--- /dev/null
+# Check symbols exported by a library
+# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use common::sense;
+my $lib = $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 <library>\n";
+open my $f, '-|', 'nm', $lib or die;
+while (<$f>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^\s/;
+ my ($addr, $type, $sym) = split /\s+/;
+ if ($sym =~ m{^(ucw|ucwlib)_}) {
+ next
+ }
+ if ($type =~ m{[A-Z]}) {
+ print "$sym ($type)\n";
+ }
+close $f or die;
--- /dev/null
+# Search for symbols which might need renaming
+# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use common::sense;
+sub symbol {
+ my ($sym) = @_;
+ return if $sym =~ m{^(ucw|ucwlib)_};
+ print "$sym\n";
+sub parse {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ print "# $file\n";
+ open my $f, '<', $file or die;
+ while (<$f>) {
+ chomp;
+ # Interpret special comments
+ m{// NOAPI} and next;
+ if (m{// API: (\w+)}) {
+ print "$1\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Find things which look like top-level declarations
+ s{//.*}{};
+ s{/\*.*}{};
+ /^\s/ and next;
+ /^$/ and next;
+ /^#/ and next;
+ /^{/ and next;
+ /}/ and next;
+ /^"/ and next;
+ /^-/ and next; # Magic for ucw/getopt.h
+ /^\w+:/ and next; # Labels in inline functions
+ /^typedef\s/ and next;
+ /^static\s/ and next;
+ /^(struct|union|enum)(\s+\w+)?(;|\s*{)/ and next;
+ # print "$_\n";
+ # Try to parse the declaration
+ s{\[[^\]]*\]}{}g; # Delete array sizes
+ if (m{^extern [^,]*(\s+\**\w+(,\s+\**\w+)*);}) {
+ my $x = $1;
+ $x =~ s{[,*]}{}g;
+ symbol $_ for grep { !/^$/ } split /\s+/, $x;
+ } elsif (m{( |\*)(\w+)\(}) {
+ symbol($2);
+ } else {
+ print "??? $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $f;
+my %blacklist = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+ ucw/binheap.h
+ ucw/char-map.h
+ ucw/ff-binary.h
+ ucw/gbuf.h
+ ucw/hashtable.h
+ ucw/kmp.h
+ ucw/kmp-search.h
+ ucw/redblack.h
+ ucw/str-match.h
+ ucw/strtonum.h
+ ucw/strtonum-gen.h
+ ucw/trie.h
+ charset/charconv-gen.h
+ charset/chartable.h
+ charset/U-cat.h
+ charset/U-ligatures.h
+ charset/U-lower.h
+ charset/U-unacc.h
+ charset/U-upper.h
+ images/image-walk.h
+ images/scale-gen.h
+for my $f (<ucw/*.h>, <ucw/sorter/common.h>, <charset/*.h>, <images/*.h>) {
+ next if $blacklist{$f};
+ parse($f);
--- /dev/null
+# Re-generate symbol renaming defines
+# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use common::sense;
+my %renames = ();
+open my $f, '<', 'maint/libucw.abi' or die;
+my $current;
+while (<$f>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^#\s*(.*)/) {
+ $current = $1;
+ } else {
+ push @{$renames{$current}}, $_;
+ }
+close $f;
+for my $g (sort keys %renames) {
+ my @symbols = sort @{$renames{$g}};
+ @symbols or next;
+ open my $in, '<', $g or die;
+ open my $out, '>', "$g.new" or die;
+ my $mode = 0;
+ my $cmt = 0;
+ while (<$in>) {
+ if (!$mode) {
+ if (m{^/\*$} && !$cmt) {
+ $cmt = 1;
+ } elsif (m{^\s} ||
+ m{^#include\s} ||
+ m{^#define\s+_} ||
+ m{^#ifndef\s+_} ||
+ m{^\s*$}
+ ) {
+ # Waiting for the right spot
+ } elsif (m{^#ifdef CONFIG_UCW_CLEAN_ABI$}) {
+ $mode = 2;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ $mode = 1;
+ print $out "#ifdef CONFIG_UCW_CLEAN_ABI\n";
+ for my $sym (@symbols) {
+ print $out "#define $sym ucw_$sym\n";
+ }
