+++ /dev/null
-// FIXME: this file is full of experiments... will be completely different in final version
-#include "sherlock/sherlock.h"
-#include "lib/mempool.h"
-#include "lib/conf.h"
-#include "lib/getopt.h"
-#include "lib/fastbuf.h"
-#include "lib/chartype.h"
-#include "sherlock/object.h"
-#include "lib/url.h"
-#include "lib/unicode.h"
-#include "sherlock/lizard-fb.h"
-#include "sherlock/tagged-text.h"
-#include "charset/charconv.h"
-#include "charset/unicat.h"
-#include "charset/fb-charconv.h"
-#include "indexer/indexer.h"
-#include "indexer/lexicon.h"
-#include "indexer/params.h"
-#include "utils/dumpconfig.h"
-#include "lang/lang.h"
-#include "lib/base224.h"
-#include "lib/bbuf.h"
-#include "lib/clists.h"
-#include "images/images.h"
-#include "images/image-obj.h"
-#include "images/image-sig.h"
-#include "images/dup-cmp.h"
-#include "images/kd-tree.h"
-#include "images/color.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static struct fastbuf *fb_cards;
-static struct fastbuf *fb_card_attrs;
-static struct buck2obj_buf *buck2obj;
-/* This should happen in gatherer or scanner */
-static void
-generate_signatures(uns limit)
- fb_cards = index_bopen("cards", O_RDONLY);
- fb_card_attrs = index_bopen("card-attrs", O_RDONLY);
- struct fastbuf *fb_signatures = index_bopen("image-sig", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);
- struct card_attr ca;
- struct image_signature sig;
- struct mempool *pool = mp_new(1 << 16);
- struct buck2obj_buf *bob = buck2obj_alloc();
- uns count = 0;
- if (limit == ~0U)
- log(L_INFO, "Generating image signatures");
- else
- log(L_INFO, "Generating at most %d image signatures", limit);
- bputl(fb_signatures, 0);
- imo_decompress_thumbnails_init();
- for (oid_t oid = 0; bread(fb_card_attrs, &ca, sizeof(ca)); oid++)
- if ((uns)((ca.type_flags >> 4) - 8) < 4)
- {
- bsetpos(fb_cards, (sh_off_t)ca.card << CARD_POS_SHIFT);
- uns buck_len = bgetl(fb_cards) - (LIZARD_COMPRESS_HEADER - 1);
- uns buck_type = bgetc(fb_cards) + BUCKET_TYPE_PLAIN;
- mp_flush(pool);
- struct odes *obj = obj_read_bucket(bob, pool, buck_type, buck_len, fb_cards, NULL);
- struct oattr *attr;
- if (!obj)
- die("Failed to read card");
- if (attr = obj_find_attr(obj, 'N'))
- {
- byte *url = obj_find_aval(obj_find_attr(obj, 'U' + OBJ_ATTR_SON)->son, 'U');
- DBG("Reading oid=%d url=%s", oid, url);
- struct image_obj imo;
- imo_init(&imo, pool, obj);
- if (imo_decompress_thumbnail(&imo))
- {
- if (compute_image_signature(&imo.thumb, &sig))
- {
- bwrite(fb_signatures, &oid, sizeof(oid));
- bwrite(fb_signatures, &sig.vec, sizeof(struct image_vector));
- bputc(fb_signatures, sig.len);
- if (sig.len)
- bwrite(fb_signatures, sig.reg, sig.len * sizeof(struct image_region));
- count++;
- if (count % 10000 == 0)
- log(L_DEBUG, "... passed %d images", count);
- if (count >= limit)
- break;
- }
- else
- DBG("Cannot create signature");
- }
- else
- DBG("Cannot decompress thumbnail");
- }
- }
- brewind(fb_signatures);
- bputl(fb_signatures, count);
