From: Martin Mares Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 18:01:42 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Archivace starych kapitol, postupne vytvarim nove. Zatim 2-toky. X-Git-Url:;h=2d2944b3208696169024ccae79180605c4ab649b;p=ads2.git Archivace starych kapitol, postupne vytvarim nove. Zatim 2-toky. --- diff --git a/0-demo/0-demo.tex b/0-demo/0-demo.tex deleted file mode 100644 index bc5d7b7..0000000 --- a/0-demo/0-demo.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -\input ../lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{0}{Ukázka pou¾ití maker}{(zapsal Martin Mare¹)} - -% Takhle vypadá nadpis -\h{Pøedposlední kapitola} - -% \> zaøídí, aby se odstavec neodsadil. Pomocí \I se sází kurzíva, \foot vyrobí poznámku pod èarou. -\>Je svaèveèer. {\I Lysperní jezeleni} se vírnì vrtáèejí v~mokøavì.\foot{Viz Lewis Caroll: Jabberwocky.} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Takhle. -\:Vypadají. -\:Odrá¾ky. -\endlist - -\h{Druhá kapitola} - -\s{Vìta:} Paøez není strom. - -\proof -Strom je speciálním pøípadem lesa. Les je (podle definice) graf bez kru¾nic. -Paøez obsahuje alespoò jednu kru¾nici. Proto paøez nemù¾e být les, a~tedy ani -strom. -\qed - -\s{Algoritmus:} (tøídìní posloupnosti $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ pomocí {\sc Stupidsort}u) - -\algo -\:$\pi \leftarrow \hbox{identická permutace na~mno¾inì $\{1,\ldots,n\}$}$. -\:Opakuj: -\::Ovìø, zda je posloupnost $a_{\pi(1)},a_{\pi(2)},\ldots,a_{\pi(n)}$ uspoøádána vzestupnì. - Pokud je, vra» ji jako výsledek. -\::Nahraï $\pi$ jejím lexikografickým následníkem. -\endalgo - -\bye diff --git a/0-demo/Makefile b/0-demo/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 98def69..0000000 --- a/0-demo/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=0-demo - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/1-toky/1-toky.tex b/1-toky/1-toky.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 126d81c..0000000 --- a/1-toky/1-toky.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{1}{Toky v sítích}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} - -\s{První motivaèní úloha:} {\I Rozvod èajovodu do~v¹ech uèeben.} -\smallskip - -Pøedstavme si, ¾e~by v~budovì fakulty na~Malé Stranì existoval èajovod, který -by rozvádìl èaj do~ka¾dé uèebny. Znázornìme si to orientovaným grafem, kde by -jeden významný vrchol pøedstavoval èajovar a~druhý uèebnu, ve~které sedíme. -Hrany mezi vrcholy by pøedstavovaly vìtvící se trubky, které mají èaj rozvádìt. -Jak rozvést co nejefektivnìji dostatek èaje do~dané uèebny? - -\figure{toky01.eps}{Èajovod}{2in} - -\s{Druhá motivaèní úloha:} {\I Pøenos dat.} -\smallskip - -Jiným pøíkladem mù¾e být poèítaèová sí» na~pøenos dat, která se sestává z~pøenosových linek -spojených pomocí routerù. Data se sice obvykle pøená¹ejí po~paketech, ale to -mù¾eme pøi dne¹ních rychlostech pøenosu zanedbat a pova¾ovat data za spojitá. -Jak pøená¹et data mezi dvìma poèítaèi v~síti co nejrychleji? - -\s{Definice:} {\I Sí»} je uspoøádaná pìtice $(V,E,z,s,c)$, pro ní¾ platí: -\itemize\ibull -\:$(V,E)$ je orientovaný graf. -\:$c:E\to{\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ je {\I kapacita} hran. -\:$z,s \in V$ jsou dva vrcholy grafu, kterým øíkáme {\I zdroj} a~{\I stok} (spotøebiè). -\:Graf je symetrický, tedy $\forall u,v \in V: uv \in E \Leftrightarrow vu \in E$ (tuto podmínku si~mù¾eme zvolit bez~újmy na~obecnosti, nebo» v¾dy mù¾eme do~grafu pøidat hranu, která v~nìm je¹tì nebyla, a~dát jí nulovou kapacitu). -\endlist - -\figure{sit.eps}{Pøíklad sítì. Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{2.5in} - -\s{Definice:} {\I Tok} je funkce $f:E \to {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ taková, ¾e~platí: -\numlist{\ndotted} -\:Tok po~ka¾dé hranì je omezen její kapacitou: $\forall e \in E : f(e)\le c(e)$. -\:Kirchhoffùv zákon: $$\forall v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}=\sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$ Neboli pro~ka¾dý vrchol kromì zdroje a~stoku platí, ¾e~to, co do~nìj pøitéká, je stejnì velké jako to, co z~nìj odtéká (\uv{sí» tìsní}). -\endlist - -\s{Definice:} Pro libovolnou funkci $f:E \to {\bb R}$ se nám bude hodit následující znaèení: -\itemize\ibull -\:$f^+(v) = \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}$ (celkový pøítok do vrcholu) -\:$f^-(v) = \sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}$ (celkový odtok) -\:$f^\Delta(v) = f^+(v) - f^-(v)$ (pøebytek ve~vrcholu) -\endlist - -\>(Kirchhoffùv zákon pak øíká prostì to, ¾e $f^\Delta(v)=0$ pro v¹echna $v\ne z,s$.) - -\figure{tok.eps}{Pøíklad toku. Èísla pøedstavují toky po~hranách, v~závorkách jsou kapacity.}{4in} - -\s{Pozorování:} Nìjaký tok v¾dy existuje. V libovolné síti mù¾eme v¾dy zvolit -konstantnì nulovou funkci (po~¾ádné hranì nic nepoteèe). To je korektní tok, -ale sotva u¾iteèný. Budeme chtít najít tok, který pøepraví co nejvíce tekutiny -ze~zdroje do~spotøebièe. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Velikost toku} $f$ budeme znaèit $\vert f\vert$ a polo¾íme ji -rovnou rozdílu souètu velikostí toku na~hranách vedoucích do~$s$ a~souètu velikostí -toku na~hranách vedoucích z~$s$. Neboli $\vert f\vert:=f^\Delta(s).$ - -\s{Pozorování:} Jeliko¾ sí» tìsní, mìlo by být jedno, zda velikost toku mìøíme -u~spotøebièe nebo u~zdroje. Vskutku, krátkým výpoètem ovìøíme, ¾e tomu tak je: -$$ -f^\Delta(z) - f^\Delta(s) = \sum_v f^\Delta(v) = 0. -$$ -První rovnost platí proto, ¾e podle Kirchhoffova zákona jsou zdroj a spotøebiè jediné -dva vrcholy, jejich¾ pøebytek mù¾e být nenulový. Druhou rovnost získáme tak, ¾e si -uvìdomíme, ¾e tok na ka¾dé hranì pøispìje do celkové sumy jednou s~kladným znaménkem -a jednou se záporným. Zjistili jsme tedy, ¾e pøebytek zdroje a spotøebièe se li¹í -pouze znaménkem. -\qed - -\s{Poznámka:} Rádi bychom nalezli v~zadané síti tok, jeho¾ velikost je maximální. -Máme ale zaruèeno, ¾e maximum bude existovat? V¹ech mo¾ných tokù je nekoneènì mnoho -a v~nekoneèné mno¾inì se mù¾e snadno stát, ¾e aèkoliv existuje supremum, není maximem -(pøíklad: $\{1-1/n \mid n\in{\bb N}^+\}$). -Odpovìï nám poskytne matematická analýza: mno¾ina v¹ech tokù je kompaktní podmno¾inou -prostoru ${\bb R}^{\vert E\vert}$, velikost toku je spojitá (dokonce lineární) funkce -z~této mno¾iny do~$\bb R$, tak¾e musí nabývat minima i maxima. - -Nám ale bude staèít studovat sítì s~racionálními kapacitami, kde existence maximálního -toku bude zjevná u¾ z~toho, ze sestrojíme algoritmus, který takový tok najde. - -\s{První pokus:} Hledejme cestu $P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ takovou, ¾e~$\forall e \in -P: f(e) < c(e)$ (po~v¹ech jejích hranách teèe ostøe ménì, ne¾ jim dovolují -jejich kapacity). Pak zjevnì mù¾eme tok upravit tak, aby se~jeho velikost -zvìt¹ila. Zvolme $$\varepsilon := \min_{e \in P} (c(e) - f(e)).$$ Nový tok $f'$ -pak definujme jako $f'(e):=f(e) + \varepsilon$. Kapacity nepøekroèíme ($\varepsilon$ -je nejvìt¹í mo¾ná hodnota, abychom tok zvìt¹ili, ale nepøekroèili kapacitu ani -jedné z~hran cesty $P$) a~Kirchhoffovy zákony zùstanou neporu¹eny, nebo» zdroj -a~stok neomezují a~ka¾dému jinému vrcholu na~cestì $P$ se~pøítok $f^+(v)$ -i~odtok $f^-(v)$ zvìt¹í pøesnì o~$\varepsilon$. - -Opakujme tento proces tak dlouho, dokud existují zlep¹ující cesty. A¾ se algoritmus -zastaví (co¾ by obecnì nemusel, ale nás je¹tì chvíli trápit nemusí), získáme maximální tok? -Pøekvapivì nemusíme. Napø. na~obrázku je vidìt, ¾e~kdy¾ najdeme nejdøíve cestu -pøes hranu s~kapacitou 1 (na obrázku tuènì) a~u¾ hodnotu toku na~této hranì -nesní¾íme, tak dosáhneme velikost toku nejvý¹e 19. Ale maximální tok této sítì -má velikost 20. - -\figure{toky02.eps}{Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{1.5in} - -Zde by ov¹em situaci zachránilo, kdybychom poslali tok velikosti 1 proti smìru -prostøední hrany -- to mù¾eme udìlat tøeba odeètením jednièky od toku po smìru -hrany. Roz¹íøíme tedy ná¹ algoritmus tak, aby umìl posílat tok i proti smìru -hran. O~kolik mù¾eme tok hranou zlep¹it (a» u¾ pøiètením po~smìru nebo odeètením -proti smìru) nám bude øíkat její {\I rezerva:} - -\s{Definice:} {\I Rezerva hrany} $uv$ je $r(uv):=c(uv) - f(uv) + f(vu).$ - -\smallskip -Algoritmus bude vypadat následovnì. Postupnì dok¾eme, ¾e je koneèný a ¾e v~ka¾dé -síti najde maximální tok. - -\s{Algoritmus (Fordùv-Fulkersonùv)} - -\algo -\:$f \leftarrow$ libovolný tok, napø. v¹ude nulový. -\:Dokud $\exists P$ cesta ze $z$ do $s$ taková, ¾e~$\forall e \in P: r(e) > 0$, opakujeme: -\::$\varepsilon \leftarrow \min \{r(e) \mid e \in P\}$. -\::Pro v¹echny hrany $uv \in P$: -\:::$\delta \leftarrow \min \{f(vu),\varepsilon\}$ -\:::$f(vu) \leftarrow f(vu) - \delta$ -\:::$f(uv) \leftarrow f(uv) + \varepsilon - \delta$ -\:Prohlásíme $f$ za~maximální tok. -\endalgo - -\s{Koneènost:} Zastaví se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus? - -\itemize\ibull - -\:Pro~celoèíselné kapacity se~v~ka¾dém kroku zvìt¹í velikost toku alespoò o~1. -Algoritmus se~tedy zastaví po~nejvíce tolika krocích, kolik je nìjaká horní -závora pro~velikost maximálního toku -- napø. souèet kapacit v¹ech hran -vedoucích do~stoku (tedy $c^+(s)$). - -\:Pro~racionální kapacity vyu¾ijeme jednoduchý trik. Nech» $M$ je nejmen¹í -spoleèný násobek jmenovatelù v¹ech kapacit. Spustíme-li algoritmus na sí» -s~kapacitami $c'(e) = c(e)\cdot M$, bude se rozhodovat stejnì jako v~pùvodní -síti, proto¾e bude stále platit $f'(e) = f(e)\cdot M$. Nová sí» je pøitom -celoèíselná, tak¾e se algoritmus jistì zastaví. - -\:Na~síti s~iracionálními kapacitami se~algoritmus chová mnohdy divoce, nemusí -se~zastavit, ba ani konvergovat ke~správnému výsledku. (Zkuste vymyslet pøíklad -takové sítì.) - -\endlist - -\s{Maximalita:} Kdy¾ se algoritmus zastaví, je tok~$f$ maximální? K~tomu se -bude hodit zavést øezy. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Øez} je uspoøádaná dvojice mno¾in vrcholù ($A,B$) taková, ¾e -$A$ a $B$ jsou disjunktní, pokrývají v¹echny vrcholy, $A$ obsahuje zdroj a $B$ -obsahuje stok. Neboli $A \cap B = \emptyset$, $A \cup B = V$, $z \in A$, $s \in B$. - -\>Ka¾dému øezu pøirozenì pøiøadíme mno¾iny hran: -\itemize\ibull -\:$E^+(A,B) = E \cap (A\times B)$ (hrany \uv{zleva doprava}) -\:$E^-(A,B) = E \cap (B\times A)$ (hrany \uv{zprava doleva}) -\:$E^\Delta(A,B) = E^+(A,B) \cup E^-(A,B)$ (v¹echny hrany øezu) -\endlist - -\>Také pro libovolnou funkci $f: E\rightarrow {\bb R}$ zavedeme: -\itemize\ibull -\:$f^+(A,B) = \sum_{e\in E^+(A,B)} f(e)$ (prùtok pøes øez zleva doprava) -\:$f^-(A,B) = \sum_{e\in E^-(A,B)} f(e)$ (prùtok zprava doleva) -\:$f^\Delta(A,B) = f^+(A,B) - f^-(A,B)$ (èistý prùtok) -\endlist - -\>{\I Kapacita øezu} budeme øíkat souètu kapacit hran zleva doprava, tedy $c+(A,B)$. - -\s{Poznámka:} Øezy se~dají definovat více zpùsoby, jedna z~definic je, ¾e~øez -je mno¾ina hran grafu takových, ¾e~po~jejich odebrání se~graf rozpadne na~více -komponent. Tuto vlastnost mají i na¹e øezy, ale opaènì to nemusí platit. - -\s{Lemma:} Pro ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ a ka¾dý tok~$f$ platí, ¾e $f^\Delta(A,B) -= \vert f\vert$. (Jinými slovy velikost toku mù¾eme mìøit na libovolném øezu, -nejen na triviálních øezech kolem zdroje nebo kolem spotøebièe.) - -\proof -Opìt ¹ikovným seètením pøebytkù vrcholù: -$$ -f^\Delta(A,B) = \sum_{v\in B} f^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(s). -$$ -První rovnost získáme poèítáním pøes hrany: ka¾dá hrana vedoucí z~vrcholu v~$B$ -do~jiného vrcholu v~$B$ pøispìje jednou kladnì a jednou zápornì; hrany le¾ící -celé mimo~$B$ nepøispìjí vùbec; hrany s~jedním koncem v~$B$ a druhým mimo pøispìjí -jednou, pøièem¾ znaménko se bude li¹it podle toho, který konec je v~$B$. Druhá -rovnost je snadná: v¹echny vrcholy v~$B$ mimo spotøebièe mají podle Kirchhoffova -zákona nulový pøebytek. -\qed - -\s{Dùsledek:} Pro ka¾dý tok~$f$ a ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ platí $\vert f \vert \le c^+(A,B)$. -(Velikost ka¾dého toku je shora omezena kapacitou ka¾dého øezu.) - -\proof -$f^\Delta(A,B) = f^+(A,B) - f^-(A,B) \le f^+(A,B) \le c^+(A,B)$. -\qed - -\s{Dùsledek:} Pokud $\vert f\vert = c^+(A,B)$, pak je tok~$f$ maximální a øez~$(A,B)$ -minimální. Jinými slovy pokud najdeme dvojici tok a stejnì velký øez, mù¾eme øez pou¾ít -jako certifikát maximality toku. Následující vìta nám zaruèí, ¾e je to mo¾né v¾dy: - -\s{Vìta:} Pokud se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví, tak vydá maximální tok. - -\proof -Nech» se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví. Definujme mno¾inu vrcholù $A -:= \{v \in V \mid \hbox{existuje cesta ze~$z$ do~$v$ jdoucí po~hranách s~$r -> 0$}\}$ a~$B := V \setminus A$. - -Dvojice $(A,B)$ je øez, nebo» $z \in A$ (ze~$z$ do~$z$ existuje cesta délky 0) -a~$s \in B$ (kdyby $s \not\in B$, tak by musela existovat cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ -s~kladnou rezervou, tudí¾ by algoritmus neskonèil, nýbr¾ tuto cestu vzal -a~stávající tok vylep¹il). - -Dále víme, ¾e~v¹echny hrany øezu mají nulovou rezervu, èili $\forall uv \in -E^+(A,B) : r(uv) = 0$ (kdyby mìla hrana $uv$ rezervu nenulovou, tedy kladnou, -tak by vrchol $v$ patøil do~$A$). Proto po~v¹ech hranách øezu vedoucích z~$A$ -do~$B$ teèe tolik, kolik jsou kapacity tìchto hran, a~po~hranách vedoucích -z~$B$ do~$A$ neteèe nic, tedy $f(uv) = c(uv)$ a $f(vu) = 0$. Máme øez $(A,B)$ -takový, ¾e~$f^\Delta(A,B) = c^+(A,B)$. To znamená, ¾e~jsme na¹li maximální tok -a~minimální øez. \qed - -Dokázali jsme tedy následující: - -\s{Vìta:} Pro~sí» s~racionálními kapacitami se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus -zastaví a~vydá maximální tok a~minimální øez. - -\s{Vìta:} Sí» s~celoèíselnými kapacitami má aspoò jeden z~maximálních tokù -celoèíselný a~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus takový tok najde. - -\proof -Kdy¾ dostane Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus celoèíselnou sí», tak najde maximální tok a~ten bude zase celoèíselný (algoritmus nikde nedìlí). -\qed - -To, ¾e~umíme najít celoèíselné øe¹ení není úplnì samozøejmé. (U~jiných problémù takové ¹tìstí mít nebudeme.) Uka¾me si rovnou jednu aplikaci, která právì celoèíselný tok vyu¾ije. - -\s{Aplikace:} Hledání nejvìt¹ího párování v~bipartitních grafech. - -\s{Definice:} Mno¾ina hran $F \subseteq E$ se~nazývá {\I párování}, jestli¾e -¾ádné dvì hrany této mno¾iny nemají spoleèný ani jeden vrchol. Neboli $\forall -e,f \in F : e \cap f = \emptyset$. {\I Velikostí} párování myslíme poèet jeho -hran. - -\s{Øe¹ení:} -Mìjme bipartitní graf $G = (V,E)$. V~nìm hledáme nejvìt¹í párování. Sestrojme -si~sí» takovou, ¾e~vezmeme vrcholy $V$ grafu $G$ a~pøidáme k~nim dva speciální -vrcholy $z$ (zdroj) a~$s$ (stok) a~ze~zdroje pøidáme hrany do~v¹ech vrcholù -levé partity a~ze~v¹ech vrcholù pravé partity povedeme hrany do~stoku. V¹echny -kapacity nastavme na~1. Hrany bipartitního grafu zorientujme z levé partity do -pravé. Nyní staèí jen na~tuto sí» spustit Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus (nebo -libovolný jiný algoritmus, který najde maximální celoèíselný tok) a~a¾~dobìhne, -tak prohlásit hrany s~tokem 1 za~maximální párování. - -\figure{toky04.eps}{Hledání maximálního párování v~bipartitním grafu.}{2in} - -Existuje toti¾ bijekce mezi párováním a~celoèíselnými toky pøi~zachování -velikosti. Z ka¾dého celoèíselného toku na~vý¹e zmínìném grafu (viz obrázek) lze sestrojit -párování o~stejné velikosti (velikost toku zde odpovídá poètu hran bipartitního -grafu, po~kterých poteèe 1) a~naopak. Dùle¾ité je si uvìdomit, ¾e~definice toku -(omezení toku kapacitou a~Kirchhoffovy zákony) nám zaruèují, ¾e~hrany -s~nenulovým tokem (tedy jednièkovým) budou tvoøit párování (nestane se, ¾e~by -dvì hrany zaèínaly nebo konèily ve~stejném vrcholu, nebo» by se~nutnì poru¹ila -jedna ze~dvou podmínek definice toku). Potom i~maximální tok bude odpovídat -maximálnímu párování a~naopak. - -V~bipartitním grafu najdeme maximální párování v~èase $\O(n \cdot (m+n))$. Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus stráví jednou iterací èas $\O(m+n)$ (za~prohledání do~¹íøky) a~pøi~jednotkových kapacitách bude iterací nejvý¹e~$n$, proto¾e ka¾dou se~tok zvìt¹í alespoò o~1 a v¹echny toky jsou omezené øezem kolem zdroje, který má kapacitu nejvý¹e~$n$. Výsledná èasová slo¾tost hledání maximálního párování bude tedy $\O(n \cdot (m+n))$. - - -\bye diff --git a/1-toky/Makefile b/1-toky/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index e82416b..0000000 --- a/1-toky/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=1-toky - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/1-toky/sit.eps b/1-toky/sit.eps deleted file mode 100644 index f66f5e1..0000000 --- a/1-toky/sit.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,828 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: Ipelib 60027 (Ipe 6.0 preview 27) -%%CreationDate: D:20071018214606 -%%LanguageLevel: 2 -%%BoundingBox: 107 284 460 489 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 107.459 284.641 459.645 488.218 -%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 -%%+ font GKLBST+CMR12 -%%+ font OKRINM+CMMI12 -%%+ font PVGEOP+CMR17 -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -%%BeginResource: procset ipe 6.0 60027 -/ipe 40 dict def ipe begin -/np { newpath } def -/m { moveto } def -/l { lineto } def -/c { curveto } def -/h { closepath } def -/re { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto - neg 0 rlineto closepath } def -/d { setdash } def -/w { setlinewidth } def -/J { setlinecap } def -/j { setlinejoin } def -/cm { [ 7 1 roll ] concat } def -/q { gsave } def -/Q { grestore } def -/g { setgray } def -/G { setgray } def -/rg { setrgbcolor } def -/RG { setrgbcolor } def -/S { stroke } def -/f* { eofill } def -/f { fill } def -/ipeMakeFont { - exch findfont - dup length dict begin - { 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall - /Encoding exch def - currentdict - end - definefont pop -} def -/ipeFontSize 0 def -/Tf { dup /ipeFontSize exch store selectfont } def -/Td { translate } def -/BT { gsave } def -/ET { grestore } def -/TJ { 0 0 moveto { dup type /stringtype eq - { show } { ipeFontSize mul -0.001 mul 0 rmoveto } ifelse -} forall } def -end -%%EndResource -%%EndProlog -%%BeginSetup -ipe begin -%%BeginResource: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 -%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR10 1.00B -%%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52 -% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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-1 0 0 1 0 -779.0944 cm -BT -/F17 14.3462 Tf 0 790.8523 Td[(p)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 11.9552 790.8523 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.5738 w -0 0.2869 m -7.0236 0.2869 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -11.9552 -790.8523 cm -BT -/F15 14.3462 Tf 11.9552 779.0944 Td[(2)-326(\0509)1(\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 182.5 377.349 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm -0 g -0 G - -1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm -BT -/F15 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(6\050)1(6\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 178.133 321.166 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm -0 g -0 G - -1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(1)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.9813 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\0502)1(\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 232.95 313.574 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm -0 g -0 G - -1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(1)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.9813 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\050)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.6583 5.6485 Td[(1)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 18.713 783.3184 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.9813 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -18.713 -783.3184 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.713 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 6.1769 4.9472 Td[(\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 276.358 281.799 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm -0 g -0 G - -1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm -BT -/F15 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(1\050)1(3\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 294.541 327.349 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm -0 g -0 G - -1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(9)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.9813 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\0505)1(\051)]TJ -ET -Q -q 1 0 0 1 369.115 325.899 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm 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69.540771 139.25 70.875 curveto -139.55445 72.776073 138.51672 74.537378 137.5509 76.088684 curveto -135.96112 78.603488 133.74049 80.744275 132.65625 83.5625 curveto -132.13236 84.863523 131.90524 86.264248 131.56012 87.620065 curveto -130.67888 91.645337 129.81238 95.673485 129.01523 99.716552 curveto -127.86084 105.44274 126.68505 111.16689 125.57486 116.90058 curveto -125.24094 120.05218 124.88496 123.26503 125.5 126.40625 curveto -125.84098 128.92356 126.39761 131.41255 127.08633 133.85627 curveto -127.9414 136.8093 129.20287 139.6323 130.63104 142.34913 curveto -132.75082 146.29145 135.33814 149.99799 138.46893 153.20644 curveto -139.89835 154.71103 141.50791 156.03937 143.17414 157.27271 curveto -145.46327 158.97427 148.04597 160.29487 150.8174 160.99747 curveto -153.84689 161.7798 156.98897 161.95673 160.09361 162.24037 curveto -167.15103 162.72239 174.22804 162.78384 181.29842 162.90625 curveto -186.29547 162.94874 191.30234 162.74031 196.26166 162.10994 curveto -198.74144 161.76497 201.1765 161.16547 203.59985 160.55005 curveto -206.50129 159.72281 209.28861 158.51902 211.88036 156.97435 curveto -215.07803 155.10117 218.02228 152.8326 220.98285 150.6128 curveto -226.43135 146.36568 231.88457 142.12306 237.26537 137.79068 curveto -242.61236 133.31601 248.04065 128.93344 253.23634 124.28211 curveto -254.94532 122.70478 256.53065 120.93133 257.51403 118.80146 curveto -258.26094 117.13112 258.80821 115.36651 259.24832 113.59062 curveto -259.81643 111.1257 259.89991 108.58605 259.96875 106.06719 curveto -259.98375 103.94988 259.91343 101.80969 259.32912 99.760543 curveto -258.86819 97.933882 258.15276 96.177965 257.22349 94.540727 curveto -256.24723 92.883634 254.98518 91.361686 253.451 90.195842 curveto -251.34118 88.624388 248.81106 87.749493 246.25 87.25 curveto -243.49107 86.671275 240.68943 86.313784 237.93207 85.720968 curveto -235.85618 85.318477 233.76368 85.007773 231.70473 84.51843 curveto -229.99674 84.123778 228.26075 83.747496 226.65094 83.039467 curveto -224.59629 82.086704 223.21342 80.22671 221.62295 78.689618 curveto -219.87636 76.950563 217.96225 75.387074 215.92626 73.999382 curveto -214.92968 73.213629 213.83636 72.502565 213.11787 71.431261 curveto -212.12931 70.093203 212.43094 68.219858 213.24894 66.873682 curveto -213.95401 65.557288 215.43837 64.682897 215.6875 63.125 curveto -215.76775 62.146633 215.1035 61.269715 214.42435 60.630274 curveto -213.42234 59.809805 212.23978 59.187573 211 58.8125 curveto -210.47483 58.679371 209.91425 58.633406 209.375 58.6875 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.066 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -209.375 58.6875 moveto -204.54548 59.3243 199.72719 60.177841 194.84375 60.25 curveto -187.79231 60.400572 180.73986 60.658225 173.68617 60.503618 curveto -163.66148 60.3499 153.66072 59.570796 143.64183 59.247716 curveto -142.56451 59.272971 141.46559 59.022242 140.40625 59.28125 curveto -139.13886 59.672076 138.15737 60.652554 137.55778 61.811708 curveto -136.63831 63.439954 136.30221 65.671123 137.5 67.25 curveto -138.09808 68.449555 138.96563 69.540771 139.25 70.875 curveto -139.55445 72.776073 138.51672 74.537378 137.5509 76.088684 curveto -135.96112 78.603488 133.74049 80.744275 132.65625 83.5625 curveto -132.13236 84.863523 131.90524 86.264248 131.56012 87.620065 curveto -130.67888 91.645337 129.81238 95.673485 129.01523 99.716552 curveto -127.86084 105.44274 126.68505 111.16689 125.57486 116.90058 curveto -125.24094 120.05218 124.88496 123.26503 125.5 126.40625 curveto -125.84098 128.92356 126.39761 131.41255 127.08633 133.85627 curveto -127.9414 136.8093 129.20287 139.6323 130.63104 142.34913 curveto -132.75082 146.29145 135.33814 149.99799 138.46893 153.20644 curveto -139.89835 154.71103 141.50791 156.03937 143.17414 157.27271 curveto -145.46327 158.97427 148.04597 160.29487 150.8174 160.99747 curveto -153.84689 161.7798 156.98897 161.95673 160.09361 162.24037 curveto -167.15103 162.72239 174.22804 162.78384 181.29842 162.90625 curveto -186.29547 162.94874 191.30234 162.74031 196.26166 162.10994 curveto -198.74144 161.76497 201.1765 161.16547 203.59985 160.55005 curveto -206.50129 159.72281 209.28861 158.51902 211.88036 156.97435 curveto -215.07803 155.10117 218.02228 152.8326 220.98285 150.6128 curveto -226.43135 146.36568 231.88457 142.12306 237.26537 137.79068 curveto -242.61236 133.31601 248.04065 128.93344 253.23634 124.28211 curveto -254.94532 122.70478 256.53065 120.93133 257.51403 118.80146 curveto -258.26094 117.13112 258.80821 115.36651 259.24832 113.59062 curveto -259.81643 111.1257 259.89991 108.58605 259.96875 106.06719 curveto -259.98375 103.94988 259.91343 101.80969 259.32912 99.760543 curveto -258.86819 97.933882 258.15276 96.177965 257.22349 94.540727 curveto -256.24723 92.883634 254.98518 91.361686 253.451 90.195842 curveto -251.34118 88.624388 248.81106 87.749493 246.25 87.25 curveto -243.49107 86.671275 240.68943 86.313784 237.93207 85.720968 curveto -235.85618 85.318477 233.76368 85.007773 231.70473 84.51843 curveto -229.99674 84.123778 228.26075 83.747496 226.65094 83.039467 curveto -224.59629 82.086704 223.21342 80.22671 221.62295 78.689618 curveto -219.87636 76.950563 217.96225 75.387074 215.92626 73.999382 curveto -214.92968 73.213629 213.83636 72.502565 213.11787 71.431261 curveto -212.12931 70.093203 212.43094 68.219858 213.24894 66.873682 curveto -213.95401 65.557288 215.43837 64.682897 215.6875 63.125 curveto -215.76775 62.146633 215.1035 61.269715 214.42435 60.630274 curveto -213.42234 59.809805 212.23978 59.187573 211 58.8125 curveto -210.47483 58.679371 209.91425 58.633406 209.375 58.6875 curveto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.6355292 0 0 0.6355292 82.835982 33.223063] concat -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -246.09375 93.4375 moveto -242.10625 93.847681 238.1488 94.489728 234.1875 95.09375 curveto -231.98215 95.861106 231.3439 98.656647 232 100.6875 curveto -233.51154 105.06599 236.34207 109.00526 236.90625 113.6875 curveto -238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto -240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto -241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto -249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto -261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto -270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto -267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto -259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto -248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.245 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -246.09375 93.4375 moveto -242.10625 93.847681 238.1488 94.489728 234.1875 95.09375 curveto -231.98215 95.861106 231.3439 98.656647 232 100.6875 curveto -233.51154 105.06599 236.34207 109.00526 236.90625 113.6875 curveto -238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto -240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto -241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto -249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto -261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto -270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto -267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto -259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto -248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -172.37517 179.49733 moveto -164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto -146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto -141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto -149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto -203.1444 171.6939 lineto -206.26632 170.85774 lineto -207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto -214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto -211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto -191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto -172.37517 179.49733 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.066126853 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -172.37517 179.49733 moveto -164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto -146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto -141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto -149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto -203.1444 171.6939 lineto -206.26632 170.85774 lineto -207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto -214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto -211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto -191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto -172.37517 179.49733 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -155.15355 175.61024 moveto -156.23914 175.61294 157.31941 175.63406 158.40173 175.71899 curveto -160.15202 176.01988 161.91792 176.06222 163.68871 176.06043 curveto -166.64982 176.03306 169.60922 175.97458 172.57002 176.04062 curveto -175.09927 176.12388 177.62291 176.30984 180.15265 176.3944 curveto -182.2777 176.45943 184.40148 176.48214 186.52453 176.36964 curveto -187.9014 176.28244 189.27952 176.22107 190.65853 176.18227 curveto -191.64038 176.15865 192.6225 176.16304 193.60452 176.16209 curveto -194.91222 176.16741 196.21992 176.17558 197.52763 176.1797 curveto -199.36603 176.18871 201.20446 176.18741 203.04288 176.18892 curveto -206.27218 176.1904 209.50059 176.2591 212.72994 176.26663 curveto -215.89992 176.27587 219.07692 176.22075 222.23952 176.47035 curveto -223.3632 176.5907 224.48936 176.66325 225.61879 176.69237 curveto -226.90512 176.72454 228.19181 176.68936 229.47666 176.76113 curveto -230.89068 176.84065 232.29324 177.04526 233.70492 177.15835 curveto -234.71554 177.28057 235.71781 177.19709 236.72543 177.1093 curveto -237.50041 177.05386 238.25891 176.87375 239.0254 176.75264 curveto -239.28785 176.6535 239.61961 176.77426 239.8795 176.68417 curveto -239.95634 176.65753 240.0087 176.58429 240.07995 176.54507 curveto -240.28546 176.44508 240.25323 176.34706 240.4465 176.51523 curveto -237.14085 178.83815 lineto -237.19784 179.00041 237.04596 178.97291 236.9162 179.03438 curveto -236.56889 179.13104 236.17832 179.047 235.82664 179.15273 curveto -235.06666 179.26828 234.31146 179.42632 233.5416 179.46395 curveto -232.52455 179.54806 231.50978 179.57213 230.49338 179.44836 curveto -229.09778 179.31151 227.7087 179.0953 226.30587 179.04502 curveto -225.00803 179.01081 223.70986 179.03843 222.41188 179.00724 curveto -221.29302 178.96705 220.17889 178.88147 219.06898 178.73041 curveto -215.9941 178.4144 212.89672 178.39349 209.80839 178.38926 curveto -206.50775 178.3969 203.20801 178.46524 199.90741 178.46696 curveto -198.06086 178.46841 196.21431 178.46709 194.36777 178.47535 curveto -193.04536 178.47882 191.72296 178.48568 190.40056 178.49011 curveto -189.42334 178.48999 188.44604 178.49451 187.46896 178.51154 curveto -186.10644 178.53957 184.74503 178.59933 183.38431 178.67447 curveto -181.28039 178.76707 179.17753 178.67302 177.07337 178.61637 curveto -174.54181 178.53642 172.01546 178.37713 169.4853 178.27013 curveto -166.52216 178.18908 163.56025 178.23958 160.59709 178.30899 curveto -158.78857 178.32508 156.99017 178.2761 155.19781 178.01096 curveto -154.10312 177.93559 153.0079 177.93251 151.91113 177.96601 curveto -155.15355 175.61024 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -162.78068 175.76852 moveto -164.13496 176.25254 165.42392 176.89125 166.67791 177.5904 curveto -167.8372 178.26938 168.98319 178.97411 170.23018 179.48468 curveto -170.82598 179.72862 171.3837 179.90136 171.99342 180.10265 curveto -173.23917 180.50408 174.52973 180.68228 175.83157 180.74859 curveto -176.75526 180.77887 177.67964 180.76801 178.60356 180.75738 curveto -179.34059 180.7522 180.07764 180.74963 180.81466 180.74348 curveto -181.44555 180.79091 182.05736 180.68362 182.67928 180.60099 curveto -183.51926 180.55103 184.31798 180.29372 185.11562 180.04799 curveto -185.89452 179.82798 186.69834 179.73059 187.47361 179.49546 curveto -188.13503 179.3125 188.80391 179.16003 189.47082 178.99738 curveto -189.88157 178.89869 190.29938 178.85706 190.72018 178.84027 curveto -190.91337 178.70044 191.16256 178.72033 191.37706 178.64389 curveto -191.4349 178.62328 191.48665 178.58846 191.54144 178.56075 curveto -191.60558 178.53796 191.66972 178.51518 191.73386 178.49239 curveto -192.94119 177.8866 194.53662 176.87873 188.72288 180.23514 curveto -188.69206 180.25293 188.77787 180.18611 188.81216 180.17662 curveto -188.83271 180.17094 188.88441 180.20259 188.90411 180.21349 curveto -188.43526 179.48498 187.74078 178.98249 186.99174 178.57492 curveto -186.32724 178.25953 185.85025 178.26299 185.15191 178.36835 curveto -185.42371 178.05376 184.04618 178.96875 184.42757 178.75291 curveto -189.9469 175.62936 188.30399 176.48714 187.10254 177.25113 curveto -185.2114 177.6546 183.86341 179.48143 181.98935 179.99858 curveto -181.55938 180.12283 181.15416 180.29682 180.70681 180.35668 curveto -180.33646 180.34124 180.01975 180.48537 179.66685 180.55984 curveto -179.22908 180.6462 178.78375 180.65325 178.33934 180.66277 curveto -177.95294 180.67312 177.56637 180.67157 177.17991 180.66648 curveto -175.52263 180.68434 173.87004 180.92162 172.22264 181.09165 curveto -169.90766 181.34113 167.61491 181.75382 165.31721 182.12377 curveto -164.59052 182.26913 163.85879 182.28595 163.12203 182.28478 curveto -162.52844 182.25749 161.92173 182.37762 161.35531 182.16676 curveto -159.79963 180.77327 163.59957 179.93203 164.53194 179.37706 curveto -164.89496 179.24955 165.24107 179.08517 165.61565 178.96805 curveto -166.07162 178.76972 166.54429 178.62425 167.0136 178.45291 curveto -167.41241 178.33214 167.82747 178.31271 168.24085 178.30621 curveto -168.612 178.29889 168.98325 178.30429 169.35445 178.30371 curveto -169.69871 178.44233 170.05558 178.51579 170.42338 178.54941 curveto -170.75744 178.579 171.09307 178.57788 171.42813 178.57825 curveto -171.78157 178.72664 172.14969 178.78665 172.52867 178.81936 curveto -172.77081 178.80663 173.03289 178.88824 173.2742 178.84785 curveto -173.39694 178.82731 173.51078 178.77005 173.63117 178.73854 curveto -174.01971 178.50015 174.3767 178.47652 174.76885 178.21798 curveto -173.66139 178.85564 170.31553 180.72603 171.44645 180.13096 curveto -172.6587 179.49308 173.82035 178.76328 175.01302 178.08951 curveto -175.04747 178.07005 175.15996 178.0325 175.12576 178.0524 curveto -174.04224 178.68271 170.76962 180.53524 171.85377 179.90601 curveto -173.04101 179.21693 174.23445 178.53857 175.42478 177.85485 curveto -175.75271 177.74213 176.10366 177.8286 176.42667 177.70613 curveto -176.98609 177.5839 177.55044 177.4715 178.11819 177.38684 curveto -178.8198 177.18922 179.53573 177.06412 180.26152 177.00507 curveto -180.92067 176.98174 181.56879 176.96561 182.22034 176.86303 curveto -182.73921 176.76732 183.26264 176.72408 183.78862 176.69612 curveto -184.14993 176.6825 184.5115 176.68356 184.87299 176.68492 curveto -185.16501 176.6851 185.45703 176.68408 185.74905 176.68531 curveto -185.97239 176.78087 186.18827 176.92341 186.43542 176.94453 curveto -186.62148 177.11791 186.79899 177.19233 187.04794 177.20857 curveto -187.48479 177.19394 187.8967 177.3482 188.32235 177.42604 curveto -188.557 177.50408 188.82875 177.43268 189.06331 177.49287 curveto -189.16964 177.52015 189.26272 177.58479 189.36374 177.62778 curveto -190.83594 178.79002 187.54529 180.12988 186.02331 180.14658 curveto -185.55453 180.18103 185.15312 180.0309 184.73804 179.82678 curveto -184.25187 179.53907 183.67613 179.38226 183.21974 179.04854 curveto -183.07275 178.95218 183.01278 178.81925 182.95524 178.66182 curveto -186.53183 176.78934 lineto -186.49318 176.78099 186.56301 176.87645 186.60155 176.88529 curveto -187.06746 177.16415 187.57211 177.38054 188.06137 177.61381 curveto -188.4482 177.75651 188.84047 177.82493 189.24951 177.73166 curveto -190.60666 177.31645 188.54153 177.94029 185.98626 179.70093 curveto -185.91518 179.74991 186.08338 179.8437 186.13007 179.91631 curveto -186.15001 179.94731 186.00405 179.84687 186.02734 179.87543 curveto -185.70763 179.7764 185.35437 179.81649 185.03104 179.71815 curveto -184.60625 179.62379 184.18378 179.54385 183.74922 179.51098 curveto -183.52187 179.44437 183.33401 179.31176 183.11866 179.23295 curveto -182.91746 179.15763 182.71264 179.03302 182.49422 179.04942 curveto -182.20366 179.04987 181.9131 179.0473 181.62254 179.04672 curveto -181.26764 179.04836 180.91252 179.04991 180.55817 179.07211 curveto -180.04445 179.10492 179.53545 179.1787 179.02613 179.2517 curveto -178.37241 179.33037 177.71452 179.3165 177.0595 179.38186 curveto -176.34343 179.47089 175.64218 179.62505 174.93795 179.78002 curveto -174.3668 179.88857 173.79561 179.99846 173.23057 180.13557 curveto -172.90125 180.16479 172.56711 180.18182 172.27934 180.36416 curveto -173.38691 179.72047 174.49458 179.07694 175.60206 178.43311 curveto -175.63529 178.41379 175.53532 178.47126 175.50209 178.4906 curveto -174.32313 179.17692 173.14487 179.86444 171.9655 180.55007 curveto -171.93391 180.56843 171.83765 180.62085 171.86927 180.60255 curveto -171.946 180.55813 181.05478 175.2944 171.63982 180.73707 curveto -171.25081 180.90483 170.83852 181.03839 170.4361 181.16406 curveto -170.04501 181.22992 169.65047 181.18363 169.25842 181.13847 curveto -168.89201 181.08627 168.53973 180.9645 168.17276 180.93822 curveto -167.83031 180.93152 167.48747 180.91516 167.14808 180.86641 curveto -166.79619 180.81008 166.4566 180.68301 166.10163 180.6651 curveto -165.73658 180.66165 165.37133 180.6613 165.00658 180.67871 curveto -164.61333 180.70885 164.22337 180.76951 163.85569 180.91977 curveto -163.38723 181.08895 162.91523 181.24592 162.4519 181.42863 curveto -162.08603 181.56296 161.73827 181.74149 161.36891 181.86434 curveto -162.46846 181.19327 163.57896 180.53981 164.66756 179.85112 curveto -164.6888 179.83768 164.62057 179.83295 164.59829 179.82131 curveto -164.57568 179.8095 164.55811 179.77521 164.53326 179.78098 curveto -164.51595 179.78499 164.65447 179.94947 164.67392 179.89878 curveto -165.21762 180.0074 165.78786 179.91048 166.33743 179.94342 curveto -167.04979 179.92719 167.75955 179.86768 168.46501 179.76523 curveto -170.72258 179.46107 172.97161 179.09206 175.23743 178.85095 curveto -176.96162 178.65372 178.68565 178.34646 180.42203 178.31145 curveto -180.80562 178.30731 181.1893 178.30865 181.57275 178.29629 curveto -182.0047 178.2753 182.43685 178.23978 182.85559 178.12408 curveto -183.20282 178.02713 183.55175 177.99746 183.90627 177.93566 curveto -184.3254 177.82429 184.72887 177.66298 185.1464 177.54564 curveto -186.58449 176.97516 189.23085 175.14337 183.3751 178.68462 curveto -185.03902 177.79137 186.49041 176.35273 188.3619 175.98103 curveto -189.05891 175.92899 189.70613 176.07196 190.32299 176.41272 curveto -191.12975 176.90979 191.87108 177.50017 192.43301 178.27274 curveto -192.4898 178.4011 192.65044 178.63609 192.46141 178.75 curveto -190.56608 179.89208 190.04391 180.46834 188.57161 180.96081 curveto -188.22335 181.08719 187.84751 181.18632 187.48027 181.22305 curveto -187.08067 181.25399 186.6859 181.32542 186.29664 181.42045 curveto -185.63514 181.57843 184.97274 181.73412 184.31818 181.91916 curveto -183.53849 182.10953 182.74376 182.23489 181.97633 182.47331 curveto -181.161 182.71716 180.33564 182.91268 179.48528 182.98701 curveto -178.85344 183.07185 178.22355 183.11926 177.58509 183.09097 curveto -176.85304 183.08797 176.12096 183.09126 175.38892 183.09597 curveto -174.46434 183.09659 173.53882 183.10729 172.61539 183.05325 curveto -171.30839 182.94842 170.02071 182.71238 168.7784 182.28125 curveto -166.89767 181.62364 165.12103 180.76153 163.42164 179.71818 curveto -162.14642 179.05112 160.85336 178.39728 159.46328 178.00144 curveto -162.78068 175.76852 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -198.10215 172.86806 moveto -198.76348 173.28395 199.45773 173.6265 200.21621 173.81684 curveto -200.9347 173.98461 201.67524 173.99477 202.40909 174.00644 curveto -203.0303 174.00768 203.65148 174.00026 204.27268 173.9966 curveto -204.72814 174.0494 205.13714 173.93479 205.57187 173.83127 curveto -205.91866 173.84022 206.13363 173.61819 206.42915 173.49098 curveto -206.63488 173.41402 206.87458 173.43701 207.09316 173.44069 curveto -207.20065 173.3804 207.48991 173.51971 207.5811 173.44222 curveto -207.60674 173.42043 207.59826 173.37717 207.60685 173.34464 curveto -198.76557 178.43402 207.72095 173.23253 207.87583 173.15785 curveto -209.00765 172.6121 203.54427 175.70678 204.61668 175.05195 curveto -204.64773 174.91727 204.7786 174.83861 204.8613 174.71684 curveto -204.86501 174.67601 204.85176 174.62975 204.87244 174.59434 curveto -204.90575 174.53731 205.09178 174.46214 205.15139 174.42838 curveto -208.74421 172.39328 207.3867 172.70937 208.83271 172.38487 curveto -209.18369 172.32577 209.44603 172.08384 209.80067 171.99955 curveto -210.07941 171.85163 210.37517 171.73771 210.67893 171.65433 curveto -207.51172 174.114 lineto -207.22113 174.22822 206.93579 174.35492 206.64237 174.46167 curveto -206.31898 174.61691 206.00524 174.78128 205.65338 174.85933 curveto -204.39867 175.46654 205.50278 174.93498 208.91098 172.97791 curveto -209.00239 172.92542 208.74552 173.14939 208.64041 173.14154 curveto -208.60462 173.13887 208.58279 173.09873 208.55398 173.07732 curveto -208.51448 173.15317 208.43913 173.38254 208.37889 173.42319 curveto -208.3573 173.43775 208.32818 173.41131 208.30282 173.40537 curveto -207.9689 174.83084 205.85514 174.76323 204.72806 175.66839 curveto -203.725 176.47396 206.95875 174.38598 208.06789 173.73415 curveto -208.09688 173.71711 208.00334 173.75305 207.97107 173.7625 curveto -206.79451 174.45671 205.61795 175.15093 204.44139 175.84515 curveto -204.24663 175.79187 204.04652 175.81358 203.84577 175.82073 curveto -203.63891 175.8421 203.4531 175.88233 203.27755 175.99917 curveto -202.99043 176.14595 202.70079 176.21104 202.38023 176.26203 curveto -201.93736 176.35995 201.49108 176.36016 201.03885 176.34839 curveto -200.42121 176.35045 199.80346 176.35349 199.18594 176.33812 curveto -198.4304 176.31924 197.67019 176.27692 196.94024 176.06296 curveto -196.15639 175.82204 195.43389 175.4434 194.72792 175.02855 curveto -198.10215 172.86806 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -155.48044 174.13919 moveto -155.7882 174.57016 156.27677 174.73312 156.6975 175.00444 curveto -157.83373 175.73719 156.37359 174.87614 157.18468 175.34735 curveto -157.4761 175.51302 157.49545 175.53572 157.74162 175.34228 curveto -157.74299 175.31138 157.73486 175.27854 157.74571 175.24957 curveto -157.75581 175.22261 157.82201 175.18943 157.84397 175.17676 curveto -157.85207 175.16603 157.87944 175.13712 157.86827 175.14459 curveto -140.94718 186.44796 145.63013 191.36137 140.89531 186.32077 curveto -140.63296 186.24001 140.36379 185.98531 140.05326 186.04796 curveto -139.85966 186.04868 139.71166 186.1475 139.53413 186.21585 curveto -139.06278 186.3053 139.1394 186.29827 138.7681 185.83564 curveto -138.69925 185.77619 138.5143 185.62349 138.50727 185.64937 curveto -138.49154 185.70726 138.60733 185.80617 138.5501 185.82416 curveto -138.47795 185.84684 138.43168 185.72812 138.36397 185.69441 curveto -138.31185 185.66847 138.25176 185.66328 138.19566 185.64771 curveto -137.86589 185.59509 137.54295 185.57537 137.21401 185.63549 curveto -136.83635 185.6882 136.45374 185.65911 136.07359 185.6714 curveto -135.99991 185.67228 135.92299 185.69565 135.85253 185.67405 curveto -135.56212 185.58503 135.14207 185.28683 134.89618 185.08869 curveto -134.90559 185.12753 134.95352 185.2326 134.92441 185.20521 curveto -134.67044 184.96622 134.38939 184.4923 134.22994 184.18038 curveto -134.20512 184.12166 134.11451 183.95539 134.15549 184.00422 curveto -134.26342 184.13282 134.50358 184.52889 134.45721 184.7076 curveto -134.44775 184.74403 134.29997 184.77111 134.28179 184.77556 curveto -134.21386 184.73965 134.09606 184.90078 134.0386 184.85522 curveto -133.7336 184.61343 133.50441 184.21427 133.30993 183.89069 curveto -133.23215 183.89324 132.77234 182.94369 133.04917 183.52604 curveto -132.87566 183.53719 132.47409 182.68295 132.59651 183.07434 curveto -132.59234 183.09334 132.59761 183.14524 132.584 183.13134 curveto -132.25955 182.80007 132.55451 182.95387 132.22766 182.87962 curveto -132.24474 182.93279 132.31247 182.99449 132.2789 183.03912 curveto -132.25132 183.07577 132.20516 182.9802 132.16081 182.96847 curveto -132.1161 182.95664 132.06644 182.98429 132.02209 182.97118 curveto -131.92272 182.94182 131.83537 182.88069 131.73857 182.84371 curveto -131.47912 182.74457 131.40843 182.74086 131.14356 182.68667 curveto -130.94332 182.69625 130.36662 182.43553 130.25842 182.64736 curveto -129.99481 182.79446 130.07463 182.686 129.78994 182.40591 curveto -129.73826 182.35506 129.62511 182.30621 129.56039 182.27485 curveto -129.3662 182.35218 129.16033 182.39367 128.9472 182.41582 curveto -128.88478 182.39042 128.70439 182.49635 128.65218 182.45395 curveto -128.41721 182.26316 128.21395 181.95757 128.0262 181.71702 curveto -128.23938 181.90788 127.99227 181.85375 127.99715 181.94236 curveto -128.00937 182.16449 128.07608 181.99756 128.00319 182.13937 curveto -127.62192 182.16434 127.23225 182.16412 126.84752 182.17126 curveto -126.76143 182.10518 126.48857 182.26522 126.40964 182.19914 curveto -126.12623 181.96188 125.90702 181.58741 125.70664 181.27905 curveto -121.93455 174.88573 132.52564 176.16761 142.6172 169.93055 curveto -142.8172 169.99557 143.02904 170.0267 143.23912 170.02961 curveto -143.33555 170.06088 143.35531 170.02198 143.46007 170.02158 curveto -143.48034 170.02089 143.5076 170.00418 143.52089 170.01951 curveto -143.63422 170.1503 144.13665 170.92184 144.07078 170.52241 curveto -144.2534 170.35356 144.26891 170.50321 144.44028 170.71359 curveto -127.50984 181.82981 lineto -127.63944 182.22423 127.45138 181.90186 127.26883 181.82575 curveto -127.14684 181.71123 127.06748 181.63008 126.93184 181.55015 curveto -126.90227 181.53273 126.82751 181.4688 126.84199 181.49991 curveto -127.05247 181.95189 127.29175 181.9443 127.05249 181.93532 curveto -126.98608 181.93475 126.8479 181.91087 126.82696 181.91893 curveto -126.67276 181.91678 126.50982 181.9255 126.39176 182.03576 curveto -146.81305 169.29715 147.15943 176.89898 143.1777 170.97263 curveto -143.05422 170.77106 143.10173 170.85138 142.96077 170.60616 curveto -142.68411 170.12485 142.7841 170.33062 143.1537 170.32191 curveto -143.59297 170.32947 144.03778 170.32569 144.47281 170.37461 curveto -144.79581 170.52613 145.05288 170.80234 145.28163 171.07153 curveto -145.12921 170.75012 144.78928 170.45437 145.37965 170.63783 curveto -145.74066 170.71892 146.08725 170.83453 146.39259 171.05109 curveto -146.97764 171.25984 146.04235 170.60081 146.78706 170.94511 curveto -147.06872 171.10946 147.35144 171.24643 147.67055 171.32966 curveto -147.84792 171.38779 148.09774 171.4757 148.28286 171.51329 curveto -148.38731 171.53449 148.4964 171.53048 148.59954 171.5573 curveto -148.70533 171.5848 148.80141 171.6419 148.90552 171.67517 curveto -148.95977 171.69251 149.02563 171.67711 149.07306 171.70864 curveto -149.15655 171.76413 149.21216 171.85303 149.28171 171.92523 curveto -149.56367 172.1997 149.67035 172.30189 149.81323 172.43392 curveto -150.05461 172.76586 150.08056 172.77386 150.3772 173.04118 curveto -150.6727 173.4994 150.51958 173.33499 150.80367 173.68902 curveto -150.54504 173.24349 150.71989 173.57247 150.5919 173.28721 curveto -150.38234 172.82014 150.57798 173.11034 150.85153 173.17863 curveto -151.38443 173.42566 151.71573 173.85788 151.98853 174.37225 curveto -151.99657 174.38739 151.96224 174.35023 151.9491 174.33922 curveto -151.90183 174.26106 151.50136 173.55058 151.89145 174.03349 curveto -152.01341 173.91305 152.17791 173.80777 152.35927 173.83778 curveto -152.79163 173.85209 153.2336 173.81036 153.65775 173.91007 curveto -154.06237 174.02296 154.45544 174.17312 154.85121 174.31316 curveto -154.92725 174.33961 155.00003 174.37862 155.07933 174.3925 curveto -155.12599 174.40066 155.17885 174.35557 155.22068 174.37781 curveto -155.39251 174.46914 155.48867 174.6839 155.69917 174.68974 curveto -155.62867 174.57017 155.53727 174.46067 155.48766 174.33103 curveto -155.45489 174.2454 155.98678 174.43265 155.94981 174.37115 curveto -156.2503 174.4506 156.51847 174.60265 156.78228 174.76454 curveto -157.19562 175.03891 157.63175 175.28456 158.01734 175.59291 curveto -164.03962 179.24392 146.74464 190.67336 141.05625 186.85261 curveto -140.763 186.62937 140.48632 186.3894 140.21583 186.13901 curveto -139.73504 185.73441 139.21556 185.32076 138.62877 185.09346 curveto -155.48044 174.13919 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -202.77116 173.11513 moveto -203.22744 173.38421 203.71473 173.57982 204.2298 173.69819 curveto -204.49741 173.76657 204.76274 173.69721 205.00981 173.81825 curveto -205.2022 173.90654 205.39447 173.99454 205.60466 174.01543 curveto -205.82055 173.96678 206.10368 174.09433 206.25292 173.91464 curveto -206.38336 173.73639 206.69827 173.81759 206.82934 173.6865 curveto -203.51612 176.06101 203.92713 177.47233 201.9128 176.16968 curveto -201.70895 175.97102 201.42301 175.95589 201.17969 175.84698 curveto -201.06736 175.7967 200.96781 175.7213 200.85781 175.66609 curveto -200.78742 175.61001 200.6894 175.60197 200.61635 175.55078 curveto -199.29935 174.62784 204.31022 172.82691 204.6525 172.62155 curveto -204.93596 172.60916 205.082 172.65436 205.31866 172.8116 curveto -205.49996 172.90223 205.67771 172.92734 205.87703 172.92377 curveto -206.22961 172.92409 206.58214 172.93019 206.93473 172.92863 curveto -207.30541 172.9233 207.67614 172.92511 208.04683 172.92155 curveto -210.50382 172.65006 205.33591 176.23138 204.3273 175.37797 curveto -204.11442 175.14354 203.91705 174.90611 203.75021 174.63684 curveto -203.56254 174.55735 203.48993 174.27139 203.32748 174.18873 curveto -203.30396 174.15479 203.24863 174.16587 203.22248 174.1369 curveto -201.95354 172.73086 206.06044 170.70604 207.54222 171.57941 curveto -207.76347 171.65203 207.99341 171.82739 208.19156 171.96863 curveto -208.51159 172.0751 208.84596 172.0974 209.18026 172.11511 curveto -209.45109 172.11985 209.72203 172.11629 209.99285 172.11242 curveto -210.98579 170.64342 210.38239 171.69533 206.00795 174.3618 curveto -205.99937 174.36703 206.12935 174.42983 206.07312 174.30705 curveto -205.97392 174.14325 205.90711 173.88301 205.67764 173.89725 curveto -205.51879 173.71264 205.28083 173.67962 205.12444 173.51527 curveto -204.90618 173.41811 204.78394 173.25867 204.67016 173.05427 curveto -204.61821 172.9375 204.6151 172.93532 204.56414 173.03789 curveto -208.60057 170.23152 lineto -208.73684 170.33046 208.87123 170.45576 208.93196 170.61659 curveto -208.99836 170.75925 209.16656 170.7998 209.27854 170.90679 curveto -209.46353 170.91937 209.57086 171.14932 209.75569 171.17964 curveto -210.01657 171.35767 210.18182 171.59068 210.32298 171.87152 curveto -211.33831 173.7168 207.90846 175.2635 206.03097 174.99231 curveto -205.75189 174.9896 205.47215 174.98845 205.19494 174.95135 curveto -204.80119 174.89499 204.4059 174.82318 204.06609 174.60233 curveto -203.85514 174.46366 203.62782 174.35374 203.41374 174.22323 curveto -202.02346 173.19388 203.45957 174.2996 207.50427 171.7144 curveto -207.76216 171.54957 207.04766 171.52801 207.35793 171.49048 curveto -207.42604 171.48224 207.44574 171.64255 207.51096 171.62809 curveto -207.66538 171.81444 207.82261 171.99497 207.98072 172.17954 curveto -208.13047 172.42716 208.33458 172.63251 208.51924 172.85427 curveto -209.73779 174.45279 205.8231 175.91785 204.08989 175.79721 curveto -203.72377 175.79454 203.35762 175.79801 202.99151 175.79323 curveto -202.62104 175.79119 202.24718 175.81212 201.87947 175.75838 curveto -201.64966 175.7073 201.43561 175.6174 201.22571 175.51097 curveto -201.07453 175.48114 200.8892 175.54602 200.73571 175.57552 curveto -202.09789 174.7332 203.48776 173.9341 204.82224 173.04856 curveto -204.89959 172.99723 204.49791 172.74632 204.81394 172.91358 curveto -204.85722 172.93649 204.90061 172.95916 204.94395 172.98195 curveto -205.29576 173.1638 205.68358 173.27534 206.00414 173.51831 curveto -207.89645 174.52224 208.78229 172.23319 202.95798 176.71274 curveto -202.75429 176.70219 202.58378 176.91636 202.36867 176.90162 curveto -202.10152 176.85827 201.82428 176.89074 201.56446 176.80455 curveto -201.36959 176.73274 201.18232 176.63599 200.97719 176.59446 curveto -200.71382 176.61818 200.45312 176.53036 200.20316 176.457 curveto -199.68114 176.28157 199.19005 176.03768 198.69588 175.79653 curveto -202.77116 173.11513 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -211.53207 170.40485 moveto -211.35525 170.30902 211.16185 170.25161 210.97834 170.1723 curveto -210.89939 170.13395 210.91124 170.1181 210.86155 170.01791 curveto -212.44751 169.30251 lineto -212.36499 169.17066 212.35148 169.18386 212.41818 169.21428 curveto -212.59412 169.29231 212.7701 169.37378 212.9539 169.4311 curveto -211.53207 170.40485 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -210.29345 171.33483 moveto -210.11111 171.2492 209.92202 171.18368 209.74623 171.08504 curveto -209.65913 171.05643 209.61935 170.98412 209.55521 170.9293 curveto -209.5243 170.93084 209.49393 170.92137 209.46335 170.91702 curveto -210.89668 169.93713 lineto -210.94595 169.95807 210.99397 169.98072 211.03227 170.01954 curveto -211.08134 170.07044 211.12371 170.11135 211.19158 170.1426 curveto -211.36596 170.23743 211.55381 170.30479 211.73428 170.38681 curveto -210.29345 171.33483 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -209.15291 171.47575 moveto -208.95687 171.4081 208.75645 171.35511 208.55208 171.32032 curveto -208.45287 171.30505 208.34982 171.24852 208.29677 171.16135 curveto -208.02319 170.55211 208.71327 170.82221 209.82169 170.28206 curveto -209.8421 170.27212 209.85106 170.32184 209.88146 170.30324 curveto -208.44097 171.2709 lineto -207.79992 170.79651 210.27342 170.84117 209.80542 170.29756 curveto -209.7765 170.25886 209.93345 170.34594 209.96743 170.33502 curveto -210.16602 170.38253 210.35997 170.45 210.56176 170.4824 curveto -209.15291 171.47575 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.1137 168.5225 moveto -213.32629 168.58723 213.54224 168.62776 213.75218 168.70013 curveto -213.85563 168.74788 213.96277 168.76113 214.07481 168.76713 curveto -214.18555 168.7576 214.28747 168.80838 214.38938 168.84677 curveto -214.4937 168.86156 214.5347 168.85251 214.60587 168.94242 curveto -214.61399 168.95785 214.62212 168.97328 214.63025 168.98871 curveto -213.11223 169.83404 lineto -213.11596 169.83809 213.11969 169.84213 213.12342 169.84618 curveto -213.13669 169.89522 212.97238 169.81864 212.95352 169.81602 curveto -212.85723 169.7832 212.76262 169.77501 212.66163 169.7687 curveto -212.54567 169.7478 212.43588 169.71044 212.32681 169.66607 curveto -212.1189 169.59659 211.90235 169.55728 211.69187 169.49625 curveto -213.1137 168.5225 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -212.1606 169.16582 moveto -212.27989 169.32073 212.4641 169.40443 212.59769 169.54237 curveto -212.63367 169.56659 212.61676 169.55805 212.64694 169.57071 curveto -211.18243 170.50231 lineto -211.1465 170.46865 211.16585 170.48743 211.12477 170.44556 curveto -210.98502 170.31405 210.824 170.20561 210.6908 170.06652 curveto -212.1606 169.16582 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -143.11353 171.2394 moveto -142.94811 171.11181 142.76995 171.00718 142.56855 170.94976 curveto -142.47591 170.91709 142.40574 170.8372 142.3089 170.82294 curveto -142.29977 170.82409 142.29034 170.82899 142.2815 170.8264 curveto -142.26297 170.82097 142.24786 170.80724 142.23003 170.79983 curveto -142.15975 170.77064 142.08365 170.7581 142.00922 170.74521 curveto -141.95731 170.74464 141.89219 170.71711 141.84131 170.73383 curveto -141.81486 170.7384 141.78672 170.73313 141.76141 170.74097 curveto -141.70043 170.73384 141.63807 170.73609 141.57663 170.73663 curveto -141.56412 170.72227 141.53797 170.74836 141.52433 170.7375 curveto -141.50545 170.72247 141.49454 170.69942 141.47788 170.68196 curveto -141.45478 170.65776 141.41924 170.65184 141.38679 170.62313 curveto -141.26807 170.51224 141.35311 170.59656 141.28527 170.6332 curveto -141.26384 170.61324 141.15775 170.50869 141.15205 170.5318 curveto -141.14822 170.53263 141.14336 170.53705 141.14057 170.5343 curveto -141.0822 170.47693 141.10692 170.46742 141.03844 170.43945 curveto -140.99085 170.41014 140.94763 170.36766 140.90373 170.33098 curveto -140.89356 170.32269 140.88373 170.31401 140.87399 170.30523 curveto -142.35483 169.39051 lineto -142.36256 169.39777 142.37023 169.4051 142.37813 169.41218 curveto -142.41432 169.44433 142.45123 169.47384 142.4949 169.49441 curveto -142.55166 169.53515 142.57608 169.57995 142.59952 169.57043 curveto -142.61788 169.58729 142.68911 169.66078 142.66432 169.57822 curveto -142.7468 169.57462 142.78483 169.65153 142.84772 169.69325 curveto -142.89078 169.71175 142.86973 169.70085 142.91992 169.73357 curveto -142.92785 169.73875 142.93894 169.75767 142.94353 169.74938 curveto -142.95976 169.72009 142.90311 169.71368 142.97918 169.71749 curveto -143.04119 169.71797 143.10444 169.72039 143.16584 169.7124 curveto -143.19416 169.71897 143.22389 169.71402 143.2526 169.72004 curveto -143.31056 169.73647 143.37186 169.74053 143.42958 169.75887 curveto -143.5364 169.7865 143.64164 169.82174 143.74666 169.85207 curveto -143.83022 169.89541 143.90328 169.95894 143.99581 169.98512 curveto -144.19356 170.06746 144.36968 170.18466 144.55436 170.29139 curveto -143.11353 171.2394 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -142.59324 169.70572 moveto -142.57472 169.70383 142.55536 169.70837 142.53725 169.70378 curveto -142.52383 169.70105 142.51201 169.69479 142.49961 169.68936 curveto -142.48659 169.68083 142.47132 169.67367 142.46031 169.66246 curveto -142.45846 169.66021 142.45631 169.65723 142.4538 169.65556 curveto -142.4269 169.63768 142.39843 169.62178 142.37098 169.60473 curveto -142.35052 169.59238 142.33013 169.57991 142.30893 169.56886 curveto -142.29863 169.56349 142.28818 169.55917 142.27843 169.55288 curveto -142.22416 169.50423 142.35296 169.45323 142.40914 169.45561 curveto -142.42632 169.45387 142.44159 169.45941 142.45724 169.46546 curveto -142.47088 169.47256 142.48321 169.48114 142.49765 169.48657 curveto -142.51256 169.49434 142.52919 169.49856 142.54559 169.50203 curveto -142.54873 169.5026 142.55191 169.50298 142.555 169.50375 curveto -142.57219 169.50801 142.55652 169.50514 142.57193 169.50929 curveto -142.58092 169.5117 142.58988 169.51248 142.59883 169.5152 curveto -142.61473 169.51862 142.63 169.52371 142.6456 169.52816 curveto -142.65505 169.53361 142.66477 169.53857 142.67571 169.53981 curveto -142.6768 169.5375 142.68165 169.54244 142.68296 169.5404 curveto -142.68373 169.5392 142.68344 169.53549 142.68221 169.53619 curveto -142.51888 169.63001 142.55752 169.66362 142.55352 169.60822 curveto -142.5497 169.60385 142.53858 169.6015 142.53236 169.59943 curveto -142.52244 169.59664 142.51221 169.59614 142.50198 169.596 curveto -142.49027 169.59227 142.48155 169.58381 142.47198 169.57658 curveto -142.44944 169.55936 142.42272 169.5486 142.39802 169.53482 curveto -142.37812 169.52559 142.36087 169.5118 142.34155 169.50157 curveto -142.32285 169.49159 142.30435 169.48173 142.2844 169.47448 curveto -142.27499 169.46859 142.26308 169.46621 142.25661 169.45663 curveto -142.23408 169.39761 142.24823 169.44534 142.38867 169.37065 curveto -142.39009 169.36989 142.39187 169.37085 142.39348 169.3709 curveto -142.395 169.37096 142.39655 169.37065 142.39804 169.37097 curveto -142.40257 169.37192 142.4081 169.3749 142.41212 169.37683 curveto -142.42912 169.38714 142.447 169.39586 142.46428 169.40568 curveto -142.48505 169.41952 142.50753 169.43031 142.5302 169.44059 curveto -142.55274 169.45288 142.57342 169.46808 142.59541 169.48123 curveto -142.60663 169.49048 142.61712 169.5003 142.62876 169.50906 curveto -142.63954 169.5162 142.6495 169.52391 142.65955 169.53205 curveto -142.66596 169.54016 142.67289 169.54681 142.68117 169.55286 curveto -142.6935 169.56037 142.70574 169.56852 142.71823 169.57612 curveto -142.72892 169.58283 142.73931 169.58864 142.7482 169.59774 curveto -142.74904 169.5993 142.74988 169.60086 142.75072 169.60242 curveto -142.6167 169.67713 lineto -142.61699 169.67728 142.61728 169.67744 142.61757 169.6776 curveto -142.60968 169.66956 142.59916 169.66516 142.59014 169.65856 curveto -142.57752 169.65024 142.56432 169.64299 142.55188 169.63448 curveto -142.54376 169.62804 142.53723 169.62056 142.53025 169.61295 curveto -142.52053 169.60471 142.50957 169.5984 142.49965 169.5904 curveto -142.48876 169.58165 142.47893 169.57183 142.46783 169.56338 curveto -142.4471 169.54962 142.42681 169.53507 142.40444 169.524 curveto -142.3814 169.51351 142.35892 169.50189 142.33745 169.48844 curveto -142.32042 169.47943 142.30356 169.4699 142.28593 169.46216 curveto -142.2804 169.46106 142.27591 169.46082 142.27034 169.46161 curveto -142.26892 169.46181 142.26489 169.46319 142.26613 169.46246 curveto -142.39741 169.38526 142.42126 169.43047 142.38919 169.37899 curveto -142.39375 169.38148 142.4041 169.38714 142.41052 169.38995 curveto -142.4305 169.39859 142.44974 169.40877 142.46913 169.41864 curveto -142.48749 169.42986 142.50457 169.4431 142.52388 169.45274 curveto -142.54949 169.46676 142.57694 169.47773 142.60059 169.49504 curveto -142.60837 169.50058 142.61608 169.50745 142.62624 169.50682 curveto -142.63738 169.50796 142.64838 169.51007 142.65884 169.51419 curveto -142.67119 169.51916 142.68433 169.52374 142.68925 169.53736 curveto -142.69649 169.59546 142.6899 169.55067 142.56179 169.63146 curveto -142.56041 169.63233 142.55925 169.62937 142.55777 169.62867 curveto -142.55536 169.62753 142.5523 169.6283 142.54998 169.62682 curveto -142.53952 169.62333 142.53001 169.61791 142.51973 169.61403 curveto -142.50454 169.60907 142.489 169.60564 142.47363 169.60129 curveto -142.45594 169.59734 142.43855 169.59259 142.42095 169.58831 curveto -142.40379 169.58397 142.38666 169.5792 142.37081 169.57114 curveto -142.35727 169.56473 142.34505 169.55593 142.33103 169.55055 curveto -142.31649 169.54552 142.3018 169.54401 142.28648 169.54636 curveto -142.23185 169.559 142.30031 169.54375 142.40851 169.47355 curveto -142.41057 169.47221 142.39449 169.4613 142.40645 169.47061 curveto -142.43549 169.48921 142.4661 169.50542 142.49456 169.52498 curveto -142.52276 169.54225 142.51934 169.54073 142.54867 169.55635 curveto -142.55757 169.56109 142.57442 169.56886 142.58386 169.57543 curveto -142.58592 169.57686 142.58859 169.58015 142.59039 169.58227 curveto -142.60117 169.59137 142.61339 169.59922 142.62619 169.60509 curveto -142.63768 169.61005 142.64957 169.61411 142.66198 169.61606 curveto -142.68015 169.61657 142.69834 169.61643 142.71652 169.61615 curveto -142.59324 169.70572 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -142.3611 169.39213 moveto -142.38573 169.3964 142.41019 169.4037 142.43358 169.41258 curveto -142.45138 169.41765 142.46674 169.42719 142.48121 169.4384 curveto -142.48984 169.44579 142.49805 169.45287 142.50842 169.45765 curveto -142.51666 169.46199 142.52359 169.46646 142.53016 169.47324 curveto -142.56266 169.52773 142.53702 169.48208 142.37708 169.5651 curveto -142.37474 169.56632 142.37263 169.56228 142.37051 169.56071 curveto -142.3624 169.55472 142.35433 169.54871 142.34617 169.54276 curveto -142.3352 169.53471 142.3253 169.52543 142.31414 169.51757 curveto -142.30776 169.51597 142.30409 169.50387 142.29991 169.50144 curveto -142.29912 169.50025 142.29862 169.49881 142.29754 169.49787 curveto -142.29698 169.49738 142.29605 169.49766 142.29534 169.49742 curveto -142.29132 169.4961 142.28733 169.49469 142.28338 169.49319 curveto -142.27396 169.48959 142.2647 169.48557 142.25523 169.48211 curveto -142.23015 169.47296 142.20267 169.46437 142.17732 169.4562 curveto -142.12603 169.44206 142.07532 169.42569 142.02377 169.41248 curveto -142.01074 169.40881 141.9975 169.40801 141.98408 169.40839 curveto -141.97082 169.4098 141.95927 169.40783 141.94711 169.40266 curveto -141.94043 169.3966 141.93588 169.38951 141.93411 169.38069 curveto -141.91685 169.31325 142.03378 169.26595 142.09749 169.28403 curveto -142.11304 169.29224 142.12803 169.30148 142.14436 169.30819 curveto -142.16726 169.31281 142.19038 169.31629 142.21338 169.32073 curveto -142.25396 169.32581 142.29438 169.33219 142.33505 169.33663 curveto -142.3539 169.33939 142.37016 169.33649 142.38771 169.34413 curveto -142.39751 169.34536 142.40494 169.35011 142.41358 169.35441 curveto -142.49551 169.37587 142.34081 169.42129 142.28361 169.45786 curveto -142.2654 169.45209 142.24953 169.44017 142.23301 169.43075 curveto -142.21214 169.41636 142.18974 169.40468 142.16609 169.39557 curveto -142.14198 169.38757 142.11863 169.37718 142.09441 169.36952 curveto -142.08471 169.36292 142.07309 169.36029 142.06323 169.35443 curveto -142.04757 169.34344 142.02796 169.34088 142.01147 169.33199 curveto -142.00915 169.33087 142.00309 169.32766 142.00026 169.32737 curveto -141.99696 169.32704 141.99317 169.32893 141.99142 169.33151 curveto -142.04092 169.30038 142.09043 169.26925 142.13994 169.23813 curveto -142.1459 169.24532 142.1551 169.24841 142.16256 169.25386 curveto -142.17325 169.26113 142.18372 169.2685 142.19497 169.27494 curveto -142.20388 169.27989 142.21134 169.28665 142.22167 169.28834 curveto -142.23361 169.29497 142.24645 169.29943 142.25892 169.30487 curveto -142.27093 169.30898 142.2817 169.31451 142.28971 169.32454 curveto -142.31419 169.39229 142.30006 169.34122 142.13612 169.42389 curveto -142.1337 169.42511 142.09683 169.40601 142.09277 169.40385 curveto -142.07065 169.3933 142.04864 169.38214 142.02781 169.36918 curveto -142.01696 169.36318 142.00712 169.35589 141.99709 169.34867 curveto -141.98675 169.3439 141.97738 169.33766 141.96627 169.33474 curveto -141.95395 169.32992 141.95216 169.32641 141.93838 169.32558 curveto -141.92203 169.32567 141.90659 169.32365 141.89102 169.31872 curveto -141.88106 169.31598 141.8793 169.31646 141.87071 169.31026 curveto -141.82464 169.28539 141.77507 169.26753 141.72702 169.24687 curveto -141.70911 169.23543 141.68448 169.23153 141.66837 169.21687 curveto -141.66411 169.21299 141.66339 169.20924 141.66131 169.204 curveto -141.7098 169.16961 141.76705 169.08519 141.82789 169.11468 curveto -141.83402 169.11765 141.83912 169.12144 141.84555 169.12398 curveto -141.85802 169.12859 141.86925 169.13582 141.88014 169.14339 curveto -141.8959 169.15005 141.9091 169.16135 141.92313 169.17091 curveto -141.93385 169.17788 141.94551 169.17884 141.95787 169.17944 curveto -141.97051 169.17888 141.98218 169.18382 141.99468 169.18576 curveto -142.00763 169.18553 142.0188 169.18939 142.03079 169.19355 curveto -142.03899 169.19589 142.04745 169.19601 142.0559 169.1961 curveto -142.06532 169.19612 142.07474 169.19599 142.08415 169.19599 curveto -142.09496 169.1958 142.10577 169.19606 142.11658 169.19613 curveto -142.1306 169.19628 142.14461 169.19605 142.15862 169.19601 curveto -142.22226 169.19427 142.18943 169.17678 142.01558 169.28403 curveto -142.01453 169.28468 142.0172 169.28625 142.01697 169.28747 curveto -142.01666 169.28902 142.01437 169.28554 142.01287 169.28504 curveto -141.99983 169.2808 141.98694 169.27469 141.97468 169.26833 curveto -141.9585 169.2616 141.94248 169.25475 141.92527 169.25114 curveto -141.91054 169.24696 141.89693 169.24276 141.88457 169.23353 curveto -141.87552 169.22132 141.86196 169.21296 141.84993 169.20384 curveto -141.8331 169.19513 141.81812 169.18247 141.80102 169.17434 curveto -141.79999 169.17422 141.79065 169.16916 141.78957 169.17175 curveto -141.78905 169.17301 141.78831 169.17648 141.78951 169.17584 curveto -141.83973 169.14889 141.8888 169.11987 141.93844 169.09188 curveto -141.93772 169.0922 141.93699 169.09252 141.93627 169.09283 curveto -141.77269 169.15901 lineto -141.77331 169.1582 141.77393 169.15738 141.77454 169.15656 curveto -141.89742 169.0866 141.88398 169.03945 141.94832 169.0787 curveto -141.96441 169.08952 141.98048 169.10031 141.99682 169.11075 curveto -142.00925 169.11966 142.02267 169.12775 142.03312 169.13899 curveto -142.04396 169.14605 142.05719 169.14804 142.06934 169.15194 curveto -142.08691 169.15727 142.10395 169.16432 142.12064 169.17197 curveto -142.1342 169.17797 142.14828 169.18306 142.16123 169.19023 curveto -142.21993 169.24077 142.0832 169.30344 142.01651 169.29926 curveto -142.0026 169.29923 141.98869 169.299 141.97478 169.29916 curveto -141.96381 169.29924 141.95284 169.29952 141.94186 169.29941 curveto -141.93217 169.29943 141.92245 169.29943 141.91277 169.2987 curveto -141.90337 169.29763 141.89415 169.29566 141.88527 169.29231 curveto -141.87407 169.28878 141.86244 169.28862 141.85095 169.28628 curveto -141.83885 169.28377 141.82702 169.28155 141.81466 169.28107 curveto -141.8003 169.27861 141.78716 169.27376 141.77538 169.26491 curveto -141.76178 169.25491 141.74775 169.2456 141.73259 169.2381 curveto -141.72193 169.23166 141.71115 169.22561 141.69945 169.22122 curveto -141.69352 169.21842 141.68584 169.21337 141.67878 169.21512 curveto -141.67751 169.21543 141.67441 169.21796 141.67551 169.21726 curveto -141.72359 169.18681 141.77164 169.15632 141.8197 169.12585 curveto -141.81854 169.12466 141.8175 169.12334 141.81622 169.12227 curveto -141.81604 169.12212 141.8161 169.12281 141.81627 169.12297 curveto -141.8179 169.12446 141.81965 169.12581 141.82146 169.12705 curveto -141.83616 169.13707 141.8522 169.14502 141.86792 169.15324 curveto -141.91731 169.17587 141.96824 169.19465 142.01871 169.21443 curveto -142.02397 169.21665 142.03072 169.2164 142.03605 169.21942 curveto -142.0511 169.22322 142.06664 169.22225 142.0819 169.22492 curveto -142.09251 169.22759 142.10152 169.23311 142.11186 169.23647 curveto -142.12337 169.24159 142.13459 169.24748 142.14527 169.25417 curveto -142.15516 169.26076 142.16424 169.26852 142.17465 169.27438 curveto -142.19515 169.28678 142.21592 169.29865 142.23786 169.30833 curveto -142.24811 169.31307 142.25892 169.31895 142.27039 169.32015 curveto -142.27273 169.32039 142.27944 169.31845 142.27744 169.3197 curveto -142.13088 169.41113 142.09801 169.36106 142.13826 169.41512 curveto -142.13225 169.40781 142.12134 169.40652 142.11343 169.40217 curveto -142.10086 169.39736 142.08873 169.39145 142.07602 169.38703 curveto -142.066 169.38226 142.05701 169.37585 142.04751 169.37015 curveto -142.03653 169.36302 142.02561 169.35586 142.0148 169.34847 curveto -142.00378 169.34195 141.9928 169.33566 141.9861 169.32426 curveto -142.09723 169.24864 142.08679 169.19958 142.15783 169.23534 curveto -142.17523 169.24239 142.19254 169.24958 142.20948 169.25769 curveto -142.22 169.26128 142.22921 169.26746 142.23951 169.27164 curveto -142.26291 169.28122 142.28633 169.29065 142.31016 169.29914 curveto -142.33426 169.30937 142.35737 169.32125 142.37909 169.33593 curveto -142.39605 169.34595 142.4133 169.35496 142.43169 169.36204 curveto -142.29101 169.45814 142.33685 169.48276 142.26645 169.4512 curveto -142.25863 169.44726 142.25028 169.44585 142.24204 169.44275 curveto -142.22634 169.4392 142.20963 169.44021 142.19389 169.43652 curveto -142.15326 169.43073 142.11272 169.42438 142.07192 169.41995 curveto -142.04733 169.41639 142.02198 169.41383 141.99867 169.40489 curveto -141.98411 169.39778 141.96986 169.38814 141.95385 169.38513 curveto -141.88514 169.38587 142.14014 169.34199 142.0944 169.29967 curveto -142.0931 169.29847 142.09233 169.29668 142.09086 169.2957 curveto -142.08995 169.29509 142.09151 169.29985 142.09054 169.29895 curveto -142.09039 169.30096 142.08943 169.30457 142.09298 169.30403 curveto -142.10396 169.30684 142.11536 169.30467 142.12658 169.3054 curveto -142.1405 169.30642 142.15392 169.31009 142.16715 169.31445 curveto -142.21624 169.33091 142.26509 169.34805 142.3148 169.36261 curveto -142.35028 169.37363 142.36004 169.37678 142.39524 169.38723 curveto -142.4121 169.39223 142.43877 169.39523 142.45104 169.41054 curveto -142.45472 169.41554 142.45762 169.42039 142.46325 169.4237 curveto -142.47319 169.43232 142.48275 169.44145 142.49345 169.44913 curveto -142.50135 169.45465 142.50913 169.46063 142.51746 169.46551 curveto -142.51983 169.4669 142.52702 169.46777 142.52475 169.46933 curveto -142.38053 169.56875 142.34407 169.5143 142.379 169.56473 curveto -142.37381 169.56 142.36672 169.55768 142.36084 169.55375 curveto -142.35099 169.54731 142.34238 169.53942 142.33312 169.53219 curveto -142.31951 169.52261 142.30532 169.51471 142.28918 169.51006 curveto -142.26596 169.50223 142.24245 169.49466 142.21781 169.49316 curveto -142.3611 169.39213 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.76509 169.17906 moveto -141.73152 169.17247 141.69716 169.17498 141.66323 169.17652 curveto -141.63743 169.17751 141.6117 169.17992 141.5859 169.18105 curveto -141.57801 169.1817 141.57013 169.18149 141.56223 169.18124 curveto -141.54175 169.18082 141.52166 169.18176 141.50158 169.17735 curveto -141.49113 169.17556 141.48398 169.17167 141.47676 169.1641 curveto -141.47298 169.16377 141.47808 169.16456 141.47217 169.16033 curveto -141.47142 169.1598 141.47033 169.16013 141.46947 169.15979 curveto -141.46578 169.15836 141.46216 169.15671 141.45856 169.15506 curveto -141.39468 169.12564 141.48783 169.16769 141.41356 169.13433 curveto -141.37363 169.11636 141.33349 169.09857 141.29473 169.07818 curveto -141.27519 169.06701 141.25816 169.05216 141.24209 169.03653 curveto -141.23386 169.03052 141.22893 169.02135 141.22118 169.01495 curveto -141.37176 168.9232 lineto -141.37767 168.93085 141.38386 168.93828 141.39091 168.94492 curveto -141.40601 168.95923 141.42151 168.97323 141.43989 168.98328 curveto -141.47743 169.00391 141.51553 169.0237 141.55521 169.03991 curveto -141.56372 169.04337 141.57218 169.04697 141.58075 169.0503 curveto -141.59638 169.05637 141.61445 169.05983 141.62703 169.07159 curveto -141.63185 169.07543 141.63943 169.07489 141.64514 169.07697 curveto -141.66474 169.07972 141.68468 169.07803 141.7044 169.07794 curveto -141.71209 169.07771 141.71978 169.07742 141.72747 169.07739 curveto -141.75216 169.07663 141.77686 169.07621 141.80154 169.07525 curveto -141.83719 169.07423 141.873 169.07213 141.90837 169.07803 curveto -141.76509 169.17906 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.35011 168.89234 moveto -141.36686 168.90502 141.3844 168.91722 141.3996 168.93177 curveto -141.40614 168.94045 141.41224 168.94296 141.42237 168.94353 curveto -141.42897 168.94364 141.43558 168.94316 141.44218 168.94292 curveto -141.44275 168.9429 141.44752 168.94265 141.44789 168.94281 curveto -141.44964 168.94358 141.4509 168.94518 141.45252 168.94618 curveto -141.45665 168.94873 141.46155 168.94966 141.4659 168.95197 curveto -141.47706 168.95523 141.48632 168.96206 141.49649 168.96748 curveto -141.50409 168.96827 141.51017 168.97319 141.51655 168.97709 curveto -141.52324 168.97582 141.52588 168.98137 141.53098 168.98452 curveto -141.53332 168.98725 141.53701 168.98423 141.53972 168.98531 curveto -141.54007 168.98545 141.54686 168.99035 141.54764 168.99091 curveto -141.55318 168.99359 141.55847 168.994 141.56449 168.99372 curveto -141.5727 168.9988 141.57906 169.0058 141.58849 169.00863 curveto -141.59841 169.01065 141.60854 169.0106 141.61862 169.01064 curveto -141.62666 169.01353 141.63342 169.01922 141.64222 169.01856 curveto -141.65397 169.01752 141.66368 169.0203 141.67406 169.02549 curveto -141.68056 169.02903 141.68492 169.02628 141.69161 169.03032 curveto -141.69743 169.03306 141.70462 169.03653 141.71125 169.03604 curveto -141.71911 169.03547 141.72482 169.04144 141.73265 169.04295 curveto -141.74019 169.04422 141.7452 169.05205 141.75316 169.0526 curveto -141.75801 169.05345 141.76293 169.05293 141.76783 169.05268 curveto -141.77261 169.06033 141.77819 169.05997 141.78629 169.06087 curveto -141.79557 169.06116 141.80486 169.06112 141.81415 169.0611 curveto -141.81563 169.06108 141.81714 169.06074 141.81859 169.06105 curveto -141.82082 169.06152 141.82282 169.06277 141.82501 169.06339 curveto -141.83532 169.06629 141.84646 169.06715 141.85707 169.06827 curveto -141.87004 169.06742 141.88133 169.07361 141.89355 169.07653 curveto -141.90495 169.07789 141.91501 169.08346 141.9252 169.08859 curveto -141.93458 169.09346 141.94443 169.09753 141.95465 169.10033 curveto -141.96532 169.10179 141.97461 169.10693 141.98457 169.11083 curveto -141.9926 169.11084 141.99884 169.11552 142.00653 169.11748 curveto -141.86127 169.21636 lineto -141.85354 169.2135 141.84578 169.21178 141.83816 169.20871 curveto -141.82878 169.20466 141.81924 169.2018 141.80945 169.19894 curveto -141.79894 169.19497 141.78851 169.19104 141.7788 169.18533 curveto -141.76894 169.18094 141.7587 169.1787 141.74838 169.17585 curveto -141.73718 169.17204 141.72588 169.17049 141.71412 169.16938 curveto -141.70004 169.16727 141.68601 169.16374 141.67175 169.16435 curveto -141.66171 169.16414 141.65155 169.16389 141.64175 169.16153 curveto -141.63755 169.16033 141.63331 169.15904 141.62947 169.15689 curveto -141.62449 169.1541 141.62346 169.15235 141.62319 169.15282 curveto -141.62262 169.15377 141.62405 169.15486 141.62449 169.15588 curveto -141.61843 169.15508 141.61249 169.15383 141.60697 169.15107 curveto -141.60054 169.14745 141.59449 169.14341 141.5872 169.1421 curveto -141.58001 169.13921 141.5741 169.13764 141.5666 169.13694 curveto -141.55965 169.13432 141.55273 169.1316 141.54577 169.12909 curveto -141.53904 169.12974 141.53343 169.12586 141.5275 169.12326 curveto -141.518 169.12021 141.5078 169.12208 141.49811 169.11955 curveto -141.49082 169.11711 141.48397 169.11258 141.47605 169.11339 curveto -141.46436 169.11256 141.45264 169.11114 141.44197 169.10589 curveto -141.43559 169.10229 141.4284 169.09477 141.42079 169.09572 curveto -141.41333 169.09399 141.40639 169.09096 141.39983 169.08698 curveto -141.39393 169.08493 141.38729 169.08499 141.38246 169.07971 curveto -141.38072 169.07849 141.3794 169.07632 141.37731 169.07599 curveto -141.37678 169.0759 141.378 169.07745 141.37748 169.07758 curveto -141.37502 169.07823 141.37034 169.07345 141.36838 169.07286 curveto -141.36207 169.06906 141.35517 169.06729 141.34888 169.0635 curveto -141.33957 169.05789 141.33017 169.05282 141.31977 169.04946 curveto -141.31639 169.04845 141.31018 169.04487 141.30662 169.04523 curveto -141.306 169.04529 141.30171 169.0483 141.29962 169.0467 curveto -141.29227 169.04658 141.28489 169.04621 141.27782 169.04397 curveto -141.26656 169.0401 141.25807 169.03282 141.25058 169.02364 curveto -141.23584 169.00983 141.21986 168.99717 141.20249 168.98686 curveto -141.35011 168.89234 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.98695 169.2802 moveto -142.00556 169.30037 142.02849 169.31642 142.05219 169.33006 curveto -142.0724 169.34334 142.09201 169.35758 142.11334 169.36903 curveto -142.13032 169.3783 142.14523 169.39046 142.15978 169.40306 curveto -142.16921 169.41276 142.18116 169.41891 142.18778 169.43099 curveto -142.19391 169.437 142.20008 169.44297 142.20624 169.44894 curveto -142.21106 169.45388 142.21607 169.45863 142.22109 169.46336 curveto -142.06222 169.47601 lineto -142.05747 169.47113 142.05269 169.46627 142.0477 169.46164 curveto -142.04099 169.45508 142.03399 169.44879 142.02894 169.44078 curveto -142.02026 169.43243 142.01073 169.42502 142.00198 169.41673 curveto -141.98785 169.40482 141.97255 169.39447 141.9564 169.3855 curveto -141.93599 169.37277 141.9162 169.35912 141.89602 169.34603 curveto -141.87205 169.33028 141.84916 169.31294 141.82881 169.29264 curveto -141.98695 169.2802 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.77574 169.11843 moveto -141.76237 169.10885 141.74955 169.09839 141.73432 169.09198 curveto -141.72499 169.08979 141.72305 169.08322 141.722 169.0744 curveto -141.72134 169.06977 141.72145 169.06514 141.72156 169.06049 curveto -141.71886 169.06705 141.72075 169.04914 141.72099 169.04726 curveto -141.72133 169.04393 141.72147 169.04059 141.72153 169.03725 curveto -141.72126 169.03125 141.72565 169.04815 141.72024 169.04914 curveto -141.87822 169.02418 lineto -141.88387 169.02514 141.88212 169.03327 141.88161 169.03826 curveto -141.88124 169.04175 141.88089 169.04524 141.88063 169.04874 curveto -141.88029 169.05429 141.87961 169.05567 141.88134 169.06082 curveto -141.88128 169.06418 141.88109 169.06759 141.88166 169.07091 curveto -141.88507 169.07276 141.88929 169.07034 141.89238 169.07466 curveto -141.90617 169.08326 141.91856 169.09416 141.93348 169.10089 curveto -141.77574 169.11843 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.9082 169.06693 moveto -141.91025 169.07249 141.92162 169.10288 141.92835 169.10177 curveto -141.9467 169.04871 141.92992 169.10055 141.77166 169.1028 curveto -141.77093 169.10281 141.77222 169.10144 141.77237 169.10073 curveto -141.77308 169.0974 141.77294 169.09382 141.77294 169.09045 curveto -141.77309 169.08171 141.77368 169.0772 141.77029 169.06946 curveto -141.76675 169.057 141.76482 169.06906 141.76595 169.06905 curveto -141.81925 169.06829 141.87249 169.06486 141.92575 169.06276 curveto -141.92954 169.06299 141.92619 169.0628 141.92913 169.06646 curveto -141.9309 169.06867 141.93115 169.06392 141.93482 169.07141 curveto -141.93694 169.07553 141.93594 169.07356 141.93782 169.07732 curveto -141.77836 169.08552 lineto -141.77673 169.08306 141.77764 169.08426 141.77562 169.08192 curveto -141.77033 169.07939 141.76797 169.07237 141.7662 169.06723 curveto -141.75808 169.00941 141.76304 169.05736 141.92471 169.04866 curveto -141.9257 169.04861 141.9274 169.06324 141.92953 169.06355 curveto -141.93264 169.07236 141.93231 169.08135 141.9323 169.0906 curveto -141.93228 169.09221 141.93235 169.10884 141.93108 169.10896 curveto -141.77146 169.12422 141.7908 169.16858 141.76925 169.115 curveto -141.76245 169.10058 141.75481 169.08653 141.74968 169.07135 curveto -141.9082 169.06693 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.84096 170.08921 moveto -141.83002 170.07637 141.81705 170.06592 141.80357 170.05597 curveto -141.79467 170.04998 141.78712 170.04225 141.77838 170.03608 curveto -141.76657 170.02754 141.75449 170.01929 141.74376 170.00939 curveto -141.73862 170.00406 141.73422 169.99719 141.72781 169.99364 curveto -141.72646 169.99179 141.72221 169.99068 141.72129 169.98842 curveto -141.72115 169.98806 141.72219 169.98773 141.72193 169.98744 curveto -141.72023 169.98558 141.69932 169.98585 141.731 169.98711 curveto -141.71833 169.8275 lineto -141.72866 169.82713 141.73301 169.82591 141.73856 169.83447 curveto -141.74111 169.83847 141.738 169.83445 141.74433 169.83794 curveto -141.74962 169.84085 141.75261 169.84785 141.75763 169.85115 curveto -141.76459 169.86301 141.77717 169.86911 141.78772 169.87738 curveto -141.79715 169.88333 141.80556 169.89001 141.81385 169.89752 curveto -141.82755 169.90813 141.84165 169.9182 141.85341 169.93107 curveto -141.84096 170.08921 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -142.21888 169.89176 moveto -142.2466 169.91483 142.27794 169.93246 142.30919 169.95016 curveto -142.33073 169.96184 142.35309 169.97275 142.37729 169.9775 curveto -142.39257 169.97882 142.4066 169.98541 142.42114 169.98978 curveto -142.43703 169.99199 142.45098 169.9982 142.46423 170.00704 curveto -142.47613 170.01444 142.48742 170.02292 142.49638 170.03374 curveto -142.50011 170.03986 142.50404 170.04541 142.50911 170.04968 curveto -142.41759 170.18096 lineto -142.41873 170.1814 142.42047 170.18336 142.421 170.18226 curveto -142.42124 170.18178 142.40999 170.17123 142.41088 170.16782 curveto -142.40532 170.15695 142.3938 170.15047 142.384 170.14387 curveto -142.37203 170.13578 142.35926 170.13135 142.34505 170.1287 curveto -142.33083 170.12424 142.31685 170.119 142.30198 170.11703 curveto -142.27698 170.11002 142.25399 170.09759 142.23147 170.08489 curveto -142.20012 170.0668 142.16845 170.0493 142.1387 170.02859 curveto -142.21888 169.89176 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -142.79985 167.22749 moveto -142.82861 167.25948 142.86238 167.28566 142.89847 167.30887 curveto -142.91453 167.3192 142.96422 167.34769 142.94733 167.33878 curveto -142.92242 167.32565 142.8987 167.31037 142.87439 167.29617 curveto -142.9377 167.33261 143.00401 167.36327 143.06879 167.39684 curveto -143.12623 167.42827 143.12731 167.42873 143.22657 167.48791 curveto -143.22964 167.48974 143.23184 167.49276 143.23457 167.49507 curveto -143.24135 167.50079 143.24827 167.50633 143.2555 167.51146 curveto -143.27188 167.52275 143.28549 167.53756 143.30168 167.54899 curveto -143.31495 167.558 143.32692 167.56908 143.33441 167.58341 curveto -143.34016 167.59174 143.34687 167.5983 143.35516 167.60423 curveto -143.40195 167.63169 143.51981 167.67648 143.21057 167.53965 curveto -143.19585 167.53314 143.21832 167.54655 143.19963 167.53459 curveto -143.19705 167.53325 143.1894 167.52909 143.19191 167.53055 curveto -143.23374 167.555 143.35852 167.62951 143.3176 167.60355 curveto -143.25925 167.56654 143.19691 167.53848 143.14221 167.49694 curveto -143.09481 167.46201 142.99293 167.40604 143.21748 167.53826 curveto -143.17637 167.52473 143.13426 167.51403 143.09186 167.50537 curveto -143.07076 167.50193 143.05054 167.49545 143.03057 167.48805 curveto -143.01659 167.4814 143.00933 167.48854 143.02191 167.47167 curveto -143.02638 167.48326 143.02609 167.49729 143.0268 167.5097 curveto -143.02761 167.52964 143.02745 167.54961 143.02747 167.56957 curveto -143.02758 167.58441 143.02796 167.59925 143.028 167.6141 curveto -143.02885 167.62505 143.02796 167.63505 143.02456 167.64544 curveto -143.01831 167.65814 143.0109 167.67015 143.00341 167.68213 curveto -142.99412 167.69534 142.98777 167.71052 142.98251 167.72574 curveto -142.97928 167.73662 142.97858 167.74737 142.97354 167.75756 curveto -142.97122 167.7628 142.9687 167.76793 142.96643 167.77322 curveto -142.82775 167.69551 lineto -142.83003 167.68992 142.83218 167.68423 142.83495 167.67886 curveto -142.83943 167.66942 142.83963 167.65859 142.84399 167.64902 curveto -142.85001 167.63288 142.85667 167.61663 142.86634 167.60234 curveto -142.8731 167.59154 142.8799 167.58079 142.88494 167.56903 curveto -142.88736 167.56019 142.88585 167.55097 142.88634 167.54189 curveto -142.88643 167.52726 142.88685 167.51263 142.88688 167.498 curveto -142.88676 167.47827 142.88662 167.45851 142.88516 167.43883 curveto -142.88394 167.42517 142.88108 167.41175 142.88002 167.39817 curveto -142.8831 167.39254 142.88776 167.38081 142.89324 167.38416 curveto -142.89438 167.38486 142.89438 167.38675 142.89552 167.38746 curveto -142.89847 167.38932 142.90288 167.38762 142.90569 167.38989 curveto -142.92579 167.39841 142.94592 167.40688 142.96745 167.41115 curveto -143.01023 167.41962 143.05209 167.43159 143.09455 167.44148 curveto -143.16185 167.4786 143.22853 167.50899 143.28858 167.55493 curveto -143.30172 167.56417 143.29552 167.55993 143.30894 167.56889 curveto -143.3124 167.5712 143.32294 167.57787 143.31932 167.57582 curveto -143.05598 167.42696 143.26232 167.53806 143.34672 167.59359 curveto -143.397 167.6417 143.24348 167.58847 143.20736 167.54414 curveto -143.20039 167.53667 143.19465 167.52829 143.18886 167.51991 curveto -143.17865 167.50867 143.1673 167.49905 143.15488 167.49026 curveto -143.13988 167.47731 143.12463 167.46464 143.10861 167.45295 curveto -143.1018 167.44745 143.09505 167.44158 143.08791 167.4365 curveto -143.08526 167.43461 143.0769 167.42955 143.07973 167.43116 curveto -143.11661 167.45216 143.25482 167.53167 143.19009 167.49467 curveto -143.16726 167.48139 143.14354 167.47045 143.12002 167.45844 curveto -143.0757 167.4358 143.03249 167.4111 142.98826 167.38829 curveto -142.92896 167.35411 142.86941 167.32036 142.81036 167.28575 curveto -142.75345 167.2524 142.69886 167.21488 142.65423 167.16585 curveto -142.79985 167.22749 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.53033 169.1164 moveto -141.5449 169.10673 141.56021 169.09813 141.57393 169.08723 curveto -141.57732 169.08194 141.58427 169.08088 141.58826 169.07689 curveto -141.58877 169.07636 141.58912 169.07574 141.58951 169.07513 curveto -141.74339 169.11913 lineto -141.74266 169.12084 141.74188 169.12251 141.74088 169.12408 curveto -141.73902 169.12697 141.73674 169.13127 141.73401 169.13335 curveto -141.73129 169.13542 141.72596 169.13362 141.72444 169.1381 curveto -141.71026 169.1492 141.69496 169.15816 141.68016 169.16838 curveto -141.53033 169.1164 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -143.40624 166.79916 moveto -143.40228 166.8264 143.39907 166.85374 143.39522 166.88101 curveto -143.39369 166.89879 143.39132 166.91611 143.38674 166.93334 curveto -143.38357 166.9452 143.38295 166.95746 143.38243 166.96966 curveto -143.37921 166.98094 143.37606 166.99162 143.37482 167.00339 curveto -143.37441 167.015 143.373 167.02677 143.37412 167.03838 curveto -143.21486 167.0255 lineto -143.21657 167.01363 143.21563 167.00146 143.21718 166.98957 curveto -143.21803 166.97813 143.21828 166.96663 143.22392 166.9564 curveto -143.22464 166.94312 143.22604 166.92979 143.22887 166.91679 curveto -143.23329 166.90012 143.23726 166.88364 143.23871 166.86633 curveto -143.24307 166.83915 143.2468 166.81199 143.24829 166.78447 curveto -143.40624 166.79916 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.64663 169.0994 moveto -141.6472 169.08302 141.64695 169.06661 141.64645 169.05023 curveto -141.64728 169.04266 141.65026 169.03561 141.65334 169.02872 curveto -141.65481 169.02616 141.65456 169.02247 141.65457 169.01944 curveto -141.65453 169.01723 141.65456 169.01827 141.65448 169.01633 curveto -141.81392 169.02892 lineto -141.81384 169.03104 141.81388 169.02991 141.81379 169.03233 curveto -141.81357 169.03802 141.81337 169.0437 141.81189 169.04925 curveto -141.809 169.05343 141.80692 169.05803 141.80497 169.0627 curveto -141.80447 169.07908 141.80422 169.09548 141.80479 169.11185 curveto -141.64663 169.0994 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.55249 169.05253 moveto -141.5668 169.04307 141.5802 169.03202 141.59075 169.01844 curveto -141.59168 169.01621 141.59517 169.01377 141.59515 169.01104 curveto -141.59515 169.00964 141.59305 169.01303 141.59171 169.0134 curveto -141.58983 169.00584 141.58852 169.00825 141.58209 169.00677 curveto -141.58166 169.0067 141.58124 169.00663 141.58081 169.00656 curveto -141.74067 169.00111 lineto -141.74107 169.00144 141.74147 169.00176 141.74187 169.00209 curveto -141.74609 169.00571 141.74779 169.01075 141.75153 169.01422 curveto -141.75506 169.02355 141.75436 169.03323 141.74806 169.04125 curveto -141.73669 169.05622 141.72309 169.06848 141.70861 169.08043 curveto -141.55249 169.05253 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.73941 169.0741 moveto -141.74003 169.05729 141.73981 169.04046 141.73921 169.02366 curveto -141.73778 169.02052 141.74077 169.01457 141.73897 169.01156 curveto -141.73842 169.01065 141.73717 169.0127 141.73621 169.01315 curveto -141.89597 169.0145 lineto -141.89828 169.02164 141.89813 169.0287 141.89777 169.03614 curveto -141.89717 169.05293 141.89695 169.06975 141.89757 169.08654 curveto -141.73941 169.0741 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.44859 169.44485 moveto -141.4568 169.42847 141.4656 169.41249 141.47585 169.3973 curveto -141.48527 169.38325 141.50009 169.3748 141.51349 169.36513 curveto -141.52632 169.35451 141.53835 169.34305 141.54907 169.33031 curveto -141.5624 169.31302 141.57562 169.29563 141.58818 169.27777 curveto -141.59738 169.26379 141.61044 169.25283 141.61806 169.23783 curveto -141.61853 169.23687 141.62381 169.22332 141.62004 169.23142 curveto -141.77858 169.25171 lineto -141.77827 169.25848 141.77688 169.26387 141.77362 169.26991 curveto -141.76568 169.28605 141.75387 169.29839 141.74204 169.3118 curveto -141.7296 169.32999 141.71626 169.34756 141.70334 169.36541 curveto -141.69281 169.37964 141.68031 169.39192 141.66714 169.40364 curveto -141.65565 169.41407 141.64086 169.42026 141.63059 169.43178 curveto -141.61996 169.44574 141.6108 169.46068 141.60403 169.47692 curveto -141.44859 169.44485 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.47389 169.03156 moveto -141.48211 169.01631 141.4881 169.00017 141.49724 168.98541 curveto -141.50023 168.98204 141.50332 168.97411 141.50838 168.97301 curveto -141.50912 168.97284 141.50974 168.97402 141.51049 168.97389 curveto -141.51368 168.97156 141.51291 168.96876 141.51439 168.96391 curveto -141.66638 169.01442 lineto -141.66985 168.99769 141.66855 169.00604 141.66616 169.00987 curveto -141.65898 169.02253 141.66073 169.01219 141.65248 169.01982 curveto -141.64196 169.03301 141.6359 169.0482 141.62933 169.06362 curveto -141.47389 169.03156 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.31518 168.86961 moveto -213.31999 168.80033 213.32622 168.7312 213.33357 168.66214 curveto -213.34311 168.60992 213.3673 168.56211 213.39057 168.51491 curveto -213.39755 168.49985 213.4063 168.48544 213.4179 168.4735 curveto -213.42417 168.46806 213.43097 168.46516 213.43732 168.45951 curveto -213.44441 168.45297 213.45267 168.44829 213.46063 168.44305 curveto -213.47401 168.42935 213.4676 168.44514 213.46352 168.45369 curveto -213.51441 168.46256 213.56529 168.47143 213.61618 168.4803 curveto -213.61338 168.48045 213.61076 168.47881 213.60799 168.47886 curveto -213.60148 168.47897 213.59448 168.48181 213.5885 168.48398 curveto -213.57011 168.48961 213.55376 168.49968 213.53656 168.50798 curveto -213.51149 168.51929 213.48572 168.52895 213.46022 168.53922 curveto -213.4423 168.54605 213.42563 168.55536 213.40924 168.5652 curveto -213.39992 168.57 213.3928 168.57777 213.38416 168.58354 curveto -213.3796 168.58352 213.37413 168.59252 213.37192 168.5962 curveto -213.30447 168.58765 213.20077 168.60558 213.21523 168.53551 curveto -213.21843 168.52071 213.22932 168.51022 213.23916 168.49949 curveto -213.25085 168.48854 213.26227 168.47715 213.27476 168.46709 curveto -213.28381 168.45885 213.29519 168.45827 213.30632 168.45556 curveto -213.31901 168.45144 213.33169 168.4478 213.34399 168.44254 curveto -213.36496 168.43128 213.38612 168.42039 213.40724 168.40941 curveto -213.42528 168.39976 213.44332 168.39001 213.46188 168.38138 curveto -213.47416 168.37703 213.48584 168.37089 213.49841 168.36739 curveto -213.51394 168.35978 213.53041 168.35452 213.54686 168.34932 curveto -213.57977 168.33883 213.61266 168.32824 213.64632 168.32043 curveto -213.66597 168.31572 213.68544 168.31028 213.70457 168.30379 curveto -213.71676 168.30015 213.7286 168.29547 213.74021 168.29029 curveto -213.75142 168.28429 213.7639 168.28195 213.77583 168.27788 curveto -213.84063 168.24123 213.80406 168.26663 213.95377 168.30457 curveto -213.95226 168.31645 213.94515 168.32561 213.93818 168.3349 curveto -213.9259 168.34839 213.91335 168.3617 213.90041 168.37458 curveto -213.88905 168.3874 213.87644 168.39897 213.86404 168.41074 curveto -213.85223 168.42113 213.84199 168.43305 213.83067 168.44395 curveto -213.81747 168.45656 213.80468 168.46959 213.79047 168.48109 curveto -213.76749 168.50006 213.74209 168.51566 213.71643 168.53067 curveto -213.68898 168.54654 213.66096 168.56138 213.63254 168.57544 curveto -213.61775 168.58191 213.6047 168.59081 213.59205 168.60066 curveto -213.58315 168.60758 213.57323 168.61373 213.56669 168.6231 curveto -213.47508 168.61325 213.38504 168.63143 213.41329 168.55444 curveto -213.421 168.53878 213.43006 168.52387 213.44064 168.51 curveto -213.45097 168.49537 213.46293 168.482 213.47503 168.46882 curveto -213.48704 168.45677 213.49642 168.44253 213.50632 168.42878 curveto -213.52714 168.40082 213.54769 168.37252 213.57242 168.34785 curveto -213.58415 168.33784 213.59549 168.32712 213.60834 168.31853 curveto -213.62902 168.30711 213.65061 168.29741 213.67198 168.28736 curveto -213.7508 168.25325 213.70593 168.27143 213.86526 168.30535 curveto -213.86377 168.32205 213.85235 168.33258 213.84101 168.34359 curveto -213.81434 168.37157 213.77579 168.383 213.74101 168.39752 curveto -213.68507 168.42192 213.6276 168.44255 213.57083 168.46489 curveto -213.52402 168.48476 213.47959 168.50954 213.43359 168.5312 curveto -213.39962 168.54735 213.36427 168.56071 213.3315 168.57927 curveto -213.31901 168.5883 213.30448 168.59404 213.29142 168.602 curveto -213.29184 168.59913 213.28794 168.6062 213.2879 168.60472 curveto -213.28786 168.60313 213.29072 168.60053 213.28918 168.60012 curveto -213.05759 168.53881 213.0948 168.58917 213.14479 168.56077 curveto -213.15748 168.55238 213.16962 168.54313 213.18198 168.53423 curveto -213.20048 168.52205 213.21776 168.5082 213.23559 168.49509 curveto -213.25248 168.48276 213.26723 168.46791 213.28275 168.45398 curveto -213.29499 168.44468 213.30719 168.43533 213.31863 168.42504 curveto -213.33268 168.41253 213.34275 168.39684 213.35634 168.38382 curveto -213.37489 168.36882 213.39393 168.35426 213.41354 168.34065 curveto -213.445 168.32062 213.47843 168.30373 213.51212 168.2878 curveto -213.54312 168.2729 213.57493 168.25971 213.60582 168.24462 curveto -213.62551 168.23384 213.64455 168.22195 213.66373 168.2103 curveto -213.68039 168.20023 213.69741 168.19106 213.71569 168.18433 curveto -213.7282 168.17951 213.74046 168.17405 213.75351 168.17083 curveto -213.76602 168.1686 213.77857 168.16823 213.79115 168.16609 curveto -213.80936 168.16307 213.82778 168.16166 213.84621 168.16091 curveto -213.86637 168.1616 213.88618 168.15887 213.9061 168.15625 curveto -213.92823 168.154 213.95039 168.15347 213.97228 168.14925 curveto -213.99557 168.14222 214.0177 168.13226 214.04129 168.12613 curveto -214.06053 168.12057 214.08086 168.12155 214.10036 168.11787 curveto -214.15789 168.09081 214.30182 168.12046 214.24627 168.1779 curveto -214.23025 168.1942 214.21022 168.20632 214.19037 168.21741 curveto -214.16486 168.23057 214.13816 168.24121 214.11127 168.25117 curveto -214.09105 168.25869 214.07236 168.26931 214.05383 168.28019 curveto -214.03916 168.28893 214.02342 168.29556 214.00688 168.29972 curveto -213.99533 168.30278 213.98334 168.30243 213.9715 168.30256 curveto -213.85594 168.31373 213.74187 168.33704 213.62805 168.35942 curveto -213.59655 168.36538 213.56526 168.3725 213.53371 168.37824 curveto -213.53229 168.3785 213.51071 168.38235 213.50668 168.38165 curveto -213.4531 168.37229 213.39985 168.36116 213.34644 168.35091 curveto -213.33788 168.33264 213.35237 168.31838 213.364 168.30599 curveto -213.37768 168.2923 213.39439 168.28191 213.41161 168.27328 curveto -213.42738 168.2671 213.44332 168.26129 213.45968 168.25686 curveto -213.47785 168.25134 213.49468 168.24227 213.51193 168.23444 curveto -213.54075 168.22265 213.57009 168.21194 213.60006 168.20344 curveto -213.61867 168.19773 213.63754 168.19282 213.65611 168.18702 curveto -213.67238 168.18138 213.68852 168.17535 213.70456 168.1691 curveto -213.72448 168.15898 213.74533 168.15261 213.76707 168.14785 curveto -213.79171 168.14211 213.8168 168.13886 213.84155 168.1337 curveto -213.85475 168.13083 213.86802 168.12828 213.88148 168.1271 curveto -213.89983 168.12622 213.91821 168.12668 213.93658 168.12673 curveto -214.01482 168.12409 214.05483 168.13838 214.15009 168.15493 curveto -214.15237 168.15549 214.15465 168.15606 214.15693 168.15662 curveto -214.1081 168.14789 214.05873 168.14178 214.01045 168.13042 curveto -214.00418 168.12895 214.02325 168.12852 214.02941 168.12662 curveto -214.06958 168.1142 214.10774 168.0945 214.14572 168.07681 curveto -214.26595 168.02489 214.39107 167.98478 214.51664 167.94795 curveto -214.60469 167.92323 214.69302 167.8995 214.78119 167.87523 curveto -214.80942 167.86785 214.7962 167.87123 214.82083 167.86502 curveto -214.97035 167.90994 lineto -214.94415 167.91529 214.95815 167.91232 214.92839 167.91895 curveto -214.83735 167.94126 214.74645 167.96425 214.65604 167.98899 curveto -214.53142 168.02372 214.40805 168.06351 214.28991 168.11669 curveto -214.27597 168.12343 214.26203 168.13017 214.2481 168.13691 curveto -214.23529 168.14306 214.22247 168.14918 214.20968 168.15535 curveto -214.19946 168.16028 214.18933 168.1654 214.17907 168.17022 curveto -214.17326 168.17295 214.16786 168.17859 214.16147 168.17799 curveto -214.11214 168.17338 214.04775 168.16201 213.99168 168.15215 curveto -214.04046 168.16061 214.0892 168.16926 214.13801 168.17753 curveto -214.14074 168.17799 214.13268 168.17589 214.12992 168.17557 curveto -214.11558 168.17391 214.10074 168.17667 214.08636 168.17542 curveto -214.06854 168.17541 214.05072 168.17554 214.0329 168.17552 curveto -214.01937 168.17558 214.00592 168.17677 213.99263 168.17946 curveto -213.9677 168.18438 213.94279 168.18869 213.91777 168.19301 curveto -213.89697 168.19819 213.87577 168.20068 213.8569 168.21172 curveto -213.84105 168.21944 213.82413 168.2241 213.80812 168.23143 curveto -213.78898 168.23725 213.7697 168.24228 213.75055 168.2482 curveto -213.72068 168.25504 213.69219 168.26563 213.66359 168.27649 curveto -213.64633 168.28478 213.62924 168.29355 213.61179 168.3012 curveto -213.59615 168.30683 213.57966 168.31033 213.56398 168.31576 curveto -213.54741 168.32234 213.53202 168.33119 213.51812 168.34244 curveto -213.51462 168.34621 213.51138 168.35024 213.50767 168.3538 curveto -213.50457 168.35679 213.49761 168.35999 213.50504 168.35753 curveto -213.45567 168.34908 213.40631 168.34063 213.35694 168.33218 curveto -213.36075 168.33283 213.3645 168.33401 213.36836 168.33412 curveto -213.38088 168.33447 213.39893 168.33099 213.41045 168.32913 curveto -213.44363 168.32378 213.45095 168.32238 213.48627 168.31624 curveto -213.59789 168.29631 213.70947 168.27616 213.8209 168.2552 curveto -213.83229 168.25308 213.84334 168.2536 213.85487 168.25334 curveto -213.87108 168.25152 213.88659 168.24715 213.90119 168.23966 curveto -213.92009 168.22779 213.9394 168.21671 213.95999 168.20799 curveto -213.98643 168.19781 214.01338 168.18899 214.03885 168.17637 curveto -214.05746 168.16661 214.07624 168.15566 214.09153 168.14135 curveto -214.09273 168.14 214.09394 168.13866 214.09513 168.13731 curveto -214.10283 168.12851 214.0972 168.14115 214.09866 168.14147 curveto -214.14904 168.1526 214.20015 168.16015 214.2509 168.16949 curveto -214.23752 168.16216 214.20709 168.17095 214.19186 168.17142 curveto -214.16803 168.17584 214.1458 168.18444 214.12366 168.1942 curveto -214.10191 168.20131 214.07948 168.20226 214.05675 168.20325 curveto -214.03672 168.20533 214.01705 168.21036 213.99682 168.20937 curveto -213.97862 168.20966 213.9604 168.21026 213.94234 168.21262 curveto -213.93 168.21441 213.91825 168.21849 213.9057 168.21753 curveto -213.89237 168.21866 213.87979 168.22222 213.86752 168.22767 curveto -213.84991 168.23448 213.83214 168.24042 213.8164 168.25134 curveto -213.79617 168.26201 213.77717 168.27496 213.75718 168.28605 curveto -213.72631 168.30226 213.69328 168.31413 213.66199 168.32952 curveto -213.62869 168.34402 213.59672 168.36145 213.56566 168.38026 curveto -213.54628 168.393 213.52888 168.4082 213.50966 168.4212 curveto -213.50754 168.42312 213.49759 168.43199 213.49538 168.43441 curveto -213.48715 168.4434 213.48254 168.45534 213.47259 168.46285 curveto -213.46096 168.47333 213.44936 168.48385 213.43643 168.49275 curveto -213.41901 168.50474 213.4053 168.52162 213.38805 168.53394 curveto -213.37052 168.54751 213.35296 168.56102 213.33505 168.57408 curveto -213.32222 168.58219 213.31017 168.59163 213.29868 168.60149 curveto -213.29733 168.60239 213.29595 168.60327 213.29462 168.60421 curveto -213.2932 168.60519 213.29212 168.60754 213.29043 168.60723 curveto -213.23701 168.59771 213.11529 168.61939 213.13248 168.56793 curveto -213.13275 168.56711 213.13688 168.56297 213.13709 168.56275 curveto -213.14949 168.55175 213.16613 168.54841 213.17966 168.53872 curveto -213.21293 168.5184 213.24998 168.50597 213.28546 168.49013 curveto -213.30082 168.48301 213.32169 168.47354 213.33678 168.4658 curveto -213.36521 168.45123 213.39212 168.4335 213.42239 168.42269 curveto -213.47944 168.40069 213.53757 168.38129 213.59329 168.35605 curveto -213.62526 168.34198 213.66084 168.3308 213.68714 168.30712 curveto -213.69201 168.30152 213.69772 168.29721 213.70262 168.2918 curveto -213.70522 168.28893 213.70645 168.28526 213.70668 168.28533 curveto -213.70763 168.28564 213.7066 168.28733 213.70656 168.28832 curveto -213.75803 168.29781 213.8095 168.3073 213.86097 168.31679 curveto -213.8578 168.3172 213.85443 168.31748 213.85144 168.31873 curveto -213.84225 168.32254 213.83343 168.32721 213.82361 168.32963 curveto -213.80262 168.33869 213.78202 168.34862 213.76186 168.35943 curveto -213.7484 168.36639 213.73739 168.37667 213.72482 168.38509 curveto -213.69902 168.40702 213.67875 168.43444 213.66046 168.46281 curveto -213.65075 168.47764 213.64091 168.49254 213.629 168.50571 curveto -213.61628 168.51748 213.60514 168.53111 213.59497 168.5451 curveto -213.58492 168.55751 213.57635 168.57081 213.569 168.58501 curveto -213.54162 168.65157 213.70553 168.63631 213.41254 168.58118 curveto -213.41306 168.58161 213.41346 168.58271 213.41409 168.58248 curveto -213.42049 168.58018 213.43007 168.5629 213.43835 168.56202 curveto -213.45165 168.55095 213.46475 168.54027 213.48074 168.53319 curveto -213.51002 168.52098 213.53798 168.50582 213.56558 168.49027 curveto -213.59049 168.47598 213.61535 168.46131 213.63712 168.44242 curveto -213.65123 168.43144 213.6643 168.4195 213.67685 168.40674 curveto -213.6882 168.39573 213.69872 168.38419 213.70992 168.37308 curveto -213.72262 168.36169 213.73579 168.3506 213.74685 168.33756 curveto -213.75957 168.32526 213.77101 168.31191 213.78362 168.29949 curveto -213.78731 168.29536 213.79026 168.29111 213.79322 168.28646 curveto -213.79418 168.28494 213.79438 168.28295 213.79557 168.2816 curveto -213.79577 168.28138 213.7957 168.28217 213.79576 168.28246 curveto -213.84716 168.29354 213.89846 168.3051 213.94995 168.31571 curveto -213.9522 168.31617 213.94625 168.31231 213.94395 168.3123 curveto -213.93854 168.31228 213.93395 168.31762 213.9292 168.31935 curveto -213.9183 168.32728 213.90598 168.32911 213.89327 168.33263 curveto -213.88148 168.33855 213.86927 168.3441 213.85677 168.34796 curveto -213.8367 168.35433 213.81683 168.3609 213.7963 168.36576 curveto -213.76268 168.37205 213.72991 168.38184 213.69766 168.39317 curveto -213.68206 168.39829 213.6666 168.40349 213.65159 168.40994 curveto -213.64041 168.41686 213.62607 168.41866 213.61419 168.42448 curveto -213.59504 168.431 213.57737 168.44156 213.55939 168.45069 curveto -213.53851 168.46223 213.51626 168.47126 213.49641 168.48465 curveto -213.48447 168.49098 213.47253 168.49703 213.45923 168.49961 curveto -213.45788 168.50021 213.44943 168.50404 213.44839 168.50426 curveto -213.44179 168.5057 213.43442 168.50288 213.42837 168.5073 curveto -213.41466 168.51414 213.4057 168.52683 213.39341 168.53571 curveto -213.38564 168.54442 213.37551 168.55209 213.37189 168.56349 curveto -213.36103 168.62237 213.60807 168.62284 213.22048 168.54485 curveto -213.22049 168.54664 213.21987 168.54854 213.22049 168.55022 curveto -213.2207 168.5508 213.22165 168.54981 213.22224 168.54961 curveto -213.22337 168.54922 213.2249 168.54966 213.22575 168.54881 curveto -213.22781 168.54677 213.22768 168.54308 213.23027 168.54139 curveto -213.24057 168.53787 213.24787 168.53078 213.25633 168.52405 curveto -213.2739 168.51482 213.2901 168.50311 213.30893 168.49627 curveto -213.33434 168.48647 213.35961 168.47638 213.3848 168.46604 curveto -213.40219 168.45783 213.4181 168.44717 213.43611 168.44038 curveto -213.51076 168.4121 213.45394 168.42314 213.62322 168.45671 curveto -213.6278 168.4693 213.62491 168.47638 213.61501 168.48226 curveto -213.6143 168.48288 213.60766 168.48865 213.60721 168.48891 curveto -213.60172 168.49201 213.59508 168.49304 213.59146 168.49921 curveto -213.58413 168.50298 213.58069 168.51179 213.57242 168.51222 curveto -213.55947 168.51999 213.55099 168.53427 213.54332 168.54681 curveto -213.51798 168.59129 213.49444 168.63725 213.485 168.68811 curveto -213.47482 168.75589 213.46594 168.82425 213.47093 168.89295 curveto -213.31518 168.86961 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.18442 168.67731 moveto -213.19632 168.65435 213.21442 168.636 213.23175 168.61719 curveto -213.24705 168.60095 213.26258 168.58496 213.27579 168.56694 curveto -213.29132 168.5481 213.30844 168.53065 213.32658 168.51434 curveto -213.34726 168.4962 213.36741 168.47747 213.38927 168.46073 curveto -213.40718 168.44884 213.42355 168.43486 213.44134 168.42283 curveto -213.46166 168.41184 213.48193 168.4007 213.50245 168.39005 curveto -213.51629 168.38244 213.53033 168.37518 213.54439 168.36797 curveto -213.56309 168.35872 213.5801 168.34644 213.59746 168.33497 curveto -213.62422 168.31814 213.64957 168.29926 213.67498 168.28051 curveto -213.71475 168.25261 213.75161 168.22095 213.79121 168.19286 curveto -213.82042 168.17421 213.85123 168.15827 213.88142 168.1413 curveto -213.89653 168.13247 213.91156 168.12351 213.92662 168.1146 curveto -213.93708 168.10723 213.94904 168.10318 213.96117 168.09944 curveto -213.98286 168.09245 214.00455 168.08544 214.02623 168.07838 curveto -214.03969 168.07373 214.05345 168.07007 214.06717 168.06631 curveto -214.21778 168.11072 lineto -214.20427 168.11463 214.1906 168.11783 214.17715 168.12196 curveto -214.15602 168.12957 214.13477 168.13679 214.11327 168.14322 curveto -214.11056 168.1443 214.10786 168.14538 214.10515 168.14645 curveto -214.10304 168.14685 214.10082 168.14688 214.09881 168.14764 curveto -214.09701 168.14832 214.09572 168.15002 214.09393 168.1507 curveto -214.08928 168.15247 214.0838 168.15119 214.07996 168.15555 curveto -214.06452 168.1646 214.04886 168.17321 214.0333 168.18206 curveto -214.00315 168.19957 213.97131 168.2142 213.94114 168.23175 curveto -213.90097 168.25864 213.86455 168.29022 213.82586 168.31915 curveto -213.80049 168.33778 213.77622 168.35796 213.74978 168.3751 curveto -213.7317 168.3861 213.71495 168.39907 213.697 168.41027 curveto -213.68249 168.41636 213.66919 168.42502 213.65486 168.43148 curveto -213.63475 168.44236 213.61423 168.4525 213.59405 168.46326 curveto -213.57534 168.47367 213.55988 168.48861 213.54177 168.50001 curveto -213.51909 168.51509 213.49946 168.53379 213.47926 168.55196 curveto -213.4617 168.56735 213.44567 168.58401 213.42987 168.60118 curveto -213.4168 168.62025 213.40115 168.63696 213.38488 168.65334 curveto -213.36854 168.67085 213.35016 168.68734 213.33986 168.70937 curveto -213.18442 168.67731 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -212.75687 168.6927 moveto -212.77424 168.67678 212.79058 168.65983 212.80642 168.6424 curveto -212.81853 168.63036 212.82931 168.61704 212.83967 168.60349 curveto -212.84797 168.59048 212.86002 168.58277 212.87329 168.5758 curveto -212.88466 168.56902 212.89599 168.56209 212.90779 168.55606 curveto -212.91756 168.55188 212.92492 168.54384 212.93413 168.5385 curveto -212.94387 168.5339 212.95322 168.52869 212.96379 168.52628 curveto -212.9733 168.52253 212.9822 168.51668 212.99039 168.51058 curveto -212.99921 168.5041 213.00949 168.50039 213.01872 168.49454 curveto -213.03142 168.48451 213.04188 168.4726 213.05597 168.46436 curveto -213.07215 168.4549 213.08826 168.44562 213.10492 168.43693 curveto -213.13714 168.42085 213.16818 168.40255 213.19974 168.38525 curveto -213.22175 168.37502 213.24355 168.36442 213.2651 168.35328 curveto -213.28608 168.34392 213.30619 168.33285 213.3258 168.32092 curveto -213.34616 168.30813 213.36828 168.29842 213.39035 168.28902 curveto -213.41206 168.28013 213.43373 168.27117 213.45572 168.263 curveto -213.47477 168.25408 213.49413 168.2459 213.51356 168.23784 curveto -213.53137 168.23222 213.54756 168.22338 213.56301 168.21309 curveto -213.58008 168.20239 213.59765 168.1924 213.6153 168.18267 curveto -213.62692 168.17616 213.63905 168.17044 213.64975 168.16246 curveto -213.66182 168.1558 213.67359 168.14974 213.68494 168.14164 curveto -213.70019 168.13082 213.71587 168.12051 213.73243 168.1118 curveto -213.74381 168.10605 213.7559 168.10272 213.76857 168.10188 curveto -213.77906 168.09963 213.78931 168.0965 213.79987 168.09452 curveto -213.81596 168.09262 213.83213 168.09007 213.84742 168.08456 curveto -213.86052 168.07705 213.87132 168.06609 213.88332 168.05696 curveto -213.9125 168.03534 213.94305 168.01556 213.97359 167.99592 curveto -213.99697 167.98093 214.02209 167.969 214.04605 167.95507 curveto -214.05512 167.94935 214.06448 167.94429 214.07499 167.94195 curveto -214.08122 167.93947 214.08741 167.94239 214.09325 167.94081 curveto -214.1016 167.93807 214.10986 167.93581 214.11805 167.93283 curveto -214.27068 167.9797 lineto -214.262 167.97948 214.25493 167.98352 214.24617 167.98527 curveto -214.24045 167.98742 214.24316 167.98588 214.23814 167.99007 curveto -214.23519 167.99148 214.23022 167.9883 214.22709 167.9895 curveto -214.21702 167.98947 214.2079 167.99054 214.19902 167.99597 curveto -214.1746 168.01028 214.14818 168.02086 214.1239 168.03552 curveto -214.09392 168.05431 214.06417 168.07372 214.03666 168.09598 curveto -214.024 168.10558 214.01171 168.11555 214.0003 168.12666 curveto -213.98515 168.13584 213.96864 168.13784 213.95179 168.14197 curveto -213.94115 168.14237 213.93061 168.14414 213.92058 168.14783 curveto -213.90911 168.15177 213.89638 168.14924 213.885 168.15441 curveto -213.86799 168.16054 213.85274 168.17114 213.83786 168.18121 curveto -213.82649 168.18894 213.81712 168.19981 213.80359 168.20307 curveto -213.79817 168.20579 213.79435 168.21008 213.78913 168.21308 curveto -213.78225 168.21704 213.77429 168.21949 213.76784 168.22435 curveto -213.74994 168.23288 213.73312 168.24347 213.71599 168.25329 curveto -213.69965 168.26343 213.68443 168.27555 213.6657 168.28129 curveto -213.6456 168.28805 213.62585 168.29631 213.60711 168.30619 curveto -213.58538 168.31462 213.56362 168.32294 213.542 168.33161 curveto -213.52052 168.34081 213.49881 168.34956 213.47836 168.36091 curveto -213.45922 168.37419 213.4383 168.38505 213.41734 168.39515 curveto -213.39516 168.40552 213.37397 168.41804 213.35088 168.42646 curveto -213.31861 168.44236 213.28815 168.46179 213.25583 168.47762 curveto -213.23988 168.48708 213.22356 168.49522 213.20897 168.50654 curveto -213.1937 168.51239 213.18324 168.52166 213.17245 168.53387 curveto -213.16383 168.54114 213.15485 168.54693 213.14434 168.55077 curveto -213.12582 168.56161 213.15701 168.54295 213.13613 168.55706 curveto -213.1299 168.56127 213.12238 168.56427 213.1168 168.56971 curveto -213.10755 168.57478 213.0961 168.57429 213.08749 168.58112 curveto -213.07677 168.58472 213.06866 168.59059 213.06091 168.59887 curveto -213.04872 168.60338 213.03763 168.61005 213.02651 168.61668 curveto -213.01558 168.62387 213.00237 168.62697 212.99426 168.63796 curveto -212.98427 168.65262 212.97245 168.66628 212.95996 168.67885 curveto -212.94339 168.69549 212.92778 168.71314 212.91112 168.72973 curveto -212.75687 168.6927 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.93897 168.13534 moveto -213.96345 168.11985 213.98347 168.10028 214.00112 168.07751 curveto -214.0173 168.05646 214.03618 168.03797 214.05622 168.02068 curveto -214.06501 168.01258 214.07559 168.00737 214.08589 168.00168 curveto -214.09491 167.9957 214.10337 167.98895 214.11218 167.98267 curveto -214.11908 167.97768 214.12747 167.97492 214.13555 167.97211 curveto -214.14595 167.96642 214.15675 167.96168 214.16726 167.95619 curveto -214.1793 167.95091 214.19056 167.94415 214.20243 167.93855 curveto -214.20913 167.93468 214.21681 167.9348 214.22297 167.93006 curveto -214.2312 167.92026 214.24283 167.9158 214.25369 167.90996 curveto -214.40699 167.95204 lineto -214.40348 167.95365 214.40041 167.95613 214.39689 167.95774 curveto -214.39048 167.96067 214.38276 167.9613 214.37768 167.96702 curveto -214.37136 167.97498 214.3659 167.9806 214.35565 167.98185 curveto -214.34312 167.98619 214.33186 167.9925 214.31998 167.99828 curveto -214.30931 168.00304 214.29962 168.0095 214.28896 168.01412 curveto -214.28231 168.01849 214.27416 168.02246 214.26639 168.02316 curveto -214.25709 168.02859 214.24858 168.03489 214.23998 168.04115 curveto -214.23096 168.04936 214.21963 168.05245 214.20939 168.05907 curveto -214.1891 168.07483 214.17012 168.0919 214.15413 168.11215 curveto -214.13636 168.13544 214.11763 168.15769 214.09271 168.17373 curveto -213.93897 168.13534 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -214.108 168.05965 moveto -214.12608 168.05228 214.1425 168.04172 214.16007 168.03334 curveto -214.17229 168.02641 214.18559 168.02183 214.19764 168.01459 curveto -214.20979 168.00792 214.22051 167.99918 214.23164 167.99099 curveto -214.24059 167.9829 214.25065 167.97611 214.25921 167.96761 curveto -214.2681 167.9585 214.27747 167.94982 214.28762 167.94213 curveto -214.29582 167.93598 214.30464 167.93125 214.31289 167.92525 curveto -214.31848 167.91978 214.32438 167.91464 214.33026 167.90949 curveto -214.48475 167.94826 lineto -214.47882 167.95273 214.47297 167.95731 214.46742 167.96226 curveto -214.46048 167.97115 214.45205 167.97669 214.44162 167.98114 curveto -214.43211 167.98872 214.42199 167.99546 214.41384 168.00452 curveto -214.40487 168.014 214.39545 168.02188 214.38506 168.02977 curveto -214.38273 168.03171 214.3804 168.03365 214.37808 168.03559 curveto -214.37589 168.03696 214.3735 168.03805 214.37152 168.0397 curveto -214.36501 168.0451 214.35955 168.05207 214.35122 168.05503 curveto -214.33914 168.06315 214.32659 168.06973 214.31296 168.07485 curveto -214.30517 168.07942 214.29695 168.08213 214.28903 168.08647 curveto -214.28527 168.08853 214.27352 168.09584 214.26995 168.09769 curveto -214.26707 168.09919 214.26402 168.10033 214.26106 168.10164 curveto -214.108 168.05965 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.6678 168.11072 moveto -213.68315 168.09712 213.69856 168.08358 213.71338 168.06941 curveto -213.71931 168.06169 213.72828 168.05814 213.73564 168.05278 curveto -213.74331 168.04784 213.7521 168.04464 213.75927 168.03891 curveto -213.76812 168.03141 213.77898 168.02715 213.78878 168.02124 curveto -213.79769 168.0152 213.80529 168.00763 213.81359 168.00087 curveto -213.81828 167.99449 213.82668 167.99564 213.83225 167.99139 curveto -213.83777 167.98574 213.84376 167.98045 213.85105 167.97729 curveto -213.85434 167.9758 213.85765 167.9749 213.86124 167.97458 curveto -214.01328 168.02382 lineto -214.01014 168.02359 214.00722 168.02267 214.00407 168.02285 curveto -213.99742 168.02325 213.99256 168.02384 213.98718 168.02845 curveto -213.97876 168.03882 213.97965 168.03852 213.96775 168.04103 curveto -213.9582 168.04609 213.95148 168.05448 213.94259 168.06055 curveto -213.93367 168.06836 213.9236 168.07238 213.91349 168.07839 curveto -213.90583 168.08352 213.89888 168.09119 213.88976 168.09345 curveto -213.88531 168.09577 213.88751 168.09419 213.88346 168.09856 curveto -213.87856 168.10171 213.87068 168.10087 213.86722 168.10726 curveto -213.85168 168.12017 213.8371 168.13426 213.82205 168.14775 curveto -213.6678 168.11072 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.82103 168.06804 moveto -213.8397 168.05638 213.85713 168.04285 213.87563 168.03093 curveto -213.88661 168.0243 213.89691 168.01652 213.90913 168.01231 curveto -213.91982 168.00787 213.93027 168.00294 213.94086 167.99826 curveto -213.95218 167.99541 213.96167 167.9888 213.97164 167.98315 curveto -213.97722 167.97882 213.98381 167.97899 213.98906 167.97479 curveto -213.99764 167.97068 214.00642 167.96645 214.01529 167.96276 curveto -214.0241 167.96051 214.03198 167.95578 214.03966 167.95107 curveto -214.04393 167.94981 214.04727 167.94438 214.05176 167.94388 curveto -214.05771 167.94323 214.04684 167.94901 214.05642 167.94283 curveto -214.0617 167.93991 214.0676 167.93454 214.074 167.93553 curveto -214.08026 167.93235 214.0862 167.92852 214.09297 167.92635 curveto -214.09793 167.92684 214.10205 167.92428 214.10616 167.92187 curveto -214.25953 167.96538 lineto -214.25419 167.96631 214.24997 167.96978 214.24558 167.97285 curveto -214.2394 167.97311 214.23274 167.97334 214.22788 167.97768 curveto -214.22284 167.98269 214.21667 167.98101 214.21053 167.98394 curveto -214.1982 167.99054 214.2213 167.97771 214.20477 167.98927 curveto -214.20243 167.99091 214.19509 167.98787 214.19343 167.9923 curveto -214.18468 167.99701 214.17702 168.00248 214.16827 168.00721 curveto -214.15933 168.00927 214.15166 168.01412 214.14308 168.01624 curveto -214.13871 168.01745 214.13828 168.02107 214.13447 168.02304 curveto -214.13245 168.02409 214.12676 168.02245 214.12507 168.02531 curveto -214.11392 168.03002 214.1047 168.03754 214.09358 168.04236 curveto -214.08241 168.045 214.0732 168.05136 214.06238 168.05489 curveto -214.05143 168.06114 214.03786 168.06253 214.02839 168.07194 curveto -214.00902 168.08155 213.99202 168.09557 213.97448 168.1081 curveto -213.82103 168.06804 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -214.06793 167.96638 moveto -214.08621 167.96678 214.10449 167.96622 214.12277 167.96652 curveto -214.13177 167.96544 214.14044 167.96256 214.14911 167.95999 curveto -214.15548 167.96159 214.16011 167.95609 214.16416 167.95195 curveto -214.1683 167.9475 214.17304 167.9436 214.17614 167.93849 curveto -214.18117 167.93233 214.18774 167.92727 214.1945 167.92298 curveto -214.20211 167.91739 214.20853 167.91042 214.216 167.90454 curveto -214.22559 167.90081 214.23416 167.89511 214.24316 167.89021 curveto -214.25323 167.88543 214.26367 167.88106 214.27435 167.87772 curveto -214.28202 167.87476 214.28991 167.87535 214.29758 167.87278 curveto -214.30524 167.86982 214.31226 167.86181 214.32056 167.86089 curveto -214.32843 167.85549 214.33729 167.85236 214.34652 167.85023 curveto -214.35389 167.84977 214.35883 167.84882 214.3658 167.84545 curveto -214.37274 167.84328 214.3789 167.84214 214.385 167.83795 curveto -214.38953 167.83445 214.3947 167.83516 214.39928 167.83234 curveto -214.40492 167.82814 214.41047 167.82392 214.41582 167.81939 curveto -214.42106 167.81493 214.4273 167.8121 214.43269 167.8079 curveto -214.43848 167.80178 214.44604 167.79941 214.45415 167.79827 curveto -214.46551 167.79876 214.47537 167.79633 214.48618 167.79263 curveto -214.49935 167.78776 214.51177 167.78119 214.52513 167.77678 curveto -214.53749 167.77223 214.54902 167.76582 214.56125 167.76098 curveto -214.57086 167.75947 214.57703 167.754 214.58447 167.74819 curveto -214.59189 167.74232 214.60114 167.74147 214.60945 167.73759 curveto -214.61592 167.73449 214.62243 167.734 214.62832 167.72998 curveto -214.63866 167.72507 214.64715 167.71674 214.65672 167.71037 curveto -214.66326 167.7048 214.67178 167.70274 214.67872 167.69809 curveto -214.68519 167.69224 214.69316 167.68832 214.70058 167.6836 curveto -214.71177 167.67628 214.72436 167.67358 214.73742 167.6721 curveto -214.75158 167.66926 214.76577 167.66691 214.77946 167.66226 curveto -214.78993 167.65896 214.80024 167.6549 214.80991 167.64963 curveto -214.81942 167.64488 214.82836 167.6391 214.83809 167.63477 curveto -214.84823 167.62999 214.85687 167.6231 214.86563 167.61624 curveto -214.87381 167.61068 214.88119 167.60408 214.88921 167.59832 curveto -214.89791 167.59016 214.90706 167.58264 214.91674 167.57568 curveto -214.93924 167.56199 214.96492 167.55466 214.98974 167.54635 curveto -215.00976 167.53853 215.03024 167.53179 215.05002 167.52338 curveto -215.06234 167.51737 215.07583 167.51503 215.08892 167.51143 curveto -215.2408 167.55635 lineto -215.22796 167.55982 215.21518 167.56276 215.20236 167.56629 curveto -215.18198 167.57469 215.16128 167.58204 215.14064 167.58987 curveto -215.11709 167.59831 215.09288 167.60491 215.07011 167.61541 curveto -215.06055 167.62178 215.05174 167.62882 215.04345 167.63658 curveto -215.03629 167.64369 215.02765 167.64949 215.01969 167.65577 curveto -215.01011 167.66223 215.0022 167.67084 214.9918 167.67586 curveto -214.98299 167.68217 214.97216 167.68514 214.96325 167.69138 curveto -214.95297 167.69657 214.94314 167.70301 214.93211 167.70629 curveto -214.91785 167.71134 214.90402 167.716 214.88897 167.71823 curveto -214.87746 167.72128 214.86539 167.72012 214.8542 167.72477 curveto -214.84806 167.72791 214.85102 167.72599 214.8454 167.73066 curveto -214.84092 167.7331 214.84253 167.72961 214.83874 167.73296 curveto -214.83758 167.73399 214.8371 167.73568 214.83585 167.7366 curveto -214.83523 167.73706 214.8343 167.73675 214.83353 167.73683 curveto -214.82528 167.74468 214.82024 167.74634 214.81005 167.75103 curveto -214.79956 167.75687 214.79026 167.76367 214.78202 167.77222 curveto -214.77503 167.77412 214.77076 167.7816 214.76254 167.78124 curveto -214.7577 167.78263 214.75426 167.78564 214.74966 167.78731 curveto -214.74892 167.78758 214.74268 167.78788 214.74196 167.78803 curveto -214.74067 167.7883 214.73948 167.78889 214.73824 167.78932 curveto -214.72844 167.79281 214.72419 167.80327 214.71397 167.80534 curveto -214.70133 167.80857 214.69025 167.81462 214.67829 167.81935 curveto -214.66572 167.82663 214.65027 167.82783 214.6383 167.83667 curveto -214.62752 167.84021 214.61745 167.84707 214.60609 167.84648 curveto -214.59984 167.84645 214.59363 167.84584 214.58746 167.84673 curveto -214.58192 167.85142 214.57678 167.85614 214.57 167.85905 curveto -214.56383 167.8626 214.55918 167.86718 214.55392 167.87203 curveto -214.54885 167.87624 214.54564 167.88062 214.53859 167.88082 curveto -214.53112 167.882 214.527 167.89046 214.51882 167.88984 curveto -214.50998 167.8912 214.50721 167.89763 214.49888 167.89706 curveto -214.49068 167.89781 214.48208 167.8982 214.47461 167.90195 curveto -214.46858 167.90775 214.45839 167.90825 214.45139 167.91367 curveto -214.44307 167.92071 214.43758 167.92291 214.4268 167.9232 curveto -214.41628 167.92513 214.40648 167.92856 214.39666 167.93234 curveto -214.38714 167.93668 214.37842 167.94175 214.36958 167.94728 curveto -214.36046 167.94764 214.35397 167.95695 214.34849 167.96315 curveto -214.34718 167.96408 214.34587 167.965 214.34456 167.96593 curveto -214.34362 167.96624 214.34256 167.96631 214.34174 167.96686 curveto -214.33939 167.96845 214.33834 167.97163 214.33586 167.97302 curveto -214.33519 167.9734 214.33433 167.97284 214.33356 167.97274 curveto -214.33292 167.97322 214.33228 167.9737 214.33165 167.97419 curveto -214.32854 167.97607 214.32406 167.98683 214.31943 167.98888 curveto -214.31362 167.99503 214.30808 168.00146 214.30151 168.00682 curveto -214.29218 168.00695 214.28327 168.01044 214.27449 168.01325 curveto -214.25671 168.01858 214.23715 168.0135 214.21881 168.0154 curveto -214.06793 167.96638 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.74655 168.07609 moveto -213.76301 168.06951 213.77905 168.06197 213.79571 168.05586 curveto -213.80051 168.05523 213.80606 168.05103 213.81108 168.05148 curveto -213.81725 168.05203 213.80931 168.05341 213.81565 168.05191 curveto -213.82208 168.04789 213.82774 168.04398 213.83568 168.04409 curveto -213.84085 168.04384 213.84497 168.03924 213.84998 168.03856 curveto -213.8564 168.0377 213.84771 168.04064 213.8531 168.03861 curveto -213.85774 168.03185 213.86416 168.02948 213.87132 168.02656 curveto -213.88082 168.02113 213.88976 168.0149 213.89891 168.00892 curveto -213.90455 168.00454 213.91128 168.00311 213.91684 167.99856 curveto -213.9216 167.995 213.92279 167.98959 213.9259 167.98481 curveto -213.93024 167.97792 213.93687 167.97634 213.94415 167.9735 curveto -213.95092 167.9705 213.95808 167.96882 213.96524 167.9671 curveto -213.96802 167.96506 213.97033 167.96786 213.97247 167.96788 curveto -213.97557 167.96791 213.98049 167.96498 213.98341 167.96385 curveto -213.98663 167.96366 213.99163 167.95834 213.99493 167.95952 curveto -213.99562 167.95976 213.99523 167.9614 213.99595 167.96145 curveto -213.99697 167.96153 213.99766 167.96035 213.99852 167.9598 curveto -214.00415 167.95556 214.01033 167.95251 214.01719 167.95084 curveto -214.0252 167.95069 214.03235 167.94906 214.0396 167.94549 curveto -214.04697 167.94464 214.0533 167.93975 214.06066 167.93678 curveto -214.06788 167.93416 214.0742 167.93504 214.08098 167.93165 curveto -214.0942 167.92369 214.10959 167.92162 214.12401 167.91699 curveto -214.1324 167.91305 214.1417 167.9117 214.15029 167.90867 curveto -214.1584 167.90311 214.16819 167.90284 214.17718 167.90023 curveto -214.185 167.89652 214.19303 167.89182 214.20193 167.89249 curveto -214.20896 167.8899 214.21539 167.88607 214.22271 167.88391 curveto -214.22964 167.88486 214.23488 167.87966 214.24075 167.87674 curveto -214.24999 167.87506 214.25833 167.87046 214.26742 167.86801 curveto -214.27455 167.86814 214.28073 167.8628 214.28714 167.86009 curveto -214.29379 167.85676 214.29068 167.86073 214.29226 167.86108 curveto -214.29273 167.86119 214.30132 167.85478 214.3025 167.85427 curveto -214.31426 167.84742 214.32745 167.84416 214.34072 167.84182 curveto -214.35024 167.84041 214.359 167.84052 214.36823 167.83779 curveto -214.37763 167.83543 214.38714 167.83249 214.3969 167.83258 curveto -214.40948 167.83029 214.4211 167.82508 214.43279 167.8201 curveto -214.44111 167.81704 214.44966 167.81582 214.4579 167.81245 curveto -214.45963 167.80831 214.46593 167.81121 214.46811 167.80963 curveto -214.47002 167.80825 214.47155 167.8064 214.47343 167.80498 curveto -214.47777 167.80222 214.48659 167.79614 214.4915 167.79978 curveto -214.50013 167.79665 214.50796 167.7923 214.51604 167.7879 curveto -214.52665 167.78362 214.53778 167.78055 214.54886 167.77753 curveto -214.55681 167.77416 214.56572 167.77489 214.57366 167.77242 curveto -214.59033 167.76721 214.60589 167.75915 214.62168 167.75179 curveto -214.63755 167.74445 214.65338 167.73733 214.67039 167.73311 curveto -214.69141 167.72786 214.71247 167.72284 214.73339 167.71719 curveto -214.74699 167.71355 214.76088 167.71141 214.77478 167.70936 curveto -214.92476 167.75602 lineto -214.91115 167.75744 214.89756 167.75897 214.88419 167.76198 curveto -214.86347 167.76715 214.84321 167.77402 214.82219 167.77796 curveto -214.80585 167.78291 214.78874 167.78545 214.7738 167.79451 curveto -214.75753 167.8008 214.74236 167.80969 214.72653 167.81667 curveto -214.7204 167.81889 214.72335 167.81742 214.71773 167.82113 curveto -214.71286 167.82298 214.70582 167.82011 214.70102 167.82307 curveto -214.69005 167.8253 214.67994 167.82905 214.66915 167.83127 curveto -214.6601 167.83346 214.65361 167.83953 214.64521 167.84273 curveto -214.64407 167.84397 214.64325 167.8456 214.64179 167.84644 curveto -214.63856 167.84828 214.63126 167.84507 214.62762 167.84625 curveto -214.61891 167.84963 214.62088 167.85572 214.61147 167.85543 curveto -214.60302 167.85937 214.59496 167.86395 214.58555 167.86447 curveto -214.57288 167.86725 214.56191 167.87464 214.54948 167.87779 curveto -214.54059 167.88231 214.53018 167.88023 214.52057 167.88311 curveto -214.51454 167.8844 214.51102 167.88701 214.50566 167.88869 curveto -214.50166 167.88995 214.49655 167.88749 214.4925 167.88899 curveto -214.4802 167.88999 214.46762 167.8912 214.45609 167.89591 curveto -214.45494 167.89666 214.44746 167.89958 214.44729 167.89982 curveto -214.44334 167.90527 214.44595 167.90502 214.44013 167.90532 curveto -214.43246 167.9062 214.42567 167.90893 214.41981 167.9143 curveto -214.41049 167.9154 214.40142 167.91683 214.39355 167.9224 curveto -214.38568 167.92181 214.38096 167.92622 214.37497 167.93093 curveto -214.36776 167.93079 214.36065 167.93126 214.35508 167.9364 curveto -214.34724 167.94185 214.33919 167.93823 214.33072 167.94272 curveto -214.32959 167.94343 214.32258 167.94789 214.32169 167.94819 curveto -214.31616 167.95001 214.3092 167.94808 214.30383 167.95109 curveto -214.301 167.95276 214.29846 167.955 214.29541 167.95622 curveto -214.28956 167.95857 214.28189 167.95726 214.27639 167.96115 curveto -214.27169 167.96277 214.26723 167.9651 214.26245 167.96642 curveto -214.25335 167.96893 214.24344 167.96908 214.23462 167.97296 curveto -214.22632 167.97824 214.22385 167.98255 214.21327 167.98218 curveto -214.20903 167.98254 214.20226 167.98291 214.1989 167.98592 curveto -214.19765 167.98705 214.19705 167.98885 214.19566 167.9898 curveto -214.19483 167.99037 214.19367 167.99006 214.19267 167.9902 curveto -214.18435 167.99104 214.17777 167.99819 214.16954 167.99821 curveto -214.16401 167.99823 214.1577 167.99769 214.15283 168.00052 curveto -214.14401 168.00593 214.16037 167.99542 214.14757 168.00645 curveto -214.14523 168.00846 214.13893 168.00459 214.13672 168.00765 curveto -214.13344 168.00885 214.12875 168.00979 214.12588 168.01177 curveto -214.12453 168.01271 214.12381 168.01444 214.12239 168.01528 curveto -214.12097 168.01612 214.11883 168.01413 214.11745 168.01511 curveto -214.11071 168.01451 214.10359 168.01577 214.09713 168.01751 curveto -214.0943 168.01841 214.09129 168.01884 214.08862 168.02012 curveto -214.0874 168.0207 214.08666 168.02228 214.08533 168.02246 curveto -214.08423 168.0226 214.08345 168.0192 214.08127 168.02171 curveto -214.08046 168.02203 214.07917 168.02151 214.07872 168.02226 curveto -214.07613 168.02653 214.0766 168.03255 214.07179 168.03571 curveto -214.06613 168.04231 214.06092 168.04751 214.05282 168.04987 curveto -214.04308 168.05523 214.03428 168.06153 214.02499 168.06744 curveto -214.01767 168.07321 214.01649 168.07274 214.00852 168.07509 curveto -214.00104 168.08684 213.99955 168.08205 213.98861 168.08848 curveto -213.98081 168.09322 213.97648 168.08873 213.96973 168.09342 curveto -213.96757 168.0952 213.96595 168.09771 213.9635 168.09908 curveto -213.95967 168.10123 213.95221 168.09764 213.94831 168.10031 curveto -213.93132 168.1049 213.91498 168.11119 213.89915 168.11893 curveto -213.74655 168.07609 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.75523 168.01709 moveto -213.77201 168.01393 213.78693 168.00582 213.80231 167.99891 curveto -213.80931 167.99556 213.81383 167.98926 213.81903 167.98373 curveto -213.82283 167.97894 213.82759 167.97653 213.83315 167.97318 curveto -213.83751 167.97077 213.84346 167.96536 213.84849 167.9683 curveto -213.85348 167.96731 213.85708 167.96329 213.86174 167.96107 curveto -213.86664 167.95706 213.87082 167.96042 213.87589 167.95809 curveto -213.88144 167.95542 213.88536 167.95219 213.89048 167.94844 curveto -213.89819 167.94488 213.90452 167.93897 213.91206 167.93517 curveto -213.96496 167.94518 214.01788 167.95509 214.07076 167.96518 curveto -214.0735 167.9657 214.08179 167.96681 214.07905 167.96631 curveto -214.01847 167.9553 213.875 167.93064 213.93131 167.94032 curveto -213.93234 167.94043 213.93337 167.94055 213.93441 167.94066 curveto -213.93494 167.94135 213.93517 167.94247 213.936 167.94273 curveto -213.93917 167.9437 213.94586 167.93847 213.94856 167.93731 curveto -213.95514 167.93457 213.96198 167.93243 213.96912 167.93361 curveto -213.9762 167.93174 213.98326 167.92922 213.99006 167.92642 curveto -213.99688 167.92362 214.00394 167.9258 214.01077 167.92364 curveto -214.01717 167.91993 214.02397 167.91739 214.0313 167.91643 curveto -214.04366 167.91588 214.05568 167.91602 214.06784 167.91354 curveto -214.0763 167.91186 214.08436 167.90849 214.09305 167.90857 curveto -214.10221 167.90592 214.11111 167.90267 214.12047 167.90066 curveto -214.12744 167.89937 214.13449 167.89889 214.14157 167.89876 curveto -214.14265 167.89874 214.14373 167.89872 214.1448 167.89871 curveto -214.14539 167.89929 214.14575 167.9003 214.14656 167.90045 curveto -214.14963 167.90103 214.15552 167.8967 214.15787 167.8952 curveto -214.16471 167.89056 214.17312 167.89288 214.18018 167.89073 curveto -214.18787 167.88736 214.19574 167.88481 214.20399 167.8833 curveto -214.2046 167.88372 214.20509 167.88456 214.20583 167.88456 curveto -214.208 167.88455 214.21997 167.87757 214.22495 167.87654 curveto -214.23575 167.87372 214.2455 167.86843 214.25533 167.86332 curveto -214.26394 167.85771 214.27396 167.8569 214.28355 167.85322 curveto -214.29576 167.84759 214.30918 167.8456 214.32144 167.84024 curveto -214.33133 167.83432 214.34265 167.83264 214.35322 167.82833 curveto -214.36498 167.82363 214.37536 167.81621 214.38681 167.81089 curveto -214.39501 167.80797 214.40312 167.80449 214.41103 167.80081 curveto -214.41817 167.79801 214.42581 167.79775 214.43337 167.79756 curveto -214.44197 167.7986 214.44969 167.79712 214.45732 167.7929 curveto -214.46714 167.78715 214.47771 167.78278 214.48827 167.77855 curveto -214.49773 167.77503 214.50754 167.77374 214.51714 167.77077 curveto -214.52931 167.76766 214.54132 167.76447 214.55337 167.76085 curveto -214.56713 167.75872 214.57934 167.75283 214.59156 167.74655 curveto -214.60338 167.74116 214.61624 167.73838 214.6288 167.73517 curveto -214.64383 167.73327 214.65749 167.72717 214.67141 167.72161 curveto -214.68111 167.71737 214.69152 167.71596 214.70128 167.71204 curveto -214.70955 167.7078 214.71895 167.70807 214.72743 167.70475 curveto -214.73435 167.69995 214.74259 167.69912 214.7502 167.69599 curveto -214.7574 167.69364 214.76268 167.69006 214.76903 167.68591 curveto -214.77199 167.68553 214.77604 167.68158 214.7792 167.68203 curveto -214.77984 167.68212 214.77982 167.68354 214.78046 167.68348 curveto -214.78249 167.68331 214.78383 167.6812 214.78552 167.68007 curveto -214.79085 167.67529 214.79742 167.67401 214.80412 167.6728 curveto -214.81235 167.66278 214.82263 167.6566 214.83414 167.65085 curveto -214.87027 167.63261 214.90753 167.61658 214.94335 167.59773 curveto -214.9632 167.58545 214.98416 167.57677 215.00693 167.57197 curveto -215.02788 167.56792 215.04874 167.56357 215.06953 167.55874 curveto -215.07937 167.55525 215.09025 167.55629 215.10001 167.55292 curveto -215.25394 167.59468 lineto -215.24259 167.60254 215.23471 167.60319 215.22109 167.60447 curveto -215.20007 167.60864 215.1794 167.61426 215.15818 167.61735 curveto -215.13617 167.62287 215.11371 167.62539 215.0943 167.63873 curveto -215.0587 167.65789 215.0205 167.67167 214.98579 167.69263 curveto -214.97581 167.69735 214.96688 167.70121 214.9593 167.70936 curveto -214.95459 167.71713 214.94908 167.72115 214.93988 167.72062 curveto -214.93518 167.72354 214.9358 167.72491 214.93206 167.72797 curveto -214.92992 167.72973 214.92456 167.72777 214.92227 167.72946 curveto -214.91412 167.72997 214.91145 167.73727 214.90367 167.73878 curveto -214.89615 167.74243 214.88959 167.7461 214.8812 167.74684 curveto -214.87076 167.75321 214.8661 167.75454 214.85412 167.75618 curveto -214.84382 167.75908 214.83465 167.76435 214.82377 167.76553 curveto -214.809 167.76989 214.79581 167.77838 214.78067 167.78103 curveto -214.76838 167.78309 214.75661 167.78688 214.74456 167.78964 curveto -214.73094 167.79399 214.71978 167.80364 214.70549 167.80635 curveto -214.69319 167.80851 214.68224 167.81436 214.66977 167.81541 curveto -214.65996 167.81837 214.65113 167.82229 214.64081 167.82307 curveto -214.63025 167.82536 214.62063 167.83005 214.61092 167.83441 curveto -214.60273 167.83888 214.59449 167.84618 214.58492 167.84668 curveto -214.5779 167.8466 214.57088 167.84629 214.56387 167.84633 curveto -214.55558 167.84637 214.54697 167.85117 214.53986 167.85494 curveto -214.5274 167.8579 214.51633 167.86446 214.50564 167.87142 curveto -214.49532 167.87562 214.48608 167.88094 214.47495 167.88241 curveto -214.4624 167.88929 214.44954 167.89282 214.43584 167.89669 curveto -214.42983 167.89892 214.42324 167.90379 214.41712 167.90528 curveto -214.41544 167.90569 214.41333 167.90413 214.4116 167.90443 curveto -214.41067 167.90458 214.40988 167.90522 214.40902 167.90561 curveto -214.39849 167.9105 214.38838 167.91637 214.37772 167.9206 curveto -214.37005 167.92428 214.36159 167.92263 214.35624 167.93081 curveto -214.34853 167.93122 214.34049 167.93116 214.33335 167.93446 curveto -214.33049 167.93574 214.32822 167.9382 214.3253 167.93935 curveto -214.3214 167.94088 214.31527 167.93856 214.31118 167.93937 curveto -214.30362 167.93924 214.29992 167.94761 214.29319 167.94795 curveto -214.28629 167.94787 214.27939 167.94753 214.27248 167.94796 curveto -214.2633 167.94824 214.254 167.94946 214.24571 167.95365 curveto -214.23775 167.95786 214.22842 167.95589 214.21988 167.95928 curveto -214.2076 167.96223 214.19603 167.96634 214.1832 167.96466 curveto -214.17679 167.96466 214.17074 167.96375 214.16453 167.96604 curveto -214.15728 167.9706 214.15159 167.97444 214.14273 167.97284 curveto -214.13572 167.97235 214.12809 167.97586 214.1219 167.97872 curveto -214.11534 167.98287 214.10909 167.98071 214.10169 167.98183 curveto -214.09705 167.9828 214.09317 167.98335 214.08945 167.9867 curveto -214.08814 167.98789 214.08742 167.98977 214.08589 167.99065 curveto -214.08492 167.99121 214.08365 167.99068 214.08253 167.9907 curveto -214.02493 167.99165 214.07482 167.99107 213.91947 167.9632 curveto -213.91684 167.96273 213.91429 167.9598 213.91147 167.95967 curveto -213.962 167.96881 214.01252 167.97796 214.06305 167.98711 curveto -214.06244 167.98634 214.05965 167.98255 214.05858 167.98237 curveto -214.05374 167.98154 214.04796 167.9876 214.04453 167.98996 curveto -214.03676 167.99281 214.03688 167.99659 214.03016 167.99906 curveto -214.02528 168.00267 214.02178 168.00888 214.01523 168.00565 curveto -214.00963 168.0066 214.00575 168.0066 214.00208 168.01158 curveto -213.99613 168.01764 213.99398 168.01292 213.98714 168.01508 curveto -213.98508 168.01601 213.98092 168.01697 213.97929 168.01841 curveto -213.97822 168.01935 213.97811 168.02129 213.97683 168.02188 curveto -213.97618 168.02218 213.97602 168.0207 213.97561 168.02011 curveto -213.97515 168.0205 213.97469 168.02088 213.97423 168.02127 curveto -213.96752 168.02715 213.96215 168.03391 213.95574 168.0399 curveto -213.94151 168.04998 213.9235 168.05566 213.90735 168.06187 curveto -213.75523 168.01709 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.88007 167.96682 moveto -213.89384 167.95788 213.90755 167.94888 213.92135 167.93998 curveto -213.926 167.9375 213.92968 167.93367 213.93499 167.93253 curveto -213.93976 167.93181 213.94461 167.93228 213.94942 167.93235 curveto -213.95451 167.93241 213.95961 167.93242 213.96471 167.93248 curveto -213.96943 167.93246 213.97414 167.93249 213.97886 167.93247 curveto -213.98425 167.93249 213.98963 167.93251 213.99502 167.93248 curveto -213.99807 167.9323 213.99913 167.93198 214.00115 167.93442 curveto -214.15477 167.97786 lineto -214.15125 167.98201 214.15161 167.98212 214.14689 167.98183 curveto -214.14153 167.9818 214.13617 167.98182 214.13081 167.98184 curveto -214.12604 167.98182 214.12127 167.98185 214.1165 167.98182 curveto -214.11137 167.98187 214.10624 167.98186 214.10112 167.98181 curveto -214.09644 167.98178 214.09174 167.98203 214.08711 167.98132 curveto -214.08247 167.98058 214.07904 167.97787 214.07482 167.98191 curveto -214.05978 167.98761 214.04683 167.99807 214.03352 168.00689 curveto -213.88007 167.96682 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.97452 167.94961 moveto -213.99139 167.9464 214.00643 167.9383 214.02187 167.93129 curveto -214.02932 167.92911 214.03553 167.92513 214.04248 167.9219 curveto -214.04965 167.91804 214.05596 167.91303 214.06342 167.90974 curveto -214.07217 167.90933 214.07985 167.9051 214.08825 167.9027 curveto -214.09068 167.90311 214.09297 167.90069 214.09541 167.90096 curveto -214.09609 167.90104 214.09633 167.90227 214.09701 167.90223 curveto -214.09904 167.90212 214.10267 167.89898 214.10442 167.89789 curveto -214.10831 167.89592 214.11011 167.89235 214.11437 167.89107 curveto -214.12106 167.88992 214.12796 167.89028 214.13474 167.89027 curveto -214.14008 167.8934 214.14803 167.8873 214.15363 167.88539 curveto -214.15886 167.88322 214.1643 167.88233 214.16992 167.88198 curveto -214.17041 167.88262 214.17061 167.88375 214.17141 167.8839 curveto -214.17283 167.88417 214.18829 167.87721 214.19133 167.87642 curveto -214.19921 167.87388 214.2068 167.87575 214.21426 167.8724 curveto -214.22169 167.86899 214.22952 167.86687 214.23759 167.86577 curveto -214.24832 167.86608 214.25976 167.86157 214.26957 167.85721 curveto -214.27785 167.85352 214.28648 167.85065 214.29542 167.84909 curveto -214.30349 167.84989 214.311 167.84484 214.31871 167.84269 curveto -214.32453 167.84178 214.3321 167.83815 214.33758 167.84123 curveto -214.34299 167.84063 214.34703 167.83577 214.35264 167.83548 curveto -214.36016 167.83069 214.36746 167.8255 214.37506 167.82074 curveto -214.38063 167.81801 214.38616 167.81489 214.39193 167.8117 curveto -214.39296 167.81101 214.39384 167.81001 214.39501 167.80962 curveto -214.39568 167.80939 214.39639 167.81007 214.39709 167.80999 curveto -214.40045 167.8096 214.40588 167.80406 214.40887 167.80226 curveto -214.41656 167.80046 214.42261 167.79487 214.4302 167.79213 curveto -214.43766 167.79211 214.44345 167.78735 214.45 167.78451 curveto -214.45871 167.7826 214.46696 167.77865 214.4757 167.7762 curveto -214.48683 167.77405 214.49776 167.77286 214.50857 167.76926 curveto -214.51714 167.76649 214.52572 167.76526 214.53428 167.76248 curveto -214.53965 167.75895 214.5494 167.75924 214.5539 167.75697 curveto -214.55991 167.75413 214.56525 167.74857 214.57226 167.74945 curveto -214.57874 167.74819 214.58248 167.74168 214.58933 167.74189 curveto -214.59514 167.74 214.59872 167.73527 214.60406 167.73245 curveto -214.60999 167.734 214.61319 167.72857 214.61752 167.72572 curveto -214.62535 167.72341 214.63174 167.71837 214.63991 167.7165 curveto -214.64842 167.71416 214.65645 167.70804 214.66543 167.70791 curveto -214.67388 167.70449 214.68244 167.6991 214.6918 167.6993 curveto -214.69964 167.69464 214.70799 167.69189 214.71674 167.68919 curveto -214.72725 167.68306 214.73841 167.67824 214.74911 167.67247 curveto -214.76119 167.66631 214.77408 167.66201 214.78636 167.65619 curveto -214.7948 167.65158 214.8036 167.64829 214.81304 167.64659 curveto -214.8222 167.64699 214.83067 167.64167 214.83988 167.6406 curveto -214.85005 167.63647 214.86062 167.63356 214.8713 167.63112 curveto -214.88416 167.62829 214.89759 167.62901 214.9107 167.62897 curveto -214.92263 167.62935 214.93468 167.6281 214.94656 167.62938 curveto -214.96029 167.62653 214.97296 167.62038 214.98663 167.61693 curveto -214.99601 167.61473 215.00563 167.61425 215.01501 167.61213 curveto -215.16738 167.65693 lineto -215.15775 167.66029 215.14854 167.66299 215.13819 167.66289 curveto -215.12419 167.66492 215.11098 167.66816 215.09878 167.67558 curveto -215.08727 167.68077 215.07373 167.67688 215.06134 167.67789 curveto -215.04882 167.67788 215.0363 167.67804 215.02378 167.67771 curveto -215.01334 167.67906 215.00294 167.68072 214.99294 167.68413 curveto -214.98428 167.68948 214.97309 167.68767 214.96493 167.69458 curveto -214.95615 167.69435 214.94731 167.69461 214.93932 167.69873 curveto -214.92713 167.70412 214.91563 167.71071 214.90266 167.71409 curveto -214.89181 167.71994 214.88082 167.72504 214.86997 167.73084 curveto -214.86623 167.73356 214.86298 167.73661 214.85828 167.73759 curveto -214.85272 167.73874 214.85044 167.73656 214.8452 167.74238 curveto -214.83754 167.74821 214.82735 167.74575 214.81893 167.75069 curveto -214.81159 167.75646 214.80094 167.75482 214.79288 167.76014 curveto -214.78561 167.76394 214.77686 167.76301 214.77104 167.76976 curveto -214.76978 167.76977 214.76854 167.7687 214.76733 167.76905 curveto -214.76332 167.77022 214.76067 167.77725 214.75676 167.77876 curveto -214.74928 167.77696 214.74881 167.7789 214.74306 167.78417 curveto -214.73641 167.79007 214.73173 167.78496 214.7257 167.7927 curveto -214.71892 167.79823 214.71467 167.79345 214.70779 167.79875 curveto -214.70328 167.80129 214.70552 167.7996 214.70136 167.80421 curveto -214.69788 167.80631 214.69023 167.80323 214.68701 167.80695 curveto -214.67815 167.80973 214.67049 167.81365 214.66115 167.81434 curveto -214.64995 167.81677 214.63981 167.82293 214.62805 167.82211 curveto -214.62349 167.82281 214.61844 167.82299 214.61411 167.82468 curveto -214.6112 167.82582 214.60896 167.82838 214.606 167.82938 curveto -214.60514 167.82967 214.6042 167.82917 214.60329 167.82906 curveto -214.59547 167.83072 214.58907 167.83355 214.58252 167.83842 curveto -214.57396 167.83841 214.56791 167.84003 214.56198 167.84673 curveto -214.55266 167.84648 214.55463 167.85079 214.5482 167.85445 curveto -214.54753 167.85484 214.54668 167.85415 214.54592 167.85399 curveto -214.54248 167.85552 214.53765 167.85686 214.53471 167.85916 curveto -214.53349 167.86011 214.53295 167.86184 214.5316 167.86259 curveto -214.53088 167.86299 214.52998 167.86236 214.52917 167.86224 curveto -214.52138 167.86612 214.5129 167.86984 214.50693 167.87622 curveto -214.50233 167.88118 214.49568 167.88071 214.49087 167.88541 curveto -214.48442 167.89128 214.47936 167.88771 214.47119 167.88895 curveto -214.46254 167.88994 214.45449 167.89122 214.44752 167.897 curveto -214.43903 167.89703 214.43046 167.89754 214.42243 167.90058 curveto -214.41632 167.9027 214.41107 167.90615 214.40509 167.90845 curveto -214.40352 167.90906 214.39567 167.9106 214.39402 167.91129 curveto -214.39235 167.91199 214.39092 167.91315 214.38936 167.91408 curveto -214.38204 167.91391 214.3745 167.91388 214.36745 167.91611 curveto -214.35784 167.91901 214.3556 167.92467 214.34372 167.92281 curveto -214.33552 167.92373 214.32687 167.92353 214.32182 167.93104 curveto -214.31675 167.9309 214.3116 167.93024 214.3066 167.93075 curveto -214.29894 167.93219 214.29178 167.93326 214.28638 167.9396 curveto -214.27989 167.93955 214.27333 167.93979 214.26688 167.93905 curveto -214.26152 167.9383 214.26441 167.93456 214.25877 167.93876 curveto -214.25216 167.94281 214.24866 167.94856 214.24066 167.94857 curveto -214.23634 167.94924 214.23147 167.94935 214.22738 167.95104 curveto -214.22447 167.95226 214.22223 167.95484 214.21926 167.95593 curveto -214.21824 167.9563 214.21709 167.95593 214.21601 167.95594 curveto -214.20804 167.95527 214.20258 167.95848 214.19619 167.96316 curveto -214.19479 167.96411 214.19339 167.96506 214.19199 167.96602 curveto -214.19096 167.9663 214.18984 167.96637 214.18889 167.96687 curveto -214.18399 167.9695 214.18107 167.97445 214.17478 167.97459 curveto -214.15834 167.98036 214.14343 167.98963 214.12665 167.9944 curveto -213.97452 167.94961 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -71.826238 63.363595 moveto -70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto -67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto -68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto -71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto -74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto -80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto -86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto -92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto -99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto -105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto -111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto -117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto -124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto -130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto -133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto -134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto -134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto -133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto -127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto -120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto -116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto -111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto -102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto -97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto -90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto -82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto -74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.24148704 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -71.826238 63.363595 moveto -70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto -67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto -68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto -71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto -74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto -80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto -86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto -92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto -99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto -105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto -111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto -117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto -124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto -130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto -133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto -134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto -134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto -133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto -127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto -120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto -116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto -111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto -102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto -97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto -90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto -82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto -74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -161.91042 171.36883 moveto -153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto -141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto -131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto -119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto -117.39882 134.81084 lineto -120.42386 134.89705 lineto -122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto -127.05778 134.23517 lineto -127.78219 136.27738 lineto -128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto -138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto -158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto -197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto -211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto -233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto -235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto -229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto -218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto -209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto -202.8011 171.65158 lineto -185.12229 171.60909 lineto -175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto -161.91042 171.36883 lineto -closepath -143.1547 167.33886 moveto -143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto -143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto -143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto -142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto -143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto -143.1547 167.33886 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.017813761 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -161.91042 171.36883 moveto -153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto -141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto -131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto -119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto -117.39882 134.81084 lineto -120.42386 134.89705 lineto -122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto -127.05778 134.23517 lineto -127.78219 136.27738 lineto -128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto -138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto -158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto -197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto -211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto -233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto -235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto -229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto -218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto -209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto -202.8011 171.65158 lineto -185.12229 171.60909 lineto -175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto -161.91042 171.36883 lineto -closepath -143.1547 167.33886 moveto -143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto -143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto -143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto -142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto -143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto -143.1547 167.33886 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -123.65131 103.44399 moveto -121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto -120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto -125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto -129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto -132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto -131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto -127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto -123.65131 103.44399 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.017813761 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -123.65131 103.44399 moveto -121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto -120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto -125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto -129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto -132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto -131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto -127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto -123.65131 103.44399 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -159.34631 171.1021 moveto -152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto -139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto -124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto -118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto -117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto -124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto -126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto -128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto -137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto -158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto -190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto -208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto -234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto -235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto -225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto -213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto -203.38156 171.38304 lineto -183.65813 171.34014 lineto -172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto -159.34631 171.1021 lineto -closepath -143.28693 167.31853 moveto -143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto -142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto -142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto -143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.017813761 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -159.34631 171.1021 moveto -152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto -139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto -124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto -118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto -117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto -124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto -126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto -128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto -137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto -158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto -190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto -208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto -234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto -235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto -225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto -213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto -203.38156 171.38304 lineto -183.65813 171.34014 lineto -172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto -159.34631 171.1021 lineto -closepath -143.28693 167.31853 moveto -143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto -142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto -142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto -143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -191.3841 162.63239 moveto -191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto -194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto -195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto -190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto -191.3841 162.63239 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.0044534402 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -191.3841 162.63239 moveto -191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto -194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto -195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto -190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto -191.3841 162.63239 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -186.13361 161.78041 moveto -186.27898 161.89038 186.42026 162.00561 186.56457 162.11694 curveto -186.69418 162.21693 186.8201 162.32213 186.95519 162.41459 curveto -187.7208 162.93857 188.54934 163.34499 189.37566 163.76163 curveto -190.50733 164.3259 191.68396 164.79064 192.87933 165.19967 curveto -193.07545 165.26724 193.26886 165.34376 193.46837 165.40125 curveto -193.56936 165.43035 193.66115 165.45381 193.75663 165.49814 curveto -193.8339 165.53208 193.90967 165.56757 193.99403 165.57899 curveto -194.01186 165.5814 194.06548 165.58726 194.04778 165.58406 curveto -193.65481 165.51305 193.2613 165.44503 192.86806 165.37551 curveto -193.38218 165.42487 193.90635 165.46919 194.39645 165.63693 curveto -193.12411 165.60079 lineto -192.5094 165.45327 194.86997 165.83666 194.07021 165.78249 curveto -193.4385 165.67375 193.00458 165.68094 192.49477 165.44947 curveto -192.22052 165.35464 191.94222 165.27124 191.67417 165.15857 curveto -190.53254 164.73825 189.41182 164.26216 188.3259 163.71251 curveto -187.46877 163.27898 186.60256 162.85733 185.79094 162.34082 curveto -185.64444 162.24759 185.50734 162.14038 185.3656 162.04007 curveto -184.92953 161.73144 185.21383 161.93171 184.87802 161.69556 curveto -186.13361 161.78041 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -179.82026 161.08747 moveto -180.11343 161.30474 180.4288 161.48893 180.77089 161.61949 curveto -180.91737 161.67539 181.06736 161.72166 181.21559 161.77275 curveto -182.52869 162.20787 183.87846 162.51461 185.22149 162.83992 curveto -185.69903 162.95311 186.17984 163.05287 186.66386 163.13418 curveto -186.77051 163.1521 187.09091 163.20295 186.98447 163.18379 curveto -183.40962 162.54037 182.00644 162.34661 183.43826 162.54657 curveto -183.61075 162.56946 183.78449 162.5792 183.95835 162.58157 curveto -184.02075 162.58202 184.08297 162.5773 184.14519 162.57339 curveto -184.20546 162.56857 184.26595 162.57048 184.32632 162.57145 curveto -184.42832 162.57114 184.53032 162.57273 184.63232 162.57342 curveto -184.65628 162.56762 184.67968 162.55857 184.70419 162.55603 curveto -184.72672 162.55369 184.7498 162.55486 184.77209 162.55891 curveto -186.16059 162.81112 187.54832 163.06758 188.93593 163.3247 curveto -189.00792 163.33804 189.07482 163.36166 189.14788 163.37151 curveto -189.22324 163.41363 189.30972 163.44771 189.39721 163.45084 curveto -189.41569 163.4515 189.47085 163.45252 189.45265 163.44924 curveto -188.09954 163.20528 186.7451 162.9688 185.39132 162.72858 curveto -185.42086 162.76039 185.49263 162.73932 185.52292 162.76252 curveto -185.53454 162.77143 185.53145 162.79188 185.54188 162.80217 curveto -185.55804 162.8181 185.58478 162.8172 185.60534 162.8268 curveto -185.76443 162.75588 185.92567 162.69105 186.08519 162.62127 curveto -186.27079 162.52679 186.47893 162.50267 186.67556 162.44192 curveto -186.84856 162.3901 187.02543 162.3521 187.19787 162.29834 curveto -187.26739 162.29046 187.32993 162.25955 187.39788 162.24535 curveto -187.41211 162.24237 187.42773 162.24486 187.44105 162.23901 curveto -187.46728 162.22748 187.52374 162.17512 187.54235 162.15892 curveto -187.55697 162.14728 187.57044 162.13404 187.5862 162.124 curveto -187.64655 162.08556 187.61112 162.12267 187.66479 162.08207 curveto -187.71165 162.04662 187.75133 162.00716 187.80181 161.97609 curveto -187.8866 161.92057 187.97478 161.90227 188.07435 161.90012 curveto -188.12816 161.90358 188.18188 161.9097 188.2358 161.9105 curveto -188.46259 161.91387 188.68902 161.8817 188.91477 161.86543 curveto -189.78926 161.80244 188.61053 161.89507 189.59776 161.81578 curveto -190.1371 161.76534 190.66989 161.66934 191.20359 161.58014 curveto -191.54109 161.4996 191.88365 161.46963 192.22929 161.45535 curveto -192.78881 161.44243 193.34855 161.42385 193.90716 161.38877 curveto -194.25218 161.36224 194.59977 161.33824 194.94034 161.27413 curveto -195.10432 161.26533 195.24097 161.17437 195.39328 161.12599 curveto -195.57503 161.04696 195.76511 161.00399 195.96074 160.97869 curveto -196.17233 160.97303 196.38154 160.93211 196.593 160.91517 curveto -196.81393 160.91254 197.0344 160.89276 197.24373 160.81963 curveto -197.5147 160.68752 197.81333 160.65191 198.10771 160.60769 curveto -198.5044 160.55037 198.89845 160.4834 199.291 160.40319 curveto -199.58208 160.34271 199.86505 160.25284 200.15137 160.17411 curveto -200.42617 160.0855 200.7045 160.01106 200.98361 159.93808 curveto -201.20403 159.88976 201.4268 159.83918 201.65107 159.81215 curveto -201.81173 159.77763 201.97111 159.73438 202.12539 159.67767 curveto -202.20231 159.67109 202.26303 159.62663 202.33172 159.59863 curveto -202.41508 159.56465 202.46563 159.56164 202.55351 159.51787 curveto -202.80541 159.41278 203.07962 159.36798 203.34513 159.30648 curveto -203.5256 159.26571 203.70971 159.24053 203.88923 159.1966 curveto -205.0501 158.38961 204.07783 159.04948 207.84388 160.38608 curveto -207.92521 160.41494 207.68001 160.44031 207.59904 160.47014 curveto -207.49679 160.50782 207.39584 160.54896 207.29434 160.58859 curveto -206.69939 160.82089 207.11897 160.65983 206.46882 160.90658 curveto -205.74199 161.16247 205.01832 161.43836 204.26752 161.61608 curveto -203.51747 161.77917 202.75782 161.89139 202.00447 162.03716 curveto -201.28154 162.17705 201.24076 162.19338 200.53116 162.35829 curveto -199.29205 162.68637 198.06449 163.05647 196.83116 163.40549 curveto -196.00051 163.63544 195.15926 163.82627 194.31635 164.00548 curveto -193.99801 164.07857 193.67618 164.12622 193.34997 164.13798 curveto -192.82737 164.13949 192.306 164.10186 191.78658 164.04764 curveto -190.06093 163.87092 188.33926 163.58948 186.66517 163.13652 curveto -186.55538 163.11266 186.44303 163.08065 186.33895 163.03759 curveto -186.24195 162.99746 186.20246 162.96639 186.09498 162.9523 curveto -185.97549 162.94943 186.03617 162.95745 185.91329 162.92573 curveto -187.22672 163.16031 188.54003 163.39549 189.85356 163.62946 curveto -189.91214 163.63989 189.73672 163.60688 189.67816 163.59632 curveto -189.47241 163.55922 189.49906 163.56499 189.29266 163.53587 curveto -188.90227 163.4727 188.5091 163.47816 188.11558 163.49071 curveto -187.51472 163.49021 186.91382 163.50781 186.31297 163.50167 curveto -184.65376 163.49151 183.15458 163.01729 181.45362 162.70334 curveto -181.46403 162.65904 181.35186 162.64304 181.33803 162.61602 curveto -181.31442 162.5699 181.30912 162.4918 181.29865 162.43966 curveto -181.51629 160.4983 182.8862 164.32948 185.57707 162.69809 curveto -187.74006 161.38673 179.98801 161.6712 181.6415 162.00974 curveto -181.80803 162.03727 181.97485 162.01365 182.14097 162.03995 curveto -183.65481 162.23596 185.04523 162.55658 186.64166 162.81217 curveto -187.94353 163.02059 184.04502 162.35311 182.74657 162.12436 curveto -182.68518 162.11354 182.86916 162.14702 182.93045 162.15835 curveto -183.47655 162.25205 184.02871 162.28773 184.58132 162.31461 curveto -185.23834 162.32901 185.89549 162.30573 186.54998 162.24812 curveto -186.8371 162.21221 187.13167 162.19944 187.41249 162.126 curveto -187.6693 162.05119 187.92644 161.97866 188.18551 161.91146 curveto -188.45614 161.85259 188.72774 161.80246 188.99294 161.72114 curveto -189.21373 161.66268 189.43031 161.59039 189.65309 161.53949 curveto -189.85297 161.48929 190.05797 161.50789 190.26122 161.50172 curveto -190.74653 161.44486 191.23063 161.37564 191.71424 161.30529 curveto -192.12636 161.25862 192.53691 161.20181 192.94422 161.12369 curveto -193.11127 161.10105 193.27346 161.05412 193.43634 161.0122 curveto -197.45909 162.24432 lineto -197.27212 162.26233 197.08748 162.29349 196.90577 162.34225 curveto -196.46965 162.39821 196.03675 162.47894 195.59737 162.5093 curveto -195.13975 162.56705 194.67987 162.62791 194.23051 162.73213 curveto -194.21055 162.73729 194.02767 162.78603 193.994 162.78999 curveto -193.88445 162.80288 193.7708 162.7737 193.66088 162.78479 curveto -193.43305 162.79233 193.20706 162.82543 192.99077 162.90023 curveto -192.71435 162.97072 192.44512 163.07475 192.15962 163.10596 curveto -191.90706 163.15363 191.65789 163.22209 191.41627 163.30916 curveto -191.33212 163.33335 191.25051 163.366 191.16605 163.38909 curveto -190.93053 163.45348 190.68032 163.44097 190.44114 163.48421 curveto -189.75367 163.51621 189.06654 163.53646 188.37844 163.55036 curveto -187.86532 163.57363 187.34967 163.55447 186.84015 163.48603 curveto -185.28903 163.36718 185.85695 163.41627 182.47466 162.73387 curveto -181.16863 162.47038 185.0994 163.19356 186.41219 163.42097 curveto -186.447 163.427 186.3438 163.40224 186.30872 163.39802 curveto -186.2755 163.39403 186.2418 163.39744 186.20836 163.39646 curveto -186.17773 163.39556 186.14713 163.39375 186.11652 163.3924 curveto -186.02379 163.38144 186.04043 163.38704 185.9508 163.36208 curveto -185.92414 163.35465 185.89883 163.3417 185.87145 163.33768 curveto -185.79462 163.32642 185.71137 163.3468 185.63409 163.3388 curveto -184.20745 163.44043 182.0244 164.52574 181.34387 162.61067 curveto -180.87845 161.30094 184.08233 163.10756 185.46593 163.24039 curveto -185.48441 163.24217 185.51832 162.9402 185.52506 162.8849 curveto -185.5398 162.87127 185.56386 162.8243 185.57433 162.81802 curveto -185.58617 162.81092 185.65499 162.87305 185.66708 162.83306 curveto -184.32368 162.59057 182.98054 162.34662 181.63687 162.10561 curveto -181.60469 162.09984 181.70054 162.1205 181.73251 162.12732 curveto -181.8912 162.16119 182.0526 162.19769 182.21394 162.21552 curveto -182.2938 162.22434 182.37424 162.22685 182.45439 162.23252 curveto -183.03645 162.26746 183.61845 162.27322 184.20081 162.23458 curveto -184.59764 162.21807 184.99495 162.17695 185.39139 162.21824 curveto -186.98223 162.36281 188.49193 162.73253 190.09982 163.02012 curveto -190.13419 163.02627 190.16902 163.03095 190.20248 163.04093 curveto -190.23391 163.05031 190.26326 163.06561 190.29364 163.07795 curveto -190.46234 163.15963 190.64329 163.19566 190.82334 163.24517 curveto -190.98881 163.28881 190.91795 163.27248 191.0961 163.30904 curveto -191.14876 163.31985 191.30715 163.35015 191.25418 163.341 curveto -184.56256 162.18504 186.52324 162.57021 187.94104 162.74863 curveto -188.42358 162.81057 188.90787 162.8751 189.39563 162.85986 curveto -189.74929 162.86209 190.10341 162.86409 190.45515 162.81918 curveto -191.37526 162.7102 192.28887 162.54688 193.1889 162.32614 curveto -193.72297 162.19209 193.88557 162.15627 194.41982 162.00153 curveto -195.27263 161.7545 196.11735 161.47848 196.98797 161.29665 curveto -198.13485 161.0251 199.28479 160.76536 200.42453 160.46467 curveto -201.18889 160.28682 201.95933 160.11883 202.69531 159.84113 curveto -203.02255 159.69512 203.34701 159.55006 203.65849 159.37219 curveto -203.71688 159.33884 203.76558 159.25249 203.83107 159.26773 curveto -205.22607 159.59252 206.5989 160.00612 207.98189 160.37877 curveto -207.99836 160.38321 207.94805 160.37459 207.93112 160.3725 curveto -207.87591 160.39362 207.82292 160.42128 207.76595 160.43704 curveto -207.73572 160.44541 207.70387 160.44612 207.67306 160.45199 curveto -207.55691 160.47409 207.44562 160.51755 207.32591 160.51838 curveto -207.22748 160.53277 207.15162 160.54195 207.05428 160.56391 curveto -206.93187 160.59153 206.80877 160.63168 206.68497 160.65244 curveto -206.65557 160.65736 206.62543 160.65554 206.59565 160.65709 curveto -206.46341 160.69981 206.57832 160.65544 206.44771 160.72987 curveto -206.35715 160.78149 206.24691 160.77998 206.16244 160.84875 curveto -205.99576 160.89719 205.83535 160.96656 205.66805 161.01344 curveto -205.44534 161.08992 205.20358 161.1036 204.97154 161.13619 curveto -204.68785 161.19074 204.40767 161.25745 204.1301 161.33807 curveto -203.98868 161.38533 203.8447 161.42 203.70282 161.46456 curveto -203.55159 161.51207 203.40554 161.57821 203.24519 161.59324 curveto -202.84674 161.68849 202.44429 161.75813 202.03767 161.80757 curveto -201.7798 161.86243 201.51935 161.89484 201.2653 161.96503 curveto -201.11507 162.02742 200.96786 162.10895 200.80777 162.14396 curveto -200.769 162.15244 200.72906 162.15429 200.68992 162.16084 curveto -200.64937 162.16762 200.60915 162.17624 200.56876 162.18395 curveto -200.36359 162.18871 200.15463 162.18753 199.95644 162.24787 curveto -199.77925 162.24827 199.59827 162.23927 199.42656 162.29043 curveto -199.35529 162.3169 199.27221 162.32389 199.20412 162.35679 curveto -199.17679 162.37 199.15424 162.39175 199.12718 162.40551 curveto -199.06684 162.43621 198.99752 162.44701 198.93989 162.48409 curveto -198.55454 162.56936 198.15953 162.59684 197.76574 162.61639 curveto -197.22572 162.64881 196.685 162.66818 196.14596 162.71445 curveto -195.80979 162.72135 195.47234 162.72677 195.14051 162.78764 curveto -194.56819 162.88324 193.98728 162.92201 193.41315 163.00566 curveto -193.30249 163.02361 193.19216 163.0438 193.08116 163.05951 curveto -192.74841 163.1066 192.4086 163.10908 192.08272 163.1991 curveto -192.00866 163.19818 191.93586 163.18301 191.86388 163.1662 curveto -191.83185 163.16449 191.78604 163.14572 191.75503 163.15816 curveto -191.70678 163.17752 191.67799 163.23256 191.62179 163.23619 curveto -191.54284 163.26418 191.51952 163.30786 191.45695 163.3625 curveto -191.40045 163.41184 191.37688 163.41359 191.31049 163.44394 curveto -191.28208 163.45692 191.25408 163.47079 191.22588 163.48421 curveto -191.04783 163.53046 190.87427 163.59595 190.6926 163.62819 curveto -190.36527 163.70792 190.84362 163.58704 190.49978 163.68937 curveto -190.37368 163.72689 190.24291 163.74419 190.11369 163.76706 curveto -189.96442 163.81763 189.82047 163.8755 189.68346 163.95325 curveto -189.65748 163.9827 189.57268 164.07271 189.53993 164.09039 curveto -189.50133 164.11122 189.43051 164.08246 189.38952 164.10133 curveto -188.00352 163.85572 186.61669 163.61467 185.2315 163.36451 curveto -185.16452 163.35241 185.07973 163.2936 185.00405 163.27775 curveto -184.98218 163.27317 184.95959 163.27326 184.93737 163.27101 curveto -184.87555 163.24899 184.58192 163.17784 184.72503 163.2033 curveto -186.06988 163.44248 187.4136 163.68793 188.75788 163.93025 curveto -188.67781 163.90449 188.71535 163.92223 188.64514 163.8773 curveto -188.54728 163.87797 188.44941 163.87955 188.35155 163.8792 curveto -188.29592 163.88026 188.24027 163.88162 188.18466 163.87865 curveto -188.11581 163.87674 188.04695 163.87642 187.97813 163.88021 curveto -187.76505 163.88937 187.55159 163.88411 187.33908 163.86554 curveto -185.34491 163.66069 183.37164 163.24231 181.43005 162.74767 curveto -180.06737 162.40091 178.70686 162.04466 177.35841 161.64551 curveto -177.16996 161.58138 176.97885 161.52457 176.79306 161.4531 curveto -176.37658 161.2929 175.99945 161.0482 175.60723 160.83945 curveto -179.82026 161.08747 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -202.53291 159.67343 moveto -202.56529 159.66089 202.59819 159.64961 202.63005 159.63581 curveto -202.75688 159.58089 202.87907 159.51638 203.01068 159.47227 curveto -203.09995 159.44236 203.54753 159.31817 203.5969 159.3043 curveto -204.43611 159.06833 205.27048 158.81924 206.0807 158.49644 curveto -206.40104 158.36388 206.71961 158.22569 207.0136 158.04088 curveto -207.20664 157.91933 207.39095 157.78498 207.57614 157.652 curveto -207.76754 157.50523 207.97102 157.37932 208.17573 157.25235 curveto -208.41536 157.12073 208.63265 156.95596 208.85523 156.79832 curveto -209.03339 156.69335 209.15099 156.52203 209.29806 156.38202 curveto -209.42586 156.24678 209.54347 156.10249 209.66608 155.9627 curveto -209.79229 155.81269 209.95276 155.70155 210.11135 155.58911 curveto -210.32998 155.47162 210.54903 155.35121 210.77838 155.25604 curveto -211.03969 155.14265 211.26826 154.97368 211.48521 154.79184 curveto -211.72475 154.60013 211.94663 154.38836 212.15055 154.15932 curveto -212.29441 153.97366 212.45737 153.80772 212.6357 153.65551 curveto -212.83636 153.51441 213.07506 153.43064 213.30507 153.34856 curveto -213.66222 153.24241 213.99984 153.09466 214.33291 152.92941 curveto -214.69657 152.75064 215.03574 152.52761 215.386 152.32472 curveto -215.92675 152.04392 216.47438 151.7765 217.01712 151.49956 curveto -217.39542 151.28548 217.79233 151.10856 218.17687 150.90721 curveto -218.97301 150.4742 219.72858 149.97563 220.46676 149.45133 curveto -220.99447 149.05176 221.53326 148.65908 222.01565 148.20397 curveto -222.22007 148.01111 222.43702 147.77348 222.62975 147.56765 curveto -223.07973 147.08206 223.48847 146.56141 223.90752 146.04959 curveto -224.18958 145.70436 224.4801 145.36554 224.77465 145.03086 curveto -224.9259 144.86517 225.06502 144.68957 225.20528 144.51474 curveto -225.28206 144.42359 225.34207 144.30621 225.44063 144.23631 curveto -225.52139 144.11428 225.60379 143.99359 225.69368 143.87786 curveto -225.78168 143.74736 225.87429 143.62027 225.95697 143.4862 curveto -226.05768 143.31355 226.14625 143.13336 226.25652 142.96653 curveto -226.37244 142.80546 226.52324 142.67523 226.66402 142.5369 curveto -226.77047 142.41597 226.89004 142.3077 227.00214 142.19269 curveto -227.01657 142.175 227.02924 142.15572 227.04543 142.13962 curveto -227.08753 142.09773 227.06389 142.14155 227.09852 142.09868 curveto -227.13195 142.05729 227.14572 142.02266 227.19183 141.99527 curveto -227.19861 141.99761 227.20603 142.00601 227.21217 142.0023 curveto -227.22534 141.99433 227.36882 141.84551 227.38396 141.82757 curveto -227.39532 141.8166 227.40492 141.80346 227.41802 141.79466 curveto -227.5003 141.73937 227.4067 141.82365 227.48264 141.76444 curveto -227.48355 141.76373 227.54715 141.70133 227.55768 141.70014 curveto -227.56616 141.69918 227.56812 141.71364 227.57333 141.72039 curveto -227.60874 141.73414 227.56153 141.72075 227.61686 141.68488 curveto -227.6221 141.68148 227.62554 141.69796 227.6316 141.69646 curveto -227.68536 141.68315 227.74358 141.60335 227.77951 141.56756 curveto -227.94666 141.38927 228.15182 141.25393 228.35279 141.11744 curveto -228.53093 141.01106 228.72048 140.92344 228.88968 140.80279 curveto -228.94849 140.76295 229.01661 140.72853 229.06664 140.67663 curveto -229.07968 140.6631 229.08705 140.64353 229.10292 140.63347 curveto -229.10864 140.62985 229.11523 140.63912 229.12139 140.64194 curveto -229.17156 140.63662 229.20627 140.58562 229.2381 140.55082 curveto -229.26423 140.5297 229.27044 140.4935 229.29299 140.47001 curveto -229.29742 140.46538 229.30708 140.47469 229.31219 140.47083 curveto -229.32683 140.45978 229.33403 140.44105 229.34763 140.42874 curveto -229.3586 140.41882 229.42137 140.38328 229.43192 140.37715 curveto -229.44425 140.37161 229.45829 140.36889 229.46893 140.36055 curveto -229.48655 140.34672 229.49914 140.32743 229.51521 140.31181 curveto -229.56646 140.26199 229.62363 140.22058 229.67426 140.17097 curveto -229.74742 140.08416 229.81528 139.99303 229.87463 139.89576 curveto -229.92018 139.83435 229.97953 139.78508 230.02935 139.7251 curveto -230.09555 139.62174 230.14384 139.5088 230.20103 139.40056 curveto -230.23304 139.38233 230.22982 139.34763 230.24783 139.31455 curveto -230.2548 139.30174 230.27673 139.28683 230.28605 139.27228 curveto -230.28686 139.27731 230.28602 139.29181 230.28846 139.28735 curveto -230.2994 139.26743 230.30185 139.24359 230.31275 139.22365 curveto -230.34939 139.15667 230.41612 139.09666 230.45993 139.03322 curveto -230.53122 138.92318 230.59543 138.80882 230.66849 138.69974 curveto -230.67818 138.69677 230.68787 138.69607 230.69343 138.68592 curveto -230.74149 138.5982 230.75745 138.58537 230.83082 138.52046 curveto -230.8391 138.5177 230.8491 138.51796 230.85564 138.5122 curveto -230.87032 138.49924 230.87843 138.48013 230.89225 138.46626 curveto -230.9291 138.42927 230.96977 138.39384 231.00541 138.35426 curveto -231.08502 138.26604 231.15425 138.17138 231.231 138.08061 curveto -231.24144 138.06802 231.25032 138.05396 231.26233 138.04285 curveto -231.28343 138.02331 231.31418 138.00746 231.33176 137.98173 curveto -231.45307 137.80421 231.30062 138.00603 231.39044 137.88911 curveto -231.42298 137.85537 231.43177 137.81381 231.439 137.76929 curveto -235.60283 138.53329 lineto -235.57689 138.61786 235.55513 138.70411 235.51984 138.78541 curveto -235.51002 138.80316 235.5002 138.8209 235.49038 138.83864 curveto -235.48194 138.84646 235.47102 138.85226 235.46506 138.8621 curveto -235.42431 138.92932 235.4071 139.01661 235.33664 139.06192 curveto -235.30287 139.09105 235.25193 139.12417 235.22513 139.15983 curveto -235.19284 139.20279 235.1735 139.25662 235.13238 139.29399 curveto -235.1101 139.32477 235.09365 139.36013 235.06753 139.38772 curveto -235.05991 139.39577 235.04565 139.39512 235.03817 139.4033 curveto -235.0236 139.41922 235.01758 139.44166 235.00333 139.45787 curveto -234.99541 139.46689 234.98316 139.47089 234.97307 139.4774 curveto -234.96054 139.49781 234.948 139.51822 234.93547 139.53863 curveto -234.91292 139.55745 234.89358 139.58021 234.86952 139.59706 curveto -234.86389 139.60101 234.85627 139.60579 234.84985 139.60332 curveto -234.84317 139.60075 234.84432 139.58098 234.83847 139.58511 curveto -234.8088 139.60605 234.82086 139.66372 234.78674 139.68101 curveto -234.68941 139.74245 234.62221 139.82765 234.57355 139.93218 curveto -234.55917 139.95537 234.47184 140.12151 234.45841 140.1313 curveto -234.45323 140.13507 234.45559 140.10728 234.45267 140.11298 curveto -234.44289 140.13202 234.44153 140.15433 234.43596 140.175 curveto -234.42566 140.19101 234.39637 140.25953 234.38346 140.26586 curveto -234.37579 140.26963 234.38248 140.23719 234.37516 140.2416 curveto -234.34604 140.25915 234.36636 140.32081 234.3326 140.3343 curveto -234.24729 140.40331 234.20662 140.49623 234.15682 140.59274 curveto -234.11984 140.68167 234.07371 140.8075 233.98813 140.858 curveto -233.89656 140.90271 233.85548 141.04549 233.78706 141.11789 curveto -233.75976 141.15667 233.73686 141.19895 233.7052 141.23426 curveto -233.64854 141.29748 233.56174 141.32992 233.52597 141.41224 curveto -233.51784 141.42044 233.4683 141.47294 233.45212 141.48107 curveto -233.44541 141.48444 233.43526 141.47649 233.42959 141.48141 curveto -233.4161 141.49313 233.41591 141.51782 233.40012 141.52621 curveto -233.39246 141.53029 233.38969 141.51233 233.38448 141.50539 curveto -233.37685 141.51267 233.36921 141.51995 233.36158 141.52723 curveto -233.31189 141.57865 233.27077 141.6361 233.22821 141.69342 curveto -233.21654 141.70938 233.20992 141.73074 233.1932 141.74129 curveto -233.18542 141.7462 233.17624 141.72981 233.16727 141.73185 curveto -233.1068 141.74567 233.01143 141.85137 232.95276 141.87517 curveto -232.64632 142.04421 233.16143 141.75631 232.79377 141.97729 curveto -232.76357 141.99544 232.72972 142.00683 232.69901 142.02409 curveto -232.59446 142.08287 232.4967 142.15495 232.3831 142.19718 curveto -232.19787 142.28496 232.02985 142.40294 231.87234 142.53367 curveto -231.84515 142.56567 231.80802 142.60748 231.78386 142.64274 curveto -231.76111 142.67597 231.75248 142.7192 231.72401 142.74768 curveto -231.71954 142.75217 231.71234 142.74274 231.70651 142.74027 curveto -231.6968 142.75458 231.6871 142.7689 231.67739 142.78322 curveto -231.66454 142.80253 231.6563 142.82589 231.63883 142.84116 curveto -231.62428 142.8539 231.59373 142.83606 231.57892 142.84109 curveto -231.54051 142.85415 231.52584 142.90659 231.47947 142.89846 curveto -231.47022 142.89741 231.46036 142.89185 231.45172 142.89531 curveto -231.44071 142.89971 231.39562 142.94639 231.38745 142.95286 curveto -231.37004 142.96664 231.34411 142.96971 231.33035 142.98713 curveto -231.31527 143.00622 231.30673 143.02966 231.29492 143.05093 curveto -231.24966 143.0895 231.24348 143.05867 231.21756 143.07537 curveto -231.1853 143.09614 231.17274 143.1389 231.14278 143.16286 curveto -231.13142 143.17194 231.11587 143.17391 231.10242 143.17943 curveto -230.98154 143.29562 230.85022 143.39669 230.73064 143.51542 curveto -230.60417 143.64153 230.4825 143.77217 230.35443 143.89669 curveto -230.22701 144.02957 230.13535 144.19015 230.05349 144.35459 curveto -229.97671 144.50269 229.90935 144.65444 229.80285 144.78503 curveto -229.72663 144.9073 229.62799 145.0142 229.55706 145.13856 curveto -229.54308 145.16793 229.53253 145.1992 229.51511 145.22667 curveto -229.46044 145.3129 229.35413 145.36784 229.30074 145.45656 curveto -229.14421 145.64173 228.96738 145.80761 228.79721 145.98041 curveto -228.47891 146.30711 228.14097 146.61458 227.84102 146.95867 curveto -227.39099 147.47744 226.95898 148.01439 226.45776 148.48575 curveto -225.73968 149.16626 225.04002 149.87382 224.20115 150.40954 curveto -223.79126 150.71615 223.37773 151.01763 222.96657 151.3225 curveto -222.89147 151.37819 222.44395 151.71624 222.34583 151.78585 curveto -222.26492 151.84326 222.18118 151.89656 222.09886 151.95192 curveto -222.03559 151.99481 221.76998 152.17658 221.69153 152.22377 curveto -221.44671 152.37102 221.17453 152.4659 220.91227 152.57563 curveto -220.37721 152.81585 219.85024 153.07311 219.35208 153.3844 curveto -218.99735 153.59554 218.64627 153.81283 218.28735 154.0167 curveto -217.9602 154.17721 217.65125 154.37464 217.30771 154.49878 curveto -217.22974 154.5267 217.1494 154.54777 217.07176 154.57658 curveto -216.94235 154.62461 216.821 154.69751 216.68285 154.72126 curveto -216.48893 154.79479 216.34141 154.96682 216.19658 155.10925 curveto -215.97778 155.34771 215.74799 155.57512 215.51089 155.79544 curveto -215.27961 155.98992 215.05389 156.19516 214.80013 156.35986 curveto -214.54301 156.50985 214.82894 156.35195 214.58457 156.46239 curveto -214.43856 156.52838 214.29816 156.60921 214.14913 156.66952 curveto -214.04062 156.71355 214.02572 156.74542 213.9366 156.81096 curveto -213.87925 156.85315 213.80801 156.8789 213.75628 156.93008 curveto -213.62451 157.06222 213.49415 157.19575 213.37776 157.34203 curveto -213.31292 157.42183 213.24081 157.47874 213.16939 157.55138 curveto -213.07481 157.64758 212.99589 157.75995 212.88579 157.84076 curveto -212.77434 157.91789 212.66036 157.99125 212.55189 158.07262 curveto -212.50633 158.10679 212.36607 158.21877 212.319 158.24952 curveto -212.28322 158.2729 212.24429 158.29106 212.20693 158.31183 curveto -212.0107 158.44244 211.80659 158.55592 211.61922 158.69827 curveto -211.42658 158.82864 211.24565 158.97542 211.04886 159.09967 curveto -210.99107 159.13822 210.87246 159.21866 210.81494 159.25117 curveto -210.53431 159.40975 210.22078 159.49663 209.91641 159.59595 curveto -209.09732 159.87085 208.26724 160.11387 207.45775 160.41647 curveto -207.30055 160.48523 207.15783 160.55047 206.99919 160.6113 curveto -206.89019 160.65309 206.77812 160.69026 206.67463 160.74559 curveto -206.65039 160.75854 206.62873 160.77584 206.60578 160.79096 curveto -202.53291 159.67343 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -220.67876 149.23227 moveto -220.84059 149.15098 220.98575 149.05514 221.11392 148.92728 curveto -221.21078 148.83495 221.28304 148.7205 221.37144 148.62108 curveto -221.39193 148.59803 221.60485 148.38375 221.62039 148.36806 curveto -221.88659 148.08911 222.12773 147.78701 222.36397 147.48258 curveto -222.58482 147.19111 222.80596 146.89993 223.0228 146.60546 curveto -223.16076 146.43754 223.28157 146.25801 223.39849 146.07515 curveto -223.48103 145.91765 223.60412 145.79009 223.72142 145.65902 curveto -223.88639 145.45097 224.06613 145.25938 224.25326 145.07105 curveto -224.55442 144.77341 224.87468 144.49615 225.17287 144.19554 curveto -225.36124 143.99148 225.57173 143.80958 225.75766 143.60328 curveto -225.85529 143.45579 225.98104 143.33773 226.11186 143.22111 curveto -226.22457 143.14626 226.33718 143.07271 226.45085 142.99978 curveto -226.49168 142.97798 226.52364 142.92418 226.56832 142.90785 curveto -226.577 142.90467 226.58748 142.91229 226.59603 142.90879 curveto -226.76213 142.84074 226.52281 142.91047 226.6794 142.86826 curveto -226.69533 142.86304 226.71237 142.86043 226.72719 142.85259 curveto -226.74787 142.84164 226.765 142.82495 226.7848 142.81246 curveto -226.88422 142.74974 226.99253 142.69516 227.09662 142.64059 curveto -227.2622 142.55654 227.42746 142.47203 227.59234 142.38644 curveto -227.71298 142.32563 227.78437 142.20883 227.90439 142.14338 curveto -227.97494 142.17502 227.90393 142.13567 227.95782 142.19137 curveto -227.99917 142.23412 228.08512 142.12492 228.0997 142.11071 curveto -228.25879 141.97362 228.42732 141.84783 228.58902 141.71293 curveto -228.81115 141.52916 229.0382 141.35185 229.25955 141.16712 curveto -229.37763 141.06036 229.5145 140.96746 229.60973 140.83805 curveto -229.63663 140.80831 229.66681 140.7408 229.70778 140.68941 curveto -229.74149 140.58852 229.8211 140.52479 229.88342 140.44424 curveto -229.88457 140.45102 229.88232 140.46972 229.88687 140.46457 curveto -229.89957 140.45021 229.9004 140.42826 229.91142 140.41257 curveto -229.91861 140.40233 229.93157 140.39755 229.94025 140.38855 curveto -229.98295 140.34428 230.0207 140.29468 230.05618 140.24468 curveto -230.12063 140.15456 230.16253 140.05202 230.21845 139.95686 curveto -230.2801 139.85855 230.35371 139.76847 230.42262 139.67464 curveto -230.4796 139.6141 230.50247 139.52907 230.57335 139.48167 curveto -230.6067 139.42117 230.65996 139.37882 230.69684 139.32115 curveto -230.69898 139.31751 230.70276 139.30604 230.70326 139.31023 curveto -230.70465 139.32169 230.69401 139.35475 230.6997 139.3447 curveto -230.69985 139.34443 230.73026 139.24643 230.7428 139.23371 curveto -230.74649 139.22996 230.74695 139.24339 230.74902 139.24822 curveto -230.75862 139.22868 230.76823 139.20913 230.77783 139.18959 curveto -230.79057 139.17081 230.88749 139.07821 230.89639 139.09213 curveto -230.92836 139.00278 230.96796 138.92024 231.03409 138.85101 curveto -231.09412 138.7814 231.12919 138.6949 231.1944 138.62948 curveto -231.33997 138.48347 231.12952 138.71177 231.26053 138.56755 curveto -231.2945 138.53797 231.30337 138.48956 231.32901 138.45531 curveto -231.33228 138.45094 231.34045 138.45593 231.34528 138.45338 curveto -231.36485 138.44303 231.38192 138.42228 231.39664 138.40666 curveto -231.454 138.34477 231.51217 138.28361 231.56429 138.21714 curveto -231.64716 138.1432 231.72568 138.07326 231.79271 137.98421 curveto -231.84405 137.92183 231.90268 137.86645 231.95613 137.80582 curveto -231.98989 137.73212 231.97262 137.76436 232.00581 137.708 curveto -236.14346 138.56797 lineto -236.11393 138.63094 236.13102 138.60561 236.09719 138.64709 curveto -236.05603 138.7627 235.99444 138.87969 235.89352 138.95368 curveto -235.80738 139.01924 235.77437 139.12889 235.69086 139.19922 curveto -235.62989 139.25173 235.57326 139.30895 235.52141 139.37051 curveto -235.5051 139.38999 235.46518 139.46907 235.44613 139.47785 curveto -235.438 139.48159 235.44142 139.45326 235.43257 139.45465 curveto -235.40387 139.45916 235.40789 139.52176 235.37648 139.52137 curveto -235.3488 139.55534 235.32609 139.59352 235.29559 139.62498 curveto -235.16173 139.76304 235.34006 139.56156 235.22533 139.66608 curveto -235.21031 139.67977 235.16804 139.74649 235.15736 139.76276 curveto -235.11922 139.83234 235.07326 139.85229 235.05495 139.92492 curveto -235.02919 140.00988 234.98585 140.11216 234.90859 140.16019 curveto -234.88847 140.121 234.90893 140.15068 234.88054 140.19881 curveto -234.87288 140.2118 234.84617 140.1059 234.87186 140.15444 curveto -234.79958 140.30502 234.88564 140.18381 234.84266 140.24199 curveto -234.81275 140.28176 234.78407 140.34256 234.7483 140.375 curveto -234.74266 140.38011 234.73124 140.37212 234.72558 140.3772 curveto -234.71268 140.38877 234.70668 140.40626 234.69723 140.42078 curveto -234.64957 140.50484 234.63772 140.47737 234.62668 140.49288 curveto -234.59526 140.537 234.58575 140.58472 234.53551 140.61607 curveto -234.46446 140.69558 234.40031 140.78182 234.34578 140.86979 curveto -234.27068 140.95218 234.23455 141.05687 234.16977 141.14631 curveto -234.13544 141.20167 234.10234 141.2581 234.06979 141.31432 curveto -234.06146 141.32872 234.059 141.34677 234.04792 141.35918 curveto -234.04491 141.36255 234.0399 141.3465 234.0376 141.35039 curveto -234.02566 141.37064 234.02182 141.39468 234.01393 141.41683 curveto -233.98215 141.4471 233.92726 141.52135 233.89521 141.53993 curveto -233.88767 141.54431 233.87808 141.53669 233.86952 141.53507 curveto -233.86233 141.5404 233.85515 141.54573 233.84796 141.55106 curveto -233.83555 141.58249 233.81341 141.64509 233.79261 141.67393 curveto -233.79044 141.67694 233.78398 141.66655 233.78226 141.66984 curveto -233.7022 141.82257 233.8081 141.67134 233.73181 141.77452 curveto -233.60439 141.93202 233.45684 142.06394 233.29296 142.18363 curveto -233.06883 142.35443 232.84522 142.52646 232.64106 142.72115 curveto -232.55357 142.79644 232.47222 142.8779 232.38652 142.95311 curveto -232.34434 142.99013 232.28804 143.00908 232.24699 143.04736 curveto -232.22474 143.06812 232.20976 143.09552 232.19114 143.11961 curveto -232.08886 143.19626 232.05396 143.33432 231.946 143.40503 curveto -231.78528 143.34316 231.79128 143.31041 231.65182 143.46326 curveto -231.49055 143.57495 231.31139 143.65181 231.14136 143.7475 curveto -231.01223 143.81088 230.86863 143.87527 230.76109 143.96973 curveto -230.7469 143.98159 230.7327 143.99346 230.7185 144.00533 curveto -230.70789 144.00737 230.69582 144.00573 230.68666 144.01147 curveto -230.67207 144.02063 230.66494 144.03914 230.65026 144.04815 curveto -230.61932 144.06714 230.56634 144.05348 230.53452 144.07232 curveto -230.4189 144.14733 230.29692 144.20562 230.18538 144.28691 curveto -230.05517 144.33919 229.91988 144.43547 229.83796 144.54979 curveto -229.64436 144.78396 229.39418 144.95542 229.16365 145.1507 curveto -228.87268 145.44738 228.56699 145.72882 228.2724 146.02182 curveto -228.10796 146.20957 227.94742 146.4023 227.80465 146.60719 curveto -227.7037 146.7292 227.60567 146.85046 227.49642 146.96517 curveto -227.36977 147.16405 227.22994 147.35805 227.07059 147.53185 curveto -226.82828 147.80652 226.59204 148.08764 226.37389 148.38191 curveto -226.14705 148.70539 225.90107 149.01196 225.63861 149.30741 curveto -225.48625 149.50043 225.32948 149.68772 225.19518 149.89401 curveto -225.06405 150.04146 224.93504 150.19796 224.76223 150.2983 curveto -220.67876 149.23227 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -230.24179 140.02024 moveto -230.3784 139.92626 230.4755 139.78933 230.59412 139.67657 curveto -230.58211 139.65393 230.68334 139.57699 230.69043 139.56486 curveto -230.72541 139.4938 230.70768 139.52579 230.74229 139.46817 curveto -230.77244 139.52511 230.84844 139.25411 230.83371 139.41665 curveto -230.82472 139.49777 230.87612 139.34083 230.88668 139.3217 curveto -230.9056 139.27926 230.93578 139.27234 230.96104 139.24391 curveto -230.97994 139.20011 230.98281 139.14693 231.00879 139.10566 curveto -231.01048 139.10299 231.0147 139.10987 231.0177 139.10888 curveto -231.0228 139.1072 231.02963 139.09337 231.0318 139.08956 curveto -231.02931 139.14326 231.06829 138.97583 231.0788 138.95986 curveto -231.08102 138.95647 231.08199 138.96876 231.08594 138.96969 curveto -231.08913 138.97045 231.09094 138.96544 231.09344 138.96331 curveto -231.1275 138.90774 230.993 139.1286 231.12999 138.86878 curveto -231.13196 138.86503 231.13803 138.87345 231.14214 138.87245 curveto -231.14715 138.87123 231.15054 138.86642 231.15426 138.86285 curveto -231.15785 138.85939 231.16065 138.84773 231.16397 138.85145 curveto -231.16919 138.8573 231.16469 138.86712 231.16505 138.87495 curveto -231.18224 138.86503 231.19713 138.75187 231.226 138.74632 curveto -231.23391 138.7448 231.22359 138.77616 231.22909 138.77028 curveto -231.25248 138.74529 231.25949 138.70881 231.27781 138.67991 curveto -231.29724 138.72317 231.30829 138.64172 231.30475 138.69363 curveto -231.30228 138.69542 231.34852 138.45856 231.36234 138.51777 curveto -231.39333 138.44297 231.33508 138.75349 231.32056 138.57464 curveto -231.32266 138.42702 231.38196 138.29878 231.45073 138.17201 curveto -231.48649 138.0814 231.52015 137.99124 231.56299 137.90395 curveto -231.58213 137.84234 231.6192 137.79673 231.64844 137.73985 curveto -231.67869 137.69758 231.69131 137.6432 231.71999 137.60055 curveto -231.72825 137.58827 231.75776 137.57333 231.76964 137.55965 curveto -231.77064 137.56652 231.77164 137.57339 231.77264 137.58027 curveto -231.77378 137.58024 231.77493 137.58021 231.77607 137.58019 curveto -235.94238 138.39992 lineto -235.92123 138.4672 235.93299 138.42986 235.90704 138.51193 curveto -235.89487 138.52709 235.85401 138.59883 235.84051 138.60321 curveto -235.81773 138.6106 235.85314 138.53496 235.79065 138.62356 curveto -235.74681 138.67752 235.75409 138.71829 235.71417 138.76357 curveto -235.70025 138.79024 235.69084 138.81959 235.67338 138.84409 curveto -235.65913 138.86408 235.64386 138.85655 235.6317 138.87911 curveto -235.62425 138.89291 235.58668 139.00511 235.58361 139.01409 curveto -235.57415 139.03706 235.49193 139.24434 235.53314 139.09482 curveto -235.58826 139.09726 235.54606 139.31943 235.52198 139.37793 curveto -235.46966 139.55314 235.51319 139.24261 235.48933 139.43269 curveto -235.47277 139.52186 235.44369 139.60034 235.40334 139.68202 curveto -235.39846 139.68208 235.39265 139.68508 235.38871 139.68221 curveto -235.38368 139.67854 235.38385 139.66015 235.38053 139.66542 curveto -235.37829 139.66896 235.3469 139.78091 235.32831 139.71198 curveto -235.31254 139.77085 235.3039 139.78127 235.27903 139.8287 curveto -235.27201 139.84209 235.27069 139.88006 235.25968 139.86971 curveto -235.24572 139.85657 235.26696 139.83061 235.26153 139.81223 curveto -235.25892 139.80343 235.25391 139.82893 235.2501 139.83728 curveto -235.18139 139.99846 235.23367 139.88057 235.21412 139.85071 curveto -235.19601 139.82306 235.21795 140.00825 235.19351 139.9477 curveto -235.17992 139.9766 235.1674 140.02976 235.14854 140.05284 curveto -235.13903 140.06448 235.14795 140.00011 235.1362 140.00948 curveto -235.12495 140.01845 235.1287 140.03725 235.12495 140.05114 curveto -235.10749 140.11733 235.07974 140.20643 235.03263 140.25281 curveto -234.9968 140.28174 235.03362 140.24981 235.01517 140.23449 curveto -235.01314 140.23281 234.98572 140.33801 234.98053 140.34703 curveto -234.9713 140.37515 234.96582 140.4048 234.95284 140.43139 curveto -234.95086 140.43545 234.90569 140.44294 234.9012 140.44224 curveto -234.89587 140.44141 234.89069 140.42992 234.88724 140.43407 curveto -234.87427 140.44968 234.8704 140.471 234.86198 140.48946 curveto -234.85075 140.48622 234.84034 140.46526 234.83123 140.47259 curveto -234.80331 140.49504 234.77033 140.60957 234.70393 140.62327 curveto -234.6009 140.76427 234.44415 140.85852 234.34634 141.00566 curveto -230.24179 140.02024 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -178.12692 163.82788 moveto -178.1408 163.82573 178.30527 163.80083 178.31756 163.79647 curveto -178.59477 163.69807 178.79743 163.35723 178.96093 163.13567 curveto -179.05968 163.0085 179.15718 162.88036 179.25718 162.75418 curveto -179.67997 162.22075 179.64414 162.28848 180.06338 161.73278 curveto -180.3977 161.28966 180.71496 160.83423 181.02971 160.37716 curveto -181.36745 159.86962 181.76621 159.40824 182.11216 158.90684 curveto -182.1928 158.78433 182.27691 158.66252 182.33965 158.52938 curveto -182.35141 158.50443 182.36253 158.47904 182.37092 158.45276 curveto -182.3743 158.44218 182.38284 158.41211 182.37469 158.41966 curveto -182.35729 158.43579 182.35138 158.46101 182.33973 158.48168 curveto -181.69543 159.82021 182.24929 158.59084 186.35226 159.40175 curveto -186.37469 159.40619 186.3145 159.37495 186.29296 159.36728 curveto -186.18721 159.32963 186.11309 159.37981 186.02234 159.42928 curveto -185.71762 159.63913 185.47867 159.92994 185.22653 160.19767 curveto -184.7395 160.60789 184.29519 161.06622 183.81099 161.47952 curveto -183.62487 161.63839 182.7847 162.31255 182.6336 162.43425 curveto -181.5855 163.31528 180.58184 164.24786 179.59515 165.19669 curveto -179.2111 165.53905 178.85771 165.93401 178.40145 166.18231 curveto -178.10402 166.30416 177.77588 166.31789 177.45832 166.30515 curveto -175.92921 166.26313 177.04891 166.30021 173.16089 165.55855 curveto -173.12056 165.55086 173.09162 165.51397 173.0606 165.48709 curveto -172.95785 165.39806 172.92295 165.28808 172.87937 165.16396 curveto -172.82895 164.88314 172.91737 164.61319 173.03447 164.36134 curveto -173.17586 164.05127 173.39606 163.79052 173.60896 163.52811 curveto -173.98335 163.09503 174.41587 162.71962 174.83876 162.33584 curveto -175.17257 162.01686 175.48852 161.68011 175.80326 161.34258 curveto -175.83202 161.31397 175.86064 161.28522 175.88953 161.25674 curveto -175.90715 161.23936 175.9252 161.22241 175.9428 161.205 curveto -176.087 161.06232 175.77648 161.47374 175.90974 161.51259 curveto -177.24694 161.90246 178.63856 162.07292 180.00297 162.35309 curveto -179.98776 162.34431 179.89431 162.29002 179.88896 162.28891 curveto -179.86404 162.28372 179.83829 162.29388 179.81297 162.29663 curveto -179.70298 162.30862 179.62967 162.3411 179.53367 162.39606 curveto -179.2751 162.58549 178.99692 162.74416 178.71169 162.8893 curveto -178.45297 163.0017 178.19188 163.10693 177.93262 163.21774 curveto -177.7093 163.31673 177.48076 163.4035 177.24811 163.47785 curveto -175.49532 164.12535 178.45055 163.92137 172.70553 162.90757 curveto -172.66778 162.68929 172.6966 162.42853 172.87853 162.28096 curveto -172.94351 162.22095 173.00304 162.15024 173.08031 162.10484 curveto -173.15365 162.06175 173.24904 162.03333 173.32771 162.00137 curveto -173.64061 161.94128 173.94403 161.84685 174.24943 161.75819 curveto -174.63807 161.63949 175.03824 161.56619 175.43182 161.4668 curveto -175.52537 161.43468 175.62408 161.42263 175.71893 161.39575 curveto -175.75082 161.38671 175.78151 161.37392 175.81272 161.36276 curveto -175.82631 161.3579 175.83946 161.34365 175.85332 161.34769 curveto -179.91058 162.53118 181.06296 161.89654 179.72014 162.59635 curveto -179.45099 162.70634 179.18347 162.82054 178.90933 162.91769 curveto -178.51406 163.02676 178.15166 163.22043 177.7738 163.37473 curveto -177.16892 163.57715 176.54088 163.70506 175.92206 163.8587 curveto -175.57227 163.94914 175.21667 164.01346 174.85846 164.05875 curveto -173.37301 164.32899 174.70406 164.09851 170.58612 163.36117 curveto -170.46236 163.33901 170.42806 163.16534 170.39659 163.07003 curveto -170.36784 162.93163 170.36097 162.80608 170.40358 162.67004 curveto -174.56563 163.47123 lineto -174.55441 163.49516 174.55933 163.4885 174.56274 163.44655 curveto -174.57168 163.42275 174.56332 163.47986 174.58553 163.48565 curveto -174.59238 163.48743 174.59949 163.48332 174.60646 163.48215 curveto -174.6494 163.48128 174.6765 163.45267 174.71996 163.44657 curveto -174.74087 163.44364 174.8041 163.44915 174.78329 163.44555 curveto -170.61711 162.72452 169.47717 162.41818 170.88192 162.79165 curveto -171.27618 162.79286 171.67003 162.76359 172.05841 162.69317 curveto -172.65722 162.58259 173.25235 162.45427 173.82685 162.2489 curveto -173.90549 162.22131 174.14105 162.14007 174.21779 162.10748 curveto -174.4548 162.00682 174.67499 161.87163 174.90983 161.76689 curveto -175.17193 161.67439 175.43954 161.59792 175.69126 161.47822 curveto -177.10112 160.93512 175.79928 161.41769 179.89494 162.55593 curveto -179.92023 162.56295 179.84337 162.56582 179.81736 162.56936 curveto -179.66965 162.5895 179.52887 162.62828 179.38121 162.65145 curveto -178.98404 162.73532 178.58875 162.82795 178.19243 162.91596 curveto -178.15453 162.92722 177.87847 163.00839 177.83403 163.02484 curveto -177.67413 163.084 177.51884 163.15771 177.352 163.19829 curveto -177.27965 163.20397 177.27075 163.20064 177.20139 163.22187 curveto -177.17705 163.22932 177.15499 163.24439 177.1299 163.2487 curveto -177.07091 163.25886 177.03335 163.23121 176.97186 163.28389 curveto -176.9563 163.29975 176.94507 163.32157 176.92518 163.33149 curveto -176.84659 163.37067 176.94251 163.06112 176.93907 163.04518 curveto -175.57544 162.80838 174.21285 162.5656 172.8482 162.33478 curveto -172.83051 162.33179 172.87884 162.35359 172.8951 162.36117 curveto -173.0062 162.41292 173.12317 162.34336 173.23471 162.31887 curveto -173.46382 162.23505 173.70007 162.17638 173.92769 162.08896 curveto -173.9688 162.07233 174.13451 162.00586 174.17446 161.98749 curveto -174.21887 161.96707 174.26037 161.9404 174.30565 161.92198 curveto -174.34819 161.90467 174.39399 161.89653 174.43709 161.88064 curveto -174.4847 161.86308 174.53067 161.84137 174.57746 161.82173 curveto -174.62601 161.80424 174.67455 161.78675 174.7231 161.76925 curveto -175.00069 161.67374 175.2632 161.53935 175.49323 161.35552 curveto -175.5864 161.2758 175.67671 161.17987 175.78041 161.11361 curveto -175.80553 161.09757 175.83634 161.09165 175.86103 161.07495 curveto -176.03779 160.95541 175.86576 161.03895 175.9916 160.98214 curveto -177.37799 161.26566 178.79271 161.43511 180.15079 161.83271 curveto -180.17093 161.83861 180.16481 162.15408 180.06581 162.23247 curveto -180.00102 162.28377 179.9009 162.29524 179.83534 162.34552 curveto -179.43337 162.61413 179.09374 162.96347 178.73872 163.28878 curveto -178.34758 163.65568 177.95774 164.02786 177.62214 164.44746 curveto -177.43305 164.68097 177.26074 164.92654 177.11635 165.19053 curveto -177.06893 165.29367 176.94987 165.49709 177.05756 165.59458 curveto -177.11648 165.63006 177.1737 165.63536 177.24274 165.64111 curveto -177.27439 165.64374 177.36918 165.65066 177.33793 165.64504 curveto -173.24044 164.90854 172.11715 164.55984 173.52123 164.98851 curveto -173.62015 165.00159 173.71817 165.02209 173.81756 165.03091 curveto -174.0158 165.04849 174.21764 165.03434 174.41615 165.0337 curveto -174.46429 165.02646 174.51335 165.02384 174.56057 165.01199 curveto -174.6876 164.98011 174.81027 164.92029 174.9243 164.85844 curveto -175.24135 164.68646 175.53265 164.47228 175.82363 164.26055 curveto -176.94116 163.40081 178.05047 162.52586 179.07831 161.55902 curveto -179.68537 160.95673 179.51328 161.12953 180.06889 160.57112 curveto -180.48169 160.15624 180.90506 159.74651 181.24967 159.27098 curveto -181.48949 158.97435 181.7269 158.67422 181.98676 158.39499 curveto -182.08055 158.30657 182.16725 158.20875 182.26742 158.1274 curveto -182.29199 158.10745 182.31326 158.06612 182.34439 158.07181 curveto -186.55615 158.84183 186.36041 157.49764 186.52943 159.05992 curveto -186.52388 159.1108 186.52399 159.16262 186.51277 159.21256 curveto -186.49822 159.27732 186.44979 159.34839 186.41523 159.40226 curveto -186.32102 159.54914 186.21379 159.68581 186.09437 159.81331 curveto -185.9092 160.02076 185.74121 160.24004 185.56261 160.45303 curveto -185.31194 160.75197 185.39331 160.64838 185.11425 160.94175 curveto -185.01923 161.04165 184.92575 161.14298 184.8315 161.2436 curveto -184.07939 162.07821 183.35036 162.95312 182.88175 163.98412 curveto -182.73327 164.26574 182.50363 164.76962 182.25281 164.97364 curveto -182.22943 164.99266 182.20094 165.00436 182.17501 165.01972 curveto -178.12692 163.82788 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -175.85443 164.76205 moveto -175.66552 164.68856 175.46368 164.71006 175.26767 164.73229 curveto -175.1437 164.75839 175.00901 164.77561 174.88403 164.74706 curveto -174.83326 164.71271 174.7989 164.65125 174.74151 164.6281 curveto -174.46044 164.51468 174.10231 164.49407 173.8133 164.47741 curveto -173.0965 164.43608 172.86422 164.45975 172.11845 164.48016 curveto -170.78007 164.63136 169.52191 165.05543 168.33027 165.66897 curveto -168.17337 165.75975 168.00769 165.83333 167.84151 165.90497 curveto -167.83644 165.90715 167.72953 165.95318 167.71164 165.95442 curveto -167.67109 165.95724 167.63044 165.95031 167.58984 165.94825 curveto -167.55323 165.94123 167.5151 165.9398 167.48002 165.92719 curveto -167.46011 165.92003 167.51291 165.91569 167.4993 165.90419 curveto -167.46872 165.87836 167.44114 165.87005 167.41414 165.84023 curveto -167.38983 165.82387 167.35858 165.76633 167.36034 165.76603 curveto -167.45772 165.7498 167.47522 165.79961 167.44437 165.74203 curveto -167.3786 165.65365 167.41371 165.70261 167.52139 165.68572 curveto -167.41141 165.5237 167.3988 165.49741 167.18727 165.29971 curveto -166.76877 164.90856 166.55846 164.74656 166.02793 164.50829 curveto -165.59785 164.31514 165.27993 164.26006 164.83137 164.15347 curveto -164.31437 164.07403 163.79004 163.98192 163.26478 164.0186 curveto -163.19155 164.03028 163.2069 164.04226 163.14501 163.99148 curveto -162.92406 163.81017 162.94274 163.78105 162.64008 163.60181 curveto -162.32169 163.41325 162.03244 163.31738 161.68802 163.18279 curveto -161.03855 162.99929 160.35023 162.94987 159.67966 163.02645 curveto -159.54024 163.02864 159.39965 163.04304 159.26074 163.02807 curveto -159.2845 163.02529 159.12179 163.01998 159.15276 163.03723 curveto -159.21854 163.07386 159.17926 163.01995 159.20078 163.05295 curveto -159.17956 163.05343 159.15791 163.05015 159.13711 163.0544 curveto -159.12425 163.05702 159.12432 163.07881 159.11308 163.08558 curveto -159.06157 163.11659 159.00343 163.14329 158.94711 163.164 curveto -158.71582 163.23643 158.60381 163.1348 158.37465 163.08392 curveto -158.27759 163.06237 158.17911 163.04783 158.08134 163.02978 curveto -157.96176 163.01683 157.84204 163.00514 157.72261 162.99093 curveto -157.30659 162.94145 157.1893 162.90345 156.75818 162.9203 curveto -156.32095 162.93739 155.89648 163.03218 155.47658 163.14586 curveto -155.16669 163.20566 154.82723 163.42623 154.50558 163.38719 curveto -154.38007 163.33368 154.2535 163.30294 154.11899 163.28947 curveto -154.03097 163.29785 153.94411 163.26878 153.85957 163.25315 curveto -153.66063 163.09169 153.5057 162.95209 153.24791 162.87057 curveto -153.00903 162.79503 152.72872 162.79663 152.4823 162.7845 curveto -152.08639 162.79267 151.70146 162.88612 151.31869 162.97652 curveto -151.11472 163.04693 151.00089 162.95753 150.84654 162.83519 curveto -150.54616 162.5994 150.18435 162.44654 149.82312 162.32897 curveto -149.64672 162.22175 149.43067 162.2645 149.24533 162.19877 curveto -149.17889 162.17669 149.11196 162.16079 149.04353 162.14589 curveto -149.53742 157.95865 lineto -149.48208 157.97601 149.4062 157.98359 149.47207 158.0409 curveto -149.52558 158.08935 149.50328 158.06117 149.53839 158.12592 curveto -149.65747 158.25525 149.83695 158.32938 149.98514 158.41518 curveto -150.30776 158.59268 150.64498 158.77882 151.02078 158.79526 curveto -151.02419 158.7956 151.16054 158.80776 151.18119 158.81418 curveto -151.22848 158.82887 151.28816 158.89658 151.34166 158.89601 curveto -151.72855 159.02638 152.10551 159.19375 152.51044 159.26483 curveto -152.74567 159.29096 153.03485 159.33909 153.27275 159.30039 curveto -153.55553 159.25439 153.62521 159.17869 153.85745 159.06977 curveto -153.92706 159.03712 153.91913 159.04329 153.98214 159.04926 curveto -154.00808 159.0589 154.03651 159.06195 154.0613 159.07425 curveto -154.10575 159.09631 154.12379 159.1485 154.18534 159.14314 curveto -154.33071 159.17306 154.47338 159.21887 154.61508 159.26317 curveto -154.69405 159.29871 154.7458 159.35637 154.82402 159.39611 curveto -155.02239 159.49689 155.23783 159.55365 155.45693 159.58785 curveto -155.88379 159.65639 156.30002 159.70111 156.73423 159.65718 curveto -157.18935 159.61113 157.61182 159.45448 158.04982 159.33591 curveto -158.14404 159.30144 158.24002 159.27147 158.33247 159.23251 curveto -158.56036 159.13648 158.48794 159.15296 158.66099 159.0536 curveto -158.69361 159.03486 158.73328 159.02907 158.76207 159.00322 curveto -158.81633 158.96327 158.87732 158.91787 158.93863 158.89017 curveto -158.96033 158.88037 158.9856 158.87872 159.00598 158.86643 curveto -159.01262 158.86243 159.01141 158.8519 159.01412 158.84464 curveto -159.06461 158.83416 159.10928 158.82332 159.1623 158.82176 curveto -159.21753 158.82013 159.27687 158.86478 159.33446 158.84972 curveto -159.50693 158.88655 159.63336 159.00572 159.77594 159.10207 curveto -160.39463 159.48409 161.05386 159.80745 161.77081 159.95526 curveto -162.08516 159.99742 162.40335 160.06024 162.72333 160.03071 curveto -163.35715 159.9722 162.82786 159.96346 163.26546 159.89095 curveto -163.36521 159.87442 163.36829 159.90381 163.42825 159.96389 curveto -163.88748 160.39164 164.38147 160.77863 164.93792 161.07481 curveto -165.51947 161.35627 166.10739 161.67357 166.77177 161.69399 curveto -167.1843 161.70668 167.33686 161.60299 167.67127 161.45398 curveto -167.8032 161.47004 167.82645 161.42768 167.8743 161.54254 curveto -167.90027 161.57662 168.04807 161.55849 167.98624 161.61891 curveto -167.95648 161.648 167.96871 161.61111 167.9613 161.64614 curveto -167.94963 161.69041 167.91513 161.68826 167.91379 161.69166 curveto -167.89593 161.73689 168.1398 161.71403 167.87362 161.73843 curveto -167.84493 161.74587 167.81122 161.74291 167.78757 161.76076 curveto -167.78226 161.76477 167.79848 161.798 167.84917 161.83362 curveto -167.97921 161.92502 168.13782 161.964 168.28227 162.02439 curveto -169.55666 162.34151 170.7855 162.3362 172.07322 162.05236 curveto -172.81683 161.79057 173.0597 161.74107 173.73259 161.37464 curveto -174.32724 161.05081 174.19231 161.06754 174.67279 160.72594 curveto -174.90741 160.55914 174.83669 160.57754 175.00484 160.56295 curveto -175.03262 160.57353 175.06749 160.61063 175.07356 160.61215 curveto -175.13542 160.6277 175.20746 160.61017 175.26767 160.63883 curveto -175.46368 160.66106 175.66552 160.68256 175.85443 160.60907 curveto -175.85443 164.76205 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -149.20402 162.47893 moveto -148.74942 162.12189 148.27343 161.78054 147.75566 161.51941 curveto -147.33207 161.30578 146.81924 161.12355 146.36101 160.99751 curveto -146.16783 160.94438 145.96997 160.91001 145.77445 160.86625 curveto -145.33691 160.77853 144.89426 160.70223 144.44691 160.69354 curveto -144.36423 160.69194 144.28151 160.69679 144.19883 160.69534 curveto -144.09501 160.70036 144.0144 160.64341 143.92424 160.60471 curveto -143.7514 160.60699 143.64986 160.48519 143.51839 160.39093 curveto -143.31971 160.24403 143.0935 160.16245 142.85667 160.10312 curveto -142.7406 160.08762 142.63278 160.06882 142.55274 159.97768 curveto -142.51812 159.95689 142.52701 159.91248 142.50627 159.88473 curveto -142.49309 159.86709 142.47285 159.85594 142.45762 159.84002 curveto -142.41031 159.79058 142.38542 159.74494 142.332 159.70101 curveto -142.21808 159.60259 142.13841 159.47581 142.04434 159.36002 curveto -141.93843 159.24357 141.84727 159.11637 141.72326 159.01761 curveto -141.71261 159.00913 141.52553 158.87753 141.52167 158.87481 curveto -141.34041 158.71124 141.13809 158.57411 140.92325 158.45907 curveto -140.80902 158.41064 140.72123 158.36055 140.63954 158.26485 curveto -140.49457 158.14812 140.35876 158.02071 140.21839 157.89858 curveto -140.0635 157.73636 139.88059 157.60222 139.69088 157.48356 curveto -139.52053 157.36047 139.33002 157.27208 139.13967 157.18539 curveto -139.06363 157.14135 138.97963 157.13303 138.89527 157.11633 curveto -139.44845 152.92346 lineto -139.31932 152.96456 139.33829 152.97958 139.4067 153.08063 curveto -139.53412 153.24491 139.74196 153.36364 139.91786 153.47013 curveto -140.11187 153.59478 140.31965 153.69688 140.51234 153.82386 curveto -140.64083 153.93755 140.77022 154.04915 140.89961 154.16106 curveto -141.01892 154.1996 141.12336 154.29767 141.20098 154.39344 curveto -141.36934 154.58353 141.5701 154.73739 141.78847 154.86584 curveto -141.88564 154.95108 141.98837 155.03304 142.09824 155.10174 curveto -142.19272 155.16082 142.29729 155.20339 142.37085 155.2919 curveto -142.47533 155.38032 142.58674 155.45686 142.66464 155.57244 curveto -142.72686 155.65891 142.66204 155.57966 142.76216 155.66238 curveto -142.77698 155.67463 142.78862 155.69029 142.80186 155.70425 curveto -142.81171 155.71788 142.81855 155.7343 142.83142 155.74513 curveto -142.85048 155.76118 142.8753 155.76899 142.89571 155.78328 curveto -142.90871 155.79239 142.91937 155.80444 142.9312 155.81502 curveto -142.93655 155.82356 142.9419 155.8321 142.94724 155.84063 curveto -142.94311 155.84874 142.93186 155.85635 142.93484 155.86495 curveto -142.93915 155.87738 142.96067 155.87828 142.96465 155.89083 curveto -142.96813 155.90181 142.94927 155.91276 142.9534 155.92353 curveto -142.96923 155.96481 143.03332 155.97586 143.04859 156.01589 curveto -143.24277 156.17074 143.4638 156.28503 143.70087 156.35978 curveto -143.73537 156.36843 143.76926 156.38005 143.80437 156.38573 curveto -143.85085 156.39326 143.91891 156.37979 143.96031 156.41466 curveto -143.96601 156.41945 143.96244 156.43172 143.96901 156.43523 curveto -143.98693 156.44483 144.0083 156.44567 144.02795 156.45089 curveto -144.17334 156.47588 144.29743 156.52308 144.39397 156.64109 curveto -144.51499 156.7894 144.6584 156.90495 144.80434 157.02893 curveto -145.14786 157.32076 145.50339 157.59682 145.88843 157.83317 curveto -146.07916 157.94173 146.26315 158.06311 146.46062 158.15885 curveto -147.38154 158.60532 148.29405 158.81068 149.29084 158.50913 curveto -149.20402 162.47893 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -142.1387 163.57067 moveto -142.2143 163.72144 142.28207 163.87431 142.4015 163.99514 curveto -142.41201 164.00555 142.42694 164.01288 142.43303 164.02636 curveto -142.4362 164.03336 142.42266 164.04096 142.42544 164.04813 curveto -142.43426 164.07091 142.47505 164.07719 142.47556 164.10162 curveto -142.47582 164.11428 142.45443 164.11779 142.44988 164.1296 curveto -142.40918 164.15212 142.42626 164.15223 142.4657 164.16144 curveto -142.53946 164.18085 142.61599 164.17252 142.69054 164.16286 curveto -142.80881 164.18287 142.92688 164.20815 143.04583 164.22741 curveto -143.06489 164.2277 143.11397 164.22696 143.13408 164.2326 curveto -143.15237 164.23773 143.16846 164.24926 143.18676 164.25435 curveto -143.25766 164.27407 143.33479 164.27225 143.40755 164.274 curveto -143.52249 164.28589 143.63347 164.24348 143.74594 164.2359 curveto -143.78419 164.22826 143.83825 164.25851 143.87453 164.23865 curveto -143.87971 164.23582 143.86084 164.23093 143.86283 164.22538 curveto -143.86838 164.20989 143.89193 164.20996 143.90577 164.20108 curveto -143.99604 164.14711 143.88192 164.16344 143.83733 164.14701 curveto -144.25957 168.35337 lineto -144.19115 168.37538 144.12146 168.38989 144.04987 168.39645 curveto -143.94858 168.41627 143.84987 168.42152 143.74672 168.42339 curveto -143.63158 168.41614 143.51805 168.37341 143.4006 168.38276 curveto -143.31969 168.38194 143.23819 168.37983 143.15759 168.38902 curveto -143.13128 168.39202 143.10561 168.40065 143.07914 168.4015 curveto -143.04553 168.40258 143.0043 168.38714 142.973 168.37753 curveto -142.87606 168.35903 142.79076 168.33171 142.6931 168.36186 curveto -142.61311 168.35249 142.53222 168.3474 142.45262 168.36402 curveto -142.35981 168.3718 142.2536 168.36831 142.16857 168.33087 curveto -142.13162 168.31309 142.08887 168.30551 142.05629 168.28062 curveto -142.03771 168.26641 142.04458 168.23334 142.02885 168.21603 curveto -141.95585 168.13577 141.98434 168.217 141.96453 168.122 curveto -141.93488 168.00745 141.86153 167.92162 141.80339 167.82074 curveto -141.78961 167.79683 141.78258 167.76938 141.76845 167.74568 curveto -141.75845 167.72893 141.74384 167.71541 141.73154 167.70027 curveto -142.1387 163.57067 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -141.22267 155.82435 moveto -140.8314 155.356 140.27348 155.10869 139.72973 154.86605 curveto -139.38119 154.72009 139.02836 154.56734 138.72313 154.34124 curveto -138.64125 154.30402 138.57989 154.23395 138.49889 154.19557 curveto -138.47206 154.18286 138.42752 154.18632 138.41806 154.15819 curveto -138.41626 154.15285 138.42515 154.14944 138.42869 154.14506 curveto -138.43373 154.14089 138.4476 154.13786 138.4438 154.13255 curveto -138.41742 154.09573 138.33072 154.08051 138.29686 154.06428 curveto -138.25772 154.04552 138.22587 154.01425 138.18928 153.99091 curveto -137.89091 153.76976 137.5882 153.55526 137.28497 153.34056 curveto -136.99203 153.10108 136.66178 152.91707 136.3334 152.73232 curveto -136.15747 152.65535 136.0452 152.50814 135.92467 152.36712 curveto -135.82558 152.24632 135.65883 152.23113 135.53999 152.14396 curveto -135.50252 152.11166 135.43804 152.12793 135.3997 152.10317 curveto -135.38954 152.09661 135.39984 152.07839 135.39536 152.06716 curveto -135.37762 152.02272 135.35419 151.98076 135.33361 151.93756 curveto -135.09688 151.50744 134.70852 151.20504 134.30915 150.93504 curveto -134.27085 150.91038 134.23349 150.88421 134.19426 150.86106 curveto -134.13858 150.8282 133.96305 150.76891 133.92481 150.73434 curveto -133.89233 150.70499 133.86746 150.66818 133.83878 150.6351 curveto -133.81975 150.54208 133.79911 150.44938 133.78168 150.35605 curveto -133.70313 149.93535 133.7203 149.9263 133.60864 149.51833 curveto -133.52451 149.21098 133.40986 148.91702 133.28435 148.6249 curveto -133.16452 148.41423 133.09874 148.17796 132.99597 147.96011 curveto -132.92192 147.80314 132.89511 147.78079 132.79479 147.64724 curveto -132.66307 147.48239 132.5244 147.32137 132.354 147.19588 curveto -132.33019 147.15852 132.2559 147.15494 132.23382 147.11811 curveto -132.16979 147.01134 132.11259 146.5775 132.09291 146.47009 curveto -131.99476 145.91846 131.87561 145.3705 131.68783 144.84175 curveto -131.61348 144.6324 131.54713 144.48018 131.46288 144.27824 curveto -131.35732 144.06022 131.27009 143.81622 131.10155 143.63601 curveto -131.08944 143.62424 131.07524 143.61429 131.06523 143.60069 curveto -131.00927 143.52472 131.07739 143.59063 131.02509 143.52969 curveto -130.98519 143.4832 130.946 143.44621 130.91216 143.39411 curveto -130.94205 143.37662 130.90758 143.34677 130.91845 143.32718 curveto -130.94651 143.27657 131.01002 143.29965 131.055 143.2886 curveto -130.96593 143.28954 130.87641 143.30918 130.78666 143.3013 curveto -130.66424 143.29144 130.54137 143.29234 130.42015 143.31212 curveto -130.32139 143.32152 130.22279 143.32146 130.12355 143.31774 curveto -130.01139 143.31368 129.92951 143.22999 129.84137 143.16913 curveto -129.73311 143.08576 129.60648 143.06797 129.48038 143.02779 curveto -129.46763 143.01825 129.4534 143.01043 129.44213 142.99919 curveto -129.43524 142.99231 129.43445 142.98035 129.42681 142.97433 curveto -129.39718 142.95097 129.33124 142.93059 129.30527 142.90546 curveto -129.29954 142.89991 129.22043 142.76973 129.21742 142.76482 curveto -129.11621 142.6022 129.01397 142.441 128.87872 142.3044 curveto -128.84552 142.24768 128.75596 142.23071 128.72324 142.1759 curveto -128.71723 142.16583 128.72033 142.15264 128.71887 142.14101 curveto -128.70914 142.12638 128.6994 142.11175 128.68967 142.09713 curveto -128.62664 142.0096 128.64508 141.89474 128.58924 141.80215 curveto -128.56739 141.76075 128.5166 141.74563 128.48961 141.70958 curveto -128.44809 141.65412 128.36735 141.34293 128.35459 141.30317 curveto -128.23343 140.99733 128.04326 140.72298 127.82705 140.47662 curveto -127.70989 140.37898 127.69457 140.24727 127.64551 140.11252 curveto -127.63028 140.07071 127.60929 140.03123 127.59118 139.99058 curveto -127.55416 139.82421 127.40891 139.70517 127.36462 139.54501 curveto -127.27597 139.31794 127.24062 139.07123 127.18786 138.83318 curveto -127.2066 138.80019 127.05957 138.55165 127.11221 138.62531 curveto -127.46734 134.39266 lineto -127.48827 134.41918 127.5125 134.44316 127.53171 134.47096 curveto -127.6098 134.58394 127.63387 134.72519 127.70877 134.84044 curveto -127.77356 135.03608 127.81632 135.2385 127.85951 135.43929 curveto -127.91498 135.55298 127.87511 135.4532 127.90002 135.57794 curveto -127.9285 135.72058 127.98675 135.85613 128.05567 135.98335 curveto -128.13418 136.16217 128.05044 135.99545 128.15507 136.14417 curveto -128.20053 136.20879 128.21102 136.27906 128.22851 136.35368 curveto -128.23638 136.38729 128.24615 136.42042 128.25497 136.45379 curveto -128.31322 136.60436 128.38008 136.74401 128.4531 136.88801 curveto -128.54428 137.06784 128.62429 137.25514 128.77153 137.39872 curveto -128.82052 137.43747 128.87746 137.46683 128.92127 137.51135 curveto -128.94947 137.54 128.92966 137.58885 128.94409 137.62104 curveto -128.95205 137.6388 128.96707 137.65246 128.97856 137.66818 curveto -129.02139 137.71936 129.08046 137.75787 129.11941 137.81147 curveto -129.13043 137.82663 129.13485 137.84574 129.14463 137.86174 curveto -129.15425 137.87746 129.17139 137.88887 129.1774 137.90629 curveto -129.18151 137.9182 129.17443 137.9313 129.17294 137.94381 curveto -129.18949 138.06425 129.15663 137.87214 129.20803 138.01027 curveto -129.21756 138.0359 129.19481 138.06519 129.20039 138.09196 curveto -129.20368 138.10776 129.25362 138.20525 129.2578 138.21365 curveto -129.35133 138.37667 129.48044 138.51401 129.58797 138.66767 curveto -129.60479 138.68353 129.62159 138.69941 129.63843 138.71526 curveto -129.64983 138.72598 129.66694 138.73282 129.67269 138.74738 curveto -129.67673 138.75761 129.66259 138.76817 129.66366 138.77912 curveto -129.66912 138.83476 129.74862 138.81497 129.76801 138.86378 curveto -129.76311 138.87416 129.75237 138.88349 129.75331 138.89493 curveto -129.75773 138.9483 129.98377 138.98676 130.03233 139.02484 curveto -130.0438 139.02923 130.22594 139.09895 130.23198 139.1065 curveto -130.23578 139.11124 130.2261 139.11715 130.22317 139.12248 curveto -130.21781 139.12685 130.20143 139.13163 130.2071 139.13558 curveto -130.23998 139.15848 130.37461 139.12209 130.41849 139.14436 curveto -130.53199 139.1624 130.64763 139.16368 130.76099 139.14243 curveto -130.85326 139.11847 130.9515 139.11921 131.0446 139.09518 curveto -131.16918 139.08603 131.29738 139.08788 131.40102 139.16889 curveto -131.4312 139.19248 131.43258 139.24291 131.47031 139.26055 curveto -131.41702 139.42686 131.48485 139.38114 131.52784 139.53837 curveto -131.69635 139.90153 131.81892 140.28111 131.91706 140.66938 curveto -132.10069 141.35897 132.30493 142.04484 132.58409 142.70267 curveto -132.60773 142.75062 132.62963 142.79948 132.65502 142.84653 curveto -132.67336 142.8805 132.71601 142.91108 132.70892 142.94902 curveto -132.70661 142.96139 132.69095 142.96919 132.69012 142.98175 curveto -132.68927 142.99461 132.72451 143.08326 132.726 143.0872 curveto -132.7714 143.18593 132.83793 143.26196 132.89627 143.35319 curveto -132.98602 143.49355 133.06977 143.63776 133.16848 143.77268 curveto -133.20527 143.82896 133.23956 143.88694 133.27884 143.94151 curveto -133.32431 144.00469 133.48789 144.19773 133.52728 144.26826 curveto -133.64852 144.48536 133.66771 144.74548 133.73951 144.97867 curveto -133.84139 145.34589 133.82051 145.2851 133.94143 145.6593 curveto -134.03934 145.96229 134.12317 146.29297 134.32639 146.54584 curveto -134.31622 146.55857 134.29866 146.56797 134.29589 146.58403 curveto -134.27644 146.69661 134.5507 146.97456 134.60569 147.05775 curveto -134.81586 147.32626 135.15677 147.70496 135.46989 147.84651 curveto -135.51711 147.86786 135.57079 147.87019 135.62125 147.88202 curveto -135.70707 147.88333 135.76214 147.88139 135.75882 147.89522 curveto -135.75463 147.9127 135.71763 147.89419 135.70653 147.90832 curveto -135.70636 147.90854 135.80596 147.98951 135.80781 147.99102 curveto -135.88345 148.04856 135.87615 148.08177 135.93639 148.1399 curveto -136.01248 148.21332 136.11342 148.25602 136.20161 148.31147 curveto -136.26003 148.34543 136.32651 148.3795 136.37713 148.4258 curveto -136.47311 148.51359 136.53153 148.63867 136.61134 148.73922 curveto -136.6829 148.81882 136.74802 148.90425 136.82231 148.9813 curveto -137.0227 149.18913 137.26083 149.35868 137.50446 149.5112 curveto -137.77081 149.66562 138.03769 149.8289 138.34741 149.8761 curveto -138.35829 149.87806 138.47563 149.89861 138.48666 149.90306 curveto -138.49542 149.90659 138.49679 149.92064 138.50554 149.92421 curveto -138.56232 149.94733 138.63552 149.938 138.69189 149.96158 curveto -138.74121 149.98278 138.77578 149.9848 138.79913 150.03712 curveto -138.80817 150.05735 138.80187 150.0825 138.81156 150.10243 curveto -138.85926 150.2005 138.96498 150.26444 139.01703 150.35966 curveto -139.1522 150.50638 139.08607 150.42825 139.21429 150.59499 curveto -139.41633 150.82246 139.66878 151.00531 139.90893 151.18865 curveto -140.25489 151.40077 140.60466 151.65824 141.01908 151.71386 curveto -141.17078 151.73421 141.25327 151.71046 141.39038 151.68457 curveto -141.22267 155.82435 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.84586 136.31021 moveto -129.09482 137.20734 129.38469 138.09033 129.78021 138.93501 curveto -130.02684 139.46172 130.19248 139.72608 130.47696 140.21868 curveto -130.91131 140.94932 131.34736 141.6782 131.85262 142.3624 curveto -131.8907 142.4208 131.93064 142.47804 131.96687 142.53761 curveto -132.12202 142.79272 132.03564 142.68803 132.21477 142.93642 curveto -132.3835 143.17038 132.57694 143.38186 132.77126 143.59433 curveto -133.08748 143.91446 133.42563 144.20926 133.81082 144.4442 curveto -134.14233 144.6464 134.50298 144.81101 134.84969 144.98529 curveto -134.94814 145.03662 135.04946 145.08277 135.14503 145.13926 curveto -135.24657 145.19929 135.75311 145.5444 135.82801 145.59456 curveto -136.21277 145.85225 136.46857 146.00913 136.84401 146.30666 curveto -137.09716 146.50727 137.33839 146.72247 137.58558 146.93038 curveto -137.89046 147.19359 138.18996 147.46316 138.50021 147.72002 curveto -138.83584 147.9979 139.17476 148.27217 139.52283 148.53429 curveto -140.19729 149.0422 140.95449 149.53785 141.6545 150.00866 curveto -141.55511 151.72429 lineto -141.19444 151.49561 140.8342 151.26623 140.47309 151.03823 curveto -140.12132 150.81613 139.77805 150.57977 139.41649 150.374 curveto -138.48618 149.84456 138.40795 149.85789 137.45517 149.50969 curveto -137.01372 149.39135 136.57089 149.278 136.13083 149.15456 curveto -135.73128 149.04248 135.31132 148.92823 134.94937 148.71725 curveto -134.84611 148.65707 134.7531 148.58083 134.65497 148.51262 curveto -134.19486 148.17683 133.7309 147.83825 133.22908 147.56612 curveto -133.10527 147.49898 132.97607 147.44228 132.84977 147.37993 curveto -132.74087 147.32617 132.63226 147.27183 132.5235 147.21778 curveto -132.43315 147.16546 132.33828 147.12026 132.25246 147.0608 curveto -132.03127 146.90757 131.68415 146.5308 131.55363 146.29434 curveto -131.50784 146.21138 131.47986 146.11977 131.44298 146.03248 curveto -131.29463 145.61989 131.14829 145.20897 130.97651 144.80522 curveto -130.69493 144.14339 130.7775 144.36405 130.46314 143.6831 curveto -130.36319 143.46661 130.26705 143.24837 130.169 143.03101 curveto -129.99405 142.66106 129.68194 141.98517 129.48304 141.62889 curveto -129.36914 141.42488 129.24811 141.22423 129.11348 141.03327 curveto -128.93431 140.77913 128.74442 140.53387 128.43869 140.43981 curveto -128.84586 136.31021 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.03477 139.08348 moveto -127.93107 138.94603 127.84154 138.94646 127.70594 138.88834 curveto -127.66818 138.86226 127.59928 138.87617 127.5622 138.84855 curveto -127.55867 138.84592 127.56868 138.84193 127.56962 138.83763 curveto -127.57101 138.83129 127.56263 138.83156 127.56027 138.8295 curveto -127.17869 138.7856 127.48755 138.8277 127.47043 138.7807 curveto -127.46167 138.75664 127.43161 138.74729 127.4122 138.73059 curveto -127.31326 138.60943 127.17714 138.49663 127.0178 138.47192 curveto -127.03026 138.46534 126.93394 138.47743 126.95469 138.48233 curveto -128.81513 138.92171 126.58761 133.59122 127.32257 134.34064 curveto -127.32766 134.34686 127.33275 134.35308 127.33783 134.35929 curveto -126.7656 138.54409 lineto -126.76779 138.53684 126.76998 138.52959 126.77217 138.52235 curveto -127.47636 137.27403 126.53736 138.94682 126.7362 134.2831 curveto -126.73813 134.2379 127.09228 134.25738 127.13138 134.26635 curveto -127.15845 134.27256 127.10324 134.37239 127.19 134.32557 curveto -127.33724 134.41705 127.478 134.53987 127.65289 134.56841 curveto -127.68672 134.57235 127.72077 134.57436 127.75452 134.57899 curveto -127.77211 134.5814 127.82446 134.58679 127.80684 134.58906 curveto -127.63977 134.61061 127.64749 134.57202 127.7193 134.60568 curveto -127.75414 134.6194 127.81187 134.62777 127.84157 134.64675 curveto -127.85797 134.65723 127.85263 134.70998 127.87176 134.72165 curveto -128.01362 134.78075 128.11846 134.91509 128.27863 134.94102 curveto -128.03477 139.08348 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.2372 139.55581 moveto -128.14642 139.45048 128.02316 139.3913 127.89327 139.35106 curveto -127.82426 139.32259 127.75859 139.28301 127.68883 139.24879 curveto -127.81837 139.23507 127.62435 139.22774 127.61958 139.15648 curveto -127.66086 139.12636 127.63427 139.08897 127.59097 139.08378 curveto -127.55596 139.0907 127.5303 139.09311 127.49556 139.08441 curveto -127.44648 139.0703 127.39598 139.09311 127.34778 139.08654 curveto -127.32562 139.09999 127.25857 139.06381 127.24207 139.07912 curveto -127.21156 139.10742 127.33042 139.06918 127.24772 139.09294 curveto -127.16782 139.11057 127.08705 139.12448 127.00804 139.14716 curveto -126.91742 139.12954 126.8247 139.12467 126.73393 139.14293 curveto -126.70658 139.1446 126.70128 139.15641 126.68602 139.17426 curveto -126.69802 134.91538 lineto -126.69327 134.93845 126.71442 134.94369 126.73357 134.94709 curveto -126.80445 134.96177 126.88929 134.96919 126.95444 134.93319 curveto -127.00684 134.93885 127.06574 134.92463 127.11151 134.89961 curveto -127.18632 134.87262 127.26786 134.87079 127.34634 134.86725 curveto -127.39509 134.86007 127.4469 134.88271 127.49655 134.86818 curveto -127.55359 134.85695 127.60345 134.86606 127.65831 134.88472 curveto -127.76891 134.90486 127.87922 134.9197 127.98688 134.95332 curveto -128.0049 134.96057 128.03746 134.98572 128.0197 135.01376 curveto -128.00103 135.04322 127.90931 135.00566 128.0829 135.04049 curveto -128.08385 135.05802 128.08414 135.1311 128.08464 135.13165 curveto -128.15875 135.21264 128.11511 135.10525 128.14211 135.18746 curveto -128.16801 135.25046 128.23099 135.26076 128.28477 135.29739 curveto -128.34873 135.34095 128.39899 135.40197 128.48106 135.41336 curveto -128.2372 139.55581 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -126.95012 134.62336 moveto -127.09528 134.65579 127.23233 134.59041 127.37197 134.56527 curveto -127.33692 134.55332 127.51177 134.54733 127.478 134.53214 curveto -127.43323 134.512 127.35999 134.5132 127.31022 134.5007 curveto -127.30022 134.49773 127.2702 134.49464 127.28023 134.49178 curveto -127.31805 134.48098 127.35894 134.48523 127.39714 134.47589 curveto -127.39567 134.50904 127.3547 134.46121 127.366 134.45653 curveto -127.40241 134.44144 127.44314 134.4396 127.48053 134.4271 curveto -127.49076 134.41057 127.76134 134.39324 127.62646 134.38881 curveto -127.66191 134.37709 127.7127 134.38111 127.74619 134.36664 curveto -127.75541 134.36266 127.73716 134.34233 127.74535 134.33653 curveto -127.76018 134.32603 127.77856 134.32177 127.79517 134.31439 curveto -127.86679 134.26512 127.95722 134.24667 128.03021 134.20052 curveto -128.04546 134.19088 128.0558 134.17509 128.0686 134.16238 curveto -128.0883 134.15041 128.10799 134.13844 128.12769 134.12647 curveto -128.13645 134.10695 128.24953 134.05651 128.24669 134.03061 curveto -128.24513 134.01638 128.22297 134.01458 128.21111 134.00657 curveto -128.52325 138.22613 lineto -128.46147 138.22485 128.4115 138.2296 128.35605 138.26013 curveto -128.24722 138.3282 128.12972 138.38146 128.03779 138.4749 curveto -127.96984 138.54219 127.87735 138.54309 127.80954 138.60541 curveto -127.62035 138.64477 127.75326 138.59509 127.72011 138.64018 curveto -127.73247 138.67134 127.79473 138.65083 127.7351 138.68173 curveto -127.71795 138.69062 127.66499 138.69552 127.68193 138.7048 curveto -127.72101 138.72618 127.83835 138.68762 127.73981 138.71664 curveto -127.62985 138.74362 127.52014 138.76001 127.41001 138.72927 curveto -127.27362 138.72733 127.13551 138.705 127.00903 138.7748 curveto -126.95012 134.62336 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -126.5367 98.472163 moveto -126.6543 98.54574 126.79293 98.54156 126.92495 98.56326 curveto -127.10345 98.592603 126.95258 98.579457 127.11928 98.589277 curveto -127.26174 98.60038 127.40114 98.594999 127.54224 98.616259 curveto -127.67543 98.644052 127.8012 98.697855 127.93058 98.736839 curveto -127.99459 98.756125 128.15438 98.785758 128.21599 98.797886 curveto -128.49011 98.856882 128.76876 98.860502 129.04733 98.86476 curveto -129.25601 98.880723 129.4643 98.888084 129.67029 98.926358 curveto -129.79033 98.954449 129.91319 98.973106 130.02806 99.019764 curveto -130.09808 99.039516 130.16118 99.065119 130.23555 99.061878 curveto -130.39602 99.068069 130.54763 99.120057 130.69917 99.172458 curveto -130.83778 99.233313 131.01878 99.318081 131.16089 99.35134 curveto -131.34096 99.393481 131.63282 99.401643 131.81481 99.408122 curveto -132.07169 99.417267 132.24497 99.417745 132.50253 99.420769 curveto -132.83206 99.392301 133.16475 99.386375 133.49292 99.342175 curveto -133.59595 99.328299 133.69742 99.304541 133.80008 99.288115 curveto -133.90237 99.271746 134.0065 99.26598 134.10769 99.243801 curveto -134.19704 99.224217 134.28256 99.190066 134.36999 99.163199 curveto -134.56732 99.080107 134.97417 98.974307 135.06093 98.748439 curveto -133.58129 98.434046 134.85675 98.661419 134.86032 102.87481 curveto -134.86033 102.89351 134.98493 102.833 134.98701 102.82211 curveto -134.99353 102.78789 134.87837 102.72833 134.87588 102.72676 curveto -134.67844 102.58871 134.44836 102.519 134.22218 102.44433 curveto -134.18148 102.43114 134.14111 102.41686 134.10007 102.40477 curveto -133.96514 102.36501 133.92923 102.3682 133.79488 102.30358 curveto -133.47174 102.14816 133.60433 102.16443 133.22736 102.02551 curveto -133.1101 101.98229 132.98777 101.95431 132.86797 101.91872 curveto -132.74172 101.89048 132.61455 101.86604 132.48921 101.83401 curveto -132.06331 101.72517 132.06811 101.6913 131.63064 101.62271 curveto -131.27353 101.56672 130.9093 101.56346 130.54899 101.56474 curveto -130.19058 101.57204 129.832 101.60759 129.47417 101.5752 curveto -129.24629 101.57493 129.04821 101.47443 128.83974 101.39841 curveto -128.6015 101.30562 128.34224 101.32405 128.09644 101.27855 curveto -128.04459 101.26047 127.98525 101.26856 127.93292 101.25369 curveto -127.90954 101.24704 127.87073 101.21743 127.84512 101.20593 curveto -127.75532 101.17834 127.71136 101.09158 127.63541 101.04244 curveto -127.50681 100.97575 127.36932 100.94521 127.22748 100.92401 curveto -125.64634 100.72836 126.91054 98.974654 126.95146 96.672994 curveto -126.95221 96.630801 127.03448 96.6563 127.07427 96.642264 curveto -127.08757 96.637573 127.09717 96.625799 127.10862 96.617566 curveto -127.19946 96.577055 127.29731 96.551498 127.39368 96.528157 curveto -127.41573 96.522817 127.43942 96.524366 127.46077 96.516692 curveto -127.46618 96.514748 127.46591 96.506412 127.46848 96.501272 curveto -127.49114 96.49608 127.51379 96.490889 127.53645 96.485697 curveto -127.55634 96.478417 127.5755 96.468691 127.59613 96.463857 curveto -127.77548 96.421826 127.66638 96.476103 127.88542 96.393572 curveto -128.03017 96.33903 128.25985 96.221631 128.392 96.156822 curveto -129.04477 95.824541 129.64536 95.396857 130.19974 94.920029 curveto -130.4626 94.689028 130.70468 94.438201 130.98988 94.234661 curveto -131.14185 94.130186 131.32705 94.123856 131.50141 94.082466 curveto -131.64447 94.063311 131.77601 94.012113 131.89824 93.936606 curveto -131.92235 93.925106 131.94849 93.917127 131.97058 93.902104 curveto -131.98522 93.892143 132.03659 93.830053 132.03594 93.827002 curveto -132.03264 93.811298 132.01285 93.802278 131.9973 93.798285 curveto -131.96319 93.789522 131.8913 93.7548 131.89196 93.790015 curveto -131.91846 95.190435 132.01503 96.588652 132.07657 97.98797 curveto -132.05542 97.969917 132.05623 97.968037 132.01956 97.958325 curveto -131.97486 97.94649 131.92814 97.944319 131.88272 97.935656 curveto -131.76785 97.913743 131.77179 97.911747 131.64475 97.876941 curveto -131.34898 97.836079 131.047 97.842168 130.75503 97.905065 curveto -130.57165 97.942318 130.37798 97.929228 130.19735 97.883794 curveto -130.02396 97.821805 129.84263 97.790924 129.66359 97.751492 curveto -129.48267 97.717351 129.32998 97.611268 129.156 97.554609 curveto -129.0639 97.504512 128.93763 97.511114 128.85235 97.446805 curveto -128.83289 97.43213 128.81888 97.411364 128.80214 97.393644 curveto -128.75477 97.274348 128.69672 97.161806 128.62393 97.055579 curveto -127.53519 96.090862 127.2356 93.498849 128.49357 92.717744 curveto -128.56773 92.675033 128.65811 92.672675 128.73577 92.642093 curveto -128.74714 92.637619 128.75297 92.624258 128.76362 92.618292 curveto -128.80175 92.596945 128.84981 92.586366 128.89095 92.574743 curveto -128.94198 92.514089 129.02148 92.510299 129.08964 92.484501 curveto -129.10659 92.478083 129.1653 92.431205 129.1791 92.420585 curveto -129.3921 92.345632 129.60616 92.271947 129.81631 92.188943 curveto -130.09254 92.03906 130.36248 91.878549 130.62274 91.701784 curveto -130.79476 91.604278 130.94673 91.480413 131.09029 91.345695 curveto -131.11564 91.326329 131.13954 91.304907 131.16634 91.287597 curveto -131.31337 91.192613 131.40206 91.150262 131.52627 91.018312 curveto -131.54857 90.960009 131.57249 90.897594 131.55498 90.835245 curveto -131.53924 92.221771 131.5235 93.608296 131.50775 94.994822 curveto -131.52707 94.959338 131.58868 94.987122 131.60699 94.969733 curveto -131.61881 94.958503 131.57412 94.960953 131.56241 94.949618 curveto -131.55327 94.940785 131.56725 94.924643 131.56863 94.912013 curveto -131.50182 94.872886 131.42556 94.856976 131.35509 94.824552 curveto -131.25683 94.787724 131.15024 94.785174 131.04659 94.780755 curveto -130.94449 94.816273 130.83531 94.823966 130.73015 94.848413 curveto -130.57127 94.88781 130.42635 94.821547 130.27627 94.774088 curveto -130.08768 94.701394 129.89687 94.623436 129.6939 94.605809 curveto -129.55018 94.597969 129.42019 94.555689 129.29319 94.491302 curveto -129.23713 94.459518 129.16675 94.450329 129.1135 94.413374 curveto -129.10631 94.408385 129.10468 94.398121 129.09888 94.391566 curveto -129.08059 94.370887 129.04695 94.36275 129.02482 94.353279 curveto -129.00031 94.340655 128.94624 94.313567 128.92808 94.299936 curveto -128.90931 94.285848 128.8464 94.22682 128.84689 94.194256 curveto -128.86824 92.79531 128.899 91.396524 128.92505 89.997657 curveto -129.03759 89.916959 129.17026 89.87227 129.28692 89.797793 curveto -129.30569 89.783989 129.32446 89.770185 129.34322 89.75638 curveto -129.36806 89.741322 129.39429 89.728368 129.41772 89.711206 curveto -129.43605 89.697773 129.44971 89.678668 129.46791 89.665041 curveto -129.56083 89.595433 129.66944 89.547945 129.77379 89.499437 curveto -130.11346 89.33111 130.40171 89.076255 130.66965 88.811686 curveto -130.82708 88.640217 130.95786 88.446386 131.11404 88.274298 curveto -131.17121 88.213966 131.23708 88.156709 131.30797 88.112631 curveto -131.33422 88.096308 131.3649 88.087542 131.39024 88.069848 curveto -131.39334 88.067683 131.50082 87.963025 131.50279 87.961108 curveto -131.55005 87.86506 131.66061 87.829108 131.72563 87.752246 curveto -131.81275 87.649244 131.65046 87.779078 131.79253 87.676222 curveto -131.80396 87.606656 131.87331 87.614617 131.92271 87.587867 curveto -131.93686 87.580204 131.94412 87.563506 131.95706 87.553945 curveto -132.03659 87.506331 131.99925 87.531667 132.06951 87.478555 curveto -132.15017 87.410052 132.24164 87.351122 132.34262 87.317488 curveto -132.36542 87.31233 132.38945 87.311036 132.41101 87.302013 curveto -132.41816 87.299023 132.44958 87.259498 132.45534 87.255626 curveto -132.50076 87.225092 132.54906 87.202011 132.59357 87.168739 curveto -132.59482 87.16756 132.65725 87.110745 132.6575 87.104386 curveto -132.65869 87.074492 132.58131 87.026291 132.58178 87.056205 curveto -132.64686 91.19106 133.71751 92.176964 132.68183 91.217027 curveto -132.5689 91.176004 132.44171 91.198001 132.32306 91.201554 curveto -132.21124 91.216682 132.0968 91.205563 131.98506 91.218758 curveto -131.91573 91.23715 131.84391 91.227789 131.77414 91.242536 curveto -131.71102 91.243729 131.65099 91.228841 131.58796 91.238623 curveto -131.4839 91.248804 131.41182 91.196753 131.32751 91.175135 curveto -131.29671 91.113984 131.17475 91.13564 131.14202 91.095171 curveto -131.13681 91.088729 131.15541 91.085416 131.16211 91.080538 curveto -131.16681 91.041956 131.16364 91.093437 131.09917 91.027683 curveto -131.07893 91.012271 131.09246 90.977126 131.07582 90.960031 curveto -131.0689 90.952928 130.99307 90.908423 130.97939 90.900279 curveto -130.9565 90.857225 130.92484 90.866243 130.88351 90.842078 curveto -130.86513 90.83133 130.85358 90.808507 130.83134 90.797276 curveto -130.80971 90.790056 130.6293 90.728474 130.61926 90.701935 curveto -130.61444 90.689231 130.63616 90.680663 130.64461 90.670027 curveto -130.65658 90.660913 130.67869 90.657617 130.68051 90.642684 curveto -130.68427 90.612027 130.58686 90.530572 130.56456 90.518583 curveto -130.5401 90.505429 130.51322 90.4974 130.48754 90.486809 curveto -130.49202 89.089068 130.4965 87.691327 130.50098 86.293586 curveto -130.51526 86.284509 130.52819 86.272849 130.54381 86.266356 curveto -130.56732 86.256587 130.59345 86.254423 130.61721 86.245281 curveto -130.63074 86.240073 130.64123 86.228381 130.65492 86.223598 curveto -130.7408 86.193594 130.72329 86.232837 130.73707 86.187674 curveto -130.76619 86.106815 130.86646 86.096206 130.90807 86.033485 curveto -130.97558 85.985095 131.05848 85.953499 131.12468 85.904218 curveto -131.13937 85.893288 131.14869 85.876574 131.16069 85.862752 curveto -131.1805 85.84948 131.2003 85.836208 131.22011 85.822937 curveto -131.35664 85.767604 131.47101 85.672293 131.60884 85.619325 curveto -131.65202 85.586722 131.71315 85.576327 131.75737 85.548328 curveto -131.77387 85.537879 131.79054 85.489799 131.80107 85.472292 curveto -131.81308 85.460267 131.8505 85.424393 131.85644 85.410734 curveto -131.86127 85.399616 131.85169 85.384639 131.85819 85.374405 curveto -131.87372 85.349964 131.95037 85.292441 131.97653 85.272508 curveto -132.02641 85.256116 132.04513 85.196754 132.08425 85.16932 curveto -132.12395 85.141474 132.17848 85.125678 132.22104 85.100153 curveto -132.33282 85.010021 132.12185 85.174352 132.30543 85.061127 curveto -132.31107 85.057647 132.30275 85.045619 132.30785 85.041388 curveto -132.34231 85.012831 132.40854 84.994772 132.44995 84.984343 curveto -132.52833 84.954315 132.57496 84.887437 132.65033 84.852092 curveto -132.68851 84.81169 132.74961 84.80205 132.79319 84.773067 curveto -132.80337 84.766302 132.80501 84.750923 132.81452 84.743259 curveto -132.88833 84.683815 132.85063 84.746983 132.8816 84.681908 curveto -132.98244 84.624058 132.97855 84.612405 132.97493 84.506581 curveto -132.68494 83.124167 132.96925 84.473356 132.94948 88.672294 curveto -132.94946 88.67765 132.94685 88.658844 132.9516 88.656365 curveto -132.97917 88.641965 133.00739 88.639338 133.03547 88.624145 curveto -133.00389 88.597432 132.95534 88.606313 132.91567 88.60181 curveto -132.84071 88.595159 132.76306 88.593821 132.68794 88.601973 curveto -132.60932 88.590948 132.53066 88.60186 132.45198 88.598564 curveto -132.38828 88.603207 132.32487 88.604179 132.26145 88.610232 curveto -132.20799 88.617812 132.02661 88.61449 132.02437 88.580792 curveto -132.02058 88.577884 132.01384 88.576772 132.01299 88.572068 curveto -132.01217 88.567581 132.0216 88.56526 132.02072 88.560783 curveto -132.01846 88.549158 131.91941 88.530948 131.89006 88.515959 curveto -131.8359 88.491299 131.77352 88.49924 131.71824 88.478686 curveto -131.70686 88.474456 131.70812 88.45604 131.69957 88.447426 curveto -131.66715 88.425774 131.68199 88.434009 131.61287 88.414892 curveto -131.57475 88.404351 131.49753 88.426126 131.49765 88.386578 curveto -131.50059 87.453918 130.27121 84.322953 131.79063 84.142292 curveto -131.86753 84.128999 131.9351 84.096513 132.0146 84.087478 curveto -132 84.054569 132.01318 84.096321 132.04359 84.061842 curveto -132.04814 84.056684 132.03886 84.048924 132.0365 84.042465 curveto -132.0384 84.034018 132.03567 84.022822 132.04219 84.017124 curveto -132.09555 83.970477 132.09206 84.022313 132.08874 83.973198 curveto -132.1278 83.946126 132.06512 83.939257 132.07082 83.922146 curveto -132.07892 83.897836 132.16927 83.872923 132.16959 83.839232 curveto -132.16968 83.82903 132.15332 83.826904 132.14519 83.82074 curveto -132.07184 83.74832 132.27031 83.75471 132.1928 83.694779 curveto -132.2329 83.696393 132.25366 83.658419 132.28685 83.646629 curveto -132.32858 83.631807 132.38396 83.644957 132.41563 83.614009 curveto -132.42159 83.608193 132.40037 83.606232 132.39513 83.599765 curveto -132.39113 83.594829 132.3913 83.587652 132.38939 83.581596 curveto -132.40356 83.582415 132.54559 83.526984 132.5369 83.502794 curveto -132.53272 83.491144 132.51498 83.491291 132.50402 83.48554 curveto -132.47183 83.425788 132.44289 83.435839 132.41535 83.3663 curveto -132.37318 83.308218 132.40322 83.319707 132.45198 83.289576 curveto -132.48259 83.270654 132.50726 83.24341 132.53609 83.221871 curveto -132.51202 83.212245 132.53863 83.158306 132.52519 83.146986 curveto -132.51727 83.140306 132.48683 83.143364 132.49551 83.137708 curveto -132.51914 83.122324 132.54956 83.121592 132.57658 83.113534 curveto -132.58046 83.109053 132.6831 83.069062 132.67292 83.062677 curveto -132.65702 83.052697 132.61181 83.074261 132.61697 83.056205 curveto -132.62289 83.035447 132.6591 83.046448 132.67954 83.039509 curveto -132.69175 83.035364 132.70289 83.028553 132.71457 83.023074 curveto -132.69172 83.017833 132.77584 83.00156 132.75963 82.994045 curveto -132.74047 82.985166 132.71724 82.992048 132.69664 82.987444 curveto -132.68151 82.984063 132.64465 82.965739 132.65907 82.960052 curveto -132.69105 82.947435 132.7265 82.946594 132.76021 82.939866 curveto -132.71672 82.87507 132.84723 82.895926 132.80197 82.836716 curveto -132.79589 82.733358 132.78298 82.78173 132.89219 82.738245 curveto -132.90196 82.734355 132.89309 82.716945 132.89649 82.706994 curveto -132.91447 82.657605 132.8891 82.710825 132.98369 82.672124 curveto -132.98878 82.670041 132.9738 82.665435 132.97236 82.660127 curveto -132.96005 82.614924 133.01748 82.63604 132.94181 82.609334 curveto -132.87906 82.556395 133.08848 82.561535 133.07687 82.528378 curveto -133.07207 82.514657 133.04774 82.524256 133.03439 82.518508 curveto -133.02759 82.515583 133.02368 82.50829 133.01833 82.50318 curveto -133.0212 82.480555 133.15035 82.489011 133.16102 82.45926 curveto -133.16352 82.452275 133.14029 82.445736 133.14678 82.442145 curveto -133.17115 82.428668 133.20148 82.430977 133.22793 82.42226 curveto -133.24727 82.415885 133.26503 82.405458 133.28358 82.397058 curveto -133.39737 82.329259 133.51283 82.26591 133.63836 82.222355 curveto -133.82756 82.145511 134.02961 82.108221 134.22135 82.040678 curveto -134.46062 81.994996 134.67737 81.886089 134.90995 81.819537 curveto -134.95076 81.808148 134.99098 81.794376 135.03238 81.785372 curveto -135.22488 81.743507 135.13238 81.776052 135.33597 81.748056 curveto -135.50242 81.725168 135.66755 81.679484 135.832 81.645621 curveto -135.92292 85.565418 lineto -135.62214 85.645408 135.32238 85.722123 135.03277 85.838446 curveto -134.80577 85.918129 134.58348 86.010792 134.35551 86.087901 curveto -134.17528 86.148557 133.99962 86.224821 133.83648 86.322942 curveto -133.72959 86.402756 133.62262 86.481612 133.51721 86.563274 curveto -133.48589 86.596066 133.49184 86.576549 133.50135 86.622394 curveto -133.47207 86.660904 133.34685 86.67762 133.47698 86.704753 curveto -133.46567 86.710999 133.45494 86.718451 133.44304 86.723493 curveto -133.41781 86.734183 133.34456 86.743029 133.39999 86.764467 curveto -133.4145 86.770077 133.43902 86.762903 133.44484 86.777325 curveto -133.4496 86.789107 133.42461 86.7927 133.4145 86.800388 curveto -133.40701 86.804052 133.25796 86.876128 133.2578 86.88551 curveto -133.25754 86.901293 133.29159 86.885584 133.30417 86.895108 curveto -133.30972 86.899306 133.29347 86.904 133.28812 86.908446 curveto -133.27124 86.923045 133.21916 86.935428 133.23584 86.950254 curveto -133.25196 86.964591 133.28032 86.947883 133.30031 86.956011 curveto -133.30373 86.957398 133.2408 87.01111 133.23711 87.016741 curveto -133.22128 87.027943 133.20385 87.037163 133.18963 87.050347 curveto -133.16292 87.075106 133.189 87.069061 133.17729 87.099409 curveto -133.16787 87.123797 133.11926 87.13928 133.10517 87.157358 curveto -133.30775 87.168025 133.0465 87.187934 133.03153 87.233154 curveto -133.03567 87.24827 133.0797 87.250674 133.06875 87.261887 curveto -133.03279 87.298708 132.96036 87.272491 133.02216 87.313558 curveto -133.04239 87.317534 133.0717 87.308143 133.08285 87.325486 curveto -133.0909 87.338016 133.05848 87.342642 133.04678 87.351858 curveto -133.02171 87.3716 133.00609 87.402466 132.97797 87.419004 curveto -133.03417 87.451483 133.07921 87.490104 133.03672 87.553223 curveto -132.99195 87.609943 132.9359 87.649534 132.8695 87.678871 curveto -132.84519 87.687865 132.67506 87.739938 132.71384 87.785124 curveto -132.69938 87.790778 132.5943 87.81732 132.61096 87.829474 curveto -132.61995 87.836032 132.6331 87.836058 132.64113 87.843757 curveto -132.64506 87.847521 132.64224 87.85458 132.6428 87.859991 curveto -132.65053 87.867015 132.65827 87.87404 132.66601 87.881065 curveto -132.54317 87.962169 132.68703 87.950066 132.57229 88.011024 curveto -132.45649 88.07006 132.53089 88.066684 132.50061 88.097483 curveto -132.47421 88.124335 132.43086 88.129039 132.40233 88.153188 curveto -132.38383 88.162493 132.36532 88.171797 132.34681 88.181102 curveto -132.3432 88.187675 132.34218 88.196616 132.33597 88.200823 curveto -132.27177 88.244292 132.18011 88.257871 132.10783 88.279715 curveto -132.05905 88.307149 131.99014 88.325227 131.95058 88.347567 curveto -133.36142 88.70843 132.13409 88.182205 132.11773 84.203866 curveto -132.11758 84.166569 132.04316 84.207467 132.00613 84.211933 curveto -131.98987 84.213895 131.97013 84.211793 131.95828 84.223101 curveto -131.9522 84.228895 131.97137 84.233607 131.97791 84.238859 curveto -131.99583 84.250612 132.05092 84.253854 132.03507 84.268274 curveto -132.02005 84.281939 131.99224 84.268623 131.97524 84.279734 curveto -131.96817 84.284356 132.02187 84.309195 132.0509 84.324568 curveto -132.06121 84.327484 132.07153 84.3304 132.08185 84.333316 curveto -132.07607 84.336458 132.05823 84.340814 132.06452 84.34274 curveto -132.11896 84.359418 132.18839 84.334858 132.2401 84.367542 curveto -132.33723 84.389567 132.2098 84.39021 132.18914 84.396283 curveto -132.16599 84.403089 132.27944 84.383119 132.26147 84.399223 curveto -132.32483 84.405276 132.38818 84.406256 132.45184 84.410869 curveto -132.53012 84.407527 132.6084 84.418349 132.68658 84.406901 curveto -132.76383 84.414798 132.84324 84.411989 132.92041 84.40619 curveto -133.00485 84.400042 133.0913 84.406202 133.17511 84.41609 curveto -134.69275 84.552811 134.54261 88.315217 133.39006 88.709199 curveto -133.31464 88.746689 133.23135 88.777174 133.17048 88.836184 curveto -133.07403 88.886396 132.98748 88.948337 132.89588 89.006865 curveto -132.8212 89.086794 132.7145 89.118484 132.62085 89.170552 curveto -132.5851 89.227768 132.50514 89.238236 132.4576 89.281294 curveto -132.44034 89.292663 132.41694 89.299262 132.40731 89.317542 curveto -132.40427 89.323308 132.40763 89.331712 132.40345 89.336711 curveto -132.37402 89.371883 132.31854 89.388063 132.30123 89.43599 curveto -132.28733 89.454068 132.25011 89.512685 132.23539 89.526802 curveto -132.19137 89.569035 132.12607 89.59181 132.08808 89.642131 curveto -131.99064 89.700747 131.87639 89.718342 131.77521 89.770516 curveto -131.67278 89.822114 131.5633 89.871471 131.48343 89.955988 curveto -131.39421 90.030814 131.28994 90.090961 131.22227 90.189683 curveto -131.20531 90.201777 131.18537 90.210519 131.1714 90.225966 curveto -131.16394 90.234221 131.1664 90.248003 131.16082 90.257633 curveto -131.13354 90.304721 131.08241 90.344199 131.0393 90.37471 curveto -131.02419 90.383678 131.00057 90.385332 130.99398 90.401615 curveto -130.98993 90.411626 131.01457 90.410488 131.02144 90.41882 curveto -131.02565 90.423929 131.01944 90.434063 131.02438 90.438471 curveto -131.04292 90.455001 131.07504 90.462494 131.09868 90.469459 curveto -131.10085 89.087108 131.10301 87.704757 131.10518 86.322405 curveto -131.08132 86.33015 131.05536 86.333166 131.03359 86.345639 curveto -130.97906 86.376884 131.10823 86.52794 131.14906 86.492424 curveto -131.1644 86.499604 131.19199 86.497308 131.19508 86.513964 curveto -131.19759 86.527517 131.16707 86.516759 131.15469 86.522819 curveto -131.12803 86.535868 131.12718 86.601708 131.08028 86.592351 curveto -131.09792 86.606112 131.17471 86.648265 131.18216 86.65787 curveto -131.18719 86.664353 131.17066 86.675034 131.17559 86.681594 curveto -131.18289 86.691304 131.27191 86.734312 131.27645 86.736592 curveto -131.27973 86.740839 131.32135 86.79612 131.3286 86.800187 curveto -131.33868 86.80585 131.43494 86.833529 131.45008 86.848435 curveto -131.4547 86.852981 131.43918 86.855444 131.43373 86.858949 curveto -131.44619 86.864522 131.45865 86.870095 131.47111 86.875668 curveto -131.59408 86.915172 131.48499 86.891526 131.46954 86.926509 curveto -131.46563 86.935358 131.55598 86.972124 131.56308 86.970831 curveto -131.51421 86.991373 131.54367 86.974018 131.58915 86.988105 curveto -131.60921 86.994319 131.67269 87.047746 131.58801 87.033994 curveto -131.65104 87.043787 131.71108 87.028929 131.7742 87.03015 curveto -131.84338 87.04485 131.91454 87.035557 131.98336 87.053409 curveto -132.09335 87.065645 132.206 87.053012 132.31625 87.064033 curveto -132.46242 87.063584 132.60783 87.071245 132.75329 87.055205 curveto -134.24114 87.126384 132.90373 87.033353 133.04188 91.264902 curveto -133.042 91.268673 132.91997 91.280756 132.91755 91.281306 curveto -132.90154 91.284932 132.84671 91.313957 132.83587 91.319437 curveto -132.76853 91.359883 132.70044 91.410658 132.62855 91.441689 curveto -132.60723 91.450888 132.5836 91.454142 132.56254 91.463912 curveto -132.55249 91.468578 132.5451 91.477604 132.53638 91.48445 curveto -132.47009 91.540034 132.38645 91.569468 132.31951 91.625333 curveto -132.27408 91.652629 132.21333 91.693636 132.17691 91.730763 curveto -132.13533 91.773155 132.15115 91.817395 132.07904 91.835005 curveto -132.04218 91.871917 131.99484 91.883677 131.955 91.916302 curveto -131.90251 91.959285 131.85965 92.015341 131.79684 92.045777 curveto -131.74853 92.084359 131.69553 92.116939 131.64821 92.15673 curveto -131.57286 92.220093 131.51167 92.300922 131.43896 92.367278 curveto -131.29015 92.505611 131.11552 92.61457 130.94512 92.724197 curveto -130.63178 92.950936 130.30733 93.166861 130.03342 93.442252 curveto -129.88323 93.613647 129.73443 93.781782 129.5455 93.911786 curveto -129.49089 93.955762 129.40855 94.008843 129.3978 94.08706 curveto -129.39422 94.113178 129.4257 94.137714 129.40711 94.165599 curveto -129.4237 92.787951 129.4403 91.410304 129.45689 90.032656 curveto -129.45424 90.045144 129.44668 90.08675 129.43908 90.097552 curveto -129.41796 90.127538 129.37043 90.123871 129.37108 90.166579 curveto -129.34111 90.217226 129.41347 90.214278 129.44122 90.247679 curveto -129.47262 90.285475 129.42912 90.336042 129.49969 90.353307 curveto -129.59701 90.412204 129.69172 90.476549 129.80355 90.506169 curveto -129.98758 90.588454 130.17939 90.65342 130.37842 90.686923 curveto -130.48253 90.706378 130.57436 90.69425 130.67807 90.686357 curveto -130.80378 90.68613 130.92742 90.640626 131.05442 90.645151 curveto -131.18929 90.644772 131.32461 90.64278 131.45895 90.656694 curveto -131.55416 90.670895 131.63806 90.709651 131.73379 90.721128 curveto -131.74945 90.723139 131.83538 90.732131 131.85493 90.741587 curveto -131.85885 90.743482 131.84223 90.750341 131.84642 90.751495 curveto -131.93515 90.775877 131.96193 90.76028 132.02318 90.823606 curveto -131.99791 94.870502 133.24697 94.469275 131.78873 95.137 curveto -131.63284 95.206375 131.50076 95.311301 131.36967 95.418896 curveto -131.20211 95.540028 131.02174 95.63611 130.82469 95.701065 curveto -130.54152 95.822757 130.27295 95.970056 130.01348 96.136636 curveto -129.81455 96.272646 129.59743 96.384352 129.41329 96.538918 curveto -129.36498 96.566056 129.31212 96.584921 129.26512 96.614272 curveto -129.25022 96.623578 129.2411 96.640208 129.22692 96.650577 curveto -129.17906 96.685567 129.12232 96.712751 129.0671 96.733059 curveto -128.98101 96.813891 128.90971 96.799886 129.0414 96.895559 curveto -130.34817 97.462485 129.08223 96.9274 129.0083 92.767901 curveto -129.00812 92.757543 129.00754 92.788607 129.00746 92.798966 curveto -129.00726 92.82345 128.99897 92.849013 129.00619 92.87241 curveto -129.01157 92.88986 129.02464 92.903929 129.03387 92.919688 curveto -129.05765 92.956793 129.08747 92.98989 129.11017 93.027672 curveto -129.13944 93.076417 129.13521 93.102785 129.16966 93.14881 curveto -129.18524 93.169636 129.2081 93.184193 129.22419 93.204637 curveto -129.23307 93.215931 129.23726 93.230234 129.2438 93.243033 curveto -129.23977 93.263018 129.21361 93.319509 129.21697 93.335868 curveto -129.22801 93.389567 129.3119 93.428953 129.3506 93.447063 curveto -129.41006 93.489071 129.49472 93.552967 129.56182 93.579659 curveto -129.62336 93.604139 129.71594 93.616001 129.77723 93.649525 curveto -129.94092 93.710085 130.11421 93.760557 130.28628 93.786694 curveto -130.44263 93.814227 130.59657 93.848088 130.75451 93.862404 curveto -131.04639 93.924572 131.34818 93.929501 131.64346 93.886713 curveto -131.81699 93.838089 131.99367 93.800107 132.1738 93.78918 curveto -132.26958 95.414237 133.82717 97.944176 132.31068 98.012298 curveto -132.23222 98.015823 132.15489 98.002121 132.08286 98.044256 curveto -131.97563 98.083951 132.03097 98.06087 131.91743 98.114912 curveto -131.81316 98.15406 131.69674 98.161426 131.59035 98.192752 curveto -131.45515 98.220076 131.32234 98.246637 131.19685 98.306397 curveto -130.93689 98.409625 130.67401 98.505792 130.41413 98.609465 curveto -129.76167 98.908855 129.14042 99.270458 128.61052 99.760928 curveto -128.4261 99.926893 128.28992 100.04421 128.11746 100.21817 curveto -128.08895 100.24693 127.8568 100.50093 127.79946 100.55047 curveto -127.75364 100.59005 127.69486 100.61239 127.64803 100.65079 curveto -127.56341 100.67923 127.46921 100.68259 127.45886 100.78478 curveto -127.45166 100.79729 127.42738 100.81178 127.43725 100.82232 curveto -127.45568 100.84199 127.51484 100.87159 127.51496 100.84464 curveto -127.52088 99.459783 127.50099 98.074566 127.45491 96.690462 curveto -127.45401 96.663337 127.40163 96.703281 127.37752 96.715735 curveto -127.36733 96.720999 127.35379 96.73057 127.35522 96.74195 curveto -127.35695 96.75564 127.37475 96.76145 127.38452 96.7712 curveto -127.4052 96.787804 127.44308 96.820875 127.46841 96.830039 curveto -127.56717 96.865764 127.67822 96.871498 127.77501 96.915738 curveto -127.87515 96.935498 127.99184 96.940226 128.06534 97.015604 curveto -128.09507 97.038528 128.12791 97.042693 128.15727 97.063399 curveto -128.19214 97.087992 128.20463 97.158846 128.25179 97.172313 curveto -128.44738 97.317784 128.67361 97.397003 128.9169 97.417992 curveto -129.00757 97.422381 129.09873 97.420452 129.18892 97.430747 curveto -129.32061 97.445779 129.44342 97.501878 129.5654 97.549475 curveto -129.90908 97.687222 130.27067 97.776088 130.61127 97.922417 curveto -130.9637 98.046562 131.32502 98.157922 131.69189 98.232168 curveto -132.16515 98.327944 132.07956 98.28297 132.55175 98.33312 curveto -132.67961 98.346699 132.80649 98.368231 132.93387 98.385787 curveto -133.05667 98.395966 133.17912 98.412371 133.30229 98.416326 curveto -133.85181 98.433973 133.41074 98.398961 133.88128 98.377603 curveto -134.03834 98.370474 134.1866 98.424028 134.34095 98.440266 curveto -134.57843 98.507605 134.80932 98.595543 135.05565 98.626694 curveto -135.11249 98.643623 135.45948 98.689094 135.45969 98.70762 curveto -135.50843 102.95508 136.7877 102.79087 135.24609 102.929 curveto -134.97504 102.88437 134.70298 102.89192 134.42845 102.89055 curveto -133.78817 102.90065 133.15191 103.02324 132.5094 102.99057 curveto -131.92346 103.01956 132.38276 103.00118 131.81142 103.01263 curveto -131.62951 103.01627 131.3339 103.01884 131.15281 103.05407 curveto -131.10034 103.06428 130.75 103.17724 130.6651 103.20432 curveto -130.5156 103.22533 130.36676 103.22418 130.21684 103.22992 curveto -130.1023 103.21641 129.97912 103.24027 129.87382 103.18222 curveto -129.76188 103.14015 129.66182 103.06782 129.5482 103.02696 curveto -129.37833 102.94052 129.18469 102.92864 129.00016 102.88982 curveto -128.72291 102.82343 128.43511 102.82099 128.15479 102.77001 curveto -127.92945 102.74513 127.70511 102.7576 127.47909 102.74585 curveto -127.40821 102.73447 127.44782 102.73838 127.35995 102.73778 curveto -127.25546 102.72511 127.15118 102.69241 127.04814 102.67123 curveto -126.86574 102.61733 126.66585 102.58121 126.47779 102.6236 curveto -126.5367 98.472163 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -127.19379 100.13007 moveto -127.24974 100.24291 127.35787 100.32647 127.47246 100.37542 curveto -127.50448 100.39623 127.63785 100.39285 127.6297 100.42391 curveto -127.7091 100.44057 127.79128 100.48691 127.86535 100.52373 curveto -127.72813 100.56457 127.8489 100.57671 127.9078 100.61147 curveto -128.00331 100.62031 127.8115 100.61275 127.83135 100.62987 curveto -127.85612 100.65124 127.89192 100.65559 127.91918 100.67367 curveto -127.92623 100.67834 127.9469 100.68367 127.93986 100.68834 curveto -127.92433 100.69867 127.90298 100.69392 127.88454 100.69671 curveto -127.9017 100.7192 128.01468 100.76671 128.02476 100.78419 curveto -128.03028 100.79375 128.00535 100.79558 127.99826 100.80404 curveto -127.99481 100.80815 127.99604 100.81454 127.99493 100.81979 curveto -128.0063 100.86313 127.97611 100.75943 128.05387 100.85647 curveto -128.05965 100.86369 128.03844 100.86767 128.03392 100.87573 curveto -128.01992 100.90074 128.07802 100.91417 128.10478 100.92443 curveto -128.18654 100.95989 128.09909 100.9361 128.09078 100.97808 curveto -127.97732 100.99262 128.10576 100.98402 128.17337 100.99908 curveto -128.18513 101.0017 128.18631 101.01999 128.19577 101.02746 curveto -128.30415 101.07786 127.98946 101.02493 128.30978 101.06621 curveto -128.30092 101.0845 128.34805 101.09804 128.34692 101.10283 curveto -128.34481 101.11177 128.31289 101.11489 128.3409 101.11931 curveto -128.35008 101.14356 128.44444 101.13661 128.47457 101.15154 curveto -128.49292 101.16063 128.46844 101.17686 128.49869 101.18866 curveto -128.50577 101.19008 128.6059 101.20845 128.62266 101.21704 curveto -128.62746 101.21951 128.62514 101.22794 128.62853 101.23213 curveto -128.632 101.23641 128.63983 101.23636 128.64231 101.24128 curveto -128.64408 101.2448 128.63526 101.2509 128.63882 101.25258 curveto -128.65938 101.26226 128.68264 101.2646 128.70455 101.27061 curveto -128.70887 101.27941 128.71034 101.29032 128.7175 101.29701 curveto -128.74599 101.32366 128.91196 101.3827 128.95693 101.398 curveto -129.01686 101.45941 129.09969 101.4636 129.17271 101.49946 curveto -129.29036 101.55656 129.38254 101.64558 129.50421 101.69511 curveto -129.55722 101.73598 129.6221 101.72798 129.6809 101.74266 curveto -129.77342 101.75043 129.8562 101.79008 129.93445 101.83826 curveto -129.96674 101.84781 129.98746 101.87748 130.01737 101.89071 curveto -130.0563 101.90792 130.13363 101.91658 130.17177 101.92843 curveto -130.28016 101.96209 130.38558 102.00471 130.49322 102.04068 curveto -131.13653 102.2334 131.80456 102.30748 132.47054 102.37032 curveto -132.60495 102.38505 132.7408 102.38997 132.87377 102.41451 curveto -133.25095 102.48414 133.6159 102.61123 133.99273 102.68271 curveto -134.79632 102.83513 135.61768 102.89213 136.43121 102.9597 curveto -136.73157 102.9598 137.03193 102.95989 137.33229 102.95998 curveto -137.62435 102.95034 137.91625 102.93324 138.20845 102.93107 curveto -139.1748 102.9239 139.0366 102.98627 139.9938 102.91113 curveto -140.67981 102.85728 140.84202 102.80563 141.49238 102.67468 curveto -141.97604 102.55565 142.46333 102.4379 142.9321 102.26679 curveto -143.16226 102.18278 143.37898 102.07256 143.59584 101.96002 curveto -143.73614 101.87179 143.66955 101.91098 143.79473 101.84097 curveto -143.87904 105.92554 lineto -143.74602 105.9091 143.8181 105.9198 143.6631 105.89138 curveto -143.42773 105.85679 143.19756 105.80428 142.96338 105.76399 curveto -142.47989 105.6808 141.98933 105.64305 141.50533 105.56328 curveto -140.90029 105.49648 140.62273 105.45529 139.99792 105.43325 curveto -138.6821 105.38685 139.5431 105.45181 138.20965 105.46602 curveto -137.61704 105.47234 137.02466 105.40799 136.43176 105.45315 curveto -135.61392 105.52459 134.79526 105.59625 133.98202 105.71117 curveto -133.83256 105.7323 133.04806 105.87014 132.84998 105.883 curveto -132.71642 105.89167 132.5824 105.87562 132.4486 105.87193 curveto -131.78866 105.85121 131.12293 105.80767 130.46944 105.92976 curveto -130.35892 105.95449 130.25065 105.99002 130.13886 106.00816 curveto -130.03341 106.02528 129.8873 106.01245 129.78078 106.0051 curveto -129.75882 106.0003 129.61072 105.96473 129.6064 105.95407 curveto -129.60368 105.94738 129.61862 105.94639 129.62473 105.94256 curveto -129.51159 105.93171 129.40633 105.87591 129.30291 105.83225 curveto -129.20655 105.76876 129.09362 105.74372 129.00019 105.67584 curveto -128.98663 105.67057 128.97308 105.6653 128.95952 105.66003 curveto -128.95655 105.65398 128.95681 105.64455 128.95062 105.64187 curveto -128.8877 105.61462 128.79102 105.61084 128.73056 105.56797 curveto -128.71123 105.52205 128.73317 105.55777 128.66584 105.52592 curveto -128.60698 105.49806 128.56202 105.45875 128.48891 105.46876 curveto -128.51666 105.44055 128.50061 105.46337 128.44154 105.4488 curveto -128.4098 105.44097 128.32655 105.42118 128.38854 105.38788 curveto -128.34615 105.37872 128.27556 105.3869 128.23937 105.36324 curveto -128.22524 105.354 128.29953 105.35371 128.28604 105.34357 curveto -128.27392 105.33446 128.25573 105.34393 128.24058 105.34411 curveto -128.17117 105.3256 128.10251 105.323 128.03928 105.28858 curveto -128.23251 105.27419 128.02873 105.27457 127.99164 105.26706 curveto -127.97847 105.26439 127.97409 105.24309 127.95923 105.24307 curveto -127.94386 105.23514 127.89314 105.22832 127.91027 105.22588 curveto -128.05443 105.20534 128.02546 105.21874 127.95107 105.21678 curveto -127.92636 105.21612 127.90164 105.21604 127.87693 105.21568 curveto -127.84517 105.20064 127.6935 105.14491 127.68978 105.14227 curveto -127.68347 105.13781 127.69966 105.13039 127.70459 105.12445 curveto -127.8069 105.08869 127.64405 105.08123 127.62464 105.05311 curveto -127.61809 105.04363 127.65459 105.0507 127.65634 105.03931 curveto -127.65802 105.02837 127.63866 105.02599 127.62983 105.01933 curveto -127.61798 105.01193 127.60682 105.0033 127.59429 104.99712 curveto -127.57596 104.98807 127.54754 104.99163 127.53758 104.97378 curveto -127.53132 104.96255 127.56483 104.96937 127.57355 104.95993 curveto -127.58045 104.95247 127.54687 104.91525 127.5736 104.91048 curveto -127.54533 104.90435 127.51525 104.9038 127.48879 104.89211 curveto -127.48271 104.88942 127.49932 104.85751 127.49965 104.85727 curveto -127.50841 104.85097 127.53587 104.85569 127.53019 104.84651 curveto -127.50652 104.80824 127.41199 104.85861 127.40008 104.81054 curveto -127.43524 104.78655 127.41208 104.79791 127.47465 104.78992 curveto -127.48185 104.78524 127.4607 104.7799 127.45356 104.77513 curveto -127.41143 104.747 127.36804 104.72629 127.31776 104.71543 curveto -127.33326 104.71271 127.34985 104.7136 127.36426 104.70727 curveto -127.37714 104.70161 127.37801 104.66739 127.39607 104.65881 curveto -127.40913 104.65261 127.43221 104.6607 127.43792 104.64742 curveto -127.44238 104.63701 127.41685 104.6391 127.40632 104.63494 curveto -127.39133 104.63113 127.37256 104.63417 127.36135 104.62351 curveto -127.3482 104.61098 127.41827 104.6102 127.40796 104.59524 curveto -127.38361 104.55992 127.27387 104.59761 127.25641 104.54192 curveto -127.21652 104.51624 127.17275 104.49608 127.13586 104.46624 curveto -127.0485 104.39556 126.98917 104.29044 126.86803 104.26913 curveto -127.19379 100.13007 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -126.8564 99.79269 moveto -126.93217 99.940718 127.10545 100.01944 127.17476 100.16933 curveto -127.21518 100.2403 127.27907 100.28752 127.33507 100.34371 curveto -127.2724 100.41141 127.3249 100.39472 127.349 100.44486 curveto -127.35464 100.4566 127.34581 100.47099 127.34755 100.48389 curveto -127.34902 100.49484 127.35483 100.50476 127.35847 100.5152 curveto -127.35735 100.55032 127.41606 100.56221 127.42203 100.58452 curveto -127.42489 100.59523 127.4029 100.59628 127.39547 100.6045 curveto -127.38808 100.61267 127.39011 100.62116 127.39079 100.63027 curveto -127.40004 100.67261 127.39164 100.59379 127.47997 100.66359 curveto -127.49093 100.67225 127.45257 100.67052 127.44045 100.67745 curveto -127.4366 100.67965 127.43665 100.68545 127.43475 100.68945 curveto -127.42294 100.69352 127.41113 100.69759 127.39932 100.70166 curveto -127.39346 100.74399 127.451 100.72437 127.4911 100.73467 curveto -127.51165 100.73996 127.52861 100.75473 127.54833 100.76258 curveto -127.55601 100.76474 127.56502 100.76423 127.57136 100.76907 curveto -127.57401 100.77109 127.56789 100.77615 127.56974 100.77891 curveto -127.5893 100.80801 127.68065 100.78961 127.71424 100.81146 curveto -127.71881 100.81443 127.70876 100.82087 127.70602 100.82558 curveto -127.69771 100.83674 127.72497 100.83363 127.72166 100.83987 curveto -127.71876 100.84533 127.70946 100.84401 127.70525 100.84854 curveto -127.68407 100.87134 127.76718 100.85689 127.797 100.86579 curveto -127.80514 100.86822 127.80925 100.87758 127.81537 100.88347 curveto -127.85653 100.93282 127.9418 100.93468 128.00911 100.95758 curveto -127.92186 100.98546 128.1105 100.99814 128.09703 101.02416 curveto -128.0896 101.03852 128.06413 101.03164 128.05208 101.04243 curveto -128.01626 101.11288 128.21012 101.03306 128.21433 101.08377 curveto -128.21894 101.13925 128.0744 101.04098 128.21027 101.12054 curveto -128.38629 101.22329 128.04782 101.14314 128.25851 101.20004 curveto -128.40041 101.26518 128.33598 101.21696 128.23793 101.25007 curveto -128.232 101.2526 128.21402 101.25558 128.22013 101.25765 curveto -128.22108 101.25798 128.33297 101.27453 128.35081 101.28573 curveto -128.35497 101.28835 128.34672 101.29576 128.34856 101.30032 curveto -128.35995 101.32861 128.40581 101.32158 128.43524 101.32956 curveto -128.57214 101.39282 128.55056 101.34674 128.44739 101.385 curveto -128.3759 101.40965 128.57307 101.40238 128.58629 101.43117 curveto -128.59005 101.43934 128.56426 101.43993 128.56586 101.44878 curveto -128.563 101.4521 128.55364 101.45632 128.55729 101.45874 curveto -128.57761 101.47224 128.63255 101.48497 128.65709 101.49664 curveto -128.70823 101.52095 128.75995 101.55107 128.80975 101.57859 curveto -128.87771 101.64903 128.97303 101.67749 129.05566 101.72679 curveto -128.9332 105.80382 lineto -128.81557 105.78968 128.70809 105.7512 128.59208 105.72636 curveto -128.53349 105.68882 128.46405 105.6695 128.39512 105.66802 curveto -128.36282 105.65945 128.32784 105.66064 128.29684 105.64815 curveto -128.28816 105.64465 128.2998 105.62565 128.30867 105.62268 curveto -128.32203 105.61822 128.36404 105.62109 128.35054 105.61706 curveto -128.33151 105.61139 128.31083 105.61729 128.29098 105.61741 curveto -128.25609 105.60893 128.24588 105.60598 128.2073 105.59908 curveto -128.11884 105.58326 128.09895 105.59518 128.14323 105.53328 curveto -128.22682 105.50384 128.12229 105.51347 128.09726 105.49955 curveto -128.08064 105.4903 128.20853 105.45155 128.15181 105.48279 curveto -128.13384 105.477 128.11406 105.48362 128.09519 105.48404 curveto -128.0569 105.47591 128.0544 105.47486 128.01046 105.46841 curveto -127.92848 105.45636 127.87782 105.46794 127.93563 105.4125 curveto -128.06093 105.38968 127.85139 105.38253 127.83559 105.37684 curveto -127.82814 105.37416 127.82835 105.32748 127.82631 105.32049 curveto -127.87209 105.29106 127.82169 105.32896 127.76648 105.29429 curveto -127.75563 105.28748 127.79104 105.28642 127.80377 105.28504 curveto -127.83311 105.28185 127.86337 105.28694 127.89219 105.28062 curveto -127.9123 105.27622 127.80307 105.26267 127.83403 105.25981 curveto -127.79537 105.24838 127.75322 105.24752 127.7167 105.23045 curveto -127.71338 105.22891 127.71477 105.19599 127.71632 105.1939 curveto -127.72095 105.18764 127.74326 105.1862 127.73656 105.18221 curveto -127.71822 105.17128 127.69482 105.17318 127.67395 105.16867 curveto -127.67765 105.15875 127.68257 105.14151 127.69172 105.13468 curveto -127.70017 105.12838 127.72505 105.13111 127.72051 105.12159 curveto -127.70586 105.09084 127.61755 105.12581 127.5992 105.08935 curveto -127.52962 105.06799 127.6031 105.09533 127.61944 105.07171 curveto -127.62682 105.06105 127.5939 105.06716 127.581 105.06577 curveto -127.53184 105.06048 127.50421 105.05809 127.46156 105.03482 curveto -127.3394 105.00336 127.46742 105.02417 127.4717 104.99665 curveto -127.47368 104.98386 127.36035 104.99499 127.36015 104.96581 curveto -127.35187 104.96109 127.34394 104.95567 127.33529 104.95166 curveto -127.32712 104.94787 127.30712 104.95107 127.30988 104.94249 curveto -127.31332 104.93179 127.34719 104.94137 127.34176 104.93152 curveto -127.32583 104.90262 127.22132 104.94215 127.19575 104.91333 curveto -127.01415 104.88937 127.18474 104.91919 127.08272 104.88796 curveto -127.06124 104.88138 127.00921 104.89334 127.01716 104.87232 curveto -127.03649 104.82121 127.14646 104.91077 127.04844 104.83821 curveto -127.02962 104.82456 126.9274 104.7707 126.92342 104.76571 curveto -126.91749 104.7583 126.94203 104.75439 126.94288 104.74494 curveto -126.94496 104.72166 126.90658 104.70628 126.90888 104.68363 curveto -126.90095 104.67272 126.89457 104.6605 126.8851 104.65089 curveto -126.87505 104.64068 126.85657 104.63797 126.85093 104.62479 curveto -126.84765 104.6171 126.86617 104.61238 126.86509 104.60409 curveto -126.86042 104.56821 126.7936 104.53645 126.77028 104.52228 curveto -126.77833 104.50477 126.79778 104.49259 126.80167 104.47372 curveto -126.81099 104.42855 126.75212 104.33625 126.74658 104.29076 curveto -126.73249 104.27025 126.71395 104.25217 126.70432 104.22923 curveto -126.69568 104.20865 126.69935 104.18464 126.69303 104.16323 curveto -126.66555 104.07015 126.621 103.97569 126.53065 103.93175 curveto -126.8564 99.79269 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -137.36236 85.299179 moveto -137.2031 85.320678 137.06583 85.392902 136.93229 85.477256 curveto -136.77648 85.531284 136.83202 85.505472 136.81174 85.612873 curveto -136.7296 85.636367 136.67031 85.645376 136.60167 85.700083 curveto -136.5896 85.709706 136.58354 85.725072 136.57447 85.737567 curveto -136.55617 85.749879 136.53786 85.762191 136.51956 85.774503 curveto -136.42787 85.848926 136.31601 85.89364 136.19852 85.897122 curveto -136.01493 85.842993 135.86741 85.876696 135.68663 85.920993 curveto -135.56945 85.954267 135.46401 86.000585 135.36576 86.072891 curveto -135.26718 86.101605 135.16612 86.101198 135.06473 86.093208 curveto -134.9488 86.076874 134.83348 86.096564 134.71744 86.095084 curveto -134.68128 86.087186 134.61512 86.089471 134.58027 86.068127 curveto -134.57481 86.064781 134.5788 86.054876 134.57517 86.049597 curveto -134.50768 86.040189 134.44909 86.022676 134.37854 86.033152 curveto -134.28158 86.043659 134.20267 86.046449 134.10774 86.015168 curveto -134.01645 85.995502 134.25213 85.992713 134.10093 85.996978 curveto -134.08551 85.997412 134.07042 86.00157 134.05517 86.003866 curveto -133.89047 85.991248 133.99037 86.052443 133.96182 86.072727 curveto -133.94914 86.081734 133.93176 86.080701 133.91672 86.084688 curveto -133.81362 86.126829 133.87495 86.083881 133.92512 86.116391 curveto -133.93582 86.123325 133.9011 86.125278 133.8886 86.127783 curveto -133.74236 86.157086 133.88405 86.11962 133.77692 86.149512 curveto -133.77205 86.152573 133.76279 86.152964 133.76231 86.158696 curveto -133.76166 86.166343 133.77348 86.170625 133.77448 86.178234 curveto -133.7769 86.196564 133.74516 86.246754 133.7543 86.261407 curveto -133.76118 86.272421 133.77705 86.273917 133.78843 86.280172 curveto -133.77472 86.285223 133.83161 86.314784 133.81679 86.323804 curveto -133.75681 86.360318 133.67496 86.352668 133.61425 86.390804 curveto -133.60018 86.403208 133.54577 86.431589 133.54556 86.453123 curveto -133.54554 86.455619 133.58847 86.487289 133.57586 86.500214 curveto -133.56132 86.515116 133.53763 86.516738 133.51852 86.525 curveto -133.38564 86.584068 133.6496 86.535568 133.46156 86.579523 curveto -133.38074 86.598414 133.38085 86.59743 133.38199 86.597528 curveto -133.4184 86.600675 133.45507 86.596865 133.49162 86.596533 curveto -133.44496 86.580312 133.41243 86.624911 133.3737 86.63294 curveto -133.32615 86.642797 133.2783 86.642602 133.23071 86.654136 curveto -133.43478 86.676615 133.27422 86.665308 133.20707 86.721708 curveto -133.15314 86.776421 133.24564 86.689464 133.12808 86.75376 curveto -133.12297 86.756559 133.13685 86.762507 133.13791 86.768245 curveto -133.14081 86.784038 133.12862 86.810601 133.12525 86.826282 curveto -133.12474 86.831132 133.11907 86.839355 133.12372 86.840833 curveto -133.1914 86.862358 133.17165 86.829765 133.21269 86.859133 curveto -133.22261 86.866233 133.24811 86.883681 133.23638 86.887033 curveto -133.19039 86.900174 133.14209 86.903171 133.09494 86.91124 curveto -133.13756 86.961493 132.9949 86.934101 132.97851 86.963405 curveto -132.97337 86.9726 132.9994 86.969157 133.0076 86.97577 curveto -133.01267 86.97986 133.01309 86.987588 133.01583 86.993496 curveto -132.97161 87.023296 132.94578 87.049509 132.9364 87.105401 curveto -132.93417 87.118652 132.94496 87.13364 132.9389 87.145635 curveto -132.92957 87.164118 132.90915 87.174435 132.89427 87.188835 curveto -132.88271 87.202194 132.86752 87.213127 132.85958 87.228912 curveto -132.85357 87.240868 132.83982 87.338711 132.84762 87.350855 curveto -132.85338 87.359817 132.86609 87.361464 132.87533 87.366769 curveto -132.89671 87.398083 132.91198 87.427401 132.91851 87.464659 curveto -132.91897 86.082027 132.91944 84.699395 132.91991 83.316763 curveto -132.92406 83.418822 132.91339 83.36483 132.83288 83.411792 curveto -132.38721 87.607376 lineto -132.30494 87.562378 132.25049 87.584984 132.26032 87.483366 curveto -132.26078 86.08519 132.25987 84.687013 132.26169 83.288839 curveto -132.26172 83.267375 132.2767 83.238335 132.28734 83.221403 curveto -132.29347 83.211658 132.31451 83.190318 132.32071 83.183719 curveto -132.37534 83.144438 132.43764 83.095975 132.46921 83.037169 curveto -132.47887 82.943835 132.61551 82.890614 132.63924 82.791746 curveto -132.67195 82.775517 132.70887 82.768344 132.74073 82.750495 curveto -132.75562 82.742153 132.7052 82.740836 132.69525 82.726965 curveto -132.68294 82.709798 132.76723 82.700246 132.74429 82.686817 curveto -132.70298 82.688527 132.66165 82.694213 132.62037 82.691947 curveto -132.60669 82.691197 132.64052 82.673256 132.6518 82.66548 curveto -132.69688 82.634392 132.69466 82.642444 132.76136 82.619307 curveto -132.767 82.61735 132.77249 82.614997 132.77805 82.612842 curveto -132.82135 82.593963 132.88863 82.576963 132.92485 82.550469 curveto -132.92931 82.547205 132.91829 82.541571 132.91501 82.537121 curveto -132.92282 82.532767 132.93064 82.528413 132.93846 82.524059 curveto -132.95052 82.515923 132.99299 82.487865 133.001 82.479624 curveto -133.00897 82.471422 132.97154 82.439611 132.97443 82.457916 curveto -133.01314 82.422304 133.09656 82.465502 133.12937 82.427975 curveto -133.14242 82.41298 133.13875 82.434681 133.10343 82.411273 curveto -133.08933 82.401924 133.16117 82.363609 133.06954 82.377875 curveto -133.11063 82.370511 133.15171 82.363147 133.1928 82.355783 curveto -133.15156 82.35439 133.08608 82.360337 133.10453 82.350431 curveto -133.1669 82.316942 133.17596 82.368554 133.16625 82.330782 curveto -133.15969 82.325106 133.14294 82.321645 133.14655 82.313753 curveto -133.16305 82.277733 133.3217 82.248379 133.33488 82.189559 curveto -133.44208 82.082169 133.15387 82.196453 133.31894 82.094424 curveto -133.41648 82.045089 133.50968 81.988178 133.61116 81.946783 curveto -133.62762 81.931171 133.59517 81.905729 133.60732 81.901243 curveto -133.64054 81.888968 133.68846 81.896633 133.72078 81.875186 curveto -133.72228 81.84709 133.93391 81.842777 133.98033 81.828166 curveto -133.99437 81.825156 134.00841 81.822146 134.02245 81.819137 curveto -134.03489 81.812305 134.04611 81.802489 134.05976 81.798642 curveto -134.13041 81.778744 134.24353 81.763986 134.3048 81.804664 curveto -134.3451 81.840379 134.31266 81.804825 134.27443 81.836515 curveto -134.23234 81.871406 134.41799 81.82425 134.38029 81.847184 curveto -134.46935 81.860518 134.55069 81.830763 134.63851 81.846889 curveto -134.67001 81.84622 134.82625 81.851495 134.80945 81.905851 curveto -134.80653 81.910966 134.79564 81.918163 134.80069 81.921195 curveto -134.8516 81.951771 134.99572 81.922725 135.05413 81.922612 curveto -135.11023 81.913948 135.16743 81.907501 135.21921 81.885245 curveto -135.34831 81.876709 135.47535 81.843732 135.60607 81.851849 curveto -135.7875 81.823793 135.97197 81.790369 136.13666 81.705213 curveto -136.1726 81.67866 136.21634 81.666264 136.25211 81.634268 curveto -136.31576 81.579166 136.48798 81.504147 136.48132 81.419361 curveto -136.56377 81.36202 136.6677 81.372008 136.76045 81.339927 curveto -136.90848 81.303507 137.05564 81.250912 137.16966 81.14601 curveto -137.36236 85.299179 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -134.34609 83.939538 moveto -134.26687 83.935445 134.19322 83.968195 134.12023 83.994591 curveto -134.07916 84.005176 134.03696 84.006325 133.9962 84.018123 curveto -133.97784 84.010837 133.95843 84.026684 133.94128 84.020752 curveto -133.88927 84.0471 133.87883 83.992226 133.84356 83.987943 curveto -133.80514 83.980211 133.7626 83.974383 133.72327 83.963439 curveto -133.76349 83.956541 133.76991 83.96391 133.7125 83.94825 curveto -133.69659 83.94391 133.6815 83.935839 133.66674 83.928615 curveto -133.62188 83.907268 133.63304 83.920415 133.6629 83.907656 curveto -133.66711 83.905855 133.66619 83.897789 133.67048 83.896187 curveto -133.71055 83.881241 133.68455 83.89847 133.69867 83.888643 curveto -133.69454 83.884955 133.69746 83.881192 133.6805 83.880019 curveto -133.63573 83.873946 133.63389 83.856592 133.60577 83.892006 curveto -133.56596 83.901172 133.67698 83.912977 133.6604 83.922947 curveto -133.62611 83.943565 133.60835 83.920355 133.6247 83.938554 curveto -133.62679 83.942561 133.61653 83.963696 133.6192 83.965642 curveto -133.62479 83.969727 133.63315 83.967522 133.63941 83.970496 curveto -133.66888 83.984505 133.60462 83.991029 133.604 83.99121 curveto -133.61867 84.006622 133.55407 83.993892 133.56089 84.007686 curveto -133.56439 84.014789 133.57683 84.009128 133.5843 84.011779 curveto -133.5998 84.017286 133.59015 84.02454 133.61371 84.032108 curveto -133.58231 84.025007 133.56003 84.067388 133.53446 84.07341 curveto -133.4957 84.08254 133.47133 84.073011 133.50131 84.082472 curveto -133.50152 84.083991 133.50397 84.096326 133.50107 84.097452 curveto -133.47536 84.107415 133.44426 84.108902 133.41749 84.118492 curveto -133.38009 84.12545 133.3502 84.105471 133.40892 84.122626 curveto -133.41024 84.123009 133.3947 84.125631 133.37617 84.13829 curveto -133.34819 84.16151 133.36873 84.135409 133.40954 84.151187 curveto -133.41162 84.15199 133.38503 84.154145 133.35799 84.171923 curveto -133.35519 84.174018 133.34631 84.17702 133.3496 84.178207 curveto -133.36017 84.182025 133.37216 84.17886 133.38318 84.181027 curveto -133.39935 84.184207 133.40456 84.200273 133.42026 84.205299 curveto -133.39162 84.21135 133.36559 84.22154 133.34078 84.236563 curveto -133.33692 84.238905 133.32567 84.241272 133.32936 84.243876 curveto -133.35978 84.247729 133.34871 84.241995 133.36533 84.254072 curveto -133.38655 84.274761 133.30495 84.274946 133.28978 84.27871 curveto -133.2835 84.280269 133.26532 84.280832 133.27105 84.283844 curveto -133.28094 84.289042 133.29709 84.278031 133.30446 84.286428 curveto -133.3103 84.293076 133.28724 84.290465 133.27863 84.292484 curveto -133.2891 84.290134 133.23089 84.317628 133.23542 84.3184 curveto -133.34363 84.336826 133.24428 84.30887 133.2966 84.324396 curveto -133.29692 84.353186 133.23935 84.31996 133.22995 84.340823 curveto -133.22746 84.346367 133.2423 84.342514 133.24757 84.345545 curveto -133.26513 84.355643 133.233 84.354787 133.27119 84.368565 curveto -133.29369 84.395224 133.22675 84.387751 133.21332 84.402141 curveto -133.21081 84.404831 133.22001 84.405917 133.22192 84.409068 curveto -133.22381 84.412214 133.22332 84.425196 133.22332 84.428486 curveto -133.21113 84.442646 133.24625 84.437213 133.24071 84.442052 curveto -133.23105 84.450498 133.21605 84.449276 133.20407 84.453865 curveto -133.18752 84.460202 133.17274 84.470418 133.15812 84.480193 curveto -133.28629 84.497838 133.03965 84.504278 133.14111 84.518755 curveto -133.15207 84.516004 133.15404 84.537125 133.15983 84.539953 curveto -133.18976 84.55456 133.20641 84.545345 133.13674 84.564871 curveto -133.12764 84.567925 133.11659 84.567624 133.10945 84.574033 curveto -133.10643 84.576737 133.11751 84.576688 133.12016 84.57975 curveto -133.13727 84.599542 133.10287 84.600854 133.13975 84.610837 curveto -133.11231 84.605723 133.0913 84.635369 133.06797 84.641384 curveto -133.04068 84.648418 133.01104 84.649449 132.98332 84.656182 curveto -132.94361 84.669849 133.02057 84.642322 132.9633 84.69043 curveto -132.96768 84.722936 132.9518 84.719756 132.93155 84.740163 curveto -132.90727 84.764626 132.95412 84.751083 132.90732 84.791507 curveto -132.70778 82.712637 lineto -132.71424 82.681536 132.74095 82.68019 132.75757 82.656341 curveto -132.76018 82.652606 132.75649 82.646507 132.75908 82.642765 curveto -132.76429 82.63525 132.80469 82.606746 132.80793 82.604366 curveto -132.84064 82.572679 132.87617 82.549594 132.9223 82.54317 curveto -132.91356 82.5343 132.91872 82.543384 132.89412 82.534598 curveto -132.88361 82.530842 132.88511 82.498577 132.85935 82.516099 curveto -132.87728 82.504945 132.89084 82.491017 132.90817 82.479678 curveto -132.91535 82.474983 132.92731 82.474922 132.93055 82.466983 curveto -132.93257 82.462038 132.92024 82.464171 132.91509 82.462765 curveto -132.90242 82.461767 132.88869 82.464934 132.87707 82.45977 curveto -132.87307 82.457995 132.8818 82.452237 132.8852 82.449479 curveto -132.90308 82.434931 132.92561 82.42498 132.94571 82.414155 curveto -132.95097 82.412604 133.00566 82.403706 132.97194 82.395476 curveto -132.9625 82.393171 132.94949 82.39814 132.94316 82.390761 curveto -132.93087 82.376424 133.03228 82.380026 132.99548 82.369001 curveto -132.98528 82.331963 132.92851 82.3689 132.98915 82.328299 curveto -132.99725 82.321163 133.02769 82.304034 133.03105 82.297756 curveto -133.03751 82.285657 133.00106 82.296828 132.99127 82.287226 curveto -132.98747 82.283508 132.99849 82.279443 133.00211 82.275552 curveto -133.01722 82.26589 133.035 82.251262 133.05151 82.243333 curveto -133.0986 82.220729 133.08525 82.231699 133.0402 82.222807 curveto -133.06887 82.210179 133.11346 82.217093 133.1283 82.187365 curveto -133.10706 82.167911 133.11854 82.183063 133.16339 82.168576 curveto -133.16542 82.167919 133.15934 82.167162 133.15726 82.166681 curveto -133.14316 82.163423 133.07738 82.171856 133.11063 82.154587 curveto -133.15105 82.129744 133.1995 82.129266 133.11301 82.112946 curveto -133.14166 82.087889 133.17401 82.068647 133.21213 82.062303 curveto -133.21358 82.060217 133.21823 82.055097 133.21547 82.05181 curveto -133.21238 82.048126 133.19891 82.045934 133.20332 82.044023 curveto -133.22484 82.034708 133.24994 82.036692 133.27238 82.029837 curveto -133.28144 82.026358 133.29418 82.013787 133.30191 82.011919 curveto -133.30205 82.011885 133.37558 82.011844 133.34743 82.001643 curveto -133.35743 81.994821 133.33199 81.992544 133.33128 81.99088 curveto -133.32708 81.981038 133.36976 81.988511 133.36027 81.977091 curveto -133.40827 81.961008 133.39249 81.970974 133.36139 81.963821 curveto -133.35304 81.961902 133.35974 81.922648 133.32992 81.939599 curveto -133.34475 81.929304 133.36183 81.915291 133.3789 81.908283 curveto -133.39 81.903721 133.4023 81.902127 133.413 81.896665 curveto -133.41871 81.893748 133.3778 81.889126 133.39533 81.889024 curveto -133.3847 81.887591 133.37207 81.891101 133.36344 81.884726 curveto -133.35057 81.875213 133.43621 81.849437 133.42731 81.838178 curveto -133.43359 81.83397 133.45003 81.832038 133.44614 81.825555 curveto -133.44122 81.817332 133.42382 81.829287 133.41762 81.821981 curveto -133.41323 81.816818 133.42993 81.816312 133.43627 81.813924 curveto -133.4661 81.802682 133.4973 81.794727 133.52922 81.792829 curveto -133.58058 81.78735 133.63216 81.783758 133.68292 81.773824 curveto -133.71563 81.772747 133.74486 81.763612 133.77651 81.77863 curveto -133.79859 81.78285 133.82135 81.783469 133.84313 81.789015 curveto -133.85531 81.792117 133.86447 81.802708 133.87629 81.806977 curveto -133.88828 81.811307 133.90468 81.808149 133.91296 81.817837 curveto -133.91837 81.824158 133.89645 81.819878 133.8882 81.820899 curveto -133.87112 81.8533 133.86003 81.825454 133.83982 81.843456 curveto -133.82419 81.857381 133.94856 81.832359 133.90196 81.85258 curveto -133.87752 81.879319 133.82258 81.8792 133.89735 81.88124 curveto -133.91839 81.888429 134.04216 81.907868 133.94295 81.903968 curveto -133.9594 81.899355 133.97548 81.91301 133.99293 81.9072 curveto -134.02218 81.917037 134.05296 81.915905 134.08342 81.914652 curveto -134.15547 81.917497 134.22748 81.907687 134.28837 81.866078 curveto -134.34609 83.939538 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -138.25822 81.662765 moveto -138.17208 81.696535 138.10874 81.763588 138.04403 81.826925 curveto -137.48963 82.28634 137.99754 81.86899 136.11008 82.654713 curveto -136.09713 82.660102 136.03188 82.652269 136.01578 82.647529 curveto -135.98695 82.640545 135.95757 82.641431 135.92825 82.63837 curveto -135.8872 82.638323 135.84653 82.633382 135.80545 82.634826 curveto -135.7631 82.638514 135.72062 82.635765 135.6782 82.637938 curveto -135.64531 82.641847 135.61245 82.639004 135.5796 82.636261 curveto -135.50615 82.624562 135.43004 82.623958 135.35549 82.624576 curveto -135.29752 82.628277 135.32546 82.625996 135.27166 82.631221 curveto -137.06855 81.606296 lineto -137.10571 81.61177 137.08556 81.609361 137.12907 81.612941 curveto -137.21748 81.613695 137.30632 81.610823 137.39415 81.601254 curveto -137.4289 81.599007 137.46396 81.595404 137.49864 81.599564 curveto -137.53756 81.601984 137.57663 81.598604 137.61542 81.602746 curveto -137.66141 81.604704 137.70722 81.598911 137.75322 81.600305 curveto -137.78033 81.598877 137.80811 81.601581 137.83376 81.591165 curveto -138.48596 81.133799 135.29229 82.513597 136.05133 82.341165 curveto -136.09471 82.332484 136.13209 82.321776 136.16706 82.292667 curveto -136.17985 82.282014 136.18946 82.26792 136.20206 82.257033 curveto -136.25472 82.211531 136.22163 82.257154 136.25475 82.202179 curveto -138.25822 81.662765 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -133.78537 85.070568 moveto -133.8046 84.917867 133.77681 84.766315 133.75653 84.615476 curveto -133.74989 84.546094 133.72621 84.4792 133.71915 84.410518 curveto -133.7247 84.404418 133.69614 84.380386 133.69872 84.376953 curveto -133.71121 84.360313 133.72837 84.408901 133.69944 84.354173 curveto -133.68746 84.317544 133.67079 84.283318 133.6454 84.252104 curveto -133.61381 84.204938 133.65091 84.25456 133.63795 84.217404 curveto -133.61094 84.195931 133.58998 84.16886 133.5678 84.141883 curveto -133.56148 84.132898 133.55349 84.124882 133.54884 84.114928 curveto -133.54593 84.108684 133.54764 84.101104 133.54568 84.094498 curveto -133.54093 84.078522 133.52941 84.066942 133.52362 84.05135 curveto -133.50958 84.013604 133.54116 84.068645 133.51887 84.032465 curveto -133.50952 84.010921 133.48567 84.001964 133.47277 83.983352 curveto -133.43528 83.957966 133.43602 83.909995 133.4124 83.875979 curveto -133.4016 83.86041 133.38725 83.847606 133.37536 83.832845 curveto -133.346 83.795209 133.30265 83.766251 133.28251 83.721542 curveto -133.27361 83.701798 133.26712 83.650443 133.26429 83.632942 curveto -133.25141 83.533411 133.23294 83.432555 133.19641 83.338552 curveto -133.18359 83.305561 133.16598 83.274636 133.15082 83.242653 curveto -133.14867 83.243813 133.06471 83.12353 133.09874 83.162235 curveto -132.95041 83.071559 133.30769 83.305791 133.12386 83.182261 curveto -133.09619 83.163671 133.12222 83.179417 133.09942 83.166009 curveto -133.06534 83.129378 133.03371 83.094494 132.99773 83.059507 curveto -132.98887 83.040668 132.96225 83.017471 132.94128 83.001868 curveto -132.9515 83.008325 132.96172 83.014782 132.97194 83.021239 curveto -132.96547 83.018208 132.94727 83.007334 132.95255 83.012146 curveto -132.96125 83.02009 132.98543 83.019473 132.98253 83.030898 curveto -132.97879 83.045604 132.80364 82.901027 132.90284 82.960593 curveto -132.94358 82.995687 132.88805 82.927213 132.88173 82.919693 curveto -132.87701 82.91401 132.87091 82.90991 132.86497 82.905651 curveto -132.90431 82.930423 132.94309 82.956127 132.98301 82.979969 curveto -133.00975 82.99594 132.93048 82.946219 132.90642 82.926442 curveto -132.90272 82.923406 132.89063 82.916727 132.89537 82.917295 curveto -132.90168 82.920658 132.90799 82.924022 132.9143 82.927385 curveto -132.9148 82.928091 132.91529 82.928797 132.91579 82.929502 curveto -132.88774 82.913419 132.80872 82.885181 132.80298 82.848004 curveto -132.80065 82.832857 132.83225 82.882629 132.84261 82.87133 curveto -132.85274 82.860279 132.81994 82.851689 132.80913 82.841299 curveto -132.80221 82.83465 132.79603 82.827274 132.78949 82.820262 curveto -132.77423 82.801842 132.78118 82.810475 132.76854 82.79444 curveto -134.15584 81.184953 lineto -134.13813 81.178532 134.14755 81.182059 134.12759 81.174287 curveto -134.10885 81.165667 134.06122 81.129231 134.07217 81.146715 curveto -134.08247 81.163154 134.11189 81.164694 134.11745 81.183278 curveto -134.12061 81.193818 134.01184 81.106185 134.0137 81.123838 curveto -134.02001 81.127257 134.02637 81.130589 134.03263 81.134096 curveto -134.19782 81.226599 133.71306 80.957218 134.13878 81.196513 curveto -134.13183 81.192564 134.12912 81.193891 134.12776 81.202032 curveto -134.12736 81.205326 134.12823 81.224696 134.12577 81.225922 curveto -134.12371 81.226947 134.11757 81.222467 134.11909 81.224193 curveto -134.12604 81.232092 134.13482 81.23817 134.14269 81.245158 curveto -134.20829 81.307536 134.17076 81.268658 134.09856 81.22277 curveto -134.08993 81.21729 134.06267 81.203679 134.07068 81.21002 curveto -134.0828 81.219609 134.09852 81.223739 134.1111 81.232702 curveto -134.11467 81.235238 134.10259 81.23071 134.09833 81.229713 curveto -134.11307 81.239169 134.1278 81.248624 134.14254 81.25808 curveto -134.14603 81.288269 134.15623 81.308815 134.1825 81.326407 curveto -134.18343 81.332102 134.18068 81.338987 134.18408 81.343649 curveto -134.18904 81.350436 134.23213 81.38851 134.21871 81.371363 curveto -134.22042 81.372514 134.22628 81.374328 134.22466 81.373054 curveto -134.21193 81.363057 134.16911 81.345055 134.18529 81.344629 curveto -134.20086 81.344219 134.38812 81.463223 134.27585 81.408688 curveto -134.29118 81.426917 134.31973 81.460856 134.32632 81.483958 curveto -134.33419 81.511558 134.30966 81.574697 134.32801 81.600839 curveto -134.37091 81.726838 134.388 81.864092 134.46471 81.976409 curveto -134.46921 81.983511 134.49314 82.018734 134.49596 82.030957 curveto -134.49718 82.036218 134.49364 82.041577 134.49355 82.046976 curveto -134.49316 82.070709 134.50707 82.090028 134.51955 82.108963 curveto -134.52776 82.117127 134.53597 82.125291 134.54418 82.133455 curveto -134.55141 82.142383 134.55797 82.151898 134.56588 82.160238 curveto -134.58283 82.178133 134.61797 82.198375 134.62884 82.221198 curveto -134.62938 82.222332 134.62648 82.222063 134.6253 82.222496 curveto -134.65162 82.239121 134.67788 82.280992 134.7006 82.302953 curveto -134.71287 82.320064 134.72852 82.334822 134.73913 82.35301 curveto -134.74561 82.364111 134.73597 82.381602 134.75253 82.389168 curveto -134.75701 82.396003 134.76484 82.400683 134.76791 82.408258 curveto -134.76888 82.410675 134.76434 82.412058 134.76255 82.413957 curveto -134.76317 82.417051 134.76556 82.420306 134.7644 82.423238 curveto -134.76375 82.42488 134.75785 82.421341 134.75915 82.422534 curveto -134.76996 82.432433 134.783 82.441441 134.79316 82.453222 curveto -134.81075 82.462905 134.86283 82.517443 134.8713 82.531683 curveto -134.87278 82.534179 134.86748 82.536061 134.86557 82.53825 curveto -134.86901 82.558858 134.87185 82.587227 134.88519 82.604286 curveto -134.89081 82.611469 134.89916 82.616258 134.90457 82.623601 curveto -134.90721 82.627188 134.90737 82.632061 134.90876 82.636291 curveto -134.9174 82.657407 134.90174 82.622251 134.93628 82.663046 curveto -134.94312 82.671132 134.93252 82.723529 134.95227 82.722853 curveto -134.95903 82.742999 134.97278 82.780493 134.97393 82.800664 curveto -134.97479 82.815814 134.97006 82.830773 134.96869 82.845886 curveto -134.96301 82.908615 134.95925 82.971757 134.9606 83.034754 curveto -134.96622 83.166403 134.97056 83.301079 135.03247 83.420866 curveto -133.78537 85.070568 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -133.89499 84.553179 moveto -133.85825 84.46885 133.79102 84.397986 133.70883 84.35696 curveto -133.64723 84.318833 133.59457 84.272405 133.55099 84.214814 curveto -133.5082 84.173683 133.46922 84.128474 133.42466 84.0892 curveto -133.38888 84.051694 133.35187 84.016086 133.31646 83.978098 curveto -133.28331 83.950447 133.25152 83.916337 133.2287 83.879396 curveto -133.2257 83.873699 133.2133 83.86152 133.21969 83.862306 curveto -133.22856 83.863396 133.23061 83.878225 133.23919 83.880686 curveto -133.24426 83.882137 133.23428 83.871246 133.23303 83.866128 curveto -133.22919 83.850421 133.2241 83.84001 133.21702 83.824489 curveto -133.18871 83.767058 133.16027 83.705936 133.11493 83.659844 curveto -133.08308 83.631989 133.06098 83.593653 133.04549 83.554701 curveto -133.04045 83.541945 133.02742 83.516621 133.03817 83.503123 curveto -133.07084 83.462086 133.03516 83.557191 133.05948 83.477169 curveto -133.05182 83.411759 133.01967 83.357328 132.99048 83.300358 curveto -132.99082 83.276683 132.93903 83.247551 132.94506 83.223469 curveto -132.9461 83.219334 132.95359 83.223416 132.95785 83.22339 curveto -132.95209 83.154894 132.92799 83.088956 132.91224 83.021623 curveto -132.89646 82.976252 132.88773 82.931792 132.88748 82.884909 curveto -132.87871 82.86807 132.85248 82.817056 132.84485 82.81079 curveto -132.8106 82.809724 132.89133 82.83061 132.8444 82.846892 curveto -132.78922 82.862515 132.76647 82.8293 132.72306 82.795771 curveto -132.7115 82.78411 132.69979 82.772607 132.6884 82.76079 curveto -132.68023 82.752318 132.71952 82.796093 132.71154 82.787453 curveto -132.6807 82.754101 132.68337 82.756583 132.66352 82.728813 curveto -132.68672 82.744174 132.70757 82.784584 132.65591 82.724511 curveto -132.63166 82.696316 132.61726 82.673364 132.60695 82.639943 curveto -132.61304 82.636696 132.71478 82.721645 132.64603 82.673602 curveto -132.66708 82.701247 132.71651 82.743433 132.6114 82.650455 curveto -134.15532 81.18385 lineto -134.0349 81.079912 134.12214 81.154281 134.14396 81.17294 curveto -134.1392 81.170427 134.12667 81.160936 134.12968 81.165401 curveto -134.14451 81.18744 134.17028 81.199927 134.18797 81.219754 curveto -134.19775 81.230722 134.20312 81.245008 134.21206 81.256678 curveto -134.22354 81.271678 134.2356 81.28623 134.24737 81.301007 curveto -134.22825 81.30388 134.12815 81.204305 134.1845 81.258641 curveto -134.19567 81.269415 134.20657 81.280462 134.21761 81.291373 curveto -134.19968 81.280469 134.21016 81.287667 134.18323 81.259691 curveto -134.17992 81.256245 134.19013 81.266317 134.19357 81.269635 curveto -134.19963 81.275477 134.23556 81.309944 134.23478 81.310633 curveto -134.22538 81.318928 134.2154 81.294735 134.2057 81.286786 curveto -134.13392 81.233657 134.18171 81.250354 134.22686 81.25588 curveto -134.27634 81.273551 134.32532 81.295113 134.35181 81.343417 curveto -134.36354 81.359871 134.37802 81.374577 134.38749 81.392429 curveto -134.38898 81.39524 134.38611 81.398809 134.38667 81.401941 curveto -134.39122 81.427255 134.40445 81.451072 134.41496 81.474095 curveto -134.43345 81.500482 134.45277 81.535406 134.45848 81.567876 curveto -134.46338 81.595769 134.44717 81.629178 134.45476 81.657476 curveto -134.46043 81.715165 134.47184 81.75934 134.51044 81.803945 curveto -134.5179 81.813033 134.5268 81.821111 134.53283 81.831211 curveto -134.53376 81.832773 134.52856 81.831125 134.52757 81.832651 curveto -134.51694 81.849043 134.52671 81.878391 134.52462 81.895824 curveto -134.53471 81.958908 134.56476 82.016584 134.59118 82.073901 curveto -134.61298 82.099654 134.65536 82.130898 134.63411 82.167047 curveto -134.61762 82.197458 134.64223 82.156394 134.62405 82.175282 curveto -134.61357 82.186165 134.61801 82.208885 134.6228 82.219438 curveto -134.63452 82.249525 134.64988 82.273992 134.66497 82.302244 curveto -134.6782 82.327025 134.68303 82.350471 134.71048 82.364539 curveto -134.74045 82.392255 134.77746 82.425997 134.79945 82.460697 curveto -134.80053 82.462397 134.79602 82.462806 134.7943 82.46386 curveto -134.76533 82.448384 134.79283 82.509246 134.80187 82.510746 curveto -134.83449 82.548519 134.86043 82.591967 134.89799 82.626114 curveto -134.93493 82.675277 134.98713 82.710805 135.02176 82.762029 curveto -135.06409 82.802706 135.10003 82.849116 135.14433 82.887725 curveto -135.17781 82.925041 135.21364 82.959689 135.24837 82.995826 curveto -135.26457 83.012688 135.29813 83.051122 135.31945 83.064945 curveto -135.33287 83.073643 135.34841 83.078499 135.3629 83.085276 curveto -133.89499 84.553179 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -132.96053 83.156876 moveto -132.95315 83.114569 132.95423 83.067357 132.93723 83.026911 curveto -132.61975 82.2715 130.21365 85.323945 134.45592 81.55561 curveto -134.46979 81.574651 134.48652 81.591906 134.49753 81.612734 curveto -134.50292 81.62293 134.49989 81.63596 134.50407 81.64671 curveto -134.546 81.754579 134.58576 81.817262 134.68249 81.901318 curveto -134.86049 82.055976 134.9667 82.082038 135.18241 82.176541 curveto -135.52043 82.290192 135.86113 82.40016 136.21391 82.458035 curveto -136.3536 82.480952 136.41814 82.483696 136.55295 82.494482 curveto -136.63588 82.500713 136.71936 82.504179 136.80238 82.497262 curveto -136.81219 82.496445 136.86596 82.501313 136.84451 82.464486 curveto -136.83058 82.440559 136.80691 82.423833 136.78811 82.403507 curveto -136.32105 82.922769 135.85398 83.44203 135.38692 83.961292 curveto -135.38356 83.956807 135.37787 83.953345 135.37684 83.947838 curveto -135.376 83.943409 135.38323 83.954202 135.38622 83.957572 curveto -135.39079 83.962719 135.40638 83.973843 135.39951 83.973375 curveto -135.38869 83.972639 135.38351 83.958366 135.37394 83.953272 curveto -135.33086 83.935845 135.30592 83.892742 135.25796 83.882038 curveto -135.25327 83.881951 135.24831 83.883368 135.24391 83.881775 curveto -135.21698 83.872035 135.21238 83.860351 135.18712 83.845767 curveto -135.15744 83.828631 135.12159 83.819231 135.09061 83.804479 curveto -134.98795 83.768333 134.89239 83.715476 134.79181 83.673896 curveto -134.63054 83.591133 134.44739 83.574029 134.27838 83.512842 curveto -134.25967 83.506739 134.24065 83.50154 134.22226 83.494533 curveto -134.11351 83.453099 134.22493 83.488933 134.12682 83.455656 curveto -134.09346 83.444341 134.06552 83.440304 134.03334 83.425161 curveto -134.01596 83.4203 134.00085 83.408786 133.98345 83.403875 curveto -133.97786 83.402295 133.97049 83.401801 133.96609 83.405604 curveto -133.96437 83.407093 133.96875 83.413178 133.9666 83.41242 curveto -133.95638 83.408816 133.94794 83.401412 133.93861 83.395908 curveto -133.8994 83.393296 133.85979 83.340284 133.82525 83.342128 curveto -133.78991 83.334481 133.75754 83.304112 133.7246 83.287099 curveto -133.68863 83.267234 133.63174 83.226645 133.58726 83.2408 curveto -133.58374 83.241669 133.57995 83.245034 133.57672 83.243408 curveto -133.54672 83.228309 133.53304 83.208244 133.5005 83.199696 curveto -133.49808 83.19921 133.49504 83.199929 133.49325 83.198238 curveto -133.47892 83.184723 133.46598 83.169776 133.45303 83.154933 curveto -133.44667 83.147646 133.43043 83.14023 133.43537 83.131913 curveto -133.4391 83.125632 133.45445 83.150346 133.45985 83.156296 curveto -133.47381 83.171682 133.48801 83.186842 133.5021 83.202115 curveto -133.51494 83.228387 133.45067 83.226713 133.43782 83.222439 curveto -133.42431 83.217949 133.41212 83.210173 133.39928 83.204039 curveto -133.34624 83.18771 133.31182 83.144033 133.26827 83.113164 curveto -133.25059 83.095307 133.23126 83.076079 133.20792 83.06544 curveto -133.20594 83.064538 133.20319 83.066613 133.20139 83.065397 curveto -133.18656 83.055406 133.17415 83.04221 133.1601 83.031152 curveto -133.15519 83.027559 133.1511 83.022443 133.14538 83.020373 curveto -133.14296 83.019496 133.14891 83.024592 133.14908 83.027163 curveto -133.14964 83.035513 133.14153 83.025014 133.14147 83.033108 curveto -133.14134 83.049183 133.15194 83.036984 133.14124 83.046553 curveto -133.12072 83.046022 133.10709 83.009659 133.08489 83.005184 curveto -133.08485 83.005176 133.06417 83.010842 133.0629 83.010924 curveto -133.02345 83.011784 133.01088 82.972808 132.97014 82.974068 curveto -132.95303 82.978088 132.93599 82.98334 132.91779 82.985937 curveto -132.88988 82.952162 132.84589 82.943368 132.81785 82.914482 curveto -132.76185 82.86917 132.81837 82.938008 132.74615 82.872282 curveto -132.71152 82.840169 132.67937 82.806052 132.67052 82.758318 curveto -132.69757 82.769411 132.73844 82.813294 132.67901 82.756638 curveto -132.65545 82.747727 132.59264 82.647313 132.64572 82.713109 curveto -132.54889 82.624621 132.63857 82.709666 132.66233 82.741455 curveto -132.66627 82.745056 132.67804 82.755877 132.67413 82.752257 curveto -132.63433 82.715442 132.59634 82.682847 132.56375 82.639896 curveto -132.56464 82.640823 132.53505 82.591548 132.53574 82.592242 curveto -132.62468 82.681511 132.58723 82.64642 132.55967 82.621484 curveto -132.61452 82.676007 132.61653 82.676242 132.56079 82.627423 curveto -134.08408 81.139536 lineto -134.02784 81.091301 134.03224 81.094536 134.0954 81.151377 curveto -134.01963 81.090769 134.17669 81.201438 134.11537 81.202811 curveto -134.10752 81.195244 134.01912 81.120687 134.08379 81.158887 curveto -134.09589 81.168875 134.16907 81.236502 134.16686 81.238004 curveto -134.15209 81.248037 134.14005 81.21435 134.12567 81.203762 curveto -134.12067 81.200077 134.13429 81.212715 134.1386 81.217191 curveto -134.14037 81.21904 134.20731 81.285838 134.18046 81.268684 curveto -134.17463 81.26496 134.17084 81.258427 134.16478 81.255086 curveto -134.16045 81.252698 134.17543 81.27253 134.17121 81.268454 curveto -134.18398 81.284083 134.19326 81.284042 134.21486 81.306916 curveto -134.23486 81.328084 134.24326 81.360998 134.26602 81.380032 curveto -134.25798 81.393037 134.23711 81.368258 134.22486 81.364457 curveto -134.17194 81.312281 134.26313 81.389752 134.2759 81.394379 curveto -134.28225 81.383238 134.30995 81.413669 134.32014 81.416173 curveto -134.33338 81.419429 134.25133 81.369326 134.29201 81.386451 curveto -134.32426 81.391875 134.35628 81.399564 134.3848 81.416597 curveto -134.4019 81.425444 134.41889 81.436518 134.43656 81.443923 curveto -134.44039 81.445528 134.44816 81.45146 134.44855 81.447324 curveto -134.44909 81.441658 134.43418 81.438974 134.43747 81.43433 curveto -134.44077 81.429682 134.44812 81.438393 134.45344 81.440424 curveto -134.46426 81.444077 134.49555 81.454492 134.50373 81.458008 curveto -134.51116 81.461198 134.58484 81.506891 134.53755 81.463972 curveto -134.57415 81.480647 134.61949 81.506884 134.6408 81.541704 curveto -134.65499 81.562653 134.69855 81.597012 134.72079 81.612048 curveto -134.73008 81.618762 134.759 81.638061 134.771 81.637044 curveto -134.77456 81.636743 134.76313 81.629572 134.76607 81.627543 curveto -134.7832 81.615693 134.7803 81.640618 134.78101 81.624937 curveto -134.77956 81.620175 134.77424 81.615002 134.77666 81.610651 curveto -134.78686 81.592309 134.86564 81.594831 134.88002 81.601661 curveto -134.90098 81.617207 134.92239 81.632153 134.94288 81.648297 curveto -134.99467 81.689094 135.01894 81.723857 134.94838 81.657686 curveto -134.94677 81.656178 134.95132 81.660967 134.95279 81.662608 curveto -134.9566 81.666295 134.98974 81.694899 134.99327 81.689771 curveto -134.99734 81.68387 134.95458 81.662125 134.99985 81.687691 curveto -135.04301 81.711985 135.07836 81.750706 135.12953 81.759793 curveto -135.17162 81.774058 135.21381 81.786585 135.25202 81.805982 curveto -135.28887 81.827774 135.30959 81.844502 135.35041 81.851366 curveto -135.39024 81.838513 135.42957 81.889369 135.45547 81.912933 curveto -135.52154 81.953709 135.57946 82.004182 135.64633 82.043893 curveto -135.78692 82.12745 135.93575 82.201697 136.1007 82.219137 curveto -136.22883 82.237261 136.36048 82.241745 136.48144 82.292548 curveto -136.51881 82.303526 136.55385 82.32126 136.5906 82.332659 curveto -136.62223 82.342473 136.65458 82.338471 136.68235 82.360761 curveto -136.72643 82.38844 136.76672 82.417571 136.81649 82.433543 curveto -136.83798 82.446291 136.93366 82.507608 136.91777 82.525993 curveto -136.45828 83.057614 135.99384 83.584931 135.53187 84.1144 curveto -135.51065 84.096267 135.48803 84.079644 135.4682 84.060002 curveto -135.45305 84.045011 135.44366 84.025005 135.4292 84.009357 curveto -135.38533 83.96189 135.33521 83.920772 135.28395 83.881623 curveto -135.19625 83.811528 135.16336 83.781265 135.06097 83.719396 curveto -134.77319 83.545499 134.45077 83.440868 134.14597 83.302452 curveto -133.87523 83.208977 133.82559 83.177469 133.53809 83.13694 curveto -133.44312 83.123551 133.19527 83.120622 133.07923 83.096597 curveto -133.05408 83.091389 133.03354 83.071907 133.00859 83.065797 curveto -133.00267 83.064345 133.01479 83.076316 133.01789 83.081576 curveto -133.53052 82.61119 134.05426 82.152625 134.55579 81.670418 curveto -134.56839 81.658298 134.5254 81.64949 134.50792 81.648948 curveto -134.46757 81.647699 134.49264 81.749208 134.49971 81.766382 curveto -132.96053 83.156876 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -130.98762 103.8201 moveto -130.90896 103.80202 130.83411 103.83928 130.76004 103.86181 curveto -130.71111 103.88471 130.6683 103.91888 130.62419 103.94996 curveto -130.58349 103.97174 130.5407 103.99409 130.49474 104.00159 curveto -130.51627 103.97259 130.47467 103.99499 130.4644 103.99664 curveto -130.43522 104.00132 130.42664 103.99851 130.39632 104.01219 curveto -130.39219 104.00769 130.22632 104.08808 130.29414 104.07521 curveto -130.28136 104.08484 130.26975 104.09628 130.25578 104.1041 curveto -130.23835 104.14495 130.24146 104.10025 130.23494 104.10268 curveto -130.20942 104.11218 130.17419 104.13236 130.1504 104.14652 curveto -130.11231 104.17033 130.06782 104.19964 130.03608 104.2319 curveto -130.03331 104.25499 129.98645 104.26334 129.98606 104.28533 curveto -129.98603 104.28734 129.99015 104.28307 129.99193 104.28399 curveto -129.99384 104.28497 129.99379 104.28786 129.99472 104.2898 curveto -129.9597 104.31736 129.97256 104.34046 129.94177 104.36939 curveto -129.9207 104.40046 129.88286 104.42824 129.85182 104.45821 curveto -129.79652 104.49439 129.76082 104.55164 129.71168 104.59443 curveto -129.66737 104.62847 129.63162 104.67101 129.58773 104.70575 curveto -129.55473 104.74713 129.52505 104.78955 129.48375 104.82349 curveto -129.43623 104.87431 129.38128 104.91766 129.32602 104.95982 curveto -129.26389 105.01626 129.21049 105.07797 129.16807 105.1505 curveto -129.13493 105.19646 129.10688 105.24542 129.08046 105.29569 curveto -129.04357 105.3372 128.99135 105.35697 128.94635 105.38786 curveto -128.92539 105.39672 128.91137 105.42732 128.88339 105.43613 curveto -128.85316 105.44775 128.84021 105.4854 128.80997 105.49633 curveto -128.81253 105.5073 128.77046 105.54127 128.74922 105.56349 curveto -128.74531 105.57765 128.7137 105.59152 128.74218 105.58041 curveto -128.75755 105.57442 128.72183 105.60663 128.70944 105.61753 curveto -128.6926 105.62921 128.69412 105.65191 128.68456 105.66728 curveto -128.67186 105.68772 128.65658 105.7 128.64609 105.72111 curveto -128.64068 105.74449 128.62841 105.74194 128.64967 105.73606 curveto -128.66494 105.73185 128.62738 105.77258 128.62412 105.77754 curveto -128.59113 105.78538 128.58675 105.82799 128.56941 105.84687 curveto -128.55999 105.85712 128.5488 105.86558 128.5385 105.87494 curveto -128.55249 105.86161 128.47969 105.9249 128.49303 105.91091 curveto -128.50616 105.89713 128.52788 105.87282 128.54782 105.8635 curveto -128.53397 105.87955 128.52013 105.89561 128.50628 105.91166 curveto -127.03024 104.37838 lineto -127.01749 104.39368 127.00475 104.40898 126.99201 104.42429 curveto -127.00273 104.41084 127.08058 104.3045 127.06989 104.35859 curveto -127.01931 104.41682 127.13666 104.29575 127.09333 104.33362 curveto -127.09413 104.33089 127.09493 104.32816 127.09573 104.32544 curveto -127.09307 104.32452 127.08736 104.32547 127.08775 104.32268 curveto -127.09121 104.29834 127.12074 104.27706 127.13732 104.26045 curveto -127.16472 104.23111 127.1871 104.20141 127.20552 104.16341 curveto -127.20614 104.15575 127.20267 104.14723 127.20613 104.14038 curveto -127.21905 104.11476 127.24314 104.09395 127.26729 104.07936 curveto -127.29335 104.0555 127.30699 104.02134 127.33678 104.00038 curveto -127.36097 103.97756 127.39153 103.9614 127.41632 103.93115 curveto -127.42571 103.92122 127.4859 103.87958 127.49553 103.87385 curveto -127.50061 103.87083 127.507 103.87101 127.51274 103.86959 curveto -127.54138 103.85891 127.5706 103.82487 127.58567 103.82066 curveto -127.58786 103.82005 127.58458 103.82508 127.58403 103.82729 curveto -127.6289 103.79789 127.65065 103.74598 127.69447 103.71464 curveto -127.75755 103.6477 127.81685 103.57644 127.88457 103.51456 curveto -127.92712 103.45826 127.96899 103.40198 128.01663 103.35003 curveto -128.04982 103.31035 128.08569 103.27213 128.12462 103.23811 curveto -128.16335 103.19274 128.21034 103.15778 128.25276 103.11628 curveto -128.29726 103.07696 128.3494 103.04569 128.37537 102.98867 curveto -128.39858 102.95946 128.40918 102.93296 128.42817 102.90356 curveto -128.42367 102.89763 128.47491 102.84452 128.46273 102.8499 curveto -128.49453 102.80966 128.52734 102.77295 128.57358 102.75078 curveto -128.59731 102.73221 128.61658 102.70705 128.64214 102.69107 curveto -128.65866 102.68076 128.67944 102.67834 128.69419 102.66458 curveto -128.70405 102.65813 128.71305 102.65046 128.72249 102.6434 curveto -128.73053 102.63879 128.73926 102.63521 128.74663 102.62957 curveto -128.75722 102.62148 128.8564 102.52039 128.80166 102.58009 curveto -128.85641 102.54635 128.92217 102.53762 128.97725 102.5037 curveto -129.02675 102.47352 129.06917 102.43472 129.12168 102.40905 curveto -129.14762 102.41307 129.17279 102.42162 129.19926 102.42224 curveto -129.25713 102.41161 129.30165 102.36819 129.35886 102.35349 curveto -129.39245 102.33585 129.40829 102.3246 129.44553 102.31636 curveto -129.50543 102.3031 129.56882 102.30656 129.61715 102.26084 curveto -130.98762 103.8201 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -132.06765 96.1703 moveto -131.98328 96.214177 131.93503 96.300004 131.8741 96.369537 curveto -131.81427 96.44458 131.73537 96.500653 131.66979 96.569275 curveto -131.62363 96.609062 131.59809 96.664519 131.5605 96.710998 curveto -131.49716 96.789311 131.55481 96.710365 131.50925 96.774346 curveto -131.49933 96.784769 131.4695 96.815223 131.45988 96.828454 curveto -131.45397 96.836579 131.45498 96.848552 131.44883 96.856495 curveto -131.41182 96.904278 131.43334 96.862165 131.42225 96.885016 curveto -131.40372 96.922057 131.36809 96.949156 131.33513 96.973736 curveto -130.71 97.489278 129.75886 96.018458 130.00902 95.294491 curveto -130.01138 95.286452 130.01374 95.278413 130.0161 95.270373 curveto -131.38419 96.852988 lineto -131.38737 96.85853 131.39054 96.864071 131.39371 96.869613 curveto -131.99111 97.249241 131.64928 97.034514 130.20563 95.180991 curveto -130.1862 95.156045 130.15273 95.21572 130.12736 95.234583 curveto -130.12695 95.234887 130.13598 95.242754 130.13759 95.241354 curveto -130.12335 95.259426 130.17534 95.199369 130.18058 95.194645 curveto -130.21407 95.16296 130.25163 95.137349 130.28954 95.111675 curveto -130.35665 95.05221 130.41854 94.987952 130.47535 94.918453 curveto -130.5432 94.857918 130.60239 94.788507 130.66511 94.722745 curveto -130.73293 94.650404 130.80747 94.584361 130.84745 94.490839 curveto -132.06765 96.1703 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.77757 105.48794 moveto -128.75722 105.55803 128.74695 105.63139 128.74875 105.70436 curveto -128.73422 105.74165 128.71556 105.7764 128.70524 105.81517 curveto -128.70839 105.80976 128.70013 105.82997 128.70225 105.82663 curveto -128.75473 105.74409 128.68065 105.85184 128.66596 105.87036 curveto -128.66369 105.87334 128.66142 105.87633 128.65914 105.87931 curveto -126.9001 104.69724 lineto -126.90122 104.69747 126.90234 104.69771 126.90346 104.69794 curveto -126.89811 104.78061 126.8446 104.71906 126.90765 104.69347 curveto -126.91751 104.68736 126.94698 104.64913 126.93784 104.66442 curveto -126.96528 104.60766 126.97712 104.54918 126.95792 104.48758 curveto -128.77757 105.48794 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -130.72291 96.020231 moveto -130.64588 96.141987 130.60804 96.28499 130.5792 96.425087 curveto -130.55016 96.486996 130.54916 96.566061 130.53237 96.629219 curveto -130.52651 96.65126 130.5152 96.671486 130.50722 96.692853 curveto -130.50169 96.728658 130.47517 96.753358 130.46844 96.788894 curveto -130.46432 96.824092 130.43627 96.851991 130.43467 96.888966 curveto -130.43547 96.901045 130.43705 96.909568 130.4291 96.922053 curveto -129.9979 97.599351 128.72596 96.641992 128.54418 95.893728 curveto -128.55329 95.84948 128.57813 95.813873 128.59847 95.774907 curveto -130.40732 96.863844 lineto -130.43069 96.840056 130.43178 96.839801 130.44846 96.800148 curveto -131.14926 96.761504 130.51676 96.797932 128.68541 95.705463 curveto -128.67615 95.699935 128.6753 95.724541 128.66972 95.733779 curveto -128.65333 95.760927 128.63468 95.786738 128.61952 95.814594 curveto -128.6173 95.818684 128.61355 95.828048 128.61819 95.828499 curveto -128.62326 95.828992 128.62323 95.819633 128.62575 95.8152 curveto -128.64207 95.783415 128.6598 95.754853 128.67016 95.721285 curveto -128.68811 95.67663 128.70877 95.633157 128.73644 95.593712 curveto -128.79013 95.54136 128.82766 95.474377 128.86247 95.408634 curveto -128.92588 95.277831 128.95231 95.137772 128.91814 94.994433 curveto -130.72291 96.020231 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.53069 105.38256 moveto -128.4904 105.41865 128.4893 105.47013 128.50155 105.51968 curveto -128.51008 105.54168 128.49225 105.50138 128.52574 105.5028 curveto -128.5404 105.50342 128.51014 105.55749 128.51977 105.54642 curveto -128.54008 105.52309 128.55147 105.49329 128.56784 105.46704 curveto -128.56767 105.47241 128.56385 105.47904 128.56731 105.48315 curveto -128.56988 105.4862 128.57489 105.48025 128.57886 105.48014 curveto -128.58864 105.47985 128.60054 105.48568 128.60975 105.4886 curveto -128.00272 105.15804 127.39569 104.82748 126.78866 104.49691 curveto -127.32526 104.95896 126.72538 104.44305 128.63441 105.51786 curveto -128.64358 105.52302 128.64282 105.57266 128.63887 105.58116 curveto -128.6199 105.62194 128.59708 105.66081 128.57618 105.70064 curveto -128.56009 105.71748 128.54545 105.74769 128.52278 105.7601 curveto -128.51429 105.76475 128.50272 105.76283 128.49507 105.76876 curveto -128.48142 105.77934 128.47 105.79252 128.45747 105.8044 curveto -127.73131 105.39184 124.3157 103.51168 128.41228 105.7796 curveto -128.41424 105.78068 128.40966 105.77597 128.40834 105.77415 curveto -126.72654 104.48274 lineto -127.41441 104.64349 127.96607 105.16073 128.583 105.50484 curveto -128.58709 105.50713 128.59464 105.51899 128.59053 105.51672 curveto -127.98734 105.1839 127.38633 104.84713 126.78423 104.51234 curveto -126.77724 104.52689 126.76798 104.54056 126.76326 104.556 curveto -126.76255 104.55834 126.76859 104.55618 126.77033 104.55788 curveto -126.78393 104.57123 126.74819 104.61252 126.75126 104.615 curveto -126.73252 104.65277 126.71394 104.69062 126.69506 104.72832 curveto -126.69176 104.73489 126.68764 104.74238 126.68249 104.7478 curveto -126.68002 104.75041 126.67112 104.75301 126.67426 104.75475 curveto -128.47617 105.75394 129.18421 105.76919 128.4756 105.75128 curveto -127.85878 105.41803 127.24196 105.08478 126.62513 104.75153 curveto -126.61871 104.7426 126.60564 104.71306 126.60161 104.71027 curveto -126.59739 104.70734 126.59144 104.71166 126.58636 104.71235 curveto -126.60446 104.63696 126.61686 104.6219 126.63085 104.55623 curveto -126.66453 104.50267 126.69752 104.44534 126.70825 104.38247 curveto -128.53069 105.38256 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -129.00303 105.4163 moveto -128.93051 105.46946 128.88507 105.54435 128.86774 105.63184 curveto -128.86555 105.65249 128.864 105.67913 128.88112 105.69446 curveto -128.88522 105.7024 128.88697 105.71238 128.8916 105.7207 curveto -128.84611 105.77943 128.93905 105.64628 128.93489 105.6717 curveto -128.92787 105.71464 128.91076 105.7419 128.89173 105.77915 curveto -128.88394 105.74873 128.92886 105.74537 128.93746 105.73412 curveto -128.9447 105.72464 128.94485 105.70864 128.95546 105.70319 curveto -128.96119 105.70025 128.96063 105.71499 128.96322 105.72089 curveto -128.9207 105.86551 129.02209 105.64839 128.93662 105.83284 curveto -128.92777 105.85195 128.89611 105.90669 128.90646 105.88835 curveto -128.96329 105.78757 128.94648 105.82032 128.98621 105.73141 curveto -126.99116 104.99454 lineto -127.02835 104.89079 127.0036 104.95079 127.06461 104.83023 curveto -127.0729 104.81384 127.04734 104.86266 127.03947 104.87925 curveto -127.02997 104.89926 127.0215 104.91975 127.01252 104.94 curveto -127.01372 104.93319 127.02046 104.9142 127.01611 104.91957 curveto -127.00782 104.92982 127.00528 104.94361 126.99986 104.95564 curveto -126.95559 104.95859 127.00287 104.8261 127.00837 104.81118 curveto -127.0014 104.82183 126.99318 104.83176 126.98745 104.84312 curveto -126.9763 104.86522 126.96488 104.92266 126.96447 104.88097 curveto -126.96439 104.8729 126.96388 104.86467 126.9656 104.85678 curveto -126.97931 104.79393 126.9953 104.8154 126.97799 104.79512 curveto -126.98413 104.77883 126.9854 104.76145 126.98742 104.74428 curveto -127.00741 104.70736 127.02247 104.66678 127.04994 104.63491 curveto -127.06599 104.61442 127.08035 104.59263 127.09663 104.57233 curveto -127.13431 104.52535 127.18153 104.48151 127.18059 104.4162 curveto -129.00303 105.4163 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -128.63829 104.30496 moveto -128.65254 104.3564 128.69032 104.3832 128.73135 104.41249 curveto -128.73989 104.4186 128.74742 104.42691 128.75737 104.43024 curveto -128.76602 104.43313 128.77562 104.4303 128.78474 104.43034 curveto -129.49496 104.44497 128.84893 104.4354 127.0066 103.43243 curveto -127.00446 103.43127 127.01194 103.46861 127.01966 103.46663 curveto -127.03018 103.46393 127.03918 103.45709 127.04893 103.45232 curveto -127.07667 103.43544 127.08315 103.48135 127.09953 103.48308 curveto -127.10915 103.48409 127.11787 103.4769 127.12704 103.47381 curveto -127.73738 103.81113 128.34772 104.14845 128.95805 104.48577 curveto -128.35712 104.15247 127.75619 103.81917 127.15526 103.48588 curveto -127.15528 103.49404 127.17524 103.49693 127.17772 103.50341 curveto -127.18973 103.53485 127.17125 103.50822 127.18536 103.52667 curveto -127.18746 103.54567 127.23019 103.53705 127.23546 103.54429 curveto -127.23941 103.54971 127.23712 103.5576 127.23795 103.56425 curveto -127.26051 103.57622 127.27727 103.54578 127.29924 103.54304 curveto -127.30283 103.5426 127.30406 103.54843 127.30646 103.55112 curveto -127.31323 103.54868 127.32 103.54625 127.32677 103.54382 curveto -127.34503 103.54345 127.35731 103.52393 127.3748 103.52139 curveto -127.37748 103.521 127.37737 103.52787 127.38006 103.52758 curveto -127.4006 103.52538 127.42588 103.50277 127.44346 103.49243 curveto -127.46018 103.4919 127.47155 103.47228 127.488 103.47044 curveto -127.49265 103.46993 127.49617 103.47621 127.50084 103.47608 curveto -127.52178 103.47547 127.5495 103.45874 127.56803 103.45067 curveto -127.57754 103.44735 127.58656 103.44205 127.59654 103.44071 curveto -127.60083 103.44013 127.60439 103.44544 127.6087 103.44521 curveto -127.63588 103.44377 127.66165 103.43157 127.68735 103.4235 curveto -127.7297 103.38979 127.78256 103.38181 127.83082 103.36208 curveto -127.84171 103.35762 127.89436 103.32972 127.90407 103.32464 curveto -127.96914 103.29876 128.03392 103.2766 128.0989 103.2506 curveto -128.14649 103.24386 128.2042 103.22676 128.2466 103.20369 curveto -128.25537 103.19913 128.26356 103.1932 128.27292 103.19001 curveto -128.2765 103.18879 128.2806 103.19192 128.28423 103.19087 curveto -128.31185 103.18285 128.33884 103.15953 128.36303 103.14469 curveto -128.37764 103.13127 128.403 103.13152 128.41797 103.1188 curveto -128.42979 103.10875 128.43712 103.07864 128.45086 103.08586 curveto -130.27994 104.04617 130.10019 103.42844 130.29627 104.12181 curveto -130.27117 104.19145 130.24115 104.2801 130.17301 104.3223 curveto -130.16602 104.32663 130.15687 104.32565 130.14911 104.32837 curveto -130.13516 104.33327 130.12172 104.33953 130.10803 104.34511 curveto -129.9984 104.37386 129.88734 104.39736 129.77852 104.4298 curveto -129.68153 104.46828 129.59869 104.53066 129.52313 104.60132 curveto -129.47367 104.64312 129.4278 104.68882 129.38533 104.73775 curveto -129.3506 104.77257 129.33655 104.81706 129.30576 104.85508 curveto -129.27011 104.90724 129.22707 104.95392 129.18995 105.00483 curveto -129.16091 105.06254 129.1195 105.1143 129.08034 105.1658 curveto -129.06637 105.16831 128.99932 105.27366 129.02932 105.21621 curveto -129.031 105.21394 129.03691 105.21062 129.03437 105.20938 curveto -129.02093 105.20284 128.98949 105.28938 128.98476 105.30056 curveto -128.97469 105.34372 128.94304 105.38128 128.93808 105.42578 curveto -128.9311 105.43945 128.94632 105.43986 128.94624 105.44002 curveto -128.93339 105.46797 128.92154 105.47993 128.90259 105.5038 curveto -128.8653 105.546 128.83095 105.59275 128.80899 105.64484 curveto -128.7985 105.66979 128.80236 105.696 128.80671 105.7218 curveto -128.79864 105.75569 128.77309 105.78315 128.77092 105.81817 curveto -128.77098 105.81995 128.7698 105.82471 128.77111 105.8235 curveto -128.77423 105.8206 128.77446 105.81552 128.77724 105.8123 curveto -128.83189 105.74918 128.73913 105.88286 128.72387 105.90417 curveto -128.71696 105.91351 128.71007 105.92286 128.70326 105.93227 curveto -126.90908 104.79306 lineto -126.9101 104.79763 126.91171 104.80188 126.91323 104.80631 curveto -126.91369 104.87107 126.86354 104.88087 126.90837 104.81289 curveto -126.91425 104.805 126.95198 104.73686 126.93019 104.78095 curveto -126.94457 104.72699 126.9611 104.67525 126.99356 104.62874 curveto -127.02946 104.58406 127.0585 104.53643 127.07487 104.48103 curveto -127.07025 104.47873 127.06339 104.49143 127.06061 104.48707 curveto -127.0565 104.48065 127.08153 104.43164 127.08995 104.4225 curveto -127.09837 104.40911 127.10466 104.39431 127.1143 104.38177 curveto -127.13174 104.35906 127.15198 104.35187 127.1538 104.31687 curveto -127.17266 104.2651 127.17427 104.20754 127.2011 104.15996 curveto -127.20887 104.14814 127.21491 104.13498 127.22441 104.1245 curveto -127.23135 104.11685 127.29925 104.11724 127.29277 104.08824 curveto -127.34633 104.07157 127.35747 104.02605 127.39174 103.98567 curveto -127.42662 103.9327 127.4702 103.88719 127.49644 103.82928 curveto -127.52223 103.77815 127.55765 103.73445 127.59457 103.69108 curveto -127.64974 103.63119 127.71457 103.58379 127.78396 103.54144 curveto -127.89129 103.47544 127.98532 103.38669 128.10712 103.34472 curveto -128.17499 103.31184 128.2408 103.27267 128.31007 103.24283 curveto -128.32007 103.23853 128.33106 103.23663 128.34083 103.23183 curveto -128.35137 103.22665 128.36072 103.21933 128.37066 103.21308 curveto -128.37556 103.21185 128.38101 103.21194 128.38536 103.20938 curveto -128.39132 103.20587 128.39378 103.19499 128.40069 103.1954 curveto -128.40352 103.19556 128.39891 103.20904 128.38202 103.23635 curveto -128.3427 103.29995 128.38207 103.21898 128.33215 103.34018 curveto -127.80664 103.80471 128.29001 103.37335 130.144 104.34594 curveto -130.15598 104.35223 130.15645 104.32061 130.15573 104.3071 curveto -130.15558 104.30425 130.11862 104.30225 130.11479 104.29778 curveto -130.08825 104.29729 130.0684 104.29859 130.04451 104.31303 curveto -130.03425 104.31923 130.02599 104.32874 130.01504 104.33363 curveto -130.00888 104.33638 130.00159 104.33468 129.99486 104.3352 curveto -129.97695 104.34029 129.96084 104.34387 129.94417 104.35261 curveto -129.93357 104.35818 129.9247 104.36694 129.91368 104.37164 curveto -129.88561 104.38362 129.85066 104.38016 129.82637 104.40299 curveto -129.75917 104.40728 129.70004 104.43982 129.63244 104.44097 curveto -129.56866 104.45919 129.51972 104.50297 129.45565 104.51909 curveto -129.42816 104.54408 129.36061 104.59395 129.32639 104.60714 curveto -129.32106 104.6092 129.31499 104.60646 129.30928 104.60611 curveto -129.28991 104.60677 129.26986 104.6099 129.2529 104.62036 curveto -129.24399 104.62586 129.23756 104.63535 129.2279 104.63941 curveto -129.22502 104.64061 129.20119 104.63615 129.19731 104.63548 curveto -129.18701 104.63667 129.17615 104.63539 129.16639 104.63889 curveto -129.13692 104.64945 129.12186 104.68286 129.08611 104.67678 curveto -129.05921 104.69056 129.07419 104.68124 129.04329 104.70788 curveto -129.03792 104.71076 129.03149 104.70092 129.02572 104.70287 curveto -129.01644 104.70599 128.99325 104.72331 128.98674 104.72788 curveto -128.97721 104.73724 128.96924 104.74851 128.95814 104.75595 curveto -128.95229 104.75987 128.90154 104.76111 128.89315 104.76903 curveto -128.88122 104.77212 128.87129 104.781 128.85932 104.78396 curveto -128.84668 104.78708 128.82903 104.76904 128.81582 104.77302 curveto -128.20547 104.43497 127.59511 104.09691 126.98476 103.75886 curveto -127.58663 104.09104 128.1854 104.42889 128.79036 104.75541 curveto -128.79721 104.7591 128.79424 104.73693 128.78809 104.73216 curveto -128.77831 104.72456 128.73457 104.75633 128.72858 104.72308 curveto -128.73388 104.69536 128.74101 104.69735 128.71638 104.70287 curveto -128.70959 104.7044 128.7027 104.70568 128.69613 104.70799 curveto -128.68747 104.71102 128.6789 104.72319 128.67082 104.71883 curveto -126.85059 103.73652 127.12247 104.34493 126.83415 103.68876 curveto -126.81122 103.62073 126.77271 103.55635 126.72463 103.50325 curveto -128.63829 104.30496 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3992361 0 0 0.3992361 208.41415 24.331271] concat -gsave -1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -213.22537 143.31984 moveto -213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto -116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto -89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto -185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.30000001 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -213.22537 143.31984 moveto -213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto -116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto -89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto -185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.999321 0 0 1.3809014 0.9121652 -62.66197] concat -gsave 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81.816429 16.345088 82.031095 curveto -16.634418 82.245762 16.835085 82.451095 16.947088 82.647095 curveto -17.059085 82.852428 17.199084 83.034428 17.367088 83.193095 curveto -17.544417 83.351761 17.745084 83.431094 17.969088 83.431095 curveto -18.221083 83.431094 18.347083 83.361094 18.347088 83.221095 curveto -18.347083 83.183761 18.314417 83.095094 18.249088 82.955095 curveto -18.18375 82.815095 18.151083 82.693762 18.151088 82.591095 curveto -18.151083 82.460428 18.193083 82.357762 18.277088 82.283095 curveto -18.370417 82.199095 18.487083 82.157095 18.627088 82.157095 curveto -18.776416 82.157095 18.893083 82.203762 18.977088 82.297095 curveto -19.070416 82.390429 19.117083 82.511762 19.117088 82.661095 curveto -19.117083 82.941095 18.981749 83.188428 18.711088 83.403095 curveto -18.44975 83.617761 18.146417 83.725094 17.801088 83.725095 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -188.74471 80.855752 moveto -188.55805 80.855752 188.30605 80.809085 187.98871 80.715752 curveto -187.67138 80.631752 187.43805 80.589752 187.28871 80.589752 curveto -187.15805 80.589752 187.04605 80.687752 186.95271 80.883752 curveto -186.72871 80.883752 lineto -187.00871 78.657752 lineto -187.23271 78.657752 lineto -187.34471 79.32042 187.51271 79.805753 187.73671 80.113752 curveto -187.97005 80.412419 188.27805 80.561752 188.66071 80.561752 curveto -188.96871 80.561752 189.21605 80.463752 189.40271 80.267752 curveto -189.59871 80.062419 189.69671 79.801086 189.69671 79.483752 curveto -189.69671 79.213087 189.60805 78.923753 189.43071 78.615752 curveto -189.26271 78.307754 189.07138 78.041754 188.85671 77.817752 curveto -188.65138 77.584421 188.46005 77.309088 188.28271 76.991752 curveto -188.11471 76.674422 188.03071 76.366423 188.03071 76.067752 curveto -188.03071 75.60109 188.18471 75.227757 188.49271 74.947752 curveto -188.80071 74.667758 189.21138 74.527758 189.72471 74.527752 curveto -189.91138 74.527758 190.14938 74.569758 190.43871 74.653752 curveto 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9608efe..0000000 --- a/1-toky/toky04.