+++ /dev/null
-# Configuration of the Batch EXecutor
-# This is a Perl script, which can set anything in the BEX::Config package
-package BEX::Config;
-%machines = (
- 'albireo' => { 'Host' => 'albireo.burrow.ucw.cz' },
- 'localhost' => {},
- 'home' => ['albireo', 'localhost'],
--- /dev/null
+# Configuration of the Batch EXecutor
+# This is a Perl script, which can set anything in the BEX::Config package
+package BEX::Config;
+%machines = (
+ 'albireo' => { 'Host' => 'albireo.burrow.ucw.cz' },
+ 'localhost' => {},
+ 'home' => ['albireo', 'localhost'],
--- /dev/null
+# BEX epilog
--- /dev/null
+# BEX prolog
+set -e
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Insert to Queue
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::stat;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $given_body;
-my $given_go;
-my $given_id;
-my $queue_name;
-my $requeue_id;
-my $given_subject;
-my $given_template;
- "b|body=s" => \$given_body,
- "g|go!" => \$given_go,
- "i|id=s" => \$given_id,
- "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
- "r|requeue=s" => \$requeue_id,
- "s|subject=s" => \$given_subject,
- "t|template=s" => \$given_template,
-) or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: benq [<options>] [!]<machine-or-class> ...
--b, --body=<file> Load job body from the given file
--g, --go Do not run editor, go enqueue the job immediately
--i, --id=<id> Set job ID of the new job
--q, --queue=<name> Insert new jobs to the given queue
--r, --requeue=<id> Re-queue an existing job instead of creating a new one
--s, --subject=<subj> Set subject of the new job
--t, --template=<file> Load job template (headers and body) from the given file
-# Prepare machine set
-@ARGV or die "No machines specified\n";
-my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV);
-@machines or die "No machines match\n";
-my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
-my $job;
-my $tmp_fn;
-if (defined $requeue_id) {
- # When requeueing, just fetch the existing job
- if (defined($given_body) || defined($given_id) || defined($given_subject) || defined($given_template)) {
- die "Parameters of a requeued job cannot be changed\n";
- }
- my $fn = $queue->job_file($requeue_id);
- -f $fn or die "Job $requeue_id not known\n";
- $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($fn);
-} else {
- # Create job template
- if (defined $given_template) {
- $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($given_template);
- } else {
- $job = BEX::Job->new;
- }
- $job->attr('ID', $given_id) if defined $given_id;
- $job->attr('Subject', $given_subject) if defined $given_subject;
- if (defined $given_body) {
- open B, '<', $given_body or die "Cannot open $given_body: $!\n";
- local $/;
- $job->attr('body', <B>);
- close B;
- }
- # Let the user edit the template
- if (!$given_go) {
- $tmp_fn = $job->save;
- my $orig_stat = stat($tmp_fn) or die;
- system "editor", $tmp_fn and die "Editor exited with an error, file kept as $tmp_fn\n";
- my $new_stat = stat($tmp_fn) or die "File $tmp_fn disappeared under my hands: $!\n";
- if ($new_stat->mtime <= $orig_stat->mtime && $new_stat->size == $orig_stat->size) {
- unlink $tmp_fn;
- die "Cancelled\n";
- }
- $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($tmp_fn);
- }
-# Put the job to the queue
-print "New job ", $job->id, "\n";
-for my $m (@machines) {
- if ($queue->enqueue($m, $job)) {
- $queue->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'NEW');
- print "\t$m\n";
- } else {
- $queue->log($m, $job->id, 'REQUEUE');
- print "\t$m (already queued)\n";
- }
-# Remove the temporary file if there's any
-unlink $tmp_fn if defined $tmp_fn;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Master Program
+# (c) 2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $bex_home = $ENV{"BEX_HOME"} // ".";
+my $bex_lib = $ENV{"BEX_LIB"} // "lib";
+ "home=s" => \$bex_home,
+ "lib=s" => \$bex_lib,
+ "help" => sub {
+ print "Usage: brum\n";
+ exit 0;
+ },
+ "version" => sub {
+ print "BEX 3.0 (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj\@ucw.cz>\n";
+ },
+) or die "Try `bex --help' for more information.\n";
+if (!-d $bex_home) {
+ die "BEX home directory $bex_home does not exist.\n";
+if (!-d "$bex_home/BEX") {
+ die "BEX home directory $bex_home does not contain the BEX subdirectory.\n";
+@ARGV or die "Missing subcommand.\n";
+my $sub = shift @ARGV;
+$sub =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ or die "Invalid subcommand $sub\n";
+my %aliases = (
+ 'a' => 'add',
+ 'q' => 'queue',
+ 'r' => 'run',
+if (defined $aliases{$sub}) { $sub = $aliases{$sub}; }
+my $sub_path = "$bex_lib/bin/$sub";
+-x $sub_path or die "Unknown subcommand $sub\n";
+$ENV{"BEX_HOME"} = $bex_home;
+$ENV{"BEX_LIB"} = $bex_lib;
+$ENV{"PERL5LIB"} = join(":", $bex_lib . "/perl", $ENV{"PERL5LIB"} // ());
+exec $sub_path, @ARGV;
+die "Cannot execute $sub_path: $!\n";
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Operations on a Job
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $edit;
-my $queue_name;
- "e|edit!" => \$edit,
- "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
-) && @ARGV == 1 or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: bjob [<options>] <job-id>
--e, --edit Run editor on the given job (no locking)
--q, --queue=<name> Act on the given queue
-my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
-my $fn = $queue->job_file($ARGV[0]);
--f $fn or die "No such job " . $ARGV[0] . "\n";
-if ($edit) {
- system "editor", $fn;
-} else {
- system "cat", $fn;
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- List Machines and Groups
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $edit;
-my $queue_name;
-) && @ARGV == 0 or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: bjob [<options>]
-None defined so far.
-my $machines = \%BEX::Config::machines;
-print "# Hosts:\n";
-for my $h (sort keys %$machines) {
- my $m = $machines->{$h};
- ref $m eq 'HASH' or next;
- print "$h\n";
-print "\n# Groups:\n";
-for my $h (sort keys %$machines) {
- my $m = $machines->{$h};
- ref $m eq 'ARRAY' or next;
- print "$h = ", join(" ",
- map {
- my $x = $machines->{$_};
- !defined($x) ? "$_?" :
- ref $x eq 'HASH' ? $_ :
- ref $x eq 'ARRAY' ? "\@$_" :
- "$_???"
