--- /dev/null
+ * Image Library -- Color Spaces
+ *
+ * (c) 2006 Pavel Charvat <pchar@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ * - http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~mgattass/color/ColorIndex.html
+ */
+#include "sherlock/sherlock.h"
+#include "lib/math.h"
+#include "images/color.h"
+u16 srgb_to_luv_tab1[256];
+u16 srgb_to_luv_tab2[9 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE];
+u32 srgb_to_luv_tab3[20 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE];
+struct color_grid_node *srgb_to_luv_grid;
+struct color_interpolation_node *color_interpolation_table;
+/* sRGB to XYZ */
+srgb_to_xyz_slow(double xyz[3], double srgb[3])
+ double a[3];
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (srgb[i] > 0.04045)
+ a[i] = pow((srgb[i] + 0.055) * (1 / 1.055), 2.4);
+ else
+ a[i] = srgb[i] * (1 / 12.92);
+ xyz[0] = SRGB_XYZ_XR * a[0] + SRGB_XYZ_XG * a[1] + SRGB_XYZ_XB * a[2];
+ xyz[1] = SRGB_XYZ_YR * a[0] + SRGB_XYZ_YG * a[1] + SRGB_XYZ_YB * a[2];
+ xyz[2] = SRGB_XYZ_ZR * a[0] + SRGB_XYZ_ZG * a[1] + SRGB_XYZ_ZB * a[2];
+/* XYZ to CIE-Luv */
+xyz_to_luv_slow(double luv[3], double xyz[3])
+ double sum = xyz[0] + 15 * xyz[1] + 3 * xyz[2];
+ if (sum < 0.000001)
+ luv[0] = luv[1] = luv[2] = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ double var_u = 4 * xyz[0] / sum;
+ double var_v = 9 * xyz[1] / sum;
+ if (xyz[1] > 0.008856)
+ luv[0] = 116 * pow(xyz[1], 1 / 3.) - 16;
+ else
+ luv[0] = (116 * 7.787) * xyz[1];
+ luv[1] = luv[0] * (13 * (var_u - 4 * REF_WHITE_X / (REF_WHITE_X + 15 * REF_WHITE_Y + 3 * REF_WHITE_Z)));
+ luv[2] = luv[0] * (13 * (var_v - 9 * REF_WHITE_Y / (REF_WHITE_X + 15 * REF_WHITE_Y + 3 * REF_WHITE_Z)));
+ /* intervals [0..100], [-134..220], [-140..122] */
+ }
+ DBG("Initializing sRGB -> Luv table");
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ double t = i / 255.;
+ if (t > 0.04045)
+ t = pow((t + 0.055) * (1 / 1.055), 2.4);
+ else
+ t = t * (1 / 12.92);
+ srgb_to_luv_tab1[i] = CLAMP(t * 0xfff + 0.5, 0, 0xfff);
+ }
+ for (uns i = 0; i < (9 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE); i++)
+ {
+ double t = i / (double)((9 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE) - 1);
+ if (t > 0.008856)
+ t = 1.16 * pow(t, 1 / 3.) - 0.16;
+ else
+ t = (1.16 * 7.787) * t;
+ srgb_to_luv_tab2[i] =
+ CLAMP(t * ((1 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE) - 1) + 0.5,
+ 0, (1 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE) - 1);
+ }
+ for (uns i = 0; i < (20 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE); i++)
+ {
+ srgb_to_luv_tab3[i] = i ? (13 << (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SCALE + SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE)) / i : 0;
+ }
+srgb_to_luv_pixels(byte *dest, byte *src, uns count)
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ srgb_to_luv_pixel(dest, src);
+ dest += 3;
+ src += 3;
+ }
+/* Returns volume of a given tetrahedron multiplied by 6 */
+static inline uns
+tetrahedron_volume(uns *v1, uns *v2, uns *v3, uns *v4)
+ int a[3], b[3], c[3];
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ a[i] = v2[i] - v1[i];
+ b[i] = v3[i] - v1[i];
+ c[i] = v4[i] - v1[i];
+ }
+ int result =
+ a[0] * (b[1] * c[2] - b[2] * c[1]) -
+ a[1] * (b[0] * c[2] - b[2] * c[0]) +
+ a[2] * (b[0] * c[1] - b[1] * c[0]);
+ return (result > 0) ? result : -result;
+static void
+interpolate_tetrahedron(struct color_interpolation_node *n, uns *p, const uns *c)
+ uns v[4][3];
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ v[i][0] = (c[i] & 0001) ? (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) : 0;
