* <<mandatory-array,Mandatory macros>>
* <<optional-array,Optional macros>>
- <<external,External sorting>>
+ * <<basic-external,Basic macros>>
+ * <<callback-external,Callbacks>>
+ * <<integer-external,Integer sorting>>
+ * <<hash-external,Hashing>>
+ * <<merge-external,Merging>>
+ * <<input-external,Input>>
+ * <<output-external,Output>>
+ * <<other-external,Other switches>>
+ * <<function-external,Generated function>>
Simple array sorting
<<external,external sorter>> machinery described below, but you can
use it directly.
+It is in the `sorter/array.h` header.
It differs in few details:
- It supports only continuous arrays, no indexing macro can be
!!ucw/sorter/array.h ASORT_PREFIX
+External sorting
+If you have too much data to fit into memory, you need to employ
+external sorting. This external sorter operates on
+<<fastbuf:,fastbufs>> containing sequences of items. Each item
+consists of a key, optionally followed by data. Both the keys and data
+may be of variable length, but the keys must be represented by
+fixed-size type in memory. The length of data must be computable from
+the key. Data are just copied verbatim, unless you use the merging
+mode, in which data with the same keys get merged together.
+All callbacks must be thread safe.
+The sorter resides in the `sorter/sorter.h` header file.
+Basic macros
+You need to provide some basic macros. Some of them are optional.
+- `SORT_PREFIX(x)` -- Identifier generating macro. This one is
+ mandatory.
+- `SORT_KEY` -- Data structure holding the key of item in memory. The
+ representation on disk may be different. Either this one or
+ `SORT_KEY_REGULAR` must be provided.
+- `SORT_KEY_REGULAR` -- You may use this instead of `SORT_KEY`, when
+ the keys have the same representation both in memory and on disk.
+ Then the sorter uses <<fastbuf:bread()>> and <<fastbuf:bwrite()>> to
+ load and store them. It also assumes the keys are not very long.
+- `SORT_KEY_SIZE(key)` -- Returns the real size of the key. The sorter
+ can use this to save space and truncate the key to the given number
+ of bytes, when the keys have variable lengths. If the keys have
+ fixed sizes, there is no need for this macro.
+- `SORT_DATA_SIZE(key)` -- Returns the amount of data following this
+ key. If you do not provide this one, the sorter assumes there are
+ only keys and no data.
+Furthermore, you need to provide these callback functions (make sure
+they are thread safe):
+- `int SORT_PREFIX(compare)(SORT_KEY *a, SORT_KEY *b)` -- Comparing
+ function. It should act like strcmp(). Mandatory unless provided by
+ <<integer-external,integer sorting>>.
+- `int SORT_PREFIX(read_key)(struct fastbuf *f, SORT_KEY *k)` --
+ Should read a key from the provided <<fastbuf:,fastbuf>> @f and
+ store it into @k. Returns nonzero when ok and zero when an `EOF` was
+ met. Mandatory unless `SORT_KEY_REGULAR` is defined.
+- `void SORT_PREFIX(write_key)(struct fastbuf *f, SORT_KEY *k)` --
+ Should store key @k into @f. Mandatory unless `SORT_KEY_REGULAR` is
+ defined.
+Integer sorting
+If you sort by an integer value (either computed or available from
+the key), you can use this to save yourself some functions. It also
+activates the <<hash-external,hashing>> automatically.
+- `SORT_INT(key)` -- This macro returns the integer to sort by. When
+ you provide it, the compare function is automatically provided for
+ you and the sorting function gets another parameter specifying the
+ range of the integers. The better the range fits, the faster the
+ sorting runs.
+- `SORT_INT64(key)` -- The same, but with 64-bit integers.
+If you have a monotone hash function for your keys, you may speed the
+sorting up by providing it. Monotone hashing function must satisfy if
+`hash(x) < hash(y)`, then `x < y`. It should be approximately
+uniformly distributed.
+When you want to use it, define `SORT_HASH_BITS` and set it to the
+number of significant bits the hashing function provides. Then provide
+a callback function `uns SORT_PREFIX(hash)(SORT_KEY *key)`.
+Merging items with identical keys
+The sorter is able to merge items with the same keys (the compare
+function returns `0` for them). To use it, define `SORT_UNIFY` macro
+and provide these functions:
+- `void SORT_PREFIX(write_merged)(struct fastbuf \*dest, SORT_KEY
+ \*\*keys, void \*\*data, uns n, void *buf)`
+ -- This function takes @n records in memory and writes a single
+ record into the @dest <<fastbuf:,fastbuf>>. The @keys and @data are
+ just the records. The @buf parameter points to a workspace memory.
+ It is guaranteed to hold at last the sum of `SUM_UNIFY_WORKSPACE()`
+ macro over all the keys. The function is allowed to modify all its
+ parameters.
+- `void SORT_PREFIX(copy_merged)(SORT_KEY \*\*keys, struct fastbuf
+\*\*data, uns n, struct fastbuf \*dest)`
+ -- This one is similar to the above one, but the data are still in
+ the <<fastbuf:,fastbufs>> @data and no workspace is provided. This
+ is only used when `SORT_DATA_SIZE` or `SORT_UNIFY_WORKSPACE` is
+ provided.
+- `SORT_UNIFY_WORKSPACE(key)` -- Returns the amount of workspace
+ needed when merging this record. Defaults to `0`.
+Specifying input
+To tell the sorter where is the input, you specify one of these
+- `SORT_INPUT_FILE` -- The function takes a filename.
+- `SORT_INPUT_FB` -- The input is a seekable fastbuf stream.
+- `SORT_INPUT_PIPE` -- The input is a non-seekable fastbuf stream.
+- `SORT_INPUT_PRESORT` -- The input is a custom presorter. In this
+ case, you need to write a presorting function `int
+ SORT_PREFIX(presort)(struct fastbuf *dest, void *buf, size_t
+ bufsize)`. The function gets a buffer @buf of size @buf_size to
+ presort in and is supposed to write presorted bunch of data into the
+ @dest buffer. Should return `1` on success or `0` on `EOF` (all it
+ could was already written, no more data). In this case, you can
+ safely pass NULL as the input parameter. The function may be used to
+ generate the data on the fly. The function does not have to be
+ thread safe (it can access global variables).
+If you define `SORT_DELETE_INPUT` and it evaluates to true (nonzero),
+the input files are deleted as soon as possible.
+Specifying output
+You can configure the output in a similar way. Define one of macros:
+- `SORT_OUTPUT_FILE` -- The function takes a filename.
+- `SORT_OUTPUT_FB` -- The function should be provided with NULL and
+ the fastbuf with data is returned.
+- `SORT_THIS_FB` -- A fastbuf is provided to the function and it
+ writes into it. It can already contain some data.
+Other switches
+You may define the `SORT_UNIQUE` macro if all keys are distinct. It is
+checked in debug mode.
+The generated function
+A `SORT_PREFIX(sort)()` function is generated after you include the
+`sorter/sorter.h` header. It has up to three parameters:
+- Input. It is either a string (a filename) if you use
+ `SORT_INPUT_FILE` or a fastbuf (otherwise). It should be set to NULL
+ if you use the `SORT_INPUT_PRESORT` input.
+- Output. It is either a string (a filename) if you defined the
+ `SORT_OUTPUT_FILE` or a fastbuf. It must be NULL if you defined
+- Integer range. The maximum value of integers that are used in the
+ <<integer-external,integer sorting>>. This parameter is here only
+ if you defined `SORT_INT` or `SORT_INT64`.
+The function returns a fastbuf you can read the data from.