From b50fc99c4d4a78d7e1e001d603f93c49670ba594 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Mares Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 23:59:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Kapitola o prevodech problemu. --- 10-prevody/10-prevody.stamp | 1 + 10-prevody/10-prevody.tex | 278 +++++ 10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps | 2166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10-prevody/3d_parovani.svg | 360 ++++++ 10-prevody/Makefile | 3 + 10-prevody/doplnek_nm.eps | 225 ++++ 10-prevody/doplnek_nm.svg | 178 +++ 10-prevody/klika.eps | 196 ++++ 10-prevody/klika.svg | 168 +++ 10-prevody/nezmna.eps | 183 +++ 10-prevody/nezmna.svg | 171 +++ 10-prevody/nezmna_graf.eps | 720 ++++++++++++ 10-prevody/nezmna_graf.svg | 452 ++++++++ 10-prevody/prevody.eps | 2055 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10-prevody/prevody.svg | 264 +++++ 15 files changed, 7420 insertions(+) create mode 100644 10-prevody/10-prevody.stamp create mode 100644 10-prevody/10-prevody.tex create mode 100644 10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/3d_parovani.svg create mode 100644 10-prevody/Makefile create mode 100644 10-prevody/doplnek_nm.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/doplnek_nm.svg create mode 100644 10-prevody/klika.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/klika.svg create mode 100644 10-prevody/nezmna.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/nezmna.svg create mode 100644 10-prevody/nezmna_graf.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/nezmna_graf.svg create mode 100644 10-prevody/prevody.eps create mode 100644 10-prevody/prevody.svg diff --git a/10-prevody/10-prevody.stamp b/10-prevody/10-prevody.stamp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..449fee9 --- /dev/null +++ b/10-prevody/10-prevody.stamp @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2009-12-09 diff --git a/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex b/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f7a3f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{10}{Pøevody problémù}{\vbox{\hbox{(zapsali Martin Chytil, Vladimír Kudelas,}\hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} + +\>Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat rozhodovacími problémy a jejich obtí¾ností. +Za jednoduché budeme trochu zjednodu¹enì pova¾ovat ty problémy, na~nì¾ známe algoritmus +pracující v~polynomiálním èase. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Rozhodovací problém} je takový problém, jeho¾ výstupem je v¾dy {\sc ano}, nebo {\sc ne}. +[Formálnì bychom se na~nìj mohli dívat jako na~mno¾inu $L$ vstupù, na~které je odpovìï {\sc ano}, +a místo $L(x)=\hbox{\sc ano}$ psát prostì $x\in L$.] + +Vstupy mìjme zakódované jen pomocí nul a jednièek (obecnì je jedno, jaký základ pro soustavu +kódování zvolíme, pøevody mezi poyladickými soustavami jsou co do velikosti polynomiální). Rozhodovací problém +zadefinujeme jako $f:\ \{0,1\}^{\ast} \to \{0,1\}$, to jest funkci z mno¾iny v¹ech øetìzcù jednièek a nul +do mno¾iny $\{1,0\}$, kde 1 na výstupu znamená {\sc ano}, 0 {\sc ne}. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Je dán bipartitní graf $G$ a $k \in {\bb N}$. Existuje v $G$ +párování, které obsahuje alespoò $k$ hran? + +To, co bychom ve~vìt¹inì pøípadù chtìli, je samozøejmì nejen zjistit, zda takové párování +existuje, ale také nìjaké konkrétní najít. V¹imnìme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ umíme rozhodovat +existenci párování v~polynomiálním èase, mù¾eme ho polynomiálnì rychle i najít: + +Mìjme èernou skøíòku (fungující v polynomiálním èase), která odpoví, zda daný +graf má nebo nemá párování o~$k$ hranách. Odebereme z~grafu libovolnou hranu +a zeptáme se, jestli i tento nový graf má párovaní velikosti~$k$. Kdy¾ má, pak tato +hrana nebyla pro existenci párování potøebná, a~tak ji odstraníme. Kdy¾ naopak +nemá (hrana patøí do ka¾dého párování po¾adované velikosti), tak si danou hranu +poznamenáme a odebereme nejen ji a její vrcholy, ale také hrany, které do tìchto +vrcholù vedly. Toto je korektní krok, proto¾e v pùvodním grafu tyto vrcholy +byly navzájem spárované, a tedy nemohou být spárované s~¾ádnými jinými vrcholy. +Na~nový graf aplikujeme znovu tentý¾ postup. Výsledkem je mno¾ina hran, které patøí +do hledaného párování. Hran, a tedy i iterací na¹eho algoritmu, je polynomiálnì +mnoho a skøíòka funguje v polynomiálním èase, tak¾e celý algoritmus je polynomiální. + +A~jak ná¹ rozhodovací problém øe¹it? Nejsnáze tak, ¾e ho pøevedeme +na~{jiný\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{vìrni matfyzáckým vtipùm}}, který +u¾ vyøe¹it umíme. Tento postup jsme (právì u~hledání párování) u¾ pou¾ili +v~kapitole o~Dinicovì algoritmu. Vytvoøili jsme vhodnou sí», pro kterou +platilo, ¾e v~ní existuje tok velikosti~$k$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ +v~pùvodním grafu existuje párování velikosti~$k$. + +Takovéto pøevody mezi problémy mù¾eme definovat obecnì: + +\s{Definice:} Jsou-li $A$, $B$ rozhodovací problémy, pak øíkáme, ¾e $A$ lze {\I +redukovat} (neboli pøevést) na $B$ (pí¹eme $A \rightarrow B$) $\equiv$ +existuje funkce $f$ spoèitatelná v polynomiálním èase taková, ¾e pro $\forall +x: A(x) = B(f(x))$. V¹imnìme si, ¾e $f$ pracující v polynomiálním èase vstup +zvìt¹í nejvíce polynomiálnì. + +\s{Pozorování:} $A\rightarrow B$ také znamená, ¾e problém~$B$ je alespoò tak tì¾ký +jako problém~$A$ (tím myslíme, ¾e pokud lze $B$ øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, +lze tak øe¹it i~$A$): Nech» problém~$B$ umíme øe¹it v~èase $\O(b^k)$, kde +$b$ je délka jeho vstupu. Nech» dále funkce $f$ pøevádìjící $A$ na $B$ pracuje +v~èase $\O(a^\ell)$ pro vstup délky~$a$. Spustíme-li tedy $B(f(x))$ na~nìjaký +vstup~$x$ problému~$A$, bude mít $f(x)$ délku $\O(a^\ell)$, tak¾e $B(f(x))$ +pobì¾í v~èase $\O(a^\ell + (a^\ell)^k) = \O(a^{k\ell})$, co¾ je polynomiální +v~délce vstupu~$a$. + + +\s{Pozorování:} Pøevoditelnost je +\itemize\ibull +\:reflexivní (úlohu mù¾eme pøevést na tu stejnou identickým zobrazením): $A \rightarrow A$, +\:tranzitivní: Je-li $A \rightarrow B$ funkcí $f$, $B \rightarrow C$ funkcí $g$, +pak $A \rightarrow C$ slo¾enou funkcí $g \circ f$ +(slo¾ení dvou polynomiálních funkcí je zase polynomiální funkce, jak u¾ jsme zpozorovali +v~pøedchozím odstavci). +\endlist +\>Takovýmto relacím øíkáme kvaziuspoøádání -- nesplòují obecnì antisymetrii, tedy mù¾e nastat +$A\rightarrow B$ a $B\rightarrow A$. Omezíme-li se v¹ak na tøídy navzájem pøevoditelných +problémù, dostáváme ji¾ (èásteèné) uspoøádání. Existují i navzájem nepøevoditelné problémy -- +napøíklad problém v¾dy odpovídající 1 a problém v¾dy odpovídající 0. +Podívejme se nyní na~pøevody mezi dal¹ími zajímavými problémy: + +\h{1. problém: SAT} +\>Splnitelnost (satisfiability) logických formulí, tj. dosazení 1 èi +0 za promìnné v logické formuli tak, aby formule dala výsledek 1. + +\>Zamìøíme se na speciální formu zadání formulí, {\I konjunktivní normální formu} (CNF), + které splòují následující podmínky: +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I formule} je zadána pomocí {\I klauzulí}\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{bez politických konotací} oddìlených $\land$, +\:ka¾dá {\I klauzule} je slo¾ená z {\I literálù} oddìlených $\lor$, +\:ka¾dý {\I literál} je buïto promìnná nebo její negace. +\endlist +formule mají tedy tvar: +$$\psi = (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land \ldots $$ + +\>{\I Vstup:} Formule $\psi$ v konjunktivní normální formì. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ dosazení 1 a 0 za promìnné takové, ¾e hodnota formule $\psi(\ldots) = 1$. + + + +\>Pøevod nìjaké obecné formule $\psi$ na jí ekvivalentní $\chi$ v CNF mù¾e +zpùsobit, ¾e $\chi$ je exponenciálnì velká vùèi $\psi$. +Lze ov¹em podniknout pøevod na takovou formuli $\chi'$ v CNF, která sice není +ekvivalentní s $\psi$ (tedy ne ka¾dý model +$\psi$ je modelem $\chi'$), ale je splnitelná právì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelná $\psi$ --- co¾ nám +pøesnì staèí --- a je lineárnì velká vùèi $\psi$. + +\h{2. problém: 3-SAT} +\s{Definice:} 3-SAT je takový SAT, v nìm¾ ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje nejvý¹e tøi literály. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na SAT:} +Vstup není potøeba nijak upravovat, 3-SAT splòuje vlastnosti SATu, proto 3-SAT +$\rightarrow$ SAT (SAT je alespoò tak tì¾ký jako 3-SAT) + +\s {Pøevod SAT na 3-SAT:} +Musíme formuli pøevést tak, abychom neporu¹ili splnitelnost. + +\>Trik pro dlouhé klauzule: Ka¾dou \uv{¹patnou} klauzuli +$$(\alpha \lor \beta) \hbox{, t¾. } \vert\alpha\vert + \vert\beta\vert \ge 4 +,\ \vert\alpha\vert \geq 2,\ \vert\beta\vert\geq 2$$ +pøepí¹eme na: $$(\alpha \lor x) \land (\beta \lor \lnot x),$$ +kde $x$ je nová promìnná, kterou nastavíme tak, abychom neovlivnili splnitelnost formule. + +\>Platí-li: +\itemize\ibull +\:$\alpha \Rightarrow x = 0$ (zajistí splnìní druhé poloviny nové formule), +\:$\beta \Rightarrow x = 1$ (zajistí splnìní první poloviny nové formule), +\:$\alpha ,\beta / \lnot\alpha ,\lnot\beta \Rightarrow x = 0/1$ (je nám to jedno, celkové øe¹ení nám to neovlivní). +\endlist + +\>Tento trik opakujeme tak dlouho, dokud je to tøeba -- formuli délky $k+l$ +roztrhneme na formule délky $k+1$ a $l+1$. Pokud klauzule pùlíme, dostaneme +polynomiální èas (strom rekurze má logaritmicky pater -- formule délky alespoò 6 +se nám pøi rozdìlení zmen¹í na dvì instance velikosti maximálnì $2/3$ pùvodní, krat¹í +formule nás netrápí; na ka¾dém patøe se vykoná tolik co na pøedchozím + $2^{hloubka}$ +za pøidané formule). Velikost výsledné formule je polynomiální vùèi pùvodní: +¾ádný literál (výskyt promìnné) pùvodní klauzule neduplikujeme, a v nejhor¹ím +pøípadì zùstane ka¾dý pùvodní literál v klauzuli sám s nìjakými dvìma pøidanými +(klauzule o tøech pøidaných mù¾eme vypustit) -- tedy poèet literálu se +maximálnì ztrojnásobí. + +Nabízí se otázka, proè mù¾eme pøidanou promìnnou $x$ nastavovat, jak se nám zlíbí. +Vysvìtlení je prosté -- promìnná $x$ nám pùvodní formuli nijak neovlivní, proto¾e +se v ní nevyskytuje, proto ji mù¾eme nastavit tak, jak chceme. + +\s{Poznámka:} U~3-SAT lze vynutit právì tøi literály, pro krátké klauzule +pou¾ijeme stejný trik: +$$(\alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \vee \alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \lor x) \land (\alpha \lor \lnot x).$$ + +\h{3. problém: Hledání nezávislé mno¾iny v grafu} + +\>Existuje nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù z~$G$ velikosti alespoò $k$? + +\s{Definice:} {\I Nezávislá mno¾ina} (NzMna) budeme øíkat ka¾dé mno¾inì vrcholù grafu +takové, ¾e mezi nimi nevede ¾ádná hrana. + +\figure{nezmna.eps}{Pøíklad nezávislé mno¾iny}{1in} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf G, $k \in {\bb N}$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists A \subseteq V(G)$, $\vert A \vert \ge k$: $\forall u,v \in A \Rightarrow uv \not\in E(G)$? + +\s{Poznámka:} Ka¾dý graf má minimálnì jednu nezávislou mno¾inu, a tou je prázdná mno¾ina. Proto je potøeba zadat i minimální velikost hledané mno¾iny. + +\>Uká¾eme, jak na~tento probém pøevést 3-SAT. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na NzMna:} Z ka¾dé klauzule vybereme jeden literál tak, abychom v rùzných klauzulích nevybírali konfliktnì, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$. + +\s{Pøíklad:} +$(x \lor y \lor z) \land (x \lor \lnot y \lor \lnot z) \land (\lnot x \lor \lnot y \lor p) $. + +\>Pro ka¾dou klauzuli sestrojíme graf (trojúhelník) a pøidáme \uv{konfliktní} +hrany, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$. Poèet vrcholù grafu odpovídá poètu literálù ve formuli, +poèet hran je maximálnì kvadratický a pøevod je tedy polynomiální. + +Existuje-li v grafu nezávislá mno¾ina velikosti $k$, pak z právì $k$ trojúhelníkù +vybere právì jeden vrchol, a pøitom ¾ádné dva vrcholy nebudou odpovídat literálu a +jeho negaci -- tedy dostaneme ohodnocení promìnných splòujících alespoò $k$ klauzulí. +Na druhou stranu, existuje-li ohodnocení $k$ klauzulí, pak pøímo odpovídá nezávislé +mno¾inì velikosti $k$. Ptáme-li se tedy na nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti odpovídající +poètu klauzulí, dostaneme odpovìï {\sc ano} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je formule splnitelná. + +Jsou-li ve formuli i klauzule krat¹í ne¾ 3, mù¾eme je buïto prodlou¾it metodou vý¹e +popsanou; nebo si v grafu necháme dvoj- a jedno-úhelníky, které ¾ádné z na¹ich úvah +vadit nebudou. + +\figure{nezmna_graf.eps}{Ukázka pøevodu 3-SAT na nezávislou mno¾inu}{3in} + +\s{Pøevod NzMna na SAT:} +Máme promìnné $v_1, \ldots , v_n$ pro vrcholy. + +\>Nyní uká¾eme, jak pøevést problém hledání nezávislé mno¾iny, na SAT. + +\itemize\ibull +\:Poøídíme si promìnné $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ odpovídající vrcholùm grafu. Promìnná $v_i$ bude + indikovat, zda se $i$-tý vrchol vyskytuje v~nezávislé mno¾inì (tedy pøíslu¹né ohodnocení + promìnných bude vlastnì charakteristická funkce nezávislé mno¾iny). +\:Pro ka¾dou hranu $ij \in E(G)$ pøidáme klauzuli $(\lnot v_i \lor \lnot v_j)$. Tyto klauzule + nám ohlídají, ¾e vybraná mno¾ina je vskutku nezávislá.. +\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zkontrolovat, ¾e je mno¾ina dostateènì velká, tak¾e si její prvky + oèíslujeme èísly od~1 do~$k$. Oèíslování popí¹eme maticí promìnných $x_{ij}$, pøièem¾ + $x_{ij}$ bude pravdivá právì tehdy, kdy¾ v~poøadí $i$-tý prvek nezávislé mno¾iny je vrchol~$v_j$ +-- pøidáme tedy klauzule, které nám øeknou, ¾e vybrané do nezávislé mno¾iny jsou právì + ty vrcholy, které jsou touto maticí oèíslované: $\forall i,j$, $x_{ij} \Rightarrow v_j$ + (jen dodejme, ¾e $a\Rightarrow b$ je definované jako $\neg a\vee b$). +\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zajistit, aby byla v~ka¾dém øádku i sloupci nejvý¹e jedna jednièka: + $\forall j,i,i^{'}, i\ne i^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{i^{'}j}$ a + $\forall i,j,j^{'}, j\ne j^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{ij^{'}}$.. +\:A~nakonec si ohlídáme, aby v~ka¾dém øádku byla alespoò jedna jednièka, klauzulí $\forall i : + x_{i1} \lor x_{i2} \lor \ldots \lor x_{in}$. +\endlist +Takovýto pøevod je zøejmì polynomiální. + +\s{Pøíklad matice:} Jako pøíklad pou¾ijeme nezávislou mno¾inu z ukázky nezávislé mno¾iny. +Nech» jsou vrcholy grafu oèíslované zleva a ze zhora. Hledáme nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti $2$. +Matice pak bude vypadat následovnì: +$$ \pmatrix{1&0&0&0&0 \cr 0&0&0&1&0}$$ +\s{Vysvìtlení:} Jako první vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán vrchol $v_1$, proto v prvním +øádku a v prvním sloupci bude $1$. Jako druhý ($k$-tý) vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán +vrchol $v_4$, proto na druhém ($k$-tém) øádku a ve ètvrtém sloupci bude $1$. Na ostatních místech bude $0$. + +\h{4. problém: Klika} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Graf $G, k \in N$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ úplný podgraf grafu $G$ na $k$ vrcholech? +\figure{klika.eps}{Pøíklad kliky}{2in} + +\s{Pøevod:} Prohodíme v grafu $G$ hrany a nehrany $\Rightarrow$ (hledání nezávislé mno¾iny $\leftrightarrow$ hledání kliky). + +\s{Dùvod:} Pokud existuje úplný graf na $k$ vrcholech, tak v~komplementárním grafu tyto vrcholy nejsou spojeny hranou, tj. tvoøí nezávislou mno¾inu, + a naopak. + +\figure{doplnek_nm.eps}{Prohození hran a nehran}{2in} + + +\h{5. problém: 3,3-SAT} +\s{Definice:} 3,3-SAT je speciální pøípad 3-SATu, kde ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje v~maximálnì tøech literálech. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na 3,3-SAT:} +Pokud se promìnná $x$ vyskytuje v~$k > 3$ literálech, tak nahradíme výskyty novými promìnnými $x_1, \ldots , x_k$ a pøidáme klauzule: +$$ +(\lnot x_1 \lor x_2), +(\lnot x_2 \lor x_3), +(\lnot x_3 \lor x_4), +\ldots, +(\lnot x_{k-1} \lor x_k), +(\lnot x_k \lor x_1), +$$ + +co¾ odpovídá: + +$$ +(x_1 \Rightarrow x_2), +(x_2 \Rightarrow x_3), +(x_3 \Rightarrow x_4), +\ldots, +(x_{k-1} \Rightarrow x_k), +(x_k \Rightarrow x_1). +$$ + +Tímto zaruèíme, ¾e v¹echny nové promìnné budou mít stejnou hodnotu. + +Mimochodem, mù¾eme rovnou zaøídit, ¾e ka¾dý literál se vyskytuje nejvíce dvakrát (tedy ¾e +ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje alespoò jednou pozitivnì a alespoò jednou negativnì). Pokud by +se nìjaká promìnná objevila ve~tøech stejných literálech, mù¾eme na~ni +také pou¾ít ná¹ trik a nahradit ji tøemi promìnnými. V~nových klauzulích se pak bude +vyskytovat jak pozitivnì, tak negativnì. + +\h{6. problém: 3D párování (3D matching)} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a mno¾ina kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou). + +\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic - tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, která obsahuje v¹echna $K$, $H$ a $Z$. + +\>Uká¾eme, jak tento problém pøevést na 3,3-SAT (ov¹em to a¾ na dal¹í pøedná¹ce). + +\figure{3d_parovani.eps}{Ukázka 3D párování}{3in} + +\s{Závìr:} Obrázek ukazuje problémy, jimi¾ jsme se dnes zabývali, a vztahy mezi tìmito problémy. +\figure{prevody.eps}{Pøevody mezi problémy}{3in} + +\bye diff --git a/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps b/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22c2f66 --- /dev/null +++ b/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps @@ -0,0 +1,2166 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: 0.45pre1 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 504 241 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 4e-007 1.1056542e-005 503.92493 240.77422 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 241 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 -29.909627 -62.543823] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 200.59833 16.263712] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 109.6846 91.015] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.831784 170.81705] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 489.33585 16.768789] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 580.24958 91.520079] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 665.1024 171.32213] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 120.79628 254.65971] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 264.23794 257.69018] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 405.65929 255.66987] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +231.08312 264.642 moveto +216.96039 240.87714 lineto +247.15382 241.23185 lineto +231.08312 264.642 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +231.08312 264.642 moveto +216.96039 240.87714 lineto +247.15382 241.23185 lineto +231.08312 264.642 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +348.58657 183.51546 moveto +334.46384 207.28032 lineto +364.65727 206.92561 lineto +348.58657 183.51546 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +349.3324 262.66195 moveto +335.20967 238.89709 lineto +365.4031 239.2518 lineto +349.3324 262.66195 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +349.3324 262.66195 moveto +335.20967 238.89709 lineto +365.4031 239.2518 lineto +349.3324 262.66195 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +468.4535 259.68226 moveto +454.33077 235.9174 lineto +484.5242 236.27211 lineto +468.4535 259.68226 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +468.4535 259.68226 moveto +454.33077 235.9174 lineto +484.5242 236.27211 lineto +468.4535 259.68226 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.243661 4.0406102] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +192.82813 66.300088 moveto +189.08594 66.300088 lineto +188.64063 67.331338 lineto +188.49479 67.675089 188.42187 67.958943 188.42188 68.1829 curveto +188.42187 68.479776 188.54166 68.698526 188.78125 68.83915 curveto +188.92187 68.922484 189.26823 68.984984 189.82031 69.02665 curveto +189.82031 69.315713 lineto +186.29688 69.315713 lineto +186.29688 69.02665 lineto +186.67708 68.969359 186.98958 68.811807 187.23438 68.553994 curveto +187.47917 68.296182 187.78125 67.763631 188.14063 66.956338 curveto +191.92969 58.503213 lineto +192.07813 58.503213 lineto +195.89844 67.190713 lineto +196.26301 68.013631 196.56249 68.531859 196.79688 68.7454 curveto +196.97395 68.906859 197.22395 69.000609 197.54688 69.02665 curveto +197.54688 69.315713 lineto +192.42188 69.315713 lineto +192.42188 69.02665 lineto +192.63281 69.02665 lineto +193.04426 69.02665 193.33333 68.969359 193.5 68.854775 curveto +193.61458 68.771442 193.67187 68.651651 193.67188 68.4954 curveto +193.67187 68.401651 193.65624 68.305297 193.625 68.206338 curveto +193.61458 68.159464 193.53645 67.964151 193.39063 67.6204 curveto +192.82813 66.300088 lineto +closepath +192.5625 65.721963 moveto +190.98438 62.073525 lineto +189.35938 65.721963 lineto +192.5625 65.721963 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +205.375 58.721963 moveto +205.375 67.128213 lineto +205.37499 67.695923 205.39062 68.03186 205.42188 68.136025 curveto +205.46353 68.307901 205.54296 68.435505 205.66016 68.518838 curveto +205.77734 68.602172 205.98176 68.654255 206.27344 68.675088 curveto +206.27344 68.9329 lineto +203.1875 69.534463 lineto +203.1875 68.378213 lineto +202.8177 68.82613 202.48828 69.130817 202.19922 69.292275 curveto +201.91015 69.453733 201.58333 69.534462 201.21875 69.534463 curveto +200.28646 69.534462 199.54948 69.117796 199.00781 68.284463 curveto +198.57031 67.607381 198.35156 66.776653 198.35156 65.792275 curveto +198.35156 65.005821 198.48698 64.301395 198.75781 63.678994 curveto +199.02864 63.056604 199.39974 62.586553 199.87109 62.268838 curveto +200.34245 61.951137 200.84896 61.792283 201.39063 61.792275 curveto +201.73958 61.792283 202.04947 61.859991 202.32031 61.9954 curveto +202.59114 62.130824 202.8802 62.367803 203.1875 62.706338 curveto +203.1875 60.503213 lineto +203.18749 59.94593 203.16406 59.609993 203.11719 59.4954 curveto +203.05468 59.344368 202.96093 59.232389 202.83594 59.159463 curveto +202.71093 59.086556 202.47656 59.050098 202.13281 59.050088 curveto +202.13281 58.721963 lineto +205.375 58.721963 lineto +closepath +203.1875 63.675088 moveto +202.80208 62.935511 202.33072 62.565719 201.77344 62.565713 curveto +201.58073 62.565719 201.42187 62.617803 201.29688 62.721963 curveto +201.10416 62.883427 200.94661 63.167281 200.82422 63.573525 curveto +200.70182 63.97978 200.64062 64.602176 200.64063 65.440713 curveto +200.64062 66.362591 200.70833 67.044882 200.84375 67.487588 curveto +200.97916 67.930297 201.16406 68.25061 201.39844 68.448525 curveto +201.51823 68.547484 201.68229 68.596963 201.89063 68.596963 curveto +202.34895 