- DBG("%d signatures written", count);
- imo_decompress_thumbnails_done();
- buck2obj_free(bob);
- mp_delete(pool);
- bclose(fb_cards);
- bclose(fb_card_attrs);
- bclose(fb_signatures);
-struct vectors_node {
- oid_t oid;
- u32 temp;
- struct image_vector vec;
-static uns vectors_count;
-static struct vectors_node *vectors;
-static void
- log(L_DEBUG, "Reading signature vectors");
- struct fastbuf *fb = index_bopen("image-sig", O_RDONLY);
- vectors_count = bgetl(fb);
- if (vectors_count)
- {
- vectors = xmalloc(vectors_count * sizeof(struct vectors_node));
- for (uns i = 0; i < vectors_count; i++)
- {
- bread(fb, &vectors[i].oid, sizeof(oid_t));
- bread(fb, &vectors[i].vec, sizeof(struct image_vector));
- bskip(fb, bgetc(fb) * sizeof(struct image_region));
- }
- }
- bclose(fb);
-static void
- log(L_DEBUG, "Freeing signature vectors");
- if (vectors_count)
- xfree(vectors);
-static u64 random_clusters_max_size = 500000;
-static uns random_clusters_max_count = 1000;
-#define RANDOM_CLUSTERS_SIZE 0x7fffffff
-#define RANDOM_CLUSTERS_LAST 0x80000000
-static struct random_clusters_node {
- struct vectors_node *node;
- s32 dot_prod;
-} *random_clusters_temp;
-static uns random_clusters_count;
-#define ASORT_PREFIX(x) random_clusters_##x
-#define ASORT_KEY_TYPE s32
-#define ASORT_ELT(i) start[i].dot_prod
-#define ASORT_SWAP(i,j) do { struct random_clusters_node _s = start[i]; start[i] = start[j]; start[j] = _s; } while(0)
-#define ASORT_EXTRA_ARGS , struct random_clusters_node *start
-#include "lib/arraysort.h"
-static void
- if (!vectors_count)
- return;
- log(L_INFO, "Initializing random clusters generator");
- random_clusters_temp = xmalloc(vectors_count * sizeof(struct random_clusters_node));
- for (uns i = 0; i < vectors_count; i++)
- random_clusters_temp[i].node = vectors + i;
-static void
- random_clusters_count = 0;
- if (!vectors_count)
- return;
- log(L_INFO, "Generating random clusters for duplicates comparision");
- for (uns i = 0; i < vectors_count; i++)
- vectors[i].temp &= RANDOM_CLUSTERS_SIZE;
- /* Initialize recursion */
- struct stk {
- uns count;
- struct random_clusters_node *start;
- } stk_top[64], *stk = stk_top + 1;
- stk->start = random_clusters_temp;
- stk->count = vectors_count;
- /* Main loop */
- while (stk != stk_top)
- {
- /* Split conditions */
- uns split;
- if (stk->count < 2)
- split = 0;
- else if (stk->count > random_clusters_max_count)
- split = 1;
- else
- {
- s64 size = random_clusters_max_size;
- for (uns i = 0; i < stk->count && size >= 0; i++)
- size -= stk->start[i].node->temp;
- split = size < 0;
- }
- /* BSP leaf node */
- if (!split)
- {
- stk->start[stk->count - 1].node->temp |= RANDOM_CLUSTERS_LAST;
- random_clusters_count++;
- stk--;
- }
- /* BSP internal node */
- else
- {
- /* Generate random normal vector of the splitting plane */
- int normal[IMAGE_VEC_K];
- for (uns i = 0; i < IMAGE_VEC_K; i++)
- normal[i] = random_max(0x20001) - 0x10000;
- /* Compute dot produts */
- for (uns i = 0; i < stk->count; i++)
- {
