sub emailCheck( $$ ) {
my( $email, $tables ) = @_;
my $newmail;
- return 'Does not look like an email address' unless ( ( $newmail ) = ( $email =~ /^([^,? "'`;<>]+@[^@,?\/ "'`;<>]+)$/ ) );#make sure the mail is not only reasonable looking, but safe to work with too
+ return 'Does not look like an email address' unless ( ( $newmail ) = ( $email =~ /^([^,? "'`;<>]+@[^@,?\/ "'`;<>]+\.[^@,?\/ "'`;<>]+)$/ ) );#make sure the mail is not only reasonable looking, but safe to work with too
return 'Email too long' if length $newmail > 255;
return 'An account for this email address already exists' if( ( defined $tables ) && $tables->hasEmail( $newmail ) );
return ( undef, $newmail );