+++ /dev/null
-Lazy conditional string evaluation module for Moe configuration variables.
-* Each variable has ordered list of operations (definitions), each defining operation either
-assigns (SET) or appends (APPEND) value of an expression to the variable. Each operation may be guarded by condition(s).
-NOTE: If no 'SET' applies, a variable is still undefined even if some 'APPEND' applies. This might change.
-* Each condition is a formula (tree consisting of 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' and '==', '!=' between two expressions.
-* Expression is a list of strings and variables to be expanded.
-NOTE: All expanded data should be (or is converted to) unicode
-TODO (OPT): Cleanup of unused undefined variables.
-TODO (OPT): Better variable name checking (no name '.'-structural prefix of another)
-TODO (OPT): Implemet "subtree" listing.
-import types, itertools, re, bisect
-import logging as log
-from moe import MoeError
-"Allowed depth of recursion - includes ALL recursive calls, so should quite high."
-c_maxdepth = 256
-"Maximum attained depth of recursion - for debug/testing"
-debug_maxdepth = 0
-"Variable name regexp, dots (separators) must be separated from edges and each other."
-re_VARNAME = re.compile(r'\A([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\Z')
-def check_depth(depth):
- "Helper to check for recursion depth."
- global debug_maxdepth
- if depth > c_maxdepth:
- raise CyclicConfigError('Too deep recursion in config evaluation (cyclic substitution?)')
- if depth > debug_maxdepth:
- debug_maxdepth = depth
-class ConfigError(MoeError):
- pass
-class UndefinedError(ConfigError):
- pass
-class VariableNameError(ConfigError):
- pass
-class VariableFixedError(ConfigError):
- pass
-class CyclicConfigError(ConfigError):
- pass
-class ConfigTree(object):
- """
- Configuration tree containing all the variables.
- The variables in `self.variables` are referenced directly by the full name.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.variables = {}
- def lookup(self, key, create = True):
- """
- Lookup and return a variable.
- If not found and `create` set, check the name and transparently create a new one.
- """
- if key not in self.variables:
- if not re_VARNAME.match(key):
- raise VariableNameError('Invalid variable identifier %r in config', key)
- if not create:
- raise UndefinedError('Config variable %r undefined.', key)
- self.variables[key] = ConfigVar(key)
- return self.variables[key]
- def __getitem__(self, key)
- """
- Return the value of an existing variable.
- """
- return self.lookup(key, create=False).value()
- def dump(self, prefix=''):
- """
- Pretty printing of the tree.
- Returns an iterator of lines (strings).
- """
- return itertools.chain(*[
- self.variables[k].dump(prefix) for k in sorted(self.variables.keys())
- ])
-class ConfigElem(object):
- """
- Base class for cahed config elements - variables and conditions
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- # Full name with separators, definition for conditions
- self.name = name
- # Vars and conditions depending on value of this one
- self.dependants = set([])
- # Cached value (may be None in case of evaluation error)
- self.cached = False
- self.cached_val = None
- def invalidate(self, depth=0):
- """
- Invalidate cached data and invalidate all dependants.
- Does nothing if not cached.
- """
- check_depth(depth)
- if self.cached:
- log.debug('invalidating %s', self)
- self.cached = False
- for d in self.dependants:
- d.invalidate(depth + 1)
- def value(self, depth=0):
- "Caching helper calling self.evaluate(), returns a value or throws an exception."
- check_depth(depth)
- if not self.cached:
- self.cached_val = self.evaluate(depth=depth+1)
- self.cached = True
- if self.cached_val == None:
- raise UndefinedError("Unable to evaluate %r."%(self.name,))
- return self.cached_val
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
-class ConfigCondition(ConfigElem):
- """
- Condition using equality and logic operators.
- Clause is a tuple-tree in the following recursive form:
- ('AND', c1, c1), ('OR', c1, c2), ('NOT', c1),
- ('==', e1, e2), ('!=', e1, e2) where e1, e2 are `ConfigExpression`s.
- """
- def __init__(self, formula, text=None, parent=None):
- """
- Condition defined by `text` (informative), `formula` as in class definition,
- `parent` is the parent condition (if any).
- """
- if not text:
- text = self.formula_string(formula)
- super(ConfigCondition, self).__init__(text)
- self.formula = formula
- self.parent = parent
- # Setup dependencies on used variables (not on the parent condition)
- for v in self.variables():
- v.dependants.add(self)
- if self.parent:
- self.parent.dependants.add(self)
- def variables(self, cl=None):
- "Return an iterator of variables used in formula `cl`"
- if not cl:
- cl = self.formula
- if cl[0] in ['==','!=']:
- return itertools.chain(cl[1].variables(), cl[2].variables())
- if cl[0] in ['AND','OR']:
- return itertools.chain(self.variables(cl[1]), self.variables(cl[2]))
- return self.variables(cl[1]) # only 'NOT' left
- def remove_dependencies(self):
- "Remove self as a dependant from all used variables"
- for v in self.variables():
- v.dependants.discard(self)
- if self.parent:
- self.parent.dependants.discard(self)
- def evaluate(self, cl=None, depth=0):
- """Evaluate formula `cl` (or the entire condition).
- Partial evaluation for AND and OR. Tests the parent condition first."""
- check_depth(depth)
- if not cl:
- cl = self.formula
- if self.parent and not self.parent.value():
- return False
- if cl[0] in ['==','!=']:
- v = cl[1].evaluate(depth=depth+1) == cl[2].evaluate(depth=depth+1)
- if cl[0] == '!=': v = not v
- return v
- v1 = self.evaluate(cl=cl[1], depth=depth+1)
- if cl[0] == 'NOT':
- return not v1
- if cl[0] == 'OR' and v1: return True
- if cl[0] == 'AND' and not v1: return False
- return self.evaluate(cl=cl[2], depth=depth+1)
- def formula_string(self, formula):
- "Create a string representation of a formula."
- if formula[0] == 'AND':
- return itertools.chain(['('], self.formula_string(formula[1]), [' and '], self.formula_string(formula[2]),[')'])
- elif formula[0] == 'OR':
- return itertools.chain(['('], self.formula_string(formula[1]), [' or '], self.formula_string(formula[2]),[')'])
- elif formula[0] == 'NOT':
- return itertools.chain(['(not '], self.formula_string(formula[1]),[')'])
- elif formula[0] in ['==', '!=']:
- return itertools.chain(formula[1], formula[0], formula[2])
- return iter(['<invalid formula>'])
- def str(self, parents=False):
- "Retur the defining expression, if `parents` set, then prefixed with parent conditions."
- if parents and self.parent:
- return self.parent.str(parents=True) + u' && ' + self.name
- return self.name
- def __str__(self):
- return self.str(parents=False)
-class Operation(object):
- "Helper class for operation data. Must not be present in more variables or present multiple times."
- def __init__(self, operation, condition, expression, level=0, source='?'):
- # operation is currently 'SET' and 'APPEND'
- self.operation = operation
- self.condition = condition
- self.expression = expression
- self.level = level
- self.source = source
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s <%d, %s> [%s] %r" % ( {'SET':'=', 'APPEND':'+'}[self.operation], self.level, self.source,
- (self.condition and self.condition.str(parents=True)) or '', unicode(self.expression))
-class ConfigVar(ConfigElem):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(ConfigVar, self).__init__(name)
- # Ordered list of `Operations` (ascending by `level`)
- self.operations = []
- # Fixed to value (may be None)
- self.fixed = False
- self.fixed_val = None
- def variables(self):
- "Return a set of variables used in the expressions"
- return set(sum([ list(op.expression.variables()) for op in self.operations ], []))
- def fix(self):
- """
- Fixes the value of the variable. Exception is raised should the variable
- evaluate to a different value while fixed.
- """
- if self.fixed:
- return
- self.fixed_val = self.value()
- self.fixed = True
- def unfix(self):
- "Set the variable to be modifiable again."
- self.fixed = False
- def value(self, depth=0):
- "Handle the case when fixed, raise exc. on different evaluation"
- val = super(ConfigVar,self).value(depth)
- if self.fixed and self.fixed_val != val:
- raise VariableFixedError("value of var %s was fixed to %r but evaluated to %r", self.name, self.fixed_val, val)
- return val
- def add_operation(self, operation):
- """
- Inserts an operation. The operations are sorted by `level` (ascending), new operation goes last among
- these with the same level.
- Adds the variable as a dependant of the conditions and variables used in the expressions.
- """
- # Invalidate cached value
- self.invalidate()
- # Add the operation
- pos = bisect.bisect_right([o.level for o in self.operations], operation.level)
- self.operations.insert(pos, operation)
- # Create dependencies
- for v in operation.expression.variables():
- v.dependants.add(self)
- if operation.condition:
- operation.condition.dependants.add(self)
- def remove_operation(self, operation):
- """
- Remove the Operation.
- Also removes the variable as dependant from all conditions and variables used in this
- operation that are no longer used.
- """
- # Invalidate cached value
- self.invalidate()
- # Remove the operation
- self.operations.remove(operation)
- # Remove dependencies on variables unused in other operations
- vs = self.variables()
- for v in operation.expression.variables():
- if v not in vs:
- v.dependants.remove(self)
- # Remove the dependency on the conditions (if not used in another operation)
- if operation.condition and operation.condition not in [op.condition for op in self.operations]:
- operation.condition.dependants.remove(self)
- def evaluate(self, depth=0):
- """
- Find the last 'SET' operation that applies and return the result of concatenating with all
- subsequent applicable 'APPEND' operations. The result is the same as performing the operations
- first-to-last.
- NOTE: undefined if some 'APPEND' apply but no 'SET' applies.