- stk->start[i].dot_prod = 0;
- for (uns j = 0; j < IMAGE_VEC_K; j++)
- stk->start[i].dot_prod += normal[j] * stk->start[i].node->vec.f[j];
- }
- /* Sort... could be faster, because we only need the median */
- random_clusters_sort(stk->count, stk->start);
- /* Split in the middle */
- stk[1].count = stk[0].count >> 1;
- stk[0].count -= stk[1].count;
- stk[1].start = stk[0].start;
- stk[0].start += stk[1].count;
- stk++;
- }
- }
- log(L_INFO, "Generated %u clusters", random_clusters_count);
-static void
- if (vectors_count)
- xfree(random_clusters_temp);
-// FIXME: use vectors_read()... duplicate code
-struct signature_record {
- oid_t oid;
- struct image_vector vec;
-#define ASORT_PREFIX(x) build_search_tree_##x
-#define ASORT_KEY_TYPE struct signature_record *
-#define ASORT_ELT(i) rec[i]
-#define ASORT_LT(x,y) x->vec.f[dim] < y->vec.f[dim]
-#define ASORT_EXTRA_ARGS , uns dim, struct signature_record **rec
-#include "lib/arraysort.h"
-#if 0
-#define DBG_KD(x...) DBG(x)
-#define DBG_KD(x...) do{}while(0)
-static struct image_tree tree;
-static struct signature_record *records;
-static struct signature_record **precords;
-static void
- log(L_INFO, "Building KD-tree");
- struct fastbuf *fb_signatures = index_bopen("image-sig", O_RDONLY);
- tree.count = bgetl(fb_signatures);
- ASSERT(tree.count < 0x80000000);
- if (!tree.count)
- {
- /* FIXME */
- bclose(fb_signatures);
- die("There are no signatures");
- }
- else
- {
- DBG("Reading %d signatures", tree.count);
- records = xmalloc(tree.count * sizeof(struct signature_record));
- precords = xmalloc(tree.count * sizeof(void *));
- for (uns i = 0; i < tree.count; i++)
- {
- bread(fb_signatures, &records[i].oid, sizeof(oid_t));
- bread(fb_signatures, &records[i].vec, sizeof(struct image_vector));
- uns len = bgetc(fb_signatures);
- bskip(fb_signatures, len * sizeof(struct image_region));
- precords[i] = records + i;
- if (likely(i))
- for (uns j = 0; j < IMAGE_VEC_K; j++)
- {
- tree.bbox.vec[0].f[j] = MIN(tree.bbox.vec[0].f[j], records[i].vec.f[j]);
- tree.bbox.vec[1].f[j] = MAX(tree.bbox.vec[1].f[j], records[i].vec.f[j]);
- }
- else
- tree.bbox.vec[0] = tree.bbox.vec[1] = records[0].vec;
- }
- bclose(fb_signatures);
- for (tree.depth = 1; (uns)(2 << tree.depth) < tree.count; tree.depth++);
- DBG("depth=%d nodes=%d bbox=[(%s), (%s)]", tree.depth, 1 << tree.depth,
- stk_print_image_vector(tree.bbox.vec + 0), stk_print_image_vector(tree.bbox.vec + 1));
- uns leaves_index = 1 << (tree.depth - 1);
- tree.nodes = xmalloc_zero((1 << tree.depth) * sizeof(struct image_node));
- tree.leaves = xmalloc_zero(tree.count * sizeof(struct image_leaf));
- /* Initialize recursion */
- struct stk {
- struct image_bbox bbox;
- uns index, count;
- struct signature_record **start;
- } stk_top[32], *stk = stk_top + 1;
- stk->index = 1;
- stk->start = precords;
- stk->count = tree.count;
- stk->bbox.vec[0] = tree.bbox.vec[0];
- for (uns i = 0; i < IMAGE_VEC_K; i++)
- stk->bbox.vec[1].f[i] = tree.bbox.vec[1].f[i] - tree.bbox.vec[0].f[i];