- } @$m), "\n";
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Parallel Execution Using Screen
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use feature 'switch';
-use Getopt::Long;
-use POSIX;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $queue_name;
-my $screen_session = 'BEX';
-my $text_mode;
- "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
- "session=s" => \$screen_session,
- "text!" => \$text_mode,
-) or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: bprun [<options>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
--q, --queue=<name> Run jobs in the given queue
- --session=<name> Job windows should be opened within the given screen
- session (default: BEX)
- --text Use textual user interface instead of curses
-system 'screen', '-S', $screen_session, '-X', 'select', '.';
-!$? or die "Screen session $screen_session not found\n";
-my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
-my $fifo_name = $queue->{'Name'} . '/status-fifo';
-unlink $fifo_name;
-mkfifo $fifo_name, 0700 or die "Cannot create $fifo_name: $!";
-open FIFO, '+<', $fifo_name or die "Cannot open $fifo_name: $!";
-my $ui = ($text_mode ? BEX::bprun::text->new : BEX::bprun::curses->new);
-my @machines = ();
-for my $mach (BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*')) {
- my @jobs = $queue->scan($mach);
- @jobs or next;
- push @machines, $mach;
- for (@jobs) { $ui->update($mach, $_, 'READY'); }
-my %running = ();
-my $max = $BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs;
-while (keys %running || @machines) {
- if (@machines && keys %running < $max) {
- my $mach = shift @machines;
- $ui->update($mach, undef, 'START');
- my @scr = ('screen', '-t', $mach);
- push @scr, '-S', $screen_session if defined $screen_session;
- push @scr, '-X', 'screen', './brun', "--status-fifo=$fifo_name", $mach;
- system @scr;
- !$? or $ui->update($mach, undef, 'INTERR');
- $running{$mach} = 'START';
- next;
- }
- $_ = <FIFO>;
- chomp;
- my ($mach, $jid, $stat) = /^! (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$/;
- if (!defined $stat) {
- $ui->err("Received invalid status message <$_>");
- next;
- }
- if (!defined $running{$mach}) {
- $ui->err("Received status message <$_> for a machine which does not run");
- next;
- }
- $running{$mach} = $stat;
- $ui->update($mach, ($jid eq '-' ? undef : $jid), $stat);
- if ($stat eq 'DONE') {
- delete $running{$mach};
- }
-close FIFO;
-unlink $fifo_name;
-package BEX::bprun::text;
-sub new($) {
- return bless {};
-sub done($) {
-sub update($$$$) {
- my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
- print +($mach // '-'), (defined($jid) ? ":$jid" : ""), " $stat\n";
-sub err($$) {
- my ($ui, $msg) = @_;
- print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n";
-package BEX::bprun::curses;
-use Curses;
-my $C;
-my $nrows;
-my @by_row = ();
-my %by_host = ();
-my %host_state;
-my %host_cnt;
-my %job_state;
-my %job_cnt;
-my %host_last_fail_job;
-my %host_last_fail_stat;
-sub new($) {
- $C = new Curses;
- start_color;
- has_colors && COLORS >= 8 && COLOR_PAIRS >= 8 or die "Your terminal is too dumb for me\n";
- cbreak; noecho;
- $C->intrflush(0);
- $C->keypad(1);
- $C->meta(1);
- $C->clear;
- init_pair(1, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE);
- init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED);
- init_pair(3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK);
- init_pair(4, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
- $nrows = $C->getmaxy - 2;
- if ($BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs > $nrows) {
- $BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs = $nrows;
- }
- %host_state = %host_cnt = ();
- %job_state = %job_cnt = ();
- for my $s ('unknown', 'ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') {
- $host_cnt{$s} = 0;
- $job_cnt{'*'}{$s} = 0;
- }
- my $ui = bless {};
- $ui->refresh_status;
- return $ui;
-sub done($)
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
- $C->addstr($C->getmaxy-1, 0, "Press any key to quit...");
- $C->clrtoeol;
- $C->getch;
- endwin;
-sub err($$) {
- my ($ui, $msg) = @_;
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD);
- $C->addnstr($C->getmaxy-1, 0, "ERROR: $msg", $C->getmaxx);
- $C->clrtoeol;
- $C->refresh;
-sub set_host_status($$$) {
- my ($ui, $mach, $stat) = @_;
- my $prev_stat = $host_state{$mach};
- if (defined $prev_stat) {
- $host_cnt{$prev_stat}--;
- } else {
- for my $s ('unknown', 'ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') { $job_cnt{$mach}{$s} = 0; }
- }
- $host_state{$mach} = $stat;
- $host_cnt{$stat}++;
-sub set_job_status($$$$) {
- my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
- my $prev_stat = $job_state{$mach}{$jid} // 'unknown';
- $job_cnt{$mach}{$prev_stat}--;
- $job_cnt{'*'}{$prev_stat}--;
- $job_state{$mach}{$jid} = $stat;
- $job_cnt{$mach}{$stat}++;
- $job_cnt{'*'}{$stat}++;
-sub refresh_status($) {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
- $C->addnstr(0, 0,
- sprintf("BEX Hosts: %dR %dD %dE %dW Jobs: %dR %dD %dE %dW",
- $host_cnt{'running'},
- $host_cnt{'done'},
- $host_cnt{'failed'},
- $host_cnt{'ready'},
- $job_cnt{'*'}{'running'},
- $job_cnt{'*'}{'done'},
- $job_cnt{'*'}{'failed'},
- $job_cnt{'*'}{'ready'},
- ), $C->getmaxx);
- $C->clrtoeol;
- $C->refresh;
-sub get_slot($) {
- my ($mach) = @_;
- my $s;
- if (defined ($s = $by_host{$mach})) {
- delete $s->{'Gone'};
- } else {
- my ($best, $besti);
- for my $i (0..$nrows-1) {
- my $r = $by_row[$i];
- if (!defined $r) {
- $besti = $i;
- $best = undef;
- last;
- } elsif ($r->{'Gone'} && (!$best || $best->{'Gone'} > $r->{'Gone'})) {
- $besti = $i;
- $best = $r;
- }
- }
- if ($best) {
- delete $by_host{$best->{'Host'}};
- }
- $s->{'Host'} = $mach;
- $s->{'Row'} = $besti;
- $by_host{$mach} = $s;
- $by_row[$besti] = $s;
- }
- return $s;
-my $gone_counter = 1;
-sub delete_slot($) {
- my ($s) = @_;
- $s->{'Gone'} = $gone_counter++;
-sub redraw_slot($) {
- my ($s) = @_;
- my $mach = $s->{'Host'};
- my $stat = $s->{'Status'} // "?";
- my $jid = $s->{'Job'} // "";
- my $jname = ($jid eq "" ? "" : $queue->job_name($jid));
- my $jcnt = $job_cnt{$mach};
- if ($jcnt->{'running'}) {
- if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4) | A_BOLD);
- } else {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD);
- }
- } else {
- if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
- } else {
- $C->bkgdset(0);
- }
- }
- my $r = $s->{'Row'} + 1;
- $C->addstr($r, 0, sprintf("%-20.20s", $mach));
- if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
- $C->addstr(sprintf("%3dE ", $jcnt->{'failed'}));
- } else {
- $C->bkgdset(0);
- $C->addstr(" ");
- }
- $C->bkgdset(0);
- $C->addstr(sprintf("%3dD %3dW", $jcnt->{'done'}, $jcnt->{'ready'}));
- if ($stat eq 'DONE') {
- if (defined $host_last_fail_stat{$mach}) {
- $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
- $C->addstr(sprintf(" %-8s %s", $host_last_fail_stat{$mach}, $queue->job_name($host_last_fail_job{$mach})));
- }
- } else {
- my $text = sprintf(" %-8s %s", $stat, $jname);
- $C->addstr($text);
- }
- $C->clrtoeol;
- $C->refresh;
-sub update($$$$) {
- my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
- my $s = get_slot($mach);
- given ($stat) {
- when ('READY') {
- # Pseudo-state generated internally
- $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'ready');
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'ready');
- }
- when ('OK') {
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'done');
- }
- when (['FAILED', 'INTERR', 'NOPING', 'PREPFAIL']) {
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
- $host_last_fail_job{$mach} = $jid;
- $host_last_fail_stat{$mach} = $stat;
- }
- when ('DONE') {
- if ($job_cnt{$mach}{'failed'}) {
- $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'failed');
- } else {
- $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'done');
- }
- }
- when ('INIT') {
- $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'running');
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'running') if defined $jid;
- }
- when ('LOCKED') {
- if (defined $jid) {
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
- } else {
- for my $j (keys %{$job_state{$mach}}) {
- $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
- }
- $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'failed');
- $host_last_fail_job{$mach} = $jid;
- $host_last_fail_stat{$mach} = $stat;
- }
- }
- when (['START', 'PING', 'SEND', 'RUN']) {
- }
- default {
- $ui->err("Received unknown job status $stat");
- }
- }
- $s->{'Job'} = $jid;
- $s->{'Status'} = $stat;
- redraw_slot($s);
- if ($stat eq 'DONE') { delete_slot($s); }
- $ui->refresh_status;
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Show Queued Jobs
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use POSIX;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $op_by_job;
-my $op_by_host;
-my $op_rm;
-my $op_move_to;
-my $queue_name;
-my $given_job;
- "by-job!" => \$op_by_job,
- "h|by-host!" => \$op_by_host,
- "rm!" => \$op_rm,
- "move-to=s" => \$op_move_to,
- "j|job=s" => \$given_job,
- "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
-) or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: bq [<options and actions>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
- --by-job Show jobs sorted by job ID (default)
--h, --by-host Show jobs sorted by host
- --rm Remove jobs from the queue
- --move-to=<queue> Move jobs to a different queue
--j, --job=<id> Act on the specified job (default: on all)
--q, --queue=<name> Act on the given queue
-my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*');
-my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
-# Select jobs
-my %jobs = ();
-my %machs = ();
-for my $m (@machines) {
- for my $j ($queue->scan($m)) {
- if (defined $given_job) {
- next if $j ne $given_job;
- }
- push @{$jobs{$j}}, $m;
- push @{$machs{$m}}, $j;
- }
-sub do_ls();
-sub do_rm();
-sub do_move_to();
-my $ops = 0 + defined($op_by_host) + defined($op_by_job) + defined($op_rm) + defined($op_move_to);
-if ($ops > 1) { die "Multiple actions are not allowed\n"; }
-if ($op_rm) { do_rm(); }
-elsif (defined $op_move_to) { do_move_to(); }
-else { do_ls(); }
-exit 0;
-sub do_ls()
- my %stat = ();
- my %mach_locked = ();
- for my $m (keys %machs) {
- $mach_locked{$m} = $queue->is_locked($m, undef);
- for my $j (@{$machs{$m}}) {
- my $st = $queue->read_job_status($m, $j);
- if (defined($st->{'Time'}) && defined($st->{'Status'})) {
- $stat{$m}{$j} = ' [' . $st->{'Status'} . ' on ' .
- POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime $st->{'Time'}) . ']';
- } else {
- $stat{$m}{$j} = '';
- }
- if ($mach_locked{$m} || $queue->is_locked($m, $j)) {
- $stat{$m}{$j} .= ' [LOCKED]';
- }
- }
- }
- if ($queue->is_locked(undef, undef)) {
- print "### Queue lock present\n\n";
- }
- if ($op_by_host) {
- for my $m (sort keys %machs) {
- print "$m", ($mach_locked{$m} ? ' [LOCKED]' : ''), "\n";
- for my $j (@{$machs{$m}}) {
- print "\t" . $queue->job_name($j) . $stat{$m}{$j}, "\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- for my $j (sort keys %jobs) {
- print $queue->job_name($j), "\n";
- for my $m (sort @{$jobs{$j}}) {
- print "\t$m", $stat{$m}{$j}, "\n";
- }
- }
- }
-sub do_rm()
- my $err = 0;
- for my $m (sort keys %machs) {
- for my $j (sort @{$machs{$m}}) {
- if (!$queue->lock($m, $j)) {
- print STDERR "Cannot remove $m:", $queue->job_name($j), ", it is locked\n";
- $err = 1;
- } else {
- $queue->update_job_status($m, $j, 'REMOVED');
- $queue->remove($m, $j);
- print "Removed $m:", $queue->job_name($j), "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $queue->unlock;
- exit $err;
-sub do_move_to()
- my $err = 0;
- my $dest = BEX::Queue->new($op_move_to);
- $dest->{'Name'} ne $queue->{'Name'} or die "Moving to the same queue is not permitted\n";
- for my $j (sort keys %jobs) {
- my $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($j));
- for my $m (sort @{$jobs{$j}}) {
- if (!$queue->lock($m, $j)) {
- print STDERR "Cannot move $m:", $queue->job_name($j), ", it is locked\n";
- $err = 1;
- } else {
- my $enq = $dest->enqueue($m, $job);
- if ($enq) {
- $dest->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'NEW', 'Moved to this queue');
- } else {
- $dest->log($m, $job->id, 'REQUEUE', 'Moved to this queue');
- }
- $queue->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'REMOVED', 'Moved from this queue');
- $queue->remove($m, $j);
- print "Moved $m:", $dest->job_name($j);
- print " (already queued)" if !$enq;
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $queue->unlock;
- exit $err;
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Run Queued Jobs
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use lib 'lib';
-use BEX;
-my $given_job;
-my $queue_name;
-my $status_fifo;
- "j|job=s" => \$given_job,
- "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
- "s|status-fifo=s" => \$status_fifo,
-) or die <<AMEN ;
-Usage: brun [<options>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
--j, --job=<id> Run only the specified job
--q, --queue=<name> Select job queue
- --status-fifo=<f> Send status updates to the given named pipe
-my $status_fd;
-if (defined $status_fifo) {
- open $status_fd, '>>', $status_fifo or die "Cannot open status FIFO: $!";
- autoflush $status_fd, 1;
-sub update_status($$$$;$) {
- my ($mach, $job, $status, $log_on_queue, $msg) = @_;
- if ($status_fd) {
- print $status_fd "! $mach $job $status\n";
- }
- if ($log_on_queue) {
- $log_on_queue->update_job_status($mach, $job, $status, $msg);
- }
-my %pings;
-sub ping_machine($) {
- my ($mach) = @_;
- if (!defined $pings{$mach}) {
- if ($BEX::Config::ping_hosts) {
- update_status($mach, '-', 'PING', undef);
- my $host = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
- `ping -c1 -n $host >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`;
- $pings{$mach} = !$?;
- } else {
- $pings{$mach} = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($pings{$mach}) {
- return ('OK', undef);
- } else {
- return ('NOPING', 'Does not ping');
- }
-sub exit_status($) {
- my ($s) = @_;
- if ($s >> 8) {
- return "with exit code " . ($s >> 8);
- } else {
- return "on fatal signal " . ($s & 127);
- }
-sub run_job_prep($$$) {
- my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
- my $prep = $job->attr('Prep');
- defined($prep) && $prep !~ /^\s*$/ or return 'OK';
- my $jid = $job->id;
- update_status($mach, $jid, 'PREP', $queue);
- my $lf = $queue->log_file($mach, $jid);
- $ENV{'HOST'} = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
- system 'bash', '-o', 'pipefail', '-c', "( $prep ) 2>&1 | tee -a $lf";
- delete $ENV{'HOST'};
- if ($?) {
- return ('PREPFAIL', 'Preparatory command failed ' . exit_status($?));
- } else {
- return 'OK';
- }
-sub run_job_body($$$) {
- my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
- if ($job->attr('body') =~ /^\s*$/s) {
- # Shortcut if the body is empty
- return 'OK'
- }
- my $host = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
- my $jid = $job->id;
- my $tmp = $queue->temp_file($mach, $jid);
- open T, '>', $tmp or die;
- if (defined $BEX::Config::job_prolog) {
- open P, $BEX::Config::job_prolog or return ('INTERR', "Cannot open prolog: $!");
- while (<P>) { print T; }
- close P;
- } else {
- print T "#!/bin/sh\n";
- }
- print T "# BEX job ", $jid, "\n";
- print T $job->attr('body');
- if (defined $BEX::Config::job_epilog) {
- open E, $BEX::Config::job_epilog or return ('INTERR', "Cannot open epilog: $!");
- while (<E>) { print T; }
- close E;
- }
- close T;
- update_status($mach, $jid, 'SEND', undef);
- my $cmd = 't=$(mktemp -t bex-XXXXXXXX) && cat >$t && chmod u+x $t && echo $t';
- my $rtmp = `$BEX::Config::ssh_command <$tmp $host '$cmd'`;
- !$? && defined($rtmp) && $rtmp ne '' or return ('NOXFER', 'Transfer failed');
- chomp $rtmp;
- update_status($mach, $jid, 'RUN', $queue);
- my $lf = $queue->log_file($mach, $jid);
- system 'bash', '-o', 'pipefail', '-c', "$BEX::Config::ssh_command $host '$rtmp ; e=\$? ; rm -f $rtmp ; exit \$e' 2>&1 | tee -a $lf";
- if ($?) {
- return ('FAILED', 'Job failed ' . exit_status($?));
- } else {
- return 'OK';
- }
-sub run_job($$$) {
- my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
- my ($stat, $msg);
- ($stat, $msg) = ping_machine($mach);
- $stat eq 'OK' or return ($stat, $msg);
- ($stat, $msg) = run_job_prep($job, $queue, $mach);
- $stat eq 'OK' or return ($stat, $msg);
- return run_job_body($job, $queue, $mach);
-my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*');
-my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
-$queue->lock(undef, undef) or die "The queue is locked by another brun, cannot continue.\n";
-for my $mach (@machines) {
- my @q = $queue->scan($mach) or next;
- if (!$queue->lock($mach, undef)) {
- print "### Machine $mach is locked by another brun, skipping...\n";
- update_status($mach, '-', 'LOCKED', undef);
- update_status($mach, '-', 'DONE', undef);
- next;
- }
- update_status($mach, '-', 'INIT', undef);
- while (my $jid = shift @q) {
- if (defined $given_job) {
- $jid eq $given_job or next;
- }
- my $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($jid));
- update_status($mach, $jid, 'INIT', undef);
- if (!$queue->lock($mach, $jid)) {
- print "### Skipping locked $jid on $mach ###\n";
- update_status($mach, $jid, 'LOCKED', undef);
- next;
- }
- print "### Running ", $job->name, " on $mach ###\n";
- my ($s, $msg) = run_job($job, $queue, $mach);
- update_status($mach, $jid, $s, $queue, $msg);
- if ($s eq 'OK') {
- print "+++ OK\n";
- $queue->remove($mach, $jid);
- } else {
- print "--- $s: $msg\n";
- if ($BEX::Config::skip_on_fail) {
- print "### Skipping other jobs on the same host ###\n" if @q;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
-} continue {
- update_status($mach, '-', 'DONE', undef);
+++ /dev/null
-# BEX epilog
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-package BEX;
-use BEX::Config;
-use BEX::Job;
-use BEX::Queue;
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Configuration
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-package BEX::Config;
-# This file specifies default values, which can be overridden in BEX.cf
-# A hash of all known machines and groups
-# 'name' => { Option => ... } for a machine; options:
-# Host => 'name' Host name to use in ssh, ping, ...
-# 'name' => ['a','b','c'] for a group containing specified machines/subgroups
-our %machines = (
-# A file whose contents should be prepended before the job. Should start with the "#!" line.
-our $job_prolog = 'prolog';
-# A file whose contents should be appended to the job
-our $job_epilog = 'epilog';
-# Keep history of successfully completed jobs
-our $keep_history = 1;
-# Before we try to connect to a host, ping it to check if it's alive
-our $ping_hosts = 1;
-# Whenever we want to run a job on a machine, we must obtain a lock.
-# Available locking schemes are:
-# none - no locking takes place (dangerous!)