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - z - s - - - diff --git a/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex b/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 070d102..0000000 --- a/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{10}{Pøevody problémù}{\vbox{\hbox{(zapsali Martin Chytil, Vladimír Kudelas,}\hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} - -\>Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat rozhodovacími problémy a jejich obtí¾ností. -Za jednoduché budeme trochu zjednodu¹enì pova¾ovat ty problémy, na~nì¾ známe algoritmus -pracující v~polynomiálním èase. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Rozhodovací problém} je takový problém, jeho¾ výstupem je v¾dy {\sc ano}, nebo {\sc ne}. -[Formálnì bychom se na~nìj mohli dívat jako na~mno¾inu $L$ vstupù, na~které je odpovìï {\sc ano}, -a místo $L(x)=\hbox{\sc ano}$ psát prostì $x\in L$.] - -Vstupy mìjme zakódované jen pomocí nul a jednièek (obecnì je jedno, jaký základ pro soustavu -kódování zvolíme, pøevody mezi soustavami o nìjakém základu $\neq$ 1 jsou co do velikosti -zápisu polynomiální). Rozhodovací problém je tedy -$f:\ \{0,1\}^{\ast} \to \{0,1\}$, to jest funkce z mno¾iny v¹ech øetìzcù jednièek a nul -do mno¾iny $\{1,0\}$, kde 1 na výstupu znamená {\sc ano}, 0 {\sc ne}. - -\s{Pøíklad:} Je dán bipartitní graf $G$ a $k \in {\bb N}$. Existuje v $G$ -párování, které obsahuje alespoò $k$ hran? - -To, co bychom ve~vìt¹inì pøípadù chtìli, je samozøejmì nejen zjistit, zda takové párování -existuje, ale také nìjaké konkrétní najít. V¹imnìme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ umíme rozhodovat -existenci párování v~polynomiálním èase, mù¾eme ho polynomiálnì rychle i najít: - -Mìjme èernou skøíòku (fungující v polynomiálním èase), která odpoví, zda daný -graf má nebo nemá párování o~$k$ hranách. Odebereme z~grafu libovolnou hranu -a zeptáme se, jestli i tento nový graf má párovaní velikosti~$k$. Kdy¾ má, pak tato -hrana nebyla pro existenci párování potøebná, a~tak ji odstraníme. Kdy¾ naopak -nemá (hrana patøí do ka¾dého párování po¾adované velikosti), tak si danou hranu -poznamenáme a odebereme nejen ji a její vrcholy, ale také hrany, které do tìchto -vrcholù vedly. Toto je korektní krok, proto¾e v pùvodním grafu tyto vrcholy -byly navzájem spárované, a tedy nemohou být spárované s~¾ádnými jinými vrcholy. -Na~nový graf aplikujeme znovu tentý¾ postup. Výsledkem je mno¾ina hran, které patøí -do hledaného párování. Hran, a tedy i iterací na¹eho algoritmu, je polynomiálnì -mnoho a skøíòka funguje v polynomiálním èase, tak¾e celý algoritmus je polynomiální. - -A~jak ná¹ rozhodovací problém øe¹it? Nejsnáze tak, ¾e ho pøevedeme -na~{jiný,\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{vìrni matfyzáckým vtipùm}} který -u¾ vyøe¹it umíme. Tento postup jsme (právì u~hledání párování) u¾ pou¾ili -v~kapitole o~Dinicovì algoritmu. Vytvoøili jsme vhodnou sí», pro kterou -platilo, ¾e v~ní existuje tok velikosti~$k$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ -v~pùvodním grafu existuje párování velikosti~$k$. - -Takovéto pøevody mezi problémy mù¾eme definovat obecnì: - -\s{Definice:} Jsou-li $A$, $B$ rozhodovací problémy, pak øíkáme, ¾e $A$ lze {\I -redukovat} (neboli {\it pøevést}) na $B$ (pí¹eme $A \rightarrow B$) právì tehdy, -kdy¾ existuje funkce $f$ spoèitatelná v polynomiálním èase taková, ¾e pro $\forall -x: A(x) = B(f(x))$. V¹imnìme si, ¾e $f$ pracující v polynomiálním èase vstup -zvìt¹í nejvíce polynomiálnì. - -\s{Pozorování:} $A\rightarrow B$ také znamená, ¾e problém~$B$ je alespoò tak tì¾ký -jako problém~$A$ (tím myslíme, ¾e pokud lze $B$ øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, -lze tak øe¹it i~$A$): Nech» problém~$B$ umíme øe¹it v~èase $\O(b^k)$, kde -$b$ je délka jeho vstupu. Nech» dále funkce $f$ pøevádìjící $A$ na $B$ pracuje -v~èase $\O(a^\ell)$ pro vstup délky~$a$. Spustíme-li tedy $B(f(x))$ na~nìjaký -vstup~$x$ problému~$A$, bude mít $f(x)$ délku $\O(a^\ell)$, kde $a=|q|$; tak¾e -$B(f(x))$ pobì¾í v~èase $\O(a^\ell + (a^\ell)^k) = \O(a^{k\ell})$, co¾ je -polynomiální v~délce vstupu~$a$. - - -\s{Pozorování:} Pøevoditelnost je -\itemize\ibull -\:reflexivní (úlohu mù¾eme pøevést na tu stejnou identickým zobrazením): $A \rightarrow A$, -\:tranzitivní: Je-li $A \rightarrow B$ funkcí $f$, $B \rightarrow C$ funkcí $g$, -pak $A \rightarrow C$ slo¾enou funkcí $g \circ f$ -(slo¾ení dvou polynomiálních funkcí je zase polynomiální funkce, jak u¾ jsme zpozorovali -v~pøedchozím odstavci). -\endlist -\>Takovýmto relacím øíkáme kvaziuspoøádání -- nesplòují obecnì antisymetrii, tedy mù¾e nastat -$A\rightarrow B$ a $B\rightarrow A$. Omezíme-li se v¹ak na tøídy navzájem pøevoditelných -problémù, dostáváme ji¾ (èásteèné) uspoøádání. Existují i navzájem nepøevoditelné problémy -- -napøíklad problém v¾dy odpovídající 1 a problém v¾dy odpovídající 0. -Nyní se ji¾ podíváme na nìjaké zajímavé problémy. Obecnì to budou problémy, na které -polynomiální algoritmus není znám, a vzájemnými pøevody zjistíme ¾e jsou stejnì tì¾ké. - -\h{1. problém: SAT} -\>Splnitelnost (satisfiability) logických formulí, tj. dosazení 1 èi -0 za promìnné v logické formuli tak, aby formule dala výsledek 1. - -\>Zamìøíme se na speciální formu zadání formulí, {\I konjunktivní normální formu} (CNF), - které splòují následující podmínky: -\itemize\ibull -\:{\I formule} je zadána pomocí {\I klauzulí}\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{bez politických konotací} oddìlených $\land$, -\:ka¾dá {\I klauzule} je slo¾ená z {\I literálù} oddìlených $\lor$, -\:ka¾dý {\I literál} je buïto promìnná nebo její negace. -\endlist -\>Formule mají tedy tvar: -$$\psi = (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land \ldots $$ - -\>{\I Vstup:} Formule $\psi$ v konjunktivní normální formì. - -\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ dosazení 1 a 0 za promìnné takové, ¾e hodnota formule $\psi(\ldots) = 1$. - - - -\>Pøevod nìjaké obecné formule $\psi$ na jí ekvivalentní $\chi$ v~CNF mù¾e -zpùsobit, ¾e $\chi$ je exponenciálnì velká vùèi $\psi$. -Pozdìji uká¾eme, ¾e lze podniknout pøevod na takovou formuli $\chi'$ v~CNF, která sice není -ekvivalentní s $\psi$ (pøibydou nám promìnné, a ne ka¾dý roz¹íøený model -$\psi$ je modelem $\chi'$), ale je splnitelná právì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelná $\psi$ -- co¾ nám -pøesnì staèí -- a je lineárnì velká vùèi $\psi$. - -\h{2. problém: 3-SAT} -\s{Definice:} 3-SAT je takový SAT, v nìm¾ ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje nejvý¹e tøi literály. - -\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na SAT:} -Vstup není potøeba nijak upravovat, 3-SAT splòuje vlastnosti SATu, proto 3-SAT -$\rightarrow$ SAT (SAT je alespoò tak tì¾ký jako 3-SAT) - -\s {Pøevod SAT na 3-SAT:} -Musíme formuli pøevést tak, abychom neporu¹ili splnitelnost. - -\>Trik pro dlouhé klauzule: Ka¾dou \uv{¹patnou} klauzuli -$$(\alpha \lor \beta) \hbox{, t¾. } \vert\alpha\vert + \vert\beta\vert \ge 4 -,\ \vert\alpha\vert \geq 2,\ \vert\beta\vert\geq 2$$ -pøepí¹eme na: $$(\alpha \lor x) \land (\beta \lor \lnot x),$$ -kde $x$ je nová promìnná (pøi ka¾dém dìlení klauzule {\it jiná} -nová promìnná). -%kterou nastavíme tak, abychom neovlivnili splnitelnost formule. - -\>Tento trik opakujeme tak dlouho, dokud je to tøeba -- formuli délky $k+l$ -roztrhneme na formule délky $k+1$ a $l+1$. Pokud klauzule pùlíme, dostaneme -polynomiální èas (strom rekurze má logaritmicky pater -- formule délky alespoò 6 -se nám pøi rozdìlení zmen¹í na dvì instance velikosti maximálnì $2/3$ pùvodní, krat¹í -formule nás netrápí; na ka¾dém patøe se vykoná tolik co na pøedchozím + $2^{hloubka}$ -za pøidané formule). Velikost výsledné formule je tím pádem polynomiální vùèi pùvodní: -v ka¾dém kroku se pøidají jen dva literály, tedy celkem {\it èas na pøevod}$\cdot -2$ nových. - -\>Platí-li: -\itemize\ibull -\:$\alpha \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 0$ (zajistí splnìní druhé poloviny nové formule), -\:$\beta \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 1$ (zajistí splnìní první poloviny nové formule), -\:$\alpha ,\beta / \lnot\alpha ,\lnot\beta \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 0/1$ (je nám to - jedno, celkové øe¹ení nám to neovlivní). -\endlist - -Nabízí se otázka, proè mù¾eme pøidanou promìnnou $x$ nastavovat, jak se nám zlíbí. -Vysvìtlení je prosté -- promìnná $x$ nám pùvodní formuli nijak neovlivní, proto¾e -se v ní nevyskytuje, proto ji mù¾eme nastavit tak, jak chceme. - -\s{Poznámka:} U~3-SAT lze vynutit právì tøi literály, pro krátké klauzule -pou¾ijeme stejný trik: -$$(\alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \vee \alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \lor x) \land (\alpha \lor \lnot x).$$ - -\h{3. problém: Hledání nezávislé mno¾iny v grafu} - -\>Existuje nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù z~$G$ velikosti alespoò $k$? - -\s{Definice:} {\I Nezávislá mno¾ina} (NzMna) budeme øíkat ka¾dé mno¾inì vrcholù grafu -takové, ¾e mezi nimi nevede ¾ádná hrana. - -\figure{nezmna.eps}{Pøíklad nezávislé mno¾iny}{1in} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf $G$, $k \in {\bb N}$. - -\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists A \subseteq V(G)$, $\vert A \vert \ge k$: $\forall u,v \in A \Rightarrow uv \not\in E(G)$? - -\s{Poznámka:} Ka¾dý graf má minimálnì jednu nezávislou mno¾inu, a tou je prázdná mno¾ina. Proto je potøeba zadat i minimální velikost hledané mno¾iny. - -\>Uká¾eme, jak na~tento probém pøevést 3-SAT. - -\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na NzMna:} Z ka¾dé klauzule vybereme jeden literál, jeho¾ nastavením se klauzuli -rozhodneme splnit. Samozøejmì tak, abychom v~rùzných klauzulích nevybírali -konfliktnì, tj.~$x$ a~$\lnot x$. - -\s{Pøíklad:} -$(x \lor y \lor z) \land (x \lor \lnot y \lor \lnot z) \land (\lnot x \lor \lnot y \lor p) $. - -\>Pro ka¾dou klauzuli sestrojíme graf (trojúhelník) a pøidáme \uv{konfliktní} -hrany, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$. Poèet vrcholù grafu odpovídá poètu literálù ve formuli, -poèet hran je maximálnì kvadratický a pøevod je tedy polynomiální. - -Existuje-li v grafu nezávislá mno¾ina velikosti $k$, pak z~ka¾dého z~$k$ trojúhelníkù -vybere právì jeden vrchol, a pøitom ¾ádné dva vrcholy nebudou odpovídat literálu a -jeho negaci -- tedy dostaneme ohodnocení promìnných splòujících alespoò $k$ klauzulí. -Na druhou stranu, existuje-li ohodnocení $k$ klauzulí, pak pøímo odpovídá nezávislé -mno¾inì velikosti $k$ (v ka¾dém trojúhelníku zvolíme právì jednu z ohodnocených -promìnných, nemù¾e se stát ¾e zvolíme vrcholy konfliktní hrany). Ptáme-li se tedy -na nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti odpovídající -poètu klauzulí, dostaneme odpovìï {\sc ano} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je formule splnitelná. - -Jsou-li ve formuli i klauzule krat¹í ne¾ 3, mù¾eme je buïto prodlou¾it metodou vý¹e -popsanou; nebo si v grafu necháme dvoj- a jedno-úhelníky, které ¾ádné z na¹ich úvah -vadit nebudou. - -\figure{nezmna_graf.eps}{Ukázka pøevodu 3-SAT na nezávislou mno¾inu}{3in} - -\s{Pøevod NzMna na SAT:} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Poøídíme si promìnné $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ odpovídající vrcholùm grafu. Promìnná $v_i$ bude - indikovat, zda se $i$-tý vrchol vyskytuje v~nezávislé mno¾inì (tedy pøíslu¹né ohodnocení - promìnných bude vlastnì charakteristická funkce nezávislé mno¾iny). -\:Pro ka¾dou hranu $ij \in E(G)$ pøidáme klauzuli $(\lnot v_i \lor \lnot v_j)$. Tyto klauzule - nám ohlídají, ¾e vybraná mno¾ina je vskutku nezávislá. -\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zkontrolovat, ¾e je mno¾ina dostateènì velká, tak¾e si její prvky - oèíslujeme èísly od~1 do~$k$. Oèíslování popí¹eme maticí promìnných $x_{ij}$, pøièem¾ - $x_{ij}$ bude pravdivá právì tehdy, kdy¾ v~poøadí $i$-tý prvek nezávislé mno¾iny je vrchol~$v_j$ --- pøidáme tedy klauzule, které nám øeknou, ¾e vybrané do nezávislé mno¾iny jsou právì - ty vrcholy, které jsou touto maticí oèíslované: $\forall i,j$, $x_{ij} \Rightarrow v_j$ - (jen dodejme, ¾e $a\Rightarrow b$ je definované jako $\neg a\vee b$). -\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zajistit, aby byla v~ka¾dém øádku i sloupci nejvý¹e jedna jednièka: - $\forall j,i,i^{'}, i\ne i^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{i^{'}j}$ a - $\forall i,j,j^{'}, j\ne j^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{ij^{'}}$. -\:A~nakonec si ohlídáme, aby v~ka¾dém øádku byla alespoò jedna jednièka, klauzulí $\forall i : - x_{i1} \lor x_{i2} \lor \ldots \lor x_{in}$. -\endlist -Tímto vynutíme NzMnu $\geq k$, co¾ jsme pøesnì chtìli. Takovýto pøevod je zøejmì polynomiální. - -\s{Pøíklad matice:} Jako pøíklad pou¾ijeme nezávislou mno¾inu z ukázky nezávislé mno¾iny. -Nech» jsou vrcholy grafu oèíslované zleva a zeshora. Hledáme nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti $2$. -Matice pak bude vypadat následovnì: -$$ \pmatrix{1&0&0&0&0 \cr 0&0&0&1&0}$$ -\s{Vysvìtlení:} Jako první vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán vrchol $v_1$, proto v prvním -øádku a v prvním sloupci bude $1$. Jako druhý vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán -vrchol $v_4$, proto na druhém øádku a ve ètvrtém sloupci bude $1$. Na ostatních místech bude $0$. - -\h{4. problém: Klika} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Graf $G, k \in N$. - -\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ úplný podgraf grafu $G$ na $k$ vrcholech? -\figure{klika.eps}{Pøíklad kliky}{2in} - -\s{Pøevod:} Prohodíme v grafu $G$ hrany a nehrany $\Rightarrow$ (hledání nezávislé mno¾iny $\leftrightarrow$ hledání kliky). - -\s{Dùvod:} Pokud existuje úplný graf na $k$ vrcholech, tak v~komplementárním grafu tyto vrcholy nejsou spojeny hranou, tj. tvoøí nezávislou mno¾inu, - a naopak. - -\figure{doplnek_nm.eps}{Prohození hran a nehran}{2in} - - -\h{5. problém: 3,3-SAT} -\s{Definice:} 3,3-SAT je speciální pøípad 3-SATu, kde ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje v~maximálnì tøech literálech. - -\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na 3,3-SAT:} -Pokud se promìnná $x$ vyskytuje v~$k > 3$ literálech, tak nahradíme výskyty novými promìnnými $x_1, \ldots , x_k$ a pøidáme klauzule: -$$ -(\lnot x_1 \lor x_2), -(\lnot x_2 \lor x_3), -(\lnot x_3 \lor x_4), -\ldots, -(\lnot x_{k-1} \lor x_k), -(\lnot x_k \lor x_1), -$$ - -co¾ odpovídá: - -$$ -(x_1 \Rightarrow x_2), -(x_2 \Rightarrow x_3), -(x_3 \Rightarrow x_4), -\ldots, -(x_{k-1} \Rightarrow x_k), -(x_k \Rightarrow x_1). -$$ - -Tímto zaruèíme, ¾e v¹echny nové promìnné budou mít stejnou hodnotu. - -Mimochodem, mù¾eme rovnou zaøídit, ¾e ka¾dý literál se vyskytuje nejvíce dvakrát (tedy ¾e -ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje alespoò jednou pozitivnì a alespoò jednou negativnì). Pokud by -se nìjaká promìnná objevila ve~tøech stejných literálech, mù¾eme na~ni -také pou¾ít ná¹ trik a nahradit ji tøemi promìnnými. V~nových klauzulích se pak bude -vyskytovat jak pozitivnì, tak negativnì. - -\h{6. problém: 3D párování (3D matching)} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a mno¾ina kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou). - -\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic -- tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, která obsahuje v¹echna $K$, $H$ a $Z$. - -\>Uká¾eme, jak na tento problém pøevést 3,3-SAT (ov¹em to a¾ na dal¹í pøedná¹ce). - -\figure{3d_parovani.eps}{Ukázka 3D párování}{3in} - -\s{Závìr:} Obrázek ukazuje problémy, jimi¾ jsme se dnes zabývali, a vztahy mezi tìmito problémy. -\figure{prevody.eps}{Pøevody mezi problémy}{3in} - -\bye diff --git a/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps b/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 22c2f66..0000000 --- a/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2166 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: 0.45pre1 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 504 241 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 4e-007 1.1056542e-005 503.92493 240.77422 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 241 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 -29.909627 -62.543823] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 200.59833 16.263712] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 109.6846 91.015] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 24.831784 170.81705] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [-1 0 0 1 489.33585 16.768789] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [-1 0 0 1 580.24958 91.520079] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [-1 0 0 1 665.1024 171.32213] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 120.79628 254.65971] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 264.23794 257.69018] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 405.65929 255.66987] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -87.550609 66.794828 moveto -87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto -64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto -56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto -80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -231.08312 264.642 moveto -216.96039 240.87714 lineto -247.15382 241.23185 lineto -231.08312 264.642 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.16372 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -231.08312 264.642 moveto -216.96039 240.87714 lineto -247.15382 241.23185 lineto -231.08312 264.642 lineto -closepath -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.16372 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -348.58657 183.51546 moveto -334.46384 207.28032 lineto -364.65727 206.92561 lineto -348.58657 183.51546 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -0 0 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -349.3324 262.66195 moveto -335.20967 238.89709 lineto -365.4031 239.2518 lineto -349.3324 262.66195 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.16372 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -349.3324 262.66195 moveto -335.20967 238.89709 lineto -365.4031 239.2518 lineto -349.3324 262.66195 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -0 0 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -468.4535 259.68226 moveto -454.33077 235.9174 lineto -484.5242 236.27211 lineto -468.4535 259.68226 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.16372 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -468.4535 259.68226 moveto -454.33077 235.9174 lineto -484.5242 236.27211 lineto -468.4535 259.68226 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 24.243661 4.0406102] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -192.82813 66.300088 moveto -189.08594 66.300088 lineto -188.64063 67.331338 lineto -188.49479 67.675089 188.42187 67.958943 188.42188 68.1829 curveto -188.42187 68.479776 188.54166 68.698526 188.78125 68.83915 curveto -188.92187 68.922484 189.26823 68.984984 189.82031 69.02665 curveto -189.82031 69.315713 lineto -186.29688 69.315713 lineto -186.29688 69.02665 lineto -186.67708 68.969359 186.98958 68.811807 187.23438 68.553994 curveto -187.47917 68.296182 187.78125 67.763631 188.14063 66.956338 curveto -191.92969 58.503213 lineto -192.07813 58.503213 lineto -195.89844 67.190713 lineto -196.26301 68.013631 196.56249 68.531859 196.79688 68.7454 curveto -196.97395 68.906859 197.22395 69.000609 197.54688 69.02665 curveto -197.54688 69.315713 lineto -192.42188 69.315713 lineto -192.42188 69.02665 lineto -192.63281 69.02665 lineto -193.04426 69.02665 193.33333 68.969359 193.5 68.854775 curveto -193.61458 68.771442 193.67187 68.651651 193.67188 68.4954 curveto -193.67187 68.401651 193.65624 68.305297 193.625 68.206338 curveto -193.61458 68.159464 193.53645 67.964151 193.39063 67.6204 curveto -192.82813 66.300088 lineto -closepath -192.5625 65.721963 moveto -190.98438 62.073525 lineto -189.35938 65.721963 lineto -192.5625 65.721963 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -205.375 58.721963 moveto -205.375 67.128213 lineto -205.37499 67.695923 205.39062 68.03186 205.42188 68.136025 curveto -205.46353 68.307901 205.54296 68.435505 205.66016 68.518838 curveto -205.77734 68.602172 205.98176 68.654255 206.27344 68.675088 curveto -206.27344 68.9329 lineto -203.1875 69.534463 lineto -203.1875 68.378213 lineto -202.8177 68.82613 202.48828 69.130817 202.19922 69.292275 curveto -201.91015 69.453733 201.58333 69.534462 201.21875 69.534463 curveto -200.28646 69.534462 199.54948 69.117796 199.00781 68.284463 curveto -198.57031 67.607381 198.35156 66.776653 198.35156 65.792275 curveto -198.35156 65.005821 198.48698 64.301395 198.75781 63.678994 curveto -199.02864 63.056604 199.39974 62.586553 199.87109 62.268838 curveto -200.34245 61.951137 200.84896 61.792283 201.39063 61.792275 curveto -201.73958 61.792283 202.04947 61.859991 202.32031 61.9954 curveto -202.59114 62.130824 202.8802 62.367803 203.1875 62.706338 curveto -203.1875 60.503213 lineto -203.18749 59.94593 203.16406 59.609993 203.11719 59.4954 curveto -203.05468 59.344368 202.96093 59.232389 202.83594 59.159463 curveto -202.71093 59.086556 202.47656 59.050098 202.13281 59.050088 curveto -202.13281 58.721963 lineto -205.375 58.721963 lineto -closepath -203.1875 63.675088 moveto -202.80208 62.935511 202.33072 62.565719 201.77344 62.565713 curveto -201.58073 62.565719 201.42187 62.617803 201.29688 62.721963 curveto -201.10416 62.883427 200.94661 63.167281 200.82422 63.573525 curveto -200.70182 63.97978 200.64062 64.602176 200.64063 65.440713 curveto -200.64062 66.362591 200.70833 67.044882 200.84375 67.487588 curveto -200.97916 67.930297 201.16406 68.25061 201.39844 68.448525 curveto -201.51823 68.547484 201.68229 68.596963 201.89063 68.596963 curveto -202.34895 68.596963 202.78124 68.237589 203.1875 67.518838 curveto -203.1875 63.675088 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -211.21094 68.237588 moveto -210.32031 69.024046 209.52083 69.417275 208.8125 69.417275 curveto -208.39583 69.417275 208.04948 69.280556 207.77344 69.007119 curveto -207.49739 68.733682 207.35937 68.391234 207.35938 67.979775 curveto -207.35937 67.422485 207.59896 66.921184 208.07813 66.475869 curveto -208.55729 66.03056 209.60156 65.438112 211.21094 64.698525 curveto -211.21094 63.96415 lineto -211.21093 63.412073 211.18099 63.064417 211.12109 62.921181 curveto -211.06119 62.777959 210.94791 62.652959 210.78125 62.546181 curveto -210.61458 62.439417 210.42708 62.386032 210.21875 62.386025 curveto -209.88021 62.386032 209.60156 62.461553 209.38281 62.612588 curveto -209.24739 62.706344 209.17968 62.815719 209.17969 62.940713 curveto -209.17968 63.050094 209.2526 63.18551 209.39844 63.346963 curveto -209.59635 63.570927 209.69531 63.787072 209.69531 63.9954 curveto -209.69531 64.250614 209.60026 64.468061 209.41016 64.647744 curveto -209.22005 64.827436 208.97135 64.91728 208.66406 64.917275 curveto -208.33594 64.91728 208.0612 64.818321 207.83984 64.6204 curveto -207.61849 64.422488 207.50781 64.190718 207.50781 63.925088 curveto -207.50781 63.550093 207.65625 63.192021 207.95313 62.850869 curveto -208.25 62.50973 208.66406 62.248011 209.19531 62.065713 curveto -209.72656 61.883428 210.27864 61.792283 210.85156 61.792275 curveto -211.54427 61.792283 212.09244 61.939418 212.49609 62.233681 curveto -212.89973 62.527959 213.16145 62.846969 213.28125 63.190713 curveto -213.35416 63.409469 213.39062 63.912072 213.39063 64.698525 curveto -213.39063 67.534463 lineto -213.39062 67.867797 213.40364 68.077433 213.42969 68.163369 curveto -213.45572 68.249307 213.49478 68.313109 213.54688 68.354775 curveto -213.59895 68.396443 213.65885 68.417276 213.72656 68.417275 curveto -213.86197 68.417276 213.99999 68.320922 214.14063 68.128213 curveto -214.375 68.315713 lineto -214.11458 68.70113 213.84504 68.981078 213.56641 69.155556 curveto -213.28775 69.330036 212.97135 69.417275 212.61719 69.417275 curveto -212.20052 69.417275 211.87499 69.319619 211.64063 69.124306 curveto -211.40625 68.928994 211.26302 68.633422 211.21094 68.237588 curveto -211.21094 68.237588 lineto -closepath -211.21094 67.667275 moveto -211.21094 65.221963 lineto -210.58073 65.591758 210.11198 65.987591 209.80469 66.409463 curveto -209.60156 66.690715 209.5 66.974569 209.5 67.261025 curveto -209.5 67.50061 209.58593 67.711548 209.75781 67.893838 curveto -209.88802 68.034464 210.07031 68.104776 210.30469 68.104775 curveto -210.5651 68.104776 210.86718 67.958943 211.21094 67.667275 curveto -211.21094 67.667275 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -218.21094 62.011025 moveto -218.21094 62.971963 lineto -218.61198 62.534469 218.98307 62.22848 219.32422 62.053994 curveto -219.66536 61.879522 220.03906 61.792283 220.44531 61.792275 curveto -220.91406 61.792283 221.30729 61.901658 221.625 62.1204 curveto -221.9427 62.339157 222.18749 62.67249 222.35938 63.1204 curveto -222.77603 62.651657 223.17577 62.313115 223.55859 62.104775 curveto -223.9414 61.896449 224.34114 61.792283 224.75781 61.792275 curveto -225.26301 61.792283 225.66535 61.908168 225.96484 62.139931 curveto -226.26431 62.371709 226.47264 62.66598 226.58984 63.022744 curveto -226.70702 63.379521 226.76561 63.94853 226.76563 64.729775 curveto -226.76563 67.721963 lineto -226.76561 68.284464 226.81639 68.633422 226.91797 68.768838 curveto -227.01952 68.904255 227.23176 68.992796 227.55469 69.034463 curveto -227.55469 69.315713 lineto -223.78125 69.315713 lineto -223.78125 69.034463 lineto -224.07812 69.008421 224.29687 68.893838 224.4375 68.690713 curveto -224.53124 68.550088 224.57812 68.227172 224.57813 67.721963 curveto -224.57813 64.581338 lineto -224.57812 63.930301 224.55207 63.516239 224.5 63.33915 curveto -224.44791 63.162073 224.36588 63.030563 224.25391 62.944619 curveto -224.14192 62.858688 224.01041 62.815719 223.85938 62.815713 curveto -223.63541 62.815719 223.40885 62.89775 223.17969 63.061806 curveto -222.95051 63.225875 222.71874 63.471968 222.48438 63.800088 curveto -222.48438 67.721963 lineto -222.48437 68.248005 222.52864 68.578734 222.61719 68.71415 curveto -222.73697 68.906859 222.96614 69.01363 223.30469 69.034463 curveto -223.30469 69.315713 lineto -219.52344 69.315713 lineto -219.52344 69.034463 lineto -219.72656 69.024046 219.88671 68.973265 220.00391 68.882119 curveto -220.12109 68.790974 220.19921 68.681599 220.23828 68.553994 curveto -220.27734 68.426391 220.29687 68.149047 220.29688 67.721963 curveto -220.29688 64.581338 lineto -220.29687 63.919885 220.27083 63.505823 220.21875 63.33915 curveto -220.16666 63.17249 220.07942 63.042281 219.95703 62.948525 curveto -219.83463 62.854782 219.70312 62.807907 219.5625 62.8079 curveto -219.35416 62.807907 219.16406 62.862594 218.99219 62.971963 curveto -218.74739 63.133427 218.48698 63.409469 218.21094 63.800088 curveto -218.21094 67.721963 lineto -218.21093 68.237589 218.26172 68.577432 218.36328 68.741494 curveto -218.46484 68.905557 218.67708 69.003213 219 69.034463 curveto -219 69.315713 lineto -215.23438 69.315713 lineto -215.23438 69.034463 lineto -215.54167 69.003213 215.76042 68.904255 215.89063 68.737588 curveto -215.97917 68.623005 216.02344 68.284464 216.02344 67.721963 curveto -216.02344 63.596963 lineto -216.02344 63.044886 215.97265 62.701136 215.87109 62.565713 curveto -215.76953 62.430303 215.55729 62.341761 215.23438 62.300088 curveto -215.23438 62.011025 lineto -218.21094 62.011025 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -27.274119 -265.67012] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -138.28906 409.16728 moveto -139.29426 409.40166 139.99999 409.68551 140.40625 410.01884 curveto -140.98957 410.4928 141.28124 411.10738 141.28125 411.86259 curveto -141.28124 412.65946 140.96093 413.31832 140.32031 413.83915 curveto -139.53385 414.46936 138.39062 414.78446 136.89063 414.78446 curveto -131.50781 414.78446 lineto -131.50781 414.4954 lineto -131.9974 414.4954 132.32943 414.44983 132.50391 414.35868 curveto -132.67838 414.26754 132.80078 414.14905 132.87109 414.00321 curveto -132.9414 413.85738 132.97656 413.49801 132.97656 412.92509 curveto -132.97656 406.05009 lineto -132.97656 405.47718 132.9414 405.1165 132.87109 404.96806 curveto -132.80078 404.81963 132.67708 404.70114 132.5 404.61259 curveto -132.32292 404.52406 131.99219 404.47979 131.50781 404.47978 curveto -131.50781 404.19071 lineto -136.58594 404.19071 lineto -137.79947 404.19072 138.65885 404.2988 139.16406 404.51493 curveto -139.66926 404.73109 140.0677 405.054 140.35938 405.48368 curveto -140.65103 405.91338 140.79687 406.37041 140.79688 406.85478 curveto -140.79687 407.3652 140.61197 407.81963 140.24219 408.21806 curveto -139.87239 408.6165 139.22135 408.93291 138.28906 409.16728 curveto -138.28906 409.16728 lineto -closepath -135.44531 408.95634 moveto -136.18489 408.95634 136.73046 408.87301 137.08203 408.70634 curveto -137.43359 408.53968 137.70312 408.3053 137.89063 408.00321 curveto -138.07812 407.70114 138.17187 407.31572 138.17188 406.84696 curveto -138.17187 406.37822 138.07942 405.99411 137.89453 405.69462 curveto -137.70963 405.39515 137.44531 405.16728 137.10156 405.01103 curveto -136.75781 404.85479 136.20572 404.77926 135.44531 404.78446 curveto -135.44531 408.95634 lineto -closepath -135.44531 409.56571 moveto -135.44531 412.96415 lineto -135.4375 413.35478 lineto -135.4375 413.63603 135.50911 413.84827 135.65234 413.99149 curveto -135.79557 414.13472 136.00781 414.20634 136.28906 414.20634 curveto -136.70572 414.20634 137.08984 414.11389 137.44141 413.92899 curveto -137.79296 413.7441 138.06249 413.47587 138.25 413.12431 curveto -138.43749 412.77275 138.53124 412.38082 138.53125 411.94853 curveto -138.53124 411.45374 138.41666 411.00973 138.1875 410.61649 curveto -137.95833 410.22327 137.64322 409.94853 137.24219 409.79228 curveto -136.84114 409.63603 136.24218 409.56051 135.44531 409.56571 curveto -135.44531 409.56571 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -145.84375 407.26103 moveto -146.47916 407.26103 147.07031 407.42509 147.61719 407.75321 curveto -148.16406 408.08134 148.57942 408.54749 148.86328 409.15165 curveto -149.14713 409.75582 149.28906 410.41728 149.28906 411.13603 curveto -149.28906 412.17249 149.02603 413.03967 148.5 413.73759 curveto -147.86458 414.58134 146.98697 415.00321 145.86719 415.00321 curveto -144.76823 415.00321 143.92187 414.6178 143.32813 413.84696 curveto -142.73437 413.07613 142.4375 412.1829 142.4375 411.16728 curveto -142.4375 410.1204 142.74088 409.20765 143.34766 408.42899 curveto -143.95442 407.65036 144.78646 407.26103 145.84375 407.26103 curveto -145.84375 407.26103 lineto -closepath -145.875 407.81571 moveto -145.60937 407.81572 145.38151 407.91598 145.19141 408.11649 curveto -145.0013 408.31702 144.8763 408.71285 144.81641 409.30399 curveto -144.75651 409.89514 144.72656 410.71676 144.72656 411.76884 curveto -144.72656 412.32613 144.76302 412.84696 144.83594 413.33134 curveto -144.89323 413.70113 145.01562 413.98238 145.20313 414.17509 curveto -145.39062 414.3678 145.60416 414.46415 145.84375 414.46415 curveto -146.07812 414.46415 146.27343 414.39905 146.42969 414.26884 curveto -146.63281 414.09175 146.76822 413.84436 146.83594 413.52665 curveto -146.9401 413.03186 146.99218 412.03186 146.99219 410.52665 curveto -146.99218 409.64124 146.9427 409.03317 146.84375 408.70243 curveto -146.74479 408.37171 146.59895 408.13082 146.40625 407.97978 curveto -146.27083 407.87041 146.09375 407.81572 145.875 407.81571 curveto -145.875 407.81571 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -153.25781 404.19071 moveto -153.25781 413.26884 lineto -153.25781 413.78446 153.3177 414.11389 153.4375 414.25712 curveto -153.55729 414.40035 153.79166 414.48238 154.14063 414.50321 curveto -154.14063 414.78446 lineto -150.19531 414.78446 lineto -150.19531 414.50321 lineto -150.51823 414.4928 150.75781 414.39905 150.91406 414.22196 curveto -151.01823 414.10217 151.07031 413.78446 151.07031 413.26884 curveto -151.07031 405.70634 lineto -151.07031 405.19593 151.01042 404.86911 150.89063 404.72587 curveto -150.77083 404.58265 150.53906 404.50062 150.19531 404.47978 curveto -150.19531 404.19071 lineto -153.25781 404.19071 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -161.02344 410.8704 moveto -157.01563 410.8704 lineto -157.0625 411.83915 157.32031 412.60478 157.78906 413.16728 curveto -158.14843 413.59957 158.58072 413.81571 159.08594 413.81571 curveto -159.39843 413.81571 159.68229 413.72847 159.9375 413.55399 curveto -160.1927 413.37952 160.46614 413.06571 160.75781 412.61259 curveto -161.02344 412.78446 lineto -160.6276 413.59176 160.1901 414.16337 159.71094 414.49931 curveto -159.23177 414.83524 158.67708 415.00321 158.04688 415.00321 curveto -156.96354 415.00321 156.14323 414.58655 155.58594 413.75321 curveto -155.13802 413.08134 154.91406 412.24801 154.91406 411.25321 curveto -154.91406 410.03447 155.24349 409.06442 155.90234 408.34306 curveto -156.5612 407.62171 157.33333 407.26103 158.21875 407.26103 curveto -158.95833 407.26103 159.60026 407.56442 160.14453 408.17118 curveto -160.6888 408.77796 160.98176 409.6777 161.02344 410.8704 curveto -161.02344 410.8704 lineto -closepath -159.10156 410.34696 moveto -159.10156 409.50843 159.05598 408.93291 158.96484 408.6204 curveto -158.87369 408.30791 158.73177 408.07093 158.53906 407.90946 curveto -158.42968 407.81572 158.28385 407.76884 158.10156 407.76884 curveto -157.83073 407.76884 157.60937 407.90166 157.4375 408.16728 curveto -157.13021 408.63082 156.97656 409.26624 156.97656 410.07353 curveto -156.97656 410.34696 lineto -159.10156 410.34696 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -166.54688 407.27665 moveto -166.66406 409.76884 lineto -166.39844 409.76884 lineto -166.08072 409.02926 165.7513 408.52405 165.41016 408.25321 curveto -165.06901 407.98239 164.72916 407.84697 164.39063 407.84696 curveto -164.17708 407.84697 163.99479 407.91858 163.84375 408.06181 curveto -163.69271 408.20504 163.61719 408.37041 163.61719 408.5579 curveto -163.61719 408.69853 163.66927 408.83395 163.77344 408.96415 curveto -163.9401 409.1777 164.40625 409.54358 165.17188 410.06181 curveto -165.9375 410.58004 166.4414 411.02014 166.68359 411.38212 curveto -166.92578 411.7441 167.04687 412.14905 167.04688 412.59696 curveto -167.04687 413.00321 166.94531 413.40165 166.74219 413.79228 curveto -166.53906 414.1829 166.2526 414.48238 165.88281 414.69071 curveto -165.51302 414.89905 165.10416 415.00321 164.65625 415.00321 curveto -164.30729 415.00321 163.84114 414.89384 163.25781 414.67509 curveto -163.10156 414.6178 162.99479 414.58915 162.9375 414.58915 curveto -162.76562 414.58915 162.62239 414.71936 162.50781 414.97978 curveto -162.25 414.97978 lineto -162.125 412.35478 lineto -162.39063 412.35478 lineto -162.625 413.04228 162.94661 413.5579 163.35547 413.90165 curveto -163.76432 414.2454 164.15104 414.41728 164.51563 414.41728 curveto -164.76562 414.41728 164.97005 414.34045 165.12891 414.18681 curveto -165.28776 414.03316 165.36718 413.84696 165.36719 413.62821 curveto -165.36718 413.37821 165.28906 413.16207 165.13281 412.97978 curveto -164.97656 412.79749 164.6276 412.52144 164.08594 412.15165 curveto -163.28906 411.59957 162.77344 411.1777 162.53906 410.88603 curveto -162.19531 410.45895 162.02344 409.98759 162.02344 409.47196 curveto -162.02344 408.90947 162.21745 408.40035 162.60547 407.94462 curveto -162.99349 407.4889 163.55469 407.26103 164.28906 407.26103 curveto -164.68489 407.26103 165.0677 407.35739 165.4375 407.55009 curveto -165.57812 407.62822 165.6927 407.66728 165.78125 407.66728 curveto -165.875 407.66728 165.95052 407.64775 166.00781 407.60868 curveto -166.0651 407.56963 166.15625 407.45895 166.28125 407.27665 curveto -166.54688 407.27665 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -171.00781 404.19071 moveto -171.00781 413.26884 lineto -171.00781 413.78446 171.0677 414.11389 171.1875 414.25712 curveto -171.30729 414.40035 171.54166 414.48238 171.89063 414.50321 curveto -171.89063 414.78446 lineto -167.94531 414.78446 lineto -167.94531 414.50321 lineto -168.26823 414.4928 168.50781 414.39905 168.66406 414.22196 curveto -168.76823 414.10217 168.82031 413.78446 168.82031 413.26884 curveto -168.82031 405.70634 lineto -168.82031 405.19593 168.76042 404.86911 168.64063 404.72587 curveto -168.52083 404.58265 168.28906 404.50062 167.94531 404.47978 curveto -167.94531 404.19071 lineto -171.00781 404.19071 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -176.61719 413.70634 moveto -175.72656 414.4928 174.92708 414.88603 174.21875 414.88603 curveto -173.80208 414.88603 173.45573 414.74931 173.17969 414.47587 curveto -172.90364 414.20243 172.76562 413.85998 172.76563 413.44853 curveto -172.76562 412.89124 173.00521 412.38993 173.48438 411.94462 curveto -173.96354 411.49931 175.00781 410.90686 176.61719 410.16728 curveto -176.61719 409.4329 lineto -176.61718 408.88082 176.58724 408.53317 176.52734 408.38993 curveto -176.46744 408.24671 176.35416 408.12171 176.1875 408.01493 curveto -176.02083 407.90817 175.83333 407.85478 175.625 407.85478 curveto -175.28646 407.85478 175.00781 407.9303 174.78906 408.08134 curveto -174.65364 408.17509 174.58593 408.28447 174.58594 408.40946 curveto -174.58593 408.51884 174.65885 408.65426 174.80469 408.81571 curveto -175.0026 409.03968 175.10156 409.25582 175.10156 409.46415 curveto -175.10156 409.71936 175.00651 409.93681 174.81641 410.11649 curveto -174.6263 410.29619 174.3776 410.38603 174.07031 410.38603 curveto -173.74219 410.38603 173.46745 410.28707 173.24609 410.08915 curveto -173.02474 409.89124 172.91406 409.65947 172.91406 409.39384 curveto -172.91406 409.01884 173.0625 408.66077 173.35938 408.31962 curveto -173.65625 407.97848 174.07031 407.71676 174.60156 407.53446 curveto -175.13281 407.35218 175.68489 407.26103 176.25781 407.26103 curveto -176.95052 407.26103 177.49869 407.40817 177.90234 407.70243 curveto -178.30598 407.99671 178.5677 408.31572 178.6875 408.65946 curveto -178.76041 408.87822 178.79687 409.38082 178.79688 410.16728 curveto -178.79688 413.00321 lineto -178.79687 413.33655 178.80989 413.54618 178.83594 413.63212 curveto -178.86197 413.71806 178.90103 413.78186 178.95313 413.82353 curveto -179.0052 413.86519 179.0651 413.88603 179.13281 413.88603 curveto -179.26822 413.88603 179.40624 413.78967 179.54688 413.59696 curveto -179.78125 413.78446 lineto -179.52083 414.16988 179.25129 414.44983 178.97266 414.62431 curveto -178.694 414.79879 178.3776 414.88603 178.02344 414.88603 curveto -177.60677 414.88603 177.28124 414.78837 177.04688 414.59306 curveto -176.8125 414.39774 176.66927 414.10217 176.61719 413.70634 curveto -176.61719 413.70634 lineto -closepath -176.61719 413.13603 moveto -176.61719 410.69071 lineto -175.98698 411.06051 175.51823 411.45634 175.21094 411.87821 curveto -175.00781 412.15947 174.90625 412.44332 174.90625 412.72978 curveto -174.90625 412.96936 174.99218 413.1803 175.16406 413.36259 curveto -175.29427 413.50321 175.47656 413.57353 175.71094 413.57353 curveto -175.97135 413.57353 176.27343 413.42769 176.61719 413.13603 curveto -176.61719 413.13603 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -183.88281 415.00321 moveto -181.42188 409.33915 lineto -181.125 408.65686 180.89323 408.22457 180.72656 408.04228 curveto -180.60677 407.90687 180.42969 407.81572 180.19531 407.76884 curveto -180.19531 407.47978 lineto -184.07813 407.47978 lineto -184.07813 407.76884 lineto -183.83333 407.76884 183.66666 407.81312 183.57813 407.90165 curveto -183.45312 408.01624 183.39062 408.15166 183.39063 408.3079 curveto -183.39062 408.50061 183.5052 408.86259 183.73438 409.39384 curveto -184.9375 412.13603 lineto -185.89844 409.76884 lineto -186.17447 409.09176 186.31249 408.61259 186.3125 408.33134 curveto -186.31249 408.16989 186.2539 408.03838 186.13672 407.93681 curveto -186.01953 407.83525 185.81249 407.77926 185.51563 407.76884 curveto -185.51563 407.47978 lineto -187.90625 407.47978 lineto -187.90625 407.76884 lineto -187.67708 407.80009 187.48958 407.88603 187.34375 408.02665 curveto -187.19791 408.16728 186.97916 408.58134 186.6875 409.26884 curveto -184.25 415.00321 lineto -183.88281 415.00321 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -281.83256 -193.94929] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -321.78906 402.94853 moveto -321.78906 406.6204 lineto -321.48438 406.6204 lineto -321.2552 405.66207 320.82812 404.9277 320.20313 404.41728 curveto -319.57812 403.90687 318.86978 403.65166 318.07813 403.65165 curveto -317.41666 403.65166 316.80989 403.84176 316.25781 404.22196 curveto -315.70572 404.60218 315.30208 405.09958 315.04688 405.71415 curveto -314.71875 406.50062 314.55468 407.37561 314.55469 408.33915 curveto -314.55468 409.28707 314.67448 410.15035 314.91406 410.92899 curveto -315.15364 411.70764 315.52864 412.29618 316.03906 412.69462 curveto -316.54947 413.09306 317.21093 413.29228 318.02344 413.29228 curveto -318.6901 413.29228 319.30077 413.14644 319.85547 412.85478 curveto -320.41015 412.56311 320.99478 412.06051 321.60938 411.34696 curveto -321.60938 412.26103 lineto -321.01562 412.88082 320.39713 413.33004 319.75391 413.60868 curveto -319.11067 413.88733 318.35937 414.02665 317.5 414.02665 curveto -316.36979 414.02665 315.36588 413.80009 314.48828 413.34696 curveto -313.61067 412.89384 312.93359 412.2428 312.45703 411.39384 curveto -311.98047 410.54488 311.74219 409.64124 311.74219 408.6829 curveto -311.74219 407.67249 312.00651 406.71416 312.53516 405.8079 curveto -313.0638 404.90166 313.77734 404.19853 314.67578 403.69853 curveto -315.57421 403.19854 316.52864 402.94854 317.53906 402.94853 curveto -318.28385 402.94854 319.0703 403.10999 319.89844 403.4329 curveto -320.37759 403.62041 320.68228 403.71416 320.8125 403.71415 curveto -320.97916 403.71416 321.12369 403.65296 321.24609 403.53056 curveto -321.36848 403.40817 321.44791 403.21416 321.48438 402.94853 curveto -321.78906 402.94853 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -324.96875 402.94071 moveto -325.30729 402.94072 325.59375 403.05921 325.82813 403.29618 curveto -326.0625 403.53317 326.17968 403.81833 326.17969 404.15165 curveto -326.17968 404.48499 326.06119 404.76885 325.82422 405.00321 curveto -325.58724 405.2376 325.30208 405.35478 324.96875 405.35478 curveto -324.63541 405.35478 324.35156 405.2376 324.11719 405.00321 curveto -323.88281 404.76885 323.76562 404.48499 323.76563 404.15165 curveto -323.76562 403.81833 323.88281 403.53317 324.11719 403.29618 curveto -324.35156 403.05921 324.63541 402.94072 324.96875 402.94071 curveto -324.96875 402.94071 lineto -closepath -326.0625 406.47978 moveto -326.0625 412.26884 lineto -326.0625 412.78446 326.12239 413.11389 326.24219 413.25712 curveto -326.36198 413.40035 326.59635 413.48238 326.94531 413.50321 curveto -326.94531 413.78446 lineto -323 413.78446 lineto -323 413.50321 lineto -323.32292 413.4928 323.5625 413.39905 323.71875 413.22196 curveto -323.82292 413.10217 323.875 412.78446 323.875 412.26884 curveto -323.875 408.00321 lineto -323.875 407.48759 323.8151 407.15817 323.69531 407.01493 curveto -323.57552 406.87171 323.34375 406.78968 323 406.76884 curveto -323 406.47978 lineto -326.0625 406.47978 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -330.47656 413.04228 moveto -330.47656 415.76103 lineto -330.47656 416.13602 330.50651 416.39123 330.56641 416.52665 curveto -330.6263 416.66206 330.71875 416.76102 330.84375 416.82353 curveto -330.96875 416.88602 331.21354 416.91727 331.57813 416.91728 curveto -331.57813 417.20634 lineto -327.41406 417.20634 lineto -327.41406 416.91728 lineto -327.73698 416.90686 327.97656 416.81571 328.13281 416.64384 curveto -328.23698 416.52404 328.28906 416.21415 328.28906 415.71415 curveto -328.28906 408.00321 lineto -328.28906 407.48759 328.22917 407.15817 328.10938 407.01493 curveto -327.98958 406.87171 327.75781 406.78968 327.41406 406.76884 curveto -327.41406 406.47978 lineto -330.47656 406.47978 lineto -330.47656 407.44071 lineto -330.73177 407.06572 330.99218 406.79489 331.25781 406.62821 curveto -331.63802 406.38343 332.05208 406.26103 332.5 406.26103 curveto -333.03645 406.26103 333.52473 406.4303 333.96484 406.76884 curveto -334.40494 407.10739 334.73958 407.57483 334.96875 408.17118 curveto -335.19791 408.76754 335.31249 409.40947 335.3125 410.09696 curveto -335.31249 410.83655 335.194 411.51233 334.95703 412.12431 curveto -334.72004 412.73629 334.37629 413.20243 333.92578 413.52274 curveto -333.47525 413.84306 332.97395 414.00321 332.42188 414.00321 curveto -332.02083 414.00321 331.64583 413.91467 331.29688 413.73759 curveto -331.03645 413.60217 330.76302 413.3704 330.47656 413.04228 curveto -330.47656 413.04228 lineto -closepath -330.47656 412.25321 moveto -330.92448 412.88863 331.40364 413.20634 331.91406 413.20634 curveto -332.19531 413.20634 332.42708 413.0579 332.60938 412.76103 curveto -332.8802 412.32353 333.01562 411.49019 333.01563 410.26103 curveto -333.01562 409.00061 332.86718 408.13863 332.57031 407.67509 curveto -332.37239 407.3678 332.10677 407.21416 331.77344 407.21415 curveto -331.24739 407.21416 330.8151 407.59436 330.47656 408.35478 curveto -330.47656 412.25321 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -339.40625 406.47978 moveto -339.40625 412.26884 lineto -339.40625 412.78446 339.46614 413.11389 339.58594 413.25712 curveto -339.70573 413.40035 339.9401 413.48238 340.28906 413.50321 curveto -340.28906 413.78446 lineto -336.34375 413.78446 lineto -336.34375 413.50321 lineto -336.66667 413.4928 336.90625 413.39905 337.0625 413.22196 curveto -337.16667 413.10217 337.21875 412.78446 337.21875 412.26884 curveto -337.21875 408.00321 lineto -337.21875 407.48759 337.15885 407.15817 337.03906 407.01493 curveto -336.91927 406.87171 336.6875 406.78968 336.34375 406.76884 curveto -336.34375 406.47978 lineto -339.40625 406.47978 lineto -closepath -340.64844 402.83134 moveto -338.0625 405.54228 lineto -337.39063 405.54228 lineto -338.29688 402.83134 lineto -340.64844 402.83134 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -345.60938 406.27665 moveto -345.72656 408.76884 lineto -345.46094 408.76884 lineto -345.14322 408.02926 344.8138 407.52405 344.47266 407.25321 curveto -344.13151 406.98239 343.79166 406.84697 343.45313 406.84696 curveto -343.23958 406.84697 343.05729 406.91858 342.90625 407.06181 curveto -342.75521 407.20504 342.67969 407.37041 342.67969 407.5579 curveto -342.67969 407.69853 342.73177 407.83395 342.83594 407.96415 curveto -343.0026 408.1777 343.46875 408.54358 344.23438 409.06181 curveto -345 409.58004 345.5039 410.02014 345.74609 410.38212 curveto -345.98828 410.7441 346.10937 411.14905 346.10938 411.59696 curveto -346.10937 412.00321 346.00781 412.40165 345.80469 412.79228 curveto -345.60156 413.1829 345.3151 413.48238 344.94531 413.69071 curveto -344.57552 413.89905 344.16666 414.00321 343.71875 414.00321 curveto -343.36979 414.00321 342.90364 413.89384 342.32031 413.67509 curveto -342.16406 413.6178 342.05729 413.58915 342 413.58915 curveto -341.82812 413.58915 341.68489 413.71936 341.57031 413.97978 curveto -341.3125 413.97978 lineto -341.1875 411.35478 lineto -341.45313 411.35478 lineto -341.6875 412.04228 342.00911 412.5579 342.41797 412.90165 curveto -342.82682 413.2454 343.21354 413.41728 343.57813 413.41728 curveto -343.82812 413.41728 344.03255 413.34045 344.19141 413.18681 curveto -344.35026 413.03316 344.42968 412.84696 344.42969 412.62821 curveto -344.42968 412.37821 344.35156 412.16207 344.19531 411.97978 curveto -344.03906 411.79749 343.6901 411.52144 343.14844 411.15165 curveto -342.35156 410.59957 341.83594 410.1777 341.60156 409.88603 curveto -341.25781 409.45895 341.08594 408.98759 341.08594 408.47196 curveto -341.08594 407.90947 341.27995 407.40035 341.66797 406.94462 curveto -342.05599 406.4889 342.61719 406.26103 343.35156 406.26103 curveto -343.74739 406.26103 344.1302 406.35739 344.5 406.55009 curveto -344.64062 406.62822 344.7552 406.66728 344.84375 406.66728 curveto -344.9375 406.66728 345.01302 406.64775 345.07031 406.60868 curveto -345.1276 406.56963 345.21875 406.45895 345.34375 406.27665 curveto -345.60938 406.27665 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -353.39844 409.8704 moveto -349.39063 409.8704 lineto -349.4375 410.83915 349.69531 411.60478 350.16406 412.16728 curveto -350.52343 412.59957 350.95572 412.81571 351.46094 412.81571 curveto -351.77343 412.81571 352.05729 412.72847 352.3125 412.55399 curveto -352.5677 412.37952 352.84114 412.06571 353.13281 411.61259 curveto -353.39844 411.78446 lineto -353.0026 412.59176 352.5651 413.16337 352.08594 413.49931 curveto -351.60677 413.83524 351.05208 414.00321 350.42188 414.00321 curveto -349.33854 414.00321 348.51823 413.58655 347.96094 412.75321 curveto -347.51302 412.08134 347.28906 411.24801 347.28906 410.25321 curveto -347.28906 409.03447 347.61849 408.06442 348.27734 407.34306 curveto -348.9362 406.62171 349.70833 406.26103 350.59375 406.26103 curveto -351.33333 406.26103 351.97526 406.56442 352.51953 407.17118 curveto -353.0638 407.77796 353.35676 408.6777 353.39844 409.8704 curveto -353.39844 409.8704 lineto -closepath -351.47656 409.34696 moveto -351.47656 408.50843 351.43098 407.93291 351.33984 407.6204 curveto -351.24869 407.30791 351.10677 407.07093 350.91406 406.90946 curveto -350.80468 406.81572 350.65885 406.76884 350.47656 406.76884 curveto -350.20573 406.76884 349.98437 406.90166 349.8125 407.16728 curveto -349.50521 407.63082 349.35156 408.26624 349.35156 409.07353 curveto -349.35156 409.34696 lineto -351.47656 409.34696 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -357.27344 403.19071 moveto -357.27344 410.15946 lineto -358.96875 408.4954 lineto -359.3177 408.15686 359.53515 407.91207 359.62109 407.76103 curveto -359.70703 407.60999 359.74999 407.46416 359.75 407.32353 curveto -359.74999 407.18291 359.6927 407.06572 359.57813 406.97196 curveto -359.46354 406.87822 359.23958 406.81051 358.90625 406.76884 curveto -358.90625 406.47978 lineto -362.17969 406.47978 lineto -362.17969 406.76884 lineto -361.86718 406.78447 361.59374 406.85869 361.35938 406.99149 curveto -361.12499 407.12431 360.66666 407.52405 359.98438 408.19071 curveto -359.1875 408.97196 lineto -360.90625 411.48759 lineto -361.59895 412.50842 362.01041 413.08134 362.14063 413.20634 curveto -362.3177 413.38342 362.54166 413.48238 362.8125 413.50321 curveto -362.8125 413.78446 lineto -359.03906 413.78446 lineto -359.03906 413.50321 lineto -359.20572 413.50321 359.32682 413.47196 359.40234 413.40946 curveto -359.47786 413.34696 359.51562 413.27925 359.51563 413.20634 curveto -359.51562 413.08655 359.40624 412.86519 359.1875 412.54228 curveto -357.74219 410.42509 lineto -357.27344 410.88603 lineto -357.27344 412.19853 lineto -357.27343 412.75582 357.32552 413.10347 357.42969 413.24149 curveto -357.53385 413.37952 357.74739 413.46675 358.07031 413.50321 curveto -358.07031 413.78446 lineto -354.29688 413.78446 lineto -354.29688 413.50321 lineto -354.60417 413.47196 354.82292 413.373 354.95313 413.20634 curveto -355.04167 413.09175 355.08594 412.75582 355.08594 412.19853 curveto -355.08594 404.77665 lineto -355.08594 404.22458 355.03515 403.88083 354.93359 403.7454 curveto -354.83203 403.60999 354.61979 403.52145 354.29688 403.47978 curveto -354.29688 403.19071 lineto -357.27344 403.19071 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -11.111678 -333.35034] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.86719 413.01884 moveto -458.86719 415.95634 lineto -458.86718 416.52926 458.90234 416.88993 458.97266 417.03837 curveto -459.04296 417.18681 459.16796 417.3053 459.34766 417.39384 curveto -459.52734 417.48238 459.85677 417.52665 460.33594 417.52665 curveto -460.33594 417.81571 lineto -454.95313 417.81571 lineto -454.95313 417.52665 lineto -455.44271 417.52665 455.77474 417.48108 455.94922 417.38993 curveto -456.1237 417.29879 456.24609 417.1803 456.31641 417.03446 curveto -456.38672 416.88863 456.42187 416.52926 456.42188 415.95634 curveto -456.42188 409.08134 lineto -456.42187 408.50843 456.38672 408.14775 456.31641 407.99931 curveto -456.24609 407.85088 456.12239 407.73239 455.94531 407.64384 curveto -455.76823 407.55531 455.4375 407.51104 454.95313 407.51103 curveto -454.95313 407.22196 lineto -459.57031 407.22196 lineto -461.09114 407.22197 462.18228 407.49281 462.84375 408.03446 curveto -463.5052 408.57614 463.83593 409.25322 463.83594 410.06571 curveto -463.83593 410.75322 463.62239 411.34176 463.19531 411.83134 curveto -462.76822 412.32093 462.17968 412.65426 461.42969 412.83134 curveto -460.92447 412.95634 460.07031 413.01884 458.86719 413.01884 curveto -458.86719 413.01884 lineto -closepath -458.86719 407.83134 moveto -458.86719 412.40946 lineto -459.03906 412.41988 459.16927 412.42509 459.25781 412.42509 curveto -459.89322 412.42509 460.38281 412.23629 460.72656 411.85868 curveto -461.07031 411.48108 461.24218 410.89645 461.24219 410.10478 curveto -461.24218 409.31833 461.07031 408.74281 460.72656 408.37821 curveto -460.38281 408.01364 459.86979 407.83135 459.1875 407.83134 curveto -458.86719 407.83134 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -468.89844 416.73759 moveto -468.00781 417.52405 467.20833 417.91728 466.5 417.91728 curveto -466.08333 417.91728 465.73698 417.78056 465.46094 417.50712 curveto -465.18489 417.23368 465.04687 416.89123 465.04688 416.47978 curveto -465.04687 415.92249 465.28646 415.42118 465.76563 414.97587 curveto -466.24479 414.53056 467.28906 413.93811 468.89844 413.19853 curveto -468.89844 412.46415 lineto -468.89843 411.91207 468.86849 411.56442 468.80859 411.42118 curveto -468.74869 411.27796 468.63541 411.15296 468.46875 411.04618 curveto -468.30208 410.93942 468.11458 410.88603 467.90625 410.88603 curveto -467.56771 410.88603 467.28906 410.96155 467.07031 411.11259 curveto -466.93489 411.20634 466.86718 411.31572 466.86719 411.44071 curveto -466.86718 411.55009 466.9401 411.68551 467.08594 411.84696 curveto -467.28385 412.07093 467.38281 412.28707 467.38281 412.4954 curveto -467.38281 412.75061 467.28776 412.96806 467.09766 413.14774 curveto -466.90755 413.32744 466.65885 413.41728 466.35156 413.41728 curveto -466.02344 413.41728 465.7487 413.31832 465.52734 413.1204 curveto -465.30599 412.92249 465.19531 412.69072 465.19531 412.42509 curveto -465.19531 412.05009 465.34375 411.69202 465.64063 411.35087 curveto -465.9375 411.00973 466.35156 410.74801 466.88281 410.56571 curveto -467.41406 410.38343 467.96614 410.29228 468.53906 410.29228 curveto -469.23177 410.29228 469.77994 410.43942 470.18359 410.73368 curveto -470.58723 411.02796 470.84895 411.34697 470.96875 411.69071 curveto -471.04166 411.90947 471.07812 412.41207 471.07813 413.19853 curveto -471.07813 416.03446 lineto -471.07812 416.3678 471.09114 416.57743 471.11719 416.66337 curveto -471.14322 416.74931 471.18228 416.81311 471.23438 416.85478 curveto -471.28645 416.89644 471.34635 416.91728 471.41406 416.91728 curveto -471.54947 416.91728 471.68749 416.82092 471.82813 416.62821 curveto -472.0625 416.81571 lineto -471.80208 417.20113 471.53254 417.48108 471.25391 417.65556 curveto -470.97525 417.83004 470.65885 417.91728 470.30469 417.91728 curveto -469.88802 417.91728 469.56249 417.81962 469.32813 417.62431 curveto -469.09375 417.42899 468.95052 417.13342 468.89844 416.73759 curveto -468.89844 416.73759 lineto -closepath -468.89844 416.16728 moveto -468.89844 413.72196 lineto -468.26823 414.09176 467.79948 414.48759 467.49219 414.90946 curveto -467.28906 415.19072 467.1875 415.47457 467.1875 415.76103 curveto -467.1875 416.00061 467.27343 416.21155 467.44531 416.39384 curveto -467.57552 416.53446 467.75781 416.60478 467.99219 416.60478 curveto -468.2526 416.60478 468.55468 416.45894 468.89844 416.16728 curveto -468.89844 416.16728 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -476.16406 418.03446 moveto -473.70313 412.3704 lineto -473.40625 411.68811 473.17448 411.25582 473.00781 411.07353 curveto -472.88802 410.93812 472.71094 410.84697 472.47656 410.80009 curveto -472.47656 410.51103 lineto -476.35938 410.51103 lineto -476.35938 410.80009 lineto -476.11458 410.80009 475.94791 410.84437 475.85938 410.9329 curveto -475.73437 411.04749 475.67187 411.18291 475.67188 411.33915 curveto -475.67187 411.53186 475.78645 411.89384 476.01563 412.42509 curveto -477.21875 415.16728 lineto -478.17969 412.80009 lineto -478.45572 412.12301 478.59374 411.64384 478.59375 411.36259 curveto -478.59374 411.20114 478.53515 411.06963 478.41797 410.96806 curveto -478.30078 410.8665 478.09374 410.81051 477.79688 410.80009 curveto -477.79688 410.51103 lineto -480.1875 410.51103 lineto -480.1875 410.80009 lineto -479.95833 410.83134 479.77083 410.91728 479.625 411.0579 curveto -479.47916 411.19853 479.26041 411.61259 478.96875 412.30009 curveto -476.53125 418.03446 lineto -476.16406 418.03446 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -483.72656 407.22196 moveto -483.72656 416.30009 lineto -483.72656 416.81571 483.78645 417.14514 483.90625 417.28837 curveto -484.02604 417.4316 484.26041 417.51363 484.60938 417.53446 curveto -484.60938 417.81571 lineto -480.66406 417.81571 lineto -480.66406 417.53446 lineto -480.98698 417.52405 481.22656 417.4303 481.38281 417.25321 curveto -481.48698 417.13342 481.53906 416.81571 481.53906 416.30009 curveto -481.53906 408.73759 lineto -481.53906 408.22718 481.47917 407.90036 481.35938 407.75712 curveto -481.23958 407.6139 481.00781 407.53187 480.66406 407.51103 curveto -480.66406 407.22196 lineto -483.72656 407.22196 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -488.15625 410.51103 moveto -488.15625 416.30009 lineto -488.15625 416.81571 488.21614 417.14514 488.33594 417.28837 curveto -488.45573 417.4316 488.6901 417.51363 489.03906 417.53446 curveto -489.03906 417.81571 lineto -485.09375 417.81571 lineto -485.09375 417.53446 lineto -485.41667 417.52405 485.65625 417.4303 485.8125 417.25321 curveto -485.91667 417.13342 485.96875 416.81571 485.96875 416.30009 curveto -485.96875 412.03446 lineto -485.96875 411.51884 485.90885 411.18942 485.78906 411.04618 curveto -485.66927 410.90296 485.4375 410.82093 485.09375 410.80009 curveto -485.09375 410.51103 lineto -488.15625 410.51103 lineto -closepath -489.39844 406.86259 moveto -486.8125 409.57353 lineto -486.14063 409.57353 lineto -487.04688 406.86259 lineto -489.39844 406.86259 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -492.72656 410.51103 moveto -492.72656 411.45634 lineto -493.10156 411.05009 493.46093 410.75452 493.80469 410.56962 curveto -494.14843 410.38473 494.51822 410.29228 494.91406 410.29228 curveto -495.38801 410.29228 495.78124 410.42379 496.09375 410.68681 curveto -496.40624 410.94983 496.61458 411.27666 496.71875 411.66728 curveto -496.80208 411.96416 496.84374 412.53447 496.84375 413.37821 curveto -496.84375 416.22196 lineto -496.84374 416.78446 496.89452 417.13472 496.99609 417.27274 curveto -497.09765 417.41077 497.30989 417.498 497.63281 417.53446 curveto -497.63281 417.81571 lineto -493.9375 417.81571 lineto -493.9375 417.53446 lineto -494.21354 417.498 494.41145 417.38342 494.53125 417.19071 curveto -494.61458 417.06051 494.65624 416.73759 494.65625 416.22196 curveto -494.65625 412.97196 lineto -494.65624 412.37301 494.63281 411.99541 494.58594 411.83915 curveto -494.53906 411.68291 494.45963 411.56181 494.34766 411.47587 curveto -494.23567 411.38994 494.11197 411.34697 493.97656 411.34696 curveto -493.52864 411.34697 493.11198 411.66728 492.72656 412.3079 curveto -492.72656 416.22196 lineto -492.72656 416.76884 492.77734 417.11519 492.87891 417.26103 curveto -492.98046 417.40686 493.16927 417.498 493.44531 417.53446 curveto -493.44531 417.81571 lineto -489.75 417.81571 lineto -489.75 417.53446 lineto -490.05729 417.50321 490.27604 417.40425 490.40625 417.23759 curveto -490.49479 417.123 490.53906 416.78446 490.53906 416.22196 curveto -490.53906 412.09696 lineto -490.53906 411.54489 490.48828 411.20114 490.38672 411.06571 curveto -490.28516 410.9303 490.07292 410.84176 489.75 410.80009 curveto -489.75 410.51103 lineto -492.72656 410.51103 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -502.67969 416.73759 moveto -501.78906 417.52405 500.98958 417.91728 500.28125 417.91728 curveto -499.86458 417.91728 499.51823 417.78056 499.24219 417.50712 curveto -498.96614 417.23368 498.82812 416.89123 498.82813 416.47978 curveto -498.82812 415.92249 499.06771 415.42118 499.54688 414.97587 curveto -500.02604 414.53056 501.07031 413.93811 502.67969 413.19853 curveto -502.67969 412.46415 lineto -502.67968 411.91207 502.64974 411.56442 502.58984 411.42118 curveto -502.52994 411.27796 502.41666 411.15296 502.25 411.04618 curveto -502.08333 410.93942 501.89583 410.88603 501.6875 410.88603 curveto -501.34896 410.88603 501.07031 410.96155 500.85156 411.11259 curveto -500.71614 411.20634 500.64843 411.31572 500.64844 411.44071 curveto -500.64843 411.55009 500.72135 411.68551 500.86719 411.84696 curveto -501.0651 412.07093 501.16406 412.28707 501.16406 412.4954 curveto -501.16406 412.75061 501.06901 412.96806 500.87891 413.14774 curveto -500.6888 413.32744 500.4401 413.41728 500.13281 413.41728 curveto -499.80469 413.41728 499.52995 413.31832 499.30859 413.1204 curveto -499.08724 412.92249 498.97656 412.69072 498.97656 412.42509 curveto -498.97656 412.05009 499.125 411.69202 499.42188 411.35087 curveto -499.71875 411.00973 500.13281 410.74801 500.66406 410.56571 curveto -501.19531 410.38343 501.74739 410.29228 502.32031 410.29228 curveto -503.01302 410.29228 503.56119 410.43942 503.96484 410.73368 curveto -504.36848 411.02796 504.6302 411.34697 504.75 411.69071 curveto -504.82291 411.90947 504.85937 412.41207 504.85938 413.19853 curveto -504.85938 416.03446 lineto -504.85937 416.3678 504.87239 416.57743 504.89844 416.66337 curveto -504.92447 416.74931 504.96353 416.81311 505.01563 416.85478 curveto -505.0677 416.89644 505.1276 416.91728 505.19531 416.91728 curveto -505.33072 416.91728 505.46874 416.82092 505.60938 416.62821 curveto -505.84375 416.81571 lineto -505.58333 417.20113 505.31379 417.48108 505.03516 417.65556 curveto -504.7565 417.83004 504.4401 417.91728 504.08594 417.91728 curveto -503.66927 417.91728 503.34374 417.81962 503.10938 417.62431 curveto -502.875 417.42899 502.73177 417.13342 502.67969 416.73759 curveto -502.67969 416.73759 lineto -closepath -502.67969 416.16728 moveto -502.67969 413.72196 lineto -502.04948 414.09176 501.58073 414.48759 501.27344 414.90946 curveto -501.07031 415.19072 500.96875 415.47457 500.96875 415.76103 curveto -500.96875 416.00061 501.05468 416.21155 501.22656 416.39384 curveto -501.35677 416.53446 501.53906 416.60478 501.77344 416.60478 curveto -502.03385 416.60478 502.33593 416.45894 502.67969 416.16728 curveto -502.67969 416.16728 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 216.17264 -312.13714] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -324.05469 466.40946 moveto -324.29426 467.10217 324.66666 467.623 325.17188 467.97196 curveto -325.67707 468.32092 326.30989 468.4954 327.07031 468.4954 curveto -327.27863 468.4954 327.49999 468.47456 327.73438 468.4329 curveto -327.73438 468.90946 lineto -326.94791 469.10738 326.24478 469.20633 325.625 469.20634 curveto -324.65624 469.20633 323.79036 468.96936 323.02734 468.4954 curveto -322.26432 468.02144 321.6901 467.32613 321.30469 466.40946 curveto -320.02343 466.13863 318.99088 465.51103 318.20703 464.52665 curveto -317.42318 463.54228 317.03125 462.3678 317.03125 461.00321 curveto -317.03125 459.41989 317.5625 458.10348 318.625 457.05399 curveto -319.6875 456.00453 321.03645 455.47979 322.67188 455.47978 curveto -324.30208 455.47979 325.64582 456.00583 326.70313 457.0579 curveto -327.76041 458.10999 328.28905 459.42509 328.28906 461.00321 curveto -328.28905 462.37822 327.87499 463.57353 327.04688 464.58915 curveto -326.21874 465.60478 325.22135 466.21155 324.05469 466.40946 curveto -324.05469 466.40946 lineto -closepath -322.66406 456.07353 moveto -321.72656 456.07354 321.0026 456.56051 320.49219 457.53446 curveto -320.0651 458.35218 319.85156 459.51624 319.85156 461.02665 curveto -319.85156 462.83915 320.17187 464.1829 320.8125 465.0579 curveto -321.26041 465.66728 321.8776 465.97196 322.66406 465.97196 curveto -323.45572 465.97196 324.07291 465.67248 324.51563 465.07353 curveto -325.15624 464.21415 325.47655 462.92249 325.47656 461.19853 curveto -325.47655 459.50062 325.27603 458.27145 324.875 457.51103 curveto -324.37499 456.5527 323.63801 456.07354 322.66406 456.07353 curveto -322.66406 456.07353 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -335.57031 462.40165 moveto -331.5625 462.40165 lineto -331.60937 463.3704 331.86718 464.13603 332.33594 464.69853 curveto -332.69531 465.13082 333.1276 465.34696 333.63281 465.34696 curveto -333.94531 465.34696 334.22916 465.25972 334.48438 465.08524 curveto -334.73958 464.91077 335.01301 464.59696 335.30469 464.14384 curveto -335.57031 464.31571 lineto -335.17447 465.12301 334.73697 465.69462 334.25781 466.03056 curveto -333.77864 466.36649 333.22395 466.53446 332.59375 466.53446 curveto -331.51041 466.53446 330.6901 466.1178 330.13281 465.28446 curveto -329.68489 464.61259 329.46094 463.77926 329.46094 462.78446 curveto -329.46094 461.56572 329.79036 460.59567 330.44922 459.87431 curveto -331.10807 459.15296 331.88021 458.79228 332.76563 458.79228 curveto -333.5052 458.79228 334.14713 459.09567 334.69141 459.70243 curveto -335.23567 460.30921 335.52864 461.20895 335.57031 462.40165 curveto -335.57031 462.40165 lineto -closepath -333.64844 461.87821 moveto -333.64843 461.03968 333.60286 460.46416 333.51172 460.15165 curveto -333.42057 459.83916 333.27864 459.60218 333.08594 459.44071 curveto -332.97656 459.34697 332.83073 459.30009 332.64844 459.30009 curveto -332.3776 459.30009 332.15625 459.43291 331.98438 459.69853 curveto -331.67708 460.16207 331.52343 460.79749 331.52344 461.60478 curveto -331.52344 461.87821 lineto -333.64844 461.87821 lineto -closepath -331.77344 458.15165 moveto -330.19531 455.16728 lineto -330.78906 455.16728 lineto -332.65625 456.77665 lineto -334.57031 455.21415 lineto -335.21094 455.21415 lineto -333.53906 458.15165 lineto -331.77344 458.15165 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -339.375 456.33915 moveto -339.375 459.01103 lineto -341.10938 459.01103 lineto -341.10938 459.78446 lineto -339.375 459.78446 lineto -339.375 464.29228 lineto -339.375 464.71415 339.39453 464.98629 339.43359 465.10868 curveto -339.47265 465.23108 339.54166 465.33004 339.64063 465.40556 curveto -339.73958 465.48108 339.83073 465.51884 339.91406 465.51884 curveto -340.2526 465.51884 340.57291 465.26103 340.875 464.7454 curveto -341.10938 464.91728 lineto -340.6875 465.91728 340.0026 466.41728 339.05469 466.41728 curveto -338.59114 466.41728 338.19922 466.28837 337.87891 466.03056 curveto -337.55859 465.77274 337.35417 465.48498 337.26563 465.16728 curveto -337.21354 464.99019 337.1875 464.51103 337.1875 463.72978 curveto -337.1875 459.78446 lineto -336.23438 459.78446 lineto -336.23438 459.51103 lineto -336.89062 459.04749 337.44922 458.56051 337.91016 458.05009 curveto -338.37109 457.53968 338.77343 456.96937 339.11719 456.33915 curveto -339.375 456.33915 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -345.85156 465.23759 moveto -344.96093 466.02405 344.16146 466.41728 343.45313 466.41728 curveto -343.03646 466.41728 342.6901 466.28056 342.41406 466.00712 curveto -342.13802 465.73368 342 465.39123 342 464.97978 curveto -342 464.42249 342.23958 463.92118 342.71875 463.47587 curveto -343.19791 463.03056 344.24218 462.43811 345.85156 461.69853 curveto -345.85156 460.96415 lineto -345.85156 460.41207 345.82161 460.06442 345.76172 459.92118 curveto -345.70182 459.77796 345.58854 459.65296 345.42188 459.54618 curveto -345.2552 459.43942 345.0677 459.38603 344.85938 459.38603 curveto -344.52083 459.38603 344.24218 459.46155 344.02344 459.61259 curveto -343.88802 459.70634 343.82031 459.81572 343.82031 459.94071 curveto -343.82031 460.05009 343.89323 460.18551 344.03906 460.34696 curveto -344.23698 460.57093 344.33593 460.78707 344.33594 460.9954 curveto -344.33593 461.25061 344.24088 461.46806 344.05078 461.64774 curveto -343.86067 461.82744 343.61198 461.91728 343.30469 461.91728 curveto -342.97656 461.91728 342.70182 461.81832 342.48047 461.6204 curveto -342.25911 461.42249 342.14844 461.19072 342.14844 460.92509 curveto -342.14844 460.55009 342.29687 460.19202 342.59375 459.85087 curveto -342.89062 459.50973 343.30469 459.24801 343.83594 459.06571 curveto -344.36718 458.88343 344.91927 458.79228 345.49219 458.79228 curveto -346.18489 458.79228 346.73307 458.93942 347.13672 459.23368 curveto -347.54036 459.52796 347.80208 459.84697 347.92188 460.19071 curveto -347.99478 460.40947 348.03124 460.91207 348.03125 461.69853 curveto -348.03125 464.53446 lineto -348.03124 464.8678 348.04426 465.07743 348.07031 465.16337 curveto -348.09635 465.24931 348.13541 465.31311 348.1875 465.35478 curveto -348.23958 465.39644 348.29947 465.41728 348.36719 465.41728 curveto -348.5026 465.41728 348.64062 465.32092 348.78125 465.12821 curveto -349.01563 465.31571 lineto -348.7552 465.70113 348.48567 465.98108 348.20703 466.15556 curveto -347.92838 466.33004 347.61197 466.41728 347.25781 466.41728 curveto -346.84114 466.41728 346.51562 466.31962 346.28125 466.12431 curveto -346.04687 465.92899 345.90364 465.63342 345.85156 465.23759 curveto -345.85156 465.23759 lineto -closepath -345.85156 464.66728 moveto -345.85156 462.22196 lineto -345.22135 462.59176 344.7526 462.98759 344.44531 463.40946 curveto -344.24218 463.69072 344.14062 463.97457 344.14063 464.26103 curveto -344.14062 464.50061 344.22656 464.71155 344.39844 464.89384 curveto -344.52864 465.03446 344.71093 465.10478 344.94531 465.10478 curveto -345.20573 465.10478 345.50781 464.95894 345.85156 464.66728 curveto -345.85156 464.66728 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 166.67517 -233.34524] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -452.28125 455.42509 moveto -452.28125 458.39384 lineto -452.28125 458.96676 452.3164 459.32743 452.38672 459.47587 curveto -452.45703 459.62431 452.58072 459.7428 452.75781 459.83134 curveto -452.93489 459.91988 453.26562 459.96415 453.75 459.96415 curveto -453.75 460.25321 lineto -448.32813 460.25321 lineto -448.32813 459.96415 lineto -448.81771 459.96415 449.14974 459.91858 449.32422 459.82743 curveto -449.4987 459.73629 449.62109 459.6178 449.69141 459.47196 curveto -449.76172 459.32613 449.79687 458.96676 449.79688 458.39384 curveto -449.79688 451.51884 lineto -449.79687 450.94593 449.76172 450.58525 449.69141 450.43681 curveto -449.62109 450.28838 449.49739 450.16989 449.32031 450.08134 curveto -449.14323 449.99281 448.8125 449.94854 448.32813 449.94853 curveto -448.32813 449.65946 lineto -453.25 449.65946 lineto -454.53124 449.65947 455.46874 449.74801 456.0625 449.92509 curveto -456.65624 450.10218 457.14062 450.429 457.51563 450.90556 curveto -457.89062 451.38213 458.07811 451.94072 458.07813 452.58134 curveto -458.07811 453.36259 457.79687 454.00843 457.23438 454.51884 curveto -456.87499 454.84176 456.37239 455.08395 455.72656 455.2454 curveto -458.27344 458.83134 lineto -458.60676 459.29488 458.84374 459.58394 458.98438 459.69853 curveto -459.19791 459.85998 459.4453 459.94853 459.72656 459.96415 curveto -459.72656 460.25321 lineto -456.39063 460.25321 lineto -452.97656 455.42509 lineto -452.28125 455.42509 lineto -closepath -452.28125 450.22978 moveto -452.28125 454.8704 lineto -452.72656 454.8704 lineto -453.45052 454.87041 453.99218 454.804 454.35156 454.67118 curveto -454.71093 454.53837 454.99348 454.29879 455.19922 453.95243 curveto -455.40494 453.60608 455.50781 453.15426 455.50781 452.59696 curveto -455.50781 451.78968 455.319 451.19333 454.94141 450.8079 curveto -454.5638 450.42249 453.95572 450.22979 453.11719 450.22978 curveto -452.28125 450.22978 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -464.16406 459.17509 moveto -463.27343 459.96155 462.47396 460.35478 461.76563 460.35478 curveto -461.34896 460.35478 461.0026 460.21806 460.72656 459.94462 curveto -460.45052 459.67118 460.3125 459.32873 460.3125 458.91728 curveto -460.3125 458.35999 460.55208 457.85868 461.03125 457.41337 curveto -461.51041 456.96806 462.55468 456.37561 464.16406 455.63603 curveto -464.16406 454.90165 lineto -464.16406 454.34957 464.13411 454.00192 464.07422 453.85868 curveto -464.01432 453.71546 463.90104 453.59046 463.73438 453.48368 curveto -463.5677 453.37692 463.3802 453.32353 463.17188 453.32353 curveto -462.83333 453.32353 462.55468 453.39905 462.33594 453.55009 curveto -462.20052 453.64384 462.13281 453.75322 462.13281 453.87821 curveto -462.13281 453.98759 462.20573 454.12301 462.35156 454.28446 curveto -462.54948 454.50843 462.64843 454.72457 462.64844 454.9329 curveto -462.64843 455.18811 462.55338 455.40556 462.36328 455.58524 curveto -462.17317 455.76494 461.92448 455.85478 461.61719 455.85478 curveto -461.28906 455.85478 461.01432 455.75582 460.79297 455.5579 curveto -460.57161 455.35999 460.46094 455.12822 460.46094 454.86259 curveto -460.46094 454.48759 460.60937 454.12952 460.90625 453.78837 curveto -461.20312 453.44723 461.61719 453.18551 462.14844 453.00321 curveto -462.67968 452.82093 463.23177 452.72978 463.80469 452.72978 curveto -464.49739 452.72978 465.04557 452.87692 465.44922 453.17118 curveto -465.85286 453.46546 466.11458 453.78447 466.23438 454.12821 curveto -466.30728 454.34697 466.34374 454.84957 466.34375 455.63603 curveto -466.34375 458.47196 lineto -466.34374 458.8053 466.35676 459.01493 466.38281 459.10087 curveto -466.40885 459.18681 466.44791 459.25061 466.5 459.29228 curveto -466.55208 459.33394 466.61197 459.35478 466.67969 459.35478 curveto -466.8151 459.35478 466.95312 459.25842 467.09375 459.06571 curveto -467.32813 459.25321 lineto -467.0677 459.63863 466.79817 459.91858 466.51953 460.09306 curveto -466.24088 460.26754 465.92447 460.35478 465.57031 460.35478 curveto -465.15364 460.35478 464.82812 460.25712 464.59375 460.06181 curveto -464.35937 459.86649 464.21614 459.57092 464.16406 459.17509 curveto -464.16406 459.17509 lineto -closepath -464.16406 458.60478 moveto -464.16406 456.15946 lineto -463.53385 456.52926 463.0651 456.92509 462.75781 457.34696 curveto -462.55468 457.62822 462.45312 457.91207 462.45313 458.19853 curveto -462.45312 458.43811 462.53906 458.64905 462.71094 458.83134 curveto -462.84114 458.97196 463.02343 459.04228 463.25781 459.04228 curveto -463.51823 459.04228 463.82031 458.89644 464.16406 458.60478 curveto -464.16406 458.60478 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -475.23438 449.65946 moveto -475.23438 458.06571 lineto -475.23437 458.63342 475.24999 458.96936 475.28125 459.07353 curveto -475.32291 459.2454 475.40234 459.37301 475.51953 459.45634 curveto -475.63671 459.53967 475.84114 459.59175 476.13281 459.61259 curveto -476.13281 459.8704 lineto -473.04688 460.47196 lineto -473.04688 459.31571 lineto -472.67708 459.76363 472.34765 460.06832 472.05859 460.22978 curveto -471.76953 460.39123 471.4427 460.47196 471.07813 460.47196 curveto -470.14583 460.47196 469.40885 460.0553 468.86719 459.22196 curveto -468.42969 458.54488 468.21094 457.71415 468.21094 456.72978 curveto -468.21094 455.94332 468.34635 455.23889 468.61719 454.61649 curveto -468.88802 453.9941 469.25911 453.52405 469.73047 453.20634 curveto -470.20182 452.88864 470.70833 452.72978 471.25 452.72978 curveto -471.59895 452.72978 471.90885 452.79749 472.17969 452.9329 curveto -472.45052 453.06832 472.73958 453.3053 473.04688 453.64384 curveto -473.04688 451.44071 lineto -473.04687 450.88343 473.02343 450.54749 472.97656 450.4329 curveto -472.91406 450.28187 472.82031 450.16989 472.69531 450.09696 curveto -472.57031 450.02406 472.33593 449.9876 471.99219 449.98759 curveto -471.99219 449.65946 lineto -475.23438 449.65946 lineto -closepath -473.04688 454.61259 moveto -472.66145 453.87301 472.1901 453.50322 471.63281 453.50321 curveto -471.4401 453.50322 471.28125 453.5553 471.15625 453.65946 curveto -470.96354 453.82093 470.80599 454.10478 470.68359 454.51103 curveto -470.56119 454.91728 470.5 455.53968 470.5 456.37821 curveto -470.5 457.30009 470.56771 457.98238 470.70313 458.42509 curveto -470.83854 458.8678 471.02343 459.18811 471.25781 459.38603 curveto -471.3776 459.48498 471.54166 459.53446 471.75 459.53446 curveto -472.20833 459.53446 472.64062 459.17509 473.04688 458.45634 curveto -473.04688 454.61259 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -480.00781 449.65946 moveto -480.00781 456.62821 lineto -481.70313 454.96415 lineto -482.05208 454.62561 482.26953 454.38082 482.35547 454.22978 curveto -482.4414 454.07874 482.48437 453.93291 482.48438 453.79228 curveto -482.48437 453.65166 482.42708 453.53447 482.3125 453.44071 curveto -482.19791 453.34697 481.97395 453.27926 481.64063 453.23759 curveto -481.64063 452.94853 lineto -484.91406 452.94853 lineto -484.91406 453.23759 lineto -484.60155 453.25322 484.32812 453.32744 484.09375 453.46024 curveto -483.85937 453.59306 483.40103 453.9928 482.71875 454.65946 curveto -481.92188 455.44071 lineto -483.64063 457.95634 lineto -484.33333 458.97717 484.74478 459.55009 484.875 459.67509 curveto -485.05207 459.85217 485.27603 459.95113 485.54688 459.97196 curveto -485.54688 460.25321 lineto -481.77344 460.25321 lineto -481.77344 459.97196 lineto -481.9401 459.97196 482.06119 459.94071 482.13672 459.87821 curveto -482.21223 459.81571 482.24999 459.748 482.25 459.67509 curveto -482.24999 459.5553 482.14062 459.33394 481.92188 459.01103 curveto -480.47656 456.89384 lineto -480.00781 457.35478 lineto -480.00781 458.66728 lineto -480.00781 459.22457 480.05989 459.57222 480.16406 459.71024 curveto -480.26823 459.84827 480.48177 459.9355 480.80469 459.97196 curveto -480.80469 460.25321 lineto -477.03125 460.25321 lineto -477.03125 459.97196 lineto -477.33854 459.94071 477.55729 459.84175 477.6875 459.67509 curveto -477.77604 459.5605 477.82031 459.22457 477.82031 458.66728 curveto -477.82031 451.2454 lineto -477.82031 450.69333 477.76953 450.34958 477.66797 450.21415 curveto -477.56641 450.07874 477.35417 449.9902 477.03125 449.94853 curveto -477.03125 449.65946 lineto -480.00781 449.65946 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -489.97656 459.17509 moveto -489.08593 459.96155 488.28646 460.35478 487.57813 460.35478 curveto -487.16146 460.35478 486.8151 460.21806 486.53906 459.94462 curveto -486.26302 459.67118 486.125 459.32873 486.125 458.91728 curveto -486.125 458.35999 486.36458 457.85868 486.84375 457.41337 curveto -487.32291 456.96806 488.36718 456.37561 489.97656 455.63603 curveto -489.97656 454.90165 lineto -489.97656 454.34957 489.94661 454.00192 489.88672 453.85868 curveto -489.82682 453.71546 489.71354 453.59046 489.54688 453.48368 curveto -489.3802 453.37692 489.1927 453.32353 488.98438 453.32353 curveto -488.64583 453.32353 488.36718 453.39905 488.14844 453.55009 curveto -488.01302 453.64384 487.94531 453.75322 487.94531 453.87821 curveto -487.94531 453.98759 488.01823 454.12301 488.16406 454.28446 curveto -488.36198 454.50843 488.46093 454.72457 488.46094 454.9329 curveto -488.46093 455.18811 488.36588 455.40556 488.17578 455.58524 curveto -487.98567 455.76494 487.73698 455.85478 487.42969 455.85478 curveto -487.10156 455.85478 486.82682 455.75582 486.60547 455.5579 curveto -486.38411 455.35999 486.27344 455.12822 486.27344 454.86259 curveto -486.27344 454.48759 486.42187 454.12952 486.71875 453.78837 curveto -487.01562 453.44723 487.42969 453.18551 487.96094 453.00321 curveto -488.49218 452.82093 489.04427 452.72978 489.61719 452.72978 curveto -490.30989 452.72978 490.85807 452.87692 491.26172 453.17118 curveto -491.66536 453.46546 491.92708 453.78447 492.04688 454.12821 curveto -492.11978 454.34697 492.15624 454.84957 492.15625 455.63603 curveto -492.15625 458.47196 lineto -492.15624 458.8053 492.16926 459.01493 492.19531 459.10087 curveto -492.22135 459.18681 492.26041 459.25061 492.3125 459.29228 curveto -492.36458 459.33394 492.42447 459.35478 492.49219 459.35478 curveto -492.6276 459.35478 492.76562 459.25842 492.90625 459.06571 curveto -493.14063 459.25321 lineto -492.8802 459.63863 492.61067 459.91858 492.33203 460.09306 curveto -492.05338 460.26754 491.73697 460.35478 491.38281 460.35478 curveto -490.96614 460.35478 490.64062 460.25712 490.40625 460.06181 curveto -490.17187 459.86649 490.02864 459.57092 489.97656 459.17509 curveto -489.97656 459.17509 lineto -closepath -489.97656 458.60478 moveto -489.97656 456.15946 lineto -489.34635 456.52926 488.8776 456.92509 488.57031 457.34696 curveto -488.36718 457.62822 488.26562 457.91207 488.26563 458.19853 curveto -488.26562 458.43811 488.35156 458.64905 488.52344 458.83134 curveto -488.65364 458.97196 488.83593 459.04228 489.07031 459.04228 curveto -489.33073 459.04228 489.63281 458.89644 489.97656 458.60478 curveto -489.97656 458.60478 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 18.182746 -165.66502] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -161.13281 520.69853 moveto -164.05469 525.03446 lineto -164.53905 525.75321 164.8841 526.18941 165.08984 526.34306 curveto -165.29556 526.4967 165.53905 526.58915 165.82031 526.6204 curveto -165.82031 526.90946 lineto -160.65625 526.90946 lineto -160.65625 526.6204 lineto -161.0677 526.58915 161.33333 526.52665 161.45313 526.4329 curveto -161.57291 526.33915 161.63281 526.22457 161.63281 526.08915 curveto -161.63281 525.9954 161.61458 525.91207 161.57813 525.83915 curveto -161.5052 525.6829 161.32291 525.39123 161.03125 524.96415 curveto -159.48438 522.67509 lineto -157.86719 524.65165 lineto -157.38281 525.25061 157.14062 525.65686 157.14063 525.8704 curveto -157.14062 526.02144 157.20312 526.16207 157.32813 526.29228 curveto -157.45312 526.42248 157.63802 526.51623 157.88281 526.57353 curveto -157.99218 526.60478 158.21614 526.6204 158.55469 526.6204 curveto -158.55469 526.90946 lineto -154.48438 526.90946 lineto -154.48438 526.6204 lineto -154.94792 526.55269 155.3125 526.42769 155.57813 526.2454 curveto -155.92708 526.00582 156.41406 525.50582 157.03906 524.7454 curveto -159.14063 522.1829 lineto -156.44531 518.22196 lineto -156.0026 517.57093 155.75 517.20895 155.6875 517.13603 curveto -155.54687 516.96416 155.40885 516.84176 155.27344 516.76884 curveto -155.13802 516.69593 154.95052 516.64124 154.71094 516.60478 curveto -154.71094 516.31571 lineto -159.96875 516.31571 lineto -159.96875 516.60478 lineto -159.70313 516.60478 lineto -159.40104 516.60479 159.1901 516.65296 159.07031 516.74931 curveto -158.95052 516.84567 158.89062 516.96676 158.89063 517.11259 curveto -158.89062 517.22718 158.90885 517.32614 158.94531 517.40946 curveto -159.48438 518.22196 lineto -160.79688 520.22196 lineto -161.91406 518.85478 lineto -162.48697 518.15166 162.77343 517.65947 162.77344 517.37821 curveto -162.77343 517.2376 162.73306 517.10739 162.65234 516.98759 curveto -162.57161 516.86781 162.45572 516.77406 162.30469 516.70634 curveto -162.15364 516.63864 161.91926 516.60479 161.60156 516.60478 curveto -161.60156 516.31571 lineto -165.5 516.31571 lineto -165.5 516.60478 lineto -165.1927 516.60999 164.9453 516.64775 164.75781 516.71806 curveto -164.5703 516.78838 164.36978 516.91989 164.15625 517.11259 curveto -164.02082 517.2376 163.68228 517.62562 163.14063 518.27665 curveto -161.13281 520.69853 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -170.50781 525.83134 moveto -169.61718 526.6178 168.81771 527.01103 168.10938 527.01103 curveto -167.69271 527.01103 167.34635 526.87431 167.07031 526.60087 curveto -166.79427 526.32743 166.65625 525.98498 166.65625 525.57353 curveto -166.65625 525.01624 166.89583 524.51493 167.375 524.06962 curveto -167.85416 523.62431 168.89843 523.03186 170.50781 522.29228 curveto -170.50781 521.5579 lineto -170.50781 521.00582 170.47786 520.65817 170.41797 520.51493 curveto -170.35807 520.37171 170.24479 520.24671 170.07813 520.13993 curveto -169.91145 520.03317 169.72395 519.97978 169.51563 519.97978 curveto -169.17708 519.97978 168.89843 520.0553 168.67969 520.20634 curveto -168.54427 520.30009 168.47656 520.40947 168.47656 520.53446 curveto -168.47656 520.64384 168.54948 520.77926 168.69531 520.94071 curveto -168.89323 521.16468 168.99218 521.38082 168.99219 521.58915 curveto -168.99218 521.84436 168.89713 522.06181 168.70703 522.24149 curveto -168.51692 522.42119 168.26823 522.51103 167.96094 522.51103 curveto -167.63281 522.51103 167.35807 522.41207 167.13672 522.21415 curveto -166.91536 522.01624 166.80469 521.78447 166.80469 521.51884 curveto -166.80469 521.14384 166.95312 520.78577 167.25 520.44462 curveto -167.54687 520.10348 167.96094 519.84176 168.49219 519.65946 curveto -169.02343 519.47718 169.57552 519.38603 170.14844 519.38603 curveto -170.84114 519.38603 171.38932 519.53317 171.79297 519.82743 curveto -172.19661 520.12171 172.45833 520.44072 172.57813 520.78446 curveto -172.65103 521.00322 172.68749 521.50582 172.6875 522.29228 curveto -172.6875 525.12821 lineto -172.68749 525.46155 172.70051 525.67118 172.72656 525.75712 curveto -172.7526 525.84306 172.79166 525.90686 172.84375 525.94853 curveto -172.89583 525.99019 172.95572 526.01103 173.02344 526.01103 curveto -173.15885 526.01103 173.29687 525.91467 173.4375 525.72196 curveto -173.67188 525.90946 lineto -173.41145 526.29488 173.14192 526.57483 172.86328 526.74931 curveto -172.58463 526.92379 172.26822 527.01103 171.91406 527.01103 curveto -171.49739 527.01103 171.17187 526.91337 170.9375 526.71806 curveto -170.70312 526.52274 170.55989 526.22717 170.50781 525.83134 curveto -170.50781 525.83134 lineto -closepath -170.50781 525.26103 moveto -170.50781 522.81571 lineto -169.8776 523.18551 169.40885 523.58134 169.10156 524.00321 curveto -168.89843 524.28447 168.79687 524.56832 168.79688 524.85478 curveto -168.79687 525.09436 168.88281 525.3053 169.05469 525.48759 curveto -169.18489 525.62821 169.36718 525.69853 169.60156 525.69853 curveto -169.86198 525.69853 170.16406 525.55269 170.50781 525.26103 curveto -170.50781 525.26103 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -177.77344 527.12821 moveto -175.3125 521.46415 lineto -175.01562 520.78186 174.78385 520.34957 174.61719 520.16728 curveto -174.4974 520.03187 174.32031 519.94072 174.08594 519.89384 curveto -174.08594 519.60478 lineto -177.96875 519.60478 lineto -177.96875 519.89384 lineto -177.72395 519.89384 177.55729 519.93812 177.46875 520.02665 curveto -177.34375 520.14124 177.28125 520.27666 177.28125 520.4329 curveto -177.28125 520.62561 177.39583 520.98759 177.625 521.51884 curveto -178.82813 524.26103 lineto -179.78906 521.89384 lineto -180.0651 521.21676 180.20312 520.73759 180.20313 520.45634 curveto -180.20312 520.29489 180.14453 520.16338 180.02734 520.06181 curveto -179.91015 519.96025 179.70312 519.90426 179.40625 519.89384 curveto -179.40625 519.60478 lineto -181.79688 519.60478 lineto -181.79688 519.89384 lineto -181.5677 519.92509 181.3802 520.01103 181.23438 520.15165 curveto -181.08853 520.29228 180.86978 520.70634 180.57813 521.39384 curveto -178.14063 527.12821 lineto -177.77344 527.12821 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -188.66406 522.9954 moveto -184.65625 522.9954 lineto -184.70312 523.96415 184.96093 524.72978 185.42969 525.29228 curveto -185.78906 525.72457 186.22135 525.94071 186.72656 525.94071 curveto -187.03906 525.94071 187.32291 525.85347 187.57813 525.67899 curveto -187.83333 525.50452 188.10676 525.19071 188.39844 524.73759 curveto -188.66406 524.90946 lineto -188.26822 525.71676 187.83072 526.28837 187.35156 526.62431 curveto -186.87239 526.96024 186.3177 527.12821 185.6875 527.12821 curveto -184.60416 527.12821 183.78385 526.71155 183.22656 525.87821 curveto -182.77864 525.20634 182.55469 524.37301 182.55469 523.37821 curveto -182.55469 522.15947 182.88411 521.18942 183.54297 520.46806 curveto -184.20182 519.74671 184.97396 519.38603 185.85938 519.38603 curveto -186.59895 519.38603 187.24088 519.68942 187.78516 520.29618 curveto -188.32942 520.90296 188.62239 521.8027 188.66406 522.9954 curveto -188.66406 522.9954 lineto -closepath -186.74219 522.47196 moveto -186.74218 521.63343 186.69661 521.05791 186.60547 520.7454 curveto -186.51432 520.43291 186.37239 520.19593 186.17969 520.03446 curveto -186.07031 519.94072 185.92448 519.89384 185.74219 519.89384 curveto -185.47135 519.89384 185.25 520.02666 185.07813 520.29228 curveto -184.77083 520.75582 184.61718 521.39124 184.61719 522.19853 curveto -184.61719 522.47196 lineto -186.74219 522.47196 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -192.60156 519.60478 moveto -192.60156 521.26103 lineto -193.08593 520.50582 193.51041 520.00452 193.875 519.75712 curveto -194.23958 519.50973 194.59114 519.38603 194.92969 519.38603 curveto -195.22135 519.38603 195.45442 519.47588 195.62891 519.65556 curveto -195.80338 519.83525 195.89062 520.08916 195.89063 520.41728 curveto -195.89062 520.76624 195.80598 521.03707 195.63672 521.22978 curveto -195.46744 521.42249 195.26301 521.51884 195.02344 521.51884 curveto -194.74739 521.51884 194.50781 521.4303 194.30469 521.25321 curveto -194.10156 521.07614 193.98177 520.97718 193.94531 520.95634 curveto -193.89322 520.92509 193.83333 520.90947 193.76563 520.90946 curveto -193.61458 520.90947 193.47135 520.96676 193.33594 521.08134 curveto -193.12239 521.25843 192.96093 521.51103 192.85156 521.83915 curveto -192.68489 522.34436 192.60156 522.90165 192.60156 523.51103 curveto -192.60156 525.19071 lineto -192.60938 525.62821 lineto -192.60937 525.92509 192.6276 526.11519 192.66406 526.19853 curveto -192.72656 526.33915 192.81901 526.44202 192.94141 526.50712 curveto -193.0638 526.57222 193.27083 526.61259 193.5625 526.62821 curveto -193.5625 526.90946 lineto -189.61719 526.90946 lineto -189.61719 526.62821 lineto -189.93489 526.60217 190.14974 526.51493 190.26172 526.36649 curveto -190.3737 526.21806 190.42969 525.82613 190.42969 525.19071 curveto -190.42969 521.15165 lineto -190.42969 520.73499 190.40885 520.46936 190.36719 520.35478 curveto -190.3151 520.20895 190.23958 520.10218 190.14063 520.03446 curveto -190.04167 519.96676 189.86719 519.91989 189.61719 519.89384 curveto -189.61719 519.60478 lineto -192.60156 519.60478 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -34.345187 -157.5838] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -363.85938 509.25321 moveto -363.85938 509.54228 lineto -363.51041 509.58916 363.24218 509.69072 363.05469 509.84696 curveto -362.79426 510.06572 362.3828 510.66208 361.82031 511.63603 curveto -359.52344 515.47196 lineto -359.52344 518.03446 lineto -359.52343 518.58134 359.55208 518.92118 359.60938 519.05399 curveto -359.66666 519.18681 359.77994 519.30399 359.94922 519.40556 curveto -360.11848 519.50712 360.34374 519.5579 360.625 519.5579 curveto -361.21875 519.5579 lineto -361.21875 519.84696 lineto -355.27344 519.84696 lineto -355.27344 519.5579 lineto -355.82813 519.5579 lineto -356.14062 519.5579 356.38802 519.50321 356.57031 519.39384 curveto -356.70572 519.32092 356.8125 519.19592 356.89063 519.01884 curveto -356.94791 518.89384 356.97656 518.56571 356.97656 518.03446 curveto -356.97656 515.90946 lineto -354.48438 511.3704 lineto -353.98958 510.47458 353.64062 509.94723 353.4375 509.78837 curveto -353.23437 509.62952 352.96354 509.54749 352.625 509.54228 curveto -352.625 509.25321 lineto -357.70313 509.25321 lineto -357.70313 509.54228 lineto -357.47656 509.54228 lineto -357.16927 509.54229 356.95442 509.58656 356.83203 509.67509 curveto -356.70963 509.76364 356.64843 509.85739 356.64844 509.95634 curveto -356.64843 510.14385 356.85677 510.6152 357.27344 511.3704 curveto -359.1875 514.87821 lineto -361.09375 511.6829 lineto -361.5677 510.90166 361.80468 510.38343 361.80469 510.12821 curveto -361.80468 509.9876 361.73697 509.87041 361.60156 509.77665 curveto -361.42447 509.64645 361.09895 509.56833 360.625 509.54228 curveto -360.625 509.25321 lineto -363.85938 509.25321 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -367.88281 520.06571 moveto -365.42188 514.40165 lineto -365.125 513.71936 364.89323 513.28707 364.72656 513.10478 curveto -364.60677 512.96937 364.42969 512.87822 364.19531 512.83134 curveto -364.19531 512.54228 lineto -368.07813 512.54228 lineto -368.07813 512.83134 lineto -367.83333 512.83134 367.66666 512.87562 367.57813 512.96415 curveto -367.45312 513.07874 367.39062 513.21416 367.39063 513.3704 curveto -367.39062 513.56311 367.5052 513.92509 367.73438 514.45634 curveto -368.9375 517.19853 lineto -369.89844 514.83134 lineto -370.17447 514.15426 370.31249 513.67509 370.3125 513.39384 curveto -370.31249 513.23239 370.2539 513.10088 370.13672 512.99931 curveto -370.01953 512.89775 369.81249 512.84176 369.51563 512.83134 curveto -369.51563 512.54228 lineto -371.90625 512.54228 lineto -371.90625 512.83134 lineto -371.67708 512.86259 371.48958 512.94853 371.34375 513.08915 curveto -371.19791 513.22978 370.97916 513.64384 370.6875 514.33134 curveto -368.25 520.06571 lineto -367.88281 520.06571 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -376.61719 518.76884 moveto -375.72656 519.5553 374.92708 519.94853 374.21875 519.94853 curveto 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232.1233 109.64257 231.50806 109.64258 231.16235 curveto -109.64257 230.94556 109.57079 230.77271 109.42725 230.6438 curveto -109.28368 230.5149 109.03027 230.44459 108.66699 230.43286 curveto -108.66699 230.10767 lineto -111.41797 230.10767 lineto -111.41797 230.43286 lineto -111.14843 230.46217 110.9287 230.56617 110.75879 230.74487 curveto -110.58886 230.92359 110.30468 231.5315 109.90625 232.5686 curveto -107.55957 238.65942 lineto -106.96777 240.18286 106.52832 241.12036 106.24121 241.47192 curveto -105.83691 241.96411 105.33008 242.2102 104.7207 242.21021 curveto -104.23437 242.2102 103.84033 242.07104 103.53857 241.79272 curveto -103.23682 241.5144 103.08594 241.17895 103.08594 240.78638 curveto -103.08594 240.44653 103.18994 240.16528 103.39795 239.94263 curveto -103.60596 239.71997 103.8623 239.60864 104.16699 239.60864 curveto -104.45996 239.60864 104.6958 239.70239 104.87451 239.88989 curveto -105.05322 240.07739 105.14551 240.36743 105.15137 240.76001 curveto -105.15722 240.98266 105.18359 241.12622 105.23047 241.19067 curveto -105.27734 241.25512 105.34472 241.28735 105.43262 241.28735 curveto -105.57324 241.28735 105.72265 241.20239 105.88086 241.03247 curveto -106.11523 240.78637 106.39062 240.22388 106.70703 239.34497 curveto -106.96191 238.65942 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -1.6399605] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 187.63583 184.10032] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -236.23714 240.26782 moveto -229.08284 240.26782 lineto -229.08284 240.07446 lineto -233.60042 232.58618 lineto -232.28206 232.58618 lineto -231.7137 232.58619 231.30647 232.63746 231.06038 232.73999 curveto -230.81428 232.84254 230.61506 233.0066 230.46272 233.23218 curveto -230.31038 233.45777 230.15217 233.8606 229.98811 234.44067 curveto -229.6805 234.44067 lineto -229.6805 232.05005 lineto -236.59749 232.05005 lineto -236.59749 232.28735 lineto -232.11507 239.70532 lineto -232.67757 239.70532 lineto -233.80256 239.70532 234.61408 239.54419 235.11214 239.22192 curveto -235.61018 238.89966 235.98518 238.31079 236.23714 237.45532 curveto -236.48323 237.45532 lineto -236.23714 240.26782 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 397.49502 182.8407] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0.4009269 0.1651095] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -451.34363 238.75258 moveto -444.18933 238.75258 lineto -444.18933 238.55922 lineto -448.70691 231.07094 lineto -447.38855 231.07094 lineto -446.82019 231.07095 446.41296 231.12222 446.16687 231.22475 curveto -445.92077 231.32729 445.72156 231.49136 445.56921 231.71693 curveto -445.41687 231.94253 445.25867 232.34536 445.0946 232.92543 curveto -444.78699 232.92543 lineto -444.78699 230.53481 lineto -451.70398 230.53481 lineto -451.70398 230.77211 lineto -447.22156 238.19008 lineto -447.78406 238.19008 lineto -448.90905 238.19008 449.72058 238.02895 450.21863 237.70668 curveto -450.71667 237.38442 451.09167 236.79555 451.34363 235.94008 curveto -451.58972 235.94008 lineto -451.34363 238.75258 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -433.39286 231.29075 moveto -441.25 231.29075 lineto -441.25 238.43361 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3.2278686 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -387.46481 125.2627 moveto -435.79102 219.01525 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -324.00643 219.61922 moveto -372.74629 126.43264 lineto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 335.35216 60.100997] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -381.46176 111.23237 moveto -382.88559 113.9394 lineto -383.37777 114.88276 383.76742 115.48042 384.05453 115.73237 curveto -384.21273 115.86713 384.42953 115.94038 384.70493 115.9521 curveto -384.70493 116.2685 lineto -380.12582 116.2685 lineto -380.12582 115.9521 lineto -380.48324 115.9228 380.70443 115.87592 380.7894 115.81147 curveto -380.87435 115.74702 380.91683 115.65913 380.91684 115.5478 curveto -380.91683 115.38374 380.82308 115.12592 380.63559 114.77436 curveto -379.92368 113.43842 lineto -379.31723 114.32612 lineto -379.04184 114.73042 378.88656 114.97065 378.85141 115.04682 curveto -378.80453 115.15815 378.78109 115.25776 378.7811 115.34565 curveto -378.78109 115.48042 378.80893 115.59321 378.86459 115.68403 curveto -378.92025 115.77485 378.99643 115.84223 379.09311 115.88618 curveto -379.18979 115.93012 379.36703 115.9521 379.62485 115.9521 curveto -379.62485 116.2685 lineto -376.40805 116.2685 lineto -376.40805 115.9521 lineto -376.80649 115.9521 377.17123 115.84223 377.50229 115.62251 curveto -377.83334 115.40278 378.31527 114.8271 378.94809 113.89545 curveto -379.62485 112.8935 lineto -378.20981 110.27436 lineto -377.74692 109.4189 377.40121 108.89449 377.1727 108.70112 curveto -376.94418 108.50777 376.6893 108.39937 376.40805 108.37592 curveto -376.40805 108.05073 lineto -380.96078 108.05073 lineto -380.96078 108.37592 lineto -380.72348 108.38471 lineto -380.26645 108.54292 lineto -380.21957 108.58394 380.19613 108.65132 380.19614 108.74506 curveto -380.19613 108.83296 380.21078 108.92378 380.24008 109.01752 curveto -380.25766 109.05855 380.33969 109.21675 380.48618 109.49213 curveto -381.12778 110.68745 lineto -381.46176 110.21284 lineto -381.93051 109.56831 382.16488 109.11714 382.16489 108.85932 curveto -382.16488 108.73628 382.11361 108.63228 382.01108 108.54731 curveto -381.90853 108.46236 381.72543 108.40523 381.46176 108.37592 curveto -381.46176 108.05073 lineto -384.37094 108.05073 lineto -384.37094 108.37592 lineto -384.01351 108.38765 383.67953 108.49751 383.36899 108.70551 curveto -383.05843 108.91353 382.7098 109.31636 382.32309 109.91401 curveto -381.46176 111.23237 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 271.73103 182.8407] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 1.4384636 -0.2494407] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -320.60916 237.64925 moveto -317.95486 231.55843 lineto -317.55643 230.63851 317.26199 230.07308 317.07156 229.86214 curveto -316.88113 229.65121 316.65115 229.50472 316.38162 229.42268 curveto -316.38162 229.09749 lineto -320.74979 229.09749 lineto -320.74979 229.42268 lineto -320.46267 229.43441 320.26052 229.49007 320.14334 229.58968 curveto -320.02615 229.68929 319.96756 229.80941 319.96756 229.95003 curveto -319.96756 230.17269 320.11404 230.61214 320.40701 231.26839 curveto -321.81326 234.48518 lineto -322.77127 231.99788 lineto -323.11697 231.11312 323.28982 230.49789 323.28983 230.15218 curveto -323.28982 229.93539 323.21804 229.76254 323.07449 229.63362 curveto -322.93093 229.50472 322.67751 229.43441 322.31424 229.42268 curveto -322.31424 229.09749 lineto -325.06522 229.09749 lineto -325.06522 229.42268 lineto -324.79568 229.45199 324.57595 229.55599 324.40604 229.7347 curveto -324.23611 229.91341 323.95193 230.52132 323.5535 231.55843 curveto -321.20682 237.64925 lineto -320.61502 239.17268 320.17556 240.11018 319.88846 240.46175 curveto -319.48416 240.95393 318.97732 241.20002 318.36795 241.20003 curveto -317.88162 241.20002 317.48758 241.06086 317.18582 240.78255 curveto -316.88406 240.50422 316.73318 240.16877 316.73318 239.7762 curveto -316.73318 239.43635 316.83719 239.1551 317.0452 238.93245 curveto -317.2532 238.70979 317.50955 238.59846 317.81424 238.59846 curveto -318.10721 238.59846 318.34305 238.69221 318.52176 238.87971 curveto -318.70047 239.06721 318.79275 239.35725 318.79861 239.74983 curveto -318.80447 239.97249 318.83084 240.11604 318.87772 240.1805 curveto -318.92459 240.24495 318.99197 240.27717 319.07986 240.27718 curveto -319.22049 240.27717 319.3699 240.19221 319.52811 240.02229 curveto -319.76248 239.7762 320.03787 239.2137 320.35428 238.33479 curveto -320.60916 237.64925 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -306.42857 230.39789 moveto -314.28571 230.39789 lineto -314.28571 237.54075 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -334.34545 234.51898 moveto -425.28925 234.51898 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3.2278686 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -598.5867 125.2627 moveto -646.91291 219.01524 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -535.12832 219.61922 moveto -583.86818 126.43264 lineto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 608.61691 180.82039] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -652.82367 234.35118 moveto -652.82367 237.40977 lineto -652.82367 237.83165 652.85736 238.11876 652.92474 238.2711 curveto -652.99212 238.42344 653.09613 238.53477 653.23676 238.60509 curveto -653.37738 238.6754 653.65277 238.71055 654.06293 238.71056 curveto -654.06293 239.03575 lineto -649.37836 239.03575 lineto -649.37836 238.71056 lineto -649.74164 238.69883 650.01117 238.59629 650.18695 238.40294 curveto -650.30414 238.26817 650.36273 237.91954 650.36273 237.35704 curveto -650.36273 228.68224 lineto -650.36273 228.10216 650.29535 227.73156 650.16058 227.57042 curveto -650.02582 227.40929 649.76507 227.31701 649.37836 227.29356 curveto -649.37836 226.96837 lineto -652.82367 226.96837 lineto -652.82367 228.04942 lineto -653.11077 227.62756 653.40374 227.32287 653.70258 227.13536 curveto -654.1303 226.85998 654.59612 226.72228 655.10004 226.72227 curveto -655.70355 226.72228 656.25286 226.91271 656.74799 227.29356 curveto -657.24309 227.67443 657.61956 228.20031 657.87738 228.8712 curveto -658.13518 229.5421 658.26409 230.26427 658.2641 231.0377 curveto -658.26409 231.86974 658.13079 232.62999 657.8642 233.31847 curveto -657.59759 234.00694 657.21087 234.53136 656.70404 234.89171 curveto -656.1972 235.25206 655.63323 235.43224 655.01215 235.43224 curveto -654.56097 235.43224 654.13909 235.33263 653.74652 235.13341 curveto -653.45355 234.98106 653.14593 234.72032 652.82367 234.35118 curveto -652.82367 234.35118 lineto -closepath -652.82367 233.46349 moveto -653.32757 234.17833 653.86663 234.53575 654.44086 234.53575 curveto -654.75726 234.53575 655.018 234.36876 655.22308 234.03477 curveto -655.52776 233.54259 655.68011 232.60509 655.68011 231.22227 curveto -655.68011 229.80431 655.51312 228.83459 655.17914 228.3131 curveto -654.95648 227.9674 654.65765 227.79455 654.28265 227.79454 curveto -653.69085 227.79455 653.20452 228.22228 652.82367 229.07774 curveto -652.82367 233.46349 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 546.47405 58.080692] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -61.103219 51.466813 moveto -61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto -37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto -28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto -53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 0.1933818 0.7649642] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -597.9054 108.45753 moveto -599.32922 111.16456 lineto -599.8214 112.10792 600.21105 112.70557 600.49817 112.95753 curveto -600.65636 113.09229 600.87316 113.16554 601.14856 113.17725 curveto -601.14856 113.49366 lineto -596.56946 113.49366 lineto -596.56946 113.17725 lineto -596.92688 113.14796 597.14807 113.10108 597.23303 113.03663 curveto -597.31799 112.97218 597.36047 112.88429 597.36047 112.77296 curveto -597.36047 112.6089 597.26672 112.35108 597.07922 111.99952 curveto -596.36731 110.66358 lineto -595.76086 111.55128 lineto -595.48547 111.95558 595.3302 112.19581 595.29504 112.27198 curveto -595.24817 112.38331 595.22473 112.48292 595.22473 112.57081 curveto -595.22473 112.70557 595.25256 112.81837 595.30823 112.90919 curveto -595.36389 113.00001 595.44006 113.06739 595.53674 113.11134 curveto -595.63342 113.15528 595.81067 113.17725 596.06848 113.17725 curveto -596.06848 113.49366 lineto -592.85168 113.49366 lineto -592.85168 113.17725 lineto -593.25012 113.17725 593.61487 113.06739 593.94592 112.84766 curveto -594.27698 112.62794 594.75891 112.05226 595.39172 111.12061 curveto -596.06848 110.11866 lineto -594.65344 107.49952 lineto -594.19055 106.64406 593.84485 106.11964 593.61633 105.92628 curveto -593.38782 105.73293 593.13293 105.62453 592.85168 105.60108 curveto -592.85168 105.27589 lineto -597.40442 105.27589 lineto -597.40442 105.60108 lineto -597.16711 105.60987 lineto -596.71008 105.76807 lineto -596.6632 105.8091 596.63977 105.87648 596.63977 105.97022 curveto -596.63977 106.05812 596.65441 106.14894 596.68372 106.24268 curveto -596.70129 106.28371 596.78332 106.44191 596.92981 106.71729 curveto -597.57141 107.91261 lineto -597.9054 107.438 lineto -598.37414 106.79347 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curveto -73.516602 117.22432 lineto -closepath -73.516602 116.58272 moveto -73.516602 113.83174 lineto -72.807613 114.24776 72.28027 114.69307 71.93457 115.16768 curveto -71.706051 115.48409 71.591794 115.80342 71.591797 116.12568 curveto -71.591794 116.39522 71.688473 116.63252 71.881836 116.8376 curveto -72.028317 116.9958 72.233395 117.0749 72.49707 117.0749 curveto -72.790035 117.0749 73.129878 116.91084 73.516602 116.58272 curveto -73.516602 116.58272 lineto -closepath -75.555664 106.11494 moveto -72.646484 109.16475 lineto -71.890625 109.16475 lineto -72.910156 106.11494 lineto -75.555664 106.11494 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -81.69043 118.6833 moveto -78.921875 112.31123 lineto -78.587889 111.54366 78.327147 111.05733 78.139648 110.85225 curveto -78.004882 110.69991 77.805664 110.59737 77.541992 110.54463 curveto -77.541992 110.21943 lineto -81.910156 110.21943 lineto -81.910156 110.54463 lineto -81.634761 110.54464 81.447262 110.59444 81.347656 110.69404 curveto -81.207027 110.82296 81.136715 110.9753 81.136719 111.15108 curveto -81.136715 111.36788 81.265621 111.77511 81.523438 112.37275 curveto -82.876953 115.45772 lineto -83.958008 112.79463 lineto -84.268548 112.03292 84.423821 111.49386 84.423828 111.17744 curveto -84.423821 110.99581 84.357903 110.84786 84.226074 110.73359 curveto -84.094232 110.61934 83.861322 110.55636 83.527344 110.54463 curveto -83.527344 110.21943 lineto -86.216797 110.21943 lineto -86.216797 110.54463 lineto -85.958976 110.57979 85.748039 110.67647 85.583984 110.83467 curveto -85.419914 110.99288 85.17382 111.4587 84.845703 112.23213 curveto -82.103516 118.6833 lineto -81.69043 118.6833 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -88.958984 106.23799 moveto -89.339841 106.238 89.662106 106.3713 89.925781 106.63789 curveto -90.189449 106.9045 90.321285 107.22531 90.321289 107.60029 curveto -90.321285 107.9753 90.187984 108.29464 89.921387 108.5583 curveto -89.654782 108.82198 89.333981 108.95382 88.958984 108.95381 curveto -88.583982 108.95382 88.264647 108.82198 88.000977 108.5583 curveto -87.737303 108.29464 87.605468 107.9753 87.605469 107.60029 curveto -87.605468 107.22531 87.737303 106.9045 88.000977 106.63789 curveto -88.264647 106.3713 88.583982 106.238 88.958984 106.23799 curveto -88.958984 106.23799 lineto -closepath -90.189453 110.21943 moveto -90.189453 116.73213 lineto -90.189449 117.31221 90.256832 117.68281 90.391602 117.84395 curveto -90.526363 118.00508 90.790035 118.09736 91.182617 118.1208 curveto -91.182617 118.43721 lineto -86.744141 118.43721 lineto -86.744141 118.1208 lineto -87.107421 118.10908 87.376952 118.00361 87.552734 117.8044 curveto -87.669921 117.66963 87.728514 117.31221 87.728516 116.73213 curveto -87.728516 111.9333 lineto -87.728514 111.35323 87.661132 110.98263 87.526367 110.82149 curveto -87.391601 110.66036 87.130859 110.56808 86.744141 110.54463 curveto -86.744141 110.21943 lineto -90.189453 110.21943 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -97.167969 109.99092 moveto -97.299805 112.79463 lineto -97.000977 112.79463 lineto -96.643549 111.96261 96.272944 111.39425 95.88916 111.08955 curveto -95.505367 110.78487 95.123043 110.63253 94.742188 110.63252 curveto -94.50195 110.63253 94.296872 110.71309 94.126953 110.87422 curveto -93.957029 111.03536 93.872068 111.22139 93.87207 111.43233 curveto -93.872068 111.59054 93.930661 111.74288 94.047852 111.88936 curveto -94.235349 112.1296 94.759762 112.54122 95.621094 113.12422 curveto -96.482417 113.70723 97.049311 114.20235 97.321777 114.60957 curveto -97.594232 115.0168 97.730462 115.47237 97.730469 115.97627 curveto -97.730462 116.4333 97.616205 116.88155 97.387695 117.321 curveto -97.159174 117.76045 96.836909 118.09736 96.420898 118.33174 curveto -96.004878 118.56611 95.544918 118.6833 95.041016 118.6833 curveto -94.648434 118.6833 94.124021 118.56025 93.467773 118.31416 curveto -93.29199 118.24971 93.171873 118.21748 93.107422 118.21748 curveto -92.914061 118.21748 92.752928 118.36397 92.624023 118.65693 curveto -92.333984 118.65693 lineto -92.193359 115.70381 lineto -92.492188 115.70381 lineto -92.755858 116.47725 93.117674 117.05733 93.577637 117.44404 curveto -94.037595 117.83076 94.472653 118.02412 94.882813 118.02412 curveto -95.164059 118.02412 95.394039 117.9377 95.572754 117.76484 curveto -95.75146 117.59199 95.840816 117.38252 95.84082 117.13643 curveto -95.840816 116.85518 95.752925 116.61201 95.577148 116.40693 curveto -95.401363 116.20186 95.008785 115.89131 94.399414 115.47529 curveto -93.502928 114.8542 92.92285 114.37959 92.65918 114.05147 curveto -92.27246 113.571 92.079101 113.04073 92.079102 112.46065 curveto -92.079101 111.82784 92.297362 111.25509 92.733887 110.74238 curveto -93.170408 110.2297 93.801755 109.97335 94.62793 109.97334 curveto -95.073238 109.97335 95.503902 110.08175 95.919922 110.29854 curveto -96.07812 110.38643 96.207026 110.43038 96.306641 110.43037 curveto -96.412104 110.43038 96.497065 110.40841 96.561523 110.36445 curveto -96.625971 110.32052 96.72851 110.19601 96.869141 109.99092 curveto -97.167969 109.99092 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -102.18652 106.51924 moveto -102.18652 116.73213 lineto -102.18652 117.31221 102.2539 117.68281 102.38867 117.84395 curveto -102.52343 118.00508 102.7871 118.09736 103.17969 118.1208 curveto -103.17969 118.43721 lineto -98.741211 118.43721 lineto -98.741211 118.1208 lineto -99.104491 118.10908 99.374022 118.00361 99.549805 117.8044 curveto -99.666991 117.66963 99.725585 117.31221 99.725586 116.73213 curveto -99.725586 108.22432 lineto -99.725585 107.65011 99.658202 107.28243 99.523438 107.12129 curveto -99.388671 106.96017 99.127929 106.86788 98.741211 106.84443 curveto -98.741211 106.51924 lineto -102.18652 106.51924 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -108.49707 117.22432 moveto -107.49511 118.10908 106.5957 118.55147 105.79883 118.55147 curveto -105.33008 118.55147 104.94043 118.39766 104.62988 118.09004 curveto -104.31933 117.78242 104.16406 117.39717 104.16406 116.93428 curveto -104.16406 116.30733 104.43359 115.74336 104.97266 115.24238 curveto -105.51172 114.74141 106.68652 114.07491 108.49707 113.24287 curveto -108.49707 112.4167 lineto -108.49707 111.79561 108.46337 111.4045 108.396 111.24336 curveto -108.32861 111.08223 108.20117 110.94161 108.01367 110.82149 curveto -107.82617 110.70138 107.61523 110.64132 107.38086 110.64131 curveto -107 110.64132 106.68652 110.72628 106.44043 110.89619 curveto -106.28808 111.00167 106.21191 111.12472 106.21191 111.26533 curveto -106.21191 111.38839 106.29394 111.54073 106.45801 111.72236 curveto -106.68066 111.97432 106.79199 112.21749 106.79199 112.45186 curveto -106.79199 112.73897 106.68506 112.9836 106.47119 113.18574 curveto -106.25732 113.3879 105.97754 113.48897 105.63184 113.48897 curveto -105.26269 113.48897 104.95361 113.37764 104.70459 113.15498 curveto -104.45557 112.93233 104.33105 112.67159 104.33105 112.37275 curveto -104.33105 111.95089 104.49805 111.54805 104.83203 111.16426 curveto -105.16601 110.78048 105.63183 110.48604 106.22949 110.28096 curveto -106.82714 110.07589 107.44824 109.97335 108.09277 109.97334 curveto -108.87206 109.97335 109.48876 110.13888 109.94287 110.46992 curveto -110.39697 110.80099 110.6914 111.15987 110.82617 111.54658 curveto -110.9082 111.79268 110.94921 112.35811 110.94922 113.24287 curveto -110.94922 116.4333 lineto -110.94921 116.8083 110.96386 117.04414 110.99316 117.14082 curveto -111.02245 117.2375 111.0664 117.30928 111.125 117.35615 curveto -111.18359 117.40303 111.25097 117.42647 111.32715 117.42647 curveto -111.47948 117.42647 111.63476 117.31807 111.79297 117.10127 curveto -112.05664 117.31221 lineto -111.76366 117.7458 111.46044 118.06074 111.14697 118.25703 curveto -110.83349 118.45332 110.47753 118.55147 110.0791 118.55147 curveto -109.61035 118.55147 109.24413 118.4416 108.98047 118.22188 curveto -108.71679 118.00215 108.55566 117.66963 108.49707 117.22432 curveto -108.49707 117.22432 lineto -closepath -108.49707 116.58272 moveto -108.49707 113.83174 lineto -107.78808 114.24776 107.26074 114.69307 106.91504 115.16768 curveto -106.68652 115.48409 106.57226 115.80342 106.57227 116.12568 curveto -106.57226 116.39522 106.66894 116.63252 106.8623 116.8376 curveto -107.00879 116.9958 107.21386 117.0749 107.47754 117.0749 curveto -107.7705 117.0749 108.11035 116.91084 108.49707 116.58272 curveto -108.49707 116.58272 lineto -closepath -110.53613 106.11494 moveto -107.62695 109.16475 lineto -106.87109 109.16475 lineto -107.89063 106.11494 lineto -110.53613 106.11494 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -43.422852 132.71943 moveto -43.422852 133.80049 lineto -43.874019 133.30831 44.291499 132.96407 44.675293 132.76777 curveto -45.059076 132.57149 45.479486 132.47335 45.936523 132.47334 curveto -46.46386 132.47335 46.906242 132.5964 47.263672 132.84248 curveto -47.621086 133.08858 47.896476 133.46358 48.089844 133.96748 curveto -48.558585 133.44015 49.008291 133.05929 49.438965 132.8249 curveto -49.869618 132.59054 50.319325 132.47335 50.788086 132.47334 curveto -51.356433 132.47335 51.80907 132.60372 52.145996 132.86445 curveto -52.482897 133.1252 52.717272 133.45626 52.849121 133.85762 curveto -52.980943 134.25899 53.046861 134.89913 53.046875 135.77803 curveto -53.046875 139.14424 lineto -53.046861 139.77705 53.10399 140.16963 53.218262 140.32197 curveto -53.332506 140.47432 53.571275 140.57393 53.93457 140.6208 curveto -53.93457 140.93721 lineto -49.689453 140.93721 lineto -49.689453 140.6208 lineto -50.023427 140.59151 50.26952 140.4626 50.427734 140.23408 curveto -50.533192 140.07588 50.585926 139.7126 50.585938 139.14424 curveto -50.585938 135.61104 lineto -50.585926 134.87862 50.556629 134.4128 50.498047 134.21358 curveto -50.439442 134.01436 50.347157 133.86641 50.221191 133.76973 curveto -50.095204 133.67306 49.947255 133.62472 49.777344 133.62471 curveto -49.525381 133.62472 49.270498 133.717 49.012695 133.90156 curveto -48.754873 134.08614 48.494132 134.363 48.230469 134.73213 curveto -48.230469 139.14424 lineto -48.23046 139.73604 48.280265 140.10811 48.379883 140.26045 curveto -48.514639 140.47725 48.772452 140.59736 49.15332 140.6208 curveto -49.15332 140.93721 lineto -44.899414 140.93721 lineto -44.899414 140.6208 lineto -45.127924 140.60908 45.3081 140.55195 45.439941 140.44941 curveto -45.571771 140.34688 45.659662 140.22383 45.703613 140.08027 curveto -45.747552 139.93672 45.769525 139.62471 45.769531 139.14424 curveto -45.769531 135.61104 lineto -45.769525 134.8669 45.740228 134.40108 45.681641 134.21358 curveto -45.623041 134.02608 45.524896 133.8796 45.387207 133.77412 curveto -45.249506 133.66866 45.101557 133.61593 44.943359 133.61592 curveto -44.708979 133.61593 44.495112 133.67745 44.301758 133.80049 curveto -44.026363 133.98214 43.733394 134.29268 43.422852 134.73213 curveto -43.422852 139.14424 lineto -43.422848 139.72432 43.479976 140.10664 43.594238 140.29121 curveto -43.708492 140.47578 43.947261 140.58565 44.310547 140.6208 curveto -44.310547 140.93721 lineto -40.074219 140.93721 lineto -40.074219 140.6208 lineto -40.419921 140.58565 40.666014 140.47432 40.8125 140.28682 curveto -40.912108 140.15791 40.961913 139.77705 40.961914 139.14424 curveto -40.961914 134.50361 lineto -40.961913 133.88253 40.904784 133.49581 40.790527 133.34346 curveto -40.676268 133.19112 40.437499 133.09151 40.074219 133.04463 curveto -40.074219 132.71943 lineto -43.422852 132.71943 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -58.381836 132.71943 moveto -58.381836 133.78291 lineto -58.803707 133.32589 59.208003 132.99337 59.594727 132.78535 curveto -59.98144 132.57735 60.397455 132.47335 60.842773 132.47334 curveto -61.37597 132.47335 61.818352 132.6213 62.169922 132.91719 curveto -62.521476 133.21309 62.755851 133.58077 62.873047 134.02022 curveto -62.966788 134.35421 63.013663 134.99581 63.013672 135.94502 curveto -63.013672 139.14424 lineto -63.013663 139.77705 63.070792 140.1711 63.185059 140.32637 curveto -63.299308 140.48164 63.538077 140.57979 63.901367 140.6208 curveto -63.901367 140.93721 lineto -59.744141 140.93721 lineto -59.744141 140.6208 lineto -60.054682 140.57979 60.277338 140.45088 60.412109 140.23408 curveto -60.505853 140.0876 60.552728 139.72432 60.552734 139.14424 curveto -60.552734 135.48799 lineto -60.552728 134.81417 60.526361 134.38936 60.473633 134.21358 curveto -60.420892 134.0378 60.331537 133.90157 60.205566 133.80488 curveto -60.079584 133.70821 59.940424 133.65987 59.788086 133.65986 curveto -59.284175 133.65987 58.815425 134.02022 58.381836 134.74092 curveto -58.381836 139.14424 lineto -58.381832 139.75947 58.438961 140.14912 58.553223 140.31318 curveto -58.667476 140.47725 58.879878 140.57979 59.19043 140.6208 curveto -59.19043 140.93721 lineto -55.033203 140.93721 lineto -55.033203 140.6208 lineto -55.378905 140.58565 55.624999 140.47432 55.771484 140.28682 curveto -55.871092 140.15791 55.920897 139.77705 55.920898 139.14424 curveto -55.920898 134.50361 lineto -55.920897 133.88253 55.863768 133.49581 55.749512 133.34346 curveto -55.635253 133.19112 55.396483 133.09151 55.033203 133.04463 curveto -55.033203 132.71943 lineto -58.381836 132.71943 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -68.919922 132.47334 moveto -69.63476 132.47335 70.299799 132.65792 70.915039 133.02705 curveto -71.530266 133.3962 71.997551 133.92061 72.316895 134.60029 curveto -72.636222 135.27999 72.79589 136.02413 72.795898 136.83272 curveto -72.79589 137.99873 72.499992 138.97432 71.908203 139.75947 curveto -71.193353 140.70869 70.206049 141.1833 68.946289 141.1833 curveto -67.709958 141.1833 66.75781 140.74971 66.089844 139.88252 curveto -65.421874 139.01533 65.08789 138.01045 65.087891 136.86787 curveto -65.08789 135.69014 65.429198 134.66329 66.111816 133.78731 curveto -66.794431 132.91134 67.730465 132.47335 68.919922 132.47334 curveto -68.919922 132.47334 lineto -closepath -68.955078 133.09736 moveto -68.656246 133.09737 68.399898 133.21016 68.186035 133.43574 curveto -67.972164 133.66134 67.83154 134.10665 67.76416 134.77168 curveto -67.696774 135.43673 67.663083 136.36104 67.663086 137.54463 curveto -67.663083 138.17159 67.704098 138.75752 67.786133 139.30244 curveto -67.850583 139.71846 67.988278 140.03487 68.199219 140.25166 curveto -68.410152 140.46846 68.650386 140.57686 68.919922 140.57686 curveto -69.183589 140.57686 69.403315 140.50361 69.579102 140.35713 curveto -69.807612 140.15791 69.959955 139.87959 70.036133 139.52217 curveto -70.153315 138.96553 70.211908 137.84053 70.211914 136.14717 curveto -70.211908 135.15108 70.156244 134.467 70.044922 134.09492 curveto -69.933588 133.72286 69.769526 133.45186 69.552734 133.28193 curveto -69.400386 133.1589 69.201167 133.09737 68.955078 133.09736 curveto -68.955078 133.09736 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -80.776367 140.93721 moveto -73.62207 140.93721 lineto -73.62207 140.74385 lineto -78.139648 133.25557 lineto -76.821289 133.25557 lineto -76.252927 133.25558 75.845701 133.30684 75.599609 133.40938 curveto -75.353514 133.51192 75.154295 133.67598 75.001953 133.90156 curveto -74.849608 134.12716 74.691405 134.52999 74.527344 135.11006 curveto -74.219727 135.11006 lineto -74.219727 132.71943 lineto -81.136719 132.71943 lineto -81.136719 132.95674 lineto -76.654297 140.37471 lineto -77.216797 140.37471 lineto -78.341792 140.37471 79.153315 140.21358 79.651367 139.89131 curveto -80.149407 139.56905 80.524407 138.98018 80.776367 138.12471 curveto -81.022461 138.12471 lineto -80.776367 140.93721 lineto -closepath -76.733398 131.75264 moveto -74.958008 128.39522 lineto -75.625977 128.39522 lineto -77.726563 130.20576 lineto -79.879883 128.44795 lineto -80.600586 128.44795 lineto -78.719727 131.75264 lineto -76.733398 131.75264 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -84.001953 128.73799 moveto -84.38281 128.738 84.705075 128.8713 84.96875 129.13789 curveto -85.232418 129.4045 85.364254 129.72531 85.364258 130.10029 curveto -85.364254 130.4753 85.230953 130.79464 84.964355 131.0583 curveto -84.697751 131.32198 84.37695 131.45382 84.001953 131.45381 curveto -83.626951 131.45382 83.307615 131.32198 83.043945 131.0583 curveto -82.780272 130.79464 82.648436 130.4753 82.648438 130.10029 curveto -82.648436 129.72531 82.780272 129.4045 83.043945 129.13789 curveto -83.307615 128.8713 83.626951 128.738 84.001953 128.73799 curveto -84.001953 128.73799 lineto -closepath -85.232422 132.71943 moveto -85.232422 139.23213 lineto -85.232418 139.81221 85.299801 140.18281 85.43457 140.34395 curveto -85.569332 140.50508 85.833003 140.59736 86.225586 140.6208 curveto -86.225586 140.93721 lineto -81.787109 140.93721 lineto -81.787109 140.6208 lineto -82.15039 140.60908 82.419921 140.50361 82.595703 140.3044 curveto -82.712889 140.16963 82.771483 139.81221 82.771484 139.23213 curveto -82.771484 134.4333 lineto -82.771483 133.85323 82.7041 133.48263 82.569336 133.32149 curveto -82.434569 133.16036 82.173827 133.06808 81.787109 133.04463 curveto -81.787109 132.71943 lineto -85.232422 132.71943 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -90.374023 132.71943 moveto -90.374023 133.78291 lineto -90.795894 133.32589 91.200191 132.99337 91.586914 132.78535 curveto -91.973627 132.57735 92.389642 132.47335 92.834961 132.47334 curveto -93.368157 132.47335 93.810539 132.6213 94.162109 132.91719 curveto -94.513664 133.21309 94.748039 133.58077 94.865234 134.02022 curveto -94.958976 134.35421 95.005851 134.99581 95.005859 135.94502 curveto -95.005859 139.14424 lineto -95.005851 139.77705 95.06298 140.1711 95.177246 140.32637 curveto -95.291495 140.48164 95.530264 140.57979 95.893555 140.6208 curveto -95.893555 140.93721 lineto -91.736328 140.93721 lineto -91.736328 140.6208 lineto -92.046869 140.57979 92.269525 140.45088 92.404297 140.23408 curveto -92.498041 140.0876 92.544916 139.72432 92.544922 139.14424 curveto -92.544922 135.48799 lineto -92.544916 134.81417 92.518549 134.38936 92.46582 134.21358 curveto -92.41308 134.0378 92.323725 133.90157 92.197754 133.80488 curveto -92.071772 133.70821 91.932612 133.65987 91.780273 133.65986 curveto -91.276362 133.65987 90.807613 134.02022 90.374023 134.74092 curveto -90.374023 139.14424 lineto -90.374019 139.75947 90.431148 140.14912 90.54541 140.31318 curveto -90.659664 140.47725 90.872066 140.57979 91.182617 140.6208 curveto -91.182617 140.93721 lineto -87.025391 140.93721 lineto -87.025391 140.6208 lineto -87.371093 140.58565 87.617186 140.47432 87.763672 140.28682 curveto -87.86328 140.15791 87.913084 139.77705 87.913086 139.14424 curveto -87.913086 134.50361 lineto -87.913084 133.88253 87.855956 133.49581 87.741699 133.34346 curveto -87.62744 133.19112 87.388671 133.09151 87.025391 133.04463 curveto -87.025391 132.71943 lineto -90.374023 132.71943 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -101.57129 139.72432 moveto -100.56933 140.60908 99.669919 141.05147 98.873047 141.05147 curveto -98.404295 141.05147 98.014647 140.89766 97.704102 140.59004 curveto -97.393554 140.28242 97.23828 139.89717 97.238281 139.43428 curveto -97.23828 138.80733 97.507811 138.24336 98.046875 137.74238 curveto -98.585935 137.24141 99.760739 136.57491 101.57129 135.74287 curveto -101.57129 134.9167 lineto -101.57128 134.29561 101.53759 133.9045 101.47021 133.74336 curveto -101.40283 133.58223 101.27539 133.44161 101.08789 133.32149 curveto -100.90039 133.20138 100.68945 133.14132 100.45508 133.14131 curveto -100.07422 133.14132 99.760739 133.22628 99.514648 133.39619 curveto -99.362302 133.50167 99.28613 133.62472 99.286133 133.76533 curveto -99.28613 133.88839 99.368161 134.04073 99.532227 134.22236 curveto -99.754879 134.47432 99.866208 134.71749 99.866211 134.95186 curveto -99.866208 135.23897 99.759274 135.4836 99.54541 135.68574 curveto -99.33154 135.8879 99.051755 135.98897 98.706055 135.98897 curveto -98.336912 135.98897 98.02783 135.87764 97.778809 135.65498 curveto -97.529784 135.43233 97.405272 135.17159 97.405273 134.87275 curveto -97.405272 134.45089 97.572264 134.04805 97.90625 133.66426 curveto -98.240233 133.28048 98.706052 132.98604 99.303711 132.78096 curveto -99.901364 132.57589 100.52246 132.47335 101.16699 132.47334 curveto -101.94628 132.47335 102.56298 132.63888 103.01709 132.96992 curveto -103.47118 133.30099 103.76562 133.65987 103.90039 134.04658 curveto -103.98241 134.29268 104.02343 134.85811 104.02344 135.74287 curveto -104.02344 138.9333 lineto -104.02343 139.3083 104.03808 139.54414 104.06738 139.64082 curveto -104.09667 139.7375 104.14062 139.80928 104.19922 139.85615 curveto -104.2578 139.90303 104.32519 139.92647 104.40137 139.92647 curveto -104.5537 139.92647 104.70898 139.81807 104.86719 139.60127 curveto -105.13086 139.81221 lineto -104.83788 140.2458 104.53466 140.56074 104.22119 140.75703 curveto -103.90771 140.95332 103.55175 141.05147 103.15332 141.05147 curveto -102.68456 141.05147 102.31835 140.9416 102.05469 140.72188 curveto -101.79101 140.50215 101.62988 140.16963 101.57129 139.72432 curveto -101.57129 139.72432 lineto -closepath -101.57129 139.08272 moveto -101.57129 136.33174 lineto -100.8623 136.74776 100.33496 137.19307 99.989258 137.66768 curveto -99.760739 137.98409 99.646481 138.30342 99.646484 138.62568 curveto -99.646481 138.89522 99.743161 139.13252 99.936523 139.3376 curveto -100.083 139.4958 100.28808 139.5749 100.55176 139.5749 curveto -100.84472 139.5749 101.18457 139.41084 101.57129 139.08272 curveto -101.57129 139.08272 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -53.033009 102.06117 moveto -135.36044 102.06117 lineto -135.36044 147.2655 lineto -53.033009 147.2655 lineto -53.033009 102.06117 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 -9.0913729 -13.131983] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 4.2096291 -3.4522312] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -196.60059 58.898145 moveto -196.60059 58.590528 lineto -197.26855 58.397175 197.73144 58.217 197.98926 58.050001 curveto -198.24707 57.883016 198.46972 57.628133 198.65723 57.285352 curveto -198.84472 56.942587 198.93847 56.595419 198.93848 56.243849 curveto -198.93847 55.75753 198.76123 55.34005 198.40674 54.991407 curveto -198.05224 54.642785 197.61132 54.468468 197.08398 54.468458 curveto -196.26367 54.468468 195.5664 54.902062 194.99219 55.769239 curveto -194.66699 55.654981 lineto -195.08887 54.676476 195.62939 53.941125 196.28857 53.448927 curveto -196.94775 52.956751 197.68164 52.710658 198.49023 52.710645 curveto -199.3164 52.710658 199.99755 52.96261 200.53369 53.466505 curveto -201.06982 53.970422 201.33788 54.559289 201.33789 55.233106 curveto -201.33788 55.672569 201.21337 56.095908 200.96436 56.503126 curveto -200.71533 56.91036 200.32421 57.269247 199.79102 57.579786 curveto -200.47656 57.913777 200.9995 58.325398 201.35986 58.814649 curveto -201.72021 59.303913 201.90038 59.917682 201.90039 60.655958 curveto -201.90038 61.898148 201.45068 62.9543 200.55127 63.824415 curveto -199.65185 64.694532 198.44628 65.129591 196.93457 65.129591 curveto -195.92676 65.129591 195.1914 64.962598 194.72852 64.628614 curveto -194.39453 64.39424 194.22754 64.092482 194.22754 63.723341 curveto -194.22754 63.453811 194.32422 63.223831 194.51758 63.033399 curveto -194.71094 62.842972 194.93359 62.747757 195.18555 62.747755 curveto -195.3789 62.747757 195.56055 62.788773 195.73047 62.870802 curveto -195.82422 62.917679 196.15674 63.174026 196.72803 63.639845 curveto -197.29931 64.105666 197.83398 64.338576 198.33203 64.338575 curveto -198.76562 64.338576 199.13769 64.167189 199.44824 63.824415 curveto -199.75878 63.481643 199.91406 63.046585 199.91406 62.519239 curveto -199.91406 61.716508 199.63281 60.976763 199.07031 60.300001 curveto -198.50781 59.623248 197.68457 59.155964 196.60059 58.898145 curveto -196.60059 58.898145 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -215.89258 52.684278 moveto -215.98926 56.656935 lineto -215.62891 56.656935 lineto -215.45898 55.66085 215.0415 54.859581 214.37646 54.253126 curveto -213.71142 53.646692 212.99218 53.343469 212.21875 53.343458 curveto -211.62109 53.343469 211.14795 53.503137 210.79932 53.822462 curveto -210.45068 54.141809 210.27636 54.509484 210.27637 54.925489 curveto -210.27636 55.189171 210.33789 55.423546 210.46094 55.628614 curveto -210.63086 55.904014 210.90332 56.176474 211.27832 56.445997 curveto -211.55371 56.639365 212.18945 56.982138 213.18555 57.474317 curveto -214.58007 58.159871 215.5205 58.807331 216.00684 59.4167 curveto -216.4873 60.02608 216.72753 60.723345 216.72754 61.508497 curveto -216.72753 62.504593 216.33935 63.361526 215.56299 64.079298 curveto -214.78661 64.797071 213.80077 65.155958 212.60547 65.155958 curveto -212.23046 65.155958 211.87597 65.117872 211.54199 65.0417 curveto -211.208 64.965528 210.78906 64.821974 210.28516 64.611036 curveto -210.0039 64.493849 209.77246 64.435255 209.59082 64.435255 curveto -209.43847 64.435255 209.27734 64.493849 209.10742 64.611036 curveto -208.9375 64.728224 208.7998 64.906934 208.69434 65.147169 curveto -208.36914 65.147169 lineto -208.36914 60.647169 lineto -208.69434 60.647169 lineto -208.95215 61.912797 209.44873 62.878128 210.18408 63.543165 curveto -210.91943 64.208205 211.71191 64.540724 212.56152 64.540724 curveto -213.21777 64.540724 213.74072 64.362013 214.13037 64.004591 curveto -214.52001 63.64717 214.71484 63.231155 214.71484 62.756544 curveto -214.71484 62.475296 214.64013 62.202836 214.49072 61.939161 curveto -214.3413 61.675492 214.11425 61.425004 213.80957 61.187696 curveto -213.50488 60.950395 212.96581 60.641314 212.19238 60.26045 curveto -211.10839 59.727252 210.3291 59.273151 209.85449 58.898145 curveto -209.37988 58.523152 209.01514 58.104207 208.76025 57.64131 curveto -208.50537 57.178427 208.37793 56.668661 208.37793 56.112013 curveto -208.37793 55.162804 208.72656 54.354211 209.42383 53.686231 curveto -210.12109 53.018274 211 52.68429 212.06055 52.684278 curveto -212.44726 52.68429 212.82226 52.731165 213.18555 52.824903 curveto -213.46093 52.895228 213.79638 53.025599 214.19189 53.216017 curveto -214.5874 53.406458 214.86425 53.501672 215.02246 53.501661 curveto -215.1748 53.501672 215.29491 53.454797 215.38281 53.361036 curveto -215.4707 53.267298 215.55273 53.041712 215.62891 52.684278 curveto -215.89258 52.684278 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -224.94531 61.48213 moveto -220.73535 61.48213 lineto -220.23438 62.642286 lineto -220.07031 63.029007 219.98828 63.348342 219.98828 63.600294 curveto -219.98828 63.934279 220.12304 64.180373 220.39258 64.338575 curveto -220.55078 64.432326 220.94043 64.502638 221.56152 64.549513 curveto -221.56152 64.874708 lineto -217.59766 64.874708 lineto -217.59766 64.549513 lineto -218.02539 64.48506 218.37695 64.307814 218.65234 64.017774 curveto -218.92773 63.727736 219.26758 63.128616 219.67188 62.220411 curveto -223.93457 52.710645 lineto -224.10156 52.710645 lineto -228.39941 62.484083 lineto -228.80956 63.409866 229.14647 63.992873 229.41016 64.233106 curveto -229.60936 64.414747 229.89061 64.520216 230.25391 64.549513 curveto -230.25391 64.874708 lineto -224.48828 64.874708 lineto -224.48828 64.549513 lineto -224.72559 64.549513 lineto -225.18847 64.549513 225.51366 64.48506 225.70117 64.356153 curveto -225.83007 64.262404 225.89452 64.127638 225.89453 63.951856 curveto -225.89452 63.846389 225.87694 63.73799 225.8418 63.626661 curveto -225.83007 63.573928 225.74218 63.354202 225.57813 62.967481 curveto -224.94531 61.48213 lineto -closepath -224.64648 60.831739 moveto -222.87109 56.727247 lineto -221.04297 60.831739 lineto -224.64648 60.831739 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -241.82031 52.956739 moveto -241.82031 56.182325 lineto -241.50391 56.182325 lineto -241.3164 55.438194 241.10839 54.903527 240.87988 54.578321 curveto -240.65136 54.253137 240.33788 53.993859 239.93945 53.800489 curveto -239.71679 53.695032 239.32714 53.642297 238.77051 53.642286 curveto -237.88281 53.642286 lineto -237.88281 62.835645 lineto -237.88281 63.445022 237.9165 63.825881 237.98389 63.978224 curveto -238.05126 64.130568 238.1831 64.263869 238.37939 64.378126 curveto -238.57568 64.492384 238.84374 64.549513 239.18359 64.549513 curveto -239.5791 64.549513 lineto -239.5791 64.874708 lineto -233.33887 64.874708 lineto -233.33887 64.549513 lineto -233.73438 64.549513 lineto -234.08007 64.549513 234.35839 64.48799 234.56934 64.364942 curveto -234.72168 64.282912 234.84179 64.142287 234.92969 63.943067 curveto -234.99414 63.802443 235.02636 63.433303 235.02637 62.835645 curveto -235.02637 53.642286 lineto -234.16504 53.642286 lineto -233.3623 53.642297 232.77929 53.812219 232.41602 54.152052 curveto -231.90625 54.626671 231.58398 55.303428 231.44922 56.182325 curveto -231.11523 56.182325 lineto -231.11523 52.956739 lineto -241.82031 52.956739 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -195.21198 44.735016 moveto -249.25513 44.735016 lineto -249.25513 66.200758 lineto -195.21198 66.200758 lineto -195.21198 44.735016 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -1.5152288 -7.5761441] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 7.4356842 18.468011] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -193.56934 108.39815 moveto -193.56934 108.09053 lineto -194.2373 107.89718 194.70019 107.717 194.95801 107.55 curveto -195.21582 107.38302 195.43847 107.12813 195.62598 106.78535 curveto -195.81347 106.44259 195.90722 106.09542 195.90723 105.74385 curveto -195.90722 105.25753 195.72998 104.84005 195.37549 104.49141 curveto -195.02099 104.14278 194.58007 103.96847 194.05273 103.96846 curveto -193.23242 103.96847 192.53515 104.40206 191.96094 105.26924 curveto -191.63574 105.15498 lineto -192.05762 104.17648 192.59814 103.44113 193.25732 102.94893 curveto -193.9165 102.45675 194.65039 102.21066 195.45898 102.21065 curveto -196.28515 102.21066 196.9663 102.46261 197.50244 102.9665 curveto -198.03857 103.47042 198.30663 104.05929 198.30664 104.73311 curveto -198.30663 105.17257 198.18212 105.59591 197.93311 106.00313 curveto -197.68408 106.41036 197.29296 106.76925 196.75977 107.07979 curveto -197.44531 107.41378 197.96825 107.8254 198.32861 108.31465 curveto -198.68896 108.80391 198.86913 109.41768 198.86914 110.15596 curveto -198.86913 111.39815 198.41943 112.4543 197.52002 113.32441 curveto -196.6206 114.19453 195.41503 114.62959 193.90332 114.62959 curveto -192.89551 114.62959 192.16015 114.4626 191.69727 114.12861 curveto -191.36328 113.89424 191.19629 113.59248 191.19629 113.22334 curveto -191.19629 112.95381 191.29297 112.72383 191.48633 112.5334 curveto -191.67969 112.34297 191.90234 112.24776 192.1543 112.24775 curveto -192.34765 112.24776 192.5293 112.28877 192.69922 112.3708 curveto -192.79297 112.41768 193.12549 112.67403 193.69678 113.13984 curveto -194.26806 113.60567 194.80273 113.83858 195.30078 113.83858 curveto -195.73437 113.83858 196.10644 113.66719 196.41699 113.32441 curveto -196.72753 112.98164 196.88281 112.54658 196.88281 112.01924 curveto -196.88281 111.21651 196.60156 110.47676 196.03906 109.8 curveto -195.47656 109.12325 194.65332 108.65596 193.56934 108.39815 curveto -193.56934 108.39815 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -200.80273 117.52998 moveto -200.80273 117.14326 lineto -201.48242 116.85029 201.97607 116.4709 202.28369 116.00508 curveto -202.59131 115.53926 202.74511 115.06318 202.74512 114.57686 curveto -202.74511 114.47725 202.72461 114.40108 202.68359 114.34834 curveto -202.64258 114.30147 202.60156 114.27803 202.56055 114.27803 curveto -202.52539 114.27803 202.47265 114.29854 202.40234 114.33955 curveto -202.23242 114.43916 202.02148 114.48897 201.76953 114.48897 curveto -201.42383 114.48897 201.12353 114.3542 200.86865 114.08467 curveto -200.61377 113.81514 200.48633 113.49873 200.48633 113.13545 curveto -200.48633 112.74873 200.63281 112.40889 200.92578 112.11592 curveto -201.21875 111.82295 201.57324 111.67647 201.98926 111.67647 curveto -202.49316 111.67647 202.92383 111.87129 203.28125 112.26094 curveto -203.63867 112.65059 203.81738 113.18526 203.81738 113.86494 curveto -203.81738 114.70283 203.56396 115.44697 203.05713 116.09736 curveto -202.55029 116.74775 201.79883 117.22529 200.80273 117.52998 curveto -200.80273 117.52998 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -207.06934 108.39815 moveto -207.06934 108.09053 lineto -207.7373 107.89718 208.20019 107.717 208.45801 107.55 curveto -208.71582 107.38302 208.93847 107.12813 209.12598 106.78535 curveto -209.31347 106.44259 209.40722 106.09542 209.40723 105.74385 curveto -209.40722 105.25753 209.22998 104.84005 208.87549 104.49141 curveto -208.52099 104.14278 208.08007 103.96847 207.55273 103.96846 curveto -206.73242 103.96847 206.03515 104.40206 205.46094 105.26924 curveto -205.13574 105.15498 lineto -205.55762 104.17648 206.09814 103.44113 206.75732 102.94893 curveto -207.4165 102.45675 208.15039 102.21066 208.95898 102.21065 curveto -209.78515 102.21066 210.4663 102.46261 211.00244 102.9665 curveto -211.53857 103.47042 211.80663 104.05929 211.80664 104.73311 curveto -211.80663 105.17257 211.68212 105.59591 211.43311 106.00313 curveto -211.18408 106.41036 210.79296 106.76925 210.25977 107.07979 curveto -210.94531 107.41378 211.46825 107.8254 211.82861 108.31465 curveto -212.18896 108.80391 212.36913 109.41768 212.36914 110.15596 curveto -212.36913 111.39815 211.91943 112.4543 211.02002 113.32441 curveto -210.1206 114.19453 208.91503 114.62959 207.40332 114.62959 curveto -206.39551 114.62959 205.66015 114.4626 205.19727 114.12861 curveto -204.86328 113.89424 204.69629 113.59248 204.69629 113.22334 curveto -204.69629 112.95381 204.79297 112.72383 204.98633 112.5334 curveto -205.17969 112.34297 205.40234 112.24776 205.6543 112.24775 curveto -205.84765 112.24776 206.0293 112.28877 206.19922 112.3708 curveto -206.29297 112.41768 206.62549 112.67403 207.19678 113.13984 curveto -207.76806 113.60567 208.30273 113.83858 208.80078 113.83858 curveto -209.23437 113.83858 209.60644 113.66719 209.91699 113.32441 curveto -210.22753 112.98164 210.38281 112.54658 210.38281 112.01924 curveto -210.38281 111.21651 210.10156 110.47676 209.53906 109.8 curveto -208.97656 109.12325 208.15332 108.65596 207.06934 108.39815 curveto -207.06934 108.39815 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -226.36133 102.18428 moveto -226.45801 106.15693 lineto -226.09766 106.15693 lineto -225.92773 105.16085 225.51025 104.35958 224.84521 103.75313 curveto -224.18017 103.14669 223.46093 102.84347 222.6875 102.84346 curveto -222.08984 102.84347 221.6167 103.00314 221.26807 103.32246 curveto -220.91943 103.64181 220.74511 104.00948 220.74512 104.42549 curveto -220.74511 104.68917 220.80664 104.92355 220.92969 105.12861 curveto -221.09961 105.40401 221.37207 105.67647 221.74707 105.946 curveto -222.02246 106.13936 222.6582 106.48214 223.6543 106.97432 curveto -225.04882 107.65987 225.98925 108.30733 226.47559 108.9167 curveto -226.95605 109.52608 227.19628 110.22334 227.19629 111.0085 curveto -227.19628 112.00459 226.8081 112.86153 226.03174 113.5793 curveto -225.25536 114.29707 224.26952 114.65596 223.07422 114.65596 curveto -222.69921 114.65596 222.34472 114.61787 222.01074 114.5417 curveto -221.67675 114.46553 221.25781 114.32197 220.75391 114.11104 curveto -220.47265 113.99385 220.24121 113.93526 220.05957 113.93525 curveto -219.90722 113.93526 219.74609 113.99385 219.57617 114.11104 curveto -219.40625 114.22822 219.26855 114.40693 219.16309 114.64717 curveto -218.83789 114.64717 lineto -218.83789 110.14717 lineto -219.16309 110.14717 lineto -219.4209 111.4128 219.91748 112.37813 220.65283 113.04316 curveto -221.38818 113.7082 222.18066 114.04072 223.03027 114.04072 curveto -223.68652 114.04072 224.20947 113.86201 224.59912 113.50459 curveto -224.98876 113.14717 225.18359 112.73115 225.18359 112.25654 curveto -225.18359 111.9753 225.10888 111.70284 224.95947 111.43916 curveto -224.81005 111.17549 224.583 110.925 224.27832 110.6877 curveto -223.97363 110.4504 223.43456 110.14131 222.66113 109.76045 curveto -221.57714 109.22725 220.79785 108.77315 220.32324 108.39815 curveto -219.84863 108.02315 219.48389 107.60421 219.229 107.14131 curveto -218.97412 106.67843 218.84668 106.16866 218.84668 105.61201 curveto -218.84668 104.6628 219.19531 103.85421 219.89258 103.18623 curveto -220.58984 102.51827 221.46875 102.18429 222.5293 102.18428 curveto -222.91601 102.18429 223.29101 102.23117 223.6543 102.3249 curveto -223.92968 102.39523 224.26513 102.5256 224.66064 102.71602 curveto -225.05615 102.90646 225.333 103.00167 225.49121 103.00166 curveto -225.64355 103.00167 225.76366 102.9548 225.85156 102.86104 curveto -225.93945 102.7673 226.02148 102.54171 226.09766 102.18428 curveto -226.36133 102.18428 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -235.41406 110.98213 moveto -231.2041 110.98213 lineto -230.70313 112.14229 lineto -230.53906 112.52901 230.45703 112.84834 230.45703 113.10029 curveto -230.45703 113.43428 230.59179 113.68037 230.86133 113.83858 curveto -231.01953 113.93233 231.40918 114.00264 232.03027 114.04951 curveto -232.03027 114.37471 lineto -228.06641 114.37471 lineto -228.06641 114.04951 lineto -228.49414 113.98506 228.8457 113.80781 229.12109 113.51777 curveto -229.39648 113.22774 229.73633 112.62862 230.14063 111.72041 curveto -234.40332 102.21065 lineto -234.57031 102.21065 lineto -238.86816 111.98408 lineto -239.27831 112.90987 239.61522 113.49287 239.87891 113.73311 curveto -240.07811 113.91475 240.35936 114.02022 240.72266 114.04951 curveto -240.72266 114.37471 lineto -234.95703 114.37471 lineto -234.95703 114.04951 lineto -235.19434 114.04951 lineto -235.65722 114.04951 235.98241 113.98506 236.16992 113.85615 curveto -236.29882 113.7624 236.36327 113.62764 236.36328 113.45186 curveto -236.36327 113.34639 236.34569 113.23799 236.31055 113.12666 curveto -236.29882 113.07393 236.21093 112.8542 236.04688 112.46748 curveto -235.41406 110.98213 lineto -closepath -235.11523 110.33174 moveto -233.33984 106.22725 lineto -231.51172 110.33174 lineto -235.11523 110.33174 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -252.28906 102.45674 moveto -252.28906 105.68233 lineto -251.97266 105.68233 lineto -251.78515 104.93819 251.57714 104.40353 251.34863 104.07832 curveto -251.12011 103.75314 250.80663 103.49386 250.4082 103.30049 curveto -250.18554 103.19503 249.79589 103.1423 249.23926 103.14229 curveto -248.35156 103.14229 lineto -248.35156 112.33565 lineto -248.35156 112.94502 248.38525 113.32588 248.45264 113.47822 curveto -248.52001 113.63057 248.65185 113.76387 248.84814 113.87813 curveto -249.04443 113.99238 249.31249 114.04951 249.65234 114.04951 curveto -250.04785 114.04951 lineto -250.04785 114.37471 lineto -243.80762 114.37471 lineto -243.80762 114.04951 lineto -244.20313 114.04951 lineto -244.54882 114.04951 244.82714 113.98799 245.03809 113.86494 curveto -245.19043 113.78291 245.31054 113.64229 245.39844 113.44307 curveto -245.46289 113.30244 245.49511 112.9333 245.49512 112.33565 curveto -245.49512 103.14229 lineto -244.63379 103.14229 lineto -243.83105 103.1423 243.24804 103.31222 242.88477 103.65205 curveto -242.375 104.12667 242.05273 104.80343 241.91797 105.68233 curveto -241.58398 105.68233 lineto -241.58398 102.45674 lineto -252.28906 102.45674 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -194.20183 117.21346 moveto -264.15489 117.21346 lineto -264.15489 139.43682 lineto -194.20183 139.43682 lineto -194.20183 117.21346 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.606602 -4.5456865] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 38.794743 12.649501] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -49.93457 182.79951 moveto -54.126953 188.04658 lineto -54.718738 188.78487 55.228503 189.28584 55.65625 189.54951 curveto -55.966783 189.73701 56.294908 189.83076 56.640625 189.83076 curveto -56.640625 190.15596 lineto -50.435547 190.15596 lineto -50.435547 189.83076 lineto -50.828117 189.79561 51.081534 189.73408 51.195801 189.64619 curveto -51.31005 189.5583 51.367179 189.4499 51.367188 189.321 curveto -51.367179 189.0749 51.097648 188.61201 50.558594 187.93233 curveto -47.825195 184.4958 lineto -47.385742 184.86494 lineto -47.385742 188.1169 lineto -47.385737 188.73799 47.420893 189.12471 47.491211 189.27705 curveto -47.561518 189.4294 47.696284 189.55977 47.895508 189.66816 curveto -48.094721 189.77656 48.414057 189.83076 48.853516 189.83076 curveto -48.853516 190.15596 lineto -42.841797 190.15596 lineto -42.841797 189.83076 lineto -43.237305 189.83076 lineto -43.583007 189.83076 43.861327 189.76924 44.072266 189.64619 curveto -44.224608 189.56416 44.341795 189.42354 44.423828 189.22432 curveto -44.488279 189.08369 44.520506 188.71455 44.520508 188.1169 curveto -44.520508 180.27705 lineto -44.520506 179.66769 44.488279 179.28683 44.423828 179.13447 curveto -44.359373 178.98214 44.229002 178.84884 44.032715 178.73457 curveto -43.836424 178.62032 43.571288 178.5632 43.237305 178.56318 curveto -42.841797 178.56318 lineto -42.841797 178.23799 lineto -48.774414 178.23799 lineto -48.774414 178.56318 lineto -48.370111 178.5632 48.062494 178.62179 47.851563 178.73897 curveto -47.699213 178.82101 47.579096 178.9587 47.491211 179.15205 curveto -47.420893 179.29855 47.385737 179.67355 47.385742 180.27705 curveto -47.385742 183.98604 lineto -51.806641 180.40889 lineto -52.421865 179.91085 52.729482 179.51241 52.729492 179.21358 curveto -52.729482 178.99093 52.603505 178.81515 52.351563 178.68623 curveto -52.222646 178.62179 51.903311 178.58077 51.393555 178.56318 curveto -51.393555 178.23799 lineto -56.042969 178.23799 lineto -56.042969 178.56318 lineto -55.62694 178.59249 55.30028 178.6672 55.062988 178.78731 curveto -54.825671 178.90743 54.279285 179.3132 53.423828 180.00459 curveto -49.93457 182.79951 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -60.25293 178.23799 moveto -60.25293 188.45088 lineto -60.252926 189.03096 60.320309 189.40156 60.455078 189.5627 curveto -60.58984 189.72383 60.853511 189.81611 61.246094 189.83955 curveto -61.246094 190.15596 lineto -56.807617 190.15596 lineto -56.807617 189.83955 lineto -57.170898 189.82783 57.440429 189.72236 57.616211 189.52315 curveto -57.733397 189.38838 57.791991 189.03096 57.791992 188.45088 curveto -57.791992 179.94307 lineto -57.791991 179.36886 57.724608 179.00118 57.589844 178.84004 curveto -57.455077 178.67892 57.194335 178.58663 56.807617 178.56318 curveto -56.807617 178.23799 lineto -60.25293 178.23799 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -64.005859 177.95674 moveto -64.386716 177.95675 64.708981 178.09005 64.972656 178.35664 curveto -65.236324 178.62325 65.36816 178.94406 65.368164 179.31904 curveto -65.36816 179.69405 65.234859 180.01339 64.968262 180.27705 curveto -64.701657 180.54073 64.380856 180.67257 64.005859 180.67256 curveto -63.630857 180.67257 63.311522 180.54073 63.047852 180.27705 curveto -62.784178 180.01339 62.652343 179.69405 62.652344 179.31904 curveto -62.652343 178.94406 62.784178 178.62325 63.047852 178.35664 curveto -63.311522 178.09005 63.630857 177.95675 64.005859 177.95674 curveto -64.005859 177.95674 lineto -closepath -65.236328 181.93818 moveto -65.236328 188.45088 lineto -65.236324 189.03096 65.303707 189.40156 65.438477 189.5627 curveto -65.573238 189.72383 65.83691 189.81611 66.229492 189.83955 curveto -66.229492 190.15596 lineto -61.791016 190.15596 lineto -61.791016 189.83955 lineto -62.154296 189.82783 62.423827 189.72236 62.599609 189.52315 curveto -62.716796 189.38838 62.775389 189.03096 62.775391 188.45088 curveto -62.775391 183.65205 lineto -62.775389 183.07198 62.708007 182.70138 62.573242 182.54024 curveto -62.438476 182.37911 62.177734 182.28683 61.791016 182.26338 curveto -61.791016 181.93818 lineto -65.236328 181.93818 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -70.360352 178.23799 moveto -70.360352 186.07783 lineto -72.267578 184.20576 lineto -72.66015 183.82491 72.904779 183.54952 73.001465 183.37959 curveto -73.098138 183.20968 73.146478 183.04561 73.146484 182.8874 curveto -73.146478 182.72921 73.082025 182.59737 72.953125 182.4919 curveto -72.824212 182.38643 72.572259 182.31026 72.197266 182.26338 curveto -72.197266 181.93818 lineto -75.879883 181.93818 lineto -75.879883 182.26338 lineto -75.528311 182.28097 75.220694 182.36446 74.957031 182.51387 curveto -74.693351 182.66329 74.177727 183.113 73.410156 183.86299 curveto -72.513672 184.7419 lineto -74.447266 187.57197 lineto -75.226554 188.72041 75.689444 189.36494 75.835938 189.50557 curveto -76.035147 189.70479 76.2871 189.81611 76.591797 189.83955 curveto -76.591797 190.15596 lineto -72.34668 190.15596 lineto -72.34668 189.83955 lineto -72.534174 189.83955 72.670404 189.8044 72.755371 189.73408 curveto -72.840326 189.66377 72.882806 189.5876 72.882813 189.50557 curveto -72.882806 189.3708 72.759759 189.12178 72.513672 188.7585 curveto -70.887695 186.37666 lineto -70.360352 186.89522 lineto -70.360352 188.37178 lineto -70.360348 188.99873 70.418941 189.38985 70.536133 189.54512 curveto -70.653316 189.70039 70.89355 189.79854 71.256836 189.83955 curveto -71.256836 190.15596 lineto -67.011719 190.15596 lineto -67.011719 189.83955 lineto -67.357421 189.8044 67.603514 189.69307 67.75 189.50557 curveto -67.849608 189.37666 67.899413 188.99873 67.899414 188.37178 curveto -67.899414 180.02217 lineto -67.899413 179.40109 67.842284 179.01437 67.728027 178.86201 curveto -67.613768 178.70968 67.374999 178.61007 67.011719 178.56318 curveto -67.011719 178.23799 lineto -70.360352 178.23799 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -81.575195 188.94307 moveto -80.573238 189.82783 79.673825 190.27022 78.876953 190.27022 curveto -78.408201 190.27022 78.018553 190.11641 77.708008 189.80879 curveto -77.39746 189.50117 77.242187 189.11592 77.242188 188.65303 curveto -77.242187 188.02608 77.511718 187.46211 78.050781 186.96113 curveto -78.589842 186.46016 79.764645 185.79366 81.575195 184.96162 curveto -81.575195 184.13545 lineto -81.57519 183.51436 81.541499 183.12325 81.474121 182.96211 curveto -81.406733 182.80098 81.279292 182.66036 81.091797 182.54024 curveto -80.904292 182.42013 80.693355 182.36007 80.458984 182.36006 curveto -80.078121 182.36007 79.764645 182.44503 79.518555 182.61494 curveto -79.366208 182.72042 79.290036 182.84347 79.290039 182.98408 curveto -79.290036 183.10714 79.372067 183.25948 79.536133 183.44111 curveto -79.758786 183.69307 79.870114 183.93624 79.870117 184.17061 curveto -79.870114 184.45772 79.76318 184.70235 79.549316 184.90449 curveto -79.335446 185.10665 79.055661 185.20772 78.709961 185.20772 curveto -78.340818 185.20772 78.031737 185.09639 77.782715 184.87373 curveto -77.53369 184.65108 77.409179 184.39034 77.40918 184.0915 curveto -77.409179 183.66964 77.576171 183.2668 77.910156 182.88301 curveto -78.244139 182.49923 78.709959 182.20479 79.307617 181.99971 curveto -79.90527 181.79464 80.526363 181.6921 81.170898 181.69209 curveto -81.95019 181.6921 82.566888 181.85763 83.020996 182.18867 curveto -83.475091 182.51974 83.769524 182.87862 83.904297 183.26533 curveto -83.986321 183.51143 84.027336 184.07686 84.027344 184.96162 curveto -84.027344 188.15205 lineto -84.027336 188.52705 84.041985 188.76289 84.071289 188.85957 curveto -84.100578 188.95625 84.144524 189.02803 84.203125 189.0749 curveto -84.261711 189.12178 84.329094 189.14522 84.405273 189.14522 curveto -84.557609 189.14522 84.712882 189.03682 84.871094 188.82002 curveto -85.134766 189.03096 lineto -84.841788 189.46455 84.538566 189.77949 84.225098 189.97578 curveto -83.911614 190.17207 83.555657 190.27022 83.157227 190.27022 curveto -82.68847 190.27022 82.32226 190.16035 82.058594 189.94063 curveto -81.794917 189.7209 81.633784 189.38838 81.575195 188.94307 curveto -81.575195 188.94307 lineto -closepath -81.575195 188.30147 moveto -81.575195 185.55049 lineto -80.866207 185.96651 80.338863 186.41182 79.993164 186.88643 curveto -79.764645 187.20284 79.650387 187.52217 79.650391 187.84443 curveto -79.650387 188.11397 79.747067 188.35127 79.94043 188.55635 curveto -80.08691 188.71455 80.291988 188.79365 80.555664 188.79365 curveto -80.848628 188.79365 81.188472 188.62959 81.575195 188.30147 curveto -81.575195 188.30147 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -78.034286 185.90384 moveto -127.53176 185.90384 lineto -127.53176 207.62212 lineto -78.034286 207.62212 lineto -78.034286 185.90384 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -13.131983 -0.5050763] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 24.682133 10.855872] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -172.38184 176.08565 moveto -172.38184 175.77803 lineto -173.0498 175.58468 173.51269 175.4045 173.77051 175.2375 curveto -174.02832 175.07052 174.25097 174.81563 174.43848 174.47285 curveto -174.62597 174.13009 174.71972 173.78292 174.71973 173.43135 curveto -174.71972 172.94503 174.54248 172.52755 174.18799 172.17891 curveto -173.83349 171.83028 173.39257 171.65597 172.86523 171.65596 curveto -172.04492 171.65597 171.34765 172.08956 170.77344 172.95674 curveto -170.44824 172.84248 lineto -170.87012 171.86398 171.41064 171.12863 172.06982 170.63643 curveto -172.729 170.14425 173.46289 169.89816 174.27148 169.89815 curveto -175.09765 169.89816 175.7788 170.15011 176.31494 170.654 curveto -176.85107 171.15792 177.11913 171.74679 177.11914 172.42061 curveto -177.11913 172.86007 176.99462 173.28341 176.74561 173.69063 curveto -176.49658 174.09786 176.10546 174.45675 175.57227 174.76729 curveto -176.25781 175.10128 176.78075 175.5129 177.14111 176.00215 curveto -177.50146 176.49141 177.68163 177.10518 177.68164 177.84346 curveto -177.68163 179.08565 177.23193 180.1418 176.33252 181.01191 curveto -175.4331 181.88203 174.22753 182.31709 172.71582 182.31709 curveto -171.70801 182.31709 170.97265 182.1501 170.50977 181.81611 curveto -170.17578 181.58174 170.00879 181.27998 170.00879 180.91084 curveto -170.00879 180.64131 170.10547 180.41133 170.29883 180.2209 curveto -170.49219 180.03047 170.71484 179.93526 170.9668 179.93525 curveto -171.16015 179.93526 171.3418 179.97627 171.51172 180.0583 curveto -171.60547 180.10518 171.93799 180.36153 172.50928 180.82734 curveto -173.08056 181.29317 173.61523 181.52608 174.11328 181.52608 curveto -174.54687 181.52608 174.91894 181.35469 175.22949 181.01191 curveto -175.54003 180.66914 175.69531 180.23408 175.69531 179.70674 curveto -175.69531 178.90401 175.41406 178.16426 174.85156 177.4875 curveto -174.28906 176.81075 173.46582 176.34346 172.38184 176.08565 curveto -172.38184 176.08565 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -187.31445 170.14424 moveto -187.31445 179.60127 lineto -187.31444 180.23994 187.33202 180.61787 187.36719 180.73506 curveto -187.41405 180.92842 187.50341 181.07197 187.63525 181.16572 curveto -187.76708 181.25947 187.99706 181.31807 188.3252 181.3415 curveto -188.3252 181.63154 lineto -184.85352 182.3083 lineto -184.85352 181.00752 lineto -184.43749 181.51143 184.06689 181.8542 183.7417 182.03584 curveto -183.4165 182.21748 183.04882 182.3083 182.63867 182.3083 curveto -181.58984 182.3083 180.76074 181.83955 180.15137 180.90205 curveto -179.65918 180.14033 179.41309 179.20577 179.41309 178.09834 curveto -179.41309 177.21358 179.56543 176.4211 179.87012 175.7209 curveto -180.1748 175.02071 180.59228 174.4919 181.12256 174.13447 curveto -181.65283 173.77706 182.22265 173.59835 182.83203 173.59834 curveto -183.2246 173.59835 183.57324 173.67452 183.87793 173.82686 curveto -184.18261 173.97921 184.50781 174.24581 184.85352 174.62666 curveto -184.85352 172.14815 lineto -184.85351 171.5212 184.82714 171.14327 184.77441 171.01436 curveto -184.7041 170.84445 184.59863 170.71847 184.45801 170.63643 curveto -184.31738 170.55441 184.05371 170.51339 183.66699 170.51338 curveto -183.66699 170.14424 lineto -187.31445 170.14424 lineto -closepath -184.85352 175.7165 moveto -184.41992 174.88448 183.88964 174.46847 183.2627 174.46846 curveto -183.04589 174.46847 182.86718 174.52706 182.72656 174.64424 curveto -182.50976 174.82589 182.33252 175.14522 182.19482 175.60225 curveto -182.05713 176.05928 181.98828 176.75948 181.98828 177.70283 curveto -181.98828 178.73995 182.06445 179.50752 182.2168 180.00557 curveto -182.36914 180.50362 182.57714 180.86397 182.84082 181.08662 curveto -182.97558 181.19795 183.16015 181.25362 183.39453 181.25361 curveto -183.91015 181.25362 184.39648 180.84932 184.85352 180.04072 curveto -184.85352 175.7165 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -197.02637 181.22725 moveto -197.02637 184.28584 lineto -197.02636 184.70771 197.06005 184.99482 197.12744 185.14717 curveto -197.19482 185.29951 197.29882 185.41084 197.43945 185.48115 curveto -197.58007 185.55146 197.85546 185.58662 198.26563 185.58662 curveto -198.26563 185.91182 lineto -193.58105 185.91182 lineto -193.58105 185.58662 lineto -193.94434 185.5749 194.21387 185.47236 194.38965 185.279 curveto -194.50683 185.14424 194.56543 184.7956 194.56543 184.23311 curveto -194.56543 175.5583 lineto -194.56543 174.97823 194.49805 174.60763 194.36328 174.44649 curveto -194.22851 174.28536 193.96777 174.19308 193.58105 174.16963 curveto -193.58105 173.84443 lineto -197.02637 173.84443 lineto -197.02637 174.92549 lineto -197.31347 174.50362 197.60644 174.19893 197.90527 174.01143 curveto -198.333 173.73604 198.79882 173.59835 199.30273 173.59834 curveto -199.90624 173.59835 200.45556 173.78878 200.95068 174.16963 curveto -201.44579 174.5505 201.82226 175.07638 202.08008 175.74727 curveto -202.33788 176.41817 202.46679 177.14034 202.4668 177.91377 curveto -202.46679 178.74581 202.33349 179.50606 202.06689 180.19453 curveto -201.80028 180.88301 201.41357 181.40742 200.90674 181.76777 curveto -200.3999 182.12813 199.83593 182.3083 199.21484 182.3083 curveto -198.76367 182.3083 198.34179 182.20869 197.94922 182.00947 curveto -197.65625 181.85713 197.34863 181.59639 197.02637 181.22725 curveto -197.02637 181.22725 lineto -closepath -197.02637 180.33955 moveto -197.53027 181.0544 198.06933 181.41182 198.64355 181.41182 curveto -198.95996 181.41182 199.2207 181.24483 199.42578 180.91084 curveto -199.73046 180.41865 199.88281 179.48116 199.88281 178.09834 curveto -199.88281 176.68038 199.71581 175.71065 199.38184 175.18916 curveto -199.15917 174.84347 198.86035 174.67061 198.48535 174.67061 curveto -197.89355 174.67061 197.40722 175.09835 197.02637 175.95381 curveto -197.02637 180.33955 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -208.39941 180.84932 moveto -207.39746 181.73408 206.49804 182.17647 205.70117 182.17647 curveto -205.23242 182.17647 204.84277 182.02266 204.53223 181.71504 curveto -204.22168 181.40742 204.06641 181.02217 204.06641 180.55928 curveto -204.06641 179.93233 204.33594 179.36836 204.875 178.86738 curveto -205.41406 178.36641 206.58886 177.69991 208.39941 176.86787 curveto -208.39941 176.0417 lineto -208.39941 175.42061 208.36572 175.0295 208.29834 174.86836 curveto -208.23095 174.70723 208.10351 174.56661 207.91602 174.44649 curveto -207.72851 174.32638 207.51757 174.26632 207.2832 174.26631 curveto -206.90234 174.26632 206.58886 174.35128 206.34277 174.52119 curveto -206.19043 174.62667 206.11425 174.74972 206.11426 174.89033 curveto -206.11425 175.01339 206.19629 175.16573 206.36035 175.34736 curveto -206.583 175.59932 206.69433 175.84249 206.69434 176.07686 curveto -206.69433 176.36397 206.5874 176.6086 206.37354 176.81074 curveto -206.15967 177.0129 205.87988 177.11397 205.53418 177.11397 curveto -205.16504 177.11397 204.85596 177.00264 204.60693 176.77998 curveto -204.35791 176.55733 204.2334 176.29659 204.2334 175.99775 curveto -204.2334 175.57589 204.40039 175.17305 204.73438 174.78926 curveto -205.06836 174.40548 205.53418 174.11104 206.13184 173.90596 curveto -206.72949 173.70089 207.35058 173.59835 207.99512 173.59834 curveto -208.77441 173.59835 209.39111 173.76388 209.84521 174.09492 curveto -210.29931 174.42599 210.59374 174.78487 210.72852 175.17158 curveto -210.81054 175.41768 210.85155 175.98311 210.85156 176.86787 curveto -210.85156 180.0583 lineto -210.85155 180.4333 210.8662 180.66914 210.89551 180.76582 curveto -210.9248 180.8625 210.96874 180.93428 211.02734 180.98115 curveto -211.08593 181.02803 211.15331 181.05147 211.22949 181.05147 curveto -211.38183 181.05147 211.5371 180.94307 211.69531 180.72627 curveto -211.95898 180.93721 lineto -211.66601 181.3708 211.36278 181.68574 211.04932 181.88203 curveto -210.73583 182.07832 210.37988 182.17647 209.98145 182.17647 curveto -209.51269 182.17647 209.14648 182.0666 208.88281 181.84688 curveto -208.61914 181.62715 208.458 181.29463 208.39941 180.84932 curveto -208.39941 180.84932 lineto -closepath -208.39941 180.20772 moveto -208.39941 177.45674 lineto -207.69043 177.87276 207.16308 178.31807 206.81738 178.79268 curveto -206.58886 179.10909 206.47461 179.42842 206.47461 179.75068 curveto -206.47461 180.02022 206.57129 180.25752 206.76465 180.4626 curveto -206.91113 180.6208 207.11621 180.6999 207.37988 180.6999 curveto -207.67285 180.6999 208.01269 180.53584 208.39941 180.20772 curveto -208.39941 180.20772 lineto -closepath -210.43848 169.73994 moveto -207.5293 172.78975 lineto -206.77344 172.78975 lineto -207.79297 169.73994 lineto -210.43848 169.73994 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -216.27441 173.84443 moveto -216.27441 175.70772 lineto -216.81933 174.85811 217.29687 174.29415 217.70703 174.01582 curveto -218.11718 173.73751 218.51269 173.59835 218.89355 173.59834 curveto -219.22167 173.59835 219.48388 173.69942 219.68018 173.90156 curveto -219.87646 174.10372 219.9746 174.38936 219.97461 174.7585 curveto -219.9746 175.15108 219.87939 175.45577 219.68896 175.67256 curveto -219.49853 175.88936 219.26855 175.99776 218.99902 175.99775 curveto -218.68847 175.99776 218.41894 175.89815 218.19043 175.69893 curveto -217.96191 175.49971 217.82714 175.38839 217.78613 175.36494 curveto -217.72753 175.32979 217.66015 175.31221 217.58398 175.31221 curveto -217.41406 175.31221 217.25292 175.37667 217.10059 175.50557 curveto -216.86035 175.70479 216.67871 175.98897 216.55566 176.35811 curveto -216.36816 176.92647 216.27441 177.55342 216.27441 178.23897 curveto -216.27441 180.12861 lineto -216.2832 180.6208 lineto -216.2832 180.95479 216.30371 181.16865 216.34473 181.2624 curveto -216.41503 181.42061 216.51904 181.53633 216.65674 181.60957 curveto -216.79443 181.68281 217.02734 181.72822 217.35547 181.7458 curveto -217.35547 182.06221 lineto -212.91699 182.06221 lineto -212.91699 181.7458 lineto -213.27441 181.71651 213.51611 181.61836 213.64209 181.45137 curveto -213.76806 181.28438 213.83105 180.84346 213.83105 180.12861 curveto -213.83105 175.58467 lineto -213.83105 175.11593 213.80762 174.8171 213.76074 174.68818 curveto -213.70215 174.52413 213.61719 174.40401 213.50586 174.32783 curveto -213.39453 174.25167 213.19824 174.19893 212.91699 174.16963 curveto -212.91699 173.84443 lineto -216.27441 173.84443 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -224.7207 173.59834 moveto -225.43554 173.59835 226.10058 173.78292 226.71582 174.15205 curveto -227.33105 174.5212 227.79833 175.04561 228.11768 175.72529 curveto -228.437 176.40499 228.59667 177.14913 228.59668 177.95772 curveto -228.59667 179.12373 228.30077 180.09932 227.70898 180.88447 curveto -226.99413 181.83369 226.00683 182.3083 224.74707 182.3083 curveto -223.51074 182.3083 222.55859 181.87471 221.89063 181.00752 curveto -221.22266 180.14033 220.88867 179.13545 220.88867 177.99287 curveto -220.88867 176.81514 221.22998 175.78829 221.9126 174.91231 curveto -222.59521 174.03634 223.53125 173.59835 224.7207 173.59834 curveto -224.7207 173.59834 lineto -closepath -224.75586 174.22236 moveto -224.45703 174.22237 224.20068 174.33516 223.98682 174.56074 curveto -223.77295 174.78634 223.63232 175.23165 223.56494 175.89668 curveto -223.49756 176.56173 223.46386 177.48604 223.46387 178.66963 curveto -223.46386 179.29659 223.50488 179.88252 223.58691 180.42744 curveto -223.65136 180.84346 223.78906 181.15987 224 181.37666 curveto -224.21093 181.59346 224.45117 181.70186 224.7207 181.70186 curveto -224.98437 181.70186 225.2041 181.62861 225.37988 181.48213 curveto -225.60839 181.28291 225.76074 181.00459 225.83691 180.64717 curveto -225.9541 180.09053 226.01269 178.96553 226.0127 177.27217 curveto -226.01269 176.27608 225.95703 175.592 225.8457 175.21992 curveto -225.73437 174.84786 225.57031 174.57686 225.35352 174.40693 curveto -225.20117 174.2839 225.00195 174.22237 224.75586 174.22236 curveto -224.75586 174.22236 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -233.55371 182.3083 moveto -230.78516 175.93623 lineto -230.45117 175.16866 230.19043 174.68233 230.00293 174.47725 curveto -229.86816 174.32491 229.66894 174.22237 229.40527 174.16963 curveto -229.40527 173.84443 lineto -233.77344 173.84443 lineto -233.77344 174.16963 lineto -233.49804 174.16964 233.31054 174.21944 233.21094 174.31904 curveto -233.07031 174.44796 233 174.6003 233 174.77608 curveto -233 174.99288 233.1289 175.40011 233.38672 175.99775 curveto -234.74023 179.08272 lineto -235.82129 176.41963 lineto -236.13183 175.65792 236.2871 175.11886 236.28711 174.80244 curveto -236.2871 174.62081 236.22118 174.47286 236.08936 174.35859 curveto -235.95751 174.24434 235.7246 174.18136 235.39063 174.16963 curveto -235.39063 173.84443 lineto -238.08008 173.84443 lineto -238.08008 174.16963 lineto -237.82226 174.20479 237.61132 174.30147 237.44727 174.45967 curveto -237.2832 174.61788 237.0371 175.0837 236.70898 175.85713 curveto -233.9668 182.3083 lineto -233.55371 182.3083 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -243.37988 180.84932 moveto -242.37793 181.73408 241.47851 182.17647 240.68164 182.17647 curveto -240.21289 182.17647 239.82324 182.02266 239.5127 181.71504 curveto -239.20215 181.40742 239.04687 181.02217 239.04688 180.55928 curveto -239.04687 179.93233 239.31641 179.36836 239.85547 178.86738 curveto -240.39453 178.36641 241.56933 177.69991 243.37988 176.86787 curveto -243.37988 176.0417 lineto -243.37988 175.42061 243.34619 175.0295 243.27881 174.86836 curveto -243.21142 174.70723 243.08398 174.56661 242.89648 174.44649 curveto -242.70898 174.32638 242.49804 174.26632 242.26367 174.26631 curveto -241.88281 174.26632 241.56933 174.35128 241.32324 174.52119 curveto -241.1709 174.62667 241.09472 174.74972 241.09473 174.89033 curveto -241.09472 175.01339 241.17675 175.16573 241.34082 175.34736 curveto -241.56347 175.59932 241.6748 175.84249 241.6748 176.07686 curveto -241.6748 176.36397 241.56787 176.6086 241.354 176.81074 curveto -241.14013 177.0129 240.86035 177.11397 240.51465 177.11397 curveto -240.14551 177.11397 239.83642 177.00264 239.5874 176.77998 curveto -239.33838 176.55733 239.21387 176.29659 239.21387 175.99775 curveto -239.21387 175.57589 239.38086 175.17305 239.71484 174.78926 curveto -240.04883 174.40548 240.51465 174.11104 241.1123 173.90596 curveto -241.70996 173.70089 242.33105 173.59835 242.97559 173.59834 curveto -243.75488 173.59835 244.37158 173.76388 244.82568 174.09492 curveto -245.27978 174.42599 245.57421 174.78487 245.70898 175.17158 curveto -245.79101 175.41768 245.83202 175.98311 245.83203 176.86787 curveto -245.83203 180.0583 lineto -245.83202 180.4333 245.84667 180.66914 245.87598 180.76582 curveto -245.90527 180.8625 245.94921 180.93428 246.00781 180.98115 curveto -246.0664 181.02803 246.13378 181.05147 246.20996 181.05147 curveto -246.3623 181.05147 246.51757 180.94307 246.67578 180.72627 curveto -246.93945 180.93721 lineto -246.64648 181.3708 246.34325 181.68574 246.02979 181.88203 curveto -245.7163 182.07832 245.36034 182.17647 244.96191 182.17647 curveto -244.49316 182.17647 244.12695 182.0666 243.86328 181.84688 curveto -243.5996 181.62715 243.43847 181.29463 243.37988 180.84932 curveto -243.37988 180.84932 lineto -closepath -243.37988 180.20772 moveto -243.37988 177.45674 lineto -242.67089 177.87276 242.14355 178.31807 241.79785 178.79268 curveto -241.56933 179.10909 241.45507 179.42842 241.45508 179.75068 curveto -241.45507 180.02022 241.55175 180.25752 241.74512 180.4626 curveto -241.8916 180.6208 242.09668 180.6999 242.36035 180.6999 curveto -242.65332 180.6999 242.99316 180.53584 243.37988 180.20772 curveto -243.37988 180.20772 lineto -closepath -245.41895 169.73994 moveto -242.50977 172.78975 lineto -241.75391 172.78975 lineto -242.77344 169.73994 lineto -245.41895 169.73994 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -251.20215 173.84443 moveto -251.20215 174.90791 lineto -251.62402 174.45089 252.02832 174.11837 252.41504 173.91035 curveto -252.80175 173.70235 253.21777 173.59835 253.66309 173.59834 curveto -254.19628 173.59835 254.63866 173.7463 254.99023 174.04219 curveto -255.34179 174.33809 255.57616 174.70577 255.69336 175.14522 curveto -255.7871 175.47921 255.83398 176.12081 255.83398 177.07002 curveto -255.83398 180.26924 lineto -255.83398 180.90205 255.8911 181.2961 256.00537 181.45137 curveto -256.11962 181.60664 256.35839 181.70479 256.72168 181.7458 curveto -256.72168 182.06221 lineto -252.56445 182.06221 lineto -252.56445 181.7458 lineto -252.87499 181.70479 253.09765 181.57588 253.23242 181.35908 curveto -253.32617 181.2126 253.37304 180.84932 253.37305 180.26924 curveto -253.37305 176.61299 lineto -253.37304 175.93917 253.34667 175.51436 253.29395 175.33858 curveto -253.2412 175.1628 253.15185 175.02657 253.02588 174.92988 curveto -252.8999 174.83321 252.76074 174.78487 252.6084 174.78486 curveto -252.10449 174.78487 251.63574 175.14522 251.20215 175.86592 curveto -251.20215 180.26924 lineto -251.20214 180.88447 251.25927 181.27412 251.37354 181.43818 curveto -251.48779 181.60225 251.70019 181.70479 252.01074 181.7458 curveto -252.01074 182.06221 lineto -247.85352 182.06221 lineto -247.85352 181.7458 lineto -248.19922 181.71065 248.44531 181.59932 248.5918 181.41182 curveto -248.6914 181.28291 248.74121 180.90205 248.74121 180.26924 curveto -248.74121 175.62861 lineto -248.74121 175.00753 248.68408 174.62081 248.56982 174.46846 curveto -248.45557 174.31612 248.2168 174.21651 247.85352 174.16963 curveto -247.85352 173.84443 lineto -251.20215 173.84443 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -261.07227 173.84443 moveto -261.07227 180.35713 lineto -261.07226 180.93721 261.13964 181.30781 261.27441 181.46895 curveto -261.40918 181.63008 261.67285 181.72236 262.06543 181.7458 curveto -262.06543 182.06221 lineto -257.62695 182.06221 lineto -257.62695 181.7458 lineto -257.99023 181.73408 258.25976 181.62861 258.43555 181.4294 curveto -258.55273 181.29463 258.61133 180.93721 258.61133 180.35713 curveto -258.61133 175.5583 lineto -258.61133 174.97823 258.54394 174.60763 258.40918 174.44649 curveto -258.27441 174.28536 258.01367 174.19308 257.62695 174.16963 curveto -257.62695 173.84443 lineto -261.07227 173.84443 lineto -closepath -262.46973 169.73994 moveto -259.56055 172.78975 lineto -258.80469 172.78975 lineto -259.82422 169.73994 lineto -262.46973 169.73994 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -191.67645 174.28708 moveto -290.16633 174.28708 lineto -290.16633 203.07643 lineto -191.67645 203.07643 lineto -191.67645 174.28708 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -185.6206 42.300571 moveto -139.15359 42.240914 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.79999934 0.0010270848 -0.0010270848 0.79999934 185.6206 42.300571] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [-0.79999934 -0.0010270848 0.0010270848 -0.79999934 139.15359 42.240914] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -215.22234 53.568775 moveto -225.51282 109.13732 lineto -stroke -gsave [-0.14567153 -0.78662558 0.78662558 -0.14567153 215.22234 53.568775] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.14567153 0.78662558 -0.78662558 0.14567153 225.51282 109.13732] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -196.9131 53.568775 moveto -127.57439 101.56117 lineto -stroke -gsave [-0.65780404 0.45529534 -0.45529534 -0.65780404 127.57439 101.56117] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -93.505819 147.7655 moveto -92.516134 180.85815 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.0239145 -0.79964248 0.79964248 0.0239145 93.505819 147.7655] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [-0.0239145 0.79964248 -0.79964248 -0.0239145 92.516134 180.85815] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -227.68488 132.36067 moveto -227.76151 173.282 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.0014980914 0.7999986 -0.7999986 0.0014980914 227.76151 173.282] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -5.77 0 moveto --2.88 5 lineto --2.88 -5 lineto -5.77 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -grestore -grestore -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/10-prevody/prevody.svg b/10-prevody/prevody.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 248553f..0000000 --- a/10-prevody/prevody.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,264 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - - - SAT - - - Nezávislámnožina - - - 3 SAT - - - 3,3 SAT - - - Klika - - - 3d párování - - - - - - - - diff --git a/11-np/11-np.tex b/11-np/11-np.tex deleted file mode 100644 index c81d913..0000000 --- a/11-np/11-np.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,334 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{11}{NP-úplné problémy}{\vbox{\hbox{(zapsali F. Kaèmarik, R. Krivák, D. Remi¹} - \hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} - -Dosud jsme zkoumali problémy, které se nás ptaly na to, jestli nìco existuje. -Napøíklad jsme dostali formuli a problém splnitelnosti se nás ptal, zda -existuje ohodnocení promìnných takové, ¾e formule platí. Nebo v~pøípadì -nezávislých mno¾in jsme dostali graf a èíslo $k$ a ptali jsme se, jestli -v~grafu existuje nezávislá mno¾ina, která obsahuje alespoò~$k$ vrcholù. -Tyto otázky mìly spoleèné to, ¾e kdy¾ nám nìkdo napovìdìl nìjaký objekt, umìli -jsme efektivnì øíci, zda je to ten, který hledáme. Napøíklad pokud dostaneme -ohodnocení promìnných logické formule, staèí jen dosadit a spoèítat, kde -formule dá \ nebo \. Zjistit, ¾e nìjaký objekt je ten, který -hledáme, umíme efektivnì. Tì¾ké na tom je takový objekt najít. Co¾ vede -k~definici obecných vyhledávacích problémù, kterým se øíká tøída problémù NP. -Nadefinujeme si ji poøádnì, ale nejdøíve zaèneme tro¹ièku jednodu¹¹í tøídou. - -\s{Definice:} P je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù}, které jsou øe¹itelné -v~polynomiálním èase. Jinak øeèeno, problém -$L \in {\rm P} \Leftrightarrow \exists $ polynom $f$ a~$\exists$ algoritmus~$A$ -takový, ¾e $\forall x: L(x)=A(x)$ a $A(x)$ dobìhne v~èase $\O(f(x))$. - -Tøída P tedy odpovídá tomu, o èem jsme se shodli, ¾e umíme efektivnì øe¹it. -Nadefinujme nyní tøídu NP: - -\s{Definice:} NP je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù} takových, ¾e $L \in {\rm NP}$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ $\exists $ problém -$K\in{\rm P}$ a $\exists$ polynom $g$ takový, ¾e pro -$\forall x$ platí $L(x)=1 \Leftrightarrow \exists $ nápovìda $ y: \vert y \vert \leq g(\vert x \vert)$ a souèasnì $K(x,y)=1$. - -\s{Pozorování:} Splnitelnost logických formulí je v~NP. Staèí si toti¾ nechat napovìdìt, jak -ohodnotit jednotlivé promìnné a pak ovìøit, jestli je formule splnìna. Nápovìda je polynomiálnì -velká (dokonce lineárnì), splnìní zkontrolujeme také v~lineárním èase. Odpovíme tedy ano právì -tehdy, existuje-li nápovìda, která nás pøesvìdèí, èili pokud je formule splnitelná. - -\s{Pozorování:} Tøída P le¾í uvnitø NP. -V~podstatì øíkáme, ¾e kdy¾ máme problém, který umíme øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase -bez nápovìdy, tak to zvládneme v~polynomiálním èase i s~nápovìdou. - -Problémy z minulé pøedná¹ky jsou v¹echny v NP (napø. pro nezávislou -mno¾inu je onou nápovìdou pøímo mno¾ina vrcholù deklarující nezávislost), -o jejich pøíslu¹nosti do P ale nevíme nic. -Brzy uká¾eme, ¾e to jsou v jistém smyslu nejtì¾¹í problémy v~NP. -Nadefinujme si: - -\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I tì¾ký} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je na~nìj pøevoditelný -ka¾dý problém z~NP (viz definici pøevodù z minulé pøedná¹ky). - -Rozmyslete si, ¾e pokud umíme øe¹it nìjaký NP-tì¾ký problém v~polynomiálním èase, -pak umíme vyøe¹it v~polynomiálním èase v¹e v~NP, a tedy ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$. - -My se budeme zabývat problémy, které jsou NP-tì¾ké a samotné jsou v~NP. Takovým problémùm se øíká NP-úplné. - -\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I úplný} právì tehdy, kdy¾ $L$ je NP-tì¾ký a $L \in {\rm NP}$. - -NP-úplné problémy jsou tedy ve~své podstatì nejtì¾¹í problémy, které le¾í v~NP. -Kdybychom umìli vyøe¹it nìjaký NP-úplný problém v~polynomiálním èase, pak -v¹echno v~NP je øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. Bohu¾el to, jestli nìjaký -NP-úplný problém lze øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, se neví. Otázka, jestli -${\rm P}={\rm NP}$, je asi nejznámìj¹í otevøený problém v~celé teoretické -informatice. - -Kde ale nìjaký NP-úplný problém vzít? K~tomu se nám bude velice hodit následující vìta: - -\s{Vìta (Cookova):} SAT je NP-úplný. - -\>Dùkaz je znaènì technický, pøibli¾nì ho naznaèíme pozdìji. Pøímým dùsledkem -Cookovy vìty je, ¾e cokoli v~NP je pøevoditelné na SAT. -K dokazování NP-úplnosti dal¹ích problémù pou¾ijeme následující vìtièku: - -\s{Vìtièka:} Pokud problém $L$ je NP-úplný a $L$ se dá pøevést na nìjaký problém $M\in{\rm NP}$, pak $M$ je také NP-úplný. - -\proof -Tuto vìtièku staèí dokázat pro NP-tì¾kost, NP-úplnost plyne okam¾itì z~toho, ¾e -problémy jsou NP-tì¾ké a le¾í v~NP (podle pøedpokladu). - -Víme, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést na~$M$ nìjakou funkcí~$f$. Jeliko¾ $L$ je NP-úplný, -pak pro ka¾dý problém $Q\in{\rm NP}$ existuje nìjaká funkce~$g$, která pøevede -$Q$ na~$L$. Staèí tedy slo¾it funkci~$f$ s~funkcí~$g$, èím¾ získáme funkci pracující -opìt v~polynomiálním èase, která pøevede~$Q$ na~$M$. Ka¾dý problém z~NP se tedy -dá pøevést na problém~$M$. -\qed - -\s{Dùsledek:} Cokoliv, na co jsme umìli pøevést SAT, je také NP-úplné. -Napøíklad nezávislá mno¾ina, rùzné varianty SATu, klika v~grafu~\dots - -Jak taková tøída NP vypadá? Pøedstavme si v¹echny problémy tøídy NP, jakoby seøazené -shora dolu podle obtí¾nosti problémù (tedy navzdor gravitaci), kde porovnání dvou -problémù urèuje pøevoditelnost (viz obrázek). - -\figure{p-np.eps}{Struktura tøídy NP}{2.5cm} - -Obecnì mohou nastat dvì situace, proto¾e nevíme, jestli ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$. -Jestli ano, pak v¹echno je jedna a ta samá tøída. To by bylo v nìkterých -pøípadech nepraktické, napø. ka¾dá ¹ifra by byla jednodu¹e rozlu¹titelná. -\foot{Poznámka o ¹ifrách -- libovolnou funkci vyèíslitelnou v polynomiálním -èase bychom umìli v polynomiálním èase také invertovat.} -Jestli ne, NP-úplné problémy urèitì nele¾í v P, tak¾e P a NP-úplné problémy -jsou dvì disjunktní èásti NP. Také se dá dokázat (to dìlat nebudeme, ale je -dobré to vìdìt), ¾e je¹tì nìco le¾í mezi nimi, tedy ¾e existuje problém, který -je v~NP, není v~P a není NP-úplný (dokonce je takových problémù nekoneènì mnoho, -v nekoneènì tøídách). - -\s{Katalog NP-úplných problémù} - -Uká¾eme si nìkolik základních NP-úplných problémù. O~nìkterých jsme to dokázali -na~minulé pøedná¹ce, o~dal¹ích si to doká¾eme nyní, zbylým se na~zoubek podíváme -na~cvièeních. - -\itemize\ibull -\:{\I logické:} - \itemize\ibull - \:SAT (splnitelnost logických formulí v~CNF) - \:3-SAT (ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje max.~3 literály) - \:3,3-SAT (a navíc ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje nejvý¹e tøikrát) - \:SAT pro obecné formule (nejen CNF) - \:Obvodový SAT (není to formule, ale obvod) - \endlist -\:{\I grafové:} - \itemize\ibull - \:Nezávislá mno¾ina (existuje mno¾ina alespoò~$k$ vrcholù taková, ¾e ¾ádné dva nejsou propojeny hranou?) - \:Klika (existuje úplný podgraf na~$k$ vrcholech?) - \:3D párování (tøi mno¾iny se zadanými trojicemi, existuje taková mno¾ina disjunktních trojic, ve~které jsou v¹echny prvky?) - \:Barvení grafu (lze obarvit vrcholy $k$~barvami tak, aby vrcholy stejné barvy nebyly nikdy spojeny hranou? NP-úplné u¾ pro~$k=3$) - \:Hamiltonovská cesta (cesta obsahující v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou]) - \:Hamiltonovská kru¾nice (kru¾nice, která nav¹tíví v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou]) - \endlist -\:{\I èíselné:} - \itemize\ibull - \:Batoh (nejjednodu¹¹í verze: dána mno¾ina èísel, zjistit, zda existuje podmno¾ina se zadaným souètem) - \:Batoh -- optimalizace (podobnì jako u pøedchozího problému, ale místo mno¾iny èísel máme mno¾inu - pøedmìtù s vahami a cenami, chceme co nejdra¾¹í podmno¾inu její¾ váha nepøesáhne zadanou kapacitu - batohu) - \:Loupe¾níci (lze rozdìlit danou mno¾inu èísel na~dvì podmno¾iny se stejným souètem) - \:$Ax=b$ (soustava celoèíslených lineárních rovnic; $x_i$ mohou být pouze 0 nebo 1; NP-úplné i pokud $A_{ij}\in\{0,1\}$ a $b_i\in\{0,1\}$) - \:Celoèíselné lineární programování (existuje vektor nezáporných celoèísených $x$ takový, ¾e $Ax \leq b$ ?) - \endlist -\endlist - -Nyní si uká¾eme, jak pøevést SAT na nìjaký problém. Kdy¾ chceme ukázat, ¾e na -nìco se dá pøevést SAT, potøebujeme obvykle dvì vìci: -konstrukci, která bude simulovat promìnné, tedy nìco, co nabývá dvou stavù -\/\; a nìco, co bude reprezentovat klauzule a umí zaøídit, aby -ka¾dá klauzule byla splnìna alespoò jednou promìnnou. -Roz¹iøme tedy ná¹ katalog problémù o následující: -\h{3D párování (3D matching)} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a -mno¾ina $T$ kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou), - tj. $T \subseteq K\times H\times Z$. - -\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic $P\subseteq K\times H \times Z$ -- - tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, ¾e $(\forall k\in K\ \exists !p\in P: k\in p) - \wedge(\forall h\in H\ \exists !p\in P: h\in p) - \wedge(\forall z\in Z\ \exists !p\in P: z\in p)$ -- tedy ka¾dý byl vybrán - právì jednou. - - -\h{ Uká¾eme, jak na 3D-párování pøevést 3,3-SAT } - -Uva¾ujme takovouto konfiguraci: - -\fig{3d.eps}{4cm} - -\>4 zvíøátka, 2 kluci, 2 dívky a 4 trojice, které oznaèíme $A, B, C, D$. -Je¹tì pøedpokládáme, ¾e zvíøátka - se mohou úèastnit nìjakých jiných trojic, ale -tito ètyøi lidé se vyskytují pouze v~tìchto ètyøech trojicích a~nikde jinde. -V¹imneme si, ¾e existují právì dvì mo¾nosti, jak tento obrázek spárovat. -Abychom spárovali kluka $k_1$, tak si musíme vybrat $A$ nebo $B$. Kdy¾ si -vybereme $A$, $k_1$ i $d_2$ u¾ jsou spárovaní tak¾e si nesmíme vybrat $B$ ani -$D$. Pak jediná mo¾nost, jak spárovat $d_1$ a~$k_2$ je $C$. Jedna mo¾nost je -tedy vybrat si $A$ a $C$ a jeliko¾ je obrázek symetrický, tak kdy¾ vybereme -místo $A$ trojici $B$, dostaneme $B$ a~$D$. V¾dy si tedy vybereme dvì protìj¹í -trojice v~obrázku. - -Tyto konfigurace budeme pou¾ívat k~reprezentaci promìnných. Pro ka¾dou -promìnnou si nakreslíme takový obrázek a~to, ¾e $A$ bude spárované s~$C$, bude -odpovídat tomu, ¾e $x=1$, a~spárování $B$ a~$D$ bude odpovídat - $x=0$. Pokud jsme -pou¾ili $A$ a~$C$, zvíøata se sudými èísly, tj. $z_2$ a~$z_4$, horní a~dolní, -jsou nespárovaná a~pokud jsme pou¾ili $B$ a~$D$, zvíøátka $z_1$ a~$z_3$ zùstala -nespárovaná. Pøes tato nespárovaná zvíøátka mù¾eme pøedávat informaci, jestli -promìnná $x$ má hodnotu \ nebo \ do dal¹ích èástí vstupu. - -Zbývá vymyslet, jak reprezentovat klauzule. Klauzule jsou trojice popø. dvojice -literálù, napø. $\kappa = (x \lor y \lor \lnot r)$, kde -potøebujeme zajistit, aby $x$ bylo nastavené na $1$ nebo $y$ bylo nastavené -na~$1$ nebo $r$ na $0$. - -\fig{klauzule.eps}{4cm} - -\>Pro takovouto klauzuli si poøídíme dvojici kluk-dívka, kteøí budou figurovat -ve tøech trojicích se tøemi rùznými zvíøátky, co¾ mají být volná zvíøátka -z~obrázkù pro pøíslu¹né promìnné (podle toho, má-li se promìnná vyskytnout -s negací nebo ne). A~zaøídíme to tak, aby ka¾dé zvíøátko bylo -pou¾ité maximálnì v~jedné takové trojici, co¾ jde proto, ¾e ka¾dý literál se -vyskytuje maximálnì dvakrát a~pro ka¾dý literál máme dvì volná zvíøátka, -z~èeho¾ plyne, ¾e zvíøátek je dost pro v¹echny klauzule. Pro dvojice se postupuje -obdobnì. - -Je¹tì nám ale urèitì zbude $2p-k$ zvíøátek, kde $p$ je poèet promìnných, $k$ -poèet klauzulí -- ka¾dá promìnná vyrobí 4 zvíøátka, klauzule zba¹tí jedno -a samotné ohodnocení 2 zvíøátka -- tak pøidáme je¹tì $2p-k$ párù -kluk-dìvèe, kteøí milují -v¹echna zvíøátka, a~ti vytvoøí zbývající trojice. - -Pokud formule byla splnitelná, pak ze splòujícího ohodnocení mù¾eme vyrobit -párování s~na¹í konstrukcí. Obrázek pro ka¾dou promìnnou spárujeme podle -ohodnocení, tj. promìnná je $0$ nebo $1$ a~pro ka¾dou klauzuli si vybereme -nìkterou z~promìnných, kterými je ta klauzule splnìna. Funguje to ale -i~opaènì: Kdy¾ nám nìkdo dá párovaní v~na¹í konstrukci, pak z nìho doká¾eme -vyrobit splòující ohodnocení dané formule. Podíváme se, v~jakém stavu je -promìnná, a~to je v¹echno. Z~toho, ¾e jsou správnì spárované klauzule, u¾ -okam¾itì víme, ¾e jsou v¹echny splnìné. - -Zbývá ovìøit, ¾e na¹e redukce funguje v~polynomiálním èase. Pro ka¾dou klauzuli -spotøebujeme konstantnì mnoho èasu, $2p-k$ je také polynomiálnì mnoho a~kdy¾ v¹e -seèteme, máme polynomiální èas vzhledem k~velikosti vstupní formule. Tím je -pøevod hotový a~mù¾eme 3D-párování zaøadit mezi NP-úplné problémy. - - -%RK - - -\h{Náznak dùkazu Cookovy vìty} - -Abychom mohli budovat teorii NP-úplnosti, potøebujeme alespoò jeden problém, -o kterém doká¾eme, ¾e je NP-úplný, z definice. Cookova vìta øíká o NP-úplnosti -SAT-u, ale nám se to hodí dokázat o tro¹ku jiném problému -- {\I obvodovém SAT-u}. - -\>{\I Obvodový SAT} je splnitelnost, která nepracuje s~formulemi, ale s~booleovskými -obvody (hradlovými sítìmi). Ka¾dá formule se dá pøepsat do booleovského obvodu, -který ji poèítá, tak¾e dává smysl zavést splnitelnost i pro obvody. Na¹e obvody -budou mít nìjaké vstupy a~jenom jeden výstup. Budeme se ptát, jestli se vstupy -tohoto obvodu dají nastavit tak, abychom na výstupu dostali \. - -\>Nejprve doká¾eme NP-úplnost {\I obvodového SAT-u} a~pak uká¾eme, ¾e se dá -pøevést na obyèejný SAT v~CNF. Tím bude dùkaz Cookovy vìty hotový. Zaènìme -s pomocným lemmatem. - -\s{Lemma:} Nech» $L$ je problém v P. Potom existuje polynom $p$ a algoritmus, -který pro $\forall n \ge 0$ spoète v èase $p(n)$ hradlovou sí» $Bn$ s $n$ vstupy -a 1 výstupem takovou, ¾e $\forall x \in \{ 0, 1 \}^n : Bn(x) = L(x)$. - -\proof -Náznakem. Na základì zku¹eností z Principù poèítaèù intuitivnì chápeme poèítaèe -jako nìjaké slo¾ité booleovské obvody, jejich¾ stav se mìní v~èase. Uva¾me tedy -nìjaký problém $L \in {\rm P}$ a polynomiální algoritmus, který ho øe¹í. Pro vstup -velikosti~$n$ dobìhne v~èase~$T$ polynomiálním v~$n$ a spotøebuje $\O(T)$ bunìk pamìti. -Staèí nám tedy \uv{poèítaè s~pamìtí velkou $\O(T)$}, co¾ je nìjaký booleovský obvod -velikosti polynomiální v~$T$, a~tedy i v~$n$. Vývoj v~èase o¹etøíme tak, ¾e sestrojíme~$T$ -kopií tohoto obvodu, ka¾dá z~nich bude odpovídat jednomu kroku výpoètu a bude -propojena s~\uv{minulou} a \uv{budoucí} kopií. Tím sestrojíme booleovský obvod, -který bude øe¹it problém~$L$ pro vstupy velikosti~$n$ a bude polynomiálnì velký -vzhledem k~$n$. - -\s{Poznámka:} -Pro dùkaz následující vìty si dovolíme drobnou úpravu v~definici tøídy NP. -Budeme chtít, aby nápovìda -mìla pevnou velikost, závislou pouze na~velikosti vstupu (tedy: $\vert y \vert -= g(\vert x \vert)$ namísto $\vert y \vert \le g(\vert x \vert)$). Proè je taková -úprava BÚNO? Jistì si dovedete pøedstavit, -¾e pùvodní nápovìdu doplníme na po¾adovanou délku nìjakými \uv{mezerami}, které -program ignoruje. (Tedy upravíme program tak, aby mu nevadilo, ¾e dostane na -konci nápovìdy nìjak kódované mezery.) - -\s{Vìta:} Obvodový SAT je NP-úplný. - -\proof -Máme tedy nìjaký problém $L$ z~NP a~chceme dokázat, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést -na~obvodový SAT (tj. NP-tì¾kost). Kdy¾ nám nìkdo pøedlo¾í nìjaký vstup $x$ -(chápeme jako posloupnost $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$), -spoèítáme velikost nápovìdy $g(n)$. Víme, ¾e kontrolní -algoritmus~$K$ (který kontroluje, zda nápovìda je správnì) je v~P. Vyu¾ijeme -pøedchozí lemma, abychom získali obvod, který pro konkrétní velikost vstupu -$x$ poèítá to, co kontrolní algoritmus $K$. Na vstupu tohoto obvodu bude $x$ -(vstup problému $L$) a~nápovìda~$y$. Na výstupu nám øekne, jestli je nápovìda -správná. Velikost vstupu tohoto obvodu bude tedy $p(g(n))$, co¾ je také polynom. - -\fig{kobvod.eps}{2.3cm} - -\>V tomto obvodu zafixujeme vstup $x$ (na místa vstupu dosadíme konkrétní hodnoty z $x$). Tím získáme obvod, jeho¾ vstup je jen $y$ a~ptáme se, zda za $y$ mù¾eme dosadit nìjaké hodnoty tak, aby na výstupu bylo \. Jinými slovy, ptáme se, zda je tento obvod splnitelný. - -\>Pro libovolný problém z~NP tak doká¾eme sestrojit funkci, která pro ka¾dý vstup~$x$ v~polynomiálním èase vytvoøí obvod, který je splnitelný pravì tehdy, kdy¾ odpovìï tohoto problému na vstup $x$ má být \. Tedy libovolný problém z~NP se dá -v~polynomiálním èase pøevést na obvodový SAT. - -\>Obvodový SAT je v NP triviálnì -- staèí si nechat poradit vstup, sí» -topologicky setøídit a v~tomto poøadí poèítat hodnoty hradel. -\qed - -\s{Lemma:} Obvodový SAT se dá pøevést na 3-SAT. - -\proof -Budeme postupnì budovat formuli v~konjunktivní normální formì. Ka¾dý booleovský obvod se dá pøevést v~polynomiálním èase na~ekvivalentní obvod, ve~kterém se vyskytují jen hradla {\sc and} a {\sc not}, tak¾e staèí najít klauzule odpovídající tìmto hradlùm. Pro ka¾dé hradlo v~obvodu zavedeme novou promìnnou popisující jeho výstup. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám kontrolují, ¾e toto hradlo máme ohodnocené konzistentnì. - -\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc not}: na vstupu hradla budeme mít nìjakou promìnnou $x$ (která pøi¹la buïto pøímo ze~vstupu toho celého obvodu nebo je to promìnná, která vznikla na výstupu nìjakého hradla) a na výstupu promìnnou $y$. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám zaruèí, ¾e jedna promìnná bude negací té druhé: -$$\matrix{ (x \lor y), \cr - (\neg{x} \lor \neg{y}). \cr } - \hskip 0.2\hsize -\vcenter{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.7cm\epsfbox{not.eps}}} -$$ - -\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc and}: Hradlo má vstupy $x, y$ a~výstup $z$. Potøebujeme pøidat klauzule, které nám popisují, jak se má hradlo {\sc and} chovat. Tyto vztahy pøepí¹eme do~konjunktivní normální formy: -$$ -\left. \matrix{ - x\ \&\ y \Rightarrow z \cr - \neg{x} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr - \neg{y} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr -} -\ \quad - \right\} -\quad -\matrix{ - (z \lor \neg{x} \lor \neg{y}) \cr - (\neg{z} \lor x) \cr - (\neg{z} \lor y) \cr - } - \hskip 0.1\hsize -\vcenter{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.7cm\epsfbox{and.eps}}} -$$ - -\>Kdy¾ chceme pøevádìt obvodový SAT na 3-SAT, obvod nejdøíve pøelo¾íme na takový, ve~kterém jsou jen hradla {\sc and} a~{\sc not}, a~pak hradla tohoto obvodu pøelo¾íme na klauzule. Formule vzniklá z~takovýchto klauzulí je splnitelná pravì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelný daný obvod. Pøevod pracuje v polynomiálním èase. -\qed - -\s{Poznámka:} -Kdy¾ jsme zavádìli SAT, omezili jsme se jen na formule, které jsou -v~konjunktivní normální formì (CNF). Teï u¾ víme, ¾e splnitelnost obecné -booleovské formule doká¾eme pøevést na obvodovou splnitelnost a tu pak -pøevést na 3-SAT. Opaèný pøevod je samozøejmì triviální, tak¾e obecný SAT -je ve~skuteènosti ekvivalentní s~na¹ím \uv{standardním} SATem pro CNF. - -\bye - diff --git a/11-np/3d.eps b/11-np/3d.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 755fbcc..0000000 --- a/11-np/3d.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,641 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: 0.45.1 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 1 1 234 233 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 1.5714774 1.6 233.87693 232.675 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 842 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -147.56738 996.36218 moveto -142.78136 988.61727 lineto -137.5 980.14292 lineto -147.03962 980.12535 lineto -157.5 980.0699 lineto -152.7464 987.83238 lineto -147.56738 996.36218 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -147.43262 812.0699 moveto -152.21864 819.81481 lineto -157.5 828.28916 lineto -147.96038 828.30673 lineto 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lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -71.79228 844.86218 moveto -71.79228 964.86218 lineto -stroke -gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -39.553644 -91.24453] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -108.04102 913.93093 moveto -109.66699 913.93093 lineto -109.66699 922.00807 lineto -114.49219 917.76296 lineto -116.55762 917.76296 lineto -111.33691 922.36843 lineto -116.77734 927.60671 lineto -114.66797 927.60671 lineto -109.66699 922.79909 lineto -109.66699 927.60671 lineto -108.04102 927.60671 lineto -108.04102 913.93093 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -81.619293 837.61511 moveto -83.069489 837.61511 lineto -83.069489 832.60974 lineto -81.491852 832.92615 lineto -81.491852 832.11755 lineto -83.060699 831.80115 lineto -83.948395 831.80115 lineto -83.948395 837.61511 lineto -85.39859 837.61511 lineto -85.39859 838.36218 lineto -81.619293 838.36218 lineto -81.619293 837.61511 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 105.09694 -91.24453] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -114.58008 919.2571 moveto -114.58008 913.93093 lineto -116.19727 913.93093 lineto -116.19727 927.60671 lineto -114.58008 927.60671 lineto -114.58008 926.13014 lineto -114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto -112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto -110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto -107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto -107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto -109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto -112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto -113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto -114.58008 919.2571 lineto -closepath -109.06934 922.69362 moveto -109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto -110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto -112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto -114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto -114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto -113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto -110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto -109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto -109.06934 922.69362 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -226.26987 837.61511 moveto -227.72006 837.61511 lineto -227.72006 832.60974 lineto -226.14243 832.92615 lineto -226.14243 832.11755 lineto -227.71127 831.80115 lineto -228.59897 831.80115 lineto -228.59897 837.61511 lineto -230.04916 837.61511 lineto -230.04916 838.36218 lineto -226.26987 838.36218 lineto -226.26987 837.61511 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 112.44636 58.755473] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -108.04102 913.93093 moveto -109.66699 913.93093 lineto -109.66699 922.00807 lineto -114.49219 917.76296 lineto -116.55762 917.76296 lineto -111.33691 922.36843 lineto -116.77734 927.60671 lineto -114.66797 927.60671 lineto -109.66699 922.79909 lineto -109.66699 927.60671 lineto -108.04102 927.60671 lineto -108.04102 913.93093 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -234.23013 987.61511 moveto -237.32828 987.61511 lineto -237.32828 988.36218 lineto -233.16226 988.36218 lineto -233.16226 987.61511 lineto -233.49918 987.26648 233.9584 986.79846 234.53995 986.21106 curveto -235.12149 985.62366 235.48697 985.245 235.63638 985.07507 curveto -235.92056 984.75574 236.11905 984.48548 236.23184 984.26428 curveto -236.34463 984.0431 236.40103 983.82557 236.40103 983.61169 curveto -236.40103 983.26307 236.27871 982.97889 236.03409 982.75916 curveto -235.78946 982.53943 235.47085 982.42957 235.07828 982.42957 curveto -234.79995 982.42957 234.50625 982.47791 234.19717 982.57458 curveto -233.88809 982.67127 233.55777 982.81775 233.20621 983.01404 curveto -233.20621 982.11755 lineto -233.56363 981.97401 233.89761 981.86561 234.20816 981.79236 curveto -234.51871 981.71912 234.80288 981.6825 235.0607 981.6825 curveto -235.74038 981.6825 236.28238 981.85242 236.68668 982.19226 curveto -237.09097 982.53211 237.29312 982.98621 237.29312 983.55457 curveto -237.29312 983.8241 237.24258 984.07972 237.14151 984.32141 curveto -237.04043 984.56311 236.85659 984.84803 236.59 985.17615 curveto -236.51675 985.26111 236.28384 985.50647 235.89127 985.91223 curveto -235.49868 986.318 234.94497 986.88562 234.23013 987.61511 curveto -234.23013 987.61511 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -44.90306 58.755473] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -114.58008 919.2571 moveto -114.58008 913.93093 lineto -116.19727 913.93093 lineto -116.19727 927.60671 lineto -114.58008 927.60671 lineto -114.58008 926.13014 lineto -114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto -112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto -110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto -107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto -107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto -109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto -112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto -113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto -114.58008 919.2571 lineto -closepath -109.06934 922.69362 moveto -109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto -110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto -112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto -114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto -114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto -113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto -110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto -109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto -109.06934 922.69362 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -76.880722 987.61511 moveto -79.978867 987.61511 lineto -79.978867 988.36218 lineto -75.812851 988.36218 lineto -75.812851 987.61511 lineto -76.149764 987.26648 76.608992 986.79846 77.190536 986.21106 curveto -77.772077 985.62366 78.137555 985.245 78.286972 985.07507 curveto -78.571148 984.75574 78.769634 984.48548 78.882431 984.26428 curveto -78.99522 984.0431 79.051617 983.82557 79.05162 983.61169 curveto -79.051617 983.26307 78.929302 982.97889 78.684677 982.75916 curveto -78.440045 982.53943 78.121442 982.42957 77.728867 982.42957 curveto -77.450544 982.42957 77.156843 982.47791 76.847763 982.57458 curveto -76.53868 982.67127 76.208358 982.81775 75.856796 983.01404 curveto -75.856796 982.11755 lineto -76.214217 981.97401 76.548201 981.86561 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685.08155 curveto -430.88672 685.62843 431.01172 686.04933 431.26172 686.34425 curveto -431.51172 686.63917 431.86718 686.78663 432.32813 686.78663 curveto -432.66796 686.78663 432.98339 686.70656 433.27441 686.5464 curveto -433.56542 686.38624 433.81445 686.15382 434.02148 685.84913 curveto -434.24414 685.52882 434.42382 685.15187 434.56055 684.71827 curveto -434.69726 684.28468 434.76562 683.87062 434.76563 683.47609 curveto -434.76563 683.47609 lineto -closepath -431.42578 681.95265 moveto -431.71484 681.57375 432.05566 681.28664 432.44824 681.09132 curveto -432.84082 680.89601 433.27734 680.79836 433.75781 680.79835 curveto -434.42968 680.79836 434.95117 681.01808 435.32227 681.45753 curveto -435.69335 681.89699 435.8789 682.5132 435.87891 683.30616 curveto -435.8789 683.95461 435.76366 684.57277 435.5332 685.16066 curveto -435.30273 685.74855 434.9707 686.27492 434.53711 686.73976 curveto -434.24804 687.04835 433.92187 687.2837 433.55859 687.44581 curveto -433.19531 687.60792 432.8125 687.68898 432.41016 687.68898 curveto -431.94531 687.68898 431.55468 687.5923 431.23828 687.39894 curveto -430.92187 687.20558 430.68555 686.91749 430.5293 686.53468 curveto -429.85547 690.01515 lineto -428.77734 690.01515 lineto -430.54102 680.95655 lineto -431.61914 680.95655 lineto -431.42578 681.95265 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -438.62695 678.40187 moveto -439.70508 678.40187 lineto -437.92969 687.51905 lineto -436.85156 687.51905 lineto -438.62695 678.40187 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -446.44336 683.55812 moveto -445.67578 687.51905 lineto -444.5918 687.51905 lineto -445.35938 683.59913 lineto -445.39453 683.41554 445.42187 683.25343 445.44141 683.1128 curveto -445.46093 682.97218 445.4707 682.86086 445.4707 682.77882 curveto -445.4707 682.4507 445.36718 682.19484 445.16016 682.01124 curveto -444.95312 681.82765 444.66406 681.73586 444.29297 681.73585 curveto -443.71484 681.73586 443.21679 681.92824 442.79883 682.313 curveto -442.38086 682.69777 442.10742 683.22023 441.97852 683.88038 curveto -441.25781 687.51905 lineto -440.17969 687.51905 lineto -441.45117 680.95655 lineto -442.5293 680.95655 lineto -442.3125 681.9878 lineto -442.61328 681.6089 442.97461 681.31594 443.39648 681.1089 curveto -443.81836 680.90187 444.26171 680.79836 444.72656 680.79835 curveto -445.30468 680.79836 445.75292 680.95461 446.07129 681.2671 curveto -446.38964 681.57961 446.54882 682.01906 446.54883 682.58546 curveto -446.54882 682.72609 446.54003 682.87648 446.52246 683.03663 curveto -446.50488 683.19679 446.47851 683.37062 446.44336 683.55812 curveto -446.44336 683.55812 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -453.14648 683.65187 moveto -453.1582 683.58937 453.16699 683.52492 453.17285 683.45851 curveto -453.17871 683.39211 453.18163 683.3257 453.18164 683.25929 curveto -453.18163 682.78273 453.04199 682.40578 452.7627 682.12843 curveto -452.48339 681.85109 452.10351 681.71242 451.62305 681.71241 curveto -451.08789 681.71242 450.61523 681.88137 450.20508 682.21925 curveto -449.79492 682.55715 449.48437 683.03664 449.27344 683.65773 curveto -453.14648 683.65187 lineto -closepath -454.08398 684.49562 moveto -449.06836 684.49562 lineto -449.04492 684.64406 449.0293 684.76125 449.02148 684.84718 curveto -449.01367 684.93312 449.00976 685.00734 449.00977 685.06984 curveto -449.00976 685.61281 449.17676 686.03273 449.51074 686.3296 curveto -449.84472 686.62648 450.3164 686.77491 450.92578 686.77491 curveto -451.39453 686.77491 451.83789 686.72218 452.25586 686.61671 curveto -452.67382 686.51124 453.06249 686.35695 453.42188 686.15382 curveto -453.2168 687.22023 lineto -452.83007 687.37648 452.43066 687.49366 452.01855 687.57179 curveto -451.60644 687.64991 451.1875 687.68898 450.76172 687.68898 curveto -449.85156 687.68898 449.15137 687.4712 448.66113 687.03566 curveto -448.1709 686.60011 447.92578 685.98195 447.92578 685.18116 curveto -447.92578 684.49757 448.04785 683.86183 448.29199 683.27394 curveto -448.53613 682.68605 448.89453 682.16164 449.36719 681.7007 curveto -449.67187 681.41164 450.03418 681.18898 450.4541 681.03273 curveto -450.87402 680.87648 451.32031 680.79836 451.79297 680.79835 curveto -452.53515 680.79836 453.12597 681.02101 453.56543 681.46632 curveto -454.00488 681.91164 454.2246 682.50929 454.22461 683.25929 curveto -454.2246 683.43898 454.21288 683.63136 454.18945 683.83644 curveto -454.16601 684.04152 454.13085 684.26125 454.08398 684.49562 curveto -454.08398 684.49562 lineto -closepath -453.12891 677.9214 moveto -454.29492 677.9214 lineto -451.95703 680.12452 lineto -451.05469 680.12452 lineto -453.12891 677.9214 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1.0794981 0 0 1.1120691 -10.146435 2.3213619] concat -gsave -0.80000001 0.80000001 0.80000001 setrgbcolor -newpath -125.19378 899.26141 moveto -125.2013 911.67969 104.4619 921.74863 78.87596 921.74863 curveto -53.290018 921.74863 32.550621 911.67969 32.55814 899.26141 curveto -32.550621 886.84313 53.290018 876.77419 78.87596 876.77419 curveto -104.4619 876.77419 125.2013 886.84313 125.19378 899.26141 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 32.998062 -15.126589] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -40.027344 1013.1148 moveto -42.763672 1013.1148 lineto -43.560541 1013.1148 44.167963 1013.3003 44.585938 1013.6714 curveto -45.003899 1014.0425 45.212883 1014.5855 45.212891 1015.3003 curveto -45.212883 1016.2612 44.90429 1017.0093 44.287109 1017.5444 curveto -43.669916 1018.0796 42.80273 1018.3472 41.685547 1018.3472 curveto -40.197266 1018.3472 lineto -39.511719 1021.8628 lineto -38.322266 1021.8628 lineto -40.027344 1013.1148 lineto -closepath -41.023438 1014.0874 moveto -40.390625 1017.3745 lineto -41.878906 1017.3745 lineto -42.550777 1017.3745 43.066401 1017.2027 43.425781 1016.8589 curveto -43.78515 1016.5152 43.964838 1016.023 43.964844 1015.3823 curveto -43.964838 1014.9722 43.842768 1014.6538 43.598633 1014.4273 curveto -43.354487 1014.2007 43.011714 1014.0874 42.570313 1014.0874 curveto -41.023438 1014.0874 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 108.07718 103.22423] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -19.985352 936.01589 moveto -22.375977 936.01589 lineto -28.194336 946.99343 lineto -28.194336 936.01589 lineto -29.916992 936.01589 lineto -29.916992 949.13796 lineto -27.526367 949.13796 lineto -21.708008 938.16042 lineto -21.708008 949.13796 lineto -19.985352 949.13796 lineto -19.985352 936.01589 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -35.225586 937.47487 moveto -35.225586 942.40554 lineto -37.458008 942.40554 lineto -38.284173 942.40554 38.922844 942.19168 39.374023 941.76393 curveto -39.825187 941.33621 40.050773 940.72683 40.050781 939.93581 curveto -40.050773 939.15066 39.825187 938.54422 39.374023 938.11647 curveto -38.922844 937.68875 38.284173 937.47488 37.458008 937.47487 curveto -35.225586 937.47487 lineto -closepath -33.450195 936.01589 moveto -37.458008 936.01589 lineto -38.928704 936.0159 40.040519 936.34842 40.793457 937.01345 curveto -41.546377 937.6785 41.922841 938.65262 41.922852 939.93581 curveto -41.922841 941.23074 41.546377 942.20925 40.793457 942.87136 curveto -40.040519 943.53347 38.928704 943.86453 37.458008 943.86452 curveto -35.225586 943.86452 lineto -35.225586 949.13796 lineto -33.450195 949.13796 lineto -33.450195 936.01589 lineto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -grestore -grestore -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/11-np/p-np.svg b/11-np/p-np.svg deleted file mode 100644 index f2a44b9..0000000 --- a/11-np/p-np.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,213 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - - - - NP - úplné - P NP - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - - - - NP - úplné - P NP - diff --git a/12-apx/12-apx.tex b/12-apx/12-apx.tex deleted file mode 100644 index d2583f3..0000000 --- a/12-apx/12-apx.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex -\prednaska{12}{Aproximaèní algoritmy}{\vbox{\hbox{(F. Ha¹ko, J. Menda, M. Mare¹,} - \hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} - -\>Na~minulých pøedná¹kách jsme se zabývali rùznými tì¾kými rozhodovacími -problémy. Tato se zabývá postupy, jak se v~praxi vypoøádat s~øe¹ením tìchto -problémù. - -\h{Co dìlat, kdy¾ potkáme NP-úplný problém} -\algo -\:Nepanikaøit. -\:Spokojit se s~málem. -\:Rozmyslet, jestli opravdu potøebujeme obecný algoritmus. Mnohdy potøebujeme pouze -speciálnìj¹í pøípady, které mohou být øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. -\:Spokojit se s~pøibli¾ným øe¹ením, (pou¾ít aproximaèní algoritmus). -\:Pou¾ít heuristiku -- napøíklad genetické algoritmy nebo randomizované algoritmy. -Velmi pomoci mù¾e i jen výhodnìj¹í poøadí pøi~prohledávání èi oøezávání nìkterých -napohled nesmyslných vìtví výpoètu. -\endalgo - -\h{První zpùsob: Speciální pøípad} - -\>Èasto si vystaèíme s~vyøe¹ením speciálního pøípadu NP-úplného problému, který -le¾í v~$P$. Napøíklad pøi øe¹ení grafové úlohy nám mù¾e staèit øe¹ení -pro~speciální druh grafù (stromy, bipartitní grafy, \dots). Barvení grafu je lehké -napø. pro~dvì barvy èi pro intervalové grafy. 2-SAT, jako speciální pøípad SATu, -se dá øe¹it v~lineárním èase. - -\>Uká¾eme si dva takové pøípady (budeme øe¹ení hledat, nejen rozhodovat, zda existuje) - -\s{Problém: Maximální nezávislá mno¾ina ve~stromì (ne rozhodovací)} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Zakoøenìný strom~$T$. - -\>{\I Výstup:} Maximální (co do~poètu vrcholù) nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù~$M$~v~$T$. - -\>BÚNO mù¾eme pøedpokládat, ¾e v~$M$ jsou v¹echny listy $T$. Pokud by nìkterý -list $l$ v~$M$ nebyl, tak se podíváme na~jeho otce: -\itemize\ibull -\:Pokud otec není v~$M$, tak list $l$ pøidáme do~$M$, èím¾ se nezávislost -mno¾iny zachovala a velikost stoupla o~1. -\:Pokud tam otec je, tak ho z~$M$ vyjmeme a na~místo nìho vlo¾íme $l$. -Nezávislost ani velikost $M$ se nezmìnily. -\endlist -\>Nyní listy spolu s~jejich otci z~$T$ odebereme a postup opakujeme. $T$ se -mù¾e rozpadnout na~les, ale to nevadí $\to$ tentý¾ postup aplikujeme na~v¹echny stromy v~lese. - -\s{Algoritmus:} -\>MaxNz$(T)$ -\algo -\:Polo¾íme $L$:=$\{$listy stromu $T\}$. -\:Polo¾íme $O$:=$\{$otcové vrcholù z~$L\}$. -\:Vrátíme $L \cup$ MaxNz$(T\setminus(O \cup L))$. -\endalgo -\>{\I Poznámka:} Toto doká¾eme naprogramovat v~$\O(n)$ (udr¾ujeme si frontu listù). - -\s{Problém: Batoh} - -\>Je daná mno¾ina $n$~pøedmìtù s~hmotnostmi $h_1,\ldots,h_n$ -a cenami $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ a~batoh, který unese hmostnost~$H$. Najdìte takovou -podmno¾inu pøedmìtù, jejich¾ celková hmotnost je maximálnì $H$ a celková cena -je maximální mo¾ná. - -\>Tento problém je zobecnìním problému batohu z~minulé pøedná¹ky dvìma smìry: -Jednak místo rozhodovacího problému øe¹íme optimalizaèní, jednak pøedmìty -mají ceny (pøedchozí verze odpovídala tomu, ¾e ceny jsou rovny hmotnostem). -Uká¾eme si algoritmus pro øe¹ení tohoto obecného problému, jeho¾ èasová -slo¾itost bude polynomiální v~poètu pøedmìtù~$n$ a souètu v¹ech cen~$C=\sum_i -c_i$. - -\>Pou¾ijeme dynamické programování. Pøedstavme si problém omezený na~prvních~$k$ -pøedmìtù. Oznaème si $A_k(c)$ (kde $0\le c\le C$) minimální hmotnost -podmno¾iny, její¾ cena je právì~$c$. Tato $A_k$ spoèteme indukcí podle~$k$: -Pro $k=0$ je urèitì $A_0(0)=0$, $A_0(c)=infty$ pro $c>0$. Pokud ji¾ známe -$A_{k-1}$, spoèítáme $A_k$ následovnì: $A_k(c)$ odpovídá nìjaké podmno¾inì -pøedmìtù z~$1,\ldots,k$. V~této podmno¾inì jsme buïto $k$-tý pøedmìt nepou¾ili -(a pak je $A_k(c)=A_{k-1}(c)$), nebo pou¾ili a tehdy bude $A_k(c) = -A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k$ (to samozøejmì jen pokud $c\ge c_k$). Z~tìchto dvou -mo¾ností si vybereme tu, která dává mno¾inu s~men¹í hmotností. Tedy: -$$ -A_k(c) = \min (A_{k-1}(c), A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k). -$$ -Tímto zpùsobem v~èase $\O(C)$ spoèteme $A_k(c)$ pro fixní $k$ a v¹echna $c$, -v~èase $\O(nC)$ pak v¹echny $A_k(c)$. - -\>Podle $A_n$ snadno nalezneme maximální cenu mno¾iny, která se vejde do~batohu. -To bude nejvìt¹í~$c^*$, pro nì¾ je $A_n(c^*) \le H$. Jeho nalezení nás stojí -èas $\O(C)$. - -\>A~jak zjistit, které pøedmìty do~nalezené mno¾iny patøí? Upravíme algoritmus, -aby si pro ka¾dé $A_k(c)$ pamatoval $B_k(c)$, co¾ bude index posledního pøedmìtu, -který jsme do~pøíslu¹né mno¾iny pøidali. Pro nalezené $c^*$ tedy bude $i=B_n(c^*)$ -poslední pøedmìt v~nalezené mno¾inì, $i'=B_{i-1}(c^*-c_i)$ ten pøedposlední -a tak dále. Takto v~èase $\O(n)$ rekonstruujeme celou mno¾inu od~posledního -prvku k~prvnímu. - -\>Ukázali jsme tedy algoritmus s~èasovou slo¾itostí $\O(nC)$, který vyøe¹í -problém batohu. Jeho slo¾itost není polynomem ve~velikosti vstupu ($C$~mù¾e -být a¾ exponenciálnì velké vzhledem k~velikosti vstupu), ale pouze ve~velikosti -èísel na~vstupu. Takovým algoritmùm se øíká {\I pseudopolynomiální.} Ani takové -algoritmy ale nejsou k dispozici pro v¹echny problémy (napø. u problému obchodního -cestujícího nám vùbec nepomù¾e, ¾e váhy hran budou malá èísla). - -\s{Verze bez cen:} Na verzi s~cenami rovnými hmotnostem se dá pou¾ít -i jiný algoritmus zalo¾ený na~dynamickém programování: poèítáme mno¾iny -$Z_k$ obsahující v¹echny hmotnosti men¹í ne¾~$H$, kterých nabývá -nìjaká podmno¾ina prvních~$k$ prvkù. Pøitom $Z_0=\{0\}$, $Z_k$ -spoèteme ze~$Z_{k-1}$ --- udr¾ujme si $Z_{k-1}$ jako setøídìný spojový seznam, -výpoèet dal¹ího seznamu udìláme slitím dvou seznamù $Z_{k-1}$ a $Z_{k-1}$ se -v¹emi prvky zvý¹enými o hmotnost $k$ zahazujíce duplicitní a pøíli¹ velké hodnoty --- -a ze~$Z_n$ vyèteme výsledek. V¹echny tyto mno¾iny -mají nejvý¹e $H$ prvkù, tak¾e celková èasová slo¾itost algoritmu je~$\O(nH)$. - -\h{Druhý zpùsob: Aproximace} - -\>V pøedcházejících problémech jsme se zamìøili na~speciální pøípady. Obèas v¹ak -takové ¹tìstí nemáme a musíme vyøe¹it celý NP-úplný problém. Mù¾eme si v¹ak -pomoct tím, ¾e se ho nebudeme sna¾it vyøe¹it optimálnì -- namísto optimálního -øe¹ení najdeme nìjaké, které je nejvý¹e $c$-krát hor¹í pro nìjakou konstantu $c$. - -\s{Problém: Obchodní cestující} - -\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf~$G$, ka¾dá hrana -je ohodnocená funkcí $w: E(G)\rightarrow {\bb R }^+_0$. - -\>{\I Výstup:} Hamiltonovská kru¾nice (obsahující v¹echny vrcholy grafu), a~to ta nejkrat¹í -(podle ohodnocení). - -\>Tento problém je hned na~první pohled nároèný -- u¾ sama existence -hamiltonovské kru¾nice je NP-úplná. Najdeme aproximaèní algoritmus nejprve za pøedpokladu, -¾e vrcholy splòují trojúhelníkovou nerovnost (tj. $\forall x,y,z \in V: w(xz)\le -w(xy)+w(yz)$), potom uká¾eme, ¾e v úplnì obecném pøípadé by samotná existence -aproximaèního algoritmu implikovala ${\rm P=NP }$. - -\>{\I a) trojúhelníková nerovnost:} - -Existuje pìkný algoritmus, který najde hamiltonovskou kru¾nici o délce $\leq -2\cdot opt$, kde $opt$ je délka nejkrat¹í hamiltonovské kru¾nice. -Vedle pøedpokladu trojúhelníkové -nerovnosti budeme potøebovat, aby ná¹ graf byl úplný. Souhrnnì mù¾eme -pøedpokládat, ¾e úlohu øe¹íme v nìjakém metrickém protoru, ve kterém jsou obì -podmínky podle definice splnìny. - -Najdeme nejmen¹í kostru grafu a obchodnímu cestujícímu poradíme, a» jde po~ní -- kostru -zakoøeníme a projdeme jako strom do hloubky, pøièem¾ se zastavíme a¾ v koøeni po projití -v¹ech vrcholù. Problém v¹ak je, ¾e prùchod po kostøe obsahuje -nìkteré vrcholy i hrany vícekrát, a proto musíme nahradit nepovolené vracení se. -Máme-li na nìjaký vrchol vstoupit podruhé, prostì ho ignorujeme a pøesuneme se -rovnou na dal¹í nenav¹tívený -- dovolit si to mù¾eme, graf je úplný a obsahuje -hrany mezi v¹emi dvojicemi vrcholù -(jinak øeèeno, poøadí vrcholù kru¾nice bude preorder výpis prùchodem do hloubky). -Pokud platí trojúhelníková nerovnost, tak si tìmito zkratkami neu¹kodíme. -Nech» minimální kostra má váhu~$T$. Pokud bychom pro¹li celou kostru, bude mít -sled váhu~$2T$ (ka¾dou hranou kostry jsme ¹li tam a zpátky), a pøeskakování -vrcholù celkovou váhu nezvìt¹uje (pøi pøeskoku -nahradíme cestu $xyz$ jedinou hranou $xz$, pøièem¾ z trojúhelníkové nerovnosti -máme $xz \leq xy + xz$), tak¾e váha nalezené -hamiltonovské kru¾nice bude také nanejvý¹ $2T$. - -Kdy¾ máme hamiltonovskou kru¾nici $C$ a z~ní vy¹krtneme hranu, dostaneme kostru -grafu~$G$ s~váhou men¹í ne¾ $C$ -- ale ka¾dá kostra je alespoò tak tì¾ká -jako minimální kostra $T$. Tedy optimální hamiltonovská kru¾nice je urèitì tì¾¹í -ne¾ minimální kostra $T$. Kdy¾ tyto dvì nerovnosti slo¾íme -dohromady, algoritmus nám vrátí hamiltonovskou kru¾nici $T'$ s~váhou nanejvý¹ -dvojnásobnou vzhledem k optimální hamiltonovské kru¾nici ($T' \leq 2T < 2C$). Takovéto -algoritmy se nazývají {\I 2-aproximaèní}, kdy¾ øe¹ení je maximálnì dvojnásobné -od~optimálního.\foot{Hezkým trikem se v obecných metrických prostorech umí -$1{,}5$-aproximace. Ve~nìkterých metrických prostorech (tøeba v euklidovské -rovinì) se aproximaèní pomìr dá dokonce srazit na -libovolnì blízko k 1. Zaplatíme ale na èase -- èím pøesnìj¹í výsledek -po algoritmu chceme, tím déle to bude trvat.} - -\>{\I b) bez~trojúhelníkové nerovnosti:} - -Zde se budeme naopak sna¾it ukázat, ¾e ¾ádný polynomiální aproximaèní -algoritmus neexistuje. - -\s{Vìta:} Pokud pro~libovolné~$\varepsilon>0$ existuje polynomiální -$(1+\varepsilon)$-aproximaèní algoritmus pro~problém obchodního cestujícího bez~trojúhelníkové nerovnosti, tak ${\rm P = NP }$. - -\proof Uká¾eme, ¾e v~takovém pøípadì doká¾eme v~polynomiálním èase zjistit, -zda v grafu existuje hamiltonovská kru¾nice. - -\>Dostali jsme graf~$G$, ve~kterém hledáme hamiltonovskou kru¾nici. Doplníme -$G$ na~úplný graf~$G'$ a~váhy hran~$G'$ nastavíme takto: -\itemize\ibull -\: $w(e) = 1$, kdy¾ $e \in E(G)$ -\: $w(e) = c \gg 1$, kdy¾ $e \not\in E(G)$ -\endlist -\>Konstantu $c$ potøebujeme zvolit tak velkou, abychom jasnì poznali, jestli -je ka¾dá hrana z nalezené hamiltonovské kru¾nice hranou grafu $G$ (pokud by -nebyla, bude kru¾nice obsahovat aspoò jednu hranu s váhou $c$, která vy¾ene -souèet poznatelnì vysoko). Pokud existuje hamiltonovská kru¾nice v~$G'$ slo¾ená jen -z~hran, které byly -pùvodnì v~$G$, pak optimální øe¹ení bude mít váhu~$n$, jinak bude urèitì -minimálnì $n-1+c$. Kdy¾ máme aproximaèní algoritmus s~pomìrem~$1+\varepsilon$, -musí tedy být -$$ -\eqalign{ -(1+\varepsilon)\cdot n &< n-1+c \cr -\varepsilon n+1 &< c -} -$$ -\>Kdyby takový algoritmus existoval, máme polynomiální algoritmus -na~hamiltonovskou kru¾nici. -\qed - -\s{Poznámka:} O existenci pseudopolynomiálního algoritmu -platí analogická vìta, a doká¾e se analogicky -- existující hrany budou -mít váhu 1, neexistující váhu 2. - -\h{Aproximaèní schéma pro problém batohu} - -Ji¾ víme, jak optimalizaèní verzi problému batohu vyøe¹it v~èase $\O(nC)$, -pokud jsou hmotnosti i ceny na~vstupu pøirozená èísla a $C$ je souèet v¹ech cen. -Jak si poradit, pokud je~$C$ obrovské? Kdybychom mìli ¹tìstí a v¹echny -ceny byly dìlitelné nìjakým èíslem~$p$, mohli bychom je tímto èíslem -vydìlit. Tím bychom dostali zadání s~men¹ími èísly, jeho¾ øe¹ením by byla -stejná mno¾ina pøedmìtù jako u~zadání pùvodního. - -Kdy¾ nám ¹tìstí pøát nebude, mù¾eme pøesto zkusit ceny vydìlit a výsledky -nìjak zaokrouhlit. Øe¹ení nové úlohy pak sice nebude pøesnì odpovídat optimálnímu -øe¹ení té pùvodní, ale kdy¾ nastavíme parametry správnì, bude alespoò jeho dobrou aproximací. - -\s{Základní my¹lenka:} - -Oznaèíme si $c_{max}$ maximum z~cen~$c_i$. Zvolíme si nìjaké pøirozené èíslo~$M < c_{max}$ -a zobrazíme interval cen $[0, c_{max}]$ na $[0,M]$ (tedy ka¾dou cenu znásobíme -$M/c_{max}$). -Jak jsme tím zkreslili výsledek? V¹imnìme si, ¾e efekt je stejný, jako kdybychom jednotlivé -ceny zaokrouhlili na~násobky èísla $c_{max}/M$ (prvky z intervalu -$[i\cdot c_{max}/M,(i+1)\cdot c_{max}/M)$ se zobrazí na stejný prvek). Ka¾dé $c_i$ jsme tím -tedy zmìnili o~nejvý¹e $c_{max}/M$, celkovou cenu libovolné podmno¾iny pøedmìtù pak -nejvý¹e o~$n\cdot c_{max}/M$. Teï si je¹tì v¹imnìme, ¾e pokud ze~zadání odstraníme -pøedmìty, které se samy nevejdou do~batohu, má optimální øe¹ení pùvodní úlohy cenu $OPT\ge c_{max}$, -tak¾e chyba v~souètu je nejvý¹e $n\cdot OPT/M$. Má-li tato chyba být shora omezena -$\varepsilon\cdot OPT$, musíme zvolit $M\ge n/\varepsilon$.\foot{Pøipomìòme, ¾e toto je¹tì není dùkaz, nebo» velkoryse pøehlí¾íme chyby dané zaokrouhlováním. Dùkaz provedeme ní¾e.} - -\s{Algoritmus:} -\algo -\:Odstraníme ze~vstupu v¹echny pøedmìty tì¾¹í ne¾~$H$. -\:Spoèítáme $c_{max}=\max_i c_i$ a zvolíme $M=\lceil n/\varepsilon\rceil$. -\:Kvantujeme ceny: $\forall i: \hat{c}_i \leftarrow \lfloor c_i \cdot M/c_{max} \rfloor$. -\:Vyøe¹íme dynamickým programováním problém batohu pro upravené ceny $\hat{c}_1, \ldots, \hat{c}_n$ -a pùvodní hmotnosti i kapacitu batohu. -\:Vybereme stejné pøedmìty, jaké pou¾ilo optimální øe¹ení kvantovaného zadání. -\endalgo - -\>Kroky 1--3 a 5 jistì zvládneme v~èase $\O(n)$. Krok~4 øe¹í problém batohu -se souètem cen $\hat{C}\le nM = \O(n^2/\varepsilon)$, co¾ stihne v~èase $\O(n\hat{C})=\O(n^3/\varepsilon)$. -Zbývá dokázat, ¾e výsledek na¹eho algoritmu má opravdu relativní chybu nejvý¹e~$\varepsilon$. - -Nejprve si rozmyslíme, jakou cenu budou mít pøedmìty které daly optimální øe¹ení -v pùvodním zadání (tedy mají v pùvodním zadání dohromady cenu $OPT$), -kdy¾ jejich ceny nakvantujeme (mno¾inu indexù tìchto pøedmìtù si oznaèíme~$Y$): -$$ -\eqalign{ -\widehat{OPT} &= \sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i = -\sum_i \left\lfloor c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} \right\rfloor \ge -\sum_i \left( c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} - 1 \right) \ge \cr -&\ge -\biggl(\sum_i c_i \cdot {M\over c_{max}}\biggr) - n = -OPT \cdot {M\over c_{max}} - n. -} -$$ -Nyní spoèítejme, jak dopadne optimální øe¹ení~$Q$ nakvantovaného problému pøi pøepoètu -na~pùvodní ceny (to je výsledek na¹eho algoritmu): -$$ -\eqalign{ -ALG &= \sum_{i\in Q} c_i \ge -\sum_i \hat{c}_i \cdot {c_{max}\over M} = -\biggl(\sum_i \hat{c}_i\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge^* -\widehat{OPT} \cdot {c_{max}\over M}. -} -$$ -Nerovnost $\ge^*$ platí proto, ¾e $\sum_{i\in Q} \hat{c}_i$ je optimální øe¹ení -kvantované úlohy, zatímco $\sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i$ je nìjaké dal¹í øe¹ení té¾e úlohy, -které nemù¾e být lep¹í. Teï u¾ staèí slo¾it obì nerovnosti a dosadit za~$M$: -$$ -\eqalign{ -ALG &\ge \biggl( { OPT \cdot M\over c_{max}} - n\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge -OPT - {n\cdot c_{max}\over n / \varepsilon} \ge OPT - \varepsilon c_{max} \ge \cr -&\ge OPT - \varepsilon OPT = (1-\varepsilon)\cdot OPT. -} -$$ -Algoritmus tedy v¾dy vydá øe¹ení, které je nejvý¹e $(1-\varepsilon)$-krát hor¹í ne¾ optimum, -a~doká¾e to pro libovolné~$\varepsilon$ v~èase polynomiálním v~$n$. Takovému algoritmu øíkáme -{\I polynomiální aproximaèní schéma} (jinak té¾ PTAS\foot{Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme}). -V~na¹em pøípadì je dokonce slo¾itost polynomiální i v~závislosti na~$1/\varepsilon$, tak¾e -schéma je {\I plnì polynomiální} (øeèené té¾ FPTAS\foot{Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation -Scheme}). U nìkterých problémù se stává, ¾e aproximaèní schéma závisí na -$1/\varepsilon$ exponenciálnì, co¾ tak pøíjemné není. Shròme, co jsme zjistili, do následující vìty: - -\s{Vìta:} -Existuje algoritmus, který pro ka¾dé $\varepsilon > 0$ nalezne -{\I $(1 - \varepsilon)$-aproximaci} problému batohu s $n$ pøedmìty v èase -$\O(n^3/\varepsilon)$. - -\bye diff --git a/12-apx/Makefile b/12-apx/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 11f9d14..0000000 --- a/12-apx/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=12-apx - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex b/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 244427c..0000000 --- a/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{2}{Dinicùv algoritmus}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} - - -Na~minulé pøedná¹ce jsme si~ukázali Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus. Tento algoritmus hledal maximální tok tak, ¾e zaèal s~tokem nulovým a~postupnì ho zvìt¹oval. Pro~ka¾dé zvìt¹ení potøeboval v~síti najít cestu, na~které mají v¹echny hrany kladnou rezervu (po takovéto cestì mù¾eme poslat více, ne¾ po~ní aktuálnì teèe). Ukázali jsme, ¾e pokud takováto cesta existuje, jde tok vylep¹it (zvìt¹it). Zároveò pokud tok jde vylep¹it, pak takováto cesta existuje. Dokázali jsme, ¾e pro~racionální kapacity je algoritmus koneèný a~najde maximální tok. - -Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus má ov¹em znaèné nevýhody. Funguje pouze pro~racionální kapacity a~je pomìrnì pomalý. Nyní si~uká¾eme jiný algoritmus, který nevylep¹uje tok pomocí cest, ale pomocí tokù\dots Budeme k~tomu potøebovat sí» rezerv. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Sí» rezerv} k~toku~$f$ v~síti $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$ je sí» $R=(S,f)=(V,E,z,s,r)$, kde~$r(e)$ je rezerva hrany~$e$ v~toku~$f$. - -\s{Konvence:} Pro~hranu~$e$ znaèí~$\overleftarrow{e}$ hranu opaènou. Napø. pokud $e=uv$, tak $\overleftarrow{e}=vu$. - -Je dùle¾ité si~uvìdomit, ¾e sí» rezerv je závislá jak na~pùvodní síti~$S$, tak na~nìjakém toku~$f$ v~síti~$S$. Sí» rezerv~$R$ se~pak od sítì~$S$ li¹í pouze kapacitami -- sí»~$R$ má jako kapacitu hrany rezervu hrany v pùvodní síti. Pro~pøipomenutí: rezervu hrany~$e$ v~síti $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$ s~tokem~$f$ jsme si~definovali jako $r(e)=c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e})$. - -Ne¾ si~uká¾eme samotný algoritmus, doká¾eme si~následující lemma. - -\s{Lemma:} Pro~ka¾dý tok~$f$ v~síti~$S$ a~pro~ka¾dý tok~$g$ v~síti $R=(S,f)$ lze v~èase $\O(m)$ nalézt tok~$f'$ v~síti~$S$ takový, ¾e $\vert f' \vert = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert$. - -\proof - -Dùkaz rozdìlíme do~tøí krokù. V~prvním kroku si~uká¾eme, jak budeme tok~$f'$ v~síti~$S$ konstruovat. V~druhém kroku doká¾eme, ¾e takto zkonstruované~$f'$ je opravdu tok. A~nakonec uká¾eme, ¾e splòuje po¾adovanou vlastnost, tedy ¾e jeho velikost je souèet velikostí tokù~$f$ a~$g$. - -\>{\it 1. konstrukce~$f'$} - -\noindent -Pro ka¾dou dvojici hran~$e, \overleftarrow{e}$ urèíme~$f'(e)$ a~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ následovnì: - -\itemize\ibull -\:Pokud~$g(e) = g(\overleftarrow{e}) = 0$, pak nastavme: - \itemize\ibull - \:$f'(e) := f(e)$, - \:$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e})$. - \endlist - -\:Pokud~$g(e) > 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) = 0$, pak polo¾me: - \itemize\ibull - \:$\varepsilon := \min (g(e), f(\overleftarrow{e}))$, - \:$f'(e) := f(e) + g(e) - \varepsilon$, - \:$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e}) - \varepsilon$. - \endlist - -\:Pøípad~$g(e) = 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) > 0$ vyøe¹íme obdobnì. - -\:Pokud~$g(e) > 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) > 0$, pak odeèteme od toku~$g$ cirkulaci po cyklu tvoøeném hranami~$e$ a $\overleftarrow{e}$: - \itemize\ibull - \:$\delta := \min (g(e),g(\overleftarrow{e}))$, - \:$g'(e) := g(e) - \delta$, - \:$g'(\overleftarrow{e}) := g(\overleftarrow{e}) - \delta$. - \endlist - - Tok $g'$ nyní spadá pod nìkterý z~pøedchozích pøípadù, které u¾ umíme vyøe¹it. - -\endlist - -\>{\it 2. $f'$ je tok} - -\numlist{\ndotted} - -\:Nejdøíve ovìøme první podmínku: $\forall e \in E: 0 \leq f(e) \leq c(e)$. Vezmìme libovolnou hranu~$e \in E$. Podle toho, co teèe po~hranách~$e$ a~$\overleftarrow{e}$ v~toku~$g$, jsme rozdìlili konstrukci toku na~tøi pøípady: - - \numlist{\ndotted} - - \:Pokud po~hranách~$e$ a~$\overleftarrow{e}$ netekl ¾ádný tok~$g$, pak jsme nastavili $f'(e) := f(e)$ a~$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Tedy pokud~$f$ dodr¾oval kapacity, tak pro~$f'$ musí platit to samé. - - - \:Pokud po~hranì~$e$ tekl tok~$g$ nenulový a~po opaèné nulový, tak jsme zvolili: $f'(e) := f(e) + g(e) - \varepsilon$. Víme, ¾e jsme si~$\varepsilon$ vybrali tak, ¾e $\varepsilon \leq g(e)$. Proto $f'(e) \geq 0$. - - Teï ovìøme, ¾e $f'(e) \leq c(e)$. V~pøípadì, ¾e $\varepsilon = g(e)$, tak $f'(e) = f(e) \leq c(e)$. V~opaèném pøípadì platí, ¾e $\varepsilon = f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Pak ov¹em - $$f'(e) = f(e) + g(e) - f(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq $$ - $$\leq f(e) + \left[ c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e}) \right] - f(\overleftarrow{e}) = c(e).$$ - Vyu¾ili jsme, ¾e~$g$ je tok v~síti rezerv, tedy $g(e) \leq c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e})$. - - Pro tok $f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ platí, ¾e $\varepsilon \leq f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Proto $f'(\overleftarrow{e}) = f(\overleftarrow{e}) - \varepsilon \geq 0$. Zároveò $f'(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq f(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq c(\overleftarrow{e})$. - - Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f'(e)$ i~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ dodr¾ují kapacity. - - \:V posledním pøípadì tekl po~obou hranách kladný tok~$g$. Men¹í tok z~$g(e)$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e})$ jsme vynulovali a~od vìt¹ího odeèetli ten men¹í. Tok~$g'(e)$ a~$g'(\overleftarrow{e})$ tedy zùstal korektní a~tok~$f'$ u¾ konstruujeme podle pøedchozího pøípadu. - - \endlist - -\:Teï musíme je¹tì dokázat, ¾e nový tok neporu¹uje Kirchhoffovy zákony: $$\forall v~\in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f'^\Delta(v)=0.$$ - % neboli $$\forall v~\in V \setminus \{z,s\}: \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f'(uv)}=\sum_{u: vu \in E}{f'(vu)}.$$ - - Vezmìme si~libovolnou hranu~$e = uv \in E$. Uvìdomme si, ¾e pøi~pøechodu z~$f(e)$ na~$f'(e)$ a~z~$f(\overleftarrow{e})$ na~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ bylo: - \itemize\idot - \:$f^\Delta(u)$ sní¾eno o~$g(e)$ - \:$f^\Delta(v)$ zvý¹eno o~$g(e)$. - \endlist - Seèteme-li úpravy na v¹ech hranách, dostaneme: $$f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + \sum_{u:uv \in E} g(uv) - \sum_{u:vu \in E} g(vu) =$$ $$= f^\Delta(v) + g^+(v) - g^-(v) = f^\Delta(v) + g^\Delta(v).$$ - - Jeliko¾~$f$ byl tok, tak $f^\Delta(v) = 0$ a jeliko¾~$g$ byl tok, tak $g^\Delta(v) = 0$. Proto $f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + g^\Delta(v) = 0$. - -\endlist - -Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f'$ je tok v~síti~$S$. - -\>{\it 3. $\vert f' \vert = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert$} - -Pou¾ijme vztah pro souèet pøebytkù z pøedchozího kroku: -$$\vert f' \vert = f'^\Delta(s) = f^\Delta(s) + g^\Delta(s) = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert.$$ -\qed - - -Pro algoritmus budeme potøebovat vybírat kvalitní toky~$g$ v~síti rezerv. Pokud se~nám to bude daøit, bude se~tok~$f'$ rychle zvìt¹ovat, a¾ bychom mohli dojít k~maximálnímu toku. Nejlépe by se~nám hodily co nejvìt¹í toky v~síti rezerv. Kdybychom si~dali za cíl najít v¾dy maximální tok v~síti rezerv, výsledek by byl sice krásný (dostali bychom tak rovnou i~maximální tok v~pùvodní síti), ale problém hledání maximálního toku bychom pouze pøenesli na~jinou sí». Na¹e po¾adavky na~tento tok budou tedy takové, aby byl dostateènì velký, ale abychom bìhem jeho hledání nestrávili moc èasu. Podívejme se, jak se~s~tímto problémem vyrovná {\I Dinicùv algoritmus}. Nejdøíve si~ale zadefinujme nìkolik pojmù. - -\s{Definice:} Tok~$f$ je {\I blokující}, jestli¾e pro~ka¾dou orientovanou cestu~$P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ existuje hrana~$e \in P$ taková, ¾e $f(e) = c(e)$. - -\s{Definice:} Sí» je {\I vrstevnatá (proèi¹tìná)}, kdy¾ v¹echny vrcholy a~hrany le¾í na~nejkrat¹ích cestách ze~$z$ do~$s$. - -Dinicùv algoritmus zaèíná s~nulovým tokem. Potom v¾dy podle toku~$f$ sestrojí sí» rezerv a~v~ní vyma¾e hrany s~nulovou rezervou. Pokud v~této promazané síti rezerv neexistuje cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, tak skonèí a~prohlásí tok~$f$ za maximální. Jinak proèistí sí» rezerv tak, aby se~z ní stala vrstevnatá sí» (rozdìlí vrcholy do~vrstev podle vzdálenosti od zdroje a~odstraní pøebyteèné hrany). Ve~vrstevnaté síti najde blokující tok, pomocí nìho¾ zlep¹í tok~$f$. Pak opìt pokraèuje sestrojením sítì rezerv na~tomto vylep¹eném toku~$f$ atd. - -\figure{dinic-cistasit.eps}{Proèi¹tìná sí» rozdìlená do~vrstev}{0.4\hsize} - -\s{Algoritmus (Dinicùv)} - -\algo -\:$f \leftarrow$ nulový tok. -\:Sestrojíme sí» rezerv~$R$ a~sma¾eme $e: r(e) = 0$. -\:$l \leftarrow$ délka nejkrat¹í cesty ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$R$. -\:Pokud $l = \infty$, zastavíme se~a vrátíme~$f$. -\:Proèistíme sí» $R \rightarrow$ sí»~$C$. -\:$g \leftarrow$ blokující tok v~$C$. -\:Zlep¹íme tok~$f$ pomocí~$g$. -\:GOTO 2. -\endalgo - -\s{Pozorování:} Pokud se~algoritmus zastaví, vydá maximální tok. - -\proof -Víme, ¾e~$f$ je stále korektní tok (jediné, jak ho mìníme je pøièítání toku~$g$, co¾ je, jak jsme si~dokázali, \uv{ne¹kodná operace}). Jakmile neexistuje cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$R$, tak je $f$ maximální tok, nebo» v~tuto dobu by se~zastavil (a vydal maximální tok) i~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus, který je korektní. -\qed - -A teï je¹tì musíme ujasnit, jak budeme èistit sí» rezerv a~vybírat blokující tok~$g$. - -\s{Algoritmus proèi¹tìní sítì rezerv} - -\algo -\:Rozdìlíme vrcholy do~vrstev podle vzdálenosti od~$z$. -\:Odstraníme vrstvy za~$s$ (tedy vrcholy, které jsou od~$z$ vzdálenìj¹í ne¾~$s$), hrany do~minulých vrstev a~hrany uvnitø vrstev. -\:Odstraníme \uv{slepé ulièky}, tedy vrcholy s~$\deg^{out}(v) = 0$, a~to opakovanì pomocí fronty. (Nejdøíve zaøadíme do~fronty v¹echny vrcholy s~ $\deg^{out}(v) = 0$. Pak dokud není fronta prázdná, v¾dy vybereme vrchol~$v$ z~fronty, odstraníme~$v$ a~v¹echny hrany~$uv$. Pro~ka¾dý takový vrchol~$u$ zkontrolujeme, zda se~tím nesní¾il výstupní stupeò vrcholu~$u$ na~nulu ($\deg^{out}(u) = 0$). Pokud sní¾il, tak ho zaøadíme do~fronty.) -\endalgo - -\figure{dinic-neprocistenasit.eps}{Neproèi¹tìná sí». Obsahuje zpìtné hrany, hrany uvnitø vrstvy a~slepé ulièky.}{0.45\hsize} - -Hledání blokujícího toku zaèneme s~tokem nulovým. Pak vezmeme v¾dy orientovanou cestu ze~zdroje do~stoku v~síti~$C$. V~této cestì najdeme hranu s~nejni¾¹í hodnotou výrazu $r(e) - g(e)$ (neboli $c(e) - f(e)$ v~pùvodní síti). Tuto hodnotu oznaèíme~$\varepsilon$. Pak ke~ v¹em hranám na~této cestì pøièteme~$\varepsilon$. Pokud tok~$g$ na~nìjaké hranì dosáhne kapacity hrany, co¾ je zde~$r(e)$, tak hranu vyma¾eme. Následnì sí» doèistíme, aby splòovala podmínky vrstevnaté sítì. A~pokud je¹tì existuje nìjaká orientovaná cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, tak opìt pokraèujeme s~touto cestou. - -\s{Algoritmus hledání blokujícího toku} - -\algo -\:$g \leftarrow$ nulový tok. -\:Dokud existuje orientovaná cesta~$P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$C$, opakuj: -\::$\varepsilon \leftarrow \min_{e \in P} (r(e) - g(e))$. -\::Pro~$\forall e \in P: g(e) \leftarrow g(e) + \varepsilon$. -\:::Pokud $g(e) = r(e)$, sma¾eme~$e$ z~$C$. -\::Doèistíme sí» zase pomocí fronty. -\endalgo - -\s{Èasová slo¾itost} Rozeberme si~jednotlivé kroky algoritmu. - -\numlist{\ndotted} -\:Inicializace toku~$f$ \dots $\O(m)$. -\:Sestrojení sítì rezerv a~smazání hran s~nulovou rezervou \dots $\O(m + n)$. -\:Najití nejkrat¹í cesty (prohledáváním do~¹íøky) \dots $\O(m + n)$. -\:Zkontrolování délky nejkrat¹í cesty \dots $\O(1)$. -\:Proèi¹tìní sítì \dots $\O(m + n)$. - \numlist{\ndotted} - \:Rozdìlení vrcholù do~vrstev -- provedlo ji¾ prohledávání do~¹íøky \dots $\O(1)$. - \:Odstranìní nìkterých hran \dots $\O(m + n)$. - \:Odstranìní \uv{slepých ulièek} pomocí fronty -- ka¾dou hranu odstraníme nejvý¹e jedenkrát, ka¾dý vrchol se~dostane do~fronty nejvý¹e jedenkrát \dots $\O(m + n)$. - \endlist -\:Najití blokujícího toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m \cdot n)$. - \numlist{\ndotted} - \:Inicializace toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m)$. - \:Najití orientované cesty v~proèi¹tìné síti rezerv (staèí vzít libovolnou cestu ze~zdroje, nebo» ka¾dá z~nich v~této síti vede do~stoku) \dots $\O(n)$. - \:Výbìr minima z~výrazu $r(e) - g(e)$ pøes v¹echny hrany cesty -- ta mù¾e být dlouhá nejvý¹e~$n$ \dots $\O(n)$. - \:Pøepoèítání v¹ech hran cesty \dots $\O(n)$. - \:Smazání hran cesty, jejich¾ tok~$g(e)$ se~zvý¹il na~hodnotu~$r(e)$ \dots $\O(n)$. - \:Doèi¹»ování vyøe¹me zvlá¹». - \endlist - - Vnitøní cyklus (kroky 2 a¾ 6) provedeme nejvý¹e~$m$ krát, nebo» pøi~ka¾dém prùchodu vyma¾eme alespoò jednu hranu (tak jsme si~volili~$\varepsilon$). - - Èi¹tìní bìhem celého hledání blokujícího toku~$g$ v~proèi¹tìné síti rezerv trvá dohromady $\O(m + n)$, nebo» ka¾dou hranu a~vrchol sma¾eme nejvý¹e jedenkrát. - - Najití blokujícího toku bude tedy trvat $\O(m \cdot n + (m + n)) = \O(m \cdot n)$. - -\:Zlep¹ení toku~$f$ pomocí toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m)$. -\:Skok na~2. krok \dots $\O(1)$. -\endlist - -Zbývá nám jen urèit, kolikrát projdeme vnìj¹ím cyklem (fází). Doká¾eme si~lemma, ¾e hodnota~$l$ vzroste mezi prùchody vnìj¹ím cyklem (fázemi) alespoò o~1. Z~toho plyne, ¾e vnìj¹ím cyklem mù¾eme projít nejvý¹e $n$-krát, nebo» cesta v síti na~$n$ vrcholech mù¾e být dlouhá nejvý¹e $n$. - -Uvìdomme si, ¾e uvnitø vnìj¹ího cyklu pøevládá èlen $\O(m \cdot n)$, tak¾e celková èasová slo¾itost bude $\O(n^2 \cdot m)$. - -\s{Lemma:} Hodnota~$l$ (délka nejkrat¹í cesty ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~proèi¹tìné síti) vzroste mezi fázemi alespoò o~1. - -\proof - -Podíváme se~na~prùbìh jednoho prùchodu vnìj¹ím cyklem. Délku aktuálnì nejkrat¹í cesty ze~zdroje do~stoku oznaème~$l$. V¹echny pùvodní cesty délky~$l$ se~bìhem prùchodu zaruèenì nasytí, proto¾e tok~$g$ je blokující. Musíme v¹ak dokázat, ¾e nemohou vzniknout ¾ádné nové cesty délky~$l$ nebo men¹í. V~síti rezerv toti¾ mohou hrany nejen -ubývat, ale i~pøibývat: pokud po¹leme tok po~hranì, po~které je¹tì nic neteklo, tak v~protismìru z~dosud nulové rezervy vyrobíme nenulovou. Rozmysleme si~tedy, jaké hrany mohou pøibývat. - -Hrany mohou pøibývat jen tehdy, kdy¾ jsme po~opaèné hranì nìco poslali. Ale my nìco posíláme po~hranách pouze z~vrstvy do~té následující. Hrany tedy pøibývají do~minulé vrstvy. - -Vznikem nových hran by proto mohly vzniknout nové cesty ze~zdroje do~stoku, které pou¾ívají zpìtné hrany. Jen¾e cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, která pou¾ije zpìtnou hranu, musí alespoò jednou skoèit o~vrstvu zpìt a~nikdy nemù¾e skoèit o~více ne¾ jednu vrstvu dopøedu, a~proto je její délka alespoò $l+2$. Pokud cesta novou zpìtnou hranu nepou¾ije, má buï délku~$> l$, co¾ je v~poøádku, nebo má délku~$= l$, pak je zablokovaná. - -Tím je lemma dokázáno. -\qed - -\figure{dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps}{Cesta u¾ívající novou zpìtnou hranu}{0.4\hsize} - -V¹echna dokázaná tvrzení mù¾eme shrnout do~následující vìty: - -\s{Vìta:} Dinicùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(n^2\cdot m)$. - -\s{Poznámka:} Algoritmus se~chová hezky na~sítích s~malými celoèíselnými kapacitami, ale kupodivu i~na~rùzných jiných sítích. Èasto se~pou¾ívá, nebo» se~chová efektivnì. A~je mnoho zpùsobù, jak ho je¹tì vylep¹ovat, èi odhadovat ni¾¹í slo¾itost na~speciálních sítích. - -\s{Poznámka:} Algoritmus nevy¾aduje racionální kapacity! Dal¹í z~dùvodù, proè maximální tok existuje i~v~síti s~iracionálními kapacitami. - - -%k,s,v,na,do,ke,pro,pøi,a,u,i,po, - -\bye diff --git a/2-dinic/Makefile b/2-dinic/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index c183fb0..0000000 --- a/2-dinic/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=2-dinic - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps b/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 5633e61..0000000 --- a/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 -%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia -%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 -%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:36:37 2010 -%%For: mj -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%Magnification: 1.0000 -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 546 219 -%%BeginSetup -%%EndSetup -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef 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- currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 - /AvantGarde-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Light-latin1 - /Bookman-Light findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-LightItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Demi-latin1 - /Bookman-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-latin1 - /Courier findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Oblique-latin1 - /Courier-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Bold-latin1 - /Courier-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end 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/FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Bold-latin1 - /Palatino-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 - /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Symbol-latin1 - /Symbol findfont -definefont pop -/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 - /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/ZapfDingbats-latin1 - /ZapfDingbats findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -28.346000 -28.346000 scale --7.290000 -11.178600 translate -%%EndProlog - - -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 11.652500 7.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 11.652500 7.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 15.252460 7.249000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 15.252460 7.249000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 18.771560 7.478600 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 18.771560 7.478600 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 22.370460 7.317000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 22.370460 7.317000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 7.877500 7.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 7.877500 7.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 25.787460 7.445000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 25.787460 7.445000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 8.340000 7.085000 m 11.040795 7.118892 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 11.415765 7.123597 m 10.912668 7.367304 l 11.040795 7.118892 l 10.918942 6.867343 l ef -n 11.415765 7.123597 m 10.912668 7.367304 l 11.040795 7.118892 l 10.918942 6.867343 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 11.987560 7.286600 m 15.086792 9.089790 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 15.410923 9.278375 m 14.853025 9.243015 l 15.086792 9.089790 l 15.104472 8.810841 l ef -n 15.410923 9.278375 m 14.853025 9.243015 l 15.086792 9.089790 l 15.104472 8.810841 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 18.771560 4.982600 m 21.845998 7.007260 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 22.159185 7.213509 m 21.604103 7.147302 l 21.845998 7.007260 l 21.879101 6.729719 l ef -n 22.159185 7.213509 m 21.604103 7.147302 l 21.845998 7.007260 l 21.879101 6.729719 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 22.803560 7.414600 m 24.850692 7.439160 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 25.225665 7.443659 m 24.722702 7.687643 l 24.850692 7.439160 l 24.728700 7.187679 l ef -n 25.225665 7.443659 m 24.722702 7.687643 l 24.850692 7.439160 l 24.728700 7.187679 l cp s -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(z) 7.290000 8.902500 m -dup sw 0.765000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(s) 25.729960 9.167500 m -dup sw 0.760000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -0.972549 0.109804 0.031373 srgb -n 18.414886 4.094968 3.290935 3.290935 86.872036 148.854720 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 15.422761 5.469720 m 15.846546 5.834283 l 15.567663 5.815593 l 15.385381 6.027485 l ef -n 15.422761 5.469720 m 15.846546 5.834283 l 15.567663 5.815593 l 15.385381 6.027485 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 15.678360 9.377300 m 18.225607 7.856185 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 18.547569 7.663922 m 18.246462 8.134914 l 18.225607 7.856185 l 17.990111 7.705631 l ef -n 18.547569 7.663922 m 18.246462 8.134914 l 18.225607 7.856185 l 17.990111 7.705631 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 15.315560 5.110600 m 18.092757 5.110600 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 18.467757 5.110600 m 17.967757 5.360600 l 18.092757 5.110600 l 17.967757 4.860600 l ef -n 18.467757 5.110600 m 17.967757 5.360600 l 18.092757 5.110600 l 17.967757 4.860600 l cp s -showpage diff --git a/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps b/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 6b49ffb..0000000 --- a/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,560 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 -%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia -%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 -%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:33:50 2010 -%%For: mj -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%Magnification: 1.0000 -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 545 213 -%%BeginSetup -%%EndSetup -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright -/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one -/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon -/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E -/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O -/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y -/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c -/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m -/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w -/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright -/ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior -/acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf -/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla -/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde -/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex -/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring -/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis -/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave -/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def -/cp {closepath} bind def -/c {curveto} bind def -/f {fill} bind def -/a {arc} bind def -/ef {eofill} bind def -/ex {exch} bind def -/gr {grestore} bind def -/gs {gsave} bind def -/sa {save} bind def -/rs {restore} bind def -/l {lineto} bind def -/m {moveto} bind def -/rm {rmoveto} bind def -/n {newpath} bind def -/s {stroke} bind def -/sh {show} bind def -/slc {setlinecap} bind def -/slj {setlinejoin} bind def -/slw {setlinewidth} bind def -/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def -/rot {rotate} bind def -/sc {scale} bind def -/sd {setdash} bind def -/ff {findfont} bind def -/sf {setfont} bind def -/scf {scalefont} bind def -/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def -/tr {translate} bind def - -/ellipsedict 8 dict def -ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put -/ellipse -{ ellipsedict begin - /endangle exch def - /startangle exch def - /yrad exch def - /xrad exch def - /y exch def - /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def - x y tr xrad yrad sc - 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc - savematrix setmatrix - end -} def - -/mergeprocs { -dup length -3 -1 roll -dup -length -dup -5 1 roll -3 -1 roll -add -array cvx -dup -3 -1 roll -0 exch -putinterval -dup -4 2 roll -putinterval -} bind def -/Times-Roman-latin1 - /Times-Roman findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Times-Italic-latin1 - /Times-Italic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Times-Bold-latin1 - /Times-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Times-BoldItalic-latin1 - /Times-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-Book-latin1 - /AvantGarde-Book findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 - /AvantGarde-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Light-latin1 - /Bookman-Light findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-LightItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Demi-latin1 - /Bookman-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-latin1 - /Courier findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Oblique-latin1 - /Courier-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Bold-latin1 - /Courier-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Courier-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-latin1 - /Helvetica findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 - /Helvetica-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Roman-latin1 - /Palatino-Roman findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Italic-latin1 - /Palatino-Italic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Bold-latin1 - /Palatino-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 - /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Symbol-latin1 - /Symbol findfont -definefont pop -/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 - /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/ZapfDingbats-latin1 - /ZapfDingbats findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -28.346000 -28.346000 scale --2.575000 -8.985000 translate -%%EndProlog - - -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 6.937500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 6.937500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 10.601500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 10.601500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 13.937500 5.285000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 13.937500 5.285000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 17.847500 5.253000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 17.847500 5.253000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 3.162500 5.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 3.162500 5.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 21.072500 5.253000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 21.072500 5.253000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 3.489540 4.766800 m 6.396661 3.113188 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 6.722618 2.927778 m 6.411614 3.392296 l 6.396661 3.113188 l 6.164402 2.957686 l ef -n 6.722618 2.927778 m 6.411614 3.392296 l 6.396661 3.113188 l 6.164402 2.957686 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 3.489540 5.403200 m 6.168927 6.886701 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 6.496998 7.068344 m 5.938474 7.044867 l 6.168927 6.886701 l 6.180666 6.607439 l ef -n 6.496998 7.068344 m 5.938474 7.044867 l 6.168927 6.886701 l 6.180666 6.607439 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 3.625000 5.085000 m 6.350756 5.042576 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 6.725710 5.036740 m 6.229661 5.294491 l 6.350756 5.042576 l 6.221880 4.794551 l ef -n 6.725710 5.036740 m 6.229661 5.294491 l 6.350756 5.042576 l 6.221880 4.794551 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 7.609300 2.604060 m 10.247491 7.175862 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 10.434920 7.500663 m 9.968481 7.192548 l 10.247491 7.175862 l 10.401549 6.942643 l ef -n 10.434920 7.500663 m 9.968481 7.192548 l 10.247491 7.175862 l 10.401549 6.942643 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 7.887500 5.185000 m 9.970456 3.115597 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 10.236485 2.851298 m 10.057979 3.381049 l 9.970456 3.115597 l 9.705581 3.026343 l ef -n 10.236485 2.851298 m 10.057979 3.381049 l 9.970456 3.115597 l 9.705581 3.026343 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 7.590800 7.722500 m 10.136041 5.330852 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 10.409323 5.074060 m 10.216141 5.598637 l 10.136041 5.330852 l 9.873752 5.234260 l ef -n 10.409323 5.074060 m 10.216141 5.598637 l 10.136041 5.330852 l 9.873752 5.234260 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 11.273300 2.604060 m 13.641249 5.047893 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 13.902200 5.317206 m 13.374723 5.132089 l 13.641249 5.047893 l 13.733807 4.784155 l ef -n 13.902200 5.317206 m 13.374723 5.132089 l 13.641249 5.047893 l 13.733807 4.784155 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 11.273300 7.765900 m 13.385798 7.771264 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 13.760797 7.772216 m 13.260164 8.020946 l 13.385798 7.771264 l 13.261433 7.520947 l ef -n 13.760797 7.772216 m 13.260164 8.020946 l 13.385798 7.771264 l 13.261433 7.520947 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 11.551500 5.185000 m 13.559606 3.190546 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 13.825674 2.926287 m 13.647089 3.456011 l 13.559606 3.190546 l 13.294744 3.101254 l ef -n 13.825674 2.926287 m 13.647089 3.456011 l 13.559606 3.190546 l 13.294744 3.101254 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 14.609300 2.704060 m 17.260798 2.698518 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 17.635797 2.697734 m 17.136321 2.948778 l 17.260798 2.698518 l 17.135275 2.448779 l ef -n 17.635797 2.697734 m 17.136321 2.948778 l 17.260798 2.698518 l 17.135275 2.448779 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 14.887500 5.285000 m 17.085844 5.315702 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 17.460808 5.320939 m 16.957365 5.563932 l 17.085844 5.315702 l 16.964347 5.063981 l ef -n 17.460808 5.320939 m 16.957365 5.563932 l 17.085844 5.315702 l 16.964347 5.063981 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 14.609300 7.865900 m 17.460804 7.850183 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 17.835798 7.848116 m 17.337184 8.100868 l 17.460804 7.850183 l 17.334428 7.600876 l ef -n 17.835798 7.848116 m 17.337184 8.100868 l 17.460804 7.850183 l 17.334428 7.600876 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 18.519300 2.672060 m 20.412208 4.588462 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.675732 4.855257 m 20.146502 4.675213 l 20.412208 4.588462 l 20.502230 4.323847 l ef -n 20.675732 4.855257 m 20.146502 4.675213 l 20.412208 4.588462 l 20.502230 4.323847 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 18.797500 5.253000 m 20.135697 5.253000 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.510697 5.253000 m 20.010697 5.503000 l 20.135697 5.253000 l 20.010697 5.003000 l ef -n 20.510697 5.253000 m 20.010697 5.503000 l 20.135697 5.253000 l 20.010697 5.003000 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 18.519300 7.833900 m 20.412204 5.917535 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.675731 5.650742 m 20.502224 6.182151 l 20.412204 5.917535 l 20.146500 5.830782 l ef -n 20.675731 5.650742 m 20.502224 6.182151 l 20.412204 5.917535 l 20.146500 5.830782 l cp s -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(z) 2.575000 6.902500 m -dup sw 0.765000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(s) 21.015000 7.167500 m -dup sw 0.760000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 14.609300 7.865900 m 17.159091 5.940822 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 17.458372 5.714867 m 17.209967 6.215662 l 17.159091 5.940822 l 16.908693 5.816620 l ef -n 17.458372 5.714867 m 17.209967 6.215662 l 17.159091 5.940822 l 16.908693 5.816620 l cp s -showpage diff --git a/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps b/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps deleted file mode 100644 index c36618f..0000000 --- a/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,664 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 -%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia -%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 -%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:35:33 2010 -%%For: mj -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%Magnification: 1.0000 -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 645 410 -%%BeginSetup -%%EndSetup -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright -/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one -/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon -/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E -/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O -/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y -/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c -/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m -/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w -/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef -/.notdef /.notdef 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/Times-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-Book-latin1 - /AvantGarde-Book findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 - /AvantGarde-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 - /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Light-latin1 - /Bookman-Light findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-LightItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-Demi-latin1 - /Bookman-Demi findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 - /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-latin1 - /Courier findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Oblique-latin1 - /Courier-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-Bold-latin1 - /Courier-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Courier-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-latin1 - /Helvetica findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 - /Helvetica-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique-latin1 - /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic-latin1 - /NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Roman-latin1 - /Palatino-Roman findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Italic-latin1 - /Palatino-Italic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-Bold-latin1 - /Palatino-Bold findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 - /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/Symbol-latin1 - /Symbol findfont -definefont pop -/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 - /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -/ZapfDingbats-latin1 - /ZapfDingbats findfont - dup length dict begin - {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall - /Encoding isolatin1encoding def - currentdict end -definefont pop -28.346000 -28.346000 scale --5.150000 -17.404488 translate -%%EndProlog - - -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 9.512500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 9.512500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 13.112500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 13.112500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 16.512500 8.342302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 16.512500 8.342302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 20.358500 8.438302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 20.358500 8.438302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 5.737500 8.142302 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 5.737500 8.142302 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 23.647500 8.438302 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 23.647500 8.438302 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 6.064540 7.824102 m 8.971670 6.170489 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 9.297628 5.985080 m 8.986624 6.449598 l 8.971670 6.170489 l 8.739412 6.014987 l ef -n 9.297628 5.985080 m 8.986624 6.449598 l 8.971670 6.170489 l 8.739412 6.014987 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 6.064540 8.460502 m 8.743927 9.944003 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 9.071998 10.125647 m 8.513474 10.102169 l 8.743927 9.944003 l 8.755666 9.664741 l ef -n 9.071998 10.125647 m 8.513474 10.102169 l 8.743927 9.944003 l 8.755666 9.664741 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 6.200000 8.142302 m 8.788224 8.169824 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 9.163203 8.173811 m 8.660573 8.418481 l 8.788224 8.169824 l 8.665889 7.918509 l ef -n 9.163203 8.173811 m 8.660573 8.418481 l 8.788224 8.169824 l 8.665889 7.918509 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 10.184300 5.661402 m 12.822490 10.233165 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 13.009919 10.557966 m 12.543480 10.249852 l 12.822490 10.233165 l 12.976546 9.999946 l ef -n 13.009919 10.557966 m 12.543480 10.249852 l 12.822490 10.233165 l 12.976546 9.999946 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 10.462500 8.242302 m 12.545456 6.172899 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 12.811485 5.908601 m 12.632979 6.438351 l 12.545456 6.172899 l 12.280581 6.083645 l ef -n 12.811485 5.908601 m 12.632979 6.438351 l 12.545456 6.172899 l 12.280581 6.083645 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 10.184300 10.823202 m 12.714758 8.392066 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 12.985177 8.132261 m 12.797821 8.658947 l 12.714758 8.392066 l 12.451415 8.298388 l ef -n 12.985177 8.132261 m 12.797821 8.658947 l 12.714758 8.392066 l 12.451415 8.298388 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 13.784300 5.661402 m 16.077366 7.909225 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 16.345159 8.171735 m 15.813094 8.000250 l 16.077366 7.909225 l 16.163108 7.643192 l ef -n 16.345159 8.171735 m 15.813094 8.000250 l 16.077366 7.909225 l 16.163108 7.643192 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 13.784300 10.823202 m 15.960798 10.828596 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 16.335797 10.829525 m 15.835179 11.078285 l 15.960798 10.828596 l 15.836418 10.578287 l ef -n 16.335797 10.829525 m 15.835179 11.078285 l 15.960798 10.828596 l 15.836418 10.578287 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 14.062500 8.242302 m 16.130036 6.243185 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 16.399624 5.982518 m 16.213951 6.509799 l 16.130036 6.243185 l 15.866396 6.150349 l ef -n 16.399624 5.982518 m 16.213951 6.509799 l 16.130036 6.243185 l 15.866396 6.150349 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 17.184300 5.761402 m 19.835798 5.755826 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.210797 5.755037 m 19.711324 6.006088 l 19.835798 5.755826 l 19.710272 5.506089 l ef -n 20.210797 5.755037 m 19.711324 6.006088 l 19.835798 5.755826 l 19.710272 5.506089 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 17.462500 8.342302 m 19.660844 8.373004 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.035808 8.378241 m 19.532365 8.621234 l 19.660844 8.373004 l 19.539347 8.121283 l ef -n 20.035808 8.378241 m 19.532365 8.621234 l 19.660844 8.373004 l 19.539347 8.121283 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 17.184300 10.923202 m 20.035804 10.907485 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.410798 10.905418 m 19.912184 11.158170 l 20.035804 10.907485 l 19.909428 10.658178 l ef -n 20.410798 10.905418 m 19.912184 11.158170 l 20.035804 10.907485 l 19.909428 10.658178 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 21.030300 5.857402 m 22.982350 7.778630 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 23.249616 8.041677 m 22.717897 7.869126 l 22.982350 7.778630 l 23.068625 7.512770 l ef -n 23.249616 8.041677 m 22.717897 7.869126 l 22.982350 7.778630 l 23.068625 7.512770 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 21.308500 8.438302 m 22.710697 8.438302 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 23.085697 8.438302 m 22.585697 8.688302 l 22.710697 8.438302 l 22.585697 8.188302 l ef -n 23.085697 8.438302 m 22.585697 8.688302 l 22.710697 8.438302 l 22.585697 8.188302 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 21.030300 11.019202 m 22.982350 9.097974 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 23.249616 8.834928 m 23.068625 9.363834 l 22.982350 9.097974 l 22.717897 9.007479 l ef -n 23.249616 8.834928 m 23.068625 9.363834 l 22.982350 9.097974 l 22.717897 9.007479 l cp s -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(z) 5.150000 9.959802 m -dup sw 0.765000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf -(s) 23.590000 10.224802 m -dup sw 0.760000 exch sub -1 div exch 0.0 exch - gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 17.184300 10.923202 m 19.734091 8.998125 l s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.033372 8.772169 m 19.784967 9.272964 l 19.734091 8.998125 l 19.483693 8.873922 l ef -n 20.033372 8.772169 m 19.784967 9.272964 l 19.734091 8.998125 l 19.483693 8.873922 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 11.539858 6.316175 2.333440 2.333440 217.422911 312.373346 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 9.484547 5.205707 m 9.475511 4.646763 l 9.646808 4.867630 l 9.926280 4.863112 l ef -n 9.484547 5.205707 m 9.475511 4.646763 l 9.646808 4.867630 l 9.926280 4.863112 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -0.972549 0.109804 0.031373 srgb -n 17.005378 7.083310 4.063310 4.063310 207.841522 325.610736 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 13.252285 5.522132 m 13.198168 4.965740 l 13.386732 5.172062 l 13.664928 5.145004 l ef -n 13.252285 5.522132 m 13.198168 4.965740 l 13.386732 5.172062 l 13.664928 5.145004 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 13.256279 9.100346 4.355042 4.355042 41.609332 148.656298 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 9.355359 11.039859 m 9.793037 11.387620 l 9.513638 11.379819 l 9.339757 11.598658 l ef -n 9.355359 11.039859 m 9.793037 11.387620 l 9.513638 11.379819 l 9.339757 11.598658 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 srgb -n 11.763949 8.334560 5.357216 5.357216 343.224324 23.730619 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 16.774024 6.434188 m 17.192915 6.804364 l 16.914306 6.781961 l 16.729218 6.991407 l ef -n 16.774024 6.434188 m 17.192915 6.804364 l 16.914306 6.781961 l 16.729218 6.991407 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[] 0 sd -[] 0 sd -0 slc -n 13.138491 7.971628 7.626180 7.626180 345.098560 14.618392 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 20.415251 10.256335 m 20.334609 9.703165 l 20.532817 9.900241 l 20.809402 9.859920 l ef -n 20.415251 10.256335 m 20.334609 9.703165 l 20.532817 9.900241 l 20.809402 9.859920 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[0.200000] 0 sd -[0.200000] 0 sd -0 slc -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb -n 20.703467 8.975611 5.020448 5.020448 75.445526 143.491284 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 22.323201 13.728911 m 21.939518 14.135466 l 21.971025 13.857739 l 21.767747 13.665898 l ef -n 22.323201 13.728911 m 21.939518 14.135466 l 21.971025 13.857739 l 21.767747 13.665898 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[0.200000] 0 sd -[0.200000] 0 sd -0 slc -n 23.188848 18.352655 4.578076 4.578076 262.056833 336.148005 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 27.514055 16.848040 m 27.123298 16.448279 l 27.399529 16.490957 l 27.599410 16.295578 l ef -n 27.514055 16.848040 m 27.123298 16.448279 l 27.399529 16.490957 l 27.599410 16.295578 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[0.200000] 0 sd -[0.200000] 0 sd -0 slc -n 25.490713 14.655810 3.089205 3.089205 198.208619 307.778616 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 27.663571 12.457090 m 27.138832 12.264348 l 27.406550 12.184023 l 27.502921 11.921654 l ef -n 27.663571 12.457090 m 27.138832 12.264348 l 27.406550 12.184023 l 27.502921 11.921654 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[0.200000] 0 sd -[0.200000] 0 sd -0 slc -n 23.268127 9.217889 5.299733 5.299733 236.700611 292.751852 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 25.657483 4.486014 m 25.098642 4.472015 l 25.326378 4.309962 l 25.333377 4.030541 l ef -n 25.657483 4.486014 m 25.098642 4.472015 l 25.326378 4.309962 l 25.333377 4.030541 l cp s -0.100000 slw -[0.200000] 0 sd -[0.200000] 0 sd -0 slc -n 22.849330 -18.031552 23.958110 23.958110 83.114410 94.354399 ellipse s -[] 0 sd -0 slj -0 slc -n 26.093498 5.706158 m 25.633432 6.023710 l 25.722193 5.758670 l 25.563417 5.528637 l ef -n 26.093498 5.706158 m 25.633432 6.023710 l 25.722193 5.758670 l 25.563417 5.528637 l cp s -showpage diff --git a/2-toky/2-toky.tex b/2-toky/2-toky.