- uns entry_index = 0;
- /* Main loop */
- while (stk != stk_top)
- {
- DBG_KD("Main loop... depth=%d index=%d count=%d, start=%d, min=%s dif=%s",
- stk - stk_top, stk->index, stk->count, stk->start - precords,
- stk_print_image_vector(stk->bbox.vec + 0), stk_print_image_vector(stk->bbox.vec + 1));
- ASSERT(stk->count);
- /* Create leaf node */
- if (stk->index >= leaves_index || stk->count < 2)
- {
- tree.nodes[stk->index].val = IMAGE_NODE_LEAF | entry_index;
- for (; stk->count--; stk->start++)
- {
- struct image_leaf *leaf = &tree.leaves[entry_index++];
- struct signature_record *record = *stk->start;
- leaf->oid = record->oid;
- leaf->flags = 0;
- for (uns i = IMAGE_VEC_K; i--; )
- {
- uns bits = IMAGE_LEAF_BITS(i);
- leaf->flags <<= bits;
- if (stk->bbox.vec[1].f[i])
- {
- uns value =
- (record->vec.f[i] - stk->bbox.vec[0].f[i]) *
- ((1 << bits) - 1) / stk->bbox.vec[1].f[i];
- ASSERT(value < (uns)(1 << bits));
- leaf->flags |= value;
- }
- }
- if (!stk->count)
- leaf->flags |= IMAGE_LEAF_LAST;
- DBG_KD("Creating leaf node; oid=%d vec=(%s) flags=0x%08x",
- leaf->oid, stk_print_image_vector(&record->vec), leaf->flags);
- }
- stk--;
- }
- /* Create internal node */
- else
- {
- /* Select dimension to splis */
- uns dim = 0;
- for (uns i = 1; i < IMAGE_VEC_K; i++)
- if (stk->bbox.vec[1].f[i] > stk->bbox.vec[1].f[dim])
- dim = i;
- /* Sort... FIXME: we only need the median */
- build_search_tree_sort(stk->count, dim, stk->start);
- /* Split in the middle */
- uns index = stk->index;
- stk[1].index = stk[0].index * 2;
- stk[0].index = stk[1].index + 1;
- stk[1].count = stk[0].count >> 1;
- stk[0].count -= stk[1].count;
- stk[1].start = stk[0].start;
- stk[0].start += stk[1].count;
- /* Choose split value */
- uns lval = stk->start[-1]->vec.f[dim];
- uns rval = stk->start[0]->vec.f[dim];
- uns pivot = stk->bbox.vec[0].f[dim] + (stk->bbox.vec[1].f[dim] >> 1);
- if (pivot <= lval)
- pivot = lval;
- else if (pivot >= rval)
- pivot = rval;
- DBG_KD("Created internal node; dim=%d pivot=%d", dim, pivot);
- /* Split the box */
- stk[1].bbox = stk[0].bbox;
- stk[1].bbox.vec[1].f[dim] = pivot - stk[0].bbox.vec[0].f[dim];
- stk[0].bbox.vec[0].f[dim] += stk[1].bbox.vec[1].f[dim];
- stk[0].bbox.vec[1].f[dim] -= stk[1].bbox.vec[1].f[dim];
- /* Fill the node structure */
- tree.nodes[index].val = dim + (pivot << 8);
- stk++;
- }
- }
- DBG("Tree constructed, saving...");
- struct fastbuf *fb_tree = index_bopen("image-tree", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);
- bputl(fb_tree, tree.count);
- bputl(fb_tree, tree.depth);
- bwrite(fb_tree, &tree.bbox, sizeof(struct image_bbox));
- bwrite(fb_tree, tree.nodes + 1, ((1 << tree.depth) - 1) * sizeof(struct image_node));
- bwrite(fb_tree, tree.leaves, tree.count * sizeof(struct image_leaf));
- bclose(fb_tree);
- //xfree(tree.leaves);
- //xfree(tree.nodes);
- //xfree(precords);
- //xfree(records);
- }
-#if 0
-struct pass1_hilbert {
- u32 index;
- struct image_vector vec;
-struct pass1_node {