- """
- check_depth(depth)
- log.debug('evaluating var %r', self.name)
- # List of strings to be concatenated
- val = []
- # Scan for last applicable expression - try each starting from the end, concatenate extensions
- for i in range(len(self.operations)-1, -1, -1):
- op = self.operations[i]
- # Check the guarding condition
- if (not op.condition) or op.condition.value(depth+1):
- val.insert(0, op.expression.evaluate(depth=depth+1))
- if op.operation == 'SET':
- return u''.join(val)
- return None
- def dump(self, prefix=''):
- """
- Pretty printing of the variable. Includes all operations.
- Returns iterator of lines (unicode strings).
- """
- # Try to evaluate the variable, but avoid undefined exceptions
- v = None
- try:
- v = self.value(depth=0)
- except ConfigError:
- pass
- yield prefix+u'%s = %r' % (self.name, v)
- for op in self.operations:
- #yield prefix+u' %s [%s] %s' % (op.operation, op.condition and op.condition.str(parents=True), op.expression)
- yield prefix + u' ' + unicode(op)
-class ConfigExpression(object):
- """
- String expression with some unexpanded config variables. Used in variable operations and conditions.
- Expression is given as a list of unicode strings and ConfigVar variables to be expanded.
- """
- def __init__(self, exprlist, original = u'<unknown>'):
- self.exprlist = list(exprlist)
- # Original defining string
- self.original = original
- # Replace strings with unicode
- for i in range(len(self.exprlist)):
- e = self.exprlist[i]
- if isinstance(e, types.StringTypes):
- if not isinstance(e, unicode):
- self.exprlist[i] = unicode(e, 'ascii')
- def variables(self):
- "Return an iterator of variables user in the expression"
- return itertools.ifilter(lambda e: isinstance(e, ConfigVar), self.exprlist)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.original
- def evaluate(self, depth):
- check_depth(depth)
- "Return unicode result of expansion of the variables."
- s = []
- for e in self.exprlist:
- if isinstance(e, ConfigVar):
- s.append(e.value(depth+1))
- elif isinstance(e, unicode):
- s.append(e)
- else:
- raise ConfigError('Invalid type %s in expression \'%s\'.'%(type(e), self))
- return u''.join(s)
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import re
-import sys
-import moe
-key_pattern = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$")
-ref_pattern = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+")
-class MoeConfigInvalid(moe.MoeError):
- pass
-class MoeConfigEvalError(moe.MoeError):
- pass
-class MoeConfig:
- """Moe configuration file. Should be immutable once a part of a stack."""
- def __init__(self, file=None, name=None, type="<unnamed>"):
- self.vars = {}
- self.type = type
- if file is not None:
- self.load(file)
- elif name is not None:
- self.name = name
- try:
- file = open(name, "r")
- except IOError, err:
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Cannot open configuration file %s: %s" % (name, err.strerror)
- else:
- self.load(file)
- def set(self, k, v):
- self.vars[k] = [("s", v)]
- def parse_line(self, x):
- x = x.rstrip("\n").lstrip(" \t")
- if x=="" or x.startswith("#"):
- pass
- else:
- sep = x.find("=")
- if sep >= 0:
- k = x[:sep]
- v = x[sep+1:]
- if k.endswith("+"):
- k = k[:-1]
- if not self.vars.has_key(k):
- self.vars[k] = [("a","")];
- else:
- self.vars[k] += [("s"," ")]
- else:
- self.vars[k] = []
- if not key_pattern.match(k):
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Malformed name of configuration variable"
- if v.startswith("'"):
- v=v[1:]
- if not v.endswith("'"):
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Misquoted string"
- self.vars[k].append(("s", v[:-1]))
- elif v.startswith('"'):
- v=v[1:]
- if not v.endswith('"'):
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Misquoted string"
- self.parse_interpolated(self.vars[k], v[:-1])
- else:
- self.parse_interpolated(self.vars[k], v)
- else:
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Parse error"
- def load(self, file):
- lino = 0
- for x in file.readlines():
- lino += 1
- try:
- self.parse_line(x)
- except MoeConfigInvalid, x:
- msg = x.message + " at line " + str(lino)
- if hasattr(self, "name"):
- msg += " of " + self.name
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, msg
- def parse_interpolated(self, list, s):
- while s<>"":
- if s.startswith("$"):
- s = s[1:]
- if s.startswith("{"):
- p = s.find("}")
- if not p:
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Unbalanced braces"
- k, s = s[1:p], s[p+1:]
- if not key_pattern.match(k):
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Invalid variable name"
- else:
- m = ref_pattern.match(s)
- if m:
- k, s = s[:m.end()], s[m.end():]
- else:
- raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Invalid variable reference"
- list.append(("i", k))
- else:
- p = s.find("$")
- if p < 0:
- p = len(s)
- list.append(("s", s[:p]))
- s = s[p:]
- def dump(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
- for k,v in self.vars.items():
- file.write(prefix)
- file.write(k)
- if len(v) > 0 and v[0][0] == "a":
- file.write("+")
- v = v[1:]
- file.write("=")
- for t,w in v:
- if t == "s":
- file.write("'" + w + "'")
- elif t == "i":
- file.write('"$' + w + '"')
- file.write("\n")
-class MoeConfigStack:
- """Stack of configuration files."""
- def __init__(self, base=None):
- if base:
- self.stk = base.stk[:]
- else:
- self.stk = []
- self.in_progress = {}
- def push(self, cfg):
- self.stk.append(cfg)
- def __getitem__(self, k):
- if self.in_progress.has_key(k):
- raise MoeConfigEvalError, "Definition of $%s is recursive" % k;
- self.in_progress[k] = 1;
- v = self.do_get(k, len(self.stk)-1)
- del self.in_progress[k]
- return v
- def do_get(self, k, pos):
- while pos >= 0:
- cfg = self.stk[pos]
- if cfg.vars.has_key(k):
- new = cfg.vars[k]
- if len(new) > 0 and new[0][0] == "a":
- v = self.do_get(k, pos-1)
- if v != "" and not v.endswith(" "):
- v += " "
- else:
- v = ""
- for op,arg in new:
- if op == "s":
- v = v + arg
- elif op == "i":
- v = v + self[arg]
- return v
- pos -= 1
- return ""
- def keys(self):
- seen = {}
- for cfg in self.stk:
- for k in cfg.vars.keys():
- seen[k] = None
- return seen.keys()
- def dump(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
- for k in sorted(self.keys()):
- v = self[k]
- file.write("%s%s=%s\n" % (prefix,k,v))
- def dump_defs(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
- level = 0
- for cfg in self.stk:
- level += 1
- file.write("%s(level %d: %s)\n" % (prefix,level,cfg.type))
- cfg.dump(file, prefix + "\t")
- file.write("%s(end)\n" % prefix)
- def apply_overrides(self, prefix):
- newstk = []
- for cfg in self.stk:
- over = MoeConfig(type = cfg.type + '-overrides')
- changed = False
- for k in cfg.vars.keys():
- if k.startswith(prefix):
- over.vars[k[len(prefix):]] = cfg.vars[k]
- changed = True
- if changed:
- clean = MoeConfig(type = cfg.type)
- for k in cfg.vars.keys():
- if not k.startswith(prefix):
- clean.vars[k] = cfg.vars[k]
- newstk.append(clean)
- newstk.append(over)
- else:
- newstk.append(cfg)
- self.stk = newstk
-def parse_overrides(argv):
- cfg = None
- argv0 = argv.pop(0)
- while len(argv) > 0 and argv[0].find("=") >= 0:
- if cfg is None:
- cfg = MoeConfig(type='cmdline')
- cfg.parse_line(argv.pop(0))
- argv.insert(0, argv0)
- return cfg
+Lazy conditional string evaluation module for Moe configuration variables.
+* Each variable has ordered list of operations (definitions), each defining operation either
+assigns (SET) or appends (APPEND) value of an expression to the variable. Each operation may be guarded by condition(s).
+NOTE: If no 'SET' applies, a variable is still undefined even if some 'APPEND' applies. This might change.
+* Each condition is a formula (tree consisting of 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' and '==', '!=' between two expressions.
+* Expression is a list of strings and variables to be expanded.
+NOTE: All expanded data should be (or is converted to) unicode
+TODO (OPT): Cleanup of unused undefined variables.
+TODO (OPT): Better variable name checking (no name '.'-structural prefix of another)
+TODO (OPT): Implemet "subtree" listing.
+import types, itertools, re, bisect
+import logging as log
+from moe import MoeError
+"Allowed depth of recursion - includes ALL recursive calls, so should quite high."
+c_maxdepth = 256
+"Maximum attained depth of recursion - for debug/testing"
+debug_maxdepth = 0
+"Variable name regexp, dots (separators) must be separated from edges and each other."
+re_VARNAME = re.compile(r'\A([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\Z')
+def check_depth(depth):
+ "Helper to check for recursion depth."
+ global debug_maxdepth
+ if depth > c_maxdepth:
+ raise CyclicConfigError('Too deep recursion in config evaluation (cyclic substitution?)')
+ if depth > debug_maxdepth:
+ debug_maxdepth = depth
+class ConfigError(MoeError):
+ pass
+class UndefinedError(ConfigError):
+ pass
+class VariableNameError(ConfigError):
+ pass
+class VariableFixedError(ConfigError):
+ pass
+class CyclicConfigError(ConfigError):
+ pass
+class ConfigTree(object):
+ """
+ Configuration tree containing all the variables.
+ The variables in `self.variables` are referenced directly by the full name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.variables = {}
+ def lookup(self, key, create = True):
+ """
+ Lookup and return a variable.
+ If not found and `create` set, check the name and transparently create a new one.