-# job - obtain exclusive access to the job, other jobs on the same
-# host can run in parallel
-# host - obtain exclusive access to the host, other hosts can run
-# queue - obtain exclusive access to the whole queue
-our $locking_scheme = 'host';
-# Maximum number of simultaneously running jobs in `bprun'
-our $max_parallel_jobs = 5;
-# When a job fails, skip all other jobs on the same host
-# (however, when locking_scheme is set to `job', another instance of `brun'
-# still could run such jobs in parallel)
-our $skip_on_fail = 0;
-# How we run ssh (including options)
-our $ssh_command = "ssh";
-# Various utility functions
-sub parse_machine_list(@);
-sub parse_machine_list(@) {
- my %set = ();
- for my $m (@_) {
- if ($m eq '*') {
- for my $mm (keys %machines) {
- if (ref($machines{$mm}) eq 'HASH') {
- $set{$mm} = 1;
- }
- }
- next;
- }
- my $op = 1;
- if ($m =~ s{^!}{}) { $op = 0; }
- my $v = $machines{$m};
- if (!defined $v) {
- die "Unknown machine or class: $m\n";
- } elsif (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
- $set{$m} = $op;
- } elsif (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
- for my $mm (parse_machine_list(@$v)) {
- $set{$mm} = $op;
- }
- }
- }
- return sort grep { $set{$_} } keys %set;
-sub host_name($) {
- my ($mach) = @_;
- return $machines{$mach}->{'Host'} // $mach;
-require 'BEX.cf';
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Jobs
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-package BEX::Job;
-use POSIX ();
-our $job_cnt = 0;
-sub check_id($) {
- my ($id) = @_;
- return $id =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z-]+)$/;
-sub new($;$) {
- my ($class, $id) = @_;
- my $job = { };
- bless $job;
- if (defined $id) {
- check_id($id) or die "Invalid job ID";
- $job->{'ID'} = $id;
- } else {
- $job_cnt++;
- $job->{'ID'} = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-$$-$job_cnt", localtime);
- }
- $job->{'Subject'} = '';
- return $job;
-sub new_from_file($$;$) {
- my ($class, $file, $header_only) = @_;
- my $job = { };
- open T, '<', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
- while (<T>) {
- chomp;
- /^$/ and last;
- /^([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]*):\s*(.*)/ or die "Cannot load $file: Header syntax error";
- !defined $job->{$1} or die "Cannot load $file: Header $1 re-defined";
- $job->{$1} = $2;
- }
- if (!$header_only) {
- my @cmds = <T>;
- $job->{'body'} = join("", @cmds);
- }
- close T;
- $job->{'Subject'} //= '';
- $job->{'ID'} or die "Cannot load $file: Missing ID";
- check_id($job->{'ID'}) or die "Cannot load $file: Invalid ID syntax";
- return bless $job;
-sub id($) {
- return $_[0]->{'ID'};
-sub name($) {
- my ($job) = @_;
- my $name = $job->{'ID'};
- my $subj = $job->{'Subject'} // "";
- $name .= " ($subj)" if $subj !~ /^\s*$/;
- return $name;
-sub attr($$;$) {
- my ($job, $attr, $val) = @_;
- $job->{$attr} = $val if defined $val;
- return $job->{$attr};
-sub dump($) {
- my ($job) = @_;
- for my $k (sort keys %$job) {
- print "$k: ", $job->{$k}, "\n";
- }
-sub save($;$) {
- my ($job, $fn) = @_;
- -d "tmp" or mkdir "tmp" or die "Cannot create directory tmp: $!";
- $fn //= 'tmp/' . $job->id;
- open T, '>', $fn or die "Cannot create $fn: $!";
- for my $k (sort grep { /^[A-Z]/ } keys %$job) {
- print T "$k: ", $job->{$k}, "\n";
- }
- print T "\n";
- print T $job->{'body'} if defined $job->{'body'};
- close T;
- return $fn;
+++ /dev/null
-# Batch EXecutor 2.0 -- Queues
-# (c) 2011 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use feature 'switch';
-package BEX::Queue;
-use IO::File;
-use File::Path;
-use Fcntl qw(:flock);
-use POSIX ();
-sub new($;$) {
- my ($class, $name) = @_;
- $name //= 'queue';
- -d $name or die "Queue directory $name does not exist\n";
- for my $d ("hosts", "jobs") {
- -d "$name/$d" or mkdir "$name/$d" or die "Cannot create directory $name/$d: $!";
- }
- my $queue = {
- 'Name' => $name,
- 'MetaCache' => {},
- };
- return bless $queue;
-sub log_file($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.log';
-# Most actions have to be logged by the caller
-sub log($$$$;$) {
- my ($queue, $mach, $jid, $stat, $msg) = @_;
- my $t = POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
- my $m = join(" ", $t, $mach, $jid, $stat);
- $m .= " $msg" if defined $msg;
- my $fh = $queue->{'LogFH'} //= new IO::File $queue->{'Name'} . '/log', '>>' or die "Cannot open log: $!";
- print $fh "$m\n";
- # Append to the per-job log file
- if (open L, '>>', $queue->log_file($mach, $jid)) {
- print L "### $m\n";
- close L;
- }
-sub host_dir($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine) = @_;
- return $queue->{'Name'} . '/hosts/' . $machine;
-sub queue_file($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.job';
-sub status_file($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.stat';
-sub temp_file($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.tmp';
-sub job_file($$) {
- my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->{'Name'} . '/jobs/' . $jid. '.job';
-sub enqueue($$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $job) = @_;
- my $qf = $queue->queue_file($machine, $job->id);
- if (-f $qf) {
- return 0;
- }
- my $fn = $queue->job_file($job->id);
- -f $fn or $job->save($fn);
- my $dir = $queue->host_dir($machine);
- -d $dir or mkdir $dir or die "Cannot create directory $dir: $!";
- symlink '../../jobs/' . $job->id . '.job', $qf or die "Cannot create $qf: $!";
- return 1;
-sub scan($$) {
- my ($queue, $machine) = @_;
- my @list = ();
- if (opendir D, $queue->host_dir($machine)) {
- while ($_ = readdir D) {
- /^\./ and next;
- s{\.job}{} or next;
- push @list, $_;
- }
- closedir D;
- }
- return sort @list;
-sub remove($$;$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $force_remove) = @_;
- if ($BEX::Config::keep_history && !$force_remove) {
- my $s = $queue->{'Name'} . '/hosts/' . $machine;
- my $d = $queue->{'Name'} . '/history/' . $machine;
- File::Path::mkpath($d);
- for my $suff ('job', 'stat', 'log') {
- my $src = "$s/$jid.$suff";
- my $dst = "$d/$jid.$suff";
- if (-f $src) {
- rename $src, $dst or die "Cannot rename $src to $dst: $!";
- } else {
- # Might be present from the previous incarnation of the same job
- unlink $dst;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unlink $queue->queue_file($machine, $jid);
- unlink $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
- unlink $queue->log_file($machine, $jid);
- }
- unlink $queue->temp_file($machine, $jid);
-sub job_metadata($$) {
- my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
- my $cache = $queue->{'MetaCache'};
- if (!defined $cache->{$jid}) {
- $cache->{$jid} = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($jid), 1);
- }
- return $cache->{$jid};
-sub job_name($$) {
- my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
- return $queue->job_metadata($jid)->name;
-sub read_job_status($$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- my %s = ();
- my $sf = $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
- if (open S, '<', $sf) {
- while (<S>) {
- chomp;
- /^(\w+):\s*(.*)/ or die "Parse error in $sf";
- $s{$1} = $2;
- }
- close S;
- }
- return \%s;
-sub write_job_status($$$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $stat) = @_;
- my $sf = $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
- open S, '>', "$sf.$$" or die "Cannot create $sf.$$: $!";
- for my $k (sort keys %$stat) {
- print S "$k: ", $stat->{$k}, "\n" if defined $stat->{$k};
- }
- close S;
- rename "$sf.$$", $sf or die "Cannot rename $sf.$$ to $sf: $!";
-sub update_job_status($$$$;$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $stat, $msg) = @_;
- my $s = {
- 'Time' => time,
- 'Status' => $stat,
- 'Message' => $msg,
- };
- $queue->write_job_status($machine, $jid, $s);
- $queue->log($machine, $jid, $stat, $msg);
-sub lock_name($$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- my $lock = $queue->{'Name'};
- if (defined $jid) {
- $lock .= "/hosts/$machine/$jid.lock";
- } elsif (defined $machine) {
- $lock .= "/hosts/$machine/lock";
- } else {
- $lock .= '/lock';
- }
-# Whenever we want to run a job on a machine, we must obtain a lock;
-# at most one lock can be held at a time by a single BEX::Queue object.
-# See the description of locking schemes in BEX::Config.
-sub lock($$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- my $lock;
- given ($BEX::Config::locking_scheme) {
- when ('queue') {
- $lock = lock_name($queue, undef, undef);
- }
- when ('host') {
- defined($machine) or return 1;
- $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, undef);
- }
- when ('job') {
- defined($machine) && defined($jid) or return 1;
- $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, $jid);
- }
- when ('none') { return 1; }
- default { die "Invalid BEX::Config::locking_scheme"; }
- }
- if (defined($queue->{'LockName'})) {
- return 1 if ($queue->{'LockName'} eq $lock);
- $queue->unlock;
- }
- open $queue->{'LockHandle'}, '>>', $lock or die "Cannot create $lock: $!";
- if (!flock($queue->{'LockHandle'}, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
- close $queue->{'LockHandle'};
- delete $queue->{'LockHandle'};
- return 0;
- }
- $queue->{'LockName'} = $lock;
- return 1;
-sub unlock($) {
- my ($queue) = @_;
- defined $queue->{'LockName'} or return;
- unlink $queue->{'LockName'};
- flock $queue->{'LockHandle'}, LOCK_UN;
- close $queue->{'LockHandle'};
- delete $queue->{'LockHandle'};
- delete $queue->{'LockName'};
-# Unsafe (does not check fcntl, only existence of a lock file), but should be enough for bq
-sub is_locked($$$) {
- my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
- given ($BEX::Config::locking_scheme) {
- # Shortcuts
- when ('host') { return unless defined $machine; }
- when ('jid') { return unless defined $jid; }
- when ('none') { return; }
- }
- my $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, $jid);
- return -f $lock;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::stat;
+use BEX;
+my $given_body;
+my $given_go;
+my $given_id;
+my $queue_name;
+my $requeue_id;
+my $given_subject;
+my $given_template;
+ "b|body=s" => \$given_body,
+ "g|go!" => \$given_go,
+ "i|id=s" => \$given_id,
+ "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
+ "r|requeue=s" => \$requeue_id,
+ "s|subject=s" => \$given_subject,
+ "t|template=s" => \$given_template,
+) or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: benq [<options>] [!]<machine-or-class> ...