68.596963 202.78124 68.237589 203.1875 67.518838 curveto +203.1875 63.675088 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +211.21094 68.237588 moveto +210.32031 69.024046 209.52083 69.417275 208.8125 69.417275 curveto +208.39583 69.417275 208.04948 69.280556 207.77344 69.007119 curveto +207.49739 68.733682 207.35937 68.391234 207.35938 67.979775 curveto +207.35937 67.422485 207.59896 66.921184 208.07813 66.475869 curveto +208.55729 66.03056 209.60156 65.438112 211.21094 64.698525 curveto +211.21094 63.96415 lineto +211.21093 63.412073 211.18099 63.064417 211.12109 62.921181 curveto +211.06119 62.777959 210.94791 62.652959 210.78125 62.546181 curveto +210.61458 62.439417 210.42708 62.386032 210.21875 62.386025 curveto +209.88021 62.386032 209.60156 62.461553 209.38281 62.612588 curveto +209.24739 62.706344 209.17968 62.815719 209.17969 62.940713 curveto +209.17968 63.050094 209.2526 63.18551 209.39844 63.346963 curveto +209.59635 63.570927 209.69531 63.787072 209.69531 63.9954 curveto +209.69531 64.250614 209.60026 64.468061 209.41016 64.647744 curveto +209.22005 64.827436 208.97135 64.91728 208.66406 64.917275 curveto +208.33594 64.91728 208.0612 64.818321 207.83984 64.6204 curveto +207.61849 64.422488 207.50781 64.190718 207.50781 63.925088 curveto +207.50781 63.550093 207.65625 63.192021 207.95313 62.850869 curveto +208.25 62.50973 208.66406 62.248011 209.19531 62.065713 curveto +209.72656 61.883428 210.27864 61.792283 210.85156 61.792275 curveto +211.54427 61.792283 212.09244 61.939418 212.49609 62.233681 curveto +212.89973 62.527959 213.16145 62.846969 213.28125 63.190713 curveto +213.35416 63.409469 213.39062 63.912072 213.39063 64.698525 curveto +213.39063 67.534463 lineto +213.39062 67.867797 213.40364 68.077433 213.42969 68.163369 curveto +213.45572 68.249307 213.49478 68.313109 213.54688 68.354775 curveto +213.59895 68.396443 213.65885 68.417276 213.72656 68.417275 curveto +213.86197 68.417276 213.99999 68.320922 214.14063 68.128213 curveto +214.375 68.315713 lineto +214.11458 68.70113 213.84504 68.981078 213.56641 69.155556 curveto +213.28775 69.330036 212.97135 69.417275 212.61719 69.417275 curveto +212.20052 69.417275 211.87499 69.319619 211.64063 69.124306 curveto +211.40625 68.928994 211.26302 68.633422 211.21094 68.237588 curveto +211.21094 68.237588 lineto +closepath +211.21094 67.667275 moveto +211.21094 65.221963 lineto +210.58073 65.591758 210.11198 65.987591 209.80469 66.409463 curveto +209.60156 66.690715 209.5 66.974569 209.5 67.261025 curveto +209.5 67.50061 209.58593 67.711548 209.75781 67.893838 curveto +209.88802 68.034464 210.07031 68.104776 210.30469 68.104775 curveto +210.5651 68.104776 210.86718 67.958943 211.21094 67.667275 curveto +211.21094 67.667275 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +218.21094 62.011025 moveto +218.21094 62.971963 lineto +218.61198 62.534469 218.98307 62.22848 219.32422 62.053994 curveto +219.66536 61.879522 220.03906 61.792283 220.44531 61.792275 curveto +220.91406 61.792283 221.30729 61.901658 221.625 62.1204 curveto +221.9427 62.339157 222.18749 62.67249 222.35938 63.1204 curveto +222.77603 62.651657 223.17577 62.313115 223.55859 62.104775 curveto +223.9414 61.896449 224.34114 61.792283 224.75781 61.792275 curveto +225.26301 61.792283 225.66535 61.908168 225.96484 62.139931 curveto +226.26431 62.371709 226.47264 62.66598 226.58984 63.022744 curveto +226.70702 63.379521 226.76561 63.94853 226.76563 64.729775 curveto +226.76563 67.721963 lineto +226.76561 68.284464 226.81639 68.633422 226.91797 68.768838 curveto +227.01952 68.904255 227.23176 68.992796 227.55469 69.034463 curveto +227.55469 69.315713 lineto +223.78125 69.315713 lineto +223.78125 69.034463 lineto +224.07812 69.008421 224.29687 68.893838 224.4375 68.690713 curveto +224.53124 68.550088 224.57812 68.227172 224.57813 67.721963 curveto +224.57813 64.581338 lineto +224.57812 63.930301 224.55207 63.516239 224.5 63.33915 curveto +224.44791 63.162073 224.36588 63.030563 224.25391 62.944619 curveto +224.14192 62.858688 224.01041 62.815719 223.85938 62.815713 curveto +223.63541 62.815719 223.40885 62.89775 223.17969 63.061806 curveto +222.95051 63.225875 222.71874 63.471968 222.48438 63.800088 curveto +222.48438 67.721963 lineto +222.48437 68.248005 222.52864 68.578734 222.61719 68.71415 curveto +222.73697 68.906859 222.96614 69.01363 223.30469 69.034463 curveto +223.30469 69.315713 lineto +219.52344 69.315713 lineto +219.52344 69.034463 lineto +219.72656 69.024046 219.88671 68.973265 220.00391 68.882119 curveto +220.12109 68.790974 220.19921 68.681599 220.23828 68.553994 curveto +220.27734 68.426391 220.29687 68.149047 220.29688 67.721963 curveto +220.29688 64.581338 lineto +220.29687 63.919885 220.27083 63.505823 220.21875 63.33915 curveto +220.16666 63.17249 220.07942 63.042281 219.95703 62.948525 curveto +219.83463 62.854782 219.70312 62.807907 219.5625 62.8079 curveto +219.35416 62.807907 219.16406 62.862594 218.99219 62.971963 curveto +218.74739 63.133427 218.48698 63.409469 218.21094 63.800088 curveto +218.21094 67.721963 lineto +218.21093 68.237589 218.26172 68.577432 218.36328 68.741494 curveto +218.46484 68.905557 218.67708 69.003213 219 69.034463 curveto +219 69.315713 lineto +215.23438 69.315713 lineto +215.23438 69.034463 lineto +215.54167 69.003213 215.76042 68.904255 215.89063 68.737588 curveto +215.97917 68.623005 216.02344 68.284464 216.02344 67.721963 curveto +216.02344 63.596963 lineto +216.02344 63.044886 215.97265 62.701136 215.87109 62.565713 curveto +215.76953 62.430303 215.55729 62.341761 215.23438 62.300088 curveto +215.23438 62.011025 lineto +218.21094 62.011025 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -27.274119 -265.67012] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.28906 409.16728 moveto +139.29426 409.40166 139.99999 409.68551 140.40625 410.01884 curveto +140.98957 410.4928 141.28124 411.10738 141.28125 411.86259 curveto +141.28124 412.65946 140.96093 413.31832 140.32031 413.83915 curveto +139.53385 414.46936 138.39062 414.78446 136.89063 414.78446 curveto +131.50781 414.78446 lineto +131.50781 414.4954 lineto +131.9974 414.4954 132.32943 414.44983 132.50391 414.35868 curveto +132.67838 414.26754 132.80078 414.14905 132.87109 414.00321 curveto +132.9414 413.85738 132.97656 413.49801 132.97656 412.92509 curveto +132.97656 406.05009 lineto +132.97656 405.47718 132.9414 405.1165 132.87109 404.96806 curveto +132.80078 404.81963 132.67708 404.70114 132.5 404.61259 curveto +132.32292 404.52406 131.99219 404.47979 131.50781 404.47978 curveto +131.50781 404.19071 lineto +136.58594 404.19071 lineto +137.79947 404.19072 138.65885 404.2988 139.16406 404.51493 curveto +139.66926 404.73109 140.0677 405.054 140.35938 405.48368 curveto +140.65103 405.91338 140.79687 406.37041 140.79688 406.85478 curveto +140.79687 407.3652 140.61197 407.81963 140.24219 408.21806 curveto +139.87239 408.6165 139.22135 408.93291 138.28906 409.16728 curveto +138.28906 409.16728 lineto +closepath +135.44531 408.95634 moveto +136.18489 408.95634 136.73046 408.87301 137.08203 408.70634 curveto +137.43359 408.53968 137.70312 408.3053 137.89063 408.00321 curveto +138.07812 407.70114 138.17187 407.31572 138.17188 406.84696 curveto +138.17187 406.37822 138.07942 405.99411 137.89453 405.69462 curveto +137.70963 405.39515 137.44531 405.16728 137.10156 405.01103 curveto +136.75781 404.85479 136.20572 404.77926 135.44531 404.78446 curveto +135.44531 408.95634 lineto +closepath +135.44531 409.56571 moveto +135.44531 412.96415 lineto +135.4375 413.35478 lineto +135.4375 413.63603 135.50911 413.84827 135.65234 413.99149 curveto +135.79557 414.13472 136.00781 414.20634 136.28906 414.20634 curveto +136.70572 414.20634 137.08984 414.11389 137.44141 413.92899 curveto +137.79296 413.7441 138.06249 413.47587 138.25 413.12431 curveto +138.43749 412.77275 138.53124 412.38082 138.53125 411.94853 curveto +138.53124 411.45374 138.41666 411.00973 138.1875 410.61649 curveto +137.95833 410.22327 137.64322 409.94853 137.24219 409.79228 curveto +136.84114 409.63603 136.24218 409.56051 135.44531 409.56571 curveto +135.44531 409.56571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +145.84375 407.26103 moveto +146.47916 407.26103 147.07031 407.42509 147.61719 407.75321 curveto +148.16406 408.08134 148.57942 408.54749 148.86328 409.15165 curveto +149.14713 409.75582 149.28906 410.41728 149.28906 411.13603 curveto +149.28906 412.17249 149.02603 413.03967 148.5 413.73759 curveto +147.86458 414.58134 146.98697 415.00321 145.86719 415.00321 curveto +144.76823 415.00321 143.92187 414.6178 143.32813 413.84696 curveto +142.73437 413.07613 142.4375 412.1829 142.4375 411.16728 curveto +142.4375 410.1204 142.74088 409.20765 143.34766 408.42899 curveto +143.95442 407.65036 144.78646 407.26103 145.84375 407.26103 curveto +145.84375 407.26103 lineto +closepath +145.875 407.81571 moveto +145.60937 407.81572 145.38151 407.91598 145.19141 408.11649 curveto +145.0013 408.31702 144.8763 408.71285 144.81641 409.30399 curveto +144.75651 409.89514 144.72656 410.71676 144.72656 411.76884 curveto +144.72656 412.32613 144.76302 412.84696 144.83594 413.33134 curveto +144.89323 413.70113 145.01562 413.98238 145.20313 414.17509 curveto +145.39062 414.3678 145.60416 414.46415 145.84375 414.46415 curveto +146.07812 414.46415 146.27343 414.39905 146.42969 414.26884 curveto +146.63281 414.09175 146.76822 413.84436 146.83594 413.52665 curveto +146.9401 413.03186 146.99218 412.03186 146.99219 410.52665 curveto +146.99218 409.64124 146.9427 409.03317 146.84375 408.70243 curveto +146.74479 408.37171 146.59895 408.13082 146.40625 407.97978 curveto +146.27083 407.87041 146.09375 407.81572 145.875 407.81571 curveto +145.875 407.81571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +153.25781 404.19071 moveto +153.25781 413.26884 lineto +153.25781 413.78446 153.3177 414.11389 153.4375 414.25712 curveto +153.55729 414.40035 153.79166 414.48238 154.14063 414.50321 curveto +154.14063 414.78446 lineto +150.19531 414.78446 lineto +150.19531 414.50321 lineto +150.51823 414.4928 150.75781 414.39905 150.91406 414.22196 curveto +151.01823 414.10217 151.07031 413.78446 151.07031 413.26884 curveto +151.07031 405.70634 lineto +151.07031 405.19593 151.01042 404.86911 150.89063 404.72587 curveto +150.77083 404.58265 150.53906 404.50062 150.19531 404.47978 curveto +150.19531 404.19071 lineto +153.25781 404.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.02344 410.8704 moveto +157.01563 410.8704 lineto +157.0625 411.83915 157.32031 412.60478 157.78906 413.16728 curveto +158.14843 413.59957 158.58072 413.81571 159.08594 413.81571 curveto +159.39843 413.81571 159.68229 413.72847 159.9375 413.55399 curveto +160.1927 413.37952 160.46614 413.06571 160.75781 412.61259 curveto +161.02344 412.78446 lineto +160.6276 413.59176 160.1901 414.16337 159.71094 414.49931 curveto +159.23177 414.83524 158.67708 415.00321 158.04688 415.00321 curveto +156.96354 415.00321 156.14323 414.58655 155.58594 413.75321 curveto +155.13802 413.08134 154.91406 412.24801 154.91406 411.25321 curveto +154.91406 410.03447 155.24349 409.06442 155.90234 408.34306 curveto +156.5612 407.62171 157.33333 407.26103 158.21875 407.26103 curveto +158.95833 407.26103 159.60026 407.56442 160.14453 408.17118 curveto +160.6888 408.77796 160.98176 409.6777 161.02344 410.8704 curveto +161.02344 410.8704 lineto +closepath +159.10156 410.34696 moveto +159.10156 409.50843 159.05598 408.93291 158.96484 408.6204 curveto +158.87369 408.30791 158.73177 408.07093 158.53906 407.90946 curveto +158.42968 407.81572 158.28385 407.76884 158.10156 407.76884 curveto +157.83073 407.76884 157.60937 407.90166 157.4375 408.16728 curveto +157.13021 408.63082 156.97656 409.26624 156.97656 410.07353 curveto +156.97656 410.34696 lineto +159.10156 410.34696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +166.54688 407.27665 moveto +166.66406 409.76884 lineto +166.39844 409.76884 lineto +166.08072 409.02926 165.7513 408.52405 165.41016 408.25321 curveto +165.06901 407.98239 164.72916 407.84697 164.39063 407.84696 curveto +164.17708 407.84697 163.99479 407.91858 163.84375 408.06181 curveto +163.69271 408.20504 163.61719 408.37041 163.61719 408.5579 curveto +163.61719 408.69853 163.66927 408.83395 163.77344 408.96415 curveto +163.9401 409.1777 164.40625 409.54358 165.17188 410.06181 curveto +165.9375 410.58004 166.4414 411.02014 166.68359 411.38212 curveto +166.92578 411.7441 167.04687 412.14905 167.04688 412.59696 curveto +167.04687 413.00321 166.94531 413.40165 166.74219 413.79228 curveto +166.53906 414.1829 166.2526 414.48238 165.88281 414.69071 curveto +165.51302 414.89905 165.10416 415.00321 164.65625 415.00321 curveto +164.30729 415.00321 163.84114 414.89384 163.25781 414.67509 curveto +163.10156 414.6178 162.99479 414.58915 162.9375 414.58915 curveto +162.76562 414.58915 162.62239 414.71936 162.50781 414.97978 curveto +162.25 414.97978 lineto +162.125 412.35478 lineto +162.39063 412.35478 lineto +162.625 413.04228 162.94661 413.5579 163.35547 413.90165 curveto +163.76432 414.2454 164.15104 414.41728 164.51563 414.41728 curveto +164.76562 414.41728 164.97005 414.34045 165.12891 414.18681 curveto +165.28776 414.03316 165.36718 413.84696 165.36719 413.62821 curveto +165.36718 413.37821 165.28906 413.16207 165.13281 412.97978 curveto +164.97656 412.79749 164.6276 412.52144 164.08594 412.15165 curveto +163.28906 411.59957 162.77344 411.1777 162.53906 410.88603 curveto +162.19531 410.45895 162.02344 409.98759 162.02344 409.47196 curveto +162.02344 408.90947 162.21745 408.40035 162.60547 407.94462 curveto +162.99349 407.4889 163.55469 407.26103 164.28906 407.26103 curveto +164.68489 407.26103 165.0677 407.35739 165.4375 407.55009 curveto +165.57812 407.62822 165.6927 407.66728 165.78125 407.66728 curveto +165.875 407.66728 165.95052 407.64775 166.00781 407.60868 curveto +166.0651 407.56963 166.15625 407.45895 166.28125 407.27665 curveto +166.54688 407.27665 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +171.00781 404.19071 moveto +171.00781 413.26884 lineto +171.00781 413.78446 171.0677 414.11389 171.1875 414.25712 curveto +171.30729 414.40035 171.54166 414.48238 171.89063 414.50321 curveto +171.89063 414.78446 lineto +167.94531 414.78446 lineto +167.94531 414.50321 lineto +168.26823 414.4928 168.50781 414.39905 168.66406 414.22196 curveto +168.76823 414.10217 168.82031 413.78446 168.82031 413.26884 curveto +168.82031 405.70634 lineto +168.82031 405.19593 168.76042 404.86911 168.64063 404.72587 curveto +168.52083 404.58265 168.28906 404.50062 167.94531 404.47978 curveto +167.94531 404.19071 lineto +171.00781 404.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +176.61719 413.70634 moveto +175.72656 414.4928 174.92708 414.88603 174.21875 414.88603 curveto +173.80208 414.88603 173.45573 414.74931 173.17969 414.47587 curveto +172.90364 414.20243 172.76562 413.85998 172.76563 413.44853 curveto +172.76562 412.89124 173.00521 412.38993 173.48438 411.94462 curveto +173.96354 411.49931 175.00781 410.90686 176.61719 410.16728 curveto +176.61719 409.4329 lineto +176.61718 408.88082 176.58724 408.53317 176.52734 408.38993 curveto +176.46744 408.24671 176.35416 408.12171 176.1875 408.01493 curveto +176.02083 407.90817 175.83333 407.85478 175.625 407.85478 curveto +175.28646 407.85478 175.00781 407.9303 174.78906 408.08134 curveto +174.65364 408.17509 174.58593 408.28447 174.58594 408.40946 curveto +174.58593 408.51884 174.65885 408.65426 174.80469 408.81571 curveto +175.0026 409.03968 175.10156 409.25582 175.10156 409.46415 curveto +175.10156 409.71936 175.00651 409.93681 174.81641 410.11649 curveto +174.6263 410.29619 174.3776 410.38603 174.07031 410.38603 curveto +173.74219 410.38603 173.46745 410.28707 173.24609 410.08915 curveto +173.02474 409.89124 172.91406 409.65947 172.91406 409.39384 curveto +172.91406 409.01884 173.0625 408.66077 173.35938 408.31962 curveto +173.65625 407.97848 174.07031 407.71676 174.60156 407.53446 curveto +175.13281 407.35218 175.68489 407.26103 176.25781 407.26103 curveto +176.95052 407.26103 177.49869 407.40817 177.90234 407.70243 curveto +178.30598 407.99671 178.5677 408.31572 178.6875 408.65946 curveto +178.76041 408.87822 178.79687 409.38082 178.79688 410.16728 curveto +178.79688 413.00321 lineto +178.79687 413.33655 178.80989 413.54618 178.83594 413.63212 curveto +178.86197 413.71806 178.90103 413.78186 178.95313 413.82353 curveto +179.0052 413.86519 179.0651 413.88603 179.13281 413.88603 curveto +179.26822 413.88603 179.40624 413.78967 179.54688 413.59696 curveto +179.78125 413.78446 lineto +179.52083 414.16988 179.25129 414.44983 178.97266 414.62431 curveto +178.694 414.79879 178.3776 414.88603 178.02344 414.88603 curveto +177.60677 414.88603 177.28124 414.78837 177.04688 414.59306 curveto +176.8125 414.39774 176.66927 414.10217 176.61719 413.70634 curveto +176.61719 413.70634 lineto +closepath +176.61719 413.13603 moveto +176.61719 410.69071 lineto +175.98698 411.06051 175.51823 411.45634 175.21094 411.87821 curveto +175.00781 412.15947 174.90625 412.44332 174.90625 412.72978 curveto +174.90625 412.96936 174.99218 413.1803 175.16406 413.36259 curveto +175.29427 413.50321 175.47656 413.57353 175.71094 413.57353 curveto +175.97135 413.57353 176.27343 413.42769 176.61719 413.13603 curveto +176.61719 413.13603 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +183.88281 415.00321 moveto +181.42188 409.33915 lineto +181.125 408.65686 180.89323 408.22457 180.72656 408.04228 curveto +180.60677 407.90687 180.42969 407.81572 180.19531 407.76884 curveto +180.19531 407.47978 lineto +184.07813 407.47978 lineto +184.07813 407.76884 lineto +183.83333 407.76884 183.66666 407.81312 183.57813 407.90165 curveto +183.45312 408.01624 183.39062 408.15166 183.39063 408.3079 curveto +183.39062 408.50061 183.5052 408.86259 183.73438 409.39384 curveto +184.9375 412.13603 lineto +185.89844 409.76884 lineto +186.17447 409.09176 186.31249 408.61259 186.3125 408.33134 curveto +186.31249 408.16989 186.2539 408.03838 186.13672 407.93681 curveto +186.01953 407.83525 185.81249 407.77926 185.51563 407.76884 curveto +185.51563 407.47978 lineto +187.90625 407.47978 lineto +187.90625 407.76884 lineto +187.67708 407.80009 187.48958 407.88603 187.34375 408.02665 curveto +187.19791 408.16728 186.97916 408.58134 186.6875 409.26884 curveto +184.25 415.00321 lineto +183.88281 415.00321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -281.83256 -193.94929] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +321.78906 402.94853 moveto +321.78906 406.6204 lineto +321.48438 406.6204 lineto +321.2552 405.66207 320.82812 404.9277 320.20313 404.41728 curveto +319.57812 403.90687 318.86978 403.65166 318.07813 403.65165 curveto +317.41666 403.65166 316.80989 403.84176 316.25781 404.22196 curveto +315.70572 404.60218 315.30208 405.09958 315.04688 405.71415 curveto +314.71875 406.50062 314.55468 407.37561 314.55469 408.33915 curveto +314.55468 409.28707 314.67448 410.15035 314.91406 410.92899 curveto +315.15364 411.70764 315.52864 412.29618 316.03906 412.69462 curveto +316.54947 413.09306 317.21093 413.29228 318.02344 413.29228 curveto +318.6901 413.29228 319.30077 413.14644 319.85547 412.85478 curveto +320.41015 412.56311 320.99478 412.06051 321.60938 411.34696 curveto +321.60938 412.26103 lineto +321.01562 412.88082 320.39713 413.33004 319.75391 413.60868 curveto +319.11067 413.88733 318.35937 414.02665 317.5 414.02665 curveto +316.36979 414.02665 315.36588 413.80009 314.48828 413.34696 curveto +313.61067 412.89384 312.93359 412.2428 312.45703 411.39384 curveto +311.98047 410.54488 311.74219 409.64124 311.74219 408.6829 curveto +311.74219 407.67249 312.00651 406.71416 312.53516 405.8079 curveto +313.0638 404.90166 313.77734 404.19853 314.67578 403.69853 curveto +315.57421 403.19854 316.52864 402.94854 317.53906 402.94853 curveto +318.28385 402.94854 319.0703 403.10999 319.89844 403.4329 curveto +320.37759 403.62041 320.68228 403.71416 320.8125 403.71415 curveto +320.97916 403.71416 321.12369 403.65296 321.24609 403.53056 curveto +321.36848 403.40817 321.44791 403.21416 321.48438 402.94853 curveto +321.78906 402.94853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.96875 402.94071 moveto +325.30729 402.94072 325.59375 403.05921 325.82813 403.29618 curveto +326.0625 403.53317 326.17968 403.81833 326.17969 404.15165 curveto +326.17968 404.48499 326.06119 404.76885 325.82422 405.00321 curveto +325.58724 405.2376 325.30208 405.35478 324.96875 405.35478 curveto +324.63541 405.35478 324.35156 405.2376 324.11719 405.00321 curveto +323.88281 404.76885 323.76562 404.48499 323.76563 404.15165 curveto +323.76562 403.81833 323.88281 403.53317 324.11719 403.29618 curveto +324.35156 403.05921 324.63541 402.94072 324.96875 402.94071 curveto +324.96875 402.94071 lineto +closepath +326.0625 406.47978 moveto +326.0625 412.26884 lineto +326.0625 412.78446 326.12239 413.11389 326.24219 413.25712 curveto +326.36198 413.40035 326.59635 413.48238 326.94531 413.50321 curveto +326.94531 413.78446 lineto +323 413.78446 lineto +323 413.50321 lineto +323.32292 413.4928 323.5625 413.39905 323.71875 413.22196 curveto +323.82292 413.10217 323.875 412.78446 323.875 412.26884 curveto +323.875 408.00321 lineto +323.875 407.48759 323.8151 407.15817 323.69531 407.01493 curveto +323.57552 406.87171 323.34375 406.78968 323 406.76884 curveto +323 406.47978 lineto +326.0625 406.47978 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +330.47656 413.04228 moveto +330.47656 415.76103 lineto +330.47656 416.13602 330.50651 416.39123 330.56641 416.52665 curveto +330.6263 416.66206 330.71875 416.76102 330.84375 416.82353 curveto +330.96875 416.88602 331.21354 416.91727 331.57813 416.91728 curveto +331.57813 417.20634 lineto +327.41406 417.20634 lineto +327.41406 416.91728 lineto +327.73698 416.90686 327.97656 416.81571 328.13281 416.64384 curveto +328.23698 416.52404 328.28906 416.21415 328.28906 415.71415 curveto +328.28906 408.00321 lineto +328.28906 407.48759 328.22917 407.15817 328.10938 407.01493 curveto +327.98958 406.87171 327.75781 406.78968 327.41406 406.76884 curveto +327.41406 406.47978 lineto +330.47656 406.47978 lineto +330.47656 407.44071 lineto +330.73177 407.06572 330.99218 406.79489 331.25781 406.62821 curveto +331.63802 406.38343 332.05208 406.26103 332.5 406.26103 curveto +333.03645 406.26103 333.52473 406.4303 333.96484 406.76884 curveto +334.40494 407.10739 334.73958 407.57483 334.96875 408.17118 curveto +335.19791 408.76754 335.31249 409.40947 335.3125 410.09696 curveto +335.31249 410.83655 335.194 411.51233 334.95703 412.12431 curveto +334.72004 412.73629 334.37629 413.20243 333.92578 413.52274 curveto +333.47525 413.84306 332.97395 414.00321 332.42188 414.00321 curveto +332.02083 414.00321 331.64583 413.91467 331.29688 413.73759 curveto +331.03645 413.60217 330.76302 413.3704 330.47656 413.04228 curveto +330.47656 413.04228 