Spanning trees:
- cite Eisner's tutorial \cite{eisner:tutorial}
-- \cite{pettie:onlineverify} online lower bound
- move the remark on disconnected graphs? separate section?
- mention graphs with non-unique weights? also in the separate section?
- Some algorithms (most notably Fredman-Tarjan) do not need flattening
verification can be achieved even on the Pointer machine. They first solve the
problem of finding the lowest common ancestors for a~set of pairs of vertices
by batch processing: They combine an~algorithm of time complexity $\O(m\timesalpha(m,n))$
-based on the Union-Find data structure with the framework of topological graph
+based on the Disjoint Set Union data structure with the framework of topological graph
computations developed in Section \ref{bucketsort}. Then they use a~similar
technique for finding the peaks themselves.
-The online version of this problem (build a~data structure for a~weighted tree
-in linear time and then answer queries for individual paths in constant time)
-is still open even for the RAM.
+The online version of this problem has turned out to be more difficult. It calls for an~algorithm
+that preprocesses the tree and then answers queries for peaks of paths presented online. Pettie
+\cite{pettie:onlineverify} has proven an~interesting lower bound based on the inverses of the
+Ackermann's function (see \ref{ackerinv}). If we want to answer queries within $t$~comparisons, we
+have to invest $\Omega(n\log\lambda_t(n))$ time into preprocessing. This implies that with
+preprocessing in linear time, the queries require $\Omega(\alpha(n))$ time.