\n{$C_k$}{cycle on~$k$ vertices}
\n{${\cal D}(G)$}{optimal MSF decision tree for a~graph~$G$ \[decdef]}
\n{$D(G)$}{depth of ${\cal D}(G)$ \[decdef]}
-\n{$D(m,n)$}{decision tree complexity of MSF \[decdef]}
+\n{$D(m,n)$}{decision tree complexity of MSF for $m$~edges and $n$~vertices \[decdef]}
\n{$D_n$}{$n\times n$ matrix with 0's on the main diagonal and 1's elsewhere \[hatrank]}
\n{$\deg_G(v)$}{degree of vertex~$v$ in graph~$G$; we omit $G$ if it is clear from context}
\n{$E(G)$}{set of edges of a graph~$G$}
\n{$K_k$}{complete graph on~$k$ vertices}
\n{$L(\pi,A)$}{lexicographic ranking function for permutations on a~set~$A\subseteq{\bb N}$ \[brackets]}
\n{$L^{-1}(i,A)$}{lexicographic unranking function, the inverse of~$L$ \[brackets]}
-\n{$\log n$}{a binary logarithm of the number~$n$}
+\n{$\log n$}{binary logarithm of the number~$n$}
\n{$\log^* n$}{iterated logarithm: $\log^*n := \min\{i \mid \log^{(i)}n \le 1\}$; the inverse of~$2\tower n$}
\n{$\<LSB>(x)$}{position of the lowest bit set in~$x$ \[lsbmsb]}
\n{$\<MSB>(x)$}{position of the highest bit set in~$x$ \[lsbmsb]}
\n{$\mst(G)$}{the unique minimum spanning tree of a graph~$G$ \[mstnota]}
\n{$m(G)$}{number of edges of a graph~$G$, that is $\vert E(G)\vert$}
\n{$m$}{$m(G)$ when the graph~$G$ is clear from context}
-\n{$\bb N$}{set of all natural numbers, including 0}
+\n{$\bb N$}{set of all non-negative integers}
\n{${\bb N}^+$}{set of all positive integers}
\n{$N_0(M)$}{number of permutations satisfying the restrictions~$M$ \[restnota]}
\n{$n(G)$}{number of vertices of a graph~$G$, that is $\vert V(G)\vert$}
\n{$X \choose k$}{the set of all $k$-element subsets of a set~$X$}
\n{$G/e$}{multigraph contraction \[contract]}
\n{$G\sgc e$}{simple graph contraction \[simpcont]}
-\n{$G/X$, $G.X$}{contraction by a~set $X$ of vertices or edges \[setcont]}
+\n{$G/X$, $G\sgc X$}{contraction by a~set $X$ of vertices or edges \[setcont]}
\n{$f[X]$}{function applied to a set: $f[X]:=\{ f(x) \mid x\in X \}$}
\n{$f[e]$}{as edges are two-element sets, $f[e]$ maps both endpoints of an edge~$e$}
\n{$f^{(i)}$}{function~$f$ iterated $i$~times: $f^{(0)}(x):=x$, $f^{(i+1)}(x):=f(f^{(i)}(x))$}
\n{$\sigma^k$}{the string~$\sigma$ repeated $k$~times \[bitnota]}
\n{$\0$, $\1$}{bits in a~bit string \[bitnota]}
\n{$\equiv$}{congruence modulo a~given number}
-\n{$\bf x$}{a~vector with elements $x_1,\ldots,x_d$; $x$ is its bitwise encoding \[vecnota]}
+\n{$\bf x$}{vector with elements $x_1,\ldots,x_d$; $x$ is its bitwise encoding \[vecnota]}
\n{$x \shl n$}{bitwise shift of~$x$ by $n$~positions to the left: $x\shl n = x\cdot 2^n$}
\n{$x \shr n$}{bitwise shift of~$x$ by $n$~positions to the right: $x\shr n = \lfloor x/2^n \rfloor$}
\n{$[n]$}{the set $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ \[pranksect]}
-\n{$n^{\underline k}$}{the $k$-th falling factorial power: $n\cdot(n-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot(n-k+1)$ \[kpranksect]}
+\n{$n^{\underline k}$}{$k$-th falling factorial power: $n\cdot(n-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot(n-k+1)$ \[kpranksect]}
\n{$H\minorof G$}{$H$ is a~minor of~$G$ \[minordef]}
\n{$G\crpt R$}{graph~$G$ with edges in~$R$ corrupted \[corrnota]}
\n{$R^C$}{$R^C = R\cap \delta(C)$ \[corrnota]}
(if the edge is a loop).
-When the meaning is clear from the context, we use our notation originally
-defined for graphs even for multigraphs. For example, $xy\in E(G)$ becomes a
+When the meaning is clear from the context, we use the standard graph notation
+even for multigraphs. For example, $xy\in E(G)$ becomes a
shorthand for $\exists e\in E(G)$ such that $M(G)(e) = \{x,y\}$. Also, we
consider multigraphs with no multiple edges nor loops and simple graphs to be
the same objects, although they formally differ.
V' &= (V(G) \setminus \{x,y\}) \cup \{v_e\},\quad\hbox{where $v_e$ is a new vertex,}\cr
E' &= E(G) - \{e\},\cr
-M'(f) &= \{ m(v) \mid v\in M(f) \} \quad\hbox{for every $f=\in E'$, and}\cr
-m(x) &= \cases{v_e & \hbox{for $v=x,y,$}\cr v & \hbox{otherwise.}} \cr
+M'(f) &= \{ m(v) \mid v\in M(f) \} \quad\hbox{for every $f\in E'$, and}\cr
+m(x) &= \cases{v_e & \hbox{for $v=x,y,$}\cr \noalign{\vskip5pt} v & \hbox{otherwise.}} \cr
-Sometimes we need contraction for simple graphs as well. It is equivalent to performing
+We sometimes also need to contract edges in simple graphs. It is equivalent to performing
the multigraph contraction and then unifying parallel edges and deleting loops.
We can also extend the above definitions to contractions of a~set of vertices or edges.
For $F\subseteq E(G)$, the graph $G/F$ is defined as $(G/f_1)/f_2/\ldots/f_k$ where
-$f_1,\ldots,f_k$ are the elements of~$F$ (you can observe that the result
-does not depend on the order of edges). For $U\subseteq V(G)$, we define $G/U$
+$f_1,\ldots,f_k$ are the elements of~$F$ (the result obviously does not depend on the order of edges).
+For $U\subseteq V(G)$, we define $G/U$
as the graph with all vertices of~$U$ merged to a~single vertex, that is $(G\cup U^*)/U^*$,
where $U^*$ is the complete graph on~$U$. Similarly for $G\sgc F$ and $G\sgc U$.