.37397 168.41804 213.35088 168.42646 curveto +213.31861 168.44236 213.28815 168.46179 213.25583 168.47762 curveto +213.23988 168.48708 213.22356 168.49522 213.20897 168.50654 curveto +213.1937 168.51239 213.18324 168.52166 213.17245 168.53387 curveto +213.16383 168.54114 213.15485 168.54693 213.14434 168.55077 curveto +213.12582 168.56161 213.15701 168.54295 213.13613 168.55706 curveto +213.1299 168.56127 213.12238 168.56427 213.1168 168.56971 curveto +213.10755 168.57478 213.0961 168.57429 213.08749 168.58112 curveto +213.07677 168.58472 213.06866 168.59059 213.06091 168.59887 curveto +213.04872 168.60338 213.03763 168.61005 213.02651 168.61668 curveto +213.01558 168.62387 213.00237 168.62697 212.99426 168.63796 curveto +212.98427 168.65262 212.97245 168.66628 212.95996 168.67885 curveto +212.94339 168.69549 212.92778 168.71314 212.91112 168.72973 curveto +212.75687 168.6927 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.93897 168.13534 moveto +213.96345 168.11985 213.98347 168.10028 214.00112 168.07751 curveto +214.0173 168.05646 214.03618 168.03797 214.05622 168.02068 curveto +214.06501 168.01258 214.07559 168.00737 214.08589 168.00168 curveto +214.09491 167.9957 214.10337 167.98895 214.11218 167.98267 curveto +214.11908 167.97768 214.12747 167.97492 214.13555 167.97211 curveto +214.14595 167.96642 214.15675 167.96168 214.16726 167.95619 curveto +214.1793 167.95091 214.19056 167.94415 214.20243 167.93855 curveto +214.20913 167.93468 214.21681 167.9348 214.22297 167.93006 curveto +214.2312 167.92026 214.24283 167.9158 214.25369 167.90996 curveto +214.40699 167.95204 lineto +214.40348 167.95365 214.40041 167.95613 214.39689 167.95774 curveto +214.39048 167.96067 214.38276 167.9613 214.37768 167.96702 curveto +214.37136 167.97498 214.3659 167.9806 214.35565 167.98185 curveto +214.34312 167.98619 214.33186 167.9925 214.31998 167.99828 curveto +214.30931 168.00304 214.29962 168.0095 214.28896 168.01412 curveto +214.28231 168.01849 214.27416 168.02246 214.26639 168.02316 curveto +214.25709 168.02859 214.24858 168.03489 214.23998 168.04115 curveto +214.23096 168.04936 214.21963 168.05245 214.20939 168.05907 curveto +214.1891 168.07483 214.17012 168.0919 214.15413 168.11215 curveto +214.13636 168.13544 214.11763 168.15769 214.09271 168.17373 curveto +213.93897 168.13534 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +214.108 168.05965 moveto +214.12608 168.05228 214.1425 168.04172 214.16007 168.03334 curveto +214.17229 168.02641 214.18559 168.02183 214.19764 168.01459 curveto +214.20979 168.00792 214.22051 167.99918 214.23164 167.99099 curveto +214.24059 167.9829 214.25065 167.97611 214.25921 167.96761 curveto +214.2681 167.9585 214.27747 167.94982 214.28762 167.94213 curveto +214.29582 167.93598 214.30464 167.93125 214.31289 167.92525 curveto +214.31848 167.91978 214.32438 167.91464 214.33026 167.90949 curveto +214.48475 167.94826 lineto +214.47882 167.95273 214.47297 167.95731 214.46742 167.96226 curveto +214.46048 167.97115 214.45205 167.97669 214.44162 167.98114 curveto +214.43211 167.98872 214.42199 167.99546 214.41384 168.00452 curveto +214.40487 168.014 214.39545 168.02188 214.38506 168.02977 curveto +214.38273 168.03171 214.3804 168.03365 214.37808 168.03559 curveto +214.37589 168.03696 214.3735 168.03805 214.37152 168.0397 curveto +214.36501 168.0451 214.35955 168.05207 214.35122 168.05503 curveto +214.33914 168.06315 214.32659 168.06973 214.31296 168.07485 curveto +214.30517 168.07942 214.29695 168.08213 214.28903 168.08647 curveto +214.28527 168.08853 214.27352 168.09584 214.26995 168.09769 curveto +214.26707 168.09919 214.26402 168.10033 214.26106 168.10164 curveto +214.108 168.05965 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.6678 168.11072 moveto +213.68315 168.09712 213.69856 168.08358 213.71338 168.06941 curveto +213.71931 168.06169 213.72828 168.05814 213.73564 168.05278 curveto +213.74331 168.04784 213.7521 168.04464 213.75927 168.03891 curveto +213.76812 168.03141 213.77898 168.02715 213.78878 168.02124 curveto +213.79769 168.0152 213.80529 168.00763 213.81359 168.00087 curveto +213.81828 167.99449 213.82668 167.99564 213.83225 167.99139 curveto +213.83777 167.98574 213.84376 167.98045 213.85105 167.97729 curveto +213.85434 167.9758 213.85765 167.9749 213.86124 167.97458 curveto +214.01328 168.02382 lineto +214.01014 168.02359 214.00722 168.02267 214.00407 168.02285 curveto +213.99742 168.02325 213.99256 168.02384 213.98718 168.02845 curveto +213.97876 168.03882 213.97965 168.03852 213.96775 168.04103 curveto +213.9582 168.04609 213.95148 168.05448 213.94259 168.06055 curveto +213.93367 168.06836 213.9236 168.07238 213.91349 168.07839 curveto +213.90583 168.08352 213.89888 168.09119 213.88976 168.09345 curveto +213.88531 168.09577 213.88751 168.09419 213.88346 168.09856 curveto +213.87856 168.10171 213.87068 168.10087 213.86722 168.10726 curveto +213.85168 168.12017 213.8371 168.13426 213.82205 168.14775 curveto +213.6678 168.11072 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.82103 168.06804 moveto +213.8397 168.05638 213.85713 168.04285 213.87563 168.03093 curveto +213.88661 168.0243 213.89691 168.01652 213.90913 168.01231 curveto +213.91982 168.00787 213.93027 168.00294 213.94086 167.99826 curveto +213.95218 167.99541 213.96167 167.9888 213.97164 167.98315 curveto +213.97722 167.97882 213.98381 167.97899 213.98906 167.97479 curveto +213.99764 167.97068 214.00642 167.96645 214.01529 167.96276 curveto +214.0241 167.96051 214.03198 167.95578 214.03966 167.95107 curveto +214.04393 167.94981 214.04727 167.94438 214.05176 167.94388 curveto +214.05771 167.94323 214.04684 167.94901 214.05642 167.94283 curveto +214.0617 167.93991 214.0676 167.93454 214.074 167.93553 curveto +214.08026 167.93235 214.0862 167.92852 214.09297 167.92635 curveto +214.09793 167.92684 214.10205 167.92428 214.10616 167.92187 curveto +214.25953 167.96538 lineto +214.25419 167.96631 214.24997 167.96978 214.24558 167.97285 curveto +214.2394 167.97311 214.23274 167.97334 214.22788 167.97768 curveto +214.22284 167.98269 214.21667 167.98101 214.21053 167.98394 curveto +214.1982 167.99054 214.2213 167.97771 214.20477 167.98927 curveto +214.20243 167.99091 214.19509 167.98787 214.19343 167.9923 curveto +214.18468 167.99701 214.17702 168.00248 214.16827 168.00721 curveto +214.15933 168.00927 214.15166 168.01412 214.14308 168.01624 curveto +214.13871 168.01745 214.13828 168.02107 214.13447 168.02304 curveto +214.13245 168.02409 214.12676 168.02245 214.12507 168.02531 curveto +214.11392 168.03002 214.1047 168.03754 214.09358 168.04236 curveto +214.08241 168.045 214.0732 168.05136 214.06238 168.05489 curveto +214.05143 168.06114 214.03786 168.06253 214.02839 168.07194 curveto +214.00902 168.08155 213.99202 168.09557 213.97448 168.1081 curveto +213.82103 168.06804 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +214.06793 167.96638 moveto +214.08621 167.96678 214.10449 167.96622 214.12277 167.96652 curveto +214.13177 167.96544 214.14044 167.96256 214.14911 167.95999 curveto +214.15548 167.96159 214.16011 167.95609 214.16416 167.95195 curveto +214.1683 167.9475 214.17304 167.9436 214.17614 167.93849 curveto +214.18117 167.93233 214.18774 167.92727 214.1945 167.92298 curveto +214.20211 167.91739 214.20853 167.91042 214.216 167.90454 curveto +214.22559 167.90081 214.23416 167.89511 214.24316 167.89021 curveto +214.25323 167.88543 214.26367 167.88106 214.27435 167.87772 curveto +214.28202 167.87476 214.28991 167.87535 214.29758 167.87278 curveto +214.30524 167.86982 214.31226 167.86181 214.32056 167.86089 curveto +214.32843 167.85549 214.33729 167.85236 214.34652 167.85023 curveto +214.35389 167.84977 214.35883 167.84882 214.3658 167.84545 curveto +214.37274 167.84328 214.3789 167.84214 214.385 167.83795 curveto +214.38953 167.83445 214.3947 167.83516 214.39928 167.83234 curveto +214.40492 167.82814 214.41047 167.82392 214.41582 167.81939 curveto +214.42106 167.81493 214.4273 167.8121 214.43269 167.8079 curveto +214.43848 167.80178 214.44604 167.79941 214.45415 167.79827 curveto +214.46551 167.79876 214.47537 167.79633 214.48618 167.79263 curveto +214.49935 167.78776 214.51177 167.78119 214.52513 167.77678 curveto +214.53749 167.77223 214.54902 167.76582 214.56125 167.76098 curveto +214.57086 167.75947 214.57703 167.754 214.58447 167.74819 curveto +214.59189 167.74232 214.60114 167.74147 214.60945 167.73759 curveto +214.61592 167.73449 214.62243 167.734 214.62832 167.72998 curveto +214.63866 167.72507 214.64715 167.71674 214.65672 167.71037 curveto +214.66326 167.7048 214.67178 167.70274 214.67872 167.69809 curveto +214.68519 167.69224 214.69316 167.68832 214.70058 167.6836 curveto +214.71177 167.67628 214.72436 167.67358 214.73742 167.6721 curveto +214.75158 167.66926 214.76577 167.66691 214.77946 167.66226 curveto +214.78993 167.65896 214.80024 167.6549 214.80991 167.64963 curveto +214.81942 167.64488 214.82836 167.6391 214.83809 167.63477 curveto +214.84823 167.62999 214.85687 167.6231 214.86563 167.61624 curveto +214.87381 167.61068 214.88119 167.60408 214.88921 167.59832 curveto +214.89791 167.59016 214.90706 167.58264 214.91674 167.57568 curveto +214.93924 167.56199 214.96492 167.55466 214.98974 167.54635 curveto +215.00976 167.53853 215.03024 167.53179 215.05002 167.52338 curveto +215.06234 167.51737 215.07583 167.51503 215.08892 167.51143 curveto +215.2408 167.55635 lineto +215.22796 167.55982 215.21518 167.56276 215.20236 167.56629 curveto +215.18198 167.57469 215.16128 167.58204 215.14064 167.58987 curveto +215.11709 167.59831 215.09288 167.60491 215.07011 167.61541 curveto +215.06055 167.62178 215.05174 167.62882 215.04345 167.63658 curveto +215.03629 167.64369 215.02765 167.64949 215.01969 167.65577 curveto +215.01011 167.66223 215.0022 167.67084 214.9918 167.67586 curveto +214.98299 167.68217 214.97216 167.68514 214.96325 167.69138 curveto +214.95297 167.69657 214.94314 167.70301 214.93211 167.70629 curveto +214.91785 167.71134 214.90402 167.716 214.88897 167.71823 curveto +214.87746 167.72128 214.86539 167.72012 214.8542 167.72477 curveto +214.84806 167.72791 214.85102 167.72599 214.8454 167.73066 curveto +214.84092 167.7331 214.84253 167.72961 214.83874 167.73296 curveto +214.83758 167.73399 214.8371 167.73568 214.83585 167.7366 curveto +214.83523 167.73706 214.8343 167.73675 214.83353 167.73683 curveto +214.82528 167.74468 214.82024 167.74634 214.81005 167.75103 curveto +214.79956 167.75687 214.79026 167.76367 214.78202 167.77222 curveto +214.77503 167.77412 214.77076 167.7816 214.76254 167.78124 curveto +214.7577 167.78263 214.75426 167.78564 214.74966 167.78731 curveto +214.74892 167.78758 214.74268 167.78788 214.74196 167.78803 curveto +214.74067 167.7883 214.73948 167.78889 214.73824 167.78932 curveto +214.72844 167.79281 214.72419 167.80327 214.71397 167.80534 curveto +214.70133 167.80857 214.69025 167.81462 214.67829 167.81935 curveto +214.66572 167.82663 214.65027 167.82783 214.6383 167.83667 curveto +214.62752 167.84021 214.61745 167.84707 214.60609 167.84648 curveto +214.59984 167.84645 214.59363 167.84584 214.58746 167.84673 curveto +214.58192 167.85142 214.57678 167.85614 214.57 167.85905 curveto +214.56383 167.8626 214.55918 167.86718 214.55392 167.87203 curveto +214.54885 167.87624 214.54564 167.88062 214.53859 167.88082 curveto +214.53112 167.882 214.527 167.89046 214.51882 167.88984 curveto +214.50998 167.8912 214.50721 167.89763 214.49888 167.89706 curveto +214.49068 167.89781 214.48208 167.8982 214.47461 167.90195 curveto +214.46858 167.90775 214.45839 167.90825 214.45139 167.91367 curveto +214.44307 167.92071 214.43758 167.92291 214.4268 167.9232 curveto +214.41628 167.92513 214.40648 167.92856 214.39666 167.93234 curveto +214.38714 167.93668 214.37842 167.94175 214.36958 167.94728 curveto +214.36046 167.94764 214.35397 167.95695 214.34849 167.96315 curveto +214.34718 167.96408 214.34587 167.965 214.34456 167.96593 curveto +214.34362 167.96624 214.34256 167.96631 214.34174 167.96686 curveto +214.33939 167.96845 214.33834 167.97163 214.33586 167.97302 curveto +214.33519 167.9734 214.33433 167.97284 214.33356 167.97274 curveto +214.33292 167.97322 214.33228 167.9737 214.33165 167.97419 curveto +214.32854 167.97607 214.32406 167.98683 214.31943 167.98888 curveto +214.31362 167.99503 214.30808 168.00146 214.30151 168.00682 curveto +214.29218 168.00695 214.28327 168.01044 214.27449 168.01325 curveto +214.25671 168.01858 214.23715 168.0135 214.21881 168.0154 curveto +214.06793 167.96638 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.74655 168.07609 moveto +213.76301 168.06951 213.77905 168.06197 213.79571 168.05586 curveto +213.80051 168.05523 213.80606 168.05103 213.81108 168.05148 curveto +213.81725 168.05203 213.80931 168.05341 213.81565 168.05191 curveto +213.82208 168.04789 213.82774 168.04398 213.83568 168.04409 curveto +213.84085 168.04384 213.84497 168.03924 213.84998 168.03856 curveto +213.8564 168.0377 213.84771 168.04064 213.8531 168.03861 curveto +213.85774 168.03185 213.86416 168.02948 213.87132 168.02656 curveto +213.88082 168.02113 213.88976 168.0149 213.89891 168.00892 curveto +213.90455 168.00454 213.91128 168.00311 213.91684 167.99856 curveto +213.9216 167.995 213.92279 167.98959 213.9259 167.98481 curveto +213.93024 167.97792 213.93687 167.97634 213.94415 167.9735 curveto +213.95092 167.9705 213.95808 167.96882 213.96524 167.9671 curveto +213.96802 167.96506 213.97033 167.96786 213.97247 167.96788 curveto +213.97557 167.96791 213.98049 167.96498 213.98341 167.96385 curveto +213.98663 167.96366 213.99163 167.95834 213.99493 167.95952 curveto +213.99562 167.95976 213.99523 167.9614 213.99595 167.96145 curveto +213.99697 167.96153 213.99766 167.96035 213.99852 167.9598 curveto +214.00415 167.95556 214.01033 167.95251 214.01719 167.95084 curveto +214.0252 167.95069 214.03235 167.94906 214.0396 167.94549 curveto +214.04697 167.94464 214.0533 167.93975 214.06066 167.93678 curveto +214.06788 167.93416 214.0742 167.93504 214.08098 167.93165 curveto +214.0942 167.92369 214.10959 167.92162 214.12401 167.91699 curveto +214.1324 167.91305 214.1417 167.9117 214.15029 167.90867 curveto +214.1584 167.90311 214.16819 167.90284 214.17718 167.90023 curveto +214.185 167.89652 214.19303 167.89182 214.20193 167.89249 curveto +214.20896 167.8899 214.21539 167.88607 214.22271 167.88391 curveto +214.22964 167.88486 214.23488 167.87966 214.24075 167.87674 curveto +214.24999 167.87506 214.25833 167.87046 214.26742 167.86801 curveto +214.27455 167.86814 214.28073 167.8628 214.28714 167.86009 curveto +214.29379 167.85676 214.29068 167.86073 214.29226 167.86108 curveto +214.29273 167.86119 214.30132 167.85478 214.3025 167.85427 curveto +214.31426 167.84742 214.32745 167.84416 214.34072 167.84182 curveto +214.35024 167.84041 214.359 167.84052 214.36823 167.83779 curveto +214.37763 167.83543 214.38714 167.83249 214.3969 167.83258 curveto +214.40948 167.83029 214.4211 167.82508 214.43279 167.8201 curveto +214.44111 167.81704 214.44966 167.81582 214.4579 167.81245 curveto +214.45963 167.80831 214.46593 167.81121 214.46811 167.80963 curveto +214.47002 167.80825 214.47155 167.8064 214.47343 167.80498 curveto +214.47777 167.80222 214.48659 167.79614 214.4915 167.79978 curveto +214.50013 167.79665 214.50796 167.7923 214.51604 167.7879 curveto +214.52665 167.78362 214.53778 167.78055 214.54886 167.77753 curveto +214.55681 167.77416 214.56572 167.77489 214.57366 167.77242 curveto +214.59033 167.76721 214.60589 167.75915 214.62168 167.75179 curveto +214.63755 167.74445 214.65338 167.73733 214.67039 167.73311 curveto +214.69141 167.72786 214.71247 167.72284 214.73339 167.71719 curveto +214.74699 167.71355 214.76088 167.71141 214.77478 167.70936 curveto +214.92476 167.75602 lineto +214.91115 167.75744 214.89756 167.75897 214.88419 167.76198 curveto +214.86347 167.76715 214.84321 167.77402 214.82219 167.77796 curveto +214.80585 167.78291 214.78874 167.78545 214.7738 167.79451 curveto +214.75753 167.8008 214.74236 167.80969 214.72653 167.81667 curveto +214.7204 167.81889 214.72335 167.81742 214.71773 167.82113 curveto +214.71286 167.82298 214.70582 167.82011 214.70102 167.82307 curveto +214.69005 167.8253 214.67994 167.82905 214.66915 167.83127 curveto +214.6601 167.83346 214.65361 167.83953 214.64521 167.84273 curveto +214.64407 167.84397 214.64325 167.8456 214.64179 167.84644 curveto +214.63856 167.84828 214.63126 167.84507 214.62762 167.84625 curveto +214.61891 167.84963 214.62088 167.85572 214.61147 167.85543 curveto +214.60302 167.85937 214.59496 167.86395 214.58555 167.86447 curveto +214.57288 167.86725 214.56191 167.87464 214.54948 167.87779 curveto +214.54059 167.88231 214.53018 167.88023 214.52057 167.88311 curveto +214.51454 167.8844 214.51102 167.88701 214.50566 167.88869 curveto +214.50166 167.88995 214.49655 167.88749 214.4925 167.88899 curveto +214.4802 167.88999 214.46762 167.8912 214.45609 167.89591 curveto +214.45494 167.89666 214.44746 167.89958 214.44729 167.89982 curveto +214.44334 167.90527 214.44595 167.90502 214.44013 167.90532 curveto +214.43246 167.9062 214.42567 167.90893 214.41981 167.9143 curveto +214.41049 167.9154 214.40142 167.91683 214.39355 167.9224 curveto +214.38568 167.92181 214.38096 167.92622 214.37497 167.93093 curveto +214.36776 167.93079 214.36065 167.93126 214.35508 167.9364 curveto +214.34724 167.94185 214.33919 167.93823 214.33072 167.94272 curveto +214.32959 167.94343 214.32258 167.94789 214.32169 167.94819 curveto +214.31616 167.95001 214.3092 167.94808 214.30383 167.95109 curveto +214.301 167.95276 214.29846 167.955 214.29541 167.95622 curveto +214.28956 167.95857 214.28189 167.95726 214.27639 167.96115 curveto +214.27169 167.96277 214.26723 167.9651 214.26245 167.96642 curveto +214.25335 167.96893 214.24344 167.96908 214.23462 167.97296 curveto +214.22632 167.97824 214.22385 167.98255 214.21327 167.98218 curveto +214.20903 167.98254 214.20226 167.98291 214.1989 167.98592 curveto +214.19765 167.98705 214.19705 167.98885 214.19566 167.9898 curveto +214.19483 167.99037 214.19367 167.99006 214.19267 167.9902 curveto +214.18435 167.99104 214.17777 167.99819 214.16954 167.99821 curveto +214.16401 167.99823 214.1577 167.99769 214.15283 168.00052 curveto +214.14401 168.00593 214.16037 167.99542 214.14757 168.00645 curveto +214.14523 168.00846 214.13893 168.00459 214.13672 168.00765 curveto +214.13344 168.00885 214.12875 168.00979 214.12588 168.01177 curveto +214.12453 168.01271 214.12381 168.01444 214.12239 168.01528 curveto +214.12097 168.01612 214.11883 168.01413 214.11745 168.01511 curveto +214.11071 168.01451 214.10359 168.01577 214.09713 168.01751 curveto +214.0943 168.01841 214.09129 168.01884 214.08862 168.02012 curveto +214.0874 168.0207 214.08666 168.02228 214.08533 168.02246 curveto +214.08423 168.0226 214.08345 168.0192 214.08127 168.02171 curveto +214.08046 168.02203 214.07917 168.02151 214.07872 168.02226 curveto +214.07613 168.02653 214.0766 168.03255 214.07179 168.03571 curveto +214.06613 168.04231 214.06092 168.04751 214.05282 168.04987 curveto +214.04308 168.05523 214.03428 168.06153 214.02499 168.06744 curveto +214.01767 168.07321 214.01649 168.07274 214.00852 168.07509 curveto +214.00104 168.08684 213.99955 168.08205 213.98861 168.08848 curveto +213.98081 168.09322 213.97648 168.08873 213.96973 168.09342 curveto +213.96757 168.0952 213.96595 168.09771 213.9635 168.09908 curveto +213.95967 168.10123 213.95221 168.09764 213.94831 168.10031 curveto +213.93132 168.1049 213.91498 168.11119 213.89915 168.11893 curveto +213.74655 168.07609 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.75523 168.01709 moveto +213.77201 168.01393 213.78693 168.00582 213.80231 167.99891 curveto +213.80931 167.99556 213.81383 167.98926 213.81903 167.98373 curveto +213.82283 167.97894 213.82759 167.97653 213.83315 167.97318 curveto +213.83751 167.97077 213.84346 167.96536 213.84849 167.9683 curveto +213.85348 167.96731 213.85708 167.96329 213.86174 167.96107 curveto +213.86664 167.95706 213.87082 167.96042 213.87589 167.95809 curveto +213.88144 167.95542 213.88536 167.95219 213.89048 167.94844 curveto +213.89819 167.94488 213.90452 167.93897 213.91206 167.93517 curveto +213.96496 167.94518 214.01788 167.95509 214.07076 167.96518 curveto +214.0735 167.9657 214.08179 167.96681 214.07905 167.96631 curveto +214.01847 167.9553 213.875 167.93064 213.93131 167.94032 curveto +213.93234 167.94043 213.93337 167.94055 213.93441 167.94066 curveto +213.93494 167.94135 213.93517 167.94247 213.936 167.94273 curveto +213.93917 167.9437 213.94586 167.93847 213.94856 167.93731 curveto +213.95514 167.93457 213.96198 167.93243 213.96912 167.93361 curveto +213.9762 167.93174 213.98326 167.92922 213.99006 167.92642 curveto +213.99688 167.92362 214.00394 167.9258 214.01077 167.92364 curveto +214.01717 167.91993 214.02397 167.91739 214.0313 167.91643 curveto +214.04366 167.91588 214.05568 167.91602 214.06784 167.91354 curveto +214.0763 167.91186 214.08436 167.90849 214.09305 167.90857 curveto +214.10221 167.90592 214.11111 167.90267 214.12047 167.90066 curveto +214.12744 167.89937 214.13449 167.89889 214.14157 167.89876 curveto +214.14265 167.89874 214.14373 167.89872 214.1448 167.89871 curveto +214.14539 167.89929 214.14575 167.9003 214.14656 167.90045 curveto +214.14963 167.90103 214.15552 167.8967 214.15787 167.8952 curveto +214.16471 167.89056 214.17312 167.89288 214.18018 167.89073 curveto +214.18787 167.88736 214.19574 167.88481 214.20399 167.8833 curveto +214.2046 167.88372 214.20509 167.88456 214.20583 167.88456 curveto +214.208 167.88455 214.21997 167.87757 214.22495 167.87654 curveto +214.23575 167.87372 214.2455 167.86843 214.25533 167.86332 curveto +214.26394 167.85771 214.27396 167.8569 214.28355 167.85322 curveto +214.29576 167.84759 214.30918 167.8456 214.32144 167.84024 curveto +214.33133 167.83432 214.34265 167.83264 214.35322 167.82833 curveto +214.36498 167.82363 214.37536 167.81621 214.38681 167.81089 curveto +214.39501 167.80797 214.40312 167.80449 214.41103 167.80081 curveto +214.41817 167.79801 214.42581 167.79775 214.43337 167.79756 curveto +214.44197 167.7986 214.44969 167.79712 214.45732 167.7929 curveto +214.46714 167.78715 214.47771 167.78278 214.48827 167.77855 curveto +214.49773 167.77503 214.50754 167.77374 214.51714 167.77077 curveto +214.52931 167.76766 214.54132 167.76447 214.55337 167.76085 curveto +214.56713 167.75872 214.57934 167.75283 214.59156 167.74655 curveto +214.60338 167.74116 214.61624 167.73838 214.6288 167.73517 curveto +214.64383 167.73327 214.65749 167.72717 214.67141 167.72161 curveto +214.68111 167.71737 214.69152 167.71596 214.70128 167.71204 curveto +214.70955 167.7078 214.71895 167.70807 214.72743 167.70475 curveto +214.73435 167.69995 214.74259 167.69912 214.7502 167.69599 curveto +214.7574 167.69364 214.76268 167.69006 214.76903 167.68591 curveto +214.77199 167.68553 214.77604 167.68158 214.7792 167.68203 curveto +214.77984 167.68212 214.77982 167.68354 214.78046 167.68348 curveto +214.78249 167.68331 214.78383 167.6812 214.78552 167.68007 curveto +214.79085 167.67529 214.79742 167.67401 214.80412 167.6728 curveto +214.81235 167.66278 214.82263 167.6566 214.83414 167.65085 curveto +214.87027 167.63261 214.90753 167.61658 214.94335 167.59773 curveto +214.9632 167.58545 214.98416 167.57677 215.00693 167.57197 curveto +215.02788 167.56792 215.04874 167.56357 215.06953 167.55874 curveto +215.07937 167.55525 215.09025 167.55629 215.10001 167.55292 curveto +215.25394 167.59468 lineto +215.24259 167.60254 215.23471 167.60319 215.22109 167.60447 curveto +215.20007 167.60864 215.1794 167.61426 215.15818 167.61735 curveto +215.13617 167.62287 215.11371 167.62539 215.0943 167.63873 curveto +215.0587 167.65789 215.0205 167.67167 214.98579 167.69263 curveto +214.97581 167.69735 214.96688 167.70121 214.9593 167.70936 curveto +214.95459 167.71713 214.94908 167.72115 214.93988 167.72062 curveto +214.93518 167.72354 214.9358 167.72491 214.93206 167.72797 curveto +214.92992 167.72973 214.92456 167.72777 214.92227 167.72946 curveto +214.91412 167.72997 214.91145 167.73727 214.90367 167.73878 curveto +214.89615 167.74243 214.88959 167.7461 214.8812 167.74684 curveto +214.87076 167.75321 214.8661 167.75454 214.85412 167.75618 curveto +214.84382 167.75908 214.83465 167.76435 214.82377 167.76553 curveto +214.809 167.76989 214.79581 167.77838 214.78067 167.78103 curveto +214.76838 167.78309 214.75661 167.78688 214.74456 167.78964 curveto +214.73094 167.79399 214.71978 167.80364 214.70549 167.80635 curveto +214.69319 167.80851 214.68224 167.81436 214.66977 167.81541 curveto +214.65996 167.81837 214.65113 167.82229 214.64081 167.82307 curveto +214.63025 167.82536 214.62063 167.83005 214.61092 167.83441 curveto +214.60273 167.83888 214.59449 167.84618 214.58492 167.84668 curveto +214.5779 167.8466 214.57088 167.84629 214.56387 167.84633 curveto +214.55558 167.84637 214.54697 167.85117 214.53986 167.85494 curveto +214.5274 167.8579 214.51633 167.86446 214.50564 167.87142 curveto +214.49532 167.87562 214.48608 167.88094 214.47495 167.88241 curveto +214.4624 167.88929 214.44954 167.89282 214.43584 167.89669 curveto +214.42983 167.89892 214.42324 167.90379 214.41712 167.90528 curveto +214.41544 167.90569 214.41333 167.90413 214.4116 167.90443 curveto +214.41067 167.90458 214.40988 167.90522 214.40902 167.90561 curveto +214.39849 167.9105 214.38838 167.91637 214.37772 167.9206 curveto +214.37005 167.92428 214.36159 167.92263 214.35624 167.93081 curveto +214.34853 167.93122 214.34049 167.93116 214.33335 167.93446 curveto +214.33049 167.93574 214.32822 167.9382 214.3253 167.93935 curveto +214.3214 167.94088 214.31527 167.93856 214.31118 167.93937 curveto +214.30362 167.93924 214.29992 167.94761 214.29319 167.94795 curveto +214.28629 167.94787 214.27939 167.94753 214.27248 167.94796 curveto +214.2633 167.94824 214.254 167.94946 214.24571 167.95365 curveto +214.23775 167.95786 214.22842 167.95589 214.21988 167.95928 curveto +214.2076 167.96223 214.19603 167.96634 214.1832 167.96466 curveto +214.17679 167.96466 214.17074 167.96375 214.16453 167.96604 curveto +214.15728 167.9706 214.15159 167.97444 214.14273 167.97284 curveto +214.13572 167.97235 214.12809 167.97586 214.1219 167.97872 curveto +214.11534 167.98287 214.10909 167.98071 214.10169 167.98183 curveto +214.09705 167.9828 214.09317 167.98335 214.08945 167.9867 curveto +214.08814 167.98789 214.08742 167.98977 214.08589 167.99065 curveto +214.08492 167.99121 214.08365 167.99068 214.08253 167.9907 curveto +214.02493 167.99165 214.07482 167.99107 213.91947 167.9632 curveto +213.91684 167.96273 213.91429 167.9598 213.91147 167.95967 curveto +213.962 167.96881 214.01252 167.97796 214.06305 167.98711 curveto +214.06244 167.98634 214.05965 167.98255 214.05858 167.98237 curveto +214.05374 167.98154 214.04796 167.9876 214.04453 167.98996 curveto +214.03676 167.99281 214.03688 167.99659 214.03016 167.99906 curveto +214.02528 168.00267 214.02178 168.00888 214.01523 168.00565 curveto +214.00963 168.0066 214.00575 168.0066 214.00208 168.01158 curveto +213.99613 168.01764 213.99398 168.01292 213.98714 168.01508 curveto +213.98508 168.01601 213.98092 168.01697 213.97929 168.01841 curveto +213.97822 168.01935 213.97811 168.02129 213.97683 168.02188 curveto +213.97618 168.02218 213.97602 168.0207 213.97561 168.02011 curveto +213.97515 168.0205 213.97469 168.02088 213.97423 168.02127 curveto +213.96752 168.02715 213.96215 168.03391 213.95574 168.0399 curveto +213.94151 168.04998 213.9235 168.05566 213.90735 168.06187 curveto +213.75523 168.01709 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.88007 167.96682 moveto +213.89384 167.95788 213.90755 167.94888 213.92135 167.93998 curveto +213.926 167.9375 213.92968 167.93367 213.93499 167.93253 curveto +213.93976 167.93181 213.94461 167.93228 213.94942 167.93235 curveto +213.95451 167.93241 213.95961 167.93242 213.96471 167.93248 curveto +213.96943 167.93246 213.97414 167.93249 213.97886 167.93247 curveto +213.98425 167.93249 213.98963 167.93251 213.99502 167.93248 curveto +213.99807 167.9323 213.99913 167.93198 214.00115 167.93442 curveto +214.15477 167.97786 lineto +214.15125 167.98201 214.15161 167.98212 214.14689 167.98183 curveto +214.14153 167.9818 214.13617 167.98182 214.13081 167.98184 curveto +214.12604 167.98182 214.12127 167.98185 214.1165 167.98182 curveto +214.11137 167.98187 214.10624 167.98186 214.10112 167.98181 curveto +214.09644 167.98178 214.09174 167.98203 214.08711 167.98132 curveto +214.08247 167.98058 214.07904 167.97787 214.07482 167.98191 curveto +214.05978 167.98761 214.04683 167.99807 214.03352 168.00689 curveto +213.88007 167.96682 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.97452 167.94961 moveto +213.99139 167.9464 214.00643 167.9383 214.02187 167.93129 curveto +214.02932 167.92911 214.03553 167.92513 214.04248 167.9219 curveto +214.04965 167.91804 214.05596 167.91303 214.06342 167.90974 curveto +214.07217 167.90933 214.07985 167.9051 214.08825 167.9027 curveto +214.09068 167.90311 214.09297 167.90069 214.09541 167.90096 curveto +214.09609 167.90104 214.09633 167.90227 214.09701 167.90223 curveto +214.09904 167.90212 214.10267 167.89898 214.10442 167.89789 curveto +214.10831 167.89592 214.11011 167.89235 214.11437 167.89107 curveto +214.12106 167.88992 214.12796 167.89028 214.13474 167.89027 curveto +214.14008 167.8934 214.14803 167.8873 214.15363 167.88539 curveto +214.15886 167.88322 214.1643 167.88233 214.16992 167.88198 curveto +214.17041 167.88262 214.17061 167.88375 214.17141 167.8839 curveto +214.17283 167.88417 214.18829 167.87721 214.19133 167.87642 curveto +214.19921 167.87388 214.2068 167.87575 214.21426 167.8724 curveto +214.22169 167.86899 214.22952 167.86687 214.23759 167.86577 curveto +214.24832 167.86608 214.25976 167.86157 214.26957 167.85721 curveto +214.27785 167.85352 214.28648 167.85065 214.29542 167.84909 curveto +214.30349 167.84989 214.311 167.84484 214.31871 167.84269 curveto +214.32453 167.84178 214.3321 167.83815 214.33758 167.84123 curveto +214.34299 167.84063 214.34703 167.83577 214.35264 167.83548 curveto +214.36016 167.83069 214.36746 167.8255 214.37506 167.82074 curveto +214.38063 167.81801 214.38616 167.81489 214.39193 167.8117 curveto +214.39296 167.81101 214.39384 167.81001 214.39501 167.80962 curveto +214.39568 167.80939 214.39639 167.81007 214.39709 167.80999 curveto +214.40045 167.8096 214.40588 167.80406 214.40887 167.80226 curveto +214.41656 167.80046 214.42261 167.79487 214.4302 167.79213 curveto +214.43766 167.79211 214.44345 167.78735 214.45 167.78451 curveto +214.45871 167.7826 214.46696 167.77865 214.4757 167.7762 curveto +214.48683 167.77405 214.49776 167.77286 214.50857 167.76926 curveto +214.51714 167.76649 214.52572 167.76526 214.53428 167.76248 curveto +214.53965 167.75895 214.5494 167.75924 214.5539 167.75697 curveto +214.55991 167.75413 214.56525 167.74857 214.57226 167.74945 curveto +214.57874 167.74819 214.58248 167.74168 214.58933 167.74189 curveto +214.59514 167.74 214.59872 167.73527 214.60406 167.73245 curveto +214.60999 167.734 214.61319 167.72857 214.61752 167.72572 curveto +214.62535 167.72341 214.63174 167.71837 214.63991 167.7165 curveto +214.64842 167.71416 214.65645 167.70804 214.66543 167.70791 curveto +214.67388 167.70449 214.68244 167.6991 214.6918 167.6993 curveto +214.69964 167.69464 214.70799 167.69189 214.71674 167.68919 curveto +214.72725 167.68306 214.73841 167.67824 214.74911 167.67247 curveto +214.76119 167.66631 214.77408 167.66201 214.78636 167.65619 curveto +214.7948 167.65158 214.8036 167.64829 214.81304 167.64659 curveto +214.8222 167.64699 214.83067 167.64167 214.83988 167.6406 curveto +214.85005 167.63647 214.86062 167.63356 214.8713 167.63112 curveto +214.88416 167.62829 214.89759 167.62901 214.9107 167.62897 curveto +214.92263 167.62935 214.93468 167.6281 214.94656 167.62938 curveto +214.96029 167.62653 214.97296 167.62038 214.98663 167.61693 curveto +214.99601 167.61473 215.00563 167.61425 215.01501 167.61213 curveto +215.16738 167.65693 lineto +215.15775 167.66029 215.14854 167.66299 215.13819 167.66289 curveto +215.12419 167.66492 215.11098 167.66816 215.09878 167.67558 curveto +215.08727 167.68077 215.07373 167.67688 215.06134 167.67789 curveto +215.04882 167.67788 215.0363 167.67804 215.02378 167.67771 curveto +215.01334 167.67906 215.00294 167.68072 214.99294 167.68413 curveto +214.98428 167.68948 214.97309 167.68767 214.96493 167.69458 curveto +214.95615 167.69435 214.94731 167.69461 214.93932 167.69873 curveto +214.92713 167.70412 214.91563 167.71071 214.90266 167.71409 curveto +214.89181 167.71994 214.88082 167.72504 214.86997 167.73084 curveto +214.86623 167.73356 214.86298 167.73661 214.85828 167.73759 curveto +214.85272 167.73874 214.85044 167.73656 214.8452 167.74238 curveto +214.83754 167.74821 214.82735 167.74575 214.81893 167.75069 curveto +214.81159 167.75646 214.80094 167.75482 214.79288 167.76014 curveto +214.78561 167.76394 214.77686 167.76301 214.77104 167.76976 curveto +214.76978 167.76977 214.76854 167.7687 214.76733 167.76905 curveto +214.76332 167.77022 214.76067 167.77725 214.75676 167.77876 curveto +214.74928 167.77696 214.74881 167.7789 214.74306 167.78417 curveto +214.73641 167.79007 214.73173 167.78496 214.7257 167.7927 curveto +214.71892 167.79823 214.71467 167.79345 214.70779 167.79875 curveto +214.70328 167.80129 214.70552 167.7996 214.70136 167.80421 curveto +214.69788 167.80631 214.69023 167.80323 214.68701 167.80695 curveto +214.67815 167.80973 214.67049 167.81365 214.66115 167.81434 curveto +214.64995 167.81677 214.63981 167.82293 214.62805 167.82211 curveto +214.62349 167.82281 214.61844 167.82299 214.61411 167.82468 curveto +214.6112 167.82582 