We start with an~arbitrary vertex, grow the tree as usually and once the heap gets too large,
we conserve the current tree and start with a~different vertex and an~empty heap. When this
process runs out of vertices, it has identified a~sub-forest of the MST, so we can
-contract the edges of~this forest and iterate.
-\algn{Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k; Fredman and Tarjan \cite{ft:fibonacci}}\id{itjar}%
-\algin A~graph~$G$ with an edge comparison oracle.
-\:$T\=\emptyset$. \cmt{edges of the MST}
-\:$\ell(e)\=e$ for all edges~$e$. \cmt{edge labels as usually}
-\:While $n>1$: \cmt{We will call iterations of this loop \df{phases}.}
-\::$F\=\emptyset$. \cmt{forest built in the current phase}
-\::$t\=2^{\lceil 2m_0/n \rceil}$. \cmt{the limit on heap size}
-\::While there is a~vertex $v_0\not\in F$:
-\:::Run the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm from~$v_0$, stop when:
-\::::all vertices have been processed, or
-\::::a~vertex of~$F$ has been added to the tree, or
-\::::the heap has grown to more than~$t$ elements.
-\:::Denote the resulting tree~$R$.
-\:::$F\=F\cup R$.
-\::$T\=T\cup \ell[F]$. \cmt{Remember MST edges found in this phase.}
-\::Contract all edges of~$F$ and flatten~$G$.
-\algout Minimum spanning tree~$T$.
+contract the edges of~this forest and iterate. This improves the time complexity
The Iterated Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm finds the MST of the input graph in time
The KKT algorithm runs in time $\O(\min(n^2,m\log n))$ in the worst case on the RAM.
-The expected time complexity of the KKT algorithm on the RAM is $\O(m)$.
+The expected time complexity is $\O(m)$.
\chapter{Approaching Optimality}\id{optchap}%
their values (the values are however never lowered). This allows for
a~trade-off between accuracy and speed, controlled by a~parameter~$\varepsilon$.
-\defnn{Soft heap interface}%
-The \df{soft heap} contains a~set of distinct items from a~totally ordered universe and it
-supports the following operations:
-\:$\<Create>(\varepsilon)$ --- Create an~empty soft heap with the given accuracy parameter~$\varepsilon$.
-\:$\<Insert>(H,x)$ --- Insert a~new item~$x$ into the heap~$H$.
-\:$\<Meld>(P,Q)$ --- Merge two heaps into one, more precisely move all items of a~heap~$Q$
- to the heap~$P$, destroying~$Q$ in the process. Both heaps must have the same~$\varepsilon$.
-\:$\<DeleteMin>(H)$ --- Delete the minimum item of the heap~$H$ and return its value
- (optionally signalling that the value has been corrupted).
-\:$\<Explode>(H)$ --- Destroy the heap and return a~list of all items contained in it
- (again optionally marking those corrupted).
\>In the thesis, we describe the exact mechanics of the soft heaps and analyse its complexity.
The important properties are characterized by the following theorem:
\section{Robust contractions}
Having the soft heaps at hand, we would like to use them in a~conventional MST
-algorithm in place of a~normal heap. The most efficient specimen of a~heap-based
-algorithm we have seen so far is the Jarn\'\i{}k's algorithm.
-We can try implanting the soft heap in it, preferably in the earlier
-version without Fibonacci heaps as the soft heap lacks the \<Decrease> operation.
+algorithm in place of a~normal heap. We can for example try implanting the soft heap
+in the Jarn\'i{}k's algorithm, preferably in the earlier
+version without Fibonacci heaps as the soft heaps lack the \<Decrease> operation.
This brave, but somewhat simple-minded attempt is however doomed to
fail because of corruption of items inside the soft heap.
While the basic structural properties of MST's no longer hold in corrupted graphs,
\lemman{Generalized contraction}
When~$C\subseteq G$ is a~contractible subgraph, then $\msf(G)=\msf(C) \cup \msf(G/C)$.
-We can now bring corruption back to the game and state a~``robust'' version
-of this lemma. A~notation for corrupted graphs will be handy:
+Let us bring corruption back to the game and state a~``robust'' version
+of this lemma.
When~$G$ is a~weighted graph and~$R$ a~subset of its edges, we will use $G\crpt
\>Correctness of this algorithm immediately follows from the Partitioning theorem (\ref{partthm})
-and from the proofs of the respective algorithms used as subroutines. As for time complexity:
-The time complexity $T(m,n)$ of the Optimal algorithm satisfies the following recurrence:
-T(m,n) \le \sum_i c_1 D(C_i) + T(m/2, n/4) + c_2 m,
-where~$c_1$ and~$c_2$ are some positive constants and $D$~is the decision tree complexity
-from the previous section.
-It turns out that the recurrence is satisfied by the decision tree complexity function
-$D(m,n)$ itself, so we can prove the following theorem by induction:
+and from the proofs of the respective algorithms used as subroutines. As for time complexity, we prove:
The time complexity of the Optimal algorithm is $\Theta(D(m,n))$.
-\>We can call $\<Unrank>(j,1,n,[n])$ for the unranking problem on~$[n]$, i.e., to calculate $L^{-1}(j,[n])$.
+\>We can call $\<Unrank>(j,1,n,[n])$ to calculate $L^{-1}(j,[n])$.
\paran{Representation of sets}%
The most time-consuming parts of the above algorithms are of course operations