(pkg-config does not like testing the version and reading a variable simultaneously.)
die "Don't know how to find myself. Please set SRCDIR manually.";
- # Ask pkg-config for the rest of configure
- $libdir=`pkg-config libucw --atleast-version=3.13 --variable=perl_modules_dir`;
+ # Ask pkg-config if libucw is installed and find its configure modules
+ `pkg-config libucw --atleast-version=3.13`;
+ !$? or die "Package `libucw' (version 3.13 or newer) not found. Is PKG_CONFIG_PATH set properly?";
+ $libdir=`pkg-config libucw --variable=perl_modules_dir`;
chomp $libdir;
- die "Package `libucw' (version 3.13 or newer) not found. Is PKG_CONFIG_PATH set properly?" if $? || not defined $libdir;
+ die "Unable to find the libucw configure system" if $? || not defined $libdir;
use lib $libdir;
use UCW::Configure;