const char *usage
= "! Utility requires preliminary preparation of the system. Refer to the pcilmr man page !\n\n"
- "Usage:\n"
- "pcilmr [--margin] [<margining options>] <downstream component> ...\n"
- "pcilmr --full [<margining options>]\n"
+ "Brief usage (see man for all options):\n"
+ "pcilmr [--margin] [<common options>] <link port> [<link options>] [<link port> [<link "
+ "options>] ...]\n"
+ "pcilmr --full [<common options>]\n"
"pcilmr --scan\n\n"
- "Device Specifier:\n"
+ "You can specify Downstream or Upstream Port of the Link.\nPort Specifier:\n"
"--margin\t\tMargin selected Links\n"
"--full\t\t\tMargin all ready for testing Links in the system (one by one)\n"
"--scan\t\t\tScan for Links available for margining\n\n"
- "Margining options:\n\n"
- "Margining Test settings:\n"
- "-c\t\t\tPrint Device Lane Margining Capabilities only. Do not run margining.\n"
- "-l <lane>[,<lane>...]\tSpecify lanes for margining. Default: all link lanes.\n"
- "\t\t\tRemember that Device may use Lane Reversal for Lane numbering.\n"
- "\t\t\tHowever, utility uses logical lane numbers in arguments and for logging.\n"
- "\t\t\tUtility will automatically determine Lane Reversal and tune its calls.\n"
- "-e <errors>\t\tSpecify Error Count Limit for margining. Default: 4.\n"
+ "Margining options (see man for all options):\n\n"
+ "Common (for all specified links) options:\n"
+ "-c\t\t\tPrint Device Lane Margining Capabilities only. Do not run margining.\n\n"
+ "Link specific options:\n"
"-r <recvn>[,<recvn>...]\tSpecify Receivers to select margining targets.\n"
"\t\t\tDefault: all available Receivers (including Retimers).\n"
- "-p <parallel_lanes>\tSpecify number of lanes to margin simultaneously.\n"
- "\t\t\tDefault: 1.\n"
- "\t\t\tAccording to spec it's possible for Receiver to margin up\n"
- "\t\t\tto MaxLanes + 1 lanes simultaneously, but usually this works\n"
- "\t\t\tbad, so this option is for experiments mostly.\n"
- "-T\t\t\tTime Margining will continue until the Error Count is no more\n"
- "\t\t\tthan an Error Count Limit. Use this option to find Link limit.\n"
- "-V\t\t\tSame as -T option, but for Voltage.\n"
"-t <steps>\t\tSpecify maximum number of steps for Time Margining.\n"
- "-v <steps>\t\tSpecify maximum number of steps for Voltage Margining.\n"
- "Use only one of -T/-t options at the same time (same for -V/-v).\n"
- "Without these options utility will use MaxSteps from Device\n"
- "capabilities as test limit.\n\n"
- "Margining Log settings:\n"
- "-o <directory>\t\tSave margining results in csv form into the\n"
- "\t\t\tspecified directory. Utility will generate file with the\n"
- "\t\t\tname in form of 'lmr_<downstream component>_Rx#_<timestamp>.csv'\n"
- "\t\t\tfor each successfully tested receiver.\n";
+ "-v <steps>\t\tSpecify maximum number of steps for Voltage Margining.\n";
static struct pci_dev *
dev_for_filter(struct pci_access *pacc, char *filter)
.B pcilmr
.RB [ "--margin" ]
-.RI [ "<margining options>" ] " <downstream component> ..."
+.RI [ "<common options>" ] " <link port> " [ "<link options>" "] [" "<link port> " [ "<link options>" ] " ..." ]
.B pcilmr --full
-.RI [ "<margining options>" ]
+.RI [ "<common options>" ]
.B pcilmr --scan
links without a hardware debugger and without the need to stop the target system. Utility
can be useful to debug link issues due to receiver margins.
-However, the utility results may be not particularly accurate and, as it was found out during
-testing, specific devices provide rather dubious capability support and the reliability of
-the information they provide is questionable. The PCIe specification provides reference values
-for the eye diagram, which are also used by the
+.B pcilmr
+requires root privileges (to access Extended Configuration Space), but during our testing
+there were no problems with the devices and they successfully returned to their normal initial
+state after the end of testing.
+The PCIe specification provides reference values for the eye diagram, which are also used by the
.B pcilmr
to evaluate the results, but it seems that it makes sense to contact the
manufacturer of a particular device for references.
-The PCIe Base Specification Revision 5.0 sets allowed range for Timing Margin from 20%\~UI to 50%\~UI and
-for Voltage Margin from 50\~mV to 500\~mV. Utility uses 30%\~UI as the recommended
-value for Timing - taken from NVIDIA presentation ("PCIe 4.0 Mass Electrical Margins Data
+The utility uses values set in PCIe Base Spec Rev. 5.0 Section 8.4.2 as the default eye width and height
+minimum references. Recommended values were taken from
+the PCIe Architecture PHY Test Spec Rev 5.0 (Transmitter Electrical Compliance).
