Compared to the RAM, the PM lacks two important capabilities: indexing of arrays
-and arithmetic instructions. We can emulate both with poly-logarithmic slowdown,
-but it will turn out that they are rarely needed in graph algorithms. We are
-also going to prove that the RAM is strictly stronger, so we will prefer to
-formulate our algorithms for the PM and use the RAM only when necessary.
-Every program for the Word-RAM with word size~$W$ can be translated to a~PM program
-computing the same with $\O(W^2)$ slowdown (given a~suitable encoding of inputs and
-outputs, of course). If the RAM program does not use multiplication, division
-and remainder operations, $\O(W)$~slowdown is sufficient.
-Represent the memory of the RAM by a~balanced binary search tree or by a~radix
-trie of depth~$\O(W)$. Values are encoded as~linked lists of symbols pointed
-to by the nodes of the tree. Both direct and indirect accesses to the memory
-can therefore be done in~$\O(W)$ time. Use standard algorithms for arithmetic
-on big numbers: $\O(W)$ per operation except for multiplication, division and
-remainders which take $\O(W^2)$.\foot{We could use more efficient arithmetic
-algorithms, but the quadratic bound is good enough for our purposes.}
-Every program for the PM running in polynomial time can be translated to a~program
-computing the same on the Word-RAM with only $\O(1)$ slowdown.
-Encode each cell of the PM's memory to $\O(1)$ integers. Store the encoded cells to
-the memory of the RAM sequentially and use memory addresses as pointers. As the symbols
-are finite and there is only a~polynomial number of cells allocated during execution
-of the program, $\O(\log N)$-bit integers suffice ($N$~is the size of the program's input).
+and arithmetic instructions. We can emulate both with slowdown $\O(W^2)$, where
+$W$~is the word size, but it will turn out that they are rarely needed in graph
+algorithms. On the other hand, a~PM program can be translated to a~RAM program
+with only constant slowdown, so the RAM is strictly stronger. We will therefore
+prefer to formulate our algorithms for the PM and use the RAM only when
There are also \df{randomized} versions of both machines. These are equipped