From 582ed5145e870105f25a1bb5b459e6c0808027b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Mares Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 16:58:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Korektury prednasky o hradlech. --- 4-hradla/4-hradla.tex | 47 +- 4-hradla/chytry_or.eps | 1890 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 4-hradla/chytry_or.svg | 1138 ++++++++++++++++-------- 3 files changed, 2185 insertions(+), 890 deletions(-) diff --git a/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex b/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex index cbe23de..7c77f03 100644 --- a/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex +++ b/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ \input ../lecnotes.tex -\prednaska{4}{Hradlové sítì a paralelní algoritmy}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} +\prednaska{4}{Hradlové sítì}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} \def\land{\mathbin{\&}} @@ -15,33 +15,34 @@ a zamìstnáme je pøi~výpoètu v¹echny. My se podíváme na~abstraktní výpoèetní model, který je je¹tì paralelnìj¹í. -Techniky, které si uká¾eme na~tomto modelu, se v¹ak dají pøekvapivì vyu¾ít -i~pøi~reálném paralelizování na~nìkolik málo procesorù. Budeme se zabývat +Techniky, které si uká¾eme na~tomto modelu, se v¹ak dají pøekvapivì vyu¾ít i~pøi~reálném +paralelizování na~nìkolika málo procesorech. Konec koncù i proto, ¾e vnitøní +architektura procesoru se na¹emu modelu velmi podobá. Budeme se zabývat jednoduchým modelem paralelního poèítaèe, toti¾ hradlovou sítí. \h{Hradlové sítì} \s{Definice:} {\I Hradlo} je prvek, který umí vyhodnocovat nìjakou funkci -nad~koneènou abecedou. -$$f: {\sum}^{k} \rightarrow \sum$$ +nad~koneènou abecedou $\Sigma$. -Obecnì se na~hradlo díváme jako na~funkci, která dostane $k$ vstupù a~vrátí jeden -výstup, pøièem¾ hodnoty, nad~kterými pracuje, budou z~nìjaké koneèné abecedy -- -tedy z~nìjaké koneèné mno¾iny symbolù $\sum$. Písmenku $k$ zde øíkáme {\I arita hradla}. +Obecnì se na~hradlo díváme jako na~funkci $f: {\Sigma}^{k} \rightarrow \Sigma$, která dostane $k$ vstupù +a~vrátí jeden výstup, pøièem¾ hodnoty, nad~kterými pracuje, budou z~nìjaké koneèné +abecedy -- tedy z~nìjaké koneèné mno¾iny symbolù $\Sigma$. Písmenku $k$ zde øíkáme {\I arita +hradla}. -\s{Pøíklad:} Èasto studujeme hradla booleovská, která poèítají nìjaké logické funkce. +\s{Pøíklad:} Èasto studujeme hradla booleovská (pracující nad abecedou $\{0,1\}$), která poèítají logické funkce. Z~nich nejèastìji potkáme: \itemize\ibull -\:nulární: to jsou konstanty (0, 1, ... -- zkrátka jakákoli konstanta abecedy), +\:nulární: to jsou konstanty (FALSE=0, TRUE=1), \:unární: napø. negace (znaèíme~$\lnot$), \:binární: logický souèin ({\sc and},~$\land$), souèet ({\sc or},~$\lor$), ... \endlist \>Hradla kreslíme tøeba následovnì: -\figure{hradlo_and.eps}{Binární hradlo provádìjící logickou operaci {\sc and}.}{1in} +\figure{hradlo_and.eps}{Binární hradlo provádící logickou operaci {\sc and}.}{1in} Jednotlivá hradla mù¾eme navzájem urèitým zpùsobem propojovat a vytváøet z nich {\I hradlové sítì}. Pokud pou¾íváme pouze booleovská hradla, øíkáme takto vytvoøeným @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ mno Ka¾dá hradlová sí» má nìjaké vstupy, nìjaké výstupy a uvnitø jsou propojovaná hradla. Ka¾dý vstup hradla je pøipojen buïto na~nìkterý ze~vstupù sítì nebo na~výstup jiného hradla. Výstupy hradel mohou být propojeny na~vstupy dal¹ích -hradel a mohou se vìtvit, nebo na výstupy sítì. Pøitom máme zakázáno vytváøet +hradel (mohou se vìtvit), nebo na výstupy sítì. Pøitom máme zakázáno vytváøet cykly. Ne¾ si øekneme formální definici, podívejme se na obrázek. @@ -79,13 +80,13 @@ jedni \:$\forall i \in I: \deg^{in}(i)=0$ (do~vstupù nic nevede); \:$\forall o \in O: \deg^{in}(o)=1~\land~\deg^{out}(o)=0$ (z~výstupù nic nevede a do~ka¾dého vede právì jedna hrana); \:$\forall h \in H: \deg^{in}(v)=a(v)$ (do~ka¾dého hradla vede tolik hran, kolik je jeho arita); -\:$\forall h \in H~\forall j: 1\le j\le a(h)$ existuje právì jedena hrana~$e$ taková, ¾e $z(e)=j$, $e$ konèí v $h$ +\:$\forall h \in H~\forall j: 1\le j\le a(h)$ existuje právì jedena hrana~$e$ taková, ¾e~$e$ konèí v~$h$ a~$z(e)=j$, (v¹echny vstupy hradel jsou zapojeny). \endlist \s{Pozorování:} Kdybychom pøipustili hradla s~libovolnì vysokým poètem vstupù, mohli bychom libovolný problém se vstupem délky~$n$ vyøe¹it jedním hradlem o~$n$~vstupech, -kterému bychom pøiøadili funkci, která by na¹i úlohu rovnou vyøe¹ila... Tento model, +kterému bychom pøiøadili funkci, která by na¹i úlohu rovnou vyøe¹ila. Tento model v¹ak není ani realistický, ani pìkný. Proto pøijmìme omezení, ¾e~arity v¹ech hradel budou omezeny nìjakou pevnou konstantou $k$ (uká¾e se, ¾e nám bude staèit dvojka a~vystaèíme si tedy pouze s nulárními, unárními a binárními hradly). @@ -95,15 +96,15 @@ N Nyní bychom je¹tì mìli definovat, co taková hradlová sí» vlastnì poèítá a~jak -vlastní výpoèet probíhá. +její výpoèet probíhá. \s{Definice:} {\I Výpoèet sítì} probíhá po~{\I taktech.} V nultém taktu jsou definovány pouze -hodnoty na~vstupech a na~hradlech arity 0. Mù¾eme si to pøedstavit tak, ¾e na~zaèátku -nemá ¾ádné hradlo definovánu výstupní hodnotu (a¾ na ji¾ zmínìná hradla -nulární). V~ka¾dém dal¹ím taktu pak vydají výstup hradla, která na~konci minulého -taktu mìla definovány v¹echny hodnoty na vstupech. Jakmile budou po~nìjakém -koneèném poètu taktù definované i hodnoty v¹ech výstupù, sí» se zastaví a~vydá -výsledek. +hodnoty na~vstupech sítì a na~výstupech hradel arity 0. Mù¾eme si to pøedstavit +tak, ¾e na~zaèátku nemá ¾ádné hradlo definovánu výstupní hodnotu (a¾ na ji¾ +zmínìná hradla nulární). V~ka¾dém dal¹ím taktu pak vydají výstup hradla, která +na~konci minulého taktu mìla definovány v¹echny hodnoty na vstupech. Jakmile +budou po~nìjakém koneèném poètu taktù definované i hodnoty v¹ech výstupù, sí» +se zastaví a~vydá výsledek. \s{Pozorování:} Proto¾e je sí» acyklická, je jasné, ¾e jakmile jednou nìjaké hradlo vydá výstup, tak se tento výstup bìhem dal¹ího výpoètu sítì ji¾ nezmìní. @@ -127,12 +128,12 @@ vyskytuje alespo slo¾itost odpovídají~$\Theta(n)$. Zde ov¹em vùbec nevyu¾íváme toho, ¾e by mohlo poèítat více hradel souèasnì. -\figure{hloupy_or.eps}{Hradlová sí», která zjistí, zda-li je na vstupu alespoò jedna jednièka.