+ """
+ if key not in self.variables:
+ if not re_VARNAME.match(key):
+ raise VariableNameError('Invalid variable identifier %r in config', key)
+ if not create:
+ raise UndefinedError('Config variable %r undefined.', key)
+ self.variables[key] = ConfigVar(key)
+ return self.variables[key]
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """
+ Return the value of an existing variable.
+ """
+ return self.lookup(key, create=False).value()
+ def dump(self, prefix=''):
+ """
+ Pretty printing of the tree.
+ Returns an iterator of lines (strings).
+ """
+ return itertools.chain(*[
+ self.variables[k].dump(prefix) for k in sorted(self.variables.keys())
+ ])
+ def parse(self, s, source=None, level=0):
+ """Parse `s` (stream/string) into the tree, see `moe.confparser.ConfigParser` for details."""
+ import moe.confparser
+ p = moe.confparser.ConfigParser(text, self, source=source, level=level)
+ p.parse()
+ def parse_file(self, filename, desc=None, level=0):
+ """Parse an utf-8 file into the tree, see `moe.confparser.ConfigParser` for details.
+ Names the source "`filename` <`desc`>". """
+ f = open(filename, 'rt')
+ if desc:
+ filename += " <" + desc + ">"
+ self.parse(f, source=filename, level=level)
+class ConfigElem(object):
+ """
+ Base class for cahed config elements - variables and conditions
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ # Full name with separators, definition for conditions
+ self.name = name
+ # Vars and conditions depending on value of this one
+ self.dependants = set([])
+ # Cached value (may be None in case of evaluation error)
+ self.cached = False
+ self.cached_val = None
+ def invalidate(self, depth=0):
+ """
+ Invalidate cached data and invalidate all dependants.
+ Does nothing if not cached.
+ """
+ check_depth(depth)
+ if self.cached:
+ log.debug('invalidating %s', self)
+ self.cached = False
+ for d in self.dependants:
+ d.invalidate(depth + 1)
+ def value(self, depth=0):
+ "Caching helper calling self.evaluate(), returns a value or throws an exception."
+ check_depth(depth)
+ if not self.cached:
+ self.cached_val = self.evaluate(depth=depth+1)
+ self.cached = True
+ if self.cached_val == None:
+ raise UndefinedError("Unable to evaluate %r."%(self.name,))
+ return self.cached_val
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+class ConfigCondition(ConfigElem):
+ """
+ Condition using equality and logic operators.
+ Clause is a tuple-tree in the following recursive form:
+ ('AND', c1, c1), ('OR', c1, c2), ('NOT', c1),
+ ('==', e1, e2), ('!=', e1, e2) where e1, e2 are `ConfigExpression`s.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, formula, text=None, parent=None):
+ """
+ Condition defined by `text` (informative), `formula` as in class definition,
+ `parent` is the parent condition (if any).
+ """
+ if not text:
+ text = self.formula_string(formula)
+ super(ConfigCondition, self).__init__(text)
+ self.formula = formula
+ self.parent = parent
+ # Setup dependencies on used variables (not on the parent condition)
+ for v in self.variables():
+ v.dependants.add(self)
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent.dependants.add(self)
+ def variables(self, cl=None):
+ "Return an iterator of variables used in formula `cl`"
+ if not cl:
+ cl = self.formula
+ if cl[0] in ['==','!=']:
+ return itertools.chain(cl[1].variables(), cl[2].variables())
+ if cl[0] in ['AND','OR']:
+ return itertools.chain(self.variables(cl[1]), self.variables(cl[2]))
+ return self.variables(cl[1]) # only 'NOT' left
+ def remove_dependencies(self):
+ "Remove self as a dependant from all used variables"
+ for v in self.variables():
+ v.dependants.discard(self)
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent.dependants.discard(self)
+ def evaluate(self, cl=None, depth=0):
+ """Evaluate formula `cl` (or the entire condition).
+ Partial evaluation for AND and OR. Tests the parent condition first."""
+ check_depth(depth)
+ if not cl:
+ cl = self.formula
+ if self.parent and not self.parent.value():
+ return False
+ if cl[0] in ['==','!=']:
+ v = cl[1].evaluate(depth=depth+1) == cl[2].evaluate(depth=depth+1)
+ if cl[0] == '!=': v = not v
+ return v
+ v1 = self.evaluate(cl=cl[1], depth=depth+1)
+ if cl[0] == 'NOT':
+ return not v1
+ if cl[0] == 'OR' and v1: return True
+ if cl[0] == 'AND' and not v1: return False
+ return self.evaluate(cl=cl[2], depth=depth+1)
+ def formula_string(self, formula):
+ "Create a string representation of a formula."
+ if formula[0] == 'AND':
+ return itertools.chain(['('], self.formula_string(formula[1]), [' and '], self.formula_string(formula[2]),[')'])
+ elif formula[0] == 'OR':
+ return itertools.chain(['('], self.formula_string(formula[1]), [' or '], self.formula_string(formula[2]),[')'])
+ elif formula[0] == 'NOT':
+ return itertools.chain(['(not '], self.formula_string(formula[1]),[')'])
+ elif formula[0] in ['==', '!=']:
+ return itertools.chain(formula[1], formula[0], formula[2])
+ return iter(['<invalid formula>'])
+ def str(self, parents=False):
+ "Retur the defining expression, if `parents` set, then prefixed with parent conditions."
+ if parents and self.parent:
+ return self.parent.str(parents=True) + u' && ' + self.name
+ return self.name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.str(parents=False)
+class Operation(object):
+ "Helper class for operation data. Must not be present in more variables or present multiple times."
+ def __init__(self, operation, condition, expression, level=0, source='?'):
+ # operation is currently 'SET' and 'APPEND'
+ self.operation = operation
+ self.condition = condition
+ self.expression = expression
+ self.level = level
+ self.source = source
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s <%d, %s> [%s] %r" % ( {'SET':'=', 'APPEND':'+'}[self.operation], self.level, self.source,
+ (self.condition and self.condition.str(parents=True)) or '', unicode(self.expression))
+class ConfigVar(ConfigElem):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super(ConfigVar, self).__init__(name)
+ # Ordered list of `Operations` (ascending by `level`)
+ self.operations = []
+ # Fixed to value (may be None)
+ self.fixed = False
+ self.fixed_val = None
+ def variables(self):
+ "Return a set of variables used in the expressions"
+ return set(sum([ list(op.expression.variables()) for op in self.operations ], []))
+ def fix(self):
+ """
+ Fixes the value of the variable. Exception is raised should the variable
+ evaluate to a different value while fixed.
+ """
+ if self.fixed:
+ return
+ self.fixed_val = self.value()
+ self.fixed = True
+ def unfix(self):
+ "Set the variable to be modifiable again."
+ self.fixed = False
+ def value(self, depth=0):
+ "Handle the case when fixed, raise exc. on different evaluation"
+ val = super(ConfigVar,self).value(depth)
+ if self.fixed and self.fixed_val != val:
+ raise VariableFixedError("value of var %s was fixed to %r but evaluated to %r", self.name, self.fixed_val, val)
+ return val
+ def add_operation(self, operation):
+ """
+ Inserts an operation. The operations are sorted by `level` (ascending), new operation goes last among
+ these with the same level.
+ Adds the variable as a dependant of the conditions and variables used in the expressions.
+ """
+ # Invalidate cached value
+ self.invalidate()
+ # Add the operation
+ pos = bisect.bisect_right([o.level for o in self.operations], operation.level)
+ self.operations.insert(pos, operation)
+ # Create dependencies
+ for v in operation.expression.variables():
+ v.dependants.add(self)
+ if operation.condition:
+ operation.condition.dependants.add(self)
+ def remove_operation(self, operation):
+ """
+ Remove the Operation.
+ Also removes the variable as dependant from all conditions and variables used in this
+ operation that are no longer used.
+ """
+ # Invalidate cached value
+ self.invalidate()
+ # Remove the operation
+ self.operations.remove(operation)
+ # Remove dependencies on variables unused in other operations
+ vs = self.variables()
+ for v in operation.expression.variables():
+ if v not in vs:
+ v.dependants.remove(self)
+ # Remove the dependency on the conditions (if not used in another operation)
+ if operation.condition and operation.condition not in [op.condition for op in self.operations]:
+ operation.condition.dependants.remove(self)
+ def evaluate(self, depth=0):
+ """
+ Find the last 'SET' operation that applies and return the result of concatenating with all
+ subsequent applicable 'APPEND' operations. The result is the same as performing the operations
+ first-to-last.
+ NOTE: undefined if some 'APPEND' apply but no 'SET' applies.
+ """
+ check_depth(depth)
+ log.debug('evaluating var %r', self.name)
+ # List of strings to be concatenated
+ val = []
+ # Scan for last applicable expression - try each starting from the end, concatenate extensions
+ for i in range(len(self.operations)-1, -1, -1):
+ op = self.operations[i]
+ # Check the guarding condition
+ if (not op.condition) or op.condition.value(depth+1):
+ val.insert(0, op.expression.evaluate(depth=depth+1))
+ if op.operation == 'SET':
+ return u''.join(val)
+ return None
+ def dump(self, prefix=''):
+ """
+ Pretty printing of the variable. Includes all operations.
+ Returns iterator of lines (unicode strings).
+ """
+ # Try to evaluate the variable, but avoid undefined exceptions
+ v = None
+ try:
+ v = self.value(depth=0)
+ except ConfigError:
+ pass
+ yield prefix+u'%s = %r' % (self.name, v)
+ for op in self.operations:
+ #yield prefix+u' %s [%s] %s' % (op.operation, op.condition and op.condition.str(parents=True), op.expression)
+ yield prefix + u' ' + unicode(op)
+class ConfigExpression(object):
+ """
+ String expression with some unexpanded config variables. Used in variable operations and conditions.
