# (c) 2008 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-PROGS+=$(addprefix $(o)/mop/score/,mo-score-mop mo-score-mop-formatted)
+PROGS+=$(addprefix $(o)/mop/score/,mo-score-mop)
-$(o)/mop/score/mo-score-mop-formatted: $(s)/mop/score/mo-score-mop-formatted.sh
$(o)/mop/score/mo-score-mop: $(s)/mop/score/mo-score-mop.sh
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-\font\head=csr12 scaled \magstephalf
-\centerline{\head Výsledková listina ústøedního kola 58. roèníku MO kategorie P}
-\centerline{\hexx 25. -- 27. bøezna 2009 v Plzni}
-#\hfil &~~~~#\hfil &~~~ #\hfil &~~~~#\hfil&\quad
-\hfil # ~&
-\hfil # ~~&
-\hfil # ~~&
-\hfil # ~&
-\hfil # ~& \kern1em
-\hb\quad\hfil # \cr
-\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Vítìzové}\bigskip}
-%\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Úspì¹ní øe¹itelé}\bigskip}
-%\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Ostatní úèastníci}\bigskip}
+++ /dev/null
-mop/mo-score-mop 3 2 policie rybka | column -c120 -ts" " | cstocs il2 ascii
+use strict;
+use warnings;
use List::Util qw(min);
-$tex = 0;
-$usage = "Usage: mo-score-mop [--tex] theoretical_tasks_nr praxis_tasks_nr task1 task2 ...";
-while (($arg = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^--([a-z]+)$/) {
- shift @ARGV;
- $var = "\$$1";
- if (!eval "defined $var") { die $usage; }
- eval "$var = 1;";
-@ARGV >=2 || die $usage;
-$theory=shift @ARGV;
-$praxis=shift @ARGV;
-@ARGV >= $praxis || die $usage;
-$pos_delim=$tex ? '--' : '-';
+@ARGV or die "Usage: mo-score-mop task1 task2 ...";
print STDERR "Scanning contestants... ";
open (CT, "bin/mo-get-users --full |") || die "Cannot get list of contestants";
+my %users = ();
while (<CT>) {
- ($u,$f) = split /\t/;
- ($u eq "somebody") && next;
- $users{$u}=$f;
+ my ($u, $f) = split /\t/;
+ $u =~ /^mo/ or next;
+ $users{$u}=$f;
close CT;
print STDERR 0+keys %users, "\n";
-print STDERR "Scanning teoretical results... ";
-if (open (EX, "teorie.txt")) {
- while (<EX>) {
- chomp;
- (/^$/ || /^#/) && next;
- @a = split /\ *\t\ */;
- $u = shift @a;
- defined $users{$u} || die "Unknown user $u";
- $names{$u} = shift @a;
- $forms{$u} = shift @a;
- $addresses{$u} = "{". (shift @a) ."}";
- $i=0;
- while (@a) { $tasks{$u}{$i} = shift @a;$i++; }
- }
- close EX;
- print STDERR "OK\n";
-} else {die "none, cannot find file teorie.txt!\n";}
print STDERR "Scanning task results... ";
-$need_tasks = join("|", @ARGV);
-foreach $u (keys %users) {
- opendir (D, "testing/$u") or next;
- foreach $t (readdir(D)) {
- $t =~ /^\./ && next;
- $t =~ /$need_tasks/ || next;
- $t_num=$praxis;
- for (my $t_num2=0;$t_num2<@ARGV;$t_num2++) {if ($t eq $ARGV[$t_num2]) {$t_num=$t_num2;}}
- $t_num+=$theory;