lineto +closepath +330.47656 412.25321 moveto +330.92448 412.88863 331.40364 413.20634 331.91406 413.20634 curveto +332.19531 413.20634 332.42708 413.0579 332.60938 412.76103 curveto +332.8802 412.32353 333.01562 411.49019 333.01563 410.26103 curveto +333.01562 409.00061 332.86718 408.13863 332.57031 407.67509 curveto +332.37239 407.3678 332.10677 407.21416 331.77344 407.21415 curveto +331.24739 407.21416 330.8151 407.59436 330.47656 408.35478 curveto +330.47656 412.25321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +339.40625 406.47978 moveto +339.40625 412.26884 lineto +339.40625 412.78446 339.46614 413.11389 339.58594 413.25712 curveto +339.70573 413.40035 339.9401 413.48238 340.28906 413.50321 curveto +340.28906 413.78446 lineto +336.34375 413.78446 lineto +336.34375 413.50321 lineto +336.66667 413.4928 336.90625 413.39905 337.0625 413.22196 curveto +337.16667 413.10217 337.21875 412.78446 337.21875 412.26884 curveto +337.21875 408.00321 lineto +337.21875 407.48759 337.15885 407.15817 337.03906 407.01493 curveto +336.91927 406.87171 336.6875 406.78968 336.34375 406.76884 curveto +336.34375 406.47978 lineto +339.40625 406.47978 lineto +closepath +340.64844 402.83134 moveto +338.0625 405.54228 lineto +337.39063 405.54228 lineto +338.29688 402.83134 lineto +340.64844 402.83134 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.60938 406.27665 moveto +345.72656 408.76884 lineto +345.46094 408.76884 lineto +345.14322 408.02926 344.8138 407.52405 344.47266 407.25321 curveto +344.13151 406.98239 343.79166 406.84697 343.45313 406.84696 curveto +343.23958 406.84697 343.05729 406.91858 342.90625 407.06181 curveto +342.75521 407.20504 342.67969 407.37041 342.67969 407.5579 curveto +342.67969 407.69853 342.73177 407.83395 342.83594 407.96415 curveto +343.0026 408.1777 343.46875 408.54358 344.23438 409.06181 curveto +345 409.58004 345.5039 410.02014 345.74609 410.38212 curveto +345.98828 410.7441 346.10937 411.14905 346.10938 411.59696 curveto +346.10937 412.00321 346.00781 412.40165 345.80469 412.79228 curveto +345.60156 413.1829 345.3151 413.48238 344.94531 413.69071 curveto +344.57552 413.89905 344.16666 414.00321 343.71875 414.00321 curveto +343.36979 414.00321 342.90364 413.89384 342.32031 413.67509 curveto +342.16406 413.6178 342.05729 413.58915 342 413.58915 curveto +341.82812 413.58915 341.68489 413.71936 341.57031 413.97978 curveto +341.3125 413.97978 lineto +341.1875 411.35478 lineto +341.45313 411.35478 lineto +341.6875 412.04228 342.00911 412.5579 342.41797 412.90165 curveto +342.82682 413.2454 343.21354 413.41728 343.57813 413.41728 curveto +343.82812 413.41728 344.03255 413.34045 344.19141 413.18681 curveto +344.35026 413.03316 344.42968 412.84696 344.42969 412.62821 curveto +344.42968 412.37821 344.35156 412.16207 344.19531 411.97978 curveto +344.03906 411.79749 343.6901 411.52144 343.14844 411.15165 curveto +342.35156 410.59957 341.83594 410.1777 341.60156 409.88603 curveto +341.25781 409.45895 341.08594 408.98759 341.08594 408.47196 curveto +341.08594 407.90947 341.27995 407.40035 341.66797 406.94462 curveto +342.05599 406.4889 342.61719 406.26103 343.35156 406.26103 curveto +343.74739 406.26103 344.1302 406.35739 344.5 406.55009 curveto +344.64062 406.62822 344.7552 406.66728 344.84375 406.66728 curveto +344.9375 406.66728 345.01302 406.64775 345.07031 406.60868 curveto +345.1276 406.56963 345.21875 406.45895 345.34375 406.27665 curveto +345.60938 406.27665 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +353.39844 409.8704 moveto +349.39063 409.8704 lineto +349.4375 410.83915 349.69531 411.60478 350.16406 412.16728 curveto +350.52343 412.59957 350.95572 412.81571 351.46094 412.81571 curveto +351.77343 412.81571 352.05729 412.72847 352.3125 412.55399 curveto +352.5677 412.37952 352.84114 412.06571 353.13281 411.61259 curveto +353.39844 411.78446 lineto +353.0026 412.59176 352.5651 413.16337 352.08594 413.49931 curveto +351.60677 413.83524 351.05208 414.00321 350.42188 414.00321 curveto +349.33854 414.00321 348.51823 413.58655 347.96094 412.75321 curveto +347.51302 412.08134 347.28906 411.24801 347.28906 410.25321 curveto +347.28906 409.03447 347.61849 408.06442 348.27734 407.34306 curveto +348.9362 406.62171 349.70833 406.26103 350.59375 406.26103 curveto +351.33333 406.26103 351.97526 406.56442 352.51953 407.17118 curveto +353.0638 407.77796 353.35676 408.6777 353.39844 409.8704 curveto +353.39844 409.8704 lineto +closepath +351.47656 409.34696 moveto +351.47656 408.50843 351.43098 407.93291 351.33984 407.6204 curveto +351.24869 407.30791 351.10677 407.07093 350.91406 406.90946 curveto +350.80468 406.81572 350.65885 406.76884 350.47656 406.76884 curveto +350.20573 406.76884 349.98437 406.90166 349.8125 407.16728 curveto +349.50521 407.63082 349.35156 408.26624 349.35156 409.07353 curveto +349.35156 409.34696 lineto +351.47656 409.34696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +357.27344 403.19071 moveto +357.27344 410.15946 lineto +358.96875 408.4954 lineto +359.3177 408.15686 359.53515 407.91207 359.62109 407.76103 curveto +359.70703 407.60999 359.74999 407.46416 359.75 407.32353 curveto +359.74999 407.18291 359.6927 407.06572 359.57813 406.97196 curveto +359.46354 406.87822 359.23958 406.81051 358.90625 406.76884 curveto +358.90625 406.47978 lineto +362.17969 406.47978 lineto +362.17969 406.76884 lineto +361.86718 406.78447 361.59374 406.85869 361.35938 406.99149 curveto +361.12499 407.12431 360.66666 407.52405 359.98438 408.19071 curveto +359.1875 408.97196 lineto +360.90625 411.48759 lineto +361.59895 412.50842 362.01041 413.08134 362.14063 413.20634 curveto +362.3177 413.38342 362.54166 413.48238 362.8125 413.50321 curveto +362.8125 413.78446 lineto +359.03906 413.78446 lineto +359.03906 413.50321 lineto +359.20572 413.50321 359.32682 413.47196 359.40234 413.40946 curveto +359.47786 413.34696 359.51562 413.27925 359.51563 413.20634 curveto +359.51562 413.08655 359.40624 412.86519 359.1875 412.54228 curveto +357.74219 410.42509 lineto +357.27344 410.88603 lineto +357.27344 412.19853 lineto +357.27343 412.75582 357.32552 413.10347 357.42969 413.24149 curveto +357.53385 413.37952 357.74739 413.46675 358.07031 413.50321 curveto +358.07031 413.78446 lineto +354.29688 413.78446 lineto +354.29688 413.50321 lineto +354.60417 413.47196 354.82292 413.373 354.95313 413.20634 curveto +355.04167 413.09175 355.08594 412.75582 355.08594 412.19853 curveto +355.08594 404.77665 lineto +355.08594 404.22458 355.03515 403.88083 354.93359 403.7454 curveto +354.83203 403.60999 354.61979 403.52145 354.29688 403.47978 curveto +354.29688 403.19071 lineto +357.27344 403.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -11.111678 -333.35034] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.86719 413.01884 moveto +458.86719 415.95634 lineto +458.86718 416.52926 458.90234 416.88993 458.97266 417.03837 curveto +459.04296 417.18681 459.16796 417.3053 459.34766 417.39384 curveto +459.52734 417.48238 459.85677 417.52665 460.33594 417.52665 curveto +460.33594 417.81571 lineto +454.95313 417.81571 lineto +454.95313 417.52665 lineto +455.44271 417.52665 455.77474 417.48108 455.94922 417.38993 curveto +456.1237 417.29879 456.24609 417.1803 456.31641 417.03446 curveto +456.38672 416.88863 456.42187 416.52926 456.42188 415.95634 curveto +456.42188 409.08134 lineto +456.42187 408.50843 456.38672 408.14775 456.31641 407.99931 curveto +456.24609 407.85088 456.12239 407.73239 455.94531 407.64384 curveto +455.76823 407.55531 455.4375 407.51104 454.95313 407.51103 curveto +454.95313 407.22196 lineto +459.57031 407.22196 lineto +461.09114 407.22197 462.18228 407.49281 462.84375 408.03446 curveto +463.5052 408.57614 463.83593 409.25322 463.83594 410.06571 curveto +463.83593 410.75322 463.62239 411.34176 463.19531 411.83134 curveto +462.76822 412.32093 462.17968 412.65426 461.42969 412.83134 curveto +460.92447 412.95634 460.07031 413.01884 458.86719 413.01884 curveto +458.86719 413.01884 lineto +closepath +458.86719 407.83134 moveto +458.86719 412.40946 lineto +459.03906 412.41988 459.16927 412.42509 459.25781 412.42509 curveto +459.89322 412.42509 460.38281 412.23629 460.72656 411.85868 curveto +461.07031 411.48108 461.24218 410.89645 461.24219 410.10478 curveto +461.24218 409.31833 461.07031 408.74281 460.72656 408.37821 curveto +460.38281 408.01364 459.86979 407.83135 459.1875 407.83134 curveto +458.86719 407.83134 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +468.89844 416.73759 moveto +468.00781 417.52405 467.20833 417.91728 466.5 417.91728 curveto +466.08333 417.91728 465.73698 417.78056 465.46094 417.50712 curveto +465.18489 417.23368 465.04687 416.89123 465.04688 416.47978 curveto +465.04687 415.92249 465.28646 415.42118 465.76563 414.97587 curveto +466.24479 414.53056 467.28906 413.93811 468.89844 413.19853 curveto +468.89844 412.46415 lineto +468.89843 411.91207 468.86849 411.56442 468.80859 411.42118 curveto +468.74869 411.27796 468.63541 411.15296 468.46875 411.04618 curveto +468.30208 410.93942 468.11458 410.88603 467.90625 410.88603 curveto +467.56771 410.88603 467.28906 410.96155 467.07031 411.11259 curveto +466.93489 411.20634 466.86718 411.31572 466.86719 411.44071 curveto +466.86718 411.55009 466.9401 411.68551 467.08594 411.84696 curveto +467.28385 412.07093 467.38281 412.28707 467.38281 412.4954 curveto +467.38281 412.75061 467.28776 412.96806 467.09766 413.14774 curveto +466.90755 413.32744 466.65885 413.41728 466.35156 413.41728 curveto +466.02344 413.41728 465.7487 413.31832 465.52734 413.1204 curveto +465.30599 412.92249 465.19531 412.69072 465.19531 412.42509 curveto +465.19531 412.05009 465.34375 411.69202 465.64063 411.35087 curveto +465.9375 411.00973 466.35156 410.74801 466.88281 410.56571 curveto +467.41406 410.38343 467.96614 410.29228 468.53906 410.29228 curveto +469.23177 410.29228 469.77994 410.43942 470.18359 410.73368 curveto +470.58723 411.02796 470.84895 411.34697 470.96875 411.69071 curveto +471.04166 411.90947 471.07812 412.41207 471.07813 413.19853 curveto +471.07813 416.03446 lineto +471.07812 416.3678 471.09114 416.57743 471.11719 416.66337 curveto +471.14322 416.74931 471.18228 416.81311 471.23438 416.85478 curveto +471.28645 416.89644 471.34635 416.91728 471.41406 416.91728 curveto +471.54947 416.91728 471.68749 416.82092 471.82813 416.62821 curveto +472.0625 416.81571 lineto +471.80208 417.20113 471.53254 417.48108 471.25391 417.65556 curveto +470.97525 417.83004 470.65885 417.91728 470.30469 417.91728 curveto +469.88802 417.91728 469.56249 417.81962 469.32813 417.62431 curveto +469.09375 417.42899 468.95052 417.13342 468.89844 416.73759 curveto +468.89844 416.73759 lineto +closepath +468.89844 416.16728 moveto +468.89844 413.72196 lineto +468.26823 414.09176 467.79948 414.48759 467.49219 414.90946 curveto +467.28906 415.19072 467.1875 415.47457 467.1875 415.76103 curveto +467.1875 416.00061 467.27343 416.21155 467.44531 416.39384 curveto +467.57552 416.53446 467.75781 416.60478 467.99219 416.60478 curveto +468.2526 416.60478 468.55468 416.45894 468.89844 416.16728 curveto +468.89844 416.16728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +476.16406 418.03446 moveto +473.70313 412.3704 lineto +473.40625 411.68811 473.17448 411.25582 473.00781 411.07353 curveto +472.88802 410.93812 472.71094 410.84697 472.47656 410.80009 curveto +472.47656 410.51103 lineto +476.35938 410.51103 lineto +476.35938 410.80009 lineto +476.11458 410.80009 475.94791 410.84437 475.85938 410.9329 curveto +475.73437 411.04749 475.67187 411.18291 475.67188 411.33915 curveto +475.67187 411.53186 475.78645 411.89384 476.01563 412.42509 curveto +477.21875 415.16728 lineto +478.17969 412.80009 lineto +478.45572 412.12301 478.59374 411.64384 478.59375 411.36259 curveto +478.59374 411.20114 478.53515 411.06963 478.41797 410.96806 curveto +478.30078 410.8665 478.09374 410.81051 477.79688 410.80009 curveto +477.79688 410.51103 lineto +480.1875 410.51103 lineto +480.1875 410.80009 lineto +479.95833 410.83134 479.77083 410.91728 479.625 411.0579 curveto +479.47916 411.19853 479.26041 411.61259 478.96875 412.30009 curveto +476.53125 418.03446 lineto +476.16406 418.03446 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +483.72656 407.22196 moveto +483.72656 416.30009 lineto +483.72656 416.81571 483.78645 417.14514 483.90625 417.28837 curveto +484.02604 417.4316 484.26041 417.51363 484.60938 417.53446 curveto +484.60938 417.81571 lineto +480.66406 417.81571 lineto +480.66406 417.53446 lineto +480.98698 417.52405 481.22656 417.4303 481.38281 417.25321 curveto +481.48698 417.13342 481.53906 416.81571 481.53906 416.30009 curveto +481.53906 408.73759 lineto +481.53906 408.22718 481.47917 407.90036 481.35938 407.75712 curveto +481.23958 407.6139 481.00781 407.53187 480.66406 407.51103 curveto +480.66406 407.22196 lineto +483.72656 407.22196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +488.15625 410.51103 moveto +488.15625 416.30009 lineto +488.15625 416.81571 488.21614 417.14514 488.33594 417.28837 curveto +488.45573 417.4316 488.6901 417.51363 489.03906 417.53446 curveto +489.03906 417.81571 lineto +485.09375 417.81571 lineto +485.09375 417.53446 lineto +485.41667 417.52405 485.65625 417.4303 485.8125 417.25321 curveto +485.91667 417.13342 485.96875 416.81571 485.96875 416.30009 curveto +485.96875 412.03446 lineto +485.96875 411.51884 485.90885 411.18942 485.78906 411.04618 curveto +485.66927 410.90296 485.4375 410.82093 485.09375 410.80009 curveto +485.09375 410.51103 lineto +488.15625 410.51103 lineto +closepath +489.39844 406.86259 moveto +486.8125 409.57353 lineto +486.14063 409.57353 lineto +487.04688 406.86259 lineto +489.39844 406.86259 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +492.72656 410.51103 moveto +492.72656 411.45634 lineto +493.10156 411.05009 493.46093 410.75452 493.80469 410.56962 curveto +494.14843 410.38473 494.51822 410.29228 494.91406 410.29228 curveto +495.38801 410.29228 495.78124 410.42379 496.09375 410.68681 curveto +496.40624 410.94983 496.61458 411.27666 496.71875 411.66728 curveto +496.80208 411.96416 496.84374 412.53447 496.84375 413.37821 curveto +496.84375 416.22196 lineto +496.84374 416.78446 496.89452 417.13472 496.99609 417.27274 curveto +497.09765 417.41077 497.30989 417.498 497.63281 417.53446 curveto +497.63281 417.81571 lineto +493.9375 417.81571 lineto +493.9375 417.53446 lineto +494.21354 417.498 494.41145 417.38342 494.53125 417.19071 curveto +494.61458 417.06051 494.65624 416.73759 494.65625 416.22196 curveto +494.65625 412.97196 lineto +494.65624 412.37301 494.63281 411.99541 494.58594 411.83915 curveto +494.53906 411.68291 494.45963 411.56181 494.34766 411.47587 curveto +494.23567 411.38994 494.11197 411.34697 493.97656 411.34696 curveto +493.52864 411.34697 493.11198 411.66728 492.72656 412.3079 curveto +492.72656 416.22196 lineto +492.72656 416.76884 492.77734 417.11519 492.87891 417.26103 curveto +492.98046 417.40686 493.16927 417.498 493.44531 417.53446 curveto +493.44531 417.81571 lineto +489.75 417.81571 lineto +489.75 417.53446 lineto +490.05729 417.50321 490.27604 417.40425 490.40625 417.23759 curveto +490.49479 417.123 490.53906 416.78446 490.53906 416.22196 curveto +490.53906 412.09696 lineto +490.53906 411.54489 490.48828 411.20114 490.38672 411.06571 curveto +490.28516 410.9303 490.07292 410.84176 489.75 410.80009 curveto +489.75 410.51103 lineto +492.72656 410.51103 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +502.67969 416.73759 moveto +501.78906 417.52405 500.98958 417.91728 500.28125 417.91728 curveto +499.86458 417.91728 499.51823 417.78056 499.24219 417.50712 curveto +498.96614 417.23368 498.82812 416.89123 498.82813 416.47978 curveto +498.82812 415.92249 499.06771 415.42118 499.54688 414.97587 curveto +500.02604 414.53056 501.07031 413.93811 502.67969 413.19853 curveto +502.67969 412.46415 lineto +502.67968 411.91207 502.64974 411.56442 502.58984 411.42118 curveto +502.52994 411.27796 502.41666 411.15296 502.25 411.04618 curveto +502.08333 410.93942 501.89583 410.88603 501.6875 410.88603 curveto +501.34896 410.88603 501.07031 410.96155 500.85156 411.11259 curveto +500.71614 411.20634 500.64843 411.31572 500.64844 411.44071 curveto +500.64843 411.55009 500.72135 411.68551 500.86719 411.84696 curveto +501.0651 412.07093 501.16406 412.28707 501.16406 412.4954 curveto +501.16406 412.75061 501.06901 412.96806 500.87891 413.14774 curveto +500.6888 413.32744 500.4401 413.41728 500.13281 413.41728 curveto +499.80469 413.41728 499.52995 413.31832 499.30859 413.1204 curveto +499.08724 412.92249 498.97656 412.69072 498.97656 412.42509 curveto +498.97656 412.05009 499.125 411.69202 499.42188 411.35087 curveto +499.71875 411.00973 500.13281 410.74801 500.66406 410.56571 curveto +501.19531 410.38343 501.74739 410.29228 502.32031 410.29228 curveto +503.01302 410.29228 503.56119 410.43942 503.96484 410.73368 curveto +504.36848 411.02796 504.6302 411.34697 504.75 411.69071 curveto +504.82291 411.90947 504.85937 412.41207 504.85938 413.19853 curveto +504.85938 416.03446 lineto +504.85937 416.3678 504.87239 416.57743 504.89844 416.66337 curveto +504.92447 416.74931 504.96353 416.81311 505.01563 416.85478 curveto +505.0677 416.89644 505.1276 416.91728 505.19531 416.91728 curveto +505.33072 416.91728 505.46874 416.82092 505.60938 416.62821 curveto +505.84375 416.81571 lineto +505.58333 417.20113 505.31379 417.48108 505.03516 417.65556 curveto +504.7565 417.83004 504.4401 417.91728 504.08594 417.91728 curveto +503.66927 417.91728 503.34374 417.81962 503.10938 417.62431 curveto +502.875 417.42899 502.73177 417.13342 502.67969 416.73759 curveto +502.67969 416.73759 lineto +closepath +502.67969 416.16728 moveto +502.67969 413.72196 lineto +502.04948 414.09176 501.58073 414.48759 501.27344 414.90946 curveto +501.07031 415.19072 500.96875 415.47457 500.96875 415.76103 curveto +500.96875 416.00061 501.05468 416.21155 501.22656 416.39384 curveto +501.35677 416.53446 501.53906 416.60478 501.77344 416.60478 curveto +502.03385 416.60478 502.33593 416.45894 502.67969 416.16728 curveto +502.67969 416.16728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 216.17264 -312.13714] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.05469 466.40946 moveto +324.29426 467.10217 324.66666 467.623 325.17188 467.97196 curveto +325.67707 468.32092 326.30989 468.4954 327.07031 468.4954 curveto +327.27863 468.4954 327.49999 468.47456 327.73438 468.4329 curveto +327.73438 468.90946 lineto +326.94791 469.10738 326.24478 469.20633 325.625 469.20634 curveto +324.65624 469.20633 323.79036 468.96936 323.02734 468.4954 curveto +322.26432 468.02144 321.6901 467.32613 321.30469 466.40946 curveto +320.02343 466.13863 318.99088 465.51103 318.20703 464.52665 curveto +317.42318 463.54228 317.03125 462.3678 317.03125 461.00321 curveto +317.03125 459.41989 317.5625 458.10348 318.625 457.05399 curveto +319.6875 456.00453 321.03645 455.47979 322.67188 455.47978 curveto +324.30208 455.47979 325.64582 456.00583 326.70313 457.0579 curveto +327.76041 458.10999 328.28905 459.42509 328.28906 461.00321 curveto +328.28905 462.37822 327.87499 463.57353 327.04688 464.58915 curveto +326.21874 465.60478 325.22135 466.21155 324.05469 466.40946 curveto +324.05469 466.40946 lineto +closepath +322.66406 456.07353 moveto +321.72656 456.07354 321.0026 456.56051 320.49219 457.53446 curveto +320.0651 458.35218 319.85156 459.51624 319.85156 461.02665 curveto +319.85156 462.83915 320.17187 464.1829 320.8125 465.0579 curveto +321.26041 465.66728 321.8776 465.97196 322.66406 465.97196 curveto +323.45572 465.97196 324.07291 465.67248 324.51563 465.07353 curveto +325.15624 464.21415 325.47655 462.92249 325.47656 461.19853 curveto +325.47655 459.50062 325.27603 458.27145 324.875 457.51103 curveto +324.37499 456.5527 323.63801 456.07354 322.66406 456.07353 curveto +322.66406 456.07353 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +335.57031 462.40165 moveto +331.5625 462.40165 lineto +331.60937 463.3704 331.86718 464.13603 332.33594 464.69853 curveto +332.69531 465.13082 333.1276 465.34696 333.63281 465.34696 curveto +333.94531 465.34696 334.22916 465.25972 334.48438 465.08524 curveto +334.73958 464.91077 335.01301 464.59696 335.30469 464.14384 curveto +335.57031 464.31571 lineto +335.17447 465.12301 334.73697 465.69462 334.25781 466.03056 curveto +333.77864 466.36649 333.22395 466.53446 332.59375 466.53446 curveto +331.51041 466.53446 330.6901 466.1178 330.13281 465.28446 curveto +329.68489 464.61259 329.46094 463.77926 329.46094 462.78446 curveto +329.46094 461.56572 329.79036 460.59567 330.44922 459.87431 curveto +331.10807 459.15296 331.88021 458.79228 332.76563 458.79228 curveto +333.5052 458.79228 334.14713 459.09567 334.69141 459.70243 curveto +335.23567 460.30921 335.52864 461.20895 335.57031 462.40165 curveto +335.57031 462.40165 lineto +closepath +333.64844 461.87821 moveto +333.64843 461.03968 333.60286 460.46416 333.51172 460.15165 curveto +333.42057 459.83916 333.27864 459.60218 333.08594 459.44071 curveto +332.97656 459.34697 332.83073 459.30009 332.64844 459.30009 curveto +332.3776 459.30009 332.15625 459.43291 331.98438 459.69853 curveto +331.67708 460.16207 331.52343 460.79749 331.52344 461.60478 curveto +331.52344 461.87821 lineto +333.64844 461.87821 lineto +closepath +331.77344 458.15165 moveto +330.19531 455.16728 lineto +330.78906 455.16728 lineto +332.65625 456.77665 lineto +334.57031 455.21415 lineto +335.21094 455.21415 lineto +333.53906 458.15165 lineto +331.77344 458.15165 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +339.375 456.33915 moveto +339.375 459.01103 lineto +341.10938 459.01103 lineto +341.10938 459.78446 lineto +339.375 459.78446 lineto +339.375 464.29228 lineto +339.375 464.71415 339.39453 464.98629 339.43359 465.10868 curveto +339.47265 465.23108 339.54166 465.33004 339.64063 465.40556 curveto +339.73958 465.48108 339.83073 465.51884 339.91406 465.51884 curveto +340.2526 465.51884 340.57291 465.26103 340.875 464.7454 curveto +341.10938 464.91728 lineto +340.6875 465.91728 340.0026 466.41728 339.05469 466.41728 curveto +338.59114 466.41728 338.19922 466.28837 337.87891 466.03056 curveto +337.55859 465.77274 337.35417 465.48498 337.26563 465.16728 curveto +337.21354 464.99019 337.1875 464.51103 337.1875 463.72978 curveto +337.1875 459.78446 lineto +336.23438 459.78446 lineto +336.23438 459.51103 lineto +336.89062 459.04749 337.44922 458.56051 337.91016 458.05009 curveto +338.37109 457.53968 338.77343 456.96937 339.11719 456.33915 curveto +339.375 456.33915 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.85156 465.23759 moveto +344.96093 466.02405 344.16146 466.41728 343.45313 466.41728 curveto +343.03646 466.41728 342.6901 466.28056 342.41406 466.00712 curveto +342.13802 465.73368 342 465.39123 342 464.97978 curveto +342 464.42249 342.23958 463.92118 342.71875 463.47587 curveto +343.19791 463.03056 344.24218 