- cnode lru_node;
- cnode buf_node;
- uns buf_size;
- byte *buf;
- oid_t oid;
- byte *url;
- struct image image;
- struct image_dup dup;
-static uns pass1_buf_size = 400 << 20;
-static uns pass1_max_count = 100000;
-static uns pass1_search_dist = 40;
-static uns pass1_search_count = 500;
-static struct mempool *pass1_pool;
-static struct pass1_hilbert *pass1_hilbert_list;
-static byte *pass1_buf_start;
-static byte *pass1_buf_pos;
-static uns pass1_buf_free;
-static uns pass1_buf_used;
-static clist pass1_buf_list;
-static clist pass1_lru_list;
-static u64 pass1_lookups;
-static u64 pass1_reads;
-static u64 pass1_pairs;
-static u64 pass1_dups;
-static u64 pass1_shrinks;
-static u64 pass1_alloc_sum;
-#define HILBERT_PREFIX(x) pass1_hilbert_##x
-#define HILBERT_TYPE byte
-#define HILBERT_ORDER 8
-#include "images/hilbert.h"
-#define ASORT_PREFIX(x) pass1_hilbert_sort_##x
-#define ASORT_KEY_TYPE struct image_vector *
-#define ASORT_ELT(i) (&pass1_hilbert_list[i].vec)
-#define ASORT_LT(x,y) (memcmp(x, y, sizeof(*x)) < 0)
-#define ASORT_SWAP(i,j) do { struct pass1_hilbert _s; \
- _s = pass1_hilbert_list[i]; \
- pass1_hilbert_list[i] = pass1_hilbert_list[j]; \
- pass1_hilbert_list[j] = _s; } while(0)
-#include "lib/arraysort.h"
-static void
- DBG("Computing positions on the Hilbert curve");
- pass1_hilbert_list = xmalloc(tree.count * sizeof(struct pass1_hilbert));
- for (uns i = 0; i < tree.count; i++)
- {
- struct pass1_hilbert *h = pass1_hilbert_list + i;
- h->index = i;
- byte vec[IMAGE_VEC_K];
- pass1_hilbert_encode(vec, precords[i]->vec.f);
- for (uns j = 0; j < IMAGE_VEC_K; j++)
- h->vec.f[j] = vec[IMAGE_VEC_K - 1 - j];
- }
- DBG("Sorting signatures in order of incresing parameters on the Hilbert curve");
- pass1_hilbert_sort_sort(tree.count);
-#if 0
- for (uns i = 0; i < tree.count; i++)
- {
- if (i)
- {
- byte *v1 = precords[pass1_hilbert_list[i - 1].index]->vec.f;
- byte *v2 = precords[pass1_hilbert_list[i].index]->vec.f;
-#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
- uns dist = 0;
- for (uns j = 0; j < 6; j++)
- dist += SQR(v1[j] - v2[j]);
- DBG("dist %d", dist);
- }
- DBG("index %d", pass1_hilbert_list[i].index);
- }
-static void
- xfree(pass1_hilbert_list);
-#define HASH_PREFIX(x) pass1_hash_##x
-#define HASH_NODE struct pass1_node
-#define HASH_KEY_ATOMIC oid
-#define HASH_WANT_NEW
-#include "lib/hashtable.h"
-static inline void
- //DBG("pass1_buf_init()");
- pass1_buf_free = pass1_buf_size;
- pass1_buf_start = pass1_buf_pos = xmalloc(pass1_buf_size);
- pass1_buf_used = 0;
-static inline void
- //DBG("pass1_buf_cleanup()");
- xfree(pass1_buf_start);
-static void
-pass1_node_free(struct pass1_node *node)
- //DBG("pass1_node_free(%d)", (uns)node->oid);
- if (node->buf_size)
- {
- pass1_buf_used -= node->buf_size;
- clist_remove(&node->buf_node);
- }
- clist_remove(&node->lru_node);
- pass1_hash_remove(node);
-static inline void
- ASSERT(!clist_empty(&pass1_lru_list));
- pass1_node_free(SKIP_BACK(struct pass1_node, lru_node, clist_head(&pass1_lru_list)));