+-b, --body=<file> Load job body from the given file
+-g, --go Do not run editor, go enqueue the job immediately
+-i, --id=<id> Set job ID of the new job
+-q, --queue=<name> Insert new jobs to the given queue
+-r, --requeue=<id> Re-queue an existing job instead of creating a new one
+-s, --subject=<subj> Set subject of the new job
+-t, --template=<file> Load job template (headers and body) from the given file
+# Prepare machine set
+@ARGV or die "No machines specified\n";
+my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV);
+@machines or die "No machines match\n";
+my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
+my $job;
+my $tmp_fn;
+if (defined $requeue_id) {
+ # When requeueing, just fetch the existing job
+ if (defined($given_body) || defined($given_id) || defined($given_subject) || defined($given_template)) {
+ die "Parameters of a requeued job cannot be changed\n";
+ }
+ my $fn = $queue->job_file($requeue_id);
+ -f $fn or die "Job $requeue_id not known\n";
+ $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($fn);
+} else {
+ # Create job template
+ if (defined $given_template) {
+ $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($given_template);
+ } else {
+ $job = BEX::Job->new;
+ }
+ $job->attr('ID', $given_id) if defined $given_id;
+ $job->attr('Subject', $given_subject) if defined $given_subject;
+ if (defined $given_body) {
+ open B, '<', $given_body or die "Cannot open $given_body: $!\n";
+ local $/;
+ $job->attr('body', <B>);
+ close B;
+ }
+ # Let the user edit the template
+ if (!$given_go) {
+ $tmp_fn = $job->save;
+ my $orig_stat = stat($tmp_fn) or die;
+ system "editor", $tmp_fn and die "Editor exited with an error, file kept as $tmp_fn\n";
+ my $new_stat = stat($tmp_fn) or die "File $tmp_fn disappeared under my hands: $!\n";
+ if ($new_stat->mtime <= $orig_stat->mtime && $new_stat->size == $orig_stat->size) {
+ unlink $tmp_fn;
+ die "Cancelled\n";
+ }
+ $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($tmp_fn);
+ }
+# Put the job to the queue
+print "New job ", $job->id, "\n";
+for my $m (@machines) {
+ if ($queue->enqueue($m, $job)) {
+ $queue->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'NEW');
+ print "\t$m\n";
+ } else {
+ $queue->log($m, $job->id, 'REQUEUE');
+ print "\t$m (already queued)\n";
+ }
+# Remove the temporary file if there's any
+unlink $tmp_fn if defined $tmp_fn;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use BEX;
+my $edit;
+my $queue_name;
+ "e|edit!" => \$edit,
+ "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
+) && @ARGV == 1 or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: bjob [<options>] <job-id>
+-e, --edit Run editor on the given job (no locking)
+-q, --queue=<name> Act on the given queue
+my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
+my $fn = $queue->job_file($ARGV[0]);
+-f $fn or die "No such job " . $ARGV[0] . "\n";
+if ($edit) {
+ system "editor", $fn;
+} else {
+ system "cat", $fn;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use BEX;
+my $edit;
+my $queue_name;
+) && @ARGV == 0 or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: bjob [<options>]
+None defined so far.
+my $machines = \%BEX::Config::machines;
+print "# Hosts:\n";
+for my $h (sort keys %$machines) {
+ my $m = $machines->{$h};
+ ref $m eq 'HASH' or next;
+ print "$h\n";
+print "\n# Groups:\n";
+for my $h (sort keys %$machines) {
+ my $m = $machines->{$h};
+ ref $m eq 'ARRAY' or next;
+ print "$h = ", join(" ",
+ map {
+ my $x = $machines->{$_};
+ !defined($x) ? "$_?" :
+ ref $x eq 'HASH' ? $_ :
+ ref $x eq 'ARRAY' ? "\@$_" :
+ "$_???"
+ } @$m), "\n";
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature 'switch';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX;
+use BEX;
+my $queue_name;
+my $screen_session = 'BEX';
+my $text_mode;
+ "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
+ "session=s" => \$screen_session,
+ "text!" => \$text_mode,
+) or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: bprun [<options>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
+-q, --queue=<name> Run jobs in the given queue
+ --session=<name> Job windows should be opened within the given screen
+ session (default: BEX)
+ --text Use textual user interface instead of curses
+system 'screen', '-S', $screen_session, '-X', 'select', '.';
+!$? or die "Screen session $screen_session not found\n";
+my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
+my $fifo_name = $queue->{'Name'} . '/status-fifo';
+unlink $fifo_name;
+mkfifo $fifo_name, 0700 or die "Cannot create $fifo_name: $!";
+open FIFO, '+<', $fifo_name or die "Cannot open $fifo_name: $!";
+my $ui = ($text_mode ? BEX::bprun::text->new : BEX::bprun::curses->new);
+my @machines = ();
+for my $mach (BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*')) {
+ my @jobs = $queue->scan($mach);
+ @jobs or next;
+ push @machines, $mach;
+ for (@jobs) { $ui->update($mach, $_, 'READY'); }
+my %running = ();
+my $max = $BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs;
+while (keys %running || @machines) {
+ if (@machines && keys %running < $max) {
+ my $mach = shift @machines;
+ $ui->update($mach, undef, 'START');
+ my @scr = ('screen', '-t', $mach);
+ push @scr, '-S', $screen_session if defined $screen_session;
+ push @scr, '-X', 'screen', './brun', "--status-fifo=$fifo_name", $mach;
+ system @scr;
+ !$? or $ui->update($mach, undef, 'INTERR');
+ $running{$mach} = 'START';
+ next;
+ }
+ $_ = <FIFO>;
+ chomp;
+ my ($mach, $jid, $stat) = /^! (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$/;
+ if (!defined $stat) {
+ $ui->err("Received invalid status message <$_>");
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined $running{$mach}) {
+ $ui->err("Received status message <$_> for a machine which does not run");
+ next;
+ }
+ $running{$mach} = $stat;
+ $ui->update($mach, ($jid eq '-' ? undef : $jid), $stat);
+ if ($stat eq 'DONE') {
+ delete $running{$mach};
+ }
+close FIFO;
+unlink $fifo_name;
+package BEX::bprun::text;
+sub new($) {
+ return bless {};
+sub done($) {
+sub update($$$$) {
+ my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
+ print +($mach // '-'), (defined($jid) ? ":$jid" : ""), " $stat\n";
+sub err($$) {
+ my ($ui, $msg) = @_;
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n";
+package BEX::bprun::curses;
+use Curses;
+my $C;
+my $nrows;
+my @by_row = ();
+my %by_host = ();
+my %host_state;
+my %host_cnt;
+my %job_state;
+my %job_cnt;
+my %host_last_fail_job;
+my %host_last_fail_stat;
+sub new($) {
+ $C = new Curses;
+ start_color;
+ has_colors && COLORS >= 8 && COLOR_PAIRS >= 8 or die "Your terminal is too dumb for me\n";
+ cbreak; noecho;
+ $C->intrflush(0);
+ $C->keypad(1);
+ $C->meta(1);
+ $C->clear;
+ init_pair(1, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE);
+ init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED);
+ init_pair(3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK);
+ init_pair(4, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
+ $nrows = $C->getmaxy - 2;
+ if ($BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs > $nrows) {
+ $BEX::Config::max_parallel_jobs = $nrows;
+ }
+ %host_state = %host_cnt = ();
+ %job_state = %job_cnt = ();
+ for my $s ('unknown', 'ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') {
+ $host_cnt{$s} = 0;
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{$s} = 0;
+ }
+ my $ui = bless {};
+ $ui->refresh_status;
+ return $ui;
+sub done($)
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
+ $C->addstr($C->getmaxy-1, 0, "Press any key to quit...");
+ $C->clrtoeol;
+ $C->getch;
+ endwin;
+sub err($$) {
+ my ($ui, $msg) = @_;
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD);
+ $C->addnstr($C->getmaxy-1, 0, "ERROR: $msg", $C->getmaxx);
+ $C->clrtoeol;
+ $C->refresh;
+sub set_host_status($$$) {
+ my ($ui, $mach, $stat) = @_;
+ my $prev_stat = $host_state{$mach};
+ if (defined $prev_stat) {
+ $host_cnt{$prev_stat}--;
+ } else {
+ for my $s ('unknown', 'ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') { $job_cnt{$mach}{$s} = 0; }
+ }
+ $host_state{$mach} = $stat;
+ $host_cnt{$stat}++;
+sub set_job_status($$$$) {
+ my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
+ my $prev_stat = $job_state{$mach}{$jid} // 'unknown';
+ $job_cnt{$mach}{$prev_stat}--;
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{$prev_stat}--;