214.60896 167.82838 214.606 167.82938 curveto +214.60514 167.82967 214.6042 167.82917 214.60329 167.82906 curveto +214.59547 167.83072 214.58907 167.83355 214.58252 167.83842 curveto +214.57396 167.83841 214.56791 167.84003 214.56198 167.84673 curveto +214.55266 167.84648 214.55463 167.85079 214.5482 167.85445 curveto +214.54753 167.85484 214.54668 167.85415 214.54592 167.85399 curveto +214.54248 167.85552 214.53765 167.85686 214.53471 167.85916 curveto +214.53349 167.86011 214.53295 167.86184 214.5316 167.86259 curveto +214.53088 167.86299 214.52998 167.86236 214.52917 167.86224 curveto +214.52138 167.86612 214.5129 167.86984 214.50693 167.87622 curveto +214.50233 167.88118 214.49568 167.88071 214.49087 167.88541 curveto +214.48442 167.89128 214.47936 167.88771 214.47119 167.88895 curveto +214.46254 167.88994 214.45449 167.89122 214.44752 167.897 curveto +214.43903 167.89703 214.43046 167.89754 214.42243 167.90058 curveto +214.41632 167.9027 214.41107 167.90615 214.40509 167.90845 curveto +214.40352 167.90906 214.39567 167.9106 214.39402 167.91129 curveto +214.39235 167.91199 214.39092 167.91315 214.38936 167.91408 curveto +214.38204 167.91391 214.3745 167.91388 214.36745 167.91611 curveto +214.35784 167.91901 214.3556 167.92467 214.34372 167.92281 curveto +214.33552 167.92373 214.32687 167.92353 214.32182 167.93104 curveto +214.31675 167.9309 214.3116 167.93024 214.3066 167.93075 curveto +214.29894 167.93219 214.29178 167.93326 214.28638 167.9396 curveto +214.27989 167.93955 214.27333 167.93979 214.26688 167.93905 curveto +214.26152 167.9383 214.26441 167.93456 214.25877 167.93876 curveto +214.25216 167.94281 214.24866 167.94856 214.24066 167.94857 curveto +214.23634 167.94924 214.23147 167.94935 214.22738 167.95104 curveto +214.22447 167.95226 214.22223 167.95484 214.21926 167.95593 curveto +214.21824 167.9563 214.21709 167.95593 214.21601 167.95594 curveto +214.20804 167.95527 214.20258 167.95848 214.19619 167.96316 curveto +214.19479 167.96411 214.19339 167.96506 214.19199 167.96602 curveto +214.19096 167.9663 214.18984 167.96637 214.18889 167.96687 curveto +214.18399 167.9695 214.18107 167.97445 214.17478 167.97459 curveto +214.15834 167.98036 214.14343 167.98963 214.12665 167.9944 curveto +213.97452 167.94961 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +71.826238 63.363595 moveto +70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto +67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto +68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto +71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto +74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto +80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto +86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto +92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto +99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto +105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto +111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto +117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto +124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto +130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto +133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto +134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto +134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto +133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto +127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto +120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto +116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto +111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto +102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto +97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto +90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto +82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto +74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.24148704 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +71.826238 63.363595 moveto +70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto +67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto +68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto +71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto +74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto +80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto +86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto +92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto +99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto +105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto +111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto +117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto +124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto +130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto +133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto +134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto +134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto +133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto +127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto +120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto +116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto +111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto +102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto +97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto +90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto +82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto +74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.91042 171.36883 moveto +153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto +141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto +131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto +119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto +117.39882 134.81084 lineto +120.42386 134.89705 lineto +122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto +127.05778 134.23517 lineto +127.78219 136.27738 lineto +128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto +138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto +158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto +197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto +211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto +233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto +235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto +229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto +218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto +209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto +202.8011 171.65158 lineto +185.12229 171.60909 lineto +175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto +161.91042 171.36883 lineto +closepath +143.1547 167.33886 moveto +143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto +143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto +143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto +142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto +143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto +143.1547 167.33886 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +161.91042 171.36883 moveto +153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto +141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto +131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto +119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto +117.39882 134.81084 lineto +120.42386 134.89705 lineto +122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto +127.05778 134.23517 lineto +127.78219 136.27738 lineto +128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto +138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto +158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto +197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto +211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto +233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto +235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto +229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto +218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto +209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto +202.8011 171.65158 lineto +185.12229 171.60909 lineto +175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto +161.91042 171.36883 lineto +closepath +143.1547 167.33886 moveto +143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto +143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto +143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto +142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto +143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto +143.1547 167.33886 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +123.65131 103.44399 moveto +121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto +120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto +125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto +129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto +132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto +131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto +127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto +123.65131 103.44399 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +123.65131 103.44399 moveto +121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto +120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto +125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto +129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto +132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto +131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto +127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto +123.65131 103.44399 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +159.34631 171.1021 moveto +152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto +139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto +124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto +118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto +117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto +124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto +126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto +128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto +137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto +158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto +190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto +208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto +234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto +235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto +225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto +213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto +203.38156 171.38304 lineto +183.65813 171.34014 lineto +172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto +159.34631 171.1021 lineto +closepath +143.28693 167.31853 moveto +143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto +142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto +142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto +143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +159.34631 171.1021 moveto +152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto +139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto +124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto +118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto +117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto +124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto +126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto +128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto +137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto +158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto +190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto +208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto +234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto +235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto +225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto +213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto +203.38156 171.38304 lineto +183.65813 171.34014 lineto +172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto +159.34631 171.1021 lineto +closepath +143.28693 167.31853 moveto +143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto +142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto +142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto +143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +191.3841 162.63239 moveto +191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto +194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto +195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto +190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto +191.3841 162.63239 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.0044534402 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +191.3841 162.63239 moveto +191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto +194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto +195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto +190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto +191.3841 162.63239 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +186.13361 161.78041 moveto +186.27898 161.89038 186.42026 162.00561 186.56457 162.11694 curveto +186.69418 162.21693 186.8201 162.32213 186.95519 162.41459 curveto +187.7208 162.93857 188.54934 163.34499 189.37566 163.76163 curveto +190.50733 164.3259 191.68396 164.79064 192.87933 165.19967 curveto +193.07545 165.26724 193.26886 165.34376 193.46837 165.40125 curveto +193.56936 165.43035 193.66115 165.45381 193.75663 165.49814 curveto +193.8339 165.53208 193.90967 165.56757 193.99403 165.57899 curveto +194.01186 165.5814 194.06548 165.58726 194.04778 165.58406 curveto +193.65481 165.51305 193.2613 165.44503 192.86806 165.37551 curveto +193.38218 165.42487 193.90635 165.46919 194.39645 165.63693 curveto +193.12411 165.60079 lineto +192.5094 165.45327 194.86997 165.83666 194.07021 165.78249 curveto +193.4385 165.67375 193.00458 165.68094 192.49477 165.44947 curveto +192.22052 165.35464 191.94222 165.27124 191.67417 165.15857 curveto +190.53254 164.73825 189.41182 164.26216 188.3259 163.71251 curveto +187.46877 163.27898 186.60256 162.85733 185.79094 162.34082 curveto +185.64444 162.24759 185.50734 162.14038 185.3656 162.04007 curveto +184.92953 161.73144 185.21383 161.93171 184.87802 161.69556 curveto +186.13361 161.78041 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +179.82026 161.08747 moveto +180.11343 161.30474 180.4288 161.48893 180.77089 161.61949 curveto +180.91737 161.67539 181.06736 161.72166 181.21559 161.77275 curveto +182.52869 162.20787 183.87846 162.51461 185.22149 162.83992 curveto +185.69903 162.95311 186.17984 163.05287 186.66386 163.13418 curveto +186.77051 163.1521 187.09091 163.20295 186.98447 163.18379 curveto +183.40962 162.54037 182.00644 162.34661 183.43826 162.54657 curveto +183.61075 162.56946 183.78449 162.5792 183.95835 162.58157 curveto +184.02075 162.58202 184.08297 162.5773 184.14519 162.57339 curveto +184.20546 162.56857 184.26595 162.57048 184.32632 162.57145 curveto +184.42832 162.57114 184.53032 162.57273 184.63232 162.57342 curveto +184.65628 162.56762 184.67968 162.55857 184.70419 162.55603 curveto +184.72672 162.55369 184.7498 162.55486 184.77209 162.55891 curveto +186.16059 162.81112 187.54832 163.06758 188.93593 163.3247 curveto +189.00792 163.33804 189.07482 163.36166 189.14788 163.37151 curveto +189.22324 163.41363 189.30972 163.44771 189.39721 163.45084 curveto +189.41569 163.4515 189.47085 163.45252 189.45265 163.44924 curveto +188.09954 163.20528 186.7451 162.9688 185.39132 162.72858 curveto +185.42086 162.76039 185.49263 162.73932 185.52292 162.76252 curveto +185.53454 162.77143 185.53145 162.79188 185.54188 162.80217 curveto +185.55804 162.8181 185.58478 162.8172 185.60534 162.8268 curveto +185.76443 162.75588 185.92567 162.69105 186.08519 162.62127 curveto +186.27079 162.52679 186.47893 162.50267 186.67556 162.44192 curveto +186.84856 162.3901 187.02543 162.3521 187.19787 162.29834 curveto +187.26739 162.29046 187.32993 162.25955 187.39788 162.24535 curveto +187.41211 162.24237 187.42773 162.24486 187.44105 162.23901 curveto +187.46728 162.22748 187.52374 162.17512 187.54235 162.15892 curveto +187.55697 162.14728 187.57044 162.13404 187.5862 162.124 curveto +187.64655 162.08556 187.61112 162.12267 187.66479 162.08207 curveto +187.71165 162.04662 187.75133 162.00716 187.80181 161.97609 curveto +187.8866 161.92057 187.97478 161.90227 188.07435 161.90012 curveto +188.12816 161.90358 188.18188 161.9097 188.2358 161.9105 curveto +188.46259 161.91387 188.68902 161.8817 188.91477 161.86543 curveto +189.78926 161.80244 188.61053 161.89507 189.59776 161.81578 curveto +190.1371 161.76534 190.66989 161.66934 191.20359 161.58014 curveto +191.54109 161.4996 191.88365 161.46963 192.22929 161.45535 curveto +192.78881 161.44243 193.34855 161.42385 193.90716 161.38877 curveto +194.25218 161.36224 194.59977 161.33824 194.94034 161.27413 curveto +195.10432 161.26533 195.24097 161.17437 195.39328 161.12599 curveto +195.57503 161.04696 195.76511 161.00399 195.96074 160.97869 curveto +196.17233 160.97303 196.38154 160.93211 196.593 160.91517 curveto +196.81393 160.91254 197.0344 160.89276 197.24373 160.81963 curveto +197.5147 160.68752 197.81333 160.65191 198.10771 160.60769 curveto +198.5044 160.55037 198.89845 160.4834 199.291 160.40319 curveto +199.58208 160.34271 199.86505 160.25284 200.15137 160.17411 curveto +200.42617 160.0855 200.7045 160.01106 200.98361 159.93808 curveto +201.20403 159.88976 201.4268 159.83918 201.65107 159.81215 curveto +201.81173 159.77763 201.97111 159.73438 202.12539 159.67767 curveto +202.20231 159.67109 202.26303 159.62663 202.33172 159.59863 curveto +202.41508 159.56465 202.46563 159.56164 202.55351 159.51787 curveto +202.80541 159.41278 203.07962 159.36798 203.34513 159.30648 curveto +203.5256 159.26571 203.70971 159.24053 203.88923 159.1966 curveto +205.0501 158.38961 204.07783 159.04948 207.84388 160.38608 curveto +207.92521 160.41494 207.68001 160.44031 207.59904 160.47014 curveto +207.49679 160.50782 207.39584 160.54896 207.29434 160.58859 curveto +206.69939 160.82089 207.11897 160.65983 206.46882 160.90658 curveto +205.74199 161.16247 205.01832 161.43836 204.26752 161.61608 curveto +203.51747 161.77917 202.75782 161.89139 202.00447 162.03716 curveto +201.28154 162.17705 201.24076 162.19338 200.53116 162.35829 curveto +199.29205 162.68637 198.06449 163.05647 196.83116 163.40549 curveto +196.00051 163.63544 195.15926 163.82627 194.31635 164.00548 curveto +193.99801 164.07857 193.67618 164.12622 193.34997 164.13798 curveto +192.82737 164.13949 192.306 164.10186 191.78658 164.04764 curveto +190.06093 163.87092 188.33926 163.58948 186.66517 163.13652 curveto +186.55538 163.11266 186.44303 163.08065 186.33895 163.03759 curveto +186.24195 162.99746 186.20246 162.96639 186.09498 162.9523 curveto +185.97549 162.94943 186.03617 162.95745 185.91329 162.92573 curveto +187.22672 163.16031 188.54003 163.39549 189.85356 163.62946 curveto +189.91214 163.63989 189.73672 163.60688 189.67816 163.59632 curveto +189.47241 163.55922 189.49906 163.56499 189.29266 163.53587 curveto +188.90227 163.4727 188.5091 163.47816 188.11558 163.49071 curveto +187.51472 163.49021 186.91382 163.50781 186.31297 163.50167 curveto +184.65376 163.49151 183.15458 163.01729 181.45362 162.70334 curveto +181.46403 162.65904 181.35186 162.64304 181.33803 162.61602 curveto +181.31442 162.5699 181.30912 162.4918 181.29865 162.43966 curveto +181.51629 160.4983 182.8862 164.32948 185.57707 162.69809 curveto +187.74006 161.38673 179.98801 161.6712 181.6415 162.00974 curveto +181.80803 162.03727 181.97485 162.01365 182.14097 162.03995 curveto +183.65481 162.23596 185.04523 162.55658 186.64166 162.81217 curveto +187.94353 163.02059 184.04502 162.35311 182.74657 162.12436 curveto +182.68518 162.11354 182.86916 162.14702 182.93045 162.15835 curveto +183.47655 162.25205 184.02871 162.28773 184.58132 162.31461 curveto +185.23834 162.32901 185.89549 162.30573 186.54998 162.24812 curveto +186.8371 162.21221 187.13167 162.19944 187.41249 162.126 curveto +187.6693 162.05119 187.92644 161.97866 188.18551 161.91146 curveto +188.45614 161.85259 188.72774 161.80246 188.99294 161.72114 curveto +189.21373 161.66268 189.43031 161.59039 189.65309 161.53949 curveto +189.85297 161.48929 190.05797 161.50789 190.26122 161.50172 curveto +190.74653 161.44486 191.23063 161.37564 191.71424 161.30529 curveto +192.12636 161.25862 192.53691 161.20181 192.94422 161.12369 curveto +193.11127 161.10105 193.27346 161.05412 193.43634 161.0122 curveto +197.45909 162.24432 lineto +197.27212 162.26233 197.08748 162.29349 196.90577 162.34225 curveto +196.46965 162.39821 196.03675 162.47894 195.59737 162.5093 curveto +195.13975 162.56705 194.67987 162.62791 194.23051 162.73213 curveto +194.21055 162.73729 194.02767 162.78603 193.994 162.78999 curveto +193.88445 162.80288 193.7708 162.7737 193.66088 162.78479 curveto +193.43305 162.79233 193.20706 162.82543 192.99077 162.90023 curveto +192.71435 162.97072 192.44512 163.07475 192.15962 163.10596 curveto +191.90706 163.15363 191.65789 163.22209 191.41627 163.30916 curveto +191.33212 163.33335 191.25051 163.366 191.16605 163.38909 curveto +190.93053 163.45348 190.68032 163.44097 190.44114 163.48421 curveto +189.75367 163.51621 189.06654 163.53646 188.37844 163.55036 curveto +187.86532 163.57363 187.34967 163.55447 186.84015 163.48603 curveto +185.28903 163.36718 185.85695 163.41627 182.47466 162.73387 curveto +181.16863 162.47038 185.0994 163.19356 186.41219 163.42097 curveto +186.447 163.427 186.3438 163.40224 186.30872 163.39802 curveto +186.2755 163.39403 186.2418 163.39744 186.20836 163.39646 curveto +186.17773 163.39556 186.14713 163.39375 186.11652 163.3924 curveto +186.02379 163.38144 186.04043 163.38704 185.9508 163.36208 curveto +185.92414 163.35465 185.89883 163.3417 185.87145 163.33768 curveto +185.79462 163.32642 185.71137 163.3468 185.63409 163.3388 curveto +184.20745 163.44043 182.0244 164.52574 181.34387 162.61067 curveto +180.87845 161.30094 184.08233 163.10756 185.46593 163.24039 curveto +185.48441 163.24217 185.51832 162.9402 185.52506 162.8849 curveto +185.5398 162.87127 185.56386 162.8243 185.57433 162.81802 curveto +185.58617 162.81092 185.65499 162.87305 185.66708 162.83306 curveto +184.32368 162.59057 182.98054 162.34662 181.63687 162.10561 curveto +181.60469 162.09984 181.70054 162.1205 181.73251 162.12732 curveto +181.8912 162.16119 182.0526 162.19769 182.21394 162.21552 curveto +182.2938 162.22434 182.37424 162.22685 182.45439 162.23252 curveto +183.03645 162.26746 183.61845 162.27322 184.20081 162.23458 curveto +184.59764 162.21807 184.99495 162.17695 185.39139 162.21824 curveto +186.98223 162.36281 188.49193 162.73253 190.09982 163.02012 curveto +190.13419 163.02627 190.16902 163.03095 190.20248 163.04093 curveto +190.23391 163.05031 190.26326 163.06561 190.29364 163.07795 curveto +190.46234 163.15963 190.64329 163.19566 190.82334 163.24517 curveto +190.98881 163.28881 190.91795 163.27248 191.0961 163.30904 curveto +191.14876 163.31985 191.30715 163.35015 191.25418 163.341 curveto +184.56256 162.18504 186.52324 162.57021 187.94104 162.74863 curveto +188.42358 162.81057 188.90787 162.8751 189.39563 162.85986 curveto +189.74929 162.86209 190.10341 162.86409 190.45515 162.81918 curveto +191.37526 162.7102 192.28887 162.54688 193.1889 162.32614 curveto +193.72297 162.19209 193.88557 162.15627 194.41982 162.00153 curveto +195.27263 161.7545 196.11735 161.47848 196.98797 161.29665 curveto +198.13485 161.0251 199.28479 160.76536 200.42453 160.46467 curveto +201.18889 160.28682 201.95933 160.11883 202.69531 159.84113 curveto +203.02255 159.69512 203.34701 159.55006 203.65849 159.37219 curveto +203.71688 159.33884 203.76558 159.25249 203.83107 159.26773 curveto +205.22607 159.59252 206.5989 160.00612 207.98189 160.37877 curveto +207.99836 160.38321 207.94805 160.37459 207.93112 160.3725 curveto +207.87591 160.39362 207.82292 160.42128 207.76595 160.43704 curveto +207.73572 160.44541 207.70387 160.44612 207.67306 160.45199 curveto +207.55691 160.47409 207.44562 160.51755 207.32591 160.51838 curveto +207.22748 160.53277 207.15162 160.54195 207.05428 160.56391 curveto +206.93187 160.59153 206.80877 160.63168 206.68497 160.65244 curveto +206.65557 160.65736 206.62543 160.65554 206.59565 160.65709 curveto +206.46341 160.69981 206.57832 160.65544 206.44771 160.72987 curveto +206.35715 160.78149 206.24691 160.77998 206.16244 160.84875 curveto +205.99576 160.89719 205.83535 160.96656 205.66805 161.01344 curveto +205.44534 161.08992 205.20358 161.1036 204.97154 161.13619 curveto +204.68785 161.19074 204.40767 161.25745 204.1301 161.33807 curveto +203.98868 161.38533 203.8447 161.42 203.70282 161.46456 curveto +203.55159 161.51207 203.40554 161.57821 203.24519 161.59324 curveto +202.84674 161.68849 202.44429 161.75813 202.03767 161.80757 curveto +201.7798 161.86243 201.51935 161.89484 201.2653 161.96503 curveto +201.11507 162.02742 200.96786 162.10895 200.80777 162.14396 curveto +200.769 162.15244 200.72906 162.15429 200.68992 162.16084 curveto +200.64937 162.16762 200.60915 162.17624 200.56876 162.18395 curveto +200.36359 162.18871 200.15463 162.18753 199.95644 162.24787 curveto +199.77925 162.24827 199.59827 162.23927 199.42656 162.29043 curveto +199.35529 162.3169 199.27221 162.32389 199.20412 162.35679 curveto +199.17679 162.37 199.15424 162.39175 199.12718 162.40551 curveto +199.06684 162.43621 198.99752 162.44701 198.93989 162.48409 curveto +198.55454 162.56936 198.15953 162.59684 197.76574 162.61639 curveto +197.22572 162.64881 196.685 162.66818 196.14596 162.71445 curveto +195.80979 162.72135 195.47234 162.72677 195.14051 162.78764 curveto +194.56819 162.88324 193.98728 162.92201 193.41315 163.00566 curveto +193.30249 163.02361 193.19216 163.0438 193.08116 163.05951 curveto +192.74841 163.1066 192.4086 163.10908 192.08272 163.1991 curveto +192.00866 163.19818 191.93586 163.18301 191.86388 163.1662 curveto +191.83185 163.16449 191.78604 163.14572 191.75503 163.15816 curveto +191.70678 163.17752 191.67799 163.23256 191.62179 163.23619 curveto +191.54284 163.26418 191.51952 163.30786 191.45695 163.3625 curveto +191.40045 163.41184 191.37688 163.41359 191.31049 163.44394 curveto +191.28208 163.45692 191.25408 163.47079 191.22588 163.48421 curveto +191.04783 163.53046 190.87427 163.59595 190.6926 163.62819 curveto +190.36527 163.70792 190.84362 163.58704 190.49978 163.68937 curveto +190.37368 163.72689 190.24291 163.74419 190.11369 163.76706 curveto +189.96442 163.81763 189.82047 163.8755 189.68346 163.95325 curveto +189.65748 163.9827 189.57268 164.07271 189.53993 164.09039 curveto +189.50133 164.11122 189.43051 164.08246 189.38952 164.10133 curveto +188.00352 163.85572 186.61669 163.61467 185.2315 163.36451 curveto +185.16452 163.35241 185.07973 163.2936 185.00405 163.27775 curveto +184.98218 163.27317 184.95959 163.27326 184.93737 163.27101 curveto +184.87555 163.24899 184.58192 163.17784 184.72503 163.2033 curveto +186.06988 163.44248 187.4136 163.68793 188.75788 163.93025 curveto +188.67781 163.90449 188.71535 163.92223 188.64514 163.8773 curveto +188.54728 163.87797 188.44941 163.87955 188.35155 163.8792 curveto +188.29592 163.88026 188.24027 163.88162 188.18466 163.87865 curveto +188.11581 163.87674 188.04695 163.87642 187.97813 163.88021 curveto +187.76505 163.88937 187.55159 163.88411 187.33908 163.86554 curveto +185.34491 163.66069 183.37164 163.24231 181.43005 162.74767 curveto +180.06737 162.40091 178.70686 162.04466 177.35841 161.64551 curveto +177.16996 161.58138 176.97885 161.52457 176.79306 161.4531 curveto +176.37658 161.2929 175.99945 161.0482 175.60723 160.83945 curveto +179.82026 161.08747 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +202.53291 159.67343 moveto +202.56529 159.66089 202.59819 159.64961 202.63005 159.63581 curveto +202.75688 159.58089 202.87907 159.51638 203.01068 159.47227 curveto +203.09995 159.44236 203.54753 159.31817 203.5969 159.3043 curveto +204.43611 159.06833 205.27048 158.81924 206.0807 158.49644 curveto +206.40104 158.36388 206.71961 158.22569 207.0136 158.04088 curveto +207.20664 157.91933 207.39095 157.78498 207.57614 157.652 curveto +207.76754 157.50523 207.97102 157.37932 208.17573 157.25235 curveto +208.41536 157.12073 208.63265 156.95596 208.85523 156.79832 curveto +209.03339 156.69335 209.15099 156.52203 209.29806 156.38202 curveto +209.42586 156.24678 209.54347 156.10249 209.66608 155.9627 curveto +209.79229 155.81269 209.95276 155.70155 210.11135 155.58911 curveto +210.32998 155.47162 210.54903 155.35121 210.77838 155.25604 curveto +211.03969 155.14265 211.26826 154.97368 211.48521 154.79184 curveto +211.72475 154.60013 211.94663 154.38836 212.15055 154.15932 curveto +212.29441 153.97366 212.45737 153.80772 212.6357 153.65551 curveto +212.83636 153.51441 213.07506 153.43064 213.30507 153.34856 curveto +213.66222 153.24241 213.99984 153.09466 214.33291 152.92941 curveto +214.69657 152.75064 215.03574 152.52761 215.386 152.32472 curveto +215.92675 152.04392 216.47438 151.7765 217.01712 151.49956 curveto +217.39542 151.28548 217.79233 151.10856 218.17687 150.90721 curveto +218.97301 150.4742 219.72858 149.97563 220.46676 149.45133 curveto +220.99447 149.05176 221.53326 148.65908 222.01565 148.20397 curveto +222.22007 148.01111 222.43702 147.77348 222.62975 147.56765 curveto +223.07973 147.08206 223.48847 146.56141 223.90752 146.04959 curveto +224.18958 145.70436 224.4801 145.36554 224.77465 145.03086 curveto +224.9259 144.86517 225.06502 144.68957 225.20528 144.51474 curveto +225.28206 144.42359 225.34207 144.30621 225.44063 144.23631 curveto +225.52139 144.11428 225.60379 143.99359 225.69368 143.87786 curveto +225.78168 143.74736 225.87429 143.62027 225.95697 143.4862 curveto +226.05768 143.31355 226.14625 143.13336 226.25652 142.96653 curveto +226.37244 142.80546 226.52324 142.67523 226.66402 142.5369 curveto +226.77047 142.41597 226.89004 142.3077 227.00214 142.19269 curveto +227.01657 142.175 227.02924 142.15572 227.04543 142.13962 curveto +227.08753 142.09773 227.06389 142.14155 227.09852 142.09868 curveto +227.13195 142.05729 227.14572 142.02266 227.19183 141.99527 curveto +227.19861 141.99761 227.20603 142.00601 227.21217 142.0023 curveto +227.22534 141.99433 227.36882 141.84551 227.38396 141.82757 curveto +227.39532 141.8166 227.40492 141.80346 227.41802 141.79466 curveto +227.5003 141.73937 227.4067 141.82365 227.48264 141.76444 curveto +227.48355 141.76373 227.54715 141.70133 227.55768 141.70014 curveto +227.56616 141.69918 227.56812 141.71364 227.57333 141.72039 curveto +227.60874 141.73414 227.56153 141.72075 227.61686 141.68488 curveto +227.6221 141.68148 227.62554 141.69796 227.6316 141.69646 curveto +227.68536 141.68315 227.74358 141.60335 227.77951 141.56756 curveto +227.94666 141.38927 228.15182 141.25393 228.35279 141.11744 curveto +228.53093 141.01106 228.72048 140.92344 228.88968 140.80279 curveto +228.94849 140.76295 229.01661 140.72853 229.06664 140.67663 curveto +229.07968 140.6631 229.08705 140.64353 229.10292 140.63347 curveto +229.10864 140.62985 229.11523 140.63912 229.12139 140.64194 curveto +229.17156 140.63662 229.20627 140.58562 229.2381 140.55082 curveto +229.26423 140.5297 229.27044 140.4935 229.29299 140.47001 curveto +229.29742 140.46538 229.30708 140.47469 229.31219 140.47083 curveto +229.32683 140.45978 229.33403 140.44105 229.34763 140.42874 curveto +229.3586 140.41882 229.42137 140.38328 229.43192 140.37715 curveto +229.44425 140.37161 229.45829 140.36889 229.46893 140.36055 curveto +229.48655 140.34672 229.49914 140.32743 229.51521 140.31181 curveto +229.56646 140.26199 229.62363 140.22058 229.67426 140.17097 curveto +229.74742 140.08416 229.81528 139.99303 229.87463 139.89576 curveto +229.92018 139.83435 229.97953 139.78508 230.02935 139.7251 curveto +230.09555 139.62174 230.14384 139.5088 230.20103 139.40056 curveto +230.23304 139.38233 230.22982 139.34763 230.24783 139.31455 curveto +230.2548 139.30174 230.27673 139.28683 230.28605 139.27228 curveto +230.28686 139.27731 230.28602 139.29181 230.28846 139.28735 curveto +230.2994 139.26743 230.30185 139.24359 230.31275 139.22365 curveto +230.34939 139.15667 230.41612 139.09666 230.45993 139.03322 curveto +230.53122 138.92318 230.59543 138.80882 230.66849 138.69974 curveto +230.67818 138.69677 230.68787 138.69607 230.69343 138.68592 curveto +230.74149 138.5982 230.75745 138.58537 230.83082 138.52046 curveto +230.8391 138.5177 230.8491 138.51796 230.85564 138.5122 curveto +230.87032 138.49924 230.87843 138.48013 230.89225 138.46626 curveto +230.9291 138.42927 230.96977 138.39384 231.00541 138.35426 curveto +231.08502 138.26604 231.15425 138.17138 231.231 138.08061 curveto +231.24144 138.06802 231.25032 138.05396 231.26233 138.04285 curveto +231.28343 138.02331 231.31418 138.00746 231.33176 137.98173 curveto +231.45307 137.80421 231.30062 138.00603 231.39044 137.88911 curveto +231.42298 137.85537 231.43177 137.81381 231.439 137.76929 curveto +235.60283 138.53329 lineto +235.57689 138.61786 235.55513 138.70411 235.51984 138.78541 curveto +235.51002 138.80316 235.5002 138.8209 235.49038 138.83864 curveto +235.48194 138.84646 235.47102 138.85226 235.46506 138.8621 curveto +235.42431 138.92932 235.4071 