462.43811 345.85156 461.69853 curveto +345.85156 460.96415 lineto +345.85156 460.41207 345.82161 460.06442 345.76172 459.92118 curveto +345.70182 459.77796 345.58854 459.65296 345.42188 459.54618 curveto +345.2552 459.43942 345.0677 459.38603 344.85938 459.38603 curveto +344.52083 459.38603 344.24218 459.46155 344.02344 459.61259 curveto +343.88802 459.70634 343.82031 459.81572 343.82031 459.94071 curveto +343.82031 460.05009 343.89323 460.18551 344.03906 460.34696 curveto +344.23698 460.57093 344.33593 460.78707 344.33594 460.9954 curveto +344.33593 461.25061 344.24088 461.46806 344.05078 461.64774 curveto +343.86067 461.82744 343.61198 461.91728 343.30469 461.91728 curveto +342.97656 461.91728 342.70182 461.81832 342.48047 461.6204 curveto +342.25911 461.42249 342.14844 461.19072 342.14844 460.92509 curveto +342.14844 460.55009 342.29687 460.19202 342.59375 459.85087 curveto +342.89062 459.50973 343.30469 459.24801 343.83594 459.06571 curveto +344.36718 458.88343 344.91927 458.79228 345.49219 458.79228 curveto +346.18489 458.79228 346.73307 458.93942 347.13672 459.23368 curveto +347.54036 459.52796 347.80208 459.84697 347.92188 460.19071 curveto +347.99478 460.40947 348.03124 460.91207 348.03125 461.69853 curveto +348.03125 464.53446 lineto +348.03124 464.8678 348.04426 465.07743 348.07031 465.16337 curveto +348.09635 465.24931 348.13541 465.31311 348.1875 465.35478 curveto +348.23958 465.39644 348.29947 465.41728 348.36719 465.41728 curveto +348.5026 465.41728 348.64062 465.32092 348.78125 465.12821 curveto +349.01563 465.31571 lineto +348.7552 465.70113 348.48567 465.98108 348.20703 466.15556 curveto +347.92838 466.33004 347.61197 466.41728 347.25781 466.41728 curveto +346.84114 466.41728 346.51562 466.31962 346.28125 466.12431 curveto +346.04687 465.92899 345.90364 465.63342 345.85156 465.23759 curveto +345.85156 465.23759 lineto +closepath +345.85156 464.66728 moveto +345.85156 462.22196 lineto +345.22135 462.59176 344.7526 462.98759 344.44531 463.40946 curveto +344.24218 463.69072 344.14062 463.97457 344.14063 464.26103 curveto +344.14062 464.50061 344.22656 464.71155 344.39844 464.89384 curveto +344.52864 465.03446 344.71093 465.10478 344.94531 465.10478 curveto +345.20573 465.10478 345.50781 464.95894 345.85156 464.66728 curveto +345.85156 464.66728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 166.67517 -233.34524] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +452.28125 455.42509 moveto +452.28125 458.39384 lineto +452.28125 458.96676 452.3164 459.32743 452.38672 459.47587 curveto +452.45703 459.62431 452.58072 459.7428 452.75781 459.83134 curveto +452.93489 459.91988 453.26562 459.96415 453.75 459.96415 curveto +453.75 460.25321 lineto +448.32813 460.25321 lineto +448.32813 459.96415 lineto +448.81771 459.96415 449.14974 459.91858 449.32422 459.82743 curveto +449.4987 459.73629 449.62109 459.6178 449.69141 459.47196 curveto +449.76172 459.32613 449.79687 458.96676 449.79688 458.39384 curveto +449.79688 451.51884 lineto +449.79687 450.94593 449.76172 450.58525 449.69141 450.43681 curveto +449.62109 450.28838 449.49739 450.16989 449.32031 450.08134 curveto +449.14323 449.99281 448.8125 449.94854 448.32813 449.94853 curveto +448.32813 449.65946 lineto +453.25 449.65946 lineto +454.53124 449.65947 455.46874 449.74801 456.0625 449.92509 curveto +456.65624 450.10218 457.14062 450.429 457.51563 450.90556 curveto +457.89062 451.38213 458.07811 451.94072 458.07813 452.58134 curveto +458.07811 453.36259 457.79687 454.00843 457.23438 454.51884 curveto +456.87499 454.84176 456.37239 455.08395 455.72656 455.2454 curveto +458.27344 458.83134 lineto +458.60676 459.29488 458.84374 459.58394 458.98438 459.69853 curveto +459.19791 459.85998 459.4453 459.94853 459.72656 459.96415 curveto +459.72656 460.25321 lineto +456.39063 460.25321 lineto +452.97656 455.42509 lineto +452.28125 455.42509 lineto +closepath +452.28125 450.22978 moveto +452.28125 454.8704 lineto +452.72656 454.8704 lineto +453.45052 454.87041 453.99218 454.804 454.35156 454.67118 curveto +454.71093 454.53837 454.99348 454.29879 455.19922 453.95243 curveto +455.40494 453.60608 455.50781 453.15426 455.50781 452.59696 curveto +455.50781 451.78968 455.319 451.19333 454.94141 450.8079 curveto +454.5638 450.42249 453.95572 450.22979 453.11719 450.22978 curveto +452.28125 450.22978 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +464.16406 459.17509 moveto +463.27343 459.96155 462.47396 460.35478 461.76563 460.35478 curveto +461.34896 460.35478 461.0026 460.21806 460.72656 459.94462 curveto +460.45052 459.67118 460.3125 459.32873 460.3125 458.91728 curveto +460.3125 458.35999 460.55208 457.85868 461.03125 457.41337 curveto +461.51041 456.96806 462.55468 456.37561 464.16406 455.63603 curveto +464.16406 454.90165 lineto +464.16406 454.34957 464.13411 454.00192 464.07422 453.85868 curveto +464.01432 453.71546 463.90104 453.59046 463.73438 453.48368 curveto +463.5677 453.37692 463.3802 453.32353 463.17188 453.32353 curveto +462.83333 453.32353 462.55468 453.39905 462.33594 453.55009 curveto +462.20052 453.64384 462.13281 453.75322 462.13281 453.87821 curveto +462.13281 453.98759 462.20573 454.12301 462.35156 454.28446 curveto +462.54948 454.50843 462.64843 454.72457 462.64844 454.9329 curveto +462.64843 455.18811 462.55338 455.40556 462.36328 455.58524 curveto +462.17317 455.76494 461.92448 455.85478 461.61719 455.85478 curveto +461.28906 455.85478 461.01432 455.75582 460.79297 455.5579 curveto +460.57161 455.35999 460.46094 455.12822 460.46094 454.86259 curveto +460.46094 454.48759 460.60937 454.12952 460.90625 453.78837 curveto +461.20312 453.44723 461.61719 453.18551 462.14844 453.00321 curveto +462.67968 452.82093 463.23177 452.72978 463.80469 452.72978 curveto +464.49739 452.72978 465.04557 452.87692 465.44922 453.17118 curveto +465.85286 453.46546 466.11458 453.78447 466.23438 454.12821 curveto +466.30728 454.34697 466.34374 454.84957 466.34375 455.63603 curveto +466.34375 458.47196 lineto +466.34374 458.8053 466.35676 459.01493 466.38281 459.10087 curveto +466.40885 459.18681 466.44791 459.25061 466.5 459.29228 curveto +466.55208 459.33394 466.61197 459.35478 466.67969 459.35478 curveto +466.8151 459.35478 466.95312 459.25842 467.09375 459.06571 curveto +467.32813 459.25321 lineto +467.0677 459.63863 466.79817 459.91858 466.51953 460.09306 curveto +466.24088 460.26754 465.92447 460.35478 465.57031 460.35478 curveto +465.15364 460.35478 464.82812 460.25712 464.59375 460.06181 curveto +464.35937 459.86649 464.21614 459.57092 464.16406 459.17509 curveto +464.16406 459.17509 lineto +closepath +464.16406 458.60478 moveto +464.16406 456.15946 lineto +463.53385 456.52926 463.0651 456.92509 462.75781 457.34696 curveto +462.55468 457.62822 462.45312 457.91207 462.45313 458.19853 curveto +462.45312 458.43811 462.53906 458.64905 462.71094 458.83134 curveto +462.84114 458.97196 463.02343 459.04228 463.25781 459.04228 curveto +463.51823 459.04228 463.82031 458.89644 464.16406 458.60478 curveto +464.16406 458.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +475.23438 449.65946 moveto +475.23438 458.06571 lineto +475.23437 458.63342 475.24999 458.96936 475.28125 459.07353 curveto +475.32291 459.2454 475.40234 459.37301 475.51953 459.45634 curveto +475.63671 459.53967 475.84114 459.59175 476.13281 459.61259 curveto +476.13281 459.8704 lineto +473.04688 460.47196 lineto +473.04688 459.31571 lineto +472.67708 459.76363 472.34765 460.06832 472.05859 460.22978 curveto +471.76953 460.39123 471.4427 460.47196 471.07813 460.47196 curveto +470.14583 460.47196 469.40885 460.0553 468.86719 459.22196 curveto +468.42969 458.54488 468.21094 457.71415 468.21094 456.72978 curveto +468.21094 455.94332 468.34635 455.23889 468.61719 454.61649 curveto +468.88802 453.9941 469.25911 453.52405 469.73047 453.20634 curveto +470.20182 452.88864 470.70833 452.72978 471.25 452.72978 curveto +471.59895 452.72978 471.90885 452.79749 472.17969 452.9329 curveto +472.45052 453.06832 472.73958 453.3053 473.04688 453.64384 curveto +473.04688 451.44071 lineto +473.04687 450.88343 473.02343 450.54749 472.97656 450.4329 curveto +472.91406 450.28187 472.82031 450.16989 472.69531 450.09696 curveto +472.57031 450.02406 472.33593 449.9876 471.99219 449.98759 curveto +471.99219 449.65946 lineto +475.23438 449.65946 lineto +closepath +473.04688 454.61259 moveto +472.66145 453.87301 472.1901 453.50322 471.63281 453.50321 curveto +471.4401 453.50322 471.28125 453.5553 471.15625 453.65946 curveto +470.96354 453.82093 470.80599 454.10478 470.68359 454.51103 curveto +470.56119 454.91728 470.5 455.53968 470.5 456.37821 curveto +470.5 457.30009 470.56771 457.98238 470.70313 458.42509 curveto +470.83854 458.8678 471.02343 459.18811 471.25781 459.38603 curveto +471.3776 459.48498 471.54166 459.53446 471.75 459.53446 curveto +472.20833 459.53446 472.64062 459.17509 473.04688 458.45634 curveto +473.04688 454.61259 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +480.00781 449.65946 moveto +480.00781 456.62821 lineto +481.70313 454.96415 lineto +482.05208 454.62561 482.26953 454.38082 482.35547 454.22978 curveto +482.4414 454.07874 482.48437 453.93291 482.48438 453.79228 curveto +482.48437 453.65166 482.42708 453.53447 482.3125 453.44071 curveto +482.19791 453.34697 481.97395 453.27926 481.64063 453.23759 curveto +481.64063 452.94853 lineto +484.91406 452.94853 lineto +484.91406 453.23759 lineto +484.60155 453.25322 484.32812 453.32744 484.09375 453.46024 curveto +483.85937 453.59306 483.40103 453.9928 482.71875 454.65946 curveto +481.92188 455.44071 lineto +483.64063 457.95634 lineto +484.33333 458.97717 484.74478 459.55009 484.875 459.67509 curveto +485.05207 459.85217 485.27603 459.95113 485.54688 459.97196 curveto +485.54688 460.25321 lineto +481.77344 460.25321 lineto +481.77344 459.97196 lineto +481.9401 459.97196 482.06119 459.94071 482.13672 459.87821 curveto +482.21223 459.81571 482.24999 459.748 482.25 459.67509 curveto +482.24999 459.5553 482.14062 459.33394 481.92188 459.01103 curveto +480.47656 456.89384 lineto +480.00781 457.35478 lineto +480.00781 458.66728 lineto +480.00781 459.22457 480.05989 459.57222 480.16406 459.71024 curveto +480.26823 459.84827 480.48177 459.9355 480.80469 459.97196 curveto +480.80469 460.25321 lineto +477.03125 460.25321 lineto +477.03125 459.97196 lineto +477.33854 459.94071 477.55729 459.84175 477.6875 459.67509 curveto +477.77604 459.5605 477.82031 459.22457 477.82031 458.66728 curveto +477.82031 451.2454 lineto +477.82031 450.69333 477.76953 450.34958 477.66797 450.21415 curveto +477.56641 450.07874 477.35417 449.9902 477.03125 449.94853 curveto +477.03125 449.65946 lineto +480.00781 449.65946 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +489.97656 459.17509 moveto +489.08593 459.96155 488.28646 460.35478 487.57813 460.35478 curveto +487.16146 460.35478 486.8151 460.21806 486.53906 459.94462 curveto +486.26302 459.67118 486.125 459.32873 486.125 458.91728 curveto +486.125 458.35999 486.36458 457.85868 486.84375 457.41337 curveto +487.32291 456.96806 488.36718 456.37561 489.97656 455.63603 curveto +489.97656 454.90165 lineto +489.97656 454.34957 489.94661 454.00192 489.88672 453.85868 curveto +489.82682 453.71546 489.71354 453.59046 489.54688 453.48368 curveto +489.3802 453.37692 489.1927 453.32353 488.98438 453.32353 curveto +488.64583 453.32353 488.36718 453.39905 488.14844 453.55009 curveto +488.01302 453.64384 487.94531 453.75322 487.94531 453.87821 curveto +487.94531 453.98759 488.01823 454.12301 488.16406 454.28446 curveto +488.36198 454.50843 488.46093 454.72457 488.46094 454.9329 curveto +488.46093 455.18811 488.36588 455.40556 488.17578 455.58524 curveto +487.98567 455.76494 487.73698 455.85478 487.42969 455.85478 curveto +487.10156 455.85478 486.82682 455.75582 486.60547 455.5579 curveto +486.38411 455.35999 486.27344 455.12822 486.27344 454.86259 curveto +486.27344 454.48759 486.42187 454.12952 486.71875 453.78837 curveto +487.01562 453.44723 487.42969 453.18551 487.96094 453.00321 curveto +488.49218 452.82093 489.04427 452.72978 489.61719 452.72978 curveto +490.30989 452.72978 490.85807 452.87692 491.26172 453.17118 curveto +491.66536 453.46546 491.92708 453.78447 492.04688 454.12821 curveto +492.11978 454.34697 492.15624 454.84957 492.15625 455.63603 curveto +492.15625 458.47196 lineto +492.15624 458.8053 492.16926 459.01493 492.19531 459.10087 curveto +492.22135 459.18681 492.26041 459.25061 492.3125 459.29228 curveto +492.36458 459.33394 492.42447 459.35478 492.49219 459.35478 curveto +492.6276 459.35478 492.76562 459.25842 492.90625 459.06571 curveto +493.14063 459.25321 lineto +492.8802 459.63863 492.61067 459.91858 492.33203 460.09306 curveto +492.05338 460.26754 491.73697 460.35478 491.38281 460.35478 curveto +490.96614 460.35478 490.64062 460.25712 490.40625 460.06181 curveto +490.17187 459.86649 490.02864 459.57092 489.97656 459.17509 curveto +489.97656 459.17509 lineto +closepath +489.97656 458.60478 moveto +489.97656 456.15946 lineto +489.34635 456.52926 488.8776 456.92509 488.57031 457.34696 curveto +488.36718 457.62822 488.26562 457.91207 488.26563 458.19853 curveto +488.26562 458.43811 488.35156 458.64905 488.52344 458.83134 curveto +488.65364 458.97196 488.83593 459.04228 489.07031 459.04228 curveto +489.33073 459.04228 489.63281 458.89644 489.97656 458.60478 curveto +489.97656 458.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 18.182746 -165.66502] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.13281 520.69853 moveto +164.05469 525.03446 lineto +164.53905 525.75321 164.8841 526.18941 165.08984 526.34306 curveto +165.29556 526.4967 165.53905 526.58915 165.82031 526.6204 curveto +165.82031 526.90946 lineto +160.65625 526.90946 lineto +160.65625 526.6204 lineto +161.0677 526.58915 161.33333 526.52665 161.45313 526.4329 curveto +161.57291 526.33915 161.63281 526.22457 161.63281 526.08915 curveto +161.63281 525.9954 161.61458 525.91207 161.57813 525.83915 curveto +161.5052 525.6829 161.32291 525.39123 161.03125 524.96415 curveto +159.48438 522.67509 lineto +157.86719 524.65165 lineto +157.38281 525.25061 157.14062 525.65686 157.14063 525.8704 curveto +157.14062 526.02144 157.20312 526.16207 157.32813 526.29228 curveto +157.45312 526.42248 157.63802 526.51623 157.88281 526.57353 curveto +157.99218 526.60478 158.21614 526.6204 158.55469 526.6204 curveto +158.55469 526.90946 lineto +154.48438 526.90946 lineto +154.48438 526.6204 lineto +154.94792 526.55269 155.3125 526.42769 155.57813 526.2454 curveto +155.92708 526.00582 156.41406 525.50582 157.03906 524.7454 curveto +159.14063 522.1829 lineto +156.44531 518.22196 lineto +156.0026 517.57093 155.75 517.20895 155.6875 517.13603 curveto +155.54687 516.96416 155.40885 516.84176 155.27344 516.76884 curveto +155.13802 516.69593 154.95052 516.64124 154.71094 516.60478 curveto +154.71094 516.31571 lineto +159.96875 516.31571 lineto +159.96875 516.60478 lineto +159.70313 516.60478 lineto +159.40104 516.60479 159.1901 516.65296 159.07031 516.74931 curveto +158.95052 516.84567 158.89062 516.96676 158.89063 517.11259 curveto +158.89062 517.22718 158.90885 517.32614 158.94531 517.40946 curveto +159.48438 518.22196 lineto +160.79688 520.22196 lineto +161.91406 518.85478 lineto +162.48697 518.15166 162.77343 517.65947 162.77344 517.37821 curveto +162.77343 517.2376 162.73306 517.10739 162.65234 516.98759 curveto +162.57161 516.86781 162.45572 516.77406 162.30469 516.70634 curveto +162.15364 516.63864 161.91926 516.60479 161.60156 516.60478 curveto +161.60156 516.31571 lineto +165.5 516.31571 lineto +165.5 516.60478 lineto +165.1927 516.60999 164.9453 516.64775 164.75781 516.71806 curveto +164.5703 516.78838 164.36978 516.91989 164.15625 517.11259 curveto +164.02082 517.2376 163.68228 517.62562 163.14063 518.27665 curveto +161.13281 520.69853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +170.50781 525.83134 moveto +169.61718 526.6178 168.81771 527.01103 168.10938 527.01103 curveto +167.69271 527.01103 167.34635 526.87431 167.07031 526.60087 curveto +166.79427 526.32743 166.65625 525.98498 166.65625 525.57353 curveto +166.65625 525.01624 166.89583 524.51493 167.375 524.06962 curveto +167.85416 523.62431 168.89843 523.03186 170.50781 522.29228 curveto +170.50781 521.5579 lineto +170.50781 521.00582 170.47786 520.65817 170.41797 520.51493 curveto +170.35807 520.37171 170.24479 520.24671 170.07813 520.13993 curveto +169.91145 520.03317 169.72395 519.97978 169.51563 519.97978 curveto +169.17708 519.97978 168.89843 520.0553 168.67969 520.20634 curveto +168.54427 520.30009 168.47656 520.40947 168.47656 520.53446 curveto +168.47656 520.64384 168.54948 520.77926 168.69531 520.94071 curveto +168.89323 521.16468 168.99218 521.38082 168.99219 521.58915 curveto +168.99218 521.84436 168.89713 522.06181 168.70703 522.24149 curveto +168.51692 522.42119 168.26823 522.51103 167.96094 522.51103 curveto +167.63281 522.51103 167.35807 522.41207 167.13672 522.21415 curveto +166.91536 522.01624 166.80469 521.78447 166.80469 521.51884 curveto +166.80469 521.14384 166.95312 520.78577 167.25 520.44462 curveto +167.54687 520.10348 167.96094 519.84176 168.49219 519.65946 curveto +169.02343 519.47718 169.57552 519.38603 170.14844 519.38603 curveto +170.84114 519.38603 171.38932 519.53317 171.79297 519.82743 curveto +172.19661 520.12171 172.45833 520.44072 172.57813 520.78446 curveto +172.65103 521.00322 172.68749 521.50582 172.6875 522.29228 curveto +172.6875 525.12821 lineto +172.68749 525.46155 172.70051 525.67118 172.72656 525.75712 curveto +172.7526 525.84306 172.79166 525.90686 172.84375 525.94853 curveto +172.89583 525.99019 172.95572 526.01103 173.02344 526.01103 curveto +173.15885 526.01103 173.29687 525.91467 173.4375 525.72196 curveto +173.67188 525.90946 lineto +173.41145 526.29488 173.14192 526.57483 172.86328 526.74931 curveto +172.58463 526.92379 172.26822 527.01103 171.91406 527.01103 curveto +171.49739 527.01103 171.17187 526.91337 170.9375 526.71806 curveto +170.70312 526.52274 170.55989 526.22717 170.50781 525.83134 curveto +170.50781 525.83134 lineto +closepath +170.50781 525.26103 moveto +170.50781 522.81571 lineto +169.8776 523.18551 169.40885 523.58134 169.10156 524.00321 curveto +168.89843 524.28447 168.79687 524.56832 168.79688 524.85478 curveto +168.79687 525.09436 168.88281 525.3053 169.05469 525.48759 curveto +169.18489 525.62821 169.36718 525.69853 169.60156 525.69853 curveto +169.86198 525.69853 170.16406 525.55269 170.50781 525.26103 curveto +170.50781 525.26103 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +177.77344 527.12821 moveto +175.3125 521.46415 lineto +175.01562 520.78186 174.78385 520.34957 174.61719 520.16728 curveto +174.4974 520.03187 174.32031 519.94072 174.08594 519.89384 curveto +174.08594 519.60478 lineto +177.96875 519.60478 lineto +177.96875 519.89384 lineto +177.72395 519.89384 177.55729 519.93812 177.46875 520.02665 curveto +177.34375 520.14124 177.28125 520.27666 177.28125 520.4329 curveto +177.28125 520.62561 177.39583 520.98759 177.625 521.51884 curveto +178.82813 524.26103 lineto +179.78906 521.89384 lineto +180.0651 521.21676 180.20312 520.73759 180.20313 520.45634 curveto +180.20312 520.29489 180.14453 520.16338 180.02734 520.06181 curveto +179.91015 519.96025 179.70312 519.90426 179.40625 519.89384 curveto +179.40625 519.60478 lineto +181.79688 519.60478 lineto +181.79688 519.89384 lineto +181.5677 519.92509 181.3802 520.01103 181.23438 520.15165 curveto +181.08853 520.29228 180.86978 520.70634 180.57813 521.39384 curveto +178.14063 527.12821 lineto +177.77344 527.12821 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +188.66406 522.9954 moveto +184.65625 522.9954 lineto +184.70312 523.96415 184.96093 524.72978 185.42969 525.29228 curveto +185.78906 525.72457 186.22135 525.94071 186.72656 525.94071 curveto +187.03906 525.94071 187.32291 525.85347 187.57813 525.67899 curveto +187.83333 525.50452 188.10676 525.19071 188.39844 524.73759 curveto +188.66406 524.90946 lineto +188.26822 525.71676 187.83072 526.28837 187.35156 526.62431 curveto +186.87239 526.96024 186.3177 527.12821 185.6875 527.12821 curveto +184.60416 527.12821 183.78385 526.71155 183.22656 525.87821 curveto +182.77864 525.20634 182.55469 524.37301 182.55469 523.37821 curveto +182.55469 522.15947 182.88411 521.18942 183.54297 520.46806 curveto +184.20182 519.74671 184.97396 519.38603 185.85938 519.38603 curveto +186.59895 519.38603 187.24088 519.68942 187.78516 520.29618 curveto +188.32942 520.90296 188.62239 521.8027 188.66406 522.9954 curveto +188.66406 522.9954 lineto +closepath +186.74219 522.47196 moveto +186.74218 521.63343 186.69661 521.05791 186.60547 520.7454 curveto +186.51432 520.43291 186.37239 520.19593 186.17969 520.03446 curveto +186.07031 519.94072 185.92448 519.89384 185.74219 519.89384 curveto +185.47135 519.89384 185.25 520.02666 185.07813 520.29228 curveto +184.77083 520.75582 184.61718 521.39124 184.61719 522.19853 curveto +184.61719 522.47196 lineto +186.74219 522.47196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +192.60156 519.60478 moveto +192.60156 521.26103 lineto +193.08593 520.50582 193.51041 520.00452 193.875 519.75712 curveto +194.23958 519.50973 194.59114 519.38603 194.92969 519.38603 curveto +195.22135 519.38603 195.45442 519.47588 195.62891 519.65556 curveto +195.80338 519.83525 195.89062 520.08916 195.89063 520.41728 curveto +195.89062 520.76624 195.80598 521.03707 195.63672 521.22978 curveto +195.46744 521.42249 195.26301 521.51884 195.02344 521.51884 curveto +194.74739 521.51884 194.50781 521.4303 194.30469 521.25321 curveto +194.10156 521.07614 193.98177 520.97718 193.94531 520.95634 curveto +193.89322 520.92509 193.83333 520.90947 193.76563 520.90946 curveto +193.61458 520.90947 193.47135 520.96676 193.33594 521.08134 curveto +193.12239 521.25843 192.96093 521.51103 192.85156 521.83915 curveto +192.68489 522.34436 192.60156 522.90165 192.60156 523.51103 curveto +192.60156 525.19071 lineto +192.60938 525.62821 lineto +192.60937 525.92509 192.6276 526.11519 192.66406 526.19853 curveto +192.72656 526.33915 192.81901 526.44202 192.94141 526.50712 curveto +193.0638 526.57222 193.27083 526.61259 193.5625 526.62821 curveto +193.5625 526.90946 lineto +189.61719 526.90946 lineto +189.61719 526.62821 lineto +189.93489 526.60217 190.14974 526.51493 190.26172 526.36649 curveto +190.3737 526.21806 190.42969 525.82613 190.42969 525.19071 curveto +190.42969 521.15165 lineto +190.42969 520.73499 190.40885 520.46936 190.36719 520.35478 curveto +190.3151 520.20895 190.23958 520.10218 190.14063 520.03446 curveto +190.04167 519.96676 189.86719 519.91989 189.61719 519.89384 curveto +189.61719 519.60478 lineto +192.60156 519.