}{0.7in} +\figure{hloupy_or.eps}{Hradlová sí», která zjistí, zdali je na vstupu alespoò jedna jednièka.}{0.7in} \>{\I Druhé øe¹ení:} Hradla budeme spojovat do~dvojic, pak výsledky z~tìchto dvojic opìt do~dvojic a tak dále. Díky paralelnímu zapojení dosáhneme èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta(\log n)$, prostorová slo¾itost zùstane lineární. -\figure{chytry_or.eps}{Chytøej¹í øe¹ení stejného problému.}{1.7in} +\figure{chytry_or.eps}{Chytøej¹í øe¹ení stejného problému pro vstup velikosti 16.}{3in} \bye diff --git a/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps b/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps index bab701d..3d88cff 100644 --- a/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps +++ b/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ %%Creator: inkscape 0.46 %%Pages: 1 %%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 29 57 575 784 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 29.231638 57.507382 574.52844 783.75701 +%%BoundingBox: 2 325 592 773 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 2.9557909 325.79571 591.83322 772.94254 %%EndComments %%Page: 1 1 0 842 translate @@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -114.17957 349.28806] concat grestore -gsave [0.5420256 0 0 0.5420256 -20.052526 65.602892] concat -gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -153.37722 -50.161856] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -83.184796 52.549665] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -35,22 +34,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -4.0588489 setlinewidth +2.2000003 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -195.92429 -340.72363 moveto -430.21001 -340.72363 lineto -430.21001 -106.43791 lineto -195.92429 -106.43791 lineto -195.92429 -340.72363 lineto +135.90959 -84.12941 moveto +215.27222 -84.12941 lineto +215.27222 -4.7947388 lineto +135.90959 -4.7947388 lineto +135.90959 -84.12941 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 827.52143 -97.75392] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.97064 36.428192] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -73,10 +72,10 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 744.77367 -97.500296] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 220.95029 36.514105] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -102,23 +101,23 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -225.364 431.27002 moveto -225.364 489.10451 lineto +45.065919 215.6313 moveto +45.065919 235.22232 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.7673969 setlinewidth +1.5000002 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -225.364 431.27002 moveto -225.364 489.10451 lineto +45.065919 215.6313 moveto +45.065919 235.22232 lineto stroke -gsave [0 1 -1 0 785.60917 288.84678] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 234.77816 167.38643] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -141,8 +140,7 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -grestore -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 -80.633901 248.96042] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -69.09509 184.13225] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -160,64 +158,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -382.3454 -187.18141 moveto -509.33426 -187.18141 lineto -509.33426 -60.192551 lineto -382.3454 -60.192551 lineto -382.3454 -187.18141 lineto +267.49216 -98.219109 moveto +346.85476 -98.219109 lineto +346.85476 -18.884438 lineto +267.49216 -18.884438 lineto +267.49216 -98.219109 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 451.03828 223.1643] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -124.65354 509.90882 moveto -124.65354 541.2566 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -124.65354 509.90882 moveto -124.65354 541.2566 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 428.32076 432.71178] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 263.06032 168.01077] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -229,7 +185,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -240,7 +196,7 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 -56.72527 459.9892] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 105.84152 318.01621] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -258,23 +214,23 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -593.37421 -211.09004 moveto -720.36307 -211.09004 lineto -720.36307 -84.101181 lineto -593.37421 -84.101181 lineto -593.37421 -211.09004 lineto +401.3761 -273.15573 moveto +480.7387 -273.15573 lineto +480.7387 -193.82106 lineto +401.3761 -193.82106 lineto +401.3761 -273.15573 lineto closepath stroke grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -148.56217 720.9376 moveto -148.56217 752.28538 lineto +234.09223 481.33301 moveto +234.09223 501.85418 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -283,36 +239,10 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -148.56217 720.9376 moveto -148.56217 752.28538 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 452.22939 643.74056] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto +234.09223 481.33301 moveto +234.09223 501.85418 lineto stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -49.705806 55.228673] concat +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -49.773159 74.907438] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -341,7 +271,7 @@ newpath fill grestore grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -5.4980469 54.987128] concat +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -22.154925 74.90724] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -380,7 +310,7 @@ newpath fill grestore grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 144.43296 54.225695] concat +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 