+ v[i][1] = (c[i] & 0010) ? (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) : 0;
+ v[i][2] = (c[i] & 0100) ? (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) : 0;
+ n->ofs[i] =
+ ((c[i] & 0001) ? 1 : 0) +
+ ((c[i] & 0010) ? (1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) : 0) +
+ ((c[i] & 0100) ? (1 << (COLOR_CONV_SIZE * 2)) : 0);
+ }
+ uns vol = tetrahedron_volume(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
+ n->mul[0] = ((tetrahedron_volume(p, v[1], v[2], v[3]) << 8) + (vol >> 1)) / vol;
+ n->mul[1] = ((tetrahedron_volume(v[0], p, v[2], v[3]) << 8) + (vol >> 1)) / vol;
+ n->mul[2] = ((tetrahedron_volume(v[0], v[1], p, v[3]) << 8) + (vol >> 1)) / vol;
+ n->mul[3] = ((tetrahedron_volume(v[0], v[1], v[2], p) << 8) + (vol >> 1)) / vol;
+ uns j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ if (n->mul[j])
+ break;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (n->mul[i] == 0)
+ n->ofs[i] = n->ofs[j];
+static void
+ DBG("Initializing color interpolation table");
+ struct color_interpolation_node *n = color_interpolation_table =
+ xmalloc(sizeof(struct color_interpolation_node) << (COLOR_CONV_OFS * 3));
+ uns p[3];
+ for (p[2] = 0; p[2] < (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS); p[2]++)
+ for (p[1] = 0; p[1] < (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS); p[1]++)
+ for (p[0] = 0; p[0] < (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS); p[0]++)
+ {
+ uns index;
+ static const uns tetrahedrons[5][4] = {
+ {0000, 0001, 0010, 0100},
+ {0110, 0111, 0100, 0010},
+ {0101, 0100, 0111, 0001},
+ {0011, 0010, 0001, 0111},
+ {0111, 0001, 0010, 0100}};
+ if (p[0] + p[1] + p[2] <= (1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS))
+ index = 0;
+ else if ((1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) + p[0] <= p[1] + p[2])
+ index = 1;
+ else if ((1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) + p[1] <= p[0] + p[2])
+ index = 2;
+ else if ((1 << COLOR_CONV_OFS) + p[2] <= p[0] + p[1])
+ index = 3;
+ else
+ index = 4;
+ interpolate_tetrahedron(n, p, tetrahedrons[index]);
+ n++;
+ }
+typedef void color_conv_func(double dest[3], double src[3]);
+static void
+conv_grid_init(struct color_grid_node **grid, color_conv_func func)
+ if (*grid)
+ return;
+ struct color_grid_node *g = *grid = xmalloc((sizeof(struct color_grid_node)) << (COLOR_CONV_SIZE * 3));
+ double src[3], dest[3];
+ for (uns k = 0; k < (1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE); k++)
+ {
+ src[2] = k * (255 / (double)((1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) - 1));
+ for (uns j = 0; j < (1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE); j++)
+ {
+ src[1] = j * (255/ (double)((1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) - 1));
+ for (uns i = 0; i < (1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE); i++)
+ {
+ src[0] = i * (255 / (double)((1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) - 1));
+ func(dest, src);
+ g->val[0] = CLAMP(dest[0] + 0.5, 0, 255);
+ g->val[1] = CLAMP(dest[1] + 0.5, 0, 255);
+ g->val[2] = CLAMP(dest[2] + 0.5, 0, 255);
+ g++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+srgb_to_luv_func(double dest[3], double src[3])
+ double srgb[3], xyz[3], luv[3];
+ srgb[0] = src[0] / 255.;
+ srgb[1] = src[1] / 255.;
+ srgb[2] = src[2] / 255.;
+ srgb_to_xyz_slow(xyz, srgb);
+ xyz_to_luv_slow(luv, xyz);
+ dest[0] = luv[0] * 2.55;
+ dest[1] = luv[1] * (2.55 / 4) + 128;
+ dest[2] = luv[2] * (2.55 / 4) + 128;
+ interpolation_table_init();
+ conv_grid_init(&srgb_to_luv_grid, srgb_to_luv_func);
+color_conv_pixels(byte *dest, byte *src, uns count, struct color_grid_node *grid)