- $tt = "testing/$u/$t/points";
+my %tasks = ();
+for my $u (keys %users) {
+ for my $t (@ARGV) {
+ my $tt = "testing/$u/$t/points";
-f $tt || next;
print STDERR "$u/$t ";
open (X, $tt) || die "Unable to open $tt";
close X;
for my $g (keys %groups) {
- $tasks{$u}{$t_num} += $groups{$g};
+ $tasks{$u}{$t} += $groups{$g};
- closedir D;
print STDERR "OK\n";
-print STDERR "Creating table template... ";
-@body = ('','$names{$u}','$forms{$u}','$addresses{$u}');
-for ($a=0;$a<$theory+$praxis;$a++) {push @body,"\$tasks{\$u}{$a}";}
-print STDERR "OK\n";
-print STDERR "Filling in results... ";
-@table = ();
-foreach $u (keys %users) {
- next unless defined $names{$u}; # don't show any user not defined in teorie.txt
- $row = [];
- $row_index=0;
- $row_sum=0;
- foreach my $c (@body) {
- $c =~ s/\$(\d+)/\$\$row[$1]/g;
- $x = eval $c;
- push @$row, (defined $x ? $x : '-');
- if ($row_index>3) {
- if ((defined $x) && ($x>0)) {$row_sum+=$x;}
- }
- $row_index++;
- }
- push @$row, $row_sum;
- push @table, $row;
-print STDERR "OK\n";
-print STDERR "Sorting... ";
-$sortcol = @{$table[0]} - 1;
-$namecol = 1;
-@table = sort {
- my $p, $an, $bn;
- $p = $$b[$sortcol] <=> $$a[$sortcol];
- ($an = $$a[$namecol]) =~ s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/$2 $1/;
- ($bn = $$b[$namecol]) =~ s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/$2 $1/;
- $p ? $p : ($an cmp $bn);
-} @table;
-while ($i < @table) {
- $j = $i;
- while ($i < @table && ${$table[$i]}[$sortcol] == ${$table[$j]}[$sortcol]) {
- $i++;
- }
- if ($i == $j+1) {
- ${table[$j]}[0] = "$i.";
- } else {
- ${table[$j]}[0] = $j+1 . '.' . $pos_delim . $i . ".";
- $j_old=$j;
- $j++;
- while ($j < $i) { ${table[$j++]}[0] = $j_old+1 . '.' . $pos_delim . $i . "."; };
- }
+print STDERR "Generating output... ";
+for my $u (sort keys %users) {
+ print join("\t", $u, $users{$u}, map { $tasks{$u}{$_} // '-' } @ARGV), "\n";
print STDERR "OK\n";
-if ($tex) {
- open HDR,"listina.hdr" or die "Cannot open file listina.hdr with TeX template!";
- while (<HDR>) {print; }
- close HDR;
- foreach $r (@table) { print join('&',@$r), "\\cr\n";}
- open FTR,"listina.ftr" or die "Cannot open file listina.ftr with TeX template!";
- while (<FTR>) {print; }
- close FTR;
-} else {
- foreach $r (@table) { print join("\t",@$r), "\n"; }
+++ /dev/null
-mo01 Karolína Bure¹ová 6/8 G Èeská Lípa 0 2 7
-mo02 Milan Cejnar 8/8 G Turnov 5 4 5
-mo03 Petr Èermák 7/8 G Kladno 4 10 7
-mo04 Vlastimil Dort 7/8 G ©pitálská, Praha 9 5 10 6
-mo05 Franti¹ek Hejl 6/6 G Jana Nerudy, Praha 1 4 5 7
-mo06 Martin Holeèek 7/8 G Mikulá¹ské nám., Plzeò 4 9 7
-mo07 Ondøej Holý 8/8 G Josefa Ressela, Chrudim 6 10 7
-mo08 Hynek Jemelík 2/4 G tø. Kpt. Jaro¹e, Brno 5 10 6