+ Expression is given as a list of unicode strings and ConfigVar variables to be expanded.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exprlist, original = u'<unknown>'):
+ self.exprlist = list(exprlist)
+ # Original defining string
+ self.original = original
+ # Replace strings with unicode
+ for i in range(len(self.exprlist)):
+ e = self.exprlist[i]
+ if isinstance(e, types.StringTypes):
+ if not isinstance(e, unicode):
+ self.exprlist[i] = unicode(e, 'ascii')
+ def variables(self):
+ "Return an iterator of variables user in the expression"
+ return itertools.ifilter(lambda e: isinstance(e, ConfigVar), self.exprlist)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.original
+ def evaluate(self, depth):
+ check_depth(depth)
+ "Return unicode result of expansion of the variables."
+ s = []
+ for e in self.exprlist:
+ if isinstance(e, ConfigVar):
+ s.append(e.value(depth+1))
+ elif isinstance(e, unicode):
+ s.append(e)
+ else:
+ raise ConfigError('Invalid type %s in expression \'%s\'.'%(type(e), self))
+ return u''.join(s)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import re
+import sys
+import moe
+key_pattern = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$")
+ref_pattern = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+")
+class MoeConfigInvalid(moe.MoeError):
+ pass
+class MoeConfigEvalError(moe.MoeError):
+ pass
+class MoeConfig:
+ """Moe configuration file. Should be immutable once a part of a stack."""
+ def __init__(self, file=None, name=None, type="<unnamed>"):
+ self.vars = {}
+ self.type = type
+ if file is not None:
+ self.load(file)
+ elif name is not None:
+ self.name = name
+ try:
+ file = open(name, "r")
+ except IOError, err:
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Cannot open configuration file %s: %s" % (name, err.strerror)
+ else:
+ self.load(file)
+ def set(self, k, v):
+ self.vars[k] = [("s", v)]
+ def parse_line(self, x):
+ x = x.rstrip("\n").lstrip(" \t")
+ if x=="" or x.startswith("#"):
+ pass
+ else:
+ sep = x.find("=")
+ if sep >= 0:
+ k = x[:sep]
+ v = x[sep+1:]
+ if k.endswith("+"):
+ k = k[:-1]
+ if not self.vars.has_key(k):
+ self.vars[k] = [("a","")];
+ else:
+ self.vars[k] += [("s"," ")]
+ else:
+ self.vars[k] = []
+ if not key_pattern.match(k):
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Malformed name of configuration variable"
+ if v.startswith("'"):
+ v=v[1:]
+ if not v.endswith("'"):
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Misquoted string"
+ self.vars[k].append(("s", v[:-1]))
+ elif v.startswith('"'):
+ v=v[1:]
+ if not v.endswith('"'):
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Misquoted string"
+ self.parse_interpolated(self.vars[k], v[:-1])
+ else:
+ self.parse_interpolated(self.vars[k], v)
+ else:
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Parse error"
+ def load(self, file):
+ lino = 0
+ for x in file.readlines():
+ lino += 1
+ try:
+ self.parse_line(x)
+ except MoeConfigInvalid, x:
+ msg = x.message + " at line " + str(lino)
+ if hasattr(self, "name"):
+ msg += " of " + self.name
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, msg
+ def parse_interpolated(self, list, s):
+ while s<>"":
+ if s.startswith("$"):
+ s = s[1:]
+ if s.startswith("{"):
+ p = s.find("}")
+ if not p:
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Unbalanced braces"
+ k, s = s[1:p], s[p+1:]
+ if not key_pattern.match(k):
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Invalid variable name"
+ else:
+ m = ref_pattern.match(s)
+ if m:
+ k, s = s[:m.end()], s[m.end():]
+ else:
+ raise MoeConfigInvalid, "Invalid variable reference"
+ list.append(("i", k))
+ else:
+ p = s.find("$")
+ if p < 0:
+ p = len(s)
+ list.append(("s", s[:p]))
+ s = s[p:]
+ def dump(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
+ for k,v in self.vars.items():
+ file.write(prefix)
+ file.write(k)
+ if len(v) > 0 and v[0][0] == "a":
+ file.write("+")
+ v = v[1:]
+ file.write("=")
+ for t,w in v:
+ if t == "s":
+ file.write("'" + w + "'")
+ elif t == "i":
+ file.write('"$' + w + '"')
+ file.write("\n")
+class MoeConfigStack:
+ """Stack of configuration files."""
+ def __init__(self, base=None):
+ if base:
+ self.stk = base.stk[:]
+ else:
+ self.stk = []
+ self.in_progress = {}
+ def push(self, cfg):
+ self.stk.append(cfg)
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ if self.in_progress.has_key(k):
+ raise MoeConfigEvalError, "Definition of $%s is recursive" % k;
+ self.in_progress[k] = 1;
+ v = self.do_get(k, len(self.stk)-1)
+ del self.in_progress[k]
+ return v
+ def do_get(self, k, pos):
+ while pos >= 0:
+ cfg = self.stk[pos]
+ if cfg.vars.has_key(k):
+ new = cfg.vars[k]
+ if len(new) > 0 and new[0][0] == "a":
+ v = self.do_get(k, pos-1)
+ if v != "" and not v.endswith(" "):
+ v += " "
+ else:
+ v = ""
+ for op,arg in new:
+ if op == "s":
+ v = v + arg
+ elif op == "i":
+ v = v + self[arg]
+ return v
+ pos -= 1
+ return ""
+ def keys(self):
+ seen = {}
+ for cfg in self.stk:
+ for k in cfg.vars.keys():
+ seen[k] = None
+ return seen.keys()
+ def dump(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
+ for k in sorted(self.keys()):
+ v = self[k]
+ file.write("%s%s=%s\n" % (prefix,k,v))
+ def dump_defs(self, file=sys.stdout, prefix=""):
+ level = 0
+ for cfg in self.stk:
+ level += 1
+ file.write("%s(level %d: %s)\n" % (prefix,level,cfg.type))
+ cfg.dump(file, prefix + "\t")
+ file.write("%s(end)\n" % prefix)
+ def apply_overrides(self, prefix):
+ newstk = []
+ for cfg in self.stk:
+ over = MoeConfig(type = cfg.type + '-overrides')
+ changed = False
+ for k in cfg.vars.keys():
+ if k.startswith(prefix):
+ over.vars[k[len(prefix):]] = cfg.vars[k]
+ changed = True
+ if changed:
+ clean = MoeConfig(type = cfg.type)
+ for k in cfg.vars.keys():
+ if not k.startswith(prefix):
+ clean.vars[k] = cfg.vars[k]
+ newstk.append(clean)
+ newstk.append(over)
+ else:
+ newstk.append(cfg)
+ self.stk = newstk
+def parse_overrides(argv):
+ cfg = None
+ argv0 = argv.pop(0)
+ while len(argv) > 0 and argv[0].find("=") >= 0:
+ if cfg is None:
+ cfg = MoeConfig(type='cmdline')
+ cfg.parse_line(argv.pop(0))
+ argv.insert(0, argv0)
+ return cfg
--- /dev/null
+Simple Moe configuration file syntax parser.
+TODO: decide neccessity of '()' in/around formulas
+TODO: check escaping in expressions
+TODO: should whitespace (incl. '\\n') be allowed (almost) everywhere?
+ can comment be anywhere whitespace can?
+Generally, whitespace and comments are alowed everywhere except in variable names and inside expressions.
+Also, COMMENT must not contain '\\n'.
+The configuration syntax is the following:
+SEP = ( '\\n' | ';' )
+WS = ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\n' | COMMENT )*
+COMMENT = re('#[^\\n]*\\n')
+FORMULA = WS (( EXPRESSION WS ( '!=' | '==' ) WS EXPRESSION ) | '(' AND WS ')' | '(' OR WS ')' | NOT )
+NOTE: ';' or '\n' is currently required even after CONDITION and SUBTREE block
+ TODO: change to OPERATION only
+NOTE: Formula may contain additional/extra parentheses
+EXPRESSION = '"' ( ECHAR | '{' VARNAME '}' )* '"' | re"'[^'\\n]*'" | VARNAME
+ECHAR = re('([^\\{}]|\\\\|\\{|\\}|\\n)*')
+VARNAME = re('[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)*')
+import re, types, itertools, logging as log
+import traceback
+import moe.config as cf
+class ConfigSyntaxError(cf.ConfigError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, source='<unknown>', line=None, column=None):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.source = source
+ self.line = line
+ self.column = column
+ def __str__(self):
+ return('ConfigSyntaxError %s:%d:%d: %s'%(self.source, self.line, self.column, self.msg))
+class ConfigParser(object):
+ c_varname_sep = u'.'
+ c_comment = u'#'
+ c_open = u'{'
+ c_close = u'}'
+ c_ws = u' \t\n'
+ c_sep = u';\n'
+ c_nl = u'\n'
+ c_if = u'if'
+ c_and = u'and'
+ c_or = u'or'
+ c_not = u'not'
+ c_eq = u'=='
+ c_neq = u'!='
+ c_set = u'='
+ c_append = u'+='
+ def __init__(self, s, tree, source='<unknown>', level=0):
+ """Create a config file parser.
+ `s` is either a string, unicode or an open file. File is assumed to be utf-8, string is converted to unicode.
+ `tree` is a ConfigTree to fill the operations into.
+ `source` is an optional name of the file, for debugging and syntax errors.
+ `level` indicates the precedence the operations should have in the ConfigTree
+ """
+ self.s = s # Unicode, ascii string or an open file
+ self.buf = u"" # Read-buffer for s file, whole unicode string for s string/unicode
+ if isinstance(self.s, types.StringTypes):
+ self.buf = unicode(self.s)
+ elif (not isinstance(self.s, file)) or self.s.closed:
+ raise TypeError("Expected unicode, str or open file.")