43.512553 74.659653] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -427,91 +357,7 @@ newpath fill grestore grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 549.93604 54.083544] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -143.75 29.979289 moveto -143.75 39.221477 lineto -141.23438 39.221477 lineto -141.23438 30.06132 lineto -141.23436 28.612112 140.95181 27.527478 140.38672 26.807414 curveto -139.8216 26.087375 138.97395 25.727349 137.84375 25.727336 curveto -136.48567 25.727349 135.41471 26.160292 134.63086 27.026164 curveto -133.847 27.892061 133.45507 29.072398 133.45508 30.56718 curveto -133.45508 39.221477 lineto -130.92578 39.221477 lineto -130.92578 23.908977 lineto -133.45508 23.908977 lineto -133.45508 26.287883 lineto -134.05663 25.367324 134.76301 24.679173 135.57422 24.22343 curveto -136.39452 23.767716 137.33788 23.539852 138.4043 23.539836 curveto -140.1634 23.539852 141.49413 24.086726 142.39648 25.180461 curveto -143.29881 26.265109 143.74998 27.864717 143.75 29.979289 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -447.65927 78.89946 moveto -451.78036 78.89946 lineto -451.78036 83.860397 lineto -447.65927 83.860397 lineto -447.65927 78.89946 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -460.39365 78.89946 moveto -464.51474 78.89946 lineto -464.51474 83.860397 lineto -460.39365 83.860397 lineto -460.39365 78.89946 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -473.12802 78.89946 moveto -477.24911 78.89946 lineto -477.24911 83.860397 lineto -473.12802 83.860397 lineto -473.12802 78.89946 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -485.8624 78.89946 moveto -489.98349 78.89946 lineto -489.98349 83.860397 lineto -485.8624 83.860397 lineto -485.8624 78.89946 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -498.59677 78.89946 moveto -502.71786 78.89946 lineto -502.71786 83.860397 lineto -498.59677 83.860397 lineto -498.59677 78.89946 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 45.58886 38.951339] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 9.760967 52.885558] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -529,22 +375,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -172.33633 -313.40417 moveto -299.3252 -313.40417 lineto -299.3252 -186.41531 lineto -172.33633 -186.41531 lineto -172.33633 -313.40417 lineto +136.24547 -177.07516 moveto +215.60807 -177.07516 lineto +215.60807 -97.740494 lineto +136.24547 -97.740494 lineto +136.24547 -177.07516 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 577.26104 13.155222] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 341.91637 36.764089] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -556,7 +402,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -567,10 +413,10 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 532.40964 13.292693] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 313.89603 36.850002] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -582,7 +428,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -596,8 +442,8 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -250.8763 300.12924 moveto -250.8763 332.71881 lineto +138.01167 216.11056 moveto +138.01167 236.47765 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -606,58 +452,66 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -250.8763 300.12924 moveto -250.8763 332.71881 lineto +138.01167 216.11056 moveto +138.01167 236.47765 lineto stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000004 setlinewidth +1.5000002 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -229.43701 122.33518 moveto -124.1486 122.33518 lineto +138.43569 236.12052 moveto +72.887015 235.79364 lineto stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 186.99951 0] concat +gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap newpath -124.792 121.09018 moveto -124.792 101.73486 lineto -stroke +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +eofill +grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth +1.5 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -332.33646 121.35841 moveto -272.81 121.35841 lineto +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.6 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -273.638 121.18018 moveto -273.638 101.82486 lineto +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -251.55502 332.14736 moveto -146.63302 331.62433 lineto +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 474.99583 433.68172] concat +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 29.837368 299.67485] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -669,7 +523,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -683,8 +537,8 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +58.886023 347.77465 moveto +58.886023 368.14173 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -693,19 +547,19 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +58.886023 347.77465 moveto +58.886023 368.14173 lineto stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth +1.5000004 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -275.51257 542.66478 moveto -170.59057 542.14175 lineto +58.46197 367.7846 moveto +220.21096 367.45773 lineto stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 -44 -40] concat +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 206.39101 7.1749783] concat gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 11.291085 710.26485] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -724,7 +578,7 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +3.5208609 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -739,7 +593,7 @@ grestore gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 520.24575 862.01621] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -751,7 +605,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -763,11 +617,42 @@ newpath stroke grestore grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 380.15217 -211.94953] concat -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 474.99583 433.68172] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 