+ $job_state{$mach}{$jid} = $stat;
+ $job_cnt{$mach}{$stat}++;
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{$stat}++;
+sub refresh_status($) {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
+ $C->addnstr(0, 0,
+ sprintf("BEX Hosts: %dR %dD %dE %dW Jobs: %dR %dD %dE %dW",
+ $host_cnt{'running'},
+ $host_cnt{'done'},
+ $host_cnt{'failed'},
+ $host_cnt{'ready'},
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{'running'},
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{'done'},
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{'failed'},
+ $job_cnt{'*'}{'ready'},
+ ), $C->getmaxx);
+ $C->clrtoeol;
+ $C->refresh;
+sub get_slot($) {
+ my ($mach) = @_;
+ my $s;
+ if (defined ($s = $by_host{$mach})) {
+ delete $s->{'Gone'};
+ } else {
+ my ($best, $besti);
+ for my $i (0..$nrows-1) {
+ my $r = $by_row[$i];
+ if (!defined $r) {
+ $besti = $i;
+ $best = undef;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($r->{'Gone'} && (!$best || $best->{'Gone'} > $r->{'Gone'})) {
+ $besti = $i;
+ $best = $r;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($best) {
+ delete $by_host{$best->{'Host'}};
+ }
+ $s->{'Host'} = $mach;
+ $s->{'Row'} = $besti;
+ $by_host{$mach} = $s;
+ $by_row[$besti] = $s;
+ }
+ return $s;
+my $gone_counter = 1;
+sub delete_slot($) {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ $s->{'Gone'} = $gone_counter++;
+sub redraw_slot($) {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ my $mach = $s->{'Host'};
+ my $stat = $s->{'Status'} // "?";
+ my $jid = $s->{'Job'} // "";
+ my $jname = ($jid eq "" ? "" : $queue->job_name($jid));
+ my $jcnt = $job_cnt{$mach};
+ if ($jcnt->{'running'}) {
+ if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4) | A_BOLD);
+ } else {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
+ } else {
+ $C->bkgdset(0);
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = $s->{'Row'} + 1;
+ $C->addstr($r, 0, sprintf("%-20.20s", $mach));
+ if ($jcnt->{'failed'}) {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
+ $C->addstr(sprintf("%3dE ", $jcnt->{'failed'}));
+ } else {
+ $C->bkgdset(0);
+ $C->addstr(" ");
+ }
+ $C->bkgdset(0);
+ $C->addstr(sprintf("%3dD %3dW", $jcnt->{'done'}, $jcnt->{'ready'}));
+ if ($stat eq 'DONE') {
+ if (defined $host_last_fail_stat{$mach}) {
+ $C->bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(4));
+ $C->addstr(sprintf(" %-8s %s", $host_last_fail_stat{$mach}, $queue->job_name($host_last_fail_job{$mach})));
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $text = sprintf(" %-8s %s", $stat, $jname);
+ $C->addstr($text);
+ }
+ $C->clrtoeol;
+ $C->refresh;
+sub update($$$$) {
+ my ($ui, $mach, $jid, $stat) = @_;
+ my $s = get_slot($mach);
+ given ($stat) {
+ when ('READY') {
+ # Pseudo-state generated internally
+ $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'ready');
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'ready');
+ }
+ when ('OK') {
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'done');
+ }
+ when (['FAILED', 'INTERR', 'NOPING', 'PREPFAIL']) {
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
+ $host_last_fail_job{$mach} = $jid;
+ $host_last_fail_stat{$mach} = $stat;
+ }
+ when ('DONE') {
+ if ($job_cnt{$mach}{'failed'}) {
+ $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'failed');
+ } else {
+ $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'done');
+ }
+ }
+ when ('INIT') {
+ $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'running');
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'running') if defined $jid;
+ }
+ when ('LOCKED') {
+ if (defined $jid) {
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
+ } else {
+ for my $j (keys %{$job_state{$mach}}) {
+ $ui->set_job_status($mach, $jid, 'failed');
+ }
+ $ui->set_host_status($mach, 'failed');
+ $host_last_fail_job{$mach} = $jid;
+ $host_last_fail_stat{$mach} = $stat;
+ }
+ }
+ when (['START', 'PING', 'SEND', 'RUN']) {
+ }
+ default {
+ $ui->err("Received unknown job status $stat");
+ }
+ }
+ $s->{'Job'} = $jid;
+ $s->{'Status'} = $stat;
+ redraw_slot($s);
+ if ($stat eq 'DONE') { delete_slot($s); }
+ $ui->refresh_status;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX;
+use BEX;
+my $op_by_job;
+my $op_by_host;
+my $op_rm;
+my $op_move_to;
+my $queue_name;
+my $given_job;
+ "by-job!" => \$op_by_job,
+ "h|by-host!" => \$op_by_host,
+ "rm!" => \$op_rm,
+ "move-to=s" => \$op_move_to,
+ "j|job=s" => \$given_job,
+ "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
+) or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: bq [<options and actions>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
+ --by-job Show jobs sorted by job ID (default)
+-h, --by-host Show jobs sorted by host
+ --rm Remove jobs from the queue
+ --move-to=<queue> Move jobs to a different queue
+-j, --job=<id> Act on the specified job (default: on all)
+-q, --queue=<name> Act on the given queue
+my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*');
+my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
+# Select jobs
+my %jobs = ();
+my %machs = ();
+for my $m (@machines) {
+ for my $j ($queue->scan($m)) {
+ if (defined $given_job) {
+ next if $j ne $given_job;
+ }
+ push @{$jobs{$j}}, $m;
+ push @{$machs{$m}}, $j;
+ }
+sub do_ls();
+sub do_rm();
+sub do_move_to();
+my $ops = 0 + defined($op_by_host) + defined($op_by_job) + defined($op_rm) + defined($op_move_to);
+if ($ops > 1) { die "Multiple actions are not allowed\n"; }
+if ($op_rm) { do_rm(); }
+elsif (defined $op_move_to) { do_move_to(); }
+else { do_ls(); }
+exit 0;
+sub do_ls()
+ my %stat = ();
+ my %mach_locked = ();
+ for my $m (keys %machs) {
+ $mach_locked{$m} = $queue->is_locked($m, undef);
+ for my $j (@{$machs{$m}}) {
+ my $st = $queue->read_job_status($m, $j);
+ if (defined($st->{'Time'}) && defined($st->{'Status'})) {
+ $stat{$m}{$j} = ' [' . $st->{'Status'} . ' on ' .
+ POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime $st->{'Time'}) . ']';
+ } else {
+ $stat{$m}{$j} = '';
+ }
+ if ($mach_locked{$m} || $queue->is_locked($m, $j)) {
+ $stat{$m}{$j} .= ' [LOCKED]';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($queue->is_locked(undef, undef)) {
+ print "### Queue lock present\n\n";
+ }
+ if ($op_by_host) {
+ for my $m (sort keys %machs) {
+ print "$m", ($mach_locked{$m} ? ' [LOCKED]' : ''), "\n";
+ for my $j (@{$machs{$m}}) {
+ print "\t" . $queue->job_name($j) . $stat{$m}{$j}, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for my $j (sort keys %jobs) {
+ print $queue->job_name($j), "\n";
+ for my $m (sort @{$jobs{$j}}) {
+ print "\t$m", $stat{$m}{$j}, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub do_rm()
+ my $err = 0;
+ for my $m (sort keys %machs) {
+ for my $j (sort @{$machs{$m}}) {
+ if (!$queue->lock($m, $j)) {
+ print STDERR "Cannot remove $m:", $queue->job_name($j), ", it is locked\n";
+ $err = 1;
+ } else {
+ $queue->update_job_status($m, $j, 'REMOVED');
+ $queue->remove($m, $j);
+ print "Removed $m:", $queue->job_name($j), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $queue->unlock;
+ exit $err;
+sub do_move_to()
+ my $err = 0;
+ my $dest = BEX::Queue->new($op_move_to);
+ $dest->{'Name'} ne $queue->{'Name'} or die "Moving to the same queue is not permitted\n";
+ for my $j (sort keys %jobs) {
+ my $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($j));
+ for my $m (sort @{$jobs{$j}}) {
+ if (!$queue->lock($m, $j)) {
+ print STDERR "Cannot move $m:", $queue->job_name($j), ", it is locked\n";
+ $err = 1;
+ } else {
+ my $enq = $dest->enqueue($m, $job);
+ if ($enq) {
+ $dest->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'NEW', 'Moved to this queue');
+ } else {
+ $dest->log($m, $job->id, 'REQUEUE', 'Moved to this queue');
+ }
+ $queue->update_job_status($m, $job->id, 'REMOVED', 'Moved from this queue');
+ $queue->remove($m, $j);
+ print "Moved $m:", $dest->job_name($j);
+ print " (already queued)" if !$enq;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $queue->unlock;
+ exit $err;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Insert to Queue
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use BEX;
+my $given_job;
+my $queue_name;
+my $status_fifo;
+ "j|job=s" => \$given_job,
+ "q|queue=s" => \$queue_name,
+ "s|status-fifo=s" => \$status_fifo,
+) or die <<AMEN ;
+Usage: brun [<options>] [[!]<machine-or-class> ...]
