--- /dev/null
+ * The PCI Utilities -- Display/save margining results
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 KNS Group LLC (YADRO)
+ *
+ * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL v2+.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "lmr.h"
+enum lane_rating {
+ BAD = 0,
+static char *const grades[] = { "Bad", "Okay", "Perfect", "Weird" };
+static char *const sts_strings[] = { "NAK", "LIM", "THR" };
+static const double ui[] = { 62.5 / 100, 31.25 / 100 };
+static enum lane_rating
+rate_lane(double value, double min, double recommended, enum lane_rating cur_rate)
+ enum lane_rating res = PERFECT;
+ if (value < recommended)
+ res = OKAY;
+ if (value < min)
+ res = BAD;
+ if (cur_rate == INIT)
+ return res;
+ if (res < cur_rate)
+ return res;
+ else
+ return cur_rate;
+static bool
+check_recv_weird(struct margin_results *results, double tim_min, double volt_min)
+ bool result = true;
+ struct margin_res_lane *lane;
+ for (int i = 0; i < results->lanes_n && result; i++)
+ {
+ lane = &(results->lanes[i]);
+ if (lane->steps[TIM_LEFT] * results->tim_coef != tim_min)
+ result = false;
+ if (results->params.ind_left_right_tim
+ && lane->steps[TIM_RIGHT] * results->tim_coef != tim_min)
+ result = false;
+ if (results->params.volt_support)
+ {
+ if (lane->steps[VOLT_UP] * results->volt_coef != volt_min)
+ result = false;
+ if (results->params.ind_up_down_volt
+ && lane->steps[VOLT_DOWN] * results->volt_coef != volt_min)
+ result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+margin_results_print_brief(struct margin_results *results, u8 recvs_n)
+ struct margin_res_lane *lane;
+ struct margin_results *res;
+ struct margin_params params;
+ enum lane_rating lane_rating;
+ u8 link_speed;
+ char *no_test_msgs[] = { "",
+ "Margining Ready bit is Clear",
+ "Error during caps reading",
+ "Margining prerequisites are not satisfied (16/32 GT/s, D0)",
+ "Invalid lanes specified with arguments",
+ "Invalid receivers specified with arguments",
+ "Couldn't disable ASPM" };
+ for (int i = 0; i < recvs_n; i++)
+ {
+ res = &(results[i]);
+ params = res->params;
+ link_speed = res->link_speed - 4;
+ if (res->test_status != MARGIN_TEST_OK)
+ {
+ if (res->test_status < MARGIN_TEST_PREREQS)
+ printf("Rx(%X) -", 10 + res->recvn - 1);
+ printf(" Couldn't run test (%s)\n\n", no_test_msgs[res->test_status]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (res->lane_reversal)
+ printf("Rx(%X) - Lane Reversal\n", 10 + res->recvn - 1);
+ if (check_recv_weird(res, MARGIN_TIM_MIN, MARGIN_VOLT_MIN))
+ lane_rating = WEIRD;
+ else
+ lane_rating = INIT;
+ for (u8 j = 0; j < res->lanes_n; j++)
+ {
+ lane = &(res->lanes[j]);
+ double left_ui = lane->steps[TIM_LEFT] * res->tim_coef;
+ double right_ui = lane->steps[TIM_RIGHT] * res->tim_coef;
+ double up_volt = lane->steps[VOLT_UP] * res->volt_coef;
+ double down_volt = lane->steps[VOLT_DOWN] * res->volt_coef;
+ if (lane_rating != WEIRD)
+ {
+ lane_rating = rate_lane(left_ui, MARGIN_TIM_MIN, MARGIN_TIM_RECOMMEND, INIT);
+ if (params.ind_left_right_tim)
+ lane_rating
+ = rate_lane(right_ui, MARGIN_TIM_MIN, MARGIN_TIM_RECOMMEND, lane_rating);
+ if (params.volt_support)
+ {
+ lane_rating = rate_lane(up_volt, MARGIN_VOLT_MIN, MARGIN_VOLT_MIN, lane_rating);
+ if (params.ind_up_down_volt)
+ lane_rating
+ = rate_lane(down_volt, MARGIN_VOLT_MIN, MARGIN_VOLT_MIN, lane_rating);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Rx(%X) Lane %2d - %s\t", 10 + res->recvn - 1, lane->lane, grades[lane_rating]);
+ if (params.ind_left_right_tim)
+ printf("L %4.1f%% UI - %5.2fps - %2dst %s, R %4.1f%% UI - %5.2fps - %2dst %s", left_ui,
+ left_ui * ui[link_speed], lane->steps[TIM_LEFT],
+ sts_strings[lane->statuses[TIM_LEFT]], right_ui, right_ui * ui[link_speed],
+ lane->steps[TIM_RIGHT], sts_strings[lane->statuses[TIM_RIGHT]]);
+ else
+ printf("T %4.1f%% UI - %5.2fps - %2dst %s", left_ui, left_ui * ui[link_speed],
+ lane->steps[TIM_LEFT], sts_strings[lane->statuses[TIM_LEFT]]);
+ if (params.volt_support)
+ {
+ if (params.ind_up_down_volt)
+ printf(", U %5.1f mV - %3dst %s, D %5.1f mV - %3dst %s", up_volt,
+ lane->steps[VOLT_UP], sts_strings[lane->statuses[VOLT_UP]], down_volt,
+ lane->steps[VOLT_DOWN], sts_strings[lane->statuses[VOLT_DOWN]]);
+ else
+ printf(", V %5.1f mV - %3dst %s", up_volt, lane->steps[VOLT_UP],
+ sts_strings[lane->statuses[VOLT_UP]]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }