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-\rawchapter{Publications of Martin Mare\v{s}}
-\def\bibitem[#1]#2#3\par{\:\eatspaces #3}
-\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em }%
-\def\singlecit{\global\advance\citecount by 1[\the\citecount]}
-\newblock {Two linear time algorithms for MST on minor closed graph classes}.
-\newblock {\em {Archivum Mathematicum}}, 40:315--320. Masaryk University, Brno,
- Czech Republic, 2004.
-M.~Mare\v{s} and M.~Straka.
-\newblock Linear-time ranking of permutations.
-\newblock In {\em Algorithms --- ESA 2007: 15th Annual European Symposium},
- volume 4698 of {\em {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}}, pages 187--193.
- Springer Verlag, 2007.
-\newblock {Krajinou grafov\'ych algoritm\accent23u (Through the Landscape of
- Graph Algorithms)}.
-\newblock ITI series 2007--330, Institut Teoretick\'e Informatiky, Praha, Czech
- Republic, 2007.
-\newblock In Czech.
-\newblock {Dynamick\'e grafov\'e algoritmy (Dynamic Graph Algorithms)}.
-\newblock Master's thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Math and
- Physics, 2000.
-\newblock In Czech.
-{M. Mare\v{s}}.
-\newblock {Perspectives on Grading Systems}.
-\newblock {\em Olympiads in Informatics}, 1:124--130. Institute of
- Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007.
-%S. Tazari and M. Müller-Hannemann
-%Shortest Paths in Linear Time on Minor-Closed Graph Classes with an Application to Steiner Tree Approximation (abstract)
-%submitted for publication, 2007.
-J.~M. Hochstein and K.~Weihe.
-\newblock {Maximum $s$-$t$-flow with $k$ crossings in $\O(k^3n \log n)$ time}.
-\newblock In {\em SODA 2007: Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM-SIAM symposium
- on Discrete algorithms}, pages 843--847, 2007.
-\newblock Cites~[1].
-M.~M\"uller-Hannemann and S.~Tazari.
-\newblock {Handling Proper Minor-Closed Graph Classes in Linear Time: Shortest
- Paths and 2-Approximate Steiner Trees}.
-\newblock Tech Report 2007/5, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of
- Computer Science, 2007.
-\newblock Cites~[1].
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+\rawchapter{Publications of Martin Mare\v{s}}
+\def\bibitem[#1]#2#3\par{\:\eatspaces #3}
+\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em }%
+\def\singlecit{\global\advance\citecount by 1[\the\citecount]}
+\newblock {Two linear time algorithms for MST on minor closed graph classes}.
+\newblock {\em {Archivum Mathematicum}}, 40:315--320. Masaryk University, Brno,
+ Czech Republic, 2004.
+M.~Mare\v{s} and M.~Straka.
+\newblock Linear-time ranking of permutations.
+\newblock In {\em Algorithms --- ESA 2007: 15th Annual European Symposium},
+ volume 4698 of {\em {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}}, pages 187--193.
+ Springer Verlag, 2007.
+\newblock {Krajinou grafov\'ych algoritm\accent23u (Through the Landscape of
+ Graph Algorithms)}.
+\newblock ITI series 2007--330, Institut Teoretick\'e Informatiky, Praha, Czech
+ Republic, 2007.
+\newblock In Czech.
+\newblock {Dynamick\'e grafov\'e algoritmy (Dynamic Graph Algorithms)}.
+\newblock Master's thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Math and
+ Physics, 2000.
+\newblock In Czech.
+{M. Mare\v{s}}.
+\newblock {Perspectives on Grading Systems}.
+\newblock {\em Olympiads in Informatics}, 1:124--130. Institute of
+ Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007.
+%S. Tazari and M. Müller-Hannemann
+%Shortest Paths in Linear Time on Minor-Closed Graph Classes with an Application to Steiner Tree Approximation (abstract)
+%submitted for publication, 2007.
+J.~M. Hochstein and K.~Weihe.
+\newblock {Maximum $s$-$t$-flow with $k$ crossings in $\O(k^3n \log n)$ time}.
+\newblock In {\em SODA 2007: Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM-SIAM symposium
+ on Discrete algorithms}, pages 843--847, 2007.
+\newblock Cites~[1].
+M.~M\"uller-Hannemann and S.~Tazari.
+\newblock {Handling Proper Minor-Closed Graph Classes in Linear Time: Shortest
+ Paths and 2-Approximate Steiner Trees}.
+\newblock Tech Report 2007/5, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of
+ Computer Science, 2007.
+\newblock Cites~[1].
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