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..126d81c --- /dev/null +++ b/2-toky/2-toky.tex @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{1}{Toky v sítích}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} + +\s{První motivaèní úloha:} {\I Rozvod èajovodu do~v¹ech uèeben.} +\smallskip + +Pøedstavme si, ¾e~by v~budovì fakulty na~Malé Stranì existoval èajovod, který +by rozvádìl èaj do~ka¾dé uèebny. Znázornìme si to orientovaným grafem, kde by +jeden významný vrchol pøedstavoval èajovar a~druhý uèebnu, ve~které sedíme. +Hrany mezi vrcholy by pøedstavovaly vìtvící se trubky, které mají èaj rozvádìt. +Jak rozvést co nejefektivnìji dostatek èaje do~dané uèebny? + +\figure{toky01.eps}{Èajovod}{2in} + +\s{Druhá motivaèní úloha:} {\I Pøenos dat.} +\smallskip + +Jiným pøíkladem mù¾e být poèítaèová sí» na~pøenos dat, která se sestává z~pøenosových linek +spojených pomocí routerù. Data se sice obvykle pøená¹ejí po~paketech, ale to +mù¾eme pøi dne¹ních rychlostech pøenosu zanedbat a pova¾ovat data za spojitá. +Jak pøená¹et data mezi dvìma poèítaèi v~síti co nejrychleji? + +\s{Definice:} {\I Sí»} je uspoøádaná pìtice $(V,E,z,s,c)$, pro ní¾ platí: +\itemize\ibull +\:$(V,E)$ je orientovaný graf. +\:$c:E\to{\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ je {\I kapacita} hran. +\:$z,s \in V$ jsou dva vrcholy grafu, kterým øíkáme {\I zdroj} a~{\I stok} (spotøebiè). +\:Graf je symetrický, tedy $\forall u,v \in V: uv \in E \Leftrightarrow vu \in E$ (tuto podmínku si~mù¾eme zvolit bez~újmy na~obecnosti, nebo» v¾dy mù¾eme do~grafu pøidat hranu, která v~nìm je¹tì nebyla, a~dát jí nulovou kapacitu). +\endlist + +\figure{sit.eps}{Pøíklad sítì. Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{2.5in} + +\s{Definice:} {\I Tok} je funkce $f:E \to {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ taková, ¾e~platí: +\numlist{\ndotted} +\:Tok po~ka¾dé hranì je omezen její kapacitou: $\forall e \in E : f(e)\le c(e)$. +\:Kirchhoffùv zákon: $$\forall v \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}=\sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$ Neboli pro~ka¾dý vrchol kromì zdroje a~stoku platí, ¾e~to, co do~nìj pøitéká, je stejnì velké jako to, co z~nìj odtéká (\uv{sí» tìsní}). +\endlist + +\s{Definice:} Pro libovolnou funkci $f:E \to {\bb R}$ se nám bude hodit následující znaèení: +\itemize\ibull +\:$f^+(v) = \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f(uv)}$ (celkový pøítok do vrcholu) +\:$f^-(v) = \sum_{u: vu \in E}{f(vu)}$ (celkový odtok) +\:$f^\Delta(v) = f^+(v) - f^-(v)$ (pøebytek ve~vrcholu) +\endlist + +\>(Kirchhoffùv zákon pak øíká prostì to, ¾e $f^\Delta(v)=0$ pro v¹echna $v\ne z,s$.) + +\figure{tok.eps}{Pøíklad toku. Èísla pøedstavují toky po~hranách, v~závorkách jsou kapacity.}{4in} + +\s{Pozorování:} Nìjaký tok v¾dy existuje. V libovolné síti mù¾eme v¾dy zvolit +konstantnì nulovou funkci (po~¾ádné hranì nic nepoteèe). To je korektní tok, +ale sotva u¾iteèný. Budeme chtít najít tok, který pøepraví co nejvíce tekutiny +ze~zdroje do~spotøebièe. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Velikost toku} $f$ budeme znaèit $\vert f\vert$ a polo¾íme ji +rovnou rozdílu souètu velikostí toku na~hranách vedoucích do~$s$ a~souètu velikostí +toku na~hranách vedoucích z~$s$. Neboli $\vert f\vert:=f^\Delta(s).$ + +\s{Pozorování:} Jeliko¾ sí» tìsní, mìlo by být jedno, zda velikost toku mìøíme +u~spotøebièe nebo u~zdroje. Vskutku, krátkým výpoètem ovìøíme, ¾e tomu tak je: +$$ +f^\Delta(z) - f^\Delta(s) = \sum_v f^\Delta(v) = 0. +$$ +První rovnost platí proto, ¾e podle Kirchhoffova zákona jsou zdroj a spotøebiè jediné +dva vrcholy, jejich¾ pøebytek mù¾e být nenulový. Druhou rovnost získáme tak, ¾e si +uvìdomíme, ¾e tok na ka¾dé hranì pøispìje do celkové sumy jednou s~kladným znaménkem +a jednou se záporným. Zjistili jsme tedy, ¾e pøebytek zdroje a spotøebièe se li¹í +pouze znaménkem. +\qed + +\s{Poznámka:} Rádi bychom nalezli v~zadané síti tok, jeho¾ velikost je maximální. +Máme ale zaruèeno, ¾e maximum bude existovat? V¹ech mo¾ných tokù je nekoneènì mnoho +a v~nekoneèné mno¾inì se mù¾e snadno stát, ¾e aèkoliv existuje supremum, není maximem +(pøíklad: $\{1-1/n \mid n\in{\bb N}^+\}$). +Odpovìï nám poskytne matematická analýza: mno¾ina v¹ech tokù je kompaktní podmno¾inou +prostoru ${\bb R}^{\vert E\vert}$, velikost toku je spojitá (dokonce lineární) funkce +z~této mno¾iny do~$\bb R$, tak¾e musí nabývat minima i maxima. + +Nám ale bude staèít studovat sítì s~racionálními kapacitami, kde existence maximálního +toku bude zjevná u¾ z~toho, ze sestrojíme algoritmus, který takový tok najde. + +\s{První pokus:} Hledejme cestu $P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ takovou, ¾e~$\forall e \in +P: f(e) < c(e)$ (po~v¹ech jejích hranách teèe ostøe ménì, ne¾ jim dovolují +jejich kapacity). Pak zjevnì mù¾eme tok upravit tak, aby se~jeho velikost +zvìt¹ila. Zvolme $$\varepsilon := \min_{e \in P} (c(e) - f(e)).$$ Nový tok $f'$ +pak definujme jako $f'(e):=f(e) + \varepsilon$. Kapacity nepøekroèíme ($\varepsilon$ +je nejvìt¹í mo¾ná hodnota, abychom tok zvìt¹ili, ale nepøekroèili kapacitu ani +jedné z~hran cesty $P$) a~Kirchhoffovy zákony zùstanou neporu¹eny, nebo» zdroj +a~stok neomezují a~ka¾dému jinému vrcholu na~cestì $P$ se~pøítok $f^+(v)$ +i~odtok $f^-(v)$ zvìt¹í pøesnì o~$\varepsilon$. + +Opakujme tento proces tak dlouho, dokud existují zlep¹ující cesty. A¾ se algoritmus +zastaví (co¾ by obecnì nemusel, ale nás je¹tì chvíli trápit nemusí), získáme maximální tok? +Pøekvapivì nemusíme. Napø. na~obrázku je vidìt, ¾e~kdy¾ najdeme nejdøíve cestu +pøes hranu s~kapacitou 1 (na obrázku tuènì) a~u¾ hodnotu toku na~této hranì +nesní¾íme, tak dosáhneme velikost toku nejvý¹e 19. Ale maximální tok této sítì +má velikost 20. + +\figure{toky02.eps}{Èísla pøedstavují kapacity jednotlivých hran.}{1.5in} + +Zde by ov¹em situaci zachránilo, kdybychom poslali tok velikosti 1 proti smìru +prostøední hrany -- to mù¾eme udìlat tøeba odeètením jednièky od toku po smìru +hrany. Roz¹íøíme tedy ná¹ algoritmus tak, aby umìl posílat tok i proti smìru +hran. O~kolik mù¾eme tok hranou zlep¹it (a» u¾ pøiètením po~smìru nebo odeètením +proti smìru) nám bude øíkat její {\I rezerva:} + +\s{Definice:} {\I Rezerva hrany} $uv$ je $r(uv):=c(uv) - f(uv) + f(vu).$ + +\smallskip +Algoritmus bude vypadat následovnì. Postupnì dok¾eme, ¾e je koneèný a ¾e v~ka¾dé +síti najde maximální tok. + +\s{Algoritmus (Fordùv-Fulkersonùv)} + +\algo +\:$f \leftarrow$ libovolný tok, napø. v¹ude nulový. +\:Dokud $\exists P$ cesta ze $z$ do $s$ taková, ¾e~$\forall e \in P: r(e) > 0$, opakujeme: +\::$\varepsilon \leftarrow \min \{r(e) \mid e \in P\}$. +\::Pro v¹echny hrany $uv \in P$: +\:::$\delta \leftarrow \min \{f(vu),\varepsilon\}$ +\:::$f(vu) \leftarrow f(vu) - \delta$ +\:::$f(uv) \leftarrow f(uv) + \varepsilon - \delta$ +\:Prohlásíme $f$ za~maximální tok. +\endalgo + +\s{Koneènost:} Zastaví se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus? + +\itemize\ibull + +\:Pro~celoèíselné kapacity se~v~ka¾dém kroku zvìt¹í velikost toku alespoò o~1. +Algoritmus se~tedy zastaví po~nejvíce tolika krocích, kolik je nìjaká horní +závora pro~velikost maximálního toku -- napø. souèet kapacit v¹ech hran +vedoucích do~stoku (tedy $c^+(s)$). + +\:Pro~racionální kapacity vyu¾ijeme jednoduchý trik. Nech» $M$ je nejmen¹í +spoleèný násobek jmenovatelù v¹ech kapacit. Spustíme-li algoritmus na sí» +s~kapacitami $c'(e) = c(e)\cdot M$, bude se rozhodovat stejnì jako v~pùvodní +síti, proto¾e bude stále platit $f'(e) = f(e)\cdot M$. Nová sí» je pøitom +celoèíselná, tak¾e se algoritmus jistì zastaví. + +\:Na~síti s~iracionálními kapacitami se~algoritmus chová mnohdy divoce, nemusí +se~zastavit, ba ani konvergovat ke~správnému výsledku. (Zkuste vymyslet pøíklad +takové sítì.) + +\endlist + +\s{Maximalita:} Kdy¾ se algoritmus zastaví, je tok~$f$ maximální? K~tomu se +bude hodit zavést øezy. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Øez} je uspoøádaná dvojice mno¾in vrcholù ($A,B$) taková, ¾e +$A$ a $B$ jsou disjunktní, pokrývají v¹echny vrcholy, $A$ obsahuje zdroj a $B$ +obsahuje stok. Neboli $A \cap B = \emptyset$, $A \cup B = V$, $z \in A$, $s \in B$. + +\>Ka¾dému øezu pøirozenì pøiøadíme mno¾iny hran: +\itemize\ibull +\:$E^+(A,B) = E \cap (A\times B)$ (hrany \uv{zleva doprava}) +\:$E^-(A,B) = E \cap (B\times A)$ (hrany \uv{zprava doleva}) +\:$E^\Delta(A,B) = E^+(A,B) \cup E^-(A,B)$ (v¹echny hrany øezu) +\endlist + +\>Také pro libovolnou funkci $f: E\rightarrow {\bb R}$ zavedeme: +\itemize\ibull +\:$f^+(A,B) = \sum_{e\in E^+(A,B)} f(e)$ (prùtok pøes øez zleva doprava) +\:$f^-(A,B) = \sum_{e\in E^-(A,B)} f(e)$ (prùtok zprava doleva) +\:$f^\Delta(A,B) = f^+(A,B) - f^-(A,B)$ (èistý prùtok) +\endlist + +\>{\I Kapacita øezu} budeme øíkat souètu kapacit hran zleva doprava, tedy $c+(A,B)$. + +\s{Poznámka:} Øezy se~dají definovat více zpùsoby, jedna z~definic je, ¾e~øez +je mno¾ina hran grafu takových, ¾e~po~jejich odebrání se~graf rozpadne na~více +komponent. Tuto vlastnost mají i na¹e øezy, ale opaènì to nemusí platit. + +\s{Lemma:} Pro ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ a ka¾dý tok~$f$ platí, ¾e $f^\Delta(A,B) += \vert f\vert$. (Jinými slovy velikost toku mù¾eme mìøit na libovolném øezu, +nejen na triviálních øezech kolem zdroje nebo kolem spotøebièe.) + +\proof +Opìt ¹ikovným seètením pøebytkù vrcholù: +$$ +f^\Delta(A,B) = \sum_{v\in B} f^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(s). +$$ +První rovnost získáme poèítáním pøes hrany: ka¾dá hrana vedoucí z~vrcholu v~$B$ +do~jiného vrcholu v~$B$ pøispìje jednou kladnì a jednou zápornì; hrany le¾ící +celé mimo~$B$ nepøispìjí vùbec; hrany s~jedním koncem v~$B$ a druhým mimo pøispìjí +jednou, pøièem¾ znaménko se bude li¹it podle toho, který konec je v~$B$. Druhá +rovnost je snadná: v¹echny vrcholy v~$B$ mimo spotøebièe mají podle Kirchhoffova +zákona nulový pøebytek. +\qed + +\s{Dùsledek:} Pro ka¾dý tok~$f$ a ka¾dý øez $(A,B)$ platí $\vert f \vert \le c^+(A,B)$. +(Velikost ka¾dého toku je shora omezena kapacitou ka¾dého øezu.) + +\proof +$f^\Delta(A,B) = f^+(A,B) - f^-(A,B) \le f^+(A,B) \le c^+(A,B)$. +\qed + +\s{Dùsledek:} Pokud $\vert f\vert = c^+(A,B)$, pak je tok~$f$ maximální a øez~$(A,B)$ +minimální. Jinými slovy pokud najdeme dvojici tok a stejnì velký øez, mù¾eme øez pou¾ít +jako certifikát maximality toku. Následující vìta nám zaruèí, ¾e je to mo¾né v¾dy: + +\s{Vìta:} Pokud se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví, tak vydá maximální tok. + +\proof +Nech» se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus zastaví. Definujme mno¾inu vrcholù $A +:= \{v \in V \mid \hbox{existuje cesta ze~$z$ do~$v$ jdoucí po~hranách s~$r +> 0$}\}$ a~$B := V \setminus A$. + +Dvojice $(A,B)$ je øez, nebo» $z \in A$ (ze~$z$ do~$z$ existuje cesta délky 0) +a~$s \in B$ (kdyby $s \not\in B$, tak by musela existovat cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ +s~kladnou rezervou, tudí¾ by algoritmus neskonèil, nýbr¾ tuto cestu vzal +a~stávající tok vylep¹il). + +Dále víme, ¾e~v¹echny hrany øezu mají nulovou rezervu, èili $\forall uv \in +E^+(A,B) : r(uv) = 0$ (kdyby mìla hrana $uv$ rezervu nenulovou, tedy kladnou, +tak by vrchol $v$ patøil do~$A$). Proto po~v¹ech hranách øezu vedoucích z~$A$ +do~$B$ teèe tolik, kolik jsou kapacity tìchto hran, a~po~hranách vedoucích +z~$B$ do~$A$ neteèe nic, tedy $f(uv) = c(uv)$ a $f(vu) = 0$. Máme øez $(A,B)$ +takový, ¾e~$f^\Delta(A,B) = c^+(A,B)$. To znamená, ¾e~jsme na¹li maximální tok +a~minimální øez. \qed + +Dokázali jsme tedy následující: + +\s{Vìta:} Pro~sí» s~racionálními kapacitami se~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus +zastaví a~vydá maximální tok a~minimální øez. + +\s{Vìta:} Sí» s~celoèíselnými kapacitami má aspoò jeden z~maximálních tokù +celoèíselný a~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus takový tok najde. + +\proof +Kdy¾ dostane Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus celoèíselnou sí», tak najde maximální tok a~ten bude zase celoèíselný (algoritmus nikde nedìlí). +\qed + +To, ¾e~umíme najít celoèíselné øe¹ení není úplnì samozøejmé. (U~jiných problémù takové ¹tìstí mít nebudeme.) Uka¾me si rovnou jednu aplikaci, která právì celoèíselný tok vyu¾ije. + +\s{Aplikace:} Hledání nejvìt¹ího párování v~bipartitních grafech. + +\s{Definice:} Mno¾ina hran $F \subseteq E$ se~nazývá {\I párování}, jestli¾e +¾ádné dvì hrany této mno¾iny nemají spoleèný ani jeden vrchol. Neboli $\forall +e,f \in F : e \cap f = \emptyset$. {\I Velikostí} párování myslíme poèet jeho +hran. + +\s{Øe¹ení:} +Mìjme bipartitní graf $G = (V,E)$. V~nìm hledáme nejvìt¹í párování. Sestrojme +si~sí» takovou, ¾e~vezmeme vrcholy $V$ grafu $G$ a~pøidáme k~nim dva speciální +vrcholy $z$ (zdroj) a~$s$ (stok) a~ze~zdroje pøidáme hrany do~v¹ech vrcholù +levé partity a~ze~v¹ech vrcholù pravé partity povedeme hrany do~stoku. V¹echny +kapacity nastavme na~1. Hrany bipartitního grafu zorientujme z levé partity do +pravé. Nyní staèí jen na~tuto sí» spustit Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus (nebo +libovolný jiný algoritmus, který najde maximální celoèíselný tok) a~a¾~dobìhne, +tak prohlásit hrany s~tokem 1 za~maximální párování. + +\figure{toky04.eps}{Hledání maximálního párování v~bipartitním grafu.}{2in} + +Existuje toti¾ bijekce mezi párováním a~celoèíselnými toky pøi~zachování +velikosti. Z ka¾dého celoèíselného toku na~vý¹e zmínìném grafu (viz obrázek) lze sestrojit +párování o~stejné velikosti (velikost toku zde odpovídá poètu hran bipartitního +grafu, po~kterých poteèe 1) a~naopak. Dùle¾ité je si uvìdomit, ¾e~definice toku +(omezení toku kapacitou a~Kirchhoffovy zákony) nám zaruèují, ¾e~hrany +s~nenulovým tokem (tedy jednièkovým) budou tvoøit párování (nestane se, ¾e~by +dvì hrany zaèínaly nebo konèily ve~stejném vrcholu, nebo» by se~nutnì poru¹ila +jedna ze~dvou podmínek definice toku). Potom i~maximální tok bude odpovídat +maximálnímu párování a~naopak. + +V~bipartitním grafu najdeme maximální párování v~èase $\O(n \cdot (m+n))$. Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus stráví jednou iterací èas $\O(m+n)$ (za~prohledání do~¹íøky) a~pøi~jednotkových kapacitách bude iterací nejvý¹e~$n$, proto¾e ka¾dou se~tok zvìt¹í alespoò o~1 a v¹echny toky jsou omezené øezem kolem zdroje, který má kapacitu nejvý¹e~$n$. Výsledná èasová slo¾tost hledání maximálního párování bude tedy $\O(n \cdot (m+n))$. + + +\bye diff --git a/2-toky/Makefile b/2-toky/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4e9173 --- /dev/null +++ b/2-toky/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=2-toky + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/2-toky/sit.eps b/2-toky/sit.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f66f5e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/2-toky/sit.eps @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: Ipelib 60027 (Ipe 6.0 preview 27) +%%CreationDate: D:20071018214606 +%%LanguageLevel: 2 +%%BoundingBox: 107 284 460 489 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 107.459 284.641 459.645 488.218 +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 +%%+ font GKLBST+CMR12 +%%+ font OKRINM+CMMI12 +%%+ font PVGEOP+CMR17 +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset ipe 6.0 60027 +/ipe 40 dict def ipe begin +/np { newpath } def +/m { moveto } def +/l { lineto } def +/c { curveto } def +/h { closepath } def +/re { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto + neg 0 rlineto closepath } def +/d { setdash } def +/w { setlinewidth } def +/J { setlinecap } def +/j { setlinejoin } def +/cm { [ 7 1 roll ] concat } def +/q { gsave } def +/Q { grestore } def +/g { setgray } def +/G { setgray } def +/rg { setrgbcolor } def +/RG { setrgbcolor } def +/S { stroke } def +/f* { eofill } def +/f { fill } def +/ipeMakeFont { + exch findfont + dup length dict begin + { 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall + /Encoding exch def + currentdict + end + definefont pop +} def +/ipeFontSize 0 def +/Tf { dup /ipeFontSize exch store selectfont } def +/Td { translate } def +/BT { gsave } def +/ET { grestore } def +/TJ { 0 0 moveto { dup type /stringtype eq + { show } { ipeFontSize mul -0.001 mul 0 rmoveto } ifelse +} forall } def +end +%%EndResource +%%EndProlog +%%BeginSetup +ipe begin +%%BeginResource: font OXRFMQ+CMR10 +%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR10 1.00B +%%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52 +% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm +BT +/F16 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(\031)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 13.1655 0 Td[(\0502)]TJ/F16 14.3462 Tf 12.4863 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 8.4832 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 269.991 471.39 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm +BT +/F16 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(\031)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 13.1655 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F16 14.3462 Tf 5.4628 0 Td[(\031)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 8.4831 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 399.725 423.941 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -779.0944 cm +BT +/F16 14.3462 Tf 0 779.0944 Td[(\031)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 11.6711 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F17 14.3462 Tf 14.1136 11.7579 Td[(p)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 37.7399 790.8523 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.5738 w +0 0.2869 m +7.0236 0.2869 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -37.7399 -790.8523 cm +BT +/F15 14.3462 Tf 37.7399 779.0944 Td[(2)-326(\0506)1(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 250.464 417.533 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -779.0944 cm +BT +/F17 14.3462 Tf 0 790.8523 Td[(p)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 11.9552 790.8523 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.5738 w +0 0.2869 m +7.0236 0.2869 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -11.9552 -790.8523 cm +BT +/F15 14.3462 Tf 11.9552 779.0944 Td[(2)-326(\0509)1(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 182.5 377.349 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm +BT +/F15 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(6\050)1(6\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 178.133 321.166 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(1)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.9813 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\0502)1(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 232.95 313.574 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(1)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.9813 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\050)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.6583 5.6485 Td[(1)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 18.713 783.3184 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.9813 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -18.713 -783.3184 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.713 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 6.1769 4.9472 Td[(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 276.358 281.799 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 3.5865 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -781.2403 cm +BT +/F15 14.3462 Tf 0 781.2403 Td[(1\050)1(3\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 294.541 327.349 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm +0 g +0 G + +1 0 0 1 0 -779.931 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 785.5796 Td[(9)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 1.1955 783.3184 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.9813 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -1.1955 -783.3184 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 1.1955 774.9839 Td[(2)]TJ/F15 14.3462 Tf 10.8592 4.9472 Td[(\0505)1(\051)]TJ +ET +Q +q 1 0 0 1 369.115 325.899 cm 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 0 0 1 0 4.9471 cm 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+1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.383755 0 0 0.383755 -22.086146 18.577998] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +238.59649 121.9973 moveto +238.59649 153.8807 211.08771 179.75708 177.19298 179.75708 curveto +143.29824 179.75708 115.78947 153.8807 115.78947 121.9973 curveto +115.78947 90.113898 143.29824 64.237514 177.19298 64.237514 curveto +211.08771 64.237514 238.59649 90.113898 238.59649 121.9973 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.245 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +171.46731 179.39669 moveto +154.71063 177.77824 139.44599 169.97719 129.27966 157.83655 curveto +116.96028 143.1247 112.92741 124.25262 118.26414 106.28852 curveto +123.30123 89.333028 137.01312 75.057069 154.61547 68.44176 curveto +158.20634 67.092243 163.55789 65.701547 167.66146 65.051541 curveto +172.3922 64.302194 182.73023 64.376119 187.48904 65.193331 curveto +191.55352 65.891312 193.27525 66.305476 196.76537 67.424804 curveto +212.88794 72.595514 225.75617 83.515433 232.83066 98.02969 curveto +236.71312 105.99497 238.37252 113.2258 238.36213 122.13258 curveto +238.34016 140.95484 228.85134 158.13035 212.45614 169.02447 curveto +204.30899 174.438 195.06221 177.8677 185.19568 179.13559 curveto +182.00076 179.54615 174.49314 179.68893 171.46729 179.39668 curveto +171.46731 179.39669 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +209.375 58.6875 moveto +204.54548 59.3243 199.72719 60.177841 194.84375 60.25 curveto +187.79231 60.400572 180.73986 60.658225 173.68617 60.503618 curveto +163.66148 60.3499 153.66072 59.570796 143.64183 59.247716 curveto +142.56451 59.272971 141.46559 59.022242 140.40625 59.28125 curveto +139.13886 59.672076 138.15737 60.652554 137.55778 61.811708 curveto +136.63831 63.439954 136.30221 65.671123 137.5 67.25 curveto +138.09808 68.449555 138.96563 69.540771 139.25 70.875 curveto +139.55445 72.776073 138.51672 74.537378 137.5509 76.088684 curveto +135.96112 78.603488 133.74049 80.744275 132.65625 83.5625 curveto +132.13236 84.863523 131.90524 86.264248 131.56012 87.620065 curveto +130.67888 91.645337 129.81238 95.673485 129.01523 99.716552 curveto +127.86084 105.44274 126.68505 111.16689 125.57486 116.90058 curveto +125.24094 120.05218 124.88496 123.26503 125.5 126.40625 curveto +125.84098 128.92356 126.39761 131.41255 127.08633 133.85627 curveto +127.9414 136.8093 129.20287 139.6323 130.63104 142.34913 curveto +132.75082 146.29145 135.33814 149.99799 138.46893 153.20644 curveto +139.89835 154.71103 141.50791 156.03937 143.17414 157.27271 curveto +145.46327 158.97427 148.04597 160.29487 150.8174 160.99747 curveto +153.84689 161.7798 156.98897 161.95673 160.09361 162.24037 curveto +167.15103 162.72239 174.22804 162.78384 181.29842 162.90625 curveto +186.29547 162.94874 191.30234 162.74031 196.26166 162.10994 curveto +198.74144 161.76497 201.1765 161.16547 203.59985 160.55005 curveto +206.50129 159.72281 209.28861 158.51902 211.88036 156.97435 curveto +215.07803 155.10117 218.02228 152.8326 220.98285 150.6128 curveto +226.43135 146.36568 231.88457 142.12306 237.26537 137.79068 curveto +242.61236 133.31601 248.04065 128.93344 253.23634 124.28211 curveto +254.94532 122.70478 256.53065 120.93133 257.51403 118.80146 curveto +258.26094 117.13112 258.80821 115.36651 259.24832 113.59062 curveto +259.81643 111.1257 259.89991 108.58605 259.96875 106.06719 curveto +259.98375 103.94988 259.91343 101.80969 259.32912 99.760543 curveto +258.86819 97.933882 258.15276 96.177965 257.22349 94.540727 curveto +256.24723 92.883634 254.98518 91.361686 253.451 90.195842 curveto +251.34118 88.624388 248.81106 87.749493 246.25 87.25 curveto +243.49107 86.671275 240.68943 86.313784 237.93207 85.720968 curveto +235.85618 85.318477 233.76368 85.007773 231.70473 84.51843 curveto +229.99674 84.123778 228.26075 83.747496 226.65094 83.039467 curveto +224.59629 82.086704 223.21342 80.22671 221.62295 78.689618 curveto +219.87636 76.950563 217.96225 75.387074 215.92626 73.999382 curveto +214.92968 73.213629 213.83636 72.502565 213.11787 71.431261 curveto +212.12931 70.093203 212.43094 68.219858 213.24894 66.873682 curveto +213.95401 65.557288 215.43837 64.682897 215.6875 63.125 curveto +215.76775 62.146633 215.1035 61.269715 214.42435 60.630274 curveto +213.42234 59.809805 212.23978 59.187573 211 58.8125 curveto +210.47483 58.679371 209.91425 58.633406 209.375 58.6875 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.066 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +209.375 58.6875 moveto +204.54548 59.3243 199.72719 60.177841 194.84375 60.25 curveto +187.79231 60.400572 180.73986 60.658225 173.68617 60.503618 curveto +163.66148 60.3499 153.66072 59.570796 143.64183 59.247716 curveto +142.56451 59.272971 141.46559 59.022242 140.40625 59.28125 curveto +139.13886 59.672076 138.15737 60.652554 137.55778 61.811708 curveto +136.63831 63.439954 136.30221 65.671123 137.5 67.25 curveto +138.09808 68.449555 138.96563 69.540771 139.25 70.875 curveto +139.55445 72.776073 138.51672 74.537378 137.5509 76.088684 curveto +135.96112 78.603488 133.74049 80.744275 132.65625 83.5625 curveto +132.13236 84.863523 131.90524 86.264248 131.56012 87.620065 curveto +130.67888 91.645337 129.81238 95.673485 129.01523 99.716552 curveto +127.86084 105.44274 126.68505 111.16689 125.57486 116.90058 curveto +125.24094 120.05218 124.88496 123.26503 125.5 126.40625 curveto +125.84098 128.92356 126.39761 131.41255 127.08633 133.85627 curveto +127.9414 136.8093 129.20287 139.6323 130.63104 142.34913 curveto +132.75082 146.29145 135.33814 149.99799 138.46893 153.20644 curveto +139.89835 154.71103 141.50791 156.03937 143.17414 157.27271 curveto +145.46327 158.97427 148.04597 160.29487 150.8174 160.99747 curveto +153.84689 161.7798 156.98897 161.95673 160.09361 162.24037 curveto +167.15103 162.72239 174.22804 162.78384 181.29842 162.90625 curveto +186.29547 162.94874 191.30234 162.74031 196.26166 162.10994 curveto +198.74144 161.76497 201.1765 161.16547 203.59985 160.55005 curveto +206.50129 159.72281 209.28861 158.51902 211.88036 156.97435 curveto +215.07803 155.10117 218.02228 152.8326 220.98285 150.6128 curveto +226.43135 146.36568 231.88457 142.12306 237.26537 137.79068 curveto +242.61236 133.31601 248.04065 128.93344 253.23634 124.28211 curveto +254.94532 122.70478 256.53065 120.93133 257.51403 118.80146 curveto +258.26094 117.13112 258.80821 115.36651 259.24832 113.59062 curveto +259.81643 111.1257 259.89991 108.58605 259.96875 106.06719 curveto +259.98375 103.94988 259.91343 101.80969 259.32912 99.760543 curveto +258.86819 97.933882 258.15276 96.177965 257.22349 94.540727 curveto +256.24723 92.883634 254.98518 91.361686 253.451 90.195842 curveto +251.34118 88.624388 248.81106 87.749493 246.25 87.25 curveto +243.49107 86.671275 240.68943 86.313784 237.93207 85.720968 curveto +235.85618 85.318477 233.76368 85.007773 231.70473 84.51843 curveto +229.99674 84.123778 228.26075 83.747496 226.65094 83.039467 curveto +224.59629 82.086704 223.21342 80.22671 221.62295 78.689618 curveto +219.87636 76.950563 217.96225 75.387074 215.92626 73.999382 curveto +214.92968 73.213629 213.83636 72.502565 213.11787 71.431261 curveto +212.12931 70.093203 212.43094 68.219858 213.24894 66.873682 curveto +213.95401 65.557288 215.43837 64.682897 215.6875 63.125 curveto +215.76775 62.146633 215.1035 61.269715 214.42435 60.630274 curveto +213.42234 59.809805 212.23978 59.187573 211 58.8125 curveto +210.47483 58.679371 209.91425 58.633406 209.375 58.6875 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.6355292 0 0 0.6355292 82.835982 33.223063] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +246.09375 93.4375 moveto +242.10625 93.847681 238.1488 94.489728 234.1875 95.09375 curveto +231.98215 95.861106 231.3439 98.656647 232 100.6875 curveto +233.51154 105.06599 236.34207 109.00526 236.90625 113.6875 curveto +238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto +240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto +241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto +249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto +261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto +270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto +267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto +259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto +248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.245 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +246.09375 93.4375 moveto +242.10625 93.847681 238.1488 94.489728 234.1875 95.09375 curveto +231.98215 95.861106 231.3439 98.656647 232 100.6875 curveto +233.51154 105.06599 236.34207 109.00526 236.90625 113.6875 curveto +238.72846 122.05263 240.9489 130.49492 240.52326 139.13128 curveto +240.43629 141.67131 240.66147 144.24035 240.15625 146.75 curveto +241.0214 148.58997 243.39931 148.7641 245.1566 148.41008 curveto +249.81795 147.5366 253.38914 144.17513 257.00979 141.36717 curveto +261.04632 138.00927 264.88307 134.32894 267.92396 130.0315 curveto +270.03356 126.31614 269.66922 121.81861 268.89527 117.77842 curveto +267.69531 111.35045 265.63182 105.01333 262.21875 99.40625 curveto +259.52546 95.509434 254.7205 93.337267 250.03125 93.5 curveto +248.71957 93.459933 247.40422 93.304039 246.09375 93.4375 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.37517 179.49733 moveto +164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto +146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto +141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto +149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto +203.1444 171.6939 lineto +206.26632 170.85774 lineto +207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto +214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto +211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto +191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto +172.37517 179.49733 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.066126853 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +172.37517 179.49733 moveto +164.54591 178.85886 156.56677 176.73883 149.6126 173.44941 curveto +146.83754 172.13677 141.63501 169.16571 141.80823 168.99249 curveto +141.85816 168.94256 142.65023 169.13551 143.56839 169.42128 curveto +149.46467 171.2564 162.19331 171.95332 186.95007 171.79649 curveto +203.1444 171.6939 lineto +206.26632 170.85774 lineto +207.98335 170.39787 210.35177 169.55846 211.52945 168.99241 curveto +214.27385 167.67334 214.34073 167.65205 213.53576 168.35392 curveto +211.54121 170.09302 204.13995 173.95523 199.33617 175.76371 curveto +191.62059 178.66841 180.72049 180.17788 172.37517 179.49733 curveto +172.37517 179.49733 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.15355 175.61024 moveto +156.23914 175.61294 157.31941 175.63406 158.40173 175.71899 curveto +160.15202 176.01988 161.91792 176.06222 163.68871 176.06043 curveto +166.64982 176.03306 169.60922 175.97458 172.57002 176.04062 curveto +175.09927 176.12388 177.62291 176.30984 180.15265 176.3944 curveto +182.2777 176.45943 184.40148 176.48214 186.52453 176.36964 curveto +187.9014 176.28244 189.27952 176.22107 190.65853 176.18227 curveto +191.64038 176.15865 192.6225 176.16304 193.60452 176.16209 curveto +194.91222 176.16741 196.21992 176.17558 197.52763 176.1797 curveto +199.36603 176.18871 201.20446 176.18741 203.04288 176.18892 curveto +206.27218 176.1904 209.50059 176.2591 212.72994 176.26663 curveto +215.89992 176.27587 219.07692 176.22075 222.23952 176.47035 curveto +223.3632 176.5907 224.48936 176.66325 225.61879 176.69237 curveto +226.90512 176.72454 228.19181 176.68936 229.47666 176.76113 curveto +230.89068 176.84065 232.29324 177.04526 233.70492 177.15835 curveto +234.71554 177.28057 235.71781 177.19709 236.72543 177.1093 curveto +237.50041 177.05386 238.25891 176.87375 239.0254 176.75264 curveto +239.28785 176.6535 239.61961 176.77426 239.8795 176.68417 curveto +239.95634 176.65753 240.0087 176.58429 240.07995 176.54507 curveto +240.28546 176.44508 240.25323 176.34706 240.4465 176.51523 curveto +237.14085 178.83815 lineto +237.19784 179.00041 237.04596 178.97291 236.9162 179.03438 curveto +236.56889 179.13104 236.17832 179.047 235.82664 179.15273 curveto +235.06666 179.26828 234.31146 179.42632 233.5416 179.46395 curveto +232.52455 179.54806 231.50978 179.57213 230.49338 179.44836 curveto +229.09778 179.31151 227.7087 179.0953 226.30587 179.04502 curveto +225.00803 179.01081 223.70986 179.03843 222.41188 179.00724 curveto +221.29302 178.96705 220.17889 178.88147 219.06898 178.73041 curveto +215.9941 178.4144 212.89672 178.39349 209.80839 178.38926 curveto +206.50775 178.3969 203.20801 178.46524 199.90741 178.46696 curveto +198.06086 178.46841 196.21431 178.46709 194.36777 178.47535 curveto +193.04536 178.47882 191.72296 178.48568 190.40056 178.49011 curveto +189.42334 178.48999 188.44604 178.49451 187.46896 178.51154 curveto +186.10644 178.53957 184.74503 178.59933 183.38431 178.67447 curveto +181.28039 178.76707 179.17753 178.67302 177.07337 178.61637 curveto +174.54181 178.53642 172.01546 178.37713 169.4853 178.27013 curveto +166.52216 178.18908 163.56025 178.23958 160.59709 178.30899 curveto +158.78857 178.32508 156.99017 178.2761 155.19781 178.01096 curveto +154.10312 177.93559 153.0079 177.93251 151.91113 177.96601 curveto +155.15355 175.61024 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +162.78068 175.76852 moveto +164.13496 176.25254 165.42392 176.89125 166.67791 177.5904 curveto +167.8372 178.26938 168.98319 178.97411 170.23018 179.48468 curveto +170.82598 179.72862 171.3837 179.90136 171.99342 180.10265 curveto +173.23917 180.50408 174.52973 180.68228 175.83157 180.74859 curveto +176.75526 180.77887 177.67964 180.76801 178.60356 180.75738 curveto +179.34059 180.7522 180.07764 180.74963 180.81466 180.74348 curveto +181.44555 180.79091 182.05736 180.68362 182.67928 180.60099 curveto +183.51926 180.55103 184.31798 180.29372 185.11562 180.04799 curveto +185.89452 179.82798 186.69834 179.73059 187.47361 179.49546 curveto +188.13503 179.3125 188.80391 179.16003 189.47082 178.99738 curveto +189.88157 178.89869 190.29938 178.85706 190.72018 178.84027 curveto +190.91337 178.70044 191.16256 178.72033 191.37706 178.64389 curveto +191.4349 178.62328 191.48665 178.58846 191.54144 178.56075 curveto +191.60558 178.53796 191.66972 178.51518 191.73386 178.49239 curveto +192.94119 177.8866 194.53662 176.87873 188.72288 180.23514 curveto +188.69206 180.25293 188.77787 180.18611 188.81216 180.17662 curveto +188.83271 180.17094 188.88441 180.20259 188.90411 180.21349 curveto +188.43526 179.48498 187.74078 178.98249 186.99174 178.57492 curveto +186.32724 178.25953 185.85025 178.26299 185.15191 178.36835 curveto +185.42371 178.05376 184.04618 178.96875 184.42757 178.75291 curveto +189.9469 175.62936 188.30399 176.48714 187.10254 177.25113 curveto +185.2114 177.6546 183.86341 179.48143 181.98935 179.99858 curveto +181.55938 180.12283 181.15416 180.29682 180.70681 180.35668 curveto +180.33646 180.34124 180.01975 180.48537 179.66685 180.55984 curveto +179.22908 180.6462 178.78375 180.65325 178.33934 180.66277 curveto +177.95294 180.67312 177.56637 180.67157 177.17991 180.66648 curveto +175.52263 180.68434 173.87004 180.92162 172.22264 181.09165 curveto +169.90766 181.34113 167.61491 181.75382 165.31721 182.12377 curveto +164.59052 182.26913 163.85879 182.28595 163.12203 182.28478 curveto +162.52844 182.25749 161.92173 182.37762 161.35531 182.16676 curveto +159.79963 180.77327 163.59957 179.93203 164.53194 179.37706 curveto +164.89496 179.24955 165.24107 179.08517 165.61565 178.96805 curveto +166.07162 178.76972 166.54429 178.62425 167.0136 178.45291 curveto +167.41241 178.33214 167.82747 178.31271 168.24085 178.30621 curveto +168.612 178.29889 168.98325 178.30429 169.35445 178.30371 curveto +169.69871 178.44233 170.05558 178.51579 170.42338 178.54941 curveto +170.75744 178.579 171.09307 178.57788 171.42813 178.57825 curveto +171.78157 178.72664 172.14969 178.78665 172.52867 178.81936 curveto +172.77081 178.80663 173.03289 178.88824 173.2742 178.84785 curveto +173.39694 178.82731 173.51078 178.77005 173.63117 178.73854 curveto +174.01971 178.50015 174.3767 178.47652 174.76885 178.21798 curveto +173.66139 178.85564 170.31553 180.72603 171.44645 180.13096 curveto +172.6587 179.49308 173.82035 178.76328 175.01302 178.08951 curveto +175.04747 178.07005 175.15996 178.0325 175.12576 178.0524 curveto +174.04224 178.68271 170.76962 180.53524 171.85377 179.90601 curveto +173.04101 179.21693 174.23445 178.53857 175.42478 177.85485 curveto +175.75271 177.74213 176.10366 177.8286 176.42667 177.70613 curveto +176.98609 177.5839 177.55044 177.4715 178.11819 177.38684 curveto +178.8198 177.18922 179.53573 177.06412 180.26152 177.00507 curveto +180.92067 176.98174 181.56879 176.96561 182.22034 176.86303 curveto +182.73921 176.76732 183.26264 176.72408 183.78862 176.69612 curveto +184.14993 176.6825 184.5115 176.68356 184.87299 176.68492 curveto +185.16501 176.6851 185.45703 176.68408 185.74905 176.68531 curveto +185.97239 176.78087 186.18827 176.92341 186.43542 176.94453 curveto +186.62148 177.11791 186.79899 177.19233 187.04794 177.20857 curveto +187.48479 177.19394 187.8967 177.3482 188.32235 177.42604 curveto +188.557 177.50408 188.82875 177.43268 189.06331 177.49287 curveto +189.16964 177.52015 189.26272 177.58479 189.36374 177.62778 curveto +190.83594 178.79002 187.54529 180.12988 186.02331 180.14658 curveto +185.55453 180.18103 185.15312 180.0309 184.73804 179.82678 curveto +184.25187 179.53907 183.67613 179.38226 183.21974 179.04854 curveto +183.07275 178.95218 183.01278 178.81925 182.95524 178.66182 curveto +186.53183 176.78934 lineto +186.49318 176.78099 186.56301 176.87645 186.60155 176.88529 curveto +187.06746 177.16415 187.57211 177.38054 188.06137 177.61381 curveto +188.4482 177.75651 188.84047 177.82493 189.24951 177.73166 curveto +190.60666 177.31645 188.54153 177.94029 185.98626 179.70093 curveto +185.91518 179.74991 186.08338 179.8437 186.13007 179.91631 curveto +186.15001 179.94731 186.00405 179.84687 186.02734 179.87543 curveto +185.70763 179.7764 185.35437 179.81649 185.03104 179.71815 curveto +184.60625 179.62379 184.18378 179.54385 183.74922 179.51098 curveto +183.52187 179.44437 183.33401 179.31176 183.11866 179.23295 curveto +182.91746 179.15763 182.71264 179.03302 182.49422 179.04942 curveto +182.20366 179.04987 181.9131 179.0473 181.62254 179.04672 curveto +181.26764 179.04836 180.91252 179.04991 180.55817 179.07211 curveto +180.04445 179.10492 179.53545 179.1787 179.02613 179.2517 curveto +178.37241 179.33037 177.71452 179.3165 177.0595 179.38186 curveto +176.34343 179.47089 175.64218 179.62505 174.93795 179.78002 curveto +174.3668 179.88857 173.79561 179.99846 173.23057 180.13557 curveto +172.90125 180.16479 172.56711 180.18182 172.27934 180.36416 curveto +173.38691 179.72047 174.49458 179.07694 175.60206 178.43311 curveto +175.63529 178.41379 175.53532 178.47126 175.50209 178.4906 curveto +174.32313 179.17692 173.14487 179.86444 171.9655 180.55007 curveto +171.93391 180.56843 171.83765 180.62085 171.86927 180.60255 curveto +171.946 180.55813 181.05478 175.2944 171.63982 180.73707 curveto +171.25081 180.90483 170.83852 181.03839 170.4361 181.16406 curveto +170.04501 181.22992 169.65047 181.18363 169.25842 181.13847 curveto +168.89201 181.08627 168.53973 180.9645 168.17276 180.93822 curveto +167.83031 180.93152 167.48747 180.91516 167.14808 180.86641 curveto +166.79619 180.81008 166.4566 180.68301 166.10163 180.6651 curveto +165.73658 180.66165 165.37133 180.6613 165.00658 180.67871 curveto +164.61333 180.70885 164.22337 180.76951 163.85569 180.91977 curveto +163.38723 181.08895 162.91523 181.24592 162.4519 181.42863 curveto +162.08603 181.56296 161.73827 181.74149 161.36891 181.86434 curveto +162.46846 181.19327 163.57896 180.53981 164.66756 179.85112 curveto +164.6888 179.83768 164.62057 179.83295 164.59829 179.82131 curveto +164.57568 179.8095 164.55811 179.77521 164.53326 179.78098 curveto +164.51595 179.78499 164.65447 179.94947 164.67392 179.89878 curveto +165.21762 180.0074 165.78786 179.91048 166.33743 179.94342 curveto +167.04979 179.92719 167.75955 179.86768 168.46501 179.76523 curveto +170.72258 179.46107 172.97161 179.09206 175.23743 178.85095 curveto +176.96162 178.65372 178.68565 178.34646 180.42203 178.31145 curveto +180.80562 178.30731 181.1893 178.30865 181.57275 178.29629 curveto +182.0047 178.2753 182.43685 178.23978 182.85559 178.12408 curveto +183.20282 178.02713 183.55175 177.99746 183.90627 177.93566 curveto +184.3254 177.82429 184.72887 177.66298 185.1464 177.54564 curveto +186.58449 176.97516 189.23085 175.14337 183.3751 178.68462 curveto +185.03902 177.79137 186.49041 176.35273 188.3619 175.98103 curveto +189.05891 175.92899 189.70613 176.07196 190.32299 176.41272 curveto +191.12975 176.90979 191.87108 177.50017 192.43301 178.27274 curveto +192.4898 178.4011 192.65044 178.63609 192.46141 178.75 curveto +190.56608 179.89208 190.04391 180.46834 188.57161 180.96081 curveto +188.22335 181.08719 187.84751 181.18632 187.48027 181.22305 curveto +187.08067 181.25399 186.6859 181.32542 186.29664 181.42045 curveto +185.63514 181.57843 184.97274 181.73412 184.31818 181.91916 curveto +183.53849 182.10953 182.74376 182.23489 181.97633 182.47331 curveto +181.161 182.71716 180.33564 182.91268 179.48528 182.98701 curveto +178.85344 183.07185 178.22355 183.11926 177.58509 183.09097 curveto +176.85304 183.08797 176.12096 183.09126 175.38892 183.09597 curveto +174.46434 183.09659 173.53882 183.10729 172.61539 183.05325 curveto +171.30839 182.94842 170.02071 182.71238 168.7784 182.28125 curveto +166.89767 181.62364 165.12103 180.76153 163.42164 179.71818 curveto +162.14642 179.05112 160.85336 178.39728 159.46328 178.00144 curveto +162.78068 175.76852 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +198.10215 172.86806 moveto +198.76348 173.28395 199.45773 173.6265 200.21621 173.81684 curveto +200.9347 173.98461 201.67524 173.99477 202.40909 174.00644 curveto +203.0303 174.00768 203.65148 174.00026 204.27268 173.9966 curveto +204.72814 174.0494 205.13714 173.93479 205.57187 173.83127 curveto +205.91866 173.84022 206.13363 173.61819 206.42915 173.49098 curveto +206.63488 173.41402 206.87458 173.43701 207.09316 173.44069 curveto +207.20065 173.3804 207.48991 173.51971 207.5811 173.44222 curveto +207.60674 173.42043 207.59826 173.37717 207.60685 173.34464 curveto +198.76557 178.43402 207.72095 173.23253 207.87583 173.15785 curveto +209.00765 172.6121 203.54427 175.70678 204.61668 175.05195 curveto +204.64773 174.91727 204.7786 174.83861 204.8613 174.71684 curveto +204.86501 174.67601 204.85176 174.62975 204.87244 174.59434 curveto +204.90575 174.53731 205.09178 174.46214 205.15139 174.42838 curveto +208.74421 172.39328 207.3867 172.70937 208.83271 172.38487 curveto +209.18369 172.32577 209.44603 172.08384 209.80067 171.99955 curveto +210.07941 171.85163 210.37517 171.73771 210.67893 171.65433 curveto +207.51172 174.114 lineto +207.22113 174.22822 206.93579 174.35492 206.64237 174.46167 curveto +206.31898 174.61691 206.00524 174.78128 205.65338 174.85933 curveto +204.39867 175.46654 205.50278 174.93498 208.91098 172.97791 curveto +209.00239 172.92542 208.74552 173.14939 208.64041 173.14154 curveto +208.60462 173.13887 208.58279 173.09873 208.55398 173.07732 curveto +208.51448 173.15317 208.43913 173.38254 208.37889 173.42319 curveto +208.3573 173.43775 208.32818 173.41131 208.30282 173.40537 curveto +207.9689 174.83084 205.85514 174.76323 204.72806 175.66839 curveto +203.725 176.47396 206.95875 174.38598 208.06789 173.73415 curveto +208.09688 173.71711 208.00334 173.75305 207.97107 173.7625 curveto +206.79451 174.45671 205.61795 175.15093 204.44139 175.84515 curveto +204.24663 175.79187 204.04652 175.81358 203.84577 175.82073 curveto +203.63891 175.8421 203.4531 175.88233 203.27755 175.99917 curveto +202.99043 176.14595 202.70079 176.21104 202.38023 176.26203 curveto +201.93736 176.35995 201.49108 176.36016 201.03885 176.34839 curveto +200.42121 176.35045 199.80346 176.35349 199.18594 176.33812 curveto +198.4304 176.31924 197.67019 176.27692 196.94024 176.06296 curveto +196.15639 175.82204 195.43389 175.4434 194.72792 175.02855 curveto +198.10215 172.86806 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.48044 174.13919 moveto +155.7882 174.57016 156.27677 174.73312 156.6975 175.00444 curveto +157.83373 175.73719 156.37359 174.87614 157.18468 175.34735 curveto +157.4761 175.51302 157.49545 175.53572 157.74162 175.34228 curveto +157.74299 175.31138 157.73486 175.27854 157.74571 175.24957 curveto +157.75581 175.22261 157.82201 175.18943 157.84397 175.17676 curveto +157.85207 175.16603 157.87944 175.13712 157.86827 175.14459 curveto +140.94718 186.44796 145.63013 191.36137 140.89531 186.32077 curveto +140.63296 186.24001 140.36379 185.98531 140.05326 186.04796 curveto +139.85966 186.04868 139.71166 186.1475 139.53413 186.21585 curveto +139.06278 186.3053 139.1394 186.29827 138.7681 185.83564 curveto +138.69925 185.77619 138.5143 185.62349 138.50727 185.64937 curveto +138.49154 185.70726 138.60733 185.80617 138.5501 185.82416 curveto +138.47795 185.84684 138.43168 185.72812 138.36397 185.69441 curveto +138.31185 185.66847 138.25176 185.66328 138.19566 185.64771 curveto +137.86589 185.59509 137.54295 185.57537 137.21401 185.63549 curveto +136.83635 185.6882 136.45374 185.65911 136.07359 185.6714 curveto +135.99991 185.67228 135.92299 185.69565 135.85253 185.67405 curveto +135.56212 185.58503 135.14207 185.28683 134.89618 185.08869 curveto +134.90559 185.12753 134.95352 185.2326 134.92441 185.20521 curveto +134.67044 184.96622 134.38939 184.4923 134.22994 184.18038 curveto +134.20512 184.12166 134.11451 183.95539 134.15549 184.00422 curveto +134.26342 184.13282 134.50358 184.52889 134.45721 184.7076 curveto +134.44775 184.74403 134.29997 184.77111 134.28179 184.77556 curveto +134.21386 184.73965 134.09606 184.90078 134.0386 184.85522 curveto +133.7336 184.61343 133.50441 184.21427 133.30993 183.89069 curveto +133.23215 183.89324 132.77234 182.94369 133.04917 183.52604 curveto +132.87566 183.53719 132.47409 182.68295 132.59651 183.07434 curveto +132.59234 183.09334 132.59761 183.14524 132.584 183.13134 curveto +132.25955 182.80007 132.55451 182.95387 132.22766 182.87962 curveto +132.24474 182.93279 132.31247 182.99449 132.2789 183.03912 curveto +132.25132 183.07577 132.20516 182.9802 132.16081 182.96847 curveto +132.1161 182.95664 132.06644 182.98429 132.02209 182.97118 curveto +131.92272 182.94182 131.83537 182.88069 131.73857 182.84371 curveto +131.47912 182.74457 131.40843 182.74086 131.14356 182.68667 curveto +130.94332 182.69625 130.36662 182.43553 130.25842 182.64736 curveto +129.99481 182.79446 130.07463 182.686 129.78994 182.40591 curveto +129.73826 182.35506 129.62511 182.30621 129.56039 182.27485 curveto +129.3662 182.35218 129.16033 182.39367 128.9472 182.41582 curveto +128.88478 182.39042 128.70439 182.49635 128.65218 182.45395 curveto +128.41721 182.26316 128.21395 181.95757 128.0262 181.71702 curveto +128.23938 181.90788 127.99227 181.85375 127.99715 181.94236 curveto +128.00937 182.16449 128.07608 181.99756 128.00319 182.13937 curveto +127.62192 182.16434 127.23225 182.16412 126.84752 182.17126 curveto +126.76143 182.10518 126.48857 182.26522 126.40964 182.19914 curveto +126.12623 181.96188 125.90702 181.58741 125.70664 181.27905 curveto +121.93455 174.88573 132.52564 176.16761 142.6172 169.93055 curveto +142.8172 169.99557 143.02904 170.0267 143.23912 170.02961 curveto +143.33555 170.06088 143.35531 170.02198 143.46007 170.02158 curveto +143.48034 170.02089 143.5076 170.00418 143.52089 170.01951 curveto +143.63422 170.1503 144.13665 170.92184 144.07078 170.52241 curveto +144.2534 170.35356 144.26891 170.50321 144.44028 170.71359 curveto +127.50984 181.82981 lineto +127.63944 182.22423 127.45138 181.90186 127.26883 181.82575 curveto +127.14684 181.71123 127.06748 181.63008 126.93184 181.55015 curveto +126.90227 181.53273 126.82751 181.4688 126.84199 181.49991 curveto +127.05247 181.95189 127.29175 181.9443 127.05249 181.93532 curveto +126.98608 181.93475 126.8479 181.91087 126.82696 181.91893 curveto +126.67276 181.91678 126.50982 181.9255 126.39176 182.03576 curveto +146.81305 169.29715 147.15943 176.89898 143.1777 170.97263 curveto +143.05422 170.77106 143.10173 170.85138 142.96077 170.60616 curveto +142.68411 170.12485 142.7841 170.33062 143.1537 170.32191 curveto +143.59297 170.32947 144.03778 170.32569 144.47281 170.37461 curveto +144.79581 170.52613 145.05288 170.80234 145.28163 171.07153 curveto +145.12921 170.75012 144.78928 170.45437 145.37965 170.63783 curveto +145.74066 170.71892 146.08725 170.83453 146.39259 171.05109 curveto +146.97764 171.25984 146.04235 170.60081 146.78706 170.94511 curveto +147.06872 171.10946 147.35144 171.24643 147.67055 171.32966 curveto +147.84792 171.38779 148.09774 171.4757 148.28286 171.51329 curveto +148.38731 171.53449 148.4964 171.53048 148.59954 171.5573 curveto +148.70533 171.5848 148.80141 171.6419 148.90552 171.67517 curveto +148.95977 171.69251 149.02563 171.67711 149.07306 171.70864 curveto +149.15655 171.76413 149.21216 171.85303 149.28171 171.92523 curveto +149.56367 172.1997 149.67035 172.30189 149.81323 172.43392 curveto +150.05461 172.76586 150.08056 172.77386 150.3772 173.04118 curveto +150.6727 173.4994 150.51958 173.33499 150.80367 173.68902 curveto +150.54504 173.24349 150.71989 173.57247 150.5919 173.28721 curveto +150.38234 172.82014 150.57798 173.11034 150.85153 173.17863 curveto +151.38443 173.42566 151.71573 173.85788 151.98853 174.37225 curveto +151.99657 174.38739 151.96224 174.35023 151.9491 174.33922 curveto +151.90183 174.26106 151.50136 173.55058 151.89145 174.03349 curveto +152.01341 173.91305 152.17791 173.80777 152.35927 173.83778 curveto +152.79163 173.85209 153.2336 173.81036 153.65775 173.91007 curveto +154.06237 174.02296 154.45544 174.17312 154.85121 174.31316 curveto +154.92725 174.33961 155.00003 174.37862 155.07933 174.3925 curveto +155.12599 174.40066 155.17885 174.35557 155.22068 174.37781 curveto +155.39251 174.46914 155.48867 174.6839 155.69917 174.68974 curveto +155.62867 174.57017 155.53727 174.46067 155.48766 174.33103 curveto +155.45489 174.2454 155.98678 174.43265 155.94981 174.37115 curveto +156.2503 174.4506 156.51847 174.60265 156.78228 174.76454 curveto +157.19562 175.03891 157.63175 175.28456 158.01734 175.59291 curveto +164.03962 179.24392 146.74464 190.67336 141.05625 186.85261 curveto +140.763 186.62937 140.48632 186.3894 140.21583 186.13901 curveto +139.73504 185.73441 139.21556 185.32076 138.62877 185.09346 curveto +155.48044 174.13919 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +202.77116 173.11513 moveto +203.22744 173.38421 203.71473 173.57982 204.2298 173.69819 curveto +204.49741 173.76657 204.76274 173.69721 205.00981 173.81825 curveto +205.2022 173.90654 205.39447 173.99454 205.60466 174.01543 curveto +205.82055 173.96678 206.10368 174.09433 206.25292 173.91464 curveto +206.38336 173.73639 206.69827 173.81759 206.82934 173.6865 curveto +203.51612 176.06101 203.92713 177.47233 201.9128 176.16968 curveto +201.70895 175.97102 201.42301 175.95589 201.17969 175.84698 curveto +201.06736 175.7967 200.96781 175.7213 200.85781 175.66609 curveto +200.78742 175.61001 200.6894 175.60197 200.61635 175.55078 curveto +199.29935 174.62784 204.31022 172.82691 204.6525 172.62155 curveto +204.93596 172.60916 205.082 172.65436 205.31866 172.8116 curveto +205.49996 172.90223 205.67771 172.92734 205.87703 172.92377 curveto +206.22961 172.92409 206.58214 172.93019 206.93473 172.92863 curveto +207.30541 172.9233 207.67614 172.92511 208.04683 172.92155 curveto +210.50382 172.65006 205.33591 176.23138 204.3273 175.37797 curveto +204.11442 175.14354 203.91705 174.90611 203.75021 174.63684 curveto +203.56254 174.55735 203.48993 174.27139 203.32748 174.18873 curveto +203.30396 174.15479 203.24863 174.16587 203.22248 174.1369 curveto +201.95354 172.73086 206.06044 170.70604 207.54222 171.57941 curveto +207.76347 171.65203 207.99341 171.82739 208.19156 171.96863 curveto +208.51159 172.0751 208.84596 172.0974 209.18026 172.11511 curveto +209.45109 172.11985 209.72203 172.11629 209.99285 172.11242 curveto +210.98579 170.64342 210.38239 171.69533 206.00795 174.3618 curveto +205.99937 174.36703 206.12935 174.42983 206.07312 174.30705 curveto +205.97392 174.14325 205.90711 173.88301 205.67764 173.89725 curveto +205.51879 173.71264 205.28083 173.67962 205.12444 173.51527 curveto +204.90618 173.41811 204.78394 173.25867 204.67016 173.05427 curveto +204.61821 172.9375 204.6151 172.93532 204.56414 173.03789 curveto +208.60057 170.23152 lineto +208.73684 170.33046 208.87123 170.45576 208.93196 170.61659 curveto +208.99836 170.75925 209.16656 170.7998 209.27854 170.90679 curveto +209.46353 170.91937 209.57086 171.14932 209.75569 171.17964 curveto +210.01657 171.35767 210.18182 171.59068 210.32298 171.87152 curveto +211.33831 173.7168 207.90846 175.2635 206.03097 174.99231 curveto +205.75189 174.9896 205.47215 174.98845 205.19494 174.95135 curveto +204.80119 174.89499 204.4059 174.82318 204.06609 174.60233 curveto +203.85514 174.46366 203.62782 174.35374 203.41374 174.22323 curveto +202.02346 173.19388 203.45957 174.2996 207.50427 171.7144 curveto +207.76216 171.54957 207.04766 171.52801 207.35793 171.49048 curveto +207.42604 171.48224 207.44574 171.64255 207.51096 171.62809 curveto +207.66538 171.81444 207.82261 171.99497 207.98072 172.17954 curveto +208.13047 172.42716 208.33458 172.63251 208.51924 172.85427 curveto +209.73779 174.45279 205.8231 175.91785 204.08989 175.79721 curveto +203.72377 175.79454 203.35762 175.79801 202.99151 175.79323 curveto +202.62104 175.79119 202.24718 175.81212 201.87947 175.75838 curveto +201.64966 175.7073 201.43561 175.6174 201.22571 175.51097 curveto +201.07453 175.48114 200.8892 175.54602 200.73571 175.57552 curveto +202.09789 174.7332 203.48776 173.9341 204.82224 173.04856 curveto +204.89959 172.99723 204.49791 172.74632 204.81394 172.91358 curveto +204.85722 172.93649 204.90061 172.95916 204.94395 172.98195 curveto +205.29576 173.1638 205.68358 173.27534 206.00414 173.51831 curveto +207.89645 174.52224 208.78229 172.23319 202.95798 176.71274 curveto +202.75429 176.70219 202.58378 176.91636 202.36867 176.90162 curveto +202.10152 176.85827 201.82428 176.89074 201.56446 176.80455 curveto +201.36959 176.73274 201.18232 176.63599 200.97719 176.59446 curveto +200.71382 176.61818 200.45312 176.53036 200.20316 176.457 curveto +199.68114 176.28157 199.19005 176.03768 198.69588 175.79653 curveto +202.77116 173.11513 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +211.53207 170.40485 moveto +211.35525 170.30902 211.16185 170.25161 210.97834 170.1723 curveto +210.89939 170.13395 210.91124 170.1181 210.86155 170.01791 curveto +212.44751 169.30251 lineto +212.36499 169.17066 212.35148 169.18386 212.41818 169.21428 curveto +212.59412 169.29231 212.7701 169.37378 212.9539 169.4311 curveto +211.53207 170.40485 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +210.29345 171.33483 moveto +210.11111 171.2492 209.92202 171.18368 209.74623 171.08504 curveto +209.65913 171.05643 209.61935 170.98412 209.55521 170.9293 curveto +209.5243 170.93084 209.49393 170.92137 209.46335 170.91702 curveto +210.89668 169.93713 lineto +210.94595 169.95807 210.99397 169.98072 211.03227 170.01954 curveto +211.08134 170.07044 211.12371 170.11135 211.19158 170.1426 curveto +211.36596 170.23743 211.55381 170.30479 211.73428 170.38681 curveto +210.29345 171.33483 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +209.15291 171.47575 moveto +208.95687 171.4081 208.75645 171.35511 208.55208 171.32032 curveto +208.45287 171.30505 208.34982 171.24852 208.29677 171.16135 curveto +208.02319 170.55211 208.71327 170.82221 209.82169 170.28206 curveto +209.8421 170.27212 209.85106 170.32184 209.88146 170.30324 curveto +208.44097 171.2709 lineto +207.79992 170.79651 210.27342 170.84117 209.80542 170.29756 curveto +209.7765 170.25886 209.93345 170.34594 209.96743 170.33502 curveto +210.16602 170.38253 210.35997 170.45 210.56176 170.4824 curveto +209.15291 171.47575 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.1137 168.5225 moveto +213.32629 168.58723 213.54224 168.62776 213.75218 168.70013 curveto +213.85563 168.74788 213.96277 168.76113 214.07481 168.76713 curveto +214.18555 168.7576 214.28747 168.80838 214.38938 168.84677 curveto +214.4937 168.86156 214.5347 168.85251 214.60587 168.94242 curveto +214.61399 168.95785 214.62212 168.97328 214.63025 168.98871 curveto +213.11223 169.83404 lineto +213.11596 169.83809 213.11969 169.84213 213.12342 169.84618 curveto +213.13669 169.89522 212.97238 169.81864 212.95352 169.81602 curveto +212.85723 169.7832 212.76262 169.77501 212.66163 169.7687 curveto +212.54567 169.7478 212.43588 169.71044 212.32681 169.66607 curveto +212.1189 169.59659 211.90235 169.55728 211.69187 169.49625 curveto +213.1137 168.5225 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +212.1606 169.16582 moveto +212.27989 169.32073 212.4641 169.40443 212.59769 169.54237 curveto +212.63367 169.56659 212.61676 169.55805 212.64694 169.57071 curveto +211.18243 170.50231 lineto +211.1465 170.46865 211.16585 170.48743 211.12477 170.44556 curveto +210.98502 170.31405 210.824 170.20561 210.6908 170.06652 curveto +212.1606 169.16582 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +143.11353 171.2394 moveto +142.94811 171.11181 142.76995 171.00718 142.56855 170.94976 curveto +142.47591 170.91709 142.40574 170.8372 142.3089 170.82294 curveto +142.29977 170.82409 142.29034 170.82899 142.2815 170.8264 curveto +142.26297 170.82097 142.24786 170.80724 142.23003 170.79983 curveto +142.15975 170.77064 142.08365 170.7581 142.00922 170.74521 curveto +141.95731 170.74464 141.89219 170.71711 141.84131 170.73383 curveto +141.81486 170.7384 141.78672 170.73313 141.76141 170.74097 curveto +141.70043 170.73384 141.63807 170.73609 141.57663 170.73663 curveto +141.56412 170.72227 141.53797 170.74836 141.52433 170.7375 curveto +141.50545 170.72247 141.49454 170.69942 141.47788 170.68196 curveto +141.45478 170.65776 141.41924 170.65184 141.38679 170.62313 curveto +141.26807 170.51224 141.35311 170.59656 141.28527 170.6332 curveto +141.26384 170.61324 141.15775 170.50869 141.15205 170.5318 curveto +141.14822 170.53263 141.14336 170.53705 141.14057 170.5343 curveto +141.0822 170.47693 141.10692 170.46742 141.03844 170.43945 curveto +140.99085 170.41014 140.94763 170.36766 140.90373 170.33098 curveto +140.89356 170.32269 140.88373 170.31401 140.87399 170.30523 curveto +142.35483 169.39051 lineto +142.36256 169.39777 142.37023 169.4051 142.37813 169.41218 curveto +142.41432 169.44433 142.45123 169.47384 142.4949 169.49441 curveto +142.55166 169.53515 142.57608 169.57995 142.59952 169.57043 curveto +142.61788 169.58729 142.68911 169.66078 142.66432 169.57822 curveto +142.7468 169.57462 142.78483 169.65153 142.84772 169.69325 curveto +142.89078 169.71175 142.86973 169.70085 142.91992 169.73357 curveto +142.92785 169.73875 142.93894 169.75767 142.94353 169.74938 curveto +142.95976 169.72009 142.90311 169.71368 142.97918 169.71749 curveto +143.04119 169.71797 143.10444 169.72039 143.16584 169.7124 curveto +143.19416 169.71897 143.22389 169.71402 143.2526 169.72004 curveto +143.31056 169.73647 143.37186 169.74053 143.42958 169.75887 curveto +143.5364 169.7865 143.64164 169.82174 143.74666 169.85207 curveto +143.83022 169.89541 143.90328 169.95894 143.99581 169.98512 curveto +144.19356 170.06746 144.36968 170.18466 144.55436 170.29139 curveto +143.11353 171.2394 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.59324 169.70572 moveto +142.57472 169.70383 142.55536 169.70837 142.53725 169.70378 curveto +142.52383 169.70105 142.51201 169.69479 142.49961 169.68936 curveto +142.48659 169.68083 142.47132 169.67367 142.46031 169.66246 curveto +142.45846 169.66021 142.45631 169.65723 142.4538 169.65556 curveto +142.4269 169.63768 142.39843 169.62178 142.37098 169.60473 curveto +142.35052 169.59238 142.33013 169.57991 142.30893 169.56886 curveto +142.29863 169.56349 142.28818 169.55917 142.27843 169.55288 curveto +142.22416 169.50423 142.35296 169.45323 142.40914 169.45561 curveto +142.42632 169.45387 142.44159 169.45941 142.45724 169.46546 curveto +142.47088 169.47256 142.48321 169.48114 142.49765 169.48657 curveto +142.51256 169.49434 142.52919 169.49856 142.54559 169.50203 curveto +142.54873 169.5026 142.55191 169.50298 142.555 169.50375 curveto +142.57219 169.50801 142.55652 169.50514 142.57193 169.50929 curveto +142.58092 169.5117 142.58988 169.51248 142.59883 169.5152 curveto +142.61473 169.51862 142.63 169.52371 142.6456 169.52816 curveto +142.65505 169.53361 142.66477 169.53857 142.67571 169.53981 curveto +142.6768 169.5375 142.68165 169.54244 142.68296 169.5404 curveto +142.68373 169.5392 142.68344 169.53549 142.68221 169.53619 curveto +142.51888 169.63001 142.55752 169.66362 142.55352 169.60822 curveto +142.5497 169.60385 142.53858 169.6015 142.53236 169.59943 curveto +142.52244 169.59664 142.51221 169.59614 142.50198 169.596 curveto +142.49027 169.59227 142.48155 169.58381 142.47198 169.57658 curveto +142.44944 169.55936 142.42272 169.5486 142.39802 169.53482 curveto +142.37812 169.52559 142.36087 169.5118 142.34155 169.50157 curveto +142.32285 169.49159 142.30435 169.48173 142.2844 169.47448 curveto +142.27499 169.46859 142.26308 169.46621 142.25661 169.45663 curveto +142.23408 169.39761 142.24823 169.44534 142.38867 169.37065 curveto +142.39009 169.36989 142.39187 169.37085 142.39348 169.3709 curveto +142.395 169.37096 142.39655 169.37065 142.39804 169.37097 curveto +142.40257 169.37192 142.4081 169.3749 142.41212 169.37683 curveto +142.42912 169.38714 142.447 169.39586 142.46428 169.40568 curveto +142.48505 169.41952 142.50753 169.43031 142.5302 169.44059 curveto +142.55274 169.45288 142.57342 169.46808 142.59541 169.48123 curveto +142.60663 169.49048 142.61712 169.5003 142.62876 169.50906 curveto +142.63954 169.5162 142.6495 169.52391 142.65955 169.53205 curveto +142.66596 169.54016 142.67289 169.54681 142.68117 169.55286 curveto +142.6935 169.56037 142.70574 169.56852 142.71823 169.57612 curveto +142.72892 169.58283 142.73931 169.58864 142.7482 169.59774 curveto +142.74904 169.5993 142.74988 169.60086 142.75072 169.60242 curveto +142.6167 169.67713 lineto +142.61699 169.67728 142.61728 169.67744 142.61757 169.6776 curveto +142.60968 169.66956 142.59916 169.66516 142.59014 169.65856 curveto +142.57752 169.65024 142.56432 169.64299 142.55188 169.63448 curveto +142.54376 169.62804 142.53723 169.62056 142.53025 169.61295 curveto +142.52053 169.60471 142.50957 169.5984 142.49965 169.5904 curveto +142.48876 169.58165 142.47893 169.57183 142.46783 169.56338 curveto +142.4471 169.54962 142.42681 169.53507 142.40444 169.524 curveto +142.3814 169.51351 142.35892 169.50189 142.33745 169.48844 curveto +142.32042 169.47943 142.30356 169.4699 142.28593 169.46216 curveto +142.2804 169.46106 142.27591 169.46082 142.27034 169.46161 curveto +142.26892 169.46181 142.26489 169.46319 142.26613 169.46246 curveto +142.39741 169.38526 142.42126 169.43047 142.38919 169.37899 curveto +142.39375 169.38148 142.4041 169.38714 142.41052 169.38995 curveto +142.4305 169.39859 142.44974 169.40877 142.46913 169.41864 curveto +142.48749 169.42986 142.50457 169.4431 142.52388 169.45274 curveto +142.54949 169.46676 142.57694 169.47773 142.60059 169.49504 curveto +142.60837 169.50058 142.61608 169.50745 142.62624 169.50682 curveto +142.63738 169.50796 142.64838 169.51007 142.65884 169.51419 curveto +142.67119 169.51916 142.68433 169.52374 142.68925 169.53736 curveto +142.69649 169.59546 142.6899 169.55067 142.56179 169.63146 curveto +142.56041 169.63233 142.55925 169.62937 142.55777 169.62867 curveto +142.55536 169.62753 142.5523 169.6283 142.54998 169.62682 curveto +142.53952 169.62333 142.53001 169.61791 142.51973 169.61403 curveto +142.50454 169.60907 142.489 169.60564 142.47363 169.60129 curveto +142.45594 169.59734 142.43855 169.59259 142.42095 169.58831 curveto +142.40379 169.58397 142.38666 169.5792 142.37081 169.57114 curveto +142.35727 169.56473 142.34505 169.55593 142.33103 169.55055 curveto +142.31649 169.54552 142.3018 169.54401 142.28648 169.54636 curveto +142.23185 169.559 142.30031 169.54375 142.40851 169.47355 curveto +142.41057 169.47221 142.39449 169.4613 142.40645 169.47061 curveto +142.43549 169.48921 142.4661 169.50542 142.49456 169.52498 curveto +142.52276 169.54225 142.51934 169.54073 142.54867 169.55635 curveto +142.55757 169.56109 142.57442 169.56886 142.58386 169.57543 curveto +142.58592 169.57686 142.58859 169.58015 142.59039 169.58227 curveto +142.60117 169.59137 142.61339 169.59922 142.62619 169.60509 curveto +142.63768 169.61005 142.64957 169.61411 142.66198 169.61606 curveto +142.68015 169.61657 142.69834 169.61643 142.71652 169.61615 curveto +142.59324 169.70572 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.3611 169.39213 moveto +142.38573 169.3964 142.41019 169.4037 142.43358 169.41258 curveto +142.45138 169.41765 142.46674 169.42719 142.48121 169.4384 curveto +142.48984 169.44579 142.49805 169.45287 142.50842 169.45765 curveto +142.51666 169.46199 142.52359 169.46646 142.53016 169.47324 curveto +142.56266 169.52773 142.53702 169.48208 142.37708 169.5651 curveto +142.37474 169.56632 142.37263 169.56228 142.37051 169.56071 curveto +142.3624 169.55472 142.35433 169.54871 142.34617 169.54276 curveto +142.3352 169.53471 142.3253 169.52543 142.31414 169.51757 curveto +142.30776 169.51597 142.30409 169.50387 142.29991 169.50144 curveto +142.29912 169.50025 142.29862 169.49881 142.29754 169.49787 curveto +142.29698 169.49738 142.29605 169.49766 142.29534 169.49742 curveto +142.29132 169.4961 142.28733 169.49469 142.28338 169.49319 curveto +142.27396 169.48959 142.2647 169.48557 142.25523 169.48211 curveto +142.23015 169.47296 142.20267 169.46437 142.17732 169.4562 curveto +142.12603 169.44206 142.07532 169.42569 142.02377 169.41248 curveto +142.01074 169.40881 141.9975 169.40801 141.98408 169.40839 curveto +141.97082 169.4098 141.95927 169.40783 141.94711 169.40266 curveto +141.94043 169.3966 141.93588 169.38951 141.93411 169.38069 curveto +141.91685 169.31325 142.03378 169.26595 142.09749 169.28403 curveto +142.11304 169.29224 142.12803 169.30148 142.14436 169.30819 curveto +142.16726 169.31281 142.19038 169.31629 142.21338 169.32073 curveto +142.25396 169.32581 142.29438 169.33219 142.33505 169.33663 curveto +142.3539 169.33939 142.37016 169.33649 142.38771 169.34413 curveto +142.39751 169.34536 142.40494 169.35011 142.41358 169.35441 curveto +142.49551 169.37587 142.34081 169.42129 142.28361 169.45786 curveto +142.2654 169.45209 142.24953 169.44017 142.23301 169.43075 curveto +142.21214 169.41636 142.18974 169.40468 142.16609 169.39557 curveto +142.14198 169.38757 142.11863 169.37718 142.09441 169.36952 curveto +142.08471 169.36292 142.07309 169.36029 142.06323 169.35443 curveto +142.04757 169.34344 142.02796 169.34088 142.01147 169.33199 curveto +142.00915 169.33087 142.00309 169.32766 142.00026 169.32737 curveto +141.99696 169.32704 141.99317 169.32893 141.99142 169.33151 curveto +142.04092 169.30038 142.09043 169.26925 142.13994 169.23813 curveto +142.1459 169.24532 142.1551 169.24841 142.16256 169.25386 curveto +142.17325 169.26113 142.18372 169.2685 142.19497 169.27494 curveto +142.20388 169.27989 142.21134 169.28665 142.22167 169.28834 curveto +142.23361 169.29497 142.24645 169.29943 142.25892 169.30487 curveto +142.27093 169.30898 142.2817 169.31451 142.28971 169.32454 curveto +142.31419 169.39229 142.30006 169.34122 142.13612 169.42389 curveto +142.1337 169.42511 142.09683 169.40601 142.09277 169.40385 curveto +142.07065 169.3933 142.04864 169.38214 142.02781 169.36918 curveto +142.01696 169.36318 142.00712 169.35589 141.99709 169.34867 curveto +141.98675 169.3439 141.97738 169.33766 141.96627 169.33474 curveto +141.95395 169.32992 141.95216 169.32641 141.93838 169.32558 curveto +141.92203 169.32567 141.90659 169.32365 141.89102 169.31872 curveto +141.88106 169.31598 141.8793 169.31646 141.87071 169.31026 curveto +141.82464 169.28539 141.77507 169.26753 141.72702 169.24687 curveto +141.70911 169.23543 141.68448 169.23153 141.66837 169.21687 curveto +141.66411 169.21299 141.66339 169.20924 141.66131 169.204 curveto +141.7098 169.16961 141.76705 169.08519 141.82789 169.11468 curveto +141.83402 169.11765 141.83912 169.12144 141.84555 169.12398 curveto +141.85802 169.12859 141.86925 169.13582 141.88014 169.14339 curveto +141.8959 169.15005 141.9091 169.16135 141.92313 169.17091 curveto +141.93385 169.17788 141.94551 169.17884 141.95787 169.17944 curveto +141.97051 169.17888 141.98218 169.18382 141.99468 169.18576 curveto +142.00763 169.18553 142.0188 169.18939 142.03079 169.19355 curveto +142.03899 169.19589 142.04745 169.19601 142.0559 169.1961 curveto +142.06532 169.19612 142.07474 169.19599 142.08415 169.19599 curveto +142.09496 169.1958 142.10577 169.19606 142.11658 169.19613 curveto +142.1306 169.19628 142.14461 169.19605 142.15862 169.19601 curveto +142.22226 169.19427 142.18943 169.17678 142.01558 169.28403 curveto +142.01453 169.28468 142.0172 169.28625 142.01697 169.28747 curveto +142.01666 169.28902 142.01437 169.28554 142.01287 169.28504 curveto +141.99983 169.2808 141.98694 169.27469 141.97468 169.26833 curveto +141.9585 169.2616 141.94248 169.25475 141.92527 169.25114 curveto +141.91054 169.24696 141.89693 169.24276 141.88457 169.23353 curveto +141.87552 169.22132 141.86196 169.21296 141.84993 169.20384 curveto +141.8331 169.19513 141.81812 169.18247 141.80102 169.17434 curveto +141.79999 169.17422 141.79065 169.16916 141.78957 169.17175 curveto +141.78905 169.17301 141.78831 169.17648 141.78951 169.17584 curveto +141.83973 169.14889 141.8888 169.11987 141.93844 169.09188 curveto +141.93772 169.0922 141.93699 169.09252 141.93627 169.09283 curveto +141.77269 169.15901 lineto +141.77331 169.1582 141.77393 169.15738 141.77454 169.15656 curveto +141.89742 169.0866 141.88398 169.03945 141.94832 169.0787 curveto +141.96441 169.08952 141.98048 169.10031 141.99682 169.11075 curveto +142.00925 169.11966 142.02267 169.12775 142.03312 169.13899 curveto +142.04396 169.14605 142.05719 169.14804 142.06934 169.15194 curveto +142.08691 169.15727 142.10395 169.16432 142.12064 169.17197 curveto +142.1342 169.17797 142.14828 169.18306 142.16123 169.19023 curveto +142.21993 169.24077 142.0832 169.30344 142.01651 169.29926 curveto +142.0026 169.29923 141.98869 169.299 141.97478 169.29916 curveto +141.96381 169.29924 141.95284 169.29952 141.94186 169.29941 curveto +141.93217 169.29943 141.92245 169.29943 141.91277 169.2987 curveto +141.90337 169.29763 141.89415 169.29566 141.88527 169.29231 curveto +141.87407 169.28878 141.86244 169.28862 141.85095 169.28628 curveto +141.83885 169.28377 141.82702 169.28155 141.81466 169.28107 curveto +141.8003 169.27861 141.78716 169.27376 141.77538 169.26491 curveto +141.76178 169.25491 141.74775 169.2456 141.73259 169.2381 curveto +141.72193 169.23166 141.71115 169.22561 141.69945 169.22122 curveto +141.69352 169.21842 141.68584 169.21337 141.67878 169.21512 curveto +141.67751 169.21543 141.67441 169.21796 141.67551 169.21726 curveto +141.72359 169.18681 141.77164 169.15632 141.8197 169.12585 curveto +141.81854 169.12466 141.8175 169.12334 141.81622 169.12227 curveto +141.81604 169.12212 141.8161 169.12281 141.81627 169.12297 curveto +141.8179 169.12446 141.81965 169.12581 141.82146 169.12705 curveto +141.83616 169.13707 141.8522 169.14502 141.86792 169.15324 curveto +141.91731 169.17587 141.96824 169.19465 142.01871 169.21443 curveto +142.02397 169.21665 142.03072 169.2164 142.03605 169.21942 curveto +142.0511 169.22322 142.06664 169.22225 142.0819 169.22492 curveto +142.09251 169.22759 142.10152 169.23311 142.11186 169.23647 curveto +142.12337 169.24159 142.13459 169.24748 142.14527 169.25417 curveto +142.15516 169.26076 142.16424 169.26852 142.17465 169.27438 curveto +142.19515 169.28678 142.21592 169.29865 142.23786 169.30833 curveto +142.24811 169.31307 142.25892 169.31895 142.27039 169.32015 curveto +142.27273 169.32039 142.27944 169.31845 142.27744 169.3197 curveto +142.13088 169.41113 142.09801 169.36106 142.13826 169.41512 curveto +142.13225 169.40781 142.12134 169.40652 142.11343 169.40217 curveto +142.10086 169.39736 142.08873 169.39145 142.07602 169.38703 curveto +142.066 169.38226 142.05701 169.37585 142.04751 169.37015 curveto +142.03653 169.36302 142.02561 169.35586 142.0148 169.34847 curveto +142.00378 169.34195 141.9928 169.33566 141.9861 169.32426 curveto +142.09723 169.24864 142.08679 169.19958 142.15783 169.23534 curveto +142.17523 169.24239 142.19254 169.24958 142.20948 169.25769 curveto +142.22 169.26128 142.22921 169.26746 142.23951 169.27164 curveto +142.26291 169.28122 142.28633 169.29065 142.31016 169.29914 curveto +142.33426 169.30937 142.35737 169.32125 142.37909 169.33593 curveto +142.39605 169.34595 142.4133 169.35496 142.43169 169.36204 curveto +142.29101 169.45814 142.33685 169.48276 142.26645 169.4512 curveto +142.25863 169.44726 142.25028 169.44585 142.24204 169.44275 curveto +142.22634 169.4392 142.20963 169.44021 142.19389 169.43652 curveto +142.15326 169.43073 142.11272 169.42438 142.07192 169.41995 curveto +142.04733 169.41639 142.02198 169.41383 141.99867 169.40489 curveto +141.98411 169.39778 141.96986 169.38814 141.95385 169.38513 curveto +141.88514 169.38587 142.14014 169.34199 142.0944 169.29967 curveto +142.0931 169.29847 142.09233 169.29668 142.09086 169.2957 curveto +142.08995 169.29509 142.09151 169.29985 142.09054 169.29895 curveto +142.09039 169.30096 142.08943 169.30457 142.09298 169.30403 curveto +142.10396 169.30684 142.11536 169.30467 142.12658 169.3054 curveto +142.1405 169.30642 142.15392 169.31009 142.16715 169.31445 curveto +142.21624 169.33091 142.26509 169.34805 142.3148 169.36261 curveto +142.35028 169.37363 142.36004 169.37678 142.39524 169.38723 curveto +142.4121 169.39223 142.43877 169.39523 142.45104 169.41054 curveto +142.45472 169.41554 142.45762 169.42039 142.46325 169.4237 curveto +142.47319 169.43232 142.48275 169.44145 142.49345 169.44913 curveto +142.50135 169.45465 142.50913 169.46063 142.51746 169.46551 curveto +142.51983 169.4669 142.52702 169.46777 142.52475 169.46933 curveto +142.38053 169.56875 142.34407 169.5143 142.379 169.56473 curveto +142.37381 169.56 142.36672 169.55768 142.36084 169.55375 curveto +142.35099 169.54731 142.34238 169.53942 142.33312 169.53219 curveto +142.31951 169.52261 142.30532 169.51471 142.28918 169.51006 curveto +142.26596 169.50223 142.24245 169.49466 142.21781 169.49316 curveto +142.3611 169.39213 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.76509 169.17906 moveto +141.73152 169.17247 141.69716 169.17498 141.66323 169.17652 curveto +141.63743 169.17751 141.6117 169.17992 141.5859 169.18105 curveto +141.57801 169.1817 141.57013 169.18149 141.56223 169.18124 curveto +141.54175 169.18082 141.52166 169.18176 141.50158 169.17735 curveto +141.49113 169.17556 141.48398 169.17167 141.47676 169.1641 curveto +141.47298 169.16377 141.47808 169.16456 141.47217 169.16033 curveto +141.47142 169.1598 141.47033 169.16013 141.46947 169.15979 curveto +141.46578 169.15836 141.46216 169.15671 141.45856 169.15506 curveto +141.39468 169.12564 141.48783 169.16769 141.41356 169.13433 curveto +141.37363 169.11636 141.33349 169.09857 141.29473 169.07818 curveto +141.27519 169.06701 141.25816 169.05216 141.24209 169.03653 curveto +141.23386 169.03052 141.22893 169.02135 141.22118 169.01495 curveto +141.37176 168.9232 lineto +141.37767 168.93085 141.38386 168.93828 141.39091 168.94492 curveto +141.40601 168.95923 141.42151 168.97323 141.43989 168.98328 curveto +141.47743 169.00391 141.51553 169.0237 141.55521 169.03991 curveto +141.56372 169.04337 141.57218 169.04697 141.58075 169.0503 curveto +141.59638 169.05637 141.61445 169.05983 141.62703 169.07159 curveto +141.63185 169.07543 141.63943 169.07489 141.64514 169.07697 curveto +141.66474 169.07972 141.68468 169.07803 141.7044 169.07794 curveto +141.71209 169.07771 141.71978 169.07742 141.72747 169.07739 curveto +141.75216 169.07663 141.77686 169.07621 141.80154 169.07525 curveto +141.83719 169.07423 141.873 169.07213 141.90837 169.07803 curveto +141.76509 169.17906 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.35011 168.89234 moveto +141.36686 168.90502 141.3844 168.91722 141.3996 168.93177 curveto +141.40614 168.94045 141.41224 168.94296 141.42237 168.94353 curveto +141.42897 168.94364 141.43558 168.94316 141.44218 168.94292 curveto +141.44275 168.9429 141.44752 168.94265 141.44789 168.94281 curveto +141.44964 168.94358 141.4509 168.94518 141.45252 168.94618 curveto +141.45665 168.94873 141.46155 168.94966 141.4659 168.95197 curveto +141.47706 168.95523 141.48632 168.96206 141.49649 168.96748 curveto +141.50409 168.96827 141.51017 168.97319 141.51655 168.97709 curveto +141.52324 168.97582 141.52588 168.98137 141.53098 168.98452 curveto +141.53332 168.98725 141.53701 168.98423 141.53972 168.98531 curveto +141.54007 168.98545 141.54686 168.99035 141.54764 168.99091 curveto +141.55318 168.99359 141.55847 168.994 141.56449 168.99372 curveto +141.5727 168.9988 141.57906 169.0058 141.58849 169.00863 curveto +141.59841 169.01065 141.60854 169.0106 141.61862 169.01064 curveto +141.62666 169.01353 141.63342 169.01922 141.64222 169.01856 curveto +141.65397 169.01752 141.66368 169.0203 141.67406 169.02549 curveto +141.68056 169.02903 141.68492 169.02628 141.69161 169.03032 curveto +141.69743 169.03306 141.70462 169.03653 141.71125 169.03604 curveto +141.71911 169.03547 141.72482 169.04144 141.73265 169.04295 curveto +141.74019 169.04422 141.7452 169.05205 141.75316 169.0526 curveto +141.75801 169.05345 141.76293 169.05293 141.76783 169.05268 curveto +141.77261 169.06033 141.77819 169.05997 141.78629 169.06087 curveto +141.79557 169.06116 141.80486 169.06112 141.81415 169.0611 curveto +141.81563 169.06108 141.81714 169.06074 141.81859 169.06105 curveto +141.82082 169.06152 141.82282 169.06277 141.82501 169.06339 curveto +141.83532 169.06629 141.84646 169.06715 141.85707 169.06827 curveto +141.87004 169.06742 141.88133 169.07361 141.89355 169.07653 curveto +141.90495 169.07789 141.91501 169.08346 141.9252 169.08859 curveto +141.93458 169.09346 141.94443 169.09753 141.95465 169.10033 curveto +141.96532 169.10179 141.97461 169.10693 141.98457 169.11083 curveto +141.9926 169.11084 141.99884 169.11552 142.00653 169.11748 curveto +141.86127 169.21636 lineto +141.85354 169.2135 141.84578 169.21178 141.83816 169.20871 curveto +141.82878 169.20466 141.81924 169.2018 141.80945 169.19894 curveto +141.79894 169.19497 141.78851 169.19104 141.7788 169.18533 curveto +141.76894 169.18094 141.7587 169.1787 141.74838 169.17585 curveto +141.73718 169.17204 141.72588 169.17049 141.71412 169.16938 curveto +141.70004 169.16727 141.68601 169.16374 141.67175 169.16435 curveto +141.66171 169.16414 141.65155 169.16389 141.64175 169.16153 curveto +141.63755 169.16033 141.63331 169.15904 141.62947 169.15689 curveto +141.62449 169.1541 141.62346 169.15235 141.62319 169.15282 curveto +141.62262 169.15377 141.62405 169.15486 141.62449 169.15588 curveto +141.61843 169.15508 141.61249 169.15383 141.60697 169.15107 curveto +141.60054 169.14745 141.59449 169.14341 141.5872 169.1421 curveto +141.58001 169.13921 141.5741 169.13764 141.5666 169.13694 curveto +141.55965 169.13432 141.55273 169.1316 141.54577 169.12909 curveto +141.53904 169.12974 141.53343 169.12586 141.5275 169.12326 curveto +141.518 169.12021 141.5078 169.12208 141.49811 169.11955 curveto +141.49082 169.11711 141.48397 169.11258 141.47605 169.11339 curveto +141.46436 169.11256 141.45264 169.11114 141.44197 169.10589 curveto +141.43559 169.10229 141.4284 169.09477 141.42079 169.09572 curveto +141.41333 169.09399 141.40639 169.09096 141.39983 169.08698 curveto +141.39393 169.08493 141.38729 169.08499 141.38246 169.07971 curveto +141.38072 169.07849 141.3794 169.07632 141.37731 169.07599 curveto +141.37678 169.0759 141.378 169.07745 141.37748 169.07758 curveto +141.37502 169.07823 141.37034 169.07345 141.36838 169.07286 curveto +141.36207 169.06906 141.35517 169.06729 141.34888 169.0635 curveto +141.33957 169.05789 141.33017 169.05282 141.31977 169.04946 curveto +141.31639 169.04845 141.31018 169.04487 141.30662 169.04523 curveto +141.306 169.04529 141.30171 169.0483 141.29962 169.0467 curveto +141.29227 169.04658 141.28489 169.04621 141.27782 169.04397 curveto +141.26656 169.0401 141.25807 169.03282 141.25058 169.02364 curveto +141.23584 169.00983 141.21986 168.99717 141.20249 168.98686 curveto +141.35011 168.89234 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.98695 169.2802 moveto +142.00556 169.30037 142.02849 169.31642 142.05219 169.33006 curveto +142.0724 169.34334 142.09201 169.35758 142.11334 169.36903 curveto +142.13032 169.3783 142.14523 169.39046 142.15978 169.40306 curveto +142.16921 169.41276 142.18116 169.41891 142.18778 169.43099 curveto +142.19391 169.437 142.20008 169.44297 142.20624 169.44894 curveto +142.21106 169.45388 142.21607 169.45863 142.22109 169.46336 curveto +142.06222 169.47601 lineto +142.05747 169.47113 142.05269 169.46627 142.0477 169.46164 curveto +142.04099 169.45508 142.03399 169.44879 142.02894 169.44078 curveto +142.02026 169.43243 142.01073 169.42502 142.00198 169.41673 curveto +141.98785 169.40482 141.97255 169.39447 141.9564 169.3855 curveto +141.93599 169.37277 141.9162 169.35912 141.89602 169.34603 curveto +141.87205 169.33028 141.84916 169.31294 141.82881 169.29264 curveto +141.98695 169.2802 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.77574 169.11843 moveto +141.76237 169.10885 141.74955 169.09839 141.73432 169.09198 curveto +141.72499 169.08979 141.72305 169.08322 141.722 169.0744 curveto +141.72134 169.06977 141.72145 169.06514 141.72156 169.06049 curveto +141.71886 169.06705 141.72075 169.04914 141.72099 169.04726 curveto +141.72133 169.04393 141.72147 169.04059 141.72153 169.03725 curveto +141.72126 169.03125 141.72565 169.04815 141.72024 169.04914 curveto +141.87822 169.02418 lineto +141.88387 169.02514 141.88212 169.03327 141.88161 169.03826 curveto +141.88124 169.04175 141.88089 169.04524 141.88063 169.04874 curveto +141.88029 169.05429 141.87961 169.05567 141.88134 169.06082 curveto +141.88128 169.06418 141.88109 169.06759 141.88166 169.07091 curveto +141.88507 169.07276 141.88929 169.07034 141.89238 169.07466 curveto +141.90617 169.08326 141.91856 169.09416 141.93348 169.10089 curveto +141.77574 169.11843 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.9082 169.06693 moveto +141.91025 169.07249 141.92162 169.10288 141.92835 169.10177 curveto +141.9467 169.04871 141.92992 169.10055 141.77166 169.1028 curveto +141.77093 169.10281 141.77222 169.10144 141.77237 169.10073 curveto +141.77308 169.0974 141.77294 169.09382 141.77294 169.09045 curveto +141.77309 169.08171 141.77368 169.0772 141.77029 169.06946 curveto +141.76675 169.057 141.76482 169.06906 141.76595 169.06905 curveto +141.81925 169.06829 141.87249 169.06486 141.92575 169.06276 curveto +141.92954 169.06299 141.92619 169.0628 141.92913 169.06646 curveto +141.9309 169.06867 141.93115 169.06392 141.93482 169.07141 curveto +141.93694 169.07553 141.93594 169.07356 141.93782 169.07732 curveto +141.77836 169.08552 lineto +141.77673 169.08306 141.77764 169.08426 141.77562 169.08192 curveto +141.77033 169.07939 141.76797 169.07237 141.7662 169.06723 curveto +141.75808 169.00941 141.76304 169.05736 141.92471 169.04866 curveto +141.9257 169.04861 141.9274 169.06324 141.92953 169.06355 curveto +141.93264 169.07236 141.93231 169.08135 141.9323 169.0906 curveto +141.93228 169.09221 141.93235 169.10884 141.93108 169.10896 curveto +141.77146 169.12422 141.7908 169.16858 141.76925 169.115 curveto +141.76245 169.10058 141.75481 169.08653 141.74968 169.07135 curveto +141.9082 169.06693 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.84096 170.08921 moveto +141.83002 170.07637 141.81705 170.06592 141.80357 170.05597 curveto +141.79467 170.04998 141.78712 170.04225 141.77838 170.03608 curveto +141.76657 170.02754 141.75449 170.01929 141.74376 170.00939 curveto +141.73862 170.00406 141.73422 169.99719 141.72781 169.99364 curveto +141.72646 169.99179 141.72221 169.99068 141.72129 169.98842 curveto +141.72115 169.98806 141.72219 169.98773 141.72193 169.98744 curveto +141.72023 169.98558 141.69932 169.98585 141.731 169.98711 curveto +141.71833 169.8275 lineto +141.72866 169.82713 141.73301 169.82591 141.73856 169.83447 curveto +141.74111 169.83847 141.738 169.83445 141.74433 169.83794 curveto +141.74962 169.84085 141.75261 169.84785 141.75763 169.85115 curveto +141.76459 169.86301 141.77717 169.86911 141.78772 169.87738 curveto +141.79715 169.88333 141.80556 169.89001 141.81385 169.89752 curveto +141.82755 169.90813 141.84165 169.9182 141.85341 169.93107 curveto +141.84096 170.08921 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.21888 169.89176 moveto +142.2466 169.91483 142.27794 169.93246 142.30919 169.95016 curveto +142.33073 169.96184 142.35309 169.97275 142.37729 169.9775 curveto +142.39257 169.97882 142.4066 169.98541 142.42114 169.98978 curveto +142.43703 169.99199 142.45098 169.9982 142.46423 170.00704 curveto +142.47613 170.01444 142.48742 170.02292 142.49638 170.03374 curveto +142.50011 170.03986 142.50404 170.04541 142.50911 170.04968 curveto +142.41759 170.18096 lineto +142.41873 170.1814 142.42047 170.18336 142.421 170.18226 curveto +142.42124 170.18178 142.40999 170.17123 142.41088 170.16782 curveto +142.40532 170.15695 142.3938 170.15047 142.384 170.14387 curveto +142.37203 170.13578 142.35926 170.13135 142.34505 170.1287 curveto +142.33083 170.12424 142.31685 170.119 142.30198 170.11703 curveto +142.27698 170.11002 142.25399 170.09759 142.23147 170.08489 curveto +142.20012 170.0668 142.16845 170.0493 142.1387 170.02859 curveto +142.21888 169.89176 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.79985 167.22749 moveto +142.82861 167.25948 142.86238 167.28566 142.89847 167.30887 curveto +142.91453 167.3192 142.96422 167.34769 142.94733 167.33878 curveto +142.92242 167.32565 142.8987 167.31037 142.87439 167.29617 curveto +142.9377 167.33261 143.00401 167.36327 143.06879 167.39684 curveto +143.12623 167.42827 143.12731 167.42873 143.22657 167.48791 curveto +143.22964 167.48974 143.23184 167.49276 143.23457 167.49507 curveto +143.24135 167.50079 143.24827 167.50633 143.2555 167.51146 curveto +143.27188 167.52275 143.28549 167.53756 143.30168 167.54899 curveto +143.31495 167.558 143.32692 167.56908 143.33441 167.58341 curveto +143.34016 167.59174 143.34687 167.5983 143.35516 167.60423 curveto +143.40195 167.63169 143.51981 167.67648 143.21057 167.53965 curveto +143.19585 167.53314 143.21832 167.54655 143.19963 167.53459 curveto +143.19705 167.53325 143.1894 167.52909 143.19191 167.53055 curveto +143.23374 167.555 143.35852 167.62951 143.3176 167.60355 curveto +143.25925 167.56654 143.19691 167.53848 143.14221 167.49694 curveto +143.09481 167.46201 142.99293 167.40604 143.21748 167.53826 curveto +143.17637 167.52473 143.13426 167.51403 143.09186 167.50537 curveto +143.07076 167.50193 143.05054 167.49545 143.03057 167.48805 curveto +143.01659 167.4814 143.00933 167.48854 143.02191 167.47167 curveto +143.02638 167.48326 143.02609 167.49729 143.0268 167.5097 curveto +143.02761 167.52964 143.02745 167.54961 143.02747 167.56957 curveto +143.02758 167.58441 143.02796 167.59925 143.028 167.6141 curveto +143.02885 167.62505 143.02796 167.63505 143.02456 167.64544 curveto +143.01831 167.65814 143.0109 167.67015 143.00341 167.68213 curveto +142.99412 167.69534 142.98777 167.71052 142.98251 167.72574 curveto +142.97928 167.73662 142.97858 167.74737 142.97354 167.75756 curveto +142.97122 167.7628 142.9687 167.76793 142.96643 167.77322 curveto +142.82775 167.69551 lineto +142.83003 167.68992 142.83218 167.68423 142.83495 167.67886 curveto +142.83943 167.66942 142.83963 167.65859 142.84399 167.64902 curveto +142.85001 167.63288 142.85667 167.61663 142.86634 167.60234 curveto +142.8731 167.59154 142.8799 167.58079 142.88494 167.56903 curveto +142.88736 167.56019 142.88585 167.55097 142.88634 167.54189 curveto +142.88643 167.52726 142.88685 167.51263 142.88688 167.498 curveto +142.88676 167.47827 142.88662 167.45851 142.88516 167.43883 curveto +142.88394 167.42517 142.88108 167.41175 142.88002 167.39817 curveto +142.8831 167.39254 142.88776 167.38081 142.89324 167.38416 curveto +142.89438 167.38486 142.89438 167.38675 142.89552 167.38746 curveto +142.89847 167.38932 142.90288 167.38762 142.90569 167.38989 curveto +142.92579 167.39841 142.94592 167.40688 142.96745 167.41115 curveto +143.01023 167.41962 143.05209 167.43159 143.09455 167.44148 curveto +143.16185 167.4786 143.22853 167.50899 143.28858 167.55493 curveto +143.30172 167.56417 143.29552 167.55993 143.30894 167.56889 curveto +143.3124 167.5712 143.32294 167.57787 143.31932 167.57582 curveto +143.05598 167.42696 143.26232 167.53806 143.34672 167.59359 curveto +143.397 167.6417 143.24348 167.58847 143.20736 167.54414 curveto +143.20039 167.53667 143.19465 167.52829 143.18886 167.51991 curveto +143.17865 167.50867 143.1673 167.49905 143.15488 167.49026 curveto +143.13988 167.47731 143.12463 167.46464 143.10861 167.45295 curveto +143.1018 167.44745 143.09505 167.44158 143.08791 167.4365 curveto +143.08526 167.43461 143.0769 167.42955 143.07973 167.43116 curveto +143.11661 167.45216 143.25482 167.53167 143.19009 167.49467 curveto +143.16726 167.48139 143.14354 167.47045 143.12002 167.45844 curveto +143.0757 167.4358 143.03249 167.4111 142.98826 167.38829 curveto +142.92896 167.35411 142.86941 167.32036 142.81036 167.28575 curveto +142.75345 167.2524 142.69886 167.21488 142.65423 167.16585 curveto +142.79985 167.22749 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.53033 169.1164 moveto +141.5449 169.10673 141.56021 169.09813 141.57393 169.08723 curveto +141.57732 169.08194 141.58427 169.08088 141.58826 169.07689 curveto +141.58877 169.07636 141.58912 169.07574 141.58951 169.07513 curveto +141.74339 169.11913 lineto +141.74266 169.12084 141.74188 169.12251 141.74088 169.12408 curveto +141.73902 169.12697 141.73674 169.13127 141.73401 169.13335 curveto +141.73129 169.13542 141.72596 169.13362 141.72444 169.1381 curveto +141.71026 169.1492 141.69496 169.15816 141.68016 169.16838 curveto +141.53033 169.1164 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +143.40624 166.79916 moveto +143.40228 166.8264 143.39907 166.85374 143.39522 166.88101 curveto +143.39369 166.89879 143.39132 166.91611 143.38674 166.93334 curveto +143.38357 166.9452 143.38295 166.95746 143.38243 166.96966 curveto +143.37921 166.98094 143.37606 166.99162 143.37482 167.00339 curveto +143.37441 167.015 143.373 167.02677 143.37412 167.03838 curveto +143.21486 167.0255 lineto +143.21657 167.01363 143.21563 167.00146 143.21718 166.98957 curveto +143.21803 166.97813 143.21828 166.96663 143.22392 166.9564 curveto +143.22464 166.94312 143.22604 166.92979 143.22887 166.91679 curveto +143.23329 166.90012 143.23726 166.88364 143.23871 166.86633 curveto +143.24307 166.83915 143.2468 166.81199 143.24829 166.78447 curveto +143.40624 166.79916 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.64663 169.0994 moveto +141.6472 169.08302 141.64695 169.06661 141.64645 169.05023 curveto +141.64728 169.04266 141.65026 169.03561 141.65334 169.02872 curveto +141.65481 169.02616 141.65456 169.02247 141.65457 169.01944 curveto +141.65453 169.01723 141.65456 169.01827 141.65448 169.01633 curveto +141.81392 169.02892 lineto +141.81384 169.03104 141.81388 169.02991 141.81379 169.03233 curveto +141.81357 169.03802 141.81337 169.0437 141.81189 169.04925 curveto +141.809 169.05343 141.80692 169.05803 141.80497 169.0627 curveto +141.80447 169.07908 141.80422 169.09548 141.80479 169.11185 curveto +141.64663 169.0994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.55249 169.05253 moveto +141.5668 169.04307 141.5802 169.03202 141.59075 169.01844 curveto +141.59168 169.01621 141.59517 169.01377 141.59515 169.01104 curveto +141.59515 169.00964 141.59305 169.01303 141.59171 169.0134 curveto +141.58983 169.00584 141.58852 169.00825 141.58209 169.00677 curveto +141.58166 169.0067 141.58124 169.00663 141.58081 169.00656 curveto +141.74067 169.00111 lineto +141.74107 169.00144 141.74147 169.00176 141.74187 169.00209 curveto +141.74609 169.00571 141.74779 169.01075 141.75153 169.01422 curveto +141.75506 169.02355 141.75436 169.03323 141.74806 169.04125 curveto +141.73669 169.05622 141.72309 169.06848 141.70861 169.08043 curveto +141.55249 169.05253 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.73941 169.0741 moveto +141.74003 169.05729 141.73981 169.04046 141.73921 169.02366 curveto +141.73778 169.02052 141.74077 169.01457 141.73897 169.01156 curveto +141.73842 169.01065 141.73717 169.0127 141.73621 169.01315 curveto +141.89597 169.0145 lineto +141.89828 169.02164 141.89813 169.0287 141.89777 169.03614 curveto +141.89717 169.05293 141.89695 169.06975 141.89757 169.08654 curveto +141.73941 169.0741 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.44859 169.44485 moveto +141.4568 169.42847 141.4656 169.41249 141.47585 169.3973 curveto +141.48527 169.38325 141.50009 169.3748 141.51349 169.36513 curveto +141.52632 169.35451 141.53835 169.34305 141.54907 169.33031 curveto +141.5624 169.31302 141.57562 169.29563 141.58818 169.27777 curveto +141.59738 169.26379 141.61044 169.25283 141.61806 169.23783 curveto +141.61853 169.23687 141.62381 169.22332 141.62004 169.23142 curveto +141.77858 169.25171 lineto +141.77827 169.25848 141.77688 169.26387 141.77362 169.26991 curveto +141.76568 169.28605 141.75387 169.29839 141.74204 169.3118 curveto +141.7296 169.32999 141.71626 169.34756 141.70334 169.36541 curveto +141.69281 169.37964 141.68031 169.39192 141.66714 169.40364 curveto +141.65565 169.41407 141.64086 169.42026 141.63059 169.43178 curveto +141.61996 169.44574 141.6108 169.46068 141.60403 169.47692 curveto +141.44859 169.44485 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.47389 169.03156 moveto +141.48211 169.01631 141.4881 169.00017 141.49724 168.98541 curveto +141.50023 168.98204 141.50332 168.97411 141.50838 168.97301 curveto +141.50912 168.97284 141.50974 168.97402 141.51049 168.97389 curveto +141.51368 168.97156 141.51291 168.96876 141.51439 168.96391 curveto +141.66638 169.01442 lineto +141.66985 168.99769 141.66855 169.00604 141.66616 169.00987 curveto +141.65898 169.02253 141.66073 169.01219 141.65248 169.01982 curveto +141.64196 169.03301 141.6359 169.0482 141.62933 169.06362 curveto +141.47389 169.03156 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.31518 168.86961 moveto +213.31999 168.80033 213.32622 168.7312 213.33357 168.66214 curveto +213.34311 168.60992 213.3673 168.56211 213.39057 168.51491 curveto +213.39755 168.49985 213.4063 168.48544 213.4179 168.4735 curveto +213.42417 168.46806 213.43097 168.46516 213.43732 168.45951 curveto +213.44441 168.45297 213.45267 168.44829 213.46063 168.44305 curveto +213.47401 168.42935 213.4676 168.44514 213.46352 168.45369 curveto +213.51441 168.46256 213.56529 168.47143 213.61618 168.4803 curveto +213.61338 168.48045 213.61076 168.47881 213.60799 168.47886 curveto +213.60148 168.47897 213.59448 168.48181 213.5885 168.48398 curveto +213.57011 168.48961 213.55376 168.49968 213.53656 168.50798 curveto +213.51149 168.51929 213.48572 168.52895 213.46022 168.53922 curveto +213.4423 168.54605 213.42563 168.55536 213.40924 168.5652 curveto +213.39992 168.57 213.3928 168.57777 213.38416 168.58354 curveto +213.3796 168.58352 213.37413 168.59252 213.37192 168.5962 curveto +213.30447 168.58765 213.20077 168.60558 213.21523 168.53551 curveto +213.21843 168.52071 213.22932 168.51022 213.23916 168.49949 curveto +213.25085 168.48854 213.26227 168.47715 213.27476 168.46709 curveto +213.28381 168.45885 213.29519 168.45827 213.30632 168.45556 curveto +213.31901 168.45144 213.33169 168.4478 213.34399 168.44254 curveto +213.36496 168.43128 213.38612 168.42039 213.40724 168.40941 curveto +213.42528 168.39976 213.44332 168.39001 213.46188 168.38138 curveto +213.47416 168.37703 213.48584 168.37089 213.49841 168.36739 curveto +213.51394 168.35978 213.53041 168.35452 213.54686 168.34932 curveto +213.57977 168.33883 213.61266 168.32824 213.64632 168.32043 curveto +213.66597 168.31572 213.68544 168.31028 213.70457 168.30379 curveto +213.71676 168.30015 213.7286 168.29547 213.74021 168.29029 curveto +213.75142 168.28429 213.7639 168.28195 213.77583 168.27788 curveto +213.84063 168.24123 213.80406 168.26663 213.95377 168.30457 curveto +213.95226 168.31645 213.94515 168.32561 213.93818 168.3349 curveto +213.9259 168.34839 213.91335 168.3617 213.90041 168.37458 curveto +213.88905 168.3874 213.87644 168.39897 213.86404 168.41074 curveto +213.85223 168.42113 213.84199 168.43305 213.83067 168.44395 curveto +213.81747 168.45656 213.80468 168.46959 213.79047 168.48109 curveto +213.76749 168.50006 213.74209 168.51566 213.71643 168.53067 curveto +213.68898 168.54654 213.66096 168.56138 213.63254 168.57544 curveto +213.61775 168.58191 213.6047 168.59081 213.59205 168.60066 curveto +213.58315 168.60758 213.57323 168.61373 213.56669 168.6231 curveto +213.47508 168.61325 213.38504 168.63143 213.41329 168.55444 curveto +213.421 168.53878 213.43006 168.52387 213.44064 168.51 curveto +213.45097 168.49537 213.46293 168.482 213.47503 168.46882 curveto +213.48704 168.45677 213.49642 168.44253 213.50632 168.42878 curveto +213.52714 168.40082 213.54769 168.37252 213.57242 168.34785 curveto +213.58415 168.33784 213.59549 168.32712 213.60834 168.31853 curveto +213.62902 168.30711 213.65061 168.29741 213.67198 168.28736 curveto +213.7508 168.25325 213.70593 168.27143 213.86526 168.30535 curveto +213.86377 168.32205 213.85235 168.33258 213.84101 168.34359 curveto +213.81434 168.37157 213.77579 168.383 213.74101 168.39752 curveto +213.68507 168.42192 213.6276 168.44255 213.57083 168.46489 curveto +213.52402 168.48476 213.47959 168.50954 213.43359 168.5312 curveto +213.39962 168.54735 213.36427 168.56071 213.3315 168.57927 curveto +213.31901 168.5883 213.30448 168.59404 213.29142 168.602 curveto +213.29184 168.59913 213.28794 168.6062 213.2879 168.60472 curveto +213.28786 168.60313 213.29072 168.60053 213.28918 168.60012 curveto +213.05759 168.53881 213.0948 168.58917 213.14479 168.56077 curveto +213.15748 168.55238 213.16962 168.54313 213.18198 168.53423 curveto +213.20048 168.52205 213.21776 168.5082 213.23559 168.49509 curveto +213.25248 168.48276 213.26723 168.46791 213.28275 168.45398 curveto +213.29499 168.44468 213.30719 168.43533 213.31863 168.42504 curveto +213.33268 168.41253 213.34275 168.39684 213.35634 168.38382 curveto +213.37489 168.36882 213.39393 168.35426 213.41354 168.34065 curveto +213.445 168.32062 213.47843 168.30373 213.51212 168.2878 curveto +213.54312 168.2729 213.57493 168.25971 213.60582 168.24462 curveto +213.62551 168.23384 213.64455 168.22195 213.66373 168.2103 curveto +213.68039 168.20023 213.69741 168.19106 213.71569 168.18433 curveto +213.7282 168.17951 213.74046 168.17405 213.75351 168.17083 curveto +213.76602 168.1686 213.77857 168.16823 213.79115 168.16609 curveto +213.80936 168.16307 213.82778 168.16166 213.84621 168.16091 curveto +213.86637 168.1616 213.88618 168.15887 213.9061 168.15625 curveto +213.92823 168.154 213.95039 168.15347 213.97228 168.14925 curveto +213.99557 168.14222 214.0177 168.13226 214.04129 168.12613 curveto +214.06053 168.12057 214.08086 168.12155 214.10036 168.11787 curveto +214.15789 168.09081 214.30182 168.12046 214.24627 168.1779 curveto +214.23025 168.1942 214.21022 168.20632 214.19037 168.21741 curveto +214.16486 168.23057 214.13816 168.24121 214.11127 168.25117 curveto +214.09105 168.25869 214.07236 168.26931 214.05383 168.28019 curveto +214.03916 168.28893 214.02342 168.29556 214.00688 168.29972 curveto +213.99533 168.30278 213.98334 168.30243 213.9715 168.30256 curveto +213.85594 168.31373 213.74187 168.33704 213.62805 168.35942 curveto +213.59655 168.36538 213.56526 168.3725 213.53371 168.37824 curveto +213.53229 168.3785 213.51071 168.38235 213.50668 168.38165 curveto +213.4531 168.37229 213.39985 168.36116 213.34644 168.35091 curveto +213.33788 168.33264 213.35237 168.31838 213.364 168.30599 curveto +213.37768 168.2923 213.39439 168.28191 213.41161 168.27328 curveto +213.42738 168.2671 213.44332 168.26129 213.45968 168.25686 curveto +213.47785 168.25134 213.49468 168.24227 213.51193 168.23444 curveto +213.54075 168.22265 213.57009 168.21194 213.60006 168.20344 curveto +213.61867 168.19773 213.63754 168.19282 213.65611 168.18702 curveto +213.67238 168.18138 213.68852 168.17535 213.70456 168.1691 curveto +213.72448 168.15898 213.74533 168.15261 213.76707 168.14785 curveto +213.79171 168.14211 213.8168 168.13886 213.84155 168.1337 curveto +213.85475 168.13083 213.86802 168.12828 213.88148 168.1271 curveto +213.89983 168.12622 213.91821 168.12668 213.93658 168.12673 curveto +214.01482 168.12409 214.05483 168.13838 214.15009 168.15493 curveto +214.15237 168.15549 214.15465 168.15606 214.15693 168.15662 curveto +214.1081 168.14789 214.05873 168.14178 214.01045 168.13042 curveto +214.00418 168.12895 214.02325 168.12852 214.02941 168.12662 curveto +214.06958 168.1142 214.10774 168.0945 214.14572 168.07681 curveto +214.26595 168.02489 214.39107 167.98478 214.51664 167.94795 curveto +214.60469 167.92323 214.69302 167.8995 214.78119 167.87523 curveto +214.80942 167.86785 214.7962 167.87123 214.82083 167.86502 curveto +214.97035 167.90994 lineto +214.94415 167.91529 214.95815 167.91232 214.92839 167.91895 curveto +214.83735 167.94126 214.74645 167.96425 214.65604 167.98899 curveto +214.53142 168.02372 214.40805 168.06351 214.28991 168.11669 curveto +214.27597 168.12343 214.26203 168.13017 214.2481 168.13691 curveto +214.23529 168.14306 214.22247 168.14918 214.20968 168.15535 curveto +214.19946 168.16028 214.18933 168.1654 214.17907 168.17022 curveto +214.17326 168.17295 214.16786 168.17859 214.16147 168.17799 curveto +214.11214 168.17338 214.04775 168.16201 213.99168 168.15215 curveto +214.04046 168.16061 214.0892 168.16926 214.13801 168.17753 curveto +214.14074 168.17799 214.13268 168.17589 214.12992 168.17557 curveto +214.11558 168.17391 214.10074 168.17667 214.08636 168.17542 curveto +214.06854 168.17541 214.05072 168.17554 214.0329 168.17552 curveto +214.01937 168.17558 214.00592 168.17677 213.99263 168.17946 curveto +213.9677 168.18438 213.94279 168.18869 213.91777 168.19301 curveto +213.89697 168.19819 213.87577 168.20068 213.8569 168.21172 curveto +213.84105 168.21944 213.82413 168.2241 213.80812 168.23143 curveto +213.78898 168.23725 213.7697 168.24228 213.75055 168.2482 curveto +213.72068 168.25504 213.69219 168.26563 213.66359 168.27649 curveto +213.64633 168.28478 213.62924 168.29355 213.61179 168.3012 curveto +213.59615 168.30683 213.57966 168.31033 213.56398 168.31576 curveto +213.54741 168.32234 213.53202 168.33119 213.51812 168.34244 curveto +213.51462 168.34621 213.51138 168.35024 213.50767 168.3538 curveto +213.50457 168.35679 213.49761 168.35999 213.50504 168.35753 curveto +213.45567 168.34908 213.40631 168.34063 213.35694 168.33218 curveto +213.36075 168.33283 213.3645 168.33401 213.36836 168.33412 curveto +213.38088 168.33447 213.39893 168.33099 213.41045 168.32913 curveto +213.44363 168.32378 213.45095 168.32238 213.48627 168.31624 curveto +213.59789 168.29631 213.70947 168.27616 213.8209 168.2552 curveto +213.83229 168.25308 213.84334 168.2536 213.85487 168.25334 curveto +213.87108 168.25152 213.88659 168.24715 213.90119 168.23966 curveto +213.92009 168.22779 213.9394 168.21671 213.95999 168.20799 curveto +213.98643 168.19781 214.01338 168.18899 214.03885 168.17637 curveto +214.05746 168.16661 214.07624 168.15566 214.09153 168.14135 curveto +214.09273 168.14 214.09394 168.13866 214.09513 168.13731 curveto +214.10283 168.12851 214.0972 168.14115 214.09866 168.14147 curveto +214.14904 168.1526 214.20015 168.16015 214.2509 168.16949 curveto +214.23752 168.16216 214.20709 168.17095 214.19186 168.17142 curveto +214.16803 168.17584 214.1458 168.18444 214.12366 168.1942 curveto +214.10191 168.20131 214.07948 168.20226 214.05675 168.20325 curveto +214.03672 168.20533 214.01705 168.21036 213.99682 168.20937 curveto +213.97862 168.20966 213.9604 168.21026 213.94234 168.21262 curveto +213.93 168.21441 213.91825 168.21849 213.9057 168.21753 curveto +213.89237 168.21866 213.87979 168.22222 213.86752 168.22767 curveto +213.84991 168.23448 213.83214 168.24042 213.8164 168.25134 curveto +213.79617 168.26201 213.77717 168.27496 213.75718 168.28605 curveto +213.72631 168.30226 213.69328 168.31413 213.66199 168.32952 curveto +213.62869 168.34402 213.59672 168.36145 213.56566 168.38026 curveto +213.54628 168.393 213.52888 168.4082 213.50966 168.4212 curveto +213.50754 168.42312 213.49759 168.43199 213.49538 168.43441 curveto +213.48715 168.4434 213.48254 168.45534 213.47259 168.46285 curveto +213.46096 168.47333 213.44936 168.48385 213.43643 168.49275 curveto +213.41901 168.50474 213.4053 168.52162 213.38805 168.53394 curveto +213.37052 168.54751 213.35296 168.56102 213.33505 168.57408 curveto +213.32222 168.58219 213.31017 168.59163 213.29868 168.60149 curveto +213.29733 168.60239 213.29595 168.60327 213.29462 168.60421 curveto +213.2932 168.60519 213.29212 168.60754 213.29043 168.60723 curveto +213.23701 168.59771 213.11529 168.61939 213.13248 168.56793 curveto +213.13275 168.56711 213.13688 168.56297 213.13709 168.56275 curveto +213.14949 168.55175 213.16613 168.54841 213.17966 168.53872 curveto +213.21293 168.5184 213.24998 168.50597 213.28546 168.49013 curveto +213.30082 168.48301 213.32169 168.47354 213.33678 168.4658 curveto +213.36521 168.45123 213.39212 168.4335 213.42239 168.42269 curveto +213.47944 168.40069 213.53757 168.38129 213.59329 168.35605 curveto +213.62526 168.34198 213.66084 168.3308 213.68714 168.30712 curveto +213.69201 168.30152 213.69772 168.29721 213.70262 168.2918 curveto +213.70522 168.28893 213.70645 168.28526 213.70668 168.28533 curveto +213.70763 168.28564 213.7066 168.28733 213.70656 168.28832 curveto +213.75803 168.29781 213.8095 168.3073 213.86097 168.31679 curveto +213.8578 168.3172 213.85443 168.31748 213.85144 168.31873 curveto +213.84225 168.32254 213.83343 168.32721 213.82361 168.32963 curveto +213.80262 168.33869 213.78202 168.34862 213.76186 168.35943 curveto +213.7484 168.36639 213.73739 168.37667 213.72482 168.38509 curveto +213.69902 168.40702 213.67875 168.43444 213.66046 168.46281 curveto +213.65075 168.47764 213.64091 168.49254 213.629 168.50571 curveto +213.61628 168.51748 213.60514 168.53111 213.59497 168.5451 curveto +213.58492 168.55751 213.57635 168.57081 213.569 168.58501 curveto +213.54162 168.65157 213.70553 168.63631 213.41254 168.58118 curveto +213.41306 168.58161 213.41346 168.58271 213.41409 168.58248 curveto +213.42049 168.58018 213.43007 168.5629 213.43835 168.56202 curveto +213.45165 168.55095 213.46475 168.54027 213.48074 168.53319 curveto +213.51002 168.52098 213.53798 168.50582 213.56558 168.49027 curveto +213.59049 168.47598 213.61535 168.46131 213.63712 168.44242 curveto +213.65123 168.43144 213.6643 168.4195 213.67685 168.40674 curveto +213.6882 168.39573 213.69872 168.38419 213.70992 168.37308 curveto +213.72262 168.36169 213.73579 168.3506 213.74685 168.33756 curveto +213.75957 168.32526 213.77101 168.31191 213.78362 168.29949 curveto +213.78731 168.29536 213.79026 168.29111 213.79322 168.28646 curveto +213.79418 168.28494 213.79438 168.28295 213.79557 168.2816 curveto +213.79577 168.28138 213.7957 168.28217 213.79576 168.28246 curveto +213.84716 168.29354 213.89846 168.3051 213.94995 168.31571 curveto +213.9522 168.31617 213.94625 168.31231 213.94395 168.3123 curveto +213.93854 168.31228 213.93395 168.31762 213.9292 168.31935 curveto +213.9183 168.32728 213.90598 168.32911 213.89327 168.33263 curveto +213.88148 168.33855 213.86927 168.3441 213.85677 168.34796 curveto +213.8367 168.35433 213.81683 168.3609 213.7963 168.36576 curveto +213.76268 168.37205 213.72991 168.38184 213.69766 168.39317 curveto +213.68206 168.39829 213.6666 168.40349 213.65159 168.40994 curveto +213.64041 168.41686 213.62607 168.41866 213.61419 168.42448 curveto +213.59504 168.431 213.57737 168.44156 213.55939 168.45069 curveto +213.53851 168.46223 213.51626 168.47126 213.49641 168.48465 curveto +213.48447 168.49098 213.47253 168.49703 213.45923 168.49961 curveto +213.45788 168.50021 213.44943 168.50404 213.44839 168.50426 curveto +213.44179 168.5057 213.43442 168.50288 213.42837 168.5073 curveto +213.41466 168.51414 213.4057 168.52683 213.39341 168.53571 curveto +213.38564 168.54442 213.37551 168.55209 213.37189 168.56349 curveto +213.36103 168.62237 213.60807 168.62284 213.22048 168.54485 curveto +213.22049 168.54664 213.21987 168.54854 213.22049 168.55022 curveto +213.2207 168.5508 213.22165 168.54981 213.22224 168.54961 curveto +213.22337 168.54922 213.2249 168.54966 213.22575 168.54881 curveto +213.22781 168.54677 213.22768 168.54308 213.23027 168.54139 curveto +213.24057 168.53787 213.24787 168.53078 213.25633 168.52405 curveto +213.2739 168.51482 213.2901 168.50311 213.30893 168.49627 curveto +213.33434 168.48647 213.35961 168.47638 213.3848 168.46604 curveto +213.40219 168.45783 213.4181 168.44717 213.43611 168.44038 curveto +213.51076 168.4121 213.45394 168.42314 213.62322 168.45671 curveto +213.6278 168.4693 213.62491 168.47638 213.61501 168.48226 curveto +213.6143 168.48288 213.60766 168.48865 213.60721 168.48891 curveto +213.60172 168.49201 213.59508 168.49304 213.59146 168.49921 curveto +213.58413 168.50298 213.58069 168.51179 213.57242 168.51222 curveto +213.55947 168.51999 213.55099 168.53427 213.54332 168.54681 curveto +213.51798 168.59129 213.49444 168.63725 213.485 168.68811 curveto +213.47482 168.75589 213.46594 168.82425 213.47093 168.89295 curveto +213.31518 168.86961 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.18442 168.67731 moveto +213.19632 168.65435 213.21442 168.636 213.23175 168.61719 curveto +213.24705 168.60095 213.26258 168.58496 213.27579 168.56694 curveto +213.29132 168.5481 213.30844 168.53065 213.32658 168.51434 curveto +213.34726 168.4962 213.36741 168.47747 213.38927 168.46073 curveto +213.40718 168.44884 213.42355 168.43486 213.44134 168.42283 curveto +213.46166 168.41184 213.48193 168.4007 213.50245 168.39005 curveto +213.51629 168.38244 213.53033 168.37518 213.54439 168.36797 curveto +213.56309 168.35872 213.5801 168.34644 213.59746 168.33497 curveto +213.62422 168.31814 213.64957 168.29926 213.67498 168.28051 curveto +213.71475 168.25261 213.75161 168.22095 213.79121 168.19286 curveto +213.82042 168.17421 213.85123 168.15827 213.88142 168.1413 curveto +213.89653 168.13247 213.91156 168.12351 213.92662 168.1146 curveto +213.93708 168.10723 213.94904 168.10318 213.96117 168.09944 curveto +213.98286 168.09245 214.00455 168.08544 214.02623 168.07838 curveto +214.03969 168.07373 214.05345 168.07007 214.06717 168.06631 curveto +214.21778 168.11072 lineto +214.20427 168.11463 214.1906 168.11783 214.17715 168.12196 curveto +214.15602 168.12957 214.13477 168.13679 214.11327 168.14322 curveto +214.11056 168.1443 214.10786 168.14538 214.10515 168.14645 curveto +214.10304 168.14685 214.10082 168.14688 214.09881 168.14764 curveto +214.09701 168.14832 214.09572 168.15002 214.09393 168.1507 curveto +214.08928 168.15247 214.0838 168.15119 214.07996 168.15555 curveto +214.06452 168.1646 214.04886 168.17321 214.0333 168.18206 curveto +214.00315 168.19957 213.97131 168.2142 213.94114 168.23175 curveto +213.90097 168.25864 213.86455 168.29022 213.82586 168.31915 curveto +213.80049 168.33778 213.77622 168.35796 213.74978 168.3751 curveto +213.7317 168.3861 213.71495 168.39907 213.697 168.41027 curveto +213.68249 168.41636 213.66919 168.42502 213.65486 168.43148 curveto +213.63475 168.44236 213.61423 168.4525 213.59405 168.46326 curveto +213.57534 168.47367 213.55988 168.48861 213.54177 168.50001 curveto +213.51909 168.51509 213.49946 168.53379 213.47926 168.55196 curveto +213.4617 168.56735 213.44567 168.58401 213.42987 168.60118 curveto +213.4168 168.62025 213.40115 168.63696 213.38488 168.65334 curveto +213.36854 168.67085 213.35016 168.68734 213.33986 168.70937 curveto +213.18442 168.67731 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +212.75687 168.6927 moveto +212.77424 168.67678 212.79058 168.65983 212.80642 168.6424 curveto +212.81853 168.63036 212.82931 168.61704 212.83967 168.60349 curveto +212.84797 168.59048 212.86002 168.58277 212.87329 168.5758 curveto +212.88466 168.56902 212.89599 168.56209 212.90779 168.55606 curveto +212.91756 168.55188 212.92492 168.54384 212.93413 168.5385 curveto +212.94387 168.5339 212.95322 168.52869 212.96379 168.52628 curveto +212.9733 168.52253 212.9822 168.51668 212.99039 168.51058 curveto +212.99921 168.5041 213.00949 168.50039 213.01872 168.49454 curveto +213.03142 168.48451 213.04188 168.4726 213.05597 168.46436 curveto +213.07215 168.4549 213.08826 168.44562 213.10492 168.43693 curveto +213.13714 168.42085 213.16818 168.40255 213.19974 168.38525 curveto +213.22175 168.37502 213.24355 168.36442 213.2651 168.35328 curveto +213.28608 168.34392 213.30619 168.33285 213.3258 168.32092 curveto +213.34616 168.30813 213.36828 168.29842 213.39035 168.28902 curveto +213.41206 168.28013 213.43373 168.27117 213.45572 168.263 curveto +213.47477 168.25408 213.49413 168.2459 213.51356 168.23784 curveto +213.53137 168.23222 213.54756 168.22338 213.56301 168.21309 curveto +213.58008 168.20239 213.59765 168.1924 213.6153 168.18267 curveto +213.62692 168.17616 213.63905 168.17044 213.64975 168.16246 curveto +213.66182 168.1558 213.67359 168.14974 213.68494 168.14164 curveto +213.70019 168.13082 213.71587 168.12051 213.73243 168.1118 curveto +213.74381 168.10605 213.7559 168.10272 213.76857 168.10188 curveto +213.77906 168.09963 213.78931 168.0965 213.79987 168.09452 curveto +213.81596 168.09262 213.83213 168.09007 213.84742 168.08456 curveto +213.86052 168.07705 213.87132 168.06609 213.88332 168.05696 curveto +213.9125 168.03534 213.94305 168.01556 213.97359 167.99592 curveto +213.99697 167.98093 214.02209 167.969 214.04605 167.95507 curveto +214.05512 167.94935 214.06448 167.94429 214.07499 167.94195 curveto +214.08122 167.93947 214.08741 167.94239 214.09325 167.94081 curveto +214.1016 167.93807 214.10986 167.93581 214.11805 167.93283 curveto +214.27068 167.9797 lineto +214.262 167.97948 214.25493 167.98352 214.24617 167.98527 curveto +214.24045 167.98742 214.24316 167.98588 214.23814 167.99007 curveto +214.23519 167.99148 214.23022 167.9883 214.22709 167.9895 curveto +214.21702 167.98947 214.2079 167.99054 214.19902 167.99597 curveto +214.1746 168.01028 214.14818 168.02086 214.1239 168.03552 curveto +214.09392 168.05431 214.06417 168.07372 214.03666 168.09598 curveto +214.024 168.10558 214.01171 168.11555 214.0003 168.12666 curveto +213.98515 168.13584 213.96864 168.13784 213.95179 168.14197 curveto +213.94115 168.14237 213.93061 168.14414 213.92058 168.14783 curveto +213.90911 168.15177 213.89638 168.14924 213.885 168.15441 curveto +213.86799 168.16054 213.85274 168.17114 213.83786 168.18121 curveto +213.82649 168.18894 213.81712 168.19981 213.80359 168.20307 curveto +213.79817 168.20579 213.79435 168.21008 213.78913 168.21308 curveto +213.78225 168.21704 213.77429 168.21949 213.76784 168.22435 curveto +213.74994 168.23288 213.73312 168.24347 213.71599 168.25329 curveto +213.69965 168.26343 213.68443 168.27555 213.6657 168.28129 curveto +213.6456 168.28805 213.62585 168.29631 213.60711 168.30619 curveto +213.58538 168.31462 213.56362 168.32294 213.542 168.33161 curveto +213.52052 168.34081 213.49881 168.34956 213.47836 168.36091 curveto +213.45922 168.37419 213.4383 168.38505 213.41734 168.39515 curveto +213.39516 168.40552 213.37397 168.41804 213.35088 168.42646 curveto +213.31861 168.44236 213.28815 168.46179 213.25583 168.47762 curveto +213.23988 168.48708 213.22356 168.49522 213.20897 168.50654 curveto +213.1937 168.51239 213.18324 168.52166 213.17245 168.53387 curveto +213.16383 168.54114 213.15485 168.54693 213.14434 168.55077 curveto +213.12582 168.56161 213.15701 168.54295 213.13613 168.55706 curveto +213.1299 168.56127 213.12238 168.56427 213.1168 168.56971 curveto +213.10755 168.57478 213.0961 168.57429 213.08749 168.58112 curveto +213.07677 168.58472 213.06866 168.59059 213.06091 168.59887 curveto +213.04872 168.60338 213.03763 168.61005 213.02651 168.61668 curveto +213.01558 168.62387 213.00237 168.62697 212.99426 168.63796 curveto +212.98427 168.65262 212.97245 168.66628 212.95996 168.67885 curveto +212.94339 168.69549 212.92778 168.71314 212.91112 168.72973 curveto +212.75687 168.6927 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.93897 168.13534 moveto +213.96345 168.11985 213.98347 168.10028 214.00112 168.07751 curveto +214.0173 168.05646 214.03618 168.03797 214.05622 168.02068 curveto +214.06501 168.01258 214.07559 168.00737 214.08589 168.00168 curveto +214.09491 167.9957 214.10337 167.98895 214.11218 167.98267 curveto +214.11908 167.97768 214.12747 167.97492 214.13555 167.97211 curveto +214.14595 167.96642 214.15675 167.96168 214.16726 167.95619 curveto +214.1793 167.95091 214.19056 167.94415 214.20243 167.93855 curveto +214.20913 167.93468 214.21681 167.9348 214.22297 167.93006 curveto +214.2312 167.92026 214.24283 167.9158 214.25369 167.90996 curveto +214.40699 167.95204 lineto +214.40348 167.95365 214.40041 167.95613 214.39689 167.95774 curveto +214.39048 167.96067 214.38276 167.9613 214.37768 167.96702 curveto +214.37136 167.97498 214.3659 167.9806 214.35565 167.98185 curveto +214.34312 167.98619 214.33186 167.9925 214.31998 167.99828 curveto +214.30931 168.00304 214.29962 168.0095 214.28896 168.01412 curveto +214.28231 168.01849 214.27416 168.02246 214.26639 168.02316 curveto +214.25709 168.02859 214.24858 168.03489 214.23998 168.04115 curveto +214.23096 168.04936 214.21963 168.05245 214.20939 168.05907 curveto +214.1891 168.07483 214.17012 168.0919 214.15413 168.11215 curveto +214.13636 168.13544 214.11763 168.15769 214.09271 168.17373 curveto +213.93897 168.13534 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +214.108 168.05965 moveto +214.12608 168.05228 214.1425 168.04172 214.16007 168.03334 curveto +214.17229 168.02641 214.18559 168.02183 214.19764 168.01459 curveto +214.20979 168.00792 214.22051 167.99918 214.23164 167.99099 curveto +214.24059 167.9829 214.25065 167.97611 214.25921 167.96761 curveto +214.2681 167.9585 214.27747 167.94982 214.28762 167.94213 curveto +214.29582 167.93598 214.30464 167.93125 214.31289 167.92525 curveto +214.31848 167.91978 214.32438 167.91464 214.33026 167.90949 curveto +214.48475 167.94826 lineto +214.47882 167.95273 214.47297 167.95731 214.46742 167.96226 curveto +214.46048 167.97115 214.45205 167.97669 214.44162 167.98114 curveto +214.43211 167.98872 214.42199 167.99546 214.41384 168.00452 curveto +214.40487 168.014 214.39545 168.02188 214.38506 168.02977 curveto +214.38273 168.03171 214.3804 168.03365 214.37808 168.03559 curveto +214.37589 168.03696 214.3735 168.03805 214.37152 168.0397 curveto +214.36501 168.0451 214.35955 168.05207 214.35122 168.05503 curveto +214.33914 168.06315 214.32659 168.06973 214.31296 168.07485 curveto +214.30517 168.07942 214.29695 168.08213 214.28903 168.08647 curveto +214.28527 168.08853 214.27352 168.09584 214.26995 168.09769 curveto +214.26707 168.09919 214.26402 168.10033 214.26106 168.10164 curveto +214.108 168.05965 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.6678 168.11072 moveto +213.68315 168.09712 213.69856 168.08358 213.71338 168.06941 curveto +213.71931 168.06169 213.72828 168.05814 213.73564 168.05278 curveto +213.74331 168.04784 213.7521 168.04464 213.75927 168.03891 curveto +213.76812 168.03141 213.77898 168.02715 213.78878 168.02124 curveto +213.79769 168.0152 213.80529 168.00763 213.81359 168.00087 curveto +213.81828 167.99449 213.82668 167.99564 213.83225 167.99139 curveto +213.83777 167.98574 213.84376 167.98045 213.85105 167.97729 curveto +213.85434 167.9758 213.85765 167.9749 213.86124 167.97458 curveto +214.01328 168.02382 lineto +214.01014 168.02359 214.00722 168.02267 214.00407 168.02285 curveto +213.99742 168.02325 213.99256 168.02384 213.98718 168.02845 curveto +213.97876 168.03882 213.97965 168.03852 213.96775 168.04103 curveto +213.9582 168.04609 213.95148 168.05448 213.94259 168.06055 curveto +213.93367 168.06836 213.9236 168.07238 213.91349 168.07839 curveto +213.90583 168.08352 213.89888 168.09119 213.88976 168.09345 curveto +213.88531 168.09577 213.88751 168.09419 213.88346 168.09856 curveto +213.87856 168.10171 213.87068 168.10087 213.86722 168.10726 curveto +213.85168 168.12017 213.8371 168.13426 213.82205 168.14775 curveto +213.6678 168.11072 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.82103 168.06804 moveto +213.8397 168.05638 213.85713 168.04285 213.87563 168.03093 curveto +213.88661 168.0243 213.89691 168.01652 213.90913 168.01231 curveto +213.91982 168.00787 213.93027 168.00294 213.94086 167.99826 curveto +213.95218 167.99541 213.96167 167.9888 213.97164 167.98315 curveto +213.97722 167.97882 213.98381 167.97899 213.98906 167.97479 curveto +213.99764 167.97068 214.00642 167.96645 214.01529 167.96276 curveto +214.0241 167.96051 214.03198 167.95578 214.03966 167.95107 curveto +214.04393 167.94981 214.04727 167.94438 214.05176 167.94388 curveto +214.05771 167.94323 214.04684 167.94901 214.05642 167.94283 curveto +214.0617 167.93991 214.0676 167.93454 214.074 167.93553 curveto +214.08026 167.93235 214.0862 167.92852 214.09297 167.92635 curveto +214.09793 167.92684 214.10205 167.92428 214.10616 167.92187 curveto +214.25953 167.96538 lineto +214.25419 167.96631 214.24997 167.96978 214.24558 167.97285 curveto +214.2394 167.97311 214.23274 167.97334 214.22788 167.97768 curveto +214.22284 167.98269 214.21667 167.98101 214.21053 167.98394 curveto +214.1982 167.99054 214.2213 167.97771 214.20477 167.98927 curveto +214.20243 167.99091 214.19509 167.98787 214.19343 167.9923 curveto +214.18468 167.99701 214.17702 168.00248 214.16827 168.00721 curveto +214.15933 168.00927 214.15166 168.01412 214.14308 168.01624 curveto +214.13871 168.01745 214.13828 168.02107 214.13447 168.02304 curveto +214.13245 168.02409 214.12676 168.02245 214.12507 168.02531 curveto +214.11392 168.03002 214.1047 168.03754 214.09358 168.04236 curveto +214.08241 168.045 214.0732 168.05136 214.06238 168.05489 curveto +214.05143 168.06114 214.03786 168.06253 214.02839 168.07194 curveto +214.00902 168.08155 213.99202 168.09557 213.97448 168.1081 curveto +213.82103 168.06804 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +214.06793 167.96638 moveto +214.08621 167.96678 214.10449 167.96622 214.12277 167.96652 curveto +214.13177 167.96544 214.14044 167.96256 214.14911 167.95999 curveto +214.15548 167.96159 214.16011 167.95609 214.16416 167.95195 curveto +214.1683 167.9475 214.17304 167.9436 214.17614 167.93849 curveto +214.18117 167.93233 214.18774 167.92727 214.1945 167.92298 curveto +214.20211 167.91739 214.20853 167.91042 214.216 167.90454 curveto +214.22559 167.90081 214.23416 167.89511 214.24316 167.89021 curveto +214.25323 167.88543 214.26367 167.88106 214.27435 167.87772 curveto +214.28202 167.87476 214.28991 167.87535 214.29758 167.87278 curveto +214.30524 167.86982 214.31226 167.86181 214.32056 167.86089 curveto +214.32843 167.85549 214.33729 167.85236 214.34652 167.85023 curveto +214.35389 167.84977 214.35883 167.84882 214.3658 167.84545 curveto +214.37274 167.84328 214.3789 167.84214 214.385 167.83795 curveto +214.38953 167.83445 214.3947 167.83516 214.39928 167.83234 curveto +214.40492 167.82814 214.41047 167.82392 214.41582 167.81939 curveto +214.42106 167.81493 214.4273 167.8121 214.43269 167.8079 curveto +214.43848 167.80178 214.44604 167.79941 214.45415 167.79827 curveto +214.46551 167.79876 214.47537 167.79633 214.48618 167.79263 curveto +214.49935 167.78776 214.51177 167.78119 214.52513 167.77678 curveto +214.53749 167.77223 214.54902 167.76582 214.56125 167.76098 curveto +214.57086 167.75947 214.57703 167.754 214.58447 167.74819 curveto +214.59189 167.74232 214.60114 167.74147 214.60945 167.73759 curveto +214.61592 167.73449 214.62243 167.734 214.62832 167.72998 curveto +214.63866 167.72507 214.64715 167.71674 214.65672 167.71037 curveto +214.66326 167.7048 214.67178 167.70274 214.67872 167.69809 curveto +214.68519 167.69224 214.69316 167.68832 214.70058 167.6836 curveto +214.71177 167.67628 214.72436 167.67358 214.73742 167.6721 curveto +214.75158 167.66926 214.76577 167.66691 214.77946 167.66226 curveto +214.78993 167.65896 214.80024 167.6549 214.80991 167.64963 curveto +214.81942 167.64488 214.82836 167.6391 214.83809 167.63477 curveto +214.84823 167.62999 214.85687 167.6231 214.86563 167.61624 curveto +214.87381 167.61068 214.88119 167.60408 214.88921 167.59832 curveto +214.89791 167.59016 214.90706 167.58264 214.91674 167.57568 curveto +214.93924 167.56199 214.96492 167.55466 214.98974 167.54635 curveto +215.00976 167.53853 215.03024 167.53179 215.05002 167.52338 curveto +215.06234 167.51737 215.07583 167.51503 215.08892 167.51143 curveto +215.2408 167.55635 lineto +215.22796 167.55982 215.21518 167.56276 215.20236 167.56629 curveto +215.18198 167.57469 215.16128 167.58204 215.14064 167.58987 curveto +215.11709 167.59831 215.09288 167.60491 215.07011 167.61541 curveto +215.06055 167.62178 215.05174 167.62882 215.04345 167.63658 curveto +215.03629 167.64369 215.02765 167.64949 215.01969 167.65577 curveto +215.01011 167.66223 215.0022 167.67084 214.9918 167.67586 curveto +214.98299 167.68217 214.97216 167.68514 214.96325 167.69138 curveto +214.95297 167.69657 214.94314 167.70301 214.93211 167.70629 curveto +214.91785 167.71134 214.90402 167.716 214.88897 167.71823 curveto +214.87746 167.72128 214.86539 167.72012 214.8542 167.72477 curveto +214.84806 167.72791 214.85102 167.72599 214.8454 167.73066 curveto +214.84092 167.7331 214.84253 167.72961 214.83874 167.73296 curveto +214.83758 167.73399 214.8371 167.73568 214.83585 167.7366 curveto +214.83523 167.73706 214.8343 167.73675 214.83353 167.73683 curveto +214.82528 167.74468 214.82024 167.74634 214.81005 167.75103 curveto +214.79956 167.75687 214.79026 167.76367 214.78202 167.77222 curveto +214.77503 167.77412 214.77076 167.7816 214.76254 167.78124 curveto +214.7577 167.78263 214.75426 167.78564 214.74966 167.78731 curveto +214.74892 167.78758 214.74268 167.78788 214.74196 167.78803 curveto +214.74067 167.7883 214.73948 167.78889 214.73824 167.78932 curveto +214.72844 167.79281 214.72419 167.80327 214.71397 167.80534 curveto +214.70133 167.80857 214.69025 167.81462 214.67829 167.81935 curveto +214.66572 167.82663 214.65027 167.82783 214.6383 167.83667 curveto +214.62752 167.84021 214.61745 167.84707 214.60609 167.84648 curveto +214.59984 167.84645 214.59363 167.84584 214.58746 167.84673 curveto +214.58192 167.85142 214.57678 167.85614 214.57 167.85905 curveto +214.56383 167.8626 214.55918 167.86718 214.55392 167.87203 curveto +214.54885 167.87624 214.54564 167.88062 214.53859 167.88082 curveto +214.53112 167.882 214.527 167.89046 214.51882 167.88984 curveto +214.50998 167.8912 214.50721 167.89763 214.49888 167.89706 curveto +214.49068 167.89781 214.48208 167.8982 214.47461 167.90195 curveto +214.46858 167.90775 214.45839 167.90825 214.45139 167.91367 curveto +214.44307 167.92071 214.43758 167.92291 214.4268 167.9232 curveto +214.41628 167.92513 214.40648 167.92856 214.39666 167.93234 curveto +214.38714 167.93668 214.37842 167.94175 214.36958 167.94728 curveto +214.36046 167.94764 214.35397 167.95695 214.34849 167.96315 curveto +214.34718 167.96408 214.34587 167.965 214.34456 167.96593 curveto +214.34362 167.96624 214.34256 167.96631 214.34174 167.96686 curveto +214.33939 167.96845 214.33834 167.97163 214.33586 167.97302 curveto +214.33519 167.9734 214.33433 167.97284 214.33356 167.97274 curveto +214.33292 167.97322 214.33228 167.9737 214.33165 167.97419 curveto +214.32854 167.97607 214.32406 167.98683 214.31943 167.98888 curveto +214.31362 167.99503 214.30808 168.00146 214.30151 168.00682 curveto +214.29218 168.00695 214.28327 168.01044 214.27449 168.01325 curveto +214.25671 168.01858 214.23715 168.0135 214.21881 168.0154 curveto +214.06793 167.96638 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.74655 168.07609 moveto +213.76301 168.06951 213.77905 168.06197 213.79571 168.05586 curveto +213.80051 168.05523 213.80606 168.05103 213.81108 168.05148 curveto +213.81725 168.05203 213.80931 168.05341 213.81565 168.05191 curveto +213.82208 168.04789 213.82774 168.04398 213.83568 168.04409 curveto +213.84085 168.04384 213.84497 168.03924 213.84998 168.03856 curveto +213.8564 168.0377 213.84771 168.04064 213.8531 168.03861 curveto +213.85774 168.03185 213.86416 168.02948 213.87132 168.02656 curveto +213.88082 168.02113 213.88976 168.0149 213.89891 168.00892 curveto +213.90455 168.00454 213.91128 168.00311 213.91684 167.99856 curveto +213.9216 167.995 213.92279 167.98959 213.9259 167.98481 curveto +213.93024 167.97792 213.93687 167.97634 213.94415 167.9735 curveto +213.95092 167.9705 213.95808 167.96882 213.96524 167.9671 curveto +213.96802 167.96506 213.97033 167.96786 213.97247 167.96788 curveto +213.97557 167.96791 213.98049 167.96498 213.98341 167.96385 curveto +213.98663 167.96366 213.99163 167.95834 213.99493 167.95952 curveto +213.99562 167.95976 213.99523 167.9614 213.99595 167.96145 curveto +213.99697 167.96153 213.99766 167.96035 213.99852 167.9598 curveto +214.00415 167.95556 214.01033 167.95251 214.01719 167.95084 curveto +214.0252 167.95069 214.03235 167.94906 214.0396 167.94549 curveto +214.04697 167.94464 214.0533 167.93975 214.06066 167.93678 curveto +214.06788 167.93416 214.0742 167.93504 214.08098 167.93165 curveto +214.0942 167.92369 214.10959 167.92162 214.12401 167.91699 curveto +214.1324 167.91305 214.1417 167.9117 214.15029 167.90867 curveto +214.1584 167.90311 214.16819 167.90284 214.17718 167.90023 curveto +214.185 167.89652 214.19303 167.89182 214.20193 167.89249 curveto +214.20896 167.8899 214.21539 167.88607 214.22271 167.88391 curveto +214.22964 167.88486 214.23488 167.87966 214.24075 167.87674 curveto +214.24999 167.87506 214.25833 167.87046 214.26742 167.86801 curveto +214.27455 167.86814 214.28073 167.8628 214.28714 167.86009 curveto +214.29379 167.85676 214.29068 167.86073 214.29226 167.86108 curveto +214.29273 167.86119 214.30132 167.85478 214.3025 167.85427 curveto +214.31426 167.84742 214.32745 167.84416 214.34072 167.84182 curveto +214.35024 167.84041 214.359 167.84052 214.36823 167.83779 curveto +214.37763 167.83543 214.38714 167.83249 214.3969 167.83258 curveto +214.40948 167.83029 214.4211 167.82508 214.43279 167.8201 curveto +214.44111 167.81704 214.44966 167.81582 214.4579 167.81245 curveto +214.45963 167.80831 214.46593 167.81121 214.46811 167.80963 curveto +214.47002 167.80825 214.47155 167.8064 214.47343 167.80498 curveto +214.47777 167.80222 214.48659 167.79614 214.4915 167.79978 curveto +214.50013 167.79665 214.50796 167.7923 214.51604 167.7879 curveto +214.52665 167.78362 214.53778 167.78055 214.54886 167.77753 curveto +214.55681 167.77416 214.56572 167.77489 214.57366 167.77242 curveto +214.59033 167.76721 214.60589 167.75915 214.62168 167.75179 curveto +214.63755 167.74445 214.65338 167.73733 214.67039 167.73311 curveto +214.69141 167.72786 214.71247 167.72284 214.73339 167.71719 curveto +214.74699 167.71355 214.76088 167.71141 214.77478 167.70936 curveto +214.92476 167.75602 lineto +214.91115 167.75744 214.89756 167.75897 214.88419 167.76198 curveto +214.86347 167.76715 214.84321 167.77402 214.82219 167.77796 curveto +214.80585 167.78291 214.78874 167.78545 214.7738 167.79451 curveto +214.75753 167.8008 214.74236 167.80969 214.72653 167.81667 curveto +214.7204 167.81889 214.72335 167.81742 214.71773 167.82113 curveto +214.71286 167.82298 214.70582 167.82011 214.70102 167.82307 curveto +214.69005 167.8253 214.67994 167.82905 214.66915 167.83127 curveto +214.6601 167.83346 214.65361 167.83953 214.64521 167.84273 curveto +214.64407 167.84397 214.64325 167.8456 214.64179 167.84644 curveto +214.63856 167.84828 214.63126 167.84507 214.62762 167.84625 curveto +214.61891 167.84963 214.62088 167.85572 214.61147 167.85543 curveto +214.60302 167.85937 214.59496 167.86395 214.58555 167.86447 curveto +214.57288 167.86725 214.56191 167.87464 214.54948 167.87779 curveto +214.54059 167.88231 214.53018 167.88023 214.52057 167.88311 curveto +214.51454 167.8844 214.51102 167.88701 214.50566 167.88869 curveto +214.50166 167.88995 214.49655 167.88749 214.4925 167.88899 curveto +214.4802 167.88999 214.46762 167.8912 214.45609 167.89591 curveto +214.45494 167.89666 214.44746 167.89958 214.44729 167.89982 curveto +214.44334 167.90527 214.44595 167.90502 214.44013 167.90532 curveto +214.43246 167.9062 214.42567 167.90893 214.41981 167.9143 curveto +214.41049 167.9154 214.40142 167.91683 214.39355 167.9224 curveto +214.38568 167.92181 214.38096 167.92622 214.37497 167.93093 curveto +214.36776 167.93079 214.36065 167.93126 214.35508 167.9364 curveto +214.34724 167.94185 214.33919 167.93823 214.33072 167.94272 curveto +214.32959 167.94343 214.32258 167.94789 214.32169 167.94819 curveto +214.31616 167.95001 214.3092 167.94808 214.30383 167.95109 curveto +214.301 167.95276 214.29846 167.955 214.29541 167.95622 curveto +214.28956 167.95857 214.28189 167.95726 214.27639 167.96115 curveto +214.27169 167.96277 214.26723 167.9651 214.26245 167.96642 curveto +214.25335 167.96893 214.24344 167.96908 214.23462 167.97296 curveto +214.22632 167.97824 214.22385 167.98255 214.21327 167.98218 curveto +214.20903 167.98254 214.20226 167.98291 214.1989 167.98592 curveto +214.19765 167.98705 214.19705 167.98885 214.19566 167.9898 curveto +214.19483 167.99037 214.19367 167.99006 214.19267 167.9902 curveto +214.18435 167.99104 214.17777 167.99819 214.16954 167.99821 curveto +214.16401 167.99823 214.1577 167.99769 214.15283 168.00052 curveto +214.14401 168.00593 214.16037 167.99542 214.14757 168.00645 curveto +214.14523 168.00846 214.13893 168.00459 214.13672 168.00765 curveto +214.13344 168.00885 214.12875 168.00979 214.12588 168.01177 curveto +214.12453 168.01271 214.12381 168.01444 214.12239 168.01528 curveto +214.12097 168.01612 214.11883 168.01413 214.11745 168.01511 curveto +214.11071 168.01451 214.10359 168.01577 214.09713 168.01751 curveto +214.0943 168.01841 214.09129 168.01884 214.08862 168.02012 curveto +214.0874 168.0207 214.08666 168.02228 214.08533 168.02246 curveto +214.08423 168.0226 214.08345 168.0192 214.08127 168.02171 curveto +214.08046 168.02203 214.07917 168.02151 214.07872 168.02226 curveto +214.07613 168.02653 214.0766 168.03255 214.07179 168.03571 curveto +214.06613 168.04231 214.06092 168.04751 214.05282 168.04987 curveto +214.04308 168.05523 214.03428 168.06153 214.02499 168.06744 curveto +214.01767 168.07321 214.01649 168.07274 214.00852 168.07509 curveto +214.00104 168.08684 213.99955 168.08205 213.98861 168.08848 curveto +213.98081 168.09322 213.97648 168.08873 213.96973 168.09342 curveto +213.96757 168.0952 213.96595 168.09771 213.9635 168.09908 curveto +213.95967 168.10123 213.95221 168.09764 213.94831 168.10031 curveto +213.93132 168.1049 213.91498 168.11119 213.89915 168.11893 curveto +213.74655 168.07609 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.75523 168.01709 moveto +213.77201 168.01393 213.78693 168.00582 213.80231 167.99891 curveto +213.80931 167.99556 213.81383 167.98926 213.81903 167.98373 curveto +213.82283 167.97894 213.82759 167.97653 213.83315 167.97318 curveto +213.83751 167.97077 213.84346 167.96536 213.84849 167.9683 curveto +213.85348 167.96731 213.85708 167.96329 213.86174 167.96107 curveto +213.86664 167.95706 213.87082 167.96042 213.87589 167.95809 curveto +213.88144 167.95542 213.88536 167.95219 213.89048 167.94844 curveto +213.89819 167.94488 213.90452 167.93897 213.91206 167.93517 curveto +213.96496 167.94518 214.01788 167.95509 214.07076 167.96518 curveto +214.0735 167.9657 214.08179 167.96681 214.07905 167.96631 curveto +214.01847 167.9553 213.875 167.93064 213.93131 167.94032 curveto +213.93234 167.94043 213.93337 167.94055 213.93441 167.94066 curveto +213.93494 167.94135 213.93517 167.94247 213.936 167.94273 curveto +213.93917 167.9437 213.94586 167.93847 213.94856 167.93731 curveto +213.95514 167.93457 213.96198 167.93243 213.96912 167.93361 curveto +213.9762 167.93174 213.98326 167.92922 213.99006 167.92642 curveto +213.99688 167.92362 214.00394 167.9258 214.01077 167.92364 curveto +214.01717 167.91993 214.02397 167.91739 214.0313 167.91643 curveto +214.04366 167.91588 214.05568 167.91602 214.06784 167.91354 curveto +214.0763 167.91186 214.08436 167.90849 214.09305 167.90857 curveto +214.10221 167.90592 214.11111 167.90267 214.12047 167.90066 curveto +214.12744 167.89937 214.13449 167.89889 214.14157 167.89876 curveto +214.14265 167.89874 214.14373 167.89872 214.1448 167.89871 curveto +214.14539 167.89929 214.14575 167.9003 214.14656 167.90045 curveto +214.14963 167.90103 214.15552 167.8967 214.15787 167.8952 curveto +214.16471 167.89056 214.17312 167.89288 214.18018 167.89073 curveto +214.18787 167.88736 214.19574 167.88481 214.20399 167.8833 curveto +214.2046 167.88372 214.20509 167.88456 214.20583 167.88456 curveto +214.208 167.88455 214.21997 167.87757 214.22495 167.87654 curveto +214.23575 167.87372 214.2455 167.86843 214.25533 167.86332 curveto +214.26394 167.85771 214.27396 167.8569 214.28355 167.85322 curveto +214.29576 167.84759 214.30918 167.8456 214.32144 167.84024 curveto +214.33133 167.83432 214.34265 167.83264 214.35322 167.82833 curveto +214.36498 167.82363 214.37536 167.81621 214.38681 167.81089 curveto +214.39501 167.80797 214.40312 167.80449 214.41103 167.80081 curveto +214.41817 167.79801 214.42581 167.79775 214.43337 167.79756 curveto +214.44197 167.7986 214.44969 167.79712 214.45732 167.7929 curveto +214.46714 167.78715 214.47771 167.78278 214.48827 167.77855 curveto +214.49773 167.77503 214.50754 167.77374 214.51714 167.77077 curveto +214.52931 167.76766 214.54132 167.76447 214.55337 167.76085 curveto +214.56713 167.75872 214.57934 167.75283 214.59156 167.74655 curveto +214.60338 167.74116 214.61624 167.73838 214.6288 167.73517 curveto +214.64383 167.73327 214.65749 167.72717 214.67141 167.72161 curveto +214.68111 167.71737 214.69152 167.71596 214.70128 167.71204 curveto +214.70955 167.7078 214.71895 167.70807 214.72743 167.70475 curveto +214.73435 167.69995 214.74259 167.69912 214.7502 167.69599 curveto +214.7574 167.69364 214.76268 167.69006 214.76903 167.68591 curveto +214.77199 167.68553 214.77604 167.68158 214.7792 167.68203 curveto +214.77984 167.68212 214.77982 167.68354 214.78046 167.68348 curveto +214.78249 167.68331 214.78383 167.6812 214.78552 167.68007 curveto +214.79085 167.67529 214.79742 167.67401 214.80412 167.6728 curveto +214.81235 167.66278 214.82263 167.6566 214.83414 167.65085 curveto +214.87027 167.63261 214.90753 167.61658 214.94335 167.59773 curveto +214.9632 167.58545 214.98416 167.57677 215.00693 167.57197 curveto +215.02788 167.56792 215.04874 167.56357 215.06953 167.55874 curveto +215.07937 167.55525 215.09025 167.55629 215.10001 167.55292 curveto +215.25394 167.59468 lineto +215.24259 167.60254 215.23471 167.60319 215.22109 167.60447 curveto +215.20007 167.60864 215.1794 167.61426 215.15818 167.61735 curveto +215.13617 167.62287 215.11371 167.62539 215.0943 167.63873 curveto +215.0587 167.65789 215.0205 167.67167 214.98579 167.69263 curveto +214.97581 167.69735 214.96688 167.70121 214.9593 167.70936 curveto +214.95459 167.71713 214.94908 167.72115 214.93988 167.72062 curveto +214.93518 167.72354 214.9358 167.72491 214.93206 167.72797 curveto +214.92992 167.72973 214.92456 167.72777 214.92227 167.72946 curveto +214.91412 167.72997 214.91145 167.73727 214.90367 167.73878 curveto +214.89615 167.74243 214.88959 167.7461 214.8812 167.74684 curveto +214.87076 167.75321 214.8661 167.75454 214.85412 167.75618 curveto +214.84382 167.75908 214.83465 167.76435 214.82377 167.76553 curveto +214.809 167.76989 214.79581 167.77838 214.78067 167.78103 curveto +214.76838 167.78309 214.75661 167.78688 214.74456 167.78964 curveto +214.73094 167.79399 214.71978 167.80364 214.70549 167.80635 curveto +214.69319 167.80851 214.68224 167.81436 214.66977 167.81541 curveto +214.65996 167.81837 214.65113 167.82229 214.64081 167.82307 curveto +214.63025 167.82536 214.62063 167.83005 214.61092 167.83441 curveto +214.60273 167.83888 214.59449 167.84618 214.58492 167.84668 curveto +214.5779 167.8466 214.57088 167.84629 214.56387 167.84633 curveto +214.55558 167.84637 214.54697 167.85117 214.53986 167.85494 curveto +214.5274 167.8579 214.51633 167.86446 214.50564 167.87142 curveto +214.49532 167.87562 214.48608 167.88094 214.47495 167.88241 curveto +214.4624 167.88929 214.44954 167.89282 214.43584 167.89669 curveto +214.42983 167.89892 214.42324 167.90379 214.41712 167.90528 curveto +214.41544 167.90569 214.41333 167.90413 214.4116 167.90443 curveto +214.41067 167.90458 214.40988 167.90522 214.40902 167.90561 curveto +214.39849 167.9105 214.38838 167.91637 214.37772 167.9206 curveto +214.37005 167.92428 214.36159 167.92263 214.35624 167.93081 curveto +214.34853 167.93122 214.34049 167.93116 214.33335 167.93446 curveto +214.33049 167.93574 214.32822 167.9382 214.3253 167.93935 curveto +214.3214 167.94088 214.31527 167.93856 214.31118 167.93937 curveto +214.30362 167.93924 214.29992 167.94761 214.29319 167.94795 curveto +214.28629 167.94787 214.27939 167.94753 214.27248 167.94796 curveto +214.2633 167.94824 214.254 167.94946 214.24571 167.95365 curveto +214.23775 167.95786 214.22842 167.95589 214.21988 167.95928 curveto +214.2076 167.96223 214.19603 167.96634 214.1832 167.96466 curveto +214.17679 167.96466 214.17074 167.96375 214.16453 167.96604 curveto +214.15728 167.9706 214.15159 167.97444 214.14273 167.97284 curveto +214.13572 167.97235 214.12809 167.97586 214.1219 167.97872 curveto +214.11534 167.98287 214.10909 167.98071 214.10169 167.98183 curveto +214.09705 167.9828 214.09317 167.98335 214.08945 167.9867 curveto +214.08814 167.98789 214.08742 167.98977 214.08589 167.99065 curveto +214.08492 167.99121 214.08365 167.99068 214.08253 167.9907 curveto +214.02493 167.99165 214.07482 167.99107 213.91947 167.9632 curveto +213.91684 167.96273 213.91429 167.9598 213.91147 167.95967 curveto +213.962 167.96881 214.01252 167.97796 214.06305 167.98711 curveto +214.06244 167.98634 214.05965 167.98255 214.05858 167.98237 curveto +214.05374 167.98154 214.04796 167.9876 214.04453 167.98996 curveto +214.03676 167.99281 214.03688 167.99659 214.03016 167.99906 curveto +214.02528 168.00267 214.02178 168.00888 214.01523 168.00565 curveto +214.00963 168.0066 214.00575 168.0066 214.00208 168.01158 curveto +213.99613 168.01764 213.99398 168.01292 213.98714 168.01508 curveto +213.98508 168.01601 213.98092 168.01697 213.97929 168.01841 curveto +213.97822 168.01935 213.97811 168.02129 213.97683 168.02188 curveto +213.97618 168.02218 213.97602 168.0207 213.97561 168.02011 curveto +213.97515 168.0205 213.97469 168.02088 213.97423 168.02127 curveto +213.96752 168.02715 213.96215 168.03391 213.95574 168.0399 curveto +213.94151 168.04998 213.9235 168.05566 213.90735 168.06187 curveto +213.75523 168.01709 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.88007 167.96682 moveto +213.89384 167.95788 213.90755 167.94888 213.92135 167.93998 curveto +213.926 167.9375 213.92968 167.93367 213.93499 167.93253 curveto +213.93976 167.93181 213.94461 167.93228 213.94942 167.93235 curveto +213.95451 167.93241 213.95961 167.93242 213.96471 167.93248 curveto +213.96943 167.93246 213.97414 167.93249 213.97886 167.93247 curveto +213.98425 167.93249 213.98963 167.93251 213.99502 167.93248 curveto +213.99807 167.9323 213.99913 167.93198 214.00115 167.93442 curveto +214.15477 167.97786 lineto +214.15125 167.98201 214.15161 167.98212 214.14689 167.98183 curveto +214.14153 167.9818 214.13617 167.98182 214.13081 167.98184 curveto +214.12604 167.98182 214.12127 167.98185 214.1165 167.98182 curveto +214.11137 167.98187 214.10624 167.98186 214.10112 167.98181 curveto +214.09644 167.98178 214.09174 167.98203 214.08711 167.98132 curveto +214.08247 167.98058 214.07904 167.97787 214.07482 167.98191 curveto +214.05978 167.98761 214.04683 167.99807 214.03352 168.00689 curveto +213.88007 167.96682 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.97452 167.94961 moveto +213.99139 167.9464 214.00643 167.9383 214.02187 167.93129 curveto +214.02932 167.92911 214.03553 167.92513 214.04248 167.9219 curveto +214.04965 167.91804 214.05596 167.91303 214.06342 167.90974 curveto +214.07217 167.90933 214.07985 167.9051 214.08825 167.9027 curveto +214.09068 167.90311 214.09297 167.90069 214.09541 167.90096 curveto +214.09609 167.90104 214.09633 167.90227 214.09701 167.90223 curveto +214.09904 167.90212 214.10267 167.89898 214.10442 167.89789 curveto +214.10831 167.89592 214.11011 167.89235 214.11437 167.89107 curveto +214.12106 167.88992 214.12796 167.89028 214.13474 167.89027 curveto +214.14008 167.8934 214.14803 167.8873 214.15363 167.88539 curveto +214.15886 167.88322 214.1643 167.88233 214.16992 167.88198 curveto +214.17041 167.88262 214.17061 167.88375 214.17141 167.8839 curveto +214.17283 167.88417 214.18829 167.87721 214.19133 167.87642 curveto +214.19921 167.87388 214.2068 167.87575 214.21426 167.8724 curveto +214.22169 167.86899 214.22952 167.86687 214.23759 167.86577 curveto +214.24832 167.86608 214.25976 167.86157 214.26957 167.85721 curveto +214.27785 167.85352 214.28648 167.85065 214.29542 167.84909 curveto +214.30349 167.84989 214.311 167.84484 214.31871 167.84269 curveto +214.32453 167.84178 214.3321 167.83815 214.33758 167.84123 curveto +214.34299 167.84063 214.34703 167.83577 214.35264 167.83548 curveto +214.36016 167.83069 214.36746 167.8255 214.37506 167.82074 curveto +214.38063 167.81801 214.38616 167.81489 214.39193 167.8117 curveto +214.39296 167.81101 214.39384 167.81001 214.39501 167.80962 curveto +214.39568 167.80939 214.39639 167.81007 214.39709 167.80999 curveto +214.40045 167.8096 214.40588 167.80406 214.40887 167.80226 curveto +214.41656 167.80046 214.42261 167.79487 214.4302 167.79213 curveto +214.43766 167.79211 214.44345 167.78735 214.45 167.78451 curveto +214.45871 167.7826 214.46696 167.77865 214.4757 167.7762 curveto +214.48683 167.77405 214.49776 167.77286 214.50857 167.76926 curveto +214.51714 167.76649 214.52572 167.76526 214.53428 167.76248 curveto +214.53965 167.75895 214.5494 167.75924 214.5539 167.75697 curveto +214.55991 167.75413 214.56525 167.74857 214.57226 167.74945 curveto +214.57874 167.74819 214.58248 167.74168 214.58933 167.74189 curveto +214.59514 167.74 214.59872 167.73527 214.60406 167.73245 curveto +214.60999 167.734 214.61319 167.72857 214.61752 167.72572 curveto +214.62535 167.72341 214.63174 167.71837 214.63991 167.7165 curveto +214.64842 167.71416 214.65645 167.70804 214.66543 167.70791 curveto +214.67388 167.70449 214.68244 167.6991 214.6918 167.6993 curveto +214.69964 167.69464 214.70799 167.69189 214.71674 167.68919 curveto +214.72725 167.68306 214.73841 167.67824 214.74911 167.67247 curveto +214.76119 167.66631 214.77408 167.66201 214.78636 167.65619 curveto +214.7948 167.65158 214.8036 167.64829 214.81304 167.64659 curveto +214.8222 167.64699 214.83067 167.64167 214.83988 167.6406 curveto +214.85005 167.63647 214.86062 167.63356 214.8713 167.63112 curveto +214.88416 167.62829 214.89759 167.62901 214.9107 167.62897 curveto +214.92263 167.62935 214.93468 167.6281 214.94656 167.62938 curveto +214.96029 167.62653 214.97296 167.62038 214.98663 167.61693 curveto +214.99601 167.61473 215.00563 167.61425 215.01501 167.61213 curveto +215.16738 167.65693 lineto +215.15775 167.66029 215.14854 167.66299 215.13819 167.66289 curveto +215.12419 167.66492 215.11098 167.66816 215.09878 167.67558 curveto +215.08727 167.68077 215.07373 167.67688 215.06134 167.67789 curveto +215.04882 167.67788 215.0363 167.67804 215.02378 167.67771 curveto +215.01334 167.67906 215.00294 167.68072 214.99294 167.68413 curveto +214.98428 167.68948 214.97309 167.68767 214.96493 167.69458 curveto +214.95615 167.69435 214.94731 167.69461 214.93932 167.69873 curveto +214.92713 167.70412 214.91563 167.71071 214.90266 167.71409 curveto +214.89181 167.71994 214.88082 167.72504 214.86997 167.73084 curveto +214.86623 167.73356 214.86298 167.73661 214.85828 167.73759 curveto +214.85272 167.73874 214.85044 167.73656 214.8452 167.74238 curveto +214.83754 167.74821 214.82735 167.74575 214.81893 167.75069 curveto +214.81159 167.75646 214.80094 167.75482 214.79288 167.76014 curveto +214.78561 167.76394 214.77686 167.76301 214.77104 167.76976 curveto +214.76978 167.76977 214.76854 167.7687 214.76733 167.76905 curveto +214.76332 167.77022 214.76067 167.77725 214.75676 167.77876 curveto +214.74928 167.77696 214.74881 167.7789 214.74306 167.78417 curveto +214.73641 167.79007 214.73173 167.78496 214.7257 167.7927 curveto +214.71892 167.79823 214.71467 167.79345 214.70779 167.79875 curveto +214.70328 167.80129 214.70552 167.7996 214.70136 167.80421 curveto +214.69788 167.80631 214.69023 167.80323 214.68701 167.80695 curveto +214.67815 167.80973 214.67049 167.81365 214.66115 167.81434 curveto +214.64995 167.81677 214.63981 167.82293 214.62805 167.82211 curveto +214.62349 167.82281 214.61844 167.82299 214.61411 167.82468 curveto +214.6112 167.82582 214.60896 167.82838 214.606 167.82938 curveto +214.60514 167.82967 214.6042 167.82917 214.60329 167.82906 curveto +214.59547 167.83072 214.58907 167.83355 214.58252 167.83842 curveto +214.57396 167.83841 214.56791 167.84003 214.56198 167.84673 curveto +214.55266 167.84648 214.55463 167.85079 214.5482 167.85445 curveto +214.54753 167.85484 214.54668 167.85415 214.54592 167.85399 curveto +214.54248 167.85552 214.53765 167.85686 214.53471 167.85916 curveto +214.53349 167.86011 214.53295 167.86184 214.5316 167.86259 curveto +214.53088 167.86299 214.52998 167.86236 214.52917 167.86224 curveto +214.52138 167.86612 214.5129 167.86984 214.50693 167.87622 curveto +214.50233 167.88118 214.49568 167.88071 214.49087 167.88541 curveto +214.48442 167.89128 214.47936 167.88771 214.47119 167.88895 curveto +214.46254 167.88994 214.45449 167.89122 214.44752 167.897 curveto +214.43903 167.89703 214.43046 167.89754 214.42243 167.90058 curveto +214.41632 167.9027 214.41107 167.90615 214.40509 167.90845 curveto +214.40352 167.90906 214.39567 167.9106 214.39402 167.91129 curveto +214.39235 167.91199 214.39092 167.91315 214.38936 167.91408 curveto +214.38204 167.91391 214.3745 167.91388 214.36745 167.91611 curveto +214.35784 167.91901 214.3556 167.92467 214.34372 167.92281 curveto +214.33552 167.92373 214.32687 167.92353 214.32182 167.93104 curveto +214.31675 167.9309 214.3116 167.93024 214.3066 167.93075 curveto +214.29894 167.93219 214.29178 167.93326 214.28638 167.9396 curveto +214.27989 167.93955 214.27333 167.93979 214.26688 167.93905 curveto +214.26152 167.9383 214.26441 167.93456 214.25877 167.93876 curveto +214.25216 167.94281 214.24866 167.94856 214.24066 167.94857 curveto +214.23634 167.94924 214.23147 167.94935 214.22738 167.95104 curveto +214.22447 167.95226 214.22223 167.95484 214.21926 167.95593 curveto +214.21824 167.9563 214.21709 167.95593 214.21601 167.95594 curveto +214.20804 167.95527 214.20258 167.95848 214.19619 167.96316 curveto +214.19479 167.96411 214.19339 167.96506 214.19199 167.96602 curveto +214.19096 167.9663 214.18984 167.96637 214.18889 167.96687 curveto +214.18399 167.9695 214.18107 167.97445 214.17478 167.97459 curveto +214.15834 167.98036 214.14343 167.98963 214.12665 167.9944 curveto +213.97452 167.94961 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +71.826238 63.363595 moveto +70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto +67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto +68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto +71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto +74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto +80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto +86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto +92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto +99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto +105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto +111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto +117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto +124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto +130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto +133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto +134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto +134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto +133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto +127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto +120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto +116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto +111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto +102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto +97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto +90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto +82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto +74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.24148704 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +71.826238 63.363595 moveto +70.516817 63.590432 69.249359 63.996026 67.972341 64.354597 curveto +67.005107 65.029021 66.8717 66.471932 67.394257 67.465242 curveto +68.473524 70.082544 69.652037 72.656635 70.835236 75.228091 curveto +71.418471 75.93392 72.442478 75.607379 73.120046 75.228091 curveto +74.739388 74.514332 76.738919 74.259048 78.322806 75.200563 curveto +80.285464 76.137161 82.249904 77.135554 83.910956 78.558959 curveto +86.435496 81.214162 88.226483 84.477289 89.636745 87.835838 curveto +92.60912 96.869611 95.564893 105.90946 98.558925 114.93572 curveto +99.853 118.33674 101.24712 121.76291 103.43668 124.69935 curveto +105.2215 127.09492 107.61264 128.92765 109.9261 130.77945 curveto +111.56563 132.04633 113.37739 133.07389 115.29268 133.86237 curveto +117.20395 134.82175 119.3822 135.04661 121.49308 134.94432 curveto +124.12252 134.86424 126.77187 134.4226 129.19424 133.36687 curveto +130.59227 132.68608 131.86196 131.66777 132.61322 130.28592 curveto +133.2804 129.1573 133.54451 127.84859 133.90701 126.60258 curveto +134.51334 123.78964 134.91812 120.9186 134.94237 118.03809 curveto +134.93866 116.35158 134.73172 114.66427 134.29286 113.0356 curveto +133.58334 110.69835 132.17316 108.55084 130.17425 107.12028 curveto +127.70878 105.34082 124.84046 104.25406 122.15742 102.85742 curveto +120.81368 102.16711 119.43333 101.50012 118.24138 100.56432 curveto +116.80807 99.402892 115.85718 97.789817 114.8367 96.281405 curveto +111.36705 90.879944 108.02321 85.393593 104.358 80.120764 curveto +102.85667 77.986595 101.22958 75.933946 99.428835 74.044851 curveto +97.364999 72.089194 95.25305 70.154981 92.833214 68.642819 curveto +90.503258 67.060086 88.028322 65.643174 85.324541 64.80744 curveto +82.29322 63.781217 79.066717 63.634397 75.898329 63.46457 curveto +74.541462 63.440022 73.182732 63.30198 71.826238 63.363595 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.91042 171.36883 moveto +153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto +141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto +131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto +119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto +117.39882 134.81084 lineto +120.42386 134.89705 lineto +122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto +127.05778 134.23517 lineto +127.78219 136.27738 lineto +128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto +138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto +158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto +197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto +211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto +233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto +235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto +229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto +218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto +209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto +202.8011 171.65158 lineto +185.12229 171.60909 lineto +175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto +161.91042 171.36883 lineto +closepath +143.1547 167.33886 moveto +143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto +143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto +143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto +142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto +143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto +143.1547 167.33886 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +161.91042 171.36883 moveto +153.54165 171.06969 149.25022 170.60437 144.09665 169.43727 curveto +141.92148 168.94467 141.24019 168.64903 139.60513 167.48823 curveto +131.66553 161.85158 124.42707 152.91577 120.51668 143.92375 curveto +119.62972 141.88418 117.95724 137.10621 117.56298 135.48561 curveto +117.39882 134.81084 lineto +120.42386 134.89705 lineto +122.29299 134.95031 124.13838 134.84032 125.25333 134.60921 curveto +127.05778 134.23517 lineto +127.78219 136.27738 lineto +128.84241 139.26628 131.10661 143.63906 133.25398 146.84488 curveto +138.44723 154.59792 144.96206 159.7624 151.41748 161.24355 curveto +158.00352 162.75467 185.15606 163.54685 194.16413 162.49068 curveto +197.6655 162.08015 202.97905 160.91866 205.63511 159.98321 curveto +211.33957 157.97416 214.71303 155.7404 228.6594 144.73754 curveto +233.56286 140.86898 235.58637 139.41456 235.45428 139.85361 curveto +235.00639 141.34213 233.8017 144.18009 232.57028 146.64749 curveto +229.84537 152.10749 226.31757 156.93826 221.70086 161.53149 curveto +218.05635 165.15744 215.24345 167.3161 212.92256 168.26806 curveto +209.19703 169.79616 207.57476 170.37245 205.23025 171.00068 curveto +202.8011 171.65158 lineto +185.12229 171.60909 lineto +175.39894 171.58573 164.9536 171.47761 161.91042 171.36883 curveto +161.91042 171.36883 lineto +closepath +143.1547 167.33886 moveto +143.07713 167.21335 143.10551 167.0598 143.21778 166.99764 curveto +143.33004 166.93548 143.30043 166.9048 143.15198 166.92947 curveto +143.00353 166.95415 142.84004 167.1912 142.78865 167.45627 curveto +142.7305 167.75624 142.80859 167.86814 142.99548 167.75263 curveto +143.16063 167.65057 143.23227 167.46437 143.1547 167.33886 curveto +143.1547 167.33886 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +123.65131 103.44399 moveto +121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto +120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto +125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto +129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto +132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto +131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto +127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto +123.65131 103.44399 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +123.65131 103.44399 moveto +121.28872 102.26781 120.07649 101.51753 120.07928 101.23317 curveto +120.08639 100.50779 123.16782 94.620958 125.00003 91.832472 curveto +125.95253 90.382856 127.36597 88.407333 128.14103 87.442421 curveto +129.58117 85.649517 132.78544 82.247795 132.91212 82.377328 curveto +132.95075 82.416839 132.69777 83.299371 132.34992 84.338507 curveto +131.7675 86.078359 127.90232 103.89655 127.90232 104.84162 curveto +127.90232 105.48783 127.47358 105.34688 123.65131 103.444 curveto +123.65131 103.44399 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +159.34631 171.1021 moveto +152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto +139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto +124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto +118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto +117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto +124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto +126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto +128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto +137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto +158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto +190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto +208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto +234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto +235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto +225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto +213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto +203.38156 171.38304 lineto +183.65813 171.34014 lineto +172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto +159.34631 171.1021 lineto +closepath +143.28693 167.31853 moveto +143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto +142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto +142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto +143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.017813761 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +159.34631 171.1021 moveto +152.4045 170.80686 146.81776 170.06552 142.94357 168.92552 curveto +139.71609 167.9758 133.96826 163.13976 129.0228 157.213 curveto +124.61783 151.93397 121.1324 145.69066 118.87109 139.02858 curveto +118.19724 137.04335 117.64591 135.32734 117.64591 135.21525 curveto +117.64591 135.10316 119.49813 134.94756 121.76197 134.8695 curveto +124.0258 134.79143 126.12094 134.64933 126.41784 134.55371 curveto +126.88529 134.40317 127.04269 134.61782 127.59209 136.1552 curveto +128.42382 138.48265 130.21402 142.14163 131.8282 144.81341 curveto +137.50559 154.21056 144.99572 160.2539 152.55315 161.53513 curveto +158.03144 162.46389 168.58682 163.01686 180.77589 163.01366 curveto +190.63141 163.01107 194.27131 162.76832 199.09438 161.79194 curveto +208.39865 159.90838 211.39098 158.26695 225.87803 147.09988 curveto +234.63776 140.34761 234.776 140.24503 234.92081 140.38983 curveto +235.31711 140.78614 231.76437 148.13926 229.4892 151.6316 curveto +225.67838 157.48112 220.06272 163.49521 215.52437 166.58726 curveto +213.69587 167.83306 209.92151 169.42649 206.06931 170.57894 curveto +203.38156 171.38304 lineto +183.65813 171.34014 lineto +172.81025 171.31654 161.86993 171.20942 159.34631 171.10209 curveto +159.34631 171.1021 lineto +closepath +143.28693 167.31853 moveto +143.28693 167.01287 143.16548 166.83785 143.01703 166.9296 curveto +142.86858 167.02135 142.74712 167.27143 142.74712 167.48534 curveto +142.74712 167.69925 142.86858 167.87427 143.01703 167.87427 curveto +143.16548 167.87427 143.28693 167.62419 143.28693 167.31853 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +191.3841 162.63239 moveto +191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto +194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto +195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto +190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto +191.3841 162.63239 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.0044534402 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +191.3841 162.63239 moveto +191.73666 162.60234 192.70291 162.51253 193.5313 162.43282 curveto +194.3597 162.35311 195.05106 162.30147 195.06767 162.31807 curveto +195.13445 162.38486 191.68332 162.71194 191.08046 162.69596 curveto +190.86125 162.69015 190.96762 162.66788 191.3841 162.63239 curveto +191.3841 162.63239 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +186.13361 161.78041 moveto +186.27898 161.89038 186.42026 162.00561 186.56457 162.11694 curveto +186.69418 162.21693 186.8201 162.32213 186.95519 162.41459 curveto +187.7208 162.93857 188.54934 163.34499 189.37566 163.76163 curveto +190.50733 164.3259 191.68396 164.79064 192.87933 165.19967 curveto +193.07545 165.26724 193.26886 165.34376 193.46837 165.40125 curveto +193.56936 165.43035 193.66115 165.45381 193.75663 165.49814 curveto +193.8339 165.53208 193.90967 165.56757 193.99403 165.57899 curveto +194.01186 165.5814 194.06548 165.58726 194.04778 165.58406 curveto +193.65481 165.51305 193.2613 165.44503 192.86806 165.37551 curveto +193.38218 165.42487 193.90635 165.46919 194.39645 165.63693 curveto +193.12411 165.60079 lineto +192.5094 165.45327 194.86997 165.83666 194.07021 165.78249 curveto +193.4385 165.67375 193.00458 165.68094 192.49477 165.44947 curveto +192.22052 165.35464 191.94222 165.27124 191.67417 165.15857 curveto +190.53254 164.73825 189.41182 164.26216 188.3259 163.71251 curveto +187.46877 163.27898 186.60256 162.85733 185.79094 162.34082 curveto +185.64444 162.24759 185.50734 162.14038 185.3656 162.04007 curveto +184.92953 161.73144 185.21383 161.93171 184.87802 161.69556 curveto +186.13361 161.78041 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +179.82026 161.08747 moveto +180.11343 161.30474 180.4288 161.48893 180.77089 161.61949 curveto +180.91737 161.67539 181.06736 161.72166 181.21559 161.77275 curveto +182.52869 162.20787 183.87846 162.51461 185.22149 162.83992 curveto +185.69903 162.95311 186.17984 163.05287 186.66386 163.13418 curveto +186.77051 163.1521 187.09091 163.20295 186.98447 163.18379 curveto +183.40962 162.54037 182.00644 162.34661 183.43826 162.54657 curveto +183.61075 162.56946 183.78449 162.5792 183.95835 162.58157 curveto +184.02075 162.58202 184.08297 162.5773 184.14519 162.57339 curveto +184.20546 162.56857 184.26595 162.57048 184.32632 162.57145 curveto +184.42832 162.57114 184.53032 162.57273 184.63232 162.57342 curveto +184.65628 162.56762 184.67968 162.55857 184.70419 162.55603 curveto +184.72672 162.55369 184.7498 162.55486 184.77209 162.55891 curveto +186.16059 162.81112 187.54832 163.06758 188.93593 163.3247 curveto +189.00792 163.33804 189.07482 163.36166 189.14788 163.37151 curveto +189.22324 163.41363 189.30972 163.44771 189.39721 163.45084 curveto +189.41569 163.4515 189.47085 163.45252 189.45265 163.44924 curveto +188.09954 163.20528 186.7451 162.9688 185.39132 162.72858 curveto +185.42086 162.76039 185.49263 162.73932 185.52292 162.76252 curveto +185.53454 162.77143 185.53145 162.79188 185.54188 162.80217 curveto +185.55804 162.8181 185.58478 162.8172 185.60534 162.8268 curveto +185.76443 162.75588 185.92567 162.69105 186.08519 162.62127 curveto +186.27079 162.52679 186.47893 162.50267 186.67556 162.44192 curveto +186.84856 162.3901 187.02543 162.3521 187.19787 162.29834 curveto +187.26739 162.29046 187.32993 162.25955 187.39788 162.24535 curveto +187.41211 162.24237 187.42773 162.24486 187.44105 162.23901 curveto +187.46728 162.22748 187.52374 162.17512 187.54235 162.15892 curveto +187.55697 162.14728 187.57044 162.13404 187.5862 162.124 curveto +187.64655 162.08556 187.61112 162.12267 187.66479 162.08207 curveto +187.71165 162.04662 187.75133 162.00716 187.80181 161.97609 curveto +187.8866 161.92057 187.97478 161.90227 188.07435 161.90012 curveto +188.12816 161.90358 188.18188 161.9097 188.2358 161.9105 curveto +188.46259 161.91387 188.68902 161.8817 188.91477 161.86543 curveto +189.78926 161.80244 188.61053 161.89507 189.59776 161.81578 curveto +190.1371 161.76534 190.66989 161.66934 191.20359 161.58014 curveto +191.54109 161.4996 191.88365 161.46963 192.22929 161.45535 curveto +192.78881 161.44243 193.34855 161.42385 193.90716 161.38877 curveto +194.25218 161.36224 194.59977 161.33824 194.94034 161.27413 curveto +195.10432 161.26533 195.24097 161.17437 195.39328 161.12599 curveto +195.57503 161.04696 195.76511 161.00399 195.96074 160.97869 curveto +196.17233 160.97303 196.38154 160.93211 196.593 160.91517 curveto +196.81393 160.91254 197.0344 160.89276 197.24373 160.81963 curveto +197.5147 160.68752 197.81333 160.65191 198.10771 160.60769 curveto +198.5044 160.55037 198.89845 160.4834 199.291 160.40319 curveto +199.58208 160.34271 199.86505 160.25284 200.15137 160.17411 curveto +200.42617 160.0855 200.7045 160.01106 200.98361 159.93808 curveto +201.20403 159.88976 201.4268 159.83918 201.65107 159.81215 curveto +201.81173 159.77763 201.97111 159.73438 202.12539 159.67767 curveto +202.20231 159.67109 202.26303 159.62663 202.33172 159.59863 curveto +202.41508 159.56465 202.46563 159.56164 202.55351 159.51787 curveto +202.80541 159.41278 203.07962 159.36798 203.34513 159.30648 curveto +203.5256 159.26571 203.70971 159.24053 203.88923 159.1966 curveto +205.0501 158.38961 204.07783 159.04948 207.84388 160.38608 curveto +207.92521 160.41494 207.68001 160.44031 207.59904 160.47014 curveto +207.49679 160.50782 207.39584 160.54896 207.29434 160.58859 curveto +206.69939 160.82089 207.11897 160.65983 206.46882 160.90658 curveto +205.74199 161.16247 205.01832 161.43836 204.26752 161.61608 curveto +203.51747 161.77917 202.75782 161.89139 202.00447 162.03716 curveto +201.28154 162.17705 201.24076 162.19338 200.53116 162.35829 curveto +199.29205 162.68637 198.06449 163.05647 196.83116 163.40549 curveto +196.00051 163.63544 195.15926 163.82627 194.31635 164.00548 curveto +193.99801 164.07857 193.67618 164.12622 193.34997 164.13798 curveto +192.82737 164.13949 192.306 164.10186 191.78658 164.04764 curveto +190.06093 163.87092 188.33926 163.58948 186.66517 163.13652 curveto +186.55538 163.11266 186.44303 163.08065 186.33895 163.03759 curveto +186.24195 162.99746 186.20246 162.96639 186.09498 162.9523 curveto +185.97549 162.94943 186.03617 162.95745 185.91329 162.92573 curveto +187.22672 163.16031 188.54003 163.39549 189.85356 163.62946 curveto +189.91214 163.63989 189.73672 163.60688 189.67816 163.59632 curveto +189.47241 163.55922 189.49906 163.56499 189.29266 163.53587 curveto +188.90227 163.4727 188.5091 163.47816 188.11558 163.49071 curveto +187.51472 163.49021 186.91382 163.50781 186.31297 163.50167 curveto +184.65376 163.49151 183.15458 163.01729 181.45362 162.70334 curveto +181.46403 162.65904 181.35186 162.64304 181.33803 162.61602 curveto +181.31442 162.5699 181.30912 162.4918 181.29865 162.43966 curveto +181.51629 160.4983 182.8862 164.32948 185.57707 162.69809 curveto +187.74006 161.38673 179.98801 161.6712 181.6415 162.00974 curveto +181.80803 162.03727 181.97485 162.01365 182.14097 162.03995 curveto +183.65481 162.23596 185.04523 162.55658 186.64166 162.81217 curveto +187.94353 163.02059 184.04502 162.35311 182.74657 162.12436 curveto +182.68518 162.11354 182.86916 162.14702 182.93045 162.15835 curveto +183.47655 162.25205 184.02871 162.28773 184.58132 162.31461 curveto +185.23834 162.32901 185.89549 162.30573 186.54998 162.24812 curveto +186.8371 162.21221 187.13167 162.19944 187.41249 162.126 curveto +187.6693 162.05119 187.92644 161.97866 188.18551 161.91146 curveto +188.45614 161.85259 188.72774 161.80246 188.99294 161.72114 curveto +189.21373 161.66268 189.43031 161.59039 189.65309 161.53949 curveto +189.85297 161.48929 190.05797 161.50789 190.26122 161.50172 curveto +190.74653 161.44486 191.23063 161.37564 191.71424 161.30529 curveto +192.12636 161.25862 192.53691 161.20181 192.94422 161.12369 curveto +193.11127 161.10105 193.27346 161.05412 193.43634 161.0122 curveto +197.45909 162.24432 lineto +197.27212 162.26233 197.08748 162.29349 196.90577 162.34225 curveto +196.46965 162.39821 196.03675 162.47894 195.59737 162.5093 curveto +195.13975 162.56705 194.67987 162.62791 194.23051 162.73213 curveto +194.21055 162.73729 194.02767 162.78603 193.994 162.78999 curveto +193.88445 162.80288 193.7708 162.7737 193.66088 162.78479 curveto +193.43305 162.79233 193.20706 162.82543 192.99077 162.90023 curveto +192.71435 162.97072 192.44512 163.07475 192.15962 163.10596 curveto +191.90706 163.15363 191.65789 163.22209 191.41627 163.30916 curveto +191.33212 163.33335 191.25051 163.366 191.16605 163.38909 curveto +190.93053 163.45348 190.68032 163.44097 190.44114 163.48421 curveto +189.75367 163.51621 189.06654 163.53646 188.37844 163.55036 curveto +187.86532 163.57363 187.34967 163.55447 186.84015 163.48603 curveto +185.28903 163.36718 185.85695 163.41627 182.47466 162.73387 curveto +181.16863 162.47038 185.0994 163.19356 186.41219 163.42097 curveto +186.447 163.427 186.3438 163.40224 186.30872 163.39802 curveto +186.2755 163.39403 186.2418 163.39744 186.20836 163.39646 curveto +186.17773 163.39556 186.14713 163.39375 186.11652 163.3924 curveto +186.02379 163.38144 186.04043 163.38704 185.9508 163.36208 curveto +185.92414 163.35465 185.89883 163.3417 185.87145 163.33768 curveto +185.79462 163.32642 185.71137 163.3468 185.63409 163.3388 curveto +184.20745 163.44043 182.0244 164.52574 181.34387 162.61067 curveto +180.87845 161.30094 184.08233 163.10756 185.46593 163.24039 curveto +185.48441 163.24217 185.51832 162.9402 185.52506 162.8849 curveto +185.5398 162.87127 185.56386 162.8243 185.57433 162.81802 curveto +185.58617 162.81092 185.65499 162.87305 185.66708 162.83306 curveto +184.32368 162.59057 182.98054 162.34662 181.63687 162.10561 curveto +181.60469 162.09984 181.70054 162.1205 181.73251 162.12732 curveto +181.8912 162.16119 182.0526 162.19769 182.21394 162.21552 curveto +182.2938 162.22434 182.37424 162.22685 182.45439 162.23252 curveto +183.03645 162.26746 183.61845 162.27322 184.20081 162.23458 curveto +184.59764 162.21807 184.99495 162.17695 185.39139 162.21824 curveto +186.98223 162.36281 188.49193 162.73253 190.09982 163.02012 curveto +190.13419 163.02627 190.16902 163.03095 190.20248 163.04093 curveto +190.23391 163.05031 190.26326 163.06561 190.29364 163.07795 curveto +190.46234 163.15963 190.64329 163.19566 190.82334 163.24517 curveto +190.98881 163.28881 190.91795 163.27248 191.0961 163.30904 curveto +191.14876 163.31985 191.30715 163.35015 191.25418 163.341 curveto +184.56256 162.18504 186.52324 162.57021 187.94104 162.74863 curveto +188.42358 162.81057 188.90787 162.8751 189.39563 162.85986 curveto +189.74929 162.86209 190.10341 162.86409 190.45515 162.81918 curveto +191.37526 162.7102 192.28887 162.54688 193.1889 162.32614 curveto +193.72297 162.19209 193.88557 162.15627 194.41982 162.00153 curveto +195.27263 161.7545 196.11735 161.47848 196.98797 161.29665 curveto +198.13485 161.0251 199.28479 160.76536 200.42453 160.46467 curveto +201.18889 160.28682 201.95933 160.11883 202.69531 159.84113 curveto +203.02255 159.69512 203.34701 159.55006 203.65849 159.37219 curveto +203.71688 159.33884 203.76558 159.25249 203.83107 159.26773 curveto +205.22607 159.59252 206.5989 160.00612 207.98189 160.37877 curveto +207.99836 160.38321 207.94805 160.37459 207.93112 160.3725 curveto +207.87591 160.39362 207.82292 160.42128 207.76595 160.43704 curveto +207.73572 160.44541 207.70387 160.44612 207.67306 160.45199 curveto +207.55691 160.47409 207.44562 160.51755 207.32591 160.51838 curveto +207.22748 160.53277 207.15162 160.54195 207.05428 160.56391 curveto +206.93187 160.59153 206.80877 160.63168 206.68497 160.65244 curveto +206.65557 160.65736 206.62543 160.65554 206.59565 160.65709 curveto +206.46341 160.69981 206.57832 160.65544 206.44771 160.72987 curveto +206.35715 160.78149 206.24691 160.77998 206.16244 160.84875 curveto +205.99576 160.89719 205.83535 160.96656 205.66805 161.01344 curveto +205.44534 161.08992 205.20358 161.1036 204.97154 161.13619 curveto +204.68785 161.19074 204.40767 161.25745 204.1301 161.33807 curveto +203.98868 161.38533 203.8447 161.42 203.70282 161.46456 curveto +203.55159 161.51207 203.40554 161.57821 203.24519 161.59324 curveto +202.84674 161.68849 202.44429 161.75813 202.03767 161.80757 curveto +201.7798 161.86243 201.51935 161.89484 201.2653 161.96503 curveto +201.11507 162.02742 200.96786 162.10895 200.80777 162.14396 curveto +200.769 162.15244 200.72906 162.15429 200.68992 162.16084 curveto +200.64937 162.16762 200.60915 162.17624 200.56876 162.18395 curveto +200.36359 162.18871 200.15463 162.18753 199.95644 162.24787 curveto +199.77925 162.24827 199.59827 162.23927 199.42656 162.29043 curveto +199.35529 162.3169 199.27221 162.32389 199.20412 162.35679 curveto +199.17679 162.37 199.15424 162.39175 199.12718 162.40551 curveto +199.06684 162.43621 198.99752 162.44701 198.93989 162.48409 curveto +198.55454 162.56936 198.15953 162.59684 197.76574 162.61639 curveto +197.22572 162.64881 196.685 162.66818 196.14596 162.71445 curveto +195.80979 162.72135 195.47234 162.72677 195.14051 162.78764 curveto +194.56819 162.88324 193.98728 162.92201 193.41315 163.00566 curveto +193.30249 163.02361 193.19216 163.0438 193.08116 163.05951 curveto +192.74841 163.1066 192.4086 163.10908 192.08272 163.1991 curveto +192.00866 163.19818 191.93586 163.18301 191.86388 163.1662 curveto +191.83185 163.16449 191.78604 163.14572 191.75503 163.15816 curveto +191.70678 163.17752 191.67799 163.23256 191.62179 163.23619 curveto +191.54284 163.26418 191.51952 163.30786 191.45695 163.3625 curveto +191.40045 163.41184 191.37688 163.41359 191.31049 163.44394 curveto +191.28208 163.45692 191.25408 163.47079 191.22588 163.48421 curveto +191.04783 163.53046 190.87427 163.59595 190.6926 163.62819 curveto +190.36527 163.70792 190.84362 163.58704 190.49978 163.68937 curveto +190.37368 163.72689 190.24291 163.74419 190.11369 163.76706 curveto +189.96442 163.81763 189.82047 163.8755 189.68346 163.95325 curveto +189.65748 163.9827 189.57268 164.07271 189.53993 164.09039 curveto +189.50133 164.11122 189.43051 164.08246 189.38952 164.10133 curveto +188.00352 163.85572 186.61669 163.61467 185.2315 163.36451 curveto +185.16452 163.35241 185.07973 163.2936 185.00405 163.27775 curveto +184.98218 163.27317 184.95959 163.27326 184.93737 163.27101 curveto +184.87555 163.24899 184.58192 163.17784 184.72503 163.2033 curveto +186.06988 163.44248 187.4136 163.68793 188.75788 163.93025 curveto +188.67781 163.90449 188.71535 163.92223 188.64514 163.8773 curveto +188.54728 163.87797 188.44941 163.87955 188.35155 163.8792 curveto +188.29592 163.88026 188.24027 163.88162 188.18466 163.87865 curveto +188.11581 163.87674 188.04695 163.87642 187.97813 163.88021 curveto +187.76505 163.88937 187.55159 163.88411 187.33908 163.86554 curveto +185.34491 163.66069 183.37164 163.24231 181.43005 162.74767 curveto +180.06737 162.40091 178.70686 162.04466 177.35841 161.64551 curveto +177.16996 161.58138 176.97885 161.52457 176.79306 161.4531 curveto +176.37658 161.2929 175.99945 161.0482 175.60723 160.83945 curveto +179.82026 161.08747 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +202.53291 159.67343 moveto +202.56529 159.66089 202.59819 159.64961 202.63005 159.63581 curveto +202.75688 159.58089 202.87907 159.51638 203.01068 159.47227 curveto +203.09995 159.44236 203.54753 159.31817 203.5969 159.3043 curveto +204.43611 159.06833 205.27048 158.81924 206.0807 158.49644 curveto +206.40104 158.36388 206.71961 158.22569 207.0136 158.04088 curveto +207.20664 157.91933 207.39095 157.78498 207.57614 157.652 curveto +207.76754 157.50523 207.97102 157.37932 208.17573 157.25235 curveto +208.41536 157.12073 208.63265 156.95596 208.85523 156.79832 curveto +209.03339 156.69335 209.15099 156.52203 209.29806 156.38202 curveto +209.42586 156.24678 209.54347 156.10249 209.66608 155.9627 curveto +209.79229 155.81269 209.95276 155.70155 210.11135 155.58911 curveto +210.32998 155.47162 210.54903 155.35121 210.77838 155.25604 curveto +211.03969 155.14265 211.26826 154.97368 211.48521 154.79184 curveto +211.72475 154.60013 211.94663 154.38836 212.15055 154.15932 curveto +212.29441 153.97366 212.45737 153.80772 212.6357 153.65551 curveto +212.83636 153.51441 213.07506 153.43064 213.30507 153.34856 curveto +213.66222 153.24241 213.99984 153.09466 214.33291 152.92941 curveto +214.69657 152.75064 215.03574 152.52761 215.386 152.32472 curveto +215.92675 152.04392 216.47438 151.7765 217.01712 151.49956 curveto +217.39542 151.28548 217.79233 151.10856 218.17687 150.90721 curveto +218.97301 150.4742 219.72858 149.97563 220.46676 149.45133 curveto +220.99447 149.05176 221.53326 148.65908 222.01565 148.20397 curveto +222.22007 148.01111 222.43702 147.77348 222.62975 147.56765 curveto +223.07973 147.08206 223.48847 146.56141 223.90752 146.04959 curveto +224.18958 145.70436 224.4801 145.36554 224.77465 145.03086 curveto +224.9259 144.86517 225.06502 144.68957 225.20528 144.51474 curveto +225.28206 144.42359 225.34207 144.30621 225.44063 144.23631 curveto +225.52139 144.11428 225.60379 143.99359 225.69368 143.87786 curveto +225.78168 143.74736 225.87429 143.62027 225.95697 143.4862 curveto +226.05768 143.31355 226.14625 143.13336 226.25652 142.96653 curveto +226.37244 142.80546 226.52324 142.67523 226.66402 142.5369 curveto +226.77047 142.41597 226.89004 142.3077 227.00214 142.19269 curveto +227.01657 142.175 227.02924 142.15572 227.04543 142.13962 curveto +227.08753 142.09773 227.06389 142.14155 227.09852 142.09868 curveto +227.13195 142.05729 227.14572 142.02266 227.19183 141.99527 curveto +227.19861 141.99761 227.20603 142.00601 227.21217 142.0023 curveto +227.22534 141.99433 227.36882 141.84551 227.38396 141.82757 curveto +227.39532 141.8166 227.40492 141.80346 227.41802 141.79466 curveto +227.5003 141.73937 227.4067 141.82365 227.48264 141.76444 curveto +227.48355 141.76373 227.54715 141.70133 227.55768 141.70014 curveto +227.56616 141.69918 227.56812 141.71364 227.57333 141.72039 curveto +227.60874 141.73414 227.56153 141.72075 227.61686 141.68488 curveto +227.6221 141.68148 227.62554 141.69796 227.6316 141.69646 curveto +227.68536 141.68315 227.74358 141.60335 227.77951 141.56756 curveto +227.94666 141.38927 228.15182 141.25393 228.35279 141.11744 curveto +228.53093 141.01106 228.72048 140.92344 228.88968 140.80279 curveto +228.94849 140.76295 229.01661 140.72853 229.06664 140.67663 curveto +229.07968 140.6631 229.08705 140.64353 229.10292 140.63347 curveto +229.10864 140.62985 229.11523 140.63912 229.12139 140.64194 curveto +229.17156 140.63662 229.20627 140.58562 229.2381 140.55082 curveto +229.26423 140.5297 229.27044 140.4935 229.29299 140.47001 curveto +229.29742 140.46538 229.30708 140.47469 229.31219 140.47083 curveto +229.32683 140.45978 229.33403 140.44105 229.34763 140.42874 curveto +229.3586 140.41882 229.42137 140.38328 229.43192 140.37715 curveto +229.44425 140.37161 229.45829 140.36889 229.46893 140.36055 curveto +229.48655 140.34672 229.49914 140.32743 229.51521 140.31181 curveto +229.56646 140.26199 229.62363 140.22058 229.67426 140.17097 curveto +229.74742 140.08416 229.81528 139.99303 229.87463 139.89576 curveto +229.92018 139.83435 229.97953 139.78508 230.02935 139.7251 curveto +230.09555 139.62174 230.14384 139.5088 230.20103 139.40056 curveto +230.23304 139.38233 230.22982 139.34763 230.24783 139.31455 curveto +230.2548 139.30174 230.27673 139.28683 230.28605 139.27228 curveto +230.28686 139.27731 230.28602 139.29181 230.28846 139.28735 curveto +230.2994 139.26743 230.30185 139.24359 230.31275 139.22365 curveto +230.34939 139.15667 230.41612 139.09666 230.45993 139.03322 curveto +230.53122 138.92318 230.59543 138.80882 230.66849 138.69974 curveto +230.67818 138.69677 230.68787 138.69607 230.69343 138.68592 curveto +230.74149 138.5982 230.75745 138.58537 230.83082 138.52046 curveto +230.8391 138.5177 230.8491 138.51796 230.85564 138.5122 curveto +230.87032 138.49924 230.87843 138.48013 230.89225 138.46626 curveto +230.9291 138.42927 230.96977 138.39384 231.00541 138.35426 curveto +231.08502 138.26604 231.15425 138.17138 231.231 138.08061 curveto +231.24144 138.06802 231.25032 138.05396 231.26233 138.04285 curveto +231.28343 138.02331 231.31418 138.00746 231.33176 137.98173 curveto +231.45307 137.80421 231.30062 138.00603 231.39044 137.88911 curveto +231.42298 137.85537 231.43177 137.81381 231.439 137.76929 curveto +235.60283 138.53329 lineto +235.57689 138.61786 235.55513 138.70411 235.51984 138.78541 curveto +235.51002 138.80316 235.5002 138.8209 235.49038 138.83864 curveto +235.48194 138.84646 235.47102 138.85226 235.46506 138.8621 curveto +235.42431 138.92932 235.4071 139.01661 235.33664 139.06192 curveto +235.30287 139.09105 235.25193 139.12417 235.22513 139.15983 curveto +235.19284 139.20279 235.1735 139.25662 235.13238 139.29399 curveto +235.1101 139.32477 235.09365 139.36013 235.06753 139.38772 curveto +235.05991 139.39577 235.04565 139.39512 235.03817 139.4033 curveto +235.0236 139.41922 235.01758 139.44166 235.00333 139.45787 curveto +234.99541 139.46689 234.98316 139.47089 234.97307 139.4774 curveto +234.96054 139.49781 234.948 139.51822 234.93547 139.53863 curveto +234.91292 139.55745 234.89358 139.58021 234.86952 139.59706 curveto +234.86389 139.60101 234.85627 139.60579 234.84985 139.60332 curveto +234.84317 139.60075 234.84432 139.58098 234.83847 139.58511 curveto +234.8088 139.60605 234.82086 139.66372 234.78674 139.68101 curveto +234.68941 139.74245 234.62221 139.82765 234.57355 139.93218 curveto +234.55917 139.95537 234.47184 140.12151 234.45841 140.1313 curveto +234.45323 140.13507 234.45559 140.10728 234.45267 140.11298 curveto +234.44289 140.13202 234.44153 140.15433 234.43596 140.175 curveto +234.42566 140.19101 234.39637 140.25953 234.38346 140.26586 curveto +234.37579 140.26963 234.38248 140.23719 234.37516 140.2416 curveto +234.34604 140.25915 234.36636 140.32081 234.3326 140.3343 curveto +234.24729 140.40331 234.20662 140.49623 234.15682 140.59274 curveto +234.11984 140.68167 234.07371 140.8075 233.98813 140.858 curveto +233.89656 140.90271 233.85548 141.04549 233.78706 141.11789 curveto +233.75976 141.15667 233.73686 141.19895 233.7052 141.23426 curveto +233.64854 141.29748 233.56174 141.32992 233.52597 141.41224 curveto +233.51784 141.42044 233.4683 141.47294 233.45212 141.48107 curveto +233.44541 141.48444 233.43526 141.47649 233.42959 141.48141 curveto +233.4161 141.49313 233.41591 141.51782 233.40012 141.52621 curveto +233.39246 141.53029 233.38969 141.51233 233.38448 141.50539 curveto +233.37685 141.51267 233.36921 141.51995 233.36158 141.52723 curveto +233.31189 141.57865 233.27077 141.6361 233.22821 141.69342 curveto +233.21654 141.70938 233.20992 141.73074 233.1932 141.74129 curveto +233.18542 141.7462 233.17624 141.72981 233.16727 141.73185 curveto +233.1068 141.74567 233.01143 141.85137 232.95276 141.87517 curveto +232.64632 142.04421 233.16143 141.75631 232.79377 141.97729 curveto +232.76357 141.99544 232.72972 142.00683 232.69901 142.02409 curveto +232.59446 142.08287 232.4967 142.15495 232.3831 142.19718 curveto +232.19787 142.28496 232.02985 142.40294 231.87234 142.53367 curveto +231.84515 142.56567 231.80802 142.60748 231.78386 142.64274 curveto +231.76111 142.67597 231.75248 142.7192 231.72401 142.74768 curveto +231.71954 142.75217 231.71234 142.74274 231.70651 142.74027 curveto +231.6968 142.75458 231.6871 142.7689 231.67739 142.78322 curveto +231.66454 142.80253 231.6563 142.82589 231.63883 142.84116 curveto +231.62428 142.8539 231.59373 142.83606 231.57892 142.84109 curveto +231.54051 142.85415 231.52584 142.90659 231.47947 142.89846 curveto +231.47022 142.89741 231.46036 142.89185 231.45172 142.89531 curveto +231.44071 142.89971 231.39562 142.94639 231.38745 142.95286 curveto +231.37004 142.96664 231.34411 142.96971 231.33035 142.98713 curveto +231.31527 143.00622 231.30673 143.02966 231.29492 143.05093 curveto +231.24966 143.0895 231.24348 143.05867 231.21756 143.07537 curveto +231.1853 143.09614 231.17274 143.1389 231.14278 143.16286 curveto +231.13142 143.17194 231.11587 143.17391 231.10242 143.17943 curveto +230.98154 143.29562 230.85022 143.39669 230.73064 143.51542 curveto +230.60417 143.64153 230.4825 143.77217 230.35443 143.89669 curveto +230.22701 144.02957 230.13535 144.19015 230.05349 144.35459 curveto +229.97671 144.50269 229.90935 144.65444 229.80285 144.78503 curveto +229.72663 144.9073 229.62799 145.0142 229.55706 145.13856 curveto +229.54308 145.16793 229.53253 145.1992 229.51511 145.22667 curveto +229.46044 145.3129 229.35413 145.36784 229.30074 145.45656 curveto +229.14421 145.64173 228.96738 145.80761 228.79721 145.98041 curveto +228.47891 146.30711 228.14097 146.61458 227.84102 146.95867 curveto +227.39099 147.47744 226.95898 148.01439 226.45776 148.48575 curveto +225.73968 149.16626 225.04002 149.87382 224.20115 150.40954 curveto +223.79126 150.71615 223.37773 151.01763 222.96657 151.3225 curveto +222.89147 151.37819 222.44395 151.71624 222.34583 151.78585 curveto +222.26492 151.84326 222.18118 151.89656 222.09886 151.95192 curveto +222.03559 151.99481 221.76998 152.17658 221.69153 152.22377 curveto +221.44671 152.37102 221.17453 152.4659 220.91227 152.57563 curveto +220.37721 152.81585 219.85024 153.07311 219.35208 153.3844 curveto +218.99735 153.59554 218.64627 153.81283 218.28735 154.0167 curveto +217.9602 154.17721 217.65125 154.37464 217.30771 154.49878 curveto +217.22974 154.5267 217.1494 154.54777 217.07176 154.57658 curveto +216.94235 154.62461 216.821 154.69751 216.68285 154.72126 curveto +216.48893 154.79479 216.34141 154.96682 216.19658 155.10925 curveto +215.97778 155.34771 215.74799 155.57512 215.51089 155.79544 curveto +215.27961 155.98992 215.05389 156.19516 214.80013 156.35986 curveto +214.54301 156.50985 214.82894 156.35195 214.58457 156.46239 curveto +214.43856 156.52838 214.29816 156.60921 214.14913 156.66952 curveto +214.04062 156.71355 214.02572 156.74542 213.9366 156.81096 curveto +213.87925 156.85315 213.80801 156.8789 213.75628 156.93008 curveto +213.62451 157.06222 213.49415 157.19575 213.37776 157.34203 curveto +213.31292 157.42183 213.24081 157.47874 213.16939 157.55138 curveto +213.07481 157.64758 212.99589 157.75995 212.88579 157.84076 curveto +212.77434 157.91789 212.66036 157.99125 212.55189 158.07262 curveto +212.50633 158.10679 212.36607 158.21877 212.319 158.24952 curveto +212.28322 158.2729 212.24429 158.29106 212.20693 158.31183 curveto +212.0107 158.44244 211.80659 158.55592 211.61922 158.69827 curveto +211.42658 158.82864 211.24565 158.97542 211.04886 159.09967 curveto +210.99107 159.13822 210.87246 159.21866 210.81494 159.25117 curveto +210.53431 159.40975 210.22078 159.49663 209.91641 159.59595 curveto +209.09732 159.87085 208.26724 160.11387 207.45775 160.41647 curveto +207.30055 160.48523 207.15783 160.55047 206.99919 160.6113 curveto +206.89019 160.65309 206.77812 160.69026 206.67463 160.74559 curveto +206.65039 160.75854 206.62873 160.77584 206.60578 160.79096 curveto +202.53291 159.67343 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +220.67876 149.23227 moveto +220.84059 149.15098 220.98575 149.05514 221.11392 148.92728 curveto +221.21078 148.83495 221.28304 148.7205 221.37144 148.62108 curveto +221.39193 148.59803 221.60485 148.38375 221.62039 148.36806 curveto +221.88659 148.08911 222.12773 147.78701 222.36397 147.48258 curveto +222.58482 147.19111 222.80596 146.89993 223.0228 146.60546 curveto +223.16076 146.43754 223.28157 146.25801 223.39849 146.07515 curveto +223.48103 145.91765 223.60412 145.79009 223.72142 145.65902 curveto +223.88639 145.45097 224.06613 145.25938 224.25326 145.07105 curveto +224.55442 144.77341 224.87468 144.49615 225.17287 144.19554 curveto +225.36124 143.99148 225.57173 143.80958 225.75766 143.60328 curveto +225.85529 143.45579 225.98104 143.33773 226.11186 143.22111 curveto +226.22457 143.14626 226.33718 143.07271 226.45085 142.99978 curveto +226.49168 142.97798 226.52364 142.92418 226.56832 142.90785 curveto +226.577 142.90467 226.58748 142.91229 226.59603 142.90879 curveto +226.76213 142.84074 226.52281 142.91047 226.6794 142.86826 curveto +226.69533 142.86304 226.71237 142.86043 226.72719 142.85259 curveto +226.74787 142.84164 226.765 142.82495 226.7848 142.81246 curveto +226.88422 142.74974 226.99253 142.69516 227.09662 142.64059 curveto +227.2622 142.55654 227.42746 142.47203 227.59234 142.38644 curveto +227.71298 142.32563 227.78437 142.20883 227.90439 142.14338 curveto +227.97494 142.17502 227.90393 142.13567 227.95782 142.19137 curveto +227.99917 142.23412 228.08512 142.12492 228.0997 142.11071 curveto +228.25879 141.97362 228.42732 141.84783 228.58902 141.71293 curveto +228.81115 141.52916 229.0382 141.35185 229.25955 141.16712 curveto +229.37763 141.06036 229.5145 140.96746 229.60973 140.83805 curveto +229.63663 140.80831 229.66681 140.7408 229.70778 140.68941 curveto +229.74149 140.58852 229.8211 140.52479 229.88342 140.44424 curveto +229.88457 140.45102 229.88232 140.46972 229.88687 140.46457 curveto +229.89957 140.45021 229.9004 140.42826 229.91142 140.41257 curveto +229.91861 140.40233 229.93157 140.39755 229.94025 140.38855 curveto +229.98295 140.34428 230.0207 140.29468 230.05618 140.24468 curveto +230.12063 140.15456 230.16253 140.05202 230.21845 139.95686 curveto +230.2801 139.85855 230.35371 139.76847 230.42262 139.67464 curveto +230.4796 139.6141 230.50247 139.52907 230.57335 139.48167 curveto +230.6067 139.42117 230.65996 139.37882 230.69684 139.32115 curveto +230.69898 139.31751 230.70276 139.30604 230.70326 139.31023 curveto +230.70465 139.32169 230.69401 139.35475 230.6997 139.3447 curveto +230.69985 139.34443 230.73026 139.24643 230.7428 139.23371 curveto +230.74649 139.22996 230.74695 139.24339 230.74902 139.24822 curveto +230.75862 139.22868 230.76823 139.20913 230.77783 139.18959 curveto +230.79057 139.17081 230.88749 139.07821 230.89639 139.09213 curveto +230.92836 139.00278 230.96796 138.92024 231.03409 138.85101 curveto +231.09412 138.7814 231.12919 138.6949 231.1944 138.62948 curveto +231.33997 138.48347 231.12952 138.71177 231.26053 138.56755 curveto +231.2945 138.53797 231.30337 138.48956 231.32901 138.45531 curveto +231.33228 138.45094 231.34045 138.45593 231.34528 138.45338 curveto +231.36485 138.44303 231.38192 138.42228 231.39664 138.40666 curveto +231.454 138.34477 231.51217 138.28361 231.56429 138.21714 curveto +231.64716 138.1432 231.72568 138.07326 231.79271 137.98421 curveto +231.84405 137.92183 231.90268 137.86645 231.95613 137.80582 curveto +231.98989 137.73212 231.97262 137.76436 232.00581 137.708 curveto +236.14346 138.56797 lineto +236.11393 138.63094 236.13102 138.60561 236.09719 138.64709 curveto +236.05603 138.7627 235.99444 138.87969 235.89352 138.95368 curveto +235.80738 139.01924 235.77437 139.12889 235.69086 139.19922 curveto +235.62989 139.25173 235.57326 139.30895 235.52141 139.37051 curveto +235.5051 139.38999 235.46518 139.46907 235.44613 139.47785 curveto +235.438 139.48159 235.44142 139.45326 235.43257 139.45465 curveto +235.40387 139.45916 235.40789 139.52176 235.37648 139.52137 curveto +235.3488 139.55534 235.32609 139.59352 235.29559 139.62498 curveto +235.16173 139.76304 235.34006 139.56156 235.22533 139.66608 curveto +235.21031 139.67977 235.16804 139.74649 235.15736 139.76276 curveto +235.11922 139.83234 235.07326 139.85229 235.05495 139.92492 curveto +235.02919 140.00988 234.98585 140.11216 234.90859 140.16019 curveto +234.88847 140.121 234.90893 140.15068 234.88054 140.19881 curveto +234.87288 140.2118 234.84617 140.1059 234.87186 140.15444 curveto +234.79958 140.30502 234.88564 140.18381 234.84266 140.24199 curveto +234.81275 140.28176 234.78407 140.34256 234.7483 140.375 curveto +234.74266 140.38011 234.73124 140.37212 234.72558 140.3772 curveto +234.71268 140.38877 234.70668 140.40626 234.69723 140.42078 curveto +234.64957 140.50484 234.63772 140.47737 234.62668 140.49288 curveto +234.59526 140.537 234.58575 140.58472 234.53551 140.61607 curveto +234.46446 140.69558 234.40031 140.78182 234.34578 140.86979 curveto +234.27068 140.95218 234.23455 141.05687 234.16977 141.14631 curveto +234.13544 141.20167 234.10234 141.2581 234.06979 141.31432 curveto +234.06146 141.32872 234.059 141.34677 234.04792 141.35918 curveto +234.04491 141.36255 234.0399 141.3465 234.0376 141.35039 curveto +234.02566 141.37064 234.02182 141.39468 234.01393 141.41683 curveto +233.98215 141.4471 233.92726 141.52135 233.89521 141.53993 curveto +233.88767 141.54431 233.87808 141.53669 233.86952 141.53507 curveto +233.86233 141.5404 233.85515 141.54573 233.84796 141.55106 curveto +233.83555 141.58249 233.81341 141.64509 233.79261 141.67393 curveto +233.79044 141.67694 233.78398 141.66655 233.78226 141.66984 curveto +233.7022 141.82257 233.8081 141.67134 233.73181 141.77452 curveto +233.60439 141.93202 233.45684 142.06394 233.29296 142.18363 curveto +233.06883 142.35443 232.84522 142.52646 232.64106 142.72115 curveto +232.55357 142.79644 232.47222 142.8779 232.38652 142.95311 curveto +232.34434 142.99013 232.28804 143.00908 232.24699 143.04736 curveto +232.22474 143.06812 232.20976 143.09552 232.19114 143.11961 curveto +232.08886 143.19626 232.05396 143.33432 231.946 143.40503 curveto +231.78528 143.34316 231.79128 143.31041 231.65182 143.46326 curveto +231.49055 143.57495 231.31139 143.65181 231.14136 143.7475 curveto +231.01223 143.81088 230.86863 143.87527 230.76109 143.96973 curveto +230.7469 143.98159 230.7327 143.99346 230.7185 144.00533 curveto +230.70789 144.00737 230.69582 144.00573 230.68666 144.01147 curveto +230.67207 144.02063 230.66494 144.03914 230.65026 144.04815 curveto +230.61932 144.06714 230.56634 144.05348 230.53452 144.07232 curveto +230.4189 144.14733 230.29692 144.20562 230.18538 144.28691 curveto +230.05517 144.33919 229.91988 144.43547 229.83796 144.54979 curveto +229.64436 144.78396 229.39418 144.95542 229.16365 145.1507 curveto +228.87268 145.44738 228.56699 145.72882 228.2724 146.02182 curveto +228.10796 146.20957 227.94742 146.4023 227.80465 146.60719 curveto +227.7037 146.7292 227.60567 146.85046 227.49642 146.96517 curveto +227.36977 147.16405 227.22994 147.35805 227.07059 147.53185 curveto +226.82828 147.80652 226.59204 148.08764 226.37389 148.38191 curveto +226.14705 148.70539 225.90107 149.01196 225.63861 149.30741 curveto +225.48625 149.50043 225.32948 149.68772 225.19518 149.89401 curveto +225.06405 150.04146 224.93504 150.19796 224.76223 150.2983 curveto +220.67876 149.23227 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +230.24179 140.02024 moveto +230.3784 139.92626 230.4755 139.78933 230.59412 139.67657 curveto +230.58211 139.65393 230.68334 139.57699 230.69043 139.56486 curveto +230.72541 139.4938 230.70768 139.52579 230.74229 139.46817 curveto +230.77244 139.52511 230.84844 139.25411 230.83371 139.41665 curveto +230.82472 139.49777 230.87612 139.34083 230.88668 139.3217 curveto +230.9056 139.27926 230.93578 139.27234 230.96104 139.24391 curveto +230.97994 139.20011 230.98281 139.14693 231.00879 139.10566 curveto +231.01048 139.10299 231.0147 139.10987 231.0177 139.10888 curveto +231.0228 139.1072 231.02963 139.09337 231.0318 139.08956 curveto +231.02931 139.14326 231.06829 138.97583 231.0788 138.95986 curveto +231.08102 138.95647 231.08199 138.96876 231.08594 138.96969 curveto +231.08913 138.97045 231.09094 138.96544 231.09344 138.96331 curveto +231.1275 138.90774 230.993 139.1286 231.12999 138.86878 curveto +231.13196 138.86503 231.13803 138.87345 231.14214 138.87245 curveto +231.14715 138.87123 231.15054 138.86642 231.15426 138.86285 curveto +231.15785 138.85939 231.16065 138.84773 231.16397 138.85145 curveto +231.16919 138.8573 231.16469 138.86712 231.16505 138.87495 curveto +231.18224 138.86503 231.19713 138.75187 231.226 138.74632 curveto +231.23391 138.7448 231.22359 138.77616 231.22909 138.77028 curveto +231.25248 138.74529 231.25949 138.70881 231.27781 138.67991 curveto +231.29724 138.72317 231.30829 138.64172 231.30475 138.69363 curveto +231.30228 138.69542 231.34852 138.45856 231.36234 138.51777 curveto +231.39333 138.44297 231.33508 138.75349 231.32056 138.57464 curveto +231.32266 138.42702 231.38196 138.29878 231.45073 138.17201 curveto +231.48649 138.0814 231.52015 137.99124 231.56299 137.90395 curveto +231.58213 137.84234 231.6192 137.79673 231.64844 137.73985 curveto +231.67869 137.69758 231.69131 137.6432 231.71999 137.60055 curveto +231.72825 137.58827 231.75776 137.57333 231.76964 137.55965 curveto +231.77064 137.56652 231.77164 137.57339 231.77264 137.58027 curveto +231.77378 137.58024 231.77493 137.58021 231.77607 137.58019 curveto +235.94238 138.39992 lineto +235.92123 138.4672 235.93299 138.42986 235.90704 138.51193 curveto +235.89487 138.52709 235.85401 138.59883 235.84051 138.60321 curveto +235.81773 138.6106 235.85314 138.53496 235.79065 138.62356 curveto +235.74681 138.67752 235.75409 138.71829 235.71417 138.76357 curveto +235.70025 138.79024 235.69084 138.81959 235.67338 138.84409 curveto +235.65913 138.86408 235.64386 138.85655 235.6317 138.87911 curveto +235.62425 138.89291 235.58668 139.00511 235.58361 139.01409 curveto +235.57415 139.03706 235.49193 139.24434 235.53314 139.09482 curveto +235.58826 139.09726 235.54606 139.31943 235.52198 139.37793 curveto +235.46966 139.55314 235.51319 139.24261 235.48933 139.43269 curveto +235.47277 139.52186 235.44369 139.60034 235.40334 139.68202 curveto +235.39846 139.68208 235.39265 139.68508 235.38871 139.68221 curveto +235.38368 139.67854 235.38385 139.66015 235.38053 139.66542 curveto +235.37829 139.66896 235.3469 139.78091 235.32831 139.71198 curveto +235.31254 139.77085 235.3039 139.78127 235.27903 139.8287 curveto +235.27201 139.84209 235.27069 139.88006 235.25968 139.86971 curveto +235.24572 139.85657 235.26696 139.83061 235.26153 139.81223 curveto +235.25892 139.80343 235.25391 139.82893 235.2501 139.83728 curveto +235.18139 139.99846 235.23367 139.88057 235.21412 139.85071 curveto +235.19601 139.82306 235.21795 140.00825 235.19351 139.9477 curveto +235.17992 139.9766 235.1674 140.02976 235.14854 140.05284 curveto +235.13903 140.06448 235.14795 140.00011 235.1362 140.00948 curveto +235.12495 140.01845 235.1287 140.03725 235.12495 140.05114 curveto +235.10749 140.11733 235.07974 140.20643 235.03263 140.25281 curveto +234.9968 140.28174 235.03362 140.24981 235.01517 140.23449 curveto +235.01314 140.23281 234.98572 140.33801 234.98053 140.34703 curveto +234.9713 140.37515 234.96582 140.4048 234.95284 140.43139 curveto +234.95086 140.43545 234.90569 140.44294 234.9012 140.44224 curveto +234.89587 140.44141 234.89069 140.42992 234.88724 140.43407 curveto +234.87427 140.44968 234.8704 140.471 234.86198 140.48946 curveto +234.85075 140.48622 234.84034 140.46526 234.83123 140.47259 curveto +234.80331 140.49504 234.77033 140.60957 234.70393 140.62327 curveto +234.6009 140.76427 234.44415 140.85852 234.34634 141.00566 curveto +230.24179 140.02024 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +178.12692 163.82788 moveto +178.1408 163.82573 178.30527 163.80083 178.31756 163.79647 curveto +178.59477 163.69807 178.79743 163.35723 178.96093 163.13567 curveto +179.05968 163.0085 179.15718 162.88036 179.25718 162.75418 curveto +179.67997 162.22075 179.64414 162.28848 180.06338 161.73278 curveto +180.3977 161.28966 180.71496 160.83423 181.02971 160.37716 curveto +181.36745 159.86962 181.76621 159.40824 182.11216 158.90684 curveto +182.1928 158.78433 182.27691 158.66252 182.33965 158.52938 curveto +182.35141 158.50443 182.36253 158.47904 182.37092 158.45276 curveto +182.3743 158.44218 182.38284 158.41211 182.37469 158.41966 curveto +182.35729 158.43579 182.35138 158.46101 182.33973 158.48168 curveto +181.69543 159.82021 182.24929 158.59084 186.35226 159.40175 curveto +186.37469 159.40619 186.3145 159.37495 186.29296 159.36728 curveto +186.18721 159.32963 186.11309 159.37981 186.02234 159.42928 curveto +185.71762 159.63913 185.47867 159.92994 185.22653 160.19767 curveto +184.7395 160.60789 184.29519 161.06622 183.81099 161.47952 curveto +183.62487 161.63839 182.7847 162.31255 182.6336 162.43425 curveto +181.5855 163.31528 180.58184 164.24786 179.59515 165.19669 curveto +179.2111 165.53905 178.85771 165.93401 178.40145 166.18231 curveto +178.10402 166.30416 177.77588 166.31789 177.45832 166.30515 curveto +175.92921 166.26313 177.04891 166.30021 173.16089 165.55855 curveto +173.12056 165.55086 173.09162 165.51397 173.0606 165.48709 curveto +172.95785 165.39806 172.92295 165.28808 172.87937 165.16396 curveto +172.82895 164.88314 172.91737 164.61319 173.03447 164.36134 curveto +173.17586 164.05127 173.39606 163.79052 173.60896 163.52811 curveto +173.98335 163.09503 174.41587 162.71962 174.83876 162.33584 curveto +175.17257 162.01686 175.48852 161.68011 175.80326 161.34258 curveto +175.83202 161.31397 175.86064 161.28522 175.88953 161.25674 curveto +175.90715 161.23936 175.9252 161.22241 175.9428 161.205 curveto +176.087 161.06232 175.77648 161.47374 175.90974 161.51259 curveto +177.24694 161.90246 178.63856 162.07292 180.00297 162.35309 curveto +179.98776 162.34431 179.89431 162.29002 179.88896 162.28891 curveto +179.86404 162.28372 179.83829 162.29388 179.81297 162.29663 curveto +179.70298 162.30862 179.62967 162.3411 179.53367 162.39606 curveto +179.2751 162.58549 178.99692 162.74416 178.71169 162.8893 curveto +178.45297 163.0017 178.19188 163.10693 177.93262 163.21774 curveto +177.7093 163.31673 177.48076 163.4035 177.24811 163.47785 curveto +175.49532 164.12535 178.45055 163.92137 172.70553 162.90757 curveto +172.66778 162.68929 172.6966 162.42853 172.87853 162.28096 curveto +172.94351 162.22095 173.00304 162.15024 173.08031 162.10484 curveto +173.15365 162.06175 173.24904 162.03333 173.32771 162.00137 curveto +173.64061 161.94128 173.94403 161.84685 174.24943 161.75819 curveto +174.63807 161.63949 175.03824 161.56619 175.43182 161.4668 curveto +175.52537 161.43468 175.62408 161.42263 175.71893 161.39575 curveto +175.75082 161.38671 175.78151 161.37392 175.81272 161.36276 curveto +175.82631 161.3579 175.83946 161.34365 175.85332 161.34769 curveto +179.91058 162.53118 181.06296 161.89654 179.72014 162.59635 curveto +179.45099 162.70634 179.18347 162.82054 178.90933 162.91769 curveto +178.51406 163.02676 178.15166 163.22043 177.7738 163.37473 curveto +177.16892 163.57715 176.54088 163.70506 175.92206 163.8587 curveto +175.57227 163.94914 175.21667 164.01346 174.85846 164.05875 curveto +173.37301 164.32899 174.70406 164.09851 170.58612 163.36117 curveto +170.46236 163.33901 170.42806 163.16534 170.39659 163.07003 curveto +170.36784 162.93163 170.36097 162.80608 170.40358 162.67004 curveto +174.56563 163.47123 lineto +174.55441 163.49516 174.55933 163.4885 174.56274 163.44655 curveto +174.57168 163.42275 174.56332 163.47986 174.58553 163.48565 curveto +174.59238 163.48743 174.59949 163.48332 174.60646 163.48215 curveto +174.6494 163.48128 174.6765 163.45267 174.71996 163.44657 curveto +174.74087 163.44364 174.8041 163.44915 174.78329 163.44555 curveto +170.61711 162.72452 169.47717 162.41818 170.88192 162.79165 curveto +171.27618 162.79286 171.67003 162.76359 172.05841 162.69317 curveto +172.65722 162.58259 173.25235 162.45427 173.82685 162.2489 curveto +173.90549 162.22131 174.14105 162.14007 174.21779 162.10748 curveto +174.4548 162.00682 174.67499 161.87163 174.90983 161.76689 curveto +175.17193 161.67439 175.43954 161.59792 175.69126 161.47822 curveto +177.10112 160.93512 175.79928 161.41769 179.89494 162.55593 curveto +179.92023 162.56295 179.84337 162.56582 179.81736 162.56936 curveto +179.66965 162.5895 179.52887 162.62828 179.38121 162.65145 curveto +178.98404 162.73532 178.58875 162.82795 178.19243 162.91596 curveto +178.15453 162.92722 177.87847 163.00839 177.83403 163.02484 curveto +177.67413 163.084 177.51884 163.15771 177.352 163.19829 curveto +177.27965 163.20397 177.27075 163.20064 177.20139 163.22187 curveto +177.17705 163.22932 177.15499 163.24439 177.1299 163.2487 curveto +177.07091 163.25886 177.03335 163.23121 176.97186 163.28389 curveto +176.9563 163.29975 176.94507 163.32157 176.92518 163.33149 curveto +176.84659 163.37067 176.94251 163.06112 176.93907 163.04518 curveto +175.57544 162.80838 174.21285 162.5656 172.8482 162.33478 curveto +172.83051 162.33179 172.87884 162.35359 172.8951 162.36117 curveto +173.0062 162.41292 173.12317 162.34336 173.23471 162.31887 curveto +173.46382 162.23505 173.70007 162.17638 173.92769 162.08896 curveto +173.9688 162.07233 174.13451 162.00586 174.17446 161.98749 curveto +174.21887 161.96707 174.26037 161.9404 174.30565 161.92198 curveto +174.34819 161.90467 174.39399 161.89653 174.43709 161.88064 curveto +174.4847 161.86308 174.53067 161.84137 174.57746 161.82173 curveto +174.62601 161.80424 174.67455 161.78675 174.7231 161.76925 curveto +175.00069 161.67374 175.2632 161.53935 175.49323 161.35552 curveto +175.5864 161.2758 175.67671 161.17987 175.78041 161.11361 curveto +175.80553 161.09757 175.83634 161.09165 175.86103 161.07495 curveto +176.03779 160.95541 175.86576 161.03895 175.9916 160.98214 curveto +177.37799 161.26566 178.79271 161.43511 180.15079 161.83271 curveto +180.17093 161.83861 180.16481 162.15408 180.06581 162.23247 curveto +180.00102 162.28377 179.9009 162.29524 179.83534 162.34552 curveto +179.43337 162.61413 179.09374 162.96347 178.73872 163.28878 curveto +178.34758 163.65568 177.95774 164.02786 177.62214 164.44746 curveto +177.43305 164.68097 177.26074 164.92654 177.11635 165.19053 curveto +177.06893 165.29367 176.94987 165.49709 177.05756 165.59458 curveto +177.11648 165.63006 177.1737 165.63536 177.24274 165.64111 curveto +177.27439 165.64374 177.36918 165.65066 177.33793 165.64504 curveto +173.24044 164.90854 172.11715 164.55984 173.52123 164.98851 curveto +173.62015 165.00159 173.71817 165.02209 173.81756 165.03091 curveto +174.0158 165.04849 174.21764 165.03434 174.41615 165.0337 curveto +174.46429 165.02646 174.51335 165.02384 174.56057 165.01199 curveto +174.6876 164.98011 174.81027 164.92029 174.9243 164.85844 curveto +175.24135 164.68646 175.53265 164.47228 175.82363 164.26055 curveto +176.94116 163.40081 178.05047 162.52586 179.07831 161.55902 curveto +179.68537 160.95673 179.51328 161.12953 180.06889 160.57112 curveto +180.48169 160.15624 180.90506 159.74651 181.24967 159.27098 curveto +181.48949 158.97435 181.7269 158.67422 181.98676 158.39499 curveto +182.08055 158.30657 182.16725 158.20875 182.26742 158.1274 curveto +182.29199 158.10745 182.31326 158.06612 182.34439 158.07181 curveto +186.55615 158.84183 186.36041 157.49764 186.52943 159.05992 curveto +186.52388 159.1108 186.52399 159.16262 186.51277 159.21256 curveto +186.49822 159.27732 186.44979 159.34839 186.41523 159.40226 curveto +186.32102 159.54914 186.21379 159.68581 186.09437 159.81331 curveto +185.9092 160.02076 185.74121 160.24004 185.56261 160.45303 curveto +185.31194 160.75197 185.39331 160.64838 185.11425 160.94175 curveto +185.01923 161.04165 184.92575 161.14298 184.8315 161.2436 curveto +184.07939 162.07821 183.35036 162.95312 182.88175 163.98412 curveto +182.73327 164.26574 182.50363 164.76962 182.25281 164.97364 curveto +182.22943 164.99266 182.20094 165.00436 182.17501 165.01972 curveto +178.12692 163.82788 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +175.85443 164.76205 moveto +175.66552 164.68856 175.46368 164.71006 175.26767 164.73229 curveto +175.1437 164.75839 175.00901 164.77561 174.88403 164.74706 curveto +174.83326 164.71271 174.7989 164.65125 174.74151 164.6281 curveto +174.46044 164.51468 174.10231 164.49407 173.8133 164.47741 curveto +173.0965 164.43608 172.86422 164.45975 172.11845 164.48016 curveto +170.78007 164.63136 169.52191 165.05543 168.33027 165.66897 curveto +168.17337 165.75975 168.00769 165.83333 167.84151 165.90497 curveto +167.83644 165.90715 167.72953 165.95318 167.71164 165.95442 curveto +167.67109 165.95724 167.63044 165.95031 167.58984 165.94825 curveto +167.55323 165.94123 167.5151 165.9398 167.48002 165.92719 curveto +167.46011 165.92003 167.51291 165.91569 167.4993 165.90419 curveto +167.46872 165.87836 167.44114 165.87005 167.41414 165.84023 curveto +167.38983 165.82387 167.35858 165.76633 167.36034 165.76603 curveto +167.45772 165.7498 167.47522 165.79961 167.44437 165.74203 curveto +167.3786 165.65365 167.41371 165.70261 167.52139 165.68572 curveto +167.41141 165.5237 167.3988 165.49741 167.18727 165.29971 curveto +166.76877 164.90856 166.55846 164.74656 166.02793 164.50829 curveto +165.59785 164.31514 165.27993 164.26006 164.83137 164.15347 curveto +164.31437 164.07403 163.79004 163.98192 163.26478 164.0186 curveto +163.19155 164.03028 163.2069 164.04226 163.14501 163.99148 curveto +162.92406 163.81017 162.94274 163.78105 162.64008 163.60181 curveto +162.32169 163.41325 162.03244 163.31738 161.68802 163.18279 curveto +161.03855 162.99929 160.35023 162.94987 159.67966 163.02645 curveto +159.54024 163.02864 159.39965 163.04304 159.26074 163.02807 curveto +159.2845 163.02529 159.12179 163.01998 159.15276 163.03723 curveto +159.21854 163.07386 159.17926 163.01995 159.20078 163.05295 curveto +159.17956 163.05343 159.15791 163.05015 159.13711 163.0544 curveto +159.12425 163.05702 159.12432 163.07881 159.11308 163.08558 curveto +159.06157 163.11659 159.00343 163.14329 158.94711 163.164 curveto +158.71582 163.23643 158.60381 163.1348 158.37465 163.08392 curveto +158.27759 163.06237 158.17911 163.04783 158.08134 163.02978 curveto +157.96176 163.01683 157.84204 163.00514 157.72261 162.99093 curveto +157.30659 162.94145 157.1893 162.90345 156.75818 162.9203 curveto +156.32095 162.93739 155.89648 163.03218 155.47658 163.14586 curveto +155.16669 163.20566 154.82723 163.42623 154.50558 163.38719 curveto +154.38007 163.33368 154.2535 163.30294 154.11899 163.28947 curveto +154.03097 163.29785 153.94411 163.26878 153.85957 163.25315 curveto +153.66063 163.09169 153.5057 162.95209 153.24791 162.87057 curveto +153.00903 162.79503 152.72872 162.79663 152.4823 162.7845 curveto +152.08639 162.79267 151.70146 162.88612 151.31869 162.97652 curveto +151.11472 163.04693 151.00089 162.95753 150.84654 162.83519 curveto +150.54616 162.5994 150.18435 162.44654 149.82312 162.32897 curveto +149.64672 162.22175 149.43067 162.2645 149.24533 162.19877 curveto +149.17889 162.17669 149.11196 162.16079 149.04353 162.14589 curveto +149.53742 157.95865 lineto +149.48208 157.97601 149.4062 157.98359 149.47207 158.0409 curveto +149.52558 158.08935 149.50328 158.06117 149.53839 158.12592 curveto +149.65747 158.25525 149.83695 158.32938 149.98514 158.41518 curveto +150.30776 158.59268 150.64498 158.77882 151.02078 158.79526 curveto +151.02419 158.7956 151.16054 158.80776 151.18119 158.81418 curveto +151.22848 158.82887 151.28816 158.89658 151.34166 158.89601 curveto +151.72855 159.02638 152.10551 159.19375 152.51044 159.26483 curveto +152.74567 159.29096 153.03485 159.33909 153.27275 159.30039 curveto +153.55553 159.25439 153.62521 159.17869 153.85745 159.06977 curveto +153.92706 159.03712 153.91913 159.04329 153.98214 159.04926 curveto +154.00808 159.0589 154.03651 159.06195 154.0613 159.07425 curveto +154.10575 159.09631 154.12379 159.1485 154.18534 159.14314 curveto +154.33071 159.17306 154.47338 159.21887 154.61508 159.26317 curveto +154.69405 159.29871 154.7458 159.35637 154.82402 159.39611 curveto +155.02239 159.49689 155.23783 159.55365 155.45693 159.58785 curveto +155.88379 159.65639 156.30002 159.70111 156.73423 159.65718 curveto +157.18935 159.61113 157.61182 159.45448 158.04982 159.33591 curveto +158.14404 159.30144 158.24002 159.27147 158.33247 159.23251 curveto +158.56036 159.13648 158.48794 159.15296 158.66099 159.0536 curveto +158.69361 159.03486 158.73328 159.02907 158.76207 159.00322 curveto +158.81633 158.96327 158.87732 158.91787 158.93863 158.89017 curveto +158.96033 158.88037 158.9856 158.87872 159.00598 158.86643 curveto +159.01262 158.86243 159.01141 158.8519 159.01412 158.84464 curveto +159.06461 158.83416 159.10928 158.82332 159.1623 158.82176 curveto +159.21753 158.82013 159.27687 158.86478 159.33446 158.84972 curveto +159.50693 158.88655 159.63336 159.00572 159.77594 159.10207 curveto +160.39463 159.48409 161.05386 159.80745 161.77081 159.95526 curveto +162.08516 159.99742 162.40335 160.06024 162.72333 160.03071 curveto +163.35715 159.9722 162.82786 159.96346 163.26546 159.89095 curveto +163.36521 159.87442 163.36829 159.90381 163.42825 159.96389 curveto +163.88748 160.39164 164.38147 160.77863 164.93792 161.07481 curveto +165.51947 161.35627 166.10739 161.67357 166.77177 161.69399 curveto +167.1843 161.70668 167.33686 161.60299 167.67127 161.45398 curveto +167.8032 161.47004 167.82645 161.42768 167.8743 161.54254 curveto +167.90027 161.57662 168.04807 161.55849 167.98624 161.61891 curveto +167.95648 161.648 167.96871 161.61111 167.9613 161.64614 curveto +167.94963 161.69041 167.91513 161.68826 167.91379 161.69166 curveto +167.89593 161.73689 168.1398 161.71403 167.87362 161.73843 curveto +167.84493 161.74587 167.81122 161.74291 167.78757 161.76076 curveto +167.78226 161.76477 167.79848 161.798 167.84917 161.83362 curveto +167.97921 161.92502 168.13782 161.964 168.28227 162.02439 curveto +169.55666 162.34151 170.7855 162.3362 172.07322 162.05236 curveto +172.81683 161.79057 173.0597 161.74107 173.73259 161.37464 curveto +174.32724 161.05081 174.19231 161.06754 174.67279 160.72594 curveto +174.90741 160.55914 174.83669 160.57754 175.00484 160.56295 curveto +175.03262 160.57353 175.06749 160.61063 175.07356 160.61215 curveto +175.13542 160.6277 175.20746 160.61017 175.26767 160.63883 curveto +175.46368 160.66106 175.66552 160.68256 175.85443 160.60907 curveto +175.85443 164.76205 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +149.20402 162.47893 moveto +148.74942 162.12189 148.27343 161.78054 147.75566 161.51941 curveto +147.33207 161.30578 146.81924 161.12355 146.36101 160.99751 curveto +146.16783 160.94438 145.96997 160.91001 145.77445 160.86625 curveto +145.33691 160.77853 144.89426 160.70223 144.44691 160.69354 curveto +144.36423 160.69194 144.28151 160.69679 144.19883 160.69534 curveto +144.09501 160.70036 144.0144 160.64341 143.92424 160.60471 curveto +143.7514 160.60699 143.64986 160.48519 143.51839 160.39093 curveto +143.31971 160.24403 143.0935 160.16245 142.85667 160.10312 curveto +142.7406 160.08762 142.63278 160.06882 142.55274 159.97768 curveto +142.51812 159.95689 142.52701 159.91248 142.50627 159.88473 curveto +142.49309 159.86709 142.47285 159.85594 142.45762 159.84002 curveto +142.41031 159.79058 142.38542 159.74494 142.332 159.70101 curveto +142.21808 159.60259 142.13841 159.47581 142.04434 159.36002 curveto +141.93843 159.24357 141.84727 159.11637 141.72326 159.01761 curveto +141.71261 159.00913 141.52553 158.87753 141.52167 158.87481 curveto +141.34041 158.71124 141.13809 158.57411 140.92325 158.45907 curveto +140.80902 158.41064 140.72123 158.36055 140.63954 158.26485 curveto +140.49457 158.14812 140.35876 158.02071 140.21839 157.89858 curveto +140.0635 157.73636 139.88059 157.60222 139.69088 157.48356 curveto +139.52053 157.36047 139.33002 157.27208 139.13967 157.18539 curveto +139.06363 157.14135 138.97963 157.13303 138.89527 157.11633 curveto +139.44845 152.92346 lineto +139.31932 152.96456 139.33829 152.97958 139.4067 153.08063 curveto +139.53412 153.24491 139.74196 153.36364 139.91786 153.47013 curveto +140.11187 153.59478 140.31965 153.69688 140.51234 153.82386 curveto +140.64083 153.93755 140.77022 154.04915 140.89961 154.16106 curveto +141.01892 154.1996 141.12336 154.29767 141.20098 154.39344 curveto +141.36934 154.58353 141.5701 154.73739 141.78847 154.86584 curveto +141.88564 154.95108 141.98837 155.03304 142.09824 155.10174 curveto +142.19272 155.16082 142.29729 155.20339 142.37085 155.2919 curveto +142.47533 155.38032 142.58674 155.45686 142.66464 155.57244 curveto +142.72686 155.65891 142.66204 155.57966 142.76216 155.66238 curveto +142.77698 155.67463 142.78862 155.69029 142.80186 155.70425 curveto +142.81171 155.71788 142.81855 155.7343 142.83142 155.74513 curveto +142.85048 155.76118 142.8753 155.76899 142.89571 155.78328 curveto +142.90871 155.79239 142.91937 155.80444 142.9312 155.81502 curveto +142.93655 155.82356 142.9419 155.8321 142.94724 155.84063 curveto +142.94311 155.84874 142.93186 155.85635 142.93484 155.86495 curveto +142.93915 155.87738 142.96067 155.87828 142.96465 155.89083 curveto +142.96813 155.90181 142.94927 155.91276 142.9534 155.92353 curveto +142.96923 155.96481 143.03332 155.97586 143.04859 156.01589 curveto +143.24277 156.17074 143.4638 156.28503 143.70087 156.35978 curveto +143.73537 156.36843 143.76926 156.38005 143.80437 156.38573 curveto +143.85085 156.39326 143.91891 156.37979 143.96031 156.41466 curveto +143.96601 156.41945 143.96244 156.43172 143.96901 156.43523 curveto +143.98693 156.44483 144.0083 156.44567 144.02795 156.45089 curveto +144.17334 156.47588 144.29743 156.52308 144.39397 156.64109 curveto +144.51499 156.7894 144.6584 156.90495 144.80434 157.02893 curveto +145.14786 157.32076 145.50339 157.59682 145.88843 157.83317 curveto +146.07916 157.94173 146.26315 158.06311 146.46062 158.15885 curveto +147.38154 158.60532 148.29405 158.81068 149.29084 158.50913 curveto +149.20402 162.47893 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +142.1387 163.57067 moveto +142.2143 163.72144 142.28207 163.87431 142.4015 163.99514 curveto +142.41201 164.00555 142.42694 164.01288 142.43303 164.02636 curveto +142.4362 164.03336 142.42266 164.04096 142.42544 164.04813 curveto +142.43426 164.07091 142.47505 164.07719 142.47556 164.10162 curveto +142.47582 164.11428 142.45443 164.11779 142.44988 164.1296 curveto +142.40918 164.15212 142.42626 164.15223 142.4657 164.16144 curveto +142.53946 164.18085 142.61599 164.17252 142.69054 164.16286 curveto +142.80881 164.18287 142.92688 164.20815 143.04583 164.22741 curveto +143.06489 164.2277 143.11397 164.22696 143.13408 164.2326 curveto +143.15237 164.23773 143.16846 164.24926 143.18676 164.25435 curveto +143.25766 164.27407 143.33479 164.27225 143.40755 164.274 curveto +143.52249 164.28589 143.63347 164.24348 143.74594 164.2359 curveto +143.78419 164.22826 143.83825 164.25851 143.87453 164.23865 curveto +143.87971 164.23582 143.86084 164.23093 143.86283 164.22538 curveto +143.86838 164.20989 143.89193 164.20996 143.90577 164.20108 curveto +143.99604 164.14711 143.88192 164.16344 143.83733 164.14701 curveto +144.25957 168.35337 lineto +144.19115 168.37538 144.12146 168.38989 144.04987 168.39645 curveto +143.94858 168.41627 143.84987 168.42152 143.74672 168.42339 curveto +143.63158 168.41614 143.51805 168.37341 143.4006 168.38276 curveto +143.31969 168.38194 143.23819 168.37983 143.15759 168.38902 curveto +143.13128 168.39202 143.10561 168.40065 143.07914 168.4015 curveto +143.04553 168.40258 143.0043 168.38714 142.973 168.37753 curveto +142.87606 168.35903 142.79076 168.33171 142.6931 168.36186 curveto +142.61311 168.35249 142.53222 168.3474 142.45262 168.36402 curveto +142.35981 168.3718 142.2536 168.36831 142.16857 168.33087 curveto +142.13162 168.31309 142.08887 168.30551 142.05629 168.28062 curveto +142.03771 168.26641 142.04458 168.23334 142.02885 168.21603 curveto +141.95585 168.13577 141.98434 168.217 141.96453 168.122 curveto +141.93488 168.00745 141.86153 167.92162 141.80339 167.82074 curveto +141.78961 167.79683 141.78258 167.76938 141.76845 167.74568 curveto +141.75845 167.72893 141.74384 167.71541 141.73154 167.70027 curveto +142.1387 163.57067 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +141.22267 155.82435 moveto +140.8314 155.356 140.27348 155.10869 139.72973 154.86605 curveto +139.38119 154.72009 139.02836 154.56734 138.72313 154.34124 curveto +138.64125 154.30402 138.57989 154.23395 138.49889 154.19557 curveto +138.47206 154.18286 138.42752 154.18632 138.41806 154.15819 curveto +138.41626 154.15285 138.42515 154.14944 138.42869 154.14506 curveto +138.43373 154.14089 138.4476 154.13786 138.4438 154.13255 curveto +138.41742 154.09573 138.33072 154.08051 138.29686 154.06428 curveto +138.25772 154.04552 138.22587 154.01425 138.18928 153.99091 curveto +137.89091 153.76976 137.5882 153.55526 137.28497 153.34056 curveto +136.99203 153.10108 136.66178 152.91707 136.3334 152.73232 curveto +136.15747 152.65535 136.0452 152.50814 135.92467 152.36712 curveto +135.82558 152.24632 135.65883 152.23113 135.53999 152.14396 curveto +135.50252 152.11166 135.43804 152.12793 135.3997 152.10317 curveto +135.38954 152.09661 135.39984 152.07839 135.39536 152.06716 curveto +135.37762 152.02272 135.35419 151.98076 135.33361 151.93756 curveto +135.09688 151.50744 134.70852 151.20504 134.30915 150.93504 curveto +134.27085 150.91038 134.23349 150.88421 134.19426 150.86106 curveto +134.13858 150.8282 133.96305 150.76891 133.92481 150.73434 curveto +133.89233 150.70499 133.86746 150.66818 133.83878 150.6351 curveto +133.81975 150.54208 133.79911 150.44938 133.78168 150.35605 curveto +133.70313 149.93535 133.7203 149.9263 133.60864 149.51833 curveto +133.52451 149.21098 133.40986 148.91702 133.28435 148.6249 curveto +133.16452 148.41423 133.09874 148.17796 132.99597 147.96011 curveto +132.92192 147.80314 132.89511 147.78079 132.79479 147.64724 curveto +132.66307 147.48239 132.5244 147.32137 132.354 147.19588 curveto +132.33019 147.15852 132.2559 147.15494 132.23382 147.11811 curveto +132.16979 147.01134 132.11259 146.5775 132.09291 146.47009 curveto +131.99476 145.91846 131.87561 145.3705 131.68783 144.84175 curveto +131.61348 144.6324 131.54713 144.48018 131.46288 144.27824 curveto +131.35732 144.06022 131.27009 143.81622 131.10155 143.63601 curveto +131.08944 143.62424 131.07524 143.61429 131.06523 143.60069 curveto +131.00927 143.52472 131.07739 143.59063 131.02509 143.52969 curveto +130.98519 143.4832 130.946 143.44621 130.91216 143.39411 curveto +130.94205 143.37662 130.90758 143.34677 130.91845 143.32718 curveto +130.94651 143.27657 131.01002 143.29965 131.055 143.2886 curveto +130.96593 143.28954 130.87641 143.30918 130.78666 143.3013 curveto +130.66424 143.29144 130.54137 143.29234 130.42015 143.31212 curveto +130.32139 143.32152 130.22279 143.32146 130.12355 143.31774 curveto +130.01139 143.31368 129.92951 143.22999 129.84137 143.16913 curveto +129.73311 143.08576 129.60648 143.06797 129.48038 143.02779 curveto +129.46763 143.01825 129.4534 143.01043 129.44213 142.99919 curveto +129.43524 142.99231 129.43445 142.98035 129.42681 142.97433 curveto +129.39718 142.95097 129.33124 142.93059 129.30527 142.90546 curveto +129.29954 142.89991 129.22043 142.76973 129.21742 142.76482 curveto +129.11621 142.6022 129.01397 142.441 128.87872 142.3044 curveto +128.84552 142.24768 128.75596 142.23071 128.72324 142.1759 curveto +128.71723 142.16583 128.72033 142.15264 128.71887 142.14101 curveto +128.70914 142.12638 128.6994 142.11175 128.68967 142.09713 curveto +128.62664 142.0096 128.64508 141.89474 128.58924 141.80215 curveto +128.56739 141.76075 128.5166 141.74563 128.48961 141.70958 curveto +128.44809 141.65412 128.36735 141.34293 128.35459 141.30317 curveto +128.23343 140.99733 128.04326 140.72298 127.82705 140.47662 curveto +127.70989 140.37898 127.69457 140.24727 127.64551 140.11252 curveto +127.63028 140.07071 127.60929 140.03123 127.59118 139.99058 curveto +127.55416 139.82421 127.40891 139.70517 127.36462 139.54501 curveto +127.27597 139.31794 127.24062 139.07123 127.18786 138.83318 curveto +127.2066 138.80019 127.05957 138.55165 127.11221 138.62531 curveto +127.46734 134.39266 lineto +127.48827 134.41918 127.5125 134.44316 127.53171 134.47096 curveto +127.6098 134.58394 127.63387 134.72519 127.70877 134.84044 curveto +127.77356 135.03608 127.81632 135.2385 127.85951 135.43929 curveto +127.91498 135.55298 127.87511 135.4532 127.90002 135.57794 curveto +127.9285 135.72058 127.98675 135.85613 128.05567 135.98335 curveto +128.13418 136.16217 128.05044 135.99545 128.15507 136.14417 curveto +128.20053 136.20879 128.21102 136.27906 128.22851 136.35368 curveto +128.23638 136.38729 128.24615 136.42042 128.25497 136.45379 curveto +128.31322 136.60436 128.38008 136.74401 128.4531 136.88801 curveto +128.54428 137.06784 128.62429 137.25514 128.77153 137.39872 curveto +128.82052 137.43747 128.87746 137.46683 128.92127 137.51135 curveto +128.94947 137.54 128.92966 137.58885 128.94409 137.62104 curveto +128.95205 137.6388 128.96707 137.65246 128.97856 137.66818 curveto +129.02139 137.71936 129.08046 137.75787 129.11941 137.81147 curveto +129.13043 137.82663 129.13485 137.84574 129.14463 137.86174 curveto +129.15425 137.87746 129.17139 137.88887 129.1774 137.90629 curveto +129.18151 137.9182 129.17443 137.9313 129.17294 137.94381 curveto +129.18949 138.06425 129.15663 137.87214 129.20803 138.01027 curveto +129.21756 138.0359 129.19481 138.06519 129.20039 138.09196 curveto +129.20368 138.10776 129.25362 138.20525 129.2578 138.21365 curveto +129.35133 138.37667 129.48044 138.51401 129.58797 138.66767 curveto +129.60479 138.68353 129.62159 138.69941 129.63843 138.71526 curveto +129.64983 138.72598 129.66694 138.73282 129.67269 138.74738 curveto +129.67673 138.75761 129.66259 138.76817 129.66366 138.77912 curveto +129.66912 138.83476 129.74862 138.81497 129.76801 138.86378 curveto +129.76311 138.87416 129.75237 138.88349 129.75331 138.89493 curveto +129.75773 138.9483 129.98377 138.98676 130.03233 139.02484 curveto +130.0438 139.02923 130.22594 139.09895 130.23198 139.1065 curveto +130.23578 139.11124 130.2261 139.11715 130.22317 139.12248 curveto +130.21781 139.12685 130.20143 139.13163 130.2071 139.13558 curveto +130.23998 139.15848 130.37461 139.12209 130.41849 139.14436 curveto +130.53199 139.1624 130.64763 139.16368 130.76099 139.14243 curveto +130.85326 139.11847 130.9515 139.11921 131.0446 139.09518 curveto +131.16918 139.08603 131.29738 139.08788 131.40102 139.16889 curveto +131.4312 139.19248 131.43258 139.24291 131.47031 139.26055 curveto +131.41702 139.42686 131.48485 139.38114 131.52784 139.53837 curveto +131.69635 139.90153 131.81892 140.28111 131.91706 140.66938 curveto +132.10069 141.35897 132.30493 142.04484 132.58409 142.70267 curveto +132.60773 142.75062 132.62963 142.79948 132.65502 142.84653 curveto +132.67336 142.8805 132.71601 142.91108 132.70892 142.94902 curveto +132.70661 142.96139 132.69095 142.96919 132.69012 142.98175 curveto +132.68927 142.99461 132.72451 143.08326 132.726 143.0872 curveto +132.7714 143.18593 132.83793 143.26196 132.89627 143.35319 curveto +132.98602 143.49355 133.06977 143.63776 133.16848 143.77268 curveto +133.20527 143.82896 133.23956 143.88694 133.27884 143.94151 curveto +133.32431 144.00469 133.48789 144.19773 133.52728 144.26826 curveto +133.64852 144.48536 133.66771 144.74548 133.73951 144.97867 curveto +133.84139 145.34589 133.82051 145.2851 133.94143 145.6593 curveto +134.03934 145.96229 134.12317 146.29297 134.32639 146.54584 curveto +134.31622 146.55857 134.29866 146.56797 134.29589 146.58403 curveto +134.27644 146.69661 134.5507 146.97456 134.60569 147.05775 curveto +134.81586 147.32626 135.15677 147.70496 135.46989 147.84651 curveto +135.51711 147.86786 135.57079 147.87019 135.62125 147.88202 curveto +135.70707 147.88333 135.76214 147.88139 135.75882 147.89522 curveto +135.75463 147.9127 135.71763 147.89419 135.70653 147.90832 curveto +135.70636 147.90854 135.80596 147.98951 135.80781 147.99102 curveto +135.88345 148.04856 135.87615 148.08177 135.93639 148.1399 curveto +136.01248 148.21332 136.11342 148.25602 136.20161 148.31147 curveto +136.26003 148.34543 136.32651 148.3795 136.37713 148.4258 curveto +136.47311 148.51359 136.53153 148.63867 136.61134 148.73922 curveto +136.6829 148.81882 136.74802 148.90425 136.82231 148.9813 curveto +137.0227 149.18913 137.26083 149.35868 137.50446 149.5112 curveto +137.77081 149.66562 138.03769 149.8289 138.34741 149.8761 curveto +138.35829 149.87806 138.47563 149.89861 138.48666 149.90306 curveto +138.49542 149.90659 138.49679 149.92064 138.50554 149.92421 curveto +138.56232 149.94733 138.63552 149.938 138.69189 149.96158 curveto +138.74121 149.98278 138.77578 149.9848 138.79913 150.03712 curveto +138.80817 150.05735 138.80187 150.0825 138.81156 150.10243 curveto +138.85926 150.2005 138.96498 150.26444 139.01703 150.35966 curveto +139.1522 150.50638 139.08607 150.42825 139.21429 150.59499 curveto +139.41633 150.82246 139.66878 151.00531 139.90893 151.18865 curveto +140.25489 151.40077 140.60466 151.65824 141.01908 151.71386 curveto +141.17078 151.73421 141.25327 151.71046 141.39038 151.68457 curveto +141.22267 155.82435 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.84586 136.31021 moveto +129.09482 137.20734 129.38469 138.09033 129.78021 138.93501 curveto +130.02684 139.46172 130.19248 139.72608 130.47696 140.21868 curveto +130.91131 140.94932 131.34736 141.6782 131.85262 142.3624 curveto +131.8907 142.4208 131.93064 142.47804 131.96687 142.53761 curveto +132.12202 142.79272 132.03564 142.68803 132.21477 142.93642 curveto +132.3835 143.17038 132.57694 143.38186 132.77126 143.59433 curveto +133.08748 143.91446 133.42563 144.20926 133.81082 144.4442 curveto +134.14233 144.6464 134.50298 144.81101 134.84969 144.98529 curveto +134.94814 145.03662 135.04946 145.08277 135.14503 145.13926 curveto +135.24657 145.19929 135.75311 145.5444 135.82801 145.59456 curveto +136.21277 145.85225 136.46857 146.00913 136.84401 146.30666 curveto +137.09716 146.50727 137.33839 146.72247 137.58558 146.93038 curveto +137.89046 147.19359 138.18996 147.46316 138.50021 147.72002 curveto +138.83584 147.9979 139.17476 148.27217 139.52283 148.53429 curveto +140.19729 149.0422 140.95449 149.53785 141.6545 150.00866 curveto +141.55511 151.72429 lineto +141.19444 151.49561 140.8342 151.26623 140.47309 151.03823 curveto +140.12132 150.81613 139.77805 150.57977 139.41649 150.374 curveto +138.48618 149.84456 138.40795 149.85789 137.45517 149.50969 curveto +137.01372 149.39135 136.57089 149.278 136.13083 149.15456 curveto +135.73128 149.04248 135.31132 148.92823 134.94937 148.71725 curveto +134.84611 148.65707 134.7531 148.58083 134.65497 148.51262 curveto +134.19486 148.17683 133.7309 147.83825 133.22908 147.56612 curveto +133.10527 147.49898 132.97607 147.44228 132.84977 147.37993 curveto +132.74087 147.32617 132.63226 147.27183 132.5235 147.21778 curveto +132.43315 147.16546 132.33828 147.12026 132.25246 147.0608 curveto +132.03127 146.90757 131.68415 146.5308 131.55363 146.29434 curveto +131.50784 146.21138 131.47986 146.11977 131.44298 146.03248 curveto +131.29463 145.61989 131.14829 145.20897 130.97651 144.80522 curveto +130.69493 144.14339 130.7775 144.36405 130.46314 143.6831 curveto +130.36319 143.46661 130.26705 143.24837 130.169 143.03101 curveto +129.99405 142.66106 129.68194 141.98517 129.48304 141.62889 curveto +129.36914 141.42488 129.24811 141.22423 129.11348 141.03327 curveto +128.93431 140.77913 128.74442 140.53387 128.43869 140.43981 curveto +128.84586 136.31021 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.03477 139.08348 moveto +127.93107 138.94603 127.84154 138.94646 127.70594 138.88834 curveto +127.66818 138.86226 127.59928 138.87617 127.5622 138.84855 curveto +127.55867 138.84592 127.56868 138.84193 127.56962 138.83763 curveto +127.57101 138.83129 127.56263 138.83156 127.56027 138.8295 curveto +127.17869 138.7856 127.48755 138.8277 127.47043 138.7807 curveto +127.46167 138.75664 127.43161 138.74729 127.4122 138.73059 curveto +127.31326 138.60943 127.17714 138.49663 127.0178 138.47192 curveto +127.03026 138.46534 126.93394 138.47743 126.95469 138.48233 curveto +128.81513 138.92171 126.58761 133.59122 127.32257 134.34064 curveto +127.32766 134.34686 127.33275 134.35308 127.33783 134.35929 curveto +126.7656 138.54409 lineto +126.76779 138.53684 126.76998 138.52959 126.77217 138.52235 curveto +127.47636 137.27403 126.53736 138.94682 126.7362 134.2831 curveto +126.73813 134.2379 127.09228 134.25738 127.13138 134.26635 curveto +127.15845 134.27256 127.10324 134.37239 127.19 134.32557 curveto +127.33724 134.41705 127.478 134.53987 127.65289 134.56841 curveto +127.68672 134.57235 127.72077 134.57436 127.75452 134.57899 curveto +127.77211 134.5814 127.82446 134.58679 127.80684 134.58906 curveto +127.63977 134.61061 127.64749 134.57202 127.7193 134.60568 curveto +127.75414 134.6194 127.81187 134.62777 127.84157 134.64675 curveto +127.85797 134.65723 127.85263 134.70998 127.87176 134.72165 curveto +128.01362 134.78075 128.11846 134.91509 128.27863 134.94102 curveto +128.03477 139.08348 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.2372 139.55581 moveto +128.14642 139.45048 128.02316 139.3913 127.89327 139.35106 curveto +127.82426 139.32259 127.75859 139.28301 127.68883 139.24879 curveto +127.81837 139.23507 127.62435 139.22774 127.61958 139.15648 curveto +127.66086 139.12636 127.63427 139.08897 127.59097 139.08378 curveto +127.55596 139.0907 127.5303 139.09311 127.49556 139.08441 curveto +127.44648 139.0703 127.39598 139.09311 127.34778 139.08654 curveto +127.32562 139.09999 127.25857 139.06381 127.24207 139.07912 curveto +127.21156 139.10742 127.33042 139.06918 127.24772 139.09294 curveto +127.16782 139.11057 127.08705 139.12448 127.00804 139.14716 curveto +126.91742 139.12954 126.8247 139.12467 126.73393 139.14293 curveto +126.70658 139.1446 126.70128 139.15641 126.68602 139.17426 curveto +126.69802 134.91538 lineto +126.69327 134.93845 126.71442 134.94369 126.73357 134.94709 curveto +126.80445 134.96177 126.88929 134.96919 126.95444 134.93319 curveto +127.00684 134.93885 127.06574 134.92463 127.11151 134.89961 curveto +127.18632 134.87262 127.26786 134.87079 127.34634 134.86725 curveto +127.39509 134.86007 127.4469 134.88271 127.49655 134.86818 curveto +127.55359 134.85695 127.60345 134.86606 127.65831 134.88472 curveto +127.76891 134.90486 127.87922 134.9197 127.98688 134.95332 curveto +128.0049 134.96057 128.03746 134.98572 128.0197 135.01376 curveto +128.00103 135.04322 127.90931 135.00566 128.0829 135.04049 curveto +128.08385 135.05802 128.08414 135.1311 128.08464 135.13165 curveto +128.15875 135.21264 128.11511 135.10525 128.14211 135.18746 curveto +128.16801 135.25046 128.23099 135.26076 128.28477 135.29739 curveto +128.34873 135.34095 128.39899 135.40197 128.48106 135.41336 curveto +128.2372 139.55581 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.95012 134.62336 moveto +127.09528 134.65579 127.23233 134.59041 127.37197 134.56527 curveto +127.33692 134.55332 127.51177 134.54733 127.478 134.53214 curveto +127.43323 134.512 127.35999 134.5132 127.31022 134.5007 curveto +127.30022 134.49773 127.2702 134.49464 127.28023 134.49178 curveto +127.31805 134.48098 127.35894 134.48523 127.39714 134.47589 curveto +127.39567 134.50904 127.3547 134.46121 127.366 134.45653 curveto +127.40241 134.44144 127.44314 134.4396 127.48053 134.4271 curveto +127.49076 134.41057 127.76134 134.39324 127.62646 134.38881 curveto +127.66191 134.37709 127.7127 134.38111 127.74619 134.36664 curveto +127.75541 134.36266 127.73716 134.34233 127.74535 134.33653 curveto +127.76018 134.32603 127.77856 134.32177 127.79517 134.31439 curveto +127.86679 134.26512 127.95722 134.24667 128.03021 134.20052 curveto +128.04546 134.19088 128.0558 134.17509 128.0686 134.16238 curveto +128.0883 134.15041 128.10799 134.13844 128.12769 134.12647 curveto +128.13645 134.10695 128.24953 134.05651 128.24669 134.03061 curveto +128.24513 134.01638 128.22297 134.01458 128.21111 134.00657 curveto +128.52325 138.22613 lineto +128.46147 138.22485 128.4115 138.2296 128.35605 138.26013 curveto +128.24722 138.3282 128.12972 138.38146 128.03779 138.4749 curveto +127.96984 138.54219 127.87735 138.54309 127.80954 138.60541 curveto +127.62035 138.64477 127.75326 138.59509 127.72011 138.64018 curveto +127.73247 138.67134 127.79473 138.65083 127.7351 138.68173 curveto +127.71795 138.69062 127.66499 138.69552 127.68193 138.7048 curveto +127.72101 138.72618 127.83835 138.68762 127.73981 138.71664 curveto +127.62985 138.74362 127.52014 138.76001 127.41001 138.72927 curveto +127.27362 138.72733 127.13551 138.705 127.00903 138.7748 curveto +126.95012 134.62336 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.5367 98.472163 moveto +126.6543 98.54574 126.79293 98.54156 126.92495 98.56326 curveto +127.10345 98.592603 126.95258 98.579457 127.11928 98.589277 curveto +127.26174 98.60038 127.40114 98.594999 127.54224 98.616259 curveto +127.67543 98.644052 127.8012 98.697855 127.93058 98.736839 curveto +127.99459 98.756125 128.15438 98.785758 128.21599 98.797886 curveto +128.49011 98.856882 128.76876 98.860502 129.04733 98.86476 curveto +129.25601 98.880723 129.4643 98.888084 129.67029 98.926358 curveto +129.79033 98.954449 129.91319 98.973106 130.02806 99.019764 curveto +130.09808 99.039516 130.16118 99.065119 130.23555 99.061878 curveto +130.39602 99.068069 130.54763 99.120057 130.69917 99.172458 curveto +130.83778 99.233313 131.01878 99.318081 131.16089 99.35134 curveto +131.34096 99.393481 131.63282 99.401643 131.81481 99.408122 curveto +132.07169 99.417267 132.24497 99.417745 132.50253 99.420769 curveto +132.83206 99.392301 133.16475 99.386375 133.49292 99.342175 curveto +133.59595 99.328299 133.69742 99.304541 133.80008 99.288115 curveto +133.90237 99.271746 134.0065 99.26598 134.10769 99.243801 curveto +134.19704 99.224217 134.28256 99.190066 134.36999 99.163199 curveto +134.56732 99.080107 134.97417 98.974307 135.06093 98.748439 curveto +133.58129 98.434046 134.85675 98.661419 134.86032 102.87481 curveto +134.86033 102.89351 134.98493 102.833 134.98701 102.82211 curveto +134.99353 102.78789 134.87837 102.72833 134.87588 102.72676 curveto +134.67844 102.58871 134.44836 102.519 134.22218 102.44433 curveto +134.18148 102.43114 134.14111 102.41686 134.10007 102.40477 curveto +133.96514 102.36501 133.92923 102.3682 133.79488 102.30358 curveto +133.47174 102.14816 133.60433 102.16443 133.22736 102.02551 curveto +133.1101 101.98229 132.98777 101.95431 132.86797 101.91872 curveto +132.74172 101.89048 132.61455 101.86604 132.48921 101.83401 curveto +132.06331 101.72517 132.06811 101.6913 131.63064 101.62271 curveto +131.27353 101.56672 130.9093 101.56346 130.54899 101.56474 curveto +130.19058 101.57204 129.832 101.60759 129.47417 101.5752 curveto +129.24629 101.57493 129.04821 101.47443 128.83974 101.39841 curveto +128.6015 101.30562 128.34224 101.32405 128.09644 101.27855 curveto +128.04459 101.26047 127.98525 101.26856 127.93292 101.25369 curveto +127.90954 101.24704 127.87073 101.21743 127.84512 101.20593 curveto +127.75532 101.17834 127.71136 101.09158 127.63541 101.04244 curveto +127.50681 100.97575 127.36932 100.94521 127.22748 100.92401 curveto +125.64634 100.72836 126.91054 98.974654 126.95146 96.672994 curveto +126.95221 96.630801 127.03448 96.6563 127.07427 96.642264 curveto +127.08757 96.637573 127.09717 96.625799 127.10862 96.617566 curveto +127.19946 96.577055 127.29731 96.551498 127.39368 96.528157 curveto +127.41573 96.522817 127.43942 96.524366 127.46077 96.516692 curveto +127.46618 96.514748 127.46591 96.506412 127.46848 96.501272 curveto +127.49114 96.49608 127.51379 96.490889 127.53645 96.485697 curveto +127.55634 96.478417 127.5755 96.468691 127.59613 96.463857 curveto +127.77548 96.421826 127.66638 96.476103 127.88542 96.393572 curveto +128.03017 96.33903 128.25985 96.221631 128.392 96.156822 curveto +129.04477 95.824541 129.64536 95.396857 130.19974 94.920029 curveto +130.4626 94.689028 130.70468 94.438201 130.98988 94.234661 curveto +131.14185 94.130186 131.32705 94.123856 131.50141 94.082466 curveto +131.64447 94.063311 131.77601 94.012113 131.89824 93.936606 curveto +131.92235 93.925106 131.94849 93.917127 131.97058 93.902104 curveto +131.98522 93.892143 132.03659 93.830053 132.03594 93.827002 curveto +132.03264 93.811298 132.01285 93.802278 131.9973 93.798285 curveto +131.96319 93.789522 131.8913 93.7548 131.89196 93.790015 curveto +131.91846 95.190435 132.01503 96.588652 132.07657 97.98797 curveto +132.05542 97.969917 132.05623 97.968037 132.01956 97.958325 curveto +131.97486 97.94649 131.92814 97.944319 131.88272 97.935656 curveto +131.76785 97.913743 131.77179 97.911747 131.64475 97.876941 curveto +131.34898 97.836079 131.047 97.842168 130.75503 97.905065 curveto +130.57165 97.942318 130.37798 97.929228 130.19735 97.883794 curveto +130.02396 97.821805 129.84263 97.790924 129.66359 97.751492 curveto +129.48267 97.717351 129.32998 97.611268 129.156 97.554609 curveto +129.0639 97.504512 128.93763 97.511114 128.85235 97.446805 curveto +128.83289 97.43213 128.81888 97.411364 128.80214 97.393644 curveto +128.75477 97.274348 128.69672 97.161806 128.62393 97.055579 curveto +127.53519 96.090862 127.2356 93.498849 128.49357 92.717744 curveto +128.56773 92.675033 128.65811 92.672675 128.73577 92.642093 curveto +128.74714 92.637619 128.75297 92.624258 128.76362 92.618292 curveto +128.80175 92.596945 128.84981 92.586366 128.89095 92.574743 curveto +128.94198 92.514089 129.02148 92.510299 129.08964 92.484501 curveto +129.10659 92.478083 129.1653 92.431205 129.1791 92.420585 curveto +129.3921 92.345632 129.60616 92.271947 129.81631 92.188943 curveto +130.09254 92.03906 130.36248 91.878549 130.62274 91.701784 curveto +130.79476 91.604278 130.94673 91.480413 131.09029 91.345695 curveto +131.11564 91.326329 131.13954 91.304907 131.16634 91.287597 curveto +131.31337 91.192613 131.40206 91.150262 131.52627 91.018312 curveto +131.54857 90.960009 131.57249 90.897594 131.55498 90.835245 curveto +131.53924 92.221771 131.5235 93.608296 131.50775 94.994822 curveto +131.52707 94.959338 131.58868 94.987122 131.60699 94.969733 curveto +131.61881 94.958503 131.57412 94.960953 131.56241 94.949618 curveto +131.55327 94.940785 131.56725 94.924643 131.56863 94.912013 curveto +131.50182 94.872886 131.42556 94.856976 131.35509 94.824552 curveto +131.25683 94.787724 131.15024 94.785174 131.04659 94.780755 curveto +130.94449 94.816273 130.83531 94.823966 130.73015 94.848413 curveto +130.57127 94.88781 130.42635 94.821547 130.27627 94.774088 curveto +130.08768 94.701394 129.89687 94.623436 129.6939 94.605809 curveto +129.55018 94.597969 129.42019 94.555689 129.29319 94.491302 curveto +129.23713 94.459518 129.16675 94.450329 129.1135 94.413374 curveto +129.10631 94.408385 129.10468 94.398121 129.09888 94.391566 curveto +129.08059 94.370887 129.04695 94.36275 129.02482 94.353279 curveto +129.00031 94.340655 128.94624 94.313567 128.92808 94.299936 curveto +128.90931 94.285848 128.8464 94.22682 128.84689 94.194256 curveto +128.86824 92.79531 128.899 91.396524 128.92505 89.997657 curveto +129.03759 89.916959 129.17026 89.87227 129.28692 89.797793 curveto +129.30569 89.783989 129.32446 89.770185 129.34322 89.75638 curveto +129.36806 89.741322 129.39429 89.728368 129.41772 89.711206 curveto +129.43605 89.697773 129.44971 89.678668 129.46791 89.665041 curveto +129.56083 89.595433 129.66944 89.547945 129.77379 89.499437 curveto +130.11346 89.33111 130.40171 89.076255 130.66965 88.811686 curveto +130.82708 88.640217 130.95786 88.446386 131.11404 88.274298 curveto +131.17121 88.213966 131.23708 88.156709 131.30797 88.112631 curveto +131.33422 88.096308 131.3649 88.087542 131.39024 88.069848 curveto +131.39334 88.067683 131.50082 87.963025 131.50279 87.961108 curveto +131.55005 87.86506 131.66061 87.829108 131.72563 87.752246 curveto +131.81275 87.649244 131.65046 87.779078 131.79253 87.676222 curveto +131.80396 87.606656 131.87331 87.614617 131.92271 87.587867 curveto +131.93686 87.580204 131.94412 87.563506 131.95706 87.553945 curveto +132.03659 87.506331 131.99925 87.531667 132.06951 87.478555 curveto +132.15017 87.410052 132.24164 87.351122 132.34262 87.317488 curveto +132.36542 87.31233 132.38945 87.311036 132.41101 87.302013 curveto +132.41816 87.299023 132.44958 87.259498 132.45534 87.255626 curveto +132.50076 87.225092 132.54906 87.202011 132.59357 87.168739 curveto +132.59482 87.16756 132.65725 87.110745 132.6575 87.104386 curveto +132.65869 87.074492 132.58131 87.026291 132.58178 87.056205 curveto +132.64686 91.19106 133.71751 92.176964 132.68183 91.217027 curveto +132.5689 91.176004 132.44171 91.198001 132.32306 91.201554 curveto +132.21124 91.216682 132.0968 91.205563 131.98506 91.218758 curveto +131.91573 91.23715 131.84391 91.227789 131.77414 91.242536 curveto +131.71102 91.243729 131.65099 91.228841 131.58796 91.238623 curveto +131.4839 91.248804 131.41182 91.196753 131.32751 91.175135 curveto +131.29671 91.113984 131.17475 91.13564 131.14202 91.095171 curveto +131.13681 91.088729 131.15541 91.085416 131.16211 91.080538 curveto +131.16681 91.041956 131.16364 91.093437 131.09917 91.027683 curveto +131.07893 91.012271 131.09246 90.977126 131.07582 90.960031 curveto +131.0689 90.952928 130.99307 90.908423 130.97939 90.900279 curveto +130.9565 90.857225 130.92484 90.866243 130.88351 90.842078 curveto +130.86513 90.83133 130.85358 90.808507 130.83134 90.797276 curveto +130.80971 90.790056 130.6293 90.728474 130.61926 90.701935 curveto +130.61444 90.689231 130.63616 90.680663 130.64461 90.670027 curveto +130.65658 90.660913 130.67869 90.657617 130.68051 90.642684 curveto +130.68427 90.612027 130.58686 90.530572 130.56456 90.518583 curveto +130.5401 90.505429 130.51322 90.4974 130.48754 90.486809 curveto +130.49202 89.089068 130.4965 87.691327 130.50098 86.293586 curveto +130.51526 86.284509 130.52819 86.272849 130.54381 86.266356 curveto +130.56732 86.256587 130.59345 86.254423 130.61721 86.245281 curveto +130.63074 86.240073 130.64123 86.228381 130.65492 86.223598 curveto +130.7408 86.193594 130.72329 86.232837 130.73707 86.187674 curveto +130.76619 86.106815 130.86646 86.096206 130.90807 86.033485 curveto +130.97558 85.985095 131.05848 85.953499 131.12468 85.904218 curveto +131.13937 85.893288 131.14869 85.876574 131.16069 85.862752 curveto +131.1805 85.84948 131.2003 85.836208 131.22011 85.822937 curveto +131.35664 85.767604 131.47101 85.672293 131.60884 85.619325 curveto +131.65202 85.586722 131.71315 85.576327 131.75737 85.548328 curveto +131.77387 85.537879 131.79054 85.489799 131.80107 85.472292 curveto +131.81308 85.460267 131.8505 85.424393 131.85644 85.410734 curveto +131.86127 85.399616 131.85169 85.384639 131.85819 85.374405 curveto +131.87372 85.349964 131.95037 85.292441 131.97653 85.272508 curveto +132.02641 85.256116 132.04513 85.196754 132.08425 85.16932 curveto +132.12395 85.141474 132.17848 85.125678 132.22104 85.100153 curveto +132.33282 85.010021 132.12185 85.174352 132.30543 85.061127 curveto +132.31107 85.057647 132.30275 85.045619 132.30785 85.041388 curveto +132.34231 85.012831 132.40854 84.994772 132.44995 84.984343 curveto +132.52833 84.954315 132.57496 84.887437 132.65033 84.852092 curveto +132.68851 84.81169 132.74961 84.80205 132.79319 84.773067 curveto +132.80337 84.766302 132.80501 84.750923 132.81452 84.743259 curveto +132.88833 84.683815 132.85063 84.746983 132.8816 84.681908 curveto +132.98244 84.624058 132.97855 84.612405 132.97493 84.506581 curveto +132.68494 83.124167 132.96925 84.473356 132.94948 88.672294 curveto +132.94946 88.67765 132.94685 88.658844 132.9516 88.656365 curveto +132.97917 88.641965 133.00739 88.639338 133.03547 88.624145 curveto +133.00389 88.597432 132.95534 88.606313 132.91567 88.60181 curveto +132.84071 88.595159 132.76306 88.593821 132.68794 88.601973 curveto +132.60932 88.590948 132.53066 88.60186 132.45198 88.598564 curveto +132.38828 88.603207 132.32487 88.604179 132.26145 88.610232 curveto +132.20799 88.617812 132.02661 88.61449 132.02437 88.580792 curveto +132.02058 88.577884 132.01384 88.576772 132.01299 88.572068 curveto +132.01217 88.567581 132.0216 88.56526 132.02072 88.560783 curveto +132.01846 88.549158 131.91941 88.530948 131.89006 88.515959 curveto +131.8359 88.491299 131.77352 88.49924 131.71824 88.478686 curveto +131.70686 88.474456 131.70812 88.45604 131.69957 88.447426 curveto +131.66715 88.425774 131.68199 88.434009 131.61287 88.414892 curveto +131.57475 88.404351 131.49753 88.426126 131.49765 88.386578 curveto +131.50059 87.453918 130.27121 84.322953 131.79063 84.142292 curveto +131.86753 84.128999 131.9351 84.096513 132.0146 84.087478 curveto +132 84.054569 132.01318 84.096321 132.04359 84.061842 curveto +132.04814 84.056684 132.03886 84.048924 132.0365 84.042465 curveto +132.0384 84.034018 132.03567 84.022822 132.04219 84.017124 curveto +132.09555 83.970477 132.09206 84.022313 132.08874 83.973198 curveto +132.1278 83.946126 132.06512 83.939257 132.07082 83.922146 curveto +132.07892 83.897836 132.16927 83.872923 132.16959 83.839232 curveto +132.16968 83.82903 132.15332 83.826904 132.14519 83.82074 curveto +132.07184 83.74832 132.27031 83.75471 132.1928 83.694779 curveto +132.2329 83.696393 132.25366 83.658419 132.28685 83.646629 curveto +132.32858 83.631807 132.38396 83.644957 132.41563 83.614009 curveto +132.42159 83.608193 132.40037 83.606232 132.39513 83.599765 curveto +132.39113 83.594829 132.3913 83.587652 132.38939 83.581596 curveto +132.40356 83.582415 132.54559 83.526984 132.5369 83.502794 curveto +132.53272 83.491144 132.51498 83.491291 132.50402 83.48554 curveto +132.47183 83.425788 132.44289 83.435839 132.41535 83.3663 curveto +132.37318 83.308218 132.40322 83.319707 132.45198 83.289576 curveto +132.48259 83.270654 132.50726 83.24341 132.53609 83.221871 curveto +132.51202 83.212245 132.53863 83.158306 132.52519 83.146986 curveto +132.51727 83.140306 132.48683 83.143364 132.49551 83.137708 curveto +132.51914 83.122324 132.54956 83.121592 132.57658 83.113534 curveto +132.58046 83.109053 132.6831 83.069062 132.67292 83.062677 curveto +132.65702 83.052697 132.61181 83.074261 132.61697 83.056205 curveto +132.62289 83.035447 132.6591 83.046448 132.67954 83.039509 curveto +132.69175 83.035364 132.70289 83.028553 132.71457 83.023074 curveto +132.69172 83.017833 132.77584 83.00156 132.75963 82.994045 curveto +132.74047 82.985166 132.71724 82.992048 132.69664 82.987444 curveto +132.68151 82.984063 132.64465 82.965739 132.65907 82.960052 curveto +132.69105 82.947435 132.7265 82.946594 132.76021 82.939866 curveto +132.71672 82.87507 132.84723 82.895926 132.80197 82.836716 curveto +132.79589 82.733358 132.78298 82.78173 132.89219 82.738245 curveto +132.90196 82.734355 132.89309 82.716945 132.89649 82.706994 curveto +132.91447 82.657605 132.8891 82.710825 132.98369 82.672124 curveto +132.98878 82.670041 132.9738 82.665435 132.97236 82.660127 curveto +132.96005 82.614924 133.01748 82.63604 132.94181 82.609334 curveto +132.87906 82.556395 133.08848 82.561535 133.07687 82.528378 curveto +133.07207 82.514657 133.04774 82.524256 133.03439 82.518508 curveto +133.02759 82.515583 133.02368 82.50829 133.01833 82.50318 curveto +133.0212 82.480555 133.15035 82.489011 133.16102 82.45926 curveto +133.16352 82.452275 133.14029 82.445736 133.14678 82.442145 curveto +133.17115 82.428668 133.20148 82.430977 133.22793 82.42226 curveto +133.24727 82.415885 133.26503 82.405458 133.28358 82.397058 curveto +133.39737 82.329259 133.51283 82.26591 133.63836 82.222355 curveto +133.82756 82.145511 134.02961 82.108221 134.22135 82.040678 curveto +134.46062 81.994996 134.67737 81.886089 134.90995 81.819537 curveto +134.95076 81.808148 134.99098 81.794376 135.03238 81.785372 curveto +135.22488 81.743507 135.13238 81.776052 135.33597 81.748056 curveto +135.50242 81.725168 135.66755 81.679484 135.832 81.645621 curveto +135.92292 85.565418 lineto +135.62214 85.645408 135.32238 85.722123 135.03277 85.838446 curveto +134.80577 85.918129 134.58348 86.010792 134.35551 86.087901 curveto +134.17528 86.148557 133.99962 86.224821 133.83648 86.322942 curveto +133.72959 86.402756 133.62262 86.481612 133.51721 86.563274 curveto +133.48589 86.596066 133.49184 86.576549 133.50135 86.622394 curveto +133.47207 86.660904 133.34685 86.67762 133.47698 86.704753 curveto +133.46567 86.710999 133.45494 86.718451 133.44304 86.723493 curveto +133.41781 86.734183 133.34456 86.743029 133.39999 86.764467 curveto +133.4145 86.770077 133.43902 86.762903 133.44484 86.777325 curveto +133.4496 86.789107 133.42461 86.7927 133.4145 86.800388 curveto +133.40701 86.804052 133.25796 86.876128 133.2578 86.88551 curveto +133.25754 86.901293 133.29159 86.885584 133.30417 86.895108 curveto +133.30972 86.899306 133.29347 86.904 133.28812 86.908446 curveto +133.27124 86.923045 133.21916 86.935428 133.23584 86.950254 curveto +133.25196 86.964591 133.28032 86.947883 133.30031 86.956011 curveto +133.30373 86.957398 133.2408 87.01111 133.23711 87.016741 curveto +133.22128 87.027943 133.20385 87.037163 133.18963 87.050347 curveto +133.16292 87.075106 133.189 87.069061 133.17729 87.099409 curveto +133.16787 87.123797 133.11926 87.13928 133.10517 87.157358 curveto +133.30775 87.168025 133.0465 87.187934 133.03153 87.233154 curveto +133.03567 87.24827 133.0797 87.250674 133.06875 87.261887 curveto +133.03279 87.298708 132.96036 87.272491 133.02216 87.313558 curveto +133.04239 87.317534 133.0717 87.308143 133.08285 87.325486 curveto +133.0909 87.338016 133.05848 87.342642 133.04678 87.351858 curveto +133.02171 87.3716 133.00609 87.402466 132.97797 87.419004 curveto +133.03417 87.451483 133.07921 87.490104 133.03672 87.553223 curveto +132.99195 87.609943 132.9359 87.649534 132.8695 87.678871 curveto +132.84519 87.687865 132.67506 87.739938 132.71384 87.785124 curveto +132.69938 87.790778 132.5943 87.81732 132.61096 87.829474 curveto +132.61995 87.836032 132.6331 87.836058 132.64113 87.843757 curveto +132.64506 87.847521 132.64224 87.85458 132.6428 87.859991 curveto +132.65053 87.867015 132.65827 87.87404 132.66601 87.881065 curveto +132.54317 87.962169 132.68703 87.950066 132.57229 88.011024 curveto +132.45649 88.07006 132.53089 88.066684 132.50061 88.097483 curveto +132.47421 88.124335 132.43086 88.129039 132.40233 88.153188 curveto +132.38383 88.162493 132.36532 88.171797 132.34681 88.181102 curveto +132.3432 88.187675 132.34218 88.196616 132.33597 88.200823 curveto +132.27177 88.244292 132.18011 88.257871 132.10783 88.279715 curveto +132.05905 88.307149 131.99014 88.325227 131.95058 88.347567 curveto +133.36142 88.70843 132.13409 88.182205 132.11773 84.203866 curveto +132.11758 84.166569 132.04316 84.207467 132.00613 84.211933 curveto +131.98987 84.213895 131.97013 84.211793 131.95828 84.223101 curveto +131.9522 84.228895 131.97137 84.233607 131.97791 84.238859 curveto +131.99583 84.250612 132.05092 84.253854 132.03507 84.268274 curveto +132.02005 84.281939 131.99224 84.268623 131.97524 84.279734 curveto +131.96817 84.284356 132.02187 84.309195 132.0509 84.324568 curveto +132.06121 84.327484 132.07153 84.3304 132.08185 84.333316 curveto +132.07607 84.336458 132.05823 84.340814 132.06452 84.34274 curveto +132.11896 84.359418 132.18839 84.334858 132.2401 84.367542 curveto +132.33723 84.389567 132.2098 84.39021 132.18914 84.396283 curveto +132.16599 84.403089 132.27944 84.383119 132.26147 84.399223 curveto +132.32483 84.405276 132.38818 84.406256 132.45184 84.410869 curveto +132.53012 84.407527 132.6084 84.418349 132.68658 84.406901 curveto +132.76383 84.414798 132.84324 84.411989 132.92041 84.40619 curveto +133.00485 84.400042 133.0913 84.406202 133.17511 84.41609 curveto +134.69275 84.552811 134.54261 88.315217 133.39006 88.709199 curveto +133.31464 88.746689 133.23135 88.777174 133.17048 88.836184 curveto +133.07403 88.886396 132.98748 88.948337 132.89588 89.006865 curveto +132.8212 89.086794 132.7145 89.118484 132.62085 89.170552 curveto +132.5851 89.227768 132.50514 89.238236 132.4576 89.281294 curveto +132.44034 89.292663 132.41694 89.299262 132.40731 89.317542 curveto +132.40427 89.323308 132.40763 89.331712 132.40345 89.336711 curveto +132.37402 89.371883 132.31854 89.388063 132.30123 89.43599 curveto +132.28733 89.454068 132.25011 89.512685 132.23539 89.526802 curveto +132.19137 89.569035 132.12607 89.59181 132.08808 89.642131 curveto +131.99064 89.700747 131.87639 89.718342 131.77521 89.770516 curveto +131.67278 89.822114 131.5633 89.871471 131.48343 89.955988 curveto +131.39421 90.030814 131.28994 90.090961 131.22227 90.189683 curveto +131.20531 90.201777 131.18537 90.210519 131.1714 90.225966 curveto +131.16394 90.234221 131.1664 90.248003 131.16082 90.257633 curveto +131.13354 90.304721 131.08241 90.344199 131.0393 90.37471 curveto +131.02419 90.383678 131.00057 90.385332 130.99398 90.401615 curveto +130.98993 90.411626 131.01457 90.410488 131.02144 90.41882 curveto +131.02565 90.423929 131.01944 90.434063 131.02438 90.438471 curveto +131.04292 90.455001 131.07504 90.462494 131.09868 90.469459 curveto +131.10085 89.087108 131.10301 87.704757 131.10518 86.322405 curveto +131.08132 86.33015 131.05536 86.333166 131.03359 86.345639 curveto +130.97906 86.376884 131.10823 86.52794 131.14906 86.492424 curveto +131.1644 86.499604 131.19199 86.497308 131.19508 86.513964 curveto +131.19759 86.527517 131.16707 86.516759 131.15469 86.522819 curveto +131.12803 86.535868 131.12718 86.601708 131.08028 86.592351 curveto +131.09792 86.606112 131.17471 86.648265 131.18216 86.65787 curveto +131.18719 86.664353 131.17066 86.675034 131.17559 86.681594 curveto +131.18289 86.691304 131.27191 86.734312 131.27645 86.736592 curveto +131.27973 86.740839 131.32135 86.79612 131.3286 86.800187 curveto +131.33868 86.80585 131.43494 86.833529 131.45008 86.848435 curveto +131.4547 86.852981 131.43918 86.855444 131.43373 86.858949 curveto +131.44619 86.864522 131.45865 86.870095 131.47111 86.875668 curveto +131.59408 86.915172 131.48499 86.891526 131.46954 86.926509 curveto +131.46563 86.935358 131.55598 86.972124 131.56308 86.970831 curveto +131.51421 86.991373 131.54367 86.974018 131.58915 86.988105 curveto +131.60921 86.994319 131.67269 87.047746 131.58801 87.033994 curveto +131.65104 87.043787 131.71108 87.028929 131.7742 87.03015 curveto +131.84338 87.04485 131.91454 87.035557 131.98336 87.053409 curveto +132.09335 87.065645 132.206 87.053012 132.31625 87.064033 curveto +132.46242 87.063584 132.60783 87.071245 132.75329 87.055205 curveto +134.24114 87.126384 132.90373 87.033353 133.04188 91.264902 curveto +133.042 91.268673 132.91997 91.280756 132.91755 91.281306 curveto +132.90154 91.284932 132.84671 91.313957 132.83587 91.319437 curveto +132.76853 91.359883 132.70044 91.410658 132.62855 91.441689 curveto +132.60723 91.450888 132.5836 91.454142 132.56254 91.463912 curveto +132.55249 91.468578 132.5451 91.477604 132.53638 91.48445 curveto +132.47009 91.540034 132.38645 91.569468 132.31951 91.625333 curveto +132.27408 91.652629 132.21333 91.693636 132.17691 91.730763 curveto +132.13533 91.773155 132.15115 91.817395 132.07904 91.835005 curveto +132.04218 91.871917 131.99484 91.883677 131.955 91.916302 curveto +131.90251 91.959285 131.85965 92.015341 131.79684 92.045777 curveto +131.74853 92.084359 131.69553 92.116939 131.64821 92.15673 curveto +131.57286 92.220093 131.51167 92.300922 131.43896 92.367278 curveto +131.29015 92.505611 131.11552 92.61457 130.94512 92.724197 curveto +130.63178 92.950936 130.30733 93.166861 130.03342 93.442252 curveto +129.88323 93.613647 129.73443 93.781782 129.5455 93.911786 curveto +129.49089 93.955762 129.40855 94.008843 129.3978 94.08706 curveto +129.39422 94.113178 129.4257 94.137714 129.40711 94.165599 curveto +129.4237 92.787951 129.4403 91.410304 129.45689 90.032656 curveto +129.45424 90.045144 129.44668 90.08675 129.43908 90.097552 curveto +129.41796 90.127538 129.37043 90.123871 129.37108 90.166579 curveto +129.34111 90.217226 129.41347 90.214278 129.44122 90.247679 curveto +129.47262 90.285475 129.42912 90.336042 129.49969 90.353307 curveto +129.59701 90.412204 129.69172 90.476549 129.80355 90.506169 curveto +129.98758 90.588454 130.17939 90.65342 130.37842 90.686923 curveto +130.48253 90.706378 130.57436 90.69425 130.67807 90.686357 curveto +130.80378 90.68613 130.92742 90.640626 131.05442 90.645151 curveto +131.18929 90.644772 131.32461 90.64278 131.45895 90.656694 curveto +131.55416 90.670895 131.63806 90.709651 131.73379 90.721128 curveto +131.74945 90.723139 131.83538 90.732131 131.85493 90.741587 curveto +131.85885 90.743482 131.84223 90.750341 131.84642 90.751495 curveto +131.93515 90.775877 131.96193 90.76028 132.02318 90.823606 curveto +131.99791 94.870502 133.24697 94.469275 131.78873 95.137 curveto +131.63284 95.206375 131.50076 95.311301 131.36967 95.418896 curveto +131.20211 95.540028 131.02174 95.63611 130.82469 95.701065 curveto +130.54152 95.822757 130.27295 95.970056 130.01348 96.136636 curveto +129.81455 96.272646 129.59743 96.384352 129.41329 96.538918 curveto +129.36498 96.566056 129.31212 96.584921 129.26512 96.614272 curveto +129.25022 96.623578 129.2411 96.640208 129.22692 96.650577 curveto +129.17906 96.685567 129.12232 96.712751 129.0671 96.733059 curveto +128.98101 96.813891 128.90971 96.799886 129.0414 96.895559 curveto +130.34817 97.462485 129.08223 96.9274 129.0083 92.767901 curveto +129.00812 92.757543 129.00754 92.788607 129.00746 92.798966 curveto +129.00726 92.82345 128.99897 92.849013 129.00619 92.87241 curveto +129.01157 92.88986 129.02464 92.903929 129.03387 92.919688 curveto +129.05765 92.956793 129.08747 92.98989 129.11017 93.027672 curveto +129.13944 93.076417 129.13521 93.102785 129.16966 93.14881 curveto +129.18524 93.169636 129.2081 93.184193 129.22419 93.204637 curveto +129.23307 93.215931 129.23726 93.230234 129.2438 93.243033 curveto +129.23977 93.263018 129.21361 93.319509 129.21697 93.335868 curveto +129.22801 93.389567 129.3119 93.428953 129.3506 93.447063 curveto +129.41006 93.489071 129.49472 93.552967 129.56182 93.579659 curveto +129.62336 93.604139 129.71594 93.616001 129.77723 93.649525 curveto +129.94092 93.710085 130.11421 93.760557 130.28628 93.786694 curveto +130.44263 93.814227 130.59657 93.848088 130.75451 93.862404 curveto +131.04639 93.924572 131.34818 93.929501 131.64346 93.886713 curveto +131.81699 93.838089 131.99367 93.800107 132.1738 93.78918 curveto +132.26958 95.414237 133.82717 97.944176 132.31068 98.012298 curveto +132.23222 98.015823 132.15489 98.002121 132.08286 98.044256 curveto +131.97563 98.083951 132.03097 98.06087 131.91743 98.114912 curveto +131.81316 98.15406 131.69674 98.161426 131.59035 98.192752 curveto +131.45515 98.220076 131.32234 98.246637 131.19685 98.306397 curveto +130.93689 98.409625 130.67401 98.505792 130.41413 98.609465 curveto +129.76167 98.908855 129.14042 99.270458 128.61052 99.760928 curveto +128.4261 99.926893 128.28992 100.04421 128.11746 100.21817 curveto +128.08895 100.24693 127.8568 100.50093 127.79946 100.55047 curveto +127.75364 100.59005 127.69486 100.61239 127.64803 100.65079 curveto +127.56341 100.67923 127.46921 100.68259 127.45886 100.78478 curveto +127.45166 100.79729 127.42738 100.81178 127.43725 100.82232 curveto +127.45568 100.84199 127.51484 100.87159 127.51496 100.84464 curveto +127.52088 99.459783 127.50099 98.074566 127.45491 96.690462 curveto +127.45401 96.663337 127.40163 96.703281 127.37752 96.715735 curveto +127.36733 96.720999 127.35379 96.73057 127.35522 96.74195 curveto +127.35695 96.75564 127.37475 96.76145 127.38452 96.7712 curveto +127.4052 96.787804 127.44308 96.820875 127.46841 96.830039 curveto +127.56717 96.865764 127.67822 96.871498 127.77501 96.915738 curveto +127.87515 96.935498 127.99184 96.940226 128.06534 97.015604 curveto +128.09507 97.038528 128.12791 97.042693 128.15727 97.063399 curveto +128.19214 97.087992 128.20463 97.158846 128.25179 97.172313 curveto +128.44738 97.317784 128.67361 97.397003 128.9169 97.417992 curveto +129.00757 97.422381 129.09873 97.420452 129.18892 97.430747 curveto +129.32061 97.445779 129.44342 97.501878 129.5654 97.549475 curveto +129.90908 97.687222 130.27067 97.776088 130.61127 97.922417 curveto +130.9637 98.046562 131.32502 98.157922 131.69189 98.232168 curveto +132.16515 98.327944 132.07956 98.28297 132.55175 98.33312 curveto +132.67961 98.346699 132.80649 98.368231 132.93387 98.385787 curveto +133.05667 98.395966 133.17912 98.412371 133.30229 98.416326 curveto +133.85181 98.433973 133.41074 98.398961 133.88128 98.377603 curveto +134.03834 98.370474 134.1866 98.424028 134.34095 98.440266 curveto +134.57843 98.507605 134.80932 98.595543 135.05565 98.626694 curveto +135.11249 98.643623 135.45948 98.689094 135.45969 98.70762 curveto +135.50843 102.95508 136.7877 102.79087 135.24609 102.929 curveto +134.97504 102.88437 134.70298 102.89192 134.42845 102.89055 curveto +133.78817 102.90065 133.15191 103.02324 132.5094 102.99057 curveto +131.92346 103.01956 132.38276 103.00118 131.81142 103.01263 curveto +131.62951 103.01627 131.3339 103.01884 131.15281 103.05407 curveto +131.10034 103.06428 130.75 103.17724 130.6651 103.20432 curveto +130.5156 103.22533 130.36676 103.22418 130.21684 103.22992 curveto +130.1023 103.21641 129.97912 103.24027 129.87382 103.18222 curveto +129.76188 103.14015 129.66182 103.06782 129.5482 103.02696 curveto +129.37833 102.94052 129.18469 102.92864 129.00016 102.88982 curveto +128.72291 102.82343 128.43511 102.82099 128.15479 102.77001 curveto +127.92945 102.74513 127.70511 102.7576 127.47909 102.74585 curveto +127.40821 102.73447 127.44782 102.73838 127.35995 102.73778 curveto +127.25546 102.72511 127.15118 102.69241 127.04814 102.67123 curveto +126.86574 102.61733 126.66585 102.58121 126.47779 102.6236 curveto +126.5367 98.472163 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +127.19379 100.13007 moveto +127.24974 100.24291 127.35787 100.32647 127.47246 100.37542 curveto +127.50448 100.39623 127.63785 100.39285 127.6297 100.42391 curveto +127.7091 100.44057 127.79128 100.48691 127.86535 100.52373 curveto +127.72813 100.56457 127.8489 100.57671 127.9078 100.61147 curveto +128.00331 100.62031 127.8115 100.61275 127.83135 100.62987 curveto +127.85612 100.65124 127.89192 100.65559 127.91918 100.67367 curveto +127.92623 100.67834 127.9469 100.68367 127.93986 100.68834 curveto +127.92433 100.69867 127.90298 100.69392 127.88454 100.69671 curveto +127.9017 100.7192 128.01468 100.76671 128.02476 100.78419 curveto +128.03028 100.79375 128.00535 100.79558 127.99826 100.80404 curveto +127.99481 100.80815 127.99604 100.81454 127.99493 100.81979 curveto +128.0063 100.86313 127.97611 100.75943 128.05387 100.85647 curveto +128.05965 100.86369 128.03844 100.86767 128.03392 100.87573 curveto +128.01992 100.90074 128.07802 100.91417 128.10478 100.92443 curveto +128.18654 100.95989 128.09909 100.9361 128.09078 100.97808 curveto +127.97732 100.99262 128.10576 100.98402 128.17337 100.99908 curveto +128.18513 101.0017 128.18631 101.01999 128.19577 101.02746 curveto +128.30415 101.07786 127.98946 101.02493 128.30978 101.06621 curveto +128.30092 101.0845 128.34805 101.09804 128.34692 101.10283 curveto +128.34481 101.11177 128.31289 101.11489 128.3409 101.11931 curveto +128.35008 101.14356 128.44444 101.13661 128.47457 101.15154 curveto +128.49292 101.16063 128.46844 101.17686 128.49869 101.18866 curveto +128.50577 101.19008 128.6059 101.20845 128.62266 101.21704 curveto +128.62746 101.21951 128.62514 101.22794 128.62853 101.23213 curveto +128.632 101.23641 128.63983 101.23636 128.64231 101.24128 curveto +128.64408 101.2448 128.63526 101.2509 128.63882 101.25258 curveto +128.65938 101.26226 128.68264 101.2646 128.70455 101.27061 curveto +128.70887 101.27941 128.71034 101.29032 128.7175 101.29701 curveto +128.74599 101.32366 128.91196 101.3827 128.95693 101.398 curveto +129.01686 101.45941 129.09969 101.4636 129.17271 101.49946 curveto +129.29036 101.55656 129.38254 101.64558 129.50421 101.69511 curveto +129.55722 101.73598 129.6221 101.72798 129.6809 101.74266 curveto +129.77342 101.75043 129.8562 101.79008 129.93445 101.83826 curveto +129.96674 101.84781 129.98746 101.87748 130.01737 101.89071 curveto +130.0563 101.90792 130.13363 101.91658 130.17177 101.92843 curveto +130.28016 101.96209 130.38558 102.00471 130.49322 102.04068 curveto +131.13653 102.2334 131.80456 102.30748 132.47054 102.37032 curveto +132.60495 102.38505 132.7408 102.38997 132.87377 102.41451 curveto +133.25095 102.48414 133.6159 102.61123 133.99273 102.68271 curveto +134.79632 102.83513 135.61768 102.89213 136.43121 102.9597 curveto +136.73157 102.9598 137.03193 102.95989 137.33229 102.95998 curveto +137.62435 102.95034 137.91625 102.93324 138.20845 102.93107 curveto +139.1748 102.9239 139.0366 102.98627 139.9938 102.91113 curveto +140.67981 102.85728 140.84202 102.80563 141.49238 102.67468 curveto +141.97604 102.55565 142.46333 102.4379 142.9321 102.26679 curveto +143.16226 102.18278 143.37898 102.07256 143.59584 101.96002 curveto +143.73614 101.87179 143.66955 101.91098 143.79473 101.84097 curveto +143.87904 105.92554 lineto +143.74602 105.9091 143.8181 105.9198 143.6631 105.89138 curveto +143.42773 105.85679 143.19756 105.80428 142.96338 105.76399 curveto +142.47989 105.6808 141.98933 105.64305 141.50533 105.56328 curveto +140.90029 105.49648 140.62273 105.45529 139.99792 105.43325 curveto +138.6821 105.38685 139.5431 105.45181 138.20965 105.46602 curveto +137.61704 105.47234 137.02466 105.40799 136.43176 105.45315 curveto +135.61392 105.52459 134.79526 105.59625 133.98202 105.71117 curveto +133.83256 105.7323 133.04806 105.87014 132.84998 105.883 curveto +132.71642 105.89167 132.5824 105.87562 132.4486 105.87193 curveto +131.78866 105.85121 131.12293 105.80767 130.46944 105.92976 curveto +130.35892 105.95449 130.25065 105.99002 130.13886 106.00816 curveto +130.03341 106.02528 129.8873 106.01245 129.78078 106.0051 curveto +129.75882 106.0003 129.61072 105.96473 129.6064 105.95407 curveto +129.60368 105.94738 129.61862 105.94639 129.62473 105.94256 curveto +129.51159 105.93171 129.40633 105.87591 129.30291 105.83225 curveto +129.20655 105.76876 129.09362 105.74372 129.00019 105.67584 curveto +128.98663 105.67057 128.97308 105.6653 128.95952 105.66003 curveto +128.95655 105.65398 128.95681 105.64455 128.95062 105.64187 curveto +128.8877 105.61462 128.79102 105.61084 128.73056 105.56797 curveto +128.71123 105.52205 128.73317 105.55777 128.66584 105.52592 curveto +128.60698 105.49806 128.56202 105.45875 128.48891 105.46876 curveto +128.51666 105.44055 128.50061 105.46337 128.44154 105.4488 curveto +128.4098 105.44097 128.32655 105.42118 128.38854 105.38788 curveto +128.34615 105.37872 128.27556 105.3869 128.23937 105.36324 curveto +128.22524 105.354 128.29953 105.35371 128.28604 105.34357 curveto +128.27392 105.33446 128.25573 105.34393 128.24058 105.34411 curveto +128.17117 105.3256 128.10251 105.323 128.03928 105.28858 curveto +128.23251 105.27419 128.02873 105.27457 127.99164 105.26706 curveto +127.97847 105.26439 127.97409 105.24309 127.95923 105.24307 curveto +127.94386 105.23514 127.89314 105.22832 127.91027 105.22588 curveto +128.05443 105.20534 128.02546 105.21874 127.95107 105.21678 curveto +127.92636 105.21612 127.90164 105.21604 127.87693 105.21568 curveto +127.84517 105.20064 127.6935 105.14491 127.68978 105.14227 curveto +127.68347 105.13781 127.69966 105.13039 127.70459 105.12445 curveto +127.8069 105.08869 127.64405 105.08123 127.62464 105.05311 curveto +127.61809 105.04363 127.65459 105.0507 127.65634 105.03931 curveto +127.65802 105.02837 127.63866 105.02599 127.62983 105.01933 curveto +127.61798 105.01193 127.60682 105.0033 127.59429 104.99712 curveto +127.57596 104.98807 127.54754 104.99163 127.53758 104.97378 curveto +127.53132 104.96255 127.56483 104.96937 127.57355 104.95993 curveto +127.58045 104.95247 127.54687 104.91525 127.5736 104.91048 curveto +127.54533 104.90435 127.51525 104.9038 127.48879 104.89211 curveto +127.48271 104.88942 127.49932 104.85751 127.49965 104.85727 curveto +127.50841 104.85097 127.53587 104.85569 127.53019 104.84651 curveto +127.50652 104.80824 127.41199 104.85861 127.40008 104.81054 curveto +127.43524 104.78655 127.41208 104.79791 127.47465 104.78992 curveto +127.48185 104.78524 127.4607 104.7799 127.45356 104.77513 curveto +127.41143 104.747 127.36804 104.72629 127.31776 104.71543 curveto +127.33326 104.71271 127.34985 104.7136 127.36426 104.70727 curveto +127.37714 104.70161 127.37801 104.66739 127.39607 104.65881 curveto +127.40913 104.65261 127.43221 104.6607 127.43792 104.64742 curveto +127.44238 104.63701 127.41685 104.6391 127.40632 104.63494 curveto +127.39133 104.63113 127.37256 104.63417 127.36135 104.62351 curveto +127.3482 104.61098 127.41827 104.6102 127.40796 104.59524 curveto +127.38361 104.55992 127.27387 104.59761 127.25641 104.54192 curveto +127.21652 104.51624 127.17275 104.49608 127.13586 104.46624 curveto +127.0485 104.39556 126.98917 104.29044 126.86803 104.26913 curveto +127.19379 100.13007 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +126.8564 99.79269 moveto +126.93217 99.940718 127.10545 100.01944 127.17476 100.16933 curveto +127.21518 100.2403 127.27907 100.28752 127.33507 100.34371 curveto +127.2724 100.41141 127.3249 100.39472 127.349 100.44486 curveto +127.35464 100.4566 127.34581 100.47099 127.34755 100.48389 curveto +127.34902 100.49484 127.35483 100.50476 127.35847 100.5152 curveto +127.35735 100.55032 127.41606 100.56221 127.42203 100.58452 curveto +127.42489 100.59523 127.4029 100.59628 127.39547 100.6045 curveto +127.38808 100.61267 127.39011 100.62116 127.39079 100.63027 curveto +127.40004 100.67261 127.39164 100.59379 127.47997 100.66359 curveto +127.49093 100.67225 127.45257 100.67052 127.44045 100.67745 curveto +127.4366 100.67965 127.43665 100.68545 127.43475 100.68945 curveto +127.42294 100.69352 127.41113 100.69759 127.39932 100.70166 curveto +127.39346 100.74399 127.451 100.72437 127.4911 100.73467 curveto +127.51165 100.73996 127.52861 100.75473 127.54833 100.76258 curveto +127.55601 100.76474 127.56502 100.76423 127.57136 100.76907 curveto +127.57401 100.77109 127.56789 100.77615 127.56974 100.77891 curveto +127.5893 100.80801 127.68065 100.78961 127.71424 100.81146 curveto +127.71881 100.81443 127.70876 100.82087 127.70602 100.82558 curveto +127.69771 100.83674 127.72497 100.83363 127.72166 100.83987 curveto +127.71876 100.84533 127.70946 100.84401 127.70525 100.84854 curveto +127.68407 100.87134 127.76718 100.85689 127.797 100.86579 curveto +127.80514 100.86822 127.80925 100.87758 127.81537 100.88347 curveto +127.85653 100.93282 127.9418 100.93468 128.00911 100.95758 curveto +127.92186 100.98546 128.1105 100.99814 128.09703 101.02416 curveto +128.0896 101.03852 128.06413 101.03164 128.05208 101.04243 curveto +128.01626 101.11288 128.21012 101.03306 128.21433 101.08377 curveto +128.21894 101.13925 128.0744 101.04098 128.21027 101.12054 curveto +128.38629 101.22329 128.04782 101.14314 128.25851 101.20004 curveto +128.40041 101.26518 128.33598 101.21696 128.23793 101.25007 curveto +128.232 101.2526 128.21402 101.25558 128.22013 101.25765 curveto +128.22108 101.25798 128.33297 101.27453 128.35081 101.28573 curveto +128.35497 101.28835 128.34672 101.29576 128.34856 101.30032 curveto +128.35995 101.32861 128.40581 101.32158 128.43524 101.32956 curveto +128.57214 101.39282 128.55056 101.34674 128.44739 101.385 curveto +128.3759 101.40965 128.57307 101.40238 128.58629 101.43117 curveto +128.59005 101.43934 128.56426 101.43993 128.56586 101.44878 curveto +128.563 101.4521 128.55364 101.45632 128.55729 101.45874 curveto +128.57761 101.47224 128.63255 101.48497 128.65709 101.49664 curveto +128.70823 101.52095 128.75995 101.55107 128.80975 101.57859 curveto +128.87771 101.64903 128.97303 101.67749 129.05566 101.72679 curveto +128.9332 105.80382 lineto +128.81557 105.78968 128.70809 105.7512 128.59208 105.72636 curveto +128.53349 105.68882 128.46405 105.6695 128.39512 105.66802 curveto +128.36282 105.65945 128.32784 105.66064 128.29684 105.64815 curveto +128.28816 105.64465 128.2998 105.62565 128.30867 105.62268 curveto +128.32203 105.61822 128.36404 105.62109 128.35054 105.61706 curveto +128.33151 105.61139 128.31083 105.61729 128.29098 105.61741 curveto +128.25609 105.60893 128.24588 105.60598 128.2073 105.59908 curveto +128.11884 105.58326 128.09895 105.59518 128.14323 105.53328 curveto +128.22682 105.50384 128.12229 105.51347 128.09726 105.49955 curveto +128.08064 105.4903 128.20853 105.45155 128.15181 105.48279 curveto +128.13384 105.477 128.11406 105.48362 128.09519 105.48404 curveto +128.0569 105.47591 128.0544 105.47486 128.01046 105.46841 curveto +127.92848 105.45636 127.87782 105.46794 127.93563 105.4125 curveto +128.06093 105.38968 127.85139 105.38253 127.83559 105.37684 curveto +127.82814 105.37416 127.82835 105.32748 127.82631 105.32049 curveto +127.87209 105.29106 127.82169 105.32896 127.76648 105.29429 curveto +127.75563 105.28748 127.79104 105.28642 127.80377 105.28504 curveto +127.83311 105.28185 127.86337 105.28694 127.89219 105.28062 curveto +127.9123 105.27622 127.80307 105.26267 127.83403 105.25981 curveto +127.79537 105.24838 127.75322 105.24752 127.7167 105.23045 curveto +127.71338 105.22891 127.71477 105.19599 127.71632 105.1939 curveto +127.72095 105.18764 127.74326 105.1862 127.73656 105.18221 curveto +127.71822 105.17128 127.69482 105.17318 127.67395 105.16867 curveto +127.67765 105.15875 127.68257 105.14151 127.69172 105.13468 curveto +127.70017 105.12838 127.72505 105.13111 127.72051 105.12159 curveto +127.70586 105.09084 127.61755 105.12581 127.5992 105.08935 curveto +127.52962 105.06799 127.6031 105.09533 127.61944 105.07171 curveto +127.62682 105.06105 127.5939 105.06716 127.581 105.06577 curveto +127.53184 105.06048 127.50421 105.05809 127.46156 105.03482 curveto +127.3394 105.00336 127.46742 105.02417 127.4717 104.99665 curveto +127.47368 104.98386 127.36035 104.99499 127.36015 104.96581 curveto +127.35187 104.96109 127.34394 104.95567 127.33529 104.95166 curveto +127.32712 104.94787 127.30712 104.95107 127.30988 104.94249 curveto +127.31332 104.93179 127.34719 104.94137 127.34176 104.93152 curveto +127.32583 104.90262 127.22132 104.94215 127.19575 104.91333 curveto +127.01415 104.88937 127.18474 104.91919 127.08272 104.88796 curveto +127.06124 104.88138 127.00921 104.89334 127.01716 104.87232 curveto +127.03649 104.82121 127.14646 104.91077 127.04844 104.83821 curveto +127.02962 104.82456 126.9274 104.7707 126.92342 104.76571 curveto +126.91749 104.7583 126.94203 104.75439 126.94288 104.74494 curveto +126.94496 104.72166 126.90658 104.70628 126.90888 104.68363 curveto +126.90095 104.67272 126.89457 104.6605 126.8851 104.65089 curveto +126.87505 104.64068 126.85657 104.63797 126.85093 104.62479 curveto +126.84765 104.6171 126.86617 104.61238 126.86509 104.60409 curveto +126.86042 104.56821 126.7936 104.53645 126.77028 104.52228 curveto +126.77833 104.50477 126.79778 104.49259 126.80167 104.47372 curveto +126.81099 104.42855 126.75212 104.33625 126.74658 104.29076 curveto +126.73249 104.27025 126.71395 104.25217 126.70432 104.22923 curveto +126.69568 104.20865 126.69935 104.18464 126.69303 104.16323 curveto +126.66555 104.07015 126.621 103.97569 126.53065 103.93175 curveto +126.8564 99.79269 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.36236 85.299179 moveto +137.2031 85.320678 137.06583 85.392902 136.93229 85.477256 curveto +136.77648 85.531284 136.83202 85.505472 136.81174 85.612873 curveto +136.7296 85.636367 136.67031 85.645376 136.60167 85.700083 curveto +136.5896 85.709706 136.58354 85.725072 136.57447 85.737567 curveto +136.55617 85.749879 136.53786 85.762191 136.51956 85.774503 curveto +136.42787 85.848926 136.31601 85.89364 136.19852 85.897122 curveto +136.01493 85.842993 135.86741 85.876696 135.68663 85.920993 curveto +135.56945 85.954267 135.46401 86.000585 135.36576 86.072891 curveto +135.26718 86.101605 135.16612 86.101198 135.06473 86.093208 curveto +134.9488 86.076874 134.83348 86.096564 134.71744 86.095084 curveto +134.68128 86.087186 134.61512 86.089471 134.58027 86.068127 curveto +134.57481 86.064781 134.5788 86.054876 134.57517 86.049597 curveto +134.50768 86.040189 134.44909 86.022676 134.37854 86.033152 curveto +134.28158 86.043659 134.20267 86.046449 134.10774 86.015168 curveto +134.01645 85.995502 134.25213 85.992713 134.10093 85.996978 curveto +134.08551 85.997412 134.07042 86.00157 134.05517 86.003866 curveto +133.89047 85.991248 133.99037 86.052443 133.96182 86.072727 curveto +133.94914 86.081734 133.93176 86.080701 133.91672 86.084688 curveto +133.81362 86.126829 133.87495 86.083881 133.92512 86.116391 curveto +133.93582 86.123325 133.9011 86.125278 133.8886 86.127783 curveto +133.74236 86.157086 133.88405 86.11962 133.77692 86.149512 curveto +133.77205 86.152573 133.76279 86.152964 133.76231 86.158696 curveto +133.76166 86.166343 133.77348 86.170625 133.77448 86.178234 curveto +133.7769 86.196564 133.74516 86.246754 133.7543 86.261407 curveto +133.76118 86.272421 133.77705 86.273917 133.78843 86.280172 curveto +133.77472 86.285223 133.83161 86.314784 133.81679 86.323804 curveto +133.75681 86.360318 133.67496 86.352668 133.61425 86.390804 curveto +133.60018 86.403208 133.54577 86.431589 133.54556 86.453123 curveto +133.54554 86.455619 133.58847 86.487289 133.57586 86.500214 curveto +133.56132 86.515116 133.53763 86.516738 133.51852 86.525 curveto +133.38564 86.584068 133.6496 86.535568 133.46156 86.579523 curveto +133.38074 86.598414 133.38085 86.59743 133.38199 86.597528 curveto +133.4184 86.600675 133.45507 86.596865 133.49162 86.596533 curveto +133.44496 86.580312 133.41243 86.624911 133.3737 86.63294 curveto +133.32615 86.642797 133.2783 86.642602 133.23071 86.654136 curveto +133.43478 86.676615 133.27422 86.665308 133.20707 86.721708 curveto +133.15314 86.776421 133.24564 86.689464 133.12808 86.75376 curveto +133.12297 86.756559 133.13685 86.762507 133.13791 86.768245 curveto +133.14081 86.784038 133.12862 86.810601 133.12525 86.826282 curveto +133.12474 86.831132 133.11907 86.839355 133.12372 86.840833 curveto +133.1914 86.862358 133.17165 86.829765 133.21269 86.859133 curveto +133.22261 86.866233 133.24811 86.883681 133.23638 86.887033 curveto +133.19039 86.900174 133.14209 86.903171 133.09494 86.91124 curveto +133.13756 86.961493 132.9949 86.934101 132.97851 86.963405 curveto +132.97337 86.9726 132.9994 86.969157 133.0076 86.97577 curveto +133.01267 86.97986 133.01309 86.987588 133.01583 86.993496 curveto +132.97161 87.023296 132.94578 87.049509 132.9364 87.105401 curveto +132.93417 87.118652 132.94496 87.13364 132.9389 87.145635 curveto +132.92957 87.164118 132.90915 87.174435 132.89427 87.188835 curveto +132.88271 87.202194 132.86752 87.213127 132.85958 87.228912 curveto +132.85357 87.240868 132.83982 87.338711 132.84762 87.350855 curveto +132.85338 87.359817 132.86609 87.361464 132.87533 87.366769 curveto +132.89671 87.398083 132.91198 87.427401 132.91851 87.464659 curveto +132.91897 86.082027 132.91944 84.699395 132.91991 83.316763 curveto +132.92406 83.418822 132.91339 83.36483 132.83288 83.411792 curveto +132.38721 87.607376 lineto +132.30494 87.562378 132.25049 87.584984 132.26032 87.483366 curveto +132.26078 86.08519 132.25987 84.687013 132.26169 83.288839 curveto +132.26172 83.267375 132.2767 83.238335 132.28734 83.221403 curveto +132.29347 83.211658 132.31451 83.190318 132.32071 83.183719 curveto +132.37534 83.144438 132.43764 83.095975 132.46921 83.037169 curveto +132.47887 82.943835 132.61551 82.890614 132.63924 82.791746 curveto +132.67195 82.775517 132.70887 82.768344 132.74073 82.750495 curveto +132.75562 82.742153 132.7052 82.740836 132.69525 82.726965 curveto +132.68294 82.709798 132.76723 82.700246 132.74429 82.686817 curveto +132.70298 82.688527 132.66165 82.694213 132.62037 82.691947 curveto +132.60669 82.691197 132.64052 82.673256 132.6518 82.66548 curveto +132.69688 82.634392 132.69466 82.642444 132.76136 82.619307 curveto +132.767 82.61735 132.77249 82.614997 132.77805 82.612842 curveto +132.82135 82.593963 132.88863 82.576963 132.92485 82.550469 curveto +132.92931 82.547205 132.91829 82.541571 132.91501 82.537121 curveto +132.92282 82.532767 132.93064 82.528413 132.93846 82.524059 curveto +132.95052 82.515923 132.99299 82.487865 133.001 82.479624 curveto +133.00897 82.471422 132.97154 82.439611 132.97443 82.457916 curveto +133.01314 82.422304 133.09656 82.465502 133.12937 82.427975 curveto +133.14242 82.41298 133.13875 82.434681 133.10343 82.411273 curveto +133.08933 82.401924 133.16117 82.363609 133.06954 82.377875 curveto +133.11063 82.370511 133.15171 82.363147 133.1928 82.355783 curveto +133.15156 82.35439 133.08608 82.360337 133.10453 82.350431 curveto +133.1669 82.316942 133.17596 82.368554 133.16625 82.330782 curveto +133.15969 82.325106 133.14294 82.321645 133.14655 82.313753 curveto +133.16305 82.277733 133.3217 82.248379 133.33488 82.189559 curveto +133.44208 82.082169 133.15387 82.196453 133.31894 82.094424 curveto +133.41648 82.045089 133.50968 81.988178 133.61116 81.946783 curveto +133.62762 81.931171 133.59517 81.905729 133.60732 81.901243 curveto +133.64054 81.888968 133.68846 81.896633 133.72078 81.875186 curveto +133.72228 81.84709 133.93391 81.842777 133.98033 81.828166 curveto +133.99437 81.825156 134.00841 81.822146 134.02245 81.819137 curveto +134.03489 81.812305 134.04611 81.802489 134.05976 81.798642 curveto +134.13041 81.778744 134.24353 81.763986 134.3048 81.804664 curveto +134.3451 81.840379 134.31266 81.804825 134.27443 81.836515 curveto +134.23234 81.871406 134.41799 81.82425 134.38029 81.847184 curveto +134.46935 81.860518 134.55069 81.830763 134.63851 81.846889 curveto +134.67001 81.84622 134.82625 81.851495 134.80945 81.905851 curveto +134.80653 81.910966 134.79564 81.918163 134.80069 81.921195 curveto +134.8516 81.951771 134.99572 81.922725 135.05413 81.922612 curveto +135.11023 81.913948 135.16743 81.907501 135.21921 81.885245 curveto +135.34831 81.876709 135.47535 81.843732 135.60607 81.851849 curveto +135.7875 81.823793 135.97197 81.790369 136.13666 81.705213 curveto +136.1726 81.67866 136.21634 81.666264 136.25211 81.634268 curveto +136.31576 81.579166 136.48798 81.504147 136.48132 81.419361 curveto +136.56377 81.36202 136.6677 81.372008 136.76045 81.339927 curveto +136.90848 81.303507 137.05564 81.250912 137.16966 81.14601 curveto +137.36236 85.299179 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +134.34609 83.939538 moveto +134.26687 83.935445 134.19322 83.968195 134.12023 83.994591 curveto +134.07916 84.005176 134.03696 84.006325 133.9962 84.018123 curveto +133.97784 84.010837 133.95843 84.026684 133.94128 84.020752 curveto +133.88927 84.0471 133.87883 83.992226 133.84356 83.987943 curveto +133.80514 83.980211 133.7626 83.974383 133.72327 83.963439 curveto +133.76349 83.956541 133.76991 83.96391 133.7125 83.94825 curveto +133.69659 83.94391 133.6815 83.935839 133.66674 83.928615 curveto +133.62188 83.907268 133.63304 83.920415 133.6629 83.907656 curveto +133.66711 83.905855 133.66619 83.897789 133.67048 83.896187 curveto +133.71055 83.881241 133.68455 83.89847 133.69867 83.888643 curveto +133.69454 83.884955 133.69746 83.881192 133.6805 83.880019 curveto +133.63573 83.873946 133.63389 83.856592 133.60577 83.892006 curveto +133.56596 83.901172 133.67698 83.912977 133.6604 83.922947 curveto +133.62611 83.943565 133.60835 83.920355 133.6247 83.938554 curveto +133.62679 83.942561 133.61653 83.963696 133.6192 83.965642 curveto +133.62479 83.969727 133.63315 83.967522 133.63941 83.970496 curveto +133.66888 83.984505 133.60462 83.991029 133.604 83.99121 curveto +133.61867 84.006622 133.55407 83.993892 133.56089 84.007686 curveto +133.56439 84.014789 133.57683 84.009128 133.5843 84.011779 curveto +133.5998 84.017286 133.59015 84.02454 133.61371 84.032108 curveto +133.58231 84.025007 133.56003 84.067388 133.53446 84.07341 curveto +133.4957 84.08254 133.47133 84.073011 133.50131 84.082472 curveto +133.50152 84.083991 133.50397 84.096326 133.50107 84.097452 curveto +133.47536 84.107415 133.44426 84.108902 133.41749 84.118492 curveto +133.38009 84.12545 133.3502 84.105471 133.40892 84.122626 curveto +133.41024 84.123009 133.3947 84.125631 133.37617 84.13829 curveto +133.34819 84.16151 133.36873 84.135409 133.40954 84.151187 curveto +133.41162 84.15199 133.38503 84.154145 133.35799 84.171923 curveto +133.35519 84.174018 133.34631 84.17702 133.3496 84.178207 curveto +133.36017 84.182025 133.37216 84.17886 133.38318 84.181027 curveto +133.39935 84.184207 133.40456 84.200273 133.42026 84.205299 curveto +133.39162 84.21135 133.36559 84.22154 133.34078 84.236563 curveto +133.33692 84.238905 133.32567 84.241272 133.32936 84.243876 curveto +133.35978 84.247729 133.34871 84.241995 133.36533 84.254072 curveto +133.38655 84.274761 133.30495 84.274946 133.28978 84.27871 curveto +133.2835 84.280269 133.26532 84.280832 133.27105 84.283844 curveto +133.28094 84.289042 133.29709 84.278031 133.30446 84.286428 curveto +133.3103 84.293076 133.28724 84.290465 133.27863 84.292484 curveto +133.2891 84.290134 133.23089 84.317628 133.23542 84.3184 curveto +133.34363 84.336826 133.24428 84.30887 133.2966 84.324396 curveto +133.29692 84.353186 133.23935 84.31996 133.22995 84.340823 curveto +133.22746 84.346367 133.2423 84.342514 133.24757 84.345545 curveto +133.26513 84.355643 133.233 84.354787 133.27119 84.368565 curveto +133.29369 84.395224 133.22675 84.387751 133.21332 84.402141 curveto +133.21081 84.404831 133.22001 84.405917 133.22192 84.409068 curveto +133.22381 84.412214 133.22332 84.425196 133.22332 84.428486 curveto +133.21113 84.442646 133.24625 84.437213 133.24071 84.442052 curveto +133.23105 84.450498 133.21605 84.449276 133.20407 84.453865 curveto +133.18752 84.460202 133.17274 84.470418 133.15812 84.480193 curveto +133.28629 84.497838 133.03965 84.504278 133.14111 84.518755 curveto +133.15207 84.516004 133.15404 84.537125 133.15983 84.539953 curveto +133.18976 84.55456 133.20641 84.545345 133.13674 84.564871 curveto +133.12764 84.567925 133.11659 84.567624 133.10945 84.574033 curveto +133.10643 84.576737 133.11751 84.576688 133.12016 84.57975 curveto +133.13727 84.599542 133.10287 84.600854 133.13975 84.610837 curveto +133.11231 84.605723 133.0913 84.635369 133.06797 84.641384 curveto +133.04068 84.648418 133.01104 84.649449 132.98332 84.656182 curveto +132.94361 84.669849 133.02057 84.642322 132.9633 84.69043 curveto +132.96768 84.722936 132.9518 84.719756 132.93155 84.740163 curveto +132.90727 84.764626 132.95412 84.751083 132.90732 84.791507 curveto +132.70778 82.712637 lineto +132.71424 82.681536 132.74095 82.68019 132.75757 82.656341 curveto +132.76018 82.652606 132.75649 82.646507 132.75908 82.642765 curveto +132.76429 82.63525 132.80469 82.606746 132.80793 82.604366 curveto +132.84064 82.572679 132.87617 82.549594 132.9223 82.54317 curveto +132.91356 82.5343 132.91872 82.543384 132.89412 82.534598 curveto +132.88361 82.530842 132.88511 82.498577 132.85935 82.516099 curveto +132.87728 82.504945 132.89084 82.491017 132.90817 82.479678 curveto +132.91535 82.474983 132.92731 82.474922 132.93055 82.466983 curveto +132.93257 82.462038 132.92024 82.464171 132.91509 82.462765 curveto +132.90242 82.461767 132.88869 82.464934 132.87707 82.45977 curveto +132.87307 82.457995 132.8818 82.452237 132.8852 82.449479 curveto +132.90308 82.434931 132.92561 82.42498 132.94571 82.414155 curveto +132.95097 82.412604 133.00566 82.403706 132.97194 82.395476 curveto +132.9625 82.393171 132.94949 82.39814 132.94316 82.390761 curveto +132.93087 82.376424 133.03228 82.380026 132.99548 82.369001 curveto +132.98528 82.331963 132.92851 82.3689 132.98915 82.328299 curveto +132.99725 82.321163 133.02769 82.304034 133.03105 82.297756 curveto +133.03751 82.285657 133.00106 82.296828 132.99127 82.287226 curveto +132.98747 82.283508 132.99849 82.279443 133.00211 82.275552 curveto +133.01722 82.26589 133.035 82.251262 133.05151 82.243333 curveto +133.0986 82.220729 133.08525 82.231699 133.0402 82.222807 curveto +133.06887 82.210179 133.11346 82.217093 133.1283 82.187365 curveto +133.10706 82.167911 133.11854 82.183063 133.16339 82.168576 curveto +133.16542 82.167919 133.15934 82.167162 133.15726 82.166681 curveto +133.14316 82.163423 133.07738 82.171856 133.11063 82.154587 curveto +133.15105 82.129744 133.1995 82.129266 133.11301 82.112946 curveto +133.14166 82.087889 133.17401 82.068647 133.21213 82.062303 curveto +133.21358 82.060217 133.21823 82.055097 133.21547 82.05181 curveto +133.21238 82.048126 133.19891 82.045934 133.20332 82.044023 curveto +133.22484 82.034708 133.24994 82.036692 133.27238 82.029837 curveto +133.28144 82.026358 133.29418 82.013787 133.30191 82.011919 curveto +133.30205 82.011885 133.37558 82.011844 133.34743 82.001643 curveto +133.35743 81.994821 133.33199 81.992544 133.33128 81.99088 curveto +133.32708 81.981038 133.36976 81.988511 133.36027 81.977091 curveto +133.40827 81.961008 133.39249 81.970974 133.36139 81.963821 curveto +133.35304 81.961902 133.35974 81.922648 133.32992 81.939599 curveto +133.34475 81.929304 133.36183 81.915291 133.3789 81.908283 curveto +133.39 81.903721 133.4023 81.902127 133.413 81.896665 curveto +133.41871 81.893748 133.3778 81.889126 133.39533 81.889024 curveto +133.3847 81.887591 133.37207 81.891101 133.36344 81.884726 curveto +133.35057 81.875213 133.43621 81.849437 133.42731 81.838178 curveto +133.43359 81.83397 133.45003 81.832038 133.44614 81.825555 curveto +133.44122 81.817332 133.42382 81.829287 133.41762 81.821981 curveto +133.41323 81.816818 133.42993 81.816312 133.43627 81.813924 curveto +133.4661 81.802682 133.4973 81.794727 133.52922 81.792829 curveto +133.58058 81.78735 133.63216 81.783758 133.68292 81.773824 curveto +133.71563 81.772747 133.74486 81.763612 133.77651 81.77863 curveto +133.79859 81.78285 133.82135 81.783469 133.84313 81.789015 curveto +133.85531 81.792117 133.86447 81.802708 133.87629 81.806977 curveto +133.88828 81.811307 133.90468 81.808149 133.91296 81.817837 curveto +133.91837 81.824158 133.89645 81.819878 133.8882 81.820899 curveto +133.87112 81.8533 133.86003 81.825454 133.83982 81.843456 curveto +133.82419 81.857381 133.94856 81.832359 133.90196 81.85258 curveto +133.87752 81.879319 133.82258 81.8792 133.89735 81.88124 curveto +133.91839 81.888429 134.04216 81.907868 133.94295 81.903968 curveto +133.9594 81.899355 133.97548 81.91301 133.99293 81.9072 curveto +134.02218 81.917037 134.05296 81.915905 134.08342 81.914652 curveto +134.15547 81.917497 134.22748 81.907687 134.28837 81.866078 curveto +134.34609 83.939538 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.25822 81.662765 moveto +138.17208 81.696535 138.10874 81.763588 138.04403 81.826925 curveto +137.48963 82.28634 137.99754 81.86899 136.11008 82.654713 curveto +136.09713 82.660102 136.03188 82.652269 136.01578 82.647529 curveto +135.98695 82.640545 135.95757 82.641431 135.92825 82.63837 curveto +135.8872 82.638323 135.84653 82.633382 135.80545 82.634826 curveto +135.7631 82.638514 135.72062 82.635765 135.6782 82.637938 curveto +135.64531 82.641847 135.61245 82.639004 135.5796 82.636261 curveto +135.50615 82.624562 135.43004 82.623958 135.35549 82.624576 curveto +135.29752 82.628277 135.32546 82.625996 135.27166 82.631221 curveto +137.06855 81.606296 lineto +137.10571 81.61177 137.08556 81.609361 137.12907 81.612941 curveto +137.21748 81.613695 137.30632 81.610823 137.39415 81.601254 curveto +137.4289 81.599007 137.46396 81.595404 137.49864 81.599564 curveto +137.53756 81.601984 137.57663 81.598604 137.61542 81.602746 curveto +137.66141 81.604704 137.70722 81.598911 137.75322 81.600305 curveto +137.78033 81.598877 137.80811 81.601581 137.83376 81.591165 curveto +138.48596 81.133799 135.29229 82.513597 136.05133 82.341165 curveto +136.09471 82.332484 136.13209 82.321776 136.16706 82.292667 curveto +136.17985 82.282014 136.18946 82.26792 136.20206 82.257033 curveto +136.25472 82.211531 136.22163 82.257154 136.25475 82.202179 curveto +138.25822 81.662765 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.78537 85.070568 moveto +133.8046 84.917867 133.77681 84.766315 133.75653 84.615476 curveto +133.74989 84.546094 133.72621 84.4792 133.71915 84.410518 curveto +133.7247 84.404418 133.69614 84.380386 133.69872 84.376953 curveto +133.71121 84.360313 133.72837 84.408901 133.69944 84.354173 curveto +133.68746 84.317544 133.67079 84.283318 133.6454 84.252104 curveto +133.61381 84.204938 133.65091 84.25456 133.63795 84.217404 curveto +133.61094 84.195931 133.58998 84.16886 133.5678 84.141883 curveto +133.56148 84.132898 133.55349 84.124882 133.54884 84.114928 curveto +133.54593 84.108684 133.54764 84.101104 133.54568 84.094498 curveto +133.54093 84.078522 133.52941 84.066942 133.52362 84.05135 curveto +133.50958 84.013604 133.54116 84.068645 133.51887 84.032465 curveto +133.50952 84.010921 133.48567 84.001964 133.47277 83.983352 curveto +133.43528 83.957966 133.43602 83.909995 133.4124 83.875979 curveto +133.4016 83.86041 133.38725 83.847606 133.37536 83.832845 curveto +133.346 83.795209 133.30265 83.766251 133.28251 83.721542 curveto +133.27361 83.701798 133.26712 83.650443 133.26429 83.632942 curveto +133.25141 83.533411 133.23294 83.432555 133.19641 83.338552 curveto +133.18359 83.305561 133.16598 83.274636 133.15082 83.242653 curveto +133.14867 83.243813 133.06471 83.12353 133.09874 83.162235 curveto +132.95041 83.071559 133.30769 83.305791 133.12386 83.182261 curveto +133.09619 83.163671 133.12222 83.179417 133.09942 83.166009 curveto +133.06534 83.129378 133.03371 83.094494 132.99773 83.059507 curveto +132.98887 83.040668 132.96225 83.017471 132.94128 83.001868 curveto +132.9515 83.008325 132.96172 83.014782 132.97194 83.021239 curveto +132.96547 83.018208 132.94727 83.007334 132.95255 83.012146 curveto +132.96125 83.02009 132.98543 83.019473 132.98253 83.030898 curveto +132.97879 83.045604 132.80364 82.901027 132.90284 82.960593 curveto +132.94358 82.995687 132.88805 82.927213 132.88173 82.919693 curveto +132.87701 82.91401 132.87091 82.90991 132.86497 82.905651 curveto +132.90431 82.930423 132.94309 82.956127 132.98301 82.979969 curveto +133.00975 82.99594 132.93048 82.946219 132.90642 82.926442 curveto +132.90272 82.923406 132.89063 82.916727 132.89537 82.917295 curveto +132.90168 82.920658 132.90799 82.924022 132.9143 82.927385 curveto +132.9148 82.928091 132.91529 82.928797 132.91579 82.929502 curveto +132.88774 82.913419 132.80872 82.885181 132.80298 82.848004 curveto +132.80065 82.832857 132.83225 82.882629 132.84261 82.87133 curveto +132.85274 82.860279 132.81994 82.851689 132.80913 82.841299 curveto +132.80221 82.83465 132.79603 82.827274 132.78949 82.820262 curveto +132.77423 82.801842 132.78118 82.810475 132.76854 82.79444 curveto +134.15584 81.184953 lineto +134.13813 81.178532 134.14755 81.182059 134.12759 81.174287 curveto +134.10885 81.165667 134.06122 81.129231 134.07217 81.146715 curveto +134.08247 81.163154 134.11189 81.164694 134.11745 81.183278 curveto +134.12061 81.193818 134.01184 81.106185 134.0137 81.123838 curveto +134.02001 81.127257 134.02637 81.130589 134.03263 81.134096 curveto +134.19782 81.226599 133.71306 80.957218 134.13878 81.196513 curveto +134.13183 81.192564 134.12912 81.193891 134.12776 81.202032 curveto +134.12736 81.205326 134.12823 81.224696 134.12577 81.225922 curveto +134.12371 81.226947 134.11757 81.222467 134.11909 81.224193 curveto +134.12604 81.232092 134.13482 81.23817 134.14269 81.245158 curveto +134.20829 81.307536 134.17076 81.268658 134.09856 81.22277 curveto +134.08993 81.21729 134.06267 81.203679 134.07068 81.21002 curveto +134.0828 81.219609 134.09852 81.223739 134.1111 81.232702 curveto +134.11467 81.235238 134.10259 81.23071 134.09833 81.229713 curveto +134.11307 81.239169 134.1278 81.248624 134.14254 81.25808 curveto +134.14603 81.288269 134.15623 81.308815 134.1825 81.326407 curveto +134.18343 81.332102 134.18068 81.338987 134.18408 81.343649 curveto +134.18904 81.350436 134.23213 81.38851 134.21871 81.371363 curveto +134.22042 81.372514 134.22628 81.374328 134.22466 81.373054 curveto +134.21193 81.363057 134.16911 81.345055 134.18529 81.344629 curveto +134.20086 81.344219 134.38812 81.463223 134.27585 81.408688 curveto +134.29118 81.426917 134.31973 81.460856 134.32632 81.483958 curveto +134.33419 81.511558 134.30966 81.574697 134.32801 81.600839 curveto +134.37091 81.726838 134.388 81.864092 134.46471 81.976409 curveto +134.46921 81.983511 134.49314 82.018734 134.49596 82.030957 curveto +134.49718 82.036218 134.49364 82.041577 134.49355 82.046976 curveto +134.49316 82.070709 134.50707 82.090028 134.51955 82.108963 curveto +134.52776 82.117127 134.53597 82.125291 134.54418 82.133455 curveto +134.55141 82.142383 134.55797 82.151898 134.56588 82.160238 curveto +134.58283 82.178133 134.61797 82.198375 134.62884 82.221198 curveto +134.62938 82.222332 134.62648 82.222063 134.6253 82.222496 curveto +134.65162 82.239121 134.67788 82.280992 134.7006 82.302953 curveto +134.71287 82.320064 134.72852 82.334822 134.73913 82.35301 curveto +134.74561 82.364111 134.73597 82.381602 134.75253 82.389168 curveto +134.75701 82.396003 134.76484 82.400683 134.76791 82.408258 curveto +134.76888 82.410675 134.76434 82.412058 134.76255 82.413957 curveto +134.76317 82.417051 134.76556 82.420306 134.7644 82.423238 curveto +134.76375 82.42488 134.75785 82.421341 134.75915 82.422534 curveto +134.76996 82.432433 134.783 82.441441 134.79316 82.453222 curveto +134.81075 82.462905 134.86283 82.517443 134.8713 82.531683 curveto +134.87278 82.534179 134.86748 