my $cnt = 0;
my $hiscnt = 0;
my $subcnt;
+ print "<p><input type='checkbox' name='default-seen' value='default-seen' checked='checked'> Any action approves all discussion\n";
print "<table class='admin'>\n";
print "<col class='id-col'><col class='name-col'><col class='note-col'><col class='disc-col'><col class='auth-col'><col class='control-col' span='3'>\n";
print "<tr class='head'><th>ID<th>Name<th>Note<th>Discussion<th>Author<th>Ok<th>Sel<th>Del\n";
print "<td><a href='/read/".$addr->get()."'>".encode( $addr->pretty() )."</a><td>".safeEncode( $actName )."<td>".safeEncode( $actNote )."<td>".safeEncode( $actDisc )."<td>".mailEncode( $actUser );
+ print "<input type='hidden' name='loc-$cnt-subcnt' value='$subcnt'>" if( $subcnt );
$subcnt = 0;
print "<input type='hidden' name='loc-$cnt' value='".$addr->get()."'>\n";
print "<tr class='new'><td>New:<td><input type='text' name='name-$cnt' class='text'><td><input type='text' name='note-$cnt' class='text'><td><textarea name='disc-$cnt'></textarea>\n";
print "<td colspan='3'>";
genPathBare( $req, $addr, 0, 0 );
- print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='loc-$cnt-softdel'>\n";
+ print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='loc-$cnt-softdel' value='del'>\n";
print "<tr class='unseen-history'><td class='empty'><td>".safeEncode( ( defined $name && $name eq '' ) ? 'Deletion request' : $name )."<td>".safeEncode( $note )."<td>".safeEncode( $disc )."<td>".mailEncode( $user );
$hiscnt ++;
$subcnt ++;
+ print "<input type='hidden' name='his-$cnt-$subcnt' value='$hist'>";
print "<td><input type='checkbox' name='appr-$hiscnt' value='appr-$hist'>";
if( defined $name ) {
print "<td><input type='radio' name='loc-$cnt-sel' value='$hist'>";
print "</table>\n";
print "<input type='hidden' name='subcnt-$cnt' value='$subcnt'>\n" if( defined( $subcnt ) );
if( $started ) {
+ print "<input type='hidden' name='loc-$cnt-subcnt' value='$subcnt'>" if( $subcnt );
print "<p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'>\n";
print "<input type='hidden' name='max-cnt' value='$cnt'><input type='hidden' name='max-hiscnt' value='$hiscnt'>\n";
} else {
-sub markAllChecked( $$$$ ) {
- my( $tables, $itemNum, $deleted, $authid ) = @_;
- my $i;
- my $subcnt = getFormValue( "subcnt-$itemNum", 0 );
- for( $i = 1; $i <= $subcnt; ++ $i ) {
- my $id = getFormValue( "sub-$itemNum-$i", undef );
- next unless( defined( $id ) );
- next if( $deleted->{$id} );#Do not update this one, already deleted
- $tables->markChecked( $id );
- tulog( $authid, "Discussion checked $id" );
+my $errors;
+sub appendError( $ ) {
+ if( $errors eq '' ) {
+ $errors = "<p>".shift;
+ } else {
+ $errors .= "<br>".shift;
my( $req, $args, $tables, $auth ) = @_;
my $authid = $auth->{'authid'};
if( defined( $authid ) && hasRight( $auth->{'accrights'}, 'validate' ) ) {
- my $errors = '';
- my %deleted;
+ my( %deleted, %approved );
my $maxcnt = getFormValue( 'max-cnt', 0 );
my $maxhiscnt = getFormValue( 'max-hiscnt', 0 );
+ $errors = '';
+ # Scan for approved and deleted items
for( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxhiscnt; $i ++ ) {
- my $del = getFormValue( "delete-$i", "" );
- $del =~ s/^delete-//;
- if( $del ne '' ) {
- $deleted{$del} = 1;
- $tables->deleteHistory( $del );
- tulog( $authid, "Discussion deleted $del" );
+ my( $del ) = getFormValue( "del-$i", '' ) =~ /^del-(\d+)$/;
+ $deleted{$del} = 1 if( defined $del && $del ne '' );
+ my( $appr ) = getFormValue( "appr-$i", '' ) =~ /^appr-(\d+)$/;
+ $approved{$appr} = 1 if( defined $appr && $appr ne '' );
+ }
+ for( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxcnt; $i ++ ) {
+ my( $sel ) = getFormValue( "loc-$i-sel", '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/;
+ $approved{$sel} = 1 if( defined $sel && $sel ne '' );
+ }
+ # Check for collisions
+ my %collision;
+ foreach my $id ( keys %deleted ) {
+ if( $approved{$id} ) {
+ my $owner = getFormValue( "owner-$id", '' );
+ appendError( "You can not approve and delete history at the same time, not modifying item ".PciIds::Address::new( $owner )->pretty() );
+ $collision{$owner} = $_;
+ delete $deleted{$id};
+ delete $approved{$id};
+ #Do the deletes and approves
+ foreach my $del ( keys %deleted ) {
+ $tables->deleteHistory( $del );
+ #TODO notify
+ tulog( $authid, "Discussion deleted $del" );
+ }
+ foreach my $appr ( keys %approved ) {
