+@phdthesis{ mm:thesis,
+ author={Mare\v{s}, M.},
+ title={{Graph Algorithms}},
+ school={{Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Math and Physics}},
+ year={2008},
When compared with the earlier surveys on the minimum spanning trees, most
notably Graham and Hell \cite{graham:msthistory} and Eisner \cite{eisner:tutorial},
this work adds many of the recent advances, the dynamic algorithms and
-also the relationship with computational models.
+also the relationship with computational models. It is based on the author's
+PhD thesis \cite{mm:thesis}.
We have tried to stick to the usual notation except where it was too inconvenient.
\centerline{Department of Applied Mathematics}
-\centerline{Institute of Theoretical Computer Science}
+\centerline{Institute of Theoretical Computer Science\foot{%
+Partially supported by grant 1M0021620808 of the Czech Ministry of Education.}}
\centerline{Charles University}
\centerline{Malostransk\' e n\' am. 25, 118~00 Praha, Czech Republic}