--- /dev/null
+List of photos (gallery.list)
+One photo per line, tab-separated columns:
+ File name (relative to OrigDir in config)
+ Identifier (16 hex digits)
+ Orientation: one of "l", "r", "d", "."
+ Transformation -- sequence of:
+ n normalize contrast
+ s sharpen
+ h equalize histogram
+ Title (UTF-8 string)
+Lines starting with "#" are ignored.
+Photo meta-data (gallery.meta in PhotoDir)
+Perl Storable containing a single hash.
+$meta->{photo}->{$identifier} is a hash of:
+ o orientation
+ xf transformation applied
+ w width after scaling
+ h height after scaling
use strict;
use warnings;
+use Storable;
# Standard Perl module stuff
use Exporter();
$CF{'OrigDir'} = '.';
$CF{'PhotoDir'} = 'photo';
$CF{'CacheDir'} = "cache",
+ $CF{'PhotoMaxWidth'} = 1024,
+ $CF{'PhotoMaxHeight'} = 1024,
sub LoadConfig() {
return \@images;
+sub WriteMeta($$) {
+ my ($file, $meta) = @_;
+ open META, '>', "$file.new" or die "Cannot create $file.new: $!\n";
+ Storable::nstore_fd($meta, \*META);
+ close META;
+ rename "$file.new", $file or die "Cannot rename $file.new to $file: $!\n";
+sub ReadMeta($) {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open META, '<', $file or die "Cannot read $file: $!\n";
+ my $meta = Storable::fd_retrieve(\*META) or die "Cannot parse $file\n";
+ close META;
+ return $meta;
--- /dev/null
+# UCW Gallery: Generate published photos
+# (c) 2004--2012 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib '/home/mj/web/gal2';
+use UCW::Gallery;
+use File::Spec;
+use Image::Magick;
+use IO::Handle;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path;
+my $orig_dir = $UCW::Gallery::CF{'OrigDir'};
+my $orig_list = UCW::Gallery::ReadList('gallery.list') or die "Cannot read gallery.list: $!\n";
+my $photo_dir = $UCW::Gallery::CF{'PhotoDir'};
+if (-d $photo_dir) {
+ print "Using existing output directory $photo_dir\n";
+} else {
+ print "Creating output directory $photo_dir\n";
+ File::Path::mkpath($photo_dir) or die "Unable to create $photo_dir: $!\n";
+my $photo_meta = $photo_dir . "/gallery.meta";
+my $old_meta = {};
+if (-f $photo_meta) {
+ print "Reading old meta-data\n";
+ $old_meta = UCW::Gallery::ReadMeta($photo_meta);
+ # use Data::Dumper; print "Read old meta: ", Dumper($old_meta), "\n";
+my $meta = { 'photo' => {} };
+for my $f (@$orig_list) {
+ my $id = $f->{id};
+ my $rotate = $f->{orientation};
+ my $xfrm = $f->{xfrm};
+ print "$id: ";
+ my $p = new Image::Magick;
+ my $orig = File::Spec->rel2abs($f->{file}, $UCW::Gallery::CF{'OrigDir'});
+ my ($orig_w, $orig_h, $orig_size, $orig_format) = $p->PingImage($orig) or die "Error reading $orig\n";
+ print "${orig_w}x${orig_h} ";
+ my ($w0, $h0) = ($rotate eq "l" || $rotate eq "r") ? ($orig_h, $orig_w) : ($orig_w, $orig_h);
+ my ($w, $h) = ($w0, $h0);
+ if ($w > $UCW::Gallery::CF{'PhotoMaxWidth'}) {
+ my $s = $UCW::Gallery::CF{'PhotoMaxWidth'} / $w;
+ $w = $w * $s;
+ $h = $h * $s;
+ }
+ if ($h > $UCW::Gallery::CF{'PhotoMaxHeight'}) {
+ my $s = $UCW::Gallery::CF{'PhotoMaxHeight'} / $h;
+ $w = $w * $s;
+ $h = $h * $s;
+ }
+ $w = int($w);
+ $h = int($h);
+ my $m = {
+ 'o' => $rotate,
+ 'xf' => $xfrm,
+ 'w' => $w,
+ 'h' => $h,
+ };
+ my $om = $old_meta->{photo}->{$id};
+ if ($om &&
+ $om->{o} eq $m->{o} &&
+ $om->{xf} eq $m->{xf} &&
+ $om->{w} eq $m->{w} &&
+ $om->{h} eq $m->{h}) {
+ # FIXME: Remove old images?
+ print "... uptodate\n";
+ $meta->{photo}->{$id} = $om;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $e;
+ $e = $p->Read($orig) and die "Error reading $orig: $e";
+ $p->Strip;
+ $p->SetAttribute(quality=>90);
+ if ($xfrm =~ /s/) {
+ print "-> sharpen ";
+ $p->Sharpen(1);
+ }
+ if ($xfrm =~ /h/) {
+ print "-> equalize ";
+ $p->Equalize();
+ }
+ if ($xfrm =~ /n/) {
+ print "-> normalize ";
+ $p->Normalize();
+ }
+ my $rot = 0;
+ if ($rotate eq "l") { $rot = 270; }
+ elsif ($rotate eq "r") { $rot = 90; }
+ elsif ($rotate eq "u") { $rot = 180; }
+ if ($rot) {
+ print "-> rotate $rot ";
+ $p->Rotate(degrees=>$rot);
+ }
+ if ($w != $w0 || $h != $h0) {
+ print "-> ${w}x${h} ";
+ $p->Resize(width=>$w, height=>$h);
+ }
+ my $photo = File::Spec->catfile($photo_dir, $id . ".jpg");
+ my $tmp = "$photo.new";
+ $e = $p->Write($tmp) and die "Unable to write $tmp: $e";
+ rename $tmp, $photo or die "Cannot rename $tmp to $photo: $!\n";
+ print "... OK\n";
+ $meta->{photo}->{$id} = $m;
+print "Writing meta-data\n";
+UCW::Gallery::WriteMeta($photo_meta, $meta);