139.01661 235.33664 139.06192 curveto +235.30287 139.09105 235.25193 139.12417 235.22513 139.15983 curveto +235.19284 139.20279 235.1735 139.25662 235.13238 139.29399 curveto +235.1101 139.32477 235.09365 139.36013 235.06753 139.38772 curveto +235.05991 139.39577 235.04565 139.39512 235.03817 139.4033 curveto +235.0236 139.41922 235.01758 139.44166 235.00333 139.45787 curveto +234.99541 139.46689 234.98316 139.47089 234.97307 139.4774 curveto +234.96054 139.49781 234.948 139.51822 234.93547 139.53863 curveto +234.91292 139.55745 234.89358 139.58021 234.86952 139.59706 curveto +234.86389 139.60101 234.85627 139.60579 234.84985 139.60332 curveto +234.84317 139.60075 234.84432 139.58098 234.83847 139.58511 curveto +234.8088 139.60605 234.82086 139.66372 234.78674 139.68101 curveto +234.68941 139.74245 234.62221 139.82765 234.57355 139.93218 curveto +234.55917 139.95537 234.47184 140.12151 234.45841 140.1313 curveto +234.45323 140.13507 234.45559 140.10728 234.45267 140.11298 curveto +234.44289 140.13202 234.44153 140.15433 234.43596 140.175 curveto +234.42566 140.19101 234.39637 140.25953 234.38346 140.26586 curveto +234.37579 140.26963 234.38248 140.23719 234.37516 140.2416 curveto +234.34604 140.25915 234.36636 140.32081 234.3326 140.3343 curveto +234.24729 140.40331 234.20662 140.49623 234.15682 140.59274 curveto +234.11984 140.68167 234.07371 140.8075 233.98813 140.858 curveto +233.89656 140.90271 233.85548 141.04549 233.78706 141.11789 curveto +233.75976 141.15667 233.73686 141.19895 233.7052 141.23426 curveto +233.64854 141.29748 233.56174 141.32992 233.52597 141.41224 curveto +233.51784 141.42044 233.4683 141.47294 233.45212 141.48107 curveto +233.44541 141.48444 233.43526 141.47649 233.42959 141.48141 curveto +233.4161 141.49313 233.41591 141.51782 233.40012 141.52621 curveto +233.39246 141.53029 233.38969 141.51233 233.38448 141.50539 curveto +233.37685 141.51267 233.36921 141.51995 233.36158 141.52723 curveto +233.31189 141.57865 233.27077 141.6361 233.22821 141.69342 curveto +233.21654 141.70938 233.20992 141.73074 233.1932 141.74129 curveto +233.18542 141.7462 233.17624 141.72981 233.16727 141.73185 curveto +233.1068 141.74567 233.01143 141.85137 232.95276 141.87517 curveto +232.64632 142.04421 233.16143 141.75631 232.79377 141.97729 curveto +232.76357 141.99544 232.72972 142.00683 232.69901 142.02409 curveto +232.59446 142.08287 232.4967 142.15495 232.3831 142.19718 curveto +232.19787 142.28496 232.02985 142.40294 231.87234 142.53367 curveto +231.84515 142.56567 231.80802 142.60748 231.78386 142.64274 curveto +231.76111 142.67597 231.75248 142.7192 231.72401 142.74768 curveto +231.71954 142.75217 231.71234 142.74274 231.70651 142.74027 curveto +231.6968 142.75458 231.6871 142.7689 231.67739 142.78322 curveto +231.66454 142.80253 231.6563 142.82589 231.63883 142.84116 curveto +231.62428 142.8539 231.59373 142.83606 231.57892 142.84109 curveto +231.54051 142.85415 231.52584 142.90659 231.47947 142.89846 curveto +231.47022 142.89741 231.46036 142.89185 231.45172 142.89531 curveto +231.44071 142.89971 231.39562 142.94639 231.38745 142.95286 curveto +231.37004 142.96664 231.34411 142.96971 231.33035 142.98713 curveto +231.31527 143.00622 231.30673 143.02966 231.29492 143.05093 curveto +231.24966 143.0895 231.24348 143.05867 231.21756 143.07537 curveto +231.1853 143.09614 231.17274 143.1389 231.14278 143.16286 curveto +231.13142 143.17194 231.11587 143.17391 231.10242 143.17943 curveto +230.98154 143.29562 230.85022 143.39669 230.73064 143.51542 curveto +230.60417 143.64153 230.4825 143.77217 230.35443 143.89669 curveto +230.22701 144.02957 230.13535 144.19015 230.05349 144.35459 curveto +229.97671 144.50269 229.90935 144.65444 229.80285 144.78503 curveto +229.72663 144.9073 229.62799 145.0142 229.55706 145.13856 curveto +229.54308 145.16793 229.53253 145.1992 229.51511 145.22667 curveto +229.46044 145.3129 229.35413 145.36784 229.30074 145.45656 curveto +229.14421 145.64173 228.96738 145.80761 228.79721 145.98041 curveto +228.47891 146.30711 228.14097 146.61458 227.84102 146.95867 curveto +227.39099 147.47744 226.95898 148.01439 226.45776 148.48575 curveto +225.73968 149.16626 225.04002 149.87382 224.20115 150.40954 curveto +223.79126 150.71615 223.37773 151.01763 222.96657 151.3225 curveto +222.89147 151.37819 222.44395 151.71624 222.34583 151.78585 curveto +222.26492 151.84326 222.18118 151.89656 222.09886 151.95192 curveto +222.03559 151.99481 221.76998 152.17658 221.69153 152.22377 curveto +221.44671 152.37102 221.17453 152.4659 220.91227 152.57563 curveto +220.37721 152.81585 219.85024 153.07311 219.35208 153.3844 curveto +218.99735 153.59554 218.64627 153.81283 218.28735 154.0167 curveto +217.9602 154.17721 217.65125 154.37464 217.30771 154.49878 curveto +217.22974 154.5267 217.1494 154.54777 217.07176 154.57658 curveto +216.94235 154.62461 216.821 154.69751 216.68285 154.72126 curveto +216.48893 154.79479 216.34141 154.96682 216.19658 155.10925 curveto +215.97778 155.34771 215.74799 155.57512 215.51089 155.79544 curveto +215.27961 155.98992 215.05389 156.19516 214.80013 156.35986 curveto +214.54301 156.50985 214.82894 156.35195 214.58457 156.46239 curveto +214.43856 156.52838 214.29816 156.60921 214.14913 156.66952 curveto +214.04062 156.71355 214.02572 156.74542 213.9366 156.81096 curveto +213.87925 156.85315 213.80801 156.8789 213.75628 156.93008 curveto +213.62451 157.06222 213.49415 157.19575 213.37776 157.34203 curveto +213.31292 157.42183 213.24081 157.47874 213.16939 157.55138 curveto +213.07481 157.64758 212.99589 157.75995 212.88579 157.84076 curveto +212.77434 157.91789 212.66036 157.99125 212.55189 158.07262 curveto +212.50633 158.10679 212.36607 158.21877 212.319 158.24952 curveto +212.28322 158.2729 212.24429 158.29106 212.20693 158.31183 curveto +212.0107 158.44244 211.80659 158.55592 211.61922 158.69827 curveto +211.42658 158.82864 211.24565 158.97542 211.04886 159.09967 curveto +210.99107 159.13822 210.87246 159.21866 210.81494 159.25117 curveto +210.53431 159.40975 210.22078 159.49663 209.91641 159.59595 curveto +209.09732 159.87085 208.26724 160.11387 207.45775 160.41647 curveto +207.30055 160.48523 207.15783 160.55047 206.99919 160.6113 curveto +206.89019 160.65309 206.77812 160.69026 206.67463 160.74559 curveto +206.65039 160.75854 206.62873 160.77584 206.60578 160.79096 curveto +202.53291 159.67343 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +220.67876 149.23227 moveto +220.84059 149.15098 220.98575 149.05514 221.11392 148.92728 curveto +221.21078 148.83495 221.28304 148.7205 221.37144 148.62108 curveto +221.39193 148.59803 221.60485 148.38375 221.62039 148.36806 curveto +221.88659 148.08911 222.12773 147.78701 222.36397 147.48258 curveto +222.58482 147.19111 222.80596 146.89993 223.0228 146.60546 curveto +223.16076 146.43754 223.28157 146.25801 223.39849 146.07515 curveto +223.48103 145.91765 223.60412 145.79009 223.72142 145.65902 curveto +223.88639 145.45097 224.06613 145.25938 224.25326 145.07105 curveto +224.55442 144.77341 224.87468 144.49615 225.17287 144.19554 curveto +225.36124 143.99148 225.57173 143.80958 225.75766 143.60328 curveto +225.85529 143.45579 225.98104 143.33773 226.11186 143.22111 curveto +226.22457 143.14626 226.33718 143.07271 226.45085 142.99978 curveto +226.49168 142.97798 226.52364 142.92418 226.56832 142.90785 curveto +226.577 142.90467 226.58748 142.91229 226.59603 142.90879 curveto +226.76213 142.84074 226.52281 142.91047 226.6794 142.86826 curveto +226.69533 142.86304 226.71237 142.86043 226.72719 142.85259 curveto +226.74787 142.84164 226.765 142.82495 226.7848 142.81246 curveto +226.88422 142.74974 226.99253 142.69516 227.09662 142.64059 curveto +227.2622 142.55654 227.42746 142.47203 227.59234 142.38644 curveto +227.71298 142.32563 227.78437 142.20883 227.90439 142.14338 curveto +227.97494 142.17502 227.90393 142.13567 227.95782 142.19137 curveto +227.99917 142.23412 228.08512 142.12492 228.0997 142.11071 curveto +228.25879 141.97362 228.42732 141.84783 228.58902 141.71293 curveto +228.81115 141.52916 229.0382 141.35185 229.25955 141.16712 curveto +229.37763 141.06036 229.5145 140.96746 229.60973 140.83805 curveto +229.63663 140.80831 229.66681 140.7408 229.70778 140.68941 curveto +229.74149 140.58852 229.8211 140.52479 229.88342 140.44424 curveto +229.88457 140.45102 229.88232 140.46972 229.88687 140.46457 curveto +229.89957 140.45021 229.9004 140.42826 229.91142 140.41257 curveto +229.91861 140.40233 229.93157 140.39755 229.94025 140.38855 curveto +229.98295 140.34428 230.0207 140.29468 230.05618 140.24468 curveto +230.12063 140.15456 230.16253 140.05202 230.21845 139.95686 curveto +230.2801 139.85855 230.35371 139.76847 230.42262 139.67464 curveto +230.4796 139.6141 230.50247 139.52907 230.57335 139.48167 curveto +230.6067 139.42117 230.65996 139.37882 230.69684 139.32115 curveto +230.69898 139.31751 230.70276 139.30604 230.70326 139.31023 curveto +230.70465 139.32169 230.69401 139.35475 230.6997 139.3447 curveto +230.69985 139.34443 230.73026 139.24643 230.7428 139.23371 curveto +230.74649 139.22996 230.74695 139.24339 230.74902 139.24822 curveto +230.75862 139.22868 230.76823 139.20913 230.77783 139.18959 curveto +230.79057 139.17081 230.88749 139.07821 230.89639 139.09213 curveto +230.92836 139.00278 230.96796 138.92024 231.03409 138.85101 curveto +231.09412 138.7814 231.12919 138.6949 231.1944 138.62948 curveto +231.33997 138.48347 231.12952 138.71177 231.26053 138.56755 curveto +231.2945 138.53797 231.30337 138.48956 231.32901 138.45531 curveto +231.33228 138.45094 231.34045 138.45593 231.34528 138.45338 curveto +231.36485 138.44303 231.38192 138.42228 231.39664 138.40666 curveto +231.454 138.34477 231.51217 138.28361 231.56429 138.21714 curveto +231.64716 138.1432 231.72568 138.07326 231.79271 137.98421 curveto +231.84405 137.92183 231.90268 137.86645 231.95613 137.80582 curveto +231.98989 137.73212 231.97262 137.76436 232.00581 137.708 curveto +236.14346 138.56797 lineto +236.11393 138.63094 236.13102 138.60561 236.09719 138.64709 curveto +236.05603 138.7627 235.99444 138.87969 235.89352 138.95368 curveto +235.80738 139.01924 235.77437 139.12889 235.69086 139.19922 curveto +235.62989 139.25173 235.57326 139.30895 235.52141 139.37051 curveto +235.5051 139.38999 235.46518 139.46907 235.44613 139.47785 curveto +235.438 139.48159 235.44142 139.45326 235.43257 139.45465 curveto +235.40387 139.45916 235.40789 139.52176 235.37648 139.52137 curveto +235.3488 139.55534 235.32609 139.59352 235.29559 139.62498 curveto +235.16173 139.76304 235.34006 139.56156 235.22533 139.66608 curveto +235.21031 139.67977 235.16804 139.74649 235.15736 139.76276 curveto +235.11922 139.83234 235.07326 139.85229 235.05495 139.92492 curveto +235.02919 140.00988 234.98585 140.11216 234.90859 140.16019 curveto +234.88847 140.121 234.90893 140.15068 234.88054 140.19881 curveto +234.87288 140.2118 234.84617 140.1059 234.87186 140.15444 curveto +234.79958 140.30502 234.88564 140.18381 234.84266 140.24199 curveto +234.81275 140.28176 234.78407 140.34256 234.7483 140.375 curveto +234.74266 140.38011 234.73124 140.37212 234.72558 140.3772 curveto +234.71268 140.38877 234.70668 140.40626 234.69723 140.42078 curveto +234.64957 140.50484 234.63772 140.47737 234.62668 140.49288 curveto +234.59526 140.537 234.58575 140.58472 234.53551 140.61607 curveto +234.46446 140.69558 234.40031 140.78182 234.34578 140.86979 curveto +234.27068 140.95218 234.23455 141.05687 234.16977 141.14631 curveto +234.13544 141.20167 234.10234 141.2581 234.06979 141.31432 curveto +234.06146 141.32872 234.059 141.34677 234.04792 141.35918 curveto +234.04491 141.36255 234.0399 141.3465 234.0376 141.35039 curveto +234.02566 141.37064 234.02182 141.39468 234.01393 141.41683 curveto +233.98215 141.4471 233.92726 141.52135 233.89521 141.53993 curveto +233.88767 141.54431 233.87808 141.53669 233.86952 141.53507 curveto +233.86233 141.5404 233.85515 141.54573 233.84796 141.55106 curveto +233.83555 141.58249 233.81341 141.64509 233.79261 141.67393 curveto +233.79044 141.67694 233.78398 141.66655 233.78226 141.66984 curveto +233.7022 141.82257 233.8081 141.67134 233.73181 141.77452 curveto +233.60439 141.93202 233.45684 142.06394 233.29296 142.18363 curveto +233.06883 142.35443 232.84522 142.52646 232.64106 142.72115 curveto +232.55357 142.79644 232.47222 142.8779 232.38652 142.95311 curveto +232.34434 142.99013 232.28804 143.00908 232.24699 143.04736 curveto +232.22474 143.06812 232.20976 143.09552 232.19114 143.11961 curveto +232.08886 143.19626 232.05396 143.33432 231.946 143.40503 curveto +231.78528 143.34316 231.79128 143.31041 231.65182 143.46326 curveto +231.49055 143.57495 231.31139 143.65181 231.14136 143.7475 curveto +231.01223 143.81088 230.86863 143.87527 230.76109 143.96973 curveto +230.7469 143.98159 230.7327 143.99346 230.7185 144.00533 curveto +230.70789 144.00737 230.69582 144.00573 230.68666 144.01147 curveto +230.67207 144.02063 230.66494 144.03914 230.65026 144.04815 curveto +230.61932 144.06714 230.56634 144.05348 230.53452 144.07232 curveto +230.4189 144.14733 230.29692 144.20562 230.18538 144.28691 curveto +230.05517 144.33919 229.91988 144.43547 229.83796 144.54979 curveto +229.64436 144.78396 229.39418 144.95542 229.16365 145.1507 curveto +228.87268 145.44738 228.56699 145.72882 228.2724 146.02182 curveto +228.10796 146.20957 227.94742 146.4023 227.80465 146.60719 curveto +227.7037 146.7292 227.60567 146.85046 227.49642 146.96517 curveto +227.36977 147.16405 227.22994 147.35805 227.07059 147.53185 curveto +226.82828 147.80652 226.59204 148.08764 226.37389 148.38191 curveto +226.14705 148.70539 225.90107 149.01196 225.63861 149.30741 curveto +225.48625 149.50043 225.32948 149.68772 225.19518 149.89401 curveto +225.06405 150.04146 224.93504 150.19796 224.76223 150.2983 curveto +220.67876 149.23227 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +230.24179 140.02024 moveto +230.3784 139.92626 230.4755 139.78933 230.59412 139.67657 curveto +230.58211 139.65393 230.68334 139.57699 230.69043 139.56486 curveto +230.72541 139.4938 230.70768 139.52579 230.74229 139.46817 curveto +230.77244 139.52511 230.84844 139.25411 230.83371 139.41665 curveto +230.82472 139.49777 230.87612 139.34083 230.88668 139.3217 curveto +230.9056 139.27926 230.93578 139.27234 230.96104 139.24391 curveto +230.97994 139.20011 230.98281 139.14693 231.00879 139.10566 curveto +231.01048 139.10299 231.0147 139.10987 231.0177 139.10888 curveto +231.0228 139.1072 231.02963 139.09337 231.0318 139.08956 curveto +231.02931 139.14326 231.06829 138.97583 231.0788 138.95986 curveto +231.08102 138.95647 231.08199 138.96876 231.08594 138.96969 curveto +231.08913 138.97045 231.09094 138.96544 231.09344 138.96331 curveto +231.1275 138.90774 230.993 139.1286 231.12999 138.86878 curveto +231.13196 138.86503 231.13803 138.87345 231.14214 138.87245 curveto +231.14715 138.87123 231.15054 138.86642 231.15426 138.86285 curveto +231.15785 138.85939 231.16065 138.84773 231.16397 138.85145 curveto +231.16919 138.8573 231.16469 138.86712 231.16505 138.87495 curveto +231.18224 138.86503 231.19713 138.75187 231.226 138.74632 curveto +231.23391 138.7448 231.22359 138.77616 231.22909 138.77028 curveto +231.25248 138.74529 231.25949 138.70881 231.27781 138.67991 curveto +231.29724 138.72317 231.30829 138.64172 231.30475 138.69363 curveto +231.30228 138.69542 231.34852 138.45856 231.36234 138.51777 curveto +231.39333 138.44297 231.33508 138.75349 231.32056 138.57464 curveto +231.32266 138.42702 231.38196 138.29878 231.45073 138.17201 curveto +231.48649 138.0814 231.52015 137.99124 231.56299 137.90395 curveto +231.58213 137.84234 231.6192 137.79673 231.64844 137.73985 curveto +231.67869 137.69758 231.69131 137.6432 231.71999 137.60055 curveto +231.72825 137.58827 231.75776 137.57333 231.76964 137.55965 curveto +231.77064 137.56652 231.77164 137.57339 231.77264 137.58027 curveto +231.77378 137.58024 231.77493 137.58021 231.77607 137.58019 curveto +235.94238 138.39992 lineto +235.92123 138.4672 235.93299 138.42986 235.90704 138.51193 curveto +235.89487 138.52709 235.85401 138.59883 235.84051 138.60321 curveto +235.81773 138.6106 235.85314 138.53496 235.79065 138.62356 curveto +235.74681 138.67752 235.75409 138.71829 235.71417 138.76357 curveto +235.70025 138.79024 235.69084 138.81959 235.67338 138.84409 curveto +235.65913 138.86408 235.64386 138.85655 235.6317 138.87911 curveto +235.62425 138.89291 235.58668 139.00511 235.58361 139.01409 curveto +235.57415 139.03706 235.49193 139.24434 235.53314 139.09482 curveto +235.58826 139.09726 235.54606 139.31943 235.52198 139.37793 curveto +235.46966 139.55314 235.51319 139.24261 235.48933 139.43269 curveto +235.47277 139.52186 235.44369 139.60034 235.40334 139.68202 curveto +235.39846 139.68208 235.39265 139.68508 235.38871 139.68221 curveto +235.38368 139.67854 235.38385 139.66015 235.38053 139.66542 curveto +235.37829 139.66896 235.3469 139.78091 235.32831 139.71198 curveto +235.31254 139.77085 235.3039 139.78127 235.27903 139.8287 curveto +235.27201 139.84209 235.27069 139.88006 235.25968 139.86971 curveto +235.24572 139.85657 235.26696 139.83061 235.26153 139.81223 curveto +235.25892 139.80343 235.25391 139.82893 235.2501 139.83728 curveto +235.18139 139.99846 235.23367 139.88057 235.21412 139.85071 curveto +235.19601 139.82306 235.21795 140.00825 235.19351 139.9477 curveto +235.17992 139.9766 235.1674 140.02976 235.14854 140.05284 curveto +235.13903 140.06448 235.14795 140.00011 235.1362 140.00948 curveto +235.12495 140.01845 235.1287 140.03725 235.12495 140.05114 curveto +235.10749 140.11733 235.07974 140.20643 235.03263 140.25281 curveto +234.9968 140.28174 235.03362 140.24981 235.01517 140.23449 curveto +235.01314 140.23281 234.98572 140.33801 234.98053 140.34703 curveto +234.9713 140.37515 234.96582 140.4048 234.95284 140.43139 curveto +234.95086 140.43545 234.90569 140.44294 234.9012 140.44224 curveto +234.89587 140.44141 234.89069 140.42992 234.88724 140.43407 curveto +234.87427 140.44968 234.8704 140.471 234.86198 140.48946 curveto +234.85075 140.48622 234.84034 140.46526 234.83123 140.47259 curveto +234.80331 140.49504 234.77033 140.60957 234.70393 140.62327 curveto +234.6009 140.76427 234.44415 140.85852 234.34634 141.00566 curveto +230.24179 140.02024 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +178.12692 163.82788 moveto +178.1408 163.82573 178.30527 163.80083 178.31756 163.79647 curveto +178.59477 163.69807 178.79743 163.35723 178.96093 163.13567 curveto +179.05968 163.0085 179.15718 162.88036 179.25718 162.75418 curveto +179.67997 162.22075 179.64414 162.28848 180.06338 161.73278 curveto +180.3977 161.28966 180.71496 160.83423 181.02971 160.37716 curveto +181.36745 159.86962 181.76621 159.40824 182.11216 158.90684 curveto +182.1928 158.78433 182.27691 158.66252 182.33965 158.52938 curveto +182.35141 158.50443 182.36253 158.47904 182.37092 158.45276 curveto +182.3743 158.44218 182.38284 158.41211 182.37469 158.41966 curveto +182.35729 158.43579 182.35138 158.46101 182.33973 158.48168 curveto +181.69543 159.82021 182.24929 158.59084 186.35226 159.40175 curveto +186.37469 159.40619 186.3145 159.37495 186.29296 159.36728 curveto +186.18721 159.32963 186.11309 159.37981 186.02234 159.42928 curveto +185.71762 159.63913 185.47867 159.92994 185.22653 160.19767 curveto +184.7395 160.60789 184.29519 161.06622 183.81099 161.47952 curveto +183.62487 161.63839 182.7847 162.31255 182.6336 162.43425 curveto +181.5855 163.31528 180.58184 164.24786 179.59515 165.19669 curveto +179.2111 165.53905 178.85771 165.93401 178.40145 166.18231 curveto +178.10402 166.30416 177.77588 166.31789 177.45832 166.30515 curveto +175.92921 166.26313 177.04891 166.30021 173.16089 165.55855 curveto +173.12056 165.55086 173.09162 165.51397 173.0606 165.48709 curveto +172.95785 165.39806 172.92295 165.28808 172.87937 165.16396 curveto +172.82895 164.88314 172.91737 164.61319 173.03447 164.36134 curveto +173.17586 164.05127 173.39606 163.79052 173.60896 163.52811 curveto +173.98335 163.09503 174.41587 162.71962 174.83876 162.33584 curveto +175.17257 162.01686 175.48852 161.68011 175.80326 161.34258 curveto +175.83202 161.31397 175.86064 161.28522 175.88953 161.25674 curveto +175.90715 161.23936 175.9252 161.22241 175.9428 161.205 curveto +176.087 161.06232 175.77648 161.47374 175.90974 161.51259 curveto +177.24694 161.90246 178.63856 162.07292 180.00297 162.35309 curveto +179.98776 162.34431 179.89431 162.29002 179.88896 162.28891 curveto +179.86404 162.28372 179.83829 162.29388 179.81297 162.29663 curveto +179.70298 162.30862 179.62967 162.3411 179.53367 162.39606 curveto +179.2751 162.58549 178.99692 162.74416 178.71169 162.8893 curveto +178.45297 163.0017 178.19188 163.10693 177.93262 163.21774 curveto +177.7093 163.31673 177.48076 163.4035 177.24811 163.47785 curveto +175.49532 164.12535 178.45055 163.92137 172.70553 162.90757 curveto +172.66778 162.68929 172.6966 162.42853 172.87853 162.28096 curveto +172.94351 162.22095 173.00304 162.15024 173.08031 162.10484 curveto +173.15365 162.06175 173.24904 162.03333 173.32771 162.00137 curveto +173.64061 161.94128 173.94403 161.84685 174.24943 161.75819 curveto +174.63807 161.63949 175.03824 161.56619 175.43182 161.4668 curveto +175.52537 161.43468 175.62408 161.42263 175.71893 161.39575 curveto +175.75082 161.38671 175.78151 161.37392 175.81272 161.36276 curveto +175.82631 161.3579 175.83946 161.34365 175.85332 161.34769 curveto +179.91058 162.53118 181.06296 161.89654 179.72014 162.59635 curveto +179.45099 162.70634 179.18347 162.82054 178.90933 162.91769 curveto +178.51406 163.02676 178.15166 163.22043 177.7738 163.37473 curveto +177.16892 163.57715 176.54088 163.70506 175.92206 163.8587 curveto +175.57227 163.94914 175.21667 164.01346 174.85846 164.05875 curveto +173.37301 164.32899 174.70406 164.09851 170.58612 163.36117 curveto +170.46236 163.33901 170.42806 163.16534 170.39659 163.07003 curveto +170.36784 162.93163 170.36097 162.80608 170.40358 162.67004 curveto +174.56563 163.47123 lineto +174.55441 163.49516 174.55933 163.4885 174.56274 163.44655 curveto +174.57168 163.42275 174.56332 163.47986 174.58553 163.48565 curveto +174.59238 163.48743 174.59949 163.48332 174.60646 163.48215 curveto +174.6494 163.48128 174.6765 163.45267 174.71996 163.44657 curveto +174.74087 163.44364 174.8041 163.44915 174.78329 163.44555 curveto +170.61711 162.72452 169.47717 162.41818 170.88192 162.79165 curveto +171.27618 162.79286 171.67003 162.76359 172.05841 162.69317 curveto +172.65722 162.58259 173.25235 162.45427 173.82685 162.2489 curveto +173.90549 162.22131 174.14105 162.14007 174.21779 162.10748 curveto +174.4548 162.00682 174.67499 161.87163 174.90983 161.76689 curveto +175.17193 161.67439 175.43954 161.59792 175.69126 161.47822 curveto +177.10112 160.93512 175.79928 161.41769 179.89494 162.55593 curveto +179.92023 162.56295 179.84337 162.56582 179.81736 162.56936 curveto +179.66965 162.5895 179.52887 162.62828 179.38121 162.65145 curveto +178.98404 162.73532 178.58875 162.82795 178.19243 162.91596 curveto +178.15453 162.92722 177.87847 163.00839 177.83403 163.02484 curveto +177.67413 163.084 177.51884 163.15771 177.352 163.19829 curveto +177.27965 163.20397 177.27075 163.20064 177.20139 163.22187 curveto +177.17705 163.22932 177.15499 163.24439 177.1299 163.2487 curveto +177.07091 163.25886 177.03335 163.23121 176.97186 163.28389 curveto +176.9563 163.29975 176.94507 163.32157 176.92518 163.33149 curveto +176.84659 163.37067 176.94251 163.06112 176.93907 163.04518 curveto +175.57544 162.80838 174.21285 162.5656 172.8482 162.33478 curveto +172.83051 162.33179 172.87884 162.35359 172.8951 162.36117 curveto +173.0062 162.41292 173.12317 162.34336 173.23471 162.31887 curveto +173.46382 162.23505 173.70007 162.17638 173.92769 162.08896 curveto +173.9688 162.07233 174.13451 162.00586 174.17446 161.98749 curveto +174.21887 161.96707 174.26037 161.9404 174.30565 161.92198 curveto +174.34819 161.90467 174.39399 161.89653 174.43709 161.88064 curveto +174.4847 161.86308 174.53067 161.84137 174.57746 161.82173 curveto +174.62601 161.80424 174.67455 161.78675 174.7231 161.76925 curveto +175.00069 161.67374 175.2632 161.53935 175.49323 161.35552 curveto +175.5864 161.2758 175.67671 161.17987 175.78041 161.11361 curveto +175.80553 161.09757 175.83634 161.09165 175.86103 161.07495 curveto +176.03779 160.95541 175.86576 161.03895 175.9916 160.98214 curveto +177.37799 161.26566 178.79271 161.43511 180.15079 161.83271 curveto +180.17093 161.83861 180.16481 162.15408 180.06581 162.23247 curveto +180.00102 162.28377 179.9009 162.29524 179.83534 162.34552 curveto +179.43337 162.61413 179.09374 162.96347 178.73872 163.28878 curveto +178.34758 163.65568 177.95774 164.02786 177.62214 164.44746 curveto +177.43305 164.68097 177.26074 164.92654 177.11635 165.19053 curveto +177.06893 165.29367 176.94987 165.49709 177.05756 165.59458 curveto +177.11648 165.63006 177.1737 165.63536 177.24274 165.64111 curveto +177.27439 165.64374 177.36918 165.65066 177.33793 165.64504 curveto +173.24044 164.90854 172.11715 164.55984 173.52123 164.98851 curveto +173.62015 165.00159 173.71817 165.02209 173.81756 165.03091 curveto +174.0158 165.04849 174.21764 165.03434 174.41615 165.0337 curveto +174.46429 165.02646 174.51335 165.02384 174.56057 165.01199 curveto +174.6876 164.98011 174.81027 164.92029 174.9243 164.85844 curveto +175.24135 164.68646 175.53265 164.47228 175.82363 164.26055 curveto +176.94116 163.40081 178.05047 162.52586 179.07831 161.55902 curveto +179.68537 160.95673 179.51328 161.12953 180.06889 160.57112 curveto +180.48169 160.15624 180.90506 159.74651 181.24967 159.27098 curveto +181.48949 158.97435 181.7269 158.67422 181.98676 158.39499 curveto +182.08055 158.30657 182.16725 158.20875 182.26742 158.1274 curveto +182.29199 158.10745 182.31326 158.06612 182.34439 158.07181 curveto +186.55615 158.84183 186.36041 157.49764 186.52943 159.05992 curveto +186.52388 159.1108 186.52399 159.16262 186.51277 159.21256 curveto +186.49822 159.27732 186.44979 159.34839 186.41523 159.40226 curveto +186.32102 159.54914 186.21379 159.68581 186.09437 159.81331 curveto +185.9092 160.02076 185.74121 160.24004 185.56261 160.45303 curveto +185.31194 160.75197 185.39331 160.64838 185.11425 160.94175 curveto +185.01923 161.04165 184.92575 161.14298 184.8315 161.2436 curveto +184.07939 162.07821 183.35036 162.95312 182.88175 163.98412 curveto +182.73327 164.26574 182.50363 164.76962 182.25281 164.97364 curveto +182.22943 164.99266 182.20094 165.00436 182.17501 165.01972 curveto +178.12692 163.82788 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +175.85443 164.76205 moveto +175.66552 164.68856 175.46368 164.71006 175.26767 164.73229 curveto +175.1437 164.75839 175.00901 164.77561 174.88403 164.74706 curveto +174.83326 164.71271 174.7989 164.65125 174.74151 164.6281 curveto +174.46044 164.51468 174.10231 164.49407 173.8133 164.47741 curveto +173.0965 164.43608 172.86422 164.45975 172.11845 164.48016 curveto +170.78007 164.63136 169.52191 165.05543 168.33027 165.66897 curveto +168.17337 165.75975 168.00769 165.83333 167.84151 165.90497 curveto +167.83644 165.90715 167.72953 165.95318 167.71164 165.95442 curveto +167.67109 165.95724 167.63044 165.95031 167.58984 165.94825 curveto +167.55323 165.94123 167.5151 165.9398 167.48002 165.92719 curveto +167.46011 165.92003 167.51291 165.91569 167.4993 165.90419 curveto +167.46872 165.87836 167.44114 165.87005 167.41414 165.84023 curveto +167.38983 165.82387 167.35858 165.76633 167.36034 165.76603 curveto +167.45772 165.7498 167.47522 165.79961 167.44437 165.74203 curveto +167.3786 165.65365 167.41371 165.70261 167.52139 165.68572 curveto +167.41141 165.5237 167.3988 165.49741 167.18727 165.29971 curveto +166.76877 164.90856 166.55846 164.74656 166.02793 164.50829 curveto +165.59785 164.31514 165.27993 164.26006 164.83137 164.15347 curveto +164.31437 164.07403 163.79004 163.98192 163.26478 164.0186 curveto +163.19155 164.03028 163.2069 164.04226 163.14501 163.99148 curveto +162.92406 163.81017 162.94274 163.78105 162.64008 163.60181 curveto +162.32169 163.41325 162.03244 163.31738 161.68802 163.18279 curveto +161.03855 162.99929 160.35023 162.94987 159.67966 163.02645 curveto +159.54024 163.02864 159.39965 163.04304 159.26074 163.02807 curveto +159.2845 163.02529 159.12179 163.01998 159.15276 163.03723 curveto +159.21854 163.07386 159.17926 163.01995 159.20078 163.05295 curveto +159.17956 163.05343 159.15791 163.05015 159.13711 163.0544 curveto +159.12425 163.05702 159.12432 163.07881 159.11308 163.08558 curveto +159.06157 163.11659 159.00343 163.14329 158.94711 163.164 curveto +158.71582 163.23643 158.60381 163.1348 158.37465 163.08392 curveto +158.27759 163.06237 158.17911 163.04783 158.08134 163.02978 curveto +157.96176 163.01683 157.84204 163.00514 157.72261 162.99093 curveto +157.30659 162.94145 157.1893 162.90345 156.75818 162.9203 curveto +156.32095 162.93739 155.89648 163.03218 155.47658 163.14586 curveto +155.16669 163.20566 154.82723 163.42623 154.50558 163.38719 curveto +154.38007 163.33368 154.2535 163.30294 154.11899 163.28947 curveto +154.03097 163.29785 153.94411 163.26878 153.85957 163.25315 curveto +153.66063 163.09169 153.5057 162.95209 153.24791 162.87057 curveto +153.00903 162.79503 152.72872 162.79663 152.4823 162.7845 curveto +152.08639 162.79267 151.70146 162.88612 151.31869 162.97652 curveto +151.11472 163.04693 151.00089 162.95753 150.84654 162.83519 curveto +150.54616 162.5994 150.18435 162.44654 149.82312 162.32897 curveto +149.64672 162.22175 149.43067 162.2645 149.24533 162.19877 curveto +149.17889 162.17669 149.11196 162.16079 149.04353 162.14589 curveto +149.53742 157.95865 lineto +149.48208 157.97601 149.4062 157.98359 149.47207 158.0409 curveto +149.52558 158.08935 149.50328 158.06117 149.53839 158.12592 curveto +149.65747 158.25525 149.83695 158.32938 149.98514 158.41518 curveto +150.30776 158.59268 150.64498 158.77882 151.02078 158.79526 curveto +151.02419 158.7956 151.16054 158.80776 151.18119 158.81418 curveto +151.22848 158.82887 151.28816 158.89658 151.34166 158.89601 curveto +151.72855 159.02638 152.10551 159.19375 152.51044 159.26483 curveto +152.74567 159.29096 153.03485 159.33909 153.27275 159.30039 curveto +153.55553 159.25439 153.62521 159.17869 153.85745 159.06977 curveto +153.92706 159.03712 153.91913 159.04329 153.98214 159.04926 curveto +154.00808 159.0589 154.03651 159.06195 154.0613 159.07425 curveto +154.10575 159.09631 154.12379 159.1485 154.18534 159.14314 curveto +154.33071 159.17306 154.47338 159.21887 154.61508 159.26317 curveto +154.69405 159.29871 154.7458 159.35637 154.82402 159.39611 curveto +155.02239 159.49689 155.23783 159.55365 155.45693 159.58785 curveto +155.88379 159.65639 156.30002 159.70111 156.73423 159.65718 curveto +157.18935 159.61113 157.61182 159.45448 158.04982 159.33591 curveto +158.14404 159.30144 158.24002 159.27147 158.33247 159.23251 curveto +158.56036 159.13648 158.48794 159.15296 158.66099 159.0536 curveto +158.69361 159.03486 158.73328 159.02907 158.76207 159.00322 curveto +158.81633 158.96327 158.87732 158.91787 158.93863 158.89017 curveto +158.96033 158.88037 158.9856 158.87872 159.00598 158.86643 curveto +159.01262 158.86243 159.01141 158.8519 159.01412 158.84464 curveto +159.06461 158.83416 159.10928 158.82332 159.1623 158.82176 curveto +159.21753 158.82013 159.27687 158.86478 159.33446 158.84972 curveto +159.50693 158.88655 159.63336 159.00572 159.77594 159.10207 curveto +160.39463 159.48409 161.05386 159.80745 161.77081 159.95526 curveto +162.08516 159.99742 162.40335 160.06024 162.72333 160.03071 curveto +163.35715 159.9722 162.82786 159.96346 163.26546 159.89095 curveto +163.36521 159.87442 163.36829 159.90381 163.42825 159.96389 curveto +163.88748 160.39164 164.38147 160.77863 164.93792 161.07481 curveto +165.51947 161.35627 166.10739 161.67357 166.77177 161.69399 curveto +167.1843 161.70668 167.33686 161.60299 167.67127 161.45398 curveto +167.8032 161.47004 167.82645 161.42768 167.8743 161.54254 curveto +167.90027 161.57662 168.04807 161.55849 167.98624 161.61891 curveto +167.95648 161.648 167.96871 161.61111 167.9613 161.64614 curveto +167.94963 161.69041 167.91513 161.68826 167.91379 161.69166 curveto +167.89593 161.73689 168.1398 161.71403 167.87362 161.73843 curveto +167.84493 161.74587 167.81122 161.74291 167.78757 161.76076 curveto +167.78226 161.76477 167.79848 161.798 167.84917 161.83362 curveto +167.97921 161.92502 168.13782 161.964 168.28227 162.02439 curveto +169.55666 162.34151 170.7855 162.3362 172.07322 162.05236 curveto +172.81683 161.79057 173.0597 161.74107 173.73259 161.37464 curveto +174.32724 161.05081 174.19231 161.06754 174.67279 160.72594 curveto +174.90741 160.55914 174.83669 160.57754 175.00484 160.56295 curveto +175.03262 160.57353 175.06749 160.61063 175.07356 160.61215 curveto +175.13542 160.6277 175.20746 160.61017 175.26767 160.63883 curveto +175.46368 160.66106 175.66552 160.68256 175.85443 160.60907 curveto +175.85443 164.76205 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +149.20402 162.47893 moveto +148.74942 162.12189 148.27343 161.78054 147.75566 161.51941 curveto +147.33207 161.30578 146.81924 161.12355 146.36101 160.99751 curveto +146.16783 160.94438 145.96997 160.91001 145.77445 160.86625 curveto +145.33691 160.77853 144.89426 160.70223 144.44691 160.69354 curveto +144.36423 160.69194 144.28151 160.69679 144.19883 160.69534 curveto +144.09501 160.70036 144.0144 160.64341 143.92424 160.60471 curveto +143.7514 160.60699 143.64986 160.48519 143.51839 160.39093 curveto +143.31971 160.24403 143.0935 160.16245 142.85667 160.10312 curveto +142.7406 160.08762 142.63278 160.06882 