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -34.345187 -157.5838] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +363.85938 509.25321 moveto +363.85938 509.54228 lineto +363.51041 509.58916 363.24218 509.69072 363.05469 509.84696 curveto +362.79426 510.06572 362.3828 510.66208 361.82031 511.63603 curveto +359.52344 515.47196 lineto +359.52344 518.03446 lineto +359.52343 518.58134 359.55208 518.92118 359.60938 519.05399 curveto +359.66666 519.18681 359.77994 519.30399 359.94922 519.40556 curveto +360.11848 519.50712 360.34374 519.5579 360.625 519.5579 curveto +361.21875 519.5579 lineto +361.21875 519.84696 lineto +355.27344 519.84696 lineto +355.27344 519.5579 lineto +355.82813 519.5579 lineto +356.14062 519.5579 356.38802 519.50321 356.57031 519.39384 curveto +356.70572 519.32092 356.8125 519.19592 356.89063 519.01884 curveto +356.94791 518.89384 356.97656 518.56571 356.97656 518.03446 curveto +356.97656 515.90946 lineto +354.48438 511.3704 lineto +353.98958 510.47458 353.64062 509.94723 353.4375 509.78837 curveto +353.23437 509.62952 352.96354 509.54749 352.625 509.54228 curveto +352.625 509.25321 lineto +357.70313 509.25321 lineto +357.70313 509.54228 lineto +357.47656 509.54228 lineto +357.16927 509.54229 356.95442 509.58656 356.83203 509.67509 curveto +356.70963 509.76364 356.64843 509.85739 356.64844 509.95634 curveto +356.64843 510.14385 356.85677 510.6152 357.27344 511.3704 curveto +359.1875 514.87821 lineto +361.09375 511.6829 lineto +361.5677 510.90166 361.80468 510.38343 361.80469 510.12821 curveto +361.80468 509.9876 361.73697 509.87041 361.60156 509.77665 curveto +361.42447 509.64645 361.09895 509.56833 360.625 509.54228 curveto +360.625 509.25321 lineto +363.85938 509.25321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +367.88281 520.06571 moveto +365.42188 514.40165 lineto +365.125 513.71936 364.89323 513.28707 364.72656 513.10478 curveto +364.60677 512.96937 364.42969 512.87822 364.19531 512.83134 curveto +364.19531 512.54228 lineto +368.07813 512.54228 lineto +368.07813 512.83134 lineto +367.83333 512.83134 367.66666 512.87562 367.57813 512.96415 curveto +367.45312 513.07874 367.39062 513.21416 367.39063 513.3704 curveto +367.39062 513.56311 367.5052 513.92509 367.73438 514.45634 curveto +368.9375 517.19853 lineto +369.89844 514.83134 lineto +370.17447 514.15426 370.31249 513.67509 370.3125 513.39384 curveto +370.31249 513.23239 370.2539 513.10088 370.13672 512.99931 curveto +370.01953 512.89775 369.81249 512.84176 369.51563 512.83134 curveto +369.51563 512.54228 lineto +371.90625 512.54228 lineto +371.90625 512.83134 lineto +371.67708 512.86259 371.48958 512.94853 371.34375 513.08915 curveto +371.19791 513.22978 370.97916 513.64384 370.6875 514.33134 curveto +368.25 520.06571 lineto +367.88281 520.06571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +376.61719 518.76884 moveto +375.72656 519.5553 374.92708 519.94853 374.21875 519.94853 curveto +373.80208 519.94853 373.45573 519.81181 373.17969 519.53837 curveto +372.90364 519.26493 372.76562 518.92248 372.76563 518.51103 curveto +372.76562 517.95374 373.00521 517.45243 373.48438 517.00712 curveto +373.96354 516.56181 375.00781 515.96936 376.61719 515.22978 curveto +376.61719 514.4954 lineto +376.61718 513.94332 376.58724 513.59567 376.52734 513.45243 curveto +376.46744 513.30921 376.35416 513.18421 376.1875 513.07743 curveto +376.02083 512.97067 375.83333 512.91728 375.625 512.91728 curveto +375.28646 512.91728 375.00781 512.9928 374.78906 513.14384 curveto +374.65364 513.23759 374.58593 513.34697 374.58594 513.47196 curveto +374.58593 513.58134 374.65885 513.71676 374.80469 513.87821 curveto +375.0026 514.10218 375.10156 514.31832 375.10156 514.52665 curveto +375.10156 514.78186 375.00651 514.99931 374.81641 515.17899 curveto +374.6263 515.35869 374.3776 515.44853 374.07031 515.44853 curveto +373.74219 515.44853 373.46745 515.34957 373.24609 515.15165 curveto +373.02474 514.95374 372.91406 514.72197 372.91406 514.45634 curveto +372.91406 514.08134 373.0625 513.72327 373.35938 513.38212 curveto +373.65625 513.04098 374.07031 512.77926 374.60156 512.59696 curveto +375.13281 512.41468 375.68489 512.32353 376.25781 512.32353 curveto +376.95052 512.32353 377.49869 512.47067 377.90234 512.76493 curveto +378.30598 513.05921 378.5677 513.37822 378.6875 513.72196 curveto +378.76041 513.94072 378.79687 514.44332 378.79688 515.22978 curveto +378.79688 518.06571 lineto +378.79687 518.39905 378.80989 518.60868 378.83594 518.69462 curveto +378.86197 518.78056 378.90103 518.84436 378.95313 518.88603 curveto +379.0052 518.92769 379.0651 518.94853 379.13281 518.94853 curveto +379.26822 518.94853 379.40624 518.85217 379.54688 518.65946 curveto +379.78125 518.84696 lineto +379.52083 519.23238 379.25129 519.51233 378.97266 519.68681 curveto +378.694 519.86129 378.3776 519.94853 378.02344 519.94853 curveto +377.60677 519.94853 377.28124 519.85087 377.04688 519.65556 curveto +376.8125 519.46024 376.66927 519.16467 376.61719 518.76884 curveto +376.61719 518.76884 lineto +closepath +376.61719 518.19853 moveto +376.61719 515.75321 lineto +375.98698 516.12301 375.51823 516.51884 375.21094 516.94071 curveto +375.00781 517.22197 374.90625 517.50582 374.90625 517.79228 curveto +374.90625 518.03186 374.99218 518.2428 375.16406 518.42509 curveto +375.29427 518.56571 375.47656 518.63603 375.71094 518.63603 curveto +375.97135 518.63603 376.27343 518.49019 376.61719 518.19853 curveto +376.61719 518.19853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +383.57031 512.54228 moveto +383.57031 513.48759 lineto +383.94531 513.08134 384.30468 512.78577 384.64844 512.60087 curveto +384.99218 512.41598 385.36197 512.32353 385.75781 512.32353 curveto +386.23176 512.32353 386.62499 512.45504 386.9375 512.71806 curveto +387.24999 512.98108 387.45833 513.30791 387.5625 513.69853 curveto +387.64583 513.99541 387.68749 514.56572 387.6875 515.40946 curveto +387.6875 518.25321 lineto +387.68749 518.81571 387.73827 519.16597 387.83984 519.30399 curveto +387.9414 519.44202 388.15364 519.52925 388.47656 519.56571 curveto +388.47656 519.84696 lineto +384.78125 519.84696 lineto +384.78125 519.56571 lineto +385.05729 519.52925 385.2552 519.41467 385.375 519.22196 curveto +385.45833 519.09176 385.49999 518.76884 385.5 518.25321 curveto +385.5 515.00321 lineto +385.49999 514.40426 385.47656 514.02666 385.42969 513.8704 curveto +385.38281 513.71416 385.30338 513.59306 385.19141 513.50712 curveto +385.07942 513.42119 384.95572 513.37822 384.82031 513.37821 curveto +384.37239 513.37822 383.95573 513.69853 383.57031 514.33915 curveto +383.57031 518.25321 lineto +383.57031 518.80009 383.62109 519.14644 383.72266 519.29228 curveto +383.82421 519.43811 384.01302 519.52925 384.28906 519.56571 curveto +384.28906 519.84696 lineto +380.59375 519.84696 lineto +380.59375 519.56571 lineto +380.90104 519.53446 381.11979 519.4355 381.25 519.26884 curveto +381.33854 519.15425 381.38281 518.81571 381.38281 518.25321 curveto +381.38281 514.12821 lineto +381.38281 513.57614 381.33203 513.23239 381.23047 513.09696 curveto +381.12891 512.96155 380.91667 512.87301 380.59375 512.83134 curveto +380.59375 512.54228 lineto +383.57031 512.54228 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -84.852814 -151.52288] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +556.54688 504.22196 moveto +550.32031 514.22196 lineto +552.33594 514.22196 lineto +553.28906 514.22196 553.95572 514.16207 554.33594 514.04228 curveto +554.95572 513.85478 555.48957 513.50972 555.9375 513.00712 curveto +556.38541 512.50452 556.6953 511.83134 556.86719 510.98759 curveto +557.17188 510.98759 lineto +556.74219 514.81571 lineto +547.03906 514.81571 lineto +553.27344 504.80009 lineto +551.70313 504.80009 lineto +551.09375 504.8001 550.6927 504.81833 550.5 504.85478 curveto +550.13541 504.92249 549.79297 505.05661 549.47266 505.25712 curveto +549.15234 505.45765 548.88672 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moveto +441.25 231.29075 lineto +441.25 238.43361 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.2278686 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +387.46481 125.2627 moveto +435.79102 219.01525 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +324.00643 219.61922 moveto +372.74629 126.43264 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 335.35216 60.100997] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +381.46176 111.23237 moveto +382.88559 113.9394 lineto +383.37777 114.88276 383.76742 115.48042 384.05453 115.73237 curveto +384.21273 115.86713 384.42953 115.94038 384.70493 115.9521 curveto +384.70493 116.2685 lineto +380.12582 116.2685 lineto +380.12582 115.9521 lineto +380.48324 115.9228 380.70443 115.87592 380.7894 115.81147 curveto +380.87435 115.74702 380.91683 115.65913 380.91684 115.5478 curveto +380.91683 115.38374 380.82308 115.12592 380.63559 114.77436 curveto +379.92368 113.43842 lineto +379.31723 114.32612 lineto +379.04184 114.73042 378.88656 114.97065 378.85141 115.04682 curveto +378.80453 115.15815 378.78109 115.25776 378.7811 115.34565 curveto +378.78109 115.48042 378.80893 115.59321 378.86459 115.68403 curveto +378.92025 115.77485 378.99643 115.84223 379.09311 115.88618 curveto +379.18979 115.93012 379.36703 115.9521 379.62485 115.9521 curveto +379.62485 116.2685 lineto +376.40805 116.2685 lineto +376.40805 115.9521 lineto +376.80649 115.9521 377.17123 115.84223 377.50229 115.62251 curveto +377.83334 115.40278 378.31527 114.8271 378.94809 113.89545 curveto +379.62485 112.8935 lineto +378.20981 110.27436 lineto +377.74692 109.4189 377.40121 108.89449 377.1727 108.70112 curveto +376.94418 108.50777 376.6893 108.39937 376.40805 108.37592 curveto +376.40805 108.05073 lineto +380.96078 108.05073 lineto +380.96078 108.37592 lineto +380.72348 108.38471 lineto +380.26645 108.54292 lineto +380.21957 108.58394 380.19613 108.65132 380.19614 108.74506 curveto +380.19613 108.83296 380.21078 108.92378 380.24008 109.01752 curveto +380.25766 109.05855 380.33969 109.21675 380.48618 109.49213 curveto +381.12778 110.68745 lineto +381.46176 110.21284 lineto +381.93051 109.56831 382.16488 109.11714 382.16489 108.85932 curveto +382.16488 108.73628 382.11361 108.63228 382.01108 108.54731 curveto +381.90853 108.46236 381.72543 108.40523 381.46176 108.37592 curveto +381.46176 108.05073 lineto +384.37094 108.05073 lineto +384.37094 108.37592 lineto +384.01351 108.38765 383.67953 108.49751 383.36899 108.70551 curveto +383.05843 108.91353 382.7098 109.31636 382.32309 109.91401 curveto +381.46176 111.23237 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 271.73103 182.8407] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 1.4384636 -0.2494407] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +320.60916 237.64925 moveto +317.95486 231.55843 lineto +317.55643 230.63851 317.26199 230.07308 317.07156 229.86214 curveto +316.88113 229.65121 316.65115 229.50472 316.38162 229.42268 curveto +316.38162 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.42268 lineto +320.46267 229.43441 320.26052 229.49007 320.14334 229.58968 curveto +320.02615 229.68929 319.96756 229.80941 319.96756 229.95003 curveto +319.96756 230.17269 320.11404 230.61214 320.40701 231.26839 curveto +321.81326 234.48518 lineto +322.77127 231.99788 lineto +323.11697 231.11312 323.28982 230.49789 323.28983 230.15218 curveto +323.28982 229.93539 323.21804 229.76254 323.07449 229.63362 curveto +322.93093 229.50472 322.67751 229.43441 322.31424 229.42268 curveto +322.31424 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.42268 lineto +324.79568 229.45199 324.57595 229.55599 324.40604 229.7347 curveto +324.23611 229.91341 323.95193 230.52132 323.5535 231.55843 curveto +321.20682 237.64925 lineto +320.61502 239.17268 320.17556 240.11018 319.88846 240.46175 curveto +319.48416 240.95393 318.97732 241.20002 318.36795 241.20003 curveto +317.88162 241.20002 317.48758 241.06086 317.18582 240.78255 curveto +316.88406 240.50422 316.73318 240.16877 316.73318 239.7762 curveto +316.73318 239.43635 316.83719 239.1551 317.0452 238.93245 curveto +317.2532 238.70979 317.50955 238.59846 317.81424 238.59846 curveto +318.10721 238.59846 318.34305 238.69221 318.52176 238.87971 curveto +318.70047 239.06721 318.79275 239.35725 318.79861 239.74983 curveto +318.80447 239.97249 318.83084 240.11604 318.87772 240.1805 curveto +318.92459 240.24495 318.99197 240.27717 319.07986 240.27718 curveto +319.22049 240.27717 319.3699 240.19221 319.52811 240.02229 curveto +319.76248 239.7762 320.03787 239.2137 320.35428 238.33479 curveto +320.60916 237.64925 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +306.42857 230.39789 moveto +314.28571 230.39789 lineto +314.28571 237.54075 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +334.34545 234.51898 moveto +425.28925 234.51898 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.2278686 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +598.5867 125.2627 moveto +646.91291 219.01524 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +535.12832 219.61922 moveto +583.86818 126.43264 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 608.61691 180.82039] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +652.82367 234.35118 moveto +652.82367 237.40977 lineto +652.82367 237.83165 652.85736 238.11876 652.92474 238.2711 curveto +652.99212 238.42344 653.09613 238.53477 653.23676 238.60509 curveto +653.37738 238.6754 653.65277 238.71055 654.06293 238.71056 curveto +654.06293 239.03575 lineto +649.37836 239.03575 lineto +649.37836 238.71056 lineto +649.74164 238.69883 650.01117 238.59629 650.18695 238.40294 curveto +650.30414 238.26817 650.36273 237.91954 650.36273 237.35704 curveto +650.36273 228.68224 lineto +650.36273 228.10216 650.29535 227.73156 650.16058 227.57042 curveto +650.02582 227.40929 649.76507 227.31701 649.37836 227.29356 curveto +649.37836 226.96837 lineto +652.82367 226.96837 lineto +652.82367 228.04942 lineto +653.11077 227.62756 653.40374 227.32287 653.70258 227.13536 curveto +654.1303 226.85998 654.59612 226.72228 655.10004 226.72227 curveto +655.70355 226.72228 656.25286 226.91271 656.74799 227.29356 curveto +657.24309 227.67443 657.61956 228.20031 657.87738 228.8712 curveto +658.13518 229.5421 658.26409 230.26427 658.2641 231.0377 curveto +658.26409 231.86974 658.13079 232.62999 657.8642 233.31847 curveto +657.59759 234.00694 657.21087 234.53136 656.70404 234.89171 curveto +656.1972 235.25206 655.63323 235.43224 655.01215 235.43224 curveto +654.56097 235.43224 654.13909 235.33263 653.74652 235.13341 curveto +653.45355 234.98106 653.14593 234.72032 652.82367 234.35118 curveto +652.82367 234.35118 lineto +closepath +652.82367 233.46349 moveto +653.32757 234.17833 653.86663 234.53575 654.44086 234.53575 curveto +654.75726 234.53575 655.018 234.36876 655.22308 234.03477 curveto +655.52776 233.54259 655.68011 232.60509 655.68011 231.22227 curveto +655.68011 229.80431 655.51312 228.83459 655.17914 228.3131 curveto +654.95648 227.9674 654.65765 227.79455 654.28265 227.79454 curveto +653.69085 227.79455 653.20452 228.22228 652.82367 229.07774 curveto +652.82367 233.46349 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 546.47405 58.080692] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0.1933818 0.7649642] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.9054 108.45753 moveto +599.32922 111.16456 lineto +599.8214 112.10792 600.21105 112.70557 600.49817 112.95753 curveto +600.65636 113.09229 600.87316 113.16554 601.14856 113.17725 curveto +601.14856 113.49366 lineto +596.56946 113.49366 lineto +596.56946 113.17725 lineto +596.92688 113.14796 597.14807 113.10108 597.23303 113.03663 curveto +597.31799 112.97218 597.36047 112.88429 597.36047 112.77296 curveto +597.36047 112.6089 597.26672 112.35108 597.07922 111.99952 curveto +596.36731 110.66358 lineto +595.76086 111.55128 lineto +595.48547 111.95558 595.3302 112.19581 595.29504 112.27198 curveto +595.24817 112.38331 595.22473 112.48292 595.22473 112.57081 curveto +595.22473 112.70557 595.25256 112.81837 595.30823 112.90919 curveto +595.36389 113.00001 595.44006 113.06739 595.53674 113.11134 curveto +595.63342 113.15528 595.81067 113.17725 596.06848 113.17725 curveto +596.06848 113.49366 lineto +592.85168 113.49366 lineto +592.85168 113.17725 lineto +593.25012 113.17725 593.61487 113.06739 593.94592 112.84766 curveto +594.27698 112.62794 594.75891 112.05226 595.39172 111.12061 curveto +596.06848 110.11866 lineto +594.65344 107.49952 lineto +594.19055 106.64406 593.84485 106.11964 593.61633 105.92628 curveto +593.38782 105.73293 593.13293 105.62453 592.85168 105.60108 curveto +592.85168 105.27589 lineto +597.40442 105.27589 lineto +597.40442 105.60108 lineto +597.16711 105.60987 lineto +596.71008 105.76807 lineto +596.6632 105.8091 596.63977 105.87648 596.63977 105.97022 curveto +596.63977 106.05812 596.65441 106.14894 596.68372 106.24268 curveto +596.70129 106.28371 596.78332 106.44191 596.92981 106.71729 curveto +597.57141 107.91261 lineto +597.9054 107.438 lineto +598.37414 106.79347 598.60851 106.3423 598.60852 106.08448 curveto +598.60851 105.96144 598.55724 105.85744 598.45471 105.77247 curveto +598.35217 105.68752 598.16906 105.63039 597.9054 105.60108 curveto +597.9054 105.27589 lineto +600.81458 105.27589 lineto +600.81458 105.60108 lineto +600.45715 105.61281 600.12316 105.72267 599.81262 105.93067 curveto +599.50207 106.13869 599.15344 106.54152 598.76672 107.13917 curveto +597.9054 108.45753 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +582.32143 105.75503 moveto +590.17857 105.75503 lineto +590.17857 112.89789 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 482.85292 180.82039] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 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117.9919 43.203121 118.11201 43.607422 118.11201 curveto +43.888672 118.11201 lineto +43.888672 118.43721 lineto +39.661133 118.43721 lineto +39.661133 118.11201 lineto +40.317382 118.10615 40.774413 117.97139 41.032227 117.70772 curveto +41.290037 117.44404 41.418943 116.9958 41.418945 116.36299 curveto +41.418945 107.95186 lineto +41.164063 107.63545 lineto +40.912108 107.31905 40.689452 107.11105 40.496094 107.01143 curveto +40.302733 106.91183 40.024413 106.85616 39.661133 106.84443 curveto +39.661133 106.51924 lineto +43.888672 106.51924 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +59.981445 114.03389 moveto +55.472656 114.03389 lineto +55.525388 115.12373 55.815426 115.98506 56.342773 116.61787 curveto +56.747066 117.1042 57.233394 117.34737 57.801758 117.34736 curveto +58.153315 117.34737 58.47265 117.24922 58.759766 117.05293 curveto +59.046868 116.85664 59.354485 116.50362 59.682617 115.99385 curveto +59.981445 116.18721 lineto +59.536126 117.09541 59.043939 117.73848 58.504883 118.11641 curveto +57.965815 118.49434 57.341792 118.6833 56.632813 118.6833 curveto +55.41406 118.6833 54.491209 118.21455 53.864258 117.27705 curveto +53.360351 116.52119 53.108398 115.5837 53.108398 114.46455 curveto +53.108398 113.09346 53.479003 112.00216 54.220215 111.19063 curveto +54.961423 110.37911 55.830075 109.97335 56.826172 109.97334 curveto +57.658198 109.97335 58.380365 110.31466 58.992676 110.99727 curveto +59.604973 111.67989 59.934563 112.6921 59.981445 114.03389 curveto +59.981445 114.03389 lineto +closepath +57.819336 113.44502 moveto +57.819331 112.50167 57.768061 111.85421 57.665527 111.50264 curveto +57.562983 111.15108 57.403315 110.88448 57.186523 110.70283 curveto +57.063472 110.59737 56.89941 110.54464 56.694336 110.54463 curveto +56.389644 110.54464 56.140621 110.69405 55.947266 110.99287 curveto +55.601559 111.51436 55.428708 112.22921 55.428711 113.1374 curveto +55.428711 113.44502 lineto +57.819336 113.44502 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +67.733398 118.43721 moveto +60.579102 118.43721 lineto +60.579102 118.24385 lineto +65.09668 110.75557 lineto +63.77832 110.75557 lineto +63.209958 110.75558 62.802732 110.80684 62.556641 110.90938 curveto +62.310545 111.01192 62.111326 111.17598 61.958984 111.40156 curveto +61.806639 111.62716 61.648436 112.02999 61.484375 112.61006 curveto +61.176758 112.61006 lineto +61.176758 110.21943 lineto +68.09375 110.21943 lineto +68.09375 110.45674 lineto +63.611328 117.87471 lineto +64.173828 117.87471 lineto +65.298823 117.87471 66.110346 117.71358 66.608398 117.39131 curveto +67.106439 117.06905 67.481438 116.48018 67.733398 115.62471 curveto +67.979492 115.62471 lineto +67.733398 118.43721 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +73.516602 117.22432 moveto +72.514644 118.10908 71.615231 118.55147 70.818359 118.55147 curveto +70.349607 118.55147 69.959959 118.39766 69.649414 118.09004 curveto +69.338866 117.78242 69.183593 117.39717 69.183594 116.93428 curveto +69.183593 116.30733 69.453124 115.74336 69.992188 115.24238 curveto +70.531248 114.74141 71.706051 114.07491 73.516602 113.24287 curveto +73.516602 112.4167 lineto +73.516596 111.79561 73.482905 111.4045 73.415527 111.24336 curveto +73.34814 111.08223 73.220698 110.94161 73.033203 110.82149 curveto +72.845699 110.70138 72.634761 110.64132 72.400391 110.64131 curveto +72.019528 110.64132 71.706051 110.72628 71.459961 110.89619 curveto +71.307614 111.00167 71.231442 111.12472 71.231445 111.26533 curveto +71.231442 111.38839 71.313474 111.54073 71.477539 111.72236 curveto +71.700192 111.97432 71.81152 112.21749 71.811523 112.45186 curveto +71.81152 112.73897 71.704587 112.9836 71.490723 113.18574 curveto +71.276853 113.3879 70.997068 113.48897 70.651367 113.48897 curveto +70.282225 113.48897 69.973143 113.37764 69.724121 113.15498 curveto +69.475097 112.93233 69.350585 112.67159 69.350586 112.37275 curveto +69.350585 111.95089 69.517577 111.54805 69.851563 111.16426 curveto +70.185545 110.78048 70.651365 110.48604 71.249023 110.28096 curveto +71.846676 110.07589 72.467769 109.97335 73.112305 109.97334 curveto +73.891596 109.97335 74.508295 110.13888 74.962402 110.46992 curveto +75.416497 110.80099 75.71093 111.15987 75.845703 111.54658 curveto +75.927727 111.79268 75.968742 112.35811 75.96875 113.24287 curveto +75.96875 116.4333 lineto +75.968742 116.8083 75.983391 117.04414 76.012695 117.14082 curveto +76.041985 117.2375 76.08593 117.30928 76.144531 117.35615 curveto +76.203117 117.40303 76.2705 117.42647 76.34668 117.42647 curveto +76.499015 117.42647 76.654289 117.31807 76.8125 117.10127 curveto +77.076172 117.31221 lineto +76.783195 117.7458 76.479972 118.06074 76.166504 118.25703 curveto +75.85302 118.45332 75.497063 118.55147 75.098633 118.55147 curveto +74.629877 118.55147 74.263666 118.4416 74 118.22188 curveto +73.736323 118.00215 73.57519 117.66963 73.516602 117.22432 curveto +73.516602 117.22432 lineto +closepath +73.516602 116.58272 moveto +73.516602 113.83174 lineto +72.807613 114.24776 72.28027 114.69307 71.93457 115.16768 curveto +71.706051 115.48409 71.591794 115.80342 71.591797 116.12568 curveto +71.591794 116.39522 71.688473 116.63252 71.881836 116.8376 curveto +72.028317 116.9958 72.233395 117.0749 72.49707 117.0749 curveto +72.790035 