-mo09 David Kla¹ka 7/8 G tø. Kpt. Jaro¹e, Brno 7 10 6
-mo10 Miroslav Klimo¹ 4/4 G M. Koperníka, Bílovec 5 10 7
-mo11 Michal Koutný 8/8 G Tøebíè 2 10 4
-mo12 Karel Král 7/8 Podkru¹nohorské G, Most 5 2 7
-mo13 Luká¹ Kripner 7/8 G T. G. Masaryka, Litvínov 4 10 7
-mo14 Vojtìch Kudrnáè 8/8 G Turnov 4 2 3
-mo15 Jan Matìjka 8/8 G Jírovcova, Èeské Budìjovice 5 2 6
-mo16 Antoník Novák 3/4 G Arabská, Praha 6 5 2 4
-mo17 Jitka Novotná 4/4 G M. Koperníka, Bílovec 4 10 7
-mo18 Martin Patera 3/4 G Arabská, Praha 6 2 1 7
-mo19 Ondøej Pelech 6/6 G Jana Nerudy, Praha 1 5 2 7
-mo20 Libor Plucnar 6/6 G Petra Bezruèe, Frýdek-Místek 4 10 7
-mo21 Jan Polá¹ek 6/8 G Turnov 6 2 7
-mo23 Jiøí Setnièka 4/6 G Èakovice, Praha 9 2 2 7
-mo24 Alexander Slávik 8/8 G Brno-Øeèkovice 5 2 7
-mo25 Karel Tesaø 3/4 VO© a SP©E Plzeò 1 10 7
-mo26 Jan Tichý 4/4 G Pardubice 2 0 3
-mo27 Pavel Veselý 4/4 G Strakonice 6 6 7
-mo28 Tomá¹ Vítek 3/4 G Arabská, Praha 6 2 1 4
-mo29 David Vondrák 7/8 G Pardubice 4 1 4
-mo30 Martin Zikmund 5/8 G Turnov 4 2 1
+++ /dev/null
-\font\head=csr12 scaled \magstephalf
-\centerline{\head Výsledková listina ústøedního kola 56. roèníku MO kategorie P}
-\centerline{\hexx 21. -- 24. bøezna 2007 ve Zlínì}
-#\hfil &~~#\hfil &\quad #\hfil &~~#\hfil&\quad
-\hfil # &
-\hfil # &
-\hfil # & \kern0.4em
-\hfil # &
-\hfil # & \kern1em
-\hb\quad\hfil # \cr
-\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Vítìzové}\bigskip}
-%\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Úspì¹ní øe¹itelé}\bigskip}
-%\noalign{\bigskip\bigskip\hbox{\xit Ostatní úèastníci}\bigskip}
-1.&Josef Pihera&8/8&{G Máchova, Strakonice}&7&4&10&15&15&51\cr
-2.&Pavel Klavík&8/8&{G J. Ressla, Chrudim}&0&4&10&15&12&41\cr
-3.&Roman Smr¾&7/8&{G E. Krásnohorské, Praha}&6&3&10&0&13&32\cr
-4.&Miroslav Klimo¹&2/4&{G M. Koperníka, Bílovec}&9&9&10&2&0&30\cr
-5.&Luká¹ Lánský&3/4&{G J. K. Tyla, Hradec Králové}&3&5&10&0&0&18\cr
-6.&Pavel Motloch&6/6&{G P. Bezruèe, Frýdek-Místek}&0&7&10&0&0&17\cr
-7.&Jakub Kaplan&3/4&{G J. K. Tyla, Hradec Králové}&5&3&1&7&0&16\cr
-8.&Martin Pokorný&4/4&{G Arabská, Praha}&3&2&9&1&-&15\cr
-9.&Martin Milata&8/8&{G Hladnovská, Ostrava}&0&2&8&0&4&14\cr
-10.&Libor Peltan&7/8&{G Èeská, Èeské Budìjovice}&0&0&10&3&-&13\cr
-11.&Ondøej Piálek&4/4&{G Masarykovo nám., Tøebíè}&7&1&1&0&3&12\cr
-12.&Petr Dluho¹&8/8&{Mendelovo G, Opava}&0&0&10&0&1&11\cr
-13.&Petr Kratochvíl&4/4&{G Sázavská, Svìtlá nad Sázavou}&1&1&6&1&-&9\cr
-14.&Pavel John&4/4&{G Arabská, Praha}&0&1&7&-&0&8\cr
-15.&Marek Scholle&8/8&{G Da¹ická, Pardubice}&6&1&0&0&-&7\cr
-16.&Ondøej Bouda&8/8&{G Tø. Kpt. Jaro¹e, Brno}&1&3&0&2&0&6\cr
-17.&Tomá¹ Toufar&3/4&{G M. Koperníka, Bílovec}&0&3&0&2&0&5\cr
-18.--19.&Tomá¹ Pøaslièák&7/8&{GOA Nádra¾ní, Sedlèany}&0&3&1&-&0&4\cr
-18.--19.&Martin Ve¹krna&4/4&{G Vídeòská, Brno}&0&3&1&-&-&4\cr
-20.--25.&Jakub Balhar&6/6&{G J. Nerudy, Praha}&1&1&1&-&0&3\cr
-20.--25.&Roman Diba&3/4&{VO© a SP©E Plzeò}&0&0&1&2&-&3\cr
-20.--25.&Filip Dìchtìrenko&8/8&{G J. Masaryka, Jihlava}&0&1&1&0&1&3\cr
-20.--25.&Matìj Korvas&8/8&{G J. Seiferta, Praha}&0&2&1&-&0&3\cr
-20.--25.&Tomá¹ Køen&4/4&{G Ch. Dopplera, Praha}&0&3&0&-&-&3\cr
-20.--25.&Michal Pavelèík&8/8&{G J. A. Komenského, Uherský Brod}&0&0&0&0&3&3\cr
-26.--28.&Zuzana Bure¹ová&8/8&{Masarykovo G, Plzeò}&0&1&1&0&-&2\cr
-26.--28.&Michal Novák&8/8&{G Tø. Kpt. Jaro¹e, Brno}&0&0&2&-&-&2\cr
-26.--28.&Libor Plucnar&4/6&{G P. Bezruèe, Frýdek-Místek}&0&1&1&0&-&2\cr
-29.&Roman Øíha&7/8&{G Zlatá stezka, Prachatice}&0&1&0&-&0&1\cr
-30.&Michal Minaøík&4/4&{G F. X. ©aldy, Liberec}&0&0&0&-&-&0\cr
+++ /dev/null
-1. Josef Pihera 8/8 {G Machova, Strakonice} 7 4 10 15 15 51
-2. Pavel Klavik 8/8 {G J. Ressla, Chrudim} 0 4 10 15 12 41
-3. Roman Smrz 7/8 {G E. Krasnohorske, Praha} 6 3 10 0 13 32
-4. Miroslav Klimos 2/4 {G M. Kopernika, Bilovec} 9 9 10 2 0 30
-5. Lukas Lansky 3/4 {G J. K. Tyla, Hradec Kralove} 3 5 10 0 0 18
-6. Pavel Motloch 6/6 {G P. Bezruce, Frydek-Mistek} 0 7 10 0 0 17
-7. Jakub Kaplan 3/4 {G J. K. Tyla, Hradec Kralove} 5 3 1 7 0 16
-8. Martin Pokorny 4/4 {G Arabska, Praha} 3 2 9 1 - 15
-9. Martin Milata 8/8 {G Hladnovska, Ostrava} 0 2 8 0 4 14
-10. Libor Peltan 7/8 {G Ceska, Ceske Budejovice} 0 0 10 3 - 13
-11. Ondrej Pialek 4/4 {G Masarykovo nam., Trebic} 7 1 1 0 3 12
-12. Petr Dluhos 8/8 {Mendelovo G, Opava} 0 0 10 0 1 11
-13. Petr Kratochvil 4/4 {G Sazavska, Svetla nad Sazavou} 1 1 6 1 - 9
-14. Pavel John 4/4 {G Arabska, Praha} 0 1 7 - 0 8
-15. Marek Scholle 8/8 {G Dasicka, Pardubice} 6 1 0 0 - 7
-16. Ondrej Bouda 8/8 {G Tr. Kpt. Jarose, Brno} 1 3 0 2 0 6
-17. Tomas Toufar 3/4 {G M. Kopernika, Bilovec} 0 3 0 2 0 5
-18.-19. Tomas Praslicak 7/8 {GOA Nadrazni, Sedlcany} 0 3 1 - 0 4
-18.-19. Martin Veskrna 4/4 {G Videnska, Brno} 0 3 1 - - 4
-20.-25. Jakub Balhar 6/6 {G J. Nerudy, Praha} 1 1 1 - 0 3
-20.-25. Roman Diba 3/4 {VOS a SPSE Plzen} 0 0 1 2 - 3
-20.-25. Filip Dechterenko 8/8 {G J. Masaryka, Jihlava} 0 1 1 0 1 3
-20.-25. Matej Korvas 8/8 {G J. Seiferta, Praha} 0 2 1 - 0 3
-20.-25. Tomas Kren 4/4 {G Ch. Dopplera, Praha} 0 3 0 - - 3
-20.-25. Michal Pavelcik 8/8 {G J. A. Komenskeho, Uhersky Brod} 0 0 0 0 3 3
-26.-28. Zuzana Buresova 8/8 {Masarykovo G, Plzen} 0 1 1 0 - 2
-26.-28. Michal Novak 8/8 {G Tr. Kpt. Jarose, Brno} 0 0 2 - - 2
-26.-28. Libor Plucnar 4/6 {G P. Bezruce, Frydek-Mistek} 0 1 1 0 - 2
-29. Roman Riha 7/8 {G Zlata stezka, Prachatice} 0 1 0 - 0 1
-30. Michal Minarik 4/4 {G F. X. Saldy, Liberec} 0 0 0 - - 0