142.55274 159.97768 curveto +142.51812 159.95689 142.52701 159.91248 142.50627 159.88473 curveto +142.49309 159.86709 142.47285 159.85594 142.45762 159.84002 curveto +142.41031 159.79058 142.38542 159.74494 142.332 159.70101 curveto +142.21808 159.60259 142.13841 159.47581 142.04434 159.36002 curveto +141.93843 159.24357 141.84727 159.11637 141.72326 159.01761 curveto +141.71261 159.00913 141.52553 158.87753 141.52167 158.87481 curveto +141.34041 158.71124 141.13809 158.57411 140.92325 158.45907 curveto +140.80902 158.41064 140.72123 158.36055 140.63954 158.26485 curveto +140.49457 158.14812 140.35876 158.02071 140.21839 157.89858 curveto +140.0635 157.73636 139.88059 157.60222 139.69088 157.48356 curveto +139.52053 157.36047 139.33002 157.27208 139.13967 157.18539 curveto +139.06363 157.14135 138.97963 157.13303 138.89527 157.11633 curveto +139.44845 152.92346 lineto +139.31932 152.96456 139.33829 152.97958 139.4067 153.08063 curveto +139.53412 153.24491 139.74196 153.36364 139.91786 153.47013 curveto +140.11187 153.59478 140.31965 153.69688 140.51234 153.82386 curveto +140.64083 153.93755 140.77022 154.04915 140.89961 154.16106 curveto +141.01892 154.1996 141.12336 154.29767 141.20098 154.39344 curveto +141.36934 154.58353 141.5701 154.73739 141.78847 154.86584 curveto +141.88564 154.95108 141.98837 155.03304 142.09824 155.10174 curveto +142.19272 155.16082 142.29729 155.20339 142.37085 155.2919 curveto +142.47533 155.38032 142.58674 155.45686 142.66464 155.57244 curveto +142.72686 155.65891 142.66204 155.57966 142.76216 155.66238 curveto +142.77698 155.67463 142.78862 155.69029 142.80186 155.70425 curveto +142.81171 155.71788 142.81855 155.7343 142.83142 155.74513 curveto +142.85048 155.76118 142.8753 155.76899 142.89571 155.78328 curveto +142.90871 155.79239 142.91937 155.80444 142.9312 155.81502 curveto +142.93655 155.82356 142.9419 155.8321 142.94724 155.84063 curveto +142.94311 155.84874 142.93186 155.85635 142.93484 155.86495 curveto +142.93915 155.87738 142.96067 155.87828 142.96465 155.89083 curveto +142.96813 155.90181 142.94927 155.91276 142.9534 155.92353 curveto +142.96923 155.96481 143.03332 155.97586 143.04859 156.01589 curveto +143.24277 156.17074 143.4638 156.28503 143.70087 156.35978 curveto +143.73537 156.36843 143.76926 156.38005 143.80437 156.38573 curveto +143.85085 156.39326 143.91891 156.37979 143.96031 156.41466 curveto +143.96601 156.41945 143.96244 156.43172 143.96901 156.43523 curveto +143.98693 156.44483 144.0083 156.44567 144.02795 156.45089 curveto +144.17334 156.47588 144.29743 156.52308 144.39397 156.64109 curveto +144.51499 156.7894 144.6584 156.90495 144.80434 157.02893 curveto +145.14786 157.32076 145.50339 157.59682 145.88843 157.83317 curveto +146.07916 157.94173 146.26315 158.06311 146.46062 158.15885 curveto +147.38154 158.60532 148.29405 158.81068 149.29084 158.50913 curveto +149.20402 162.47893 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.1387 163.57067 moveto +142.2143 163.72144 142.28207 163.87431 142.4015 163.99514 curveto +142.41201 164.00555 142.42694 164.01288 142.43303 164.02636 curveto +142.4362 164.03336 142.42266 164.04096 142.42544 164.04813 curveto +142.43426 164.07091 142.47505 164.07719 142.47556 164.10162 curveto +142.47582 164.11428 142.45443 164.11779 142.44988 164.1296 curveto +142.40918 164.15212 142.42626 164.15223 142.4657 164.16144 curveto +142.53946 164.18085 142.61599 164.17252 142.69054 164.16286 curveto +142.80881 164.18287 142.92688 164.20815 143.04583 164.22741 curveto +143.06489 164.2277 143.11397 164.22696 143.13408 164.2326 curveto +143.15237 164.23773 143.16846 164.24926 143.18676 164.25435 curveto +143.25766 164.27407 143.33479 164.27225 143.40755 164.274 curveto +143.52249 164.28589 143.63347 164.24348 143.74594 164.2359 curveto +143.78419 164.22826 143.83825 164.25851 143.87453 164.23865 curveto +143.87971 164.23582 143.86084 164.23093 143.86283 164.22538 curveto +143.86838 164.20989 143.89193 164.20996 143.90577 164.20108 curveto +143.99604 164.14711 143.88192 164.16344 143.83733 164.14701 curveto +144.25957 168.35337 lineto +144.19115 168.37538 144.12146 168.38989 144.04987 168.39645 curveto +143.94858 168.41627 143.84987 168.42152 143.74672 168.42339 curveto +143.63158 168.41614 143.51805 168.37341 143.4006 168.38276 curveto +143.31969 168.38194 143.23819 168.37983 143.15759 168.38902 curveto +143.13128 168.39202 143.10561 168.40065 143.07914 168.4015 curveto +143.04553 168.40258 143.0043 168.38714 142.973 168.37753 curveto +142.87606 168.35903 142.79076 168.33171 142.6931 168.36186 curveto +142.61311 168.35249 142.53222 168.3474 142.45262 168.36402 curveto +142.35981 168.3718 142.2536 168.36831 142.16857 168.33087 curveto +142.13162 168.31309 142.08887 168.30551 142.05629 168.28062 curveto +142.03771 168.26641 142.04458 168.23334 142.02885 168.21603 curveto +141.95585 168.13577 141.98434 168.217 141.96453 168.122 curveto +141.93488 168.00745 141.86153 167.92162 141.80339 167.82074 curveto +141.78961 167.79683 141.78258 167.76938 141.76845 167.74568 curveto +141.75845 167.72893 141.74384 167.71541 141.73154 167.70027 curveto +142.1387 163.57067 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.22267 155.82435 moveto +140.8314 155.356 140.27348 155.10869 139.72973 154.86605 curveto +139.38119 154.72009 139.02836 154.56734 138.72313 154.34124 curveto +138.64125 154.30402 138.57989 154.23395 138.49889 154.19557 curveto +138.47206 154.18286 138.42752 154.18632 138.41806 154.15819 curveto +138.41626 154.15285 138.42515 154.14944 138.42869 154.14506 curveto +138.43373 154.14089 138.4476 154.13786 138.4438 154.13255 curveto +138.41742 154.09573 138.33072 154.08051 138.29686 154.06428 curveto +138.25772 154.04552 138.22587 154.01425 138.18928 153.99091 curveto +137.89091 153.76976 137.5882 153.55526 137.28497 153.34056 curveto +136.99203 153.10108 136.66178 152.91707 136.3334 152.73232 curveto +136.15747 152.65535 136.0452 152.50814 135.92467 152.36712 curveto +135.82558 152.24632 135.65883 152.23113 135.53999 152.14396 curveto +135.50252 152.11166 135.43804 152.12793 135.3997 152.10317 curveto +135.38954 152.09661 135.39984 152.07839 135.39536 152.06716 curveto +135.37762 152.02272 135.35419 151.98076 135.33361 151.93756 curveto +135.09688 151.50744 134.70852 151.20504 134.30915 150.93504 curveto +134.27085 150.91038 134.23349 150.88421 134.19426 150.86106 curveto +134.13858 150.8282 133.96305 150.76891 133.92481 150.73434 curveto +133.89233 150.70499 133.86746 150.66818 133.83878 150.6351 curveto +133.81975 150.54208 133.79911 150.44938 133.78168 150.35605 curveto +133.70313 149.93535 133.7203 149.9263 133.60864 149.51833 curveto +133.52451 149.21098 133.40986 148.91702 133.28435 148.6249 curveto +133.16452 148.41423 133.09874 148.17796 132.99597 147.96011 curveto +132.92192 147.80314 132.89511 147.78079 132.79479 147.64724 curveto +132.66307 147.48239 132.5244 147.32137 132.354 147.19588 curveto +132.33019 147.15852 132.2559 147.15494 132.23382 147.11811 curveto +132.16979 147.01134 132.11259 146.5775 132.09291 146.47009 curveto +131.99476 145.91846 131.87561 145.3705 131.68783 144.84175 curveto +131.61348 144.6324 131.54713 144.48018 131.46288 144.27824 curveto +131.35732 144.06022 131.27009 143.81622 131.10155 143.63601 curveto +131.08944 143.62424 131.07524 143.61429 131.06523 143.60069 curveto +131.00927 143.52472 131.07739 143.59063 131.02509 143.52969 curveto +130.98519 143.4832 130.946 143.44621 130.91216 143.39411 curveto +130.94205 143.37662 130.90758 143.34677 130.91845 143.32718 curveto +130.94651 143.27657 131.01002 143.29965 131.055 143.2886 curveto +130.96593 143.28954 130.87641 143.30918 130.78666 143.3013 curveto +130.66424 143.29144 130.54137 143.29234 130.42015 143.31212 curveto +130.32139 143.32152 130.22279 143.32146 130.12355 143.31774 curveto +130.01139 143.31368 129.92951 143.22999 129.84137 143.16913 curveto +129.73311 143.08576 129.60648 143.06797 129.48038 143.02779 curveto +129.46763 143.01825 129.4534 143.01043 129.44213 142.99919 curveto +129.43524 142.99231 129.43445 142.98035 129.42681 142.97433 curveto +129.39718 142.95097 129.33124 142.93059 129.30527 142.90546 curveto +129.29954 142.89991 129.22043 142.76973 129.21742 142.76482 curveto +129.11621 142.6022 129.01397 142.441 128.87872 142.3044 curveto +128.84552 142.24768 128.75596 142.23071 128.72324 142.1759 curveto +128.71723 142.16583 128.72033 142.15264 128.71887 142.14101 curveto +128.70914 142.12638 128.6994 142.11175 128.68967 142.09713 curveto +128.62664 142.0096 128.64508 141.89474 128.58924 141.80215 curveto +128.56739 141.76075 128.5166 141.74563 128.48961 141.70958 curveto +128.44809 141.65412 128.36735 141.34293 128.35459 141.30317 curveto +128.23343 140.99733 128.04326 140.72298 127.82705 140.47662 curveto +127.70989 140.37898 127.69457 140.24727 127.64551 140.11252 curveto +127.63028 140.07071 127.60929 140.03123 127.59118 139.99058 curveto +127.55416 139.82421 127.40891 139.70517 127.36462 139.54501 curveto +127.27597 139.31794 127.24062 139.07123 127.18786 138.83318 curveto +127.2066 138.80019 127.05957 138.55165 127.11221 138.62531 curveto +127.46734 134.39266 lineto +127.48827 134.41918 127.5125 134.44316 127.53171 134.47096 curveto +127.6098 134.58394 127.63387 134.72519 127.70877 134.84044 curveto +127.77356 135.03608 127.81632 135.2385 127.85951 135.43929 curveto +127.91498 135.55298 127.87511 135.4532 127.90002 135.57794 curveto +127.9285 135.72058 127.98675 135.85613 128.05567 135.98335 curveto +128.13418 136.16217 128.05044 135.99545 128.15507 136.14417 curveto +128.20053 136.20879 128.21102 136.27906 128.22851 136.35368 curveto +128.23638 136.38729 128.24615 136.42042 128.25497 136.45379 curveto +128.31322 136.60436 128.38008 136.74401 128.4531 136.88801 curveto +128.54428 137.06784 128.62429 137.25514 128.77153 137.39872 curveto +128.82052 137.43747 128.87746 137.46683 128.92127 137.51135 curveto +128.94947 137.54 128.92966 137.58885 128.94409 137.62104 curveto +128.95205 137.6388 128.96707 137.65246 128.97856 137.66818 curveto +129.02139 137.71936 129.08046 137.75787 129.11941 137.81147 curveto +129.13043 137.82663 129.13485 137.84574 129.14463 137.86174 curveto +129.15425 137.87746 129.17139 137.88887 129.1774 137.90629 curveto +129.18151 137.9182 129.17443 137.9313 129.17294 137.94381 curveto +129.18949 138.06425 129.15663 137.87214 129.20803 138.01027 curveto +129.21756 138.0359 129.19481 138.06519 129.20039 138.09196 curveto +129.20368 138.10776 129.25362 138.20525 129.2578 138.21365 curveto +129.35133 138.37667 129.48044 138.51401 129.58797 138.66767 curveto +129.60479 138.68353 129.62159 138.69941 129.63843 138.71526 curveto +129.64983 138.72598 129.66694 138.73282 129.67269 138.74738 curveto +129.67673 138.75761 129.66259 138.76817 129.66366 138.77912 curveto +129.66912 138.83476 129.74862 138.81497 129.76801 138.86378 curveto +129.76311 138.87416 129.75237 138.88349 129.75331 138.89493 curveto +129.75773 138.9483 129.98377 138.98676 130.03233 139.02484 curveto +130.0438 139.02923 130.22594 139.09895 130.23198 139.1065 curveto +130.23578 139.11124 130.2261 139.11715 130.22317 139.12248 curveto +130.21781 139.12685 130.20143 139.13163 130.2071 139.13558 curveto +130.23998 139.15848 130.37461 139.12209 130.41849 139.14436 curveto +130.53199 139.1624 130.64763 139.16368 130.76099 139.14243 curveto +130.85326 139.11847 130.9515 139.11921 131.0446 139.09518 curveto +131.16918 139.08603 131.29738 139.08788 131.40102 139.16889 curveto +131.4312 139.19248 131.43258 139.24291 131.47031 139.26055 curveto +131.41702 139.42686 131.48485 139.38114 131.52784 139.53837 curveto +131.69635 139.90153 131.81892 140.28111 131.91706 140.66938 curveto +132.10069 141.35897 132.30493 142.04484 132.58409 142.70267 curveto +132.60773 142.75062 132.62963 142.79948 132.65502 142.84653 curveto +132.67336 142.8805 132.71601 142.91108 132.70892 142.94902 curveto +132.70661 142.96139 132.69095 142.96919 132.69012 142.98175 curveto +132.68927 142.99461 132.72451 143.08326 132.726 143.0872 curveto +132.7714 143.18593 132.83793 143.26196 132.89627 143.35319 curveto +132.98602 143.49355 133.06977 143.63776 133.16848 143.77268 curveto +133.20527 143.82896 133.23956 143.88694 133.27884 143.94151 curveto +133.32431 144.00469 133.48789 144.19773 133.52728 144.26826 curveto +133.64852 144.48536 133.66771 144.74548 133.73951 144.97867 curveto +133.84139 145.34589 133.82051 145.2851 133.94143 145.6593 curveto +134.03934 145.96229 134.12317 146.29297 134.32639 146.54584 curveto +134.31622 146.55857 134.29866 146.56797 134.29589 146.58403 curveto +134.27644 146.69661 134.5507 146.97456 134.60569 147.05775 curveto +134.81586 147.32626 135.15677 147.70496 135.46989 147.84651 curveto +135.51711 147.86786 135.57079 147.87019 135.62125 147.88202 curveto +135.70707 147.88333 135.76214 147.88139 135.75882 147.89522 curveto +135.75463 147.9127 135.71763 147.89419 135.70653 147.90832 curveto +135.70636 147.90854 135.80596 147.98951 135.80781 147.99102 curveto +135.88345 148.04856 135.87615 148.08177 135.93639 148.1399 curveto +136.01248 148.21332 136.11342 148.25602 136.20161 148.31147 curveto +136.26003 148.34543 136.32651 148.3795 136.37713 148.4258 curveto +136.47311 148.51359 136.53153 148.63867 136.61134 148.73922 curveto +136.6829 148.81882 136.74802 148.90425 136.82231 148.9813 curveto +137.0227 149.18913 137.26083 149.35868 137.50446 149.5112 curveto +137.77081 149.66562 138.03769 149.8289 138.34741 149.8761 curveto +138.35829 149.87806 138.47563 149.89861 138.48666 149.90306 curveto +138.49542 149.90659 138.49679 149.92064 138.50554 149.92421 curveto +138.56232 149.94733 138.63552 149.938 138.69189 149.96158 curveto +138.74121 149.98278 138.77578 149.9848 138.79913 150.03712 curveto +138.80817 150.05735 138.80187 150.0825 138.81156 150.10243 curveto +138.85926 150.2005 138.96498 150.26444 139.01703 150.35966 curveto +139.1522 150.50638 139.08607 150.42825 139.21429 150.59499 curveto +139.41633 150.82246 139.66878 151.00531 139.90893 151.18865 curveto +140.25489 151.40077 140.60466 151.65824 141.01908 151.71386 curveto +141.17078 151.73421 141.25327 151.71046 141.39038 151.68457 curveto +141.22267 155.82435 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.84586 136.31021 moveto +129.09482 137.20734 129.38469 138.09033 129.78021 138.93501 curveto +130.02684 139.46172 130.19248 139.72608 130.47696 140.21868 curveto +130.91131 140.94932 131.34736 141.6782 131.85262 142.3624 curveto +131.8907 142.4208 131.93064 142.47804 131.96687 142.53761 curveto +132.12202 142.79272 132.03564 142.68803 132.21477 142.93642 curveto +132.3835 143.17038 132.57694 143.38186 132.77126 143.59433 curveto +133.08748 143.91446 133.42563 144.20926 133.81082 144.4442 curveto +134.14233 144.6464 134.50298 144.81101 134.84969 144.98529 curveto +134.94814 145.03662 135.04946 145.08277 135.14503 145.13926 curveto +135.24657 145.19929 135.75311 145.5444 135.82801 145.59456 curveto +136.21277 145.85225 136.46857 146.00913 136.84401 146.30666 curveto +137.09716 146.50727 137.33839 146.72247 137.58558 146.93038 curveto +137.89046 147.19359 138.18996 147.46316 138.50021 147.72002 curveto +138.83584 147.9979 139.17476 148.27217 139.52283 148.53429 curveto +140.19729 149.0422 140.95449 149.53785 141.6545 150.00866 curveto +141.55511 151.72429 lineto +141.19444 151.49561 140.8342 151.26623 140.47309 151.03823 curveto +140.12132 150.81613 139.77805 150.57977 139.41649 150.374 curveto +138.48618 149.84456 138.40795 149.85789 137.45517 149.50969 curveto +137.01372 149.39135 136.57089 149.278 136.13083 149.15456 curveto +135.73128 149.04248 135.31132 148.92823 134.94937 148.71725 curveto +134.84611 148.65707 134.7531 148.58083 134.65497 148.51262 curveto +134.19486 148.17683 133.7309 147.83825 133.22908 147.56612 curveto +133.10527 147.49898 132.97607 147.44228 132.84977 147.37993 curveto +132.74087 147.32617 132.63226 147.27183 132.5235 147.21778 curveto +132.43315 147.16546 132.33828 147.12026 132.25246 147.0608 curveto +132.03127 146.90757 131.68415 146.5308 131.55363 146.29434 curveto +131.50784 146.21138 131.47986 146.11977 131.44298 146.03248 curveto +131.29463 145.61989 131.14829 145.20897 130.97651 144.80522 curveto +130.69493 144.14339 130.7775 144.36405 130.46314 143.6831 curveto +130.36319 143.46661 130.26705 143.24837 130.169 143.03101 curveto +129.99405 142.66106 129.68194 141.98517 129.48304 141.62889 curveto +129.36914 141.42488 129.24811 141.22423 129.11348 141.03327 curveto +128.93431 140.77913 128.74442 140.53387 128.43869 140.43981 curveto +128.84586 136.31021 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.03477 139.08348 moveto +127.93107 138.94603 127.84154 138.94646 127.70594 138.88834 curveto +127.66818 138.86226 127.59928 138.87617 127.5622 138.84855 curveto +127.55867 138.84592 127.56868 138.84193 127.56962 138.83763 curveto +127.57101 138.83129 127.56263 138.83156 127.56027 138.8295 curveto +127.17869 138.7856 127.48755 138.8277 127.47043 138.7807 curveto +127.46167 138.75664 127.43161 138.74729 127.4122 138.73059 curveto +127.31326 138.60943 127.17714 138.49663 127.0178 138.47192 curveto +127.03026 138.46534 126.93394 138.47743 126.95469 138.48233 curveto +128.81513 138.92171 126.58761 133.59122 127.32257 134.34064 curveto +127.32766 134.34686 127.33275 134.35308 127.33783 134.35929 curveto +126.7656 138.54409 lineto +126.76779 138.53684 126.76998 138.52959 126.77217 138.52235 curveto +127.47636 137.27403 126.53736 138.94682 126.7362 134.2831 curveto +126.73813 134.2379 127.09228 134.25738 127.13138 134.26635 curveto +127.15845 134.27256 127.10324 134.37239 127.19 134.32557 curveto +127.33724 134.41705 127.478 134.53987 127.65289 134.56841 curveto +127.68672 134.57235 127.72077 134.57436 127.75452 134.57899 curveto +127.77211 134.5814 127.82446 134.58679 127.80684 134.58906 curveto +127.63977 134.61061 127.64749 134.57202 127.7193 134.60568 curveto +127.75414 134.6194 127.81187 134.62777 127.84157 134.64675 curveto +127.85797 134.65723 127.85263 134.70998 127.87176 134.72165 curveto +128.01362 134.78075 128.11846 134.91509 128.27863 134.94102 curveto +128.03477 139.08348 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.2372 139.55581 moveto +128.14642 139.45048 128.02316 139.3913 127.89327 139.35106 curveto +127.82426 139.32259 127.75859 139.28301 127.68883 139.24879 curveto +127.81837 139.23507 127.62435 139.22774 127.61958 139.15648 curveto +127.66086 139.12636 127.63427 139.08897 127.59097 139.08378 curveto +127.55596 139.0907 127.5303 139.09311 127.49556 139.08441 curveto +127.44648 139.0703 127.39598 139.09311 127.34778 139.08654 curveto +127.32562 139.09999 127.25857 139.06381 127.24207 139.07912 curveto +127.21156 139.10742 127.33042 139.06918 127.24772 139.09294 curveto +127.16782 139.11057 127.08705 139.12448 127.00804 139.14716 curveto +126.91742 139.12954 126.8247 139.12467 126.73393 139.14293 curveto +126.70658 139.1446 126.70128 139.15641 126.68602 139.17426 curveto +126.69802 134.91538 lineto +126.69327 134.93845 126.71442 134.94369 126.73357 134.94709 curveto +126.80445 134.96177 126.88929 134.96919 126.95444 134.93319 curveto +127.00684 134.93885 127.06574 134.92463 127.11151 134.89961 curveto +127.18632 134.87262 127.26786 134.87079 127.34634 134.86725 curveto +127.39509 134.86007 127.4469 134.88271 127.49655 134.86818 curveto +127.55359 134.85695 127.60345 134.86606 127.65831 134.88472 curveto +127.76891 134.90486 127.87922 134.9197 127.98688 134.95332 curveto +128.0049 134.96057 128.03746 134.98572 128.0197 135.01376 curveto +128.00103 135.04322 127.90931 135.00566 128.0829 135.04049 curveto +128.08385 135.05802 128.08414 135.1311 128.08464 135.13165 curveto +128.15875 135.21264 128.11511 135.10525 128.14211 135.18746 curveto +128.16801 135.25046 128.23099 135.26076 128.28477 135.29739 curveto +128.34873 135.34095 128.39899 135.40197 128.48106 135.41336 curveto +128.2372 139.55581 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.95012 134.62336 moveto +127.09528 134.65579 127.23233 134.59041 127.37197 134.56527 curveto +127.33692 134.55332 127.51177 134.54733 127.478 134.53214 curveto +127.43323 134.512 127.35999 134.5132 127.31022 134.5007 curveto +127.30022 134.49773 127.2702 134.49464 127.28023 134.49178 curveto +127.31805 134.48098 127.35894 134.48523 127.39714 134.47589 curveto +127.39567 134.50904 127.3547 134.46121 127.366 134.45653 curveto +127.40241 134.44144 127.44314 134.4396 127.48053 134.4271 curveto +127.49076 134.41057 127.76134 134.39324 127.62646 134.38881 curveto +127.66191 134.37709 127.7127 134.38111 127.74619 134.36664 curveto +127.75541 134.36266 127.73716 134.34233 127.74535 134.33653 curveto +127.76018 134.32603 127.77856 134.32177 127.79517 134.31439 curveto +127.86679 134.26512 127.95722 134.24667 128.03021 134.20052 curveto +128.04546 134.19088 128.0558 134.17509 128.0686 134.16238 curveto +128.0883 134.15041 128.10799 134.13844 128.12769 134.12647 curveto +128.13645 134.10695 128.24953 134.05651 128.24669 134.03061 curveto +128.24513 134.01638 128.22297 134.01458 128.21111 134.00657 curveto +128.52325 138.22613 lineto +128.46147 138.22485 128.4115 138.2296 128.35605 138.26013 curveto +128.24722 138.3282 128.12972 138.38146 128.03779 138.4749 curveto +127.96984 138.54219 127.87735 138.54309 127.80954 138.60541 curveto +127.62035 138.64477 127.75326 138.59509 127.72011 138.64018 curveto +127.73247 138.67134 127.79473 138.65083 127.7351 138.68173 curveto +127.71795 138.69062 127.66499 138.69552 127.68193 138.7048 curveto +127.72101 138.72618 127.83835 138.68762 127.73981 138.71664 curveto +127.62985 138.74362 127.52014 138.76001 127.41001 138.72927 curveto +127.27362 138.72733 127.13551 138.705 127.00903 138.7748 curveto +126.95012 134.62336 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.5367 98.472163 moveto +126.6543 98.54574 126.79293 98.54156 126.92495 98.56326 curveto +127.10345 98.592603 126.95258 98.579457 127.11928 98.589277 curveto +127.26174 98.60038 127.40114 98.594999 127.54224 98.616259 curveto +127.67543 98.644052 127.8012 98.697855 127.93058 98.736839 curveto +127.99459 98.756125 128.15438 98.785758 128.21599 98.797886 curveto +128.49011 98.856882 128.76876 98.860502 129.04733 98.86476 curveto +129.25601 98.880723 129.4643 98.888084 129.67029 98.926358 curveto +129.79033 98.954449 129.91319 98.973106 130.02806 99.019764 curveto +130.09808 99.039516 130.16118 99.065119 130.23555 99.061878 curveto +130.39602 99.068069 130.54763 99.120057 130.69917 99.172458 curveto +130.83778 99.233313 131.01878 99.318081 131.16089 99.35134 curveto +131.34096 99.393481 131.63282 99.401643 131.81481 99.408122 curveto +132.07169 99.417267 132.24497 99.417745 132.50253 99.420769 curveto +132.83206 99.392301 133.16475 99.386375 133.49292 99.342175 curveto +133.59595 99.328299 133.69742 99.304541 133.80008 99.288115 curveto +133.90237 99.271746 134.0065 99.26598 134.10769 99.243801 curveto +134.19704 99.224217 134.28256 99.190066 134.36999 99.163199 curveto +134.56732 99.080107 134.97417 98.974307 135.06093 98.748439 curveto +133.58129 98.434046 134.85675 98.661419 134.86032 102.87481 curveto +134.86033 102.89351 134.98493 102.833 134.98701 102.82211 curveto +134.99353 102.78789 134.87837 102.72833 134.87588 102.72676 curveto +134.67844 102.58871 134.44836 102.519 134.22218 102.44433 curveto +134.18148 102.43114 134.14111 102.41686 134.10007 102.40477 curveto +133.96514 102.36501 133.92923 102.3682 133.79488 102.30358 curveto +133.47174 102.14816 133.60433 102.16443 133.22736 102.02551 curveto +133.1101 101.98229 132.98777 101.95431 132.86797 101.91872 curveto +132.74172 101.89048 132.61455 101.86604 132.48921 101.83401 curveto +132.06331 101.72517 132.06811 101.6913 131.63064 101.62271 curveto +131.27353 101.56672 130.9093 101.56346 130.54899 101.56474 curveto +130.19058 101.57204 129.832 101.60759 129.47417 101.5752 curveto +129.24629 101.57493 129.04821 101.47443 128.83974 101.39841 curveto +128.6015 101.30562 128.34224 101.32405 128.09644 101.27855 curveto +128.04459 101.26047 127.98525 101.26856 127.93292 101.25369 curveto +127.90954 101.24704 127.87073 101.21743 127.84512 101.20593 curveto +127.75532 101.17834 127.71136 101.09158 127.63541 101.04244 curveto +127.50681 100.97575 127.36932 100.94521 127.22748 100.92401 curveto +125.64634 100.72836 126.91054 98.974654 126.95146 96.672994 curveto +126.95221 96.630801 127.03448 96.6563 127.07427 96.642264 curveto +127.08757 96.637573 127.09717 96.625799 127.10862 96.617566 curveto +127.19946 96.577055 127.29731 96.551498 127.39368 96.528157 curveto +127.41573 96.522817 127.43942 96.524366 127.46077 96.516692 curveto +127.46618 96.514748 127.46591 96.506412 127.46848 96.501272 curveto +127.49114 96.49608 127.51379 96.490889 127.53645 96.485697 curveto +127.55634 96.478417 127.5755 96.468691 127.59613 96.463857 curveto +127.77548 96.421826 127.66638 96.476103 127.88542 96.393572 curveto +128.03017 96.33903 128.25985 96.221631 128.392 96.156822 curveto +129.04477 95.824541 129.64536 95.396857 130.19974 94.920029 curveto +130.4626 94.689028 130.70468 94.438201 130.98988 94.234661 curveto +131.14185 94.130186 131.32705 94.123856 131.50141 94.082466 curveto +131.64447 94.063311 131.77601 94.012113 131.89824 93.936606 curveto +131.92235 93.925106 131.94849 93.917127 131.97058 93.902104 curveto +131.98522 93.892143 132.03659 93.830053 132.03594 93.827002 curveto +132.03264 93.811298 132.01285 93.802278 131.9973 93.798285 curveto +131.96319 93.789522 131.8913 93.7548 131.89196 93.790015 curveto +131.91846 95.190435 132.01503 96.588652 132.07657 97.98797 curveto +132.05542 97.969917 132.05623 97.968037 132.01956 97.958325 curveto +131.97486 97.94649 131.92814 97.944319 131.88272 97.935656 curveto +131.76785 97.913743 131.77179 97.911747 131.64475 97.876941 curveto +131.34898 97.836079 131.047 97.842168 130.75503 97.905065 curveto +130.57165 97.942318 130.37798 97.929228 130.19735 97.883794 curveto +130.02396 97.821805 129.84263 97.790924 129.66359 97.751492 curveto +129.48267 97.717351 129.32998 97.611268 129.156 97.554609 curveto +129.0639 97.504512 128.93763 97.511114 128.85235 97.446805 curveto +128.83289 97.43213 128.81888 97.411364 128.80214 97.393644 curveto +128.75477 97.274348 128.69672 97.161806 128.62393 97.055579 curveto +127.53519 96.090862 127.2356 93.498849 128.49357 92.717744 curveto +128.56773 92.675033 128.65811 92.672675 128.73577 92.642093 curveto +128.74714 92.637619 128.75297 92.624258 128.76362 92.618292 curveto +128.80175 92.596945 128.84981 92.586366 128.89095 92.574743 curveto +128.94198 92.514089 129.02148 92.510299 129.08964 92.484501 curveto +129.10659 92.478083 129.1653 92.431205 129.1791 92.420585 curveto +129.3921 92.345632 129.60616 92.271947 129.81631 92.188943 curveto +130.09254 92.03906 130.36248 91.878549 130.62274 91.701784 curveto +130.79476 91.604278 130.94673 91.480413 131.09029 91.345695 curveto +131.11564 91.326329 131.13954 91.304907 131.16634 91.287597 curveto +131.31337 91.192613 131.40206 91.150262 131.52627 91.018312 curveto +131.54857 90.960009 131.57249 90.897594 131.55498 90.835245 curveto +131.53924 92.221771 131.5235 93.608296 131.50775 94.994822 curveto +131.52707 94.959338 131.58868 94.987122 131.60699 94.969733 curveto +131.61881 94.958503 131.57412 94.960953 131.56241 94.949618 curveto +131.55327 94.940785 131.56725 94.924643 131.56863 94.912013 curveto +131.50182 94.872886 131.42556 94.856976 131.35509 94.824552 curveto +131.25683 94.787724 131.15024 94.785174 131.04659 94.780755 curveto +130.94449 94.816273 130.83531 94.823966 130.73015 94.848413 curveto +130.57127 94.88781 130.42635 94.821547 130.27627 94.774088 curveto +130.08768 94.701394 129.89687 94.623436 129.6939 94.605809 curveto +129.55018 94.597969 129.42019 94.555689 129.29319 94.491302 curveto +129.23713 94.459518 129.16675 94.450329 129.1135 94.413374 curveto +129.10631 94.408385 129.10468 94.398121 129.09888 94.391566 curveto +129.08059 94.370887 129.04695 94.36275 129.02482 94.353279 curveto +129.00031 94.340655 128.94624 94.313567 128.92808 94.299936 curveto +128.90931 94.285848 128.8464 94.22682 128.84689 94.194256 curveto +128.86824 92.79531 128.899 91.396524 128.92505 89.997657 curveto +129.03759 89.916959 129.17026 89.87227 129.28692 89.797793 curveto +129.30569 89.783989 129.32446 89.770185 129.34322 89.75638 curveto +129.36806 89.741322 129.39429 89.728368 129.41772 89.711206 curveto +129.43605 89.697773 129.44971 89.678668 129.46791 89.665041 curveto +129.56083 89.595433 129.66944 89.547945 129.77379 89.499437 curveto +130.11346 89.33111 130.40171 89.076255 130.66965 88.811686 curveto +130.82708 88.640217 130.95786 88.446386 131.11404 88.274298 curveto +131.17121 88.213966 131.23708 88.156709 131.30797 88.112631 curveto +131.33422 88.096308 131.3649 88.087542 131.39024 88.069848 curveto +131.39334 88.067683 131.50082 87.963025 131.50279 87.961108 curveto +131.55005 87.86506 131.66061 87.829108 131.72563 87.752246 curveto +131.81275 87.649244 131.65046 87.779078 131.79253 87.676222 curveto +131.80396 87.606656 131.87331 87.614617 131.92271 87.587867 curveto +131.93686 87.580204 131.94412 87.563506 131.95706 87.553945 curveto +132.03659 87.506331 131.99925 87.531667 132.06951 87.478555 curveto +132.15017 87.410052 132.24164 87.351122 132.34262 87.317488 curveto +132.36542 87.31233 132.38945 87.311036 132.41101 87.302013 curveto +132.41816 87.299023 132.44958 87.259498 132.45534 87.255626 curveto +132.50076 87.225092 132.54906 87.202011 132.59357 87.168739 curveto +132.59482 87.16756 132.65725 87.110745 132.6575 87.104386 curveto +132.65869 87.074492 132.58131 87.026291 132.58178 87.056205 curveto +132.64686 91.19106 133.71751 92.176964 132.68183 91.217027 curveto +132.5689 91.176004 132.44171 91.198001 132.32306 91.201554 curveto +132.21124 91.216682 132.0968 91.205563 131.98506 91.218758 curveto +131.91573 91.23715 131.84391 91.227789 131.77414 91.242536 curveto +131.71102 91.243729 131.65099 91.228841 131.58796 91.238623 curveto +131.4839 91.248804 131.41182 91.196753 131.32751 91.175135 curveto +131.29671 91.113984 131.17475 91.13564 131.14202 91.095171 curveto +131.13681 91.088729 131.15541 91.085416 131.16211 91.080538 curveto +131.16681 91.041956 131.16364 91.093437 131.09917 91.027683 curveto +131.07893 91.012271 131.09246 90.977126 131.07582 90.960031 curveto +131.0689 90.952928 130.99307 90.908423 130.97939 90.900279 curveto +130.9565 90.857225 130.92484 90.866243 130.88351 90.842078 curveto +130.86513 90.83133 130.85358 90.808507 130.83134 90.797276 curveto +130.80971 90.790056 130.6293 90.728474 130.61926 90.701935 curveto +130.61444 90.689231 130.63616 90.680663 130.64461 90.670027 curveto +130.65658 90.660913 130.67869 90.657617 130.68051 90.642684 curveto +130.68427 90.612027 130.58686 90.530572 130.56456 90.518583 curveto +130.5401 90.505429 130.51322 90.4974 130.48754 90.486809 curveto +130.49202 89.089068 130.4965 87.691327 130.50098 86.293586 curveto +130.51526 86.284509 130.52819 86.272849 130.54381 86.266356 curveto +130.56732 86.256587 130.59345 86.254423 130.61721 86.245281 curveto +130.63074 86.240073 130.64123 86.228381 130.65492 86.223598 curveto +130.7408 86.193594 130.72329 86.232837 130.73707 86.187674 curveto +130.76619 86.106815 130.86646 86.096206 130.90807 86.033485 curveto +130.97558 85.985095 131.05848 85.953499 131.12468 85.904218 curveto +131.13937 85.893288 131.14869 85.876574 131.16069 85.862752 curveto +131.1805 85.84948 131.2003 85.836208 131.22011 85.822937 curveto +131.35664 85.767604 131.47101 85.672293 131.60884 85.619325 curveto +131.65202 85.586722 131.71315 85.576327 131.75737 85.548328 curveto +131.77387 85.537879 131.79054 85.489799 131.80107 85.472292 curveto +131.81308 85.460267 131.8505 85.424393 131.85644 85.410734 curveto +131.86127 85.399616 131.85169 85.384639 131.85819 85.374405 curveto +131.87372 85.349964 131.95037 85.292441 131.97653 85.272508 curveto +132.02641 85.256116 132.04513 85.196754 132.08425 85.16932 curveto +132.12395 85.141474 132.17848 85.125678 132.22104 85.100153 curveto +132.33282 85.010021 132.12185 85.174352 132.30543 85.061127 curveto +132.31107 85.057647 132.30275 85.045619 132.30785 85.041388 curveto +132.34231 85.012831 132.40854 84.994772 132.44995 84.984343 curveto +132.52833 84.954315 132.57496 84.887437 132.65033 84.852092 curveto +132.68851 84.81169 132.74961 84.80205 132.79319 84.773067 curveto +132.80337 84.766302 132.80501 84.750923 132.81452 84.743259 curveto +132.88833 84.683815 132.85063 84.746983 132.8816 84.681908 curveto +132.98244 84.624058 132.97855 84.612405 132.97493 84.506581 curveto +132.68494 83.124167 132.96925 84.473356 132.94948 88.672294 curveto +132.94946 88.67765 132.94685 88.658844 132.9516 88.656365 curveto +132.97917 88.641965 133.00739 88.639338 133.03547 88.624145 curveto +133.00389 88.597432 132.95534 88.606313 132.91567 88.60181 curveto +132.84071 88.595159 132.76306 88.593821 132.68794 88.601973 curveto +132.60932 88.590948 132.53066 88.60186 132.45198 88.598564 curveto +132.38828 88.603207 132.32487 88.604179 132.26145 88.610232 curveto +132.20799 88.617812 132.02661 88.61449 132.02437 88.580792 curveto +132.02058 88.577884 132.01384 88.576772 132.01299 88.572068 curveto +132.01217 88.567581 132.0216 88.56526 132.02072 88.560783 curveto +132.01846 88.549158 131.91941 88.530948 131.89006 88.515959 curveto +131.8359 88.491299 131.77352 88.49924 131.71824 88.478686 curveto +131.70686 88.474456 131.70812 88.45604 131.69957 88.447426 curveto +131.66715 88.425774 131.68199 88.434009 131.61287 88.414892 curveto +131.57475 88.404351 131.49753 88.426126 131.49765 88.386578 curveto +131.50059 87.453918 130.27121 84.322953 131.79063 84.142292 curveto +131.86753 