The queries on~$T$ can be then easily translated to queries on~$B(T)$.
-For a~weighted tree~$T$ we define its \df{Bor\o{u}vka tree} $B(T)$ which records
+For a~weighted tree~$T$ we define its \df{Bor\o{u}vka tree} $B(T)$ as a~rooted tree which records
the execution of the Bor\o{u}vka's algorithm run on~$T$. The leaves of $B(T)$
are exactly the vertices of~$T$, every internal vertex~$v$ at level~$i$ from the bottom
corresponds to a~component tree~$C(v)$ formed in the $i$-th phase of the algorithm. When
is then trivial.
+We will now describe a~simple variant of the depth-first search which finds the
+maximum-weight edges for all query paths.
+For every edge~$e=uv$, we consider the set $Q_e$ of all query paths containing~$e$.
+The vertex of a~path which is closer to the root will be called its \df{top,}
+the other vertex its \df{bottom.}
+We define arrays $T_e$ and~$H_e$ as follows: $T_e$ contains
+the tops of the paths in~$Q_e$ in order of their increasing depth (we
+will call them \df{active tops} and each of them will be stored exactly once). For
+each active top~$t=T_e[i]$, the $H_e[i]$ is defined as the heaviest edge of the path $T[v,t]$.
+As for every~$i$ the path $T[v,T_e[i+1]]$ is contained within $T[v,T_e[i]]$,
+the edges in~$H_e$ must have non-increasing weights: $w(H_e[i+1]) \le
+The algorithm constructs the $T_e$'s and $H_e$'s recursively. We assume that the
+root has a~parent edge~$r$ and we define $T_r$ and~$H_r$ as empty arrays (no query
+path contains~$r$). When we arrived to a~vertex~$u$ via an~edge~$p$ from its parent,
+we visit each son~$v$ of~$u$ and we calculate $T_e$ and~$H_e$ for the edge $e=uv$
+from $T_p$ and~$H_p$:
+\:First we remove all tops which are no longer contained in paths crossing the
+current edge~$e$.
+%For example, we can keep a~use count for every active top and
+%decrease counters of the tops of all paths whose bottom is~$u$.
+\:Then we update the heaviest edges for all tops. The new edge~$e$ will replace
+all lighter edges in $H_p$. Since $H_p$ is sorted, we can use binary search
+to locate the boundary between lighter and heavier edges in it.
+\:Finally we have to add~$u$ as a~new top of there is a~query path which has~$u$
+at its top and its bottom lies anywhere in the subtree rooted at~$v$.
+So far, we will be interested in minimizing only the number of comparisons of
+edge weights, so we will postpone the exact implementation of the first and the
+third step for a~while.