--- /dev/null
+# Perl module for sending queries to Sherlock search servers and parsing answers
+# (c) 2002 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+# This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+# of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+package Sherlock::Query;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+sub parse_tree($$);
+sub do_parse_tree($$$$);
+sub print_tree($$);
+sub new($$) {
+ my $class = shift @_;
+ my $server = shift @_;
+ my $self = {
+ SERVER => $server
+ };
+ bless $self;
+ return $self;
+sub command($$) {
+ my ($q,$string) = @_;
+ $q->{RAW} = [];
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $q->{SERVER}, Proto => 'tcp')
+ or return "900 Cannot connect to search server: $!";
+ print $sock $string, "\n";
+ # Status line
+ my $res = <$sock>;
+ $res =~ /^-(.*)/ and return $1;
+ $res =~ /^\+/ or return "901 Reply parse error";
+ # Blocks of output
+ my $block = undef;
+ for(;;) {
+ $res = <$sock>;
+ last if $sock->eof;
+ chomp $res;
+ if ($res eq "") {
+ $block = undef;
+ } else {
+ if (!defined $block) {
+ $block = [];
+ push @{$q->{RAW}}, $block;
+ }
+ push @$block, $res;
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+my $hdr_syntax = {
+ 'D' => {
+ 'D' => "",
+ 'W' => [],
+ 'P' => [],
+ 'n' => [],
+ 'T' => "",
+ '-' => "",
+ '.' => [],
+ },
+ '.' => [],
+ '' => ""
+my $card_syntax = {
+ 'U' => {
+ 'U' => "",
+ 'D' => "",
+ 'E' => "",
+ 'L' => "",
+ 'T' => "",
+ 'c' => "",
+ 's' => "",
+ 'V' => [],
+ 'b' => "",
+ 'i' => "",
+ 'y' => [],
+ 'z' => "",
+ },
+ 'M' => [],
+ 'X' => [],
+ '' => ""
+my $footer_syntax = {
+ '' => ""
+sub query($$) {
+ my ($q,$string) = @_;
+ # Send the query and gather results
+ if (my $err = $q->command($string)) { return $err; }
+ my $raw = $q->{RAW};
+ @$raw > 0 or return "902 Reply truncated";
+ # Split results to header, cards and footer
+ $q->{HEADER} = { RAW => shift @$raw };
+ $q->{FOOTER} = { RAW => [] };
+ if (@$raw && $raw->[@$raw-1]->[0] =~ /^\+/) {
+ $q->{FOOTER}{RAW} = pop @$raw;
+ }
+ $q->{CARDS} = [];
+ while (my $r = shift @$raw) {
+ push @{$q->{CARDS}}, { RAW => $r };
+ }
+ # Parse everything
+ parse_tree($q->{HEADER}, $hdr_syntax);
+ foreach my $c (@{$q->{CARDS}}) {
+ parse_tree($c, $card_syntax);
+ }
+ parse_tree($q->{FOOTER}, $footer_syntax);
+ # OK
+ return "";
+sub parse_tree($$) {
+ my $tree = shift @_;
+ my $syntax = shift @_;
+ do_parse_tree($tree->{RAW}, 0, $tree, $syntax);
+sub do_parse_tree($$$$) {
+ my $raw = shift @_;
+ my $i = shift @_;
+ my $cooked = shift @_;
+ my $syntax = shift @_;
+ while ($i < @$raw) {
+ $raw->[$i] =~ /^(.)(.*)/;
+ if (!defined($syntax->{$1}) && !defined($syntax->{''})) { return $i; }
+ if (ref $syntax->{$1} eq "ARRAY") {
+ push @{$cooked->{$1}}, $2;
+ $i++;
+ } elsif (ref $syntax->{$1} eq "HASH") {
+ my $block = {};
+ push @{$cooked->{$1}}, $block;
+ $i = do_parse_tree($raw, $i, $block, $syntax->{$1});
+ } else {
+ $cooked->{$1} = $2;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+sub print_tree($$) {
+ my $a = shift @_;
+ my $indent = shift @_;
+ if (ref $a eq "ARRAY") {
+ if (@{$a} == 0) { print "[]\n"; }
+ else {
+ print "[\n";
+ foreach my $k (@{$a}) {
+ print "$indent\t";
+ print_tree($k, "$indent\t");
+ }
+ print $indent, "]\n";
+ }
+ } elsif (ref $a) {
+ print "{\n";
+ foreach my $k (sort keys %{$a}) {
+ print "$indent\t$k => ";
+ print_tree($a->{$k}, "$indent\t");
+ }
+ print $indent, "}\n";
+ } elsif (defined $a) {
+ print "$a\n";
+ } else {
+ print "UNDEF\n";
+ }
+sub print($) {
+ my $q = shift @_;
+ print_tree($q, "");
+1; # OK