+-j, --job=<id> Run only the specified job
+-q, --queue=<name> Select job queue
+ --status-fifo=<f> Send status updates to the given named pipe
+my $status_fd;
+if (defined $status_fifo) {
+ open $status_fd, '>>', $status_fifo or die "Cannot open status FIFO: $!";
+ autoflush $status_fd, 1;
+sub update_status($$$$;$) {
+ my ($mach, $job, $status, $log_on_queue, $msg) = @_;
+ if ($status_fd) {
+ print $status_fd "! $mach $job $status\n";
+ }
+ if ($log_on_queue) {
+ $log_on_queue->update_job_status($mach, $job, $status, $msg);
+ }
+my %pings;
+sub ping_machine($) {
+ my ($mach) = @_;
+ if (!defined $pings{$mach}) {
+ if ($BEX::Config::ping_hosts) {
+ update_status($mach, '-', 'PING', undef);
+ my $host = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
+ `ping -c1 -n $host >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`;
+ $pings{$mach} = !$?;
+ } else {
+ $pings{$mach} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($pings{$mach}) {
+ return ('OK', undef);
+ } else {
+ return ('NOPING', 'Does not ping');
+ }
+sub exit_status($) {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ if ($s >> 8) {
+ return "with exit code " . ($s >> 8);
+ } else {
+ return "on fatal signal " . ($s & 127);
+ }
+sub run_job_prep($$$) {
+ my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
+ my $prep = $job->attr('Prep');
+ defined($prep) && $prep !~ /^\s*$/ or return 'OK';
+ my $jid = $job->id;
+ update_status($mach, $jid, 'PREP', $queue);
+ my $lf = $queue->log_file($mach, $jid);
+ $ENV{'HOST'} = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
+ system 'bash', '-o', 'pipefail', '-c', "( $prep ) 2>&1 | tee -a $lf";
+ delete $ENV{'HOST'};
+ if ($?) {
+ return ('PREPFAIL', 'Preparatory command failed ' . exit_status($?));
+ } else {
+ return 'OK';
+ }
+sub run_job_body($$$) {
+ my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
+ if ($job->attr('body') =~ /^\s*$/s) {
+ # Shortcut if the body is empty
+ return 'OK'
+ }
+ my $host = BEX::Config::host_name($mach);
+ my $jid = $job->id;
+ my $tmp = $queue->temp_file($mach, $jid);
+ open T, '>', $tmp or die;
+ if (defined $BEX::Config::job_prolog) {
+ open P, $BEX::Config::job_prolog or return ('INTERR', "Cannot open prolog: $!");
+ while (<P>) { print T; }
+ close P;
+ } else {
+ print T "#!/bin/sh\n";
+ }
+ print T "# BEX job ", $jid, "\n";
+ print T $job->attr('body');
+ if (defined $BEX::Config::job_epilog) {
+ open E, $BEX::Config::job_epilog or return ('INTERR', "Cannot open epilog: $!");
+ while (<E>) { print T; }
+ close E;
+ }
+ close T;
+ update_status($mach, $jid, 'SEND', undef);
+ my $cmd = 't=$(mktemp -t bex-XXXXXXXX) && cat >$t && chmod u+x $t && echo $t';
+ my $rtmp = `$BEX::Config::ssh_command <$tmp $host '$cmd'`;
+ !$? && defined($rtmp) && $rtmp ne '' or return ('NOXFER', 'Transfer failed');
+ chomp $rtmp;
+ update_status($mach, $jid, 'RUN', $queue);
+ my $lf = $queue->log_file($mach, $jid);
+ system 'bash', '-o', 'pipefail', '-c', "$BEX::Config::ssh_command $host '$rtmp ; e=\$? ; rm -f $rtmp ; exit \$e' 2>&1 | tee -a $lf";
+ if ($?) {
+ return ('FAILED', 'Job failed ' . exit_status($?));
+ } else {
+ return 'OK';
+ }
+sub run_job($$$) {
+ my ($job, $queue, $mach) = @_;
+ my ($stat, $msg);
+ ($stat, $msg) = ping_machine($mach);
+ $stat eq 'OK' or return ($stat, $msg);
+ ($stat, $msg) = run_job_prep($job, $queue, $mach);
+ $stat eq 'OK' or return ($stat, $msg);
+ return run_job_body($job, $queue, $mach);
+my @machines = BEX::Config::parse_machine_list(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '*');
+my $queue = BEX::Queue->new($queue_name);
+$queue->lock(undef, undef) or die "The queue is locked by another brun, cannot continue.\n";
+for my $mach (@machines) {
+ my @q = $queue->scan($mach) or next;
+ if (!$queue->lock($mach, undef)) {
+ print "### Machine $mach is locked by another brun, skipping...\n";
+ update_status($mach, '-', 'LOCKED', undef);
+ update_status($mach, '-', 'DONE', undef);
+ next;
+ }
+ update_status($mach, '-', 'INIT', undef);
+ while (my $jid = shift @q) {
+ if (defined $given_job) {
+ $jid eq $given_job or next;
+ }
+ my $job = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($jid));
+ update_status($mach, $jid, 'INIT', undef);
+ if (!$queue->lock($mach, $jid)) {
+ print "### Skipping locked $jid on $mach ###\n";
+ update_status($mach, $jid, 'LOCKED', undef);
+ next;
+ }
+ print "### Running ", $job->name, " on $mach ###\n";
+ my ($s, $msg) = run_job($job, $queue, $mach);
+ update_status($mach, $jid, $s, $queue, $msg);
+ if ($s eq 'OK') {
+ print "+++ OK\n";
+ $queue->remove($mach, $jid);
+ } else {
+ print "--- $s: $msg\n";
+ if ($BEX::Config::skip_on_fail) {
+ print "### Skipping other jobs on the same host ###\n" if @q;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} continue {
+ update_status($mach, '-', 'DONE', undef);
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package BEX;
+use BEX::Config;
+use BEX::Job;
+use BEX::Queue;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Configuration
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package BEX::Config;
+# This file specifies default values, which can be overridden in BEX.cf
+# A hash of all known machines and groups
+# 'name' => { Option => ... } for a machine; options:
+# Host => 'name' Host name to use in ssh, ping, ...
+# 'name' => ['a','b','c'] for a group containing specified machines/subgroups
+our %machines = (
+# Home directory in which everything resides
+our $bex_home = $ENV{"BEX_HOME"} // ".";
+# Configuration directory
+our $bex_cf_dir = $bex_home . "/BEX";
+# A file whose contents should be prepended before the job. Should start with the "#!" line.
+our $job_prolog = $bex_cf_dir . '/prolog';
+# A file whose contents should be appended to the job
+our $job_epilog = $bex_cf_dir . '/epilog';
+# Keep history of successfully completed jobs
+our $keep_history = 1;
+# Before we try to connect to a host, ping it to check if it's alive
+our $ping_hosts = 1;
+# Whenever we want to run a job on a machine, we must obtain a lock.
+# Available locking schemes are:
+# none - no locking takes place (dangerous!)