82.536061 134.86557 82.53825 curveto +134.86901 82.558858 134.87185 82.587227 134.88519 82.604286 curveto +134.89081 82.611469 134.89916 82.616258 134.90457 82.623601 curveto +134.90721 82.627188 134.90737 82.632061 134.90876 82.636291 curveto +134.9174 82.657407 134.90174 82.622251 134.93628 82.663046 curveto +134.94312 82.671132 134.93252 82.723529 134.95227 82.722853 curveto +134.95903 82.742999 134.97278 82.780493 134.97393 82.800664 curveto +134.97479 82.815814 134.97006 82.830773 134.96869 82.845886 curveto +134.96301 82.908615 134.95925 82.971757 134.9606 83.034754 curveto +134.96622 83.166403 134.97056 83.301079 135.03247 83.420866 curveto +133.78537 85.070568 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.89499 84.553179 moveto +133.85825 84.46885 133.79102 84.397986 133.70883 84.35696 curveto +133.64723 84.318833 133.59457 84.272405 133.55099 84.214814 curveto +133.5082 84.173683 133.46922 84.128474 133.42466 84.0892 curveto +133.38888 84.051694 133.35187 84.016086 133.31646 83.978098 curveto +133.28331 83.950447 133.25152 83.916337 133.2287 83.879396 curveto +133.2257 83.873699 133.2133 83.86152 133.21969 83.862306 curveto +133.22856 83.863396 133.23061 83.878225 133.23919 83.880686 curveto +133.24426 83.882137 133.23428 83.871246 133.23303 83.866128 curveto +133.22919 83.850421 133.2241 83.84001 133.21702 83.824489 curveto +133.18871 83.767058 133.16027 83.705936 133.11493 83.659844 curveto +133.08308 83.631989 133.06098 83.593653 133.04549 83.554701 curveto +133.04045 83.541945 133.02742 83.516621 133.03817 83.503123 curveto +133.07084 83.462086 133.03516 83.557191 133.05948 83.477169 curveto +133.05182 83.411759 133.01967 83.357328 132.99048 83.300358 curveto +132.99082 83.276683 132.93903 83.247551 132.94506 83.223469 curveto +132.9461 83.219334 132.95359 83.223416 132.95785 83.22339 curveto +132.95209 83.154894 132.92799 83.088956 132.91224 83.021623 curveto +132.89646 82.976252 132.88773 82.931792 132.88748 82.884909 curveto +132.87871 82.86807 132.85248 82.817056 132.84485 82.81079 curveto +132.8106 82.809724 132.89133 82.83061 132.8444 82.846892 curveto +132.78922 82.862515 132.76647 82.8293 132.72306 82.795771 curveto +132.7115 82.78411 132.69979 82.772607 132.6884 82.76079 curveto +132.68023 82.752318 132.71952 82.796093 132.71154 82.787453 curveto +132.6807 82.754101 132.68337 82.756583 132.66352 82.728813 curveto +132.68672 82.744174 132.70757 82.784584 132.65591 82.724511 curveto +132.63166 82.696316 132.61726 82.673364 132.60695 82.639943 curveto +132.61304 82.636696 132.71478 82.721645 132.64603 82.673602 curveto +132.66708 82.701247 132.71651 82.743433 132.6114 82.650455 curveto +134.15532 81.18385 lineto +134.0349 81.079912 134.12214 81.154281 134.14396 81.17294 curveto +134.1392 81.170427 134.12667 81.160936 134.12968 81.165401 curveto +134.14451 81.18744 134.17028 81.199927 134.18797 81.219754 curveto +134.19775 81.230722 134.20312 81.245008 134.21206 81.256678 curveto +134.22354 81.271678 134.2356 81.28623 134.24737 81.301007 curveto +134.22825 81.30388 134.12815 81.204305 134.1845 81.258641 curveto +134.19567 81.269415 134.20657 81.280462 134.21761 81.291373 curveto +134.19968 81.280469 134.21016 81.287667 134.18323 81.259691 curveto +134.17992 81.256245 134.19013 81.266317 134.19357 81.269635 curveto +134.19963 81.275477 134.23556 81.309944 134.23478 81.310633 curveto +134.22538 81.318928 134.2154 81.294735 134.2057 81.286786 curveto +134.13392 81.233657 134.18171 81.250354 134.22686 81.25588 curveto +134.27634 81.273551 134.32532 81.295113 134.35181 81.343417 curveto +134.36354 81.359871 134.37802 81.374577 134.38749 81.392429 curveto +134.38898 81.39524 134.38611 81.398809 134.38667 81.401941 curveto +134.39122 81.427255 134.40445 81.451072 134.41496 81.474095 curveto +134.43345 81.500482 134.45277 81.535406 134.45848 81.567876 curveto +134.46338 81.595769 134.44717 81.629178 134.45476 81.657476 curveto +134.46043 81.715165 134.47184 81.75934 134.51044 81.803945 curveto +134.5179 81.813033 134.5268 81.821111 134.53283 81.831211 curveto +134.53376 81.832773 134.52856 81.831125 134.52757 81.832651 curveto +134.51694 81.849043 134.52671 81.878391 134.52462 81.895824 curveto +134.53471 81.958908 134.56476 82.016584 134.59118 82.073901 curveto +134.61298 82.099654 134.65536 82.130898 134.63411 82.167047 curveto +134.61762 82.197458 134.64223 82.156394 134.62405 82.175282 curveto +134.61357 82.186165 134.61801 82.208885 134.6228 82.219438 curveto +134.63452 82.249525 134.64988 82.273992 134.66497 82.302244 curveto +134.6782 82.327025 134.68303 82.350471 134.71048 82.364539 curveto +134.74045 82.392255 134.77746 82.425997 134.79945 82.460697 curveto +134.80053 82.462397 134.79602 82.462806 134.7943 82.46386 curveto +134.76533 82.448384 134.79283 82.509246 134.80187 82.510746 curveto +134.83449 82.548519 134.86043 82.591967 134.89799 82.626114 curveto +134.93493 82.675277 134.98713 82.710805 135.02176 82.762029 curveto +135.06409 82.802706 135.10003 82.849116 135.14433 82.887725 curveto +135.17781 82.925041 135.21364 82.959689 135.24837 82.995826 curveto +135.26457 83.012688 135.29813 83.051122 135.31945 83.064945 curveto +135.33287 83.073643 135.34841 83.078499 135.3629 83.085276 curveto +133.89499 84.553179 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.96053 83.156876 moveto +132.95315 83.114569 132.95423 83.067357 132.93723 83.026911 curveto +132.61975 82.2715 130.21365 85.323945 134.45592 81.55561 curveto +134.46979 81.574651 134.48652 81.591906 134.49753 81.612734 curveto +134.50292 81.62293 134.49989 81.63596 134.50407 81.64671 curveto +134.546 81.754579 134.58576 81.817262 134.68249 81.901318 curveto +134.86049 82.055976 134.9667 82.082038 135.18241 82.176541 curveto +135.52043 82.290192 135.86113 82.40016 136.21391 82.458035 curveto +136.3536 82.480952 136.41814 82.483696 136.55295 82.494482 curveto +136.63588 82.500713 136.71936 82.504179 136.80238 82.497262 curveto +136.81219 82.496445 136.86596 82.501313 136.84451 82.464486 curveto +136.83058 82.440559 136.80691 82.423833 136.78811 82.403507 curveto +136.32105 82.922769 135.85398 83.44203 135.38692 83.961292 curveto +135.38356 83.956807 135.37787 83.953345 135.37684 83.947838 curveto +135.376 83.943409 135.38323 83.954202 135.38622 83.957572 curveto +135.39079 83.962719 135.40638 83.973843 135.39951 83.973375 curveto +135.38869 83.972639 135.38351 83.958366 135.37394 83.953272 curveto +135.33086 83.935845 135.30592 83.892742 135.25796 83.882038 curveto +135.25327 83.881951 135.24831 83.883368 135.24391 83.881775 curveto +135.21698 83.872035 135.21238 83.860351 135.18712 83.845767 curveto +135.15744 83.828631 135.12159 83.819231 135.09061 83.804479 curveto +134.98795 83.768333 134.89239 83.715476 134.79181 83.673896 curveto +134.63054 83.591133 134.44739 83.574029 134.27838 83.512842 curveto +134.25967 83.506739 134.24065 83.50154 134.22226 83.494533 curveto +134.11351 83.453099 134.22493 83.488933 134.12682 83.455656 curveto +134.09346 83.444341 134.06552 83.440304 134.03334 83.425161 curveto +134.01596 83.4203 134.00085 83.408786 133.98345 83.403875 curveto +133.97786 83.402295 133.97049 83.401801 133.96609 83.405604 curveto +133.96437 83.407093 133.96875 83.413178 133.9666 83.41242 curveto +133.95638 83.408816 133.94794 83.401412 133.93861 83.395908 curveto +133.8994 83.393296 133.85979 83.340284 133.82525 83.342128 curveto +133.78991 83.334481 133.75754 83.304112 133.7246 83.287099 curveto +133.68863 83.267234 133.63174 83.226645 133.58726 83.2408 curveto +133.58374 83.241669 133.57995 83.245034 133.57672 83.243408 curveto +133.54672 83.228309 133.53304 83.208244 133.5005 83.199696 curveto +133.49808 83.19921 133.49504 83.199929 133.49325 83.198238 curveto +133.47892 83.184723 133.46598 83.169776 133.45303 83.154933 curveto +133.44667 83.147646 133.43043 83.14023 133.43537 83.131913 curveto +133.4391 83.125632 133.45445 83.150346 133.45985 83.156296 curveto +133.47381 83.171682 133.48801 83.186842 133.5021 83.202115 curveto +133.51494 83.228387 133.45067 83.226713 133.43782 83.222439 curveto +133.42431 83.217949 133.41212 83.210173 133.39928 83.204039 curveto +133.34624 83.18771 133.31182 83.144033 133.26827 83.113164 curveto +133.25059 83.095307 133.23126 83.076079 133.20792 83.06544 curveto +133.20594 83.064538 133.20319 83.066613 133.20139 83.065397 curveto +133.18656 83.055406 133.17415 83.04221 133.1601 83.031152 curveto +133.15519 83.027559 133.1511 83.022443 133.14538 83.020373 curveto +133.14296 83.019496 133.14891 83.024592 133.14908 83.027163 curveto +133.14964 83.035513 133.14153 83.025014 133.14147 83.033108 curveto +133.14134 83.049183 133.15194 83.036984 133.14124 83.046553 curveto +133.12072 83.046022 133.10709 83.009659 133.08489 83.005184 curveto +133.08485 83.005176 133.06417 83.010842 133.0629 83.010924 curveto +133.02345 83.011784 133.01088 82.972808 132.97014 82.974068 curveto +132.95303 82.978088 132.93599 82.98334 132.91779 82.985937 curveto +132.88988 82.952162 132.84589 82.943368 132.81785 82.914482 curveto +132.76185 82.86917 132.81837 82.938008 132.74615 82.872282 curveto +132.71152 82.840169 132.67937 82.806052 132.67052 82.758318 curveto +132.69757 82.769411 132.73844 82.813294 132.67901 82.756638 curveto +132.65545 82.747727 132.59264 82.647313 132.64572 82.713109 curveto +132.54889 82.624621 132.63857 82.709666 132.66233 82.741455 curveto +132.66627 82.745056 132.67804 82.755877 132.67413 82.752257 curveto +132.63433 82.715442 132.59634 82.682847 132.56375 82.639896 curveto +132.56464 82.640823 132.53505 82.591548 132.53574 82.592242 curveto +132.62468 82.681511 132.58723 82.64642 132.55967 82.621484 curveto +132.61452 82.676007 132.61653 82.676242 132.56079 82.627423 curveto +134.08408 81.139536 lineto +134.02784 81.091301 134.03224 81.094536 134.0954 81.151377 curveto +134.01963 81.090769 134.17669 81.201438 134.11537 81.202811 curveto +134.10752 81.195244 134.01912 81.120687 134.08379 81.158887 curveto +134.09589 81.168875 134.16907 81.236502 134.16686 81.238004 curveto +134.15209 81.248037 134.14005 81.21435 134.12567 81.203762 curveto +134.12067 81.200077 134.13429 81.212715 134.1386 81.217191 curveto +134.14037 81.21904 134.20731 81.285838 134.18046 81.268684 curveto +134.17463 81.26496 134.17084 81.258427 134.16478 81.255086 curveto +134.16045 81.252698 134.17543 81.27253 134.17121 81.268454 curveto +134.18398 81.284083 134.19326 81.284042 134.21486 81.306916 curveto +134.23486 81.328084 134.24326 81.360998 134.26602 81.380032 curveto +134.25798 81.393037 134.23711 81.368258 134.22486 81.364457 curveto +134.17194 81.312281 134.26313 81.389752 134.2759 81.394379 curveto +134.28225 81.383238 134.30995 81.413669 134.32014 81.416173 curveto +134.33338 81.419429 134.25133 81.369326 134.29201 81.386451 curveto +134.32426 81.391875 134.35628 81.399564 134.3848 81.416597 curveto +134.4019 81.425444 134.41889 81.436518 134.43656 81.443923 curveto +134.44039 81.445528 134.44816 81.45146 134.44855 81.447324 curveto +134.44909 81.441658 134.43418 81.438974 134.43747 81.43433 curveto +134.44077 81.429682 134.44812 81.438393 134.45344 81.440424 curveto +134.46426 81.444077 134.49555 81.454492 134.50373 81.458008 curveto +134.51116 81.461198 134.58484 81.506891 134.53755 81.463972 curveto +134.57415 81.480647 134.61949 81.506884 134.6408 81.541704 curveto +134.65499 81.562653 134.69855 81.597012 134.72079 81.612048 curveto +134.73008 81.618762 134.759 81.638061 134.771 81.637044 curveto +134.77456 81.636743 134.76313 81.629572 134.76607 81.627543 curveto +134.7832 81.615693 134.7803 81.640618 134.78101 81.624937 curveto +134.77956 81.620175 134.77424 81.615002 134.77666 81.610651 curveto +134.78686 81.592309 134.86564 81.594831 134.88002 81.601661 curveto +134.90098 81.617207 134.92239 81.632153 134.94288 81.648297 curveto +134.99467 81.689094 135.01894 81.723857 134.94838 81.657686 curveto +134.94677 81.656178 134.95132 81.660967 134.95279 81.662608 curveto +134.9566 81.666295 134.98974 81.694899 134.99327 81.689771 curveto +134.99734 81.68387 134.95458 81.662125 134.99985 81.687691 curveto +135.04301 81.711985 135.07836 81.750706 135.12953 81.759793 curveto +135.17162 81.774058 135.21381 81.786585 135.25202 81.805982 curveto +135.28887 81.827774 135.30959 81.844502 135.35041 81.851366 curveto +135.39024 81.838513 135.42957 81.889369 135.45547 81.912933 curveto +135.52154 81.953709 135.57946 82.004182 135.64633 82.043893 curveto +135.78692 82.12745 135.93575 82.201697 136.1007 82.219137 curveto +136.22883 82.237261 136.36048 82.241745 136.48144 82.292548 curveto +136.51881 82.303526 136.55385 82.32126 136.5906 82.332659 curveto +136.62223 82.342473 136.65458 82.338471 136.68235 82.360761 curveto +136.72643 82.38844 136.76672 82.417571 136.81649 82.433543 curveto +136.83798 82.446291 136.93366 82.507608 136.91777 82.525993 curveto +136.45828 83.057614 135.99384 83.584931 135.53187 84.1144 curveto +135.51065 84.096267 135.48803 84.079644 135.4682 84.060002 curveto +135.45305 84.045011 135.44366 84.025005 135.4292 84.009357 curveto +135.38533 83.96189 135.33521 83.920772 135.28395 83.881623 curveto +135.19625 83.811528 135.16336 83.781265 135.06097 83.719396 curveto +134.77319 83.545499 134.45077 83.440868 134.14597 83.302452 curveto +133.87523 83.208977 133.82559 83.177469 133.53809 83.13694 curveto +133.44312 83.123551 133.19527 83.120622 133.07923 83.096597 curveto +133.05408 83.091389 133.03354 83.071907 133.00859 83.065797 curveto +133.00267 83.064345 133.01479 83.076316 133.01789 83.081576 curveto +133.53052 82.61119 134.05426 82.152625 134.55579 81.670418 curveto +134.56839 81.658298 134.5254 81.64949 134.50792 81.648948 curveto +134.46757 81.647699 134.49264 81.749208 134.49971 81.766382 curveto +132.96053 83.156876 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.98762 103.8201 moveto +130.90896 103.80202 130.83411 103.83928 130.76004 103.86181 curveto +130.71111 103.88471 130.6683 103.91888 130.62419 103.94996 curveto +130.58349 103.97174 130.5407 103.99409 130.49474 104.00159 curveto +130.51627 103.97259 130.47467 103.99499 130.4644 103.99664 curveto +130.43522 104.00132 130.42664 103.99851 130.39632 104.01219 curveto +130.39219 104.00769 130.22632 104.08808 130.29414 104.07521 curveto +130.28136 104.08484 130.26975 104.09628 130.25578 104.1041 curveto +130.23835 104.14495 130.24146 104.10025 130.23494 104.10268 curveto +130.20942 104.11218 130.17419 104.13236 130.1504 104.14652 curveto +130.11231 104.17033 130.06782 104.19964 130.03608 104.2319 curveto +130.03331 104.25499 129.98645 104.26334 129.98606 104.28533 curveto +129.98603 104.28734 129.99015 104.28307 129.99193 104.28399 curveto +129.99384 104.28497 129.99379 104.28786 129.99472 104.2898 curveto +129.9597 104.31736 129.97256 104.34046 129.94177 104.36939 curveto +129.9207 104.40046 129.88286 104.42824 129.85182 104.45821 curveto +129.79652 104.49439 129.76082 104.55164 129.71168 104.59443 curveto +129.66737 104.62847 129.63162 104.67101 129.58773 104.70575 curveto +129.55473 104.74713 129.52505 104.78955 129.48375 104.82349 curveto +129.43623 104.87431 129.38128 104.91766 129.32602 104.95982 curveto +129.26389 105.01626 129.21049 105.07797 129.16807 105.1505 curveto +129.13493 105.19646 129.10688 105.24542 129.08046 105.29569 curveto +129.04357 105.3372 128.99135 105.35697 128.94635 105.38786 curveto +128.92539 105.39672 128.91137 105.42732 128.88339 105.43613 curveto +128.85316 105.44775 128.84021 105.4854 128.80997 105.49633 curveto +128.81253 105.5073 128.77046 105.54127 128.74922 105.56349 curveto +128.74531 105.57765 128.7137 105.59152 128.74218 105.58041 curveto +128.75755 105.57442 128.72183 105.60663 128.70944 105.61753 curveto +128.6926 105.62921 128.69412 105.65191 128.68456 105.66728 curveto +128.67186 105.68772 128.65658 105.7 128.64609 105.72111 curveto +128.64068 105.74449 128.62841 105.74194 128.64967 105.73606 curveto +128.66494 105.73185 128.62738 105.77258 128.62412 105.77754 curveto +128.59113 105.78538 128.58675 105.82799 128.56941 105.84687 curveto +128.55999 105.85712 128.5488 105.86558 128.5385 105.87494 curveto +128.55249 105.86161 128.47969 105.9249 128.49303 105.91091 curveto +128.50616 105.89713 128.52788 105.87282 128.54782 105.8635 curveto +128.53397 105.87955 128.52013 105.89561 128.50628 105.91166 curveto +127.03024 104.37838 lineto +127.01749 104.39368 127.00475 104.40898 126.99201 104.42429 curveto +127.00273 104.41084 127.08058 104.3045 127.06989 104.35859 curveto +127.01931 104.41682 127.13666 104.29575 127.09333 104.33362 curveto +127.09413 104.33089 127.09493 104.32816 127.09573 104.32544 curveto +127.09307 104.32452 127.08736 104.32547 127.08775 104.32268 curveto +127.09121 104.29834 127.12074 104.27706 127.13732 104.26045 curveto +127.16472 104.23111 127.1871 104.20141 127.20552 104.16341 curveto +127.20614 104.15575 127.20267 104.14723 127.20613 104.14038 curveto +127.21905 104.11476 127.24314 104.09395 127.26729 104.07936 curveto +127.29335 104.0555 127.30699 104.02134 127.33678 104.00038 curveto +127.36097 103.97756 127.39153 103.9614 127.41632 103.93115 curveto +127.42571 103.92122 127.4859 103.87958 127.49553 103.87385 curveto +127.50061 103.87083 127.507 103.87101 127.51274 103.86959 curveto +127.54138 103.85891 127.5706 103.82487 127.58567 103.82066 curveto +127.58786 103.82005 127.58458 103.82508 127.58403 103.82729 curveto +127.6289 103.79789 127.65065 103.74598 127.69447 103.71464 curveto +127.75755 103.6477 127.81685 103.57644 127.88457 103.51456 curveto +127.92712 103.45826 127.96899 103.40198 128.01663 103.35003 curveto +128.04982 103.31035 128.08569 103.27213 128.12462 103.23811 curveto +128.16335 103.19274 128.21034 103.15778 128.25276 103.11628 curveto +128.29726 103.07696 128.3494 103.04569 128.37537 102.98867 curveto +128.39858 102.95946 128.40918 102.93296 128.42817 102.90356 curveto +128.42367 102.89763 128.47491 102.84452 128.46273 102.8499 curveto +128.49453 102.80966 128.52734 102.77295 128.57358 102.75078 curveto +128.59731 102.73221 128.61658 102.70705 128.64214 102.69107 curveto +128.65866 102.68076 128.67944 102.67834 128.69419 102.66458 curveto +128.70405 102.65813 128.71305 102.65046 128.72249 102.6434 curveto +128.73053 102.63879 128.73926 102.63521 128.74663 102.62957 curveto +128.75722 102.62148 128.8564 102.52039 128.80166 102.58009 curveto +128.85641 102.54635 128.92217 102.53762 128.97725 102.5037 curveto +129.02675 102.47352 129.06917 102.43472 129.12168 102.40905 curveto +129.14762 102.41307 129.17279 102.42162 129.19926 102.42224 curveto +129.25713 102.41161 129.30165 102.36819 129.35886 102.35349 curveto +129.39245 102.33585 129.40829 102.3246 129.44553 102.31636 curveto +129.50543 102.3031 129.56882 102.30656 129.61715 102.26084 curveto +130.98762 103.8201 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.06765 96.1703 moveto +131.98328 96.214177 131.93503 96.300004 131.8741 96.369537 curveto +131.81427 96.44458 131.73537 96.500653 131.66979 96.569275 curveto +131.62363 96.609062 131.59809 96.664519 131.5605 96.710998 curveto +131.49716 96.789311 131.55481 96.710365 131.50925 96.774346 curveto +131.49933 96.784769 131.4695 96.815223 131.45988 96.828454 curveto +131.45397 96.836579 131.45498 96.848552 131.44883 96.856495 curveto +131.41182 96.904278 131.43334 96.862165 131.42225 96.885016 curveto +131.40372 96.922057 131.36809 96.949156 131.33513 96.973736 curveto +130.71 97.489278 129.75886 96.018458 130.00902 95.294491 curveto +130.01138 95.286452 130.01374 95.278413 130.0161 95.270373 curveto +131.38419 96.852988 lineto +131.38737 96.85853 131.39054 96.864071 131.39371 96.869613 curveto +131.99111 97.249241 131.64928 97.034514 130.20563 95.180991 curveto +130.1862 95.156045 130.15273 95.21572 130.12736 95.234583 curveto +130.12695 95.234887 130.13598 95.242754 130.13759 95.241354 curveto +130.12335 95.259426 130.17534 95.199369 130.18058 95.194645 curveto +130.21407 95.16296 130.25163 95.137349 130.28954 95.111675 curveto +130.35665 95.05221 130.41854 94.987952 130.47535 94.918453 curveto +130.5432 94.857918 130.60239 94.788507 130.66511 94.722745 curveto +130.73293 94.650404 130.80747 94.584361 130.84745 94.490839 curveto +132.06765 96.1703 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.77757 105.48794 moveto +128.75722 105.55803 128.74695 105.63139 128.74875 105.70436 curveto +128.73422 105.74165 128.71556 105.7764 128.70524 105.81517 curveto +128.70839 105.80976 128.70013 105.82997 128.70225 105.82663 curveto +128.75473 105.74409 128.68065 105.85184 128.66596 105.87036 curveto +128.66369 105.87334 128.66142 105.87633 128.65914 105.87931 curveto +126.9001 104.69724 lineto +126.90122 104.69747 126.90234 104.69771 126.90346 104.69794 curveto +126.89811 104.78061 126.8446 104.71906 126.90765 104.69347 curveto +126.91751 104.68736 126.94698 104.64913 126.93784 104.66442 curveto +126.96528 104.60766 126.97712 104.54918 126.95792 104.48758 curveto +128.77757 105.48794 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.72291 96.020231 moveto +130.64588 96.141987 130.60804 96.28499 130.5792 96.425087 curveto +130.55016 96.486996 130.54916 96.566061 130.53237 96.629219 curveto +130.52651 96.65126 130.5152 96.671486 130.50722 96.692853 curveto +130.50169 96.728658 130.47517 96.753358 130.46844 96.788894 curveto +130.46432 96.824092 130.43627 96.851991 130.43467 96.888966 curveto +130.43547 96.901045 130.43705 96.909568 130.4291 96.922053 curveto +129.9979 97.599351 128.72596 96.641992 128.54418 95.893728 curveto +128.55329 95.84948 128.57813 95.813873 128.59847 95.774907 curveto +130.40732 96.863844 lineto +130.43069 96.840056 130.43178 96.839801 130.44846 96.800148 curveto +131.14926 96.761504 130.51676 96.797932 128.68541 95.705463 curveto +128.67615 95.699935 128.6753 95.724541 128.66972 95.733779 curveto +128.65333 95.760927 128.63468 95.786738 128.61952 95.814594 curveto +128.6173 95.818684 128.61355 95.828048 128.61819 95.828499 curveto +128.62326 95.828992 128.62323 95.819633 128.62575 95.8152 curveto +128.64207 95.783415 128.6598 95.754853 128.67016 95.721285 curveto +128.68811 95.67663 128.70877 95.633157 128.73644 95.593712 curveto +128.79013 95.54136 128.82766 95.474377 128.86247 95.408634 curveto +128.92588 95.277831 128.95231 95.137772 128.91814 94.994433 curveto +130.72291 96.020231 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.53069 105.38256 moveto +128.4904 105.41865 128.4893 105.47013 128.50155 105.51968 curveto +128.51008 105.54168 128.49225 105.50138 128.52574 105.5028 curveto +128.5404 105.50342 128.51014 105.55749 128.51977 105.54642 curveto +128.54008 105.52309 128.55147 105.49329 128.56784 105.46704 curveto +128.56767 105.47241 128.56385 105.47904 128.56731 105.48315 curveto +128.56988 105.4862 128.57489 105.48025 128.57886 105.48014 curveto +128.58864 105.47985 128.60054 105.48568 128.60975 105.4886 curveto +128.00272 105.15804 127.39569 104.82748 126.78866 104.49691 curveto +127.32526 104.95896 126.72538 104.44305 128.63441 105.51786 curveto +128.64358 105.52302 128.64282 105.57266 128.63887 105.58116 curveto +128.6199 105.62194 128.59708 105.66081 128.57618 105.70064 curveto +128.56009 105.71748 128.54545 105.74769 128.52278 105.7601 curveto +128.51429 105.76475 128.50272 105.76283 128.49507 105.76876 curveto +128.48142 105.77934 128.47 105.79252 128.45747 105.8044 curveto +127.73131 105.39184 124.3157 103.51168 128.41228 105.7796 curveto +128.41424 105.78068 128.40966 105.77597 128.40834 105.77415 curveto +126.72654 104.48274 lineto +127.41441 104.64349 127.96607 105.16073 128.583 105.50484 curveto +128.58709 105.50713 128.59464 105.51899 128.59053 105.51672 curveto +127.98734 105.1839 127.38633 104.84713 126.78423 104.51234 curveto +126.77724 104.52689 126.76798 104.54056 126.76326 104.556 curveto +126.76255 104.55834 126.76859 104.55618 126.77033 104.55788 curveto +126.78393 104.57123 126.74819 104.61252 126.75126 104.615 curveto +126.73252 104.65277 126.71394 104.69062 126.69506 104.72832 curveto +126.69176 104.73489 126.68764 104.74238 126.68249 104.7478 curveto +126.68002 104.75041 126.67112 104.75301 126.67426 104.75475 curveto +128.47617 105.75394 129.18421 105.76919 128.4756 105.75128 curveto +127.85878 105.41803 127.24196 105.08478 126.62513 104.75153 curveto +126.61871 104.7426 126.60564 104.71306 126.60161 104.71027 curveto +126.59739 104.70734 126.59144 104.71166 126.58636 104.71235 curveto +126.60446 104.63696 126.61686 104.6219 126.63085 104.55623 curveto +126.66453 104.50267 126.69752 104.44534 126.70825 104.38247 curveto +128.53069 105.38256 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +129.00303 105.4163 moveto +128.93051 105.46946 128.88507 105.54435 128.86774 105.63184 curveto +128.86555 105.65249 128.864 105.67913 128.88112 105.69446 curveto +128.88522 105.7024 128.88697 105.71238 128.8916 105.7207 curveto +128.84611 105.77943 128.93905 105.64628 128.93489 105.6717 curveto +128.92787 105.71464 128.91076 105.7419 128.89173 105.77915 curveto +128.88394 105.74873 128.92886 105.74537 128.93746 105.73412 curveto +128.9447 105.72464 128.94485 105.70864 128.95546 105.70319 curveto +128.96119 105.70025 128.96063 105.71499 128.96322 105.72089 curveto +128.9207 105.86551 129.02209 105.64839 128.93662 105.83284 curveto +128.92777 105.85195 128.89611 105.90669 128.90646 105.88835 curveto +128.96329 105.78757 128.94648 105.82032 128.98621 105.73141 curveto +126.99116 104.99454 lineto +127.02835 104.89079 127.0036 104.95079 127.06461 104.83023 curveto +127.0729 104.81384 127.04734 104.86266 127.03947 104.87925 curveto +127.02997 104.89926 127.0215 104.91975 127.01252 104.94 curveto +127.01372 104.93319 127.02046 104.9142 127.01611 104.91957 curveto +127.00782 104.92982 127.00528 104.94361 126.99986 104.95564 curveto +126.95559 104.95859 127.00287 104.8261 127.00837 104.81118 curveto +127.0014 104.82183 126.99318 104.83176 126.98745 104.84312 curveto +126.9763 104.86522 126.96488 104.92266 126.96447 104.88097 curveto +126.96439 104.8729 126.96388 104.86467 126.9656 104.85678 curveto +126.97931 104.79393 126.9953 104.8154 126.97799 104.79512 curveto +126.98413 104.77883 126.9854 104.76145 126.98742 104.74428 curveto +127.00741 104.70736 127.02247 104.66678 127.04994 104.63491 curveto +127.06599 104.61442 127.08035 104.59263 127.09663 104.57233 curveto +127.13431 104.52535 127.18153 104.48151 127.18059 104.4162 curveto +129.00303 105.4163 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.63829 104.30496 moveto +128.65254 104.3564 128.69032 104.3832 128.73135 104.41249 curveto +128.73989 104.4186 128.74742 104.42691 128.75737 104.43024 curveto +128.76602 104.43313 128.77562 104.4303 128.78474 104.43034 curveto +129.49496 104.44497 128.84893 104.4354 127.0066 103.43243 curveto +127.00446 103.43127 127.01194 103.46861 127.01966 103.46663 curveto +127.03018 103.46393 127.03918 103.45709 127.04893 103.45232 curveto +127.07667 103.43544 127.08315 103.48135 127.09953 103.48308 curveto +127.10915 103.48409 127.11787 103.4769 127.12704 103.47381 curveto +127.73738 103.81113 128.34772 104.14845 128.95805 104.48577 curveto +128.35712 104.15247 127.75619 103.81917 127.15526 103.48588 curveto +127.15528 103.49404 127.17524 103.49693 127.17772 103.50341 curveto +127.18973 103.53485 127.17125 103.50822 127.18536 103.52667 curveto +127.18746 103.54567 127.23019 103.53705 127.23546 103.54429 curveto +127.23941 103.54971 127.23712 103.5576 127.23795 103.56425 curveto +127.26051 103.57622 127.27727 103.54578 127.29924 103.54304 curveto +127.30283 103.5426 127.30406 103.54843 127.30646 103.55112 curveto +127.31323 103.54868 127.32 103.54625 127.32677 103.54382 curveto +127.34503 103.54345 127.35731 103.52393 127.3748 103.52139 curveto +127.37748 103.521 127.37737 103.52787 127.38006 103.52758 curveto +127.4006 103.52538 127.42588 103.50277 127.44346 103.49243 curveto +127.46018 103.4919 127.47155 103.47228 127.488 103.47044 curveto +127.49265 103.46993 127.49617 103.47621 127.50084 103.47608 curveto +127.52178 103.47547 127.5495 103.45874 127.56803 103.45067 curveto +127.57754 103.44735 127.58656 103.44205 127.59654 103.44071 curveto +127.60083 103.44013 127.60439 103.44544 127.6087 103.44521 curveto +127.63588 103.44377 127.66165 103.43157 127.68735 103.4235 curveto +127.7297 103.38979 127.78256 103.38181 127.83082 103.36208 curveto +127.84171 103.35762 127.89436 103.32972 127.90407 103.32464 curveto +127.96914 103.29876 128.03392 103.2766 128.0989 103.2506 curveto +128.14649 103.24386 128.2042 103.22676 128.2466 103.20369 curveto +128.25537 103.19913 128.26356 103.1932 128.27292 103.19001 curveto +128.2765 103.18879 128.2806 103.19192 128.28423 103.19087 curveto +128.31185 103.18285 128.33884 103.15953 128.36303 103.14469 curveto +128.37764 103.13127 128.403 103.13152 128.41797 103.1188 curveto +128.42979 103.10875 128.43712 103.07864 128.45086 103.08586 curveto +130.27994 104.04617 130.10019 103.42844 130.29627 104.12181 curveto +130.27117 104.19145 130.24115 104.2801 130.17301 104.3223 curveto +130.16602 104.32663 130.15687 104.32565 130.14911 104.32837 curveto +130.13516 104.33327 130.12172 104.33953 130.10803 104.34511 curveto +129.9984 104.37386 129.88734 104.39736 129.77852 104.4298 curveto +129.68153 104.46828 129.59869 104.53066 129.52313 104.60132 curveto +129.47367 104.64312 129.4278 104.68882 129.38533 104.73775 curveto +129.3506 104.77257 129.33655 104.81706 129.30576 104.85508 curveto +129.27011 104.90724 129.22707 104.95392 129.18995 105.00483 curveto +129.16091 105.06254 129.1195 105.1143 129.08034 105.1658 curveto +129.06637 105.16831 128.99932 105.27366 129.02932 105.21621 curveto +129.031 105.21394 129.03691 105.21062 129.03437 105.20938 curveto +129.02093 105.20284 128.98949 105.28938 128.98476 105.30056 curveto +128.97469 105.34372 128.94304 105.38128 128.93808 105.42578 curveto +128.9311 105.43945 128.94632 105.43986 128.94624 105.44002 curveto +128.93339 105.46797 128.92154 105.47993 128.90259 105.5038 curveto +128.8653 105.546 128.83095 105.59275 128.80899 105.64484 curveto +128.7985 105.66979 128.80236 105.696 128.80671 105.7218 curveto +128.79864 105.75569 128.77309 105.78315 128.77092 105.81817 curveto +128.77098 105.81995 128.7698 105.82471 128.77111 105.8235 curveto +128.77423 105.8206 128.77446 105.81552 128.77724 105.8123 curveto +128.83189 105.74918 128.73913 105.88286 128.72387 105.90417 curveto +128.71696 105.91351 128.71007 105.92286 128.70326 105.93227 curveto +126.90908 104.79306 lineto +126.9101 104.79763 126.91171 104.80188 126.91323 104.80631 curveto +126.91369 104.87107 126.86354 104.88087 126.90837 104.81289 curveto +126.91425 104.805 126.95198 104.73686 126.93019 104.78095 curveto +126.94457 104.72699 126.9611 104.67525 126.99356 104.62874 curveto +127.02946 104.58406 127.0585 104.53643 127.07487 104.48103 curveto +127.07025 104.47873 127.06339 104.49143 127.06061 104.48707 curveto +127.0565 104.48065 127.08153 104.43164 127.08995 104.4225 curveto +127.09837 104.40911 127.10466 104.39431 127.1143 104.38177 curveto +127.13174 104.35906 127.15198 104.35187 127.1538 104.31687 curveto +127.17266 104.2651 127.17427 104.20754 127.2011 104.15996 curveto +127.20887 104.14814 127.21491 104.13498 127.22441 104.1245 curveto +127.23135 104.11685 127.29925 104.11724 127.29277 104.08824 curveto +127.34633 104.07157 127.35747 104.02605 127.39174 103.98567 curveto +127.42662 103.9327 127.4702 103.88719 127.49644 103.82928 curveto +127.52223 103.77815 127.55765 103.73445 127.59457 103.69108 curveto +127.64974 103.63119 127.71457 103.58379 127.78396 103.54144 curveto +127.89129 103.47544 127.98532 103.38669 128.10712 103.34472 curveto +128.17499 103.31184 128.2408 103.27267 128.31007 103.24283 curveto +128.32007 103.23853 128.33106 103.23663 128.34083 103.23183 curveto +128.35137 103.22665 128.36072 103.21933 128.37066 103.21308 curveto +128.37556 103.21185 128.38101 103.21194 128.38536 103.20938 curveto +128.39132 103.20587 128.39378 103.19499 128.40069 103.1954 curveto +128.40352 103.19556 128.39891 103.20904 128.38202 103.23635 curveto +128.3427 103.29995 128.38207 103.21898 128.33215 103.34018 curveto +127.80664 103.80471 128.29001 103.37335 130.144 104.34594 curveto +130.15598 104.35223 130.15645 104.32061 130.15573 104.3071 curveto +130.15558 104.30425 130.11862 104.30225 130.11479 104.29778 curveto +130.08825 104.29729 130.0684 104.29859 130.04451 104.31303 curveto +130.03425 104.31923 130.02599 104.32874 130.01504 104.33363 curveto +130.00888 104.33638 130.00159 104.33468 129.99486 104.3352 curveto +129.97695 104.34029 129.96084 104.34387 129.94417 104.35261 curveto +129.93357 104.35818 129.9247 104.36694 129.91368 104.37164 curveto +129.88561 104.38362 129.85066 104.38016 129.82637 104.40299 curveto +129.75917 104.40728 129.70004 104.43982 129.63244 104.44097 curveto +129.56866 104.45919 129.51972 104.50297 129.45565 104.51909 curveto +129.42816 104.54408 129.36061 104.59395 129.32639 104.60714 curveto +129.32106 104.6092 129.31499 104.60646 129.30928 104.60611 curveto +129.28991 104.60677 129.26986 104.6099 129.2529 104.62036 curveto +129.24399 104.62586 129.23756 104.63535 129.2279 104.63941 curveto +129.22502 104.64061 129.20119 104.63615 129.19731 104.63548 curveto +129.18701 104.63667 129.17615 104.63539 129.16639 104.63889 curveto +129.13692 104.64945 129.12186 104.68286 129.08611 104.67678 curveto +129.05921 104.69056 129.07419 104.68124 129.04329 104.70788 curveto +129.03792 104.71076 129.03149 104.70092 129.02572 104.70287 curveto +129.01644 104.70599 128.99325 104.72331 128.98674 104.72788 curveto +128.97721 104.73724 128.96924 104.74851 128.95814 104.75595 curveto +128.95229 104.75987 128.90154 104.76111 128.89315 104.76903 curveto +128.88122 104.77212 128.87129 104.781 128.85932 104.78396 curveto +128.84668 104.78708 128.82903 104.76904 128.81582 104.77302 curveto +128.20547 104.43497 127.59511 104.09691 126.98476 103.75886 curveto +127.58663 104.09104 128.1854 104.42889 128.79036 104.75541 curveto +128.79721 104.7591 128.79424 104.73693 128.78809 104.73216 curveto +128.77831 104.72456 128.73457 104.75633 128.72858 104.72308 curveto +128.73388 104.69536 128.74101 104.69735 128.71638 104.70287 curveto +128.70959 104.7044 128.7027 104.70568 128.69613 104.70799 curveto +128.68747 104.71102 128.6789 104.72319 128.67082 104.71883 curveto +126.85059 103.73652 127.12247 104.34493 126.83415 103.68876 curveto +126.81122 103.62073 126.77271 103.55635 126.72463 103.50325 curveto +128.63829 104.30496 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3992361 0 0 0.3992361 208.41415 24.331271] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +213.22537 143.31984 moveto +213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto +116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto +89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto +185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +213.22537 143.31984 moveto +213.22537 158.21862 185.4143 170.31039 151.14709 170.31039 curveto +116.87989 170.31039 89.068821 158.21862 89.068821 143.31984 curveto +89.068821 128.42105 116.87989 116.32929 151.14709 116.32929 curveto +185.4143 116.32929 213.22537 128.42105 213.22537 143.31984 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.999321 0 0 1.3809014 0.9121652 -62.66197] concat +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +189.47369 147.50337 moveto +189.47369 152.94143 172.18246 157.35492 150.8772 157.35492 curveto +129.57193 157.35492 112.2807 152.94143 112.2807 147.50337 curveto +112.2807 142.06532 129.57193 137.65182 150.8772 137.65182 curveto +172.18246 137.65182 189.47369 142.06532 189.47369 147.50337 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.30000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +189.47369 147.50337 moveto +189.47369 152.94143 172.18246 157.35492 150.8772 157.35492 curveto +129.57193 157.35492 112.2807 152.94143 112.2807 147.50337 curveto +112.2807 142.06532 129.57193 137.65182 150.8772 137.65182 curveto +172.18246 137.65182 189.47369 142.06532 189.47369 147.50337 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +196.15625 108.28125 moveto +195.18902 108.38828 194.23068 108.58324 193.25469 108.59375 curveto +192.27782 108.56792 191.22409 108.31616 190.30689 108.77247 curveto +189.31221 109.30581 188.28604 109.79683 187.375 110.46875 curveto +186.47304 111.12334 185.69704 111.92818 184.97585 112.77326 curveto +184.29135 113.4816 183.75374 114.31315 183.34849 115.20927 curveto +182.85841 116.13413 182.57599 117.15298 182.35315 118.17099 curveto +182.15596 119.24287 181.88853 120.33643 182.05006 121.43184 curveto +182.14709 122.65669 182.42709 123.86094 182.83906 125.01718 curveto +183.24001 126.22502 183.86226 127.34148 184.5 128.4375 curveto +185.10463 129.32198 185.73789 130.21888 186.625 130.84375 curveto +187.58996 131.45102 188.68299 131.79551 189.77012 132.1106 curveto +190.76873 132.43438 191.83277 132.46693 192.8689 132.35233 curveto +193.93471 132.22235 194.99758 132.03273 196.03905 131.77456 curveto +197.32581 131.4296 198.52869 130.8104 199.61305 130.04402 curveto +200.47752 129.43566 201.03683 128.5116 201.62961 127.65841 curveto +202.32182 126.5831 203.04061 125.51088 203.49006 124.30539 curveto +203.94318 123.39249 204.1604 122.40159 204.34375 121.40625 curveto +204.45393 120.31878 204.49739 119.22228 204.48784 118.1301 curveto +204.43029 116.93363 204.25155 115.74855 204.09375 114.5625 curveto +203.83752 113.58444 203.66321 112.57299 203.21875 111.65625 curveto +202.66077 110.81579 201.87707 110.15495 201.07127 109.56126 curveto +199.97864 108.8195 198.67408 108.44971 197.375 108.28125 curveto +196.9677 108.24438 196.56366 108.24945 196.15625 108.28125 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.36077797 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +196.15625 108.28125 moveto +195.18902 108.38828 194.23068 108.58324 193.25469 108.59375 curveto +192.27782 108.56792 191.22409 108.31616 190.30689 108.77247 curveto +189.31221 109.30581 188.28604 109.79683 187.375 110.46875 curveto +186.47304 111.12334 185.69704 111.92818 184.97585 112.77326 curveto +184.29135 113.4816 183.75374 114.31315 183.34849 115.20927 curveto +182.85841 116.13413 182.57599 117.15298 182.35315 118.17099 curveto +182.15596 119.24287 181.88853 120.33643 182.05006 121.43184 curveto +182.14709 122.65669 182.42709 123.86094 182.83906 125.01718 curveto +183.24001 126.22502 183.86226 127.34148 184.5 128.4375 curveto +185.10463 129.32198 185.73789 130.21888 186.625 130.84375 curveto +187.58996 131.45102 188.68299 131.79551 189.77012 132.1106 curveto +190.76873 132.43438 191.83277 132.46693 192.8689 132.35233 curveto +193.93471 132.22235 194.99758 132.03273 196.03905 131.77456 curveto +197.32581 131.4296 198.52869 130.8104 199.61305 130.04402 curveto +200.47752 129.43566 201.03683 128.5116 201.62961 127.65841 curveto +202.32182 126.5831 203.04061 125.51088 203.49006 124.30539 curveto +203.94318 123.39249 204.1604 122.40159 204.34375 121.40625 curveto +204.45393 120.31878 204.49739 119.22228 204.48784 118.1301 curveto +204.43029 116.93363 204.25155 115.74855 204.09375 114.5625 curveto +203.83752 113.58444 203.66321 112.57299 203.21875 111.65625 curveto +202.66077 110.81579 201.87707 110.15495 201.07127 109.56126 curveto +199.97864 108.8195 198.67408 108.44971 197.375 108.28125 curveto +196.9677 108.24438 196.56366 108.24945 196.15625 108.28125 curveto +closepath +stroke +gsave +1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +189.77135 113.47659 moveto +188.90557 113.7236 188.07602 114.09229 187.32802 114.55335 curveto +186.55428 115.07896 185.75266 115.60525 185.18317 116.32023 curveto +184.66956 117.00377 184.10993 117.70134 183.91077 118.51956 curveto +183.72264 119.24566 183.39066 119.95644 183.42515 120.71292 curveto +183.40823 121.59254 183.72766 122.44072 183.953 123.28838 curveto +184.45589 124.37478 185.13068 125.40835 186.01274 126.28369 curveto +186.64451 126.84887 187.48609 127.17456 188.3286 127.40374 curveto +189.20009 127.65775 190.11548 127.79319 191.03281 127.71182 curveto +191.96131 127.6091 192.88193 127.46756 193.79031 127.26592 curveto +194.60465 127.07814 195.35674 126.71305 196.02905 126.266 curveto +196.77022 125.80457 197.26521 125.11353 197.7777 124.46398 curveto +198.32182 123.69752 198.84545 122.89955 199.12639 122.02194 curveto +199.37736 121.09193 199.49281 120.12955 199.43235 119.1732 curveto +199.39483 118.30072 199.2659 117.43044 199.01341 116.58622 curveto +198.73656 115.82822 198.11268 115.237 197.41132 114.76973 curveto +196.68054 114.3131 195.91399 113.82099 194.99541 113.75059 curveto +194.07842 113.65948 193.14912 113.95112 192.24277 113.70693 curveto +191.43555 113.52641 190.60183 113.4294 189.77135 113.47659 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.2337742 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +189.77135 113.47659 moveto +188.90557 113.7236 188.07602 114.09229 187.32802 114.55335 curveto +186.55428 115.07896 185.75266 115.60525 185.18317 116.32023 curveto +184.66956 117.00377 184.10993 117.70134 183.91077 118.51956 curveto +183.72264 119.24566 183.39066 119.95644 183.42515 120.71292 curveto +183.40823 121.59254 183.72766 122.44072 183.953 123.28838 curveto +184.45589 124.37478 185.13068 125.40835 186.01274 126.28369 curveto 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95.305543 112.11046 96.970816 curveto +110.98361 97.349231 109.89713 97.902088 108.89885 98.59359 curveto +107.83055 99.348718 107.0241 100.49694 106.63179 101.83045 curveto +105.87448 104.14648 106.4564 106.60881 106.77688 108.95248 curveto +107.28919 112.18047 107.89081 115.40045 108.74437 118.54068 curveto +109.60999 121.67005 110.80052 124.69852 112.34397 127.49222 curveto +115.23846 132.61758 119.34876 136.79671 123.8865 140.10872 curveto +126.94446 142.30266 130.28705 144.00133 133.78994 145.11974 curveto +137.19937 146.27314 140.77401 146.69763 144.32486 146.86095 curveto +147.33039 146.94124 150.33819 147.04516 153.34176 146.83752 curveto +158.95531 146.52788 164.66556 146.24702 170.05041 144.30368 curveto +173.18213 143.20518 176.08448 141.41871 178.77301 139.35127 curveto +180.90598 137.73884 182.84496 135.83261 184.68244 133.83095 curveto +186.18575 131.96438 187.70309 130.09418 188.88754 127.95495 curveto +190.79038 124.77532 192.08298 121.18843 192.84819 117.47841 curveto 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106.4564 106.60881 106.77688 108.95248 curveto +107.28919 112.18047 107.89081 115.40045 108.74437 118.54068 curveto +109.60999 121.67005 110.80052 124.69852 112.34397 127.49222 curveto +115.23846 132.61758 119.34876 136.79671 123.8865 140.10872 curveto +126.94446 142.30266 130.28705 144.00133 133.78994 145.11974 curveto +137.19937 146.27314 140.77401 146.69763 144.32486 146.86095 curveto +147.33039 146.94124 150.33819 147.04516 153.34176 146.83752 curveto +158.95531 146.52788 164.66556 146.24702 170.05041 144.30368 curveto +173.18213 143.20518 176.08448 141.41871 178.77301 139.35127 curveto +180.90598 137.73884 182.84496 135.83261 184.68244 133.83095 curveto +186.18575 131.96438 187.70309 130.09418 188.88754 127.95495 curveto +190.79038 124.77532 192.08298 121.18843 192.84819 117.47841 curveto +193.66967 113.52669 194.16673 109.48322 194.25205 105.42942 curveto +194.21921 104.23684 194.16425 103.02892 193.86718 101.87546 curveto +192.99052 100.40503 191.38598 99.857192 189.98044 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442.58624 35.88625 442.58622 curveto +36.766242 442.58624 37.592907 442.71957 38.36625 442.98622 curveto +39.139573 443.22624 39.606239 443.34624 39.76625 443.34622 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.9072 127.81223 moveto +128.83288 127.81223 128.68425 127.85765 128.4613 127.94848 curveto +128.4613 127.86177 lineto +129.57604 127.29821 lineto +129.62559 127.31059 lineto +129.62559 131.02641 lineto +129.62559 131.17504 129.66274 131.27207 129.73706 131.31748 curveto +129.81138 131.3629 129.97033 131.38767 130.21393 131.3918 curveto +130.21393 131.4847 lineto +128.50465 131.4847 lineto +128.50465 131.3918 lineto +128.73586 131.38354 128.89068 131.35051 128.96913 131.29271 curveto +129.0517 131.23078 129.09299 131.10279 129.09299 130.90874 curveto +129.09299 128.1033 lineto +129.09299 127.90926 129.03106 127.81223 128.9072 127.81223 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +132.41864 131.5714 moveto +132.20395 131.5714 132.01197 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133.22374 129.45338 curveto +133.22373 128.80518 133.15561 128.3118 133.01937 127.97325 curveto +132.88312 127.63057 132.68494 127.45923 132.42484 127.45923 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.05212 109.78189 moveto +156.9778 109.78189 156.82917 109.82731 156.60622 109.91813 curveto +156.60622 109.83143 lineto +157.72096 109.26787 lineto +157.77051 109.28025 lineto +157.77051 112.99607 lineto +157.77051 113.1447 157.80766 113.24173 157.88198 113.28714 curveto +157.9563 113.33256 158.11525 113.35733 158.35885 113.36146 curveto +158.35885 113.45435 lineto +156.64957 113.45435 lineto +156.64957 113.36146 lineto +156.88078 113.3532 157.0356 113.32017 157.11405 113.26237 curveto +157.19662 113.20044 157.23791 113.07245 157.23791 112.8784 curveto +157.23791 110.07296 lineto +157.23791 109.87892 157.17598 109.78189 157.05212 109.78189 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +173.91537 127.66329 moveto +173.84105 127.66329 173.69242 127.70871 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14.292381 120.91114] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.48699999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +29.647865 77.694646 moveto +77.535309 111.0049 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.31983327 -0.22247434 0.22247434 -0.31983327 73.537393 108.22397] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.45138898 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +30.146417 76.558083 moveto +81.013041 94.88614 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.33973075 -0.12241041 0.12241041 -0.33973075 76.766407 93.35601] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7265258 0 0 0.6848591 251.4739 50.393149] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7265258 0 0 0.6848591 192.15513 50.123237] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7227569 0.073906418 0.06966784 0.6813064 189.36305 7.2611793] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7227569 0.073906418 0.06966784 0.6813064 189.36305 24.714023] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.48699999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.05373 70.684455 moveto +127.34952 40.151313 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.33196714 -0.20392638 0.20392638 -0.33196714 172.90414 68.135375] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.42809355 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 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+0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7265258 0 0 -0.6848591 192.15513 137.9296] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.7265258 0 0 -0.6848591 192.15513 120.38575] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +100.13495 34.817814 moveto +100.13495 36.605668 98.683942 38.05668 96.896088 38.05668 curveto +95.108233 38.05668 93.657221 36.605668 93.657221 34.817814 curveto +93.657221 33.02996 95.108233 31.578948 96.896088 31.578948 curveto +98.683942 31.578948 100.13495 33.02996 100.13495 34.817814 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.48699999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +176.79964 77.169259 moveto +128.9122 110.47951 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.31983327 0.22247434 -0.22247434 -0.31983327 172.80172 79.950188] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.45138898 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +176.30109 76.032696 moveto +125.43447 94.360753 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.33973074 0.12241042 -0.12241042 -0.33973074 172.05446 77.562826] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.020243 39.136302 moveto +119.12437 54.417509 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+0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.290148 55.60054 moveto +120.28908 111.72916 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.1693162 -0.27153642 0.27153642 -0.1693162 118.17263 108.33495] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.82996 96.356275 moveto +119.2592 96.527645 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.3199958 -0.0016404106 0.0016404106 -0.3199958 115.25925 96.50714] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.82996 56.140351 moveto +119.36734 39.340762 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.28611119 0.1433192 -0.1433192 -0.28611119 115.79095 41.132252] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +86.099865 114.17004 moveto +119.2592 97.775702 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.28685513 0.14182432 -0.14182432 -0.28685513 115.67351 99.548506] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +86.369771 74.493927 moveto +119.2592 74.005627 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.31996474 0.0047504255 -0.0047504255 -0.31996474 115.25964 74.065007] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.40000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +85.290148 96.08637 moveto +119.50103 58.101078 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.21415212 0.23777904 -0.23777904 -0.21415212 116.82413 61.073316] concat +gsave +0 0 0 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+16.634418 82.245762 16.835085 82.451095 16.947088 82.647095 curveto +17.059085 82.852428 17.199084 83.034428 17.367088 83.193095 curveto +17.544417 83.351761 17.745084 83.431094 17.969088 83.431095 curveto +18.221083 83.431094 18.347083 83.361094 18.347088 83.221095 curveto +18.347083 83.183761 18.314417 83.095094 18.249088 82.955095 curveto +18.18375 82.815095 18.151083 82.693762 18.151088 82.591095 curveto +18.151083 82.460428 18.193083 82.357762 18.277088 82.283095 curveto +18.370417 82.199095 18.487083 82.157095 18.627088 82.157095 curveto +18.776416 82.157095 18.893083 82.203762 18.977088 82.297095 curveto +19.070416 82.390429 19.117083 82.511762 19.117088 82.661095 curveto +19.117083 82.941095 18.981749 83.188428 18.711088 83.403095 curveto +18.44975 83.617761 18.146417 83.725094 17.801088 83.725095 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +188.74471 80.855752 moveto +188.55805 80.855752 188.30605 80.809085 187.98871 80.715752 curveto +187.67138 80.631752 187.43805 80.589752 187.28871 80.589752 curveto +187.15805 80.589752 187.04605 80.687752 186.95271 80.883752 curveto +186.72871 80.883752 lineto +187.00871 78.657752 lineto +187.23271 78.657752 lineto +187.34471 79.32042 187.51271 79.805753 187.73671 80.113752 curveto +187.97005 80.412419 188.27805 80.561752 188.66071 80.561752 curveto +188.96871 80.561752 189.21605 80.463752 189.40271 80.267752 curveto +189.59871 80.062419 189.69671 79.801086 189.69671 79.483752 curveto +189.69671 79.213087 189.60805 78.923753 189.43071 78.615752 curveto +189.26271 78.307754 189.07138 78.041754 188.85671 77.817752 curveto +188.65138 77.584421 188.46005 77.309088 188.28271 76.991752 curveto +188.11471 76.674422 188.03071 76.366423 188.03071 76.067752 curveto +188.03071 75.60109 188.18471 75.227757 188.49271 74.947752 curveto +188.80071 74.667758 189.21138 74.527758 189.72471 74.527752 curveto +189.91138 74.527758 190.14938 74.569758 190.43871 74.653752 curveto +190.73738 74.728424 190.92871 74.765758 191.01271 74.765752 curveto +191.19938 74.765758 191.33938 74.681758 191.43271 74.513752 curveto +191.62871 74.513752 lineto +191.34871 76.459752 lineto +191.12471 76.459752 lineto +190.98471 75.386424 190.55538 74.849758 189.83671 74.849752 curveto +189.59405 74.849758 189.40271 74.919757 189.26271 75.059752 curveto +189.12271 75.190424 189.05271 75.372424 189.05271 75.605752 curveto +189.05271 75.829757 189.14138 76.09109 189.31871 76.389752 curveto +189.49605 76.688422 189.69205 76.963755 189.90671 77.215752 curveto +190.12138 77.458422 190.31738 77.747755 190.49471 78.083752 curveto +190.67204 78.419754 190.76071 78.737087 190.76071 79.035752 curveto +190.76071 79.567753 190.56938 80.006419 190.18671 80.351752 curveto +189.81338 80.687752 189.33271 80.855752 188.74471 80.855752 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/2-toky/toky04.svg b/2-toky/toky04.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9608efe --- /dev/null +++ b/2-toky/toky04.svg @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + z + s + + + diff --git a/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex b/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 70544d4..0000000 --- a/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{3}{Goldbergùv algoritmus}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} - -Pøedstavíme si~nový algoritmus pro~hledání maximálního toku v~síti, který se~uká¾e být stejnì dobrý jako {\I Dinicùv algoritmus} ($\O(MN^{2})$) a~po~nìkolika vylep¹eních bude i~lep¹í. Nejdøíve si~pøipomeòme definice, které budeme potøebovat: - -\s{Definice:} Mìjme sí» $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$, tok~$f$ a~libovolný vrchol~$v$. Pak $f^{\Delta}(v)$ nazýváme {\I pøebytek} ve~vrcholu~$v$ a~definujeme ho takto: $$f^{\Delta}(v):=\sum_{uv \in E}{f(uv)} - \sum_{vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$ Pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$v$ je tedy souèet v¹eho, co do~vrcholu~$v$ pøiteèe, minus souèet v¹eho, co z~$v$ odteèe. - -\s{Definice:} Dále pro~libovolnou hranu~$uv \in E$ definujeme její {\I rezervu} následovnì: -$$r(uv) = c(uv) - f(uv) + f(vu).$$ Rezerva hrany znaèí, co je¹tì je mo¾no po~této hranì poslat. - -\s{Poznámka:} Dále budeme oznaèovat písmenem~$N$ poèet vrcholù a~$M$ poèet hran, tedy~$N = \vert V \vert$ a~$M = \vert E \vert$. - -Goldbergùv algoritmus na~rozdíl od~Dinicova algoritmu zaèíná s~ohodnocením hran, které pravdìpodobnì není tokem (budeme ho nazývat {\I vlna}), a~postupnì ho zmen¹uje a¾ na~korektní tok. - -\s{Definice:} Funkce $f:E \rightarrow {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ je {\I vlna} v~síti~$(V, E, z, s, c)$ tehdy, kdy¾ jsou splnìny následující dvì podmínky: - \numlist\ndotted - \:$\forall e \in E : f(e) \leq c(e)$ (vlna na hranì nepøekroèí kapacitu hrany) - \:$ \forall v \in V \setminus \{z, s\} : f^{\Delta}(v) \geq 0$ (pøebytek ve vrcholu je nezáporný). - \endlist - -\s{Pozorování:} Ka¾dý tok~$f$ je také vlna, ale opaènì to obvykle platit nemusí. - -\s{Operace:} {\I Pøevedení pøebytku} - -Algoritmus bude potøebovat pøevádìt pøebytky z~vrcholu~$u$ na~sousední vrchol~$v$. Mìjme hranu~$uv$ s~kladnou rezervou $r(uv) > 0$ a~kladným pøebytkem ve~vrcholu~$u$: $f^\Delta(u) > 0$. Èást pøebytku budeme chtít poslat z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$. Vezmeme $\delta := \min (f^\Delta(u), r(uv))$ a~po~hranì~$uv$ po¹leme tok o velikosti~$\delta$. Výsledná situace bude vypadat následovnì: - \itemize\ibull - \:$f'^\Delta(u) = f^\Delta(u) - \delta$. - \:$f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + \delta$. - \:$r'(uv) = r(uv) - \delta$. - \:$r'(vu) = r(vu) + \delta$. - \endlist - -Kdybychom ov¹em nepøidali ¾ádnou jinou podmínku, ná¹ algoritmus by se~mohl krásnì zacyklit (napø. posílat pøebytek z~$u$ do~$v$ a~zase zpátky). Abychom se~tomu vyhnuli, zavedeme {\I vý¹ku vrcholu} $h: V \to {\bb N}$ a~dovolíme pøevádìt pøebytek pouze z~vy¹¹ího vrcholu~$u$ na~ni¾¹í $v$: $h(u) > h(v)$. - -\s{Shrnutí:} Podmínky pro~pøevedení pøebytku po~hranì $uv \in E$: - \numlist\ndotted - \:Ve~vrcholu~$u$ je nenulový pøebytek: $f^{\Delta}(u) > 0$. - \:Vrchol~$u$ je vý¹ ne¾ vrchol~$v$: $h(u) > h(v)$. - \:Hrana~$uv$ má nenulovou rezervu: $r(uv)>0$. - \endlist - - -\s{Operace:} Pro~vrchol~$u \in V$ definujme {\I zvednutí vrcholu}: -Pokud bìhem výpoètu narazíme ve~vrcholu~$u$ na~pøebytek, který nelze nikam pøevést, zvìt¹íme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ o~jednièku, tj. $h(u) \leftarrow h(u)+1$. - - -\s{Algoritmus (Goldbergùv)} - -\algo -\:$\forall v \in V: h(v)\leftarrow 0$ (v¹em vrcholùm nastavíme poèáteèní vý¹ku nula) a~$h(z)\leftarrow N$ (zdroj zvedneme do~vý¹ky~$N$). -\:$\forall e \in E: f(e)\leftarrow 0$ (po~hranách nejdøíve nenecháme protékat nic) a~$\forall zu \in E : f(zu)\leftarrow c(zu)$ (ze~zdroje pustíme maximální mo¾nou vlnu). -\:Dokud $\exists u \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f^{\Delta}(u)>0$: -\::Pokud $\exists v \in V: uv \in E,~r(uv)>0$ a~$h(u)>h(v)$, pak pøevedeme pøebytek po~hranì z~$u$ do~$v$. -\::V~opaèném pøípadì zvedneme $u$:~$h(u) \leftarrow h(u) + 1$. -\:Vrátíme tok~$f$ jako výsledek. -\endalgo - -\noindent -Nyní bude následovat nìkolik lemmat a~invariantù, jimi¾ doká¾eme správnost a~èasovou slo¾itost Goldbergova algoritmu. - -\s{Invariant A (základní):} - \numlist \ndotted - \:Funkce~$f$ je v~ka¾dém kroku algoritmu vlna. - \:$h(v)$ nikdy neklesá pro~¾ádné~$v$. - \:$h(z)=N$ a~$h(s)=0$ po~celou dobu bìhu algoritmu. - \endlist - -\proof Indukcí dle poètu prùchodù cyklem (3. -- 5. krok algoritmu). - -Na zaèátku je v¹e v~poøádku ($f$ je nulová funkce, pøebytky v¹ech vrcholù jsou nezáporné, tedy~$f$ je vlna, $h(z)=N$ a~$h(s)=0$). V~prùbìhu se~tyto hodnoty mìní pouze pøi: - \itemize\ibull - \:Pøevedení po~hranì~$uv$: Po hranì~$uv$ se~nepo¹le více ne¾ její rezerva. Pøebytek~$u$ se~sní¾í, ale nejménì na~nulu. Pøebytek~$v$ se~zvý¹í. Tedy~$f$ zùstává vlnou. Vý¹ky se~nemìní. - \:Zvednutí vrcholu~$u$: Mìní pouze vý¹ky -- a~to vrcholù rùzných od zdroje èi stoku -- a~pouze se zvy¹ují. - \qeditem - \endlist - -\s{Invariant S (o~Spádu):} Neexistuje hrana $uv \in E: r(uv)>0$ \& $h(u) > h(v)+1$ (s~kladnou rezervou a~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna). - -\proof Indukcí dle bìhu algoritmu. - -Na zaèátku mají v¹echny hrany ze~zdroje rezervu nulovou a~v¹echny ostatní vedou mezi vrcholy s~vý¹kou 0. V~prùbìhu by se~tento invariant mohl pokazit pouze dvìma zpùsoby: - \itemize\ibull - \:Zvednutím vrcholu~$u$, ze~kterého vede hrana~$uv$ s~kladnou rezervou a~spádem 1. Tento pøípad nemù¾e nastat, nebo» hranu zvedáme pouze tehdy, kdy¾ neexistuje vrchol~$v$ takový, ¾e hrana~$uv$ má kladnou rezervu a~spád alespoò 1. Takový vrchol v~na¹em pøípadì existuje, proto se~místo zvednutí vrcholu~$u$ po¹le pøebytek po~hranì~$uv$. - \:Zvìt¹ením rezervy hrany se~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ 1. Toto také nemù¾e nastat, nebo» rezervu bychom mohli zvìt¹it jedinì tak, ¾e bychom poslali nìco v~protismìru -- a~to nesmíme, jeliko¾ bychom poslali pøebytek z~ni¾¹ího vrcholu na~vy¹¹í. - \qeditem - \endlist - -\s{Definice:} Cestu~$P$ nazveme {\I nenasycenou}, pokud v¹echny její hrany mají kladnou rezervu. Neboli $\forall e \in P: r(e) > 0$. - -\s{Lemma K (o~Korektnosti):} Kdy¾ se~algoritmus zastaví, je~$f$ maximální tok. - -\proof Dùkaz rozlo¾me do~dvou krokù. Nejdøíve uká¾eme, ¾e~$f$ je tok, a~pak jeho maximalitu. - - \numlist\ndotted - \:Nech» se~algoritmus zastavil. Pak nemohl existovat ¾ádný vrchol~$v$ (kromì zdroje a~stoku) s~kladným pøebytkem. Tedy $\forall v \in V~\setminus \{z,s\}: f^\Delta(v) = 0$. (Víme ji¾, ¾e~$f$ je po~celou dobu vlna, tak¾e pøebytek nemù¾e být nikdy záporný.) V~tom pøípadì splòuje~$f$ podmínky toku. - \:Pro spor pøedpokládejme, ¾e tok~$f$ není maximální. Pak existuje nenasycená cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku. Vezmìme si~libovolnou takovou cestu. Zdroj je stále ve~vý¹ce~$N$ a~spotøebiè ve~vý¹ce 0 (viz invariant A). Tato cesta tedy pøekonává vý¹ku~$N$, ale mù¾e mít nejvý¹e~$N-1$ hran. Proto existuje alespoò jedna hrana se~spádem alespoò 2. Tato hrana tedy nemù¾e mít kladnou rezervu (viz invariant S). Tato cesta proto nemù¾e být zlep¹ující, co¾ je spor. Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f$ je nutnì maximální tok. - \qeditem - \endlist - -\s{Lemma C (Cesta):} Mìjme vrchol $v \in V$. Pokud $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$, pak existuje nenasycená cesta z~vrcholu~$v$ do~zdroje. - -\proof -Pro vrchol~$v \in V$ s $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$ definujme mno¾inu $A := \{ u \in V : \exists$ nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~$u \}$. - -Seètìme pøebytky ve~v¹ech vrcholech mno¾iny~$A$. Pøebytek ka¾dého vrcholu se~spoèítá jako souèet tokù do~nìj vstupujících minus souèet tokù z~nìj vystupujících. V¹echny hrany, jejich¾ oba vrcholy le¾í v~$A$, se~jednou pøiètou a~jednou odeètou. Proto nás budou zajímat pouze hrany mezi~$A$ a~$V \setminus A$. - - $$\sum_{u \in A}f^{\Delta}(u) = \underbrace{ \sum_{ab \in E \cap ( (V \setminus A) \times A )} f(ab) }\limits_{=0} - \underbrace{ \sum_{ab \in E \cap ( A \times (V \setminus A) )} f(ab) }\limits_{\geq 0}~\leq~0.$$ - -Uka¾me si, proè je první svorka rovna nule. Mìjme vrcholy $a \in V \setminus A$ a~$b \in A$ takové, ¾e $ab\in E$. O~nich víme, ¾e $r(ba) = 0$ (jinak by~$a$ patøilo do~$A$) $\Rightarrow f(ba) = c(ba) \Rightarrow f(ab)=0$. Proto do~$A$ nic nepøitéká. - -\figure{Goldberg01.eps}{Obrázek k dùkazu lemmatu C}{0.2\hsize} - -Proè je druhá svorka nezáporná, je zøejmé, nebo» tok na~hranì je v¾dy nezáporný a~souèet nezáporných èísel je nezáporné èíslo. - -Proto $\sum_{u \in A}{f^\Delta(u) \le 0}$. Zároveò v¹ak v~$A$ je aspoò jeden vrchol s~kladným pøebytkem, toti¾~$v$, proto v~$A$ musí být také vrchol se~záporným pøebytkem -- a~jediný takový je zdroj. Tím je dokázáno, ¾e $z \in A$, tedy ¾e vede nenasycená cesta z~vrcholu~$v$ do~zdroje. -\qed - -\s{Invariant V (Vý¹ka):} $\forall v \in V$ platí $h(v)\leq 2N$. - -\proof -Kdyby existoval vrchol~$v$ s~vý¹kou $h(v) > 2N$, tak by musel být nìkdy zvednut z~vý¹ky~$2N$. Tehdy musel mít kladný pøebytek $f^\Delta(v)>0$ (jinak by nemohl být zvednut). Dle lemmatu C musela existovat nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~zdroje. Tato cesta mìla spád alespoò~$N$, ale mohla mít nejvý¹e~$N-1$ hran (jinak by to nebyla cesta v~síti na~$N$ vrcholech). Tudí¾ musela na~této cestì existovat hrana se~spádem alespoò 2, co¾ je spor s~invariantem S (nebo» v¹echny hrany této cesty mají z~definice nenasycené cesty kladné rezervy). -\qed - -\s{Lemma Z (poèet Zvednutí):} Poèet v¹ech zvednutí je maximálnì~$2N^{2}$. - -\proof -Staèí si~uvìdomit, ¾e ka¾dý vrchol mù¾eme zvednout maximálnì~$2N$-krát a~vrcholù je~$N$. -\qed - -Teï nám je¹tì zbývá urèit poèet provedených pøevedení. Bude se~nám hodit, kdy¾ pøevedení rozdìlíme na~dva druhy: - -\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e pøevedení je {\I nasycené}, pokud po~pøevodu rezerva na~hranì~$uv$ klesla na~nulu, tedy $r(uv)=0$. V~opaèném pøípadì je {\I nenasycené}, a~tehdy urèitì klesne pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$ na~nulu, tedy $f^{\Delta}(u) = 0$ (pøi~nasyceném pøevedení se~to~ale mù¾e stát také). - -\s{Lemma S (naSycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je nejvý¹~$NM$. - -\proof -Pro ka¾dou hranu~$uv$ spoèítejme poèet nasycených pøevedení (tedy takových pøevedení, ¾e po~nich klesne rezerva hrany na~nulu). Abychom dvakrát nasycenì pøevedli pøebytek (nebo jeho èást) z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$, tak jsme museli~$u$ mezitím alespoò dvakrát zvednout: - -Po~prvním nasyceném pøevedení z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$ se~vynulovala rezerva hrany~$uv$. Uvìdomme si, ¾e pøi~této operaci muselo být~$u$ vý¹e ne¾~$v$, a~dokonce víme, ¾e bylo vý¹e pøesnì o~1 (viz lemma~S). Po~této hranì tedy nemù¾eme u¾~nic více pøevést. Aby do¹lo k~druhému nasycenému pøevedení z~$u$ do~$v$, musíme nejprve opìt zvý¹it rezervu hrany~$uv$. Jediný zpùsob, jak toho lze dosáhnout, je pøevést èást pøebytku z~$v$ zpátky do~$u$. K~tomu se~musí~$v$ dostat (alespoò o~1) vý¹e ne¾~$u$. Po~pøelití bude rezerva~$uv$ opìt kladná. A~abychom provedli nasycené pøevedení znovu ve~smìru z~$u$ do~$v$, musíme zase~$u$ dostat (alespoò o~1) vý¹e ne¾~$v$. Proto musíme~$u$ alespoò o~2 zvednout -- nejprve na~úroveò~$v$ a~pak je¹tì o~1 vý¹e. - - -Ukázali jsme si~tedy, ¾e mezi ka¾dými dvìma nasycenými pøevedeními jsme vrchol~$u$ zvedli alespoò dvakrát. Nicménì libovolnou hranu mù¾eme zvednout nejvý¹e~$2N$-krát (viz invariant V). V¹ech hran je~$M$, tudí¾ poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je nejvý¹e~$NM$. -\qed - -\s{Lemma N (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^2M)$. - -\proof -Dùkaz provedeme pomocí potenciálové metody -- nadefinujme si~následující funkci jako potenciál: - $$ \Phi := \sum_{\scriptstyle{v: f^{\Delta}(v) > 0} \atop \scriptstyle{v \ne z,s}} h(v). $$ -Nyní se~podívejme, jak se~ná¹ potenciál bìhem algoritmu vyvíjí a~jaké má vlastnosti: - - \itemize\ibull - \:Na poèátku je $ \Phi = 0 $. - \:Bìhem celého algoritmu je $ \Phi \ge 0 $, nebo» je souètem nezáporných èlenù. - \:Zvednutí vrcholu zvý¹í $\Phi$ o~jednièku (Aby byl vrchol zvednut, musel mít kladný pøebytek $\Rightarrow$ vrchol do~sumy ji¾ pøispíval, teï jen pøispìje èíslem o 1 vy¹¹ím.). Ji¾ víme, ¾e za~celý prùbìh algoritmu je v¹ech zvednutí maximálnì~$2N^2$, proto zvedáním vrcholù zvý¹íme potenciál dohromady nejvý¹e o~$2N^2$. - \:Nasycené pøevedení zvý¹í~$\Phi$ nejvý¹e o~$2N$, proto¾e buï po~pøevodu hranou~$uv$ v~$u$ zùstal nìjaký pøebytek, tak¾e se~mohl potenciál zvý¹it nejvý¹e o~$h(v) \leq 2N$, nebo je pøebytek v~$u$ po~pøevodu nulový a~potenciál se~dokonce o~jedna sní¾il. Za~celý prùbìh tak dojde k~maximálnì~$NM$ takovýmto pøevedením, díky nim¾ se~potenciál zvý¹í maximálnì o~$2N^2M$. - \:Koneènì kdy¾ pøevádíme po~hranì~$uv$ nenasycenì, tak od~potenciálu urèitì odeèteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ (nebo» se~vynuluje pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$) a~mo¾ná pøièteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$v$. Jen¾e $h(v) = h(u) - 1$, a~proto nenasycené pøevedení potenciál v¾dy sní¾í alespoò o~jedna. - \endlist - -\>Z~tohoto rozboru chování potenciálu~$\Phi$ v~prùbìhu algoritmu získáváme, ¾e poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení mù¾e být nejvý¹e $2N^2 + 2N^2M$, co¾ je $\O(N^2M)$. -\qed - -\s{Implementace:} - -Budeme si~pamatovat seznam~$P$ v¹ech vrcholù~$v \ne z,s$ s~kladným pøebytkem. Neboli -$$P = \{ v \in V \setminus \{z,s\} ~\vert~ f^{\Delta}(v) > 0 \}.$$ -Kdy¾ mìníme pøebytek nìjakého vrcholu, mù¾eme ná¹ seznam v~konstantním èase aktualizovat (napø. tak, ¾e si~ka¾dý vrchol pamatuje pozici, na~které v~seznamu~$P$ je). V~konstantním èase také umíme odpovìdìt, zda existuje nìjaký vrchol s~pøebytkem. - -Dále si~pro ka¾dý vrchol~$u \in V$ budeme pamatovat~$L(u)$-seznam hran~$uv \in E$ takových, které vedou dolù (mají spád alespoò 1) a~kladnou rezervu. Neboli -$$L(u) = \{ uv \in E ~\vert~ v \in V,~ r(uv) > 0,~ h(v) < h(u)\}.$$ -Díky tomu mù¾eme pøistupovat k~patøièným sousedùm~$u$ v~èase $\O(1)$, stejnì jako pøidávat hrany do~$L(u)$, resp. je mazat. Opìt ka¾dá hrana si~bude pamatovat pozici, na~které se~nachází v~seznamu~$L$. - -\s{Rozbor èasové slo¾itosti algoritmu:} - -\numlist\ndotted -\:Inicializace vý¹ek \dots\ $\O(N)$. -\:Inicializace vlny~$f$ \dots\ $\O(M)$. -\:Výbìr vrcholu~$u$ s~kladným pøebytkem -- vezmeme první vrchol v~$P$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. -\:Výbìr vrcholu~$v$, do~kterého vede z~$u$ hrana s~kladnou rezervou a~který je ní¾e ne¾~$u$ -- vezmeme první hranu z~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. - - Pøevedení pøebytku: \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \itemize\idot - \:Nasycené pøevedení \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \itemize\idot - \:Rezerva hrany~$uv$ klesne na~nulu $\Rightarrow$ hrana~$uv$ vypadne z~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$v$ se~zvý¹í $\Rightarrow$ pokud je¹tì nebyl v~seznamu~$P$, tak se~tam pøidá \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$u$ mo¾ná také klesne na~nulu $\Rightarrow$ pak by vrchol~$u$ vypadnul z~$P$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \endlist - \:Nenasycené pøevedení \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \itemize\idot - \:Rezerva hrany~$uv$ zùstane nezáporná $\Rightarrow$ hrana~$uv$ zùstane v~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \:Vynuluje se~pøebytek vrcholu~$u$~$\Rightarrow$ vrchol $u$ vypadne z~$P$ \dots~$\O(1)$. - \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$v$ se~zvý¹í~$\Rightarrow$ pokud je¹tì nebyl v~seznamu~$P$, tak se~tam pøidá \dots\ $\O(1)$. - \endlist - \endlist -\:Zvednutí vrcholu~$u$ \dots $\O(N)$. - -Musíme obejít v¹echny hrany do~$u$ a~z~$u$, kterých je nejvý¹e~$2N-2$, porovnat -vý¹ky a~pøípadnì tyto hrany~$uv$ odebrat ze~seznamu~$L(v)$ resp. pøidat -do~$L(u)$. Abychom pro~odebrání hrany~$uv$ ze~seznamu~$L(v)$ nemuseli procházet -celý seznam, budeme si~$\forall u \in V$ pamatovat je¹tì $L^{-1}(u) := $ seznam -ukazatelù na~hrany~$uv$ v~seznamech~$L(v)$. - -\endlist - -Vidíme, ¾e ka¾dé zvednutí je sice drahé, ale je jich zase pomìrnì málo. Naopak pøevádìní pøebytkù je èastá operace, tak¾e je výhodné, ¾e trvá konstantní èas. - -\s{Shrnutí:} - -\itemize\ibull -\:V¹ech zvednutí je $\O(N^2)$ (viz lemma Z), ka¾dé trvá $\O(N)$ \dots\ $\O(N^3).$ -\:V¹ech nasycených pøevedení je $\O(NM)$ (viz lemma S), ka¾dé trvá $\O(1)$ \dots\ $\O(NM).$ -\:V¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je $\O(N^2M)$ (viz lemma N), ka¾dé trvá $\O(1)$ \dots\ $\O(N^2M).$ -\endlist - -Dohromady má tedy Goldbergùv algoritmus èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$. Vidíme, ¾e u¾ v~tomto obecném pøípadì to není hor¹í ne¾ Dinicùv algoritmus. Pøí¹tì si~uká¾eme, ¾e mù¾e mít i~mnohem lep¹í. Nejdøíve ale zformulujme v¹echna dokázaná tvrzení do~následující vìty: - -\s{Vìta:} Goldbergùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(N^2M)$. - -\s{Pozorování:} Pokud bychom volili v¾dy nejvy¹¹í z~vrcholù s~pøebytkem, tak by se~mohl algoritmus chovat lépe. Podívejme se~na~to pozornìji a~vylep¹ený Goldebrgùv algoritmus oznaème G'. - -\s{Algoritmus (Vylep¹ený Goldbergùv algoritmus)} - -\algo -\:$\forall v \in V: h(v)\leftarrow 0$ (v¹em vrcholùm nastavíme poèáteèní vý¹ku nula) a~$h(z)\leftarrow N$ (zdroj zvedneme do~vý¹ky~$N$). -\:$\forall e \in E: f(e)\leftarrow 0$ (po~hranách nejdøíve nenecháme protékat nic) a~$\forall zu \in E : f(zu)\leftarrow c(zu)$ (ze~zdroje pustíme maximální mo¾nou vlnu). -\:Dokud $\exists u \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f^{\Delta}(u)>0$: -\::Vybereme z~vrcholù s~pøebytkem ten s~nejvy¹¹í vý¹kou, oznaèíme ho~$u$. -\:::Pokud $\exists v \in V: uv \in E,~r(uv)>0$ a~$h(u)>h(v)$, pak pøevedeme pøebytek po~hranì z~$u$ do~$v$. -\:::V~opaèném pøípadì zvedneme $u$:~$h(u) \leftarrow h(u) + 1$. -\:Vrátíme tok~$f$ jako výsledek. -\endalgo - -Rozmysleme si, o~kolik bude vylep¹ený algoritmus G' lep¹í ne¾ ten pùvodní. Ten pùvodní mìl èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$ a~pøevládal èlen, který odpovídal nenasyceným pøevedením. Zkusme tedy právì poèet nenasycených pøevedení odhadnout ve~vylep¹eném algoritmu o~nìco tìsnìji. - -\s{Lemma N' (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Algoritmus G' provede~$\O(N^3)$ nenasycených pøevedení. - -\proof -Dokazovat budeme opìt pomocí potenciálové metody. Zadefinujme si~potenciál {\I nejvy¹¹í hladinu s~pøebytkem}: -$$H := \max \{ h(v) \mid v \neq z,s ~\&~ f^\Delta(v) > 0\}.$$ -Rozdìlíme bìh algoritmu na~{\I fáze}. Ka¾dá fáze konèí tím, ¾e~se~$H$ zmìní. Jak se~mù¾e zmìnit? Buï se~$H$ zvý¹í, co¾ znamená, ¾e~nìjaký vrchol s~pøebytkem v~nejvy¹¹í hladinì byl o~1 zvednut, nebo se~$H$ sní¾í. My víme, ¾e zvednutí je v~celém algoritmu $\O(N^2)$. Zároveò si~mù¾eme uvìdomit, ¾e~$H$ je nezáporný potenciál, kdy sní¾ení i~zvý¹ení ho zmìní o~1, tedy poèet sní¾ení bude stejný jako poèet zvý¹ení, a~proto obojího je~$\O(N^2)$. Tudí¾ poèet fází je také~$\O(N^2)$. - -Je dùle¾ité, ¾e~bìhem jedné fáze provedeme nejvý¹e jedno nenasycené pøevedení z~ka¾dého vrcholu. Po~ka¾dém nenasyceném pøevedení po~hranì $uv$ se~toti¾ vynuluje pøebytek v~$u$ a~aby se~provedlo dal¹í nenasycené pøevedení z~vrcholu~$u$, muselo by nejdøíve být co~pøevádìt. Muselo by tedy do~$u$ nìco pøitéci. My ale víme, ¾e pøevádíme pouze shora dolù a~$u$ je v~nejvy¹¹í hladinì (to zajistí právì to vylep¹ení algoritmu), tedy nejdøíve by musel být nìjaký jiný vrchol zvednut. Tím by se~ale zmìnilo~$H$ a~skonèila by tato fáze. - -Proto poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení bìhem jedné fáze je nejvý¹e~$N$. A ji¾ jsme dokázali, ¾e~fází je~$\O(N^2)$. Tedy poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^3)$. -\qed - -Tento odhad je hezký, ale stále není tìsný a~algoritmus se~chová lépe. Doka¾me si~je¹tì jeden tìsnìj¹í odhad na~poèet nenasycených pøevedení. - -\s{Lemma N'' (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Poèet nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^2 \sqrt{M})$. - -\s{Poznámka:} Tato èasová slo¾itost je výhodná napøíklad pro~øídké grafy. Ty mají toti¾ pomìrnì malý poèet hran. - -\proof -Rozdìlme si~fáze na~dva druhy: laciné a~drahé podle toho, kolik se~v~nich provede nenasycených pøevedení. Zvolme si~nìjaké nezáporné~$K$. Zatím nebudeme urèovat jeho hodnotu. Uvidíme, ¾e~èasová slo¾itost algoritmu bude závislá na~tomto parametru~$K$. Proto jeho hodnotu zvolíme a¾ pozdìji a~to tak, aby byla slo¾itost co nejni¾¹í. - -{\I Laciné fáze} budou ty, bìhem nich¾ se~provede nejvý¹e~$K$ nenasycených pøevedení. {\I Drahé fáze} budou ty ostatní, tedy takové, bìhem nich¾ se~provede více jak~$K$ nenasycených pøevedení. - -Teï potøebujeme odhadnout, kolik nás budou stát oba typy fází. Zaènìme s~tìmi jednodu¹¹ími -- s~lacinými. Víme, ¾e~v¹ech fází je~$\O(N^2)$. Tìch laciných bude tedy urèitì také~$O(N^2)$. Nenasycených pøevedení se~bìhem jedné laciné fáze provede nejvíce~$K$. Tedy celkem se~bìhem laciných fází provede~$\O(N^2K)$ nenasycených pøevedení. - -Pro~poèet nenasycených pøevedení v~drahých fázích si~zaveïme nový potenciál definovaný následovnì: -$$\Phi := \sum_{\scriptstyle{v \ne z,s} \atop \scriptstyle{f^{\Delta}(v) \ne 0}} {p(v) \over K},$$ -kde~$p(v)$ je poèet takových vrcholù~$u$, které nejsou vý¹e ne¾~$v$. Neboli -$$p(v) = \vert \{ u \in V \mid h(u) \leq h(v) \} \vert.$$ -Tedy platí, ¾e~$p(v)$ je v¾dy nezáporné a~nejvý¹e má hodnotu~$N$. Dále víme, ¾e~$\Phi$ bude v¾dy nezáporné (nebo» je to souèet nezáporných èlenù) a~nejvý¹e bude nabývat hodnoty~$N^2 \over K$. Rozmysleme si, jak nám ovlivní tento potenciál na¹e tøi operace: -\itemize\ibull -\:{\bf Zvednutí}: Za~ka¾dý zvednutý vrchol pøibude nejvý¹e~$N \over K$ (tento vrchol mù¾e být nadzvednut nejvý¹e nad~v¹echny ostatní vrcholy) a~mo¾ná nìco ubude (napø. kdy¾ vrchol vyzvedneme na~úroveò k~ostatním). -\:{\bf Nasycené pøevedení} po~hranì $uv$: Mù¾e vynulovat pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$, pak se~$\Phi$ sní¾í. Mù¾e zvý¹it pøebytek ve~$v$ z~nuly, pak se~$\Phi$ zvý¹í. Ale nejvý¹e se~zvý¹í o~$N \over K$, nebo» do~$\Phi$ pøibude jen jeden sèítanec za~vrchol $v$ a~ten pøispìje nejvý¹e hodnotou~$N \over K$ (pod ním mù¾e být nejvíce~$N$ vrcholù). -\:{\bf Nenasycená pøevedení} po~hranì $uv$ v~drahých fázích: Tato operace vynuluje pøebytek v~$u$, tedy~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~$p(u) \over K$. Zároveò mù¾e zvý¹it pøebytek ve~$v$ z~nuly, ale~$\Phi$ stoupne nejvý¹e o~$p(v) \over K$. Celkem tedy~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~$p(u) - p(v) \over K$. -\endlist -Uvìdomme si, ¾e~pokud pøevádíme po~hranì~$uv$, tak platí, ¾e~$h(u) = h(v) + 1$. Pak~$p(u) - p(v)$ je pøesnì poèet vrcholù na~hladinì~$H$. Tìch je alespoò tolik, kolik je nenasycených pøevedení bìhem jedné fáze (to jsme dokázali ji¾ v~lemmatu N'), a~my jsme si~zadefinovali, ¾e v~drahé fázi je poèet nenasycených pøevedení alespoò~$K$. Tedy~$p(u) - p(v) > K$. Proto bìhem jednoho nenasyceného pøevedení~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~${K \over K} = 1$. Nenasycená pøevedení potenciál nezvy¹ují. - -Potenciál~$\Phi$ se~mù¾e zvìt¹it pouze pøi~operacích zvednutí a~nasycené pøevedení. Zvednutí se~provede celkem~$\O(N^2)$ a~ka¾dé zvý¹í potenciál nejvý¹e o~$N \over K$. Nasycených pøevedení se provede celkem~$\O(NM)$ a~ka¾dé zvý¹í potenciál takté¾ nejvý¹e o~$N \over K$. Celkem se~tedy~$\Phi$ zvý¹í nejvý¹e o -$${N \over K} \O(N^2) + {N \over K} \O(NM) = \O \left({N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K}\right).$$ - -Teï vyu¾ijeme toho, ¾e~$\Phi$ je nezáporný potenciál, tedy kdy¾ ka¾dé nenasycené pøevdení v~drahé fázi sní¾í~$\Phi$ alespoò o~1, tak v¹ech nenasycených pøevdení v~drahých fázích je~$\O({N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K})$. U¾ jsme ukázali, ¾e~nenasycených pøevední v~laciných fázích je~$\O(N^2K)$. Proto celkem v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je -$$\O \left(N^2K + {N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K} \right) = \O \left(N^2K + {N^2M \over K} \right)$$ -(nebo» pro~souvislé grafy platí, ¾e~$M \geq N \Rightarrow N^2M \geq N^3$). A~my chceme, aby jich bylo co nejménì. Tato funkce má minimum tehdy, kdy¾ $N^2K = {N^2M \over K}$, èili $K = \sqrt{M}$. - -Proto v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je $\O(N^2\sqrt{M})$. -\qed -\bye diff --git a/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps b/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 70be6d9..0000000 --- a/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,517 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 311 196 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 7.6535002e-09 -2.5149246e-06 310.80097 195.23405 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 196 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 -7.2922934 -15.871617] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 -105.66802 -41.295546] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.80000001 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -327.93522 188.25911 moveto -327.93522 250.38705 279.87044 300.80972 220.64777 300.80972 curveto -161.42509 300.80972 113.36031 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-0.20184081 0.77411904 158.25948 194.8307] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -286.23483 122.89173 moveto -163.96762 131.39375 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.79807286 -0.055495103 0.055495103 0.79807286 173.94353 130.70006] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -267.20648 73.68421 moveto -156.27531 100.80972 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.77710466 -0.19002198 0.19002198 0.77710466 165.98912 98.434445] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -284.1675 181.73326 moveto -163.31146 161.35254 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.78886172 0.13303075 -0.13303075 0.78886172 173.17223 163.01542] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.25 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -0 0 moveto -5 -5 lineto --12.5 0 lineto -5 5 lineto -0 0 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.931174 -14.170041] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -69.75 150.46416 moveto -69.749976 149.90952 69.301976 149.20552 68.406 148.35216 curveto -67.509978 147.49885 67.061979 146.62419 67.062 145.72816 curveto -67.061979 145.04552 67.275312 144.51219 67.702 144.12816 curveto -68.128644 143.74419 68.704644 143.55219 69.43 143.55216 curveto -70.411309 143.55219 71.243308 143.93619 71.926 144.70416 curveto -72.651306 145.42952 73.013973 146.30419 73.014 147.32816 curveto -73.013973 148.52285 72.629973 150.05885 71.862 151.93616 curveto -71.136641 153.77085 70.219309 155.47751 69.11 157.05616 curveto -65.824647 161.66417 62.859316 165.4615 60.214 168.44816 curveto -57.568655 171.43483 55.840657 172.92816 55.03 172.92816 curveto -54.645991 172.92816 54.453991 172.1815 54.454 170.68816 curveto -54.453991 168.8535 54.304658 165.99484 54.006 162.11216 curveto -53.707325 158.18684 53.387326 155.11485 53.046 152.89616 curveto -52.619326 149.95218 52.149994 148.05352 51.638 147.20016 curveto -51.125995 146.34685 50.251329 145.92019 49.014 145.92016 curveto -48.203331 145.92019 47.563332 145.94152 47.094 145.98416 curveto -47.094 145.15216 lineto -48.58733 144.89619 49.888663 144.66152 50.998 144.44816 curveto -52.107327 144.23486 52.875326 144.06419 53.302 143.93616 curveto -53.728659 143.80819 54.112658 143.72286 54.454 143.68016 curveto -54.795324 143.59486 55.136657 143.55219 55.478 143.55216 curveto -56.160656 143.55219 56.843322 146.06952 57.526 151.10416 curveto -58.251321 156.13885 58.741987 161.53617 58.998 167.29616 curveto -60.982 165.24816 lineto -63.243316 162.85884 65.26998 160.17084 67.062 157.18416 curveto -68.853977 154.15485 69.749976 151.91485 69.75 150.46416 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -112.67278 62.815617 moveto -112.67278 63.967617 lineto -94.960781 63.967617 lineto -94.960781 62.815617 lineto -97.264756 62.575618 98.776754 62.215619 99.496781 61.735617 curveto -100.21675 61.25562 100.57675 60.343621 100.57678 58.999617 curveto -100.57675 58.615622 100.52875 57.991623 100.43278 57.127617 curveto -98.992781 47.695617 lineto -83.152781 47.695617 lineto -79.048781 55.831617 lineto -78.088775 57.751623 77.608776 59.239622 77.608781 60.295617 curveto -77.608776 61.20762 77.848775 61.807619 78.328781 62.095617 curveto -78.856774 62.383619 80.032773 62.623618 81.856781 62.815617 curveto -81.856781 63.967617 lineto -68.392781 63.967617 lineto -68.392781 62.815617 lineto -69.880783 62.527618 71.104782 61.807619 72.064781 60.655617 curveto -73.07278 59.503621 74.944778 56.575624 77.680781 51.871617 curveto -98.560781 15.871617 lineto -100.43278 15.871617 lineto -107.20078 56.623617 lineto -107.68075 59.263622 108.20875 60.91962 108.78478 61.591617 curveto -109.36074 62.215619 110.65674 62.623618 112.67278 62.815617 curveto -84.664781 45.103617 moveto -98.632781 45.103617 lineto -95.464781 26.383617 lineto -84.664781 45.103617 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -287.18781 17.761328 moveto -287.18781 18.913328 lineto -285.65176 18.961374 284.30776 19.921373 283.15581 21.793328 curveto -256.29981 66.073328 lineto -254.93181 66.073328 lineto -248.81181 28.633328 lineto -248.0438 24.121369 247.3958 21.433372 246.86781 20.569328 curveto -246.3878 19.705374 245.1398 19.153374 243.12381 18.913328 curveto -243.12381 17.761328 lineto -260.47581 17.761328 lineto -260.47581 18.913328 lineto -258.21979 19.153374 256.73179 19.513374 256.01181 19.993328 curveto -255.29179 20.473373 254.93179 21.337372 254.93181 22.585328 curveto -254.93179 23.06537 254.95579 23.42537 255.00381 23.665328 curveto -259.75581 55.561328 lineto -274.58781 29.929328 lineto -277.08377 25.609368 278.33177 22.753371 278.33181 21.361328 curveto -278.33177 20.065373 276.81977 19.249374 273.79581 18.913328 curveto -273.79581 17.761328 lineto -287.18781 17.761328 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -296.71543 16.825328 moveto -301.89943 16.825328 lineto -322.63543 66.073328 lineto -317.52343 66.073328 lineto -296.71543 16.825328 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -378.24418 63.625328 moveto -378.24418 64.777328 lineto -360.53218 64.777328 lineto -360.53218 63.625328 lineto -362.83616 63.38533 364.34816 63.02533 365.06818 62.545328 curveto -365.78816 62.065331 366.14816 61.153332 366.14818 59.809328 curveto -366.14816 59.425334 366.10016 58.801334 366.00418 57.937328 curveto -364.56418 48.505328 lineto -348.72418 48.505328 lineto -344.62018 56.641328 lineto -343.66018 58.561335 343.18018 60.049333 343.18018 61.105328 curveto -343.18018 62.017331 343.42018 62.617331 343.90018 62.905328 curveto -344.42818 63.19333 345.60418 63.43333 347.42818 63.625328 curveto -347.42818 64.777328 lineto -333.96418 64.777328 lineto -333.96418 63.625328 lineto -335.45219 63.33733 336.67619 62.617331 337.63618 61.465328 curveto -338.64418 60.313333 340.51618 57.385336 343.25218 52.681328 curveto -364.13218 16.681328 lineto -366.00418 16.681328 lineto -372.77218 57.433328 lineto -373.25215 60.073333 373.78015 61.729332 374.35618 62.401328 curveto -374.93215 63.02533 376.22815 63.43333 378.24418 63.625328 curveto -350.23618 45.913328 moveto -364.20418 45.913328 lineto -361.03618 27.193328 lineto -350.23618 45.913328 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -321.33714 220.85778 moveto -321.76378 220.85778 322.46778 220.40978 323.44914 219.51378 curveto -324.43044 218.57512 325.43311 217.55112 326.45714 216.44178 curveto -327.22514 217.08178 lineto -324.87844 219.98312 323.12911 221.88178 321.97714 222.77778 curveto -320.82511 223.67378 319.60912 224.12178 318.32914 224.12178 curveto -316.62245 224.12178 315.76912 223.24711 315.76914 221.49778 curveto -315.76912 220.43112 316.25979 217.97779 317.24114 214.13778 curveto -314.42512 218.10579 312.14246 220.77245 310.39314 222.13778 curveto -308.64379 223.50311 306.63846 224.18578 304.37714 224.18578 curveto -302.32913 224.18578 300.72913 223.56711 299.57714 222.32978 curveto -298.42514 221.04978 297.84914 219.30045 297.84914 217.08178 curveto -297.84914 213.79646 298.76647 210.44713 300.60114 207.03378 curveto -302.47847 203.62047 304.84646 200.80447 307.70514 198.58578 curveto -310.60646 196.36714 313.42246 195.25781 316.15314 195.25778 curveto -319.01178 195.25781 320.71845 196.49514 321.27314 198.96978 curveto -321.97714 195.89778 lineto -322.16914 195.70578 lineto -326.07314 195.25778 lineto -326.52114 195.44978 lineto -326.47844 195.62048 326.35044 196.06848 326.13714 196.79378 curveto -322.33978 210.70313 320.44112 218.44712 320.44114 220.02578 curveto -320.44112 220.58045 320.73978 220.85778 321.33714 220.85778 curveto -320.12114 200.56978 moveto -320.12112 199.37514 319.75845 198.43647 319.03314 197.75378 curveto -318.35045 197.02847 317.41178 196.66581 316.21714 196.66578 curveto -313.87046 196.66581 311.63046 198.03114 309.49714 200.76178 curveto -307.40646 203.49247 305.8278 206.35113 304.76114 209.33778 curveto -303.73713 212.28179 303.22513 214.58579 303.22514 216.24978 curveto -303.22513 217.70045 303.56647 218.87379 304.24914 219.76978 curveto -304.9318 220.62312 305.8278 221.04978 306.93714 221.04978 curveto -308.94246 221.04978 310.99046 219.89778 313.08114 217.59378 curveto -315.17179 215.24712 316.85712 212.47379 318.13714 209.27378 curveto -319.45978 206.0738 320.12112 203.17247 320.12114 200.56978 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -116.35173 140.22451 moveto -116.35173 139.13651 lineto -119.55172 138.75255 122.81572 138.26189 126.14373 137.66451 curveto -126.46373 137.98451 lineto -119.80773 162.81651 lineto -122.06905 159.2752 124.13838 156.7792 126.01573 155.32851 curveto -127.89304 153.87787 129.94104 153.15254 132.15973 153.15251 curveto -134.29304 153.15254 136.0637 153.87787 137.47173 155.32851 curveto -138.8797 156.7792 139.5837 158.61387 139.58373 160.83251 curveto -139.5837 164.11786 138.5597 167.42452 136.51173 170.75251 curveto -134.50637 174.03785 131.92504 176.74718 128.76773 178.88051 curveto -125.61038 181.01384 122.45305 182.08051 119.29573 182.08051 curveto -117.50372 182.08051 115.62639 181.69651 113.66373 180.92851 curveto -111.74373 180.16051 110.78373 179.41385 110.78373 178.68851 curveto -110.78373 178.43251 lineto -119.48773 146.36851 lineto -120.17039 143.97921 120.51172 142.50722 120.51173 141.95251 curveto -120.51172 141.22722 120.27705 140.77922 119.80773 140.60851 curveto -119.38105 140.39522 118.22905 140.26722 116.35173 140.22451 curveto -119.23173 180.60851 moveto -121.40772 180.60851 123.47705 179.84051 125.43973 178.30451 curveto -127.44504 176.76852 129.04504 174.93385 130.23973 172.80051 curveto -131.43437 170.66719 132.37304 168.59786 133.05573 166.59251 curveto -133.78104 164.58719 134.1437 162.9872 134.14373 161.79251 curveto -134.1437 160.08587 133.73837 158.74187 132.92773 157.76051 curveto -132.11704 156.7792 131.02904 156.28854 129.66373 156.28851 curveto -127.74371 156.28854 125.90905 157.20587 124.15973 159.04051 curveto -122.41038 160.83253 120.98105 162.9872 119.87173 165.50451 curveto -118.76239 168.02186 117.88772 170.47519 117.24773 172.86451 curveto -116.60772 175.21118 116.28772 177.06718 116.28773 178.43251 curveto -116.28772 179.88318 117.26905 180.60851 119.23173 180.60851 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -475.86267 -552.55121] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.80000001 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -403.59545 -516.51882] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.80000001 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -253.79788 -476.43785] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.80000001 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -144.12956 193.31984 moveto -144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto -141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto -141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto -143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -grestore -grestore -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/3-goldberg/Makefile b/3-goldberg/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 6330e4c..0000000 --- a/3-goldberg/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=3-goldberg - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex b/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex deleted file mode 100644 index ccb0c50..0000000 --- a/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -\input ../lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{4}{Hradlové sítì}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} - -\def\land{\mathbin{\&}} - -Výkon poèítaèù nelze zvy¹ovat donekoneèna a pøesto¾e ji¾ pìkných pár let platí, -¾e se jejich rychlost s~èasem exponenciálnì zvìt¹uje, jednou urèitì narazíme -pøinejmen¹ím na~fyzikální limity. - -Kdy¾ tedy nemù¾eme zvy¹ovat rychlost jednoho procesoru, jak poèítat rychleji? -Øe¹ením by mohlo být poøídit si procesorù víc. U¾~dnes na~bì¾ném PéCéèku máme -k~dispozici vícejádrové procesory, díky nim¾ mù¾eme vyu¾ít pararelní poèítání -a úlohu øe¹it tak, ¾e práci ¹ikovnì rozdìlíme mezi procesory (èi jádra) a -zamìstnáme je pøi~výpoètu v¹echny. - -My se podíváme na~abstraktní výpoèetní model, který je je¹tì paralelnìj¹í. -Techniky, které si uká¾eme na~tomto modelu, se v¹ak dají pøekvapivì vyu¾ít i~pøi~reálném -paralelizování na~nìkolika málo procesorech. Konec koncù i proto, ¾e vnitøní -architektura procesoru se na¹emu modelu velmi podobá. Budeme se zabývat -jednoduchým modelem paralelního poèítaèe, toti¾ hradlovou sítí. - -\h{Hradlové sítì} - -\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlo} je prvek, který umí vyhodnocovat nìjakou funkci -nad~koneènou abecedou $\Sigma$. - -Obecnì se na~hradlo díváme jako na~funkci $f: {\Sigma}^{k} \rightarrow \Sigma$, která dostane $k$ vstupù -a~vrátí jeden výstup, pøièem¾ hodnoty, nad~kterými pracuje, budou z~nìjaké koneèné -abecedy -- tedy z~nìjaké koneèné mno¾iny symbolù $\Sigma$. Písmenku $k$ zde øíkáme {\I arita -hradla}. - -\s{Pøíklad:} Èasto studujeme hradla booleovská (pracující nad abecedou $\{0,1\}$), která poèítají logické funkce. - -Z~nich nejèastìji potkáme: - -\itemize\ibull -\:nulární: to jsou konstanty (FALSE=0, TRUE=1), -\:unární: napø. negace (znaèíme~$\lnot$), -\:binární: logický souèin ({\sc and},~$\land$), souèet ({\sc or},~$\lor$), ... -\endlist - -\>Hradla kreslíme tøeba následovnì: - -\figure{hradlo_and.eps}{Binární hradlo provádící logickou operaci {\sc and}.}{1in} - -Jednotlivá hradla mù¾eme navzájem urèitým zpùsobem propojovat a vytváøet -z nich {\I hradlové sítì}. Pokud pou¾íváme pouze booleovská hradla, øíkáme takto vytvoøeným -sítím {\I booleovské obvody}. Pokud pracujeme s~operacemi nad nìjakou obecnìj¹í (ale koneènou) -mno¾inou symbolù (abecedou), nazývají se {\I kombinaèní obvody.} - -Ka¾dá hradlová sí» má nìjaké vstupy, nìjaké výstupy a uvnitø jsou propojovaná -hradla. Ka¾dý vstup hradla je pøipojen buïto na~nìkterý ze~vstupù sítì nebo -na~výstup jiného hradla. Výstupy hradel mohou být propojeny na~vstupy dal¹ích -hradel (mohou se vìtvit), nebo na výstupy sítì. Pøitom máme zakázáno vytváøet -cykly. - -Ne¾ si øekneme formální definici, podívejme se na obrázek. - -\figure{hradlova_sit.eps}{Hradlová sí» -- tøívstupová verze funkce {\I majorita}.}{3in} - -Obrazek znázoròuje hradlovou sí», která poèítá, zda je alespoò na~dvou ze~vstupù -jednièka. Pojïme si ale {\I hradlovou sí»} definovat formálnì. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlová sí»} je urèena: -\itemize\ibull -\:{\I abecedou} $\Sigma$ (to je nìjaká koneèná mno¾ina symbolù, obvykle $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$); -\:po dvou disjunktními koneènými mno¾inami $I$~({\I vstupy}), $O$~({\I výstupy}) \hfil\break a~$H$~({\I hradla}); -\:acyklickým orientovaným multigrafem~$(V,E)$, kde~$V = I \cup O \cup H$; -\:zobrazením~$F$, které ka¾dému hradlu $h\in H$ pøiøadí nìjakou funkci~$F(h): - \Sigma^{a(h)} \rightarrow \Sigma$, co¾ je funkce, kterou toto hradlo vykonává. - Èíslu $a(h)$ øíkáme {\I arita} hradla~$h$; -\:zobrazením~$z: E \rightarrow {\bb N}$, které ka¾dé hranì vedoucí do~nìjakého - hradla pøiøazuje nìkterý ze vstupù tohoto hradla. -\endlist - -\>Pøitom jsou splnìny následující podmínky: - -\itemize\ibull -\:$\forall i \in I: \deg^{in}(i)=0$ (do~vstupù nic nevede); -\:$\forall o \in O: \deg^{in}(o)=1~\land~\deg^{out}(o)=0$ (z~výstupù nic nevede a do~ka¾dého vede právì jedna hrana); -\:$\forall h \in H: \deg^{in}(v)=a(v)$ (do~ka¾dého hradla vede tolik hran, kolik je jeho arita); -\:$\forall h \in H~\forall j: 1\le j\le a(h)$ existuje právì jedena hrana~$e$ taková, ¾e~$e$ konèí v~$h$ a~$z(e)=j$, - (v¹echny vstupy hradel jsou zapojeny). -\endlist - -\s{Pozorování:} Kdybychom pøipustili hradla s~libovolnì vysokým poètem vstupù, mohli -bychom libovolný problém se vstupem délky~$n$ vyøe¹it jedním hradlem o~$n$~vstupech, -kterému bychom pøiøadili funkci, která by na¹i úlohu rovnou vyøe¹ila. Tento model -v¹ak není ani realistický, ani pìkný. Proto pøijmìme omezení, ¾e~arity v¹ech hradel -budou omezeny nìjakou pevnou konstantou $k$ (uká¾e se, ¾e nám bude staèit dvojka -a~vystaèíme si tedy pouze s nulárními, unárními a binárními hradly). -Následující obrázky ukazují, jak hradla o~více vstupech nahradit dvouvstupovými: - -\twofigures{hradlo_ternor.eps}{Trojvstupové hradlo \sc or.}{0.5in}{hradlo_ternbior.eps}{Jeho nahrazení 2-vstupovými hradly.}{0.6in} - - -Nyní bychom je¹tì mìli definovat, co taková hradlová sí» vlastnì poèítá a~jak -její výpoèet probíhá. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Výpoèet sítì} probíhá po~{\I taktech.} V nultém taktu jsou definovány pouze -hodnoty na~vstupech sítì a na~výstupech hradel arity 0. Mù¾eme si to pøedstavit -tak, ¾e na~zaèátku nemá ¾ádné hradlo definovánu výstupní hodnotu (a¾ na ji¾ -zmínìná hradla nulární). V~ka¾dém dal¹ím taktu pak vydají výstup hradla, která -na~konci minulého taktu mìla definovány v¹echny hodnoty na vstupech. Jakmile -budou po~nìjakém koneèném poètu taktù definované i hodnoty v¹ech výstupù, sí» -se zastaví a~vydá výsledek. - -\s{Pozorování:} Proto¾e je sí» acyklická, je jasné, ¾e jakmile jednou nìjaké hradlo vydá -výstup, tak se tento výstup bìhem dal¹ího výpoètu sítì ji¾ nezmìní. - -\figure{vypocet_site.eps}{Výpoèet hradlové sítì.}{6cm} - -\>Podle toho, jak sí» poèítá, si ji mù¾eme rozdìlit na~vrstvy: - -\s{Definice:} {\I $i$-tá vrstva $S_i$} obsahuje právì takové vrcholy~$v$, pro~které nejdel¹í cesta ze~vstupù -sítì do $v$ má délku rovnou~$i$. - -\s{Pozorování:} V¹imnìme si, ¾e v $i$-tém taktu vydají hodnoty právì hradla z $S_i$. - -Dává tedy smysl prohlásit za~{\I èasovou slo¾itost} sítì poèet -jejích vrstev. Podobnì {\I prostorovou slo¾itost} definujeme jako poèet hradel v~síti. - -\s{Pøíklad:} Sestrojme sí», která zjistí, zda se mezi jejími~$n$ vstupy -vyskytuje alespoò jedna jednièka. - -\>{\I První øe¹ení:} zapojíme hradla za~sebe (sériovì). Èasová i prostorová -slo¾itost odpovídají~$\Theta(n)$. Zde ov¹em vùbec nevyu¾íváme toho, ¾e by mohlo poèítat více -hradel souèasnì. - -\figure{hloupy_or.eps}{Hradlová sí», která zjistí, zdali je na vstupu alespoò jedna jednièka.}{0.7in} - -\>{\I Druhé øe¹ení:} Hradla budeme spojovat do~dvojic, pak výsledky z~tìchto dvojic opìt -do~dvojic a tak dále. Díky paralelnímu zapojení dosáhneme èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta(\log n)$, -prostorová slo¾itost zùstane lineární. - -\figure{chytry_or.eps}{Chytøej¹í øe¹ení stejného problému pro vstup velikosti 16.}{3in} - -\bye diff --git a/4-hradla/Makefile b/4-hradla/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 65a25ae..0000000 --- a/4-hradla/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=4-hradla - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps b/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 3d88cff..0000000 --- a/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2324 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 2 325 592 773 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 2.9557909 325.79571 591.83322 772.94254 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 842 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -114.17957 349.28806] concat -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -83.184796 52.549665] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2000003 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.90959 -84.12941 moveto -215.27222 -84.12941 lineto -215.27222 -4.7947388 lineto -135.90959 -4.7947388 lineto -135.90959 -84.12941 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.97064 36.428192] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 220.95029 36.514105] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -45.065919 215.6313 moveto -45.065919 235.22232 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -45.065919 215.6313 moveto -45.065919 235.22232 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 234.77816 167.38643] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -69.09509 184.13225] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -267.49216 -98.219109 moveto -346.85476 -98.219109 lineto -346.85476 -18.884438 lineto -267.49216 -18.884438 lineto -267.49216 -98.219109 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 263.06032 168.01077] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 105.84152 318.01621] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -401.3761 -273.15573 moveto -480.7387 -273.15573 lineto -480.7387 -193.82106 lineto -401.3761 -193.82106 lineto -401.3761 -273.15573 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -234.09223 481.33301 moveto -234.09223 501.85418 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -234.09223 481.33301 moveto -234.09223 501.85418 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -49.773159 74.907438] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -22.154925 74.90724] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -133.75586 36.897258 moveto -143.39453 36.897258 lineto -143.39453 39.221477 lineto -130.43359 39.221477 lineto -130.43359 36.897258 lineto -131.48177 35.812626 132.9082 34.358851 134.71289 32.53593 curveto -136.52668 30.703907 137.66601 29.52357 138.13086 28.994914 curveto -139.01496 28.001436 139.6302 27.162895 139.97656 26.479289 curveto -140.33202 25.786594 140.50975 25.107558 140.50977 24.44218 curveto -140.50975 23.35756 140.12694 22.473446 139.36133 21.789836 curveto -138.60481 21.10626 137.61588 20.764464 136.39453 20.764445 curveto -135.52864 20.764464 134.61262 20.914854 133.64648 21.215617 curveto -132.68945 21.516416 131.66406 21.972145 130.57031 22.582805 curveto -130.57031 19.793742 lineto -131.68229 19.347147 132.72135 19.009908 133.6875 18.782023 curveto -134.65364 18.554179 135.53775 18.440247 136.33984 18.440227 curveto -138.45442 18.440247 140.14061 18.968893 141.39844 20.026164 curveto -142.65624 21.083474 143.28514 22.496233 143.28516 24.264445 curveto -143.28514 25.103001 143.12564 25.900526 142.80664 26.657023 curveto -142.49673 27.404431 141.92707 28.288545 141.09766 29.309367 curveto -140.86978 29.5737 140.14517 30.339324 138.92383 31.606242 curveto -137.70246 32.864061 135.97981 34.627731 133.75586 36.897258 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 43.512553 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -139.74414 28.215617 moveto -141.06574 28.49818 142.09569 29.08607 142.83398 29.979289 curveto -143.58137 30.872527 143.95506 31.97539 143.95508 33.287883 curveto -143.95506 35.30221 143.26235 36.860802 141.87695 37.963664 curveto -140.49152 39.066529 138.52278 39.61796 135.9707 39.617961 curveto -135.11393 39.61796 134.22981 39.531372 133.31836 39.358195 curveto -132.41601 39.194133 131.48177 38.943482 130.51562 38.606242 curveto -130.51562 35.940227 lineto -131.28125 36.386844 132.11979 36.724083 133.03125 36.951945 curveto -133.9427 37.179812 134.89518 37.293744 135.88867 37.293742 curveto -137.62043 37.293744 138.93749 36.951948 139.83984 36.268352 curveto -140.75129 35.584761 141.20702 34.591273 141.20703 33.287883 curveto -141.20702 32.084765 140.78319 31.145964 139.93555 30.471477 curveto -139.09699 29.787892 137.92577 29.446096 136.42188 29.446086 curveto -134.04297 29.446086 lineto -134.04297 27.176555 lineto -136.53125 27.176555 lineto -137.88931 27.176567 138.92837 26.907687 139.64844 26.369914 curveto -140.36848 25.823052 140.7285 25.039199 140.72852 24.018352 curveto -140.7285 22.970191 140.35481 22.168108 139.60742 21.612102 curveto -138.86913 21.047016 137.80728 20.764464 136.42188 20.764445 curveto -135.66536 20.764464 134.85416 20.846495 133.98828 21.010539 curveto -133.12239 21.17462 132.16992 21.429828 131.13086 21.776164 curveto -131.13086 19.315227 lineto -132.17903 19.02358 133.15885 18.80483 134.07031 18.658977 curveto -134.99088 18.513164 135.85676 18.440247 136.66797 18.440227 curveto -138.76431 18.440247 140.42317 18.918762 141.64453 19.875773 curveto -142.86587 20.823708 143.47655 22.108863 143.47656 23.731242 curveto -143.47655 24.861465 143.15298 25.818495 142.50586 26.602336 curveto -141.85871 27.377087 140.93814 27.914847 139.74414 28.215617 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 9.760967 52.885558] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -136.24547 -177.07516 moveto -215.60807 -177.07516 lineto -215.60807 -97.740494 lineto -136.24547 -97.740494 lineto -136.24547 -177.07516 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 341.91637 36.764089] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 313.89603 36.850002] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -138.01167 216.11056 moveto -138.01167 236.47765 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -138.01167 216.11056 moveto -138.01167 236.47765 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -138.43569 236.12052 moveto -72.887015 235.79364 lineto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 186.99951 0] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -59.155618 347.21381 moveto -59.155618 366.80483 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -59.155618 347.21381 moveto -59.155618 366.80483 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 29.837368 299.67485] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -58.886023 347.77465 moveto -58.886023 368.14173 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -58.886023 347.77465 moveto -58.886023 368.14173 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000004 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -58.46197 367.7846 moveto -220.21096 367.45773 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 206.39101 7.1749783] concat -gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 11.291085 710.26485] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -3.5208609 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -843.64984 -279.10638 moveto -970.6387 -279.10638 lineto -970.6387 -152.11752 lineto -843.64984 -152.11752 lineto -843.64984 -279.10638 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 520.24575 862.01621] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 54 2] concat -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 264.51048 315.96623] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -399.32611 -431.82468 moveto -478.68871 -431.82468 lineto -478.68871 -352.49001 lineto -399.32611 -352.49001 lineto -399.32611 -431.82468 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.399973 0 579.81142 434.43473] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.7167492 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.7167492 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -447.5488 481.19007 moveto -447.5488 503.05613 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -447.5488 481.19007 moveto -447.5488 503.05613 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999996 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -448.28517 502.54446 moveto -355.18393 502.21759 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 164.09305 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -137.625 27.914836 moveto -136.38541 27.914847 135.40103 28.338675 134.67188 29.18632 curveto -133.95182 30.033986 133.59179 31.196094 133.5918 32.672648 curveto -133.59179 34.140101 133.95182 35.30221 134.67188 36.158977 curveto -135.40103 37.006635 136.38541 37.430463 137.625 37.430461 curveto -138.86457 37.430463 139.84439 37.006635 140.56445 36.158977 curveto -141.29361 35.30221 141.65819 34.140101 141.6582 32.672648 curveto -141.65819 31.196094 141.29361 30.033986 140.56445 29.18632 curveto -139.84439 28.338675 138.86457 27.914847 137.625 27.914836 curveto -143.10742 19.260539 moveto -143.10742 21.776164 lineto -142.4147 21.448057 141.71288 21.197406 141.00195 21.024211 curveto -140.30012 20.851052 139.60285 20.764464 138.91016 20.764445 curveto -137.08723 20.764464 135.6927 21.379697 134.72656 22.610148 curveto -133.76953 23.840633 133.22265 25.700006 133.08594 28.188273 curveto -133.62369 27.395316 134.29817 26.789197 135.10938 26.369914 curveto -135.92057 25.941542 136.81379 25.727349 137.78906 25.727336 curveto -139.83983 25.727349 141.45767 26.351698 142.64258 27.600383 curveto -143.83657 28.839976 144.43358 30.53073 144.43359 32.672648 curveto -144.43358 34.769007 143.81379 36.450646 142.57422 37.71757 curveto -141.33462 38.984498 139.68488 39.61796 137.625 39.617961 curveto -135.26432 39.61796 133.45963 38.715618 132.21094 36.91093 curveto -130.96224 35.097132 130.33789 32.472134 130.33789 29.03593 curveto -130.33789 25.809381 131.10351 23.239071 132.63477 21.324992 curveto -134.16601 19.401835 136.22135 18.440247 138.80078 18.440227 curveto -139.49348 18.440247 140.19074 18.508607 140.89258 18.645305 curveto -141.6035 18.782044 142.34178 18.987122 143.10742 19.260539 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 102.34146 52.97217] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -136.2459 -269.65567 moveto -215.6085 -269.65567 lineto -215.6085 -190.321 lineto -136.2459 -190.321 lineto -136.2459 -269.65567 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 434.49687 36.850701] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 406.47653 36.936614] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -230.59217 216.19717 moveto -230.59217 236.56425 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -230.59217 216.19717 moveto -230.59217 236.56425 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 257.61662 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -137.2832 29.528117 moveto -135.9707 29.528127 134.93619 29.879038 134.17969 30.580852 curveto -133.43229 31.282682 133.05859 32.248827 133.05859 33.479289 curveto -133.05859 34.709762 133.43229 35.675907 134.17969 36.377727 curveto -134.93619 37.079552 135.9707 37.430463 137.2832 37.430461 curveto -138.59569 37.430463 139.6302 37.079552 140.38672 36.377727 curveto -141.14322 35.666793 141.52147 34.700648 141.52148 33.479289 curveto -141.52147 32.248827 141.14322 31.282682 140.38672 30.580852 curveto -139.63931 29.879038 138.60481 29.528127 137.2832 29.528117 curveto -134.52148 28.352336 moveto -133.33658 28.06068 132.41145 27.509249 131.74609 26.698039 curveto -131.08984 25.886854 130.76172 24.897923 130.76172 23.731242 curveto -130.76172 22.099749 131.34049 20.810037 132.49805 19.862102 curveto -133.66471 18.914205 135.25976 18.440247 137.2832 18.440227 curveto -139.31574 18.440247 140.91079 18.914205 142.06836 19.862102 curveto -143.2259 20.810037 143.80467 22.099749 143.80469 23.731242 curveto -143.80467 24.897923 143.47199 25.886854 142.80664 26.698039 curveto -142.15038 27.509249 141.23436 28.06068 140.05859 28.352336 curveto -141.38931 28.662242 142.42381 29.268361 143.16211 30.170695 curveto -143.90949 31.073047 144.28319 32.175911 144.2832 33.479289 curveto -144.28319 35.457157 143.67707 36.974734 142.46484 38.032023 curveto -141.26171 39.089315 139.53449 39.61796 137.2832 39.617961 curveto -135.03189 39.61796 133.30013 39.089315 132.08789 38.032023 curveto -130.88476 36.974734 130.2832 35.457157 130.2832 33.479289 curveto -130.2832 32.175911 130.6569 31.073047 131.4043 30.170695 curveto -132.15169 29.268361 133.19075 28.662242 134.52148 28.352336 curveto -133.50977 23.991008 moveto -133.50976 25.048314 133.83789 25.873183 134.49414 26.465617 curveto -135.1595 27.058077 136.08919 27.354301 137.2832 27.354289 curveto -138.46809 27.354301 139.39322 27.058077 140.05859 26.465617 curveto -140.73306 25.873183 141.0703 25.048314 141.07031 23.991008 curveto -141.0703 22.933732 140.73306 22.108863 140.05859 21.516398 curveto -139.39322 20.923969 138.46809 20.627745 137.2832 20.627727 curveto -136.08919 20.627745 135.1595 20.923969 134.49414 21.516398 curveto -133.83789 22.108863 133.50976 22.933732 133.50977 23.991008 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 196.36522 52.118848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.39258 -363.67944 moveto -214.75518 -363.67944 lineto -214.75518 -284.34477 lineto -135.39258 -284.34477 lineto -135.39258 -363.67944 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 528.52063 35.997379] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 500.50029 36.083292] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -324.61593 215.34384 moveto -324.61593 235.71093 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -324.61593 215.34384 moveto -324.61593 235.71093 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 354.36562 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -155.11133 20.627727 moveto -153.68945 20.627745 152.61848 21.329567 151.89844 22.733195 curveto -151.1875 24.127742 150.83203 26.228651 150.83203 29.03593 curveto -150.83203 31.834114 151.1875 33.935023 151.89844 35.338664 curveto -152.61848 36.733198 153.68945 37.430463 155.11133 37.430461 curveto -156.54231 37.430463 157.61327 36.733198 158.32422 35.338664 curveto -159.04426 33.935023 159.40428 31.834114 159.4043 29.03593 curveto -159.40428 26.228651 159.04426 24.127742 158.32422 22.733195 curveto -157.61327 21.329567 156.54231 20.627745 155.11133 20.627727 curveto -155.11133 18.440227 moveto -157.39908 18.440247 159.14452 19.347147 160.34766 21.16093 curveto -161.55988 22.965633 162.166 25.590631 162.16602 29.03593 curveto -162.166 32.472134 161.55988 35.097132 160.34766 36.91093 curveto -159.14452 38.715618 157.39908 39.61796 155.11133 39.617961 curveto -152.82356 39.61796 151.07356 38.715618 149.86133 36.91093 curveto -148.6582 35.097132 148.05664 32.472134 148.05664 29.03593 curveto -148.05664 25.590631 148.6582 22.965633 149.86133 21.16093 curveto -151.07356 19.347147 152.82356 18.440247 155.11133 18.440227 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 290.01387 52.118849] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.39258 -457.32809 moveto -214.75518 -457.32809 lineto -214.75518 -377.99342 lineto -135.39258 -377.99342 lineto -135.39258 -457.32809 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 622.16928 35.99738] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 594.14894 36.083293] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -418.26457 215.34384 moveto -418.26457 235.71093 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -418.26457 215.34384 moveto -418.26457 235.71093 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 449.01862 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -151.58398 36.897258 moveto -161.22266 36.897258 lineto -161.22266 39.221477 lineto -148.26172 39.221477 lineto -148.26172 36.897258 lineto -149.30989 35.812626 150.73632 34.358851 152.54102 32.53593 curveto -154.35481 30.703907 155.49413 29.52357 155.95898 28.994914 curveto -156.84309 28.001436 157.45832 27.162895 157.80469 26.479289 curveto -158.16014 25.786594 158.33788 25.107558 158.33789 24.44218 curveto -158.33788 23.35756 157.95507 22.473446 157.18945 21.789836 curveto -156.43293 21.10626 155.444 20.764464 154.22266 20.764445 curveto -153.35676 20.764464 152.44075 20.914854 151.47461 21.215617 curveto -150.51757 21.516416 149.49218 21.972145 148.39844 22.582805 curveto -148.39844 19.793742 lineto -149.51041 19.347147 150.54947 19.009908 151.51562 18.782023 curveto -152.48176 18.554179 153.36588 18.440247 154.16797 18.440227 curveto -156.28254 18.440247 157.96874 18.968893 159.22656 20.026164 curveto -160.48436 21.083474 161.11327 22.496233 161.11328 24.264445 curveto -161.11327 25.103001 160.95376 25.900526 160.63477 26.657023 curveto -160.32486 27.404431 159.75519 28.288545 158.92578 29.309367 curveto -158.6979 29.5737 157.9733 30.339324 156.75195 31.606242 curveto -155.53059 32.864061 153.80794 34.627731 151.58398 36.897258 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 384.16734 52.118848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.39258 -551.48157 moveto -214.75518 -551.48157 lineto -214.75518 -472.1469 lineto -135.39258 -472.1469 lineto -135.39258 -551.48157 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 716.32275 35.997379] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 688.30241 36.083292] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -512.41804 215.34384 moveto -512.41804 235.71093 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -512.41804 215.34384 moveto -512.41804 235.71093 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 542.50262 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -156.79297 21.215617 moveto -149.82031 32.112102 lineto -156.79297 32.112102 lineto -156.79297 21.215617 lineto -156.06836 18.809367 moveto -159.54102 18.809367 lineto -159.54102 32.112102 lineto -162.45312 32.112102 lineto -162.45312 34.408977 lineto -159.54102 34.408977 lineto -159.54102 39.221477 lineto -156.79297 39.221477 lineto -156.79297 34.408977 lineto -147.57812 34.408977 lineto -147.57812 31.742961 lineto -156.06836 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 478.05069 52.118853] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.39258 -645.36487 moveto -214.75518 -645.36487 lineto -214.75518 -566.0302 lineto -135.39258 -566.0302 lineto -135.39258 -645.36487 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 810.2061 35.997384] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 782.18576 36.083297] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -606.30138 215.34384 moveto -606.30138 235.71093 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -606.30138 215.34384 moveto -606.30138 235.71093 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 635.52862 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -155.45312 27.914836 moveto -154.21353 27.914847 153.22916 28.338675 152.5 29.18632 curveto -151.77994 30.033986 151.41992 31.196094 151.41992 32.672648 curveto -151.41992 34.140101 151.77994 35.30221 152.5 36.158977 curveto -153.22916 37.006635 154.21353 37.430463 155.45312 37.430461 curveto -156.6927 37.430463 157.67251 37.006635 158.39258 36.158977 curveto -159.12173 35.30221 159.48631 34.140101 159.48633 32.672648 curveto -159.48631 31.196094 159.12173 30.033986 158.39258 29.18632 curveto -157.67251 28.338675 156.6927 27.914847 155.45312 27.914836 curveto -160.93555 19.260539 moveto -160.93555 21.776164 lineto -160.24282 21.448057 159.541 21.197406 158.83008 21.024211 curveto -158.12824 20.851052 157.43098 20.764464 156.73828 20.764445 curveto -154.91536 20.764464 153.52083 21.379697 152.55469 22.610148 curveto -151.59765 23.840633 151.05078 25.700006 150.91406 28.188273 curveto -151.45182 27.395316 152.1263 26.789197 152.9375 26.369914 curveto -153.74869 25.941542 154.64192 25.727349 155.61719 25.727336 curveto -157.66796 25.727349 159.28579 26.351698 160.4707 27.600383 curveto -161.6647 28.839976 162.2617 30.53073 162.26172 32.672648 curveto -162.2617 34.769007 161.64191 36.450646 160.40234 37.71757 curveto -159.16275 38.984498 157.51301 39.61796 155.45312 39.617961 curveto -153.09244 39.61796 151.28776 38.715618 150.03906 36.91093 curveto -148.79036 35.097132 148.16601 32.472134 148.16602 29.03593 curveto -148.16601 25.809381 148.93164 23.239071 150.46289 21.324992 curveto -151.99413 19.401835 154.04947 18.440247 156.62891 18.440227 curveto -157.3216 18.440247 158.01887 18.508607 158.7207 18.645305 curveto -159.43163 18.782044 160.16991 18.987122 160.93555 19.260539 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 571.37734 52.118851] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -135.39258 -738.69153 moveto -214.75518 -738.69153 lineto -214.75518 -659.35686 lineto -135.39258 -659.35686 lineto -135.39258 -738.69153 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 903.53275 35.997382] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 875.51241 36.083295] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -699.62803 215.34384 moveto -699.62803 235.71093 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -699.62803 215.34384 moveto -699.62803 235.71093 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 420.31434 167.38648] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 449.99634 168.01082] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -325.37171 236.12057 moveto -259.82303 235.79369 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 607.94734 167.38648] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 637.72934 168.01082] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -513.10471 236.12057 moveto -447.55603 235.79369 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 796.01434 167.38648] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 824.99634 168.01082] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000002 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -700.37171 236.12057 moveto -634.82303 235.79369 lineto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 7.1737023] concat -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 117.38846 176.95898] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -260.31888 -284.70267 moveto -339.68148 -284.70267 lineto -339.68148 -205.368 lineto -260.31888 -205.368 lineto -260.31888 -284.70267 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 306.05416 184.13266] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -267.49258 -473.36835 moveto -346.85519 -473.36835 lineto -346.85519 -394.03368 lineto -267.49258 -394.03368 lineto -267.49258 -473.36835 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 491.26866 184.13268] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.1999998 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -267.49258 -658.58289 moveto -346.85519 -658.58289 lineto -346.85519 -579.24821 lineto -267.49258 -579.24821 lineto -267.49258 -658.58289 lineto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [-1 0 0 1 1055.8603 0.5080028] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 562.59702 -0.5079751] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -59.155618 347.21381 moveto -59.155618 366.80483 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -59.155618 347.21381 moveto -59.155618 366.80483 lineto -stroke -gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 405.43488 299.16685] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.9526119 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -434.48354 347.26665 moveto -434.48354 367.63373 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999999 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -434.48354 347.26665 moveto -434.48354 367.63373 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5000004 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -434.05948 367.2766 moveto -595.80847 366.94973 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0 0.3387429 0.399973 0 101.74275 434.31182] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.7167492 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.7167492 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4999996 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -233.369 502.42155 moveto -326.47024 502.09468 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 69.99609 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -138.96484 21.215617 moveto -131.99219 32.112102 lineto -138.96484 32.112102 lineto -138.96484 21.215617 lineto -138.24023 18.809367 moveto -141.71289 18.809367 lineto -141.71289 32.112102 lineto -144.625 32.112102 lineto -144.625 34.408977 lineto -141.71289 34.408977 lineto -141.71289 39.221477 lineto -138.96484 39.221477 lineto -138.96484 34.408977 lineto -129.75 34.408977 lineto -129.75 31.742961 lineto -138.24023 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 132.5927 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.4043 18.809367 moveto -142.24609 18.809367 lineto -142.24609 21.133586 lineto -133.93359 21.133586 lineto -133.93359 26.137492 lineto -134.33463 26.000787 134.73567 25.900526 135.13672 25.836711 curveto -135.53775 25.763808 135.93879 25.727349 136.33984 25.727336 curveto -138.61848 25.727349 140.42317 26.351698 141.75391 27.600383 curveto -143.08462 28.849091 143.74998 30.539845 143.75 32.672648 curveto -143.74998 34.869267 143.06639 36.57825 141.69922 37.799602 curveto -140.33202 39.011841 138.40429 39.61796 135.91602 39.617961 curveto -135.05924 39.61796 134.18424 39.545044 133.29102 39.399211 curveto -132.4069 39.253378 131.49088 39.034628 130.54297 38.742961 curveto -130.54297 35.96757 lineto -131.36328 36.414188 132.21093 36.74687 133.08594 36.965617 curveto -133.96093 37.184369 134.88606 37.293744 135.86133 37.293742 curveto -137.43814 37.293744 138.68684 36.879031 139.60742 36.049602 curveto -140.52798 35.220178 140.98827 34.094529 140.98828 32.672648 curveto -140.98827 31.250781 140.52798 30.125131 139.60742 29.295695 curveto -138.68684 28.466279 137.43814 28.051566 135.86133 28.051555 curveto -135.12304 28.051566 134.38476 28.133597 133.64648 28.297648 curveto -132.91731 28.461722 132.16992 28.71693 131.4043 29.063273 curveto -131.4043 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 229.04762 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -130.67969 18.809367 moveto -143.80469 18.809367 lineto -143.80469 19.985148 lineto -136.39453 39.221477 lineto -133.50977 39.221477 lineto -140.48242 21.133586 lineto -130.67969 21.133586 lineto -130.67969 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 324.06062 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.45898 38.797648 moveto -131.45898 36.282023 lineto -132.15169 36.610151 132.85351 36.860802 133.56445 37.033977 curveto -134.27538 37.207156 134.97265 37.293744 135.65625 37.293742 curveto -137.47916 37.293744 138.86913 36.683068 139.82617 35.461711 curveto -140.79231 34.231247 141.34374 32.367317 141.48047 29.869914 curveto -140.95181 30.653777 140.28189 31.255339 139.4707 31.674602 curveto -138.65949 32.093879 137.76171 32.303515 136.77734 32.303508 curveto -134.73567 32.303515 133.11783 31.688281 131.92383 30.457805 curveto -130.73893 29.218231 130.14648 27.527478 130.14648 25.385539 curveto -130.14648 23.289201 130.76627 21.607562 132.00586 20.340617 curveto -133.24544 19.07371 134.89518 18.440247 136.95508 18.440227 curveto -139.31574 18.440247 141.11587 19.347147 142.35547 21.16093 curveto -143.60415 22.965633 144.2285 25.590631 144.22852 29.03593 curveto -144.2285 32.253385 143.46288 34.823694 141.93164 36.746867 curveto -140.40949 38.66093 138.35871 39.61796 135.7793 39.617961 curveto -135.08658 39.61796 134.38476 39.549601 133.67383 39.412883 curveto -132.96289 39.276164 132.22461 39.071086 131.45898 38.797648 curveto -136.95508 30.143352 moveto -138.19465 30.143361 139.17447 29.719533 139.89453 28.871867 curveto -140.62369 28.024222 140.98827 26.862114 140.98828 25.385539 curveto -140.98827 23.918106 140.62369 22.760555 139.89453 21.912883 curveto -139.17447 21.05613 138.19465 20.627745 136.95508 20.627727 curveto -135.71549 20.627745 134.73111 21.05613 134.00195 21.912883 curveto -133.2819 22.760555 132.92187 23.918106 132.92188 25.385539 curveto -132.92187 26.862114 133.2819 28.024222 134.00195 28.871867 curveto -134.73111 29.719533 135.71549 30.143361 136.95508 30.143352 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 412.49262 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 39.221477 lineto -131.85547 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -149.68359 36.897258 moveto -154.19531 36.897258 lineto -154.19531 21.324992 lineto -149.28711 22.309367 lineto -149.28711 19.793742 lineto -154.16797 18.809367 lineto -156.92969 18.809367 lineto -156.92969 36.897258 lineto -161.44141 36.897258 lineto -161.44141 39.221477 lineto -149.68359 39.221477 lineto -149.68359 36.897258 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 506.25462 74.659653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -122.87305 18.809367 moveto -125.63477 18.809367 lineto -125.63477 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 39.221477 lineto -122.87305 18.809367 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -131.85547 36.897258 moveto -136.36719 36.897258 lineto -136.36719 21.324992 lineto -131.45898 22.309367 lineto -131.45898 19.793742 lineto -136.33984 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 18.809367 lineto -139.10156 36.897258 lineto -143.61328 36.897258 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29.446086 curveto -151.87109 29.446086 lineto -151.87109 27.176555 lineto -154.35938 27.176555 lineto -155.71744 27.176567 156.7565 26.907687 157.47656 26.369914 curveto -158.1966 25.823052 158.55663 25.039199 158.55664 24.018352 curveto -158.55663 22.970191 158.18293 22.168108 157.43555 21.612102 curveto -156.69726 21.047016 155.63541 20.764464 154.25 20.764445 curveto -153.49348 20.764464 152.68229 20.846495 151.81641 21.010539 curveto -150.95052 21.17462 149.99804 21.429828 148.95898 21.776164 curveto -148.95898 19.315227 lineto -150.00716 19.02358 150.98697 18.80483 151.89844 18.658977 curveto -152.819 18.513164 153.68489 18.440247 154.49609 18.440227 curveto -156.59244 18.440247 158.25129 18.918762 159.47266 19.875773 curveto -160.694 20.823708 161.30467 22.108863 161.30469 23.731242 curveto -161.30467 24.861465 160.98111 25.818495 160.33398 26.602336 curveto -159.68684 27.377087 158.76626 27.914847 157.57227 28.215617 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.6247373 0 0 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64.881994 420.34806 65.721837 421.40277 66.997864 curveto -422.47046 68.273917 423.00431 69.849437 423.00433 71.724426 curveto -423.00431 74.602036 422.01473 76.828596 420.03558 78.404114 curveto -418.0564 79.979635 415.2439 80.767394 411.59808 80.767395 curveto -410.37412 80.767394 409.1111 80.643697 407.80902 80.396301 curveto -406.51995 80.161926 405.18532 79.803854 403.80511 79.322083 curveto -403.80511 75.513489 lineto -404.89886 76.151514 406.09678 76.633284 407.39886 76.958801 curveto -408.70094 77.284325 410.06162 77.447085 411.4809 77.447083 curveto -413.95484 77.447085 415.83635 76.958805 417.12543 75.982239 curveto -418.42749 75.005681 419.07853 73.586412 419.07855 71.724426 curveto -419.07853 70.005686 418.47307 68.664542 417.26215 67.700989 curveto -416.06421 66.72444 414.39104 66.236159 412.24261 66.236145 curveto -408.84418 66.236145 lineto -408.84418 62.993958 lineto -412.39886 62.993958 lineto -414.33896 62.993975 415.82333 62.609861 416.85199 61.841614 curveto 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363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.296817 -28.117967] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.411077 9.1603701] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -409.07416 308.44159 moveto -514.62121 308.44159 lineto -514.62121 413.98864 lineto -409.07416 413.98864 lineto -409.07416 308.44159 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 290.60605 206.22912] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.77046 89.136393] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.88472 126.41473] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.75003 107.38639] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 14.580317 0.7673851] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -577.80573 326.69159 moveto -683.35278 326.69159 lineto -683.35278 432.23864 lineto -577.80573 432.23864 lineto -577.80573 326.69159 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 459.33761 224.47912] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 593.92328 125.73192] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -367.64904 378.81118 moveto -325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.0126891 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -324.09119 242.88053 moveto -366.91751 242.88053 lineto -366.91751 341.84184 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -222.85715 189.50504 moveto -457.14287 189.50504 lineto -457.14287 423.79076 lineto -222.85715 423.79076 lineto -222.85715 189.50504 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -40.109812 -37.378803] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.821052 -297.29277] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.567428 -214.54501] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -218.59697 463.7373 moveto -324.14402 463.7373 lineto -324.14402 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 463.7373 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore 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-closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.79038 241.9962] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.885087 108.06411] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.999347 145.34245] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -218.60051 191.18723 moveto -324.14756 191.18723 lineto -324.14756 296.73428 lineto -218.60051 296.73428 lineto -218.60051 191.18723 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.13241 88.974756] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.296817 -28.117967] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.411077 9.1603701] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -409.07416 308.44159 moveto -514.62121 308.44159 lineto -514.62121 413.98864 lineto -409.07416 413.98864 lineto -409.07416 308.44159 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 290.60605 206.22912] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.77046 89.136393] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.88472 126.41473] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.75003 107.38639] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 14.580317 0.7673851] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -577.80573 326.69159 moveto -683.35278 326.69159 lineto -683.35278 432.23864 lineto -577.80573 432.23864 lineto -577.80573 326.69159 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 459.33761 224.47912] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -310.24219 294.28188 moveto -323.95312 294.28188 lineto -348.5625 360.37563 lineto -373.17188 294.28188 lineto -386.88281 294.28188 lineto -357.35156 373.03188 lineto -339.77344 373.03188 lineto -310.24219 294.28188 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 593.92328 125.73192] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -367.64904 378.81118 moveto -325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.0126891 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -324.09119 242.88053 moveto -366.91751 242.88053 lineto -366.91751 341.84184 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -222.85715 189.50504 moveto -457.14287 189.50504 lineto -457.14287 423.79076 lineto -222.85715 423.79076 lineto -222.85715 189.50504 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -40.109812 -37.378803] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.821052 -297.29277] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.567428 -214.54501] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -218.59697 463.7373 moveto -324.14402 463.7373 lineto -324.14402 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 463.7373 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99111259 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -218.59697 463.7373 moveto -324.14402 463.7373 lineto -324.14402 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 569.28436 lineto -218.59697 463.7373 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.57812 316.57094 moveto -319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto -312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto -311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto -323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto -341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto -353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto -323.57812 316.57094 lineto -333.49219 308.69594 moveto -369.21094 345.25844 lineto -371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto -377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto -391.5 316.71157 lineto -390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto -384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto -396.42188 373.03188 lineto -378.70312 373.03188 lineto -368.64844 362.69594 lineto -363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto -347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto -324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto -301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto -297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto -305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto -314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto -310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto -309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto -322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto -342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto -353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto -361.54688 284.01625 lineto -357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto -346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto -334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto -324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto -322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto -326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 300.93362 moveto -458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto -456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto -455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto -457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -458.64285 306.64789 moveto -458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto -456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto -455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto -457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto -closepath -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.0022064 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -323.46908 515.2754 moveto -535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 curveto -535.45403 516.1221 lineto -535.45403 395.8973 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.78103 141.5485] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -200 560.70184 moveto -291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto -271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto -271.06826 572.31818 lineto -271.3003 572.08112 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -199.92028 559.80452 moveto -291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto -270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto -270.98854 548.18818 lineto -271.22058 548.42524 lineto -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -550.16079 359.79047 moveto -514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -550.06039 393.86796 moveto -535.4405 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -535.47572 396.08018 moveto -535.51095 393.47326 535.54618 393.36758 535.54618 393.36758 curveto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.15967 84.33874] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -110.9416 222.18697 moveto -110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto -101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto -98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto -108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.159672 157.46982] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -110.9416 222.18697 moveto -110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto -101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto -98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto -108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.0032382 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -179.43833 224.3111 moveto -20.184077 224.3111 lineto -20.184077 299.45211 20.184077 300.21886 20.184077 300.21886 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999964 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -90.297987 261.14426 moveto -90.297987 298.64551 90.297987 533.44725 90.297987 533.44725 curveto -90.758507 533.13495 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -147.95883 223.77763 moveto -147.95883 359.38651 147.95883 360.36918 147.95883 360.36918 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.87644422 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -177.82906 360.42696 moveto -147.28755 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999976 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -148.44497 397.17854 moveto -148.44497 495.72123 148.44497 497.27552 148.44497 497.27552 curveto -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -148.44497 496.83484 moveto -176.98495 496.83484 lineto -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.84267974 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -148.44497 496.83484 moveto -176.98495 496.83484 lineto -stroke -gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 -37.725139 162.91438] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -178.57913 308.62436 moveto -178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto -175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto -174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto -177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 20.111857 8.2407652] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -178.57913 308.62436 moveto -178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto -175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto -174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto -177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -147.31928 225.18014 moveto -147.45674 225.03397 147.38288 225.10595 147.54197 224.96535 curveto -147.65871 224.91788 lineto -147.49944 225.05685 147.5733 224.98565 147.43597 225.13029 curveto -147.31928 225.18014 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave [0.6931366 0 0 0.6694988 26.11121 242.4804] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -178.57913 308.62436 moveto -178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto -175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto -174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto -177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -148.74684 449.27736 moveto -148.60005 449.21569 148.46231 449.13718 148.31783 449.07051 curveto -148.42305 449.00084 lineto -148.56739 449.06812 148.70567 449.14638 148.85279 449.20764 curveto -148.74684 449.27736 lineto -closepath -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999994 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -177.38075 534.02034 moveto -90.509955 534.02034 lineto -90.509955 534.12262 lineto -stroke -gsave [1 0 0 1 -84.951948 229.01051] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -2.2 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -110.9416 222.18697 moveto -110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto -101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto -98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto -108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -26.024094 379.19708 moveto -90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -26.858479 449.19748 moveto -148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -177.53829 397.67218 moveto -148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999994 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -177.04367 261.49918 moveto -90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 261.49918 curveto -90.481072 261.49918 lineto -90.481072 261.28718 lineto -90.481072 261.49918 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -178.94418 166.16245 moveto -178.94418 596.48059 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -384.53979 168.27921 moveto -384.53979 598.59735 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -553.69887 168.50087 moveto -553.69887 598.81901 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -717.90699 164.03216 moveto -717.90699 594.3503 lineto -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -53.636436 592.40796 moveto -52.214554 592.40798 51.143592 593.1098 50.423546 594.51343 curveto -49.712603 595.90797 49.357135 598.00888 49.35714 600.81616 curveto -49.357135 603.61435 49.712603 605.71526 50.423546 607.1189 curveto -51.143592 608.51343 52.214554 609.2107 53.636436 609.21069 curveto -55.067416 609.2107 56.138378 608.51343 56.849327 607.1189 curveto -57.569366 605.71526 57.929392 603.61435 57.929405 600.81616 curveto -57.929392 598.00888 57.569366 595.90797 56.849327 594.51343 curveto -56.138378 593.1098 55.067416 592.40798 53.636436 592.40796 curveto -53.636436 590.22046 moveto -55.924186 590.22048 57.669627 591.12738 58.872765 592.94116 curveto -60.084989 594.74587 60.691108 597.37086 60.691124 600.81616 curveto -60.691108 604.25237 60.084989 606.87736 58.872765 608.69116 curveto -57.669627 610.49585 55.924186 611.39819 53.636436 611.39819 curveto -51.348669 611.39819 49.598671 610.49585 48.386436 608.69116 curveto -47.183309 606.87736 46.581747 604.25237 46.581749 600.81616 curveto -46.581747 597.37086 47.183309 594.74587 48.386436 592.94116 curveto -49.598671 591.12738 51.348669 590.22048 53.636436 590.22046 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -76.605186 591.34155 moveto -76.605186 595.68921 lineto -81.786827 595.68921 lineto -81.786827 597.64429 lineto -76.605186 597.64429 lineto -76.605186 605.95679 lineto -76.605181 607.20549 76.773801 608.00757 77.111046 608.36304 curveto -77.457394 608.71851 78.154659 608.89624 79.202843 608.89624 curveto -81.786827 608.89624 lineto -81.786827 611.00171 lineto -79.202843 611.00171 lineto -77.261431 611.00171 75.921588 610.64168 75.183311 609.92163 curveto -74.445027 609.19247 74.075887 607.87085 74.07589 605.95679 curveto -74.07589 597.64429 lineto -72.230186 597.64429 lineto -72.230186 595.68921 lineto -74.07589 595.68921 lineto -74.07589 591.34155 lineto -76.605186 591.34155 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -92.068077 603.30444 moveto -90.035517 603.30445 88.627316 603.53687 87.843468 604.00171 curveto -87.059609 604.46656 86.667682 605.25953 86.667686 606.38062 curveto -86.667682 607.27385 86.959349 607.98478 87.542686 608.51343 curveto -88.135129 609.03296 88.937211 609.29273 89.948936 609.29272 curveto -91.343459 609.29273 92.459994 608.80054 93.298546 607.81616 curveto -94.14619 606.82268 94.570018 605.50562 94.57003 603.86499 curveto -94.57003 603.30444 lineto -92.068077 603.30444 lineto -97.085655 602.26538 moveto -97.085655 611.00171 lineto -94.57003 611.00171 lineto -94.57003 608.67749 lineto -93.9958 609.60718 93.280306 610.29533 92.423546 610.74194 curveto -91.566766 611.17944 90.51859 611.39819 89.279015 611.39819 curveto -87.711301 611.39819 86.462604 610.96069 85.532921 610.08569 curveto -84.612346 609.20158 84.15206 608.02124 84.152061 606.54468 curveto -84.15206 604.82203 84.726278 603.5232 85.874718 602.64819 curveto -87.032265 601.7732 88.75492 601.3357 91.042686 601.33569 curveto -94.57003 601.33569 lineto -94.57003 601.0896 lineto -94.570018 599.93206 94.187206 599.03883 93.421593 598.40991 curveto -92.665072 597.7719 91.598667 597.45289 90.222374 597.45288 curveto -89.347367 597.45289 88.495154 597.55771 87.665733 597.76733 curveto -86.836302 597.97698 86.038777 598.29144 85.273155 598.71069 curveto -85.273155 596.38647 lineto -86.193724 596.03102 87.086953 595.7667 87.952843 595.59351 curveto -88.818722 595.41123 89.66182 595.32008 90.48214 595.32007 curveto -92.696973 595.32008 94.351268 595.8943 95.44503 597.04272 curveto -96.538766 598.19117 97.085641 599.93206 97.085655 602.26538 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -102.18526 589.72827 moveto -104.71456 589.72827 lineto -104.71456 602.29272 lineto -112.22042 595.68921 lineto -115.43331 595.68921 lineto -107.31222 602.85327 lineto -115.77511 611.00171 lineto -112.49386 611.00171 lineto -104.71456 603.52319 lineto -104.71456 611.00171 lineto -102.18526 611.00171 lineto -102.18526 589.72827 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -121.01144 591.34155 moveto -121.01144 595.68921 lineto -126.19308 595.68921 lineto -126.19308 597.64429 lineto -121.01144 597.64429 lineto -121.01144 605.95679 lineto -121.01143 607.20549 121.18005 608.00757 121.5173 608.36304 curveto -121.86364 608.71851 122.56091 608.89624 123.60909 608.89624 curveto -126.19308 608.89624 lineto -126.19308 611.00171 lineto -123.60909 611.00171 lineto -121.66768 611.00171 120.32784 610.64168 119.58956 609.92163 curveto -118.85128 609.19247 118.48214 607.87085 118.48214 605.95679 curveto -118.48214 597.64429 lineto -116.63644 597.64429 lineto -116.63644 595.68921 lineto -118.48214 595.68921 lineto -118.48214 591.34155 lineto -121.01144 591.34155 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -240.88899 608.85541 moveto -245.40071 608.85541 lineto -245.40071 593.28314 lineto -240.49251 594.26752 lineto -240.49251 591.75189 lineto -245.37337 590.76752 lineto -248.13509 590.76752 lineto -248.13509 608.85541 lineto -252.6468 608.85541 lineto -252.6468 611.17963 lineto -240.88899 611.17963 lineto -240.88899 608.85541 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -269.28548 591.51947 moveto -269.28548 595.86713 lineto -274.46712 595.86713 lineto -274.46712 597.8222 lineto -269.28548 597.8222 lineto -269.28548 606.1347 lineto -269.28547 607.38341 269.45409 608.18549 269.79134 608.54095 curveto -270.13768 608.89643 270.83495 609.07416 271.88313 609.07416 curveto -274.46712 609.07416 lineto -274.46712 611.17963 lineto -271.88313 611.17963 lineto -269.94172 611.17963 268.60188 610.8196 267.8636 610.09955 curveto -267.12532 609.37038 266.75618 608.04877 266.75618 606.1347 curveto -266.75618 597.8222 lineto -264.91048 597.8222 lineto -264.91048 595.86713 lineto -266.75618 595.86713 lineto -266.75618 591.51947 lineto -269.28548 591.51947 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -284.74837 603.48236 moveto -282.71581 603.48237 281.30761 603.71479 280.52376 604.17963 curveto -279.7399 604.64448 279.34797 605.43744 279.34798 606.55853 curveto -279.34797 607.45177 279.63964 608.1627 280.22298 608.69135 curveto -280.81542 609.21088 281.6175 609.47064 282.62923 609.47064 curveto -284.02375 609.47064 285.14028 608.97846 285.97884 607.99408 curveto -286.82648 607.00059 287.25031 605.68354 287.25032 604.04291 curveto -287.25032 603.48236 lineto -284.74837 603.48236 lineto -289.76595 602.4433 moveto -289.76595 611.17963 lineto -287.25032 611.17963 lineto -287.25032 608.85541 lineto -286.67609 609.7851 285.9606 610.47325 285.10384 610.91986 curveto -284.24706 611.35736 283.19888 611.57611 281.9593 611.57611 curveto -280.39159 611.57611 279.14289 611.13861 278.21321 610.26361 curveto -277.29264 609.3795 276.83235 608.19916 276.83235 606.7226 curveto -276.83235 604.99995 277.40657 603.70112 278.55501 602.82611 curveto -279.71256 601.95112 281.43521 601.51362 283.72298 601.51361 curveto -287.25032 601.51361 lineto -287.25032 601.26752 lineto -287.25031 600.10998 286.8675 599.21675 286.10188 598.58783 curveto -285.34536 597.94982 284.27896 597.63081 282.90266 597.6308 curveto -282.02766 597.63081 281.17544 597.73563 280.34602 597.94525 curveto -279.51659 598.1549 278.71907 598.46935 277.95345 598.88861 curveto -277.95345 596.56439 lineto -278.87401 596.20894 279.76724 595.94462 280.63313 595.77142 curveto -281.49901 595.58915 282.34211 595.498 283.16243 595.49799 curveto -285.37726 595.498 287.03156 596.07222 288.12532 597.22064 curveto -289.21906 598.36909 289.76593 600.10998 289.76595 602.4433 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -294.86555 589.90619 moveto -297.39485 589.90619 lineto -297.39485 602.47064 lineto -304.90071 595.86713 lineto -308.1136 595.86713 lineto -299.99251 603.03119 lineto -308.4554 611.17963 lineto -305.17415 611.17963 lineto -297.39485 603.70111 lineto -297.39485 611.17963 lineto -294.86555 611.17963 lineto -294.86555 589.90619 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -313.69173 591.51947 moveto -313.69173 595.86713 lineto -318.87337 595.86713 lineto -318.87337 597.8222 lineto -313.69173 597.8222 lineto -313.69173 606.1347 lineto -313.69172 607.38341 313.86034 608.18549 314.19759 608.54095 curveto -314.54393 608.89643 315.2412 609.07416 316.28938 609.07416 curveto -318.87337 609.07416 lineto -318.87337 611.17963 lineto -316.28938 611.17963 lineto -314.34797 611.17963 313.00813 610.8196 312.26985 610.09955 curveto -311.53157 609.37038 311.16243 608.04877 311.16243 606.1347 curveto -311.16243 597.8222 lineto -309.31673 597.8222 lineto -309.31673 595.86713 lineto -311.16243 595.86713 lineto -311.16243 591.51947 lineto -313.69173 591.51947 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -431.2124 608.33429 moveto -440.85107 608.33429 lineto -440.85107 610.65851 lineto -427.89014 610.65851 lineto -427.89014 608.33429 lineto -428.93831 607.24966 430.36474 605.79588 432.16943 603.97296 curveto -433.98323 602.14094 435.12255 600.9606 435.5874 600.43195 curveto -436.47151 599.43847 437.08674 598.59993 437.43311 597.91632 curveto -437.78856 597.22363 437.9663 596.54459 437.96631 595.87921 curveto -437.9663 594.79459 437.58348 593.91048 436.81787 593.22687 curveto -436.06135 592.54329 435.07242 592.2015 433.85107 592.20148 curveto -432.98518 592.2015 432.06917 592.35189 431.10303 592.65265 curveto -430.14599 592.95345 429.1206 593.40918 428.02686 594.01984 curveto -428.02686 591.23077 lineto -429.13883 590.78418 430.17789 590.44694 431.14404 590.21906 curveto -432.11018 589.99121 432.9943 589.87728 433.79639 589.87726 curveto -435.91096 589.87728 437.59716 590.40592 438.85498 591.4632 curveto -440.11278 592.52051 440.74168 593.93326 440.7417 595.70148 curveto -440.74168 596.54003 440.58218 597.33756 440.26318 598.09406 curveto -439.95327 598.84146 439.38361 599.72558 438.5542 600.7464 curveto -438.32632 601.01073 437.60171 601.77636 436.38037 603.04327 curveto -435.15901 604.30109 433.43635 606.06476 431.2124 608.33429 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -457.7085 590.99835 moveto -457.7085 595.34601 lineto -462.89014 595.34601 lineto -462.89014 597.30109 lineto -457.7085 597.30109 lineto -457.7085 605.61359 lineto -457.70849 606.86229 457.87711 607.66437 458.21436 608.01984 curveto -458.5607 608.37531 459.25797 608.55304 460.30615 608.55304 curveto -462.89014 608.55304 lineto -462.89014 610.65851 lineto -460.30615 610.65851 lineto -458.36474 610.65851 457.0249 610.29848 456.28662 609.57843 curveto -455.54834 608.84927 455.1792 607.52765 455.1792 605.61359 curveto -455.1792 597.30109 lineto -453.3335 597.30109 lineto -453.3335 595.34601 lineto -455.1792 595.34601 lineto -455.1792 590.99835 lineto -457.7085 590.99835 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -473.17139 602.96124 moveto -471.13883 602.96125 469.73063 603.19367 468.94678 603.65851 curveto -468.16292 604.12336 467.77099 604.91633 467.771 606.03741 curveto -467.77099 606.93065 468.06266 607.64158 468.646 608.17023 curveto -469.23844 608.68976 470.04052 608.94953 471.05225 608.94952 curveto -472.44677 608.94953 473.5633 608.45734 474.40186 607.47296 curveto -475.2495 606.47948 475.67333 605.16242 475.67334 603.52179 curveto -475.67334 602.96124 lineto -473.17139 602.96124 lineto -478.18896 601.92218 moveto -478.18896 610.65851 lineto -475.67334 610.65851 lineto -475.67334 608.33429 lineto -475.09911 609.26398 474.38362 609.95213 473.52686 610.39874 curveto -472.67008 610.83624 471.6219 611.05499 470.38232 611.05499 curveto -468.81461 611.05499 467.56591 610.61749 466.63623 609.74249 curveto -465.71566 608.85838 465.25537 607.67804 465.25537 606.20148 curveto -465.25537 604.47883 465.82959 603.18 466.97803 602.30499 curveto -468.13557 601.43 469.85823 600.9925 472.146 600.99249 curveto -475.67334 600.99249 lineto -475.67334 600.7464 lineto -475.67333 599.58886 475.29052 598.69563 474.5249 598.06671 curveto -473.76838 597.4287 472.70198 597.10969 471.32568 597.10968 curveto -470.45068 597.10969 469.59846 597.21451 468.76904 597.42413 curveto -467.93961 597.63378 467.14209 597.94823 466.37646 598.36749 curveto -466.37646 596.04327 lineto -467.29703 595.68782 468.19026 595.4235 469.05615 595.25031 curveto -469.92203 595.06803 470.76513 594.97688 471.58545 594.97687 curveto -473.80028 594.97688 475.45458 595.5511 476.54834 596.69952 curveto -477.64208 597.84797 478.18895 599.58886 478.18896 601.92218 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -483.28857 589.38507 moveto -485.81787 589.38507 lineto -485.81787 601.94952 lineto -493.32373 595.34601 lineto -496.53662 595.34601 lineto -488.41553 602.51007 lineto -496.87842 610.65851 lineto -493.59717 610.65851 lineto -485.81787 603.17999 lineto -485.81787 610.65851 lineto -483.28857 610.65851 lineto -483.28857 589.38507 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -502.11475 590.99835 moveto -502.11475 595.34601 lineto -507.29639 595.34601 lineto -507.29639 597.30109 lineto -502.11475 597.30109 lineto -502.11475 605.61359 lineto -502.11474 606.86229 502.28336 607.66437 502.62061 608.01984 curveto -502.96695 608.37531 503.66422 608.55304 504.7124 608.55304 curveto -507.29639 608.55304 lineto -507.29639 610.65851 lineto -504.7124 610.65851 lineto -502.77099 610.65851 501.43115 610.29848 500.69287 609.57843 curveto -499.95459 608.84927 499.58545 607.52765 499.58545 605.61359 curveto -499.58545 597.30109 lineto -497.73975 597.30109 lineto -497.73975 595.34601 lineto -499.58545 595.34601 lineto -499.58545 590.99835 lineto -502.11475 590.99835 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -606.01459 600.8252 moveto -607.33619 601.10776 608.36614 601.69565 609.10443 602.58887 curveto -609.85181 603.4821 610.22551 604.58497 610.22552 605.89746 curveto -610.22551 607.91179 609.5328 609.47038 608.1474 610.57324 curveto -606.76197 611.67611 604.79322 612.22754 602.24115 612.22754 curveto -601.38437 612.22754 600.50026 612.14095 599.58881 611.96777 curveto -598.68646 611.80371 597.75221 611.55306 596.78607 611.21582 curveto -596.78607 608.5498 lineto -597.55169 608.99642 598.39023 609.33366 599.3017 609.56152 curveto -600.21315 609.78939 601.16562 609.90332 602.15912 609.90332 curveto -603.89088 609.90332 605.20794 609.56153 606.11029 608.87793 curveto -607.02174 608.19434 607.47747 607.20085 607.47748 605.89746 curveto -607.47747 604.69434 607.05364 603.75554 606.20599 603.08105 curveto -605.36744 602.39747 604.19622 602.05567 602.69232 602.05566 curveto -600.31342 602.05566 lineto -600.31342 599.78613 lineto -602.8017 599.78613 lineto -604.15976 599.78614 605.19882 599.51726 605.91888 598.97949 curveto -606.63892 598.43263 606.99895 597.64878 606.99896 596.62793 curveto -606.99895 595.57977 606.62525 594.77769 605.87787 594.22168 curveto -605.13958 593.65659 604.07773 593.37404 602.69232 593.37402 curveto -601.9358 593.37404 601.12461 593.45607 600.25873 593.62012 curveto -599.39284 593.7842 598.44036 594.03941 597.40131 594.38574 curveto -597.40131 591.9248 lineto -598.44948 591.63316 599.4293 591.41441 600.34076 591.26855 curveto -601.26133 591.12274 602.12721 591.04983 602.93842 591.0498 curveto -605.03476 591.04983 606.69361 591.52834 607.91498 592.48535 curveto -609.13632 593.43329 609.74699 594.71844 609.74701 596.34082 curveto -609.74699 597.47104 609.42343 598.42807 608.77631 599.21191 curveto -608.12916 599.98667 607.20859 600.52443 606.01459 600.8252 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -626.5224 592.1709 moveto -626.5224 596.51855 lineto -631.70404 596.51855 lineto -631.70404 598.47363 lineto -626.5224 598.47363 lineto 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139.975 107.951 139.464 108.594 c -138.953 109.237 138.697 110.382 138.697 112.031 c -138.697 113.648 138.978 114.813 139.54 115.524 c -140.004 116.11 140.651 116.403 141.482 116.403 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -141.482 115.036 m -141.285 115.036 141.108 114.973 140.953 114.846 c -140.798 114.719 140.678 114.491 140.593 114.163 c -140.48 113.738 140.424 113.021 140.424 112.014 c -140.424 111.006 140.474 110.314 140.575 109.937 c -140.676 109.561 140.803 109.31 140.956 109.185 c -141.109 109.06 141.285 108.997 141.482 108.997 c -141.68 108.997 141.856 109.061 142.012 109.188 c -142.167 109.314 142.287 109.542 142.372 109.87 c -142.485 110.291 142.541 111.006 142.541 112.014 c -142.541 113.021 142.491 113.713 142.39 114.09 c -142.289 114.467 142.162 114.719 142.009 114.846 c -141.855 114.973 141.68 115.036 141.482 115.036 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -162.918 107.778 m -162.918 107.778 161.27 107.778 161.27 107.778 c -161.27 107.778 161.27 113.986 161.27 113.986 c -160.668 113.424 159.96 113.008 159.145 112.739 c -159.145 112.739 159.145 114.231 159.145 114.231 c -159.574 114.372 160.041 114.638 160.545 115.03 c -161.049 115.423 161.395 115.88 161.582 116.403 c -161.582 116.403 162.918 116.403 162.918 116.403 c -162.918 116.403 162.918 107.778 162.918 107.778 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -182.928 107.778 m -182.928 107.778 181.279 107.778 181.279 107.778 c -181.279 107.778 181.279 113.986 181.279 113.986 c -180.678 113.424 179.97 113.008 179.154 112.739 c -179.154 112.739 179.154 114.231 179.154 114.231 c -179.584 114.372 180.051 114.638 180.555 115.03 c -181.059 115.423 181.404 115.88 181.592 116.403 c -181.592 116.403 182.928 116.403 182.928 116.403 c -182.928 116.403 182.928 107.778 182.928 107.778 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -199.604 107.778 m -199.604 107.778 197.955 107.778 197.955 107.778 c -197.955 107.778 197.955 113.986 197.955 113.986 c -197.354 113.424 196.645 113.008 195.83 112.739 c -195.83 112.739 195.83 114.231 195.83 114.231 c -196.26 114.372 196.727 114.638 197.23 115.03 c -197.734 115.423 198.08 115.88 198.268 116.403 c -198.268 116.403 199.604 116.403 199.604 116.403 c -199.604 116.403 199.604 107.778 199.604 107.778 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -218.188 116.403 m -219.019 116.403 219.668 116.106 220.136 115.513 c -220.693 114.809 220.973 113.643 220.973 112.014 c -220.973 110.388 220.691 109.22 220.13 108.509 c -219.666 107.923 219.019 107.63 218.188 107.63 c -217.352 107.63 216.68 107.951 216.169 108.594 c -215.658 109.237 215.402 110.382 215.402 112.031 c -215.402 113.648 215.684 114.813 216.245 115.524 c -216.709 116.11 217.356 116.403 218.188 116.403 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -218.188 115.036 m -217.99 115.036 217.814 114.973 217.658 114.846 c -217.503 114.719 217.383 114.491 217.298 114.163 c -217.186 113.738 217.129 113.021 217.129 112.014 c -217.129 111.006 217.18 110.314 217.28 109.937 c -217.381 109.561 217.508 109.31 217.661 109.185 c -217.814 109.06 217.99 108.997 218.188 108.997 c -218.385 108.997 218.561 109.061 218.717 109.188 c -218.872 109.314 218.992 109.542 219.077 109.87 c -219.189 110.291 219.246 111.006 219.246 112.014 c -219.246 113.021 219.195 113.713 219.095 114.09 c -218.994 114.467 218.867 114.719 218.714 114.846 c -218.561 114.973 218.385 115.036 218.188 115.036 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -239.623 107.778 m -239.623 107.778 237.975 107.778 237.975 107.778 c -237.975 107.778 237.975 113.986 237.975 113.986 c -237.373 113.424 236.665 113.008 235.85 112.739 c -235.85 112.739 235.85 114.231 235.85 114.231 c -236.279 114.372 236.746 114.638 237.25 115.03 c -237.754 115.423 238.1 115.88 238.287 116.403 c -238.287 116.403 239.623 116.403 239.623 116.403 c -239.623 116.403 239.623 107.778 239.623 107.778 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -259.633 107.778 m -259.633 107.778 257.984 107.778 257.984 107.778 c -257.984 107.778 257.984 113.986 257.984 113.986 c -257.383 113.424 256.675 113.008 255.859 112.739 c -255.859 112.739 255.859 114.231 255.859 114.231 c -256.289 114.372 256.756 114.638 257.26 115.03 c -257.764 115.423 258.109 115.88 258.297 116.403 c -258.297 116.403 259.633 116.403 259.633 116.403 c -259.633 116.403 259.633 107.778 259.633 107.778 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -118.68 97.6172 m -118.68 98.6338 118.784 99.4531 118.993 100.074 c -119.201 100.695 119.512 101.173 119.923 101.508 c -120.335 101.843 120.853 102.011 121.477 102.011 c -121.937 102.011 122.341 101.918 122.689 101.732 c -123.038 101.546 123.325 101.278 123.55 100.929 c -123.774 100.578 123.952 100.152 124.08 99.6494 c -124.209 99.1475 124.273 98.4697 124.273 97.6172 c -124.273 96.6084 124.17 95.793 123.963 95.1719 c -123.756 94.5508 123.447 94.0718 123.036 93.7349 c -122.624 93.3979 122.104 93.2295 121.477 93.2295 c -120.649 93.2295 120 93.5254 119.528 94.1172 c -118.962 94.8354 118.68 96.002 118.68 97.6172 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -119.766 97.6162 m -119.766 96.2021 119.93 95.2617 120.259 94.7959 c -120.588 94.3296 120.994 94.0967 121.477 94.0967 c -121.959 94.0967 122.365 94.3306 122.694 94.7988 c -123.023 95.2666 123.188 96.2061 123.188 97.6162 c -123.188 99.0317 123.023 99.9722 122.695 100.438 c -122.367 100.903 121.956 101.136 121.465 101.136 c -120.982 101.136 120.596 100.931 120.307 100.52 c -119.946 99.9956 119.766 99.0278 119.766 97.6162 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -138.846 97.1357 m -138.846 98.1201 L -144.525 100.526 L -144.525 99.4717 L -140.025 97.624 L -144.525 95.7607 L -144.525 94.7061 L -138.846 97.1357 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -163.002 93.3779 m -163.002 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 161.947 93.3779 c -161.947 93.3779 161.947 100.104 161.947 100.104 c -161.693 99.8623 161.36 99.6201 160.948 99.3774 c -160.536 99.1348 160.166 98.9531 159.838 98.832 c -159.838 98.832 159.838 99.8525 159.838 99.8525 c -160.428 100.13 160.943 100.466 161.385 100.861 c -161.826 101.256 162.139 101.639 162.322 102.011 c -162.322 102.011 163.002 102.011 163.002 102.011 c -163.002 102.011 163.002 93.3779 163.002 93.3779 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -183.012 93.3779 m -183.012 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 181.957 93.3779 c -181.957 93.3779 181.957 100.104 181.957 100.104 c -181.703 99.8623 181.37 99.6201 180.958 99.3774 c -180.546 99.1348 180.176 98.9531 179.848 98.832 c -179.848 98.832 179.848 99.8525 179.848 99.8525 c -180.438 100.13 180.953 100.466 181.395 100.861 c -181.836 101.256 182.148 101.639 182.332 102.011 c -182.332 102.011 183.012 102.011 183.012 102.011 c -183.012 102.011 183.012 93.3779 183.012 93.3779 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -195.875 97.1357 m -195.875 98.1201 L -201.555 100.526 L -201.555 99.4717 L -197.055 97.624 L -201.555 95.7607 L -201.555 94.7061 L -195.875 97.1357 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -216.219 97.1357 m -216.219 98.1201 L -221.898 100.526 L -221.898 99.4717 L -217.398 97.624 L -221.898 95.7607 L -221.898 94.7061 L -216.219 97.1357 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -236.563 97.1357 m -236.563 98.1201 L -242.242 100.526 L -242.242 99.4717 L -237.742 97.624 L -242.242 95.7607 L -242.242 94.7061 L -236.563 97.1357 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -253.572 97.1357 m -253.572 98.1201 L -259.252 100.526 L -259.252 99.4717 L -254.752 97.624 L -259.252 95.7607 L -259.252 94.7061 L -253.572 97.1357 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -128.682 83.2178 m -128.682 84.2344 128.786 85.0537 128.995 85.6748 c -129.203 86.2959 129.514 86.7739 129.925 87.1089 c -130.336 87.4438 130.855 87.6113 131.479 87.6113 c -131.939 87.6113 132.343 87.5186 132.691 87.3325 c -133.04 87.147 133.327 86.8789 133.552 86.5293 c -133.776 86.1787 133.954 85.7529 134.082 85.25 c -134.211 84.748 134.275 84.0703 134.275 83.2178 c -134.275 82.209 134.172 81.3936 133.965 80.7725 c -133.758 80.1514 133.449 79.6719 133.038 79.3359 c -132.626 78.998 132.106 78.8301 131.479 78.8301 c -130.651 78.8301 130.002 79.126 129.53 79.7178 c -128.964 80.4355 128.682 81.6025 128.682 83.2178 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -129.768 83.2168 m -129.768 81.8027 129.932 80.8623 130.261 80.3965 c -130.59 79.9297 130.996 79.6973 131.479 79.6973 c -131.961 79.6973 132.367 79.9316 132.696 80.3994 c -133.025 80.8672 133.189 81.8066 133.189 83.2168 c -133.189 84.6323 133.025 85.5728 132.697 86.0381 c -132.369 86.5034 131.958 86.7363 131.467 86.7363 c -130.984 86.7363 130.598 86.5313 130.309 86.1201 c -129.948 85.5962 129.768 84.6284 129.768 83.2168 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -169.33 78.9785 m -169.33 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 168.275 78.9785 c -168.275 78.9785 168.275 85.7051 168.275 85.7051 c -168.021 85.4629 167.689 85.2207 167.276 84.978 c -166.864 84.7354 166.494 84.5537 166.166 84.4326 c -166.166 84.4326 166.166 85.4531 166.166 85.4531 c -166.756 85.7305 167.271 86.0669 167.713 86.4619 c -168.154 86.8564 168.467 87.2397 168.65 87.6113 c -168.65 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 169.33 87.6113 c -169.33 87.6113 169.33 78.9785 169.33 78.9785 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -205.531 82.7363 m -205.531 83.7207 L -211.211 86.127 L -211.211 85.0723 L -206.711 83.2246 L -211.211 81.3613 L -211.211 80.3066 L -205.531 82.7363 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -242.545 82.7363 m -242.545 83.7207 L -248.225 86.127 L -248.225 85.0723 L -243.725 83.2246 L -248.225 81.3613 L -248.225 80.3066 L -242.545 82.7363 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -145.352 68.8174 m -145.352 69.834 145.456 70.6533 145.664 71.2744 c -145.873 71.8955 146.184 72.373 146.595 72.708 c -147.006 73.043 147.524 73.2109 148.148 73.2109 c -148.608 73.2109 149.014 73.1182 149.361 72.9326 c -149.71 72.7461 149.996 72.4785 150.222 72.1289 c -150.446 71.7783 150.623 71.3525 150.752 70.8496 c -150.881 70.3477 150.945 69.6699 150.945 68.8174 c -150.945 67.8086 150.842 66.9932 150.635 66.3721 c -150.428 65.751 150.119 65.2715 149.708 64.9355 c -149.296 64.5977 148.776 64.4297 148.148 64.4297 c -147.321 64.4297 146.672 64.7256 146.2 65.3174 c -145.635 66.0352 145.352 67.2021 145.352 68.8174 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -146.438 68.8164 m -146.438 67.4023 146.602 66.4619 146.931 65.9961 c -147.26 65.5293 147.666 65.2969 148.148 65.2969 c -148.631 65.2969 149.037 65.5313 149.366 65.999 c -149.695 66.4668 149.859 67.4063 149.859 68.8164 c -149.859 70.2324 149.695 71.1729 149.367 71.6377 c -149.039 72.1035 148.629 72.3359 148.137 72.3359 c -147.654 72.3359 147.268 72.1309 146.979 71.7197 c -146.617 71.1963 146.438 70.2285 146.438 68.8164 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -225.529 68.3359 m -225.529 69.3203 L -231.209 71.7266 L -231.209 70.6719 L -226.709 68.8242 L -231.209 66.9609 L -231.209 65.9063 L -225.529 68.3359 L -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -188.693 54.417 m -188.693 55.4336 188.798 56.2529 189.006 56.874 c -189.215 57.4951 189.525 57.9727 189.936 58.3076 c -190.348 58.6426 190.866 58.8105 191.49 58.8105 c -191.95 58.8105 192.355 58.7178 192.703 58.5322 c -193.052 58.3457 193.338 58.0781 193.564 57.7285 c -193.788 57.3779 193.965 56.9521 194.094 56.4492 c -194.223 55.9473 194.287 55.2695 194.287 54.417 c -194.287 53.4082 194.184 52.5928 193.977 51.9717 c -193.77 51.3506 193.461 50.8711 193.05 50.5352 c -192.638 50.1973 192.118 50.0293 191.49 50.0293 c -190.663 50.0293 190.014 50.3252 189.542 50.917 c -188.977 51.6348 188.693 52.8018 188.693 54.417 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -189.779 54.416 m -189.779 53.002 189.943 52.0615 190.273 51.5957 c -190.602 51.1289 191.008 50.8965 191.49 50.8965 c -191.973 50.8965 192.379 51.1309 192.708 51.5986 c -193.037 52.0664 193.201 53.0059 193.201 54.416 c -193.201 55.832 193.037 56.7725 192.709 57.2373 c -192.381 57.7031 191.971 57.9355 191.479 57.9355 c -190.996 57.9355 190.609 57.7305 190.32 57.3193 c -189.959 56.7959 189.779 55.8281 189.779 54.416 c -Q -f -*U -U -u -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -42.9297 135.599 m -42.9297 135.599 42.9297 144.193 42.9297 144.193 c -42.9297 144.193 46.1689 144.193 46.1689 144.193 c -46.7393 144.193 47.1743 144.165 47.4751 144.111 c -47.897 144.04 48.25 143.906 48.5352 143.709 c -48.8203 143.512 49.0498 143.235 49.2236 142.879 c -49.3975 142.523 49.4844 142.133 49.4844 141.706 c -49.4844 140.976 49.252 140.357 48.7881 139.851 c -48.3232 139.344 47.4844 139.091 46.271 139.091 c -46.271 139.091 44.0703 139.091 44.0703 139.091 c -44.0703 139.091 44.0703 135.599 44.0703 135.599 c -44.0703 135.599 42.9297 135.599 42.9297 135.599 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -44.0703 140.107 m -44.0703 140.107 46.2881 140.107 46.2881 140.107 c -47.0215 140.107 47.542 140.244 47.8501 140.517 c -48.1582 140.79 48.3125 141.175 48.3125 141.671 c -48.3125 142.031 48.2217 142.338 48.0405 142.594 c -47.8589 142.85 47.6201 143.019 47.3237 143.101 c -47.1323 143.152 46.7793 143.177 46.2646 143.177 c -46.2646 143.177 44.0703 143.177 44.0703 143.177 c -44.0703 143.177 44.0703 140.107 44.0703 140.107 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -50.4023 138.712 m -50.4023 139.865 50.7227 140.72 51.3628 141.274 c -51.8979 141.736 52.5498 141.966 53.3193 141.966 c -54.1743 141.966 54.8735 141.686 55.416 141.125 c -55.959 140.564 56.2305 139.789 56.2305 138.8 c -56.2305 137.999 56.1104 137.369 55.8701 136.91 c -55.6299 136.45 55.2803 136.094 54.8218 135.84 c -54.3628 135.585 53.8623 135.458 53.3193 135.458 c -52.4482 135.458 51.7446 135.738 51.208 136.297 c -50.6709 136.855 50.4023 137.661 50.4023 138.712 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -51.4883 138.711 m -51.4883 137.914 51.6616 137.317 52.0088 136.921 c -52.356 136.524 52.793 136.326 53.3193 136.326 c -53.8418 136.326 54.2769 136.525 54.624 136.924 c -54.9707 137.322 55.1445 137.93 55.1445 138.747 c -55.1445 139.517 54.9697 140.1 54.6211 140.496 c -54.272 140.893 53.8379 141.091 53.3193 141.091 c -52.793 141.091 52.356 140.894 52.0088 140.499 c -51.6616 140.105 51.4883 139.509 51.4883 138.711 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -59.1309 143.248 m -59.7754 144.24 L -60.9785 144.24 L -59.6543 142.599 L -58.5293 142.599 L -57.2676 144.24 L -58.4707 144.24 L -59.1309 143.248 L -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -57.459 135.599 m -57.459 135.599 57.459 141.826 57.459 141.826 c -57.459 141.826 58.4043 141.826 58.4043 141.826 c -58.4043 141.826 58.4043 140.878 58.4043 140.878 c -58.647 141.321 58.8711 141.613 59.0767 141.755 c -59.2822 141.895 59.5083 141.966 59.7554 141.966 c -60.1113 141.966 60.4736 141.852 60.8418 141.626 c -60.8418 141.626 60.4727 140.649 60.4727 140.649 c -60.2158 140.798 59.9585 140.873 59.7012 140.873 c -59.4712 140.873 59.2646 140.803 59.0815 140.665 c -58.8984 140.526 58.7676 140.333 58.6895 140.087 c -58.5723 139.712 58.5137 139.302 58.5137 138.857 c -58.5137 138.857 58.5137 135.599 58.5137 135.599 c -58.5137 135.599 57.459 135.599 57.459 135.599 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -65.5254 136.365 m -65.1328 136.033 64.7563 135.8 64.3955 135.663 c -64.0352 135.527 63.6479 135.458 63.2344 135.458 c -62.5522 135.458 62.0273 135.626 61.6611 135.96 c -61.2944 136.294 61.1113 136.722 61.1113 137.241 c -61.1113 137.546 61.1807 137.825 61.3188 138.077 c -61.4575 138.329 61.6387 138.532 61.8628 138.684 c -62.0869 138.837 62.3398 138.952 62.6201 139.03 c -62.8271 139.085 63.1387 139.138 63.5562 139.189 c -64.4063 139.29 65.0322 139.411 65.4336 139.552 c -65.4375 139.696 65.4395 139.788 65.4395 139.827 c -65.4395 140.256 65.3398 140.559 65.1411 140.734 c -64.8721 140.972 64.4727 141.091 63.9424 141.091 c -63.4473 141.091 63.0815 141.005 62.8457 140.831 c -62.6099 140.658 62.4355 140.352 62.3223 139.912 c -62.3223 139.912 61.291 140.052 61.291 140.052 c -61.3848 140.493 61.5391 140.849 61.7534 141.121 c -61.9683 141.392 62.2783 141.601 62.6846 141.747 c -63.0903 141.893 63.5605 141.966 64.0957 141.966 c -64.6265 141.966 65.0576 141.904 65.3896 141.779 c -65.7212 141.654 65.9653 141.497 66.1211 141.308 c -66.2773 141.118 66.3867 140.879 66.4492 140.59 c -66.4844 140.411 66.502 140.086 66.502 139.617 c -66.502 139.617 66.502 138.21 66.502 138.21 c -66.502 137.229 66.5244 136.608 66.5698 136.348 c -66.6147 136.087 66.7041 135.838 66.8379 135.599 c -66.8379 135.599 65.7363 135.599 65.7363 135.599 c -65.627 135.817 65.5566 136.072 65.5254 136.365 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -65.4395 138.724 m -65.0566 138.568 64.4829 138.435 63.7178 138.326 c -63.2847 138.263 62.978 138.193 62.7983 138.115 c -62.6191 138.037 62.4805 137.922 62.3828 137.772 c -62.2852 137.622 62.2363 137.455 62.2363 137.271 c -62.2363 136.99 62.3423 136.755 62.5547 136.568 c -62.7671 136.38 63.0781 136.287 63.4873 136.287 c -63.8926 136.287 64.2529 136.376 64.5684 136.554 c -64.8843 136.731 65.1162 136.975 65.2642 137.283 c -65.377 137.521 65.4336 137.873 65.4336 138.337 c -65.4336 138.337 65.4395 138.724 65.4395 138.724 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -72.1758 135.599 m -72.1758 135.599 72.1758 136.384 72.1758 136.384 c -71.7808 135.767 71.2002 135.458 70.4341 135.458 c -69.9375 135.458 69.481 135.595 69.0645 135.869 c -68.6484 136.143 68.3257 136.524 68.0967 137.015 c -67.8682 137.505 67.7539 138.069 67.7539 138.706 c -67.7539 139.328 67.8574 139.892 68.064 140.398 c -68.271 140.904 68.5811 141.292 68.9951 141.561 c -69.4087 141.831 69.8711 141.966 70.3823 141.966 c -70.7568 141.966 71.0908 141.887 71.3833 141.729 c 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106.698 c -45.2671 106.968 45.4766 107.33 45.6265 107.785 c -45.7764 108.24 45.8516 108.792 45.8516 109.44 c -45.8516 110.339 45.7046 111.029 45.4102 111.512 c -45.1162 111.994 44.7588 112.317 44.3379 112.481 c -44.0337 112.599 43.5449 112.657 42.8706 112.657 c -42.8706 112.657 41.0703 112.657 41.0703 112.657 c -41.0703 112.657 41.0703 106.095 41.0703 106.095 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -48.4473 105.079 m -48.4473 105.079 48.4473 111.306 48.4473 111.306 c -48.4473 111.306 49.3926 111.306 49.3926 111.306 c -49.3926 111.306 49.3926 110.358 49.3926 110.358 c -49.6353 110.801 49.8594 111.094 50.0649 111.234 c -50.2705 111.376 50.4966 111.446 50.7437 111.446 c -51.0996 111.446 51.4619 111.332 51.8301 111.105 c -51.8301 111.105 51.4609 110.129 51.4609 110.129 c -51.2041 110.278 50.9468 110.353 50.6895 110.353 c -50.4595 110.353 50.2529 110.283 50.0698 110.145 c -49.8867 110.006 49.7559 109.813 49.6777 109.567 c -49.5605 109.192 49.502 108.782 49.502 108.337 c -49.502 108.337 49.502 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c -14.2754 72.4355 14.0654 72.1689 13.8154 71.9814 c -13.5654 71.7939 13.2524 71.6523 12.8755 71.5566 c -12.4985 71.4609 12.0371 71.4131 11.4902 71.4131 c -11.4902 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 8.21582 71.4131 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -9.35645 76.3975 m -9.35645 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 11.2129 76.3975 c -11.7168 76.3975 12.0776 76.4307 12.2964 76.4971 c -12.585 76.583 12.8027 76.7256 12.9492 76.9248 c -13.0957 77.123 13.1689 77.373 13.1689 77.6738 c -13.1689 77.959 13.1006 78.21 12.9639 78.4268 c -12.8271 78.6426 12.6318 78.791 12.3784 78.8711 c -12.1245 78.9512 11.6895 78.9912 11.0723 78.9912 c -11.0723 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 78.9912 c -9.35645 78.9912 9.35645 76.3975 9.35645 76.3975 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -9.35645 72.4287 m -9.35645 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 11.4951 72.4287 c -11.8623 72.4287 12.1201 72.4424 12.2686 72.4697 c -12.5303 72.5166 12.749 72.5947 12.9248 72.7041 c -13.1006 72.8135 13.2451 72.9727 13.3584 73.1816 c -13.4717 73.3906 13.5283 73.6318 13.5283 73.9053 c 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-45.4658 73.9023 45.5498 73.6016 45.5498 73.2422 c -45.5498 72.8906 45.4473 72.5596 45.2422 72.249 c -45.0366 71.9375 44.7402 71.6973 44.3535 71.5273 c -43.9668 71.3574 43.5288 71.2725 43.04 71.2725 c -42.231 71.2725 41.6143 71.4404 41.1899 71.7764 c -40.7656 72.1133 40.4951 72.6113 40.3779 73.2725 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -50.1338 69.0303 m -50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 77.6396 50.1338 77.6396 c -50.1338 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 77.6396 c -51.0947 77.6396 51.0947 76.8291 51.0947 76.8291 c -51.3213 77.1465 51.5776 77.3838 51.8628 77.542 c -52.1484 77.7012 52.4941 77.7803 52.9009 77.7803 c -53.4326 77.7803 53.9019 77.6436 54.3086 77.3701 c -54.7148 77.0967 55.022 76.71 55.2295 76.2119 c -55.4365 75.7139 55.54 75.167 55.54 74.5732 c -55.54 73.9365 55.4258 73.3623 55.1968 72.8525 c -54.9683 72.3428 54.6357 71.9512 54.2002 71.6797 c -53.7637 71.4082 53.3057 71.2725 52.8247 71.2725 c -52.4727 71.2725 52.1572 71.3467 51.8774 71.4951 c -51.5981 71.6436 51.3682 71.8311 51.1885 72.0576 c -51.1885 72.0576 51.1885 69.0303 51.1885 69.0303 c -51.1885 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 50.1338 69.0303 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -51.0869 74.4902 m -51.0869 73.6895 51.249 73.0967 51.5728 72.7139 c -51.897 72.3311 52.2891 72.1396 52.75 72.1396 c -53.2188 72.1396 53.6196 72.3379 53.9531 72.7344 c -54.2871 73.1309 54.4541 73.7461 54.4541 74.5781 c -54.4541 75.3711 54.291 75.9658 53.9648 76.3604 c -53.6392 76.7549 53.25 76.9521 52.7969 76.9521 c -52.3477 76.9521 51.9507 76.7422 51.605 76.3223 c -51.2598 75.9014 51.0869 75.291 51.0869 74.4902 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -58.4717 79.0615 m -59.1162 80.0537 L -60.3193 80.0537 L -58.9951 78.4131 L -57.8701 78.4131 L -56.6084 80.0537 L -57.8115 80.0537 L -58.4717 79.0615 L -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -56.7998 71.4131 m -56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 77.6396 56.7998 77.6396 c -56.7998 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 77.6396 c -57.7451 77.6396 57.7451 76.6924 57.7451 76.6924 c -57.9878 77.1357 58.2119 77.4277 58.4175 77.5684 c -58.623 77.71 58.8491 77.7803 59.0962 77.7803 c -59.4521 77.7803 59.8145 77.667 60.1826 77.4395 c -60.1826 77.4395 59.8135 76.4629 59.8135 76.4629 c -59.5566 76.6123 59.2993 76.6865 59.042 76.6865 c -58.812 76.6865 58.6055 76.6172 58.4224 76.4785 c -58.2393 76.3398 58.1084 76.1475 58.0303 75.9014 c -57.9131 75.5264 57.8545 75.1162 57.8545 74.6709 c -57.8545 74.6709 57.8545 71.4131 57.8545 71.4131 c -57.8545 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 56.7998 71.4131 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -65.0576 73.4209 m -65.0576 73.4209 66.1514 73.2803 66.1514 73.2803 c -65.9795 72.6445 65.6611 72.1504 65.1963 71.7998 c -64.7319 71.4482 64.1382 71.2725 63.416 71.2725 c -62.5059 71.2725 61.7847 71.5527 61.2515 72.1143 c -60.7188 72.6748 60.4521 73.4609 60.4521 74.4736 c -60.4521 75.5205 60.7217 76.334 61.2603 76.9121 c -61.7993 77.4912 62.498 77.7803 63.3574 77.7803 c -64.189 77.7803 64.8687 77.4971 65.3955 76.9307 c -65.9229 76.3633 66.1865 75.5664 66.1865 74.5381 c -66.1865 74.4756 66.1846 74.3818 66.1807 74.2568 c -66.1807 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 61.5381 74.2568 c -61.5771 73.5723 61.7705 73.0488 62.1177 72.6846 c -62.4653 72.3213 62.8984 72.1396 63.418 72.1396 c -63.8042 72.1396 64.1343 72.2412 64.4077 72.4453 c -64.6807 72.6494 64.8975 72.9736 65.0576 73.4209 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -61.6006 75.124 m -61.6006 75.124 65.0693 75.124 65.0693 75.124 c -65.0225 75.6475 64.8896 76.041 64.6719 76.3027 c -64.3359 76.71 63.9014 76.9131 63.3672 76.9131 c -62.8838 76.9131 62.4771 76.751 62.1475 76.4258 c -61.8179 76.1016 61.6357 75.667 61.6006 75.124 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -67.4775 71.4131 m -67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 77.6396 67.4775 77.6396 c -67.4775 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 77.6396 c -68.4229 77.6396 68.4229 76.7549 68.4229 76.7549 c -68.8799 77.4385 69.5405 77.7803 70.4043 77.7803 c -70.7793 77.7803 71.124 77.7129 71.439 77.5781 c -71.7534 77.4434 71.9893 77.2666 72.1455 77.0479 c -72.3018 76.8281 72.4111 76.5684 72.4736 76.2676 c -72.5127 76.0723 72.5322 75.7305 72.5322 75.2412 c -72.5322 75.2412 72.5322 71.4131 72.5322 71.4131 c -72.5322 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 71.4131 c -71.4775 71.4131 71.4775 75.2012 71.4775 75.2012 c -71.4775 75.6309 71.4365 75.9521 71.3545 76.165 c -71.2725 76.3789 71.127 76.5488 70.9185 76.6758 c -70.7095 76.8027 70.4644 76.8662 70.1836 76.8662 c -69.7344 76.8662 69.3472 76.7236 69.021 76.4385 c -68.6953 76.1523 68.5322 75.6113 68.5322 74.8135 c -68.5322 74.8135 68.5322 71.4131 68.5322 71.4131 c -68.5322 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 67.4775 71.4131 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -73.7607 74.5264 m -73.7607 75.6797 74.0811 76.5332 74.7212 77.0889 c -75.2563 77.5498 75.9082 77.7803 76.6777 77.7803 c -77.5327 77.7803 78.2319 77.5 78.7744 76.9385 c -79.3174 76.3779 79.5889 75.6035 79.5889 74.6143 c -79.5889 73.8135 79.4688 73.1826 79.2285 72.7236 c -78.9883 72.2646 78.6387 71.9072 78.1802 71.6533 c -77.7212 71.3994 77.2207 71.2725 76.6777 71.2725 c -75.8066 71.2725 75.103 71.5518 74.5664 72.1104 c -74.0293 72.6699 73.7607 73.4746 73.7607 74.5264 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -74.8467 74.5254 m -74.8467 73.7285 75.02 73.1309 75.3672 72.7344 c -75.7144 72.3379 76.1514 72.1396 76.6777 72.1396 c -77.2002 72.1396 77.6353 72.3389 77.9824 72.7373 c -78.3291 73.1357 78.5029 73.7441 78.5029 74.5605 c -78.5029 75.3301 78.3281 75.9131 77.9795 76.3105 c -77.6304 76.707 77.1963 76.9053 76.6777 76.9053 c -76.1514 76.9053 75.7144 76.708 75.3672 76.3135 c -75.02 75.9189 74.8467 75.3223 74.8467 74.5254 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -80.4033 73.2725 m -80.4033 73.2725 81.4502 73.4365 81.4502 73.4365 c -81.5088 73.0176 81.6719 72.6973 81.939 72.4736 c -82.2065 72.251 82.5801 72.1396 83.0605 72.1396 c -83.5444 72.1396 83.9038 72.2383 84.1377 72.4355 c -84.3721 72.6338 84.4893 72.8652 84.4893 73.1309 c -84.4893 73.3691 84.3862 73.5566 84.1802 73.6943 c -84.0361 73.7881 83.6777 73.9072 83.1045 74.0518 c -82.332 74.2471 81.7959 74.416 81.4966 74.5586 c -81.1968 74.7012 80.9697 74.8984 80.8149 75.1514 c -80.6602 75.4033 80.583 75.6816 80.583 75.9863 c -80.583 76.2637 80.6465 76.5205 80.7734 76.7568 c -80.9004 76.9932 81.0732 77.1904 81.292 77.3467 c -81.4561 77.4678 81.6797 77.5703 81.9629 77.6543 c -82.2461 77.7383 82.5498 77.7803 82.874 77.7803 c -83.3623 77.7803 83.791 77.71 84.1602 77.5693 c -84.5293 77.4277 84.8018 77.2373 84.9775 76.9961 c -85.1533 76.7559 85.2744 76.4336 85.3408 76.0303 c -85.3408 76.0303 84.3096 75.8896 84.3096 75.8896 c -84.2627 76.2109 84.127 76.4619 83.9028 76.6426 c -83.6787 76.8232 83.3618 76.9131 82.9521 76.9131 c -82.4688 76.9131 82.123 76.833 81.9165 76.6729 c -81.71 76.5127 81.6064 76.3242 81.6064 76.1094 c -81.6064 75.9727 81.6494 75.8496 81.7354 75.7402 c -81.8208 75.626 81.9556 75.5322 82.1387 75.458 c -82.2441 75.4189 82.5542 75.3291 83.0693 75.1885 c -83.814 74.9893 84.334 74.8262 84.6289 74.6992 c -84.9238 74.5723 85.1553 74.3877 85.3232 74.1455 c -85.4912 73.9023 85.5752 73.6016 85.5752 73.2422 c -85.5752 72.8906 85.4727 72.5596 85.2676 72.249 c -85.062 71.9375 84.7656 71.6973 84.3789 71.5273 c -83.9922 71.3574 83.5542 71.2725 83.0654 71.2725 c -82.2563 71.2725 81.6396 71.4404 81.2153 71.7764 c -80.791 72.1133 80.5205 72.6113 80.4033 73.2725 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -86.7783 69.0186 m -86.7783 69.0186 86.6611 70.0068 86.6611 70.0068 c -86.8916 69.9443 87.0933 69.9131 87.2651 69.9131 c -87.5 69.9131 87.6875 69.9521 87.8281 70.0303 c -87.9688 70.1084 88.0845 70.2178 88.1743 70.3584 c -88.2407 70.4639 88.3481 70.7256 88.4971 71.1445 c -88.5166 71.2031 88.5479 71.2891 88.5908 71.4023 c -88.5908 71.4023 86.2236 77.6396 86.2236 77.6396 c -86.2236 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 87.3511 77.6396 c -87.3511 77.6396 88.6514 74.041 88.6514 74.041 c -88.8203 73.585 88.9712 73.1045 89.1045 72.6016 c -89.2295 73.0791 89.376 73.5488 89.5444 74.0088 c -89.5444 74.0088 90.8721 77.6396 90.8721 77.6396 c -90.8721 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 91.9268 77.6396 c -91.9268 77.6396 89.5684 71.3047 89.5684 71.3047 c -89.3135 70.6221 89.1157 70.1523 88.9751 69.8955 c -88.7871 69.5488 88.5713 69.2939 88.3291 69.1318 c -88.0859 68.9707 87.7964 68.8896 87.4595 68.8896 c -87.2559 68.8896 87.0288 68.9326 86.7783 69.0186 c -Q -f -*U -U -1 w -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -107.75 102.66 m -92.75 102.521 109 74.4102 95.0811 74.4102 c -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -95.3198 74.4111 m -110.32 74.2705 94.0698 46.1611 107.989 46.1611 c -Q -S -u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -110.764 32.0791 m -266.333 32.0791 L -266.333 17.0801 L -110.764 17.0801 L -110.764 32.0791 L -Q -s -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -246.887 32.0791 m -246.887 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -227.441 32.0791 m -227.441 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -207.993 32.0791 m -207.993 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -188.55 32.0791 m -188.55 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -169.104 32.0791 m -169.104 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -149.656 32.0791 m -149.656 17.0801 L -Q -S -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -130.209 32.0791 m -130.209 17.0801 L -Q -S -U -u -*u -0.5 w -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -118.98 29.3711 m -119.812 29.3711 120.461 29.0742 120.929 28.4805 c -121.487 27.7773 121.766 26.6104 121.766 24.9814 c -121.766 23.3564 121.485 22.1875 120.923 21.4766 c -120.459 20.8906 119.812 20.5977 118.98 20.5977 c -118.146 20.5977 117.473 20.9189 116.962 21.5615 c -116.451 22.2041 116.195 23.3506 116.195 24.999 c -116.195 26.6162 116.476 27.7813 117.038 28.4922 c -117.502 29.0781 118.149 29.3711 118.98 29.3711 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -118.98 28.0039 m -118.783 28.0039 118.606 27.9404 118.451 27.8135 c -118.296 27.6865 118.176 27.459 118.091 27.1309 c -117.978 26.7051 117.922 25.9893 117.922 24.9814 c -117.922 23.9736 117.972 23.2813 118.073 22.9053 c -118.174 22.5283 118.301 22.2773 118.454 22.1523 c -118.607 22.0273 118.783 21.9648 118.98 21.9648 c -119.178 21.9648 119.354 22.0283 119.51 22.1553 c -119.665 22.2822 119.785 22.5098 119.87 22.8379 c -119.983 23.2598 120.039 23.9736 120.039 24.9814 c -120.039 25.9893 119.989 26.6807 119.888 27.0576 c -119.787 27.4346 119.66 27.6865 119.507 27.8135 c -119.354 27.9404 119.178 28.0039 118.98 28.0039 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -140.416 20.7461 m -140.416 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 138.768 20.7461 c -138.768 20.7461 138.768 26.9531 138.768 26.9531 c -138.167 26.3916 137.458 25.9766 136.643 25.707 c -136.643 25.707 136.643 27.1992 136.643 27.1992 c -137.072 27.3398 137.539 27.6055 138.043 27.998 c -138.547 28.3906 138.893 28.8477 139.08 29.3711 c -139.08 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 140.416 29.3711 c -140.416 29.3711 140.416 20.7461 140.416 20.7461 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -160.426 20.7461 m -160.426 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 158.777 20.7461 c -158.777 20.7461 158.777 26.9531 158.777 26.9531 c -158.176 26.3916 157.468 25.9766 156.652 25.707 c -156.652 25.707 156.652 27.1992 156.652 27.1992 c -157.082 27.3398 157.549 27.6055 158.053 27.998 c -158.557 28.3906 158.902 28.8477 159.09 29.3711 c -159.09 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 160.426 29.3711 c -160.426 29.3711 160.426 20.7461 160.426 20.7461 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -180.436 20.7461 m -180.436 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 178.787 20.7461 c -178.787 20.7461 178.787 26.9531 178.787 26.9531 c -178.186 26.3916 177.477 25.9766 176.662 25.707 c -176.662 25.707 176.662 27.1992 176.662 27.1992 c -177.092 27.3398 177.559 27.6055 178.063 27.998 c -178.566 28.3906 178.912 28.8477 179.1 29.3711 c -179.1 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 180.436 29.3711 c -180.436 29.3711 180.436 20.7461 180.436 20.7461 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -199.02 29.3711 m -199.851 29.3711 200.5 29.0742 200.968 28.4805 c -201.525 27.7773 201.805 26.6104 201.805 24.9814 c -201.805 23.3564 201.523 22.1875 200.962 21.4766 c -200.498 20.8906 199.851 20.5977 199.02 20.5977 c -198.185 20.5977 197.512 20.9189 197.001 21.5615 c -196.49 22.2041 196.234 23.3506 196.234 24.999 c -196.234 26.6162 196.516 27.7813 197.077 28.4922 c -197.541 29.0781 198.189 29.3711 199.02 29.3711 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -199.02 28.0039 m -198.822 28.0039 198.645 27.9404 198.49 27.8135 c -198.335 27.6865 198.215 27.459 198.13 27.1309 c -198.018 26.7051 197.961 25.9893 197.961 24.9814 c -197.961 23.9736 198.012 23.2813 198.112 22.9053 c -198.213 22.5283 198.34 22.2773 198.493 22.1523 c -198.646 22.0273 198.822 21.9648 199.02 21.9648 c -199.217 21.9648 199.394 22.0283 199.549 22.1553 c -199.704 22.2822 199.824 22.5098 199.909 22.8379 c -200.021 23.2598 200.078 23.9736 200.078 24.9814 c -200.078 25.9893 200.027 26.6807 199.927 27.0576 c -199.826 27.4346 199.699 27.6865 199.546 27.8135 c -199.393 27.9404 199.217 28.0039 199.02 28.0039 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -219.029 29.3711 m -219.86 29.3711 220.51 29.0742 220.977 28.4805 c -221.535 27.7773 221.814 26.6104 221.814 24.9814 c -221.814 23.3564 221.533 22.1875 220.972 21.4766 c -220.508 20.8906 219.86 20.5977 219.029 20.5977 c -218.194 20.5977 217.521 20.9189 217.011 21.5615 c -216.5 22.2041 216.244 23.3506 216.244 24.999 c -216.244 26.6162 216.525 27.7813 217.087 28.4922 c -217.551 29.0781 218.198 29.3711 219.029 29.3711 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -219.029 28.0039 m -218.832 28.0039 218.655 27.9404 218.5 27.8135 c -218.345 27.6865 218.225 27.459 218.14 27.1309 c -218.027 26.7051 217.971 25.9893 217.971 24.9814 c -217.971 23.9736 218.021 23.2813 218.122 22.9053 c -218.223 22.5283 218.35 22.2773 218.503 22.1523 c -218.656 22.0273 218.832 21.9648 219.029 21.9648 c -219.227 21.9648 219.403 22.0283 219.559 22.1553 c -219.714 22.2822 219.834 22.5098 219.919 22.8379 c -220.031 23.2598 220.088 23.9736 220.088 24.9814 c -220.088 25.9893 220.037 26.6807 219.936 27.0576 c -219.836 27.4346 219.709 27.6865 219.556 27.8135 c -219.402 27.9404 219.227 28.0039 219.029 28.0039 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -239.039 29.3711 m -239.87 29.3711 240.52 29.0742 240.987 28.4805 c -241.545 27.7773 241.824 26.6104 241.824 24.9814 c -241.824 23.3564 241.543 22.1875 240.981 21.4766 c -240.518 20.8906 239.87 20.5977 239.039 20.5977 c -238.204 20.5977 237.531 20.9189 237.02 21.5615 c -236.51 22.2041 236.254 23.3506 236.254 24.999 c -236.254 26.6162 236.535 27.7813 237.097 28.4922 c -237.561 29.0781 238.208 29.3711 239.039 29.3711 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -239.039 28.0039 m -238.842 28.0039 238.665 27.9404 238.51 27.8135 c -238.355 27.6865 238.234 27.459 238.149 27.1309 c -238.037 26.7051 237.98 25.9893 237.98 24.9814 c -237.98 23.9736 238.031 23.2813 238.132 22.9053 c -238.232 22.5283 238.359 22.2773 238.513 22.1523 c -238.666 22.0273 238.842 21.9648 239.039 21.9648 c -239.236 21.9648 239.413 22.0283 239.568 22.1553 c -239.724 22.2822 239.844 22.5098 239.929 22.8379 c -240.041 23.2598 240.098 23.9736 240.098 24.9814 c -240.098 25.9893 240.047 26.6807 239.946 27.0576 c -239.846 27.4346 239.719 27.6865 239.565 27.8135 c -239.412 27.9404 239.236 28.0039 239.039 28.0039 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -255.715 29.3711 m -256.546 29.3711 257.195 29.0742 257.663 28.4805 c -258.221 27.7773 258.5 26.6104 258.5 24.9814 c -258.5 23.3564 258.219 22.1875 257.657 21.4766 c -257.193 20.8906 256.546 20.5977 255.715 20.5977 c -254.88 20.5977 254.207 20.9189 253.696 21.5615 c -253.186 22.2041 252.93 23.3506 252.93 24.999 c -252.93 26.6162 253.211 27.7813 253.773 28.4922 c -254.236 29.0781 254.884 29.3711 255.715 29.3711 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -255.715 28.0039 m -255.518 28.0039 255.341 27.9404 255.186 27.8135 c -255.03 27.6865 254.91 27.459 254.825 27.1309 c -254.713 26.7051 254.656 25.9893 254.656 24.9814 c -254.656 23.9736 254.707 23.2813 254.808 22.9053 c -254.908 22.5283 255.035 22.2773 255.189 22.1523 c -255.342 22.0273 255.518 21.9648 255.715 21.9648 c -255.912 21.9648 256.089 22.0283 256.244 22.1553 c -256.399 22.2822 256.52 22.5098 256.604 22.8379 c -256.717 23.2598 256.773 23.9736 256.773 24.9814 c -256.773 25.9893 256.723 26.6807 256.622 27.0576 c -256.522 27.4346 256.395 27.6865 256.241 27.8135 c -256.088 27.9404 255.912 28.0039 255.715 28.0039 c -Q -f -*U -U -u -U -u -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -61.9297 21.4131 m -61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 30.0068 61.9297 30.0068 c -61.9297 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 c -65.7388 30.0068 66.1743 29.9795 66.4751 29.9248 c -66.897 29.8545 67.2505 29.7207 67.5356 29.5234 c -67.8203 29.3252 68.0498 29.0488 68.2236 28.6934 c -68.3975 28.3379 68.4844 27.9463 68.4844 27.5205 c -68.4844 26.7891 68.2524 26.1709 67.7876 25.665 c -67.3237 25.1582 66.4844 24.9053 65.271 24.9053 c -65.271 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 c -63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 21.4131 63.0703 21.4131 c -63.0703 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -63.0703 25.9209 m -63.0703 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 c -66.021 25.9209 66.542 26.0576 66.8501 26.3311 c -67.1582 26.6045 67.3125 26.9893 67.3125 27.4854 c -67.3125 27.8447 67.2217 28.1523 67.0405 28.4082 c -66.8589 28.6641 66.6201 28.833 66.3237 28.915 c -66.1323 28.9658 65.7793 28.9912 65.2646 28.9912 c -65.2646 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 c -63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 25.9209 63.0703 25.9209 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -71.457 29.0615 m -72.1016 30.0537 L -73.3047 30.0537 L -71.9805 28.4131 L -70.8555 28.4131 L -69.5938 30.0537 L -70.7969 30.0537 L -71.457 29.0615 L -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -69.7852 21.4131 m -69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 27.6396 69.7852 27.6396 c -69.7852 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 c -70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 26.6924 70.7305 26.6924 c -70.9731 27.1357 71.1973 27.4277 71.4028 27.5684 c -71.6084 27.71 71.8345 27.7803 72.0815 27.7803 c -72.4375 27.7803 72.7998 27.667 73.168 27.4395 c -73.168 27.4395 72.7993 26.4629 72.7993 26.4629 c -72.5415 26.6123 72.2847 26.6865 72.0273 26.6865 c -71.7974 26.6865 71.5908 26.6172 71.4077 26.4785 c -71.2246 26.3398 71.0938 26.1475 71.0156 25.9014 c -70.8984 25.5264 70.8398 25.1162 70.8398 24.6709 c -70.8398 24.6709 70.8398 21.4131 70.8398 21.4131 c -70.8398 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -78.043 23.4209 m -78.043 23.4209 79.1367 23.2803 79.1367 23.2803 c -78.9648 22.6445 78.6465 22.1504 78.1821 21.7988 c -77.7173 21.4482 77.1235 21.2725 76.4014 21.2725 c -75.4912 21.2725 74.77 21.5527 74.2368 22.1133 c -73.7041 22.6748 73.4375 23.4609 73.4375 24.4736 c -73.4375 25.5215 73.707 26.334 74.2456 26.9121 c -74.7847 27.4912 75.4839 27.7803 76.3428 27.7803 c -77.1743 27.7803 77.854 27.4971 78.3813 26.9297 c -78.9082 26.3633 79.1719 25.5664 79.1719 24.5381 c -79.1719 24.4756 79.1699 24.3818 79.166 24.2568 c -79.166 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 c -74.5625 23.5723 74.7559 23.0488 75.103 22.6855 c -75.4507 22.3213 75.8838 22.1396 76.4033 22.1396 c -76.7896 22.1396 77.1196 22.2412 77.3931 22.4453 c -77.666 22.6484 77.8828 22.9746 78.043 23.4209 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -74.5859 25.124 m -74.5859 25.124 78.0547 25.124 78.0547 25.124 c -78.0078 25.6484 77.8755 26.041 77.6567 26.3027 c -77.3218 26.71 76.8867 26.9131 76.3525 26.9131 c -75.8687 26.9131 75.4624 26.751 75.1328 26.4258 c -74.8032 26.1016 74.6211 25.668 74.5859 25.124 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -80.4629 21.4131 m -80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 27.6396 80.4629 27.6396 c -80.4629 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 c -81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 26.7549 81.4082 26.7549 c -81.8657 27.4385 82.5259 27.7803 83.3896 27.7803 c -83.7646 27.7803 84.1099 27.7129 84.4243 27.5781 c -84.7388 27.4434 84.9741 27.2666 85.1304 27.0469 c -85.2866 26.8281 85.3965 26.5684 85.459 26.2676 c -85.498 26.0723 85.5176 25.7305 85.5176 25.2412 c -85.5176 25.2412 85.5176 21.4131 85.5176 21.4131 c -85.5176 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 c -84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 25.2012 84.4629 25.2012 c -84.4629 25.6309 84.4219 25.9521 84.3398 26.166 c -84.2578 26.3789 84.1123 26.5488 83.9038 26.6758 c -83.6948 26.8027 83.4497 26.8662 83.1689 26.8662 c -82.7197 26.8662 82.3325 26.7236 82.0063 26.4385 c -81.6807 26.1523 81.5176 25.6113 81.5176 24.8145 c -81.5176 24.8145 81.5176 21.4131 81.5176 21.4131 c -81.5176 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -86.7461 24.5264 m -86.7461 25.6797 87.0664 26.5332 87.7065 27.0889 c -88.2417 27.5498 88.894 27.7803 89.6631 27.7803 c -90.5181 27.7803 91.2173 27.5 91.7603 26.9395 c -92.3027 26.3779 92.5742 25.6035 92.5742 24.6143 c -92.5742 23.8125 92.4541 23.1826 92.2139 22.7236 c -91.9736 22.2646 91.6245 21.9072 91.1655 21.6533 c -90.7065 21.3994 90.2056 21.2725 89.6631 21.2725 c -88.7925 21.2725 88.0884 21.5518 87.5513 22.1113 c -87.0146 22.6699 86.7461 23.4746 86.7461 24.5264 c -Q -f -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -87.832 24.5254 m -87.832 23.7285 88.0054 23.1309 88.3525 22.7344 c -88.6997 22.3379 89.1362 22.1396 89.6631 22.1396 c -90.1855 22.1396 90.6206 22.3389 90.9678 22.7373 c -91.3149 23.1357 91.4883 23.7441 91.4883 24.5605 c -91.4883 25.3301 91.314 25.9141 90.9648 26.3105 c -90.6157 26.707 90.1816 26.9053 89.6631 26.9053 c -89.1362 26.9053 88.6997 26.708 88.3525 26.3135 c -88.0054 25.918 87.832 25.3223 87.832 24.5254 c -Q -f -*U -*u -q -1 0 0 1 0 0 cm -93.3887 23.2725 m -93.3887 23.2725 94.4355 23.4365 94.4355 23.4365 c -94.4941 23.0176 94.6572 22.6973 94.9243 22.4746 c -95.1919 22.251 95.5659 22.1396 96.0459 22.1396 c -96.5298 22.1396 96.8892 22.2383 97.1235 22.4355 c -97.3574 22.6328 97.4746 22.8652 97.4746 23.1309 c -97.4746 23.3691 97.3716 23.5566 97.1655 23.6943 c -97.0215 23.7881 96.6631 23.9072 96.0894 24.0518 c -95.3174 24.2471 94.7813 24.416 94.4819 24.5586 c -94.1821 24.7012 93.9551 24.8984 93.8003 25.1504 c -93.6455 25.4033 93.5684 25.6816 93.5684 25.9863 c -93.5684 26.2637 93.6318 26.5205 93.7588 26.7568 c -93.8857 26.9941 94.0586 27.1904 94.2773 27.3467 c -94.4414 27.4678 94.665 27.5703 94.9482 27.6543 c -95.2314 27.7383 95.5352 27.7803 95.8594 27.7803 c -96.3477 27.7803 96.7764 27.71 97.1455 27.5684 c -97.5146 27.4277 97.7871 27.2373 97.9629 26.9961 c -98.1387 26.7559 98.2598 26.4336 98.3262 26.0303 c -98.3262 26.0303 97.2949 25.8896 97.2949 25.8896 c -97.248 26.2109 97.1128 26.4619 96.8882 26.6426 c -96.6641 26.8232 96.3472 26.9131 95.9375 26.9131 c -95.4536 26.9131 95.1089 26.833 94.9019 26.6729 c -94.6948 26.5117 94.5918 26.3242 94.5918 26.1094 c -94.5918 25.9727 94.6348 25.8496 94.7207 25.7402 c -94.8062 25.627 94.9409 25.5322 95.1245 25.458 c -95.2295 25.4189 95.5396 25.3291 96.0547 25.1885 c -96.7993 24.9893 97.3193 24.8262 97.6143 24.6992 c -97.9092 24.5723 98.1406 24.3877 98.3086 24.1445 c -98.4766 23.9023 98.5605 23.6016 98.5605 23.2422 c -98.5605 22.8906 98.458 22.5596 98.2524 22.248 c -98.0474 21.9375 97.7515 21.6973 97.3643 21.5273 c -96.9771 21.3574 96.5396 21.2725 96.0508 21.2725 c -95.2417 21.2725 94.625 21.4404 94.2007 21.7773 c -93.7769 22.1133 93.5059 22.6113 93.3887 23.2725 c -Q -f -*U -U -%%PageTrailer -_PDX_savepage restore -%%Trailer -end -% showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex b/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 36b35cc..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,312 +0,0 @@ -\input ../lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{5}{Paralelní sèítání, bitonické tøídìní}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} - -Minule jsme si zavedli paralelní výpoèetní model, ve kterém si nyní nìco naprogramujeme \dots - -\h{Sèítání binárních èísel} - -Mìjme dvì èísla $x$ a $y$ zapsané ve~dvojkové soustavì. Jejich èíslice oznaème -$x_{n-1}\ldots x_0$ a $y_{n-1}\ldots y_0$, kde $i$-tý øád má váhu $2^i$. Nyní budeme chtít tato èísla -seèíst. - -K tomuto úèelu se~ihned nabízí pou¾ít starý dobrý \uv{¹kolní algoritmus}, který -funguje ve~dvojkové soustavì stejnì dobøe jako v~desítkové. Zkrátka sèítáme èísla -zprava doleva. V¾dy seèteme pøíslu¹né èíslice pod~sebou a~pøièteme pøenos z~ni¾¹ího -øádu. Tím dostaneme jednu èíslici výsledku a~pøenos do~vy¹¹ího øádu. Formálnì -bychom to mohli zapsat tøeba takto: -$$ -z_i=x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_i, -$$ -kde $z_i$ je $i$-tá èíslice souètu, $\oplus$ znaèí operaci {\sc xor} (souèet modulo~2) a~$c_i$ je {\I pøenos} -z~$(i-1)$-ního øádu do~$i$-tého. Pøenos pøitom nastane tehdy, pokud se~nám potkají -dvì jednièky pod~sebou, nebo kdy¾ se~vyskytne alespoò jedna jednièka a~k~tomu -pøenos z~ni¾¹ího øádu. Jinými slovy tehdy, kdy¾ ze~tøí xorovaných èíslic jsou alespoò -dvì jednièky (pomocí obvodu pro majoritu z minulé pøedná¹ky lehce zkonstruujeme): -$$ -\eqalign{ -c_{0} &= 0, \cr -c_{i+1} &= (x_i~\&~y_i)\lor(x_i~\&~c_i)\lor(y_i~\&~c_i).\cr -} -$$ - -Takovéto sèítání sice perfektnì funguje, nicménì je bohu¾el pomìrnì pomalé. -Pokud bychom stavìli hradlovou sí» podle tohoto pøedpisu, byla by slo¾ená z~nìjakých -podsítí (\uv{krabièek}), které budou mít na~vstupu $x_i$, $y_i$ a~$c_i$ a jejich výstupem -bude $z_i$ a~$c_{i+1}$. - -\figure{hloupe_scitani.eps}{Sèítání ¹kolním algoritmem.}{1.5in} - -V¹imìme si, ¾e~ka¾dá krabièka závisí na~výstupu té pøedcházející. Jednotlivé -krabièky tedy musí urèitì le¾et na~rùzných hladinách. Celkovì bychom museli pou¾ít -$\Theta{(n)}$ hladin a~jeliko¾ je ka¾dá krabièka konstantnì velká, také $\Theta{(n)}$ hradel. To dává -lineární èasovou i~prostorovou slo¾itost, èili oproti sekvenènímu algoritmu jsme si nepomohli. - -Zamysleme se nad tím, jak by se proces sèítání mohl zrychlit. - -\h{Pøenosy v~blocích} -Jediné, co nás pøi sèítání brzdí, jsou pøenosy mezi jednotlivými øády. Ka¾dý øád, -aby~vydal souèet, musí poèkat na~to, a¾~dopoèítají v¹echny pøedcházející øády. -Teprve pak se~toti¾ dozví pøenos. Kdybychom ov¹em pøenosy dokázali spoèítat -nìjakým zpùsobem paralelnì, máme vyhráno. Jakmile známe v¹echny pøenosy, souèet -u¾~zvládneme dopoèítat na~konstantnì mnoho hladin -- tedy v~konstantním èase. - -Podívejme se na~libovolný {\I blok} v~na¹em souètu. Tak budeme øíkat èíslùm -$x_j\ldots x_i$ a $y_j\ldots y_i$ v~nìjakém intervalu indexù $\left$. Pøenos $c_{j+1}$ vystupující z~tohoto bloku závisí mimo hodnot sèítancù u¾ pouze na~pøenosu $c_{i}$, který do bloku vstupuje. - -\figure{blok_scitani.eps}{Blok souètu.}{3in} - -Z tohoto pohledu se mù¾eme na blok také dívat jako na nìjakou funkci, která -dostane jednobitový vstup a vydá jednobitový výstup. To je nám pøíjemné, nebo» -takových funkcí existují jenom ètyøi typy: -\numlist\ndotted -\:$f(x) = 0$, ~~~~(0) -\:$f(x) = 1$, ~~~~(1) -\:$f(x) = x$, ~~~~($<$ -- kopírování) -\:$f(x) = \neg{x}$. -\endlist -Jak se za~chvíli uká¾e, poslední pøípad, kdy by~nìjaký blok pøedával opaèný -pøenos, ne¾ do~nìj vstupuje, navíc nikdy nemù¾e nastat. Pojïme si to rozmyslet. -Jednobitové bloky se chovají velice jednodu¹e: - -\figure{bloky_1bit.eps}{Tabulka triviálních blokù.}{1.1in} - -Z prvního bloku evidentnì v¾dy vyleze 0, a»~do~nìj vstoupí jakýkoli pøenos. -Poslední blok naopak sám o~sobì pøenos vytváøí, a»~ji¾ do~nìj vleze jakýkoliv. -Bloky prostøední se chovají stejnì, a~to tak, ¾e~samy o~sobì ¾ádný pøenos nevytvoøí, -ale~pokud do~nich nìjaký pøijde, tak~také odejde. - -Mìjme nyní nìjaký vìt¹í blok~$C$ slo¾ený ze~dvou men¹ích podblokù $A$ a~$B$, jejich¾ -chování u¾ známe. Z~toho mù¾eme odvodit, jak se chová celý blok: - -\figure{tabulka_skladani_bloku.eps}{Skládání chování blokù.}{1.3in} - -Pokud vy¹¹í blok pøenos pohlcuje, pak a»~se u¾~ni¾¹í blok chová jakkoli, slo¾ení -tìchto blokù musí v¾dy pohlcovat. V~prvním øádku tabulky jsou tudí¾ nuly. Analogicky, -pokud vy¹¹í blok generuje pøenos, tak~ten ni¾¹í na~tom nic nezmìní. V~druhém -øádku tabulky jsou tedy samé jednièky. Zajímavìj¹í pøípad nastává, pokud vy¹¹í blok -kopíruje -- tehdy zále¾í èistì na~chování ni¾¹ího bloku. - -V¹imnìme si, ¾e~skládání chování blokù je vlastnì úplnì obyèejné skládání -funkcí. Nyní bychom mohli prohlásit, ¾e~budeme poèítat nad~tøíprvkovou abecedou, -a~¾e~celou tabulku doká¾eme spoèítat jedním jediným hradlem. Pojïmì si v¹ak -rozmyslet, jak~bychom takovouto vìc popsali èistì binárnì. Jak tedy tyto tøi stavy -popisovat pouze nìkolika bity? - -Evidentnì nám k tomuto binárnímu zakódování tøí stavù budou staèit bity dva. -Oznaème si je jako $p$ a $q$. Tato dvojice mù¾e nabývat hned ètyø mo¾ných hodnot, -kterým pøiøadíme tøi mo¾ná chování bloku. Toto kódování mù¾eme zvolit zcela -libovolnì, ale pokud si ho zvolíme ¹ikovnì, u¹etøíme si dále práci pøi kompozici. -Zvolme si tedy kódování takto: - -\itemize\ibull -\:$(1,*) = <$, -\:$(0,0) = 0$, -\:$(0,1) = 1$ -\endlist - -Tomu, ¾e blok kopíruje, odpovídá dvojice $p = 1$; $q =$ \. V~ostatních -pøípadech bude~$p$ nulové a~$q$ nám bude øíkat, co je na~výstupu pøíslu¹ného bloku. -Jinými slovy $p = 0$ znamená, ¾e funkce je konstanta, pøièem¾ $q$ øíká jaká; naproti -tomu $p = 1$~znamená, ¾e funkce je identita, a»~u¾~je $q$ cokoli. - -Pojïme si nyní ukázat, jak bude celé skládání blokù vypadat. Rozmysleme si, -kdy je~$p$ celého dvojbloku jednièkové, tedy kdy celý dvojblok kopíruje. To nastane -tehdy, pokud kopírují obì jeho èásti, a tedy $p = p_a~\&~p_b$. Dále $q$ bude rovno jednièce, -pokud $q = (\neg{p_a}~\&~q_a) \lor (p_a~\&~q_b)$. - -Skládání chování blokù lze tedy popsat buï ternárnì -- tabulkou, ale lze to -i~binárnì vý¹e uvedeným pøedpisem. - -Nyní si tedy mù¾eme dopøedu vypoèítat chování bloku velikosti jedna, poté - z~nich skládáním blokù velikosti dva, dál velikosti ètyøi, osm, atd \dots - -\h{Paralelní sèítání} - -Paralelní algoritmus na~sèítání u¾~zkonstruujeme pomìrnì snadno. Bez újmy -na~obecnosti budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e~poèet bitù vstupních èísel je mocnina dvojky, -jinak si vstup doplníme nulami, co¾ výsedný èas bìhu algoritmu zhor¹í maximálnì -konstanta-krát. - -\algo -\:Spoèteme chování blokù velikosti~1. ($\O(1)$ hladin) -\:Postupnì poèítáme chování blokù\foot{myslíme \uv{pøirozenì zarovnané} bloky, tedy takové, jejich¾ poloha je násobkem velikosti} velikosti 2, 4, 8, ..., $2^k$. - ($\O(\log n)$ hladin, na~nich¾ se skládají bloky) -\:$c_0 \leftarrow 0$ (pøenos do nejni¾¹ího øádu je v¾dy 0) -\:Urèíme $c_n$ podle $c_0$ a chování (jediného) bloku velikosti~$n$. -\:Postupnì dopoèítáme pøenosy na~hranicích dìlitelných $2^k$ \uv{zahu¹»ováním}: - jakmile víme $c_{2^k}$, mù¾eme dopoèítat $c_{2^k+2^{k-1}}$ podle - chování bloku $\left< 2^k, 2^k+2^{k-1}\right>$. ($\O(\log n)$ hladin, - na~nich¾ se dosazuje) -\:Seèteme: $\forall i: z_i = x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_i$. -\endalgo - -\figure{1_9_deleni_bloku.eps}{Výpoèet pøenosu.}{2.5in} - -Algoritmus pracuje v~èase $\O(\log n)$. Hradel je pou¾ito lineárnì: na~jednotlivých -hladinách kroku~2 poèet hradel exponenciálnì klesá od~$n$ k~1, na~hladinách kroku~5 -exponenciálnì stoupá od~1 k~$n$, tak¾e dohromady se seète na~$\Theta(n)$. - -\h{Tøídìní} - -Nyní se podíváme na~druhý problém, a~to na~problém tøídìní. Ji¾ známe pomìrnì efektivní sekvenèní algoritmy, které dovedou tøídit v~èase $\O(n\log n)$. Byli bychom jistì rádi, kdybychom to zvládli je¹tì rychleji. Pojïme se podívat, zda by nám v tom nepomohlo problém paralelizovat. - -Budeme pøi tom pracovat ve~výpoèetním modelu, kterému se øíká komparátorová sí». Ta je postavená z~hradel, kterým se øíká komparátory. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Komparátorová sí»} je kombinaèní obvod, jeho¾ hradla jsou -komparátory. - -\figure{sortnet.0}{Komparátor}{0.7in} - -Komparátor umí porovnat dvì hodnoty a~rozhodnout, která z~nich je vìt¹í -a~která men¹í. Nevrací v¹ak booleovský výsledek jako bì¾né hradlo, ale má dva -výstupy, pøièem¾ na~jednom vrátí men¹í ze~vstupních hodnot a~na~druhém vìt¹í. - -Výstupy komparátorù se nevìtví. Nemù¾eme tedy jeden výstup \uv{rozdvojit} a~pøipojit ho na~dva vstupy. (Vìtvení by dokonce ani nemìlo smysl, proto¾e zatímco rozdvojit bychom mohli, slouèit u¾~ne. Pokud tedy chceme, aby sí» mìla $n$~vstupù i~$n$~výstupù, rozdvojení stejnì nesmíme provést, i kdybychom jej mìli povolené.) - -\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Bubble sort} - -Obrázek Bubble 1 ilustruje pou¾ití komparátorù pro tøídìní Bubble sortem. -©ipky pøedstavují jednotlivé komparátory. Výpoèet v¹ak je¹tì mù¾eme vylep¹it. - -\twofigures{sortnet.1}{Bubble 1}{143pt}{sortnet.2}{Bubble 2}{143pt} - -Sna¾íme se výpoèet co nejvíce paralelizovat (viz obrázek Bubble 2). -Jak je vidìt, komparátory na sebe nemusejí èekat. Tím mù¾eme výpoèet urychlit a místo èasu $\Theta{(n^2)}$ docílit èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta{(n)}$. V obou pøípadech je zachován kvadratický prostor. - -Nyní si uká¾eme je¹tì rychlej¹í tøídící algoritmus. Pùjdeme na nìj v¹ak trochu \uv{od lesa}. Nejdøíve vymyslíme sí», která bude umìt tøídit jenom nìco -- toti¾ bitonické posloupnosti. Bez újmy na obecnosti budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e ka¾dé dva prvky na vstupu jsou navzájem rùzné. - -\medskip -\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e posloupnost $x_0,\dots,x_{n-1} $ je {\I èistì bitonická} právì tehdy, kdy¾ -pro nìjaké $x_k, k\in\{0, \dots, n-1\} $ platí, ¾e~v¹echny prvky pøed ním (vèetnì jeho samotného) -tvoøí rostoucí poslopnost, kde¾to prvky stojící za~ním tvoøí poslopnost klesající. -Formálnì zapsáno musí platit, ¾e: -$$x_0\leq x_1\leq \dots \leq x_k \geq x_{k+1}\geq\dots \geq x_{n-1}.$$ - -\s{Definice:} Posloupnost $x_0 \dots x_{n-1}$ je {\I bitonická}, právì kdy¾ $\exists~j\in \{0,\dots ,n-1\}$, pro -které je rotace pùvodní posloupnosti o $j$ prvkù, tedy posloupnost -$$x_j,x_{(j+1) \bmod n},\dots, x_{(j+n-1) \bmod n},$$ èistì bitonická. - -\s{Definice:} {\I Separátor $S_n$} je sí», ve které jsou v¾dy~$i$-tý a~$(i+{n/2})$-tý prvek vstupu -(pro $i=0,\dots, {n/2}-1$) propojeny komparátorem. Minimum se pak stane~$i$-tým, -maximum $(i+{n/2})$-tým prvkem výstupu. -\figure{sortnet.3}{$(y_i, y_{i+{n/2}}) = \(x_i, x_{i+{n/2}})$} {300pt} - -\s{Lemma:} Pokud separátor dostane na~vstupu bitonickou posloupnost, pak jeho výstup $y_0, \dots, y_{n-1}$ -splòuje: - -(i) $y_0,\dots, y_{n/2 -1}$ a~$y_{n/2},\dots, y_{n-1}$ jsou -bitonické posloupnosti, - -(ii) Pro v¹echna $i,j< {n/2}$ platí $y_i < y_{j + {n/2}}$. - -Separátor nám tedy jednu bitonickou posloupnost na~vstupu rozdìlí na~dvì -bitonické posloupnosti, pøièem¾ navíc ka¾dý prvek první posloupnosti ($y_0,\dots, y_{n/2 -1}$) -je men¹í nebo roven prvkùm druhé posloupnosti ($y_{n/2}, \dots, y_{n-1}$). - -\>Ne¾ pøistoupíme k dùkazu lemmatu, uka¾me si, k èemu se nám bude hodit. - - -\s{Definice:} {\I Bitonická tøídièka $B_n$} je obvod sestavený ze separátorù, který dostane-li na vstupu bitonickou posloupnost délky $n$ (BÚNO konstruujeme tøídièku pro $n=2^k$), vydá setøídìnou zadanou posloupnost délky $n$. - -Tøídièka dostane na~vstupu bitonickou posloupnost. Separátor~$S_n$ ji pak dle lemmatu rozdìlí na~dvì bitonické posloupnosti, kdy je ka¾dý prvek z~první posloupnosti men¹í ne¾ libovolný prvek z~druhé. Tyto poloviny pak dal¹í separátory rozdìlí na~ètvrtiny, ..., a¾~na~konci zbudou pouze jednoduché posloupnosti délky jedna (zjevnì setøídìné), které mezi sebou mají po¾adovanou nerovnost -- tedy ka¾dá posloupnost (nebo spí¹e prvek) nalevo je $\leq$ ne¾ prvek napravo od~nìj. - -\centerline{\epsfbox{sortnet.5}} - -Jak je vidìt, bitonická tøídièka nám libovolnou bitonickou posloupnost délky~$n$ -setøídí na~$\Theta(\log n)$ hladin. - -Nyní se dá odvodit, ¾e pokud umíme tøídit bitonické posloupnosti, umíme setøídit v¹echno. -Vzpomeòme si na~tøídìní sléváním -- Merge sort. To funguje tak, ¾e zaène s~jednoprvkovými posloupnostmi, které jsou evidentnì setøídìné, a~poté v¾dy dvì setøídìné posloupnosti slévá do~jedné. Kdybychom nyní umìli paralelnì slévat, mohli bychom vytvoøit i~paralelní Merge sort. Jinými slovy, potøebujeme dvì rostoucí posloupnosti nìjak efektivnì slít do~jedné setøídìné. Uvìdomme si, ¾e to zvládneme jednodu¹e -- staèí druhou z~posloupností obrátit a~\uv{pøilepit} za~první, èím¾ vznikne bitonická posloupnost, kterou poté mù¾eme setøídit na¹í bitonickou tøídièkou. - -\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Merge sort} - -Bitonická tøídièka se tedy dá pou¾ít ke~slévání setøídìných posloupností. -Uka¾me si, jak s~její pomocí sestavíme souèástky {\I slévaèky} $M_n$: - -Setøídìné posloupnosti $x_0,\dots, x_{n-1}$ a~$y_0,\dots, y_{n-1}$ spojíme do jedné bitonické -posloupnosti $x_0,\dots, x_{n-1},y_{n-1},\dots, y_0$. Z~této posloupnosti vytvoøíme pomocí bitonické tøídièky -$B_{2n}$ setøídìnou posloupnost. Vytvoøíme tedy blok $M_{2n}$, který se ov¹em sestává de~facto pouze z~bloku $B_{2n}$, jeho¾ druhá polovina vstupù je zapojena v~obráceném poøadí. -\figure{sortnet.6}{Paralelní MergeSort.}{3in} - -Nyní se pokusme odhadnout èasovou slo¾itost. Ná¹ MergeSort bude mít øádovì hloubku blokù $\log n$. -V ka¾dém bloku $M_n$ je navíc ukryta bitonická tøídièka s takté¾ logaritmickou hloubkou. -Celková hloubka tedy bude $\log 2 + \log4 + \dots + \log 2^k + \dots + \log n$. -Po seètení nakonec dostáváme výslednou èasovou slo¾itost $\Theta (\log^2 n)$. - -Dodejme je¹tì, ¾e existuje i~tøídicí algoritmus, kterému staèí jen ${\O}(\log n)$ hladin. -Jeho multiplikativní konstanta je v¹ak pøíli¹ veliká, tak¾e je v~praxi nepou¾itelný. - -Vra»me se nyní k dùkazu lemmatu, který jsme na pøedminulé stránce vynechali. - -\h{Dùkaz Lemmatu:} -(i) Nejprve nahlédneme, ¾e lemma platí, je-li vstupem èistì bitonická -posloupnost. Dále BÚNO pøedpokládejme, ¾e vrchol posloupnosti je v~první polovinì (kdyby -byl vrchol za~polovinou, staèilo by zrcadlovì obrátit posloupnost i~komparátory a~øe¹ili -bychom stejný problém). Nyní si definujme $k := \min j: x_j > x_{j+n/2}$. (Pokud -by~takové~$k$ neexistovalo, znamenalo by~to, ¾e vstupní posloupnost je monotónní. -Separátor by tedy nic nedìlal a~pouze zkopíroval vstup na~výstup, co¾ jistì lemma splòuje.) Nyní si v¹imìme, -¾e jakmile jednou zaène platit, ¾e prvek na~levé stranì je men¹í ne¾ na~pravé, bude -nám tato relace platit a¾~do~konce. Oznaème vrchol vstupní posloupnosti jako~$x_m$. -Pak~$k$ bude jistì men¹í ne¾~$m$ a~$k+{n/2}$ bude vìt¹í ne¾~$m$. Mezi~$k$ a~$m$ je tedy -vstupní posloupnost neklesající, mezi $k+{n/2}$ a~$n-1$ nerostoucí. - -Do pozice~$k$ tedy separátor bude pouze kopírovat vstup na~výstup, od~pozice~$k$ -dál u¾~jen prohazuje. Pro ka¾dé~$i$, $(k\leq i\leq {n/2}-1)$ se prvky -$x_i$ a~$x_{i+{n/2}}$ prohodí. Úsek mezi~$k$ a~${n/2}-1$ tedy -nahradíme nerostoucí posloupností, první polovina výstupu tedy bude -(dokonce èistì) bitonická. Podobnì úsek $k+{n/2}$ a¾~$n-1$ nahradíme èistì -bitonickou posloupností. Obì poloviny tedy budou bitonické. - -Dostaneme-li na vstupu obecnou bitonickou posloupnost, pøedstavíme si, -¾e je to èistì bitonická posloupnost zrotovaná o~$r$ prvkù (BÚNO -doprava). Zjistíme, ¾e v~komparátorech se porovnávají tyté¾ prvky, -jako kdyby zrotovaná nebyla. Výstup se od výstupu èistì bitonické -posloupnosti zrotovaného o~$r$ bude li¹it prohozením úsekù $x_0$ a¾ -$x_{r-1}$ a~$x_{n/2}$ a¾ $x_{{n/2}+r-1}$. Obì výstupní -posloupnosti tedy budou zrotované o~$r$ prvkù, ale na jejich -bitoniènosti se nic nezmìní. - -(ii) Z dùkazu (i) pro èistì bitonickou posloupnost víme, ¾e $y_0\dots y_{n/2-1}$ je èistì bitonická a bude rovna $x_0\dots x_{k-1},x_{k+n/2}\dots x_{n-1}$ pro vhodné $k$ a navíc bude mít maximum v $x_{k-1}$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$. Mezi tìmito body ov¹em ve vstupní posloupnosti urèitì nele¾el ¾ádný $x_i$ men¹í ne¾ $x_k-1$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$ (jak je vidìt z obrázku) a posloupnost $x_k \dots x_{k-1+{n/2}}$ je rovna $y_{n/2}\dots y_{n-1}$. Pro obecné bitonické posloupnosti uká¾eme stejnì jako v (i). -\qed - -\medskip - -\centerline{\epsfbox{sortnet.7}} - - -\h{Paralelní násobení} - -Podobnì jako u~sèítání si vzpomeneme na~¹kolní algoritmus -- tentokráte v¹ak pro násobení. -To fungovalo tak, ¾e~jsme si jedno ze~dvou binárních èísel na~vstupu (øíkejme mu tøeba $x$) $n$-krát posouvali. Tam kde pak byly v~èísle~$y$ jednièky, pøíslu¹né kopie $x$ jsme seèetli. Jinými slovy tedy násobení umíme pøevést na~nìjaké posuny (ty lze realizovat pouze \uv{pøedrátováním} -- nic nás nestojí), násobení jedním bitem (co¾ je -{\sc and} ) a~nakonec potøebujeme výsledných~$n$ èísel seèíst. -\figure{skolni_scitani.eps}{©kolní sèítání.}{2in} - -Jak nyní seèíst $n$ $n$-bitových èísel..? Nabízí se vyu¾ít osvìdèený \uv{stromeèek} -- sèítat dvojice èísel, výsledky pak opìt po~dvojicích seèíst, a¾ na~konci vyjde jediný výsledek. -\figure{stromecek.eps}{Stromeèek}{1.4in} - -Toto øe¹ení by v¹ak vedlo na~èasovou slo¾itost $\Theta (\log^2 n)$, nebo» sèítat umíme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. To je sice dle na¹ich mìøítek -docela efektivní, ale pøekvapivì to jde je¹tì lépe -- toti¾ na~$\Theta (\log n)$ hladin. Této -slo¾itosti dosáhneme malým trikem. - -Vymyslíme obvod konstantní hloubky, který na~vstupu dostane tøi èísla. Odpoví pak dvìma èísly -takovými, ¾e budou mít stejný souèet jako pùvodní tøi èísla. Jinými slovy pomocí -tohoto obvodu budeme umìt seètení tøí èísel pøevést na seètení dvou èísel. - -\figure{obvod.eps}{$x+y+z = p+q$}{0.3in} - -V¹imnìme si, ¾e~kdy¾ sèítáme tøi bity, mù¾e být pøenos do~vy¹¹ího øádu nula èi~jednièka. Vezmeme si tedy bity $x_i$, $y_i$, $z_i$ a~ty seèteme. To nám dá dvoubitový výsledek, pøièem¾ ni¾¹í bit z~tohoto výsledku po¹leme do~èísla~$p$, vy¹¹í do~èísla~$q$. - -\figure{obvod_real.eps}{Redukování sèítání}{1.2in} - -Toto zredukování sèítání nám nyní umo¾ní opìt stavit strom, by» o malièko slo¾itìj¹í. - -\figure{sl_stromecek.eps}{Slo¾itìj¹í stromeèek}{0.9in} - -Pokud jsme mìli na~zaèátku $n$ èísel, po~první redukci nám jich zbývá jen $2/3 \cdot n$ a~obecnì v~$k$-té hladiné $(2/3)^k \cdot n$. Znamená to, ¾e èísel nám ubývá exponenciálnì, tak¾e poèet hladin bude logaritmický. Redukující obvod je pøi tom jen konstantnì hluboký, tak¾e celé redukování zvládneme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. Na~konci Slo¾itìj¹ího stromeèku pak máme umístìnou jednu obyèejnou sèítaèku, která zbývající dvì èísla seète v~logaritmickém èase. - -Seètení v¹ech $n$ èísel tedy zabere $\Theta (\log n)$ hladin. - -Kdy¾ se nyní vrátíme k~násobení, zbývá nám vyøe¹it posouvání a~{\sc and}ování. Uvìdomme si, ¾e to je plnì paralelení a~zvládneme ho za~konstantnì mnoho hladin. Celé násobení tedy zvládneme v~logaritmickém èase. - -\bye diff --git a/5-addsort/Makefile b/5-addsort/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 4f7be80..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=5-addsort - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps b/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 225a323..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1673 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 79 592 505 727 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 79.471632 592.47642 504.27389 726.62485 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 842 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave [1 0 0 1 -304.88268 66.42131] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -474.79669 99.649963 moveto -470.44611 105.50446 lineto -475.02228 111.68121 lineto -472.69122 111.68121 lineto -469.18927 106.95465 lineto 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setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -645.20001 108.9527 moveto -647.46661 108.9527 lineto -647.46661 111.68121 lineto -645.20001 111.68121 lineto -645.20001 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -659.20782 108.9527 moveto -661.47443 108.9527 lineto -661.47443 111.68121 lineto -659.20782 111.68121 lineto -659.20782 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -673.21564 108.9527 moveto -675.48224 108.9527 lineto -675.48224 111.68121 lineto -673.21564 111.68121 lineto -673.21564 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -724.96075 99.649963 moveto -720.61017 105.50446 lineto -725.18634 111.68121 lineto -722.85529 111.68121 lineto -719.35333 106.95465 lineto -715.85138 111.68121 lineto -713.52032 111.68121 lineto -718.19318 105.38629 lineto -713.91779 99.649963 lineto -716.24884 99.649963 lineto -719.43927 103.9361 lineto -722.6297 99.649963 lineto -724.96075 99.649963 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -763.27814 108.9527 moveto -765.54474 108.9527 lineto -765.54474 111.68121 lineto -763.27814 111.68121 lineto -763.27814 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -777.28595 108.9527 moveto -779.55255 108.9527 lineto -779.55255 111.68121 lineto -777.28595 111.68121 lineto -777.28595 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -791.29376 108.9527 moveto -793.56036 108.9527 lineto -793.56036 111.68121 lineto -791.29376 111.68121 lineto -791.29376 108.9527 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -843.03888 99.649963 moveto -838.68829 105.50446 lineto -843.26447 111.68121 lineto -840.93341 111.68121 lineto -837.43146 106.95465 lineto -833.9295 111.68121 lineto -831.59845 111.68121 lineto -836.2713 105.38629 lineto -831.99591 99.649963 lineto -834.32697 99.649963 lineto -837.5174 103.9361 lineto -840.70782 99.649963 lineto -843.03888 99.649963 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -481.89621 111.52651 moveto -481.89621 114.82729 lineto -480.99777 114.82729 lineto -480.99777 111.55581 lineto -480.99777 111.03823 480.89686 110.65087 480.69504 110.3937 curveto -480.49321 110.13654 480.19048 110.00796 479.78683 110.00796 curveto -479.30181 110.00796 478.91932 110.16258 478.63937 110.47182 curveto -478.35942 110.78107 478.21945 111.20262 478.21945 111.73647 curveto -478.21945 114.82729 lineto -477.31613 114.82729 lineto -477.31613 109.35854 lineto -478.21945 109.35854 lineto -478.21945 110.20815 lineto -478.43429 109.87938 478.68657 109.63361 478.97629 109.47085 curveto -479.26925 109.30809 479.60617 109.22671 479.98703 109.22671 curveto -480.61528 109.22671 481.09054 109.42203 481.41281 109.81264 curveto -481.73507 110.20002 481.8962 110.77131 481.89621 111.52651 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -483.24387 111.68764 moveto -485.8757 111.68764 lineto -485.8757 112.48843 lineto -483.24387 112.48843 lineto -483.24387 111.68764 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -487.6091 113.99722 moveto -489.22043 113.99722 lineto -489.22043 108.43569 lineto -487.4675 108.78725 lineto -487.4675 107.88882 lineto -489.21066 107.53725 lineto -490.19699 107.53725 lineto -490.19699 113.99722 lineto -491.80832 113.99722 lineto -491.80832 114.82729 lineto -487.6091 114.82729 lineto -487.6091 113.99722 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -609.78387 109.35812 moveto -610.68231 109.35812 lineto -610.68231 114.92453 lineto -610.68231 115.62114 610.54885 116.1257 610.28192 116.4382 curveto -610.01825 116.7507 609.59182 116.90695 609.00262 116.90695 curveto -608.66083 116.90695 lineto -608.66083 116.14523 lineto -608.90009 116.14523 lineto -609.24188 116.14523 609.47463 116.06548 609.59833 115.90598 curveto -609.72202 115.74972 609.78387 115.42258 609.78387 114.92453 curveto -609.78387 109.35812 lineto -609.78387 107.22922 moveto -610.68231 107.22922 lineto -610.68231 108.36691 lineto -609.78387 108.36691 lineto -609.78387 107.22922 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -727.94867 109.35812 moveto -728.84711 109.35812 lineto -728.84711 114.82687 lineto -727.94867 114.82687 lineto -727.94867 109.35812 lineto -727.94867 107.22922 moveto -728.84711 107.22922 lineto -728.84711 108.36691 lineto -727.94867 108.36691 lineto -727.94867 107.22922 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -847.78601 108.18625 moveto -847.2782 108.18626 846.89571 108.43691 846.63855 108.9382 curveto -846.38464 109.43625 846.25769 110.18658 846.25769 111.18918 curveto -846.25769 112.18853 846.38464 112.93885 846.63855 113.44016 curveto -846.89571 113.9382 847.2782 114.18723 847.78601 114.18723 curveto -848.29707 114.18723 848.67956 113.9382 848.93347 113.44016 curveto -849.19063 112.93885 849.31921 112.18853 849.31921 111.18918 curveto -849.31921 110.18658 849.19063 109.43625 848.93347 108.9382 curveto -848.67956 108.43691 848.29707 108.18626 847.78601 108.18625 curveto -847.78601 107.405 moveto -848.60306 107.40501 849.22644 107.7289 849.65613 108.37668 curveto -850.08907 109.02122 850.30554 109.95871 850.30554 111.18918 curveto -850.30554 112.41639 850.08907 113.35389 849.65613 114.00168 curveto -849.22644 114.64621 848.60306 114.96848 847.78601 114.96848 curveto -846.96895 114.96848 846.34395 114.64621 845.91101 114.00168 curveto -845.48132 113.35389 845.26648 112.41639 845.26648 111.18918 curveto -845.26648 109.95871 845.48132 109.02122 845.91101 108.37668 curveto -846.34395 107.7289 846.96895 107.40501 847.78601 107.405 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -469.802 162.69087 moveto -469.2434 164.12316 468.69913 165.05773 468.16919 165.49458 curveto -467.63924 165.93143 466.93025 166.14985 466.04224 166.14986 curveto -464.46313 166.14986 lineto -464.46313 164.49556 lineto -465.62329 164.49556 lineto -466.16756 164.49556 466.59008 164.36665 466.89087 164.10884 curveto -467.19165 163.85103 467.52465 163.2423 467.88989 162.28267 curveto -468.24438 161.38033 lineto -463.37817 149.54243 lineto -465.4729 149.54243 lineto -469.23267 158.95259 lineto -472.99243 149.54243 lineto -475.08716 149.54243 lineto -469.802 162.69087 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -527.12231 158.84517 moveto -529.38892 158.84517 lineto -529.38892 161.57368 lineto -527.12231 161.57368 lineto -527.12231 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -541.13013 158.84517 moveto -543.39673 158.84517 lineto -543.39673 161.57368 lineto -541.13013 161.57368 lineto -541.13013 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -555.13794 158.84517 moveto -557.40454 158.84517 lineto -557.40454 161.57368 lineto -555.13794 161.57368 lineto -555.13794 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -601.88794 162.69087 moveto -601.32934 164.12316 600.78507 165.05773 600.25513 165.49458 curveto -599.72517 165.93143 599.01619 166.14985 598.12817 166.14986 curveto -596.54907 166.14986 lineto -596.54907 164.49556 lineto -597.70923 164.49556 lineto -598.2535 164.49556 598.67602 164.36665 598.97681 164.10884 curveto -599.27758 163.85103 599.61059 163.2423 599.97583 162.28267 curveto -600.33032 161.38033 lineto -595.46411 149.54243 lineto -597.55884 149.54243 lineto -601.3186 158.95259 lineto -605.07837 149.54243 lineto -607.1731 149.54243 lineto -601.88794 162.69087 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -645.20044 158.84517 moveto -647.46704 158.84517 lineto -647.46704 161.57368 lineto -645.20044 161.57368 lineto -645.20044 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -659.20825 158.84517 moveto -661.47485 158.84517 lineto -661.47485 161.57368 lineto -659.20825 161.57368 lineto -659.20825 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -673.21606 158.84517 moveto -675.48267 158.84517 lineto -675.48267 161.57368 lineto -673.21606 161.57368 lineto -673.21606 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -719.96606 162.69087 moveto -719.40746 164.12316 718.86319 165.05773 718.33325 165.49458 curveto -717.8033 165.93143 717.09432 166.14985 716.2063 166.14986 curveto -714.6272 166.14986 lineto -714.6272 164.49556 lineto -715.78735 164.49556 lineto -716.33162 164.49556 716.75415 164.36665 717.05493 164.10884 curveto -717.35571 163.85103 717.68872 163.2423 718.05396 162.28267 curveto -718.40845 161.38033 lineto -713.54224 149.54243 lineto -715.63696 149.54243 lineto -719.39673 158.95259 lineto -723.15649 149.54243 lineto -725.25122 149.54243 lineto -719.96606 162.69087 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -763.27856 158.84517 moveto -765.54517 158.84517 lineto -765.54517 161.57368 lineto -763.27856 161.57368 lineto -763.27856 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -777.28638 158.84517 moveto -779.55298 158.84517 lineto -779.55298 161.57368 lineto -777.28638 161.57368 lineto -777.28638 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -791.29419 158.84517 moveto -793.56079 158.84517 lineto -793.56079 161.57368 lineto -791.29419 161.57368 lineto -791.29419 158.84517 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -838.04419 162.69087 moveto -837.48559 164.12316 836.94132 165.05773 836.41138 165.49458 curveto -835.88142 165.93143 835.17244 166.14985 834.28442 166.14986 curveto -832.70532 166.14986 lineto -832.70532 164.49556 lineto -833.86548 164.49556 lineto -834.40975 164.49556 834.83227 164.36665 835.13306 164.10884 curveto -835.43383 163.85103 835.76684 163.2423 836.13208 162.28267 curveto -836.48657 161.38033 lineto -831.62036 149.54243 lineto -833.71509 149.54243 lineto -837.47485 158.95259 lineto -841.23462 149.54243 lineto -843.32935 149.54243 lineto -838.04419 162.69087 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -483.01569 161.41898 moveto -483.01569 164.71976 lineto -482.11725 164.71976 lineto -482.11725 161.44827 lineto -482.11724 160.9307 482.01633 160.54333 481.81451 160.28616 curveto -481.61269 160.02901 481.30995 159.90043 480.90631 159.90042 curveto -480.42128 159.90043 480.0388 160.05505 479.75885 160.36429 curveto -479.4789 160.67354 479.33893 161.09509 479.33893 161.62894 curveto -479.33893 164.71976 lineto -478.43561 164.71976 lineto -478.43561 159.25101 lineto -479.33893 159.25101 lineto -479.33893 160.10062 lineto -479.55377 159.77185 479.80605 159.52608 480.09576 159.36331 curveto -480.38873 159.20056 480.72564 159.11918 481.10651 159.11917 curveto -481.73476 159.11918 482.21002 159.31449 482.53229 159.70511 curveto -482.85455 160.09248 483.01568 160.66377 483.01569 161.41898 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -484.36334 161.58011 moveto -486.99518 161.58011 lineto -486.99518 162.38089 lineto -484.36334 162.38089 lineto -484.36334 161.58011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -488.72858 163.88968 moveto -490.3399 163.88968 lineto -490.3399 158.32816 lineto -488.58698 158.67972 lineto -488.58698 157.78128 lineto -490.33014 157.42972 lineto -491.31647 157.42972 lineto -491.31647 163.88968 lineto -492.9278 163.88968 lineto -492.9278 164.71976 lineto -488.72858 164.71976 lineto -488.72858 163.88968 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -610.90338 159.2506 moveto -611.80182 159.2506 lineto -611.80182 164.817 lineto -611.80182 165.51362 611.66835 166.01817 611.40143 166.33067 curveto -611.13776 166.64317 610.71132 166.79942 610.12213 166.79942 curveto -609.78033 166.79942 lineto -609.78033 166.0377 lineto -610.01959 166.0377 lineto -610.36139 166.0377 610.59414 165.95795 610.71783 165.79845 curveto -610.84153 165.6422 610.90338 165.31505 610.90338 164.817 curveto -610.90338 159.2506 lineto -610.90338 157.12169 moveto -611.80182 157.12169 lineto -611.80182 158.25938 lineto -610.90338 158.25938 lineto -610.90338 157.12169 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -729.06818 159.2506 moveto -729.96661 159.2506 lineto -729.96661 164.71935 lineto -729.06818 164.71935 lineto -729.06818 159.2506 lineto -729.06818 157.12169 moveto -729.96661 157.12169 lineto -729.96661 158.25938 lineto -729.06818 158.25938 lineto -729.06818 157.12169 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -848.90552 158.07872 moveto -848.3977 158.07873 848.01522 158.32938 847.75806 158.83067 curveto -847.50415 159.32873 847.3772 160.07905 847.3772 161.08165 curveto -847.3772 162.081 847.50415 162.83133 847.75806 163.33263 curveto -848.01522 163.83067 848.3977 164.0797 848.90552 164.0797 curveto -849.41658 164.0797 849.79907 163.83067 850.05298 163.33263 curveto -850.31014 162.83133 850.43872 162.081 850.43872 161.08165 curveto -850.43872 160.07905 850.31014 159.32873 850.05298 158.83067 curveto -849.79907 158.32938 849.41658 158.07873 848.90552 158.07872 curveto -848.90552 157.29747 moveto -849.72257 157.29748 850.34594 157.62137 850.77563 158.26915 curveto -851.20857 158.91369 851.42504 159.85119 851.42505 161.08165 curveto -851.42504 162.30887 851.20857 163.24636 850.77563 163.89415 curveto -850.34594 164.53868 849.72257 164.86095 848.90552 164.86095 curveto -848.08846 164.86095 847.46346 164.53868 847.03052 163.89415 curveto -846.60083 163.24636 846.38599 162.30887 846.38599 161.08165 curveto -846.38599 159.85119 846.60083 158.91369 847.03052 158.26915 curveto -847.46346 157.62137 848.08846 157.29748 848.90552 157.29747 curveto -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -571.18323 78.409805 moveto -751.21565 78.409805 lineto -751.21565 189.67596 lineto -571.18323 189.67596 lineto -571.18323 78.409805 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -439.27972 228.29019 moveto -439.27972 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204.13892 150.23611 curveto -204.71182 149.37675 205.23917 148.61504 205.72095 147.95096 curveto -209.21704 143.04861 lineto -213.41626 143.04861 lineto -206.24829 152.81424 lineto -213.96313 163.7908 lineto -209.64673 163.7908 lineto -205.38892 157.34549 lineto -204.2561 155.60721 lineto -198.80688 163.7908 lineto -194.54907 163.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -196.73657 221.77908 moveto -196.34595 218.4783 lineto -197.11417 218.68663 197.78475 218.7908 198.35767 218.7908 curveto -199.13891 218.7908 199.76391 218.66059 200.23267 218.40018 curveto -200.70141 218.13976 201.08552 217.77517 201.38501 217.30643 curveto -201.60636 216.95486 201.96443 216.08247 202.45923 214.68924 curveto -202.52432 214.49393 202.62849 214.20747 202.77173 213.82986 curveto -194.90063 193.04861 lineto -198.6897 193.04861 lineto -203.0061 205.06033 lineto -203.56599 206.58378 204.06729 208.18534 204.51001 209.86502 curveto -204.91364 208.25044 205.39542 206.67492 205.95532 205.13846 curveto -210.38892 193.04861 lineto -213.90454 193.04861 lineto -206.01392 214.14236 lineto -205.16755 216.42101 204.51 217.99002 204.04126 218.8494 curveto -203.41625 220.00824 202.70011 220.8546 201.89282 221.38846 curveto -201.08552 221.93533 200.12198 222.20876 199.0022 222.20877 curveto -198.32511 222.20876 197.5699 222.06553 196.73657 221.77908 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -195.03735 263.7908 moveto -195.03735 260.93924 lineto -208.24048 245.78299 lineto -206.74307 245.86113 205.42146 245.90019 204.27563 245.90018 curveto -195.8186 245.90018 lineto -195.8186 243.04861 lineto -212.77173 243.04861 lineto -212.77173 245.37283 lineto -201.54126 258.5369 lineto -199.37329 260.93924 lineto -200.94881 260.82205 202.42667 260.76346 203.80688 260.76346 curveto -213.39673 260.76346 lineto -213.39673 263.7908 lineto -195.03735 263.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -224.90291 168.60333 moveto -224.90291 170.29279 lineto -215.44002 170.29279 lineto -215.427 169.86961 215.49536 169.46271 215.6451 169.07208 curveto -215.88598 168.42755 216.27009 167.79279 216.79744 167.16779 curveto -217.33129 166.54279 218.09952 165.82013 219.10213 164.99982 curveto -220.65811 163.72378 221.70954 162.71467 222.25642 161.97247 curveto -222.80329 161.22378 223.07673 160.5174 223.07674 159.85333 curveto -223.07673 159.15673 222.82608 158.57079 222.32478 158.09552 curveto -221.82998 157.61376 221.1822 157.37288 220.38142 157.37286 curveto -219.53507 157.37288 218.85798 157.62678 218.35017 158.13458 curveto -217.84236 158.64241 217.5852 159.34553 217.57869 160.24396 curveto -215.77205 160.05841 lineto -215.89575 158.71077 216.36124 157.68538 217.16853 156.98224 curveto -217.97582 156.27262 219.05981 155.9178 220.42049 155.91779 curveto -221.79418 155.9178 222.88142 156.29866 223.68221 157.06036 curveto -224.48298 157.82209 224.88337 158.7661 224.88338 159.8924 curveto -224.88337 160.46532 224.76618 161.02847 224.53181 161.58185 curveto -224.29743 162.13524 223.90681 162.71792 223.35994 163.3299 curveto -222.81957 163.94188 221.91788 164.78172 220.65486 165.84943 curveto -219.60017 166.73485 218.92309 167.33706 218.62361 167.65607 curveto -218.32413 167.96857 218.07673 168.28432 217.88142 168.60333 curveto -224.90291 168.60333 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -224.90332 219.33704 moveto -224.90332 221.02649 lineto -215.44043 221.02649 lineto -215.42741 220.60331 215.49577 220.19641 215.64551 219.80579 curveto -215.88639 219.16126 216.27051 218.52649 216.79785 217.90149 curveto -217.3317 217.27649 218.09993 216.55384 219.10254 215.73352 curveto -220.65852 214.45749 221.70995 213.44837 222.25684 212.70618 curveto -222.8037 211.95749 223.07714 211.25111 223.07715 210.58704 curveto -223.07714 209.89043 222.82649 209.3045 222.3252 208.82922 curveto -221.8304 208.34747 221.18261 208.10658 220.38184 208.10657 curveto -219.53548 208.10658 218.85839 208.36049 218.35059 208.86829 curveto -217.84277 209.37611 217.58561 210.07923 217.5791 210.97766 curveto -215.77246 210.79211 lineto -215.89616 209.44447 216.36165 208.41908 217.16895 207.71594 curveto -217.97623 207.00632 219.06022 206.6515 220.4209 206.65149 curveto -221.79459 206.6515 222.88183 207.03236 223.68262 207.79407 curveto -224.48339 208.5558 224.88378 209.49981 224.88379 210.6261 curveto -224.88378 211.19903 224.76659 211.76218 224.53223 212.31555 curveto -224.29784 212.86895 223.90722 213.45163 223.36035 214.0636 curveto -222.81998 214.67558 221.91829 215.51543 220.65527 216.58313 curveto -219.60058 217.46855 218.9235 218.07076 218.62402 218.38977 curveto -218.32454 218.70227 218.07715 219.01803 217.88184 219.33704 curveto -224.90332 219.33704 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -224.90332 268.30981 moveto -224.90332 269.99927 lineto -215.44043 269.99927 lineto -215.42741 269.57609 215.49577 269.16919 215.64551 268.77856 curveto -215.88639 268.13404 216.27051 267.49927 216.79785 266.87427 curveto -217.3317 266.24927 218.09993 265.52662 219.10254 264.7063 curveto -220.65852 263.43026 221.70995 262.42115 222.25684 261.67896 curveto -222.8037 260.93027 223.07714 260.22389 223.07715 259.55981 curveto -223.07714 258.86321 222.82649 258.27727 222.3252 257.802 curveto -221.8304 257.32024 221.18261 257.07936 220.38184 257.07935 curveto -219.53548 257.07936 218.85839 257.33326 218.35059 257.84106 curveto -217.84277 258.34889 217.58561 259.05201 217.5791 259.95044 curveto -215.77246 259.76489 lineto -215.89616 258.41725 216.36165 257.39186 217.16895 256.68872 curveto -217.97623 255.9791 219.06022 255.62428 220.4209 255.62427 curveto -221.79459 255.62428 222.88183 256.00514 223.68262 256.76685 curveto -224.48339 257.52858 224.88378 258.47259 224.88379 259.59888 curveto -224.88378 260.1718 224.76659 260.73495 224.53223 261.28833 curveto -224.29784 261.84172 223.90722 262.42441 223.36035 263.03638 curveto -222.81998 263.64836 221.91829 264.48821 220.65527 265.55591 curveto -219.60058 266.44133 218.9235 267.04354 218.62402 267.36255 curveto -218.32454 267.67505 218.07715 267.99081 217.88184 268.30981 curveto -224.90332 268.30981 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -245.0777 163.7908 moveto -252.65582 153.00955 lineto -245.6441 143.04861 lineto -250.03864 143.04861 lineto -253.22223 147.9119 lineto -253.82118 148.83639 254.30295 149.61113 254.66754 150.23611 curveto -255.24045 149.37675 255.76779 148.61504 256.24957 147.95096 curveto -259.74567 143.04861 lineto -263.94489 143.04861 lineto -256.77692 152.81424 lineto -264.49176 163.7908 lineto -260.17535 163.7908 lineto -255.91754 157.34549 lineto -254.78473 155.60721 lineto -249.33551 163.7908 lineto -245.0777 163.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -247.2652 221.77908 moveto -246.87457 218.4783 lineto -247.6428 218.68663 248.31337 218.7908 248.88629 218.7908 curveto -249.66754 218.7908 250.29254 218.66059 250.76129 218.40018 curveto -251.23004 218.13976 251.61415 217.77517 251.91364 217.30643 curveto -252.13498 216.95486 252.49305 216.08247 252.98785 214.68924 curveto -253.05295 214.49393 253.15712 214.20747 253.30035 213.82986 curveto -245.42926 193.04861 lineto -249.21832 193.04861 lineto -253.53473 205.06033 lineto -254.09462 206.58378 254.59592 208.18534 255.03864 209.86502 curveto -255.44227 208.25044 255.92404 206.67492 256.48395 205.13846 curveto -260.91754 193.04861 lineto -264.43317 193.04861 lineto -256.54254 214.14236 lineto -255.69618 216.42101 255.03862 217.99002 254.56989 218.8494 curveto -253.94488 220.00824 253.22873 220.8546 252.42145 221.38846 curveto -251.61415 221.93533 250.65061 222.20876 249.53082 222.20877 curveto -248.85374 222.20876 248.09853 222.06553 247.2652 221.77908 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -245.56598 263.7908 moveto -245.56598 260.93924 lineto -258.7691 245.78299 lineto -257.2717 245.86113 255.95008 245.90019 254.80426 245.90018 curveto -246.34723 245.90018 lineto -246.34723 243.04861 lineto -263.30035 243.04861 lineto -263.30035 245.37283 lineto -252.06989 258.5369 lineto -249.90192 260.93924 lineto -251.47743 260.82205 252.95529 260.76346 254.33551 260.76346 curveto -263.92535 260.76346 lineto -263.92535 263.7908 lineto -245.56598 263.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -272.81433 170.29279 moveto -271.05652 170.29279 lineto -271.05652 159.09161 lineto -270.63334 159.49527 270.0767 159.89892 269.3866 160.30255 curveto -268.703 160.70621 268.08777 161.00894 267.54089 161.21075 curveto -267.54089 159.51154 lineto -268.52396 159.04931 269.38334 158.48941 270.11902 157.83185 curveto -270.85469 157.17431 271.37552 156.53629 271.68152 155.91779 curveto -272.81433 155.91779 lineto -272.81433 170.29279 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -272.81476 221.02649 moveto -271.05695 221.02649 lineto -271.05695 209.82532 lineto -270.63376 210.22897 270.07712 210.63262 269.38702 211.03625 curveto -268.70343 211.43991 268.08819 211.74264 267.54132 211.94446 curveto -267.54132 210.24524 lineto -268.52439 209.78301 269.38376 209.22312 270.11945 208.56555 curveto -270.85512 207.90801 271.37595 207.26999 271.68195 206.65149 curveto -272.81476 206.65149 lineto -272.81476 221.02649 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -272.81476 269.99927 moveto -271.05695 269.99927 lineto -271.05695 258.7981 lineto -270.63376 259.20175 270.07712 259.6054 269.38702 260.00903 curveto -268.70343 260.41269 268.08819 260.71542 267.54132 260.91724 curveto -267.54132 259.21802 lineto -268.52439 258.75579 269.38376 258.19589 270.11945 257.53833 curveto -270.85512 256.88079 271.37595 256.24277 271.68195 255.62427 curveto -272.81476 255.62427 lineto -272.81476 269.99927 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -294.8284 163.7908 moveto -302.40652 153.00955 lineto -295.39481 143.04861 lineto -299.78934 143.04861 lineto -302.97293 147.9119 lineto -303.57188 148.83639 304.05365 149.61113 304.41824 150.23611 curveto -304.99115 149.37675 305.51849 148.61504 306.00027 147.95096 curveto -309.49637 143.04861 lineto -313.69559 143.04861 lineto -306.52762 152.81424 lineto -314.24246 163.7908 lineto -309.92606 163.7908 lineto -305.66824 157.34549 lineto -304.53543 155.60721 lineto -299.08621 163.7908 lineto -294.8284 163.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -297.0159 221.77908 moveto -296.62527 218.4783 lineto -297.3935 218.68663 298.06407 218.7908 298.63699 218.7908 curveto -299.41824 218.7908 300.04324 218.66059 300.51199 218.40018 curveto -300.98074 218.13976 301.36485 217.77517 301.66434 217.30643 curveto -301.88568 216.95486 302.24376 216.08247 302.73856 214.68924 curveto -302.80365 214.49393 302.90782 214.20747 303.05106 213.82986 curveto -295.17996 193.04861 lineto -298.96902 193.04861 lineto -303.28543 205.06033 lineto -303.84532 206.58378 304.34662 208.18534 304.78934 209.86502 curveto -305.19297 208.25044 305.67474 206.67492 306.23465 205.13846 curveto -310.66824 193.04861 lineto -314.18387 193.04861 lineto -306.29324 214.14236 lineto -305.44688 216.42101 304.78933 217.99002 304.32059 218.8494 curveto -303.69558 220.00824 302.97943 220.8546 302.17215 221.38846 curveto -301.36485 221.93533 300.40131 222.20876 299.28152 222.20877 curveto -298.60444 222.20876 297.84923 222.06553 297.0159 221.77908 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -295.31668 263.7908 moveto -295.31668 260.93924 lineto -308.51981 245.78299 lineto -307.0224 245.86113 305.70078 245.90019 304.55496 245.90018 curveto -296.09793 245.90018 lineto -296.09793 243.04861 lineto -313.05106 243.04861 lineto -313.05106 245.37283 lineto -301.82059 258.5369 lineto -299.65262 260.93924 lineto -301.22813 260.82205 302.706 260.76346 304.08621 260.76346 curveto -313.67606 260.76346 lineto -313.67606 263.7908 lineto -295.31668 263.7908 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -315.94397 163.23224 moveto -315.94397 161.53954 316.11649 160.17886 316.46155 159.15021 curveto -316.81311 158.11506 317.33069 157.31754 318.01428 156.75763 curveto -318.70438 156.19775 319.57027 155.9178 320.61194 155.91779 curveto -321.38016 155.9178 322.05399 156.07405 322.63342 156.38654 curveto -323.21284 156.69254 323.69136 157.1385 324.06897 157.72443 curveto -324.44656 158.30387 324.74279 159.0135 324.95764 159.85333 curveto -325.17248 160.68668 325.2799 161.81298 325.27991 163.23224 curveto -325.2799 164.91193 325.10737 166.26935 324.76233 167.3045 curveto -324.41727 168.33315 323.89969 169.13068 323.20959 169.69708 curveto -322.52599 170.25698 321.66011 170.53693 320.61194 170.53693 curveto -319.23173 170.53693 318.14774 170.04213 317.35999 169.05255 curveto -316.41597 167.86115 315.94397 165.92105 315.94397 163.23224 curveto -317.75061 163.23224 moveto -317.75061 165.5825 318.02404 167.14826 318.57092 167.9295 curveto -319.1243 168.70425 319.80464 169.09161 320.61194 169.09161 curveto -321.41922 169.09161 322.09631 168.70099 322.64319 167.91974 curveto -323.19657 167.13849 323.47326 165.57599 323.47327 163.23224 curveto -323.47326 160.87548 323.19657 159.30972 322.64319 158.53497 curveto -322.09631 157.76025 321.41271 157.37288 320.59241 157.37286 curveto -319.78511 157.37288 319.14058 157.71467 318.65881 158.39825 curveto -318.05334 159.27066 317.75061 160.88199 317.75061 163.23224 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -315.94437 213.96594 moveto -315.94437 212.27324 316.11689 210.91257 316.46194 209.88391 curveto -316.81351 208.84877 317.33108 208.05124 318.01468 207.49133 curveto -318.70478 206.93145 319.57066 206.6515 320.61234 206.65149 curveto -321.38056 206.6515 322.05439 206.80775 322.63382 207.12024 curveto -323.21324 207.42624 323.69175 207.87221 324.06937 208.45813 curveto -324.44696 209.03757 324.74318 209.7472 324.95804 210.58704 curveto -325.17287 211.42038 325.28029 212.54668 325.2803 213.96594 curveto -325.28029 215.64564 325.10777 217.00306 324.76273 218.03821 curveto -324.41766 219.06686 323.90009 219.86438 323.20999 220.43079 curveto -322.52639 220.99068 321.66051 221.27063 320.61234 221.27063 curveto -319.23212 221.27063 318.14814 220.77584 317.36038 219.78625 curveto -316.41637 218.59485 315.94437 216.65475 315.94437 213.96594 curveto -317.75101 213.96594 moveto -317.751 216.31621 318.02444 217.88196 318.57132 218.66321 curveto -319.1247 219.43795 319.80504 219.82532 320.61234 219.82532 curveto -321.41962 219.82532 322.0967 219.43469 322.64359 218.65344 curveto -323.19696 217.8722 323.47365 216.3097 323.47366 213.96594 curveto -323.47365 211.60918 323.19696 210.04343 322.64359 209.26868 curveto -322.0967 208.49395 321.41311 208.10658 320.5928 208.10657 curveto -319.78551 208.10658 319.14098 208.44838 318.65921 209.13196 curveto -318.05374 210.00436 317.751 211.61569 317.75101 213.96594 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -315.94437 262.93872 moveto -315.94437 261.24602 316.11689 259.88535 316.46194 258.85669 curveto -316.81351 257.82155 317.33108 257.02402 318.01468 256.46411 curveto -318.70478 255.90423 319.57066 255.62428 320.61234 255.62427 curveto -321.38056 255.62428 322.05439 255.78053 322.63382 256.09302 curveto -323.21324 256.39902 323.69175 256.84498 324.06937 257.43091 curveto -324.44696 258.01035 324.74318 258.71998 324.95804 259.55981 curveto -325.17287 260.39316 325.28029 261.51946 325.2803 262.93872 curveto -325.28029 264.61841 325.10777 265.97583 324.76273 267.01099 curveto -324.41766 268.03963 323.90009 268.83716 323.20999 269.40356 curveto -322.52639 269.96346 321.66051 270.24341 320.61234 270.24341 curveto -319.23212 270.24341 318.14814 269.74862 317.36038 268.75903 curveto -316.41637 267.56763 315.94437 265.62753 315.94437 262.93872 curveto -317.75101 262.93872 moveto -317.751 265.28899 318.02444 266.85474 318.57132 267.63599 curveto -319.1247 268.41073 319.80504 268.7981 320.61234 268.7981 curveto -321.41962 268.7981 322.0967 268.40747 322.64359 267.62622 curveto -323.19696 266.84497 323.47365 265.28248 323.47366 262.93872 curveto -323.47365 260.58196 323.19696 259.01621 322.64359 258.24146 curveto -322.0967 257.46673 321.41311 257.07936 320.5928 257.07935 curveto -319.78551 257.07936 319.14098 257.42116 318.65921 258.10474 curveto -318.05374 258.97714 317.751 260.58847 317.75101 262.93872 curveto -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -185.742 145.90494 moveto -185.742 264.61208 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -234.9768 145.90504 moveto -234.9768 264.61218 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -285.76414 145.90504 moveto -285.76414 264.61218 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -305.39398 276.71478 moveto -305.39398 302.9797 lineto -stroke -gsave [-6.7353349e-17 -1.1 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setrgbcolor -newpath -197.67386 249.94144 moveto -194.15823 249.94144 lineto -194.15823 227.53909 lineto -193.31187 228.34641 192.19859 229.1537 190.81839 229.96097 curveto -189.4512 230.76828 188.22073 231.37375 187.12698 231.77737 curveto -187.12698 228.37894 lineto -189.09312 227.45448 190.81187 226.33469 192.28323 225.01956 curveto -193.75458 223.70448 194.79624 222.42844 195.40823 221.19144 curveto -197.67386 221.19144 lineto -197.67386 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -216.97073 249.94144 moveto -213.45511 249.94144 lineto -213.45511 227.53909 lineto -212.60874 228.34641 211.49546 229.1537 210.11526 229.96097 curveto -208.74807 230.76828 207.5176 231.37375 206.42386 231.77737 curveto -206.42386 228.37894 lineto -208.39 227.45448 210.10875 226.33469 211.58011 225.01956 curveto -213.05145 223.70448 214.09312 222.42844 214.70511 221.19144 curveto -216.97073 221.19144 lineto -216.97073 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -225.99417 235.82034 moveto -225.99417 232.43494 226.33922 229.71359 227.02933 227.65628 curveto -227.73245 225.58599 228.7676 223.99094 230.1348 222.87112 curveto -231.515 221.75136 233.24677 221.19147 235.33011 221.19144 curveto -236.86655 221.19147 238.21421 221.50397 239.37308 222.12894 curveto -240.53192 222.74094 241.48895 223.63287 242.24417 224.80472 curveto -242.99936 225.9636 243.59181 227.38287 244.02151 229.06253 curveto -244.45118 230.72922 244.66603 232.98182 244.66605 235.82034 curveto -244.66603 239.17973 244.32097 241.89457 243.63089 243.96487 curveto -242.94077 246.02217 241.90561 247.61722 240.52542 248.75003 curveto -239.15822 249.86982 237.42645 250.42972 235.33011 250.42972 curveto -232.56968 250.42972 230.40172 249.44014 228.8262 247.46097 curveto -226.93818 245.07816 225.99417 241.19796 225.99417 235.82034 curveto -229.60745 235.82034 moveto -229.60745 240.52087 230.15432 243.65238 231.24808 245.21487 curveto -232.35484 246.76436 233.71552 247.5391 235.33011 247.53909 curveto -236.94468 247.5391 238.29884 246.75785 239.39261 245.19534 curveto -240.49936 243.63285 241.05275 240.50785 241.05276 235.82034 curveto -241.05275 231.10682 240.49936 227.97531 239.39261 226.42581 curveto -238.29884 224.87636 236.93166 224.10162 235.29105 224.10159 curveto -233.67645 224.10162 232.38739 224.78521 231.42386 226.15237 curveto -230.21292 227.89719 229.60745 231.11984 229.60745 235.82034 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -261.50198 249.94144 moveto -257.98636 249.94144 lineto -257.98636 227.53909 lineto -257.13999 228.34641 256.02671 229.1537 254.64651 229.96097 curveto -253.27932 230.76828 252.04885 231.37375 250.95511 231.77737 curveto -250.95511 228.37894 lineto -252.92125 227.45448 254.64 226.33469 256.11136 225.01956 curveto -257.5827 223.70448 258.62437 222.42844 259.23636 221.19144 curveto -261.50198 221.19144 lineto -261.50198 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -272.49808 249.94144 moveto -272.49808 245.93753 lineto -276.50198 245.93753 lineto -276.50198 249.94144 lineto -272.49808 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -283.59183 249.94144 moveto -283.59183 245.93753 lineto -287.59573 245.93753 lineto -287.59573 249.94144 lineto -283.59183 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -294.68558 249.94144 moveto -294.68558 245.93753 lineto -298.68948 245.93753 lineto -298.68948 249.94144 lineto -294.68558 249.94144 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -121.65237 307.50879 moveto -121.65237 304.12339 121.99742 301.40204 122.68753 299.34473 curveto -123.39065 297.27444 124.42581 295.67939 125.793 294.55957 curveto -127.1732 293.43981 128.90497 292.87991 130.98831 292.87988 curveto -132.52476 292.87991 133.87241 293.19241 135.03128 293.81738 curveto -136.19012 294.42939 137.14715 295.32132 137.90237 296.49316 curveto -138.65756 297.65204 139.25001 299.07131 139.67972 300.75098 curveto -140.10939 302.41766 140.32423 304.67026 140.32425 307.50879 curveto -140.32423 310.86817 139.97918 313.58302 139.28909 315.65332 curveto -138.59897 317.71062 137.56382 319.30567 136.18362 320.43848 curveto -134.81642 321.55827 133.08465 322.11816 130.98831 322.11816 curveto -128.22789 322.11816 126.05992 321.12858 124.48441 319.14941 curveto -122.59638 316.76661 121.65237 312.8864 121.65237 307.50879 curveto -125.26566 307.50879 moveto -125.26565 312.20932 125.81252 315.34083 126.90628 316.90332 curveto -128.01304 318.4528 129.37372 319.22754 130.98831 319.22754 curveto -132.60288 319.22754 133.95705 318.44629 135.05081 316.88379 curveto -136.15757 315.3213 136.71095 312.1963 136.71097 307.50879 curveto -136.71095 302.79527 136.15757 299.66376 135.05081 298.11426 curveto -133.95705 296.5648 132.58986 295.79006 130.94925 295.79004 curveto -129.33466 295.79006 128.0456 296.47366 127.08206 297.84082 curveto -125.87112 299.58563 125.26565 302.80829 125.26566 307.50879 curveto -fill 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193.20184 319.22754 194.81644 319.22754 curveto -196.43101 319.22754 197.78517 318.44629 198.87894 316.88379 curveto -199.98569 315.3213 200.53908 312.1963 200.53909 307.50879 curveto -200.53908 302.79527 199.98569 299.66376 198.87894 298.11426 curveto -197.78517 296.5648 196.41799 295.79006 194.77737 295.79004 curveto -193.16278 295.79006 191.87372 296.47366 190.91019 297.84082 curveto -189.69924 299.58563 189.09378 302.80829 189.09378 307.50879 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -220.98831 321.62988 moveto -217.47269 321.62988 lineto -217.47269 299.22754 lineto -216.62632 300.03485 215.51304 300.84214 214.13284 301.64941 curveto -212.76565 302.45672 211.53518 303.06219 210.44144 303.46582 curveto -210.44144 300.06738 lineto -212.40758 299.14293 214.12632 298.02314 215.59769 296.70801 curveto -217.06903 295.39293 218.1107 294.11689 218.72269 292.87988 curveto -220.98831 292.87988 lineto -220.98831 321.62988 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -231.98441 321.62988 moveto -231.98441 317.62598 lineto -235.98831 317.62598 lineto -235.98831 321.62988 lineto -231.98441 321.62988 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -243.07816 321.62988 moveto -243.07816 317.62598 lineto -247.08206 317.62598 lineto -247.08206 321.62988 lineto -243.07816 321.62988 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -254.17191 321.62988 moveto -254.17191 317.62598 lineto -258.17581 317.62598 lineto -258.17581 321.62988 lineto -254.17191 321.62988 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -81.728485 379.30902 moveto -81.728483 375.92362 82.073535 373.20227 82.763641 371.14496 curveto -83.466763 369.07467 84.501918 367.47962 85.86911 366.3598 curveto -87.249311 365.24004 88.98108 364.68014 91.064423 364.68011 curveto -92.600868 364.68014 93.948523 364.99264 95.107391 365.61761 curveto -96.266229 366.22962 97.22326 367.12155 97.978485 368.2934 curveto -98.733675 369.45227 99.326122 370.87154 99.755829 372.55121 curveto -100.1855 374.21789 100.40034 376.4705 100.40036 379.30902 curveto -100.40034 382.66841 100.05529 385.38325 99.365204 387.45355 curveto -98.675081 389.51085 97.639926 391.1059 96.259735 392.23871 curveto -94.892533 393.3585 93.160764 393.9184 91.064423 393.9184 curveto -88.303998 393.9184 86.136031 392.92881 84.560516 390.94965 curveto -82.672493 388.56684 81.728483 384.68663 81.728485 379.30902 curveto -85.341766 379.30902 moveto -85.341761 384.00955 85.888636 387.14106 86.982391 388.70355 curveto -88.089154 390.25303 89.44983 391.02777 91.064423 391.02777 curveto -92.678993 391.02777 94.033159 390.24652 95.126923 388.68402 curveto -96.233677 387.12153 96.787062 383.99653 96.787079 379.30902 curveto -96.787062 374.5955 96.233677 371.46399 95.126923 369.91449 curveto -94.033159 368.36504 92.665973 367.5903 91.02536 367.59027 curveto -89.410767 367.5903 88.121706 368.27389 87.158173 369.64105 curveto -85.947229 371.38587 85.341761 374.60852 85.341766 379.30902 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -117.2363 393.43011 moveto -113.72067 393.43011 lineto -113.72067 371.02777 lineto -112.87431 371.83508 111.76103 372.64238 110.38083 373.44965 curveto -109.01363 374.25696 107.78317 374.86242 106.68942 375.26605 curveto -106.68942 371.86761 lineto -108.65556 370.94316 110.37431 369.82337 111.84567 368.50824 curveto -113.31702 367.19316 114.35868 365.91712 114.97067 364.68011 curveto -117.2363 364.68011 lineto -117.2363 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -136.53317 393.43011 moveto -133.01755 393.43011 lineto -133.01755 371.02777 lineto -132.17118 371.83508 131.0579 372.64238 129.6777 373.44965 curveto -128.31051 374.25696 127.08004 374.86242 125.9863 375.26605 curveto -125.9863 371.86761 lineto -127.95244 370.94316 129.67119 369.82337 131.14255 368.50824 curveto -132.61389 367.19316 133.65556 365.91712 134.26755 364.68011 curveto -136.53317 364.68011 lineto -136.53317 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -145.55661 379.30902 moveto -145.55661 375.92362 145.90166 373.20227 146.59177 371.14496 curveto -147.29489 369.07467 148.33004 367.47962 149.69724 366.3598 curveto -151.07744 365.24004 152.80921 364.68014 154.89255 364.68011 curveto -156.42899 364.68014 157.77665 364.99264 158.93552 365.61761 curveto -160.09435 366.22962 161.05138 367.12155 161.80661 368.2934 curveto -162.5618 369.45227 163.15425 370.87154 163.58395 372.55121 curveto -164.01362 374.21789 164.22846 376.4705 164.22849 379.30902 curveto -164.22846 382.66841 163.88341 385.38325 163.19333 387.45355 curveto -162.50321 389.51085 161.46805 391.1059 160.08786 392.23871 curveto -158.72066 393.3585 156.98889 393.9184 154.89255 393.9184 curveto -152.13212 393.9184 149.96416 392.92881 148.38864 390.94965 curveto -146.50062 388.56684 145.55661 384.68663 145.55661 379.30902 curveto -149.16989 379.30902 moveto -149.16989 384.00955 149.71676 387.14106 150.81052 388.70355 curveto -151.91728 390.25303 153.27795 391.02777 154.89255 391.02777 curveto -156.50712 391.02777 157.86128 390.24652 158.95505 388.68402 curveto -160.0618 387.12153 160.61519 383.99653 160.6152 379.30902 curveto -160.61519 374.5955 160.0618 371.46399 158.95505 369.91449 curveto -157.86128 368.36504 156.4941 367.5903 154.85349 367.59027 curveto -153.23889 367.5903 151.94983 368.27389 150.9863 369.64105 curveto -149.77535 371.38587 149.16989 374.60852 149.16989 379.30902 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -181.06442 393.43011 moveto -177.5488 393.43011 lineto -177.5488 371.02777 lineto -176.70243 371.83508 175.58915 372.64238 174.20895 373.44965 curveto -172.84176 374.25696 171.61129 374.86242 170.51755 375.26605 curveto -170.51755 371.86761 lineto -172.48369 370.94316 174.20244 369.82337 175.6738 368.50824 curveto -177.14514 367.19316 178.18681 365.91712 178.7988 364.68011 curveto -181.06442 364.68011 lineto -181.06442 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -192.06052 393.43011 moveto -192.06052 389.42621 lineto -196.06442 389.42621 lineto -196.06442 393.43011 lineto -192.06052 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -203.15427 393.43011 moveto -203.15427 389.42621 lineto -207.15817 389.42621 lineto -207.15817 393.43011 lineto -203.15427 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -214.24802 393.43011 moveto -214.24802 389.42621 lineto -218.25192 389.42621 lineto -218.25192 393.43011 lineto -214.24802 393.43011 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -597.50568 173.157 moveto -596.3468 174.44606 595.08378 175.41611 593.71661 176.06715 curveto -592.34941 176.70517 590.87155 177.02418 589.28302 177.02419 curveto -586.35332 177.02418 584.02911 176.0346 582.31036 174.05544 curveto -580.91713 172.44086 580.22052 170.63747 580.22052 168.64528 curveto -580.22052 166.87446 580.78692 165.2794 581.91974 163.86012 curveto -583.06557 162.42785 584.7713 161.17134 587.03693 160.09059 curveto -585.74786 158.60623 584.88848 157.40181 584.4588 156.47731 curveto -584.02911 155.55285 583.81426 154.66093 583.81427 153.80153 curveto -583.81426 152.0828 584.48484 150.59192 585.82599 149.32887 curveto -587.18015 148.05286 588.87936 147.41484 590.92365 147.41481 curveto -592.87676 147.41484 594.47181 148.0138 595.7088 149.21169 curveto -596.95878 150.40963 597.58378 151.84843 597.5838 153.52809 curveto -597.58378 156.24947 595.7804 158.57368 592.17365 160.50075 curveto -597.31036 167.04372 lineto -597.89628 165.89789 598.35201 164.56977 598.67755 163.05934 curveto -602.3299 163.84059 lineto -601.70487 166.3406 600.85852 168.39789 599.79083 170.01247 curveto -601.10591 171.75726 602.5968 173.22211 604.26349 174.407 curveto -601.90021 177.19997 lineto -600.48091 176.28851 599.01607 174.94085 597.50568 173.157 curveto -590.35724 158.23512 moveto -591.88066 157.3367 592.86373 156.54894 593.30646 155.87184 curveto -593.76217 155.19478 593.99004 154.44608 593.99005 153.62575 curveto -593.99004 152.64921 593.67754 151.85494 593.05255 151.24294 curveto -592.44056 150.61796 591.67233 150.30546 590.74786 150.30544 curveto -589.79733 150.30546 589.00306 150.61145 588.36505 151.2234 curveto -587.74004 151.83541 587.42754 152.5841 587.42755 153.4695 curveto -587.42754 153.91223 587.53822 154.38098 587.75958 154.87575 curveto -587.99395 155.35754 588.339 155.87186 588.79474 156.41872 curveto -590.35724 158.23512 lineto -595.29865 170.38356 moveto -588.85333 162.39528 lineto -586.95228 163.5281 585.66973 164.58279 585.00568 165.55934 curveto -584.34161 166.52289 584.00958 167.47992 584.00958 168.43044 curveto -584.00958 169.5893 584.47182 170.79372 585.3963 172.04372 curveto -586.32077 173.29372 587.62937 173.91872 589.32208 173.91872 curveto -590.37676 173.91872 591.464 173.5932 592.5838 172.94215 curveto -593.7166 172.2781 594.62155 171.42523 595.29865 170.38356 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -597.50616 245.73271 moveto -596.34729 247.02178 595.08427 247.99183 593.7171 248.64287 curveto -592.3499 249.28089 590.87204 249.5999 589.28351 249.5999 curveto -586.35381 249.5999 584.0296 248.61032 582.31085 246.63115 curveto -580.91762 245.01657 580.22101 243.21319 580.22101 241.22099 curveto -580.22101 239.45017 580.78741 237.85512 581.92023 236.43584 curveto -583.06606 235.00356 584.77178 233.74705 587.03741 232.66631 curveto -585.74834 231.18195 584.88897 229.97752 584.45929 229.05302 curveto -584.0296 228.12857 583.81475 227.23664 583.81476 226.37724 curveto -583.81475 224.65852 584.48533 223.16763 585.82648 221.90459 curveto -587.18064 220.62857 588.87985 219.99055 590.92413 219.99052 curveto -592.87724 219.99055 594.47229 220.58951 595.70929 221.7874 curveto -596.95927 222.98534 597.58427 224.42414 597.58429 226.10381 curveto -597.58427 228.82518 595.78089 231.1494 592.17413 233.07646 curveto -597.31085 239.61943 lineto -597.89677 238.47361 598.3525 237.14548 598.67804 235.63506 curveto -602.33038 236.41631 lineto -601.70536 238.91632 600.85901 240.97361 599.79132 242.58818 curveto -601.1064 244.33298 602.59729 245.79782 604.26398 246.98271 curveto -601.9007 249.77568 lineto -600.4814 248.86422 599.01656 247.51657 597.50616 245.73271 curveto -590.35773 230.81084 moveto -591.88115 229.91242 592.86422 229.12466 593.30695 228.44756 curveto -593.76266 227.77049 593.99052 227.0218 593.99054 226.20146 curveto -593.99052 225.22492 593.67802 224.43065 593.05304 223.81865 curveto -592.44105 223.19368 591.67282 222.88118 590.74835 222.88115 curveto -589.79782 222.88118 589.00355 223.18716 588.36554 223.79912 curveto -587.74053 224.41112 587.42803 225.15982 587.42804 226.04521 curveto -587.42803 226.48794 587.53871 226.95669 587.76007 227.45146 curveto -587.99444 227.93325 588.33949 228.44758 588.79523 228.99443 curveto -590.35773 230.81084 lineto -595.29913 242.95927 moveto -588.85382 234.97099 lineto -586.95277 236.10382 585.67022 237.1585 585.00616 238.13506 curveto -584.3421 239.09861 584.01007 240.05564 584.01007 241.00615 curveto -584.01007 242.16501 584.4723 243.36944 585.39679 244.61943 curveto -586.32126 245.86943 587.62985 246.49443 589.32257 246.49443 curveto -590.37725 246.49443 591.46448 246.16891 592.58429 245.51787 curveto -593.71709 244.85381 594.62203 244.00095 595.29913 242.95927 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -597.50616 318.9408 moveto -596.34729 320.22986 595.08427 321.19991 593.7171 321.85095 curveto -592.3499 322.48897 590.87204 322.80798 589.28351 322.80798 curveto -586.35381 322.80798 584.0296 321.8184 582.31085 319.83923 curveto -580.91762 318.22465 580.22101 316.42127 580.22101 314.42908 curveto -580.22101 312.65825 580.78741 311.0632 581.92023 309.64392 curveto -583.06606 308.21164 584.77178 306.95513 587.03741 305.87439 curveto -585.74834 304.39003 584.88897 303.18561 584.45929 302.26111 curveto -584.0296 301.33665 583.81475 300.44472 583.81476 299.58533 curveto -583.81475 297.8666 584.48533 296.37572 585.82648 295.11267 curveto -587.18064 293.83666 588.87985 293.19864 590.92413 293.19861 curveto -592.87724 293.19864 594.47229 293.7976 595.70929 294.99548 curveto -596.95927 296.19343 597.58427 297.63223 597.58429 299.31189 curveto -597.58427 302.03326 595.78089 304.35748 592.17413 306.28455 curveto -597.31085 312.82751 lineto -597.89677 311.68169 598.3525 310.35357 598.67804 308.84314 curveto -602.33038 309.62439 lineto -601.70536 312.1244 600.85901 314.18169 599.79132 315.79626 curveto -601.1064 317.54106 602.59729 319.0059 604.26398 320.1908 curveto -601.9007 322.98376 lineto -600.4814 322.07231 599.01656 320.72465 597.50616 318.9408 curveto -590.35773 304.01892 moveto -591.88115 303.1205 592.86422 302.33274 593.30695 301.65564 curveto -593.76266 300.97858 593.99052 300.22988 593.99054 299.40955 curveto -593.99052 298.43301 593.67802 297.63874 593.05304 297.02673 curveto -592.44105 296.40176 591.67282 296.08926 590.74835 296.08923 curveto -589.79782 296.08926 589.00355 296.39525 588.36554 297.0072 curveto -587.74053 297.61921 587.42803 298.3679 587.42804 299.2533 curveto -587.42803 299.69603 587.53871 300.16478 587.76007 300.65955 curveto -587.99444 301.14134 588.33949 301.65566 588.79523 302.20251 curveto -590.35773 304.01892 lineto -595.29913 316.16736 moveto -588.85382 308.17908 lineto -586.95277 309.3119 585.67022 310.36659 585.00616 311.34314 curveto -584.3421 312.30669 584.01007 313.26372 584.01007 314.21423 curveto -584.01007 315.37309 584.4723 316.57752 585.39679 317.82751 curveto -586.32126 319.07752 587.62985 319.70252 589.32257 319.70251 curveto -590.37725 319.70252 591.46448 319.377 592.58429 318.72595 curveto -593.71709 318.06189 594.62203 317.20903 595.29913 316.16736 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -597.50616 394.37241 moveto -596.34729 395.66147 595.08427 396.63152 593.7171 397.28256 curveto -592.3499 397.92058 590.87204 398.23959 589.28351 398.23959 curveto -586.35381 398.23959 584.0296 397.25001 582.31085 395.27084 curveto -580.91762 393.65626 580.22101 391.85288 580.22101 389.86069 curveto -580.22101 388.08986 580.78741 386.49481 581.92023 385.07553 curveto -583.06606 383.64325 584.77178 382.38674 587.03741 381.306 curveto -585.74834 379.82164 584.88897 378.61722 584.45929 377.69272 curveto -584.0296 376.76826 583.81475 375.87633 583.81476 375.01694 curveto -583.81475 373.29821 584.48533 371.80733 585.82648 370.54428 curveto -587.18064 369.26827 588.87985 368.63025 590.92413 368.63022 curveto -592.87724 368.63025 594.47229 369.22921 595.70929 370.42709 curveto -596.95927 371.62504 597.58427 373.06384 597.58429 374.7435 curveto -597.58427 377.46487 595.78089 379.78909 592.17413 381.71616 curveto -597.31085 388.25912 lineto -597.89677 387.1133 598.3525 385.78518 598.67804 384.27475 curveto -602.33038 385.056 lineto -601.70536 387.55601 600.85901 389.6133 599.79132 391.22787 curveto -601.1064 392.97267 602.59729 394.43751 604.26398 395.62241 curveto -601.9007 398.41537 lineto -600.4814 397.50392 599.01656 396.15626 597.50616 394.37241 curveto -590.35773 379.45053 moveto -591.88115 378.55211 592.86422 377.76435 593.30695 377.08725 curveto -593.76266 376.41019 593.99052 375.66149 593.99054 374.84116 curveto -593.99052 373.86462 593.67802 373.07035 593.05304 372.45834 curveto -592.44105 371.83337 591.67282 371.52087 590.74835 371.52084 curveto -589.79782 371.52087 589.00355 371.82686 588.36554 372.43881 curveto -587.74053 373.05082 587.42803 373.79951 587.42804 374.68491 curveto -587.42803 375.12764 587.53871 375.59639 587.76007 376.09116 curveto -587.99444 376.57295 588.33949 377.08727 588.79523 377.63412 curveto -590.35773 379.45053 lineto -595.29913 391.59897 moveto -588.85382 383.61069 lineto -586.95277 384.74351 585.67022 385.7982 585.00616 386.77475 curveto -584.3421 387.7383 584.01007 388.69533 584.01007 389.64584 curveto -584.01007 390.8047 584.4723 392.00913 585.39679 393.25912 curveto -586.32126 394.50913 587.62985 395.13413 589.32257 395.13412 curveto -590.37725 395.13413 591.46448 394.80861 592.58429 394.15756 curveto -593.71709 393.4935 594.62203 392.64064 595.29913 391.59897 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -661.7417 177.20018 moveto -658.22607 177.20018 lineto -658.22607 154.79784 lineto -657.37971 155.60515 656.26643 156.41244 654.88623 157.21971 curveto -653.51904 158.02702 652.28857 158.63249 651.19482 159.03612 curveto -651.19482 155.63768 lineto -653.16096 154.71322 654.87971 153.59343 656.35107 152.27831 curveto -657.82242 150.96323 658.86408 149.68719 659.47607 148.45018 curveto -661.7417 148.45018 lineto -661.7417 177.20018 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -651.19501 235.1658 moveto -651.19501 231.7804 651.54006 229.05905 652.23016 227.00174 curveto -652.93329 224.93145 653.96844 223.3364 655.33563 222.21658 curveto -656.71583 221.09682 658.4476 220.53692 660.53094 220.5369 curveto -662.06739 220.53692 663.41505 220.84942 664.57391 221.4744 curveto -665.73275 222.0864 666.68978 222.97833 667.44501 224.15018 curveto -668.2002 225.30906 668.79264 226.72832 669.22235 228.40799 curveto -669.65202 230.07468 669.86686 232.32728 669.86688 235.1658 curveto -669.86686 238.52519 669.52181 241.24003 668.83173 243.31033 curveto -668.1416 245.36763 667.10645 246.96268 665.72626 248.09549 curveto -664.35906 249.21528 662.62729 249.77518 660.53094 249.77518 curveto -657.77052 249.77518 655.60255 248.78559 654.02704 246.80643 curveto -652.13902 244.42362 651.19501 240.54341 651.19501 235.1658 curveto -654.80829 235.1658 moveto -654.80828 239.86633 655.35516 242.99784 656.44891 244.56033 curveto -657.55568 246.10982 658.91635 246.88455 660.53094 246.88455 curveto -662.14552 246.88455 663.49968 246.10331 664.59344 244.5408 curveto -665.7002 242.97831 666.25358 239.85331 666.2536 235.1658 curveto -666.25358 230.45228 665.7002 227.32077 664.59344 225.77127 curveto -663.49968 224.22182 662.13249 223.44708 660.49188 223.44705 curveto -658.87729 223.44708 657.58823 224.13067 656.62469 225.49783 curveto -655.41375 227.24265 654.80828 230.4653 654.80829 235.1658 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -661.74188 322.98419 moveto -658.22626 322.98419 lineto -658.22626 300.58185 lineto -657.37989 301.38916 656.26661 302.19645 654.88641 303.00372 curveto -653.51922 303.81103 652.28875 304.4165 651.19501 304.82013 curveto -651.19501 301.42169 lineto -653.16115 300.49724 654.8799 299.37744 656.35126 298.06232 curveto -657.8226 296.74724 658.86427 295.4712 659.47626 294.23419 curveto -661.74188 294.23419 lineto -661.74188 322.98419 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -661.74188 398.41519 moveto -658.22626 398.41519 lineto -658.22626 376.01285 lineto -657.37989 376.82016 656.26661 377.62745 654.88641 378.43472 curveto -653.51922 379.24203 652.28875 379.8475 651.19501 380.25113 curveto -651.19501 376.85269 lineto -653.16115 375.92823 654.8799 374.80844 656.35126 373.49332 curveto -657.8226 372.17824 658.86427 370.9022 659.47626 369.66519 curveto -661.74188 369.66519 lineto -661.74188 398.41519 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave [1 0 0 1 323.06728 12.070246] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -323.47266 107.22937 moveto -322.92578 102.60828 lineto -324.0013 102.89994 324.9401 103.04577 325.74219 103.04578 curveto -326.83593 103.04577 327.71093 102.86348 328.36719 102.49891 curveto -329.02343 102.13432 329.56119 101.6239 329.98047 100.96766 curveto -330.29035 100.47546 330.79166 99.25411 331.48438 97.303593 curveto -331.57551 97.030154 331.72134 96.629113 331.92188 96.100468 curveto -320.90234 67.006718 lineto -326.20703 67.006718 lineto -332.25 83.823124 lineto -333.03384 85.955947 333.73566 88.198132 334.35547 90.549687 curveto -334.92056 88.289278 335.59504 86.083551 336.37891 83.932499 curveto -342.58594 67.006718 lineto -347.50781 67.006718 lineto -336.46094 96.537968 lineto -335.27603 99.728068 334.35545 101.92468 333.69922 103.12781 curveto -332.82421 104.7502 331.8216 105.93509 330.69141 106.6825 curveto -329.56119 107.44811 328.21223 107.83092 326.64453 107.83094 curveto -325.69661 107.83092 324.63932 107.6304 323.47266 107.22937 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -200.6788 527.5722 moveto -200.6788 524.2893 lineto -203.9617 524.2893 lineto -203.9617 527.5722 lineto -200.6788 527.5722 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -200.6788 568.56842 moveto -200.6788 565.28552 lineto -203.9617 565.28552 lineto -203.9617 568.56842 lineto -200.6788 568.56842 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -200.6788 609.56463 moveto -200.6788 606.28173 lineto -203.9617 606.28173 lineto -203.9617 609.56463 lineto -200.6788 609.56463 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -539.93444 530.01196 moveto -539.93444 526.72906 lineto -543.21734 526.72906 lineto -543.21734 530.01196 lineto -539.93444 530.01196 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -539.93444 571.00818 moveto -539.93444 567.72528 lineto -543.21734 567.72528 lineto -543.21734 571.00818 lineto -539.93444 571.00818 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -539.93444 612.00439 moveto -539.93444 608.72149 lineto -543.21734 608.72149 lineto -543.21734 612.00439 lineto -539.93444 612.00439 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -51.126908 526.18109 moveto -570.91714 526.18109 lineto -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -90.018723 555.13086 moveto -88.977044 556.01628 87.971837 556.64128 87.003098 557.00586 curveto -86.044755 557.37044 85.013506 557.55273 83.909348 557.55273 curveto -82.086426 557.55273 80.685386 557.11003 79.706223 556.22461 curveto -78.727054 555.32878 78.237471 554.18815 78.237473 552.80273 curveto -78.237471 551.99024 78.419763 551.25066 78.784348 550.58398 curveto -79.159345 549.90691 79.64372 549.36524 80.237473 548.95898 curveto -80.841635 548.55274 81.518718 548.24545 82.268723 548.03711 curveto -82.8208 547.89129 83.654133 547.75066 84.768723 547.61523 curveto -87.039546 547.34441 88.711419 547.02149 89.784348 546.64648 curveto -89.794751 546.26108 89.79996 546.01629 89.799973 545.91211 curveto -89.79996 544.76629 89.534335 543.959 89.003098 543.49023 curveto -88.284336 542.85483 87.216629 542.53712 85.799973 542.53711 curveto -84.477048 542.53712 83.497883 542.7715 82.862473 543.24023 curveto -82.237467 543.69858 81.773926 544.51629 81.471848 545.69336 curveto -78.721848 545.31836 lineto -78.971846 544.14129 79.383304 543.19337 79.956223 542.47461 curveto -80.529136 541.74546 81.35726 541.18817 82.440598 540.80273 curveto -83.523924 540.40692 84.779132 540.209 86.206223 540.20898 curveto -87.622879 540.209 88.773919 540.37567 89.659348 540.70898 curveto -90.544751 541.04233 91.195792 541.46421 91.612473 541.97461 curveto -92.029124 542.47462 92.320791 543.11004 92.487473 543.88086 curveto -92.581207 544.36004 92.628082 545.22462 92.628098 546.47461 curveto -92.628098 550.22461 lineto -92.628082 552.8392 92.685374 554.49545 92.799973 555.19336 curveto -92.924957 555.88086 93.16454 556.54232 93.518723 557.17773 curveto -90.581223 557.17773 lineto -90.289543 556.5944 90.102043 555.91211 90.018723 555.13086 curveto -89.784348 548.84961 moveto -88.763503 549.26628 87.232254 549.62045 85.190598 549.91211 curveto -84.034341 550.07878 83.216633 550.26628 82.737473 550.47461 curveto -82.258301 550.68295 81.888509 550.99024 81.628098 551.39648 curveto -81.367677 551.79232 81.237468 552.23503 81.237473 552.72461 curveto -81.237468 553.47461 81.518718 554.09961 82.081223 554.59961 curveto -82.654134 555.09961 83.487466 555.34961 84.581223 555.34961 curveto -85.664547 555.34961 86.628088 555.11524 87.471848 554.64648 curveto -88.315586 554.16732 88.935377 553.51628 89.331223 552.69336 curveto -89.633293 552.05795 89.784335 551.12045 89.784348 549.88086 curveto -89.784348 548.84961 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -104.7531 552.22461 moveto -107.53435 551.78711 lineto -107.69059 552.9017 108.12288 553.75586 108.83122 554.34961 curveto -109.54997 554.94336 110.54997 555.24024 111.83122 555.24023 curveto -113.12288 555.24024 114.08121 554.97982 114.70622 554.45898 curveto -115.33121 553.92774 115.64371 553.30795 115.64372 552.59961 curveto -115.64371 551.9642 115.36767 551.4642 114.8156 551.09961 curveto -114.43017 550.84962 113.47184 550.53191 111.9406 550.14648 curveto -109.87809 549.62566 108.4458 549.17774 107.64372 548.80273 curveto -106.85205 548.41733 106.24789 547.89129 105.83122 547.22461 curveto -105.42497 546.54754 105.22185 545.80275 105.22185 544.99023 curveto -105.22185 544.25066 105.38851 543.56837 105.72185 542.94336 curveto -106.0656 542.30796 106.52914 541.78192 107.11247 541.36523 curveto -107.54997 541.04233 108.14372 540.7715 108.89372 540.55273 curveto -109.65413 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3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash -newpath -14.1732 21.25981 moveto -127.55882 21.25981 lineto stroke -newpath -14.1732 49.60622 moveto -127.55882 49.60622 lineto stroke -newpath -14.1732 92.12582 moveto -127.55882 92.12582 lineto stroke --5.1197 158.90523 moveto -(x1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -23.2267 158.90523 moveto -(x2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -51.5731 158.90523 moveto -(x3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -79.91951 158.90523 moveto -(x4) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -108.26591 158.90523 moveto -(x5) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/sortnet.2 b/5-addsort/sortnet.2 deleted file mode 100644 index 25656e7..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/sortnet.2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -6 42 119 166 -%%Creator: MetaPost -%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 -%%Pages: 1 -%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 31:f80000000000000001 -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth - [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath 0 42.5196 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- 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 48.45813 31.11807 moveto -49.60622 28.3464 lineto -50.7543 31.11807 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 162.99184 42.5196 moveto -162.99184 28.3464 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 161.84375 31.11807 moveto -162.99184 28.3464 lineto -164.13992 31.11807 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 106.29903 14.1732 moveto -106.29903 0 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 105.15094 2.77167 moveto -106.29903 0 lineto -107.44711 2.77167 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/sortnet.5 b/5-addsort/sortnet.5 deleted file mode 100644 index 6877616..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/sortnet.5 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ 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dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 77.95262 56.69281 moveto -77.95262 42.5196 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 76.80453 45.29128 moveto -77.95262 42.5196 lineto -79.10071 45.29128 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 134.64543 56.69281 moveto -134.64543 42.5196 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 133.49734 45.29128 moveto -134.64543 42.5196 lineto -135.79352 45.29128 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 191.33824 56.69281 moveto -191.33824 42.5196 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 190.19016 45.29128 moveto -191.33824 42.5196 lineto -192.48633 45.29128 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 49.60622 85.03922 moveto -49.60622 70.86601 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 48.45813 73.63768 moveto -49.60622 70.86601 lineto -50.7543 73.63768 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 162.99184 85.03922 moveto -162.99184 70.86601 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 161.84375 73.63768 moveto -162.99184 70.86601 lineto -164.13992 73.63768 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 21.25981 28.3464 moveto -21.25981 14.1732 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 20.11172 16.94487 moveto -21.25981 14.1732 lineto -22.4079 16.94487 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 77.95262 28.3464 moveto -77.95262 14.1732 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 76.80453 16.94487 moveto -77.95262 14.1732 lineto -79.10071 16.94487 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 134.64543 28.3464 moveto -134.64543 14.1732 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 133.49734 16.94487 moveto -134.64543 14.1732 lineto -135.79352 16.94487 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 191.33824 28.3464 moveto -191.33824 14.1732 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 190.19016 16.94487 moveto -191.33824 14.1732 lineto -192.48633 16.94487 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -98.21913 106.99612 moveto -(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -100.53302 89.40462 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -106.64201 87.91022 moveto -(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow -42.91336 61.05821 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -50.21786 62.24112 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow - 0 setlinecap -newpath 50.21786 61.30731 moveto -54.60545 61.30731 lineto stroke -50.71666 57.16331 moveto -(2) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -156.29898 61.05821 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -163.60349 62.24112 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow -newpath 163.60349 61.30731 moveto -167.99107 61.30731 lineto stroke -164.10228 57.16331 moveto -(2) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -14.56696 32.7118 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -21.87146 33.89471 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow -newpath 21.87146 32.9609 moveto -26.25905 32.9609 lineto stroke -22.37025 28.81691 moveto -(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -71.25977 32.7118 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -78.56427 33.89471 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow -newpath 78.56427 32.9609 moveto -82.95186 32.9609 lineto stroke -79.06306 28.81691 moveto -(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -127.95258 32.7118 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -135.25708 33.89471 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow -newpath 135.25708 32.9609 moveto -139.64467 32.9609 lineto stroke -135.75587 28.81691 moveto -(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -184.64539 32.7118 moveto -(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -191.94989 33.89471 moveto -(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow -newpath 191.94989 32.9609 moveto -196.33748 32.9609 lineto stroke -192.44868 28.81691 moveto -(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow -59.69281 -2.71205 moveto -(Bitonic) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -90.82611 -2.71205 moveto -(k\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -96.08421 -2.71205 moveto -(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -104.38641 -2.71205 moveto -(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -107.72112 -2.71205 moveto -(\024) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -108.2608 -2.71205 moveto -(r) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -111.05591 -2.71205 moveto -(\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -112.16281 -2.71205 moveto -(\020di) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -122.9557 -2.71205 moveto -(\024) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -123.23251 -2.71205 moveto -(ck) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -132.36491 -2.71205 moveto -(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -140.66711 -2.71205 moveto -(B) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -148.2239 -4.20645 moveto -(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/sortnet.6 b/5-addsort/sortnet.6 deleted file mode 100644 index 61b14d5..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/sortnet.6 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -1 -1 213 100 -%%Creator: MetaPost -%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 -%%Pages: 1 -%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 4d:8 -%*Font: cmr7 6.97385 6.97385 32:a2 -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash - 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath 0 14.1732 moveto -212.59804 14.1732 lineto -212.59804 28.3464 lineto -0 28.3464 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 0 42.5196 moveto -99.21242 42.5196 lineto -99.21242 56.69281 lineto -0 56.69281 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 113.38562 42.5196 moveto -212.59804 42.5196 lineto -212.59804 56.69281 lineto -113.38562 56.69281 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 0 70.86601 moveto -42.5196 70.86601 lineto -42.5196 85.03922 lineto -0 85.03922 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 56.69281 70.86601 moveto -99.21242 70.86601 lineto -99.21242 85.03922 lineto -56.69281 85.03922 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 113.38562 70.86601 moveto -155.90523 70.86601 lineto -155.90523 85.03922 lineto -113.38562 85.03922 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath 170.07843 70.86601 moveto -212.59804 70.86601 lineto -212.59804 85.03922 lineto -170.07843 85.03922 lineto - closepath stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth - 1 setlinecap -newpath 14.1732 99.21242 moveto -14.1732 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 13.02512 87.81088 moveto -14.1732 85.03922 lineto -15.32129 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 28.3464 99.21242 moveto -28.3464 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 27.19832 87.81088 moveto -28.3464 85.03922 lineto -29.49449 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 70.86601 99.21242 moveto -70.86601 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 69.71793 87.81088 moveto -70.86601 85.03922 lineto -72.0141 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 85.03922 99.21242 moveto -85.03922 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 83.89113 87.81088 moveto -85.03922 85.03922 lineto -86.1873 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 127.55882 99.21242 moveto -127.55882 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 126.41074 87.81088 moveto -127.55882 85.03922 lineto -128.70691 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 141.73203 99.21242 moveto -141.73203 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 140.58394 87.81088 moveto -141.73203 85.03922 lineto -142.88011 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 184.25163 99.21242 moveto -184.25163 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 183.10355 87.81088 moveto -184.25163 85.03922 lineto -185.39972 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 198.42484 99.21242 moveto -198.42484 85.03922 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 197.27675 87.81088 moveto -198.42484 85.03922 lineto -199.57292 87.81088 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 21.25981 70.86601 moveto -21.25981 56.69281 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 20.11172 59.46448 moveto -21.25981 56.69281 lineto -22.4079 59.46448 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 77.95262 70.86601 moveto -77.95262 56.69281 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 76.80453 59.46448 moveto -77.95262 56.69281 lineto -79.10071 59.46448 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 134.64543 70.86601 moveto -134.64543 56.69281 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 133.49734 59.46448 moveto -134.64543 56.69281 lineto -135.79352 59.46448 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 191.33824 70.86601 moveto -191.33824 56.69281 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 190.19016 59.46448 moveto -191.33824 56.69281 lineto -192.48633 59.46448 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 49.60622 42.5196 moveto -49.60622 28.3464 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 48.45813 31.11807 moveto -49.60622 28.3464 lineto -50.7543 31.11807 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 162.99184 42.5196 moveto -162.99184 28.3464 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 161.84375 31.11807 moveto -162.99184 28.3464 lineto -164.13992 31.11807 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 106.29903 14.1732 moveto -106.29903 0 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 105.15094 2.77167 moveto -106.29903 0 lineto -107.44711 2.77167 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -99.23177 18.66762 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -108.89697 17.17322 moveto -(8) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -42.53896 47.01402 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -52.20416 45.51962 moveto -(4) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -155.92458 47.01402 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -165.58978 45.51962 moveto -(4) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -14.19255 75.36043 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -23.85776 73.86603 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -70.88536 75.36043 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -80.55057 73.86603 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -127.57817 75.36043 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -137.24338 73.86603 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -184.27098 75.36043 moveto -(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -193.93619 73.86603 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/sortnet.7 b/5-addsort/sortnet.7 deleted file mode 100644 index 94619ca..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/sortnet.7 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: 9 5 191 130 -%%Creator: MetaPost -%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 -%%Pages: 1 -%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 13:80000086000000000002247de1 -%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 6b:9 -%*Font: cmr7 6.97385 6.97385 32:8 -%*Font: cmmi7 6.97385 6.97385 6e:8 -%*Font: cmsy10 9.96265 9.96265 00:8 -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash - 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath 19.84248 119.0549 moveto -19.84248 39.68497 lineto -178.58235 39.68497 lineto -178.58235 119.0549 lineto stroke -newpath 19.84248 59.52745 moveto -69.4487 119.0549 lineto -178.58235 79.36993 lineto stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath 99.21242 19.84248 moveto -99.21242 128.97615 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [0 3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash -newpath 130.36052 96.9054 moveto -148.81863 119.0549 lineto stroke -newpath 148.81863 119.0549 moveto -178.58235 108.23186 lineto stroke -newpath 50.99059 96.9054 moveto -99.21242 79.36993 lineto stroke - 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath 50.99059 96.9054 moveto -50.99059 39.68497 lineto stroke -newpath 130.36052 96.9054 moveto -130.36052 39.68497 lineto stroke - 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [0 3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash -newpath 9.92125 9.92125 moveto -29.76373 9.92125 lineto stroke -newpath 52.48499 96.9054 moveto -52.48499 97.30173 52.32755 97.68184 52.04729 97.9621 curveto -51.76703 98.24236 51.38692 98.3998 50.99059 98.3998 curveto -50.59425 98.3998 50.21414 98.24236 49.93388 97.9621 curveto -49.65363 97.68184 49.49619 97.30173 49.49619 96.9054 curveto -49.49619 96.50906 49.65363 96.12895 49.93388 95.8487 curveto -50.21414 95.56844 50.59425 95.411 50.99059 95.411 curveto -51.38692 95.411 51.76703 95.56844 52.04729 95.8487 curveto -52.32755 96.12895 52.48499 96.50906 52.48499 96.9054 curveto closepath fill -newpath 131.85492 96.9054 moveto -131.85492 97.30173 131.69748 97.68184 131.41722 97.9621 curveto -131.13696 98.24236 130.75685 98.3998 130.36052 98.3998 curveto -129.96419 98.3998 129.58408 98.24236 129.30382 97.9621 curveto -129.02356 97.68184 128.86612 97.30173 128.86612 96.9054 curveto -128.86612 96.50906 129.02356 96.12895 129.30382 95.8487 curveto -129.58408 95.56844 129.96419 95.411 130.36052 95.411 curveto -130.75685 95.411 131.13696 95.56844 131.41722 95.8487 curveto -131.69748 96.12895 131.85492 96.50906 131.85492 96.9054 curveto closepath fill -17.35184 28.21677 moveto -(0) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -48.24048 29.76646 moveto -(k) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -73.83423 33.03938 moveto -(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow - [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap -newpath 73.83423 31.60748 moveto -78.75914 31.60748 lineto stroke -74.31104 25.68127 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -82.16853 29.11678 moveto -(\000) cmsy10 9.96265 fshow -92.13113 29.11678 moveto -(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -117.86421 28.21677 moveto -(k) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -125.57831 28.21677 moveto -(+) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -136.7364 32.13937 moveto -(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow -newpath 136.7364 30.70747 moveto -141.66132 30.70747 lineto stroke -137.21321 24.78127 moveto -(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow -167.0135 28.21677 moveto -(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -175.2073 28.21677 moveto -(\000) cmsy10 9.96265 fshow -185.1699 28.21677 moveto -(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -32.76373 7.43059 moveto -(p) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -38.57533 7.43059 moveto -(osloupnost) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -87.94583 7.43059 moveto -(prohozen\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -127.27063 7.43059 moveto -(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -135.57283 7.43059 moveto -(separ\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -158.34863 7.43059 moveto -(atorem) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/ b/5-addsort/ deleted file mode 100644 index 081f9f4..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,675 +0,0 @@ -%defaultfont:="csr12"; -%verbatimtex \input twelvecs etex -u:=1 ; -ahlength:=u*3; - -beginfig(0); -v:=u*7mm; - -z12=(1v,1v); -z13=(2v,1v); -z21=(0v,2v); -z22=(1v,2v); -z23=(2v,2v); -z24=(3v,2v); -z31=(0v,4v); -z32=(1v,4v); -z33=(2v,4v); -z34=(3v,4v); -z42=(1v,5v); -z43=(2v,5v); - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z21--z22--z23--z24--z34--z33--z32--z31--z21); -drawarrow(z22--z12); -drawarrow(z23--z13); -drawarrow(z42--z32); -drawarrow(z43--z33); - \strut a etex,z32); \strut b etex,z33); min etex,z22); max etex,z23); - - -endfig; - -beginfig(1); -v:=u*5mm; -z10=(0v,0v); -z20=(2v,0v); -z30=(4v,0v); -z40=(6v,0v); -z50=(8v,0v); - -z11=(0v,1v); -z12=(0v,2v); -z13=(0v,3v); -z14=(0v,4v); -z15=(0v,5v); -z16=(0v,6v); -z17=(0v,7v); -z18=(0v,8v); -z19=(0v,9v); -z110=(0v,10v); - -z21=(2v,1v); 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-z211=(2v,11v); -z311=(4v,11v); -z411=(6v,11v); -z511=(8v,11v); - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z13--z111); -draw(z23--z211); -draw(z33--z311); -draw(z43--z411); -draw(z53--z511); -drawarrow(z14--z24); -drawarrow(z16--z26); -drawarrow(z18--z28); -drawarrow(z110--z210); -drawarrow(z25--z35); -drawarrow(z27--z37); -drawarrow(z29--z39); -drawarrow(z36--z46); -drawarrow(z38--z48); -drawarrow(z47--z57); - x1 etex,z111); x2 etex,z211); x3 etex,z311); x4 etex,z411); x5 etex,z511); - -endfig; - - -beginfig(3); -v:=u*5mm; - -z10=(0v,0v); -z15=(0v,5v); -z16=(0v,6v); - -z20=(2v,0v); -z24=(2v,4v); -z26=(2v,6v); - -z30=(4v,0v); -z33=(4v,3v); -z36=(4v,6v); - -z40=(6v,0v); -z42=(6v,2v); -z46=(6v,6v); - -z50=(8v,0v); -z51=(8v,1v); -z56=(8v,6v); - -z60=(10v,0v); -z65=(10v,5v); -z66=(10v,6v); - -z70=(12v,0v); -z74=(12v,4v); -z76=(12v,6v); - -z80=(14v,0v); -z83=(14v,3v); -z86=(14v,6v); - -z90=(16v,0v); -z92=(16v,2v); -z96=(16v,6v); - -z100=(18v,0v); -z101=(18v,1v); -z106=(18v,6v); - -z110=(20v,0v); -z116=(20v,6v); - - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z10--z16); -draw(z20--z26); -draw(z30--z36); -draw(z40--z46); -draw(z50--z56); -draw(z60--z66); -draw(z70--z76); -draw(z80--z86); -draw(z90--z96); -draw(z100--z106); -drawarrow(z15--z65); -drawarrow(z24--z74); -drawarrow(z33--z83); -drawarrow(z42--z92); -drawarrow(z51--z101); - $x_0$ etex,z16); $x_1$ etex,z26); $x_2$ etex,z36); \dots etex,z66); $x_{n-2}$ etex,z96); $x_{n-1}$ etex,z106); - -endfig; - - - -beginfig(4); -v:=u*5mm; - -z1075=(7.5v,0v); - -z10=(0v,1v); -z175=(7.5v,1v); -z115=(15v,1v); - -z20=(0v,2v); -z235=(3.5v,2v); -z211=(11.5v,2v); -z215=(15v,2v); - -z30=(0v,3v); -z335=(3.5v,3v); -z37=(7v,3v); -z38=(8v,3v); -z311=(11.5v,3v); -z315=(15v,3v); - -z40=(0v,4v); -z415=(1.5v,4v); -z455=(5.5v,4v); -z47=(7v,4v); -z48=(8v,4v); -z495=(9.5v,4v); -z413=(13.5v,4v); -z416=(15v,4v); - -z50=(0v,5v); -z515=(1.5v,5v); -z53=(3v,5v); -z54=(4v,5v); -z555=(5.5v,5v); -z57=(7v,5v); -z58=(8v,5v); -z595=(9.5v,5v); -z511=(11v,5v); -z512=(12v,5v); -z513=(13.5v,5v); -z516=(15v,5v); - -z60=(0v,6v); -z61=(1v,6v); -z62=(2v,6v); -z63=(3v,6v); -z64=(4v,6v); -z65=(5v,6v); -z66=(6v,6v); -z67=(7v,6v); -z68=(8v,6v); -z69=(9v,6v); -z610=(10v,6v); -z611=(11v,6v); -z612=(12v,6v); -z613=(13v,6v); -z614=(14v,6v); -z615=(15v,6v); - -z71=(1v,7v); -z72=(2v,7v); -z75=(5v,7v); -z76=(6v,7v); -z79=(9v,7v); -z710=(10v,7v); -z713=(13v,7v); -z714=(14v,7v); - - - - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); -draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); -draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); -draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); -draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); -draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); -draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); -drawarrow(z71--z61); -drawarrow(z72--z62); -drawarrow(z75--z65); -drawarrow(z76--z66); -drawarrow(z79--z69); -drawarrow(z710--z610); -drawarrow(z713--z613); -drawarrow(z714--z614); -drawarrow(z515--z415); -drawarrow(z555--z455); -drawarrow(z595--z495); -drawarrow(z513--z413); -drawarrow(z335--z235); -drawarrow(z311--z211); -drawarrow(z175--z1075); - -endfig; - - -beginfig(5); -v:=u*5mm; - -z075=(7.5v,8v); - -z10=(0v,7v); -z175=(7.5v,7v); -z115=(15v,7v); - -z20=(0v,6v); -z235=(3.5v,6v); -z211=(11.5v,6v); -z215=(15v,6v); - -z30=(0v,5v); -z335=(3.5v,5v); -z37=(7v,5v); -z38=(8v,5v); -z311=(11.5v,5v); -z315=(15v,5v); - -z40=(0v,4v); -z415=(1.5v,4v); -z455=(5.5v,4v); -z47=(7v,4v); -z48=(8v,4v); -z495=(9.5v,4v); -z413=(13.5v,4v); -z416=(15v,4v); - -z50=(0v,3v); -z515=(1.5v,3v); -z53=(3v,3v); -z54=(4v,3v); -z555=(5.5v,3v); -z57=(7v,3v); -z58=(8v,3v); -z595=(9.5v,3v); -z511=(11v,3v); -z512=(12v,3v); -z513=(13.5v,3v); -z516=(15v,3v); - -z60=(0v,2v); -z61=(1v,2v); -z62=(2v,2v); -z63=(3v,2v); -z64=(4v,2v); -z65=(5v,2v); -z66=(6v,2v); -z67=(7v,2v); -z68=(8v,2v); -z69=(9v,2v); -z610=(10v,2v); -z611=(11v,2v); -z612=(12v,2v); -z613=(13v,2v); -z614=(14v,2v); -z615=(15v,2v); - -% ve skutecnosti dle znaceni -% by melo byt z6* ale uz -% obsazeno -z815=(1.5v,2v); -z855=(5.5v,2v); -z895=(9.5v,2v); -z813=(13.5v,2v); - -z715=(1.5v,1v); -z755=(5.5v,1v); -z795=(9.5v,1v); -z713=(13.5v,1v); - -z9=(4v,0v); - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); -draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); -draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); -draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); -draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); -draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); -draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); -drawarrow(z075--z175); -drawarrow(z415--z515); -drawarrow(z455--z555); -drawarrow(z495--z595); -drawarrow(z413--z513); -drawarrow(z235--z335); -drawarrow(z211--z311); -drawarrow(z815--z715); -drawarrow(z855--z755); -drawarrow(z895--z795); -drawarrow(z813--z713); - -label.llft(btex $n$ etex,z075); $S_n$ etex,z175); $S_{n\over 2}$ etex,z335); $S_{n\over 2}$ etex,z311); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z515); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z555); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z595); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z513); -label.rt(btex Bitonick\'a t\v r\'\i di\v cka $B_{n}$ etex,z9); - -endfig; - - - -beginfig(6); -v:=u*5mm; - -z1075=(7.5v,0v); - -z10=(0v,1v); -z175=(7.5v,1v); -z115=(15v,1v); - -z20=(0v,2v); -z235=(3.5v,2v); -z211=(11.5v,2v); -z215=(15v,2v); - -z30=(0v,3v); -z335=(3.5v,3v); -z37=(7v,3v); -z38=(8v,3v); -z311=(11.5v,3v); -z315=(15v,3v); - -z40=(0v,4v); -z415=(1.5v,4v); -z455=(5.5v,4v); -z47=(7v,4v); -z48=(8v,4v); -z495=(9.5v,4v); -z413=(13.5v,4v); -z416=(15v,4v); - -z50=(0v,5v); -z515=(1.5v,5v); -z53=(3v,5v); -z54=(4v,5v); -z555=(5.5v,5v); -z57=(7v,5v); -z58=(8v,5v); -z595=(9.5v,5v); -z511=(11v,5v); -z512=(12v,5v); -z513=(13.5v,5v); -z516=(15v,5v); - -z60=(0v,6v); -z61=(1v,6v); -z62=(2v,6v); -z63=(3v,6v); -z64=(4v,6v); -z65=(5v,6v); -z66=(6v,6v); -z67=(7v,6v); -z68=(8v,6v); -z69=(9v,6v); -z610=(10v,6v); -z611=(11v,6v); -z612=(12v,6v); -z613=(13v,6v); -z614=(14v,6v); -z615=(15v,6v); - -z71=(1v,7v); -z72=(2v,7v); -z75=(5v,7v); -z76=(6v,7v); -z79=(9v,7v); -z710=(10v,7v); -z713=(13v,7v); -z714=(14v,7v); - - - - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); -draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); -draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); -draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); -draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); -draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); -draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); -drawarrow(z71--z61); -drawarrow(z72--z62); -drawarrow(z75--z65); -drawarrow(z76--z66); -drawarrow(z79--z69); -drawarrow(z710--z610); -drawarrow(z713--z613); -drawarrow(z714--z614); -drawarrow(z515--z415); -drawarrow(z555--z455); -drawarrow(z595--z495); -drawarrow(z513--z413); -drawarrow(z335--z235); -drawarrow(z311--z211); -drawarrow(z175--z1075); - $M_8$ etex,z175); $M_4$ etex,z335); $M_4$ etex,z311); $M_2$ etex,z515); $M_2$ etex,z555); $M_2$ etex,z595); $M_2$ etex,z513); - -endfig; - - -beginfig(7); -v:=u*7mm; - -z12=(1v,2v); -z13=(1v,3v); -z16=(1v,6v); -z356=(3.5v,6v); -z40=(5v,1v); -z42=(5v,2v); -z47=(5v,6.5v); -z72=(9v,2v); -z74=(9v,4v); -z76=(9v,6v); - -z100=(0.5v,0.5v); -z101=(1.5v,0.5v); - -z0=whatever[z13,z356]; -z1=whatever[z356,z74]; -z1=z0+4v*right; -z2=whatever[z12,z72]; -z2=z0+whatever*down; -z3=whatever[z12,z72]; -z3=z1+whatever*down; -z4=z356+4v*right; -z5=whatever[z72,z76]; -z5=whatever[z4,z1+4v*right]; -z6=whatever[z40,z47]; -z6=z74+4v*left; - - -pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; -draw(z16--z12--z72--z76); -draw(z13--z356--z74); -draw(z40--z47) dashed evenly; -draw(z1--z4) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; -draw(z4--z5) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; -draw(z0--z6) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; -draw(z0--z2) dashed evenly; -draw(z1--z3) dashed evenly; - -draw(z100--z101) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; - -pickup pencircle scaled 3pt; -drawdot(z0); -drawdot(z1); - \strut 0 etex,z12); $k$ etex,z2); -label.llft(btex \strut ${n\over 2} - 1$ etex,z42); \strut $k+{n\over 2}$ etex,z3); \strut $n-1$ etex,z72); -label.rt(btex posloupnost prohozen\'a separ\'atorem etex,z101); - -endfig; - - - - - - - -end; diff --git a/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx b/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx deleted file mode 100644 index 9814d6d..