-\section{Ackermann function and its inverse}\id{ackersec}%
+\section{Ackermann's function and its inverse}\id{ackersec}%
+The Ackermann's function is an~extremely quickly growing function that has been
+originally introduced by Ackermann \cite{ackermann:function} in the context of
+computability theory. Its original purpose was to demonstrate that a~function
+can be recursive, but not primitive recursive. At the first sight, it does not
+seem related to efficient algorithms at all. Its inverse however occurs in
+analysis of various algorithms and mathematical structures surprisingly often:
+We meet it in Section \ref{classalg} in the time complexity of the Disjoint Set Union
+data structure and also in the best known upper bound on the decision tree
+complexity of minimum spanning trees in Section \ref{optalgsect}. Another
+important application is the complexity of Davenport-Schinzel sequences (see
+Klazar's survey \cite{klazar:gdss}), but as far as we know, it is not otherwise
+related to the topic of our study.
+Various sources tend to differ in the exact definition of both the Ackermann's
+function and its inverse, but most of the definitions differ in factors that
+are negligible when compared with the asymptotic growth of the function.
+We will use the definition by double induction given by Tarjan \cite{tarjan:setunion},
+which are predominant in the literature on graph algorithms:
+The \df{Ackermann's function} $A(x,y)$ is a~function on non-negative integers defined by:
+A(0,y) &:= 2y, \cr
+A(x,0) &:= 0, \cr
+A(x,1) &:= 2 \quad \hbox{for $x\ge 1$}, \cr
+A(x,y) &:= A(x-1, A(x,y-1)) \quad \hbox{for $x\ge 1$, $y\ge 2$}. \cr
+Sometimes, a~single-parameter version of this function is also used. It is defined
+as the diagonal of the previous function, i.e., $A(n):=A(n,n)$.
+We can try evaluating $A(x,y)$ in some points:
+A(x,2) &= A(x-1, A(x,1)) = A(x-1,2) = A(0,2) = 4, \cr
+A(1,y) &= A(0, A(1,y-1)) = 2A(1,y-1) = 2^{y-1}A(1,1) = 2^y, \cr
+A(2,y) &= A(1, A(2,y-1)) = 2^{A(2,y-1)} = 2\tower y. \cr
+A(3,y) &= \hbox{the tower function iterated $y$~times \dots} \cr
+A(4,3) &= A(3,A(4,2)) = A(3,4) = A(2,A(3,3)) = A(2,A(2,A(3,2))) = \cr
+ &= A(2,A(2,4)) = 2\tower(2\tower 4) = 2\tower 65536. \cr
+The \df{Inverse Ackermann's function} $\alpha(x,y)$ is defined by:
+\alpha(x,n) := \min\{ y \mid A(x,y) > \log n \}.
+Again, a~single-parameter version is occasionally considered:
+\alpha(n) = \min\{ x \mid A(x,x) > \log n \}.
+$\alpha(1,n) = \O(\log\log n)$, $\alpha(2,n) = \O(\log^* n)$, $\alpha(3,n)$ grows even slower.
+\FIXME{Relationship between single- and double-parameter versions.}