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ color_conv_pixel(dest, src, grid);
+ dest += 3;
+ src += 3;
+ }
+#ifdef TEST
+#include <string.h>
+static double
+conv_error(u32 color, struct color_grid_node *grid, color_conv_func func)
+ byte src[3], dest[3];
+ src[0] = color & 255;
+ src[1] = (color >> 8) & 255;
+ src[2] = (color >> 16) & 255;
+ color_conv_pixel(dest, src, grid);
+ double src2[3], dest2[3];
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ src2[i] = src[i];
+ func(dest2, src2);
+ double err = 0;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ err += (dest[i] - dest2[i]) * (dest[i] - dest2[i]);
+ return err;
+typedef void test_fn(byte *dest, byte *src);
+static double
+func_error(u32 color, test_fn test, color_conv_func func)
+ byte src[3], dest[3];
+ src[0] = color & 255;
+ src[1] = (color >> 8) & 255;
+ src[2] = (color >> 16) & 255;
+ test(dest, src);
+ double src2[3], dest2[3];
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ src2[i] = src[i];
+ func(dest2, src2);
+ double err = 0;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ err += (dest[i] - dest2[i]) * (dest[i] - dest2[i]);
+ return err;
+static void
+test_grid(byte *name, struct color_grid_node *grid, color_conv_func func)
+ double max_err = 0, sum_err = 0;
+ uns count = 100000;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ double err = conv_error(random_max(0x1000000), grid, func);
+ max_err = MAX(err, max_err);
+ sum_err += err;
+ }
+ DBG("%s: error max=%f avg=%f", name, max_err, sum_err / count);
+ if (max_err > 12)
+ die("Too large error in %s conversion", name);
+static void
+test_func(byte *name, test_fn test, color_conv_func func)
+ double max_err = 0, sum_err = 0;
+ uns count = 100000;
+ for (uns i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ double err = func_error(random_max(0x1000000), test, func);
+ max_err = MAX(err, max_err);
+ sum_err += err;
+ }
+ DBG("%s: error max=%f avg=%f", name, max_err, sum_err / count);
+ if (max_err > 12)
+ die("Too large error in %s conversion", name);
+ srgb_to_luv_init();
+ test_func("func sRGB -> Luv", srgb_to_luv_pixel, srgb_to_luv_func);
+ color_conv_init();
+ test_grid("grid sRGB -> Luv", srgb_to_luv_grid, srgb_to_luv_func);
+#define CNT 1000000
+ byte *a = xmalloc(3 * CNT), *b = xmalloc(3 * CNT);
+ init_timer();
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ memcpy(b, a, CNT * 3);
+ DBG("memcpy time=%d", (uns)get_timer());
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 3 * CNT; i++)
+ a[i] = random_max(256);
+ init_timer();
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ srgb_to_luv_pixels(b, a, CNT);
+ DBG("direct time=%d", (uns)get_timer());
+ init_timer();
+ for (uns i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ color_conv_pixels(b, a, CNT, srgb_to_luv_grid);
+ DBG("grid time=%d", (uns)get_timer());
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Image Library -- Color Spaces
+ *
+ * (c) 2006 Pavel Charvat <pchar@ucw.cz>
+ *
+ * This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ *
+ * FIXME:
+ * - fix theoretical problems with rounding errors in srgb_to_luv_pixel()
+ * - SIMD should help to speed up conversion of large arrays
+ * - maybe try to generate a long switch in color_conv_pixel()
+ * with optimized entries instead of access to interpolation table
+ */
+#ifndef _IMAGES_COLOR_H
+#define _IMAGES_COLOR_H
+/* Exact slow conversion routines */
+void srgb_to_xyz_slow(double dest[3], double src[3]);
+void xyz_to_luv_slow(double dest[3], double src[3]);
+/* Reference white */
+#define REF_WHITE_X 0.96422
+#define REF_WHITE_Y 1.