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx +++ /dev/null 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(_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x5",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x1",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x2",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x3",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x4",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("x5",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- - (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("0",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- - (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("1",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- - (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- - (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s(":",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_s(":",_n1,1.00000,4.4278,0.0000,); -_s(":",_n1,1.00000,8.8556,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(13.2834,0.0000)-- - (13.2834,1.0516)--(0,1.0516)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n3="cmmi7"; -_s("n",_n3,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); -_n4="cmsy7"; -_s(char0,_n4,1.00000,10.6188,-1.4944,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,16.8454,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-2.3246)--(21.3148,-2.3246)-- - (21.3148,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n3="cmmi7"; -_s("n",_n3,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); -_n4="cmsy7"; -_s(char0,_n4,1.00000,10.6188,-1.4944,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("1",_n2,1.00000,16.8454,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-2.3246)--(21.3148,-2.3246)-- - (21.3148,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("n",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(5.9799,0.0000)-- - (5.9799,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n3="cmmi7"; -_s("n",_n3,1.00000,6.1090,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(11.5320,-1.4944)-- - (11.5320,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("2",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("2",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n5="cmmi5"; -_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); -_n6="cmr5"; -_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- - (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("Bitonic",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_s("k"&char19,_n0,1.00000,31.1333,0.0000,); -_s("a",_n0,1.00000,36.3914,0.0000,); -_s("t",_n0,1.00000,44.6936,0.0000,); -_s(char20,_n0,1.00000,48.0283,0.0000,); -_s("r",_n0,1.00000,48.5680,0.0000,); -_s(char19,_n0,1.00000,51.3631,0.0000,); -_s(char16&"di",_n0,1.00000,52.4700,0.0000,); -_s(char20,_n0,1.00000,63.2629,0.0000,); -_s("ck",_n0,1.00000,63.5397,0.0000,); -_s("a",_n0,1.00000,72.6721,0.0000,); -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("B",_n1,1.00000,80.9743,0.0000,); -_n3="cmmi7"; -_s("n",_n3,1.00000,88.5311,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(93.9541,-1.4944)-- - (93.9541,6.9185)--(0,6.9185)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("8",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("4",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("4",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); -setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- - (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("0",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.4869)--(4.9813,-3.4869)-- - (4.9813,8.4682)--(0,8.4682)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n1="cmmi10"; -_s("k",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(5.5002,0.0000)-- - (5.5002,6.9185)--(0,6.9185)--cycle; -_p endgroup -mpxbreak -begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; -string _n[]; -vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= - addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; -_n3="cmmi7"; -_s("n",_n3,1.00000,1.1955,3.9226,); -interim linecap:=0; -vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = - addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; -_r((1.1955,2.4907)..(6.1204,2.4907), 0.3985,); -_n2="cmr7"; -_s("2",_n2,1.00000,1.6723,-3.4355,); -_n7="cmsy10"; -_s(char0,_n7,1.00000,9.5298,0.0000,); -_n0="cmr10"; -_s("1",_n0,1.00000,19.4924,0.0000,); -setbounds _p to (0,-3.4869)--(24.4737,-3.4869)-- - (24.4737,8.4682)--(0,8.4682)--cycle; -_p endgroup 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374.42947 213.38672 374.42946 curveto -215.00129 374.42947 216.35545 373.64822 217.44922 372.08571 curveto -218.55597 370.52322 219.10936 367.39822 219.10938 362.71071 curveto -219.10936 357.99719 218.55597 354.86568 217.44922 353.31618 curveto -216.35545 351.76673 214.98827 350.99199 213.34766 350.99196 curveto -211.73306 350.99199 210.444 351.67558 209.48047 353.04274 curveto -208.26953 354.78756 207.66406 358.01021 207.66406 362.71071 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -295.02734 376.83181 moveto -291.51172 376.83181 lineto -291.51172 354.42946 lineto -290.66535 355.23678 289.55207 356.04407 288.17188 356.85134 curveto -286.80468 357.65865 285.57421 358.26412 284.48047 358.66774 curveto -284.48047 355.26931 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curveto -291.62293 193.21959 290.77935 195.4646 289.58203 197.04288 curveto -288.41188 198.62122 286.56145 200.02265 284.03072 201.24718 curveto -287.02406 202.49897 289.18743 204.41743 290.52085 207.00258 curveto -291.88145 209.56055 292.56175 213.76484 292.56177 219.61548 curveto -292.56175 224.92187 292.61618 228.07849 292.72504 229.08535 curveto -292.94272 230.93578 293.48697 232.22836 294.35778 232.9631 curveto -295.25577 233.69782 296.99735 234.06519 299.58254 234.0652 curveto -300.84791 234.0652 lineto -300.84791 240.47369 lineto -298.56208 240.47369 lineto -295.89525 240.47368 293.96318 240.25598 292.76586 239.8206 curveto -291.02426 239.1947 289.58201 238.17424 288.43911 236.75922 curveto -287.29618 235.37138 286.54784 233.60258 286.1941 231.45282 curveto -285.86754 229.30304 285.69066 225.77906 285.66346 220.88085 curveto -285.63623 215.98264 285.40493 212.59472 284.96954 210.71706 curveto -284.53414 208.83942 283.64974 207.35636 282.31634 206.26785 curveto -281.01015 205.17938 279.30938 204.60792 277.21404 204.55348 curveto -277.21404 197.90007 lineto -fill -grestore -grestore -gsave [0 0.5176729 -1.9317218 0 0 0] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -423.3999 -188.79749 moveto -425.64822 -188.85586 427.47316 -189.45444 428.87473 -190.59324 curveto -430.30547 -191.76117 431.25444 -193.35252 431.72163 -195.36728 curveto -432.18881 -197.38198 432.437 -200.82747 432.46621 -205.70375 curveto -432.4954 -210.57995 432.583 -213.79184 432.729 -215.33944 curveto -432.99178 -217.79211 433.47357 -219.76304 434.17436 -221.25225 curveto -434.90432 -222.74134 435.79489 -223.9239 436.84607 -224.79994 curveto -437.89722 -225.70505 439.24038 -226.39122 440.87554 -226.85847 curveto -441.98508 -227.1504 443.79542 -227.29639 446.30657 -227.29646 curveto -448.75929 -227.29646 lineto -448.75929 -220.42008 lineto -447.40153 -220.42008 lineto -444.36481 -220.42002 442.35007 -219.86524 441.35733 -218.75573 curveto -440.36454 -217.67531 439.86815 -215.23719 439.86817 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340.49435 64.38681 curveto -340.98913 63.722767 341.23652 62.889434 341.23654 61.88681 curveto -341.23652 60.936311 341.00866 60.102979 340.55295 59.38681 curveto -340.0972 58.657668 339.44616 58.162877 338.59982 57.902435 curveto -337.75345 57.629023 336.30163 57.492304 334.24435 57.492279 curveto -328.5217 57.492279 lineto -328.5217 66.144623 lineto -328.5217 79.367279 moveto -335.6506 79.367279 lineto -336.87455 79.367282 337.73392 79.32171 338.22873 79.23056 curveto -339.10111 79.074314 339.83027 78.813898 340.41623 78.44931 curveto -341.00215 78.084732 341.48392 77.557388 341.86154 76.867279 curveto -342.23913 76.164161 342.42793 75.35687 342.42795 74.445404 curveto -342.42793 73.377705 342.15449 72.453227 341.60764 71.671967 curveto -341.06074 70.877708 340.29902 70.324323 339.32248 70.01181 curveto -338.35892 69.686303 336.96569 69.523542 335.14279 69.523529 curveto -328.5217 69.523529 lineto -328.5217 79.367279 lineto -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.5 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -91.472092 15.042303 moveto -391.84267 15.042303 lineto -391.84267 121.55669 lineto -91.472092 121.55669 lineto -91.472092 15.042303 lineto -closepath -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -424.48441 72.218842 moveto -428.27347 73.175873 lineto -427.47917 76.287858 426.04688 78.664158 423.97659 80.304779 curveto -421.91928 81.932384 419.39975 82.746185 416.418 82.746185 curveto -413.33205 82.746185 410.81903 82.121185 408.87894 80.871185 curveto -406.95185 79.608167 405.48049 77.785252 404.46487 75.402435 curveto -403.46227 73.019632 402.96097 70.461041 402.96097 67.726654 curveto -402.96097 64.744901 403.52737 62.147247 404.66019 59.933685 curveto -405.80602 57.707147 407.42711 56.020951 409.52347 54.875092 curveto -411.63283 53.716266 413.95054 53.136839 416.47659 53.13681 curveto -419.34116 53.136839 421.75001 53.866005 423.70316 55.32431 curveto -425.65626 56.782669 427.01693 58.833448 427.78519 61.476654 curveto -424.05472 62.35556 lineto -423.39063 60.272249 422.42709 58.755323 421.16409 57.804779 curveto -419.90105 56.854284 418.31251 56.379024 416.39847 56.378998 curveto -414.19793 56.379024 412.35549 56.906367 410.87112 57.961029 curveto -409.39976 59.01574 408.36461 60.435009 407.76566 62.218842 curveto -407.16669 63.989693 406.86721 65.819118 406.86722 67.707123 curveto -406.86721 70.142031 407.21877 72.270935 407.92191 74.093842 curveto -408.63804 75.903744 409.74481 77.257909 411.24222 78.156342 curveto -412.7396 79.054782 414.36069 79.504001 416.1055 79.503998 curveto -418.22788 79.504001 420.02475 78.892022 421.49612 77.66806 curveto -422.96746 76.444108 423.96355 74.627703 424.48441 72.218842 curveto -fill -grestore -grestore -grestore -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg b/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 26a80a9..0000000 --- a/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - 0 1 <0 0 0 01 1 1 1< 0 1 < - - { - { - A - B - - - - - - A - B - - C - - - diff --git a/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex b/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 041c06a..0000000 --- a/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{6}{Vyhledávání v~textu}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} - -Nyní se budeme vìnovat následujícímu problému: v~textu délky $S$ (senì) budeme chtít najít v¹echny výskyty hledaného slova délky $J$ (jehly). Nejprve se podívejme na~jeden primitivní algoritmus, který nefunguje. Je ale zajímavé rozmyslet si, proè. - -\h{Hloupý algoritmus} -Zaèneme prvním písmenkem hledaného slova a~budeme postupnì procházet text, a¾ najdeme první výskyt poèáteèního písmenka. Poté budeme testovat, zda souhlasí i~písmenka dal¹í. Pokud nastane neshoda, v~hledaném slovì se vrátíme na~zaèátek a~v~textu pokraèujeme znakem, ve~kterém neshoda nastala. Podívejme se na~pøíklad. - -\s{Pøíklad:} Budeme hledat slovo |jehla| v~textu |jevkupcejejehla|. Vezmeme si tedy první písmenko |j| v~hledaném slovì a~zjistíme, ¾e v~textu se nachází hned na~zaèátku. Vezmeme tedy dal¹í písmenko |e|, které se vyskytuje jako druhé i~v~textu. Pøi tøetím písmenku ale narazíme na~neshodu. V~tuto chvíli tedy zresetujeme a~opìt hledáme výskyt písmenka |j|, tentokrát v¹ak a¾ od~tøetího písmene v~textu. Takto postupujeme postupnì dál, a¾ narazíme na~dal¹í |je|, které ov¹em není následováno písmenem~|h|, tudí¾ opìt zresetujeme a~nakonec najdeme shodu s~celým hledaným øetìzcem. V~tomto pøípadì tedy algoritmus na¹el hledané slovo. - -Tento algoritmus v¹ak zjevnì mù¾e hanebnì selhat. Mù¾e se stát, ¾e zaèneme porovnávat, a¾ v~jednu chvíli narazíme na~neshodu. Celý tento kus tedy pøeskoèíme. Pøi tom se ale v~tomto kusu textu mohl vyskytovat nìjaký pøekrývající se výskyt hledané \uv{jehly}. Hledejme napøíklad øetìzec |kokos| v~textu |clanekokokosu|. Algoritmus tedy zaène porovnávat. Ve~chvíli kdy najde prefix |koko| a~na~vstupu dostane~|k|, dochází k~neshodì. Proto algoritmus zresetuje a~pokraèuje v~hledání od~tohoto znaku. Najde sice je¹tì výskyt |ko|, ov¹em s~dal¹ím písmenkem |s| ji¾ dochází k~neshodì a~algotimus sel¾e. Nesprávnì se toti¾ \uv{upnul} na~první nalezené |koko| a~s~dal¹ím~|k| pak \uv{zahodil} i~správný zaèátek. - -Máme tedy algoritmus, který i~kdy¾ je ¹patnì, tak funguje urèitì kdykoli se první písmenko hledaného slova v~tomto slovì u¾ nikde jinde nevyskytuje -- co¾ |jehla| splòovala, ale |kokos| u¾ ne. - -{\I Hloupý algoritmus} se na~ka¾dé písmenko textu podívá jednou, tudí¾ èasová slo¾itost bude lineární s~délkou textu ve~kterém hledáme -- tedy $\O(S)$. - -\h{Pomalý algoritmus} -Zkusíme algoritmus vylep¹it tak, aby fungoval správnì: pokud nastane nìjaká neshoda, vrátíme se zpátky tìsnì za~zaèátek toho, kdy se nám to zaèalo shodovat. To je ov¹em vlastnì skoro toté¾, jako brát postupnì v¹echny mo¾né zaèátky v~\uv{senì} a~pro ka¾dý z~nìj ovìøit, jestli se tam \uv{jehla} nachází èi nikoliv. - -Tento algoritmus evidentnì funguje. Bì¾í v¹ak v~èase: $S$ mo¾ných zaèátkù, krát èas potøebný na~jedno porovnání (zda se na~dané pozici nenachází \uv{jehla}), co¾ nám mù¾e trvat a¾ $J$. Proto je èasová slo¾itost $\O(SJ)$. V praxi bude algoritmus èasto rychlej¹í, proto¾e typicky velmi brzo zjistíme, ¾e se øetìzce neshodují, ale je mo¾né vymyslet vstup, kde bude potøeba porovnání opravdu tolik. - -Nyní se pokusme najít takový algoritmus, který by byl tak rychlý, jako {\I Hloupý algoritmus}, ale chytrý, jako ten {\I Pomalý}. - -\h{Chytrý algoritmus} -Ne¾ vlastní algoritmus vybudujeme, zkusíme se cestou nauèit pøemý¹let o~øetìzcích obèas trochu pøekrouceným zpùsobem. Podívejme se na~je¹tì jeden pøíklad. - -\s{Pøíklad:} Vezmìme si napøíklad staré italské pøízvisko |barbarossa|, které znamená Rudovous. Pøedstavme si, ¾e takovéto slovo hledáme v~nìjakém textu, který zaèíná |barbar|. Víme, ¾e a¾ sem se nám hledaný øetìzec shodoval. Øeknìme, ¾e dal¹í písmenko textu se shodovat pøestane -- místo |o| naèteme napøíklad opìt |b|. {\I Hloupý algoritmus} by velil vrátit se k~|a| a~od~nìj hledat dál. Uvìdomme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ se vracíme z~|barbar| do~|arbar| (tedy øetìzce, který ji¾ známe), mù¾eme si pøedpoèítat, jak dopadne hledání, kdy¾ ho pustíme na~nìj. V~pøedpoèítaném bychom tedy chtìli ukládat, ¾e kdy¾ máme øetìzec |arbar|, tak |ar| a~|r| nám do~hledaného nepasuje a~a¾~|bar| se bude shodovat. Tedy místo toho, abychom spustili nové hledání od~|a|, mù¾eme ho spustit a¾~od~|b|. Co víc, my dokonce víme, jak dopadne to -- pokud toti¾ nastane neshoda po~pøeètení |barbar|, je to stejné, jako kdybychom pøeèetli pouze |bar|, na~které se (pùvodne neshodující se) |b| u¾ navázat dá. Kdyby se nedalo navázat ani tam, tak bychom opìt zkracovali... Nejen, ¾e tedy víme, kam se máme vrátit, ale víme dokonce i~to, co tam najdeme. - -My¹lenka, ke které míøíme, je pøedpoèítat si nìjakou tabulku, která nám bude øíkat, jak se máme pøi hledání vracet a~jak to dopadne, a~pak u¾ jenom prohlédávat s~pou¾itím této tabulky. - -Aby se nám o~tìchto algoritmech lépe mluvilo a~pøedev¹ím psalo, pojïme si povìdìt nìkolik definic. - -\s{Definice:} -\itemize\ibull -\:{\I Abeceda $\Sigma$} je koneèná mno¾ina znakù\foot{Mù¾eme pøi tom jít a¾~do~extrémù. Pøíkladem extrémních abeced je binární abeceda slo¾ená pouze z~nul a~jednièek. Pøíklad z~druhého konce (který rádi dìlají lingvisti) je abeceda, která má jako abecedu v¹echna èeská slova. V¹echny èeské vìty, pak nejsou nic jiného, ne¾ slova nad touto abecedou. Pou¾itá abeceda tedy mù¾e být i~relativnì obrovská. Dal¹ím takovým pøíkladem mù¾e být Unicode. Pro na¹e potøeby ale zatím budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e abeceda je nejen konstantnì velká, ale i~rozumnì malá. Budeme si moci tedy dovolit napøíklad indexovat pole znakem abecedy (kdybychom nemohli, tak bychom místo pole pou¾ili napøíklad hashovací tabulku, èi nìco podobného\dots).}, ze~kterých tvoøíme text, øetìzce, slova. - - -\:{\I $\Sigma^*$} je mno¾ina v¹ech slov nad abecedou $\Sigma$. Èili mno¾ina v¹ech neprázdných koneèných posloupností znakù ze $\Sigma$. -\endlist -\s{Znaèení:} -Aby se nám nepletlo znaèení, budeme rozli¹ovat promìnné pro slova, promìnné pro písmenka a~promìnné pro èísla. - -\itemize\ibull -\:{\I Slova} budeme znaèit malými písmenky øecké abecedy $\alpha$, $\beta$, ... . -\:$\iota$ bude oznaèovat \uv{jehlu} -\:$\sigma$ bude oznaèovat \uv{seno} -\:{\I Znaky} oznaèíme malými písmeny latinky $a$, $b$, \dots . -\:{\I Èísla} budeme znaèit velkými písmeny $A$, $B$, \dots . -\:{\I Délka slova} $\vert \alpha \vert$ pro $\alpha \in \Sigma^*$ je poèet jeho znakù. -\:{\I Prázdné slovo} znaèíme písmenem $\varepsilon$, $\vert \varepsilon \vert = 0$. -\:{\I Zøetìzení} $\alpha\beta$ vznikne zapsáním slov $\alpha$ a~$\beta$ za sebe. Platí $\vert \alpha\beta \vert=\vert \alpha \vert+\vert \beta \vert$, $\alpha\varepsilon=\varepsilon\alpha=\alpha$. -\:$\alpha[k]$ je $k$-tý znak slova $\alpha$, indexujeme od~$0$. -\:$\alpha[k:l]$ je podslovo zaèínající $k$-tým znakem a~$l$-tý znak je první, který v~nìm není. Jedná se tedy o~podslovo skládající se z~$\alpha[k]$,$\alpha[k+1]$,\dots,$\alpha[l-1]$. Platí tedy: $\alpha[k:k]=\varepsilon$, $\alpha[k:k+1]=\alpha[k]$. Jednu (èi obì) meze mù¾eme i~vynechat, tento zápis pak bude znamenat buï \uv{od zaèátku slova a¾ nìkam}, nebo \uv{odnìkud a¾ do~konce}: -%TODO - zaøadit pod pøedchozí bod -\:$\alpha[:k]$ je {\I prefix} obsahující prvních $k$ znakù slova $\alpha$ ($\alpha[0]$,\dots,$\alpha[k-1]$). -\:$\alpha[k:]$ je {\I suffix} obsahující znaky slova $\alpha$ poèínaje $k$-tým znakem a¾ do~konce. -\:$\alpha[:] = \alpha$ -\endlist - - -V¹imnìme si, ¾e prázdné slovo je prefixem, suffixem i~podslovem jakéhokoliv slova vèetnì sebe sama. -Ka¾dé slovo je také prefixem, suffixem i~podslovem sebe sama. To se ne v¾dy hodí. Nìkdy budeme chtít øíct, ¾e nìjaké slovo je {\I vlastním} prefixem nebo suffixem. To bude znamenat, ¾e to nebude celé slovo. - -\> $\alpha$ je {\I vlastní prefix} slova $\beta \equiv \alpha$ je prefix $\beta~\&~\alpha \neq \beta$. - -\h{Vyhledávací automat (Knuth, Morris, Pratt)} -{\I Vyhledávací automat} bude graf, jeho¾ vrcholùm budeme øíkat {\I stavy}. Jejich jména budou prefixy hledaného slova a~hrany budou odpovídat tomu, jak jeden prefix mù¾eme získat z~pøedchozího prefixu pøidáním jednoho písmene. Poèáteèní stav je prázdné slovo $\varepsilon$ a~koncový je celá $\iota$. Dopøedné hrany grafu budou popisovat pøechod mezi stavy ve~smyslu zvìt¹ení délky jména stavu (dopøedná funkce $h(\alpha)$, urèující znak na~dopøedné hranì z~$\alpha$). Zpìtné hrany grafu budou popisovat pøechod (zpìtná funkce $z(\alpha)$) mezi stavem $\alpha$ a~nejdel¹ím vlastním suffixem $\alpha$, který je prefixem $\iota$, kdy¾ nastane neshoda. - -\figure{barb.eps}{Vyhledávací automat.}{4.1in} - -\s{Hledej($\sigma$):} -\algo -\:$\alpha \leftarrow \varepsilon$. -\:Pro $x\in\sigma$ postupnì: -\:$\indent$Dokud $h(\alpha) \neq x~\&~\alpha \neq \varepsilon : \alpha \leftarrow z(\alpha)$. -\:$\indent$Pokud $h(\alpha) = x: \alpha \leftarrow \alpha x$. -\:$\indent$Pokud $\alpha = \iota$, ohlásíme výskyt. -\endalgo - -\>Vstupem je $\iota$, hledané slovo (jehla) délky $J=\vert \iota \vert$ a~$\sigma$, text (seno) délky $S=\vert \sigma \vert$. -\>Výstupem jsou v¹echny výskyty hledaného slova $\iota$ v~textu $\sigma$, tedy mno¾ina $\left\{ k \mid \sigma[k:k+J]=\iota \right\}$ - -Pojïme nyní dokázat, ¾e tento algoritmus správnì ohlásí v¹echny výskyty. - -\s{Definice}: $\alpha(\tau) := $ stav automatu po~pøeètení $\tau$ - -\s{Invariant:} Pokud algoritmus pøeète nìjaký vstup, nachází se ve~stavu, který je nejdel¹ím suffixem pøeèteného vstupu, který je nìjakým stavem. -$\alpha(\tau) =$ nejdel¹í stav (nejdel¹í prefix jehly), který je suffixem $\tau$ (pøeèteného vstupu). - -Pojïme si rozmyslet, ¾e z~tohoto invariantu ihned plyne, ¾e algoritmus najde to, co má. Kdykoli toti¾ ohlásí nìjaký výskyt, tak tam tento výskyt opravdu je. Kdykoli pak má nìjaký výskyt ohlásit, tak se v~této situaci jako suffix toho právì pøeèteného textu vyskytuje hledané slovo, pøièem¾ hledané slovo je urèitì stav a~zároveò nejdel¹í ze v¹ech existujících stavù. Tak¾e invariant opravdu øíká, ¾e jsme právì v~koncovém stavu a~algoritmus nám tedy ohlásí výskyt. - -\proof {\I (invariantu)} -Indukcí podle kroku algoritmu. Na~zaèátku pro prázdný naètený vstup invariant triviálnì platí, tedy prázdný suffix $\tau$ je prefixem $\iota$. V~kroku $n$ máme naètený vstup $\tau$ a~k~nìmu pøipojíme znak $x$. Invariant nám øíká, ¾e nejdel¹í stav, který je suffixem, je nejdel¹í suffix, který je stavem. Nyní se ptáme, jaký je nejdel¹í stav, který se dá \uv{napasovat} na~konec øetìzce $\tau x$. Kdykoli v¹ak takovýto suffix máme, tak z~nìj mù¾eme $x$ na~konci odebrat, èím¾ dostaneme suffix slova $\tau$. - -\>Tedy: pokud $\beta$ je neprázdným suffixem slova $\tau x$, pak $\beta = \gamma x$, kde $\gamma$ je suffix $\tau$. - -Suffix, který máme sestrojit, tedy vznikne z~nìjakého suffixu slova $\tau$ pøipsáním~$x$. Chceme najít nejdel¹í suffix slova $\tau x$, který je stavem, tak¾e chceme najít i~nejdel¹í suffix pùvodního slova $\tau$, za který se dá pøidat $x$ tak, aby vy¹lo jméno stavu. Staèí tedy u¾ jen \uv{probírat} suffixy slova $\tau$ od~nejdel¹ího po~nejkrat¹í, zkou¹et k~nim pøidávat $x$ a~a¾ to pùjde, tak jsme na¹li nejdel¹í suffix $\tau x$. Pøesnì toto ov¹em algoritmus dìlá, nebo» zpìtná funkce mu v¾dy øekne nejbli¾¹í krat¹í suffix, který je stavem. Pokud pak nemù¾eme $x$ pøidat ani do~$\varepsilon$, pak je øe¹ením prázdný suffix. Algoritmus tedy funguje. \qed - -Nyní pojïmì zkoumat to, jak je ve~skuteènosti ná¹ algoritmus rychlý. K tomu bychom si ale nejdøív mìli øíct, jak pøesnì budeme automat reprezentovat. V~algoritmu vystupují nìjaká porovnávání stavù, pøièem¾ není úplnì jasné, jak zaøídit, aby v¹e trvalo konstantnì dlouho. Vyjde nám to ale docela snadno. K reprezentaci automatu nám toti¾ budou staèit pouze dvì pole. - -\s{Reprezentace automatu:} -Oèíslujeme si stavy délkami pøíslu¹ných prefixù, tedy èísly $0 \dots J$. Poté je¹tì potøebujeme nìjakým zpùsobem zakódovat dopøedné a~zpìtné hrany. Vzhledem k~tomu, ¾e z~ka¾dého vrcholu vede v¾dy nejvý¹e jedna dopøedná a~nejvý¹e jedna zpìtná, tak nám evidentnì staèí pamatovat si pro ka¾dý typ hran pouze jedno èíslo na~vrchol. Budeme mít tedy nìjaké pole dopøedných hran, které nám pro ka¾dý stav øekne, jakým písmenkem je nadepsaná dopøedná hrana ze stavu $I$ do~$I+1$. To jsou ale pøesnì písmenka jehly, tak¾e si staèí pamatovat jehlu samotnou. Èili z~$I$ do~$I+1$ vede hrana nadepsaná $\iota [I]$. Pro zpìtné hrany pak budeme potøebovat pole $Z$, které nám pro stav $I$ øekne èíslo stavu, do~kterého vede zpìtná hrana. Tedy $Z[I]$ je cíl zpìtné hrany ze stavu $I$. -S~touto reprezentací ji¾ doká¾eme na¹i hledací proceduru pøímoèaøe pøepsat tak, aby sahala pouze do~tìchto dvou polí: -\algo -\:$I \leftarrow 0$. -\:Pro znaky $x$ z~textu: -\:$\indent$Dokud $\iota[I] \neq x~\&~I \neq 0: I \leftarrow Z[I]$. -\:$\indent$Pokud $\iota[I] = x$, pak $I \leftarrow I + 1$. -\:$\indent$Pokud $I = J$, ohlásíme výskyt. -\endalgo - -Zatím se v~algoritmu je¹tì skrývá drobná chyba -- toti¾ algoritmus se obèas zeptá na~dopøednou hranu z~posledního stavu. Pokud jsme právì ohlásili výskyt (jsme tedy v~posledním stavu) a~pøijde nìjaký dal¹í znak, algoritmus se ptá, zda je roven tomu, co je na~dopøedné hranì z~posledního stavu. Ta ale ov¹em neexistuje. Jednodu¹e to ale napravíme tak, ¾e si pøidáme fiktivní hranu, na~které se vyskytuje nìjaké \uv{nepísmenko} -- nìco, co se nerovná ¾ádnému jinému písmenku. Zajistíme tak, ¾e se po~této hranì nikdy nevydáme. Dodefinujeme tedy $\iota[J]$ odli¹nì od~v¹ech znakù.\foot{V jazyce C se toto dodefinování provede vlastnì zadarmo, nebo» ka¾dý øetìzec je v~nìm ukonèen znakem s~kódem nula, který se ve~vstupu nevyskytne\dots Algoritmus bude tedy fungovat i~bez tohoto dodefinování. V jiných jazycích je ale tøeba na~nìj nezapomenout!} - -\s{Lemma:} Funkce {\I Hledej} bì¾í v~èase $\O(S)$. - -\proof -Funkce {\I Hledej} chodí po~dopøedných a~zpìtných hranách. Dopøedných hran projdeme urèitì maximálnì tolik, kolik je délka sena. Pro ka¾dý znak pøeètený ze sena toti¾ jdeme nejvý¹e jednou po~dopøedné hranì. Se zpìtnými hranami se to má tak, ¾e na~jeden pøeètený znak z~textu se mù¾eme po~zpìtné hranì vracet maximálnì $J$-krát. Z~tohoto by nám v¹ak vy¹la slo¾itost $\O(JS)$, èím¾ bychom si nepomohli. Zachrání nás ale pøímoèarý potenciál. Uvìdomme si, ¾e chùze po~dopøedné hranì zvý¹í $I$ o~jedna a~chùze po~zpìtné hranì $I$ sní¾í alespoò o~jedna. Vzhledem k~tomu, ¾e $I$ není nikdy záporné a~na~zaèátku je nulové, zjistíme, ¾e krokù zpìt mù¾e být maximálnì tolik, kolik krokù dopøedu. Èasová slo¾itost hledání je tedy lineární vzhledem k~délce sena. \qed - -Nyní nám zbývá na~první pohled malièkost -- toti¾ zkonstruovat automat. Zkonstruovat dopøedné hrany zvládneme zjevnì snadno, jsou toti¾ explicitnì popsané hledaným slovem. Tì¾¹í u¾ to bude pro hrany zpìtné. Vyu¾ijeme k~tomu následující pozorování: - -\s{Pozorování:} -Pøedstavme si, ¾e automat u¾ máme hotový a~tím, ¾e budeme sledovat jeho chování, chceme zjistit, jak v~nìm vedou zpìtné hrany. -Vezmìme si nìjaký stav~$\beta$. To, kam z~nìj vede zpìtná hrana zjistíme tak, ¾e spustíme automat na~øetìzec $\beta$~bez prvního písmenka a~stav, ve~kterém se automat zastaví, je pøesnì ten, kam má vést i~zpìtná hrana z~$\beta$. Jinými slovy víme, ¾e $z(\beta) = \alpha (\beta[1:])$. -Proè takováto vìc funguje? V¹imìme si, ¾e definice $z$ a~to, co nám o~$\alpha$ øíká invariant, je témìø toto¾né -- $z(\beta)$ je nejdel¹í vlastní suffix $\beta$, který je stavem, $\alpha(\beta)$ je nejdel¹í suffix $\beta$, který je stavem. Jediná odli¹nost je v~tom, ¾e definice $z$ narozdíl od~definice $\alpha$ zakazuje nevlastní suffixy. Jak nyní vylouèit suffix $\beta$, který by byl roven $\beta$ samotné? Zkrátíme $\beta$ o~první znak. Tím pádem v¹echny suffixy $\beta$ bez prvního znaku jsou stejné jako v¹echny vlastní suffixy $\beta$. - -K èemu je toto pozorování dobré? Rozmysleme si, ¾e pomocí nìj u¾ doká¾eme zkonstruovat zpìtné hrany. Není to ale trochu divné, kdy¾ pøi simulování automatu na~øetìzec bez prvního znaku u¾ zpìtné hrany potøebujeme? Není. Za chvíli zjistíme, ¾e takto mù¾eme zji¹»ovat zpìtné hrany postupnì -- a~to tak, ¾e pou¾íváme v¾dy jenom ty, které jsme u¾ sestrojili. - -Takovémuhle pøístupu, kdy pøi konstruování chtìného u¾ pou¾íváme to, co chceme sestrojit, ale pouze ten kousek, který ji¾ máme hotový, se v~angliètinì øíká {\I bootstrapping}\foot{Z~tohoto slova vzniklo i~{\I bootování} poèítaèù, kdy operaèní systém v~podstatì zavádí sám sebe. Bootstrap znamená èesky ¹truple -- tedy oèko na~konci boty, které slou¾í k~usnadnìní nazouvání. A~jak souvisí ¹truple s~algoritmem? To se zase musíme vrátit k~pøíbìhùm o~baronu Prá¹ilovi, mezi nimi¾ je i~ten, ve~kterém baron Prá¹il vypráví o~tom, jak sám sebe vytáhl z~ba¾iny za ¹truple. Stejnì tak i~my budeme algoritmus konstruovat tím, ¾e se budeme sami vytahovat za ¹truple, tedy bootstrappovat.}. -V¹imnìme si, ¾e pøi výpoètu se vstupem $\beta$ projde automat jenom prvních $\vert \beta \vert$ stavù. Automat se evidentnì nemù¾e dostat dál, proto¾e na~ka¾dý krok dopøedu (doprava) spotøebuje písmenko $\beta$. Tak¾e krokù doprava je maximálnì tolik, kolik je $\vert \beta \vert$. Jinými slovy kdybychom ji¾ mìli zkonstruované zpìtné hrany pro prvních $\vert \beta \vert$ stavù (tedy $0 \dots \vert \beta \vert - 1$), tak pøi tomto výpoètu, který potøebujeme na~zkonstruování zpìtné hrany z~$\beta$, je¹tì tuto zpìtnou hranu nemù¾eme potøebovat. Vystaèíme si s~tìmi, které ji¾ máme zkonstruované. - -Nabízí se tedy zaèít zpìtnou hranou z~prvního znaku (která vede evidentnì do~$\varepsilon$), pak postupnì brát dal¹í stavy a~pro ka¾dý z~nich si spoèítat, kdy spustíme automat na~jméno stavu bez prvního znaku a~tím získáme dal¹í zpìtnou hranu. Toto funguje, ale je to kvadratické \dots. Máme toti¾ $J$ stavù a~pro ka¾dý z~nich nám automat bì¾í v~èase a¾ lineárním s~$J$. Jak z~toho ven? - -Z~prvního stavu povede zpìtná funkce do~$\varepsilon$. Pro dal¹í stavy chceme spoèítat zpìtnou funkci. Z~druhého stavu $\iota[0:2]$ tedy automat spustíme na~$\iota[1:2]$, dále pak na~$\iota[1:3]$, $\iota[1:4]$, atd. Ty øetìzce, pro které potøebujeme spo¹tìt automat, abychom dostali zpìtné hrany, jsou tedy ve~skuteènosti takové, ¾e ka¾dý dal¹í dostaneme roz¹íøením pøedchozího o~jeden znak. To jsou ale pøesnì ty stavy, kterými projde automat pøi zpracovávání øetìzce $\iota$ od~prvního znaku dál. Jedním prùchodem automatu nad jehlou bez prvního písmenka se tím pádem rovnou dozvíme v¹echny údaje, které potøebujeme. -Z~pøedchozího pozorování plyne, ¾e nikdy nebudeme potøebovat zpìtnou hranu, kterou jsme je¹tì nezkonstruovali a~jeliko¾ víme, ¾e jedno prohledání trvá lineárnì s~délkou toho, v~èem hledáme, tak toto celé pobì¾í v~lineárním èase. Dostaneme tedy následující algoritmus: - -\s{Konstrukce zpìtné funkce:} -\algo -\:$Z[0] \leftarrow ?$, $Z[1] \leftarrow 0$. -\:$I \leftarrow 0$. -\:Pro $k = 2 \dots J$: -\::$I \leftarrow \( I , \iota [k])$. -\::$Z[k] \leftarrow I$. -\endalgo - -Zaèínáme tím, ¾e nastavíme zpìtnou hranu z~prvních dvou stavù, pøièem¾ $z[0]$ je nedefinované, proto¾e tuto zpìtnou hranu nikdy nepou¾íváme. Dále postupnì simulujeme výpoèet automatu nad slovem bez prvního znaku a~po ka¾dém kroku se dozvíme novou zpìtnou hranu. {\I Krokem} automatu pak není nic jiného ne¾ vnitøek (3. a~4. bod) na¹í hledací procedury. To, kam jsme se dostali, pak zaznamenáme jako zpìtnou funkci z~$k$. -Èili pou¹tíme automat na~jehlu bez prvního písmenka, provedeme v¾dy jeden krok automatu (pøes dal¹í písmenko jehly) a~zapamatujeme si, jakou zpìtnou funkci jsme zrovna dostali. Díky pozorováním navíc víme, ¾e zpìtné hrany konstruujeme správnì, nikdy nepou¾ijeme zpìtnou hranu, kterou jsme je¹tì nesestrojili a~víme i~to, ¾e celou konstrukci zvládneme v~lineárním èase s~délkou jehly. - -\s{Vìta:} Algoritmus KMP najde v¹echny výskyty v~èase $O(J+S)$. - -\proof -Lineární èas s~délkou jehly potøebujeme na~postavení automatu, lineární èas s~délkou sena pak potøebujeme na~samotné vyhledání. - -\h{Rabinùv-Karpùv algoritmus} - -Nyní si uká¾eme je¹tì jeden algoritmus na~hledání jedné jehly, který nebude mít v~nejhor¹ím pøípadì lineární slo¾itost, ale bude ji mít prùmìrnì. Bude daleko jednodu¹¹í a~uká¾e se, ¾e je v~praxi daleko rychlej¹í. Bude to algoritmus zalo¾ený na~hashování. - - -Pøedstavme si, ¾e máme seno délky $S$ a~jehlu délky $J$, a~vezmìme si nìjakou hashovací funkci, které dáme na~vstup $J$-tici znakù (tedy podslova dlouhá jako jehla). Tato hashovací funkce nám je pak zobrazí do~mno¾iny $\{0,\ldots,N-1\}$ pro nìjaké dost velké~$N$. Jak nám toto pomù¾e pøi hledání jehly? Vezmeme si libovolné \uv{okénko} délky $J$ a~ne¾ budeme zji¹»ovat, zda se v~nìm jehla vyskytuje, tak si spoèítáme hashovací funkci a~porovnáme ji s~hashem jehly. Èili ptáme se, jestli je hash ze sena od~nìjaké pozice $I$ do~pozice $I+J$ roven hashi jehly -- formálnì: $h(\sigma [I: I+J ]) = h(\iota)$. Teprve tehdy, kdy¾ zjistíme, ¾e se hodnota hashovací fce shoduje, zaèneme doopravdy porovnávat øetìzce. - -Není to ale nìjaká hloupost? Mù¾e nám vùbec takováto konstrukce pomoci? Není to tak, ¾e na~spoèítání hashovací funkce z~$J$ znakù, potøebujeme tìch $J$ znakù pøeèíst, co¾ je stejnì rychlé, jako rovnou øetìzce porovnávat? Pou¾ijeme trik, který bude spoèívat v~tom, ¾e si zvolíme ¹ikovnou hashovací funkci. Udìláme to tak, abychom ji mohli pøi posunutí \uv {okénka} o~jeden znak doprava v~konstantním èase pøepoèítat. Chceme umìt z~$h(x_1 \dots x_j)$ spoèítat $h(x_2 \dots x_{j+1})$. -Na~zaèátku si tedy spoèítáme hash jehly a~první $J$-tice znakù sena. Pak ji¾ jenom posouváme \uv {okénko} o~jedna, pøepoèítáme hashovací funkci a~kdy¾ se shoduje s~hashem jehly, tak porovnáme. Budeme pøitom vìøit tomu, ¾e pokud se tam jehla nevyskytuje, pak máme hashovací funkci natolik rovnomìrnou, ¾e pravdìpodobnost toho, ¾e se pøesto strefíme do~hashe jehly, je $1/N$. Jinými slovy jenom v~jednom z~øádovì $N$ pøípadù budeme porovnávat fale¹nì -- tedy provedeme porovnání a~vyjde nám, ¾e výsledek je neshoda. V~prùmìrném pøípadì tedy mù¾eme stlaèit slo¾itost a¾ témìø k~lineární. - -Podívejme se teï na~prùmìrnou èasovou slo¾itost. Budeme urèitì potøebovat èas na~projití jehly a~sena. Navíc strávíme nìjaký èas nad fale¹nými porovnáními, kterých bude v~prùmìru na~ka¾dý $N$-tý znak sena jedno porovnání s~jehlou -- tedy $SJ / N$, pøièem¾ $N$ mù¾eme zvolit dost velké na~to, abychom tento èlen dostali pod nìjakou rozumnou konstantu... Nakonec budeme potøebovat jedno porovnání na~ka¾dý opravdový výskyt, èemu¾ se nevyhneme. Pøipoèteme tedy je¹tì $J \cdot$ {\I $\sharp$výskytù}. Dostáváme tedy: $ \O(J+S+SJ/N+J \cdot$ {\I $\sharp$výskytù}). - -Zbývá malièkost -- toti¾ kde vzít hashovací funkci, která toto v¹e splòuje. Jednu si uká¾eme. Bude to vlastnì takový hezký polynom: -$$h(x_1 \dots x_j) := \left(\sum_{I=1}^{J} x_I \cdot p^{J-I}\right) \bmod N.$$ -Jinak zapsáno se tedy jedná o: -$$(x_1 \cdot p^{J-1} + x_2 \cdot p^{J-2} + \dots + x_J \cdot p^0 ) \bmod N.$$ -Po posunutí okénka o~jedna chceme dostat: -$$(x_2 \cdot p^{J-1} + x_3 \cdot p^{J-2} + \dots + x_J \cdot p^1 + x_{J+1} \cdot p^0 ) \bmod N.$$ -Kdy¾ se ale podíváme na~èleny tìchto dvou polynomù, zjistíme, ¾e se li¹í jen o~málo. Pùvodní polynom staèí pøenásobit~$p$, odeèíst první èlen s~$x_1$ a~naopak pøièíst chybìjící èlen $x_{J+1}$. Dostáváme tedy: -$$h(x_2 \dots x_{J+1}) = (p \cdot h(x_1 \dots x_J) - x_1 \cdot p^J + x_{J+1}) \bmod N.$$ -Pøepoèítání hashovací funkce tedy není nic jiného, ne¾ pøenásobení té minulé~$p$, odeètení nìjakého násobku toho znaku, který vypadl z~okénka, a~pøiètení toho znaku, o~který se okénko posunulo. Pokud tedy máme k~dispozici aritmetické operace v~konstantním èase, zvládneme konstantnì pøepoèítávat i~hashovací funkci. - -Tato hashovací funkce se dokonce nejen hezky poèítá, ale dokonce se i~opravdu \uv{hezky} chová (tedy \uv{rozumnì} náhodnì), pokud zvolíme vhodné~$p$. To bychom mìli zvolit tak, aby bylo rozhodnì nesoudìlné s~$N$ -- tedy $\(p, N) = 1$. Aby se nám navíc dobøe projevilo modulo obsa¾ené v~hashovací funkci, mìlo by být~$p$ relativnì velké (lze dopoèítat, ¾e optimum je mezi $2/3 \cdot N$ a~$3/4 \cdot N$). S~takto zvoleným~$p$ se tato hashovací funkce chová velmi pøíznivì a~v~praxi má celý algoritmus takøka lineární èasovou slo¾itost (prùmìrnou). - -\h{Hledání více øetìzcù najednou} -Nyní si zahrajeme tuté¾ hru, ov¹em v~trochu slo¾itìj¹ích kulisách. Podíváme se na~algoritmus, který si poradí i~s více ne¾ jednou jehlou. -Mìjme tedy jehly $\iota_1 \dots \iota_n$, a~jejich délky $J_i = \vert \iota_i \vert $. Dále budeme potøebovat seno $\sigma$ délky $S=\vert \sigma \vert$. - -Pøedtím, ne¾ se pustíme do~vlastního vyhledávacího algoritmu, mo¾ná bychom si mìli ujasnit, co vlastnì bude jeho výstupem. U problému hledání jedné jehly to bylo jasné -- byla to nìjaká mno¾ina pozic v~senì, na~kterých zaèínaly výskyty jehly. Jak tomu ale bude zde? Sice bychom také mohli vrátit pouze mno¾inu pozic, ale my budeme chtít malièko víc. Budeme toti¾ chtít vìdìt i~to, která jehla se na~které pozici vyskytuje. Výstup tedy bude vypadat následovnì: $V = \{(i,j)~\vert~\sigma[i:i+J_j]= \iota_j \}$. - -Zde se v¹ak skrývá jedna drobná zrada. Budeme se asi muset vzdát nadìje, ¾e najdeme algoritmus, jeho¾ slo¾itost je lineární v~celkové délce v¹ech jehel a~sena. Výstup toti¾ mù¾e být del¹í ne¾ lineární. Mù¾e se nám klidnì stát, ¾e na~jedné pozici v~senì se bude vyskytovat více rùzných jehel -- pokud bude jedna jehla prefixem jiné (co¾ jsme nikde nezakázali), tak máme povinnost ohlásit oba výskyty. Vzhledem k~tomu budeme hledat takový algoritmus, který bude lineární v~délce vstupu plus délce výstupu, co¾ je evidentnì to nejlep¹í, èeho mù¾eme dosáhnout. - -Algoritmus, který si nyní uká¾eme, vymysleli nìkdy v~roce 1975 pan Aho a~paní Corasicková. Bude to takové zobecnìní Knuthova-Morrisova-Prattova algoritmu. - -\h{Algoritmus Aho-Corasicková} - -Opìt se budeme sna¾it sestrojit nìjaký vyhledávací automat a~nìjakým zpùsobem tento automat pou¾ít k~procházení sena. Podívejme se nejprve na~pøíklad. Budeme chtít vyhledávat tato slova: |ara|, |bar|, |arab|, |baraba|, |barbara|. Mìjme tedy tìchto pìt jehel a~rozmysleme si, jak by vypadal nìjaký automat, který by tato slova umìl zatím jenom rozpoznávat. Pro jedno slovo automat vypadal jako cesta, zde u¾ to bude strom. (viz obrázek). - -\figure{ara_strom_blank.eps}{Vyhledávací automat -- strom.}{1in} - -Navíc budeme muset do~automatu zanést, kde nìjaké slovo konèí. V~pùvodním automatu pro jedno slovo to bylo jednoduché -- ono jedno jediné slovo odpovídalo poslednímu vrcholu cesty. Tady se v¹ak slova mohou vyskytovat vícekrát a~konèit nejenom v~listech ale i~v~nìjakém vnitøním vrcholu (co¾ se stane tehdy, pokud je jedno hledané slovo prefixem jiného hledaného slova). Formálnì to nebudeme dokazovat, ale snadno nahlédneme, ¾e listy stromu odpovídají hledaným slovùm, ale opaènì to neplatí. - -\figure{ara_strom_end.eps}{Vyhledávací automat s~konci slov.}{1in} - -Dále bychom mìli do~automatu pøidat zpìtné hrany. Jejich definice bude úplnì stejná jako u automatu pro hledání jednoho slova. Jinými slovy z~ka¾dého stavu pùjde zpìtná hrana do~nejdel¹ího vlastního suffixu, který je stavem. Èili kdy¾ budeme mít nìjaké jméno stavu, budeme se ho sna¾it co nejménì (ale alespoò o~znak) zkrátit zleva, abychom zase dostali jméno stavu. Z~koøene -- prázdného stavu -- pak evidentnì ¾ádná zpìtná hrana nepovede. - -\figure{ara_strom_final.eps}{Vyhledávací automat se zpìtnými hranami.}{1,25in} - -Zbývá nám je¹tì si rozmyslet, jakým zpùsobem bude ná¹ automat hlásit výstup. Opìt smìøujeme k~tomu, aby se automat po~pøeètení nìjakého kusu textu nacházel ve~stavu odpovídajícímu nejdel¹ímu mo¾nému suffixu toho textu. Zatímco u hledání jediné jehly bylo hlá¹ení výskytù jednoduché -- kdykoliv jsme se dostali na~konec \uv{automatové cestièky} tady to bude opìt slo¾itìj¹í. - -První, co se nabízí, je vyu¾ít toho, ¾e jsme si oznaèili nìjaké vrcholy, kde hledaná slova konèí. Co tedy zkusit hlásit výskyt tohoto slova v¾dy, kdy¾ pøijdeme do~nìjakého oznaèeného vrcholu? Tento zpùsob v¹ak nefunguje, pokud se uvnitø nìkteré jehly skrývá jehla vnoøená. Napøíklad po~pøeètení slova |bara|, nám ná¹ souèasný automat neøíká, ¾e bychom mìli nìjaké slovo ohlásit, a~pøitom tam evidentì konèí podøetìzec |ara|. Stejnì tak pokud pøeèteme |barbara|, u¾ si nev¹imneme toho, ¾e tam konèí zároveò i~|ara|. Pouhé \uv{hlá¹ení teèek} tedy nefunguje. - -Dále si mù¾eme v¹imnout toho, ¾e v¹echna slova, která by se mìla v~daném stavu hlásit, jsou suffixy jména tohoto stavu. Pøitom víme, ¾e zpìtná hrana jméno stavu zkracuje zleva. Tak¾e speciálnì v¹echny suffixy daného stavu, které jsou také stavy, se dají najít tak, ¾e se vydáme po~zpìtných hranách do~koøene. Nabízí se tedy v¾dy projít cestu po~zpìtných hranách a¾ do~koøene a~hlásit v¹echny \uv{teèky}. Tento zpùsob by nám v¹ak celý algoritmus znaènì zpomalil, proto¾e cesta do~koøene mù¾e být relativnì dlouhá, ale teèek na~ní obvykle bude málo. - -Mohli bychom také zkusit si pro ka¾dý stav $\beta$ pøedpoèítat mno¾inu $cache(\beta)$, která by obsahovala v¹echna slova, která máme hlásit, kdy¾ se ve~stavu $\beta$ nacházíme. Pokud pak do~tohoto stavu vstoupíme, podíváme se na~tuto mno¾inu a~vypí¹eme v¹e, co v~ní je. Výpis nám bude evidentnì trvat lineárnì k~velikosti mno¾iny, celkovì tedy lineárnì k~velikosti výstupu. Problém je ale ten, ¾e jednotlivé cache mohou být hodnì velké, tak¾e je nestihneme sestrojit v lineárním èase. (Rozmyslete si pøíklad slovníku, kdy se to stane.) - -To, co nám ale ji¾ opravdu pomù¾e, bude zavedení zkratek. V¹imli jsme si, ¾e po~zpìtných hranách mù¾eme projít do~koøene a~hlásit v¹echny nalezené teèky. Vadilo nám ale, ¾e se mù¾e stát, ¾e budeme dlouho po~cestì chodit a~pøi tom ¾ádné teèky nenalézat. Zavedeme si proto zkratky k~nejbli¾¹í teèce. - -\s{Definice} (zkratková hrana): -Budeme mít tedy nìjakou funkci $slovo(\beta) :=$ slovo, které konèí ve~stavu $\beta$ (nebo $\emptyset$, pokud ¾ádné takové slovo není). Dále pak funkci $out(\beta) :=$ nejbli¾¹í vrchol dosa¾itelný po~zpìtných hranách, èili nejdel¹í vlastní suffix stavu $\beta$, v~nìm¾ je definovaná funkce $slovo$. Trochu lid¹tìji øeèeno, ten nejbli¾¹í dosa¾itelný vrchol, ve~kterém je teèka. - -Po pøidání tìchto zkratkových hran ji¾ máme reprezentaci, ve~které opravdu umíme v~daném stavu vyjmenovat v¹echna slova, která máme vypsat, a~to v~èase lineárním s~tím, kolik tìch slov je. - -\s{Definice:} -Vyhledávací automat sestává ze stromu dopøedných hran (vrcholy jsou prefixy jehel, hrany odpovídají roz¹íøení o~písmenko), zpìtných hran ($z(\beta) :=$ nejdel¹í vlastní suffix slova $\beta$, který je stavem) a~zkratkových hran. - -Automat pak bude na~na¹em pøíkladu vypadat takto (zkratkové hrany jsou znázornìny zelenì): - -\figure{ara_strom_zkr.eps}{Vyhledávací automat se zkratkovými hranami.}{1,25in} - -Nyní u¾ nám zbývá jenom vlastní algoritmus -- nejdøív popí¹eme algoritmus, který bude hledat pomocí takového automatu, a~potom se pustíme do~toho, jak se takový automat staví. - -Nejprve si nadefinujeme, jak vypadá jeden krok automatu. Bude to vlastnì nìjaká funkce, která dostane stav a~písmenko. Ona nás pak pomocí tohoto písmenka posune po~automatu. ($f(\alpha, x)$ bude dopøedná hrana ze stavu $\alpha$ oznaèená písmenem~$x$) - -\s{Krok ($\alpha$, $x$):} -\algo -\:Dokud $f(\alpha, x) = \emptyset~\&~\alpha \neq \~~\alpha \leftarrow z(\alpha)$. -\:Pokud $f(\alpha, x) \neq \emptyset:~~\alpha \leftarrow f(\alpha, x)$. -\:Vrátíme výsledek. -\endalgo - -\s{Hledání:} -\algo -\:$\alpha \leftarrow \$. -\:Pro znaky $x$ ze slova $\sigma$: -\::$\alpha \leftarrow \(\alpha, x)$. -\::$\beta \leftarrow \alpha$ -\::Dokud $\beta \neq \emptyset$: -\:::Je-li $\(\beta) \neq \emptyset$: -\::::Ohlásíme $\(\beta)$. -\:::$\beta \leftarrow \(\beta)$. -\endalgo - -Algoritmus hledání vlastnì není nic jiného, ne¾ prosté projití po~zelených zkratkových hranách ze stavu $\alpha$, ve~kterém právì jsme, a~ohlá¹ení v¹eho, co po~cestì najdeme. - -V ka¾dém okam¾iku se automat nachází ve~stavu, který odpovídá nejdel¹ímu mo¾nému suffixu toho, co jsme u¾ pøeèetli. Dùkaz tohoto invariantu je stejný jako u verze automatu pro hledání pouze jedné jehly, nebo» vychází pouze z~definice zpìtných hran. Podobnì nahlédneme, ¾e èasová slo¾itost vyhledávací procedury je lineární v~délce sena plus to, co spotøebujeme na~hlá¹ení výskytù. Nejprve na~chvíli zapomeneme, ¾e nìjaké výskyty hlásíme a~spoèítáme jenom kroky. Ty mohou vést dopøedu a~zpátky. Krok dopøedu prodlu¾uje jméno stavu o~jedna, krok dozadu zkracuje aspoò o~jedna. Tudí¾ krokù dozadu je maximálnì tolik, co krokù dopøedu a~krokù dopøedu je maximálnì tolik, kolik je délka sena. V¹echny kroky dohromady tedy trvají $\O(S)$. Hlá¹ení výskytù pak trvá $\O(S~+ \vert V \vert)$. Celé hledání tedy trvá lineárnì v~délce vstupu a~výstupu. - -Zbývá nám u¾ jen konstrukce automatu. Opìt vyu¾ijeme faktu, ¾e zpìtná hrana ze stavu $\beta$ vede tam, kam by se dostal automat pøi hledání $\beta$ bez prvního písmenka. Tak¾e zase chceme nìco, jako simulovat výpoèet toho automatu na~slovech bez prvního písmenka a~doufat v~to, ¾e si vystaèíme s~tou èástí automatu, kterou jsme u¾ postavili. Tentokrát to v¹ak nemù¾eme dìlat jedno slovo po~druhém, proto¾e zpìtné hrany mohou vést køí¾em mezi jednotlivými vìtvemi automatu. Mohlo by se nám tedy stát, ¾e pøi hledání nìjakého slova potøebujeme zpìtnou hranu, která vede do~jiného slova, které jsme je¹tì nezkonstruovali. Tak¾e tento postup sel¾e. Mù¾eme v¹ak vyu¾ít toho, ¾e ka¾dá zpìtná hrana vede ve~stromu alespoò o~jednu hladinu vý¹. Mù¾eme tak strom konstruovat po~hladinách. Lze si to tedy pøedstavit tak, ¾e paralelnì spustíme vyhledávání v¹ech slov bez prvních písmenek a~v¾dycky udìláme jeden podkrok ka¾dého z~tìch hledání, co¾ nám dá zpìtné hrany z~dal¹ího patra stromu. - -\s{Konstrukce automatu:} -\algo -\:Zalo¾íme prázdný strom, $r \leftarrow$ jeho koøen. -\:Vlo¾íme do~stromu slova $\iota_1 \dots \iota_n$, nastavíme $slovo(*)$. -\:$z(r) \leftarrow \emptyset$, $out(r) \leftarrow \emptyset$. -\:Zalo¾íme frontu $F$ a~vlo¾íme do~ní syny koøene. -\:$\forall v~\in F:~~z(v) \leftarrow r, \(v) \leftarrow \emptyset$. -\:Dokud $F \neq \emptyset$: -\::Vybereme $u$ z~fronty $F$. -\::Pro v¹echny syny $v$ vrcholu $u$: -\:::$q \leftarrow \(z(u), \)$. -\:::$z(v) \leftarrow q$. -\:::Pokud $slovo(q) \neq \emptyset$, pak $out(v) \leftarrow q$. -\::::Jinak $out(v) \leftarrow out(q)$. -\:::Vlo¾íme $v$ do~fronty $F$. -\endalgo - -To, ¾e tento algoritmus zkonstruuje zpìtné hrany jak má, vyplývá z~toho, ¾e nedìláme nic jiného, ne¾ ¾e spou¹tíme výpoèty po~hladinách na~v¹echna hledaná slova bez prvního písmenka. Stejnì tak to, ¾e dobìhne v~lineárním èase, je takté¾ dùsledkem toho, ¾e efektivnì spou¹tíme v¹echny tyto výpoèty. Jen nìkdy udìláme najednou krok dvou èi více výpoètù (napøíklad |araba| a~|arbara| se poèítají na~zaèátku, dokud jsou stejné, jen jednou). Èasová slo¾itost této konstrukce je tedy men¹í nebo rovna souètu èasových slo¾itostí výpoètù nad v¹emi tìmi slovy. To u¾ ale víme, ¾e je lineární v~celkové délce tìchto slov. Konstrukce automatu tedy trvá nejvý¹e tolik, co hledání v¹ech $\iota_i$, co¾ je $\O(\sum_{i} \iota_i)$. - -\s{Vìta:} Algoritmus Aho-Corasicková najde v¹echny výskyty v~èase -$$\O\left(\sum_i~\iota_i~+~S~+~\sharp\\right).$$ - -Je¹tì se na~závìr zamysleme, jak bychom si takový automat ukládali do~pamìti. Urèitì se nám bude hodit si stavy nìjak oèíslovat (tøeba v~poøadí, v~jakém budou vznikat). Potom funkce pro zpìtné a~zkratkové hrany mohou být reprezentované polem indexovaným èíslem stavu. Funkce {\I Slovo}, která øíká, jaké slovo ve~stavu konèí, zase mù¾e být pole indexované stavem, které nám øekne poøadové èíslo slova ve~slovníku. Pro dopøedné hrany v~ka¾dém vrcholu pak mù¾eme mít pole indexované písmenky abecedy, které nám pro ka¾dé písmenko øekne, buï ¾e taková hrana není, nebo nám øekne, kam tato hrana vede. Je vidìt, ¾e takovéto pole se hodí pro pomìrnì malé abecedy. U¾ pro abecedu A-Z~bude velikosti 26 a~z~vìt¹iny bude prázdné, tak¾e bychom plýtvali pamìtí. V praxi se proto èasto pou¾ívá hashovací tabulka. Pøípadnì bychom mohli mít i~jen jednu velkou spoleènou hashovací tabulku, která bude reprezentovat funkci celou, ve~které budou zahashované dvojice (stav, písmenko). Tìchto dvojic je evidentnì tolik, kolik hran stromu, èili lineárnì s~velikostí slovníku, a~je to asi nejkompaktnìj¹í reprezentace. - - -\bye diff --git a/6-kmp/Makefile b/6-kmp/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 1831d14..0000000 --- a/6-kmp/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=6-kmp - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps b/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 7d054ab..0000000 --- a/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1334 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 -%%Pages: 1 -%%Orientation: Portrait -%%BoundingBox: 163 220 443 747 -%%HiResBoundingBox: 163.64601 220.18395 442.55996 746.83829 -%%EndComments -%%Page: 1 1 -0 842 translate -0.8 -0.8 scale -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 203.68828 84.001202] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 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-299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 246.35937] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 336.39477] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 426.34277] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 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-newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 223.68792 492.33909] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5438731 0 0 0.5411688 225.36794 582.33277] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.4746022 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 402.34277] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 492.33877] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 582.33277] concat -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 672.63183] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -345.53836 187.58326 moveto -287.38769 240.62376 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -276.9374 260.60596 moveto -276.93729 329.95923 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -276.93728 350.85978 moveto -276.93728 419.99463 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -276.93728 440.89518 moveto -276.93728 509.94263 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -366.43891 187.58336 moveto -424.589 240.62388 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -435.03928 260.60618 moveto -435.03928 329.95963 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -435.03928 350.86018 moveto -435.03928 419.99463 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -425.7232 440.89518 moveto -385.56492 485.94263 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -444.35528 440.89518 moveto -484.51327 485.94263 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -493.82928 506.84318 moveto -493.82928 575.93863 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -493.82928 596.83918 moveto -493.82928 665.93263 lineto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -493.82928 686.83318 moveto -493.82928 756.23169 lineto -stroke -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -309.92847 206.63792 moveto -303.6394 206.63792 lineto -301.1394 200.13402 lineto -289.69409 200.13402 lineto -287.33081 206.63792 lineto -281.198 206.63792 lineto -292.35034 178.00511 lineto -298.46362 178.00511 lineto -309.92847 206.63792 lineto -299.28394 195.3098 moveto -295.33862 184.6848 lineto -291.47144 195.3098 lineto -299.28394 195.3098 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -239.392 459.33337 moveto -250.83731 459.33337 lineto -253.10292 459.3334 254.78912 459.43106 255.8959 459.62634 curveto -257.01568 459.80866 258.01177 460.19929 258.88419 460.79822 curveto -259.76958 461.3972 260.50526 462.19798 261.09122 463.20056 curveto -261.67713 464.19017 261.9701 465.30345 261.97012 466.54041 curveto -261.9701 467.88157 261.60551 469.11204 260.87637 470.23181 curveto -260.1602 471.35162 259.18364 472.19146 257.94669 472.75134 curveto -259.69145 473.25917 261.0326 474.12505 261.97012 475.349 curveto -262.9076 476.57297 263.37635 478.01177 263.37637 479.66541 curveto -263.37635 480.9675 263.07036 482.23703 262.4584 483.474 curveto -261.85942 484.69796 261.0326 485.68103 259.97794 486.42322 curveto -258.93625 487.15239 257.64719 487.6016 256.11075 487.77087 curveto -255.14719 487.87504 252.82297 487.94014 249.13809 487.96619 curveto -239.392 487.96619 lineto -239.392 459.33337 lineto -245.17325 464.099 moveto -245.17325 470.72009 lineto -248.96231 470.72009 lineto -251.2149 470.72011 252.61464 470.68756 253.16153 470.62244 curveto -254.1511 470.50527 254.92583 470.16673 255.48575 469.60681 curveto -256.05865 469.03391 256.3451 468.28522 256.34512 467.36072 curveto -256.3451 466.47532 256.09771 465.75918 255.60294 465.21228 curveto -255.12115 464.65241 254.39849 464.31387 253.43497 464.19666 curveto -252.86203 464.13157 251.2149 464.09902 248.49356 464.099 curveto -245.17325 464.099 lineto -245.17325 475.48572 moveto -245.17325 483.14197 lineto -250.52481 483.14197 lineto -252.60813 483.14197 253.92974 483.08338 254.48965 482.96619 curveto -255.34901 482.80994 256.04562 482.43234 256.5795 481.83337 curveto -257.12635 481.2214 257.39979 480.4076 257.39981 479.39197 curveto -257.39979 478.5326 257.19146 477.80344 256.77481 477.20447 curveto -256.35812 476.60552 255.75266 476.16932 254.9584 475.89587 curveto -254.17714 475.62245 252.47141 475.48573 249.84122 475.48572 curveto -245.17325 475.48572 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -239.39163 308.89175 moveto -239.39163 280.25894 lineto -251.5596 280.25894 lineto -254.61948 280.25897 256.83953 280.51939 258.21976 281.04019 curveto -259.61296 281.54803 260.72624 282.45949 261.5596 283.77457 curveto -262.39291 285.08969 262.80957 286.5936 262.8096 288.28629 curveto -262.80957 290.43474 262.17806 292.21208 260.91507 293.61832 curveto -259.65203 295.01156 257.76401 295.89047 255.25101 296.25504 curveto -256.50099 296.98421 257.52963 297.78499 258.33694 298.65738 curveto -259.15723 299.52978 260.25749 301.07926 261.63773 303.30582 curveto -265.13382 308.89175 lineto -258.21976 308.89175 lineto -254.04007 302.66129 lineto -252.55568 300.43473 251.54005 299.03499 250.99319 298.46207 curveto -250.44631 297.87614 249.86688 297.47901 249.25491 297.27066 curveto -248.64292 297.04932 247.67287 296.93864 246.34476 296.93863 curveto -245.17288 296.93863 lineto -245.17288 308.89175 lineto -239.39163 308.89175 lineto -245.17288 292.36832 moveto -249.45023 292.36832 lineto -252.22365 292.36833 253.95542 292.25115 254.64554 292.01675 curveto -255.33562 291.7824 255.87599 291.37875 256.26663 290.80582 curveto -256.65724 290.23292 256.85255 289.51677 256.85257 288.65738 curveto -256.85255 287.69386 256.59213 286.91912 256.07132 286.33316 curveto -255.56349 285.73423 254.84083 285.35662 253.90335 285.20035 curveto -253.43458 285.13527 252.02834 285.10272 249.6846 285.10269 curveto -245.17288 285.10269 lineto -245.17288 292.36832 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -268.12247 395.63794 moveto -261.8334 395.63794 lineto -259.3334 389.13403 lineto -247.88809 389.13403 lineto -245.52481 395.63794 lineto -239.392 395.63794 lineto -250.54434 367.00513 lineto -256.65762 367.00513 lineto -268.12247 395.63794 lineto -257.47794 384.30981 moveto -253.53262 373.68481 lineto -249.66544 384.30981 lineto -257.47794 384.30981 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -474.37711 308.89218 moveto -468.08804 308.89218 lineto -465.58804 302.38828 lineto -454.14273 302.38828 lineto -451.77945 308.89218 lineto -445.64664 308.89218 lineto -456.79898 280.25937 lineto -462.91226 280.25937 lineto -474.37711 308.89218 lineto -463.73257 297.56406 moveto -459.78726 286.93906 lineto -455.92007 297.56406 lineto -463.73257 297.56406 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -534.43146 556.64716 moveto -528.1424 556.64716 lineto -525.6424 550.14325 lineto -514.19708 550.14325 lineto -511.8338 556.64716 lineto -505.70099 556.64716 lineto -516.85333 528.01434 lineto -522.96661 528.01434 lineto -534.43146 556.64716 lineto -523.78693 545.31903 moveto -519.84161 534.69403 lineto -515.97443 545.31903 lineto -523.78693 545.31903 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-347.42282 645.79364 lineto -341.29001 645.79364 lineto -352.44235 617.16083 lineto -358.55563 617.16083 lineto -370.02048 645.79364 lineto -359.37595 634.46552 moveto -355.43063 623.84052 lineto -351.56345 634.46552 lineto -359.37595 634.46552 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -405.54422 178.00537 moveto -416.98953 178.00537 lineto -419.25514 178.0054 420.94134 178.10306 422.04813 178.29834 curveto -423.1679 178.48066 424.16399 178.87128 425.03641 179.47021 curveto -425.9218 180.0692 426.65748 180.86998 427.24344 181.87256 curveto -427.82935 182.86217 428.12232 183.97545 428.12234 185.2124 curveto -428.12232 186.55357 427.75774 187.78404 427.02859 188.90381 curveto -426.31243 190.02362 425.33586 190.86346 424.09891 191.42334 curveto -425.84368 191.93117 427.18482 192.79705 428.12234 194.021 curveto -429.05982 195.24497 429.52857 196.68377 429.52859 198.3374 curveto -429.52857 199.63949 429.22258 200.90902 428.61063 202.146 curveto -428.01164 203.36996 427.18482 204.35303 426.13016 205.09521 curveto -425.08847 205.82438 423.79941 206.2736 422.26297 206.44287 curveto -421.29941 206.54704 418.97519 206.61214 415.29031 206.63818 curveto -405.54422 206.63818 lineto -405.54422 178.00537 lineto -411.32547 182.771 moveto -411.32547 189.39209 lineto -415.11453 189.39209 lineto -417.36712 189.39211 418.76686 189.35956 419.31375 189.29443 curveto -420.30332 189.17726 421.07806 188.83872 421.63797 188.27881 curveto -422.21087 187.70591 422.49733 186.95721 422.49734 186.03271 curveto -422.49733 185.14732 422.24993 184.43117 421.75516 183.88428 curveto -421.27337 183.3244 420.55071 182.98586 419.58719 182.86865 curveto -419.01426 182.80357 417.36712 182.77102 414.64578 182.771 curveto -411.32547 182.771 lineto -411.32547 194.15771 moveto -411.32547 201.81396 lineto -416.67703 201.81396 lineto -418.76035 201.81397 420.08196 201.75538 420.64188 201.63818 curveto -421.50123 201.48194 422.19785 201.10433 422.73172 200.50537 curveto -423.27857 199.8934 423.55201 199.0796 423.55203 198.06396 curveto -423.55201 197.2046 423.34368 196.47543 422.92703 195.87646 curveto -422.51035 195.27752 421.90488 194.84132 421.11063 194.56787 curveto -420.32936 194.29445 418.62363 194.15773 415.99344 194.15771 curveto -411.32547 194.15771 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -475.84372 434.66736 moveto -487.28903 434.66736 lineto -489.55464 434.66739 491.24084 434.76504 492.34763 434.96033 curveto -493.4674 435.14265 494.46349 435.53327 495.33591 436.1322 curveto -496.2213 436.73119 496.95698 437.53197 497.54294 438.53455 curveto -498.12885 439.52415 498.42182 440.63743 498.42184 441.87439 curveto -498.42182 443.21556 498.05724 444.44602 497.32809 445.5658 curveto -496.61192 446.6856 495.63536 447.52545 494.39841 448.08533 curveto -496.14318 448.59315 497.48432 449.45904 498.42184 450.68298 curveto -499.35932 451.90695 499.82807 453.34575 499.82809 454.99939 curveto -499.82807 456.30148 499.52208 457.57101 498.91013 458.80798 curveto -498.31114 460.03195 497.48432 461.01502 496.42966 461.7572 curveto -495.38797 462.48637 494.09891 462.93559 492.56247 463.10486 curveto -491.59891 463.20903 489.27469 463.27413 485.58981 463.30017 curveto -475.84372 463.30017 lineto -475.84372 434.66736 lineto -481.62497 439.43298 moveto -481.62497 446.05408 lineto -485.41403 446.05408 lineto -487.66662 446.05409 489.06636 446.02154 489.61325 445.95642 curveto -490.60282 445.83925 491.37756 445.50071 491.93747 444.9408 curveto -492.51037 444.3679 492.79682 443.6192 492.79684 442.6947 curveto -492.79682 441.80931 492.54943 441.09316 492.05466 440.54626 curveto -491.57287 439.98639 490.85021 439.64785 489.88669 439.53064 curveto -489.31376 439.46556 487.66662 439.43301 484.94528 439.43298 curveto -481.62497 439.43298 lineto -481.62497 450.8197 moveto -481.62497 458.47595 lineto -486.97653 458.47595 lineto -489.05985 458.47596 490.38146 458.41736 490.94138 458.30017 curveto -491.80073 458.14393 492.49735 457.76632 493.03122 457.16736 curveto -493.57807 456.55539 493.85151 455.74158 493.85153 454.72595 curveto -493.85151 453.86659 493.64318 453.13742 493.22653 452.53845 curveto -492.80985 451.93951 492.20438 451.50331 491.41013 451.22986 curveto -490.62886 450.95643 488.92313 450.81971 486.29294 450.8197 curveto -481.62497 450.8197 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -341.29022 528.01453 moveto -352.73553 528.01453 lineto -355.00114 528.01455 356.68734 528.11221 357.79413 528.3075 curveto -358.9139 528.48981 359.90999 528.88044 360.78241 529.47937 curveto -361.6678 530.07836 362.40348 530.87914 362.98944 531.88171 curveto -363.57535 532.87132 363.86832 533.9846 363.86835 535.22156 curveto -363.86832 536.56272 363.50374 537.79319 362.7746 538.91296 curveto -362.05843 540.03277 361.08187 540.87262 359.84491 541.4325 curveto -361.58968 541.94032 362.93082 542.80621 363.86835 544.03015 curveto -364.80582 545.25412 365.27457 546.69292 365.2746 548.34656 curveto -365.27457 549.64865 364.96858 550.91818 364.35663 552.15515 curveto -363.75764 553.37911 362.93082 554.36218 361.87616 555.10437 curveto -360.83447 555.83354 359.54541 556.28276 358.00897 556.45203 curveto -357.04541 556.55619 354.7212 556.6213 351.03632 556.64734 curveto -341.29022 556.64734 lineto -341.29022 528.01453 lineto -347.07147 532.78015 moveto -347.07147 539.40125 lineto -350.86053 539.40125 lineto -353.11312 539.40126 354.51286 539.36871 355.05975 539.30359 curveto -356.04932 539.18642 356.82406 538.84788 357.38397 538.28796 curveto -357.95687 537.71507 358.24333 536.96637 358.24335 536.04187 curveto -358.24333 535.15647 357.99593 534.44033 357.50116 533.89343 curveto -357.01937 533.33356 356.29671 532.99502 355.33319 532.87781 curveto -354.76026 532.81273 353.11312 532.78018 350.39178 532.78015 curveto -347.07147 532.78015 lineto -347.07147 544.16687 moveto -347.07147 551.82312 lineto -352.42303 551.82312 lineto -354.50635 551.82312 355.82797 551.76453 356.38788 551.64734 curveto -357.24723 551.49109 357.94385 551.11349 358.47772 550.51453 curveto -359.02458 549.90255 359.29801 549.08875 359.29803 548.07312 curveto -359.29801 547.21375 359.08968 546.48459 358.67303 545.88562 curveto -358.25635 545.28667 357.65088 544.85048 356.85663 544.57703 curveto -356.07536 544.3036 354.36963 544.16688 351.73944 544.16687 curveto -347.07147 544.16687 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -445.647 395.63818 moveto -445.647 367.00537 lineto -457.81497 367.00537 lineto -460.87485 367.0054 463.0949 367.26582 464.47513 367.78662 curveto -465.86833 368.29446 466.98161 369.20592 467.81497 370.521 curveto -468.64828 371.83612 469.06495 373.34003 469.06497 375.03271 curveto -469.06495 377.18117 468.43344 378.95851 467.17044 380.36475 curveto -465.9074 381.75799 464.01938 382.63689 461.50638 383.00146 curveto -462.75636 383.73064 463.785 384.53142 464.59232 385.40381 curveto -465.41261 386.27621 466.51286 387.82569 467.8931 390.05225 curveto -471.38919 395.63818 lineto -464.47513 395.63818 lineto -460.29544 389.40771 lineto -458.81105 387.18116 457.79543 385.78142 457.24857 385.2085 curveto -456.70168 384.62257 456.12225 384.22543 455.51028 384.01709 curveto -454.89829 383.79575 453.92824 383.68507 452.60013 383.68506 curveto -451.42825 383.68506 lineto -451.42825 395.63818 lineto -445.647 395.63818 lineto -451.42825 379.11475 moveto -455.7056 379.11475 lineto -458.47902 379.11476 460.21079 378.99758 460.90091 378.76318 curveto -461.59099 378.52883 462.13136 378.12518 462.522 377.55225 curveto -462.91261 376.97935 463.10792 376.2632 463.10794 375.40381 curveto -463.10792 374.44029 462.8475 373.66555 462.32669 373.07959 curveto -461.81886 372.48065 461.0962 372.10305 460.15872 371.94678 curveto -459.68995 371.8817 458.28371 371.84914 455.93997 371.84912 curveto -451.42825 371.84912 lineto -451.42825 379.11475 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -505.70071 645.79321 moveto -505.70071 617.1604 lineto -517.86868 617.1604 lineto -520.92856 617.16043 523.14861 617.42085 524.52884 617.94165 curveto -525.92205 618.44949 527.03533 619.36095 527.86868 620.67603 curveto -528.70199 621.99115 529.11866 623.49506 529.11868 625.18774 curveto -529.11866 627.3362 528.48715 629.11354 527.22415 630.51978 curveto -525.96111 631.91302 524.07309 632.79192 521.56009 633.15649 curveto -522.81007 633.88567 523.83871 634.68645 524.64603 635.55884 curveto -525.46632 636.43124 526.56658 637.98072 527.94681 640.20728 curveto -531.4429 645.79321 lineto -524.52884 645.79321 lineto -520.34915 639.56274 lineto -518.86476 637.33619 517.84914 635.93645 517.30228 635.36353 curveto -516.75539 634.7776 516.17596 634.38046 515.564 634.17212 curveto -514.952 633.95078 513.98195 633.8401 512.65384 633.84009 curveto -511.48196 633.84009 lineto -511.48196 645.79321 lineto -505.70071 645.79321 lineto -511.48196 629.26978 moveto -515.75931 629.26978 lineto -518.53273 629.26979 520.2645 629.1526 520.95462 628.91821 curveto -521.64471 628.68385 522.18507 628.28021 522.57571 627.70728 curveto -522.96632 627.13438 523.16163 626.41823 523.16165 625.55884 curveto -523.16163 624.59532 522.90121 623.82058 522.3804 623.23462 curveto -521.87257 622.63568 521.14991 622.25808 520.21243 622.10181 curveto -519.74367 622.03673 518.33742 622.00417 515.99368 622.00415 curveto -511.48196 622.00415 lineto -511.48196 629.26978 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -357.95654 127.21275 moveto -357.95654 131.47057 lineto -355.72997 131.47057 354.21304 131.65287 353.40576 132.01744 curveto -352.61148 132.38203 352.21435 133.01354 352.21436 133.91197 curveto -352.21435 134.57604 352.4943 135.1164 353.0542 135.53307 curveto -353.61409 135.94974 354.27815 136.15807 355.04639 136.15807 curveto -356.42658 136.15807 358.06721 135.51354 359.96826 134.22447 curveto -363.58154 137.79869 lineto -360.57371 139.59557 357.63101 140.494 354.75342 140.494 curveto -352.42268 140.494 350.47607 139.92109 348.91357 138.77525 curveto -347.36409 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173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -stroke -grestore -gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 672.63183] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto -262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto -291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1.478282 setlinewidth -2 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -299.99999 173.79076 moveto -299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto -271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 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-243.81008 138.45065 243.70461 138.06686 243.65775 137.62741 curveto -243.52591 134.09421 moveto -242.95168 134.32859 242.09036 134.52781 240.94193 134.69186 curveto -240.29153 134.78562 239.83157 134.89109 239.56204 135.00827 curveto -239.29251 135.12546 239.0845 135.29831 238.93802 135.52682 curveto -238.79153 135.74948 238.71829 135.99851 238.71829 136.2739 curveto -238.71829 136.69577 238.87649 137.04733 239.1929 137.32858 curveto -239.51516 137.60983 239.98391 137.75046 240.59915 137.75046 curveto -241.20852 137.75046 241.75051 137.61862 242.22513 137.35495 curveto -242.69973 137.08542 243.04836 136.71921 243.27103 136.25632 curveto -243.44094 135.8989 243.5259 135.37155 243.52591 134.67429 curveto -243.52591 134.09421 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -247.56888 138.77878 moveto -247.56888 129.44479 lineto -248.99271 129.44479 lineto -248.99271 130.85983 lineto -249.35598 130.19773 249.68997 129.76121 249.99466 129.55026 curveto -250.3052 129.33933 250.64505 129.23387 251.01419 129.23386 curveto -251.54739 129.23387 252.08938 129.40379 252.64017 129.74362 curveto -252.09525 131.2114 lineto -251.70852 130.98289 251.3218 130.86863 250.93509 130.86862 curveto -250.58938 130.86863 250.27884 130.9741 250.00345 131.18503 curveto -249.72805 131.39011 249.53177 131.67722 249.41458 132.04636 curveto -249.2388 132.60886 249.15091 133.2241 249.15091 133.89206 curveto -249.15091 138.77878 lineto -247.56888 138.77878 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -304.35175 138.77879 moveto -302.88397 138.77879 lineto -302.88397 125.89403 lineto -304.466 125.89403 lineto -304.466 130.49071 lineto -305.13397 129.65283 305.98651 129.23388 307.02362 129.23387 curveto -307.59783 129.23388 308.13983 129.35107 308.6496 129.58543 curveto -309.16521 129.81396 309.58709 130.13915 309.91522 130.56102 curveto -310.2492 130.97704 310.50994 131.48095 310.69745 132.07274 curveto -310.88494 132.66454 310.97869 133.29735 310.9787 133.97118 curveto -310.97869 135.57079 310.58318 136.80712 309.79218 137.68016 curveto -309.00115 138.55321 308.05193 138.98973 306.94452 138.98973 curveto -305.84295 138.98973 304.9787 138.52977 304.35175 137.60985 curveto -304.35175 138.77879 lineto -304.33417 134.04149 moveto -304.33416 135.16063 304.48651 135.96923 304.7912 136.46727 curveto -305.28924 137.28172 305.96307 137.68895 306.81268 137.68895 curveto -307.50408 137.68895 308.10174 137.39012 308.60565 136.79247 curveto -309.10955 136.18895 309.3615 135.29247 309.36151 134.10301 curveto -309.3615 132.88427 309.11834 131.98485 308.63202 131.40477 curveto -308.15154 130.8247 307.56854 130.53466 306.883 130.53465 curveto -306.19158 130.53466 305.59393 130.83642 305.09003 131.43993 curveto -304.58612 132.03759 304.33416 132.90478 304.33417 134.04149 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -319.00311 137.62743 moveto -318.41717 138.12547 317.85174 138.47704 317.30682 138.68211 curveto -316.76776 138.88719 316.18768 138.98973 315.56659 138.98973 curveto -314.5412 138.98973 313.75311 138.74071 313.20233 138.24266 curveto -312.65155 137.73876 312.37616 137.09715 312.37616 136.31786 curveto -312.37616 135.86083 312.4787 135.44481 312.68378 135.06981 curveto -312.89471 134.68895 313.16717 134.38427 313.50116 134.15575 curveto -313.841 133.92724 314.22186 133.75438 314.64374 133.63719 curveto -314.95428 133.55517 315.42303 133.47606 316.04999 133.39989 curveto -317.32733 133.24755 318.26775 133.06591 318.87128 132.85497 curveto -318.87713 132.63817 318.88006 132.50048 318.88007 132.44188 curveto -318.88006 131.79736 318.73064 131.34325 318.43182 131.07957 curveto -318.02752 130.72216 317.42694 130.54345 316.63007 130.54344 curveto -315.88592 130.54345 315.33514 130.67529 314.97772 130.93895 curveto -314.62616 131.19677 314.36541 131.65673 314.1955 132.31883 curveto -312.64862 132.10789 lineto -312.78924 131.44579 313.02069 130.91259 313.34296 130.50829 curveto -313.66522 130.09814 314.13104 129.78466 314.74042 129.56786 curveto -315.34979 129.34521 316.05584 129.23388 316.85858 129.23387 curveto -317.65545 129.23388 318.30291 129.32763 318.80096 129.51512 curveto -319.299 129.70263 319.66521 129.93993 319.8996 130.22704 curveto -320.13396 130.50829 320.29803 130.86572 320.39178 131.2993 curveto -320.44451 131.56884 320.47088 132.05517 320.47089 132.75829 curveto -320.47089 134.86766 lineto -320.47088 136.33837 320.5031 137.27001 320.56757 137.66258 curveto -320.63787 138.0493 320.77263 138.42137 320.97186 138.77879 curveto -319.31952 138.77879 lineto -319.15545 138.45067 319.04998 138.06688 319.00311 137.62743 curveto -318.87128 134.09422 moveto -318.29705 134.3286 317.43572 134.52782 316.28729 134.69188 curveto -315.6369 134.78563 315.17694 134.8911 314.90741 135.00829 curveto -314.63788 135.12548 314.42987 135.29833 314.28339 135.52684 curveto -314.1369 135.7495 314.06366 135.99852 314.06366 136.27391 curveto -314.06366 136.69579 314.22186 137.04735 314.53827 137.3286 curveto -314.86053 137.60985 315.32928 137.75047 315.94452 137.75047 curveto -316.55389 137.75047 317.09588 137.61864 317.5705 137.35497 curveto -318.0451 137.08544 318.39373 136.71923 318.61639 136.25633 curveto -318.78631 135.89891 318.87127 135.37157 318.87128 134.6743 curveto -318.87128 134.09422 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -322.91425 138.77879 moveto -322.91425 129.44481 lineto -324.33807 129.44481 lineto -324.33807 130.85985 lineto -324.70135 130.19775 325.03534 129.76122 325.34003 129.55028 curveto -325.65057 129.33935 325.99041 129.23388 326.35956 129.23387 curveto -326.89276 129.23388 327.43475 129.4038 327.98553 129.74364 curveto -327.44061 131.21141 lineto -327.05389 130.9829 326.66717 130.86864 326.28046 130.86864 curveto -325.93475 130.86864 325.6242 130.97411 325.34882 131.18504 curveto -325.07342 131.39013 324.87713 131.67724 324.75995 132.04637 curveto -324.58416 132.60888 324.49627 133.22411 324.49628 133.89207 curveto -324.49628 138.77879 lineto -322.91425 138.77879 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -330.40253 138.77879 moveto -328.93475 138.77879 lineto -328.93475 125.89403 lineto -330.51678 125.89403 lineto -330.51678 130.49071 lineto -331.18475 129.65283 332.03729 129.23388 333.0744 129.23387 curveto -333.64861 129.23388 334.19061 129.35107 334.70038 129.58543 curveto -335.216 129.81396 335.63787 130.13915 335.966 130.56102 curveto -336.29998 130.97704 336.56072 131.48095 336.74823 132.07274 curveto -336.93572 132.66454 337.02947 133.29735 337.02948 133.97118 curveto -337.02947 135.57079 336.63396 136.80712 335.84296 137.68016 curveto -335.05193 138.55321 334.10272 138.98973 332.9953 138.98973 curveto -331.89373 138.98973 331.02948 138.52977 330.40253 137.60985 curveto -330.40253 138.77879 lineto -330.38495 134.04149 moveto -330.38495 135.16063 330.53729 135.96923 330.84198 136.46727 curveto -331.34002 137.28172 332.01385 137.68895 332.86346 137.68895 curveto -333.55486 137.68895 334.15252 137.39012 334.65643 136.79247 curveto -335.16033 136.18895 335.41228 135.29247 335.41229 134.10301 curveto -335.41228 132.88427 335.16912 131.98485 334.6828 131.40477 curveto -334.20233 130.8247 333.61932 130.53466 332.93378 130.53465 curveto -332.24237 130.53466 331.64471 130.83642 331.14081 131.43993 curveto -330.6369 132.03759 330.38495 132.90478 330.38495 134.04149 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -376.90637 138.77878 moveto -375.4386 138.77878 lineto -375.4386 125.89401 lineto -377.02063 125.89401 lineto -377.02063 130.49069 lineto -377.6886 129.65281 378.54113 129.23387 379.57825 129.23386 curveto -380.15246 129.23387 380.69445 129.35105 381.20422 129.58542 curveto -381.71984 129.81394 382.14172 130.13914 382.46985 130.561 curveto -382.80382 130.97703 383.06457 131.48093 383.25208 132.07272 curveto -383.43957 132.66453 383.53332 133.29734 383.53333 133.97116 curveto -383.53332 135.57077 383.13781 136.8071 382.3468 137.68015 curveto -381.55578 138.55319 380.60656 138.98972 379.49915 138.98972 curveto -378.39758 138.98972 377.53332 138.52975 376.90637 137.60983 curveto -376.90637 138.77878 lineto -376.88879 134.04147 moveto -376.88879 135.16062 377.04113 135.96921 377.34583 136.46725 curveto -377.84387 137.28171 378.5177 137.68894 379.36731 137.68893 curveto -380.05871 137.68894 380.65637 137.39011 381.16028 136.79245 curveto -381.66418 136.18894 381.91613 135.29245 381.91614 134.103 curveto -381.91613 132.88425 381.67297 131.98484 381.18665 131.40475 curveto -380.70617 130.82468 380.12316 130.53465 379.43762 130.53464 curveto -378.74621 130.53465 378.14856 130.8364 377.64465 131.43991 curveto -377.14074 132.03757 376.88879 132.90476 376.88879 134.04147 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -391.55774 137.62741 moveto -390.9718 138.12546 390.40637 138.47702 389.86145 138.6821 curveto -389.32238 138.88718 388.74231 138.98972 388.12122 138.98972 curveto -387.09582 138.98972 386.30774 138.74069 385.75696 138.24265 curveto -385.20618 137.73874 384.93079 137.09714 384.93079 136.31784 curveto -384.93079 135.86081 385.03332 135.4448 385.2384 135.06979 curveto -385.44934 134.68894 385.7218 134.38425 386.05579 134.15573 curveto -386.39563 133.92722 386.77649 133.75437 387.19836 133.63718 curveto -387.50891 133.55515 387.97766 133.47605 388.60461 133.39987 curveto -389.88195 133.24753 390.82238 133.06589 391.4259 132.85495 curveto -391.43176 132.63816 391.43469 132.50046 391.43469 132.44186 curveto -391.43469 131.79734 391.28527 131.34324 390.98645 131.07956 curveto -390.58215 130.72215 389.98156 130.54343 389.18469 130.54343 curveto -388.44055 130.54343 387.88977 130.67527 387.53235 130.93893 curveto -387.18078 131.19675 386.92004 131.65671 386.75012 132.31882 curveto -385.20325 132.10788 lineto -385.34387 131.44578 385.57532 130.91258 385.89758 130.50827 curveto -386.21985 130.09812 386.68567 129.78465 387.29504 129.56784 curveto -387.90442 129.34519 388.61047 129.23387 389.41321 129.23386 curveto -390.21008 129.23387 390.85754 129.32762 391.35559 129.51511 curveto -391.85363 129.70262 392.21984 129.93992 392.45422 130.22702 curveto -392.68859 130.50828 392.85265 130.8657 392.94641 131.29929 curveto -392.99914 131.56882 393.0255 132.05515 393.02551 132.75827 curveto -393.02551 134.86765 lineto -393.0255 136.33835 393.05773 137.26999 393.12219 137.66257 curveto -393.1925 138.04929 393.32726 138.42136 393.52649 138.77878 curveto -391.87415 138.77878 lineto -391.71008 138.45065 391.60461 138.06686 391.55774 137.62741 curveto -391.4259 134.09421 moveto -390.85168 134.32859 389.99035 134.52781 388.84192 134.69186 curveto -388.19152 134.78562 387.73156 134.89109 387.46204 135.00827 curveto -387.1925 135.12546 386.98449 135.29831 386.83801 135.52682 curveto -386.69153 135.74948 386.61828 135.99851 386.61829 136.2739 curveto -386.61828 136.69577 386.77649 137.04733 387.0929 137.32858 curveto -387.41516 137.60983 387.88391 137.75046 388.49915 137.75046 curveto -389.10852 137.75046 389.65051 137.61862 390.12512 137.35495 curveto -390.59973 137.08542 390.94836 136.71921 391.17102 136.25632 curveto -391.34094 135.8989 391.4259 135.37155 391.4259 134.67429 curveto -391.4259 134.09421 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -395.46887 138.77878 moveto -395.46887 129.44479 lineto -396.8927 129.44479 lineto -396.8927 130.85983 lineto -397.25598 130.19773 397.58996 129.76121 397.89465 129.55026 curveto -398.2052 129.33933 398.54504 129.23387 398.91418 129.23386 curveto -399.44738 129.23387 399.98937 129.40379 400.54016 129.74362 curveto -399.99524 131.2114 lineto -399.60852 130.98289 399.2218 130.86863 398.83508 130.86862 curveto -398.48938 130.86863 398.17883 130.9741 397.90344 131.18503 curveto -397.62805 131.39011 397.43176 131.67722 397.31458 132.04636 curveto -397.13879 132.60886 397.0509 133.2241 397.0509 133.89206 curveto -397.0509 138.77878 lineto -395.46887 138.77878 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -402.95715 138.77878 moveto -401.48938 138.77878 lineto -401.48938 125.89401 lineto -403.07141 125.89401 lineto -403.07141 130.49069 lineto -403.73938 129.65281 404.59191 129.23387 405.62903 129.23386 curveto -406.20324 129.23387 406.74523 129.35105 407.255 129.58542 curveto -407.77062 129.81394 408.1925 130.13914 408.52063 130.561 curveto -408.85461 130.97703 409.11535 131.48093 409.30286 132.07272 curveto -409.49035 132.66453 409.5841 133.29734 409.58411 133.97116 curveto -409.5841 135.57077 409.18859 136.8071 408.39758 137.68015 curveto -407.60656 138.55319 406.65734 138.98972 405.54993 138.98972 curveto -404.44836 138.98972 403.5841 138.52975 402.95715 137.60983 curveto -402.95715 138.77878 lineto -402.93958 134.04147 moveto -402.93957 135.16062 403.09192 135.96921 403.39661 136.46725 curveto -403.89465 137.28171 404.56848 137.68894 405.41809 137.68893 curveto -406.10949 137.68894 406.70715 137.39011 407.21106 136.79245 curveto -407.71496 136.18894 407.96691 135.29245 407.96692 134.103 curveto -407.96691 132.88425 407.72375 131.98484 407.23743 131.40475 curveto -406.75695 130.82468 406.17394 130.53465 405.4884 130.53464 curveto -404.79699 130.53465 404.19934 130.8364 403.69543 131.43991 curveto -403.19153 132.03757 402.93957 132.90476 402.93958 134.04147 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -417.60852 137.62741 moveto -417.02258 138.12546 416.45715 138.47702 415.91223 138.6821 curveto -415.37316 138.88718 414.79309 138.98972 414.172 138.98972 curveto -413.1466 138.98972 412.35852 138.74069 411.80774 138.24265 curveto -411.25696 137.73874 410.98157 137.09714 410.98157 136.31784 curveto -410.98157 135.86081 411.08411 135.4448 411.28918 135.06979 curveto -411.50012 134.68894 411.77258 134.38425 412.10657 134.15573 curveto -412.44641 133.92722 412.82727 133.75437 413.24915 133.63718 curveto -413.55969 133.55515 414.02844 133.47605 414.6554 133.39987 curveto -415.93273 133.24753 416.87316 133.06589 417.47668 132.85495 curveto -417.48254 132.63816 417.48547 132.50046 417.48547 132.44186 curveto -417.48547 131.79734 417.33605 131.34324 417.03723 131.07956 curveto -416.63293 130.72215 416.03234 130.54343 415.23547 130.54343 curveto -414.49133 130.54343 413.94055 130.67527 413.58313 130.93893 curveto -413.23156 131.19675 412.97082 131.65671 412.8009 132.31882 curveto -411.25403 132.10788 lineto -411.39465 131.44578 411.6261 130.91258 411.94836 130.50827 curveto -412.27063 130.09812 412.73645 129.78465 413.34583 129.56784 curveto -413.9552 129.34519 414.66125 129.23387 415.46399 129.23386 curveto -416.26086 129.23387 416.90832 129.32762 417.40637 129.51511 curveto -417.90441 129.70262 418.27062 129.93992 418.505 130.22702 curveto -418.73937 130.50828 418.90343 130.8657 418.99719 131.29929 curveto -419.04992 131.56882 419.07629 132.05515 419.07629 132.75827 curveto -419.07629 134.86765 lineto -419.07629 136.33835 419.10851 137.26999 419.17297 137.66257 curveto -419.24328 138.04929 419.37804 138.42136 419.57727 138.77878 curveto -417.92493 138.77878 lineto -417.76086 138.45065 417.65539 138.06686 417.60852 137.62741 curveto -417.47668 134.09421 moveto -416.90246 134.32859 416.04113 134.52781 414.8927 134.69186 curveto -414.24231 134.78562 413.78235 134.89109 413.51282 135.00827 curveto -413.24328 135.12546 413.03528 135.29831 412.88879 135.52682 curveto -412.74231 135.74948 412.66907 135.99851 412.66907 136.2739 curveto -412.66907 136.69577 412.82727 137.04733 413.14368 137.32858 curveto -413.46594 137.60983 413.93469 137.75046 414.54993 137.75046 curveto -415.1593 137.75046 415.70129 137.61862 416.1759 137.35495 curveto -416.65051 137.08542 416.99914 136.71921 417.2218 136.25632 curveto -417.39172 135.8989 417.47668 135.37155 417.47668 134.67429 curveto -417.47668 134.09421 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -451.87943 138.77879 moveto -450.41165 138.77879 lineto -450.41165 125.89403 lineto -451.99368 125.89403 lineto -451.99368 130.49071 lineto -452.66165 129.65283 453.51419 129.23388 454.5513 129.23387 curveto -455.12551 129.23388 455.6675 129.35107 456.17728 129.58543 curveto -456.69289 129.81396 457.11477 130.13915 457.4429 130.56102 curveto -457.77688 130.97704 458.03762 131.48095 458.22513 132.07274 curveto -458.41262 132.66454 458.50637 133.29735 458.50638 133.97118 curveto -458.50637 135.57079 458.11086 136.80712 457.31985 137.68016 curveto -456.52883 138.55321 455.57961 138.98973 454.4722 138.98973 curveto -453.37063 138.98973 452.50637 138.52977 451.87943 137.60985 curveto -451.87943 138.77879 lineto -451.86185 134.04149 moveto -451.86184 135.16063 452.01419 135.96923 452.31888 136.46727 curveto -452.81692 137.28172 453.49075 137.68895 454.34036 137.68895 curveto -455.03176 137.68895 455.62942 137.39012 456.13333 136.79247 curveto -456.63723 136.18895 456.88918 135.29247 456.88919 134.10301 curveto -456.88918 132.88427 456.64602 131.98485 456.1597 131.40477 curveto -455.67922 130.8247 455.09622 130.53466 454.41068 130.53465 curveto -453.71926 130.53466 453.12161 130.83642 452.61771 131.43993 curveto -452.1138 132.03759 451.86184 132.90478 451.86185 134.04149 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -466.53079 137.62743 moveto -465.94485 138.12547 465.37942 138.47704 464.8345 138.68211 curveto -464.29544 138.88719 463.71536 138.98973 463.09427 138.98973 curveto -462.06888 138.98973 461.28079 138.74071 460.73001 138.24266 curveto -460.17923 137.73876 459.90384 137.09715 459.90384 136.31786 curveto -459.90384 135.86083 460.00638 135.44481 460.21146 135.06981 curveto -460.42239 134.68895 460.69485 134.38427 461.02884 134.15575 curveto -461.36868 133.92724 461.74954 133.75438 462.17142 133.63719 curveto -462.48196 133.55517 462.95071 133.47606 463.57767 133.39989 curveto -464.85501 133.24755 465.79543 133.06591 466.39896 132.85497 curveto -466.40481 132.63817 466.40774 132.50048 466.40775 132.44188 curveto -466.40774 131.79736 466.25832 131.34325 465.9595 131.07957 curveto -465.5552 130.72216 464.95461 130.54345 464.15775 130.54344 curveto -463.4136 130.54345 462.86282 130.67529 462.5054 130.93895 curveto -462.15384 131.19677 461.89309 131.65673 461.72318 132.31883 curveto -460.1763 132.10789 lineto -460.31692 131.44579 460.54837 130.91259 460.87064 130.50829 curveto -461.1929 130.09814 461.65872 129.78466 462.2681 129.56786 curveto -462.87747 129.34521 463.58352 129.23388 464.38626 129.23387 curveto -465.18313 129.23388 465.83059 129.32763 466.32864 129.51512 curveto -466.82668 129.70263 467.19289 129.93993 467.42728 130.22704 curveto -467.66164 130.50829 467.82571 130.86572 467.91946 131.2993 curveto -467.97219 131.56884 467.99856 132.05517 467.99857 132.75829 curveto -467.99857 134.86766 lineto -467.99856 136.33837 468.03078 137.27001 468.09525 137.66258 curveto -468.16555 138.0493 468.30031 138.42137 468.49954 138.77879 curveto -466.8472 138.77879 lineto -466.68313 138.45067 466.57766 138.06688 466.53079 137.62743 curveto -466.39896 134.09422 moveto -465.82473 134.3286 464.9634 134.52782 463.81497 134.69188 curveto -463.16458 134.78563 462.70462 134.8911 462.43509 135.00829 curveto -462.16555 135.12548 461.95755 135.29833 461.81107 135.52684 curveto -461.66458 135.7495 461.59134 135.99852 461.59134 136.27391 curveto -461.59134 136.69579 461.74954 137.04735 462.06595 137.3286 curveto -462.38821 137.60985 462.85696 137.75047 463.4722 137.75047 curveto -464.08157 137.75047 464.62356 137.61864 465.09818 137.35497 curveto -465.57278 137.08544 465.92141 136.71923 466.14407 136.25633 curveto -466.31399 135.89891 466.39895 135.37157 466.39896 134.6743 curveto -466.39896 134.09422 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -470.44193 138.77879 moveto -470.44193 129.44481 lineto -471.86575 129.44481 lineto -471.86575 130.85985 lineto -472.22903 130.19775 472.56302 129.76122 472.86771 129.55028 curveto -473.17825 129.33935 473.51809 129.23388 473.88724 129.23387 curveto -474.42044 129.23388 474.96243 129.4038 475.51321 129.74364 curveto -474.96829 131.21141 lineto -474.58157 130.9829 474.19485 130.86864 473.80814 130.86864 curveto -473.46243 130.86864 473.15188 130.97411 472.8765 131.18504 curveto -472.6011 131.39013 472.40481 131.67724 472.28763 132.04637 curveto -472.11184 132.60888 472.02395 133.22411 472.02396 133.89207 curveto -472.02396 138.77879 lineto -470.44193 138.77879 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -477.93021 138.77879 moveto -476.46243 138.77879 lineto -476.46243 125.89403 lineto -478.04446 125.89403 lineto -478.04446 130.49071 lineto -478.71243 129.65283 479.56497 129.23388 480.60208 129.23387 curveto -481.17629 129.23388 481.71829 129.35107 482.22806 129.58543 curveto -482.74368 129.81396 483.16555 130.13915 483.49368 130.56102 curveto -483.82766 130.97704 484.0884 131.48095 484.27591 132.07274 curveto -484.4634 132.66454 484.55715 133.29735 484.55716 133.97118 curveto -484.55715 135.57079 484.16164 136.80712 483.37064 137.68016 curveto -482.57961 138.55321 481.6304 138.98973 480.52298 138.98973 curveto -479.42141 138.98973 478.55716 138.52977 477.93021 137.60985 curveto -477.93021 138.77879 lineto -477.91263 134.04149 moveto -477.91263 135.16063 478.06497 135.96923 478.36966 136.46727 curveto -478.8677 137.28172 479.54153 137.68895 480.39114 137.68895 curveto -481.08254 137.68895 481.6802 137.39012 482.18411 136.79247 curveto -482.68801 136.18895 482.93996 135.29247 482.93997 134.10301 curveto -482.93996 132.88427 482.6968 131.98485 482.21048 131.40477 curveto -481.73 130.8247 481.147 130.53466 480.46146 130.53465 curveto -479.77005 130.53466 479.17239 130.83642 478.66849 131.43993 curveto -478.16458 132.03759 477.91263 132.90478 477.91263 134.04149 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -492.58157 137.62743 moveto -491.99563 138.12547 491.4302 138.47704 490.88528 138.68211 curveto -490.34622 138.88719 489.76614 138.98973 489.14505 138.98973 curveto -488.11966 138.98973 487.33157 138.74071 486.78079 138.24266 curveto -486.23001 137.73876 485.95462 137.09715 485.95462 136.31786 curveto -485.95462 135.86083 486.05716 135.44481 486.26224 135.06981 curveto -486.47317 134.68895 486.74563 134.38427 487.07962 134.15575 curveto -487.41946 133.92724 487.80032 133.75438 488.2222 133.63719 curveto -488.53274 133.55517 489.00149 133.47606 489.62845 133.39989 curveto -490.90579 133.24755 491.84622 133.06591 492.44974 132.85497 curveto -492.45559 132.63817 492.45852 132.50048 492.45853 132.44188 curveto -492.45852 131.79736 492.30911 131.34325 492.01028 131.07957 curveto -491.60598 130.72216 491.0054 130.54345 490.20853 130.54344 curveto -489.46438 130.54345 488.9136 130.67529 488.55618 130.93895 curveto -488.20462 131.19677 487.94388 131.65673 487.77396 132.31883 curveto -486.22708 132.10789 lineto -486.36771 131.44579 486.59915 130.91259 486.92142 130.50829 curveto -487.24368 130.09814 487.7095 129.78466 488.31888 129.56786 curveto -488.92825 129.34521 489.6343 129.23388 490.43704 129.23387 curveto -491.23391 129.23388 491.88137 129.32763 492.37943 129.51512 curveto -492.87746 129.70263 493.24367 129.93993 493.47806 130.22704 curveto -493.71242 130.50829 493.87649 130.86572 493.97025 131.2993 curveto -494.02297 131.56884 494.04934 132.05517 494.04935 132.75829 curveto -494.04935 134.86766 lineto -494.04934 136.33837 494.08156 137.27001 494.14603 137.66258 curveto -494.21633 138.0493 494.3511 138.42137 494.55032 138.77879 curveto -492.89798 138.77879 lineto -492.73391 138.45067 492.62844 138.06688 492.58157 137.62743 curveto -492.44974 134.09422 moveto -491.87551 134.3286 491.01418 134.52782 489.86575 134.69188 curveto -489.21536 134.78563 488.7554 134.8911 488.48587 135.00829 curveto -488.21634 135.12548 488.00833 135.29833 487.86185 135.52684 curveto -487.71536 135.7495 487.64212 135.99852 487.64212 136.27391 curveto -487.64212 136.69579 487.80032 137.04735 488.11673 137.3286 curveto -488.43899 137.60985 488.90774 137.75047 489.52298 137.75047 curveto -490.13235 137.75047 490.67434 137.61864 491.14896 137.35497 curveto -491.62356 137.08544 491.97219 136.71923 492.19485 136.25633 curveto -492.36477 135.89891 492.44973 135.37157 492.44974 134.6743 curveto -492.44974 134.09422 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -496.49271 138.77879 moveto -496.49271 129.44481 lineto -497.91653 129.44481 lineto -497.91653 130.85985 lineto -498.27981 130.19775 498.6138 129.76122 498.91849 129.55028 curveto -499.22903 129.33935 499.56887 129.23388 499.93802 129.23387 curveto -500.47122 129.23388 501.01321 129.4038 501.564 129.74364 curveto -501.01907 131.21141 lineto -500.63235 130.9829 500.24563 130.86864 499.85892 130.86864 curveto -499.51321 130.86864 499.20266 130.97411 498.92728 131.18504 curveto -498.65188 131.39013 498.45559 131.67724 498.33841 132.04637 curveto -498.16263 132.60888 498.07473 133.22411 498.07474 133.89207 curveto -498.07474 138.77879 lineto -496.49271 138.77879 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -524.89874 138.77878 moveto -523.43097 138.77878 lineto -523.43097 125.89401 lineto -525.013 125.89401 lineto -525.013 130.49069 lineto -525.68097 129.65281 526.5335 129.23387 527.57062 129.23386 curveto -528.14483 129.23387 528.68682 129.35105 529.19659 129.58542 curveto -529.71221 129.81394 530.13409 130.13914 530.46222 130.561 curveto -530.7962 130.97703 531.05694 131.48093 531.24445 132.07272 curveto -531.43194 132.66453 531.52569 133.29734 531.5257 133.97116 curveto -531.52569 135.57077 531.13018 136.8071 530.33917 137.68015 curveto -529.54815 138.55319 528.59893 138.98972 527.49152 138.98972 curveto -526.38995 138.98972 525.52569 138.52975 524.89874 137.60983 curveto -524.89874 138.77878 lineto -524.88116 134.04147 moveto -524.88116 135.16062 525.03351 135.96921 525.3382 136.46725 curveto -525.83624 137.28171 526.51007 137.68894 527.35968 137.68893 curveto -528.05108 137.68894 528.64874 137.39011 529.15265 136.79245 curveto -529.65655 136.18894 529.9085 135.29245 529.90851 134.103 curveto -529.9085 132.88425 529.66534 131.98484 529.17902 131.40475 curveto -528.69854 130.82468 528.11553 130.53465 527.42999 130.53464 curveto -526.73858 130.53465 526.14093 130.8364 525.63702 131.43991 curveto -525.13311 132.03757 524.88116 132.90476 524.88116 134.04147 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -539.55011 137.62741 moveto -538.96417 138.12546 538.39874 138.47702 537.85382 138.6821 curveto -537.31475 138.88718 536.73468 138.98972 536.11359 138.98972 curveto -535.08819 138.98972 534.30011 138.74069 533.74933 138.24265 curveto -533.19855 137.73874 532.92316 137.09714 532.92316 136.31784 curveto -532.92316 135.86081 533.0257 135.4448 533.23077 135.06979 curveto -533.44171 134.68894 533.71417 134.38425 534.04816 134.15573 curveto -534.388 133.92722 534.76886 133.75437 535.19073 133.63718 curveto -535.50128 133.55515 535.97003 133.47605 536.59698 133.39987 curveto -537.87432 133.24753 538.81475 133.06589 539.41827 132.85495 curveto -539.42413 132.63816 539.42706 132.50046 539.42706 132.44186 curveto -539.42706 131.79734 539.27764 131.34324 538.97882 131.07956 curveto -538.57452 130.72215 537.97393 130.54343 537.17706 130.54343 curveto -536.43292 130.54343 535.88214 130.67527 535.52472 130.93893 curveto -535.17315 131.19675 534.91241 131.65671 534.74249 132.31882 curveto -533.19562 132.10788 lineto -533.33624 131.44578 533.56769 130.91258 533.88995 130.50827 curveto -534.21222 130.09812 534.67804 129.78465 535.28741 129.56784 curveto -535.89679 129.34519 536.60284 129.23387 537.40558 129.23386 curveto -538.20245 129.23387 538.84991 129.32762 539.34796 129.51511 curveto -539.846 129.70262 540.21221 129.93992 540.44659 130.22702 curveto -540.68096 130.50828 540.84502 130.8657 540.93878 131.29929 curveto -540.99151 131.56882 541.01787 132.05515 541.01788 132.75827 curveto -541.01788 134.86765 lineto -541.01787 136.33835 541.0501 137.26999 541.11456 137.66257 curveto -541.18487 138.04929 541.31963 138.42136 541.51886 138.77878 curveto -539.86652 138.77878 lineto -539.70245 138.45065 539.59698 138.06686 539.55011 137.62741 curveto -539.41827 134.09421 moveto -538.84405 134.32859 537.98272 134.52781 536.83429 134.69186 curveto -536.1839 134.78562 535.72393 134.89109 535.45441 135.00827 curveto -535.18487 135.12546 534.97686 135.29831 534.83038 135.52682 curveto -534.6839 135.74948 534.61065 135.99851 534.61066 136.2739 curveto -534.61065 136.69577 534.76886 137.04733 535.08527 137.32858 curveto -535.40753 137.60983 535.87628 137.75046 536.49152 137.75046 curveto -537.10089 137.75046 537.64288 137.61862 538.11749 137.35495 curveto -538.5921 137.08542 538.94073 136.71921 539.16339 136.25632 curveto -539.33331 135.8989 539.41827 135.37155 539.41827 134.67429 curveto -539.41827 134.09421 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -543.46124 138.77878 moveto -543.46124 129.44479 lineto -544.88507 129.44479 lineto -544.88507 130.85983 lineto -545.24835 130.19773 545.58233 129.76121 545.88702 129.55026 curveto -546.19757 129.33933 546.53741 129.23387 546.90656 129.23386 curveto -547.43975 129.23387 547.98174 129.40379 548.53253 129.74362 curveto -547.98761 131.2114 lineto -547.60089 130.98289 547.21417 130.86863 546.82745 130.86862 curveto -546.48175 130.86863 546.1712 130.9741 545.89581 131.18503 curveto -545.62042 131.39011 545.42413 131.67722 545.30695 132.04636 curveto -545.13116 132.60886 545.04327 133.2241 545.04327 133.89206 curveto -545.04327 138.77878 lineto -543.46124 138.77878 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -550.94952 138.77878 moveto -549.48175 138.77878 lineto -549.48175 125.89401 lineto -551.06378 125.89401 lineto -551.06378 130.49069 lineto -551.73175 129.65281 552.58429 129.23387 553.6214 129.23386 curveto -554.19561 129.23387 554.7376 129.35105 555.24738 129.58542 curveto -555.76299 129.81394 556.18487 130.13914 556.513 130.561 curveto -556.84698 130.97703 557.10772 131.48093 557.29523 132.07272 curveto -557.48272 132.66453 557.57647 133.29734 557.57648 133.97116 curveto -557.57647 135.57077 557.18096 136.8071 556.38995 137.68015 curveto -555.59893 138.55319 554.64971 138.98972 553.5423 138.98972 curveto -552.44073 138.98972 551.57647 138.52975 550.94952 137.60983 curveto -550.94952 138.77878 lineto -550.93195 134.04147 moveto -550.93194 135.16062 551.08429 135.96921 551.38898 136.46725 curveto -551.88702 137.28171 552.56085 137.68894 553.41046 137.68893 curveto -554.10186 137.68894 554.69952 137.39011 555.20343 136.79245 curveto -555.70733 136.18894 555.95928 135.29245 555.95929 134.103 curveto -555.95928 132.88425 555.71612 131.98484 555.2298 131.40475 curveto -554.74932 130.82468 554.16631 130.53465 553.48077 130.53464 curveto -552.78936 130.53465 552.19171 130.8364 551.68781 131.43991 curveto -551.1839 132.03757 550.93194 132.90476 550.93195 134.04147 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -565.60089 137.62741 moveto -565.01495 138.12546 564.44952 138.47702 563.9046 138.6821 curveto -563.36553 138.88718 562.78546 138.98972 562.16437 138.98972 curveto -561.13897 138.98972 560.35089 138.74069 559.80011 138.24265 curveto -559.24933 137.73874 558.97394 137.09714 558.97394 136.31784 curveto -558.97394 135.86081 559.07648 135.4448 559.28156 135.06979 curveto -559.49249 134.68894 559.76495 134.38425 560.09894 134.15573 curveto -560.43878 133.92722 560.81964 133.75437 561.24152 133.63718 curveto -561.55206 133.55515 562.02081 133.47605 562.64777 133.39987 curveto -563.9251 133.24753 564.86553 133.06589 565.46906 132.85495 curveto -565.47491 132.63816 565.47784 132.50046 565.47784 132.44186 curveto -565.47784 131.79734 565.32842 131.34324 565.0296 131.07956 curveto -564.6253 130.72215 564.02471 130.54343 563.22784 130.54343 curveto -562.4837 130.54343 561.93292 130.67527 561.5755 130.93893 curveto -561.22394 131.19675 560.96319 131.65671 560.79327 132.31882 curveto -559.2464 132.10788 lineto -559.38702 131.44578 559.61847 130.91258 559.94073 130.50827 curveto -560.263 130.09812 560.72882 129.78465 561.3382 129.56784 curveto -561.94757 129.34519 562.65362 129.23387 563.45636 129.23386 curveto -564.25323 129.23387 564.90069 129.32762 565.39874 129.51511 curveto -565.89678 129.70262 566.26299 129.93992 566.49738 130.22702 curveto -566.73174 130.50828 566.8958 130.8657 566.98956 131.29929 curveto -567.04229 131.56882 567.06866 132.05515 567.06866 132.75827 curveto -567.06866 134.86765 lineto -567.06866 136.33835 567.10088 137.26999 567.16534 137.66257 curveto -567.23565 138.04929 567.37041 138.42136 567.56964 138.77878 curveto -565.9173 138.77878 lineto -565.75323 138.45065 565.64776 138.06686 565.60089 137.62741 curveto -565.46906 134.09421 moveto -564.89483 134.32859 564.0335 134.52781 562.88507 134.69186 curveto -562.23468 134.78562 561.77472 134.89109 561.50519 135.00827 curveto -561.23565 135.12546 561.02765 135.29831 560.88116 135.52682 curveto -560.73468 135.74948 560.66144 135.99851 560.66144 136.2739 curveto -560.66144 136.69577 560.81964 137.04733 561.13605 137.32858 curveto -561.45831 137.60983 561.92706 137.75046 562.5423 137.75046 curveto -563.15167 137.75046 563.69366 137.61862 564.16827 137.35495 curveto -564.64288 137.08542 564.99151 136.71921 565.21417 136.25632 curveto -565.38409 135.8989 565.46905 135.37155 565.46906 134.67429 curveto -565.46906 134.09421 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -569.51202 138.77878 moveto -569.51202 129.44479 lineto -570.93585 129.44479 lineto -570.93585 130.85983 lineto -571.29913 130.19773 571.63311 129.76121 571.93781 129.55026 curveto -572.24835 129.33933 572.58819 129.23387 572.95734 129.23386 curveto -573.49053 129.23387 574.03253 129.40379 574.58331 129.74362 curveto -574.03839 131.2114 lineto -573.65167 130.98289 573.26495 130.86863 572.87823 130.86862 curveto -572.53253 130.86863 572.22198 130.9741 571.94659 131.18503 curveto -571.6712 131.39011 571.47491 131.67722 571.35773 132.04636 curveto -571.18194 132.60886 571.09405 133.2241 571.09406 133.89206 curveto -571.09406 138.77878 lineto -569.51202 138.77878 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -574.95245 134.11179 moveto -574.95245 132.38328 575.43292 131.103 576.39386 130.27097 curveto -577.19659 129.57957 578.17511 129.23387 579.32941 129.23386 curveto -580.6126 129.23387 581.66143 129.65574 582.47589 130.49948 curveto -583.29034 131.33738 583.69756 132.49753 583.69757 133.97995 curveto -583.69756 135.18113 583.51592 136.12741 583.15265 136.81882 curveto -582.79522 137.50437 582.27081 138.03757 581.57941 138.41843 curveto -580.89385 138.79929 580.14385 138.98972 579.32941 138.98972 curveto -578.02276 138.98972 576.96515 138.57077 576.15656 137.73288 curveto -575.35382 136.89499 574.95245 135.68796 574.95245 134.11179 curveto -576.57843 134.11179 moveto -576.57843 135.3071 576.83917 136.20359 577.36066 136.80124 curveto -577.88214 137.39304 578.53839 137.68894 579.32941 137.68893 curveto -580.11456 137.68894 580.76788 137.39011 581.28937 136.79245 curveto -581.81084 136.1948 582.07159 135.28366 582.07159 134.05905 curveto -582.07159 132.90476 581.80791 132.03171 581.28058 131.43991 curveto -580.75909 130.84226 580.1087 130.54343 579.32941 130.54343 curveto -578.53839 130.54343 577.88214 130.83933 577.36066 131.43112 curveto -576.83917 132.02293 576.57843 132.91648 576.57843 134.11179 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -656.14789 138.17416 moveto -654.68011 138.17416 lineto -654.68011 125.2894 lineto -656.26215 125.2894 lineto -656.26215 129.88608 lineto -656.93011 129.0482 657.78265 128.62925 658.81976 128.62924 curveto -659.39398 128.62925 659.93597 128.74644 660.44574 128.9808 curveto -660.96136 129.20933 661.38323 129.53452 661.71136 129.95639 curveto -662.04534 130.37241 662.30608 130.87632 662.49359 131.46811 curveto -662.68108 132.05991 662.77483 132.69272 662.77484 133.36655 curveto -662.77483 134.96616 662.37932 136.20249 661.58832 137.07553 curveto -660.79729 137.94858 659.84808 138.3851 658.74066 138.3851 curveto -657.63909 138.3851 656.77484 137.92514 656.14789 137.00522 curveto -656.14789 138.17416 lineto -656.13031 133.43686 moveto -656.13031 134.556 656.28265 135.3646 656.58734 135.86264 curveto -657.08538 136.6771 657.75921 137.08432 658.60883 137.08432 curveto -659.30023 137.08432 659.89788 136.78549 660.40179 136.18784 curveto -660.90569 135.58432 661.15765 134.68784 661.15765 133.49838 curveto -661.15765 132.27964 660.91448 131.38023 660.42816 130.80014 curveto -659.94769 130.22007 659.36468 129.93003 658.67914 129.93002 curveto -657.98773 129.93003 657.39007 130.23179 656.88617 130.8353 curveto -656.38226 131.43296 656.13031 132.30015 656.13031 133.43686 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -670.79926 137.0228 moveto -670.21331 137.52084 669.64788 137.87241 669.10297 138.07748 curveto -668.5639 138.28256 667.98382 138.3851 667.36273 138.3851 curveto -666.33734 138.3851 665.54925 138.13608 664.99847 137.63803 curveto -664.44769 137.13413 664.1723 136.49252 664.1723 135.71323 curveto -664.1723 135.2562 664.27484 134.84018 664.47992 134.46518 curveto -664.69086 134.08432 664.96332 133.77964 665.2973 133.55112 curveto -665.63714 133.32261 666.018 133.14975 666.43988 133.03256 curveto -666.75042 132.95054 667.21917 132.87143 667.84613 132.79526 curveto -669.12347 132.64292 670.0639 132.46128 670.66742 132.25034 curveto -670.67327 132.03354 670.6762 131.89585 670.67621 131.83725 curveto -670.6762 131.19273 670.52679 130.73862 670.22797 130.47495 curveto -669.82366 130.11753 669.22308 129.93882 668.42621 129.93881 curveto -667.68206 129.93882 667.13128 130.07066 666.77386 130.33432 curveto -666.4223 130.59214 666.16156 131.0521 665.99164 131.7142 curveto -664.44476 131.50327 lineto -664.58539 130.84116 664.81683 130.30796 665.1391 129.90366 curveto -665.46136 129.49351 665.92718 129.18003 666.53656 128.96323 curveto -667.14593 128.74058 667.85199 128.62925 668.65472 128.62924 curveto -669.45159 128.62925 670.09905 128.723 670.59711 128.91049 curveto -671.09515 129.098 671.46136 129.33531 671.69574 129.62241 curveto -671.93011 129.90366 672.09417 130.26109 672.18793 130.69467 curveto -672.24065 130.96421 672.26702 131.45054 672.26703 132.15366 curveto -672.26703 134.26303 lineto -672.26702 135.73374 672.29925 136.66538 672.36371 137.05795 curveto -672.43401 137.44467 672.56878 137.81674 672.76801 138.17416 curveto -671.11566 138.17416 lineto -670.95159 137.84604 670.84612 137.46225 670.79926 137.0228 curveto -670.66742 133.48959 moveto -670.09319 133.72397 669.23187 133.92319 668.08344 134.08725 curveto -667.43304 134.181 666.97308 134.28647 666.70355 134.40366 curveto -666.43402 134.52085 666.22601 134.6937 666.07953 134.92221 curveto -665.93304 135.14487 665.8598 135.39389 665.8598 135.66928 curveto -665.8598 136.09116 666.018 136.44272 666.33441 136.72397 curveto -666.65667 137.00522 667.12542 137.14584 667.74066 137.14584 curveto -668.35003 137.14584 668.89202 137.01401 669.36664 136.75034 curveto -669.84124 136.48081 670.18987 136.1146 670.41254 135.6517 curveto -670.58245 135.29428 670.66741 134.76694 670.66742 134.06967 curveto -670.66742 133.48959 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -674.71039 138.17416 moveto -674.71039 128.84018 lineto -676.13422 128.84018 lineto -676.13422 130.25522 lineto -676.49749 129.59312 676.83148 129.15659 677.13617 128.94565 curveto -677.44671 128.73472 677.78656 128.62925 678.1557 128.62924 curveto -678.6889 128.62925 679.23089 128.79917 679.78168 129.13901 curveto -679.23676 130.60678 lineto -678.85003 130.37827 678.46331 130.26402 678.0766 130.26401 curveto -677.73089 130.26402 677.42035 130.36948 677.14496 130.58041 curveto -676.86956 130.7855 676.67328 131.07261 676.55609 131.44174 curveto -676.38031 132.00425 676.29242 132.61948 676.29242 133.28745 curveto -676.29242 138.17416 lineto -674.71039 138.17416 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -682.19867 138.17416 moveto -680.7309 138.17416 lineto -680.7309 125.2894 lineto -682.31293 125.2894 lineto -682.31293 129.88608 lineto -682.98089 129.0482 683.83343 128.62925 684.87054 128.62924 curveto -685.44476 128.62925 685.98675 128.74644 686.49652 128.9808 curveto -687.01214 129.20933 687.43401 129.53452 687.76215 129.95639 curveto -688.09612 130.37241 688.35686 130.87632 688.54437 131.46811 curveto -688.73186 132.05991 688.82561 132.69272 688.82562 133.36655 curveto -688.82561 134.96616 688.43011 136.20249 687.6391 137.07553 curveto -686.84808 137.94858 685.89886 138.3851 684.79144 138.3851 curveto -683.68988 138.3851 682.82562 137.92514 682.19867 137.00522 curveto -682.19867 138.17416 lineto -682.18109 133.43686 moveto -682.18109 134.556 682.33343 135.3646 682.63812 135.86264 curveto -683.13617 136.6771 683.80999 137.08432 684.65961 137.08432 curveto -685.35101 137.08432 685.94866 136.78549 686.45258 136.18784 curveto -686.95647 135.58432 687.20843 134.68784 687.20844 133.49838 curveto -687.20843 132.27964 686.96526 131.38023 686.47894 130.80014 curveto -685.99847 130.22007 685.41546 129.93003 684.72992 129.93002 curveto -684.03851 129.93003 683.44085 130.23179 682.93695 130.8353 curveto -682.43304 131.43296 682.18109 132.30015 682.18109 133.43686 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -696.85004 137.0228 moveto -696.26409 137.52084 695.69866 137.87241 695.15375 138.07748 curveto -694.61468 138.28256 694.0346 138.3851 693.41351 138.3851 curveto -692.38812 138.3851 691.60003 138.13608 691.04926 137.63803 curveto -690.49847 137.13413 690.22308 136.49252 690.22308 135.71323 curveto -690.22308 135.2562 690.32562 134.84018 690.5307 134.46518 curveto -690.74164 134.08432 691.0141 133.77964 691.34808 133.55112 curveto -691.68793 133.32261 692.06878 133.14975 692.49066 133.03256 curveto -692.80121 132.95054 693.26995 132.87143 693.89691 132.79526 curveto -695.17425 132.64292 696.11468 132.46128 696.7182 132.25034 curveto -696.72405 132.03354 696.72698 131.89585 696.72699 131.83725 curveto -696.72698 131.19273 696.57757 130.73862 696.27875 130.47495 curveto -695.87444 130.11753 695.27386 129.93882 694.47699 129.93881 curveto -693.73284 129.93882 693.18206 130.07066 692.82465 130.33432 curveto -692.47308 130.59214 692.21234 131.0521 692.04242 131.7142 curveto -690.49554 131.50327 lineto -690.63617 130.84116 690.86761 130.30796 691.18988 129.90366 curveto -691.51214 129.49351 691.97796 129.18003 692.58734 128.96323 curveto -693.19671 128.74058 693.90277 128.62925 694.70551 128.62924 curveto -695.50237 128.62925 696.14983 128.723 696.64789 128.91049 curveto -697.14593 129.098 697.51214 129.33531 697.74652 129.62241 curveto -697.98089 129.90366 698.14495 130.26109 698.23871 130.69467 curveto -698.29143 130.96421 698.3178 131.45054 698.31781 132.15366 curveto -698.31781 134.26303 lineto -698.3178 135.73374 698.35003 136.66538 698.41449 137.05795 curveto -698.48479 137.44467 698.61956 137.81674 698.81879 138.17416 curveto -697.16644 138.17416 lineto -697.00237 137.84604 696.8969 137.46225 696.85004 137.0228 curveto -696.7182 133.48959 moveto -696.14398 133.72397 695.28265 133.92319 694.13422 134.08725 curveto -693.48382 134.181 693.02386 134.28647 692.75433 134.40366 curveto -692.4848 134.52085 692.27679 134.6937 692.13031 134.92221 curveto -691.98382 135.14487 691.91058 135.39389 691.91058 135.66928 curveto -691.91058 136.09116 692.06878 136.44272 692.38519 136.72397 curveto -692.70746 137.00522 693.1762 137.14584 693.79144 137.14584 curveto -694.40081 137.14584 694.9428 137.01401 695.41742 136.75034 curveto -695.89202 136.48081 696.24065 136.1146 696.46332 135.6517 curveto -696.63323 135.29428 696.71819 134.76694 696.7182 134.06967 curveto -696.7182 133.48959 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -700.76117 138.17416 moveto -700.76117 128.84018 lineto -702.185 128.84018 lineto -702.185 130.25522 lineto -702.54828 129.59312 702.88226 129.15659 703.18695 128.94565 curveto -703.49749 128.73472 703.83734 128.62925 704.20648 128.62924 curveto -704.73968 128.62925 705.28167 128.79917 705.83246 129.13901 curveto -705.28754 130.60678 lineto -704.90081 130.37827 704.51409 130.26402 704.12738 130.26401 curveto -703.78167 130.26402 703.47113 130.36948 703.19574 130.58041 curveto -702.92035 130.7855 702.72406 131.07261 702.60687 131.44174 curveto -702.43109 132.00425 702.3432 132.61948 702.3432 133.28745 curveto -702.3432 138.17416 lineto -700.76117 138.17416 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -706.2016 133.50717 moveto -706.2016 131.77866 706.68207 130.49839 707.64301 129.66635 curveto -708.44574 128.97495 709.42425 128.62925 710.57855 128.62924 curveto -711.86175 128.62925 712.91058 129.05113 713.72504 129.89487 curveto -714.53948 130.73277 714.94671 131.89292 714.94672 133.37534 curveto -714.94671 134.57651 714.76507 135.5228 714.40179 136.2142 curveto -714.04436 136.89975 713.51995 137.43295 712.82855 137.81381 curveto -712.143 138.19467 711.393 138.3851 710.57855 138.3851 curveto -709.27191 138.3851 708.21429 137.96616 707.4057 137.12827 curveto -706.60297 136.29038 706.2016 135.08335 706.2016 133.50717 curveto -707.82758 133.50717 moveto -707.82757 134.70249 708.08832 135.59897 708.6098 136.19662 curveto -709.13128 136.78842 709.78753 137.08432 710.57855 137.08432 curveto -711.3637 137.08432 712.01702 136.78549 712.53851 136.18784 curveto -713.05999 135.59018 713.32073 134.67905 713.32074 133.45444 curveto -713.32073 132.30015 713.05706 131.4271 712.52972 130.8353 curveto -712.00823 130.23765 711.35784 129.93882 710.57855 129.93881 curveto -709.78753 129.93882 709.13128 130.23472 708.6098 130.82651 curveto -708.08832 131.41831 707.82757 132.31186 707.82758 133.50717 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -716.17719 135.38803 moveto -717.74164 135.14194 lineto -717.82953 135.76889 718.07269 136.24936 718.47113 136.58334 curveto -718.87542 136.91733 719.43792 137.08432 720.15863 137.08432 curveto -720.88519 137.08432 721.42425 136.93784 721.77582 136.64487 curveto -722.12737 136.34604 722.30315 135.99741 722.30316 135.59897 curveto -722.30315 135.24155 722.14788 134.9603 721.83734 134.75522 curveto -721.62054 134.6146 721.08148 134.43589 720.22015 134.21909 curveto -719.05999 133.92612 718.25433 133.67417 717.80316 133.46323 curveto -717.35785 133.24643 717.018 132.95054 716.78363 132.57553 curveto -716.55511 132.19468 716.44086 131.77573 716.44086 131.3187 curveto -716.44086 130.90269 716.53461 130.5189 716.72211 130.16733 curveto -716.91547 129.80991 717.17621 129.51402 717.50433 129.27963 curveto -717.75043 129.098 718.08441 128.94566 718.50629 128.8226 curveto -718.93402 128.6937 719.39105 128.62925 719.87738 128.62924 curveto -720.6098 128.62925 721.2514 128.73472 721.80219 128.94565 curveto -722.35882 129.15659 722.76897 129.4437 723.03265 129.80698 curveto -723.29632 130.16441 723.47796 130.64487 723.57758 131.24838 curveto -722.0307 131.45932 lineto -721.96038 130.97886 721.7553 130.60386 721.41547 130.33432 curveto -721.08148 130.0648 720.60687 129.93003 719.99164 129.93002 curveto -719.26507 129.93003 718.74652 130.05015 718.43597 130.29037 curveto -718.12542 130.53062 717.97015 130.81187 717.97015 131.13412 curveto -717.97015 131.33921 718.0346 131.52378 718.16351 131.68784 curveto -718.29242 131.85776 718.49456 131.99839 718.76996 132.10971 curveto -718.92816 132.16831 719.39398 132.30308 720.16742 132.51401 curveto -721.28655 132.81284 722.06585 133.05893 722.50531 133.25229 curveto -722.95062 133.43979 723.29925 133.71518 723.55121 134.07846 curveto -723.80315 134.44175 723.92913 134.89292 723.92914 135.43198 curveto -723.92913 135.95932 723.77386 136.45737 723.46332 136.92612 curveto -723.15862 137.38901 722.71624 137.74936 722.13617 138.00717 curveto -721.55609 138.25912 720.89984 138.3851 720.16742 138.3851 curveto -718.95453 138.3851 718.02875 138.13315 717.39008 137.62924 curveto -716.75726 137.12534 716.35297 136.37827 716.17719 135.38803 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -725.17719 135.38803 moveto -726.74164 135.14194 lineto -726.82953 135.76889 727.07269 136.24936 727.47113 136.58334 curveto -727.87542 136.91733 728.43792 137.08432 729.15863 137.08432 curveto -729.88519 137.08432 730.42425 136.93784 730.77582 136.64487 curveto -731.12737 136.34604 731.30315 135.99741 731.30316 135.59897 curveto -731.30315 135.24155 731.14788 134.9603 730.83734 134.75522 curveto -730.62054 134.6146 730.08148 134.43589 729.22015 134.21909 curveto -728.05999 133.92612 727.25433 133.67417 726.80316 133.46323 curveto -726.35785 133.24643 726.018 132.95054 725.78363 132.57553 curveto -725.55511 132.19468 725.44086 131.77573 725.44086 131.3187 curveto -725.44086 130.90269 725.53461 130.5189 725.72211 130.16733 curveto -725.91547 129.80991 726.17621 129.51402 726.50433 129.27963 curveto -726.75043 129.098 727.08441 128.94566 727.50629 128.8226 curveto -727.93402 128.6937 728.39105 128.62925 728.87738 128.62924 curveto -729.6098 128.62925 730.2514 128.73472 730.80219 128.94565 curveto -731.35882 129.15659 731.76897 129.4437 732.03265 129.80698 curveto -732.29632 130.16441 732.47796 130.64487 732.57758 131.24838 curveto -731.0307 131.45932 lineto -730.96038 130.97886 730.7553 130.60386 730.41547 130.33432 curveto -730.08148 130.0648 729.60687 129.93003 728.99164 129.93002 curveto -728.26507 129.93003 727.74652 130.05015 727.43597 130.29037 curveto -727.12542 130.53062 726.97015 130.81187 726.97015 131.13412 curveto -726.97015 131.33921 727.0346 131.52378 727.16351 131.68784 curveto -727.29242 131.85776 727.49456 131.99839 727.76996 132.10971 curveto -727.92816 132.16831 728.39398 132.30308 729.16742 132.51401 curveto -730.28655 132.81284 731.06585 133.05893 731.50531 133.25229 curveto -731.95062 133.43979 732.29925 133.71518 732.55121 134.07846 curveto -732.80315 134.44175 732.92913 134.89292 732.92914 135.43198 curveto -732.92913 135.95932 732.77386 136.45737 732.46332 136.92612 curveto -732.15862 137.38901 731.71624 137.74936 731.13617 138.00717 curveto -730.55609 138.25912 729.89984 138.3851 729.16742 138.3851 curveto -727.95453 138.3851 727.02875 138.13315 726.39008 137.62924 curveto -725.75726 137.12534 725.35297 136.37827 725.17719 135.38803 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -740.90082 137.0228 moveto -740.31487 137.52084 739.74944 137.87241 739.20453 138.07748 curveto -738.66546 138.28256 738.08538 138.3851 737.46429 138.3851 curveto -736.4389 138.3851 735.65082 138.13608 735.10004 137.63803 curveto -734.54925 137.13413 734.27386 136.49252 734.27386 135.71323 curveto -734.27386 135.2562 734.3764 134.84018 734.58148 134.46518 curveto -734.79242 134.08432 735.06488 133.77964 735.39886 133.55112 curveto -735.73871 133.32261 736.11957 133.14975 736.54144 133.03256 curveto -736.85199 132.95054 737.32074 132.87143 737.94769 132.79526 curveto -739.22503 132.64292 740.16546 132.46128 740.76898 132.25034 curveto -740.77483 132.03354 740.77776 131.89585 740.77777 131.83725 curveto -740.77776 131.19273 740.62835 130.73862 740.32953 130.47495 curveto -739.92523 130.11753 739.32464 129.93882 738.52777 129.93881 curveto -737.78363 129.93882 737.23285 130.07066 736.87543 130.33432 curveto -736.52386 130.59214 736.26312 131.0521 736.0932 131.7142 curveto -734.54633 131.50327 lineto -734.68695 130.84116 734.91839 130.30796 735.24066 129.90366 curveto -735.56293 129.49351 736.02875 129.18003 736.63812 128.96323 curveto -737.24749 128.74058 737.95355 128.62925 738.75629 128.62924 curveto -739.55316 128.62925 740.20062 128.723 740.69867 128.91049 curveto -741.19671 129.098 741.56292 129.33531 741.7973 129.62241 curveto -742.03167 129.90366 742.19573 130.26109 742.28949 130.69467 curveto -742.34222 130.96421 742.36858 131.45054 742.36859 132.15366 curveto -742.36859 134.26303 lineto -742.36858 135.73374 742.40081 136.66538 742.46527 137.05795 curveto -742.53557 137.44467 742.67034 137.81674 742.86957 138.17416 curveto -741.21722 138.17416 lineto -741.05315 137.84604 740.94769 137.46225 740.90082 137.0228 curveto -740.76898 133.48959 moveto -740.19476 133.72397 739.33343 133.92319 738.185 134.08725 curveto -737.5346 134.181 737.07464 134.28647 736.80511 134.40366 curveto -736.53558 134.52085 736.32757 134.6937 736.18109 134.92221 curveto -736.0346 135.14487 735.96136 135.39389 735.96136 135.66928 curveto -735.96136 136.09116 736.11957 136.44272 736.43597 136.72397 curveto -736.75824 137.00522 737.22699 137.14584 737.84222 137.14584 curveto -738.45159 137.14584 738.99359 137.01401 739.4682 136.75034 curveto -739.9428 136.48081 740.29144 136.1146 740.5141 135.6517 curveto -740.68401 135.29428 740.76897 134.76694 740.76898 134.06967 curveto -740.76898 133.48959 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -623.5993 139.35719 moveto -623.5993 137.55544 lineto -625.40106 137.55544 lineto -625.40106 139.35719 lineto -623.5993 139.35719 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -628.59149 139.35719 moveto -628.59149 137.55544 lineto -630.39325 137.55544 lineto -630.39325 139.35719 lineto -628.59149 139.35719 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 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175.39354 curveto -40.628784 176.20799 41.302612 176.61522 42.152225 176.61522 curveto -42.843626 176.61522 43.441282 176.31639 43.945194 175.71873 curveto -44.449093 175.11522 44.701046 174.21874 44.701054 173.02928 curveto -44.701046 171.81054 44.457882 170.91112 43.971561 170.33104 curveto -43.491086 169.75097 42.908079 169.46093 42.222538 169.46092 curveto -41.531127 169.46093 40.933472 169.76269 40.429569 170.3662 curveto -39.92566 170.96386 39.673707 171.83105 39.67371 172.96776 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -124.23328 176.5537 moveto -123.64734 177.05174 123.08191 177.40331 122.53699 177.60838 curveto -121.99792 177.81346 121.41785 177.916 120.79676 177.916 curveto -119.77136 177.916 118.98328 177.66698 118.4325 177.16893 curveto -117.88172 176.66502 117.60633 176.02342 117.60633 175.24413 curveto -117.60633 174.7871 117.70887 174.37108 117.91394 173.99608 curveto -118.12488 173.61522 118.39734 173.31054 118.73133 173.08202 curveto -119.07117 172.85351 119.45203 172.68065 119.87391 172.56346 curveto -120.18445 172.48144 120.6532 172.40233 121.28016 172.32616 curveto -122.55749 172.17382 123.49792 171.99218 124.10144 171.78123 curveto -124.1073 171.56444 124.11023 171.42675 124.11023 171.36815 curveto -124.11023 170.72362 123.96081 170.26952 123.66199 170.00584 curveto -123.25769 169.64843 122.6571 169.46972 121.86023 169.46971 curveto -121.11609 169.46972 120.56531 169.60156 120.20789 169.86522 curveto -119.85632 170.12304 119.59558 170.583 119.42566 171.2451 curveto -117.87879 171.03416 lineto -118.01941 170.37206 118.25086 169.83886 118.57312 169.43456 curveto -118.89539 169.02441 119.36121 168.71093 119.97058 168.49413 curveto -120.57996 168.27148 121.28601 168.16015 122.08875 168.16014 curveto -122.88562 168.16015 123.53308 168.2539 124.03113 168.44139 curveto -124.52917 168.6289 124.89538 168.8662 125.12976 169.15331 curveto -125.36413 169.43456 125.52819 169.79198 125.62195 170.22557 curveto -125.67468 170.49511 125.70104 170.98144 125.70105 171.68456 curveto -125.70105 173.79393 lineto -125.70104 175.26464 125.73327 176.19628 125.79773 176.58885 curveto -125.86804 176.97557 126.0028 177.34764 126.20203 177.70506 curveto -124.54969 177.70506 lineto -124.38562 177.37694 124.28015 176.99315 124.23328 176.5537 curveto -124.10144 173.02049 moveto -123.52722 173.25487 122.66589 173.45409 121.51746 173.61815 curveto -120.86707 173.7119 120.4071 173.81737 120.13758 173.93456 curveto -119.86804 174.05175 119.66004 174.2246 119.51355 174.45311 curveto -119.36707 174.67577 119.29382 174.92479 119.29383 175.20018 curveto -119.29382 175.62206 119.45203 175.97362 119.76844 176.25487 curveto -120.0907 176.53612 120.55945 176.67674 121.17469 176.67674 curveto -121.78406 176.67674 122.32605 176.54491 122.80066 176.28123 curveto -123.27527 176.01171 123.6239 175.64549 123.84656 175.1826 curveto -124.01648 174.82518 124.10144 174.29784 124.10144 173.60057 curveto -124.10144 173.02049 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -198.03504 177.70506 moveto -198.03504 168.37108 lineto -199.45887 168.37108 lineto -199.45887 169.78612 lineto -199.82214 169.12402 200.15613 168.68749 200.46082 168.47655 curveto -200.77136 168.26562 201.11121 168.16015 201.48035 168.16014 curveto -202.01355 168.16015 202.55554 168.33007 203.10633 168.66991 curveto -202.56141 170.13768 lineto -202.17468 169.90917 201.78796 169.79491 201.40125 169.79491 curveto -201.05554 169.79491 200.745 169.90038 200.46961 170.11131 curveto -200.19421 170.3164 199.99793 170.60351 199.88074 170.97264 curveto -199.70496 171.53515 199.61707 172.15038 199.61707 172.81834 curveto -199.61707 177.70506 lineto -198.03504 177.70506 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -280.40613 177.70506 moveto -278.93836 177.70506 lineto -278.93836 164.8203 lineto -280.52039 164.8203 lineto -280.52039 169.41698 lineto -281.18835 168.5791 282.04089 168.16015 283.07801 168.16014 curveto -283.65222 168.16015 284.19421 168.27734 284.70398 168.5117 curveto -285.2196 168.74023 285.64148 169.06542 285.96961 169.48729 curveto -286.30358 169.90331 286.56433 170.40722 286.75183 170.99901 curveto -286.93933 171.59081 287.03308 172.22362 287.03308 172.89745 curveto -287.03308 174.49706 286.63757 175.73339 285.84656 176.60643 curveto -285.05554 177.47948 284.10632 177.916 282.99891 177.916 curveto -281.89734 177.916 281.03308 177.45604 280.40613 176.53612 curveto -280.40613 177.70506 lineto -280.38855 172.96776 moveto -280.38855 174.0869 280.54089 174.8955 280.84558 175.39354 curveto -281.34363 176.20799 282.01746 176.61522 282.86707 176.61522 curveto -283.55847 176.61522 284.15613 176.31639 284.66004 175.71873 curveto -285.16394 175.11522 285.41589 174.21874 285.4159 173.02928 curveto -285.41589 171.81054 285.17273 170.91112 284.68641 170.33104 curveto -284.20593 169.75097 283.62292 169.46093 282.93738 169.46092 curveto -282.24597 169.46093 281.64832 169.76269 281.14441 170.3662 curveto -280.6405 170.96386 280.38855 171.83105 280.38855 172.96776 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -359.95594 176.5537 moveto -359.36999 177.05174 358.80456 177.40331 358.25965 177.60838 curveto -357.72058 177.81346 357.1405 177.916 356.51941 177.916 curveto -355.49402 177.916 354.70593 177.66698 354.15516 177.16893 curveto -353.60437 176.66502 353.32898 176.02342 353.32898 175.24413 curveto -353.32898 174.7871 353.43152 174.37108 353.6366 173.99608 curveto -353.84754 173.61522 354.12 173.31054 354.45398 173.08202 curveto -354.79382 172.85351 355.17468 172.68065 355.59656 172.56346 curveto -355.90711 172.48144 356.37585 172.40233 357.00281 172.32616 curveto -358.28015 172.17382 359.22058 171.99218 359.8241 171.78123 curveto -359.82995 171.56444 359.83288 171.42675 359.83289 171.36815 curveto -359.83288 170.72362 359.68347 170.26952 359.38465 170.00584 curveto -358.98034 169.64843 358.37976 169.46972 357.58289 169.46971 curveto -356.83874 169.46972 356.28796 169.60156 355.93055 169.86522 curveto -355.57898 170.12304 355.31824 170.583 355.14832 171.2451 curveto -353.60144 171.03416 lineto -353.74207 170.37206 353.97351 169.83886 354.29578 169.43456 curveto -354.61804 169.02441 355.08386 168.71093 355.69324 168.49413 curveto -356.30261 168.27148 357.00867 168.16015 357.81141 168.16014 curveto -358.60827 168.16015 359.25573 168.2539 359.75379 168.44139 curveto -360.25183 168.6289 360.61804 168.8662 360.85242 169.15331 curveto -361.08679 169.43456 361.25085 169.79198 361.34461 170.22557 curveto -361.39733 170.49511 361.4237 170.98144 361.42371 171.68456 curveto -361.42371 173.79393 lineto -361.4237 175.26464 361.45593 176.19628 361.52039 176.58885 curveto -361.59069 176.97557 361.72546 177.34764 361.92469 177.70506 curveto -360.27234 177.70506 lineto -360.10827 177.37694 360.0028 176.99315 359.95594 176.5537 curveto -359.8241 173.02049 moveto -359.24988 173.25487 358.38855 173.45409 357.24012 173.61815 curveto -356.58972 173.7119 356.12976 173.81737 355.86023 173.93456 curveto -355.5907 174.05175 355.38269 174.2246 355.23621 174.45311 curveto -355.08972 174.67577 355.01648 174.92479 355.01648 175.20018 curveto -355.01648 175.62206 355.17468 175.97362 355.49109 176.25487 curveto -355.81336 176.53612 356.2821 176.67674 356.89734 176.67674 curveto -357.50671 176.67674 358.0487 176.54491 358.52332 176.28123 curveto -358.99792 176.01171 359.34655 175.64549 359.56922 175.1826 curveto -359.73913 174.82518 359.82409 174.29784 359.8241 173.60057 curveto -359.8241 173.02049 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -433.75769 177.70506 moveto -433.75769 168.37108 lineto -435.18152 168.37108 lineto -435.18152 169.78612 lineto -435.5448 169.12402 435.87878 168.68749 436.18348 168.47655 curveto -436.49402 168.26562 436.83386 168.16015 437.20301 168.16014 curveto -437.7362 168.16015 438.2782 168.33007 438.82898 168.66991 curveto -438.28406 170.13768 lineto -437.89734 169.90917 437.51062 169.79491 437.12391 169.79491 curveto -436.7782 169.79491 436.46765 169.90038 436.19226 170.11131 curveto -435.91687 170.3164 435.72058 170.60351 435.6034 170.97264 curveto -435.42761 171.53515 435.33972 172.15038 435.33973 172.81834 curveto -435.33973 177.70506 lineto -433.75769 177.70506 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore 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176.96385 515.7157 177.34471 curveto -515.03015 177.72557 514.28015 177.916 513.4657 177.916 curveto -512.15906 177.916 511.10144 177.49706 510.29285 176.65916 curveto -509.49012 175.82128 509.08875 174.61425 509.08875 173.03807 curveto -510.71473 173.03807 moveto -510.71472 174.23339 510.97547 175.12987 511.49695 175.72752 curveto -512.01843 176.31932 512.67468 176.61522 513.4657 176.61522 curveto -514.25085 176.61522 514.90417 176.31639 515.42566 175.71873 curveto -515.94714 175.12108 516.20788 174.20995 516.20789 172.98534 curveto -516.20788 171.83105 515.94421 170.958 515.41687 170.3662 curveto -514.89538 169.76855 514.24499 169.46972 513.4657 169.46971 curveto -512.67468 169.46972 512.01843 169.76562 511.49695 170.35741 curveto -510.97547 170.94921 510.71472 171.84276 510.71473 173.03807 curveto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -585.04383 177.70506 moveto -585.04383 175.90331 lineto -586.84558 175.90331 lineto -586.84558 177.70506 lineto -585.04383 177.70506 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -590.03601 177.70506 moveto -590.03601 175.90331 lineto -591.83777 175.90331 lineto -591.83777 177.70506 lineto -590.03601 177.70506 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -595.0282 177.70506 moveto -595.0282 175.90331 lineto -596.82996 175.90331 lineto -596.82996 177.70506 lineto -595.0282 177.70506 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -670.56141 176.5537 moveto -669.97546 177.05174 669.41003 177.40331 668.86512 177.60838 curveto -668.32605 177.81346 667.74597 177.916 667.12488 177.916 curveto -666.09949 177.916 665.3114 177.66698 664.76062 177.16893 curveto -664.20984 176.66502 663.93445 176.02342 663.93445 175.24413 curveto -663.93445 174.7871 664.03699 174.37108 664.24207 173.99608 curveto -664.45301 173.61522 664.72547 173.31054 665.05945 173.08202 curveto -665.39929 172.85351 665.78015 172.68065 666.20203 172.56346 curveto -666.51257 172.48144 666.98132 172.40233 667.60828 172.32616 curveto -668.88562 172.17382 669.82605 171.99218 670.42957 171.78123 curveto -670.43542 171.56444 670.43835 171.42675 670.43836 171.36815 curveto -670.43835 170.72362 670.28894 170.26952 669.99012 170.00584 curveto -669.58581 169.64843 668.98523 169.46972 668.18836 169.46971 curveto -667.44421 169.46972 666.89343 169.60156 666.53601 169.86522 curveto -666.18445 170.12304 665.92371 170.583 665.75379 171.2451 curveto -664.20691 171.03416 lineto -664.34754 170.37206 664.57898 169.83886 664.90125 169.43456 curveto -665.22351 169.02441 665.68933 168.71093 666.29871 168.49413 curveto -666.90808 168.27148 667.61414 168.16015 668.41687 168.16014 curveto -669.21374 168.16015 669.8612 168.2539 670.35926 168.44139 curveto -670.8573 168.6289 671.22351 168.8662 671.45789 169.15331 curveto -671.69226 169.43456 671.85632 169.79198 671.95008 170.22557 curveto -672.0028 170.49511 672.02917 170.98144 672.02918 171.68456 curveto -672.02918 173.79393 lineto -672.02917 175.26464 672.0614 176.19628 672.12586 176.58885 curveto -672.19616 176.97557 672.33093 177.34764 672.53016 177.70506 curveto -670.87781 177.70506 lineto -670.71374 177.37694 670.60827 176.99315 670.56141 176.5537 curveto -670.42957 173.02049 moveto -669.85534 173.25487 668.99402 173.45409 667.84558 173.61815 curveto -667.19519 173.7119 666.73523 173.81737 666.4657 173.93456 curveto -666.19617 174.05175 665.98816 174.2246 665.84168 174.45311 curveto -665.69519 174.67577 665.62195 174.92479 665.62195 175.20018 curveto -665.62195 175.62206 665.78015 175.97362 666.09656 176.25487 curveto -666.41882 176.53612 666.88757 176.67674 667.50281 176.67674 curveto -668.11218 176.67674 668.65417 176.54491 669.12879 176.28123 curveto -669.60339 176.01171 669.95202 175.64549 670.17469 175.1826 curveto -670.3446 174.82518 670.42956 174.29784 670.42957 173.60057 curveto -670.42957 173.02049 lineto -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -fill -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -83.509975 164.51929 moveto -60.542102 190.63893 35.300495 196.8634 5.651051 164.51929 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.74330631 0.81086111 -0.81086111 0.74330631 6.3943573 165.33015] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -13.185786 153.96139 moveto -78.486819 153.96139 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 77.386819 153.96139] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -90.747017 153.9613 moveto -156.04805 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 154.94805 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -168.72226 153.9613 moveto -234.02329 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 232.92329 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -245.95329 153.96121 moveto -311.25432 153.96121 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 310.15432 153.96121] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -323.85853 153.9613 moveto -389.15956 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 388.05956 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -401.50851 153.9613 moveto -466.80954 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 465.70954 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -480.48321 153.9613 moveto -545.78425 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 544.68425 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -558.48215 153.9613 moveto -623.78318 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 622.68318 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -638.59633 153.9613 moveto -703.89736 153.9613 lineto -stroke -gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 702.79736 153.9613] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -160.62469 178.6356 moveto -103.11439 214.93588 51.117239 212.64411 3.651051 178.6356 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.89417844 0.64065975 -0.64065975 0.89417844 4.5452294 179.27626] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -241.11151 117.89139 moveto -160.02376 69.180736 82.359446 79.809701 6.2789455 117.89139 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.98365551 -0.49236352 0.49236352 0.98365551 7.262601 117.39903] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -319.79709 118.68308 moveto -234.48869 66.453676 158.66445 84.678135 84.96452 118.68308 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.99880898 -0.46084772 0.46084772 0.99880898 85.963329 118.22223] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -397.16706 119.82255 moveto -317.23195 75.067632 238.9209 74.162508 162.33449 119.82255 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.9448267 -0.56329611 0.56329611 0.9448267 163.27932 119.25925] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -473.93389 173.72993 moveto -393.31902 208.79011 314.69794 213.94352 239.10133 173.72993 curveto -stroke -gsave [0.97114563 0.51660058 -0.51660058 0.97114563 240.07248 174.24653] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999982 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -551.6176 159.60837 moveto -426.17515 260.43382 -84.115921 225.79475 -0.53486469 163.7889 curveto -stroke -gsave [-0.88343752 0.65539127 -0.65539127 -0.88343752 -1.4183022 164.44429] concat -gsave -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto --2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto -8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto -6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto -closepath -eofill -grestore -grestore -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -1 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -631.09082 161.52172 moveto -584.4479 211.71214 440.8137 218.21863 316.61606 220.87291 curveto -stroke -0 0 0 setrgbcolor -[] 0 setdash -0.99999994 setlinewidth -0 setlinejoin -0 setlinecap -newpath -711.15927 159.63036 moveto -703.71296 189.73566 643.62165 205.468 570.98179 213.59973 curveto -531.11935 218.06216 487.47795 220.2357 446.68392 221.23953 curveto -366.0505 223.2237 296.54156 220.6379 289.32855 222.12506 curveto -stroke -grestore -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/6-kmp/barb.svg b/6-kmp/barb.svg deleted file mode 100644 index e2a9bfd..0000000 --- a/6-kmp/barb.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,456 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - image/svg+xml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ε - b - ba - bar - barb - barba - barbar - barbaro - barbarossa - ... - b a r b a r o ... a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/7-geom/ b/7-geom/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7375c63..0000000 --- a/7-geom/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ -input lib - -figname("7-geom"); - -figtag("male_obaly"); -beginfig(1); - pickup boldpen; - labeloffset:=1cm; - pair c,pos; c := (0,0); pos := c; - drawemptyvertex(c); - $n=1$ etex, pos); - c := (2cm,0); - pos := pos + c; - pair A[]; - A[0] := (-0.3cm, -0.2cm)+c; A[1] := (0.2cm, 0.3cm)+c; - draw A[0]--A[1]; - drawemptyvertex(A[0]); drawemptyvertex(A[1]); - $n=2$ etex, pos); - - pos := pos + c; - A[2] := (+0.3cm, -0.4cm)+c; - for i := 0 upto 2: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor - draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--cycle; - for i := 0 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - $n=3$ etex, pos); - - pos := pos + c; - A[3] := (A[0]+A[1]+A[2])/3; - for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor - draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--cycle; - for i := 0 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - draw vertex(A[3]); - - c := (1cm,0); - pos := pos + c/2; - A[3] := A[1]+(0.3cm,-0.2cm); - for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor - draw A[0]--A[1]--A[3]--A[2]--cycle; - for i := 0 upto 3: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - $n=4$ etex, pos); -endfig; - -figtag("pridani_bodu"); -beginfig(2); - pair A[],B[],C,shift; shift := (4.5cm,0); - A[0] := (-1.7cm,1.1cm); - A[1] := (-1.2cm,1.2cm); - A[2] := (-0.4cm,1cm); - A[3] := (0.2cm,0.2cm); - A[4] := (0.4cm,-0.7cm); - A[5] := (-0.8cm,-1.3cm); - A[6] := (-1.4cm,-1.4cm); - B[0] := (-1.1cm, 0.7cm); - B[1] := (-0.6cm, 0.1cm); - B[2] := (-1.3cm, -0.6cm); - C := (1cm, 0.1cm); - - % krok 1 - pickup boldpen; - draw A[0] for i := 1 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; - for i := 1 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - draw vertex(C); - drawarrow (C+(0.5cm,0)--C+(1.5cm,0)) shifted (0, -0.1cm) withpen normalpen; - for i:=0 upto 6: A[i] := A[i] shifted shift; endfor - for i:=0 upto 2: B[i] := B[i] shifted shift; endfor - C := C shifted shift; - - % krok 2 - draw A[0] for i := 1 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; - draw A[4]{dir 70}..C; - draw A[4]{dir 45}..C; - draw C--A[2] dashed evenly withpen normalpen; - draw C--A[3] dashed evenly withpen normalpen; - for i := 1 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - drawemptyvertex(C); - drawarrow (C+(0.5cm,0)--C+(1.5cm,0)) shifted (0,-0.1cm) withpen normalpen; - for i:=0 upto 6: A[i] := A[i] shifted shift; endfor - for i:=0 upto 2: B[i] := B[i] shifted shift; endfor - C := C shifted shift; - - % krok 3 - draw for i := 0 upto 2: A[i]-- endfor C for i := 4 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; - for i := 1 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - for i := 4 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - draw vertex(A[3]); - drawemptyvertex(C); -endfig; - -figtag("obalky"); -beginfig(3); - labeloffset := 0.2cm; - pickup boldpen; - pair A[],B[]; - A[0] := (-7cm, 0cm); - A[1] := (-6.2cm, 0.9cm); - A[2] := (-4.6cm,1.5cm); - A[3] := (-2.4cm,1.8cm); - A[4] := (-0.8cm,1.5cm); - A[5] := (0.4cm,0.6cm); - A[6] := (0.8cm,-0.10cm); - A[7] := (-1.6cm,-1.9cm); - A[8] := (-4cm,-2.1cm); - A[9] := (-6cm, -1.5cm); - A[10] := (-7cm, 0cm); - - B[0] := (-2.2cm, 0.7cm); - B[1] := (-1.2cm, 0.1cm); - B[2] := (-2.6cm, -0.6cm); - B[3] := (-3.6cm, -0.4cm); - B[4] := (-3cm, 0.6cm); - B[5] := (-2.6cm, 1cm); - B[6] := (-1cm, -1.2cm); - B[7] := (-6.5cm, 0.2cm); - B[8] := (-5cm, 0.8cm); - B[9] := (-6cm, -0.6cm); - B[10] := (-5cm, -1.2cm); - - draw createpath(for i := 0 upto 5: A[i]-- endfor A[6]); - draw (for i := 6 upto 9: A[i]-- endfor A[10]) dashed evenly; - for i := 0 upto 9: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor - for i := 0 upto 10: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - - label(btex \font\myfont=csr10 \myfont horní obálka etex, ((-7cm+0.8cm)/2,2.2cm)); - label(btex \font\myfont=csr10 \myfont dolní obálka etex, ((-7cm+0.8cm)/2,-2.5cm)); - label.lft(btex $L$ etex, A[0]); - label.rt(btex $P$ etex, A[6]); -endfig; - -figtag("determinant"); -beginfig(4); - labeloffset := 0.1cm; - pair A[], shift; shift := (4cm,1cm); - - % det(M) > 0 - A[0] := (-2cm, 0); - A[1] := (0,-1cm); - A[2] := (1.5cm, 0cm); - A[3] := A[0] + A[2] - A[1]; - - fill A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle withcolor 0.8white; - draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle dashed evenly; - drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; - drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; - for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor - label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); - $h_k$ etex, A[1]); - label.llft(btex $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); - label.lrt(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); - label.rt(btex $b$ etex, A[2]); - label(btex $\det(M) > 0$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[2]]); - - % det(M) = 0 - A[0] := (-1cm, -0.5cm) + shift; - A[1] := (0, -1cm) + shift; - A[2] := (1cm, -1.5cm) + shift; - drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; - drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; - for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor - label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); - label.llft(btex $h_k$ etex, A[1]); - label.llft(btex $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); - label.llft(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); - $b$ etex, A[2]); - label(btex $\det(M) = 0$ etex, origin) shifted (0,0.3cm) rotated -28 shifted 0.5[A[0], A[2]]; - - % det(M) < 0 - shift := (7.5cm, 1.25cm); - A[0] := (-1cm, -0.5cm) + shift; - A[1] := (1.5cm, -1cm) + shift; - A[2] := (2cm, -2.5cm) + shift; - A[3] := A[0] + A[2] - A[1]; - fill A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle withcolor 0.8white; - draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle dashed evenly; - drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; - drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; - for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor - label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); - label.urt(btex $h_k$ etex, A[1]); - $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); - label.rt(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); - label.rt(btex $b$ etex, A[2]); - label(btex $\det(M) < 0$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[2]]); -endfig; - -figtag("rybi_motivace"); -beginfig(5); - u := 0.3cm; - def draw_fish(expr pos,size,rot) = - draw ((-1.3u*size,0){dir 60}..{right}(u*size,-u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; - draw ((-1.3u*size,0){dir -50}..{right}(u*size,u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; - draw ((u*size,-u*size/4)--(u*size,u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; - draw (-1u*size,u*size/15) rotated rot shifted pos withpen pencircle scaled (u/8); - for i:=1 upto 3: draw (dirs((u*size,-u*size/4+i*u*size/8), 180, u*size/6)) rotated rot shifted pos; endfor - enddef; - - pair A[],B[]; - A[0] := (-7cm, 0cm); - A[1] := (-6.2cm, 0.9cm); - A[2] := (-4.6cm,1.5cm); - A[3] := (-2.4cm,1.8cm); - A[4] := (-0.8cm,1.5cm); - A[5] := (0.4cm,0.6cm); - A[6] := (0.8cm,-0.10cm); - A[7] := (-1.6cm,-1.9cm); - A[8] := (-4cm,-2.1cm); - A[9] := (-6cm, -1.5cm); - A[10] := (-7cm, 0cm); - - B[0] := (-2.2cm, 0.7cm); - B[1] := (-1.2cm, 0.1cm); - B[2] := (-2.6cm, -0.6cm); - B[3] := (-3.6cm, -0.4cm); - B[4] := (-3cm, 0.6cm); - B[5] := (-2.6cm, 1cm); - B[6] := (-1cm, -1.2cm); - B[7] := (-6.5cm, 0.2cm); - B[8] := (-5cm, 0.8cm); - B[9] := (-6cm, -0.6cm); - B[10] := (-5cm, -1.2cm); - - for i:=0 upto 9: draw_fish(A[i], 1, 0); endfor; - for i:=0 upto 10: draw_fish(B[i], 1, 0); endfor; - draw createpath(for i:=0 upto 9: A[i]-- endfor cycle) scaled 1.13 shifted (0.4cm,0) withpen boldpen; -endfig; - -figtag("provazkovy_algoritmus"); -beginfig(6); - pickup boldpen; - pair A[],B[],u; u := (-3cm, 0); - for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := u rotated (-30*i) yscaled 0.7; endfor; - A[2] := A[2] + (0,0.1cm); - draw for i:=0 upto 2: A[i]-- endfor A[3]; - drawarrow ((u/2) for i:=1 upto 3: ..u/2 rotated (-30*i) endfor) yscaled 0.7 withpen normalpen; - B[0] := (-2cm,0.5cm); - B[1] := (-1cm,1.5cm); - B[2] := (-0.5cm,0.2cm); - for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - - path ub; ub := (-20cm,3cm)--(20cm,3cm); - - numeric ang[]; ang[0] = 90; ang[1] = angle(A[1]-A[0]); ang[2] = angle(A[2]-A[1]); ang[3] = angle(A[3]-A[2]); - for i:=0 upto 2: - draw reverse(dirs(A[i],ang[i],6cm) cutafter ub) withpen normalpen dashed evenly; - l := 1cm + (i-1)*0.2cm; - drawarrow from(A[i],ang[i],l)..from(A[i],(ang[i]+ang[i+1])/2,l)..from(A[i],ang[i+1],l) withpen normalpen; - endfor - - for i:=0 upto 3: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor; -endfig; - -figtag("naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal"); -beginfig(7); - pair A[], C; - label.lrt(btex $Q_i$ etex, (1.5cm,-0.8cm)); - pickup boldpen; - - C := (-4cm,-0.3cm); - for i:=0 upto 6: - A[i] := (2cm,0) rotated (360*i/7+5) yscaled 0.7; - draw vertex(A[i]); - endfor; - draw for i:=0 upto 6: A[i]-- endfor cycle withpen normalpen; - draw C--A[2] dashed evenly; - - draw dirs(C, -140, 0.5cm); - drawemptyvertex(A[2]); - drawemptyvertex(C); - drawdblarrow (fullcircle scaled 2cm rotated (360*2/7-5) yscaled 0.7) cutbefore (origin--(3cm,0) rotated (360*2/7+25)) withpen normalpen; - %drawarrow C+(0,0.5cm){dir 60}..A[2]+(0,0.5cm) withpen normalpen; - %drawarrow 0.6A[5]{dir 170}..(0.6A[3] rotated -15) withpen normalpen; - %drawarrow 0.7A[6]{dir 60}..(0.5A[1] rotated 30) withpen normalpen; -endfig; -end diff --git a/7-geom/7-geom.tex b/7-geom/7-geom.tex deleted file mode 100644 index d600d11..0000000 --- a/7-geom/7-geom.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{7}{Geometrické algoritmy}{(sepsal Pavel Klavík)} - -\>Uká¾eme si nìkolik základních algoritmù na øe¹ení geometrických problémù v~rovinì. Proè zrovna v~rovinì? Inu, jednorozmìrné problémy bývají triviální -a naopak pro vy¹¹í dimenze jsou velice komplikované. Rovina je proto rozumným kompromisem mezi obtí¾ností a zajímavostí. - -Celou kapitolou nás bude provázet pohádka ze ¾ivota ledních medvìdù. Pokusíme se vyøe¹it jejich \uv{ka¾dodenní} problémy~\dots - -\h{Hledání konvexního obalu} - -{\I Daleko na severu ¾ili lední medvìdi. Ve vodách tamního moøe byla hojnost ryb a jak je známo, ryby jsou oblíbenou pochoutkou ledních medvìdù. -Proto¾e medvìdi z~na¹í pohádky rozhodnì nejsou ledajací a ani chytrost jim neschází, rozhodli se v¹echny ryby pochytat. Znají pøesná místa výskytu -ryb a rádi by vyrobili obrovskou sí», do které by je v¹echny chytili. Pomozte medvìdùm zjistit, jaký nejmen¹í obvod taková sí» mù¾e mít.} - -\figure{7-geom5_rybi_motivace.eps}{Problém ledních mìdvìdù: Jaký je nejmen¹í obvod sítì?}{3in} - -Neboli v~øeèi matematické, chceme pro zadanou mno¾inu bodù v~rovinì nalézt její konvexní obal. Co je to konvexní obal? Mno¾ina bodù je {\I konvexní}, -pokud pro ka¾dé dva body obsahuje i celou úseèku mezi nimi. {\I Konvexní obal} je nejmen¹í konvexní podmno¾ina roviny, která obsahuje v¹echny zadané -body.\foot{Pamatujete si na lineární obaly ve vektorových prostorech? Lineární obal mno¾iny vektorù je nejmen¹í vektorový podprostor, který tyto -vektory obsahuje. Není náhoda, ¾e tato definice pøipomíná definici konvexního obalu. Na druhou stranu ka¾dý vektor z~lineárního obalu lze vyjádøit -jako lineární kombinaci daných vektorù. Podobnì platí i pro konvexní obaly, ¾e ka¾dý bod z~obalu je konvexní kombinací daných bodù. Ta se li¹í od -lineární v~tom, ¾e v¹echny koeficienty jsou v~intervalu $[0,1]$ a navíc souèet v¹ech koeficientù je $1$. Tento algebraický pohled mù¾e mnohé vìci -zjednodu¹it. Zkuste si dokázat, ¾e obì definice konvexního obalu jsou ekvivalentní.} Z~algoritmického hlediska nás v¹ak bude zajímat jenom jeho -hranice, kterou budeme dále oznaèovat jako konvexní obal. - -Na¹ím úkolem je nalézt konvexní obal koneèné mno¾iny bodù. To je v¾dy konvexní mnohoúhelník, navíc s~vrcholy v~zadaných bodech. Øe¹ením problému tedy -bude posloupnost bodù, které tvoøí konvexní obal. Pro malé mno¾iny je konvexní obal nakreslen na obrázku, pro více bodù je v¹ak situace mnohem -slo¾itìj¹í. - -\figure{7-geom1_male_obaly.eps}{Konvexní obaly malých mno¾in.}{3in} - -Pro jednoduchost budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e v¹echny body mají rùzné $x$-ové souøadnice. Tedy utøídìní bodù zleva doprava je urèené jednoznaènì.\foot{To si -mù¾eme dovolit pøedpokládat, nebo» se v¹emi body staèí nepatrnì pootoèit. Tím konvexní obal urèitì nezmìníme. Av¹ak jednodu¹¹í øe¹ení je naprogramovat -tøídìní lexikograficky (druhotnì podle souøadnice $y$) a vyøadit identické body.} Tím máme zaji¹tìné, ¾e existují dva body, nejlevìj¹í a -nejpravìj¹í, pro které platí následující invariant: - -\s{Invariant:} Nejlevìj¹í a nejpravìj¹í body jsou v¾dy v~konvexním obalu. - -Algoritmus na nalezení konvexního obalu funguje na následujícím jednoduchém principu, kterému se nìkdy øíká {\I zametání roviny}. Procházíme body -zleva doprava a postupnì roz¹iøujeme doposud nalezený konvexní obal o~dal¹í body. Na zaèátku bude konvexní obal jediného bodu samotný bod. Na konci -$k$-tého kroku algoritmu známe konvexní obal prvních $k$ bodù. Kdy¾ algoritmus skonèí, známe hledaný konvexní obal. Podle invariantu musíme v~$k$-tém -kroku pøidat do obalu $k$-tý nejlevìj¹í bod. Zbývá si jen rozmyslet, jak pøesnì tento bod pøidat. - -Pøidání dal¹ího bodu do konvexního obalu funguje, jak je naznaèeno na obrázku. Podle invariantu víme, ¾e bod nejvíc vpravo je souèástí konvexního -obalu. Za nìj napojíme novì pøidávaný bod. Tím jsme získali nìjaký obal, ale zpravidla nebude konvexní. To lze v¹ak snadno napravit, staèí -odebírat body, v obou smìrech podél konvexního obalu, tak dlouho, dokud nezískáme konvexní obal. Na pøíkladu z obrázku nemusíme po smìru hodinových -ruèièek odebrat ani jeden bod, obal je v poøádku. Naopak proti smìru hodinových ruèièek musíme odebrat dokonce dva body. - -\figure{7-geom2_pridani_bodu.eps}{Pøidání bodu do konvexního obalu.}{4.5in} - -Pro pøípadnou implementaci a rozbor slo¾itosti si nyní popí¹eme algoritmus detailnìji. Aby se lépe popisoval, rozdìlíme si konvexní obal na dvì èásti -spojující nejlevìj¹í a nejpravìj¹í bod obalu. Budeme jim øíkat {\I horní obálka} a {\I dolní obálka}. - -\figure{7-geom3_obalky.eps}{Horní a dolní obálka konvexního obalu.}{3.4in} - -Obì obálky jsou lomené èáry, navíc horní obálka poøád zatáèí doprava a dolní naopak doleva. Pro udr¾ování bodù v~obálkách staèí dva zásobníky. -V~$k$-tém kroku algoritmu pøidáme zvlá¹» $k$-tý bod do horní i dolní obálky. Pøidáním $k$-tého bodu se v¹ak mù¾e poru¹it smìr, ve kterém obálka -zatáèí. Proto budeme nejprve body z~obálky odebírat a $k$-tý bod pøidáme a¾ ve chvíli, kdy jeho pøidání smìr zatáèení neporu¹í. - -\s{Algoritmus:} - -\algo - -\:Setøídíme body podle $x$-ové souøadnice, oznaème body $b_1, \ldots, b_n$. -\:Vlo¾íme do horní a dolní obálky bod $b_1$: $H = D = (b_1)$. -\:Pro ka¾dý dal¹í bod $b = b_2,\ldots,b_n$: -\::Pøepoèítáme horní obálku: -\:::Dokud $\vert H\vert \ge 2$, $H = (\ldots, h_{k-1}, h_k)$ a úhel $h_{k-1} h_k b$ je orientovaný doleva: -\::::Odebereme poslední bod $h_k$ z~obálky $H$. -\:::Pøidáme bod $b$ do obálky $H$. -\::Symetricky pøepoèteme dolní obálku (s orientací doprava). -\: Výsledný obal je tvoøen body v~obálkách $H$ a $D$. - -\endalgo - -Rozebereme si èasovou slo¾itost algoritmu. Setøídit body podle $x$-ové souøadnice doká¾eme v~èase $\O(n \log n)$. Pøidání dal¹ího bodu do obálek -trvá lineárnì vzhledem k~poètu odebraných bodù. Zde vyu¾ijeme obvyklý postup: Ka¾dý bod je odebrán nejvý¹e jednou, a tedy v¹echna odebrání trvají -dohromady $\O(n)$. Konvexní obal doká¾eme sestrojit v~èase $\O(n \log n)$, a pokud bychom mìli seznam bodù ji¾ utøídený, doká¾eme to dokonce v -$\O(n)$. - -\s{Algebraický dodatek:} Existuje jednoduchý postup, jak zjistit orientaci úhlu? Uká¾eme si jeden zalo¾ený na lineární algebøe. Budou se hodit -vlastnosti determinantu. Absolutní hodnota determinantu je objem rovnobì¾nostìnu urèeného øádkovými vektory matice. Dùle¾itìj¹í v¹ak je, ¾e znaménko -determinantu urèuje \uv{orientaci} vektorù, zda je levotoèivá èi pravotoèivá. Proto¾e ná¹ problém je rovinný, budeme uva¾ovat determinanty matic $2 -\times 2$. - -Uva¾me souøadnicový systém v~rovinì, kde $x$-ová souøadnice roste smìrem doprava a~$y$-ová smìrem nahoru. Chceme zjistit orientaci úhlu $h_{k-1} h_k -b$. Polo¾me $\vec u = (x_1, y_1)$ jako rozdíl souøadnic $h_k$ a~$h_{k-1}$ a podobnì $\vec v = (x_2, y_2)$ je rozdíl souøadnic $b$ a~$h_k$. Matice $M$ -je definována následovnì: -$$M = \pmatrix{\vec u \cr \vec v} = \pmatrix {x_1&y_1\cr x_2&y_2}.$$ -Úhel $h_{k-1} h_k b$ je orientován doleva, právì kdy¾ $\det M = x_1y_2 - x_2y_1$ je nezáporný,\foot{Neboli vektory $\vec u$ a $\vec v$ odpovídají -rozta¾ení a zkosení vektorù báze $\vec x = (1,0)$ a $\vec y = (0,1)$, pro nì¾ je determinant nezáporný.} a spoèítat hodnotu determinantu je jednoduché. -Mo¾né situace jsou nakresleny na obrázku. Poznamenejme, ¾e k~podobnému vzorci se lze také dostat pøes vektorový souèin vektorù $\vec u$ a $\vec v$. - -\figure{7-geom4_determinant.eps}{Jak vypadají determinanty rùzných znamének v~rovinì.}{4.6in} - -\s{©lo by to vyøe¹it rychleji?} Také vám vrtá hlavou, zda existují rychlej¹í algoritmy? Na závìr si uká¾eme nìco, co na pøedná¹ce nebylo.\foot{A také -se nebude zkou¹et.} Nejrychlej¹í známý algoritmus, jeho¾ autorem je T.~Chan, funguje v~èase $\O(n \log h)$, kde $h$ je poèet bodù le¾ících na -konvexním obalu, a pøitom je pøekvapivì jednoduchý. Zde si naznaèíme, jak tento algoritmus funguje. - -Algoritmus pøichází s~následující my¹lenkou. Pøedpokládejme, ¾e bychom znali velikost konvexního obalu $h$. Rozdìlíme body libovolnì do $\lceil {n -\over h} \rceil$ mno¾in $Q_1, \ldots, Q_k$ tak, ¾e $\vert Q_i \vert \le h$. Pro ka¾dou z~tìchto mno¾in nalezneme konvexní obal pomocí vý¹e popsaného -algoritmu. To doká¾eme pro jednu v~èase $\O(h \log h)$ a pro v¹echny v~èase $\O(n \log h)$. V druhé fázi spustíme hledání konvexního obalu pomocí -provázkového algoritmu a pro zrychlení pou¾ijeme pøedpoèítané obaly men¹ích mno¾in. Nejprve popí¹eme jeho my¹lenku. Pou¾ijeme následující pozorování: - -\s{Pozorování:} Úseèka spojující dva body $a$ a $b$ le¾í na konvexním obalu, právì kdy¾ v¹echny ostatní body le¾í pouze na jedné její -stranì.\foot{Formálnì je podmínka následující: Pøímka $ab$ urèuje dvì poloroviny. Úseèka le¾í na konvexním obalu, právì kdy¾ v¹echny body le¾í v jedné -z polorovin.} - -Algoritmu se øíká {\I provázkový}, proto¾e svojí èinností pøipomíná namotávání provázku podél konvexního obalu. Zaèneme s bodem, který na konvexním -obalu urèitì le¾í, to je tøeba ten nejlevìj¹í. V ka¾dém kroku nalezneme následující bod po obvodu konvexního obalu. To udìláme napøíklad tak, ¾e -projdeme v¹echny body a vybereme ten, který svírá nejmen¹í úhel s poslední stranou konvexního obalu. Novì pøidaná úseèka vyhovuje pozorování a proto -do konvexního obalu patøí. Po $h$ krocích se dostaneme zpìt k nejlevìj¹ímu bodu a výpoèet ukonèíme. V ka¾dém kroku potøebujeme projít v¹echny body a -vybrat následníka, co¾ doká¾eme v èase $\O(n)$. Celková slo¾itost algoritmu je tedy $\O(n \cdot h)$. - -\twofigures{7-geom6_provazkovy_algoritmus.eps}{Provázkový algoritmus.}{1.25in}{7-geom7_naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal.eps}{Hledání kandidáta v pøedpoèítaném obalu.}{2.5in} - -Provázkový algoritmus funguje, ale má jednu obrovskou nevýhodu -- je toti¾ ukrutnì pomalý. Ký¾eného zrychlení dosáhneme, pokud pou¾ijeme pøedpoèítané -konvexní obaly. Ty umo¾ní rychleji hledat následníka. Pro ka¾dou z mno¾in $Q_i$ najdeme zvlá¹» kandidáta a poté z nich vybereme toho nejlep¹ího. -Mo¾ný kandidát v¾dy le¾í na konvexním obalu mno¾iny $Q_i$. Vyu¾ijeme toho, ¾e body obalu jsou \uv{uspoøádané}, i kdy¾ trochu netypicky do kruhu. -Kandidáta mù¾eme hledat metodou pùlení intervalu, i kdy¾ detaily jsou malièko slo¾itìj¹í ne¾ je obvyklé. Jak pùlit zjistíme podle smìru zatáèení -konvexního obalu. Detaily si rozmyslí ètenáø sám. - -Èasová slo¾itost pùlení je $\O(\log h)$ pro jednu mno¾inu. Mno¾in je nejvý¹e $\O({n \over h})$, tedy následující bod konvexního obalu nalezneme v èase -$\O({n \over h} \log h)$. Celý obal nalezneme ve slibovaném èase $\O(n \log h)$. - -Popsanému algoritmu schází jedna dùle¾itá vìc: Ve skuteènosti vìt¹inou neznáme velikost $h$. Budeme proto algoritmus iterovat s~rostoucí hodnotou $h$, -dokud konvexní obal nesestrojíme. Pokud pøi slepování konvexních obalù zjistíme, ¾e konvexní obal je vìt¹í ne¾ $h$, výpoèet ukonèíme. Zbývá je¹tì -zvolit, jak rychle má $h$ rùst. Pokud by rostlo moc pomalu, budeme poèítat zbyteènì mnoho fází, naopak pøi rychlém rùstu by nás poslední fáze mohla -stát pøíli¹ mnoho. - -V~$k$-té iteraci polo¾íme $h = 2^{2^k}$. Dostáváme celkovou slo¾itost algoritmu: -$$\sum_{m=0}^{\O(\log \log h)} \O(n \log 2^{2^m}) = \sum_{m=0}^{\O(\log \log h)} \O(n \cdot 2^m) = \O(n \log h),$$ -kde poslední rovnost dostaneme jako souèet prvních $\O(\log \log h)$ èlenù geometrické øady $\sum 2^m$. - -\bye diff --git a/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps b/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 94a501d..0000000 --- a/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -13 -35 216 12 -%%HiResBoundingBox: -12.12236 -34.76685 215.33812 11.24376 -%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 -%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 -%%Pages: 1 -%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 6e:8 -%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 31:f008 -%%BeginProlog -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 1.99252 0 moveto -1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto -1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto --0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto --1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto --1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto --1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto -0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto -1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath 1.99252 0 moveto -1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto -1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto --0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto --1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto --1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto --1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto -0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto -1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath stroke --12.12236 -34.76685 moveto -(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow --3.37506 -34.76685 moveto -(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -7.14095 -34.76685 moveto -(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow - 1 setlinecap -newpath 48.18887 -5.6692 moveto -62.3621 8.50403 lineto stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 50.1814 -5.6692 moveto -50.1814 -5.14073 49.97144 -4.63397 49.59778 -4.2603 curveto -49.2241 -3.88664 48.71735 -3.67668 48.18887 -3.67668 curveto -47.6604 -3.67668 47.15364 -3.88664 46.77997 -4.2603 curveto -46.40631 -4.63397 46.19635 -5.14073 46.19635 -5.6692 curveto -46.19635 -6.19768 46.40631 -6.70444 46.77997 -7.07811 curveto -47.15364 -7.45177 47.6604 -7.66173 48.18887 -7.66173 curveto -48.71735 -7.66173 49.2241 -7.45177 49.59778 -7.07811 curveto -49.97144 -6.70444 50.1814 -6.19768 50.1814 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 50.1814 -5.6692 moveto -50.1814 -5.14073 49.97144 -4.63397 49.59778 -4.2603 curveto -49.2241 -3.88664 48.71735 -3.67668 48.18887 -3.67668 curveto -47.6604 -3.67668 47.15364 -3.88664 46.77997 -4.2603 curveto -46.40631 -4.63397 46.19635 -5.14073 46.19635 -5.6692 curveto -46.19635 -6.19768 46.40631 -6.70444 46.77997 -7.07811 curveto -47.15364 -7.45177 47.6604 -7.66173 48.18887 -7.66173 curveto -48.71735 -7.66173 49.2241 -7.45177 49.59778 -7.07811 curveto -49.97144 -6.70444 50.1814 -6.19768 50.1814 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 64.35463 8.50403 moveto -64.35463 9.0325 64.14467 9.53926 63.77101 9.91293 curveto -63.39734 10.28659 62.89058 10.49655 62.3621 10.49655 curveto -61.83363 10.49655 61.32687 10.28659 60.9532 9.91293 curveto -60.57954 9.53926 60.36958 9.0325 60.36958 8.50403 curveto -60.36958 7.97556 60.57954 7.4688 60.9532 7.09512 curveto -61.32687 6.72147 61.83363 6.5115 62.3621 6.5115 curveto -62.89058 6.5115 63.39734 6.72147 63.77101 7.09512 curveto -64.14467 7.4688 64.35463 7.97556 64.35463 8.50403 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 64.35463 8.50403 moveto -64.35463 9.0325 64.14467 9.53926 63.77101 9.91293 curveto -63.39734 10.28659 62.89058 10.49655 62.3621 10.49655 curveto -61.83363 10.49655 61.32687 10.28659 60.9532 9.91293 curveto -60.57954 9.53926 60.36958 9.0325 60.36958 8.50403 curveto -60.36958 7.97556 60.57954 7.4688 60.9532 7.09512 curveto -61.32687 6.72147 61.83363 6.5115 62.3621 6.5115 curveto -62.89058 6.5115 63.39734 6.72147 63.77101 7.09512 curveto -64.14467 7.4688 64.35463 7.97556 64.35463 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke -44.57054 -34.76685 moveto -(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -53.31784 -34.76685 moveto -(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -63.83385 -34.76685 moveto -(2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -newpath 104.88177 -5.6692 moveto -119.05501 8.50403 lineto -121.88983 -11.33841 lineto - closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 106.8743 -5.6692 moveto -106.8743 -5.14073 106.66434 -4.63397 106.29068 -4.2603 curveto -105.917 -3.88664 105.41025 -3.67668 104.88177 -3.67668 curveto -104.3533 -3.67668 103.84654 -3.88664 103.47287 -4.2603 curveto -103.09921 -4.63397 102.88925 -5.14073 102.88925 -5.6692 curveto -102.88925 -6.19768 103.09921 -6.70444 103.47287 -7.07811 curveto -103.84654 -7.45177 104.3533 -7.66173 104.88177 -7.66173 curveto -105.41025 -7.66173 105.917 -7.45177 106.29068 -7.07811 curveto -106.66434 -6.70444 106.8743 -6.19768 106.8743 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 106.8743 -5.6692 moveto -106.8743 -5.14073 106.66434 -4.63397 106.29068 -4.2603 curveto -105.917 -3.88664 105.41025 -3.67668 104.88177 -3.67668 curveto -104.3533 -3.67668 103.84654 -3.88664 103.47287 -4.2603 curveto -103.09921 -4.63397 102.88925 -5.14073 102.88925 -5.6692 curveto -102.88925 -6.19768 103.09921 -6.70444 103.47287 -7.07811 curveto -103.84654 -7.45177 104.3533 -7.66173 104.88177 -7.66173 curveto -105.41025 -7.66173 105.917 -7.45177 106.29068 -7.07811 curveto -106.66434 -6.70444 106.8743 -6.19768 106.8743 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 121.04753 8.50403 moveto -121.04753 9.0325 120.83757 9.53926 120.46391 9.91293 curveto -120.09024 10.28659 119.58348 10.49655 119.05501 10.49655 curveto -118.52654 10.49655 118.01978 10.28659 117.6461 9.91293 curveto -117.27245 9.53926 117.06248 9.0325 117.06248 8.50403 curveto -117.06248 7.97556 117.27245 7.4688 117.6461 7.09512 curveto -118.01978 6.72147 118.52654 6.5115 119.05501 6.5115 curveto -119.58348 6.5115 120.09024 6.72147 120.46391 7.09512 curveto -120.83757 7.4688 121.04753 7.97556 121.04753 8.50403 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 121.04753 8.50403 moveto -121.04753 9.0325 120.83757 9.53926 120.46391 9.91293 curveto -120.09024 10.28659 119.58348 10.49655 119.05501 10.49655 curveto -118.52654 10.49655 118.01978 10.28659 117.6461 9.91293 curveto -117.27245 9.53926 117.06248 9.0325 117.06248 8.50403 curveto -117.06248 7.97556 117.27245 7.4688 117.6461 7.09512 curveto -118.01978 6.72147 118.52654 6.5115 119.05501 6.5115 curveto -119.58348 6.5115 120.09024 6.72147 120.46391 7.09512 curveto -120.83757 7.4688 121.04753 7.97556 121.04753 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 123.88235 -11.33841 moveto -123.88235 -10.80994 123.6724 -10.30318 123.29874 -9.9295 curveto -122.92506 -9.55585 122.4183 -9.34589 121.88983 -9.34589 curveto -121.36136 -9.34589 120.8546 -9.55585 120.48093 -9.9295 curveto -120.10727 -10.30318 119.89731 -10.80994 119.89731 -11.33841 curveto -119.89731 -11.86688 120.10727 -12.37364 120.48093 -12.74731 curveto -120.8546 -13.12097 121.36136 -13.33093 121.88983 -13.33093 curveto -122.4183 -13.33093 122.92506 -13.12097 123.29874 -12.74731 curveto -123.6724 -12.37364 123.88235 -11.86688 123.88235 -11.33841 curveto closepath - fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 123.88235 -11.33841 moveto -123.88235 -10.80994 123.6724 -10.30318 123.29874 -9.9295 curveto -122.92506 -9.55585 122.4183 -9.34589 121.88983 -9.34589 curveto -121.36136 -9.34589 120.8546 -9.55585 120.48093 -9.9295 curveto -120.10727 -10.30318 119.89731 -10.80994 119.89731 -11.33841 curveto -119.89731 -11.86688 120.10727 -12.37364 120.48093 -12.74731 curveto -120.8546 -13.12097 121.36136 -13.33093 121.88983 -13.33093 curveto -122.4183 -13.33093 122.92506 -13.12097 123.29874 -12.74731 curveto -123.6724 -12.37364 123.88235 -11.86688 123.88235 -11.33841 curveto closepath - stroke -101.26344 -34.76685 moveto -(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -110.01074 -34.76685 moveto -(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -120.52675 -34.76685 moveto -(3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -newpath 161.57468 -5.6692 moveto -175.74791 8.50403 lineto -178.58273 -11.33841 lineto - closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 163.5672 -5.6692 moveto -163.5672 -5.14073 163.35724 -4.63397 162.98358 -4.2603 curveto -162.60991 -3.88664 162.10315 -3.67668 161.57468 -3.67668 curveto -161.0462 -3.67668 160.53944 -3.88664 160.16577 -4.2603 curveto -159.79211 -4.63397 159.58215 -5.14073 159.58215 -5.6692 curveto -159.58215 -6.19768 159.79211 -6.70444 160.16577 -7.07811 curveto -160.53944 -7.45177 161.0462 -7.66173 161.57468 -7.66173 curveto -162.10315 -7.66173 162.60991 -7.45177 162.98358 -7.07811 curveto -163.35724 -6.70444 163.5672 -6.19768 163.5672 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 163.5672 -5.6692 moveto -163.5672 -5.14073 163.35724 -4.63397 162.98358 -4.2603 curveto -162.60991 -3.88664 162.10315 -3.67668 161.57468 -3.67668 curveto -161.0462 -3.67668 160.53944 -3.88664 160.16577 -4.2603 curveto -159.79211 -4.63397 159.58215 -5.14073 159.58215 -5.6692 curveto -159.58215 -6.19768 159.79211 -6.70444 160.16577 -7.07811 curveto -160.53944 -7.45177 161.0462 -7.66173 161.57468 -7.66173 curveto -162.10315 -7.66173 162.60991 -7.45177 162.98358 -7.07811 curveto -163.35724 -6.70444 163.5672 -6.19768 163.5672 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 177.74043 8.50403 moveto -177.74043 9.0325 177.53047 9.53926 177.15681 9.91293 curveto -176.78314 10.28659 176.27638 10.49655 175.74791 10.49655 curveto -175.21944 10.49655 174.71268 10.28659 174.339 9.91293 curveto -173.96535 9.53926 173.75539 9.0325 173.75539 8.50403 curveto -173.75539 7.97556 173.96535 7.4688 174.339 7.09512 curveto -174.71268 6.72147 175.21944 6.5115 175.74791 6.5115 curveto -176.27638 6.5115 176.78314 6.72147 177.15681 7.09512 curveto -177.53047 7.4688 177.74043 7.97556 177.74043 8.50403 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 177.74043 8.50403 moveto -177.74043 9.0325 177.53047 9.53926 177.15681 9.91293 curveto -176.78314 10.28659 176.27638 10.49655 175.74791 10.49655 curveto -175.21944 10.49655 174.71268 10.28659 174.339 9.91293 curveto -173.96535 9.53926 173.75539 9.0325 173.75539 8.50403 curveto -173.75539 7.97556 173.96535 7.4688 174.339 7.09512 curveto -174.71268 6.72147 175.21944 6.5115 175.74791 6.5115 curveto -176.27638 6.5115 176.78314 6.72147 177.15681 7.09512 curveto -177.53047 7.4688 177.74043 7.97556 177.74043 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 180.57526 -11.33841 moveto -180.57526 -10.80994 180.3653 -10.30318 179.99164 -9.9295 curveto -179.61797 -9.55585 179.1112 -9.34589 178.58273 -9.34589 curveto -178.05426 -9.34589 177.5475 -9.55585 177.17383 -9.9295 curveto -176.80017 -10.30318 176.59021 -10.80994 176.59021 -11.33841 curveto -176.59021 -11.86688 176.80017 -12.37364 177.17383 -12.74731 curveto -177.5475 -13.12097 178.05426 -13.33093 178.58273 -13.33093 curveto -179.1112 -13.33093 179.61797 -13.12097 179.99164 -12.74731 curveto -180.3653 -12.37364 180.57526 -11.86688 180.57526 -11.33841 curveto closepath - fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 180.57526 -11.33841 moveto -180.57526 -10.80994 180.3653 -10.30318 179.99164 -9.9295 curveto -179.61797 -9.55585 179.1112 -9.34589 178.58273 -9.34589 curveto -178.05426 -9.34589 177.5475 -9.55585 177.17383 -9.9295 curveto -176.80017 -10.30318 176.59021 -10.80994 176.59021 -11.33841 curveto -176.59021 -11.86688 176.80017 -12.37364 177.17383 -12.74731 curveto -177.5475 -13.12097 178.05426 -13.33093 178.58273 -13.33093 curveto -179.1112 -13.33093 179.61797 -13.12097 179.99164 -12.74731 curveto -180.3653 -12.37364 180.57526 -11.86688 180.57526 -11.33841 curveto closepath - stroke - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 171.96844 -2.83453 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 189.92113 -5.6692 moveto -204.09436 8.50403 lineto -212.59839 2.83482 lineto -206.92918 -11.33841 lineto - closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 191.91365 -5.6692 moveto -191.91365 -5.14073 191.70369 -4.63397 191.33003 -4.2603 curveto -190.95636 -3.88664 190.4496 -3.67668 189.92113 -3.67668 curveto -189.39265 -3.67668 188.8859 -3.88664 188.51222 -4.2603 curveto -188.13857 -4.63397 187.9286 -5.14073 187.9286 -5.6692 curveto -187.9286 -6.19768 188.13857 -6.70444 188.51222 -7.07811 curveto -188.8859 -7.45177 189.39265 -7.66173 189.92113 -7.66173 curveto -190.4496 -7.66173 190.95636 -7.45177 191.33003 -7.07811 curveto -191.70369 -6.70444 191.91365 -6.19768 191.91365 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 191.91365 -5.6692 moveto -191.91365 -5.14073 191.70369 -4.63397 191.33003 -4.2603 curveto -190.95636 -3.88664 190.4496 -3.67668 189.92113 -3.67668 curveto -189.39265 -3.67668 188.8859 -3.88664 188.51222 -4.2603 curveto -188.13857 -4.63397 187.9286 -5.14073 187.9286 -5.6692 curveto -187.9286 -6.19768 188.13857 -6.70444 188.51222 -7.07811 curveto -188.8859 -7.45177 189.39265 -7.66173 189.92113 -7.66173 curveto -190.4496 -7.66173 190.95636 -7.45177 191.33003 -7.07811 curveto -191.70369 -6.70444 191.91365 -6.19768 191.91365 -5.6692 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 206.08688 8.50403 moveto -206.08688 9.0325 205.87692 9.53926 205.50327 9.91293 curveto -205.1296 10.28659 204.62283 10.49655 204.09436 10.49655 curveto -203.56589 10.49655 203.05913 10.28659 202.68546 9.91293 curveto -202.3118 9.53926 202.10184 9.0325 202.10184 8.50403 curveto -202.10184 7.97556 202.3118 7.4688 202.68546 7.09512 curveto -203.05913 6.72147 203.56589 6.5115 204.09436 6.5115 curveto -204.62283 6.5115 205.1296 6.72147 205.50327 7.09512 curveto -205.87692 7.4688 206.08688 7.97556 206.08688 8.50403 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 206.08688 8.50403 moveto -206.08688 9.0325 205.87692 9.53926 205.50327 9.91293 curveto -205.1296 10.28659 204.62283 10.49655 204.09436 10.49655 curveto -203.56589 10.49655 203.05913 10.28659 202.68546 9.91293 curveto -202.3118 9.53926 202.10184 9.0325 202.10184 8.50403 curveto -202.10184 7.97556 202.3118 7.4688 202.68546 7.09512 curveto -203.05913 6.72147 203.56589 6.5115 204.09436 6.5115 curveto -204.62283 6.5115 205.1296 6.72147 205.50327 7.09512 curveto -205.87692 7.4688 206.08688 7.97556 206.08688 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 208.9217 -11.33841 moveto -208.9217 -10.80994 208.71175 -10.30318 208.33809 -9.9295 curveto -207.96442 -9.55585 207.45766 -9.34589 206.92918 -9.34589 curveto -206.40071 -9.34589 205.89395 -9.55585 205.52028 -9.9295 curveto -205.14662 -10.30318 204.93666 -10.80994 204.93666 -11.33841 curveto -204.93666 -11.86688 205.14662 -12.37364 205.52028 -12.74731 curveto -205.89395 -13.12097 206.40071 -13.33093 206.92918 -13.33093 curveto -207.45766 -13.33093 207.96442 -13.12097 208.33809 -12.74731 curveto -208.71175 -12.37364 208.9217 -11.86688 208.9217 -11.33841 curveto closepath - fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 208.9217 -11.33841 moveto -208.9217 -10.80994 208.71175 -10.30318 208.33809 -9.9295 curveto -207.96442 -9.55585 207.45766 -9.34589 206.92918 -9.34589 curveto -206.40071 -9.34589 205.89395 -9.55585 205.52028 -9.9295 curveto -205.14662 -10.30318 204.93666 -10.80994 204.93666 -11.33841 curveto -204.93666 -11.86688 205.14662 -12.37364 205.52028 -12.74731 curveto -205.89395 -13.12097 206.40071 -13.33093 206.92918 -13.33093 curveto -207.45766 -13.33093 207.96442 -13.12097 208.33809 -12.74731 curveto -208.71175 -12.37364 208.9217 -11.86688 208.9217 -11.33841 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 214.59091 2.83482 moveto -214.59091 3.3633 214.38095 3.87006 214.0073 4.24373 curveto -213.63362 4.61739 213.12686 4.82735 212.59839 4.82735 curveto -212.06992 4.82735 211.56316 4.61739 211.18948 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curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 13.33093 17.00804 moveto -13.33093 17.53651 13.12097 18.04327 12.74731 18.41695 curveto -12.37364 18.7906 11.86688 19.00056 11.33841 19.00056 curveto -10.80994 19.00056 10.30318 18.7906 9.9295 18.41695 curveto -9.55585 18.04327 9.34589 17.53651 9.34589 17.00804 curveto -9.34589 16.47957 9.55585 15.97281 9.9295 15.59914 curveto -10.30318 15.22548 10.80994 15.01552 11.33841 15.01552 curveto -11.86688 15.01552 12.37364 15.22548 12.74731 15.59914 curveto -13.12097 15.97281 13.33093 16.47957 13.33093 17.00804 curveto closepath stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 24.66977 -2.83482 moveto -24.66977 -2.30635 24.45981 -1.79959 24.08615 -1.42592 curveto -23.71248 -1.05226 23.20572 -0.8423 22.67725 -0.8423 curveto -22.14877 -0.8423 21.64201 -1.05226 21.26834 -1.42592 curveto -20.89468 -1.79959 20.68472 -2.30635 20.68472 -2.83482 curveto -20.68472 -3.3633 20.89468 -3.87006 21.26834 -4.24373 curveto -21.64201 -4.61739 22.14877 -4.82735 22.67725 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-60.93663 curveto --114.42104 -61.31029 -113.91428 -61.52025 -113.3858 -61.52025 curveto --112.85733 -61.52025 -112.35057 -61.31029 -111.9769 -60.93663 curveto --111.60324 -60.56296 -111.39328 -60.0562 -111.39328 -59.52773 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -168.08618 -42.51968 moveto --168.08618 -41.99121 -168.29614 -41.48445 -168.6698 -41.11078 curveto --169.04347 -40.73712 -169.55023 -40.52716 -170.0787 -40.52716 curveto --170.60718 -40.52716 -171.11394 -40.73712 -171.48761 -41.11078 curveto --171.86127 -41.48445 -172.07123 -41.99121 -172.07123 -42.51968 curveto --172.07123 -43.04816 -171.86127 -43.55492 -171.48761 -43.92859 curveto --171.11394 -44.30225 -170.60718 -44.5122 -170.0787 -44.5122 curveto --169.55023 -44.5122 -169.04347 -44.30225 -168.6698 -43.92859 curveto --168.29614 -43.55492 -168.08618 -43.04816 -168.08618 -42.51968 curveto - closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -168.08618 -42.51968 moveto --168.08618 -41.99121 -168.29614 -41.48445 -168.6698 -41.11078 curveto --169.04347 -40.73712 -169.55023 -40.52716 -170.0787 -40.52716 curveto --170.60718 -40.52716 -171.11394 -40.73712 -171.48761 -41.11078 curveto --171.86127 -41.48445 -172.07123 -41.99121 -172.07123 -42.51968 curveto --172.07123 -43.04816 -171.86127 -43.55492 -171.48761 -43.92859 curveto --171.11394 -44.30225 -170.60718 -44.5122 -170.0787 -44.5122 curveto --169.55023 -44.5122 -169.04347 -44.30225 -168.6698 -43.92859 curveto --168.29614 -43.55492 -168.08618 -43.04816 -168.08618 -42.51968 curveto - closepath stroke - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -62.3621 19.84242 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -34.01566 2.83482 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -73.70094 -17.00804 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -102.0474 -11.33841 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -85.03935 17.00804 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -73.70094 28.34645 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -28.34645 -34.01566 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 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-(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow --3.92485 -2.49065 moveto -(\)) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -2.71684 -2.49065 moveto -(>) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -13.23294 -2.49065 moveto -(0) cmr10 9.96265 fshow - 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 85.03935 14.17322 moveto -112.25214 0.56683 lineto stroke -newpath 108.26227 0.85036 moveto -112.25214 0.56683 lineto -109.63141 3.58864 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -newpath 113.3858 0 moveto -140.59859 -13.6064 lineto stroke -newpath 136.60872 -13.32288 moveto -140.59859 -13.6064 lineto -137.97786 -10.5846 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 85.03935 14.17322 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 113.3858 0 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 141.73225 -14.17323 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -61.36482 11.87625 moveto -(h) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -67.10492 10.38185 moveto -(k) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow -71.50853 10.38185 moveto -(\000) cmsy7 6.97385 fshow 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0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor -newpath 184.25194 21.25983 moveto -255.11807 7.08661 lineto -269.29129 -35.43307 lineto -198.42516 -21.25986 lineto - closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath 184.25194 21.25983 moveto -255.11807 7.08661 lineto -269.29129 -35.43307 lineto -198.42516 -21.25986 lineto - closepath stroke - 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash -newpath 184.25194 21.25983 moveto -252.2839 7.65344 lineto stroke -newpath 248.3604 6.87724 moveto -252.2839 7.65344 lineto -248.96074 9.87898 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -newpath 255.11807 7.08661 moveto -268.72446 -33.73257 lineto stroke -newpath 266.1034 -30.71054 moveto -268.72446 -33.73257 lineto -269.00806 -29.74231 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 184.25194 21.25983 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 255.11807 7.08661 moveto 0 0 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-newpath -189.92113 -1.063 moveto --191.33847 -1.063 lineto stroke -newpath -189.92113 0 moveto --191.33847 0 lineto stroke -newpath -189.92113 1.063 moveto --191.33847 1.063 lineto stroke -newpath -186.80318 25.51163 moveto --182.52145 32.92781 -174.18858 23.38562 -167.24388 23.38562 curveto stroke -newpath -186.80318 25.51163 moveto --181.70834 19.43993 -174.12552 27.63763 -167.24388 27.63763 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -167.24388 23.38562 moveto --167.24388 27.63763 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -184.25194 26.07857 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -167.24388 24.44862 moveto --168.66122 24.44862 lineto stroke -newpath -167.24388 25.51163 moveto --168.66122 25.51163 lineto stroke -newpath -167.24388 26.57463 moveto --168.66122 26.57463 lineto stroke -newpath -141.44911 42.51968 moveto --137.16739 49.93587 -128.83452 40.39368 -121.88982 40.39368 curveto stroke -newpath -141.44911 42.51968 moveto --136.35428 36.44798 -128.77145 44.64569 -121.88982 44.64569 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -121.88982 40.39368 moveto --121.88982 44.64569 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -138.89787 43.08662 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -121.88982 41.45668 moveto --123.30716 41.45668 lineto stroke -newpath -121.88982 42.51968 moveto --123.30716 42.51968 lineto stroke -newpath -121.88982 43.58269 moveto --123.30716 43.58269 lineto stroke -newpath -79.08658 51.0237 moveto --74.80486 58.43988 -66.47198 48.89769 -59.52728 48.89769 curveto stroke -newpath -79.08658 51.0237 moveto --73.99174 44.952 -66.40892 53.1497 -59.52728 53.1497 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -59.52728 48.89769 moveto --59.52728 53.1497 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -76.53534 51.59064 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -59.52728 49.9607 moveto --60.94463 49.9607 lineto stroke -newpath -59.52728 51.0237 moveto --60.94463 51.0237 lineto stroke -newpath -59.52728 52.0867 moveto --60.94463 52.0867 lineto stroke -newpath -33.73251 42.51968 moveto --29.45079 49.93587 -21.11792 40.39368 -14.17322 40.39368 curveto stroke -newpath -33.73251 42.51968 moveto --28.63768 36.44798 -21.05486 44.64569 -14.17322 44.64569 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -14.17322 40.39368 moveto --14.17322 44.64569 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -31.18127 43.08662 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -14.17322 41.45668 moveto --15.59056 41.45668 lineto stroke -newpath -14.17322 42.51968 moveto --15.59056 42.51968 lineto stroke -newpath -14.17322 43.58269 moveto --15.59056 43.58269 lineto stroke -newpath 0.28314 17.00804 moveto -4.56487 24.42422 12.89774 14.88203 19.84244 14.88203 curveto stroke -newpath 0.28314 17.00804 moveto -5.37798 10.93634 12.9608 19.13405 19.84244 19.13405 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 19.84244 14.88203 moveto -19.84244 19.13405 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 2.83438 17.57498 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 19.84244 15.94504 moveto -18.4251 15.94504 lineto stroke -newpath 19.84244 17.00804 moveto -18.4251 17.00804 lineto stroke -newpath 19.84244 18.07104 moveto -18.4251 18.07104 lineto stroke -newpath 11.62198 -2.83482 moveto -15.9037 4.58136 24.23657 -4.96083 31.18127 -4.96083 curveto stroke -newpath 11.62198 -2.83482 moveto -16.71681 -8.90652 24.29964 -0.70882 31.18127 -0.70882 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath 31.18127 -4.96083 moveto -31.18127 -0.70882 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 14.17322 -2.26788 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 31.18127 -3.89783 moveto -29.76393 -3.89783 lineto stroke -newpath 31.18127 -2.83482 moveto -29.76393 -2.83482 lineto stroke -newpath 31.18127 -1.77182 moveto -29.76393 -1.77182 lineto stroke -newpath -56.40976 -53.85808 moveto --52.12804 -46.4419 -43.79517 -55.98409 -36.85046 -55.98409 curveto stroke -newpath -56.40976 -53.85808 moveto --51.31493 -59.92978 -43.7321 -51.73207 -36.85046 -51.73207 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -36.85046 -55.98409 moveto --36.85046 -51.73207 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -53.85852 -53.29114 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -36.85046 -54.92108 moveto --38.2678 -54.92108 lineto stroke -newpath -36.85046 -53.85808 moveto --38.2678 -53.85808 lineto stroke -newpath -36.85046 -52.79507 moveto --38.2678 -52.79507 lineto stroke -newpath -124.44107 -59.52773 moveto --120.15935 -52.11154 -111.82648 -61.65373 -104.88177 -61.65373 curveto stroke -newpath -124.44107 -59.52773 moveto --119.34624 -65.59943 -111.76341 -57.40172 -104.88177 -57.40172 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -104.88177 -61.65373 moveto --104.88177 -57.40172 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -121.88983 -58.96078 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -104.88177 -60.59073 moveto --106.29912 -60.59073 lineto stroke -newpath -104.88177 -59.52773 moveto --106.29912 -59.52773 lineto stroke -newpath -104.88177 -58.46472 moveto --106.29912 -58.46472 lineto stroke -newpath -181.13397 -42.51968 moveto --176.85225 -35.1035 -168.51938 -44.64569 -161.57468 -44.64569 curveto stroke -newpath -181.13397 -42.51968 moveto --176.03914 -48.59138 -168.45631 -40.39368 -161.57468 -40.39368 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -161.57468 -44.64569 moveto --161.57468 -40.39368 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -178.58273 -41.95274 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -161.57468 -43.58269 moveto --162.99202 -43.58269 lineto stroke -newpath -161.57468 -42.51968 moveto --162.99202 -42.51968 lineto stroke -newpath -161.57468 -41.45668 moveto --162.99202 -41.45668 lineto stroke -newpath -73.41737 19.84242 moveto --69.13565 27.2586 -60.80278 17.71642 -53.85808 17.71642 curveto stroke -newpath -73.41737 19.84242 moveto --68.32254 13.77072 -60.73972 21.96843 -53.85808 21.96843 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -53.85808 17.71642 moveto --53.85808 21.96843 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -70.86613 20.40936 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -53.85808 18.77942 moveto --55.27542 18.77942 lineto stroke -newpath -53.85808 19.84242 moveto --55.27542 19.84242 lineto stroke -newpath -53.85808 20.90543 moveto --55.27542 20.90543 lineto stroke -newpath -45.07092 2.83482 moveto --40.7892 10.251 -32.45633 0.70882 -25.51163 0.70882 curveto stroke -newpath -45.07092 2.83482 moveto --39.97609 -3.23688 -32.39326 4.96083 -25.51163 4.96083 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -25.51163 0.70882 moveto --25.51163 4.96083 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -42.51968 3.40176 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -25.51163 1.77182 moveto --26.92897 1.77182 lineto stroke -newpath -25.51163 2.83482 moveto --26.92897 2.83482 lineto stroke -newpath -25.51163 3.89783 moveto --26.92897 3.89783 lineto stroke -newpath -84.75621 -17.00804 moveto --80.47449 -9.59186 -72.14162 -19.13405 -65.19691 -19.13405 curveto stroke -newpath -84.75621 -17.00804 moveto --79.66138 -23.07974 -72.07855 -14.88203 -65.19691 -14.88203 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -65.19691 -19.13405 moveto --65.19691 -14.88203 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -82.20497 -16.4411 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -65.19691 -18.07104 moveto --66.61426 -18.07104 lineto stroke -newpath -65.19691 -17.00804 moveto --66.61426 -17.00804 lineto stroke -newpath -65.19691 -15.94504 moveto --66.61426 -15.94504 lineto stroke -newpath -113.10266 -11.33841 moveto --108.82094 -3.92223 -100.48807 -13.46442 -93.54337 -13.46442 curveto stroke -newpath -113.10266 -11.33841 moveto --108.00783 -17.41011 -100.425 -9.2124 -93.54337 -9.2124 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -93.54337 -13.46442 moveto --93.54337 -9.2124 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -110.55142 -10.77147 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -93.54337 -12.40141 moveto --94.96071 -12.40141 lineto stroke -newpath -93.54337 -11.33841 moveto --94.96071 -11.33841 lineto stroke -newpath -93.54337 -10.2754 moveto --94.96071 -10.2754 lineto stroke -newpath -96.09462 17.00804 moveto --91.8129 24.42422 -83.48003 14.88203 -76.53532 14.88203 curveto stroke -newpath -96.09462 17.00804 moveto --90.99979 10.93634 -83.41696 19.13405 -76.53532 19.13405 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -76.53532 14.88203 moveto --76.53532 19.13405 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -93.54338 17.57498 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -76.53532 15.94504 moveto --77.95267 15.94504 lineto stroke -newpath -76.53532 17.00804 moveto --77.95267 17.00804 lineto stroke -newpath -76.53532 18.07104 moveto --77.95267 18.07104 lineto stroke -newpath -84.75621 28.34645 moveto --80.47449 35.76263 -72.14162 26.22044 -65.19691 26.22044 curveto stroke -newpath -84.75621 28.34645 moveto --79.66138 22.27475 -72.07855 30.47246 -65.19691 30.47246 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -65.19691 26.22044 moveto --65.19691 30.47246 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -82.20497 28.91339 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -65.19691 27.28345 moveto --66.61426 27.28345 lineto stroke -newpath -65.19691 28.34645 moveto --66.61426 28.34645 lineto stroke -newpath -65.19691 29.40945 moveto --66.61426 29.40945 lineto stroke -newpath -39.40172 -34.01566 moveto --35.12 -26.59947 -26.78712 -36.14166 -19.84242 -36.14166 curveto stroke -newpath -39.40172 -34.01566 moveto --34.30688 -40.08736 -26.72406 -31.88965 -19.84242 -31.88965 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -19.84242 -36.14166 moveto --19.84242 -31.88965 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -36.85048 -33.44872 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -19.84242 -35.07866 moveto --21.25977 -35.07866 lineto stroke -newpath -19.84242 -34.01566 moveto --21.25977 -34.01566 lineto stroke -newpath -19.84242 -32.95265 moveto --21.25977 -32.95265 lineto stroke -newpath -195.3072 5.6692 moveto --191.02548 13.08539 -182.69261 3.5432 -175.74791 3.5432 curveto stroke -newpath -195.3072 5.6692 moveto --190.21237 -0.4025 -182.62955 7.79521 -175.74791 7.79521 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -175.74791 3.5432 moveto --175.74791 7.79521 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -192.75597 6.23615 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -175.74791 4.6062 moveto --177.16525 4.6062 lineto stroke -newpath -175.74791 5.6692 moveto --177.16525 5.6692 lineto stroke -newpath -175.74791 6.73221 moveto --177.16525 6.73221 lineto stroke -newpath -152.78752 22.67725 moveto --148.5058 30.09343 -140.17293 20.55124 -133.22823 20.55124 curveto stroke -newpath -152.78752 22.67725 moveto --147.69269 16.60555 -140.10986 24.80325 -133.22823 24.80325 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -133.22823 20.55124 moveto --133.22823 24.80325 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -150.23628 23.24419 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -133.22823 21.61424 moveto --134.64557 21.61424 lineto stroke -newpath -133.22823 22.67725 moveto --134.64557 22.67725 lineto stroke -newpath -133.22823 23.74025 moveto --134.64557 23.74025 lineto stroke -newpath -181.13397 -17.00804 moveto --176.85225 -9.59186 -168.51938 -19.13405 -161.57468 -19.13405 curveto stroke -newpath -181.13397 -17.00804 moveto --176.03914 -23.07974 -168.45631 -14.88203 -161.57468 -14.88203 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -161.57468 -19.13405 moveto --161.57468 -14.88203 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -178.58273 -16.4411 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -161.57468 -18.07104 moveto --162.99202 -18.07104 lineto stroke -newpath -161.57468 -17.00804 moveto --162.99202 -17.00804 lineto stroke -newpath -161.57468 -15.94504 moveto --162.99202 -15.94504 lineto stroke -newpath -152.78752 -34.01566 moveto --148.5058 -26.59947 -140.17293 -36.14166 -133.22823 -36.14166 curveto stroke -newpath -152.78752 -34.01566 moveto --147.69269 -40.08736 -140.10986 -31.88965 -133.22823 -31.88965 curveto stroke - 0.5 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth -newpath -133.22823 -36.14166 moveto --133.22823 -31.88965 lineto stroke - 0 1.063 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -150.23628 -33.44872 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.5 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -133.22823 -35.07866 moveto --134.64557 -35.07866 lineto stroke -newpath -133.22823 -34.01566 moveto --134.64557 -34.01566 lineto stroke -newpath -133.22823 -32.95265 moveto --134.64557 -32.95265 lineto stroke - 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -212.88298 0 moveto --210.39598 2.07463 lineto --208.98589 5.10736 lineto --206.13942 6.8632 lineto --204.72932 9.89594 lineto --201.88287 11.65178 lineto --200.47319 14.6841 lineto --197.62672 16.43994 lineto --196.21658 19.47267 lineto --193.37012 21.22852 lineto --191.96004 24.26125 lineto --189.11357 26.01714 lineto --187.70389 29.0494 lineto --184.21263 29.45702 lineto --181.5502 31.48172 lineto --178.21379 31.70662 lineto --175.55136 33.73131 lineto --172.21489 33.95622 lineto --169.55247 35.98093 lineto --166.21605 36.20583 lineto --163.55362 38.23051 lineto --160.21718 38.45543 lineto --157.55478 40.48015 lineto --154.21834 40.70503 lineto --151.55591 42.72975 lineto --148.21948 42.95467 lineto --145.55785 44.97908 lineto --142.22061 45.20425 lineto --139.559 47.22865 lineto --136.22177 47.45387 lineto --133.30441 48.90091 lineto --130.0003 48.38167 lineto --126.95592 49.76662 lineto --123.65184 49.24738 lineto --120.6085 50.63217 lineto --117.30441 50.11293 lineto --114.26 51.49788 lineto --110.95593 50.97864 lineto --107.91151 52.3636 lineto --104.6085 51.8442 lineto --101.56409 53.22916 lineto --98.26003 52.70992 lineto --95.2156 54.09486 lineto --91.9126 53.57547 lineto --88.8682 54.96042 lineto --85.56413 54.44118 lineto --82.51971 55.82613 lineto --79.2167 55.30673 lineto --76.17227 56.69168 lineto --72.8682 56.17244 lineto --69.8238 57.5574 lineto --66.5208 57.03801 lineto --63.33968 57.73381 lineto --60.36836 56.19902 lineto --57.04283 56.55313 lineto --54.07152 55.01834 lineto --50.74605 55.37245 lineto --47.77396 53.8375 lineto --44.44847 54.19167 lineto --41.47713 52.65681 lineto --38.15166 53.01099 lineto --35.18034 51.4762 lineto --31.85484 51.8303 lineto --28.88353 50.29552 lineto --25.55801 50.64963 lineto --22.58592 49.11467 lineto --19.26045 49.46884 lineto --16.28914 47.93399 lineto --12.99344 47.67784 lineto --11.00752 44.98727 lineto --7.86847 43.83412 lineto --5.88194 41.14313 lineto --2.7429 39.98999 lineto --0.75697 37.29941 lineto -2.38268 36.14584 lineto -4.36859 33.45523 lineto -7.50763 32.30212 lineto -9.49414 29.61108 lineto -12.63316 28.458 lineto -14.61913 25.76738 lineto -17.75874 24.61382 lineto -19.74466 21.92325 lineto -22.88431 20.76968 lineto -24.35872 17.88696 lineto -26.78238 15.58249 lineto -27.53732 12.32445 lineto -29.96098 10.01991 lineto -30.71593 6.76192 lineto -33.13957 4.4574 lineto -33.89453 1.1994 lineto -36.31818 -1.10512 lineto -35.82741 -3.4551 lineto -33.84091 -6.14613 lineto -30.70126 -7.29964 lineto -28.71591 -9.98979 lineto -25.57625 -11.14336 lineto -23.5897 -13.83438 lineto -20.45006 -14.98795 lineto -18.4647 -17.6781 lineto -15.32504 -18.83167 lineto -13.33856 -21.5227 lineto -10.20009 -22.67538 lineto -8.21355 -25.36641 lineto -5.0739 -26.51997 lineto -3.08855 -29.21013 lineto --0.05112 -30.3637 lineto --2.03766 -33.05473 lineto --5.17612 -34.20741 lineto --7.16266 -36.89839 lineto --10.30226 -38.05196 lineto --12.28761 -40.74211 lineto --15.42728 -41.89568 lineto --17.41382 -44.5867 lineto --20.55228 -45.73938 lineto --22.53882 -48.43042 lineto --25.67848 -49.58398 lineto --27.66383 -52.27414 lineto --30.80348 -53.4277 lineto --32.78998 -56.11874 lineto --35.92844 -57.27141 lineto --37.91498 -59.96245 lineto --41.01503 -60.46964 lineto --44.12825 -61.69336 lineto --47.39986 -61.00177 lineto --50.51305 -62.22546 lineto --53.78464 -61.53384 lineto --56.89786 -62.75758 lineto --60.16946 -62.06595 lineto --63.28146 -63.28957 lineto --66.55424 -62.59807 lineto --69.66628 -63.82167 lineto --72.93909 -63.13016 lineto --76.05107 -64.35379 lineto --79.32271 -63.66216 lineto --82.4359 -64.88588 lineto --85.7075 -64.19427 lineto --88.8207 -65.41798 lineto --92.09232 -64.72636 lineto --95.20433 -65.95 lineto --98.47711 -65.25848 lineto --101.58914 -66.48209 lineto --104.86192 -65.79056 lineto --107.97392 -67.0142 lineto --111.2467 -66.32268 lineto --114.35875 -67.54628 lineto --117.4213 -66.57504 lineto --120.7659 -66.5749 lineto --123.55826 -64.73395 lineto --126.9028 -64.73381 lineto --129.69514 -62.89285 lineto --133.03877 -62.89299 lineto --135.83109 -61.05205 lineto --139.17567 -61.05191 lineto --141.96802 -59.21095 lineto --145.31259 -59.21082 lineto --148.10394 -57.37016 lineto --151.44853 -57.37003 lineto --154.24086 -55.52904 lineto --157.58546 -55.5289 lineto --160.37779 -53.68796 lineto --163.72137 -53.68811 lineto --166.51373 -51.84717 lineto --169.85832 -51.84703 lineto --172.65063 -50.00607 lineto --175.99522 -50.00594 lineto --178.7866 -48.16525 lineto --181.91241 -47.32204 lineto --182.89003 -44.12328 lineto --185.46625 -41.99132 lineto --186.44385 -38.79256 lineto --189.02003 -36.6606 lineto --189.99765 -33.46188 lineto --192.5738 -31.32991 lineto --193.55142 -28.13115 lineto --196.12762 -25.9992 lineto --197.10524 -22.80045 lineto --199.68143 -20.6685 lineto --200.65903 -17.46974 lineto --203.23524 -15.3378 lineto --204.21283 -12.13904 lineto --206.78903 -10.0071 lineto --207.76665 -6.80836 lineto --210.34282 -4.67639 lineto --211.32043 -1.47763 lineto --212.88298 0 lineto stroke -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/7-geom/7-geom6_provazkovy_algoritmus.eps b/7-geom/7-geom6_provazkovy_algoritmus.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 2db8aa1..0000000 --- a/7-geom/7-geom6_provazkovy_algoritmus.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -88 -3 3 86 -%%HiResBoundingBox: -87.77908 -2.73973 2.73973 85.33824 -%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 -%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 -%%Pages: 1 -%%BeginProlog -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath -85.03935 0 moveto --73.64644 29.76364 lineto --42.51968 54.3871 lineto -0 59.52728 lineto stroke - 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -42.51968 0 moveto --42.51973 5.22461 -40.55508 10.35718 -36.82323 14.88182 curveto --33.09134 19.40651 -27.72371 23.16383 -21.25984 25.77615 curveto --14.79602 28.38843 -7.46376 29.76369 0 29.76364 curveto stroke -newpath -3.64316 28.11188 moveto --2.45203 28.70012 -1.23642 29.2515 0 29.76364 curveto --1.23642 30.27582 -2.48584 30.7455 -3.74405 31.17184 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -56.6929 14.17323 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -28.34645 42.51968 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -14.17323 5.6692 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0.59776 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath -85.03935 85.03935 moveto --85.03935 0 lineto stroke - 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash -newpath -85.03935 22.67725 moveto --83.65663 22.67723 -82.27681 22.55075 -80.91713 22.29938 curveto --79.55757 22.04803 -78.22385 21.67288 -76.93262 21.1786 curveto stroke -newpath -80.90599 20.7179 moveto --79.5978 20.98819 -78.26816 21.14238 -76.93262 21.1786 curveto --77.90259 22.09737 -78.9518 22.92856 -80.06795 23.6625 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath -52.48845 85.03828 moveto --73.64644 29.76364 lineto stroke - [] 0 setdash -newpath -63.51306 56.2368 moveto --61.14473 55.33046 -58.90877 54.11034 -56.86504 52.60915 curveto --54.82132 51.10796 -52.98831 49.33926 -51.41513 47.35042 curveto stroke -newpath -55.0372 49.04776 moveto --53.79277 48.56853 -52.5823 48.00154 -51.41513 47.35042 curveto --51.78 48.63615 -52.235 49.89302 -52.77606 51.11185 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath -3.77296 85.03891 moveto --42.51968 54.3871 lineto stroke - [] 0 setdash -newpath -15.84218 75.49118 moveto --13.90816 73.04645 -12.31938 70.34744 -11.1205 67.46997 curveto --9.92165 64.59256 -9.12402 61.564 -8.75005 58.46933 curveto stroke -newpath -10.91466 61.83304 moveto --10.12866 60.75647 -9.40573 59.6334 -8.75005 58.46933 curveto --8.39053 59.75609 -8.10757 61.0614 -7.90208 62.37842 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -83.04683 0 moveto --83.04683 0.52847 -83.25679 1.03523 -83.63045 1.4089 curveto --84.00412 1.78256 -84.51088 1.99252 -85.03935 1.99252 curveto --85.56783 1.99252 -86.07458 1.78256 -86.44826 1.4089 curveto --86.82191 1.03523 -87.03188 0.52847 -87.03188 0 curveto --87.03188 -0.52847 -86.82191 -1.03523 -86.44826 -1.4089 curveto --86.07458 -1.78256 -85.56783 -1.99252 -85.03935 -1.99252 curveto --84.51088 -1.99252 -84.00412 -1.78256 -83.63045 -1.4089 curveto --83.25679 -1.03523 -83.04683 -0.52847 -83.04683 0 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -83.04683 0 moveto --83.04683 0.52847 -83.25679 1.03523 -83.63045 1.4089 curveto --84.00412 1.78256 -84.51088 1.99252 -85.03935 1.99252 curveto --85.56783 1.99252 -86.07458 1.78256 -86.44826 1.4089 curveto --86.82191 1.03523 -87.03188 0.52847 -87.03188 0 curveto --87.03188 -0.52847 -86.82191 -1.03523 -86.44826 -1.4089 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31.75616 -74.68167 31.5462 -75.05534 31.17255 curveto --75.429 30.79887 -75.63896 30.29211 -75.63896 29.76364 curveto --75.63896 29.23517 -75.429 28.72841 -75.05534 28.35474 curveto --74.68167 27.98108 -74.17491 27.77112 -73.64644 27.77112 curveto --73.11797 27.77112 -72.6112 27.98108 -72.23753 28.35474 curveto --71.86388 28.72841 -71.65392 29.23517 -71.65392 29.76364 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -40.52716 54.3871 moveto --40.52716 54.91557 -40.73712 55.42233 -41.11078 55.796 curveto --41.48445 56.16966 -41.99121 56.37962 -42.51968 56.37962 curveto --43.04816 56.37962 -43.55492 56.16966 -43.92859 55.796 curveto --44.30225 55.42233 -44.5122 54.91557 -44.5122 54.3871 curveto --44.5122 53.85863 -44.30225 53.35187 -43.92859 52.9782 curveto --43.55492 52.60454 -43.04816 52.39458 -42.51968 52.39458 curveto --41.99121 52.39458 -41.48445 52.60454 -41.11078 52.9782 curveto --40.73712 53.35187 -40.52716 53.85863 -40.52716 54.3871 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -40.52716 54.3871 moveto --40.52716 54.91557 -40.73712 55.42233 -41.11078 55.796 curveto --41.48445 56.16966 -41.99121 56.37962 -42.51968 56.37962 curveto --43.04816 56.37962 -43.55492 56.16966 -43.92859 55.796 curveto --44.30225 55.42233 -44.5122 54.91557 -44.5122 54.3871 curveto --44.5122 53.85863 -44.30225 53.35187 -43.92859 52.9782 curveto --43.55492 52.60454 -43.04816 52.39458 -42.51968 52.39458 curveto --41.99121 52.39458 -41.48445 52.60454 -41.11078 52.9782 curveto --40.73712 53.35187 -40.52716 53.85863 -40.52716 54.3871 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath 1.99252 59.52728 moveto -1.99252 60.05576 1.78256 60.56252 1.4089 60.93619 curveto -1.03523 61.30984 0.52847 61.5198 0 61.5198 curveto --0.52847 61.5198 -1.03523 61.30984 -1.4089 60.93619 curveto --1.78256 60.56252 -1.99252 60.05576 -1.99252 59.52728 curveto --1.99252 58.99881 -1.78256 58.49205 -1.4089 58.11838 curveto --1.03523 57.74472 -0.52847 57.53476 0 57.53476 curveto -0.52847 57.53476 1.03523 57.74472 1.4089 58.11838 curveto -1.78256 58.49205 1.99252 58.99881 1.99252 59.52728 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 1.99252 59.52728 moveto -1.99252 60.05576 1.78256 60.56252 1.4089 60.93619 curveto -1.03523 61.30984 0.52847 61.5198 0 61.5198 curveto --0.52847 61.5198 -1.03523 61.30984 -1.4089 60.93619 curveto --1.78256 60.56252 -1.99252 60.05576 -1.99252 59.52728 curveto --1.99252 58.99881 -1.78256 58.49205 -1.4089 58.11838 curveto --1.03523 57.74472 -0.52847 57.53476 0 57.53476 curveto -0.52847 57.53476 1.03523 57.74472 1.4089 58.11838 curveto -1.78256 58.49205 1.99252 58.99881 1.99252 59.52728 curveto closepath stroke -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/7-geom/7-geom7_naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal.eps b/7-geom/7-geom7_naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 7a14c41..0000000 --- a/7-geom/7-geom7_naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -125 -42 59 41 -%%HiResBoundingBox: -124.99023 -41.30498 58.47002 40.5129 -%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 -%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 -%%Pages: 1 -%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 51:8 -%*Font: cmmi7 6.97385 6.97385 69:8 -%%BeginProlog -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -44.50406 -31.46942 moveto -(Q) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -52.38007 -32.96382 moveto -(i) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow - 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash - 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit -newpath 56.4775 3.45886 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 31.34996 33.06506 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -17.38435 37.77316 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -53.02762 14.0371 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -48.74036 -20.26933 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath -7.75012 -39.31245 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke -newpath 39.07585 -28.75238 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke - 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath 56.4775 3.45886 moveto -31.34996 33.06506 lineto --17.38435 37.77316 lineto --53.02762 14.0371 lineto --48.74036 -20.26933 lineto --7.75012 -39.31245 lineto -39.07585 -28.75238 lineto - closepath stroke - 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop - [3 3 ] 0 setdash -newpath -113.3858 -8.50403 moveto --17.38435 37.77316 lineto stroke - [] 0 setdash -newpath -113.3858 -8.50403 moveto --124.24303 -17.61447 lineto stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -15.39183 37.77316 moveto --15.39183 38.30164 -15.60179 38.8084 -15.97545 39.18207 curveto --16.34912 39.55573 -16.85588 39.76569 -17.38435 39.76569 curveto --17.91283 39.76569 -18.41959 39.55573 -18.79326 39.18207 curveto --19.16692 38.8084 -19.37688 38.30164 -19.37688 37.77316 curveto --19.37688 37.24469 -19.16692 36.73793 -18.79326 36.36426 curveto --18.41959 35.9906 -17.91283 35.78064 -17.38435 35.78064 curveto --16.85588 35.78064 -16.34912 35.9906 -15.97545 36.36426 curveto --15.60179 36.73793 -15.39183 37.24469 -15.39183 37.77316 curveto closepath fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -15.39183 37.77316 moveto --15.39183 38.30164 -15.60179 38.8084 -15.97545 39.18207 curveto --16.34912 39.55573 -16.85588 39.76569 -17.38435 39.76569 curveto --17.91283 39.76569 -18.41959 39.55573 -18.79326 39.18207 curveto --19.16692 38.8084 -19.37688 38.30164 -19.37688 37.77316 curveto --19.37688 37.24469 -19.16692 36.73793 -18.79326 36.36426 curveto --18.41959 35.9906 -17.91283 35.78064 -17.38435 35.78064 curveto --16.85588 35.78064 -16.34912 35.9906 -15.97545 36.36426 curveto --15.60179 36.73793 -15.39183 37.24469 -15.39183 37.77316 curveto closepath - stroke - 1 1 1 setrgbcolor -newpath -111.39328 -8.50403 moveto --111.39328 -7.97556 -111.60324 -7.4688 -111.9769 -7.09512 curveto --112.35057 -6.72147 -112.85733 -6.5115 -113.3858 -6.5115 curveto --113.91428 -6.5115 -114.42104 -6.72147 -114.79471 -7.09512 curveto --115.16837 -7.4688 -115.37833 -7.97556 -115.37833 -8.50403 curveto --115.37833 -9.0325 -115.16837 -9.53926 -114.79471 -9.91293 curveto --114.42104 -10.28659 -113.91428 -10.49655 -113.3858 -10.49655 curveto --112.85733 -10.49655 -112.35057 -10.28659 -111.9769 -9.91293 curveto --111.60324 -9.53926 -111.39328 -9.0325 -111.39328 -8.50403 curveto closepath - fill - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath -111.39328 -8.50403 moveto --111.39328 -7.97556 -111.60324 -7.4688 -111.9769 -7.09512 curveto --112.35057 -6.72147 -112.85733 -6.5115 -113.3858 -6.5115 curveto --113.91428 -6.5115 -114.42104 -6.72147 -114.79471 -7.09512 curveto --115.16837 -7.4688 -115.37833 -7.97556 -115.37833 -8.50403 curveto --115.37833 -9.0325 -115.16837 -9.53926 -114.79471 -9.91293 curveto --114.42104 -10.28659 -113.91428 -10.49655 -113.3858 -10.49655 curveto --112.85733 -10.49655 -112.35057 -10.28659 -111.9769 -9.91293 curveto --111.60324 -9.53926 -111.39328 -9.0325 -111.39328 -8.50403 curveto closepath - stroke - 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop -newpath -13.54805 17.42911 moveto --17.04922 16.0954 -20.14311 14.247 -22.5961 11.9799 curveto --27.13503 7.78497 -29.10814 2.49986 -28.08002 -2.71344 curveto --27.0519 -7.92674 -23.10701 -12.63998 -17.11423 -15.8172 curveto --11.12143 -18.99443 -3.57126 -20.37561 3.87636 -19.65593 curveto -11.32397 -18.93625 18.05719 -16.17484 22.5961 -11.9799 curveto -27.13503 -7.78497 29.10814 -2.49986 28.08002 2.71344 curveto -27.0519 7.92674 23.10701 12.63998 17.11423 15.8172 curveto -11.12143 18.99443 3.57126 20.37561 -3.87636 19.65593 curveto stroke -newpath -0.25618 21.35713 moveto --1.48535 20.85222 -2.69522 20.28448 -3.87636 19.65593 curveto --2.59671 19.26517 -1.33978 18.81108 -0.1136 18.29893 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -newpath -16.2811 14.50847 moveto --15.45143 15.5185 -14.53754 16.49489 -13.54805 17.42911 curveto --14.90833 17.46822 -16.24495 17.42404 -17.5458 17.29652 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/7-geom/Makefile b/7-geom/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index b06fe95..0000000 --- a/7-geom/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=7-geom - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/7-geom/ b/7-geom/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2536305..0000000 --- a/7-geom/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -% implementation of figure naming and figure transparency -string name,tag; name := ""; tag := ""; -def updatefigname = - if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c.eps"); - else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & ".eps"); - fi; -enddef; - -def figname(expr n) = name := n; updatefigname; enddef; -def figtag(expr t) = tag := t; updatefigname; enddef; - -picture transparent_picture; -color transparent_color; transparent_color := 0.9white; -def drawtransparent(expr num) = - transparent_picture := currentpicture; -endfig; - -if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c_transparent.eps"); -else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & "_transparent.eps"); -fi; -beginfig(num); - draw transparent_picture withcolor transparent_color; -endfig; - -updatefigname; -enddef; - -def from(expr p,d,len) = - p+dir(d)*len -enddef; - -def dirs(expr p,d,len) = - p--from(p,d,len) -enddef; - -def drawvertices(expr s,n) = - for i:=s upto n: - draw vertex(PQ[i]); - endfor -enddef; - -def drawfvertices(expr s,n,flags) = - for i:=s upto n: - draw vertex(PQ[i]) flags; - endfor -enddef; - -def vertex(expr p) = p withpen pencircle scaled 4pt enddef; -def drawemptyvertex(expr p) = unfill fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; draw fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; enddef; -def drawendpointvertex(expr p) = draw vertex(p) withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted p; enddef; -def createpath(expr p) = shakepath(p, 0.015cm,0.1cm) enddef; -vardef shakepath(expr p,d,l) = - save r,b; - path r; r := point(arctime 0 of p) of p; - b := -1; - for i:=l step l until arclength(p): - r := r--(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*d*b; - b := -b; - endfor - r--point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p -enddef; - -pen normalpen; normalpen := pencircle scaled 0.6pt; -pen boldpen; boldpen := pencircle scaled 1.5pt; -pen bolderpen; bolderpen := pencircle scaled 2pt; -def dotline = withdots scaled 0.82 withpen boldpen enddef; - -vardef unclosedbubblec(expr p,c) = - bubblec((p..reverse p..cycle),c) -enddef; - -vardef bubblec(expr p,c) = - save r; - path r; r := (point(arctime 0 of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime 0 of p) of p rotated 90))*c; - for i:=0.01cm step 0.025cm until arclength(p): - r := r..(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*c; - endfor - r..(point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p rotated 90))*c..cycle -enddef; - -vardef bubble(expr p) = bubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; -vardef unclosedbubble(expr p) = unclosedbubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; diff --git a/8-geom2/ b/8-geom2/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5a44396..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -input lib - -figname("8-geom2_"); -figtag("usecky"); -beginfig(1); - def drawusecka(expr p,q) = draw vertex(p); draw vertex(q); draw p--q; enddef; - pair A[],B[]; - A0 := origin; B0 := (4cm,1.5cm); - A1 := (0.5cm,1.5cm); B1 := (1cm,0); - A2 := (2cm,1.3cm); B2 := (3cm, -0.9cm); - A3 := (1cm,-1.3cm); B3 := (3.5cm,0); - z0 = whatever[A0,B0]; z0 = whatever[A1,B1]; - z1 = whatever[A0,B0]; z1 = whatever[A2,B2]; - z2 = whatever[A2,B2]; z2 = whatever[A3,B3]; - - for i:=0 upto 2: fill fullcircle scaled 7pt shifted z[i]; drawemptyvertex(z[i]); endfor - for i:=0 upto 3: drawusecka(A[i], B[i]); endfor -endfig; - -figtag("polorovina"); -beginfig(2); - pair A,B; - A := origin; - B := (1.7cm,0.5cm); - an := angle(B-A); - path p; p := from(.5[A,B],an+90,3cm)--from(.5[A,B],an-90,3cm); - fill p--reverse(p shifted (A-0.8[A,B]))--cycle withcolor 0.8white; - %fill p{dir (an+180)}..-0.35[A,B]..{dir an}cycle withcolor 0.8white; - draw p withpen boldpen; - - pair C; C := point(0.9) of p; - drawarrow from(C,an+180,0.1cm)--from(C,an+180,1cm) withpen boldpen; - C := point(0.1) of p; - drawarrow from(C,an+180,0.1cm)--from(C,an+180,1cm) withpen boldpen; - label.rt(btex $p$ etex, point(0.15) of p); - - draw A--B dashed evenly; - drawemptyvertex(A); drawemptyvertex(B); - label.llft(btex $a$ etex, A); - label.urt(btex $b$ etex, B); - label(btex $B_a$ etex, A+2(-0.1cm,0.5cm)); - label(btex $B_b$ etex, B+2(-0.1cm,0.5cm)); -endfig; - -figtag("voroneho_diagram"); -beginfig(3); - u := 1.35cm; - pair A[],B[]; - A0 := origin; A1 := (-u,-u); A2 := (1.3u,-u); A3 := (1.50821u,0.7u); A4 := (0.6u,0.8u); A5 := (0.2u,1.9u); A6 := (-1.3u,1u); - def osa(expr a, b, an,l) = from(.5[a,b], angle(b-a)+an, l) enddef; - vardef prusecik_os(expr p,q,r) = - save b; pair b; - b = whatever[osa(p,q, 90,1cm), osa(p,q,-90,1cm)]; - b = whatever[osa(q,r, 90,1cm), osa(q,r,-90,1cm)]; - b - enddef; - B[0] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A2); B[1] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A6); B[2] := prusecik_os(A0,A4,A6); B[3] := prusecik_os(A4,A5,A6); - B[4] := prusecik_os(A3,A4,A5); B[5] := prusecik_os(A0,A3,A4); B[6] := prusecik_os(A0,A2,A4); - draw osa(A1,A2,-90,2cm)--B[0]--B[1]--osa(A1,A6,90,1.3cm) withpen boldpen; - draw B[1]--B[2]--B[3]--osa(A6,A5,90,2cm) withpen boldpen; - draw B[3]--B[4]--osa(A3,A5,-90,2.7cm) withpen boldpen; - draw B[4]--B[5]--B[2] withpen boldpen; - draw B[5]--B[6]--osa(A2,A3,-90,1.3cm) withpen boldpen; - draw B[6]--B[0] withpen boldpen; - - draw A0--A1--A2--A0--A6--A1 dashed evenly; - draw A6--A5--A4--A0 dashed evenly; draw A3--A2 dashed evenly; - draw A3--A5 dashed evenly; draw A6--A4--A3 dashed evenly; - - for i:=0 upto 6: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor - for i:=0 upto 6: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor -endfig; - -figtag("pasy_mnohouhelniku"); -beginfig(4); - u := 1.35cm; - pair A[],B[]; - A0 := origin; A1 := (-u,-u); A2 := (1.3u,-u); A3 := (1.50821u,0.7u); A4 := (0.6u,0.8u); A5 := (0.2u,1.9u); A6 := (-1.3u,1u); - def osa(expr a, b, an,l) = from(.5[a,b], angle(b-a)+an, l) enddef; - vardef prusecik_os(expr p,q,r) = - save b; pair b; - b = whatever[osa(p,q, 90,1cm), osa(p,q,-90,1cm)]; - b = whatever[osa(q,r, 90,1cm), osa(q,r,-90,1cm)]; - b - enddef; - def drawline(expr p) = draw ((-2.3u,p)--(2.5u,p)) cutbefore (D0--D1) cutafter (D2--D3) enddef; - B[0] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A2); B[1] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A6); B[2] := prusecik_os(A0,A4,A6); B[3] := prusecik_os(A4,A5,A6); - B[4] := prusecik_os(A3,A4,A5); B[5] := prusecik_os(A0,A3,A4); B[6] := prusecik_os(A0,A2,A4); - - pair C; C := origin; for i:=0 upto 6: C := C + B[i]; endfor C := C/6; - pair D[]; - D0 := C+(-2.25,2.25)*u; D1 := C+(-2.25,-2.25)*u; D2 := C+(2.25,-2.25)*u; D3 := C+(2.25,2.25)*u; - - draw B[0]--B[1]--B[2]--B[3]--B[4]--B[5]--B[6]--B[0] withpen boldpen; - draw B[5]--B[2] withpen boldpen; - pair E; E := 0.6[B0,B4]; - drawline(ypart(E)); - drawline(ypart(E)) cutbefore (B2--B5) cutafter (B4--B5) dashed evenly withpen bolderpen; - drawemptyvertex(E); - - for i:=0 upto 6: drawline(ypart(B[i])) dashed evenly; endfor - for i:=0 upto 6: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor -endfig; - -figtag("upravy_stromu"); -beginfig(5); - u := 1cm; - draw (0,0.1u)--(2.05u,-2.05u)--(-2.05u,-2.05u)--cycle; - pair A[]; A0 := from(origin,-90,0.1u); A1 := from(A0, -70, 0.5u); A2 := from(A1, -110, 0.5u); A3 := from(A2, -80, 0.5u); A4 := from(A3, -120, 0.45u); - path p; p := createpath(A0--A1--A2--A3--A4); - path q; q := (p scaled 0.93 shifted (-0.15u,-0.15u))--(-1.85u,-1.95u)--cycle; fill q withcolor 0.8white; draw q; - q := (p scaled 0.93 shifted (0.15u,-0.15u))--(1.85u,-1.95u)--cycle; fill q withcolor 0.8white; draw q; - p := createpath(A0--from(A0,-110,0.1u)--A1--A2--A3--A4); draw p withpen boldpen; -endfig; - -figtag("rychla_perzistence"); -beginfig(6); - u := 1cm; - def drawtable(expr p, lab, sa, sb) = - draw centersquare xscaled 2u yscaled (2u/3) shifted (p+(0,u/3)); - draw centersquare xscaled 2u yscaled (2u/3) shifted (p-(0,u/3)); - label(sa, p+(0,u/3)); - label(sb, p-(0,u/3)); -, p-(0,2u/3)); - enddef; - - pair A[]; - for i:=0 upto 2: A[i] := (0,2u) rotated 120i; endfor - drawtable(A1, btex $v$ etex, btex verze 2 etex, btex verze 1 etex); - drawtable(A2, btex $v'$ etex, btex verze 3 etex, ""); - drawtable(A0, btex $u$ etex, btex verze 2 etex, btex verze 1 etex); - - drawarrow from(A[2]+(0,u/3), 180, 7u/6)--from(A[1]+(0,u/3), 0, 7u/6); - drawarrow from(A[0]+(0,-u/3), 180, 7u/6)..{dir -90}from(A[1]+(-3u/4,2u/3), 90, u/6); - drawarrow from(A[0]+(0,u/3), 0, 7u/6)..{dir -90}from(A[2]+(3u/4,2u/3), 90, u/6); -endfig; -end diff --git a/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex b/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 034b395..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -\input lecnotes.tex - -\prednaska{8}{Geometrie vrací úder}{(sepsal Pavel Klavík)} - -\>Kdy¾ s geometrickými problémy poøádnì nezametete, ony vám to vrátí! Ale kdy¾ u¾ zametat, tak urèitì ne pod koberec a místo smetáku pou¾ijte pøímku. -V této pøedná¹ce nás spolu s dvìma geometrickými problémy samozøejmì èeká pokraèování pohádky o ledních medvìdech. - -{\I Medvìdi vyøe¹ili rybí problém a hlad je ji¾ netrápí. Av¹ak na severu ne¾ijí sami, za sousedy mají Eskymáky. Proto¾e je rozhodnì lep¹í se sousedy -dobøe vycházet, jsou medvìdi a Eskymáci velcí pøátelé. Skoro ka¾dý se se svými pøáteli rád schází. Av¹ak to je musí nejprve nalézt~\dots} - -\h{Hledání prùseèíkù úseèek} - -Zkusíme nejprve Eskymákùm vyøe¹it lokalizaci ledních medvìdù. - -{\I Kdy¾ takový medvìd nemá co na práci, rád se prochází. Na místech, kde se trasy protínají, je zvý¹ená ¹ance, ¾e se dva medvìdi potkají a zapovídají --- ostatnì co byste èekali od medvìdù. To jsou ta správná místa pro Eskymáka, který chce potkat medvìda. Jenom¾e jak tato køí¾ení najít?} - -Pro zjednodu¹ení pøedpokládejme, ¾e medvìdi chodí po úseèkách tam a zpìt. Budeme tedy chtít nalézt v¹echny prùseèíky úseèek v rovinì. - -\bigskip -\centerline{\epsfxsize=1.5in\epsfbox{8-geom2_0_bear.eps}\hskip 4em\epsfxsize2in\epsfbox{8-geom2_1_usecky.eps}} -\smallskip -\centerline{Problém Eskymákù: Kde v¹ude se køí¾í medvìdí trasy?} -\bigskip - -Pro $n$ úseèek mù¾e existovat a¾ $\Omega(n^2)$ prùseèíkù.\foot{Zkuste takový pøíklad zkonstruovat.} Tedy optimální slo¾itosti by dosáhl i algoritmus, -který by pro ka¾dou dvojici úseèek testoval, zda se protínají. Èasovou slo¾itost algoritmu v¹ak posuzujeme i vzhledem k velikosti výstupu $p$. Typické -rozmístìní úseèek mívá toti¾ prùseèíkù spí¹e pomálu. Pro tento pøípad si uká¾eme podstatnì rychlej¹í algoritmus. - -Pro jednodu¹¹í popis pøedpokládejme, ¾e úseèky le¾í v obecné poloze. To znamená, ¾e ¾ádné tøi úseèky se neprotínají v jednom bodì a prùnikem ka¾dých -dvou úseèek je nejvý¹e jeden bod. Navíc pøedpokládejme, ¾e krajní bod ¾ádné úseèky nele¾í na jiné úseèce a také neexistují vodorovné úseèky. Na závìr si -uká¾eme, jak se s tìmito pøípady vypoøádat. - -Algoritmus funguje na principu zametání roviny, popsaném v minulé pøedná¹ce. Budeme posouvat vodorovnou pøímku odshora dolù. V¾dy, kdy¾ narazíme na -nový prùnik, ohlásíme jeho výskyt. Samozøejmì spojité posouvání nahradíme diskrétním a pøímku v¾dy posuneme do dal¹ího zajímavého bodu. - -Zajímavé události jsou {\I zaèátky úseèek}, {\I konce úseèek} a {\I prùseèíky úseèek}. Po utøídìní známe pro první dva typy událostí poøadí, v jakém -se objeví. Výskyty prùseèíkù budeme poèítat prùbì¾nì, jinak bychom celý problém nemuseli øe¹it. - -V ka¾dém kroku si pamatujeme {\I prùøez} $P$ -- posloupnost úseèek aktuálnì protnutých zametací pøímkou. Tyto úseèky máme utøídìné zleva doprava. Navíc si -udr¾ujeme kalendáø $K$ budoucích událostí. Z hlediska prùseèíkù budeme na úseèky nahlí¾et jako na polopøímky. Pro sousední dvojice úseèek si -udr¾ujeme, zda se jejich smìry nìkde protnou. Algoritmus pro hledání prùnikù úseèek funguje následovnì: - -\s{Algoritmus:} - -\algo - -\:$P \leftarrow \emptyset$. -\:Do $K$ vlo¾íme zaèátky a konce v¹ech úseèek. -\:Dokud $K \ne \emptyset$: -\::Odebereme nejvy¹¹í událost. -\::Pokud je to zaèátek úseèky, zatøídíme novou úseèku do $P$. -\::Pokud je to konec úseèky, odebereme úseèku z $P$. -\::Pokud je to prùseèík, nahlásíme ho a prohodíme úseèky v $P$. -\::Navíc v¾dy pøepoèítáme prùseèíkové události, v¾dy maximálnì dvì odebereme a dvì nové pøidáme. -\endalgo - -Zbývá rozmyslet si, jaké datové struktury pou¾ijeme, abychom prùseèíky nalezli dostateènì rychle. Pro kalendáø pou¾ijeme napøíklad haldu. Prùøez si -budeme udr¾ovat ve vyhledávacím stromì. Poznamenejme, ¾e nemusíme znát souøadnice úseèek, staèí znát jejich poøadí, které se mezi jednotlivými -událostmi nemìní. Pøi pøidávání úseèek procházíme stromem a porovnáváme souøadnice v prùøezu, které prùbì¾nì dopoèítáváme. - -Kalendáø obsahuje v¾dy nejvý¹e $\O(n)$ událostí. Podobnì prùøez obsahuje v ka¾dém okam¾iku nejvý¹e $\O(n)$ úseèek. Jednu událost kalendáøe doká¾eme -o¹etøit v èase $\O(\log n)$. V¹ech událostí je $\O(n+p)$, a tedy celková slo¾itost algoritmu je $\O((n+p) \log n)$. - -Slíbili jsme, ¾e popí¹eme, jak se vypoøádat s vý¹e uvedenými podmínkami na vstup. Události kalendáøe se stejnou $y$-ovou souøadnicí budeme tøídit v -poøadí zaèátky, prùseèíky a konce úseèek. Tím nahlásíme i prùseèíky krajù úseèek a ani vodorovné úseèky nebudou vadit. Podobnì se není tøeba obávat -prùseèíkù více úseèek v jednom bodì. Úseèky jdoucí stejným smìrem, jejich¾ prùnik je úseèka, jsou komplikovanìj¹í, ale lze jejich prùseèíky o¹etøit a -vypsat tøeba souøadnice úseèky tvoøící jejich prùnik. - -Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e Balaban vymyslel efektivnìj¹í algoritmus, který funguje v èase $\O(n \log n + p)$, ale je podstatnì komplikovanìj¹í. - -\h{Hledání nejbli¾¹ích bodù a Voroného diagramy} - -Nyní se pokusíme vyøe¹it i problém druhé strany -- pomù¾eme medvìdùm nalézt Eskymáky. - -{\I Eskymáci tráví vìt¹inu èasu doma, ve svém iglù. Takový medvìd je na své toulce zasnì¾enou krajinou, kdy¾ tu se najednou rozhodne nav¹tívit nìjakého -Eskymáka. Proto se podívá do své medvìdí mapy a nalezne nejbli¾¹í iglù. Má to ale jeden háèek, iglù jsou spousty a medvìd by dávno usnul, ne¾ by -nejbli¾¹í objevil.}\foot{Zlí jazykové by øekli, ¾e medvìdi jsou moc líní a nebo v mapách ani èíst neumí!} - -Popí¹eme si nejprve, jak vypadá medvìdí mapa. Medvìdí mapa obsahuje celou Arktidu a jsou v ní vyznaèena v¹echna iglù. Navíc obsahuje vyznaèené -oblasti tvoøené body, které jsou nejblí¾e k jednomu danému iglù. Takovému schématu se øíká {\I Voroného diagram}. Ten pro zadané body $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ -obsahuje rozdìlení roviny na oblasti $B_1, \ldots, B_n$, kde $B_i$ je mno¾ina bodù, které jsou blí¾e k $x_i$ ne¾ k ostatním bodùm $x_j$. Formálnì jsou -tyto oblasti definovány následovnì: -$$B_i = \left\{y \in {\bb R}^2\ \vert\ \forall j:\rho(x_i,y) \le \rho(x_j,y)\right\},$$ -kde $\rho(x,y)$ znaèí vzdálenost bodù $x$ a $y$. - -Uká¾eme si, ¾e Voroného diagram má pøekvapivì jednoduchou strukturu. Nejprve uva¾me, jak budou vypadat oblasti $B_a$ a $B_b$ pouze pro dva body -$a$ a $b$, jak je naznaèeno na obrázku. V¹echny body stejnì vzdálené od $a$ i $b$ le¾í na pøímce $p$ -- ose úseèky $ab$. Oblasti $B_a$ a $B_b$ -jsou tedy tvoøeny polorovinami ohranièenými osou $p$. Tedy obecnì tvoøí mno¾ina v¹ech bodù bli¾¹ích k $x_i$ ne¾ k $x_j$ nìjakou polorovinu. Oblast -$B_i$ obsahuje v¹echny body, které jsou souèasnì bli¾¹í k $x_i$ ne¾ ke v¹em ostatním bodùm $x_j$ -- tedy le¾í ve v¹ech polorovinách souèasnì. -Ka¾dá z oblastí $B_i$ je tvoøena prùnikem $n-1$ polorovin, tedy je to (mo¾ná neomezený) mnohoúhelník.\foot{Sly¹eli jste u¾ o lineárním programování? -Jak název vùbec nenapoví, {\I lineární programování} je teorii zabývající se øe¹ením a vlastnostmi soustav lineárních nerovnic. Lineární program je -popsaný lineární funkcí, kterou chceme maximalizovat za podmínek popsaných soustavou lineárních nerovnic. Ka¾dá nerovnice urèuje poloprostor, ve -kterém se pøípustná øe¹ení nachází. Proto¾e pøípustné øe¹ení splòuje v¹echny nerovnice zároveò, je mno¾ina v¹ech pøípustných øe¹ení (mo¾ná neomezený) -mnohostìn, obecnì ve veliké dimenzi ${\bb R}^d$, kde $d$ je poèet promìnných. Mno¾iny $B_i$ lze snadno popsat jako mno¾iny v¹ech pøípustných øe¹ení -lineárních programù pomocí vý¹e ukázaných polorovin. Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e dlouho otevøená otázka, zda lze nalézt optimální øe¹ení lineárního -programu v polynomiálním èase, byla pozitivnì vyøe¹ena -- je znám polynomiální algoritmus, kterému se øíká {\I metoda vnitøního bodu}. Na druhou -stranu, pokud chceme najít pøípustné celoèíselné øe¹ení, je úloha NP-úplná a je jednoduché na ni pøevést spoustu optimalizaèních problémù. Dokázat -NP-tì¾kost není pøíli¹ tì¾ké. Na druhou stranu ukázat, ¾e tento problém le¾í v NP, není vùbec jednoduché.} -Pøíklad Voroného diagramu je naznaèen na obrázku. Zadané body jsou oznaèeny prázdnými krou¾ky a hranice oblastí $B_i$ jsou vyznaèené èernými èárami. - -\twofigures{8-geom2_2_polorovina.eps}{Body bli¾¹í k $a$ ne¾ $b$.}{1.25in}{8-geom2_3_voroneho_diagram.eps}{Voroného diagram.}{2.5in} - -Není náhoda, pokud vám hranice oblastí pøipomíná rovinný graf. Jeho vrcholy jsou body, které jsou stejnì vzdálené od alespoò tøí zadaných bodù. Jeho -stìny jsou oblasti $B_i$. Jeho hrany jsou tvoøeny èástí hranice mezi dvìma oblastmi -- body, které mají dvì oblasti spoleèné. Obecnì prùnik dvou -oblastí mù¾e být, v závislosti na jejich sousedìní, prázdný, bod, úseèka, polopøímka nebo dokonce celá pøímka. V dal¹ím textu si pøedstavme, ¾e celý -Voroného diagram uzavøeme do dostateènì velkého obdélníka,\foot{Pøeci jenom i celá Arktida je omezenì velká.} èím¾ dostaneme omezený rovinný graf. - -Poznamenejme, ¾e pøeru¹ované èáry tvoøí hrany duálního rovinného grafu s vrcholy v zadaných bodech. Hrany spojují sousední body na kru¾nicích, které -obsahují alespoò tøi ze zadaných bodù. Napøíklad na obrázku dostáváme skoro samé trojúhelníky, proto¾e vìt¹ina kru¾nic obsahuje pøesnì tøi zadané -body. Av¹ak nalezneme i jeden ètyøúhelník, jeho¾ vrcholy le¾í na jedné kru¾nici. - -Zkusíme nyní odhadnout, jak velký je rovinný graf popisující Voroného diagram. Podle slavné Eulerovy formule má ka¾dý rovinný graf nejvý¹e lineárnì -mnoho vrcholù, hran a stìn -- pro $v$ vrcholù, $e$ hran a $f$ stìn je $e \le 3v-6$ a navíc $v+f = e+2$. Tedy slo¾itost diagramu je lineární vzhledem k -poètu zadaných bodù $n=f$, $\O(n)$. Navíc Voroného diagram lze zkonstruovat v èase $\O(n \log n)$, napøíklad pomocí zametání roviny nebo metodou -rozdìl a panuj. Tím se v¹ak zabývat nebudeme,\foot{Pro zvídavé, kteøí nemají zkou¹ku druhý den ráno: Detaily naleznete v zápiscích z pøedloòského -ADSka.} místo toho si uká¾eme, jak v ji¾ spoèteném Voroného diagramu rychle hledat nejbli¾¹í body. - -\h{Lokalizace bodu uvnitø mnohoúhelníkové sítì} - -Problém medvìdù je najít v medvìdí mapì co nejrychleji nejbli¾¹í iglù. Máme v rovinì sí» tvoøenou mnohoúhelníky. Chceme pro jednotlivé body rychle -rozhodovat, do kterého mnohoúhelníku patøí. Na¹e øe¹ení budeme optimalizovat pro jeden pevný rozklad a obrovské mno¾ství rùzných dotazù, které chceme -co nejrychleji zodpovìdìt.\foot{Pøedstavujme si to tøeba tak, ¾e medvìdùm zprovozníme server. Ten jednou schroustá celou mapu a potom co nejrychleji -odpovídá na jejich dotazy. Medvìdi tak nemusí v mapách nic hledat, staèí se pøipojit na server a poèkat na odpovìï.} Nejprve pøedzpracujeme zadané -mnohoúhelníky a vytvoøíme strukturu, která nám umo¾ní rychlé dotazy na jednotlivé body. - -Uka¾me si pro zaèátek øe¹ení bez pøedzpracování. Rovinu budeme zametat pøímkou shora dolù. Podobnì jako pøi hledání prùseèíkù úseèek, udr¾ujeme si prùøez -pøímkou. V¹imnìte si, ¾e tento prùøez se mìní jenom ve vrcholech mnohoúhelníkù. Ve chvíli, kdy narazíme na hledaný bod, podíváme se, do kterého -intervalu v prùøezu patøí. To nám dá mnohoúhelník, který nahlásíme. Prùøez budeme uchovávat ve vyhledávacím stromì. Takové øe¹ení má slo¾itost $\O(n -\log n)$ na dotaz, co¾ je hroznì pomalé. - -Pøedzpracování bude fungovat následovnì. Jak je naznaèeno na obrázku pøeru¹ovanými èárami, rozøe¾eme si celou rovinu na pásy, bìhem kterých se prùøez -pøímkou nemìní. Pro ka¾dý z nich si pamatujeme stav stromu popisující, jak vypadal prùøez pøi procházení tímto pásem. Kdy¾ chceme lokalizovat nìjaký bod, -nejprve pùlením nalezneme pás, ve kterém se nachází. Poté polo¾íme dotaz na pøíslu¹ný strom. Strom procházíme a po cestì si dopoèítáme souøadnice -prùøezu, a¾ lokalizujeme správný interval v prùøezu. Dotaz doká¾eme zodpovìdìt v èase $\O(\log n)$. Hledaný bod je na obrázku naznaèen prázdným -koleèkem a nalezený interval v prùøezu je vyta¾ený tuènì. - -\figure{8-geom2_4_pasy_mnohouhelniku.eps}{Mnohoúhelníky rozøezané na pásy.}{2.5in} - -Jenom¾e na¹e øe¹ení má jeden háèek: Jak zkonstruovat jednotlivé verze stromu dostateènì rychle? K tomu napomohou {\I èásteènì perzistentní} datové -struktury. Pod perzistencí se myslí, ¾e struktura umo¾òuje uchovávat svoji historii. Èásteènì perzistentní struktury nemohou svoji historii -modifikovat. - -Popí¹eme si, jak vytvoøit perzistentní strom s pamìtí $\O(\log n)$ na zmìnu. Pokud provádíme operaci na stromì, mìní se jenom malá èást stromu. -Napøíklad pøi vkládání do stromu se mìní jenom prvky na jedné cestièce z koøene do listu (a pøípadnì rotací i na jejím nejbli¾¹ím okolí). Proto si -ulo¾íme upravenou cestièku a zbytek stromu budeme sdílet s pøedchozí verzí. Na obrázku je vyznaèena cesta, její¾ vrcholy jsou upravovány. ©edì -oznaèené podstromy navì¹ené na tuto cestu se nemìní, a proto na nì staèí zkopírovat ukazatele. Mimochodem zmìny ka¾dé operace se slo¾itostí $\O(k)$ -lze zapsat v pamìti $\O(k)$, prostì operace nemá tolik èasu, aby mohla pozmìnit pøíli¹ velikou èást stromu. - -\figure{8-geom2_5_upravy_stromu.eps}{Jedna operace mìní pouze okolí cesty -- navì¹ené podstromy se nemìní.}{2in} - -Celková èasová slo¾itost je tedy $\O(n \log n)$ na pøedzpracování Voroného diagramu a vytvoøení persistentního stromu. Kvùli persistenci potøebuje -toto pøedzpracování pamì» $\O(n \log n)$. Na dotaz spotøebujeme èas $\O(\log n)$, nebo» nejprve vyhledáme pùlením pøíslu¹ný pás a poté polo¾íme dotaz -na pøíslu¹nou verzi stromu. Rychleji to ani provést nepùjde, nebo» potøebujeme utøídit souøadnice bodù. - -\s{Lze to lépe?} Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e se umí provést vý¹e popsaná persistence vyhledávacího stromu v amortizované pamìti $\O(1)$ na zmìnu. Ve -struènosti naznaèíme my¹lenku. Pou¾ijeme stromy, které pøi insertu a deletu provádí amortizovanì jenom konstantnì mnoho úprav své struktury. To nám -napøíklad zaruèí 2-4 stromy z pøedná¹ky a podobnou vlastnost lze dokázat i o èerveno-èerných stromech. Pøi zmìnì potom nebudeme upravovat celou cestu, -ale upravíme jenom jednotlivé vrcholy, kterých se zmìna týká. Ka¾dý vrchol stromu si v sobì bude pamatovat a¾ dvì své verze. Pokud chceme vytvoøit -tøetí verzi, vrchol zkopírujeme stranou. To v¹ak mù¾e vyvolat zmìny v jeho rodièích a¾ do koøene. Situace je naznaèena na obrázku. Pøi vytvoøení nové -verze $3$ pro vrcholu $v$ vytvoøíme jeho kopii $v'$, do které ulo¾íme tuto verzi. Av¹ak musíme také zmìnit rodièe $u$, kterému vytvoøíme novou verzi -ukazující na $v'$. Abychom dosáhli ký¾ené konstantní pamì»ové slo¾itosti, pomù¾e potenciálový argument -- zmìn se provádí amortizovanì jenom -konstantnì mnoho. Navíc si pro ka¾dou verzi pamatujeme její koøen, ze kterého máme dotaz spustit. - -\figure{8-geom2_6_rychla_perzistence.eps}{Vytvoøení nové verze vrcholu.}{2in} - -\bye diff --git a/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps b/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 9e6ec74..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 -%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator by AutoTrace version 0.31.1 -%%Title: /tmp/potraceguiTmp-r4ayx1 -%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 15 14:58:41 2009 -%%BoundingBox: 0 0 437 436 -%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -/bd { bind def } bind def -/incompound false def -/m { moveto } bd -/l { lineto } bd -/c { curveto } bd -/F { incompound not {fill} if } bd -/f { closepath F } bd -/S { stroke } bd -/*u { /incompound true def } bd -/*U { /incompound false def f} bd -/k { setcmykcolor } bd -/K { k } bd -%%EndProlog -%%BeginSetup -%%EndSetup -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k -*u -0.889 435 m -0 428 l -0 411 l -0 341 l -0 86 l -0 23 l -0 7 l -0.889 0.889 l -8 0 l -25 0 l -96 0 l -351 0 l -414 0 l -430 0 l -436 0.889 l -437 8 l -437 25 l -437 95 l -437 350 l -437 413 l -437 429 l -436 435 l -430 436 l -414 436 l -351 436 l -96 436 l -25 436 l -8 436 l -0.889 435 l -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k -*u -220 419.384 m -214.258 418.900 209.738 412.732 206 409 c -177 380 l -60 263 l -28 231 l -23.636 226.628 16.983 221.924 17.569 215 c -17.966 210.314 21.922 207 25 204 c -46 183 l -129 100 l -196 33 l -200.988 28 205.847 22.836 211 18 c -214 15 217.488 12.207 222 12.574 c -227.841 13 232.184 19.186 236 23 c -265 52 l -382 169 l -414 201 l -418.273 205.287 424.957 210.210 424.384 217 c -424 221.532 419.960 224.998 417 228 c -396 249 l -313 332 l -246 399 l -241.338 403.662 236.767 408.442 232 412.995 c -228.623 416.220 225 419.811 220 419.384 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k -*u -219 412 m -214.948 411.300 209.819 403.819 207 401 c -178 372 l -67 261 l -35 229 l -31.514 225.513 24 220.491 24.560 215 c -24.855 211.993 29 208.959 31 207 c -51 187 l -128 110 l -197 41 l -213 25 l -215.545 22.496 218 19.178 222 19.560 c -226.217 19.974 231.207 27.207 234 30 c -263 59 l -376 172 l -408 204 l -411.311 207.313 417.952 211.778 417.440 217 c -417 220 412.955 223 411 225 c -391 245 l -315 321 l -245 391 l -229 407 l -225.869 410 223.579 412.979 219 412 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k -*u -172.889 336 m -170.998 334.234 171.922 328.436 172 326 c -172 316 l -172 315.315 171.810 312.961 172.477 312.477 c -176 309.805 188.847 309.482 192.194 313.417 c -195.490 317.290 192.799 320.854 192.352 325 c -192 327.341 192.862 329.614 192.639 331.981 c -192.491 333.552 191.208 334 190.657 335.370 c -189.415 338 183 336.438 181 337 c -179.248 337.464 174.267 337.479 172.889 336 c -f -199.477 336 m -197.564 334.376 198 331.340 198 329 c -197.990 323.328 197.538 317.316 198.931 311.889 c -199.415 309.999 206.643 311.290 208 311 c -210 310.568 217 310 218.347 312.213 c -219 313.445 218 315.202 216.769 315.542 c -213.652 316.376 210.280 315.904 207 316.218 c -206 316.317 203 318.549 204.560 319.806 c -207.259 322 209.274 321.923 212.977 322 c -213.507 322 215.939 322 216 322.884 c -217.293 328.608 210.397 326.742 206.222 327.477 c -204 327.861 205.500 329.966 204.972 330.546 c -204.504 331 207.832 331.907 208 331.917 c -211.432 332 214.994 331.443 217.634 333.528 c -219.388 334.912 215.841 336.844 214.917 336.917 c -211.536 337.181 202 338.521 199.477 336 c -f -230.338 336 m -228.295 335 227.688 331.869 226.958 330 c -224.730 324.291 220.366 317 221.532 311.481 c -221.661 310.858 224.347 311.205 224.667 311.481 c -226.578 313 227.861 315.219 230 316.523 c -231.295 317.239 232.776 316.565 233.995 316.912 c -237.858 318 240.746 308.207 244.468 311.481 c -246.651 313.403 243.853 317.862 243 320 c -240.971 325 238.180 339.804 230.338 336 c -f -249.889 336 m -248.354 334.588 249 330.936 249 329 c -248.998 323.476 248.794 317.918 249.477 312.477 c -249.598 311.508 250.778 311.790 251 311.301 c -251.593 310.671 253.413 311.959 253.523 312.477 c -254.380 316.515 253.694 318.510 257 320.634 c -257.881 321 260.170 318.434 260.528 317.972 c -262 315.967 267.342 307.455 270.912 311.889 c -273.328 314.890 265 319.561 265.773 322.194 c -266.468 324.760 272.683 328.192 269.657 331.981 c -268.721 333 268.751 335.447 266.843 335.935 c -262.844 336.958 259.174 337 255 337 c -253.470 336.994 251 337.309 249.889 336 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k -*u -178.894 331 m -175.494 327.716 183.844 325.552 186 328.454 c -188.896 332 180.705 332.927 178.894 331 c -f -254.894 331 m -251.213 326.883 260.433 324.563 263 327.750 c -266.617 331.934 256.917 333.436 254.894 331 c -f -232.551 328.634 m -230.239 328 228.887 320 233.745 321.778 c -236.325 322.635 234.557 329 232.551 328.634 c -f -178.889 321 m -174.699 317.211 183.708 314.378 186.519 316.889 c -190.905 320.808 181.667 323.697 178.889 321 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k -*u -191 281.667 m -187.598 281.491 184.424 279.269 181 279 c -176.312 278.632 171.746 279.233 167 279 c -165 278.909 163.802 277.516 162 277.333 c -159 277 157.653 281.525 154 280.667 c -149.406 279.587 151.537 275.240 148.833 273 c -146 271 142.648 270.471 140 268 c -137.201 265.387 136 261.817 133.667 259 c -128 252.581 118 247.887 125.333 239 c -129 234.394 134.914 236.592 140 236 c -146 235.298 151.947 233.610 158 233 c -163.838 232.411 169.512 234.560 173.500 229 c -175 226.856 174 220.554 174 218 c -173.289 206.749 173.204 192.607 167 183 c -164.676 179.402 159.544 180.200 156 179.667 c -152.669 179 151 177.726 148.500 176 c -147.781 175.518 150 172.759 150.500 172.500 c -153.358 170.792 156.602 169.829 159.667 168.667 c -160.667 167.333 l -162.518 166.944 165 167.989 167 168 c -183 168 l -185.625 168 188.377 167.483 190.500 169.167 c -191.529 169.983 191.702 173.674 192.667 175 c -197.364 181.457 200.195 187.357 203.333 194.667 c -203.845 195.858 204.811 192.916 205.500 193.667 c -207 195.447 207.656 199.703 208.167 202 c -208.240 202.331 208.803 204 209.500 204 c -210.284 203.846 212.514 199.743 212.833 199 c -214 196 220.921 187.847 217.500 184.167 c -216 182.667 213.839 182.972 212 182.333 c -209.816 181.575 207.994 180 206 179 c -204.473 178 201.266 177 202.500 174.500 c -203.253 172.961 208.668 175 210 175 c -216.398 174.451 221.588 174.301 228 175 c -230.354 175.257 233.749 174 235.500 176.167 c -237.341 178.333 234.792 181.707 235 184 c -235.495 189.469 236.860 194.418 237 200 c -237 202.274 234.495 206.455 237 207.500 c -237.778 207.824 239.525 206.190 240 205.833 c -242 204.322 245 201.297 248 201.667 c -249.619 201.875 249.916 204 252 204 c -255.424 203.804 258.514 202.515 262 202.667 c -263.671 202.739 267.209 206.359 268.833 204.500 c -273.281 199.411 269.573 191.600 269 186 c -268.699 183 270.305 179.854 270.833 177 c -271 175.349 270 174.566 269.667 173.167 c -268.756 169.835 260.413 171 258 170.667 c -255.743 170.232 255.570 168.300 254.333 167.167 c -253.830 166.705 256.982 164.595 257.333 164.500 c -261.464 163.386 265.698 161.604 270 161 c -275 160.292 280.906 160.858 286 161 c -287.716 161 290.445 161.689 291.500 163.167 c -292.792 164.978 290.718 167 291 169 c -291.721 173.780 293.169 177 296 181 c -296.605 181.837 298.469 184 299.667 184 c -301.443 184 301.187 178.924 300.667 178 c -299.458 175.852 295.192 172.406 295 170 c -295 169.426 294.538 166.821 295.500 166.500 c -297.526 165.825 302 165.221 304 166.500 c -306.462 168 306.515 170.989 308.333 173 c -309.907 174.740 312.538 175.896 313.667 178 c -315.182 180.825 315.396 184 316.500 187 c -317.335 189.261 320.545 191.195 320 194 c -319.874 194.648 320.213 196.363 319.500 196.833 c -316.355 198.910 309.258 200.809 310 206 c -310.909 212.358 314 217.622 315.667 224 c -316.469 227.319 315.500 230.385 315.500 233.667 c -315.500 234 316.624 233.212 316.667 235 c -316.794 240.385 312.910 245.980 311.667 251 c -311 253 312.321 255.811 312 258 c -311.407 262 309.438 264.746 306.667 267.667 c -300.930 273.712 291.945 275 284 276.333 c -270.400 278.522 255.739 278.712 242 278.833 c -237 278.877 232.282 276.629 227 277 c -222.577 277.311 218.410 279.514 214 280 c -209.549 280.490 205.317 279.187 201 279 c -199.793 279 198.199 280.779 197 281 c -194.862 281.857 193 281.778 191 281.667 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k -*u -193.667 280.667 m -194.333 280.333 l -193.667 280.667 l -f -143.458 259.954 m -141.215 258.578 143 254.449 145.542 255.968 c -147.778 257.361 145.819 261.401 143.458 259.954 c -f -245 204 m -246 203 l -245 204 l -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k -*u -151 136.431 m -135.811 134.402 140 109.233 155.935 114.630 c -157.896 115.295 159 116.964 159.440 118.935 c -159.514 119.374 159.201 120.989 158.523 121 c -156.450 121 152.662 117.837 151 118.694 c -146.330 121 146.224 124.360 147.755 128.931 c -148.256 130.427 150 130.583 150.764 131.593 c -151.180 132 152.852 131.488 153.259 131.296 c -155.626 130.182 156.589 129.450 159 129.912 c -160.475 130.169 158.905 133.390 158.519 133.792 c -156.610 135.777 153.766 136.800 151 136.431 c -f -194 136.431 m -184.611 135.476 185 127 185.630 120 c -185.762 118.400 187.521 117.479 188 116.218 c -189.515 113.525 195.610 113.681 198 114 c -210.890 116.728 207.324 137.785 194 136.431 c -f -216 136.431 m -210.565 135.253 209 132.430 210 127.282 c -210.497 125.217 213.667 124.763 215 123.764 c -215.651 123.281 221 122 220 120 c -218.205 116.991 215.903 119.227 213.412 120.602 c -212.746 120.969 210.229 122.457 209.597 121 c -206.892 115.219 216.768 112.557 220.995 114.343 c -227.787 117.210 226.459 122.573 221.977 126.787 c -220.979 127.726 215.169 128 215.366 130 c -215.763 134.225 222.344 128.213 224.389 129.954 c -228.562 133.508 218.454 136.962 216 136.431 c -f -236 136.463 m -230.479 135 229.184 132.176 230.648 127 c -231.295 124.826 234.463 124.527 236 123.431 c -236.495 123 241.946 121.856 240.458 120 c -238 117.203 236.256 119 233.593 120.602 c -232.950 120.966 230.506 122.437 229.903 121 c -227 114.785 237.780 112.422 241.981 114.477 c -248.955 117.888 246.399 123.297 241.935 127 c -240.603 128.219 235.701 127.999 235.361 130.213 c -235.178 131.407 236.568 132 237.616 131.880 c -238.533 131.693 243 128.834 243.764 129.843 c -246.780 134 240.666 137.653 236 136.463 c -f -289 136.435 m -278 134.830 278.432 124.904 282.213 117 c -284 113.250 289 115.179 292 114 c -293 113.583 295.953 114.370 296.917 114.931 c -300.480 117 300.863 121.586 299 125 c -298.559 126.223 292.969 126.561 292.218 125.782 c -289.813 123.290 290.675 123.402 293.329 121.199 c -293.520 121 293.934 119.404 293.306 119.546 c -292.334 119.767 290.549 117.303 289 118.542 c -283.964 122.649 283 126.288 288 131 c -290 132.944 294 130 295.972 129.537 c -297.574 129 297.714 130.217 298.769 130.481 c -300 130.797 297 134.307 296.838 134.528 c -294.696 136 291.619 136.819 289 136.435 c -f -164.889 135 m -163.504 133.768 164 130.717 164 129 c -163.990 123.811 162.914 118 166 114.301 c -166.662 113.689 168.383 114.944 168.523 115.477 c -169.325 118.534 168.867 119.944 171.213 121.634 c -171.693 121.980 173.643 120 173.866 119.894 c -175.627 117.978 178.948 112.356 182.375 114.481 c -184.988 116 179.314 120.826 179.519 122.681 c -179.799 125.218 183.810 129.195 181.523 131.977 c -178 136.187 175.387 135.965 170 136 c -168.461 136 166 136.293 164.889 135 c -f -250.866 135 m -249.685 133.907 250 131.499 250 130 c -249.986 125.706 249.844 121.371 250 117 c -250 115.660 251.533 113.311 253 114.912 c -254.315 116 253.995 118.501 254 120 c -254 124.294 254 128.629 253.917 132.917 c -253.837 134.340 252.467 136.689 250.866 135 c -f -258.500 135.500 m -257.396 134.712 258 131 258 130 c -258 124.837 257.691 119.514 258.500 114.500 c -258.723 113 262 114.602 262.500 114.500 c -262.979 114.377 262.999 116.903 263 117 c -263 119.885 262.422 123.423 263.667 126 c -263.520 125.696 265.749 122.414 266 122 c -267.822 118.993 270.714 111.609 275.500 114.500 c -276.480 115 276 118 276 119 c -276 132 l -275.999 132.264 276 136.549 274.833 135.833 c -274.485 135.633 272.791 136.373 272.500 135.500 c -271.614 132.842 272 129.814 272 127 c -271.998 126.781 271.991 123.630 271 124 c -267.210 125.778 265.350 140.385 258.500 135.500 c -f -*U -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k -*u -169.894 131 m -166.688 127.910 173.922 125.699 176 127.884 c -179.312 131 172 133.301 169.894 131 c -f -192.218 131 m -186.529 127 191 114 198.782 119.477 c -204.460 123.438 199.269 136 192.218 131 c -f -*U -%%Trailer -%%EOF diff --git a/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps b/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps deleted file mode 100644 index 7d33366..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -%!PS -%%BoundingBox: -2 -39 116 45 -%%HiResBoundingBox: -1.99252 -38.843 115.37833 44.5122 -%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 -%%CreationDate: 2010.01.10:1711 -%%Pages: 1 -%%BeginProlog -%%EndProlog -%%Page: 1 1 - 0 0 0 setrgbcolor -newpath 28.68358 9.44875 moveto -28.68358 10.37358 28.31613 11.2604 27.66223 11.91432 curveto -27.00832 12.56822 26.12149 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moveto -(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -59.35086 -22.10783 moveto -(3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -45.10683 -57.73378 moveto -(v) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow -50.29343 -54.11838 moveto -(0) cmsy7 6.97385 fshow -newpath -28.34645 56.6929 moveto -28.34645 56.6929 lineto -28.34645 75.59055 lineto --28.34645 75.59055 lineto - closepath stroke -newpath -28.34645 37.79526 moveto -28.34645 37.79526 lineto -28.34645 56.6929 lineto --28.34645 56.6929 lineto - closepath stroke --15.23456 62.93152 moveto -(v) cmr10 9.96265 fshow --10.25327 62.93152 moveto -(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -10.25323 62.93152 moveto -(2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow --15.23456 44.03387 moveto -(v) cmr10 9.96265 fshow --10.25327 44.03387 moveto -(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow -10.25323 44.03387 moveto -(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow --2.85161 30.50577 moveto -(u) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow - 1 setlinecap -newpath 16.02676 -18.89763 moveto --16.02676 -18.89763 lineto stroke -newpath -12.3314 -17.36693 moveto --16.02676 -18.89763 lineto --12.3314 -20.42833 lineto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -newpath -33.07086 47.24408 moveto --55.35715 39.70828 -70.35747 18.80147 -70.35747 -4.72441 curveto stroke -newpath -71.7532 -0.9763 moveto --71.3359 -2.23488 -70.87085 -3.48505 -70.35747 -4.72441 curveto --69.84409 -3.48505 -69.28891 -2.2722 -68.69403 -1.0872 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -newpath 33.07086 66.14172 moveto -56.41174 50.1016 70.35747 23.59666 70.35747 -4.72441 curveto stroke -newpath 68.74118 -1.06499 moveto -69.3066 -2.2687 69.84563 -3.48874 70.35747 -4.72441 curveto -70.86931 -3.48874 71.35088 -2.2449 71.80225 -0.99394 curveto - closepath -gsave fill grestore stroke -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/8-geom2/Makefile b/8-geom2/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 087c424..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -P=8-geom2 - -include ../Makerules diff --git a/8-geom2/ b/8-geom2/ deleted file mode 100644 index cbeedf5..0000000 --- a/8-geom2/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -% implementation of figure naming and figure transparency -string name,tag; name := ""; tag := ""; -def updatefigname = - if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c.eps"); - else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & ".eps"); - fi; -enddef; - -def figname(expr n) = name := n; updatefigname; enddef; -def figtag(expr t) = tag := t; updatefigname; enddef; - -picture transparent_picture; -color transparent_color; transparent_color := 0.9white; -def drawtransparent(expr num) = - transparent_picture := currentpicture; -endfig; - -if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c_transparent.eps"); -else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & "_transparent.eps"); -fi; -beginfig(num); - draw transparent_picture withcolor transparent_color; -endfig; - -updatefigname; -enddef; - -def from(expr p,d,len) = - p+dir(d)*len -enddef; - -def dirs(expr p,d,len) = - p--from(p,d,len) -enddef; - -def drawvertices(expr s,n) = - for i:=s upto n: - draw vertex(PQ[i]); - endfor -enddef; - -def drawfvertices(expr s,n,flags) = - for i:=s upto n: - draw vertex(PQ[i]) flags; - endfor -enddef; - -path centersquare; centersquare := (-0.5,-0.5)--(0.5,-0.5)--(0.5,0.5)--(-0.5,0.5)--cycle; - -def vertex(expr p) = p withpen pencircle scaled 4pt enddef; -def drawemptyvertex(expr p) = unfill fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; draw fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; enddef; -def drawendpointvertex(expr p) = draw vertex(p) withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted p; enddef; -def createpath(expr p) = shakepath(p, 0.015cm,0.1cm) enddef; -vardef shakepath(expr p,d,l) = - save r,b; - path r; r := point(arctime 0 of p) of p; - b := -1; - for i:=l step l until arclength(p): - r := r--(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*d*b; - b := -b; - endfor - r--point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p -enddef; - -pen normalpen; normalpen := pencircle scaled 0.6pt; -pen boldpen; boldpen := pencircle scaled 1.5pt; -pen bolderpen; bolderpen := pencircle scaled 2pt; -def dotline = withdots scaled 0.82 withpen boldpen enddef; - -vardef unclosedbubblec(expr p,c) = - bubblec((p..reverse p..cycle),c) -enddef; - -vardef bubblec(expr p,c) = - save r; - path r; r := (point(arctime 0 of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime 0 of p) of p rotated 90))*c; - for i:=0.01cm step 0.025cm until arclength(p): - r := r..(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*c; - endfor - r..(point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p rotated 90))*c..cycle -enddef; - -vardef bubble(expr p) = bubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; -vardef unclosedbubble(expr p) = unclosedbubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; diff --git a/9-fft/9-fft.tex b/9-fft/9-fft.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 3340759..0000000 --- a/9-fft/9-fft.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,392 +0,0 @@ -\def\scharfs{\char"19} -\input lecnotes.tex -\def\imply{\Rightarrow} -\prednaska{9}{Fourierova transformace}{\vbox{\hbox{(K.Jakubec, M.Polák - a~G.Ocsovszky,}\hbox{\ V.Tùma, M.Kozák)}}} - -Násobení polynomù mù¾e mnohým pøipadat jako pomìrnì (algoritmicky) snadný -problém. Asi ka¾dého hned napadne \uv{hloupý} algoritmus -- vezmeme -koeficienty prvního polynomu a~vynásobíme ka¾dý se v¹emi koeficienty druhého -polynomu a~pøíslu¹nì u~toho seèteme i~exponenty (stejnì jako to dìláme, kdy¾ -násobíme polynomy na~papíøe). Pokud stupeò prvního polynomu je $n$ a~druhého -$m$, strávíme tím èas $\Omega(mn)$. Pro $m=n$ je to kvadraticky pomalé. -Na~první pohled se mù¾e zdát, ¾e rychleji to prostì nejde (pøeci musíme -v¾dy vynásobit \uv{ka¾dý s~ka¾dým}). Ve skuteènosti to ale rychleji fungovat -mù¾e, ale k~tomu je potøeba znát trochu tajemný algoritmus FFT neboli {\I Fast -Fourier Transform}. - - -\ss{Trochu algebry na~zaèátek} -Celé polynomy oznaèujeme velkými písmeny, jednotlivé èleny polynomù pøíslu¹nými -malými písmeny (pø.: polynom $W$ stupnì $d$ má koeficienty $w_{0}, w_{1}, -w_{2},\ldots, w_{d}$). - -Libovolný polynom $P$ stupnì (nejvý¹e) $d$ lze reprezentovat -jednak jeho koeficienty, tedy èísly $p_{0}, p_{1}, \ldots ,p_{d}$, druhak -i~pomocí hodnot: - -\>{\bf Lemma:} Polynom stupnì nejvý¹e $d$ je jednoznaènì urèeò svými -hodnotami v~$d+1$ rùzných bodech. - -\>{\it Dùkaz:} -Polynom stupnì $d$ má maximálnì $d$ koøenù (indukcí -- je-li -$k$ koøenem $P$, pak lze $P$ napsat jako $(x-k)Q$ kde $Q$ je polynom stupnì -o~jedna men¹í, pøitom polynom stupnì 1 má jediný koøen); uvá¾íme-li -dva rùzné polynomy $P$ a~$Q$ stupnì $d$ nabývající v~daných bodech stejných -hodnot, tak $P-Q$ je polynom stupnì maximálnì $d$, ka¾dé -z $x_{0}\ldots x_{d}$ je koøenem tohoto polynomu $\imply$ spor, polynom stupnì -$d$ má $d+1$ koøenù $\imply$ $P-Q$ musí být nulový polynom $\imply$ $P=Q$. -\qed -\medskip - -Pov¹imnìme si jedné skuteènosti -- máme-li dva polynomy $A$ a~$B$ stupnì $d$ -a~body $x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n}$, dále polynom $C=A \cdot B$ (stupnì $2d$), pak -platí $C(x_{j}) = A(x_{j}) \cdot B(x_{j})$ pro $j = 0,1,2, \ldots, n$. Toto -èiní tento druhý zpùsob reprezentace polynomu velice atraktivním pro násobení --- máme-li $A$ i $B$ reprezentované hodnotami v $n \geq 2d+1$ bodech, pak -snadno (v $\Theta(n)$) spoèteme takovou reprezentaci $C$. -Problémem je, ¾e typicky máme polynom zadaný koeficienty, a~ne hodnotami -v~bodech. Tím pádem potøebujeme nìjaký hodnì rychlý algoritmus (tj. -rychlej¹í ne¾ kvadratický, jinak bychom si nepomohli oproti hloupému -algoritmu) na~pøevod polynomu z jedné reprezentace do druhé a~zase zpìt. - -\s{Idea, jak by mìl algoritmus pracovat:} -\algo -\:Vybereme $n\geq 2d+1$ bodù $x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots , x_{n-1}$. -\:V tìchto bodech vyhodnotíme polynomy $A$ a~$B$. -\:Nyní ji¾ v~lineárním èase získáme hodnoty polynomu $C$ v~tìchto bodech: - $C(x_i) = A(x_i)\cdot B(x_i)$ -\:Pøevedeme hodnoty polynomu $C$ na~jeho koeficienty. -\endalgo - -\>Je vidìt, ¾e klíèové jsou kroky 2 a~4. -Celý trik spoèívá v~chytrém vybrání onìch bodù, ve kterých budeme polynomy -vyhodnocovat -- zvolí-li se obecná $x_j$, tak se to rychle neumí, pro speciální -$x_j$ ale uká¾eme, ¾e to rychle jde. - -\ss{Vyhodnocení polynomu metodou Rozdìl a~panuj (algoritmus FFT):} -Mìjme polynom $P$ stupnì $\leq d$ a~chtìjme jej vyhodnotit v~$n$ bodech. -Vybereme si body tak, aby byly spárované, èili $\pm x_{0}, \pm x_{1}, -\ldots , \pm x_{n/2-1} $. To nám výpoèet urychlí, proto¾e pak se druhé -mocniny $x_{j}$ shodují s~druhými mocninami $-x_{j}$. - -Polynom $P$ rozlo¾íme na~dvì èásti, první obsahuje èleny se sudými exponenty, -druhá s~lichými: -$$P(x) = (p_{0}x^{0} + p_{2}x^{2} + \ldots + p_{d-2}x^{d-2}) + (p_{1}x^{1} + - p_{3}x^{3} + \ldots + p_{d-1}x^{d-1})$$ -\>se zavedením znaèení: -$$P_s(t) = p_0t^0 + p_{2}t^{1} + \ldots + p_{d - 2}t^{d - 2\over 2}$$ -$$P_l(t) = p_1t^0 + p_3t^1 + \ldots + p_{d - 1}t^{d - 2\over 2}$$ - -\>bude $P(x) = P_s(x^{2}) + xP_l(x^{2})$ a~$P(-x) = P_s(x^{2}) - -xP_l(x^{2})$. Jinak øeèeno, vyhodnocování polynomu $P$ v~$n$ bodech se nám -smrskne na~vyhodnocení $P_s$ a~$P_l$ v~$n/2$ bodech -- oba jsou polynomy -stupnì nejvý¹e $d/2$ a~vyhodnocujeme je v~$x^{2}$ (vyu¾íváme -rovnosti $(x_{i})^{2} = (-x_{i})^{2}$). - -\s{Pøíklad:} -$3 + 4x + 6x^{2} + 2x^{3} + x^{4} + 10x^{5} = (3 + 6x^{2} + x^{4}) + x(4 + -2x^{2} + 10x^{4})$. - -Teï nám ov¹em vyvstane problém s~oním párováním -- druhá mocnina pøece nemù¾e -být záporná a~tím pádem u¾ v~druhé úrovni rekurze body spárované nebudou. -Z~tohoto dùvodu musíme pou¾ít komplexní èísla -- tam druhé mocniny záporné býti -mohou. - -% komplex -\h{Komplexní intermezzo} -\def\i{{\rm i}} -\def\\{\hfil\break} - -\s{Základní operace} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Definice: ${\bb C} = \{a + b\i \mid a,b \in {\bb R}\}$ - -\:Sèítání: $(a+b\i)\pm(p+q\i) = (a\pm p) + (b\pm q)\i$. \\ -Pro $\alpha\in{\bb R}$ je $\alpha(a+b\i) = \alpha a + \alpha b\i$. - -\:Komplexní sdru¾ení: $\overline{a+b\i} = a-b\i$. \\ -$\overline{\overline x} = x$, $\overline{x\pm y} = \overline{x} \pm -\overline{y}$, $\overline{x\cdot y} = \overline x \cdot \overline y$, $x -\cdot \overline x \in {\bb R}$. - -\:Absolutní hodnota: $\vert x \vert = \sqrt{x\cdot\overline{x}}$, tak¾e $\vert -a+b\i \vert = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$. \\ -Také $\vert \alpha x \vert = \vert \alpha\vert \cdot \vert x \vert$. - -\:Dìlení: $x/y = (x\cdot \overline{y}) / (y \cdot \overline{y})$. -\endlist - -\s{Gau{\scharfs}ova rovina a goniometrický tvar} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Komplexním èíslùm pøiøadíme body v~${\bb R}^2$: $a+b\i \leftrightarrow (a,b)$. - -\:$\vert x\vert$ je vzdálenost od~bodu $(0,0)$. - -\:$\vert x\vert = 1$ pro èísla le¾ící na~jednotkové kru¾nici ({\I komplexní jednotky}). \\ -Pak platí $x=\cos\varphi + \i\sin\varphi$ pro nìjaké $\varphi\in\left[ -0,2\pi \right)$. - -\:Pro libovolné $x\in{\bb C}$: $x=\vert x \vert \cdot (\cos\varphi(x) + -\i\sin\varphi(x))$. \\ -Èíslu $\varphi(x)\in\left[ 0,2\pi \right)$ øíkáme {\I argument} -èísla~$x$, nìkdy znaèíme $\mathop{\rm arg} x$. - -\:Navíc $\varphi({\overline{x}}) = -\varphi(x)$. -\endlist - -\s{Exponenciální tvar} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Eulerova formule: $e^{i\varphi} = \cos\varphi + \i\sin\varphi$. - -\:Ka¾dé $x\in{\bb C}$ lze tedy zapsat jako $\vert x\vert \cdot e^{\i\cdot -\varphi(x)}$. - -\:Násobení: $xy = \left(\vert x\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(x)}\right) \cdot - \left(\vert y\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(y)}\right) = \vert x\vert - \cdot \vert y\vert \cdot e^{\i\cdot(\varphi(x) + \varphi(y))}$. \\ -(absolutní hodnoty se násobí, argumenty sèítají) - -\:Umocòování: $x^\alpha = \left(\vert x\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(x)}\right)^ - \alpha = {\vert x\vert}^\alpha\cdot e^{\i \alpha \varphi(x)}$. - -\:Odmocòování: $\root n\of x = {\vert x\vert}^{1/n} \cdot e^{\i\cdot -\varphi(x)/n}$. \\ -Pozor -- odmocnina není jednoznaèná: $1^4=(-1)^4=\i^4=(-\i)^4=1$. -\endlist - -\s{Odmocniny z~jednièky} - -\itemize\ibull -\:Je-li nìjaké $x\in{\bb C}$ $n$-tou odmocninou z~jednièky, musí platit: -$\vert x \vert = 1$, tak¾e $x=e^{\i\varphi}$ pro nìjaké~$\varphi$. -Proto $x^n = e^{\i\varphi n} = \cos{\varphi n} + \i\sin\varphi n = 1$. -Platí tedy $\varphi n = 2k\pi$ pro nìjaké $k\in{\bb Z}$. - -\:Z~toho plyne: $\varphi = 2k\pi/n$ \\ -(pro $k=0,\ldots,n-1$ dostáváme rùzné $n$-té odmocniny). - -\:Obecné odmocòování: $\root n \of x = {\vert x\vert}^{1/n} \cdot e^{\i\varphi - (x)/n} \cdot u$, kde $u=\root n\of 1$. - -\:Je-li $x$ odmocninou z 1, pak $\overline{x} = x^{-1}$ -- je toti¾ $1 = \vert -x\cdot \overline{x}\vert = x\cdot \overline{x}$. -\endlist - -\s{Primitivní odmocniny} - -\s{Definice:} $x$ je {\I primitivní} $k$-tá odmocnina z 1 $\equiv x^k=1 \land \forall j: 0Tuto definici splòují napøíklad èísla $\omega = e^{2\pi \i / k}$ a $\overline\omega = e^{-2\pi\i/k}$. -Platí toti¾, ¾e $\omega^j = e^{2\pi\i j/k}$, co¾ je rovno~1 právì tehdy, -je-li $j$ násobkem~$k$ (jednotlivé mocniny èísla~$\omega$ postupnì obíhají -jednotkovou kru¾nici). Analogicky pro~$\overline\omega$. - -\>Uka¾me si nìkolik pozorování fungujících pro libovolné èíslo~$\omega$, -které je primitivní $k$-tou odmocninou z~jednièky (nìkdy budeme potøebovat, -aby navíc $k$ bylo sudé): - -\itemize\ibull -\:Pro $0\leq jFFT($P$, $ \omega$) - -\>{\sl Vstup:} $p_{0}, \ldots , p_{n-1}$, koeficienty polynomu $P$ stupnì -nejvý¹e $n-1$, a~$\omega$, -$n$-tá primitivní odmocina z jedné. - -\>{\sl Výstup:} Hodnoty polynomu v~bodech $1, \omega, \omega^{2}, \ldots , -\omega^{n - 1}$, èili èísla $P(1), P(\omega), P(\omega^{2}),$ $\ldots , -P(\omega^{n - 1})$. - -\algo -\:Pokud $n = 1$, vrátíme $p_{0}$ a~skonèíme. -\:Jinak rozdìlíme $P$ na èleny se sudými a lichými exponenty (jako v pùvodní -my¹lence) a~rekurzivnì zavoláme FFT($P_s$, $\omega^{2}$) a~FFT($P_l$, -$\omega^{2}$) -- $P_l$ i~$P_s$ jsou stupnì max. $n/2-1$, $\omega^2$ je -$n/2$-tá primitivní odmocnina, a mocniny $\omega^2$ jsou stále po dvou -spárované ($n$ je mocnina dvojky, a tedy i $n/2$ je sudé; popø. $n=2$ a je to -zøejmé). -\:Pro $j = 0, \ldots , n/2 - 1$ spoèítáme: - -\:\qquad $P(\omega^{j}) = P_s(\omega^{2j}) + \omega^{j}\cdot P_l(\omega^{2j})$. - -\:\qquad $P(\omega^{j+n/2})=P_s(\omega^{2j})-\omega^{j}\cdot P_l(\omega^{2j})$. - -\endalgo - - -\s{Èasová slo¾itost:} -\>$T(n)=2T(n/2) + \Theta(n) \Rightarrow$ slo¾itost $\Theta(n \log n)$, jako -MergeSort. - - -Máme tedy algoritmus, který pøevede koeficienty polynomu na~hodnoty tohoto -polynomu v~rùzných bodech. Potøebujeme ale také algoritmus, který doká¾e -reprezentaci polynomu pomocí hodnot pøevést zpìt na~koeficienty polynomu. -K~tomu nám pomù¾e podívat se na~ná¹ algoritmus trochu obecnìji. - - -\s{Definice:} -\>{\I Diskrétní Fourierova transformace} $(DFT)$ -je zobrazení $f: { {\bb C} ^n} \rightarrow { {\bb C} ^n}$, kde $$y=f(x) \equiv -\forall j \ y_{j} = \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{k=0} x_{k} \cdot \omega ^{jk}$$ -(DFT si lze mimo jiné pøedstavit jako funkci vyhodnocující polynom -s~koeficienty $x_k$ v~bodech $\omega^j$). Takovéto zobrazení je lineární -a~tedy popsatelné maticí $\Omega$ s~prvky $\Omega_{jk} = \omega^{jk}$. -Chceme-li umìt pøevádìt z~hodnot polynomu na koeficienty, zajímá nás inverze -této matice. - - -\ss{Jak najít inverzní matici?} -Znaème $\overline{\Omega}$ matici, její¾ prvky -jsou komplexnì sdru¾ené odpovídajícím prvkùm $\Omega$, a vyu¾ijme následující -lemma: - -\ss{Lemma:}$\quad \Omega\cdot \overline{\Omega} = n\cdot E$. - -\proof $$ (\Omega\cdot \overline{\Omega})_{jk} = \sum_{l=0}^{n-1} \omega^{jl} -\cdot \overline{\omega^{lk}} = \sum \omega^{jl} \cdot \overline{\omega}^{lk} = -\sum \omega^{jl} \cdot \omega^{-lk} = \sum \omega^{l(j-k)}\hbox{.}$$ -\itemize\ibull -\:Pokud $j=k$, pak $ \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{l=0} (\omega ^{0}) ^{l} = n$. - -\:Pokud $j\neq k$, pou¾ijeme vzoreèek pro souèet geometrické øady -s kvocientem $\omega ^{(j-k) }$ a~dostaneme ${{\omega^{(j-k)n} -1} \over -{\omega^{(j-k)} -1}} ={1-1 \over \neq 0} = 0$ ( -$\omega^{j-k} - 1$ je jistì $\neq 0$, nebo» $\omega$ je $n$-tá primitivní -odmoncina a $j-kNa¹li jsme inverzi: -$\Omega({1 \over n} \overline{\Omega}) = {1 \over n}\Omega \cdot -\overline{\Omega} = E$, \quad $\Omega^{-1}_{jk} = {1 \over n}\overline{\omega^ -{jk}} = {1 \over n}\omega^{-jk} = {1 \over n} {(\omega^{-1})}^{jk}$, \quad -(pøipomínáme, $\omega^{-1}$ je $\overline{\omega}$). - -Vyhodnocení polynomu lze provést vynásobením $\Omega$, pøevod do pùvodní -reprezentace vynásobením $\Omega^{-1}$. My jsme si ale v¹imli chytrého -spárování, a vyhodnocujeme polynom rychleji ne¾ kvadraticky (proto FFT, -jako¾e {\it fast}, ne jako {\it fuj}). Uvìdomíme-li si, ¾e $\overline \omega = -\omega^{-1}$ je také $n$-tá primitivní odmocnina z 1 (má akorát -úhel s opaèným znaménkem), tak mù¾eme stejným trikem vyhodnotit i~zpìtný -pøevod -- nejprve vyhodnotíme $A$ a $B$ v $\omega^j$, poté pronásobíme -hodnoty a~dostaneme tak hodnoty polynomu $C=A\cdot B$, a pustíme na nì -stejný algoritmus s~$\omega^{-1}$ (hodnoty $C$ -vlastnì budou v~algoritmu \uv{koeficienty polynomu}). Nakonec jen získané -hodnoty vydìlíme $n$ a~máme chtìné koeficienty. - -\s{Výsledek:} Pro $n= 2^k$ lze DFT na~${\bb C}^n$ spoèítat v~èase $\Theta(n -\log n)$ a~DFT$^{-1}$ takté¾. - -\s{Dùsledek:} -Polynomy stupnì $n$ lze násobit v~èase $\Theta(n \log n)$: -$\Theta(n \log n)$ pro vyhodnocení, $\Theta(n)$ pro vynásobení a~$\Theta(n -\log n)$ pro pøevedení zpìt. - -\s{Pou¾ití FFT:} - -\itemize\ibull - -\:Zpracování signálu -- rozklad na~siny a~cosiny o~rùzných frekvencích -$\Rightarrow$ spektrální rozklad. -\:Komprese dat -- napøíklad formát JPEG. -\:Násobení dlouhých èísel v~èase $\Theta(n \log n)$. -\endlist - -\s{Paralelní implementace FFT} - -\figure{img.eps}{Pøíklad prùbìhu algoritmu na~vstupu velikosti 8}{3in} - -Zkusme si prùbìh algoritmu FFT znázornit graficky (podobnì, jako jsme kreslili -hradlové sítì). Na~levé stranì obrázku se nachází vstupní vektor $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ -(v~nìjakém poøadí), na~pravé stranì pak výstupní vektor $y_0,\ldots,y_{n-1}$. -Sledujme chod algoritmu pozpátku: Výstup spoèítáme z~výsledkù \uv{polovièních} -transformací vektorù $x_0,x_2,\ldots,x_{n-2}$ a $x_1,x_3,\ldots,x_{n-1}$. -Èerné krou¾ky pøitom odpovídají výpoètu lineární kombinace $a+\omega^kb$, -kde $a,b$ jsou vstupy krou¾ku a $k$~nìjaké pøirozené èíslo závislé na poloze -krou¾ku. Ka¾dá z~polovièních transformací se poèítá analogicky z~výsledkù -transformace velikosti $n/4$ atd. Celkovì výpoèet probíhá v~$\log_2 n$ vrstvách -po~$\Theta(n)$ operacích. - -Jeliko¾ operace na~ka¾dé vrstvì probíhají na sobì nezávisle, mù¾eme je poèítat -paralelnì. Ná¹ diagram tedy popisuje hradlovou sí» pro paralelní výpoèet FFT -v~èase $\Theta(\log n\cdot T)$ a prostoru $\O(n\cdot S)$, kde $T$ a~$S$ znaèí -èasovou a prostorovou slo¾itost výpoètu lineární kombinace dvou komplexních èísel. - -\s{Cvièení:} Doka¾te, ¾e permutace vektoru $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ odpovídá bitovému -zrcadlení, tedy ¾e na pozici~$b$ shora se vyskytuje prvek $x_d$, kde~$d$ je -èíslo~$b$ zapsané ve~dvojkové soustavì pozpátku. - -\s{Nerekurzivní FFT} - -Obvod z~pøedchozího obrázku také mù¾eme vyhodnocovat po~hladinách zleva doprava, -èím¾ získáme elegantní nerekurzivní algoritmus pro výpoèet FFT v~èase $\Theta(n\log n)$ -a prostoru $\Theta(n)$: - -\algo -\algin $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ -\:Pro $j=0,\ldots,n-1$ polo¾íme $y_k\= x_{r(k)}$, kde $r$ je funkce bitového zrcadlení. -\:Pøedpoèítáme tabulku $\omega^0,\omega^1,\ldots,\omega^{n-1}$. -\:$b\= 1$ \cmt{velikost bloku} -\:Dokud $b zaøídí, aby se odstavec neodsadil. Pomocí \I se sází kurzíva, \foot vyrobí poznámku pod èarou. +\>Je svaèveèer. {\I Lysperní jezeleni} se vírnì vrtáèejí v~mokøavì.\foot{Viz Lewis Caroll: Jabberwocky.} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Takhle. +\:Vypadají. +\:Odrá¾ky. +\endlist + +\h{Druhá kapitola} + +\s{Vìta:} Paøez není strom. + +\proof +Strom je speciálním pøípadem lesa. Les je (podle definice) graf bez kru¾nic. +Paøez obsahuje alespoò jednu kru¾nici. Proto paøez nemù¾e být les, a~tedy ani +strom. +\qed + +\s{Algoritmus:} (tøídìní posloupnosti $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ pomocí {\sc Stupidsort}u) + +\algo +\:$\pi \leftarrow \hbox{identická permutace na~mno¾inì $\{1,\ldots,n\}$}$. +\:Opakuj: +\::Ovìø, zda je posloupnost $a_{\pi(1)},a_{\pi(2)},\ldots,a_{\pi(n)}$ uspoøádána vzestupnì. + Pokud je, vra» ji jako výsledek. +\::Nahraï $\pi$ jejím lexikografickým následníkem. +\endalgo + +\bye diff --git a/old/0-demo/Makefile b/old/0-demo/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98def69 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/0-demo/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=0-demo + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex b/old/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..070d102 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/10-prevody/10-prevody.tex @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{10}{Pøevody problémù}{\vbox{\hbox{(zapsali Martin Chytil, Vladimír Kudelas,}\hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} + +\>Na této pøedná¹ce se budeme zabývat rozhodovacími problémy a jejich obtí¾ností. +Za jednoduché budeme trochu zjednodu¹enì pova¾ovat ty problémy, na~nì¾ známe algoritmus +pracující v~polynomiálním èase. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Rozhodovací problém} je takový problém, jeho¾ výstupem je v¾dy {\sc ano}, nebo {\sc ne}. +[Formálnì bychom se na~nìj mohli dívat jako na~mno¾inu $L$ vstupù, na~které je odpovìï {\sc ano}, +a místo $L(x)=\hbox{\sc ano}$ psát prostì $x\in L$.] + +Vstupy mìjme zakódované jen pomocí nul a jednièek (obecnì je jedno, jaký základ pro soustavu +kódování zvolíme, pøevody mezi soustavami o nìjakém základu $\neq$ 1 jsou co do velikosti +zápisu polynomiální). Rozhodovací problém je tedy +$f:\ \{0,1\}^{\ast} \to \{0,1\}$, to jest funkce z mno¾iny v¹ech øetìzcù jednièek a nul +do mno¾iny $\{1,0\}$, kde 1 na výstupu znamená {\sc ano}, 0 {\sc ne}. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Je dán bipartitní graf $G$ a $k \in {\bb N}$. Existuje v $G$ +párování, které obsahuje alespoò $k$ hran? + +To, co bychom ve~vìt¹inì pøípadù chtìli, je samozøejmì nejen zjistit, zda takové párování +existuje, ale také nìjaké konkrétní najít. V¹imnìme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ umíme rozhodovat +existenci párování v~polynomiálním èase, mù¾eme ho polynomiálnì rychle i najít: + +Mìjme èernou skøíòku (fungující v polynomiálním èase), která odpoví, zda daný +graf má nebo nemá párování o~$k$ hranách. Odebereme z~grafu libovolnou hranu +a zeptáme se, jestli i tento nový graf má párovaní velikosti~$k$. Kdy¾ má, pak tato +hrana nebyla pro existenci párování potøebná, a~tak ji odstraníme. Kdy¾ naopak +nemá (hrana patøí do ka¾dého párování po¾adované velikosti), tak si danou hranu +poznamenáme a odebereme nejen ji a její vrcholy, ale také hrany, které do tìchto +vrcholù vedly. Toto je korektní krok, proto¾e v pùvodním grafu tyto vrcholy +byly navzájem spárované, a tedy nemohou být spárované s~¾ádnými jinými vrcholy. +Na~nový graf aplikujeme znovu tentý¾ postup. Výsledkem je mno¾ina hran, které patøí +do hledaného párování. Hran, a tedy i iterací na¹eho algoritmu, je polynomiálnì +mnoho a skøíòka funguje v polynomiálním èase, tak¾e celý algoritmus je polynomiální. + +A~jak ná¹ rozhodovací problém øe¹it? Nejsnáze tak, ¾e ho pøevedeme +na~{jiný,\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{vìrni matfyzáckým vtipùm}} který +u¾ vyøe¹it umíme. Tento postup jsme (právì u~hledání párování) u¾ pou¾ili +v~kapitole o~Dinicovì algoritmu. Vytvoøili jsme vhodnou sí», pro kterou +platilo, ¾e v~ní existuje tok velikosti~$k$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ +v~pùvodním grafu existuje párování velikosti~$k$. + +Takovéto pøevody mezi problémy mù¾eme definovat obecnì: + +\s{Definice:} Jsou-li $A$, $B$ rozhodovací problémy, pak øíkáme, ¾e $A$ lze {\I +redukovat} (neboli {\it pøevést}) na $B$ (pí¹eme $A \rightarrow B$) právì tehdy, +kdy¾ existuje funkce $f$ spoèitatelná v polynomiálním èase taková, ¾e pro $\forall +x: A(x) = B(f(x))$. V¹imnìme si, ¾e $f$ pracující v polynomiálním èase vstup +zvìt¹í nejvíce polynomiálnì. + +\s{Pozorování:} $A\rightarrow B$ také znamená, ¾e problém~$B$ je alespoò tak tì¾ký +jako problém~$A$ (tím myslíme, ¾e pokud lze $B$ øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, +lze tak øe¹it i~$A$): Nech» problém~$B$ umíme øe¹it v~èase $\O(b^k)$, kde +$b$ je délka jeho vstupu. Nech» dále funkce $f$ pøevádìjící $A$ na $B$ pracuje +v~èase $\O(a^\ell)$ pro vstup délky~$a$. Spustíme-li tedy $B(f(x))$ na~nìjaký +vstup~$x$ problému~$A$, bude mít $f(x)$ délku $\O(a^\ell)$, kde $a=|q|$; tak¾e +$B(f(x))$ pobì¾í v~èase $\O(a^\ell + (a^\ell)^k) = \O(a^{k\ell})$, co¾ je +polynomiální v~délce vstupu~$a$. + + +\s{Pozorování:} Pøevoditelnost je +\itemize\ibull +\:reflexivní (úlohu mù¾eme pøevést na tu stejnou identickým zobrazením): $A \rightarrow A$, +\:tranzitivní: Je-li $A \rightarrow B$ funkcí $f$, $B \rightarrow C$ funkcí $g$, +pak $A \rightarrow C$ slo¾enou funkcí $g \circ f$ +(slo¾ení dvou polynomiálních funkcí je zase polynomiální funkce, jak u¾ jsme zpozorovali +v~pøedchozím odstavci). +\endlist +\>Takovýmto relacím øíkáme kvaziuspoøádání -- nesplòují obecnì antisymetrii, tedy mù¾e nastat +$A\rightarrow B$ a $B\rightarrow A$. Omezíme-li se v¹ak na tøídy navzájem pøevoditelných +problémù, dostáváme ji¾ (èásteèné) uspoøádání. Existují i navzájem nepøevoditelné problémy -- +napøíklad problém v¾dy odpovídající 1 a problém v¾dy odpovídající 0. +Nyní se ji¾ podíváme na nìjaké zajímavé problémy. Obecnì to budou problémy, na které +polynomiální algoritmus není znám, a vzájemnými pøevody zjistíme ¾e jsou stejnì tì¾ké. + +\h{1. problém: SAT} +\>Splnitelnost (satisfiability) logických formulí, tj. dosazení 1 èi +0 za promìnné v logické formuli tak, aby formule dala výsledek 1. + +\>Zamìøíme se na speciální formu zadání formulí, {\I konjunktivní normální formu} (CNF), + které splòují následující podmínky: +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I formule} je zadána pomocí {\I klauzulí}\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{bez politických konotací} oddìlených $\land$, +\:ka¾dá {\I klauzule} je slo¾ená z {\I literálù} oddìlených $\lor$, +\:ka¾dý {\I literál} je buïto promìnná nebo její negace. +\endlist +\>Formule mají tedy tvar: +$$\psi = (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land (\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots\lor\ldots) \land \ldots $$ + +\>{\I Vstup:} Formule $\psi$ v konjunktivní normální formì. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ dosazení 1 a 0 za promìnné takové, ¾e hodnota formule $\psi(\ldots) = 1$. + + + +\>Pøevod nìjaké obecné formule $\psi$ na jí ekvivalentní $\chi$ v~CNF mù¾e +zpùsobit, ¾e $\chi$ je exponenciálnì velká vùèi $\psi$. +Pozdìji uká¾eme, ¾e lze podniknout pøevod na takovou formuli $\chi'$ v~CNF, která sice není +ekvivalentní s $\psi$ (pøibydou nám promìnné, a ne ka¾dý roz¹íøený model +$\psi$ je modelem $\chi'$), ale je splnitelná právì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelná $\psi$ -- co¾ nám +pøesnì staèí -- a je lineárnì velká vùèi $\psi$. + +\h{2. problém: 3-SAT} +\s{Definice:} 3-SAT je takový SAT, v nìm¾ ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje nejvý¹e tøi literály. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na SAT:} +Vstup není potøeba nijak upravovat, 3-SAT splòuje vlastnosti SATu, proto 3-SAT +$\rightarrow$ SAT (SAT je alespoò tak tì¾ký jako 3-SAT) + +\s {Pøevod SAT na 3-SAT:} +Musíme formuli pøevést tak, abychom neporu¹ili splnitelnost. + +\>Trik pro dlouhé klauzule: Ka¾dou \uv{¹patnou} klauzuli +$$(\alpha \lor \beta) \hbox{, t¾. } \vert\alpha\vert + \vert\beta\vert \ge 4 +,\ \vert\alpha\vert \geq 2,\ \vert\beta\vert\geq 2$$ +pøepí¹eme na: $$(\alpha \lor x) \land (\beta \lor \lnot x),$$ +kde $x$ je nová promìnná (pøi ka¾dém dìlení klauzule {\it jiná} +nová promìnná). +%kterou nastavíme tak, abychom neovlivnili splnitelnost formule. + +\>Tento trik opakujeme tak dlouho, dokud je to tøeba -- formuli délky $k+l$ +roztrhneme na formule délky $k+1$ a $l+1$. Pokud klauzule pùlíme, dostaneme +polynomiální èas (strom rekurze má logaritmicky pater -- formule délky alespoò 6 +se nám pøi rozdìlení zmen¹í na dvì instance velikosti maximálnì $2/3$ pùvodní, krat¹í +formule nás netrápí; na ka¾dém patøe se vykoná tolik co na pøedchozím + $2^{hloubka}$ +za pøidané formule). Velikost výsledné formule je tím pádem polynomiální vùèi pùvodní: +v ka¾dém kroku se pøidají jen dva literály, tedy celkem {\it èas na pøevod}$\cdot +2$ nových. + +\>Platí-li: +\itemize\ibull +\:$\alpha \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 0$ (zajistí splnìní druhé poloviny nové formule), +\:$\beta \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 1$ (zajistí splnìní první poloviny nové formule), +\:$\alpha ,\beta / \lnot\alpha ,\lnot\beta \Rightarrow$ zvolíme $x = 0/1$ (je nám to + jedno, celkové øe¹ení nám to neovlivní). +\endlist + +Nabízí se otázka, proè mù¾eme pøidanou promìnnou $x$ nastavovat, jak se nám zlíbí. +Vysvìtlení je prosté -- promìnná $x$ nám pùvodní formuli nijak neovlivní, proto¾e +se v ní nevyskytuje, proto ji mù¾eme nastavit tak, jak chceme. + +\s{Poznámka:} U~3-SAT lze vynutit právì tøi literály, pro krátké klauzule +pou¾ijeme stejný trik: +$$(\alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \vee \alpha) \rightarrow (\alpha \lor x) \land (\alpha \lor \lnot x).$$ + +\h{3. problém: Hledání nezávislé mno¾iny v grafu} + +\>Existuje nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù z~$G$ velikosti alespoò $k$? + +\s{Definice:} {\I Nezávislá mno¾ina} (NzMna) budeme øíkat ka¾dé mno¾inì vrcholù grafu +takové, ¾e mezi nimi nevede ¾ádná hrana. + +\figure{nezmna.eps}{Pøíklad nezávislé mno¾iny}{1in} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf $G$, $k \in {\bb N}$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists A \subseteq V(G)$, $\vert A \vert \ge k$: $\forall u,v \in A \Rightarrow uv \not\in E(G)$? + +\s{Poznámka:} Ka¾dý graf má minimálnì jednu nezávislou mno¾inu, a tou je prázdná mno¾ina. Proto je potøeba zadat i minimální velikost hledané mno¾iny. + +\>Uká¾eme, jak na~tento probém pøevést 3-SAT. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na NzMna:} Z ka¾dé klauzule vybereme jeden literál, jeho¾ nastavením se klauzuli +rozhodneme splnit. Samozøejmì tak, abychom v~rùzných klauzulích nevybírali +konfliktnì, tj.~$x$ a~$\lnot x$. + +\s{Pøíklad:} +$(x \lor y \lor z) \land (x \lor \lnot y \lor \lnot z) \land (\lnot x \lor \lnot y \lor p) $. + +\>Pro ka¾dou klauzuli sestrojíme graf (trojúhelník) a pøidáme \uv{konfliktní} +hrany, tj. $x$ a $\lnot x$. Poèet vrcholù grafu odpovídá poètu literálù ve formuli, +poèet hran je maximálnì kvadratický a pøevod je tedy polynomiální. + +Existuje-li v grafu nezávislá mno¾ina velikosti $k$, pak z~ka¾dého z~$k$ trojúhelníkù +vybere právì jeden vrchol, a pøitom ¾ádné dva vrcholy nebudou odpovídat literálu a +jeho negaci -- tedy dostaneme ohodnocení promìnných splòujících alespoò $k$ klauzulí. +Na druhou stranu, existuje-li ohodnocení $k$ klauzulí, pak pøímo odpovídá nezávislé +mno¾inì velikosti $k$ (v ka¾dém trojúhelníku zvolíme právì jednu z ohodnocených +promìnných, nemù¾e se stát ¾e zvolíme vrcholy konfliktní hrany). Ptáme-li se tedy +na nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti odpovídající +poètu klauzulí, dostaneme odpovìï {\sc ano} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je formule splnitelná. + +Jsou-li ve formuli i klauzule krat¹í ne¾ 3, mù¾eme je buïto prodlou¾it metodou vý¹e +popsanou; nebo si v grafu necháme dvoj- a jedno-úhelníky, které ¾ádné z na¹ich úvah +vadit nebudou. + +\figure{nezmna_graf.eps}{Ukázka pøevodu 3-SAT na nezávislou mno¾inu}{3in} + +\s{Pøevod NzMna na SAT:} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Poøídíme si promìnné $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ odpovídající vrcholùm grafu. Promìnná $v_i$ bude + indikovat, zda se $i$-tý vrchol vyskytuje v~nezávislé mno¾inì (tedy pøíslu¹né ohodnocení + promìnných bude vlastnì charakteristická funkce nezávislé mno¾iny). +\:Pro ka¾dou hranu $ij \in E(G)$ pøidáme klauzuli $(\lnot v_i \lor \lnot v_j)$. Tyto klauzule + nám ohlídají, ¾e vybraná mno¾ina je vskutku nezávislá. +\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zkontrolovat, ¾e je mno¾ina dostateènì velká, tak¾e si její prvky + oèíslujeme èísly od~1 do~$k$. Oèíslování popí¹eme maticí promìnných $x_{ij}$, pøièem¾ + $x_{ij}$ bude pravdivá právì tehdy, kdy¾ v~poøadí $i$-tý prvek nezávislé mno¾iny je vrchol~$v_j$ +-- pøidáme tedy klauzule, které nám øeknou, ¾e vybrané do nezávislé mno¾iny jsou právì + ty vrcholy, které jsou touto maticí oèíslované: $\forall i,j$, $x_{ij} \Rightarrow v_j$ + (jen dodejme, ¾e $a\Rightarrow b$ je definované jako $\neg a\vee b$). +\:Je¹tì potøebujeme zajistit, aby byla v~ka¾dém øádku i sloupci nejvý¹e jedna jednièka: + $\forall j,i,i^{'}, i\ne i^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{i^{'}j}$ a + $\forall i,j,j^{'}, j\ne j^{'} : x_{ij} \Rightarrow \lnot x_{ij^{'}}$. +\:A~nakonec si ohlídáme, aby v~ka¾dém øádku byla alespoò jedna jednièka, klauzulí $\forall i : + x_{i1} \lor x_{i2} \lor \ldots \lor x_{in}$. +\endlist +Tímto vynutíme NzMnu $\geq k$, co¾ jsme pøesnì chtìli. Takovýto pøevod je zøejmì polynomiální. + +\s{Pøíklad matice:} Jako pøíklad pou¾ijeme nezávislou mno¾inu z ukázky nezávislé mno¾iny. +Nech» jsou vrcholy grafu oèíslované zleva a zeshora. Hledáme nezávislou mno¾inu velikosti $2$. +Matice pak bude vypadat následovnì: +$$ \pmatrix{1&0&0&0&0 \cr 0&0&0&1&0}$$ +\s{Vysvìtlení:} Jako první vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán vrchol $v_1$, proto v prvním +øádku a v prvním sloupci bude $1$. Jako druhý vrchol mno¾iny bude vybrán +vrchol $v_4$, proto na druhém øádku a ve ètvrtém sloupci bude $1$. Na ostatních místech bude $0$. + +\h{4. problém: Klika} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Graf $G, k \in N$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} $\exists$ úplný podgraf grafu $G$ na $k$ vrcholech? +\figure{klika.eps}{Pøíklad kliky}{2in} + +\s{Pøevod:} Prohodíme v grafu $G$ hrany a nehrany $\Rightarrow$ (hledání nezávislé mno¾iny $\leftrightarrow$ hledání kliky). + +\s{Dùvod:} Pokud existuje úplný graf na $k$ vrcholech, tak v~komplementárním grafu tyto vrcholy nejsou spojeny hranou, tj. tvoøí nezávislou mno¾inu, + a naopak. + +\figure{doplnek_nm.eps}{Prohození hran a nehran}{2in} + + +\h{5. problém: 3,3-SAT} +\s{Definice:} 3,3-SAT je speciální pøípad 3-SATu, kde ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje v~maximálnì tøech literálech. + +\s{Pøevod 3-SAT na 3,3-SAT:} +Pokud se promìnná $x$ vyskytuje v~$k > 3$ literálech, tak nahradíme výskyty novými promìnnými $x_1, \ldots , x_k$ a pøidáme klauzule: +$$ +(\lnot x_1 \lor x_2), +(\lnot x_2 \lor x_3), +(\lnot x_3 \lor x_4), +\ldots, +(\lnot x_{k-1} \lor x_k), +(\lnot x_k \lor x_1), +$$ + +co¾ odpovídá: + +$$ +(x_1 \Rightarrow x_2), +(x_2 \Rightarrow x_3), +(x_3 \Rightarrow x_4), +\ldots, +(x_{k-1} \Rightarrow x_k), +(x_k \Rightarrow x_1). +$$ + +Tímto zaruèíme, ¾e v¹echny nové promìnné budou mít stejnou hodnotu. + +Mimochodem, mù¾eme rovnou zaøídit, ¾e ka¾dý literál se vyskytuje nejvíce dvakrát (tedy ¾e +ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje alespoò jednou pozitivnì a alespoò jednou negativnì). Pokud by +se nìjaká promìnná objevila ve~tøech stejných literálech, mù¾eme na~ni +také pou¾ít ná¹ trik a nahradit ji tøemi promìnnými. V~nových klauzulích se pak bude +vyskytovat jak pozitivnì, tak negativnì. + +\h{6. problém: 3D párování (3D matching)} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a mno¾ina kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou). + +\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic -- tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, která obsahuje v¹echna $K$, $H$ a $Z$. + +\>Uká¾eme, jak na tento problém pøevést 3,3-SAT (ov¹em to a¾ na dal¹í pøedná¹ce). + +\figure{3d_parovani.eps}{Ukázka 3D párování}{3in} + +\s{Závìr:} Obrázek ukazuje problémy, jimi¾ jsme se dnes zabývali, a vztahy mezi tìmito problémy. +\figure{prevody.eps}{Pøevody mezi problémy}{3in} + +\bye diff --git a/old/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps b/old/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22c2f66 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/10-prevody/3d_parovani.eps @@ -0,0 +1,2166 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: 0.45pre1 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 504 241 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 4e-007 1.1056542e-005 503.92493 240.77422 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 241 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 -29.909627 -62.543823] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 200.59833 16.263712] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 109.6846 91.015] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.831784 170.81705] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 489.33585 16.768789] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 580.24958 91.520079] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 665.1024 171.32213] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 120.79628 254.65971] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 264.23794 257.69018] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 405.65929 255.66987] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.550609 66.794828 moveto +87.867195 75.208402 81.221463 82.290985 72.716386 82.604165 curveto +64.211309 82.917345 57.051698 76.343112 56.735112 67.929538 curveto +56.418526 59.515964 63.064258 52.433381 71.569335 52.120201 curveto +80.056021 51.807698 87.203846 58.348789 87.548572 66.74306 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +231.08312 264.642 moveto +216.96039 240.87714 lineto +247.15382 241.23185 lineto +231.08312 264.642 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +231.08312 264.642 moveto +216.96039 240.87714 lineto +247.15382 241.23185 lineto +231.08312 264.642 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +348.58657 183.51546 moveto +334.46384 207.28032 lineto +364.65727 206.92561 lineto +348.58657 183.51546 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +349.3324 262.66195 moveto +335.20967 238.89709 lineto +365.4031 239.2518 lineto +349.3324 262.66195 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +349.3324 262.66195 moveto +335.20967 238.89709 lineto +365.4031 239.2518 lineto +349.3324 262.66195 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 1 setrgbcolor +newpath +468.4535 259.68226 moveto +454.33077 235.9174 lineto +484.5242 236.27211 lineto +468.4535 259.68226 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.16372 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +468.4535 259.68226 moveto +454.33077 235.9174 lineto +484.5242 236.27211 lineto +468.4535 259.68226 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.243661 4.0406102] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +192.82813 66.300088 moveto +189.08594 66.300088 lineto +188.64063 67.331338 lineto +188.49479 67.675089 188.42187 67.958943 188.42188 68.1829 curveto +188.42187 68.479776 188.54166 68.698526 188.78125 68.83915 curveto +188.92187 68.922484 189.26823 68.984984 189.82031 69.02665 curveto +189.82031 69.315713 lineto +186.29688 69.315713 lineto +186.29688 69.02665 lineto +186.67708 68.969359 186.98958 68.811807 187.23438 68.553994 curveto +187.47917 68.296182 187.78125 67.763631 188.14063 66.956338 curveto +191.92969 58.503213 lineto +192.07813 58.503213 lineto +195.89844 67.190713 lineto +196.26301 68.013631 196.56249 68.531859 196.79688 68.7454 curveto +196.97395 68.906859 197.22395 69.000609 197.54688 69.02665 curveto +197.54688 69.315713 lineto +192.42188 69.315713 lineto +192.42188 69.02665 lineto +192.63281 69.02665 lineto +193.04426 69.02665 193.33333 68.969359 193.5 68.854775 curveto +193.61458 68.771442 193.67187 68.651651 193.67188 68.4954 curveto +193.67187 68.401651 193.65624 68.305297 193.625 68.206338 curveto +193.61458 68.159464 193.53645 67.964151 193.39063 67.6204 curveto +192.82813 66.300088 lineto +closepath +192.5625 65.721963 moveto +190.98438 62.073525 lineto +189.35938 65.721963 lineto +192.5625 65.721963 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +205.375 58.721963 moveto +205.375 67.128213 lineto +205.37499 67.695923 205.39062 68.03186 205.42188 68.136025 curveto +205.46353 68.307901 205.54296 68.435505 205.66016 68.518838 curveto +205.77734 68.602172 205.98176 68.654255 206.27344 68.675088 curveto +206.27344 68.9329 lineto +203.1875 69.534463 lineto +203.1875 68.378213 lineto +202.8177 68.82613 202.48828 69.130817 202.19922 69.292275 curveto +201.91015 69.453733 201.58333 69.534462 201.21875 69.534463 curveto +200.28646 69.534462 199.54948 69.117796 199.00781 68.284463 curveto +198.57031 67.607381 198.35156 66.776653 198.35156 65.792275 curveto +198.35156 65.005821 198.48698 64.301395 198.75781 63.678994 curveto +199.02864 63.056604 199.39974 62.586553 199.87109 62.268838 curveto +200.34245 61.951137 200.84896 61.792283 201.39063 61.792275 curveto +201.73958 61.792283 202.04947 61.859991 202.32031 61.9954 curveto +202.59114 62.130824 202.8802 62.367803 203.1875 62.706338 curveto +203.1875 60.503213 lineto +203.18749 59.94593 203.16406 59.609993 203.11719 59.4954 curveto +203.05468 59.344368 202.96093 59.232389 202.83594 59.159463 curveto +202.71093 59.086556 202.47656 59.050098 202.13281 59.050088 curveto +202.13281 58.721963 lineto +205.375 58.721963 lineto +closepath +203.1875 63.675088 moveto +202.80208 62.935511 202.33072 62.565719 201.77344 62.565713 curveto +201.58073 62.565719 201.42187 62.617803 201.29688 62.721963 curveto +201.10416 62.883427 200.94661 63.167281 200.82422 63.573525 curveto +200.70182 63.97978 200.64062 64.602176 200.64063 65.440713 curveto +200.64062 66.362591 200.70833 67.044882 200.84375 67.487588 curveto +200.97916 67.930297 201.16406 68.25061 201.39844 68.448525 curveto +201.51823 68.547484 201.68229 68.596963 201.89063 68.596963 curveto +202.34895 68.596963 202.78124 68.237589 203.1875 67.518838 curveto +203.1875 63.675088 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +211.21094 68.237588 moveto +210.32031 69.024046 209.52083 69.417275 208.8125 69.417275 curveto +208.39583 69.417275 208.04948 69.280556 207.77344 69.007119 curveto +207.49739 68.733682 207.35937 68.391234 207.35938 67.979775 curveto +207.35937 67.422485 207.59896 66.921184 208.07813 66.475869 curveto +208.55729 66.03056 209.60156 65.438112 211.21094 64.698525 curveto +211.21094 63.96415 lineto +211.21093 63.412073 211.18099 63.064417 211.12109 62.921181 curveto +211.06119 62.777959 210.94791 62.652959 210.78125 62.546181 curveto +210.61458 62.439417 210.42708 62.386032 210.21875 62.386025 curveto +209.88021 62.386032 209.60156 62.461553 209.38281 62.612588 curveto +209.24739 62.706344 209.17968 62.815719 209.17969 62.940713 curveto +209.17968 63.050094 209.2526 63.18551 209.39844 63.346963 curveto +209.59635 63.570927 209.69531 63.787072 209.69531 63.9954 curveto +209.69531 64.250614 209.60026 64.468061 209.41016 64.647744 curveto +209.22005 64.827436 208.97135 64.91728 208.66406 64.917275 curveto +208.33594 64.91728 208.0612 64.818321 207.83984 64.6204 curveto +207.61849 64.422488 207.50781 64.190718 207.50781 63.925088 curveto +207.50781 63.550093 207.65625 63.192021 207.95313 62.850869 curveto +208.25 62.50973 208.66406 62.248011 209.19531 62.065713 curveto +209.72656 61.883428 210.27864 61.792283 210.85156 61.792275 curveto +211.54427 61.792283 212.09244 61.939418 212.49609 62.233681 curveto +212.89973 62.527959 213.16145 62.846969 213.28125 63.190713 curveto +213.35416 63.409469 213.39062 63.912072 213.39063 64.698525 curveto +213.39063 67.534463 lineto +213.39062 67.867797 213.40364 68.077433 213.42969 68.163369 curveto +213.45572 68.249307 213.49478 68.313109 213.54688 68.354775 curveto +213.59895 68.396443 213.65885 68.417276 213.72656 68.417275 curveto +213.86197 68.417276 213.99999 68.320922 214.14063 68.128213 curveto +214.375 68.315713 lineto +214.11458 68.70113 213.84504 68.981078 213.56641 69.155556 curveto +213.28775 69.330036 212.97135 69.417275 212.61719 69.417275 curveto +212.20052 69.417275 211.87499 69.319619 211.64063 69.124306 curveto +211.40625 68.928994 211.26302 68.633422 211.21094 68.237588 curveto +211.21094 68.237588 lineto +closepath +211.21094 67.667275 moveto +211.21094 65.221963 lineto +210.58073 65.591758 210.11198 65.987591 209.80469 66.409463 curveto +209.60156 66.690715 209.5 66.974569 209.5 67.261025 curveto +209.5 67.50061 209.58593 67.711548 209.75781 67.893838 curveto +209.88802 68.034464 210.07031 68.104776 210.30469 68.104775 curveto +210.5651 68.104776 210.86718 67.958943 211.21094 67.667275 curveto +211.21094 67.667275 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +218.21094 62.011025 moveto +218.21094 62.971963 lineto +218.61198 62.534469 218.98307 62.22848 219.32422 62.053994 curveto +219.66536 61.879522 220.03906 61.792283 220.44531 61.792275 curveto +220.91406 61.792283 221.30729 61.901658 221.625 62.1204 curveto +221.9427 62.339157 222.18749 62.67249 222.35938 63.1204 curveto +222.77603 62.651657 223.17577 62.313115 223.55859 62.104775 curveto +223.9414 61.896449 224.34114 61.792283 224.75781 61.792275 curveto +225.26301 61.792283 225.66535 61.908168 225.96484 62.139931 curveto +226.26431 62.371709 226.47264 62.66598 226.58984 63.022744 curveto +226.70702 63.379521 226.76561 63.94853 226.76563 64.729775 curveto +226.76563 67.721963 lineto +226.76561 68.284464 226.81639 68.633422 226.91797 68.768838 curveto +227.01952 68.904255 227.23176 68.992796 227.55469 69.034463 curveto +227.55469 69.315713 lineto +223.78125 69.315713 lineto +223.78125 69.034463 lineto +224.07812 69.008421 224.29687 68.893838 224.4375 68.690713 curveto +224.53124 68.550088 224.57812 68.227172 224.57813 67.721963 curveto +224.57813 64.581338 lineto +224.57812 63.930301 224.55207 63.516239 224.5 63.33915 curveto +224.44791 63.162073 224.36588 63.030563 224.25391 62.944619 curveto +224.14192 62.858688 224.01041 62.815719 223.85938 62.815713 curveto +223.63541 62.815719 223.40885 62.89775 223.17969 63.061806 curveto +222.95051 63.225875 222.71874 63.471968 222.48438 63.800088 curveto +222.48438 67.721963 lineto +222.48437 68.248005 222.52864 68.578734 222.61719 68.71415 curveto +222.73697 68.906859 222.96614 69.01363 223.30469 69.034463 curveto +223.30469 69.315713 lineto +219.52344 69.315713 lineto +219.52344 69.034463 lineto +219.72656 69.024046 219.88671 68.973265 220.00391 68.882119 curveto +220.12109 68.790974 220.19921 68.681599 220.23828 68.553994 curveto +220.27734 68.426391 220.29687 68.149047 220.29688 67.721963 curveto +220.29688 64.581338 lineto +220.29687 63.919885 220.27083 63.505823 220.21875 63.33915 curveto +220.16666 63.17249 220.07942 63.042281 219.95703 62.948525 curveto +219.83463 62.854782 219.70312 62.807907 219.5625 62.8079 curveto +219.35416 62.807907 219.16406 62.862594 218.99219 62.971963 curveto +218.74739 63.133427 218.48698 63.409469 218.21094 63.800088 curveto +218.21094 67.721963 lineto +218.21093 68.237589 218.26172 68.577432 218.36328 68.741494 curveto +218.46484 68.905557 218.67708 69.003213 219 69.034463 curveto +219 69.315713 lineto +215.23438 69.315713 lineto +215.23438 69.034463 lineto +215.54167 69.003213 215.76042 68.904255 215.89063 68.737588 curveto +215.97917 68.623005 216.02344 68.284464 216.02344 67.721963 curveto +216.02344 63.596963 lineto +216.02344 63.044886 215.97265 62.701136 215.87109 62.565713 curveto +215.76953 62.430303 215.55729 62.341761 215.23438 62.300088 curveto +215.23438 62.011025 lineto +218.21094 62.011025 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -27.274119 -265.67012] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.28906 409.16728 moveto +139.29426 409.40166 139.99999 409.68551 140.40625 410.01884 curveto +140.98957 410.4928 141.28124 411.10738 141.28125 411.86259 curveto +141.28124 412.65946 140.96093 413.31832 140.32031 413.83915 curveto +139.53385 414.46936 138.39062 414.78446 136.89063 414.78446 curveto +131.50781 414.78446 lineto +131.50781 414.4954 lineto +131.9974 414.4954 132.32943 414.44983 132.50391 414.35868 curveto +132.67838 414.26754 132.80078 414.14905 132.87109 414.00321 curveto +132.9414 413.85738 132.97656 413.49801 132.97656 412.92509 curveto +132.97656 406.05009 lineto +132.97656 405.47718 132.9414 405.1165 132.87109 404.96806 curveto +132.80078 404.81963 132.67708 404.70114 132.5 404.61259 curveto +132.32292 404.52406 131.99219 404.47979 131.50781 404.47978 curveto +131.50781 404.19071 lineto +136.58594 404.19071 lineto +137.79947 404.19072 138.65885 404.2988 139.16406 404.51493 curveto +139.66926 404.73109 140.0677 405.054 140.35938 405.48368 curveto +140.65103 405.91338 140.79687 406.37041 140.79688 406.85478 curveto +140.79687 407.3652 140.61197 407.81963 140.24219 408.21806 curveto +139.87239 408.6165 139.22135 408.93291 138.28906 409.16728 curveto +138.28906 409.16728 lineto +closepath +135.44531 408.95634 moveto +136.18489 408.95634 136.73046 408.87301 137.08203 408.70634 curveto +137.43359 408.53968 137.70312 408.3053 137.89063 408.00321 curveto +138.07812 407.70114 138.17187 407.31572 138.17188 406.84696 curveto +138.17187 406.37822 138.07942 405.99411 137.89453 405.69462 curveto +137.70963 405.39515 137.44531 405.16728 137.10156 405.01103 curveto +136.75781 404.85479 136.20572 404.77926 135.44531 404.78446 curveto +135.44531 408.95634 lineto +closepath +135.44531 409.56571 moveto +135.44531 412.96415 lineto +135.4375 413.35478 lineto +135.4375 413.63603 135.50911 413.84827 135.65234 413.99149 curveto +135.79557 414.13472 136.00781 414.20634 136.28906 414.20634 curveto +136.70572 414.20634 137.08984 414.11389 137.44141 413.92899 curveto +137.79296 413.7441 138.06249 413.47587 138.25 413.12431 curveto +138.43749 412.77275 138.53124 412.38082 138.53125 411.94853 curveto +138.53124 411.45374 138.41666 411.00973 138.1875 410.61649 curveto +137.95833 410.22327 137.64322 409.94853 137.24219 409.79228 curveto +136.84114 409.63603 136.24218 409.56051 135.44531 409.56571 curveto +135.44531 409.56571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +145.84375 407.26103 moveto +146.47916 407.26103 147.07031 407.42509 147.61719 407.75321 curveto +148.16406 408.08134 148.57942 408.54749 148.86328 409.15165 curveto +149.14713 409.75582 149.28906 410.41728 149.28906 411.13603 curveto +149.28906 412.17249 149.02603 413.03967 148.5 413.73759 curveto +147.86458 414.58134 146.98697 415.00321 145.86719 415.00321 curveto +144.76823 415.00321 143.92187 414.6178 143.32813 413.84696 curveto +142.73437 413.07613 142.4375 412.1829 142.4375 411.16728 curveto +142.4375 410.1204 142.74088 409.20765 143.34766 408.42899 curveto +143.95442 407.65036 144.78646 407.26103 145.84375 407.26103 curveto +145.84375 407.26103 lineto +closepath +145.875 407.81571 moveto +145.60937 407.81572 145.38151 407.91598 145.19141 408.11649 curveto +145.0013 408.31702 144.8763 408.71285 144.81641 409.30399 curveto +144.75651 409.89514 144.72656 410.71676 144.72656 411.76884 curveto +144.72656 412.32613 144.76302 412.84696 144.83594 413.33134 curveto +144.89323 413.70113 145.01562 413.98238 145.20313 414.17509 curveto +145.39062 414.3678 145.60416 414.46415 145.84375 414.46415 curveto +146.07812 414.46415 146.27343 414.39905 146.42969 414.26884 curveto +146.63281 414.09175 146.76822 413.84436 146.83594 413.52665 curveto +146.9401 413.03186 146.99218 412.03186 146.99219 410.52665 curveto +146.99218 409.64124 146.9427 409.03317 146.84375 408.70243 curveto +146.74479 408.37171 146.59895 408.13082 146.40625 407.97978 curveto +146.27083 407.87041 146.09375 407.81572 145.875 407.81571 curveto +145.875 407.81571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +153.25781 404.19071 moveto +153.25781 413.26884 lineto +153.25781 413.78446 153.3177 414.11389 153.4375 414.25712 curveto +153.55729 414.40035 153.79166 414.48238 154.14063 414.50321 curveto +154.14063 414.78446 lineto +150.19531 414.78446 lineto +150.19531 414.50321 lineto +150.51823 414.4928 150.75781 414.39905 150.91406 414.22196 curveto +151.01823 414.10217 151.07031 413.78446 151.07031 413.26884 curveto +151.07031 405.70634 lineto +151.07031 405.19593 151.01042 404.86911 150.89063 404.72587 curveto +150.77083 404.58265 150.53906 404.50062 150.19531 404.47978 curveto +150.19531 404.19071 lineto +153.25781 404.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.02344 410.8704 moveto +157.01563 410.8704 lineto +157.0625 411.83915 157.32031 412.60478 157.78906 413.16728 curveto +158.14843 413.59957 158.58072 413.81571 159.08594 413.81571 curveto +159.39843 413.81571 159.68229 413.72847 159.9375 413.55399 curveto +160.1927 413.37952 160.46614 413.06571 160.75781 412.61259 curveto +161.02344 412.78446 lineto +160.6276 413.59176 160.1901 414.16337 159.71094 414.49931 curveto +159.23177 414.83524 158.67708 415.00321 158.04688 415.00321 curveto +156.96354 415.00321 156.14323 414.58655 155.58594 413.75321 curveto +155.13802 413.08134 154.91406 412.24801 154.91406 411.25321 curveto +154.91406 410.03447 155.24349 409.06442 155.90234 408.34306 curveto +156.5612 407.62171 157.33333 407.26103 158.21875 407.26103 curveto +158.95833 407.26103 159.60026 407.56442 160.14453 408.17118 curveto +160.6888 408.77796 160.98176 409.6777 161.02344 410.8704 curveto +161.02344 410.8704 lineto +closepath +159.10156 410.34696 moveto +159.10156 409.50843 159.05598 408.93291 158.96484 408.6204 curveto +158.87369 408.30791 158.73177 408.07093 158.53906 407.90946 curveto +158.42968 407.81572 158.28385 407.76884 158.10156 407.76884 curveto +157.83073 407.76884 157.60937 407.90166 157.4375 408.16728 curveto +157.13021 408.63082 156.97656 409.26624 156.97656 410.07353 curveto +156.97656 410.34696 lineto +159.10156 410.34696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +166.54688 407.27665 moveto +166.66406 409.76884 lineto +166.39844 409.76884 lineto +166.08072 409.02926 165.7513 408.52405 165.41016 408.25321 curveto +165.06901 407.98239 164.72916 407.84697 164.39063 407.84696 curveto +164.17708 407.84697 163.99479 407.91858 163.84375 408.06181 curveto +163.69271 408.20504 163.61719 408.37041 163.61719 408.5579 curveto +163.61719 408.69853 163.66927 408.83395 163.77344 408.96415 curveto +163.9401 409.1777 164.40625 409.54358 165.17188 410.06181 curveto +165.9375 410.58004 166.4414 411.02014 166.68359 411.38212 curveto +166.92578 411.7441 167.04687 412.14905 167.04688 412.59696 curveto +167.04687 413.00321 166.94531 413.40165 166.74219 413.79228 curveto +166.53906 414.1829 166.2526 414.48238 165.88281 414.69071 curveto +165.51302 414.89905 165.10416 415.00321 164.65625 415.00321 curveto +164.30729 415.00321 163.84114 414.89384 163.25781 414.67509 curveto +163.10156 414.6178 162.99479 414.58915 162.9375 414.58915 curveto +162.76562 414.58915 162.62239 414.71936 162.50781 414.97978 curveto +162.25 414.97978 lineto +162.125 412.35478 lineto +162.39063 412.35478 lineto +162.625 413.04228 162.94661 413.5579 163.35547 413.90165 curveto +163.76432 414.2454 164.15104 414.41728 164.51563 414.41728 curveto +164.76562 414.41728 164.97005 414.34045 165.12891 414.18681 curveto +165.28776 414.03316 165.36718 413.84696 165.36719 413.62821 curveto +165.36718 413.37821 165.28906 413.16207 165.13281 412.97978 curveto +164.97656 412.79749 164.6276 412.52144 164.08594 412.15165 curveto +163.28906 411.59957 162.77344 411.1777 162.53906 410.88603 curveto +162.19531 410.45895 162.02344 409.98759 162.02344 409.47196 curveto +162.02344 408.90947 162.21745 408.40035 162.60547 407.94462 curveto +162.99349 407.4889 163.55469 407.26103 164.28906 407.26103 curveto +164.68489 407.26103 165.0677 407.35739 165.4375 407.55009 curveto +165.57812 407.62822 165.6927 407.66728 165.78125 407.66728 curveto +165.875 407.66728 165.95052 407.64775 166.00781 407.60868 curveto +166.0651 407.56963 166.15625 407.45895 166.28125 407.27665 curveto +166.54688 407.27665 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +171.00781 404.19071 moveto +171.00781 413.26884 lineto +171.00781 413.78446 171.0677 414.11389 171.1875 414.25712 curveto +171.30729 414.40035 171.54166 414.48238 171.89063 414.50321 curveto +171.89063 414.78446 lineto +167.94531 414.78446 lineto +167.94531 414.50321 lineto +168.26823 414.4928 168.50781 414.39905 168.66406 414.22196 curveto +168.76823 414.10217 168.82031 413.78446 168.82031 413.26884 curveto +168.82031 405.70634 lineto +168.82031 405.19593 168.76042 404.86911 168.64063 404.72587 curveto +168.52083 404.58265 168.28906 404.50062 167.94531 404.47978 curveto +167.94531 404.19071 lineto +171.00781 404.