84.128999 131.9351 84.096513 132.0146 84.087478 curveto +132 84.054569 132.01318 84.096321 132.04359 84.061842 curveto +132.04814 84.056684 132.03886 84.048924 132.0365 84.042465 curveto +132.0384 84.034018 132.03567 84.022822 132.04219 84.017124 curveto +132.09555 83.970477 132.09206 84.022313 132.08874 83.973198 curveto +132.1278 83.946126 132.06512 83.939257 132.07082 83.922146 curveto +132.07892 83.897836 132.16927 83.872923 132.16959 83.839232 curveto +132.16968 83.82903 132.15332 83.826904 132.14519 83.82074 curveto +132.07184 83.74832 132.27031 83.75471 132.1928 83.694779 curveto +132.2329 83.696393 132.25366 83.658419 132.28685 83.646629 curveto +132.32858 83.631807 132.38396 83.644957 132.41563 83.614009 curveto +132.42159 83.608193 132.40037 83.606232 132.39513 83.599765 curveto +132.39113 83.594829 132.3913 83.587652 132.38939 83.581596 curveto +132.40356 83.582415 132.54559 83.526984 132.5369 83.502794 curveto +132.53272 83.491144 132.51498 83.491291 132.50402 83.48554 curveto +132.47183 83.425788 132.44289 83.435839 132.41535 83.3663 curveto +132.37318 83.308218 132.40322 83.319707 132.45198 83.289576 curveto +132.48259 83.270654 132.50726 83.24341 132.53609 83.221871 curveto +132.51202 83.212245 132.53863 83.158306 132.52519 83.146986 curveto +132.51727 83.140306 132.48683 83.143364 132.49551 83.137708 curveto +132.51914 83.122324 132.54956 83.121592 132.57658 83.113534 curveto +132.58046 83.109053 132.6831 83.069062 132.67292 83.062677 curveto +132.65702 83.052697 132.61181 83.074261 132.61697 83.056205 curveto +132.62289 83.035447 132.6591 83.046448 132.67954 83.039509 curveto +132.69175 83.035364 132.70289 83.028553 132.71457 83.023074 curveto +132.69172 83.017833 132.77584 83.00156 132.75963 82.994045 curveto +132.74047 82.985166 132.71724 82.992048 132.69664 82.987444 curveto +132.68151 82.984063 132.64465 82.965739 132.65907 82.960052 curveto +132.69105 82.947435 132.7265 82.946594 132.76021 82.939866 curveto +132.71672 82.87507 132.84723 82.895926 132.80197 82.836716 curveto +132.79589 82.733358 132.78298 82.78173 132.89219 82.738245 curveto +132.90196 82.734355 132.89309 82.716945 132.89649 82.706994 curveto +132.91447 82.657605 132.8891 82.710825 132.98369 82.672124 curveto +132.98878 82.670041 132.9738 82.665435 132.97236 82.660127 curveto +132.96005 82.614924 133.01748 82.63604 132.94181 82.609334 curveto +132.87906 82.556395 133.08848 82.561535 133.07687 82.528378 curveto +133.07207 82.514657 133.04774 82.524256 133.03439 82.518508 curveto +133.02759 82.515583 133.02368 82.50829 133.01833 82.50318 curveto +133.0212 82.480555 133.15035 82.489011 133.16102 82.45926 curveto +133.16352 82.452275 133.14029 82.445736 133.14678 82.442145 curveto +133.17115 82.428668 133.20148 82.430977 133.22793 82.42226 curveto +133.24727 82.415885 133.26503 82.405458 133.28358 82.397058 curveto +133.39737 82.329259 133.51283 82.26591 133.63836 82.222355 curveto +133.82756 82.145511 134.02961 82.108221 134.22135 82.040678 curveto +134.46062 81.994996 134.67737 81.886089 134.90995 81.819537 curveto +134.95076 81.808148 134.99098 81.794376 135.03238 81.785372 curveto +135.22488 81.743507 135.13238 81.776052 135.33597 81.748056 curveto +135.50242 81.725168 135.66755 81.679484 135.832 81.645621 curveto +135.92292 85.565418 lineto +135.62214 85.645408 135.32238 85.722123 135.03277 85.838446 curveto +134.80577 85.918129 134.58348 86.010792 134.35551 86.087901 curveto +134.17528 86.148557 133.99962 86.224821 133.83648 86.322942 curveto +133.72959 86.402756 133.62262 86.481612 133.51721 86.563274 curveto +133.48589 86.596066 133.49184 86.576549 133.50135 86.622394 curveto +133.47207 86.660904 133.34685 86.67762 133.47698 86.704753 curveto +133.46567 86.710999 133.45494 86.718451 133.44304 86.723493 curveto +133.41781 86.734183 133.34456 86.743029 133.39999 86.764467 curveto +133.4145 86.770077 133.43902 86.762903 133.44484 86.777325 curveto +133.4496 86.789107 133.42461 86.7927 133.4145 86.800388 curveto +133.40701 86.804052 133.25796 86.876128 133.2578 86.88551 curveto +133.25754 86.901293 133.29159 86.885584 133.30417 86.895108 curveto +133.30972 86.899306 133.29347 86.904 133.28812 86.908446 curveto +133.27124 86.923045 133.21916 86.935428 133.23584 86.950254 curveto +133.25196 86.964591 133.28032 86.947883 133.30031 86.956011 curveto +133.30373 86.957398 133.2408 87.01111 133.23711 87.016741 curveto +133.22128 87.027943 133.20385 87.037163 133.18963 87.050347 curveto +133.16292 87.075106 133.189 87.069061 133.17729 87.099409 curveto +133.16787 87.123797 133.11926 87.13928 133.10517 87.157358 curveto +133.30775 87.168025 133.0465 87.187934 133.03153 87.233154 curveto +133.03567 87.24827 133.0797 87.250674 133.06875 87.261887 curveto +133.03279 87.298708 132.96036 87.272491 133.02216 87.313558 curveto +133.04239 87.317534 133.0717 87.308143 133.08285 87.325486 curveto +133.0909 87.338016 133.05848 87.342642 133.04678 87.351858 curveto +133.02171 87.3716 133.00609 87.402466 132.97797 87.419004 curveto +133.03417 87.451483 133.07921 87.490104 133.03672 87.553223 curveto +132.99195 87.609943 132.9359 87.649534 132.8695 87.678871 curveto +132.84519 87.687865 132.67506 87.739938 132.71384 87.785124 curveto +132.69938 87.790778 132.5943 87.81732 132.61096 87.829474 curveto +132.61995 87.836032 132.6331 87.836058 132.64113 87.843757 curveto +132.64506 87.847521 132.64224 87.85458 132.6428 87.859991 curveto +132.65053 87.867015 132.65827 87.87404 132.66601 87.881065 curveto +132.54317 87.962169 132.68703 87.950066 132.57229 88.011024 curveto +132.45649 88.07006 132.53089 88.066684 132.50061 88.097483 curveto +132.47421 88.124335 132.43086 88.129039 132.40233 88.153188 curveto +132.38383 88.162493 132.36532 88.171797 132.34681 88.181102 curveto +132.3432 88.187675 132.34218 88.196616 132.33597 88.200823 curveto +132.27177 88.244292 132.18011 88.257871 132.10783 88.279715 curveto +132.05905 88.307149 131.99014 88.325227 131.95058 88.347567 curveto +133.36142 88.70843 132.13409 88.182205 132.11773 84.203866 curveto +132.11758 84.166569 132.04316 84.207467 132.00613 84.211933 curveto +131.98987 84.213895 131.97013 84.211793 131.95828 84.223101 curveto +131.9522 84.228895 131.97137 84.233607 131.97791 84.238859 curveto +131.99583 84.250612 132.05092 84.253854 132.03507 84.268274 curveto +132.02005 84.281939 131.99224 84.268623 131.97524 84.279734 curveto +131.96817 84.284356 132.02187 84.309195 132.0509 84.324568 curveto +132.06121 84.327484 132.07153 84.3304 132.08185 84.333316 curveto +132.07607 84.336458 132.05823 84.340814 132.06452 84.34274 curveto +132.11896 84.359418 132.18839 84.334858 132.2401 84.367542 curveto +132.33723 84.389567 132.2098 84.39021 132.18914 84.396283 curveto +132.16599 84.403089 132.27944 84.383119 132.26147 84.399223 curveto +132.32483 84.405276 132.38818 84.406256 132.45184 84.410869 curveto +132.53012 84.407527 132.6084 84.418349 132.68658 84.406901 curveto +132.76383 84.414798 132.84324 84.411989 132.92041 84.40619 curveto +133.00485 84.400042 133.0913 84.406202 133.17511 84.41609 curveto +134.69275 84.552811 134.54261 88.315217 133.39006 88.709199 curveto +133.31464 88.746689 133.23135 88.777174 133.17048 88.836184 curveto +133.07403 88.886396 132.98748 88.948337 132.89588 89.006865 curveto +132.8212 89.086794 132.7145 89.118484 132.62085 89.170552 curveto +132.5851 89.227768 132.50514 89.238236 132.4576 89.281294 curveto +132.44034 89.292663 132.41694 89.299262 132.40731 89.317542 curveto +132.40427 89.323308 132.40763 89.331712 132.40345 89.336711 curveto +132.37402 89.371883 132.31854 89.388063 132.30123 89.43599 curveto +132.28733 89.454068 132.25011 89.512685 132.23539 89.526802 curveto +132.19137 89.569035 132.12607 89.59181 132.08808 89.642131 curveto +131.99064 89.700747 131.87639 89.718342 131.77521 89.770516 curveto +131.67278 89.822114 131.5633 89.871471 131.48343 89.955988 curveto +131.39421 90.030814 131.28994 90.090961 131.22227 90.189683 curveto +131.20531 90.201777 131.18537 90.210519 131.1714 90.225966 curveto +131.16394 90.234221 131.1664 90.248003 131.16082 90.257633 curveto +131.13354 90.304721 131.08241 90.344199 131.0393 90.37471 curveto +131.02419 90.383678 131.00057 90.385332 130.99398 90.401615 curveto +130.98993 90.411626 131.01457 90.410488 131.02144 90.41882 curveto +131.02565 90.423929 131.01944 90.434063 131.02438 90.438471 curveto +131.04292 90.455001 131.07504 90.462494 131.09868 90.469459 curveto +131.10085 89.087108 131.10301 87.704757 131.10518 86.322405 curveto +131.08132 86.33015 131.05536 86.333166 131.03359 86.345639 curveto +130.97906 86.376884 131.10823 86.52794 131.14906 86.492424 curveto +131.1644 86.499604 131.19199 86.497308 131.19508 86.513964 curveto +131.19759 86.527517 131.16707 86.516759 131.15469 86.522819 curveto +131.12803 86.535868 131.12718 86.601708 131.08028 86.592351 curveto +131.09792 86.606112 131.17471 86.648265 131.18216 86.65787 curveto +131.18719 86.664353 131.17066 86.675034 131.17559 86.681594 curveto +131.18289 86.691304 131.27191 86.734312 131.27645 86.736592 curveto +131.27973 86.740839 131.32135 86.79612 131.3286 86.800187 curveto +131.33868 86.80585 131.43494 86.833529 131.45008 86.848435 curveto +131.4547 86.852981 131.43918 86.855444 131.43373 86.858949 curveto +131.44619 86.864522 131.45865 86.870095 131.47111 86.875668 curveto +131.59408 86.915172 131.48499 86.891526 131.46954 86.926509 curveto +131.46563 86.935358 131.55598 86.972124 131.56308 86.970831 curveto +131.51421 86.991373 131.54367 86.974018 131.58915 86.988105 curveto +131.60921 86.994319 131.67269 87.047746 131.58801 87.033994 curveto +131.65104 87.043787 131.71108 87.028929 131.7742 87.03015 curveto +131.84338 87.04485 131.91454 87.035557 131.98336 87.053409 curveto +132.09335 87.065645 132.206 87.053012 132.31625 87.064033 curveto +132.46242 87.063584 132.60783 87.071245 132.75329 87.055205 curveto +134.24114 87.126384 132.90373 87.033353 133.04188 91.264902 curveto +133.042 91.268673 132.91997 91.280756 132.91755 91.281306 curveto +132.90154 91.284932 132.84671 91.313957 132.83587 91.319437 curveto +132.76853 91.359883 132.70044 91.410658 132.62855 91.441689 curveto +132.60723 91.450888 132.5836 91.454142 132.56254 91.463912 curveto +132.55249 91.468578 132.5451 91.477604 132.53638 91.48445 curveto +132.47009 91.540034 132.38645 91.569468 132.31951 91.625333 curveto +132.27408 91.652629 132.21333 91.693636 132.17691 91.730763 curveto +132.13533 91.773155 132.15115 91.817395 132.07904 91.835005 curveto +132.04218 91.871917 131.99484 91.883677 131.955 91.916302 curveto +131.90251 91.959285 131.85965 92.015341 131.79684 92.045777 curveto +131.74853 92.084359 131.69553 92.116939 131.64821 92.15673 curveto +131.57286 92.220093 131.51167 92.300922 131.43896 92.367278 curveto +131.29015 92.505611 131.11552 92.61457 130.94512 92.724197 curveto +130.63178 92.950936 130.30733 93.166861 130.03342 93.442252 curveto +129.88323 93.613647 129.73443 93.781782 129.5455 93.911786 curveto +129.49089 93.955762 129.40855 94.008843 129.3978 94.08706 curveto +129.39422 94.113178 129.4257 94.137714 129.40711 94.165599 curveto +129.4237 92.787951 129.4403 91.410304 129.45689 90.032656 curveto +129.45424 90.045144 129.44668 90.08675 129.43908 90.097552 curveto +129.41796 90.127538 129.37043 90.123871 129.37108 90.166579 curveto +129.34111 90.217226 129.41347 90.214278 129.44122 90.247679 curveto +129.47262 90.285475 129.42912 90.336042 129.49969 90.353307 curveto +129.59701 90.412204 129.69172 90.476549 129.80355 90.506169 curveto +129.98758 90.588454 130.17939 90.65342 130.37842 90.686923 curveto +130.48253 90.706378 130.57436 90.69425 130.67807 90.686357 curveto +130.80378 90.68613 130.92742 90.640626 131.05442 90.645151 curveto +131.18929 90.644772 131.32461 90.64278 131.45895 90.656694 curveto +131.55416 90.670895 131.63806 90.709651 131.73379 90.721128 curveto +131.74945 90.723139 131.83538 90.732131 131.85493 90.741587 curveto +131.85885 90.743482 131.84223 90.750341 131.84642 90.751495 curveto +131.93515 90.775877 131.96193 90.76028 132.02318 90.823606 curveto +131.99791 94.870502 133.24697 94.469275 131.78873 95.137 curveto +131.63284 95.206375 131.50076 95.311301 131.36967 95.418896 curveto +131.20211 95.540028 131.02174 95.63611 130.82469 95.701065 curveto +130.54152 95.822757 130.27295 95.970056 130.01348 96.136636 curveto +129.81455 96.272646 129.59743 96.384352 129.41329 96.538918 curveto +129.36498 96.566056 129.31212 96.584921 129.26512 96.614272 curveto +129.25022 96.623578 129.2411 96.640208 129.22692 96.650577 curveto +129.17906 96.685567 129.12232 96.712751 129.0671 96.733059 curveto +128.98101 96.813891 128.90971 96.799886 129.0414 96.895559 curveto +130.34817 97.462485 129.08223 96.9274 129.0083 92.767901 curveto +129.00812 92.757543 129.00754 92.788607 129.00746 92.798966 curveto +129.00726 92.82345 128.99897 92.849013 129.00619 92.87241 curveto +129.01157 92.88986 129.02464 92.903929 129.03387 92.919688 curveto +129.05765 92.956793 129.08747 92.98989 129.11017 93.027672 curveto +129.13944 93.076417 129.13521 93.102785 129.16966 93.14881 curveto +129.18524 93.169636 129.2081 93.184193 129.22419 93.204637 curveto +129.23307 93.215931 129.23726 93.230234 129.2438 93.243033 curveto +129.23977 93.263018 129.21361 93.319509 129.21697 93.335868 curveto +129.22801 93.389567 129.3119 93.428953 129.3506 93.447063 curveto +129.41006 93.489071 129.49472 93.552967 129.56182 93.579659 curveto +129.62336 93.604139 129.71594 93.616001 129.77723 93.649525 curveto +129.94092 93.710085 130.11421 93.760557 130.28628 93.786694 curveto +130.44263 93.814227 130.59657 93.848088 130.75451 93.862404 curveto +131.04639 93.924572 131.34818 93.929501 131.64346 93.886713 curveto +131.81699 93.838089 131.99367 93.800107 132.1738 93.78918 curveto +132.26958 95.414237 133.82717 97.944176 132.31068 98.012298 curveto +132.23222 98.015823 132.15489 98.002121 132.08286 98.044256 curveto +131.97563 98.083951 132.03097 98.06087 131.91743 98.114912 curveto +131.81316 98.15406 131.69674 98.161426 131.59035 98.192752 curveto +131.45515 98.220076 131.32234 98.246637 131.19685 98.306397 curveto +130.93689 98.409625 130.67401 98.505792 130.41413 98.609465 curveto +129.76167 98.908855 129.14042 99.270458 128.61052 99.760928 curveto +128.4261 99.926893 128.28992 100.04421 128.11746 100.21817 curveto +128.08895 100.24693 127.8568 100.50093 127.79946 100.55047 curveto +127.75364 100.59005 127.69486 100.61239 127.64803 100.65079 curveto +127.56341 100.67923 127.46921 100.68259 127.45886 100.78478 curveto +127.45166 100.79729 127.42738 100.81178 127.43725 100.82232 curveto +127.45568 100.84199 127.51484 100.87159 127.51496 100.84464 curveto +127.52088 99.459783 127.50099 98.074566 127.45491 96.690462 curveto +127.45401 96.663337 127.40163 96.703281 127.37752 96.715735 curveto +127.36733 96.720999 127.35379 96.73057 127.35522 96.74195 curveto +127.35695 96.75564 127.37475 96.76145 127.38452 96.7712 curveto +127.4052 96.787804 127.44308 96.820875 127.46841 96.830039 curveto +127.56717 96.865764 127.67822 96.871498 127.77501 96.915738 curveto +127.87515 96.935498 127.99184 96.940226 128.06534 97.015604 curveto +128.09507 97.038528 128.12791 97.042693 128.15727 97.063399 curveto +128.19214 97.087992 128.20463 97.158846 128.25179 97.172313 curveto +128.44738 97.317784 128.67361 97.397003 128.9169 97.417992 curveto +129.00757 97.422381 129.09873 97.420452 129.18892 97.430747 curveto +129.32061 97.445779 129.44342 97.501878 129.5654 97.549475 curveto +129.90908 97.687222 130.27067 97.776088 130.61127 97.922417 curveto +130.9637 98.046562 131.32502 98.157922 131.69189 98.232168 curveto +132.16515 98.327944 132.07956 98.28297 132.55175 98.33312 curveto +132.67961 98.346699 132.80649 98.368231 132.93387 98.385787 curveto +133.05667 98.395966 133.17912 98.412371 133.30229 98.416326 curveto +133.85181 98.433973 133.41074 98.398961 133.88128 98.377603 curveto +134.03834 98.370474 134.1866 98.424028 134.34095 98.440266 curveto +134.57843 98.507605 134.80932 98.595543 135.05565 98.626694 curveto +135.11249 98.643623 135.45948 98.689094 135.45969 98.70762 curveto +135.50843 102.95508 136.7877 102.79087 135.24609 102.929 curveto +134.97504 102.88437 134.70298 102.89192 134.42845 102.89055 curveto +133.78817 102.90065 133.15191 103.02324 132.5094 102.99057 curveto +131.92346 103.01956 132.38276 103.00118 131.81142 103.01263 curveto +131.62951 103.01627 131.3339 103.01884 131.15281 103.05407 curveto +131.10034 103.06428 130.75 103.17724 130.6651 103.20432 curveto +130.5156 103.22533 130.36676 103.22418 130.21684 103.22992 curveto +130.1023 103.21641 129.97912 103.24027 129.87382 103.18222 curveto +129.76188 103.14015 129.66182 103.06782 129.5482 103.02696 curveto +129.37833 102.94052 129.18469 102.92864 129.00016 102.88982 curveto +128.72291 102.82343 128.43511 102.82099 128.15479 102.77001 curveto +127.92945 102.74513 127.70511 102.7576 127.47909 102.74585 curveto +127.40821 102.73447 127.44782 102.73838 127.35995 102.73778 curveto +127.25546 102.72511 127.15118 102.69241 127.04814 102.67123 curveto +126.86574 102.61733 126.66585 102.58121 126.47779 102.6236 curveto +126.5367 98.472163 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +127.19379 100.13007 moveto +127.24974 100.24291 127.35787 100.32647 127.47246 100.37542 curveto +127.50448 100.39623 127.63785 100.39285 127.6297 100.42391 curveto +127.7091 100.44057 127.79128 100.48691 127.86535 100.52373 curveto +127.72813 100.56457 127.8489 100.57671 127.9078 100.61147 curveto +128.00331 100.62031 127.8115 100.61275 127.83135 100.62987 curveto +127.85612 100.65124 127.89192 100.65559 127.91918 100.67367 curveto +127.92623 100.67834 127.9469 100.68367 127.93986 100.68834 curveto +127.92433 100.69867 127.90298 100.69392 127.88454 100.69671 curveto +127.9017 100.7192 128.01468 100.76671 128.02476 100.78419 curveto +128.03028 100.79375 128.00535 100.79558 127.99826 100.80404 curveto +127.99481 100.80815 127.99604 100.81454 127.99493 100.81979 curveto +128.0063 100.86313 127.97611 100.75943 128.05387 100.85647 curveto +128.05965 100.86369 128.03844 100.86767 128.03392 100.87573 curveto +128.01992 100.90074 128.07802 100.91417 128.10478 100.92443 curveto +128.18654 100.95989 128.09909 100.9361 128.09078 100.97808 curveto +127.97732 100.99262 128.10576 100.98402 128.17337 100.99908 curveto +128.18513 101.0017 128.18631 101.01999 128.19577 101.02746 curveto +128.30415 101.07786 127.98946 101.02493 128.30978 101.06621 curveto +128.30092 101.0845 128.34805 101.09804 128.34692 101.10283 curveto +128.34481 101.11177 128.31289 101.11489 128.3409 101.11931 curveto +128.35008 101.14356 128.44444 101.13661 128.47457 101.15154 curveto +128.49292 101.16063 128.46844 101.17686 128.49869 101.18866 curveto +128.50577 101.19008 128.6059 101.20845 128.62266 101.21704 curveto +128.62746 101.21951 128.62514 101.22794 128.62853 101.23213 curveto +128.632 101.23641 128.63983 101.23636 128.64231 101.24128 curveto +128.64408 101.2448 128.63526 101.2509 128.63882 101.25258 curveto +128.65938 101.26226 128.68264 101.2646 128.70455 101.27061 curveto +128.70887 101.27941 128.71034 101.29032 128.7175 101.29701 curveto +128.74599 101.32366 128.91196 101.3827 128.95693 101.398 curveto +129.01686 101.45941 129.09969 101.4636 129.17271 101.49946 curveto +129.29036 101.55656 129.38254 101.64558 129.50421 101.69511 curveto +129.55722 101.73598 129.6221 101.72798 129.6809 101.74266 curveto +129.77342 101.75043 129.8562 101.79008 129.93445 101.83826 curveto +129.96674 101.84781 129.98746 101.87748 130.01737 101.89071 curveto +130.0563 101.90792 130.13363 101.91658 130.17177 101.92843 curveto +130.28016 101.96209 130.38558 102.00471 130.49322 102.04068 curveto +131.13653 102.2334 131.80456 102.30748 132.47054 102.37032 curveto +132.60495 102.38505 132.7408 102.38997 132.87377 102.41451 curveto +133.25095 102.48414 133.6159 102.61123 133.99273 102.68271 curveto +134.79632 102.83513 135.61768 102.89213 136.43121 102.9597 curveto +136.73157 102.9598 137.03193 102.95989 137.33229 102.95998 curveto +137.62435 102.95034 137.91625 102.93324 138.20845 102.93107 curveto +139.1748 102.9239 139.0366 102.98627 139.9938 102.91113 curveto +140.67981 102.85728 140.84202 102.80563 141.49238 102.67468 curveto +141.97604 102.55565 142.46333 102.4379 142.9321 102.26679 curveto +143.16226 102.18278 143.37898 102.07256 143.59584 101.96002 curveto +143.73614 101.87179 143.66955 101.91098 143.79473 101.84097 curveto +143.87904 105.92554 lineto +143.74602 105.9091 143.8181 105.9198 143.6631 105.89138 curveto +143.42773 105.85679 143.19756 105.80428 142.96338 105.76399 curveto +142.47989 105.6808 141.98933 105.64305 141.50533 105.56328 curveto +140.90029 105.49648 140.62273 105.45529 139.99792 105.43325 curveto +138.6821 105.38685 139.5431 105.45181 138.20965 105.46602 curveto +137.61704 105.47234 137.02466 105.40799 136.43176 105.45315 curveto +135.61392 105.52459 134.79526 105.59625 133.98202 105.71117 curveto +133.83256 105.7323 133.04806 105.87014 132.84998 105.883 curveto +132.71642 105.89167 132.5824 105.87562 132.4486 105.87193 curveto +131.78866 105.85121 131.12293 105.80767 130.46944 105.92976 curveto +130.35892 105.95449 130.25065 105.99002 130.13886 106.00816 curveto +130.03341 106.02528 129.8873 106.01245 129.78078 106.0051 curveto +129.75882 106.0003 129.61072 105.96473 129.6064 105.95407 curveto +129.60368 105.94738 129.61862 105.94639 129.62473 105.94256 curveto +129.51159 105.93171 129.40633 105.87591 129.30291 105.83225 curveto +129.20655 105.76876 129.09362 105.74372 129.00019 105.67584 curveto +128.98663 105.67057 128.97308 105.6653 128.95952 105.66003 curveto +128.95655 105.65398 128.95681 105.64455 128.95062 105.64187 curveto +128.8877 105.61462 128.79102 105.61084 128.73056 105.56797 curveto +128.71123 105.52205 128.73317 105.55777 128.66584 105.52592 curveto +128.60698 105.49806 128.56202 105.45875 128.48891 105.46876 curveto +128.51666 105.44055 128.50061 105.46337 128.44154 105.4488 curveto +128.4098 105.44097 128.32655 105.42118 128.38854 105.38788 curveto +128.34615 105.37872 128.27556 105.3869 128.23937 105.36324 curveto +128.22524 105.354 128.29953 105.35371 128.28604 105.34357 curveto +128.27392 105.33446 128.25573 105.34393 128.24058 105.34411 curveto +128.17117 105.3256 128.10251 105.323 128.03928 105.28858 curveto +128.23251 105.27419 128.02873 105.27457 127.99164 105.26706 curveto +127.97847 105.26439 127.97409 105.24309 127.95923 105.24307 curveto +127.94386 105.23514 127.89314 105.22832 127.91027 105.22588 curveto +128.05443 105.20534 128.02546 105.21874 127.95107 105.21678 curveto +127.92636 105.21612 127.90164 105.21604 127.87693 105.21568 curveto +127.84517 105.20064 127.6935 105.14491 127.68978 105.14227 curveto +127.68347 105.13781 127.69966 105.13039 127.70459 105.12445 curveto +127.8069 105.08869 127.64405 105.08123 127.62464 105.05311 curveto +127.61809 105.04363 127.65459 105.0507 127.65634 105.03931 curveto +127.65802 105.02837 127.63866 105.02599 127.62983 105.01933 curveto +127.61798 105.01193 127.60682 105.0033 127.59429 104.99712 curveto +127.57596 104.98807 127.54754 104.99163 127.53758 104.97378 curveto +127.53132 104.96255 127.56483 104.96937 127.57355 104.95993 curveto +127.58045 104.95247 127.54687 104.91525 127.5736 104.91048 curveto +127.54533 104.90435 127.51525 104.9038 127.48879 104.89211 curveto +127.48271 104.88942 127.49932 104.85751 127.49965 104.85727 curveto +127.50841 104.85097 127.53587 104.85569 127.53019 104.84651 curveto +127.50652 104.80824 127.41199 104.85861 127.40008 104.81054 curveto +127.43524 104.78655 127.41208 104.79791 127.47465 104.78992 curveto +127.48185 104.78524 127.4607 104.7799 127.45356 104.77513 curveto +127.41143 104.747 127.36804 104.72629 127.31776 104.71543 curveto +127.33326 104.71271 127.34985 104.7136 127.36426 104.70727 curveto +127.37714 104.70161 127.37801 104.66739 127.39607 104.65881 curveto +127.40913 104.65261 127.43221 104.6607 127.43792 104.64742 curveto +127.44238 104.63701 127.41685 104.6391 127.40632 104.63494 curveto +127.39133 104.63113 127.37256 104.63417 127.36135 104.62351 curveto +127.3482 104.61098 127.41827 104.6102 127.40796 104.59524 curveto +127.38361 104.55992 127.27387 104.59761 127.25641 104.54192 curveto +127.21652 104.51624 127.17275 104.49608 127.13586 104.46624 curveto +127.0485 104.39556 126.98917 104.29044 126.86803 104.26913 curveto +127.19379 100.13007 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.8564 99.79269 moveto +126.93217 99.940718 127.10545 100.01944 127.17476 100.16933 curveto +127.21518 100.2403 127.27907 100.28752 127.33507 100.34371 curveto +127.2724 100.41141 127.3249 100.39472 127.349 100.44486 curveto +127.35464 100.4566 127.34581 100.47099 127.34755 100.48389 curveto +127.34902 100.49484 127.35483 100.50476 127.35847 100.5152 curveto +127.35735 100.55032 127.41606 100.56221 127.42203 100.58452 curveto +127.42489 100.59523 127.4029 100.59628 127.39547 100.6045 curveto +127.38808 100.61267 127.39011 100.62116 127.39079 100.63027 curveto +127.40004 100.67261 127.39164 100.59379 127.47997 100.66359 curveto +127.49093 100.67225 127.45257 100.67052 127.44045 100.67745 curveto +127.4366 100.67965 127.43665 100.68545 127.43475 100.68945 curveto +127.42294 100.69352 127.41113 100.69759 127.39932 100.70166 curveto +127.39346 100.74399 127.451 100.72437 127.4911 100.73467 curveto +127.51165 100.73996 127.52861 100.75473 127.54833 100.76258 curveto +127.55601 100.76474 127.56502 100.76423 127.57136 100.76907 curveto +127.57401 100.77109 127.56789 100.77615 127.56974 100.77891 curveto +127.5893 100.80801 127.68065 100.78961 127.71424 100.81146 curveto +127.71881 100.81443 127.70876 100.82087 127.70602 100.82558 curveto +127.69771 100.83674 127.72497 100.83363 127.72166 100.83987 curveto +127.71876 100.84533 127.70946 100.84401 127.70525 100.84854 curveto +127.68407 100.87134 127.76718 100.85689 127.797 100.86579 curveto +127.80514 100.86822 127.80925 100.87758 127.81537 100.88347 curveto +127.85653 100.93282 127.9418 100.93468 128.00911 100.95758 curveto +127.92186 100.98546 128.1105 100.99814 128.09703 101.02416 curveto +128.0896 101.03852 128.06413 101.03164 128.05208 101.04243 curveto +128.01626 101.11288 128.21012 101.03306 128.21433 101.08377 curveto +128.21894 101.13925 128.0744 101.04098 128.21027 101.12054 curveto +128.38629 101.22329 128.04782 101.14314 128.25851 101.20004 curveto +128.40041 101.26518 128.33598 101.21696 128.23793 101.25007 curveto +128.232 101.2526 128.21402 101.25558 128.22013 101.25765 curveto +128.22108 101.25798 128.33297 101.27453 128.35081 101.28573 curveto +128.35497 101.28835 128.34672 101.29576 128.34856 101.30032 curveto +128.35995 101.32861 128.40581 101.32158 128.43524 101.32956 curveto +128.57214 101.39282 128.55056 101.34674 128.44739 101.385 curveto +128.3759 101.40965 128.57307 101.40238 128.58629 101.43117 curveto +128.59005 101.43934 128.56426 101.43993 128.56586 101.44878 curveto +128.563 101.4521 128.55364 101.45632 128.55729 101.45874 curveto +128.57761 101.47224 128.63255 101.48497 128.65709 101.49664 curveto +128.70823 101.52095 128.75995 101.55107 128.80975 101.57859 curveto +128.87771 101.64903 128.97303 101.67749 129.05566 101.72679 curveto +128.9332 105.80382 lineto +128.81557 105.78968 128.70809 105.7512 128.59208 105.72636 curveto +128.53349 105.68882 128.46405 105.6695 128.39512 105.66802 curveto +128.36282 105.65945 128.32784 105.66064 128.29684 105.64815 curveto +128.28816 105.64465 128.2998 105.62565 128.30867 105.62268 curveto +128.32203 105.61822 128.36404 105.62109 128.35054 105.61706 curveto +128.33151 105.61139 128.31083 105.61729 128.29098 105.61741 curveto +128.25609 105.60893 128.24588 105.60598 128.2073 105.59908 curveto +128.11884 105.58326 128.09895 105.59518 128.14323 105.53328 curveto +128.22682 105.50384 128.12229 105.51347 128.09726 105.49955 curveto +128.08064 105.4903 128.20853 105.45155 128.15181 105.48279 curveto +128.13384 105.477 128.11406 105.48362 128.09519 105.48404 curveto +128.0569 105.47591 128.0544 105.47486 128.01046 105.46841 curveto +127.92848 105.45636 127.87782 105.46794 127.93563 105.4125 curveto +128.06093 105.38968 127.85139 105.38253 127.83559 105.37684 curveto +127.82814 105.37416 127.82835 105.32748 127.82631 105.32049 curveto +127.87209 105.29106 127.82169 105.32896 127.76648 105.29429 curveto +127.75563 105.28748 127.79104 105.28642 127.80377 105.28504 curveto +127.83311 105.28185 127.86337 105.28694 127.89219 105.28062 curveto +127.9123 105.27622 127.80307 105.26267 127.83403 105.25981 curveto +127.79537 105.24838 127.75322 105.24752 127.7167 105.23045 curveto +127.71338 105.22891 127.71477 105.19599 127.71632 105.1939 curveto +127.72095 105.18764 127.74326 105.1862 127.73656 105.18221 curveto +127.71822 105.17128 127.69482 105.17318 127.67395 105.16867 curveto +127.67765 105.15875 127.68257 105.14151 127.69172 105.13468 curveto +127.70017 105.12838 127.72505 105.13111 127.72051 105.12159 curveto +127.70586 105.09084 127.61755 105.12581 127.5992 105.08935 curveto +127.52962 105.06799 127.6031 105.09533 127.61944 105.07171 curveto +127.62682 105.06105 127.5939 105.06716 127.581 105.06577 curveto +127.53184 105.06048 127.50421 105.05809 127.46156 105.03482 curveto +127.3394 105.00336 127.46742 105.02417 127.4717 104.99665 curveto +127.47368 104.98386 127.36035 104.99499 127.36015 104.96581 curveto +127.35187 104.96109 127.34394 104.95567 127.33529 104.95166 curveto +127.32712 104.94787 127.30712 104.95107 127.30988 104.94249 curveto +127.31332 104.93179 127.34719 104.94137 127.34176 104.93152 curveto +127.32583 104.90262 127.22132 104.94215 127.19575 104.91333 curveto +127.01415 104.88937 127.18474 104.91919 127.08272 104.88796 curveto +127.06124 104.88138 127.00921 104.89334 127.01716 104.87232 curveto +127.03649 104.82121 127.14646 104.91077 127.04844 104.83821 curveto +127.02962 104.82456 126.9274 104.7707 126.92342 104.76571 curveto +126.91749 104.7583 126.94203 104.75439 126.94288 104.74494 curveto +126.94496 104.72166 126.90658 104.70628 126.90888 104.68363 curveto +126.90095 104.67272 126.89457 104.6605 126.8851 104.65089 curveto +126.87505 104.64068 126.85657 104.63797 126.85093 104.62479 curveto +126.84765 104.6171 126.86617 104.61238 126.86509 104.60409 curveto +126.86042 104.56821 126.7936 104.53645 126.77028 104.52228 curveto +126.77833 104.50477 126.79778 104.49259 126.80167 104.47372 curveto +126.81099 104.42855 126.75212 104.33625 126.74658 104.29076 curveto +126.73249 104.27025 126.71395 104.25217 126.70432 104.22923 curveto +126.69568 104.20865 126.69935 104.18464 126.69303 104.16323 curveto +126.66555 104.07015 126.621 103.97569 126.53065 103.93175 curveto +126.8564 99.79269 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.36236 85.299179 moveto +137.2031 85.320678 137.06583 85.392902 136.93229 85.477256 curveto +136.77648 85.531284 136.83202 85.505472 136.81174 85.612873 curveto +136.7296 85.636367 136.67031 85.645376 136.60167 85.700083 curveto +136.5896 85.709706 136.58354 85.725072 136.57447 85.737567 curveto +136.55617 85.749879 136.53786 85.762191 136.51956 85.774503 curveto +136.42787 85.848926 136.31601 85.89364 136.19852 85.897122 curveto +136.01493 85.842993 135.86741 85.876696 135.68663 85.920993 curveto +135.56945 85.954267 135.46401 86.000585 135.36576 86.072891 curveto +135.26718 86.101605 135.16612 86.101198 135.06473 86.093208 curveto +134.9488 86.076874 134.83348 86.096564 134.71744 86.095084 curveto +134.68128 86.087186 134.61512 86.089471 134.58027 86.068127 curveto +134.57481 86.064781 134.5788 86.054876 134.57517 86.049597 curveto +134.50768 86.040189 134.44909 86.022676 134.37854 86.033152 curveto +134.28158 86.043659 134.20267 86.046449 134.10774 86.015168 curveto +134.01645 85.995502 134.25213 85.992713 134.10093 85.996978 curveto +134.08551 85.997412 134.07042 86.00157 134.05517 86.003866 curveto +133.89047 85.991248 133.99037 86.052443 133.96182 86.072727 curveto +133.94914 86.081734 133.93176 86.080701 133.91672 86.084688 curveto +133.81362 86.126829 133.87495 86.083881 133.92512 86.116391 curveto +133.93582 86.123325 133.9011 86.125278 133.8886 86.127783 curveto +133.74236 86.157086 133.88405 86.11962 133.77692 86.149512 curveto +133.77205 86.152573 133.76279 86.152964 133.76231 86.158696 curveto +133.76166 86.166343 133.77348 86.170625 133.77448 86.178234 curveto +133.7769 86.196564 133.74516 86.246754 133.7543 86.261407 curveto +133.76118 86.272421 133.77705 86.273917 133.78843 86.280172 curveto +133.77472 86.285223 133.83161 86.314784 133.81679 86.323804 curveto +133.75681 86.360318 133.67496 86.352668 133.61425 86.390804 curveto +133.60018 86.403208 133.54577 86.431589 133.54556 86.453123 curveto +133.54554 86.455619 133.58847 86.487289 133.57586 86.500214 curveto +133.56132 86.515116 133.53763 86.516738 133.51852 86.525 curveto +133.38564 86.584068 133.6496 86.535568 133.46156 86.579523 curveto +133.38074 86.598414 133.38085 86.59743 133.38199 86.597528 curveto +133.4184 86.600675 133.45507 86.596865 133.49162 86.596533 curveto +133.44496 86.580312 133.41243 86.624911 133.3737 86.63294 curveto +133.32615 86.642797 133.2783 86.642602 133.23071 86.654136 curveto +133.43478 86.676615 133.27422 86.665308 133.20707 86.721708 curveto +133.15314 86.776421 133.24564 86.689464 133.12808 86.75376 curveto +133.12297 86.756559 133.13685 86.762507 133.13791 86.768245 curveto +133.14081 86.784038 133.12862 86.810601 133.12525 86.826282 curveto +133.12474 86.831132 133.11907 86.839355 133.12372 86.840833 curveto +133.1914 86.862358 133.17165 86.829765 133.21269 86.859133 curveto +133.22261 86.866233 133.24811 86.883681 133.23638 86.887033 curveto +133.19039 86.900174 133.14209 86.903171 