+++ /dev/null
-# Poor Man's CGI Module for Perl
-# (c) 2002 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-# Slightly modified by Tomas Valla <tom@ucw.cz>
-# This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
-# of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
-package Sherlock::CGI;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
- # The somewhat hairy Perl export mechanism
- use Exporter();
- $VERSION = 1.0;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(&html_escape &url_escape &self_ref &self_form);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw();
- %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
-sub url_escape($) {
- my $x = shift @_;
- $x =~ s/([^-\$_.!*'(),0-9A-Za-z\x80-\xff])/"%".unpack('H2',$1)/ge;
- return $x;
-sub html_escape($) {
- my $x = shift @_;
- $x =~ s/&/&/g;
- $x =~ s/</</g;
- $x =~ s/>/>/g;
- $x =~ s/"/"/g;
- return $x;
-our $arg_table;
-sub parse_arg_string($) {
- my ($s) = @_;
- $s =~ s/\s+//;
- foreach $_ (split /[&:]/,$s) {
- (/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) or next;
- my $arg = $arg_table->{$1} or next;
- $_ = $2;
- s/\+/ /g;
- s/%(..)/pack("c",hex $1)/eg;
- s/(\r|\n|\t)/ /g;
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s+$//;
- if (my $rx = $arg->{'check'}) {
- if (!/^$rx$/) { $_ = $arg->{'default'}; }
- }
- my $r = ref($arg->{'var'});
- if ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
- ${$arg->{'var'}} = $_;
- } elsif ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
- push @{$arg->{'var'}}, $_;
- }
- }
-sub parse_args($) {
- $arg_table = shift @_;
- foreach my $a (values %$arg_table) {
- my $r = ref($a->{'var'});
- defined($a->{'default'}) or $a->{'default'}="";
- if ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
- ${$a->{'var'}} = $a->{'default'};
- } elsif ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
- @{$a->{'var'}} = ();
- }
- }
- defined $ENV{"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"} or die "Not called as a CGI script";
- my $method = $ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"};
- if ($method eq "GET") {
- parse_arg_string($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"});
- } elsif ($method eq "POST") {
- if ($ENV{"CONTENT_TYPE"} =~ /^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded\b/i) {
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chomp;
- parse_arg_string($_);
- }
- } else {
- return "Unknown content type for POST data";
- }
- } else {
- return "Unknown request method";
- }
-sub make_out_args($) {
- my ($overrides) = @_;
- my $out = {};
- foreach my $name (keys %$arg_table) {
- my $arg = $arg_table->{$name};
- defined $arg->{'pass'} && !$arg->{'pass'} && !exists $overrides->{$name} && next;
- my $value;
- if (!defined($value = $overrides->{$name})) {
- if (exists $overrides->{$name}) {
- $value = $arg->{'default'};
- } else {
- $value = ${$arg->{'var'}};
- }
- }
- if ($value ne $arg->{'default'}) {
- $out->{$name} = $value;
- }
- }
- return $out;
-sub self_ref(@) {
- my %h = @_;
- my $out = make_out_args(\%h);
- return "?" . join(':', map { "$_=" . url_escape($out->{$_}) } sort keys %$out);
-sub self_form(@) {
- my %h = @_;
- my $out = make_out_args(\%h);
- return join('', map { "<input type=hidden name=$_ value='" . html_escape($out->{$_}) . "'>\n" } sort keys %$out);
-1; # OK
+++ /dev/null
-# Perl module for sending queries to Sherlock search servers and parsing answers
-# (c) 2002--2003 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-# This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
-# of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
-=head1 NAME
-Sherlock::Query -- Communication with Sherlock Search Servers
-This perl library offers a simple interface for connecting to Sherlock
-search servers, sending queries or control commands and parsing the
-First of all, you have to use
- my $conn = new Sherlock::Query('server:port');
-to create a new connection object (unconnected yet). Then you can call
- my $res = $conn->command('command');
-to establish the connection, send a given command to the search server
-and gather the results (see below) or, if you want to send a normal query,
- my $res = $conn->query('"simple" OR "query"');
-which does the same as C<< $conn->command(...) >>, but it also parses the
-results to a representation convenient for handling in Perl programs
-(again, see below).
-Currently, you can use a single connection to send only a single command or query.
-=head1 RESULTS
-The I<raw answer> of the search server (i.e., the lines it has returned) is always
-available as C<< $conn->{RAW} >> as a list of strings, each representing a single
-Parsed results of queries are stored in a more complicated way, but before
-explaining it, let's mention a couple of axioms: Any search server I<object>
-(header, footer, a single document of answer) is always stored as a hash keyed
-by attribute names. Ordinary single-valued attributes are stored as strings,
-multi-valued attributes as (references to) arrays of strings. When an object
-contains sub-objects, they are stored as references to other hashes, possibly
-encapsulated within a list if there can be multiple such objects. Most objects
-have an extra attribute C<RAW> containing the original description of the
-object, a sub-list of C<< $conn->{RAW} >>.
-The parsed answer consists of three parts (please follow F<doc/search> to
-get a better picture of what does the server answer): header C<< $conn->{HEADER} >>
-(an object, as described above), footer C<< $conn->{FOOTER} >> (object) and document
-cards C<< $conn->{CARDS} >> (a list of objects).
-The I<header> contains all the standard header attributes and also C<< $hdr->{D} >>
-which is a list of sub-objects, each corresponding to a single database and
-containing per-database attributes like C<W> (word list).
