* Opens a file with file mode @mode (see the man page of open()).
* Use @params to select the fastbuf back-end and its parameters or
- * pass `NULL` if you are fine with defaults.
+ * pass NULL if you are fine with defaults.
* Dies if the file does not exist.
* Opens a temporary file.
* It is placed with other temp files and it is deleted when closed.
- * Again, use `NULL` for @params if you want the defaults.
+ * Again, use NULL for @params if you want the defaults.
struct fastbuf *bopen_tmp_file(struct fb_params *params);
* Generates a temporary filename and stores it to the @name_buf (of size
- * at least * `TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN`). If @open_flags are not `NULL`, flags that
+ * at least * `TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN`). If @open_flags are not NULL, flags that
* should be OR-ed with other flags to open() will be stored there.
* The location and style of temporary files is controlled by the configuration.
* Opens a temporary file and returns its file descriptor.
* You specify the file @mode and @open_flags passed to open().
- * If the @name_buf (of at last `TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN` chars) is not `NULL`,
+ * If the @name_buf (of at last `TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN` chars) is not NULL,
* the filename is also stored in it.
* This function is not specific to fastbufs, it can be used separately.
* Open an atomic fastbuf.
- * If @master is `NULL`, the file @name is opened. If it is non-null,
+ * If @master is NULL, the file @name is opened. If it is non-null,
* a new clone of an existing atomic fastbuf is created.
* If the file has fixed record length, just set @record_len to it.