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +176.61719 413.70634 moveto +175.72656 414.4928 174.92708 414.88603 174.21875 414.88603 curveto +173.80208 414.88603 173.45573 414.74931 173.17969 414.47587 curveto +172.90364 414.20243 172.76562 413.85998 172.76563 413.44853 curveto +172.76562 412.89124 173.00521 412.38993 173.48438 411.94462 curveto +173.96354 411.49931 175.00781 410.90686 176.61719 410.16728 curveto +176.61719 409.4329 lineto +176.61718 408.88082 176.58724 408.53317 176.52734 408.38993 curveto +176.46744 408.24671 176.35416 408.12171 176.1875 408.01493 curveto +176.02083 407.90817 175.83333 407.85478 175.625 407.85478 curveto +175.28646 407.85478 175.00781 407.9303 174.78906 408.08134 curveto +174.65364 408.17509 174.58593 408.28447 174.58594 408.40946 curveto +174.58593 408.51884 174.65885 408.65426 174.80469 408.81571 curveto +175.0026 409.03968 175.10156 409.25582 175.10156 409.46415 curveto +175.10156 409.71936 175.00651 409.93681 174.81641 410.11649 curveto +174.6263 410.29619 174.3776 410.38603 174.07031 410.38603 curveto +173.74219 410.38603 173.46745 410.28707 173.24609 410.08915 curveto +173.02474 409.89124 172.91406 409.65947 172.91406 409.39384 curveto +172.91406 409.01884 173.0625 408.66077 173.35938 408.31962 curveto +173.65625 407.97848 174.07031 407.71676 174.60156 407.53446 curveto +175.13281 407.35218 175.68489 407.26103 176.25781 407.26103 curveto +176.95052 407.26103 177.49869 407.40817 177.90234 407.70243 curveto +178.30598 407.99671 178.5677 408.31572 178.6875 408.65946 curveto +178.76041 408.87822 178.79687 409.38082 178.79688 410.16728 curveto +178.79688 413.00321 lineto +178.79687 413.33655 178.80989 413.54618 178.83594 413.63212 curveto +178.86197 413.71806 178.90103 413.78186 178.95313 413.82353 curveto +179.0052 413.86519 179.0651 413.88603 179.13281 413.88603 curveto +179.26822 413.88603 179.40624 413.78967 179.54688 413.59696 curveto +179.78125 413.78446 lineto +179.52083 414.16988 179.25129 414.44983 178.97266 414.62431 curveto +178.694 414.79879 178.3776 414.88603 178.02344 414.88603 curveto +177.60677 414.88603 177.28124 414.78837 177.04688 414.59306 curveto +176.8125 414.39774 176.66927 414.10217 176.61719 413.70634 curveto +176.61719 413.70634 lineto +closepath +176.61719 413.13603 moveto +176.61719 410.69071 lineto +175.98698 411.06051 175.51823 411.45634 175.21094 411.87821 curveto +175.00781 412.15947 174.90625 412.44332 174.90625 412.72978 curveto +174.90625 412.96936 174.99218 413.1803 175.16406 413.36259 curveto +175.29427 413.50321 175.47656 413.57353 175.71094 413.57353 curveto +175.97135 413.57353 176.27343 413.42769 176.61719 413.13603 curveto +176.61719 413.13603 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +183.88281 415.00321 moveto +181.42188 409.33915 lineto +181.125 408.65686 180.89323 408.22457 180.72656 408.04228 curveto +180.60677 407.90687 180.42969 407.81572 180.19531 407.76884 curveto +180.19531 407.47978 lineto +184.07813 407.47978 lineto +184.07813 407.76884 lineto +183.83333 407.76884 183.66666 407.81312 183.57813 407.90165 curveto +183.45312 408.01624 183.39062 408.15166 183.39063 408.3079 curveto +183.39062 408.50061 183.5052 408.86259 183.73438 409.39384 curveto +184.9375 412.13603 lineto +185.89844 409.76884 lineto +186.17447 409.09176 186.31249 408.61259 186.3125 408.33134 curveto +186.31249 408.16989 186.2539 408.03838 186.13672 407.93681 curveto +186.01953 407.83525 185.81249 407.77926 185.51563 407.76884 curveto +185.51563 407.47978 lineto +187.90625 407.47978 lineto +187.90625 407.76884 lineto +187.67708 407.80009 187.48958 407.88603 187.34375 408.02665 curveto +187.19791 408.16728 186.97916 408.58134 186.6875 409.26884 curveto +184.25 415.00321 lineto +183.88281 415.00321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -281.83256 -193.94929] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +321.78906 402.94853 moveto +321.78906 406.6204 lineto +321.48438 406.6204 lineto +321.2552 405.66207 320.82812 404.9277 320.20313 404.41728 curveto +319.57812 403.90687 318.86978 403.65166 318.07813 403.65165 curveto +317.41666 403.65166 316.80989 403.84176 316.25781 404.22196 curveto +315.70572 404.60218 315.30208 405.09958 315.04688 405.71415 curveto +314.71875 406.50062 314.55468 407.37561 314.55469 408.33915 curveto +314.55468 409.28707 314.67448 410.15035 314.91406 410.92899 curveto +315.15364 411.70764 315.52864 412.29618 316.03906 412.69462 curveto +316.54947 413.09306 317.21093 413.29228 318.02344 413.29228 curveto +318.6901 413.29228 319.30077 413.14644 319.85547 412.85478 curveto +320.41015 412.56311 320.99478 412.06051 321.60938 411.34696 curveto +321.60938 412.26103 lineto +321.01562 412.88082 320.39713 413.33004 319.75391 413.60868 curveto +319.11067 413.88733 318.35937 414.02665 317.5 414.02665 curveto +316.36979 414.02665 315.36588 413.80009 314.48828 413.34696 curveto +313.61067 412.89384 312.93359 412.2428 312.45703 411.39384 curveto +311.98047 410.54488 311.74219 409.64124 311.74219 408.6829 curveto +311.74219 407.67249 312.00651 406.71416 312.53516 405.8079 curveto +313.0638 404.90166 313.77734 404.19853 314.67578 403.69853 curveto +315.57421 403.19854 316.52864 402.94854 317.53906 402.94853 curveto +318.28385 402.94854 319.0703 403.10999 319.89844 403.4329 curveto +320.37759 403.62041 320.68228 403.71416 320.8125 403.71415 curveto +320.97916 403.71416 321.12369 403.65296 321.24609 403.53056 curveto +321.36848 403.40817 321.44791 403.21416 321.48438 402.94853 curveto +321.78906 402.94853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.96875 402.94071 moveto +325.30729 402.94072 325.59375 403.05921 325.82813 403.29618 curveto +326.0625 403.53317 326.17968 403.81833 326.17969 404.15165 curveto +326.17968 404.48499 326.06119 404.76885 325.82422 405.00321 curveto +325.58724 405.2376 325.30208 405.35478 324.96875 405.35478 curveto +324.63541 405.35478 324.35156 405.2376 324.11719 405.00321 curveto +323.88281 404.76885 323.76562 404.48499 323.76563 404.15165 curveto +323.76562 403.81833 323.88281 403.53317 324.11719 403.29618 curveto +324.35156 403.05921 324.63541 402.94072 324.96875 402.94071 curveto +324.96875 402.94071 lineto +closepath +326.0625 406.47978 moveto +326.0625 412.26884 lineto +326.0625 412.78446 326.12239 413.11389 326.24219 413.25712 curveto +326.36198 413.40035 326.59635 413.48238 326.94531 413.50321 curveto +326.94531 413.78446 lineto +323 413.78446 lineto +323 413.50321 lineto +323.32292 413.4928 323.5625 413.39905 323.71875 413.22196 curveto +323.82292 413.10217 323.875 412.78446 323.875 412.26884 curveto +323.875 408.00321 lineto +323.875 407.48759 323.8151 407.15817 323.69531 407.01493 curveto +323.57552 406.87171 323.34375 406.78968 323 406.76884 curveto +323 406.47978 lineto +326.0625 406.47978 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +330.47656 413.04228 moveto +330.47656 415.76103 lineto +330.47656 416.13602 330.50651 416.39123 330.56641 416.52665 curveto +330.6263 416.66206 330.71875 416.76102 330.84375 416.82353 curveto +330.96875 416.88602 331.21354 416.91727 331.57813 416.91728 curveto +331.57813 417.20634 lineto +327.41406 417.20634 lineto +327.41406 416.91728 lineto +327.73698 416.90686 327.97656 416.81571 328.13281 416.64384 curveto +328.23698 416.52404 328.28906 416.21415 328.28906 415.71415 curveto +328.28906 408.00321 lineto +328.28906 407.48759 328.22917 407.15817 328.10938 407.01493 curveto +327.98958 406.87171 327.75781 406.78968 327.41406 406.76884 curveto +327.41406 406.47978 lineto +330.47656 406.47978 lineto +330.47656 407.44071 lineto +330.73177 407.06572 330.99218 406.79489 331.25781 406.62821 curveto +331.63802 406.38343 332.05208 406.26103 332.5 406.26103 curveto +333.03645 406.26103 333.52473 406.4303 333.96484 406.76884 curveto +334.40494 407.10739 334.73958 407.57483 334.96875 408.17118 curveto +335.19791 408.76754 335.31249 409.40947 335.3125 410.09696 curveto +335.31249 410.83655 335.194 411.51233 334.95703 412.12431 curveto +334.72004 412.73629 334.37629 413.20243 333.92578 413.52274 curveto +333.47525 413.84306 332.97395 414.00321 332.42188 414.00321 curveto +332.02083 414.00321 331.64583 413.91467 331.29688 413.73759 curveto +331.03645 413.60217 330.76302 413.3704 330.47656 413.04228 curveto +330.47656 413.04228 lineto +closepath +330.47656 412.25321 moveto +330.92448 412.88863 331.40364 413.20634 331.91406 413.20634 curveto +332.19531 413.20634 332.42708 413.0579 332.60938 412.76103 curveto +332.8802 412.32353 333.01562 411.49019 333.01563 410.26103 curveto +333.01562 409.00061 332.86718 408.13863 332.57031 407.67509 curveto +332.37239 407.3678 332.10677 407.21416 331.77344 407.21415 curveto +331.24739 407.21416 330.8151 407.59436 330.47656 408.35478 curveto +330.47656 412.25321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +339.40625 406.47978 moveto +339.40625 412.26884 lineto +339.40625 412.78446 339.46614 413.11389 339.58594 413.25712 curveto +339.70573 413.40035 339.9401 413.48238 340.28906 413.50321 curveto +340.28906 413.78446 lineto +336.34375 413.78446 lineto +336.34375 413.50321 lineto +336.66667 413.4928 336.90625 413.39905 337.0625 413.22196 curveto +337.16667 413.10217 337.21875 412.78446 337.21875 412.26884 curveto +337.21875 408.00321 lineto +337.21875 407.48759 337.15885 407.15817 337.03906 407.01493 curveto +336.91927 406.87171 336.6875 406.78968 336.34375 406.76884 curveto +336.34375 406.47978 lineto +339.40625 406.47978 lineto +closepath +340.64844 402.83134 moveto +338.0625 405.54228 lineto +337.39063 405.54228 lineto +338.29688 402.83134 lineto +340.64844 402.83134 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.60938 406.27665 moveto +345.72656 408.76884 lineto +345.46094 408.76884 lineto +345.14322 408.02926 344.8138 407.52405 344.47266 407.25321 curveto +344.13151 406.98239 343.79166 406.84697 343.45313 406.84696 curveto +343.23958 406.84697 343.05729 406.91858 342.90625 407.06181 curveto +342.75521 407.20504 342.67969 407.37041 342.67969 407.5579 curveto +342.67969 407.69853 342.73177 407.83395 342.83594 407.96415 curveto +343.0026 408.1777 343.46875 408.54358 344.23438 409.06181 curveto +345 409.58004 345.5039 410.02014 345.74609 410.38212 curveto +345.98828 410.7441 346.10937 411.14905 346.10938 411.59696 curveto +346.10937 412.00321 346.00781 412.40165 345.80469 412.79228 curveto +345.60156 413.1829 345.3151 413.48238 344.94531 413.69071 curveto +344.57552 413.89905 344.16666 414.00321 343.71875 414.00321 curveto +343.36979 414.00321 342.90364 413.89384 342.32031 413.67509 curveto +342.16406 413.6178 342.05729 413.58915 342 413.58915 curveto +341.82812 413.58915 341.68489 413.71936 341.57031 413.97978 curveto +341.3125 413.97978 lineto +341.1875 411.35478 lineto +341.45313 411.35478 lineto +341.6875 412.04228 342.00911 412.5579 342.41797 412.90165 curveto +342.82682 413.2454 343.21354 413.41728 343.57813 413.41728 curveto +343.82812 413.41728 344.03255 413.34045 344.19141 413.18681 curveto +344.35026 413.03316 344.42968 412.84696 344.42969 412.62821 curveto +344.42968 412.37821 344.35156 412.16207 344.19531 411.97978 curveto +344.03906 411.79749 343.6901 411.52144 343.14844 411.15165 curveto +342.35156 410.59957 341.83594 410.1777 341.60156 409.88603 curveto +341.25781 409.45895 341.08594 408.98759 341.08594 408.47196 curveto +341.08594 407.90947 341.27995 407.40035 341.66797 406.94462 curveto +342.05599 406.4889 342.61719 406.26103 343.35156 406.26103 curveto +343.74739 406.26103 344.1302 406.35739 344.5 406.55009 curveto +344.64062 406.62822 344.7552 406.66728 344.84375 406.66728 curveto +344.9375 406.66728 345.01302 406.64775 345.07031 406.60868 curveto +345.1276 406.56963 345.21875 406.45895 345.34375 406.27665 curveto +345.60938 406.27665 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +353.39844 409.8704 moveto +349.39063 409.8704 lineto +349.4375 410.83915 349.69531 411.60478 350.16406 412.16728 curveto +350.52343 412.59957 350.95572 412.81571 351.46094 412.81571 curveto +351.77343 412.81571 352.05729 412.72847 352.3125 412.55399 curveto +352.5677 412.37952 352.84114 412.06571 353.13281 411.61259 curveto +353.39844 411.78446 lineto +353.0026 412.59176 352.5651 413.16337 352.08594 413.49931 curveto +351.60677 413.83524 351.05208 414.00321 350.42188 414.00321 curveto +349.33854 414.00321 348.51823 413.58655 347.96094 412.75321 curveto +347.51302 412.08134 347.28906 411.24801 347.28906 410.25321 curveto +347.28906 409.03447 347.61849 408.06442 348.27734 407.34306 curveto +348.9362 406.62171 349.70833 406.26103 350.59375 406.26103 curveto +351.33333 406.26103 351.97526 406.56442 352.51953 407.17118 curveto +353.0638 407.77796 353.35676 408.6777 353.39844 409.8704 curveto +353.39844 409.8704 lineto +closepath +351.47656 409.34696 moveto +351.47656 408.50843 351.43098 407.93291 351.33984 407.6204 curveto +351.24869 407.30791 351.10677 407.07093 350.91406 406.90946 curveto +350.80468 406.81572 350.65885 406.76884 350.47656 406.76884 curveto +350.20573 406.76884 349.98437 406.90166 349.8125 407.16728 curveto +349.50521 407.63082 349.35156 408.26624 349.35156 409.07353 curveto +349.35156 409.34696 lineto +351.47656 409.34696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +357.27344 403.19071 moveto +357.27344 410.15946 lineto +358.96875 408.4954 lineto +359.3177 408.15686 359.53515 407.91207 359.62109 407.76103 curveto +359.70703 407.60999 359.74999 407.46416 359.75 407.32353 curveto +359.74999 407.18291 359.6927 407.06572 359.57813 406.97196 curveto +359.46354 406.87822 359.23958 406.81051 358.90625 406.76884 curveto +358.90625 406.47978 lineto +362.17969 406.47978 lineto +362.17969 406.76884 lineto +361.86718 406.78447 361.59374 406.85869 361.35938 406.99149 curveto +361.12499 407.12431 360.66666 407.52405 359.98438 408.19071 curveto +359.1875 408.97196 lineto +360.90625 411.48759 lineto +361.59895 412.50842 362.01041 413.08134 362.14063 413.20634 curveto +362.3177 413.38342 362.54166 413.48238 362.8125 413.50321 curveto +362.8125 413.78446 lineto +359.03906 413.78446 lineto +359.03906 413.50321 lineto +359.20572 413.50321 359.32682 413.47196 359.40234 413.40946 curveto +359.47786 413.34696 359.51562 413.27925 359.51563 413.20634 curveto +359.51562 413.08655 359.40624 412.86519 359.1875 412.54228 curveto +357.74219 410.42509 lineto +357.27344 410.88603 lineto +357.27344 412.19853 lineto +357.27343 412.75582 357.32552 413.10347 357.42969 413.24149 curveto +357.53385 413.37952 357.74739 413.46675 358.07031 413.50321 curveto +358.07031 413.78446 lineto +354.29688 413.78446 lineto +354.29688 413.50321 lineto +354.60417 413.47196 354.82292 413.373 354.95313 413.20634 curveto +355.04167 413.09175 355.08594 412.75582 355.08594 412.19853 curveto +355.08594 404.77665 lineto +355.08594 404.22458 355.03515 403.88083 354.93359 403.7454 curveto +354.83203 403.60999 354.61979 403.52145 354.29688 403.47978 curveto +354.29688 403.19071 lineto +357.27344 403.19071 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -11.111678 -333.35034] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.86719 413.01884 moveto +458.86719 415.95634 lineto +458.86718 416.52926 458.90234 416.88993 458.97266 417.03837 curveto +459.04296 417.18681 459.16796 417.3053 459.34766 417.39384 curveto +459.52734 417.48238 459.85677 417.52665 460.33594 417.52665 curveto +460.33594 417.81571 lineto +454.95313 417.81571 lineto +454.95313 417.52665 lineto +455.44271 417.52665 455.77474 417.48108 455.94922 417.38993 curveto +456.1237 417.29879 456.24609 417.1803 456.31641 417.03446 curveto +456.38672 416.88863 456.42187 416.52926 456.42188 415.95634 curveto +456.42188 409.08134 lineto +456.42187 408.50843 456.38672 408.14775 456.31641 407.99931 curveto +456.24609 407.85088 456.12239 407.73239 455.94531 407.64384 curveto +455.76823 407.55531 455.4375 407.51104 454.95313 407.51103 curveto +454.95313 407.22196 lineto +459.57031 407.22196 lineto +461.09114 407.22197 462.18228 407.49281 462.84375 408.03446 curveto +463.5052 408.57614 463.83593 409.25322 463.83594 410.06571 curveto +463.83593 410.75322 463.62239 411.34176 463.19531 411.83134 curveto +462.76822 412.32093 462.17968 412.65426 461.42969 412.83134 curveto +460.92447 412.95634 460.07031 413.01884 458.86719 413.01884 curveto +458.86719 413.01884 lineto +closepath +458.86719 407.83134 moveto +458.86719 412.40946 lineto +459.03906 412.41988 459.16927 412.42509 459.25781 412.42509 curveto +459.89322 412.42509 460.38281 412.23629 460.72656 411.85868 curveto +461.07031 411.48108 461.24218 410.89645 461.24219 410.10478 curveto +461.24218 409.31833 461.07031 408.74281 460.72656 408.37821 curveto +460.38281 408.01364 459.86979 407.83135 459.1875 407.83134 curveto +458.86719 407.83134 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +468.89844 416.73759 moveto +468.00781 417.52405 467.20833 417.91728 466.5 417.91728 curveto +466.08333 417.91728 465.73698 417.78056 465.46094 417.50712 curveto +465.18489 417.23368 465.04687 416.89123 465.04688 416.47978 curveto +465.04687 415.92249 465.28646 415.42118 465.76563 414.97587 curveto +466.24479 414.53056 467.28906 413.93811 468.89844 413.19853 curveto +468.89844 412.46415 lineto +468.89843 411.91207 468.86849 411.56442 468.80859 411.42118 curveto +468.74869 411.27796 468.63541 411.15296 468.46875 411.04618 curveto +468.30208 410.93942 468.11458 410.88603 467.90625 410.88603 curveto +467.56771 410.88603 467.28906 410.96155 467.07031 411.11259 curveto +466.93489 411.20634 466.86718 411.31572 466.86719 411.44071 curveto +466.86718 411.55009 466.9401 411.68551 467.08594 411.84696 curveto +467.28385 412.07093 467.38281 412.28707 467.38281 412.4954 curveto +467.38281 412.75061 467.28776 412.96806 467.09766 413.14774 curveto +466.90755 413.32744 466.65885 413.41728 466.35156 413.41728 curveto +466.02344 413.41728 465.7487 413.31832 465.52734 413.1204 curveto +465.30599 412.92249 465.19531 412.69072 465.19531 412.42509 curveto +465.19531 412.05009 465.34375 411.69202 465.64063 411.35087 curveto +465.9375 411.00973 466.35156 410.74801 466.88281 410.56571 curveto +467.41406 410.38343 467.96614 410.29228 468.53906 410.29228 curveto +469.23177 410.29228 469.77994 410.43942 470.18359 410.73368 curveto +470.58723 411.02796 470.84895 411.34697 470.96875 411.69071 curveto +471.04166 411.90947 471.07812 412.41207 471.07813 413.19853 curveto +471.07813 416.03446 lineto +471.07812 416.3678 471.09114 416.57743 471.11719 416.66337 curveto +471.14322 416.74931 471.18228 416.81311 471.23438 416.85478 curveto +471.28645 416.89644 471.34635 416.91728 471.41406 416.91728 curveto +471.54947 416.91728 471.68749 416.82092 471.82813 416.62821 curveto +472.0625 416.81571 lineto +471.80208 417.20113 471.53254 417.48108 471.25391 417.65556 curveto +470.97525 417.83004 470.65885 417.91728 470.30469 417.91728 curveto +469.88802 417.91728 469.56249 417.81962 469.32813 417.62431 curveto +469.09375 417.42899 468.95052 417.13342 468.89844 416.73759 curveto +468.89844 416.73759 lineto +closepath +468.89844 416.16728 moveto +468.89844 413.72196 lineto +468.26823 414.09176 467.79948 414.48759 467.49219 414.90946 curveto +467.28906 415.19072 467.1875 415.47457 467.1875 415.76103 curveto +467.1875 416.00061 467.27343 416.21155 467.44531 416.39384 curveto +467.57552 416.53446 467.75781 416.60478 467.99219 416.60478 curveto +468.2526 416.60478 468.55468 416.45894 468.89844 416.16728 curveto +468.89844 416.16728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +476.16406 418.03446 moveto +473.70313 412.3704 lineto +473.40625 411.68811 473.17448 411.25582 473.00781 411.07353 curveto +472.88802 410.93812 472.71094 410.84697 472.47656 410.80009 curveto +472.47656 410.51103 lineto +476.35938 410.51103 lineto +476.35938 410.80009 lineto +476.11458 410.80009 475.94791 410.84437 475.85938 410.9329 curveto +475.73437 411.04749 475.67187 411.18291 475.67188 411.33915 curveto +475.67187 411.53186 475.78645 411.89384 476.01563 412.42509 curveto +477.21875 415.16728 lineto +478.17969 412.80009 lineto +478.45572 412.12301 478.59374 411.64384 478.59375 411.36259 curveto +478.59374 411.20114 478.53515 411.06963 478.41797 410.96806 curveto +478.30078 410.8665 478.09374 410.81051 477.79688 410.80009 curveto +477.79688 410.51103 lineto +480.1875 410.51103 lineto +480.1875 410.80009 lineto +479.95833 410.83134 479.77083 410.91728 479.625 411.0579 curveto +479.47916 411.19853 479.26041 411.61259 478.96875 412.30009 curveto +476.53125 418.03446 lineto +476.16406 418.03446 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +483.72656 407.22196 moveto +483.72656 416.30009 lineto +483.72656 416.81571 483.78645 417.14514 483.90625 417.28837 curveto +484.02604 417.4316 484.26041 417.51363 484.60938 417.53446 curveto +484.60938 417.81571 lineto +480.66406 417.81571 lineto +480.66406 417.53446 lineto +480.98698 417.52405 481.22656 417.4303 481.38281 417.25321 curveto +481.48698 417.13342 481.53906 416.81571 481.53906 416.30009 curveto +481.53906 408.73759 lineto +481.53906 408.22718 481.47917 407.90036 481.35938 407.75712 curveto +481.23958 407.6139 481.00781 407.53187 480.66406 407.51103 curveto +480.66406 407.22196 lineto +483.72656 407.22196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +488.15625 410.51103 moveto +488.15625 416.30009 lineto +488.15625 416.81571 488.21614 417.14514 488.33594 417.28837 curveto +488.45573 417.4316 488.6901 417.51363 489.03906 417.53446 curveto +489.03906 417.81571 lineto +485.09375 417.81571 lineto +485.09375 417.53446 lineto +485.41667 417.52405 485.65625 417.4303 485.8125 417.25321 curveto +485.91667 417.13342 485.96875 416.81571 485.96875 416.30009 curveto +485.96875 412.03446 lineto +485.96875 411.51884 485.90885 411.18942 485.78906 411.04618 curveto +485.66927 410.90296 485.4375 410.82093 485.09375 410.80009 curveto +485.09375 410.51103 lineto +488.15625 410.51103 lineto +closepath +489.39844 406.86259 moveto +486.8125 409.57353 lineto +486.14063 409.57353 lineto +487.04688 406.86259 lineto +489.39844 406.86259 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +492.72656 410.51103 moveto +492.72656 411.45634 lineto +493.10156 411.05009 493.46093 410.75452 493.80469 410.56962 curveto +494.14843 410.38473 494.51822 410.29228 494.91406 410.29228 curveto +495.38801 410.29228 495.78124 410.42379 496.09375 410.68681 curveto +496.40624 410.94983 496.61458 411.27666 496.71875 411.66728 curveto +496.80208 411.96416 496.84374 412.53447 496.84375 413.37821 curveto +496.84375 416.22196 lineto +496.84374 416.78446 496.89452 417.13472 496.99609 417.27274 curveto +497.09765 417.41077 497.30989 417.498 497.63281 417.53446 curveto +497.63281 417.81571 lineto +493.9375 417.81571 lineto +493.9375 417.53446 lineto +494.21354 417.498 494.41145 417.38342 494.53125 417.19071 curveto +494.61458 417.06051 494.65624 416.73759 494.65625 416.22196 curveto +494.65625 412.97196 lineto +494.65624 412.37301 494.63281 411.99541 494.58594 411.83915 curveto +494.53906 411.68291 494.45963 411.56181 494.34766 411.47587 curveto +494.23567 411.38994 494.11197 411.34697 493.97656 411.34696 curveto +493.52864 411.34697 493.11198 411.66728 492.72656 412.3079 curveto +492.72656 416.22196 lineto +492.72656 416.76884 492.77734 417.11519 492.87891 417.26103 curveto +492.98046 417.40686 493.16927 417.498 493.44531 417.53446 curveto +493.44531 417.81571 lineto +489.75 417.81571 lineto +489.75 417.53446 lineto +490.05729 417.50321 490.27604 417.40425 490.40625 417.23759 curveto +490.49479 417.123 490.53906 416.78446 490.53906 416.22196 curveto +490.53906 412.09696 lineto +490.53906 411.54489 490.48828 411.20114 490.38672 411.06571 curveto +490.28516 410.9303 490.07292 410.84176 489.75 410.80009 curveto +489.75 410.51103 lineto +492.72656 410.51103 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +502.67969 416.73759 moveto +501.78906 417.52405 500.98958 417.91728 500.28125 417.91728 curveto +499.86458 417.91728 499.51823 417.78056 499.24219 417.50712 curveto +498.96614 417.23368 498.82812 416.89123 498.82813 416.47978 curveto +498.82812 415.92249 499.06771 415.42118 499.54688 414.97587 curveto +500.02604 414.53056 501.07031 413.93811 502.67969 413.19853 curveto +502.67969 412.46415 lineto +502.67968 411.91207 502.64974 411.56442 502.58984 411.42118 curveto +502.52994 411.27796 502.41666 411.15296 502.25 411.04618 curveto +502.08333 410.93942 501.89583 410.88603 501.6875 410.88603 curveto +501.34896 410.88603 501.07031 410.96155 500.85156 411.11259 curveto +500.71614 411.20634 500.64843 411.31572 500.64844 411.44071 curveto +500.64843 411.55009 500.72135 411.68551 500.86719 411.84696 curveto +501.0651 412.07093 501.16406 412.28707 501.16406 412.4954 curveto +501.16406 412.75061 501.06901 412.96806 500.87891 413.14774 curveto +500.6888 413.32744 500.4401 413.41728 500.13281 413.41728 curveto +499.80469 413.41728 499.52995 413.31832 499.30859 413.1204 curveto +499.08724 412.92249 498.97656 412.69072 498.97656 412.42509 curveto +498.97656 412.05009 499.125 411.69202 499.42188 411.35087 curveto +499.71875 411.00973 500.13281 410.74801 500.66406 410.56571 curveto +501.19531 410.38343 501.74739 410.29228 502.32031 410.29228 curveto +503.01302 410.29228 503.56119 410.43942 503.96484 410.73368 curveto +504.36848 411.02796 504.6302 411.34697 504.75 411.69071 curveto +504.82291 411.90947 504.85937 412.41207 504.85938 413.19853 curveto +504.85938 416.03446 lineto +504.85937 416.3678 504.87239 416.57743 504.89844 416.66337 curveto +504.92447 416.74931 504.96353 416.81311 505.01563 416.85478 curveto +505.0677 416.89644 505.1276 416.91728 505.19531 416.91728 curveto +505.33072 416.91728 505.46874 416.82092 505.60938 416.62821 curveto +505.84375 416.81571 lineto +505.58333 417.20113 505.31379 417.48108 505.03516 417.65556 curveto +504.7565 417.83004 504.4401 417.91728 504.08594 417.91728 curveto +503.66927 417.91728 503.34374 417.81962 503.10938 417.62431 curveto +502.875 417.42899 502.73177 417.13342 502.67969 416.73759 curveto +502.67969 416.73759 lineto +closepath +502.67969 416.16728 moveto +502.67969 413.72196 lineto +502.04948 414.09176 501.58073 414.48759 501.27344 414.90946 curveto +501.07031 415.19072 500.96875 415.47457 500.96875 415.76103 curveto +500.96875 416.00061 501.05468 416.21155 501.22656 416.39384 curveto +501.35677 416.53446 501.53906 416.60478 501.77344 416.60478 curveto +502.03385 416.60478 502.33593 416.45894 502.67969 416.16728 curveto +502.67969 416.16728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 216.17264 -312.13714] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.05469 466.40946 moveto +324.29426 467.10217 324.66666 467.623 325.17188 467.97196 curveto +325.67707 468.32092 326.30989 468.4954 327.07031 468.4954 curveto +327.27863 468.4954 327.49999 468.47456 327.73438 468.4329 curveto +327.73438 468.90946 lineto +326.94791 469.10738 326.24478 469.20633 325.625 469.20634 curveto +324.65624 469.20633 323.79036 468.96936 323.02734 468.4954 curveto +322.26432 468.02144 321.6901 467.32613 321.30469 466.40946 curveto +320.02343 466.13863 318.99088 465.51103 318.20703 464.52665 curveto +317.42318 463.54228 317.03125 462.3678 317.03125 461.00321 curveto +317.03125 459.41989 317.5625 458.10348 318.625 457.05399 curveto +319.6875 456.00453 321.03645 455.47979 322.67188 455.47978 curveto +324.30208 455.47979 325.64582 456.00583 326.70313 457.0579 curveto +327.76041 458.10999 328.28905 459.42509 328.28906 461.00321 curveto +328.28905 462.37822 327.87499 463.57353 327.04688 464.58915 curveto +326.21874 465.60478 325.22135 466.21155 324.05469 466.40946 curveto +324.05469 466.40946 lineto +closepath +322.66406 456.07353 moveto +321.72656 456.07354 321.0026 456.56051 320.49219 457.53446 curveto +320.0651 458.35218 319.85156 459.51624 319.85156 461.02665 curveto +319.85156 462.83915 320.17187 464.1829 320.8125 465.0579 curveto +321.26041 465.66728 321.8776 465.97196 322.66406 465.97196 curveto +323.45572 465.97196 324.07291 465.67248 324.51563 465.07353 curveto +325.15624 464.21415 325.47655 462.92249 325.47656 461.19853 curveto +325.47655 459.50062 325.27603 458.27145 324.875 457.51103 curveto +324.37499 456.5527 323.63801 456.07354 322.66406 456.07353 curveto +322.66406 456.07353 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +335.57031 462.40165 moveto +331.5625 462.40165 lineto +331.60937 463.3704 331.86718 464.13603 332.33594 464.69853 curveto +332.69531 465.13082 333.1276 465.34696 333.63281 465.34696 curveto +333.94531 465.34696 334.22916 465.25972 334.48438 465.08524 curveto +334.73958 464.91077 335.01301 464.59696 335.30469 464.14384 curveto +335.57031 464.31571 lineto +335.17447 465.12301 334.73697 465.69462 334.25781 466.03056 curveto +333.77864 466.36649 333.22395 466.53446 332.59375 466.53446 curveto +331.51041 466.53446 330.6901 466.1178 330.13281 465.28446 curveto +329.68489 464.61259 329.46094 463.77926 329.46094 462.78446 curveto +329.46094 461.56572 329.79036 460.59567 330.44922 459.87431 curveto +331.10807 459.15296 331.88021 458.79228 332.76563 458.79228 curveto +333.5052 458.79228 334.14713 459.09567 334.69141 459.70243 curveto +335.23567 460.30921 335.52864 461.20895 335.57031 462.40165 curveto +335.57031 462.40165 lineto +closepath +333.64844 461.87821 moveto +333.64843 461.03968 333.60286 460.46416 333.51172 460.15165 curveto +333.42057 459.83916 333.27864 459.60218 333.08594 459.44071 curveto +332.97656 459.34697 332.83073 459.30009 332.64844 459.30009 curveto +332.3776 459.30009 332.15625 459.43291 331.98438 459.69853 curveto +331.67708 460.16207 331.52343 460.79749 331.52344 461.60478 curveto +331.52344 461.87821 lineto +333.64844 461.87821 lineto +closepath +331.77344 458.15165 moveto +330.19531 455.16728 lineto +330.78906 455.16728 lineto +332.65625 456.77665 lineto +334.57031 455.21415 lineto +335.21094 455.21415 lineto +333.53906 458.15165 lineto +331.77344 458.15165 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +339.375 456.33915 moveto +339.375 459.01103 lineto +341.10938 459.01103 lineto +341.10938 459.78446 lineto +339.375 459.78446 lineto +339.375 464.29228 lineto +339.375 464.71415 339.39453 464.98629 339.43359 465.10868 curveto +339.47265 465.23108 339.54166 465.33004 339.64063 465.40556 curveto +339.73958 465.48108 339.83073 465.51884 339.91406 465.51884 curveto +340.2526 465.51884 340.57291 465.26103 340.875 464.7454 curveto +341.10938 464.91728 lineto +340.6875 465.91728 340.0026 466.41728 339.05469 466.41728 curveto +338.59114 466.41728 338.19922 466.28837 337.87891 466.03056 curveto +337.55859 465.77274 337.35417 465.48498 337.26563 465.16728 curveto +337.21354 464.99019 337.1875 464.51103 337.1875 463.72978 curveto +337.1875 459.78446 lineto +336.23438 459.78446 lineto +336.23438 459.51103 lineto +336.89062 459.04749 337.44922 458.56051 337.91016 458.05009 curveto +338.37109 457.53968 338.77343 456.96937 339.11719 456.33915 curveto +339.375 456.33915 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.85156 465.23759 moveto +344.96093 466.02405 344.16146 466.41728 343.45313 466.41728 curveto +343.03646 466.41728 342.6901 466.28056 342.41406 466.00712 curveto +342.13802 465.73368 342 465.39123 342 464.97978 curveto +342 464.42249 342.23958 463.92118 342.71875 463.47587 curveto +343.19791 463.03056 344.24218 462.43811 345.85156 461.69853 curveto +345.85156 460.96415 lineto +345.85156 460.41207 345.82161 460.06442 345.76172 459.92118 curveto +345.70182 459.77796 345.58854 459.65296 345.42188 459.54618 curveto +345.2552 459.43942 345.0677 459.38603 344.85938 459.38603 curveto +344.52083 459.38603 344.24218 459.46155 344.02344 459.61259 curveto +343.88802 459.70634 343.82031 459.81572 343.82031 459.94071 curveto +343.82031 460.05009 343.89323 460.18551 344.03906 460.34696 curveto +344.23698 460.57093 344.33593 460.78707 344.33594 460.9954 curveto +344.33593 461.25061 344.24088 461.46806 344.05078 461.64774 curveto +343.86067 461.82744 343.61198 461.91728 343.30469 461.91728 curveto +342.97656 461.91728 342.70182 461.81832 342.48047 461.6204 curveto +342.25911 461.42249 342.14844 461.19072 342.14844 460.92509 curveto +342.14844 460.55009 342.29687 460.19202 342.59375 459.85087 curveto +342.89062 459.50973 343.30469 459.24801 343.83594 459.06571 curveto +344.36718 458.88343 344.91927 458.79228 345.49219 458.79228 curveto +346.18489 458.79228 346.73307 458.93942 347.13672 459.23368 curveto +347.54036 459.52796 347.80208 459.84697 347.92188 460.19071 curveto +347.99478 460.40947 348.03124 460.91207 348.03125 461.69853 curveto +348.03125 464.53446 lineto +348.03124 464.8678 348.04426 465.07743 348.07031 465.16337 curveto +348.09635 465.24931 348.13541 465.31311 348.1875 465.35478 curveto +348.23958 465.39644 348.29947 465.41728 348.36719 465.41728 curveto +348.5026 465.41728 348.64062 465.32092 348.78125 465.12821 curveto +349.01563 465.31571 lineto +348.7552 465.70113 348.48567 465.98108 348.20703 466.15556 curveto +347.92838 466.33004 347.61197 466.41728 347.25781 466.41728 curveto +346.84114 466.41728 346.51562 466.31962 346.28125 466.12431 curveto +346.04687 465.92899 345.90364 465.63342 345.85156 465.23759 curveto +345.85156 465.23759 lineto +closepath +345.85156 464.66728 moveto +345.85156 462.22196 lineto +345.22135 462.59176 344.7526 462.98759 344.44531 463.40946 curveto +344.24218 463.69072 344.14062 463.97457 344.14063 464.26103 curveto +344.14062 464.50061 344.22656 464.71155 344.39844 464.89384 curveto +344.52864 465.03446 344.71093 465.10478 344.94531 465.10478 curveto +345.20573 465.10478 345.50781 464.95894 345.85156 464.66728 curveto +345.85156 464.66728 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 166.67517 -233.34524] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +452.28125 455.42509 moveto +452.28125 458.39384 lineto +452.28125 458.96676 452.3164 459.32743 452.38672 459.47587 curveto +452.45703 459.62431 452.58072 459.7428 452.75781 459.83134 curveto +452.93489 459.91988 453.26562 459.96415 453.75 459.96415 curveto +453.75 460.25321 lineto +448.32813 460.25321 lineto +448.32813 459.96415 lineto +448.81771 459.96415 449.14974 459.91858 449.32422 459.82743 curveto +449.4987 459.73629 449.62109 459.6178 449.69141 459.47196 curveto +449.76172 459.32613 449.79687 458.96676 449.79688 458.39384 curveto +449.79688 451.51884 lineto +449.79687 450.94593 449.76172 450.58525 449.69141 450.43681 curveto +449.62109 450.28838 449.49739 450.16989 449.32031 450.08134 curveto +449.14323 449.99281 448.8125 449.94854 448.32813 449.94853 curveto +448.32813 449.65946 lineto +453.25 449.65946 lineto +454.53124 449.65947 455.46874 449.74801 456.0625 449.92509 curveto +456.65624 450.10218 457.14062 450.429 457.51563 450.90556 curveto +457.89062 451.38213 458.07811 451.94072 458.07813 452.58134 curveto +458.07811 453.36259 457.79687 454.00843 457.23438 454.51884 curveto +456.87499 454.84176 456.37239 455.08395 455.72656 455.2454 curveto +458.27344 458.83134 lineto +458.60676 459.29488 458.84374 459.58394 458.98438 459.69853 curveto +459.19791 459.85998 459.4453 459.94853 459.72656 459.96415 curveto +459.72656 460.25321 lineto +456.39063 460.25321 lineto +452.97656 455.42509 lineto +452.28125 455.42509 lineto +closepath +452.28125 450.22978 moveto +452.28125 454.8704 lineto +452.72656 454.8704 lineto +453.45052 454.87041 453.99218 454.804 454.35156 454.67118 curveto +454.71093 454.53837 454.99348 454.29879 455.19922 453.95243 curveto +455.40494 453.60608 455.50781 453.15426 455.50781 452.59696 curveto +455.50781 451.78968 455.319 451.19333 454.94141 450.8079 curveto +454.5638 450.42249 453.95572 450.22979 453.11719 450.22978 curveto +452.28125 450.22978 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +464.16406 459.17509 moveto +463.27343 459.96155 462.47396 460.35478 461.76563 460.35478 curveto +461.34896 460.35478 461.0026 460.21806 460.72656 459.94462 curveto +460.45052 459.67118 460.3125 459.32873 460.3125 458.91728 curveto +460.3125 458.35999 460.55208 457.85868 461.03125 457.41337 curveto +461.51041 456.96806 462.55468 456.37561 464.16406 455.63603 curveto +464.16406 454.90165 lineto +464.16406 454.34957 464.13411 454.00192 464.07422 453.85868 curveto +464.01432 453.71546 463.90104 453.59046 463.73438 453.48368 curveto +463.5677 453.37692 463.3802 453.32353 463.17188 453.32353 curveto +462.83333 453.32353 462.55468 453.39905 462.33594 453.55009 curveto +462.20052 453.64384 462.13281 453.75322 462.13281 453.87821 curveto +462.13281 453.98759 462.20573 454.12301 462.35156 454.28446 curveto +462.54948 454.50843 462.64843 454.72457 462.64844 454.9329 curveto +462.64843 455.18811 462.55338 455.40556 462.36328 455.58524 curveto +462.17317 455.76494 461.92448 455.85478 461.61719 455.85478 curveto +461.28906 455.85478 461.01432 455.75582 460.79297 455.5579 curveto +460.57161 455.35999 460.46094 455.12822 460.46094 454.86259 curveto +460.46094 454.48759 460.60937 454.12952 460.90625 453.78837 curveto +461.20312 453.44723 461.61719 453.18551 462.14844 453.00321 curveto +462.67968 452.82093 463.23177 452.72978 463.80469 452.72978 curveto +464.49739 452.72978 465.04557 452.87692 465.44922 453.17118 curveto +465.85286 453.46546 466.11458 453.78447 466.23438 454.12821 curveto +466.30728 454.34697 466.34374 454.84957 466.34375 455.63603 curveto +466.34375 458.47196 lineto +466.34374 458.8053 466.35676 459.01493 466.38281 459.10087 curveto +466.40885 459.18681 466.44791 459.25061 466.5 459.29228 curveto +466.55208 459.33394 466.61197 459.35478 466.67969 459.35478 curveto +466.8151 459.35478 466.95312 459.25842 467.09375 459.06571 curveto +467.32813 459.25321 lineto +467.0677 459.63863 466.79817 459.91858 466.51953 460.09306 curveto +466.24088 460.26754 465.92447 460.35478 465.57031 460.35478 curveto +465.15364 460.35478 464.82812 460.25712 464.59375 460.06181 curveto +464.35937 459.86649 464.21614 459.57092 464.16406 459.17509 curveto +464.16406 459.17509 lineto +closepath +464.16406 458.60478 moveto +464.16406 456.15946 lineto +463.53385 456.52926 463.0651 456.92509 462.75781 457.34696 curveto +462.55468 457.62822 462.45312 457.91207 462.45313 458.19853 curveto +462.45312 458.43811 462.53906 458.64905 462.71094 458.83134 curveto +462.84114 458.97196 463.02343 459.04228 463.25781 459.04228 curveto +463.51823 459.04228 463.82031 458.89644 464.16406 458.60478 curveto +464.16406 458.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +475.23438 449.65946 moveto +475.23438 458.06571 lineto +475.23437 458.63342 475.24999 458.96936 475.28125 459.07353 curveto +475.32291 459.2454 475.40234 459.37301 475.51953 459.45634 curveto +475.63671 459.53967 475.84114 459.59175 476.13281 459.61259 curveto +476.13281 459.8704 lineto +473.04688 460.47196 lineto +473.04688 459.31571 lineto +472.67708 459.76363 472.34765 460.06832 472.05859 460.22978 curveto +471.76953 460.39123 471.4427 460.47196 471.07813 460.47196 curveto +470.14583 460.47196 469.40885 460.0553 468.86719 459.22196 curveto +468.42969 458.54488 468.21094 457.71415 468.21094 456.72978 curveto +468.21094 455.94332 468.34635 455.23889 468.61719 454.61649 curveto +468.88802 453.9941 469.25911 453.52405 469.73047 453.20634 curveto +470.20182 452.88864 470.70833 452.72978 471.25 452.72978 curveto +471.59895 452.72978 471.90885 452.79749 472.17969 452.9329 curveto +472.45052 453.06832 472.73958 453.3053 473.04688 453.64384 curveto +473.04688 451.44071 lineto +473.04687 450.88343 473.02343 450.54749 472.97656 450.4329 curveto +472.91406 450.28187 472.82031 450.16989 472.69531 450.09696 curveto +472.57031 450.02406 472.33593 449.9876 471.99219 449.98759 curveto +471.99219 449.65946 lineto +475.23438 449.65946 lineto +closepath +473.04688 454.61259 moveto +472.66145 453.87301 472.1901 453.50322 471.63281 453.50321 curveto +471.4401 453.50322 471.28125 453.5553 471.15625 453.65946 curveto +470.96354 453.82093 470.80599 454.10478 470.68359 454.51103 curveto +470.56119 454.91728 470.5 455.53968 470.5 456.37821 curveto +470.5 457.30009 470.56771 457.98238 470.70313 458.42509 curveto +470.83854 458.8678 471.02343 459.18811 471.25781 459.38603 curveto +471.3776 459.48498 471.54166 459.53446 471.75 459.53446 curveto +472.20833 459.53446 472.64062 459.17509 473.04688 458.45634 curveto +473.04688 454.61259 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +480.00781 449.65946 moveto +480.00781 456.62821 lineto +481.70313 454.96415 lineto +482.05208 454.62561 482.26953 454.38082 482.35547 454.22978 curveto +482.4414 454.07874 482.48437 453.93291 482.48438 453.79228 curveto +482.48437 453.65166 482.42708 453.53447 482.3125 453.44071 curveto +482.19791 453.34697 481.97395 453.27926 481.64063 453.23759 curveto +481.64063 452.94853 lineto +484.91406 452.94853 lineto +484.91406 453.23759 lineto +484.60155 453.25322 484.32812 453.32744 484.09375 453.46024 curveto +483.85937 453.59306 483.40103 453.9928 482.71875 454.65946 curveto +481.92188 455.44071 lineto +483.64063 457.95634 lineto +484.33333 458.97717 484.74478 459.55009 484.875 459.67509 curveto +485.05207 459.85217 485.27603 459.95113 485.54688 459.97196 curveto +485.54688 460.25321 lineto +481.77344 460.25321 lineto +481.77344 459.97196 lineto +481.9401 459.97196 482.06119 459.94071 482.13672 459.87821 curveto +482.21223 459.81571 482.24999 459.748 482.25 459.67509 curveto +482.24999 459.5553 482.14062 459.33394 481.92188 459.01103 curveto +480.47656 456.89384 lineto +480.00781 457.35478 lineto +480.00781 458.66728 lineto +480.00781 459.22457 480.05989 459.57222 480.16406 459.71024 curveto +480.26823 459.84827 480.48177 459.9355 480.80469 459.97196 curveto +480.80469 460.25321 lineto +477.03125 460.25321 lineto +477.03125 459.97196 lineto +477.33854 459.94071 477.55729 459.84175 477.6875 459.67509 curveto +477.77604 459.5605 477.82031 459.22457 477.82031 458.66728 curveto +477.82031 451.2454 lineto +477.82031 450.69333 477.76953 450.34958 477.66797 450.21415 curveto +477.56641 450.07874 477.35417 449.9902 477.03125 449.94853 curveto +477.03125 449.65946 lineto +480.00781 449.65946 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +489.97656 459.17509 moveto +489.08593 459.96155 488.28646 460.35478 487.57813 460.35478 curveto +487.16146 460.35478 486.8151 460.21806 486.53906 459.94462 curveto +486.26302 459.67118 486.125 459.32873 486.125 458.91728 curveto +486.125 458.35999 486.36458 457.85868 486.84375 457.41337 curveto +487.32291 456.96806 488.36718 456.37561 489.97656 455.63603 curveto +489.97656 454.90165 lineto +489.97656 454.34957 489.94661 454.00192 489.88672 453.85868 curveto +489.82682 453.71546 489.71354 453.59046 489.54688 453.48368 curveto +489.3802 453.37692 489.1927 453.32353 488.98438 453.32353 curveto +488.64583 453.32353 488.36718 453.39905 488.14844 453.55009 curveto +488.01302 453.64384 487.94531 453.75322 487.94531 453.87821 curveto +487.94531 453.98759 488.01823 454.12301 488.16406 454.28446 curveto +488.36198 454.50843 488.46093 454.72457 488.46094 454.9329 curveto +488.46093 455.18811 488.36588 455.40556 488.17578 455.58524 curveto +487.98567 455.76494 487.73698 455.85478 487.42969 455.85478 curveto +487.10156 455.85478 486.82682 455.75582 486.60547 455.5579 curveto +486.38411 455.35999 486.27344 455.12822 486.27344 454.86259 curveto +486.27344 454.48759 486.42187 454.12952 486.71875 453.78837 curveto +487.01562 453.44723 487.42969 453.18551 487.96094 453.00321 curveto +488.49218 452.82093 489.04427 452.72978 489.61719 452.72978 curveto +490.30989 452.72978 490.85807 452.87692 491.26172 453.17118 curveto +491.66536 453.46546 491.92708 453.78447 492.04688 454.12821 curveto +492.11978 454.34697 492.15624 454.84957 492.15625 455.63603 curveto +492.15625 458.47196 lineto +492.15624 458.8053 492.16926 459.01493 492.19531 459.10087 curveto +492.22135 459.18681 492.26041 459.25061 492.3125 459.29228 curveto +492.36458 459.33394 492.42447 459.35478 492.49219 459.35478 curveto +492.6276 459.35478 492.76562 459.25842 492.90625 459.06571 curveto +493.14063 459.25321 lineto +492.8802 459.63863 492.61067 459.91858 492.33203 460.09306 curveto +492.05338 460.26754 491.73697 460.35478 491.38281 460.35478 curveto +490.96614 460.35478 490.64062 460.25712 490.40625 460.06181 curveto +490.17187 459.86649 490.02864 459.57092 489.97656 459.17509 curveto +489.97656 459.17509 lineto +closepath +489.97656 458.60478 moveto +489.97656 456.15946 lineto +489.34635 456.52926 488.8776 456.92509 488.57031 457.34696 curveto +488.36718 457.62822 488.26562 457.91207 488.26563 458.19853 curveto +488.26562 458.43811 488.35156 458.64905 488.52344 458.83134 curveto +488.65364 458.97196 488.83593 459.04228 489.07031 459.04228 curveto +489.33073 459.04228 489.63281 458.89644 489.97656 458.60478 curveto +489.97656 458.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 18.182746 -165.66502] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.13281 520.69853 moveto +164.05469 525.03446 lineto +164.53905 525.75321 164.8841 526.18941 165.08984 526.34306 curveto +165.29556 526.4967 165.53905 526.58915 165.82031 526.6204 curveto +165.82031 526.90946 lineto +160.65625 526.90946 lineto +160.65625 526.6204 lineto +161.0677 526.58915 161.33333 526.52665 161.45313 526.4329 curveto +161.57291 526.33915 161.63281 526.22457 161.63281 526.08915 curveto +161.63281 525.9954 161.61458 525.91207 161.57813 525.83915 curveto +161.5052 525.6829 161.32291 525.39123 161.03125 524.96415 curveto +159.48438 522.67509 lineto +157.86719 524.65165 lineto +157.38281 525.25061 157.14062 525.65686 157.14063 525.8704 curveto +157.14062 526.02144 157.20312 526.16207 157.32813 526.29228 curveto +157.45312 526.42248 157.63802 526.51623 157.88281 526.57353 curveto +157.99218 526.60478 158.21614 526.6204 158.55469 526.6204 curveto +158.55469 526.90946 lineto +154.48438 526.90946 lineto +154.48438 526.6204 lineto +154.94792 526.55269 155.3125 526.42769 155.57813 526.2454 curveto +155.92708 526.00582 156.41406 525.50582 157.03906 524.7454 curveto +159.14063 522.1829 lineto +156.44531 518.22196 lineto +156.0026 517.57093 155.75 517.20895 155.6875 517.13603 curveto +155.54687 516.96416 155.40885 516.84176 155.27344 516.76884 curveto +155.13802 516.69593 154.95052 516.64124 154.71094 516.60478 curveto +154.71094 516.31571 lineto +159.96875 516.31571 lineto +159.96875 516.60478 lineto +159.70313 516.60478 lineto +159.40104 516.60479 159.1901 516.65296 159.07031 516.74931 curveto +158.95052 516.84567 158.89062 516.96676 158.89063 517.11259 curveto +158.89062 517.22718 158.90885 517.32614 158.94531 517.40946 curveto +159.48438 518.22196 lineto +160.79688 520.22196 lineto +161.91406 518.85478 lineto +162.48697 518.15166 162.77343 517.65947 162.77344 517.37821 curveto +162.77343 517.2376 162.73306 517.10739 162.65234 516.98759 curveto +162.57161 516.86781 162.45572 516.77406 162.30469 516.70634 curveto +162.15364 516.63864 161.91926 516.60479 161.60156 516.60478 curveto +161.60156 516.31571 lineto +165.5 516.31571 lineto +165.5 516.60478 lineto +165.1927 516.60999 164.9453 516.64775 164.75781 516.71806 curveto +164.5703 516.78838 164.36978 516.91989 164.15625 517.11259 curveto +164.02082 517.2376 163.68228 517.62562 163.14063 518.27665 curveto +161.13281 520.69853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +170.50781 525.83134 moveto +169.61718 526.6178 168.81771 527.01103 168.10938 527.01103 curveto +167.69271 527.01103 167.34635 526.87431 167.07031 526.60087 curveto +166.79427 526.32743 166.65625 525.98498 166.65625 525.57353 curveto +166.65625 525.01624 166.89583 524.51493 167.375 524.06962 curveto +167.85416 523.62431 168.89843 523.03186 170.50781 522.29228 curveto +170.50781 521.5579 lineto +170.50781 521.00582 170.47786 520.65817 170.41797 520.51493 curveto +170.35807 520.37171 170.24479 520.24671 170.07813 520.13993 curveto +169.91145 520.03317 169.72395 519.97978 169.51563 519.97978 curveto +169.17708 519.97978 168.89843 520.0553 168.67969 520.20634 curveto +168.54427 520.30009 168.47656 520.40947 168.47656 520.53446 curveto +168.47656 520.64384 168.54948 520.77926 168.69531 520.94071 curveto +168.89323 521.16468 168.99218 521.38082 168.99219 521.58915 curveto +168.99218 521.84436 168.89713 522.06181 168.70703 522.24149 curveto +168.51692 522.42119 168.26823 522.51103 167.96094 522.51103 curveto +167.63281 522.51103 167.35807 522.41207 167.13672 522.21415 curveto +166.91536 522.01624 166.80469 521.78447 166.80469 521.51884 curveto +166.80469 521.14384 166.95312 520.78577 167.25 520.44462 curveto +167.54687 520.10348 167.96094 519.84176 168.49219 519.65946 curveto +169.02343 519.47718 169.57552 519.38603 170.14844 519.38603 curveto +170.84114 519.38603 171.38932 519.53317 171.79297 519.82743 curveto +172.19661 520.12171 172.45833 520.44072 172.57813 520.78446 curveto +172.65103 521.00322 172.68749 521.50582 172.6875 522.29228 curveto +172.6875 525.12821 lineto +172.68749 525.46155 172.70051 525.67118 172.72656 525.75712 curveto +172.7526 525.84306 172.79166 525.90686 172.84375 525.94853 curveto +172.89583 525.99019 172.95572 526.01103 173.02344 526.01103 curveto +173.15885 526.01103 173.29687 525.91467 173.4375 525.72196 curveto +173.67188 525.90946 lineto +173.41145 526.29488 173.14192 526.57483 172.86328 526.74931 curveto +172.58463 526.92379 172.26822 527.01103 171.91406 527.01103 curveto +171.49739 527.01103 171.17187 526.91337 170.9375 526.71806 curveto +170.70312 526.52274 170.55989 526.22717 170.50781 525.83134 curveto +170.50781 525.83134 lineto +closepath +170.50781 525.26103 moveto +170.50781 522.81571 lineto +169.8776 523.18551 169.40885 523.58134 169.10156 524.00321 curveto +168.89843 524.28447 168.79687 524.56832 168.79688 524.85478 curveto +168.79687 525.09436 168.88281 525.3053 169.05469 525.48759 curveto +169.18489 525.62821 169.36718 525.69853 169.60156 525.69853 curveto +169.86198 525.69853 170.16406 525.55269 170.50781 525.26103 curveto +170.50781 525.26103 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +177.77344 527.12821 moveto +175.3125 521.46415 lineto +175.01562 520.78186 174.78385 520.34957 174.61719 520.16728 curveto +174.4974 520.03187 174.32031 519.94072 174.08594 519.89384 curveto +174.08594 519.60478 lineto +177.96875 519.60478 lineto +177.96875 519.89384 lineto +177.72395 519.89384 177.55729 519.93812 177.46875 520.02665 curveto +177.34375 520.14124 177.28125 520.27666 177.28125 520.4329 curveto +177.28125 520.62561 177.39583 520.98759 177.625 521.51884 curveto +178.82813 524.26103 lineto +179.78906 521.89384 lineto +180.0651 521.21676 180.20312 520.73759 180.20313 520.45634 curveto +180.20312 520.29489 180.14453 520.16338 180.02734 520.06181 curveto +179.91015 519.96025 179.70312 519.90426 179.40625 519.89384 curveto +179.40625 519.60478 lineto +181.79688 519.60478 lineto +181.79688 519.89384 lineto +181.5677 519.92509 181.3802 520.01103 181.23438 520.15165 curveto +181.08853 520.29228 180.86978 520.70634 180.57813 521.39384 curveto +178.14063 527.12821 lineto +177.77344 527.12821 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +188.66406 522.9954 moveto +184.65625 522.9954 lineto +184.70312 523.96415 184.96093 524.72978 185.42969 525.29228 curveto +185.78906 525.72457 186.22135 525.94071 186.72656 525.94071 curveto +187.03906 525.94071 187.32291 525.85347 187.57813 525.67899 curveto +187.83333 525.50452 188.10676 525.19071 188.39844 524.73759 curveto +188.66406 524.90946 lineto +188.26822 525.71676 187.83072 526.28837 187.35156 526.62431 curveto +186.87239 526.96024 186.3177 527.12821 185.6875 527.12821 curveto +184.60416 527.12821 183.78385 526.71155 183.22656 525.87821 curveto +182.77864 525.20634 182.55469 524.37301 182.55469 523.37821 curveto +182.55469 522.15947 182.88411 521.18942 183.54297 520.46806 curveto +184.20182 519.74671 184.97396 519.38603 185.85938 519.38603 curveto +186.59895 519.38603 187.24088 519.68942 187.78516 520.29618 curveto +188.32942 520.90296 188.62239 521.8027 188.66406 522.9954 curveto +188.66406 522.9954 lineto +closepath +186.74219 522.47196 moveto +186.74218 521.63343 186.69661 521.05791 186.60547 520.7454 curveto +186.51432 520.43291 186.37239 520.19593 186.17969 520.03446 curveto +186.07031 519.94072 185.92448 519.89384 185.74219 519.89384 curveto +185.47135 519.89384 185.25 520.02666 185.07813 520.29228 curveto +184.77083 520.75582 184.61718 521.39124 184.61719 522.19853 curveto +184.61719 522.47196 lineto +186.74219 522.47196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +192.60156 519.60478 moveto +192.60156 521.26103 lineto +193.08593 520.50582 193.51041 520.00452 193.875 519.75712 curveto +194.23958 519.50973 194.59114 519.38603 194.92969 519.38603 curveto +195.22135 519.38603 195.45442 519.47588 195.62891 519.65556 curveto +195.80338 519.83525 195.89062 520.08916 195.89063 520.41728 curveto +195.89062 520.76624 195.80598 521.03707 195.63672 521.22978 curveto +195.46744 521.42249 195.26301 521.51884 195.02344 521.51884 curveto +194.74739 521.51884 194.50781 521.4303 194.30469 521.25321 curveto +194.10156 521.07614 193.98177 520.97718 193.94531 520.95634 curveto +193.89322 520.92509 193.83333 520.90947 193.76563 520.90946 curveto +193.61458 520.90947 193.47135 520.96676 193.33594 521.08134 curveto +193.12239 521.25843 192.96093 521.51103 192.85156 521.83915 curveto +192.68489 522.34436 192.60156 522.90165 192.60156 523.51103 curveto +192.60156 525.19071 lineto +192.60938 525.62821 lineto +192.60937 525.92509 192.6276 526.11519 192.66406 526.19853 curveto +192.72656 526.33915 192.81901 526.44202 192.94141 526.50712 curveto +193.0638 526.57222 193.27083 526.61259 193.5625 526.62821 curveto +193.5625 526.90946 lineto +189.61719 526.90946 lineto +189.61719 526.62821 lineto +189.93489 526.60217 190.14974 526.51493 190.26172 526.36649 curveto +190.3737 526.21806 190.42969 525.82613 190.42969 525.19071 curveto +190.42969 521.15165 lineto +190.42969 520.73499 190.40885 520.46936 190.36719 520.35478 curveto +190.3151 520.20895 190.23958 520.10218 190.14063 520.03446 curveto +190.04167 519.96676 189.86719 519.91989 189.61719 519.89384 curveto +189.61719 519.60478 lineto +192.60156 519.60478 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -34.345187 -157.5838] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +363.85938 509.25321 moveto +363.85938 509.54228 lineto +363.51041 509.58916 363.24218 509.69072 363.05469 509.84696 curveto +362.79426 510.06572 362.3828 510.66208 361.82031 511.63603 curveto +359.52344 515.47196 lineto +359.52344 518.03446 lineto +359.52343 518.58134 359.55208 518.92118 359.60938 519.05399 curveto +359.66666 519.18681 359.77994 519.30399 359.94922 519.40556 curveto +360.11848 519.50712 360.34374 519.5579 360.625 519.5579 curveto +361.21875 519.5579 lineto +361.21875 519.84696 lineto +355.27344 519.84696 lineto +355.27344 519.5579 lineto +355.82813 519.5579 lineto +356.14062 519.5579 356.38802 519.50321 356.57031 519.39384 curveto +356.70572 519.32092 356.8125 519.19592 356.89063 519.01884 curveto +356.94791 518.89384 356.97656 518.56571 356.97656 518.03446 curveto +356.97656 515.90946 lineto +354.48438 511.3704 lineto +353.98958 510.47458 353.64062 509.94723 353.4375 509.78837 curveto +353.23437 509.62952 352.96354 509.54749 352.625 509.54228 curveto +352.625 509.25321 lineto +357.70313 509.25321 lineto +357.70313 509.54228 lineto +357.47656 509.54228 lineto +357.16927 509.54229 356.95442 509.58656 356.83203 509.67509 curveto +356.70963 509.76364 356.64843 509.85739 356.64844 509.95634 curveto +356.64843 510.14385 356.85677 510.6152 357.27344 511.3704 curveto +359.1875 514.87821 lineto +361.09375 511.6829 lineto +361.5677 510.90166 361.80468 510.38343 361.80469 510.12821 curveto +361.80468 509.9876 361.73697 509.87041 361.60156 509.77665 curveto +361.42447 509.64645 361.09895 509.56833 360.625 509.54228 curveto +360.625 509.25321 lineto +363.85938 509.25321 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +367.88281 520.06571 moveto +365.42188 514.40165 lineto +365.125 513.71936 364.89323 513.28707 364.72656 513.10478 curveto +364.60677 512.96937 364.42969 512.87822 364.19531 512.83134 curveto +364.19531 512.54228 lineto +368.07813 512.54228 lineto +368.07813 512.83134 lineto +367.83333 512.83134 367.66666 512.87562 367.57813 512.96415 curveto +367.45312 513.07874 367.39062 513.21416 367.39063 513.3704 curveto +367.39062 513.56311 367.5052 513.92509 367.73438 514.45634 curveto +368.9375 517.19853 lineto +369.89844 514.83134 lineto +370.17447 514.15426 370.31249 513.67509 370.3125 513.39384 curveto +370.31249 513.23239 370.2539 513.10088 370.13672 512.99931 curveto +370.01953 512.89775 369.81249 512.84176 369.51563 512.83134 curveto +369.51563 512.54228 lineto +371.90625 512.54228 lineto +371.90625 512.83134 lineto +371.67708 512.86259 371.48958 512.94853 371.34375 513.08915 curveto +371.19791 513.22978 370.97916 513.64384 370.6875 514.33134 curveto +368.25 520.06571 lineto +367.88281 520.06571 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +376.61719 518.76884 moveto +375.72656 519.5553 374.92708 519.94853 374.21875 519.94853 curveto +373.80208 519.94853 373.45573 519.81181 373.17969 519.53837 curveto +372.90364 519.26493 372.76562 518.92248 372.76563 518.51103 curveto +372.76562 517.95374 373.00521 517.45243 373.48438 517.00712 curveto +373.96354 516.56181 375.00781 515.96936 376.61719 515.22978 curveto +376.61719 514.4954 lineto +376.61718 513.94332 376.58724 513.59567 376.52734 513.45243 curveto +376.46744 513.30921 376.35416 513.18421 376.1875 513.07743 curveto +376.02083 512.97067 375.83333 512.91728 375.625 512.91728 curveto +375.28646 512.91728 375.00781 512.9928 374.78906 513.14384 curveto +374.65364 513.23759 374.58593 513.34697 374.58594 513.47196 curveto +374.58593 513.58134 374.65885 513.71676 374.80469 513.87821 curveto +375.0026 514.10218 375.10156 514.31832 375.10156 514.52665 curveto +375.10156 514.78186 375.00651 514.99931 374.81641 515.17899 curveto +374.6263 515.35869 374.3776 515.44853 374.07031 515.44853 curveto +373.74219 515.44853 373.46745 515.34957 373.24609 515.15165 curveto +373.02474 514.95374 372.91406 514.72197 372.91406 514.45634 curveto +372.91406 514.08134 373.0625 513.72327 373.35938 513.38212 curveto +373.65625 513.04098 374.07031 512.77926 374.60156 512.59696 curveto +375.13281 512.41468 375.68489 512.32353 376.25781 512.32353 curveto +376.95052 512.32353 377.49869 512.47067 377.90234 512.76493 curveto +378.30598 513.05921 378.5677 513.37822 378.6875 513.72196 curveto +378.76041 513.94072 378.79687 514.44332 378.79688 515.22978 curveto +378.79688 518.06571 lineto +378.79687 518.39905 378.80989 518.60868 378.83594 518.69462 curveto +378.86197 518.78056 378.90103 518.84436 378.95313 518.88603 curveto +379.0052 518.92769 379.0651 518.94853 379.13281 518.94853 curveto +379.26822 518.94853 379.40624 518.85217 379.54688 518.65946 curveto +379.78125 518.84696 lineto +379.52083 519.23238 379.25129 519.51233 378.97266 519.68681 curveto +378.694 519.86129 378.3776 519.94853 378.02344 519.94853 curveto +377.60677 519.94853 377.28124 519.85087 377.04688 519.65556 curveto +376.8125 519.46024 376.66927 519.16467 376.61719 518.76884 curveto +376.61719 518.76884 lineto +closepath +376.61719 518.19853 moveto +376.61719 515.75321 lineto +375.98698 516.12301 375.51823 516.51884 375.21094 516.94071 curveto +375.00781 517.22197 374.90625 517.50582 374.90625 517.79228 curveto +374.90625 518.03186 374.99218 518.2428 375.16406 518.42509 curveto +375.29427 518.56571 375.47656 518.63603 375.71094 518.63603 curveto +375.97135 518.63603 376.27343 518.49019 376.61719 518.19853 curveto +376.61719 518.19853 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +383.57031 512.54228 moveto +383.57031 513.48759 lineto +383.94531 513.08134 384.30468 512.78577 384.64844 512.60087 curveto +384.99218 512.41598 385.36197 512.32353 385.75781 512.32353 curveto +386.23176 512.32353 386.62499 512.45504 386.9375 512.71806 curveto +387.24999 512.98108 387.45833 513.30791 387.5625 513.69853 curveto +387.64583 513.99541 387.68749 514.56572 387.6875 515.40946 curveto +387.6875 518.25321 lineto +387.68749 518.81571 387.73827 519.16597 387.83984 519.30399 curveto +387.9414 519.44202 388.15364 519.52925 388.47656 519.56571 curveto +388.47656 519.84696 lineto +384.78125 519.84696 lineto +384.78125 519.56571 lineto +385.05729 519.52925 385.2552 519.41467 385.375 519.22196 curveto +385.45833 519.09176 385.49999 518.76884 385.5 518.25321 curveto +385.5 515.00321 lineto +385.49999 514.40426 385.47656 514.02666 385.42969 513.8704 curveto +385.38281 513.71416 385.30338 513.59306 385.19141 513.50712 curveto +385.07942 513.42119 384.95572 513.37822 384.82031 513.37821 curveto +384.37239 513.37822 383.95573 513.69853 383.57031 514.33915 curveto +383.57031 518.25321 lineto +383.57031 518.80009 383.62109 519.14644 383.72266 519.29228 curveto +383.82421 519.43811 384.01302 519.52925 384.28906 519.56571 curveto +384.28906 519.84696 lineto +380.59375 519.84696 lineto +380.59375 519.56571 lineto +380.90104 519.53446 381.11979 519.4355 381.25 519.26884 curveto +381.33854 519.15425 381.38281 518.81571 381.38281 518.25321 curveto +381.38281 514.12821 lineto +381.38281 513.57614 381.33203 513.23239 381.23047 513.09696 curveto +381.12891 512.96155 380.91667 512.87301 380.59375 512.83134 curveto +380.59375 512.54228 lineto +383.57031 512.54228 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -84.852814 -151.52288] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +556.54688 504.22196 moveto +550.32031 514.22196 lineto +552.33594 514.22196 lineto +553.28906 514.22196 553.95572 514.16207 554.33594 514.04228 curveto +554.95572 513.85478 555.48957 513.50972 555.9375 513.00712 curveto +556.38541 512.50452 556.6953 511.83134 556.86719 510.98759 curveto +557.17188 510.98759 lineto +556.74219 514.81571 lineto +547.03906 514.81571 lineto +553.27344 504.80009 lineto +551.70313 504.80009 lineto +551.09375 504.8001 550.6927 504.81833 550.5 504.85478 curveto +550.13541 504.92249 549.79297 505.05661 549.47266 505.25712 curveto +549.15234 505.45765 548.88672 505.72458 548.67578 506.0579 curveto +548.46484 506.39124 548.29948 506.81312 548.17969 507.32353 curveto +547.89063 507.32353 lineto +548.17969 504.22196 lineto +556.54688 504.22196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +561.45313 507.29228 moveto +562.08854 507.29228 562.67968 507.45634 563.22656 507.78446 curveto +563.77343 508.11259 564.1888 508.57874 564.47266 509.1829 curveto +564.7565 509.78707 564.89843 510.44853 564.89844 511.16728 curveto +564.89843 512.20374 564.63541 513.07092 564.10938 513.76884 curveto +563.47395 514.61259 562.59635 515.03446 561.47656 515.03446 curveto +560.3776 515.03446 559.53125 514.64905 558.9375 513.87821 curveto +558.34375 513.10738 558.04687 512.21415 558.04688 511.19853 curveto +558.04687 510.15165 558.35026 509.2389 558.95703 508.46024 curveto +559.5638 507.68161 560.39583 507.29228 561.45313 507.29228 curveto +561.45313 507.29228 lineto +closepath +561.48438 507.84696 moveto +561.21875 507.84697 560.99088 507.94723 560.80078 508.14774 curveto +560.61067 508.34827 560.48567 508.7441 560.42578 509.33524 curveto +560.36588 509.92639 560.33593 510.74801 560.33594 511.80009 curveto +560.33593 512.35738 560.37239 512.87821 560.44531 513.36259 curveto +560.5026 513.73238 560.625 514.01363 560.8125 514.20634 curveto +561 514.39905 561.21354 514.4954 561.45313 514.4954 curveto +561.6875 514.4954 561.88281 514.4303 562.03906 514.30009 curveto +562.24218 514.123 562.3776 513.87561 562.44531 513.5579 curveto +562.54947 513.06311 562.60156 512.06311 562.60156 510.5579 curveto +562.60156 509.67249 562.55208 509.06442 562.45313 508.73368 curveto +562.35416 508.40296 562.20833 508.16207 562.01563 508.01103 curveto +561.8802 507.90166 561.70312 507.84697 561.48438 507.84696 curveto +561.48438 507.84696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +569.03906 507.51103 moveto +569.03906 509.16728 lineto +569.52343 508.41207 569.94791 507.91077 570.3125 507.66337 curveto +570.67708 507.41598 571.02864 507.29228 571.36719 507.29228 curveto +571.65885 507.29228 571.89192 507.38213 572.06641 507.56181 curveto +572.24088 507.7415 572.32812 507.99541 572.32813 508.32353 curveto +572.32812 508.67249 572.24348 508.94332 572.07422 509.13603 curveto +571.90494 509.32874 571.70051 509.42509 571.46094 509.42509 curveto +571.18489 509.42509 570.94531 509.33655 570.74219 509.15946 curveto +570.53906 508.98239 570.41927 508.88343 570.38281 508.86259 curveto +570.33072 508.83134 570.27083 508.81572 570.20313 508.81571 curveto +570.05208 508.81572 569.90885 508.87301 569.77344 508.98759 curveto +569.55989 509.16468 569.39843 509.41728 569.28906 509.7454 curveto +569.12239 510.25061 569.03906 510.8079 569.03906 511.41728 curveto +569.03906 513.09696 lineto +569.04688 513.53446 lineto +569.04687 513.83134 569.0651 514.02144 569.10156 514.10478 curveto +569.16406 514.2454 569.25651 514.34827 569.37891 514.41337 curveto +569.5013 514.47847 569.70833 514.51884 570 514.53446 curveto +570 514.81571 lineto +566.05469 514.81571 lineto +566.05469 514.53446 lineto +566.37239 514.50842 566.58724 514.42118 566.69922 514.27274 curveto +566.8112 514.12431 566.86719 513.73238 566.86719 513.09696 curveto +566.86719 509.0579 lineto +566.86719 508.64124 566.84635 508.37561 566.80469 508.26103 curveto +566.7526 508.1152 566.67708 508.00843 566.57813 507.94071 curveto +566.47917 507.87301 566.30469 507.82614 566.05469 507.80009 curveto +566.05469 507.51103 lineto +569.03906 507.51103 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +576.54688 507.29228 moveto +577.18229 507.29228 577.77343 507.45634 578.32031 507.78446 curveto +578.86718 508.11259 579.28255 508.57874 579.56641 509.1829 curveto +579.85025 509.78707 579.99218 510.44853 579.99219 511.16728 curveto +579.99218 512.20374 579.72916 513.07092 579.20313 513.76884 curveto +578.5677 514.61259 577.6901 515.03446 576.57031 515.03446 curveto +575.47135 515.03446 574.625 514.64905 574.03125 513.87821 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577.10938 508.01103 curveto +576.97395 507.90166 576.79687 507.84697 576.57813 507.84696 curveto +576.57813 507.84696 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +217.84571 241.8726 moveto +112.37947 241.20969 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +230.53575 263.52774 moveto +202.28305 309.26872 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +405.35714 93.790753 moveto +245.40393 242.03044 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.0120103 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +349.32751 261.29941 moveto +339.65338 309.67309 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.0365281 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +363.54691 240.18127 moveto +494.95649 167.48681 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.0201147 setlinewidth +0 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167.54202 110.15409 167.31351 109.96072 curveto +167.08499 109.76737 166.83011 109.65897 166.54886 109.63553 curveto +166.54886 109.31033 lineto +171.10159 109.31033 lineto +171.10159 109.63553 lineto +170.86429 109.64432 lineto +170.40726 109.80252 lineto +170.36038 109.84354 170.33694 109.91093 170.33694 110.00467 curveto +170.33694 110.09257 170.35159 110.18339 170.38089 110.27713 curveto +170.39846 110.31815 170.48049 110.47636 170.62698 110.75174 curveto +171.26859 111.94705 lineto +171.60257 111.47244 lineto +172.07131 110.82792 172.30569 110.37675 172.30569 110.11893 curveto +172.30569 109.99589 172.25442 109.89188 172.15189 109.80692 curveto +172.04934 109.72196 171.86624 109.66483 171.60257 109.63553 curveto +171.60257 109.31033 lineto +174.51175 109.31033 lineto +174.51175 109.63553 lineto +174.15432 109.64726 173.82034 109.75712 173.5098 109.96512 curveto +173.19924 110.17313 172.85061 110.57597 172.4639 111.17361 curveto +171.60257 112.49197 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -1.6399605] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 61.871843 184.10032] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +106.96191 238.65942 moveto +104.30762 232.5686 lineto +103.90918 231.64869 103.61475 231.08326 103.42432 230.87231 curveto +103.23389 230.66138 103.00391 230.5149 102.73438 230.43286 curveto +102.73438 230.10767 lineto +107.10254 230.10767 lineto +107.10254 230.43286 lineto +106.81543 230.44459 106.61328 230.50025 106.49609 230.59985 curveto +106.3789 230.69947 106.32031 230.81959 106.32031 230.96021 curveto +106.32031 231.18287 106.46679 231.62232 106.75977 232.27856 curveto +108.16602 235.49536 lineto +109.12402 233.00806 lineto +109.46972 232.1233 109.64257 231.50806 109.64258 231.16235 curveto +109.64257 230.94556 109.57079 230.77271 109.42725 230.6438 curveto +109.28368 230.5149 109.03027 230.44459 108.66699 230.43286 curveto +108.66699 230.10767 lineto +111.41797 230.10767 lineto +111.41797 230.43286 lineto +111.14843 230.46217 110.9287 230.56617 110.75879 230.74487 curveto +110.58886 230.92359 110.30468 231.5315 109.90625 232.5686 curveto +107.55957 238.65942 lineto +106.96777 240.18286 106.52832 241.12036 106.24121 241.47192 curveto +105.83691 241.96411 105.33008 242.2102 104.7207 242.21021 curveto +104.23437 242.2102 103.84033 242.07104 103.53857 241.79272 curveto +103.23682 241.5144 103.08594 241.17895 103.08594 240.78638 curveto +103.08594 240.44653 103.18994 240.16528 103.39795 239.94263 curveto +103.60596 239.71997 103.8623 239.60864 104.16699 239.60864 curveto +104.45996 239.60864 104.6958 239.70239 104.87451 239.88989 curveto +105.05322 240.07739 105.14551 240.36743 105.15137 240.76001 curveto +105.15722 240.98266 105.18359 241.12622 105.23047 241.19067 curveto +105.27734 241.25512 105.34472 241.28735 105.43262 241.28735 curveto +105.57324 241.28735 105.72265 241.20239 105.88086 241.03247 curveto +106.11523 240.78637 106.39062 240.22388 106.70703 239.34497 curveto +106.96191 238.65942 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -1.6399605] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 187.63583 184.10032] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +236.23714 240.26782 moveto +229.08284 240.26782 lineto +229.08284 240.07446 lineto +233.60042 232.58618 lineto +232.28206 232.58618 lineto +231.7137 232.58619 231.30647 232.63746 231.06038 232.73999 curveto +230.81428 232.84254 230.61506 233.0066 230.46272 233.23218 curveto +230.31038 233.45777 230.15217 233.8606 229.98811 234.44067 curveto +229.6805 234.44067 lineto +229.6805 232.05005 lineto +236.59749 232.05005 lineto +236.59749 232.28735 lineto +232.11507 239.70532 lineto +232.67757 239.70532 lineto +233.80256 239.70532 234.61408 239.54419 235.11214 239.22192 curveto +235.61018 238.89966 235.98518 238.31079 236.23714 237.45532 curveto +236.48323 237.45532 lineto +236.23714 240.26782 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 397.49502 182.8407] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0.4009269 0.1651095] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +451.34363 238.75258 moveto +444.18933 238.75258 lineto +444.18933 238.55922 lineto +448.70691 231.07094 lineto +447.38855 231.07094 lineto +446.82019 231.07095 446.41296 231.12222 446.16687 231.22475 curveto +445.92077 231.32729 445.72156 231.49136 445.56921 231.71693 curveto +445.41687 231.94253 445.25867 232.34536 445.0946 232.92543 curveto +444.78699 232.92543 lineto +444.78699 230.53481 lineto +451.70398 230.53481 lineto +451.70398 230.77211 lineto +447.22156 238.19008 lineto +447.78406 238.19008 lineto +448.90905 238.19008 449.72058 238.02895 450.21863 237.70668 curveto +450.71667 237.38442 451.09167 236.79555 451.34363 235.94008 curveto +451.58972 235.94008 lineto +451.34363 238.75258 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +433.39286 231.29075 moveto +441.25 231.29075 lineto +441.25 238.43361 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.2278686 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +387.46481 125.2627 moveto +435.79102 219.01525 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +324.00643 219.61922 moveto +372.74629 126.43264 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 335.35216 60.100997] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +381.46176 111.23237 moveto +382.88559 113.9394 lineto +383.37777 114.88276 383.76742 115.48042 384.05453 115.73237 curveto +384.21273 115.86713 384.42953 115.94038 384.70493 115.9521 curveto +384.70493 116.2685 lineto +380.12582 116.2685 lineto +380.12582 115.9521 lineto +380.48324 115.9228 380.70443 115.87592 380.7894 115.81147 curveto +380.87435 115.74702 380.91683 115.65913 380.91684 115.5478 curveto +380.91683 115.38374 380.82308 115.12592 380.63559 114.77436 curveto +379.92368 113.43842 lineto +379.31723 114.32612 lineto +379.04184 114.73042 378.88656 114.97065 378.85141 115.04682 curveto +378.80453 115.15815 378.78109 115.25776 378.7811 115.34565 curveto +378.78109 115.48042 378.80893 115.59321 378.86459 115.68403 curveto +378.92025 115.77485 378.99643 115.84223 379.09311 115.88618 curveto +379.18979 115.93012 379.36703 115.9521 379.62485 115.9521 curveto +379.62485 116.2685 lineto +376.40805 116.2685 lineto +376.40805 115.9521 lineto +376.80649 115.9521 377.17123 115.84223 377.50229 115.62251 curveto +377.83334 115.40278 378.31527 114.8271 378.94809 113.89545 curveto +379.62485 112.8935 lineto +378.20981 110.27436 lineto +377.74692 109.4189 377.40121 108.89449 377.1727 108.70112 curveto +376.94418 108.50777 376.6893 108.39937 376.40805 108.37592 curveto +376.40805 108.05073 lineto +380.96078 108.05073 lineto +380.96078 108.37592 lineto +380.72348 108.38471 lineto +380.26645 108.54292 lineto +380.21957 108.58394 380.19613 108.65132 380.19614 108.74506 curveto +380.19613 108.83296 380.21078 108.92378 380.24008 109.01752 curveto +380.25766 109.05855 380.33969 109.21675 380.48618 109.49213 curveto +381.12778 110.68745 lineto +381.46176 110.21284 lineto +381.93051 109.56831 382.16488 109.11714 382.16489 108.85932 curveto +382.16488 108.73628 382.11361 108.63228 382.01108 108.54731 curveto +381.90853 108.46236 381.72543 108.40523 381.46176 108.37592 curveto +381.46176 108.05073 lineto +384.37094 108.05073 lineto +384.37094 108.37592 lineto +384.01351 108.38765 383.67953 108.49751 383.36899 108.70551 curveto +383.05843 108.91353 382.7098 109.31636 382.32309 109.91401 curveto +381.46176 111.23237 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 -0.3803425] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 271.73103 182.8407] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 1.4384636 -0.2494407] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +320.60916 237.64925 moveto +317.95486 231.55843 lineto +317.55643 230.63851 317.26199 230.07308 317.07156 229.86214 curveto +316.88113 229.65121 316.65115 229.50472 316.38162 229.42268 curveto +316.38162 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.42268 lineto +320.46267 229.43441 320.26052 229.49007 320.14334 229.58968 curveto +320.02615 229.68929 319.96756 229.80941 319.96756 229.95003 curveto +319.96756 230.17269 320.11404 230.61214 320.40701 231.26839 curveto +321.81326 234.48518 lineto +322.77127 231.99788 lineto +323.11697 231.11312 323.28982 230.49789 323.28983 230.15218 curveto +323.28982 229.93539 323.21804 229.76254 323.07449 229.63362 curveto +322.93093 229.50472 322.67751 229.43441 322.31424 229.42268 curveto +322.31424 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.42268 lineto +324.79568 229.45199 324.57595 229.55599 324.40604 229.7347 curveto +324.23611 229.91341 323.95193 230.52132 323.5535 231.55843 curveto +321.20682 237.64925 lineto +320.61502 239.17268 320.17556 240.11018 319.88846 240.46175 curveto +319.48416 240.95393 318.97732 241.20002 318.36795 241.20003 curveto +317.88162 241.20002 317.48758 241.06086 317.18582 240.78255 curveto +316.88406 240.50422 316.73318 240.16877 316.73318 239.7762 curveto +316.73318 239.43635 316.83719 239.1551 317.0452 238.93245 curveto +317.2532 238.70979 317.50955 238.59846 317.81424 238.59846 curveto +318.10721 238.59846 318.34305 238.69221 318.52176 238.87971 curveto +318.70047 239.06721 318.79275 239.35725 318.79861 239.74983 curveto +318.80447 239.97249 318.83084 240.11604 318.87772 240.1805 curveto +318.92459 240.24495 318.99197 240.27717 319.07986 240.27718 curveto +319.22049 240.27717 319.3699 240.19221 319.52811 240.02229 curveto +319.76248 239.7762 320.03787 239.2137 320.35428 238.33479 curveto +320.60916 237.64925 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +306.42857 230.39789 moveto +314.28571 230.39789 lineto +314.28571 237.54075 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +334.34545 234.51898 moveto +425.28925 234.51898 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.2278686 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +598.5867 125.2627 moveto +646.91291 219.01524 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +535.12832 219.61922 moveto +583.86818 126.43264 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 608.61691 180.82039] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +652.82367 234.35118 moveto +652.82367 237.40977 lineto +652.82367 237.83165 652.85736 238.11876 652.92474 238.2711 curveto +652.99212 238.42344 653.09613 238.53477 653.23676 238.60509 curveto +653.37738 238.6754 653.65277 238.71055 654.06293 238.71056 curveto +654.06293 239.03575 lineto +649.37836 239.03575 lineto +649.37836 238.71056 lineto +649.74164 238.69883 650.01117 238.59629 650.18695 238.40294 curveto +650.30414 238.26817 650.36273 237.91954 650.36273 237.35704 curveto +650.36273 228.68224 lineto +650.36273 228.10216 650.29535 227.73156 650.16058 227.57042 curveto +650.02582 227.40929 649.76507 227.31701 649.37836 227.29356 curveto +649.37836 226.96837 lineto +652.82367 226.96837 lineto +652.82367 228.04942 lineto +653.11077 227.62756 653.40374 227.32287 653.70258 227.13536 curveto +654.1303 226.85998 654.59612 226.72228 655.10004 226.72227 curveto +655.70355 226.72228 656.25286 226.91271 656.74799 227.29356 curveto +657.24309 227.67443 657.61956 228.20031 657.87738 228.8712 curveto +658.13518 229.5421 658.26409 230.26427 658.2641 231.0377 curveto +658.26409 231.86974 658.13079 232.62999 657.8642 233.31847 curveto +657.59759 234.00694 657.21087 234.53136 656.70404 234.89171 curveto +656.1972 235.25206 655.63323 235.43224 655.01215 235.43224 curveto +654.56097 235.43224 654.13909 235.33263 653.74652 235.13341 curveto +653.45355 234.98106 653.14593 234.72032 652.82367 234.35118 curveto +652.82367 234.35118 lineto +closepath +652.82367 233.46349 moveto +653.32757 234.17833 653.86663 234.53575 654.44086 234.53575 curveto +654.75726 234.53575 655.018 234.36876 655.22308 234.03477 curveto +655.52776 233.54259 655.68011 232.60509 655.68011 231.22227 curveto +655.68011 229.80431 655.51312 228.83459 655.17914 228.3131 curveto +654.95648 227.9674 654.65765 227.79455 654.28265 227.79454 curveto +653.69085 227.79455 653.20452 228.22228 652.82367 229.07774 curveto +652.82367 233.46349 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 546.47405 58.080692] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0.1933818 0.7649642] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.9054 108.45753 moveto +599.32922 111.16456 lineto +599.8214 112.10792 600.21105 112.70557 600.49817 112.95753 curveto +600.65636 113.09229 600.87316 113.16554 601.14856 113.17725 curveto +601.14856 113.49366 lineto +596.56946 113.49366 lineto +596.56946 113.17725 lineto +596.92688 113.14796 597.14807 113.10108 597.23303 113.03663 curveto +597.31799 112.97218 597.36047 112.88429 597.36047 112.77296 curveto +597.36047 112.6089 597.26672 112.35108 597.07922 111.99952 curveto +596.36731 110.66358 lineto +595.76086 111.55128 lineto +595.48547 111.95558 595.3302 112.19581 595.29504 112.27198 curveto +595.24817 112.38331 595.22473 112.48292 595.22473 112.57081 curveto +595.22473 112.70557 595.25256 112.81837 595.30823 112.90919 curveto +595.36389 113.00001 595.44006 113.06739 595.53674 113.11134 curveto +595.63342 113.15528 595.81067 113.17725 596.06848 113.17725 curveto +596.06848 113.49366 lineto +592.85168 113.49366 lineto +592.85168 113.17725 lineto +593.25012 113.17725 593.61487 113.06739 593.94592 112.84766 curveto +594.27698 112.62794 594.75891 112.05226 595.39172 111.12061 curveto +596.06848 110.11866 lineto +594.65344 107.49952 lineto +594.19055 106.64406 593.84485 106.11964 593.61633 105.92628 curveto +593.38782 105.73293 593.13293 105.62453 592.85168 105.60108 curveto +592.85168 105.27589 lineto +597.40442 105.27589 lineto +597.40442 105.60108 lineto +597.16711 105.60987 lineto +596.71008 105.76807 lineto +596.6632 105.8091 596.63977 105.87648 596.63977 105.97022 curveto +596.63977 106.05812 596.65441 106.14894 596.68372 106.24268 curveto +596.70129 106.28371 596.78332 106.44191 596.92981 106.71729 curveto +597.57141 107.91261 lineto +597.9054 107.438 lineto +598.37414 106.79347 598.60851 106.3423 598.60852 106.08448 curveto +598.60851 105.96144 598.55724 105.85744 598.45471 105.77247 curveto +598.35217 105.68752 598.16906 105.63039 597.9054 105.60108 curveto +597.9054 105.27589 lineto +600.81458 105.27589 lineto +600.81458 105.60108 lineto +600.45715 105.61281 600.12316 105.72267 599.81262 105.93067 curveto +599.50207 106.13869 599.15344 106.54152 598.76672 107.13917 curveto +597.9054 108.45753 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +582.32143 105.75503 moveto +590.17857 105.75503 lineto +590.17857 112.89789 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 1.639965] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 482.85292 180.82039] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +61.103219 51.466813 moveto +61.429896 60.243001 54.572322 67.630835 45.796134 67.957512 curveto +37.019946 68.28419 29.632112 61.426616 29.305435 52.650428 curveto +28.978757 43.87424 35.836331 36.486406 44.612519 36.159729 curveto +53.36973 35.833757 60.745403 42.656761 61.101117 51.412814 curveto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 212.56035 -2.2697507] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +320.60916 237.64925 moveto +317.95486 231.55843 lineto +317.55643 230.63851 317.26199 230.07308 317.07156 229.86214 curveto +316.88113 229.65121 316.65115 229.50472 316.38162 229.42268 curveto +316.38162 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.09749 lineto +320.74979 229.42268 lineto +320.46267 229.43441 320.26052 229.49007 320.14334 229.58968 curveto +320.02615 229.68929 319.96756 229.80941 319.96756 229.95003 curveto +319.96756 230.17269 320.11404 230.61214 320.40701 231.26839 curveto +321.81326 234.48518 lineto +322.77127 231.99788 lineto +323.11697 231.11312 323.28982 230.49789 323.28983 230.15218 curveto +323.28982 229.93539 323.21804 229.76254 323.07449 229.63362 curveto +322.93093 229.50472 322.67751 229.43441 322.31424 229.42268 curveto +322.31424 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.09749 lineto +325.06522 229.42268 lineto +324.79568 229.45199 324.57595 229.55599 324.40604 229.7347 curveto +324.23611 229.91341 323.95193 230.52132 323.5535 231.55843 curveto +321.20682 237.64925 lineto +320.61502 239.17268 320.17556 240.11018 319.88846 240.46175 curveto +319.48416 240.95393 318.97732 241.20002 318.36795 241.20003 curveto +317.88162 241.20002 317.48758 241.06086 317.18582 240.78255 curveto +316.88406 240.50422 316.73318 240.16877 316.73318 239.7762 curveto +316.73318 239.43635 316.83719 239.1551 317.0452 238.93245 curveto +317.2532 238.70979 317.50955 238.59846 317.81424 238.59846 curveto +318.10721 238.59846 318.34305 238.69221 318.52176 238.87971 curveto +318.70047 239.06721 318.79275 239.35725 318.79861 239.74983 curveto +318.80447 239.97249 318.83084 240.11604 318.87772 240.1805 curveto +318.92459 240.24495 318.99197 240.27717 319.07986 240.27718 curveto 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+newpath +124.48627 234.51898 moveto +193.04043 423.61254 361.60478 298.38835 510.64715 234.51897 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +397.96658 111.77927 moveto +574.26828 111.77927 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +186.08708 110.76912 moveto +311.59973 -20.744417 445.13885 95.004922 574.26828 111.77927 curveto +stroke +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/10-prevody/nezmna_graf.svg b/old/10-prevody/nezmna_graf.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca6dd6c --- /dev/null +++ b/old/10-prevody/nezmna_graf.svg @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x + + + + y + + + + z + + + + + + z + + + + + + + + + x + + + + + y + + + + + + + + + + + p + + + + + x + + + + + + + y + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/old/10-prevody/prevody.eps b/old/10-prevody/prevody.eps new file mode 100644 index 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47.469887 110.08659 47.62809 curveto +110.24479 47.72184 110.63443 47.792153 111.25553 47.839027 curveto +111.25553 48.164223 lineto +107.29166 48.164223 lineto +107.29166 47.839027 lineto +107.7194 47.774575 108.07096 47.597329 108.34635 47.307289 curveto +108.62174 47.017251 108.96158 46.418131 109.36588 45.509926 curveto +113.62858 36.00016 lineto +113.79557 36.00016 lineto +118.09342 45.773598 lineto +118.50357 46.69938 118.84048 47.282388 119.10416 47.522621 curveto +119.30337 47.704262 119.58462 47.809731 119.94791 47.839027 curveto +119.94791 48.164223 lineto +114.18229 48.164223 lineto +114.18229 47.839027 lineto +114.41959 47.839027 lineto +114.88248 47.839028 115.20767 47.774575 115.39518 47.645668 curveto +115.52408 47.551919 115.58853 47.417153 115.58854 47.241371 curveto +115.58853 47.135903 115.57095 47.027505 115.5358 46.916176 curveto +115.52408 46.863443 115.43619 46.643716 115.27213 46.256996 curveto +114.63932 44.771645 lineto +closepath +114.34049 44.121254 moveto +112.5651 40.016762 lineto +110.73698 44.121254 lineto +114.34049 44.121254 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.51432 36.246254 moveto +131.51432 39.47184 lineto +131.19791 39.47184 lineto +131.0104 38.727709 130.8024 38.193041 130.57389 37.867836 curveto +130.34536 37.542651 130.03189 37.283374 129.63346 37.090004 curveto +129.4108 36.984546 129.02115 36.931812 128.46452 36.931801 curveto +127.57682 36.931801 lineto +127.57682 46.12516 lineto +127.57681 46.734537 127.6105 47.115396 127.67789 47.267738 curveto +127.74527 47.420083 127.87711 47.553383 128.0734 47.667641 curveto +128.26968 47.781899 128.53775 47.839028 128.8776 47.839027 curveto +129.27311 47.839027 lineto +129.27311 48.164223 lineto +123.03288 48.164223 lineto +123.03288 47.839027 lineto +123.42838 47.839027 lineto +123.77408 47.839028 124.0524 47.777504 124.26334 47.654457 curveto +124.41568 47.572426 124.5358 47.431802 124.6237 47.232582 curveto +124.68814 47.091958 124.72037 46.722818 124.72038 46.12516 curveto +124.72038 36.931801 lineto +123.85905 36.931801 lineto +123.05631 36.931812 122.4733 37.101734 122.11002 37.441566 curveto +121.60026 37.916186 121.27799 38.592943 121.14323 39.47184 curveto +120.80924 39.47184 lineto +120.80924 36.246254 lineto +131.51432 36.246254 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 18.337837 1.0142138] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +43.888672 106.51924 moveto +49.768555 113.91084 lineto +49.768555 108.78682 lineto +49.768544 108.07198 49.666005 107.58859 49.460938 107.33662 curveto +49.179678 106.99679 48.707999 106.83273 48.045898 106.84443 curveto +48.045898 106.51924 lineto +51.983398 106.51924 lineto +51.983398 106.84443 lineto +51.47948 106.9089 51.141102 106.9924 50.968262 107.09492 curveto +50.795399 107.19747 50.660633 107.36447 50.563965 107.5959 curveto +50.467274 107.82736 50.418934 108.22433 50.418945 108.78682 curveto +50.418945 118.70967 lineto +50.120117 118.70967 lineto +42.060547 108.78682 lineto +42.060547 116.36299 lineto +42.060544 117.04854 42.217282 117.51143 42.530762 117.75166 curveto +42.844235 117.9919 43.203121 118.11201 43.607422 118.11201 curveto +43.888672 118.11201 lineto +43.888672 118.43721 lineto +39.661133 118.43721 lineto +39.661133 118.11201 lineto +40.317382 118.10615 40.774413 117.97139 41.032227 117.70772 curveto +41.290037 117.44404 41.418943 116.9958 41.418945 116.36299 curveto +41.418945 107.95186 lineto +41.164063 107.63545 lineto +40.912108 107.31905 40.689452 107.11105 40.496094 107.01143 curveto +40.302733 106.91183 40.024413 106.85616 39.661133 106.84443 curveto +39.661133 106.51924 lineto +43.888672 106.51924 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +59.981445 114.03389 moveto +55.472656 114.03389 lineto +55.525388 115.12373 55.815426 115.98506 56.342773 116.61787 curveto +56.747066 117.1042 57.233394 117.34737 57.801758 117.34736 curveto +58.153315 117.34737 58.47265 117.24922 58.759766 117.05293 curveto +59.046868 116.85664 59.354485 116.50362 59.682617 115.99385 curveto +59.981445 116.18721 lineto +59.536126 117.09541 59.043939 117.73848 58.504883 118.11641 curveto +57.965815 118.49434 57.341792 118.6833 56.632813 118.6833 curveto +55.41406 118.6833 54.491209 118.21455 53.864258 117.27705 curveto +53.360351 116.52119 53.108398 115.5837 53.108398 114.46455 curveto +53.108398 113.09346 53.479003 112.00216 54.220215 111.19063 curveto +54.961423 110.37911 55.830075 109.97335 56.826172 109.97334 curveto +57.658198 109.97335 58.380365 110.31466 58.992676 110.99727 curveto +59.604973 111.67989 59.934563 112.6921 59.981445 114.03389 curveto +59.981445 114.03389 lineto +closepath +57.819336 113.44502 moveto +57.819331 112.50167 57.768061 111.85421 57.665527 111.50264 curveto +57.562983 111.15108 57.403315 110.88448 57.186523 110.70283 curveto +57.063472 110.59737 56.89941 110.54464 56.694336 110.54463 curveto +56.389644 110.54464 56.140621 110.69405 55.947266 110.99287 curveto +55.601559 111.51436 55.428708 112.22921 55.428711 113.1374 curveto +55.428711 113.44502 lineto +57.819336 113.44502 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +67.733398 118.43721 moveto +60.579102 118.43721 lineto +60.579102 118.24385 lineto +65.09668 110.75557 lineto +63.77832 110.75557 lineto +63.209958 110.75558 62.802732 110.80684 62.556641 110.90938 curveto +62.310545 111.01192 62.111326 111.17598 61.958984 111.40156 curveto +61.806639 111.62716 61.648436 112.02999 61.484375 112.61006 curveto +61.176758 112.61006 lineto +61.176758 110.21943 lineto +68.09375 110.21943 lineto +68.09375 110.45674 lineto +63.611328 117.87471 lineto +64.173828 117.87471 lineto +65.298823 117.87471 66.110346 117.71358 66.608398 117.39131 curveto +67.106439 117.06905 67.481438 116.48018 67.733398 115.62471 curveto +67.979492 115.62471 lineto +67.733398 118.43721 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +73.516602 117.22432 moveto +72.514644 118.10908 71.615231 118.55147 70.818359 118.55147 curveto +70.349607 118.55147 69.959959 118.39766 69.649414 118.09004 curveto +69.338866 117.78242 69.183593 117.39717 69.183594 116.93428 curveto +69.183593 116.30733 69.453124 115.74336 69.992188 115.24238 curveto +70.531248 114.74141 71.706051 114.07491 73.516602 113.24287 curveto +73.516602 112.4167 lineto +73.516596 111.79561 73.482905 111.4045 73.415527 111.24336 curveto +73.34814 111.08223 73.220698 110.94161 73.033203 110.82149 curveto +72.845699 110.70138 72.634761 110.64132 72.400391 110.64131 curveto +72.019528 110.64132 71.706051 110.72628 71.459961 110.89619 curveto +71.307614 111.00167 71.231442 111.12472 71.231445 111.26533 curveto +71.231442 111.38839 71.313474 111.54073 71.477539 111.72236 curveto +71.700192 111.97432 71.81152 112.21749 71.811523 112.45186 curveto +71.81152 112.73897 71.704587 112.9836 71.490723 113.18574 curveto +71.276853 113.3879 70.997068 113.48897 70.651367 113.48897 curveto +70.282225 113.48897 69.973143 113.37764 69.724121 113.15498 curveto +69.475097 112.93233 69.350585 112.67159 69.350586 112.37275 curveto +69.350585 111.95089 69.517577 111.54805 69.851563 111.16426 curveto +70.185545 110.78048 70.651365 110.48604 71.249023 110.28096 curveto +71.846676 110.07589 72.467769 109.97335 73.112305 109.97334 curveto +73.891596 109.97335 74.508295 110.13888 74.962402 110.46992 curveto +75.416497 110.80099 75.71093 111.15987 75.845703 111.54658 curveto +75.927727 111.79268 75.968742 112.35811 75.96875 113.24287 curveto +75.96875 116.4333 lineto +75.968742 116.8083 75.983391 117.04414 76.012695 117.14082 curveto +76.041985 117.2375 76.08593 117.30928 76.144531 117.35615 curveto +76.203117 117.40303 76.2705 117.42647 76.34668 117.42647 curveto +76.499015 117.42647 76.654289 117.31807 76.8125 117.10127 curveto +77.076172 117.31221 lineto +76.783195 117.7458 76.479972 118.06074 76.166504 118.25703 curveto +75.85302 118.45332 75.497063 118.55147 75.098633 118.55147 curveto +74.629877 118.55147 74.263666 118.4416 74 118.22188 curveto +73.736323 118.00215 73.57519 117.66963 73.516602 117.22432 curveto +73.516602 117.22432 lineto +closepath +73.516602 116.58272 moveto +73.516602 113.83174 lineto +72.807613 114.24776 72.28027 114.69307 71.93457 115.16768 curveto +71.706051 115.48409 71.591794 115.80342 71.591797 116.12568 curveto +71.591794 116.39522 71.688473 116.63252 71.881836 116.8376 curveto +72.028317 116.9958 72.233395 117.0749 72.49707 117.0749 curveto +72.790035 117.0749 73.129878 116.91084 73.516602 116.58272 curveto +73.516602 116.58272 lineto +closepath +75.555664 106.11494 moveto +72.646484 109.16475 lineto +71.890625 109.16475 lineto +72.910156 106.11494 lineto +75.555664 106.11494 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.69043 118.6833 moveto +78.921875 112.31123 lineto +78.587889 111.54366 78.327147 111.05733 78.139648 110.85225 curveto +78.004882 110.69991 77.805664 110.59737 77.541992 110.54463 curveto +77.541992 110.21943 lineto +81.910156 110.21943 lineto +81.910156 110.54463 lineto +81.634761 110.54464 81.447262 110.59444 81.347656 110.69404 curveto +81.207027 110.82296 81.136715 110.9753 81.136719 111.15108 curveto +81.136715 111.36788 81.265621 111.77511 81.523438 112.37275 curveto +82.876953 115.45772 lineto +83.958008 112.79463 lineto +84.268548 112.03292 84.423821 111.49386 84.423828 111.17744 curveto +84.423821 110.99581 84.357903 110.84786 84.226074 110.73359 curveto +84.094232 110.61934 83.861322 110.55636 83.527344 110.54463 curveto +83.527344 110.21943 lineto +86.216797 110.21943 lineto +86.216797 110.54463 lineto +85.958976 110.57979 85.748039 110.67647 85.583984 110.83467 curveto +85.419914 110.99288 85.17382 111.4587 84.845703 112.23213 curveto +82.103516 118.6833 lineto +81.69043 118.6833 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +88.958984 106.23799 moveto +89.339841 106.238 89.662106 106.3713 89.925781 106.63789 curveto +90.189449 106.9045 90.321285 107.22531 90.321289 107.60029 curveto +90.321285 107.9753 90.187984 108.29464 89.921387 108.5583 curveto +89.654782 108.82198 89.333981 108.95382 88.958984 108.95381 curveto +88.583982 108.95382 88.264647 108.82198 88.000977 108.5583 curveto +87.737303 108.29464 87.605468 107.9753 87.605469 107.60029 curveto +87.605468 107.22531 87.737303 106.9045 88.000977 106.63789 curveto +88.264647 106.3713 88.583982 106.238 88.958984 106.23799 curveto +88.958984 106.23799 lineto +closepath +90.189453 110.21943 moveto +90.189453 116.73213 lineto +90.189449 117.31221 90.256832 117.68281 90.391602 117.84395 curveto +90.526363 118.00508 90.790035 118.09736 91.182617 118.1208 curveto +91.182617 118.43721 lineto +86.744141 118.43721 lineto +86.744141 118.1208 lineto +87.107421 118.10908 87.376952 118.00361 87.552734 117.8044 curveto +87.669921 117.66963 87.728514 117.31221 87.728516 116.73213 curveto +87.728516 111.9333 lineto +87.728514 111.35323 87.661132 110.98263 87.526367 110.82149 curveto +87.391601 110.66036 87.130859 110.56808 86.744141 110.54463 curveto +86.744141 110.21943 lineto +90.189453 110.21943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +97.167969 109.99092 moveto +97.299805 112.79463 lineto +97.000977 112.79463 lineto +96.643549 111.96261 96.272944 111.39425 95.88916 111.08955 curveto +95.505367 110.78487 95.123043 110.63253 94.742188 110.63252 curveto +94.50195 110.63253 94.296872 110.71309 94.126953 110.87422 curveto +93.957029 111.03536 93.872068 111.22139 93.87207 111.43233 curveto +93.872068 111.59054 93.930661 111.74288 94.047852 111.88936 curveto +94.235349 112.1296 94.759762 112.54122 95.621094 113.12422 curveto +96.482417 113.70723 97.049311 114.20235 97.321777 114.60957 curveto +97.594232 115.0168 97.730462 115.47237 97.730469 115.97627 curveto +97.730462 116.4333 97.616205 116.88155 97.387695 117.321 curveto +97.159174 117.76045 96.836909 118.09736 96.420898 118.33174 curveto +96.004878 118.56611 95.544918 118.6833 95.041016 118.6833 curveto +94.648434 118.6833 94.124021 118.56025 93.467773 118.31416 curveto +93.29199 118.24971 93.171873 118.21748 93.107422 118.21748 curveto +92.914061 118.21748 92.752928 118.36397 92.624023 118.65693 curveto +92.333984 118.65693 lineto +92.193359 115.70381 lineto +92.492188 115.70381 lineto +92.755858 116.47725 93.117674 117.05733 93.577637 117.44404 curveto +94.037595 117.83076 94.472653 118.02412 94.882813 118.02412 curveto +95.164059 118.02412 95.394039 117.9377 95.572754 117.76484 curveto +95.75146 117.59199 95.840816 117.38252 95.84082 117.13643 curveto +95.840816 116.85518 95.752925 116.61201 95.577148 116.40693 curveto +95.401363 116.20186 95.008785 115.89131 94.399414 115.47529 curveto +93.502928 114.8542 92.92285 114.37959 92.65918 114.05147 curveto +92.27246 113.571 92.079101 113.04073 92.079102 112.46065 curveto +92.079101 111.82784 92.297362 111.25509 92.733887 110.74238 curveto +93.170408 110.2297 93.801755 109.97335 94.62793 109.97334 curveto +95.073238 109.97335 95.503902 110.08175 95.919922 110.29854 curveto +96.07812 110.38643 96.207026 110.43038 96.306641 110.43037 curveto +96.412104 110.43038 96.497065 110.40841 96.561523 110.36445 curveto +96.625971 110.32052 96.72851 110.19601 96.869141 109.99092 curveto +97.167969 109.99092 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +102.18652 106.51924 moveto +102.18652 116.73213 lineto +102.18652 117.31221 102.2539 117.68281 102.38867 117.84395 curveto +102.52343 118.00508 102.7871 118.09736 103.17969 118.1208 curveto +103.17969 118.43721 lineto +98.741211 118.43721 lineto +98.741211 118.1208 lineto +99.104491 118.10908 99.374022 118.00361 99.549805 117.8044 curveto +99.666991 117.66963 99.725585 117.31221 99.725586 116.73213 curveto +99.725586 108.22432 lineto +99.725585 107.65011 99.658202 107.28243 99.523438 107.12129 curveto +99.388671 106.96017 99.127929 106.86788 98.741211 106.84443 curveto +98.741211 106.51924 lineto +102.18652 106.51924 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +108.49707 117.22432 moveto +107.49511 118.10908 106.5957 118.55147 105.79883 118.55147 curveto +105.33008 118.55147 104.94043 118.39766 104.62988 118.09004 curveto +104.31933 117.78242 104.16406 117.39717 104.16406 116.93428 curveto +104.16406 116.30733 104.43359 115.74336 104.97266 115.24238 curveto +105.51172 114.74141 106.68652 114.07491 108.49707 113.24287 curveto +108.49707 112.4167 lineto +108.49707 111.79561 108.46337 111.4045 108.396 111.24336 curveto +108.32861 111.08223 108.20117 110.94161 108.01367 110.82149 curveto +107.82617 110.70138 107.61523 110.64132 107.38086 110.64131 curveto +107 110.64132 106.68652 110.72628 106.44043 110.89619 curveto +106.28808 111.00167 106.21191 111.12472 106.21191 111.26533 curveto +106.21191 111.38839 106.29394 111.54073 106.45801 111.72236 curveto +106.68066 111.97432 106.79199 112.21749 106.79199 112.45186 curveto +106.79199 112.73897 106.68506 112.9836 106.47119 113.18574 curveto +106.25732 113.3879 105.97754 113.48897 105.63184 113.48897 curveto +105.26269 113.48897 104.95361 113.37764 104.70459 113.15498 curveto +104.45557 112.93233 104.33105 112.67159 104.33105 112.37275 curveto +104.33105 111.95089 104.49805 111.54805 104.83203 111.16426 curveto +105.16601 110.78048 105.63183 110.48604 106.22949 110.28096 curveto +106.82714 110.07589 107.44824 109.97335 108.09277 109.97334 curveto +108.87206 109.97335 109.48876 110.13888 109.94287 110.46992 curveto +110.39697 110.80099 110.6914 111.15987 110.82617 111.54658 curveto +110.9082 111.79268 110.94921 112.35811 110.94922 113.24287 curveto +110.94922 116.4333 lineto +110.94921 116.8083 110.96386 117.04414 110.99316 117.14082 curveto +111.02245 117.2375 111.0664 117.30928 111.125 117.35615 curveto +111.18359 117.40303 111.25097 117.42647 111.32715 117.42647 curveto +111.47948 117.42647 111.63476 117.31807 111.79297 117.10127 curveto +112.05664 117.31221 lineto +111.76366 117.7458 111.46044 118.06074 111.14697 118.25703 curveto +110.83349 118.45332 110.47753 118.55147 110.0791 118.55147 curveto +109.61035 118.55147 109.24413 118.4416 108.98047 118.22188 curveto +108.71679 118.00215 108.55566 117.66963 108.49707 117.22432 curveto +108.49707 117.22432 lineto +closepath +108.49707 116.58272 moveto +108.49707 113.83174 lineto +107.78808 114.24776 107.26074 114.69307 106.91504 115.16768 curveto +106.68652 115.48409 106.57226 115.80342 106.57227 116.12568 curveto +106.57226 116.39522 106.66894 116.63252 106.8623 116.8376 curveto +107.00879 116.9958 107.21386 117.0749 107.47754 117.0749 curveto +107.7705 117.0749 108.11035 116.91084 108.49707 116.58272 curveto +108.49707 116.58272 lineto +closepath +110.53613 106.11494 moveto +107.62695 109.16475 lineto +106.87109 109.16475 lineto +107.89063 106.11494 lineto +110.53613 106.11494 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +43.422852 132.71943 moveto +43.422852 133.80049 lineto +43.874019 133.30831 44.291499 132.96407 44.675293 132.76777 curveto +45.059076 132.57149 45.479486 132.47335 45.936523 132.47334 curveto +46.46386 132.47335 46.906242 132.5964 47.263672 132.84248 curveto +47.621086 133.08858 47.896476 133.46358 48.089844 133.96748 curveto +48.558585 133.44015 49.008291 133.05929 49.438965 132.8249 curveto +49.869618 132.59054 50.319325 132.47335 50.788086 132.47334 curveto +51.356433 132.47335 51.80907 132.60372 52.145996 132.86445 curveto +52.482897 133.1252 52.717272 133.45626 52.849121 133.85762 curveto +52.980943 134.25899 53.046861 134.89913 53.046875 135.77803 curveto +53.046875 139.14424 lineto +53.046861 139.77705 53.10399 140.16963 53.218262 140.32197 curveto +53.332506 140.47432 53.571275 140.57393 53.93457 140.6208 curveto +53.93457 140.93721 lineto +49.689453 140.93721 lineto +49.689453 140.6208 lineto +50.023427 140.59151 50.26952 140.4626 50.427734 140.23408 curveto +50.533192 140.07588 50.585926 139.7126 50.585938 139.14424 curveto +50.585938 135.61104 lineto +50.585926 134.87862 50.556629 134.4128 50.498047 134.21358 curveto +50.439442 134.01436 50.347157 133.86641 50.221191 133.76973 curveto +50.095204 133.67306 49.947255 133.62472 49.777344 133.62471 curveto +49.525381 133.62472 49.270498 133.717 49.012695 133.90156 curveto +48.754873 134.08614 48.494132 134.363 48.230469 134.73213 curveto +48.230469 139.14424 lineto +48.23046 139.73604 48.280265 140.10811 48.379883 140.26045 curveto +48.514639 140.47725 48.772452 140.59736 49.15332 140.6208 curveto +49.15332 140.93721 lineto +44.899414 140.93721 lineto +44.899414 140.6208 lineto +45.127924 140.60908 45.3081 140.55195 45.439941 140.44941 curveto +45.571771 140.34688 45.659662 140.22383 45.703613 140.08027 curveto +45.747552 139.93672 45.769525 139.62471 45.769531 139.14424 curveto +45.769531 135.61104 lineto +45.769525 134.8669 45.740228 134.40108 45.681641 134.21358 curveto +45.623041 134.02608 45.524896 133.8796 45.387207 133.77412 curveto +45.249506 133.66866 45.101557 133.61593 44.943359 133.61592 curveto +44.708979 133.61593 44.495112 133.67745 44.301758 133.80049 curveto +44.026363 133.98214 43.733394 134.29268 43.422852 134.73213 curveto +43.422852 139.14424 lineto +43.422848 139.72432 43.479976 140.10664 43.594238 140.29121 curveto +43.708492 140.47578 43.947261 140.58565 44.310547 140.6208 curveto +44.310547 140.93721 lineto +40.074219 140.93721 lineto +40.074219 140.6208 lineto +40.419921 140.58565 40.666014 140.47432 40.8125 140.28682 curveto +40.912108 140.15791 40.961913 139.77705 40.961914 139.14424 curveto +40.961914 134.50361 lineto +40.961913 133.88253 40.904784 133.49581 40.790527 133.34346 curveto +40.676268 133.19112 40.437499 133.09151 40.074219 133.04463 curveto +40.074219 132.71943 lineto +43.422852 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +58.381836 132.71943 moveto +58.381836 133.78291 lineto +58.803707 133.32589 59.208003 132.99337 59.594727 132.78535 curveto +59.98144 132.57735 60.397455 132.47335 60.842773 132.47334 curveto +61.37597 132.47335 61.818352 132.6213 62.169922 132.91719 curveto +62.521476 133.21309 62.755851 133.58077 62.873047 134.02022 curveto +62.966788 134.35421 63.013663 134.99581 63.013672 135.94502 curveto +63.013672 139.14424 lineto +63.013663 139.77705 63.070792 140.1711 63.185059 140.32637 curveto +63.299308 140.48164 63.538077 140.57979 63.901367 140.6208 curveto +63.901367 140.93721 lineto +59.744141 140.93721 lineto +59.744141 140.6208 lineto +60.054682 140.57979 60.277338 140.45088 60.412109 140.23408 curveto +60.505853 140.0876 60.552728 139.72432 60.552734 139.14424 curveto +60.552734 135.48799 lineto +60.552728 134.81417 60.526361 134.38936 60.473633 134.21358 curveto +60.420892 134.0378 60.331537 133.90157 60.205566 133.80488 curveto +60.079584 133.70821 59.940424 133.65987 59.788086 133.65986 curveto +59.284175 133.65987 58.815425 134.02022 58.381836 134.74092 curveto +58.381836 139.14424 lineto +58.381832 139.75947 58.438961 140.14912 58.553223 140.31318 curveto +58.667476 140.47725 58.879878 140.57979 59.19043 140.6208 curveto +59.19043 140.93721 lineto +55.033203 140.93721 lineto +55.033203 140.6208 lineto +55.378905 140.58565 55.624999 140.47432 55.771484 140.28682 curveto +55.871092 140.15791 55.920897 139.77705 55.920898 139.14424 curveto +55.920898 134.50361 lineto +55.920897 133.88253 55.863768 133.49581 55.749512 133.34346 curveto +55.635253 133.19112 55.396483 133.09151 55.033203 133.04463 curveto +55.033203 132.71943 lineto +58.381836 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +68.919922 132.47334 moveto +69.63476 132.47335 70.299799 132.65792 70.915039 133.02705 curveto +71.530266 133.3962 71.997551 133.92061 72.316895 134.60029 curveto +72.636222 135.27999 72.79589 136.02413 72.795898 136.83272 curveto +72.79589 137.99873 72.499992 138.97432 71.908203 139.75947 curveto +71.193353 140.70869 70.206049 141.1833 68.946289 141.1833 curveto +67.709958 141.1833 66.75781 140.74971 66.089844 139.88252 curveto +65.421874 139.01533 65.08789 138.01045 65.087891 136.86787 curveto +65.08789 135.69014 65.429198 134.66329 66.111816 133.78731 curveto +66.794431 132.91134 67.730465 132.47335 68.919922 132.47334 curveto +68.919922 132.47334 lineto +closepath +68.955078 133.09736 moveto +68.656246 133.09737 68.399898 133.21016 68.186035 133.43574 curveto +67.972164 133.66134 67.83154 134.10665 67.76416 134.77168 curveto +67.696774 135.43673 67.663083 136.36104 67.663086 137.54463 curveto +67.663083 138.17159 67.704098 138.75752 67.786133 139.30244 curveto +67.850583 139.71846 67.988278 140.03487 68.199219 140.25166 curveto +68.410152 140.46846 68.650386 140.57686 68.919922 140.57686 curveto +69.183589 140.57686 69.403315 140.50361 69.579102 140.35713 curveto +69.807612 140.15791 69.959955 139.87959 70.036133 139.52217 curveto +70.153315 138.96553 70.211908 137.84053 70.211914 136.14717 curveto +70.211908 135.15108 70.156244 134.467 70.044922 134.09492 curveto +69.933588 133.72286 69.769526 133.45186 69.552734 133.28193 curveto +69.400386 133.1589 69.201167 133.09737 68.955078 133.09736 curveto +68.955078 133.09736 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +80.776367 140.93721 moveto +73.62207 140.93721 lineto +73.62207 140.74385 lineto +78.139648 133.25557 lineto +76.821289 133.25557 lineto +76.252927 133.25558 75.845701 133.30684 75.599609 133.40938 curveto +75.353514 133.51192 75.154295 133.67598 75.001953 133.90156 curveto +74.849608 134.12716 74.691405 134.52999 74.527344 135.11006 curveto +74.219727 135.11006 lineto +74.219727 132.71943 lineto +81.136719 132.71943 lineto +81.136719 132.95674 lineto +76.654297 140.37471 lineto +77.216797 140.37471 lineto +78.341792 140.37471 79.153315 140.21358 79.651367 139.89131 curveto +80.149407 139.56905 80.524407 138.98018 80.776367 138.12471 curveto +81.022461 138.12471 lineto +80.776367 140.93721 lineto +closepath +76.733398 131.75264 moveto +74.958008 128.39522 lineto +75.625977 128.39522 lineto +77.726563 130.20576 lineto +79.879883 128.44795 lineto +80.600586 128.44795 lineto +78.719727 131.75264 lineto +76.733398 131.75264 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +84.001953 128.73799 moveto +84.38281 128.738 84.705075 128.8713 84.96875 129.13789 curveto +85.232418 129.4045 85.364254 129.72531 85.364258 130.10029 curveto +85.364254 130.4753 85.230953 130.79464 84.964355 131.0583 curveto +84.697751 131.32198 84.37695 131.45382 84.001953 131.45381 curveto +83.626951 131.45382 83.307615 131.32198 83.043945 131.0583 curveto +82.780272 130.79464 82.648436 130.4753 82.648438 130.10029 curveto +82.648436 129.72531 82.780272 129.4045 83.043945 129.13789 curveto +83.307615 128.8713 83.626951 128.738 84.001953 128.73799 curveto +84.001953 128.73799 lineto +closepath +85.232422 132.71943 moveto +85.232422 139.23213 lineto +85.232418 139.81221 85.299801 140.18281 85.43457 140.34395 curveto +85.569332 140.50508 85.833003 140.59736 86.225586 140.6208 curveto +86.225586 140.93721 lineto +81.787109 140.93721 lineto +81.787109 140.6208 lineto +82.15039 140.60908 82.419921 140.50361 82.595703 140.3044 curveto +82.712889 140.16963 82.771483 139.81221 82.771484 139.23213 curveto +82.771484 134.4333 lineto +82.771483 133.85323 82.7041 133.48263 82.569336 133.32149 curveto +82.434569 133.16036 82.173827 133.06808 81.787109 133.04463 curveto +81.787109 132.71943 lineto +85.232422 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +90.374023 132.71943 moveto +90.374023 133.78291 lineto +90.795894 133.32589 91.200191 132.99337 91.586914 132.78535 curveto +91.973627 132.57735 92.389642 132.47335 92.834961 132.47334 curveto +93.368157 132.47335 93.810539 132.6213 94.162109 132.91719 curveto +94.513664 133.21309 94.748039 133.58077 94.865234 134.02022 curveto +94.958976 134.35421 95.005851 134.99581 95.005859 135.94502 curveto +95.005859 139.14424 lineto +95.005851 139.77705 95.06298 140.1711 95.177246 140.32637 curveto +95.291495 140.48164 95.530264 140.57979 95.893555 140.6208 curveto +95.893555 140.93721 lineto +91.736328 140.93721 lineto +91.736328 140.6208 lineto +92.046869 140.57979 92.269525 140.45088 92.404297 140.23408 curveto +92.498041 140.0876 92.544916 139.72432 92.544922 139.14424 curveto +92.544922 135.48799 lineto +92.544916 134.81417 92.518549 134.38936 92.46582 134.21358 curveto +92.41308 134.0378 92.323725 133.90157 92.197754 133.80488 curveto +92.071772 133.70821 91.932612 133.65987 91.780273 133.65986 curveto +91.276362 133.65987 90.807613 134.02022 90.374023 134.74092 curveto +90.374023 139.14424 lineto +90.374019 139.75947 90.431148 140.14912 90.54541 140.31318 curveto +90.659664 140.47725 90.872066 140.57979 91.182617 140.6208 curveto +91.182617 140.93721 lineto +87.025391 140.93721 lineto +87.025391 140.6208 lineto +87.371093 140.58565 87.617186 140.47432 87.763672 140.28682 curveto +87.86328 140.15791 87.913084 139.77705 87.913086 139.14424 curveto +87.913086 134.50361 lineto +87.913084 133.88253 87.855956 133.49581 87.741699 133.34346 curveto +87.62744 133.19112 87.388671 133.09151 87.025391 133.04463 curveto +87.025391 132.71943 lineto +90.374023 132.71943 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +101.57129 139.72432 moveto +100.56933 140.60908 99.669919 141.05147 98.873047 141.05147 curveto +98.404295 141.05147 98.014647 140.89766 97.704102 140.59004 curveto +97.393554 140.28242 97.23828 139.89717 97.238281 139.43428 curveto +97.23828 138.80733 97.507811 138.24336 98.046875 137.74238 curveto +98.585935 137.24141 99.760739 136.57491 101.57129 135.74287 curveto +101.57129 134.9167 lineto +101.57128 134.29561 101.53759 133.9045 101.47021 133.74336 curveto +101.40283 133.58223 101.27539 133.44161 101.08789 133.32149 curveto +100.90039 133.20138 100.68945 133.14132 100.45508 133.14131 curveto +100.07422 133.14132 99.760739 133.22628 99.514648 133.39619 curveto +99.362302 133.50167 99.28613 133.62472 99.286133 133.76533 curveto +99.28613 133.88839 99.368161 134.04073 99.532227 134.22236 curveto +99.754879 134.47432 99.866208 134.71749 99.866211 134.95186 curveto +99.866208 135.23897 99.759274 135.4836 99.54541 135.68574 curveto +99.33154 135.8879 99.051755 135.98897 98.706055 135.98897 curveto +98.336912 135.98897 98.02783 135.87764 97.778809 135.65498 curveto +97.529784 135.43233 97.405272 135.17159 97.405273 134.87275 curveto +97.405272 134.45089 97.572264 134.04805 97.90625 133.66426 curveto +98.240233 133.28048 98.706052 132.98604 99.303711 132.78096 curveto +99.901364 132.57589 100.52246 132.47335 101.16699 132.47334 curveto +101.94628 132.47335 102.56298 132.63888 103.01709 132.96992 curveto +103.47118 133.30099 103.76562 133.65987 103.90039 134.04658 curveto +103.98241 134.29268 104.02343 134.85811 104.02344 135.74287 curveto +104.02344 138.9333 lineto +104.02343 139.3083 104.03808 139.54414 104.06738 139.64082 curveto +104.09667 139.7375 104.14062 139.80928 104.19922 139.85615 curveto +104.2578 139.90303 104.32519 139.92647 104.40137 139.92647 curveto +104.5537 139.92647 104.70898 139.81807 104.86719 139.60127 curveto +105.13086 139.81221 lineto +104.83788 140.2458 104.53466 140.56074 104.22119 140.75703 curveto +103.90771 140.95332 103.55175 141.05147 103.15332 141.05147 curveto +102.68456 141.05147 102.31835 140.9416 102.05469 140.72188 curveto +101.79101 140.50215 101.62988 140.16963 101.57129 139.72432 curveto +101.57129 139.72432 lineto +closepath +101.57129 139.08272 moveto +101.57129 136.33174 lineto +100.8623 136.74776 100.33496 137.19307 99.989258 137.66768 curveto +99.760739 137.98409 99.646481 138.30342 99.646484 138.62568 curveto +99.646481 138.89522 99.743161 139.13252 99.936523 139.3376 curveto +100.083 139.4958 100.28808 139.5749 100.55176 139.5749 curveto +100.84472 139.5749 101.18457 139.41084 101.57129 139.08272 curveto +101.57129 139.08272 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +53.033009 102.06117 moveto +135.36044 102.06117 lineto +135.36044 147.2655 lineto +53.033009 147.2655 lineto +53.033009 102.06117 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -9.0913729 -13.131983] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 4.2096291 -3.4522312] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +196.60059 58.898145 moveto +196.60059 58.590528 lineto +197.26855 58.397175 197.73144 58.217 197.98926 58.050001 curveto +198.24707 57.883016 198.46972 57.628133 198.65723 57.285352 curveto +198.84472 56.942587 198.93847 56.595419 198.93848 56.243849 curveto +198.93847 55.75753 198.76123 55.34005 198.40674 54.991407 curveto +198.05224 54.642785 197.61132 54.468468 197.08398 54.468458 curveto +196.26367 54.468468 195.5664 54.902062 194.99219 55.769239 curveto +194.66699 55.654981 lineto +195.08887 54.676476 195.62939 53.941125 196.28857 53.448927 curveto +196.94775 52.956751 197.68164 52.710658 198.49023 52.710645 curveto +199.3164 52.710658 199.99755 52.96261 200.53369 53.466505 curveto +201.06982 53.970422 201.33788 54.559289 201.33789 55.233106 curveto +201.33788 55.672569 201.21337 56.095908 200.96436 56.503126 curveto +200.71533 56.91036 200.32421 57.269247 199.79102 57.579786 curveto +200.47656 57.913777 200.9995 58.325398 201.35986 58.814649 curveto +201.72021 59.303913 201.90038 59.917682 201.90039 60.655958 curveto +201.90038 61.898148 201.45068 62.9543 200.55127 63.824415 curveto +199.65185 64.694532 198.44628 65.129591 196.93457 65.129591 curveto +195.92676 65.129591 195.1914 64.962598 194.72852 64.628614 curveto +194.39453 64.39424 194.22754 64.092482 194.22754 63.723341 curveto +194.22754 63.453811 194.32422 63.223831 194.51758 63.033399 curveto +194.71094 62.842972 194.93359 62.747757 195.18555 62.747755 curveto +195.3789 62.747757 195.56055 62.788773 195.73047 62.870802 curveto +195.82422 62.917679 196.15674 63.174026 196.72803 63.639845 curveto +197.29931 64.105666 197.83398 64.338576 198.33203 64.338575 curveto +198.76562 64.338576 199.13769 64.167189 199.44824 63.824415 curveto +199.75878 63.481643 199.91406 63.046585 199.91406 62.519239 curveto +199.91406 61.716508 199.63281 60.976763 199.07031 60.300001 curveto +198.50781 59.623248 197.68457 59.155964 196.60059 58.898145 curveto +196.60059 58.898145 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +215.89258 52.684278 moveto +215.98926 56.656935 lineto +215.62891 56.656935 lineto +215.45898 55.66085 215.0415 54.859581 214.37646 54.253126 curveto +213.71142 53.646692 212.99218 53.343469 212.21875 53.343458 curveto +211.62109 53.343469 211.14795 53.503137 210.79932 53.822462 curveto +210.45068 54.141809 210.27636 54.509484 210.27637 54.925489 curveto +210.27636 55.189171 210.33789 55.423546 210.46094 55.628614 curveto +210.63086 55.904014 210.90332 56.176474 211.27832 56.445997 curveto +211.55371 56.639365 212.18945 56.982138 213.18555 57.474317 curveto +214.58007 58.159871 215.5205 58.807331 216.00684 59.4167 curveto +216.4873 60.02608 216.72753 60.723345 216.72754 61.508497 curveto +216.72753 62.504593 216.33935 63.361526 215.56299 64.079298 curveto +214.78661 64.797071 213.80077 65.155958 212.60547 65.155958 curveto +212.23046 65.155958 211.87597 65.117872 211.54199 65.0417 curveto +211.208 64.965528 210.78906 64.821974 210.28516 64.611036 curveto +210.0039 64.493849 209.77246 64.435255 209.59082 64.435255 curveto +209.43847 64.435255 209.27734 64.493849 209.10742 64.611036 curveto +208.9375 64.728224 208.7998 64.906934 208.69434 65.147169 curveto +208.36914 65.147169 lineto +208.36914 60.647169 lineto +208.69434 60.647169 lineto +208.95215 61.912797 209.44873 62.878128 210.18408 63.543165 curveto +210.91943 64.208205 211.71191 64.540724 212.56152 64.540724 curveto +213.21777 64.540724 213.74072 64.362013 214.13037 64.004591 curveto +214.52001 63.64717 214.71484 63.231155 214.71484 62.756544 curveto +214.71484 62.475296 214.64013 62.202836 214.49072 61.939161 curveto +214.3413 61.675492 214.11425 61.425004 213.80957 61.187696 curveto +213.50488 60.950395 212.96581 60.641314 212.19238 60.26045 curveto +211.10839 59.727252 210.3291 59.273151 209.85449 58.898145 curveto +209.37988 58.523152 209.01514 58.104207 208.76025 57.64131 curveto +208.50537 57.178427 208.37793 56.668661 208.37793 56.112013 curveto +208.37793 55.162804 208.72656 54.354211 209.42383 53.686231 curveto +210.12109 53.018274 211 52.68429 212.06055 52.684278 curveto +212.44726 52.68429 212.82226 52.731165 213.18555 52.824903 curveto +213.46093 52.895228 213.79638 53.025599 214.19189 53.216017 curveto +214.5874 53.406458 214.86425 53.501672 215.02246 53.501661 curveto +215.1748 53.501672 215.29491 53.454797 215.38281 53.361036 curveto +215.4707 53.267298 215.55273 53.041712 215.62891 52.684278 curveto +215.89258 52.684278 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.94531 61.48213 moveto +220.73535 61.48213 lineto +220.23438 62.642286 lineto +220.07031 63.029007 219.98828 63.348342 219.98828 63.600294 curveto +219.98828 63.934279 220.12304 64.180373 220.39258 64.338575 curveto +220.55078 64.432326 220.94043 64.502638 221.56152 64.549513 curveto +221.56152 64.874708 lineto +217.59766 64.874708 lineto +217.59766 64.549513 lineto +218.02539 64.48506 218.37695 64.307814 218.65234 64.017774 curveto +218.92773 63.727736 219.26758 63.128616 219.67188 62.220411 curveto +223.93457 52.710645 lineto +224.10156 52.710645 lineto +228.39941 62.484083 lineto +228.80956 63.409866 229.14647 63.992873 229.41016 64.233106 curveto +229.60936 64.414747 229.89061 64.520216 230.25391 64.549513 curveto +230.25391 64.874708 lineto +224.48828 64.874708 lineto +224.48828 64.549513 lineto +224.72559 64.549513 lineto +225.18847 64.549513 225.51366 64.48506 225.70117 64.356153 curveto +225.83007 64.262404 225.89452 64.127638 225.89453 63.951856 curveto +225.89452 63.846389 225.87694 63.73799 225.8418 63.626661 curveto +225.83007 63.573928 225.74218 63.354202 225.57813 62.967481 curveto +224.94531 61.48213 lineto +closepath +224.64648 60.831739 moveto +222.87109 56.727247 lineto +221.04297 60.831739 lineto +224.64648 60.831739 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +241.82031 52.956739 moveto +241.82031 56.182325 lineto +241.50391 56.182325 lineto +241.3164 55.438194 241.10839 54.903527 240.87988 54.578321 curveto +240.65136 54.253137 240.33788 53.993859 239.93945 53.800489 curveto +239.71679 53.695032 239.32714 53.642297 238.77051 53.642286 curveto +237.88281 53.642286 lineto +237.88281 62.835645 lineto +237.88281 63.445022 237.9165 63.825881 237.98389 63.978224 curveto +238.05126 64.130568 238.1831 64.263869 238.37939 64.378126 curveto +238.57568 64.492384 238.84374 64.549513 239.18359 64.549513 curveto +239.5791 64.549513 lineto +239.5791 64.874708 lineto +233.33887 64.874708 lineto +233.33887 64.549513 lineto +233.73438 64.549513 lineto +234.08007 64.549513 234.35839 64.48799 234.56934 64.364942 curveto +234.72168 64.282912 234.84179 64.142287 234.92969 63.943067 curveto +234.99414 63.802443 235.02636 63.433303 235.02637 62.835645 curveto +235.02637 53.642286 lineto +234.16504 53.642286 lineto +233.3623 53.642297 232.77929 53.812219 232.41602 54.152052 curveto +231.90625 54.626671 231.58398 55.303428 231.44922 56.182325 curveto +231.11523 56.182325 lineto +231.11523 52.956739 lineto +241.82031 52.956739 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +195.21198 44.735016 moveto +249.25513 44.735016 lineto +249.25513 66.200758 lineto +195.21198 66.200758 lineto +195.21198 44.735016 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -1.5152288 -7.5761441] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 7.4356842 18.468011] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +193.56934 108.39815 moveto +193.56934 108.09053 lineto +194.2373 107.89718 194.70019 107.717 194.95801 107.55 curveto +195.21582 107.38302 195.43847 107.12813 195.62598 106.78535 curveto +195.81347 106.44259 195.90722 106.09542 195.90723 105.74385 curveto +195.90722 105.25753 195.72998 104.84005 195.37549 104.49141 curveto +195.02099 104.14278 194.58007 103.96847 194.05273 103.96846 curveto +193.23242 103.96847 192.53515 104.40206 191.96094 105.26924 curveto +191.63574 105.15498 lineto +192.05762 104.17648 192.59814 103.44113 193.25732 102.94893 curveto +193.9165 102.45675 194.65039 102.21066 195.45898 102.21065 curveto +196.28515 102.21066 196.9663 102.46261 197.50244 102.9665 curveto +198.03857 103.47042 198.30663 104.05929 198.30664 104.73311 curveto +198.30663 105.17257 198.18212 105.59591 197.93311 106.00313 curveto +197.68408 106.41036 197.29296 106.76925 196.75977 107.07979 curveto +197.44531 107.41378 197.96825 107.8254 198.32861 108.31465 curveto +198.68896 108.80391 198.86913 109.41768 198.86914 110.15596 curveto +198.86913 111.39815 198.41943 112.4543 197.52002 113.32441 curveto +196.6206 114.19453 195.41503 114.62959 193.90332 114.62959 curveto +192.89551 114.62959 192.16015 114.4626 191.69727 114.12861 curveto +191.36328 113.89424 191.19629 113.59248 191.19629 113.22334 curveto +191.19629 112.95381 191.29297 112.72383 191.48633 112.5334 curveto +191.67969 112.34297 191.90234 112.24776 192.1543 112.24775 curveto +192.34765 112.24776 192.5293 112.28877 192.69922 112.3708 curveto +192.79297 112.41768 193.12549 112.67403 193.69678 113.13984 curveto +194.26806 113.60567 194.80273 113.83858 195.30078 113.83858 curveto +195.73437 113.83858 196.10644 113.66719 196.41699 113.32441 curveto +196.72753 112.98164 196.88281 112.54658 196.88281 112.01924 curveto +196.88281 111.21651 196.60156 110.47676 196.03906 109.8 curveto +195.47656 109.12325 194.65332 108.65596 193.56934 108.39815 curveto +193.56934 108.39815 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +200.80273 117.52998 moveto +200.80273 117.14326 lineto +201.48242 116.85029 201.97607 116.4709 202.28369 116.00508 curveto +202.59131 115.53926 202.74511 115.06318 202.74512 114.57686 curveto +202.74511 114.47725 202.72461 114.40108 202.68359 114.34834 curveto +202.64258 114.30147 202.60156 114.27803 202.56055 114.27803 curveto +202.52539 114.27803 202.47265 114.29854 202.40234 114.33955 curveto +202.23242 114.43916 202.02148 114.48897 201.76953 114.48897 curveto +201.42383 114.48897 201.12353 114.3542 200.86865 114.08467 curveto +200.61377 113.81514 200.48633 113.49873 200.48633 113.13545 curveto +200.48633 112.74873 200.63281 112.40889 200.92578 112.11592 curveto +201.21875 111.82295 201.57324 111.67647 201.98926 111.67647 curveto +202.49316 111.67647 202.92383 111.87129 203.28125 112.26094 curveto +203.63867 112.65059 203.81738 113.18526 203.81738 113.86494 curveto +203.81738 114.70283 203.56396 115.44697 203.05713 116.09736 curveto +202.55029 116.74775 201.79883 117.22529 200.80273 117.52998 curveto +200.80273 117.52998 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +207.06934 108.39815 moveto +207.06934 108.09053 lineto +207.7373 107.89718 208.20019 107.717 208.45801 107.55 curveto +208.71582 107.38302 208.93847 107.12813 209.12598 106.78535 curveto +209.31347 106.44259 209.40722 106.09542 209.40723 105.74385 curveto +209.40722 105.25753 209.22998 104.84005 208.87549 104.49141 curveto +208.52099 104.14278 208.08007 103.96847 207.55273 103.96846 curveto +206.73242 103.96847 206.03515 104.40206 205.46094 105.26924 curveto +205.13574 105.15498 lineto +205.55762 104.17648 206.09814 103.44113 206.75732 102.94893 curveto +207.4165 102.45675 208.15039 102.21066 208.95898 102.21065 curveto +209.78515 102.21066 210.4663 102.46261 211.00244 102.9665 curveto +211.53857 103.47042 211.80663 104.05929 211.80664 104.73311 curveto +211.80663 105.17257 211.68212 105.59591 211.43311 106.00313 curveto +211.18408 106.41036 210.79296 106.76925 210.25977 107.07979 curveto +210.94531 107.41378 211.46825 107.8254 211.82861 108.31465 curveto +212.18896 108.80391 212.36913 109.41768 212.36914 110.15596 curveto +212.36913 111.39815 211.91943 112.4543 211.02002 113.32441 curveto +210.1206 114.19453 208.91503 114.62959 207.40332 114.62959 curveto +206.39551 114.62959 205.66015 114.4626 205.19727 114.12861 curveto +204.86328 113.89424 204.69629 113.59248 204.69629 113.22334 curveto +204.69629 112.95381 204.79297 112.72383 204.98633 112.5334 curveto +205.17969 112.34297 205.40234 112.24776 205.6543 112.24775 curveto +205.84765 112.24776 206.0293 112.28877 206.19922 112.3708 curveto +206.29297 112.41768 206.62549 112.67403 207.19678 113.13984 curveto +207.76806 113.60567 208.30273 113.83858 208.80078 113.83858 curveto +209.23437 113.83858 209.60644 113.66719 209.91699 113.32441 curveto +210.22753 112.98164 210.38281 112.54658 210.38281 112.01924 curveto +210.38281 111.21651 210.10156 110.47676 209.53906 109.8 curveto +208.97656 109.12325 208.15332 108.65596 207.06934 108.39815 curveto +207.06934 108.39815 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +226.36133 102.18428 moveto +226.45801 106.15693 lineto +226.09766 106.15693 lineto +225.92773 105.16085 225.51025 104.35958 224.84521 103.75313 curveto +224.18017 103.14669 223.46093 102.84347 222.6875 102.84346 curveto +222.08984 102.84347 221.6167 103.00314 221.26807 103.32246 curveto +220.91943 103.64181 220.74511 104.00948 220.74512 104.42549 curveto +220.74511 104.68917 220.80664 104.92355 220.92969 105.12861 curveto +221.09961 105.40401 221.37207 105.67647 221.74707 105.946 curveto +222.02246 106.13936 222.6582 106.48214 223.6543 106.97432 curveto +225.04882 107.65987 225.98925 108.30733 226.47559 108.9167 curveto +226.95605 109.52608 227.19628 110.22334 227.19629 111.0085 curveto +227.19628 112.00459 226.8081 112.86153 226.03174 113.5793 curveto +225.25536 114.29707 224.26952 114.65596 223.07422 114.65596 curveto +222.69921 114.65596 222.34472 114.61787 222.01074 114.5417 curveto +221.67675 114.46553 221.25781 114.32197 220.75391 114.11104 curveto +220.47265 113.99385 220.24121 113.93526 220.05957 113.93525 curveto +219.90722 113.93526 219.74609 113.99385 219.57617 114.11104 curveto +219.40625 114.22822 219.26855 114.40693 219.16309 114.64717 curveto +218.83789 114.64717 lineto +218.83789 110.14717 lineto +219.16309 110.14717 lineto +219.4209 111.4128 219.91748 112.37813 220.65283 113.04316 curveto +221.38818 113.7082 222.18066 114.04072 223.03027 114.04072 curveto +223.68652 114.04072 224.20947 113.86201 224.59912 113.50459 curveto +224.98876 113.14717 225.18359 112.73115 225.18359 112.25654 curveto +225.18359 111.9753 225.10888 111.70284 224.95947 111.43916 curveto +224.81005 111.17549 224.583 110.925 224.27832 110.6877 curveto +223.97363 110.4504 223.43456 110.14131 222.66113 109.76045 curveto +221.57714 109.22725 220.79785 108.77315 220.32324 108.39815 curveto +219.84863 108.02315 219.48389 107.60421 219.229 107.14131 curveto +218.97412 106.67843 218.84668 106.16866 218.84668 105.61201 curveto +218.84668 104.6628 219.19531 103.85421 219.89258 103.18623 curveto +220.58984 102.51827 221.46875 102.18429 222.5293 102.18428 curveto +222.91601 102.18429 223.29101 102.23117 223.6543 102.3249 curveto +223.92968 102.39523 224.26513 102.5256 224.66064 102.71602 curveto +225.05615 102.90646 225.333 103.00167 225.49121 103.00166 curveto +225.64355 103.00167 225.76366 102.9548 225.85156 102.86104 curveto +225.93945 102.7673 226.02148 102.54171 226.09766 102.18428 curveto +226.36133 102.18428 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +235.41406 110.98213 moveto +231.2041 110.98213 lineto +230.70313 112.14229 lineto +230.53906 112.52901 230.45703 112.84834 230.45703 113.10029 curveto +230.45703 113.43428 230.59179 113.68037 230.86133 113.83858 curveto +231.01953 113.93233 231.40918 114.00264 232.03027 114.04951 curveto +232.03027 114.37471 lineto +228.06641 114.37471 lineto +228.06641 114.04951 lineto +228.49414 113.98506 228.8457 113.80781 229.12109 113.51777 curveto +229.39648 113.22774 229.73633 112.62862 230.14063 111.72041 curveto +234.40332 102.21065 lineto +234.57031 102.21065 lineto +238.86816 111.98408 lineto +239.27831 112.90987 239.61522 113.49287 239.87891 113.73311 curveto +240.07811 113.91475 240.35936 114.02022 240.72266 114.04951 curveto +240.72266 114.37471 lineto +234.95703 114.37471 lineto +234.95703 114.04951 lineto +235.19434 114.04951 lineto +235.65722 114.04951 235.98241 113.98506 236.16992 113.85615 curveto +236.29882 113.7624 236.36327 113.62764 236.36328 113.45186 curveto +236.36327 113.34639 236.34569 113.23799 236.31055 113.12666 curveto +236.29882 113.07393 236.21093 112.8542 236.04688 112.46748 curveto +235.41406 110.98213 lineto +closepath +235.11523 110.33174 moveto +233.33984 106.22725 lineto +231.51172 110.33174 lineto +235.11523 110.33174 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +252.28906 102.45674 moveto +252.28906 105.68233 lineto +251.97266 105.68233 lineto +251.78515 104.93819 251.57714 104.40353 251.34863 104.07832 curveto +251.12011 103.75314 250.80663 103.49386 250.4082 103.30049 curveto +250.18554 103.19503 249.79589 103.1423 249.23926 103.14229 curveto +248.35156 103.14229 lineto +248.35156 112.33565 lineto +248.35156 112.94502 248.38525 113.32588 248.45264 113.47822 curveto +248.52001 113.63057 248.65185 113.76387 248.84814 113.87813 curveto +249.04443 113.99238 249.31249 114.04951 249.65234 114.04951 curveto +250.04785 114.04951 lineto +250.04785 114.37471 lineto +243.80762 114.37471 lineto +243.80762 114.04951 lineto +244.20313 114.04951 lineto +244.54882 114.04951 244.82714 113.98799 245.03809 113.86494 curveto +245.19043 113.78291 245.31054 113.64229 245.39844 113.44307 curveto +245.46289 113.30244 245.49511 112.9333 245.49512 112.33565 curveto +245.49512 103.14229 lineto +244.63379 103.14229 lineto +243.83105 103.1423 243.24804 103.31222 242.88477 103.65205 curveto +242.375 104.12667 242.05273 104.80343 241.91797 105.68233 curveto +241.58398 105.68233 lineto +241.58398 102.45674 lineto +252.28906 102.45674 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +194.20183 117.21346 moveto +264.15489 117.21346 lineto +264.15489 139.43682 lineto +194.20183 139.43682 lineto +194.20183 117.21346 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.606602 -4.5456865] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 38.794743 12.649501] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +49.93457 182.79951 moveto +54.126953 188.04658 lineto +54.718738 188.78487 55.228503 189.28584 55.65625 189.54951 curveto +55.966783 189.73701 56.294908 189.83076 56.640625 189.83076 curveto +56.640625 190.15596 lineto +50.435547 190.15596 lineto +50.435547 189.83076 lineto +50.828117 189.79561 51.081534 189.73408 51.195801 189.64619 curveto +51.31005 189.5583 51.367179 189.4499 51.367188 189.321 curveto +51.367179 189.0749 51.097648 188.61201 50.558594 187.93233 curveto +47.825195 184.4958 lineto +47.385742 184.86494 lineto +47.385742 188.1169 lineto +47.385737 188.73799 47.420893 189.12471 47.491211 189.27705 curveto +47.561518 189.4294 47.696284 189.55977 47.895508 189.66816 curveto +48.094721 189.77656 48.414057 189.83076 48.853516 189.83076 curveto +48.853516 190.15596 lineto +42.841797 190.15596 lineto +42.841797 189.83076 lineto +43.237305 189.83076 lineto +43.583007 189.83076 43.861327 189.76924 44.072266 189.64619 curveto +44.224608 189.56416 44.341795 189.42354 44.423828 189.22432 curveto +44.488279 189.08369 44.520506 188.71455 44.520508 188.1169 curveto +44.520508 180.27705 lineto +44.520506 179.66769 44.488279 179.28683 44.423828 179.13447 curveto +44.359373 178.98214 44.229002 178.84884 44.032715 178.73457 curveto +43.836424 178.62032 43.571288 178.5632 43.237305 178.56318 curveto +42.841797 178.56318 lineto +42.841797 178.23799 lineto +48.774414 178.23799 lineto +48.774414 178.56318 lineto +48.370111 178.5632 48.062494 178.62179 47.851563 178.73897 curveto +47.699213 178.82101 47.579096 178.9587 47.491211 179.15205 curveto +47.420893 179.29855 47.385737 179.67355 47.385742 180.27705 curveto +47.385742 183.98604 lineto +51.806641 180.40889 lineto +52.421865 179.91085 52.729482 179.51241 52.729492 179.21358 curveto +52.729482 178.99093 52.603505 178.81515 52.351563 178.68623 curveto +52.222646 178.62179 51.903311 178.58077 51.393555 178.56318 curveto +51.393555 178.23799 lineto +56.042969 178.23799 lineto +56.042969 178.56318 lineto +55.62694 178.59249 55.30028 178.6672 55.062988 178.78731 curveto +54.825671 178.90743 54.279285 179.3132 53.423828 180.00459 curveto +49.93457 182.79951 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +60.25293 178.23799 moveto +60.25293 188.45088 lineto +60.252926 189.03096 60.320309 189.40156 60.455078 189.5627 curveto +60.58984 189.72383 60.853511 189.81611 61.246094 189.83955 curveto +61.246094 190.15596 lineto +56.807617 190.15596 lineto +56.807617 189.83955 lineto +57.170898 189.82783 57.440429 189.72236 57.616211 189.52315 curveto +57.733397 189.38838 57.791991 189.03096 57.791992 188.45088 curveto +57.791992 179.94307 lineto +57.791991 179.36886 57.724608 179.00118 57.589844 178.84004 curveto +57.455077 178.67892 57.194335 178.58663 56.807617 178.56318 curveto +56.807617 178.23799 lineto +60.25293 178.23799 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +64.005859 177.95674 moveto +64.386716 177.95675 64.708981 178.09005 64.972656 178.35664 curveto +65.236324 178.62325 65.36816 178.94406 65.368164 179.31904 curveto +65.36816 179.69405 65.234859 180.01339 64.968262 180.27705 curveto +64.701657 180.54073 64.380856 180.67257 64.005859 180.67256 curveto +63.630857 180.67257 63.311522 180.54073 63.047852 180.27705 curveto +62.784178 180.01339 62.652343 179.69405 62.652344 179.31904 curveto +62.652343 178.94406 62.784178 178.62325 63.047852 178.35664 curveto +63.311522 178.09005 63.630857 177.95675 64.005859 177.95674 curveto +64.005859 177.95674 lineto +closepath +65.236328 181.93818 moveto +65.236328 188.45088 lineto +65.236324 189.03096 65.303707 189.40156 65.438477 189.5627 curveto +65.573238 189.72383 65.83691 189.81611 66.229492 189.83955 curveto +66.229492 190.15596 lineto +61.791016 190.15596 lineto +61.791016 189.83955 lineto +62.154296 189.82783 62.423827 189.72236 62.599609 189.52315 curveto +62.716796 189.38838 62.775389 189.03096 62.775391 188.45088 curveto +62.775391 183.65205 lineto +62.775389 183.07198 62.708007 182.70138 62.573242 182.54024 curveto +62.438476 182.37911 62.177734 182.28683 61.791016 182.26338 curveto +61.791016 181.93818 lineto +65.236328 181.93818 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +70.360352 178.23799 moveto +70.360352 186.07783 lineto +72.267578 184.20576 lineto +72.66015 183.82491 72.904779 183.54952 73.001465 183.37959 curveto +73.098138 183.20968 73.146478 183.04561 73.146484 182.8874 curveto +73.146478 182.72921 73.082025 182.59737 72.953125 182.4919 curveto +72.824212 182.38643 72.572259 182.31026 72.197266 182.26338 curveto +72.197266 181.93818 lineto +75.879883 181.93818 lineto +75.879883 182.26338 lineto +75.528311 182.28097 75.220694 182.36446 74.957031 182.51387 curveto +74.693351 182.66329 74.177727 183.113 73.410156 183.86299 curveto +72.513672 184.7419 lineto +74.447266 187.57197 lineto +75.226554 188.72041 75.689444 189.36494 75.835938 189.50557 curveto +76.035147 189.70479 76.2871 189.81611 76.591797 189.83955 curveto +76.591797 190.15596 lineto +72.34668 190.15596 lineto +72.34668 189.83955 lineto +72.534174 189.83955 72.670404 189.8044 72.755371 189.73408 curveto +72.840326 189.66377 72.882806 189.5876 72.882813 189.50557 curveto +72.882806 189.3708 72.759759 189.12178 72.513672 188.7585 curveto +70.887695 186.37666 lineto +70.360352 186.89522 lineto +70.360352 188.37178 lineto +70.360348 188.99873 70.418941 189.38985 70.536133 189.54512 curveto +70.653316 189.70039 70.89355 189.79854 71.256836 189.83955 curveto +71.256836 190.15596 lineto +67.011719 190.15596 lineto +67.011719 189.83955 lineto +67.357421 189.8044 67.603514 189.69307 67.75 189.50557 curveto +67.849608 189.37666 67.899413 188.99873 67.899414 188.37178 curveto +67.899414 180.02217 lineto +67.899413 179.40109 67.842284 179.01437 67.728027 178.86201 curveto +67.613768 178.70968 67.374999 178.61007 67.011719 178.56318 curveto +67.011719 178.23799 lineto +70.360352 178.23799 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.575195 188.94307 moveto +80.573238 189.82783 79.673825 190.27022 78.876953 190.27022 curveto +78.408201 190.27022 78.018553 190.11641 77.708008 189.80879 curveto +77.39746 189.50117 77.242187 189.11592 77.242188 188.65303 curveto +77.242187 188.02608 77.511718 187.46211 78.050781 186.96113 curveto +78.589842 186.46016 79.764645 185.79366 81.575195 184.96162 curveto +81.575195 184.13545 lineto +81.57519 183.51436 81.541499 183.12325 81.474121 182.96211 curveto +81.406733 182.80098 81.279292 182.66036 81.091797 182.54024 curveto +80.904292 182.42013 80.693355 182.36007 80.458984 182.36006 curveto +80.078121 182.36007 79.764645 182.44503 79.518555 182.61494 curveto +79.366208 182.72042 79.290036 182.84347 79.290039 182.98408 curveto +79.290036 183.10714 79.372067 183.25948 79.536133 183.44111 curveto +79.758786 183.69307 79.870114 183.93624 79.870117 184.17061 curveto +79.870114 184.45772 79.76318 184.70235 79.549316 184.90449 curveto +79.335446 185.10665 79.055661 185.20772 78.709961 185.20772 curveto +78.340818 185.20772 78.031737 185.09639 77.782715 184.87373 curveto +77.53369 184.65108 77.409179 184.39034 77.40918 184.0915 curveto +77.409179 183.66964 77.576171 183.2668 77.910156 182.88301 curveto +78.244139 182.49923 78.709959 182.20479 79.307617 181.99971 curveto +79.90527 181.79464 80.526363 181.6921 81.170898 181.69209 curveto +81.95019 181.6921 82.566888 181.85763 83.020996 182.18867 curveto +83.475091 182.51974 83.769524 182.87862 83.904297 183.26533 curveto +83.986321 183.51143 84.027336 184.07686 84.027344 184.96162 curveto +84.027344 188.15205 lineto +84.027336 188.52705 84.041985 188.76289 84.071289 188.85957 curveto +84.100578 188.95625 84.144524 189.02803 84.203125 189.0749 curveto +84.261711 189.12178 84.329094 189.14522 84.405273 189.14522 curveto +84.557609 189.14522 84.712882 189.03682 84.871094 188.82002 curveto +85.134766 189.03096 lineto +84.841788 189.46455 84.538566 189.77949 84.225098 189.97578 curveto +83.911614 190.17207 83.555657 190.27022 83.157227 190.27022 curveto +82.68847 190.27022 82.32226 190.16035 82.058594 189.94063 curveto +81.794917 189.7209 81.633784 189.38838 81.575195 188.94307 curveto +81.575195 188.94307 lineto +closepath +81.575195 188.30147 moveto +81.575195 185.55049 lineto +80.866207 185.96651 80.338863 186.41182 79.993164 186.88643 curveto +79.764645 187.20284 79.650387 187.52217 79.650391 187.84443 curveto +79.650387 188.11397 79.747067 188.35127 79.94043 188.55635 curveto +80.08691 188.71455 80.291988 188.79365 80.555664 188.79365 curveto +80.848628 188.79365 81.188472 188.62959 81.575195 188.30147 curveto +81.575195 188.30147 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +78.034286 185.90384 moveto +127.53176 185.90384 lineto +127.53176 207.62212 lineto +78.034286 207.62212 lineto +78.034286 185.90384 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -13.131983 -0.5050763] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 24.682133 10.855872] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.38184 176.08565 moveto +172.38184 175.77803 lineto +173.0498 175.58468 173.51269 175.4045 173.77051 175.2375 curveto +174.02832 175.07052 174.25097 174.81563 174.43848 174.47285 curveto +174.62597 174.13009 174.71972 173.78292 174.71973 173.43135 curveto +174.71972 172.94503 174.54248 172.52755 174.18799 172.17891 curveto +173.83349 171.83028 173.39257 171.65597 172.86523 171.65596 curveto +172.04492 171.65597 171.34765 172.08956 170.77344 172.95674 curveto +170.44824 172.84248 lineto +170.87012 171.86398 171.41064 171.12863 172.06982 170.63643 curveto +172.729 170.14425 173.46289 169.89816 174.27148 169.89815 curveto +175.09765 169.89816 175.7788 170.15011 176.31494 170.654 curveto +176.85107 171.15792 177.11913 171.74679 177.11914 172.42061 curveto +177.11913 172.86007 176.99462 173.28341 176.74561 173.69063 curveto +176.49658 174.09786 176.10546 174.45675 175.57227 174.76729 curveto +176.25781 175.10128 176.78075 175.5129 177.14111 176.00215 curveto +177.50146 176.49141 177.68163 177.10518 177.68164 177.84346 curveto +177.68163 179.08565 177.23193 180.1418 176.33252 181.01191 curveto +175.4331 181.88203 174.22753 182.31709 172.71582 182.31709 curveto +171.70801 182.31709 170.97265 182.1501 170.50977 181.81611 curveto +170.17578 181.58174 170.00879 181.27998 170.00879 180.91084 curveto +170.00879 180.64131 170.10547 180.41133 170.29883 180.2209 curveto +170.49219 180.03047 170.71484 179.93526 170.9668 179.93525 curveto +171.16015 179.93526 171.3418 179.97627 171.51172 180.0583 curveto +171.60547 180.10518 171.93799 180.36153 172.50928 180.82734 curveto +173.08056 181.29317 173.61523 181.52608 174.11328 181.52608 curveto +174.54687 181.52608 174.91894 181.35469 175.22949 181.01191 curveto +175.54003 180.66914 175.69531 180.23408 175.69531 179.70674 curveto +175.69531 178.90401 175.41406 178.16426 174.85156 177.4875 curveto +174.28906 176.81075 173.46582 176.34346 172.38184 176.08565 curveto +172.38184 176.08565 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +187.31445 170.14424 moveto +187.31445 179.60127 lineto +187.31444 180.23994 187.33202 180.61787 187.36719 180.73506 curveto +187.41405 180.92842 187.50341 181.07197 187.63525 181.16572 curveto +187.76708 181.25947 187.99706 181.31807 188.3252 181.3415 curveto +188.3252 181.63154 lineto +184.85352 182.3083 lineto +184.85352 181.00752 lineto +184.43749 181.51143 184.06689 181.8542 183.7417 182.03584 curveto +183.4165 182.21748 183.04882 182.3083 182.63867 182.3083 curveto +181.58984 182.3083 180.76074 181.83955 180.15137 180.90205 curveto +179.65918 180.14033 179.41309 179.20577 179.41309 178.09834 curveto +179.41309 177.21358 179.56543 176.4211 179.87012 175.7209 curveto +180.1748 175.02071 180.59228 174.4919 181.12256 174.13447 curveto +181.65283 173.77706 182.22265 173.59835 182.83203 173.59834 curveto +183.2246 173.59835 183.57324 173.67452 183.87793 173.82686 curveto +184.18261 173.97921 184.50781 174.24581 184.85352 174.62666 curveto +184.85352 172.14815 lineto +184.85351 171.5212 184.82714 171.14327 184.77441 171.01436 curveto +184.7041 170.84445 184.59863 170.71847 184.45801 170.63643 curveto +184.31738 170.55441 184.05371 170.51339 183.66699 170.51338 curveto +183.66699 170.14424 lineto +187.31445 170.14424 lineto +closepath +184.85352 175.7165 moveto +184.41992 174.88448 183.88964 174.46847 183.2627 174.46846 curveto +183.04589 174.46847 182.86718 174.52706 182.72656 174.64424 curveto +182.50976 174.82589 182.33252 175.14522 182.19482 175.60225 curveto +182.05713 176.05928 181.98828 176.75948 181.98828 177.70283 curveto +181.98828 178.73995 182.06445 179.50752 182.2168 180.00557 curveto +182.36914 180.50362 182.57714 180.86397 182.84082 181.08662 curveto +182.97558 181.19795 183.16015 181.25362 183.39453 181.25361 curveto +183.91015 181.25362 184.39648 180.84932 184.85352 180.04072 curveto +184.85352 175.7165 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +197.02637 181.22725 moveto +197.02637 184.28584 lineto +197.02636 184.70771 197.06005 184.99482 197.12744 185.14717 curveto +197.19482 185.29951 197.29882 185.41084 197.43945 185.48115 curveto +197.58007 185.55146 197.85546 185.58662 198.26563 185.58662 curveto +198.26563 185.91182 lineto +193.58105 185.91182 lineto +193.58105 185.58662 lineto +193.94434 185.5749 194.21387 185.47236 194.38965 185.279 curveto +194.50683 185.14424 194.56543 184.7956 194.56543 184.23311 curveto +194.56543 175.5583 lineto +194.56543 174.97823 194.49805 174.60763 194.36328 174.44649 curveto +194.22851 174.28536 193.96777 174.19308 193.58105 174.16963 curveto +193.58105 173.84443 lineto +197.02637 173.84443 lineto +197.02637 174.92549 lineto +197.31347 174.50362 197.60644 174.19893 197.90527 174.01143 curveto +198.333 173.73604 198.79882 173.59835 199.30273 173.59834 curveto +199.90624 173.59835 200.45556 173.78878 200.95068 174.16963 curveto +201.44579 174.5505 201.82226 175.07638 202.08008 175.74727 curveto +202.33788 176.41817 202.46679 177.14034 202.4668 177.91377 curveto +202.46679 178.74581 202.33349 179.50606 202.06689 180.19453 curveto +201.80028 180.88301 201.41357 181.40742 200.90674 181.76777 curveto +200.3999 182.12813 199.83593 182.3083 199.21484 182.3083 curveto +198.76367 182.3083 198.34179 182.20869 197.94922 182.00947 curveto +197.65625 181.85713 197.34863 181.59639 197.02637 181.22725 curveto +197.02637 181.22725 lineto +closepath +197.02637 180.33955 moveto +197.53027 181.0544 198.06933 181.41182 198.64355 181.41182 curveto +198.95996 181.41182 199.2207 181.24483 199.42578 180.91084 curveto +199.73046 180.41865 199.88281 179.48116 199.88281 178.09834 curveto +199.88281 176.68038 199.71581 175.71065 199.38184 175.18916 curveto +199.15917 174.84347 198.86035 174.67061 198.48535 174.67061 curveto +197.89355 174.67061 197.40722 175.09835 197.02637 175.95381 curveto +197.02637 180.33955 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +208.39941 180.84932 moveto +207.39746 181.73408 206.49804 182.17647 205.70117 182.17647 curveto +205.23242 182.17647 204.84277 182.02266 204.53223 181.71504 curveto +204.22168 181.40742 204.06641 181.02217 204.06641 180.55928 curveto +204.06641 179.93233 204.33594 179.36836 204.875 178.86738 curveto +205.41406 178.36641 206.58886 177.69991 208.39941 176.86787 curveto +208.39941 176.0417 lineto +208.39941 175.42061 208.36572 175.0295 208.29834 174.86836 curveto +208.23095 174.70723 208.10351 174.56661 207.91602 174.44649 curveto +207.72851 174.32638 207.51757 174.26632 207.2832 174.26631 curveto +206.90234 174.26632 206.58886 174.35128 206.34277 174.52119 curveto +206.19043 174.62667 206.11425 174.74972 206.11426 174.89033 curveto +206.11425 175.01339 206.19629 175.16573 206.36035 175.34736 curveto +206.583 175.59932 206.69433 175.84249 206.69434 176.07686 curveto +206.69433 176.36397 206.5874 176.6086 206.37354 176.81074 curveto +206.15967 177.0129 205.87988 177.11397 205.53418 177.11397 curveto +205.16504 177.11397 204.85596 177.00264 204.60693 176.77998 curveto +204.35791 176.55733 204.2334 176.29659 204.2334 175.99775 curveto +204.2334 175.57589 204.40039 175.17305 204.73438 174.78926 curveto +205.06836 174.40548 205.53418 174.11104 206.13184 173.90596 curveto +206.72949 173.70089 207.35058 173.59835 207.99512 173.59834 curveto +208.77441 173.59835 209.39111 173.76388 209.84521 174.09492 curveto +210.29931 174.42599 210.59374 174.78487 210.72852 175.17158 curveto +210.81054 175.41768 210.85155 175.98311 210.85156 176.86787 curveto +210.85156 180.0583 lineto +210.85155 180.4333 210.8662 180.66914 210.89551 180.76582 curveto +210.9248 180.8625 210.96874 180.93428 211.02734 180.98115 curveto +211.08593 181.02803 211.15331 181.05147 211.22949 181.05147 curveto +211.38183 181.05147 211.5371 180.94307 211.69531 180.72627 curveto +211.95898 180.93721 lineto +211.66601 181.3708 211.36278 181.68574 211.04932 181.88203 curveto +210.73583 182.07832 210.37988 182.17647 209.98145 182.17647 curveto +209.51269 182.17647 209.14648 182.0666 208.88281 181.84688 curveto +208.61914 181.62715 208.458 181.29463 208.39941 180.84932 curveto +208.39941 180.84932 lineto +closepath +208.39941 180.20772 moveto +208.39941 177.45674 lineto +207.69043 177.87276 207.16308 178.31807 206.81738 178.79268 curveto +206.58886 179.10909 206.47461 179.42842 206.47461 179.75068 curveto +206.47461 180.02022 206.57129 180.25752 206.76465 180.4626 curveto +206.91113 180.6208 207.11621 180.6999 207.37988 180.6999 curveto +207.67285 180.6999 208.01269 180.53584 208.39941 180.20772 curveto +208.39941 180.20772 lineto +closepath +210.43848 169.73994 moveto +207.5293 172.78975 lineto +206.77344 172.78975 lineto +207.79297 169.73994 lineto +210.43848 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +216.27441 173.84443 moveto +216.27441 175.70772 lineto +216.81933 174.85811 217.29687 174.29415 217.70703 174.01582 curveto +218.11718 173.73751 218.51269 173.59835 218.89355 173.59834 curveto +219.22167 173.59835 219.48388 173.69942 219.68018 173.90156 curveto +219.87646 174.10372 219.9746 174.38936 219.97461 174.7585 curveto +219.9746 175.15108 219.87939 175.45577 219.68896 175.67256 curveto +219.49853 175.88936 219.26855 175.99776 218.99902 175.99775 curveto +218.68847 175.99776 218.41894 175.89815 218.19043 175.69893 curveto +217.96191 175.49971 217.82714 175.38839 217.78613 175.36494 curveto +217.72753 175.32979 217.66015 175.31221 217.58398 175.31221 curveto +217.41406 175.31221 217.25292 175.37667 217.10059 175.50557 curveto +216.86035 175.70479 216.67871 175.98897 216.55566 176.35811 curveto +216.36816 176.92647 216.27441 177.55342 216.27441 178.23897 curveto +216.27441 180.12861 lineto +216.2832 180.6208 lineto +216.2832 180.95479 216.30371 181.16865 216.34473 181.2624 curveto +216.41503 181.42061 216.51904 181.53633 216.65674 181.60957 curveto +216.79443 181.68281 217.02734 181.72822 217.35547 181.7458 curveto +217.35547 182.06221 lineto +212.91699 182.06221 lineto +212.91699 181.7458 lineto +213.27441 181.71651 213.51611 181.61836 213.64209 181.45137 curveto +213.76806 181.28438 213.83105 180.84346 213.83105 180.12861 curveto +213.83105 175.58467 lineto +213.83105 175.11593 213.80762 174.8171 213.76074 174.68818 curveto +213.70215 174.52413 213.61719 174.40401 213.50586 174.32783 curveto +213.39453 174.25167 213.19824 174.19893 212.91699 174.16963 curveto +212.91699 173.84443 lineto +216.27441 173.84443 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.7207 173.59834 moveto +225.43554 173.59835 226.10058 173.78292 226.71582 174.15205 curveto +227.33105 174.5212 227.79833 175.04561 228.11768 175.72529 curveto +228.437 176.40499 228.59667 177.14913 228.59668 177.95772 curveto +228.59667 179.12373 228.30077 180.09932 227.70898 180.88447 curveto +226.99413 181.83369 226.00683 182.3083 224.74707 182.3083 curveto +223.51074 182.3083 222.55859 181.87471 221.89063 181.00752 curveto +221.22266 180.14033 220.88867 179.13545 220.88867 177.99287 curveto +220.88867 176.81514 221.22998 175.78829 221.9126 174.91231 curveto +222.59521 174.03634 223.53125 173.59835 224.7207 173.59834 curveto +224.7207 173.59834 lineto +closepath +224.75586 174.22236 moveto +224.45703 174.22237 224.20068 174.33516 223.98682 174.56074 curveto +223.77295 174.78634 223.63232 175.23165 223.56494 175.89668 curveto +223.49756 176.56173 223.46386 177.48604 223.46387 178.66963 curveto +223.46386 179.29659 223.50488 179.88252 223.58691 180.42744 curveto +223.65136 180.84346 223.78906 181.15987 224 181.37666 curveto +224.21093 181.59346 224.45117 181.70186 224.7207 181.70186 curveto +224.98437 181.70186 225.2041 181.62861 225.37988 181.48213 curveto +225.60839 181.28291 225.76074 181.00459 225.83691 180.64717 curveto +225.9541 180.09053 226.01269 178.96553 226.0127 177.27217 curveto +226.01269 176.27608 225.95703 175.592 225.8457 175.21992 curveto +225.73437 174.84786 225.57031 174.57686 225.35352 174.40693 curveto +225.20117 174.2839 225.00195 174.22237 224.75586 174.22236 curveto +224.75586 174.22236 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +233.55371 182.3083 moveto +230.78516 175.93623 lineto +230.45117 175.16866 230.19043 174.68233 230.00293 174.47725 curveto +229.86816 174.32491 229.66894 174.22237 229.40527 174.16963 curveto +229.40527 173.84443 lineto +233.77344 173.84443 lineto +233.77344 174.16963 lineto +233.49804 174.16964 233.31054 174.21944 233.21094 174.31904 curveto +233.07031 174.44796 233 174.6003 233 174.77608 curveto +233 174.99288 233.1289 175.40011 233.38672 175.99775 curveto +234.74023 179.08272 lineto +235.82129 176.41963 lineto +236.13183 175.65792 236.2871 175.11886 236.28711 174.80244 curveto +236.2871 174.62081 236.22118 174.47286 236.08936 174.35859 curveto +235.95751 174.24434 235.7246 174.18136 235.39063 174.16963 curveto +235.39063 173.84443 lineto +238.08008 173.84443 lineto +238.08008 174.16963 lineto +237.82226 174.20479 237.61132 174.30147 237.44727 174.45967 curveto +237.2832 174.61788 237.0371 175.0837 236.70898 175.85713 curveto +233.9668 182.3083 lineto +233.55371 182.3083 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.37988 180.84932 moveto +242.37793 181.73408 241.47851 182.17647 240.68164 182.17647 curveto +240.21289 182.17647 239.82324 182.02266 239.5127 181.71504 curveto +239.20215 181.40742 239.04687 181.02217 239.04688 180.55928 curveto +239.04687 179.93233 239.31641 179.36836 239.85547 178.86738 curveto +240.39453 178.36641 241.56933 177.69991 243.37988 176.86787 curveto +243.37988 176.0417 lineto +243.37988 175.42061 243.34619 175.0295 243.27881 174.86836 curveto +243.21142 174.70723 243.08398 174.56661 242.89648 174.44649 curveto +242.70898 174.32638 242.49804 174.26632 242.26367 174.26631 curveto +241.88281 174.26632 241.56933 174.35128 241.32324 174.52119 curveto +241.1709 174.62667 241.09472 174.74972 241.09473 174.89033 curveto +241.09472 175.01339 241.17675 175.16573 241.34082 175.34736 curveto +241.56347 175.59932 241.6748 175.84249 241.6748 176.07686 curveto +241.6748 176.36397 241.56787 176.6086 241.354 176.81074 curveto +241.14013 177.0129 240.86035 177.11397 240.51465 177.11397 curveto +240.14551 177.11397 239.83642 177.00264 239.5874 176.77998 curveto +239.33838 176.55733 239.21387 176.29659 239.21387 175.99775 curveto +239.21387 175.57589 239.38086 175.17305 239.71484 174.78926 curveto +240.04883 174.40548 240.51465 174.11104 241.1123 173.90596 curveto +241.70996 173.70089 242.33105 173.59835 242.97559 173.59834 curveto +243.75488 173.59835 244.37158 173.76388 244.82568 174.09492 curveto +245.27978 174.42599 245.57421 174.78487 245.70898 175.17158 curveto +245.79101 175.41768 245.83202 175.98311 245.83203 176.86787 curveto +245.83203 180.0583 lineto +245.83202 180.4333 245.84667 180.66914 245.87598 180.76582 curveto +245.90527 180.8625 245.94921 180.93428 246.00781 180.98115 curveto +246.0664 181.02803 246.13378 181.05147 246.20996 181.05147 curveto +246.3623 181.05147 246.51757 180.94307 246.67578 180.72627 curveto +246.93945 180.93721 lineto +246.64648 181.3708 246.34325 181.68574 246.02979 181.88203 curveto +245.7163 182.07832 245.36034 182.17647 244.96191 182.17647 curveto +244.49316 182.17647 244.12695 182.0666 243.86328 181.84688 curveto +243.5996 181.62715 243.43847 181.29463 243.37988 180.84932 curveto +243.37988 180.84932 lineto +closepath +243.37988 180.20772 moveto +243.37988 177.45674 lineto +242.67089 177.87276 242.14355 178.31807 241.79785 178.79268 curveto +241.56933 179.10909 241.45507 179.42842 241.45508 179.75068 curveto +241.45507 180.02022 241.55175 180.25752 241.74512 180.4626 curveto +241.8916 180.6208 242.09668 180.6999 242.36035 180.6999 curveto +242.65332 180.6999 242.99316 180.53584 243.37988 180.20772 curveto +243.37988 180.20772 lineto +closepath +245.41895 169.73994 moveto +242.50977 172.78975 lineto +241.75391 172.78975 lineto +242.77344 169.73994 lineto +245.41895 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +251.20215 173.84443 moveto +251.20215 174.90791 lineto +251.62402 174.45089 252.02832 174.11837 252.41504 173.91035 curveto +252.80175 173.70235 253.21777 173.59835 253.66309 173.59834 curveto +254.19628 173.59835 254.63866 173.7463 254.99023 174.04219 curveto +255.34179 174.33809 255.57616 174.70577 255.69336 175.14522 curveto +255.7871 175.47921 255.83398 176.12081 255.83398 177.07002 curveto +255.83398 180.26924 lineto +255.83398 180.90205 255.8911 181.2961 256.00537 181.45137 curveto +256.11962 181.60664 256.35839 181.70479 256.72168 181.7458 curveto +256.72168 182.06221 lineto +252.56445 182.06221 lineto +252.56445 181.7458 lineto +252.87499 181.70479 253.09765 181.57588 253.23242 181.35908 curveto +253.32617 181.2126 253.37304 180.84932 253.37305 180.26924 curveto +253.37305 176.61299 lineto +253.37304 175.93917 253.34667 175.51436 253.29395 175.33858 curveto +253.2412 175.1628 253.15185 175.02657 253.02588 174.92988 curveto +252.8999 174.83321 252.76074 174.78487 252.6084 174.78486 curveto +252.10449 174.78487 251.63574 175.14522 251.20215 175.86592 curveto +251.20215 180.26924 lineto +251.20214 180.88447 251.25927 181.27412 251.37354 181.43818 curveto +251.48779 181.60225 251.70019 181.70479 252.01074 181.7458 curveto +252.01074 182.06221 lineto +247.85352 182.06221 lineto +247.85352 181.7458 lineto +248.19922 181.71065 248.44531 181.59932 248.5918 181.41182 curveto +248.6914 181.28291 248.74121 180.90205 248.74121 180.26924 curveto +248.74121 175.62861 lineto +248.74121 175.00753 248.68408 174.62081 248.56982 174.46846 curveto +248.45557 174.31612 248.2168 174.21651 247.85352 174.16963 curveto +247.85352 173.84443 lineto +251.20215 173.84443 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +261.07227 173.84443 moveto +261.07227 180.35713 lineto +261.07226 180.93721 261.13964 181.30781 261.27441 181.46895 curveto +261.40918 181.63008 261.67285 181.72236 262.06543 181.7458 curveto +262.06543 182.06221 lineto +257.62695 182.06221 lineto +257.62695 181.7458 lineto +257.99023 181.73408 258.25976 181.62861 258.43555 181.4294 curveto +258.55273 181.29463 258.61133 180.93721 258.61133 180.35713 curveto +258.61133 175.5583 lineto +258.61133 174.97823 258.54394 174.60763 258.40918 174.44649 curveto +258.27441 174.28536 258.01367 174.19308 257.62695 174.16963 curveto +257.62695 173.84443 lineto +261.07227 173.84443 lineto +closepath +262.46973 169.73994 moveto +259.56055 172.78975 lineto +258.80469 172.78975 lineto +259.82422 169.73994 lineto +262.46973 169.73994 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +191.67645 174.28708 moveto +290.16633 174.28708 lineto +290.16633 203.07643 lineto +191.67645 203.07643 lineto +191.67645 174.28708 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +185.6206 42.300571 moveto +139.15359 42.240914 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.79999934 0.0010270848 -0.0010270848 0.79999934 185.6206 42.300571] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.79999934 -0.0010270848 0.0010270848 -0.79999934 139.15359 42.240914] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +215.22234 53.568775 moveto +225.51282 109.13732 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.14567153 -0.78662558 0.78662558 -0.14567153 215.22234 53.568775] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.14567153 0.78662558 -0.78662558 0.14567153 225.51282 109.13732] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +196.9131 53.568775 moveto +127.57439 101.56117 lineto +stroke +gsave [-0.65780404 0.45529534 -0.45529534 -0.65780404 127.57439 101.56117] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +93.505819 147.7655 moveto +92.516134 180.85815 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.0239145 -0.79964248 0.79964248 0.0239145 93.505819 147.7655] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-0.0239145 0.79964248 -0.79964248 -0.0239145 92.516134 180.85815] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +227.68488 132.36067 moveto +227.76151 173.282 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.0014980914 0.7999986 -0.7999986 0.0014980914 227.76151 173.282] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +5.77 0 moveto +-2.88 5 lineto +-2.88 -5 lineto +5.77 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/10-prevody/prevody.svg b/old/10-prevody/prevody.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248553f --- /dev/null +++ b/old/10-prevody/prevody.svg @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + SAT + + + Nezávislámnožina + + + 3 SAT + + + 3,3 SAT + + + Klika + + + 3d párování + + + + + + + + diff --git a/old/11-np/11-np.tex b/old/11-np/11-np.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c81d913 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/11-np/11-np.tex @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{11}{NP-úplné problémy}{\vbox{\hbox{(zapsali F. Kaèmarik, R. Krivák, D. Remi¹} + \hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} + +Dosud jsme zkoumali problémy, které se nás ptaly na to, jestli nìco existuje. +Napøíklad jsme dostali formuli a problém splnitelnosti se nás ptal, zda +existuje ohodnocení promìnných takové, ¾e formule platí. Nebo v~pøípadì +nezávislých mno¾in jsme dostali graf a èíslo $k$ a ptali jsme se, jestli +v~grafu existuje nezávislá mno¾ina, která obsahuje alespoò~$k$ vrcholù. +Tyto otázky mìly spoleèné to, ¾e kdy¾ nám nìkdo napovìdìl nìjaký objekt, umìli +jsme efektivnì øíci, zda je to ten, který hledáme. Napøíklad pokud dostaneme +ohodnocení promìnných logické formule, staèí jen dosadit a spoèítat, kde +formule dá \ nebo \. Zjistit, ¾e nìjaký objekt je ten, který +hledáme, umíme efektivnì. Tì¾ké na tom je takový objekt najít. Co¾ vede +k~definici obecných vyhledávacích problémù, kterým se øíká tøída problémù NP. +Nadefinujeme si ji poøádnì, ale nejdøíve zaèneme tro¹ièku jednodu¹¹í tøídou. + +\s{Definice:} P je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù}, které jsou øe¹itelné +v~polynomiálním èase. Jinak øeèeno, problém +$L \in {\rm P} \Leftrightarrow \exists $ polynom $f$ a~$\exists$ algoritmus~$A$ +takový, ¾e $\forall x: L(x)=A(x)$ a $A(x)$ dobìhne v~èase $\O(f(x))$. + +Tøída P tedy odpovídá tomu, o èem jsme se shodli, ¾e umíme efektivnì øe¹it. +Nadefinujme nyní tøídu NP: + +\s{Definice:} NP je {\I tøída rozhodovacích problémù} takových, ¾e $L \in {\rm NP}$ právì tehdy, kdy¾ $\exists $ problém +$K\in{\rm P}$ a $\exists$ polynom $g$ takový, ¾e pro +$\forall x$ platí $L(x)=1 \Leftrightarrow \exists $ nápovìda $ y: \vert y \vert \leq g(\vert x \vert)$ a souèasnì $K(x,y)=1$. + +\s{Pozorování:} Splnitelnost logických formulí je v~NP. Staèí si toti¾ nechat napovìdìt, jak +ohodnotit jednotlivé promìnné a pak ovìøit, jestli je formule splnìna. Nápovìda je polynomiálnì +velká (dokonce lineárnì), splnìní zkontrolujeme také v~lineárním èase. Odpovíme tedy ano právì +tehdy, existuje-li nápovìda, která nás pøesvìdèí, èili pokud je formule splnitelná. + +\s{Pozorování:} Tøída P le¾í uvnitø NP. +V~podstatì øíkáme, ¾e kdy¾ máme problém, který umíme øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase +bez nápovìdy, tak to zvládneme v~polynomiálním èase i s~nápovìdou. + +Problémy z minulé pøedná¹ky jsou v¹echny v NP (napø. pro nezávislou +mno¾inu je onou nápovìdou pøímo mno¾ina vrcholù deklarující nezávislost), +o jejich pøíslu¹nosti do P ale nevíme nic. +Brzy uká¾eme, ¾e to jsou v jistém smyslu nejtì¾¹í problémy v~NP. +Nadefinujme si: + +\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I tì¾ký} právì tehdy, kdy¾ je na~nìj pøevoditelný +ka¾dý problém z~NP (viz definici pøevodù z minulé pøedná¹ky). + +Rozmyslete si, ¾e pokud umíme øe¹it nìjaký NP-tì¾ký problém v~polynomiálním èase, +pak umíme vyøe¹it v~polynomiálním èase v¹e v~NP, a tedy ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$. + +My se budeme zabývat problémy, které jsou NP-tì¾ké a samotné jsou v~NP. Takovým problémùm se øíká NP-úplné. + +\s{Definice:} Problém $L$ je NP-{\I úplný} právì tehdy, kdy¾ $L$ je NP-tì¾ký a $L \in {\rm NP}$. + +NP-úplné problémy jsou tedy ve~své podstatì nejtì¾¹í problémy, které le¾í v~NP. +Kdybychom umìli vyøe¹it nìjaký NP-úplný problém v~polynomiálním èase, pak +v¹echno v~NP je øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. Bohu¾el to, jestli nìjaký +NP-úplný problém lze øe¹it v~polynomiálním èase, se neví. Otázka, jestli +${\rm P}={\rm NP}$, je asi nejznámìj¹í otevøený problém v~celé teoretické +informatice. + +Kde ale nìjaký NP-úplný problém vzít? K~tomu se nám bude velice hodit následující vìta: + +\s{Vìta (Cookova):} SAT je NP-úplný. + +\>Dùkaz je znaènì technický, pøibli¾nì ho naznaèíme pozdìji. Pøímým dùsledkem +Cookovy vìty je, ¾e cokoli v~NP je pøevoditelné na SAT. +K dokazování NP-úplnosti dal¹ích problémù pou¾ijeme následující vìtièku: + +\s{Vìtièka:} Pokud problém $L$ je NP-úplný a $L$ se dá pøevést na nìjaký problém $M\in{\rm NP}$, pak $M$ je také NP-úplný. + +\proof +Tuto vìtièku staèí dokázat pro NP-tì¾kost, NP-úplnost plyne okam¾itì z~toho, ¾e +problémy jsou NP-tì¾ké a le¾í v~NP (podle pøedpokladu). + +Víme, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést na~$M$ nìjakou funkcí~$f$. Jeliko¾ $L$ je NP-úplný, +pak pro ka¾dý problém $Q\in{\rm NP}$ existuje nìjaká funkce~$g$, která pøevede +$Q$ na~$L$. Staèí tedy slo¾it funkci~$f$ s~funkcí~$g$, èím¾ získáme funkci pracující +opìt v~polynomiálním èase, která pøevede~$Q$ na~$M$. Ka¾dý problém z~NP se tedy +dá pøevést na problém~$M$. +\qed + +\s{Dùsledek:} Cokoliv, na co jsme umìli pøevést SAT, je také NP-úplné. +Napøíklad nezávislá mno¾ina, rùzné varianty SATu, klika v~grafu~\dots + +Jak taková tøída NP vypadá? Pøedstavme si v¹echny problémy tøídy NP, jakoby seøazené +shora dolu podle obtí¾nosti problémù (tedy navzdor gravitaci), kde porovnání dvou +problémù urèuje pøevoditelnost (viz obrázek). + +\figure{p-np.eps}{Struktura tøídy NP}{2.5cm} + +Obecnì mohou nastat dvì situace, proto¾e nevíme, jestli ${\rm P}={\rm NP}$. +Jestli ano, pak v¹echno je jedna a ta samá tøída. To by bylo v nìkterých +pøípadech nepraktické, napø. ka¾dá ¹ifra by byla jednodu¹e rozlu¹titelná. +\foot{Poznámka o ¹ifrách -- libovolnou funkci vyèíslitelnou v polynomiálním +èase bychom umìli v polynomiálním èase také invertovat.} +Jestli ne, NP-úplné problémy urèitì nele¾í v P, tak¾e P a NP-úplné problémy +jsou dvì disjunktní èásti NP. Také se dá dokázat (to dìlat nebudeme, ale je +dobré to vìdìt), ¾e je¹tì nìco le¾í mezi nimi, tedy ¾e existuje problém, který +je v~NP, není v~P a není NP-úplný (dokonce je takových problémù nekoneènì mnoho, +v nekoneènì tøídách). + +\s{Katalog NP-úplných problémù} + +Uká¾eme si nìkolik základních NP-úplných problémù. O~nìkterých jsme to dokázali +na~minulé pøedná¹ce, o~dal¹ích si to doká¾eme nyní, zbylým se na~zoubek podíváme +na~cvièeních. + +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I logické:} + \itemize\ibull + \:SAT (splnitelnost logických formulí v~CNF) + \:3-SAT (ka¾dá klauzule obsahuje max.~3 literály) + \:3,3-SAT (a navíc ka¾dá promìnná se vyskytuje nejvý¹e tøikrát) + \:SAT pro obecné formule (nejen CNF) + \:Obvodový SAT (není to formule, ale obvod) + \endlist +\:{\I grafové:} + \itemize\ibull + \:Nezávislá mno¾ina (existuje mno¾ina alespoò~$k$ vrcholù taková, ¾e ¾ádné dva nejsou propojeny hranou?) + \:Klika (existuje úplný podgraf na~$k$ vrcholech?) + \:3D párování (tøi mno¾iny se zadanými trojicemi, existuje taková mno¾ina disjunktních trojic, ve~které jsou v¹echny prvky?) + \:Barvení grafu (lze obarvit vrcholy $k$~barvami tak, aby vrcholy stejné barvy nebyly nikdy spojeny hranou? NP-úplné u¾ pro~$k=3$) + \:Hamiltonovská cesta (cesta obsahující v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou]) + \:Hamiltonovská kru¾nice (kru¾nice, která nav¹tíví v¹echny vrcholy [právì jednou]) + \endlist +\:{\I èíselné:} + \itemize\ibull + \:Batoh (nejjednodu¹¹í verze: dána mno¾ina èísel, zjistit, zda existuje podmno¾ina se zadaným souètem) + \:Batoh -- optimalizace (podobnì jako u pøedchozího problému, ale místo mno¾iny èísel máme mno¾inu + pøedmìtù s vahami a cenami, chceme co nejdra¾¹í podmno¾inu její¾ váha nepøesáhne zadanou kapacitu + batohu) + \:Loupe¾níci (lze rozdìlit danou mno¾inu èísel na~dvì podmno¾iny se stejným souètem) + \:$Ax=b$ (soustava celoèíslených lineárních rovnic; $x_i$ mohou být pouze 0 nebo 1; NP-úplné i pokud $A_{ij}\in\{0,1\}$ a $b_i\in\{0,1\}$) + \:Celoèíselné lineární programování (existuje vektor nezáporných celoèísených $x$ takový, ¾e $Ax \leq b$ ?) + \endlist +\endlist + +Nyní si uká¾eme, jak pøevést SAT na nìjaký problém. Kdy¾ chceme ukázat, ¾e na +nìco se dá pøevést SAT, potøebujeme obvykle dvì vìci: +konstrukci, která bude simulovat promìnné, tedy nìco, co nabývá dvou stavù +\/\; a nìco, co bude reprezentovat klauzule a umí zaøídit, aby +ka¾dá klauzule byla splnìna alespoò jednou promìnnou. +Roz¹iøme tedy ná¹ katalog problémù o následující: +\h{3D párování (3D matching)} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Tøi mno¾iny, napø. $K$ (kluci), $H$ (holky), $Z$ (zvíøátka) a +mno¾ina $T$ kompatibilních trojic (tìch, kteøí se spolu snesou), + tj. $T \subseteq K\times H\times Z$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} Perfektní podmno¾ina trojic $P\subseteq K\times H \times Z$ -- + tj. taková podmno¾ina trojic, ¾e $(\forall k\in K\ \exists !p\in P: k\in p) + \wedge(\forall h\in H\ \exists !p\in P: h\in p) + \wedge(\forall z\in Z\ \exists !p\in P: z\in p)$ -- tedy ka¾dý byl vybrán + právì jednou. + + +\h{ Uká¾eme, jak na 3D-párování pøevést 3,3-SAT } + +Uva¾ujme takovouto konfiguraci: + +\fig{3d.eps}{4cm} + +\>4 zvíøátka, 2 kluci, 2 dívky a 4 trojice, které oznaèíme $A, B, C, D$. +Je¹tì pøedpokládáme, ¾e zvíøátka + se mohou úèastnit nìjakých jiných trojic, ale +tito ètyøi lidé se vyskytují pouze v~tìchto ètyøech trojicích a~nikde jinde. +V¹imneme si, ¾e existují právì dvì mo¾nosti, jak tento obrázek spárovat. +Abychom spárovali kluka $k_1$, tak si musíme vybrat $A$ nebo $B$. Kdy¾ si +vybereme $A$, $k_1$ i $d_2$ u¾ jsou spárovaní tak¾e si nesmíme vybrat $B$ ani +$D$. Pak jediná mo¾nost, jak spárovat $d_1$ a~$k_2$ je $C$. Jedna mo¾nost je +tedy vybrat si $A$ a $C$ a jeliko¾ je obrázek symetrický, tak kdy¾ vybereme +místo $A$ trojici $B$, dostaneme $B$ a~$D$. V¾dy si tedy vybereme dvì protìj¹í +trojice v~obrázku. + +Tyto konfigurace budeme pou¾ívat k~reprezentaci promìnných. Pro ka¾dou +promìnnou si nakreslíme takový obrázek a~to, ¾e $A$ bude spárované s~$C$, bude +odpovídat tomu, ¾e $x=1$, a~spárování $B$ a~$D$ bude odpovídat + $x=0$. Pokud jsme +pou¾ili $A$ a~$C$, zvíøata se sudými èísly, tj. $z_2$ a~$z_4$, horní a~dolní, +jsou nespárovaná a~pokud jsme pou¾ili $B$ a~$D$, zvíøátka $z_1$ a~$z_3$ zùstala +nespárovaná. Pøes tato nespárovaná zvíøátka mù¾eme pøedávat informaci, jestli +promìnná $x$ má hodnotu \ nebo \ do dal¹ích èástí vstupu. + +Zbývá vymyslet, jak reprezentovat klauzule. Klauzule jsou trojice popø. dvojice +literálù, napø. $\kappa = (x \lor y \lor \lnot r)$, kde +potøebujeme zajistit, aby $x$ bylo nastavené na $1$ nebo $y$ bylo nastavené +na~$1$ nebo $r$ na $0$. + +\fig{klauzule.eps}{4cm} + +\>Pro takovouto klauzuli si poøídíme dvojici kluk-dívka, kteøí budou figurovat +ve tøech trojicích se tøemi rùznými zvíøátky, co¾ mají být volná zvíøátka +z~obrázkù pro pøíslu¹né promìnné (podle toho, má-li se promìnná vyskytnout +s negací nebo ne). A~zaøídíme to tak, aby ka¾dé zvíøátko bylo +pou¾ité maximálnì v~jedné takové trojici, co¾ jde proto, ¾e ka¾dý literál se +vyskytuje maximálnì dvakrát a~pro ka¾dý literál máme dvì volná zvíøátka, +z~èeho¾ plyne, ¾e zvíøátek je dost pro v¹echny klauzule. Pro dvojice se postupuje +obdobnì. + +Je¹tì nám ale urèitì zbude $2p-k$ zvíøátek, kde $p$ je poèet promìnných, $k$ +poèet klauzulí -- ka¾dá promìnná vyrobí 4 zvíøátka, klauzule zba¹tí jedno +a samotné ohodnocení 2 zvíøátka -- tak pøidáme je¹tì $2p-k$ párù +kluk-dìvèe, kteøí milují +v¹echna zvíøátka, a~ti vytvoøí zbývající trojice. + +Pokud formule byla splnitelná, pak ze splòujícího ohodnocení mù¾eme vyrobit +párování s~na¹í konstrukcí. Obrázek pro ka¾dou promìnnou spárujeme podle +ohodnocení, tj. promìnná je $0$ nebo $1$ a~pro ka¾dou klauzuli si vybereme +nìkterou z~promìnných, kterými je ta klauzule splnìna. Funguje to ale +i~opaènì: Kdy¾ nám nìkdo dá párovaní v~na¹í konstrukci, pak z nìho doká¾eme +vyrobit splòující ohodnocení dané formule. Podíváme se, v~jakém stavu je +promìnná, a~to je v¹echno. Z~toho, ¾e jsou správnì spárované klauzule, u¾ +okam¾itì víme, ¾e jsou v¹echny splnìné. + +Zbývá ovìøit, ¾e na¹e redukce funguje v~polynomiálním èase. Pro ka¾dou klauzuli +spotøebujeme konstantnì mnoho èasu, $2p-k$ je také polynomiálnì mnoho a~kdy¾ v¹e +seèteme, máme polynomiální èas vzhledem k~velikosti vstupní formule. Tím je +pøevod hotový a~mù¾eme 3D-párování zaøadit mezi NP-úplné problémy. + + +%RK + + +\h{Náznak dùkazu Cookovy vìty} + +Abychom mohli budovat teorii NP-úplnosti, potøebujeme alespoò jeden problém, +o kterém doká¾eme, ¾e je NP-úplný, z definice. Cookova vìta øíká o NP-úplnosti +SAT-u, ale nám se to hodí dokázat o tro¹ku jiném problému -- {\I obvodovém SAT-u}. + +\>{\I Obvodový SAT} je splnitelnost, která nepracuje s~formulemi, ale s~booleovskými +obvody (hradlovými sítìmi). Ka¾dá formule se dá pøepsat do booleovského obvodu, +který ji poèítá, tak¾e dává smysl zavést splnitelnost i pro obvody. Na¹e obvody +budou mít nìjaké vstupy a~jenom jeden výstup. Budeme se ptát, jestli se vstupy +tohoto obvodu dají nastavit tak, abychom na výstupu dostali \. + +\>Nejprve doká¾eme NP-úplnost {\I obvodového SAT-u} a~pak uká¾eme, ¾e se dá +pøevést na obyèejný SAT v~CNF. Tím bude dùkaz Cookovy vìty hotový. Zaènìme +s pomocným lemmatem. + +\s{Lemma:} Nech» $L$ je problém v P. Potom existuje polynom $p$ a algoritmus, +který pro $\forall n \ge 0$ spoète v èase $p(n)$ hradlovou sí» $Bn$ s $n$ vstupy +a 1 výstupem takovou, ¾e $\forall x \in \{ 0, 1 \}^n : Bn(x) = L(x)$. + +\proof +Náznakem. Na základì zku¹eností z Principù poèítaèù intuitivnì chápeme poèítaèe +jako nìjaké slo¾ité booleovské obvody, jejich¾ stav se mìní v~èase. Uva¾me tedy +nìjaký problém $L \in {\rm P}$ a polynomiální algoritmus, který ho øe¹í. Pro vstup +velikosti~$n$ dobìhne v~èase~$T$ polynomiálním v~$n$ a spotøebuje $\O(T)$ bunìk pamìti. +Staèí nám tedy \uv{poèítaè s~pamìtí velkou $\O(T)$}, co¾ je nìjaký booleovský obvod +velikosti polynomiální v~$T$, a~tedy i v~$n$. Vývoj v~èase o¹etøíme tak, ¾e sestrojíme~$T$ +kopií tohoto obvodu, ka¾dá z~nich bude odpovídat jednomu kroku výpoètu a bude +propojena s~\uv{minulou} a \uv{budoucí} kopií. Tím sestrojíme booleovský obvod, +který bude øe¹it problém~$L$ pro vstupy velikosti~$n$ a bude polynomiálnì velký +vzhledem k~$n$. + +\s{Poznámka:} +Pro dùkaz následující vìty si dovolíme drobnou úpravu v~definici tøídy NP. +Budeme chtít, aby nápovìda +mìla pevnou velikost, závislou pouze na~velikosti vstupu (tedy: $\vert y \vert += g(\vert x \vert)$ namísto $\vert y \vert \le g(\vert x \vert)$). Proè je taková +úprava BÚNO? Jistì si dovedete pøedstavit, +¾e pùvodní nápovìdu doplníme na po¾adovanou délku nìjakými \uv{mezerami}, které +program ignoruje. (Tedy upravíme program tak, aby mu nevadilo, ¾e dostane na +konci nápovìdy nìjak kódované mezery.) + +\s{Vìta:} Obvodový SAT je NP-úplný. + +\proof +Máme tedy nìjaký problém $L$ z~NP a~chceme dokázat, ¾e $L$ se dá pøevést +na~obvodový SAT (tj. NP-tì¾kost). Kdy¾ nám nìkdo pøedlo¾í nìjaký vstup $x$ +(chápeme jako posloupnost $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$), +spoèítáme velikost nápovìdy $g(n)$. Víme, ¾e kontrolní +algoritmus~$K$ (který kontroluje, zda nápovìda je správnì) je v~P. Vyu¾ijeme +pøedchozí lemma, abychom získali obvod, který pro konkrétní velikost vstupu +$x$ poèítá to, co kontrolní algoritmus $K$. Na vstupu tohoto obvodu bude $x$ +(vstup problému $L$) a~nápovìda~$y$. Na výstupu nám øekne, jestli je nápovìda +správná. Velikost vstupu tohoto obvodu bude tedy $p(g(n))$, co¾ je také polynom. + +\fig{kobvod.eps}{2.3cm} + +\>V tomto obvodu zafixujeme vstup $x$ (na místa vstupu dosadíme konkrétní hodnoty z $x$). Tím získáme obvod, jeho¾ vstup je jen $y$ a~ptáme se, zda za $y$ mù¾eme dosadit nìjaké hodnoty tak, aby na výstupu bylo \. Jinými slovy, ptáme se, zda je tento obvod splnitelný. + +\>Pro libovolný problém z~NP tak doká¾eme sestrojit funkci, která pro ka¾dý vstup~$x$ v~polynomiálním èase vytvoøí obvod, který je splnitelný pravì tehdy, kdy¾ odpovìï tohoto problému na vstup $x$ má být \. Tedy libovolný problém z~NP se dá +v~polynomiálním èase pøevést na obvodový SAT. + +\>Obvodový SAT je v NP triviálnì -- staèí si nechat poradit vstup, sí» +topologicky setøídit a v~tomto poøadí poèítat hodnoty hradel. +\qed + +\s{Lemma:} Obvodový SAT se dá pøevést na 3-SAT. + +\proof +Budeme postupnì budovat formuli v~konjunktivní normální formì. Ka¾dý booleovský obvod se dá pøevést v~polynomiálním èase na~ekvivalentní obvod, ve~kterém se vyskytují jen hradla {\sc and} a {\sc not}, tak¾e staèí najít klauzule odpovídající tìmto hradlùm. Pro ka¾dé hradlo v~obvodu zavedeme novou promìnnou popisující jeho výstup. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám kontrolují, ¾e toto hradlo máme ohodnocené konzistentnì. + +\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc not}: na vstupu hradla budeme mít nìjakou promìnnou $x$ (která pøi¹la buïto pøímo ze~vstupu toho celého obvodu nebo je to promìnná, která vznikla na výstupu nìjakého hradla) a na výstupu promìnnou $y$. Pøidáme klauzule, které nám zaruèí, ¾e jedna promìnná bude negací té druhé: +$$\matrix{ (x \lor y), \cr + (\neg{x} \lor \neg{y}). \cr } + \hskip 0.2\hsize +\vcenter{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.7cm\epsfbox{not.eps}}} +$$ + +\>{\I Pøevod hradla \sc and}: Hradlo má vstupy $x, y$ a~výstup $z$. Potøebujeme pøidat klauzule, které nám popisují, jak se má hradlo {\sc and} chovat. Tyto vztahy pøepí¹eme do~konjunktivní normální formy: +$$ +\left. \matrix{ + x\ \&\ y \Rightarrow z \cr + \neg{x} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr + \neg{y} \Rightarrow \neg{z} \cr +} +\ \quad + \right\} +\quad +\matrix{ + (z \lor \neg{x} \lor \neg{y}) \cr + (\neg{z} \lor x) \cr + (\neg{z} \lor y) \cr + } + \hskip 0.1\hsize +\vcenter{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.7cm\epsfbox{and.eps}}} +$$ + +\>Kdy¾ chceme pøevádìt obvodový SAT na 3-SAT, obvod nejdøíve pøelo¾íme na takový, ve~kterém jsou jen hradla {\sc and} a~{\sc not}, a~pak hradla tohoto obvodu pøelo¾íme na klauzule. Formule vzniklá z~takovýchto klauzulí je splnitelná pravì tehdy, kdy¾ je splnitelný daný obvod. Pøevod pracuje v polynomiálním èase. +\qed + +\s{Poznámka:} +Kdy¾ jsme zavádìli SAT, omezili jsme se jen na formule, které jsou +v~konjunktivní normální formì (CNF). Teï u¾ víme, ¾e splnitelnost obecné +booleovské formule doká¾eme pøevést na obvodovou splnitelnost a tu pak +pøevést na 3-SAT. Opaèný pøevod je samozøejmì triviální, tak¾e obecný SAT +je ve~skuteènosti ekvivalentní s~na¹ím \uv{standardním} SATem pro CNF. + +\bye + diff --git a/old/11-np/3d.eps b/old/11-np/3d.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..755fbcc --- /dev/null +++ b/old/11-np/3d.eps @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: 0.45.1 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 1 1 234 233 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 1.5714774 1.6 233.87693 232.675 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 842 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +147.56738 996.36218 moveto +142.78136 988.61727 lineto +137.5 980.14292 lineto +147.03962 980.12535 lineto +157.5 980.0699 lineto +152.7464 987.83238 lineto +147.56738 996.36218 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +147.43262 812.0699 moveto +152.21864 819.81481 lineto +157.5 828.28916 lineto +147.96038 828.30673 lineto +137.5 828.36218 lineto +142.2536 820.5997 lineto +147.43262 812.0699 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +238.29228 904.7948 moveto +230.54737 909.58082 lineto +222.07302 914.86218 lineto +222.05545 905.32256 lineto +222 894.86218 lineto +229.76248 899.61578 lineto +238.29228 904.7948 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +56 904.92956 moveto +63.74491 900.14354 lineto +72.21926 894.86218 lineto +72.23683 904.4018 lineto +72.29228 914.86218 lineto +64.5298 910.10858 lineto +56 904.92956 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.5 827.86218 moveto +207.5 827.86218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.5 964.86218 moveto +222.5 844.86218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +87.5 980.5699 moveto +207.5 980.5699 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +71.79228 844.86218 moveto +71.79228 964.86218 lineto +stroke +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -39.553644 -91.24453] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +108.04102 913.93093 moveto +109.66699 913.93093 lineto +109.66699 922.00807 lineto +114.49219 917.76296 lineto +116.55762 917.76296 lineto +111.33691 922.36843 lineto +116.77734 927.60671 lineto +114.66797 927.60671 lineto +109.66699 922.79909 lineto +109.66699 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 913.93093 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.619293 837.61511 moveto +83.069489 837.61511 lineto +83.069489 832.60974 lineto +81.491852 832.92615 lineto +81.491852 832.11755 lineto +83.060699 831.80115 lineto +83.948395 831.80115 lineto +83.948395 837.61511 lineto +85.39859 837.61511 lineto +85.39859 838.36218 lineto +81.619293 838.36218 lineto +81.619293 837.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 105.09694 -91.24453] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +114.58008 919.2571 moveto +114.58008 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 926.13014 lineto +114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto +112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto +110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto +107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto +107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto +109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto +112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto +113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto +114.58008 919.2571 lineto +closepath +109.06934 922.69362 moveto +109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto +110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto +112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto +114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto +114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto +113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto +110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto +109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto +109.06934 922.69362 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +226.26987 837.61511 moveto +227.72006 837.61511 lineto +227.72006 832.60974 lineto +226.14243 832.92615 lineto +226.14243 832.11755 lineto +227.71127 831.80115 lineto +228.59897 831.80115 lineto +228.59897 837.61511 lineto +230.04916 837.61511 lineto +230.04916 838.36218 lineto +226.26987 838.36218 lineto +226.26987 837.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 112.44636 58.755473] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +108.04102 913.93093 moveto +109.66699 913.93093 lineto +109.66699 922.00807 lineto +114.49219 917.76296 lineto +116.55762 917.76296 lineto +111.33691 922.36843 lineto +116.77734 927.60671 lineto +114.66797 927.60671 lineto +109.66699 922.79909 lineto +109.66699 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 913.93093 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +234.23013 987.61511 moveto +237.32828 987.61511 lineto +237.32828 988.36218 lineto +233.16226 988.36218 lineto +233.16226 987.61511 lineto +233.49918 987.26648 233.9584 986.79846 234.53995 986.21106 curveto +235.12149 985.62366 235.48697 985.245 235.63638 985.07507 curveto +235.92056 984.75574 236.11905 984.48548 236.23184 984.26428 curveto +236.34463 984.0431 236.40103 983.82557 236.40103 983.61169 curveto +236.40103 983.26307 236.27871 982.97889 236.03409 982.75916 curveto +235.78946 982.53943 235.47085 982.42957 235.07828 982.42957 curveto +234.79995 982.42957 234.50625 982.47791 234.19717 982.57458 curveto +233.88809 982.67127 233.55777 982.81775 233.20621 983.01404 curveto +233.20621 982.11755 lineto +233.56363 981.97401 233.89761 981.86561 234.20816 981.79236 curveto +234.51871 981.71912 234.80288 981.6825 235.0607 981.6825 curveto +235.74038 981.6825 236.28238 981.85242 236.68668 982.19226 curveto +237.09097 982.53211 237.29312 982.98621 237.29312 983.55457 curveto +237.29312 983.8241 237.24258 984.07972 237.14151 984.32141 curveto +237.04043 984.56311 236.85659 984.84803 236.59 985.17615 curveto +236.51675 985.26111 236.28384 985.50647 235.89127 985.91223 curveto +235.49868 986.318 234.94497 986.88562 234.23013 987.61511 curveto +234.23013 987.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -44.90306 58.755473] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +114.58008 919.2571 moveto +114.58008 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 926.13014 lineto +114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto +112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto +110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto +107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto +107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto +109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto +112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto +113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto +114.58008 919.2571 lineto +closepath +109.06934 922.69362 moveto +109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto +110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto +112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto +114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto +114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto +113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto +110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto +109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto +109.06934 922.69362 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +76.880722 987.61511 moveto +79.978867 987.61511 lineto +79.978867 988.36218 lineto +75.812851 988.36218 lineto +75.812851 987.61511 lineto +76.149764 987.26648 76.608992 986.79846 77.190536 986.21106 curveto +77.772077 985.62366 78.137555 985.245 78.286972 985.07507 curveto +78.571148 984.75574 78.769634 984.48548 78.882431 984.26428 curveto +78.99522 984.0431 79.051617 983.82557 79.05162 983.61169 curveto +79.051617 983.26307 78.929302 982.97889 78.684677 982.75916 curveto +78.440045 982.53943 78.121442 982.42957 77.728867 982.42957 curveto +77.450544 982.42957 77.156843 982.47791 76.847763 982.57458 curveto +76.53868 982.67127 76.208358 982.81775 75.856796 983.01404 curveto +75.856796 982.11755 lineto +76.214217 981.97401 76.548201 981.86561 76.858749 981.79236 curveto +77.169294 981.71912 77.453474 981.6825 77.711288 981.6825 curveto +78.390973 981.6825 78.932964 981.85242 79.337265 982.19226 curveto +79.741557 982.53211 79.943706 982.98621 79.94371 983.55457 curveto +79.943706 983.8241 79.893168 984.07972 79.792099 984.32141 curveto +79.69102 984.56311 79.507183 984.84803 79.240585 985.17615 curveto +79.167339 985.26111 78.934429 985.50647 78.541855 985.91223 curveto +78.149274 986.318 77.595563 986.88562 76.880722 987.61511 curveto +76.880722 987.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.5 904.86218 moveto +272.5 904.86218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +21.5 904.86218 moveto +71.5 904.86218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.5 777.86218 moveto +147.5 827.86218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.5 980.86218 moveto +147.5 1030.8622 lineto +stroke +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 167.28409 -17.37197] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +290.99265 908.69714 moveto +291.41745 908.78797 291.74923 908.97693 291.98801 909.26404 curveto +292.22677 909.55115 292.34616 909.90564 292.34616 910.32751 curveto +292.34616 910.97498 292.1235 911.47595 291.67819 911.83044 curveto +291.23288 912.18494 290.60006 912.36218 289.77975 912.36218 curveto +289.50436 912.36218 289.22091 912.33508 288.92941 912.28088 curveto +288.63791 912.22668 288.33688 912.14539 288.02634 912.03699 curveto +288.02634 911.18005 lineto +288.27243 911.32361 288.54196 911.43201 288.83493 911.50525 curveto +289.1279 911.57849 289.43405 911.61511 289.75339 911.61511 curveto +290.31003 911.61511 290.7341 911.50525 291.0256 911.28552 curveto +291.3171 911.0658 291.46286 910.74646 291.46286 910.32751 curveto +291.46286 909.9408 291.32736 909.63831 291.05637 909.42004 curveto +290.78537 909.20179 290.40817 909.09265 289.92477 909.09265 curveto +289.16013 909.09265 lineto +289.16013 908.36316 lineto +289.95993 908.36316 lineto +290.39645 908.36316 290.73043 908.276 290.96188 908.10168 curveto +291.19333 907.92737 291.30905 907.67615 291.30905 907.34802 curveto +291.30905 907.01111 291.18966 906.75257 290.9509 906.57239 curveto +290.71212 906.39222 290.37008 906.30213 289.92477 906.30212 curveto +289.68161 906.30213 289.42087 906.3285 289.14255 906.38123 curveto +288.86423 906.43397 288.55807 906.516 288.22409 906.62732 curveto +288.22409 905.8363 lineto +288.561 905.74256 288.87668 905.67225 289.17111 905.62537 curveto +289.46554 905.5785 289.74313 905.55506 290.00388 905.55505 curveto +290.6777 905.55506 291.2109 905.70814 291.60349 906.01428 curveto +291.99606 906.32044 292.19235 906.73426 292.19235 907.25574 curveto +292.19235 907.61902 292.08834 907.92591 291.88034 908.17639 curveto +291.67233 908.42688 291.37643 908.60047 290.99265 908.69714 curveto +290.99265 908.69714 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 32.28409 120.75547] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.74216 1044.5746 moveto +153.50095 1048.077 lineto +155.74216 1048.077 lineto +155.74216 1044.5746 lineto +closepath +155.50925 1043.8011 moveto +156.62546 1043.8011 lineto +156.62546 1048.077 lineto +157.56149 1048.077 lineto +157.56149 1048.8153 lineto +156.62546 1048.8153 lineto +156.62546 1050.3622 lineto +155.74216 1050.3622 lineto +155.74216 1048.8153 lineto +152.78024 1048.8153 lineto +152.78024 1047.9584 lineto +155.50925 1043.8011 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -106.71591 -17.24453] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +14.457024 911.61511 moveto +15.907219 911.61511 lineto +15.907219 906.60974 lineto +14.329582 906.92615 lineto +14.329582 906.11755 lineto +15.89843 905.80115 lineto +16.786125 905.80115 lineto +16.786125 911.61511 lineto +18.23632 911.61511 lineto +18.23632 912.36218 lineto +14.457024 912.36218 lineto +14.457024 911.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 32.28409 -156.24453] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +154.06784 772.61511 moveto +157.16599 772.61511 lineto +157.16599 773.36218 lineto +152.99997 773.36218 lineto +152.99997 772.61511 lineto +153.33688 772.26648 153.79611 771.79846 154.37766 771.21106 curveto +154.9592 770.62366 155.32467 770.245 155.47409 770.07507 curveto +155.75827 769.75574 155.95675 769.48548 156.06955 769.26428 curveto +156.18234 769.0431 156.23874 768.82557 156.23874 768.61169 curveto +156.23874 768.26307 156.11642 767.97889 155.8718 767.75916 curveto +155.62716 767.53943 155.30856 767.42957 154.91599 767.42957 curveto +154.63766 767.42957 154.34396 767.47791 154.03488 767.57458 curveto +153.7258 767.67127 153.39548 767.81775 153.04391 768.01404 curveto +153.04391 767.11755 lineto +153.40134 766.97401 153.73532 766.86561 154.04587 766.79236 curveto +154.35641 766.71912 154.64059 766.6825 154.89841 766.6825 curveto +155.57809 766.6825 156.12008 766.85242 156.52438 767.19226 curveto +156.92868 767.53211 157.13082 767.98621 157.13083 768.55457 curveto +157.13082 768.8241 157.08029 769.07972 156.97922 769.32141 curveto +156.87814 769.56311 156.6943 769.84803 156.4277 770.17615 curveto +156.35446 770.26111 156.12155 770.50647 155.72897 770.91223 curveto +155.33639 771.318 154.78268 771.88562 154.06784 772.61511 curveto +154.06784 772.61511 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 33.09371 -82.24452] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +109.94824 921.34011 moveto +109.94824 926.14772 lineto +112.7959 926.14772 lineto +113.75097 926.14772 114.45849 925.94997 114.91846 925.55446 curveto +115.37841 925.15896 115.60839 924.55398 115.6084 923.73952 curveto +115.60839 922.91921 115.37841 922.31423 114.91846 921.92458 curveto +114.45849 921.53494 113.75097 921.34011 112.7959 921.34011 curveto +109.94824 921.34011 lineto +closepath +109.94824 915.94362 moveto +109.94824 919.8987 lineto +112.57617 919.8987 lineto +113.44335 919.89871 114.08935 919.73611 114.51416 919.41091 curveto +114.93896 919.08572 115.15136 918.58914 115.15137 917.92116 curveto +115.15136 917.25906 114.93896 916.76394 114.51416 916.43581 curveto +114.08935 916.1077 113.44335 915.94363 112.57617 915.94362 curveto +109.94824 915.94362 lineto +closepath +108.17285 914.48464 moveto +112.70801 914.48464 lineto +114.06152 914.48465 115.10448 914.7659 115.83691 915.32839 curveto +116.56933 915.8909 116.93554 916.6907 116.93555 917.7278 curveto +116.93554 918.53054 116.74804 919.16922 116.37305 919.64382 curveto +115.99804 920.11843 115.44726 920.41433 114.7207 920.53151 curveto +115.59374 920.71902 116.27196 921.11013 116.75537 921.70485 curveto +117.23876 922.29958 117.48046 923.04226 117.48047 923.93288 curveto +117.48046 925.10476 117.08202 926.01003 116.28516 926.6487 curveto +115.48827 927.28737 114.35448 927.60671 112.88379 927.60671 curveto +108.17285 927.60671 lineto +108.17285 914.48464 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 97.07912 -16.19228] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +117.99902 915.49538 moveto +117.99902 917.36745 lineto +117.40136 916.81082 116.76415 916.3948 116.0874 916.1194 curveto +115.41064 915.84402 114.6914 915.70633 113.92969 915.70632 curveto +112.42968 915.70633 111.28125 916.16482 110.48438 917.0818 curveto +109.6875 917.99881 109.28906 919.32449 109.28906 921.05886 curveto +109.28906 922.78738 109.6875 924.11013 110.48438 925.02712 curveto +111.28125 925.94411 112.42968 926.40261 113.92969 926.40261 curveto +114.6914 926.40261 115.41064 926.26491 116.0874 925.98952 curveto +116.76415 925.71413 117.40136 925.29812 117.99902 924.74147 curveto +117.99902 926.59597 lineto +117.37792 927.01784 116.7202 927.33425 116.02588 927.54518 curveto +115.33153 927.75612 114.59765 927.86159 113.82422 927.86159 curveto +111.83789 927.86159 110.27343 927.25368 109.13086 926.03786 curveto +107.98828 924.82204 107.41699 923.16238 107.41699 921.05886 curveto +107.41699 918.94949 107.98828 917.28689 109.13086 916.07106 curveto +110.27343 914.85526 111.83789 914.24735 113.82422 914.24733 curveto +114.60937 914.24735 115.34911 914.35135 116.04346 914.55934 curveto +116.73778 914.76736 117.38964 915.07938 117.99902 915.49538 curveto +117.99902 915.49538 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 32.22032 47.755475] 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916.10107 114.76465 916.51414 curveto +115.20409 916.92724 115.42382 917.43554 115.42383 918.03905 curveto +115.42382 918.66015 115.21142 919.20507 114.78662 919.67381 curveto +114.36181 920.14257 113.61034 920.65526 112.53223 921.2119 curveto +113.27636 922.53612 114.05273 923.74901 114.86133 924.85057 curveto +115.89257 923.62011 116.40819 922.583 116.4082 921.73924 curveto +116.40819 921.46972 116.3203 921.22948 116.14453 921.01854 curveto +116.01562 920.86034 115.83105 920.76659 115.59082 920.73729 curveto +115.59082 920.41209 lineto +closepath +112.2334 920.64061 moveto +112.95995 920.29491 113.50341 919.90234 113.86377 919.46287 curveto +114.22411 919.02343 114.40429 918.53417 114.4043 917.9951 curveto +114.40429 917.57324 114.27392 917.2246 114.01318 916.9492 curveto +113.75243 916.67382 113.4287 916.53613 113.04199 916.53612 curveto +112.53222 916.53613 112.14697 916.71337 111.88623 917.06785 curveto +111.62548 917.42236 111.49511 917.76953 111.49512 918.10936 curveto 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969.86216 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +2.5 1009.8622 moveto +42.5 1009.8622 lineto +42.5 1009.8622 lineto +42.5 1009.8622 lineto +43 1009.8622 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +42.625 969.36216 moveto +42.625 1009.3622 lineto +42.625 1009.3622 lineto +42.625 1009.3622 lineto +42.625 1009.8622 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +2.625 969.36216 moveto +2.625 1009.3622 lineto +2.625 1009.3622 lineto +2.625 1009.3622 lineto +2.625 1009.8622 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +35.0532 929.86216 moveto +35.0532 969.86216 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.7113249 -0.7113249 0 704.66756 798.22153] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +242 941.36218 moveto +236 944.82628 lineto +230 948.29039 lineto +230 941.36218 lineto +230 934.43398 lineto +236 937.89808 lineto +242 941.36218 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +22.75 1009.8622 moveto +22.75 1049.8622 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.7113249 -0.7113249 0 692.36436 878.22155] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +242 941.36218 moveto +236 944.82628 lineto +230 948.29039 lineto +230 941.36218 lineto +230 934.43398 lineto +236 937.89808 lineto +242 941.36218 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -68.993601 15.599206] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +112.19824 928.52077 moveto +111.74121 929.69264 111.29589 930.45729 110.8623 930.81472 curveto +110.42871 931.17213 109.84863 931.35084 109.12207 931.35085 curveto +107.83008 931.35085 lineto +107.83008 929.99733 lineto +108.7793 929.99733 lineto +109.22461 929.99733 109.57031 929.89186 109.81641 929.68093 curveto +110.0625 929.46999 110.33496 928.97194 110.63379 928.18679 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612.36218 165 631.61394 165 655.36218 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +2.5 963.16218 moveto +57.1 874.56218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +102.3 963.16218 moveto +57.3 874.36218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +202.3 963.16218 moveto +57.3 874.16218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +22.1 963.16218 moveto +167.3 873.96218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +122.1 963.16218 moveto +167.3 874.36218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.1 963.16218 moveto +167.3 874.36218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +112.4 979.06218 moveto +112.4 1029.0622 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +212.4 979.16218 moveto +212.4 1029.1622 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +12.4 979.26218 moveto +12.4 1029.2622 lineto +stroke +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -103.41591 120.75547] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +21.980175 1033.4402 moveto +20.20039 1035.8352 lineto +22.07246 1038.3621 lineto +21.118847 1038.3621 lineto +19.68623 1036.4285 lineto +18.253613 1038.3621 lineto +17.299999 1038.3621 lineto +19.21162 1035.7869 lineto +17.462597 1033.4402 lineto +18.41621 1033.4402 lineto +19.721386 1035.1936 lineto +21.026562 1033.4402 lineto +21.980175 1033.4402 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +18.367872 1049.6151 moveto +21.466017 1049.6151 lineto +21.466017 1050.3622 lineto +17.300001 1050.3622 lineto +17.300001 1049.6151 lineto +17.636914 1049.2665 18.096142 1048.7985 18.677687 1048.2111 curveto +19.259227 1047.6237 19.624705 1047.245 19.774122 1047.0751 curveto +20.058299 1046.7557 20.256785 1046.4855 20.369581 1046.2643 curveto +20.48237 1046.0431 20.538767 1045.8256 20.538771 1045.6117 curveto +20.538767 1045.2631 20.416452 1044.9789 20.171827 1044.7592 curveto +19.927195 1044.5394 19.608592 1044.4296 19.216017 1044.4296 curveto +18.937694 1044.4296 18.643993 1044.4779 18.334913 1044.5746 curveto +18.02583 1044.6713 17.695508 1044.8178 17.343946 1045.014 curveto +17.343946 1044.1176 lineto +17.701367 1043.974 18.035351 1043.8656 18.3459 1043.7924 curveto +18.656444 1043.7191 18.940624 1043.6825 19.198439 1043.6825 curveto +19.878123 1043.6825 20.420115 1043.8524 20.824415 1044.1923 curveto +21.228707 1044.5321 21.430856 1044.9862 21.430861 1045.5546 curveto +21.430856 1045.8241 21.380319 1046.0797 21.279249 1046.3214 curveto +21.17817 1046.5631 20.994333 1046.848 20.727736 1047.1761 curveto +20.654489 1047.2611 20.421579 1047.5065 20.029005 1047.9122 curveto +19.636424 1048.318 19.082714 1048.8856 18.367872 1049.6151 curveto +18.367872 1049.6151 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 96.99786 120.75547] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +221.15468 1034.196 moveto +221.06385 1034.1433 220.96498 1034.1045 220.85805 1034.0796 curveto +220.75111 1034.0547 220.63319 1034.0422 220.50429 1034.0422 curveto +220.04725 1034.0422 219.69642 1034.1909 219.4518 1034.4883 curveto +219.20717 1034.7856 219.08485 1035.2126 219.08485 1035.7693 curveto +219.08485 1038.3621 lineto +218.27187 1038.3621 lineto +218.27187 1033.4402 lineto +219.08485 1033.4402 lineto +219.08485 1034.2048 lineto +219.25477 1033.906 219.47597 1033.6841 219.74843 1033.5391 curveto +220.02089 1033.394 220.35194 1033.3215 220.74159 1033.3215 curveto +220.79725 1033.3215 220.85878 1033.3252 220.92616 1033.3325 curveto +220.99354 1033.3398 221.06825 1033.3508 221.15028 1033.3655 curveto +221.15468 1034.196 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +218.17079 1049.6151 moveto +219.62099 1049.6151 lineto +219.62099 1044.6097 lineto +218.04335 1044.9261 lineto +218.04335 1044.1176 lineto +219.6122 1043.8011 lineto +220.49989 1043.8011 lineto +220.49989 1049.6151 lineto +221.95009 1049.6151 lineto +221.95009 1050.3622 lineto +218.17079 1050.3622 lineto +218.17079 1049.6151 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -3.415905 120.75551] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +107.39941 917.76296 moveto +115.08105 917.76296 lineto +115.08105 919.23952 lineto +108.99902 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 926.31472 lineto +115.08105 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 927.60671 lineto +107.17969 926.13014 lineto +113.26172 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 919.05495 lineto +107.39941 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +119.93673 1038.8192 moveto +119.70821 1039.4052 119.48556 1039.7875 119.26876 1039.9662 curveto +119.05196 1040.1449 118.76192 1040.2343 118.39864 1040.2343 curveto +117.75265 1040.2343 lineto +117.75265 1039.5575 lineto +118.22726 1039.5575 lineto +118.44991 1039.5575 118.62276 1039.5048 118.74581 1039.3993 curveto +118.86886 1039.2938 119.00509 1039.0448 119.1545 1038.6522 curveto +119.29952 1038.2831 lineto +117.3088 1033.4403 lineto +118.16573 1033.4403 lineto +119.70382 1037.2899 lineto +121.24191 1033.4403 lineto +122.09884 1033.4403 lineto +119.93673 1038.8192 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +118.36787 1049.6151 moveto +121.46602 1049.6151 lineto +121.46602 1050.3622 lineto +117.3 1050.3622 lineto +117.3 1049.6151 lineto +117.63692 1049.2665 118.09614 1048.7985 118.67769 1048.2111 curveto +119.25923 1047.6237 119.62471 1047.245 119.77412 1047.0751 curveto +120.0583 1046.7557 120.25679 1046.4855 120.36958 1046.2643 curveto +120.48237 1046.0431 120.53877 1045.8256 120.53877 1045.6117 curveto +120.53877 1045.2631 120.41645 1044.9789 120.17183 1044.7592 curveto +119.9272 1044.5394 119.60859 1044.4296 119.21602 1044.4296 curveto +118.9377 1044.4296 118.644 1044.4779 118.33492 1044.5746 curveto +118.02583 1044.6713 117.69551 1044.8178 117.34395 1045.014 curveto +117.34395 1044.1176 lineto +117.70137 1043.974 118.03535 1043.8656 118.3459 1043.7924 curveto +118.65645 1043.7191 118.94063 1043.6825 119.19844 1043.6825 curveto +119.87812 1043.6825 120.42012 1043.8524 120.82442 1044.1923 curveto +121.22871 1044.5321 121.43086 1044.9862 121.43086 1045.5546 curveto +121.43086 1045.8241 121.38032 1046.0797 121.27925 1046.3214 curveto +121.17817 1046.5631 120.99433 1046.848 120.72774 1047.1761 curveto +120.65449 1047.2611 120.42158 1047.5065 120.02901 1047.9122 curveto +119.63643 1048.318 119.08272 1048.8856 118.36787 1049.6151 curveto +118.36787 1049.6151 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -56.415644 -62.244525] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +108.04102 913.93093 moveto +109.66699 913.93093 lineto +109.66699 922.00807 lineto +114.49219 917.76296 lineto +116.55762 917.76296 lineto +111.33691 922.36843 lineto +116.77734 927.60671 lineto +114.66797 927.60671 lineto +109.66699 922.79909 lineto +109.66699 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 927.60671 lineto +108.04102 913.93093 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +65.539528 851.21802 moveto +65.539528 853.13843 lineto +66.682106 851.92993 lineto +67.136204 851.45533 67.562474 851.21802 67.960915 851.21802 curveto +68.116184 851.21802 68.241428 851.25464 68.336647 851.32788 curveto +68.431857 851.40113 68.479465 851.49634 68.479469 851.61353 curveto +68.479465 851.72779 68.442111 851.81861 68.367409 851.88599 curveto +68.292697 851.95337 68.207004 851.98706 68.110329 851.98706 curveto +68.025364 851.98706 67.912571 851.94898 67.77195 851.8728 curveto +67.631321 851.79663 67.522923 851.75855 67.446754 851.75854 curveto +67.294407 851.75855 67.125951 851.85816 66.941383 852.05737 curveto +66.17234 852.88794 lineto +67.622536 854.70728 lineto +67.874485 855.02368 68.208469 855.18774 68.624489 855.19946 curveto +68.624489 855.36206 lineto +67.200661 855.36206 lineto +65.539528 853.20435 lineto +65.539528 855.36206 lineto +64.810036 855.36206 lineto +64.810036 852.90112 lineto +64.810035 852.41773 64.790992 852.11377 64.752907 851.98926 curveto +64.71482 851.86475 64.628394 851.80249 64.493629 851.80249 curveto +64.411598 851.80249 64.311989 851.82447 64.194801 851.86841 curveto +64.133278 851.71021 lineto +65.346169 851.21802 lineto +65.539528 851.21802 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 53.58394 -62.499408] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +114.58008 919.2571 moveto +114.58008 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 913.93093 lineto +116.19727 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 927.60671 lineto +114.58008 926.13014 lineto +114.24023 926.71608 113.81103 927.15114 113.29248 927.43532 curveto +112.77392 927.7195 112.15136 927.86159 111.4248 927.86159 curveto +110.23535 927.86159 109.26709 927.38698 108.52002 926.43776 curveto +107.77295 925.48855 107.39941 924.2405 107.39941 922.69362 curveto +107.39941 921.14675 107.77295 919.89871 108.52002 918.94948 curveto +109.26709 918.00027 110.23535 917.52566 111.4248 917.52565 curveto +112.15136 917.52566 112.77392 917.66775 113.29248 917.95192 curveto +113.81103 918.23611 114.24023 918.67117 114.58008 919.2571 curveto +114.58008 919.2571 lineto +closepath +109.06934 922.69362 moveto +109.06933 923.88308 109.31396 924.81618 109.80322 925.49294 curveto +110.29248 926.1697 110.96484 926.50808 111.82031 926.50807 curveto +112.67577 926.50808 113.3496 926.1697 113.8418 925.49294 curveto +114.33398 924.81618 114.58007 923.88308 114.58008 922.69362 curveto +114.58007 921.50417 114.33398 920.57107 113.8418 919.8943 curveto +113.3496 919.21756 112.67577 918.87918 111.82031 918.87917 curveto +110.96484 918.87918 110.29248 919.21756 109.80322 919.8943 curveto +109.31396 920.57107 109.06933 921.50417 109.06934 922.69362 curveto +109.06934 922.69362 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +175.53911 850.96313 moveto +175.53911 852.88354 lineto +176.68169 851.67505 lineto +177.13578 851.20044 177.56205 850.96314 177.96049 850.96313 curveto +178.11576 850.96314 178.24101 850.99976 178.33623 851.073 curveto +178.43144 851.14624 178.47905 851.24146 178.47905 851.35864 curveto +178.47905 851.4729 178.44169 851.56372 178.36699 851.6311 curveto +178.29228 851.69849 178.20658 851.73218 178.10991 851.73218 curveto +178.02494 851.73218 177.91215 851.6941 177.77153 851.61792 curveto +177.6309 851.54175 177.5225 851.50367 177.44633 851.50366 curveto +177.29399 851.50367 177.12553 851.60327 176.94096 851.80249 curveto +176.17192 852.63306 lineto +177.62212 854.45239 lineto +177.87407 854.7688 178.20805 854.93286 178.62407 854.94458 curveto +178.62407 855.10718 lineto +177.20024 855.10718 lineto +175.53911 852.94946 lineto +175.53911 855.10718 lineto +174.80962 855.10718 lineto +174.80962 852.64624 lineto +174.80962 852.16284 174.79057 851.85889 174.75249 851.73438 curveto +174.7144 851.60987 174.62797 851.54761 174.49321 851.54761 curveto +174.41118 851.54761 174.31157 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+gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +49.730833 965.36212 moveto +47.266733 961.09417 lineto +44.802625 956.82622 lineto +49.730833 956.82622 lineto +54.659035 956.82622 lineto +52.194934 961.09417 lineto +49.730833 965.36212 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 -107.13477 14.431197] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +115.01074 913.93093 moveto +114.75586 915.27565 lineto +113.20898 915.27565 lineto +112.62304 915.27566 112.19677 915.39139 111.93018 915.62282 curveto +111.66357 915.85428 111.46582 916.27762 111.33691 916.89284 curveto +111.16113 917.76296 lineto +113.82422 917.76296 lineto +113.58691 919.01979 lineto +110.92383 919.01979 lineto +109.25391 927.60671 lineto +107.62793 927.60671 lineto +109.30664 919.01979 lineto +107.75977 919.01979 lineto +107.98828 917.76296 lineto +109.53516 917.76296 lineto +109.66699 917.07741 lineto +109.88964 915.91727 110.28076 915.10281 110.84033 914.63405 curveto +111.3999 914.16531 112.28027 913.93094 113.48145 913.93093 curveto +115.01074 913.93093 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +116.03027 913.93093 moveto +117.64746 913.93093 lineto +117.25195 915.97878 lineto +115.63477 915.97878 lineto +116.03027 913.93093 lineto +closepath +115.29199 917.76296 moveto +116.90918 917.76296 lineto +114.98438 927.60671 lineto +113.36719 927.60671 lineto +115.29199 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +128.52832 917.76296 moveto +124.01074 922.58815 lineto +126.7793 927.60671 lineto +124.9248 927.60671 lineto +122.8418 923.70436 lineto +119.2207 927.60671 lineto +117.26074 927.60671 lineto +122.10352 922.42116 lineto +119.52832 917.76296 lineto +121.38281 917.76296 lineto +123.27246 921.32253 lineto +126.56836 917.76296 lineto +128.52832 917.76296 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +136.06055 913.9485 moveto +134.50781 915.88797 133.34912 917.72928 132.58447 919.47243 curveto +131.81982 921.2156 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+144.94629 929.97975 moveto +146.50488 928.0403 147.66504 926.19899 148.42676 924.45583 curveto +149.18847 922.71267 149.56933 921.0325 149.56934 919.4153 curveto +149.56933 918.48953 149.45947 917.57107 149.23975 916.65993 curveto +149.02002 915.74881 148.6875 914.845 148.24219 913.9485 curveto +149.64844 913.9485 lineto +150.1875 914.96219 150.58886 915.9407 150.85254 916.88405 curveto +151.11621 917.82742 151.24804 918.75613 151.24805 919.67018 curveto +151.24804 921.41628 150.84228 923.14919 150.03076 924.86891 curveto +149.21924 926.58864 148.00488 928.29225 146.3877 929.97975 curveto +144.94629 929.97975 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 0.443587 52.557702] concat +grestore +gsave [1.0140005 0 0 1 5.7032684 54.80528] concat +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -86.775134 22.557937] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +139.81055 954.05616 moveto +139.23242 954.05617 138.77539 954.28176 138.43945 954.73292 curveto +138.10351 955.1841 137.93555 955.80226 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953.4468 138.86914 953.14211 139.81055 953.1421 curveto +139.81055 953.1421 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +149.31445 956.58741 moveto +149.31445 955.79445 149.15136 955.17238 148.8252 954.7212 curveto +148.49902 954.27004 148.05078 954.04445 147.48047 954.04445 curveto +146.91015 954.04445 146.46191 954.27004 146.13574 954.7212 curveto +145.80957 955.17238 145.64648 955.79445 145.64648 956.58741 curveto +145.64648 957.38039 145.80957 958.00246 146.13574 958.45363 curveto +146.46191 958.9048 146.91015 959.13038 147.48047 959.13038 curveto +148.05078 959.13038 148.49902 958.9048 148.8252 958.45363 curveto +149.15136 958.00246 149.31445 957.38039 149.31445 956.58741 curveto +149.31445 956.58741 lineto +closepath +145.64648 954.2964 moveto +145.87304 953.90578 146.15918 953.61574 146.50488 953.42628 curveto +146.85058 953.23683 147.26367 953.14211 147.74414 953.1421 curveto +148.54101 953.14211 149.18847 953.45851 149.68652 954.09132 curveto +150.18456 954.72414 150.43359 955.55617 150.43359 956.58741 curveto +150.43359 957.61867 150.18456 958.4507 149.68652 959.08351 curveto +149.18847 959.71632 148.54101 960.03273 147.74414 960.03273 curveto +147.26367 960.03273 146.85058 959.938 146.50488 959.74855 curveto +146.15918 959.55909 145.87304 959.26906 145.64648 958.87843 curveto +145.64648 959.8628 lineto +144.5625 959.8628 lineto +144.5625 950.74562 lineto +145.64648 950.74562 lineto +145.64648 954.2964 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +151.44727 953.3003 moveto +152.58984 953.3003 lineto +154.64063 958.80812 lineto +156.69141 953.3003 lineto +157.83398 953.3003 lineto +155.37305 959.8628 lineto +153.9082 959.8628 lineto +151.44727 953.3003 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +161.86523 954.05616 moveto +161.28711 954.05617 160.83008 954.28176 160.49414 954.73292 curveto +160.1582 955.1841 159.99023 955.80226 159.99023 956.58741 curveto +159.99023 957.37257 160.15722 957.99074 160.49121 958.44191 curveto +160.82519 958.89308 161.2832 959.11866 161.86523 959.11866 curveto +162.43945 959.11866 162.89453 958.8921 163.23047 958.43898 curveto +163.5664 957.98585 163.73437 957.36867 163.73438 956.58741 curveto +163.73437 955.81007 163.5664 955.19386 163.23047 954.73878 curveto +162.89453 954.28371 162.43945 954.05617 161.86523 954.05616 curveto +161.86523 954.05616 lineto +closepath +161.86523 953.1421 moveto +162.80273 953.14211 163.53906 953.4468 164.07422 954.05616 curveto +164.60937 954.66554 164.87695 955.50929 164.87695 956.58741 curveto +164.87695 957.66164 164.60937 958.50441 164.07422 959.11573 curveto +163.53906 959.72706 162.80273 960.03273 161.86523 960.03273 curveto +160.92383 960.03273 160.18652 959.72706 159.65332 959.11573 curveto +159.12012 958.50441 158.85351 957.66164 158.85352 956.58741 curveto +158.85351 955.50929 159.12012 954.66554 159.65332 954.05616 curveto +160.18652 953.4468 160.92383 953.14211 161.86523 953.1421 curveto +161.86523 953.1421 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +170.97656 954.2964 moveto +170.97656 950.74562 lineto +172.05469 950.74562 lineto +172.05469 959.8628 lineto +170.97656 959.8628 lineto +170.97656 958.87843 lineto +170.74999 959.26906 170.46386 959.55909 170.11816 959.74855 curveto +169.77246 959.938 169.35742 960.03273 168.87305 960.03273 curveto +168.08008 960.03273 167.43457 959.71632 166.93652 959.08351 curveto +166.43848 958.4507 166.18945 957.61867 166.18945 956.58741 curveto +166.18945 955.55617 166.43848 954.72414 166.93652 954.09132 curveto +167.43457 953.45851 168.08008 953.14211 168.87305 953.1421 curveto +169.35742 953.14211 169.77246 953.23683 170.11816 953.42628 curveto +170.46386 953.61574 170.74999 953.90578 170.97656 954.2964 curveto +170.97656 954.2964 lineto +closepath +167.30273 956.58741 moveto +167.30273 957.38039 167.46582 958.00246 167.79199 958.45363 curveto +168.11816 958.9048 168.5664 959.13038 169.13672 959.13038 curveto +169.70703 959.13038 170.15625 958.9048 170.48438 958.45363 curveto +170.81249 958.00246 170.97656 957.38039 170.97656 956.58741 curveto +170.97656 955.79445 170.81249 955.17238 170.48438 954.7212 curveto +170.15625 954.27004 169.70703 954.04445 169.13672 954.04445 curveto +168.5664 954.04445 168.11816 954.27004 167.79199 954.7212 curveto +167.46582 955.17238 167.30273 955.79445 167.30273 956.58741 curveto +167.30273 956.58741 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +179.13867 958.87843 moveto +179.13867 962.3589 lineto +178.05469 962.3589 lineto +178.05469 953.3003 lineto +179.13867 953.3003 lineto +179.13867 954.2964 lineto +179.36523 953.90578 179.65136 953.61574 179.99707 953.42628 curveto +180.34277 953.23683 180.75586 953.14211 181.23633 953.1421 curveto +182.0332 953.14211 182.68066 953.45851 183.17871 954.09132 curveto +183.67675 954.72414 183.92577 955.55617 183.92578 956.58741 curveto +183.92577 957.61867 183.67675 958.4507 183.17871 959.08351 curveto +182.68066 959.71632 182.0332 960.03273 181.23633 960.03273 curveto +180.75586 960.03273 180.34277 959.938 179.99707 959.74855 curveto +179.65136 959.55909 179.36523 959.26906 179.13867 958.87843 curveto +179.13867 958.87843 lineto +closepath +182.80664 956.58741 moveto +182.80663 955.79445 182.64355 955.17238 182.31738 954.7212 curveto +181.99121 954.27004 181.54296 954.04445 180.97266 954.04445 curveto +180.40234 954.04445 179.9541 954.27004 179.62793 954.7212 curveto +179.30176 955.17238 179.13867 955.79445 179.13867 956.58741 curveto +179.13867 957.38039 179.30176 958.00246 179.62793 958.45363 curveto +179.9541 958.9048 180.40234 959.13038 180.97266 959.13038 curveto +181.54296 959.13038 181.99121 958.9048 182.31738 958.45363 curveto +182.64355 958.00246 182.80663 957.38039 182.80664 956.58741 curveto +182.80664 956.58741 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +189.51563 954.30812 moveto +189.39453 954.23781 189.26269 954.18605 189.12012 954.15284 curveto +188.97753 954.11965 188.82031 954.10305 188.64844 954.10304 curveto +188.03906 954.10305 187.57129 954.30129 187.24512 954.69777 curveto +186.91894 955.09425 186.75586 955.66359 186.75586 956.40577 curveto +186.75586 959.8628 lineto +185.67188 959.8628 lineto +185.67188 953.3003 lineto +186.75586 953.3003 lineto +186.75586 954.31984 lineto +186.98242 953.9214 187.27734 953.62551 187.64063 953.43214 curveto +188.0039 953.23879 188.44531 953.14211 188.96484 953.1421 curveto +189.03906 953.14211 189.12109 953.14699 189.21094 953.15675 curveto +189.30078 953.16652 189.40039 953.18117 189.50977 953.2007 curveto +189.51563 954.30812 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +193.20117 954.05616 moveto +192.62304 954.05617 192.16601 954.28176 191.83008 954.73292 curveto +191.49414 955.1841 191.32617 955.80226 191.32617 956.58741 curveto +191.32617 957.37257 191.49316 957.99074 191.82715 958.44191 curveto +192.16113 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+431.39648 682.97023 431.21875 683.34328 431.08594 683.78077 curveto +430.95312 684.21828 430.88672 684.65187 430.88672 685.08155 curveto +430.88672 685.62843 431.01172 686.04933 431.26172 686.34425 curveto +431.51172 686.63917 431.86718 686.78663 432.32813 686.78663 curveto +432.66796 686.78663 432.98339 686.70656 433.27441 686.5464 curveto +433.56542 686.38624 433.81445 686.15382 434.02148 685.84913 curveto +434.24414 685.52882 434.42382 685.15187 434.56055 684.71827 curveto +434.69726 684.28468 434.76562 683.87062 434.76563 683.47609 curveto +434.76563 683.47609 lineto +closepath +431.42578 681.95265 moveto +431.71484 681.57375 432.05566 681.28664 432.44824 681.09132 curveto +432.84082 680.89601 433.27734 680.79836 433.75781 680.79835 curveto +434.42968 680.79836 434.95117 681.01808 435.32227 681.45753 curveto +435.69335 681.89699 435.8789 682.5132 435.87891 683.30616 curveto +435.8789 683.95461 435.76366 684.57277 435.5332 685.16066 curveto +435.30273 685.74855 434.9707 686.27492 434.53711 686.73976 curveto +434.24804 687.04835 433.92187 687.2837 433.55859 687.44581 curveto +433.19531 687.60792 432.8125 687.68898 432.41016 687.68898 curveto +431.94531 687.68898 431.55468 687.5923 431.23828 687.39894 curveto +430.92187 687.20558 430.68555 686.91749 430.5293 686.53468 curveto +429.85547 690.01515 lineto +428.77734 690.01515 lineto +430.54102 680.95655 lineto +431.61914 680.95655 lineto +431.42578 681.95265 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +438.62695 678.40187 moveto +439.70508 678.40187 lineto +437.92969 687.51905 lineto +436.85156 687.51905 lineto +438.62695 678.40187 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +446.44336 683.55812 moveto +445.67578 687.51905 lineto +444.5918 687.51905 lineto +445.35938 683.59913 lineto +445.39453 683.41554 445.42187 683.25343 445.44141 683.1128 curveto +445.46093 682.97218 445.4707 682.86086 445.4707 682.77882 curveto +445.4707 682.4507 445.36718 682.19484 445.16016 682.01124 curveto +444.95312 681.82765 444.66406 681.73586 444.29297 681.73585 curveto +443.71484 681.73586 443.21679 681.92824 442.79883 682.313 curveto +442.38086 682.69777 442.10742 683.22023 441.97852 683.88038 curveto +441.25781 687.51905 lineto +440.17969 687.51905 lineto +441.45117 680.95655 lineto +442.5293 680.95655 lineto +442.3125 681.9878 lineto +442.61328 681.6089 442.97461 681.31594 443.39648 681.1089 curveto +443.81836 680.90187 444.26171 680.79836 444.72656 680.79835 curveto +445.30468 680.79836 445.75292 680.95461 446.07129 681.2671 curveto +446.38964 681.57961 446.54882 682.01906 446.54883 682.58546 curveto +446.54882 682.72609 446.54003 682.87648 446.52246 683.03663 curveto +446.50488 683.19679 446.47851 683.37062 446.44336 683.55812 curveto +446.44336 683.55812 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +453.14648 683.65187 moveto +453.1582 683.58937 453.16699 683.52492 453.17285 683.45851 curveto +453.17871 683.39211 453.18163 683.3257 453.18164 683.25929 curveto +453.18163 682.78273 453.04199 682.40578 452.7627 682.12843 curveto +452.48339 681.85109 452.10351 681.71242 451.62305 681.71241 curveto +451.08789 681.71242 450.61523 681.88137 450.20508 682.21925 curveto +449.79492 682.55715 449.48437 683.03664 449.27344 683.65773 curveto +453.14648 683.65187 lineto +closepath +454.08398 684.49562 moveto +449.06836 684.49562 lineto +449.04492 684.64406 449.0293 684.76125 449.02148 684.84718 curveto +449.01367 684.93312 449.00976 685.00734 449.00977 685.06984 curveto +449.00976 685.61281 449.17676 686.03273 449.51074 686.3296 curveto +449.84472 686.62648 450.3164 686.77491 450.92578 686.77491 curveto +451.39453 686.77491 451.83789 686.72218 452.25586 686.61671 curveto +452.67382 686.51124 453.06249 686.35695 453.42188 686.15382 curveto +453.2168 687.22023 lineto +452.83007 687.37648 452.43066 687.49366 452.01855 687.57179 curveto +451.60644 687.64991 451.1875 687.68898 450.76172 687.68898 curveto +449.85156 687.68898 449.15137 687.4712 448.66113 687.03566 curveto +448.1709 686.60011 447.92578 685.98195 447.92578 685.18116 curveto +447.92578 684.49757 448.04785 683.86183 448.29199 683.27394 curveto +448.53613 682.68605 448.89453 682.16164 449.36719 681.7007 curveto +449.67187 681.41164 450.03418 681.18898 450.4541 681.03273 curveto +450.87402 680.87648 451.32031 680.79836 451.79297 680.79835 curveto +452.53515 680.79836 453.12597 681.02101 453.56543 681.46632 curveto +454.00488 681.91164 454.2246 682.50929 454.22461 683.25929 curveto +454.2246 683.43898 454.21288 683.63136 454.18945 683.83644 curveto +454.16601 684.04152 454.13085 684.26125 454.08398 684.49562 curveto +454.08398 684.49562 lineto +closepath +453.12891 677.9214 moveto +454.29492 677.9214 lineto +451.95703 680.12452 lineto +451.05469 680.12452 lineto +453.12891 677.9214 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.0794981 0 0 1.1120691 -10.146435 2.3213619] concat +gsave +0.80000001 0.80000001 0.80000001 setrgbcolor +newpath +125.19378 899.26141 moveto +125.2013 911.67969 104.4619 921.74863 78.87596 921.74863 curveto +53.290018 921.74863 32.550621 911.67969 32.55814 899.26141 curveto +32.550621 886.84313 53.290018 876.77419 78.87596 876.77419 curveto +104.4619 876.77419 125.2013 886.84313 125.19378 899.26141 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 32.998062 -15.126589] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +40.027344 1013.1148 moveto +42.763672 1013.1148 lineto +43.560541 1013.1148 44.167963 1013.3003 44.585938 1013.6714 curveto +45.003899 1014.0425 45.212883 1014.5855 45.212891 1015.3003 curveto +45.212883 1016.2612 44.90429 1017.0093 44.287109 1017.5444 curveto +43.669916 1018.0796 42.80273 1018.3472 41.685547 1018.3472 curveto +40.197266 1018.3472 lineto +39.511719 1021.8628 lineto +38.322266 1021.8628 lineto +40.027344 1013.1148 lineto +closepath +41.023438 1014.0874 moveto +40.390625 1017.3745 lineto +41.878906 1017.3745 lineto +42.550777 1017.3745 43.066401 1017.2027 43.425781 1016.8589 curveto +43.78515 1016.5152 43.964838 1016.023 43.964844 1015.3823 curveto +43.964838 1014.9722 43.842768 1014.6538 43.598633 1014.4273 curveto +43.354487 1014.2007 43.011714 1014.0874 42.570313 1014.0874 curveto +41.023438 1014.0874 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 108.07718 103.22423] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +19.985352 936.01589 moveto +22.375977 936.01589 lineto +28.194336 946.99343 lineto +28.194336 936.01589 lineto +29.916992 936.01589 lineto +29.916992 949.13796 lineto +27.526367 949.13796 lineto +21.708008 938.16042 lineto +21.708008 949.13796 lineto +19.985352 949.13796 lineto +19.985352 936.01589 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +35.225586 937.47487 moveto +35.225586 942.40554 lineto +37.458008 942.40554 lineto +38.284173 942.40554 38.922844 942.19168 39.374023 941.76393 curveto +39.825187 941.33621 40.050773 940.72683 40.050781 939.93581 curveto +40.050773 939.15066 39.825187 938.54422 39.374023 938.11647 curveto +38.922844 937.68875 38.284173 937.47488 37.458008 937.47487 curveto +35.225586 937.47487 lineto +closepath +33.450195 936.01589 moveto +37.458008 936.01589 lineto +38.928704 936.0159 40.040519 936.34842 40.793457 937.01345 curveto +41.546377 937.6785 41.922841 938.65262 41.922852 939.93581 curveto +41.922841 941.23074 41.546377 942.20925 40.793457 942.87136 curveto +40.040519 943.53347 38.928704 943.86453 37.458008 943.86452 curveto +35.225586 943.86452 lineto +35.225586 949.13796 lineto +33.450195 949.13796 lineto +33.450195 936.01589 lineto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/11-np/p-np.svg b/old/11-np/p-np.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2a44b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/11-np/p-np.svg @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + NP - úplné + P NP + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + NP - úplné + P NP + diff --git a/old/12-apx/12-apx.tex b/old/12-apx/12-apx.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2583f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/12-apx/12-apx.tex @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex +\prednaska{12}{Aproximaèní algoritmy}{\vbox{\hbox{(F. Ha¹ko, J. Menda, M. Mare¹,} + \hbox{ Michal Kozák, Vojta Tùma)}}} + +\>Na~minulých pøedná¹kách jsme se zabývali rùznými tì¾kými rozhodovacími +problémy. Tato se zabývá postupy, jak se v~praxi vypoøádat s~øe¹ením tìchto +problémù. + +\h{Co dìlat, kdy¾ potkáme NP-úplný problém} +\algo +\:Nepanikaøit. +\:Spokojit se s~málem. +\:Rozmyslet, jestli opravdu potøebujeme obecný algoritmus. Mnohdy potøebujeme pouze +speciálnìj¹í pøípady, které mohou být øe¹itelné v~polynomiálním èase. +\:Spokojit se s~pøibli¾ným øe¹ením, (pou¾ít aproximaèní algoritmus). +\:Pou¾ít heuristiku -- napøíklad genetické algoritmy nebo randomizované algoritmy. +Velmi pomoci mù¾e i jen výhodnìj¹í poøadí pøi~prohledávání èi oøezávání nìkterých +napohled nesmyslných vìtví výpoètu. +\endalgo + +\h{První zpùsob: Speciální pøípad} + +\>Èasto si vystaèíme s~vyøe¹ením speciálního pøípadu NP-úplného problému, který +le¾í v~$P$. Napøíklad pøi øe¹ení grafové úlohy nám mù¾e staèit øe¹ení +pro~speciální druh grafù (stromy, bipartitní grafy, \dots). Barvení grafu je lehké +napø. pro~dvì barvy èi pro intervalové grafy. 2-SAT, jako speciální pøípad SATu, +se dá øe¹it v~lineárním èase. + +\>Uká¾eme si dva takové pøípady (budeme øe¹ení hledat, nejen rozhodovat, zda existuje) + +\s{Problém: Maximální nezávislá mno¾ina ve~stromì (ne rozhodovací)} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Zakoøenìný strom~$T$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} Maximální (co do~poètu vrcholù) nezávislá mno¾ina vrcholù~$M$~v~$T$. + +\>BÚNO mù¾eme pøedpokládat, ¾e v~$M$ jsou v¹echny listy $T$. Pokud by nìkterý +list $l$ v~$M$ nebyl, tak se podíváme na~jeho otce: +\itemize\ibull +\:Pokud otec není v~$M$, tak list $l$ pøidáme do~$M$, èím¾ se nezávislost +mno¾iny zachovala a velikost stoupla o~1. +\:Pokud tam otec je, tak ho z~$M$ vyjmeme a na~místo nìho vlo¾íme $l$. +Nezávislost ani velikost $M$ se nezmìnily. +\endlist +\>Nyní listy spolu s~jejich otci z~$T$ odebereme a postup opakujeme. $T$ se +mù¾e rozpadnout na~les, ale to nevadí $\to$ tentý¾ postup aplikujeme na~v¹echny stromy v~lese. + +\s{Algoritmus:} +\>MaxNz$(T)$ +\algo +\:Polo¾íme $L$:=$\{$listy stromu $T\}$. +\:Polo¾íme $O$:=$\{$otcové vrcholù z~$L\}$. +\:Vrátíme $L \cup$ MaxNz$(T\setminus(O \cup L))$. +\endalgo +\>{\I Poznámka:} Toto doká¾eme naprogramovat v~$\O(n)$ (udr¾ujeme si frontu listù). + +\s{Problém: Batoh} + +\>Je daná mno¾ina $n$~pøedmìtù s~hmotnostmi $h_1,\ldots,h_n$ +a cenami $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ a~batoh, který unese hmostnost~$H$. Najdìte takovou +podmno¾inu pøedmìtù, jejich¾ celková hmotnost je maximálnì $H$ a celková cena +je maximální mo¾ná. + +\>Tento problém je zobecnìním problému batohu z~minulé pøedná¹ky dvìma smìry: +Jednak místo rozhodovacího problému øe¹íme optimalizaèní, jednak pøedmìty +mají ceny (pøedchozí verze odpovídala tomu, ¾e ceny jsou rovny hmotnostem). +Uká¾eme si algoritmus pro øe¹ení tohoto obecného problému, jeho¾ èasová +slo¾itost bude polynomiální v~poètu pøedmìtù~$n$ a souètu v¹ech cen~$C=\sum_i +c_i$. + +\>Pou¾ijeme dynamické programování. Pøedstavme si problém omezený na~prvních~$k$ +pøedmìtù. Oznaème si $A_k(c)$ (kde $0\le c\le C$) minimální hmotnost +podmno¾iny, její¾ cena je právì~$c$. Tato $A_k$ spoèteme indukcí podle~$k$: +Pro $k=0$ je urèitì $A_0(0)=0$, $A_0(c)=infty$ pro $c>0$. Pokud ji¾ známe +$A_{k-1}$, spoèítáme $A_k$ následovnì: $A_k(c)$ odpovídá nìjaké podmno¾inì +pøedmìtù z~$1,\ldots,k$. V~této podmno¾inì jsme buïto $k$-tý pøedmìt nepou¾ili +(a pak je $A_k(c)=A_{k-1}(c)$), nebo pou¾ili a tehdy bude $A_k(c) = +A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k$ (to samozøejmì jen pokud $c\ge c_k$). Z~tìchto dvou +mo¾ností si vybereme tu, která dává mno¾inu s~men¹í hmotností. Tedy: +$$ +A_k(c) = \min (A_{k-1}(c), A_{k-1}(c-c_k) + h_k). +$$ +Tímto zpùsobem v~èase $\O(C)$ spoèteme $A_k(c)$ pro fixní $k$ a v¹echna $c$, +v~èase $\O(nC)$ pak v¹echny $A_k(c)$. + +\>Podle $A_n$ snadno nalezneme maximální cenu mno¾iny, která se vejde do~batohu. +To bude nejvìt¹í~$c^*$, pro nì¾ je $A_n(c^*) \le H$. Jeho nalezení nás stojí +èas $\O(C)$. + +\>A~jak zjistit, které pøedmìty do~nalezené mno¾iny patøí? Upravíme algoritmus, +aby si pro ka¾dé $A_k(c)$ pamatoval $B_k(c)$, co¾ bude index posledního pøedmìtu, +který jsme do~pøíslu¹né mno¾iny pøidali. Pro nalezené $c^*$ tedy bude $i=B_n(c^*)$ +poslední pøedmìt v~nalezené mno¾inì, $i'=B_{i-1}(c^*-c_i)$ ten pøedposlední +a tak dále. Takto v~èase $\O(n)$ rekonstruujeme celou mno¾inu od~posledního +prvku k~prvnímu. + +\>Ukázali jsme tedy algoritmus s~èasovou slo¾itostí $\O(nC)$, který vyøe¹í +problém batohu. Jeho slo¾itost není polynomem ve~velikosti vstupu ($C$~mù¾e +být a¾ exponenciálnì velké vzhledem k~velikosti vstupu), ale pouze ve~velikosti +èísel na~vstupu. Takovým algoritmùm se øíká {\I pseudopolynomiální.} Ani takové +algoritmy ale nejsou k dispozici pro v¹echny problémy (napø. u problému obchodního +cestujícího nám vùbec nepomù¾e, ¾e váhy hran budou malá èísla). + +\s{Verze bez cen:} Na verzi s~cenami rovnými hmotnostem se dá pou¾ít +i jiný algoritmus zalo¾ený na~dynamickém programování: poèítáme mno¾iny +$Z_k$ obsahující v¹echny hmotnosti men¹í ne¾~$H$, kterých nabývá +nìjaká podmno¾ina prvních~$k$ prvkù. Pøitom $Z_0=\{0\}$, $Z_k$ +spoèteme ze~$Z_{k-1}$ --- udr¾ujme si $Z_{k-1}$ jako setøídìný spojový seznam, +výpoèet dal¹ího seznamu udìláme slitím dvou seznamù $Z_{k-1}$ a $Z_{k-1}$ se +v¹emi prvky zvý¹enými o hmotnost $k$ zahazujíce duplicitní a pøíli¹ velké hodnoty --- +a ze~$Z_n$ vyèteme výsledek. V¹echny tyto mno¾iny +mají nejvý¹e $H$ prvkù, tak¾e celková èasová slo¾itost algoritmu je~$\O(nH)$. + +\h{Druhý zpùsob: Aproximace} + +\>V pøedcházejících problémech jsme se zamìøili na~speciální pøípady. Obèas v¹ak +takové ¹tìstí nemáme a musíme vyøe¹it celý NP-úplný problém. Mù¾eme si v¹ak +pomoct tím, ¾e se ho nebudeme sna¾it vyøe¹it optimálnì -- namísto optimálního +øe¹ení najdeme nìjaké, které je nejvý¹e $c$-krát hor¹í pro nìjakou konstantu $c$. + +\s{Problém: Obchodní cestující} + +\>{\I Vstup:} Neorientovaný graf~$G$, ka¾dá hrana +je ohodnocená funkcí $w: E(G)\rightarrow {\bb R }^+_0$. + +\>{\I Výstup:} Hamiltonovská kru¾nice (obsahující v¹echny vrcholy grafu), a~to ta nejkrat¹í +(podle ohodnocení). + +\>Tento problém je hned na~první pohled nároèný -- u¾ sama existence +hamiltonovské kru¾nice je NP-úplná. Najdeme aproximaèní algoritmus nejprve za pøedpokladu, +¾e vrcholy splòují trojúhelníkovou nerovnost (tj. $\forall x,y,z \in V: w(xz)\le +w(xy)+w(yz)$), potom uká¾eme, ¾e v úplnì obecném pøípadé by samotná existence +aproximaèního algoritmu implikovala ${\rm P=NP }$. + +\>{\I a) trojúhelníková nerovnost:} + +Existuje pìkný algoritmus, který najde hamiltonovskou kru¾nici o délce $\leq +2\cdot opt$, kde $opt$ je délka nejkrat¹í hamiltonovské kru¾nice. +Vedle pøedpokladu trojúhelníkové +nerovnosti budeme potøebovat, aby ná¹ graf byl úplný. Souhrnnì mù¾eme +pøedpokládat, ¾e úlohu øe¹íme v nìjakém metrickém protoru, ve kterém jsou obì +podmínky podle definice splnìny. + +Najdeme nejmen¹í kostru grafu a obchodnímu cestujícímu poradíme, a» jde po~ní -- kostru +zakoøeníme a projdeme jako strom do hloubky, pøièem¾ se zastavíme a¾ v koøeni po projití +v¹ech vrcholù. Problém v¹ak je, ¾e prùchod po kostøe obsahuje +nìkteré vrcholy i hrany vícekrát, a proto musíme nahradit nepovolené vracení se. +Máme-li na nìjaký vrchol vstoupit podruhé, prostì ho ignorujeme a pøesuneme se +rovnou na dal¹í nenav¹tívený -- dovolit si to mù¾eme, graf je úplný a obsahuje +hrany mezi v¹emi dvojicemi vrcholù +(jinak øeèeno, poøadí vrcholù kru¾nice bude preorder výpis prùchodem do hloubky). +Pokud platí trojúhelníková nerovnost, tak si tìmito zkratkami neu¹kodíme. +Nech» minimální kostra má váhu~$T$. Pokud bychom pro¹li celou kostru, bude mít +sled váhu~$2T$ (ka¾dou hranou kostry jsme ¹li tam a zpátky), a pøeskakování +vrcholù celkovou váhu nezvìt¹uje (pøi pøeskoku +nahradíme cestu $xyz$ jedinou hranou $xz$, pøièem¾ z trojúhelníkové nerovnosti +máme $xz \leq xy + xz$), tak¾e váha nalezené +hamiltonovské kru¾nice bude také nanejvý¹ $2T$. + +Kdy¾ máme hamiltonovskou kru¾nici $C$ a z~ní vy¹krtneme hranu, dostaneme kostru +grafu~$G$ s~váhou men¹í ne¾ $C$ -- ale ka¾dá kostra je alespoò tak tì¾ká +jako minimální kostra $T$. Tedy optimální hamiltonovská kru¾nice je urèitì tì¾¹í +ne¾ minimální kostra $T$. Kdy¾ tyto dvì nerovnosti slo¾íme +dohromady, algoritmus nám vrátí hamiltonovskou kru¾nici $T'$ s~váhou nanejvý¹ +dvojnásobnou vzhledem k optimální hamiltonovské kru¾nici ($T' \leq 2T < 2C$). Takovéto +algoritmy se nazývají {\I 2-aproximaèní}, kdy¾ øe¹ení je maximálnì dvojnásobné +od~optimálního.\foot{Hezkým trikem se v obecných metrických prostorech umí +$1{,}5$-aproximace. Ve~nìkterých metrických prostorech (tøeba v euklidovské +rovinì) se aproximaèní pomìr dá dokonce srazit na +libovolnì blízko k 1. Zaplatíme ale na èase -- èím pøesnìj¹í výsledek +po algoritmu chceme, tím déle to bude trvat.} + +\>{\I b) bez~trojúhelníkové nerovnosti:} + +Zde se budeme naopak sna¾it ukázat, ¾e ¾ádný polynomiální aproximaèní +algoritmus neexistuje. + +\s{Vìta:} Pokud pro~libovolné~$\varepsilon>0$ existuje polynomiální +$(1+\varepsilon)$-aproximaèní algoritmus pro~problém obchodního cestujícího bez~trojúhelníkové nerovnosti, tak ${\rm P = NP }$. + +\proof Uká¾eme, ¾e v~takovém pøípadì doká¾eme v~polynomiálním èase zjistit, +zda v grafu existuje hamiltonovská kru¾nice. + +\>Dostali jsme graf~$G$, ve~kterém hledáme hamiltonovskou kru¾nici. Doplníme +$G$ na~úplný graf~$G'$ a~váhy hran~$G'$ nastavíme takto: +\itemize\ibull +\: $w(e) = 1$, kdy¾ $e \in E(G)$ +\: $w(e) = c \gg 1$, kdy¾ $e \not\in E(G)$ +\endlist +\>Konstantu $c$ potøebujeme zvolit tak velkou, abychom jasnì poznali, jestli +je ka¾dá hrana z nalezené hamiltonovské kru¾nice hranou grafu $G$ (pokud by +nebyla, bude kru¾nice obsahovat aspoò jednu hranu s váhou $c$, která vy¾ene +souèet poznatelnì vysoko). Pokud existuje hamiltonovská kru¾nice v~$G'$ slo¾ená jen +z~hran, které byly +pùvodnì v~$G$, pak optimální øe¹ení bude mít váhu~$n$, jinak bude urèitì +minimálnì $n-1+c$. Kdy¾ máme aproximaèní algoritmus s~pomìrem~$1+\varepsilon$, +musí tedy být +$$ +\eqalign{ +(1+\varepsilon)\cdot n &< n-1+c \cr +\varepsilon n+1 &< c +} +$$ +\>Kdyby takový algoritmus existoval, máme polynomiální algoritmus +na~hamiltonovskou kru¾nici. +\qed + +\s{Poznámka:} O existenci pseudopolynomiálního algoritmu +platí analogická vìta, a doká¾e se analogicky -- existující hrany budou +mít váhu 1, neexistující váhu 2. + +\h{Aproximaèní schéma pro problém batohu} + +Ji¾ víme, jak optimalizaèní verzi problému batohu vyøe¹it v~èase $\O(nC)$, +pokud jsou hmotnosti i ceny na~vstupu pøirozená èísla a $C$ je souèet v¹ech cen. +Jak si poradit, pokud je~$C$ obrovské? Kdybychom mìli ¹tìstí a v¹echny +ceny byly dìlitelné nìjakým èíslem~$p$, mohli bychom je tímto èíslem +vydìlit. Tím bychom dostali zadání s~men¹ími èísly, jeho¾ øe¹ením by byla +stejná mno¾ina pøedmìtù jako u~zadání pùvodního. + +Kdy¾ nám ¹tìstí pøát nebude, mù¾eme pøesto zkusit ceny vydìlit a výsledky +nìjak zaokrouhlit. Øe¹ení nové úlohy pak sice nebude pøesnì odpovídat optimálnímu +øe¹ení té pùvodní, ale kdy¾ nastavíme parametry správnì, bude alespoò jeho dobrou aproximací. + +\s{Základní my¹lenka:} + +Oznaèíme si $c_{max}$ maximum z~cen~$c_i$. Zvolíme si nìjaké pøirozené èíslo~$M < c_{max}$ +a zobrazíme interval cen $[0, c_{max}]$ na $[0,M]$ (tedy ka¾dou cenu znásobíme +$M/c_{max}$). +Jak jsme tím zkreslili výsledek? V¹imnìme si, ¾e efekt je stejný, jako kdybychom jednotlivé +ceny zaokrouhlili na~násobky èísla $c_{max}/M$ (prvky z intervalu +$[i\cdot c_{max}/M,(i+1)\cdot c_{max}/M)$ se zobrazí na stejný prvek). Ka¾dé $c_i$ jsme tím +tedy zmìnili o~nejvý¹e $c_{max}/M$, celkovou cenu libovolné podmno¾iny pøedmìtù pak +nejvý¹e o~$n\cdot c_{max}/M$. Teï si je¹tì v¹imnìme, ¾e pokud ze~zadání odstraníme +pøedmìty, které se samy nevejdou do~batohu, má optimální øe¹ení pùvodní úlohy cenu $OPT\ge c_{max}$, +tak¾e chyba v~souètu je nejvý¹e $n\cdot OPT/M$. Má-li tato chyba být shora omezena +$\varepsilon\cdot OPT$, musíme zvolit $M\ge n/\varepsilon$.\foot{Pøipomìòme, ¾e toto je¹tì není dùkaz, nebo» velkoryse pøehlí¾íme chyby dané zaokrouhlováním. Dùkaz provedeme ní¾e.} + +\s{Algoritmus:} +\algo +\:Odstraníme ze~vstupu v¹echny pøedmìty tì¾¹í ne¾~$H$. +\:Spoèítáme $c_{max}=\max_i c_i$ a zvolíme $M=\lceil n/\varepsilon\rceil$. +\:Kvantujeme ceny: $\forall i: \hat{c}_i \leftarrow \lfloor c_i \cdot M/c_{max} \rfloor$. +\:Vyøe¹íme dynamickým programováním problém batohu pro upravené ceny $\hat{c}_1, \ldots, \hat{c}_n$ +a pùvodní hmotnosti i kapacitu batohu. +\:Vybereme stejné pøedmìty, jaké pou¾ilo optimální øe¹ení kvantovaného zadání. +\endalgo + +\>Kroky 1--3 a 5 jistì zvládneme v~èase $\O(n)$. Krok~4 øe¹í problém batohu +se souètem cen $\hat{C}\le nM = \O(n^2/\varepsilon)$, co¾ stihne v~èase $\O(n\hat{C})=\O(n^3/\varepsilon)$. +Zbývá dokázat, ¾e výsledek na¹eho algoritmu má opravdu relativní chybu nejvý¹e~$\varepsilon$. + +Nejprve si rozmyslíme, jakou cenu budou mít pøedmìty které daly optimální øe¹ení +v pùvodním zadání (tedy mají v pùvodním zadání dohromady cenu $OPT$), +kdy¾ jejich ceny nakvantujeme (mno¾inu indexù tìchto pøedmìtù si oznaèíme~$Y$): +$$ +\eqalign{ +\widehat{OPT} &= \sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i = +\sum_i \left\lfloor c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} \right\rfloor \ge +\sum_i \left( c_i\cdot {M\over c_{max}} - 1 \right) \ge \cr +&\ge +\biggl(\sum_i c_i \cdot {M\over c_{max}}\biggr) - n = +OPT \cdot {M\over c_{max}} - n. +} +$$ +Nyní spoèítejme, jak dopadne optimální øe¹ení~$Q$ nakvantovaného problému pøi pøepoètu +na~pùvodní ceny (to je výsledek na¹eho algoritmu): +$$ +\eqalign{ +ALG &= \sum_{i\in Q} c_i \ge +\sum_i \hat{c}_i \cdot {c_{max}\over M} = +\biggl(\sum_i \hat{c}_i\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge^* +\widehat{OPT} \cdot {c_{max}\over M}. +} +$$ +Nerovnost $\ge^*$ platí proto, ¾e $\sum_{i\in Q} \hat{c}_i$ je optimální øe¹ení +kvantované úlohy, zatímco $\sum_{i\in Y} \hat{c}_i$ je nìjaké dal¹í øe¹ení té¾e úlohy, +které nemù¾e být lep¹í. Teï u¾ staèí slo¾it obì nerovnosti a dosadit za~$M$: +$$ +\eqalign{ +ALG &\ge \biggl( { OPT \cdot M\over c_{max}} - n\biggr) \cdot {c_{max}\over M} \ge +OPT - {n\cdot c_{max}\over n / \varepsilon} \ge OPT - \varepsilon c_{max} \ge \cr +&\ge OPT - \varepsilon OPT = (1-\varepsilon)\cdot OPT. +} +$$ +Algoritmus tedy v¾dy vydá øe¹ení, které je nejvý¹e $(1-\varepsilon)$-krát hor¹í ne¾ optimum, +a~doká¾e to pro libovolné~$\varepsilon$ v~èase polynomiálním v~$n$. Takovému algoritmu øíkáme +{\I polynomiální aproximaèní schéma} (jinak té¾ PTAS\foot{Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme}). +V~na¹em pøípadì je dokonce slo¾itost polynomiální i v~závislosti na~$1/\varepsilon$, tak¾e +schéma je {\I plnì polynomiální} (øeèené té¾ FPTAS\foot{Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation +Scheme}). U nìkterých problémù se stává, ¾e aproximaèní schéma závisí na +$1/\varepsilon$ exponenciálnì, co¾ tak pøíjemné není. Shròme, co jsme zjistili, do následující vìty: + +\s{Vìta:} +Existuje algoritmus, který pro ka¾dé $\varepsilon > 0$ nalezne +{\I $(1 - \varepsilon)$-aproximaci} problému batohu s $n$ pøedmìty v èase +$\O(n^3/\varepsilon)$. + +\bye diff --git a/old/12-apx/Makefile b/old/12-apx/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11f9d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/12-apx/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=12-apx + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex b/old/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..244427c --- /dev/null +++ b/old/2-dinic/2-dinic.tex @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{2}{Dinicùv algoritmus}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} + + +Na~minulé pøedná¹ce jsme si~ukázali Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus. Tento algoritmus hledal maximální tok tak, ¾e zaèal s~tokem nulovým a~postupnì ho zvìt¹oval. Pro~ka¾dé zvìt¹ení potøeboval v~síti najít cestu, na~které mají v¹echny hrany kladnou rezervu (po takovéto cestì mù¾eme poslat více, ne¾ po~ní aktuálnì teèe). Ukázali jsme, ¾e pokud takováto cesta existuje, jde tok vylep¹it (zvìt¹it). Zároveò pokud tok jde vylep¹it, pak takováto cesta existuje. Dokázali jsme, ¾e pro~racionální kapacity je algoritmus koneèný a~najde maximální tok. + +Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus má ov¹em znaèné nevýhody. Funguje pouze pro~racionální kapacity a~je pomìrnì pomalý. Nyní si~uká¾eme jiný algoritmus, který nevylep¹uje tok pomocí cest, ale pomocí tokù\dots Budeme k~tomu potøebovat sí» rezerv. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Sí» rezerv} k~toku~$f$ v~síti $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$ je sí» $R=(S,f)=(V,E,z,s,r)$, kde~$r(e)$ je rezerva hrany~$e$ v~toku~$f$. + +\s{Konvence:} Pro~hranu~$e$ znaèí~$\overleftarrow{e}$ hranu opaènou. Napø. pokud $e=uv$, tak $\overleftarrow{e}=vu$. + +Je dùle¾ité si~uvìdomit, ¾e sí» rezerv je závislá jak na~pùvodní síti~$S$, tak na~nìjakém toku~$f$ v~síti~$S$. Sí» rezerv~$R$ se~pak od sítì~$S$ li¹í pouze kapacitami -- sí»~$R$ má jako kapacitu hrany rezervu hrany v pùvodní síti. Pro~pøipomenutí: rezervu hrany~$e$ v~síti $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$ s~tokem~$f$ jsme si~definovali jako $r(e)=c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e})$. + +Ne¾ si~uká¾eme samotný algoritmus, doká¾eme si~následující lemma. + +\s{Lemma:} Pro~ka¾dý tok~$f$ v~síti~$S$ a~pro~ka¾dý tok~$g$ v~síti $R=(S,f)$ lze v~èase $\O(m)$ nalézt tok~$f'$ v~síti~$S$ takový, ¾e $\vert f' \vert = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert$. + +\proof + +Dùkaz rozdìlíme do~tøí krokù. V~prvním kroku si~uká¾eme, jak budeme tok~$f'$ v~síti~$S$ konstruovat. V~druhém kroku doká¾eme, ¾e takto zkonstruované~$f'$ je opravdu tok. A~nakonec uká¾eme, ¾e splòuje po¾adovanou vlastnost, tedy ¾e jeho velikost je souèet velikostí tokù~$f$ a~$g$. + +\>{\it 1. konstrukce~$f'$} + +\noindent +Pro ka¾dou dvojici hran~$e, \overleftarrow{e}$ urèíme~$f'(e)$ a~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ následovnì: + +\itemize\ibull +\:Pokud~$g(e) = g(\overleftarrow{e}) = 0$, pak nastavme: + \itemize\ibull + \:$f'(e) := f(e)$, + \:$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e})$. + \endlist + +\:Pokud~$g(e) > 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) = 0$, pak polo¾me: + \itemize\ibull + \:$\varepsilon := \min (g(e), f(\overleftarrow{e}))$, + \:$f'(e) := f(e) + g(e) - \varepsilon$, + \:$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e}) - \varepsilon$. + \endlist + +\:Pøípad~$g(e) = 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) > 0$ vyøe¹íme obdobnì. + +\:Pokud~$g(e) > 0$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e}) > 0$, pak odeèteme od toku~$g$ cirkulaci po cyklu tvoøeném hranami~$e$ a $\overleftarrow{e}$: + \itemize\ibull + \:$\delta := \min (g(e),g(\overleftarrow{e}))$, + \:$g'(e) := g(e) - \delta$, + \:$g'(\overleftarrow{e}) := g(\overleftarrow{e}) - \delta$. + \endlist + + Tok $g'$ nyní spadá pod nìkterý z~pøedchozích pøípadù, které u¾ umíme vyøe¹it. + +\endlist + +\>{\it 2. $f'$ je tok} + +\numlist{\ndotted} + +\:Nejdøíve ovìøme první podmínku: $\forall e \in E: 0 \leq f(e) \leq c(e)$. Vezmìme libovolnou hranu~$e \in E$. Podle toho, co teèe po~hranách~$e$ a~$\overleftarrow{e}$ v~toku~$g$, jsme rozdìlili konstrukci toku na~tøi pøípady: + + \numlist{\ndotted} + + \:Pokud po~hranách~$e$ a~$\overleftarrow{e}$ netekl ¾ádný tok~$g$, pak jsme nastavili $f'(e) := f(e)$ a~$f'(\overleftarrow{e}) := f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Tedy pokud~$f$ dodr¾oval kapacity, tak pro~$f'$ musí platit to samé. + + + \:Pokud po~hranì~$e$ tekl tok~$g$ nenulový a~po opaèné nulový, tak jsme zvolili: $f'(e) := f(e) + g(e) - \varepsilon$. Víme, ¾e jsme si~$\varepsilon$ vybrali tak, ¾e $\varepsilon \leq g(e)$. Proto $f'(e) \geq 0$. + + Teï ovìøme, ¾e $f'(e) \leq c(e)$. V~pøípadì, ¾e $\varepsilon = g(e)$, tak $f'(e) = f(e) \leq c(e)$. V~opaèném pøípadì platí, ¾e $\varepsilon = f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Pak ov¹em + $$f'(e) = f(e) + g(e) - f(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq $$ + $$\leq f(e) + \left[ c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e}) \right] - f(\overleftarrow{e}) = c(e).$$ + Vyu¾ili jsme, ¾e~$g$ je tok v~síti rezerv, tedy $g(e) \leq c(e) - f(e) + f(\overleftarrow{e})$. + + Pro tok $f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ platí, ¾e $\varepsilon \leq f(\overleftarrow{e})$. Proto $f'(\overleftarrow{e}) = f(\overleftarrow{e}) - \varepsilon \geq 0$. Zároveò $f'(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq f(\overleftarrow{e}) \leq c(\overleftarrow{e})$. + + Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f'(e)$ i~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ dodr¾ují kapacity. + + \:V posledním pøípadì tekl po~obou hranách kladný tok~$g$. Men¹í tok z~$g(e)$ a~$g(\overleftarrow{e})$ jsme vynulovali a~od vìt¹ího odeèetli ten men¹í. Tok~$g'(e)$ a~$g'(\overleftarrow{e})$ tedy zùstal korektní a~tok~$f'$ u¾ konstruujeme podle pøedchozího pøípadu. + + \endlist + +\:Teï musíme je¹tì dokázat, ¾e nový tok neporu¹uje Kirchhoffovy zákony: $$\forall v~\in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f'^\Delta(v)=0.$$ + % neboli $$\forall v~\in V \setminus \{z,s\}: \sum_{u: uv \in E}{f'(uv)}=\sum_{u: vu \in E}{f'(vu)}.$$ + + Vezmìme si~libovolnou hranu~$e = uv \in E$. Uvìdomme si, ¾e pøi~pøechodu z~$f(e)$ na~$f'(e)$ a~z~$f(\overleftarrow{e})$ na~$f'(\overleftarrow{e})$ bylo: + \itemize\idot + \:$f^\Delta(u)$ sní¾eno o~$g(e)$ + \:$f^\Delta(v)$ zvý¹eno o~$g(e)$. + \endlist + Seèteme-li úpravy na v¹ech hranách, dostaneme: $$f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + \sum_{u:uv \in E} g(uv) - \sum_{u:vu \in E} g(vu) =$$ $$= f^\Delta(v) + g^+(v) - g^-(v) = f^\Delta(v) + g^\Delta(v).$$ + + Jeliko¾~$f$ byl tok, tak $f^\Delta(v) = 0$ a jeliko¾~$g$ byl tok, tak $g^\Delta(v) = 0$. Proto $f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + g^\Delta(v) = 0$. + +\endlist + +Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f'$ je tok v~síti~$S$. + +\>{\it 3. $\vert f' \vert = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert$} + +Pou¾ijme vztah pro souèet pøebytkù z pøedchozího kroku: +$$\vert f' \vert = f'^\Delta(s) = f^\Delta(s) + g^\Delta(s) = \vert f \vert + \vert g \vert.$$ +\qed + + +Pro algoritmus budeme potøebovat vybírat kvalitní toky~$g$ v~síti rezerv. Pokud se~nám to bude daøit, bude se~tok~$f'$ rychle zvìt¹ovat, a¾ bychom mohli dojít k~maximálnímu toku. Nejlépe by se~nám hodily co nejvìt¹í toky v~síti rezerv. Kdybychom si~dali za cíl najít v¾dy maximální tok v~síti rezerv, výsledek by byl sice krásný (dostali bychom tak rovnou i~maximální tok v~pùvodní síti), ale problém hledání maximálního toku bychom pouze pøenesli na~jinou sí». Na¹e po¾adavky na~tento tok budou tedy takové, aby byl dostateènì velký, ale abychom bìhem jeho hledání nestrávili moc èasu. Podívejme se, jak se~s~tímto problémem vyrovná {\I Dinicùv algoritmus}. Nejdøíve si~ale zadefinujme nìkolik pojmù. + +\s{Definice:} Tok~$f$ je {\I blokující}, jestli¾e pro~ka¾dou orientovanou cestu~$P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ existuje hrana~$e \in P$ taková, ¾e $f(e) = c(e)$. + +\s{Definice:} Sí» je {\I vrstevnatá (proèi¹tìná)}, kdy¾ v¹echny vrcholy a~hrany le¾í na~nejkrat¹ích cestách ze~$z$ do~$s$. + +Dinicùv algoritmus zaèíná s~nulovým tokem. Potom v¾dy podle toku~$f$ sestrojí sí» rezerv a~v~ní vyma¾e hrany s~nulovou rezervou. Pokud v~této promazané síti rezerv neexistuje cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, tak skonèí a~prohlásí tok~$f$ za maximální. Jinak proèistí sí» rezerv tak, aby se~z ní stala vrstevnatá sí» (rozdìlí vrcholy do~vrstev podle vzdálenosti od zdroje a~odstraní pøebyteèné hrany). Ve~vrstevnaté síti najde blokující tok, pomocí nìho¾ zlep¹í tok~$f$. Pak opìt pokraèuje sestrojením sítì rezerv na~tomto vylep¹eném toku~$f$ atd. + +\figure{dinic-cistasit.eps}{Proèi¹tìná sí» rozdìlená do~vrstev}{0.4\hsize} + +\s{Algoritmus (Dinicùv)} + +\algo +\:$f \leftarrow$ nulový tok. +\:Sestrojíme sí» rezerv~$R$ a~sma¾eme $e: r(e) = 0$. +\:$l \leftarrow$ délka nejkrat¹í cesty ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$R$. +\:Pokud $l = \infty$, zastavíme se~a vrátíme~$f$. +\:Proèistíme sí» $R \rightarrow$ sí»~$C$. +\:$g \leftarrow$ blokující tok v~$C$. +\:Zlep¹íme tok~$f$ pomocí~$g$. +\:GOTO 2. +\endalgo + +\s{Pozorování:} Pokud se~algoritmus zastaví, vydá maximální tok. + +\proof +Víme, ¾e~$f$ je stále korektní tok (jediné, jak ho mìníme je pøièítání toku~$g$, co¾ je, jak jsme si~dokázali, \uv{ne¹kodná operace}). Jakmile neexistuje cesta ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$R$, tak je $f$ maximální tok, nebo» v~tuto dobu by se~zastavil (a vydal maximální tok) i~Fordùv-Fulkersonùv algoritmus, který je korektní. +\qed + +A teï je¹tì musíme ujasnit, jak budeme èistit sí» rezerv a~vybírat blokující tok~$g$. + +\s{Algoritmus proèi¹tìní sítì rezerv} + +\algo +\:Rozdìlíme vrcholy do~vrstev podle vzdálenosti od~$z$. +\:Odstraníme vrstvy za~$s$ (tedy vrcholy, které jsou od~$z$ vzdálenìj¹í ne¾~$s$), hrany do~minulých vrstev a~hrany uvnitø vrstev. +\:Odstraníme \uv{slepé ulièky}, tedy vrcholy s~$\deg^{out}(v) = 0$, a~to opakovanì pomocí fronty. (Nejdøíve zaøadíme do~fronty v¹echny vrcholy s~ $\deg^{out}(v) = 0$. Pak dokud není fronta prázdná, v¾dy vybereme vrchol~$v$ z~fronty, odstraníme~$v$ a~v¹echny hrany~$uv$. Pro~ka¾dý takový vrchol~$u$ zkontrolujeme, zda se~tím nesní¾il výstupní stupeò vrcholu~$u$ na~nulu ($\deg^{out}(u) = 0$). Pokud sní¾il, tak ho zaøadíme do~fronty.) +\endalgo + +\figure{dinic-neprocistenasit.eps}{Neproèi¹tìná sí». Obsahuje zpìtné hrany, hrany uvnitø vrstvy a~slepé ulièky.}{0.45\hsize} + +Hledání blokujícího toku zaèneme s~tokem nulovým. Pak vezmeme v¾dy orientovanou cestu ze~zdroje do~stoku v~síti~$C$. V~této cestì najdeme hranu s~nejni¾¹í hodnotou výrazu $r(e) - g(e)$ (neboli $c(e) - f(e)$ v~pùvodní síti). Tuto hodnotu oznaèíme~$\varepsilon$. Pak ke~ v¹em hranám na~této cestì pøièteme~$\varepsilon$. Pokud tok~$g$ na~nìjaké hranì dosáhne kapacity hrany, co¾ je zde~$r(e)$, tak hranu vyma¾eme. Následnì sí» doèistíme, aby splòovala podmínky vrstevnaté sítì. A~pokud je¹tì existuje nìjaká orientovaná cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, tak opìt pokraèujeme s~touto cestou. + +\s{Algoritmus hledání blokujícího toku} + +\algo +\:$g \leftarrow$ nulový tok. +\:Dokud existuje orientovaná cesta~$P$ ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~$C$, opakuj: +\::$\varepsilon \leftarrow \min_{e \in P} (r(e) - g(e))$. +\::Pro~$\forall e \in P: g(e) \leftarrow g(e) + \varepsilon$. +\:::Pokud $g(e) = r(e)$, sma¾eme~$e$ z~$C$. +\::Doèistíme sí» zase pomocí fronty. +\endalgo + +\s{Èasová slo¾itost} Rozeberme si~jednotlivé kroky algoritmu. + +\numlist{\ndotted} +\:Inicializace toku~$f$ \dots $\O(m)$. +\:Sestrojení sítì rezerv a~smazání hran s~nulovou rezervou \dots $\O(m + n)$. +\:Najití nejkrat¹í cesty (prohledáváním do~¹íøky) \dots $\O(m + n)$. +\:Zkontrolování délky nejkrat¹í cesty \dots $\O(1)$. +\:Proèi¹tìní sítì \dots $\O(m + n)$. + \numlist{\ndotted} + \:Rozdìlení vrcholù do~vrstev -- provedlo ji¾ prohledávání do~¹íøky \dots $\O(1)$. + \:Odstranìní nìkterých hran \dots $\O(m + n)$. + \:Odstranìní \uv{slepých ulièek} pomocí fronty -- ka¾dou hranu odstraníme nejvý¹e jedenkrát, ka¾dý vrchol se~dostane do~fronty nejvý¹e jedenkrát \dots $\O(m + n)$. + \endlist +\:Najití blokujícího toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m \cdot n)$. + \numlist{\ndotted} + \:Inicializace toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m)$. + \:Najití orientované cesty v~proèi¹tìné síti rezerv (staèí vzít libovolnou cestu ze~zdroje, nebo» ka¾dá z~nich v~této síti vede do~stoku) \dots $\O(n)$. + \:Výbìr minima z~výrazu $r(e) - g(e)$ pøes v¹echny hrany cesty -- ta mù¾e být dlouhá nejvý¹e~$n$ \dots $\O(n)$. + \:Pøepoèítání v¹ech hran cesty \dots $\O(n)$. + \:Smazání hran cesty, jejich¾ tok~$g(e)$ se~zvý¹il na~hodnotu~$r(e)$ \dots $\O(n)$. + \:Doèi¹»ování vyøe¹me zvlá¹». + \endlist + + Vnitøní cyklus (kroky 2 a¾ 6) provedeme nejvý¹e~$m$ krát, nebo» pøi~ka¾dém prùchodu vyma¾eme alespoò jednu hranu (tak jsme si~volili~$\varepsilon$). + + Èi¹tìní bìhem celého hledání blokujícího toku~$g$ v~proèi¹tìné síti rezerv trvá dohromady $\O(m + n)$, nebo» ka¾dou hranu a~vrchol sma¾eme nejvý¹e jedenkrát. + + Najití blokujícího toku bude tedy trvat $\O(m \cdot n + (m + n)) = \O(m \cdot n)$. + +\:Zlep¹ení toku~$f$ pomocí toku~$g$ \dots $\O(m)$. +\:Skok na~2. krok \dots $\O(1)$. +\endlist + +Zbývá nám jen urèit, kolikrát projdeme vnìj¹ím cyklem (fází). Doká¾eme si~lemma, ¾e hodnota~$l$ vzroste mezi prùchody vnìj¹ím cyklem (fázemi) alespoò o~1. Z~toho plyne, ¾e vnìj¹ím cyklem mù¾eme projít nejvý¹e $n$-krát, nebo» cesta v síti na~$n$ vrcholech mù¾e být dlouhá nejvý¹e $n$. + +Uvìdomme si, ¾e uvnitø vnìj¹ího cyklu pøevládá èlen $\O(m \cdot n)$, tak¾e celková èasová slo¾itost bude $\O(n^2 \cdot m)$. + +\s{Lemma:} Hodnota~$l$ (délka nejkrat¹í cesty ze~$z$ do~$s$ v~proèi¹tìné síti) vzroste mezi fázemi alespoò o~1. + +\proof + +Podíváme se~na~prùbìh jednoho prùchodu vnìj¹ím cyklem. Délku aktuálnì nejkrat¹í cesty ze~zdroje do~stoku oznaème~$l$. V¹echny pùvodní cesty délky~$l$ se~bìhem prùchodu zaruèenì nasytí, proto¾e tok~$g$ je blokující. Musíme v¹ak dokázat, ¾e nemohou vzniknout ¾ádné nové cesty délky~$l$ nebo men¹í. V~síti rezerv toti¾ mohou hrany nejen +ubývat, ale i~pøibývat: pokud po¹leme tok po~hranì, po~které je¹tì nic neteklo, tak v~protismìru z~dosud nulové rezervy vyrobíme nenulovou. Rozmysleme si~tedy, jaké hrany mohou pøibývat. + +Hrany mohou pøibývat jen tehdy, kdy¾ jsme po~opaèné hranì nìco poslali. Ale my nìco posíláme po~hranách pouze z~vrstvy do~té následující. Hrany tedy pøibývají do~minulé vrstvy. + +Vznikem nových hran by proto mohly vzniknout nové cesty ze~zdroje do~stoku, které pou¾ívají zpìtné hrany. Jen¾e cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku, která pou¾ije zpìtnou hranu, musí alespoò jednou skoèit o~vrstvu zpìt a~nikdy nemù¾e skoèit o~více ne¾ jednu vrstvu dopøedu, a~proto je její délka alespoò $l+2$. Pokud cesta novou zpìtnou hranu nepou¾ije, má buï délku~$> l$, co¾ je v~poøádku, nebo má délku~$= l$, pak je zablokovaná. + +Tím je lemma dokázáno. +\qed + +\figure{dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps}{Cesta u¾ívající novou zpìtnou hranu}{0.4\hsize} + +V¹echna dokázaná tvrzení mù¾eme shrnout do~následující vìty: + +\s{Vìta:} Dinicùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(n^2\cdot m)$. + +\s{Poznámka:} Algoritmus se~chová hezky na~sítích s~malými celoèíselnými kapacitami, ale kupodivu i~na~rùzných jiných sítích. Èasto se~pou¾ívá, nebo» se~chová efektivnì. A~je mnoho zpùsobù, jak ho je¹tì vylep¹ovat, èi odhadovat ni¾¹í slo¾itost na~speciálních sítích. + +\s{Poznámka:} Algoritmus nevy¾aduje racionální kapacity! Dal¹í z~dùvodù, proè maximální tok existuje i~v~síti s~iracionálními kapacitami. + + +%k,s,v,na,do,ke,pro,pøi,a,u,i,po, + +\bye diff --git a/old/2-dinic/Makefile b/old/2-dinic/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c183fb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/2-dinic/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=2-dinic + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps b/old/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5633e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/2-dinic/dinic-cestashranouzpet.eps @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia +%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 +%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:36:37 2010 +%%For: mj +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 546 219 +%%BeginSetup +%%EndSetup +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef 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/currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright +/ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior +/acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf +/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla +/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde +/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex +/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring +/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis +/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave +/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def +/cp {closepath} bind def +/c {curveto} bind def +/f {fill} bind def +/a {arc} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/ex {exch} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def + +/ellipsedict 8 dict def +ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put +/ellipse +{ ellipsedict begin + /endangle exch def + /startangle exch def + /yrad exch def + /xrad exch def + /y exch def + /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def + x y tr xrad yrad sc + 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc + savematrix setmatrix + end +} def + +/mergeprocs { +dup length +3 -1 roll +dup +length +dup +5 1 roll +3 -1 roll +add +array cvx +dup +3 -1 roll +0 exch +putinterval +dup +4 2 roll +putinterval +} bind def +/Times-Roman-latin1 + /Times-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Italic-latin1 + /Times-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Bold-latin1 + /Times-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Times-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Book-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Book findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Light-latin1 + /Bookman-Light findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-LightItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Demi-latin1 + /Bookman-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-latin1 + /Courier findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Oblique-latin1 + /Courier-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Bold-latin1 + /Courier-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict 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pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Roman-latin1 + /Palatino-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Italic-latin1 + /Palatino-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Bold-latin1 + /Palatino-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Symbol-latin1 + /Symbol findfont +definefont pop +/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 + /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/ZapfDingbats-latin1 + /ZapfDingbats findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +28.346000 -28.346000 scale +-7.290000 -11.178600 translate +%%EndProlog + + +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 11.652500 7.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 11.652500 7.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 15.252460 7.249000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 15.252460 7.249000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 18.771560 7.478600 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 18.771560 7.478600 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 22.370460 7.317000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 22.370460 7.317000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 7.877500 7.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 7.877500 7.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 25.787460 7.445000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 25.787460 7.445000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 8.340000 7.085000 m 11.040795 7.118892 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 11.415765 7.123597 m 10.912668 7.367304 l 11.040795 7.118892 l 10.918942 6.867343 l ef +n 11.415765 7.123597 m 10.912668 7.367304 l 11.040795 7.118892 l 10.918942 6.867343 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 11.987560 7.286600 m 15.086792 9.089790 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 15.410923 9.278375 m 14.853025 9.243015 l 15.086792 9.089790 l 15.104472 8.810841 l ef +n 15.410923 9.278375 m 14.853025 9.243015 l 15.086792 9.089790 l 15.104472 8.810841 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 18.771560 4.982600 m 21.845998 7.007260 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 22.159185 7.213509 m 21.604103 7.147302 l 21.845998 7.007260 l 21.879101 6.729719 l ef +n 22.159185 7.213509 m 21.604103 7.147302 l 21.845998 7.007260 l 21.879101 6.729719 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 22.803560 7.414600 m 24.850692 7.439160 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 25.225665 7.443659 m 24.722702 7.687643 l 24.850692 7.439160 l 24.728700 7.187679 l ef +n 25.225665 7.443659 m 24.722702 7.687643 l 24.850692 7.439160 l 24.728700 7.187679 l cp s +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(z) 7.290000 8.902500 m +dup sw 0.765000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(s) 25.729960 9.167500 m +dup sw 0.760000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +0.972549 0.109804 0.031373 srgb +n 18.414886 4.094968 3.290935 3.290935 86.872036 148.854720 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 15.422761 5.469720 m 15.846546 5.834283 l 15.567663 5.815593 l 15.385381 6.027485 l ef +n 15.422761 5.469720 m 15.846546 5.834283 l 15.567663 5.815593 l 15.385381 6.027485 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 15.678360 9.377300 m 18.225607 7.856185 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 18.547569 7.663922 m 18.246462 8.134914 l 18.225607 7.856185 l 17.990111 7.705631 l ef +n 18.547569 7.663922 m 18.246462 8.134914 l 18.225607 7.856185 l 17.990111 7.705631 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 15.315560 5.110600 m 18.092757 5.110600 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 18.467757 5.110600 m 17.967757 5.360600 l 18.092757 5.110600 l 17.967757 4.860600 l ef +n 18.467757 5.110600 m 17.967757 5.360600 l 18.092757 5.110600 l 17.967757 4.860600 l cp s +showpage diff --git a/old/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps b/old/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b49ffb --- /dev/null +++ b/old/2-dinic/dinic-cistasit.eps @@ -0,0 +1,560 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia +%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 +%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:33:50 2010 +%%For: mj +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 545 213 +%%BeginSetup +%%EndSetup +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright +/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one +/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon +/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E +/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O +/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y +/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c +/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m +/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w +/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright +/ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior +/acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf +/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla +/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde +/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex +/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring +/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis +/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave +/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def +/cp {closepath} bind def +/c {curveto} bind def +/f {fill} bind def +/a {arc} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/ex {exch} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def + +/ellipsedict 8 dict def +ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put +/ellipse +{ ellipsedict begin + /endangle exch def + /startangle exch def + /yrad exch def + /xrad exch def + /y exch def + /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def + x y tr xrad yrad sc + 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc + savematrix setmatrix + end +} def + +/mergeprocs { +dup length +3 -1 roll +dup +length +dup +5 1 roll +3 -1 roll +add +array cvx +dup +3 -1 roll +0 exch +putinterval +dup +4 2 roll +putinterval +} bind def +/Times-Roman-latin1 + /Times-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Italic-latin1 + /Times-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Bold-latin1 + /Times-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Times-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Book-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Book findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Light-latin1 + /Bookman-Light findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-LightItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Demi-latin1 + /Bookman-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-latin1 + /Courier findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Oblique-latin1 + /Courier-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Bold-latin1 + /Courier-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Courier-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-latin1 + /Helvetica findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 + /Helvetica-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Roman-latin1 + /Palatino-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Italic-latin1 + /Palatino-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Bold-latin1 + /Palatino-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Symbol-latin1 + /Symbol findfont +definefont pop +/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 + /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/ZapfDingbats-latin1 + /ZapfDingbats findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +28.346000 -28.346000 scale +-2.575000 -8.985000 translate +%%EndProlog + + +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 6.937500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 6.937500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 10.601500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 10.601500 5.185000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 13.937500 5.285000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 13.937500 5.285000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 17.847500 5.253000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 17.847500 5.253000 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 3.162500 5.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 3.162500 5.085000 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 21.072500 5.253000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 21.072500 5.253000 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 3.489540 4.766800 m 6.396661 3.113188 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 6.722618 2.927778 m 6.411614 3.392296 l 6.396661 3.113188 l 6.164402 2.957686 l ef +n 6.722618 2.927778 m 6.411614 3.392296 l 6.396661 3.113188 l 6.164402 2.957686 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 3.489540 5.403200 m 6.168927 6.886701 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 6.496998 7.068344 m 5.938474 7.044867 l 6.168927 6.886701 l 6.180666 6.607439 l ef +n 6.496998 7.068344 m 5.938474 7.044867 l 6.168927 6.886701 l 6.180666 6.607439 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 3.625000 5.085000 m 6.350756 5.042576 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 6.725710 5.036740 m 6.229661 5.294491 l 6.350756 5.042576 l 6.221880 4.794551 l ef +n 6.725710 5.036740 m 6.229661 5.294491 l 6.350756 5.042576 l 6.221880 4.794551 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 7.609300 2.604060 m 10.247491 7.175862 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 10.434920 7.500663 m 9.968481 7.192548 l 10.247491 7.175862 l 10.401549 6.942643 l ef +n 10.434920 7.500663 m 9.968481 7.192548 l 10.247491 7.175862 l 10.401549 6.942643 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 7.887500 5.185000 m 9.970456 3.115597 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 10.236485 2.851298 m 10.057979 3.381049 l 9.970456 3.115597 l 9.705581 3.026343 l ef +n 10.236485 2.851298 m 10.057979 3.381049 l 9.970456 3.115597 l 9.705581 3.026343 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 7.590800 7.722500 m 10.136041 5.330852 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 10.409323 5.074060 m 10.216141 5.598637 l 10.136041 5.330852 l 9.873752 5.234260 l ef +n 10.409323 5.074060 m 10.216141 5.598637 l 10.136041 5.330852 l 9.873752 5.234260 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 11.273300 2.604060 m 13.641249 5.047893 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 13.902200 5.317206 m 13.374723 5.132089 l 13.641249 5.047893 l 13.733807 4.784155 l ef +n 13.902200 5.317206 m 13.374723 5.132089 l 13.641249 5.047893 l 13.733807 4.784155 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 11.273300 7.765900 m 13.385798 7.771264 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 13.760797 7.772216 m 13.260164 8.020946 l 13.385798 7.771264 l 13.261433 7.520947 l ef +n 13.760797 7.772216 m 13.260164 8.020946 l 13.385798 7.771264 l 13.261433 7.520947 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 11.551500 5.185000 m 13.559606 3.190546 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 13.825674 2.926287 m 13.647089 3.456011 l 13.559606 3.190546 l 13.294744 3.101254 l ef +n 13.825674 2.926287 m 13.647089 3.456011 l 13.559606 3.190546 l 13.294744 3.101254 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 14.609300 2.704060 m 17.260798 2.698518 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 17.635797 2.697734 m 17.136321 2.948778 l 17.260798 2.698518 l 17.135275 2.448779 l ef +n 17.635797 2.697734 m 17.136321 2.948778 l 17.260798 2.698518 l 17.135275 2.448779 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 14.887500 5.285000 m 17.085844 5.315702 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 17.460808 5.320939 m 16.957365 5.563932 l 17.085844 5.315702 l 16.964347 5.063981 l ef +n 17.460808 5.320939 m 16.957365 5.563932 l 17.085844 5.315702 l 16.964347 5.063981 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 14.609300 7.865900 m 17.460804 7.850183 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 17.835798 7.848116 m 17.337184 8.100868 l 17.460804 7.850183 l 17.334428 7.600876 l ef +n 17.835798 7.848116 m 17.337184 8.100868 l 17.460804 7.850183 l 17.334428 7.600876 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 18.519300 2.672060 m 20.412208 4.588462 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.675732 4.855257 m 20.146502 4.675213 l 20.412208 4.588462 l 20.502230 4.323847 l ef +n 20.675732 4.855257 m 20.146502 4.675213 l 20.412208 4.588462 l 20.502230 4.323847 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 18.797500 5.253000 m 20.135697 5.253000 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.510697 5.253000 m 20.010697 5.503000 l 20.135697 5.253000 l 20.010697 5.003000 l ef +n 20.510697 5.253000 m 20.010697 5.503000 l 20.135697 5.253000 l 20.010697 5.003000 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 18.519300 7.833900 m 20.412204 5.917535 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.675731 5.650742 m 20.502224 6.182151 l 20.412204 5.917535 l 20.146500 5.830782 l ef +n 20.675731 5.650742 m 20.502224 6.182151 l 20.412204 5.917535 l 20.146500 5.830782 l cp s +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(z) 2.575000 6.902500 m +dup sw 0.765000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(s) 21.015000 7.167500 m +dup sw 0.760000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 14.609300 7.865900 m 17.159091 5.940822 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 17.458372 5.714867 m 17.209967 6.215662 l 17.159091 5.940822 l 16.908693 5.816620 l ef +n 17.458372 5.714867 m 17.209967 6.215662 l 17.159091 5.940822 l 16.908693 5.816620 l cp s +showpage diff --git a/old/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps b/old/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c36618f --- /dev/null +++ b/old/2-dinic/dinic-neprocistenasit.eps @@ -0,0 +1,664 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: /home/mj/texts/ga/2-dinic/Diagram1.dia +%%Creator: Dia v0.96.1 +%%CreationDate: Tue Feb 9 16:35:33 2010 +%%For: mj +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 645 410 +%%BeginSetup +%%EndSetup +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef +/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright +/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one +/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon +/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E +/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O +/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y +/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c +/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m +/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w +/x /y /z /braceleft 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/acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring +/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis +/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave +/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def +/cp {closepath} bind def +/c {curveto} bind def +/f {fill} bind def +/a {arc} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/ex {exch} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def + +/ellipsedict 8 dict def +ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put +/ellipse +{ ellipsedict begin + /endangle exch def + /startangle exch def + /yrad exch def + /xrad exch def + /y exch def + /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def + x y tr xrad yrad sc + 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc + savematrix setmatrix + end +} def + +/mergeprocs { +dup length +3 -1 roll +dup +length +dup +5 1 roll +3 -1 roll +add +array cvx +dup +3 -1 roll +0 exch +putinterval +dup +4 2 roll +putinterval +} bind def +/Times-Roman-latin1 + /Times-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Italic-latin1 + /Times-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-Bold-latin1 + /Times-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Times-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Times-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Book-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Book findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-BookOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-Demi-latin1 + /AvantGarde-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/AvantGarde-DemiOblique-latin1 + /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Light-latin1 + /Bookman-Light findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-LightItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-LightItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-Demi-latin1 + /Bookman-Demi findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Bookman-DemiItalic-latin1 + /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-latin1 + /Courier findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Oblique-latin1 + /Courier-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-Bold-latin1 + /Courier-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Courier-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-latin1 + /Helvetica findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 + /Helvetica-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique-latin1 + /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic-latin1 + /NewCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Roman-latin1 + /Palatino-Roman findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Italic-latin1 + /Palatino-Italic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-Bold-latin1 + /Palatino-Bold findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Palatino-BoldItalic-latin1 + /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/Symbol-latin1 + /Symbol findfont +definefont pop +/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic-latin1 + /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +/ZapfDingbats-latin1 + /ZapfDingbats findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall + /Encoding isolatin1encoding def + currentdict end +definefont pop +28.346000 -28.346000 scale +-5.150000 -17.404488 translate +%%EndProlog + + +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 9.512500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 9.512500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 13.112500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 13.112500 8.242302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 16.512500 8.342302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 16.512500 8.342302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 20.358500 8.438302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 20.358500 8.438302 0.950000 3.650000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 5.737500 8.142302 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 5.737500 8.142302 0.462500 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 23.647500 8.438302 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse f +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 23.647500 8.438302 0.450000 0.450000 0 360 ellipse cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 6.064540 7.824102 m 8.971670 6.170489 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 9.297628 5.985080 m 8.986624 6.449598 l 8.971670 6.170489 l 8.739412 6.014987 l ef +n 9.297628 5.985080 m 8.986624 6.449598 l 8.971670 6.170489 l 8.739412 6.014987 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 6.064540 8.460502 m 8.743927 9.944003 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 9.071998 10.125647 m 8.513474 10.102169 l 8.743927 9.944003 l 8.755666 9.664741 l ef +n 9.071998 10.125647 m 8.513474 10.102169 l 8.743927 9.944003 l 8.755666 9.664741 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 6.200000 8.142302 m 8.788224 8.169824 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 9.163203 8.173811 m 8.660573 8.418481 l 8.788224 8.169824 l 8.665889 7.918509 l ef +n 9.163203 8.173811 m 8.660573 8.418481 l 8.788224 8.169824 l 8.665889 7.918509 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 10.184300 5.661402 m 12.822490 10.233165 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 13.009919 10.557966 m 12.543480 10.249852 l 12.822490 10.233165 l 12.976546 9.999946 l ef +n 13.009919 10.557966 m 12.543480 10.249852 l 12.822490 10.233165 l 12.976546 9.999946 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 10.462500 8.242302 m 12.545456 6.172899 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 12.811485 5.908601 m 12.632979 6.438351 l 12.545456 6.172899 l 12.280581 6.083645 l ef +n 12.811485 5.908601 m 12.632979 6.438351 l 12.545456 6.172899 l 12.280581 6.083645 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 10.184300 10.823202 m 12.714758 8.392066 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 12.985177 8.132261 m 12.797821 8.658947 l 12.714758 8.392066 l 12.451415 8.298388 l ef +n 12.985177 8.132261 m 12.797821 8.658947 l 12.714758 8.392066 l 12.451415 8.298388 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 13.784300 5.661402 m 16.077366 7.909225 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 16.345159 8.171735 m 15.813094 8.000250 l 16.077366 7.909225 l 16.163108 7.643192 l ef +n 16.345159 8.171735 m 15.813094 8.000250 l 16.077366 7.909225 l 16.163108 7.643192 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 13.784300 10.823202 m 15.960798 10.828596 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 16.335797 10.829525 m 15.835179 11.078285 l 15.960798 10.828596 l 15.836418 10.578287 l ef +n 16.335797 10.829525 m 15.835179 11.078285 l 15.960798 10.828596 l 15.836418 10.578287 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 14.062500 8.242302 m 16.130036 6.243185 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 16.399624 5.982518 m 16.213951 6.509799 l 16.130036 6.243185 l 15.866396 6.150349 l ef +n 16.399624 5.982518 m 16.213951 6.509799 l 16.130036 6.243185 l 15.866396 6.150349 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 17.184300 5.761402 m 19.835798 5.755826 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.210797 5.755037 m 19.711324 6.006088 l 19.835798 5.755826 l 19.710272 5.506089 l ef +n 20.210797 5.755037 m 19.711324 6.006088 l 19.835798 5.755826 l 19.710272 5.506089 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 17.462500 8.342302 m 19.660844 8.373004 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.035808 8.378241 m 19.532365 8.621234 l 19.660844 8.373004 l 19.539347 8.121283 l ef +n 20.035808 8.378241 m 19.532365 8.621234 l 19.660844 8.373004 l 19.539347 8.121283 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 17.184300 10.923202 m 20.035804 10.907485 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.410798 10.905418 m 19.912184 11.158170 l 20.035804 10.907485 l 19.909428 10.658178 l ef +n 20.410798 10.905418 m 19.912184 11.158170 l 20.035804 10.907485 l 19.909428 10.658178 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 21.030300 5.857402 m 22.982350 7.778630 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 23.249616 8.041677 m 22.717897 7.869126 l 22.982350 7.778630 l 23.068625 7.512770 l ef +n 23.249616 8.041677 m 22.717897 7.869126 l 22.982350 7.778630 l 23.068625 7.512770 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 21.308500 8.438302 m 22.710697 8.438302 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 23.085697 8.438302 m 22.585697 8.688302 l 22.710697 8.438302 l 22.585697 8.188302 l ef +n 23.085697 8.438302 m 22.585697 8.688302 l 22.710697 8.438302 l 22.585697 8.188302 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 21.030300 11.019202 m 22.982350 9.097974 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 23.249616 8.834928 m 23.068625 9.363834 l 22.982350 9.097974 l 22.717897 9.007479 l ef +n 23.249616 8.834928 m 23.068625 9.363834 l 22.982350 9.097974 l 22.717897 9.007479 l cp s +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(z) 5.150000 9.959802 m +dup sw 0.765000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +/Helvetica-Oblique-latin1 ff 1.400000 scf sf +(s) 23.590000 10.224802 m +dup sw 0.760000 exch sub +1 div exch 0.0 exch + gs 1 -1 sc ashow gr +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 17.184300 10.923202 m 19.734091 8.998125 l s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.033372 8.772169 m 19.784967 9.272964 l 19.734091 8.998125 l 19.483693 8.873922 l ef +n 20.033372 8.772169 m 19.784967 9.272964 l 19.734091 8.998125 l 19.483693 8.873922 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 11.539858 6.316175 2.333440 2.333440 217.422911 312.373346 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 9.484547 5.205707 m 9.475511 4.646763 l 9.646808 4.867630 l 9.926280 4.863112 l ef +n 9.484547 5.205707 m 9.475511 4.646763 l 9.646808 4.867630 l 9.926280 4.863112 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +0.972549 0.109804 0.031373 srgb +n 17.005378 7.083310 4.063310 4.063310 207.841522 325.610736 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 13.252285 5.522132 m 13.198168 4.965740 l 13.386732 5.172062 l 13.664928 5.145004 l ef +n 13.252285 5.522132 m 13.198168 4.965740 l 13.386732 5.172062 l 13.664928 5.145004 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 13.256279 9.100346 4.355042 4.355042 41.609332 148.656298 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 9.355359 11.039859 m 9.793037 11.387620 l 9.513638 11.379819 l 9.339757 11.598658 l ef +n 9.355359 11.039859 m 9.793037 11.387620 l 9.513638 11.379819 l 9.339757 11.598658 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 srgb +n 11.763949 8.334560 5.357216 5.357216 343.224324 23.730619 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 16.774024 6.434188 m 17.192915 6.804364 l 16.914306 6.781961 l 16.729218 6.991407 l ef +n 16.774024 6.434188 m 17.192915 6.804364 l 16.914306 6.781961 l 16.729218 6.991407 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[] 0 sd +[] 0 sd +0 slc +n 13.138491 7.971628 7.626180 7.626180 345.098560 14.618392 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 20.415251 10.256335 m 20.334609 9.703165 l 20.532817 9.900241 l 20.809402 9.859920 l ef +n 20.415251 10.256335 m 20.334609 9.703165 l 20.532817 9.900241 l 20.809402 9.859920 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[0.200000] 0 sd +[0.200000] 0 sd +0 slc +1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb +n 20.703467 8.975611 5.020448 5.020448 75.445526 143.491284 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 22.323201 13.728911 m 21.939518 14.135466 l 21.971025 13.857739 l 21.767747 13.665898 l ef +n 22.323201 13.728911 m 21.939518 14.135466 l 21.971025 13.857739 l 21.767747 13.665898 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[0.200000] 0 sd +[0.200000] 0 sd +0 slc +n 23.188848 18.352655 4.578076 4.578076 262.056833 336.148005 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 27.514055 16.848040 m 27.123298 16.448279 l 27.399529 16.490957 l 27.599410 16.295578 l ef +n 27.514055 16.848040 m 27.123298 16.448279 l 27.399529 16.490957 l 27.599410 16.295578 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[0.200000] 0 sd +[0.200000] 0 sd +0 slc +n 25.490713 14.655810 3.089205 3.089205 198.208619 307.778616 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 27.663571 12.457090 m 27.138832 12.264348 l 27.406550 12.184023 l 27.502921 11.921654 l ef +n 27.663571 12.457090 m 27.138832 12.264348 l 27.406550 12.184023 l 27.502921 11.921654 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[0.200000] 0 sd +[0.200000] 0 sd +0 slc +n 23.268127 9.217889 5.299733 5.299733 236.700611 292.751852 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 25.657483 4.486014 m 25.098642 4.472015 l 25.326378 4.309962 l 25.333377 4.030541 l ef +n 25.657483 4.486014 m 25.098642 4.472015 l 25.326378 4.309962 l 25.333377 4.030541 l cp s +0.100000 slw +[0.200000] 0 sd +[0.200000] 0 sd +0 slc +n 22.849330 -18.031552 23.958110 23.958110 83.114410 94.354399 ellipse s +[] 0 sd +0 slj +0 slc +n 26.093498 5.706158 m 25.633432 6.023710 l 25.722193 5.758670 l 25.563417 5.528637 l ef +n 26.093498 5.706158 m 25.633432 6.023710 l 25.722193 5.758670 l 25.563417 5.528637 l cp s +showpage diff --git a/old/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex b/old/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70544d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/3-goldberg/3-goldberg.tex @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{3}{Goldbergùv algoritmus}{(zapsala Markéta Popelová)} + +Pøedstavíme si~nový algoritmus pro~hledání maximálního toku v~síti, který se~uká¾e být stejnì dobrý jako {\I Dinicùv algoritmus} ($\O(MN^{2})$) a~po~nìkolika vylep¹eních bude i~lep¹í. Nejdøíve si~pøipomeòme definice, které budeme potøebovat: + +\s{Definice:} Mìjme sí» $S=(V,E,z,s,c)$, tok~$f$ a~libovolný vrchol~$v$. Pak $f^{\Delta}(v)$ nazýváme {\I pøebytek} ve~vrcholu~$v$ a~definujeme ho takto: $$f^{\Delta}(v):=\sum_{uv \in E}{f(uv)} - \sum_{vu \in E}{f(vu)}.$$ Pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$v$ je tedy souèet v¹eho, co do~vrcholu~$v$ pøiteèe, minus souèet v¹eho, co z~$v$ odteèe. + +\s{Definice:} Dále pro~libovolnou hranu~$uv \in E$ definujeme její {\I rezervu} následovnì: +$$r(uv) = c(uv) - f(uv) + f(vu).$$ Rezerva hrany znaèí, co je¹tì je mo¾no po~této hranì poslat. + +\s{Poznámka:} Dále budeme oznaèovat písmenem~$N$ poèet vrcholù a~$M$ poèet hran, tedy~$N = \vert V \vert$ a~$M = \vert E \vert$. + +Goldbergùv algoritmus na~rozdíl od~Dinicova algoritmu zaèíná s~ohodnocením hran, které pravdìpodobnì není tokem (budeme ho nazývat {\I vlna}), a~postupnì ho zmen¹uje a¾ na~korektní tok. + +\s{Definice:} Funkce $f:E \rightarrow {\bb R}_{0}^{+}$ je {\I vlna} v~síti~$(V, E, z, s, c)$ tehdy, kdy¾ jsou splnìny následující dvì podmínky: + \numlist\ndotted + \:$\forall e \in E : f(e) \leq c(e)$ (vlna na hranì nepøekroèí kapacitu hrany) + \:$ \forall v \in V \setminus \{z, s\} : f^{\Delta}(v) \geq 0$ (pøebytek ve vrcholu je nezáporný). + \endlist + +\s{Pozorování:} Ka¾dý tok~$f$ je také vlna, ale opaènì to obvykle platit nemusí. + +\s{Operace:} {\I Pøevedení pøebytku} + +Algoritmus bude potøebovat pøevádìt pøebytky z~vrcholu~$u$ na~sousední vrchol~$v$. Mìjme hranu~$uv$ s~kladnou rezervou $r(uv) > 0$ a~kladným pøebytkem ve~vrcholu~$u$: $f^\Delta(u) > 0$. Èást pøebytku budeme chtít poslat z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$. Vezmeme $\delta := \min (f^\Delta(u), r(uv))$ a~po~hranì~$uv$ po¹leme tok o velikosti~$\delta$. Výsledná situace bude vypadat následovnì: + \itemize\ibull + \:$f'^\Delta(u) = f^\Delta(u) - \delta$. + \:$f'^\Delta(v) = f^\Delta(v) + \delta$. + \:$r'(uv) = r(uv) - \delta$. + \:$r'(vu) = r(vu) + \delta$. + \endlist + +Kdybychom ov¹em nepøidali ¾ádnou jinou podmínku, ná¹ algoritmus by se~mohl krásnì zacyklit (napø. posílat pøebytek z~$u$ do~$v$ a~zase zpátky). Abychom se~tomu vyhnuli, zavedeme {\I vý¹ku vrcholu} $h: V \to {\bb N}$ a~dovolíme pøevádìt pøebytek pouze z~vy¹¹ího vrcholu~$u$ na~ni¾¹í $v$: $h(u) > h(v)$. + +\s{Shrnutí:} Podmínky pro~pøevedení pøebytku po~hranì $uv \in E$: + \numlist\ndotted + \:Ve~vrcholu~$u$ je nenulový pøebytek: $f^{\Delta}(u) > 0$. + \:Vrchol~$u$ je vý¹ ne¾ vrchol~$v$: $h(u) > h(v)$. + \:Hrana~$uv$ má nenulovou rezervu: $r(uv)>0$. + \endlist + + +\s{Operace:} Pro~vrchol~$u \in V$ definujme {\I zvednutí vrcholu}: +Pokud bìhem výpoètu narazíme ve~vrcholu~$u$ na~pøebytek, který nelze nikam pøevést, zvìt¹íme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ o~jednièku, tj. $h(u) \leftarrow h(u)+1$. + + +\s{Algoritmus (Goldbergùv)} + +\algo +\:$\forall v \in V: h(v)\leftarrow 0$ (v¹em vrcholùm nastavíme poèáteèní vý¹ku nula) a~$h(z)\leftarrow N$ (zdroj zvedneme do~vý¹ky~$N$). +\:$\forall e \in E: f(e)\leftarrow 0$ (po~hranách nejdøíve nenecháme protékat nic) a~$\forall zu \in E : f(zu)\leftarrow c(zu)$ (ze~zdroje pustíme maximální mo¾nou vlnu). +\:Dokud $\exists u \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f^{\Delta}(u)>0$: +\::Pokud $\exists v \in V: uv \in E,~r(uv)>0$ a~$h(u)>h(v)$, pak pøevedeme pøebytek po~hranì z~$u$ do~$v$. +\::V~opaèném pøípadì zvedneme $u$:~$h(u) \leftarrow h(u) + 1$. +\:Vrátíme tok~$f$ jako výsledek. +\endalgo + +\noindent +Nyní bude následovat nìkolik lemmat a~invariantù, jimi¾ doká¾eme správnost a~èasovou slo¾itost Goldbergova algoritmu. + +\s{Invariant A (základní):} + \numlist \ndotted + \:Funkce~$f$ je v~ka¾dém kroku algoritmu vlna. + \:$h(v)$ nikdy neklesá pro~¾ádné~$v$. + \:$h(z)=N$ a~$h(s)=0$ po~celou dobu bìhu algoritmu. + \endlist + +\proof Indukcí dle poètu prùchodù cyklem (3. -- 5. krok algoritmu). + +Na zaèátku je v¹e v~poøádku ($f$ je nulová funkce, pøebytky v¹ech vrcholù jsou nezáporné, tedy~$f$ je vlna, $h(z)=N$ a~$h(s)=0$). V~prùbìhu se~tyto hodnoty mìní pouze pøi: + \itemize\ibull + \:Pøevedení po~hranì~$uv$: Po hranì~$uv$ se~nepo¹le více ne¾ její rezerva. Pøebytek~$u$ se~sní¾í, ale nejménì na~nulu. Pøebytek~$v$ se~zvý¹í. Tedy~$f$ zùstává vlnou. Vý¹ky se~nemìní. + \:Zvednutí vrcholu~$u$: Mìní pouze vý¹ky -- a~to vrcholù rùzných od zdroje èi stoku -- a~pouze se zvy¹ují. + \qeditem + \endlist + +\s{Invariant S (o~Spádu):} Neexistuje hrana $uv \in E: r(uv)>0$ \& $h(u) > h(v)+1$ (s~kladnou rezervou a~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ jedna). + +\proof Indukcí dle bìhu algoritmu. + +Na zaèátku mají v¹echny hrany ze~zdroje rezervu nulovou a~v¹echny ostatní vedou mezi vrcholy s~vý¹kou 0. V~prùbìhu by se~tento invariant mohl pokazit pouze dvìma zpùsoby: + \itemize\ibull + \:Zvednutím vrcholu~$u$, ze~kterého vede hrana~$uv$ s~kladnou rezervou a~spádem 1. Tento pøípad nemù¾e nastat, nebo» hranu zvedáme pouze tehdy, kdy¾ neexistuje vrchol~$v$ takový, ¾e hrana~$uv$ má kladnou rezervu a~spád alespoò 1. Takový vrchol v~na¹em pøípadì existuje, proto se~místo zvednutí vrcholu~$u$ po¹le pøebytek po~hranì~$uv$. + \:Zvìt¹ením rezervy hrany se~spádem vìt¹ím ne¾ 1. Toto také nemù¾e nastat, nebo» rezervu bychom mohli zvìt¹it jedinì tak, ¾e bychom poslali nìco v~protismìru -- a~to nesmíme, jeliko¾ bychom poslali pøebytek z~ni¾¹ího vrcholu na~vy¹¹í. + \qeditem + \endlist + +\s{Definice:} Cestu~$P$ nazveme {\I nenasycenou}, pokud v¹echny její hrany mají kladnou rezervu. Neboli $\forall e \in P: r(e) > 0$. + +\s{Lemma K (o~Korektnosti):} Kdy¾ se~algoritmus zastaví, je~$f$ maximální tok. + +\proof Dùkaz rozlo¾me do~dvou krokù. Nejdøíve uká¾eme, ¾e~$f$ je tok, a~pak jeho maximalitu. + + \numlist\ndotted + \:Nech» se~algoritmus zastavil. Pak nemohl existovat ¾ádný vrchol~$v$ (kromì zdroje a~stoku) s~kladným pøebytkem. Tedy $\forall v \in V~\setminus \{z,s\}: f^\Delta(v) = 0$. (Víme ji¾, ¾e~$f$ je po~celou dobu vlna, tak¾e pøebytek nemù¾e být nikdy záporný.) V~tom pøípadì splòuje~$f$ podmínky toku. + \:Pro spor pøedpokládejme, ¾e tok~$f$ není maximální. Pak existuje nenasycená cesta ze~zdroje do~stoku. Vezmìme si~libovolnou takovou cestu. Zdroj je stále ve~vý¹ce~$N$ a~spotøebiè ve~vý¹ce 0 (viz invariant A). Tato cesta tedy pøekonává vý¹ku~$N$, ale mù¾e mít nejvý¹e~$N-1$ hran. Proto existuje alespoò jedna hrana se~spádem alespoò 2. Tato hrana tedy nemù¾e mít kladnou rezervu (viz invariant S). Tato cesta proto nemù¾e být zlep¹ující, co¾ je spor. Tím jsme dokázali, ¾e~$f$ je nutnì maximální tok. + \qeditem + \endlist + +\s{Lemma C (Cesta):} Mìjme vrchol $v \in V$. Pokud $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$, pak existuje nenasycená cesta z~vrcholu~$v$ do~zdroje. + +\proof +Pro vrchol~$v \in V$ s $f^{\Delta}(v) > 0$ definujme mno¾inu $A := \{ u \in V : \exists$ nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~$u \}$. + +Seètìme pøebytky ve~v¹ech vrcholech mno¾iny~$A$. Pøebytek ka¾dého vrcholu se~spoèítá jako souèet tokù do~nìj vstupujících minus souèet tokù z~nìj vystupujících. V¹echny hrany, jejich¾ oba vrcholy le¾í v~$A$, se~jednou pøiètou a~jednou odeètou. Proto nás budou zajímat pouze hrany mezi~$A$ a~$V \setminus A$. + + $$\sum_{u \in A}f^{\Delta}(u) = \underbrace{ \sum_{ab \in E \cap ( (V \setminus A) \times A )} f(ab) }\limits_{=0} - \underbrace{ \sum_{ab \in E \cap ( A \times (V \setminus A) )} f(ab) }\limits_{\geq 0}~\leq~0.$$ + +Uka¾me si, proè je první svorka rovna nule. Mìjme vrcholy $a \in V \setminus A$ a~$b \in A$ takové, ¾e $ab\in E$. O~nich víme, ¾e $r(ba) = 0$ (jinak by~$a$ patøilo do~$A$) $\Rightarrow f(ba) = c(ba) \Rightarrow f(ab)=0$. Proto do~$A$ nic nepøitéká. + +\figure{Goldberg01.eps}{Obrázek k dùkazu lemmatu C}{0.2\hsize} + +Proè je druhá svorka nezáporná, je zøejmé, nebo» tok na~hranì je v¾dy nezáporný a~souèet nezáporných èísel je nezáporné èíslo. + +Proto $\sum_{u \in A}{f^\Delta(u) \le 0}$. Zároveò v¹ak v~$A$ je aspoò jeden vrchol s~kladným pøebytkem, toti¾~$v$, proto v~$A$ musí být také vrchol se~záporným pøebytkem -- a~jediný takový je zdroj. Tím je dokázáno, ¾e $z \in A$, tedy ¾e vede nenasycená cesta z~vrcholu~$v$ do~zdroje. +\qed + +\s{Invariant V (Vý¹ka):} $\forall v \in V$ platí $h(v)\leq 2N$. + +\proof +Kdyby existoval vrchol~$v$ s~vý¹kou $h(v) > 2N$, tak by musel být nìkdy zvednut z~vý¹ky~$2N$. Tehdy musel mít kladný pøebytek $f^\Delta(v)>0$ (jinak by nemohl být zvednut). Dle lemmatu C musela existovat nenasycená cesta z~$v$ do~zdroje. Tato cesta mìla spád alespoò~$N$, ale mohla mít nejvý¹e~$N-1$ hran (jinak by to nebyla cesta v~síti na~$N$ vrcholech). Tudí¾ musela na~této cestì existovat hrana se~spádem alespoò 2, co¾ je spor s~invariantem S (nebo» v¹echny hrany této cesty mají z~definice nenasycené cesty kladné rezervy). +\qed + +\s{Lemma Z (poèet Zvednutí):} Poèet v¹ech zvednutí je maximálnì~$2N^{2}$. + +\proof +Staèí si~uvìdomit, ¾e ka¾dý vrchol mù¾eme zvednout maximálnì~$2N$-krát a~vrcholù je~$N$. +\qed + +Teï nám je¹tì zbývá urèit poèet provedených pøevedení. Bude se~nám hodit, kdy¾ pøevedení rozdìlíme na~dva druhy: + +\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e pøevedení je {\I nasycené}, pokud po~pøevodu rezerva na~hranì~$uv$ klesla na~nulu, tedy $r(uv)=0$. V~opaèném pøípadì je {\I nenasycené}, a~tehdy urèitì klesne pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$ na~nulu, tedy $f^{\Delta}(u) = 0$ (pøi~nasyceném pøevedení se~to~ale mù¾e stát také). + +\s{Lemma S (naSycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je nejvý¹~$NM$. + +\proof +Pro ka¾dou hranu~$uv$ spoèítejme poèet nasycených pøevedení (tedy takových pøevedení, ¾e po~nich klesne rezerva hrany na~nulu). Abychom dvakrát nasycenì pøevedli pøebytek (nebo jeho èást) z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$, tak jsme museli~$u$ mezitím alespoò dvakrát zvednout: + +Po~prvním nasyceném pøevedení z~vrcholu~$u$ do~vrcholu~$v$ se~vynulovala rezerva hrany~$uv$. Uvìdomme si, ¾e pøi~této operaci muselo být~$u$ vý¹e ne¾~$v$, a~dokonce víme, ¾e bylo vý¹e pøesnì o~1 (viz lemma~S). Po~této hranì tedy nemù¾eme u¾~nic více pøevést. Aby do¹lo k~druhému nasycenému pøevedení z~$u$ do~$v$, musíme nejprve opìt zvý¹it rezervu hrany~$uv$. Jediný zpùsob, jak toho lze dosáhnout, je pøevést èást pøebytku z~$v$ zpátky do~$u$. K~tomu se~musí~$v$ dostat (alespoò o~1) vý¹e ne¾~$u$. Po~pøelití bude rezerva~$uv$ opìt kladná. A~abychom provedli nasycené pøevedení znovu ve~smìru z~$u$ do~$v$, musíme zase~$u$ dostat (alespoò o~1) vý¹e ne¾~$v$. Proto musíme~$u$ alespoò o~2 zvednout -- nejprve na~úroveò~$v$ a~pak je¹tì o~1 vý¹e. + + +Ukázali jsme si~tedy, ¾e mezi ka¾dými dvìma nasycenými pøevedeními jsme vrchol~$u$ zvedli alespoò dvakrát. Nicménì libovolnou hranu mù¾eme zvednout nejvý¹e~$2N$-krát (viz invariant V). V¹ech hran je~$M$, tudí¾ poèet v¹ech nasycených pøevedení je nejvý¹e~$NM$. +\qed + +\s{Lemma N (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^2M)$. + +\proof +Dùkaz provedeme pomocí potenciálové metody -- nadefinujme si~následující funkci jako potenciál: + $$ \Phi := \sum_{\scriptstyle{v: f^{\Delta}(v) > 0} \atop \scriptstyle{v \ne z,s}} h(v). $$ +Nyní se~podívejme, jak se~ná¹ potenciál bìhem algoritmu vyvíjí a~jaké má vlastnosti: + + \itemize\ibull + \:Na poèátku je $ \Phi = 0 $. + \:Bìhem celého algoritmu je $ \Phi \ge 0 $, nebo» je souètem nezáporných èlenù. + \:Zvednutí vrcholu zvý¹í $\Phi$ o~jednièku (Aby byl vrchol zvednut, musel mít kladný pøebytek $\Rightarrow$ vrchol do~sumy ji¾ pøispíval, teï jen pøispìje èíslem o 1 vy¹¹ím.). Ji¾ víme, ¾e za~celý prùbìh algoritmu je v¹ech zvednutí maximálnì~$2N^2$, proto zvedáním vrcholù zvý¹íme potenciál dohromady nejvý¹e o~$2N^2$. + \:Nasycené pøevedení zvý¹í~$\Phi$ nejvý¹e o~$2N$, proto¾e buï po~pøevodu hranou~$uv$ v~$u$ zùstal nìjaký pøebytek, tak¾e se~mohl potenciál zvý¹it nejvý¹e o~$h(v) \leq 2N$, nebo je pøebytek v~$u$ po~pøevodu nulový a~potenciál se~dokonce o~jedna sní¾il. Za~celý prùbìh tak dojde k~maximálnì~$NM$ takovýmto pøevedením, díky nim¾ se~potenciál zvý¹í maximálnì o~$2N^2M$. + \:Koneènì kdy¾ pøevádíme po~hranì~$uv$ nenasycenì, tak od~potenciálu urèitì odeèteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$u$ (nebo» se~vynuluje pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$) a~mo¾ná pøièteme vý¹ku vrcholu~$v$. Jen¾e $h(v) = h(u) - 1$, a~proto nenasycené pøevedení potenciál v¾dy sní¾í alespoò o~jedna. + \endlist + +\>Z~tohoto rozboru chování potenciálu~$\Phi$ v~prùbìhu algoritmu získáváme, ¾e poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení mù¾e být nejvý¹e $2N^2 + 2N^2M$, co¾ je $\O(N^2M)$. +\qed + +\s{Implementace:} + +Budeme si~pamatovat seznam~$P$ v¹ech vrcholù~$v \ne z,s$ s~kladným pøebytkem. Neboli +$$P = \{ v \in V \setminus \{z,s\} ~\vert~ f^{\Delta}(v) > 0 \}.