--- /dev/null
+COPT=-O2 -fstrict-aliasing -finline-limit=2000
+CWARNS=-Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Winline
+.PHONY: all dust clean distclean programs dirtree
+all: dirtree programs
+ rm -f `find . -path "*~" -or -name "\#*\#" -or -name core`
+clean:: dust
+ rm -rf obj
+ rm -f depend depend.new TAGS
+distclean:: clean
+include lib/Makefile
+include netgrind/Makefile
+programs: $(PROGS)
+dirtree: $(addsuffix /.dir-stamp,$(addprefix obj/,$(DIRS)))
+ etags `find . -name "*.[ch]"`
+# Black magic with dependencies. It would be more correct to make "depend.new"
+# a prerequisite for "depend", but "depend.new" often has the same timestamp
+# as "depend" which would confuse make a lot and either force remaking anyway
+# or (as in current versions of GNU make) erroneously skipping the remaking.
+-include depend
+depend: force
+ if [ -s depend.new ] ; then build/mergedeps depend depend.new ; >depend.new ; fi
+# Implicit rules
+ mkdir -p $(@D) && touch $@
+ ar rcs $@ $?
+obj/%.o: %.c
+ DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+obj/%-tt.o: %.c
+ DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="depend.new $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -c -o $@ $<
+obj/%-t: obj/%-tt.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
+obj/%: obj/%.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
+obj/%: %.sh
+ cp $(TOPDIR)/$^ $@
+ chmod +x $@
+obj/%: %.pl
+ cp $(TOPDIR)/$^ $@
+ chmod +x $@
+# Don't delete intermediate targets. There shouldn't be any, but due to bugs
+# in GNU Make rules with targets in not-yet-existing directories are ignored
+# when searching for implicit rules and thence targets considered intermediate.
--- /dev/null
+@ARGV == 2 or die "Usage: mergedeps <base> <update>";
+foreach $a (@ARGV) {
+ open F, "$a" or next;
+ $t = "";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $t .= $_;
+ if (! /\\$/) {
+ ($t =~ /^(.*):/) || die "Parse error at $t";
+ $rules{$1} = $t;
+ $t = "";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+open(F,">" . $ARGV[0]) || die "Unable to write output file";
+foreach $a (sort keys %rules) {
+ print F $rules{$a};
+close F;
--- /dev/null
+LIBSH_MODS=alloc assert
+LIBSH_MOD_PATHS=$(addprefix obj/lib/,$(LIBSH_MODS))
+$(LIBSH): $(addsuffix .o,$(LIBSH_MOD_PATHS))
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Memory Allocation
+ *
+ * (c) 2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef DMALLOC
+void *
+xmalloc(uns size)
+ void *x = malloc(size);
+ if (!x)
+ die("Cannot allocate %d bytes of memory", size);
+ return x;
+void *
+xmalloc_zero(uns size)
+ void *x = xmalloc(size);
+ bzero(x, size);
+ return x;
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Assertions
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef DEBUG
+assert_failed(char *assertion, char *file, int line)
+ die("Assertion `%s' failed at %s:%d", assertion, file, line);
+ abort();
+ die("Internal error: Assertion failed.");
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Configuration-Dependent Definitions
+ *
+ * (c) 1997--2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+#define CPU_I386 1
+#define CONFIG_LINUX 1
+/* Types */
+typedef unsigned char byte; /* exactly 8 bits, unsigned */
+typedef signed char sbyte; /* exactly 8 bits, signed */
+typedef unsigned short word; /* exactly 16 bits, unsigned */
+typedef short sword; /* exactly 16 bits, signed */
+typedef unsigned short u16; /* exactly 16 bits, unsigned */
+typedef short s16; /* exactly 16 bits, signed */
+typedef unsigned int u32; /* exactly 32 bits, unsigned */
+typedef int s32; /* exactly 32 bits, signed */
+typedef unsigned int uns; /* at least 32 bits */
+typedef unsigned long long int u64; /* exactly 64 bits, unsigned */
+typedef long long int s64; /* exactly 64 bits, signed */
+typedef unsigned long addr_int_t; /* Both integer and address */
+typedef unsigned int sh_time_t; /* Timestamp */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL (void *)0
+/* Misc */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#undef inline
+#define NONRET __attribute__((noreturn))
+#define UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+#define CONSTRUCTOR __attribute__((constructor))
+#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
+#define CONST __attribute__((const))
+#define PURE __attribute__((const))
+#error This program requires the GNU C compiler.
