%%% Itemization %%%
+% Usage:
+% \itemize\ibull % or other marker
+% \:first item
+% \:second item
+% \endlist
+% \numlist\ndotted % or other numbering style
+% \:first
+% \:second
+% \endlist
% Default dimensions of itemized lists
\newdimen\itemindent \itemindent=0.5in
\newdimen\itemnarrow \itemnarrow=0.5in % make lines narrower by this amount
-\def\ibull{\raise0.2ex\hbox{$\bullet$}} % Signs frequently used for \itemize
+% Markers for \itemize
\def\numbereditem{\par\leavevmode\advance\itemcount by 1
+% Numbering styles for \numlist
%%% Modules %%%
+% Require a module: load it if it is not already loaded
\ifcsname ucwmod:#1\endcsname
+% Definition of a new module (to be placed at the beginning of its file)
+% (Also guards against repeated loading if somebody uses \input instead of \ucwmodule.)
\ifcsname ucwmod:#1\endcsname\endinput\fi
\expandafter\let\csname ucwmod:#1\endcsname=\relax