* Dynamic MST algorithms
- . (Semi-)dynamic algorithms
+ o (Semi-)dynamic algorithms
. ET-trees
. Fully dynamic connectivity
. Dynamic MST
- cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
- \cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound
-- mention matroids
- move the remark on disconnected graphs? separate section?
- Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
- reference to mixed Boruvka-Jarnik
- use the notation for contraction by a set
-- practical considerations: katriel:cycle, moret:practice (mention pairing heaps)
-- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (see also remarks in Karger and pettie:minirand), pettie:parallel
-- bounded expansion classes?
-- degree-restricted cases and arborescences
-- random sampling (propp:randommst)
- mention bugs in Valeria's verification paper
- more references on decision trees
- rename theorem on Minimality by order
+- practical considerations: katriel:cycle, moret:practice (mention pairing heaps)
+- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (see also remarks in Karger and pettie:minirand), pettie:parallel
+- K best trees
+- random sampling (propp:randommst)
+- degree-restricted cases and arborescences
+- bounded expansion classes?
+- mention matroids
- bit tricks: reference to HAKMEM