In this chapter, we will investigate how to compute the ranking and unranking
-functions on different sets. Usually, we will make use of the fact that the ranks
-(and hence the input and output of our algorithm) are large numbers, so we can
-use the integers of a~similar magnitude to represent non-trivial data structures.
-This will allow us to design efficient algorithms on the RAM.
+functions on different sets efficiently. Usually, we will make use of the fact
+that the ranks (and hence the input and output of our algorithm) are large
+numbers, so we can use the integers of a~similar magnitude to represent non-trivial
+data structures.
-\FIXME{We will assume RAM in the whole chapter.}
+Until the end of the chapter, we will always assume that we are working on the
+Random Access Machine.
\section{Ranking of permutations}
following algorithms (a~similar formulation can be found for example in~\cite{knuth:sas}):
\alg $\<Rank>(\pi,i,n,A)$: compute the rank of a~permutation $\pi[i\ldots n]$ on~$A$.
\:If $i\ge n$, return~0.
\alg $\<Unrank>(j,i,n,A)$: Fill $\pi[i,\ldots,n]$ with the $j$-th permutation on~$A$.
\:If $i>n$, return immediately.
\:$a\=R^{-1}_A(\lfloor j/(n-i)! \rfloor)$.
So we can apply the previous Lemma~\ref{ranklemma} with $t(n)=\O(1)$.
+\section{Ranking of {\secitfont k\/}-permutations}
+The technique from the previous section can be also generalized to ranking of
+\df{$k$-permutations,} that is of ordered $k$-tuples drawn from the set~$[n]$,
+again in lexicographic order. There are $n^{\underline k} = n\cdot(n-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot(n-k+1)$
+such $k$-permutations and they have a~recursive structure similar to the one of
+the permutations. We will therefore use the same recursive scheme as before
+(algorithms \ref{rankalg} and \ref{unrankalg}), but we will modify the first step of both algorithms
+to stop after the first~$k$ iterations. We will also replace the number $(n-i)!$
+of permutations on the remaining elements by the number of $(k-i)$-permutations on the same elements,
+i.e., $(n-i)^{\underline{k-i}}$. As $(n-i)^{\underline{k-i}} = (n-i) \cdot (n-i-1)^{\underline{k-i-1}}$,
+we can precalculate all these numbers in linear time.
+Unfortunately, the ranks of $k$-permutations can be much smaller, so we can no
+longer rely on the same data structure fitting in a constant number of word-sized integers.
+For example, if $k=1$, the ranks are $\O(\log n)$-bit numbers, but the data
+structure still requires $\Theta(n\log n)$ bits.
+We do a minor side step by remembering the complement of~$A$ instead, that is
+the set of the at most~$k$ elements we have already seen. We will call this set~$H$
+(because it describes the ``holes'' in~$A$). Let us prove that $\Omega(k\log n)$ bits
+are needed to represent the rank, so the vector representation of~$H$ fits in
+a~constant number of words.
+The number of $k$-permutations on~$[n]$ is $2^{\Omega(k\log n)}$.
+We already know that there $n^{\underline k}$ such $k$-permutations. If $k\le n/2$,
+then every term in the product is $n/2$ or more, so $\log n^{\underline k} \ge
+k\cdot (\log n - 1)$. If $k\ge n/2$, then $n^{\underline k} \ge n^{\underline{\smash{n/2}}}$
+and $\log n^{\underline k} \ge (n/2)(\log n - 1) \ge (k/2)(\log n - 1)$.
+It remains to show how to translate the operations on~$A$ to operations on~$H$,
+again stored as a~sorted vector~${\bf h}$. Insertion to~$A$ correspond to
+deletion in~$H$ and vice versa. The rank of any~$x\in[n]$ in~$A$ is $x$ minus
+the number of holes which are smaller than~$x$, therefore $R_A(x)=x-R_H(x)$.
+To calculate $R_H(x)$, we can again use the vector operation \<Rank> from Algorithm \ref{vecops},
+this time on the vector~$\bf h$.
+The only operation we cannot translate directly is unranking in~$A$. We will
+therefore define an~auxiliary vector~$\bf b$ of the same size as~$\bf h$,
+such that $b_i=h_i-i$ (this is the number of elements of~$A$ smaller
+than~$h_i$). Now, if we want to find the $r$-th smallest element of~$A$, we find
+the largest $i$ such that $b_i<r$ (the rank of~$r$ in~$\bf b$) and we return
+$h_i+1+r-b_i$. This works because there is no hole in~$A$ between the element
+$h_i+1$, which has rank~$b_i$, and the desired element of~rank~$r$.
+If $A=\{2,5,6\}$ and $n=8$, then ${\bf h}=(1,3,4,7,8)$ and ${\bf b}
+= (0,1,1,3,3)$. When we want to calculate $R^{-1}_A(2)$, we find $i=3$ and we
+get $g_3+1+2-b_3 = 4+1+2-1 = 6$.
+The vector~$\bf b$ can be updated in constant time whenever an~element is
+inserted to~$\bf h$. It is sufficient to shift the fields apart (we know
+that the position of the new element in~$\bf b$ is the same as in~$\bf h$),
+set the new value using masking operations and decrease all higher fields
+by one in parallel by using a~single subtraction. Updates after deletions
+from~$\bf h$ are analogous.
+\FIXME{State the algorithms properly.}
+We have replaced all operations on~$A$ by the corresponding operations on the
+modified data structure, each of which works again in constant time. Therefore
+we have just proven the following theorem, which brings this section to
+a~happy ending:
+\thmn{Ranking of $k$-permutations \cite{mm:rank}}
+When we order the $k$-per\-mu\-ta\-tions on the set~$[n]$ lexicographically, both
+ranking and unranking can be performed on the RAM in time~$\O(k)$.
+Modify Algorithms \ref{rankalg} and \ref{unrankalg} as described in this section.
+The modified data structure performs all required operations on the set~$A$ in
+constant time. The depth of the recursion is $\O(k)$ and we spend $\O(1)$ time
+at every level. The time bound follows.