- Domain Name Server Configuration Utilities -- NSC 2.3
+ Domain Name Server Configuration Utilities -- NSC 3.0
- (c) 1997--2001 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ (c) 1997--2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+#### BIG FAT WARNING ####
+NSC 3.0 is close to having been rewritten from scratch. However, the documentation
+has not been updated yet, only the example configs in cf/* were.
NSC is a set of shell and M4 scripts for easy maintenance of all domain name
server files (including configuration and zone files). It requires BIND 8.X,
GNU bash and GNU m4 to be installed on the system. All programs have been
+VER=$(shell cd .. ; basename `pwd`)
+dist: clean
+ mkdir tmp
+ ( cd ../.. ; tar cf - $(VER) --exclude CVS --exclude dist ) | ( cd tmp ; tar xf - )
+ ( cd tmp/$(VER) ; rm -rf cf cf.ucw ; mv cf.dist cf )
+ ( cd tmp ; tar czvvf /tmp/$(VER).tar.gz $(VER) )
+ rm -rf tmp
if [ -f ../Makefile ] ; then cd .. ; make distclean ; fi
rm -f `find .. -name "*~" -or -name "*.[oa]" -or -name "\#*\#" -or -name TAGS -or -name core`
+ rm -rf tmp
-dist: clean
- sh -c 'cd .. ; X=`pwd` ; X=`basename $$X` ; cd .. ; tar czvvf /tmp/$$X.tar.gz $$X --exclude CVS --exclude dist'
+#dist: clean
+# sh -c 'cd .. ; X=`pwd` ; X=`basename $$X` ; cd .. ; tar czvvf /tmp/$$X.tar.gz $$X --exclude CVS --exclude dist'