117.0749 73.129878 116.91084 73.516602 116.58272 curveto +73.516602 116.58272 lineto +closepath +75.555664 106.11494 moveto +72.646484 109.16475 lineto +71.890625 109.16475 lineto +72.910156 106.11494 lineto +75.555664 106.11494 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.69043 118.6833 moveto +78.921875 112.31123 lineto +78.587889 111.54366 78.327147 111.05733 78.139648 110.85225 curveto +78.004882 110.69991 77.805664 110.59737 77.541992 110.54463 curveto +77.541992 110.21943 lineto +81.910156 110.21943 lineto +81.910156 110.54463 lineto +81.634761 110.54464 81.447262 110.59444 81.347656 110.69404 curveto +81.207027 110.82296 81.136715 110.9753 81.136719 111.15108 curveto +81.136715 111.36788 81.265621 111.77511 81.523438 112.37275 curveto +82.876953 115.45772 lineto +83.958008 112.79463 lineto +84.268548 112.03292 84.423821 111.49386 84.423828 111.17744 curveto +84.423821 110.99581 84.357903 110.84786 84.226074 110.73359 curveto +84.094232 110.61934 83.861322 110.55636 83.527344 110.54463 curveto +83.527344 110.21943 lineto +86.216797 110.21943 lineto +86.216797 110.54463 lineto +85.958976 110.57979 85.748039 110.67647 85.583984 110.83467 curveto +85.419914 110.99288 85.17382 111.4587 84.845703 112.23213 curveto +82.103516 118.6833 lineto +81.69043 118.6833 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +88.958984 106.23799 moveto +89.339841 106.238 89.662106 106.3713 89.925781 106.63789 curveto +90.189449 106.9045 90.321285 107.22531 90.321289 107.60029 curveto +90.321285 107.9753 90.187984 108.29464 89.921387 108.5583 curveto +89.654782 108.82198 89.333981 108.95382 88.958984 108.95381 curveto +88.583982 108.95382 88.264647 108.82198 88.000977 108.5583 curveto +87.737303 108.29464 87.605468 107.9753 87.605469 107.60029 curveto +87.605468 107.22531 87.737303 106.9045 88.000977 106.63789 curveto +88.264647 106.3713 88.583982 106.238 88.958984 106.23799 curveto +88.958984 106.23799 lineto +closepath +90.189453 110.21943 moveto +90.189453 116.73213 lineto +90.189449 117.31221 90.256832 117.68281 90.391602 117.84395 curveto +90.526363 118.00508 90.790035 118.09736 91.182617 118.1208 curveto +91.182617 118.43721 lineto +86.744141 118.43721 lineto +86.744141 118.1208 lineto +87.107421 118.10908 87.376952 118.00361 87.552734 117.8044 curveto +87.669921 117.66963 87.728514 117.31221 87.728516 116.73213 curveto +87.728516 111.9333 lineto +87.728514 111.35323 87.661132 110.98263 87.526367 110.82149 curveto +87.391601 110.66036 87.130859 110.56808 86.744141 110.54463 curveto +86.744141 110.21943 lineto +90.189453 110.21943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +97.167969 109.99092 moveto +97.299805 112.79463 lineto +97.000977 112.79463 lineto +96.643549 111.96261 96.272944 111.39425 95.88916 111.08955 curveto +95.505367 110.78487 95.123043 110.63253 94.742188 110.63252 curveto +94.50195 110.63253 94.296872 110.71309 94.126953 110.87422 curveto +93.957029 111.03536 93.872068 111.22139 93.87207 111.43233 curveto +93.872068 111.59054 93.930661 111.74288 94.047852 111.88936 curveto +94.235349 112.1296 94.759762 112.54122 95.621094 113.12422 curveto +96.482417 113.70723 97.049311 114.20235 97.321777 114.60957 curveto +97.594232 115.0168 97.730462 115.47237 97.730469 115.97627 curveto +97.730462 116.4333 97.616205 116.88155 97.387695 117.321 curveto +97.159174 117.76045 96.836909 118.09736 96.420898 118.33174 curveto +96.004878 118.56611 95.544918 118.6833 95.041016 118.6833 curveto +94.648434 118.6833 94.124021 118.56025 93.467773 118.31416 curveto +93.29199 118.24971 93.171873 118.21748 93.107422 118.21748 curveto +92.914061 118.21748 92.752928 118.36397 92.624023 118.65693 curveto +92.333984 118.65693 lineto +92.193359 115.70381 lineto +92.492188 115.70381 lineto +92.755858 116.47725 93.117674 117.05733 93.577637 117.44404 curveto +94.037595 117.83076 94.472653 118.02412 94.882813 118.02412 curveto +95.164059 118.02412 95.394039 117.9377 95.572754 117.76484 curveto +95.75146 117.59199 95.840816 117.38252 95.84082 117.13643 curveto +95.840816 116.85518 95.752925 116.61201 95.577148 116.40693 curveto +95.401363 116.20186 95.008785 115.89131 94.399414 115.47529 curveto +93.502928 114.8542 92.92285 114.37959 92.65918 114.05147 curveto +92.27246 113.571 92.079101 113.04073 92.079102 112.46065 curveto +92.079101 111.82784 92.297362 111.25509 92.733887 110.74238 curveto +93.170408 110.2297 93.801755 109.97335 94.62793 109.97334 curveto +95.073238 109.97335 95.503902 110.08175 95.919922 110.29854 curveto +96.07812 110.38643 96.207026 110.43038 96.306641 110.43037 curveto +96.412104 110.43038 96.497065 110.40841 96.561523 110.36445 curveto +96.625971 110.32052 96.72851 110.19601 96.869141 109.99092 curveto +97.167969 109.99092 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +102.18652 106.51924 moveto +102.18652 116.73213 lineto +102.18652 117.31221 102.2539 117.68281 102.38867 117.84395 curveto +102.52343 118.00508 102.7871 118.09736 103.17969 118.1208 curveto +103.17969 118.43721 lineto +98.741211 118.43721 lineto +98.741211 118.1208 lineto +99.104491 118.10908 99.374022 118.00361 99.549805 117.8044 curveto +99.666991 117.66963 99.725585 117.31221 99.725586 116.73213 curveto +99.725586 108.22432 lineto +99.725585 107.65011 99.658202 107.28243 99.523438 107.12129 curveto +99.388671 106.96017 99.127929 106.86788 98.741211 106.84443 curveto +98.741211 106.51924 lineto +102.18652 106.51924 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +108.49707 117.22432 moveto +107.49511 118.10908 106.5957 118.55147 105.79883 118.55147 curveto +105.33008 118.55147 104.94043 118.39766 104.62988 118.09004 curveto +104.31933 117.78242 104.16406 117.39717 104.16406 116.93428 curveto +104.16406 116.30733 104.43359 115.74336 104.97266 115.24238 curveto +105.51172 114.74141 106.68652 114.07491 108.49707 113.24287 curveto +108.49707 112.4167 lineto +108.49707 111.79561 108.46337 111.4045 108.396 111.24336 curveto +108.32861 111.08223 108.20117 110.94161 108.01367 110.82149 curveto +107.82617 110.70138 107.61523 110.64132 107.38086 110.64131 curveto +107 110.64132 106.68652 110.72628 106.44043 110.89619 curveto +106.28808 111.00167 106.21191 111.12472 106.21191 111.26533 curveto +106.21191 111.38839 106.29394 111.54073 106.45801 111.72236 curveto +106.68066 111.97432 106.79199 112.21749 106.79199 112.45186 curveto +106.79199 112.73897 106.68506 112.9836 106.47119 113.18574 curveto +106.25732 113.3879 105.97754 113.48897 105.63184 113.48897 curveto +105.26269 113.48897 104.95361 113.37764 104.70459 113.15498 curveto +104.45557 112.93233 104.33105 112.67159 104.33105 112.37275 curveto +104.33105 111.95089 104.49805 111.54805 104.83203 111.16426 curveto +105.16601 110.78048 105.63183 110.48604 106.22949 110.28096 curveto +106.82714 110.07589 107.44824 109.97335 108.09277 109.97334 curveto +108.87206 109.97335 109.48876 110.13888 109.94287 110.46992 curveto +110.39697 110.80099 110.6914 111.15987 110.82617 111.54658 curveto +110.9082 111.79268 110.94921 112.35811 110.94922 113.24287 curveto +110.94922 116.4333 lineto +110.94921 116.8083 110.96386 117.04414 110.99316 117.14082 curveto +111.02245 117.2375 111.0664 117.30928 111.125 117.35615 curveto +111.18359 117.40303 111.25097 117.42647 111.32715 117.42647 curveto +111.47948 117.42647 111.63476 117.31807 111.79297 117.10127 curveto +112.05664 117.31221 lineto +111.76366 117.7458 111.46044 118.06074 111.14697 118.25703 curveto +110.83349 118.45332 110.47753 118.55147 110.0791 118.55147 curveto +109.61035 118.55147 109.24413 118.4416 108.98047 118.22188 curveto +108.71679 118.00215 108.55566 117.66963 108.49707 117.22432 curveto +108.49707 117.22432 lineto +closepath +108.49707 116.58272 moveto +108.49707 113.83174 lineto +107.78808 114.24776 107.26074 114.69307 106.91504 115.16768 curveto +106.68652 115.48409 106.57226 115.80342 106.57227 116.12568 curveto +106.57226 116.39522 106.66894 116.63252 106.8623 116.8376 curveto +107.00879 116.9958 107.21386 117.0749 107.47754 117.0749 curveto +107.7705 117.0749 108.11035 116.91084 108.49707 116.58272 curveto +108.49707 116.58272 lineto +closepath +110.53613 106.11494 moveto +107.62695 109.16475 lineto +106.87109 109.16475 lineto +107.89063 106.11494 lineto +110.53613 106.11494 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +43.422852 132.71943 moveto +43.422852 133.80049 lineto +43.874019 133.30831 44.291499 132.96407 44.675293 132.76777 curveto +45.059076 132.57149 45.479486 132.47335 45.936523 132.47334 curveto +46.46386 132.47335 46.906242 132.5964 47.263672 132.84248 curveto +47.621086 133.08858 47.896476 133.46358 48.089844 133.96748 curveto +48.558585 133.44015 49.008291 133.05929 49.438965 132.8249 curveto +49.869618 132.59054 50.319325 132.47335 50.788086 132.47334 curveto +51.356433 132.47335 51.80907 132.60372 52.145996 132.86445 curveto +52.482897 133.1252 52.717272 133.45626 52.849121 133.85762 curveto +52.980943 134.25899 53.046861 134.89913 53.046875 135.77803 curveto +53.046875 139.14424 lineto +53.046861 139.77705 53.10399 140.16963 53.218262 140.32197 curveto +53.332506 140.47432 53.571275 140.57393 53.93457 140.6208 curveto +53.93457 140.93721 lineto +49.689453 140.93721 lineto +49.689453 140.6208 lineto +50.023427 140.59151 50.26952 140.4626 50.427734 140.23408 curveto +50.533192 140.07588 50.585926 139.7126 50.585938 139.14424 curveto +50.585938 135.61104 lineto +50.585926 134.87862 50.556629 134.4128 50.498047 134.21358 curveto +50.439442 134.01436 50.347157 133.86641 50.221191 133.76973 curveto +50.095204 133.67306 49.947255 133.62472 49.777344 133.62471 curveto +49.525381 133.62472 49.270498 133.717 49.012695 133.90156 curveto +48.754873 134.08614 48.494132 134.363 48.230469 134.73213 curveto +48.230469 139.14424 lineto +48.23046 139.73604 48.280265 140.10811 48.379883 140.26045 curveto +48.514639 140.47725 48.772452 140.59736 49.15332 140.6208 curveto +49.15332 140.93721 lineto +44.899414 140.93721 lineto +44.899414 140.6208 lineto +45.127924 140.60908 45.3081 140.55195 45.439941 140.44941 curveto +45.571771 140.34688 45.659662 140.22383 45.703613 140.08027 curveto +45.747552 139.93672 45.769525 139.62471 45.769531 139.14424 curveto +45.769531 135.61104 lineto +45.769525 134.8669 45.740228 134.40108 45.681641 134.21358 curveto +45.623041 134.02608 45.524896 133.8796 45.387207 133.77412 curveto +45.249506 133.66866 45.101557 133.61593 44.943359 133.61592 curveto +44.708979 133.61593 44.495112 133.67745 44.301758 133.80049 curveto +44.026363 133.98214 43.733394 134.29268 43.422852 134.73213 curveto +43.422852 139.14424 lineto +43.422848 139.72432 43.479976 140.10664 43.594238 140.29121 curveto +43.708492 140.47578 43.947261 140.58565 44.310547 140.6208 curveto +44.310547 140.93721 lineto +40.074219 140.93721 lineto +40.074219 140.6208 lineto +40.419921 140.58565 40.666014 140.47432 40.8125 140.28682 curveto +40.912108 140.15791 40.961913 139.77705 40.961914 139.14424 curveto +40.961914 134.50361 lineto +40.961913 133.88253 40.904784 133.49581 40.790527 133.34346 curveto +40.676268 133.19112 40.437499 133.09151 40.074219 133.04463 curveto +40.074219 132.71943 lineto +43.422852 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +58.381836 132.71943 moveto +58.381836 133.78291 lineto +58.803707 133.32589 59.208003 132.99337 59.594727 132.78535 curveto +59.98144 132.57735 60.397455 132.47335 60.842773 132.47334 curveto +61.37597 132.47335 61.818352 132.6213 62.169922 132.91719 curveto +62.521476 133.21309 62.755851 133.58077 62.873047 134.02022 curveto +62.966788 134.35421 63.013663 134.99581 63.013672 135.94502 curveto +63.013672 139.14424 lineto +63.013663 139.77705 63.070792 140.1711 63.185059 140.32637 curveto +63.299308 140.48164 63.538077 140.57979 63.901367 140.6208 curveto +63.901367 140.93721 lineto +59.744141 140.93721 lineto +59.744141 140.6208 lineto +60.054682 140.57979 60.277338 140.45088 60.412109 140.23408 curveto +60.505853 140.0876 60.552728 139.72432 60.552734 139.14424 curveto +60.552734 135.48799 lineto +60.552728 134.81417 60.526361 134.38936 60.473633 134.21358 curveto +60.420892 134.0378 60.331537 133.90157 60.205566 133.80488 curveto +60.079584 133.70821 59.940424 133.65987 59.788086 133.65986 curveto +59.284175 133.65987 58.815425 134.02022 58.381836 134.74092 curveto +58.381836 139.14424 lineto +58.381832 139.75947 58.438961 140.14912 58.553223 140.31318 curveto +58.667476 140.47725 58.879878 140.57979 59.19043 140.6208 curveto +59.19043 140.93721 lineto +55.033203 140.93721 lineto +55.033203 140.6208 lineto +55.378905 140.58565 55.624999 140.47432 55.771484 140.28682 curveto +55.871092 140.15791 55.920897 139.77705 55.920898 139.14424 curveto +55.920898 134.50361 lineto +55.920897 133.88253 55.863768 133.49581 55.749512 133.34346 curveto +55.635253 133.19112 55.396483 133.09151 55.033203 133.04463 curveto +55.033203 132.71943 lineto +58.381836 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +68.919922 132.47334 moveto +69.63476 132.47335 70.299799 132.65792 70.915039 133.02705 curveto +71.530266 133.3962 71.997551 133.92061 72.316895 134.60029 curveto +72.636222 135.27999 72.79589 136.02413 72.795898 136.83272 curveto +72.79589 137.99873 72.499992 138.97432 71.908203 139.75947 curveto +71.193353 140.70869 70.206049 141.1833 68.946289 141.1833 curveto +67.709958 141.1833 66.75781 140.74971 66.089844 139.88252 curveto +65.421874 139.01533 65.08789 138.01045 65.087891 136.86787 curveto +65.08789 135.69014 65.429198 134.66329 66.111816 133.78731 curveto +66.794431 132.91134 67.730465 132.47335 68.919922 132.47334 curveto +68.919922 132.47334 lineto +closepath +68.955078 133.09736 moveto +68.656246 133.09737 68.399898 133.21016 68.186035 133.43574 curveto +67.972164 133.66134 67.83154 134.10665 67.76416 134.77168 curveto +67.696774 135.43673 67.663083 136.36104 67.663086 137.54463 curveto +67.663083 138.17159 67.704098 138.75752 67.786133 139.30244 curveto +67.850583 139.71846 67.988278 140.03487 68.199219 140.25166 curveto +68.410152 140.46846 68.650386 140.57686 68.919922 140.57686 curveto +69.183589 140.57686 69.403315 140.50361 69.579102 140.35713 curveto +69.807612 140.15791 69.959955 139.87959 70.036133 139.52217 curveto +70.153315 138.96553 70.211908 137.84053 70.211914 136.14717 curveto +70.211908 135.15108 70.156244 134.467 70.044922 134.09492 curveto +69.933588 133.72286 69.769526 133.45186 69.552734 133.28193 curveto +69.400386 133.1589 69.201167 133.09737 68.955078 133.09736 curveto +68.955078 133.09736 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +80.776367 140.93721 moveto +73.62207 140.93721 lineto +73.62207 140.74385 lineto +78.139648 133.25557 lineto +76.821289 133.25557 lineto +76.252927 133.25558 75.845701 133.30684 75.599609 133.40938 curveto +75.353514 133.51192 75.154295 133.67598 75.001953 133.90156 curveto +74.849608 134.12716 74.691405 134.52999 74.527344 135.11006 curveto +74.219727 135.11006 lineto +74.219727 132.71943 lineto +81.136719 132.71943 lineto +81.136719 132.95674 lineto +76.654297 140.37471 lineto +77.216797 140.37471 lineto +78.341792 140.37471 79.153315 140.21358 79.651367 139.89131 curveto +80.149407 139.56905 80.524407 138.98018 80.776367 138.12471 curveto +81.022461 138.12471 lineto +80.776367 140.93721 lineto +closepath +76.733398 131.75264 moveto +74.958008 128.39522 lineto +75.625977 128.39522 lineto +77.726563 130.20576 lineto +79.879883 128.44795 lineto +80.600586 128.44795 lineto +78.719727 131.75264 lineto +76.733398 131.75264 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +84.001953 128.73799 moveto +84.38281 128.738 84.705075 128.8713 84.96875 129.13789 curveto +85.232418 129.4045 85.364254 129.72531 85.364258 130.10029 curveto +85.364254 130.4753 85.230953 130.79464 84.964355 131.0583 curveto +84.697751 131.32198 84.37695 131.45382 84.001953 131.45381 curveto +83.626951 131.45382 83.307615 131.32198 83.043945 131.0583 curveto +82.780272 130.79464 82.648436 130.4753 82.648438 130.10029 curveto +82.648436 129.72531 82.780272 129.4045 83.043945 129.13789 curveto +83.307615 128.8713 83.626951 128.738 84.001953 128.73799 curveto +84.001953 128.73799 lineto +closepath +85.232422 132.71943 moveto +85.232422 139.23213 lineto +85.232418 139.81221 85.299801 140.18281 85.43457 140.34395 curveto +85.569332 140.50508 85.833003 140.59736 86.225586 140.6208 curveto +86.225586 140.93721 lineto +81.787109 140.93721 lineto +81.787109 140.6208 lineto +82.15039 140.60908 82.419921 140.50361 82.595703 140.3044 curveto +82.712889 140.16963 82.771483 139.81221 82.771484 139.23213 curveto +82.771484 134.4333 lineto +82.771483 133.85323 82.7041 133.48263 82.569336 133.32149 curveto +82.434569 133.16036 82.173827 133.06808 81.787109 133.04463 curveto +81.787109 132.71943 lineto +85.232422 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +90.374023 132.71943 moveto +90.374023 133.78291 lineto +90.795894 133.32589 91.200191 132.99337 91.586914 132.78535 curveto +91.973627 132.57735 92.389642 132.47335 92.834961 132.47334 curveto +93.368157 132.47335 93.810539 132.6213 94.162109 132.91719 curveto +94.513664 133.21309 94.748039 133.58077 94.865234 134.02022 curveto +94.958976 134.35421 95.005851 134.99581 95.005859 135.94502 curveto +95.005859 139.14424 lineto +95.005851 139.77705 95.06298 140.1711 95.177246 140.32637 curveto +95.291495 140.48164 95.530264 140.57979 95.893555 140.6208 curveto +95.893555 140.93721 lineto +91.736328 140.93721 lineto +91.736328 140.6208 lineto +92.046869 140.57979 92.269525 140.45088 92.404297 140.23408 curveto +92.498041 140.0876 92.544916 139.72432 92.544922 139.14424 curveto +92.544922 135.48799 lineto +92.544916 134.81417 92.518549 134.38936 92.46582 134.21358 curveto +92.41308 134.0378 92.323725 133.90157 92.197754 133.80488 curveto +92.071772 133.70821 91.932612 133.65987 91.780273 133.65986 curveto +91.276362 133.65987 90.807613 134.02022 90.374023 134.74092 curveto +90.374023 139.14424 lineto +90.374019 139.75947 90.431148 140.14912 90.54541 140.31318 curveto +90.659664 140.47725 90.872066 140.57979 91.182617 140.6208 curveto +91.182617 140.93721 lineto +87.025391 140.93721 lineto +87.025391 140.6208 lineto +87.371093 140.58565 87.617186 140.47432 87.763672 140.28682 curveto +87.86328 140.15791 87.913084 139.77705 87.913086 139.14424 curveto +87.913086 134.50361 lineto +87.913084 133.88253 87.855956 133.49581 87.741699 133.34346 curveto +87.62744 133.19112 87.388671 133.09151 87.025391 133.04463 curveto +87.025391 132.71943 lineto +90.374023 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +101.57129 139.72432 moveto +100.56933 140.60908 99.669919 141.05147 98.873047 141.05147 curveto +98.404295 141.05147 98.014647 140.89766 97.704102 140.59004 curveto +97.393554 140.28242 97.23828 139.89717 97.238281 139.43428 curveto +97.23828 138.80733 97.507811 138.24336 98.046875 137.74238 curveto +98.585935 137.24141 99.760739 136.57491 101.57129 135.74287 curveto +101.57129 134.9167 lineto +101.57128 134.29561 101.53759 133.9045 101.47021 133.74336 curveto +101.40283 133.58223 101.27539 133.44161 101.08789 133.32149 curveto +100.90039 133.20138 100.68945 133.14132 100.45508 133.14131 curveto +100.07422 133.14132 99.760739 133.22628 99.514648 133.39619 curveto +99.362302 133.50167 99.28613 133.62472 99.286133 133.76533 curveto +99.28613 133.88839 99.368161 134.04073 99.532227 134.22236 curveto +99.754879 134.47432 99.866208 134.71749 99.866211 134.95186 curveto +99.866208 135.23897 99.759274 135.4836 99.54541 135.68574 curveto +99.33154 135.8879 99.051755 135.98897 98.706055 135.98897 curveto +98.336912 135.98897 98.02783 135.87764 97.778809 135.65498 curveto +97.529784 135.43233 97.405272 135.17159 97.405273 134.87275 curveto +97.405272 134.45089 97.572264 134.04805 97.90625 133.66426 curveto +98.240233 133.28048 98.706052 132.98604 99.303711 132.78096 curveto +99.901364 132.57589 100.52246 132.47335 101.16699 132.47334 curveto +101.94628 132.47335 102.56298 132.63888 103.01709 132.96992 curveto +103.47118 133.30099 103.76562 133.65987 103.90039 134.04658 curveto +103.98241 134.29268 104.02343 134.85811 104.02344 135.74287 curveto +104.02344 138.9333 lineto +104.02343 139.3083 104.03808 139.54414 104.06738 139.64082 curveto +104.09667 139.7375 104.14062 139.80928 104.19922 139.85615 curveto +104.2578 139.90303 104.32519 139.92647 104.40137 139.92647 curveto +104.5537 139.92647 104.70898 139.81807 104.86719 139.60127 curveto +105.13086 139.81221 lineto +104.83788 140.2458 104.53466 140.56074 104.22119 140.75703 curveto +103.90771 140.95332 103.55175 141.05147 103.15332 141.05147 curveto +102.68456 141.05147 102.31835 140.9416 102.05469 140.72188 curveto +101.79101 140.50215 101.62988 140.16963 101.57129 139.72432 curveto +101.57129 139.72432 lineto +closepath +101.57129 139.08272 moveto +101.57129 136.33174 lineto +100.8623 136.74776 100.33496 137.19307 99.989258 137.66768 curveto +99.760739 137.98409 99.646481 138.30342 99.646484 138.62568 curveto +99.646481 138.89522 99.743161 139.13252 99.936523 139.3376 curveto +100.083 139.4958 100.28808 139.5749 100.55176 139.5749 curveto +100.84472 139.5749 101.18457 139.41084 101.57129 139.08272 curveto +101.57129 139.08272 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +53.033009 102.06117 moveto +135.36044 102.06117 lineto +135.36044 147.2655 lineto +53.033009 147.2655 lineto +53.033009 102.06117 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -9.0913729 -13.131983] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 4.2096291 -3.4522312] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +196.60059 58.898145 moveto +196.60059 58.590528 lineto +197.26855 58.397175 197.73144 58.217 197.98926 58.050001 curveto +198.24707 57.883016 198.46972 57.628133 198.65723 57.285352 curveto +198.84472 56.942587 198.93847 56.595419 198.93848 56.243849 curveto +198.93847 55.75753 198.76123 55.34005 198.40674 54.991407 curveto +198.05224 54.642785 197.61132 54.468468 197.08398 54.468458 curveto +196.26367 54.468468 195.5664 54.902062 194.99219 55.769239 curveto +194.66699 55.654981 lineto +195.08887 54.676476 195.62939 53.941125 196.28857 53.448927 curveto +196.94775 52.956751 197.68164 52.710658 198.49023 52.710645 curveto +199.3164 52.710658 199.99755 52.96261 200.53369 53.466505 curveto +201.06982 53.970422 201.33788 54.559289 201.33789 55.233106 curveto +201.33788 55.672569 201.21337 56.095908 200.96436 56.503126 curveto +200.71533 56.91036 200.32421 57.269247 199.79102 57.579786 curveto +200.47656 57.913777 200.9995 58.325398 201.35986 58.814649 curveto +201.72021 59.303913 201.90038 59.917682 201.90039 60.655958 curveto +201.90038 61.898148 201.45068 62.9543 200.55127 63.824415 curveto +199.65185 64.694532 198.44628 65.129591 196.93457 65.129591 curveto +195.92676 65.129591 195.1914 64.962598 194.72852 64.628614 curveto +194.39453 64.39424 194.22754 64.092482 194.22754 63.723341 curveto +194.22754 63.453811 194.32422 63.223831 194.51758 63.033399 