-The I<footer> is pretty straightforward and it just contains what you'd
-expect it to.
-Each I<card> contains the usual document attributes (see F<doc/objects> for
-a list) plus C<< $card->{U} >> which is a list of sub-objects corresponding
-to URL's of the document and containing per-URL attributes like C<U> (URL),
-C<s> (original size) and C<T> (content type).
-When in doubt, call the C<print> method which will print the whole contents
-of the connection object. It's actually a much more general (but pretty
-simple due to Perl being able to be a very introspective language) routine
-usable for dumping any acyclic Perl data structure composed of strings,
-hashes, arrays and references to them. You can access this general routine
-by calling C<format({ print; }, $what)> which dumps C<$what> and for
-each line of output it calls the given subroutine.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-A good example of use of this module is the C<query> utility and
-of course the example front-end (F<front-end/query.cgi>).
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
-package Sherlock::Query;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-sub parse_tree($$);
-sub do_parse_tree($$$$);
-sub format_tree($$$);
-sub new($$) {
- my $class = shift @_;
- my $server = shift @_;
- my $self = {
- SERVER => $server
- };
- bless $self;
- return $self;
-sub command($$) {
- my ($q,$string) = @_;
- $q->{RAW} = [];
- my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $q->{SERVER}, Proto => 'tcp')
- or return "-900 Cannot connect to search server: $!";
- print $sock $string, "\n";
- # Status line
- my $stat = <$sock>;
- $stat = "-903 Incomplete reply" if !defined $stat;
- chomp $stat;
- $stat =~ /^[+-]/ or return "-901 Reply parse error";
- # Blocks of output
- my $block = undef;
- for(;;) {
- my $res = <$sock>;
- last if $sock->eof;
- chomp $res;
- if ($res eq "") {
- $block = undef;
- } else {
- if (!defined $block) {
- $block = [];
- push @{$q->{RAW}}, $block;
- }
- push @$block, $res;
- }
- }
- return $stat;
-our $hdr_syntax = {
- '(D' => {
- 'W' => [],
- 'P' => [],
- 'n' => [],
- '.' => [],
- },
- '.' => [],
-our $card_syntax = {
- '(U' => {
- 'V' => [],
- 'y' => [],
- 'E' => [],
- },
- 'M' => [],
- 'X' => [],
-our $footer_syntax = {
-sub query($$) {
- my ($q,$string) = @_;
- # Send the query and gather results
- my $stat = $q->command($string);
- my @raw = @{$q->{RAW}};
- # Split results to header, cards and footer
- $q->{HEADER} = { RAW => [] };
- if (@raw) { $q->{HEADER}{RAW} = shift @raw; }
- elsif (!$stat) { return "-902 Incomplete reply"; }
- $q->{FOOTER} = { RAW => [] };
- if (@raw && $raw[@raw-1]->[0] =~ /^\+/) {
- $q->{FOOTER}{RAW} = pop @raw;
- }
- $q->{CARDS} = [];
- while (@raw) {
- push @{$q->{CARDS}}, { RAW => shift @raw };
- }
- # Parse everything
- parse_tree($q->{HEADER}, $hdr_syntax);
- foreach my $c (@{$q->{CARDS}}) {
- parse_tree($c, $card_syntax);
- }
- parse_tree($q->{FOOTER}, $footer_syntax);
- return $stat;
-sub parse_tree($$) {
- my $tree = shift @_;
- my $syntax = shift @_;
- do_parse_tree($tree->{RAW}, 0, $tree, $syntax);
-sub do_parse_tree($$$$) {
- my $raw = shift @_;
- my $i = shift @_;
- my $cooked = shift @_;
- my $syntax = shift @_;
- while ($i < @$raw) {
- $raw->[$i] =~ /^([^(]|\(.)(.*)/;
- if ($1 eq ")") {
- return $i+1;
- } elsif (!defined($syntax->{$1})) {
- $cooked->{$1} = $2 if !defined($cooked->{$1});
- $i++;
- } elsif (ref $syntax->{$1} eq "ARRAY") {
- push @{$cooked->{$1}}, $2;
- $i++;
- } elsif (ref $syntax->{$1} eq "HASH") {
- my $block = {};
- push @{$cooked->{$1}}, $block;
- $i = do_parse_tree($raw, $i+1, $block, $syntax->{$1});
- }
- }
- return $i;
-sub format_tree($$$) {
- my ($func, $a, $indent) = @_;
- if (ref $a eq "ARRAY") {
- if (@{$a} == 0) { &$func("[]\n"); }
- else {
- &$func("[\n");
- foreach my $k (@{$a}) {
- &$func("$indent\t");
- format_tree($func, $k, "$indent\t");
- }
- &$func($indent . "]\n");
- }
- } elsif (ref $a) {
- &$func("{\n");
- foreach my $k (sort keys %{$a}) {
- &$func("$indent\t$k => ");
- format_tree($func, $a->{$k}, "$indent\t");
- }
- &$func($indent . "}\n");
- } elsif (defined $a) {
- &$func("$a\n");
- } else {
- &$func("UNDEF\n");
- }
-sub format($&$) {
- my ($q, $func, $what) = @_;
- format_tree($func, $what, "");
-sub print($) {
- my $q = shift @_;
- format_tree(sub { print $_[0]; }, $q, "");
-1; # OK