+# An incremental evaluator: detect which solutions were changed since
+# last run and run `ev' on them.
[ -n "$1" ] || { echo "Usage: mo-ev-inc [--force] <tasks>" ; exit 1 ; }
+# A generator of score sheets. More ugly than it deserves.
$debug = 0;
$detail = 0;
my @perm;
print "<tbody>";
foreach $r (@table[1..($#table - 1)]) {
map { push @$perm, $p++ } (1..$nSub);
push @$perm, $p - $nSub - 1;
$colspec .= "<colgroup span='" . $nSub . "'>\n";
$colspec .= "<colgroup span='1'>\n";
$hdr1 .= "<th colspan='" . ($nSub + 1) . "' style='border-bottom:1px solid black;'>$task";
$hdr2 .= join("", map { "<th>$_" } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$known_tests{$task}});
$hdr2 .= "<th>Total";
$hdr1 .= "<th rowspan='2'>Total";
} else { ## no detail
$hdr1 = "<th>Rank<th>User<th>Name";
$extras and $p++ and push @$perm, 3 and $hdr1.="<th>Extra" and $colspec.="<colgroup span=1>"; ##Extra hack
push @$perm, $p++;
print "<TABLE rules=groups frame=all border='1' cellpadding='2'>\n";
print "$colspec<colgroup span='1'>\n";
print "<tr>$hdr1</tr>\n";
print "<tr>$hdr2</tr>\n" if $detail;