54 2] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 264.51048 315.96623] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +399.32611 -431.82468 moveto +478.68871 -431.82468 lineto +478.68871 -352.49001 lineto +399.32611 -352.49001 lineto +399.32611 -431.82468 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.399973 0 579.81142 434.43473] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.7167492 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -779,7 +664,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.7167492 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -793,8 +678,8 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +447.5488 481.19007 moveto +447.5488 503.05613 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -803,21 +688,63 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +447.5488 481.19007 moveto +447.5488 503.05613 lineto stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth +1.4999996 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -275.51257 542.66478 moveto -170.59057 542.14175 lineto +448.28517 502.54446 moveto +355.18393 502.21759 lineto stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 164.09305 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.625 27.914836 moveto +136.38541 27.914847 135.40103 28.338675 134.67188 29.18632 curveto +133.95182 30.033986 133.59179 31.196094 133.5918 32.672648 curveto +133.59179 34.140101 133.95182 35.30221 134.67188 36.158977 curveto +135.40103 37.006635 136.38541 37.430463 137.625 37.430461 curveto +138.86457 37.430463 139.84439 37.006635 140.56445 36.158977 curveto +141.29361 35.30221 141.65819 34.140101 141.6582 32.672648 curveto +141.65819 31.196094 141.29361 30.033986 140.56445 29.18632 curveto +139.84439 28.338675 138.86457 27.914847 137.625 27.914836 curveto +143.10742 19.260539 moveto +143.10742 21.776164 lineto +142.4147 21.448057 141.71288 21.197406 141.00195 21.024211 curveto +140.30012 20.851052 139.60285 20.764464 138.91016 20.764445 curveto +137.08723 20.764464 135.6927 21.379697 134.72656 22.610148 curveto +133.76953 23.840633 133.22265 25.700006 133.08594 28.188273 curveto +133.62369 27.395316 134.29817 26.789197 135.10938 26.369914 curveto +135.92057 25.941542 136.81379 25.727349 137.78906 25.727336 curveto +139.83983 25.727349 141.45767 26.351698 142.64258 27.600383 curveto +143.83657 28.839976 144.43358 30.53073 144.43359 32.672648 curveto +144.43358 34.769007 143.81379 36.450646 142.57422 37.71757 curveto +141.33462 38.984498 139.68488 39.61796 137.625 39.617961 curveto +135.26432 39.61796 133.45963 38.715618 132.21094 36.91093 curveto +130.96224 35.097132 130.33789 32.472134 130.33789 29.03593 curveto +130.33789 25.809381 131.10351 23.239071 132.63477 21.324992 curveto +134.16601 19.401835 136.22135 18.440247 138.80078 18.440227 curveto +139.49348 18.440247 140.19074 18.508607 140.89258 18.645305 curveto +141.6035 18.782044 142.34178 18.987122 143.10742 19.260539 curveto +fill +grestore grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 86 0] concat -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 236.84397 246.55142] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 102.34146 52.97217] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -835,22 +762,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -379.9364 -504.65927 moveto -506.92526 -504.65927 lineto -506.92526 -377.67041 lineto -379.9364 -377.67041 lineto -379.9364 -504.65927 lineto +136.2459 -269.65567 moveto +215.6085 -269.65567 lineto +215.6085 -190.321 lineto +136.2459 -190.321 lineto +136.2459 -269.65567 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 723.66475 220.89277] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 434.49687 36.850701] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -862,7 +789,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -873,11 +800,10 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 168.65839 -2.7679419] concat -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 474.99583 433.68172] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 406.47653 36.936614] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -889,7 +815,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -903,8 +829,8 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +230.59217 216.19717 moveto +230.59217 236.56425 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -913,21 +839,62 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -274.83385 510.64666 moveto -274.83385 543.23623 lineto +230.59217 216.19717 moveto +230.59217 236.56425 lineto stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 257.61662 74.659653] concat +gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap newpath -275.51257 542.66478 moveto -170.59057 542.14175 lineto -stroke +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.2832 29.528117 moveto +135.9707 29.528127 134.93619 29.879038 134.17969 30.580852 curveto +133.43229 31.282682 133.05859 32.248827 133.05859 33.479289 curveto +133.05859 34.709762 133.43229 35.675907 134.17969 36.377727 curveto +134.93619 37.079552 135.9707 37.430463 137.2832 37.430461 curveto +138.59569 37.430463 139.6302 37.079552 140.38672 36.377727 curveto +141.14322 35.666793 141.52147 34.700648 141.52148 33.479289 curveto +141.52147 32.248827 141.14322 31.282682 140.38672 30.580852 curveto +139.63931 29.879038 138.60481 29.528127 137.2832 29.528117 curveto +134.52148 28.352336 moveto +133.33658 28.06068 132.41145 27.509249 131.74609 26.698039 curveto +131.08984 25.886854 130.76172 24.897923 130.76172 23.731242 curveto +130.76172 22.099749 131.34049 20.810037 132.49805 19.862102 curveto +133.66471 18.914205 135.25976 18.440247 137.2832 18.440227 curveto +139.31574 18.440247 140.91079 18.914205 142.06836 19.862102 curveto +143.2259 20.810037 143.80467 22.099749 143.80469 23.731242 curveto +143.80467 24.897923 143.47199 25.886854 142.80664 26.698039 curveto +142.15038 27.509249 141.23436 28.06068 140.05859 28.352336 curveto +141.38931 28.662242 142.42381 29.268361 143.16211 30.170695 curveto +143.90949 31.073047 144.28319 32.175911 144.2832 