-static inline void
-pass1_node_after_move(struct pass1_node *node, addr_int_t move)
- //DBG("pass1_node_after_mode(%d, %d)", (uns)node->oid, (uns)move);
- /* adjust internal pointers */
-#define MOVE(x) x = (byte *)(x) - move
- MOVE(node->url);
- MOVE(node->image.pixels);
- MOVE(node->dup.buf);
-#undef MOVE
-static inline void
- DBG("pass1_buf_shrink()");
- pass1_shrinks++;
- pass1_buf_free = pass1_buf_size;
- pass1_buf_pos = pass1_buf_start;
- CLIST_FOR_EACH(void *, p, pass1_buf_list)
- {
- struct pass1_node *node = SKIP_BACK(struct pass1_node, buf_node, p);
- if (node->buf != pass1_buf_pos)
- {
- memmove(pass1_buf_pos, node->buf, node->buf_size);
- pass1_node_after_move(node, node->buf - pass1_buf_pos);
- node->buf = pass1_buf_pos;
- }
- pass1_buf_pos += node->buf_size;
- pass1_buf_free -= node->buf_size;
- }
-static void *
-pass1_buf_alloc(uns size)
- //DBG("pass1_buf_alloc(%d)", size);
- /* if there is not enough free space at the end of the buffer */
- if (size > pass1_buf_free)
- {
- /* free some lru nodes */
- //DBG("freeing lru nodes");
- while (size > pass1_buf_size - pass1_buf_used || pass1_buf_used > pass1_buf_size / 2)
- {
- if (unlikely(clist_empty(&pass1_lru_list))) // FIXME
- die("Buffer too small");
- pass1_node_free_lru();
- }
- pass1_buf_shrink();
- }
- /* final allocation */
- void *result = pass1_buf_pos;
- pass1_buf_pos += size;
- pass1_buf_free -= size;
- pass1_buf_used += size;
- pass1_alloc_sum += size;
- return result;
-static struct pass1_node *
-pass1_node_new(oid_t oid)
- DBG("pass1_node_new(%d)", (uns)oid);
- if (pass1_hash_table.hash_count == pass1_max_count)
- pass1_node_free_lru();
- struct pass1_node *node = pass1_hash_new(oid);
- mp_flush(pass1_pool);
- pass1_reads++;
- /* read object */
- struct card_attr ca;
- bsetpos(fb_card_attrs, (sh_off_t)oid * sizeof(ca)); /* FIXME: these seeks can be easily removed */
- bread(fb_card_attrs, &ca, sizeof(ca));
- bsetpos(fb_cards, (sh_off_t)ca.card << CARD_POS_SHIFT); /* FIXME: maybe a presort should handle these random seeks */
- uns buck_len = bgetl(fb_cards) - (LIZARD_COMPRESS_HEADER - 1);
- uns buck_type = bgetc(fb_cards) + BUCKET_TYPE_PLAIN;
- struct odes *obj = obj_read_bucket(buck2obj, pass1_pool, buck_type, buck_len, fb_cards, NULL);
- if (unlikely(!obj))
- die("Failed to read card");
- byte *url = obj_find_aval(obj_find_attr(obj, 'U' + OBJ_ATTR_SON)->son, 'U');
- uns url_len = strlen(url);
- /* decompress thumbnail */
- struct image_obj imo;
- imo_init(&imo, pass1_pool, obj);
- if (unlikely(!imo_decompress_thumbnail(&imo)))
- die("Cannot decompress thumbnail");
- node->image = imo.thumb;
- /* create duplicates comparision object */
- image_dup_init(&node->dup, &node->image, pass1_pool);
- /* copy data */
- //DBG("loaded image %s s=%d d=%d", url, node->image.size, node->dup.buf_size);
- node->buf_size = node->image.size + node->dup.buf_size + url_len + 1;
- if (node->buf_size)
- {
- byte *buf = node->buf = pass1_buf_alloc(node->buf_size);
