*h=*'dimen', *v=*'dimen', *l=*'dimen', *r=*'dimen', *t=*'dimen', *b=*'dimen'::
Adjust horizontal, vertical, left, right, top, and bottom margins.
- See Margins above to see how these argument interact with each other.
+ See Margins above to see how these arguments interact with each other.
I conceived the idea of a document processor like PaperJam when struggling with pre-press
-formatting in the early 2000's. At that time, the basic ideas behind the language were born,
+formatting in the early 2000s. At that time, the basic ideas behind the language were born,
but everything was deeply rooted in the then standard PostScript world. After some years,
I managed to convince a student of mine Ales Snuparek to implement my ideas as his bachelor's project.
He wrote the program PsPdfTool for transforming both PostScript and PDF documents, which turned
out to be terribly useful.
-In the 2010's, limitations of the old design became clear and many PDF documents were using
+In the 2010s, limitations of the old design became clear and many PDF documents were using
features not known to PsPdfTool (most prominently object streams). After several years of
pondering, I became fond of the QPDF library and wrote PaperJam as a modern successor of