$$ +Kdy¾ mìníme pøebytek nìjakého vrcholu, mù¾eme ná¹ seznam v~konstantním èase aktualizovat (napø. tak, ¾e si~ka¾dý vrchol pamatuje pozici, na~které v~seznamu~$P$ je). V~konstantním èase také umíme odpovìdìt, zda existuje nìjaký vrchol s~pøebytkem. + +Dále si~pro ka¾dý vrchol~$u \in V$ budeme pamatovat~$L(u)$-seznam hran~$uv \in E$ takových, které vedou dolù (mají spád alespoò 1) a~kladnou rezervu. Neboli +$$L(u) = \{ uv \in E ~\vert~ v \in V,~ r(uv) > 0,~ h(v) < h(u)\}.$$ +Díky tomu mù¾eme pøistupovat k~patøièným sousedùm~$u$ v~èase $\O(1)$, stejnì jako pøidávat hrany do~$L(u)$, resp. je mazat. Opìt ka¾dá hrana si~bude pamatovat pozici, na~které se~nachází v~seznamu~$L$. + +\s{Rozbor èasové slo¾itosti algoritmu:} + +\numlist\ndotted +\:Inicializace vý¹ek \dots\ $\O(N)$. +\:Inicializace vlny~$f$ \dots\ $\O(M)$. +\:Výbìr vrcholu~$u$ s~kladným pøebytkem -- vezmeme první vrchol v~$P$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. +\:Výbìr vrcholu~$v$, do~kterého vede z~$u$ hrana s~kladnou rezervou a~který je ní¾e ne¾~$u$ -- vezmeme první hranu z~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. + + Pøevedení pøebytku: \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \itemize\idot + \:Nasycené pøevedení \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \itemize\idot + \:Rezerva hrany~$uv$ klesne na~nulu $\Rightarrow$ hrana~$uv$ vypadne z~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$v$ se~zvý¹í $\Rightarrow$ pokud je¹tì nebyl v~seznamu~$P$, tak se~tam pøidá \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$u$ mo¾ná také klesne na~nulu $\Rightarrow$ pak by vrchol~$u$ vypadnul z~$P$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \endlist + \:Nenasycené pøevedení \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \itemize\idot + \:Rezerva hrany~$uv$ zùstane nezáporná $\Rightarrow$ hrana~$uv$ zùstane v~$L(u)$ \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \:Vynuluje se~pøebytek vrcholu~$u$~$\Rightarrow$ vrchol $u$ vypadne z~$P$ \dots~$\O(1)$. + \:Pøebytek vrcholu~$v$ se~zvý¹í~$\Rightarrow$ pokud je¹tì nebyl v~seznamu~$P$, tak se~tam pøidá \dots\ $\O(1)$. + \endlist + \endlist +\:Zvednutí vrcholu~$u$ \dots $\O(N)$. + +Musíme obejít v¹echny hrany do~$u$ a~z~$u$, kterých je nejvý¹e~$2N-2$, porovnat +vý¹ky a~pøípadnì tyto hrany~$uv$ odebrat ze~seznamu~$L(v)$ resp. pøidat +do~$L(u)$. Abychom pro~odebrání hrany~$uv$ ze~seznamu~$L(v)$ nemuseli procházet +celý seznam, budeme si~$\forall u \in V$ pamatovat je¹tì $L^{-1}(u) := $ seznam +ukazatelù na~hrany~$uv$ v~seznamech~$L(v)$. + +\endlist + +Vidíme, ¾e ka¾dé zvednutí je sice drahé, ale je jich zase pomìrnì málo. Naopak pøevádìní pøebytkù je èastá operace, tak¾e je výhodné, ¾e trvá konstantní èas. + +\s{Shrnutí:} + +\itemize\ibull +\:V¹ech zvednutí je $\O(N^2)$ (viz lemma Z), ka¾dé trvá $\O(N)$ \dots\ $\O(N^3).$ +\:V¹ech nasycených pøevedení je $\O(NM)$ (viz lemma S), ka¾dé trvá $\O(1)$ \dots\ $\O(NM).$ +\:V¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je $\O(N^2M)$ (viz lemma N), ka¾dé trvá $\O(1)$ \dots\ $\O(N^2M).$ +\endlist + +Dohromady má tedy Goldbergùv algoritmus èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$. Vidíme, ¾e u¾ v~tomto obecném pøípadì to není hor¹í ne¾ Dinicùv algoritmus. Pøí¹tì si~uká¾eme, ¾e mù¾e mít i~mnohem lep¹í. Nejdøíve ale zformulujme v¹echna dokázaná tvrzení do~následující vìty: + +\s{Vìta:} Goldbergùv algoritmus najde maximální tok v~èase $\O(N^2M)$. + +\s{Pozorování:} Pokud bychom volili v¾dy nejvy¹¹í z~vrcholù s~pøebytkem, tak by se~mohl algoritmus chovat lépe. Podívejme se~na~to pozornìji a~vylep¹ený Goldebrgùv algoritmus oznaème G'. + +\s{Algoritmus (Vylep¹ený Goldbergùv algoritmus)} + +\algo +\:$\forall v \in V: h(v)\leftarrow 0$ (v¹em vrcholùm nastavíme poèáteèní vý¹ku nula) a~$h(z)\leftarrow N$ (zdroj zvedneme do~vý¹ky~$N$). +\:$\forall e \in E: f(e)\leftarrow 0$ (po~hranách nejdøíve nenecháme protékat nic) a~$\forall zu \in E : f(zu)\leftarrow c(zu)$ (ze~zdroje pustíme maximální mo¾nou vlnu). +\:Dokud $\exists u \in V \setminus \{z,s\}: f^{\Delta}(u)>0$: +\::Vybereme z~vrcholù s~pøebytkem ten s~nejvy¹¹í vý¹kou, oznaèíme ho~$u$. +\:::Pokud $\exists v \in V: uv \in E,~r(uv)>0$ a~$h(u)>h(v)$, pak pøevedeme pøebytek po~hranì z~$u$ do~$v$. +\:::V~opaèném pøípadì zvedneme $u$:~$h(u) \leftarrow h(u) + 1$. +\:Vrátíme tok~$f$ jako výsledek. +\endalgo + +Rozmysleme si, o~kolik bude vylep¹ený algoritmus G' lep¹í ne¾ ten pùvodní. Ten pùvodní mìl èasovou slo¾itost $\O(N^2M)$ a~pøevládal èlen, který odpovídal nenasyceným pøevedením. Zkusme tedy právì poèet nenasycených pøevedení odhadnout ve~vylep¹eném algoritmu o~nìco tìsnìji. + +\s{Lemma N' (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Algoritmus G' provede~$\O(N^3)$ nenasycených pøevedení. + +\proof +Dokazovat budeme opìt pomocí potenciálové metody. Zadefinujme si~potenciál {\I nejvy¹¹í hladinu s~pøebytkem}: +$$H := \max \{ h(v) \mid v \neq z,s ~\&~ f^\Delta(v) > 0\}.$$ +Rozdìlíme bìh algoritmu na~{\I fáze}. Ka¾dá fáze konèí tím, ¾e~se~$H$ zmìní. Jak se~mù¾e zmìnit? Buï se~$H$ zvý¹í, co¾ znamená, ¾e~nìjaký vrchol s~pøebytkem v~nejvy¹¹í hladinì byl o~1 zvednut, nebo se~$H$ sní¾í. My víme, ¾e zvednutí je v~celém algoritmu $\O(N^2)$. Zároveò si~mù¾eme uvìdomit, ¾e~$H$ je nezáporný potenciál, kdy sní¾ení i~zvý¹ení ho zmìní o~1, tedy poèet sní¾ení bude stejný jako poèet zvý¹ení, a~proto obojího je~$\O(N^2)$. Tudí¾ poèet fází je také~$\O(N^2)$. + +Je dùle¾ité, ¾e~bìhem jedné fáze provedeme nejvý¹e jedno nenasycené pøevedení z~ka¾dého vrcholu. Po~ka¾dém nenasyceném pøevedení po~hranì $uv$ se~toti¾ vynuluje pøebytek v~$u$ a~aby se~provedlo dal¹í nenasycené pøevedení z~vrcholu~$u$, muselo by nejdøíve být co~pøevádìt. Muselo by tedy do~$u$ nìco pøitéci. My ale víme, ¾e pøevádíme pouze shora dolù a~$u$ je v~nejvy¹¹í hladinì (to zajistí právì to vylep¹ení algoritmu), tedy nejdøíve by musel být nìjaký jiný vrchol zvednut. Tím by se~ale zmìnilo~$H$ a~skonèila by tato fáze. + +Proto poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení bìhem jedné fáze je nejvý¹e~$N$. A ji¾ jsme dokázali, ¾e~fází je~$\O(N^2)$. Tedy poèet v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^3)$. +\qed + +Tento odhad je hezký, ale stále není tìsný a~algoritmus se~chová lépe. Doka¾me si~je¹tì jeden tìsnìj¹í odhad na~poèet nenasycených pøevedení. + +\s{Lemma N'' (Nenasycená pøevedení):} Poèet nenasycených pøevedení je~$\O(N^2 \sqrt{M})$. + +\s{Poznámka:} Tato èasová slo¾itost je výhodná napøíklad pro~øídké grafy. Ty mají toti¾ pomìrnì malý poèet hran. + +\proof +Rozdìlme si~fáze na~dva druhy: laciné a~drahé podle toho, kolik se~v~nich provede nenasycených pøevedení. Zvolme si~nìjaké nezáporné~$K$. Zatím nebudeme urèovat jeho hodnotu. Uvidíme, ¾e~èasová slo¾itost algoritmu bude závislá na~tomto parametru~$K$. Proto jeho hodnotu zvolíme a¾ pozdìji a~to tak, aby byla slo¾itost co nejni¾¹í. + +{\I Laciné fáze} budou ty, bìhem nich¾ se~provede nejvý¹e~$K$ nenasycených pøevedení. {\I Drahé fáze} budou ty ostatní, tedy takové, bìhem nich¾ se~provede více jak~$K$ nenasycených pøevedení. + +Teï potøebujeme odhadnout, kolik nás budou stát oba typy fází. Zaènìme s~tìmi jednodu¹¹ími -- s~lacinými. Víme, ¾e~v¹ech fází je~$\O(N^2)$. Tìch laciných bude tedy urèitì také~$O(N^2)$. Nenasycených pøevedení se~bìhem jedné laciné fáze provede nejvíce~$K$. Tedy celkem se~bìhem laciných fází provede~$\O(N^2K)$ nenasycených pøevedení. + +Pro~poèet nenasycených pøevedení v~drahých fázích si~zaveïme nový potenciál definovaný následovnì: +$$\Phi := \sum_{\scriptstyle{v \ne z,s} \atop \scriptstyle{f^{\Delta}(v) \ne 0}} {p(v) \over K},$$ +kde~$p(v)$ je poèet takových vrcholù~$u$, které nejsou vý¹e ne¾~$v$. Neboli +$$p(v) = \vert \{ u \in V \mid h(u) \leq h(v) \} \vert.$$ +Tedy platí, ¾e~$p(v)$ je v¾dy nezáporné a~nejvý¹e má hodnotu~$N$. Dále víme, ¾e~$\Phi$ bude v¾dy nezáporné (nebo» je to souèet nezáporných èlenù) a~nejvý¹e bude nabývat hodnoty~$N^2 \over K$. Rozmysleme si, jak nám ovlivní tento potenciál na¹e tøi operace: +\itemize\ibull +\:{\bf Zvednutí}: Za~ka¾dý zvednutý vrchol pøibude nejvý¹e~$N \over K$ (tento vrchol mù¾e být nadzvednut nejvý¹e nad~v¹echny ostatní vrcholy) a~mo¾ná nìco ubude (napø. kdy¾ vrchol vyzvedneme na~úroveò k~ostatním). +\:{\bf Nasycené pøevedení} po~hranì $uv$: Mù¾e vynulovat pøebytek ve~vrcholu~$u$, pak se~$\Phi$ sní¾í. Mù¾e zvý¹it pøebytek ve~$v$ z~nuly, pak se~$\Phi$ zvý¹í. Ale nejvý¹e se~zvý¹í o~$N \over K$, nebo» do~$\Phi$ pøibude jen jeden sèítanec za~vrchol $v$ a~ten pøispìje nejvý¹e hodnotou~$N \over K$ (pod ním mù¾e být nejvíce~$N$ vrcholù). +\:{\bf Nenasycená pøevedení} po~hranì $uv$ v~drahých fázích: Tato operace vynuluje pøebytek v~$u$, tedy~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~$p(u) \over K$. Zároveò mù¾e zvý¹it pøebytek ve~$v$ z~nuly, ale~$\Phi$ stoupne nejvý¹e o~$p(v) \over K$. Celkem tedy~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~$p(u) - p(v) \over K$. +\endlist +Uvìdomme si, ¾e~pokud pøevádíme po~hranì~$uv$, tak platí, ¾e~$h(u) = h(v) + 1$. Pak~$p(u) - p(v)$ je pøesnì poèet vrcholù na~hladinì~$H$. Tìch je alespoò tolik, kolik je nenasycených pøevedení bìhem jedné fáze (to jsme dokázali ji¾ v~lemmatu N'), a~my jsme si~zadefinovali, ¾e v~drahé fázi je poèet nenasycených pøevedení alespoò~$K$. Tedy~$p(u) - p(v) > K$. Proto bìhem jednoho nenasyceného pøevedení~$\Phi$ klesne alespoò o~${K \over K} = 1$. Nenasycená pøevedení potenciál nezvy¹ují. + +Potenciál~$\Phi$ se~mù¾e zvìt¹it pouze pøi~operacích zvednutí a~nasycené pøevedení. Zvednutí se~provede celkem~$\O(N^2)$ a~ka¾dé zvý¹í potenciál nejvý¹e o~$N \over K$. Nasycených pøevedení se provede celkem~$\O(NM)$ a~ka¾dé zvý¹í potenciál takté¾ nejvý¹e o~$N \over K$. Celkem se~tedy~$\Phi$ zvý¹í nejvý¹e o +$${N \over K} \O(N^2) + {N \over K} \O(NM) = \O \left({N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K}\right).$$ + +Teï vyu¾ijeme toho, ¾e~$\Phi$ je nezáporný potenciál, tedy kdy¾ ka¾dé nenasycené pøevdení v~drahé fázi sní¾í~$\Phi$ alespoò o~1, tak v¹ech nenasycených pøevdení v~drahých fázích je~$\O({N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K})$. U¾ jsme ukázali, ¾e~nenasycených pøevední v~laciných fázích je~$\O(N^2K)$. Proto celkem v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je +$$\O \left(N^2K + {N^3 \over K} + {N^2M \over K} \right) = \O \left(N^2K + {N^2M \over K} \right)$$ +(nebo» pro~souvislé grafy platí, ¾e~$M \geq N \Rightarrow N^2M \geq N^3$). A~my chceme, aby jich bylo co nejménì. Tato funkce má minimum tehdy, kdy¾ $N^2K = {N^2M \over K}$, èili $K = \sqrt{M}$. + +Proto v¹ech nenasycených pøevedení je $\O(N^2\sqrt{M})$. +\qed +\bye diff --git a/old/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps b/old/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70be6d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/3-goldberg/Goldberg01.eps @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 311 196 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 7.6535002e-09 -2.5149246e-06 310.80097 195.23405 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 196 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 -7.2922934 -15.871617] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 -105.66802 -41.295546] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.80000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +327.93522 188.25911 moveto +327.93522 250.38705 279.87044 300.80972 220.64777 300.80972 curveto +161.42509 300.80972 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259.4918 168.48702 curveto +258.79686 174.88094 257.75376 181.2491 256.18144 187.48805 curveto +254.45425 194.02304 252.04233 200.40052 248.79575 206.33576 curveto +247.2219 209.23818 245.37178 211.98356 243.24102 214.50717 curveto +239.09684 219.50186 234.37978 223.98307 229.5905 228.35067 curveto +228.29104 229.49906 226.85166 230.63983 226.19953 232.30237 curveto +225.88232 233.85635 227.01743 235.15405 228.04206 236.16404 curveto +230.86374 238.84504 234.40416 240.56607 237.77898 242.42967 curveto +244.47556 245.58462 251.01265 249.15643 258.0782 251.44753 curveto +263.50053 253.31902 269.10056 254.64678 274.77642 255.46817 curveto +281.19473 256.48978 287.71445 256.73692 294.20191 256.45025 curveto +299.14227 256.2547 304.06877 255.67187 308.93321 254.79402 curveto +314.84679 253.66015 320.68583 252.06888 326.29328 249.86487 curveto +335.79003 246.03402 344.80686 240.95359 352.85154 234.60416 curveto +359.46392 229.40402 365.5126 223.47549 370.79463 216.92672 curveto +375.60643 210.82002 379.79681 204.2236 383.33905 197.30459 curveto +387.6165 188.82584 390.7268 179.78059 392.82506 170.52565 curveto +394.15871 164.50115 394.96709 158.35759 395.28813 152.19661 curveto +395.7406 141.38443 394.72997 130.5209 392.3705 119.96144 curveto +390.72701 112.77723 388.56478 105.6875 385.51691 98.966625 curveto +382.44736 92.078085 378.75152 85.457485 374.33557 79.338215 curveto +369.33811 72.377305 363.48786 66.041715 357.08025 60.359605 curveto +351.79315 55.738659 346.09511 51.583256 339.99622 48.096383 curveto +334.45248 44.913288 328.59052 42.258109 322.49914 40.311008 curveto +314.227 37.734459 305.64752 36.306252 297.06034 35.276544 curveto +292.71018 34.814917 288.33133 34.464891 283.95627 34.610909 curveto +282.91236 34.768481 281.86844 34.926053 280.82453 35.083625 curveto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +280.5668 226.72064 moveto +148.58299 192.30769 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.77411904 0.20184081 -0.20184081 0.77411904 158.25948 194.8307] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +286.23483 122.89173 moveto +163.96762 131.39375 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.79807286 -0.055495103 0.055495103 0.79807286 173.94353 130.70006] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.20648 73.68421 moveto +156.27531 100.80972 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.77710466 -0.19002198 0.19002198 0.77710466 165.98912 98.434445] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +284.1675 181.73326 moveto +163.31146 161.35254 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.78886172 0.13303075 -0.13303075 0.78886172 173.17223 163.01542] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -10.931174 -14.170041] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +69.75 150.46416 moveto +69.749976 149.90952 69.301976 149.20552 68.406 148.35216 curveto +67.509978 147.49885 67.061979 146.62419 67.062 145.72816 curveto +67.061979 145.04552 67.275312 144.51219 67.702 144.12816 curveto +68.128644 143.74419 68.704644 143.55219 69.43 143.55216 curveto +70.411309 143.55219 71.243308 143.93619 71.926 144.70416 curveto +72.651306 145.42952 73.013973 146.30419 73.014 147.32816 curveto +73.013973 148.52285 72.629973 150.05885 71.862 151.93616 curveto +71.136641 153.77085 70.219309 155.47751 69.11 157.05616 curveto +65.824647 161.66417 62.859316 165.4615 60.214 168.44816 curveto +57.568655 171.43483 55.840657 172.92816 55.03 172.92816 curveto +54.645991 172.92816 54.453991 172.1815 54.454 170.68816 curveto +54.453991 168.8535 54.304658 165.99484 54.006 162.11216 curveto +53.707325 158.18684 53.387326 155.11485 53.046 152.89616 curveto +52.619326 149.95218 52.149994 148.05352 51.638 147.20016 curveto +51.125995 146.34685 50.251329 145.92019 49.014 145.92016 curveto +48.203331 145.92019 47.563332 145.94152 47.094 145.98416 curveto +47.094 145.15216 lineto +48.58733 144.89619 49.888663 144.66152 50.998 144.44816 curveto +52.107327 144.23486 52.875326 144.06419 53.302 143.93616 curveto +53.728659 143.80819 54.112658 143.72286 54.454 143.68016 curveto +54.795324 143.59486 55.136657 143.55219 55.478 143.55216 curveto +56.160656 143.55219 56.843322 146.06952 57.526 151.10416 curveto +58.251321 156.13885 58.741987 161.53617 58.998 167.29616 curveto +60.982 165.24816 lineto +63.243316 162.85884 65.26998 160.17084 67.062 157.18416 curveto +68.853977 154.15485 69.749976 151.91485 69.75 150.46416 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +112.67278 62.815617 moveto +112.67278 63.967617 lineto +94.960781 63.967617 lineto +94.960781 62.815617 lineto +97.264756 62.575618 98.776754 62.215619 99.496781 61.735617 curveto +100.21675 61.25562 100.57675 60.343621 100.57678 58.999617 curveto +100.57675 58.615622 100.52875 57.991623 100.43278 57.127617 curveto +98.992781 47.695617 lineto +83.152781 47.695617 lineto +79.048781 55.831617 lineto +78.088775 57.751623 77.608776 59.239622 77.608781 60.295617 curveto +77.608776 61.20762 77.848775 61.807619 78.328781 62.095617 curveto +78.856774 62.383619 80.032773 62.623618 81.856781 62.815617 curveto +81.856781 63.967617 lineto +68.392781 63.967617 lineto +68.392781 62.815617 lineto +69.880783 62.527618 71.104782 61.807619 72.064781 60.655617 curveto +73.07278 59.503621 74.944778 56.575624 77.680781 51.871617 curveto +98.560781 15.871617 lineto +100.43278 15.871617 lineto +107.20078 56.623617 lineto +107.68075 59.263622 108.20875 60.91962 108.78478 61.591617 curveto +109.36074 62.215619 110.65674 62.623618 112.67278 62.815617 curveto +84.664781 45.103617 moveto +98.632781 45.103617 lineto +95.464781 26.383617 lineto +84.664781 45.103617 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 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curveto +338.64418 60.313333 340.51618 57.385336 343.25218 52.681328 curveto +364.13218 16.681328 lineto +366.00418 16.681328 lineto +372.77218 57.433328 lineto +373.25215 60.073333 373.78015 61.729332 374.35618 62.401328 curveto +374.93215 63.02533 376.22815 63.43333 378.24418 63.625328 curveto +350.23618 45.913328 moveto +364.20418 45.913328 lineto +361.03618 27.193328 lineto +350.23618 45.913328 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +321.33714 220.85778 moveto +321.76378 220.85778 322.46778 220.40978 323.44914 219.51378 curveto +324.43044 218.57512 325.43311 217.55112 326.45714 216.44178 curveto +327.22514 217.08178 lineto +324.87844 219.98312 323.12911 221.88178 321.97714 222.77778 curveto +320.82511 223.67378 319.60912 224.12178 318.32914 224.12178 curveto +316.62245 224.12178 315.76912 223.24711 315.76914 221.49778 curveto +315.76912 220.43112 316.25979 217.97779 317.24114 214.13778 curveto +314.42512 218.10579 312.14246 220.77245 310.39314 222.13778 curveto +308.64379 223.50311 306.63846 224.18578 304.37714 224.18578 curveto +302.32913 224.18578 300.72913 223.56711 299.57714 222.32978 curveto +298.42514 221.04978 297.84914 219.30045 297.84914 217.08178 curveto +297.84914 213.79646 298.76647 210.44713 300.60114 207.03378 curveto +302.47847 203.62047 304.84646 200.80447 307.70514 198.58578 curveto +310.60646 196.36714 313.42246 195.25781 316.15314 195.25778 curveto +319.01178 195.25781 320.71845 196.49514 321.27314 198.96978 curveto +321.97714 195.89778 lineto +322.16914 195.70578 lineto +326.07314 195.25778 lineto +326.52114 195.44978 lineto +326.47844 195.62048 326.35044 196.06848 326.13714 196.79378 curveto +322.33978 210.70313 320.44112 218.44712 320.44114 220.02578 curveto +320.44112 220.58045 320.73978 220.85778 321.33714 220.85778 curveto +320.12114 200.56978 moveto +320.12112 199.37514 319.75845 198.43647 319.03314 197.75378 curveto +318.35045 197.02847 317.41178 196.66581 316.21714 196.66578 curveto +313.87046 196.66581 311.63046 198.03114 309.49714 200.76178 curveto +307.40646 203.49247 305.8278 206.35113 304.76114 209.33778 curveto +303.73713 212.28179 303.22513 214.58579 303.22514 216.24978 curveto +303.22513 217.70045 303.56647 218.87379 304.24914 219.76978 curveto +304.9318 220.62312 305.8278 221.04978 306.93714 221.04978 curveto +308.94246 221.04978 310.99046 219.89778 313.08114 217.59378 curveto +315.17179 215.24712 316.85712 212.47379 318.13714 209.27378 curveto +319.45978 206.0738 320.12112 203.17247 320.12114 200.56978 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +116.35173 140.22451 moveto +116.35173 139.13651 lineto +119.55172 138.75255 122.81572 138.26189 126.14373 137.66451 curveto +126.46373 137.98451 lineto +119.80773 162.81651 lineto +122.06905 159.2752 124.13838 156.7792 126.01573 155.32851 curveto +127.89304 153.87787 129.94104 153.15254 132.15973 153.15251 curveto +134.29304 153.15254 136.0637 153.87787 137.47173 155.32851 curveto +138.8797 156.7792 139.5837 158.61387 139.58373 160.83251 curveto +139.5837 164.11786 138.5597 167.42452 136.51173 170.75251 curveto +134.50637 174.03785 131.92504 176.74718 128.76773 178.88051 curveto +125.61038 181.01384 122.45305 182.08051 119.29573 182.08051 curveto +117.50372 182.08051 115.62639 181.69651 113.66373 180.92851 curveto +111.74373 180.16051 110.78373 179.41385 110.78373 178.68851 curveto +110.78373 178.43251 lineto +119.48773 146.36851 lineto +120.17039 143.97921 120.51172 142.50722 120.51173 141.95251 curveto +120.51172 141.22722 120.27705 140.77922 119.80773 140.60851 curveto +119.38105 140.39522 118.22905 140.26722 116.35173 140.22451 curveto +119.23173 180.60851 moveto +121.40772 180.60851 123.47705 179.84051 125.43973 178.30451 curveto +127.44504 176.76852 129.04504 174.93385 130.23973 172.80051 curveto +131.43437 170.66719 132.37304 168.59786 133.05573 166.59251 curveto +133.78104 164.58719 134.1437 162.9872 134.14373 161.79251 curveto +134.1437 160.08587 133.73837 158.74187 132.92773 157.76051 curveto +132.11704 156.7792 131.02904 156.28854 129.66373 156.28851 curveto +127.74371 156.28854 125.90905 157.20587 124.15973 159.04051 curveto +122.41038 160.83253 120.98105 162.9872 119.87173 165.50451 curveto +118.76239 168.02186 117.88772 170.47519 117.24773 172.86451 curveto +116.60772 175.21118 116.28772 177.06718 116.28773 178.43251 curveto +116.28772 179.88318 117.26905 180.60851 119.23173 180.60851 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -475.86267 -552.55121] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.80000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -403.59545 -516.51882] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.80000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [3.8010801 0 0 3.658223 -253.79788 -476.43785] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.80000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +144.12956 193.31984 moveto +144.12956 194.10203 143.49474 194.73684 142.71255 194.73684 curveto +141.93037 194.73684 141.29555 194.10203 141.29555 193.31984 curveto +141.29555 192.53765 141.93037 191.90284 142.71255 191.90284 curveto +143.49474 191.90284 144.12956 192.53765 144.12956 193.31984 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/3-goldberg/Makefile b/old/3-goldberg/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6330e4c --- /dev/null +++ b/old/3-goldberg/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=3-goldberg + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex b/old/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccb0c50 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/4-hradla/4-hradla.tex @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +\input ../lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{4}{Hradlové sítì}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} + +\def\land{\mathbin{\&}} + +Výkon poèítaèù nelze zvy¹ovat donekoneèna a pøesto¾e ji¾ pìkných pár let platí, +¾e se jejich rychlost s~èasem exponenciálnì zvìt¹uje, jednou urèitì narazíme +pøinejmen¹ím na~fyzikální limity. + +Kdy¾ tedy nemù¾eme zvy¹ovat rychlost jednoho procesoru, jak poèítat rychleji? +Øe¹ením by mohlo být poøídit si procesorù víc. U¾~dnes na~bì¾ném PéCéèku máme +k~dispozici vícejádrové procesory, díky nim¾ mù¾eme vyu¾ít pararelní poèítání +a úlohu øe¹it tak, ¾e práci ¹ikovnì rozdìlíme mezi procesory (èi jádra) a +zamìstnáme je pøi~výpoètu v¹echny. + +My se podíváme na~abstraktní výpoèetní model, který je je¹tì paralelnìj¹í. +Techniky, které si uká¾eme na~tomto modelu, se v¹ak dají pøekvapivì vyu¾ít i~pøi~reálném +paralelizování na~nìkolika málo procesorech. Konec koncù i proto, ¾e vnitøní +architektura procesoru se na¹emu modelu velmi podobá. Budeme se zabývat +jednoduchým modelem paralelního poèítaèe, toti¾ hradlovou sítí. + +\h{Hradlové sítì} + +\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlo} je prvek, který umí vyhodnocovat nìjakou funkci +nad~koneènou abecedou $\Sigma$. + +Obecnì se na~hradlo díváme jako na~funkci $f: {\Sigma}^{k} \rightarrow \Sigma$, která dostane $k$ vstupù +a~vrátí jeden výstup, pøièem¾ hodnoty, nad~kterými pracuje, budou z~nìjaké koneèné +abecedy -- tedy z~nìjaké koneèné mno¾iny symbolù $\Sigma$. Písmenku $k$ zde øíkáme {\I arita +hradla}. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Èasto studujeme hradla booleovská (pracující nad abecedou $\{0,1\}$), která poèítají logické funkce. + +Z~nich nejèastìji potkáme: + +\itemize\ibull +\:nulární: to jsou konstanty (FALSE=0, TRUE=1), +\:unární: napø. negace (znaèíme~$\lnot$), +\:binární: logický souèin ({\sc and},~$\land$), souèet ({\sc or},~$\lor$), ... +\endlist + +\>Hradla kreslíme tøeba následovnì: + +\figure{hradlo_and.eps}{Binární hradlo provádící logickou operaci {\sc and}.}{1in} + +Jednotlivá hradla mù¾eme navzájem urèitým zpùsobem propojovat a vytváøet +z nich {\I hradlové sítì}. Pokud pou¾íváme pouze booleovská hradla, øíkáme takto vytvoøeným +sítím {\I booleovské obvody}. Pokud pracujeme s~operacemi nad nìjakou obecnìj¹í (ale koneènou) +mno¾inou symbolù (abecedou), nazývají se {\I kombinaèní obvody.} + +Ka¾dá hradlová sí» má nìjaké vstupy, nìjaké výstupy a uvnitø jsou propojovaná +hradla. Ka¾dý vstup hradla je pøipojen buïto na~nìkterý ze~vstupù sítì nebo +na~výstup jiného hradla. Výstupy hradel mohou být propojeny na~vstupy dal¹ích +hradel (mohou se vìtvit), nebo na výstupy sítì. Pøitom máme zakázáno vytváøet +cykly. + +Ne¾ si øekneme formální definici, podívejme se na obrázek. + +\figure{hradlova_sit.eps}{Hradlová sí» -- tøívstupová verze funkce {\I majorita}.}{3in} + +Obrazek znázoròuje hradlovou sí», která poèítá, zda je alespoò na~dvou ze~vstupù +jednièka. Pojïme si ale {\I hradlovou sí»} definovat formálnì. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Hradlová sí»} je urèena: +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I abecedou} $\Sigma$ (to je nìjaká koneèná mno¾ina symbolù, obvykle $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$); +\:po dvou disjunktními koneènými mno¾inami $I$~({\I vstupy}), $O$~({\I výstupy}) \hfil\break a~$H$~({\I hradla}); +\:acyklickým orientovaným multigrafem~$(V,E)$, kde~$V = I \cup O \cup H$; +\:zobrazením~$F$, které ka¾dému hradlu $h\in H$ pøiøadí nìjakou funkci~$F(h): + \Sigma^{a(h)} \rightarrow \Sigma$, co¾ je funkce, kterou toto hradlo vykonává. + Èíslu $a(h)$ øíkáme {\I arita} hradla~$h$; +\:zobrazením~$z: E \rightarrow {\bb N}$, které ka¾dé hranì vedoucí do~nìjakého + hradla pøiøazuje nìkterý ze vstupù tohoto hradla. +\endlist + +\>Pøitom jsou splnìny následující podmínky: + +\itemize\ibull +\:$\forall i \in I: \deg^{in}(i)=0$ (do~vstupù nic nevede); +\:$\forall o \in O: \deg^{in}(o)=1~\land~\deg^{out}(o)=0$ (z~výstupù nic nevede a do~ka¾dého vede právì jedna hrana); +\:$\forall h \in H: \deg^{in}(v)=a(v)$ (do~ka¾dého hradla vede tolik hran, kolik je jeho arita); +\:$\forall h \in H~\forall j: 1\le j\le a(h)$ existuje právì jedena hrana~$e$ taková, ¾e~$e$ konèí v~$h$ a~$z(e)=j$, + (v¹echny vstupy hradel jsou zapojeny). +\endlist + +\s{Pozorování:} Kdybychom pøipustili hradla s~libovolnì vysokým poètem vstupù, mohli +bychom libovolný problém se vstupem délky~$n$ vyøe¹it jedním hradlem o~$n$~vstupech, +kterému bychom pøiøadili funkci, která by na¹i úlohu rovnou vyøe¹ila. Tento model +v¹ak není ani realistický, ani pìkný. Proto pøijmìme omezení, ¾e~arity v¹ech hradel +budou omezeny nìjakou pevnou konstantou $k$ (uká¾e se, ¾e nám bude staèit dvojka +a~vystaèíme si tedy pouze s nulárními, unárními a binárními hradly). +Následující obrázky ukazují, jak hradla o~více vstupech nahradit dvouvstupovými: + +\twofigures{hradlo_ternor.eps}{Trojvstupové hradlo \sc or.}{0.5in}{hradlo_ternbior.eps}{Jeho nahrazení 2-vstupovými hradly.}{0.6in} + + +Nyní bychom je¹tì mìli definovat, co taková hradlová sí» vlastnì poèítá a~jak +její výpoèet probíhá. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Výpoèet sítì} probíhá po~{\I taktech.} V nultém taktu jsou definovány pouze +hodnoty na~vstupech sítì a na~výstupech hradel arity 0. Mù¾eme si to pøedstavit +tak, ¾e na~zaèátku nemá ¾ádné hradlo definovánu výstupní hodnotu (a¾ na ji¾ +zmínìná hradla nulární). V~ka¾dém dal¹ím taktu pak vydají výstup hradla, která +na~konci minulého taktu mìla definovány v¹echny hodnoty na vstupech. Jakmile +budou po~nìjakém koneèném poètu taktù definované i hodnoty v¹ech výstupù, sí» +se zastaví a~vydá výsledek. + +\s{Pozorování:} Proto¾e je sí» acyklická, je jasné, ¾e jakmile jednou nìjaké hradlo vydá +výstup, tak se tento výstup bìhem dal¹ího výpoètu sítì ji¾ nezmìní. + +\figure{vypocet_site.eps}{Výpoèet hradlové sítì.}{6cm} + +\>Podle toho, jak sí» poèítá, si ji mù¾eme rozdìlit na~vrstvy: + +\s{Definice:} {\I $i$-tá vrstva $S_i$} obsahuje právì takové vrcholy~$v$, pro~které nejdel¹í cesta ze~vstupù +sítì do $v$ má délku rovnou~$i$. + +\s{Pozorování:} V¹imnìme si, ¾e v $i$-tém taktu vydají hodnoty právì hradla z $S_i$. + +Dává tedy smysl prohlásit za~{\I èasovou slo¾itost} sítì poèet +jejích vrstev. Podobnì {\I prostorovou slo¾itost} definujeme jako poèet hradel v~síti. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Sestrojme sí», která zjistí, zda se mezi jejími~$n$ vstupy +vyskytuje alespoò jedna jednièka. + +\>{\I První øe¹ení:} zapojíme hradla za~sebe (sériovì). Èasová i prostorová +slo¾itost odpovídají~$\Theta(n)$. Zde ov¹em vùbec nevyu¾íváme toho, ¾e by mohlo poèítat více +hradel souèasnì. + +\figure{hloupy_or.eps}{Hradlová sí», která zjistí, zdali je na vstupu alespoò jedna jednièka.}{0.7in} + +\>{\I Druhé øe¹ení:} Hradla budeme spojovat do~dvojic, pak výsledky z~tìchto dvojic opìt +do~dvojic a tak dále. Díky paralelnímu zapojení dosáhneme èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta(\log n)$, +prostorová slo¾itost zùstane lineární. + +\figure{chytry_or.eps}{Chytøej¹í øe¹ení stejného problému pro vstup velikosti 16.}{3in} + +\bye diff --git a/old/4-hradla/Makefile b/old/4-hradla/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65a25ae --- /dev/null +++ b/old/4-hradla/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=4-hradla + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps b/old/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d88cff --- /dev/null +++ b/old/4-hradla/chytry_or.eps @@ -0,0 +1,2324 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 2 325 592 773 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 2.9557909 325.79571 591.83322 772.94254 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 842 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -114.17957 349.28806] concat +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -83.184796 52.549665] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2000003 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.90959 -84.12941 moveto +215.27222 -84.12941 lineto +215.27222 -4.7947388 lineto +135.90959 -4.7947388 lineto +135.90959 -84.12941 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.97064 36.428192] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 220.95029 36.514105] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +45.065919 215.6313 moveto +45.065919 235.22232 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +45.065919 215.6313 moveto +45.065919 235.22232 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 234.77816 167.38643] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 -69.09509 184.13225] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.49216 -98.219109 moveto +346.85476 -98.219109 lineto +346.85476 -18.884438 lineto +267.49216 -18.884438 lineto +267.49216 -98.219109 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 263.06032 168.01077] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 105.84152 318.01621] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +401.3761 -273.15573 moveto +480.7387 -273.15573 lineto +480.7387 -193.82106 lineto +401.3761 -193.82106 lineto +401.3761 -273.15573 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +234.09223 481.33301 moveto +234.09223 501.85418 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +234.09223 481.33301 moveto +234.09223 501.85418 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -49.773159 74.907438] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 -22.154925 74.90724] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +133.75586 36.897258 moveto +143.39453 36.897258 lineto +143.39453 39.221477 lineto +130.43359 39.221477 lineto +130.43359 36.897258 lineto +131.48177 35.812626 132.9082 34.358851 134.71289 32.53593 curveto +136.52668 30.703907 137.66601 29.52357 138.13086 28.994914 curveto +139.01496 28.001436 139.6302 27.162895 139.97656 26.479289 curveto +140.33202 25.786594 140.50975 25.107558 140.50977 24.44218 curveto +140.50975 23.35756 140.12694 22.473446 139.36133 21.789836 curveto +138.60481 21.10626 137.61588 20.764464 136.39453 20.764445 curveto +135.52864 20.764464 134.61262 20.914854 133.64648 21.215617 curveto +132.68945 21.516416 131.66406 21.972145 130.57031 22.582805 curveto +130.57031 19.793742 lineto +131.68229 19.347147 132.72135 19.009908 133.6875 18.782023 curveto +134.65364 18.554179 135.53775 18.440247 136.33984 18.440227 curveto +138.45442 18.440247 140.14061 18.968893 141.39844 20.026164 curveto +142.65624 21.083474 143.28514 22.496233 143.28516 24.264445 curveto +143.28514 25.103001 143.12564 25.900526 142.80664 26.657023 curveto +142.49673 27.404431 141.92707 28.288545 141.09766 29.309367 curveto +140.86978 29.5737 140.14517 30.339324 138.92383 31.606242 curveto +137.70246 32.864061 135.97981 34.627731 133.75586 36.897258 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 43.512553 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +139.74414 28.215617 moveto +141.06574 28.49818 142.09569 29.08607 142.83398 29.979289 curveto +143.58137 30.872527 143.95506 31.97539 143.95508 33.287883 curveto +143.95506 35.30221 143.26235 36.860802 141.87695 37.963664 curveto +140.49152 39.066529 138.52278 39.61796 135.9707 39.617961 curveto +135.11393 39.61796 134.22981 39.531372 133.31836 39.358195 curveto +132.41601 39.194133 131.48177 38.943482 130.51562 38.606242 curveto +130.51562 35.940227 lineto +131.28125 36.386844 132.11979 36.724083 133.03125 36.951945 curveto +133.9427 37.179812 134.89518 37.293744 135.88867 37.293742 curveto +137.62043 37.293744 138.93749 36.951948 139.83984 36.268352 curveto +140.75129 35.584761 141.20702 34.591273 141.20703 33.287883 curveto +141.20702 32.084765 140.78319 31.145964 139.93555 30.471477 curveto +139.09699 29.787892 137.92577 29.446096 136.42188 29.446086 curveto +134.04297 29.446086 lineto +134.04297 27.176555 lineto +136.53125 27.176555 lineto +137.88931 27.176567 138.92837 26.907687 139.64844 26.369914 curveto +140.36848 25.823052 140.7285 25.039199 140.72852 24.018352 curveto +140.7285 22.970191 140.35481 22.168108 139.60742 21.612102 curveto +138.86913 21.047016 137.80728 20.764464 136.42188 20.764445 curveto +135.66536 20.764464 134.85416 20.846495 133.98828 21.010539 curveto +133.12239 21.17462 132.16992 21.429828 131.13086 21.776164 curveto +131.13086 19.315227 lineto +132.17903 19.02358 133.15885 18.80483 134.07031 18.658977 curveto +134.99088 18.513164 135.85676 18.440247 136.66797 18.440227 curveto +138.76431 18.440247 140.42317 18.918762 141.64453 19.875773 curveto +142.86587 20.823708 143.47655 22.108863 143.47656 23.731242 curveto +143.47655 24.861465 143.15298 25.818495 142.50586 26.602336 curveto +141.85871 27.377087 140.93814 27.914847 139.74414 28.215617 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 9.760967 52.885558] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +136.24547 -177.07516 moveto +215.60807 -177.07516 lineto +215.60807 -97.740494 lineto +136.24547 -97.740494 lineto +136.24547 -177.07516 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 341.91637 36.764089] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 313.89603 36.850002] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.01167 216.11056 moveto +138.01167 236.47765 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +138.01167 216.11056 moveto +138.01167 236.47765 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +138.43569 236.12052 moveto +72.887015 235.79364 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 186.99951 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 29.837368 299.67485] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +58.886023 347.77465 moveto +58.886023 368.14173 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +58.886023 347.77465 moveto +58.886023 368.14173 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000004 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +58.46197 367.7846 moveto +220.21096 367.45773 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 206.39101 7.1749783] concat +gsave [0.5890545 0 0 0.5890545 11.291085 710.26485] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +3.5208609 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +843.64984 -279.10638 moveto +970.6387 -279.10638 lineto +970.6387 -152.11752 lineto +843.64984 -152.11752 lineto +843.64984 -279.10638 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.5420256 -0.5420256 0 520.24575 862.01621] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 54 2] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 264.51048 315.96623] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +399.32611 -431.82468 moveto +478.68871 -431.82468 lineto +478.68871 -352.49001 lineto +399.32611 -352.49001 lineto +399.32611 -431.82468 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.399973 0 579.81142 434.43473] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +447.5488 481.19007 moveto +447.5488 503.05613 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +447.5488 481.19007 moveto +447.5488 503.05613 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999996 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +448.28517 502.54446 moveto +355.18393 502.21759 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 164.09305 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.625 27.914836 moveto +136.38541 27.914847 135.40103 28.338675 134.67188 29.18632 curveto +133.95182 30.033986 133.59179 31.196094 133.5918 32.672648 curveto +133.59179 34.140101 133.95182 35.30221 134.67188 36.158977 curveto +135.40103 37.006635 136.38541 37.430463 137.625 37.430461 curveto +138.86457 37.430463 139.84439 37.006635 140.56445 36.158977 curveto +141.29361 35.30221 141.65819 34.140101 141.6582 32.672648 curveto +141.65819 31.196094 141.29361 30.033986 140.56445 29.18632 curveto +139.84439 28.338675 138.86457 27.914847 137.625 27.914836 curveto +143.10742 19.260539 moveto +143.10742 21.776164 lineto +142.4147 21.448057 141.71288 21.197406 141.00195 21.024211 curveto +140.30012 20.851052 139.60285 20.764464 138.91016 20.764445 curveto +137.08723 20.764464 135.6927 21.379697 134.72656 22.610148 curveto +133.76953 23.840633 133.22265 25.700006 133.08594 28.188273 curveto +133.62369 27.395316 134.29817 26.789197 135.10938 26.369914 curveto +135.92057 25.941542 136.81379 25.727349 137.78906 25.727336 curveto +139.83983 25.727349 141.45767 26.351698 142.64258 27.600383 curveto +143.83657 28.839976 144.43358 30.53073 144.43359 32.672648 curveto +144.43358 34.769007 143.81379 36.450646 142.57422 37.71757 curveto +141.33462 38.984498 139.68488 39.61796 137.625 39.617961 curveto +135.26432 39.61796 133.45963 38.715618 132.21094 36.91093 curveto +130.96224 35.097132 130.33789 32.472134 130.33789 29.03593 curveto +130.33789 25.809381 131.10351 23.239071 132.63477 21.324992 curveto +134.16601 19.401835 136.22135 18.440247 138.80078 18.440227 curveto +139.49348 18.440247 140.19074 18.508607 140.89258 18.645305 curveto +141.6035 18.782044 142.34178 18.987122 143.10742 19.260539 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 102.34146 52.97217] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +136.2459 -269.65567 moveto +215.6085 -269.65567 lineto +215.6085 -190.321 lineto +136.2459 -190.321 lineto +136.2459 -269.65567 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 434.49687 36.850701] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 406.47653 36.936614] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +230.59217 216.19717 moveto +230.59217 236.56425 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +230.59217 216.19717 moveto +230.59217 236.56425 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 257.61662 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +137.2832 29.528117 moveto +135.9707 29.528127 134.93619 29.879038 134.17969 30.580852 curveto +133.43229 31.282682 133.05859 32.248827 133.05859 33.479289 curveto +133.05859 34.709762 133.43229 35.675907 134.17969 36.377727 curveto +134.93619 37.079552 135.9707 37.430463 137.2832 37.430461 curveto +138.59569 37.430463 139.6302 37.079552 140.38672 36.377727 curveto +141.14322 35.666793 141.52147 34.700648 141.52148 33.479289 curveto +141.52147 32.248827 141.14322 31.282682 140.38672 30.580852 curveto +139.63931 29.879038 138.60481 29.528127 137.2832 29.528117 curveto +134.52148 28.352336 moveto +133.33658 28.06068 132.41145 27.509249 131.74609 26.698039 curveto +131.08984 25.886854 130.76172 24.897923 130.76172 23.731242 curveto +130.76172 22.099749 131.34049 20.810037 132.49805 19.862102 curveto +133.66471 18.914205 135.25976 18.440247 137.2832 18.440227 curveto +139.31574 18.440247 140.91079 18.914205 142.06836 19.862102 curveto +143.2259 20.810037 143.80467 22.099749 143.80469 23.731242 curveto +143.80467 24.897923 143.47199 25.886854 142.80664 26.698039 curveto +142.15038 27.509249 141.23436 28.06068 140.05859 28.352336 curveto +141.38931 28.662242 142.42381 29.268361 143.16211 30.170695 curveto +143.90949 31.073047 144.28319 32.175911 144.2832 33.479289 curveto +144.28319 35.457157 143.67707 36.974734 142.46484 38.032023 curveto +141.26171 39.089315 139.53449 39.61796 137.2832 39.617961 curveto +135.03189 39.61796 133.30013 39.089315 132.08789 38.032023 curveto +130.88476 36.974734 130.2832 35.457157 130.2832 33.479289 curveto +130.2832 32.175911 130.6569 31.073047 131.4043 30.170695 curveto +132.15169 29.268361 133.19075 28.662242 134.52148 28.352336 curveto +133.50977 23.991008 moveto +133.50976 25.048314 133.83789 25.873183 134.49414 26.465617 curveto +135.1595 27.058077 136.08919 27.354301 137.2832 27.354289 curveto +138.46809 27.354301 139.39322 27.058077 140.05859 26.465617 curveto +140.73306 25.873183 141.0703 25.048314 141.07031 23.991008 curveto +141.0703 22.933732 140.73306 22.108863 140.05859 21.516398 curveto +139.39322 20.923969 138.46809 20.627745 137.2832 20.627727 curveto +136.08919 20.627745 135.1595 20.923969 134.49414 21.516398 curveto +133.83789 22.108863 133.50976 22.933732 133.50977 23.991008 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 196.36522 52.118848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.39258 -363.67944 moveto +214.75518 -363.67944 lineto +214.75518 -284.34477 lineto +135.39258 -284.34477 lineto +135.39258 -363.67944 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 528.52063 35.997379] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 500.50029 36.083292] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.61593 215.34384 moveto +324.61593 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +324.61593 215.34384 moveto +324.61593 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 354.36562 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.11133 20.627727 moveto +153.68945 20.627745 152.61848 21.329567 151.89844 22.733195 curveto +151.1875 24.127742 150.83203 26.228651 150.83203 29.03593 curveto +150.83203 31.834114 151.1875 33.935023 151.89844 35.338664 curveto +152.61848 36.733198 153.68945 37.430463 155.11133 37.430461 curveto +156.54231 37.430463 157.61327 36.733198 158.32422 35.338664 curveto +159.04426 33.935023 159.40428 31.834114 159.4043 29.03593 curveto +159.40428 26.228651 159.04426 24.127742 158.32422 22.733195 curveto +157.61327 21.329567 156.54231 20.627745 155.11133 20.627727 curveto +155.11133 18.440227 moveto +157.39908 18.440247 159.14452 19.347147 160.34766 21.16093 curveto +161.55988 22.965633 162.166 25.590631 162.16602 29.03593 curveto +162.166 32.472134 161.55988 35.097132 160.34766 36.91093 curveto +159.14452 38.715618 157.39908 39.61796 155.11133 39.617961 curveto +152.82356 39.61796 151.07356 38.715618 149.86133 36.91093 curveto +148.6582 35.097132 148.05664 32.472134 148.05664 29.03593 curveto +148.05664 25.590631 148.6582 22.965633 149.86133 21.16093 curveto +151.07356 19.347147 152.82356 18.440247 155.11133 18.440227 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 290.01387 52.118849] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.39258 -457.32809 moveto +214.75518 -457.32809 lineto +214.75518 -377.99342 lineto +135.39258 -377.99342 lineto +135.39258 -457.32809 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 622.16928 35.99738] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 594.14894 36.083293] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +418.26457 215.34384 moveto +418.26457 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +418.26457 215.34384 moveto +418.26457 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 449.01862 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +151.58398 36.897258 moveto +161.22266 36.897258 lineto +161.22266 39.221477 lineto +148.26172 39.221477 lineto +148.26172 36.897258 lineto +149.30989 35.812626 150.73632 34.358851 152.54102 32.53593 curveto +154.35481 30.703907 155.49413 29.52357 155.95898 28.994914 curveto +156.84309 28.001436 157.45832 27.162895 157.80469 26.479289 curveto +158.16014 25.786594 158.33788 25.107558 158.33789 24.44218 curveto +158.33788 23.35756 157.95507 22.473446 157.18945 21.789836 curveto +156.43293 21.10626 155.444 20.764464 154.22266 20.764445 curveto +153.35676 20.764464 152.44075 20.914854 151.47461 21.215617 curveto +150.51757 21.516416 149.49218 21.972145 148.39844 22.582805 curveto +148.39844 19.793742 lineto +149.51041 19.347147 150.54947 19.009908 151.51562 18.782023 curveto +152.48176 18.554179 153.36588 18.440247 154.16797 18.440227 curveto +156.28254 18.440247 157.96874 18.968893 159.22656 20.026164 curveto +160.48436 21.083474 161.11327 22.496233 161.11328 24.264445 curveto +161.11327 25.103001 160.95376 25.900526 160.63477 26.657023 curveto +160.32486 27.404431 159.75519 28.288545 158.92578 29.309367 curveto +158.6979 29.5737 157.9733 30.339324 156.75195 31.606242 curveto +155.53059 32.864061 153.80794 34.627731 151.58398 36.897258 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 384.16734 52.118848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.39258 -551.48157 moveto +214.75518 -551.48157 lineto +214.75518 -472.1469 lineto +135.39258 -472.1469 lineto +135.39258 -551.48157 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 716.32275 35.997379] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 688.30241 36.083292] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +512.41804 215.34384 moveto +512.41804 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +512.41804 215.34384 moveto +512.41804 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 542.50262 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +156.79297 21.215617 moveto +149.82031 32.112102 lineto +156.79297 32.112102 lineto +156.79297 21.215617 lineto +156.06836 18.809367 moveto +159.54102 18.809367 lineto +159.54102 32.112102 lineto +162.45312 32.112102 lineto +162.45312 34.408977 lineto +159.54102 34.408977 lineto +159.54102 39.221477 lineto +156.79297 39.221477 lineto +156.79297 34.408977 lineto +147.57812 34.408977 lineto +147.57812 31.742961 lineto +156.06836 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 478.05069 52.118853] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.39258 -645.36487 moveto +214.75518 -645.36487 lineto +214.75518 -566.0302 lineto +135.39258 -566.0302 lineto +135.39258 -645.36487 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 810.2061 35.997384] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 782.18576 36.083297] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +606.30138 215.34384 moveto +606.30138 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +606.30138 215.34384 moveto +606.30138 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 635.52862 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +155.45312 27.914836 moveto +154.21353 27.914847 153.22916 28.338675 152.5 29.18632 curveto +151.77994 30.033986 151.41992 31.196094 151.41992 32.672648 curveto +151.41992 34.140101 151.77994 35.30221 152.5 36.158977 curveto +153.22916 37.006635 154.21353 37.430463 155.45312 37.430461 curveto +156.6927 37.430463 157.67251 37.006635 158.39258 36.158977 curveto +159.12173 35.30221 159.48631 34.140101 159.48633 32.672648 curveto +159.48631 31.196094 159.12173 30.033986 158.39258 29.18632 curveto +157.67251 28.338675 156.6927 27.914847 155.45312 27.914836 curveto +160.93555 19.260539 moveto +160.93555 21.776164 lineto +160.24282 21.448057 159.541 21.197406 158.83008 21.024211 curveto +158.12824 20.851052 157.43098 20.764464 156.73828 20.764445 curveto +154.91536 20.764464 153.52083 21.379697 152.55469 22.610148 curveto +151.59765 23.840633 151.05078 25.700006 150.91406 28.188273 curveto +151.45182 27.395316 152.1263 26.789197 152.9375 26.369914 curveto +153.74869 25.941542 154.64192 25.727349 155.61719 25.727336 curveto +157.66796 25.727349 159.28579 26.351698 160.4707 27.600383 curveto +161.6647 28.839976 162.2617 30.53073 162.26172 32.672648 curveto +162.2617 34.769007 161.64191 36.450646 160.40234 37.71757 curveto +159.16275 38.984498 157.51301 39.61796 155.45312 39.617961 curveto +153.09244 39.61796 151.28776 38.715618 150.03906 36.91093 curveto +148.79036 35.097132 148.16601 32.472134 148.16602 29.03593 curveto +148.16601 25.809381 148.93164 23.239071 150.46289 21.324992 curveto +151.99413 19.401835 154.04947 18.440247 156.62891 18.440227 curveto +157.3216 18.440247 158.01887 18.508607 158.7207 18.645305 curveto +159.43163 18.782044 160.16991 18.987122 160.93555 19.260539 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 571.37734 52.118851] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +135.39258 -738.69153 moveto +214.75518 -738.69153 lineto +214.75518 -659.35686 lineto +135.39258 -659.35686 lineto +135.39258 -738.69153 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 903.53275 35.997382] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 875.51241 36.083295] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +699.62803 215.34384 moveto +699.62803 235.71093 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +699.62803 215.34384 moveto +699.62803 235.71093 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 420.31434 167.38648] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 449.99634 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +325.37171 236.12057 moveto +259.82303 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 607.94734 167.38648] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 637.72934 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +513.10471 236.12057 moveto +447.55603 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 796.01434 167.38648] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 824.99634 168.01082] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000002 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +700.37171 236.12057 moveto +634.82303 235.79369 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 7.1737023] concat +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 117.38846 176.95898] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +260.31888 -284.70267 moveto +339.68148 -284.70267 lineto +339.68148 -205.368 lineto +260.31888 -205.368 lineto +260.31888 -284.70267 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 306.05416 184.13266] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.49258 -473.36835 moveto +346.85519 -473.36835 lineto +346.85519 -394.03368 lineto +267.49258 -394.03368 lineto +267.49258 -473.36835 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.3680043 0 0 0.3681339 491.26866 184.13268] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.1999998 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +267.49258 -658.58289 moveto +346.85519 -658.58289 lineto +346.85519 -579.24821 lineto +267.49258 -579.24821 lineto +267.49258 -658.58289 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [-1 0 0 1 1055.8603 0.5080028] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 562.59702 -0.5079751] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +59.155618 347.21381 moveto +59.155618 366.80483 lineto +stroke +gsave [0 0.3387429 -0.3386236 0 248.86783 298.96898] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387428 0.3386236 0 405.43488 299.16685] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.9526119 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +434.48354 347.26665 moveto +434.48354 367.63373 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999999 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +434.48354 347.26665 moveto +434.48354 367.63373 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000004 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +434.05948 367.2766 moveto +595.80847 366.94973 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 0.3387429 0.399973 0 101.74275 434.31182] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.7167492 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4999996 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +233.369 502.42155 moveto +326.47024 502.09468 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 69.99609 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.96484 21.215617 moveto +131.99219 32.112102 lineto +138.96484 32.112102 lineto +138.96484 21.215617 lineto +138.24023 18.809367 moveto +141.71289 18.809367 lineto +141.71289 32.112102 lineto +144.625 32.112102 lineto +144.625 34.408977 lineto +141.71289 34.408977 lineto +141.71289 39.221477 lineto +138.96484 39.221477 lineto +138.96484 34.408977 lineto +129.75 34.408977 lineto +129.75 31.742961 lineto +138.24023 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 132.5927 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.4043 18.809367 moveto +142.24609 18.809367 lineto +142.24609 21.133586 lineto +133.93359 21.133586 lineto +133.93359 26.137492 lineto +134.33463 26.000787 134.73567 25.900526 135.13672 25.836711 curveto +135.53775 25.763808 135.93879 25.727349 136.33984 25.727336 curveto +138.61848 25.727349 140.42317 26.351698 141.75391 27.600383 curveto +143.08462 28.849091 143.74998 30.539845 143.75 32.672648 curveto +143.74998 34.869267 143.06639 36.57825 141.69922 37.799602 curveto +140.33202 39.011841 138.40429 39.61796 135.91602 39.617961 curveto +135.05924 39.61796 134.18424 39.545044 133.29102 39.399211 curveto +132.4069 39.253378 131.49088 39.034628 130.54297 38.742961 curveto +130.54297 35.96757 lineto +131.36328 36.414188 132.21093 36.74687 133.08594 36.965617 curveto +133.96093 37.184369 134.88606 37.293744 135.86133 37.293742 curveto +137.43814 37.293744 138.68684 36.879031 139.60742 36.049602 curveto +140.52798 35.220178 140.98827 34.094529 140.98828 32.672648 curveto +140.98827 31.250781 140.52798 30.125131 139.60742 29.295695 curveto +138.68684 28.466279 137.43814 28.051566 135.86133 28.051555 curveto +135.12304 28.051566 134.38476 28.133597 133.64648 28.297648 curveto +132.91731 28.461722 132.16992 28.71693 131.4043 29.063273 curveto +131.4043 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 229.04762 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +130.67969 18.809367 moveto +143.80469 18.809367 lineto +143.80469 19.985148 lineto +136.39453 39.221477 lineto +133.50977 39.221477 lineto +140.48242 21.133586 lineto +130.67969 21.133586 lineto +130.67969 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 324.06062 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.45898 38.797648 moveto +131.45898 36.282023 lineto +132.15169 36.610151 132.85351 36.860802 133.56445 37.033977 curveto +134.27538 37.207156 134.97265 37.293744 135.65625 37.293742 curveto +137.47916 37.293744 138.86913 36.683068 139.82617 35.461711 curveto +140.79231 34.231247 141.34374 32.367317 141.48047 29.869914 curveto +140.95181 30.653777 140.28189 31.255339 139.4707 31.674602 curveto +138.65949 32.093879 137.76171 32.303515 136.77734 32.303508 curveto +134.73567 32.303515 133.11783 31.688281 131.92383 30.457805 curveto +130.73893 29.218231 130.14648 27.527478 130.14648 25.385539 curveto +130.14648 23.289201 130.76627 21.607562 132.00586 20.340617 curveto +133.24544 19.07371 134.89518 18.440247 136.95508 18.440227 curveto +139.31574 18.440247 141.11587 19.347147 142.35547 21.16093 curveto +143.60415 22.965633 144.2285 25.590631 144.22852 29.03593 curveto +144.2285 32.253385 143.46288 34.823694 141.93164 36.746867 curveto +140.40949 38.66093 138.35871 39.61796 135.7793 39.617961 curveto +135.08658 39.61796 134.38476 39.549601 133.67383 39.412883 curveto +132.96289 39.276164 132.22461 39.071086 131.45898 38.797648 curveto +136.95508 30.143352 moveto +138.19465 30.143361 139.17447 29.719533 139.89453 28.871867 curveto +140.62369 28.024222 140.98827 26.862114 140.98828 25.385539 curveto +140.98827 23.918106 140.62369 22.760555 139.89453 21.912883 curveto +139.17447 21.05613 138.19465 20.627745 136.95508 20.627727 curveto +135.71549 20.627745 134.73111 21.05613 134.00195 21.912883 curveto +133.2819 22.760555 132.92187 23.918106 132.92188 25.385539 curveto +132.92187 26.862114 133.2819 28.024222 134.00195 28.871867 curveto +134.73111 29.719533 135.71549 30.143361 136.95508 30.143352 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.6247373 0 0 0.6249572 412.49262 74.659653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 lineto +131.45898 22.309367 lineto +131.45898 19.793742 lineto +136.33984 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 18.809367 lineto +139.10156 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto 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lineto +143.61328 36.897258 lineto +143.61328 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 39.221477 lineto +131.85547 36.897258 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.57227 28.215617 moveto +158.89387 28.49818 159.92381 29.08607 160.66211 29.979289 curveto +161.40949 30.872527 161.78319 31.97539 161.7832 33.287883 curveto +161.78319 35.30221 161.09048 36.860802 159.70508 37.963664 curveto +158.31965 39.066529 156.3509 39.61796 153.79883 39.617961 curveto +152.94205 39.61796 152.05794 39.531372 151.14648 39.358195 curveto +150.24414 39.194133 149.30989 38.943482 148.34375 38.606242 curveto +148.34375 35.940227 lineto +149.10937 36.386844 149.94791 36.724083 150.85938 36.951945 curveto +151.77083 37.179812 152.7233 37.293744 153.7168 37.293742 curveto +155.44856 37.293744 156.76561 36.951948 157.66797 36.268352 curveto +158.57941 35.584761 159.03514 34.591273 159.03516 33.287883 curveto +159.03514 32.084765 158.61132 31.145964 157.76367 30.471477 curveto +156.92512 29.787892 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27.600383 curveto +160.91275 28.849091 161.57811 30.539845 161.57812 32.672648 curveto +161.57811 34.869267 160.89452 36.57825 159.52734 37.799602 curveto +158.16014 39.011841 156.23241 39.61796 153.74414 39.617961 curveto +152.88736 39.61796 152.01236 39.545044 151.11914 39.399211 curveto +150.23502 39.253378 149.31901 39.034628 148.37109 38.742961 curveto +148.37109 35.96757 lineto +149.1914 36.414188 150.03906 36.74687 150.91406 36.965617 curveto +151.78906 37.184369 152.71419 37.293744 153.68945 37.293742 curveto +155.26627 37.293744 156.51496 36.879031 157.43555 36.049602 curveto +158.35611 35.220178 158.81639 34.094529 158.81641 32.672648 curveto +158.81639 31.250781 158.35611 30.125131 157.43555 29.295695 curveto +156.51496 28.466279 155.26627 28.051566 153.68945 28.051555 curveto +152.95117 28.051566 152.21288 28.133597 151.47461 28.297648 curveto +150.74544 28.461722 149.99804 28.71693 149.23242 29.063273 curveto +149.23242 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore 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548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.18086 102.87819 moveto +223.56086 312.49918 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +146.65201 312.87938 moveto +224.33801 313.19618 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5000004 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +343.498 103.05254 moveto +343.498 523.45118 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +170.476 524.16834 moveto +344.25862 524.16834 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -49.705806 55.228673] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +122.87305 18.809367 moveto +125.63477 18.809367 lineto +125.63477 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 39.221477 lineto +122.87305 18.809367 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +131.85547 36.897258 moveto +136.36719 36.897258 lineto +136.36719 21.324992 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458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1066.2131 394.84698] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 983.46536 395.1006] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1025.491 724.30176] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +225.364 431.27002 moveto +225.364 489.10451 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.05 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +225.364 431.27002 moveto +225.364 489.10451 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.9 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +402.80556 101.82646 moveto +401.1693 487.97347 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.9 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +402.15507 488.76285 moveto +307.25226 488.76285 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.98692 51.937996 moveto +176.93224 51.937996 lineto +176.93224 81.098152 lineto +172.98692 81.098152 lineto +172.98692 51.937996 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +185.81895 77.77784 moveto +192.26427 77.77784 lineto +192.26427 55.531746 lineto +185.25255 56.937996 lineto +185.25255 53.344246 lineto +192.2252 51.937996 lineto +196.17052 51.937996 lineto +196.17052 77.77784 lineto +202.61583 77.77784 lineto +202.61583 81.098152 lineto +185.81895 81.098152 lineto +185.81895 77.77784 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +257.99887 50.835159 moveto +261.94418 50.835159 lineto +261.94418 79.995316 lineto +257.99887 79.995316 lineto +257.99887 50.835159 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +273.54575 76.675003 moveto +287.31528 76.675003 lineto +287.31528 79.995316 lineto +268.79965 79.995316 lineto +268.79965 76.675003 lineto +270.29704 75.125529 272.3348 73.048708 274.91293 70.444534 curveto +277.50407 67.827359 279.13167 66.141163 279.79575 65.385941 curveto +281.05875 63.966686 281.93766 62.76877 282.43246 61.792191 curveto +282.94026 60.802626 283.19417 59.832575 283.19418 58.882034 curveto +283.19417 57.332578 282.64729 56.069558 281.55356 55.092972 curveto +280.47281 54.116435 279.06006 53.628154 277.31528 53.628128 curveto +276.07829 53.628154 274.7697 53.842998 273.3895 54.272659 curveto +272.0223 54.702372 270.55746 55.353413 268.99496 56.225784 curveto +268.99496 52.241409 lineto +270.5835 51.603417 272.06788 51.121647 273.44809 50.796097 curveto +274.82829 50.470605 276.09131 50.307845 277.23715 50.307816 curveto +280.25797 50.307845 282.66682 51.063053 284.46371 52.573441 curveto +286.26057 54.083883 287.15901 56.10211 287.15903 58.628128 curveto +287.15901 59.826065 286.93114 60.965387 286.47543 62.046097 curveto +286.0327 63.113822 285.2189 64.376842 284.03403 65.835159 curveto +283.70849 66.212777 282.67333 67.306526 280.92856 69.116409 curveto +279.18375 70.913293 276.72282 73.432822 273.54575 76.675003 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +392.88715 51.040833 moveto +396.83246 51.040833 lineto +396.83246 80.200989 lineto +392.88715 80.200989 lineto +392.88715 51.040833 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +416.98871 64.478333 moveto +418.87671 64.881994 420.34806 65.721837 421.40277 66.997864 curveto +422.47046 68.273917 423.00431 69.849437 423.00433 71.724426 curveto +423.00431 74.602036 422.01473 76.828596 420.03558 78.404114 curveto +418.0564 79.979635 415.2439 80.767394 411.59808 80.767395 curveto +410.37412 80.767394 409.1111 80.643697 407.80902 80.396301 curveto +406.51995 80.161926 405.18532 79.803854 403.80511 79.322083 curveto +403.80511 75.513489 lineto +404.89886 76.151514 406.09678 76.633284 407.39886 76.958801 curveto +408.70094 77.284325 410.06162 77.447085 411.4809 77.447083 curveto +413.95484 77.447085 415.83635 76.958805 417.12543 75.982239 curveto +418.42749 75.005681 419.07853 73.586412 419.07855 71.724426 curveto +419.07853 70.005686 418.47307 68.664542 417.26215 67.700989 curveto +416.06421 66.72444 414.39104 66.236159 412.24261 66.236145 curveto +408.84418 66.236145 lineto +408.84418 62.993958 lineto +412.39886 62.993958 lineto +414.33896 62.993975 415.82333 62.609861 416.85199 61.841614 curveto +417.88062 61.060383 418.39494 59.940592 418.39496 58.482239 curveto +418.39494 56.984866 417.86109 55.839034 416.7934 55.044739 curveto +415.73869 54.237473 414.22177 53.833828 412.24261 53.833801 curveto +411.16188 53.833828 410.00302 53.951015 408.76605 54.185364 curveto +407.52907 54.419765 406.16839 54.784348 404.68402 55.279114 curveto +404.68402 51.763489 lineto +406.18141 51.346851 407.58115 51.034351 408.88324 50.825989 curveto +410.19833 50.617685 411.43531 50.513518 412.59418 50.513489 curveto +415.58895 50.513518 417.95874 51.197112 419.70355 52.56427 curveto +421.44832 53.918463 422.32072 55.754399 422.32074 58.072083 curveto +422.32072 59.686686 421.85848 61.053872 420.93402 62.173645 curveto +420.00952 63.280433 418.69442 64.048661 416.98871 64.478333 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +312.21332 886.66022 moveto +309.34872 886.66024 307.07008 887.72795 305.37738 889.86334 curveto +303.69769 891.99878 302.85784 894.90893 302.85785 898.59381 curveto +302.85784 902.2657 303.69769 905.16934 305.37738 907.30475 curveto +307.07008 909.44017 309.34872 910.50788 312.21332 910.50787 curveto +315.07788 910.50788 317.34351 909.44017 319.01019 907.30475 curveto +320.68986 905.16934 321.5297 902.2657 321.52972 898.59381 curveto +321.5297 894.90893 320.68986 891.99878 319.01019 889.86334 curveto +317.34351 887.72795 315.07788 886.66024 312.21332 886.66022 curveto +312.21332 883.45709 moveto +316.30184 883.45712 319.57007 884.83082 322.01801 887.57819 curveto +324.46589 890.31258 325.68985 893.98446 325.68988 898.59381 curveto +325.68985 903.19018 324.46589 906.86205 322.01801 909.60944 curveto +319.57007 912.34381 316.30184 913.711 312.21332 913.711 curveto +308.11174 913.711 304.8305 912.34381 302.36957 909.60944 curveto +299.92165 906.87507 298.69769 903.2032 298.69769 898.59381 curveto +298.69769 893.98446 299.92165 890.31258 302.36957 887.57819 curveto +304.8305 884.83082 308.11174 883.45712 312.21332 883.45709 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +332.89691 909.82428 moveto +339.34222 909.82428 lineto +339.34222 887.57819 lineto +332.33051 888.98444 lineto +332.33051 885.39069 lineto +339.30316 883.98444 lineto +343.24847 883.98444 lineto +343.24847 909.82428 lineto +349.69379 909.82428 lineto +349.69379 913.14459 lineto +332.89691 913.14459 lineto +332.89691 909.82428 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +582.27136 -381.55914 moveto +816.55708 -381.55914 lineto +816.55708 -147.27342 lineto +582.27136 -147.27342 lineto +582.27136 -381.55914 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 571.06416 359.41421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 571.06416 359.41421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 868.35691 288.59316] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 785.60917 288.84678] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 827.63481 618.04794] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -197.85619 -106.25382] concat +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +688.52521 -579.41534 moveto +922.81093 -579.41534 lineto +922.81093 -345.12962 lineto +688.52521 -345.12962 lineto +688.52521 -579.41534 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 768.92035 465.66803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 768.92035 465.66803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1066.2131 394.84698] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 983.46536 395.1006] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1025.491 724.30176] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -197.85619 -106.25382] concat +gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 83.67662 455.54188] concat +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +688.52521 -579.41534 moveto +922.81093 -579.41534 lineto +922.81093 -345.12962 lineto +688.52521 -345.12962 lineto +688.52521 -579.41534 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 768.92035 465.66803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 768.92035 465.66803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1066.2131 394.84698] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 983.46536 395.1006] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 1025.491 724.30176] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -114.17957 349.28806] concat +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 0 0] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +582.27136 -381.55914 moveto +816.55708 -381.55914 lineto +816.55708 -147.27342 lineto +582.27136 -147.27342 lineto +582.27136 -381.55914 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 571.06416 359.41421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 571.06416 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836.77364 -103.50025] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0 1 -1 0 902.79931 225.70087] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 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316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.79038 241.9962] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.79038 241.9962] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.885087 108.06411] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.999347 145.34245] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +218.60051 191.18723 moveto +324.14756 191.18723 lineto +324.14756 296.73428 lineto +218.60051 296.73428 lineto +218.60051 191.18723 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.13241 88.974756] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.20211 105.81412] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.296817 -28.117967] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.411077 9.1603701] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +409.07416 308.44159 moveto +514.62121 308.44159 lineto +514.62121 413.98864 lineto +409.07416 413.98864 lineto +409.07416 308.44159 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 290.60605 206.22912] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 308.67575 223.06848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.77046 89.136393] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 276.88472 126.41473] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.75003 107.38639] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 14.580317 0.7673851] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +577.80573 326.69159 moveto +683.35278 326.69159 lineto +683.35278 432.23864 lineto +577.80573 432.23864 lineto +577.80573 326.69159 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 459.33761 224.47912] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +310.24219 294.28188 moveto +323.95312 294.28188 lineto +348.5625 360.37563 lineto +373.17188 294.28188 lineto +386.88281 294.28188 lineto +357.35156 373.03188 lineto +339.77344 373.03188 lineto +310.24219 294.28188 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 593.92328 125.73192] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +367.64904 378.81118 moveto +325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0126891 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +324.09119 242.88053 moveto +366.91751 242.88053 lineto +366.91751 341.84184 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.85715 189.50504 moveto +457.14287 189.50504 lineto +457.14287 423.79076 lineto +222.85715 423.79076 lineto +222.85715 189.50504 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -40.109812 -37.378803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.821052 -297.29277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.567428 -214.54501] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +218.59697 463.7373 moveto +324.14402 463.7373 lineto +324.14402 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 463.7373 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +218.59697 463.7373 moveto +324.14402 463.7373 lineto +324.14402 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 463.7373 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0022064 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +323.46908 515.2754 moveto +535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 curveto +535.45403 516.1221 lineto +535.45403 395.8973 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.78103 141.5485] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +550.16079 359.79047 moveto +514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +550.06039 393.86796 moveto +535.4405 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +535.47572 396.08018 moveto +535.51095 393.47326 535.54618 393.36758 535.54618 393.36758 curveto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.15967 84.33874] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.159672 157.46982] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0032382 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +179.43833 224.3111 moveto +20.184077 224.3111 lineto +20.184077 299.45211 20.184077 300.21886 20.184077 300.21886 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999964 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +90.297987 261.14426 moveto +90.297987 298.64551 90.297987 533.44725 90.297987 533.44725 curveto +90.758507 533.13495 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.95883 223.77763 moveto +147.95883 359.38651 147.95883 360.36918 147.95883 360.36918 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.87644422 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.82906 360.42696 moveto +147.28755 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999976 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.44497 397.17854 moveto +148.44497 495.72123 148.44497 497.27552 148.44497 497.27552 curveto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +148.44497 496.83484 moveto +176.98495 496.83484 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.84267974 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.44497 496.83484 moveto +176.98495 496.83484 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 -37.725139 162.91438] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 20.111857 8.2407652] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.31928 225.18014 moveto +147.45674 225.03397 147.38288 225.10595 147.54197 224.96535 curveto +147.65871 224.91788 lineto +147.49944 225.05685 147.5733 224.98565 147.43597 225.13029 curveto +147.31928 225.18014 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.6931366 0 0 0.6694988 26.11121 242.4804] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.74684 449.27736 moveto +148.60005 449.21569 148.46231 449.13718 148.31783 449.07051 curveto +148.42305 449.00084 lineto +148.56739 449.06812 148.70567 449.14638 148.85279 449.20764 curveto +148.74684 449.27736 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999994 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.38075 534.02034 moveto +90.509955 534.02034 lineto +90.509955 534.12262 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -84.951948 229.01051] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +26.024094 379.19708 moveto +90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +26.858479 449.19748 moveto +148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.53829 397.67218 moveto +148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999994 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.04367 261.49918 moveto +90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 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lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 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+0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.75003 107.38639] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto 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0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 477.40731 241.31848] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 593.92328 125.73192] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +367.64904 378.81118 moveto +325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 325.16317 378.81118 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0126891 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +324.09119 242.88053 moveto +366.91751 242.88053 lineto +366.91751 341.84184 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +222.85715 189.50504 moveto +457.14287 189.50504 lineto +457.14287 423.79076 lineto +222.85715 423.79076 lineto +222.85715 189.50504 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1.086765 0 0 1.086765 -40.109812 -37.378803] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.821052 -297.29277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -70.567428 -214.54501] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +218.59697 463.7373 moveto +324.14402 463.7373 lineto +324.14402 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 463.7373 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99111259 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +218.59697 463.7373 moveto +324.14402 463.7373 lineto +324.14402 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 569.28436 lineto +218.59697 463.7373 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.4895938 0 0 0.4895938 100.12887 361.52485] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.57812 316.57094 moveto +319.31247 320.36787 316.17185 324.16474 314.15625 327.96157 curveto +312.18748 331.71161 311.2031 335.6491 311.20312 339.77407 curveto +311.2031 346.61784 313.68747 352.31315 318.65625 356.86 curveto +323.62496 361.40689 329.85933 363.68033 337.35938 363.68032 curveto +341.81245 363.68033 345.98432 362.95376 349.875 361.50063 curveto +353.76556 360.00064 357.42181 357.75064 360.84375 354.75063 curveto +323.57812 316.57094 lineto +333.49219 308.69594 moveto +369.21094 345.25844 lineto +371.97648 341.0866 374.13273 336.63348 375.67969 331.89907 curveto +377.22647 327.11786 378.14054 322.05537 378.42188 316.71157 curveto +391.5 316.71157 lineto +390.9374 322.89912 389.4374 329.0163 387 335.06313 curveto +384.5624 341.11004 381.16397 347.08659 376.80469 352.99282 curveto +396.42188 373.03188 lineto +378.70312 373.03188 lineto +368.64844 362.69594 lineto +363.77336 366.86782 358.66399 369.98501 353.32031 372.0475 curveto +347.9765 374.06313 342.23432 375.07094 336.09375 375.07094 curveto +324.79684 375.07094 315.56247 371.86001 308.39062 365.43813 curveto +301.21874 358.96939 297.6328 350.69596 297.63281 340.61782 curveto +297.6328 334.61786 299.20311 328.99286 302.34375 323.74282 curveto +305.48436 318.446 310.19529 313.47725 316.47656 308.83657 curveto +314.22654 305.88351 312.5156 302.95382 311.34375 300.0475 curveto +310.17185 297.09446 309.58592 294.21165 309.58594 291.39907 curveto +309.58592 283.80541 312.18748 277.71166 317.39062 273.11782 curveto +322.59372 268.4773 329.50777 266.15699 338.13281 266.15688 curveto +342.02338 266.15699 345.89057 266.57886 349.73438 267.4225 curveto +353.62493 268.26636 357.56243 269.53198 361.54688 271.21938 curveto +361.54688 284.01625 lineto +357.46868 281.81322 353.57806 280.14916 349.875 279.02407 curveto +346.17182 277.85229 342.72651 277.26635 339.53906 277.26625 curveto +334.61714 277.26635 330.60933 278.57885 327.51562 281.20375 curveto +324.46871 283.78197 322.94528 287.13353 322.94531 291.25844 curveto +322.94528 293.64915 323.62496 296.06321 324.98438 298.50063 curveto +326.39059 300.89133 329.22652 304.28976 333.49219 308.69594 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 300.93362 moveto +458.64285 301.76162 457.97085 302.43362 457.14285 302.43362 curveto +456.31485 302.43362 455.64285 301.76162 455.64285 300.93362 curveto +455.64285 300.10562 456.31485 299.43362 457.14285 299.43362 curveto +457.97085 299.43362 458.64285 300.10562 458.64285 300.93362 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 118.19857 378.36421] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +458.64285 306.64789 moveto +458.64285 307.47589 457.97085 308.14789 457.14285 308.14789 curveto +456.31485 308.14789 455.64285 307.47589 455.64285 306.64789 curveto +455.64285 305.81989 456.31485 305.14789 457.14285 305.14789 curveto +457.97085 305.14789 458.64285 305.81989 458.64285 306.64789 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.293277 244.43212] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 86.407537 281.71046] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0022064 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +323.46908 515.2754 moveto +535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 535.45403 515.2754 curveto +535.45403 516.1221 lineto +535.45403 395.8973 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.4505057 0 0 0.4505057 459.78103 141.5485] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +200 560.70184 moveto +291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 291.42857 560.70184 curveto +271.04275 572.4716 271.23234 572.36214 271.23234 572.36214 curveto +271.06826 572.31818 lineto +271.3003 572.08112 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.92028 559.80452 moveto +291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 291.34885 559.80452 curveto +270.96303 548.03476 271.15262 548.14422 271.15262 548.14422 curveto +270.98854 548.18818 lineto +271.22058 548.42524 lineto +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +550.16079 359.79047 moveto +514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 514.59671 359.79047 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +550.06039 393.86796 moveto +535.4405 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 535.47572 393.86796 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +535.47572 396.08018 moveto +535.51095 393.47326 535.54618 393.36758 535.54618 393.36758 curveto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.15967 84.33874] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -85.159672 157.46982] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0032382 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +179.43833 224.3111 moveto +20.184077 224.3111 lineto +20.184077 299.45211 20.184077 300.21886 20.184077 300.21886 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999964 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +90.297987 261.14426 moveto +90.297987 298.64551 90.297987 533.44725 90.297987 533.44725 curveto +90.758507 533.13495 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.95883 223.77763 moveto +147.95883 359.38651 147.95883 360.36918 147.95883 360.36918 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.87644422 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.82906 360.42696 moveto +147.28755 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 147.50726 360.42696 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999976 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.44497 397.17854 moveto +148.44497 495.72123 148.44497 497.27552 148.44497 497.27552 curveto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +148.44497 496.83484 moveto +176.98495 496.83484 lineto +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.84267974 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.44497 496.83484 moveto +176.98495 496.83484 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 -37.725139 162.91438] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.7242368 0 0 0.700599 20.111857 8.2407652] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +147.31928 225.18014 moveto +147.45674 225.03397 147.38288 225.10595 147.54197 224.96535 curveto +147.65871 224.91788 lineto +147.49944 225.05685 147.5733 224.98565 147.43597 225.13029 curveto +147.31928 225.18014 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [0.6931366 0 0 0.6694988 26.11121 242.4804] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.57913 308.62436 moveto +178.57913 309.79198 177.63149 310.73962 176.46387 310.73962 curveto +175.29624 310.73962 174.34861 309.79198 174.34861 308.62436 curveto +174.34861 307.45674 175.29624 306.5091 176.46387 306.5091 curveto +177.63149 306.5091 178.57913 307.45674 178.57913 308.62436 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +148.74684 449.27736 moveto +148.60005 449.21569 148.46231 449.13718 148.31783 449.07051 curveto +148.42305 449.00084 lineto +148.56739 449.06812 148.70567 449.14638 148.85279 449.20764 curveto +148.74684 449.27736 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999994 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.38075 534.02034 moveto +90.509955 534.02034 lineto +90.509955 534.12262 lineto +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 -84.951948 229.01051] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +2.2 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +110.9416 222.18697 moveto +110.9416 225.51974 108.23674 228.2246 104.90396 228.2246 curveto +101.57118 228.2246 98.866323 225.51974 98.866323 222.18697 curveto +98.866323 218.85419 101.57118 216.14933 104.90396 216.14933 curveto +108.23674 216.14933 110.9416 218.85419 110.9416 222.18697 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +26.024094 379.19708 moveto +90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 90.251044 379.19708 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +26.858479 449.19748 moveto +148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 148.10533 449.19748 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.53829 397.67218 moveto +148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 148.70135 397.67218 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999994 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +177.04367 261.49918 moveto +90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 261.49918 90.481072 261.49918 curveto +90.481072 261.49918 lineto +90.481072 261.28718 lineto +90.481072 261.49918 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +178.94418 166.16245 moveto +178.94418 596.48059 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +384.53979 168.27921 moveto +384.53979 598.59735 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +553.69887 168.50087 moveto +553.69887 598.81901 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +717.90699 164.03216 moveto +717.90699 594.3503 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +53.636436 592.40796 moveto +52.214554 592.40798 51.143592 593.1098 50.423546 594.51343 curveto +49.712603 595.90797 49.357135 598.00888 49.35714 600.81616 curveto +49.357135 603.61435 49.712603 605.71526 50.423546 607.1189 curveto +51.143592 608.51343 52.214554 609.2107 53.636436 609.21069 curveto +55.067416 609.2107 56.138378 608.51343 56.849327 607.1189 curveto +57.569366 605.71526 57.929392 603.61435 57.929405 600.81616 curveto +57.929392 598.00888 57.569366 595.90797 56.849327 594.51343 curveto +56.138378 593.1098 55.067416 592.40798 53.636436 592.40796 curveto +53.636436 590.22046 moveto +55.924186 590.22048 57.669627 591.12738 58.872765 592.94116 curveto +60.084989 594.74587 60.691108 597.37086 60.691124 600.81616 curveto +60.691108 604.25237 60.084989 606.87736 58.872765 608.69116 curveto +57.669627 610.49585 55.924186 611.39819 53.636436 611.39819 curveto +51.348669 611.39819 49.598671 610.49585 48.386436 608.69116 curveto +47.183309 606.87736 46.581747 604.25237 46.581749 600.81616 curveto +46.581747 597.37086 47.183309 594.74587 48.386436 592.94116 curveto +49.598671 591.12738 51.348669 590.22048 53.636436 590.22046 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +76.605186 591.34155 moveto +76.605186 595.68921 lineto +81.786827 595.68921 lineto +81.786827 597.64429 lineto +76.605186 597.64429 lineto +76.605186 605.95679 lineto +76.605181 607.20549 76.773801 608.00757 77.111046 608.36304 curveto +77.457394 608.71851 78.154659 608.89624 79.202843 608.89624 curveto +81.786827 608.89624 lineto +81.786827 611.00171 lineto +79.202843 611.00171 lineto +77.261431 611.00171 75.921588 610.64168 75.183311 609.92163 curveto +74.445027 609.19247 74.075887 607.87085 74.07589 605.95679 curveto +74.07589 597.64429 lineto +72.230186 597.64429 lineto +72.230186 595.68921 lineto +74.07589 595.68921 lineto +74.07589 591.34155 lineto +76.605186 591.34155 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +92.068077 603.30444 moveto +90.035517 603.30445 88.627316 603.53687 87.843468 604.00171 curveto +87.059609 604.46656 86.667682 605.25953 86.667686 606.38062 curveto +86.667682 607.27385 86.959349 607.98478 87.542686 608.51343 curveto +88.135129 609.03296 88.937211 609.29273 89.948936 609.29272 curveto +91.343459 609.29273 92.459994 608.80054 93.298546 607.81616 curveto +94.14619 606.82268 94.570018 605.50562 94.57003 603.86499 curveto +94.57003 603.30444 lineto +92.068077 603.30444 lineto +97.085655 602.26538 moveto +97.085655 611.00171 lineto +94.57003 611.00171 lineto +94.57003 608.67749 lineto +93.9958 609.60718 93.280306 610.29533 92.423546 610.74194 curveto +91.566766 611.17944 90.51859 611.39819 89.279015 611.39819 curveto +87.711301 611.39819 86.462604 610.96069 85.532921 610.08569 curveto +84.612346 609.20158 84.15206 608.02124 84.152061 606.54468 curveto +84.15206 604.82203 84.726278 603.5232 85.874718 602.64819 curveto +87.032265 601.7732 88.75492 601.3357 91.042686 601.33569 curveto +94.57003 601.33569 lineto +94.57003 601.0896 lineto +94.570018 599.93206 94.187206 599.03883 93.421593 598.40991 curveto +92.665072 597.7719 91.598667 597.45289 90.222374 597.45288 curveto +89.347367 597.45289 88.495154 597.55771 87.665733 597.76733 curveto +86.836302 597.97698 86.038777 598.29144 85.273155 598.71069 curveto +85.273155 596.38647 lineto +86.193724 596.03102 87.086953 595.7667 87.952843 595.59351 curveto +88.818722 595.41123 89.66182 595.32008 90.48214 595.32007 curveto +92.696973 595.32008 94.351268 595.8943 95.44503 597.04272 curveto +96.538766 598.19117 97.085641 599.93206 97.085655 602.26538 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +102.18526 589.72827 moveto +104.71456 589.72827 lineto +104.71456 602.29272 lineto +112.22042 595.68921 lineto +115.43331 595.68921 lineto +107.31222 602.85327 lineto +115.77511 611.00171 lineto +112.49386 611.00171 lineto +104.71456 603.52319 lineto +104.71456 611.00171 lineto +102.18526 611.00171 lineto +102.18526 589.72827 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +121.01144 591.34155 moveto +121.01144 595.68921 lineto +126.19308 595.68921 lineto +126.19308 597.64429 lineto +121.01144 597.64429 lineto +121.01144 605.95679 lineto +121.01143 607.20549 121.18005 608.00757 121.5173 608.36304 curveto +121.86364 608.71851 122.56091 608.89624 123.60909 608.89624 curveto +126.19308 608.89624 lineto +126.19308 611.00171 lineto +123.60909 611.00171 lineto +121.66768 611.00171 120.32784 610.64168 119.58956 609.92163 curveto +118.85128 609.19247 118.48214 607.87085 118.48214 605.95679 curveto +118.48214 597.64429 lineto +116.63644 597.64429 lineto +116.63644 595.68921 lineto +118.48214 595.68921 lineto +118.48214 591.34155 lineto +121.01144 591.34155 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +240.88899 608.85541 moveto +245.40071 608.85541 lineto +245.40071 593.28314 lineto +240.49251 594.26752 lineto +240.49251 591.75189 lineto +245.37337 590.76752 lineto +248.13509 590.76752 lineto +248.13509 608.85541 lineto +252.6468 608.85541 lineto +252.6468 611.17963 lineto +240.88899 611.17963 lineto +240.88899 608.85541 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +269.28548 591.51947 moveto +269.28548 595.86713 lineto +274.46712 595.86713 lineto +274.46712 597.8222 lineto +269.28548 597.8222 lineto +269.28548 606.1347 lineto +269.28547 607.38341 269.45409 608.18549 269.79134 608.54095 curveto +270.13768 608.89643 270.83495 609.07416 271.88313 609.07416 curveto +274.46712 609.07416 lineto +274.46712 611.17963 lineto +271.88313 611.17963 lineto +269.94172 611.17963 268.60188 610.8196 267.8636 610.09955 curveto +267.12532 609.37038 266.75618 608.04877 266.75618 606.1347 curveto +266.75618 597.8222 lineto +264.91048 597.8222 lineto +264.91048 595.86713 lineto +266.75618 595.86713 lineto +266.75618 591.51947 lineto +269.28548 591.51947 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +284.74837 603.48236 moveto +282.71581 603.48237 281.30761 603.71479 280.52376 604.17963 curveto +279.7399 604.64448 279.34797 605.43744 279.34798 606.55853 curveto +279.34797 607.45177 279.63964 608.1627 280.22298 608.69135 curveto +280.81542 609.21088 281.6175 609.47064 282.62923 609.47064 curveto +284.02375 609.47064 285.14028 608.97846 285.97884 607.99408 curveto +286.82648 607.00059 287.25031 605.68354 287.25032 604.04291 curveto +287.25032 603.48236 lineto +284.74837 603.48236 lineto +289.76595 602.4433 moveto +289.76595 611.17963 lineto +287.25032 611.17963 lineto +287.25032 608.85541 lineto +286.67609 609.7851 285.9606 610.47325 285.10384 610.91986 curveto +284.24706 611.35736 283.19888 611.57611 281.9593 611.57611 curveto +280.39159 611.57611 279.14289 611.13861 278.21321 610.26361 curveto +277.29264 609.3795 276.83235 608.19916 276.83235 606.7226 curveto +276.83235 604.99995 277.40657 603.70112 278.55501 602.82611 curveto +279.71256 601.95112 281.43521 601.51362 283.72298 601.51361 curveto +287.25032 601.51361 lineto +287.25032 601.26752 lineto +287.25031 600.10998 286.8675 599.21675 286.10188 598.58783 curveto +285.34536 597.94982 284.27896 597.63081 282.90266 597.6308 curveto +282.02766 597.63081 281.17544 597.73563 280.34602 597.94525 curveto +279.51659 598.1549 278.71907 598.46935 277.95345 598.88861 curveto +277.95345 596.56439 lineto +278.87401 596.20894 279.76724 595.94462 280.63313 595.77142 curveto +281.49901 595.58915 282.34211 595.498 283.16243 595.49799 curveto +285.37726 595.498 287.03156 596.07222 288.12532 597.22064 curveto +289.21906 598.36909 289.76593 600.10998 289.76595 602.4433 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +294.86555 589.90619 moveto +297.39485 589.90619 lineto +297.39485 602.47064 lineto +304.90071 595.86713 lineto +308.1136 595.86713 lineto +299.99251 603.03119 lineto +308.4554 611.17963 lineto +305.17415 611.17963 lineto +297.39485 603.70111 lineto +297.39485 611.17963 lineto +294.86555 611.17963 lineto +294.86555 589.90619 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +313.69173 591.51947 moveto +313.69173 595.86713 lineto +318.87337 595.86713 lineto +318.87337 597.8222 lineto +313.69173 597.8222 lineto +313.69173 606.1347 lineto +313.69172 607.38341 313.86034 608.18549 314.19759 608.54095 curveto +314.54393 608.89643 315.2412 609.07416 316.28938 609.07416 curveto +318.87337 609.07416 lineto +318.87337 611.17963 lineto +316.28938 611.17963 lineto +314.34797 611.17963 313.00813 610.8196 312.26985 610.09955 curveto +311.53157 609.37038 311.16243 608.04877 311.16243 606.1347 curveto +311.16243 597.8222 lineto +309.31673 597.8222 lineto +309.31673 595.86713 lineto +311.16243 595.86713 lineto +311.16243 591.51947 lineto +313.69173 591.51947 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +431.2124 608.33429 moveto +440.85107 608.33429 lineto +440.85107 610.65851 lineto +427.89014 610.65851 lineto +427.89014 608.33429 lineto +428.93831 607.24966 430.36474 605.79588 432.16943 603.97296 curveto +433.98323 602.14094 435.12255 600.9606 435.5874 600.43195 curveto +436.47151 599.43847 437.08674 598.59993 437.43311 597.91632 curveto +437.78856 597.22363 437.9663 596.54459 437.96631 595.87921 curveto +437.9663 594.79459 437.58348 593.91048 436.81787 593.22687 curveto +436.06135 592.54329 435.07242 592.2015 433.85107 592.20148 curveto +432.98518 592.2015 432.06917 592.35189 431.10303 592.65265 curveto +430.14599 592.95345 429.1206 593.40918 428.02686 594.01984 curveto +428.02686 591.23077 lineto +429.13883 590.78418 430.17789 590.44694 431.14404 590.21906 curveto +432.11018 589.99121 432.9943 589.87728 433.79639 589.87726 curveto +435.91096 589.87728 437.59716 590.40592 438.85498 591.4632 curveto +440.11278 592.52051 440.74168 593.93326 440.7417 595.70148 curveto +440.74168 596.54003 440.58218 597.33756 440.26318 598.09406 curveto +439.95327 598.84146 439.38361 599.72558 438.5542 600.7464 curveto +438.32632 601.01073 437.60171 601.77636 436.38037 603.04327 curveto +435.15901 604.30109 433.43635 606.06476 431.2124 608.33429 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +457.7085 590.99835 moveto +457.7085 595.34601 lineto +462.89014 595.34601 lineto +462.89014 597.30109 lineto +457.7085 597.30109 lineto +457.7085 605.61359 lineto +457.70849 606.86229 457.87711 607.66437 458.21436 608.01984 curveto +458.5607 608.37531 459.25797 608.55304 460.30615 608.55304 curveto +462.89014 608.55304 lineto +462.89014 610.65851 lineto +460.30615 610.65851 lineto +458.36474 610.65851 457.0249 610.29848 456.28662 609.57843 curveto +455.54834 608.84927 455.1792 607.52765 455.1792 605.61359 curveto +455.1792 597.30109 lineto +453.3335 597.30109 lineto +453.3335 595.34601 lineto +455.1792 595.34601 lineto +455.1792 590.99835 lineto +457.7085 590.99835 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +473.17139 602.96124 moveto +471.13883 602.96125 469.73063 603.19367 468.94678 603.65851 curveto +468.16292 604.12336 467.77099 604.91633 467.771 606.03741 curveto +467.77099 606.93065 468.06266 607.64158 468.646 608.17023 curveto +469.23844 608.68976 470.04052 608.94953 471.05225 608.94952 curveto +472.44677 608.94953 473.5633 608.45734 474.40186 607.47296 curveto +475.2495 606.47948 475.67333 605.16242 475.67334 603.52179 curveto +475.67334 602.96124 lineto +473.17139 602.96124 lineto +478.18896 601.92218 moveto +478.18896 610.65851 lineto +475.67334 610.65851 lineto +475.67334 608.33429 lineto +475.09911 609.26398 474.38362 609.95213 473.52686 610.39874 curveto +472.67008 610.83624 471.6219 611.05499 470.38232 611.05499 curveto +468.81461 611.05499 467.56591 610.61749 466.63623 609.74249 curveto +465.71566 608.85838 465.25537 607.67804 465.25537 606.20148 curveto +465.25537 604.47883 465.82959 603.18 466.97803 602.30499 curveto +468.13557 601.43 469.85823 600.9925 472.146 600.99249 curveto +475.67334 600.99249 lineto +475.67334 600.7464 lineto +475.67333 599.58886 475.29052 598.69563 474.5249 598.06671 curveto +473.76838 597.4287 472.70198 597.10969 471.32568 597.10968 curveto +470.45068 597.10969 469.59846 597.21451 468.76904 597.42413 curveto +467.93961 597.63378 467.14209 597.94823 466.37646 598.36749 curveto +466.37646 596.04327 lineto +467.29703 595.68782 468.19026 595.4235 469.05615 595.25031 curveto +469.92203 595.06803 470.76513 594.97688 471.58545 594.97687 curveto +473.80028 594.97688 475.45458 595.5511 476.54834 596.69952 curveto +477.64208 597.84797 478.18895 599.58886 478.18896 601.92218 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +483.28857 589.38507 moveto +485.81787 589.38507 lineto +485.81787 601.94952 lineto +493.32373 595.34601 lineto +496.53662 595.34601 lineto +488.41553 602.51007 lineto +496.87842 610.65851 lineto +493.59717 610.65851 lineto +485.81787 603.17999 lineto +485.81787 610.65851 lineto +483.28857 610.65851 lineto +483.28857 589.38507 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +502.11475 590.99835 moveto +502.11475 595.34601 lineto +507.29639 595.34601 lineto +507.29639 597.30109 lineto +502.11475 597.30109 lineto +502.11475 605.61359 lineto +502.11474 606.86229 502.28336 607.66437 502.62061 608.01984 curveto +502.96695 608.37531 503.66422 608.55304 504.7124 608.55304 curveto +507.29639 608.55304 lineto +507.29639 610.65851 lineto +504.7124 610.65851 lineto +502.77099 610.65851 501.43115 610.29848 500.69287 609.57843 curveto +499.95459 608.84927 499.58545 607.52765 499.58545 605.61359 curveto +499.58545 597.30109 lineto +497.73975 597.30109 lineto +497.73975 595.34601 lineto +499.58545 595.34601 lineto +499.58545 590.99835 lineto +502.11475 590.99835 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +606.01459 600.8252 moveto +607.33619 601.10776 608.36614 601.69565 609.10443 602.58887 curveto +609.85181 603.4821 610.22551 604.58497 610.22552 605.89746 curveto +610.22551 607.91179 609.5328 609.47038 608.1474 610.57324 curveto +606.76197 611.67611 604.79322 612.22754 602.24115 612.22754 curveto +601.38437 612.22754 600.50026 612.14095 599.58881 611.96777 curveto +598.68646 611.80371 597.75221 611.55306 596.78607 611.21582 curveto +596.78607 608.5498 lineto +597.55169 608.99642 598.39023 609.33366 599.3017 609.56152 curveto +600.21315 609.78939 601.16562 609.90332 602.15912 609.90332 curveto +603.89088 609.90332 605.20794 609.56153 606.11029 608.87793 curveto +607.02174 608.19434 607.47747 607.20085 607.47748 605.89746 curveto +607.47747 604.69434 607.05364 603.75554 606.20599 603.08105 curveto +605.36744 602.39747 604.19622 602.05567 602.69232 602.05566 curveto +600.31342 602.05566 lineto +600.31342 599.78613 lineto +602.8017 599.78613 lineto +604.15976 599.78614 605.19882 599.51726 605.91888 598.97949 curveto +606.63892 598.43263 606.99895 597.64878 606.99896 596.62793 curveto +606.99895 595.57977 606.62525 594.77769 605.87787 594.22168 curveto +605.13958 593.65659 604.07773 593.37404 602.69232 593.37402 curveto +601.9358 593.37404 601.12461 593.45607 600.25873 593.62012 curveto +599.39284 593.7842 598.44036 594.03941 597.40131 594.38574 curveto +597.40131 591.9248 lineto +598.44948 591.63316 599.4293 591.41441 600.34076 591.26855 curveto +601.26133 591.12274 602.12721 591.04983 602.93842 591.0498 curveto +605.03476 591.04983 606.69361 591.52834 607.91498 592.48535 curveto +609.13632 593.43329 609.74699 594.71844 609.74701 596.34082 curveto +609.74699 597.47104 609.42343 598.42807 608.77631 599.21191 curveto +608.12916 599.98667 607.20859 600.52443 606.01459 600.8252 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +626.5224 592.1709 moveto +626.5224 596.51855 lineto +631.70404 596.51855 lineto +631.70404 598.47363 lineto +626.5224 598.47363 lineto +626.5224 606.78613 lineto +626.52239 608.03483 626.69101 608.83692 627.02826 609.19238 curveto +627.37461 609.54785 628.07187 609.72559 629.12006 609.72559 curveto +631.70404 609.72559 lineto +631.70404 611.83105 lineto +629.12006 611.83105 lineto +627.17864 611.83105 625.8388 611.47103 625.10052 610.75098 curveto +624.36224 610.02181 623.9931 608.7002 623.9931 606.78613 curveto +623.9931 598.47363 lineto +622.1474 598.47363 lineto +622.1474 596.51855 lineto +623.9931 596.51855 lineto +623.9931 592.1709 lineto +626.5224 592.1709 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +641.98529 604.13379 moveto +639.95273 604.1338 638.54453 604.36622 637.76068 604.83105 curveto +636.97682 605.2959 636.5849 606.08887 636.5849 607.20996 curveto +636.5849 608.10319 636.87656 608.81413 637.4599 609.34277 curveto +638.05234 609.86231 638.85442 610.12207 639.86615 610.12207 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2.5 2.5 rmoveto 0 -5 rlineto -5 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto + closepath fill + } if + pop + grestore +} bind def + +/setcmykcolor where { %ifelse + pop +}{ %else + /setcmykcolor { + /black exch def /yellow exch def + /magenta exch def /cyan exch def + cyan black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub + magenta black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub + yellow black add dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if 1 exch sub + setrgbcolor + } bind def +} ifelse + +/RE { %def + findfont begin + currentdict dup length dict begin + { %forall + 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse + } forall + /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne { %if + /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def + 0 exch { %forall + dup type /nametype eq { %ifelse + Encoding 2 index 2 index put + pop 1 add + }{ %else + exch pop + } ifelse + } forall + } if pop + currentdict dup end end + /FontName get exch definefont pop +} bind def + +/spacecount { %def + 0 exch + ( ) { %loop + search { %ifelse + pop 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll + }{ pop exit } ifelse + } 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/arrowdown/degree/plusminus/second/greaterequal/multiply + /proportional/partialdiff/bullet/divide/notequal/equivalence + /approxequal/ellipsis/arrowvertex/arrowhorizex/carriagereturn + /aleph/Ifraktur/Rfraktur/weierstrass/circlemultiply + /circleplus/emptyset/intersection/union/propersuperset + /reflexsuperset/notsubset/propersubset/reflexsubset/element + /notelement/angle/gradient/registerserif/copyrightserif + /trademarkserif/product/radical/dotmath/logicalnot/logicaland + /logicalor/arrowdblboth/arrowdblleft/arrowdblup/arrowdblright + /arrowdbldown/lozenge/angleleft/registersans/copyrightsans + /trademarksans/summation/parenlefttp/parenleftex/parenleftbt + /bracketlefttp/bracketleftex/bracketleftbt/bracelefttp + /braceleftmid/braceleftbt/braceex + 241/angleright/integral/integraltp/integralex/integralbt + /parenrighttp/parenrightex/parenrightbt/bracketrighttp + /bracketrightex/bracketrightbt/bracerighttp/bracerightmid + /bracerightbt +] def + +/patarray [ +/leftdiagonal 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26.6162 216.525 27.7813 217.087 28.4922 c +217.551 29.0781 218.198 29.3711 219.029 29.3711 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +219.029 28.0039 m +218.832 28.0039 218.655 27.9404 218.5 27.8135 c +218.345 27.6865 218.225 27.459 218.14 27.1309 c +218.027 26.7051 217.971 25.9893 217.971 24.9814 c +217.971 23.9736 218.021 23.2813 218.122 22.9053 c +218.223 22.5283 218.35 22.2773 218.503 22.1523 c +218.656 22.0273 218.832 21.9648 219.029 21.9648 c +219.227 21.9648 219.403 22.0283 219.559 22.1553 c +219.714 22.2822 219.834 22.5098 219.919 22.8379 c +220.031 23.2598 220.088 23.9736 220.088 24.9814 c +220.088 25.9893 220.037 26.6807 219.936 27.0576 c +219.836 27.4346 219.709 27.6865 219.556 27.8135 c +219.402 27.9404 219.227 28.0039 219.029 28.0039 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +239.039 29.3711 m +239.87 29.3711 240.52 29.0742 240.987 28.4805 c +241.545 27.7773 241.824 26.6104 241.824 24.9814 c +241.824 23.3564 241.543 22.1875 240.981 21.4766 c +240.518 20.8906 239.87 20.5977 239.039 20.5977 c +238.204 20.5977 237.531 20.9189 237.02 21.5615 c +236.51 22.2041 236.254 23.3506 236.254 24.999 c +236.254 26.6162 236.535 27.7813 237.097 28.4922 c +237.561 29.0781 238.208 29.3711 239.039 29.3711 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +239.039 28.0039 m +238.842 28.0039 238.665 27.9404 238.51 27.8135 c +238.355 27.6865 238.234 27.459 238.149 27.1309 c +238.037 26.7051 237.98 25.9893 237.98 24.9814 c +237.98 23.9736 238.031 23.2813 238.132 22.9053 c +238.232 22.5283 238.359 22.2773 238.513 22.1523 c +238.666 22.0273 238.842 21.9648 239.039 21.9648 c +239.236 21.9648 239.413 22.0283 239.568 22.1553 c +239.724 22.2822 239.844 22.5098 239.929 22.8379 c +240.041 23.2598 240.098 23.9736 240.098 24.9814 c +240.098 25.9893 240.047 26.6807 239.946 27.0576 c +239.846 27.4346 239.719 27.6865 239.565 27.8135 c +239.412 27.9404 239.236 28.0039 239.039 28.0039 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +255.715 29.3711 m +256.546 29.3711 257.195 29.0742 257.663 28.4805 c +258.221 27.7773 258.5 26.6104 258.5 24.9814 c +258.5 23.3564 258.219 22.1875 257.657 21.4766 c +257.193 20.8906 256.546 20.5977 255.715 20.5977 c +254.88 20.5977 254.207 20.9189 253.696 21.5615 c +253.186 22.2041 252.93 23.3506 252.93 24.999 c +252.93 26.6162 253.211 27.7813 253.773 28.4922 c +254.236 29.0781 254.884 29.3711 255.715 29.3711 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +255.715 28.0039 m +255.518 28.0039 255.341 27.9404 255.186 27.8135 c +255.03 27.6865 254.91 27.459 254.825 27.1309 c +254.713 26.7051 254.656 25.9893 254.656 24.9814 c +254.656 23.9736 254.707 23.2813 254.808 22.9053 c +254.908 22.5283 255.035 22.2773 255.189 22.1523 c +255.342 22.0273 255.518 21.9648 255.715 21.9648 c +255.912 21.9648 256.089 22.0283 256.244 22.1553 c +256.399 22.2822 256.52 22.5098 256.604 22.8379 c +256.717 23.2598 256.773 23.9736 256.773 24.9814 c +256.773 25.9893 256.723 26.6807 256.622 27.0576 c +256.522 27.4346 256.395 27.6865 256.241 27.8135 c +256.088 27.9404 255.912 28.0039 255.715 28.0039 c +Q +f +*U +U +u +U +u +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +61.9297 21.4131 m +61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 30.0068 61.9297 30.0068 c +61.9297 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 65.1689 30.0068 c +65.7388 30.0068 66.1743 29.9795 66.4751 29.9248 c +66.897 29.8545 67.2505 29.7207 67.5356 29.5234 c +67.8203 29.3252 68.0498 29.0488 68.2236 28.6934 c +68.3975 28.3379 68.4844 27.9463 68.4844 27.5205 c +68.4844 26.7891 68.2524 26.1709 67.7876 25.665 c +67.3237 25.1582 66.4844 24.9053 65.271 24.9053 c +65.271 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 24.9053 c +63.0703 24.9053 63.0703 21.4131 63.0703 21.4131 c +63.0703 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 61.9297 21.4131 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +63.0703 25.9209 m +63.0703 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 65.2881 25.9209 c +66.021 25.9209 66.542 26.0576 66.8501 26.3311 c +67.1582 26.6045 67.3125 26.9893 67.3125 27.4854 c +67.3125 27.8447 67.2217 28.1523 67.0405 28.4082 c +66.8589 28.6641 66.6201 28.833 66.3237 28.915 c +66.1323 28.9658 65.7793 28.9912 65.2646 28.9912 c +65.2646 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 28.9912 c +63.0703 28.9912 63.0703 25.9209 63.0703 25.9209 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +71.457 29.0615 m +72.1016 30.0537 L +73.3047 30.0537 L +71.9805 28.4131 L +70.8555 28.4131 L +69.5938 30.0537 L +70.7969 30.0537 L +71.457 29.0615 L +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +69.7852 21.4131 m +69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 27.6396 69.7852 27.6396 c +69.7852 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 27.6396 c +70.7305 27.6396 70.7305 26.6924 70.7305 26.6924 c +70.9731 27.1357 71.1973 27.4277 71.4028 27.5684 c +71.6084 27.71 71.8345 27.7803 72.0815 27.7803 c +72.4375 27.7803 72.7998 27.667 73.168 27.4395 c +73.168 27.4395 72.7993 26.4629 72.7993 26.4629 c +72.5415 26.6123 72.2847 26.6865 72.0273 26.6865 c +71.7974 26.6865 71.5908 26.6172 71.4077 26.4785 c +71.2246 26.3398 71.0938 26.1475 71.0156 25.9014 c +70.8984 25.5264 70.8398 25.1162 70.8398 24.6709 c +70.8398 24.6709 70.8398 21.4131 70.8398 21.4131 c +70.8398 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 69.7852 21.4131 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +78.043 23.4209 m +78.043 23.4209 79.1367 23.2803 79.1367 23.2803 c +78.9648 22.6445 78.6465 22.1504 78.1821 21.7988 c +77.7173 21.4482 77.1235 21.2725 76.4014 21.2725 c +75.4912 21.2725 74.77 21.5527 74.2368 22.1133 c +73.7041 22.6748 73.4375 23.4609 73.4375 24.4736 c +73.4375 25.5215 73.707 26.334 74.2456 26.9121 c +74.7847 27.4912 75.4839 27.7803 76.3428 27.7803 c +77.1743 27.7803 77.854 27.4971 78.3813 26.9297 c +78.9082 26.3633 79.1719 25.5664 79.1719 24.5381 c +79.1719 24.4756 79.1699 24.3818 79.166 24.2568 c +79.166 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 74.5234 24.2568 c +74.5625 23.5723 74.7559 23.0488 75.103 22.6855 c +75.4507 22.3213 75.8838 22.1396 76.4033 22.1396 c +76.7896 22.1396 77.1196 22.2412 77.3931 22.4453 c +77.666 22.6484 77.8828 22.9746 78.043 23.4209 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +74.5859 25.124 m +74.5859 25.124 78.0547 25.124 78.0547 25.124 c +78.0078 25.6484 77.8755 26.041 77.6567 26.3027 c +77.3218 26.71 76.8867 26.9131 76.3525 26.9131 c +75.8687 26.9131 75.4624 26.751 75.1328 26.4258 c +74.8032 26.1016 74.6211 25.668 74.5859 25.124 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +80.4629 21.4131 m +80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 27.6396 80.4629 27.6396 c +80.4629 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 27.6396 c +81.4082 27.6396 81.4082 26.7549 81.4082 26.7549 c +81.8657 27.4385 82.5259 27.7803 83.3896 27.7803 c +83.7646 27.7803 84.1099 27.7129 84.4243 27.5781 c +84.7388 27.4434 84.9741 27.2666 85.1304 27.0469 c +85.2866 26.8281 85.3965 26.5684 85.459 26.2676 c +85.498 26.0723 85.5176 25.7305 85.5176 25.2412 c +85.5176 25.2412 85.5176 21.4131 85.5176 21.4131 c +85.5176 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 21.4131 c +84.4629 21.4131 84.4629 25.2012 84.4629 25.2012 c +84.4629 25.6309 84.4219 25.9521 84.3398 26.166 c +84.2578 26.3789 84.1123 26.5488 83.9038 26.6758 c +83.6948 26.8027 83.4497 26.8662 83.1689 26.8662 c +82.7197 26.8662 82.3325 26.7236 82.0063 26.4385 c +81.6807 26.1523 81.5176 25.6113 81.5176 24.8145 c +81.5176 24.8145 81.5176 21.4131 81.5176 21.4131 c +81.5176 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 80.4629 21.4131 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +86.7461 24.5264 m +86.7461 25.6797 87.0664 26.5332 87.7065 27.0889 c +88.2417 27.5498 88.894 27.7803 89.6631 27.7803 c +90.5181 27.7803 91.2173 27.5 91.7603 26.9395 c +92.3027 26.3779 92.5742 25.6035 92.5742 24.6143 c +92.5742 23.8125 92.4541 23.1826 92.2139 22.7236 c +91.9736 22.2646 91.6245 21.9072 91.1655 21.6533 c +90.7065 21.3994 90.2056 21.2725 89.6631 21.2725 c +88.7925 21.2725 88.0884 21.5518 87.5513 22.1113 c +87.0146 22.6699 86.7461 23.4746 86.7461 24.5264 c +Q +f +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +87.832 24.5254 m +87.832 23.7285 88.0054 23.1309 88.3525 22.7344 c +88.6997 22.3379 89.1362 22.1396 89.6631 22.1396 c +90.1855 22.1396 90.6206 22.3389 90.9678 22.7373 c +91.3149 23.1357 91.4883 23.7441 91.4883 24.5605 c +91.4883 25.3301 91.314 25.9141 90.9648 26.3105 c +90.6157 26.707 90.1816 26.9053 89.6631 26.9053 c +89.1362 26.9053 88.6997 26.708 88.3525 26.3135 c +88.0054 25.918 87.832 25.3223 87.832 24.5254 c +Q +f +*U +*u +q +1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +93.3887 23.2725 m +93.3887 23.2725 94.4355 23.4365 94.4355 23.4365 c +94.4941 23.0176 94.6572 22.6973 94.9243 22.4746 c +95.1919 22.251 95.5659 22.1396 96.0459 22.1396 c +96.5298 22.1396 96.8892 22.2383 97.1235 22.4355 c +97.3574 22.6328 97.4746 22.8652 97.4746 23.1309 c +97.4746 23.3691 97.3716 23.5566 97.1655 23.6943 c +97.0215 23.7881 96.6631 23.9072 96.0894 24.0518 c +95.3174 24.2471 94.7813 24.416 94.4819 24.5586 c +94.1821 24.7012 93.9551 24.8984 93.8003 25.1504 c +93.6455 25.4033 93.5684 25.6816 93.5684 25.9863 c +93.5684 26.2637 93.6318 26.5205 93.7588 26.7568 c +93.8857 26.9941 94.0586 27.1904 94.2773 27.3467 c +94.4414 27.4678 94.665 27.5703 94.9482 27.6543 c +95.2314 27.7383 95.5352 27.7803 95.8594 27.7803 c +96.3477 27.7803 96.7764 27.71 97.1455 27.5684 c +97.5146 27.4277 97.7871 27.2373 97.9629 26.9961 c +98.1387 26.7559 98.2598 26.4336 98.3262 26.0303 c +98.3262 26.0303 97.2949 25.8896 97.2949 25.8896 c +97.248 26.2109 97.1128 26.4619 96.8882 26.6426 c +96.6641 26.8232 96.3472 26.9131 95.9375 26.9131 c +95.4536 26.9131 95.1089 26.833 94.9019 26.6729 c +94.6948 26.5117 94.5918 26.3242 94.5918 26.1094 c +94.5918 25.9727 94.6348 25.8496 94.7207 25.7402 c +94.8062 25.627 94.9409 25.5322 95.1245 25.458 c +95.2295 25.4189 95.5396 25.3291 96.0547 25.1885 c +96.7993 24.9893 97.3193 24.8262 97.6143 24.6992 c +97.9092 24.5723 98.1406 24.3877 98.3086 24.1445 c +98.4766 23.9023 98.5605 23.6016 98.5605 23.2422 c +98.5605 22.8906 98.458 22.5596 98.2524 22.248 c +98.0474 21.9375 97.7515 21.6973 97.3643 21.5273 c +96.9771 21.3574 96.5396 21.2725 96.0508 21.2725 c +95.2417 21.2725 94.625 21.4404 94.2007 21.7773 c +93.7769 22.1133 93.5059 22.6113 93.3887 23.2725 c +Q +f +*U +U +%%PageTrailer +_PDX_savepage restore +%%Trailer +end +% showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex b/old/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36b35cc --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/5-addsort.tex @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +\input ../lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{5}{Paralelní sèítání, bitonické tøídìní}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} + +Minule jsme si zavedli paralelní výpoèetní model, ve kterém si nyní nìco naprogramujeme \dots + +\h{Sèítání binárních èísel} + +Mìjme dvì èísla $x$ a $y$ zapsané ve~dvojkové soustavì. Jejich èíslice oznaème +$x_{n-1}\ldots x_0$ a $y_{n-1}\ldots y_0$, kde $i$-tý øád má váhu $2^i$. Nyní budeme chtít tato èísla +seèíst. + +K tomuto úèelu se~ihned nabízí pou¾ít starý dobrý \uv{¹kolní algoritmus}, který +funguje ve~dvojkové soustavì stejnì dobøe jako v~desítkové. Zkrátka sèítáme èísla +zprava doleva. V¾dy seèteme pøíslu¹né èíslice pod~sebou a~pøièteme pøenos z~ni¾¹ího +øádu. Tím dostaneme jednu èíslici výsledku a~pøenos do~vy¹¹ího øádu. Formálnì +bychom to mohli zapsat tøeba takto: +$$ +z_i=x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_i, +$$ +kde $z_i$ je $i$-tá èíslice souètu, $\oplus$ znaèí operaci {\sc xor} (souèet modulo~2) a~$c_i$ je {\I pøenos} +z~$(i-1)$-ního øádu do~$i$-tého. Pøenos pøitom nastane tehdy, pokud se~nám potkají +dvì jednièky pod~sebou, nebo kdy¾ se~vyskytne alespoò jedna jednièka a~k~tomu +pøenos z~ni¾¹ího øádu. Jinými slovy tehdy, kdy¾ ze~tøí xorovaných èíslic jsou alespoò +dvì jednièky (pomocí obvodu pro majoritu z minulé pøedná¹ky lehce zkonstruujeme): +$$ +\eqalign{ +c_{0} &= 0, \cr +c_{i+1} &= (x_i~\&~y_i)\lor(x_i~\&~c_i)\lor(y_i~\&~c_i).\cr +} +$$ + +Takovéto sèítání sice perfektnì funguje, nicménì je bohu¾el pomìrnì pomalé. +Pokud bychom stavìli hradlovou sí» podle tohoto pøedpisu, byla by slo¾ená z~nìjakých +podsítí (\uv{krabièek}), které budou mít na~vstupu $x_i$, $y_i$ a~$c_i$ a jejich výstupem +bude $z_i$ a~$c_{i+1}$. + +\figure{hloupe_scitani.eps}{Sèítání ¹kolním algoritmem.}{1.5in} + +V¹imìme si, ¾e~ka¾dá krabièka závisí na~výstupu té pøedcházející. Jednotlivé +krabièky tedy musí urèitì le¾et na~rùzných hladinách. Celkovì bychom museli pou¾ít +$\Theta{(n)}$ hladin a~jeliko¾ je ka¾dá krabièka konstantnì velká, také $\Theta{(n)}$ hradel. To dává +lineární èasovou i~prostorovou slo¾itost, èili oproti sekvenènímu algoritmu jsme si nepomohli. + +Zamysleme se nad tím, jak by se proces sèítání mohl zrychlit. + +\h{Pøenosy v~blocích} +Jediné, co nás pøi sèítání brzdí, jsou pøenosy mezi jednotlivými øády. Ka¾dý øád, +aby~vydal souèet, musí poèkat na~to, a¾~dopoèítají v¹echny pøedcházející øády. +Teprve pak se~toti¾ dozví pøenos. Kdybychom ov¹em pøenosy dokázali spoèítat +nìjakým zpùsobem paralelnì, máme vyhráno. Jakmile známe v¹echny pøenosy, souèet +u¾~zvládneme dopoèítat na~konstantnì mnoho hladin -- tedy v~konstantním èase. + +Podívejme se na~libovolný {\I blok} v~na¹em souètu. Tak budeme øíkat èíslùm +$x_j\ldots x_i$ a $y_j\ldots y_i$ v~nìjakém intervalu indexù $\left$. Pøenos $c_{j+1}$ vystupující z~tohoto bloku závisí mimo hodnot sèítancù u¾ pouze na~pøenosu $c_{i}$, který do bloku vstupuje. + +\figure{blok_scitani.eps}{Blok souètu.}{3in} + +Z tohoto pohledu se mù¾eme na blok také dívat jako na nìjakou funkci, která +dostane jednobitový vstup a vydá jednobitový výstup. To je nám pøíjemné, nebo» +takových funkcí existují jenom ètyøi typy: +\numlist\ndotted +\:$f(x) = 0$, ~~~~(0) +\:$f(x) = 1$, ~~~~(1) +\:$f(x) = x$, ~~~~($<$ -- kopírování) +\:$f(x) = \neg{x}$. +\endlist +Jak se za~chvíli uká¾e, poslední pøípad, kdy by~nìjaký blok pøedával opaèný +pøenos, ne¾ do~nìj vstupuje, navíc nikdy nemù¾e nastat. Pojïme si to rozmyslet. +Jednobitové bloky se chovají velice jednodu¹e: + +\figure{bloky_1bit.eps}{Tabulka triviálních blokù.}{1.1in} + +Z prvního bloku evidentnì v¾dy vyleze 0, a»~do~nìj vstoupí jakýkoli pøenos. +Poslední blok naopak sám o~sobì pøenos vytváøí, a»~ji¾ do~nìj vleze jakýkoliv. +Bloky prostøední se chovají stejnì, a~to tak, ¾e~samy o~sobì ¾ádný pøenos nevytvoøí, +ale~pokud do~nich nìjaký pøijde, tak~také odejde. + +Mìjme nyní nìjaký vìt¹í blok~$C$ slo¾ený ze~dvou men¹ích podblokù $A$ a~$B$, jejich¾ +chování u¾ známe. Z~toho mù¾eme odvodit, jak se chová celý blok: + +\figure{tabulka_skladani_bloku.eps}{Skládání chování blokù.}{1.3in} + +Pokud vy¹¹í blok pøenos pohlcuje, pak a»~se u¾~ni¾¹í blok chová jakkoli, slo¾ení +tìchto blokù musí v¾dy pohlcovat. V~prvním øádku tabulky jsou tudí¾ nuly. Analogicky, +pokud vy¹¹í blok generuje pøenos, tak~ten ni¾¹í na~tom nic nezmìní. V~druhém +øádku tabulky jsou tedy samé jednièky. Zajímavìj¹í pøípad nastává, pokud vy¹¹í blok +kopíruje -- tehdy zále¾í èistì na~chování ni¾¹ího bloku. + +V¹imnìme si, ¾e~skládání chování blokù je vlastnì úplnì obyèejné skládání +funkcí. Nyní bychom mohli prohlásit, ¾e~budeme poèítat nad~tøíprvkovou abecedou, +a~¾e~celou tabulku doká¾eme spoèítat jedním jediným hradlem. Pojïmì si v¹ak +rozmyslet, jak~bychom takovouto vìc popsali èistì binárnì. Jak tedy tyto tøi stavy +popisovat pouze nìkolika bity? + +Evidentnì nám k tomuto binárnímu zakódování tøí stavù budou staèit bity dva. +Oznaème si je jako $p$ a $q$. Tato dvojice mù¾e nabývat hned ètyø mo¾ných hodnot, +kterým pøiøadíme tøi mo¾ná chování bloku. Toto kódování mù¾eme zvolit zcela +libovolnì, ale pokud si ho zvolíme ¹ikovnì, u¹etøíme si dále práci pøi kompozici. +Zvolme si tedy kódování takto: + +\itemize\ibull +\:$(1,*) = <$, +\:$(0,0) = 0$, +\:$(0,1) = 1$ +\endlist + +Tomu, ¾e blok kopíruje, odpovídá dvojice $p = 1$; $q =$ \. V~ostatních +pøípadech bude~$p$ nulové a~$q$ nám bude øíkat, co je na~výstupu pøíslu¹ného bloku. +Jinými slovy $p = 0$ znamená, ¾e funkce je konstanta, pøièem¾ $q$ øíká jaká; naproti +tomu $p = 1$~znamená, ¾e funkce je identita, a»~u¾~je $q$ cokoli. + +Pojïme si nyní ukázat, jak bude celé skládání blokù vypadat. Rozmysleme si, +kdy je~$p$ celého dvojbloku jednièkové, tedy kdy celý dvojblok kopíruje. To nastane +tehdy, pokud kopírují obì jeho èásti, a tedy $p = p_a~\&~p_b$. Dále $q$ bude rovno jednièce, +pokud $q = (\neg{p_a}~\&~q_a) \lor (p_a~\&~q_b)$. + +Skládání chování blokù lze tedy popsat buï ternárnì -- tabulkou, ale lze to +i~binárnì vý¹e uvedeným pøedpisem. + +Nyní si tedy mù¾eme dopøedu vypoèítat chování bloku velikosti jedna, poté + z~nich skládáním blokù velikosti dva, dál velikosti ètyøi, osm, atd \dots + +\h{Paralelní sèítání} + +Paralelní algoritmus na~sèítání u¾~zkonstruujeme pomìrnì snadno. Bez újmy +na~obecnosti budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e~poèet bitù vstupních èísel je mocnina dvojky, +jinak si vstup doplníme nulami, co¾ výsedný èas bìhu algoritmu zhor¹í maximálnì +konstanta-krát. + +\algo +\:Spoèteme chování blokù velikosti~1. ($\O(1)$ hladin) +\:Postupnì poèítáme chování blokù\foot{myslíme \uv{pøirozenì zarovnané} bloky, tedy takové, jejich¾ poloha je násobkem velikosti} velikosti 2, 4, 8, ..., $2^k$. + ($\O(\log n)$ hladin, na~nich¾ se skládají bloky) +\:$c_0 \leftarrow 0$ (pøenos do nejni¾¹ího øádu je v¾dy 0) +\:Urèíme $c_n$ podle $c_0$ a chování (jediného) bloku velikosti~$n$. +\:Postupnì dopoèítáme pøenosy na~hranicích dìlitelných $2^k$ \uv{zahu¹»ováním}: + jakmile víme $c_{2^k}$, mù¾eme dopoèítat $c_{2^k+2^{k-1}}$ podle + chování bloku $\left< 2^k, 2^k+2^{k-1}\right>$. ($\O(\log n)$ hladin, + na~nich¾ se dosazuje) +\:Seèteme: $\forall i: z_i = x_i \oplus y_i \oplus c_i$. +\endalgo + +\figure{1_9_deleni_bloku.eps}{Výpoèet pøenosu.}{2.5in} + +Algoritmus pracuje v~èase $\O(\log n)$. Hradel je pou¾ito lineárnì: na~jednotlivých +hladinách kroku~2 poèet hradel exponenciálnì klesá od~$n$ k~1, na~hladinách kroku~5 +exponenciálnì stoupá od~1 k~$n$, tak¾e dohromady se seète na~$\Theta(n)$. + +\h{Tøídìní} + +Nyní se podíváme na~druhý problém, a~to na~problém tøídìní. Ji¾ známe pomìrnì efektivní sekvenèní algoritmy, které dovedou tøídit v~èase $\O(n\log n)$. Byli bychom jistì rádi, kdybychom to zvládli je¹tì rychleji. Pojïme se podívat, zda by nám v tom nepomohlo problém paralelizovat. + +Budeme pøi tom pracovat ve~výpoèetním modelu, kterému se øíká komparátorová sí». Ta je postavená z~hradel, kterým se øíká komparátory. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Komparátorová sí»} je kombinaèní obvod, jeho¾ hradla jsou +komparátory. + +\figure{sortnet.0}{Komparátor}{0.7in} + +Komparátor umí porovnat dvì hodnoty a~rozhodnout, která z~nich je vìt¹í +a~která men¹í. Nevrací v¹ak booleovský výsledek jako bì¾né hradlo, ale má dva +výstupy, pøièem¾ na~jednom vrátí men¹í ze~vstupních hodnot a~na~druhém vìt¹í. + +Výstupy komparátorù se nevìtví. Nemù¾eme tedy jeden výstup \uv{rozdvojit} a~pøipojit ho na~dva vstupy. (Vìtvení by dokonce ani nemìlo smysl, proto¾e zatímco rozdvojit bychom mohli, slouèit u¾~ne. Pokud tedy chceme, aby sí» mìla $n$~vstupù i~$n$~výstupù, rozdvojení stejnì nesmíme provést, i kdybychom jej mìli povolené.) + +\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Bubble sort} + +Obrázek Bubble 1 ilustruje pou¾ití komparátorù pro tøídìní Bubble sortem. +©ipky pøedstavují jednotlivé komparátory. Výpoèet v¹ak je¹tì mù¾eme vylep¹it. + +\twofigures{sortnet.1}{Bubble 1}{143pt}{sortnet.2}{Bubble 2}{143pt} + +Sna¾íme se výpoèet co nejvíce paralelizovat (viz obrázek Bubble 2). +Jak je vidìt, komparátory na sebe nemusejí èekat. Tím mù¾eme výpoèet urychlit a místo èasu $\Theta{(n^2)}$ docílit èasové slo¾itosti $\Theta{(n)}$. V obou pøípadech je zachován kvadratický prostor. + +Nyní si uká¾eme je¹tì rychlej¹í tøídící algoritmus. Pùjdeme na nìj v¹ak trochu \uv{od lesa}. Nejdøíve vymyslíme sí», která bude umìt tøídit jenom nìco -- toti¾ bitonické posloupnosti. Bez újmy na obecnosti budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e ka¾dé dva prvky na vstupu jsou navzájem rùzné. + +\medskip +\s{Definice:} Øekneme, ¾e posloupnost $x_0,\dots,x_{n-1} $ je {\I èistì bitonická} právì tehdy, kdy¾ +pro nìjaké $x_k, k\in\{0, \dots, n-1\} $ platí, ¾e~v¹echny prvky pøed ním (vèetnì jeho samotného) +tvoøí rostoucí poslopnost, kde¾to prvky stojící za~ním tvoøí poslopnost klesající. +Formálnì zapsáno musí platit, ¾e: +$$x_0\leq x_1\leq \dots \leq x_k \geq x_{k+1}\geq\dots \geq x_{n-1}.$$ + +\s{Definice:} Posloupnost $x_0 \dots x_{n-1}$ je {\I bitonická}, právì kdy¾ $\exists~j\in \{0,\dots ,n-1\}$, pro +které je rotace pùvodní posloupnosti o $j$ prvkù, tedy posloupnost +$$x_j,x_{(j+1) \bmod n},\dots, x_{(j+n-1) \bmod n},$$ èistì bitonická. + +\s{Definice:} {\I Separátor $S_n$} je sí», ve které jsou v¾dy~$i$-tý a~$(i+{n/2})$-tý prvek vstupu +(pro $i=0,\dots, {n/2}-1$) propojeny komparátorem. Minimum se pak stane~$i$-tým, +maximum $(i+{n/2})$-tým prvkem výstupu. +\figure{sortnet.3}{$(y_i, y_{i+{n/2}}) = \(x_i, x_{i+{n/2}})$} {300pt} + +\s{Lemma:} Pokud separátor dostane na~vstupu bitonickou posloupnost, pak jeho výstup $y_0, \dots, y_{n-1}$ +splòuje: + +(i) $y_0,\dots, y_{n/2 -1}$ a~$y_{n/2},\dots, y_{n-1}$ jsou +bitonické posloupnosti, + +(ii) Pro v¹echna $i,j< {n/2}$ platí $y_i < y_{j + {n/2}}$. + +Separátor nám tedy jednu bitonickou posloupnost na~vstupu rozdìlí na~dvì +bitonické posloupnosti, pøièem¾ navíc ka¾dý prvek první posloupnosti ($y_0,\dots, y_{n/2 -1}$) +je men¹í nebo roven prvkùm druhé posloupnosti ($y_{n/2}, \dots, y_{n-1}$). + +\>Ne¾ pøistoupíme k dùkazu lemmatu, uka¾me si, k èemu se nám bude hodit. + + +\s{Definice:} {\I Bitonická tøídièka $B_n$} je obvod sestavený ze separátorù, který dostane-li na vstupu bitonickou posloupnost délky $n$ (BÚNO konstruujeme tøídièku pro $n=2^k$), vydá setøídìnou zadanou posloupnost délky $n$. + +Tøídièka dostane na~vstupu bitonickou posloupnost. Separátor~$S_n$ ji pak dle lemmatu rozdìlí na~dvì bitonické posloupnosti, kdy je ka¾dý prvek z~první posloupnosti men¹í ne¾ libovolný prvek z~druhé. Tyto poloviny pak dal¹í separátory rozdìlí na~ètvrtiny, ..., a¾~na~konci zbudou pouze jednoduché posloupnosti délky jedna (zjevnì setøídìné), které mezi sebou mají po¾adovanou nerovnost -- tedy ka¾dá posloupnost (nebo spí¹e prvek) nalevo je $\leq$ ne¾ prvek napravo od~nìj. + +\centerline{\epsfbox{sortnet.5}} + +Jak je vidìt, bitonická tøídièka nám libovolnou bitonickou posloupnost délky~$n$ +setøídí na~$\Theta(\log n)$ hladin. + +Nyní se dá odvodit, ¾e pokud umíme tøídit bitonické posloupnosti, umíme setøídit v¹echno. +Vzpomeòme si na~tøídìní sléváním -- Merge sort. To funguje tak, ¾e zaène s~jednoprvkovými posloupnostmi, které jsou evidentnì setøídìné, a~poté v¾dy dvì setøídìné posloupnosti slévá do~jedné. Kdybychom nyní umìli paralelnì slévat, mohli bychom vytvoøit i~paralelní Merge sort. Jinými slovy, potøebujeme dvì rostoucí posloupnosti nìjak efektivnì slít do~jedné setøídìné. Uvìdomme si, ¾e to zvládneme jednodu¹e -- staèí druhou z~posloupností obrátit a~\uv{pøilepit} za~první, èím¾ vznikne bitonická posloupnost, kterou poté mù¾eme setøídit na¹í bitonickou tøídièkou. + +\s{Pøíklad:} {\sl Merge sort} + +Bitonická tøídièka se tedy dá pou¾ít ke~slévání setøídìných posloupností. +Uka¾me si, jak s~její pomocí sestavíme souèástky {\I slévaèky} $M_n$: + +Setøídìné posloupnosti $x_0,\dots, x_{n-1}$ a~$y_0,\dots, y_{n-1}$ spojíme do jedné bitonické +posloupnosti $x_0,\dots, x_{n-1},y_{n-1},\dots, y_0$. Z~této posloupnosti vytvoøíme pomocí bitonické tøídièky +$B_{2n}$ setøídìnou posloupnost. Vytvoøíme tedy blok $M_{2n}$, který se ov¹em sestává de~facto pouze z~bloku $B_{2n}$, jeho¾ druhá polovina vstupù je zapojena v~obráceném poøadí. +\figure{sortnet.6}{Paralelní MergeSort.}{3in} + +Nyní se pokusme odhadnout èasovou slo¾itost. Ná¹ MergeSort bude mít øádovì hloubku blokù $\log n$. +V ka¾dém bloku $M_n$ je navíc ukryta bitonická tøídièka s takté¾ logaritmickou hloubkou. +Celková hloubka tedy bude $\log 2 + \log4 + \dots + \log 2^k + \dots + \log n$. +Po seètení nakonec dostáváme výslednou èasovou slo¾itost $\Theta (\log^2 n)$. + +Dodejme je¹tì, ¾e existuje i~tøídicí algoritmus, kterému staèí jen ${\O}(\log n)$ hladin. +Jeho multiplikativní konstanta je v¹ak pøíli¹ veliká, tak¾e je v~praxi nepou¾itelný. + +Vra»me se nyní k dùkazu lemmatu, který jsme na pøedminulé stránce vynechali. + +\h{Dùkaz Lemmatu:} +(i) Nejprve nahlédneme, ¾e lemma platí, je-li vstupem èistì bitonická +posloupnost. Dále BÚNO pøedpokládejme, ¾e vrchol posloupnosti je v~první polovinì (kdyby +byl vrchol za~polovinou, staèilo by zrcadlovì obrátit posloupnost i~komparátory a~øe¹ili +bychom stejný problém). Nyní si definujme $k := \min j: x_j > x_{j+n/2}$. (Pokud +by~takové~$k$ neexistovalo, znamenalo by~to, ¾e vstupní posloupnost je monotónní. +Separátor by tedy nic nedìlal a~pouze zkopíroval vstup na~výstup, co¾ jistì lemma splòuje.) Nyní si v¹imìme, +¾e jakmile jednou zaène platit, ¾e prvek na~levé stranì je men¹í ne¾ na~pravé, bude +nám tato relace platit a¾~do~konce. Oznaème vrchol vstupní posloupnosti jako~$x_m$. +Pak~$k$ bude jistì men¹í ne¾~$m$ a~$k+{n/2}$ bude vìt¹í ne¾~$m$. Mezi~$k$ a~$m$ je tedy +vstupní posloupnost neklesající, mezi $k+{n/2}$ a~$n-1$ nerostoucí. + +Do pozice~$k$ tedy separátor bude pouze kopírovat vstup na~výstup, od~pozice~$k$ +dál u¾~jen prohazuje. Pro ka¾dé~$i$, $(k\leq i\leq {n/2}-1)$ se prvky +$x_i$ a~$x_{i+{n/2}}$ prohodí. Úsek mezi~$k$ a~${n/2}-1$ tedy +nahradíme nerostoucí posloupností, první polovina výstupu tedy bude +(dokonce èistì) bitonická. Podobnì úsek $k+{n/2}$ a¾~$n-1$ nahradíme èistì +bitonickou posloupností. Obì poloviny tedy budou bitonické. + +Dostaneme-li na vstupu obecnou bitonickou posloupnost, pøedstavíme si, +¾e je to èistì bitonická posloupnost zrotovaná o~$r$ prvkù (BÚNO +doprava). Zjistíme, ¾e v~komparátorech se porovnávají tyté¾ prvky, +jako kdyby zrotovaná nebyla. Výstup se od výstupu èistì bitonické +posloupnosti zrotovaného o~$r$ bude li¹it prohozením úsekù $x_0$ a¾ +$x_{r-1}$ a~$x_{n/2}$ a¾ $x_{{n/2}+r-1}$. Obì výstupní +posloupnosti tedy budou zrotované o~$r$ prvkù, ale na jejich +bitoniènosti se nic nezmìní. + +(ii) Z dùkazu (i) pro èistì bitonickou posloupnost víme, ¾e $y_0\dots y_{n/2-1}$ je èistì bitonická a bude rovna $x_0\dots x_{k-1},x_{k+n/2}\dots x_{n-1}$ pro vhodné $k$ a navíc bude mít maximum v $x_{k-1}$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$. Mezi tìmito body ov¹em ve vstupní posloupnosti urèitì nele¾el ¾ádný $x_i$ men¹í ne¾ $x_k-1$ nebo $x_k+{n/2}$ (jak je vidìt z obrázku) a posloupnost $x_k \dots x_{k-1+{n/2}}$ je rovna $y_{n/2}\dots y_{n-1}$. Pro obecné bitonické posloupnosti uká¾eme stejnì jako v (i). +\qed + +\medskip + +\centerline{\epsfbox{sortnet.7}} + + +\h{Paralelní násobení} + +Podobnì jako u~sèítání si vzpomeneme na~¹kolní algoritmus -- tentokráte v¹ak pro násobení. +To fungovalo tak, ¾e~jsme si jedno ze~dvou binárních èísel na~vstupu (øíkejme mu tøeba $x$) $n$-krát posouvali. Tam kde pak byly v~èísle~$y$ jednièky, pøíslu¹né kopie $x$ jsme seèetli. Jinými slovy tedy násobení umíme pøevést na~nìjaké posuny (ty lze realizovat pouze \uv{pøedrátováním} -- nic nás nestojí), násobení jedním bitem (co¾ je +{\sc and} ) a~nakonec potøebujeme výsledných~$n$ èísel seèíst. +\figure{skolni_scitani.eps}{©kolní sèítání.}{2in} + +Jak nyní seèíst $n$ $n$-bitových èísel..? Nabízí se vyu¾ít osvìdèený \uv{stromeèek} -- sèítat dvojice èísel, výsledky pak opìt po~dvojicích seèíst, a¾ na~konci vyjde jediný výsledek. +\figure{stromecek.eps}{Stromeèek}{1.4in} + +Toto øe¹ení by v¹ak vedlo na~èasovou slo¾itost $\Theta (\log^2 n)$, nebo» sèítat umíme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. To je sice dle na¹ich mìøítek +docela efektivní, ale pøekvapivì to jde je¹tì lépe -- toti¾ na~$\Theta (\log n)$ hladin. Této +slo¾itosti dosáhneme malým trikem. + +Vymyslíme obvod konstantní hloubky, který na~vstupu dostane tøi èísla. Odpoví pak dvìma èísly +takovými, ¾e budou mít stejný souèet jako pùvodní tøi èísla. Jinými slovy pomocí +tohoto obvodu budeme umìt seètení tøí èísel pøevést na seètení dvou èísel. + +\figure{obvod.eps}{$x+y+z = p+q$}{0.3in} + +V¹imnìme si, ¾e~kdy¾ sèítáme tøi bity, mù¾e být pøenos do~vy¹¹ího øádu nula èi~jednièka. Vezmeme si tedy bity $x_i$, $y_i$, $z_i$ a~ty seèteme. To nám dá dvoubitový výsledek, pøièem¾ ni¾¹í bit z~tohoto výsledku po¹leme do~èísla~$p$, vy¹¹í do~èísla~$q$. + +\figure{obvod_real.eps}{Redukování sèítání}{1.2in} + +Toto zredukování sèítání nám nyní umo¾ní opìt stavit strom, by» o malièko slo¾itìj¹í. + +\figure{sl_stromecek.eps}{Slo¾itìj¹í stromeèek}{0.9in} + +Pokud jsme mìli na~zaèátku $n$ èísel, po~první redukci nám jich zbývá jen $2/3 \cdot n$ a~obecnì v~$k$-té hladiné $(2/3)^k \cdot n$. Znamená to, ¾e èísel nám ubývá exponenciálnì, tak¾e poèet hladin bude logaritmický. Redukující obvod je pøi tom jen konstantnì hluboký, tak¾e celé redukování zvládneme v~èase $\Theta (\log n)$. Na~konci Slo¾itìj¹ího stromeèku pak máme umístìnou jednu obyèejnou sèítaèku, která zbývající dvì èísla seète v~logaritmickém èase. + +Seètení v¹ech $n$ èísel tedy zabere $\Theta (\log n)$ hladin. + +Kdy¾ se nyní vrátíme k~násobení, zbývá nám vyøe¹it posouvání a~{\sc and}ování. Uvìdomme si, ¾e to je plnì paralelení a~zvládneme ho za~konstantnì mnoho hladin. Celé násobení tedy zvládneme v~logaritmickém èase. + +\bye diff --git a/old/5-addsort/Makefile b/old/5-addsort/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f7be80 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=5-addsort + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps b/old/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..225a323 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/blok_scitani.eps @@ -0,0 +1,1673 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 79 592 505 727 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 79.471632 592.47642 504.27389 726.62485 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 842 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 -304.88268 66.42131] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +474.79669 99.649963 moveto +470.44611 105.50446 lineto +475.02228 111.68121 lineto +472.69122 111.68121 lineto +469.18927 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481.89621 111.52651 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +483.24387 111.68764 moveto +485.8757 111.68764 lineto +485.8757 112.48843 lineto +483.24387 112.48843 lineto +483.24387 111.68764 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +487.6091 113.99722 moveto +489.22043 113.99722 lineto +489.22043 108.43569 lineto +487.4675 108.78725 lineto +487.4675 107.88882 lineto +489.21066 107.53725 lineto +490.19699 107.53725 lineto +490.19699 113.99722 lineto +491.80832 113.99722 lineto +491.80832 114.82729 lineto +487.6091 114.82729 lineto +487.6091 113.99722 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +609.78387 109.35812 moveto +610.68231 109.35812 lineto +610.68231 114.92453 lineto +610.68231 115.62114 610.54885 116.1257 610.28192 116.4382 curveto +610.01825 116.7507 609.59182 116.90695 609.00262 116.90695 curveto +608.66083 116.90695 lineto +608.66083 116.14523 lineto +608.90009 116.14523 lineto +609.24188 116.14523 609.47463 116.06548 609.59833 115.90598 curveto +609.72202 115.74972 609.78387 115.42258 609.78387 114.92453 curveto +609.78387 109.35812 lineto +609.78387 107.22922 moveto +610.68231 107.22922 lineto +610.68231 108.36691 lineto +609.78387 108.36691 lineto +609.78387 107.22922 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +727.94867 109.35812 moveto +728.84711 109.35812 lineto +728.84711 114.82687 lineto +727.94867 114.82687 lineto +727.94867 109.35812 lineto +727.94867 107.22922 moveto +728.84711 107.22922 lineto +728.84711 108.36691 lineto +727.94867 108.36691 lineto +727.94867 107.22922 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +847.78601 108.18625 moveto +847.2782 108.18626 846.89571 108.43691 846.63855 108.9382 curveto +846.38464 109.43625 846.25769 110.18658 846.25769 111.18918 curveto +846.25769 112.18853 846.38464 112.93885 846.63855 113.44016 curveto +846.89571 113.9382 847.2782 114.18723 847.78601 114.18723 curveto +848.29707 114.18723 848.67956 113.9382 848.93347 113.44016 curveto +849.19063 112.93885 849.31921 112.18853 849.31921 111.18918 curveto +849.31921 110.18658 849.19063 109.43625 848.93347 108.9382 curveto +848.67956 108.43691 848.29707 108.18626 847.78601 108.18625 curveto +847.78601 107.405 moveto +848.60306 107.40501 849.22644 107.7289 849.65613 108.37668 curveto +850.08907 109.02122 850.30554 109.95871 850.30554 111.18918 curveto +850.30554 112.41639 850.08907 113.35389 849.65613 114.00168 curveto +849.22644 114.64621 848.60306 114.96848 847.78601 114.96848 curveto +846.96895 114.96848 846.34395 114.64621 845.91101 114.00168 curveto +845.48132 113.35389 845.26648 112.41639 845.26648 111.18918 curveto +845.26648 109.95871 845.48132 109.02122 845.91101 108.37668 curveto +846.34395 107.7289 846.96895 107.40501 847.78601 107.405 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +469.802 162.69087 moveto +469.2434 164.12316 468.69913 165.05773 468.16919 165.49458 curveto +467.63924 165.93143 466.93025 166.14985 466.04224 166.14986 curveto +464.46313 166.14986 lineto +464.46313 164.49556 lineto +465.62329 164.49556 lineto +466.16756 164.49556 466.59008 164.36665 466.89087 164.10884 curveto +467.19165 163.85103 467.52465 163.2423 467.88989 162.28267 curveto +468.24438 161.38033 lineto +463.37817 149.54243 lineto +465.4729 149.54243 lineto +469.23267 158.95259 lineto +472.99243 149.54243 lineto +475.08716 149.54243 lineto +469.802 162.69087 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +527.12231 158.84517 moveto +529.38892 158.84517 lineto +529.38892 161.57368 lineto +527.12231 161.57368 lineto +527.12231 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +541.13013 158.84517 moveto +543.39673 158.84517 lineto +543.39673 161.57368 lineto +541.13013 161.57368 lineto +541.13013 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +555.13794 158.84517 moveto +557.40454 158.84517 lineto +557.40454 161.57368 lineto +555.13794 161.57368 lineto +555.13794 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +601.88794 162.69087 moveto +601.32934 164.12316 600.78507 165.05773 600.25513 165.49458 curveto +599.72517 165.93143 599.01619 166.14985 598.12817 166.14986 curveto +596.54907 166.14986 lineto +596.54907 164.49556 lineto +597.70923 164.49556 lineto +598.2535 164.49556 598.67602 164.36665 598.97681 164.10884 curveto +599.27758 163.85103 599.61059 163.2423 599.97583 162.28267 curveto +600.33032 161.38033 lineto +595.46411 149.54243 lineto +597.55884 149.54243 lineto +601.3186 158.95259 lineto +605.07837 149.54243 lineto +607.1731 149.54243 lineto +601.88794 162.69087 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +645.20044 158.84517 moveto +647.46704 158.84517 lineto +647.46704 161.57368 lineto +645.20044 161.57368 lineto +645.20044 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +659.20825 158.84517 moveto +661.47485 158.84517 lineto +661.47485 161.57368 lineto +659.20825 161.57368 lineto +659.20825 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +673.21606 158.84517 moveto +675.48267 158.84517 lineto +675.48267 161.57368 lineto +673.21606 161.57368 lineto +673.21606 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +719.96606 162.69087 moveto +719.40746 164.12316 718.86319 165.05773 718.33325 165.49458 curveto +717.8033 165.93143 717.09432 166.14985 716.2063 166.14986 curveto +714.6272 166.14986 lineto +714.6272 164.49556 lineto +715.78735 164.49556 lineto +716.33162 164.49556 716.75415 164.36665 717.05493 164.10884 curveto +717.35571 163.85103 717.68872 163.2423 718.05396 162.28267 curveto +718.40845 161.38033 lineto +713.54224 149.54243 lineto +715.63696 149.54243 lineto +719.39673 158.95259 lineto +723.15649 149.54243 lineto +725.25122 149.54243 lineto +719.96606 162.69087 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +763.27856 158.84517 moveto +765.54517 158.84517 lineto +765.54517 161.57368 lineto +763.27856 161.57368 lineto +763.27856 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +777.28638 158.84517 moveto +779.55298 158.84517 lineto +779.55298 161.57368 lineto +777.28638 161.57368 lineto +777.28638 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +791.29419 158.84517 moveto +793.56079 158.84517 lineto +793.56079 161.57368 lineto +791.29419 161.57368 lineto +791.29419 158.84517 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +838.04419 162.69087 moveto +837.48559 164.12316 836.94132 165.05773 836.41138 165.49458 curveto +835.88142 165.93143 835.17244 166.14985 834.28442 166.14986 curveto +832.70532 166.14986 lineto +832.70532 164.49556 lineto +833.86548 164.49556 lineto +834.40975 164.49556 834.83227 164.36665 835.13306 164.10884 curveto +835.43383 163.85103 835.76684 163.2423 836.13208 162.28267 curveto +836.48657 161.38033 lineto +831.62036 149.54243 lineto +833.71509 149.54243 lineto +837.47485 158.95259 lineto +841.23462 149.54243 lineto +843.32935 149.54243 lineto +838.04419 162.69087 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +483.01569 161.41898 moveto +483.01569 164.71976 lineto +482.11725 164.71976 lineto +482.11725 161.44827 lineto +482.11724 160.9307 482.01633 160.54333 481.81451 160.28616 curveto +481.61269 160.02901 481.30995 159.90043 480.90631 159.90042 curveto +480.42128 159.90043 480.0388 160.05505 479.75885 160.36429 curveto +479.4789 160.67354 479.33893 161.09509 479.33893 161.62894 curveto +479.33893 164.71976 lineto +478.43561 164.71976 lineto +478.43561 159.25101 lineto +479.33893 159.25101 lineto +479.33893 160.10062 lineto +479.55377 159.77185 479.80605 159.52608 480.09576 159.36331 curveto +480.38873 159.20056 480.72564 159.11918 481.10651 159.11917 curveto +481.73476 159.11918 482.21002 159.31449 482.53229 159.70511 curveto +482.85455 160.09248 483.01568 160.66377 483.01569 161.41898 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +484.36334 161.58011 moveto +486.99518 161.58011 lineto +486.99518 162.38089 lineto +484.36334 162.38089 lineto +484.36334 161.58011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +488.72858 163.88968 moveto +490.3399 163.88968 lineto +490.3399 158.32816 lineto +488.58698 158.67972 lineto +488.58698 157.78128 lineto +490.33014 157.42972 lineto +491.31647 157.42972 lineto +491.31647 163.88968 lineto +492.9278 163.88968 lineto +492.9278 164.71976 lineto +488.72858 164.71976 lineto +488.72858 163.88968 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +610.90338 159.2506 moveto +611.80182 159.2506 lineto +611.80182 164.817 lineto +611.80182 165.51362 611.66835 166.01817 611.40143 166.33067 curveto +611.13776 166.64317 610.71132 166.79942 610.12213 166.79942 curveto +609.78033 166.79942 lineto +609.78033 166.0377 lineto +610.01959 166.0377 lineto +610.36139 166.0377 610.59414 165.95795 610.71783 165.79845 curveto +610.84153 165.6422 610.90338 165.31505 610.90338 164.817 curveto +610.90338 159.2506 lineto +610.90338 157.12169 moveto +611.80182 157.12169 lineto +611.80182 158.25938 lineto +610.90338 158.25938 lineto +610.90338 157.12169 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +729.06818 159.2506 moveto +729.96661 159.2506 lineto +729.96661 164.71935 lineto +729.06818 164.71935 lineto +729.06818 159.2506 lineto +729.06818 157.12169 moveto +729.96661 157.12169 lineto +729.96661 158.25938 lineto +729.06818 158.25938 lineto +729.06818 157.12169 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +848.90552 158.07872 moveto +848.3977 158.07873 848.01522 158.32938 847.75806 158.83067 curveto +847.50415 159.32873 847.3772 160.07905 847.3772 161.08165 curveto +847.3772 162.081 847.50415 162.83133 847.75806 163.33263 curveto +848.01522 163.83067 848.3977 164.0797 848.90552 164.0797 curveto +849.41658 164.0797 849.79907 163.83067 850.05298 163.33263 curveto +850.31014 162.83133 850.43872 162.081 850.43872 161.08165 curveto +850.43872 160.07905 850.31014 159.32873 850.05298 158.83067 curveto +849.79907 158.32938 849.41658 158.07873 848.90552 158.07872 curveto +848.90552 157.29747 moveto +849.72257 157.29748 850.34594 157.62137 850.77563 158.26915 curveto +851.20857 158.91369 851.42504 159.85119 851.42505 161.08165 curveto +851.42504 162.30887 851.20857 163.24636 850.77563 163.89415 curveto +850.34594 164.53868 849.72257 164.86095 848.90552 164.86095 curveto +848.08846 164.86095 847.46346 164.53868 847.03052 163.89415 curveto +846.60083 163.24636 846.38599 162.30887 846.38599 161.08165 curveto +846.38599 159.85119 846.60083 158.91369 847.03052 158.26915 curveto +847.46346 157.62137 848.08846 157.29748 848.90552 157.29747 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +571.18323 78.409805 moveto +751.21565 78.409805 lineto +751.21565 189.67596 lineto +571.18323 189.67596 lineto +571.18323 78.409805 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +439.27972 228.29019 moveto 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227.53824 curveto +436.41871 227.53825 437.01311 227.6027 437.5932 227.7316 curveto +438.17327 227.85335 438.73544 228.03955 439.27972 228.29019 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 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561.48285 230.34912 562.55707 229.22476 curveto +563.63844 228.10042 565.11728 227.53825 566.99359 227.53824 curveto +567.60231 227.53825 568.19671 227.6027 568.77679 227.7316 curveto +569.35686 227.85335 569.91904 228.03955 570.46332 228.29019 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 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236.465 758.31195 237.2814 curveto +759.02093 238.09065 760.01637 238.49527 761.29828 238.49527 curveto +761.87119 238.49527 762.43694 238.42008 762.99554 238.26968 curveto +763.56129 238.11213 764.12346 237.87939 764.68207 237.57144 curveto +764.68207 239.39761 lineto +764.13063 239.65543 763.55771 239.84879 762.96332 239.97769 curveto +762.37607 240.1066 761.74944 240.17105 761.08344 240.17105 curveto +759.27158 240.17105 757.83213 239.60172 756.76508 238.46304 curveto +755.69802 237.32437 755.16449 235.78824 755.16449 233.85464 curveto +755.16449 231.89241 755.7016 230.34912 756.77582 229.22476 curveto +757.85719 228.10042 759.33603 227.53825 761.21234 227.53824 curveto +761.82106 227.53825 762.41546 227.6027 762.99554 227.7316 curveto +763.57561 227.85335 764.13779 228.03955 764.68207 228.29019 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 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236.465 875.48773 237.2814 curveto +876.19671 238.09065 877.19215 238.49527 878.47406 238.49527 curveto +879.04697 238.49527 879.61272 238.42008 880.17133 238.26968 curveto +880.73707 238.11213 881.29925 237.87939 881.85785 237.57144 curveto +881.85785 239.39761 lineto +881.30641 239.65543 880.73349 239.84879 880.1391 239.97769 curveto +879.55185 240.1066 878.92522 240.17105 878.25922 240.17105 curveto +876.44736 240.17105 875.00791 239.60172 873.94086 238.46304 curveto +872.8738 237.32437 872.34027 235.78824 872.34027 233.85464 curveto +872.34027 231.89241 872.87738 230.34912 873.9516 229.22476 curveto +875.03298 228.10042 876.51182 227.53825 878.38812 227.53824 curveto +878.99684 227.53825 879.59124 227.6027 880.17133 227.7316 curveto +880.75139 227.85335 881.31357 228.03955 881.85785 228.29019 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +899.58246 229.86929 moveto 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889.41109 237.8745 889.15393 237.37645 curveto +888.90002 236.87515 888.51753 236.6245 888.00647 236.6245 curveto +888.00647 235.84325 moveto +888.82352 235.84325 889.44689 236.16715 889.87659 236.81493 curveto +890.30952 237.45946 890.526 238.39696 890.526 239.62743 curveto +890.526 240.85464 890.30952 241.79214 889.87659 242.43993 curveto +889.44689 243.08446 888.82352 243.40672 888.00647 243.40672 curveto +887.18941 243.40672 886.56441 243.08446 886.13147 242.43993 curveto +885.70178 241.79214 885.48694 240.85464 885.48694 239.62743 curveto +885.48694 238.39696 885.70178 237.45946 886.13147 236.81493 curveto +886.56441 236.16715 887.18941 235.84325 888.00647 235.84325 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +768.51587 237.87952 moveto +769.41431 237.87952 lineto +769.41431 243.34827 lineto +768.51587 243.34827 lineto +768.51587 237.87952 lineto +768.51587 235.75061 moveto +769.41431 235.75061 lineto +769.41431 236.88831 lineto +768.51587 236.88831 lineto 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+newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +489.039 237.7674 moveto +489.039 312.32748 lineto +stroke +gsave [-4.8984254e-17 -0.8 0.8 -4.8984254e-17 489.039 302.32748] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +445.3895 237.42335 moveto +445.039 311.37969 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +445.25508 311.10792 moveto +370.695 311.10792 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.8 -9.7968508e-17 9.7968508e-17 0.8 380.695 311.10792] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -14 -6] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +474.79669 99.649963 moveto +470.44611 105.50446 lineto +475.02228 111.68121 lineto +472.69122 111.68121 lineto +469.18927 106.95465 lineto +465.68732 111.68121 lineto +463.35626 111.68121 lineto +468.02911 105.38629 lineto +463.75372 99.649963 lineto +466.08478 99.649963 lineto +469.27521 103.9361 lineto +472.46564 99.649963 lineto +474.79669 99.649963 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.58664 108.18667 moveto +479.07882 108.18668 478.69634 108.43733 478.43918 108.93862 curveto +478.18527 109.43667 478.05832 110.187 478.05832 111.1896 curveto +478.05832 112.18895 478.18527 112.93927 478.43918 113.44057 curveto +478.69634 113.93862 479.07882 114.18765 479.58664 114.18764 curveto +480.0977 114.18765 480.48019 113.93862 480.7341 113.44057 curveto +480.99126 112.93927 481.11984 112.18895 481.11984 111.1896 curveto +481.11984 110.187 480.99126 109.43667 480.7341 108.93862 curveto +480.48019 108.43733 480.0977 108.18668 479.58664 108.18667 curveto +479.58664 107.40542 moveto +480.40369 107.40543 481.02706 107.72932 481.45676 108.3771 curveto +481.88969 109.02164 482.10616 109.95913 482.10617 111.1896 curveto +482.10616 112.41681 481.88969 113.35431 481.45676 114.0021 curveto +481.02706 114.64663 480.40369 114.96889 479.58664 114.96889 curveto +478.76958 114.96889 478.14458 114.64663 477.71164 114.0021 curveto +477.28195 113.35431 477.06711 112.41681 477.06711 111.1896 curveto +477.06711 109.95913 477.28195 109.02164 477.71164 108.3771 curveto +478.14458 107.72932 478.76958 107.40543 479.58664 107.40542 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 28.845452 -5.9997123] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +471.80157 112.7984 moveto +471.24297 114.23069 470.6987 115.16526 470.16876 115.60211 curveto +469.63881 116.03896 468.92983 116.25738 468.04181 116.25739 curveto +466.46271 116.25739 lineto +466.46271 114.60309 lineto +467.62286 114.60309 lineto +468.16713 114.60309 468.58966 114.47418 468.89044 114.21637 curveto +469.19122 113.95855 469.52423 113.34983 469.88947 112.3902 curveto +470.24396 111.48785 lineto +465.37775 99.649963 lineto +467.47247 99.649963 lineto +471.23224 109.06012 lineto +474.992 99.649963 lineto +477.08673 99.649963 lineto +471.80157 112.7984 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +481.58664 108.18667 moveto +481.07882 108.18668 480.69634 108.43733 480.43918 108.93862 curveto +480.18527 109.43667 480.05832 110.187 480.05832 111.1896 curveto +480.05832 112.18895 480.18527 112.93927 480.43918 113.44057 curveto +480.69634 113.93862 481.07882 114.18765 481.58664 114.18764 curveto +482.0977 114.18765 482.48019 113.93862 482.7341 113.44057 curveto +482.99126 112.93927 483.11984 112.18895 483.11984 111.1896 curveto +483.11984 110.187 482.99126 109.43667 482.7341 108.93862 curveto +482.48019 108.43733 482.0977 108.18668 481.58664 108.18667 curveto +481.58664 107.40542 moveto +482.40369 107.40543 483.02706 107.72932 483.45676 108.3771 curveto +483.88969 109.02164 484.10616 109.95913 484.10617 111.1896 curveto +484.10616 112.41681 483.88969 113.35431 483.45676 114.0021 curveto +483.02706 114.64663 482.40369 114.96889 481.58664 114.96889 curveto +480.76958 114.96889 480.14458 114.64663 479.71164 114.0021 curveto +479.28195 113.35431 479.06711 112.41681 479.06711 111.1896 curveto +479.06711 109.95913 479.28195 109.02164 479.71164 108.3771 curveto +480.14458 107.72932 480.76958 107.40543 481.58664 107.40542 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 28.845452 -7.9997123] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 61.326273 92.372071] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +473.45392 100.11188 moveto +473.45392 101.95953 lineto +472.89531 101.6516 472.33314 101.42243 471.7674 101.27203 curveto +471.20879 101.11449 470.64304 101.03572 470.07013 101.03571 curveto +468.78822 101.03572 467.79278 101.44392 467.0838 102.26031 curveto +466.37481 103.06957 466.02032 104.20824 466.02032 105.67633 curveto +466.02032 107.14443 466.37481 108.28669 467.0838 109.10309 curveto +467.79278 109.91233 468.78822 110.31696 470.07013 110.31696 curveto +470.64304 110.31696 471.20879 110.24176 471.7674 110.09137 curveto +472.33314 109.93382 472.89531 109.70107 473.45392 109.39313 curveto +473.45392 111.2193 lineto +472.90248 111.47711 472.32956 111.67047 471.73517 111.79938 curveto +471.14792 111.92828 470.52129 111.99274 469.85529 111.99274 curveto +468.04343 111.99274 466.60398 111.4234 465.53693 110.28473 curveto +464.46987 109.14606 463.93634 107.60993 463.93634 105.67633 curveto +463.93634 103.7141 464.47345 102.17081 465.54767 101.04645 curveto +466.62904 99.922111 468.10788 99.359937 469.98419 99.359924 curveto +470.59291 99.359937 471.18731 99.42439 471.7674 99.553284 curveto +472.34746 99.67504 472.90964 99.861238 473.45392 100.11188 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.58664 108.18667 moveto +479.07882 108.18668 478.69634 108.43733 478.43918 108.93862 curveto +478.18527 109.43667 478.05832 110.187 478.05832 111.1896 curveto +478.05832 112.18895 478.18527 112.93927 478.43918 113.44057 curveto +478.69634 113.93862 479.07882 114.18765 479.58664 114.18764 curveto +480.0977 114.18765 480.48019 113.93862 480.7341 113.44057 curveto +480.99126 112.93927 481.11984 112.18895 481.11984 111.1896 curveto +481.11984 110.187 480.99126 109.43667 480.7341 108.93862 curveto +480.48019 108.43733 480.0977 108.18668 479.58664 108.18667 curveto +479.58664 107.40542 moveto +480.40369 107.40543 481.02706 107.72932 481.45676 108.3771 curveto +481.88969 109.02164 482.10616 109.95913 482.10617 111.1896 curveto +482.10616 112.41681 481.88969 113.35431 481.45676 114.0021 curveto +481.02706 114.64663 480.40369 114.96889 479.58664 114.96889 curveto +478.76958 114.96889 478.14458 114.64663 477.71164 114.0021 curveto +477.28195 113.35431 477.06711 112.41681 477.06711 111.1896 curveto +477.06711 109.95913 477.28195 109.02164 477.71164 108.3771 curveto +478.14458 107.72932 478.76958 107.40543 479.58664 107.40542 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 37.94657 200.05842] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +463.93634 99.649963 moveto +473.32501 99.649963 lineto +473.32501 101.45465 lineto +465.89142 110.10211 lineto +473.32501 110.10211 lineto +473.32501 111.68121 lineto +463.66779 111.68121 lineto +463.66779 109.87653 lineto +471.10138 101.22906 lineto +463.93634 101.22906 lineto +463.93634 99.649963 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.58664 108.18667 moveto +479.07882 108.18668 478.69634 108.43733 478.43918 108.93862 curveto +478.18527 109.43667 478.05832 110.187 478.05832 111.1896 curveto +478.05832 112.18895 478.18527 112.93927 478.43918 113.44057 curveto +478.69634 113.93862 479.07882 114.18765 479.58664 114.18764 curveto +480.0977 114.18765 480.48019 113.93862 480.7341 113.44057 curveto +480.99126 112.93927 481.11984 112.18895 481.11984 111.1896 curveto +481.11984 110.187 480.99126 109.43667 480.7341 108.93862 curveto +480.48019 108.43733 480.0977 108.18668 479.58664 108.18667 curveto +479.58664 107.40542 moveto +480.40369 107.40543 481.02706 107.72932 481.45676 108.3771 curveto +481.88969 109.02164 482.10616 109.95913 482.10617 111.1896 curveto +482.10616 112.41681 481.88969 113.35431 481.45676 114.0021 curveto +481.02706 114.64663 480.40369 114.96889 479.58664 114.96889 curveto +478.76958 114.96889 478.14458 114.64663 477.71164 114.0021 curveto +477.28195 113.35431 477.06711 112.41681 477.06711 111.1896 curveto +477.06711 109.95913 477.28195 109.02164 477.71164 108.3771 curveto +478.14458 107.72932 478.76958 107.40543 479.58664 107.40542 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -62.548718 193.45172] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +473.45392 100.11188 moveto +473.45392 101.95953 lineto +472.89531 101.6516 472.33314 101.42243 471.7674 101.27203 curveto +471.20879 101.11449 470.64304 101.03572 470.07013 101.03571 curveto +468.78822 101.03572 467.79278 101.44392 467.0838 102.26031 curveto +466.37481 103.06957 466.02032 104.20824 466.02032 105.67633 curveto +466.02032 107.14443 466.37481 108.28669 467.0838 109.10309 curveto +467.79278 109.91233 468.78822 110.31696 470.07013 110.31696 curveto +470.64304 110.31696 471.20879 110.24176 471.7674 110.09137 curveto +472.33314 109.93382 472.89531 109.70107 473.45392 109.39313 curveto +473.45392 111.2193 lineto +472.90248 111.47711 472.32956 111.67047 471.73517 111.79938 curveto +471.14792 111.92828 470.52129 111.99274 469.85529 111.99274 curveto +468.04343 111.99274 466.60398 111.4234 465.53693 110.28473 curveto +464.46987 109.14606 463.93634 107.60993 463.93634 105.67633 curveto +463.93634 103.7141 464.47345 102.17081 465.54767 101.04645 curveto +466.62904 99.922111 468.10788 99.359937 469.98419 99.359924 curveto +470.59291 99.359937 471.18731 99.42439 471.7674 99.553284 curveto +472.34746 99.67504 472.90964 99.861238 473.45392 100.11188 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +477.64816 113.99722 moveto +479.25949 113.99722 lineto +479.25949 108.43569 lineto +477.50656 108.78725 lineto +477.50656 107.88882 lineto +479.24973 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 113.99722 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 110.84545 -107.99971] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +160.17401 381.8533 moveto +283.03115 381.8533 lineto +283.03115 504.71044 lineto +160.17401 504.71044 lineto +160.17401 381.8533 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +243.49861 340.71782 moveto +243.49861 415.2779 lineto +stroke +gsave [-4.8984254e-17 -0.8 0.8 -4.8984254e-17 243.49861 405.2779] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.49871 340.71808 moveto +199.49871 415.27816 lineto +stroke +gsave [-4.8984254e-17 -0.8 0.8 -4.8984254e-17 199.49871 405.27816] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +243.49871 484.40138 moveto +243.49871 558.96146 lineto +stroke +gsave [-4.8984254e-17 -0.8 0.8 -4.8984254e-17 243.49871 548.96146] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.84921 484.05733 moveto +199.49871 558.01367 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +199.71479 557.7419 moveto +125.15471 557.7419 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.8 -9.7968508e-17 9.7968508e-17 0.8 135.15471 557.7419] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -259.54029 240.63398] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +474.79669 99.649963 moveto +470.44611 105.50446 lineto +475.02228 111.68121 lineto +472.69122 111.68121 lineto +469.18927 106.95465 lineto +465.68732 111.68121 lineto +463.35626 111.68121 lineto +468.02911 105.38629 lineto +463.75372 99.649963 lineto +466.08478 99.649963 lineto +469.27521 103.9361 lineto +472.46564 99.649963 lineto +474.79669 99.649963 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +477.64816 113.99722 moveto +479.25949 113.99722 lineto +479.25949 108.43569 lineto +477.50656 108.78725 lineto +477.50656 107.88882 lineto +479.24973 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 113.99722 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -216.69484 240.63427] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +471.80157 112.7984 moveto +471.24297 114.23069 470.6987 115.16526 470.16876 115.60211 curveto +469.63881 116.03896 468.92983 116.25738 468.04181 116.25739 curveto +466.46271 116.25739 lineto +466.46271 114.60309 lineto +467.62286 114.60309 lineto +468.16713 114.60309 468.58966 114.47418 468.89044 114.21637 curveto +469.19122 113.95855 469.52423 113.34983 469.88947 112.3902 curveto +470.24396 111.48785 lineto +465.37775 99.649963 lineto +467.47247 99.649963 lineto +471.23224 109.06012 lineto +474.992 99.649963 lineto +477.08673 99.649963 lineto +471.80157 112.7984 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.64816 113.99722 moveto +481.25949 113.99722 lineto +481.25949 108.43569 lineto +479.50656 108.78725 lineto +479.50656 107.88882 lineto +481.24973 107.53725 lineto +482.23605 107.53725 lineto +482.23605 113.99722 lineto +483.84738 113.99722 lineto +483.84738 114.82729 lineto +479.64816 114.82729 lineto +479.64816 113.99722 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -207.59372 446.6924] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +463.93634 99.649963 moveto +473.32501 99.649963 lineto +473.32501 101.45465 lineto +465.89142 110.10211 lineto +473.32501 110.10211 lineto +473.32501 111.68121 lineto +463.66779 111.68121 lineto +463.66779 109.87653 lineto +471.10138 101.22906 lineto +463.93634 101.22906 lineto +463.93634 99.649963 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +477.64816 113.99722 moveto +479.25949 113.99722 lineto +479.25949 108.43569 lineto +477.50656 108.78725 lineto +477.50656 107.88882 lineto +479.24973 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 107.53725 lineto +480.23605 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 113.99722 lineto +481.84738 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 114.82729 lineto +477.64816 113.99722 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -308.08901 440.0857] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +473.45392 100.11188 moveto +473.45392 101.95953 lineto +472.89531 101.6516 472.33314 101.42243 471.7674 101.27203 curveto +471.20879 101.11449 470.64304 101.03572 470.07013 101.03571 curveto +468.78822 101.03572 467.79278 101.44392 467.0838 102.26031 curveto +466.37481 103.06957 466.02032 104.20824 466.02032 105.67633 curveto +466.02032 107.14443 466.37481 108.28669 467.0838 109.10309 curveto +467.79278 109.91233 468.78822 110.31696 470.07013 110.31696 curveto +470.64304 110.31696 471.20879 110.24176 471.7674 110.09137 curveto +472.33314 109.93382 472.89531 109.70107 473.45392 109.39313 curveto +473.45392 111.2193 lineto +472.90248 111.47711 472.32956 111.67047 471.73517 111.79938 curveto +471.14792 111.92828 470.52129 111.99274 469.85529 111.99274 curveto +468.04343 111.99274 466.60398 111.4234 465.53693 110.28473 curveto +464.46987 109.14606 463.93634 107.60993 463.93634 105.67633 curveto +463.93634 103.7141 464.47345 102.17081 465.54767 101.04645 curveto +466.62904 99.922111 468.10788 99.359937 469.98419 99.359924 curveto +470.59291 99.359937 471.18731 99.42439 471.7674 99.553284 curveto +472.34746 99.67504 472.90964 99.861238 473.45392 100.11188 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +478.32687 113.99722 moveto +481.76926 113.99722 lineto +481.76926 114.82729 lineto +477.14035 114.82729 lineto +477.14035 113.99722 lineto +477.5147 113.60985 478.02414 113.09064 478.66867 112.4396 curveto +479.31645 111.7853 479.72335 111.36376 479.88937 111.17495 curveto +480.20513 110.82014 480.42485 110.52066 480.54855 110.27651 curveto +480.6755 110.02912 480.73898 109.78661 480.73898 109.54897 curveto +480.73898 109.16161 480.60226 108.84585 480.32883 108.60171 curveto +480.05864 108.35757 479.70545 108.2355 479.26926 108.2355 curveto +478.96001 108.2355 478.63286 108.28921 478.28781 108.39663 curveto +477.94601 108.50406 477.5798 108.66682 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+167.72177 168.6749 167.24977 167.70485 167.13258 166.51344 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +167.133 217.24715 moveto +168.89081 217.01277 lineto +169.09263 218.00887 169.43442 218.72827 169.9162 219.17097 curveto +170.40448 219.60717 170.99692 219.82527 171.69354 219.82527 curveto +172.52036 219.82527 173.21697 219.53881 173.78339 218.9659 curveto +174.35629 218.39298 174.64275 217.68335 174.64276 216.83699 curveto +174.64275 216.0297 174.37908 215.36564 173.85175 214.8448 curveto +173.32439 214.31747 172.65382 214.05379 171.84003 214.05379 curveto +171.50799 214.05379 171.09458 214.1189 170.59979 214.2491 curveto +170.7951 212.70613 lineto +170.91229 212.71916 171.00669 212.72567 171.07831 212.72566 curveto +171.827 212.72567 172.50083 212.53036 173.09979 212.13972 curveto +173.69874 211.74911 173.99822 211.1469 173.99823 210.33308 curveto +173.99822 209.68856 173.78012 209.15471 173.34393 208.73152 curveto +172.90773 208.30836 172.34458 208.09677 171.65448 208.09676 curveto +170.97088 208.09677 170.40122 208.31161 169.9455 208.74129 curveto +169.48976 209.17099 169.19679 209.81552 169.06659 210.67488 curveto +167.30878 210.36238 lineto +167.52362 209.18401 168.0119 208.27255 168.77362 207.62801 curveto +169.53534 206.97698 170.4826 206.65146 171.61542 206.65144 curveto +172.39666 206.65146 173.11606 206.82073 173.77362 207.15926 curveto +174.43116 207.4913 174.93247 207.94703 175.27753 208.52644 curveto +175.62908 209.10588 175.80486 209.72112 175.80487 210.37215 curveto +175.80486 210.99065 175.63885 211.5538 175.30682 212.0616 curveto +174.97478 212.56942 174.48325 212.97307 173.83221 213.27254 curveto +174.67856 213.46786 175.33611 213.87476 175.80487 214.49324 curveto +176.27361 215.10523 176.50799 215.87345 176.508 216.79793 curveto +176.50799 218.04793 176.05226 219.10913 175.14081 219.98152 curveto +174.22934 220.84741 173.077 221.28035 171.68378 221.28035 curveto +170.42726 221.28035 169.38234 220.906 168.54901 220.1573 curveto +167.72219 219.40861 167.25018 218.43856 167.133 217.24715 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +167.133 266.21994 moveto +168.89081 265.98557 lineto +169.09263 266.98166 169.43442 267.70106 169.9162 268.14377 curveto +170.40448 268.57997 170.99692 268.79807 171.69354 268.79807 curveto +172.52036 268.79807 173.21697 268.51161 173.78339 267.93869 curveto +174.35629 267.36578 174.64275 266.65614 174.64276 265.80978 curveto +174.64275 265.0025 174.37908 264.33844 173.85175 263.8176 curveto +173.32439 263.29026 172.65382 263.02659 171.84003 263.02658 curveto +171.50799 263.02659 171.09458 263.09169 170.59979 263.22189 curveto +170.7951 261.67892 lineto +170.91229 261.69195 171.00669 261.69846 171.07831 261.69846 curveto +171.827 261.69846 172.50083 261.50315 173.09979 261.11252 curveto +173.69874 260.7219 173.99822 260.11969 173.99823 259.30588 curveto +173.99822 258.66136 173.78012 258.1275 173.34393 257.70432 curveto +172.90773 257.28115 172.34458 257.06956 171.65448 257.06955 curveto +170.97088 257.06956 170.40122 257.28441 169.9455 257.71408 curveto +169.48976 258.14378 169.19679 258.78831 169.06659 259.64767 curveto +167.30878 259.33517 lineto +167.52362 258.1568 168.0119 257.24534 168.77362 256.6008 curveto +169.53534 255.94977 170.4826 255.62425 171.61542 255.62424 curveto +172.39666 255.62425 173.11606 255.79352 173.77362 256.13205 curveto +174.43116 256.46409 174.93247 256.91982 175.27753 257.49924 curveto +175.62908 258.07868 175.80486 258.69391 175.80487 259.34494 curveto +175.80486 259.96344 175.63885 260.52659 175.30682 261.03439 curveto +174.97478 261.54221 174.48325 261.94586 173.83221 262.24533 curveto +174.67856 262.44065 175.33611 262.84755 175.80487 263.46603 curveto +176.27361 264.07802 176.50799 264.84625 176.508 265.77072 curveto +176.50799 267.02072 176.05226 268.08192 175.14081 268.95432 curveto +174.22934 269.8202 173.077 270.25314 171.68378 270.25314 curveto +170.42726 270.25314 169.38234 269.87879 168.54901 269.1301 curveto +167.72219 268.3814 167.25018 267.41135 167.133 266.21994 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +194.54907 163.7908 moveto +202.1272 153.00955 lineto +195.11548 143.04861 lineto +199.51001 143.04861 lineto +202.6936 147.9119 lineto +203.29255 148.83639 203.77432 149.61113 204.13892 150.23611 curveto +204.71182 149.37675 205.23917 148.61504 205.72095 147.95096 curveto +209.21704 143.04861 lineto +213.41626 143.04861 lineto +206.24829 152.81424 lineto +213.96313 163.7908 lineto +209.64673 163.7908 lineto +205.38892 157.34549 lineto +204.2561 155.60721 lineto +198.80688 163.7908 lineto +194.54907 163.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +196.73657 221.77908 moveto +196.34595 218.4783 lineto +197.11417 218.68663 197.78475 218.7908 198.35767 218.7908 curveto +199.13891 218.7908 199.76391 218.66059 200.23267 218.40018 curveto +200.70141 218.13976 201.08552 217.77517 201.38501 217.30643 curveto +201.60636 216.95486 201.96443 216.08247 202.45923 214.68924 curveto +202.52432 214.49393 202.62849 214.20747 202.77173 213.82986 curveto +194.90063 193.04861 lineto +198.6897 193.04861 lineto +203.0061 205.06033 lineto +203.56599 206.58378 204.06729 208.18534 204.51001 209.86502 curveto +204.91364 208.25044 205.39542 206.67492 205.95532 205.13846 curveto +210.38892 193.04861 lineto +213.90454 193.04861 lineto +206.01392 214.14236 lineto +205.16755 216.42101 204.51 217.99002 204.04126 218.8494 curveto +203.41625 220.00824 202.70011 220.8546 201.89282 221.38846 curveto +201.08552 221.93533 200.12198 222.20876 199.0022 222.20877 curveto +198.32511 222.20876 197.5699 222.06553 196.73657 221.77908 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +195.03735 263.7908 moveto +195.03735 260.93924 lineto +208.24048 245.78299 lineto +206.74307 245.86113 205.42146 245.90019 204.27563 245.90018 curveto +195.8186 245.90018 lineto +195.8186 243.04861 lineto +212.77173 243.04861 lineto +212.77173 245.37283 lineto +201.54126 258.5369 lineto +199.37329 260.93924 lineto +200.94881 260.82205 202.42667 260.76346 203.80688 260.76346 curveto +213.39673 260.76346 lineto +213.39673 263.7908 lineto +195.03735 263.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.90291 168.60333 moveto +224.90291 170.29279 lineto +215.44002 170.29279 lineto +215.427 169.86961 215.49536 169.46271 215.6451 169.07208 curveto +215.88598 168.42755 216.27009 167.79279 216.79744 167.16779 curveto +217.33129 166.54279 218.09952 165.82013 219.10213 164.99982 curveto +220.65811 163.72378 221.70954 162.71467 222.25642 161.97247 curveto +222.80329 161.22378 223.07673 160.5174 223.07674 159.85333 curveto +223.07673 159.15673 222.82608 158.57079 222.32478 158.09552 curveto +221.82998 157.61376 221.1822 157.37288 220.38142 157.37286 curveto +219.53507 157.37288 218.85798 157.62678 218.35017 158.13458 curveto +217.84236 158.64241 217.5852 159.34553 217.57869 160.24396 curveto +215.77205 160.05841 lineto +215.89575 158.71077 216.36124 157.68538 217.16853 156.98224 curveto +217.97582 156.27262 219.05981 155.9178 220.42049 155.91779 curveto +221.79418 155.9178 222.88142 156.29866 223.68221 157.06036 curveto +224.48298 157.82209 224.88337 158.7661 224.88338 159.8924 curveto +224.88337 160.46532 224.76618 161.02847 224.53181 161.58185 curveto +224.29743 162.13524 223.90681 162.71792 223.35994 163.3299 curveto +222.81957 163.94188 221.91788 164.78172 220.65486 165.84943 curveto +219.60017 166.73485 218.92309 167.33706 218.62361 167.65607 curveto +218.32413 167.96857 218.07673 168.28432 217.88142 168.60333 curveto +224.90291 168.60333 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.90332 219.33704 moveto +224.90332 221.02649 lineto +215.44043 221.02649 lineto +215.42741 220.60331 215.49577 220.19641 215.64551 219.80579 curveto +215.88639 219.16126 216.27051 218.52649 216.79785 217.90149 curveto +217.3317 217.27649 218.09993 216.55384 219.10254 215.73352 curveto +220.65852 214.45749 221.70995 213.44837 222.25684 212.70618 curveto +222.8037 211.95749 223.07714 211.25111 223.07715 210.58704 curveto +223.07714 209.89043 222.82649 209.3045 222.3252 208.82922 curveto +221.8304 208.34747 221.18261 208.10658 220.38184 208.10657 curveto +219.53548 208.10658 218.85839 208.36049 218.35059 208.86829 curveto +217.84277 209.37611 217.58561 210.07923 217.5791 210.97766 curveto +215.77246 210.79211 lineto +215.89616 209.44447 216.36165 208.41908 217.16895 207.71594 curveto +217.97623 207.00632 219.06022 206.6515 220.4209 206.65149 curveto +221.79459 206.6515 222.88183 207.03236 223.68262 207.79407 curveto +224.48339 208.5558 224.88378 209.49981 224.88379 210.6261 curveto +224.88378 211.19903 224.76659 211.76218 224.53223 212.31555 curveto +224.29784 212.86895 223.90722 213.45163 223.36035 214.0636 curveto +222.81998 214.67558 221.91829 215.51543 220.65527 216.58313 curveto +219.60058 217.46855 218.9235 218.07076 218.62402 218.38977 curveto +218.32454 218.70227 218.07715 219.01803 217.88184 219.33704 curveto +224.90332 219.33704 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +224.90332 268.30981 moveto +224.90332 269.99927 lineto +215.44043 269.99927 lineto +215.42741 269.57609 215.49577 269.16919 215.64551 268.77856 curveto +215.88639 268.13404 216.27051 267.49927 216.79785 266.87427 curveto +217.3317 266.24927 218.09993 265.52662 219.10254 264.7063 curveto +220.65852 263.43026 221.70995 262.42115 222.25684 261.67896 curveto +222.8037 260.93027 223.07714 260.22389 223.07715 259.55981 curveto +223.07714 258.86321 222.82649 258.27727 222.3252 257.802 curveto +221.8304 257.32024 221.18261 257.07936 220.38184 257.07935 curveto +219.53548 257.07936 218.85839 257.33326 218.35059 257.84106 curveto +217.84277 258.34889 217.58561 259.05201 217.5791 259.95044 curveto +215.77246 259.76489 lineto +215.89616 258.41725 216.36165 257.39186 217.16895 256.68872 curveto +217.97623 255.9791 219.06022 255.62428 220.4209 255.62427 curveto +221.79459 255.62428 222.88183 256.00514 223.68262 256.76685 curveto +224.48339 257.52858 224.88378 258.47259 224.88379 259.59888 curveto +224.88378 260.1718 224.76659 260.73495 224.53223 261.28833 curveto +224.29784 261.84172 223.90722 262.42441 223.36035 263.03638 curveto +222.81998 263.64836 221.91829 264.48821 220.65527 265.55591 curveto +219.60058 266.44133 218.9235 267.04354 218.62402 267.36255 curveto +218.32454 267.67505 218.07715 267.99081 217.88184 268.30981 curveto +224.90332 268.30981 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +245.0777 163.7908 moveto +252.65582 153.00955 lineto +245.6441 143.04861 lineto +250.03864 143.04861 lineto +253.22223 147.9119 lineto +253.82118 148.83639 254.30295 149.61113 254.66754 150.23611 curveto +255.24045 149.37675 255.76779 148.61504 256.24957 147.95096 curveto +259.74567 143.04861 lineto +263.94489 143.04861 lineto +256.77692 152.81424 lineto +264.49176 163.7908 lineto +260.17535 163.7908 lineto +255.91754 157.34549 lineto +254.78473 155.60721 lineto +249.33551 163.7908 lineto +245.0777 163.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +247.2652 221.77908 moveto +246.87457 218.4783 lineto +247.6428 218.68663 248.31337 218.7908 248.88629 218.7908 curveto +249.66754 218.7908 250.29254 218.66059 250.76129 218.40018 curveto +251.23004 218.13976 251.61415 217.77517 251.91364 217.30643 curveto +252.13498 216.95486 252.49305 216.08247 252.98785 214.68924 curveto +253.05295 214.49393 253.15712 214.20747 253.30035 213.82986 curveto +245.42926 193.04861 lineto +249.21832 193.04861 lineto +253.53473 205.06033 lineto +254.09462 206.58378 254.59592 208.18534 255.03864 209.86502 curveto +255.44227 208.25044 255.92404 206.67492 256.48395 205.13846 curveto +260.91754 193.04861 lineto +264.43317 193.04861 lineto +256.54254 214.14236 lineto +255.69618 216.42101 255.03862 217.99002 254.56989 218.8494 curveto +253.94488 220.00824 253.22873 220.8546 252.42145 221.38846 curveto +251.61415 221.93533 250.65061 222.20876 249.53082 222.20877 curveto +248.85374 222.20876 248.09853 222.06553 247.2652 221.77908 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +245.56598 263.7908 moveto +245.56598 260.93924 lineto +258.7691 245.78299 lineto +257.2717 245.86113 255.95008 245.90019 254.80426 245.90018 curveto +246.34723 245.90018 lineto +246.34723 243.04861 lineto +263.30035 243.04861 lineto +263.30035 245.37283 lineto +252.06989 258.5369 lineto +249.90192 260.93924 lineto +251.47743 260.82205 252.95529 260.76346 254.33551 260.76346 curveto +263.92535 260.76346 lineto +263.92535 263.7908 lineto +245.56598 263.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.81433 170.29279 moveto +271.05652 170.29279 lineto +271.05652 159.09161 lineto +270.63334 159.49527 270.0767 159.89892 269.3866 160.30255 curveto +268.703 160.70621 268.08777 161.00894 267.54089 161.21075 curveto +267.54089 159.51154 lineto +268.52396 159.04931 269.38334 158.48941 270.11902 157.83185 curveto +270.85469 157.17431 271.37552 156.53629 271.68152 155.91779 curveto +272.81433 155.91779 lineto +272.81433 170.29279 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.81476 221.02649 moveto +271.05695 221.02649 lineto +271.05695 209.82532 lineto +270.63376 210.22897 270.07712 210.63262 269.38702 211.03625 curveto +268.70343 211.43991 268.08819 211.74264 267.54132 211.94446 curveto +267.54132 210.24524 lineto +268.52439 209.78301 269.38376 209.22312 270.11945 208.56555 curveto +270.85512 207.90801 271.37595 207.26999 271.68195 206.65149 curveto +272.81476 206.65149 lineto +272.81476 221.02649 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.81476 269.99927 moveto +271.05695 269.99927 lineto +271.05695 258.7981 lineto +270.63376 259.20175 270.07712 259.6054 269.38702 260.00903 curveto +268.70343 260.41269 268.08819 260.71542 267.54132 260.91724 curveto +267.54132 259.21802 lineto +268.52439 258.75579 269.38376 258.19589 270.11945 257.53833 curveto +270.85512 256.88079 271.37595 256.24277 271.68195 255.62427 curveto +272.81476 255.62427 lineto +272.81476 269.99927 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +294.8284 163.7908 moveto +302.40652 153.00955 lineto +295.39481 143.04861 lineto +299.78934 143.04861 lineto +302.97293 147.9119 lineto +303.57188 148.83639 304.05365 149.61113 304.41824 150.23611 curveto +304.99115 149.37675 305.51849 148.61504 306.00027 147.95096 curveto +309.49637 143.04861 lineto +313.69559 143.04861 lineto +306.52762 152.81424 lineto +314.24246 163.7908 lineto +309.92606 163.7908 lineto +305.66824 157.34549 lineto +304.53543 155.60721 lineto +299.08621 163.7908 lineto +294.8284 163.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +297.0159 221.77908 moveto +296.62527 218.4783 lineto +297.3935 218.68663 298.06407 218.7908 298.63699 218.7908 curveto +299.41824 218.7908 300.04324 218.66059 300.51199 218.40018 curveto +300.98074 218.13976 301.36485 217.77517 301.66434 217.30643 curveto +301.88568 216.95486 302.24376 216.08247 302.73856 214.68924 curveto +302.80365 214.49393 302.90782 214.20747 303.05106 213.82986 curveto +295.17996 193.04861 lineto +298.96902 193.04861 lineto +303.28543 205.06033 lineto +303.84532 206.58378 304.34662 208.18534 304.78934 209.86502 curveto +305.19297 208.25044 305.67474 206.67492 306.23465 205.13846 curveto +310.66824 193.04861 lineto +314.18387 193.04861 lineto +306.29324 214.14236 lineto +305.44688 216.42101 304.78933 217.99002 304.32059 218.8494 curveto +303.69558 220.00824 302.97943 220.8546 302.17215 221.38846 curveto +301.36485 221.93533 300.40131 222.20876 299.28152 222.20877 curveto +298.60444 222.20876 297.84923 222.06553 297.0159 221.77908 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +295.31668 263.7908 moveto +295.31668 260.93924 lineto +308.51981 245.78299 lineto +307.0224 245.86113 305.70078 245.90019 304.55496 245.90018 curveto +296.09793 245.90018 lineto +296.09793 243.04861 lineto +313.05106 243.04861 lineto +313.05106 245.37283 lineto +301.82059 258.5369 lineto +299.65262 260.93924 lineto +301.22813 260.82205 302.706 260.76346 304.08621 260.76346 curveto +313.67606 260.76346 lineto +313.67606 263.7908 lineto +295.31668 263.7908 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +315.94397 163.23224 moveto +315.94397 161.53954 316.11649 160.17886 316.46155 159.15021 curveto +316.81311 158.11506 317.33069 157.31754 318.01428 156.75763 curveto +318.70438 156.19775 319.57027 155.9178 320.61194 155.91779 curveto +321.38016 155.9178 322.05399 156.07405 322.63342 156.38654 curveto +323.21284 156.69254 323.69136 157.1385 324.06897 157.72443 curveto +324.44656 158.30387 324.74279 159.0135 324.95764 159.85333 curveto +325.17248 160.68668 325.2799 161.81298 325.27991 163.23224 curveto +325.2799 164.91193 325.10737 166.26935 324.76233 167.3045 curveto +324.41727 168.33315 323.89969 169.13068 323.20959 169.69708 curveto +322.52599 170.25698 321.66011 170.53693 320.61194 170.53693 curveto +319.23173 170.53693 318.14774 170.04213 317.35999 169.05255 curveto +316.41597 167.86115 315.94397 165.92105 315.94397 163.23224 curveto +317.75061 163.23224 moveto +317.75061 165.5825 318.02404 167.14826 318.57092 167.9295 curveto +319.1243 168.70425 319.80464 169.09161 320.61194 169.09161 curveto +321.41922 169.09161 322.09631 168.70099 322.64319 167.91974 curveto +323.19657 167.13849 323.47326 165.57599 323.47327 163.23224 curveto +323.47326 160.87548 323.19657 159.30972 322.64319 158.53497 curveto +322.09631 157.76025 321.41271 157.37288 320.59241 157.37286 curveto +319.78511 157.37288 319.14058 157.71467 318.65881 158.39825 curveto +318.05334 159.27066 317.75061 160.88199 317.75061 163.23224 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +315.94437 213.96594 moveto +315.94437 212.27324 316.11689 210.91257 316.46194 209.88391 curveto +316.81351 208.84877 317.33108 208.05124 318.01468 207.49133 curveto +318.70478 206.93145 319.57066 206.6515 320.61234 206.65149 curveto +321.38056 206.6515 322.05439 206.80775 322.63382 207.12024 curveto +323.21324 207.42624 323.69175 207.87221 324.06937 208.45813 curveto +324.44696 209.03757 324.74318 209.7472 324.95804 210.58704 curveto +325.17287 211.42038 325.28029 212.54668 325.2803 213.96594 curveto +325.28029 215.64564 325.10777 217.00306 324.76273 218.03821 curveto +324.41766 219.06686 323.90009 219.86438 323.20999 220.43079 curveto +322.52639 220.99068 321.66051 221.27063 320.61234 221.27063 curveto +319.23212 221.27063 318.14814 220.77584 317.36038 219.78625 curveto +316.41637 218.59485 315.94437 216.65475 315.94437 213.96594 curveto +317.75101 213.96594 moveto +317.751 216.31621 318.02444 217.88196 318.57132 218.66321 curveto +319.1247 219.43795 319.80504 219.82532 320.61234 219.82532 curveto +321.41962 219.82532 322.0967 219.43469 322.64359 218.65344 curveto +323.19696 217.8722 323.47365 216.3097 323.47366 213.96594 curveto +323.47365 211.60918 323.19696 210.04343 322.64359 209.26868 curveto +322.0967 208.49395 321.41311 208.10658 320.5928 208.10657 curveto +319.78551 208.10658 319.14098 208.44838 318.65921 209.13196 curveto +318.05374 210.00436 317.751 211.61569 317.75101 213.96594 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +315.94437 262.93872 moveto +315.94437 261.24602 316.11689 259.88535 316.46194 258.85669 curveto +316.81351 257.82155 317.33108 257.02402 318.01468 256.46411 curveto +318.70478 255.90423 319.57066 255.62428 320.61234 255.62427 curveto +321.38056 255.62428 322.05439 255.78053 322.63382 256.09302 curveto +323.21324 256.39902 323.69175 256.84498 324.06937 257.43091 curveto +324.44696 258.01035 324.74318 258.71998 324.95804 259.55981 curveto +325.17287 260.39316 325.28029 261.51946 325.2803 262.93872 curveto +325.28029 264.61841 325.10777 265.97583 324.76273 267.01099 curveto +324.41766 268.03963 323.90009 268.83716 323.20999 269.40356 curveto +322.52639 269.96346 321.66051 270.24341 320.61234 270.24341 curveto +319.23212 270.24341 318.14814 269.74862 317.36038 268.75903 curveto +316.41637 267.56763 315.94437 265.62753 315.94437 262.93872 curveto +317.75101 262.93872 moveto +317.751 265.28899 318.02444 266.85474 318.57132 267.63599 curveto +319.1247 268.41073 319.80504 268.7981 320.61234 268.7981 curveto +321.41962 268.7981 322.0967 268.40747 322.64359 267.62622 curveto +323.19696 266.84497 323.47365 265.28248 323.47366 262.93872 curveto +323.47365 260.58196 323.19696 259.01621 322.64359 258.24146 curveto +322.0967 257.46673 321.41311 257.07936 320.5928 257.07935 curveto +319.78551 257.07936 319.14098 257.42116 318.65921 258.10474 curveto +318.05374 258.97714 317.751 260.58847 317.75101 262.93872 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +185.742 145.90494 moveto +185.742 264.61208 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +234.9768 145.90504 moveto +234.9768 264.61218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +285.76414 145.90504 moveto +285.76414 264.61218 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +305.39398 276.71478 moveto +305.39398 302.9797 lineto +stroke +gsave [-6.7353349e-17 -1.1 1.1 -6.7353349e-17 305.39398 301.8797] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +300.5015 277.03228 moveto +255.69664 321.32213 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.78230055 -0.77330838 0.77330838 0.78230055 256.47894 320.54882] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -49.98656 -8.1652983e-05] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +305.39398 276.71478 moveto +305.39398 302.9797 lineto +stroke +gsave [-6.7353349e-17 -1.1 1.1 -6.7353349e-17 305.39398 301.8797] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +300.5015 277.03228 moveto +255.69664 321.32213 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.78230055 -0.77330838 0.77330838 0.78230055 256.47894 320.54882] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 -100.09089 -8.1652983e-05] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +305.39398 276.71478 moveto +305.39398 302.9797 lineto +stroke +gsave [-6.7353349e-17 -1.1 1.1 -6.7353349e-17 305.39398 301.8797] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +300.5015 277.03228 moveto +255.69664 321.32213 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.78230055 -0.77330838 0.77330838 0.78230055 256.47894 320.54882] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +300.63901 314.4725 moveto +300.63901 312.7798 300.81153 311.41913 301.15659 310.39047 curveto +301.50815 309.35533 302.02572 308.5578 302.70932 307.99789 curveto +303.39942 307.43801 304.26531 307.15806 305.30698 307.15805 curveto +306.0752 307.15806 306.74903 307.31431 307.32846 307.6268 curveto +307.90788 307.9328 308.38639 308.37877 308.76401 308.96469 curveto +309.1416 309.54413 309.43783 310.25376 309.65268 311.0936 curveto +309.86751 311.92694 309.97493 313.05324 309.97495 314.4725 curveto +309.97493 316.1522 309.80241 317.50962 309.45737 318.54477 curveto +309.11231 319.57342 308.59473 320.37094 307.90463 320.93735 curveto +307.22103 321.49724 306.35515 321.77719 305.30698 321.77719 curveto +303.92676 321.77719 302.84278 321.2824 302.05502 320.29282 curveto +301.11101 319.10141 300.63901 317.16131 300.63901 314.4725 curveto +302.44565 314.4725 moveto +302.44565 316.82277 302.71908 318.38852 303.26596 319.16977 curveto +303.81934 319.94451 304.49968 320.33188 305.30698 320.33188 curveto +306.11426 320.33188 306.79134 319.94126 307.33823 319.16 curveto +307.8916 318.37876 308.1683 316.81626 308.1683 314.4725 curveto +308.1683 312.11574 307.8916 310.54999 307.33823 309.77524 curveto +306.79134 309.00051 306.10775 308.61314 305.28745 308.61313 curveto +304.48015 308.61314 303.83562 308.95494 303.35385 309.63852 curveto +302.74838 310.51093 302.44565 312.12225 302.44565 314.4725 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +340.52322 300.78162 moveto +340.52322 277.82849 lineto +343.08572 277.82849 lineto +343.08572 279.98474 lineto +343.68989 279.14101 344.37218 278.5108 345.1326 278.09412 curveto +345.89301 277.66705 346.81488 277.45351 347.89822 277.45349 curveto +349.31488 277.45351 350.56488 277.81809 351.64822 278.54724 curveto +352.73154 279.27642 353.54925 280.30767 354.10135 281.64099 curveto +354.65342 282.96392 354.92946 284.41704 354.92947 286.00037 curveto +354.92946 287.69829 354.62217 289.22954 354.0076 290.59412 curveto +353.40342 291.94829 352.518 292.98995 351.35135 293.71912 curveto +350.19509 294.43787 348.97634 294.79724 347.6951 294.79724 curveto +346.75759 294.79724 345.91384 294.59932 345.16385 294.20349 curveto +344.42426 293.80766 343.81489 293.30766 343.33572 292.70349 curveto +343.33572 300.78162 lineto +340.52322 300.78162 lineto +343.0701 286.21912 moveto +343.07009 288.35454 343.50239 289.93266 344.36697 290.95349 curveto +345.23155 291.97433 346.27842 292.48474 347.5076 292.48474 curveto +348.75759 292.48474 349.8253 291.9587 350.71072 290.90662 curveto +351.60654 289.84412 352.05446 288.2035 352.05447 285.98474 curveto +352.05446 283.87017 351.61696 282.28684 350.74197 281.23474 curveto +349.87738 280.18267 348.84092 279.65663 347.6326 279.65662 curveto +346.43467 279.65663 345.37218 280.21913 344.4451 281.34412 curveto +343.52843 282.45871 343.07009 284.08371 343.0701 286.21912 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +352.02884 330.80621 moveto +352.02884 322.68121 lineto +351.59133 323.2958 350.97674 323.80621 350.18509 324.21246 curveto +349.40383 324.61871 348.5705 324.82184 347.68509 324.82184 curveto +345.71633 324.82184 344.01842 324.03538 342.59134 322.46246 curveto +341.17467 320.88955 340.46634 318.7333 340.46634 315.99371 curveto +340.46634 314.32706 340.7528 312.83227 341.32571 311.50934 curveto +341.90904 310.18644 342.74759 309.18644 343.84134 308.50934 curveto +344.9455 307.82186 346.15383 307.47811 347.46634 307.47809 curveto +349.51841 307.47811 351.13299 308.34269 352.31009 310.07184 curveto +352.31009 307.85309 lineto +354.84134 307.85309 lineto +354.84134 330.80621 lineto +352.02884 330.80621 lineto +343.35696 316.10309 moveto +343.35696 318.23851 343.80488 319.84268 344.70071 320.91559 curveto +345.59654 321.97809 346.66946 322.50934 347.91946 322.50934 curveto +349.11737 322.50934 350.14862 322.00413 351.01321 320.99371 curveto +351.87778 319.97288 352.31008 318.42601 352.31009 316.35309 curveto 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256.47894 320.54882] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/obvod_real.svg b/old/5-addsort/obvod_real.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee2ebeb --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/obvod_real.svg @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + xyz + 3 + 3 + 3 + + xyz + 2 + 2 + 2 + xyz + 1 + 1 + 1 + xyz + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + p + q + + + + + + diff --git a/old/5-addsort/skolni_scitani.eps b/old/5-addsort/skolni_scitani.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8b6cb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/skolni_scitani.eps @@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 40 395 537 781 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 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setlinecap +newpath +74.286003 354.37677 moveto +414.286 354.37677 lineto +414.286 402.9482 lineto +74.286003 402.9482 lineto +74.286003 354.37677 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave [1 0 0 1 23.933409 9.8549332] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +320.41016 96.04578 moveto +331.01953 80.95203 lineto +321.20312 67.006718 lineto +327.35547 67.006718 lineto +331.8125 73.815312 lineto +332.65103 75.109603 333.32551 76.194238 333.83594 77.069218 curveto +334.63801 75.866113 335.37629 74.799708 336.05078 73.869999 curveto +340.94531 67.006718 lineto +346.82422 67.006718 lineto +336.78906 80.678593 lineto +347.58984 96.04578 lineto +341.54688 96.04578 lineto +335.58594 87.022343 lineto +334 84.588749 lineto +326.37109 96.04578 lineto +320.41016 96.04578 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +201.68628 161.15204 moveto +201.68628 157.76664 202.03133 155.04529 202.72144 152.98798 curveto +203.42456 150.91769 204.45971 149.32264 205.8269 148.20282 curveto 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156.70544 245.94409 157.10907 curveto +245.94409 153.71063 lineto +247.91023 152.78618 249.62898 151.66639 251.10034 150.35126 curveto +252.57168 149.03618 253.61335 147.76014 254.22534 146.52313 curveto +256.49097 146.52313 lineto +256.49097 175.27313 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +265.5144 161.15204 moveto +265.5144 157.76664 265.85945 155.04529 266.54956 152.98798 curveto +267.25268 150.91769 268.28784 149.32264 269.65503 148.20282 curveto +271.03523 147.08306 272.767 146.52316 274.85034 146.52313 curveto +276.38679 146.52316 277.73444 146.83566 278.89331 147.46063 curveto +280.05215 148.07264 281.00918 148.96456 281.7644 150.13641 curveto +282.51959 151.29529 283.11204 152.71456 283.54175 154.39423 curveto +283.97142 156.06091 284.18626 158.31351 284.18628 161.15204 curveto +284.18626 164.51142 283.84121 167.22627 283.15112 169.29657 curveto +282.461 171.35387 281.42585 172.94892 280.04565 174.08173 curveto +278.67845 175.20152 276.94668 175.76141 274.85034 175.76141 curveto +272.08992 175.76141 269.92195 174.77183 268.34644 172.79266 curveto +266.45841 170.40986 265.5144 166.52965 265.5144 161.15204 curveto +269.12769 161.15204 moveto +269.12768 165.85257 269.67455 168.98408 270.76831 170.54657 curveto +271.87507 172.09605 273.23575 172.87079 274.85034 172.87079 curveto +276.46491 172.87079 277.81908 172.08954 278.91284 170.52704 curveto +280.0196 168.96454 280.57298 165.83955 280.573 161.15204 curveto +280.57298 156.43852 280.0196 153.30701 278.91284 151.75751 curveto +277.81908 150.20805 276.45189 149.43331 274.81128 149.43329 curveto +273.19669 149.43331 271.90763 150.11691 270.94409 151.48407 curveto +269.73315 153.22888 269.12768 156.45154 269.12769 161.15204 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +301.02222 175.27313 moveto +297.50659 175.27313 lineto +297.50659 152.87079 lineto +296.66023 153.6781 295.54695 154.48539 294.16675 155.29266 curveto +292.79955 156.09997 291.56909 156.70544 290.47534 157.10907 curveto +290.47534 153.71063 lineto +292.44148 152.78618 294.16023 151.66639 295.63159 150.35126 curveto +297.10293 149.03618 298.1446 147.76014 298.75659 146.52313 curveto +301.02222 146.52313 lineto +301.02222 175.27313 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +312.01831 175.27313 moveto +312.01831 171.26923 lineto +316.02222 171.26923 lineto +316.02222 175.27313 lineto +312.01831 175.27313 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.11206 175.27313 moveto +323.11206 171.26923 lineto +327.11597 171.26923 lineto +327.11597 175.27313 lineto +323.11206 175.27313 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +334.20581 175.27313 moveto +334.20581 171.26923 lineto +338.20972 171.26923 lineto +338.20972 175.27313 lineto +334.20581 175.27313 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +162.16605 235.82034 moveto +162.16604 232.43494 162.5111 229.71359 163.2012 227.65628 curveto +163.90432 225.58599 164.93948 223.99094 166.30667 222.87112 curveto +167.68687 221.75136 169.41864 221.19147 171.50198 221.19144 curveto +173.03843 221.19147 174.38608 221.50397 175.54495 222.12894 curveto +176.70379 222.74094 177.66082 223.63287 178.41605 224.80472 curveto +179.17124 225.9636 179.76368 227.38287 180.19339 229.06253 curveto +180.62306 230.72922 180.8379 232.98182 180.83792 235.82034 curveto +180.8379 239.17973 180.49285 241.89457 179.80276 243.96487 curveto +179.11264 246.02217 178.07749 247.61722 176.6973 248.75003 curveto +175.33009 249.86982 173.59832 250.42972 171.50198 250.42972 curveto +168.74156 250.42972 166.57359 249.44014 164.99808 247.46097 curveto +163.11005 245.07816 162.16604 241.19796 162.16605 235.82034 curveto +165.77933 235.82034 moveto +165.77932 240.52087 166.3262 243.65238 167.41995 245.21487 curveto +168.52672 246.76436 169.88739 247.5391 171.50198 247.53909 curveto +173.11655 247.5391 174.47072 246.75785 175.56448 245.19534 curveto +176.67124 243.63285 177.22462 240.50785 177.22464 235.82034 curveto +177.22462 231.10682 176.67124 227.97531 175.56448 226.42581 curveto +174.47072 224.87636 173.10353 224.10162 171.46292 224.10159 curveto +169.84833 224.10162 168.55927 224.78521 167.59573 226.15237 curveto +166.38479 227.89719 165.77932 231.11984 165.77933 235.82034 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +197.67386 249.94144 moveto +194.15823 249.94144 lineto +194.15823 227.53909 lineto +193.31187 228.34641 192.19859 229.1537 190.81839 229.96097 curveto +189.4512 230.76828 188.22073 231.37375 187.12698 231.77737 curveto +187.12698 228.37894 lineto +189.09312 227.45448 190.81187 226.33469 192.28323 225.01956 curveto +193.75458 223.70448 194.79624 222.42844 195.40823 221.19144 curveto +197.67386 221.19144 lineto +197.67386 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +216.97073 249.94144 moveto +213.45511 249.94144 lineto +213.45511 227.53909 lineto +212.60874 228.34641 211.49546 229.1537 210.11526 229.96097 curveto +208.74807 230.76828 207.5176 231.37375 206.42386 231.77737 curveto +206.42386 228.37894 lineto +208.39 227.45448 210.10875 226.33469 211.58011 225.01956 curveto +213.05145 223.70448 214.09312 222.42844 214.70511 221.19144 curveto +216.97073 221.19144 lineto +216.97073 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +225.99417 235.82034 moveto +225.99417 232.43494 226.33922 229.71359 227.02933 227.65628 curveto +227.73245 225.58599 228.7676 223.99094 230.1348 222.87112 curveto +231.515 221.75136 233.24677 221.19147 235.33011 221.19144 curveto +236.86655 221.19147 238.21421 221.50397 239.37308 222.12894 curveto +240.53192 222.74094 241.48895 223.63287 242.24417 224.80472 curveto +242.99936 225.9636 243.59181 227.38287 244.02151 229.06253 curveto +244.45118 230.72922 244.66603 232.98182 244.66605 235.82034 curveto +244.66603 239.17973 244.32097 241.89457 243.63089 243.96487 curveto +242.94077 246.02217 241.90561 247.61722 240.52542 248.75003 curveto +239.15822 249.86982 237.42645 250.42972 235.33011 250.42972 curveto +232.56968 250.42972 230.40172 249.44014 228.8262 247.46097 curveto +226.93818 245.07816 225.99417 241.19796 225.99417 235.82034 curveto +229.60745 235.82034 moveto +229.60745 240.52087 230.15432 243.65238 231.24808 245.21487 curveto +232.35484 246.76436 233.71552 247.5391 235.33011 247.53909 curveto +236.94468 247.5391 238.29884 246.75785 239.39261 245.19534 curveto +240.49936 243.63285 241.05275 240.50785 241.05276 235.82034 curveto +241.05275 231.10682 240.49936 227.97531 239.39261 226.42581 curveto +238.29884 224.87636 236.93166 224.10162 235.29105 224.10159 curveto +233.67645 224.10162 232.38739 224.78521 231.42386 226.15237 curveto +230.21292 227.89719 229.60745 231.11984 229.60745 235.82034 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +261.50198 249.94144 moveto +257.98636 249.94144 lineto +257.98636 227.53909 lineto +257.13999 228.34641 256.02671 229.1537 254.64651 229.96097 curveto +253.27932 230.76828 252.04885 231.37375 250.95511 231.77737 curveto +250.95511 228.37894 lineto +252.92125 227.45448 254.64 226.33469 256.11136 225.01956 curveto +257.5827 223.70448 258.62437 222.42844 259.23636 221.19144 curveto +261.50198 221.19144 lineto +261.50198 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.49808 249.94144 moveto +272.49808 245.93753 lineto +276.50198 245.93753 lineto +276.50198 249.94144 lineto +272.49808 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +283.59183 249.94144 moveto +283.59183 245.93753 lineto +287.59573 245.93753 lineto +287.59573 249.94144 lineto +283.59183 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +294.68558 249.94144 moveto +294.68558 245.93753 lineto +298.68948 245.93753 lineto +298.68948 249.94144 lineto +294.68558 249.94144 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +121.65237 307.50879 moveto +121.65237 304.12339 121.99742 301.40204 122.68753 299.34473 curveto +123.39065 297.27444 124.42581 295.67939 125.793 294.55957 curveto +127.1732 293.43981 128.90497 292.87991 130.98831 292.87988 curveto +132.52476 292.87991 133.87241 293.19241 135.03128 293.81738 curveto +136.19012 294.42939 137.14715 295.32132 137.90237 296.49316 curveto +138.65756 297.65204 139.25001 299.07131 139.67972 300.75098 curveto +140.10939 302.41766 140.32423 304.67026 140.32425 307.50879 curveto +140.32423 310.86817 139.97918 313.58302 139.28909 315.65332 curveto +138.59897 317.71062 137.56382 319.30567 136.18362 320.43848 curveto +134.81642 321.55827 133.08465 322.11816 130.98831 322.11816 curveto +128.22789 322.11816 126.05992 321.12858 124.48441 319.14941 curveto +122.59638 316.76661 121.65237 312.8864 121.65237 307.50879 curveto +125.26566 307.50879 moveto +125.26565 312.20932 125.81252 315.34083 126.90628 316.90332 curveto +128.01304 318.4528 129.37372 319.22754 130.98831 319.22754 curveto +132.60288 319.22754 133.95705 318.44629 135.05081 316.88379 curveto +136.15757 315.3213 136.71095 312.1963 136.71097 307.50879 curveto +136.71095 302.79527 136.15757 299.66376 135.05081 298.11426 curveto +133.95705 296.5648 132.58986 295.79006 130.94925 295.79004 curveto +129.33466 295.79006 128.0456 296.47366 127.08206 297.84082 curveto +125.87112 299.58563 125.26565 302.80829 125.26566 307.50879 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.16019 321.62988 moveto +153.64456 321.62988 lineto +153.64456 299.22754 lineto +152.7982 300.03485 151.68492 300.84214 150.30472 301.64941 curveto +148.93752 302.45672 147.70706 303.06219 146.61331 303.46582 curveto +146.61331 300.06738 lineto +148.57945 299.14293 150.2982 298.02314 151.76956 296.70801 curveto +153.2409 295.39293 154.28257 294.11689 154.89456 292.87988 curveto +157.16019 292.87988 lineto +157.16019 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +176.45706 321.62988 moveto +172.94144 321.62988 lineto +172.94144 299.22754 lineto +172.09507 300.03485 170.98179 300.84214 169.60159 301.64941 curveto +168.2344 302.45672 167.00393 303.06219 165.91019 303.46582 curveto +165.91019 300.06738 lineto +167.87633 299.14293 169.59507 298.02314 171.06644 296.70801 curveto +172.53778 295.39293 173.57945 294.11689 174.19144 292.87988 curveto +176.45706 292.87988 lineto +176.45706 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +185.4805 307.50879 moveto +185.4805 304.12339 185.82555 301.40204 186.51566 299.34473 curveto +187.21878 297.27444 188.25393 295.67939 189.62112 294.55957 curveto +191.00133 293.43981 192.73309 292.87991 194.81644 292.87988 curveto +196.35288 292.87991 197.70054 293.19241 198.85941 293.81738 curveto +200.01824 294.42939 200.97527 295.32132 201.7305 296.49316 curveto +202.48569 297.65204 203.07814 299.07131 203.50784 300.75098 curveto +203.93751 302.41766 204.15235 304.67026 204.15237 307.50879 curveto +204.15235 310.86817 203.8073 313.58302 203.11722 315.65332 curveto +202.4271 317.71062 201.39194 319.30567 200.01175 320.43848 curveto +198.64455 321.55827 196.91278 322.11816 194.81644 322.11816 curveto +192.05601 322.11816 189.88805 321.12858 188.31253 319.14941 curveto +186.42451 316.76661 185.4805 312.8864 185.4805 307.50879 curveto +189.09378 307.50879 moveto +189.09378 312.20932 189.64065 315.34083 190.73441 316.90332 curveto +191.84117 318.4528 193.20184 319.22754 194.81644 319.22754 curveto +196.43101 319.22754 197.78517 318.44629 198.87894 316.88379 curveto +199.98569 315.3213 200.53908 312.1963 200.53909 307.50879 curveto +200.53908 302.79527 199.98569 299.66376 198.87894 298.11426 curveto +197.78517 296.5648 196.41799 295.79006 194.77737 295.79004 curveto +193.16278 295.79006 191.87372 296.47366 190.91019 297.84082 curveto +189.69924 299.58563 189.09378 302.80829 189.09378 307.50879 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +220.98831 321.62988 moveto +217.47269 321.62988 lineto +217.47269 299.22754 lineto +216.62632 300.03485 215.51304 300.84214 214.13284 301.64941 curveto +212.76565 302.45672 211.53518 303.06219 210.44144 303.46582 curveto +210.44144 300.06738 lineto +212.40758 299.14293 214.12632 298.02314 215.59769 296.70801 curveto +217.06903 295.39293 218.1107 294.11689 218.72269 292.87988 curveto +220.98831 292.87988 lineto +220.98831 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +231.98441 321.62988 moveto +231.98441 317.62598 lineto +235.98831 317.62598 lineto +235.98831 321.62988 lineto +231.98441 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.07816 321.62988 moveto +243.07816 317.62598 lineto +247.08206 317.62598 lineto +247.08206 321.62988 lineto +243.07816 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +254.17191 321.62988 moveto +254.17191 317.62598 lineto +258.17581 317.62598 lineto +258.17581 321.62988 lineto +254.17191 321.62988 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +81.728485 379.30902 moveto +81.728483 375.92362 82.073535 373.20227 82.763641 371.14496 curveto +83.466763 369.07467 84.501918 367.47962 85.86911 366.3598 curveto +87.249311 365.24004 88.98108 364.68014 91.064423 364.68011 curveto +92.600868 364.68014 93.948523 364.99264 95.107391 365.61761 curveto +96.266229 366.22962 97.22326 367.12155 97.978485 368.2934 curveto +98.733675 369.45227 99.326122 370.87154 99.755829 372.55121 curveto +100.1855 374.21789 100.40034 376.4705 100.40036 379.30902 curveto +100.40034 382.66841 100.05529 385.38325 99.365204 387.45355 curveto +98.675081 389.51085 97.639926 391.1059 96.259735 392.23871 curveto +94.892533 393.3585 93.160764 393.9184 91.064423 393.9184 curveto +88.303998 393.9184 86.136031 392.92881 84.560516 390.94965 curveto +82.672493 388.56684 81.728483 384.68663 81.728485 379.30902 curveto +85.341766 379.30902 moveto +85.341761 384.00955 85.888636 387.14106 86.982391 388.70355 curveto +88.089154 390.25303 89.44983 391.02777 91.064423 391.02777 curveto +92.678993 391.02777 94.033159 390.24652 95.126923 388.68402 curveto +96.233677 387.12153 96.787062 383.99653 96.787079 379.30902 curveto +96.787062 374.5955 96.233677 371.46399 95.126923 369.91449 curveto +94.033159 368.36504 92.665973 367.5903 91.02536 367.59027 curveto +89.410767 367.5903 88.121706 368.27389 87.158173 369.64105 curveto +85.947229 371.38587 85.341761 374.60852 85.341766 379.30902 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +117.2363 393.43011 moveto +113.72067 393.43011 lineto +113.72067 371.02777 lineto +112.87431 371.83508 111.76103 372.64238 110.38083 373.44965 curveto +109.01363 374.25696 107.78317 374.86242 106.68942 375.26605 curveto +106.68942 371.86761 lineto +108.65556 370.94316 110.37431 369.82337 111.84567 368.50824 curveto +113.31702 367.19316 114.35868 365.91712 114.97067 364.68011 curveto +117.2363 364.68011 lineto +117.2363 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +136.53317 393.43011 moveto +133.01755 393.43011 lineto +133.01755 371.02777 lineto +132.17118 371.83508 131.0579 372.64238 129.6777 373.44965 curveto +128.31051 374.25696 127.08004 374.86242 125.9863 375.26605 curveto +125.9863 371.86761 lineto +127.95244 370.94316 129.67119 369.82337 131.14255 368.50824 curveto +132.61389 367.19316 133.65556 365.91712 134.26755 364.68011 curveto +136.53317 364.68011 lineto +136.53317 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +145.55661 379.30902 moveto +145.55661 375.92362 145.90166 373.20227 146.59177 371.14496 curveto +147.29489 369.07467 148.33004 367.47962 149.69724 366.3598 curveto +151.07744 365.24004 152.80921 364.68014 154.89255 364.68011 curveto +156.42899 364.68014 157.77665 364.99264 158.93552 365.61761 curveto +160.09435 366.22962 161.05138 367.12155 161.80661 368.2934 curveto +162.5618 369.45227 163.15425 370.87154 163.58395 372.55121 curveto +164.01362 374.21789 164.22846 376.4705 164.22849 379.30902 curveto +164.22846 382.66841 163.88341 385.38325 163.19333 387.45355 curveto +162.50321 389.51085 161.46805 391.1059 160.08786 392.23871 curveto +158.72066 393.3585 156.98889 393.9184 154.89255 393.9184 curveto +152.13212 393.9184 149.96416 392.92881 148.38864 390.94965 curveto +146.50062 388.56684 145.55661 384.68663 145.55661 379.30902 curveto +149.16989 379.30902 moveto +149.16989 384.00955 149.71676 387.14106 150.81052 388.70355 curveto +151.91728 390.25303 153.27795 391.02777 154.89255 391.02777 curveto +156.50712 391.02777 157.86128 390.24652 158.95505 388.68402 curveto +160.0618 387.12153 160.61519 383.99653 160.6152 379.30902 curveto +160.61519 374.5955 160.0618 371.46399 158.95505 369.91449 curveto +157.86128 368.36504 156.4941 367.5903 154.85349 367.59027 curveto +153.23889 367.5903 151.94983 368.27389 150.9863 369.64105 curveto +149.77535 371.38587 149.16989 374.60852 149.16989 379.30902 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +181.06442 393.43011 moveto +177.5488 393.43011 lineto +177.5488 371.02777 lineto +176.70243 371.83508 175.58915 372.64238 174.20895 373.44965 curveto +172.84176 374.25696 171.61129 374.86242 170.51755 375.26605 curveto +170.51755 371.86761 lineto +172.48369 370.94316 174.20244 369.82337 175.6738 368.50824 curveto +177.14514 367.19316 178.18681 365.91712 178.7988 364.68011 curveto +181.06442 364.68011 lineto +181.06442 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +192.06052 393.43011 moveto +192.06052 389.42621 lineto +196.06442 389.42621 lineto +196.06442 393.43011 lineto +192.06052 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +203.15427 393.43011 moveto +203.15427 389.42621 lineto +207.15817 389.42621 lineto +207.15817 393.43011 lineto +203.15427 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +214.24802 393.43011 moveto +214.24802 389.42621 lineto +218.25192 389.42621 lineto +218.25192 393.43011 lineto +214.24802 393.43011 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.50568 173.157 moveto +596.3468 174.44606 595.08378 175.41611 593.71661 176.06715 curveto +592.34941 176.70517 590.87155 177.02418 589.28302 177.02419 curveto +586.35332 177.02418 584.02911 176.0346 582.31036 174.05544 curveto +580.91713 172.44086 580.22052 170.63747 580.22052 168.64528 curveto +580.22052 166.87446 580.78692 165.2794 581.91974 163.86012 curveto +583.06557 162.42785 584.7713 161.17134 587.03693 160.09059 curveto +585.74786 158.60623 584.88848 157.40181 584.4588 156.47731 curveto +584.02911 155.55285 583.81426 154.66093 583.81427 153.80153 curveto +583.81426 152.0828 584.48484 150.59192 585.82599 149.32887 curveto +587.18015 148.05286 588.87936 147.41484 590.92365 147.41481 curveto +592.87676 147.41484 594.47181 148.0138 595.7088 149.21169 curveto +596.95878 150.40963 597.58378 151.84843 597.5838 153.52809 curveto +597.58378 156.24947 595.7804 158.57368 592.17365 160.50075 curveto +597.31036 167.04372 lineto +597.89628 165.89789 598.35201 164.56977 598.67755 163.05934 curveto +602.3299 163.84059 lineto +601.70487 166.3406 600.85852 168.39789 599.79083 170.01247 curveto +601.10591 171.75726 602.5968 173.22211 604.26349 174.407 curveto +601.90021 177.19997 lineto +600.48091 176.28851 599.01607 174.94085 597.50568 173.157 curveto +590.35724 158.23512 moveto +591.88066 157.3367 592.86373 156.54894 593.30646 155.87184 curveto +593.76217 155.19478 593.99004 154.44608 593.99005 153.62575 curveto +593.99004 152.64921 593.67754 151.85494 593.05255 151.24294 curveto +592.44056 150.61796 591.67233 150.30546 590.74786 150.30544 curveto +589.79733 150.30546 589.00306 150.61145 588.36505 151.2234 curveto +587.74004 151.83541 587.42754 152.5841 587.42755 153.4695 curveto +587.42754 153.91223 587.53822 154.38098 587.75958 154.87575 curveto +587.99395 155.35754 588.339 155.87186 588.79474 156.41872 curveto +590.35724 158.23512 lineto +595.29865 170.38356 moveto +588.85333 162.39528 lineto +586.95228 163.5281 585.66973 164.58279 585.00568 165.55934 curveto +584.34161 166.52289 584.00958 167.47992 584.00958 168.43044 curveto +584.00958 169.5893 584.47182 170.79372 585.3963 172.04372 curveto +586.32077 173.29372 587.62937 173.91872 589.32208 173.91872 curveto +590.37676 173.91872 591.464 173.5932 592.5838 172.94215 curveto +593.7166 172.2781 594.62155 171.42523 595.29865 170.38356 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.50616 245.73271 moveto +596.34729 247.02178 595.08427 247.99183 593.7171 248.64287 curveto +592.3499 249.28089 590.87204 249.5999 589.28351 249.5999 curveto +586.35381 249.5999 584.0296 248.61032 582.31085 246.63115 curveto +580.91762 245.01657 580.22101 243.21319 580.22101 241.22099 curveto +580.22101 239.45017 580.78741 237.85512 581.92023 236.43584 curveto +583.06606 235.00356 584.77178 233.74705 587.03741 232.66631 curveto +585.74834 231.18195 584.88897 229.97752 584.45929 229.05302 curveto +584.0296 228.12857 583.81475 227.23664 583.81476 226.37724 curveto +583.81475 224.65852 584.48533 223.16763 585.82648 221.90459 curveto +587.18064 220.62857 588.87985 219.99055 590.92413 219.99052 curveto +592.87724 219.99055 594.47229 220.58951 595.70929 221.7874 curveto +596.95927 222.98534 597.58427 224.42414 597.58429 226.10381 curveto +597.58427 228.82518 595.78089 231.1494 592.17413 233.07646 curveto +597.31085 239.61943 lineto +597.89677 238.47361 598.3525 237.14548 598.67804 235.63506 curveto +602.33038 236.41631 lineto +601.70536 238.91632 600.85901 240.97361 599.79132 242.58818 curveto +601.1064 244.33298 602.59729 245.79782 604.26398 246.98271 curveto +601.9007 249.77568 lineto +600.4814 248.86422 599.01656 247.51657 597.50616 245.73271 curveto +590.35773 230.81084 moveto +591.88115 229.91242 592.86422 229.12466 593.30695 228.44756 curveto +593.76266 227.77049 593.99052 227.0218 593.99054 226.20146 curveto +593.99052 225.22492 593.67802 224.43065 593.05304 223.81865 curveto +592.44105 223.19368 591.67282 222.88118 590.74835 222.88115 curveto +589.79782 222.88118 589.00355 223.18716 588.36554 223.79912 curveto +587.74053 224.41112 587.42803 225.15982 587.42804 226.04521 curveto +587.42803 226.48794 587.53871 226.95669 587.76007 227.45146 curveto +587.99444 227.93325 588.33949 228.44758 588.79523 228.99443 curveto +590.35773 230.81084 lineto +595.29913 242.95927 moveto +588.85382 234.97099 lineto +586.95277 236.10382 585.67022 237.1585 585.00616 238.13506 curveto +584.3421 239.09861 584.01007 240.05564 584.01007 241.00615 curveto +584.01007 242.16501 584.4723 243.36944 585.39679 244.61943 curveto +586.32126 245.86943 587.62985 246.49443 589.32257 246.49443 curveto +590.37725 246.49443 591.46448 246.16891 592.58429 245.51787 curveto +593.71709 244.85381 594.62203 244.00095 595.29913 242.95927 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.50616 318.9408 moveto +596.34729 320.22986 595.08427 321.19991 593.7171 321.85095 curveto +592.3499 322.48897 590.87204 322.80798 589.28351 322.80798 curveto +586.35381 322.80798 584.0296 321.8184 582.31085 319.83923 curveto +580.91762 318.22465 580.22101 316.42127 580.22101 314.42908 curveto +580.22101 312.65825 580.78741 311.0632 581.92023 309.64392 curveto +583.06606 308.21164 584.77178 306.95513 587.03741 305.87439 curveto +585.74834 304.39003 584.88897 303.18561 584.45929 302.26111 curveto +584.0296 301.33665 583.81475 300.44472 583.81476 299.58533 curveto +583.81475 297.8666 584.48533 296.37572 585.82648 295.11267 curveto +587.18064 293.83666 588.87985 293.19864 590.92413 293.19861 curveto +592.87724 293.19864 594.47229 293.7976 595.70929 294.99548 curveto +596.95927 296.19343 597.58427 297.63223 597.58429 299.31189 curveto +597.58427 302.03326 595.78089 304.35748 592.17413 306.28455 curveto +597.31085 312.82751 lineto +597.89677 311.68169 598.3525 310.35357 598.67804 308.84314 curveto +602.33038 309.62439 lineto +601.70536 312.1244 600.85901 314.18169 599.79132 315.79626 curveto +601.1064 317.54106 602.59729 319.0059 604.26398 320.1908 curveto +601.9007 322.98376 lineto +600.4814 322.07231 599.01656 320.72465 597.50616 318.9408 curveto +590.35773 304.01892 moveto +591.88115 303.1205 592.86422 302.33274 593.30695 301.65564 curveto +593.76266 300.97858 593.99052 300.22988 593.99054 299.40955 curveto +593.99052 298.43301 593.67802 297.63874 593.05304 297.02673 curveto +592.44105 296.40176 591.67282 296.08926 590.74835 296.08923 curveto +589.79782 296.08926 589.00355 296.39525 588.36554 297.0072 curveto +587.74053 297.61921 587.42803 298.3679 587.42804 299.2533 curveto +587.42803 299.69603 587.53871 300.16478 587.76007 300.65955 curveto +587.99444 301.14134 588.33949 301.65566 588.79523 302.20251 curveto +590.35773 304.01892 lineto +595.29913 316.16736 moveto +588.85382 308.17908 lineto +586.95277 309.3119 585.67022 310.36659 585.00616 311.34314 curveto +584.3421 312.30669 584.01007 313.26372 584.01007 314.21423 curveto +584.01007 315.37309 584.4723 316.57752 585.39679 317.82751 curveto +586.32126 319.07752 587.62985 319.70252 589.32257 319.70251 curveto +590.37725 319.70252 591.46448 319.377 592.58429 318.72595 curveto +593.71709 318.06189 594.62203 317.20903 595.29913 316.16736 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +597.50616 394.37241 moveto +596.34729 395.66147 595.08427 396.63152 593.7171 397.28256 curveto +592.3499 397.92058 590.87204 398.23959 589.28351 398.23959 curveto +586.35381 398.23959 584.0296 397.25001 582.31085 395.27084 curveto +580.91762 393.65626 580.22101 391.85288 580.22101 389.86069 curveto +580.22101 388.08986 580.78741 386.49481 581.92023 385.07553 curveto +583.06606 383.64325 584.77178 382.38674 587.03741 381.306 curveto +585.74834 379.82164 584.88897 378.61722 584.45929 377.69272 curveto +584.0296 376.76826 583.81475 375.87633 583.81476 375.01694 curveto +583.81475 373.29821 584.48533 371.80733 585.82648 370.54428 curveto +587.18064 369.26827 588.87985 368.63025 590.92413 368.63022 curveto +592.87724 368.63025 594.47229 369.22921 595.70929 370.42709 curveto +596.95927 371.62504 597.58427 373.06384 597.58429 374.7435 curveto +597.58427 377.46487 595.78089 379.78909 592.17413 381.71616 curveto +597.31085 388.25912 lineto +597.89677 387.1133 598.3525 385.78518 598.67804 384.27475 curveto +602.33038 385.056 lineto +601.70536 387.55601 600.85901 389.6133 599.79132 391.22787 curveto +601.1064 392.97267 602.59729 394.43751 604.26398 395.62241 curveto +601.9007 398.41537 lineto +600.4814 397.50392 599.01656 396.15626 597.50616 394.37241 curveto +590.35773 379.45053 moveto +591.88115 378.55211 592.86422 377.76435 593.30695 377.08725 curveto +593.76266 376.41019 593.99052 375.66149 593.99054 374.84116 curveto +593.99052 373.86462 593.67802 373.07035 593.05304 372.45834 curveto +592.44105 371.83337 591.67282 371.52087 590.74835 371.52084 curveto +589.79782 371.52087 589.00355 371.82686 588.36554 372.43881 curveto +587.74053 373.05082 587.42803 373.79951 587.42804 374.68491 curveto +587.42803 375.12764 587.53871 375.59639 587.76007 376.09116 curveto +587.99444 376.57295 588.33949 377.08727 588.79523 377.63412 curveto +590.35773 379.45053 lineto +595.29913 391.59897 moveto +588.85382 383.61069 lineto +586.95277 384.74351 585.67022 385.7982 585.00616 386.77475 curveto +584.3421 387.7383 584.01007 388.69533 584.01007 389.64584 curveto +584.01007 390.8047 584.4723 392.00913 585.39679 393.25912 curveto +586.32126 394.50913 587.62985 395.13413 589.32257 395.13412 curveto +590.37725 395.13413 591.46448 394.80861 592.58429 394.15756 curveto +593.71709 393.4935 594.62203 392.64064 595.29913 391.59897 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +661.7417 177.20018 moveto +658.22607 177.20018 lineto +658.22607 154.79784 lineto +657.37971 155.60515 656.26643 156.41244 654.88623 157.21971 curveto +653.51904 158.02702 652.28857 158.63249 651.19482 159.03612 curveto +651.19482 155.63768 lineto +653.16096 154.71322 654.87971 153.59343 656.35107 152.27831 curveto +657.82242 150.96323 658.86408 149.68719 659.47607 148.45018 curveto +661.7417 148.45018 lineto +661.7417 177.20018 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +651.19501 235.1658 moveto +651.19501 231.7804 651.54006 229.05905 652.23016 227.00174 curveto +652.93329 224.93145 653.96844 223.3364 655.33563 222.21658 curveto +656.71583 221.09682 658.4476 220.53692 660.53094 220.5369 curveto +662.06739 220.53692 663.41505 220.84942 664.57391 221.4744 curveto +665.73275 222.0864 666.68978 222.97833 667.44501 224.15018 curveto +668.2002 225.30906 668.79264 226.72832 669.22235 228.40799 curveto +669.65202 230.07468 669.86686 232.32728 669.86688 235.1658 curveto +669.86686 238.52519 669.52181 241.24003 668.83173 243.31033 curveto +668.1416 245.36763 667.10645 246.96268 665.72626 248.09549 curveto +664.35906 249.21528 662.62729 249.77518 660.53094 249.77518 curveto +657.77052 249.77518 655.60255 248.78559 654.02704 246.80643 curveto +652.13902 244.42362 651.19501 240.54341 651.19501 235.1658 curveto +654.80829 235.1658 moveto +654.80828 239.86633 655.35516 242.99784 656.44891 244.56033 curveto +657.55568 246.10982 658.91635 246.88455 660.53094 246.88455 curveto +662.14552 246.88455 663.49968 246.10331 664.59344 244.5408 curveto +665.7002 242.97831 666.25358 239.85331 666.2536 235.1658 curveto +666.25358 230.45228 665.7002 227.32077 664.59344 225.77127 curveto +663.49968 224.22182 662.13249 223.44708 660.49188 223.44705 curveto +658.87729 223.44708 657.58823 224.13067 656.62469 225.49783 curveto +655.41375 227.24265 654.80828 230.4653 654.80829 235.1658 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +661.74188 322.98419 moveto +658.22626 322.98419 lineto +658.22626 300.58185 lineto +657.37989 301.38916 656.26661 302.19645 654.88641 303.00372 curveto +653.51922 303.81103 652.28875 304.4165 651.19501 304.82013 curveto +651.19501 301.42169 lineto +653.16115 300.49724 654.8799 299.37744 656.35126 298.06232 curveto +657.8226 296.74724 658.86427 295.4712 659.47626 294.23419 curveto +661.74188 294.23419 lineto +661.74188 322.98419 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +661.74188 398.41519 moveto +658.22626 398.41519 lineto +658.22626 376.01285 lineto +657.37989 376.82016 656.26661 377.62745 654.88641 378.43472 curveto +653.51922 379.24203 652.28875 379.8475 651.19501 380.25113 curveto +651.19501 376.85269 lineto +653.16115 375.92823 654.8799 374.80844 656.35126 373.49332 curveto +657.8226 372.17824 658.86427 370.9022 659.47626 369.66519 curveto +661.74188 369.66519 lineto +661.74188 398.41519 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 323.06728 12.070246] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +323.47266 107.22937 moveto +322.92578 102.60828 lineto +324.0013 102.89994 324.9401 103.04577 325.74219 103.04578 curveto +326.83593 103.04577 327.71093 102.86348 328.36719 102.49891 curveto +329.02343 102.13432 329.56119 101.6239 329.98047 100.96766 curveto +330.29035 100.47546 330.79166 99.25411 331.48438 97.303593 curveto +331.57551 97.030154 331.72134 96.629113 331.92188 96.100468 curveto +320.90234 67.006718 lineto +326.20703 67.006718 lineto +332.25 83.823124 lineto +333.03384 85.955947 333.73566 88.198132 334.35547 90.549687 curveto +334.92056 88.289278 335.59504 86.083551 336.37891 83.932499 curveto +342.58594 67.006718 lineto +347.50781 67.006718 lineto +336.46094 96.537968 lineto +335.27603 99.728068 334.35545 101.92468 333.69922 103.12781 curveto +332.82421 104.7502 331.8216 105.93509 330.69141 106.6825 curveto +329.56119 107.44811 328.21223 107.83092 326.64453 107.83094 curveto +325.69661 107.83092 324.63932 107.6304 323.47266 107.22937 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +200.6788 527.5722 moveto +200.6788 524.2893 lineto +203.9617 524.2893 lineto +203.9617 527.5722 lineto +200.6788 527.5722 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +200.6788 568.56842 moveto +200.6788 565.28552 lineto +203.9617 565.28552 lineto +203.9617 568.56842 lineto +200.6788 568.56842 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +200.6788 609.56463 moveto +200.6788 606.28173 lineto +203.9617 606.28173 lineto +203.9617 609.56463 lineto +200.6788 609.56463 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [1.2196249 0 0 0.8199242 0 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +539.93444 530.01196 moveto +539.93444 526.72906 lineto +543.21734 526.72906 lineto +543.21734 530.01196 lineto +539.93444 530.01196 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +539.93444 571.00818 moveto +539.93444 567.72528 lineto +543.21734 567.72528 lineto +543.21734 571.00818 lineto +539.93444 571.00818 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +539.93444 612.00439 moveto +539.93444 608.72149 lineto +543.21734 608.72149 lineto +543.21734 612.00439 lineto +539.93444 612.00439 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +51.126908 526.18109 moveto +570.91714 526.18109 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +90.018723 555.13086 moveto +88.977044 556.01628 87.971837 556.64128 87.003098 557.00586 curveto +86.044755 557.37044 85.013506 557.55273 83.909348 557.55273 curveto +82.086426 557.55273 80.685386 557.11003 79.706223 556.22461 curveto +78.727054 555.32878 78.237471 554.18815 78.237473 552.80273 curveto +78.237471 551.99024 78.419763 551.25066 78.784348 550.58398 curveto +79.159345 549.90691 79.64372 549.36524 80.237473 548.95898 curveto +80.841635 548.55274 81.518718 548.24545 82.268723 548.03711 curveto +82.8208 547.89129 83.654133 547.75066 84.768723 547.61523 curveto +87.039546 547.34441 88.711419 547.02149 89.784348 546.64648 curveto +89.794751 546.26108 89.79996 546.01629 89.799973 545.91211 curveto +89.79996 544.76629 89.534335 543.959 89.003098 543.49023 curveto +88.284336 542.85483 87.216629 542.53712 85.799973 542.53711 curveto +84.477048 542.53712 83.497883 542.7715 82.862473 543.24023 curveto +82.237467 543.69858 81.773926 544.51629 81.471848 545.69336 curveto +78.721848 545.31836 lineto +78.971846 544.14129 79.383304 543.19337 79.956223 542.47461 curveto +80.529136 541.74546 81.35726 541.18817 82.440598 540.80273 curveto +83.523924 540.40692 84.779132 540.209 86.206223 540.20898 curveto +87.622879 540.209 88.773919 540.37567 89.659348 540.70898 curveto +90.544751 541.04233 91.195792 541.46421 91.612473 541.97461 curveto +92.029124 542.47462 92.320791 543.11004 92.487473 543.88086 curveto +92.581207 544.36004 92.628082 545.22462 92.628098 546.47461 curveto +92.628098 550.22461 lineto +92.628082 552.8392 92.685374 554.49545 92.799973 555.19336 curveto +92.924957 555.88086 93.16454 556.54232 93.518723 557.17773 curveto +90.581223 557.17773 lineto +90.289543 556.5944 90.102043 555.91211 90.018723 555.13086 curveto +89.784348 548.84961 moveto +88.763503 549.26628 87.232254 549.62045 85.190598 549.91211 curveto +84.034341 550.07878 83.216633 550.26628 82.737473 550.47461 curveto +82.258301 550.68295 81.888509 550.99024 81.628098 551.39648 curveto +81.367677 551.79232 81.237468 552.23503 81.237473 552.72461 curveto +81.237468 553.47461 81.518718 554.09961 82.081223 554.59961 curveto +82.654134 555.09961 83.487466 555.34961 84.581223 555.34961 curveto +85.664547 555.34961 86.628088 555.11524 87.471848 554.64648 curveto +88.315586 554.16732 88.935377 553.51628 89.331223 552.69336 curveto +89.633293 552.05795 89.784335 551.12045 89.784348 549.88086 curveto +89.784348 548.84961 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +104.7531 552.22461 moveto +107.53435 551.78711 lineto +107.69059 552.9017 108.12288 553.75586 108.83122 554.34961 curveto +109.54997 554.94336 110.54997 555.24024 111.83122 555.24023 curveto +113.12288 555.24024 114.08121 554.97982 114.70622 554.45898 curveto +115.33121 553.92774 115.64371 553.30795 115.64372 552.59961 curveto +115.64371 551.9642 115.36767 551.4642 114.8156 551.09961 curveto +114.43017 550.84962 113.47184 550.53191 111.9406 550.14648 curveto +109.87809 549.62566 108.4458 549.17774 107.64372 548.80273 curveto +106.85205 548.41733 106.24789 547.89129 105.83122 547.22461 curveto +105.42497 546.54754 105.22185 545.80275 105.22185 544.99023 curveto +105.22185 544.25066 105.38851 543.56837 105.72185 542.94336 curveto +106.0656 542.30796 106.52914 541.78192 107.11247 541.36523 curveto +107.54997 541.04233 108.14372 540.7715 108.89372 540.55273 curveto +109.65413 540.32358 110.46663 540.209 111.33122 540.20898 curveto +112.6333 540.209 113.77392 540.3965 114.7531 540.77148 curveto +115.74267 541.1465 116.47183 541.65692 116.9406 542.30273 curveto +117.40933 542.93817 117.73225 543.79233 117.90935 544.86523 curveto +115.15935 545.24023 lineto +115.03434 544.38608 114.66975 543.71941 114.0656 543.24023 curveto +113.47184 542.76108 112.62809 542.5215 111.53435 542.52148 curveto +110.24267 542.5215 109.3208 542.73504 108.76872 543.16211 curveto +108.21663 543.58921 107.94059 544.08921 107.9406 544.66211 curveto +107.94059 545.0267 108.05518 545.35483 108.28435 545.64648 curveto +108.51351 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+19.84248 79.36993 lineto +0 79.36993 lineto +0 39.68497 lineto stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 19.84248 39.68497 moveto +19.84248 19.84248 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 18.69446 22.61398 moveto +19.84248 19.84248 lineto +20.99051 22.61398 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 39.68497 39.68497 moveto +39.68497 19.84248 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 38.53694 22.61398 moveto +39.68497 19.84248 lineto +40.833 22.61398 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 19.84248 99.21242 moveto +19.84248 79.36993 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 18.69446 82.14143 moveto +19.84248 79.36993 lineto +20.99051 82.14143 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 39.68497 99.21242 moveto +39.68497 79.36993 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 38.53694 82.14143 moveto +39.68497 79.36993 lineto +40.833 82.14143 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +17.35184 67.90173 moveto +(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +36.91756 67.90173 moveto +(b) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +11.54022 42.68497 moveto +(min) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +30.41417 42.68497 moveto +(max) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.1 b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec51d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.1 @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -15 -1 128 166 +%%Creator: MetaPost +%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 31:f80000000000000001 +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop 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+28.3464 141.73203 lineto stroke +newpath 25.57474 140.58394 moveto +28.3464 141.73203 lineto +25.57474 142.88011 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 28.3464 moveto +56.69281 28.3464 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 27.19832 moveto +56.69281 28.3464 lineto +53.92114 29.49449 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 70.86601 moveto +56.69281 70.86601 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 69.71793 moveto +56.69281 70.86601 lineto +53.92114 72.0141 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 127.55882 moveto +56.69281 127.55882 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 126.41074 moveto +56.69281 127.55882 lineto +53.92114 128.70691 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 56.69281 56.69281 moveto +85.03922 56.69281 lineto stroke +newpath 82.26755 55.54472 moveto +85.03922 56.69281 lineto +82.26755 57.8409 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 56.69281 113.38562 moveto +85.03922 113.38562 lineto stroke +newpath 82.26755 112.23753 moveto +85.03922 113.38562 lineto +82.26755 114.5337 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 85.03922 99.21242 moveto +113.38562 99.21242 lineto stroke +newpath 110.61395 98.06433 moveto +113.38562 99.21242 lineto +110.61395 100.3605 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0 0.69739 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [0 3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash +newpath -14.1732 21.25981 moveto +127.55882 21.25981 lineto stroke +newpath -14.1732 49.60622 moveto +127.55882 49.60622 lineto stroke +newpath -14.1732 92.12582 moveto +127.55882 92.12582 lineto stroke +-5.1197 158.90523 moveto +(x1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +23.2267 158.90523 moveto +(x2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +51.5731 158.90523 moveto +(x3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +79.91951 158.90523 moveto +(x4) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +108.26591 158.90523 moveto +(x5) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.2 b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.2 new file mode 100644 index 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lineto stroke +newpath 25.57474 83.89113 moveto +28.3464 85.03922 lineto +25.57474 86.1873 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 0 113.38562 moveto +28.3464 113.38562 lineto stroke +newpath 25.57474 112.23753 moveto +28.3464 113.38562 lineto +25.57474 114.5337 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 0 141.73203 moveto +28.3464 141.73203 lineto stroke +newpath 25.57474 140.58394 moveto +28.3464 141.73203 lineto +25.57474 142.88011 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 70.86601 moveto +56.69281 70.86601 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 69.71793 moveto +56.69281 70.86601 lineto +53.92114 72.0141 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 99.21242 moveto +56.69281 99.21242 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 98.06433 moveto +56.69281 99.21242 lineto +53.92114 100.3605 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 28.3464 127.55882 moveto +56.69281 127.55882 lineto stroke +newpath 53.92114 126.41074 moveto 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70.86601 lineto +99.21242 85.03922 lineto +56.69281 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 113.38562 70.86601 moveto +155.90523 70.86601 lineto +155.90523 85.03922 lineto +113.38562 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 170.07843 70.86601 moveto +212.59804 70.86601 lineto +212.59804 85.03922 lineto +170.07843 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + 1 setlinecap +newpath 14.1732 99.21242 moveto +14.1732 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 13.02512 87.81088 moveto +14.1732 85.03922 lineto +15.32129 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 28.3464 99.21242 moveto +28.3464 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 27.19832 87.81088 moveto +28.3464 85.03922 lineto +29.49449 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 70.86601 99.21242 moveto +70.86601 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 69.71793 87.81088 moveto +70.86601 85.03922 lineto +72.0141 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 85.03922 99.21242 moveto +85.03922 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 83.89113 87.81088 moveto +85.03922 85.03922 lineto +86.1873 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 127.55882 99.21242 moveto +127.55882 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 126.41074 87.81088 moveto +127.55882 85.03922 lineto +128.70691 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 141.73203 99.21242 moveto +141.73203 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 140.58394 87.81088 moveto +141.73203 85.03922 lineto +142.88011 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 184.25163 99.21242 moveto +184.25163 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 183.10355 87.81088 moveto +184.25163 85.03922 lineto +185.39972 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 198.42484 99.21242 moveto +198.42484 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 197.27675 87.81088 moveto +198.42484 85.03922 lineto +199.57292 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 21.25981 70.86601 moveto +21.25981 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 20.11172 59.46448 moveto +21.25981 56.69281 lineto +22.4079 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 77.95262 70.86601 moveto +77.95262 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 76.80453 59.46448 moveto +77.95262 56.69281 lineto +79.10071 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 134.64543 70.86601 moveto +134.64543 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 133.49734 59.46448 moveto +134.64543 56.69281 lineto +135.79352 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 191.33824 70.86601 moveto +191.33824 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 190.19016 59.46448 moveto +191.33824 56.69281 lineto +192.48633 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 49.60622 42.5196 moveto +49.60622 28.3464 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 48.45813 31.11807 moveto +49.60622 28.3464 lineto +50.7543 31.11807 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 162.99184 42.5196 moveto +162.99184 28.3464 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 161.84375 31.11807 moveto +162.99184 28.3464 lineto +164.13992 31.11807 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 106.29903 14.1732 moveto +106.29903 0 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 105.15094 2.77167 moveto +106.29903 0 lineto +107.44711 2.77167 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.5 b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6877616 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.5 @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -1 -5 213 114 +%%Creator: MetaPost +%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 10:98000000000020000000585328 +%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 42:800040000008 +%*Font: cmmi7 6.97385 6.97385 6e:8 +%*Font: cmmi5 4.98132 4.98132 6e:8 +%*Font: cmr5 4.98132 4.98132 32:a +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 99.21242 moveto +212.59804 99.21242 lineto +212.59804 85.03922 lineto +0 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 0 70.86601 moveto +99.21242 70.86601 lineto +99.21242 56.69281 lineto +0 56.69281 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 113.38562 70.86601 moveto +212.59804 70.86601 lineto +212.59804 56.69281 lineto +113.38562 56.69281 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 0 42.5196 moveto +42.5196 42.5196 lineto +42.5196 28.3464 lineto +0 28.3464 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 56.69281 42.5196 moveto +99.21242 42.5196 lineto +99.21242 28.3464 lineto +56.69281 28.3464 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 113.38562 42.5196 moveto +155.90523 42.5196 lineto +155.90523 28.3464 lineto +113.38562 28.3464 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 170.07843 42.5196 moveto +212.59804 42.5196 lineto +212.59804 28.3464 lineto +170.07843 28.3464 lineto + closepath stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + 1 setlinecap +newpath 106.29903 113.38562 moveto +106.29903 99.21242 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 105.15094 101.98409 moveto +106.29903 99.21242 lineto +107.44711 101.98409 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 21.25981 56.69281 moveto +21.25981 42.5196 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 20.11172 45.29128 moveto +21.25981 42.5196 lineto +22.4079 45.29128 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 77.95262 56.69281 moveto +77.95262 42.5196 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 76.80453 45.29128 moveto +77.95262 42.5196 lineto +79.10071 45.29128 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 134.64543 56.69281 moveto +134.64543 42.5196 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 133.49734 45.29128 moveto +134.64543 42.5196 lineto +135.79352 45.29128 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 191.33824 56.69281 moveto +191.33824 42.5196 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 190.19016 45.29128 moveto +191.33824 42.5196 lineto +192.48633 45.29128 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 49.60622 85.03922 moveto +49.60622 70.86601 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 48.45813 73.63768 moveto +49.60622 70.86601 lineto +50.7543 73.63768 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 162.99184 85.03922 moveto +162.99184 70.86601 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 161.84375 73.63768 moveto +162.99184 70.86601 lineto +164.13992 73.63768 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 21.25981 28.3464 moveto +21.25981 14.1732 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 20.11172 16.94487 moveto +21.25981 14.1732 lineto +22.4079 16.94487 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 77.95262 28.3464 moveto +77.95262 14.1732 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 76.80453 16.94487 moveto +77.95262 14.1732 lineto +79.10071 16.94487 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 134.64543 28.3464 moveto +134.64543 14.1732 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 133.49734 16.94487 moveto +134.64543 14.1732 lineto +135.79352 16.94487 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 191.33824 28.3464 moveto +191.33824 14.1732 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 190.19016 16.94487 moveto +191.33824 14.1732 lineto +192.48633 16.94487 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +98.21913 106.99612 moveto +(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +100.53302 89.40462 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +106.64201 87.91022 moveto +(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow +42.91336 61.05821 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +50.21786 62.24112 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow + 0 setlinecap +newpath 50.21786 61.30731 moveto +54.60545 61.30731 lineto stroke +50.71666 57.16331 moveto +(2) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +156.29898 61.05821 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +163.60349 62.24112 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow +newpath 163.60349 61.30731 moveto +167.99107 61.30731 lineto stroke +164.10228 57.16331 moveto +(2) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +14.56696 32.7118 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +21.87146 33.89471 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow +newpath 21.87146 32.9609 moveto +26.25905 32.9609 lineto stroke +22.37025 28.81691 moveto +(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +71.25977 32.7118 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +78.56427 33.89471 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow +newpath 78.56427 32.9609 moveto +82.95186 32.9609 lineto stroke +79.06306 28.81691 moveto +(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +127.95258 32.7118 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +135.25708 33.89471 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow +newpath 135.25708 32.9609 moveto +139.64467 32.9609 lineto stroke +135.75587 28.81691 moveto +(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +184.64539 32.7118 moveto +(S) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +191.94989 33.89471 moveto +(n) cmmi5 4.98132 fshow +newpath 191.94989 32.9609 moveto +196.33748 32.9609 lineto stroke +192.44868 28.81691 moveto +(4) cmr5 4.98132 fshow +59.69281 -2.71205 moveto +(Bitonic) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +90.82611 -2.71205 moveto +(k\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +96.08421 -2.71205 moveto +(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +104.38641 -2.71205 moveto +(t) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +107.72112 -2.71205 moveto +(\024) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +108.2608 -2.71205 moveto +(r) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +111.05591 -2.71205 moveto +(\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +112.16281 -2.71205 moveto +(\020di) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +122.9557 -2.71205 moveto +(\024) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +123.23251 -2.71205 moveto +(ck) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +132.36491 -2.71205 moveto +(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +140.66711 -2.71205 moveto +(B) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +148.2239 -4.20645 moveto +(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.6 b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b14d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.6 @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -1 -1 213 100 +%%Creator: MetaPost +%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 4d:8 +%*Font: cmr7 6.97385 6.97385 32:a2 +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 0 14.1732 moveto +212.59804 14.1732 lineto +212.59804 28.3464 lineto +0 28.3464 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 0 42.5196 moveto +99.21242 42.5196 lineto +99.21242 56.69281 lineto +0 56.69281 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 113.38562 42.5196 moveto +212.59804 42.5196 lineto +212.59804 56.69281 lineto +113.38562 56.69281 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 0 70.86601 moveto +42.5196 70.86601 lineto +42.5196 85.03922 lineto +0 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 56.69281 70.86601 moveto +99.21242 70.86601 lineto +99.21242 85.03922 lineto +56.69281 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 113.38562 70.86601 moveto +155.90523 70.86601 lineto +155.90523 85.03922 lineto +113.38562 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath 170.07843 70.86601 moveto +212.59804 70.86601 lineto +212.59804 85.03922 lineto +170.07843 85.03922 lineto + closepath stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + 1 setlinecap +newpath 14.1732 99.21242 moveto +14.1732 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 13.02512 87.81088 moveto +14.1732 85.03922 lineto +15.32129 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 28.3464 99.21242 moveto +28.3464 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 27.19832 87.81088 moveto +28.3464 85.03922 lineto +29.49449 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 70.86601 99.21242 moveto +70.86601 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 69.71793 87.81088 moveto +70.86601 85.03922 lineto +72.0141 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 85.03922 99.21242 moveto +85.03922 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 83.89113 87.81088 moveto +85.03922 85.03922 lineto +86.1873 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 127.55882 99.21242 moveto +127.55882 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 126.41074 87.81088 moveto +127.55882 85.03922 lineto +128.70691 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 141.73203 99.21242 moveto +141.73203 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 140.58394 87.81088 moveto +141.73203 85.03922 lineto +142.88011 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 184.25163 99.21242 moveto +184.25163 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 183.10355 87.81088 moveto +184.25163 85.03922 lineto +185.39972 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 198.42484 99.21242 moveto +198.42484 85.03922 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 197.27675 87.81088 moveto +198.42484 85.03922 lineto +199.57292 87.81088 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 21.25981 70.86601 moveto +21.25981 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 20.11172 59.46448 moveto +21.25981 56.69281 lineto +22.4079 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 77.95262 70.86601 moveto +77.95262 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 76.80453 59.46448 moveto +77.95262 56.69281 lineto +79.10071 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 134.64543 70.86601 moveto +134.64543 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 133.49734 59.46448 moveto +134.64543 56.69281 lineto +135.79352 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 191.33824 70.86601 moveto +191.33824 56.69281 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 190.19016 59.46448 moveto +191.33824 56.69281 lineto +192.48633 59.46448 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 49.60622 42.5196 moveto +49.60622 28.3464 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 48.45813 31.11807 moveto +49.60622 28.3464 lineto +50.7543 31.11807 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 162.99184 42.5196 moveto +162.99184 28.3464 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 161.84375 31.11807 moveto +162.99184 28.3464 lineto +164.13992 31.11807 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth +newpath 106.29903 14.1732 moveto +106.29903 0 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 105.15094 2.77167 moveto +106.29903 0 lineto +107.44711 2.77167 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +99.23177 18.66762 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +108.89697 17.17322 moveto +(8) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +42.53896 47.01402 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +52.20416 45.51962 moveto +(4) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +155.92458 47.01402 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +165.58978 45.51962 moveto +(4) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +14.19255 75.36043 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +23.85776 73.86603 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +70.88536 75.36043 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +80.55057 73.86603 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +127.57817 75.36043 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +137.24338 73.86603 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +184.27098 75.36043 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +193.93619 73.86603 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.7 b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.7 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94619ca --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.7 @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: 9 5 191 130 +%%Creator: MetaPost +%%CreationDate: 2008.01.20:2138 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 13:80000086000000000002247de1 +%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 6b:9 +%*Font: cmr7 6.97385 6.97385 32:8 +%*Font: cmmi7 6.97385 6.97385 6e:8 +%*Font: cmsy10 9.96265 9.96265 00:8 +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 19.84248 119.0549 moveto +19.84248 39.68497 lineto +178.58235 39.68497 lineto +178.58235 119.0549 lineto stroke +newpath 19.84248 59.52745 moveto +69.4487 119.0549 lineto +178.58235 79.36993 lineto stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 99.21242 19.84248 moveto +99.21242 128.97615 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [0 3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash +newpath 130.36052 96.9054 moveto +148.81863 119.0549 lineto stroke +newpath 148.81863 119.0549 moveto +178.58235 108.23186 lineto stroke +newpath 50.99059 96.9054 moveto +99.21242 79.36993 lineto stroke + 0.3985 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth + [3 3 ] 0 setdash +newpath 50.99059 96.9054 moveto +50.99059 39.68497 lineto stroke +newpath 130.36052 96.9054 moveto +130.36052 39.68497 lineto stroke + 0 0.3985 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [0 3.49998 ] 1.74998 setdash +newpath 9.92125 9.92125 moveto +29.76373 9.92125 lineto stroke +newpath 52.48499 96.9054 moveto +52.48499 97.30173 52.32755 97.68184 52.04729 97.9621 curveto +51.76703 98.24236 51.38692 98.3998 50.99059 98.3998 curveto +50.59425 98.3998 50.21414 98.24236 49.93388 97.9621 curveto +49.65363 97.68184 49.49619 97.30173 49.49619 96.9054 curveto +49.49619 96.50906 49.65363 96.12895 49.93388 95.8487 curveto +50.21414 95.56844 50.59425 95.411 50.99059 95.411 curveto +51.38692 95.411 51.76703 95.56844 52.04729 95.8487 curveto +52.32755 96.12895 52.48499 96.50906 52.48499 96.9054 curveto closepath fill +newpath 131.85492 96.9054 moveto +131.85492 97.30173 131.69748 97.68184 131.41722 97.9621 curveto +131.13696 98.24236 130.75685 98.3998 130.36052 98.3998 curveto +129.96419 98.3998 129.58408 98.24236 129.30382 97.9621 curveto +129.02356 97.68184 128.86612 97.30173 128.86612 96.9054 curveto +128.86612 96.50906 129.02356 96.12895 129.30382 95.8487 curveto +129.58408 95.56844 129.96419 95.411 130.36052 95.411 curveto +130.75685 95.411 131.13696 95.56844 131.41722 95.8487 curveto +131.69748 96.12895 131.85492 96.50906 131.85492 96.9054 curveto closepath fill +17.35184 28.21677 moveto +(0) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +48.24048 29.76646 moveto +(k) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +73.83423 33.03938 moveto +(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow + [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap +newpath 73.83423 31.60748 moveto +78.75914 31.60748 lineto stroke +74.31104 25.68127 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +82.16853 29.11678 moveto +(\000) cmsy10 9.96265 fshow +92.13113 29.11678 moveto +(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +117.86421 28.21677 moveto +(k) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +125.57831 28.21677 moveto +(+) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +136.7364 32.13937 moveto +(n) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow +newpath 136.7364 30.70747 moveto +141.66132 30.70747 lineto stroke +137.21321 24.78127 moveto +(2) cmr7 6.97385 fshow +167.0135 28.21677 moveto +(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +175.2073 28.21677 moveto +(\000) cmsy10 9.96265 fshow +185.1699 28.21677 moveto +(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +32.76373 7.43059 moveto +(p) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +38.57533 7.43059 moveto +(osloupnost) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +87.94583 7.43059 moveto +(prohozen\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +127.27063 7.43059 moveto +(a) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +135.57283 7.43059 moveto +(separ\023) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +158.34863 7.43059 moveto +(atorem) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/ b/old/5-addsort/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..081f9f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/ @@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ +%defaultfont:="csr12"; +%verbatimtex \input twelvecs etex +u:=1 ; +ahlength:=u*3; + +beginfig(0); +v:=u*7mm; + +z12=(1v,1v); +z13=(2v,1v); +z21=(0v,2v); +z22=(1v,2v); +z23=(2v,2v); +z24=(3v,2v); +z31=(0v,4v); +z32=(1v,4v); +z33=(2v,4v); +z34=(3v,4v); +z42=(1v,5v); +z43=(2v,5v); + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z21--z22--z23--z24--z34--z33--z32--z31--z21); +drawarrow(z22--z12); +drawarrow(z23--z13); +drawarrow(z42--z32); +drawarrow(z43--z33); + \strut a etex,z32); \strut b etex,z33); min etex,z22); max etex,z23); + + +endfig; + +beginfig(1); +v:=u*5mm; +z10=(0v,0v); +z20=(2v,0v); +z30=(4v,0v); +z40=(6v,0v); +z50=(8v,0v); + +z11=(0v,1v); +z12=(0v,2v); +z13=(0v,3v); +z14=(0v,4v); +z15=(0v,5v); +z16=(0v,6v); +z17=(0v,7v); +z18=(0v,8v); +z19=(0v,9v); +z110=(0v,10v); + +z21=(2v,1v); +z22=(2v,2v); +z23=(2v,3v); +z24=(2v,4v); +z25=(2v,5v); +z26=(2v,6v); +z27=(2v,7v); +z28=(2v,8v); +z29=(2v,9v); +z210=(2v,10v); + +z31=(4v,1v); +z32=(4v,2v); +z33=(4v,3v); +z34=(4v,4v); +z35=(4v,5v); +z36=(4v,6v); +z37=(4v,7v); +z38=(4v,8v); +z39=(4v,9v); +z310=(4v,10v); + +z41=(6v,1v); +z42=(6v,2v); +z43=(6v,3v); +z44=(6v,4v); +z45=(6v,5v); +z46=(6v,6v); +z47=(6v,7v); +z48=(6v,8v); +z49=(6v,9v); +z410=(6v,10v); + +z51=(8v,1v); +z52=(8v,2v); +z53=(8v,3v); +z54=(8v,4v); +z55=(8v,5v); +z56=(8v,6v); +z57=(8v,7v); +z58=(8v,8v); +z59=(8v,9v); +z510=(8v,10v); + +z111=(0v,11v); +z211=(2v,11v); +z311=(4v,11v); +z411=(6v,11v); +z511=(8v,11v); + +z1015=(-1v,1.5v); +z1615=(9v,1.5v); +z1035=(-1v,3.5v); +z1635=(9v,3.5v); +z1065=(-1v,6.5v); +z1665=(9v,6.5v); + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z10--z111); +draw(z20--z211); +draw(z30--z311); +draw(z40--z411); +draw(z50--z511); +drawarrow(z11--z21); +drawarrow(z13--z23); +drawarrow(z16--z26); +drawarrow(z110--z210); +drawarrow(z22--z32); +drawarrow(z25--z35); +drawarrow(z29--z39); +drawarrow(z34--z44); +drawarrow(z38--z48); +drawarrow(z47--z57); + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.7pt; +draw(z1015--z1615) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; +draw(z1035--z1635) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; +draw(z1065--z1665) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; + x1 etex,z111); x2 etex,z211); x3 etex,z311); x4 etex,z411); x5 etex,z511); + +endfig; + +beginfig(2); +v:=u*5mm; +z13=(0v,3v); +z23=(2v,3v); +z33=(4v,3v); +z43=(6v,3v); +z53=(8v,3v); + +z14=(0v,4v); +z15=(0v,5v); +z16=(0v,6v); +z17=(0v,7v); +z18=(0v,8v); +z19=(0v,9v); +z110=(0v,10v); + +z24=(2v,4v); +z25=(2v,5v); +z26=(2v,6v); +z27=(2v,7v); +z28=(2v,8v); +z29=(2v,9v); +z210=(2v,10v); + +z34=(4v,4v); +z35=(4v,5v); +z36=(4v,6v); +z37=(4v,7v); +z38=(4v,8v); +z39=(4v,9v); +z310=(4v,10v); + +z44=(6v,4v); +z45=(6v,5v); +z46=(6v,6v); +z47=(6v,7v); +z48=(6v,8v); +z49=(6v,9v); +z410=(6v,10v); + +z54=(8v,4v); +z55=(8v,5v); +z56=(8v,6v); +z57=(8v,7v); +z58=(8v,8v); +z59=(8v,9v); +z510=(8v,10v); + +z111=(0v,11v); +z211=(2v,11v); +z311=(4v,11v); +z411=(6v,11v); +z511=(8v,11v); + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z13--z111); +draw(z23--z211); +draw(z33--z311); +draw(z43--z411); +draw(z53--z511); +drawarrow(z14--z24); +drawarrow(z16--z26); +drawarrow(z18--z28); +drawarrow(z110--z210); +drawarrow(z25--z35); +drawarrow(z27--z37); +drawarrow(z29--z39); +drawarrow(z36--z46); +drawarrow(z38--z48); +drawarrow(z47--z57); + x1 etex,z111); x2 etex,z211); x3 etex,z311); x4 etex,z411); x5 etex,z511); + +endfig; + + +beginfig(3); +v:=u*5mm; + +z10=(0v,0v); +z15=(0v,5v); +z16=(0v,6v); + +z20=(2v,0v); +z24=(2v,4v); +z26=(2v,6v); + +z30=(4v,0v); +z33=(4v,3v); +z36=(4v,6v); + +z40=(6v,0v); +z42=(6v,2v); +z46=(6v,6v); + +z50=(8v,0v); +z51=(8v,1v); +z56=(8v,6v); + +z60=(10v,0v); +z65=(10v,5v); +z66=(10v,6v); + +z70=(12v,0v); +z74=(12v,4v); +z76=(12v,6v); + +z80=(14v,0v); +z83=(14v,3v); +z86=(14v,6v); + +z90=(16v,0v); +z92=(16v,2v); +z96=(16v,6v); + +z100=(18v,0v); +z101=(18v,1v); +z106=(18v,6v); + +z110=(20v,0v); +z116=(20v,6v); + + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z10--z16); +draw(z20--z26); +draw(z30--z36); +draw(z40--z46); +draw(z50--z56); +draw(z60--z66); +draw(z70--z76); +draw(z80--z86); +draw(z90--z96); +draw(z100--z106); +drawarrow(z15--z65); +drawarrow(z24--z74); +drawarrow(z33--z83); +drawarrow(z42--z92); +drawarrow(z51--z101); + $x_0$ etex,z16); $x_1$ etex,z26); $x_2$ etex,z36); \dots etex,z66); $x_{n-2}$ etex,z96); $x_{n-1}$ etex,z106); + +endfig; + + + +beginfig(4); +v:=u*5mm; + +z1075=(7.5v,0v); + +z10=(0v,1v); +z175=(7.5v,1v); +z115=(15v,1v); + +z20=(0v,2v); +z235=(3.5v,2v); +z211=(11.5v,2v); +z215=(15v,2v); + +z30=(0v,3v); +z335=(3.5v,3v); +z37=(7v,3v); +z38=(8v,3v); +z311=(11.5v,3v); +z315=(15v,3v); + +z40=(0v,4v); +z415=(1.5v,4v); +z455=(5.5v,4v); +z47=(7v,4v); +z48=(8v,4v); +z495=(9.5v,4v); +z413=(13.5v,4v); +z416=(15v,4v); + +z50=(0v,5v); +z515=(1.5v,5v); +z53=(3v,5v); +z54=(4v,5v); +z555=(5.5v,5v); +z57=(7v,5v); +z58=(8v,5v); +z595=(9.5v,5v); +z511=(11v,5v); +z512=(12v,5v); +z513=(13.5v,5v); +z516=(15v,5v); + +z60=(0v,6v); +z61=(1v,6v); +z62=(2v,6v); +z63=(3v,6v); +z64=(4v,6v); +z65=(5v,6v); +z66=(6v,6v); +z67=(7v,6v); +z68=(8v,6v); +z69=(9v,6v); +z610=(10v,6v); +z611=(11v,6v); +z612=(12v,6v); +z613=(13v,6v); +z614=(14v,6v); +z615=(15v,6v); + +z71=(1v,7v); +z72=(2v,7v); +z75=(5v,7v); +z76=(6v,7v); +z79=(9v,7v); +z710=(10v,7v); +z713=(13v,7v); +z714=(14v,7v); + + + + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); +draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); +draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); +draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); +draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); +draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); +draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); +drawarrow(z71--z61); +drawarrow(z72--z62); +drawarrow(z75--z65); +drawarrow(z76--z66); +drawarrow(z79--z69); +drawarrow(z710--z610); +drawarrow(z713--z613); +drawarrow(z714--z614); +drawarrow(z515--z415); +drawarrow(z555--z455); +drawarrow(z595--z495); +drawarrow(z513--z413); +drawarrow(z335--z235); +drawarrow(z311--z211); +drawarrow(z175--z1075); + +endfig; + + +beginfig(5); +v:=u*5mm; + +z075=(7.5v,8v); + +z10=(0v,7v); +z175=(7.5v,7v); +z115=(15v,7v); + +z20=(0v,6v); +z235=(3.5v,6v); +z211=(11.5v,6v); +z215=(15v,6v); + +z30=(0v,5v); +z335=(3.5v,5v); +z37=(7v,5v); +z38=(8v,5v); +z311=(11.5v,5v); +z315=(15v,5v); + +z40=(0v,4v); +z415=(1.5v,4v); +z455=(5.5v,4v); +z47=(7v,4v); +z48=(8v,4v); +z495=(9.5v,4v); +z413=(13.5v,4v); +z416=(15v,4v); + +z50=(0v,3v); +z515=(1.5v,3v); +z53=(3v,3v); +z54=(4v,3v); +z555=(5.5v,3v); +z57=(7v,3v); +z58=(8v,3v); +z595=(9.5v,3v); +z511=(11v,3v); +z512=(12v,3v); +z513=(13.5v,3v); +z516=(15v,3v); + +z60=(0v,2v); +z61=(1v,2v); +z62=(2v,2v); +z63=(3v,2v); +z64=(4v,2v); +z65=(5v,2v); +z66=(6v,2v); +z67=(7v,2v); +z68=(8v,2v); +z69=(9v,2v); +z610=(10v,2v); +z611=(11v,2v); +z612=(12v,2v); +z613=(13v,2v); +z614=(14v,2v); +z615=(15v,2v); + +% ve skutecnosti dle znaceni +% by melo byt z6* ale uz +% obsazeno +z815=(1.5v,2v); +z855=(5.5v,2v); +z895=(9.5v,2v); +z813=(13.5v,2v); + +z715=(1.5v,1v); +z755=(5.5v,1v); +z795=(9.5v,1v); +z713=(13.5v,1v); + +z9=(4v,0v); + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); +draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); +draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); +draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); +draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); +draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); +draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); +drawarrow(z075--z175); +drawarrow(z415--z515); +drawarrow(z455--z555); +drawarrow(z495--z595); +drawarrow(z413--z513); +drawarrow(z235--z335); +drawarrow(z211--z311); +drawarrow(z815--z715); +drawarrow(z855--z755); +drawarrow(z895--z795); +drawarrow(z813--z713); + +label.llft(btex $n$ etex,z075); $S_n$ etex,z175); $S_{n\over 2}$ etex,z335); $S_{n\over 2}$ etex,z311); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z515); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z555); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z595); $S_{n\over 4}$ etex,z513); +label.rt(btex Bitonick\'a t\v r\'\i di\v cka $B_{n}$ etex,z9); + +endfig; + + + +beginfig(6); +v:=u*5mm; + +z1075=(7.5v,0v); + +z10=(0v,1v); +z175=(7.5v,1v); +z115=(15v,1v); + +z20=(0v,2v); +z235=(3.5v,2v); +z211=(11.5v,2v); +z215=(15v,2v); + +z30=(0v,3v); +z335=(3.5v,3v); +z37=(7v,3v); +z38=(8v,3v); +z311=(11.5v,3v); +z315=(15v,3v); + +z40=(0v,4v); +z415=(1.5v,4v); +z455=(5.5v,4v); +z47=(7v,4v); +z48=(8v,4v); +z495=(9.5v,4v); +z413=(13.5v,4v); +z416=(15v,4v); + +z50=(0v,5v); +z515=(1.5v,5v); +z53=(3v,5v); +z54=(4v,5v); +z555=(5.5v,5v); +z57=(7v,5v); +z58=(8v,5v); +z595=(9.5v,5v); +z511=(11v,5v); +z512=(12v,5v); +z513=(13.5v,5v); +z516=(15v,5v); + +z60=(0v,6v); +z61=(1v,6v); +z62=(2v,6v); +z63=(3v,6v); +z64=(4v,6v); +z65=(5v,6v); +z66=(6v,6v); +z67=(7v,6v); +z68=(8v,6v); +z69=(9v,6v); +z610=(10v,6v); +z611=(11v,6v); +z612=(12v,6v); +z613=(13v,6v); +z614=(14v,6v); +z615=(15v,6v); + +z71=(1v,7v); +z72=(2v,7v); +z75=(5v,7v); +z76=(6v,7v); +z79=(9v,7v); +z710=(10v,7v); +z713=(13v,7v); +z714=(14v,7v); + + + + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z10--z115--z215--z20--cycle); +draw(z30--z37--z47--z40--cycle); +draw(z38--z315--z416--z48--cycle); +draw(z50--z53--z63--z60--cycle); +draw(z54--z57--z67--z64--cycle); +draw(z58--z511--z611--z68--cycle); +draw(z512--z516--z615--z612--cycle); +drawarrow(z71--z61); +drawarrow(z72--z62); +drawarrow(z75--z65); +drawarrow(z76--z66); +drawarrow(z79--z69); +drawarrow(z710--z610); +drawarrow(z713--z613); +drawarrow(z714--z614); +drawarrow(z515--z415); +drawarrow(z555--z455); +drawarrow(z595--z495); +drawarrow(z513--z413); +drawarrow(z335--z235); +drawarrow(z311--z211); +drawarrow(z175--z1075); + $M_8$ etex,z175); $M_4$ etex,z335); $M_4$ etex,z311); $M_2$ etex,z515); $M_2$ etex,z555); $M_2$ etex,z595); $M_2$ etex,z513); + +endfig; + + +beginfig(7); +v:=u*7mm; + +z12=(1v,2v); +z13=(1v,3v); +z16=(1v,6v); +z356=(3.5v,6v); +z40=(5v,1v); +z42=(5v,2v); +z47=(5v,6.5v); +z72=(9v,2v); +z74=(9v,4v); +z76=(9v,6v); + +z100=(0.5v,0.5v); +z101=(1.5v,0.5v); + +z0=whatever[z13,z356]; +z1=whatever[z356,z74]; +z1=z0+4v*right; +z2=whatever[z12,z72]; +z2=z0+whatever*down; +z3=whatever[z12,z72]; +z3=z1+whatever*down; +z4=z356+4v*right; +z5=whatever[z72,z76]; +z5=whatever[z4,z1+4v*right]; +z6=whatever[z40,z47]; +z6=z74+4v*left; + + +pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; +draw(z16--z12--z72--z76); +draw(z13--z356--z74); +draw(z40--z47) dashed evenly; +draw(z1--z4) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; +draw(z4--z5) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; +draw(z0--z6) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; +draw(z0--z2) dashed evenly; +draw(z1--z3) dashed evenly; + +draw(z100--z101) dashed withdots scaled 0.7; + +pickup pencircle scaled 3pt; +drawdot(z0); +drawdot(z1); + \strut 0 etex,z12); $k$ etex,z2); +label.llft(btex \strut ${n\over 2} - 1$ etex,z42); \strut $k+{n\over 2}$ etex,z3); \strut $n-1$ etex,z72); +label.rt(btex posloupnost prohozen\'a separ\'atorem etex,z101); + +endfig; + + + + + + + +end; diff --git a/old/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9814d6d --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/sortnet.mpx @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ +% Written by DVItoMP, Version 0.64/color (Web2C 7.5.4) +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("a",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.4869)--(4.9813,-3.4869)-- + (4.9813,8.4682)--(0,8.4682)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("b",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.4869)--(5.5348,-3.4869)-- + (5.5348,8.4682)--(0,8.4682)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("min",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(16.6045,0.0000)-- + (16.6045,6.6536)--(0,6.6536)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("max",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(18.5416,0.0000)-- + (18.5416,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x1",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x2",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x3",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x4",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x5",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x1",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x2",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x3",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x4",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("x5",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(10.2394,0.0000)-- + (10.2394,6.4204)--(0,6.4204)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("0",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- + (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("1",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- + (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(10.1633,-1.4944)-- + (10.1633,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s(":",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_s(":",_n1,1.00000,4.4278,0.0000,); +_s(":",_n1,1.00000,8.8556,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(13.2834,0.0000)-- + (13.2834,1.0516)--(0,1.0516)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n3="cmmi7"; +_s("n",_n3,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); +_n4="cmsy7"; +_s(char0,_n4,1.00000,10.6188,-1.4944,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,16.8454,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-2.3246)--(21.3148,-2.3246)-- + (21.3148,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("x",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n3="cmmi7"; +_s("n",_n3,1.00000,5.6939,-1.4944,); +_n4="cmsy7"; +_s(char0,_n4,1.00000,10.6188,-1.4944,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("1",_n2,1.00000,16.8454,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-2.3246)--(21.3148,-2.3246)-- + (21.3148,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("n",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,0.0000)--(5.9799,0.0000)-- + (5.9799,4.2895)--(0,4.2895)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n3="cmmi7"; +_s("n",_n3,1.00000,6.1090,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(11.5320,-1.4944)-- + (11.5320,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("2",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("2",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("S",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n5="cmmi5"; +_s("n",_n5,1.00000,7.3045,1.1829,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((7.3045,0.2491)..(11.6921,0.2491), 0.3985,); +_n6="cmr5"; +_s("4",_n6,1.00000,7.8033,-3.8949,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.8949)--(13.3857,-3.8949)-- + (13.3857,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("Bitonic",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_s("k"&char19,_n0,1.00000,31.1333,0.0000,); +_s("a",_n0,1.00000,36.3914,0.0000,); +_s("t",_n0,1.00000,44.6936,0.0000,); +_s(char20,_n0,1.00000,48.0283,0.0000,); +_s("r",_n0,1.00000,48.5680,0.0000,); +_s(char19,_n0,1.00000,51.3631,0.0000,); +_s(char16&"di",_n0,1.00000,52.4700,0.0000,); +_s(char20,_n0,1.00000,63.2629,0.0000,); +_s("ck",_n0,1.00000,63.5397,0.0000,); +_s("a",_n0,1.00000,72.6721,0.0000,); +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("B",_n1,1.00000,80.9743,0.0000,); +_n3="cmmi7"; +_s("n",_n3,1.00000,88.5311,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(93.9541,-1.4944)-- + (93.9541,6.9185)--(0,6.9185)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("8",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("4",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("4",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to (0,-1.4944)--(14.1345,-1.4944)-- + (14.1345,6.8078)--(0,6.8078)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("M",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,9.6652,-1.4944,); +setbounds _p to 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+_s("n",_n3,1.00000,1.1955,3.9226,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((1.1955,2.4907)..(6.1204,2.4907), 0.3985,); +_n2="cmr7"; +_s("2",_n2,1.00000,1.6723,-3.4355,); +_n7="cmsy10"; +_s(char0,_n7,1.00000,9.5298,0.0000,); +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("1",_n0,1.00000,19.4924,0.0000,); +setbounds _p to (0,-3.4869)--(24.4737,-3.4869)-- + (24.4737,8.4682)--(0,8.4682)--cycle; +_p endgroup +mpxbreak +begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; +string _n[]; +vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= + addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; +_n1="cmmi10"; +_s("k",_n1,1.00000,0.0000,0.0000,); +_n0="cmr10"; +_s("+",_n0,1.00000,7.7141,0.0000,); +_n3="cmmi7"; +_s("n",_n3,1.00000,18.8722,3.9226,); +interim linecap:=0; +vardef _r(expr _a,_w)(text _t) = + addto _p doublepath _a withpen pencircle scaled _w _t enddef; +_r((18.8722,2.4907)..(23.7971,2.4907), 0.3985,); +_n2="cmr7"; 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274.42946 curveto +291.64191 274.42947 292.99608 273.64822 294.08984 272.08571 curveto +295.1966 270.52322 295.74998 267.39822 295.75 262.71071 curveto +295.74998 257.99719 295.1966 254.86568 294.08984 253.31618 curveto +292.99608 251.76673 291.62889 250.99199 289.98828 250.99196 curveto +288.37369 250.99199 287.08463 251.67558 286.12109 253.04274 curveto +284.91015 254.78756 284.30468 258.01021 284.30469 262.71071 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +358.42578 262.71071 moveto +358.42578 259.32531 358.77083 256.60396 359.46094 254.54665 curveto +360.16406 252.47636 361.19921 250.88131 362.56641 249.76149 curveto +363.94661 248.64173 365.67838 248.08184 367.76172 248.08181 curveto +369.29816 248.08184 370.64582 248.39434 371.80469 249.01931 curveto +372.96353 249.63131 373.92056 250.52324 374.67578 251.69509 curveto +375.43097 252.85397 376.02342 254.27324 376.45312 255.9529 curveto +376.88279 257.61959 377.09764 259.87219 377.09766 262.71071 curveto +377.09764 266.0701 376.75258 268.78494 376.0625 270.85524 curveto +375.37238 272.91254 374.33722 274.50759 372.95703 275.6404 curveto +371.58983 276.76019 369.85806 277.32009 367.76172 277.32009 curveto +365.00129 277.32009 362.83333 276.33051 361.25781 274.35134 curveto +359.36979 271.96853 358.42578 268.08833 358.42578 262.71071 curveto +362.03906 262.71071 moveto +362.03906 267.41124 362.58593 270.54275 363.67969 272.10524 curveto +364.78645 273.65473 366.14713 274.42947 367.76172 274.42946 curveto +369.37629 274.42947 370.73045 273.64822 371.82422 272.08571 curveto +372.93097 270.52322 373.48436 267.39822 373.48438 262.71071 curveto +373.48436 257.99719 372.93097 254.86568 371.82422 253.31618 curveto +370.73045 251.76673 369.36327 250.99199 367.72266 250.99196 curveto +366.10806 250.99199 364.819 251.67558 363.85547 253.04274 curveto +362.64453 254.78756 362.03906 258.01021 362.03906 262.71071 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +138.46484 326.83181 moveto +134.94922 326.83181 lineto +134.94922 304.42946 lineto +134.10285 305.23678 132.98957 306.04407 131.60938 306.85134 curveto +130.24218 307.65865 129.01171 308.26412 127.91797 308.66774 curveto +127.91797 305.26931 lineto +129.88411 304.34485 131.60286 303.22506 133.07422 301.90993 curveto +134.54556 300.59485 135.58723 299.31881 136.19922 298.08181 curveto +138.46484 298.08181 lineto +138.46484 326.83181 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +216.19922 326.83181 moveto +212.68359 326.83181 lineto +212.68359 304.42946 lineto +211.83723 305.23678 210.72395 306.04407 209.34375 306.85134 curveto +207.97656 307.65865 206.74609 308.26412 205.65234 308.66774 curveto +205.65234 305.26931 lineto +207.61848 304.34485 209.33723 303.22506 210.80859 301.90993 curveto +212.27994 300.59485 213.3216 299.31881 213.93359 298.08181 curveto +216.19922 298.08181 lineto +216.19922 326.83181 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +293.93359 326.83181 moveto +290.41797 326.83181 lineto +290.41797 304.42946 lineto +289.5716 305.23678 288.45832 306.04407 287.07812 306.85134 curveto +285.71093 307.65865 284.48046 308.26412 283.38672 308.66774 curveto +283.38672 305.26931 lineto +285.35286 304.34485 287.07161 303.22506 288.54297 301.90993 curveto +290.01431 300.59485 291.05598 299.31881 291.66797 298.08181 curveto +293.93359 298.08181 lineto +293.93359 326.83181 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +371.66797 326.83181 moveto +368.15234 326.83181 lineto +368.15234 304.42946 lineto +367.30598 305.23678 366.1927 306.04407 364.8125 306.85134 curveto +363.44531 307.65865 362.21484 308.26412 361.12109 308.66774 curveto +361.12109 305.26931 lineto +363.08723 304.34485 364.80598 303.22506 366.27734 301.90993 curveto +367.74869 300.59485 368.79035 299.31881 369.40234 298.08181 curveto +371.66797 298.08181 lineto +371.66797 326.83181 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +125.75 364.31228 moveto +125.75 361.03103 lineto +144.71484 353.02321 lineto +144.71484 356.51931 lineto +129.67578 362.69118 lineto +144.71484 368.92165 lineto +144.71484 372.41774 lineto +125.75 364.31228 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +204.05078 362.71071 moveto +204.05078 359.32531 204.39583 356.60396 205.08594 354.54665 curveto +205.78906 352.47636 206.82421 350.88131 208.19141 349.76149 curveto +209.57161 348.64173 211.30338 348.08184 213.38672 348.08181 curveto +214.92316 348.08184 216.27082 348.39434 217.42969 349.01931 curveto +218.58853 349.63131 219.54556 350.52324 220.30078 351.69509 curveto +221.05597 352.85397 221.64842 354.27324 222.07812 355.9529 curveto +222.50779 357.61959 222.72264 359.87219 222.72266 362.71071 curveto +222.72264 366.0701 222.37758 368.78494 221.6875 370.85524 curveto +220.99738 372.91254 219.96222 374.50759 218.58203 375.6404 curveto +217.21483 376.76019 215.48306 377.32009 213.38672 377.32009 curveto +210.62629 377.32009 208.45833 376.33051 206.88281 374.35134 curveto +204.99479 371.96853 204.05078 368.08833 204.05078 362.71071 curveto +207.66406 362.71071 moveto +207.66406 367.41124 208.21093 370.54275 209.30469 372.10524 curveto +210.41145 373.65473 211.77213 374.42947 213.38672 374.42946 curveto +215.00129 374.42947 216.35545 373.64822 217.44922 372.08571 curveto +218.55597 370.52322 219.10936 367.39822 219.10938 362.71071 curveto +219.10936 357.99719 218.55597 354.86568 217.44922 353.31618 curveto +216.35545 351.76673 214.98827 350.99199 213.34766 350.99196 curveto +211.73306 350.99199 210.444 351.67558 209.48047 353.04274 curveto +208.26953 354.78756 207.66406 358.01021 207.66406 362.71071 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +295.02734 376.83181 moveto +291.51172 376.83181 lineto +291.51172 354.42946 lineto +290.66535 355.23678 289.55207 356.04407 288.17188 356.85134 curveto +286.80468 357.65865 285.57421 358.26412 284.48047 358.66774 curveto +284.48047 355.26931 lineto +286.44661 354.34485 288.16536 353.22506 289.63672 351.90993 curveto +291.10806 350.59485 292.14973 349.31881 292.76172 348.08181 curveto +295.02734 348.08181 lineto +295.02734 376.83181 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +360.04688 364.31228 moveto +360.04688 361.03103 lineto +379.01172 353.02321 lineto +379.01172 356.51931 lineto +363.97266 362.69118 lineto +379.01172 368.92165 lineto +379.01172 372.41774 lineto +360.04688 364.31228 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +240.6836 226.94418 moveto +240.6836 450.6244 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.0000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +172.48815 285.9408 moveto +475.25555 285.9408 lineto +stroke +gsave [0.5554683 0 0 1.8002828 0 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +277.21404 197.90007 moveto +279.30938 197.84567 281.01015 197.28782 282.31634 196.22652 curveto +283.64974 195.13805 284.53414 193.65498 284.96954 191.77731 curveto +285.40493 189.89969 285.63623 186.68865 285.66346 182.14416 curveto +285.69066 177.59975 285.77229 174.6064 285.90837 173.1641 curveto +286.15327 170.87832 286.60227 169.04149 287.25537 167.65361 curveto +287.93567 166.26584 288.76564 165.16375 289.7453 164.34732 curveto +290.72493 163.5038 291.97669 162.86431 293.50059 162.42886 curveto +294.53464 162.15679 296.2218 162.02073 298.56208 162.02067 curveto +300.84791 162.02067 lineto +300.84791 168.42916 lineto +299.58254 168.42916 lineto +296.75244 168.42922 294.87479 168.94625 293.9496 169.98027 curveto +293.02436 170.98717 292.56175 173.2594 292.56177 176.79694 curveto +292.56175 183.9266 292.41209 188.43023 292.11277 190.30784 curveto +291.62293 193.21959 290.77935 195.4646 289.58203 197.04288 curveto +288.41188 198.62122 286.56145 200.02265 284.03072 201.24718 curveto +287.02406 202.49897 289.18743 204.41743 290.52085 207.00258 curveto +291.88145 209.56055 292.56175 213.76484 292.56177 219.61548 curveto +292.56175 224.92187 292.61618 228.07849 292.72504 229.08535 curveto +292.94272 230.93578 293.48697 232.22836 294.35778 232.9631 curveto +295.25577 233.69782 296.99735 234.06519 299.58254 234.0652 curveto +300.84791 234.0652 lineto +300.84791 240.47369 lineto +298.56208 240.47369 lineto +295.89525 240.47368 293.96318 240.25598 292.76586 239.8206 curveto +291.02426 239.1947 289.58201 238.17424 288.43911 236.75922 curveto +287.29618 235.37138 286.54784 233.60258 286.1941 231.45282 curveto +285.86754 229.30304 285.69066 225.77906 285.66346 220.88085 curveto +285.63623 215.98264 285.40493 212.59472 284.96954 210.71706 curveto +284.53414 208.83942 283.64974 207.35636 282.31634 206.26785 curveto +281.01015 205.17938 279.30938 204.60792 277.21404 204.55348 curveto +277.21404 197.90007 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0 0.5176729 -1.9317218 0 0 0] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +423.3999 -188.79749 moveto +425.64822 -188.85586 427.47316 -189.45444 428.87473 -190.59324 curveto +430.30547 -191.76117 431.25444 -193.35252 431.72163 -195.36728 curveto +432.18881 -197.38198 432.437 -200.82747 432.46621 -205.70375 curveto +432.4954 -210.57995 432.583 -213.79184 432.729 -215.33944 curveto +432.99178 -217.79211 433.47357 -219.76304 434.17436 -221.25225 curveto +434.90432 -222.74134 435.79489 -223.9239 436.84607 -224.79994 curveto +437.89722 -225.70505 439.24038 -226.39122 440.87554 -226.85847 curveto +441.98508 -227.1504 443.79542 -227.29639 446.30657 -227.29646 curveto +448.75929 -227.29646 lineto +448.75929 -220.42008 lineto +447.40153 -220.42008 lineto +444.36481 -220.42002 442.35007 -219.86524 441.35733 -218.75573 curveto +440.36454 -217.67531 439.86815 -215.23719 439.86817 -211.44137 curveto +439.86815 -203.79117 439.70756 -198.95873 439.38639 -196.94403 curveto +438.86079 -193.8197 437.95562 -191.41078 436.67088 -189.71726 curveto +435.4153 -188.02369 433.42977 -186.51994 430.71427 -185.20601 curveto +433.92615 -183.86283 436.24747 -181.8043 437.67824 -179.03041 curveto +439.13818 -176.28568 439.86815 -171.77443 439.86817 -165.49664 curveto +439.86815 -159.80282 439.92655 -156.41574 440.04337 -155.33537 curveto +440.27694 -153.34984 440.86092 -151.96288 441.79531 -151.1745 curveto +442.75886 -150.38614 444.6276 -149.99195 447.40153 -149.99194 curveto +448.75929 -149.99194 lineto +448.75929 -143.11556 lineto +446.30657 -143.11556 lineto +443.44504 -143.11558 441.3719 -143.34917 440.08717 -143.81633 curveto +438.21841 -144.48793 436.67086 -145.58289 435.44452 -147.10123 curveto +434.21814 -148.5904 433.41517 -150.48833 433.03559 -152.79505 curveto +432.68519 -155.10178 432.4954 -158.88305 432.46621 -164.13888 curveto +432.437 -169.39471 432.18881 -173.02999 431.72163 -175.04473 curveto +431.25444 -177.05945 430.30547 -178.6508 428.87473 -179.81878 curveto +427.47316 -180.98672 425.64822 -181.5999 423.3999 -181.65832 curveto +423.3999 -188.79749 lineto +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +116.6493 375.42725 moveto +127.64539 346.79443 lineto +131.72742 346.79443 lineto +143.44617 375.42725 lineto +139.12977 375.42725 lineto +135.78992 366.75537 lineto +123.81727 366.75537 lineto +120.67274 375.42725 lineto +116.6493 375.42725 lineto +124.91102 363.66943 moveto +134.61805 363.66943 lineto +131.62977 355.73975 lineto +130.7183 353.33091 130.04121 351.35175 129.59852 349.80225 curveto +129.23392 351.63821 128.7196 353.46112 128.05555 355.271 curveto +124.91102 363.66943 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +347.16019 211.327 moveto +347.16019 182.69418 lineto +357.90237 182.69418 lineto +360.08986 182.69421 361.84116 182.98718 363.15628 183.57309 curveto +364.48439 184.14603 365.51954 185.03796 366.26175 186.24887 curveto +367.01693 187.44681 367.39454 188.70332 367.39456 190.0184 curveto +367.39454 191.24238 367.06251 192.39472 366.39847 193.47543 curveto +365.73438 194.55618 364.73178 195.42857 363.39066 196.09262 curveto +365.12241 196.60045 366.45053 197.46633 367.37503 198.69028 curveto +368.31251 199.91425 368.78126 201.35956 368.78128 203.02621 curveto +368.78126 204.36737 368.4948 205.61737 367.92191 206.77621 curveto +367.36199 207.92205 366.66537 208.80747 365.83206 209.43246 curveto +364.99871 210.05747 363.95053 210.53273 362.68753 210.85825 curveto +361.43751 211.17075 359.90106 211.327 358.07816 211.327 curveto +347.16019 211.327 lineto +350.94925 194.72543 moveto +357.14066 194.72543 lineto +358.82033 194.72545 360.02475 194.61477 360.75394 194.3934 curveto +361.71746 194.10696 362.44012 193.6317 362.92191 192.96762 curveto +363.41668 192.30358 363.66407 191.47024 363.66409 190.46762 curveto +363.66407 189.51712 363.43621 188.68379 362.9805 187.96762 curveto +362.52475 187.23848 361.87371 186.74369 361.02737 186.48325 curveto +360.181 186.20983 358.72918 186.07311 356.67191 186.07309 curveto +350.94925 186.07309 lineto +350.94925 194.72543 lineto +350.94925 207.94809 moveto +358.07816 207.94809 lineto +359.3021 207.94809 360.16147 207.90252 360.65628 207.81137 curveto +361.52866 207.65512 362.25782 207.39471 362.84378 207.03012 curveto +363.4297 206.66554 363.91147 206.1382 364.28909 205.44809 curveto +364.66668 204.74497 364.85548 203.93768 364.8555 203.02621 curveto +364.85548 201.95852 364.58204 201.03404 364.03519 200.25278 curveto +363.48829 199.45852 362.72657 198.90513 361.75003 198.59262 curveto +360.78647 198.26711 359.39324 198.10435 357.57034 198.10434 curveto +350.94925 198.10434 lineto +350.94925 207.94809 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave [1 0 0 1 66 36] concat +gsave [1 0 0 1 10.651439 -19.17259] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +91.602379 48.99662 moveto +255.63454 48.99662 lineto +255.63454 125.68698 lineto +91.602379 125.68698 lineto +91.602379 48.99662 lineto +closepath +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +273.74197 48.996822 moveto +371.73521 48.996822 lineto +371.73521 125.68718 lineto +273.74197 125.68718 lineto +273.74197 48.996822 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +171.41545 82.746193 moveto +182.41154 54.11338 lineto +186.49358 54.11338 lineto +198.21233 82.746193 lineto +193.89592 82.746193 lineto +190.55608 74.074318 lineto +178.58342 74.074318 lineto +175.43889 82.746193 lineto +171.41545 82.746193 lineto +179.67717 70.98838 moveto +189.3842 70.98838 lineto +186.39592 63.058693 lineto +185.48445 60.649861 184.80736 58.670696 184.36467 57.121193 curveto +184.00007 58.957154 183.48575 60.780069 182.8217 62.589943 curveto +179.67717 70.98838 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +324.73264 82.746185 moveto +324.73264 54.113373 lineto +335.47482 54.113373 lineto +337.66231 54.113401 339.41361 54.40637 340.72873 54.992279 curveto +342.05683 55.565223 343.09199 56.457149 343.8342 57.66806 curveto +344.58938 58.866001 344.96699 60.12251 344.96701 61.437592 curveto +344.96699 62.66157 344.63496 63.813913 343.97092 64.894623 curveto +343.30683 65.975369 342.30423 66.847764 340.9631 67.51181 curveto +342.69485 68.019638 344.02298 68.885522 344.94748 70.109467 curveto +345.88496 71.333436 346.3537 72.778747 346.35373 74.445404 curveto +346.3537 75.786557 346.06725 77.036556 345.49435 78.195404 curveto +344.93444 79.341241 344.23782 80.226657 343.40451 80.851654 curveto +342.57116 81.476655 341.52298 81.951915 340.25998 82.277435 curveto +339.00996 82.589935 337.47351 82.746185 335.6506 82.746185 curveto +324.73264 82.746185 lineto +328.5217 66.144623 moveto +334.7131 66.144623 lineto +336.39278 66.144639 337.5972 66.033962 338.32639 65.812592 curveto +339.28991 65.52615 340.01257 65.05089 340.49435 64.38681 curveto +340.98913 63.722767 341.23652 62.889434 341.23654 61.88681 curveto +341.23652 60.936311 341.00866 60.102979 340.55295 59.38681 curveto +340.0972 58.657668 339.44616 58.162877 338.59982 57.902435 curveto +337.75345 57.629023 336.30163 57.492304 334.24435 57.492279 curveto +328.5217 57.492279 lineto +328.5217 66.144623 lineto +328.5217 79.367279 moveto +335.6506 79.367279 lineto +336.87455 79.367282 337.73392 79.32171 338.22873 79.23056 curveto +339.10111 79.074314 339.83027 78.813898 340.41623 78.44931 curveto +341.00215 78.084732 341.48392 77.557388 341.86154 76.867279 curveto +342.23913 76.164161 342.42793 75.35687 342.42795 74.445404 curveto +342.42793 73.377705 342.15449 72.453227 341.60764 71.671967 curveto +341.06074 70.877708 340.29902 70.324323 339.32248 70.01181 curveto +338.35892 69.686303 336.96569 69.523542 335.14279 69.523529 curveto +328.5217 69.523529 lineto +328.5217 79.367279 lineto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.5 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +91.472092 15.042303 moveto +391.84267 15.042303 lineto +391.84267 121.55669 lineto +91.472092 121.55669 lineto +91.472092 15.042303 lineto +closepath +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +424.48441 72.218842 moveto +428.27347 73.175873 lineto +427.47917 76.287858 426.04688 78.664158 423.97659 80.304779 curveto +421.91928 81.932384 419.39975 82.746185 416.418 82.746185 curveto +413.33205 82.746185 410.81903 82.121185 408.87894 80.871185 curveto +406.95185 79.608167 405.48049 77.785252 404.46487 75.402435 curveto +403.46227 73.019632 402.96097 70.461041 402.96097 67.726654 curveto +402.96097 64.744901 403.52737 62.147247 404.66019 59.933685 curveto +405.80602 57.707147 407.42711 56.020951 409.52347 54.875092 curveto +411.63283 53.716266 413.95054 53.136839 416.47659 53.13681 curveto +419.34116 53.136839 421.75001 53.866005 423.70316 55.32431 curveto +425.65626 56.782669 427.01693 58.833448 427.78519 61.476654 curveto +424.05472 62.35556 lineto +423.39063 60.272249 422.42709 58.755323 421.16409 57.804779 curveto +419.90105 56.854284 418.31251 56.379024 416.39847 56.378998 curveto +414.19793 56.379024 412.35549 56.906367 410.87112 57.961029 curveto +409.39976 59.01574 408.36461 60.435009 407.76566 62.218842 curveto +407.16669 63.989693 406.86721 65.819118 406.86722 67.707123 curveto +406.86721 70.142031 407.21877 72.270935 407.92191 74.093842 curveto +408.63804 75.903744 409.74481 77.257909 411.24222 78.156342 curveto +412.7396 79.054782 414.36069 79.504001 416.1055 79.503998 curveto +418.22788 79.504001 420.02475 78.892022 421.49612 77.66806 curveto +422.96746 76.444108 423.96355 74.627703 424.48441 72.218842 curveto +fill +grestore +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg b/old/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26a80a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/5-addsort/tabulka_skladani_bloku.svg @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + 0 1 <0 0 0 01 1 1 1< 0 1 < + + { + { + A + B + + + + + + A + B + + C + + + diff --git a/old/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex b/old/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..041c06a --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/6-kmp.tex @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{6}{Vyhledávání v~textu}{(zapsal: Petr Jankovský)} + +Nyní se budeme vìnovat následujícímu problému: v~textu délky $S$ (senì) budeme chtít najít v¹echny výskyty hledaného slova délky $J$ (jehly). Nejprve se podívejme na~jeden primitivní algoritmus, který nefunguje. Je ale zajímavé rozmyslet si, proè. + +\h{Hloupý algoritmus} +Zaèneme prvním písmenkem hledaného slova a~budeme postupnì procházet text, a¾ najdeme první výskyt poèáteèního písmenka. Poté budeme testovat, zda souhlasí i~písmenka dal¹í. Pokud nastane neshoda, v~hledaném slovì se vrátíme na~zaèátek a~v~textu pokraèujeme znakem, ve~kterém neshoda nastala. Podívejme se na~pøíklad. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Budeme hledat slovo |jehla| v~textu |jevkupcejejehla|. Vezmeme si tedy první písmenko |j| v~hledaném slovì a~zjistíme, ¾e v~textu se nachází hned na~zaèátku. Vezmeme tedy dal¹í písmenko |e|, které se vyskytuje jako druhé i~v~textu. Pøi tøetím písmenku ale narazíme na~neshodu. V~tuto chvíli tedy zresetujeme a~opìt hledáme výskyt písmenka |j|, tentokrát v¹ak a¾ od~tøetího písmene v~textu. Takto postupujeme postupnì dál, a¾ narazíme na~dal¹í |je|, které ov¹em není následováno písmenem~|h|, tudí¾ opìt zresetujeme a~nakonec najdeme shodu s~celým hledaným øetìzcem. V~tomto pøípadì tedy algoritmus na¹el hledané slovo. + +Tento algoritmus v¹ak zjevnì mù¾e hanebnì selhat. Mù¾e se stát, ¾e zaèneme porovnávat, a¾ v~jednu chvíli narazíme na~neshodu. Celý tento kus tedy pøeskoèíme. Pøi tom se ale v~tomto kusu textu mohl vyskytovat nìjaký pøekrývající se výskyt hledané \uv{jehly}. Hledejme napøíklad øetìzec |kokos| v~textu |clanekokokosu|. Algoritmus tedy zaène porovnávat. Ve~chvíli kdy najde prefix |koko| a~na~vstupu dostane~|k|, dochází k~neshodì. Proto algoritmus zresetuje a~pokraèuje v~hledání od~tohoto znaku. Najde sice je¹tì výskyt |ko|, ov¹em s~dal¹ím písmenkem |s| ji¾ dochází k~neshodì a~algotimus sel¾e. Nesprávnì se toti¾ \uv{upnul} na~první nalezené |koko| a~s~dal¹ím~|k| pak \uv{zahodil} i~správný zaèátek. + +Máme tedy algoritmus, který i~kdy¾ je ¹patnì, tak funguje urèitì kdykoli se první písmenko hledaného slova v~tomto slovì u¾ nikde jinde nevyskytuje -- co¾ |jehla| splòovala, ale |kokos| u¾ ne. + +{\I Hloupý algoritmus} se na~ka¾dé písmenko textu podívá jednou, tudí¾ èasová slo¾itost bude lineární s~délkou textu ve~kterém hledáme -- tedy $\O(S)$. + +\h{Pomalý algoritmus} +Zkusíme algoritmus vylep¹it tak, aby fungoval správnì: pokud nastane nìjaká neshoda, vrátíme se zpátky tìsnì za~zaèátek toho, kdy se nám to zaèalo shodovat. To je ov¹em vlastnì skoro toté¾, jako brát postupnì v¹echny mo¾né zaèátky v~\uv{senì} a~pro ka¾dý z~nìj ovìøit, jestli se tam \uv{jehla} nachází èi nikoliv. + +Tento algoritmus evidentnì funguje. Bì¾í v¹ak v~èase: $S$ mo¾ných zaèátkù, krát èas potøebný na~jedno porovnání (zda se na~dané pozici nenachází \uv{jehla}), co¾ nám mù¾e trvat a¾ $J$. Proto je èasová slo¾itost $\O(SJ)$. V praxi bude algoritmus èasto rychlej¹í, proto¾e typicky velmi brzo zjistíme, ¾e se øetìzce neshodují, ale je mo¾né vymyslet vstup, kde bude potøeba porovnání opravdu tolik. + +Nyní se pokusme najít takový algoritmus, který by byl tak rychlý, jako {\I Hloupý algoritmus}, ale chytrý, jako ten {\I Pomalý}. + +\h{Chytrý algoritmus} +Ne¾ vlastní algoritmus vybudujeme, zkusíme se cestou nauèit pøemý¹let o~øetìzcích obèas trochu pøekrouceným zpùsobem. Podívejme se na~je¹tì jeden pøíklad. + +\s{Pøíklad:} Vezmìme si napøíklad staré italské pøízvisko |barbarossa|, které znamená Rudovous. Pøedstavme si, ¾e takovéto slovo hledáme v~nìjakém textu, který zaèíná |barbar|. Víme, ¾e a¾ sem se nám hledaný øetìzec shodoval. Øeknìme, ¾e dal¹í písmenko textu se shodovat pøestane -- místo |o| naèteme napøíklad opìt |b|. {\I Hloupý algoritmus} by velil vrátit se k~|a| a~od~nìj hledat dál. Uvìdomme si ale, ¾e kdy¾ se vracíme z~|barbar| do~|arbar| (tedy øetìzce, který ji¾ známe), mù¾eme si pøedpoèítat, jak dopadne hledání, kdy¾ ho pustíme na~nìj. V~pøedpoèítaném bychom tedy chtìli ukládat, ¾e kdy¾ máme øetìzec |arbar|, tak |ar| a~|r| nám do~hledaného nepasuje a~a¾~|bar| se bude shodovat. Tedy místo toho, abychom spustili nové hledání od~|a|, mù¾eme ho spustit a¾~od~|b|. Co víc, my dokonce víme, jak dopadne to -- pokud toti¾ nastane neshoda po~pøeètení |barbar|, je to stejné, jako kdybychom pøeèetli pouze |bar|, na~které se (pùvodne neshodující se) |b| u¾ navázat dá. Kdyby se nedalo navázat ani tam, tak bychom opìt zkracovali... Nejen, ¾e tedy víme, kam se máme vrátit, ale víme dokonce i~to, co tam najdeme. + +My¹lenka, ke které míøíme, je pøedpoèítat si nìjakou tabulku, která nám bude øíkat, jak se máme pøi hledání vracet a~jak to dopadne, a~pak u¾ jenom prohlédávat s~pou¾itím této tabulky. + +Aby se nám o~tìchto algoritmech lépe mluvilo a~pøedev¹ím psalo, pojïme si povìdìt nìkolik definic. + +\s{Definice:} +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I Abeceda $\Sigma$} je koneèná mno¾ina znakù\foot{Mù¾eme pøi tom jít a¾~do~extrémù. Pøíkladem extrémních abeced je binární abeceda slo¾ená pouze z~nul a~jednièek. Pøíklad z~druhého konce (který rádi dìlají lingvisti) je abeceda, která má jako abecedu v¹echna èeská slova. V¹echny èeské vìty, pak nejsou nic jiného, ne¾ slova nad touto abecedou. Pou¾itá abeceda tedy mù¾e být i~relativnì obrovská. Dal¹ím takovým pøíkladem mù¾e být Unicode. Pro na¹e potøeby ale zatím budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e abeceda je nejen konstantnì velká, ale i~rozumnì malá. Budeme si moci tedy dovolit napøíklad indexovat pole znakem abecedy (kdybychom nemohli, tak bychom místo pole pou¾ili napøíklad hashovací tabulku, èi nìco podobného\dots).}, ze~kterých tvoøíme text, øetìzce, slova. + + +\:{\I $\Sigma^*$} je mno¾ina v¹ech slov nad abecedou $\Sigma$. Èili mno¾ina v¹ech neprázdných koneèných posloupností znakù ze $\Sigma$. +\endlist +\s{Znaèení:} +Aby se nám nepletlo znaèení, budeme rozli¹ovat promìnné pro slova, promìnné pro písmenka a~promìnné pro èísla. + +\itemize\ibull +\:{\I Slova} budeme znaèit malými písmenky øecké abecedy $\alpha$, $\beta$, ... . +\:$\iota$ bude oznaèovat \uv{jehlu} +\:$\sigma$ bude oznaèovat \uv{seno} +\:{\I Znaky} oznaèíme malými písmeny latinky $a$, $b$, \dots . +\:{\I Èísla} budeme znaèit velkými písmeny $A$, $B$, \dots . +\:{\I Délka slova} $\vert \alpha \vert$ pro $\alpha \in \Sigma^*$ je poèet jeho znakù. +\:{\I Prázdné slovo} znaèíme písmenem $\varepsilon$, $\vert \varepsilon \vert = 0$. +\:{\I Zøetìzení} $\alpha\beta$ vznikne zapsáním slov $\alpha$ a~$\beta$ za sebe. Platí $\vert \alpha\beta \vert=\vert \alpha \vert+\vert \beta \vert$, $\alpha\varepsilon=\varepsilon\alpha=\alpha$. +\:$\alpha[k]$ je $k$-tý znak slova $\alpha$, indexujeme od~$0$. +\:$\alpha[k:l]$ je podslovo zaèínající $k$-tým znakem a~$l$-tý znak je první, který v~nìm není. Jedná se tedy o~podslovo skládající se z~$\alpha[k]$,$\alpha[k+1]$,\dots,$\alpha[l-1]$. Platí tedy: $\alpha[k:k]=\varepsilon$, $\alpha[k:k+1]=\alpha[k]$. Jednu (èi obì) meze mù¾eme i~vynechat, tento zápis pak bude znamenat buï \uv{od zaèátku slova a¾ nìkam}, nebo \uv{odnìkud a¾ do~konce}: +%TODO - zaøadit pod pøedchozí bod +\:$\alpha[:k]$ je {\I prefix} obsahující prvních $k$ znakù slova $\alpha$ ($\alpha[0]$,\dots,$\alpha[k-1]$). +\:$\alpha[k:]$ je {\I suffix} obsahující znaky slova $\alpha$ poèínaje $k$-tým znakem a¾ do~konce. +\:$\alpha[:] = \alpha$ +\endlist + + +V¹imnìme si, ¾e prázdné slovo je prefixem, suffixem i~podslovem jakéhokoliv slova vèetnì sebe sama. +Ka¾dé slovo je také prefixem, suffixem i~podslovem sebe sama. To se ne v¾dy hodí. Nìkdy budeme chtít øíct, ¾e nìjaké slovo je {\I vlastním} prefixem nebo suffixem. To bude znamenat, ¾e to nebude celé slovo. + +\> $\alpha$ je {\I vlastní prefix} slova $\beta \equiv \alpha$ je prefix $\beta~\&~\alpha \neq \beta$. + +\h{Vyhledávací automat (Knuth, Morris, Pratt)} +{\I Vyhledávací automat} bude graf, jeho¾ vrcholùm budeme øíkat {\I stavy}. Jejich jména budou prefixy hledaného slova a~hrany budou odpovídat tomu, jak jeden prefix mù¾eme získat z~pøedchozího prefixu pøidáním jednoho písmene. Poèáteèní stav je prázdné slovo $\varepsilon$ a~koncový je celá $\iota$. Dopøedné hrany grafu budou popisovat pøechod mezi stavy ve~smyslu zvìt¹ení délky jména stavu (dopøedná funkce $h(\alpha)$, urèující znak na~dopøedné hranì z~$\alpha$). Zpìtné hrany grafu budou popisovat pøechod (zpìtná funkce $z(\alpha)$) mezi stavem $\alpha$ a~nejdel¹ím vlastním suffixem $\alpha$, který je prefixem $\iota$, kdy¾ nastane neshoda. + +\figure{barb.eps}{Vyhledávací automat.