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Miscellaneous Functions
+ *
+ * (c) 1997--2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+ * This file should be included as the very first include in all
+ * source files, especially before all OS includes since it sets
+ * up libc feature macros.
+ */
+#ifndef _SHERLOCK_LIB_H
+#define _SHERLOCK_LIB_H
+#include "lib/config.h"
+/* Tell libc we're going to use all extensions available */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+/* Ugly structure handling macros */
+#define OFFSETOF(s, i) ((unsigned int)&((s *)0)->i)
+#define SKIP_BACK(s, i, p) ((s *)((char *)p - OFFSETOF(s, i)))
+#define ALIGN(s, a) (((s)+a-1)&~(a-1))
+#define UNALIGNED_PART(ptr, type) (((long) (ptr)) % sizeof(type))
+/* Some other macros */
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+#define CLAMP(x,min,max) ({ int _t=x; (_t < min) ? min : (_t > max) ? max : _t; })
+#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a)))
+/* Logging */
+void die(byte *, ...) NONRET;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void assert_failed(char *assertion, char *file, int line) NONRET;
+#define ASSERT(x) do { if (!(x)) assert_failed(#x, __FILE__, __LINE__); } while(0)
+void assert_failed(void) NONRET;
+#define ASSERT(x) do { if (__builtin_constant_p(x) && !(x)) assert_failed(); } while(0)
+#define DBG(x,y...) log(L_DEBUG, x,##y)
+#define DBG(x,y...) do { } while(0)
+/* Memory allocation */
+#ifdef DMALLOC
+ * The standard dmalloc macros tend to produce lots of namespace
+ * conflicts and we use only xmalloc and xfree, so we can define
+ * the stubs ourselves.
+ */
+#include <dmalloc.h>
+#define xmalloc(size) _xmalloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, size)
+#define xrealloc(ptr,size) _xrealloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr, size)
+#define xfree(ptr) _xfree_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr)
+ * Unfortunately, several libraries we might want to link to define
+ * their own xmalloc and we don't want to interfere with them, hence
+ * the renaming.
+ */
+#define xmalloc sh_xmalloc
+void *xmalloc(unsigned);
+void *xrealloc(void *, unsigned);
+#define xfree(x) free(x)
+void *xmalloc_zero(unsigned);
+byte *stralloc(byte *);
--- /dev/null
+ * Sherlock Library -- Linked Lists
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ */
+typedef struct node {
+ struct node *next, *prev;
+} node;
+typedef struct list {
+ struct node head;
+} list;
+static inline void *list_first(list *l)
+ return (l->head.next != &l->head) ? l->head.next : NULL;
+static inline void *list_last(list *l)
+ return (l->head.prev != &l->head) ? l->head.prev : NULL;
+#define WALK_LIST(n,list) for(n=(void*)(list).head; ((node*)(n))->next != &(list).head; n=(void*)((node*)(n))->next)
+static inline void list_insert(node *what, node *after)
+ node *before = after->next;
+ what->next = before;
+ what->prev = before->prev;
+ before->prev = what;
+ after->next = what;
+static inline void list_add_tail(list *l, node *n)
+ list_insert(n, l->head.prev);
+static inline void list_add_head(list *l, node *n)
+ list_insert(n, &l->head);
+static inline void list_remove(node *n)
+ node *before = n->prev;
+ node *after = n->next;
+ before->next = after;
+ after->prev = before;
+static inline void list_init(list *l)
+ node *head = &l->head;
+ head->next = head->prev = head;
--- /dev/null
+NG_OBJS=netgrind.o pkt.o
+obj/netgrind/netgrind: $(addprefix obj/netgrind/,$(NG_OBJS)) $(LIBSH)
+obj/netgrind/netgrind: LIBS+=-lpcap
--- /dev/null
+ * Netgrind -- The Network Traffic Analyser
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include "netgrind/netgrind.h"