+Reference grading values currently used by the utility are presented in the table below:
+box tab(:);
+C | Cb S | Cb S
+C | Cb | Cb | Cb | Cb
+Lb | C | C | C | C.
+\&:16 GT/s (Gen 4):32 GT/s (Gen 5)
+18.75 ps
+30% UI
+T}:15 mV:T{
+9.375 ps
+30% UI
+T}:15 mV
+23.75 ps
+38% UI
+T}:21 mV:T{
+10.157 ps
+33% UI
+T}:19.75 mV
.B pcilmr
-requires root privileges (to access Extended Configuration Space), but during our testing
-there were no problems with the devices and they successfully returned to their normal initial
-state after the end of testing.
+uses full eye width and height values to grade lanes. However, it is possible that
+device supports only one side margining. In such cases by default utility will
+calculate EW or EH as a double one side result.
+If info for specific device is available, you can configure grading criteria
+and tweak utility behavior in one-side only cases for your device using
+.I -g
+link specific option (see below).
+Thanks to testing or directly from the manufacturer's documentation, we know that
+some devices require special treatment during the margining.
+Utility detects such devices based on their Vendor ID - Device ID pair.
+Right now the list of special devices is hardcoded in
+.I margin_hw
+file. For such devices utility can automatically adjust port margining parameters
+or grading options.
+For example, for Ice Lake CPUs RC ports
+.B pcilmr
+will change device MaxVoltageOffset value and will force the use of
+.RI ' "one side is the whole" "' grading mode."
.SS Device Specifier
+.B "You can specify Downstream or Upstream Port of the Link."
.B "<device/component>" \t
.RI [ "<domain>" :] <bus> : <dev> . <func>
Scan for Links with negotiated speed 16 GT/s or higher. Mark "Ready" those of them
in which at least one of the Link sides have Margining Ready bit set meaning that
these Links are ready for testing and you can run utility on them.
-.SS Margining Test options
+.SS Margining Common (for all specified links) options
.B -c
Print Device Lane Margining Capabilities only. Do not run margining.
+.BI -e " <errors>"
+Specify Error Count Limit for margining.
+Default: 4.
+.BI -o " <directory>"
+Save margining results in csv form into the specified directory. Utility
+will generate file with the name in form of
+.RI "\[dq]lmr_" "<port>" "_Rx" # _ <timestamp> ".csv\[dq]"
+for each successfully tested receiver.
+.BI -d " <time>"
+Specify dwell time in seconds for the margining step.
+Default: 1 s
+.SS Margining Link specific options
\fB\-l\fI <lane>\fP[\fI,<lane>...\fP]
-Specify lanes for margining.
+.R Specify lanes for margining.
Remember that Device may use Lane Reversal for Lane numbering. However, utility
uses logical lane numbers in arguments and for logging. Utility will automatically
Default: all link lanes.
-.BI -e " <errors>"
-Specify Error Count Limit for margining.
-Default: 4.
\fB-r\fI <recvn>\fP[\fI,<recvn>...\fP]
Specify Receivers to select margining targets.
.BI -v " <steps>"
Specify maximum number of steps for Voltage Margining.
-.SS Margining Log options
-.BI -o " <directory>"
-Save margining results in csv form into the specified directory. Utility
-will generate file with the name in form of
-.RI "\[dq]lmr_" "<downstream component>" "_Rx" # _ <timestamp> ".csv\[dq]"
-for each successfully tested receiver.
+\fB-g\fI <recvn>\fPt=\fI<criteria>\fP{%|ps}[,f]
+.IB " <recvn>" t=f[, "<criteria>" "{%|ps}]"
+.IB " <recvn>" v= "<criteria>" "[,f]"
+.IB " <recvn>" v=f[, "<criteria>" ]
+Specify pass/fail grading criteria for eye width (timing - t) or height
+(voltage - v) for one of the link receivers. For EW you must choose one of the
+units (% UI or ps), for EH mV is used.
+Additional flag
+.I f
+is for situations when port doesn't support two side independent
+margining. In such cases by default utility will calculate EW or EH as a
+double one side result. You can add
+.I f
+flag for
+.I -g
+option to tell the utility that the result in one direction is actually the
+measurement of the full eye and it does not need to be multiplied. This is so called
+.RI ' "one side is the whole" "' grading mode."
Utility syntax example:
-.BI "pcilmr -l" " 0,1 " "-r" " 1,6 " "-TV" " ab:0.0 52:0.0"
+.BI "pcilmr -o " "csv ab:0.0 " "-r " "1,6 " "-g " "1t=20% " "-g " "1v=f,30 52:0.0 " "-l " "0,1,2 " "-TV"