33.479289 curveto +144.28319 35.457157 143.67707 36.974734 142.46484 38.032023 curveto +141.26171 39.089315 139.53449 39.61796 137.2832 39.617961 curveto +135.03189 39.61796 133.30013 39.089315 132.08789 38.032023 curveto +130.88476 36.974734 130.2832 35.457157 130.2832 33.479289 curveto +130.2832 32.175911 130.6569 31.073047 131.4043 30.170695 curveto +132.15169 29.268361 133.19075 28.662242 134.52148 28.352336 curveto +133.50977 23.991008 moveto +133.50976 25.048314 133.83789 25.873183 134.49414 26.465617 curveto +135.1595 27.058077 136.08919 27.354301 137.2832 27.354289 curveto +138.46809 27.354301 139.39322 27.058077 140.05859 26.465617 curveto +140.73306 25.873183 141.0703 25.048314 141.07031 23.991008 curveto +141.0703 22.933732 140.73306 22.108863 140.05859 21.516398 curveto +139.39322 20.923969 138.46809 20.627745 137.2832 20.627727 curveto +136.08919 20.627745 135.1595 20.923969 134.49414 21.516398 curveto +133.83789 22.108863 133.50976 22.933732 133.50977 23.991008 curveto +fill grestore grestore -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 197.25184 456.70902] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 196.36522 52.118848] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -945,22 +912,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -590.09399 -465.06714 moveto -717.08286 -465.06714 lineto -717.08286 -338.07828 lineto -590.09399 -338.07828 lineto -590.09399 -465.06714 lineto +135.39258 -363.67944 moveto +214.75518 -363.67944 lineto +214.75518 -284.34477 lineto +135.39258 -284.34477 lineto +135.39258 -363.67944 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 684.07262 431.05037] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 528.52063 35.997379] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -972,7 +939,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -983,10 +950,10 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 498.06209 643.07138] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 500.50029 36.083292] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -998,7 +965,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -1012,8 +979,8 @@ grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -403.8 717.88508 moveto -403.8 752.87318 lineto +324.61593 215.34384 moveto +324.61593 235.71093 lineto eofill grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor @@ -1022,328 +989,523 @@ grestore 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -403.8 717.88508 moveto -403.8 752.87318 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000004 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -403.37874 752.05444 moveto -193.65675 751.53141 lineto +324.61593 215.34384 moveto +324.61593 235.71093 lineto stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 354.36562 74.659653] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -368.64926 299.57074 moveto -372.77036 299.57074 lineto -372.77036 304.53168 lineto -368.64926 304.53168 lineto -368.64926 299.57074 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -394.11801 299.57074 moveto -398.23911 299.57074 lineto -398.23911 304.53168 lineto -394.11801 304.53168 lineto -394.11801 299.57074 lineto +155.11133 20.627727 moveto +153.68945 20.627745 152.61848 21.329567 151.89844 22.733195 curveto +151.1875 24.127742 150.83203 26.228651 150.83203 29.03593 curveto +150.83203 31.834114 151.1875 33.935023 151.89844 35.338664 curveto +152.61848 36.733198 153.68945 37.430463 155.11133 37.430461 curveto +156.54231 37.430463 157.61327 36.733198 158.32422 35.338664 curveto +159.04426 33.935023 159.40428 31.834114 159.4043 29.03593 curveto +159.40428 26.228651 159.04426 24.127742 158.32422 22.733195 curveto +157.61327 21.329567 156.54231 20.627745 155.11133 20.627727 curveto +155.11133 18.440227 moveto +157.39908 18.440247 159.14452 19.347147 160.34766 21.16093 curveto +161.55988 22.965633 162.166 25.590631 162.16602 29.03593 curveto +162.166 32.472134 161.55988 35.097132 160.34766 36.91093 curveto +159.14452 38.715618 157.39908 39.61796 155.11133 39.617961 curveto +152.82356 39.61796 151.07356 38.715618 149.86133 36.91093 curveto +148.6582 35.097132 148.05664 32.472134 148.05664 29.03593 curveto +148.05664 25.590631 148.6582 22.965633 149.86133 21.16093 curveto +151.07356 19.347147 152.82356 18.440247 155.11133 18.440227 curveto fill grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 290.01387 52.118849] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -419.58676 299.57074 moveto -423.70786 299.57074 lineto -423.70786 304.53168 lineto -419.58676 304.53168 lineto -419.58676 299.57074 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto fill grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill grestore -gsave +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -445.05551 299.57074 moveto -449.17661 299.57074 lineto -449.17661 304.53168 lineto -445.05551 304.53168 lineto -445.05551 299.57074 lineto -fill +135.39258 -457.32809 moveto +214.75518 -457.32809 lineto +214.75518 -377.99342 lineto +135.39258 -377.99342 lineto +135.39258 -457.32809 lineto +closepath +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 622.16928 35.99738] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -470.52426 299.57074 moveto -474.64536 299.57074 lineto -474.64536 304.53168 lineto -470.52426 304.53168 lineto -470.52426 299.57074 lineto -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 594.14894 36.083293] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -495.99301 299.57074 moveto -500.11411 299.57074 lineto -500.11411 304.53168 lineto -495.99301 304.53168 lineto -495.99301 299.57074 lineto -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -fill +418.26457 215.34384 moveto +418.26457 235.71093 lineto +eofill grestore -gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -521.46176 299.57074 moveto -525.58286 299.57074 lineto -525.58286 304.53168 lineto -521.46176 304.53168 lineto -521.46176 299.57074 lineto -fill -grestore +418.26457 215.34384 moveto +418.26457 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 449.01862 74.659653] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -253.07442 