curveto +194.71094 62.842972 194.93359 62.747757 195.18555 62.747755 curveto +195.3789 62.747757 195.56055 62.788773 195.73047 62.870802 curveto +195.82422 62.917679 196.15674 63.174026 196.72803 63.639845 curveto +197.29931 64.105666 197.83398 64.338576 198.33203 64.338575 curveto +198.76562 64.338576 199.13769 64.167189 199.44824 63.824415 curveto +199.75878 63.481643 199.91406 63.046585 199.91406 62.519239 curveto +199.91406 61.716508 199.63281 60.976763 199.07031 60.300001 curveto +198.50781 59.623248 197.68457 59.155964 196.60059 58.898145 curveto +196.60059 58.898145 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +215.89258 52.684278 moveto +215.98926 56.656935 lineto +215.62891 56.656935 lineto +215.45898 55.66085 215.0415 54.859581 214.37646 54.253126 curveto +213.71142 53.646692 212.99218 53.343469 212.21875 53.343458 curveto +211.62109 53.343469 211.14795 53.503137 210.79932 53.822462 curveto +210.45068 54.141809 210.27636 54.509484 210.27637 54.925489 curveto +210.27636 55.189171 210.33789 55.423546 210.46094 55.628614 curveto +210.63086 55.904014 210.90332 56.176474 211.27832 56.445997 curveto +211.55371 56.639365 212.18945 56.982138 213.18555 57.474317 curveto +214.58007 58.159871 215.5205 58.807331 216.00684 59.4167 curveto +216.4873 60.02608 216.72753 60.723345 216.72754 61.508497 curveto +216.72753 62.504593 216.33935 63.361526 215.56299 64.079298 curveto +214.78661 64.797071 213.80077 65.155958 212.60547 65.155958 curveto +212.23046 65.155958 211.87597 65.117872 211.54199 65.0417 curveto +211.208 64.965528 210.78906 64.821974 210.28516 64.611036 curveto +210.0039 64.493849 209.77246 64.435255 209.59082 64.435255 curveto +209.43847 64.435255 209.27734 64.493849 209.10742 64.611036 curveto +208.9375 64.728224 208.7998 64.906934 208.69434 65.147169 curveto +208.36914 65.147169 lineto +208.36914 60.647169 lineto +208.69434 60.647169 lineto +208.95215 61.912797 209.44873 62.878128 210.18408 63.543165 curveto +210.91943 64.208205 211.71191 64.540724 212.56152 64.540724 curveto +213.21777 64.540724 213.74072 64.362013 214.13037 64.004591 curveto +214.52001 63.64717 214.71484 63.231155 214.71484 62.756544 curveto +214.71484 62.475296 214.64013 62.202836 214.49072 61.939161 curveto +214.3413 61.675492 214.11425 61.425004 213.80957 61.187696 curveto +213.50488 60.950395 212.96581 60.641314 212.19238 60.26045 curveto +211.10839 59.727252 210.3291 59.273151 209.85449 58.898145 curveto +209.37988 58.523152 209.01514 58.104207 208.76025 57.64131 curveto +208.50537 57.178427 208.37793 56.668661 208.37793 56.112013 curveto +208.37793 55.162804 208.72656 54.354211 209.42383 53.686231 curveto +210.12109 53.018274 211 52.68429 212.06055 52.684278 curveto +212.44726 52.68429 212.82226 52.731165 213.18555 52.824903 curveto +213.46093 52.895228 213.79638 53.025599 214.19189 53.216017 curveto +214.5874 53.406458 214.86425 53.501672 215.02246 53.501661 curveto +215.1748 53.501672 215.29491 53.454797 215.38281 53.361036 curveto +215.4707 53.267298 215.55273 53.041712 215.62891 52.684278 curveto +215.89258 52.684278 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.94531 61.48213 moveto +220.73535 61.48213 lineto +220.23438 62.642286 lineto +220.07031 63.029007 219.98828 63.348342 219.98828 63.600294 curveto +219.98828 63.934279 220.12304 64.180373 220.39258 64.338575 curveto +220.55078 64.432326 220.94043 64.502638 221.56152 64.549513 curveto +221.56152 64.874708 lineto +217.59766 64.874708 lineto +217.59766 64.549513 lineto +218.02539 64.48506 218.37695 64.307814 218.65234 64.017774 curveto +218.92773 63.727736 219.26758 63.128616 219.67188 62.220411 curveto +223.93457 52.710645 lineto +224.10156 52.710645 lineto +228.39941 62.484083 lineto +228.80956 63.409866 229.14647 63.992873 229.41016 64.233106 curveto +229.60936 64.414747 229.89061 64.520216 230.25391 64.549513 curveto +230.25391 64.874708 lineto +224.48828 64.874708 lineto +224.48828 64.549513 lineto +224.72559 64.549513 lineto +225.18847 64.549513 225.51366 64.48506 225.70117 64.356153 curveto +225.83007 64.262404 225.89452 64.127638 225.89453 63.951856 curveto +225.89452 63.846389 225.87694 63.73799 225.8418 63.626661 curveto +225.83007 63.573928 225.74218 63.354202 225.57813 62.967481 curveto +224.94531 61.48213 lineto +closepath +224.64648 60.831739 moveto +222.87109 56.727247 lineto +221.04297 60.831739 lineto +224.64648 60.831739 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +241.82031 52.956739 moveto +241.82031 56.182325 lineto +241.50391 56.182325 lineto +241.3164 55.438194 241.10839 54.903527 240.87988 54.578321 curveto +240.65136 54.253137 240.33788 53.993859 239.93945 53.800489 curveto +239.71679 53.695032 239.32714 53.642297 238.77051 53.642286 curveto +237.88281 53.642286 lineto +237.88281 62.835645 lineto +237.88281 63.445022 237.9165 63.825881 237.98389 63.978224 curveto +238.05126 64.130568 238.1831 64.263869 238.37939 64.378126 curveto +238.57568 64.492384 238.84374 64.549513 239.18359 64.549513 curveto +239.5791 64.549513 lineto +239.5791 64.874708 lineto +233.33887 64.874708 lineto +233.33887 64.549513 lineto +233.73438 64.549513 lineto +234.08007 64.549513 234.35839 64.48799 234.56934 64.364942 curveto +234.72168 64.282912 234.84179 64.142287 234.92969 63.943067 curveto +234.99414 63.802443 235.02636 63.433303 235.02637 62.835645 curveto +235.02637 53.642286 lineto +234.16504 53.642286 lineto +233.3623 53.642297 232.77929 53.812219 232.41602 54.152052 curveto +231.90625 54.626671 231.58398 55.303428 231.44922 56.182325 curveto +231.11523 56.182325 lineto +231.11523 52.956739 lineto +241.82031 52.956739 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +195.21198 44.735016 moveto +249.25513 44.735016 lineto +249.25513 66.200758 lineto +195.21198 66.200758 lineto +195.21198 44.735016 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -1.5152288 -7.5761441] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 7.4356842 18.468011] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +193.56934 108.39815 moveto +193.56934 108.09053 lineto +194.2373 107.89718 194.70019 107.717 194.95801 107.55 curveto +195.21582 107.38302 195.43847 107.12813 195.62598 106.78535 curveto +195.81347 106.44259 195.90722 106.09542 195.90723 105.74385 curveto +195.90722 105.25753 195.72998 104.84005 195.37549 104.49141 curveto +195.02099 104.14278 194.58007 103.96847 194.05273 103.96846 curveto +193.23242 103.96847 192.53515 104.40206 191.96094 105.26924 curveto +191.63574 105.15498 lineto +192.05762 104.17648 192.59814 103.44113 193.25732 102.94893 curveto +193.9165 102.45675 194.65039 102.21066 195.45898 102.21065 curveto +196.28515 102.21066 196.9663 102.46261 197.50244 102.9665 curveto +198.03857 103.47042 198.30663 104.05929 198.30664 104.73311 curveto +198.30663 105.17257 198.18212 105.59591 197.93311 106.00313 curveto +197.68408 106.41036 197.29296 106.76925 196.75977 107.07979 curveto +197.44531 107.41378 197.96825 107.8254 198.32861 108.31465 curveto +198.68896 108.80391 198.86913 109.41768 198.86914 110.15596 curveto +198.86913 111.39815 198.41943 112.4543 197.52002 113.32441 curveto +196.6206 114.19453 195.41503 114.62959 193.90332 114.62959 curveto +192.89551 114.62959 192.16015 114.4626 191.69727 114.12861 curveto +191.36328 113.89424 191.19629 113.59248 191.19629 113.22334 curveto +191.19629 112.95381 191.29297 112.72383 191.48633 112.5334 curveto +191.67969 112.34297 191.90234 112.24776 192.1543 112.24775 curveto +192.34765 112.24776 192.5293 112.28877 192.69922 112.3708 curveto +192.79297 112.41768 193.12549 112.67403 193.69678 113.13984 curveto +194.26806 113.60567 194.80273 113.83858 195.30078 113.83858 curveto +195.73437 113.83858 196.10644 113.66719 196.41699 113.32441 curveto +196.72753 112.98164 196.88281 112.54658 196.88281 112.01924 curveto +196.88281 111.21651 196.60156 110.47676 196.03906 109.8 curveto +195.47656 109.12325 194.65332 108.65596 193.56934 108.39815 curveto +193.56934 108.39815 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +200.80273 117.52998 moveto +200.80273 117.14326 lineto +201.48242 116.85029 201.97607 116.4709 202.28369 116.00508 curveto +202.59131 115.53926 202.74511 115.06318 202.74512 114.57686 curveto +202.74511 114.47725 202.72461 114.40108 202.68359 114.34834 curveto +202.64258 114.30147 202.60156 114.27803 202.56055 114.27803 curveto +202.52539 114.27803 202.47265 114.29854 202.40234 114.33955 curveto +202.23242 114.43916 202.02148 114.48897 201.76953 114.48897 curveto +201.42383 114.48897 201.12353 114.3542 200.86865 114.08467 curveto +200.61377 113.81514 200.48633 113.49873 200.48633 113.13545 curveto +200.48633 112.74873 200.63281 112.40889 200.92578 112.11592 curveto +201.21875 111.82295 201.57324 111.67647 201.98926 111.67647 curveto +202.49316 111.67647 202.92383 111.87129 203.28125 112.26094 curveto +203.63867 112.65059 203.81738 113.18526 203.81738 113.86494 curveto +203.81738 114.70283 203.56396 115.44697 203.05713 116.09736 curveto +202.55029 116.74775 201.79883 117.22529 200.80273 117.52998 curveto +200.80273 117.52998 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +207.06934 108.39815 moveto +207.06934 108.09053 lineto +207.7373 107.89718 208.20019 107.717 208.45801 107.55 curveto +208.71582 107.38302 208.93847 107.12813 209.12598 106.78535 curveto +209.31347 106.44259 209.40722 106.09542 209.40723 105.74385 curveto +209.40722 105.25753 209.22998 104.84005 208.87549 104.49141 curveto +208.52099 104.14278 208.08007 103.96847 207.55273 103.96846 curveto +206.73242 103.96847 206.03515 104.40206 205.46094 105.26924 curveto +205.13574 105.15498 lineto +205.55762 104.17648 206.09814 103.44113 206.75732 102.94893 curveto +207.4165 102.45675 208.15039 102.21066 208.95898 102.21065 curveto +209.78515 102.21066 210.4663 102.46261 211.00244 102.9665 curveto +211.53857 103.47042 211.80663 104.05929 211.80664 104.73311 curveto +211.80663 105.17257 211.68212 105.59591 211.43311 106.00313 curveto +211.18408 106.41036 210.79296 106.76925 210.25977 107.07979 curveto +210.94531 107.41378 211.46825 107.8254 211.82861 108.31465 curveto +212.18896 108.80391 212.36913 109.41768 212.36914 110.15596 curveto +212.36913 111.39815 211.91943 112.4543 211.02002 113.32441 curveto +210.1206 114.19453 208.91503 114.62959 207.40332 114.62959 curveto +206.39551 114.62959 205.66015 114.4626 205.19727 114.12861 curveto +204.86328 113.89424 204.69629 113.59248 204.69629 113.22334 curveto +204.69629 112.95381 204.79297 112.72383 204.98633 112.5334 curveto +205.17969 112.34297 205.40234 112.24776 205.6543 112.24775 curveto +205.84765 112.24776 206.0293 112.28877 206.19922 112.3708 curveto +206.29297 112.41768 206.62549 112.67403 207.19678 113.13984 curveto +207.76806 113.60567 208.30273 113.83858 208.80078 113.83858 curveto +209.23437 113.83858 209.60644 113.66719 209.91699 113.32441 curveto +210.22753 112.98164 210.38281 112.54658 210.38281 112.01924 curveto +210.38281 111.21651 210.10156 110.47676 209.53906 109.8 curveto +208.97656 109.12325 208.15332 108.65596 207.06934 108.39815 curveto +207.06934 108.39815 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +226.36133 102.18428 moveto +226.45801 106.15693 lineto +226.09766 106.15693 lineto +225.92773 105.16085 225.51025 104.35958 224.84521 103.75313 curveto +224.18017 103.14669 223.46093 102.84347 222.6875 102.84346 curveto +222.08984 102.84347 221.6167 103.00314 221.26807 103.32246 curveto +220.91943 103.64181 220.74511 104.00948 220.74512 104.42549 curveto +220.74511 104.68917 220.80664 104.92355 220.92969 105.12861 curveto +221.09961 105.40401 221.37207 105.67647 221.74707 105.946 curveto +222.02246 106.13936 222.6582 106.48214 223.6543 106.97432 curveto +225.04882 107.65987 225.98925 108.30733 226.47559 108.9167 curveto +226.95605 109.52608 227.19628 110.22334 227.19629 111.0085 curveto +227.19628 112.00459 226.8081 112.86153 226.03174 113.5793 curveto +225.25536 114.29707 224.26952 114.65596 223.07422 114.65596 curveto +222.69921 114.65596 222.34472 114.61787 222.01074 114.5417 curveto +221.67675 114.46553 221.25781 114.32197 220.75391 114.11104 curveto +220.47265 113.99385 220.24121 113.93526 220.05957 113.93525 curveto +219.90722 113.93526 219.74609 113.99385 219.57617 114.11104 curveto +219.40625 114.22822 219.26855 114.40693 219.16309 114.64717 curveto +218.83789 114.64717 lineto +218.83789 110.14717 lineto +219.16309 110.14717 lineto +219.4209 111.4128 219.91748 112.37813 220.65283 113.04316 curveto +221.38818 113.7082 222.18066 114.04072 223.03027 114.04072 curveto +223.68652 114.04072 224.20947 113.86201 224.59912 113.50459 curveto +224.98876 113.14717 225.18359 112.73115 225.18359 112.25654 curveto +225.18359 111.9753 225.10888 111.70284 224.95947 111.43916 curveto +224.81005 111.17549 224.583 110.925 224.27832 110.6877 curveto +223.97363 110.4504 223.43456 110.14131 222.66113 109.76045 curveto +221.57714 109.22725 220.79785 108.77315 220.32324 108.39815 curveto +219.84863 108.02315 219.48389 107.60421 219.229 107.14131 curveto +218.97412 106.67843 218.84668 106.16866 218.84668 105.61201 curveto +218.84668 104.6628 219.19531 103.85421 219.89258 103.18623 curveto +220.58984 102.51827 221.46875 102.18429 222.5293 102.18428 curveto +222.91601 102.18429 223.29101 102.23117 223.6543 102.3249 curveto +223.92968 102.39523 224.26513 102.5256 224.66064 102.71602 curveto +225.05615 102.90646 225.333 103.00167 225.49121 103.00166 curveto +225.64355 103.00167 225.76366 102.9548 225.85156 102.86104 curveto +225.93945 102.7673 226.02148 102.54171 226.09766 102.18428 curveto +226.36133 102.18428 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +235.41406 110.98213 moveto +231.2041 110.98213 lineto +230.70313 112.14229 lineto +230.53906 112.52901 230.45703 112.84834 230.45703 113.10029 curveto +230.45703 113.43428 230.59179 113.68037 230.86133 113.83858 curveto +231.01953 113.93233 231.40918 114.00264 232.03027 114.04951 curveto +232.03027 114.37471 lineto +228.06641 114.37471 lineto +228.06641 114.04951 lineto +228.49414 113.98506 228.8457 113.80781 229.12109 113.51777 curveto +229.39648 113.22774 229.73633 112.62862 230.14063 111.72041 curveto +234.40332 102.21065 lineto +234.57031 102.21065 lineto +238.86816 111.98408 lineto +239.27831 112.90987 239.61522 113.49287 239.87891 113.73311 curveto +240.07811 113.91475 240.35936 114.02022 240.72266 114.04951 curveto +240.72266 114.37471 lineto +234.95703 114.37471 lineto +234.95703 114.04951 lineto +235.19434 114.04951 lineto +235.65722 114.04951 235.98241 113.98506 236.16992 113.85615 curveto +236.29882 113.7624 236.36327 113.62764 236.36328 113.45186 curveto +236.36327 113.34639 236.34569 113.23799 236.31055 113.12666 curveto +236.29882 113.07393 236.21093 112.8542 236.04688 112.46748 curveto +235.41406 110.98213 lineto +closepath +235.11523 110.33174 moveto +233.33984 106.22725 lineto +231.51172 110.33174 lineto +235.11523 110.33174 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +252.28906 102.45674 moveto +252.28906 105.68233 lineto +251.97266 105.68233 lineto +251.78515 104.93819 251.57714 104.40353 251.34863 104.07832 curveto +251.12011 103.75314 250.80663 103.49386 250.4082 103.30049 curveto +250.18554 103.19503 249.79589 103.1423 249.23926 103.14229 curveto +248.35156 103.14229 lineto +248.35156 112.33565 lineto +248.35156 112.94502 248.38525 113.32588 248.45264 113.47822 curveto +248.52001 113.63057 248.65185 113.76387 248.84814 113.87813 curveto +249.04443 113.99238 249.31249 114.04951 249.65234 114.04951 curveto +250.04785 114.04951 lineto +250.04785 114.37471 lineto +243.80762 114.37471 lineto +243.80762 114.04951 lineto +244.20313 114.04951 lineto +244.54882 114.04951 244.82714 113.98799 245.03809 113.86494 curveto +245.19043 113.78291 245.31054 113.64229 245.39844 113.44307 curveto +245.46289 113.30244 245.49511 112.9333 245.49512 112.33565 curveto +245.49512 103.14229 lineto +244.63379 103.14229 lineto +243.83105 103.1423 243.24804 103.31222 242.88477 103.65205 curveto +242.375 104.12667 242.05273 104.80343 241.91797 105.68233 curveto +241.58398 105.68233 lineto +241.58398 102.45674 lineto +252.28906 102.45674 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +194.20183 117.21346 moveto +264.15489 117.21346 lineto +264.15489 139.43682 lineto +194.20183 139.43682 lineto +194.20183 117.21346 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.606602 -4.5456865] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 38.794743 12.649501] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +49.93457 182.79951 moveto +54.126953 188.04658 lineto +54.718738 188.78487 55.228503 189.28584 55.65625 189.54951 curveto +55.966783 189.73701 56.294908 189.83076 56.640625 189.83076 curveto +56.640625 190.15596 lineto +50.435547 190.15596 lineto +50.435547 189.83076 lineto +50.828117 189.79561 51.081534 189.73408 51.195801 189.64619 curveto +51.31005 189.5583 51.367179 189.4499 51.367188 189.321 curveto +51.367179 189.0749 51.097648 188.61201 50.558594 187.93233 curveto +47.825195 184.4958 lineto +47.385742 184.86494 lineto +47.385742 188.1169 lineto +47.385737 188.73799 47.420893 189.12471 47.491211 189.27705 curveto +47.561518 189.4294 47.696284 189.55977 47.895508 189.66816 curveto +48.094721 189.77656 48.414057 189.83076 48.853516 189.83076 curveto +48.853516 190.15596 lineto +42.841797 190.15596 lineto +42.841797 189.83076 lineto +43.237305 189.83076 lineto +43.583007 189.83076 43.861327 189.76924 44.072266 189.64619 curveto +44.224608 189.56416 44.341795 189.42354 44.423828 189.22432 curveto +44.488279 189.08369 44.520506 188.71455 44.520508 188.1169 curveto +44.520508 180.27705 lineto +44.520506 179.66769 44.488279 179.28683 44.423828 179.13447 curveto +44.359373 178.98214 44.229002 178.84884 44.032715 178.73457 curveto +43.836424 178.62032 43.571288 178.5632 43.237305 178.56318 curveto +42.841797 178.56318 lineto +42.841797 178.23799 lineto +48.774414 178.23799 lineto +48.774414 178.56318 lineto +48.370111 178.5632 48.062494 178.62179 47.851563 178.73897 curveto +47.699213 178.82101 47.579096 178.9587 47.491211 179.15205 curveto +47.420893 179.29855 47.385737 179.67355 47.385742 180.27705 curveto +47.385742 183.98604 lineto +51.806641 180.40889 lineto +52.421865 179.91085 52.729482 179.51241 52.729492 179.21358 curveto +52.729482 178.99093 52.603505 178.81515 52.351563 178.68623 curveto +52.222646 178.62179 51.903311 178.58077 51.393555 178.56318 curveto +51.393555 178.23799 lineto +56.042969 178.23799 lineto +56.042969 178.56318 lineto +55.62694 178.59249 55.30028 178.6672 55.062988 178.78731 curveto +54.825671 178.90743 54.279285 179.3132 53.423828 180.00459 curveto +49.93457 182.79951 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +60.25293 178.23799 moveto +60.25293 188.45088 lineto +60.252926 189.03096 60.320309 189.40156 60.455078 189.5627 curveto +60.58984 189.72383 60.853511 189.81611 61.246094 189.83955 curveto +61.246094 190.15596 lineto +56.807617 190.15596 lineto +56.807617 189.83955 lineto +57.170898 189.82783 57.440429 189.72236 57.616211 189.52315 curveto +57.733397 189.38838 57.791991 189.03096 57.791992 188.45088 curveto +57.791992 179.94307 lineto +57.791991 179.36886 57.724608 179.00118 57.589844 178.84004 curveto +57.455077 178.67892 57.194335 178.58663 56.807617 178.56318 curveto +56.807617 178.23799 lineto +60.25293 178.23799 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +64.005859 177.95674 moveto +64.386716 177.95675 64.708981 178.09005 64.972656 178.35664 curveto +65.236324 178.62325 65.36816 178.94406 65.368164 179.31904 curveto +65.36816 179.69405 65.234859 180.01339 64.968262 180.27705 curveto +64.701657 180.54073 64.380856 180.67257 64.005859 180.67256 curveto +63.630857 180.67257 63.311522 180.54073 63.047852 180.27705 curveto +62.784178 180.01339 62.652343 179.69405 62.652344 179.31904 curveto +62.652343 178.94406 62.784178 178.62325 63.047852 178.35664 curveto +63.311522 178.09005 63.630857 177.95675 64.005859 177.95674 curveto +64.005859 177.95674 lineto +closepath +65.236328 181.93818 moveto +65.236328 188.45088 lineto +65.236324 189.03096 65.303707 189.40156 65.438477 189.5627 curveto +65.573238 189.72383 65.83691 189.81611 66.229492 189.83955 curveto +66.229492 190.15596 lineto +61.791016 190.15596 lineto +61.791016 189.83955 lineto +62.154296 189.82783 62.423827 189.72236 62.599609 189.52315 curveto +62.716796 189.38838 62.775389 189.03096 62.775391 188.45088 curveto +62.775391 183.65205 lineto +62.775389 183.07198 62.708007 182.70138 62.573242 182.54024 curveto +62.438476 182.37911 62.177734 182.28683 61.791016 182.26338 curveto +61.791016 181.93818 lineto +65.236328 181.93818 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +70.360352 178.23799 moveto +70.360352 186.07783 lineto +72.267578 184.20576 lineto +72.66015 183.82491 72.904779 183.54952 73.001465 183.37959 curveto +73.098138 183.20968 73.146478 183.04561 73.146484 182.8874 curveto +73.146478 182.72921 73.082025 182.59737 72.953125 182.4919 curveto +72.824212 182.38643 72.572259 182.31026 72.197266 182.26338 curveto +72.197266 181.93818 lineto +75.879883 181.93818 lineto +75.879883 182.26338 lineto +75.528311 182.28097 75.220694 182.36446 74.957031 182.51387 curveto +74.693351 182.66329 74.177727 183.113 73.410156 183.86299 curveto +72.513672 184.7419 lineto +74.447266 187.57197 lineto +75.226554 188.72041 75.689444 189.36494 75.835938 189.50557 curveto +76.035147 189.70479 76.2871 189.81611 76.591797 189.83955 curveto +76.591797 190.15596 lineto +72.34668 190.15596 lineto +72.34668 189.83955 lineto +72.534174 189.83955 72.670404 189.8044 72.755371 189.73408 curveto +72.840326 189.66377 72.882806 189.5876 72.882813 189.50557 curveto +72.882806 189.3708 72.759759 189.12178 72.513672 188.7585 curveto +70.887695 186.37666 lineto +70.360352 186.89522 lineto +70.360352 188.37178 lineto +70.360348 188.99873 70.418941 189.38985 70.536133 189.54512 curveto +70.653316 189.70039 70.89355 189.79854 71.256836 189.83955 curveto +71.256836 190.15596 lineto +67.011719 190.15596 lineto +67.011719 189.83955 lineto +67.357421 189.8044 67.603514 189.69307 67.75 189.50557 curveto +67.849608 189.37666 67.899413 188.99873 67.899414 188.37178 curveto +67.899414 180.02217 lineto +67.899413 179.40109 67.842284 179.01437 67.728027 178.86201 curveto +67.613768 178.70968 67.374999 178.61007 67.011719 178.56318 curveto +67.011719 178.23799 lineto +70.360352 178.23799 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.575195 188.94307 moveto +80.573238 189.82783 79.673825 190.27022 78.876953 190.27022 curveto +78.408201 190.27022 78.018553 190.11641 77.708008 189.80879 curveto +77.39746 189.50117 77.242187 189.11592 77.242188 188.65303 curveto +77.242187 188.02608 77.511718 187.46211 78.050781 186.96113 curveto +78.589842 186.46016 79.764645 185.79366 81.575195 184.96162 curveto +81.575195 184.13545 lineto +81.57519 183.51436 81.541499 183.12325 81.474121 182.96211 curveto +81.406733 