133.09494 86.91124 curveto +133.13756 86.961493 132.9949 86.934101 132.97851 86.963405 curveto +132.97337 86.9726 132.9994 86.969157 133.0076 86.97577 curveto +133.01267 86.97986 133.01309 86.987588 133.01583 86.993496 curveto +132.97161 87.023296 132.94578 87.049509 132.9364 87.105401 curveto +132.93417 87.118652 132.94496 87.13364 132.9389 87.145635 curveto +132.92957 87.164118 132.90915 87.174435 132.89427 87.188835 curveto +132.88271 87.202194 132.86752 87.213127 132.85958 87.228912 curveto +132.85357 87.240868 132.83982 87.338711 132.84762 87.350855 curveto +132.85338 87.359817 132.86609 87.361464 132.87533 87.366769 curveto +132.89671 87.398083 132.91198 87.427401 132.91851 87.464659 curveto +132.91897 86.082027 132.91944 84.699395 132.91991 83.316763 curveto +132.92406 83.418822 132.91339 83.36483 132.83288 83.411792 curveto +132.38721 87.607376 lineto +132.30494 87.562378 132.25049 87.584984 132.26032 87.483366 curveto +132.26078 86.08519 132.25987 84.687013 132.26169 83.288839 curveto +132.26172 83.267375 132.2767 83.238335 132.28734 83.221403 curveto +132.29347 83.211658 132.31451 83.190318 132.32071 83.183719 curveto +132.37534 83.144438 132.43764 83.095975 132.46921 83.037169 curveto +132.47887 82.943835 132.61551 82.890614 132.63924 82.791746 curveto +132.67195 82.775517 132.70887 82.768344 132.74073 82.750495 curveto +132.75562 82.742153 132.7052 82.740836 132.69525 82.726965 curveto +132.68294 82.709798 132.76723 82.700246 132.74429 82.686817 curveto +132.70298 82.688527 132.66165 82.694213 132.62037 82.691947 curveto +132.60669 82.691197 132.64052 82.673256 132.6518 82.66548 curveto +132.69688 82.634392 132.69466 82.642444 132.76136 82.619307 curveto +132.767 82.61735 132.77249 82.614997 132.77805 82.612842 curveto +132.82135 82.593963 132.88863 82.576963 132.92485 82.550469 curveto +132.92931 82.547205 132.91829 82.541571 132.91501 82.537121 curveto +132.92282 82.532767 132.93064 82.528413 132.93846 82.524059 curveto +132.95052 82.515923 132.99299 82.487865 133.001 82.479624 curveto +133.00897 82.471422 132.97154 82.439611 132.97443 82.457916 curveto +133.01314 82.422304 133.09656 82.465502 133.12937 82.427975 curveto +133.14242 82.41298 133.13875 82.434681 133.10343 82.411273 curveto +133.08933 82.401924 133.16117 82.363609 133.06954 82.377875 curveto +133.11063 82.370511 133.15171 82.363147 133.1928 82.355783 curveto +133.15156 82.35439 133.08608 82.360337 133.10453 82.350431 curveto +133.1669 82.316942 133.17596 82.368554 133.16625 82.330782 curveto +133.15969 82.325106 133.14294 82.321645 133.14655 82.313753 curveto +133.16305 82.277733 133.3217 82.248379 133.33488 82.189559 curveto +133.44208 82.082169 133.15387 82.196453 133.31894 82.094424 curveto +133.41648 82.045089 133.50968 81.988178 133.61116 81.946783 curveto +133.62762 81.931171 133.59517 81.905729 133.60732 81.901243 curveto +133.64054 81.888968 133.68846 81.896633 133.72078 81.875186 curveto +133.72228 81.84709 133.93391 81.842777 133.98033 81.828166 curveto +133.99437 81.825156 134.00841 81.822146 134.02245 81.819137 curveto +134.03489 81.812305 134.04611 81.802489 134.05976 81.798642 curveto +134.13041 81.778744 134.24353 81.763986 134.3048 81.804664 curveto +134.3451 81.840379 134.31266 81.804825 134.27443 81.836515 curveto +134.23234 81.871406 134.41799 81.82425 134.38029 81.847184 curveto +134.46935 81.860518 134.55069 81.830763 134.63851 81.846889 curveto +134.67001 81.84622 134.82625 81.851495 134.80945 81.905851 curveto +134.80653 81.910966 134.79564 81.918163 134.80069 81.921195 curveto +134.8516 81.951771 134.99572 81.922725 135.05413 81.922612 curveto +135.11023 81.913948 135.16743 81.907501 135.21921 81.885245 curveto +135.34831 81.876709 135.47535 81.843732 135.60607 81.851849 curveto +135.7875 81.823793 135.97197 81.790369 136.13666 81.705213 curveto +136.1726 81.67866 136.21634 81.666264 136.25211 81.634268 curveto +136.31576 81.579166 136.48798 81.504147 136.48132 81.419361 curveto +136.56377 81.36202 136.6677 81.372008 136.76045 81.339927 curveto +136.90848 81.303507 137.05564 81.250912 137.16966 81.14601 curveto +137.36236 85.299179 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +134.34609 83.939538 moveto +134.26687 83.935445 134.19322 83.968195 134.12023 83.994591 curveto +134.07916 84.005176 134.03696 84.006325 133.9962 84.018123 curveto +133.97784 84.010837 133.95843 84.026684 133.94128 84.020752 curveto +133.88927 84.0471 133.87883 83.992226 133.84356 83.987943 curveto +133.80514 83.980211 133.7626 83.974383 133.72327 83.963439 curveto +133.76349 83.956541 133.76991 83.96391 133.7125 83.94825 curveto +133.69659 83.94391 133.6815 83.935839 133.66674 83.928615 curveto +133.62188 83.907268 133.63304 83.920415 133.6629 83.907656 curveto +133.66711 83.905855 133.66619 83.897789 133.67048 83.896187 curveto +133.71055 83.881241 133.68455 83.89847 133.69867 83.888643 curveto +133.69454 83.884955 133.69746 83.881192 133.6805 83.880019 curveto +133.63573 83.873946 133.63389 83.856592 133.60577 83.892006 curveto +133.56596 83.901172 133.67698 83.912977 133.6604 83.922947 curveto +133.62611 83.943565 133.60835 83.920355 133.6247 83.938554 curveto +133.62679 83.942561 133.61653 83.963696 133.6192 83.965642 curveto +133.62479 83.969727 133.63315 83.967522 133.63941 83.970496 curveto +133.66888 83.984505 133.60462 83.991029 133.604 83.99121 curveto +133.61867 84.006622 133.55407 83.993892 133.56089 84.007686 curveto +133.56439 84.014789 133.57683 84.009128 133.5843 84.011779 curveto +133.5998 84.017286 133.59015 84.02454 133.61371 84.032108 curveto +133.58231 84.025007 133.56003 84.067388 133.53446 84.07341 curveto +133.4957 84.08254 133.47133 84.073011 133.50131 84.082472 curveto +133.50152 84.083991 133.50397 84.096326 133.50107 84.097452 curveto +133.47536 84.107415 133.44426 84.108902 133.41749 84.118492 curveto +133.38009 84.12545 133.3502 84.105471 133.40892 84.122626 curveto +133.41024 84.123009 133.3947 84.125631 133.37617 84.13829 curveto +133.34819 84.16151 133.36873 84.135409 133.40954 84.151187 curveto +133.41162 84.15199 133.38503 84.154145 133.35799 84.171923 curveto +133.35519 84.174018 133.34631 84.17702 133.3496 84.178207 curveto +133.36017 84.182025 133.37216 84.17886 133.38318 84.181027 curveto +133.39935 84.184207 133.40456 84.200273 133.42026 84.205299 curveto +133.39162 84.21135 133.36559 84.22154 133.34078 84.236563 curveto +133.33692 84.238905 133.32567 84.241272 133.32936 84.243876 curveto +133.35978 84.247729 133.34871 84.241995 133.36533 84.254072 curveto +133.38655 84.274761 133.30495 84.274946 133.28978 84.27871 curveto +133.2835 84.280269 133.26532 84.280832 133.27105 84.283844 curveto +133.28094 84.289042 133.29709 84.278031 133.30446 84.286428 curveto +133.3103 84.293076 133.28724 84.290465 133.27863 84.292484 curveto +133.2891 84.290134 133.23089 84.317628 133.23542 84.3184 curveto +133.34363 84.336826 133.24428 84.30887 133.2966 84.324396 curveto +133.29692 84.353186 133.23935 84.31996 133.22995 84.340823 curveto +133.22746 84.346367 133.2423 84.342514 133.24757 84.345545 curveto +133.26513 84.355643 133.233 84.354787 133.27119 84.368565 curveto +133.29369 84.395224 133.22675 84.387751 133.21332 84.402141 curveto +133.21081 84.404831 133.22001 84.405917 133.22192 84.409068 curveto +133.22381 84.412214 133.22332 84.425196 133.22332 84.428486 curveto +133.21113 84.442646 133.24625 84.437213 133.24071 84.442052 curveto +133.23105 84.450498 133.21605 84.449276 133.20407 84.453865 curveto +133.18752 84.460202 133.17274 84.470418 133.15812 84.480193 curveto +133.28629 84.497838 133.03965 84.504278 133.14111 84.518755 curveto +133.15207 84.516004 133.15404 84.537125 133.15983 84.539953 curveto +133.18976 84.55456 133.20641 84.545345 133.13674 84.564871 curveto +133.12764 84.567925 133.11659 84.567624 133.10945 84.574033 curveto +133.10643 84.576737 133.11751 84.576688 133.12016 84.57975 curveto +133.13727 84.599542 133.10287 84.600854 133.13975 84.610837 curveto +133.11231 84.605723 133.0913 84.635369 133.06797 84.641384 curveto +133.04068 84.648418 133.01104 84.649449 132.98332 84.656182 curveto +132.94361 84.669849 133.02057 84.642322 132.9633 84.69043 curveto +132.96768 84.722936 132.9518 84.719756 132.93155 84.740163 curveto +132.90727 84.764626 132.95412 84.751083 132.90732 84.791507 curveto +132.70778 82.712637 lineto +132.71424 82.681536 132.74095 82.68019 132.75757 82.656341 curveto +132.76018 82.652606 132.75649 82.646507 132.75908 82.642765 curveto +132.76429 82.63525 132.80469 82.606746 132.80793 82.604366 curveto +132.84064 82.572679 132.87617 82.549594 132.9223 82.54317 curveto +132.91356 82.5343 132.91872 82.543384 132.89412 82.534598 curveto +132.88361 82.530842 132.88511 82.498577 132.85935 82.516099 curveto +132.87728 82.504945 132.89084 82.491017 132.90817 82.479678 curveto +132.91535 82.474983 132.92731 82.474922 132.93055 82.466983 curveto +132.93257 82.462038 132.92024 82.464171 132.91509 82.462765 curveto +132.90242 82.461767 132.88869 82.464934 132.87707 82.45977 curveto +132.87307 82.457995 132.8818 82.452237 132.8852 82.449479 curveto +132.90308 82.434931 132.92561 82.42498 132.94571 82.414155 curveto +132.95097 82.412604 133.00566 82.403706 132.97194 82.395476 curveto +132.9625 82.393171 132.94949 82.39814 132.94316 82.390761 curveto +132.93087 82.376424 133.03228 82.380026 132.99548 82.369001 curveto +132.98528 82.331963 132.92851 82.3689 132.98915 82.328299 curveto +132.99725 82.321163 133.02769 82.304034 133.03105 82.297756 curveto +133.03751 82.285657 133.00106 82.296828 132.99127 82.287226 curveto +132.98747 82.283508 132.99849 82.279443 133.00211 82.275552 curveto +133.01722 82.26589 133.035 82.251262 133.05151 82.243333 curveto +133.0986 82.220729 133.08525 82.231699 133.0402 82.222807 curveto +133.06887 82.210179 133.11346 82.217093 133.1283 82.187365 curveto +133.10706 82.167911 133.11854 82.183063 133.16339 82.168576 curveto +133.16542 82.167919 133.15934 82.167162 133.15726 82.166681 curveto +133.14316 82.163423 133.07738 82.171856 133.11063 82.154587 curveto +133.15105 82.129744 133.1995 82.129266 133.11301 82.112946 curveto +133.14166 82.087889 133.17401 82.068647 133.21213 82.062303 curveto +133.21358 82.060217 133.21823 82.055097 133.21547 82.05181 curveto +133.21238 82.048126 133.19891 82.045934 133.20332 82.044023 curveto +133.22484 82.034708 133.24994 82.036692 133.27238 82.029837 curveto +133.28144 82.026358 133.29418 82.013787 133.30191 82.011919 curveto +133.30205 82.011885 133.37558 82.011844 133.34743 82.001643 curveto +133.35743 81.994821 133.33199 81.992544 133.33128 81.99088 curveto +133.32708 81.981038 133.36976 81.988511 133.36027 81.977091 curveto +133.40827 81.961008 133.39249 81.970974 133.36139 81.963821 curveto +133.35304 81.961902 133.35974 81.922648 133.32992 81.939599 curveto +133.34475 81.929304 133.36183 81.915291 133.3789 81.908283 curveto +133.39 81.903721 133.4023 81.902127 133.413 81.896665 curveto +133.41871 81.893748 133.3778 81.889126 133.39533 81.889024 curveto +133.3847 81.887591 133.37207 81.891101 133.36344 81.884726 curveto +133.35057 81.875213 133.43621 81.849437 133.42731 81.838178 curveto +133.43359 81.83397 133.45003 81.832038 133.44614 81.825555 curveto +133.44122 81.817332 133.42382 81.829287 133.41762 81.821981 curveto +133.41323 81.816818 133.42993 81.816312 133.43627 81.813924 curveto +133.4661 81.802682 133.4973 81.794727 133.52922 81.792829 curveto +133.58058 81.78735 133.63216 81.783758 133.68292 81.773824 curveto +133.71563 81.772747 133.74486 81.763612 133.77651 81.77863 curveto +133.79859 81.78285 133.82135 81.783469 133.84313 81.789015 curveto +133.85531 81.792117 133.86447 81.802708 133.87629 81.806977 curveto +133.88828 81.811307 133.90468 81.808149 133.91296 81.817837 curveto +133.91837 81.824158 133.89645 81.819878 133.8882 81.820899 curveto +133.87112 81.8533 133.86003 81.825454 133.83982 81.843456 curveto +133.82419 81.857381 133.94856 81.832359 133.90196 81.85258 curveto +133.87752 81.879319 133.82258 81.8792 133.89735 81.88124 curveto +133.91839 81.888429 134.04216 81.907868 133.94295 81.903968 curveto +133.9594 81.899355 133.97548 81.91301 133.99293 81.9072 curveto +134.02218 81.917037 134.05296 81.915905 134.08342 81.914652 curveto +134.15547 81.917497 134.22748 81.907687 134.28837 81.866078 curveto +134.34609 83.939538 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.25822 81.662765 moveto +138.17208 81.696535 138.10874 81.763588 138.04403 81.826925 curveto +137.48963 82.28634 137.99754 81.86899 136.11008 82.654713 curveto +136.09713 82.660102 136.03188 82.652269 136.01578 82.647529 curveto +135.98695 82.640545 135.95757 82.641431 135.92825 82.63837 curveto +135.8872 82.638323 135.84653 82.633382 135.80545 82.634826 curveto +135.7631 82.638514 135.72062 82.635765 135.6782 82.637938 curveto +135.64531 82.641847 135.61245 82.639004 135.5796 82.636261 curveto +135.50615 82.624562 135.43004 82.623958 135.35549 82.624576 curveto +135.29752 82.628277 135.32546 82.625996 135.27166 82.631221 curveto +137.06855 81.606296 lineto +137.10571 81.61177 137.08556 81.609361 137.12907 81.612941 curveto +137.21748 81.613695 137.30632 81.610823 137.39415 81.601254 curveto +137.4289 81.599007 137.46396 81.595404 137.49864 81.599564 curveto +137.53756 81.601984 137.57663 81.598604 137.61542 81.602746 curveto +137.66141 81.604704 137.70722 81.598911 137.75322 81.600305 curveto +137.78033 81.598877 137.80811 81.601581 137.83376 81.591165 curveto +138.48596 81.133799 135.29229 82.513597 136.05133 82.341165 curveto +136.09471 82.332484 136.13209 82.321776 136.16706 82.292667 curveto +136.17985 82.282014 136.18946 82.26792 136.20206 82.257033 curveto +136.25472 82.211531 136.22163 82.257154 136.25475 82.202179 curveto +138.25822 81.662765 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.78537 85.070568 moveto +133.8046 84.917867 133.77681 84.766315 133.75653 84.615476 curveto +133.74989 84.546094 133.72621 84.4792 133.71915 84.410518 curveto +133.7247 84.404418 133.69614 84.380386 133.69872 84.376953 curveto +133.71121 84.360313 133.72837 84.408901 133.69944 84.354173 curveto +133.68746 84.317544 133.67079 84.283318 133.6454 84.252104 curveto +133.61381 84.204938 133.65091 84.25456 133.63795 84.217404 curveto +133.61094 84.195931 133.58998 84.16886 133.5678 84.141883 curveto +133.56148 84.132898 133.55349 84.124882 133.54884 84.114928 curveto +133.54593 84.108684 133.54764 84.101104 133.54568 84.094498 curveto +133.54093 84.078522 133.52941 84.066942 133.52362 84.05135 curveto +133.50958 84.013604 133.54116 84.068645 133.51887 84.032465 curveto +133.50952 84.010921 133.48567 84.001964 133.47277 83.983352 curveto +133.43528 83.957966 133.43602 83.909995 133.4124 83.875979 curveto +133.4016 83.86041 133.38725 83.847606 133.37536 83.832845 curveto +133.346 83.795209 133.30265 83.766251 133.28251 83.721542 curveto +133.27361 83.701798 133.26712 83.650443 133.26429 83.632942 curveto +133.25141 83.533411 133.23294 83.432555 133.19641 83.338552 curveto +133.18359 83.305561 133.16598 83.274636 133.15082 83.242653 curveto +133.14867 83.243813 133.06471 83.12353 133.09874 83.162235 curveto +132.95041 83.071559 133.30769 83.305791 133.12386 83.182261 curveto +133.09619 83.163671 133.12222 83.179417 133.09942 83.166009 curveto +133.06534 83.129378 133.03371 83.094494 132.99773 83.059507 curveto +132.98887 83.040668 132.96225 83.017471 132.94128 83.001868 curveto +132.9515 83.008325 132.96172 83.014782 132.97194 83.021239 curveto +132.96547 83.018208 132.94727 83.007334 132.95255 83.012146 curveto +132.96125 83.02009 132.98543 83.019473 132.98253 83.030898 curveto +132.97879 83.045604 132.80364 82.901027 132.90284 82.960593 curveto +132.94358 82.995687 132.88805 82.927213 132.88173 82.919693 curveto +132.87701 82.91401 132.87091 82.90991 132.86497 82.905651 curveto +132.90431 82.930423 132.94309 82.956127 132.98301 82.979969 curveto +133.00975 82.99594 132.93048 82.946219 132.90642 82.926442 curveto +132.90272 82.923406 132.89063 82.916727 132.89537 82.917295 curveto +132.90168 82.920658 132.90799 82.924022 132.9143 82.927385 curveto +132.9148 82.928091 132.91529 82.928797 132.91579 82.929502 curveto +132.88774 82.913419 132.80872 82.885181 132.80298 82.848004 curveto +132.80065 82.832857 132.83225 82.882629 132.84261 82.87133 curveto +132.85274 82.860279 132.81994 82.851689 132.80913 82.841299 curveto +132.80221 82.83465 132.79603 82.827274 132.78949 82.820262 curveto +132.77423 82.801842 132.78118 82.810475 132.76854 82.79444 curveto +134.15584 81.184953 lineto +134.13813 81.178532 134.14755 81.182059 134.12759 81.174287 curveto +134.10885 81.165667 134.06122 81.129231 134.07217 81.146715 curveto +134.08247 81.163154 134.11189 81.164694 134.11745 81.183278 curveto +134.12061 81.193818 134.01184 81.106185 134.0137 81.123838 curveto +134.02001 81.127257 134.02637 81.130589 134.03263 81.134096 curveto +134.19782 81.226599 133.71306 80.957218 134.13878 81.196513 curveto +134.13183 81.192564 134.12912 81.193891 134.12776 81.202032 curveto +134.12736 81.205326 134.12823 81.224696 134.12577 81.225922 curveto +134.12371 81.226947 134.11757 81.222467 134.11909 81.224193 curveto +134.12604 81.232092 134.13482 81.23817 134.14269 81.245158 curveto +134.20829 81.307536 134.17076 81.268658 134.09856 81.22277 curveto +134.08993 81.21729 134.06267 81.203679 134.07068 81.21002 curveto +134.0828 81.219609 134.09852 81.223739 134.1111 81.232702 curveto +134.11467 81.235238 134.10259 81.23071 134.09833 81.229713 curveto +134.11307 81.239169 134.1278 81.248624 134.14254 81.25808 curveto +134.14603 81.288269 134.15623 81.308815 134.1825 81.326407 curveto +134.18343 81.332102 134.18068 81.338987 134.18408 81.343649 curveto +134.18904 81.350436 134.23213 81.38851 134.21871 81.371363 curveto +134.22042 81.372514 134.22628 81.374328 134.22466 81.373054 curveto +134.21193 81.363057 134.16911 81.345055 134.18529 81.344629 curveto +134.20086 81.344219 134.38812 81.463223 134.27585 81.408688 curveto +134.29118 81.426917 134.31973 81.460856 134.32632 81.483958 curveto +134.33419 81.511558 134.30966 81.574697 134.32801 81.600839 curveto +134.37091 81.726838 134.388 81.864092 134.46471 81.976409 curveto +134.46921 81.983511 134.49314 82.018734 134.49596 82.030957 curveto +134.49718 82.036218 134.49364 82.041577 134.49355 82.046976 curveto +134.49316 82.070709 134.50707 82.090028 134.51955 82.108963 curveto +134.52776 82.117127 134.53597 82.125291 134.54418 82.133455 curveto +134.55141 82.142383 134.55797 82.151898 134.56588 82.160238 curveto +134.58283 82.178133 134.61797 82.198375 134.62884 82.221198 curveto +134.62938 82.222332 134.62648 82.222063 134.6253 82.222496 curveto +134.65162 82.239121 134.67788 82.280992 134.7006 82.302953 curveto +134.71287 82.320064 134.72852 82.334822 134.73913 82.35301 curveto +134.74561 82.364111 134.73597 82.381602 134.75253 82.389168 curveto +134.75701 82.396003 134.76484 82.400683 134.76791 82.408258 curveto +134.76888 82.410675 134.76434 82.412058 134.76255 82.413957 curveto +134.76317 82.417051 134.76556 82.420306 134.7644 82.423238 curveto +134.76375 82.42488 134.75785 82.421341 134.75915 82.422534 curveto +134.76996 82.432433 134.783 82.441441 134.79316 82.453222 curveto +134.81075 82.462905 134.86283 82.517443 134.8713 82.531683 curveto +134.87278 82.534179 134.86748 82.536061 134.86557 82.53825 curveto +134.86901 82.558858 134.87185 82.587227 134.88519 82.604286 curveto +134.89081 82.611469 134.89916 82.616258 134.90457 82.623601 curveto +134.90721 82.627188 134.90737 82.632061 134.90876 82.636291 curveto +134.9174 82.657407 134.90174 82.622251 134.93628 82.663046 curveto +134.94312 82.671132 134.93252 82.723529 134.95227 82.722853 curveto +134.95903 82.742999 134.97278 82.780493 134.97393 82.800664 curveto +134.97479 82.815814 134.97006 82.830773 134.96869 82.845886 curveto +134.96301 82.908615 134.95925 82.971757 134.9606 83.034754 curveto +134.96622 83.166403 134.97056 83.301079 135.03247 83.420866 curveto +133.78537 85.070568 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.89499 84.553179 moveto +133.85825 84.46885 133.79102 84.397986 133.70883 84.35696 curveto +133.64723 84.318833 133.59457 84.272405 133.55099 84.214814 curveto +133.5082 84.173683 133.46922 84.128474 133.42466 84.0892 curveto +133.38888 84.051694 133.35187 84.016086 133.31646 83.978098 curveto +133.28331 83.950447 133.25152 83.916337 133.2287 83.879396 curveto +133.2257 83.873699 133.2133 83.86152 133.21969 83.862306 curveto +133.22856 83.863396 133.23061 83.878225 133.23919 83.880686 curveto +133.24426 83.882137 133.23428 83.871246 133.23303 83.866128 curveto +133.22919 83.850421 133.2241 83.84001 133.21702 83.824489 curveto +133.18871 83.767058 133.16027 83.705936 133.11493 83.659844 curveto +133.08308 83.631989 133.06098 83.593653 133.04549 83.554701 curveto +133.04045 83.541945 133.02742 83.516621 133.03817 83.503123 curveto +133.07084 83.462086 133.03516 83.557191 133.05948 83.477169 curveto +133.05182 83.411759 133.01967 83.357328 132.99048 83.300358 curveto +132.99082 83.276683 132.93903 83.247551 132.94506 83.223469 curveto +132.9461 83.219334 132.95359 83.223416 132.95785 83.22339 curveto +132.95209 83.154894 132.92799 83.088956 132.91224 83.021623 curveto +132.89646 82.976252 132.88773 82.931792 132.88748 82.884909 curveto +132.87871 82.86807 132.85248 82.817056 132.84485 82.81079 curveto +132.8106 82.809724 132.89133 82.83061 132.8444 82.846892 curveto +132.78922 82.862515 132.76647 82.8293 132.72306 82.795771 curveto +132.7115 82.78411 132.69979 82.772607 132.6884 82.76079 curveto +132.68023 82.752318 132.71952 82.796093 132.71154 82.787453 curveto +132.6807 82.754101 132.68337 82.756583 132.66352 82.728813 curveto +132.68672 82.744174 132.70757 82.784584 132.65591 82.724511 curveto +132.63166 82.696316 132.61726 82.673364 132.60695 82.639943 curveto +132.61304 82.636696 132.71478 82.721645 132.64603 82.673602 curveto +132.66708 82.701247 132.71651 82.743433 132.6114 82.650455 curveto +134.15532 81.18385 lineto +134.0349 81.079912 134.12214 81.154281 134.14396 81.17294 curveto +134.1392 81.170427 134.12667 81.160936 134.12968 81.165401 curveto +134.14451 81.18744 134.17028 81.199927 134.18797 81.219754 curveto +134.19775 81.230722 134.20312 81.245008 134.21206 81.256678 curveto +134.22354 81.271678 134.2356 81.28623 134.24737 81.301007 curveto +134.22825 81.30388 134.12815 81.204305 134.1845 81.258641 curveto +134.19567 81.269415 134.20657 81.280462 134.21761 81.291373 curveto +134.19968 81.280469 134.21016 81.287667 134.18323 81.259691 curveto +134.17992 81.256245 134.19013 81.266317 134.19357 81.269635 curveto +134.19963 81.275477 134.23556 81.309944 134.23478 81.310633 curveto +134.22538 81.318928 134.2154 81.294735 134.2057 81.286786 curveto +134.13392 81.233657 134.18171 81.250354 134.22686 81.25588 curveto +134.27634 81.273551 134.32532 81.295113 134.35181 81.343417 curveto +134.36354 81.359871 134.37802 81.374577 134.38749 81.392429 curveto +134.38898 81.39524 134.38611 81.398809 134.38667 81.401941 curveto +134.39122 81.427255 134.40445 81.451072 134.41496 81.474095 curveto +134.43345 81.500482 134.45277 81.535406 134.45848 81.567876 curveto +134.46338 81.595769 134.44717 81.629178 134.45476 81.657476 curveto +134.46043 81.715165 134.47184 81.75934 134.51044 81.803945 curveto +134.5179 81.813033 134.5268 81.821111 134.53283 81.831211 curveto +134.53376 81.832773 134.52856 81.831125 134.52757 81.832651 curveto +134.51694 81.849043 134.52671 81.878391 134.52462 81.895824 curveto +134.53471 81.958908 134.56476 82.016584 134.59118 82.073901 curveto +134.61298 82.099654 134.65536 82.130898 134.63411 82.167047 curveto +134.61762 82.197458 134.64223 82.156394 134.62405 82.175282 curveto +134.61357 82.186165 134.61801 82.208885 134.6228 82.219438 curveto +134.63452 82.249525 134.64988 82.273992 134.66497 82.302244 curveto +134.6782 82.327025 134.68303 82.350471 134.71048 82.364539 curveto +134.74045 82.392255 134.77746 82.425997 134.79945 82.460697 curveto +134.80053 82.462397 134.79602 82.462806 134.7943 82.46386 curveto +134.76533 82.448384 134.79283 82.509246 134.80187 82.510746 curveto +134.83449 82.548519 134.86043 82.591967 134.89799 82.626114 curveto +134.93493 82.675277 134.98713 82.710805 135.02176 82.762029 curveto +135.06409 82.802706 135.10003 82.849116 135.14433 82.887725 curveto +135.17781 82.925041 135.21364 82.959689 135.24837 82.995826 curveto +135.26457 83.012688 135.29813 83.051122 135.31945 83.064945 curveto +135.33287 83.073643 135.34841 83.078499 135.3629 83.085276 curveto +133.89499 84.553179 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.96053 83.156876 moveto +132.95315 83.114569 132.95423 83.067357 132.93723 83.026911 curveto +132.61975 82.2715 130.21365 85.323945 134.45592 81.55561 curveto +134.46979 81.574651 134.48652 81.591906 134.49753 81.612734 curveto +134.50292 81.62293 134.49989 81.63596 134.50407 81.64671 curveto +134.546 81.754579 134.58576 81.817262 134.68249 81.901318 curveto +134.86049 82.055976 134.9667 82.082038 135.18241 82.176541 curveto +135.52043 82.290192 135.86113 82.40016 136.21391 82.458035 curveto +136.3536 82.480952 136.41814 82.483696 136.55295 82.494482 curveto +136.63588 82.500713 136.71936 82.504179 136.80238 82.497262 curveto +136.81219 82.496445 136.86596 82.501313 136.84451 82.464486 curveto +136.83058 82.440559 136.80691 82.423833 136.78811 82.403507 curveto +136.32105 82.922769 135.85398 83.44203 135.38692 83.961292 curveto +135.38356 83.956807 135.37787 83.953345 135.37684 83.947838 curveto +135.376 83.943409 135.38323 83.954202 135.38622 83.957572 curveto +135.39079 83.962719 135.40638 83.973843 135.39951 83.973375 curveto +135.38869 83.972639 135.38351 83.958366 135.37394 83.953272 curveto +135.33086 83.935845 135.30592 83.892742 135.25796 83.882038 curveto +135.25327 83.881951 135.24831 83.883368 135.24391 83.881775 curveto +135.21698 83.872035 135.21238 83.860351 135.18712 83.845767 curveto +135.15744 83.828631 135.12159 83.819231 135.09061 83.804479 curveto +134.98795 83.768333 134.89239 83.715476 134.79181 83.673896 curveto +134.63054 83.591133 134.44739 83.574029 134.27838 83.512842 curveto +134.25967 83.506739 134.24065 83.50154 134.22226 83.494533 curveto +134.11351 83.453099 134.22493 83.488933 134.12682 83.455656 curveto +134.09346 83.444341 134.06552 83.440304 134.03334 83.425161 curveto +134.01596 83.4203 134.00085 83.408786 133.98345 83.403875 curveto +133.97786 83.402295 133.97049 83.401801 133.96609 83.405604 curveto +133.96437 83.407093 133.96875 83.413178 133.9666 83.41242 curveto +133.95638 83.408816 133.94794 83.401412 133.93861 83.395908 curveto +133.8994 83.393296 133.85979 83.340284 133.82525 83.342128 curveto +133.78991 83.334481 133.75754 83.304112 133.7246 83.287099 curveto +133.68863 83.267234 133.63174 83.226645 133.58726 83.2408 curveto +133.58374 83.241669 133.57995 83.245034 133.57672 83.243408 curveto +133.54672 83.228309 133.53304 83.208244 133.5005 83.199696 curveto +133.49808 83.19921 133.49504 83.199929 133.49325 83.198238 curveto +133.47892 83.184723 133.46598 83.169776 133.45303 83.154933 curveto +133.44667 83.147646 133.43043 83.14023 133.43537 83.131913 curveto +133.4391 83.125632 133.45445 83.150346 133.45985 83.156296 curveto +133.47381 83.171682 133.48801 83.186842 133.5021 83.202115 curveto +133.51494 83.228387 133.45067 83.226713 133.43782 83.222439 curveto +133.42431 83.217949 133.41212 83.210173 133.39928 83.204039 curveto +133.34624 83.18771 133.31182 83.144033 133.26827 83.113164 curveto +133.25059 83.095307 133.23126 83.076079 133.20792 83.06544 curveto +133.20594 83.064538 133.20319 83.066613 133.20139 83.065397 curveto +133.18656 83.055406 133.17415 83.04221 133.1601 83.031152 curveto +133.15519 83.027559 133.1511 83.022443 133.14538 83.020373 curveto +133.14296 83.019496 133.14891 83.024592 133.14908 83.027163 curveto +133.14964 83.035513 133.14153 83.025014 133.14147 83.033108 curveto +133.14134 83.049183 133.15194 83.036984 133.14124 83.046553 curveto +133.12072 83.046022 133.10709 83.009659 133.08489 83.005184 curveto +133.08485 83.005176 133.06417 83.010842 133.0629 83.010924 curveto +133.02345 83.011784 133.01088 82.972808 132.97014 82.974068 curveto +132.95303 82.978088 132.93599 82.98334 132.91779 82.985937 curveto +132.88988 82.952162 132.84589 82.943368 132.81785 82.914482 curveto +132.76185 82.86917 132.81837 82.938008 132.74615 82.872282 curveto +132.71152 82.840169 132.67937 82.806052 132.67052 82.758318 curveto +132.69757 82.769411 132.73844 82.813294 132.67901 82.756638 curveto +132.65545 82.747727 132.59264 82.647313 132.64572 82.713109 curveto +132.54889 82.624621 132.63857 82.709666 132.66233 82.741455 curveto +132.66627 82.745056 132.67804 82.755877 132.67413 82.752257 curveto +132.63433 82.715442 132.59634 82.682847 132.56375 82.639896 curveto +132.56464 82.640823 132.53505 82.591548 132.53574 82.592242 curveto +132.62468 82.681511 132.58723 82.64642 132.55967 82.621484 curveto +132.61452 82.676007 132.61653 82.676242 132.56079 82.627423 curveto +134.08408 81.139536 lineto +134.02784 81.091301 134.03224 81.094536 134.0954 81.151377 curveto +134.01963 81.090769 134.17669 81.201438 134.11537 81.202811 curveto +134.10752 81.195244 134.01912 81.120687 134.08379 81.158887 curveto +134.09589 81.168875 134.16907 81.236502 134.16686 81.238004 curveto +134.15209 81.248037 134.14005 81.21435 134.12567 81.203762 curveto +134.12067 81.200077 134.13429 81.212715 134.1386 81.217191 curveto +134.14037 81.21904 134.20731 81.285838 134.18046 81.268684 curveto +134.17463 81.26496 134.17084 81.258427 134.16478 81.255086 curveto +134.16045 81.252698 134.17543 81.27253 134.17121 81.268454 curveto +134.18398 81.284083 134.19326 81.284042 134.21486 81.306916 curveto +134.23486 81.328084 134.24326 81.360998 134.26602 81.380032 curveto +134.25798 81.393037 134.23711 81.368258 134.22486 81.364457 curveto +134.17194 81.312281 134.26313 81.389752 134.2759 81.394379 curveto +134.28225 81.383238 134.30995 81.413669 134.32014 81.416173 curveto +134.33338 81.419429 134.25133 81.369326 134.29201 81.386451 curveto +134.32426 81.391875 134.35628 81.399564 134.3848 81.416597 curveto +134.4019 81.425444 134.41889 81.436518 134.43656 81.443923 curveto +134.44039 81.445528 134.44816 81.45146 134.44855 81.447324 curveto +134.44909 81.441658 134.43418 81.438974 134.43747 81.43433 curveto +134.44077 81.429682 134.44812 81.438393 134.45344 81.440424 curveto +134.46426 81.444077 134.49555 81.454492 134.50373 81.458008 curveto +134.51116 81.461198 134.58484 81.506891 134.53755 81.463972 curveto +134.57415 81.480647 134.61949 81.506884 134.6408 81.541704 curveto +134.65499 81.562653 134.69855 81.597012 134.72079 81.612048 curveto +134.73008 81.618762 134.759 81.638061 134.771 81.637044 curveto +134.77456 81.636743 134.76313 81.629572 134.76607 81.627543 curveto +134.7832 81.615693 134.7803 81.640618 134.78101 81.624937 curveto +134.77956 81.620175 134.77424 81.615002 134.77666 81.610651 curveto +134.78686 81.592309 134.86564 81.594831 134.88002 81.601661 curveto +134.90098 81.617207 134.92239 81.632153 134.94288 81.648297 curveto +134.99467 81.689094 135.01894 81.723857 134.94838 81.657686 curveto +134.94677 81.656178 134.95132 81.660967 134.95279 81.662608 curveto +134.9566 81.666295 134.98974 81.694899 134.99327 81.689771 curveto +134.99734 81.68387 134.95458 81.662125 134.99985 81.687691 curveto +135.04301 81.711985 135.07836 81.750706 135.12953 81.759793 curveto +135.17162 81.774058 135.21381 81.786585 135.25202 81.805982 curveto +135.28887 81.827774 135.30959 81.844502 135.35041 81.851366 curveto +135.39024 81.838513 135.42957 81.889369 135.45547 81.912933 curveto +135.52154 81.953709 135.57946 82.004182 135.64633 82.043893 curveto +135.78692 82.12745 135.93575 82.201697 136.1007 82.219137 curveto +136.22883 82.237261 136.36048 82.241745 136.48144 82.292548 curveto +136.51881 82.303526 136.55385 82.32126 136.5906 82.332659 curveto +136.62223 82.342473 136.65458 82.338471 136.68235 82.360761 curveto +136.72643 82.38844 136.76672 82.417571 136.81649 82.433543 curveto +136.83798 82.446291 136.93366 82.507608 136.91777 82.525993 curveto +136.45828 83.057614 135.99384 83.584931 135.53187 84.1144 curveto +135.51065 84.096267 135.48803 84.079644 135.4682 84.060002 curveto +135.45305 84.045011 135.44366 84.025005 135.4292 84.009357 curveto +135.38533 83.96189 135.33521 83.920772 135.28395 83.881623 curveto +135.19625 83.811528 135.16336 83.781265 135.06097 83.719396 curveto +134.77319 83.545499 134.45077 83.440868 134.14597 83.302452 curveto +133.87523 83.208977 133.82559 83.177469 133.53809 83.13694 curveto +133.44312 83.123551 133.19527 83.120622 133.07923 83.096597 curveto +133.05408 83.091389 133.03354 83.071907 133.00859 83.065797 curveto +133.00267 83.064345 133.01479 83.076316 133.01789 83.081576 curveto +133.53052 82.61119 134.05426 82.152625 134.55579 81.670418 curveto +134.56839 81.658298 134.5254 81.64949 134.50792 81.648948 curveto +134.46757 81.647699 134.49264 81.749208 134.49971 81.766382 curveto +132.96053 83.156876 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.98762 103.8201 moveto +130.90896 103.80202 130.83411 103.83928 130.76004 103.86181 curveto +130.71111 103.88471 130.6683 103.91888 130.62419 103.94996 curveto +130.58349 103.97174 130.5407 103.99409 130.49474 104.00159 curveto +130.51627 103.97259 130.47467 103.99499 130.4644 103.99664 curveto +130.43522 104.00132 130.42664 103.99851 130.39632 104.01219 curveto +130.39219 104.00769 130.22632 104.08808 130.29414 104.07521 curveto +130.28136 104.08484 130.26975 104.09628 130.25578 104.1041 curveto +130.23835 104.14495 130.24146 104.10025 130.23494 104.10268 curveto +130.20942 