489.71512 moveto -257.19551 489.71512 lineto -257.19551 494.67606 lineto -253.07442 494.67606 lineto -253.07442 489.71512 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -278.54317 489.71512 moveto -282.66426 489.71512 lineto -282.66426 494.67606 lineto -278.54317 494.67606 lineto -278.54317 489.71512 lineto +151.58398 36.897258 moveto +161.22266 36.897258 lineto +161.22266 39.221477 lineto +148.26172 39.221477 lineto +148.26172 36.897258 lineto +149.30989 35.812626 150.73632 34.358851 152.54102 32.53593 curveto +154.35481 30.703907 155.49413 29.52357 155.95898 28.994914 curveto +156.84309 28.001436 157.45832 27.162895 157.80469 26.479289 curveto +158.16014 25.786594 158.33788 25.107558 158.33789 24.44218 curveto +158.33788 23.35756 157.95507 22.473446 157.18945 21.789836 curveto +156.43293 21.10626 155.444 20.764464 154.22266 20.764445 curveto +153.35676 20.764464 152.44075 20.914854 151.47461 21.215617 curveto +150.51757 21.516416 149.49218 21.972145 148.39844 22.582805 curveto +148.39844 19.793742 lineto +149.51041 19.347147 150.54947 19.009908 151.51562 18.782023 curveto +152.48176 18.554179 153.36588 18.440247 154.16797 18.440227 curveto +156.28254 18.440247 157.96874 18.968893 159.22656 20.026164 curveto +160.48436 21.083474 161.11327 22.496233 161.11328 24.264445 curveto +161.11327 25.103001 160.95376 25.900526 160.63477 26.657023 curveto +160.32486 27.404431 159.75519 28.288545 158.92578 29.309367 curveto +158.6979 29.5737 157.9733 30.339324 156.75195 31.606242 curveto +155.53059 32.864061 153.80794 34.627731 151.58398 36.897258 curveto fill grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 384.16734 52.118848] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -304.01192 489.71512 moveto -308.13301 489.71512 lineto -308.13301 494.67606 lineto -304.01192 494.67606 lineto -304.01192 489.71512 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto fill grestore -gsave +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +135.39258 -551.48157 moveto +214.75518 -551.48157 lineto +214.75518 -472.1469 lineto +135.39258 -472.1469 lineto +135.39258 -551.48157 lineto +closepath +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 716.32275 35.997379] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -329.48067 489.71512 moveto -333.60176 489.71512 lineto -333.60176 494.67606 lineto -329.48067 494.67606 lineto -329.48067 489.71512 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 688.30241 36.083292] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -354.94942 489.71512 moveto -359.07051 489.71512 lineto -359.07051 494.67606 lineto -354.94942 494.67606 lineto -354.94942 489.71512 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -380.41817 489.71512 moveto -384.53926 489.71512 lineto -384.53926 494.67606 lineto -380.41817 494.67606 lineto -380.41817 489.71512 lineto -fill +512.41804 215.34384 moveto +512.41804 235.71093 lineto +eofill grestore -gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill -grestore +512.41804 215.34384 moveto +512.41804 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 542.50262 74.659653] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -405.88692 489.71512 moveto -410.00801 489.71512 lineto -410.00801 494.67606 lineto -405.88692 494.67606 lineto -405.88692 489.71512 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -378.30295 117.36827 moveto -382.42404 117.36827 lineto -382.42404 122.32921 lineto -378.30295 122.32921 lineto -378.30295 117.36827 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath +156.79297 21.215617 moveto +149.82031 32.112102 lineto +156.79297 32.112102 lineto +156.79297 21.215617 lineto +156.06836 18.809367 moveto +159.54102 18.809367 lineto +159.54102 32.112102 lineto +162.45312 32.112102 lineto +162.45312 34.408977 lineto +159.54102 34.408977 lineto +159.54102 39.221477 lineto +156.79297 39.221477 lineto +156.79297 34.408977 lineto +147.57812 34.408977 lineto +147.57812 31.742961 lineto +156.06836 18.809367 lineto fill grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 478.05069 52.118853] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -403.7717 117.36827 moveto -407.89279 117.36827 lineto -407.89279 122.32921 lineto -403.7717 122.32921 lineto -403.7717 117.36827 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto fill grestore -gsave +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +135.39258 -645.36487 moveto +214.75518 -645.36487 lineto +214.75518 -566.0302 lineto +135.39258 -566.0302 lineto +135.39258 -645.36487 lineto +closepath +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 810.2061 35.997384] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -429.24045 117.36827 moveto -433.36154 117.36827 lineto -433.36154 122.32921 lineto -429.24045 122.32921 lineto -429.24045 117.36827 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore -gsave +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 782.18576 36.083297] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -454.7092 117.36827 moveto -458.83029 117.36827 lineto -458.83029 122.32921 lineto -454.7092 122.32921 lineto -454.7092 117.36827 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -480.17795 117.36827 moveto -484.29904 117.36827 lineto -484.29904 122.32921 lineto -480.17795 122.32921 lineto -480.17795 117.36827 lineto -fill +606.30138 215.34384 moveto +606.30138 235.71093 lineto +eofill grestore -gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap newpath -fill -grestore +606.30138 215.34384 moveto +606.30138 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 635.52862 74.659653] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -505.6467 117.36827 moveto -509.76779 117.36827 lineto -509.76779 122.32921 lineto -505.6467 122.32921 lineto -505.6467 117.36827 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto fill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath -531.11545 117.36827 moveto -535.23654 117.36827 lineto -535.23654 122.32921 lineto -531.11545 122.32921 lineto -531.11545 117.36827 lineto +155.45312 27.914836 moveto +154.21353 27.914847 