+ print $out "#endif\n\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($mode == 2) {
+ if (m{^$}) {
+ $mode = 0;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ print $out "$_";
+ }
+ $mode or die;
+ close $out;
+ close $in;
+ system "cmp", "-s", $g, "$g.new";
+ if ($?) {
+ print "### $g: updated\n";
+ rename "$g.new", $g or die;
+ } else {
+ print "--- $g: not modified\n";
+ unlink "$g.new" or die;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# ucw/asio.h
+# ucw/base224.h
+# ucw/base64.h
+# ucw/bbuf.h
+# ucw/binheap-node.h
+# ucw/binsearch.h
+# ucw/bitarray.h
+# ucw/bitops.h
+# ucw/bitsig.h
+# ucw/chartype.h
+# ucw/clists.h
+# ucw/conf-internal.h
+# ucw/conf.h
+# ucw/config.h
+# ucw/crc-tables.h
+# ucw/crc.h
+# ucw/daemon.h
+# ucw/eltpool.h
+# ucw/fastbuf.h
+# ucw/fb-socket.h
+# ucw/ff-binary.h
+# ucw/ff-unicode.h
+# ucw/ff-varint.h
+# ucw/gary.h
+# ucw/getopt.h
+# ucw/hashfunc.h
+# ucw/heap.h
+# ucw/io.h
+# ucw/ipaccess.h
+# ucw/lib.h
+# ucw/lizard.h
+# ucw/log-internal.h
+# ucw/log.h
+# ucw/mainloop.h
+# ucw/md5.h
+# ucw/mempool.h
+# ucw/opt-internal.h
+# ucw/opt.h
+# ucw/partmap.h
+# ucw/prime.h
+# ucw/process.h
+# ucw/regex.h
+# ucw/resource.h
+# ucw/semaphore.h
+# ucw/sha1.h
+# ucw/sighandler.h
+# ucw/signames.h
+# ucw/simple-lists.h
+# ucw/slists.h
+# ucw/stkstring.h
+# ucw/string.h
+# ucw/strtonum.h
+# ucw/tbf.h
+# ucw/time.h
+# ucw/trans.h
+# ucw/unaligned.h
+# ucw/unicode.h
+# ucw/url.h
+# ucw/varint.h
+# ucw/wildmatch.h
+# ucw/workqueue.h
+# ucw/sorter/common.h
+# charset/charconv.h
+# charset/fb-charconv.h
+# charset/mp-charconv.h
+# charset/stk-charconv.h
+# charset/unicat.h
+# images/color.h
+# images/duplicates.h
+# images/error.h
+# images/images.h
+# images/io-main.h
+# images/math.h
+# images/object.h
+# images/sig-cmp-gen.h
+# images/signature.h
+++ /dev/null
-# Check symbols exported by a library
-# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use common::sense;
-my $lib = $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 <library>\n";
-open my $f, '-|', 'nm', $lib or die;
-while (<$f>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^\s/;
- my ($addr, $type, $sym) = split /\s+/;
- if ($sym =~ m{^(ucw|ucwlib)_}) {
- next
- }
- if ($type =~ m{[A-Z]}) {
- print "$sym ($type)\n";
- }
-close $f or die;
+++ /dev/null
-# ucw/asio.h
-# ucw/base224.h
-# ucw/base64.h
-# ucw/bbuf.h
-# ucw/binheap-node.h
-# ucw/binsearch.h
-# ucw/bitarray.h
-# ucw/bitops.h
-# ucw/bitsig.h
-# ucw/chartype.h
-# ucw/clists.h
-# ucw/conf-internal.h
-# ucw/conf.h
-# ucw/config.h
-# ucw/crc-tables.h
-# ucw/crc.h
-# ucw/daemon.h
-# ucw/eltpool.h
-# ucw/fastbuf.h
-# ucw/fb-socket.h
-# ucw/ff-binary.h
-# ucw/ff-unicode.h
-# ucw/ff-varint.h
-# ucw/gary.h
-# ucw/getopt.h
-# ucw/hashfunc.h
-# ucw/heap.h
-# ucw/io.h
-# ucw/ipaccess.h
-# ucw/lib.h
-# ucw/lizard.h
-# ucw/log-internal.h
-# ucw/log.h
-# ucw/mainloop.h
-# ucw/md5.h
-# ucw/mempool.h
-# ucw/opt-internal.h
-# ucw/opt.h
-# ucw/partmap.h
-# ucw/prime.h
-# ucw/process.h
-# ucw/regex.h
-# ucw/resource.h
-# ucw/semaphore.h
-# ucw/sha1.h
-# ucw/sighandler.h
-# ucw/signames.h
-# ucw/simple-lists.h
-# ucw/slists.h
-# ucw/stkstring.h
-# ucw/string.h
-# ucw/strtonum.h
-# ucw/tbf.h
-# ucw/time.h
-# ucw/trans.h
-# ucw/unaligned.h
-# ucw/unicode.h
-# ucw/url.h
-# ucw/varint.h
-# ucw/wildmatch.h
-# ucw/workqueue.h