+#define REF_WHITE_Z 0.82521
+/* sRGB -> XYZ matrix */
+#define SRGB_XYZ_XR 0.412424
+#define SRGB_XYZ_XG 0.357579
+#define SRGB_XYZ_XB 0.180464
+#define SRGB_XYZ_YR 0.212656
+#define SRGB_XYZ_YG 0.715158
+#define SRGB_XYZ_YB 0.072186
+#define SRGB_XYZ_ZR 0.019332
+#define SRGB_XYZ_ZG 0.119193
+#define SRGB_XYZ_ZB 0.950444
+/*********************** OPTIMIZED CONVERSION ROUTINES **********************/
+/* sRGB -> Luv parameters */
+#define SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE 9
+#define SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE 11
+#define SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE 8
+extern u16 srgb_to_luv_tab1[256];
+extern u16 srgb_to_luv_tab2[9 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE];
+extern u32 srgb_to_luv_tab3[20 << SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE];
+void srgb_to_luv_init(void);
+void srgb_to_luv_pixels(byte *dest, byte *src, uns count);
+static inline void
+srgb_to_luv_pixel(byte *dest, byte *src)
+ uns r = srgb_to_luv_tab1[src[0]];
+ uns g = srgb_to_luv_tab1[src[1]];
+ uns b = srgb_to_luv_tab1[src[2]];
+ uns x =
+ (uns)(4 * SRGB_XYZ_XR * 0xffff) * r +
+ (uns)(4 * SRGB_XYZ_XG * 0xffff) * g +
+ (uns)(4 * SRGB_XYZ_XB * 0xffff) * b;
+ uns y =
+ (uns)(9 * SRGB_XYZ_YR * 0xffff) * r +
+ (uns)(9 * SRGB_XYZ_YG * 0xffff) * g +
+ (uns)(9 * SRGB_XYZ_YB * 0xffff) * b;
+ uns l = srgb_to_luv_tab2[y >> (28 - SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SIZE)];
+ dest[0] = l >> (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE - 8);
+ uns sum =
+ (uns)((SRGB_XYZ_XR + 15 * SRGB_XYZ_YR + 3 * SRGB_XYZ_ZR) * 0x7fff) * r +
+ (uns)((SRGB_XYZ_XG + 15 * SRGB_XYZ_YG + 3 * SRGB_XYZ_ZG) * 0x7fff) * g +
+ (uns)((SRGB_XYZ_XB + 15 * SRGB_XYZ_YB + 3 * SRGB_XYZ_ZB) * 0x7fff) * b;
+ uns s = srgb_to_luv_tab3[sum >> (27 - SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SIZE)];
+ int xs = ((u64)x * s) >> 32;
+ int ys = ((u64)y * s) >> 32;
+ int xw = ((4 * 13) << (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SCALE - 4)) *
+ int yw = ((9 * 13) << (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SCALE - 4)) *
+ int u = (int)(l) * (xs - xw);
+ int v = (int)(l) * (ys - yw);
+ dest[1] = 128 + (u >> (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SCALE + SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE - 10));
+ dest[2] = 128 + (v >> (SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB3_SCALE + SRGB_TO_LUV_TAB2_SCALE - 10));
+/****************** GENERAL INTERPOLATION IN 3D GRID ********************/
+#define COLOR_CONV_SIZE 5 /* 128K conversion grid size */
+#define COLOR_CONV_OFS 3 /* 8K interpolation table size */
+struct color_grid_node {
+ byte val[4];
+struct color_interpolation_node {
+ u16 ofs[4];
+ u16 mul[4];
+extern struct color_grid_node *srgb_to_luv_grid;
+extern struct color_interpolation_node *color_interpolation_table;
+void color_conv_init(void);
+void color_conv_pixels(byte *dest, byte *src, uns count, struct color_grid_node *grid);
+#define COLOR_CONV_SCALE_CONST (((((1 << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) - 1) << 16) + (1 << (16 - COLOR_CONV_OFS))) / 255)
+static inline void
+color_conv_pixel(byte *dest, byte *src, struct color_grid_node *grid)
+ uns s0 = src[0] * COLOR_CONV_SCALE_CONST;
+ uns s1 = src[1] * COLOR_CONV_SCALE_CONST;
+ uns s2 = src[2] * COLOR_CONV_SCALE_CONST;
+ struct color_grid_node *g0, *g1, *g2, *g3, *g = grid +
+ ((s0 >> 16) + ((s1 >> 16) << COLOR_CONV_SIZE) + ((s2 >> 16) << (2 * COLOR_CONV_SIZE)));
+ struct color_interpolation_node *n = color_interpolation_table +
+ (((s0 & (0x10000 - (0x10000 >> COLOR_CONV_OFS))) >> (16 - COLOR_CONV_OFS)) +
+ ((s1 & (0x10000 - (0x10000 >> COLOR_CONV_OFS))) >> (16 - 2 * COLOR_CONV_OFS)) +
+ ((s2 & (0x10000 - (0x10000 >> COLOR_CONV_OFS))) >> (16 - 3 * COLOR_CONV_OFS)));
+ g0 = g + n->ofs[0];
+ g1 = g + n->ofs[1];
+ g2 = g + n->ofs[2];
+ g3 = g + n->ofs[3];
+ dest[0] = (g0->val[0] * n->mul[0] + g1->val[0] * n->mul[1] +
+ g2->val[0] * n->mul[2] + g3->val[0] * n->mul[3] + 128) >> 8;
+ dest[1] = (g0->val[1] * n->mul[0] + g1->val[1] * n->mul[1] +
+ g2->val[1] * n->mul[2] + g3->val[1] * n->mul[3] + 128) >> 8;
+ dest[2] = (g0->val[2] * n->mul[0] + g1->val[2] * n->mul[1] +
+ g2->val[2] * n->mul[2] + g3->val[2] * n->mul[3] + 128) >> 8;