153.22916 28.338675 152.5 29.18632 curveto +151.77994 30.033986 151.41992 31.196094 151.41992 32.672648 curveto +151.41992 34.140101 151.77994 35.30221 152.5 36.158977 curveto +153.22916 37.006635 154.21353 37.430463 155.45312 37.430461 curveto +156.6927 37.430463 157.67251 37.006635 158.39258 36.158977 curveto +159.12173 35.30221 159.48631 34.140101 159.48633 32.672648 curveto +159.48631 31.196094 159.12173 30.033986 158.39258 29.18632 curveto +157.67251 28.338675 156.6927 27.914847 155.45312 27.914836 curveto +160.93555 19.260539 moveto +160.93555 21.776164 lineto +160.24282 21.448057 159.541 21.197406 158.83008 21.024211 curveto +158.12824 20.851052 157.43098 20.764464 156.73828 20.764445 curveto +154.91536 20.764464 153.52083 21.379697 152.55469 22.610148 curveto +151.59765 23.840633 151.05078 25.700006 150.91406 28.188273 curveto +151.45182 27.395316 152.1263 26.789197 152.9375 26.369914 curveto +153.74869 25.941542 154.64192 25.727349 155.61719 25.727336 curveto +157.66796 25.727349 159.28579 26.351698 160.4707 27.600383 curveto +161.6647 28.839976 162.2617 30.53073 162.26172 32.672648 curveto +162.2617 34.769007 161.64191 36.450646 160.40234 37.71757 curveto +159.16275 38.984498 157.51301 39.61796 155.45312 39.617961 curveto +153.09244 39.61796 151.28776 38.715618 150.03906 36.91093 curveto +148.79036 35.097132 148.16601 32.472134 148.16602 29.03593 curveto +148.16601 25.809381 148.93164 23.239071 150.46289 21.324992 curveto +151.99413 19.401835 154.04947 18.440247 156.62891 18.440227 curveto +157.3216 18.440247 158.01887 18.508607 158.7207 18.645305 curveto +159.43163 18.782044 160.16991 18.987122 160.93555 19.260539 curveto fill grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -79.944 121.34718 moveto -79.944 101.99186 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 449.24521 39.12267] concat +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 571.37734 52.118851] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath @@ -1361,22 +1523,22 @@ grestore gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth +2.1999998 setlinewidth 2 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -172.50766 -717.06055 moveto -299.49652 -717.06055 lineto -299.49652 -590.07169 lineto -172.50766 -590.07169 lineto -172.50766 -717.06055 lineto +135.39258 -738.69153 moveto +214.75518 -738.69153 lineto +214.75518 -659.35686 lineto +135.39258 -659.35686 lineto +135.39258 -738.69153 lineto closepath stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 980.91739 13.326553] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 903.53275 35.997382] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -1388,7 +1550,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -1399,10 +1561,10 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 936.06599 13.464024] concat +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 875.51241 36.083295] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -1414,7 +1576,7 @@ newpath stroke 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.8449312 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath @@ -1425,24 +1587,738 @@ newpath 271.22058 548.42524 lineto stroke grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +699.62803 215.34384 moveto +699.62803 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth +1.4999999 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -633.02246 122.56018 moveto -573.496 122.56018 lineto +699.62803 215.34384 moveto +699.62803 235.71093 lineto stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 420.31434 167.38648] concat 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth +2.9526119 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap newpath -677.24 121.78718 moveto -677.24 102.43186 lineto +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 449.99634 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +325.37171 236.12057 moveto +259.82303 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 607.94734 167.38648] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 637.72934 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +513.10471 236.12057 moveto +447.55603 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 796.01434 167.38648] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 824.99634 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +700.37171 236.12057 moveto +634.82303 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 7.1737023] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 117.38846 176.95898] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +260.31888 -284.70267 moveto +339.68148 -284.70267 lineto +339.68148 -205.368 lineto +260.31888 -205.368 lineto +260.31888 -284.70267 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 306.05416 184.13266] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.49258 -473.36835 moveto +346.85519 -473.36835 lineto +346.85519 -394.03368 lineto +267.49258 -394.03368 lineto +267.49258 -473.36835 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 491.26866 184.13268] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.49258 -658.58289 moveto +346.85519 -658.58289 lineto +346.85519 -579.24821 lineto +267.49258 -579.24821 lineto +267.49258 -658.58289 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 1055.8603 0.5080028] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 562.59702 -0.5079751] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 405.43488 299.16685] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +434.48354 347.26665 moveto +434.48354 367.63373 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +434.48354 347.26665 moveto +434.48354 367.63373 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000004 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +434.05948 367.2766 moveto +595.80847 366.94973 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 0.399973 0 101.74275 434.31182] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999996 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +233.369 502.42155 moveto +326.47024 502.09468 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 