+ self.bufpos = 0
+ self.source = source # Usually filename
+ self.line = 1
+ self.column = 1
+ self.tree = tree # ConfTree to fill
+ self.level = level # level of the parsed operations
+ self.prefix = '' # Prefix of variable name, may begin with '.'
+ self.conditions = [] # Stack of nested conditions, these are chained, so only the last is necessary
+ self.read_ops = [] # List of parsed operations (varname, `Operation`), returned by `self.parse()`
+ def preread(self, l):
+ "Make sure buf contains at least `l` next characters, return True on succes and False on hitting EOF."
+ if isinstance(self.s, file):
+ self.buf = self.buf[self.bufpos:] + self.s.read(max(l, 1024)).decode('utf8')
+ self.bufpos = 0
+ return len(self.buf) >= self.bufpos + l
+ def peek(self, l = 1):
+ "Peek and return next `l` unicode characters or everything until EOF."
+ self.preread(l)
+ return self.buf[self.bufpos:self.bufpos+l]
+ def peeks(self, s):
+ "Peek and compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. Converts `s` to unicode. False on hitting EOF."
+ s = unicode(s)
+ return self.peek(len(s)) == s
+ def next(self, l = 1):
+ "Eat and return next `l` unicode characters. Raise exception on EOF."
+ if not self.preread(l):
+ self.syntax_error("Unexpected end of file")
+ s = self.buf[self.bufpos:self.bufpos+l]
+ self.bufpos += l
+ rnl = s.rfind('\n')
+ if rnl<0:
+ # no newline
+ self.column += l
+ else:
+ # some newlines
+ self.line += s.count('\n')
+ self.column = l - rnl - 1
+ return s
+ def nexts(self, s):
+ """Compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. On match, eat them and return True. Otherwise just return False.
+ Converts `s` to unicode. False on hitting EOF."""
+ s = unicode(s)
+ if self.peeks(s):
+ self.next(len(s))
+ return True
+ return False
+ def eof(self):
+ "Check for end-of-stream."
+ return not self.preread(1)
+ def expect(self, s, msg=None):
+ "Eat and compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. If not equal, raise an error with `msg`. Unicode."
+ s = unicode(s)
+ if not self.nexts(s):
+ self.syntax_error(msg or u"%r expected."%(s,))
+ def syntax_error(self, msg, *args):
+ "Raise a syntax error with file/line/column info"
+ raise ConfigSyntaxError(source=self.source, line=self.line, column=self.column, msg=(msg%args))
+ def dbg(self):
+ n = None; s = ''
+ for i in traceback.extract_stack():
+ if i[2][:2]=='p_':
+ s += ' '
+ n = i[2]
+ if n: log.debug(s + n + ' ' + repr(self.peek(15)) + '...')
+ def parse(self):
+ self.read_ops = []
+ self.p_BLOCK()
+ return self.read_ops
+ def p_BLOCK(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ self.p_WS()
+ while (not self.eof()) and (not self.peeks(self.c_close)):
+ self.p_STATEMENT()
+ l0 = self.line
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.eof() or self.peeks(self.c_close):
+ break
+ if self.line == l0: # No newline skipped in p_WS
+ self.expect(';')
+ else:
+ self.nexts(';') # NOTE: this is weird - can ';' occur anywhere? Or at most once, but only after any p_WS debris?
+ self.p_WS()
+ def p_WS(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ while not self.eof():
+ if self.peek() in self.c_ws:
+ self.next()
+ elif self.peeks(self.c_comment):
+ self.p_COMMENT()
+ else:
+ break
+ def p_COMMENT(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ self.expect(self.c_comment, "'#' expected at the beginning of a comment.")
+ while (not self.eof()) and (not self.nexts(self.c_nl)):
+ self.next(1)
+ def p_STATEMENT(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.peeks(self.c_if):
+ self.p_CONDITION()
+ else:
+ # for operation or subtree, read VARNAME
+ varname = self.p_VARNAME()
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.peeks(self.c_open):
+ self.p_SUBTREE(varname)
+ else:
+ self.p_OPERATION(varname)
+ def p_SUBTREE(self, varname=None):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ if not varname:
+ self.p_WS()
+ varname = self.p_VARNAME()
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(self.c_open)
+ # backup and extend the variable name prefix
+ p = self.prefix
+ self.prefix = p + self.c_varname_sep + varname
+ self.p_BLOCK()
+ self.prefix = p
+ # close block and
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(self.c_close)
+ def p_OPERATION(self, varname=None):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ if not varname:
+ self.p_WS()
+ varname = self.p_VARNAME()
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.nexts(self.c_set):
+ op = 'SET'
+ elif self.nexts(self.c_append):
+ op = 'APPEND'
+ else:
+ self.syntax_error('Unknown operation.')
+ self.p_WS()
+ exp = self.p_EXPRESSION()
+ vname = (self.prefix+self.c_varname_sep+varname).lstrip(self.c_varname_sep)
+ v = self.tree.lookup(vname)
+ if self.conditions:
+ cnd = self.conditions[-1]
+ else:
+ cnd = None
+ op = cf.Operation(op, cnd, exp, level=self.level,
+ source="%s:%d:%d"%(self.source, self.line, self.column))
+ # NOTE/WARNING: The last character of operation will be reported in case of error.
+ v.add_operation(op)
+ self.read_ops.append( (vname, op) )
+ def p_CONDITION(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ self.p_WS()
+ t = u"condition at %s:%d:%d"%(self.source, self.line, self.column)
+ self.expect(self.c_if)
+ self.p_WS()
+ f = self.p_FORMULA()
+ cnd = cf.ConfigCondition(f, text=t, parent=(self.conditions and self.conditions[-1]) or None)
+ self.conditions.append(cnd)
+ # Parse a block
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(self.c_open)
+ self.p_BLOCK()
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(self.c_close)
+ # Cleanup
+ self.conditions.pop()
+ def p_VARNAME(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ vnl = []
+ while self.preread(1) and (self.peek().isalnum() or self.peek() in u'-_.'):
+ vnl.append(self.next())
+ vn = u''.join(vnl)
+ if not cf.re_VARNAME.match(vn):
+ self.syntax_error('Invalid variable name %r', vn)
+ return vn
+ def p_EXPRESSION(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ if self.peek() not in '\'"':
+ # Expect a variable name
+ varname = self.p_VARNAME()
+ return cf.ConfigExpression((self.tree.lookup(varname),), varname)
+ op = self.next()
+ # Parse literal expression
+ if op == u'\'':
+ exl = []
+ while not self.peeks(op):
+ exl.append(self.next())
+ self.expect(op)
+ s = u''.join(exl)
+ return cf.ConfigExpression((s,), s)
+ # Parse expression with variables
+ exl = [op]
+ expr = []
+ while not self.peeks(op):
+ exl.append(self.peek())
+ if self.nexts(u'\\'):
+ # Escape sequence
+ c = self.next()
+ if c not in u'\\"n' + self.c_open + self.c_close:
+ self.syntax_error('Illeal escape sequence in expression')
+ if c == 'n':
+ expr.append(u'\n')
+ else:
+ expr.append(c)
+ exl.append(c)
+ elif self.nexts(self.c_open):
+ # Parse a variable name in '{}'
+ varname = self.p_VARNAME()
+ self.expect(self.c_close)
+ exl.append(varname)
+ expr.append(self.tree.lookup(varname))
+ else:
+ # Regular character
+ expr.append(self.next())
+ self.expect(op)
+ exs = ''.join(exl)
+ # Concatenate consecutive characters in expr
+ expr2 = []
+ for i in expr:
+ if expr2 and isinstance(expr2[-1], unicode) and isinstance(i, unicode):
+ expr2[-1] = expr2[-1] + i
+ else:
+ expr2.append(i)
+ return cf.ConfigExpression(expr2, exs)
+ def p_FORMULA(self):
+ self.dbg() # Debug
+ self.p_WS()
+ # Combined logical formula
+ if self.nexts(u'('):
+ f1 = self.p_FORMULA()
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.nexts(self.c_and):
+ if self.peek(1).isalnum():
+ self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_and)
+ f2 = self.p_FORMULA()
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(u')')
+ return ('AND', f1, f2)
+ elif self.nexts(self.c_or):
+ if self.peek(1).isalnum():
+ self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_or)
+ f2 = self.p_FORMULA()
+ self.p_WS()
+ self.expect(u')')
+ return ('OR', f1, f2)
+ elif self.nexts(u')'):
+ # Only extra parenthes
+ return f1
+ else:
+ self.syntax_error("Logic operator or ')' expected")
+ elif self.nexts(self.c_not):
+ if self.peek().isalnum():
+ self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_not)
+ # 'not' formula
+ f = self.p_FORMULA()
+ return ('NOT', f)
+ else:
+ # Should be (in)equality condition
+ e1 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
+ self.p_WS()
+ if self.nexts(self.c_eq):
+ self.p_WS()
+ e2 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
+ return ('==', e1, e2)
+ elif self.nexts(self.c_neq):
+ self.p_WS()
+ e2 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
+ return ('!=', e1, e2)
+ else:
+ self.syntax_error("Comparation operator expected")
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import moe.config as cf
+from moe.config_parser import *
+import logging as log
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(s):
+ s.t = cf.ConfigTree()
+ def parse(s, string, level=0, fname='test'):
+ cp = ConfigParser(string, s.t, fname, level)
+ ops = cp.parse()
+ cp.p_WS()
+ assert cp.eof()
+ return ops
+ def var(s, varname, create=True):
+ return s.t.lookup(varname, create=create)
+ def val(s, varname):
+ return s.var(varname, create=False).value()
+ def eqparse(s, string, *args, **kwargs):
+ "Parse expression `s`, return parts that should be equal to anoter run of `eqparse(s)`."