+#include "netgrind/pkt.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <net/ethernet.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <pcap.h>
+void die(byte *msg, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, msg);
+ fputs("netgrind: ", stderr);
+ vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
+ fputs("\n", stderr);
+ exit(1);
+static uns tcpip_calc_checksum(void *data, uns len, uns csum)
+ byte *x = data;
+ while (len >= 2)
+ {
+ csum += (x[0] << 8) | x[1];
+ if (csum & 0xffff0000)
+ {
+ csum &= 0x0000ffff;
+ csum++;
+ }
+ x += 2;
+ len -= 2;
+ }
+ if (len)
+ {
+ csum += x[0];
+ if (csum & 0xffff0000)
+ {
+ csum &= 0x0000ffff;
+ csum++;
+ }
+ }
+ return csum;
+static inline uns tcpip_verify_checksum(uns csum)
+ return (csum == 0xffff);
+/*** TCP LAYER ***/
+static struct pkt_stats stat_tcp_in, stat_tcp_invalid;
+static void tcp_got_packet(struct iphdr *iph, struct pkt *p)
+ struct tcphdr *tcph;
+ struct {
+ u32 src;
+ u32 dst;
+ byte zero;
+ byte proto;
+ u16 len;
+ } fakehdr;
+ pkt_account(&stat_tcp_in, p);
+ if (!(tcph = pkt_peek(p, sizeof(*tcph))))
+ goto invalid;
+ uns hdrlen = 4*tcph->doff;
+ if (hdrlen < sizeof(*tcph) || hdrlen > pkt_len(p))
+ goto invalid;
+ fakehdr.src = iph->saddr;
+ fakehdr.dst = iph->daddr;
+ fakehdr.zero = 0;
+ fakehdr.proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
+ fakehdr.len = htons(pkt_len(p));
+ uns sum = tcpip_calc_checksum(&fakehdr, sizeof(fakehdr), 0);
+ sum = tcpip_calc_checksum(p->data, pkt_len(p), sum);
+ if (!tcpip_verify_checksum(sum))
+ goto invalid;
+ /* Here we should do something with the packet */
+ pkt_free(p);
+ return;
+ invalid:
+ pkt_account(&stat_tcp_invalid, p);
+ pkt_free(p);
+/*** IP LAYER ***/
+static struct pkt_stats stat_ip_in, stat_ip_invalid, stat_ip_uninteresting, stat_ip_fragmented;
+static void ip_got_packet(struct pkt *p)
+ struct iphdr *iph;
+ pkt_account(&stat_ip_in, p);
+ if (!(iph = pkt_peek(p, sizeof(*iph))))
+ goto invalid;
+ if (iph->ihl < 5)
+ goto invalid;
+ if (iph->version != 4)
+ goto invalid;
+ uns hdrlen = 4*iph->ihl;
+ if (pkt_len(p) < hdrlen)
+ goto invalid;
+ if (!tcpip_verify_checksum(tcpip_calc_checksum(p->data, hdrlen, 0)))
+ goto invalid;
+ uns len = ntohs(iph->tot_len);
+ if (len < hdrlen || len > pkt_len(p))
+ goto invalid;
+ pkt_unappend(p, pkt_len(p) - len);
+ pkt_pop(p, hdrlen);
+ if (iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
+ {
+ pkt_account(&stat_ip_uninteresting, p);
+ goto drop;
+ }
+ /* XXX: Fragmentation not supported yet, but well-behaved TCP stacks don't use it anyway */
+ if (ntohs(iph->frag_off) & 0x3fff)
+ {
+ pkt_account(&stat_ip_fragmented, p);
+ goto drop;
+ }
+ tcp_got_packet(iph, p);
+ return;
+ invalid:
+ pkt_account(&stat_ip_invalid, p);
+ drop:
+ pkt_free(p);
+/*** LINK LAYER ***/
+static struct pkt_stats stat_link_dwarf, stat_link_in, stat_link_unknown, stat_link_arp;
+static void link_eth_got_packet(struct pkt *p)
+ struct ether_header *eth;
+ uns etype;
+ pkt_account(&stat_link_in, p);
+ if (!(eth = pkt_pop(p, sizeof(*eth))))
+ {
+ pkt_account(&stat_link_dwarf, p);
+ return;
+ }
+ etype = ntohs(eth->ether_type);
+ switch (etype)
+ {
+ ip_got_packet(p);
+ break;
+ pkt_account(&stat_link_arp, p);
+ pkt_free(p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // printf("Unknown ethertype: %04x\n", etype);
+ pkt_account(&stat_link_unknown, p);
+ pkt_free(p);
+ }
+static void (*link_handler)(struct pkt *);
+static struct pkt_stats stat_pcap_incomplete;
+static int link_setup_handler(int dlt)
+ switch (dlt)
+ {
+ case DLT_EN10MB: link_handler = link_eth_got_packet; return 1;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+static void got_pcap_packet(u_char *userdata UNUSED, const struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr, const u_char *pkt)