69.99609 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.96484 21.215617 moveto +131.99219 32.112102 lineto +138.96484 32.112102 lineto +138.96484 21.215617 lineto +138.24023 18.809367 moveto +141.71289 18.809367 lineto +141.71289 32.112102 lineto +144.625 32.112102 lineto +144.625 34.408977 lineto +141.71289 34.408977 lineto +141.71289 39.221477 lineto +138.96484 39.221477 lineto +138.96484 34.408977 lineto +129.75 34.408977 lineto +129.75 31.742961 lineto +138.24023 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 132.5927 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.4043 18.809367 moveto +142.24609 18.809367 lineto +142.24609 21.133586 lineto +133.93359 21.133586 lineto +133.93359 26.137492 lineto +134.33463 26.000787 134.73567 25.900526 135.13672 25.836711 curveto +135.53775 25.763808 135.93879 25.727349 136.33984 25.727336 curveto +138.61848 25.727349 140.42317 26.351698 141.75391 27.600383 curveto +143.08462 28.849091 143.74998 30.539845 143.75 32.672648 curveto +143.74998 34.869267 143.06639 36.57825 141.69922 37.799602 curveto +140.33202 39.011841 138.40429 39.61796 135.91602 39.617961 curveto +135.05924 39.61796 134.18424 39.545044 133.29102 39.399211 curveto +132.4069 39.253378 131.49088 39.034628 130.54297 38.742961 curveto +130.54297 35.96757 lineto +131.36328 36.414188 132.21093 36.74687 133.08594 36.965617 curveto +133.96093 37.184369 134.88606 37.293744 135.86133 37.293742 curveto +137.43814 37.293744 138.68684 36.879031 139.60742 36.049602 curveto +140.52798 35.220178 140.98827 34.094529 140.98828 32.672648 curveto +140.98827 31.250781 140.52798 30.125131 139.60742 29.295695 curveto +138.68684 28.466279 137.43814 28.051566 135.86133 28.051555 curveto +135.12304 28.051566 134.38476 28.133597 133.64648 28.297648 curveto +132.91731 28.461722 132.16992 28.71693 131.4043 29.063273 curveto +131.4043 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 229.04762 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.67969 18.809367 moveto +143.80469 18.809367 lineto +143.80469 19.985148 lineto +136.39453 39.221477 lineto +133.50977 39.221477 lineto +140.48242 21.133586 lineto +130.67969 21.133586 lineto +130.67969 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 324.06062 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.45898 38.797648 moveto +131.45898 36.282023 lineto +132.15169 36.610151 132.85351 36.860802 133.56445 37.033977 curveto +134.27538 37.207156 134.97265 37.293744 135.65625 37.293742 curveto +137.47916 37.293744 138.86913 36.683068 139.82617 35.461711 curveto +140.79231 34.231247 141.34374 32.367317 141.48047 29.869914 curveto +140.95181 30.653777 140.28189 31.255339 139.4707 31.674602 curveto +138.65949 32.093879 137.76171 32.303515 136.77734 32.303508 curveto +134.73567 32.303515 133.11783 31.688281 131.92383 30.457805 curveto +130.73893 29.218231 130.14648 27.527478 130.14648 25.385539 curveto +130.14648 23.289201 130.76627 21.607562 132.00586 20.340617 curveto +133.24544 19.07371 134.89518 18.440247 136.95508 18.440227 curveto +139.31574 18.440247 141.11587 19.347147 142.35547 21.16093 curveto +143.60415 22.965633 144.2285 25.590631 144.22852 29.03593 curveto +144.2285 32.253385 143.46288 34.823694 141.93164 36.746867 curveto +140.40949 38.66093 138.35871 39.61796 135.7793 39.617961 curveto +135.08658 39.61796 134.38476 39.549601 133.67383 39.412883 curveto +132.96289 39.276164 132.22461 39.071086 131.45898 38.797648 curveto +136.95508 30.143352 moveto +138.19465 30.143361 139.17447 29.719533 139.89453 28.871867 curveto +140.62369 28.024222 140.98827 26.862114 140.98828 25.385539 curveto +140.98827 23.918106 140.62369 22.760555 139.89453 21.912883 curveto +139.17447 21.05613 138.19465 20.627745 136.95508 20.627727 curveto +135.71549 20.627745 134.73111 21.05613 134.00195 21.912883 curveto +133.2819 22.760555 132.92187 23.918106 132.92188 25.385539 curveto +132.92187 26.862114 133.2819 28.024222 134.00195 28.871867 curveto +134.73111 29.719533 135.71549 30.143361 136.95508 30.143352 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 412.49262 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +149.68359 36.897258 moveto +154.19531 36.897258 lineto +154.19531 21.324992 lineto +149.28711 22.309367 lineto +149.28711 19.793742 lineto +154.16797 18.809367 lineto +156.92969 18.809367 lineto +156.92969 36.897258 lineto +161.44141 36.897258 lineto +161.44141 39.221477 lineto +149.68359 39.221477 lineto +149.68359 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 506.25462 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.57227 28.215617 moveto +158.89387 28.49818 159.92381 29.08607 160.66211 29.979289 curveto +161.40949 30.872527 161.78319 31.97539 161.7832 33.287883 curveto +161.78319 35.30221 161.09048 36.860802 159.70508 37.963664 curveto +158.31965 39.066529 156.3509 39.61796 153.79883 39.617961 curveto +152.94205 39.61796 152.05794 39.531372 151.14648 39.358195 curveto +150.24414 39.194133 149.30989 38.943482 148.34375 38.606242 curveto +148.34375 35.940227 lineto +149.10937 36.386844 149.94791 36.724083 150.85938 36.951945 curveto +151.77083 37.179812 152.7233 37.293744 153.7168 37.293742 curveto +155.44856 37.293744 156.76561 36.951948 157.66797 36.268352 curveto +158.57941 35.584761 159.03514 34.591273 159.03516 33.287883 curveto +159.03514 32.084765 158.61132 31.145964 157.76367 30.471477 curveto +156.92512 29.787892 155.7539 29.446096 154.25 29.446086 curveto +151.87109 29.446086 lineto +151.87109 27.176555 lineto +154.35938 27.176555 lineto +155.71744 27.176567 156.7565 26.907687 157.47656 26.369914 curveto +158.1966 25.823052 158.55663 25.039199 158.55664 24.018352 curveto +158.55663 22.970191 158.18293 22.168108 157.43555 21.612102 curveto +156.69726 21.047016 155.63541 20.764464 154.25 20.764445 curveto +153.49348 20.764464 152.68229 20.846495 151.81641 21.010539 curveto +150.95052 21.17462 149.99804 21.429828 148.95898 21.776164 curveto +148.95898 19.315227 lineto +150.00716 19.02358 150.98697 18.80483 151.89844 18.658977 curveto +152.819 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