+ return [(i[0], i[1].operation) for i in s.parse(string, *args, **kwargs)]
+class TestParser(TestConfig):
+ s1 = r"""a="1";z{b='2';w{S.Tr_an-g.e='"'}};c.d='\n';e="{a}{b}";e+='{c.d}';a+="\"\n\{\}";f+='Z{a.b}';e+=c.d;e+=c;e+=a"""
+ s2 = '\t\n \n ' + s1.replace('=', '= \n ').replace(';', '\t \n\t \n ').replace('+=',' \n += ') + '\n\n '
+ def test_noWS(s):
+ assert len(s.parse(s.s1)) == 11
+ def test_noWS_COMMENT(s):
+ assert s.eqparse(s.s1+'#COMMENT') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'#') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'#\n') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'\n#')
+ def test_manyWS(s):
+ assert s.eqparse(s.s2) == s.eqparse(s.s1)
+ def test_manyWS_COMMENT(s):
+ assert s.eqparse(s.s2.replace('\n',' #COMMENT \n')) == s.eqparse(s.s2.replace('\n','#\n')) == s.eqparse(s.s1)
+ def test_empty(s):
+ assert s.eqparse('') == s.eqparse('\n') == s.eqparse('') == s.eqparse('a{}') == \
+ s.eqparse('a.b.c{if ""==\'\' {d.e{\n\n#Nothing\n}} }') == []
+ def test_syntax_errors(s):
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "a=#")
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "a='\"")
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a="{a@b}"')
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a="A{A"')
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a=b"42"')
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a=b.c.d.')
+ def test_error_location(s):
+ try: s.parse('\t \n \n { \n \n ')
+ except ConfigSyntaxError, e:
+ assert e.line == 3 and e.column in range(2,4)
+ def test_quoting(s):
+ s.parse(' a="\\"\\{a$b\\}\'\n\n\'{z}" ')
+ assert s.var('z', create=False)
+ # No escaping in '-string
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, " a='\"\\'\n\n' ")
+ # Variable should not be created
+ s.parse(" a='{z2}' ")
+ s.assertRaises(cf.ConfigError, s.var, 'z2', create=False)
+ def test_conditions(s):
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if '{a}'=='{b}' and ''!='' {}")
+ s.parse('if ((#C\n (\n (not not not""!="")\n#C\n)\t ) ) {}')
+ s.parse('if (""=="" and not (not not ""!="" or ""=="")){}')
+ s.parse('if ((a=="{b}" and a.b.c!=c.b.a)or x!=y){}')
+ s.parse('if(""==""){a{if(""==""){if(""==""){b{if(""==""){if(""==""){}}}}}}}')
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if notnot'{a}'=='{b}' {}")
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if ('{a}'=='{b}' not and ''!='') {}")
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if ('{a}'=='{b}' ornot ''!='') {}")
+ s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if 'a'<>'b' {}")
+class TestConfigEval(TestConfig):
+ def test_ops(s):
+ s.parse('c+="-C_APP"', level=20)
+ s.parse('a="A"; b="{a}-B"; c="C1-{b}-C2"; a+="FOO"; a="AA"')
+ assert s.val('c') == 'C1-AA-B-C2-C_APP'
+ s.parse('b+="-A:\{{a}\}";a+="A"', level=10)
+ assert s.val('c') == 'C1-AAA-B-A:{AAA}-C2-C_APP'
+ def test_nested(s):
+ s.parse('a="0"; b{a="1"; b{a="2"; b{a="3"; b{a="4"; b{a="5"}}}}}')
+ assert s.val('b.b.b.a') == '3'
+ s.parse('b.b{b.b{b.a="5MOD"}}')
+ assert s.val('b.b.b.b.b.a') == '5MOD'
+ def test_escape_chars(s):
+ s.parse(r"""a='{a}\\\\#\n'; b="{a}'\"\{\}"; c='\'; c+="\{{b}\}";""")
+ assert s.val('c') == r"""\{{a}\\\\#\n'"{}}"""
+ def test_expressions(s):
+ s.parse('A="4"; B.B=\'2\'; B.A=A; B.C="{B.A}{B.B}"; if B.C=="42" {D=C}; if C==D{E=D}; C="OK"')
+ assert s.val('E') == 'OK'
+ ts = 'a="A:"; if "{c1}"=="1" {a+="C1"; b="B"; if ("{c2a}"=="1" or not "{c2b}"=="1") { a+="C2"; '\
+ 'if ("{c3a}"=="1" and "{c3b}"=="1") { a+="C3" }}}'
+ def test_cond_chain(s):
+ s.parse(s.ts)
+ s.parse('c1="1"; c2="0"')
+ # b should have determined value, a should not (since c3a is undefined)
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
+ assert s.val('b') == 'B'
+ s.parse('c1="0"')
+ # now b should be undefined
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'b')
+ # Normal evaluation
+ s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c2b="0"; c3a="0"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2'
+ s.parse('c3a="1"; c3b="1"; c2b="1"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2C3'
+ # tests condition invalidating
+ s.parse('c2a+="0"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1'
+ def test_cond_eager(s):
+ s.parse(s.ts)
+ # undefined c2b and c3a should not be evaluated
+ s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3a="0"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2'
+ # but now c3b should be evaluated
+ s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3a="1"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
+ s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3b="1"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2C3'
+ def test_undef(s):
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
+ s.parse('a="{b}"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
+ s.parse('b+="1"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'b')
+ def test_loopy_def(s):
+ s.parse('a="A"; a+="{a}"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.CyclicConfigError, s.val, 'a')
+ s.parse('b="{c}"; c="{b}"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.CyclicConfigError, s.val, 'b')
+ def test_varname(s):
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b/c')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableNameError, s.val, '.b.c')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b.c.')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b..c')
+ def test_remove(s):
+ l = s.parse('a="A1"; b="B1"; if "{cond}"=="1" {a+="A2"; b+="B2"}; a+="A3"; b+="B3"; cond="1"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
+ assert s.val('b') == 'B1B2B3'
+ # remove b+="B2"
+ s.var('b').remove_operation(l[3][1])
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
+ assert s.val('b') == 'B1B3'
+ # are the dependencies still handled properly?
+ s.parse('cond+="-invalidated"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A1A3'
+ s.parse('cond="1"')
+ assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
+ def test_fix(s):
+ s.parse(""" A='4'; B="{A}"; C="2"; B+="{C}"; D="{B}"; E="{D}" """)
+ s.var('D').fix()
+ # Break by C
+ l = s.parse('C="3"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "E")
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "D")
+ s.var('C').remove_operation(l[0][1])
+ # Break directly by D
+ l = s.parse('D="41"')
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "D")
+ s.assertRaises(cf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "E")
+ # Unfix
+ s.var('D').unfix()
+ assert s.val('E') == '41'
+ s.var('D').remove_operation(l[0][1])
+ assert s.val('D') == '42'
+ def test_unicode(s):
+ # Ascii (1b) and unicode (2b)
+ s.parse(u'A="Ú"; C="ě"')
+ # String
+ s.parse('B=\'chyln\'')
+ # By escapes
+ s.parse(u'D=\'\u0159e\u017eav\xe1\'')
+ s.parse(u'E="ŽluŤ"')
+ # Via utf8 file
+ f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
+ f.write(u'S1="\xdachyln\u011b \u0159e\u017eav\xe1 \u017dlu\u0164" ; S2="{A}{B}{C} {D} {E}"'.encode('utf8'))
+ f.seek(0)
+ s.parse(f)
+ # Test
+ s.parse(u'if "{S1}"=="{S2}" { ANS="jó!" } ')
+ assert s.val('ANS') == u"jó!"
+ assert s.val('S1') == s.val('S2') == u'\xdachyln\u011b \u0159e\u017eav\xe1 \u017dlu\u0164'
+ def test_priority(s):
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('APPEND', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["4"]), level=4))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('APPEND', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["3a"]), level=3))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('APPEND', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["1"]), level=1))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('SET', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["2"]), level=2))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('APPEND', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["3b"]), level=3))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('SET', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["0"]), level=0))
+ s.var('a').add_operation(cf.Operation('APPEND', None, cf.ConfigExpression(["5"]), level=5))
+ assert s.val('a')=='23a3b45'
+# TODO: Fail on 1st April
+# TODO (OPT): Somehow add log.debug('Maximum encountered depth: %d', cf.debug_maxdepth)
+# Coverage via command "nosetests conftest --with-coverage --cover-html-dir=cover --cover-html"
+++ /dev/null
-Simple Moe configuration file syntax parser.
-TODO: decide neccessity of '()' in/around formulas
-TODO: check escaping in expressions
-TODO: should whitespace (incl. '\\n') be allowed (almost) everywhere?
- can comment be anywhere whitespace can?
-Generally, whitespace and comments are alowed everywhere except in variable names and inside expressions.
-Also, COMMENT must not contain '\\n'.
-The configuration syntax is the following:
-SEP = ( '\\n' | ';' )
-WS = ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\n' | COMMENT )*
-COMMENT = re('#[^\\n]*\\n')
-FORMULA = WS (( EXPRESSION WS ( '!=' | '==' ) WS EXPRESSION ) | '(' AND WS ')' | '(' OR WS ')' | NOT )
-NOTE: ';' or '\n' is currently required even after CONDITION and SUBTREE block
- TODO: change to OPERATION only
-NOTE: Formula may contain additional/extra parentheses
-EXPRESSION = '"' ( ECHAR | '{' VARNAME '}' )* '"' | re"'[^'\\n]*'" | VARNAME
-ECHAR = re('([^\\{}]|\\\\|\\{|\\}|\\n)*')
-VARNAME = re('[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)*')
-import re, types, itertools, logging as log
-import traceback
-import moe.conf as conf
-class ConfigSyntaxError(conf.ConfigError):
- def __init__(self, msg, fname='<unknown>', line=None, column=None):
- self.msg = msg
- self.fname = fname
- self.line = line
- self.column = column
- def __str__(self):
- return('ConfigSyntaxError %s:%d:%d: %s'%(self.fname, self.line, self.column, self.msg))
-class ConfigParser(object):
- c_varname_sep = u'.'
