- practical considerations: katriel:cycle, moret:practice (mention pairing heaps)
- parallel algorithms: p243-cole (see also remarks in Karger and pettie:minirand), pettie:parallel
- K best trees
-- random sampling (propp:randommst)
- degree-restricted cases and arborescences
- bounded expansion classes?
- mention matroids
- JN: explain approx scheme
- JN: 4.5.1: neslo by preci isolovat nejaky vlstnosti restriction matrices
tak aby byl speedup? Staci napr predpokladat 4.5.2 (jako to postulovat)
- co je to vlstne za matice co splnuji 4.5.2
+ co je to vlastne za matice co splnuji 4.5.2
- JN: bounded-degree restriction graphs; would it imply general speedup?
-\section{Ackermann's function and its inverse}\id{ackersec}%
+\section{Ackermann's function and its inverses}\id{ackersec}%
The Ackermann's function is an~extremely quickly growing function which has been
introduced by Ackermann \cite{ackermann:function} in the context of