104.11218 130.17419 104.13236 130.1504 104.14652 curveto +130.11231 104.17033 130.06782 104.19964 130.03608 104.2319 curveto +130.03331 104.25499 129.98645 104.26334 129.98606 104.28533 curveto +129.98603 104.28734 129.99015 104.28307 129.99193 104.28399 curveto +129.99384 104.28497 129.99379 104.28786 129.99472 104.2898 curveto +129.9597 104.31736 129.97256 104.34046 129.94177 104.36939 curveto +129.9207 104.40046 129.88286 104.42824 129.85182 104.45821 curveto +129.79652 104.49439 129.76082 104.55164 129.71168 104.59443 curveto +129.66737 104.62847 129.63162 104.67101 129.58773 104.70575 curveto +129.55473 104.74713 129.52505 104.78955 129.48375 104.82349 curveto +129.43623 104.87431 129.38128 104.91766 129.32602 104.95982 curveto +129.26389 105.01626 129.21049 105.07797 129.16807 105.1505 curveto +129.13493 105.19646 129.10688 105.24542 129.08046 105.29569 curveto +129.04357 105.3372 128.99135 105.35697 128.94635 105.38786 curveto +128.92539 105.39672 128.91137 105.42732 128.88339 105.43613 curveto +128.85316 105.44775 128.84021 105.4854 128.80997 105.49633 curveto +128.81253 105.5073 128.77046 105.54127 128.74922 105.56349 curveto +128.74531 105.57765 128.7137 105.59152 128.74218 105.58041 curveto +128.75755 105.57442 128.72183 105.60663 128.70944 105.61753 curveto +128.6926 105.62921 128.69412 105.65191 128.68456 105.66728 curveto +128.67186 105.68772 128.65658 105.7 128.64609 105.72111 curveto +128.64068 105.74449 128.62841 105.74194 128.64967 105.73606 curveto +128.66494 105.73185 128.62738 105.77258 128.62412 105.77754 curveto +128.59113 105.78538 128.58675 105.82799 128.56941 105.84687 curveto +128.55999 105.85712 128.5488 105.86558 128.5385 105.87494 curveto +128.55249 105.86161 128.47969 105.9249 128.49303 105.91091 curveto +128.50616 105.89713 128.52788 105.87282 128.54782 105.8635 curveto +128.53397 105.87955 128.52013 105.89561 128.50628 105.91166 curveto +127.03024 104.37838 lineto +127.01749 104.39368 127.00475 104.40898 126.99201 104.42429 curveto +127.00273 104.41084 127.08058 104.3045 127.06989 104.35859 curveto +127.01931 104.41682 127.13666 104.29575 127.09333 104.33362 curveto +127.09413 104.33089 127.09493 104.32816 127.09573 104.32544 curveto +127.09307 104.32452 127.08736 104.32547 127.08775 104.32268 curveto +127.09121 104.29834 127.12074 104.27706 127.13732 104.26045 curveto +127.16472 104.23111 127.1871 104.20141 127.20552 104.16341 curveto +127.20614 104.15575 127.20267 104.14723 127.20613 104.14038 curveto +127.21905 104.11476 127.24314 104.09395 127.26729 104.07936 curveto +127.29335 104.0555 127.30699 104.02134 127.33678 104.00038 curveto +127.36097 103.97756 127.39153 103.9614 127.41632 103.93115 curveto +127.42571 103.92122 127.4859 103.87958 127.49553 103.87385 curveto +127.50061 103.87083 127.507 103.87101 127.51274 103.86959 curveto +127.54138 103.85891 127.5706 103.82487 127.58567 103.82066 curveto +127.58786 103.82005 127.58458 103.82508 127.58403 103.82729 curveto +127.6289 103.79789 127.65065 103.74598 127.69447 103.71464 curveto +127.75755 103.6477 127.81685 103.57644 127.88457 103.51456 curveto +127.92712 103.45826 127.96899 103.40198 128.01663 103.35003 curveto +128.04982 103.31035 128.08569 103.27213 128.12462 103.23811 curveto +128.16335 103.19274 128.21034 103.15778 128.25276 103.11628 curveto +128.29726 103.07696 128.3494 103.04569 128.37537 102.98867 curveto +128.39858 102.95946 128.40918 102.93296 128.42817 102.90356 curveto +128.42367 102.89763 128.47491 102.84452 128.46273 102.8499 curveto +128.49453 102.80966 128.52734 102.77295 128.57358 102.75078 curveto +128.59731 102.73221 128.61658 102.70705 128.64214 102.69107 curveto +128.65866 102.68076 128.67944 102.67834 128.69419 102.66458 curveto +128.70405 102.65813 128.71305 102.65046 128.72249 102.6434 curveto +128.73053 102.63879 128.73926 102.63521 128.74663 102.62957 curveto +128.75722 102.62148 128.8564 102.52039 128.80166 102.58009 curveto +128.85641 102.54635 128.92217 102.53762 128.97725 102.5037 curveto +129.02675 102.47352 129.06917 102.43472 129.12168 102.40905 curveto +129.14762 102.41307 129.17279 102.42162 129.19926 102.42224 curveto +129.25713 102.41161 129.30165 102.36819 129.35886 102.35349 curveto +129.39245 102.33585 129.40829 102.3246 129.44553 102.31636 curveto +129.50543 102.3031 129.56882 102.30656 129.61715 102.26084 curveto +130.98762 103.8201 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.06765 96.1703 moveto +131.98328 96.214177 131.93503 96.300004 131.8741 96.369537 curveto +131.81427 96.44458 131.73537 96.500653 131.66979 96.569275 curveto +131.62363 96.609062 131.59809 96.664519 131.5605 96.710998 curveto +131.49716 96.789311 131.55481 96.710365 131.50925 96.774346 curveto +131.49933 96.784769 131.4695 96.815223 131.45988 96.828454 curveto +131.45397 96.836579 131.45498 96.848552 131.44883 96.856495 curveto +131.41182 96.904278 131.43334 96.862165 131.42225 96.885016 curveto +131.40372 96.922057 131.36809 96.949156 131.33513 96.973736 curveto +130.71 97.489278 129.75886 96.018458 130.00902 95.294491 curveto +130.01138 95.286452 130.01374 95.278413 130.0161 95.270373 curveto +131.38419 96.852988 lineto +131.38737 96.85853 131.39054 96.864071 131.39371 96.869613 curveto +131.99111 97.249241 131.64928 97.034514 130.20563 95.180991 curveto +130.1862 95.156045 130.15273 95.21572 130.12736 95.234583 curveto +130.12695 95.234887 130.13598 95.242754 130.13759 95.241354 curveto +130.12335 95.259426 130.17534 95.199369 130.18058 95.194645 curveto +130.21407 95.16296 130.25163 95.137349 130.28954 95.111675 curveto +130.35665 95.05221 130.41854 94.987952 130.47535 94.918453 curveto +130.5432 94.857918 130.60239 94.788507 130.66511 94.722745 curveto +130.73293 94.650404 130.80747 94.584361 130.84745 94.490839 curveto +132.06765 96.1703 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.77757 105.48794 moveto +128.75722 105.55803 128.74695 105.63139 128.74875 105.70436 curveto +128.73422 105.74165 128.71556 105.7764 128.70524 105.81517 curveto +128.70839 105.80976 128.70013 105.82997 128.70225 105.82663 curveto +128.75473 105.74409 128.68065 105.85184 128.66596 105.87036 curveto +128.66369 105.87334 128.66142 105.87633 128.65914 105.87931 curveto +126.9001 104.69724 lineto +126.90122 104.69747 126.90234 104.69771 126.90346 104.69794 curveto +126.89811 104.78061 126.8446 104.71906 126.90765 104.69347 curveto +126.91751 104.68736 126.94698 104.64913 126.93784 104.66442 curveto +126.96528 104.60766 126.97712 104.54918 126.95792 104.48758 curveto +128.77757 105.48794 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.72291 96.020231 moveto +130.64588 96.141987 130.60804 96.28499 130.5792 96.425087 curveto +130.55016 96.486996 130.54916 96.566061 130.53237 96.629219 curveto +130.52651 96.65126 130.5152 96.671486 130.50722 96.692853 curveto +130.50169 96.728658 130.47517 96.753358 130.46844 96.788894 curveto +130.46432 96.824092 130.43627 96.851991 130.43467 96.888966 curveto +130.43547 96.901045 130.43705 96.909568 130.4291 96.922053 curveto +129.9979 97.599351 128.72596 96.641992 128.54418 95.893728 curveto +128.55329 95.84948 128.57813 95.813873 128.59847 95.774907 curveto +130.40732 96.863844 lineto +130.43069 96.840056 130.43178 96.839801 130.44846 96.800148 curveto +131.14926 96.761504 130.51676 96.797932 128.68541 95.705463 curveto +128.67615 95.699935 128.6753 95.724541 128.66972 95.733779 curveto +128.65333 95.760927 128.63468 95.786738 128.61952 95.814594 curveto +128.6173 95.818684 128.61355 95.828048 128.61819 95.828499 curveto +128.62326 95.828992 128.62323 95.819633 128.62575 95.8152 curveto +128.64207 95.783415 128.6598 95.754853 128.67016 95.721285 curveto +128.68811 95.67663 128.70877 95.633157 128.73644 95.593712 curveto +128.79013 95.54136 128.82766 95.474377 128.86247 95.408634 curveto +128.92588 95.277831 128.95231 95.137772 128.91814 94.994433 curveto +130.72291 96.020231 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.53069 105.38256 moveto +128.4904 105.41865 128.4893 105.47013 128.50155 105.51968 curveto +128.51008 105.54168 128.49225 105.50138 128.52574 105.5028 curveto +128.5404 105.50342 128.51014 105.55749 128.51977 105.54642 curveto +128.54008 105.52309 128.55147 105.49329 128.56784 105.46704 curveto +128.56767 105.47241 128.56385 105.47904 128.56731 105.48315 curveto +128.56988 105.4862 128.57489 105.48025 128.57886 105.48014 curveto +128.58864 105.47985 128.60054 105.48568 128.60975 105.4886 curveto +128.00272 105.15804 127.39569 104.82748 126.78866 104.49691 curveto +127.32526 104.95896 126.72538 104.44305 128.63441 105.51786 curveto +128.64358 105.52302 128.64282 105.57266 128.63887 105.58116 curveto +128.6199 105.62194 128.59708 105.66081 128.57618 105.70064 curveto +128.56009 105.71748 128.54545 105.74769 128.52278 105.7601 curveto +128.51429 105.76475 128.50272 105.76283 128.49507 105.76876 curveto +128.48142 105.77934 128.47 105.79252 128.45747 105.8044 curveto +127.73131 105.39184 124.3157 103.51168 128.41228 105.7796 curveto +128.41424 105.78068 128.40966 105.77597 128.40834 105.77415 curveto +126.72654 104.48274 lineto +127.41441 104.64349 127.96607 105.16073 128.583 105.50484 curveto +128.58709 105.50713 128.59464 105.51899 128.59053 105.51672 curveto +127.98734 105.1839 127.38633 104.84713 126.78423 104.51234 curveto +126.77724 104.52689 126.76798 104.54056 126.76326 104.556 curveto +126.76255 104.55834 126.76859 104.55618 126.77033 104.55788 curveto +126.78393 104.57123 126.74819 104.61252 126.75126 104.615 curveto +126.73252 104.65277 126.71394 104.69062 126.69506 104.72832 curveto +126.69176 104.73489 126.68764 104.74238 126.68249 104.7478 curveto +126.68002 104.75041 126.67112 104.75301 126.67426 104.75475 curveto +128.47617 105.75394 129.18421 105.76919 128.4756 105.75128 curveto +127.85878 105.41803 127.24196 105.08478 126.62513 104.75153 curveto +126.61871 104.7426 126.60564 104.71306 126.60161 104.71027 curveto +126.59739 104.70734 126.59144 104.71166 126.58636 104.71235 curveto +126.60446 104.63696 126.61686 104.6219 126.63085 104.55623 curveto +126.66453 104.50267 126.69752 104.44534 126.70825 104.38247 curveto +128.53069 105.38256 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +129.00303 105.4163 moveto +128.93051 105.46946 128.88507 105.54435 128.86774 105.63184 curveto +128.86555 105.65249 128.864 105.67913 128.88112 105.69446 curveto +128.88522 105.7024 128.88697 105.71238 128.8916 105.7207 curveto +128.84611 105.77943 128.93905 105.64628 128.93489 105.6717 curveto +128.92787 105.71464 128.91076 105.7419 128.89173 105.77915 curveto +128.88394 105.74873 128.92886 105.74537 128.93746 105.73412 curveto +128.9447 105.72464 128.94485 105.70864 128.95546 105.70319 curveto +128.96119 105.70025 128.96063 105.71499 128.96322 105.72089 curveto +128.9207 105.86551 129.02209 105.64839 128.93662 105.83284 curveto +128.92777 105.85195 128.89611 105.90669 128.90646 105.88835 curveto +128.96329 105.78757 128.94648 105.82032 128.98621 105.73141 curveto +126.99116 104.99454 lineto +127.02835 104.89079 127.0036 104.95079 127.06461 104.83023 curveto +127.0729 104.81384 127.04734 104.86266 127.03947 104.87925 curveto +127.02997 104.89926 127.0215 104.91975 127.01252 104.94 curveto +127.01372 104.93319 127.02046 104.9142 127.01611 104.91957 curveto +127.00782 104.92982 127.00528 104.94361 126.99986 104.95564 curveto +126.95559 104.95859 127.00287 104.8261 127.00837 104.81118 curveto +127.0014 104.82183 126.99318 104.83176 126.98745 104.84312 curveto +126.9763 104.86522 126.96488 104.92266 126.96447 104.88097 curveto +126.96439 104.8729 126.96388 104.86467 126.9656 104.85678 curveto +126.97931 104.79393 126.9953 104.8154 126.97799 104.79512 curveto +126.98413 104.77883 126.9854 104.76145 126.98742 104.74428 curveto +127.00741 104.70736 127.02247 104.66678 127.04994 104.63491 curveto +127.06599 104.61442 127.08035 104.59263 127.09663 104.57233 curveto +127.13431 104.52535 127.18153 104.48151 127.18059 104.4162 curveto +129.00303 105.4163 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.63829 104.30496 moveto +128.65254 104.3564 128.69032 104.3832 128.73135 104.41249 curveto +128.73989 104.4186 128.74742 104.42691 128.75737 104.43024 curveto +128.76602 104.43313 128.77562 104.4303 128.78474 104.43034 curveto +129.49496 104.44497 128.84893 104.4354 127.0066 103.43243 curveto +127.00446 103.43127 127.01194 103.46861 127.01966 103.46663 curveto +127.03018 103.46393 127.03918 103.45709 127.04893 103.45232 curveto +127.07667 103.43544 127.08315 103.48135 127.09953 103.48308 curveto +127.10915 103.48409 127.11787 103.4769 127.12704 103.47381 curveto +127.73738 103.81113 128.34772 104.14845 128.95805 104.48577 curveto +128.35712 104.15247 127.75619 103.81917 127.15526 103.48588 curveto +127.15528 103.49404 127.17524 103.49693 127.17772 103.50341 curveto +127.18973 103.53485 127.17125 103.50822 127.18536 103.52667 curveto +127.18746 103.54567 127.23019 103.53705 127.23546 103.54429 curveto +127.23941 103.54971 127.23712 103.5576 127.23795 103.56425 curveto +127.26051 103.57622 127.27727 103.54578 127.29924 103.54304 curveto +127.30283 103.5426 127.30406 103.54843 127.30646 103.55112 curveto +127.31323 103.54868 127.32 103.54625 127.32677 103.54382 curveto +127.34503 103.54345 127.35731 103.52393 127.3748 103.52139 curveto +127.37748 103.521 127.37737 103.52787 127.38006 103.52758 curveto +127.4006 103.52538 127.42588 103.50277 127.44346 103.49243 curveto +127.46018 103.4919 127.47155 103.47228 127.488 103.47044 curveto +127.49265 103.46993 127.49617 103.47621 127.50084 103.47608 curveto +127.52178 103.47547 127.5495 103.45874 127.56803 103.45067 curveto +127.57754 103.44735 127.58656 103.44205 127.59654 103.44071 curveto +127.60083 103.44013 127.60439 103.44544 127.6087 103.44521 curveto +127.63588 103.44377 127.66165 103.43157 127.68735 103.4235 curveto +127.7297 103.38979 127.78256 103.38181 127.83082 103.36208 curveto +127.84171 103.35762 127.89436 103.32972 127.90407 103.32464 curveto +127.96914 103.29876 128.03392 103.2766 128.0989 103.2506 curveto +128.14649 103.24386 128.2042 103.22676 128.2466 103.20369 curveto +128.25537 103.19913 128.26356 103.1932 128.27292 103.19001 curveto +128.2765 103.18879 128.2806 103.19192 128.28423 103.19087 curveto +128.31185 103.18285 128.33884 103.15953 128.36303 103.14469 curveto +128.37764 103.13127 128.403 103.13152 128.41797 103.1188 curveto +128.42979 103.10875 128.43712 103.07864 128.45086 103.08586 curveto +130.27994 104.04617 130.10019 103.42844 130.29627 104.12181 curveto +130.27117 104.19145 130.24115 104.2801 130.17301 104.3223 curveto +130.16602 104.32663 130.15687 104.32565 130.14911 104.32837 curveto +130.13516 104.33327 130.12172 104.33953 130.10803 104.34511 curveto +129.9984 104.37386 129.88734 104.39736 129.77852 104.4298 curveto +129.68153 104.46828 129.59869 104.53066 129.52313 104.60132 curveto +129.47367 104.64312 129.4278 104.68882 129.38533 104.73775 curveto +129.3506 104.77257 129.33655 104.81706 129.30576 104.85508 curveto +129.27011 104.90724 129.22707 104.95392 129.18995 105.00483 curveto +129.16091 105.06254 129.1195 105.1143 129.08034 105.1658 curveto +129.06637 105.16831 128.99932 105.27366 129.02932 105.21621 curveto +129.031 105.21394 129.03691 105.21062 129.03437 105.20938 curveto +129.02093 105.20284 128.98949 105.28938 128.98476 105.30056 curveto +128.97469 105.34372 128.94304 105.38128 128.93808 105.42578 curveto +128.9311 105.43945 128.94632 105.43986 128.94624 105.44002 curveto +128.93339 105.46797 128.92154 105.47993 128.90259 105.5038 curveto +128.8653 105.546 128.83095 105.59275 128.80899 105.64484 curveto +128.7985 105.66979 128.80236 105.696 128.80671 105.7218 curveto +128.79864 105.75569 128.77309 105.78315 128.77092 105.81817 curveto +128.77098 105.81995 128.7698 105.82471 128.77111 105.8235 curveto +128.77423 105.8206 128.77446 105.81552 128.77724 105.8123 curveto +128.83189 105.74918 128.73913 105.88286 128.72387 105.90417 curveto +128.71696 105.91351 128.71007 105.92286 128.70326 105.93227 curveto +126.90908 104.79306 lineto +126.9101 104.79763 126.91171 104.80188 126.91323 104.80631 curveto +126.91369 104.87107 126.86354 104.88087 126.90837 104.81289 curveto +126.91425 104.805 126.95198 104.73686 126.93019 104.78095 curveto +126.94457 104.72699 126.9611 104.67525 126.99356 104.62874 curveto +127.02946 104.58406 127.0585 104.53643 127.07487 104.48103 curveto +127.07025 104.47873 127.06339 104.49143 127.06061 104.48707 curveto +127.0565 104.48065 127.08153 104.43164 127.08995 104.4225 curveto +127.09837 104.40911 127.10466 104.39431 127.1143 104.38177 curveto +127.13174 104.35906 127.15198 104.35187 127.1538 104.31687 curveto +127.17266 104.2651 127.17427 104.20754 127.2011 104.15996 curveto +127.20887 104.14814 127.21491 104.13498 127.22441 104.1245 curveto +127.23135 104.11685 127.29925 104.11724 127.29277 104.08824 curveto +127.34633 104.07157 127.35747 104.02605 127.39174 103.98567 curveto +127.42662 103.9327 127.4702 103.88719 127.49644 103.82928 curveto +127.52223 103.77815 127.55765 103.73445 127.59457 103.69108 curveto +127.64974 103.63119 127.71457 103.58379 127.78396 103.54144 curveto +127.89129 103.47544 127.98532 103.38669 128.10712 103.34472 curveto +128.17499 103.31184 128.2408 103.27267 128.31007 103.24283 curveto +128.32007 103.23853 128.33106 103.23663 128.34083 103.23183 curveto +128.35137 103.22665 128.36072 103.21933 128.37066 103.21308 curveto +128.37556 103.21185 128.38101 103.21194 128.38536 103.20938 curveto +128.39132 103.20587 128.39378 103.19499 128.40069 103.1954 curveto +128.40352 103.19556 128.39891 103.20904 128.38202 103.23635 curveto +128.3427 103.29995 128.38207 103.21898 128.33215 103.34018 curveto +127.80664 103.80471 128.29001 103.37335 130.144 104.34594 curveto +130.15598 104.35223 130.15645 104.32061 130.15573 104.3071 curveto +130.15558 104.30425 130.11862 104.30225 130.11479 104.29778 curveto +130.08825 104.29729 130.0684 104.29859 130.04451 104.31303 curveto +130.03425 104.31923 130.02599 104.32874 130.01504 104.33363 curveto +130.00888 104.33638 130.00159 104.33468 129.99486 104.3352 curveto +129.97695 104.34029 129.96084 104.34387 129.94417 104.35261 curveto +129.93357 104.35818 129.9247 104.36694 129.91368 104.37164 curveto +129.88561 104.38362 129.85066 104.38016 129.82637 104.40299 curveto +129.75917 104.40728 129.70004 104.43982 129.63244 104.44097 curveto +129.56866 104.45919 129.51972 104.50297 129.45565 104.51909 curveto +129.42816 104.54408 129.36061 104.59395 129.32639 104.60714 curveto +129.32106 104.6092 129.31499 104.60646 129.30928 104.60611 curveto +129.28991 104.60677 129.26986 104.6099 129.2529 104.62036 curveto +129.24399 104.62586 129.23756 104.63535 129.2279 104.63941 curveto +129.22502 104.64061 129.20119 104.63615 129.19731 104.63548 curveto +129.18701 104.63667 129.17615 104.63539 129.16639 104.63889 curveto +129.13692 104.64945 129.12186 104.68286 129.08611 104.67678 curveto +129.05921 104.69056 129.07419 104.68124 129.04329 104.70788 curveto +129.03792 104.71076 129.03149 104.70092 129.02572 104.70287 curveto +129.01644 104.70599 128.99325 104.72331 128.98674 104.72788 curveto +128.97721 104.73724 128.96924 104.74851 128.95814 104.75595 curveto +128.95229 104.75987 128.90154 104.76111 128.89315 104.76903 curveto +128.88122 104.77212 128.87129 104.781 128.85932 104.78396 curveto +128.84668 104.78708 128.82903 104.76904 128.81582 104.77302 curveto +128.20547 104.43497 127.59511 104.09691 126.98476 103.75886 curveto +127.58663 104.09104 128.1854 104.42889 128.79036 104.75541 curveto +128.79721 104.7591 128.79424 104.73693 128.78809 104.73216 curveto +128.77831 104.72456 128.73457 104.75633 128.72858 104.72308 curveto +128.73388 104.69536 128.74101 104.69735 128.71638 104.70287 curveto +128.70959 104.7044 128.7027 104.70568 128.69613 104.70799 curveto +128.68747 104.71102 128.6789 104.72319 128.67082 104.71883 curveto +126.85059 103.73652 127.12247 104.34493 126.83415 103.68876 curveto +126.81122 103.62073 126.77271 103.55635 126.72463 103.50325 curveto +128.63829 104.30496 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3992361 0 0 0.3992361 208.41415 24.331271] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.22537 143.31984 moveto +213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto +116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto +89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto +185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +213.22537 143.31984 moveto +213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto +116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto +89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto +185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.999321 0 0 1.3809014 0.9121652 -62.66197] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +189.47369 147.50337 moveto +189.47369 152.94143 172.18246 157.35492 150.8772 157.35492 curveto +129.57193 157.35492 112.2807 152.94143 112.2807 147.50337 curveto +112.2807 142.06532 129.57193 137.65182 150.8772 137.65182 curveto +172.18246 137.65182 189.47369 142.06532 189.47369 147.50337 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +189.47369 147.50337 moveto +189.47369 152.94143 172.18246 157.35492 150.8772 157.35492 curveto +129.57193 157.35492 112.2807 152.94143 112.2807 147.50337 curveto +112.2807 142.06532 129.57193 137.65182 150.8772 137.65182 curveto +172.18246 137.65182 189.47369 142.06532 189.47369 147.50337 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +196.15625 108.28125 moveto +195.18902 108.38828 194.23068 108.58324 193.25469 108.59375 curveto +192.27782 108.56792 191.22409 108.31616 190.30689 108.77247 curveto +189.31221 109.30581 188.28604 109.79683 187.375 110.46875 curveto +186.47304 111.12334 185.69704 111.92818 184.97585 112.77326 curveto +184.29135 113.4816 183.75374 114.31315 183.34849 115.20927 curveto +182.85841 116.13413 182.57599 117.15298 182.35315 118.17099 curveto +182.15596 119.24287 181.88853 120.33643 182.05006 121.43184 curveto +182.14709 122.65669 182.42709 123.86094 182.83906 125.01718 curveto +183.24001 126.22502 183.86226 127.34148 184.5 128.4375 curveto +185.10463 129.32198 185.73789 130.21888 186.625 130.84375 curveto +187.58996 131.45102 188.68299 131.79551 189.77012 132.1106 curveto +190.76873 132.43438 191.83277 132.46693 192.8689 132.35233 curveto +193.93471 132.22235 194.99758 132.03273 196.03905 131.77456 curveto +197.32581 131.4296 198.52869 130.8104 199.61305 130.04402 curveto +200.47752 129.43566 201.03683 128.5116 201.62961 127.65841 curveto +202.32182 126.5831 203.04061 125.51088 203.49006 124.30539 curveto +203.94318 123.39249 204.1604 122.40159 204.34375 121.40625 curveto +204.45393 120.31878 204.49739 119.22228 204.48784 118.1301 curveto +204.43029 116.93363 204.25155 115.74855 204.09375 114.5625 curveto +203.83752 113.58444 203.66321 112.57299 203.21875 111.65625 curveto +202.66077 110.81579 201.87707 110.15495 201.07127 109.56126 curveto +199.97864 108.8195 198.67408 108.44971 197.375 108.28125 curveto +196.9677 108.24438 196.56366 108.24945 196.15625 108.28125 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.36077797 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +196.15625 108.28125 moveto +195.18902 108.38828 194.23068 108.58324 193.25469 108.59375 curveto +192.27782 108.56792 191.22409 108.31616 190.30689 108.77247 curveto +189.31221 109.30581 188.28604 109.79683 187.375 110.46875 curveto +186.47304 111.12334 185.69704 111.92818 184.97585 112.77326 curveto +184.29135 113.4816 183.75374 114.31315 183.34849 115.20927 curveto +182.85841 116.13413 182.57599 117.15298 182.35315 118.17099 curveto +182.15596 119.24287 181.88853 120.33643 182.05006 121.43184 curveto +182.14709 122.65669 182.42709 123.86094 182.83906 125.01718 curveto +183.24001 126.22502 183.86226 127.34148 184.5 128.4375 curveto +185.10463 129.32198 185.73789 130.21888 186.625 130.84375 curveto +187.58996 131.45102 188.68299 131.79551 189.77012 132.1106 curveto +190.76873 132.43438 191.83277 132.46693 192.8689 132.35233 curveto +193.93471 132.22235 194.99758 132.03273 196.03905 131.77456 curveto +197.32581 131.4296 198.52869 130.8104 199.61305 130.04402 curveto +200.47752 129.43566 201.03683 128.5116 201.62961 127.65841 curveto +202.32182 126.5831 203.04061 125.51088 203.49006 124.30539 curveto +203.94318 123.39249 204.1604 122.40159 204.34375 121.40625 curveto +204.45393 120.31878 204.49739 119.22228 204.48784 118.1301 curveto +204.43029 116.93363 204.25155 115.74855 204.09375 114.5625 curveto +203.83752 113.58444 203.66321 112.57299 203.21875 111.65625 curveto +202.66077 110.81579 201.87707 110.15495 201.07127 109.56126 curveto +199.97864 108.8195 198.67408 108.44971 197.375 108.28125 curveto +196.9677 108.24438 196.56366 108.24945 196.15625 108.28125 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +189.77135 113.47659 moveto +188.90557 113.7236 188.07602 114.09229 187.32802 114.55335 curveto +186.55428 115.07896 185.75266 115.60525 185.18317 116.32023 curveto +184.66956 117.00377 184.10993 117.70134 183.91077 118.51956 curveto +183.72264 119.24566 183.39066 119.95644 183.42515 120.71292 curveto +183.40823 121.59254 183.72766 122.44072 183.953 123.28838 curveto +184.45589 124.37478 185.13068 125.40835 186.01274 126.28369 curveto +186.64451 126.84887 187.48609 127.17456 188.3286 127.40374 curveto +189.20009 127.65775 190.11548 127.79319 191.03281 127.71182 curveto +191.96131 127.6091 192.88193 127.46756 193.79031 127.26592 curveto +194.60465 127.07814 195.35674 126.71305 196.02905 126.266 curveto +196.77022 125.80457 197.26521 125.11353 197.7777 124.46398 curveto +198.32182 123.69752 198.84545 122.89955 199.12639 122.02194 curveto +199.37736 121.09193 199.49281 120.12955 199.43235 119.1732 curveto +199.39483 118.30072 199.2659 117.43044 199.01341 116.58622 curveto +198.73656 115.82822 198.11268 115.237 197.41132 114.76973 curveto +196.68054 114.3131 195.91399 113.82099 194.99541 113.75059 curveto +194.07842 113.65948 193.14912 113.95112 192.24277 113.70693 curveto +191.43555 113.52641 190.60183 113.4294 189.77135 113.47659 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.2337742 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +189.77135 113.47659 moveto +188.90557 113.7236 188.07602 114.09229 187.32802 114.55335 curveto +186.55428 115.07896 185.75266 115.60525 185.18317 116.32023 curveto +184.66956 117.00377 184.10993 117.70134 183.91077 118.51956 curveto +183.72264 119.24566 183.39066 119.95644 183.42515 120.71292 curveto +183.40823 121.59254 183.72766 122.44072 183.953 123.28838 curveto +184.45589 124.37478 185.13068 125.40835 186.01274 126.28369 curveto +186.64451 126.84887 187.48609 127.17456 188.3286 127.40374 curveto +189.20009 127.65775 190.11548 127.79319 191.03281 127.71182 curveto +191.96131 127.6091 192.88193 127.46756 193.79031 127.26592 curveto +194.60465 127.07814 195.35674 126.71305 196.02905 126.266 curveto +196.77022 125.80457 197.26521 125.11353 197.7777 124.46398 curveto +198.32182 123.69752 198.84545 122.89955 199.12639 122.02194 curveto +199.37736 121.09193 199.49281 120.12955 199.43235 119.1732 curveto +199.39483 118.30072 199.2659 117.43044 199.01341 116.58622 curveto +198.73656 115.82822 198.11268 115.237 197.41132 114.76973 curveto +196.68054 114.3131 195.91399 113.82099 194.99541 113.75059 curveto +194.07842 113.65948 193.14912 113.95112 192.24277 113.70693 curveto +191.43555 113.52641 190.60183 113.4294 189.77135 113.47659 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +151.55261 90.935897 moveto +143.54643 91.752429 135.53567 92.530444 127.54029 93.46395 curveto +122.32624 94.184143 117.14714 95.305543 112.11046 96.970816 curveto +110.98361 97.349231 109.89713 97.902088 108.89885 98.59359 curveto +107.83055 99.348718 107.0241 100.49694 106.63179 101.83045 curveto +105.87448 104.14648 106.4564 106.60881 106.77688 108.95248 curveto +107.28919 112.18047 107.89081 115.40045 108.74437 118.54068 curveto +109.60999 121.67005 110.80052 124.69852 112.34397 127.49222 curveto +115.23846 132.61758 119.34876 136.79671 123.8865 140.10872 curveto +126.94446 142.30266 130.28705 144.00133 133.78994 145.11974 curveto +137.19937 146.27314 140.77401 146.69763 144.32486 146.86095 curveto +147.33039 146.94124 150.33819 147.04516 153.34176 146.83752 curveto +158.95531 146.52788 164.66556 146.24702 170.05041 144.30368 curveto +173.18213 143.20518 176.08448 141.41871 178.77301 139.35127 curveto +180.90598 137.73884 182.84496 135.83261 184.68244 133.83095 curveto +186.18575 131.96438 187.70309 130.09418 188.88754 127.95495 curveto +190.79038 124.77532 192.08298 121.18843 192.84819 117.47841 curveto +193.66967 113.52669 194.16673 109.48322 194.25205 105.42942 curveto +194.21921 104.23684 194.16425 103.02892 193.86718 101.87546 curveto +192.99052 100.40503 191.38598 99.857192 189.98044 99.23316 curveto +187.79274 98.265814 185.44373 97.414849 183.78138 95.469057 curveto +182.93829 94.533589 181.7099 95.161544 180.68237 95.09293 curveto +178.95413 94.914546 177.26726 94.418483 175.54623 94.177717 curveto +169.56385 93.002157 163.59702 91.640131 157.53176 91.092264 curveto +155.54528 90.867859 153.54647 90.810783 151.55261 90.935897 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.28534564 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +151.55261 90.935897 moveto +143.54643 91.752429 135.53567 92.530444 127.54029 93.46395 curveto +122.32624 94.184143 117.14714 95.305543 112.11046 96.970816 curveto +110.98361 97.349231 109.89713 97.902088 108.89885 98.59359 curveto +107.83055 99.348718 107.0241 100.49694 106.63179 101.83045 curveto +105.87448 104.14648 106.4564 106.60881 106.77688 108.95248 curveto +107.28919 112.18047 107.89081 115.40045 108.74437 118.54068 curveto +109.60999 121.67005 110.80052 124.69852 112.34397 127.49222 curveto +115.23846 132.61758 119.34876 136.79671 123.8865 140.10872 curveto +126.94446 142.30266 130.28705 144.00133 133.78994 145.11974 curveto +137.19937 146.27314 140.77401 146.69763 144.32486 146.86095 curveto +147.33039 146.94124 150.33819 147.04516 153.34176 146.83752 curveto +158.95531 146.52788 164.66556 146.24702 170.05041 144.30368 curveto +173.18213 143.20518 176.08448 141.41871 178.77301 139.35127 curveto +180.90598 137.73884 182.84496 135.83261 184.68244 133.83095 curveto +186.18575 131.96438 187.70309 130.09418 188.88754 127.95495 curveto +190.79038 124.77532 192.08298 121.18843 192.84819 117.47841 curveto +193.66967 113.52669 194.16673 109.48322 194.25205 105.42942 curveto +194.21921 104.23684 194.16425 103.02892 193.86718 101.87546 curveto +192.99052 100.40503 191.38598 99.857192 189.98044 99.23316 curveto +187.79274 98.265814 185.44373 97.414849 183.78138 95.469057 curveto +182.93829 94.533589 181.7099 95.161544 180.68237 95.09293 curveto +178.95413 94.914546 177.26726 94.418483 175.54623 94.177717 curveto +169.56385 93.002157 163.59702 91.640131 157.53176 91.092264 curveto +155.54528 90.867859 153.54647 90.810783 151.55261 90.935897 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1.0720031 0 0 0.999551 -11.393715 -1.0330269] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +191.90283 103.77868 moveto +191.90283 110.25965 173.46288 115.51957 150.74223 115.51957 curveto +128.02158 115.51957 109.58164 110.25965 109.58164 103.77868 curveto +109.58164 97.297707 128.02158 92.037787 150.74223 92.037787 curveto +173.46288 92.037787 191.90283 97.297707 191.90283 103.77868 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +191.90283 103.77868 moveto +191.90283 110.25965 173.46288 115.51957 150.74223 115.51957 curveto 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31.219581 460.78622 31.00625 461.10622 curveto +30.48625 461.10622 lineto +30.48625 454.86622 lineto +31.12625 454.86622 lineto +31.152914 455.13289 31.219581 455.46623 31.32625 455.86622 curveto +31.45958 456.23956 31.57958 456.63956 31.68625 457.06622 curveto +31.81958 457.46622 32.01958 457.86622 32.28625 458.26622 curveto +32.552913 458.66622 32.846246 459.03956 33.16625 459.38622 curveto +33.486245 459.70622 33.912911 459.97289 34.44625 460.18622 curveto +34.979577 460.37289 35.566243 460.46622 36.20625 460.46622 curveto +37.219575 460.46622 38.019574 460.21289 38.60625 459.70622 curveto +39.219573 459.17289 39.526239 458.46622 39.52625 457.58622 curveto +39.526239 456.38623 38.832906 455.38623 37.44625 454.58622 curveto +35.12625 453.26622 lineto +33.419578 452.30623 32.206246 451.38623 31.48625 450.50622 curveto +30.792914 449.62623 30.446248 448.62623 30.44625 447.50622 curveto +30.446248 446.06624 30.952914 444.8929 31.96625 443.98622 curveto +33.006245 443.05291 34.312911 442.58624 35.88625 442.58622 curveto +36.766242 442.58624 37.592907 442.71957 38.36625 442.98622 curveto +39.139573 443.22624 39.606239 443.34624 39.76625 443.34622 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.9072 127.81223 moveto +128.83288 127.81223 128.68425 127.85765 128.4613 127.94848 curveto +128.4613 127.86177 lineto +129.57604 127.29821 lineto +129.62559 127.31059 lineto +129.62559 131.02641 lineto +129.62559 131.17504 129.66274 131.27207 129.73706 131.31748 curveto +129.81138 131.3629 129.97033 131.38767 130.21393 131.3918 curveto +130.21393 131.4847 lineto +128.50465 131.4847 lineto +128.50465 131.3918 lineto +128.73586 131.38354 128.89068 131.35051 128.96913 131.29271 curveto +129.0517 131.23078 129.09299 131.10279 129.09299 130.90874 curveto +129.09299 128.1033 lineto +129.09299 127.90926 129.03106 127.81223 128.9072 127.81223 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.41864 131.5714 moveto +132.20395 131.5714 132.01197 131.52185 131.84269 131.42277 curveto +131.67341 131.32368 131.53923 131.19775 131.44014 131.04499 