- c_comment = u'#'
- c_open = u'{'
- c_close = u'}'
- c_ws = u' \t\n'
- c_sep = u';\n'
- c_nl = u'\n'
- c_if = u'if'
- c_and = u'and'
- c_or = u'or'
- c_not = u'not'
- c_eq = u'=='
- c_neq = u'!='
- c_set = u'='
- c_append = u'+='
- def __init__(self, s, tree, fname='<unknown>', level=0):
- """Create a config file parser.
- `s` is either a string, unicode or an open file. File is assumed to be utf-8, string is converted to unicode.
- `tree` is a ConfigTree to fill the operations into.
- `fname` is an optional name of the file, for debugging and syntax errors.
- `level` indicates the precedence the operations should have in the ConfigTree
- """
- self.s = s # Unicode, ascii string or an open file
- self.buf = u"" # Read-buffer for s file, whole unicode string for s string/unicode
- if isinstance(self.s, types.StringTypes):
- self.buf = unicode(self.s)
- elif (not isinstance(self.s, file)) or self.s.closed:
- raise TypeError("Expected unicode, str or open file.")
- self.bufpos = 0
- self.fname = fname # Filename
- self.line = 1
- self.column = 1
- self.tree = tree # ConfTree to fill
- self.level = level # level of the parsed operations
- self.prefix = '' # Prefix of variable name, may begin with '.'
- self.conditions = [] # Stack of nested conditions, these are chained, so only the last is necessary
- self.read_ops = [] # List of parsed operations (varname, `Operation`), returned by `self.parse()`
- def preread(self, l):
- "Make sure buf contains at least `l` next characters, return True on succes and False on hitting EOF."
- if isinstance(self.s, file):
- self.buf = self.buf[self.bufpos:] + self.s.read(max(l, 1024)).decode('utf8')
- self.bufpos = 0
- return len(self.buf) >= self.bufpos + l
- def peek(self, l = 1):
- "Peek and return next `l` unicode characters or everything until EOF."
- self.preread(l)
- return self.buf[self.bufpos:self.bufpos+l]
- def peeks(self, s):
- "Peek and compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. Converts `s` to unicode. False on hitting EOF."
- s = unicode(s)
- return self.peek(len(s)) == s
- def next(self, l = 1):
- "Eat and return next `l` unicode characters. Raise exception on EOF."
- if not self.preread(l):
- self.syntax_error("Unexpected end of file")
- s = self.buf[self.bufpos:self.bufpos+l]
- self.bufpos += l
- rnl = s.rfind('\n')
- if rnl<0:
- # no newline
- self.column += l
- else:
- # some newlines
- self.line += s.count('\n')
- self.column = l - rnl - 1
- return s
- def nexts(self, s):
- """Compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. On match, eat them and return True. Otherwise just return False.
- Converts `s` to unicode. False on hitting EOF."""
- s = unicode(s)
- if self.peeks(s):
- self.next(len(s))
- return True
- return False
- def eof(self):
- "Check for end-of-stream."
- return not self.preread(1)
- def expect(self, s, msg=None):
- "Eat and compare next `len(s)` characters to `s`. If not equal, raise an error with `msg`. Unicode."
- s = unicode(s)
- if not self.nexts(s):
- self.syntax_error(msg or u"%r expected."%(s,))
- def syntax_error(self, msg, *args):
- "Raise a syntax error with file/line/column info"
- raise ConfigSyntaxError(fname=self.fname, line=self.line, column=self.column, msg=(msg%args))
- def dbg(self):
- n = None; s = ''
- for i in traceback.extract_stack():
- if i[2][:2]=='p_':
- s += ' '
- n = i[2]
- if n: log.debug(s + n + ' ' + repr(self.peek(15)) + '...')
- def parse(self):
- self.read_ops = []
- self.p_BLOCK()
- return self.read_ops
- def p_BLOCK(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- self.p_WS()
- while (not self.eof()) and (not self.peeks(self.c_close)):
- self.p_STATEMENT()
- l0 = self.line
- self.p_WS()
- if self.eof() or self.peeks(self.c_close):
- break
- if self.line == l0: # No newline skipped in p_WS
- self.expect(';')
- else:
- self.nexts(';') # NOTE: this is weird - can ';' occur anywhere? Or at most once, but only after any p_WS debris?
- self.p_WS()
- def p_WS(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- while not self.eof():
- if self.peek() in self.c_ws:
- self.next()
- elif self.peeks(self.c_comment):
- self.p_COMMENT()
- else:
- break
- def p_COMMENT(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- self.expect(self.c_comment, "'#' expected at the beginning of a comment.")
- while (not self.eof()) and (not self.nexts(self.c_nl)):
- self.next(1)
- def p_STATEMENT(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- self.p_WS()
- if self.peeks(self.c_if):
- self.p_CONDITION()
- else:
- # for operation or subtree, read VARNAME
- varname = self.p_VARNAME()
- self.p_WS()
- if self.peeks(self.c_open):
- self.p_SUBTREE(varname)
- else:
- self.p_OPERATION(varname)
- def p_SUBTREE(self, varname=None):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- if not varname:
- self.p_WS()
- varname = self.p_VARNAME()
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(self.c_open)
- # backup and extend the variable name prefix
- p = self.prefix
- self.prefix = p + self.c_varname_sep + varname
- self.p_BLOCK()
- self.prefix = p
- # close block and
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(self.c_close)
- def p_OPERATION(self, varname=None):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- if not varname:
- self.p_WS()
- varname = self.p_VARNAME()
- self.p_WS()
- if self.nexts(self.c_set):
- op = 'SET'
- elif self.nexts(self.c_append):
- op = 'APPEND'
- else:
- self.syntax_error('Unknown operation.')
- self.p_WS()
- exp = self.p_EXPRESSION()
- vname = (self.prefix+self.c_varname_sep+varname).lstrip(self.c_varname_sep)
- v = self.tree.lookup(vname)
- if self.conditions:
- cnd = self.conditions[-1]
- else:
- cnd = None
- op = conf.Operation(op, cnd, exp, level=self.level,
- source="%s:%d:%d"%(self.fname, self.line, self.column))
- # NOTE/WARNING: The last character of operation will be reported in case of error.
- v.add_operation(op)
- self.read_ops.append( (vname, op) )
- def p_CONDITION(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- self.p_WS()
- t = u"condition at %s:%d:%d"%(self.fname, self.line, self.column)
- self.expect(self.c_if)
- self.p_WS()
- f = self.p_FORMULA()
- cnd = conf.ConfigCondition(f, text=t, parent=(self.conditions and self.conditions[-1]) or None)
- self.conditions.append(cnd)
- # Parse a block
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(self.c_open)
- self.p_BLOCK()
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(self.c_close)
- # Cleanup
- self.conditions.pop()
- def p_VARNAME(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- vnl = []
- while self.preread(1) and (self.peek().isalnum() or self.peek() in u'-_.'):
- vnl.append(self.next())
- vn = u''.join(vnl)
- if not conf.re_VARNAME.match(vn):
- self.syntax_error('Invalid variable name %r', vn)
- return vn
- def p_EXPRESSION(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- if self.peek() not in '\'"':
- # Expect a variable name
- varname = self.p_VARNAME()
- return conf.ConfigExpression((self.tree.lookup(varname),), varname)
- op = self.next()
- # Parse literal expression
- if op == u'\'':
- exl = []
- while not self.peeks(op):
- exl.append(self.next())
- self.expect(op)
- s = u''.join(exl)
- return conf.ConfigExpression((s,), s)
- # Parse expression with variables
- exl = [op]
- expr = []
- while not self.peeks(op):
- exl.append(self.peek())
- if self.nexts(u'\\'):
- # Escape sequence
- c = self.next()
- if c not in u'\\"n' + self.c_open + self.c_close:
- self.syntax_error('Illeal escape sequence in expression')
- if c == 'n':
- expr.append(u'\n')
- else:
- expr.append(c)
- exl.append(c)
- elif self.nexts(self.c_open):
- # Parse a variable name in '{}'
- varname = self.p_VARNAME()
- self.expect(self.c_close)
- exl.append(varname)
- expr.append(self.tree.lookup(varname))
- else:
- # Regular character
- expr.append(self.next())
- self.expect(op)
- exs = ''.join(exl)
- # Concatenate consecutive characters in expr
- expr2 = []
- for i in expr:
- if expr2 and isinstance(expr2[-1], unicode) and isinstance(i, unicode):
- expr2[-1] = expr2[-1] + i
- else:
- expr2.append(i)
- return conf.ConfigExpression(expr2, exs)
- def p_FORMULA(self):
- self.dbg() # Debug
- self.p_WS()
- # Combined logical formula
- if self.nexts(u'('):
- f1 = self.p_FORMULA()
- self.p_WS()
- if self.nexts(self.c_and):
- if self.peek(1).isalnum():
- self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_and)
- f2 = self.p_FORMULA()
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(u')')
- return ('AND', f1, f2)
- elif self.nexts(self.c_or):
- if self.peek(1).isalnum():
- self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_or)
- f2 = self.p_FORMULA()
- self.p_WS()
- self.expect(u')')
- return ('OR', f1, f2)
- elif self.nexts(u')'):
- # Only extra parenthes
- return f1
- else:
- self.syntax_error("Logic operator or ')' expected")
- elif self.nexts(self.c_not):
- if self.peek().isalnum():
- self.syntax_error('trailing characters after %r', self.c_not)
- # 'not' formula
- f = self.p_FORMULA()
- return ('NOT', f)
- else:
- # Should be (in)equality condition
- e1 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
- self.p_WS()
- if self.nexts(self.c_eq):
- self.p_WS()
- e2 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
- return ('==', e1, e2)
- elif self.nexts(self.c_neq):
- self.p_WS()
- e2 = self.p_EXPRESSION()
- return ('!=', e1, e2)
- else:
- self.syntax_error("Comparation operator expected")
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import moe.conf as conf
-from moe.confparser import *
-import logging as log
-import unittest
-import tempfile
-class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(s):
- s.t = conf.ConfigTree()
- def parse(s, string, level=0, fname='test'):
- c=ConfigParser(string, s.t, fname, level)
- ops = c.parse()
- c.p_WS()
- assert c.eof()
- return ops
- def var(s, varname, create=True):
- return s.t.lookup(varname, create=create)
- def val(s, varname):
- return s.var(varname, create=False).value()
- def eqparse(s, string, *args, **kwargs):
- "Parse expression `s`, return parts that should be equal to anoter run of `eqparse(s)`."