+# job - obtain exclusive access to the job, other jobs on the same
+# host can run in parallel
+# host - obtain exclusive access to the host, other hosts can run
+# queue - obtain exclusive access to the whole queue
+our $locking_scheme = 'host';
+# Maximum number of simultaneously running jobs in `bprun'
+our $max_parallel_jobs = 5;
+# When a job fails, skip all other jobs on the same host
+# (however, when locking_scheme is set to `job', another instance of `brun'
+# still could run such jobs in parallel)
+our $skip_on_fail = 0;
+# How we run ssh (including options)
+our $ssh_command = "ssh";
+# Various utility functions
+sub parse_machine_list(@);
+sub parse_machine_list(@) {
+ my %set = ();
+ for my $m (@_) {
+ if ($m eq '*') {
+ for my $mm (keys %machines) {
+ if (ref($machines{$mm}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $set{$mm} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my $op = 1;
+ if ($m =~ s{^!}{}) { $op = 0; }
+ my $v = $machines{$m};
+ if (!defined $v) {
+ die "Unknown machine or class: $m\n";
+ } elsif (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
+ $set{$m} = $op;
+ } elsif (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for my $mm (parse_machine_list(@$v)) {
+ $set{$mm} = $op;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sort grep { $set{$_} } keys %set;
+sub host_name($) {
+ my ($mach) = @_;
+ return $machines{$mach}->{'Host'} // $mach;
+require $bex_cf_dir . '/config';
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Jobs
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package BEX::Job;
+use POSIX ();
+our $job_cnt = 0;
+sub check_id($) {
+ my ($id) = @_;
+ return $id =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z-]+)$/;
+sub new($;$) {
+ my ($class, $id) = @_;
+ my $job = { };
+ bless $job;
+ if (defined $id) {
+ check_id($id) or die "Invalid job ID";
+ $job->{'ID'} = $id;
+ } else {
+ $job_cnt++;
+ $job->{'ID'} = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-$$-$job_cnt", localtime);
+ }
+ $job->{'Subject'} = '';
+ return $job;
+sub new_from_file($$;$) {
+ my ($class, $file, $header_only) = @_;
+ my $job = { };
+ open T, '<', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ while (<T>) {
+ chomp;
+ /^$/ and last;
+ /^([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]*):\s*(.*)/ or die "Cannot load $file: Header syntax error";
+ !defined $job->{$1} or die "Cannot load $file: Header $1 re-defined";
+ $job->{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ if (!$header_only) {
+ my @cmds = <T>;
+ $job->{'body'} = join("", @cmds);
+ }
+ close T;
+ $job->{'Subject'} //= '';
+ $job->{'ID'} or die "Cannot load $file: Missing ID";
+ check_id($job->{'ID'}) or die "Cannot load $file: Invalid ID syntax";
+ return bless $job;
+sub id($) {
+ return $_[0]->{'ID'};
+sub name($) {
+ my ($job) = @_;
+ my $name = $job->{'ID'};
+ my $subj = $job->{'Subject'} // "";
+ $name .= " ($subj)" if $subj !~ /^\s*$/;
+ return $name;
+sub attr($$;$) {
+ my ($job, $attr, $val) = @_;
+ $job->{$attr} = $val if defined $val;
+ return $job->{$attr};
+sub dump($) {
+ my ($job) = @_;
+ for my $k (sort keys %$job) {
+ print "$k: ", $job->{$k}, "\n";
+ }
+sub save($;$) {
+ my ($job, $fn) = @_;
+ -d "tmp" or mkdir "tmp" or die "Cannot create directory tmp: $!";
+ $fn //= 'tmp/' . $job->id;
+ open T, '>', $fn or die "Cannot create $fn: $!";
+ for my $k (sort grep { /^[A-Z]/ } keys %$job) {
+ print T "$k: ", $job->{$k}, "\n";
+ }
+ print T "\n";
+ print T $job->{'body'} if defined $job->{'body'};
+ close T;
+ return $fn;
--- /dev/null
+# Batch EXecutor 3.0 -- Queues
+# (c) 2011-2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature 'switch';
+package BEX::Queue;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Path;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use POSIX ();
+sub new($;$) {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ $name //= 'queue';
+ -d $name or die "Queue directory $name does not exist\n";
+ for my $d ("hosts", "jobs") {
+ -d "$name/$d" or mkdir "$name/$d" or die "Cannot create directory $name/$d: $!";
+ }
+ my $queue = {
+ 'Name' => $name,
+ 'MetaCache' => {},
+ };
+ return bless $queue;
+sub log_file($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.log';
+# Most actions have to be logged by the caller
+sub log($$$$;$) {
+ my ($queue, $mach, $jid, $stat, $msg) = @_;
+ my $t = POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
+ my $m = join(" ", $t, $mach, $jid, $stat);
+ $m .= " $msg" if defined $msg;
+ my $fh = $queue->{'LogFH'} //= new IO::File $queue->{'Name'} . '/log', '>>' or die "Cannot open log: $!";
+ print $fh "$m\n";
+ # Append to the per-job log file
+ if (open L, '>>', $queue->log_file($mach, $jid)) {
+ print L "### $m\n";
+ close L;
+ }
+sub host_dir($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine) = @_;
+ return $queue->{'Name'} . '/hosts/' . $machine;
+sub queue_file($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.job';
+sub status_file($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.stat';
+sub temp_file($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->host_dir($machine) . '/' . $jid . '.tmp';
+sub job_file($$) {
+ my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->{'Name'} . '/jobs/' . $jid. '.job';
+sub enqueue($$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $job) = @_;
+ my $qf = $queue->queue_file($machine, $job->id);
+ if (-f $qf) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $fn = $queue->job_file($job->id);
+ -f $fn or $job->save($fn);
+ my $dir = $queue->host_dir($machine);
+ -d $dir or mkdir $dir or die "Cannot create directory $dir: $!";
+ symlink '../../jobs/' . $job->id . '.job', $qf or die "Cannot create $qf: $!";
+ return 1;
+sub scan($$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine) = @_;
+ my @list = ();
+ if (opendir D, $queue->host_dir($machine)) {
+ while ($_ = readdir D) {
+ /^\./ and next;
+ s{\.job}{} or next;
+ push @list, $_;
+ }
+ closedir D;
+ }
+ return sort @list;
+sub remove($$;$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $force_remove) = @_;
+ if ($BEX::Config::keep_history && !$force_remove) {
+ my $s = $queue->{'Name'} . '/hosts/' . $machine;
+ my $d = $queue->{'Name'} . '/history/' . $machine;
+ File::Path::mkpath($d);
+ for my $suff ('job', 'stat', 'log') {
+ my $src = "$s/$jid.$suff";
+ my $dst = "$d/$jid.$suff";
+ if (-f $src) {
+ rename $src, $dst or die "Cannot rename $src to $dst: $!";
+ } else {
+ # Might be present from the previous incarnation of the same job
+ unlink $dst;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlink $queue->queue_file($machine, $jid);
+ unlink $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
+ unlink $queue->log_file($machine, $jid);
+ }
+ unlink $queue->temp_file($machine, $jid);
+sub job_metadata($$) {
+ my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
+ my $cache = $queue->{'MetaCache'};
+ if (!defined $cache->{$jid}) {
+ $cache->{$jid} = BEX::Job->new_from_file($queue->job_file($jid), 1);
+ }
+ return $cache->{$jid};
+sub job_name($$) {
+ my ($queue, $jid) = @_;
+ return $queue->job_metadata($jid)->name;
+sub read_job_status($$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ my %s = ();
+ my $sf = $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
+ if (open S, '<', $sf) {
+ while (<S>) {
+ chomp;
+ /^(\w+):\s*(.*)/ or die "Parse error in $sf";
+ $s{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ close S;
+ }
+ return \%s;
+sub write_job_status($$$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $stat) = @_;
+ my $sf = $queue->status_file($machine, $jid);
+ open S, '>', "$sf.$$" or die "Cannot create $sf.$$: $!";
+ for my $k (sort keys %$stat) {
+ print S "$k: ", $stat->{$k}, "\n" if defined $stat->{$k};
+ }
+ close S;
+ rename "$sf.$$", $sf or die "Cannot rename $sf.$$ to $sf: $!";
+sub update_job_status($$$$;$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid, $stat, $msg) = @_;
+ my $s = {
+ 'Time' => time,
+ 'Status' => $stat,
+ 'Message' => $msg,
+ };
+ $queue->write_job_status($machine, $jid, $s);
+ $queue->log($machine, $jid, $stat, $msg);
+sub lock_name($$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ my $lock = $queue->{'Name'};
+ if (defined $jid) {
+ $lock .= "/hosts/$machine/$jid.lock";
+ } elsif (defined $machine) {
+ $lock .= "/hosts/$machine/lock";
+ } else {
+ $lock .= '/lock';
+ }
+# Whenever we want to run a job on a machine, we must obtain a lock;
+# at most one lock can be held at a time by a single BEX::Queue object.
+# See the description of locking schemes in BEX::Config.
+sub lock($$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ my $lock;
+ given ($BEX::Config::locking_scheme) {
+ when ('queue') {
+ $lock = lock_name($queue, undef, undef);
+ }
+ when ('host') {
+ defined($machine) or return 1;
+ $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, undef);
+ }
+ when ('job') {
+ defined($machine) && defined($jid) or return 1;
+ $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, $jid);
+ }
+ when ('none') { return 1; }
+ default { die "Invalid BEX::Config::locking_scheme"; }
+ }
+ if (defined($queue->{'LockName'})) {
+ return 1 if ($queue->{'LockName'} eq $lock);
+ $queue->unlock;
+ }
+ open $queue->{'LockHandle'}, '>>', $lock or die "Cannot create $lock: $!";
+ if (!flock($queue->{'LockHandle'}, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
+ close $queue->{'LockHandle'};
+ delete $queue->{'LockHandle'};
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $queue->{'LockName'} = $lock;
+ return 1;
+sub unlock($) {
+ my ($queue) = @_;
+ defined $queue->{'LockName'} or return;
+ unlink $queue->{'LockName'};
+ flock $queue->{'LockHandle'}, LOCK_UN;
+ close $queue->{'LockHandle'};
+ delete $queue->{'LockHandle'};
+ delete $queue->{'LockName'};
+# Unsafe (does not check fcntl, only existence of a lock file), but should be enough for bq
+sub is_locked($$$) {
+ my ($queue, $machine, $jid) = @_;
+ given ($BEX::Config::locking_scheme) {
+ # Shortcuts
+ when ('host') { return unless defined $machine; }
+ when ('jid') { return unless defined $jid; }
+ when ('none') { return; }
+ }
+ my $lock = lock_name($queue, $machine, $jid);
+ return -f $lock;
+++ /dev/null
-# BEX prolog
-set -e