182.80098 81.279292 182.66036 81.091797 182.54024 curveto +80.904292 182.42013 80.693355 182.36007 80.458984 182.36006 curveto +80.078121 182.36007 79.764645 182.44503 79.518555 182.61494 curveto +79.366208 182.72042 79.290036 182.84347 79.290039 182.98408 curveto +79.290036 183.10714 79.372067 183.25948 79.536133 183.44111 curveto +79.758786 183.69307 79.870114 183.93624 79.870117 184.17061 curveto +79.870114 184.45772 79.76318 184.70235 79.549316 184.90449 curveto +79.335446 185.10665 79.055661 185.20772 78.709961 185.20772 curveto +78.340818 185.20772 78.031737 185.09639 77.782715 184.87373 curveto +77.53369 184.65108 77.409179 184.39034 77.40918 184.0915 curveto +77.409179 183.66964 77.576171 183.2668 77.910156 182.88301 curveto +78.244139 182.49923 78.709959 182.20479 79.307617 181.99971 curveto +79.90527 181.79464 80.526363 181.6921 81.170898 181.69209 curveto +81.95019 181.6921 82.566888 181.85763 83.020996 182.18867 curveto +83.475091 182.51974 83.769524 182.87862 83.904297 183.26533 curveto +83.986321 183.51143 84.027336 184.07686 84.027344 184.96162 curveto +84.027344 188.15205 lineto +84.027336 188.52705 84.041985 188.76289 84.071289 188.85957 curveto +84.100578 188.95625 84.144524 189.02803 84.203125 189.0749 curveto +84.261711 189.12178 84.329094 189.14522 84.405273 189.14522 curveto +84.557609 189.14522 84.712882 189.03682 84.871094 188.82002 curveto +85.134766 189.03096 lineto +84.841788 189.46455 84.538566 189.77949 84.225098 189.97578 curveto +83.911614 190.17207 83.555657 190.27022 83.157227 190.27022 curveto +82.68847 190.27022 82.32226 190.16035 82.058594 189.94063 curveto +81.794917 189.7209 81.633784 189.38838 81.575195 188.94307 curveto +81.575195 188.94307 lineto +closepath +81.575195 188.30147 moveto +81.575195 185.55049 lineto +80.866207 185.96651 80.338863 186.41182 79.993164 186.88643 curveto +79.764645 187.20284 79.650387 187.52217 79.650391 187.84443 curveto +79.650387 188.11397 79.747067 188.35127 79.94043 188.55635 curveto +80.08691 188.71455 80.291988 188.79365 80.555664 188.79365 curveto +80.848628 188.79365 81.188472 188.62959 81.575195 188.30147 curveto +81.575195 188.30147 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +78.034286 185.90384 moveto +127.53176 185.90384 lineto +127.53176 207.62212 lineto +78.034286 207.62212 lineto +78.034286 185.90384 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -13.131983 -0.5050763] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.682133 10.855872] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.38184 176.08565 moveto +172.38184 175.77803 lineto +173.0498 175.58468 173.51269 175.4045 173.77051 175.2375 curveto +174.02832 175.07052 174.25097 174.81563 174.43848 174.47285 curveto +174.62597 174.13009 174.71972 173.78292 174.71973 173.43135 curveto +174.71972 172.94503 174.54248 172.52755 174.18799 172.17891 curveto +173.83349 171.83028 173.39257 171.65597 172.86523 171.65596 curveto +172.04492 171.65597 171.34765 172.08956 170.77344 172.95674 curveto +170.44824 172.84248 lineto +170.87012 171.86398 171.41064 171.12863 172.06982 170.63643 curveto +172.729 170.14425 173.46289 169.89816 174.27148 169.89815 curveto +175.09765 169.89816 175.7788 170.15011 176.31494 170.654 curveto +176.85107 171.15792 177.11913 171.74679 177.11914 172.42061 curveto +177.11913 172.86007 176.99462 173.28341 176.74561 173.69063 curveto +176.49658 174.09786 176.10546 174.45675 175.57227 174.76729 curveto +176.25781 175.10128 176.78075 175.5129 177.14111 176.00215 curveto +177.50146 176.49141 177.68163 177.10518 177.68164 177.84346 curveto +177.68163 179.08565 177.23193 180.1418 176.33252 181.01191 curveto +175.4331 181.88203 174.22753 182.31709 172.71582 182.31709 curveto +171.70801 182.31709 170.97265 182.1501 170.50977 181.81611 curveto +170.17578 181.58174 170.00879 181.27998 170.00879 180.91084 curveto +170.00879 180.64131 170.10547 180.41133 170.29883 180.2209 curveto +170.49219 180.03047 170.71484 179.93526 170.9668 179.93525 curveto +171.16015 179.93526 171.3418 179.97627 171.51172 180.0583 curveto +171.60547 180.10518 171.93799 180.36153 172.50928 180.82734 curveto +173.08056 181.29317 173.61523 181.52608 174.11328 181.52608 curveto +174.54687 181.52608 174.91894 181.35469 175.22949 181.01191 curveto +175.54003 180.66914 175.69531 180.23408 175.69531 179.70674 curveto +175.69531 178.90401 175.41406 178.16426 174.85156 177.4875 curveto +174.28906 176.81075 173.46582 176.34346 172.38184 176.08565 curveto +172.38184 176.08565 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +187.31445 170.14424 moveto +187.31445 179.60127 lineto +187.31444 180.23994 187.33202 180.61787 187.36719 180.73506 curveto +187.41405 180.92842 187.50341 181.07197 187.63525 181.16572 curveto +187.76708 181.25947 187.99706 181.31807 188.3252 181.3415 curveto +188.3252 181.63154 lineto +184.85352 182.3083 lineto +184.85352 181.00752 lineto +184.43749 181.51143 184.06689 181.8542 183.7417 182.03584 curveto +183.4165 182.21748 183.04882 182.3083 182.63867 182.3083 curveto +181.58984 182.3083 180.76074 181.83955 180.15137 180.90205 curveto +179.65918 180.14033 179.41309 179.20577 179.41309 178.09834 curveto +179.41309 177.21358 179.56543 176.4211 179.87012 175.7209 curveto +180.1748 175.02071 180.59228 174.4919 181.12256 174.13447 curveto +181.65283 173.77706 182.22265 173.59835 182.83203 173.59834 curveto +183.2246 173.59835 183.57324 173.67452 183.87793 173.82686 curveto +184.18261 173.97921 184.50781 174.24581 184.85352 174.62666 curveto +184.85352 172.14815 lineto +184.85351 171.5212 184.82714 171.14327 184.77441 171.01436 curveto +184.7041 170.84445 184.59863 170.71847 184.45801 170.63643 curveto +184.31738 170.55441 184.05371 170.51339 183.66699 170.51338 curveto +183.66699 170.14424 lineto +187.31445 170.14424 lineto +closepath +184.85352 175.7165 moveto +184.41992 174.88448 183.88964 174.46847 183.2627 174.46846 curveto +183.04589 174.46847 182.86718 174.52706 182.72656 174.64424 curveto +182.50976 174.82589 182.33252 175.14522 182.19482 175.60225 curveto +182.05713 176.05928 181.98828 176.75948 181.98828 177.70283 curveto +181.98828 178.73995 182.06445 179.50752 182.2168 180.00557 curveto +182.36914 180.50362 182.57714 180.86397 182.84082 181.08662 curveto +182.97558 181.19795 183.16015 181.25362 183.39453 181.25361 curveto +183.91015 181.25362 184.39648 180.84932 184.85352 180.04072 curveto +184.85352 175.7165 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +197.02637 181.22725 moveto +197.02637 184.28584 lineto +197.02636 184.70771 197.06005 184.99482 197.12744 185.14717 curveto +197.19482 185.29951 197.29882 185.41084 197.43945 185.48115 curveto +197.58007 185.55146 197.85546 185.58662 198.26563 185.58662 curveto +198.26563 185.91182 lineto +193.58105 185.91182 lineto +193.58105 185.58662 lineto +193.94434 185.5749 194.21387 185.47236 194.38965 185.279 curveto +194.50683 185.14424 194.56543 184.7956 194.56543 184.23311 curveto +194.56543 175.5583 lineto +194.56543 174.97823 194.49805 174.60763 194.36328 174.44649 curveto +194.22851 174.28536 193.96777 174.19308 193.58105 174.16963 curveto +193.58105 173.84443 lineto +197.02637 173.84443 lineto +197.02637 174.92549 lineto +197.31347 174.50362 197.60644 174.19893 197.90527 174.01143 curveto +198.333 173.73604 198.79882 173.59835 199.30273 173.59834 curveto +199.90624 173.59835 200.45556 173.78878 200.95068 174.16963 curveto +201.44579 174.5505 201.82226 175.07638 202.08008 175.74727 curveto +202.33788 176.41817 202.46679 177.14034 202.4668 177.91377 curveto +202.46679 178.74581 202.33349 179.50606 202.06689 180.19453 curveto +201.80028 180.88301 201.41357 181.40742 200.90674 181.76777 curveto +200.3999 182.12813 199.83593 182.3083 199.21484 182.3083 curveto +198.76367 182.3083 198.34179 182.20869 197.94922 182.00947 curveto +197.65625 181.85713 197.34863 181.59639 197.02637 181.22725 curveto +197.02637 181.22725 lineto +closepath +197.02637 180.33955 moveto +197.53027 181.0544 198.06933 181.41182 198.64355 181.41182 curveto +198.95996 181.41182 199.2207 181.24483 199.42578 180.91084 curveto +199.73046 180.41865 199.88281 179.48116 199.88281 178.09834 curveto +199.88281 176.68038 199.71581 175.71065 199.38184 175.18916 curveto +199.15917 174.84347 198.86035 174.67061 198.48535 174.67061 curveto +197.89355 174.67061 197.40722 175.09835 197.02637 175.95381 curveto +197.02637 180.33955 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +208.39941 180.84932 moveto +207.39746 181.73408 206.49804 182.17647 205.70117 182.17647 curveto +205.23242 182.17647 204.84277 182.02266 204.53223 181.71504 curveto +204.22168 181.40742 204.06641 181.02217 204.06641 180.55928 curveto +204.06641 179.93233 204.33594 179.36836 204.875 178.86738 curveto +205.41406 178.36641 206.58886 177.69991 208.39941 176.86787 curveto +208.39941 176.0417 lineto +208.39941 175.42061 208.36572 175.0295 208.29834 174.86836 curveto +208.23095 174.70723 208.10351 174.56661 207.91602 174.44649 curveto +207.72851 174.32638 207.51757 174.26632 207.2832 174.26631 curveto +206.90234 174.26632 206.58886 174.35128 206.34277 174.52119 curveto +206.19043 174.62667 206.11425 174.74972 206.11426 174.89033 curveto +206.11425 175.01339 206.19629 175.16573 206.36035 175.34736 curveto +206.583 175.59932 206.69433 175.84249 206.69434 176.07686 curveto +206.69433 176.36397 206.5874 176.6086 206.37354 176.81074 curveto +206.15967 177.0129 205.87988 177.11397 205.53418 177.11397 curveto +205.16504 177.11397 204.85596 177.00264 204.60693 176.77998 curveto +204.35791 176.55733 204.2334 176.29659 204.2334 175.99775 curveto +204.2334 175.57589 204.40039 175.17305 204.73438 174.78926 curveto +205.06836 174.40548 205.53418 174.11104 206.13184 173.90596 curveto +206.72949 173.70089 207.35058 173.59835 207.99512 173.59834 curveto +208.77441 173.59835 209.39111 173.76388 209.84521 174.09492 curveto +210.29931 174.42599 210.59374 174.78487 210.72852 175.17158 curveto +210.81054 175.41768 210.85155 175.98311 210.85156 176.86787 curveto +210.85156 180.0583 lineto +210.85155 180.4333 210.8662 180.66914 210.89551 180.76582 curveto +210.9248 180.8625 210.96874 180.93428 211.02734 180.98115 curveto +211.08593 181.02803 211.15331 181.05147 211.22949 181.05147 curveto +211.38183 181.05147 211.5371 180.94307 211.69531 180.72627 curveto +211.95898 180.93721 lineto +211.66601 181.3708 211.36278 181.68574 211.04932 181.88203 curveto +210.73583 182.07832 210.37988 182.17647 209.98145 182.17647 curveto +209.51269 182.17647 209.14648 182.0666 208.88281 181.84688 curveto +208.61914 181.62715 208.458 181.29463 208.39941 180.84932 curveto +208.39941 180.84932 lineto +closepath +208.39941 180.20772 moveto +208.39941 177.45674 lineto +207.69043 177.87276 207.16308 178.31807 206.81738 178.79268 curveto +206.58886 179.10909 206.47461 179.42842 206.47461 179.75068 curveto +206.47461 180.02022 206.57129 180.25752 206.76465 180.4626 curveto +206.91113 180.6208 207.11621 180.6999 207.37988 180.6999 curveto +207.67285 180.6999 208.01269 180.53584 208.39941 180.20772 curveto +208.39941 180.20772 lineto +closepath +210.43848 169.73994 moveto +207.5293 172.78975 lineto +206.77344 172.78975 lineto +207.79297 169.73994 lineto +210.43848 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +216.27441 173.84443 moveto +216.27441 175.70772 lineto +216.81933 174.85811 217.29687 174.29415 217.70703 174.01582 curveto +218.11718 173.73751 218.51269 173.59835 218.89355 173.59834 curveto +219.22167 173.59835 219.48388 173.69942 219.68018 173.90156 curveto +219.87646 174.10372 219.9746 174.38936 219.97461 174.7585 curveto +219.9746 175.15108 219.87939 175.45577 219.68896 175.67256 curveto +219.49853 175.88936 219.26855 175.99776 218.99902 175.99775 curveto +218.68847 175.99776 218.41894 175.89815 218.19043 175.69893 curveto +217.96191 175.49971 217.82714 175.38839 217.78613 175.36494 curveto +217.72753 175.32979 217.66015 175.31221 217.58398 175.31221 curveto +217.41406 175.31221 217.25292 175.37667 217.10059 175.50557 curveto +216.86035 175.70479 216.67871 175.98897 216.55566 176.35811 curveto +216.36816 176.92647 216.27441 177.55342 216.27441 178.23897 curveto +216.27441 180.12861 lineto +216.2832 180.6208 lineto +216.2832 180.95479 216.30371 181.16865 216.34473 181.2624 curveto +216.41503 181.42061 216.51904 181.53633 216.65674 181.60957 curveto +216.79443 181.68281 217.02734 181.72822 217.35547 181.7458 curveto +217.35547 182.06221 lineto +212.91699 182.06221 lineto +212.91699 181.7458 lineto +213.27441 181.71651 213.51611 181.61836 213.64209 181.45137 curveto +213.76806 181.28438 213.83105 180.84346 213.83105 180.12861 curveto +213.83105 175.58467 lineto +213.83105 175.11593 213.80762 174.8171 213.76074 174.68818 curveto +213.70215 174.52413 213.61719 174.40401 213.50586 174.32783 curveto +213.39453 174.25167 213.19824 174.19893 212.91699 174.16963 curveto +212.91699 173.84443 lineto +216.27441 173.84443 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.7207 173.59834 moveto +225.43554 173.59835 226.10058 173.78292 226.71582 174.15205 curveto +227.33105 174.5212 227.79833 175.04561 228.11768 175.72529 curveto +228.437 176.40499 228.59667 177.14913 228.59668 177.95772 curveto +228.59667 179.12373 228.30077 180.09932 227.70898 180.88447 curveto +226.99413 181.83369 226.00683 182.3083 224.74707 182.3083 curveto +223.51074 182.3083 222.55859 181.87471 221.89063 181.00752 curveto +221.22266 180.14033 220.88867 179.13545 220.88867 177.99287 curveto +220.88867 176.81514 221.22998 175.78829 221.9126 174.91231 curveto +222.59521 174.03634 223.53125 173.59835 224.7207 173.59834 curveto +224.7207 173.59834 lineto +closepath +224.75586 174.22236 moveto +224.45703 174.22237 224.20068 174.33516 223.98682 174.56074 curveto +223.77295 174.78634 223.63232 175.23165 223.56494 175.89668 curveto +223.49756 176.56173 223.46386 177.48604 223.46387 178.66963 curveto +223.46386 179.29659 223.50488 179.88252 223.58691 180.42744 curveto +223.65136 180.84346 223.78906 181.15987 224 181.37666 curveto +224.21093 181.59346 224.45117 181.70186 224.7207 181.70186 curveto +224.98437 181.70186 225.2041 181.62861 225.37988 181.48213 curveto +225.60839 181.28291 225.76074 181.00459 225.83691 180.64717 curveto +225.9541 180.09053 226.01269 178.96553 226.0127 177.27217 curveto +226.01269 176.27608 225.95703 175.592 225.8457 175.21992 curveto +225.73437 174.84786 225.57031 174.57686 225.35352 174.40693 curveto +225.20117 174.2839 225.00195 174.22237 224.75586 174.22236 curveto +224.75586 174.22236 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +233.55371 182.3083 moveto +230.78516 175.93623 lineto +230.45117 175.16866 230.19043 174.68233 230.00293 174.47725 curveto +229.86816 174.32491 229.66894 174.22237 229.40527 174.16963 curveto +229.40527 173.84443 lineto +233.77344 173.84443 lineto +233.77344 174.16963 lineto +233.49804 174.16964 233.31054 174.21944 233.21094 174.31904 curveto +233.07031 174.44796 233 174.6003 233 174.77608 curveto +233 174.99288 233.1289 175.40011 233.38672 175.99775 curveto +234.74023 179.08272 lineto +235.82129 176.41963 lineto +236.13183 175.65792 236.2871 175.11886 236.28711 174.80244 curveto +236.2871 174.62081 236.22118 174.47286 236.08936 174.35859 curveto +235.95751 174.24434 235.7246 174.18136 235.39063 174.16963 curveto +235.39063 173.84443 lineto +238.08008 173.84443 lineto +238.08008 174.16963 lineto +237.82226 174.20479 237.61132 174.30147 237.44727 174.45967 curveto +237.2832 174.61788 237.0371 175.0837 236.70898 175.85713 curveto +233.9668 182.3083 lineto +233.55371 182.3083 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.37988 180.84932 moveto +242.37793 181.73408 241.47851 182.17647 240.68164 182.17647 curveto +240.21289 182.17647 239.82324 182.02266 239.5127 181.71504 curveto +239.20215 181.40742 239.04687 181.02217 239.04688 180.55928 curveto +239.04687 179.93233 239.31641 179.36836 239.85547 178.86738 curveto +240.39453 178.36641 241.56933 177.69991 243.37988 176.86787 curveto +243.37988 176.0417 lineto +243.37988 175.42061 243.34619 175.0295 243.27881 174.86836 curveto +243.21142 174.70723 243.08398 174.56661 242.89648 174.44649 curveto +242.70898 174.32638 242.49804 174.26632 242.26367 174.26631 curveto +241.88281 174.26632 241.56933 174.35128 241.32324 174.52119 curveto +241.1709 174.62667 241.09472 174.74972 241.09473 174.89033 curveto +241.09472 175.01339 241.17675 175.16573 241.34082 175.34736 curveto +241.56347 175.59932 241.6748 175.84249 241.6748 176.07686 curveto +241.6748 176.36397 241.56787 176.6086 241.354 176.81074 curveto +241.14013 177.0129 240.86035 177.11397 240.51465 177.11397 curveto +240.14551 177.11397 239.83642 177.00264 239.5874 176.77998 curveto +239.33838 176.55733 239.21387 176.29659 239.21387 175.99775 curveto +239.21387 175.57589 239.38086 175.17305 239.71484 174.78926 curveto +240.04883 174.40548 240.51465 174.11104 241.1123 173.90596 curveto +241.70996 173.70089 242.33105 173.59835 242.97559 173.59834 curveto +243.75488 173.59835 244.37158 173.76388 244.82568 174.09492 curveto +245.27978 174.42599 245.57421 174.78487 245.70898 175.17158 curveto +245.79101 175.41768 245.83202 175.98311 245.83203 176.86787 curveto +245.83203 180.0583 lineto +245.83202 180.4333 245.84667 180.66914 245.87598 180.76582 curveto +245.90527 180.8625 245.94921 180.93428 246.00781 180.98115 curveto +246.0664 181.02803 246.13378 181.05147 246.20996 181.05147 curveto +246.3623 181.05147 246.51757 180.94307 246.67578 180.72627 curveto +246.93945 180.93721 lineto +246.64648 181.3708 246.34325 181.68574 246.02979 181.88203 curveto +245.7163 182.07832 245.36034 182.17647 244.96191 182.17647 curveto +244.49316 182.17647 244.12695 182.0666 243.86328 181.84688 curveto +243.5996 181.62715 243.43847 181.29463 243.37988 180.84932 curveto +243.37988 180.84932 lineto +closepath +243.37988 180.20772 moveto +243.37988 177.45674 lineto +242.67089 177.87276 242.14355 178.31807 241.79785 178.79268 curveto +241.56933 179.10909 241.45507 179.42842 241.45508 179.75068 curveto +241.45507 180.02022 241.55175 180.25752 241.74512 180.4626 curveto +241.8916 180.6208 242.09668 180.6999 242.36035 180.6999 curveto +242.65332 180.6999 242.99316 180.53584 243.37988 180.20772 curveto +243.37988 180.20772 lineto +closepath +245.41895 169.73994 moveto +242.50977 172.78975 lineto +241.75391 172.78975 lineto +242.77344 169.73994 lineto +245.41895 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +251.20215 173.84443 moveto +251.20215 174.90791 lineto +251.62402 174.45089 252.02832 174.11837 252.41504 173.91035 curveto +252.80175 173.70235 253.21777 173.59835 253.66309 173.59834 curveto +254.19628 173.59835 254.63866 173.7463 254.99023 174.04219 curveto +255.34179 174.33809 255.57616 174.70577 255.69336 175.14522 curveto +255.7871 175.47921 255.83398 176.12081 255.83398 177.07002 curveto +255.83398 180.26924 lineto +255.83398 180.90205 255.8911 181.2961 256.00537 181.45137 curveto +256.11962 181.60664 256.35839 181.70479 256.72168 181.7458 curveto +256.72168 182.06221 lineto +252.56445 182.06221 lineto +252.56445 181.7458 lineto +252.87499 181.70479 253.09765 181.57588 253.23242 181.35908 curveto +253.32617 181.2126 253.37304 180.84932 253.37305 180.26924 curveto +253.37305 176.61299 lineto +253.37304 175.93917 253.34667 175.51436 253.29395 175.33858 curveto +253.2412 175.1628 253.15185 175.02657 253.02588 174.92988 curveto +252.8999 174.83321 252.76074 174.78487 252.6084 174.78486 curveto +252.10449 174.78487 251.63574 175.14522 251.20215 175.86592 curveto +251.20215 180.26924 lineto +251.20214 180.88447 251.25927 181.27412 251.37354 181.43818 curveto +251.48779 181.60225 251.70019 181.70479 252.01074 181.7458 curveto +252.01074 182.06221 lineto +247.85352 182.06221 lineto +247.85352 181.7458 lineto +248.19922 181.71065 248.44531 181.59932 248.5918 181.41182 curveto +248.6914 181.28291 248.74121 180.90205 248.74121 180.26924 curveto +248.74121 175.62861 lineto +248.74121 175.00753 248.68408 174.62081 248.56982 174.46846 curveto +248.45557 174.31612 248.2168 174.21651 247.85352 174.16963 curveto +247.85352 173.84443 lineto +251.20215 173.84443 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +261.07227 173.84443 moveto +261.07227 180.35713 lineto +261.07226 180.93721 261.13964 181.30781 261.27441 181.46895 curveto +261.40918 181.63008 261.67285 181.72236 262.06543 181.7458 curveto +262.06543 182.06221 lineto +257.62695 182.06221 lineto +257.62695 181.7458 lineto +257.99023 181.73408 258.25976 181.62861 258.43555 181.4294 curveto +258.55273 181.29463 258.61133 180.93721 258.61133 180.35713 curveto +258.61133 175.5583 lineto +258.61133 174.97823 258.54394 174.60763 258.40918 174.44649 curveto +258.27441 174.28536 258.01367 174.19308 257.62695 174.16963 curveto +257.62695 173.84443 lineto +261.07227 173.84443 lineto +closepath +262.46973 169.73994 moveto +259.56055 172.78975 lineto +258.80469 172.78975 lineto +259.82422 169.73994 lineto +262.46973 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +191.67645 174.28708 moveto +290.16633 174.28708 lineto +290.16633 203.07643 lineto +191.67645 203.07643 lineto +191.67645 174.28708 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +185.6206 42.300571 moveto +139.15359 42.240914 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.79999934 0.0010270848 -0.0010270848 0.79999934 185.6206 42.300571] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.79999934 -0.0010270848 0.0010270848 -0.79999934 139.15359 42.240914] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +215.22234 53.568775 moveto +225.51282 109.13732 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.14567153 -0.78662558 0.78662558 -0.14567153 215.22234 53.568775] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.14567153 0.78662558 -0.78662558 0.14567153 225.51282 109.13732] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +196.9131 53.568775 moveto +127.57439 101.56117 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.65780404 0.45529534 -0.45529534 -0.65780404 127.57439 101.56117] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +93.505819 147.7655 moveto +92.516134 180.85815 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.0239145 -0.79964248 0.79964248 0.0239145 93.505819 147.7655] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.0239145 0.79964248 -0.79964248 -0.0239145 92.516134 180.85815] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +227.68488 132.36067 moveto +227.76151 173.282 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.0014980914 0.7999986 -0.7999986 0.0014980914 227.76151 173.282] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/10-prevody/prevody.svg b/10-prevody/prevody.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248553f --- /dev/null +++ b/10-prevody/prevody.svg @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + SAT + + + Nezávislámnožina + + + 3 SAT + + + 3,3 SAT + + + Klika + + + 3d párování + + + + + + + + -- 2.39.5