}{4.1in} + +\s{Hledej($\sigma$):} +\algo +\:$\alpha \leftarrow \varepsilon$. +\:Pro $x\in\sigma$ postupnì: +\:$\indent$Dokud $h(\alpha) \neq x~\&~\alpha \neq \varepsilon : \alpha \leftarrow z(\alpha)$. +\:$\indent$Pokud $h(\alpha) = x: \alpha \leftarrow \alpha x$. +\:$\indent$Pokud $\alpha = \iota$, ohlásíme výskyt. +\endalgo + +\>Vstupem je $\iota$, hledané slovo (jehla) délky $J=\vert \iota \vert$ a~$\sigma$, text (seno) délky $S=\vert \sigma \vert$. +\>Výstupem jsou v¹echny výskyty hledaného slova $\iota$ v~textu $\sigma$, tedy mno¾ina $\left\{ k \mid \sigma[k:k+J]=\iota \right\}$ + +Pojïme nyní dokázat, ¾e tento algoritmus správnì ohlásí v¹echny výskyty. + +\s{Definice}: $\alpha(\tau) := $ stav automatu po~pøeètení $\tau$ + +\s{Invariant:} Pokud algoritmus pøeète nìjaký vstup, nachází se ve~stavu, který je nejdel¹ím suffixem pøeèteného vstupu, který je nìjakým stavem. +$\alpha(\tau) =$ nejdel¹í stav (nejdel¹í prefix jehly), který je suffixem $\tau$ (pøeèteného vstupu). + +Pojïme si rozmyslet, ¾e z~tohoto invariantu ihned plyne, ¾e algoritmus najde to, co má. Kdykoli toti¾ ohlásí nìjaký výskyt, tak tam tento výskyt opravdu je. Kdykoli pak má nìjaký výskyt ohlásit, tak se v~této situaci jako suffix toho právì pøeèteného textu vyskytuje hledané slovo, pøièem¾ hledané slovo je urèitì stav a~zároveò nejdel¹í ze v¹ech existujících stavù. Tak¾e invariant opravdu øíká, ¾e jsme právì v~koncovém stavu a~algoritmus nám tedy ohlásí výskyt. + +\proof {\I (invariantu)} +Indukcí podle kroku algoritmu. Na~zaèátku pro prázdný naètený vstup invariant triviálnì platí, tedy prázdný suffix $\tau$ je prefixem $\iota$. V~kroku $n$ máme naètený vstup $\tau$ a~k~nìmu pøipojíme znak $x$. Invariant nám øíká, ¾e nejdel¹í stav, který je suffixem, je nejdel¹í suffix, který je stavem. Nyní se ptáme, jaký je nejdel¹í stav, který se dá \uv{napasovat} na~konec øetìzce $\tau x$. Kdykoli v¹ak takovýto suffix máme, tak z~nìj mù¾eme $x$ na~konci odebrat, èím¾ dostaneme suffix slova $\tau$. + +\>Tedy: pokud $\beta$ je neprázdným suffixem slova $\tau x$, pak $\beta = \gamma x$, kde $\gamma$ je suffix $\tau$. + +Suffix, který máme sestrojit, tedy vznikne z~nìjakého suffixu slova $\tau$ pøipsáním~$x$. Chceme najít nejdel¹í suffix slova $\tau x$, který je stavem, tak¾e chceme najít i~nejdel¹í suffix pùvodního slova $\tau$, za který se dá pøidat $x$ tak, aby vy¹lo jméno stavu. Staèí tedy u¾ jen \uv{probírat} suffixy slova $\tau$ od~nejdel¹ího po~nejkrat¹í, zkou¹et k~nim pøidávat $x$ a~a¾ to pùjde, tak jsme na¹li nejdel¹í suffix $\tau x$. Pøesnì toto ov¹em algoritmus dìlá, nebo» zpìtná funkce mu v¾dy øekne nejbli¾¹í krat¹í suffix, který je stavem. Pokud pak nemù¾eme $x$ pøidat ani do~$\varepsilon$, pak je øe¹ením prázdný suffix. Algoritmus tedy funguje. \qed + +Nyní pojïmì zkoumat to, jak je ve~skuteènosti ná¹ algoritmus rychlý. K tomu bychom si ale nejdøív mìli øíct, jak pøesnì budeme automat reprezentovat. V~algoritmu vystupují nìjaká porovnávání stavù, pøièem¾ není úplnì jasné, jak zaøídit, aby v¹e trvalo konstantnì dlouho. Vyjde nám to ale docela snadno. K reprezentaci automatu nám toti¾ budou staèit pouze dvì pole. + +\s{Reprezentace automatu:} +Oèíslujeme si stavy délkami pøíslu¹ných prefixù, tedy èísly $0 \dots J$. Poté je¹tì potøebujeme nìjakým zpùsobem zakódovat dopøedné a~zpìtné hrany. Vzhledem k~tomu, ¾e z~ka¾dého vrcholu vede v¾dy nejvý¹e jedna dopøedná a~nejvý¹e jedna zpìtná, tak nám evidentnì staèí pamatovat si pro ka¾dý typ hran pouze jedno èíslo na~vrchol. Budeme mít tedy nìjaké pole dopøedných hran, které nám pro ka¾dý stav øekne, jakým písmenkem je nadepsaná dopøedná hrana ze stavu $I$ do~$I+1$. To jsou ale pøesnì písmenka jehly, tak¾e si staèí pamatovat jehlu samotnou. Èili z~$I$ do~$I+1$ vede hrana nadepsaná $\iota [I]$. Pro zpìtné hrany pak budeme potøebovat pole $Z$, které nám pro stav $I$ øekne èíslo stavu, do~kterého vede zpìtná hrana. Tedy $Z[I]$ je cíl zpìtné hrany ze stavu $I$. +S~touto reprezentací ji¾ doká¾eme na¹i hledací proceduru pøímoèaøe pøepsat tak, aby sahala pouze do~tìchto dvou polí: +\algo +\:$I \leftarrow 0$. +\:Pro znaky $x$ z~textu: +\:$\indent$Dokud $\iota[I] \neq x~\&~I \neq 0: I \leftarrow Z[I]$. +\:$\indent$Pokud $\iota[I] = x$, pak $I \leftarrow I + 1$. +\:$\indent$Pokud $I = J$, ohlásíme výskyt. +\endalgo + +Zatím se v~algoritmu je¹tì skrývá drobná chyba -- toti¾ algoritmus se obèas zeptá na~dopøednou hranu z~posledního stavu. Pokud jsme právì ohlásili výskyt (jsme tedy v~posledním stavu) a~pøijde nìjaký dal¹í znak, algoritmus se ptá, zda je roven tomu, co je na~dopøedné hranì z~posledního stavu. Ta ale ov¹em neexistuje. Jednodu¹e to ale napravíme tak, ¾e si pøidáme fiktivní hranu, na~které se vyskytuje nìjaké \uv{nepísmenko} -- nìco, co se nerovná ¾ádnému jinému písmenku. Zajistíme tak, ¾e se po~této hranì nikdy nevydáme. Dodefinujeme tedy $\iota[J]$ odli¹nì od~v¹ech znakù.\foot{V jazyce C se toto dodefinování provede vlastnì zadarmo, nebo» ka¾dý øetìzec je v~nìm ukonèen znakem s~kódem nula, který se ve~vstupu nevyskytne\dots Algoritmus bude tedy fungovat i~bez tohoto dodefinování. V jiných jazycích je ale tøeba na~nìj nezapomenout!} + +\s{Lemma:} Funkce {\I Hledej} bì¾í v~èase $\O(S)$. + +\proof +Funkce {\I Hledej} chodí po~dopøedných a~zpìtných hranách. Dopøedných hran projdeme urèitì maximálnì tolik, kolik je délka sena. Pro ka¾dý znak pøeètený ze sena toti¾ jdeme nejvý¹e jednou po~dopøedné hranì. Se zpìtnými hranami se to má tak, ¾e na~jeden pøeètený znak z~textu se mù¾eme po~zpìtné hranì vracet maximálnì $J$-krát. Z~tohoto by nám v¹ak vy¹la slo¾itost $\O(JS)$, èím¾ bychom si nepomohli. Zachrání nás ale pøímoèarý potenciál. Uvìdomme si, ¾e chùze po~dopøedné hranì zvý¹í $I$ o~jedna a~chùze po~zpìtné hranì $I$ sní¾í alespoò o~jedna. Vzhledem k~tomu, ¾e $I$ není nikdy záporné a~na~zaèátku je nulové, zjistíme, ¾e krokù zpìt mù¾e být maximálnì tolik, kolik krokù dopøedu. Èasová slo¾itost hledání je tedy lineární vzhledem k~délce sena. \qed + +Nyní nám zbývá na~první pohled malièkost -- toti¾ zkonstruovat automat. Zkonstruovat dopøedné hrany zvládneme zjevnì snadno, jsou toti¾ explicitnì popsané hledaným slovem. Tì¾¹í u¾ to bude pro hrany zpìtné. Vyu¾ijeme k~tomu následující pozorování: + +\s{Pozorování:} +Pøedstavme si, ¾e automat u¾ máme hotový a~tím, ¾e budeme sledovat jeho chování, chceme zjistit, jak v~nìm vedou zpìtné hrany. +Vezmìme si nìjaký stav~$\beta$. To, kam z~nìj vede zpìtná hrana zjistíme tak, ¾e spustíme automat na~øetìzec $\beta$~bez prvního písmenka a~stav, ve~kterém se automat zastaví, je pøesnì ten, kam má vést i~zpìtná hrana z~$\beta$. Jinými slovy víme, ¾e $z(\beta) = \alpha (\beta[1:])$. +Proè takováto vìc funguje? V¹imìme si, ¾e definice $z$ a~to, co nám o~$\alpha$ øíká invariant, je témìø toto¾né -- $z(\beta)$ je nejdel¹í vlastní suffix $\beta$, který je stavem, $\alpha(\beta)$ je nejdel¹í suffix $\beta$, který je stavem. Jediná odli¹nost je v~tom, ¾e definice $z$ narozdíl od~definice $\alpha$ zakazuje nevlastní suffixy. Jak nyní vylouèit suffix $\beta$, který by byl roven $\beta$ samotné? Zkrátíme $\beta$ o~první znak. Tím pádem v¹echny suffixy $\beta$ bez prvního znaku jsou stejné jako v¹echny vlastní suffixy $\beta$. + +K èemu je toto pozorování dobré? Rozmysleme si, ¾e pomocí nìj u¾ doká¾eme zkonstruovat zpìtné hrany. Není to ale trochu divné, kdy¾ pøi simulování automatu na~øetìzec bez prvního znaku u¾ zpìtné hrany potøebujeme? Není. Za chvíli zjistíme, ¾e takto mù¾eme zji¹»ovat zpìtné hrany postupnì -- a~to tak, ¾e pou¾íváme v¾dy jenom ty, které jsme u¾ sestrojili. + +Takovémuhle pøístupu, kdy pøi konstruování chtìného u¾ pou¾íváme to, co chceme sestrojit, ale pouze ten kousek, který ji¾ máme hotový, se v~angliètinì øíká {\I bootstrapping}\foot{Z~tohoto slova vzniklo i~{\I bootování} poèítaèù, kdy operaèní systém v~podstatì zavádí sám sebe. Bootstrap znamená èesky ¹truple -- tedy oèko na~konci boty, které slou¾í k~usnadnìní nazouvání. A~jak souvisí ¹truple s~algoritmem? To se zase musíme vrátit k~pøíbìhùm o~baronu Prá¹ilovi, mezi nimi¾ je i~ten, ve~kterém baron Prá¹il vypráví o~tom, jak sám sebe vytáhl z~ba¾iny za ¹truple. Stejnì tak i~my budeme algoritmus konstruovat tím, ¾e se budeme sami vytahovat za ¹truple, tedy bootstrappovat.}. +V¹imnìme si, ¾e pøi výpoètu se vstupem $\beta$ projde automat jenom prvních $\vert \beta \vert$ stavù. Automat se evidentnì nemù¾e dostat dál, proto¾e na~ka¾dý krok dopøedu (doprava) spotøebuje písmenko $\beta$. Tak¾e krokù doprava je maximálnì tolik, kolik je $\vert \beta \vert$. Jinými slovy kdybychom ji¾ mìli zkonstruované zpìtné hrany pro prvních $\vert \beta \vert$ stavù (tedy $0 \dots \vert \beta \vert - 1$), tak pøi tomto výpoètu, který potøebujeme na~zkonstruování zpìtné hrany z~$\beta$, je¹tì tuto zpìtnou hranu nemù¾eme potøebovat. Vystaèíme si s~tìmi, které ji¾ máme zkonstruované. + +Nabízí se tedy zaèít zpìtnou hranou z~prvního znaku (která vede evidentnì do~$\varepsilon$), pak postupnì brát dal¹í stavy a~pro ka¾dý z~nich si spoèítat, kdy spustíme automat na~jméno stavu bez prvního znaku a~tím získáme dal¹í zpìtnou hranu. Toto funguje, ale je to kvadratické \dots. Máme toti¾ $J$ stavù a~pro ka¾dý z~nich nám automat bì¾í v~èase a¾ lineárním s~$J$. Jak z~toho ven? + +Z~prvního stavu povede zpìtná funkce do~$\varepsilon$. Pro dal¹í stavy chceme spoèítat zpìtnou funkci. Z~druhého stavu $\iota[0:2]$ tedy automat spustíme na~$\iota[1:2]$, dále pak na~$\iota[1:3]$, $\iota[1:4]$, atd. Ty øetìzce, pro které potøebujeme spo¹tìt automat, abychom dostali zpìtné hrany, jsou tedy ve~skuteènosti takové, ¾e ka¾dý dal¹í dostaneme roz¹íøením pøedchozího o~jeden znak. To jsou ale pøesnì ty stavy, kterými projde automat pøi zpracovávání øetìzce $\iota$ od~prvního znaku dál. Jedním prùchodem automatu nad jehlou bez prvního písmenka se tím pádem rovnou dozvíme v¹echny údaje, které potøebujeme. +Z~pøedchozího pozorování plyne, ¾e nikdy nebudeme potøebovat zpìtnou hranu, kterou jsme je¹tì nezkonstruovali a~jeliko¾ víme, ¾e jedno prohledání trvá lineárnì s~délkou toho, v~èem hledáme, tak toto celé pobì¾í v~lineárním èase. Dostaneme tedy následující algoritmus: + +\s{Konstrukce zpìtné funkce:} +\algo +\:$Z[0] \leftarrow ?$, $Z[1] \leftarrow 0$. +\:$I \leftarrow 0$. +\:Pro $k = 2 \dots J$: +\::$I \leftarrow \( I , \iota [k])$. +\::$Z[k] \leftarrow I$. +\endalgo + +Zaèínáme tím, ¾e nastavíme zpìtnou hranu z~prvních dvou stavù, pøièem¾ $z[0]$ je nedefinované, proto¾e tuto zpìtnou hranu nikdy nepou¾íváme. Dále postupnì simulujeme výpoèet automatu nad slovem bez prvního znaku a~po ka¾dém kroku se dozvíme novou zpìtnou hranu. {\I Krokem} automatu pak není nic jiného ne¾ vnitøek (3. a~4. bod) na¹í hledací procedury. To, kam jsme se dostali, pak zaznamenáme jako zpìtnou funkci z~$k$. +Èili pou¹tíme automat na~jehlu bez prvního písmenka, provedeme v¾dy jeden krok automatu (pøes dal¹í písmenko jehly) a~zapamatujeme si, jakou zpìtnou funkci jsme zrovna dostali. Díky pozorováním navíc víme, ¾e zpìtné hrany konstruujeme správnì, nikdy nepou¾ijeme zpìtnou hranu, kterou jsme je¹tì nesestrojili a~víme i~to, ¾e celou konstrukci zvládneme v~lineárním èase s~délkou jehly. + +\s{Vìta:} Algoritmus KMP najde v¹echny výskyty v~èase $O(J+S)$. + +\proof +Lineární èas s~délkou jehly potøebujeme na~postavení automatu, lineární èas s~délkou sena pak potøebujeme na~samotné vyhledání. + +\h{Rabinùv-Karpùv algoritmus} + +Nyní si uká¾eme je¹tì jeden algoritmus na~hledání jedné jehly, který nebude mít v~nejhor¹ím pøípadì lineární slo¾itost, ale bude ji mít prùmìrnì. Bude daleko jednodu¹¹í a~uká¾e se, ¾e je v~praxi daleko rychlej¹í. Bude to algoritmus zalo¾ený na~hashování. + + +Pøedstavme si, ¾e máme seno délky $S$ a~jehlu délky $J$, a~vezmìme si nìjakou hashovací funkci, které dáme na~vstup $J$-tici znakù (tedy podslova dlouhá jako jehla). Tato hashovací funkce nám je pak zobrazí do~mno¾iny $\{0,\ldots,N-1\}$ pro nìjaké dost velké~$N$. Jak nám toto pomù¾e pøi hledání jehly? Vezmeme si libovolné \uv{okénko} délky $J$ a~ne¾ budeme zji¹»ovat, zda se v~nìm jehla vyskytuje, tak si spoèítáme hashovací funkci a~porovnáme ji s~hashem jehly. Èili ptáme se, jestli je hash ze sena od~nìjaké pozice $I$ do~pozice $I+J$ roven hashi jehly -- formálnì: $h(\sigma [I: I+J ]) = h(\iota)$. Teprve tehdy, kdy¾ zjistíme, ¾e se hodnota hashovací fce shoduje, zaèneme doopravdy porovnávat øetìzce. + +Není to ale nìjaká hloupost? Mù¾e nám vùbec takováto konstrukce pomoci? Není to tak, ¾e na~spoèítání hashovací funkce z~$J$ znakù, potøebujeme tìch $J$ znakù pøeèíst, co¾ je stejnì rychlé, jako rovnou øetìzce porovnávat? Pou¾ijeme trik, který bude spoèívat v~tom, ¾e si zvolíme ¹ikovnou hashovací funkci. Udìláme to tak, abychom ji mohli pøi posunutí \uv {okénka} o~jeden znak doprava v~konstantním èase pøepoèítat. Chceme umìt z~$h(x_1 \dots x_j)$ spoèítat $h(x_2 \dots x_{j+1})$. +Na~zaèátku si tedy spoèítáme hash jehly a~první $J$-tice znakù sena. Pak ji¾ jenom posouváme \uv {okénko} o~jedna, pøepoèítáme hashovací funkci a~kdy¾ se shoduje s~hashem jehly, tak porovnáme. Budeme pøitom vìøit tomu, ¾e pokud se tam jehla nevyskytuje, pak máme hashovací funkci natolik rovnomìrnou, ¾e pravdìpodobnost toho, ¾e se pøesto strefíme do~hashe jehly, je $1/N$. Jinými slovy jenom v~jednom z~øádovì $N$ pøípadù budeme porovnávat fale¹nì -- tedy provedeme porovnání a~vyjde nám, ¾e výsledek je neshoda. V~prùmìrném pøípadì tedy mù¾eme stlaèit slo¾itost a¾ témìø k~lineární. + +Podívejme se teï na~prùmìrnou èasovou slo¾itost. Budeme urèitì potøebovat èas na~projití jehly a~sena. Navíc strávíme nìjaký èas nad fale¹nými porovnáními, kterých bude v~prùmìru na~ka¾dý $N$-tý znak sena jedno porovnání s~jehlou -- tedy $SJ / N$, pøièem¾ $N$ mù¾eme zvolit dost velké na~to, abychom tento èlen dostali pod nìjakou rozumnou konstantu... Nakonec budeme potøebovat jedno porovnání na~ka¾dý opravdový výskyt, èemu¾ se nevyhneme. Pøipoèteme tedy je¹tì $J \cdot$ {\I $\sharp$výskytù}. Dostáváme tedy: $ \O(J+S+SJ/N+J \cdot$ {\I $\sharp$výskytù}). + +Zbývá malièkost -- toti¾ kde vzít hashovací funkci, která toto v¹e splòuje. Jednu si uká¾eme. Bude to vlastnì takový hezký polynom: +$$h(x_1 \dots x_j) := \left(\sum_{I=1}^{J} x_I \cdot p^{J-I}\right) \bmod N.$$ +Jinak zapsáno se tedy jedná o: +$$(x_1 \cdot p^{J-1} + x_2 \cdot p^{J-2} + \dots + x_J \cdot p^0 ) \bmod N.$$ +Po posunutí okénka o~jedna chceme dostat: +$$(x_2 \cdot p^{J-1} + x_3 \cdot p^{J-2} + \dots + x_J \cdot p^1 + x_{J+1} \cdot p^0 ) \bmod N.$$ +Kdy¾ se ale podíváme na~èleny tìchto dvou polynomù, zjistíme, ¾e se li¹í jen o~málo. Pùvodní polynom staèí pøenásobit~$p$, odeèíst první èlen s~$x_1$ a~naopak pøièíst chybìjící èlen $x_{J+1}$. Dostáváme tedy: +$$h(x_2 \dots x_{J+1}) = (p \cdot h(x_1 \dots x_J) - x_1 \cdot p^J + x_{J+1}) \bmod N.$$ +Pøepoèítání hashovací funkce tedy není nic jiného, ne¾ pøenásobení té minulé~$p$, odeètení nìjakého násobku toho znaku, který vypadl z~okénka, a~pøiètení toho znaku, o~který se okénko posunulo. Pokud tedy máme k~dispozici aritmetické operace v~konstantním èase, zvládneme konstantnì pøepoèítávat i~hashovací funkci. + +Tato hashovací funkce se dokonce nejen hezky poèítá, ale dokonce se i~opravdu \uv{hezky} chová (tedy \uv{rozumnì} náhodnì), pokud zvolíme vhodné~$p$. To bychom mìli zvolit tak, aby bylo rozhodnì nesoudìlné s~$N$ -- tedy $\(p, N) = 1$. Aby se nám navíc dobøe projevilo modulo obsa¾ené v~hashovací funkci, mìlo by být~$p$ relativnì velké (lze dopoèítat, ¾e optimum je mezi $2/3 \cdot N$ a~$3/4 \cdot N$). S~takto zvoleným~$p$ se tato hashovací funkce chová velmi pøíznivì a~v~praxi má celý algoritmus takøka lineární èasovou slo¾itost (prùmìrnou). + +\h{Hledání více øetìzcù najednou} +Nyní si zahrajeme tuté¾ hru, ov¹em v~trochu slo¾itìj¹ích kulisách. Podíváme se na~algoritmus, který si poradí i~s více ne¾ jednou jehlou. +Mìjme tedy jehly $\iota_1 \dots \iota_n$, a~jejich délky $J_i = \vert \iota_i \vert $. Dále budeme potøebovat seno $\sigma$ délky $S=\vert \sigma \vert$. + +Pøedtím, ne¾ se pustíme do~vlastního vyhledávacího algoritmu, mo¾ná bychom si mìli ujasnit, co vlastnì bude jeho výstupem. U problému hledání jedné jehly to bylo jasné -- byla to nìjaká mno¾ina pozic v~senì, na~kterých zaèínaly výskyty jehly. Jak tomu ale bude zde? Sice bychom také mohli vrátit pouze mno¾inu pozic, ale my budeme chtít malièko víc. Budeme toti¾ chtít vìdìt i~to, která jehla se na~které pozici vyskytuje. Výstup tedy bude vypadat následovnì: $V = \{(i,j)~\vert~\sigma[i:i+J_j]= \iota_j \}$. + +Zde se v¹ak skrývá jedna drobná zrada. Budeme se asi muset vzdát nadìje, ¾e najdeme algoritmus, jeho¾ slo¾itost je lineární v~celkové délce v¹ech jehel a~sena. Výstup toti¾ mù¾e být del¹í ne¾ lineární. Mù¾e se nám klidnì stát, ¾e na~jedné pozici v~senì se bude vyskytovat více rùzných jehel -- pokud bude jedna jehla prefixem jiné (co¾ jsme nikde nezakázali), tak máme povinnost ohlásit oba výskyty. Vzhledem k~tomu budeme hledat takový algoritmus, který bude lineární v~délce vstupu plus délce výstupu, co¾ je evidentnì to nejlep¹í, èeho mù¾eme dosáhnout. + +Algoritmus, který si nyní uká¾eme, vymysleli nìkdy v~roce 1975 pan Aho a~paní Corasicková. Bude to takové zobecnìní Knuthova-Morrisova-Prattova algoritmu. + +\h{Algoritmus Aho-Corasicková} + +Opìt se budeme sna¾it sestrojit nìjaký vyhledávací automat a~nìjakým zpùsobem tento automat pou¾ít k~procházení sena. Podívejme se nejprve na~pøíklad. Budeme chtít vyhledávat tato slova: |ara|, |bar|, |arab|, |baraba|, |barbara|. Mìjme tedy tìchto pìt jehel a~rozmysleme si, jak by vypadal nìjaký automat, který by tato slova umìl zatím jenom rozpoznávat. Pro jedno slovo automat vypadal jako cesta, zde u¾ to bude strom. (viz obrázek). + +\figure{ara_strom_blank.eps}{Vyhledávací automat -- strom.}{1in} + +Navíc budeme muset do~automatu zanést, kde nìjaké slovo konèí. V~pùvodním automatu pro jedno slovo to bylo jednoduché -- ono jedno jediné slovo odpovídalo poslednímu vrcholu cesty. Tady se v¹ak slova mohou vyskytovat vícekrát a~konèit nejenom v~listech ale i~v~nìjakém vnitøním vrcholu (co¾ se stane tehdy, pokud je jedno hledané slovo prefixem jiného hledaného slova). Formálnì to nebudeme dokazovat, ale snadno nahlédneme, ¾e listy stromu odpovídají hledaným slovùm, ale opaènì to neplatí. + +\figure{ara_strom_end.eps}{Vyhledávací automat s~konci slov.}{1in} + +Dále bychom mìli do~automatu pøidat zpìtné hrany. Jejich definice bude úplnì stejná jako u automatu pro hledání jednoho slova. Jinými slovy z~ka¾dého stavu pùjde zpìtná hrana do~nejdel¹ího vlastního suffixu, který je stavem. Èili kdy¾ budeme mít nìjaké jméno stavu, budeme se ho sna¾it co nejménì (ale alespoò o~znak) zkrátit zleva, abychom zase dostali jméno stavu. Z~koøene -- prázdného stavu -- pak evidentnì ¾ádná zpìtná hrana nepovede. + +\figure{ara_strom_final.eps}{Vyhledávací automat se zpìtnými hranami.}{1,25in} + +Zbývá nám je¹tì si rozmyslet, jakým zpùsobem bude ná¹ automat hlásit výstup. Opìt smìøujeme k~tomu, aby se automat po~pøeètení nìjakého kusu textu nacházel ve~stavu odpovídajícímu nejdel¹ímu mo¾nému suffixu toho textu. Zatímco u hledání jediné jehly bylo hlá¹ení výskytù jednoduché -- kdykoliv jsme se dostali na~konec \uv{automatové cestièky} tady to bude opìt slo¾itìj¹í. + +První, co se nabízí, je vyu¾ít toho, ¾e jsme si oznaèili nìjaké vrcholy, kde hledaná slova konèí. Co tedy zkusit hlásit výskyt tohoto slova v¾dy, kdy¾ pøijdeme do~nìjakého oznaèeného vrcholu? Tento zpùsob v¹ak nefunguje, pokud se uvnitø nìkteré jehly skrývá jehla vnoøená. Napøíklad po~pøeètení slova |bara|, nám ná¹ souèasný automat neøíká, ¾e bychom mìli nìjaké slovo ohlásit, a~pøitom tam evidentì konèí podøetìzec |ara|. Stejnì tak pokud pøeèteme |barbara|, u¾ si nev¹imneme toho, ¾e tam konèí zároveò i~|ara|. Pouhé \uv{hlá¹ení teèek} tedy nefunguje. + +Dále si mù¾eme v¹imnout toho, ¾e v¹echna slova, která by se mìla v~daném stavu hlásit, jsou suffixy jména tohoto stavu. Pøitom víme, ¾e zpìtná hrana jméno stavu zkracuje zleva. Tak¾e speciálnì v¹echny suffixy daného stavu, které jsou také stavy, se dají najít tak, ¾e se vydáme po~zpìtných hranách do~koøene. Nabízí se tedy v¾dy projít cestu po~zpìtných hranách a¾ do~koøene a~hlásit v¹echny \uv{teèky}. Tento zpùsob by nám v¹ak celý algoritmus znaènì zpomalil, proto¾e cesta do~koøene mù¾e být relativnì dlouhá, ale teèek na~ní obvykle bude málo. + +Mohli bychom také zkusit si pro ka¾dý stav $\beta$ pøedpoèítat mno¾inu $cache(\beta)$, která by obsahovala v¹echna slova, která máme hlásit, kdy¾ se ve~stavu $\beta$ nacházíme. Pokud pak do~tohoto stavu vstoupíme, podíváme se na~tuto mno¾inu a~vypí¹eme v¹e, co v~ní je. Výpis nám bude evidentnì trvat lineárnì k~velikosti mno¾iny, celkovì tedy lineárnì k~velikosti výstupu. Problém je ale ten, ¾e jednotlivé cache mohou být hodnì velké, tak¾e je nestihneme sestrojit v lineárním èase. (Rozmyslete si pøíklad slovníku, kdy se to stane.) + +To, co nám ale ji¾ opravdu pomù¾e, bude zavedení zkratek. V¹imli jsme si, ¾e po~zpìtných hranách mù¾eme projít do~koøene a~hlásit v¹echny nalezené teèky. Vadilo nám ale, ¾e se mù¾e stát, ¾e budeme dlouho po~cestì chodit a~pøi tom ¾ádné teèky nenalézat. Zavedeme si proto zkratky k~nejbli¾¹í teèce. + +\s{Definice} (zkratková hrana): +Budeme mít tedy nìjakou funkci $slovo(\beta) :=$ slovo, které konèí ve~stavu $\beta$ (nebo $\emptyset$, pokud ¾ádné takové slovo není). Dále pak funkci $out(\beta) :=$ nejbli¾¹í vrchol dosa¾itelný po~zpìtných hranách, èili nejdel¹í vlastní suffix stavu $\beta$, v~nìm¾ je definovaná funkce $slovo$. Trochu lid¹tìji øeèeno, ten nejbli¾¹í dosa¾itelný vrchol, ve~kterém je teèka. + +Po pøidání tìchto zkratkových hran ji¾ máme reprezentaci, ve~které opravdu umíme v~daném stavu vyjmenovat v¹echna slova, která máme vypsat, a~to v~èase lineárním s~tím, kolik tìch slov je. + +\s{Definice:} +Vyhledávací automat sestává ze stromu dopøedných hran (vrcholy jsou prefixy jehel, hrany odpovídají roz¹íøení o~písmenko), zpìtných hran ($z(\beta) :=$ nejdel¹í vlastní suffix slova $\beta$, který je stavem) a~zkratkových hran. + +Automat pak bude na~na¹em pøíkladu vypadat takto (zkratkové hrany jsou znázornìny zelenì): + +\figure{ara_strom_zkr.eps}{Vyhledávací automat se zkratkovými hranami.}{1,25in} + +Nyní u¾ nám zbývá jenom vlastní algoritmus -- nejdøív popí¹eme algoritmus, který bude hledat pomocí takového automatu, a~potom se pustíme do~toho, jak se takový automat staví. + +Nejprve si nadefinujeme, jak vypadá jeden krok automatu. Bude to vlastnì nìjaká funkce, která dostane stav a~písmenko. Ona nás pak pomocí tohoto písmenka posune po~automatu. ($f(\alpha, x)$ bude dopøedná hrana ze stavu $\alpha$ oznaèená písmenem~$x$) + +\s{Krok ($\alpha$, $x$):} +\algo +\:Dokud $f(\alpha, x) = \emptyset~\&~\alpha \neq \~~\alpha \leftarrow z(\alpha)$. +\:Pokud $f(\alpha, x) \neq \emptyset:~~\alpha \leftarrow f(\alpha, x)$. +\:Vrátíme výsledek. +\endalgo + +\s{Hledání:} +\algo +\:$\alpha \leftarrow \$. +\:Pro znaky $x$ ze slova $\sigma$: +\::$\alpha \leftarrow \(\alpha, x)$. +\::$\beta \leftarrow \alpha$ +\::Dokud $\beta \neq \emptyset$: +\:::Je-li $\(\beta) \neq \emptyset$: +\::::Ohlásíme $\(\beta)$. +\:::$\beta \leftarrow \(\beta)$. +\endalgo + +Algoritmus hledání vlastnì není nic jiného, ne¾ prosté projití po~zelených zkratkových hranách ze stavu $\alpha$, ve~kterém právì jsme, a~ohlá¹ení v¹eho, co po~cestì najdeme. + +V ka¾dém okam¾iku se automat nachází ve~stavu, který odpovídá nejdel¹ímu mo¾nému suffixu toho, co jsme u¾ pøeèetli. Dùkaz tohoto invariantu je stejný jako u verze automatu pro hledání pouze jedné jehly, nebo» vychází pouze z~definice zpìtných hran. Podobnì nahlédneme, ¾e èasová slo¾itost vyhledávací procedury je lineární v~délce sena plus to, co spotøebujeme na~hlá¹ení výskytù. Nejprve na~chvíli zapomeneme, ¾e nìjaké výskyty hlásíme a~spoèítáme jenom kroky. Ty mohou vést dopøedu a~zpátky. Krok dopøedu prodlu¾uje jméno stavu o~jedna, krok dozadu zkracuje aspoò o~jedna. Tudí¾ krokù dozadu je maximálnì tolik, co krokù dopøedu a~krokù dopøedu je maximálnì tolik, kolik je délka sena. V¹echny kroky dohromady tedy trvají $\O(S)$. Hlá¹ení výskytù pak trvá $\O(S~+ \vert V \vert)$. Celé hledání tedy trvá lineárnì v~délce vstupu a~výstupu. + +Zbývá nám u¾ jen konstrukce automatu. Opìt vyu¾ijeme faktu, ¾e zpìtná hrana ze stavu $\beta$ vede tam, kam by se dostal automat pøi hledání $\beta$ bez prvního písmenka. Tak¾e zase chceme nìco, jako simulovat výpoèet toho automatu na~slovech bez prvního písmenka a~doufat v~to, ¾e si vystaèíme s~tou èástí automatu, kterou jsme u¾ postavili. Tentokrát to v¹ak nemù¾eme dìlat jedno slovo po~druhém, proto¾e zpìtné hrany mohou vést køí¾em mezi jednotlivými vìtvemi automatu. Mohlo by se nám tedy stát, ¾e pøi hledání nìjakého slova potøebujeme zpìtnou hranu, která vede do~jiného slova, které jsme je¹tì nezkonstruovali. Tak¾e tento postup sel¾e. Mù¾eme v¹ak vyu¾ít toho, ¾e ka¾dá zpìtná hrana vede ve~stromu alespoò o~jednu hladinu vý¹. Mù¾eme tak strom konstruovat po~hladinách. Lze si to tedy pøedstavit tak, ¾e paralelnì spustíme vyhledávání v¹ech slov bez prvních písmenek a~v¾dycky udìláme jeden podkrok ka¾dého z~tìch hledání, co¾ nám dá zpìtné hrany z~dal¹ího patra stromu. + +\s{Konstrukce automatu:} +\algo +\:Zalo¾íme prázdný strom, $r \leftarrow$ jeho koøen. +\:Vlo¾íme do~stromu slova $\iota_1 \dots \iota_n$, nastavíme $slovo(*)$. +\:$z(r) \leftarrow \emptyset$, $out(r) \leftarrow \emptyset$. +\:Zalo¾íme frontu $F$ a~vlo¾íme do~ní syny koøene. +\:$\forall v~\in F:~~z(v) \leftarrow r, \(v) \leftarrow \emptyset$. +\:Dokud $F \neq \emptyset$: +\::Vybereme $u$ z~fronty $F$. +\::Pro v¹echny syny $v$ vrcholu $u$: +\:::$q \leftarrow \(z(u), \)$. +\:::$z(v) \leftarrow q$. +\:::Pokud $slovo(q) \neq \emptyset$, pak $out(v) \leftarrow q$. +\::::Jinak $out(v) \leftarrow out(q)$. +\:::Vlo¾íme $v$ do~fronty $F$. +\endalgo + +To, ¾e tento algoritmus zkonstruuje zpìtné hrany jak má, vyplývá z~toho, ¾e nedìláme nic jiného, ne¾ ¾e spou¹tíme výpoèty po~hladinách na~v¹echna hledaná slova bez prvního písmenka. Stejnì tak to, ¾e dobìhne v~lineárním èase, je takté¾ dùsledkem toho, ¾e efektivnì spou¹tíme v¹echny tyto výpoèty. Jen nìkdy udìláme najednou krok dvou èi více výpoètù (napøíklad |araba| a~|arbara| se poèítají na~zaèátku, dokud jsou stejné, jen jednou). Èasová slo¾itost této konstrukce je tedy men¹í nebo rovna souètu èasových slo¾itostí výpoètù nad v¹emi tìmi slovy. To u¾ ale víme, ¾e je lineární v~celkové délce tìchto slov. Konstrukce automatu tedy trvá nejvý¹e tolik, co hledání v¹ech $\iota_i$, co¾ je $\O(\sum_{i} \iota_i)$. + +\s{Vìta:} Algoritmus Aho-Corasicková najde v¹echny výskyty v~èase +$$\O\left(\sum_i~\iota_i~+~S~+~\sharp\\right).$$ + +Je¹tì se na~závìr zamysleme, jak bychom si takový automat ukládali do~pamìti. Urèitì se nám bude hodit si stavy nìjak oèíslovat (tøeba v~poøadí, v~jakém budou vznikat). Potom funkce pro zpìtné a~zkratkové hrany mohou být reprezentované polem indexovaným èíslem stavu. Funkce {\I Slovo}, která øíká, jaké slovo ve~stavu konèí, zase mù¾e být pole indexované stavem, které nám øekne poøadové èíslo slova ve~slovníku. Pro dopøedné hrany v~ka¾dém vrcholu pak mù¾eme mít pole indexované písmenky abecedy, které nám pro ka¾dé písmenko øekne, buï ¾e taková hrana není, nebo nám øekne, kam tato hrana vede. Je vidìt, ¾e takovéto pole se hodí pro pomìrnì malé abecedy. U¾ pro abecedu A-Z~bude velikosti 26 a~z~vìt¹iny bude prázdné, tak¾e bychom plýtvali pamìtí. V praxi se proto èasto pou¾ívá hashovací tabulka. Pøípadnì bychom mohli mít i~jen jednu velkou spoleènou hashovací tabulku, která bude reprezentovat funkci celou, ve~které budou zahashované dvojice (stav, písmenko). Tìchto dvojic je evidentnì tolik, kolik hran stromu, èili lineárnì s~velikostí slovníku, a~je to asi nejkompaktnìj¹í reprezentace. + + +\bye diff --git a/old/6-kmp/Makefile b/old/6-kmp/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1831d14 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=6-kmp + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d054ab --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.eps @@ -0,0 +1,1334 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%BoundingBox: 163 220 443 747 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 163.64601 220.18395 442.55996 746.83829 +%%EndComments +%%Page: 1 1 +0 842 translate +0.8 -0.8 scale +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 203.68828 84.001202] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath 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moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 246.35937] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 336.39477] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 426.34277] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 282.73892 246.35977] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 282.73892 336.39477] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 223.94849 402.34277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 223.68792 492.33909] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5438731 0 0 0.5411688 225.36794 582.33277] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4746022 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 402.34277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 492.33877] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 582.33277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 672.63183] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +345.53836 187.58326 moveto +287.38769 240.62376 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.9374 260.60596 moveto +276.93729 329.95923 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.93728 350.85978 moveto +276.93728 419.99463 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.93728 440.89518 moveto +276.93728 509.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +366.43891 187.58336 moveto +424.589 240.62388 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +435.03928 260.60618 moveto +435.03928 329.95963 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +435.03928 350.86018 moveto +435.03928 419.99463 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +425.7232 440.89518 moveto +385.56492 485.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +444.35528 440.89518 moveto +484.51327 485.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 506.84318 moveto +493.82928 575.93863 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 596.83918 moveto +493.82928 665.93263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 686.83318 moveto +493.82928 756.23169 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +309.92847 206.63792 moveto +303.6394 206.63792 lineto +301.1394 200.13402 lineto +289.69409 200.13402 lineto +287.33081 206.63792 lineto +281.198 206.63792 lineto +292.35034 178.00511 lineto +298.46362 178.00511 lineto +309.92847 206.63792 lineto +299.28394 195.3098 moveto +295.33862 184.6848 lineto +291.47144 195.3098 lineto +299.28394 195.3098 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +239.392 459.33337 moveto +250.83731 459.33337 lineto +253.10292 459.3334 254.78912 459.43106 255.8959 459.62634 curveto +257.01568 459.80866 258.01177 460.19929 258.88419 460.79822 curveto +259.76958 461.3972 260.50526 462.19798 261.09122 463.20056 curveto +261.67713 464.19017 261.9701 465.30345 261.97012 466.54041 curveto +261.9701 467.88157 261.60551 469.11204 260.87637 470.23181 curveto +260.1602 471.35162 259.18364 472.19146 257.94669 472.75134 curveto +259.69145 473.25917 261.0326 474.12505 261.97012 475.349 curveto +262.9076 476.57297 263.37635 478.01177 263.37637 479.66541 curveto +263.37635 480.9675 263.07036 482.23703 262.4584 483.474 curveto +261.85942 484.69796 261.0326 485.68103 259.97794 486.42322 curveto +258.93625 487.15239 257.64719 487.6016 256.11075 487.77087 curveto +255.14719 487.87504 252.82297 487.94014 249.13809 487.96619 curveto +239.392 487.96619 lineto +239.392 459.33337 lineto +245.17325 464.099 moveto +245.17325 470.72009 lineto +248.96231 470.72009 lineto +251.2149 470.72011 252.61464 470.68756 253.16153 470.62244 curveto +254.1511 470.50527 254.92583 470.16673 255.48575 469.60681 curveto +256.05865 469.03391 256.3451 468.28522 256.34512 467.36072 curveto +256.3451 466.47532 256.09771 465.75918 255.60294 465.21228 curveto +255.12115 464.65241 254.39849 464.31387 253.43497 464.19666 curveto +252.86203 464.13157 251.2149 464.09902 248.49356 464.099 curveto +245.17325 464.099 lineto +245.17325 475.48572 moveto +245.17325 483.14197 lineto +250.52481 483.14197 lineto +252.60813 483.14197 253.92974 483.08338 254.48965 482.96619 curveto +255.34901 482.80994 256.04562 482.43234 256.5795 481.83337 curveto +257.12635 481.2214 257.39979 480.4076 257.39981 479.39197 curveto +257.39979 478.5326 257.19146 477.80344 256.77481 477.20447 curveto +256.35812 476.60552 255.75266 476.16932 254.9584 475.89587 curveto +254.17714 475.62245 252.47141 475.48573 249.84122 475.48572 curveto +245.17325 475.48572 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +239.39163 308.89175 moveto +239.39163 280.25894 lineto +251.5596 280.25894 lineto +254.61948 280.25897 256.83953 280.51939 258.21976 281.04019 curveto +259.61296 281.54803 260.72624 282.45949 261.5596 283.77457 curveto +262.39291 285.08969 262.80957 286.5936 262.8096 288.28629 curveto +262.80957 290.43474 262.17806 292.21208 260.91507 293.61832 curveto +259.65203 295.01156 257.76401 295.89047 255.25101 296.25504 curveto +256.50099 296.98421 257.52963 297.78499 258.33694 298.65738 curveto +259.15723 299.52978 260.25749 301.07926 261.63773 303.30582 curveto +265.13382 308.89175 lineto +258.21976 308.89175 lineto +254.04007 302.66129 lineto +252.55568 300.43473 251.54005 299.03499 250.99319 298.46207 curveto +250.44631 297.87614 249.86688 297.47901 249.25491 297.27066 curveto +248.64292 297.04932 247.67287 296.93864 246.34476 296.93863 curveto +245.17288 296.93863 lineto +245.17288 308.89175 lineto +239.39163 308.89175 lineto +245.17288 292.36832 moveto +249.45023 292.36832 lineto +252.22365 292.36833 253.95542 292.25115 254.64554 292.01675 curveto +255.33562 291.7824 255.87599 291.37875 256.26663 290.80582 curveto +256.65724 290.23292 256.85255 289.51677 256.85257 288.65738 curveto +256.85255 287.69386 256.59213 286.91912 256.07132 286.33316 curveto +255.56349 285.73423 254.84083 285.35662 253.90335 285.20035 curveto +253.43458 285.13527 252.02834 285.10272 249.6846 285.10269 curveto +245.17288 285.10269 lineto +245.17288 292.36832 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +268.12247 395.63794 moveto +261.8334 395.63794 lineto +259.3334 389.13403 lineto +247.88809 389.13403 lineto +245.52481 395.63794 lineto +239.392 395.63794 lineto +250.54434 367.00513 lineto +256.65762 367.00513 lineto +268.12247 395.63794 lineto +257.47794 384.30981 moveto +253.53262 373.68481 lineto +249.66544 384.30981 lineto +257.47794 384.30981 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +474.37711 308.89218 moveto +468.08804 308.89218 lineto +465.58804 302.38828 lineto +454.14273 302.38828 lineto +451.77945 308.89218 lineto +445.64664 308.89218 lineto +456.79898 280.25937 lineto +462.91226 280.25937 lineto +474.37711 308.89218 lineto +463.73257 297.56406 moveto +459.78726 286.93906 lineto +455.92007 297.56406 lineto +463.73257 297.56406 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +534.43146 556.64716 moveto +528.1424 556.64716 lineto +525.6424 550.14325 lineto +514.19708 550.14325 lineto +511.8338 556.64716 lineto +505.70099 556.64716 lineto +516.85333 528.01434 lineto +522.96661 528.01434 lineto +534.43146 556.64716 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 moveto +519.84161 534.69403 lineto +515.97443 545.31903 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +534.43146 740.74457 moveto +528.1424 740.74457 lineto +525.6424 734.24066 lineto +514.19708 734.24066 lineto +511.8338 740.74457 lineto +505.70099 740.74457 lineto +516.85333 712.11176 lineto +522.96661 712.11176 lineto +534.43146 740.74457 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 moveto +519.84161 718.79144 lineto +515.97443 729.41644 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +397.24857 463.29977 moveto +390.9595 463.29977 lineto +388.4595 456.79587 lineto +377.01419 456.79587 lineto +374.65091 463.29977 lineto +368.5181 463.29977 lineto +379.67044 434.66696 lineto +385.78372 434.66696 lineto +397.24857 463.29977 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 moveto +382.65872 441.34665 lineto +378.79153 451.97165 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +370.02048 645.79364 moveto +363.73141 645.79364 lineto +361.23141 639.28973 lineto +349.7861 639.28973 lineto +347.42282 645.79364 lineto +341.29001 645.79364 lineto +352.44235 617.16083 lineto +358.55563 617.16083 lineto +370.02048 645.79364 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 moveto +355.43063 623.84052 lineto +351.56345 634.46552 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +405.54422 178.00537 moveto +416.98953 178.00537 lineto +419.25514 178.0054 420.94134 178.10306 422.04813 178.29834 curveto +423.1679 178.48066 424.16399 178.87128 425.03641 179.47021 curveto +425.9218 180.0692 426.65748 180.86998 427.24344 181.87256 curveto +427.82935 182.86217 428.12232 183.97545 428.12234 185.2124 curveto +428.12232 186.55357 427.75774 187.78404 427.02859 188.90381 curveto +426.31243 190.02362 425.33586 190.86346 424.09891 191.42334 curveto +425.84368 191.93117 427.18482 192.79705 428.12234 194.021 curveto +429.05982 195.24497 429.52857 196.68377 429.52859 198.3374 curveto +429.52857 199.63949 429.22258 200.90902 428.61063 202.146 curveto +428.01164 203.36996 427.18482 204.35303 426.13016 205.09521 curveto +425.08847 205.82438 423.79941 206.2736 422.26297 206.44287 curveto +421.29941 206.54704 418.97519 206.61214 415.29031 206.63818 curveto +405.54422 206.63818 lineto +405.54422 178.00537 lineto +411.32547 182.771 moveto +411.32547 189.39209 lineto +415.11453 189.39209 lineto +417.36712 189.39211 418.76686 189.35956 419.31375 189.29443 curveto +420.30332 189.17726 421.07806 188.83872 421.63797 188.27881 curveto +422.21087 187.70591 422.49733 186.95721 422.49734 186.03271 curveto +422.49733 185.14732 422.24993 184.43117 421.75516 183.88428 curveto +421.27337 183.3244 420.55071 182.98586 419.58719 182.86865 curveto +419.01426 182.80357 417.36712 182.77102 414.64578 182.771 curveto +411.32547 182.771 lineto +411.32547 194.15771 moveto +411.32547 201.81396 lineto +416.67703 201.81396 lineto +418.76035 201.81397 420.08196 201.75538 420.64188 201.63818 curveto +421.50123 201.48194 422.19785 201.10433 422.73172 200.50537 curveto +423.27857 199.8934 423.55201 199.0796 423.55203 198.06396 curveto +423.55201 197.2046 423.34368 196.47543 422.92703 195.87646 curveto +422.51035 195.27752 421.90488 194.84132 421.11063 194.56787 curveto +420.32936 194.29445 418.62363 194.15773 415.99344 194.15771 curveto +411.32547 194.15771 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +475.84372 434.66736 moveto +487.28903 434.66736 lineto +489.55464 434.66739 491.24084 434.76504 492.34763 434.96033 curveto +493.4674 435.14265 494.46349 435.53327 495.33591 436.1322 curveto +496.2213 436.73119 496.95698 437.53197 497.54294 438.53455 curveto +498.12885 439.52415 498.42182 440.63743 498.42184 441.87439 curveto +498.42182 443.21556 498.05724 444.44602 497.32809 445.5658 curveto +496.61192 446.6856 495.63536 447.52545 494.39841 448.08533 curveto +496.14318 448.59315 497.48432 449.45904 498.42184 450.68298 curveto +499.35932 451.90695 499.82807 453.34575 499.82809 454.99939 curveto +499.82807 456.30148 499.52208 457.57101 498.91013 458.80798 curveto +498.31114 460.03195 497.48432 461.01502 496.42966 461.7572 curveto +495.38797 462.48637 494.09891 462.93559 492.56247 463.10486 curveto +491.59891 463.20903 489.27469 463.27413 485.58981 463.30017 curveto +475.84372 463.30017 lineto +475.84372 434.66736 lineto +481.62497 439.43298 moveto +481.62497 446.05408 lineto +485.41403 446.05408 lineto +487.66662 446.05409 489.06636 446.02154 489.61325 445.95642 curveto +490.60282 445.83925 491.37756 445.50071 491.93747 444.9408 curveto +492.51037 444.3679 492.79682 443.6192 492.79684 442.6947 curveto +492.79682 441.80931 492.54943 441.09316 492.05466 440.54626 curveto +491.57287 439.98639 490.85021 439.64785 489.88669 439.53064 curveto +489.31376 439.46556 487.66662 439.43301 484.94528 439.43298 curveto +481.62497 439.43298 lineto +481.62497 450.8197 moveto +481.62497 458.47595 lineto +486.97653 458.47595 lineto +489.05985 458.47596 490.38146 458.41736 490.94138 458.30017 curveto +491.80073 458.14393 492.49735 457.76632 493.03122 457.16736 curveto +493.57807 456.55539 493.85151 455.74158 493.85153 454.72595 curveto +493.85151 453.86659 493.64318 453.13742 493.22653 452.53845 curveto +492.80985 451.93951 492.20438 451.50331 491.41013 451.22986 curveto +490.62886 450.95643 488.92313 450.81971 486.29294 450.8197 curveto +481.62497 450.8197 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +341.29022 528.01453 moveto +352.73553 528.01453 lineto +355.00114 528.01455 356.68734 528.11221 357.79413 528.3075 curveto +358.9139 528.48981 359.90999 528.88044 360.78241 529.47937 curveto +361.6678 530.07836 362.40348 530.87914 362.98944 531.88171 curveto +363.57535 532.87132 363.86832 533.9846 363.86835 535.22156 curveto +363.86832 536.56272 363.50374 537.79319 362.7746 538.91296 curveto +362.05843 540.03277 361.08187 540.87262 359.84491 541.4325 curveto +361.58968 541.94032 362.93082 542.80621 363.86835 544.03015 curveto +364.80582 545.25412 365.27457 546.69292 365.2746 548.34656 curveto +365.27457 549.64865 364.96858 550.91818 364.35663 552.15515 curveto +363.75764 553.37911 362.93082 554.36218 361.87616 555.10437 curveto +360.83447 555.83354 359.54541 556.28276 358.00897 556.45203 curveto +357.04541 556.55619 354.7212 556.6213 351.03632 556.64734 curveto +341.29022 556.64734 lineto +341.29022 528.01453 lineto +347.07147 532.78015 moveto +347.07147 539.40125 lineto +350.86053 539.40125 lineto +353.11312 539.40126 354.51286 539.36871 355.05975 539.30359 curveto +356.04932 539.18642 356.82406 538.84788 357.38397 538.28796 curveto +357.95687 537.71507 358.24333 536.96637 358.24335 536.04187 curveto +358.24333 535.15647 357.99593 534.44033 357.50116 533.89343 curveto +357.01937 533.33356 356.29671 532.99502 355.33319 532.87781 curveto +354.76026 532.81273 353.11312 532.78018 350.39178 532.78015 curveto +347.07147 532.78015 lineto +347.07147 544.16687 moveto +347.07147 551.82312 lineto +352.42303 551.82312 lineto +354.50635 551.82312 355.82797 551.76453 356.38788 551.64734 curveto +357.24723 551.49109 357.94385 551.11349 358.47772 550.51453 curveto +359.02458 549.90255 359.29801 549.08875 359.29803 548.07312 curveto +359.29801 547.21375 359.08968 546.48459 358.67303 545.88562 curveto +358.25635 545.28667 357.65088 544.85048 356.85663 544.57703 curveto +356.07536 544.3036 354.36963 544.16688 351.73944 544.16687 curveto +347.07147 544.16687 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +445.647 395.63818 moveto +445.647 367.00537 lineto +457.81497 367.00537 lineto +460.87485 367.0054 463.0949 367.26582 464.47513 367.78662 curveto +465.86833 368.29446 466.98161 369.20592 467.81497 370.521 curveto +468.64828 371.83612 469.06495 373.34003 469.06497 375.03271 curveto +469.06495 377.18117 468.43344 378.95851 467.17044 380.36475 curveto +465.9074 381.75799 464.01938 382.63689 461.50638 383.00146 curveto +462.75636 383.73064 463.785 384.53142 464.59232 385.40381 curveto +465.41261 386.27621 466.51286 387.82569 467.8931 390.05225 curveto +471.38919 395.63818 lineto +464.47513 395.63818 lineto +460.29544 389.40771 lineto +458.81105 387.18116 457.79543 385.78142 457.24857 385.2085 curveto +456.70168 384.62257 456.12225 384.22543 455.51028 384.01709 curveto +454.89829 383.79575 453.92824 383.68507 452.60013 383.68506 curveto +451.42825 383.68506 lineto +451.42825 395.63818 lineto +445.647 395.63818 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 moveto +455.7056 379.11475 lineto +458.47902 379.11476 460.21079 378.99758 460.90091 378.76318 curveto +461.59099 378.52883 462.13136 378.12518 462.522 377.55225 curveto +462.91261 376.97935 463.10792 376.2632 463.10794 375.40381 curveto +463.10792 374.44029 462.8475 373.66555 462.32669 373.07959 curveto +461.81886 372.48065 461.0962 372.10305 460.15872 371.94678 curveto +459.68995 371.8817 458.28371 371.84914 455.93997 371.84912 curveto +451.42825 371.84912 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +505.70071 645.79321 moveto +505.70071 617.1604 lineto +517.86868 617.1604 lineto +520.92856 617.16043 523.14861 617.42085 524.52884 617.94165 curveto +525.92205 618.44949 527.03533 619.36095 527.86868 620.67603 curveto +528.70199 621.99115 529.11866 623.49506 529.11868 625.18774 curveto +529.11866 627.3362 528.48715 629.11354 527.22415 630.51978 curveto +525.96111 631.91302 524.07309 632.79192 521.56009 633.15649 curveto +522.81007 633.88567 523.83871 634.68645 524.64603 635.55884 curveto +525.46632 636.43124 526.56658 637.98072 527.94681 640.20728 curveto +531.4429 645.79321 lineto +524.52884 645.79321 lineto +520.34915 639.56274 lineto +518.86476 637.33619 517.84914 635.93645 517.30228 635.36353 curveto +516.75539 634.7776 516.17596 634.38046 515.564 634.17212 curveto +514.952 633.95078 513.98195 633.8401 512.65384 633.84009 curveto +511.48196 633.84009 lineto +511.48196 645.79321 lineto +505.70071 645.79321 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 moveto +515.75931 629.26978 lineto +518.53273 629.26979 520.2645 629.1526 520.95462 628.91821 curveto +521.64471 628.68385 522.18507 628.28021 522.57571 627.70728 curveto +522.96632 627.13438 523.16163 626.41823 523.16165 625.55884 curveto +523.16163 624.59532 522.90121 623.82058 522.3804 623.23462 curveto +521.87257 622.63568 521.14991 622.25808 520.21243 622.10181 curveto +519.74367 622.03673 518.33742 622.00417 515.99368 622.00415 curveto +511.48196 622.00415 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +357.95654 127.21275 moveto +357.95654 131.47057 lineto +355.72997 131.47057 354.21304 131.65287 353.40576 132.01744 curveto +352.61148 132.38203 352.21435 133.01354 352.21436 133.91197 curveto +352.21435 134.57604 352.4943 135.1164 353.0542 135.53307 curveto +353.61409 135.94974 354.27815 136.15807 355.04639 136.15807 curveto +356.42658 136.15807 358.06721 135.51354 359.96826 134.22447 curveto +363.58154 137.79869 lineto +360.57371 139.59557 357.63101 140.494 354.75342 140.494 curveto +352.42268 140.494 350.47607 139.92109 348.91357 138.77525 curveto +347.36409 137.62942 346.58935 136.15807 346.58936 134.36119 curveto +346.58935 132.01745 347.81331 130.32474 350.26123 129.28307 curveto +348.33414 128.22839 347.3706 126.71797 347.37061 124.75182 curveto +347.3706 123.12423 347.98909 121.731 349.22607 120.57213 curveto +350.47607 119.40027 352.45523 118.81434 355.16357 118.81432 curveto +358.19742 118.81434 360.71694 119.51095 362.72217 120.90416 curveto +359.47998 124.40025 lineto +358.13882 123.65808 356.83023 123.28699 355.5542 123.28697 curveto +354.64273 123.28699 353.95263 123.46277 353.48389 123.81432 curveto +353.02815 124.16589 352.80029 124.58907 352.80029 125.08385 curveto +352.80029 126.50313 354.51903 127.21277 357.95654 127.21275 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +376.21859 506.84318 moveto +376.01853 575.93895 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +377.87522 597.31823 moveto +378.35423 663.93362 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +264.10634 239.72729 moveto +255.16852 161.17784 309.72732 160.65162 349.433 164.55857 curveto +stroke +gsave [-1.1146171 -0.10967582 0.10967582 -1.1146171 335.50029 163.18762] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +448.30607 243.70011 moveto +459.68676 197.26249 455.54204 158.99614 365.17537 166.10976 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.1165459 -0.087893949 0.087893949 1.1165459 379.13219 165.01109] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +282.08327 329.95923 moveto +348.20684 273.30289 353.08665 226.85385 355.52776 180.81126 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.055061925 1.0385413 -1.0385413 -0.055061925 354.83949 193.79303] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +260.04316 426.63332 moveto +180.75533 366.3629 194.7657 306.09247 255.97999 245.82205 curveto +stroke 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395.10105 510.29317] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.svg b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..727dc13 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom.svg @@ -0,0 +1,592 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A + B + R + A + A + A + A + A + A + B + B + B + R + R + ε + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_blank.eps b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_blank.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab9c1e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_blank.eps @@ -0,0 +1,788 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: inkscape 0.46 +%%Pages: 1 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184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 227.9269 389.58882] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 227.66633 479.58514] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5438731 0 0 0.5411688 229.34635 569.57882] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4746022 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 345.50733 389.58882] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 345.50733 479.58482] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 345.50733 569.57882] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 345.50733 659.87788] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +349.51677 174.82931 moveto +291.3661 227.86981 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +280.91581 247.85201 moveto +280.9157 317.20528 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +280.91569 338.10583 moveto +280.91569 407.24068 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +280.91569 428.14123 moveto +280.91569 497.18868 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +370.41732 174.82941 moveto +428.56741 227.86993 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +439.01769 247.85223 moveto +439.01769 317.20568 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +439.01769 338.10623 moveto +439.01769 407.24068 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +429.70161 428.14123 moveto +389.54333 473.18868 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +448.33369 428.14123 moveto +488.49168 473.18868 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +497.80769 494.08923 moveto +497.80769 563.18468 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +497.80769 584.08523 moveto +497.80769 653.17868 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +497.80769 674.07923 moveto +497.80769 743.47774 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +313.90689 193.88397 moveto +307.61783 193.88397 lineto +305.11783 187.38007 lineto +293.67252 187.38007 lineto +291.30923 193.88397 lineto +285.17642 193.88397 lineto +296.32877 165.25116 lineto +302.44205 165.25116 lineto +313.90689 193.88397 lineto +303.26236 182.55585 moveto +299.31705 171.93085 lineto +295.44986 182.55585 lineto +303.26236 182.55585 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.37041 446.57941 moveto +254.81572 446.57941 lineto +257.08133 446.57944 258.76752 446.67709 259.87431 446.87238 curveto +260.99408 447.0547 261.99018 447.44532 262.86259 448.04425 curveto +263.74799 448.64324 264.48366 449.44402 265.06963 450.44659 curveto +265.65554 451.4362 265.94851 452.54948 265.94853 453.78644 curveto +265.94851 455.1276 265.58392 456.35807 264.85478 457.47784 curveto +264.13861 458.59765 263.16205 459.4375 261.92509 459.99738 curveto +263.66986 460.5052 265.01101 461.37109 265.94853 462.59503 curveto +266.88601 463.819 267.35476 465.2578 267.35478 466.91144 curveto +267.35476 468.21353 267.04877 469.48306 266.43681 470.72003 curveto +265.83783 471.94399 265.01101 472.92707 263.95634 473.66925 curveto +262.91466 474.39842 261.62559 474.84764 260.08916 475.01691 curveto +259.1256 475.12107 256.80138 475.18618 253.1165 475.21222 curveto +243.37041 475.21222 lineto +243.37041 446.57941 lineto +249.15166 451.34503 moveto +249.15166 457.96613 lineto +252.94072 457.96613 lineto +255.19331 457.96614 256.59305 457.93359 257.13994 457.86847 curveto +258.1295 457.7513 258.90424 457.41276 259.46416 456.85284 curveto +260.03705 456.27995 260.32351 455.53125 260.32353 454.60675 curveto +260.32351 453.72136 260.07612 453.00521 259.58134 452.45831 curveto +259.09956 451.89844 258.3769 451.5599 257.41338 451.44269 curveto +256.84044 451.37761 255.19331 451.34506 252.47197 451.34503 curveto +249.15166 451.34503 lineto +249.15166 462.73175 moveto +249.15166 470.388 lineto +254.50322 470.388 lineto +256.58654 470.38801 257.90815 470.32941 258.46806 470.21222 curveto +259.32742 470.05597 260.02403 469.67837 260.55791 469.07941 curveto +261.10476 468.46743 261.3782 467.65363 261.37822 466.638 curveto +261.3782 465.77863 261.16987 465.04947 260.75322 464.4505 curveto +260.33653 463.85155 259.73106 463.41536 258.93681 463.14191 curveto +258.15555 462.86848 256.44982 462.73176 253.81963 462.73175 curveto +249.15166 462.73175 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.37004 296.13779 moveto +243.37004 267.50497 lineto +255.53801 267.50497 lineto +258.59789 267.505 260.81794 267.76542 262.19817 268.28622 curveto +263.59137 268.79406 264.70465 269.70552 265.53801 271.0206 curveto +266.37132 272.33573 266.78798 273.83963 266.78801 275.53232 curveto +266.78798 277.68077 266.15647 279.45812 264.89348 280.86435 curveto +263.63043 282.25759 261.74242 283.1365 259.22942 283.50107 curveto +260.4794 284.23025 261.50804 285.03103 262.31535 285.90341 curveto +263.13564 286.77582 264.2359 288.32529 265.61613 290.55185 curveto +269.11223 296.13779 lineto +262.19817 296.13779 lineto +258.01848 289.90732 lineto +256.53409 287.68076 255.51846 286.28103 254.9716 285.7081 curveto +254.42471 285.12217 253.84529 284.72504 253.23332 284.51669 curveto +252.62133 284.29535 251.65128 284.18467 250.32317 284.18466 curveto +249.15129 284.18466 lineto +249.15129 296.13779 lineto +243.37004 296.13779 lineto +249.15129 279.61435 moveto +253.42863 279.61435 lineto +256.20206 279.61437 257.93383 279.49718 258.62395 279.26279 curveto +259.31403 279.02843 259.8544 278.62478 260.24504 278.05185 curveto +260.63565 277.47895 260.83096 276.76281 260.83098 275.90341 curveto +260.83096 274.93989 260.57054 274.16515 260.04973 273.57919 curveto +259.5419 272.98026 258.81924 272.60265 257.88176 272.44638 curveto +257.41299 272.3813 256.00674 272.34875 253.66301 272.34872 curveto +249.15129 272.34872 lineto +249.15129 279.61435 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.10088 382.88397 moveto +265.81181 382.88397 lineto +263.31181 376.38007 lineto +251.8665 376.38007 lineto +249.50322 382.88397 lineto +243.37041 382.88397 lineto +254.52275 354.25116 lineto +260.63603 354.25116 lineto +272.10088 382.88397 lineto +261.45634 371.55585 moveto +257.51103 360.93085 lineto +253.64384 371.55585 lineto +261.45634 371.55585 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +478.35553 296.13821 moveto +472.06647 296.13821 lineto +469.56647 289.63431 lineto +458.12115 289.63431 lineto +455.75787 296.13821 lineto +449.62506 296.13821 lineto +460.7774 267.5054 lineto +466.89069 267.5054 lineto +478.35553 296.13821 lineto +467.711 284.81009 moveto +463.76569 274.18509 lineto +459.8985 284.81009 lineto +467.711 284.81009 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +538.40988 543.89319 moveto +532.12082 543.89319 lineto +529.62082 537.38928 lineto +518.17551 537.38928 lineto +515.81223 543.89319 lineto +509.67941 543.89319 lineto +520.83176 515.26038 lineto +526.94504 515.26038 lineto +538.40988 543.89319 lineto +527.76535 532.56506 moveto +523.82004 521.94006 lineto +519.95285 532.56506 lineto +527.76535 532.56506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +538.40988 727.9906 moveto +532.12082 727.9906 lineto +529.62082 721.48669 lineto +518.17551 721.48669 lineto +515.81223 727.9906 lineto +509.67941 727.9906 lineto +520.83176 699.35779 lineto +526.94504 699.35779 lineto +538.40988 727.9906 lineto +527.76535 716.66248 moveto +523.82004 706.03748 lineto +519.95285 716.66248 lineto +527.76535 716.66248 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +401.22699 450.54581 moveto +394.93793 450.54581 lineto +392.43793 444.0419 lineto +380.99261 444.0419 lineto +378.62933 450.54581 lineto +372.49652 450.54581 lineto +383.64886 421.91299 lineto +389.76215 421.91299 lineto +401.22699 450.54581 lineto +390.58246 439.21768 moveto +386.63715 428.59268 lineto +382.76996 439.21768 lineto +390.58246 439.21768 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +373.9989 633.03967 moveto +367.70984 633.03967 lineto +365.20984 626.53577 lineto +353.76453 626.53577 lineto +351.40125 633.03967 lineto +345.26843 633.03967 lineto +356.42078 604.40686 lineto +362.53406 604.40686 lineto +373.9989 633.03967 lineto +363.35437 621.71155 moveto +359.40906 611.08655 lineto +355.54187 621.71155 lineto +363.35437 621.71155 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +409.52264 165.25142 moveto +420.96796 165.25142 lineto +423.23356 165.25145 424.91976 165.3491 426.02655 165.54439 curveto +427.14632 165.72671 428.14241 166.11733 429.01483 166.71626 curveto +429.90022 167.31525 430.6359 168.11603 431.22186 169.11861 curveto +431.80778 170.10821 432.10074 171.22149 432.10077 172.45845 curveto +432.10074 173.79962 431.73616 175.03008 431.00702 176.14986 curveto +430.29085 177.26966 429.31429 178.10951 428.07733 178.66939 curveto +429.8221 179.17722 431.16324 180.0431 432.10077 181.26704 curveto +433.03824 182.49101 433.50699 183.92981 433.50702 185.58345 curveto +433.50699 186.88554 433.201 188.15507 432.58905 189.39204 curveto +431.99007 190.61601 431.16324 191.59908 430.10858 192.34126 curveto +429.06689 193.07043 427.77783 193.51965 426.24139 193.68892 curveto +425.27783 193.79309 422.95362 193.85819 419.26874 193.88423 curveto +409.52264 193.88423 lineto +409.52264 165.25142 lineto +415.30389 170.01704 moveto +415.30389 176.63814 lineto +419.09296 176.63814 lineto +421.34555 176.63816 422.74528 176.6056 423.29218 176.54048 curveto +424.28174 176.42331 425.05648 176.08477 425.61639 175.52486 curveto +426.18929 174.95196 426.47575 174.20326 426.47577 173.27876 curveto +426.47575 172.39337 426.22835 171.67722 425.73358 171.13033 curveto +425.25179 170.57045 424.52914 170.23191 423.56561 170.1147 curveto +422.99268 170.04962 421.34555 170.01707 418.62421 170.01704 curveto +415.30389 170.01704 lineto +415.30389 181.40376 moveto +415.30389 189.06001 lineto +420.65546 189.06001 lineto +422.73877 189.06002 424.06039 189.00142 424.6203 188.88423 curveto +425.47966 188.72799 426.17627 188.35038 426.71014 187.75142 curveto +427.257 187.13945 427.53044 186.32565 427.53046 185.31001 curveto +427.53044 184.45065 427.3221 183.72148 426.90546 183.12251 curveto +426.48877 182.52357 425.8833 182.08737 425.08905 181.81392 curveto +424.30778 181.54049 422.60206 181.40378 419.97186 181.40376 curveto +415.30389 181.40376 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.82214 421.91339 moveto +491.26746 421.91339 lineto +493.53306 421.91342 495.21926 422.01108 496.32605 422.20636 curveto +497.44582 422.38868 498.44191 422.7793 499.31433 423.37823 curveto +500.19972 423.97722 500.9354 424.778 501.52136 425.78058 curveto +502.10727 426.77019 502.40024 427.88347 502.40027 429.12042 curveto +502.40024 430.46159 502.03566 431.69206 501.30652 432.81183 curveto +500.59035 433.93164 499.61379 434.77148 498.37683 435.33136 curveto +500.1216 435.83919 501.46274 436.70507 502.40027 437.92902 curveto +503.33774 439.15299 503.80649 440.59179 503.80652 442.24542 curveto +503.80649 443.54751 503.5005 444.81704 502.88855 446.05402 curveto +502.28957 447.27798 501.46274 448.26105 500.40808 449.00323 curveto +499.36639 449.7324 498.07733 450.18162 496.54089 450.35089 curveto +495.57733 450.45506 493.25312 450.52016 489.56824 450.5462 curveto +479.82214 450.5462 lineto +479.82214 421.91339 lineto +485.60339 426.67902 moveto +485.60339 433.30011 lineto +489.39246 433.30011 lineto +491.64505 433.30013 493.04478 433.26758 493.59167 433.20245 curveto +494.58124 433.08528 495.35598 432.74674 495.91589 432.18683 curveto +496.48879 431.61393 496.77525 430.86523 496.77527 429.94073 curveto +496.77525 429.05534 496.52785 428.33919 496.03308 427.7923 curveto +495.55129 427.23242 494.82864 426.89388 493.86511 426.77667 curveto +493.29218 426.71159 491.64505 426.67904 488.92371 426.67902 curveto +485.60339 426.67902 lineto +485.60339 438.06573 moveto +485.60339 445.72198 lineto +490.95496 445.72198 lineto +493.03827 445.72199 494.35989 445.6634 494.9198 445.5462 curveto +495.77916 445.38996 496.47577 445.01235 497.00964 444.41339 curveto +497.5565 443.80142 497.82994 442.98762 497.82996 441.97198 curveto +497.82994 441.11262 497.6216 440.38345 497.20496 439.78448 curveto +496.78827 439.18554 496.1828 438.74934 495.38855 438.47589 curveto +494.60728 438.20247 492.90155 438.06575 490.27136 438.06573 curveto +485.60339 438.06573 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.26865 515.26056 moveto +356.71396 515.26056 lineto +358.97957 515.26059 360.66576 515.35824 361.77255 515.55353 curveto +362.89232 515.73585 363.88842 516.12647 364.76083 516.7254 curveto +365.64623 517.32439 366.3819 518.12517 366.96786 519.12775 curveto +367.55378 520.11735 367.84675 521.23063 367.84677 522.46759 curveto +367.84675 523.80876 367.48216 525.03922 366.75302 526.159 curveto +366.03685 527.2788 365.06029 528.11865 363.82333 528.67853 curveto +365.5681 529.18636 366.90925 530.05224 367.84677 531.27618 curveto +368.78424 532.50015 369.25299 533.93895 369.25302 535.59259 curveto +369.25299 536.89468 368.94701 538.16421 368.33505 539.40118 curveto +367.73607 540.62515 366.90925 541.60822 365.85458 542.3504 curveto +364.81289 543.07957 363.52383 543.52879 361.9874 543.69806 curveto +361.02384 543.80223 358.69962 543.86733 355.01474 543.89337 curveto +345.26865 543.89337 lineto +345.26865 515.26056 lineto +351.0499 520.02618 moveto +351.0499 526.64728 lineto +354.83896 526.64728 lineto +357.09155 526.6473 358.49129 526.61474 359.03818 526.54962 curveto +360.02774 526.43245 360.80248 526.09391 361.3624 525.534 curveto +361.93529 524.9611 362.22175 524.2124 362.22177 523.2879 curveto +362.22175 522.40251 361.97436 521.68636 361.47958 521.13947 curveto +360.99779 520.57959 360.27514 520.24105 359.31161 520.12384 curveto +358.73868 520.05876 357.09155 520.02621 354.37021 520.02618 curveto +351.0499 520.02618 lineto +351.0499 531.4129 moveto +351.0499 539.06915 lineto +356.40146 539.06915 lineto +358.48478 539.06916 359.80639 539.01056 360.3663 538.89337 curveto +361.22566 538.73713 361.92227 538.35952 362.45615 537.76056 curveto +363.003 537.14859 363.27644 536.33479 363.27646 535.31915 curveto +363.27644 534.45979 363.0681 533.73062 362.65146 533.13165 curveto +362.23477 532.53271 361.6293 532.09651 360.83505 531.82306 curveto +360.05378 531.54963 358.34806 531.41292 355.71786 531.4129 curveto +351.0499 531.4129 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 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+252.94072 457.96613 lineto +255.19331 457.96614 256.59305 457.93359 257.13994 457.86847 curveto +258.1295 457.7513 258.90424 457.41276 259.46416 456.85284 curveto +260.03705 456.27995 260.32351 455.53125 260.32353 454.60675 curveto +260.32351 453.72136 260.07612 453.00521 259.58134 452.45831 curveto +259.09956 451.89844 258.3769 451.5599 257.41338 451.44269 curveto +256.84044 451.37761 255.19331 451.34506 252.47197 451.34503 curveto +249.15166 451.34503 lineto +249.15166 462.73175 moveto +249.15166 470.388 lineto +254.50322 470.388 lineto +256.58654 470.38801 257.90815 470.32941 258.46806 470.21222 curveto +259.32742 470.05597 260.02403 469.67837 260.55791 469.07941 curveto +261.10476 468.46743 261.3782 467.65363 261.37822 466.638 curveto +261.3782 465.77863 261.16987 465.04947 260.75322 464.4505 curveto +260.33653 463.85155 259.73106 463.41536 258.93681 463.14191 curveto +258.15555 462.86848 256.44982 462.73176 253.81963 462.73175 curveto +249.15166 462.73175 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.37004 296.13779 moveto +243.37004 267.50497 lineto +255.53801 267.50497 lineto +258.59789 267.505 260.81794 267.76542 262.19817 268.28622 curveto +263.59137 268.79406 264.70465 269.70552 265.53801 271.0206 curveto +266.37132 272.33573 266.78798 273.83963 266.78801 275.53232 curveto +266.78798 277.68077 266.15647 279.45812 264.89348 280.86435 curveto +263.63043 282.25759 261.74242 283.1365 259.22942 283.50107 curveto +260.4794 284.23025 261.50804 285.03103 262.31535 285.90341 curveto +263.13564 286.77582 264.2359 288.32529 265.61613 290.55185 curveto +269.11223 296.13779 lineto +262.19817 296.13779 lineto +258.01848 289.90732 lineto +256.53409 287.68076 255.51846 286.28103 254.9716 285.7081 curveto +254.42471 285.12217 253.84529 284.72504 253.23332 284.51669 curveto +252.62133 284.29535 251.65128 284.18467 250.32317 284.18466 curveto +249.15129 284.18466 lineto +249.15129 296.13779 lineto +243.37004 296.13779 lineto +249.15129 279.61435 moveto +253.42863 279.61435 lineto +256.20206 279.61437 257.93383 279.49718 258.62395 279.26279 curveto +259.31403 279.02843 259.8544 278.62478 260.24504 278.05185 curveto +260.63565 277.47895 260.83096 276.76281 260.83098 275.90341 curveto +260.83096 274.93989 260.57054 274.16515 260.04973 273.57919 curveto +259.5419 272.98026 258.81924 272.60265 257.88176 272.44638 curveto +257.41299 272.3813 256.00674 272.34875 253.66301 272.34872 curveto +249.15129 272.34872 lineto +249.15129 279.61435 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +272.10088 382.88397 moveto +265.81181 382.88397 lineto +263.31181 376.38007 lineto +251.8665 376.38007 lineto +249.50322 382.88397 lineto +243.37041 382.88397 lineto +254.52275 354.25116 lineto +260.63603 354.25116 lineto +272.10088 382.88397 lineto +261.45634 371.55585 moveto +257.51103 360.93085 lineto +253.64384 371.55585 lineto +261.45634 371.55585 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +478.35553 296.13821 moveto +472.06647 296.13821 lineto +469.56647 289.63431 lineto +458.12115 289.63431 lineto +455.75787 296.13821 lineto +449.62506 296.13821 lineto +460.7774 267.5054 lineto +466.89069 267.5054 lineto +478.35553 296.13821 lineto +467.711 284.81009 moveto +463.76569 274.18509 lineto +459.8985 284.81009 lineto +467.711 284.81009 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +538.40988 543.89319 moveto +532.12082 543.89319 lineto +529.62082 537.38928 lineto +518.17551 537.38928 lineto +515.81223 543.89319 lineto +509.67941 543.89319 lineto +520.83176 515.26038 lineto +526.94504 515.26038 lineto +538.40988 543.89319 lineto +527.76535 532.56506 moveto +523.82004 521.94006 lineto +519.95285 532.56506 lineto +527.76535 532.56506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +538.40988 727.9906 moveto +532.12082 727.9906 lineto +529.62082 721.48669 lineto +518.17551 721.48669 lineto +515.81223 727.9906 lineto +509.67941 727.9906 lineto +520.83176 699.35779 lineto +526.94504 699.35779 lineto +538.40988 727.9906 lineto +527.76535 716.66248 moveto +523.82004 706.03748 lineto +519.95285 716.66248 lineto +527.76535 716.66248 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +401.22699 450.54581 moveto +394.93793 450.54581 lineto +392.43793 444.0419 lineto +380.99261 444.0419 lineto +378.62933 450.54581 lineto +372.49652 450.54581 lineto +383.64886 421.91299 lineto +389.76215 421.91299 lineto +401.22699 450.54581 lineto +390.58246 439.21768 moveto +386.63715 428.59268 lineto +382.76996 439.21768 lineto +390.58246 439.21768 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +373.9989 633.03967 moveto +367.70984 633.03967 lineto +365.20984 626.53577 lineto +353.76453 626.53577 lineto +351.40125 633.03967 lineto +345.26843 633.03967 lineto +356.42078 604.40686 lineto +362.53406 604.40686 lineto +373.9989 633.03967 lineto +363.35437 621.71155 moveto +359.40906 611.08655 lineto +355.54187 621.71155 lineto +363.35437 621.71155 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +409.52264 165.25142 moveto +420.96796 165.25142 lineto +423.23356 165.25145 424.91976 165.3491 426.02655 165.54439 curveto +427.14632 165.72671 428.14241 166.11733 429.01483 166.71626 curveto +429.90022 167.31525 430.6359 168.11603 431.22186 169.11861 curveto +431.80778 170.10821 432.10074 171.22149 432.10077 172.45845 curveto +432.10074 173.79962 431.73616 175.03008 431.00702 176.14986 curveto +430.29085 177.26966 429.31429 178.10951 428.07733 178.66939 curveto +429.8221 179.17722 431.16324 180.0431 432.10077 181.26704 curveto +433.03824 182.49101 433.50699 183.92981 433.50702 185.58345 curveto +433.50699 186.88554 433.201 188.15507 432.58905 189.39204 curveto +431.99007 190.61601 431.16324 191.59908 430.10858 192.34126 curveto +429.06689 193.07043 427.77783 193.51965 426.24139 193.68892 curveto +425.27783 193.79309 422.95362 193.85819 419.26874 193.88423 curveto +409.52264 193.88423 lineto +409.52264 165.25142 lineto +415.30389 170.01704 moveto +415.30389 176.63814 lineto +419.09296 176.63814 lineto +421.34555 176.63816 422.74528 176.6056 423.29218 176.54048 curveto +424.28174 176.42331 425.05648 176.08477 425.61639 175.52486 curveto +426.18929 174.95196 426.47575 174.20326 426.47577 173.27876 curveto +426.47575 172.39337 426.22835 171.67722 425.73358 171.13033 curveto +425.25179 170.57045 424.52914 170.23191 423.56561 170.1147 curveto +422.99268 170.04962 421.34555 170.01707 418.62421 170.01704 curveto +415.30389 170.01704 lineto +415.30389 181.40376 moveto +415.30389 189.06001 lineto +420.65546 189.06001 lineto +422.73877 189.06002 424.06039 189.00142 424.6203 188.88423 curveto +425.47966 188.72799 426.17627 188.35038 426.71014 187.75142 curveto +427.257 187.13945 427.53044 186.32565 427.53046 185.31001 curveto +427.53044 184.45065 427.3221 183.72148 426.90546 183.12251 curveto +426.48877 182.52357 425.8833 182.08737 425.08905 181.81392 curveto +424.30778 181.54049 422.60206 181.40378 419.97186 181.40376 curveto +415.30389 181.40376 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +479.82214 421.91339 moveto +491.26746 421.91339 lineto +493.53306 421.91342 495.21926 422.01108 496.32605 422.20636 curveto +497.44582 422.38868 498.44191 422.7793 499.31433 423.37823 curveto +500.19972 423.97722 500.9354 424.778 501.52136 425.78058 curveto +502.10727 426.77019 502.40024 427.88347 502.40027 429.12042 curveto +502.40024 430.46159 502.03566 431.69206 501.30652 432.81183 curveto +500.59035 433.93164 499.61379 434.77148 498.37683 435.33136 curveto +500.1216 435.83919 501.46274 436.70507 502.40027 437.92902 curveto +503.33774 439.15299 503.80649 440.59179 503.80652 442.24542 curveto +503.80649 443.54751 503.5005 444.81704 502.88855 446.05402 curveto +502.28957 447.27798 501.46274 448.26105 500.40808 449.00323 curveto +499.36639 449.7324 498.07733 450.18162 496.54089 450.35089 curveto +495.57733 450.45506 493.25312 450.52016 489.56824 450.5462 curveto +479.82214 450.5462 lineto +479.82214 421.91339 lineto +485.60339 426.67902 moveto +485.60339 433.30011 lineto +489.39246 433.30011 lineto +491.64505 433.30013 493.04478 433.26758 493.59167 433.20245 curveto +494.58124 433.08528 495.35598 432.74674 495.91589 432.18683 curveto +496.48879 431.61393 496.77525 430.86523 496.77527 429.94073 curveto +496.77525 429.05534 496.52785 428.33919 496.03308 427.7923 curveto +495.55129 427.23242 494.82864 426.89388 493.86511 426.77667 curveto +493.29218 426.71159 491.64505 426.67904 488.92371 426.67902 curveto +485.60339 426.67902 lineto +485.60339 438.06573 moveto +485.60339 445.72198 lineto +490.95496 445.72198 lineto +493.03827 445.72199 494.35989 445.6634 494.9198 445.5462 curveto +495.77916 445.38996 496.47577 445.01235 497.00964 444.41339 curveto +497.5565 443.80142 497.82994 442.98762 497.82996 441.97198 curveto +497.82994 441.11262 497.6216 440.38345 497.20496 439.78448 curveto +496.78827 439.18554 496.1828 438.74934 495.38855 438.47589 curveto +494.60728 438.20247 492.90155 438.06575 490.27136 438.06573 curveto +485.60339 438.06573 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +345.26865 515.26056 moveto +356.71396 515.26056 lineto +358.97957 515.26059 360.66576 515.35824 361.77255 515.55353 curveto +362.89232 515.73585 363.88842 516.12647 364.76083 516.7254 curveto +365.64623 517.32439 366.3819 518.12517 366.96786 519.12775 curveto +367.55378 520.11735 367.84675 521.23063 367.84677 522.46759 curveto +367.84675 523.80876 367.48216 525.03922 366.75302 526.159 curveto +366.03685 527.2788 365.06029 528.11865 363.82333 528.67853 curveto +365.5681 529.18636 366.90925 530.05224 367.84677 531.27618 curveto +368.78424 532.50015 369.25299 533.93895 369.25302 535.59259 curveto +369.25299 536.89468 368.94701 538.16421 368.33505 539.40118 curveto +367.73607 540.62515 366.90925 541.60822 365.85458 542.3504 curveto +364.81289 543.07957 363.52383 543.52879 361.9874 543.69806 curveto +361.02384 543.80223 358.69962 543.86733 355.01474 543.89337 curveto +345.26865 543.89337 lineto +345.26865 515.26056 lineto +351.0499 520.02618 moveto +351.0499 526.64728 lineto +354.83896 526.64728 lineto +357.09155 526.6473 358.49129 526.61474 359.03818 526.54962 curveto +360.02774 526.43245 360.80248 526.09391 361.3624 525.534 curveto +361.93529 524.9611 362.22175 524.2124 362.22177 523.2879 curveto +362.22175 522.40251 361.97436 521.68636 361.47958 521.13947 curveto +360.99779 520.57959 360.27514 520.24105 359.31161 520.12384 curveto +358.73868 520.05876 357.09155 520.02621 354.37021 520.02618 curveto +351.0499 520.02618 lineto +351.0499 531.4129 moveto +351.0499 539.06915 lineto +356.40146 539.06915 lineto +358.48478 539.06916 359.80639 539.01056 360.3663 538.89337 curveto +361.22566 538.73713 361.92227 538.35952 362.45615 537.76056 curveto +363.003 537.14859 363.27644 536.33479 363.27646 535.31915 curveto +363.27644 534.45979 363.0681 533.73062 362.65146 533.13165 curveto +362.23477 532.53271 361.6293 532.09651 360.83505 531.82306 curveto +360.05378 531.54963 358.34806 531.41292 355.71786 531.4129 curveto +351.0499 531.4129 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +449.62543 382.88422 moveto +449.62543 354.2514 lineto +461.7934 354.2514 lineto +464.85327 354.25143 467.07332 354.51185 468.45355 355.03265 curveto +469.84676 355.54049 470.96004 356.45195 471.7934 357.76703 curveto +472.6267 359.08216 473.04337 360.58606 473.0434 362.27875 curveto +473.04337 364.4272 472.41186 366.20455 471.14886 367.61078 curveto +469.88582 369.00402 467.9978 369.88293 465.4848 370.2475 curveto +466.73478 370.97668 467.76343 371.77746 468.57074 372.64984 curveto +469.39103 373.52225 470.49129 375.07172 471.87152 377.29828 curveto +475.36761 382.88422 lineto +468.45355 382.88422 lineto +464.27386 376.65375 lineto +462.78947 374.42719 461.77385 373.02746 461.22699 372.45453 curveto +460.6801 371.8686 460.10067 371.47147 459.48871 371.26312 curveto +458.87672 371.04178 457.90667 370.9311 456.57855 370.93109 curveto +455.40668 370.93109 lineto +455.40668 382.88422 lineto +449.62543 382.88422 lineto +455.40668 366.36078 moveto +459.68402 366.36078 lineto +462.45744 366.3608 464.18921 366.24361 464.87933 366.00922 curveto +465.56942 365.77486 466.10978 365.37121 466.50043 364.79828 curveto +466.89103 364.22538 467.08634 363.50924 467.08636 362.64984 curveto +467.08634 361.68632 466.82593 360.91158 466.30511 360.32562 curveto +465.79728 359.72669 465.07463 359.34908 464.13715 359.19281 curveto +463.66838 359.12773 462.26213 359.09518 459.9184 359.09515 curveto +455.40668 359.09515 lineto +455.40668 366.36078 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +509.67914 633.03925 moveto +509.67914 604.40643 lineto +521.84711 604.40643 lineto +524.90698 604.40646 527.12703 604.66688 528.50726 605.18768 curveto +529.90047 605.69552 531.01375 606.60698 531.84711 607.92206 curveto +532.68041 609.23719 533.09708 610.74109 533.09711 612.43378 curveto +533.09708 614.58223 532.46557 616.35957 531.20258 617.76581 curveto +529.93953 619.15905 528.05151 620.03796 525.53851 620.40253 curveto +526.78849 621.13171 527.81714 621.93249 528.62445 622.80487 curveto +529.44474 623.67728 530.545 625.22675 531.92523 627.45331 curveto +535.42133 633.03925 lineto +528.50726 633.03925 lineto +524.32758 626.80878 lineto +522.84318 624.58222 521.82756 623.18248 521.2807 622.60956 curveto +520.73381 622.02363 520.15439 621.6265 519.54242 621.41815 curveto +518.93043 621.19681 517.96038 621.08613 516.63226 621.08612 curveto +515.46039 621.08612 lineto +515.46039 633.03925 lineto +509.67914 633.03925 lineto +515.46039 616.51581 moveto +519.73773 616.51581 lineto +522.51115 616.51582 524.24292 616.39864 524.93304 616.16425 curveto +525.62313 615.92989 526.16349 615.52624 526.55414 614.95331 curveto +526.94474 614.38041 527.14006 613.66426 527.14008 612.80487 curveto +527.14006 611.84135 526.87964 611.06661 526.35883 610.48065 curveto +525.85099 609.88172 525.12834 609.50411 524.19086 609.34784 curveto +523.72209 609.28276 522.31584 609.25021 519.97211 609.25018 curveto +515.46039 609.25018 lineto +515.46039 616.51581 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +361.93497 114.4588 moveto +361.93497 118.71661 lineto +359.70839 118.71662 358.19147 118.89891 357.38419 119.26349 curveto +356.58991 119.62808 356.19277 120.25959 356.19278 121.15802 curveto +356.19277 121.82209 356.47272 122.36245 357.03262 122.77911 curveto +357.59251 123.19578 358.25657 123.40412 359.02481 123.40411 curveto +360.40501 123.40412 362.04563 122.75959 363.94669 121.47052 curveto +367.55997 125.04474 lineto +364.55214 126.84161 361.60943 127.74005 358.73184 127.74005 curveto +356.40111 127.74005 354.45449 127.16713 352.892 126.0213 curveto +351.34252 124.87547 350.56778 123.40412 350.56778 121.60724 curveto +350.56778 119.2635 351.79174 117.57079 354.23965 116.52911 curveto +352.31257 115.47444 351.34903 113.96402 351.34903 111.99786 curveto +351.34903 110.37028 351.96752 108.97705 353.2045 107.81818 curveto +354.45449 106.64632 356.43366 106.06038 359.142 106.06036 curveto +362.17584 106.06038 364.69537 106.757 366.70059 108.15021 curveto +363.4584 111.6463 lineto +362.11725 110.90413 360.80865 110.53304 359.53262 110.53302 curveto +358.62116 110.53304 357.93105 110.70882 357.46231 111.06036 curveto +357.00657 111.41194 356.77871 111.83512 356.77872 112.3299 curveto +356.77871 113.74918 358.49746 114.45881 361.93497 114.4588 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +380.197 494.08923 moveto +379.99694 563.185 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +381.85363 584.56428 moveto +382.33264 651.17967 lineto +stroke +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_end.svg b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_end.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d3403b --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/ara_strom_end.svg @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + 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curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 124.63692 426.34277] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 282.73892 246.35977] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 282.73892 336.39477] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 223.94849 402.34277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 223.68792 492.33909] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5438731 0 0 0.5411688 225.36794 582.33277] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4746022 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 402.34277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 492.33877] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 582.33277] concat +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +gsave [0.5411688 0 0 0.5411688 341.52892 672.63183] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.478282 setlinewidth +2 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +299.99999 173.79076 moveto +299.99999 184.04218 291.67999 192.36218 281.42856 192.36218 curveto +271.17713 192.36218 262.85713 184.04218 262.85713 173.79076 curveto +262.85713 163.53933 271.17713 155.21933 281.42856 155.21933 curveto +291.67999 155.21933 299.99999 163.53933 299.99999 173.79076 curveto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +345.53836 187.58326 moveto +287.38769 240.62376 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.9374 260.60596 moveto +276.93729 329.95923 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.93728 350.85978 moveto +276.93728 419.99463 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +276.93728 440.89518 moveto +276.93728 509.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +366.43891 187.58336 moveto +424.589 240.62388 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +435.03928 260.60618 moveto +435.03928 329.95963 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +435.03928 350.86018 moveto +435.03928 419.99463 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +425.7232 440.89518 moveto +385.56492 485.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +444.35528 440.89518 moveto +484.51327 485.94263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 506.84318 moveto +493.82928 575.93863 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 596.83918 moveto +493.82928 665.93263 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +493.82928 686.83318 moveto +493.82928 756.23169 lineto +stroke +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +309.92847 206.63792 moveto +303.6394 206.63792 lineto +301.1394 200.13402 lineto +289.69409 200.13402 lineto +287.33081 206.63792 lineto +281.198 206.63792 lineto +292.35034 178.00511 lineto +298.46362 178.00511 lineto +309.92847 206.63792 lineto +299.28394 195.3098 moveto +295.33862 184.6848 lineto +291.47144 195.3098 lineto +299.28394 195.3098 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +239.392 459.33337 moveto +250.83731 459.33337 lineto +253.10292 459.3334 254.78912 459.43106 255.8959 459.62634 curveto +257.01568 459.80866 258.01177 460.19929 258.88419 460.79822 curveto +259.76958 461.3972 260.50526 462.19798 261.09122 463.20056 curveto +261.67713 464.19017 261.9701 465.30345 261.97012 466.54041 curveto +261.9701 467.88157 261.60551 469.11204 260.87637 470.23181 curveto +260.1602 471.35162 259.18364 472.19146 257.94669 472.75134 curveto +259.69145 473.25917 261.0326 474.12505 261.97012 475.349 curveto +262.9076 476.57297 263.37635 478.01177 263.37637 479.66541 curveto +263.37635 480.9675 263.07036 482.23703 262.4584 483.474 curveto +261.85942 484.69796 261.0326 485.68103 259.97794 486.42322 curveto +258.93625 487.15239 257.64719 487.6016 256.11075 487.77087 curveto +255.14719 487.87504 252.82297 487.94014 249.13809 487.96619 curveto +239.392 487.96619 lineto +239.392 459.33337 lineto +245.17325 464.099 moveto +245.17325 470.72009 lineto +248.96231 470.72009 lineto +251.2149 470.72011 252.61464 470.68756 253.16153 470.62244 curveto +254.1511 470.50527 254.92583 470.16673 255.48575 469.60681 curveto +256.05865 469.03391 256.3451 468.28522 256.34512 467.36072 curveto +256.3451 466.47532 256.09771 465.75918 255.60294 465.21228 curveto +255.12115 464.65241 254.39849 464.31387 253.43497 464.19666 curveto +252.86203 464.13157 251.2149 464.09902 248.49356 464.099 curveto +245.17325 464.099 lineto +245.17325 475.48572 moveto +245.17325 483.14197 lineto +250.52481 483.14197 lineto +252.60813 483.14197 253.92974 483.08338 254.48965 482.96619 curveto +255.34901 482.80994 256.04562 482.43234 256.5795 481.83337 curveto +257.12635 481.2214 257.39979 480.4076 257.39981 479.39197 curveto +257.39979 478.5326 257.19146 477.80344 256.77481 477.20447 curveto +256.35812 476.60552 255.75266 476.16932 254.9584 475.89587 curveto +254.17714 475.62245 252.47141 475.48573 249.84122 475.48572 curveto +245.17325 475.48572 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +239.39163 308.89175 moveto +239.39163 280.25894 lineto +251.5596 280.25894 lineto +254.61948 280.25897 256.83953 280.51939 258.21976 281.04019 curveto +259.61296 281.54803 260.72624 282.45949 261.5596 283.77457 curveto +262.39291 285.08969 262.80957 286.5936 262.8096 288.28629 curveto +262.80957 290.43474 262.17806 292.21208 260.91507 293.61832 curveto +259.65203 295.01156 257.76401 295.89047 255.25101 296.25504 curveto +256.50099 296.98421 257.52963 297.78499 258.33694 298.65738 curveto +259.15723 299.52978 260.25749 301.07926 261.63773 303.30582 curveto +265.13382 308.89175 lineto +258.21976 308.89175 lineto +254.04007 302.66129 lineto +252.55568 300.43473 251.54005 299.03499 250.99319 298.46207 curveto +250.44631 297.87614 249.86688 297.47901 249.25491 297.27066 curveto +248.64292 297.04932 247.67287 296.93864 246.34476 296.93863 curveto +245.17288 296.93863 lineto +245.17288 308.89175 lineto +239.39163 308.89175 lineto +245.17288 292.36832 moveto +249.45023 292.36832 lineto +252.22365 292.36833 253.95542 292.25115 254.64554 292.01675 curveto +255.33562 291.7824 255.87599 291.37875 256.26663 290.80582 curveto +256.65724 290.23292 256.85255 289.51677 256.85257 288.65738 curveto +256.85255 287.69386 256.59213 286.91912 256.07132 286.33316 curveto +255.56349 285.73423 254.84083 285.35662 253.90335 285.20035 curveto +253.43458 285.13527 252.02834 285.10272 249.6846 285.10269 curveto +245.17288 285.10269 lineto +245.17288 292.36832 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +268.12247 395.63794 moveto +261.8334 395.63794 lineto +259.3334 389.13403 lineto +247.88809 389.13403 lineto +245.52481 395.63794 lineto +239.392 395.63794 lineto +250.54434 367.00513 lineto +256.65762 367.00513 lineto +268.12247 395.63794 lineto +257.47794 384.30981 moveto +253.53262 373.68481 lineto +249.66544 384.30981 lineto +257.47794 384.30981 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +474.37711 308.89218 moveto +468.08804 308.89218 lineto +465.58804 302.38828 lineto +454.14273 302.38828 lineto +451.77945 308.89218 lineto +445.64664 308.89218 lineto +456.79898 280.25937 lineto +462.91226 280.25937 lineto +474.37711 308.89218 lineto +463.73257 297.56406 moveto +459.78726 286.93906 lineto +455.92007 297.56406 lineto +463.73257 297.56406 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +534.43146 556.64716 moveto +528.1424 556.64716 lineto +525.6424 550.14325 lineto +514.19708 550.14325 lineto +511.8338 556.64716 lineto +505.70099 556.64716 lineto +516.85333 528.01434 lineto +522.96661 528.01434 lineto +534.43146 556.64716 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 moveto +519.84161 534.69403 lineto +515.97443 545.31903 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +534.43146 740.74457 moveto +528.1424 740.74457 lineto +525.6424 734.24066 lineto +514.19708 734.24066 lineto +511.8338 740.74457 lineto +505.70099 740.74457 lineto +516.85333 712.11176 lineto +522.96661 712.11176 lineto +534.43146 740.74457 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 moveto +519.84161 718.79144 lineto +515.97443 729.41644 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +397.24857 463.29977 moveto +390.9595 463.29977 lineto +388.4595 456.79587 lineto +377.01419 456.79587 lineto +374.65091 463.29977 lineto +368.5181 463.29977 lineto +379.67044 434.66696 lineto +385.78372 434.66696 lineto +397.24857 463.29977 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 moveto +382.65872 441.34665 lineto +378.79153 451.97165 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +370.02048 645.79364 moveto +363.73141 645.79364 lineto +361.23141 639.28973 lineto +349.7861 639.28973 lineto +347.42282 645.79364 lineto +341.29001 645.79364 lineto +352.44235 617.16083 lineto +358.55563 617.16083 lineto +370.02048 645.79364 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 moveto +355.43063 623.84052 lineto +351.56345 634.46552 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +405.54422 178.00537 moveto +416.98953 178.00537 lineto +419.25514 178.0054 420.94134 178.10306 422.04813 178.29834 curveto +423.1679 178.48066 424.16399 178.87128 425.03641 179.47021 curveto +425.9218 180.0692 426.65748 180.86998 427.24344 181.87256 curveto +427.82935 182.86217 428.12232 183.97545 428.12234 185.2124 curveto +428.12232 186.55357 427.75774 187.78404 427.02859 188.90381 curveto +426.31243 190.02362 425.33586 190.86346 424.09891 191.42334 curveto +425.84368 191.93117 427.18482 192.79705 428.12234 194.021 curveto +429.05982 195.24497 429.52857 196.68377 429.52859 198.3374 curveto +429.52857 199.63949 429.22258 200.90902 428.61063 202.146 curveto +428.01164 203.36996 427.18482 204.35303 426.13016 205.09521 curveto +425.08847 205.82438 423.79941 206.2736 422.26297 206.44287 curveto +421.29941 206.54704 418.97519 206.61214 415.29031 206.63818 curveto +405.54422 206.63818 lineto +405.54422 178.00537 lineto +411.32547 182.771 moveto +411.32547 189.39209 lineto +415.11453 189.39209 lineto +417.36712 189.39211 418.76686 189.35956 419.31375 189.29443 curveto +420.30332 189.17726 421.07806 188.83872 421.63797 188.27881 curveto +422.21087 187.70591 422.49733 186.95721 422.49734 186.03271 curveto +422.49733 185.14732 422.24993 184.43117 421.75516 183.88428 curveto +421.27337 183.3244 420.55071 182.98586 419.58719 182.86865 curveto +419.01426 182.80357 417.36712 182.77102 414.64578 182.771 curveto +411.32547 182.771 lineto +411.32547 194.15771 moveto +411.32547 201.81396 lineto +416.67703 201.81396 lineto +418.76035 201.81397 420.08196 201.75538 420.64188 201.63818 curveto +421.50123 201.48194 422.19785 201.10433 422.73172 200.50537 curveto +423.27857 199.8934 423.55201 199.0796 423.55203 198.06396 curveto +423.55201 197.2046 423.34368 196.47543 422.92703 195.87646 curveto +422.51035 195.27752 421.90488 194.84132 421.11063 194.56787 curveto +420.32936 194.29445 418.62363 194.15773 415.99344 194.15771 curveto +411.32547 194.15771 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +475.84372 434.66736 moveto +487.28903 434.66736 lineto +489.55464 434.66739 491.24084 434.76504 492.34763 434.96033 curveto +493.4674 435.14265 494.46349 435.53327 495.33591 436.1322 curveto +496.2213 436.73119 496.95698 437.53197 497.54294 438.53455 curveto +498.12885 439.52415 498.42182 440.63743 498.42184 441.87439 curveto +498.42182 443.21556 498.05724 444.44602 497.32809 445.5658 curveto +496.61192 446.6856 495.63536 447.52545 494.39841 448.08533 curveto +496.14318 448.59315 497.48432 449.45904 498.42184 450.68298 curveto +499.35932 451.90695 499.82807 453.34575 499.82809 454.99939 curveto +499.82807 456.30148 499.52208 457.57101 498.91013 458.80798 curveto +498.31114 460.03195 497.48432 461.01502 496.42966 461.7572 curveto +495.38797 462.48637 494.09891 462.93559 492.56247 463.10486 curveto +491.59891 463.20903 489.27469 463.27413 485.58981 463.30017 curveto +475.84372 463.30017 lineto +475.84372 434.66736 lineto +481.62497 439.43298 moveto +481.62497 446.05408 lineto +485.41403 446.05408 lineto +487.66662 446.05409 489.06636 446.02154 489.61325 445.95642 curveto +490.60282 445.83925 491.37756 445.50071 491.93747 444.9408 curveto +492.51037 444.3679 492.79682 443.6192 492.79684 442.6947 curveto +492.79682 441.80931 492.54943 441.09316 492.05466 440.54626 curveto +491.57287 439.98639 490.85021 439.64785 489.88669 439.53064 curveto +489.31376 439.46556 487.66662 439.43301 484.94528 439.43298 curveto +481.62497 439.43298 lineto +481.62497 450.8197 moveto +481.62497 458.47595 lineto +486.97653 458.47595 lineto +489.05985 458.47596 490.38146 458.41736 490.94138 458.30017 curveto +491.80073 458.14393 492.49735 457.76632 493.03122 457.16736 curveto +493.57807 456.55539 493.85151 455.74158 493.85153 454.72595 curveto +493.85151 453.86659 493.64318 453.13742 493.22653 452.53845 curveto +492.80985 451.93951 492.20438 451.50331 491.41013 451.22986 curveto +490.62886 450.95643 488.92313 450.81971 486.29294 450.8197 curveto +481.62497 450.8197 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +341.29022 528.01453 moveto +352.73553 528.01453 lineto +355.00114 528.01455 356.68734 528.11221 357.79413 528.3075 curveto +358.9139 528.48981 359.90999 528.88044 360.78241 529.47937 curveto +361.6678 530.07836 362.40348 530.87914 362.98944 531.88171 curveto +363.57535 532.87132 363.86832 533.9846 363.86835 535.22156 curveto +363.86832 536.56272 363.50374 537.79319 362.7746 538.91296 curveto +362.05843 540.03277 361.08187 540.87262 359.84491 541.4325 curveto +361.58968 541.94032 362.93082 542.80621 363.86835 544.03015 curveto +364.80582 545.25412 365.27457 546.69292 365.2746 548.34656 curveto +365.27457 549.64865 364.96858 550.91818 364.35663 552.15515 curveto +363.75764 553.37911 362.93082 554.36218 361.87616 555.10437 curveto +360.83447 555.83354 359.54541 556.28276 358.00897 556.45203 curveto +357.04541 556.55619 354.7212 556.6213 351.03632 556.64734 curveto +341.29022 556.64734 lineto +341.29022 528.01453 lineto +347.07147 532.78015 moveto +347.07147 539.40125 lineto +350.86053 539.40125 lineto +353.11312 539.40126 354.51286 539.36871 355.05975 539.30359 curveto +356.04932 539.18642 356.82406 538.84788 357.38397 538.28796 curveto +357.95687 537.71507 358.24333 536.96637 358.24335 536.04187 curveto +358.24333 535.15647 357.99593 534.44033 357.50116 533.89343 curveto +357.01937 533.33356 356.29671 532.99502 355.33319 532.87781 curveto +354.76026 532.81273 353.11312 532.78018 350.39178 532.78015 curveto +347.07147 532.78015 lineto +347.07147 544.16687 moveto +347.07147 551.82312 lineto +352.42303 551.82312 lineto +354.50635 551.82312 355.82797 551.76453 356.38788 551.64734 curveto +357.24723 551.49109 357.94385 551.11349 358.47772 550.51453 curveto +359.02458 549.90255 359.29801 549.08875 359.29803 548.07312 curveto +359.29801 547.21375 359.08968 546.48459 358.67303 545.88562 curveto +358.25635 545.28667 357.65088 544.85048 356.85663 544.57703 curveto +356.07536 544.3036 354.36963 544.16688 351.73944 544.16687 curveto +347.07147 544.16687 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +445.647 395.63818 moveto +445.647 367.00537 lineto +457.81497 367.00537 lineto +460.87485 367.0054 463.0949 367.26582 464.47513 367.78662 curveto +465.86833 368.29446 466.98161 369.20592 467.81497 370.521 curveto +468.64828 371.83612 469.06495 373.34003 469.06497 375.03271 curveto +469.06495 377.18117 468.43344 378.95851 467.17044 380.36475 curveto +465.9074 381.75799 464.01938 382.63689 461.50638 383.00146 curveto +462.75636 383.73064 463.785 384.53142 464.59232 385.40381 curveto +465.41261 386.27621 466.51286 387.82569 467.8931 390.05225 curveto +471.38919 395.63818 lineto +464.47513 395.63818 lineto +460.29544 389.40771 lineto +458.81105 387.18116 457.79543 385.78142 457.24857 385.2085 curveto +456.70168 384.62257 456.12225 384.22543 455.51028 384.01709 curveto +454.89829 383.79575 453.92824 383.68507 452.60013 383.68506 curveto +451.42825 383.68506 lineto +451.42825 395.63818 lineto +445.647 395.63818 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 moveto +455.7056 379.11475 lineto +458.47902 379.11476 460.21079 378.99758 460.90091 378.76318 curveto +461.59099 378.52883 462.13136 378.12518 462.522 377.55225 curveto +462.91261 376.97935 463.10792 376.2632 463.10794 375.40381 curveto +463.10792 374.44029 462.8475 373.66555 462.32669 373.07959 curveto +461.81886 372.48065 461.0962 372.10305 460.15872 371.94678 curveto +459.68995 371.8817 458.28371 371.84914 455.93997 371.84912 curveto +451.42825 371.84912 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +505.70071 645.79321 moveto +505.70071 617.1604 lineto +517.86868 617.1604 lineto +520.92856 617.16043 523.14861 617.42085 524.52884 617.94165 curveto +525.92205 618.44949 527.03533 619.36095 527.86868 620.67603 curveto +528.70199 621.99115 529.11866 623.49506 529.11868 625.18774 curveto +529.11866 627.3362 528.48715 629.11354 527.22415 630.51978 curveto +525.96111 631.91302 524.07309 632.79192 521.56009 633.15649 curveto +522.81007 633.88567 523.83871 634.68645 524.64603 635.55884 curveto +525.46632 636.43124 526.56658 637.98072 527.94681 640.20728 curveto +531.4429 645.79321 lineto +524.52884 645.79321 lineto +520.34915 639.56274 lineto +518.86476 637.33619 517.84914 635.93645 517.30228 635.36353 curveto +516.75539 634.7776 516.17596 634.38046 515.564 634.17212 curveto +514.952 633.95078 513.98195 633.8401 512.65384 633.84009 curveto +511.48196 633.84009 lineto +511.48196 645.79321 lineto +505.70071 645.79321 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 moveto +515.75931 629.26978 lineto +518.53273 629.26979 520.2645 629.1526 520.95462 628.91821 curveto +521.64471 628.68385 522.18507 628.28021 522.57571 627.70728 curveto +522.96632 627.13438 523.16163 626.41823 523.16165 625.55884 curveto +523.16163 624.59532 522.90121 623.82058 522.3804 623.23462 curveto +521.87257 622.63568 521.14991 622.25808 520.21243 622.10181 curveto +519.74367 622.03673 518.33742 622.00417 515.99368 622.00415 curveto +511.48196 622.00415 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +357.95654 127.21275 moveto +357.95654 131.47057 lineto +355.72997 131.47057 354.21304 131.65287 353.40576 132.01744 curveto +352.61148 132.38203 352.21435 133.01354 352.21436 133.91197 curveto +352.21435 134.57604 352.4943 135.1164 353.0542 135.53307 curveto +353.61409 135.94974 354.27815 136.15807 355.04639 136.15807 curveto +356.42658 136.15807 358.06721 135.51354 359.96826 134.22447 curveto +363.58154 137.79869 lineto +360.57371 139.59557 357.63101 140.494 354.75342 140.494 curveto +352.42268 140.494 350.47607 139.92109 348.91357 138.77525 curveto +347.36409 137.62942 346.58935 136.15807 346.58936 134.36119 curveto +346.58935 132.01745 347.81331 130.32474 350.26123 129.28307 curveto +348.33414 128.22839 347.3706 126.71797 347.37061 124.75182 curveto +347.3706 123.12423 347.98909 121.731 349.22607 120.57213 curveto +350.47607 119.40027 352.45523 118.81434 355.16357 118.81432 curveto +358.19742 118.81434 360.71694 119.51095 362.72217 120.90416 curveto +359.47998 124.40025 lineto +358.13882 123.65808 356.83023 123.28699 355.5542 123.28697 curveto +354.64273 123.28699 353.95263 123.46277 353.48389 123.81432 curveto +353.02815 124.16589 352.80029 124.58907 352.80029 125.08385 curveto +352.80029 126.50313 354.51903 127.21277 357.95654 127.21275 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +376.21859 506.84318 moveto +376.01853 575.93895 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +377.87522 597.31823 moveto +378.35423 663.93362 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +264.10634 239.72729 moveto +255.16852 161.17784 309.72732 160.65162 349.433 164.55857 curveto +stroke +gsave [-1.1146171 -0.10967582 0.10967582 -1.1146171 335.50029 163.18762] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +448.30607 243.70011 moveto +459.68676 197.26249 455.54204 158.99614 365.17537 166.10976 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.1165459 -0.087893949 0.087893949 1.1165459 379.13219 165.01109] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +282.08327 329.95923 moveto +348.20684 273.30289 353.08665 226.85385 355.52776 180.81126 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.055061925 1.0385413 -1.0385413 -0.055061925 354.83949 193.79303] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +260.04316 426.63332 moveto +180.75533 366.3629 194.7657 306.09247 255.97999 245.82205 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.79808859 0.78578277 -0.78578277 -0.79808859 246.00388 255.64433] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 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550.14325 lineto +511.8338 556.64716 lineto +505.70099 556.64716 lineto +516.85333 528.01434 lineto +522.96661 528.01434 lineto +534.43146 556.64716 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 moveto +519.84161 534.69403 lineto +515.97443 545.31903 lineto +523.78693 545.31903 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +534.43146 740.74457 moveto +528.1424 740.74457 lineto +525.6424 734.24066 lineto +514.19708 734.24066 lineto +511.8338 740.74457 lineto +505.70099 740.74457 lineto +516.85333 712.11176 lineto +522.96661 712.11176 lineto +534.43146 740.74457 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 moveto +519.84161 718.79144 lineto +515.97443 729.41644 lineto +523.78693 729.41644 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +397.24857 463.29977 moveto +390.9595 463.29977 lineto +388.4595 456.79587 lineto +377.01419 456.79587 lineto +374.65091 463.29977 lineto +368.5181 463.29977 lineto +379.67044 434.66696 lineto +385.78372 434.66696 lineto +397.24857 463.29977 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 moveto +382.65872 441.34665 lineto +378.79153 451.97165 lineto +386.60403 451.97165 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +370.02048 645.79364 moveto +363.73141 645.79364 lineto +361.23141 639.28973 lineto +349.7861 639.28973 lineto +347.42282 645.79364 lineto +341.29001 645.79364 lineto +352.44235 617.16083 lineto +358.55563 617.16083 lineto +370.02048 645.79364 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 moveto +355.43063 623.84052 lineto +351.56345 634.46552 lineto +359.37595 634.46552 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +405.54422 178.00537 moveto +416.98953 178.00537 lineto +419.25514 178.0054 420.94134 178.10306 422.04813 178.29834 curveto +423.1679 178.48066 424.16399 178.87128 425.03641 179.47021 curveto +425.9218 180.0692 426.65748 180.86998 427.24344 181.87256 curveto +427.82935 182.86217 428.12232 183.97545 428.12234 185.2124 curveto +428.12232 186.55357 427.75774 187.78404 427.02859 188.90381 curveto +426.31243 190.02362 425.33586 190.86346 424.09891 191.42334 curveto +425.84368 191.93117 427.18482 192.79705 428.12234 194.021 curveto +429.05982 195.24497 429.52857 196.68377 429.52859 198.3374 curveto +429.52857 199.63949 429.22258 200.90902 428.61063 202.146 curveto +428.01164 203.36996 427.18482 204.35303 426.13016 205.09521 curveto +425.08847 205.82438 423.79941 206.2736 422.26297 206.44287 curveto +421.29941 206.54704 418.97519 206.61214 415.29031 206.63818 curveto +405.54422 206.63818 lineto +405.54422 178.00537 lineto +411.32547 182.771 moveto +411.32547 189.39209 lineto +415.11453 189.39209 lineto +417.36712 189.39211 418.76686 189.35956 419.31375 189.29443 curveto +420.30332 189.17726 421.07806 188.83872 421.63797 188.27881 curveto +422.21087 187.70591 422.49733 186.95721 422.49734 186.03271 curveto +422.49733 185.14732 422.24993 184.43117 421.75516 183.88428 curveto +421.27337 183.3244 420.55071 182.98586 419.58719 182.86865 curveto +419.01426 182.80357 417.36712 182.77102 414.64578 182.771 curveto +411.32547 182.771 lineto +411.32547 194.15771 moveto +411.32547 201.81396 lineto +416.67703 201.81396 lineto +418.76035 201.81397 420.08196 201.75538 420.64188 201.63818 curveto +421.50123 201.48194 422.19785 201.10433 422.73172 200.50537 curveto +423.27857 199.8934 423.55201 199.0796 423.55203 198.06396 curveto +423.55201 197.2046 423.34368 196.47543 422.92703 195.87646 curveto +422.51035 195.27752 421.90488 194.84132 421.11063 194.56787 curveto +420.32936 194.29445 418.62363 194.15773 415.99344 194.15771 curveto +411.32547 194.15771 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +475.84372 434.66736 moveto +487.28903 434.66736 lineto +489.55464 434.66739 491.24084 434.76504 492.34763 434.96033 curveto +493.4674 435.14265 494.46349 435.53327 495.33591 436.1322 curveto +496.2213 436.73119 496.95698 437.53197 497.54294 438.53455 curveto +498.12885 439.52415 498.42182 440.63743 498.42184 441.87439 curveto +498.42182 443.21556 498.05724 444.44602 497.32809 445.5658 curveto +496.61192 446.6856 495.63536 447.52545 494.39841 448.08533 curveto +496.14318 448.59315 497.48432 449.45904 498.42184 450.68298 curveto +499.35932 451.90695 499.82807 453.34575 499.82809 454.99939 curveto +499.82807 456.30148 499.52208 457.57101 498.91013 458.80798 curveto +498.31114 460.03195 497.48432 461.01502 496.42966 461.7572 curveto +495.38797 462.48637 494.09891 462.93559 492.56247 463.10486 curveto +491.59891 463.20903 489.27469 463.27413 485.58981 463.30017 curveto +475.84372 463.30017 lineto +475.84372 434.66736 lineto +481.62497 439.43298 moveto +481.62497 446.05408 lineto +485.41403 446.05408 lineto +487.66662 446.05409 489.06636 446.02154 489.61325 445.95642 curveto +490.60282 445.83925 491.37756 445.50071 491.93747 444.9408 curveto +492.51037 444.3679 492.79682 443.6192 492.79684 442.6947 curveto +492.79682 441.80931 492.54943 441.09316 492.05466 440.54626 curveto +491.57287 439.98639 490.85021 439.64785 489.88669 439.53064 curveto +489.31376 439.46556 487.66662 439.43301 484.94528 439.43298 curveto +481.62497 439.43298 lineto +481.62497 450.8197 moveto +481.62497 458.47595 lineto +486.97653 458.47595 lineto +489.05985 458.47596 490.38146 458.41736 490.94138 458.30017 curveto +491.80073 458.14393 492.49735 457.76632 493.03122 457.16736 curveto +493.57807 456.55539 493.85151 455.74158 493.85153 454.72595 curveto +493.85151 453.86659 493.64318 453.13742 493.22653 452.53845 curveto +492.80985 451.93951 492.20438 451.50331 491.41013 451.22986 curveto +490.62886 450.95643 488.92313 450.81971 486.29294 450.8197 curveto +481.62497 450.8197 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +341.29022 528.01453 moveto +352.73553 528.01453 lineto +355.00114 528.01455 356.68734 528.11221 357.79413 528.3075 curveto +358.9139 528.48981 359.90999 528.88044 360.78241 529.47937 curveto +361.6678 530.07836 362.40348 530.87914 362.98944 531.88171 curveto +363.57535 532.87132 363.86832 533.9846 363.86835 535.22156 curveto +363.86832 536.56272 363.50374 537.79319 362.7746 538.91296 curveto +362.05843 540.03277 361.08187 540.87262 359.84491 541.4325 curveto +361.58968 541.94032 362.93082 542.80621 363.86835 544.03015 curveto +364.80582 545.25412 365.27457 546.69292 365.2746 548.34656 curveto +365.27457 549.64865 364.96858 550.91818 364.35663 552.15515 curveto +363.75764 553.37911 362.93082 554.36218 361.87616 555.10437 curveto +360.83447 555.83354 359.54541 556.28276 358.00897 556.45203 curveto +357.04541 556.55619 354.7212 556.6213 351.03632 556.64734 curveto +341.29022 556.64734 lineto +341.29022 528.01453 lineto +347.07147 532.78015 moveto +347.07147 539.40125 lineto +350.86053 539.40125 lineto +353.11312 539.40126 354.51286 539.36871 355.05975 539.30359 curveto +356.04932 539.18642 356.82406 538.84788 357.38397 538.28796 curveto +357.95687 537.71507 358.24333 536.96637 358.24335 536.04187 curveto +358.24333 535.15647 357.99593 534.44033 357.50116 533.89343 curveto +357.01937 533.33356 356.29671 532.99502 355.33319 532.87781 curveto +354.76026 532.81273 353.11312 532.78018 350.39178 532.78015 curveto +347.07147 532.78015 lineto +347.07147 544.16687 moveto +347.07147 551.82312 lineto +352.42303 551.82312 lineto +354.50635 551.82312 355.82797 551.76453 356.38788 551.64734 curveto +357.24723 551.49109 357.94385 551.11349 358.47772 550.51453 curveto +359.02458 549.90255 359.29801 549.08875 359.29803 548.07312 curveto +359.29801 547.21375 359.08968 546.48459 358.67303 545.88562 curveto +358.25635 545.28667 357.65088 544.85048 356.85663 544.57703 curveto +356.07536 544.3036 354.36963 544.16688 351.73944 544.16687 curveto +347.07147 544.16687 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +445.647 395.63818 moveto +445.647 367.00537 lineto +457.81497 367.00537 lineto +460.87485 367.0054 463.0949 367.26582 464.47513 367.78662 curveto +465.86833 368.29446 466.98161 369.20592 467.81497 370.521 curveto +468.64828 371.83612 469.06495 373.34003 469.06497 375.03271 curveto +469.06495 377.18117 468.43344 378.95851 467.17044 380.36475 curveto +465.9074 381.75799 464.01938 382.63689 461.50638 383.00146 curveto +462.75636 383.73064 463.785 384.53142 464.59232 385.40381 curveto +465.41261 386.27621 466.51286 387.82569 467.8931 390.05225 curveto +471.38919 395.63818 lineto +464.47513 395.63818 lineto +460.29544 389.40771 lineto +458.81105 387.18116 457.79543 385.78142 457.24857 385.2085 curveto +456.70168 384.62257 456.12225 384.22543 455.51028 384.01709 curveto +454.89829 383.79575 453.92824 383.68507 452.60013 383.68506 curveto +451.42825 383.68506 lineto +451.42825 395.63818 lineto +445.647 395.63818 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 moveto +455.7056 379.11475 lineto +458.47902 379.11476 460.21079 378.99758 460.90091 378.76318 curveto +461.59099 378.52883 462.13136 378.12518 462.522 377.55225 curveto +462.91261 376.97935 463.10792 376.2632 463.10794 375.40381 curveto +463.10792 374.44029 462.8475 373.66555 462.32669 373.07959 curveto +461.81886 372.48065 461.0962 372.10305 460.15872 371.94678 curveto +459.68995 371.8817 458.28371 371.84914 455.93997 371.84912 curveto +451.42825 371.84912 lineto +451.42825 379.11475 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +505.70071 645.79321 moveto +505.70071 617.1604 lineto +517.86868 617.1604 lineto +520.92856 617.16043 523.14861 617.42085 524.52884 617.94165 curveto +525.92205 618.44949 527.03533 619.36095 527.86868 620.67603 curveto +528.70199 621.99115 529.11866 623.49506 529.11868 625.18774 curveto +529.11866 627.3362 528.48715 629.11354 527.22415 630.51978 curveto +525.96111 631.91302 524.07309 632.79192 521.56009 633.15649 curveto +522.81007 633.88567 523.83871 634.68645 524.64603 635.55884 curveto +525.46632 636.43124 526.56658 637.98072 527.94681 640.20728 curveto +531.4429 645.79321 lineto +524.52884 645.79321 lineto +520.34915 639.56274 lineto +518.86476 637.33619 517.84914 635.93645 517.30228 635.36353 curveto +516.75539 634.7776 516.17596 634.38046 515.564 634.17212 curveto +514.952 633.95078 513.98195 633.8401 512.65384 633.84009 curveto +511.48196 633.84009 lineto +511.48196 645.79321 lineto +505.70071 645.79321 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 moveto +515.75931 629.26978 lineto +518.53273 629.26979 520.2645 629.1526 520.95462 628.91821 curveto +521.64471 628.68385 522.18507 628.28021 522.57571 627.70728 curveto +522.96632 627.13438 523.16163 626.41823 523.16165 625.55884 curveto +523.16163 624.59532 522.90121 623.82058 522.3804 623.23462 curveto +521.87257 622.63568 521.14991 622.25808 520.21243 622.10181 curveto +519.74367 622.03673 518.33742 622.00417 515.99368 622.00415 curveto +511.48196 622.00415 lineto +511.48196 629.26978 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +357.95654 127.21275 moveto +357.95654 131.47057 lineto +355.72997 131.47057 354.21304 131.65287 353.40576 132.01744 curveto +352.61148 132.38203 352.21435 133.01354 352.21436 133.91197 curveto +352.21435 134.57604 352.4943 135.1164 353.0542 135.53307 curveto +353.61409 135.94974 354.27815 136.15807 355.04639 136.15807 curveto +356.42658 136.15807 358.06721 135.51354 359.96826 134.22447 curveto +363.58154 137.79869 lineto +360.57371 139.59557 357.63101 140.494 354.75342 140.494 curveto +352.42268 140.494 350.47607 139.92109 348.91357 138.77525 curveto +347.36409 137.62942 346.58935 136.15807 346.58936 134.36119 curveto +346.58935 132.01745 347.81331 130.32474 350.26123 129.28307 curveto +348.33414 128.22839 347.3706 126.71797 347.37061 124.75182 curveto +347.3706 123.12423 347.98909 121.731 349.22607 120.57213 curveto +350.47607 119.40027 352.45523 118.81434 355.16357 118.81432 curveto +358.19742 118.81434 360.71694 119.51095 362.72217 120.90416 curveto +359.47998 124.40025 lineto +358.13882 123.65808 356.83023 123.28699 355.5542 123.28697 curveto +354.64273 123.28699 353.95263 123.46277 353.48389 123.81432 curveto +353.02815 124.16589 352.80029 124.58907 352.80029 125.08385 curveto +352.80029 126.50313 354.51903 127.21277 357.95654 127.21275 curveto +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +376.21859 506.84318 moveto +376.01853 575.93895 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +377.87522 597.31823 moveto +378.35423 663.93362 lineto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +264.10634 239.72729 moveto +255.16852 161.17784 309.72732 160.65162 349.433 164.55857 curveto +stroke +gsave [-1.1146171 -0.10967582 0.10967582 -1.1146171 335.50029 163.18762] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4000001 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +448.30607 243.70011 moveto +459.68676 197.26249 455.54204 158.99614 365.17537 166.10976 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.1165459 -0.087893949 0.087893949 1.1165459 379.13219 165.01109] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.3 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +282.08327 329.95923 moveto +348.20684 273.30289 353.08665 226.85385 355.52776 180.81126 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.055061925 1.0385413 -1.0385413 -0.055061925 354.83949 193.79303] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +260.04316 426.63332 moveto +180.75533 366.3629 194.7657 306.09247 255.97999 245.82205 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.79808859 0.78578277 -0.78578277 -0.79808859 246.00388 255.64433] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +282.87732 514.0058 moveto +351.02508 504.11999 322.86386 320.30448 430.69649 249.88523 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.93775115 0.612391 -0.612391 -0.93775115 418.9746 257.54012] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +424.589 334.24462 moveto +374.01517 328.71567 351.64759 258.4709 288.48539 253.9484 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.11714 0.079988753 -0.079988753 1.11714 302.44964 254.94826] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +424.589 425.66605 moveto +361.83352 418.55809 338.46269 358.30696 288.48539 345.36983 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.0842616 0.28067208 -0.28067208 1.0842616 302.03866 348.87823] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +365.79857 489.45338 moveto +339.66156 494.8903 313.52456 474.76464 287.38755 437.38443 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.64179755 0.91787573 -0.91787573 0.64179755 295.41002 448.85788] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +365.42604 580.52376 moveto +319.52962 576.1471 306.89681 552.78486 287.38755 527.29848 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.68077726 0.88934936 -0.88934936 0.68077726 295.89727 538.41535] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +369.96473 682.18632 moveto +214.00788 738.08407 348.31271 421.97672 432.72808 341.30665 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.80971845 0.77379325 -0.77379325 -0.80971845 422.6066 350.97907] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +499.89905 492.03739 moveto +524.93324 394.38231 506.56446 313.00333 444.9176 247.85364 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.76978754 0.81352756 -0.81352756 0.76978754 454.53994 258.02273] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +505.86522 583.06554 moveto +596.75698 570.54971 543.02401 423.16398 445.43595 340.70224 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.85547991 0.72287903 -0.72287903 0.85547991 456.12945 349.73823] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +485.54935 678.55014 moveto +431.05266 604.05124 429.34413 522.95382 435.32531 440.89518 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.081419787 1.1170366 -1.1170366 -0.081419787 434.30756 454.85814] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +487.33733 764.35804 moveto +433.64371 722.60575 454.2228 597.06427 414.70027 530.09278 curveto +408.56527 519.69694 393.05155 508.72975 383.96998 501.80205 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.8904859 0.67928994 -0.67928994 0.8904859 395.10105 510.29317] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0.84705883 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +2 setlinecap +newpath +365.79857 489.30201 moveto +354.30206 457.35137 336.80591 447.05463 287.21979 435.98343 curveto +stroke +gsave [1.0930859 0.24405565 -0.24405565 1.0930859 300.88336 439.03413] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0.84705883 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +2 setlinecap +newpath +367.17747 585.24481 moveto +356.66402 592.05167 306.15734 592.71753 280.29083 551.84734 curveto +276.6206 546.04822 276.32983 537.97909 275.88985 529.38446 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.057260547 1.1185353 -1.1185353 0.057260547 276.60561 543.36615] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0.84705883 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +488.01947 668.5552 moveto +462.56301 637.04465 472.26334 518.135 440.99676 439.79608 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.41516774 1.0402095 -1.0402095 0.41516774 446.18636 452.7987] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +stroke +grestore +0 0.84705883 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.4 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +481.66505 765.1424 moveto +162.3646 741.26116 161.46131 476.52098 266.88566 434.71255 curveto +stroke +gsave [-1.0411197 0.41287976 -0.41287976 -1.0411197 253.87166 439.87355] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto +closepath +eofill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1.25 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +0 0 moveto +5 -5 lineto +-12.5 0 lineto +5 5 lineto +0 0 lineto 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340.93361 162.85715 340.93361 curveto +156.54858 340.93361 151.42858 335.81361 151.42858 329.50504 curveto +151.42858 323.19646 156.54858 318.07646 162.85715 318.07646 curveto +169.16572 318.07646 174.28572 323.19646 174.28572 329.50504 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4054521 0 0 0.4054521 252.60297 20.583106] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +174.28572 329.50504 moveto +174.28572 335.81361 169.16572 340.93361 162.85715 340.93361 curveto +156.54858 340.93361 151.42858 335.81361 151.42858 329.50504 curveto +151.42858 323.19646 156.54858 318.07646 162.85715 318.07646 curveto +169.16572 318.07646 174.28572 323.19646 174.28572 329.50504 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave [0.4054521 0 0 0.4054521 330.60297 20.583106] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +174.28572 329.50504 moveto +174.28572 335.81361 169.16572 340.93361 162.85715 340.93361 curveto +156.54858 340.93361 151.42858 335.81361 151.42858 329.50504 curveto +151.42858 323.19646 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+174.28572 329.50504 moveto +174.28572 335.81361 169.16572 340.93361 162.85715 340.93361 curveto +156.54858 340.93361 151.42858 335.81361 151.42858 329.50504 curveto +151.42858 323.19646 156.54858 318.07646 162.85715 318.07646 curveto +169.16572 318.07646 174.28572 323.19646 174.28572 329.50504 curveto +closepath +fill +grestore +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +10.354191 130.68182 moveto +9.2204018 131.59589 lineto +8.4996932 131.05097 7.8258658 130.77851 7.1989174 130.7785 curveto +6.6832888 130.77851 6.3053595 130.91621 6.0651283 131.19159 curveto +5.8307506 131.46699 5.7135632 131.76289 5.7135658 132.07928 curveto +5.7135632 132.48945 5.8893443 132.83222 6.2409096 133.1076 curveto +6.5924686 133.37714 7.108093 133.51191 7.7877846 133.5119 curveto +7.8756704 133.51191 8.0221546 133.50898 8.2272377 133.50311 curveto +8.2272377 134.83026 lineto +8.0397327 134.82441 7.8991079 134.82148 7.8053627 134.82147 curveto +6.9674682 134.82148 6.3844609 134.98261 6.0563393 135.30487 curveto +5.734071 135.62714 5.5729383 135.99042 5.5729408 136.39471 curveto +5.5729383 136.81073 5.7370007 137.16229 6.0651283 137.4494 curveto +6.39325 137.73065 6.782898 137.87128 7.2340736 137.87128 curveto +8.0602405 137.87128 8.8336772 137.48749 9.5543861 136.71991 curveto +10.688175 137.67792 lineto +9.7506685 138.67401 8.5846541 139.17206 7.1901283 139.17206 curveto +6.0944222 139.17206 5.2770402 138.89374 4.7379799 138.3371 curveto +4.1989163 137.78046 3.9293853 137.133 3.9293861 136.39471 curveto +3.9293853 135.33417 4.4450098 134.58124 5.4762611 134.13593 curveto +4.6149315 133.6496 4.1842678 132.9787 4.184269 132.12323 curveto +4.1842678 131.42597 4.4391504 130.80195 4.9489174 130.25116 curveto +5.4586806 129.69453 6.2409064 129.41621 7.2955971 129.4162 curveto +8.5026229 129.41621 9.5221531 129.83808 10.354191 130.68182 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +83.15136 138.49641 moveto +81.683586 138.49641 lineto +81.683586 125.61165 lineto +83.265617 125.61165 lineto +83.265617 130.20833 lineto +83.933583 129.37045 84.786121 128.9515 85.823235 128.95149 curveto +86.397447 128.9515 86.939439 129.06869 87.449211 129.30305 curveto +87.964829 129.53158 88.386703 129.85677 88.714836 130.27864 curveto +89.048812 130.69466 89.309554 131.19857 89.497063 131.79036 curveto +89.684554 132.38216 89.778303 133.01497 89.778313 133.6888 curveto +89.778303 135.28841 89.382796 136.52474 88.591789 137.39778 curveto +87.800766 138.27083 86.851549 138.70735 85.744133 138.70735 curveto +84.642566 138.70735 83.778309 138.24739 83.15136 137.32747 curveto +83.15136 138.49641 lineto +83.133781 133.75911 moveto +83.133779 134.87825 83.286122 135.68685 83.590813 136.18489 curveto +84.088856 136.99935 84.762683 137.40657 85.612297 137.40657 curveto +86.303698 137.40657 86.901353 137.10774 87.405266 136.51009 curveto +87.909165 135.90657 88.161118 135.01009 88.161125 133.82063 curveto +88.161118 132.60189 87.917954 131.70248 87.431633 131.12239 curveto +86.951158 130.54232 86.368151 130.25228 85.68261 130.25227 curveto +84.991199 130.25228 84.393543 130.55404 83.889641 131.15755 curveto +83.385732 131.75521 83.133779 132.6224 83.133781 133.75911 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +157.47488 138.77879 moveto +156.00711 138.77879 lineto +156.00711 125.89403 lineto +157.58914 125.89403 lineto +157.58914 130.49071 lineto +158.25711 129.65283 159.10965 129.23388 160.14676 129.23387 curveto +160.72097 129.23388 161.26296 129.35107 161.77274 129.58543 curveto +162.28835 129.81396 162.71023 130.13915 163.03836 130.56102 curveto +163.37234 130.97704 163.63308 131.48095 163.82059 132.07274 curveto +164.00808 132.66454 164.10183 133.29735 164.10184 133.97118 curveto +164.10183 135.57079 163.70632 136.80712 162.91531 137.68016 curveto +162.12429 138.55321 161.17507 138.98973 160.06766 138.98973 curveto +158.96609 138.98973 158.10183 138.52977 157.47488 137.60985 curveto +157.47488 138.77879 lineto +157.45731 134.04149 moveto +157.4573 135.16063 157.60965 135.96923 157.91434 136.46727 curveto +158.41238 137.28172 159.08621 137.68895 159.93582 137.68895 curveto +160.62722 137.68895 161.22488 137.39012 161.72879 136.79247 curveto +162.23269 136.18895 162.48464 135.29247 162.48465 134.10301 curveto +162.48464 132.88427 162.24148 131.98485 161.75516 131.40477 curveto +161.27468 130.8247 160.69168 130.53466 160.00613 130.53465 curveto +159.31472 130.53466 158.71707 130.83642 158.21317 131.43993 curveto +157.70926 132.03759 157.4573 132.90478 157.45731 134.04149 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +172.12625 137.62743 moveto +171.54031 138.12547 170.97488 138.47704 170.42996 138.68211 curveto +169.89089 138.88719 169.31082 138.98973 168.68973 138.98973 curveto +167.66433 138.98973 166.87625 138.74071 166.32547 138.24266 curveto +165.77469 137.73876 165.4993 137.09715 165.4993 136.31786 curveto +165.4993 135.86083 165.60184 135.44481 165.80692 135.06981 curveto +166.01785 134.68895 166.29031 134.38427 166.6243 134.15575 curveto +166.96414 133.92724 167.345 133.75438 167.76688 133.63719 curveto +168.07742 133.55517 168.54617 133.47606 169.17313 133.39989 curveto +170.45046 133.24755 171.39089 133.06591 171.99442 132.85497 curveto +172.00027 132.63817 172.0032 132.50048 172.0032 132.44188 curveto +172.0032 131.79736 171.85378 131.34325 171.55496 131.07957 curveto +171.15066 130.72216 170.55007 130.54345 169.7532 130.54344 curveto +169.00906 130.54345 168.45828 130.67529 168.10086 130.93895 curveto +167.7493 131.19677 167.48855 131.65673 167.31863 132.31883 curveto +165.77176 132.10789 lineto +165.91238 131.44579 166.14383 130.91259 166.46609 130.50829 curveto +166.78836 130.09814 167.25418 129.78466 167.86356 129.56786 curveto +168.47293 129.34521 169.17898 129.23388 169.98172 129.23387 curveto +170.77859 129.23388 171.42605 129.32763 171.9241 129.51512 curveto +172.42214 129.70263 172.78835 129.93993 173.02274 130.22704 curveto +173.2571 130.50829 173.42116 130.86572 173.51492 131.2993 curveto +173.56765 131.56884 173.59402 132.05517 173.59402 132.75829 curveto +173.59402 134.86766 lineto +173.59402 136.33837 173.62624 137.27001 173.6907 137.66258 curveto +173.76101 138.0493 173.89577 138.42137 174.095 138.77879 curveto +172.44266 138.77879 lineto +172.27859 138.45067 172.17312 138.06688 172.12625 137.62743 curveto +171.99442 134.09422 moveto +171.42019 134.3286 170.55886 134.52782 169.41043 134.69188 curveto +168.76004 134.78563 168.30008 134.8911 168.03055 135.00829 curveto +167.76101 135.12548 167.55301 135.29833 167.40652 135.52684 curveto +167.26004 135.7495 167.1868 135.99852 167.1868 136.27391 curveto +167.1868 136.69579 167.345 137.04735 167.66141 137.3286 curveto +167.98367 137.60985 168.45242 137.75047 169.06766 137.75047 curveto +169.67703 137.75047 170.21902 137.61864 170.69363 137.35497 curveto +171.16824 137.08544 171.51687 136.71923 171.73953 136.25633 curveto +171.90945 135.89891 171.99441 135.37157 171.99442 134.6743 curveto +171.99442 134.09422 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +229.00638 138.77878 moveto +227.5386 138.77878 lineto +227.5386 125.89401 lineto +229.12064 125.89401 lineto +229.12064 130.49069 lineto +229.7886 129.65281 230.64114 129.23387 231.67825 129.23386 curveto +232.25247 129.23387 232.79446 129.35105 233.30423 129.58542 curveto +233.81985 129.81394 234.24172 130.13914 234.56985 130.561 curveto +234.90383 130.97703 235.16457 131.48093 235.35208 132.07272 curveto +235.53957 132.66453 235.63332 133.29734 235.63333 133.97116 curveto +235.63332 135.57077 235.23781 136.8071 234.44681 137.68015 curveto +233.65578 138.55319 232.70657 138.98972 231.59915 138.98972 curveto +230.49758 138.98972 229.63333 138.52975 229.00638 137.60983 curveto +229.00638 138.77878 lineto +228.9888 134.04147 moveto +228.9888 135.16062 229.14114 135.96921 229.44583 136.46725 curveto +229.94387 137.28171 230.6177 137.68894 231.46732 137.68893 curveto +232.15872 137.68894 232.75637 137.39011 233.26028 136.79245 curveto +233.76418 136.18894 234.01614 135.29245 234.01614 134.103 curveto +234.01614 132.88425 233.77297 131.98484 233.28665 131.40475 curveto +232.80618 130.82468 232.22317 130.53465 231.53763 130.53464 curveto +230.84622 130.53465 230.24856 130.8364 229.74466 131.43991 curveto +229.24075 132.03757 228.9888 132.90476 228.9888 134.04147 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +243.65775 137.62741 moveto +243.0718 138.12546 242.50637 138.47702 241.96146 138.6821 curveto +241.42239 138.88718 240.84231 138.98972 240.22122 138.98972 curveto +239.19583 138.98972 238.40774 138.74069 237.85696 138.24265 curveto +237.30618 137.73874 237.03079 137.09714 237.03079 136.31784 curveto +237.03079 135.86081 237.13333 135.4448 237.33841 135.06979 curveto +237.54935 134.68894 237.82181 134.38425 238.15579 134.15573 curveto +238.49563 133.92722 238.87649 133.75437 239.29837 133.63718 curveto +239.60891 133.55515 240.07766 133.47605 240.70462 133.39987 curveto +241.98196 133.24753 242.92239 133.06589 243.52591 132.85495 curveto +243.53176 132.63816 243.53469 132.50046 243.5347 132.44186 curveto +243.53469 131.79734 243.38528 131.34324 243.08646 131.07956 curveto +242.68215 130.72215 242.08157 130.54343 241.2847 130.54343 curveto +240.54055 130.54343 239.98977 130.67527 239.63235 130.93893 curveto +239.28079 131.19675 239.02005 131.65671 238.85013 132.31882 curveto +237.30325 132.10788 lineto +237.44388 131.44578 237.67532 130.91258 237.99759 130.50827 curveto +238.31985 130.09812 238.78567 129.78465 239.39505 129.56784 curveto +240.00442 129.34519 240.71048 129.23387 241.51321 129.23386 curveto +242.31008 129.23387 242.95754 129.32762 243.4556 129.51511 curveto +243.95364 129.70262 244.31985 129.93992 244.55423 130.22702 curveto +244.7886 130.50828 244.95266 130.8657 245.04642 131.29929 curveto +245.09914 131.56882 245.12551 132.05515 245.12552 132.75827 curveto +245.12552 134.86765 lineto +245.12551 136.33835 245.15774 137.26999 245.2222 137.66257 curveto +245.2925 138.04929 245.42727 138.42136 245.6265 138.77878 curveto +243.97415 138.77878 lineto +243.81008 138.45065 243.70461 138.06686 243.65775 137.62741 curveto +243.52591 134.09421 moveto +242.95168 134.32859 242.09036 134.52781 240.94193 134.69186 curveto +240.29153 134.78562 239.83157 134.89109 239.56204 135.00827 curveto +239.29251 135.12546 239.0845 135.29831 238.93802 135.52682 curveto +238.79153 135.74948 238.71829 135.99851 238.71829 136.2739 curveto +238.71829 136.69577 238.87649 137.04733 239.1929 137.32858 curveto +239.51516 137.60983 239.98391 137.75046 240.59915 137.75046 curveto +241.20852 137.75046 241.75051 137.61862 242.22513 137.35495 curveto +242.69973 137.08542 243.04836 136.71921 243.27103 136.25632 curveto +243.44094 135.8989 243.5259 135.37155 243.52591 134.67429 curveto +243.52591 134.09421 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +247.56888 138.77878 moveto +247.56888 129.44479 lineto +248.99271 129.44479 lineto +248.99271 130.85983 lineto +249.35598 130.19773 249.68997 129.76121 249.99466 129.55026 curveto +250.3052 129.33933 250.64505 129.23387 251.01419 129.23386 curveto +251.54739 129.23387 252.08938 129.40379 252.64017 129.74362 curveto +252.09525 131.2114 lineto +251.70852 130.98289 251.3218 130.86863 250.93509 130.86862 curveto +250.58938 130.86863 250.27884 130.9741 250.00345 131.18503 curveto +249.72805 131.39011 249.53177 131.67722 249.41458 132.04636 curveto +249.2388 132.60886 249.15091 133.2241 249.15091 133.89206 curveto +249.15091 138.77878 lineto +247.56888 138.77878 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +304.35175 138.77879 moveto +302.88397 138.77879 lineto +302.88397 125.89403 lineto +304.466 125.89403 lineto +304.466 130.49071 lineto +305.13397 129.65283 305.98651 129.23388 307.02362 129.23387 curveto +307.59783 129.23388 308.13983 129.35107 308.6496 129.58543 curveto +309.16521 129.81396 309.58709 130.13915 309.91522 130.56102 curveto +310.2492 130.97704 310.50994 131.48095 310.69745 132.07274 curveto +310.88494 132.66454 310.97869 133.29735 310.9787 133.97118 curveto +310.97869 135.57079 310.58318 136.80712 309.79218 137.68016 curveto +309.00115 138.55321 308.05193 138.98973 306.94452 138.98973 curveto +305.84295 138.98973 304.9787 138.52977 304.35175 137.60985 curveto +304.35175 138.77879 lineto +304.33417 134.04149 moveto +304.33416 135.16063 304.48651 135.96923 304.7912 136.46727 curveto +305.28924 137.28172 305.96307 137.68895 306.81268 137.68895 curveto +307.50408 137.68895 308.10174 137.39012 308.60565 136.79247 curveto +309.10955 136.18895 309.3615 135.29247 309.36151 134.10301 curveto +309.3615 132.88427 309.11834 131.98485 308.63202 131.40477 curveto +308.15154 130.8247 307.56854 130.53466 306.883 130.53465 curveto +306.19158 130.53466 305.59393 130.83642 305.09003 131.43993 curveto +304.58612 132.03759 304.33416 132.90478 304.33417 134.04149 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +319.00311 137.62743 moveto +318.41717 138.12547 317.85174 138.47704 317.30682 138.68211 curveto +316.76776 138.88719 316.18768 138.98973 315.56659 138.98973 curveto +314.5412 138.98973 313.75311 138.74071 313.20233 138.24266 curveto +312.65155 137.73876 312.37616 137.09715 312.37616 136.31786 curveto +312.37616 135.86083 312.4787 135.44481 312.68378 135.06981 curveto +312.89471 134.68895 313.16717 134.38427 313.50116 134.15575 curveto +313.841 133.92724 314.22186 133.75438 314.64374 133.63719 curveto +314.95428 133.55517 315.42303 133.47606 316.04999 133.39989 curveto +317.32733 133.24755 318.26775 133.06591 318.87128 132.85497 curveto +318.87713 132.63817 318.88006 132.50048 318.88007 132.44188 curveto +318.88006 131.79736 318.73064 131.34325 318.43182 131.07957 curveto +318.02752 130.72216 317.42694 130.54345 316.63007 130.54344 curveto +315.88592 130.54345 315.33514 130.67529 314.97772 130.93895 curveto +314.62616 131.19677 314.36541 131.65673 314.1955 132.31883 curveto +312.64862 132.10789 lineto +312.78924 131.44579 313.02069 130.91259 313.34296 130.50829 curveto +313.66522 130.09814 314.13104 129.78466 314.74042 129.56786 curveto +315.34979 129.34521 316.05584 129.23388 316.85858 129.23387 curveto +317.65545 129.23388 318.30291 129.32763 318.80096 129.51512 curveto +319.299 129.70263 319.66521 129.93993 319.8996 130.22704 curveto +320.13396 130.50829 320.29803 130.86572 320.39178 131.2993 curveto +320.44451 131.56884 320.47088 132.05517 320.47089 132.75829 curveto +320.47089 134.86766 lineto +320.47088 136.33837 320.5031 137.27001 320.56757 137.66258 curveto +320.63787 138.0493 320.77263 138.42137 320.97186 138.77879 curveto +319.31952 138.77879 lineto +319.15545 138.45067 319.04998 138.06688 319.00311 137.62743 curveto +318.87128 134.09422 moveto +318.29705 134.3286 317.43572 134.52782 316.28729 134.69188 curveto +315.6369 134.78563 315.17694 134.8911 314.90741 135.00829 curveto +314.63788 135.12548 314.42987 135.29833 314.28339 135.52684 curveto +314.1369 135.7495 314.06366 135.99852 314.06366 136.27391 curveto +314.06366 136.69579 314.22186 137.04735 314.53827 137.3286 curveto +314.86053 137.60985 315.32928 137.75047 315.94452 137.75047 curveto +316.55389 137.75047 317.09588 137.61864 317.5705 137.35497 curveto +318.0451 137.08544 318.39373 136.71923 318.61639 136.25633 curveto +318.78631 135.89891 318.87127 135.37157 318.87128 134.6743 curveto +318.87128 134.09422 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +322.91425 138.77879 moveto +322.91425 129.44481 lineto +324.33807 129.44481 lineto +324.33807 130.85985 lineto +324.70135 130.19775 325.03534 129.76122 325.34003 129.55028 curveto +325.65057 129.33935 325.99041 129.23388 326.35956 129.23387 curveto +326.89276 129.23388 327.43475 129.4038 327.98553 129.74364 curveto +327.44061 131.21141 lineto +327.05389 130.9829 326.66717 130.86864 326.28046 130.86864 curveto +325.93475 130.86864 325.6242 130.97411 325.34882 131.18504 curveto +325.07342 131.39013 324.87713 131.67724 324.75995 132.04637 curveto +324.58416 132.60888 324.49627 133.22411 324.49628 133.89207 curveto +324.49628 138.77879 lineto +322.91425 138.77879 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +330.40253 138.77879 moveto +328.93475 138.77879 lineto +328.93475 125.89403 lineto +330.51678 125.89403 lineto +330.51678 130.49071 lineto +331.18475 129.65283 332.03729 129.23388 333.0744 129.23387 curveto +333.64861 129.23388 334.19061 129.35107 334.70038 129.58543 curveto +335.216 129.81396 335.63787 130.13915 335.966 130.56102 curveto +336.29998 130.97704 336.56072 131.48095 336.74823 132.07274 curveto +336.93572 132.66454 337.02947 133.29735 337.02948 133.97118 curveto +337.02947 135.57079 336.63396 136.80712 335.84296 137.68016 curveto +335.05193 138.55321 334.10272 138.98973 332.9953 138.98973 curveto +331.89373 138.98973 331.02948 138.52977 330.40253 137.60985 curveto +330.40253 138.77879 lineto +330.38495 134.04149 moveto +330.38495 135.16063 330.53729 135.96923 330.84198 136.46727 curveto +331.34002 137.28172 332.01385 137.68895 332.86346 137.68895 curveto +333.55486 137.68895 334.15252 137.39012 334.65643 136.79247 curveto +335.16033 136.18895 335.41228 135.29247 335.41229 134.10301 curveto +335.41228 132.88427 335.16912 131.98485 334.6828 131.40477 curveto +334.20233 130.8247 333.61932 130.53466 332.93378 130.53465 curveto +332.24237 130.53466 331.64471 130.83642 331.14081 131.43993 curveto +330.6369 132.03759 330.38495 132.90478 330.38495 134.04149 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +376.90637 138.77878 moveto +375.4386 138.77878 lineto +375.4386 125.89401 lineto +377.02063 125.89401 lineto +377.02063 130.49069 lineto +377.6886 129.65281 378.54113 129.23387 379.57825 129.23386 curveto +380.15246 129.23387 380.69445 129.35105 381.20422 129.58542 curveto +381.71984 129.81394 382.14172 130.13914 382.46985 130.561 curveto +382.80382 130.97703 383.06457 131.48093 383.25208 132.07272 curveto +383.43957 132.66453 383.53332 133.29734 383.53333 133.97116 curveto +383.53332 135.57077 383.13781 136.8071 382.3468 137.68015 curveto +381.55578 138.55319 380.60656 138.98972 379.49915 138.98972 curveto +378.39758 138.98972 377.53332 138.52975 376.90637 137.60983 curveto +376.90637 138.77878 lineto +376.88879 134.04147 moveto +376.88879 135.16062 377.04113 135.96921 377.34583 136.46725 curveto +377.84387 137.28171 378.5177 137.68894 379.36731 137.68893 curveto +380.05871 137.68894 380.65637 137.39011 381.16028 136.79245 curveto +381.66418 136.18894 381.91613 135.29245 381.91614 134.103 curveto +381.91613 132.88425 381.67297 131.98484 381.18665 131.40475 curveto +380.70617 130.82468 380.12316 130.53465 379.43762 130.53464 curveto +378.74621 130.53465 378.14856 130.8364 377.64465 131.43991 curveto +377.14074 132.03757 376.88879 132.90476 376.88879 134.04147 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +391.55774 137.62741 moveto +390.9718 138.12546 390.40637 138.47702 389.86145 138.6821 curveto +389.32238 138.88718 388.74231 138.98972 388.12122 138.98972 curveto +387.09582 138.98972 386.30774 138.74069 385.75696 138.24265 curveto +385.20618 137.73874 384.93079 137.09714 384.93079 136.31784 curveto +384.93079 135.86081 385.03332 135.4448 385.2384 135.06979 curveto +385.44934 134.68894 385.7218 134.38425 386.05579 134.15573 curveto +386.39563 133.92722 386.77649 133.75437 387.19836 133.63718 curveto +387.50891 133.55515 387.97766 133.47605 388.60461 133.39987 curveto +389.88195 133.24753 390.82238 133.06589 391.4259 132.85495 curveto +391.43176 132.63816 391.43469 132.50046 391.43469 132.44186 curveto +391.43469 131.79734 391.28527 131.34324 390.98645 131.07956 curveto +390.58215 130.72215 389.98156 130.54343 389.18469 130.54343 curveto +388.44055 130.54343 387.88977 130.67527 387.53235 130.93893 curveto +387.18078 131.19675 386.92004 131.65671 386.75012 132.31882 curveto +385.20325 132.10788 lineto +385.34387 131.44578 385.57532 130.91258 385.89758 130.50827 curveto +386.21985 130.09812 386.68567 129.78465 387.29504 129.56784 curveto +387.90442 129.34519 388.61047 129.23387 389.41321 129.23386 curveto +390.21008 129.23387 390.85754 129.32762 391.35559 129.51511 curveto +391.85363 129.70262 392.21984 129.93992 392.45422 130.22702 curveto +392.68859 130.50828 392.85265 130.8657 392.94641 131.29929 curveto +392.99914 131.56882 393.0255 132.05515 393.02551 132.75827 curveto +393.02551 134.86765 lineto +393.0255 136.33835 393.05773 137.26999 393.12219 137.66257 curveto +393.1925 138.04929 393.32726 138.42136 393.52649 138.77878 curveto +391.87415 138.77878 lineto +391.71008 138.45065 391.60461 138.06686 391.55774 137.62741 curveto +391.4259 134.09421 moveto +390.85168 134.32859 389.99035 134.52781 388.84192 134.69186 curveto +388.19152 134.78562 387.73156 134.89109 387.46204 135.00827 curveto +387.1925 135.12546 386.98449 135.29831 386.83801 135.52682 curveto +386.69153 135.74948 386.61828 135.99851 386.61829 136.2739 curveto +386.61828 136.69577 386.77649 137.04733 387.0929 137.32858 curveto +387.41516 137.60983 387.88391 137.75046 388.49915 137.75046 curveto +389.10852 137.75046 389.65051 137.61862 390.12512 137.35495 curveto +390.59973 137.08542 390.94836 136.71921 391.17102 136.25632 curveto +391.34094 135.8989 391.4259 135.37155 391.4259 134.67429 curveto +391.4259 134.09421 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +395.46887 138.77878 moveto +395.46887 129.44479 lineto +396.8927 129.44479 lineto +396.8927 130.85983 lineto +397.25598 130.19773 397.58996 129.76121 397.89465 129.55026 curveto +398.2052 129.33933 398.54504 129.23387 398.91418 129.23386 curveto +399.44738 129.23387 399.98937 129.40379 400.54016 129.74362 curveto +399.99524 131.2114 lineto +399.60852 130.98289 399.2218 130.86863 398.83508 130.86862 curveto +398.48938 130.86863 398.17883 130.9741 397.90344 131.18503 curveto +397.62805 131.39011 397.43176 131.67722 397.31458 132.04636 curveto +397.13879 132.60886 397.0509 133.2241 397.0509 133.89206 curveto +397.0509 138.77878 lineto +395.46887 138.77878 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +402.95715 138.77878 moveto +401.48938 138.77878 lineto +401.48938 125.89401 lineto +403.07141 125.89401 lineto +403.07141 130.49069 lineto +403.73938 129.65281 404.59191 129.23387 405.62903 129.23386 curveto +406.20324 129.23387 406.74523 129.35105 407.255 129.58542 curveto +407.77062 129.81394 408.1925 130.13914 408.52063 130.561 curveto +408.85461 130.97703 409.11535 131.48093 409.30286 132.07272 curveto +409.49035 132.66453 409.5841 133.29734 409.58411 133.97116 curveto +409.5841 135.57077 409.18859 136.8071 408.39758 137.68015 curveto +407.60656 138.55319 406.65734 138.98972 405.54993 138.98972 curveto +404.44836 138.98972 403.5841 138.52975 402.95715 137.60983 curveto +402.95715 138.77878 lineto +402.93958 134.04147 moveto +402.93957 135.16062 403.09192 135.96921 403.39661 136.46725 curveto +403.89465 137.28171 404.56848 137.68894 405.41809 137.68893 curveto +406.10949 137.68894 406.70715 137.39011 407.21106 136.79245 curveto +407.71496 136.18894 407.96691 135.29245 407.96692 134.103 curveto +407.96691 132.88425 407.72375 131.98484 407.23743 131.40475 curveto +406.75695 130.82468 406.17394 130.53465 405.4884 130.53464 curveto +404.79699 130.53465 404.19934 130.8364 403.69543 131.43991 curveto +403.19153 132.03757 402.93957 132.90476 402.93958 134.04147 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +417.60852 137.62741 moveto +417.02258 138.12546 416.45715 138.47702 415.91223 138.6821 curveto +415.37316 138.88718 414.79309 138.98972 414.172 138.98972 curveto +413.1466 138.98972 412.35852 138.74069 411.80774 138.24265 curveto +411.25696 137.73874 410.98157 137.09714 410.98157 136.31784 curveto +410.98157 135.86081 411.08411 135.4448 411.28918 135.06979 curveto +411.50012 134.68894 411.77258 134.38425 412.10657 134.15573 curveto +412.44641 133.92722 412.82727 133.75437 413.24915 133.63718 curveto +413.55969 133.55515 414.02844 133.47605 414.6554 133.39987 curveto +415.93273 133.24753 416.87316 133.06589 417.47668 132.85495 curveto +417.48254 132.63816 417.48547 132.50046 417.48547 132.44186 curveto +417.48547 131.79734 417.33605 131.34324 417.03723 131.07956 curveto +416.63293 130.72215 416.03234 130.54343 415.23547 130.54343 curveto +414.49133 130.54343 413.94055 130.67527 413.58313 130.93893 curveto +413.23156 131.19675 412.97082 131.65671 412.8009 132.31882 curveto +411.25403 132.10788 lineto +411.39465 131.44578 411.6261 130.91258 411.94836 130.50827 curveto +412.27063 130.09812 412.73645 129.78465 413.34583 129.56784 curveto +413.9552 129.34519 414.66125 129.23387 415.46399 129.23386 curveto +416.26086 129.23387 416.90832 129.32762 417.40637 129.51511 curveto +417.90441 129.70262 418.27062 129.93992 418.505 130.22702 curveto +418.73937 130.50828 418.90343 130.8657 418.99719 131.29929 curveto +419.04992 131.56882 419.07629 132.05515 419.07629 132.75827 curveto +419.07629 134.86765 lineto +419.07629 136.33835 419.10851 137.26999 419.17297 137.66257 curveto +419.24328 138.04929 419.37804 138.42136 419.57727 138.77878 curveto +417.92493 138.77878 lineto +417.76086 138.45065 417.65539 138.06686 417.60852 137.62741 curveto +417.47668 134.09421 moveto +416.90246 134.32859 416.04113 134.52781 414.8927 134.69186 curveto +414.24231 134.78562 413.78235 134.89109 413.51282 135.00827 curveto +413.24328 135.12546 413.03528 135.29831 412.88879 135.52682 curveto +412.74231 135.74948 412.66907 135.99851 412.66907 136.2739 curveto +412.66907 136.69577 412.82727 137.04733 413.14368 137.32858 curveto +413.46594 137.60983 413.93469 137.75046 414.54993 137.75046 curveto +415.1593 137.75046 415.70129 137.61862 416.1759 137.35495 curveto +416.65051 137.08542 416.99914 136.71921 417.2218 136.25632 curveto +417.39172 135.8989 417.47668 135.37155 417.47668 134.67429 curveto +417.47668 134.09421 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +451.87943 138.77879 moveto +450.41165 138.77879 lineto +450.41165 125.89403 lineto +451.99368 125.89403 lineto +451.99368 130.49071 lineto +452.66165 129.65283 453.51419 129.23388 454.5513 129.23387 curveto +455.12551 129.23388 455.6675 129.35107 456.17728 129.58543 curveto +456.69289 129.81396 457.11477 130.13915 457.4429 130.56102 curveto +457.77688 130.97704 458.03762 131.48095 458.22513 132.07274 curveto +458.41262 132.66454 458.50637 133.29735 458.50638 133.97118 curveto +458.50637 135.57079 458.11086 136.80712 457.31985 137.68016 curveto +456.52883 138.55321 455.57961 138.98973 454.4722 138.98973 curveto +453.37063 138.98973 452.50637 138.52977 451.87943 137.60985 curveto +451.87943 138.77879 lineto +451.86185 134.04149 moveto +451.86184 135.16063 452.01419 135.96923 452.31888 136.46727 curveto +452.81692 137.28172 453.49075 137.68895 454.34036 137.68895 curveto +455.03176 137.68895 455.62942 137.39012 456.13333 136.79247 curveto +456.63723 136.18895 456.88918 135.29247 456.88919 134.10301 curveto +456.88918 132.88427 456.64602 131.98485 456.1597 131.40477 curveto +455.67922 130.8247 455.09622 130.53466 454.41068 130.53465 curveto +453.71926 130.53466 453.12161 130.83642 452.61771 131.43993 curveto +452.1138 132.03759 451.86184 132.90478 451.86185 134.04149 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +466.53079 137.62743 moveto +465.94485 138.12547 465.37942 138.47704 464.8345 138.68211 curveto +464.29544 138.88719 463.71536 138.98973 463.09427 138.98973 curveto +462.06888 138.98973 461.28079 138.74071 460.73001 138.24266 curveto +460.17923 137.73876 459.90384 137.09715 459.90384 136.31786 curveto +459.90384 135.86083 460.00638 135.44481 460.21146 135.06981 curveto +460.42239 134.68895 460.69485 134.38427 461.02884 134.15575 curveto +461.36868 133.92724 461.74954 133.75438 462.17142 133.63719 curveto +462.48196 133.55517 462.95071 133.47606 463.57767 133.39989 curveto +464.85501 133.24755 465.79543 133.06591 466.39896 132.85497 curveto +466.40481 132.63817 466.40774 132.50048 466.40775 132.44188 curveto +466.40774 131.79736 466.25832 131.34325 465.9595 131.07957 curveto +465.5552 130.72216 464.95461 130.54345 464.15775 130.54344 curveto +463.4136 130.54345 462.86282 130.67529 462.5054 130.93895 curveto +462.15384 131.19677 461.89309 131.65673 461.72318 132.31883 curveto +460.1763 132.10789 lineto +460.31692 131.44579 460.54837 130.91259 460.87064 130.50829 curveto +461.1929 130.09814 461.65872 129.78466 462.2681 129.56786 curveto +462.87747 129.34521 463.58352 129.23388 464.38626 129.23387 curveto +465.18313 129.23388 465.83059 129.32763 466.32864 129.51512 curveto +466.82668 129.70263 467.19289 129.93993 467.42728 130.22704 curveto +467.66164 130.50829 467.82571 130.86572 467.91946 131.2993 curveto +467.97219 131.56884 467.99856 132.05517 467.99857 132.75829 curveto +467.99857 134.86766 lineto +467.99856 136.33837 468.03078 137.27001 468.09525 137.66258 curveto +468.16555 138.0493 468.30031 138.42137 468.49954 138.77879 curveto +466.8472 138.77879 lineto +466.68313 138.45067 466.57766 138.06688 466.53079 137.62743 curveto +466.39896 134.09422 moveto +465.82473 134.3286 464.9634 134.52782 463.81497 134.69188 curveto +463.16458 134.78563 462.70462 134.8911 462.43509 135.00829 curveto +462.16555 135.12548 461.95755 135.29833 461.81107 135.52684 curveto +461.66458 135.7495 461.59134 135.99852 461.59134 136.27391 curveto +461.59134 136.69579 461.74954 137.04735 462.06595 137.3286 curveto +462.38821 137.60985 462.85696 137.75047 463.4722 137.75047 curveto +464.08157 137.75047 464.62356 137.61864 465.09818 137.35497 curveto +465.57278 137.08544 465.92141 136.71923 466.14407 136.25633 curveto +466.31399 135.89891 466.39895 135.37157 466.39896 134.6743 curveto +466.39896 134.09422 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +470.44193 138.77879 moveto +470.44193 129.44481 lineto +471.86575 129.44481 lineto +471.86575 130.85985 lineto +472.22903 130.19775 472.56302 129.76122 472.86771 129.55028 curveto +473.17825 129.33935 473.51809 129.23388 473.88724 129.23387 curveto +474.42044 129.23388 474.96243 129.4038 475.51321 129.74364 curveto +474.96829 131.21141 lineto +474.58157 130.9829 474.19485 130.86864 473.80814 130.86864 curveto +473.46243 130.86864 473.15188 130.97411 472.8765 131.18504 curveto +472.6011 131.39013 472.40481 131.67724 472.28763 132.04637 curveto +472.11184 132.60888 472.02395 133.22411 472.02396 133.89207 curveto +472.02396 138.77879 lineto +470.44193 138.77879 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +477.93021 138.77879 moveto +476.46243 138.77879 lineto +476.46243 125.89403 lineto +478.04446 125.89403 lineto +478.04446 130.49071 lineto +478.71243 129.65283 479.56497 129.23388 480.60208 129.23387 curveto +481.17629 129.23388 481.71829 129.35107 482.22806 129.58543 curveto +482.74368 129.81396 483.16555 130.13915 483.49368 130.56102 curveto +483.82766 130.97704 484.0884 131.48095 484.27591 132.07274 curveto +484.4634 132.66454 484.55715 133.29735 484.55716 133.97118 curveto +484.55715 135.57079 484.16164 136.80712 483.37064 137.68016 curveto +482.57961 138.55321 481.6304 138.98973 480.52298 138.98973 curveto +479.42141 138.98973 478.55716 138.52977 477.93021 137.60985 curveto +477.93021 138.77879 lineto +477.91263 134.04149 moveto +477.91263 135.16063 478.06497 135.96923 478.36966 136.46727 curveto +478.8677 137.28172 479.54153 137.68895 480.39114 137.68895 curveto +481.08254 137.68895 481.6802 137.39012 482.18411 136.79247 curveto +482.68801 136.18895 482.93996 135.29247 482.93997 134.10301 curveto +482.93996 132.88427 482.6968 131.98485 482.21048 131.40477 curveto +481.73 130.8247 481.147 130.53466 480.46146 130.53465 curveto +479.77005 130.53466 479.17239 130.83642 478.66849 131.43993 curveto +478.16458 132.03759 477.91263 132.90478 477.91263 134.04149 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +492.58157 137.62743 moveto +491.99563 138.12547 491.4302 138.47704 490.88528 138.68211 curveto +490.34622 138.88719 489.76614 138.98973 489.14505 138.98973 curveto +488.11966 138.98973 487.33157 138.74071 486.78079 138.24266 curveto +486.23001 137.73876 485.95462 137.09715 485.95462 136.31786 curveto +485.95462 135.86083 486.05716 135.44481 486.26224 135.06981 curveto +486.47317 134.68895 486.74563 134.38427 487.07962 134.15575 curveto +487.41946 133.92724 487.80032 133.75438 488.2222 133.63719 curveto +488.53274 133.55517 489.00149 133.47606 489.62845 133.39989 curveto +490.90579 133.24755 491.84622 133.06591 492.44974 132.85497 curveto +492.45559 132.63817 492.45852 132.50048 492.45853 132.44188 curveto +492.45852 131.79736 492.30911 131.34325 492.01028 131.07957 curveto +491.60598 130.72216 491.0054 130.54345 490.20853 130.54344 curveto +489.46438 130.54345 488.9136 130.67529 488.55618 130.93895 curveto +488.20462 131.19677 487.94388 131.65673 487.77396 132.31883 curveto +486.22708 132.10789 lineto +486.36771 131.44579 486.59915 130.91259 486.92142 130.50829 curveto +487.24368 130.09814 487.7095 129.78466 488.31888 129.56786 curveto +488.92825 129.34521 489.6343 129.23388 490.43704 129.23387 curveto +491.23391 129.23388 491.88137 129.32763 492.37943 129.51512 curveto +492.87746 129.70263 493.24367 129.93993 493.47806 130.22704 curveto +493.71242 130.50829 493.87649 130.86572 493.97025 131.2993 curveto +494.02297 131.56884 494.04934 132.05517 494.04935 132.75829 curveto +494.04935 134.86766 lineto +494.04934 136.33837 494.08156 137.27001 494.14603 137.66258 curveto +494.21633 138.0493 494.3511 138.42137 494.55032 138.77879 curveto +492.89798 138.77879 lineto +492.73391 138.45067 492.62844 138.06688 492.58157 137.62743 curveto +492.44974 134.09422 moveto +491.87551 134.3286 491.01418 134.52782 489.86575 134.69188 curveto +489.21536 134.78563 488.7554 134.8911 488.48587 135.00829 curveto +488.21634 135.12548 488.00833 135.29833 487.86185 135.52684 curveto +487.71536 135.7495 487.64212 135.99852 487.64212 136.27391 curveto +487.64212 136.69579 487.80032 137.04735 488.11673 137.3286 curveto +488.43899 137.60985 488.90774 137.75047 489.52298 137.75047 curveto +490.13235 137.75047 490.67434 137.61864 491.14896 137.35497 curveto +491.62356 137.08544 491.97219 136.71923 492.19485 136.25633 curveto +492.36477 135.89891 492.44973 135.37157 492.44974 134.6743 curveto +492.44974 134.09422 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +496.49271 138.77879 moveto +496.49271 129.44481 lineto +497.91653 129.44481 lineto +497.91653 130.85985 lineto +498.27981 130.19775 498.6138 129.76122 498.91849 129.55028 curveto +499.22903 129.33935 499.56887 129.23388 499.93802 129.23387 curveto +500.47122 129.23388 501.01321 129.4038 501.564 129.74364 curveto +501.01907 131.21141 lineto +500.63235 130.9829 500.24563 130.86864 499.85892 130.86864 curveto +499.51321 130.86864 499.20266 130.97411 498.92728 131.18504 curveto +498.65188 131.39013 498.45559 131.67724 498.33841 132.04637 curveto +498.16263 132.60888 498.07473 133.22411 498.07474 133.89207 curveto +498.07474 138.77879 lineto +496.49271 138.77879 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +524.89874 138.77878 moveto +523.43097 138.77878 lineto +523.43097 125.89401 lineto +525.013 125.89401 lineto +525.013 130.49069 lineto +525.68097 129.65281 526.5335 129.23387 527.57062 129.23386 curveto +528.14483 129.23387 528.68682 129.35105 529.19659 129.58542 curveto +529.71221 129.81394 530.13409 130.13914 530.46222 130.561 curveto +530.7962 130.97703 531.05694 131.48093 531.24445 132.07272 curveto +531.43194 132.66453 531.52569 133.29734 531.5257 133.97116 curveto +531.52569 135.57077 531.13018 136.8071 530.33917 137.68015 curveto +529.54815 138.55319 528.59893 138.98972 527.49152 138.98972 curveto +526.38995 138.98972 525.52569 138.52975 524.89874 137.60983 curveto +524.89874 138.77878 lineto +524.88116 134.04147 moveto +524.88116 135.16062 525.03351 135.96921 525.3382 136.46725 curveto +525.83624 137.28171 526.51007 137.68894 527.35968 137.68893 curveto +528.05108 137.68894 528.64874 137.39011 529.15265 136.79245 curveto +529.65655 136.18894 529.9085 135.29245 529.90851 134.103 curveto +529.9085 132.88425 529.66534 131.98484 529.17902 131.40475 curveto +528.69854 130.82468 528.11553 130.53465 527.42999 130.53464 curveto +526.73858 130.53465 526.14093 130.8364 525.63702 131.43991 curveto +525.13311 132.03757 524.88116 132.90476 524.88116 134.04147 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +539.55011 137.62741 moveto +538.96417 138.12546 538.39874 138.47702 537.85382 138.6821 curveto +537.31475 138.88718 536.73468 138.98972 536.11359 138.98972 curveto +535.08819 138.98972 534.30011 138.74069 533.74933 138.24265 curveto +533.19855 137.73874 532.92316 137.09714 532.92316 136.31784 curveto +532.92316 135.86081 533.0257 135.4448 533.23077 135.06979 curveto +533.44171 134.68894 533.71417 134.38425 534.04816 134.15573 curveto +534.388 133.92722 534.76886 133.75437 535.19073 133.63718 curveto +535.50128 133.55515 535.97003 133.47605 536.59698 133.39987 curveto +537.87432 133.24753 538.81475 133.06589 539.41827 132.85495 curveto +539.42413 132.63816 539.42706 132.50046 539.42706 132.44186 curveto +539.42706 131.79734 539.27764 131.34324 538.97882 131.07956 curveto +538.57452 130.72215 537.97393 130.54343 537.17706 130.54343 curveto +536.43292 130.54343 535.88214 130.67527 535.52472 130.93893 curveto +535.17315 131.19675 534.91241 131.65671 534.74249 132.31882 curveto +533.19562 132.10788 lineto +533.33624 131.44578 533.56769 130.91258 533.88995 130.50827 curveto +534.21222 130.09812 534.67804 129.78465 535.28741 129.56784 curveto +535.89679 129.34519 536.60284 129.23387 537.40558 129.23386 curveto +538.20245 129.23387 538.84991 129.32762 539.34796 129.51511 curveto +539.846 129.70262 540.21221 129.93992 540.44659 130.22702 curveto +540.68096 130.50828 540.84502 130.8657 540.93878 131.29929 curveto +540.99151 131.56882 541.01787 132.05515 541.01788 132.75827 curveto +541.01788 134.86765 lineto +541.01787 136.33835 541.0501 137.26999 541.11456 137.66257 curveto +541.18487 138.04929 541.31963 138.42136 541.51886 138.77878 curveto +539.86652 138.77878 lineto +539.70245 138.45065 539.59698 138.06686 539.55011 137.62741 curveto +539.41827 134.09421 moveto +538.84405 134.32859 537.98272 134.52781 536.83429 134.69186 curveto +536.1839 134.78562 535.72393 134.89109 535.45441 135.00827 curveto +535.18487 135.12546 534.97686 135.29831 534.83038 135.52682 curveto +534.6839 135.74948 534.61065 135.99851 534.61066 136.2739 curveto +534.61065 136.69577 534.76886 137.04733 535.08527 137.32858 curveto +535.40753 137.60983 535.87628 137.75046 536.49152 137.75046 curveto +537.10089 137.75046 537.64288 137.61862 538.11749 137.35495 curveto +538.5921 137.08542 538.94073 136.71921 539.16339 136.25632 curveto +539.33331 135.8989 539.41827 135.37155 539.41827 134.67429 curveto +539.41827 134.09421 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +543.46124 138.77878 moveto +543.46124 129.44479 lineto +544.88507 129.44479 lineto +544.88507 130.85983 lineto +545.24835 130.19773 545.58233 129.76121 545.88702 129.55026 curveto +546.19757 129.33933 546.53741 129.23387 546.90656 129.23386 curveto +547.43975 129.23387 547.98174 129.40379 548.53253 129.74362 curveto +547.98761 131.2114 lineto +547.60089 130.98289 547.21417 130.86863 546.82745 130.86862 curveto +546.48175 130.86863 546.1712 130.9741 545.89581 131.18503 curveto +545.62042 131.39011 545.42413 131.67722 545.30695 132.04636 curveto +545.13116 132.60886 545.04327 133.2241 545.04327 133.89206 curveto +545.04327 138.77878 lineto +543.46124 138.77878 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +550.94952 138.77878 moveto +549.48175 138.77878 lineto +549.48175 125.89401 lineto +551.06378 125.89401 lineto +551.06378 130.49069 lineto +551.73175 129.65281 552.58429 129.23387 553.6214 129.23386 curveto +554.19561 129.23387 554.7376 129.35105 555.24738 129.58542 curveto +555.76299 129.81394 556.18487 130.13914 556.513 130.561 curveto +556.84698 130.97703 557.10772 131.48093 557.29523 132.07272 curveto +557.48272 132.66453 557.57647 133.29734 557.57648 133.97116 curveto +557.57647 135.57077 557.18096 136.8071 556.38995 137.68015 curveto +555.59893 138.55319 554.64971 138.98972 553.5423 138.98972 curveto +552.44073 138.98972 551.57647 138.52975 550.94952 137.60983 curveto +550.94952 138.77878 lineto +550.93195 134.04147 moveto +550.93194 135.16062 551.08429 135.96921 551.38898 136.46725 curveto +551.88702 137.28171 552.56085 137.68894 553.41046 137.68893 curveto +554.10186 137.68894 554.69952 137.39011 555.20343 136.79245 curveto +555.70733 136.18894 555.95928 135.29245 555.95929 134.103 curveto +555.95928 132.88425 555.71612 131.98484 555.2298 131.40475 curveto +554.74932 130.82468 554.16631 130.53465 553.48077 130.53464 curveto +552.78936 130.53465 552.19171 130.8364 551.68781 131.43991 curveto +551.1839 132.03757 550.93194 132.90476 550.93195 134.04147 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +565.60089 137.62741 moveto +565.01495 138.12546 564.44952 138.47702 563.9046 138.6821 curveto +563.36553 138.88718 562.78546 138.98972 562.16437 138.98972 curveto +561.13897 138.98972 560.35089 138.74069 559.80011 138.24265 curveto +559.24933 137.73874 558.97394 137.09714 558.97394 136.31784 curveto +558.97394 135.86081 559.07648 135.4448 559.28156 135.06979 curveto +559.49249 134.68894 559.76495 134.38425 560.09894 134.15573 curveto +560.43878 133.92722 560.81964 133.75437 561.24152 133.63718 curveto +561.55206 133.55515 562.02081 133.47605 562.64777 133.39987 curveto +563.9251 133.24753 564.86553 133.06589 565.46906 132.85495 curveto +565.47491 132.63816 565.47784 132.50046 565.47784 132.44186 curveto +565.47784 131.79734 565.32842 131.34324 565.0296 131.07956 curveto +564.6253 130.72215 564.02471 130.54343 563.22784 130.54343 curveto +562.4837 130.54343 561.93292 130.67527 561.5755 130.93893 curveto +561.22394 131.19675 560.96319 131.65671 560.79327 132.31882 curveto +559.2464 132.10788 lineto +559.38702 131.44578 559.61847 130.91258 559.94073 130.50827 curveto +560.263 130.09812 560.72882 129.78465 561.3382 129.56784 curveto +561.94757 129.34519 562.65362 129.23387 563.45636 129.23386 curveto +564.25323 129.23387 564.90069 129.32762 565.39874 129.51511 curveto +565.89678 129.70262 566.26299 129.93992 566.49738 130.22702 curveto +566.73174 130.50828 566.8958 130.8657 566.98956 131.29929 curveto +567.04229 131.56882 567.06866 132.05515 567.06866 132.75827 curveto +567.06866 134.86765 lineto +567.06866 136.33835 567.10088 137.26999 567.16534 137.66257 curveto +567.23565 138.04929 567.37041 138.42136 567.56964 138.77878 curveto +565.9173 138.77878 lineto +565.75323 138.45065 565.64776 138.06686 565.60089 137.62741 curveto +565.46906 134.09421 moveto +564.89483 134.32859 564.0335 134.52781 562.88507 134.69186 curveto +562.23468 134.78562 561.77472 134.89109 561.50519 135.00827 curveto +561.23565 135.12546 561.02765 135.29831 560.88116 135.52682 curveto +560.73468 135.74948 560.66144 135.99851 560.66144 136.2739 curveto +560.66144 136.69577 560.81964 137.04733 561.13605 137.32858 curveto +561.45831 137.60983 561.92706 137.75046 562.5423 137.75046 curveto +563.15167 137.75046 563.69366 137.61862 564.16827 137.35495 curveto +564.64288 137.08542 564.99151 136.71921 565.21417 136.25632 curveto +565.38409 135.8989 565.46905 135.37155 565.46906 134.67429 curveto +565.46906 134.09421 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +569.51202 138.77878 moveto +569.51202 129.44479 lineto +570.93585 129.44479 lineto +570.93585 130.85983 lineto +571.29913 130.19773 571.63311 129.76121 571.93781 129.55026 curveto +572.24835 129.33933 572.58819 129.23387 572.95734 129.23386 curveto +573.49053 129.23387 574.03253 129.40379 574.58331 129.74362 curveto +574.03839 131.2114 lineto +573.65167 130.98289 573.26495 130.86863 572.87823 130.86862 curveto +572.53253 130.86863 572.22198 130.9741 571.94659 131.18503 curveto +571.6712 131.39011 571.47491 131.67722 571.35773 132.04636 curveto +571.18194 132.60886 571.09405 133.2241 571.09406 133.89206 curveto +571.09406 138.77878 lineto +569.51202 138.77878 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +574.95245 134.11179 moveto +574.95245 132.38328 575.43292 131.103 576.39386 130.27097 curveto +577.19659 129.57957 578.17511 129.23387 579.32941 129.23386 curveto +580.6126 129.23387 581.66143 129.65574 582.47589 130.49948 curveto +583.29034 131.33738 583.69756 132.49753 583.69757 133.97995 curveto +583.69756 135.18113 583.51592 136.12741 583.15265 136.81882 curveto +582.79522 137.50437 582.27081 138.03757 581.57941 138.41843 curveto +580.89385 138.79929 580.14385 138.98972 579.32941 138.98972 curveto +578.02276 138.98972 576.96515 138.57077 576.15656 137.73288 curveto +575.35382 136.89499 574.95245 135.68796 574.95245 134.11179 curveto +576.57843 134.11179 moveto +576.57843 135.3071 576.83917 136.20359 577.36066 136.80124 curveto +577.88214 137.39304 578.53839 137.68894 579.32941 137.68893 curveto +580.11456 137.68894 580.76788 137.39011 581.28937 136.79245 curveto +581.81084 136.1948 582.07159 135.28366 582.07159 134.05905 curveto +582.07159 132.90476 581.80791 132.03171 581.28058 131.43991 curveto +580.75909 130.84226 580.1087 130.54343 579.32941 130.54343 curveto +578.53839 130.54343 577.88214 130.83933 577.36066 131.43112 curveto +576.83917 132.02293 576.57843 132.91648 576.57843 134.11179 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +656.14789 138.17416 moveto +654.68011 138.17416 lineto +654.68011 125.2894 lineto +656.26215 125.2894 lineto +656.26215 129.88608 lineto +656.93011 129.0482 657.78265 128.62925 658.81976 128.62924 curveto +659.39398 128.62925 659.93597 128.74644 660.44574 128.9808 curveto +660.96136 129.20933 661.38323 129.53452 661.71136 129.95639 curveto +662.04534 130.37241 662.30608 130.87632 662.49359 131.46811 curveto +662.68108 132.05991 662.77483 132.69272 662.77484 133.36655 curveto +662.77483 134.96616 662.37932 136.20249 661.58832 137.07553 curveto +660.79729 137.94858 659.84808 138.3851 658.74066 138.3851 curveto +657.63909 138.3851 656.77484 137.92514 656.14789 137.00522 curveto +656.14789 138.17416 lineto +656.13031 133.43686 moveto +656.13031 134.556 656.28265 135.3646 656.58734 135.86264 curveto +657.08538 136.6771 657.75921 137.08432 658.60883 137.08432 curveto +659.30023 137.08432 659.89788 136.78549 660.40179 136.18784 curveto +660.90569 135.58432 661.15765 134.68784 661.15765 133.49838 curveto +661.15765 132.27964 660.91448 131.38023 660.42816 130.80014 curveto +659.94769 130.22007 659.36468 129.93003 658.67914 129.93002 curveto +657.98773 129.93003 657.39007 130.23179 656.88617 130.8353 curveto +656.38226 131.43296 656.13031 132.30015 656.13031 133.43686 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +670.79926 137.0228 moveto +670.21331 137.52084 669.64788 137.87241 669.10297 138.07748 curveto +668.5639 138.28256 667.98382 138.3851 667.36273 138.3851 curveto +666.33734 138.3851 665.54925 138.13608 664.99847 137.63803 curveto +664.44769 137.13413 664.1723 136.49252 664.1723 135.71323 curveto +664.1723 135.2562 664.27484 134.84018 664.47992 134.46518 curveto +664.69086 134.08432 664.96332 133.77964 665.2973 133.55112 curveto +665.63714 133.32261 666.018 133.14975 666.43988 133.03256 curveto +666.75042 132.95054 667.21917 132.87143 667.84613 132.79526 curveto +669.12347 132.64292 670.0639 132.46128 670.66742 132.25034 curveto +670.67327 132.03354 670.6762 131.89585 670.67621 131.83725 curveto +670.6762 131.19273 670.52679 130.73862 670.22797 130.47495 curveto +669.82366 130.11753 669.22308 129.93882 668.42621 129.93881 curveto +667.68206 129.93882 667.13128 130.07066 666.77386 130.33432 curveto +666.4223 130.59214 666.16156 131.0521 665.99164 131.7142 curveto +664.44476 131.50327 lineto +664.58539 130.84116 664.81683 130.30796 665.1391 129.90366 curveto +665.46136 129.49351 665.92718 129.18003 666.53656 128.96323 curveto +667.14593 128.74058 667.85199 128.62925 668.65472 128.62924 curveto +669.45159 128.62925 670.09905 128.723 670.59711 128.91049 curveto +671.09515 129.098 671.46136 129.33531 671.69574 129.62241 curveto +671.93011 129.90366 672.09417 130.26109 672.18793 130.69467 curveto +672.24065 130.96421 672.26702 131.45054 672.26703 132.15366 curveto +672.26703 134.26303 lineto +672.26702 135.73374 672.29925 136.66538 672.36371 137.05795 curveto +672.43401 137.44467 672.56878 137.81674 672.76801 138.17416 curveto +671.11566 138.17416 lineto +670.95159 137.84604 670.84612 137.46225 670.79926 137.0228 curveto +670.66742 133.48959 moveto +670.09319 133.72397 669.23187 133.92319 668.08344 134.08725 curveto +667.43304 134.181 666.97308 134.28647 666.70355 134.40366 curveto +666.43402 134.52085 666.22601 134.6937 666.07953 134.92221 curveto +665.93304 135.14487 665.8598 135.39389 665.8598 135.66928 curveto +665.8598 136.09116 666.018 136.44272 666.33441 136.72397 curveto +666.65667 137.00522 667.12542 137.14584 667.74066 137.14584 curveto +668.35003 137.14584 668.89202 137.01401 669.36664 136.75034 curveto +669.84124 136.48081 670.18987 136.1146 670.41254 135.6517 curveto +670.58245 135.29428 670.66741 134.76694 670.66742 134.06967 curveto +670.66742 133.48959 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +674.71039 138.17416 moveto +674.71039 128.84018 lineto +676.13422 128.84018 lineto +676.13422 130.25522 lineto +676.49749 129.59312 676.83148 129.15659 677.13617 128.94565 curveto +677.44671 128.73472 677.78656 128.62925 678.1557 128.62924 curveto +678.6889 128.62925 679.23089 128.79917 679.78168 129.13901 curveto +679.23676 130.60678 lineto +678.85003 130.37827 678.46331 130.26402 678.0766 130.26401 curveto +677.73089 130.26402 677.42035 130.36948 677.14496 130.58041 curveto +676.86956 130.7855 676.67328 131.07261 676.55609 131.44174 curveto +676.38031 132.00425 676.29242 132.61948 676.29242 133.28745 curveto +676.29242 138.17416 lineto +674.71039 138.17416 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +682.19867 138.17416 moveto +680.7309 138.17416 lineto +680.7309 125.2894 lineto +682.31293 125.2894 lineto +682.31293 129.88608 lineto +682.98089 129.0482 683.83343 128.62925 684.87054 128.62924 curveto +685.44476 128.62925 685.98675 128.74644 686.49652 128.9808 curveto +687.01214 129.20933 687.43401 129.53452 687.76215 129.95639 curveto +688.09612 130.37241 688.35686 130.87632 688.54437 131.46811 curveto +688.73186 132.05991 688.82561 132.69272 688.82562 133.36655 curveto +688.82561 134.96616 688.43011 136.20249 687.6391 137.07553 curveto +686.84808 137.94858 685.89886 138.3851 684.79144 138.3851 curveto +683.68988 138.3851 682.82562 137.92514 682.19867 137.00522 curveto +682.19867 138.17416 lineto +682.18109 133.43686 moveto +682.18109 134.556 682.33343 135.3646 682.63812 135.86264 curveto +683.13617 136.6771 683.80999 137.08432 684.65961 137.08432 curveto +685.35101 137.08432 685.94866 136.78549 686.45258 136.18784 curveto +686.95647 135.58432 687.20843 134.68784 687.20844 133.49838 curveto +687.20843 132.27964 686.96526 131.38023 686.47894 130.80014 curveto +685.99847 130.22007 685.41546 129.93003 684.72992 129.93002 curveto +684.03851 129.93003 683.44085 130.23179 682.93695 130.8353 curveto +682.43304 131.43296 682.18109 132.30015 682.18109 133.43686 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +696.85004 137.0228 moveto +696.26409 137.52084 695.69866 137.87241 695.15375 138.07748 curveto +694.61468 138.28256 694.0346 138.3851 693.41351 138.3851 curveto +692.38812 138.3851 691.60003 138.13608 691.04926 137.63803 curveto +690.49847 137.13413 690.22308 136.49252 690.22308 135.71323 curveto +690.22308 135.2562 690.32562 134.84018 690.5307 134.46518 curveto +690.74164 134.08432 691.0141 133.77964 691.34808 133.55112 curveto +691.68793 133.32261 692.06878 133.14975 692.49066 133.03256 curveto +692.80121 132.95054 693.26995 132.87143 693.89691 132.79526 curveto +695.17425 132.64292 696.11468 132.46128 696.7182 132.25034 curveto +696.72405 132.03354 696.72698 131.89585 696.72699 131.83725 curveto +696.72698 131.19273 696.57757 130.73862 696.27875 130.47495 curveto +695.87444 130.11753 695.27386 129.93882 694.47699 129.93881 curveto +693.73284 129.93882 693.18206 130.07066 692.82465 130.33432 curveto +692.47308 130.59214 692.21234 131.0521 692.04242 131.7142 curveto +690.49554 131.50327 lineto +690.63617 130.84116 690.86761 130.30796 691.18988 129.90366 curveto +691.51214 129.49351 691.97796 129.18003 692.58734 128.96323 curveto +693.19671 128.74058 693.90277 128.62925 694.70551 128.62924 curveto +695.50237 128.62925 696.14983 128.723 696.64789 128.91049 curveto +697.14593 129.098 697.51214 129.33531 697.74652 129.62241 curveto +697.98089 129.90366 698.14495 130.26109 698.23871 130.69467 curveto +698.29143 130.96421 698.3178 131.45054 698.31781 132.15366 curveto +698.31781 134.26303 lineto +698.3178 135.73374 698.35003 136.66538 698.41449 137.05795 curveto +698.48479 137.44467 698.61956 137.81674 698.81879 138.17416 curveto +697.16644 138.17416 lineto +697.00237 137.84604 696.8969 137.46225 696.85004 137.0228 curveto +696.7182 133.48959 moveto +696.14398 133.72397 695.28265 133.92319 694.13422 134.08725 curveto +693.48382 134.181 693.02386 134.28647 692.75433 134.40366 curveto +692.4848 134.52085 692.27679 134.6937 692.13031 134.92221 curveto +691.98382 135.14487 691.91058 135.39389 691.91058 135.66928 curveto +691.91058 136.09116 692.06878 136.44272 692.38519 136.72397 curveto +692.70746 137.00522 693.1762 137.14584 693.79144 137.14584 curveto +694.40081 137.14584 694.9428 137.01401 695.41742 136.75034 curveto +695.89202 136.48081 696.24065 136.1146 696.46332 135.6517 curveto +696.63323 135.29428 696.71819 134.76694 696.7182 134.06967 curveto +696.7182 133.48959 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +700.76117 138.17416 moveto +700.76117 128.84018 lineto +702.185 128.84018 lineto +702.185 130.25522 lineto +702.54828 129.59312 702.88226 129.15659 703.18695 128.94565 curveto +703.49749 128.73472 703.83734 128.62925 704.20648 128.62924 curveto +704.73968 128.62925 705.28167 128.79917 705.83246 129.13901 curveto +705.28754 130.60678 lineto +704.90081 130.37827 704.51409 130.26402 704.12738 130.26401 curveto +703.78167 130.26402 703.47113 130.36948 703.19574 130.58041 curveto +702.92035 130.7855 702.72406 131.07261 702.60687 131.44174 curveto +702.43109 132.00425 702.3432 132.61948 702.3432 133.28745 curveto +702.3432 138.17416 lineto +700.76117 138.17416 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +706.2016 133.50717 moveto +706.2016 131.77866 706.68207 130.49839 707.64301 129.66635 curveto +708.44574 128.97495 709.42425 128.62925 710.57855 128.62924 curveto +711.86175 128.62925 712.91058 129.05113 713.72504 129.89487 curveto +714.53948 130.73277 714.94671 131.89292 714.94672 133.37534 curveto +714.94671 134.57651 714.76507 135.5228 714.40179 136.2142 curveto +714.04436 136.89975 713.51995 137.43295 712.82855 137.81381 curveto +712.143 138.19467 711.393 138.3851 710.57855 138.3851 curveto +709.27191 138.3851 708.21429 137.96616 707.4057 137.12827 curveto +706.60297 136.29038 706.2016 135.08335 706.2016 133.50717 curveto +707.82758 133.50717 moveto +707.82757 134.70249 708.08832 135.59897 708.6098 136.19662 curveto +709.13128 136.78842 709.78753 137.08432 710.57855 137.08432 curveto +711.3637 137.08432 712.01702 136.78549 712.53851 136.18784 curveto +713.05999 135.59018 713.32073 134.67905 713.32074 133.45444 curveto +713.32073 132.30015 713.05706 131.4271 712.52972 130.8353 curveto +712.00823 130.23765 711.35784 129.93882 710.57855 129.93881 curveto +709.78753 129.93882 709.13128 130.23472 708.6098 130.82651 curveto +708.08832 131.41831 707.82757 132.31186 707.82758 133.50717 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +716.17719 135.38803 moveto +717.74164 135.14194 lineto +717.82953 135.76889 718.07269 136.24936 718.47113 136.58334 curveto +718.87542 136.91733 719.43792 137.08432 720.15863 137.08432 curveto +720.88519 137.08432 721.42425 136.93784 721.77582 136.64487 curveto +722.12737 136.34604 722.30315 135.99741 722.30316 135.59897 curveto +722.30315 135.24155 722.14788 134.9603 721.83734 134.75522 curveto +721.62054 134.6146 721.08148 134.43589 720.22015 134.21909 curveto +719.05999 133.92612 718.25433 133.67417 717.80316 133.46323 curveto +717.35785 133.24643 717.018 132.95054 716.78363 132.57553 curveto +716.55511 132.19468 716.44086 131.77573 716.44086 131.3187 curveto +716.44086 130.90269 716.53461 130.5189 716.72211 130.16733 curveto +716.91547 129.80991 717.17621 129.51402 717.50433 129.27963 curveto +717.75043 129.098 718.08441 128.94566 718.50629 128.8226 curveto +718.93402 128.6937 719.39105 128.62925 719.87738 128.62924 curveto +720.6098 128.62925 721.2514 128.73472 721.80219 128.94565 curveto +722.35882 129.15659 722.76897 129.4437 723.03265 129.80698 curveto +723.29632 130.16441 723.47796 130.64487 723.57758 131.24838 curveto +722.0307 131.45932 lineto +721.96038 130.97886 721.7553 130.60386 721.41547 130.33432 curveto +721.08148 130.0648 720.60687 129.93003 719.99164 129.93002 curveto +719.26507 129.93003 718.74652 130.05015 718.43597 130.29037 curveto +718.12542 130.53062 717.97015 130.81187 717.97015 131.13412 curveto +717.97015 131.33921 718.0346 131.52378 718.16351 131.68784 curveto +718.29242 131.85776 718.49456 131.99839 718.76996 132.10971 curveto +718.92816 132.16831 719.39398 132.30308 720.16742 132.51401 curveto +721.28655 132.81284 722.06585 133.05893 722.50531 133.25229 curveto +722.95062 133.43979 723.29925 133.71518 723.55121 134.07846 curveto +723.80315 134.44175 723.92913 134.89292 723.92914 135.43198 curveto +723.92913 135.95932 723.77386 136.45737 723.46332 136.92612 curveto +723.15862 137.38901 722.71624 137.74936 722.13617 138.00717 curveto +721.55609 138.25912 720.89984 138.3851 720.16742 138.3851 curveto +718.95453 138.3851 718.02875 138.13315 717.39008 137.62924 curveto +716.75726 137.12534 716.35297 136.37827 716.17719 135.38803 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +725.17719 135.38803 moveto +726.74164 135.14194 lineto +726.82953 135.76889 727.07269 136.24936 727.47113 136.58334 curveto +727.87542 136.91733 728.43792 137.08432 729.15863 137.08432 curveto +729.88519 137.08432 730.42425 136.93784 730.77582 136.64487 curveto +731.12737 136.34604 731.30315 135.99741 731.30316 135.59897 curveto +731.30315 135.24155 731.14788 134.9603 730.83734 134.75522 curveto +730.62054 134.6146 730.08148 134.43589 729.22015 134.21909 curveto +728.05999 133.92612 727.25433 133.67417 726.80316 133.46323 curveto +726.35785 133.24643 726.018 132.95054 725.78363 132.57553 curveto +725.55511 132.19468 725.44086 131.77573 725.44086 131.3187 curveto +725.44086 130.90269 725.53461 130.5189 725.72211 130.16733 curveto +725.91547 129.80991 726.17621 129.51402 726.50433 129.27963 curveto +726.75043 129.098 727.08441 128.94566 727.50629 128.8226 curveto +727.93402 128.6937 728.39105 128.62925 728.87738 128.62924 curveto +729.6098 128.62925 730.2514 128.73472 730.80219 128.94565 curveto +731.35882 129.15659 731.76897 129.4437 732.03265 129.80698 curveto +732.29632 130.16441 732.47796 130.64487 732.57758 131.24838 curveto +731.0307 131.45932 lineto +730.96038 130.97886 730.7553 130.60386 730.41547 130.33432 curveto +730.08148 130.0648 729.60687 129.93003 728.99164 129.93002 curveto +728.26507 129.93003 727.74652 130.05015 727.43597 130.29037 curveto +727.12542 130.53062 726.97015 130.81187 726.97015 131.13412 curveto +726.97015 131.33921 727.0346 131.52378 727.16351 131.68784 curveto +727.29242 131.85776 727.49456 131.99839 727.76996 132.10971 curveto +727.92816 132.16831 728.39398 132.30308 729.16742 132.51401 curveto +730.28655 132.81284 731.06585 133.05893 731.50531 133.25229 curveto +731.95062 133.43979 732.29925 133.71518 732.55121 134.07846 curveto +732.80315 134.44175 732.92913 134.89292 732.92914 135.43198 curveto +732.92913 135.95932 732.77386 136.45737 732.46332 136.92612 curveto +732.15862 137.38901 731.71624 137.74936 731.13617 138.00717 curveto +730.55609 138.25912 729.89984 138.3851 729.16742 138.3851 curveto +727.95453 138.3851 727.02875 138.13315 726.39008 137.62924 curveto +725.75726 137.12534 725.35297 136.37827 725.17719 135.38803 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +740.90082 137.0228 moveto +740.31487 137.52084 739.74944 137.87241 739.20453 138.07748 curveto +738.66546 138.28256 738.08538 138.3851 737.46429 138.3851 curveto +736.4389 138.3851 735.65082 138.13608 735.10004 137.63803 curveto +734.54925 137.13413 734.27386 136.49252 734.27386 135.71323 curveto +734.27386 135.2562 734.3764 134.84018 734.58148 134.46518 curveto +734.79242 134.08432 735.06488 133.77964 735.39886 133.55112 curveto +735.73871 133.32261 736.11957 133.14975 736.54144 133.03256 curveto +736.85199 132.95054 737.32074 132.87143 737.94769 132.79526 curveto +739.22503 132.64292 740.16546 132.46128 740.76898 132.25034 curveto +740.77483 132.03354 740.77776 131.89585 740.77777 131.83725 curveto +740.77776 131.19273 740.62835 130.73862 740.32953 130.47495 curveto +739.92523 130.11753 739.32464 129.93882 738.52777 129.93881 curveto +737.78363 129.93882 737.23285 130.07066 736.87543 130.33432 curveto +736.52386 130.59214 736.26312 131.0521 736.0932 131.7142 curveto +734.54633 131.50327 lineto +734.68695 130.84116 734.91839 130.30796 735.24066 129.90366 curveto +735.56293 129.49351 736.02875 129.18003 736.63812 128.96323 curveto +737.24749 128.74058 737.95355 128.62925 738.75629 128.62924 curveto +739.55316 128.62925 740.20062 128.723 740.69867 128.91049 curveto +741.19671 129.098 741.56292 129.33531 741.7973 129.62241 curveto +742.03167 129.90366 742.19573 130.26109 742.28949 130.69467 curveto +742.34222 130.96421 742.36858 131.45054 742.36859 132.15366 curveto +742.36859 134.26303 lineto +742.36858 135.73374 742.40081 136.66538 742.46527 137.05795 curveto +742.53557 137.44467 742.67034 137.81674 742.86957 138.17416 curveto +741.21722 138.17416 lineto +741.05315 137.84604 740.94769 137.46225 740.90082 137.0228 curveto +740.76898 133.48959 moveto +740.19476 133.72397 739.33343 133.92319 738.185 134.08725 curveto +737.5346 134.181 737.07464 134.28647 736.80511 134.40366 curveto +736.53558 134.52085 736.32757 134.6937 736.18109 134.92221 curveto +736.0346 135.14487 735.96136 135.39389 735.96136 135.66928 curveto +735.96136 136.09116 736.11957 136.44272 736.43597 136.72397 curveto +736.75824 137.00522 737.22699 137.14584 737.84222 137.14584 curveto +738.45159 137.14584 738.99359 137.01401 739.4682 136.75034 curveto +739.9428 136.48081 740.29144 136.1146 740.5141 135.6517 curveto +740.68401 135.29428 740.76897 134.76694 740.76898 134.06967 curveto +740.76898 133.48959 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +623.5993 139.35719 moveto +623.5993 137.55544 lineto +625.40106 137.55544 lineto +625.40106 139.35719 lineto +623.5993 139.35719 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +628.59149 139.35719 moveto +628.59149 137.55544 lineto +630.39325 137.55544 lineto +630.39325 139.35719 lineto +628.59149 139.35719 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +633.58368 139.35719 moveto +633.58368 137.55544 lineto +635.38544 137.55544 lineto +635.38544 139.35719 lineto +633.58368 139.35719 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +39.691288 177.70506 moveto +38.223515 177.70506 lineto +38.223515 164.8203 lineto +39.805546 164.8203 lineto +39.805546 169.41698 lineto +40.473511 168.5791 41.326049 168.16015 42.363163 168.16014 curveto +42.937376 168.16015 43.479367 168.27734 43.98914 168.5117 curveto +44.504757 168.74023 44.926632 169.06542 45.254765 169.48729 curveto +45.58874 169.90331 45.849482 170.40722 46.036991 170.99901 curveto +46.224482 171.59081 46.318232 172.22362 46.318241 172.89745 curveto +46.318232 174.49706 45.922724 175.73339 45.131718 176.60643 curveto +44.340695 177.47948 43.391477 177.916 42.284061 177.916 curveto +41.182495 177.916 40.318238 177.45604 39.691288 176.53612 curveto +39.691288 177.70506 lineto +39.67371 172.96776 moveto +39.673707 174.0869 39.826051 174.8955 40.130741 175.39354 curveto +40.628784 176.20799 41.302612 176.61522 42.152225 176.61522 curveto +42.843626 176.61522 43.441282 176.31639 43.945194 175.71873 curveto +44.449093 175.11522 44.701046 174.21874 44.701054 173.02928 curveto +44.701046 171.81054 44.457882 170.91112 43.971561 170.33104 curveto +43.491086 169.75097 42.908079 169.46093 42.222538 169.46092 curveto +41.531127 169.46093 40.933472 169.76269 40.429569 170.3662 curveto +39.92566 170.96386 39.673707 171.83105 39.67371 172.96776 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 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123.49792 171.99218 124.10144 171.78123 curveto +124.1073 171.56444 124.11023 171.42675 124.11023 171.36815 curveto +124.11023 170.72362 123.96081 170.26952 123.66199 170.00584 curveto +123.25769 169.64843 122.6571 169.46972 121.86023 169.46971 curveto +121.11609 169.46972 120.56531 169.60156 120.20789 169.86522 curveto +119.85632 170.12304 119.59558 170.583 119.42566 171.2451 curveto +117.87879 171.03416 lineto +118.01941 170.37206 118.25086 169.83886 118.57312 169.43456 curveto +118.89539 169.02441 119.36121 168.71093 119.97058 168.49413 curveto +120.57996 168.27148 121.28601 168.16015 122.08875 168.16014 curveto +122.88562 168.16015 123.53308 168.2539 124.03113 168.44139 curveto +124.52917 168.6289 124.89538 168.8662 125.12976 169.15331 curveto +125.36413 169.43456 125.52819 169.79198 125.62195 170.22557 curveto +125.67468 170.49511 125.70104 170.98144 125.70105 171.68456 curveto +125.70105 173.79393 lineto +125.70104 175.26464 125.73327 176.19628 125.79773 176.58885 curveto +125.86804 176.97557 126.0028 177.34764 126.20203 177.70506 curveto +124.54969 177.70506 lineto +124.38562 177.37694 124.28015 176.99315 124.23328 176.5537 curveto +124.10144 173.02049 moveto +123.52722 173.25487 122.66589 173.45409 121.51746 173.61815 curveto +120.86707 173.7119 120.4071 173.81737 120.13758 173.93456 curveto +119.86804 174.05175 119.66004 174.2246 119.51355 174.45311 curveto +119.36707 174.67577 119.29382 174.92479 119.29383 175.20018 curveto +119.29382 175.62206 119.45203 175.97362 119.76844 176.25487 curveto +120.0907 176.53612 120.55945 176.67674 121.17469 176.67674 curveto +121.78406 176.67674 122.32605 176.54491 122.80066 176.28123 curveto +123.27527 176.01171 123.6239 175.64549 123.84656 175.1826 curveto +124.01648 174.82518 124.10144 174.29784 124.10144 173.60057 curveto +124.10144 173.02049 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill 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201.40125 169.79491 curveto +201.05554 169.79491 200.745 169.90038 200.46961 170.11131 curveto +200.19421 170.3164 199.99793 170.60351 199.88074 170.97264 curveto +199.70496 171.53515 199.61707 172.15038 199.61707 172.81834 curveto +199.61707 177.70506 lineto +198.03504 177.70506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +280.40613 177.70506 moveto +278.93836 177.70506 lineto +278.93836 164.8203 lineto +280.52039 164.8203 lineto +280.52039 169.41698 lineto +281.18835 168.5791 282.04089 168.16015 283.07801 168.16014 curveto +283.65222 168.16015 284.19421 168.27734 284.70398 168.5117 curveto +285.2196 168.74023 285.64148 169.06542 285.96961 169.48729 curveto +286.30358 169.90331 286.56433 170.40722 286.75183 170.99901 curveto +286.93933 171.59081 287.03308 172.22362 287.03308 172.89745 curveto +287.03308 174.49706 286.63757 175.73339 285.84656 176.60643 curveto +285.05554 177.47948 284.10632 177.916 282.99891 177.916 curveto +281.89734 177.916 281.03308 177.45604 280.40613 176.53612 curveto +280.40613 177.70506 lineto +280.38855 172.96776 moveto +280.38855 174.0869 280.54089 174.8955 280.84558 175.39354 curveto +281.34363 176.20799 282.01746 176.61522 282.86707 176.61522 curveto +283.55847 176.61522 284.15613 176.31639 284.66004 175.71873 curveto +285.16394 175.11522 285.41589 174.21874 285.4159 173.02928 curveto +285.41589 171.81054 285.17273 170.91112 284.68641 170.33104 curveto +284.20593 169.75097 283.62292 169.46093 282.93738 169.46092 curveto +282.24597 169.46093 281.64832 169.76269 281.14441 170.3662 curveto +280.6405 170.96386 280.38855 171.83105 280.38855 172.96776 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +359.95594 176.5537 moveto +359.36999 177.05174 358.80456 177.40331 358.25965 177.60838 curveto +357.72058 177.81346 357.1405 177.916 356.51941 177.916 curveto +355.49402 177.916 354.70593 177.66698 354.15516 177.16893 curveto +353.60437 176.66502 353.32898 176.02342 353.32898 175.24413 curveto +353.32898 174.7871 353.43152 174.37108 353.6366 173.99608 curveto +353.84754 173.61522 354.12 173.31054 354.45398 173.08202 curveto +354.79382 172.85351 355.17468 172.68065 355.59656 172.56346 curveto +355.90711 172.48144 356.37585 172.40233 357.00281 172.32616 curveto +358.28015 172.17382 359.22058 171.99218 359.8241 171.78123 curveto +359.82995 171.56444 359.83288 171.42675 359.83289 171.36815 curveto +359.83288 170.72362 359.68347 170.26952 359.38465 170.00584 curveto +358.98034 169.64843 358.37976 169.46972 357.58289 169.46971 curveto +356.83874 169.46972 356.28796 169.60156 355.93055 169.86522 curveto +355.57898 170.12304 355.31824 170.583 355.14832 171.2451 curveto +353.60144 171.03416 lineto +353.74207 170.37206 353.97351 169.83886 354.29578 169.43456 curveto +354.61804 169.02441 355.08386 168.71093 355.69324 168.49413 curveto +356.30261 168.27148 357.00867 168.16015 357.81141 168.16014 curveto +358.60827 168.16015 359.25573 168.2539 359.75379 168.44139 curveto +360.25183 168.6289 360.61804 168.8662 360.85242 169.15331 curveto +361.08679 169.43456 361.25085 169.79198 361.34461 170.22557 curveto +361.39733 170.49511 361.4237 170.98144 361.42371 171.68456 curveto +361.42371 173.79393 lineto +361.4237 175.26464 361.45593 176.19628 361.52039 176.58885 curveto +361.59069 176.97557 361.72546 177.34764 361.92469 177.70506 curveto +360.27234 177.70506 lineto +360.10827 177.37694 360.0028 176.99315 359.95594 176.5537 curveto +359.8241 173.02049 moveto +359.24988 173.25487 358.38855 173.45409 357.24012 173.61815 curveto +356.58972 173.7119 356.12976 173.81737 355.86023 173.93456 curveto +355.5907 174.05175 355.38269 174.2246 355.23621 174.45311 curveto +355.08972 174.67577 355.01648 174.92479 355.01648 175.20018 curveto +355.01648 175.62206 355.17468 175.97362 355.49109 176.25487 curveto +355.81336 176.53612 356.2821 176.67674 356.89734 176.67674 curveto +357.50671 176.67674 358.0487 176.54491 358.52332 176.28123 curveto +358.99792 176.01171 359.34655 175.64549 359.56922 175.1826 curveto +359.73913 174.82518 359.82409 174.29784 359.8241 173.60057 curveto +359.8241 173.02049 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +433.75769 177.70506 moveto +433.75769 168.37108 lineto +435.18152 168.37108 lineto +435.18152 169.78612 lineto +435.5448 169.12402 435.87878 168.68749 436.18348 168.47655 curveto +436.49402 168.26562 436.83386 168.16015 437.20301 168.16014 curveto +437.7362 168.16015 438.2782 168.33007 438.82898 168.66991 curveto +438.28406 170.13768 lineto +437.89734 169.90917 437.51062 169.79491 437.12391 169.79491 curveto +436.7782 169.79491 436.46765 169.90038 436.19226 170.11131 curveto +435.91687 170.3164 435.72058 170.60351 435.6034 170.97264 curveto +435.42761 171.53515 435.33972 172.15038 435.33973 172.81834 curveto +435.33973 177.70506 lineto +433.75769 177.70506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +509.08875 173.03807 moveto +509.08875 171.30956 509.56922 170.02929 510.53016 169.19725 curveto +511.33289 168.50585 512.3114 168.16015 513.4657 168.16014 curveto +514.7489 168.16015 515.79773 168.58203 516.61219 169.42577 curveto +517.42663 170.26366 517.83386 171.42382 517.83387 172.90623 curveto +517.83386 174.10741 517.65222 175.0537 517.28894 175.7451 curveto +516.93151 176.43065 516.4071 176.96385 515.7157 177.34471 curveto +515.03015 177.72557 514.28015 177.916 513.4657 177.916 curveto +512.15906 177.916 511.10144 177.49706 510.29285 176.65916 curveto +509.49012 175.82128 509.08875 174.61425 509.08875 173.03807 curveto +510.71473 173.03807 moveto +510.71472 174.23339 510.97547 175.12987 511.49695 175.72752 curveto +512.01843 176.31932 512.67468 176.61522 513.4657 176.61522 curveto +514.25085 176.61522 514.90417 176.31639 515.42566 175.71873 curveto +515.94714 175.12108 516.20788 174.20995 516.20789 172.98534 curveto +516.20788 171.83105 515.94421 170.958 515.41687 170.3662 curveto +514.89538 169.76855 514.24499 169.46972 513.4657 169.46971 curveto +512.67468 169.46972 512.01843 169.76562 511.49695 170.35741 curveto +510.97547 170.94921 510.71472 171.84276 510.71473 173.03807 curveto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +585.04383 177.70506 moveto +585.04383 175.90331 lineto +586.84558 175.90331 lineto +586.84558 177.70506 lineto +585.04383 177.70506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +590.03601 177.70506 moveto +590.03601 175.90331 lineto +591.83777 175.90331 lineto +591.83777 177.70506 lineto +590.03601 177.70506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +595.0282 177.70506 moveto +595.0282 175.90331 lineto +596.82996 175.90331 lineto +596.82996 177.70506 lineto +595.0282 177.70506 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +670.56141 176.5537 moveto +669.97546 177.05174 669.41003 177.40331 668.86512 177.60838 curveto +668.32605 177.81346 667.74597 177.916 667.12488 177.916 curveto +666.09949 177.916 665.3114 177.66698 664.76062 177.16893 curveto +664.20984 176.66502 663.93445 176.02342 663.93445 175.24413 curveto +663.93445 174.7871 664.03699 174.37108 664.24207 173.99608 curveto +664.45301 173.61522 664.72547 173.31054 665.05945 173.08202 curveto +665.39929 172.85351 665.78015 172.68065 666.20203 172.56346 curveto +666.51257 172.48144 666.98132 172.40233 667.60828 172.32616 curveto +668.88562 172.17382 669.82605 171.99218 670.42957 171.78123 curveto +670.43542 171.56444 670.43835 171.42675 670.43836 171.36815 curveto +670.43835 170.72362 670.28894 170.26952 669.99012 170.00584 curveto +669.58581 169.64843 668.98523 169.46972 668.18836 169.46971 curveto +667.44421 169.46972 666.89343 169.60156 666.53601 169.86522 curveto +666.18445 170.12304 665.92371 170.583 665.75379 171.2451 curveto +664.20691 171.03416 lineto +664.34754 170.37206 664.57898 169.83886 664.90125 169.43456 curveto +665.22351 169.02441 665.68933 168.71093 666.29871 168.49413 curveto +666.90808 168.27148 667.61414 168.16015 668.41687 168.16014 curveto +669.21374 168.16015 669.8612 168.2539 670.35926 168.44139 curveto +670.8573 168.6289 671.22351 168.8662 671.45789 169.15331 curveto +671.69226 169.43456 671.85632 169.79198 671.95008 170.22557 curveto +672.0028 170.49511 672.02917 170.98144 672.02918 171.68456 curveto +672.02918 173.79393 lineto +672.02917 175.26464 672.0614 176.19628 672.12586 176.58885 curveto +672.19616 176.97557 672.33093 177.34764 672.53016 177.70506 curveto +670.87781 177.70506 lineto +670.71374 177.37694 670.60827 176.99315 670.56141 176.5537 curveto +670.42957 173.02049 moveto +669.85534 173.25487 668.99402 173.45409 667.84558 173.61815 curveto +667.19519 173.7119 666.73523 173.81737 666.4657 173.93456 curveto +666.19617 174.05175 665.98816 174.2246 665.84168 174.45311 curveto +665.69519 174.67577 665.62195 174.92479 665.62195 175.20018 curveto +665.62195 175.62206 665.78015 175.97362 666.09656 176.25487 curveto +666.41882 176.53612 666.88757 176.67674 667.50281 176.67674 curveto +668.11218 176.67674 668.65417 176.54491 669.12879 176.28123 curveto +669.60339 176.01171 669.95202 175.64549 670.17469 175.1826 curveto +670.3446 174.82518 670.42956 174.29784 670.42957 173.60057 curveto +670.42957 173.02049 lineto +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +fill +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +83.509975 164.51929 moveto +60.542102 190.63893 35.300495 196.8634 5.651051 164.51929 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.74330631 0.81086111 -0.81086111 0.74330631 6.3943573 165.33015] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +13.185786 153.96139 moveto +78.486819 153.96139 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 77.386819 153.96139] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +90.747017 153.9613 moveto +156.04805 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 154.94805 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +168.72226 153.9613 moveto +234.02329 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 232.92329 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +245.95329 153.96121 moveto +311.25432 153.96121 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 310.15432 153.96121] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +323.85853 153.9613 moveto +389.15956 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 388.05956 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +401.50851 153.9613 moveto +466.80954 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 465.70954 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +480.48321 153.9613 moveto +545.78425 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 544.68425 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +558.48215 153.9613 moveto +623.78318 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 622.68318 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +638.59633 153.9613 moveto +703.89736 153.9613 lineto +stroke +gsave [-1.1 0 0 -1.1 702.79736 153.9613] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +160.62469 178.6356 moveto +103.11439 214.93588 51.117239 212.64411 3.651051 178.6356 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.89417844 0.64065975 -0.64065975 0.89417844 4.5452294 179.27626] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +241.11151 117.89139 moveto +160.02376 69.180736 82.359446 79.809701 6.2789455 117.89139 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.98365551 -0.49236352 0.49236352 0.98365551 7.262601 117.39903] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +319.79709 118.68308 moveto +234.48869 66.453676 158.66445 84.678135 84.96452 118.68308 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.99880898 -0.46084772 0.46084772 0.99880898 85.963329 118.22223] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +397.16706 119.82255 moveto +317.23195 75.067632 238.9209 74.162508 162.33449 119.82255 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.9448267 -0.56329611 0.56329611 0.9448267 163.27932 119.25925] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +473.93389 173.72993 moveto +393.31902 208.79011 314.69794 213.94352 239.10133 173.72993 curveto +stroke +gsave [0.97114563 0.51660058 -0.51660058 0.97114563 240.07248 174.24653] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999982 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +551.6176 159.60837 moveto +426.17515 260.43382 -84.115921 225.79475 -0.53486469 163.7889 curveto +stroke +gsave [-0.88343752 0.65539127 -0.65539127 -0.88343752 -1.4183022 164.44429] concat +gsave +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath +8.7185878 4.0337352 moveto +-2.2072895 0.016013256 lineto +8.7185884 -4.0017078 lineto +6.97309 -1.6296469 6.9831476 1.6157441 8.7185878 4.0337352 curveto +closepath +eofill +grestore +grestore +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +631.09082 161.52172 moveto +584.4479 211.71214 440.8137 218.21863 316.61606 220.87291 curveto +stroke +0 0 0 setrgbcolor +[] 0 setdash +0.99999994 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +0 setlinecap +newpath +711.15927 159.63036 moveto +703.71296 189.73566 643.62165 205.468 570.98179 213.59973 curveto +531.11935 218.06216 487.47795 220.2357 446.68392 221.23953 curveto +366.0505 223.2237 296.54156 220.6379 289.32855 222.12506 curveto +stroke +grestore +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/6-kmp/barb.svg b/old/6-kmp/barb.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2a9bfd --- /dev/null +++ b/old/6-kmp/barb.svg @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ε + b + ba + bar + barb + barba + barbar + barbaro + barbarossa + ... + b a r b a r o ... a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/old/7-geom/ b/old/7-geom/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7375c63 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/ @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +input lib + +figname("7-geom"); + +figtag("male_obaly"); +beginfig(1); + pickup boldpen; + labeloffset:=1cm; + pair c,pos; c := (0,0); pos := c; + drawemptyvertex(c); + $n=1$ etex, pos); + c := (2cm,0); + pos := pos + c; + pair A[]; + A[0] := (-0.3cm, -0.2cm)+c; A[1] := (0.2cm, 0.3cm)+c; + draw A[0]--A[1]; + drawemptyvertex(A[0]); drawemptyvertex(A[1]); + $n=2$ etex, pos); + + pos := pos + c; + A[2] := (+0.3cm, -0.4cm)+c; + for i := 0 upto 2: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor + draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--cycle; + for i := 0 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + $n=3$ etex, pos); + + pos := pos + c; + A[3] := (A[0]+A[1]+A[2])/3; + for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor + draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--cycle; + for i := 0 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + draw vertex(A[3]); + + c := (1cm,0); + pos := pos + c/2; + A[3] := A[1]+(0.3cm,-0.2cm); + for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := A[i] shifted c; endfor + draw A[0]--A[1]--A[3]--A[2]--cycle; + for i := 0 upto 3: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + $n=4$ etex, pos); +endfig; + +figtag("pridani_bodu"); +beginfig(2); + pair A[],B[],C,shift; shift := (4.5cm,0); + A[0] := (-1.7cm,1.1cm); + A[1] := (-1.2cm,1.2cm); + A[2] := (-0.4cm,1cm); + A[3] := (0.2cm,0.2cm); + A[4] := (0.4cm,-0.7cm); + A[5] := (-0.8cm,-1.3cm); + A[6] := (-1.4cm,-1.4cm); + B[0] := (-1.1cm, 0.7cm); + B[1] := (-0.6cm, 0.1cm); + B[2] := (-1.3cm, -0.6cm); + C := (1cm, 0.1cm); + + % krok 1 + pickup boldpen; + draw A[0] for i := 1 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; + for i := 1 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + draw vertex(C); + drawarrow (C+(0.5cm,0)--C+(1.5cm,0)) shifted (0, -0.1cm) withpen normalpen; + for i:=0 upto 6: A[i] := A[i] shifted shift; endfor + for i:=0 upto 2: B[i] := B[i] shifted shift; endfor + C := C shifted shift; + + % krok 2 + draw A[0] for i := 1 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; + draw A[4]{dir 70}..C; + draw A[4]{dir 45}..C; + draw C--A[2] dashed evenly withpen normalpen; + draw C--A[3] dashed evenly withpen normalpen; + for i := 1 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + drawemptyvertex(C); + drawarrow (C+(0.5cm,0)--C+(1.5cm,0)) shifted (0,-0.1cm) withpen normalpen; + for i:=0 upto 6: A[i] := A[i] shifted shift; endfor + for i:=0 upto 2: B[i] := B[i] shifted shift; endfor + C := C shifted shift; + + % krok 3 + draw for i := 0 upto 2: A[i]-- endfor C for i := 4 upto 6: --A[i] endfor; + for i := 1 upto 2: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + for i := 4 upto 5: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + for i := 0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + draw vertex(A[3]); + drawemptyvertex(C); +endfig; + +figtag("obalky"); +beginfig(3); + labeloffset := 0.2cm; + pickup boldpen; + pair A[],B[]; + A[0] := (-7cm, 0cm); + A[1] := (-6.2cm, 0.9cm); + A[2] := (-4.6cm,1.5cm); + A[3] := (-2.4cm,1.8cm); + A[4] := (-0.8cm,1.5cm); + A[5] := (0.4cm,0.6cm); + A[6] := (0.8cm,-0.10cm); + A[7] := (-1.6cm,-1.9cm); + A[8] := (-4cm,-2.1cm); + A[9] := (-6cm, -1.5cm); + A[10] := (-7cm, 0cm); + + B[0] := (-2.2cm, 0.7cm); + B[1] := (-1.2cm, 0.1cm); + B[2] := (-2.6cm, -0.6cm); + B[3] := (-3.6cm, -0.4cm); + B[4] := (-3cm, 0.6cm); + B[5] := (-2.6cm, 1cm); + B[6] := (-1cm, -1.2cm); + B[7] := (-6.5cm, 0.2cm); + B[8] := (-5cm, 0.8cm); + B[9] := (-6cm, -0.6cm); + B[10] := (-5cm, -1.2cm); + + draw createpath(for i := 0 upto 5: A[i]-- endfor A[6]); + draw (for i := 6 upto 9: A[i]-- endfor A[10]) dashed evenly; + for i := 0 upto 9: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor + for i := 0 upto 10: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + + label(btex \font\myfont=csr10 \myfont horní obálka etex, ((-7cm+0.8cm)/2,2.2cm)); + label(btex \font\myfont=csr10 \myfont dolní obálka etex, ((-7cm+0.8cm)/2,-2.5cm)); + label.lft(btex $L$ etex, A[0]); + label.rt(btex $P$ etex, A[6]); +endfig; + +figtag("determinant"); +beginfig(4); + labeloffset := 0.1cm; + pair A[], shift; shift := (4cm,1cm); + + % det(M) > 0 + A[0] := (-2cm, 0); + A[1] := (0,-1cm); + A[2] := (1.5cm, 0cm); + A[3] := A[0] + A[2] - A[1]; + + fill A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle withcolor 0.8white; + draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle dashed evenly; + drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; + drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; + for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor + label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); + $h_k$ etex, A[1]); + label.llft(btex $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); + label.lrt(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); + label.rt(btex $b$ etex, A[2]); + label(btex $\det(M) > 0$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[2]]); + + % det(M) = 0 + A[0] := (-1cm, -0.5cm) + shift; + A[1] := (0, -1cm) + shift; + A[2] := (1cm, -1.5cm) + shift; + drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; + drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; + for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor + label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); + label.llft(btex $h_k$ etex, A[1]); + label.llft(btex $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); + label.llft(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); + $b$ etex, A[2]); + label(btex $\det(M) = 0$ etex, origin) shifted (0,0.3cm) rotated -28 shifted 0.5[A[0], A[2]]; + + % det(M) < 0 + shift := (7.5cm, 1.25cm); + A[0] := (-1cm, -0.5cm) + shift; + A[1] := (1.5cm, -1cm) + shift; + A[2] := (2cm, -2.5cm) + shift; + A[3] := A[0] + A[2] - A[1]; + fill A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle withcolor 0.8white; + draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle dashed evenly; + drawarrow A[0]--0.96[A[0],A[1]] withpen boldpen; + drawarrow A[1]--0.96[A[1],A[2]] withpen boldpen; + for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(A[i]); endfor + label.lft(btex $h_{k-1}$ etex, A[0]); + label.urt(btex $h_k$ etex, A[1]); + $\vec u$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[1]]); + label.rt(btex $\vec v$ etex, 0.5[A[1],A[2]]); + label.rt(btex $b$ etex, A[2]); + label(btex $\det(M) < 0$ etex, 0.5[A[0],A[2]]); +endfig; + +figtag("rybi_motivace"); +beginfig(5); + u := 0.3cm; + def draw_fish(expr pos,size,rot) = + draw ((-1.3u*size,0){dir 60}..{right}(u*size,-u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; + draw ((-1.3u*size,0){dir -50}..{right}(u*size,u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; + draw ((u*size,-u*size/4)--(u*size,u*size/4)) rotated rot shifted pos; + draw (-1u*size,u*size/15) rotated rot shifted pos withpen pencircle scaled (u/8); + for i:=1 upto 3: draw (dirs((u*size,-u*size/4+i*u*size/8), 180, u*size/6)) rotated rot shifted pos; endfor + enddef; + + pair A[],B[]; + A[0] := (-7cm, 0cm); + A[1] := (-6.2cm, 0.9cm); + A[2] := (-4.6cm,1.5cm); + A[3] := (-2.4cm,1.8cm); + A[4] := (-0.8cm,1.5cm); + A[5] := (0.4cm,0.6cm); + A[6] := (0.8cm,-0.10cm); + A[7] := (-1.6cm,-1.9cm); + A[8] := (-4cm,-2.1cm); + A[9] := (-6cm, -1.5cm); + A[10] := (-7cm, 0cm); + + B[0] := (-2.2cm, 0.7cm); + B[1] := (-1.2cm, 0.1cm); + B[2] := (-2.6cm, -0.6cm); + B[3] := (-3.6cm, -0.4cm); + B[4] := (-3cm, 0.6cm); + B[5] := (-2.6cm, 1cm); + B[6] := (-1cm, -1.2cm); + B[7] := (-6.5cm, 0.2cm); + B[8] := (-5cm, 0.8cm); + B[9] := (-6cm, -0.6cm); + B[10] := (-5cm, -1.2cm); + + for i:=0 upto 9: draw_fish(A[i], 1, 0); endfor; + for i:=0 upto 10: draw_fish(B[i], 1, 0); endfor; + draw createpath(for i:=0 upto 9: A[i]-- endfor cycle) scaled 1.13 shifted (0.4cm,0) withpen boldpen; +endfig; + +figtag("provazkovy_algoritmus"); +beginfig(6); + pickup boldpen; + pair A[],B[],u; u := (-3cm, 0); + for i := 0 upto 3: A[i] := u rotated (-30*i) yscaled 0.7; endfor; + A[2] := A[2] + (0,0.1cm); + draw for i:=0 upto 2: A[i]-- endfor A[3]; + drawarrow ((u/2) for i:=1 upto 3: ..u/2 rotated (-30*i) endfor) yscaled 0.7 withpen normalpen; + B[0] := (-2cm,0.5cm); + B[1] := (-1cm,1.5cm); + B[2] := (-0.5cm,0.2cm); + for i:=0 upto 2: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + + path ub; ub := (-20cm,3cm)--(20cm,3cm); + + numeric ang[]; ang[0] = 90; ang[1] = angle(A[1]-A[0]); ang[2] = angle(A[2]-A[1]); ang[3] = angle(A[3]-A[2]); + for i:=0 upto 2: + draw reverse(dirs(A[i],ang[i],6cm) cutafter ub) withpen normalpen dashed evenly; + l := 1cm + (i-1)*0.2cm; + drawarrow from(A[i],ang[i],l)..from(A[i],(ang[i]+ang[i+1])/2,l)..from(A[i],ang[i+1],l) withpen normalpen; + endfor + + for i:=0 upto 3: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor; +endfig; + +figtag("naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal"); +beginfig(7); + pair A[], C; + label.lrt(btex $Q_i$ etex, (1.5cm,-0.8cm)); + pickup boldpen; + + C := (-4cm,-0.3cm); + for i:=0 upto 6: + A[i] := (2cm,0) rotated (360*i/7+5) yscaled 0.7; + draw vertex(A[i]); + endfor; + draw for i:=0 upto 6: A[i]-- endfor cycle withpen normalpen; + draw C--A[2] dashed evenly; + + draw dirs(C, -140, 0.5cm); + drawemptyvertex(A[2]); + drawemptyvertex(C); + drawdblarrow (fullcircle scaled 2cm rotated (360*2/7-5) yscaled 0.7) cutbefore (origin--(3cm,0) rotated (360*2/7+25)) withpen normalpen; + %drawarrow C+(0,0.5cm){dir 60}..A[2]+(0,0.5cm) withpen normalpen; + %drawarrow 0.6A[5]{dir 170}..(0.6A[3] rotated -15) withpen normalpen; + %drawarrow 0.7A[6]{dir 60}..(0.5A[1] rotated 30) withpen normalpen; +endfig; +end diff --git a/old/7-geom/7-geom.tex b/old/7-geom/7-geom.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d600d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/7-geom.tex @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{7}{Geometrické algoritmy}{(sepsal Pavel Klavík)} + +\>Uká¾eme si nìkolik základních algoritmù na øe¹ení geometrických problémù v~rovinì. Proè zrovna v~rovinì? Inu, jednorozmìrné problémy bývají triviální +a naopak pro vy¹¹í dimenze jsou velice komplikované. Rovina je proto rozumným kompromisem mezi obtí¾ností a zajímavostí. + +Celou kapitolou nás bude provázet pohádka ze ¾ivota ledních medvìdù. Pokusíme se vyøe¹it jejich \uv{ka¾dodenní} problémy~\dots + +\h{Hledání konvexního obalu} + +{\I Daleko na severu ¾ili lední medvìdi. Ve vodách tamního moøe byla hojnost ryb a jak je známo, ryby jsou oblíbenou pochoutkou ledních medvìdù. +Proto¾e medvìdi z~na¹í pohádky rozhodnì nejsou ledajací a ani chytrost jim neschází, rozhodli se v¹echny ryby pochytat. Znají pøesná místa výskytu +ryb a rádi by vyrobili obrovskou sí», do které by je v¹echny chytili. Pomozte medvìdùm zjistit, jaký nejmen¹í obvod taková sí» mù¾e mít.} + +\figure{7-geom5_rybi_motivace.eps}{Problém ledních mìdvìdù: Jaký je nejmen¹í obvod sítì?}{3in} + +Neboli v~øeèi matematické, chceme pro zadanou mno¾inu bodù v~rovinì nalézt její konvexní obal. Co je to konvexní obal? Mno¾ina bodù je {\I konvexní}, +pokud pro ka¾dé dva body obsahuje i celou úseèku mezi nimi. {\I Konvexní obal} je nejmen¹í konvexní podmno¾ina roviny, která obsahuje v¹echny zadané +body.\foot{Pamatujete si na lineární obaly ve vektorových prostorech? Lineární obal mno¾iny vektorù je nejmen¹í vektorový podprostor, který tyto +vektory obsahuje. Není náhoda, ¾e tato definice pøipomíná definici konvexního obalu. Na druhou stranu ka¾dý vektor z~lineárního obalu lze vyjádøit +jako lineární kombinaci daných vektorù. Podobnì platí i pro konvexní obaly, ¾e ka¾dý bod z~obalu je konvexní kombinací daných bodù. Ta se li¹í od +lineární v~tom, ¾e v¹echny koeficienty jsou v~intervalu $[0,1]$ a navíc souèet v¹ech koeficientù je $1$. Tento algebraický pohled mù¾e mnohé vìci +zjednodu¹it. Zkuste si dokázat, ¾e obì definice konvexního obalu jsou ekvivalentní.} Z~algoritmického hlediska nás v¹ak bude zajímat jenom jeho +hranice, kterou budeme dále oznaèovat jako konvexní obal. + +Na¹ím úkolem je nalézt konvexní obal koneèné mno¾iny bodù. To je v¾dy konvexní mnohoúhelník, navíc s~vrcholy v~zadaných bodech. Øe¹ením problému tedy +bude posloupnost bodù, které tvoøí konvexní obal. Pro malé mno¾iny je konvexní obal nakreslen na obrázku, pro více bodù je v¹ak situace mnohem +slo¾itìj¹í. + +\figure{7-geom1_male_obaly.eps}{Konvexní obaly malých mno¾in.}{3in} + +Pro jednoduchost budeme pøedpokládat, ¾e v¹echny body mají rùzné $x$-ové souøadnice. Tedy utøídìní bodù zleva doprava je urèené jednoznaènì.\foot{To si +mù¾eme dovolit pøedpokládat, nebo» se v¹emi body staèí nepatrnì pootoèit. Tím konvexní obal urèitì nezmìníme. Av¹ak jednodu¹¹í øe¹ení je naprogramovat +tøídìní lexikograficky (druhotnì podle souøadnice $y$) a vyøadit identické body.} Tím máme zaji¹tìné, ¾e existují dva body, nejlevìj¹í a +nejpravìj¹í, pro které platí následující invariant: + +\s{Invariant:} Nejlevìj¹í a nejpravìj¹í body jsou v¾dy v~konvexním obalu. + +Algoritmus na nalezení konvexního obalu funguje na následujícím jednoduchém principu, kterému se nìkdy øíká {\I zametání roviny}. Procházíme body +zleva doprava a postupnì roz¹iøujeme doposud nalezený konvexní obal o~dal¹í body. Na zaèátku bude konvexní obal jediného bodu samotný bod. Na konci +$k$-tého kroku algoritmu známe konvexní obal prvních $k$ bodù. Kdy¾ algoritmus skonèí, známe hledaný konvexní obal. Podle invariantu musíme v~$k$-tém +kroku pøidat do obalu $k$-tý nejlevìj¹í bod. Zbývá si jen rozmyslet, jak pøesnì tento bod pøidat. + +Pøidání dal¹ího bodu do konvexního obalu funguje, jak je naznaèeno na obrázku. Podle invariantu víme, ¾e bod nejvíc vpravo je souèástí konvexního +obalu. Za nìj napojíme novì pøidávaný bod. Tím jsme získali nìjaký obal, ale zpravidla nebude konvexní. To lze v¹ak snadno napravit, staèí +odebírat body, v obou smìrech podél konvexního obalu, tak dlouho, dokud nezískáme konvexní obal. Na pøíkladu z obrázku nemusíme po smìru hodinových +ruèièek odebrat ani jeden bod, obal je v poøádku. Naopak proti smìru hodinových ruèièek musíme odebrat dokonce dva body. + +\figure{7-geom2_pridani_bodu.eps}{Pøidání bodu do konvexního obalu.}{4.5in} + +Pro pøípadnou implementaci a rozbor slo¾itosti si nyní popí¹eme algoritmus detailnìji. Aby se lépe popisoval, rozdìlíme si konvexní obal na dvì èásti +spojující nejlevìj¹í a nejpravìj¹í bod obalu. Budeme jim øíkat {\I horní obálka} a {\I dolní obálka}. + +\figure{7-geom3_obalky.eps}{Horní a dolní obálka konvexního obalu.}{3.4in} + +Obì obálky jsou lomené èáry, navíc horní obálka poøád zatáèí doprava a dolní naopak doleva. Pro udr¾ování bodù v~obálkách staèí dva zásobníky. +V~$k$-tém kroku algoritmu pøidáme zvlá¹» $k$-tý bod do horní i dolní obálky. Pøidáním $k$-tého bodu se v¹ak mù¾e poru¹it smìr, ve kterém obálka +zatáèí. Proto budeme nejprve body z~obálky odebírat a $k$-tý bod pøidáme a¾ ve chvíli, kdy jeho pøidání smìr zatáèení neporu¹í. + +\s{Algoritmus:} + +\algo + +\:Setøídíme body podle $x$-ové souøadnice, oznaème body $b_1, \ldots, b_n$. +\:Vlo¾íme do horní a dolní obálky bod $b_1$: $H = D = (b_1)$. +\:Pro ka¾dý dal¹í bod $b = b_2,\ldots,b_n$: +\::Pøepoèítáme horní obálku: +\:::Dokud $\vert H\vert \ge 2$, $H = (\ldots, h_{k-1}, h_k)$ a úhel $h_{k-1} h_k b$ je orientovaný doleva: +\::::Odebereme poslední bod $h_k$ z~obálky $H$. +\:::Pøidáme bod $b$ do obálky $H$. +\::Symetricky pøepoèteme dolní obálku (s orientací doprava). +\: Výsledný obal je tvoøen body v~obálkách $H$ a $D$. + +\endalgo + +Rozebereme si èasovou slo¾itost algoritmu. Setøídit body podle $x$-ové souøadnice doká¾eme v~èase $\O(n \log n)$. Pøidání dal¹ího bodu do obálek +trvá lineárnì vzhledem k~poètu odebraných bodù. Zde vyu¾ijeme obvyklý postup: Ka¾dý bod je odebrán nejvý¹e jednou, a tedy v¹echna odebrání trvají +dohromady $\O(n)$. Konvexní obal doká¾eme sestrojit v~èase $\O(n \log n)$, a pokud bychom mìli seznam bodù ji¾ utøídený, doká¾eme to dokonce v +$\O(n)$. + +\s{Algebraický dodatek:} Existuje jednoduchý postup, jak zjistit orientaci úhlu? Uká¾eme si jeden zalo¾ený na lineární algebøe. Budou se hodit +vlastnosti determinantu. Absolutní hodnota determinantu je objem rovnobì¾nostìnu urèeného øádkovými vektory matice. Dùle¾itìj¹í v¹ak je, ¾e znaménko +determinantu urèuje \uv{orientaci} vektorù, zda je levotoèivá èi pravotoèivá. Proto¾e ná¹ problém je rovinný, budeme uva¾ovat determinanty matic $2 +\times 2$. + +Uva¾me souøadnicový systém v~rovinì, kde $x$-ová souøadnice roste smìrem doprava a~$y$-ová smìrem nahoru. Chceme zjistit orientaci úhlu $h_{k-1} h_k +b$. Polo¾me $\vec u = (x_1, y_1)$ jako rozdíl souøadnic $h_k$ a~$h_{k-1}$ a podobnì $\vec v = (x_2, y_2)$ je rozdíl souøadnic $b$ a~$h_k$. Matice $M$ +je definována následovnì: +$$M = \pmatrix{\vec u \cr \vec v} = \pmatrix {x_1&y_1\cr x_2&y_2}.$$ +Úhel $h_{k-1} h_k b$ je orientován doleva, právì kdy¾ $\det M = x_1y_2 - x_2y_1$ je nezáporný,\foot{Neboli vektory $\vec u$ a $\vec v$ odpovídají +rozta¾ení a zkosení vektorù báze $\vec x = (1,0)$ a $\vec y = (0,1)$, pro nì¾ je determinant nezáporný.} a spoèítat hodnotu determinantu je jednoduché. +Mo¾né situace jsou nakresleny na obrázku. Poznamenejme, ¾e k~podobnému vzorci se lze také dostat pøes vektorový souèin vektorù $\vec u$ a $\vec v$. + +\figure{7-geom4_determinant.eps}{Jak vypadají determinanty rùzných znamének v~rovinì.}{4.6in} + +\s{©lo by to vyøe¹it rychleji?} Také vám vrtá hlavou, zda existují rychlej¹í algoritmy? Na závìr si uká¾eme nìco, co na pøedná¹ce nebylo.\foot{A také +se nebude zkou¹et.} Nejrychlej¹í známý algoritmus, jeho¾ autorem je T.~Chan, funguje v~èase $\O(n \log h)$, kde $h$ je poèet bodù le¾ících na +konvexním obalu, a pøitom je pøekvapivì jednoduchý. Zde si naznaèíme, jak tento algoritmus funguje. + +Algoritmus pøichází s~následující my¹lenkou. Pøedpokládejme, ¾e bychom znali velikost konvexního obalu $h$. Rozdìlíme body libovolnì do $\lceil {n +\over h} \rceil$ mno¾in $Q_1, \ldots, Q_k$ tak, ¾e $\vert Q_i \vert \le h$. Pro ka¾dou z~tìchto mno¾in nalezneme konvexní obal pomocí vý¹e popsaného +algoritmu. To doká¾eme pro jednu v~èase $\O(h \log h)$ a pro v¹echny v~èase $\O(n \log h)$. V druhé fázi spustíme hledání konvexního obalu pomocí +provázkového algoritmu a pro zrychlení pou¾ijeme pøedpoèítané obaly men¹ích mno¾in. Nejprve popí¹eme jeho my¹lenku. Pou¾ijeme následující pozorování: + +\s{Pozorování:} Úseèka spojující dva body $a$ a $b$ le¾í na konvexním obalu, právì kdy¾ v¹echny ostatní body le¾í pouze na jedné její +stranì.\foot{Formálnì je podmínka následující: Pøímka $ab$ urèuje dvì poloroviny. Úseèka le¾í na konvexním obalu, právì kdy¾ v¹echny body le¾í v jedné +z polorovin.} + +Algoritmu se øíká {\I provázkový}, proto¾e svojí èinností pøipomíná namotávání provázku podél konvexního obalu. Zaèneme s bodem, který na konvexním +obalu urèitì le¾í, to je tøeba ten nejlevìj¹í. V ka¾dém kroku nalezneme následující bod po obvodu konvexního obalu. To udìláme napøíklad tak, ¾e +projdeme v¹echny body a vybereme ten, který svírá nejmen¹í úhel s poslední stranou konvexního obalu. Novì pøidaná úseèka vyhovuje pozorování a proto +do konvexního obalu patøí. Po $h$ krocích se dostaneme zpìt k nejlevìj¹ímu bodu a výpoèet ukonèíme. V ka¾dém kroku potøebujeme projít v¹echny body a +vybrat následníka, co¾ doká¾eme v èase $\O(n)$. Celková slo¾itost algoritmu je tedy $\O(n \cdot h)$. + +\twofigures{7-geom6_provazkovy_algoritmus.eps}{Provázkový algoritmus.}{1.25in}{7-geom7_naslednik_pres_konvexni_obal.eps}{Hledání kandidáta v pøedpoèítaném obalu.}{2.5in} + +Provázkový algoritmus funguje, ale má jednu obrovskou nevýhodu -- je toti¾ ukrutnì pomalý. Ký¾eného zrychlení dosáhneme, pokud pou¾ijeme pøedpoèítané +konvexní obaly. Ty umo¾ní rychleji hledat následníka. Pro ka¾dou z mno¾in $Q_i$ najdeme zvlá¹» kandidáta a poté z nich vybereme toho nejlep¹ího. +Mo¾ný kandidát v¾dy le¾í na konvexním obalu mno¾iny $Q_i$. Vyu¾ijeme toho, ¾e body obalu jsou \uv{uspoøádané}, i kdy¾ trochu netypicky do kruhu. +Kandidáta mù¾eme hledat metodou pùlení intervalu, i kdy¾ detaily jsou malièko slo¾itìj¹í ne¾ je obvyklé. Jak pùlit zjistíme podle smìru zatáèení +konvexního obalu. Detaily si rozmyslí ètenáø sám. + +Èasová slo¾itost pùlení je $\O(\log h)$ pro jednu mno¾inu. Mno¾in je nejvý¹e $\O({n \over h})$, tedy následující bod konvexního obalu nalezneme v èase +$\O({n \over h} \log h)$. Celý obal nalezneme ve slibovaném èase $\O(n \log h)$. + +Popsanému algoritmu schází jedna dùle¾itá vìc: Ve skuteènosti vìt¹inou neznáme velikost $h$. Budeme proto algoritmus iterovat s~rostoucí hodnotou $h$, +dokud konvexní obal nesestrojíme. Pokud pøi slepování konvexních obalù zjistíme, ¾e konvexní obal je vìt¹í ne¾ $h$, výpoèet ukonèíme. Zbývá je¹tì +zvolit, jak rychle má $h$ rùst. Pokud by rostlo moc pomalu, budeme poèítat zbyteènì mnoho fází, naopak pøi rychlém rùstu by nás poslední fáze mohla +stát pøíli¹ mnoho. + +V~$k$-té iteraci polo¾íme $h = 2^{2^k}$. Dostáváme celkovou slo¾itost algoritmu: +$$\sum_{m=0}^{\O(\log \log h)} \O(n \log 2^{2^m}) = \sum_{m=0}^{\O(\log \log h)} \O(n \cdot 2^m) = \O(n \log h),$$ +kde poslední rovnost dostaneme jako souèet prvních $\O(\log \log h)$ èlenù geometrické øady $\sum 2^m$. + +\bye diff --git a/old/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps b/old/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94a501d --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/7-geom1_male_obaly.eps @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -13 -35 216 12 +%%HiResBoundingBox: -12.12236 -34.76685 215.33812 11.24376 +%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 +%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 6e:8 +%*Font: cmr10 9.96265 9.96265 31:f008 +%%BeginProlog +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 1.99252 0 moveto +1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto +1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto +-0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto +-1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto +-1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +-1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto +0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 1.99252 0 moveto +1.99252 0.52847 1.78256 1.03523 1.4089 1.4089 curveto +1.03523 1.78256 0.52847 1.99252 0 1.99252 curveto +-0.52847 1.99252 -1.03523 1.78256 -1.4089 1.4089 curveto +-1.78256 1.03523 -1.99252 0.52847 -1.99252 0 curveto +-1.99252 -0.52847 -1.78256 -1.03523 -1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +-1.03523 -1.78256 -0.52847 -1.99252 0 -1.99252 curveto +0.52847 -1.99252 1.03523 -1.78256 1.4089 -1.4089 curveto +1.78256 -1.03523 1.99252 -0.52847 1.99252 0 curveto closepath stroke +-12.12236 -34.76685 moveto +(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +-3.37506 -34.76685 moveto +(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +7.14095 -34.76685 moveto +(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setlinecap +newpath 48.18887 -5.6692 moveto +62.3621 8.50403 lineto stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 50.1814 -5.6692 moveto +50.1814 -5.14073 49.97144 -4.63397 49.59778 -4.2603 curveto +49.2241 -3.88664 48.71735 -3.67668 48.18887 -3.67668 curveto +47.6604 -3.67668 47.15364 -3.88664 46.77997 -4.2603 curveto +46.40631 -4.63397 46.19635 -5.14073 46.19635 -5.6692 curveto +46.19635 -6.19768 46.40631 -6.70444 46.77997 -7.07811 curveto +47.15364 -7.45177 47.6604 -7.66173 48.18887 -7.66173 curveto +48.71735 -7.66173 49.2241 -7.45177 49.59778 -7.07811 curveto +49.97144 -6.70444 50.1814 -6.19768 50.1814 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 50.1814 -5.6692 moveto +50.1814 -5.14073 49.97144 -4.63397 49.59778 -4.2603 curveto +49.2241 -3.88664 48.71735 -3.67668 48.18887 -3.67668 curveto +47.6604 -3.67668 47.15364 -3.88664 46.77997 -4.2603 curveto +46.40631 -4.63397 46.19635 -5.14073 46.19635 -5.6692 curveto +46.19635 -6.19768 46.40631 -6.70444 46.77997 -7.07811 curveto +47.15364 -7.45177 47.6604 -7.66173 48.18887 -7.66173 curveto +48.71735 -7.66173 49.2241 -7.45177 49.59778 -7.07811 curveto +49.97144 -6.70444 50.1814 -6.19768 50.1814 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 64.35463 8.50403 moveto +64.35463 9.0325 64.14467 9.53926 63.77101 9.91293 curveto +63.39734 10.28659 62.89058 10.49655 62.3621 10.49655 curveto +61.83363 10.49655 61.32687 10.28659 60.9532 9.91293 curveto +60.57954 9.53926 60.36958 9.0325 60.36958 8.50403 curveto +60.36958 7.97556 60.57954 7.4688 60.9532 7.09512 curveto +61.32687 6.72147 61.83363 6.5115 62.3621 6.5115 curveto +62.89058 6.5115 63.39734 6.72147 63.77101 7.09512 curveto +64.14467 7.4688 64.35463 7.97556 64.35463 8.50403 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 64.35463 8.50403 moveto +64.35463 9.0325 64.14467 9.53926 63.77101 9.91293 curveto +63.39734 10.28659 62.89058 10.49655 62.3621 10.49655 curveto +61.83363 10.49655 61.32687 10.28659 60.9532 9.91293 curveto +60.57954 9.53926 60.36958 9.0325 60.36958 8.50403 curveto +60.36958 7.97556 60.57954 7.4688 60.9532 7.09512 curveto +61.32687 6.72147 61.83363 6.5115 62.3621 6.5115 curveto +62.89058 6.5115 63.39734 6.72147 63.77101 7.09512 curveto +64.14467 7.4688 64.35463 7.97556 64.35463 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke +44.57054 -34.76685 moveto +(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +53.31784 -34.76685 moveto +(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +63.83385 -34.76685 moveto +(2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 104.88177 -5.6692 moveto +119.05501 8.50403 lineto +121.88983 -11.33841 lineto + closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 106.8743 -5.6692 moveto +106.8743 -5.14073 106.66434 -4.63397 106.29068 -4.2603 curveto +105.917 -3.88664 105.41025 -3.67668 104.88177 -3.67668 curveto +104.3533 -3.67668 103.84654 -3.88664 103.47287 -4.2603 curveto +103.09921 -4.63397 102.88925 -5.14073 102.88925 -5.6692 curveto +102.88925 -6.19768 103.09921 -6.70444 103.47287 -7.07811 curveto +103.84654 -7.45177 104.3533 -7.66173 104.88177 -7.66173 curveto +105.41025 -7.66173 105.917 -7.45177 106.29068 -7.07811 curveto +106.66434 -6.70444 106.8743 -6.19768 106.8743 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 106.8743 -5.6692 moveto +106.8743 -5.14073 106.66434 -4.63397 106.29068 -4.2603 curveto +105.917 -3.88664 105.41025 -3.67668 104.88177 -3.67668 curveto +104.3533 -3.67668 103.84654 -3.88664 103.47287 -4.2603 curveto +103.09921 -4.63397 102.88925 -5.14073 102.88925 -5.6692 curveto +102.88925 -6.19768 103.09921 -6.70444 103.47287 -7.07811 curveto +103.84654 -7.45177 104.3533 -7.66173 104.88177 -7.66173 curveto +105.41025 -7.66173 105.917 -7.45177 106.29068 -7.07811 curveto +106.66434 -6.70444 106.8743 -6.19768 106.8743 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 121.04753 8.50403 moveto +121.04753 9.0325 120.83757 9.53926 120.46391 9.91293 curveto +120.09024 10.28659 119.58348 10.49655 119.05501 10.49655 curveto +118.52654 10.49655 118.01978 10.28659 117.6461 9.91293 curveto +117.27245 9.53926 117.06248 9.0325 117.06248 8.50403 curveto +117.06248 7.97556 117.27245 7.4688 117.6461 7.09512 curveto +118.01978 6.72147 118.52654 6.5115 119.05501 6.5115 curveto +119.58348 6.5115 120.09024 6.72147 120.46391 7.09512 curveto +120.83757 7.4688 121.04753 7.97556 121.04753 8.50403 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 121.04753 8.50403 moveto +121.04753 9.0325 120.83757 9.53926 120.46391 9.91293 curveto +120.09024 10.28659 119.58348 10.49655 119.05501 10.49655 curveto +118.52654 10.49655 118.01978 10.28659 117.6461 9.91293 curveto +117.27245 9.53926 117.06248 9.0325 117.06248 8.50403 curveto +117.06248 7.97556 117.27245 7.4688 117.6461 7.09512 curveto +118.01978 6.72147 118.52654 6.5115 119.05501 6.5115 curveto +119.58348 6.5115 120.09024 6.72147 120.46391 7.09512 curveto +120.83757 7.4688 121.04753 7.97556 121.04753 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 123.88235 -11.33841 moveto +123.88235 -10.80994 123.6724 -10.30318 123.29874 -9.9295 curveto +122.92506 -9.55585 122.4183 -9.34589 121.88983 -9.34589 curveto +121.36136 -9.34589 120.8546 -9.55585 120.48093 -9.9295 curveto +120.10727 -10.30318 119.89731 -10.80994 119.89731 -11.33841 curveto +119.89731 -11.86688 120.10727 -12.37364 120.48093 -12.74731 curveto +120.8546 -13.12097 121.36136 -13.33093 121.88983 -13.33093 curveto +122.4183 -13.33093 122.92506 -13.12097 123.29874 -12.74731 curveto +123.6724 -12.37364 123.88235 -11.86688 123.88235 -11.33841 curveto closepath + fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 123.88235 -11.33841 moveto +123.88235 -10.80994 123.6724 -10.30318 123.29874 -9.9295 curveto +122.92506 -9.55585 122.4183 -9.34589 121.88983 -9.34589 curveto +121.36136 -9.34589 120.8546 -9.55585 120.48093 -9.9295 curveto +120.10727 -10.30318 119.89731 -10.80994 119.89731 -11.33841 curveto +119.89731 -11.86688 120.10727 -12.37364 120.48093 -12.74731 curveto +120.8546 -13.12097 121.36136 -13.33093 121.88983 -13.33093 curveto +122.4183 -13.33093 122.92506 -13.12097 123.29874 -12.74731 curveto +123.6724 -12.37364 123.88235 -11.86688 123.88235 -11.33841 curveto closepath + stroke +101.26344 -34.76685 moveto +(n) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +110.01074 -34.76685 moveto +(=) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +120.52675 -34.76685 moveto +(3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +newpath 161.57468 -5.6692 moveto +175.74791 8.50403 lineto +178.58273 -11.33841 lineto + closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 163.5672 -5.6692 moveto +163.5672 -5.14073 163.35724 -4.63397 162.98358 -4.2603 curveto +162.60991 -3.88664 162.10315 -3.67668 161.57468 -3.67668 curveto +161.0462 -3.67668 160.53944 -3.88664 160.16577 -4.2603 curveto +159.79211 -4.63397 159.58215 -5.14073 159.58215 -5.6692 curveto +159.58215 -6.19768 159.79211 -6.70444 160.16577 -7.07811 curveto +160.53944 -7.45177 161.0462 -7.66173 161.57468 -7.66173 curveto +162.10315 -7.66173 162.60991 -7.45177 162.98358 -7.07811 curveto +163.35724 -6.70444 163.5672 -6.19768 163.5672 -5.6692 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 163.5672 -5.6692 moveto +163.5672 -5.14073 163.35724 -4.63397 162.98358 -4.2603 curveto +162.60991 -3.88664 162.10315 -3.67668 161.57468 -3.67668 curveto +161.0462 -3.67668 160.53944 -3.88664 160.16577 -4.2603 curveto +159.79211 -4.63397 159.58215 -5.14073 159.58215 -5.6692 curveto +159.58215 -6.19768 159.79211 -6.70444 160.16577 -7.07811 curveto +160.53944 -7.45177 161.0462 -7.66173 161.57468 -7.66173 curveto +162.10315 -7.66173 162.60991 -7.45177 162.98358 -7.07811 curveto +163.35724 -6.70444 163.5672 -6.19768 163.5672 -5.6692 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 177.74043 8.50403 moveto +177.74043 9.0325 177.53047 9.53926 177.15681 9.91293 curveto +176.78314 10.28659 176.27638 10.49655 175.74791 10.49655 curveto +175.21944 10.49655 174.71268 10.28659 174.339 9.91293 curveto +173.96535 9.53926 173.75539 9.0325 173.75539 8.50403 curveto +173.75539 7.97556 173.96535 7.4688 174.339 7.09512 curveto +174.71268 6.72147 175.21944 6.5115 175.74791 6.5115 curveto +176.27638 6.5115 176.78314 6.72147 177.15681 7.09512 curveto +177.53047 7.4688 177.74043 7.97556 177.74043 8.50403 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 177.74043 8.50403 moveto +177.74043 9.0325 177.53047 9.53926 177.15681 9.91293 curveto +176.78314 10.28659 176.27638 10.49655 175.74791 10.49655 curveto +175.21944 10.49655 174.71268 10.28659 174.339 9.91293 curveto +173.96535 9.53926 173.75539 9.0325 173.75539 8.50403 curveto +173.75539 7.97556 173.96535 7.4688 174.339 7.09512 curveto +174.71268 6.72147 175.21944 6.5115 175.74791 6.5115 curveto +176.27638 6.5115 176.78314 6.72147 177.15681 7.09512 curveto +177.53047 7.4688 177.74043 7.97556 177.74043 8.50403 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 180.57526 -11.33841 moveto +180.57526 -10.80994 180.3653 -10.30318 179.99164 -9.9295 curveto +179.61797 -9.55585 179.1112 -9.34589 178.58273 -9.34589 curveto +178.05426 -9.34589 177.5475 -9.55585 177.17383 -9.9295 curveto +176.80017 -10.30318 176.59021 -10.80994 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cmr10 9.96265 fshow +191.39288 -34.76685 moveto +(4) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/7-geom/7-geom2_pridani_bodu.eps b/old/7-geom/7-geom2_pridani_bodu.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6b2b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/7-geom2_pridani_bodu.eps @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -49 -41 287 37 +%%HiResBoundingBox: -48.93608 -40.43207 286.20425 36.75539 +%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 +%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 +%%Pages: 1 +%%BeginProlog +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop + [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath -48.18887 31.18127 moveto +-34.01566 34.01566 lineto +-11.33841 28.34645 lineto +5.6692 5.6692 lineto +11.33841 -19.84242 lineto +-22.67725 -36.85048 lineto +-39.68486 -39.68486 lineto stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath -32.02313 34.01566 moveto +-32.02313 34.54413 -32.2331 35.05089 -32.60675 35.42456 curveto +-32.98042 35.79822 -33.48718 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3.67668 5.6692 curveto +3.67668 5.14073 3.88664 4.63397 4.2603 4.2603 curveto +4.63397 3.88664 5.14073 3.67668 5.6692 3.67668 curveto +6.19768 3.67668 6.70444 3.88664 7.07811 4.2603 curveto +7.45177 4.63397 7.66173 5.14073 7.66173 5.6692 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 13.33093 -19.84242 moveto +13.33093 -19.31395 13.12097 -18.80719 12.74731 -18.43352 curveto +12.37364 -18.05986 11.86688 -17.8499 11.33841 -17.8499 curveto +10.80994 -17.8499 10.30318 -18.05986 9.9295 -18.43352 curveto +9.55585 -18.80719 9.34589 -19.31395 9.34589 -19.84242 curveto +9.34589 -20.3709 9.55585 -20.87766 9.9295 -21.25133 curveto +10.30318 -21.62498 10.80994 -21.83495 11.33841 -21.83495 curveto +11.86688 -21.83495 12.37364 -21.62498 12.74731 -21.25133 curveto +13.12097 -20.87766 13.33093 -20.3709 13.33093 -19.84242 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 13.33093 -19.84242 moveto +13.33093 -19.31395 13.12097 -18.80719 12.74731 -18.43352 curveto +12.37364 -18.05986 11.86688 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32.60675 curveto +95.32594 32.98042 95.5359 33.48718 95.5359 34.01566 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 118.21315 28.34645 moveto +118.21315 28.87492 118.00319 29.38168 117.62953 29.75536 curveto +117.25586 30.12901 116.7491 30.33897 116.22063 30.33897 curveto +115.69215 30.33897 115.1854 30.12901 114.81172 29.75536 curveto +114.43806 29.38168 114.2281 28.87492 114.2281 28.34645 curveto +114.2281 27.81798 114.43806 27.31122 114.81172 26.93755 curveto +115.1854 26.56389 115.69215 26.35393 116.22063 26.35393 curveto +116.7491 26.35393 117.25586 26.56389 117.62953 26.93755 curveto +118.00319 27.31122 118.21315 27.81798 118.21315 28.34645 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 118.21315 28.34645 moveto +118.21315 28.87492 118.00319 29.38168 117.62953 29.75536 curveto +117.25586 30.12901 116.7491 30.33897 116.22063 30.33897 curveto +115.69215 30.33897 115.1854 30.12901 114.81172 29.75536 curveto +114.43806 29.38168 114.2281 28.87492 114.2281 28.34645 curveto +114.2281 27.81798 114.43806 27.31122 114.81172 26.93755 curveto +115.1854 26.56389 115.69215 26.35393 116.22063 26.35393 curveto +116.7491 26.35393 117.25586 26.56389 117.62953 26.93755 curveto +118.00319 27.31122 118.21315 27.81798 118.21315 28.34645 curveto closepath + stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 135.22076 5.6692 moveto +135.22076 6.19768 135.0108 6.70444 134.63715 7.07811 curveto +134.26347 7.45177 133.75671 7.66173 133.22824 7.66173 curveto +132.69977 7.66173 132.19301 7.45177 131.81934 7.07811 curveto +131.44568 6.70444 131.23572 6.19768 131.23572 5.6692 curveto +131.23572 5.14073 131.44568 4.63397 131.81934 4.2603 curveto +132.19301 3.88664 132.69977 3.67668 133.22824 3.67668 curveto +133.75671 3.67668 134.26347 3.88664 134.63715 4.2603 curveto +135.0108 4.63397 135.22076 5.14073 135.22076 5.6692 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 135.22076 5.6692 moveto +135.22076 6.19768 135.0108 6.70444 134.63715 7.07811 curveto +134.26347 7.45177 133.75671 7.66173 133.22824 7.66173 curveto +132.69977 7.66173 132.19301 7.45177 131.81934 7.07811 curveto +131.44568 6.70444 131.23572 6.19768 131.23572 5.6692 curveto +131.23572 5.14073 131.44568 4.63397 131.81934 4.2603 curveto +132.19301 3.88664 132.69977 3.67668 133.22824 3.67668 curveto +133.75671 3.67668 134.26347 3.88664 134.63715 4.2603 curveto +135.0108 4.63397 135.22076 5.14073 135.22076 5.6692 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 140.88997 -19.84242 moveto +140.88997 -19.31395 140.68001 -18.80719 140.30635 -18.43352 curveto +139.93268 -18.05986 139.42592 -17.8499 138.89745 -17.8499 curveto +138.36897 -17.8499 137.86221 -18.05986 137.48854 -18.43352 curveto +137.11488 -18.80719 136.90492 -19.31395 136.90492 -19.84242 curveto +136.90492 -20.3709 137.11488 -20.87766 137.48854 -21.25133 curveto +137.86221 -21.62498 138.36897 -21.83495 138.89745 -21.83495 curveto +139.42592 -21.83495 139.93268 -21.62498 140.30635 -21.25133 curveto +140.68001 -20.87766 140.88997 -20.3709 140.88997 -19.84242 curveto closepath + fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 140.88997 -19.84242 moveto +140.88997 -19.31395 140.68001 -18.80719 140.30635 -18.43352 curveto +139.93268 -18.05986 139.42592 -17.8499 138.89745 -17.8499 curveto +138.36897 -17.8499 137.86221 -18.05986 137.48854 -18.43352 curveto +137.11488 -18.80719 136.90492 -19.31395 136.90492 -19.84242 curveto +136.90492 -20.3709 137.11488 -20.87766 137.48854 -21.25133 curveto +137.86221 -21.62498 138.36897 -21.83495 138.89745 -21.83495 curveto +139.42592 -21.83495 139.93268 -21.62498 140.30635 -21.25133 curveto +140.68001 -20.87766 140.88997 -20.3709 140.88997 -19.84242 curveto closepath + stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 106.87431 -36.85048 moveto +106.87431 -36.322 106.66435 -35.81525 106.2907 -35.44157 curveto +105.91702 -35.06792 105.41026 -34.85796 104.88179 -34.85796 curveto +104.35332 -34.85796 103.84656 -35.06792 103.47289 -35.44157 curveto +103.09923 -35.81525 102.88927 -36.322 102.88927 -36.85048 curveto +102.88927 -37.37895 103.09923 -37.88571 103.47289 -38.25938 curveto +103.84656 -38.63304 104.35332 -38.843 104.88179 -38.843 curveto +105.41026 -38.843 105.91702 -38.63304 106.2907 -38.25938 curveto +106.66435 -37.88571 106.87431 -37.37895 106.87431 -36.85048 curveto closepath + fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 106.87431 -36.85048 moveto +106.87431 -36.322 106.66435 -35.81525 106.2907 -35.44157 curveto +105.91702 -35.06792 105.41026 -34.85796 104.88179 -34.85796 curveto +104.35332 -34.85796 103.84656 -35.06792 103.47289 -35.44157 curveto +103.09923 -35.81525 102.88927 -36.322 102.88927 -36.85048 curveto +102.88927 -37.37895 103.09923 -37.88571 103.47289 -38.25938 curveto +103.84656 -38.63304 104.35332 -38.843 104.88179 -38.843 curveto +105.41026 -38.843 105.91702 -38.63304 106.2907 -38.25938 curveto +106.66435 -37.88571 106.87431 -37.37895 106.87431 -36.85048 curveto closepath + stroke + 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 96.37776 19.84242 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 110.551 2.83482 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 90.70856 -17.00804 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 157.89801 2.83482 moveto +157.89801 3.3633 157.68805 3.87006 157.31439 4.24373 curveto +156.94072 4.61739 156.43396 4.82735 155.90549 4.82735 curveto +155.37701 4.82735 154.87025 4.61739 154.49658 4.24373 curveto +154.12292 3.87006 153.91296 3.3633 153.91296 2.83482 curveto +153.91296 2.30635 154.12292 1.79959 154.49658 1.42592 curveto +154.87025 1.05226 155.37701 0.8423 155.90549 0.8423 curveto +156.43396 0.8423 156.94072 1.05226 157.31439 1.42592 curveto +157.68805 1.79959 157.89801 2.30635 157.89801 2.83482 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 157.89801 2.83482 moveto +157.89801 3.3633 157.68805 3.87006 157.31439 4.24373 curveto +156.94072 4.61739 156.43396 4.82735 155.90549 4.82735 curveto +155.37701 4.82735 154.87025 4.61739 154.49658 4.24373 curveto +154.12292 3.87006 153.91296 3.3633 153.91296 2.83482 curveto +153.91296 2.30635 154.12292 1.79959 154.49658 1.42592 curveto +154.87025 1.05226 155.37701 0.8423 155.90549 0.8423 curveto +156.43396 0.8423 156.94072 1.05226 157.31439 1.42592 curveto +157.68805 1.79959 157.89801 2.30635 157.89801 2.83482 curveto closepath stroke + 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 170.07872 0 moveto +198.42517 0 lineto stroke +newpath 194.7296 -1.53079 moveto +198.42517 0 lineto +194.7296 1.53079 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 206.9292 31.18127 moveto +221.10242 34.01566 lineto +243.77966 28.34645 lineto +283.46452 2.83482 lineto +266.45648 -19.84242 lineto +232.44083 -36.85048 lineto +215.43321 -39.68486 lineto stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 223.09494 34.01566 moveto +223.09494 34.54413 222.88498 35.05089 222.51132 35.42456 curveto +222.13765 35.79822 221.63089 36.00818 221.10242 36.00818 curveto 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stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 245.77219 28.34645 moveto +245.77219 28.87492 245.56223 29.38168 245.18857 29.75536 curveto +244.8149 30.12901 244.30814 30.33897 243.77966 30.33897 curveto +243.25119 30.33897 242.74443 30.12901 242.37076 29.75536 curveto +241.9971 29.38168 241.78714 28.87492 241.78714 28.34645 curveto +241.78714 27.81798 241.9971 27.31122 242.37076 26.93755 curveto +242.74443 26.56389 243.25119 26.35393 243.77966 26.35393 curveto +244.30814 26.35393 244.8149 26.56389 245.18857 26.93755 curveto +245.56223 27.31122 245.77219 27.81798 245.77219 28.34645 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 245.77219 28.34645 moveto +245.77219 28.87492 245.56223 29.38168 245.18857 29.75536 curveto +244.8149 30.12901 244.30814 30.33897 243.77966 30.33897 curveto +243.25119 30.33897 242.74443 30.12901 242.37076 29.75536 curveto +241.9971 29.38168 241.78714 28.87492 241.78714 28.34645 curveto +241.78714 27.81798 241.9971 27.31122 242.37076 26.93755 curveto +242.74443 26.56389 243.25119 26.35393 243.77966 26.35393 curveto +244.30814 26.35393 244.8149 26.56389 245.18857 26.93755 curveto +245.56223 27.31122 245.77219 27.81798 245.77219 28.34645 curveto closepath + stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 268.449 -19.84242 moveto +268.449 -19.31395 268.23904 -18.80719 267.86539 -18.43352 curveto +267.49171 -18.05986 266.98495 -17.8499 266.45648 -17.8499 curveto +265.92801 -17.8499 265.42125 -18.05986 265.04758 -18.43352 curveto +264.67392 -18.80719 264.46396 -19.31395 264.46396 -19.84242 curveto +264.46396 -20.3709 264.67392 -20.87766 265.04758 -21.25133 curveto +265.42125 -21.62498 265.92801 -21.83495 266.45648 -21.83495 curveto +266.98495 -21.83495 267.49171 -21.62498 267.86539 -21.25133 curveto +268.23904 -20.87766 268.449 -20.3709 268.449 -19.84242 curveto closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 268.449 -19.84242 moveto +268.449 -19.31395 268.23904 -18.80719 267.86539 -18.43352 curveto +267.49171 -18.05986 266.98495 -17.8499 266.45648 -17.8499 curveto +265.92801 -17.8499 265.42125 -18.05986 265.04758 -18.43352 curveto +264.67392 -18.80719 264.46396 -19.31395 264.46396 -19.84242 curveto +264.46396 -20.3709 264.67392 -20.87766 265.04758 -21.25133 curveto +265.42125 -21.62498 265.92801 -21.83495 266.45648 -21.83495 curveto +266.98495 -21.83495 267.49171 -21.62498 267.86539 -21.25133 curveto +268.23904 -20.87766 268.449 -20.3709 268.449 -19.84242 curveto closepath stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 234.43335 -36.85048 moveto +234.43335 -36.322 234.22339 -35.81525 233.84973 -35.44157 curveto +233.47606 -35.06792 232.9693 -34.85796 232.44083 -34.85796 curveto +231.91235 -34.85796 231.4056 -35.06792 231.03192 -35.44157 curveto +230.65826 -35.81525 230.4483 -36.322 230.4483 -36.85048 curveto +230.4483 -37.37895 230.65826 -37.88571 231.03192 -38.25938 curveto +231.4056 -38.63304 231.91235 -38.843 232.44083 -38.843 curveto +232.9693 -38.843 233.47606 -38.63304 233.84973 -38.25938 curveto +234.22339 -37.88571 234.43335 -37.37895 234.43335 -36.85048 curveto closepath + fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 234.43335 -36.85048 moveto +234.43335 -36.322 234.22339 -35.81525 233.84973 -35.44157 curveto +233.47606 -35.06792 232.9693 -34.85796 232.44083 -34.85796 curveto +231.91235 -34.85796 231.4056 -35.06792 231.03192 -35.44157 curveto +230.65826 -35.81525 230.4483 -36.322 230.4483 -36.85048 curveto +230.4483 -37.37895 230.65826 -37.88571 231.03192 -38.25938 curveto +231.4056 -38.63304 231.91235 -38.843 232.44083 -38.843 curveto +232.9693 -38.843 233.47606 -38.63304 233.84973 -38.25938 curveto +234.22339 -37.88571 234.43335 -37.37895 234.43335 -36.85048 curveto closepath + stroke + 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 223.9368 19.84242 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 238.11003 2.83482 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 218.2676 -17.00804 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 260.78728 5.6692 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath 285.45705 2.83482 moveto +285.45705 3.3633 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+-14.67616 -2.49065 moveto +(M) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +-3.92485 -2.49065 moveto +(\)) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +2.71684 -2.49065 moveto +(>) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +13.23294 -2.49065 moveto +(0) cmr10 9.96265 fshow + 0 1.4944 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 85.03935 14.17322 moveto +112.25214 0.56683 lineto stroke +newpath 108.26227 0.85036 moveto +112.25214 0.56683 lineto +109.63141 3.58864 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 113.3858 0 moveto +140.59859 -13.6064 lineto stroke +newpath 136.60872 -13.32288 moveto +140.59859 -13.6064 lineto +137.97786 -10.5846 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke + 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 85.03935 14.17322 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 113.3858 0 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 141.73225 -14.17323 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +61.36482 11.87625 moveto +(h) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +67.10492 10.38185 moveto +(k) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow +71.50853 10.38185 moveto 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+1,106 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -125 -42 59 41 +%%HiResBoundingBox: -124.99023 -41.30498 58.47002 40.5129 +%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 +%%CreationDate: 2009.11.17:1821 +%%Pages: 1 +%*Font: cmmi10 9.96265 9.96265 51:8 +%*Font: cmmi7 6.97385 6.97385 69:8 +%%BeginProlog +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +44.50406 -31.46942 moveto +(Q) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +52.38007 -32.96382 moveto +(i) cmmi7 6.97385 fshow + 0 3.98505 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash + 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit +newpath 56.4775 3.45886 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 31.34996 33.06506 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath -17.38435 37.77316 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath -53.02762 14.0371 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath -48.74036 -20.26933 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath -7.75012 -39.31245 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke +newpath 39.07585 -28.75238 moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke + 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath 56.4775 3.45886 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closepath fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath -15.39183 37.77316 moveto +-15.39183 38.30164 -15.60179 38.8084 -15.97545 39.18207 curveto +-16.34912 39.55573 -16.85588 39.76569 -17.38435 39.76569 curveto +-17.91283 39.76569 -18.41959 39.55573 -18.79326 39.18207 curveto +-19.16692 38.8084 -19.37688 38.30164 -19.37688 37.77316 curveto +-19.37688 37.24469 -19.16692 36.73793 -18.79326 36.36426 curveto +-18.41959 35.9906 -17.91283 35.78064 -17.38435 35.78064 curveto +-16.85588 35.78064 -16.34912 35.9906 -15.97545 36.36426 curveto +-15.60179 36.73793 -15.39183 37.24469 -15.39183 37.77316 curveto closepath + stroke + 1 1 1 setrgbcolor +newpath -111.39328 -8.50403 moveto +-111.39328 -7.97556 -111.60324 -7.4688 -111.9769 -7.09512 curveto +-112.35057 -6.72147 -112.85733 -6.5115 -113.3858 -6.5115 curveto +-113.91428 -6.5115 -114.42104 -6.72147 -114.79471 -7.09512 curveto +-115.16837 -7.4688 -115.37833 -7.97556 -115.37833 -8.50403 curveto +-115.37833 -9.0325 -115.16837 -9.53926 -114.79471 -9.91293 curveto +-114.42104 -10.28659 -113.91428 -10.49655 -113.3858 -10.49655 curveto +-112.85733 -10.49655 -112.35057 -10.28659 -111.9769 -9.91293 curveto +-111.60324 -9.53926 -111.39328 -9.0325 -111.39328 -8.50403 curveto closepath + fill + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath -111.39328 -8.50403 moveto +-111.39328 -7.97556 -111.60324 -7.4688 -111.9769 -7.09512 curveto +-112.35057 -6.72147 -112.85733 -6.5115 -113.3858 -6.5115 curveto +-113.91428 -6.5115 -114.42104 -6.72147 -114.79471 -7.09512 curveto +-115.16837 -7.4688 -115.37833 -7.97556 -115.37833 -8.50403 curveto +-115.37833 -9.0325 -115.16837 -9.53926 -114.79471 -9.91293 curveto +-114.42104 -10.28659 -113.91428 -10.49655 -113.3858 -10.49655 curveto +-112.85733 -10.49655 -112.35057 -10.28659 -111.9769 -9.91293 curveto +-111.60324 -9.53926 -111.39328 -9.0325 -111.39328 -8.50403 curveto closepath + stroke + 0 0.59776 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop +newpath -13.54805 17.42911 moveto +-17.04922 16.0954 -20.14311 14.247 -22.5961 11.9799 curveto +-27.13503 7.78497 -29.10814 2.49986 -28.08002 -2.71344 curveto +-27.0519 -7.92674 -23.10701 -12.63998 -17.11423 -15.8172 curveto +-11.12143 -18.99443 -3.57126 -20.37561 3.87636 -19.65593 curveto +11.32397 -18.93625 18.05719 -16.17484 22.5961 -11.9799 curveto +27.13503 -7.78497 29.10814 -2.49986 28.08002 2.71344 curveto +27.0519 7.92674 23.10701 12.63998 17.11423 15.8172 curveto +11.12143 18.99443 3.57126 20.37561 -3.87636 19.65593 curveto stroke +newpath -0.25618 21.35713 moveto +-1.48535 20.85222 -2.69522 20.28448 -3.87636 19.65593 curveto +-2.59671 19.26517 -1.33978 18.81108 -0.1136 18.29893 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath -16.2811 14.50847 moveto +-15.45143 15.5185 -14.53754 16.49489 -13.54805 17.42911 curveto +-14.90833 17.46822 -16.24495 17.42404 -17.5458 17.29652 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/7-geom/Makefile b/old/7-geom/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b06fe95 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=7-geom + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/7-geom/ b/old/7-geom/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2536305 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/7-geom/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +% implementation of figure naming and figure transparency +string name,tag; name := ""; tag := ""; +def updatefigname = + if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c.eps"); + else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & ".eps"); + fi; +enddef; + +def figname(expr n) = name := n; updatefigname; enddef; +def figtag(expr t) = tag := t; updatefigname; enddef; + +picture transparent_picture; +color transparent_color; transparent_color := 0.9white; +def drawtransparent(expr num) = + transparent_picture := currentpicture; +endfig; + +if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c_transparent.eps"); +else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & "_transparent.eps"); +fi; +beginfig(num); + draw transparent_picture withcolor transparent_color; +endfig; + +updatefigname; +enddef; + +def from(expr p,d,len) = + p+dir(d)*len +enddef; + +def dirs(expr p,d,len) = + p--from(p,d,len) +enddef; + +def drawvertices(expr s,n) = + for i:=s upto n: + draw vertex(PQ[i]); + endfor +enddef; + +def drawfvertices(expr s,n,flags) = + for i:=s upto n: + draw vertex(PQ[i]) flags; + endfor +enddef; + +def vertex(expr p) = p withpen pencircle scaled 4pt enddef; +def drawemptyvertex(expr p) = unfill fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; draw fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; enddef; +def drawendpointvertex(expr p) = draw vertex(p) withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted p; enddef; +def createpath(expr p) = shakepath(p, 0.015cm,0.1cm) enddef; +vardef shakepath(expr p,d,l) = + save r,b; + path r; r := point(arctime 0 of p) of p; + b := -1; + for i:=l step l until arclength(p): + r := r--(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*d*b; + b := -b; + endfor + r--point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p +enddef; + +pen normalpen; normalpen := pencircle scaled 0.6pt; +pen boldpen; boldpen := pencircle scaled 1.5pt; +pen bolderpen; bolderpen := pencircle scaled 2pt; +def dotline = withdots scaled 0.82 withpen boldpen enddef; + +vardef unclosedbubblec(expr p,c) = + bubblec((p..reverse p..cycle),c) +enddef; + +vardef bubblec(expr p,c) = + save r; + path r; r := (point(arctime 0 of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime 0 of p) of p rotated 90))*c; + for i:=0.01cm step 0.025cm until arclength(p): + r := r..(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*c; + endfor + r..(point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p rotated 90))*c..cycle +enddef; + +vardef bubble(expr p) = bubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; +vardef unclosedbubble(expr p) = unclosedbubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; diff --git a/old/8-geom2/ b/old/8-geom2/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a44396 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/ @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +input lib + +figname("8-geom2_"); +figtag("usecky"); +beginfig(1); + def drawusecka(expr p,q) = draw vertex(p); draw vertex(q); draw p--q; enddef; + pair A[],B[]; + A0 := origin; B0 := (4cm,1.5cm); + A1 := (0.5cm,1.5cm); B1 := (1cm,0); + A2 := (2cm,1.3cm); B2 := (3cm, -0.9cm); + A3 := (1cm,-1.3cm); B3 := (3.5cm,0); + z0 = whatever[A0,B0]; z0 = whatever[A1,B1]; + z1 = whatever[A0,B0]; z1 = whatever[A2,B2]; + z2 = whatever[A2,B2]; z2 = whatever[A3,B3]; + + for i:=0 upto 2: fill fullcircle scaled 7pt shifted z[i]; drawemptyvertex(z[i]); endfor + for i:=0 upto 3: drawusecka(A[i], B[i]); endfor +endfig; + +figtag("polorovina"); +beginfig(2); + pair A,B; + A := origin; + B := (1.7cm,0.5cm); + an := angle(B-A); + path p; p := from(.5[A,B],an+90,3cm)--from(.5[A,B],an-90,3cm); + fill p--reverse(p shifted (A-0.8[A,B]))--cycle withcolor 0.8white; + %fill p{dir (an+180)}..-0.35[A,B]..{dir an}cycle withcolor 0.8white; + draw p withpen boldpen; + + pair C; C := point(0.9) of p; + drawarrow from(C,an+180,0.1cm)--from(C,an+180,1cm) withpen boldpen; + C := point(0.1) of p; + drawarrow from(C,an+180,0.1cm)--from(C,an+180,1cm) withpen boldpen; + label.rt(btex $p$ etex, point(0.15) of p); + + draw A--B dashed evenly; + drawemptyvertex(A); drawemptyvertex(B); + label.llft(btex $a$ etex, A); + label.urt(btex $b$ etex, B); + label(btex $B_a$ etex, A+2(-0.1cm,0.5cm)); + label(btex $B_b$ etex, B+2(-0.1cm,0.5cm)); +endfig; + +figtag("voroneho_diagram"); +beginfig(3); + u := 1.35cm; + pair A[],B[]; + A0 := origin; A1 := (-u,-u); A2 := (1.3u,-u); A3 := (1.50821u,0.7u); A4 := (0.6u,0.8u); A5 := (0.2u,1.9u); A6 := (-1.3u,1u); + def osa(expr a, b, an,l) = from(.5[a,b], angle(b-a)+an, l) enddef; + vardef prusecik_os(expr p,q,r) = + save b; pair b; + b = whatever[osa(p,q, 90,1cm), osa(p,q,-90,1cm)]; + b = whatever[osa(q,r, 90,1cm), osa(q,r,-90,1cm)]; + b + enddef; + B[0] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A2); B[1] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A6); B[2] := prusecik_os(A0,A4,A6); B[3] := prusecik_os(A4,A5,A6); + B[4] := prusecik_os(A3,A4,A5); B[5] := prusecik_os(A0,A3,A4); B[6] := prusecik_os(A0,A2,A4); + draw osa(A1,A2,-90,2cm)--B[0]--B[1]--osa(A1,A6,90,1.3cm) withpen boldpen; + draw B[1]--B[2]--B[3]--osa(A6,A5,90,2cm) withpen boldpen; + draw B[3]--B[4]--osa(A3,A5,-90,2.7cm) withpen boldpen; + draw B[4]--B[5]--B[2] withpen boldpen; + draw B[5]--B[6]--osa(A2,A3,-90,1.3cm) withpen boldpen; + draw B[6]--B[0] withpen boldpen; + + draw A0--A1--A2--A0--A6--A1 dashed evenly; + draw A6--A5--A4--A0 dashed evenly; draw A3--A2 dashed evenly; + draw A3--A5 dashed evenly; draw A6--A4--A3 dashed evenly; + + for i:=0 upto 6: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor + for i:=0 upto 6: drawemptyvertex(A[i]); endfor +endfig; + +figtag("pasy_mnohouhelniku"); +beginfig(4); + u := 1.35cm; + pair A[],B[]; + A0 := origin; A1 := (-u,-u); A2 := (1.3u,-u); A3 := (1.50821u,0.7u); A4 := (0.6u,0.8u); A5 := (0.2u,1.9u); A6 := (-1.3u,1u); + def osa(expr a, b, an,l) = from(.5[a,b], angle(b-a)+an, l) enddef; + vardef prusecik_os(expr p,q,r) = + save b; pair b; + b = whatever[osa(p,q, 90,1cm), osa(p,q,-90,1cm)]; + b = whatever[osa(q,r, 90,1cm), osa(q,r,-90,1cm)]; + b + enddef; + def drawline(expr p) = draw ((-2.3u,p)--(2.5u,p)) cutbefore (D0--D1) cutafter (D2--D3) enddef; + B[0] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A2); B[1] := prusecik_os(A0,A1,A6); B[2] := prusecik_os(A0,A4,A6); B[3] := prusecik_os(A4,A5,A6); + B[4] := prusecik_os(A3,A4,A5); B[5] := prusecik_os(A0,A3,A4); B[6] := prusecik_os(A0,A2,A4); + + pair C; C := origin; for i:=0 upto 6: C := C + B[i]; endfor C := C/6; + pair D[]; + D0 := C+(-2.25,2.25)*u; D1 := C+(-2.25,-2.25)*u; D2 := C+(2.25,-2.25)*u; D3 := C+(2.25,2.25)*u; + + draw B[0]--B[1]--B[2]--B[3]--B[4]--B[5]--B[6]--B[0] withpen boldpen; + draw B[5]--B[2] withpen boldpen; + pair E; E := 0.6[B0,B4]; + drawline(ypart(E)); + drawline(ypart(E)) cutbefore (B2--B5) cutafter (B4--B5) dashed evenly withpen bolderpen; + drawemptyvertex(E); + + for i:=0 upto 6: drawline(ypart(B[i])) dashed evenly; endfor + for i:=0 upto 6: draw vertex(B[i]); endfor +endfig; + +figtag("upravy_stromu"); +beginfig(5); + u := 1cm; + draw (0,0.1u)--(2.05u,-2.05u)--(-2.05u,-2.05u)--cycle; + pair A[]; A0 := from(origin,-90,0.1u); A1 := from(A0, -70, 0.5u); A2 := from(A1, -110, 0.5u); A3 := from(A2, -80, 0.5u); A4 := from(A3, -120, 0.45u); + path p; p := createpath(A0--A1--A2--A3--A4); + path q; q := (p scaled 0.93 shifted (-0.15u,-0.15u))--(-1.85u,-1.95u)--cycle; fill q withcolor 0.8white; draw q; + q := (p scaled 0.93 shifted (0.15u,-0.15u))--(1.85u,-1.95u)--cycle; fill q withcolor 0.8white; draw q; + p := createpath(A0--from(A0,-110,0.1u)--A1--A2--A3--A4); draw p withpen boldpen; +endfig; + +figtag("rychla_perzistence"); +beginfig(6); + u := 1cm; + def drawtable(expr p, lab, sa, sb) = + draw centersquare xscaled 2u yscaled (2u/3) shifted (p+(0,u/3)); + draw centersquare xscaled 2u yscaled (2u/3) shifted (p-(0,u/3)); + label(sa, p+(0,u/3)); + label(sb, p-(0,u/3)); +, p-(0,2u/3)); + enddef; + + pair A[]; + for i:=0 upto 2: A[i] := (0,2u) rotated 120i; endfor + drawtable(A1, btex $v$ etex, btex verze 2 etex, btex verze 1 etex); + drawtable(A2, btex $v'$ etex, btex verze 3 etex, ""); + drawtable(A0, btex $u$ etex, btex verze 2 etex, btex verze 1 etex); + + drawarrow from(A[2]+(0,u/3), 180, 7u/6)--from(A[1]+(0,u/3), 0, 7u/6); + drawarrow from(A[0]+(0,-u/3), 180, 7u/6)..{dir -90}from(A[1]+(-3u/4,2u/3), 90, u/6); + drawarrow from(A[0]+(0,u/3), 0, 7u/6)..{dir -90}from(A[2]+(3u/4,2u/3), 90, u/6); +endfig; +end diff --git a/old/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..034b395 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +\input lecnotes.tex + +\prednaska{8}{Geometrie vrací úder}{(sepsal Pavel Klavík)} + +\>Kdy¾ s geometrickými problémy poøádnì nezametete, ony vám to vrátí! Ale kdy¾ u¾ zametat, tak urèitì ne pod koberec a místo smetáku pou¾ijte pøímku. +V této pøedná¹ce nás spolu s dvìma geometrickými problémy samozøejmì èeká pokraèování pohádky o ledních medvìdech. + +{\I Medvìdi vyøe¹ili rybí problém a hlad je ji¾ netrápí. Av¹ak na severu ne¾ijí sami, za sousedy mají Eskymáky. Proto¾e je rozhodnì lep¹í se sousedy +dobøe vycházet, jsou medvìdi a Eskymáci velcí pøátelé. Skoro ka¾dý se se svými pøáteli rád schází. Av¹ak to je musí nejprve nalézt~\dots} + +\h{Hledání prùseèíkù úseèek} + +Zkusíme nejprve Eskymákùm vyøe¹it lokalizaci ledních medvìdù. + +{\I Kdy¾ takový medvìd nemá co na práci, rád se prochází. Na místech, kde se trasy protínají, je zvý¹ená ¹ance, ¾e se dva medvìdi potkají a zapovídají +-- ostatnì co byste èekali od medvìdù. To jsou ta správná místa pro Eskymáka, který chce potkat medvìda. Jenom¾e jak tato køí¾ení najít?} + +Pro zjednodu¹ení pøedpokládejme, ¾e medvìdi chodí po úseèkách tam a zpìt. Budeme tedy chtít nalézt v¹echny prùseèíky úseèek v rovinì. + +\bigskip +\centerline{\epsfxsize=1.5in\epsfbox{8-geom2_0_bear.eps}\hskip 4em\epsfxsize2in\epsfbox{8-geom2_1_usecky.eps}} +\smallskip +\centerline{Problém Eskymákù: Kde v¹ude se køí¾í medvìdí trasy?} +\bigskip + +Pro $n$ úseèek mù¾e existovat a¾ $\Omega(n^2)$ prùseèíkù.\foot{Zkuste takový pøíklad zkonstruovat.} Tedy optimální slo¾itosti by dosáhl i algoritmus, +který by pro ka¾dou dvojici úseèek testoval, zda se protínají. Èasovou slo¾itost algoritmu v¹ak posuzujeme i vzhledem k velikosti výstupu $p$. Typické +rozmístìní úseèek mívá toti¾ prùseèíkù spí¹e pomálu. Pro tento pøípad si uká¾eme podstatnì rychlej¹í algoritmus. + +Pro jednodu¹¹í popis pøedpokládejme, ¾e úseèky le¾í v obecné poloze. To znamená, ¾e ¾ádné tøi úseèky se neprotínají v jednom bodì a prùnikem ka¾dých +dvou úseèek je nejvý¹e jeden bod. Navíc pøedpokládejme, ¾e krajní bod ¾ádné úseèky nele¾í na jiné úseèce a také neexistují vodorovné úseèky. Na závìr si +uká¾eme, jak se s tìmito pøípady vypoøádat. + +Algoritmus funguje na principu zametání roviny, popsaném v minulé pøedná¹ce. Budeme posouvat vodorovnou pøímku odshora dolù. V¾dy, kdy¾ narazíme na +nový prùnik, ohlásíme jeho výskyt. Samozøejmì spojité posouvání nahradíme diskrétním a pøímku v¾dy posuneme do dal¹ího zajímavého bodu. + +Zajímavé události jsou {\I zaèátky úseèek}, {\I konce úseèek} a {\I prùseèíky úseèek}. Po utøídìní známe pro první dva typy událostí poøadí, v jakém +se objeví. Výskyty prùseèíkù budeme poèítat prùbì¾nì, jinak bychom celý problém nemuseli øe¹it. + +V ka¾dém kroku si pamatujeme {\I prùøez} $P$ -- posloupnost úseèek aktuálnì protnutých zametací pøímkou. Tyto úseèky máme utøídìné zleva doprava. Navíc si +udr¾ujeme kalendáø $K$ budoucích událostí. Z hlediska prùseèíkù budeme na úseèky nahlí¾et jako na polopøímky. Pro sousední dvojice úseèek si +udr¾ujeme, zda se jejich smìry nìkde protnou. Algoritmus pro hledání prùnikù úseèek funguje následovnì: + +\s{Algoritmus:} + +\algo + +\:$P \leftarrow \emptyset$. +\:Do $K$ vlo¾íme zaèátky a konce v¹ech úseèek. +\:Dokud $K \ne \emptyset$: +\::Odebereme nejvy¹¹í událost. +\::Pokud je to zaèátek úseèky, zatøídíme novou úseèku do $P$. +\::Pokud je to konec úseèky, odebereme úseèku z $P$. +\::Pokud je to prùseèík, nahlásíme ho a prohodíme úseèky v $P$. +\::Navíc v¾dy pøepoèítáme prùseèíkové události, v¾dy maximálnì dvì odebereme a dvì nové pøidáme. +\endalgo + +Zbývá rozmyslet si, jaké datové struktury pou¾ijeme, abychom prùseèíky nalezli dostateènì rychle. Pro kalendáø pou¾ijeme napøíklad haldu. Prùøez si +budeme udr¾ovat ve vyhledávacím stromì. Poznamenejme, ¾e nemusíme znát souøadnice úseèek, staèí znát jejich poøadí, které se mezi jednotlivými +událostmi nemìní. Pøi pøidávání úseèek procházíme stromem a porovnáváme souøadnice v prùøezu, které prùbì¾nì dopoèítáváme. + +Kalendáø obsahuje v¾dy nejvý¹e $\O(n)$ událostí. Podobnì prùøez obsahuje v ka¾dém okam¾iku nejvý¹e $\O(n)$ úseèek. Jednu událost kalendáøe doká¾eme +o¹etøit v èase $\O(\log n)$. V¹ech událostí je $\O(n+p)$, a tedy celková slo¾itost algoritmu je $\O((n+p) \log n)$. + +Slíbili jsme, ¾e popí¹eme, jak se vypoøádat s vý¹e uvedenými podmínkami na vstup. Události kalendáøe se stejnou $y$-ovou souøadnicí budeme tøídit v +poøadí zaèátky, prùseèíky a konce úseèek. Tím nahlásíme i prùseèíky krajù úseèek a ani vodorovné úseèky nebudou vadit. Podobnì se není tøeba obávat +prùseèíkù více úseèek v jednom bodì. Úseèky jdoucí stejným smìrem, jejich¾ prùnik je úseèka, jsou komplikovanìj¹í, ale lze jejich prùseèíky o¹etøit a +vypsat tøeba souøadnice úseèky tvoøící jejich prùnik. + +Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e Balaban vymyslel efektivnìj¹í algoritmus, který funguje v èase $\O(n \log n + p)$, ale je podstatnì komplikovanìj¹í. + +\h{Hledání nejbli¾¹ích bodù a Voroného diagramy} + +Nyní se pokusíme vyøe¹it i problém druhé strany -- pomù¾eme medvìdùm nalézt Eskymáky. + +{\I Eskymáci tráví vìt¹inu èasu doma, ve svém iglù. Takový medvìd je na své toulce zasnì¾enou krajinou, kdy¾ tu se najednou rozhodne nav¹tívit nìjakého +Eskymáka. Proto se podívá do své medvìdí mapy a nalezne nejbli¾¹í iglù. Má to ale jeden háèek, iglù jsou spousty a medvìd by dávno usnul, ne¾ by +nejbli¾¹í objevil.}\foot{Zlí jazykové by øekli, ¾e medvìdi jsou moc líní a nebo v mapách ani èíst neumí!} + +Popí¹eme si nejprve, jak vypadá medvìdí mapa. Medvìdí mapa obsahuje celou Arktidu a jsou v ní vyznaèena v¹echna iglù. Navíc obsahuje vyznaèené +oblasti tvoøené body, které jsou nejblí¾e k jednomu danému iglù. Takovému schématu se øíká {\I Voroného diagram}. Ten pro zadané body $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ +obsahuje rozdìlení roviny na oblasti $B_1, \ldots, B_n$, kde $B_i$ je mno¾ina bodù, které jsou blí¾e k $x_i$ ne¾ k ostatním bodùm $x_j$. Formálnì jsou +tyto oblasti definovány následovnì: +$$B_i = \left\{y \in {\bb R}^2\ \vert\ \forall j:\rho(x_i,y) \le \rho(x_j,y)\right\},$$ +kde $\rho(x,y)$ znaèí vzdálenost bodù $x$ a $y$. + +Uká¾eme si, ¾e Voroného diagram má pøekvapivì jednoduchou strukturu. Nejprve uva¾me, jak budou vypadat oblasti $B_a$ a $B_b$ pouze pro dva body +$a$ a $b$, jak je naznaèeno na obrázku. V¹echny body stejnì vzdálené od $a$ i $b$ le¾í na pøímce $p$ -- ose úseèky $ab$. Oblasti $B_a$ a $B_b$ +jsou tedy tvoøeny polorovinami ohranièenými osou $p$. Tedy obecnì tvoøí mno¾ina v¹ech bodù bli¾¹ích k $x_i$ ne¾ k $x_j$ nìjakou polorovinu. Oblast +$B_i$ obsahuje v¹echny body, které jsou souèasnì bli¾¹í k $x_i$ ne¾ ke v¹em ostatním bodùm $x_j$ -- tedy le¾í ve v¹ech polorovinách souèasnì. +Ka¾dá z oblastí $B_i$ je tvoøena prùnikem $n-1$ polorovin, tedy je to (mo¾ná neomezený) mnohoúhelník.\foot{Sly¹eli jste u¾ o lineárním programování? +Jak název vùbec nenapoví, {\I lineární programování} je teorii zabývající se øe¹ením a vlastnostmi soustav lineárních nerovnic. Lineární program je +popsaný lineární funkcí, kterou chceme maximalizovat za podmínek popsaných soustavou lineárních nerovnic. Ka¾dá nerovnice urèuje poloprostor, ve +kterém se pøípustná øe¹ení nachází. Proto¾e pøípustné øe¹ení splòuje v¹echny nerovnice zároveò, je mno¾ina v¹ech pøípustných øe¹ení (mo¾ná neomezený) +mnohostìn, obecnì ve veliké dimenzi ${\bb R}^d$, kde $d$ je poèet promìnných. Mno¾iny $B_i$ lze snadno popsat jako mno¾iny v¹ech pøípustných øe¹ení +lineárních programù pomocí vý¹e ukázaných polorovin. Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e dlouho otevøená otázka, zda lze nalézt optimální øe¹ení lineárního +programu v polynomiálním èase, byla pozitivnì vyøe¹ena -- je znám polynomiální algoritmus, kterému se øíká {\I metoda vnitøního bodu}. Na druhou +stranu, pokud chceme najít pøípustné celoèíselné øe¹ení, je úloha NP-úplná a je jednoduché na ni pøevést spoustu optimalizaèních problémù. Dokázat +NP-tì¾kost není pøíli¹ tì¾ké. Na druhou stranu ukázat, ¾e tento problém le¾í v NP, není vùbec jednoduché.} +Pøíklad Voroného diagramu je naznaèen na obrázku. Zadané body jsou oznaèeny prázdnými krou¾ky a hranice oblastí $B_i$ jsou vyznaèené èernými èárami. + +\twofigures{8-geom2_2_polorovina.eps}{Body bli¾¹í k $a$ ne¾ $b$.}{1.25in}{8-geom2_3_voroneho_diagram.eps}{Voroného diagram.}{2.5in} + +Není náhoda, pokud vám hranice oblastí pøipomíná rovinný graf. Jeho vrcholy jsou body, které jsou stejnì vzdálené od alespoò tøí zadaných bodù. Jeho +stìny jsou oblasti $B_i$. Jeho hrany jsou tvoøeny èástí hranice mezi dvìma oblastmi -- body, které mají dvì oblasti spoleèné. Obecnì prùnik dvou +oblastí mù¾e být, v závislosti na jejich sousedìní, prázdný, bod, úseèka, polopøímka nebo dokonce celá pøímka. V dal¹ím textu si pøedstavme, ¾e celý +Voroného diagram uzavøeme do dostateènì velkého obdélníka,\foot{Pøeci jenom i celá Arktida je omezenì velká.} èím¾ dostaneme omezený rovinný graf. + +Poznamenejme, ¾e pøeru¹ované èáry tvoøí hrany duálního rovinného grafu s vrcholy v zadaných bodech. Hrany spojují sousední body na kru¾nicích, které +obsahují alespoò tøi ze zadaných bodù. Napøíklad na obrázku dostáváme skoro samé trojúhelníky, proto¾e vìt¹ina kru¾nic obsahuje pøesnì tøi zadané +body. Av¹ak nalezneme i jeden ètyøúhelník, jeho¾ vrcholy le¾í na jedné kru¾nici. + +Zkusíme nyní odhadnout, jak velký je rovinný graf popisující Voroného diagram. Podle slavné Eulerovy formule má ka¾dý rovinný graf nejvý¹e lineárnì +mnoho vrcholù, hran a stìn -- pro $v$ vrcholù, $e$ hran a $f$ stìn je $e \le 3v-6$ a navíc $v+f = e+2$. Tedy slo¾itost diagramu je lineární vzhledem k +poètu zadaných bodù $n=f$, $\O(n)$. Navíc Voroného diagram lze zkonstruovat v èase $\O(n \log n)$, napøíklad pomocí zametání roviny nebo metodou +rozdìl a panuj. Tím se v¹ak zabývat nebudeme,\foot{Pro zvídavé, kteøí nemají zkou¹ku druhý den ráno: Detaily naleznete v zápiscích z pøedloòského +ADSka.} místo toho si uká¾eme, jak v ji¾ spoèteném Voroného diagramu rychle hledat nejbli¾¹í body. + +\h{Lokalizace bodu uvnitø mnohoúhelníkové sítì} + +Problém medvìdù je najít v medvìdí mapì co nejrychleji nejbli¾¹í iglù. Máme v rovinì sí» tvoøenou mnohoúhelníky. Chceme pro jednotlivé body rychle +rozhodovat, do kterého mnohoúhelníku patøí. Na¹e øe¹ení budeme optimalizovat pro jeden pevný rozklad a obrovské mno¾ství rùzných dotazù, které chceme +co nejrychleji zodpovìdìt.\foot{Pøedstavujme si to tøeba tak, ¾e medvìdùm zprovozníme server. Ten jednou schroustá celou mapu a potom co nejrychleji +odpovídá na jejich dotazy. Medvìdi tak nemusí v mapách nic hledat, staèí se pøipojit na server a poèkat na odpovìï.} Nejprve pøedzpracujeme zadané +mnohoúhelníky a vytvoøíme strukturu, která nám umo¾ní rychlé dotazy na jednotlivé body. + +Uka¾me si pro zaèátek øe¹ení bez pøedzpracování. Rovinu budeme zametat pøímkou shora dolù. Podobnì jako pøi hledání prùseèíkù úseèek, udr¾ujeme si prùøez +pøímkou. V¹imnìte si, ¾e tento prùøez se mìní jenom ve vrcholech mnohoúhelníkù. Ve chvíli, kdy narazíme na hledaný bod, podíváme se, do kterého +intervalu v prùøezu patøí. To nám dá mnohoúhelník, který nahlásíme. Prùøez budeme uchovávat ve vyhledávacím stromì. Takové øe¹ení má slo¾itost $\O(n +\log n)$ na dotaz, co¾ je hroznì pomalé. + +Pøedzpracování bude fungovat následovnì. Jak je naznaèeno na obrázku pøeru¹ovanými èárami, rozøe¾eme si celou rovinu na pásy, bìhem kterých se prùøez +pøímkou nemìní. Pro ka¾dý z nich si pamatujeme stav stromu popisující, jak vypadal prùøez pøi procházení tímto pásem. Kdy¾ chceme lokalizovat nìjaký bod, +nejprve pùlením nalezneme pás, ve kterém se nachází. Poté polo¾íme dotaz na pøíslu¹ný strom. Strom procházíme a po cestì si dopoèítáme souøadnice +prùøezu, a¾ lokalizujeme správný interval v prùøezu. Dotaz doká¾eme zodpovìdìt v èase $\O(\log n)$. Hledaný bod je na obrázku naznaèen prázdným +koleèkem a nalezený interval v prùøezu je vyta¾ený tuènì. + +\figure{8-geom2_4_pasy_mnohouhelniku.eps}{Mnohoúhelníky rozøezané na pásy.}{2.5in} + +Jenom¾e na¹e øe¹ení má jeden háèek: Jak zkonstruovat jednotlivé verze stromu dostateènì rychle? K tomu napomohou {\I èásteènì perzistentní} datové +struktury. Pod perzistencí se myslí, ¾e struktura umo¾òuje uchovávat svoji historii. Èásteènì perzistentní struktury nemohou svoji historii +modifikovat. + +Popí¹eme si, jak vytvoøit perzistentní strom s pamìtí $\O(\log n)$ na zmìnu. Pokud provádíme operaci na stromì, mìní se jenom malá èást stromu. +Napøíklad pøi vkládání do stromu se mìní jenom prvky na jedné cestièce z koøene do listu (a pøípadnì rotací i na jejím nejbli¾¹ím okolí). Proto si +ulo¾íme upravenou cestièku a zbytek stromu budeme sdílet s pøedchozí verzí. Na obrázku je vyznaèena cesta, její¾ vrcholy jsou upravovány. ©edì +oznaèené podstromy navì¹ené na tuto cestu se nemìní, a proto na nì staèí zkopírovat ukazatele. Mimochodem zmìny ka¾dé operace se slo¾itostí $\O(k)$ +lze zapsat v pamìti $\O(k)$, prostì operace nemá tolik èasu, aby mohla pozmìnit pøíli¹ velikou èást stromu. + +\figure{8-geom2_5_upravy_stromu.eps}{Jedna operace mìní pouze okolí cesty -- navì¹ené podstromy se nemìní.}{2in} + +Celková èasová slo¾itost je tedy $\O(n \log n)$ na pøedzpracování Voroného diagramu a vytvoøení persistentního stromu. Kvùli persistenci potøebuje +toto pøedzpracování pamì» $\O(n \log n)$. Na dotaz spotøebujeme èas $\O(\log n)$, nebo» nejprve vyhledáme pùlením pøíslu¹ný pás a poté polo¾íme dotaz +na pøíslu¹nou verzi stromu. Rychleji to ani provést nepùjde, nebo» potøebujeme utøídit souøadnice bodù. + +\s{Lze to lépe?} Na závìr poznamenejme, ¾e se umí provést vý¹e popsaná persistence vyhledávacího stromu v amortizované pamìti $\O(1)$ na zmìnu. Ve +struènosti naznaèíme my¹lenku. Pou¾ijeme stromy, které pøi insertu a deletu provádí amortizovanì jenom konstantnì mnoho úprav své struktury. To nám +napøíklad zaruèí 2-4 stromy z pøedná¹ky a podobnou vlastnost lze dokázat i o èerveno-èerných stromech. Pøi zmìnì potom nebudeme upravovat celou cestu, +ale upravíme jenom jednotlivé vrcholy, kterých se zmìna týká. Ka¾dý vrchol stromu si v sobì bude pamatovat a¾ dvì své verze. Pokud chceme vytvoøit +tøetí verzi, vrchol zkopírujeme stranou. To v¹ak mù¾e vyvolat zmìny v jeho rodièích a¾ do koøene. Situace je naznaèena na obrázku. Pøi vytvoøení nové +verze $3$ pro vrcholu $v$ vytvoøíme jeho kopii $v'$, do které ulo¾íme tuto verzi. Av¹ak musíme také zmìnit rodièe $u$, kterému vytvoøíme novou verzi +ukazující na $v'$. Abychom dosáhli ký¾ené konstantní pamì»ové slo¾itosti, pomù¾e potenciálový argument -- zmìn se provádí amortizovanì jenom +konstantnì mnoho. Navíc si pro ka¾dou verzi pamatujeme její koøen, ze kterého máme dotaz spustit. + +\figure{8-geom2_6_rychla_perzistence.eps}{Vytvoøení nové verze vrcholu.}{2in} + +\bye diff --git a/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e6ec74 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_0_bear.eps @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator by AutoTrace version 0.31.1 +%%Title: /tmp/potraceguiTmp-r4ayx1 +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 15 14:58:41 2009 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 437 436 +%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +/bd { bind def } bind def +/incompound false def +/m { moveto } bd +/l { lineto } bd +/c { curveto } bd +/F { incompound not {fill} if } bd +/f { closepath F } bd +/S { stroke } bd +/*u { /incompound true def } bd +/*U { /incompound false def f} bd +/k { setcmykcolor } bd +/K { k } bd +%%EndProlog +%%BeginSetup +%%EndSetup +0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k +*u +0.889 435 m +0 428 l +0 411 l +0 341 l +0 86 l +0 23 l +0 7 l +0.889 0.889 l +8 0 l +25 0 l +96 0 l +351 0 l +414 0 l +430 0 l +436 0.889 l +437 8 l +437 25 l +437 95 l +437 350 l +437 413 l +437 429 l +436 435 l +430 436 l +414 436 l +351 436 l +96 436 l +25 436 l +8 436 l +0.889 435 l +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k +*u +220 419.384 m +214.258 418.900 209.738 412.732 206 409 c +177 380 l +60 263 l +28 231 l +23.636 226.628 16.983 221.924 17.569 215 c +17.966 210.314 21.922 207 25 204 c +46 183 l +129 100 l +196 33 l +200.988 28 205.847 22.836 211 18 c +214 15 217.488 12.207 222 12.574 c +227.841 13 232.184 19.186 236 23 c +265 52 l +382 169 l +414 201 l +418.273 205.287 424.957 210.210 424.384 217 c +424 221.532 419.960 224.998 417 228 c +396 249 l +313 332 l +246 399 l +241.338 403.662 236.767 408.442 232 412.995 c +228.623 416.220 225 419.811 220 419.384 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k +*u +219 412 m +214.948 411.300 209.819 403.819 207 401 c +178 372 l +67 261 l +35 229 l +31.514 225.513 24 220.491 24.560 215 c +24.855 211.993 29 208.959 31 207 c +51 187 l +128 110 l +197 41 l +213 25 l +215.545 22.496 218 19.178 222 19.560 c +226.217 19.974 231.207 27.207 234 30 c +263 59 l +376 172 l +408 204 l +411.311 207.313 417.952 211.778 417.440 217 c +417 220 412.955 223 411 225 c +391 245 l +315 321 l +245 391 l +229 407 l +225.869 410 223.579 412.979 219 412 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k +*u +172.889 336 m +170.998 334.234 171.922 328.436 172 326 c +172 316 l +172 315.315 171.810 312.961 172.477 312.477 c +176 309.805 188.847 309.482 192.194 313.417 c +195.490 317.290 192.799 320.854 192.352 325 c +192 327.341 192.862 329.614 192.639 331.981 c +192.491 333.552 191.208 334 190.657 335.370 c +189.415 338 183 336.438 181 337 c +179.248 337.464 174.267 337.479 172.889 336 c +f +199.477 336 m +197.564 334.376 198 331.340 198 329 c +197.990 323.328 197.538 317.316 198.931 311.889 c +199.415 309.999 206.643 311.290 208 311 c +210 310.568 217 310 218.347 312.213 c +219 313.445 218 315.202 216.769 315.542 c +213.652 316.376 210.280 315.904 207 316.218 c +206 316.317 203 318.549 204.560 319.806 c +207.259 322 209.274 321.923 212.977 322 c +213.507 322 215.939 322 216 322.884 c +217.293 328.608 210.397 326.742 206.222 327.477 c +204 327.861 205.500 329.966 204.972 330.546 c +204.504 331 207.832 331.907 208 331.917 c +211.432 332 214.994 331.443 217.634 333.528 c +219.388 334.912 215.841 336.844 214.917 336.917 c +211.536 337.181 202 338.521 199.477 336 c +f +230.338 336 m +228.295 335 227.688 331.869 226.958 330 c +224.730 324.291 220.366 317 221.532 311.481 c +221.661 310.858 224.347 311.205 224.667 311.481 c +226.578 313 227.861 315.219 230 316.523 c +231.295 317.239 232.776 316.565 233.995 316.912 c +237.858 318 240.746 308.207 244.468 311.481 c +246.651 313.403 243.853 317.862 243 320 c +240.971 325 238.180 339.804 230.338 336 c +f +249.889 336 m +248.354 334.588 249 330.936 249 329 c +248.998 323.476 248.794 317.918 249.477 312.477 c +249.598 311.508 250.778 311.790 251 311.301 c +251.593 310.671 253.413 311.959 253.523 312.477 c +254.380 316.515 253.694 318.510 257 320.634 c +257.881 321 260.170 318.434 260.528 317.972 c +262 315.967 267.342 307.455 270.912 311.889 c +273.328 314.890 265 319.561 265.773 322.194 c +266.468 324.760 272.683 328.192 269.657 331.981 c +268.721 333 268.751 335.447 266.843 335.935 c +262.844 336.958 259.174 337 255 337 c +253.470 336.994 251 337.309 249.889 336 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k +*u +178.894 331 m +175.494 327.716 183.844 325.552 186 328.454 c +188.896 332 180.705 332.927 178.894 331 c +f +254.894 331 m +251.213 326.883 260.433 324.563 263 327.750 c +266.617 331.934 256.917 333.436 254.894 331 c +f +232.551 328.634 m +230.239 328 228.887 320 233.745 321.778 c +236.325 322.635 234.557 329 232.551 328.634 c +f +178.889 321 m +174.699 317.211 183.708 314.378 186.519 316.889 c +190.905 320.808 181.667 323.697 178.889 321 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k +*u +191 281.667 m +187.598 281.491 184.424 279.269 181 279 c +176.312 278.632 171.746 279.233 167 279 c +165 278.909 163.802 277.516 162 277.333 c +159 277 157.653 281.525 154 280.667 c +149.406 279.587 151.537 275.240 148.833 273 c +146 271 142.648 270.471 140 268 c +137.201 265.387 136 261.817 133.667 259 c +128 252.581 118 247.887 125.333 239 c +129 234.394 134.914 236.592 140 236 c +146 235.298 151.947 233.610 158 233 c +163.838 232.411 169.512 234.560 173.500 229 c +175 226.856 174 220.554 174 218 c +173.289 206.749 173.204 192.607 167 183 c +164.676 179.402 159.544 180.200 156 179.667 c +152.669 179 151 177.726 148.500 176 c +147.781 175.518 150 172.759 150.500 172.500 c +153.358 170.792 156.602 169.829 159.667 168.667 c +160.667 167.333 l +162.518 166.944 165 167.989 167 168 c +183 168 l +185.625 168 188.377 167.483 190.500 169.167 c +191.529 169.983 191.702 173.674 192.667 175 c +197.364 181.457 200.195 187.357 203.333 194.667 c +203.845 195.858 204.811 192.916 205.500 193.667 c +207 195.447 207.656 199.703 208.167 202 c +208.240 202.331 208.803 204 209.500 204 c +210.284 203.846 212.514 199.743 212.833 199 c +214 196 220.921 187.847 217.500 184.167 c +216 182.667 213.839 182.972 212 182.333 c +209.816 181.575 207.994 180 206 179 c +204.473 178 201.266 177 202.500 174.500 c +203.253 172.961 208.668 175 210 175 c +216.398 174.451 221.588 174.301 228 175 c +230.354 175.257 233.749 174 235.500 176.167 c +237.341 178.333 234.792 181.707 235 184 c +235.495 189.469 236.860 194.418 237 200 c +237 202.274 234.495 206.455 237 207.500 c +237.778 207.824 239.525 206.190 240 205.833 c +242 204.322 245 201.297 248 201.667 c +249.619 201.875 249.916 204 252 204 c +255.424 203.804 258.514 202.515 262 202.667 c +263.671 202.739 267.209 206.359 268.833 204.500 c +273.281 199.411 269.573 191.600 269 186 c +268.699 183 270.305 179.854 270.833 177 c +271 175.349 270 174.566 269.667 173.167 c +268.756 169.835 260.413 171 258 170.667 c +255.743 170.232 255.570 168.300 254.333 167.167 c +253.830 166.705 256.982 164.595 257.333 164.500 c +261.464 163.386 265.698 161.604 270 161 c +275 160.292 280.906 160.858 286 161 c +287.716 161 290.445 161.689 291.500 163.167 c +292.792 164.978 290.718 167 291 169 c +291.721 173.780 293.169 177 296 181 c +296.605 181.837 298.469 184 299.667 184 c +301.443 184 301.187 178.924 300.667 178 c +299.458 175.852 295.192 172.406 295 170 c +295 169.426 294.538 166.821 295.500 166.500 c +297.526 165.825 302 165.221 304 166.500 c +306.462 168 306.515 170.989 308.333 173 c +309.907 174.740 312.538 175.896 313.667 178 c +315.182 180.825 315.396 184 316.500 187 c +317.335 189.261 320.545 191.195 320 194 c +319.874 194.648 320.213 196.363 319.500 196.833 c +316.355 198.910 309.258 200.809 310 206 c +310.909 212.358 314 217.622 315.667 224 c +316.469 227.319 315.500 230.385 315.500 233.667 c +315.500 234 316.624 233.212 316.667 235 c +316.794 240.385 312.910 245.980 311.667 251 c +311 253 312.321 255.811 312 258 c +311.407 262 309.438 264.746 306.667 267.667 c +300.930 273.712 291.945 275 284 276.333 c +270.400 278.522 255.739 278.712 242 278.833 c +237 278.877 232.282 276.629 227 277 c +222.577 277.311 218.410 279.514 214 280 c +209.549 280.490 205.317 279.187 201 279 c +199.793 279 198.199 280.779 197 281 c +194.862 281.857 193 281.778 191 281.667 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k +*u +193.667 280.667 m +194.333 280.333 l +193.667 280.667 l +f +143.458 259.954 m +141.215 258.578 143 254.449 145.542 255.968 c +147.778 257.361 145.819 261.401 143.458 259.954 c +f +245 204 m +246 203 l +245 204 l +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k +*u +151 136.431 m +135.811 134.402 140 109.233 155.935 114.630 c +157.896 115.295 159 116.964 159.440 118.935 c +159.514 119.374 159.201 120.989 158.523 121 c +156.450 121 152.662 117.837 151 118.694 c +146.330 121 146.224 124.360 147.755 128.931 c +148.256 130.427 150 130.583 150.764 131.593 c +151.180 132 152.852 131.488 153.259 131.296 c +155.626 130.182 156.589 129.450 159 129.912 c +160.475 130.169 158.905 133.390 158.519 133.792 c +156.610 135.777 153.766 136.800 151 136.431 c +f +194 136.431 m +184.611 135.476 185 127 185.630 120 c +185.762 118.400 187.521 117.479 188 116.218 c +189.515 113.525 195.610 113.681 198 114 c +210.890 116.728 207.324 137.785 194 136.431 c +f +216 136.431 m +210.565 135.253 209 132.430 210 127.282 c +210.497 125.217 213.667 124.763 215 123.764 c +215.651 123.281 221 122 220 120 c +218.205 116.991 215.903 119.227 213.412 120.602 c +212.746 120.969 210.229 122.457 209.597 121 c +206.892 115.219 216.768 112.557 220.995 114.343 c +227.787 117.210 226.459 122.573 221.977 126.787 c +220.979 127.726 215.169 128 215.366 130 c +215.763 134.225 222.344 128.213 224.389 129.954 c +228.562 133.508 218.454 136.962 216 136.431 c +f +236 136.463 m +230.479 135 229.184 132.176 230.648 127 c +231.295 124.826 234.463 124.527 236 123.431 c +236.495 123 241.946 121.856 240.458 120 c +238 117.203 236.256 119 233.593 120.602 c +232.950 120.966 230.506 122.437 229.903 121 c +227 114.785 237.780 112.422 241.981 114.477 c +248.955 117.888 246.399 123.297 241.935 127 c +240.603 128.219 235.701 127.999 235.361 130.213 c +235.178 131.407 236.568 132 237.616 131.880 c +238.533 131.693 243 128.834 243.764 129.843 c +246.780 134 240.666 137.653 236 136.463 c +f +289 136.435 m +278 134.830 278.432 124.904 282.213 117 c +284 113.250 289 115.179 292 114 c +293 113.583 295.953 114.370 296.917 114.931 c +300.480 117 300.863 121.586 299 125 c +298.559 126.223 292.969 126.561 292.218 125.782 c +289.813 123.290 290.675 123.402 293.329 121.199 c +293.520 121 293.934 119.404 293.306 119.546 c +292.334 119.767 290.549 117.303 289 118.542 c +283.964 122.649 283 126.288 288 131 c +290 132.944 294 130 295.972 129.537 c +297.574 129 297.714 130.217 298.769 130.481 c +300 130.797 297 134.307 296.838 134.528 c +294.696 136 291.619 136.819 289 136.435 c +f +164.889 135 m +163.504 133.768 164 130.717 164 129 c +163.990 123.811 162.914 118 166 114.301 c +166.662 113.689 168.383 114.944 168.523 115.477 c +169.325 118.534 168.867 119.944 171.213 121.634 c +171.693 121.980 173.643 120 173.866 119.894 c +175.627 117.978 178.948 112.356 182.375 114.481 c +184.988 116 179.314 120.826 179.519 122.681 c +179.799 125.218 183.810 129.195 181.523 131.977 c +178 136.187 175.387 135.965 170 136 c +168.461 136 166 136.293 164.889 135 c +f +250.866 135 m +249.685 133.907 250 131.499 250 130 c +249.986 125.706 249.844 121.371 250 117 c +250 115.660 251.533 113.311 253 114.912 c +254.315 116 253.995 118.501 254 120 c +254 124.294 254 128.629 253.917 132.917 c +253.837 134.340 252.467 136.689 250.866 135 c +f +258.500 135.500 m +257.396 134.712 258 131 258 130 c +258 124.837 257.691 119.514 258.500 114.500 c +258.723 113 262 114.602 262.500 114.500 c +262.979 114.377 262.999 116.903 263 117 c +263 119.885 262.422 123.423 263.667 126 c +263.520 125.696 265.749 122.414 266 122 c +267.822 118.993 270.714 111.609 275.500 114.500 c +276.480 115 276 118 276 119 c +276 132 l +275.999 132.264 276 136.549 274.833 135.833 c +274.485 135.633 272.791 136.373 272.500 135.500 c +271.614 132.842 272 129.814 272 127 c +271.998 126.781 271.991 123.630 271 124 c +267.210 125.778 265.350 140.385 258.500 135.500 c +f +*U +0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k +*u +169.894 131 m +166.688 127.910 173.922 125.699 176 127.884 c +179.312 131 172 133.301 169.894 131 c +f +192.218 131 m +186.529 127 191 114 198.782 119.477 c +204.460 123.438 199.269 136 192.218 131 c +f +*U +%%Trailer +%%EOF diff --git a/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d33366 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/8-geom2_1_usecky.eps @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +%!PS +%%BoundingBox: -2 -39 116 45 +%%HiResBoundingBox: -1.99252 -38.843 115.37833 44.5122 +%%Creator: MetaPost 0.993 +%%CreationDate: 2010.01.10:1711 +%%Pages: 1 +%%BeginProlog +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 + 0 0 0 setrgbcolor +newpath 28.68358 9.44875 moveto +28.68358 10.37358 28.31613 11.2604 27.66223 11.91432 curveto +27.00832 12.56822 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cmr10 9.96265 fshow +38.84436 -22.10783 moveto +(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +59.35086 -22.10783 moveto +(3) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +45.10683 -57.73378 moveto +(v) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow +50.29343 -54.11838 moveto +(0) cmsy7 6.97385 fshow +newpath -28.34645 56.6929 moveto +28.34645 56.6929 lineto +28.34645 75.59055 lineto +-28.34645 75.59055 lineto + closepath stroke +newpath -28.34645 37.79526 moveto +28.34645 37.79526 lineto +28.34645 56.6929 lineto +-28.34645 56.6929 lineto + closepath stroke +-15.23456 62.93152 moveto +(v) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +-10.25327 62.93152 moveto +(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +10.25323 62.93152 moveto +(2) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +-15.23456 44.03387 moveto +(v) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +-10.25327 44.03387 moveto +(erze) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +10.25323 44.03387 moveto +(1) cmr10 9.96265 fshow +-2.85161 30.50577 moveto +(u) cmmi10 9.96265 fshow + 1 setlinecap +newpath 16.02676 -18.89763 moveto +-16.02676 -18.89763 lineto stroke +newpath -12.3314 -17.36693 moveto +-16.02676 -18.89763 lineto +-12.3314 -20.42833 lineto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath -33.07086 47.24408 moveto +-55.35715 39.70828 -70.35747 18.80147 -70.35747 -4.72441 curveto stroke +newpath -71.7532 -0.9763 moveto +-71.3359 -2.23488 -70.87085 -3.48505 -70.35747 -4.72441 curveto +-69.84409 -3.48505 -69.28891 -2.2722 -68.69403 -1.0872 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +newpath 33.07086 66.14172 moveto +56.41174 50.1016 70.35747 23.59666 70.35747 -4.72441 curveto stroke +newpath 68.74118 -1.06499 moveto +69.3066 -2.2687 69.84563 -3.48874 70.35747 -4.72441 curveto +70.86931 -3.48874 71.35088 -2.2449 71.80225 -0.99394 curveto + closepath +gsave fill grestore stroke +showpage +%%EOF diff --git a/old/8-geom2/Makefile b/old/8-geom2/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..087c424 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +P=8-geom2 + +include ../Makerules diff --git a/old/8-geom2/ b/old/8-geom2/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbeedf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/8-geom2/ @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +% implementation of figure naming and figure transparency +string name,tag; name := ""; tag := ""; +def updatefigname = + if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c.eps"); + else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & ".eps"); + fi; +enddef; + +def figname(expr n) = name := n; updatefigname; enddef; +def figtag(expr t) = tag := t; updatefigname; enddef; + +picture transparent_picture; +color transparent_color; transparent_color := 0.9white; +def drawtransparent(expr num) = + transparent_picture := currentpicture; +endfig; + +if tag="": filenametemplate (name & "%c_transparent.eps"); +else: filenametemplate (name & "%c_" & tag & "_transparent.eps"); +fi; +beginfig(num); + draw transparent_picture withcolor transparent_color; +endfig; + +updatefigname; +enddef; + +def from(expr p,d,len) = + p+dir(d)*len +enddef; + +def dirs(expr p,d,len) = + p--from(p,d,len) +enddef; + +def drawvertices(expr s,n) = + for i:=s upto n: + draw vertex(PQ[i]); + endfor +enddef; + +def drawfvertices(expr s,n,flags) = + for i:=s upto n: + draw vertex(PQ[i]) flags; + endfor +enddef; + +path centersquare; centersquare := (-0.5,-0.5)--(0.5,-0.5)--(0.5,0.5)--(-0.5,0.5)--cycle; + +def vertex(expr p) = p withpen pencircle scaled 4pt enddef; +def drawemptyvertex(expr p) = unfill fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; draw fullcircle scaled 4pt shifted p; enddef; +def drawendpointvertex(expr p) = draw vertex(p) withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted p; enddef; +def createpath(expr p) = shakepath(p, 0.015cm,0.1cm) enddef; +vardef shakepath(expr p,d,l) = + save r,b; + path r; r := point(arctime 0 of p) of p; + b := -1; + for i:=l step l until arclength(p): + r := r--(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*d*b; + b := -b; + endfor + r--point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p +enddef; + +pen normalpen; normalpen := pencircle scaled 0.6pt; +pen boldpen; boldpen := pencircle scaled 1.5pt; +pen bolderpen; bolderpen := pencircle scaled 2pt; +def dotline = withdots scaled 0.82 withpen boldpen enddef; + +vardef unclosedbubblec(expr p,c) = + bubblec((p..reverse p..cycle),c) +enddef; + +vardef bubblec(expr p,c) = + save r; + path r; r := (point(arctime 0 of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime 0 of p) of p rotated 90))*c; + for i:=0.01cm step 0.025cm until arclength(p): + r := r..(point(arctime i of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime i of p) of p rotated 90))*c; + endfor + r..(point(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p)+dir(angle(direction(arctime arclength(p) of p) of p rotated 90))*c..cycle +enddef; + +vardef bubble(expr p) = bubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; +vardef unclosedbubble(expr p) = unclosedbubblec(p,0.12cm) enddef; diff --git a/old/9-fft/9-fft.tex b/old/9-fft/9-fft.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3340759 --- /dev/null +++ b/old/9-fft/9-fft.tex @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +\def\scharfs{\char"19} +\input lecnotes.tex +\def\imply{\Rightarrow} +\prednaska{9}{Fourierova transformace}{\vbox{\hbox{(K.Jakubec, M.Polák + a~G.Ocsovszky,}\hbox{\ V.Tùma, M.Kozák)}}} + +Násobení polynomù mù¾e mnohým pøipadat jako pomìrnì (algoritmicky) snadný +problém. Asi ka¾dého hned napadne \uv{hloupý} algoritmus -- vezmeme +koeficienty prvního polynomu a~vynásobíme ka¾dý se v¹emi koeficienty druhého +polynomu a~pøíslu¹nì u~toho seèteme i~exponenty (stejnì jako to dìláme, kdy¾ +násobíme polynomy na~papíøe). Pokud stupeò prvního polynomu je $n$ a~druhého +$m$, strávíme tím èas $\Omega(mn)$. Pro $m=n$ je to kvadraticky pomalé. +Na~první pohled se mù¾e zdát, ¾e rychleji to prostì nejde (pøeci musíme +v¾dy vynásobit \uv{ka¾dý s~ka¾dým}). Ve skuteènosti to ale rychleji fungovat +mù¾e, ale k~tomu je potøeba znát trochu tajemný algoritmus FFT neboli {\I Fast +Fourier Transform}. + + +\ss{Trochu algebry na~zaèátek} +Celé polynomy oznaèujeme velkými písmeny, jednotlivé èleny polynomù pøíslu¹nými +malými písmeny (pø.: polynom $W$ stupnì $d$ má koeficienty $w_{0}, w_{1}, +w_{2},\ldots, w_{d}$). + +Libovolný polynom $P$ stupnì (nejvý¹e) $d$ lze reprezentovat +jednak jeho koeficienty, tedy èísly $p_{0}, p_{1}, \ldots ,p_{d}$, druhak +i~pomocí hodnot: + +\>{\bf Lemma:} Polynom stupnì nejvý¹e $d$ je jednoznaènì urèeò svými +hodnotami v~$d+1$ rùzných bodech. + +\>{\it Dùkaz:} +Polynom stupnì $d$ má maximálnì $d$ koøenù (indukcí -- je-li +$k$ koøenem $P$, pak lze $P$ napsat jako $(x-k)Q$ kde $Q$ je polynom stupnì +o~jedna men¹í, pøitom polynom stupnì 1 má jediný koøen); uvá¾íme-li +dva rùzné polynomy $P$ a~$Q$ stupnì $d$ nabývající v~daných bodech stejných +hodnot, tak $P-Q$ je polynom stupnì maximálnì $d$, ka¾dé +z $x_{0}\ldots x_{d}$ je koøenem tohoto polynomu $\imply$ spor, polynom stupnì +$d$ má $d+1$ koøenù $\imply$ $P-Q$ musí být nulový polynom $\imply$ $P=Q$. +\qed +\medskip + +Pov¹imnìme si jedné skuteènosti -- máme-li dva polynomy $A$ a~$B$ stupnì $d$ +a~body $x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n}$, dále polynom $C=A \cdot B$ (stupnì $2d$), pak +platí $C(x_{j}) = A(x_{j}) \cdot B(x_{j})$ pro $j = 0,1,2, \ldots, n$. Toto +èiní tento druhý zpùsob reprezentace polynomu velice atraktivním pro násobení +-- máme-li $A$ i $B$ reprezentované hodnotami v $n \geq 2d+1$ bodech, pak +snadno (v $\Theta(n)$) spoèteme takovou reprezentaci $C$. +Problémem je, ¾e typicky máme polynom zadaný koeficienty, a~ne hodnotami +v~bodech. Tím pádem potøebujeme nìjaký hodnì rychlý algoritmus (tj. +rychlej¹í ne¾ kvadratický, jinak bychom si nepomohli oproti hloupému +algoritmu) na~pøevod polynomu z jedné reprezentace do druhé a~zase zpìt. + +\s{Idea, jak by mìl algoritmus pracovat:} +\algo +\:Vybereme $n\geq 2d+1$ bodù $x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots , x_{n-1}$. +\:V tìchto bodech vyhodnotíme polynomy $A$ a~$B$. +\:Nyní ji¾ v~lineárním èase získáme hodnoty polynomu $C$ v~tìchto bodech: + $C(x_i) = A(x_i)\cdot B(x_i)$ +\:Pøevedeme hodnoty polynomu $C$ na~jeho koeficienty. +\endalgo + +\>Je vidìt, ¾e klíèové jsou kroky 2 a~4. +Celý trik spoèívá v~chytrém vybrání onìch bodù, ve kterých budeme polynomy +vyhodnocovat -- zvolí-li se obecná $x_j$, tak se to rychle neumí, pro speciální +$x_j$ ale uká¾eme, ¾e to rychle jde. + +\ss{Vyhodnocení polynomu metodou Rozdìl a~panuj (algoritmus FFT):} +Mìjme polynom $P$ stupnì $\leq d$ a~chtìjme jej vyhodnotit v~$n$ bodech. +Vybereme si body tak, aby byly spárované, èili $\pm x_{0}, \pm x_{1}, +\ldots , \pm x_{n/2-1} $. To nám výpoèet urychlí, proto¾e pak se druhé +mocniny $x_{j}$ shodují s~druhými mocninami $-x_{j}$. + +Polynom $P$ rozlo¾íme na~dvì èásti, první obsahuje èleny se sudými exponenty, +druhá s~lichými: +$$P(x) = (p_{0}x^{0} + p_{2}x^{2} + \ldots + p_{d-2}x^{d-2}) + (p_{1}x^{1} + + p_{3}x^{3} + \ldots + p_{d-1}x^{d-1})$$ +\>se zavedením znaèení: +$$P_s(t) = p_0t^0 + p_{2}t^{1} + \ldots + p_{d - 2}t^{d - 2\over 2}$$ +$$P_l(t) = p_1t^0 + p_3t^1 + \ldots + p_{d - 1}t^{d - 2\over 2}$$ + +\>bude $P(x) = P_s(x^{2}) + xP_l(x^{2})$ a~$P(-x) = P_s(x^{2}) - +xP_l(x^{2})$. Jinak øeèeno, vyhodnocování polynomu $P$ v~$n$ bodech se nám +smrskne na~vyhodnocení $P_s$ a~$P_l$ v~$n/2$ bodech -- oba jsou polynomy +stupnì nejvý¹e $d/2$ a~vyhodnocujeme je v~$x^{2}$ (vyu¾íváme +rovnosti $(x_{i})^{2} = (-x_{i})^{2}$). + +\s{Pøíklad:} +$3 + 4x + 6x^{2} + 2x^{3} + x^{4} + 10x^{5} = (3 + 6x^{2} + x^{4}) + x(4 + +2x^{2} + 10x^{4})$. + +Teï nám ov¹em vyvstane problém s~oním párováním -- druhá mocnina pøece nemù¾e +být záporná a~tím pádem u¾ v~druhé úrovni rekurze body spárované nebudou. +Z~tohoto dùvodu musíme pou¾ít komplexní èísla -- tam druhé mocniny záporné býti +mohou. + +% komplex +\h{Komplexní intermezzo} +\def\i{{\rm i}} +\def\\{\hfil\break} + +\s{Základní operace} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Definice: ${\bb C} = \{a + b\i \mid a,b \in {\bb R}\}$ + +\:Sèítání: $(a+b\i)\pm(p+q\i) = (a\pm p) + (b\pm q)\i$. \\ +Pro $\alpha\in{\bb R}$ je $\alpha(a+b\i) = \alpha a + \alpha b\i$. + +\:Komplexní sdru¾ení: $\overline{a+b\i} = a-b\i$. \\ +$\overline{\overline x} = x$, $\overline{x\pm y} = \overline{x} \pm +\overline{y}$, $\overline{x\cdot y} = \overline x \cdot \overline y$, $x +\cdot \overline x \in {\bb R}$. + +\:Absolutní hodnota: $\vert x \vert = \sqrt{x\cdot\overline{x}}$, tak¾e $\vert +a+b\i \vert = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$. \\ +Také $\vert \alpha x \vert = \vert \alpha\vert \cdot \vert x \vert$. + +\:Dìlení: $x/y = (x\cdot \overline{y}) / (y \cdot \overline{y})$. +\endlist + +\s{Gau{\scharfs}ova rovina a goniometrický tvar} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Komplexním èíslùm pøiøadíme body v~${\bb R}^2$: $a+b\i \leftrightarrow (a,b)$. + +\:$\vert x\vert$ je vzdálenost od~bodu $(0,0)$. + +\:$\vert x\vert = 1$ pro èísla le¾ící na~jednotkové kru¾nici ({\I komplexní jednotky}). \\ +Pak platí $x=\cos\varphi + \i\sin\varphi$ pro nìjaké $\varphi\in\left[ +0,2\pi \right)$. + +\:Pro libovolné $x\in{\bb C}$: $x=\vert x \vert \cdot (\cos\varphi(x) + +\i\sin\varphi(x))$. \\ +Èíslu $\varphi(x)\in\left[ 0,2\pi \right)$ øíkáme {\I argument} +èísla~$x$, nìkdy znaèíme $\mathop{\rm arg} x$. + +\:Navíc $\varphi({\overline{x}}) = -\varphi(x)$. +\endlist + +\s{Exponenciální tvar} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Eulerova formule: $e^{i\varphi} = \cos\varphi + \i\sin\varphi$. + +\:Ka¾dé $x\in{\bb C}$ lze tedy zapsat jako $\vert x\vert \cdot e^{\i\cdot +\varphi(x)}$. + +\:Násobení: $xy = \left(\vert x\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(x)}\right) \cdot + \left(\vert y\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(y)}\right) = \vert x\vert + \cdot \vert y\vert \cdot e^{\i\cdot(\varphi(x) + \varphi(y))}$. \\ +(absolutní hodnoty se násobí, argumenty sèítají) + +\:Umocòování: $x^\alpha = \left(\vert x\vert\cdot e^{\i\cdot\varphi(x)}\right)^ + \alpha = {\vert x\vert}^\alpha\cdot e^{\i \alpha \varphi(x)}$. + +\:Odmocòování: $\root n\of x = {\vert x\vert}^{1/n} \cdot e^{\i\cdot +\varphi(x)/n}$. \\ +Pozor -- odmocnina není jednoznaèná: $1^4=(-1)^4=\i^4=(-\i)^4=1$. +\endlist + +\s{Odmocniny z~jednièky} + +\itemize\ibull +\:Je-li nìjaké $x\in{\bb C}$ $n$-tou odmocninou z~jednièky, musí platit: +$\vert x \vert = 1$, tak¾e $x=e^{\i\varphi}$ pro nìjaké~$\varphi$. +Proto $x^n = e^{\i\varphi n} = \cos{\varphi n} + \i\sin\varphi n = 1$. +Platí tedy $\varphi n = 2k\pi$ pro nìjaké $k\in{\bb Z}$. + +\:Z~toho plyne: $\varphi = 2k\pi/n$ \\ +(pro $k=0,\ldots,n-1$ dostáváme rùzné $n$-té odmocniny). + +\:Obecné odmocòování: $\root n \of x = {\vert x\vert}^{1/n} \cdot e^{\i\varphi + (x)/n} \cdot u$, kde $u=\root n\of 1$. + +\:Je-li $x$ odmocninou z 1, pak $\overline{x} = x^{-1}$ -- je toti¾ $1 = \vert +x\cdot \overline{x}\vert = x\cdot \overline{x}$. +\endlist + +\s{Primitivní odmocniny} + +\s{Definice:} $x$ je {\I primitivní} $k$-tá odmocnina z 1 $\equiv x^k=1 \land \forall j: 0Tuto definici splòují napøíklad èísla $\omega = e^{2\pi \i / k}$ a $\overline\omega = e^{-2\pi\i/k}$. +Platí toti¾, ¾e $\omega^j = e^{2\pi\i j/k}$, co¾ je rovno~1 právì tehdy, +je-li $j$ násobkem~$k$ (jednotlivé mocniny èísla~$\omega$ postupnì obíhají +jednotkovou kru¾nici). Analogicky pro~$\overline\omega$. + +\>Uka¾me si nìkolik pozorování fungujících pro libovolné èíslo~$\omega$, +které je primitivní $k$-tou odmocninou z~jednièky (nìkdy budeme potøebovat, +aby navíc $k$ bylo sudé): + +\itemize\ibull +\:Pro $0\leq jFFT($P$, $ \omega$) + +\>{\sl Vstup:} $p_{0}, \ldots , p_{n-1}$, koeficienty polynomu $P$ stupnì +nejvý¹e $n-1$, a~$\omega$, +$n$-tá primitivní odmocina z jedné. + +\>{\sl Výstup:} Hodnoty polynomu v~bodech $1, \omega, \omega^{2}, \ldots , +\omega^{n - 1}$, èili èísla $P(1), P(\omega), P(\omega^{2}),$ $\ldots , +P(\omega^{n - 1})$. + +\algo +\:Pokud $n = 1$, vrátíme $p_{0}$ a~skonèíme. +\:Jinak rozdìlíme $P$ na èleny se sudými a lichými exponenty (jako v pùvodní +my¹lence) a~rekurzivnì zavoláme FFT($P_s$, $\omega^{2}$) a~FFT($P_l$, +$\omega^{2}$) -- $P_l$ i~$P_s$ jsou stupnì max. $n/2-1$, $\omega^2$ je +$n/2$-tá primitivní odmocnina, a mocniny $\omega^2$ jsou stále po dvou +spárované ($n$ je mocnina dvojky, a tedy i $n/2$ je sudé; popø. $n=2$ a je to +zøejmé). +\:Pro $j = 0, \ldots , n/2 - 1$ spoèítáme: + +\:\qquad $P(\omega^{j}) = P_s(\omega^{2j}) + \omega^{j}\cdot P_l(\omega^{2j})$. + +\:\qquad $P(\omega^{j+n/2})=P_s(\omega^{2j})-\omega^{j}\cdot P_l(\omega^{2j})$. + +\endalgo + + +\s{Èasová slo¾itost:} +\>$T(n)=2T(n/2) + \Theta(n) \Rightarrow$ slo¾itost $\Theta(n \log n)$, jako +MergeSort. + + +Máme tedy algoritmus, který pøevede koeficienty polynomu na~hodnoty tohoto +polynomu v~rùzných bodech. Potøebujeme ale také algoritmus, který doká¾e +reprezentaci polynomu pomocí hodnot pøevést zpìt na~koeficienty polynomu. +K~tomu nám pomù¾e podívat se na~ná¹ algoritmus trochu obecnìji. + + +\s{Definice:} +\>{\I Diskrétní Fourierova transformace} $(DFT)$ +je zobrazení $f: { {\bb C} ^n} \rightarrow { {\bb C} ^n}$, kde $$y=f(x) \equiv +\forall j \ y_{j} = \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{k=0} x_{k} \cdot \omega ^{jk}$$ +(DFT si lze mimo jiné pøedstavit jako funkci vyhodnocující polynom +s~koeficienty $x_k$ v~bodech $\omega^j$). Takovéto zobrazení je lineární +a~tedy popsatelné maticí $\Omega$ s~prvky $\Omega_{jk} = \omega^{jk}$. +Chceme-li umìt pøevádìt z~hodnot polynomu na koeficienty, zajímá nás inverze +této matice. + + +\ss{Jak najít inverzní matici?} +Znaème $\overline{\Omega}$ matici, její¾ prvky +jsou komplexnì sdru¾ené odpovídajícím prvkùm $\Omega$, a vyu¾ijme následující +lemma: + +\ss{Lemma:}$\quad \Omega\cdot \overline{\Omega} = n\cdot E$. + +\proof $$ (\Omega\cdot \overline{\Omega})_{jk} = \sum_{l=0}^{n-1} \omega^{jl} +\cdot \overline{\omega^{lk}} = \sum \omega^{jl} \cdot \overline{\omega}^{lk} = +\sum \omega^{jl} \cdot \omega^{-lk} = \sum \omega^{l(j-k)}\hbox{.}$$ +\itemize\ibull +\:Pokud $j=k$, pak $ \sum \limits ^{n-1}_{l=0} (\omega ^{0}) ^{l} = n$. + +\:Pokud $j\neq k$, pou¾ijeme vzoreèek pro souèet geometrické øady +s kvocientem $\omega ^{(j-k) }$ a~dostaneme ${{\omega^{(j-k)n} -1} \over +{\omega^{(j-k)} -1}} ={1-1 \over \neq 0} = 0$ ( +$\omega^{j-k} - 1$ je jistì $\neq 0$, nebo» $\omega$ je $n$-tá primitivní +odmoncina a $j-kNa¹li jsme inverzi: +$\Omega({1 \over n} \overline{\Omega}) = {1 \over n}\Omega \cdot +\overline{\Omega} = E$, \quad $\Omega^{-1}_{jk} = {1 \over n}\overline{\omega^ +{jk}} = {1 \over n}\omega^{-jk} = {1 \over n} {(\omega^{-1})}^{jk}$, \quad +(pøipomínáme, $\omega^{-1}$ je $\overline{\omega}$). + +Vyhodnocení polynomu lze provést vynásobením $\Omega$, pøevod do pùvodní +reprezentace vynásobením $\Omega^{-1}$. My jsme si ale v¹imli chytrého +spárování, a vyhodnocujeme polynom rychleji ne¾ kvadraticky (proto FFT, +jako¾e {\it fast}, ne jako {\it fuj}). Uvìdomíme-li si, ¾e $\overline \omega = +\omega^{-1}$ je také $n$-tá primitivní odmocnina z 1 (má akorát +úhel s opaèným znaménkem), tak mù¾eme stejným trikem vyhodnotit i~zpìtný +pøevod -- nejprve vyhodnotíme $A$ a $B$ v $\omega^j$, poté pronásobíme +hodnoty a~dostaneme tak hodnoty polynomu $C=A\cdot B$, a pustíme na nì +stejný algoritmus s~$\omega^{-1}$ (hodnoty $C$ +vlastnì budou v~algoritmu \uv{koeficienty polynomu}). Nakonec jen získané +hodnoty vydìlíme $n$ a~máme chtìné koeficienty. + +\s{Výsledek:} Pro $n= 2^k$ lze DFT na~${\bb C}^n$ spoèítat v~èase $\Theta(n +\log n)$ a~DFT$^{-1}$ takté¾. + +\s{Dùsledek:} +Polynomy stupnì $n$ lze násobit v~èase $\Theta(n \log n)$: +$\Theta(n \log n)$ pro vyhodnocení, $\Theta(n)$ pro vynásobení a~$\Theta(n +\log n)$ pro pøevedení zpìt. + +\s{Pou¾ití FFT:} + +\itemize\ibull + +\:Zpracování signálu -- rozklad na~siny a~cosiny o~rùzných frekvencích +$\Rightarrow$ spektrální rozklad. +\:Komprese dat -- napøíklad formát JPEG. +\:Násobení dlouhých èísel v~èase $\Theta(n \log n)$. +\endlist + +\s{Paralelní implementace FFT} + +\figure{img.eps}{Pøíklad prùbìhu algoritmu na~vstupu velikosti 8}{3in} + +Zkusme si prùbìh algoritmu FFT znázornit graficky (podobnì, jako jsme kreslili +hradlové sítì). Na~levé stranì obrázku se nachází vstupní vektor $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ +(v~nìjakém poøadí), na~pravé stranì pak výstupní vektor $y_0,\ldots,y_{n-1}$. +Sledujme chod algoritmu pozpátku: Výstup spoèítáme z~výsledkù \uv{polovièních} +transformací vektorù $x_0,x_2,\ldots,x_{n-2}$ a $x_1,x_3,\ldots,x_{n-1}$. +Èerné krou¾ky pøitom odpovídají výpoètu lineární kombinace $a+\omega^kb$, +kde $a,b$ jsou vstupy krou¾ku a $k$~nìjaké pøirozené èíslo závislé na poloze +krou¾ku. Ka¾dá z~polovièních transformací se poèítá analogicky z~výsledkù +transformace velikosti $n/4$ atd. Celkovì výpoèet probíhá v~$\log_2 n$ vrstvách +po~$\Theta(n)$ operacích. + +Jeliko¾ operace na~ka¾dé vrstvì probíhají na sobì nezávisle, mù¾eme je poèítat +paralelnì. Ná¹ diagram tedy popisuje hradlovou sí» pro paralelní výpoèet FFT +v~èase $\Theta(\log n\cdot T)$ a prostoru $\O(n\cdot S)$, kde $T$ a~$S$ znaèí +èasovou a prostorovou slo¾itost výpoètu lineární kombinace dvou komplexních èísel. + +\s{Cvièení:} Doka¾te, ¾e permutace vektoru $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ odpovídá bitovému +zrcadlení, tedy ¾e na pozici~$b$ shora se vyskytuje prvek $x_d$, kde~$d$ je +èíslo~$b$ zapsané ve~dvojkové soustavì pozpátku. + +\s{Nerekurzivní FFT} + +Obvod z~pøedchozího obrázku také mù¾eme vyhodnocovat po~hladinách zleva doprava, +èím¾ získáme elegantní nerekurzivní algoritmus pro výpoèet FFT v~èase $\Theta(n\log n)$ +a prostoru $\Theta(n)$: + +\algo +\algin $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ +\:Pro $j=0,\ldots,n-1$ polo¾íme $y_k\= x_{r(k)}$, kde $r$ je funkce bitového zrcadlení. +\:Pøedpoèítáme tabulku $\omega^0,\omega^1,\ldots,\omega^{n-1}$. +\:$b\= 1$ \cmt{velikost bloku} +\:Dokud $b