-# ucw/sorter/common.h
-# charset/charconv.h
-# charset/fb-charconv.h
-# charset/mp-charconv.h
-# charset/stk-charconv.h
-# charset/unicat.h
-# images/color.h
-# images/duplicates.h
-# images/error.h
-# images/images.h
-# images/io-main.h
-# images/math.h
-# images/object.h
-# images/sig-cmp-gen.h
-# images/signature.h
+++ /dev/null
-# Search for symbols which might need renaming
-# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use common::sense;
-sub symbol {
- my ($sym) = @_;
- return if $sym =~ m{^(ucw|ucwlib)_};
- print "$sym\n";
-sub parse {
- my ($file) = @_;
- print "# $file\n";
- open my $f, '<', $file or die;
- while (<$f>) {
- chomp;
- # Interpret special comments
- m{// NOAPI} and next;
- if (m{// API: (\w+)}) {
- print "$1\n";
- next;
- }
- # Find things which look like top-level declarations
- s{//.*}{};
- s{/\*.*}{};
- /^\s/ and next;
- /^$/ and next;
- /^#/ and next;
- /^{/ and next;
- /}/ and next;
- /^"/ and next;
- /^-/ and next; # Magic for ucw/getopt.h
- /^\w+:/ and next; # Labels in inline functions
- /^typedef\s/ and next;
- /^static\s/ and next;
- /^(struct|union|enum)(\s+\w+)?(;|\s*{)/ and next;
- # print "$_\n";
- # Try to parse the declaration
- s{\[[^\]]*\]}{}g; # Delete array sizes
- if (m{^extern [^,]*(\s+\**\w+(,\s+\**\w+)*);}) {
- my $x = $1;
- $x =~ s{[,*]}{}g;
- symbol $_ for grep { !/^$/ } split /\s+/, $x;
- } elsif (m{( |\*)(\w+)\(}) {
- symbol($2);
- } else {
- print "??? $_\n";
- }
- }
- close $f;
-my %blacklist = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
- ucw/binheap.h
- ucw/char-map.h
- ucw/ff-binary.h
- ucw/gbuf.h
- ucw/hashtable.h
- ucw/kmp.h
- ucw/kmp-search.h
- ucw/redblack.h
- ucw/str-match.h
- ucw/strtonum.h
- ucw/strtonum-gen.h
- ucw/trie.h
- charset/charconv-gen.h
- charset/chartable.h
- charset/U-cat.h
- charset/U-ligatures.h
- charset/U-lower.h
- charset/U-unacc.h
- charset/U-upper.h
- images/image-walk.h
- images/scale-gen.h
-for my $f (<ucw/*.h>, <ucw/sorter/common.h>, <charset/*.h>, <images/*.h>) {
- next if $blacklist{$f};
- parse($f);
+++ /dev/null
-# Re-generate symbol renaming defines
-# (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use common::sense;
-my %renames = ();
-open my $f, '<', 'tools/libucw.api' or die;
-my $current;
-while (<$f>) {
- chomp;
- if (/^#\s*(.*)/) {
- $current = $1;
- } else {
- push @{$renames{$current}}, $_;
- }
-close $f;
-for my $g (sort keys %renames) {
- my @symbols = sort @{$renames{$g}};
- @symbols or next;
- open my $in, '<', $g or die;
- open my $out, '>', "$g.new" or die;
- my $mode = 0;
- my $cmt = 0;
- while (<$in>) {
- if (!$mode) {
- if (m{^/\*$} && !$cmt) {
- $cmt = 1;
- } elsif (m{^\s} ||
- m{^#include\s} ||
- m{^#define\s+_} ||
- m{^#ifndef\s+_} ||
- m{^\s*$}
- ) {
- # Waiting for the right spot
- } elsif (m{^#ifdef CONFIG_UCW_CLEAN_ABI$}) {
- $mode = 2;
- next;
- } else {
- $mode = 1;
- print $out "#ifdef CONFIG_UCW_CLEAN_ABI\n";
- for my $sym (@symbols) {
- print $out "#define $sym ucw_$sym\n";
- }
- print $out "#endif\n\n";
- }
- } elsif ($mode == 2) {
- if (m{^$}) {
- $mode = 0;
- }
- next;
- }
- print $out "$_";
- }
- $mode or die;
- close $out;
- close $in;
- system "cmp", "-s", $g, "$g.new";
- if ($?) {
- print "### $g: updated\n";
- rename "$g.new", $g or die;
- } else {
- print "--- $g: not modified\n";
- unlink "$g.new" or die;
- }