curveto +131.34106 130.89223 131.25848 130.71676 131.19242 130.51858 curveto +131.12636 130.31628 131.08095 130.12429 131.05618 129.94263 curveto +131.0314 129.76097 131.01902 129.58137 131.01902 129.40384 curveto +131.01902 129.04052 131.07269 128.69577 131.18004 128.3696 curveto +131.29151 128.04344 131.43602 127.79365 131.61355 127.62025 curveto +131.84063 127.40556 132.11725 127.29821 132.44342 127.29821 curveto +132.84802 127.29821 133.17832 127.49639 133.4343 127.89274 curveto +133.69028 128.2891 133.81826 128.80518 133.81827 129.441 curveto +133.81826 130.06856 133.69028 130.58051 133.4343 130.97687 curveto +133.17832 131.37322 132.83977 131.5714 132.41864 131.5714 curveto +132.42484 127.45923 moveto +131.88398 127.45923 131.61355 128.12601 131.61355 129.45958 curveto +131.61355 130.76011 131.88191 131.41038 132.41864 131.41038 curveto +132.95537 131.41038 133.22373 130.75805 133.22374 129.45338 curveto +133.22373 128.80518 133.15561 128.3118 133.01937 127.97325 curveto +132.88312 127.63057 132.68494 127.45923 132.42484 127.45923 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.05212 109.78189 moveto +156.9778 109.78189 156.82917 109.82731 156.60622 109.91813 curveto +156.60622 109.83143 lineto +157.72096 109.26787 lineto +157.77051 109.28025 lineto +157.77051 112.99607 lineto +157.77051 113.1447 157.80766 113.24173 157.88198 113.28714 curveto +157.9563 113.33256 158.11525 113.35733 158.35885 113.36146 curveto +158.35885 113.45435 lineto +156.64957 113.45435 lineto +156.64957 113.36146 lineto +156.88078 113.3532 157.0356 113.32017 157.11405 113.26237 curveto +157.19662 113.20044 157.23791 113.07245 157.23791 112.8784 curveto +157.23791 110.07296 lineto +157.23791 109.87892 157.17598 109.78189 157.05212 109.78189 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +173.91537 127.66329 moveto +173.84105 127.66329 173.69242 127.70871 173.46947 127.79954 curveto +173.46947 127.71283 lineto +174.58421 127.14927 lineto +174.63376 127.16165 lineto +174.63376 130.87747 lineto +174.63376 131.0261 174.67092 131.12313 174.74523 131.16854 curveto +174.81955 131.21396 174.9785 131.23873 175.2221 131.24286 curveto +175.2221 131.33575 lineto +173.51282 131.33575 lineto +173.51282 131.24286 lineto +173.74403 131.2346 173.89885 131.20157 173.9773 131.14377 curveto +174.05987 131.08184 174.10116 130.95385 174.10116 130.7598 curveto +174.10116 127.95436 lineto +174.10116 127.76032 174.03923 127.66329 173.91537 127.66329 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +177.42681 131.42246 moveto +177.21212 131.42246 177.02014 131.37291 176.85086 131.27382 curveto +176.68159 131.17474 176.5474 131.04881 176.44832 130.89605 curveto +176.34923 130.74329 176.26665 130.56782 176.20059 130.36964 curveto +176.13454 130.16734 176.08912 129.97535 176.06435 129.79369 curveto +176.03958 129.61203 176.02719 129.43243 176.02719 129.2549 curveto +176.02719 128.89158 176.08086 128.54683 176.18821 128.22066 curveto +176.29968 127.8945 176.44419 127.64471 176.62172 127.4713 curveto +176.8488 127.25662 177.12542 127.14927 177.45159 127.14927 curveto +177.8562 127.14927 178.18649 127.34745 178.44247 127.7438 curveto +178.69845 128.14016 178.82644 128.65624 178.82644 129.29206 curveto +178.82644 129.91962 178.69845 130.43157 178.44247 130.82793 curveto +178.18649 131.22428 177.84794 131.42246 177.42681 131.42246 curveto +177.43301 127.31029 moveto +176.89215 127.31029 176.62172 127.97707 176.62172 129.31063 curveto +176.62172 130.61117 176.89008 131.26144 177.42681 131.26144 curveto +177.96354 131.26144 178.23191 130.60911 178.23191 129.30444 curveto +178.23191 128.65624 178.16378 128.16286 178.02754 127.82431 curveto +177.89129 127.48163 177.69311 127.31029 177.43301 127.31029 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.59608 93.801434 moveto +172.52176 93.801438 172.37313 93.846853 172.15018 93.937681 curveto +172.15018 93.850978 lineto +173.26492 93.287413 lineto +173.31447 93.299799 lineto +173.31447 97.015616 lineto +173.31447 97.164249 173.35162 97.261273 173.42594 97.306688 curveto +173.50026 97.352104 173.65921 97.376876 173.90281 97.381004 curveto +173.90281 97.4739 lineto +172.19353 97.4739 lineto +172.19353 97.381004 lineto +172.42474 97.372747 172.57956 97.339718 172.65801 97.281916 curveto +172.74058 97.219986 172.78187 97.091997 172.78187 96.897948 curveto +172.78187 94.092507 lineto +172.78187 93.898462 172.71994 93.801438 172.59608 93.801434 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +176.10752 97.560602 moveto +175.89283 97.560602 175.70085 97.511058 175.53157 97.41197 curveto +175.3623 97.312881 175.22811 97.186956 175.12903 97.034195 curveto +175.02994 96.881434 174.94736 96.705965 174.8813 96.507787 curveto +174.81525 96.305483 174.76983 96.113499 174.74506 95.931836 curveto +174.72029 95.750175 174.7079 95.570578 174.7079 95.393042 curveto +174.7079 95.029721 174.76157 94.684976 174.86892 94.358807 curveto +174.98039 94.032644 175.1249 93.782859 175.30243 93.60945 curveto +175.52951 93.394763 175.80613 93.287417 176.1323 93.287413 curveto +176.53691 93.287417 176.8672 93.485594 177.12318 93.881944 curveto +177.37916 94.278301 177.50715 94.794386 177.50715 95.430201 curveto +177.50715 96.057762 177.37916 96.569719 177.12318 96.966072 curveto +176.8672 97.362425 176.52865 97.560602 176.10752 97.560602 curveto +176.11372 93.448432 moveto +175.57286 93.448436 175.30243 94.115218 175.30243 95.44878 curveto +175.30243 96.749316 175.57079 97.399584 176.10752 97.399584 curveto +176.64425 97.399584 176.91262 96.747252 176.91262 95.442587 curveto +176.91262 94.794386 176.84449 94.301008 176.70825 93.962453 curveto +176.572 93.619776 176.37382 93.448436 176.11372 93.448432 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +129.49917 94.680966 moveto +129.42485 94.68097 129.27622 94.726385 129.05327 94.817213 curveto +129.05327 94.73051 lineto +130.16802 94.166945 lineto +130.21756 94.179331 lineto +130.21756 97.895148 lineto +130.21756 98.043781 130.25472 98.140805 130.32903 98.18622 curveto +130.40335 98.231636 130.5623 98.256408 130.8059 98.260536 curveto +130.8059 98.353432 lineto +129.09662 98.353432 lineto +129.09662 98.260536 lineto +129.32783 98.252279 129.48265 98.21925 129.5611 98.161448 curveto +129.64367 98.099518 129.68496 97.971529 129.68496 97.77748 curveto +129.68496 94.972038 lineto +129.68496 94.777994 129.62303 94.68097 129.49917 94.680966 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.01062 98.440134 moveto +132.79592 98.440134 132.60394 98.39059 132.43466 98.291501 curveto +132.26539 98.192413 132.13121 98.066488 132.03212 97.913727 curveto +131.93303 97.760966 131.85045 97.585497 131.7844 97.387319 curveto +131.71834 97.185015 131.67292 96.993031 131.64815 96.811368 curveto +131.62338 96.629707 131.61099 96.45011 131.61099 96.272574 curveto +131.61099 95.909252 131.66466 95.564508 131.77201 95.238339 curveto +131.88348 94.912176 132.02799 94.662391 132.20552 94.488982 curveto +132.4326 94.274295 132.70922 94.166949 133.03539 94.166945 curveto +133.44 94.166949 133.77029 94.365126 134.02627 94.761475 curveto +134.28225 95.157832 134.41024 95.673918 134.41024 96.309732 curveto +134.41024 96.937294 134.28225 97.449251 134.02627 97.845603 curveto +133.77029 98.241957 133.43174 98.440134 133.01062 98.440134 curveto +133.01681 94.327964 moveto +132.47595 94.327968 132.20552 94.99475 132.20552 96.328312 curveto +132.20552 97.628848 132.47389 98.279115 133.01062 98.279115 curveto +133.54734 98.279115 133.81571 97.626784 133.81571 96.322119 curveto +133.81571 95.673918 133.74758 95.18054 133.61134 94.841985 curveto +133.47509 94.499308 133.27691 94.327968 133.01681 94.327964 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.55861318 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +121.42177 114.59451 moveto +152.90305 139.86417 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129.98063 43.211117 127.24094 41.50035 curveto +124.17293 39.494525 120.7539 37.995281 117.14666 37.2959 curveto +113.47896 36.517177 109.68828 36.374629 105.96046 36.728748 curveto +105.74217 36.759973 105.52389 36.791197 105.3056 36.822422 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +190.50356 38.030829 moveto +193.40624 39.114713 196.31126 40.214595 199.07529 41.622811 curveto +201.61801 43.043996 203.97397 44.790398 206.04255 46.843653 curveto +207.67816 48.45116 209.11412 50.255123 210.46748 52.100798 curveto +212.63674 55.220822 214.58519 58.504524 216.07687 62.005311 curveto +217.62681 65.465269 218.72546 69.104665 219.84483 72.720298 curveto +220.4218 74.85466 220.83526 77.030691 221.20184 79.209229 curveto +222.02743 84.656388 222.18694 90.181295 222.04974 95.68192 curveto +221.97431 99.281089 221.77927 102.89172 221.10242 106.43442 curveto +220.39326 110.31889 219.3288 114.12795 218.22646 117.91618 curveto +217.24223 121.02351 216.15026 124.10426 214.7059 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168.86994 105.93722 169.12637 103.78587 curveto +169.22537 100.86973 168.77721 97.974844 168.35236 95.099333 curveto +167.62533 91.660258 166.71157 88.241954 165.28186 85.021577 curveto +164.39094 82.751806 163.20657 80.619758 162.0441 78.482308 curveto +160.23914 75.023499 158.2475 71.668246 156.21223 68.341454 curveto +155.47239 67.070136 154.69283 65.807924 154.09056 64.467134 curveto +153.62963 63.100669 153.50807 61.598689 153.76789 60.179325 curveto +154.12385 58.859896 154.30849 57.470686 155.03922 56.286172 curveto +156.46219 53.364732 158.59575 50.845755 160.95575 48.6372 curveto +163.27282 46.388972 165.81635 44.372325 168.55931 42.666801 curveto +171.63115 40.666846 175.05304 39.174143 178.66161 38.481662 curveto +182.3308 37.709955 186.12174 37.574655 189.84888 37.935903 curveto +190.06711 37.967545 190.28532 37.999186 190.50356 38.030829 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +190.50356 38.030829 moveto +193.40624 39.114713 196.31126 40.214595 199.07529 41.622811 curveto +201.61801 43.043996 203.97397 44.790398 206.04255 46.843653 curveto +207.67816 48.45116 209.11412 50.255123 210.46748 52.100798 curveto +212.63674 55.220822 214.58519 58.504524 216.07687 62.005311 curveto +217.62681 65.465269 218.72546 69.104665 219.84483 72.720298 curveto +220.4218 74.85466 220.83526 77.030691 221.20184 79.209229 curveto +222.02743 84.656388 222.18694 90.181295 222.04974 95.68192 curveto +221.97431 99.281089 221.77927 102.89172 221.10242 106.43442 curveto +220.39326 110.31889 219.3288 114.12795 218.22646 117.91618 curveto +217.24223 121.02351 216.15026 124.10426 214.7059 127.03117 curveto +212.61684 131.54175 210.06216 135.83823 207.06094 139.80248 curveto +204.95909 142.62874 202.52176 145.19885 199.86563 147.50823 curveto +198.22172 148.89122 196.5558 150.25692 194.71355 151.37164 curveto +190.34594 154.08234 185.34273 155.78024 180.21479 156.20558 curveto +177.4737 156.39744 174.68425 156.37296 171.99933 155.72276 curveto +170.43553 155.37465 168.94507 154.75099 167.45185 154.18052 curveto +165.17573 153.22399 162.95284 152.09727 160.93349 150.67171 curveto +159.16434 149.29288 157.59932 147.66975 156.07157 146.03383 curveto +154.83482 144.61874 153.73448 143.07491 152.81188 141.4394 curveto +151.95121 139.69937 152.153 137.50982 153.33462 135.96589 curveto +154.91215 133.64772 156.85514 131.60567 158.70175 129.50259 curveto +160.11747 127.89963 161.48874 126.25223 162.6963 124.48487 curveto +164.12471 122.3317 165.25294 119.99642 166.20596 117.59772 curveto +167.13621 115.22013 167.87927 112.7568 168.3465 110.2443 curveto +168.68605 108.1028 168.86994 105.93722 169.12637 103.78587 curveto +169.22537 100.86973 168.77721 97.974844 168.35236 95.099333 curveto +167.62533 91.660258 166.71157 88.241954 165.28186 85.021577 curveto +164.39094 82.751806 163.20657 80.619758 162.0441 78.482308 curveto +160.23914 75.023499 158.2475 71.668246 156.21223 68.341454 curveto +155.47239 67.070136 154.69283 65.807924 154.09056 64.467134 curveto +153.62963 63.100669 153.50807 61.598689 153.76789 60.179325 curveto +154.12385 58.859896 154.30849 57.470686 155.03922 56.286172 curveto +156.46219 53.364732 158.59575 50.845755 160.95575 48.6372 curveto +163.27282 46.388972 165.81635 44.372325 168.55931 42.666801 curveto +171.63115 40.666846 175.05304 39.174143 178.66161 38.481662 curveto +182.3308 37.709955 186.12174 37.574655 189.84888 37.935903 curveto +190.06711 37.967545 190.28532 37.999186 190.50356 38.030829 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.7383774 0 0 0.7383774 39.885612 27.021429] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +148.17814 95.546562 moveto +148.17814 96.887453 147.08988 97.975712 145.74899 97.975712 curveto +144.4081 97.975712 143.31984 96.887453 143.31984 95.546562 curveto +143.31984 94.205671 144.4081 93.117412 145.74899 93.117412 curveto +147.08988 93.117412 148.17814 94.205671 148.17814 95.546562 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.17814 95.546562 moveto +148.17814 96.887453 147.08988 97.975712 145.74899 97.975712 curveto +144.4081 97.975712 143.31984 96.887453 143.31984 95.546562 curveto +143.31984 94.205671 144.4081 93.117412 145.74899 93.117412 curveto +147.08988 93.117412 148.17814 94.205671 148.17814 95.546562 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +113.36032 116.8691 moveto +143.04993 99.865047 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.27768232 -0.15903627 0.15903627 0.27768232 116.83135 114.88115] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +143.4824 95.835934 moveto +143.4824 95.835934 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +151.95681 95.681513 moveto +181.64642 78.677461 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.27768232 0.15903626 -0.15903626 -0.27768232 178.17539 80.665414] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +181.91633 117.54386 moveto +152.22672 100.53981 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.27768233 0.15903625 -0.15903625 0.27768233 155.69775 102.52776] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +143.31985 94.601892 moveto +113.63024 77.597842 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.27768233 -0.15903625 0.15903625 -0.27768233 139.84882 92.613939] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +116.35625 59.344904 moveto +116.35625 59.792904 lineto +109.46825 59.792904 lineto +109.46825 59.344904 lineto +110.36424 59.251571 110.95224 59.111571 111.23225 58.924904 curveto +111.51224 58.738238 111.65224 58.383572 111.65225 57.860904 curveto +111.65224 57.711573 111.63357 57.468906 111.59625 57.132904 curveto +111.03625 53.464904 lineto +104.87625 53.464904 lineto +103.28025 56.628904 lineto +102.90691 57.375573 102.72024 57.954239 102.72025 58.364904 curveto +102.72024 58.719572 102.81358 58.952905 103.00025 59.064904 curveto +103.20558 59.176905 103.66291 59.270238 104.37225 59.344904 curveto +104.37225 59.792904 lineto +99.136247 59.792904 lineto +99.136247 59.344904 lineto +99.714915 59.232904 100.19091 58.952905 100.56425 58.504904 curveto +100.95625 58.056906 101.68425 56.91824 102.74825 55.088904 curveto +110.86825 41.088904 lineto +111.59625 41.088904 lineto +114.22825 56.936904 lineto +114.4149 57.963572 114.62023 58.607572 114.84425 58.868904 curveto +115.06823 59.111571 115.57223 59.270238 116.35625 59.344904 curveto +105.46425 52.456904 moveto +110.89625 52.456904 lineto +109.66425 45.176904 lineto +105.46425 52.456904 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +191.403 49.958793 moveto +191.94433 50.182802 192.38299 50.397469 192.719 50.602793 curveto +193.05499 50.789468 193.40966 51.050801 193.783 51.386793 curveto +194.17499 51.704134 194.46432 52.096134 194.651 52.562793 curveto +194.83766 53.029466 194.93099 53.570799 194.931 54.186793 curveto +194.93099 55.84813 194.24032 57.201462 192.859 58.246793 curveto +191.49633 59.27346 189.71366 59.786793 187.511 59.786793 curveto +179.615 59.786793 lineto +179.615 59.338793 lineto +180.41767 59.18946 180.94034 59.012127 181.183 58.806793 curveto +181.42567 58.582794 181.659 58.069461 181.883 57.266793 curveto +185.327 44.890793 lineto +185.53233 44.181475 185.635 43.584142 185.635 43.098793 curveto +185.635 42.70681 185.48567 42.436143 185.187 42.286793 curveto +184.907 42.137477 184.33767 42.025477 183.479 41.950793 curveto +183.479 41.502793 lineto +190.703 41.502793 lineto +192.51366 41.502811 193.89499 41.857477 194.847 42.566793 curveto +195.81766 43.276143 196.30299 44.293475 196.303 45.618793 curveto +196.30299 46.16014 196.20032 46.654806 195.995 47.102793 curveto +195.80832 47.550805 195.56566 47.914805 195.267 48.194793 curveto +194.96832 48.474804 194.63232 48.736137 194.259 48.978793 curveto +193.88566 49.202803 193.51232 49.370803 193.139 49.482793 curveto +192.78432 49.594803 192.44833 49.69747 192.131 49.790793 curveto +191.81366 49.884136 191.57099 49.940136 191.403 49.958793 curveto +186.503 50.518793 moveto +186.18566 51.769467 185.87767 52.889466 185.579 53.878793 curveto +185.299 54.868131 185.103 55.54013 184.991 55.894793 curveto +184.879 56.249463 184.78567 56.576129 184.711 56.874793 curveto +184.655 57.173462 184.627 57.472128 184.627 57.770793 curveto +184.627 58.554794 185.22433 58.946794 186.419 58.946793 curveto +188.11766 58.946794 189.45233 58.517461 190.423 57.658793 curveto +191.41233 56.781462 191.90699 55.586797 191.907 54.074793 curveto +191.90699 53.309466 191.73899 52.6468 191.403 52.086793 curveto +191.08566 51.508134 190.63766 51.097468 190.059 50.854793 curveto +189.49899 50.630802 188.31366 50.518802 186.503 50.518793 curveto +188.603 43.126793 moveto +186.783 49.622793 lineto +189.135 49.622803 190.74033 49.370803 191.599 48.866793 curveto +192.84966 48.176138 193.47499 47.009472 193.475 45.366793 curveto +193.47499 44.340142 193.20432 43.584142 192.663 43.098793 curveto +192.14033 42.59481 191.31899 42.34281 190.199 42.342793 curveto +189.65766 42.34281 189.275 42.39881 189.051 42.510793 curveto +188.84566 42.604143 188.69633 42.809476 188.603 43.126793 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85129 68.737501 moveto +131.13128 70.44951 130.49928 71.809508 129.95529 72.817501 curveto +129.41128 73.809506 129.01128 74.489506 128.75529 74.857501 curveto +128.51528 75.225505 128.33928 75.585505 128.22729 75.937501 curveto +128.21128 76.001504 128.20328 76.097504 128.20329 76.225501 curveto +128.20328 76.577504 128.29128 76.969503 128.46729 77.401501 curveto +128.65928 77.833502 128.90728 78.049502 129.21129 78.049501 curveto +129.48328 78.049502 129.72328 77.945502 129.93129 77.737501 curveto +130.15528 77.529503 130.30728 77.281503 130.38729 76.993501 curveto +130.84329 76.993501 lineto +130.34728 78.865501 129.65928 79.8015 128.77929 79.801501 curveto +127.93128 79.8015 127.50728 79.137501 127.50729 77.809501 curveto +127.50728 77.473503 127.52328 77.113503 127.55529 76.729501 curveto +127.50729 76.729501 lineto +126.96328 77.593503 126.22729 78.321502 125.29929 78.913501 curveto +124.38729 79.505501 123.44329 79.8015 122.46729 79.801501 curveto +121.33129 79.8015 120.45129 79.441501 119.82729 78.721501 curveto +119.20329 77.985502 118.89129 77.041503 118.89129 75.889501 curveto +118.89129 74.753505 119.18729 73.617506 119.77929 72.481501 curveto +120.37129 71.345509 121.18729 70.40151 122.22729 69.649501 curveto +123.26729 68.881511 124.36329 68.497512 125.51529 68.497501 curveto +126.44329 68.497512 127.10728 68.817511 127.50729 69.457501 curveto +127.92328 70.08151 128.13128 70.865509 128.13129 71.809501 curveto +128.13128 71.969508 128.11528 72.225508 128.08329 72.577501 curveto +128.13129 72.577501 lineto +129.83529 68.737501 lineto +131.85129 68.737501 lineto +127.50729 72.025501 moveto +127.50728 70.13751 126.81928 69.193511 125.44329 69.193501 curveto +124.57929 69.193511 123.78729 69.64951 123.06729 70.561501 curveto +122.36329 71.473509 121.83529 72.481508 121.48329 73.585501 curveto +121.14729 74.673505 120.97929 75.633504 120.97929 76.465501 curveto +120.97929 78.225502 121.65129 79.105501 122.99529 79.105501 curveto +123.87529 79.105501 124.67529 78.673501 125.39529 77.809501 curveto +126.13129 76.929503 126.66728 75.961504 127.00329 74.905501 curveto +127.33928 73.833506 127.50728 72.873507 127.50729 72.025501 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +179.40752 73.544226 moveto +179.40751 73.848232 179.35151 74.224231 179.23952 74.672226 curveto +179.14351 75.12023 178.95151 75.63223 178.66352 76.208226 curveto +178.39151 76.784229 178.04751 77.320228 177.63152 77.816226 curveto +177.23151 78.296227 176.67951 78.704227 175.97552 79.040226 curveto +175.27151 79.376226 174.48751 79.544226 173.62352 79.544226 curveto +172.95151 79.544226 172.37551 79.376226 171.89552 79.040226 curveto +171.41551 78.688227 171.17551 78.200227 171.17552 77.576226 curveto +171.17552 77.408226 lineto +171.87152 77.408226 lineto +171.85551 77.456228 171.84751 77.520228 171.84752 77.600226 curveto +171.84751 77.984228 172.03151 78.312227 172.39952 78.584226 curveto +172.76751 78.856227 173.15951 78.992227 173.57552 78.992226 curveto +174.59951 78.992227 175.46351 78.376227 176.16752 77.144226 curveto +176.88751 75.89623 177.24751 74.640231 177.24752 73.376226 curveto +177.24751 72.560233 177.09551 71.880234 176.79152 71.336226 curveto +176.48751 70.776235 175.99951 70.496235 175.32752 70.496226 curveto +175.11951 70.496235 174.84751 70.560235 174.51152 70.688226 curveto +174.17551 70.816235 173.94351 70.880235 173.81552 70.880226 curveto +173.41551 70.880235 173.21551 70.704235 173.21552 70.352226 curveto +173.21551 70.000236 173.32751 69.752236 173.55152 69.608226 curveto +173.77551 69.464236 173.97551 69.392236 174.15152 69.392226 curveto +174.32751 69.392236 174.56751 69.464236 174.87152 69.608226 curveto +175.17551 69.752236 175.39151 69.824236 175.51952 69.824226 curveto +176.19151 69.824236 176.78351 69.384236 177.29552 68.504226 curveto +177.80751 67.608238 178.06351 66.752239 178.06352 65.936226 curveto +178.06351 65.31224 177.90351 64.808241 177.58352 64.424226 curveto +177.27951 64.024242 176.80751 63.824242 176.16752 63.824226 curveto +174.40751 63.824242 173.21551 65.26424 172.59152 68.144226 curveto +169.03952 84.176226 lineto +167.07152 84.176226 lineto +170.23952 69.848226 lineto +170.43151 69.000237 170.68751 68.208237 171.00752 67.472226 curveto +171.32751 66.736239 171.73551 66.03224 172.23152 65.360226 curveto +172.72751 64.672241 173.34351 64.136241 174.07952 63.752226 curveto +174.83151 63.352242 175.66351 63.152242 176.57552 63.152226 curveto +177.58351 63.152242 178.41551 63.376242 179.07152 63.824226 curveto +179.72751 64.272241 180.0555 64.928241 180.05552 65.792226 curveto +180.0555 66.896239 179.63951 67.808238 178.80752 68.528226 curveto +177.99151 69.232236 177.01551 69.768236 175.87952 70.136226 curveto +176.98351 70.280235 177.84751 70.640235 178.47152 71.216226 curveto +179.09551 71.792234 179.40751 72.568233 179.40752 73.544226 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +115.79613 110.12297 moveto +115.79613 109.45097 116.01213 108.69897 116.44413 107.86697 curveto +116.87613 107.03497 117.30813 106.25897 117.74013 105.53897 curveto +118.17213 104.81897 118.38813 104.25897 118.38813 103.85897 curveto +118.38813 103.47497 lineto +118.38813 102.99497 118.35613 102.45097 118.29213 101.84297 curveto +118.24413 101.23498 118.15613 100.53098 118.02813 99.730971 curveto +117.90013 98.930978 117.67613 98.266978 117.35613 97.738971 curveto +117.05213 97.210979 116.68413 96.94698 116.25213 96.946971 curveto +115.88413 96.94698 115.56413 97.10698 115.29213 97.426971 curveto +115.03613 97.730979 114.86013 98.082979 114.76413 98.482971 curveto +114.30813 98.482971 lineto +114.93213 95.986981 115.84413 94.738982 117.04413 94.738971 curveto +118.30813 94.738982 118.94013 96.76298 118.94013 100.81097 curveto +118.94013 101.29098 118.93213 101.86697 118.91613 102.53897 curveto +118.90013 103.21097 118.89213 103.59497 118.89213 103.69097 curveto +118.94013 103.69097 lineto +119.67613 102.66697 120.30812 101.70697 120.83613 100.81097 curveto +121.38012 99.914977 121.74812 99.258977 121.94013 98.842971 curveto +122.14812 98.426978 122.38812 97.882979 122.66013 97.210971 curveto +122.93212 96.53898 123.10012 96.138981 123.16413 96.010971 curveto +123.56412 95.162982 124.13212 94.738982 124.86813 94.738971 curveto +125.34812 94.738982 125.58812 95.002982 125.58813 95.530971 curveto +125.58812 96.074981 125.04412 97.02698 123.95613 98.386971 curveto +122.88412 99.746977 121.78812 101.05098 120.66813 102.29897 curveto +119.54813 103.54697 118.95613 104.28297 118.89213 104.50697 curveto +118.82813 104.74697 118.77213 105.17097 118.72413 105.77897 curveto +118.69213 106.37097 118.65213 106.95497 118.60413 107.53097 curveto +118.55613 108.10697 118.46813 108.68297 118.34013 109.25897 curveto +118.22813 109.83497 118.02013 110.29897 117.71613 110.65097 curveto +117.42813 111.00297 117.05213 111.17897 116.58813 111.17897 curveto +116.06013 111.17897 115.79613 110.82697 115.79613 110.12297 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +180.1485 111.17118 moveto +178.90049 111.17118 177.90049 110.83518 177.1485 110.16318 curveto +176.3965 109.49118 176.0205 108.57119 176.0205 107.40318 curveto +176.0205 105.78719 176.6525 104.35519 177.9165 103.10718 curveto +179.19649 101.84319 180.67649 101.21119 182.3565 101.21118 curveto +182.80449 101.21119 183.26849 101.27519 183.7485 101.40318 curveto +183.7965 101.35518 lineto +183.66849 101.25919 183.22049 100.97119 182.4525 100.49118 curveto +181.68449 100.01119 181.11649 99.571194 180.7485 99.171183 curveto +180.39649 98.755195 180.22049 98.291196 180.2205 97.779183 curveto +180.22049 96.947197 180.56449 96.243198 181.2525 95.667183 curveto +181.95649 95.075199 182.74049 94.779199 183.6045 94.779183 curveto +184.45249 94.779199 185.15649 95.051199 185.7165 95.595183 curveto +186.29249 96.123198 186.62049 96.787197 186.7005 97.587183 curveto +186.0765 97.587183 lineto +185.98049 96.947197 185.70049 96.411197 185.2365 95.979183 curveto +184.78849 95.547198 184.22849 95.331198 183.5565 95.331183 curveto +183.09249 95.331198 182.64449 95.475198 182.2125 95.763183 curveto +181.79649 96.035198 181.58849 96.387197 181.5885 96.819183 curveto +181.58849 97.107197 181.78049 97.427196 182.1645 97.779183 curveto +182.54849 98.115196 183.01249 98.475195 183.5565 98.859183 curveto +184.11649 99.243195 184.66849 99.667194 185.2125 100.13118 curveto +185.75649 100.59519 186.22049 101.17919 186.6045 101.88318 curveto +186.98848 102.58719 187.18048 103.34719 187.1805 104.16318 curveto +187.18048 105.98719 186.47649 107.61119 185.0685 109.03518 curveto +183.67649 110.45918 182.03649 111.17118 180.1485 111.17118 curveto +184.8525 104.47518 moveto +184.85249 102.74719 184.06849 101.88319 182.5005 101.88318 curveto +181.54049 101.88319 180.72449 102.19519 180.0525 102.81918 curveto +179.38049 103.44319 178.90849 104.17119 178.6365 105.00318 curveto +178.38049 105.81919 178.25249 106.67519 178.2525 107.57118 curveto +178.25249 109.52318 179.02849 110.49918 180.5805 110.49918 curveto +181.47649 110.49918 182.26049 110.14718 182.9325 109.44318 curveto +183.62049 108.73919 184.10849 107.94719 184.3965 107.06718 curveto +184.70049 106.17119 184.85249 105.30719 184.8525 104.47518 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +151.10231 105.76539 moveto +151.1023 105.5574 150.9343 105.2934 150.59831 104.97339 curveto +150.2623 104.6534 150.0943 104.3254 150.09431 103.98939 curveto +150.0943 103.7334 150.1743 103.5334 150.33431 103.38939 curveto +150.4943 103.2454 150.7103 103.1734 150.98231 103.17339 curveto +151.3503 103.1734 151.6623 103.3174 151.91831 103.60539 curveto +152.1903 103.8774 152.3263 104.2054 152.32631 104.58939 curveto +152.3263 105.0374 152.1823 105.6134 151.89431 106.31739 curveto +151.6223 107.0054 151.2783 107.6454 150.86231 108.23739 curveto +149.6303 109.9654 148.5183 111.3894 147.52631 112.50939 curveto +146.53431 113.62939 145.88631 114.18939 145.58231 114.18939 curveto +145.43831 114.18939 145.36631 113.90939 145.36631 113.34939 curveto +145.36631 112.66139 145.31031 111.5894 145.19831 110.13339 curveto +145.08631 108.6614 144.96631 107.5094 144.83831 106.67739 curveto +144.67831 105.5734 144.50231 104.8614 144.31031 104.54139 curveto +144.11831 104.2214 143.79031 104.0614 143.32631 104.06139 curveto 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0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.290148 97.705803 moveto +119.2592 75.594799 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.26818964 0.17456896 -0.17456896 -0.26818964 115.90683 77.776911] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.290148 55.60054 moveto +120.28908 111.72916 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.1693162 -0.27153642 0.27153642 -0.1693162 118.17263 108.33495] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.82996 96.356275 moveto +119.2592 96.527645 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.3199958 -0.0016404106 0.0016404106 -0.3199958 115.25925 96.50714] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.82996 56.140351 moveto +119.36734 39.340762 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.28611119 0.1433192 -0.1433192 -0.28611119 115.79095 41.132252] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +86.099865 114.17004 moveto +119.2592 97.775702 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.28685513 0.14182432 -0.14182432 -0.28685513 115.67351 99.548506] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +86.369771 74.493927 moveto +119.2592 74.005627 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.31996474 0.0047504255 -0.0047504255 -0.31996474 115.25964 74.065007] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.290148 96.08637 moveto +119.50103 58.101078 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.21415212 0.23777904 -0.23777904 -0.21415212 116.82413 61.073316] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +17.801088 83.725095 moveto +17.437084 83.725094 16.919085 83.524427 16.247088 83.123095 curveto +15.584419 82.721762 15.09442 82.521095 14.777088 82.521095 curveto +14.553087 82.521095 14.338421 82.605095 14.133088 82.773095 curveto +14.007088 82.647095 lineto +18.347088 77.439095 lineto +16.303088 77.439095 lineto +15.976419 77.4391 15.743086 77.490433 15.603088 77.593095 curveto +15.463086 77.695767 15.31842 77.919766 15.169088 78.265095 curveto +14.945088 78.209095 lineto +15.379088 76.599095 lineto +19.355088 76.599095 lineto +19.355088 76.753095 lineto +15.295088 81.569095 lineto +15.715086 81.662429 16.065086 81.816429 16.345088 82.031095 curveto +16.634418 82.245762 16.835085 82.451095 16.947088 82.647095 curveto +17.059085 82.852428 17.199084 83.034428 17.367088 83.193095 curveto +17.544417 83.351761 17.745084 83.431094 17.969088 83.431095 curveto +18.221083 83.431094 18.347083 83.361094 18.347088 83.221095 curveto +18.347083 83.183761 18.314417 83.095094 18.249088 82.955095 curveto +18.18375 82.815095 18.151083 82.693762 18.151088 82.591095 curveto +18.151083 82.460428 18.193083 82.357762 18.277088 82.283095 curveto +18.370417 82.199095 18.487083 82.157095 18.627088 82.157095 curveto +18.776416 82.157095 18.893083 82.203762 18.977088 82.297095 curveto +19.070416 82.390429 19.117083 82.511762 19.117088 82.661095 curveto +19.117083 82.941095 18.981749 83.188428 18.711088 83.403095 curveto +18.44975 83.617761 18.146417 83.725094 17.801088 83.725095 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +188.74471 80.855752 moveto +188.55805 80.855752 188.30605 80.809085 187.98871 80.715752 curveto +187.67138 80.631752 187.43805 80.589752 187.28871 80.589752 curveto +187.15805 80.589752 187.04605 80.687752 186.95271 80.883752 curveto +186.72871 80.883752 lineto +187.00871 78.657752 lineto +187.23271 78.657752 lineto +187.34471 79.32042 187.51271 79.805753 187.73671 80.113752 curveto +187.97005 80.412419 188.27805 80.561752 188.66071 80.561752 curveto +188.96871 80.561752 189.21605 80.463752 189.40271 80.267752 curveto +189.59871 80.062419 189.69671 79.801086 189.69671 79.483752 curveto +189.69671 79.213087 189.60805 78.923753 189.43071 78.615752 curveto +189.26271 78.307754 189.07138 78.041754 188.85671 77.817752 curveto +188.65138 77.584421 188.46005 77.309088 188.28271 76.991752 curveto +188.11471 76.674422 188.03071 76.366423 188.03071 76.067752 curveto +188.03071 75.60109 188.18471 75.227757 188.49271 74.947752 curveto +188.80071 74.667758 189.21138 74.527758 189.72471 74.527752 curveto +189.91138 74.527758 190.14938 74.569758 190.43871 74.653752 curveto +190.73738 74.728424 190.92871 74.765758 191.01271 74.765752 curveto +191.19938 74.765758 191.33938 74.681758 191.43271 74.513752 curveto +191.62871 74.513752 lineto +191.34871 76.459752 lineto +191.12471 76.459752 lineto +190.98471 75.386424 190.55538 74.849758 189.83671 74.849752 curveto +189.59405 74.849758 189.40271 74.919757 189.26271 75.059752 curveto +189.12271 75.190424 189.05271 75.372424 189.05271 75.605752 curveto +189.05271 75.829757 189.14138 76.09109 189.31871 76.389752 curveto +189.49605 76.688422 189.69205 76.963755 189.90671 77.215752 curveto +190.12138 77.458422 190.31738 77.747755 190.49471 78.083752 curveto +190.67204 78.419754 190.76071 78.737087 190.76071 79.035752 curveto +190.76071 79.567753 190.56938 80.006419 190.18671 80.351752 curveto +189.81338 80.687752 189.33271 80.855752 188.74471 80.855752 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/1-toky/toky04.svg b/1-toky/toky04.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9608efe --- /dev/null +++ b/1-toky/toky04.svg @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + z + s + + + -- 2.39.5