- clist_add_tail(&pass1_buf_list, &node->buf_node);
-#define COPY(ptr, size) ({ void *_p=buf; uns _size=(size); buf+=_size; memcpy(_p,(ptr),_size); _p; })
- node->url = COPY(url, url_len + 1);
- node->image.pixels = COPY(node->image.pixels, node->image.size);
- node->dup.buf = COPY(node->dup.buf, node->dup.buf_size);
-#undef COPY
- }
- /* add to lru list */
- return node;
-static inline struct pass1_node *
-pass1_node_lock(oid_t oid)
- DBG("pass1_node_lock(%d)", (uns)oid);
- pass1_lookups++;
- struct pass1_node *node = pass1_hash_find(oid);
- if (node)
- {
- clist_remove(&node->lru_node);
- return node;
- }
- else
- return pass1_node_new(oid);
-static inline void
-pass1_node_unlock(struct pass1_node *node)
- //DBG("pass1_node_unlock(%d)", (uns)node->oid);
- clist_add_tail(&pass1_lru_list, &node->lru_node);
-static void
- log(L_INFO, "%d count, %Ld lookups, %Ld reads, %Ld pairs, %Ld dups, %Ld shrinks", tree.count,
- (long long int)pass1_lookups, (long long int)pass1_reads,
- (long long int)pass1_pairs, (long long int)pass1_dups, (long long int)pass1_shrinks);
-static void
- log(L_INFO, "Looking for duplicates");
- ASSERT(tree.nodes);
- /* initialization */
- pass1_lookups = pass1_reads = pass1_pairs = pass1_dups = pass1_shrinks = pass1_alloc_sum = 0;
- fb_cards = bopen("index/cards", O_RDONLY, 10000); // FIXME
- fb_card_attrs = bopen("index/card-attrs", O_RDONLY, sizeof(struct card_attr)); // FIXME
- buck2obj = buck2obj_alloc();
- imo_decompress_thumbnails_init();
- clist_init(&pass1_lru_list);
- clist_init(&pass1_buf_list);
- pass1_hash_init();
- pass1_buf_init();
- pass1_pool = mp_new(1 << 20);
- /* Hilbert sort */
- pass1_hilbert_sort();
- pass1_hilbert_cleanup();
- /* main loop */
- for (uns i = 0; i < tree.count; )
- {
- /* lookup next image */
- oid_t oid = tree.leaves[i].oid;
- struct pass1_node *node = pass1_node_lock(oid);
- /* compare with all near images */
- struct image_search search;
- image_search_init(&search, &tree, &precords[i]->vec, pass1_search_dist);
- /* FIXME: can be faster than general search in KD-tree */
- oid_t oid2;
- uns dist;
- for (uns j = 0; j < pass1_search_count && image_search_next(&search, &oid2, &dist); j++)
- {
- if (oid < oid2)
- {
- struct pass1_node *node2 = pass1_node_lock(oid2);
- DBG("comparing %d and %d", oid, oid2);
- if (image_dup_compare(&node->dup, &node2->dup, IMAGE_DUP_TRANS_ID))
- {
- pass1_dups++;
- log(L_DEBUG, "*** Found duplicates oid1=0x%x oid=0x%x", (uns)node->oid, (uns)node2->oid);
- log(L_DEBUG, " %s", node->url);
- log(L_DEBUG, " %s", node2->url);
- }
- pass1_pairs++;
- pass1_node_unlock(node2);
- }
- }
- image_search_done(&search);
- pass1_node_unlock(node);
- i++;
- if (i % 1000 == 0)
- log(L_DEBUG, "... passed %d images", i);
- }
- /* clean up */
- pass1_hash_cleanup();
- pass1_buf_cleanup();
- mp_delete(pass1_pool);
- bclose(fb_cards);
- bclose(fb_card_attrs);
- buck2obj_free(buck2obj);
- imo_decompress_thumbnails_done();
- /* print statistics */
- pass1_show_stats();
-static uns pass2_clusterings_count = 1;
-static void
- if (!vectors_count)
- return;
- log(L_DEBUG, "Reading image sizes");
- /* FIXME: hack, these reads are not necessary, can be done in previous phases */
- struct fastbuf *fb_cards = index_bopen("cards", O_RDONLY);
- struct fastbuf *fb_card_attrs = index_bopen("card-attrs", O_RDONLY);
- struct mempool *pool = mp_new(1 << 16);
- struct buck2obj_buf *bob = buck2obj_alloc();
- for (uns i = 0; i < vectors_count; i++)
- {
- oid_t oid = vectors[i].oid;
- struct card_attr ca;
- bsetpos(fb_card_attrs, (sh_off_t)oid * sizeof(ca));
- bread(fb_card_attrs, &ca, sizeof(ca));
- bsetpos(fb_cards, (sh_off_t)ca.card << CARD_POS_SHIFT);
- uns buck_len = bgetl(fb_cards) - (LIZARD_COMPRESS_HEADER - 1);
- uns buck_type = bgetc(fb_cards) + BUCKET_TYPE_PLAIN;
- mp_flush(pool);
- struct odes *obj = obj_read_bucket(bob, pool, buck_type, buck_len, fb_cards, NULL);
- byte *attr = obj_find_aval(obj, 'G');
- ASSERT(attr);
- uns image_width, image_height, image_colors, thumb_width, thumb_height;
- byte color_space[MAX_ATTR_SIZE];
- sscanf(attr, "%d%d%s%d%d%d", &image_width, &image_height, color_space, &image_colors, &thumb_width, &thumb_height);
- vectors[i].temp = image_dup_estimate_size(thumb_width, thumb_height) +
- sizeof(struct image) + thumb_width * thumb_height * 3;
- }
- buck2obj_free(bob);
- mp_delete(pool);
- bclose(fb_cards);
- bclose(fb_card_attrs);
-static void
- // FIXME: presorts, much allocated memory when not needed
- vectors_read();
- pass2_estimate_sizes();
- random_clusters_init();
- for (uns clustering = 0; clustering < pass2_clusterings_count; clustering++)
- {
- random_clusters_build();
- // FIXME
- // - external sort
- // - generate and compare pairs in clusters
- }
- random_clusters_cleanup();
- vectors_cleanup();
-static char *shortopts = CF_SHORT_OPTS "";
-static struct option longopts[] =
- { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
-static char *help = "\
-Usage: image-indexer [<options>]\n\
-Options:\n" CF_USAGE;
-static void NONRET
-usage(byte *msg)
- if (msg)
- {
- fputs(msg, stderr);
- fputc('\n', stderr);
- }
- fputs(help, stderr);
- exit(1);
-main(int argc UNUSED, char **argv)
- int opt;
- log_init(argv[0]);
- while ((opt = cf_getopt(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) >= 0)
- switch (opt)
- {
- default:
- usage("Invalid option");
- }
- if (optind != argc)
- usage("Invalid usage");
- srgb_to_luv_init();
-#if 0
- while (1)
- {
- struct mempool *pool = mp_new(1024);
- struct fastbuf *fb = bopen("a.jpg", O_RDONLY, 1024);
- struct image_io io;
- log(L_DEBUG, "opening");
- image_open(&io, fb, pool);
- io.format = IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG;
- log(L_DEBUG, "reading");
- int i;
- i = image_read(&io);
- log(L_DEBUG, "done %d %d %d", i, io.image.width, io.image.height);
- for (i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)
- ;
- image_close(&io);
- mp_delete(pool);
- bclose(fb);
- }
-#if 0
- generate_signatures(20000);
- build_kd_tree();
- //pass1();
- pass2();
- return 0;