+Mon Jan 25 21:28:49 1999 Martin Mares <mj@albireo.ucw.cz>
+ * Makefile: Added target `release' which substitutes new version
+ number to .spec, .lsm and README. Also rewrote target `dist'.
+ * Released as 1.99.3.
Sun Jan 24 22:10:36 1999 Martin Mares <mj@albireo.ucw.cz>
* lib/header.h: Until kernel adopts new layout of PCI
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.11 1999/01/24 21:48:11 mj Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.12 1999/01/25 20:51:06 mj Exp $
# Makefile for Linux PCI Utilities
# (c) 1998--1999 Martin Mares <mj@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz>
#OPT=-O2 -g
CFLAGS=$(OPT) -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror
-DATE=22 January 1999
all: lib lspci setpci lspci.8 setpci.8
common.o: common.c pciutils.h lib/libpci.a
%.8: %.man
- sed <$< >$@ "s/@TODAY@/$(DATE)/;s/@VERSION@/pciutils-$(VERSION)/"
+ sed <$< >$@ "s/@TODAY@/`date -d $(DATE) '+%d %B %Y'`/;s/@VERSION@/pciutils-$(VERSION)$(SUFFIX)/"
rm -f `find . -name "*~" -or -name "*.[oa]" -or -name "\#*\#" -or -name TAGS -or -name core`
rm -f lspci setpci lib/config.* *.8
+ rm -rf dist
install: all
install -o root -g root -m 755 -s lspci setpci $(ROOT)/sbin
# Remove relics from old versions
rm -f $(ROOT)/etc/pci.ids
+ sed "s/^\\(Version:[ ]*\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)/;s/^\\(Entered-date:[ ]*\\)[0-9]*/\\1`date -d$(DATE) '+%y%m%d'`/;s/\\(pciutils-\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)\\./" <pciutils.lsm >pciutils.lsm.new
+ sed "s/^\\(Version:[ ]*\\)[0-9.]*/\\1$(VERSION)/" <pciutils.spec >pciutils.spec.new
+ sed "s/\\(, version \\).*\./\\1$(VERSION)$(SUFFIX)./" <README >README.new
+ mv pciutils.lsm.new pciutils.lsm
+ mv pciutils.spec.new pciutils.spec
dist: clean
-# cp /usr/src/linux/include/linux/pci.h lib/header.h
- sh -c 'X=`pwd` ; X=`basename $$X` ; cd .. ; tar czvvf /tmp/$$X.tar.gz $$X --exclude CVS --exclude tmp'
-# rm -f lib/header.h
+ mkdir dist
+ cp -a . dist/$(REL)
+ rm -rf `find dist/$(REL) -name CVS -o -name tmp` dist/$(REL)/dist
+ [ -f dist/$(REL)/lib/header.h ] || cp /usr/src/linux/include/linux/pci.h dist/$(REL)/lib/header.h
+ cd dist ; tar czvvf /tmp/$(REL).tar.gz $(REL)
-.PHONY: all lib clean install dist man
+.PHONY: all lib clean install dist man release
Title: Linux PCI Utilities
-Version: 1.10
-Entered-date: 990119
+Version: 1.99.2
+Entered-date: 990122
Description: This package contains various utilities for inspecting and
setting of devices connected to the PCI bus. Requires
kernel version 2.1.82 or newer (supporting the /proc/bus/pci
Keywords: kernel, pci, proc, lspci, setpci
Author: mj@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz (Martin Mares)
Maintained-by: mj@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz (Martin Mares)
-Primary-site: atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz pub/linux/pci/pciutils-1.10.tar.gz
-Alternate-site: sunsite.unc.edu pub/Linux/hardware/pciutils-1.10.tar.gz
+Primary-site: atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz pub/linux/pci/pciutils-1.99.2.tar.gz
+Alternate-site: sunsite.unc.edu pub/Linux/hardware/pciutils-1.99.2.tar.gz
Copying-policy: GPL