+ $tables->markChecked( $appr );
+ #TODO notify
+ tulog( $authid, "Discussion checked $appr" );
+ }
+ #Handle the items
+ my $defaultSeen = getFormValue( 'default-seen', '' ) =~ /^default-seen$/;
for( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxcnt; $i ++ ) {
- my $action = getFormValue( "action-$i", 'ignore' );
- my $loc = getFormValue( "loc-$i", undef );
- next unless( defined( $loc ) );
- my( $discussion, $name, $note ) = (
- getFormValue( "discussion-$i", undef ),
- getFormValue( "name-$i", undef ),
- getFormValue( "note-$i", undef ) );
- if( defined( $note ) && ( $note ne '' ) && ( !defined( $name ) || ( length $name < 3 ) ) ) {
- if( $errors eq '' ) {
- $errors = '<p>';
- } else {
- $errors .= '<br>';
- }
- $errors .= "$loc - You need to provide name if you provide note\n";
+ my $addr = PciIds::Address::new( getFormValue( "loc-$i", '' ) );
+ next if $collision{$addr->get()};
+ next unless defined $addr;
+ my $del = getFormValue( "loc-$i-del", '' );
+ if( defined $del && $del eq 'del' && ( hasRight( $auth->{'accrights'}, 'prune' ) || ( !$tables->hasChildren( $addr->get() ) && !$tables->hasMain( $addr->get() ) ) ) ) {
+ $tables->deleteItem( $addr->get() );
+ #TODO notify
+ tulog( $authid, "Item deleted (recursive) ".$addr->get() );
+ next;
+ }
+ my $name = getFormValue( "name-$i", undef );
+ $name = undef if defined $name && $name eq '';
+ my $note = getFormValue( "note-$i", undef );
+ $note = undef if defined $note && $note eq '';
+ my $discussion = getFormValue( "disc-$i", '' );
+ $discussion = undef if defined $discussion && $discussion eq '';
+ my $delete = 0;
+ if( getFormValue( "loc-$i-softdel", '' ) =~ /^del$/ ) {
+ $delete = 1;
+ $name = undef;
+ $note = undef;
+ }
+ if( defined $note && !defined $name ) {
+ appendError( "You must specify name if you set note at item ".$addr->pretty() );
- if( ( defined( $name ) && ( length $name >= 3 ) ) || ( defined( $discussion ) && ( $discussion ne '' ) ) ) { #Submited comment
- my $addr = PciIds::Address::new( $loc );
- my $histId = $tables->submitHistory( { 'name' => $name, 'note' => $note, 'text' => $discussion }, $auth, $addr );
- my $main = defined $name && ( $name ne '' );
- notify( $tables, $addr->get(), $histId, $main ? 2 : 0, $main ? 2 : 1 );
+ my( $select ) = getFormValue( "loc-$i-sel", '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/;
+ my $action = 0;
+ if( defined $name || defined $discussion || $delete ) {
+ my $histId = $tables->submitHistory( { 'name' => $name, 'note' => $note, 'text' => $discussion, 'delete' => $delete }, $auth, $addr );
$tables->markChecked( $histId );
- tulog( $authid, "Discussion submited (admin) $histId $loc ".logEscape( $name )." ".logEscape( $note )." ".logEscape( $discussion ) );
- if( defined( $name ) && ( length $name >= 3 ) ) {
- $tables->setMainHistory( $loc, $histId );
- tulog( $authid, "Item main history changed $loc $histId" );
- $action = 'keep';
- }
+ $select = $histId if defined $name || $delete;
+ tulog( $authid, "Discussion submited (admin) $histId ".$addr->get()." ".logEscape( $name )." ".logEscape( $note )." ".logEscape( $discussion ) );
+ $action = 1;
+ #TODO notify
+ }
+ if( defined $select && select ne '' ) {
+ $tables->setMainHistory( $addr->get(), $select );
+ tulog( $authid, "Item main history changed ".$addr->get()." $select" );
+ $action = 1;
+ #TODO Notify
- next if( $action eq 'ignore' );
- if( $action eq 'keep' ) {
- markAllChecked( $tables, $i, \%deleted, $authid );
- } elsif( $action eq 'delete' ) {
- eval {
- $tables->deleteItem( $loc );
- tulog( $authid, "Item deleted (recursive) $loc" );
- } #Ignore if it was already deleted by superitem
- } elsif( my( $setId ) = ( $action =~ /set-(.*)/ ) ) {
- next if( $deleted{$setId} );
- $tables->setMainHistory( $loc, $setId );
- notify( $tables, $loc, $setId, 2, 2 );
- tulog( $authid, "Item main history changed $loc $setId" );
- markAllChecked( $tables, $i, \%deleted, $authid );
+ if( $action && $defaultSeen ) {#Approve anything in this item
+ my $subcnt = getFormValue( "loc-$i-subcnt", 0 );
+ for( my $j = 1; $j <= $subcnt; $j ++ ) {
+ my( $id ) = getFormValue( "his-$i-$j", '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/;
+ next unless defined $id;
+ next if $approved{$id} || $deleted{$id};
+ $tables->markChecked( $id );
+ tulog( $authid, "Discussion checked $id" );
+ }
return genNewAdminForm( $req, $args, $tables, $errors, $auth );