+ if (hdr->caplen != hdr->len)
+ {
+ stat_pcap_incomplete.packets++;
+ stat_pcap_incomplete.bytes += hdr->len - hdr->caplen;
+ return;
+ }
+ struct pkt *p = pkt_new(0, hdr->len);
+ memcpy(pkt_append(p, hdr->len), pkt, hdr->len);
+ link_handler(p);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
+ pcap_t *pcap;
+ int dlt;
+ if (argc != 2)
+ die("Usage: netgrind <capture-file>");
+ if (!(pcap = pcap_open_offline(argv[1], errbuf)))
+ die("Unable to open %s: %s", argv[1], errbuf);
+ dlt = pcap_datalink(pcap);
+ if (!link_setup_handler(dlt))
+ die("Don't know how to handle data link type %d", dlt);
+ if (pcap_loop(pcap, -1, got_pcap_packet, NULL) < 0)
+ die("Capture failed: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap));
+#if 0
+ struct pcap_stat stats;
+ if (pcap_stats(pcap, &stats))
+ die("pcap_stats: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap));
+ printf("libpcap stats: %d packets received, %d dropped\n", stats.ps_recv, stats.ps_drop);
+ printf("Pcap: %Ld(%Ld) incomplete\n",
+ stat_pcap_incomplete.packets, stat_pcap_incomplete.bytes);
+ printf("Link: %Ld(%Ld) in, %Ld(%Ld) dwarves, %Ld(%Ld) strangers, %Ld(%Ld) ARPs\n",
+ stat_link_in.packets, stat_link_in.bytes,
+ stat_link_dwarf.packets, stat_link_dwarf.bytes,
+ stat_link_unknown.packets, stat_link_unknown.bytes,
+ stat_link_arp.packets, stat_link_arp.bytes);
+ printf("IP: %Ld(%Ld) in, %Ld(%Ld) invalid, %Ld(%Ld) boring, %Ld(%Ld) fragmented\n",
+ stat_ip_in.packets, stat_ip_in.bytes,
+ stat_ip_invalid.packets, stat_ip_invalid.bytes,
+ stat_ip_uninteresting.packets, stat_ip_uninteresting.bytes,
+ stat_ip_fragmented.packets, stat_ip_fragmented.bytes);
+ printf("TCP: %Ld(%Ld) in, %Ld(%Ld) invalid\n",
+ stat_tcp_in.packets, stat_tcp_in.bytes,
+ stat_tcp_invalid.packets, stat_tcp_invalid.bytes);
+ pcap_close(pcap);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Netgrind -- The Network Traffic Analyser
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License.
+ */
--- /dev/null
+ * Netgrind -- Packet Buffers
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lib.h"
+#include "netgrind/pkt.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+struct pkt *pkt_new(uns preroom, uns postroom)
+ uns len = preroom + postroom;
+ struct pkt *p = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pkt) + len);
+ p->stop = p->data = p->buf + preroom;
+ p->ebuf = p->buf + len;
+ return p;
+void pkt_free(struct pkt *p)
+ xfree(p);
--- /dev/null
+ * Netgrind -- Packet Buffers
+ *
+ * (c) 2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License.
+ */
+#include "lib/lists.h"
+struct pkt {
+ struct node n;
+ u64 timestamp;
+ byte *data, *stop, *ebuf;
+ byte buf[0];
+static inline uns pkt_len(struct pkt *p)
+ return p->stop - p->data;
+static inline void pkt_push(struct pkt *p, uns len)
+ p->data -= len;
+ ASSERT(p->data >= p->buf);
+static inline void *pkt_pop(struct pkt *p, uns len)
+ byte *d = p->data;
+ if (d + len > p->stop)
+ return NULL;
+ p->data += len;
+ return d;
+static inline void *pkt_peek(struct pkt *p, uns len)
+ byte *d = p->data;
+ if (d + len > p->stop)
+ return NULL;
+ return d;
+static inline byte *pkt_append(struct pkt *p, uns len)
+ byte *d = p->stop;
+ p->stop = d + len;
+ ASSERT(p->stop <= p->ebuf);
+ return d;
+static inline void pkt_unappend(struct pkt *p, uns len)
+ p->stop -= len;
+ ASSERT(p->stop >= p->data);
+struct pkt *pkt_new(uns preroom, uns postroom);
+void pkt_free(struct pkt *pkt);
+struct pkt_stats {
+ u64 packets;
+ u64 bytes;
+static inline void pkt_account(struct pkt_stats *stats, struct pkt *pkt)
+ stats->packets++;
+ stats->bytes += pkt_len(pkt);