We have used a~plenty of constants which depend on the format of the vectors.
Either we can write non-uniform programs (see \ref{nonuniform}) and use native constants,
or we can observe that all such constants can be easily manufactured. For example,
-$(\0^b\1)^d = \1^{bd} / \1^{b+1} = (2^{bd}-1)/(2^{b+1}-1)$. The only exceptions
+$(\0^b\1)^d = \1^{(b+1)d} / \1^{b+1} = (2^{(b+1)d}-1)/(2^{b+1}-1)$. The only exceptions
are the~$w$ and~$b$ in the LSB algorithm \ref{lsb}, which we are unable to produce
in constant time.