- return [(i[0], i[1].operation) for i in s.parse(string, *args, **kwargs)]
-class TestParser(TestConfig):
- s1 = r"""a="1";z{b='2';w{S.Tr_an-g.e='"'}};c.d='\n';e="{a}{b}";e+='{c.d}';a+="\"\n\{\}";f+='Z{a.b}';e+=c.d;e+=c;e+=a"""
- s2 = '\t\n \n ' + s1.replace('=', '= \n ').replace(';', '\t \n\t \n ').replace('+=',' \n += ') + '\n\n '
- def test_noWS(s):
- assert len(s.parse(s.s1)) == 11
- def test_noWS_COMMENT(s):
- assert s.eqparse(s.s1+'#COMMENT') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'#') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'#\n') == s.eqparse(s.s1+'\n#')
- def test_manyWS(s):
- assert s.eqparse(s.s2) == s.eqparse(s.s1)
- def test_manyWS_COMMENT(s):
- assert s.eqparse(s.s2.replace('\n',' #COMMENT \n')) == s.eqparse(s.s2.replace('\n','#\n')) == s.eqparse(s.s1)
- def test_empty(s):
- assert s.eqparse('') == s.eqparse('\n') == s.eqparse('') == s.eqparse('a{}') == \
- s.eqparse('a.b.c{if ""==\'\' {d.e{\n\n#Nothing\n}} }') == []
- def test_syntax_errors(s):
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "a=#")
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "a='\"")
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a="{a@b}"')
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a="A{A"')
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a=b"42"')
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, 'a=b.c.d.')
- def test_error_location(s):
- try: s.parse('\t \n \n { \n \n ')
- except ConfigSyntaxError, e:
- assert e.line == 3 and e.column in range(2,4)
- def test_quoting(s):
- s.parse(' a="\\"\\{a$b\\}\'\n\n\'{z}" ')
- assert s.var('z', create=False)
- # No escaping in '-string
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, " a='\"\\'\n\n' ")
- # Variable should not be created
- s.parse(" a='{z2}' ")
- s.assertRaises(conf.ConfigError, s.var, 'z2', create=False)
- def test_conditions(s):
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if '{a}'=='{b}' and ''!='' {}")
- s.parse('if ((#C\n (\n (not not not""!="")\n#C\n)\t ) ) {}')
- s.parse('if (""=="" and not (not not ""!="" or ""=="")){}')
- s.parse('if ((a=="{b}" and a.b.c!=c.b.a)or x!=y){}')
- s.parse('if(""==""){a{if(""==""){if(""==""){b{if(""==""){if(""==""){}}}}}}}')
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if notnot'{a}'=='{b}' {}")
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if ('{a}'=='{b}' not and ''!='') {}")
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if ('{a}'=='{b}' ornot ''!='') {}")
- s.assertRaises(ConfigSyntaxError, s.parse, "if 'a'<>'b' {}")
-class TestConfigEval(TestConfig):
- def test_ops(s):
- s.parse('c+="-C_APP"', level=20)
- s.parse('a="A"; b="{a}-B"; c="C1-{b}-C2"; a+="FOO"; a="AA"')
- assert s.val('c') == 'C1-AA-B-C2-C_APP'
- s.parse('b+="-A:\{{a}\}";a+="A"', level=10)
- assert s.val('c') == 'C1-AAA-B-A:{AAA}-C2-C_APP'
- def test_nested(s):
- s.parse('a="0"; b{a="1"; b{a="2"; b{a="3"; b{a="4"; b{a="5"}}}}}')
- assert s.val('b.b.b.a') == '3'
- s.parse('b.b{b.b{b.a="5MOD"}}')
- assert s.val('b.b.b.b.b.a') == '5MOD'
- def test_escape_chars(s):
- s.parse(r"""a='{a}\\\\#\n'; b="{a}'\"\{\}"; c='\'; c+="\{{b}\}";""")
- assert s.val('c') == r"""\{{a}\\\\#\n'"{}}"""
- def test_expressions(s):
- s.parse('A="4"; B.B=\'2\'; B.A=A; B.C="{B.A}{B.B}"; if B.C=="42" {D=C}; if C==D{E=D}; C="OK"')
- assert s.val('E') == 'OK'
- ts = 'a="A:"; if "{c1}"=="1" {a+="C1"; b="B"; if ("{c2a}"=="1" or not "{c2b}"=="1") { a+="C2"; '\
- 'if ("{c3a}"=="1" and "{c3b}"=="1") { a+="C3" }}}'
- def test_cond_chain(s):
- s.parse(s.ts)
- s.parse('c1="1"; c2="0"')
- # b should have determined value, a should not (since c3a is undefined)
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
- assert s.val('b') == 'B'
- s.parse('c1="0"')
- # now b should be undefined
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'b')
- # Normal evaluation
- s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c2b="0"; c3a="0"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2'
- s.parse('c3a="1"; c3b="1"; c2b="1"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2C3'
- # tests condition invalidating
- s.parse('c2a+="0"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1'
- def test_cond_eager(s):
- s.parse(s.ts)
- # undefined c2b and c3a should not be evaluated
- s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3a="0"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2'
- # but now c3b should be evaluated
- s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3a="1"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
- s.parse('c1="1"; c2a="1"; c3b="1"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A:C1C2C3'
- def test_undef(s):
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
- s.parse('a="{b}"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'a')
- s.parse('b+="1"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.UndefinedError, s.val, 'b')
- def test_loopy_def(s):
- s.parse('a="A"; a+="{a}"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.CyclicConfigError, s.val, 'a')
- s.parse('b="{c}"; c="{b}"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.CyclicConfigError, s.val, 'b')
- def test_varname(s):
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b/c')
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableNameError, s.val, '.b.c')
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b.c.')
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableNameError, s.val, 'b..c')
- def test_remove(s):
- l = s.parse('a="A1"; b="B1"; if "{cond}"=="1" {a+="A2"; b+="B2"}; a+="A3"; b+="B3"; cond="1"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
- assert s.val('b') == 'B1B2B3'
- # remove b+="B2"
- s.var('b').remove_operation(l[3][1])
- assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
- assert s.val('b') == 'B1B3'
- # are the dependencies still handled properly?
- s.parse('cond+="-invalidated"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A1A3'
- s.parse('cond="1"')
- assert s.val('a') == 'A1A2A3'
- def test_fix(s):
- s.parse(""" A='4'; B="{A}"; C="2"; B+="{C}"; D="{B}"; E="{D}" """)
- s.var('D').fix()
- # Break by C
- l = s.parse('C="3"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "E")
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "D")
- s.var('C').remove_operation(l[0][1])
- # Break directly by D
- l = s.parse('D="41"')
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "D")
- s.assertRaises(conf.VariableFixedError, s.val, "E")
- # Unfix
- s.var('D').unfix()
- assert s.val('E') == '41'
- s.var('D').remove_operation(l[0][1])
- assert s.val('D') == '42'
- def test_unicode(s):
- # Ascii (1b) and unicode (2b)
- s.parse(u'A="Ú"; C="ě"')
- # String
- s.parse('B=\'chyln\'')
- # By escapes
- s.parse(u'D=\'\u0159e\u017eav\xe1\'')
- s.parse(u'E="ŽluŤ"')
- # Via utf8 file
- f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
- f.write(u'S1="\xdachyln\u011b \u0159e\u017eav\xe1 \u017dlu\u0164" ; S2="{A}{B}{C} {D} {E}"'.encode('utf8'))
- f.seek(0)
- s.parse(f)
- # Test
- s.parse(u'if "{S1}"=="{S2}" { ANS="jó!" } ')
- assert s.val('ANS') == u"jó!"
- assert s.val('S1') == s.val('S2') == u'\xdachyln\u011b \u0159e\u017eav\xe1 \u017dlu\u0164'
- def test_priority(s):
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('APPEND', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["4"]), level=4))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('APPEND', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["3a"]), level=3))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('APPEND', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["1"]), level=1))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('SET', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["2"]), level=2))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('APPEND', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["3b"]), level=3))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('SET', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["0"]), level=0))
- s.var('a').add_operation(conf.Operation('APPEND', None, conf.ConfigExpression(["5"]), level=5))
- assert s.val('a')=='23a3b45'
-# TODO: Fail on 1st April
-# TODO (OPT): Somehow add log.debug('Maximum encountered depth: %d', conf.debug_maxdepth)
-# Coverage via command "nosetests conftest --with-coverage --cover-html-dir=cover --cover-html"