The known algorithms run on the Pointer machine and we do not know if using a~stronger
model can help.
-Aside from the concrete problems we have solved, we have also built several algorithmic
+Aside from the concrete problems we have solved, we have also described several algorithmic
techniques of general interest: the unification procedures using pointer-based
bucket sorting (Section \ref{bucketsort}) and the vector computations on the RAM
(Section \ref{bitsect}). We hope that they will be useful in many other algorithms.
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-\unchapter{Table of contents}
+\centerline{\titfont The Saga of Minimum Spanning Trees}
+\centerline{Martin Mare\v{s}\foot{\tt}}
+\centerline{Department of Applied Mathematics}
+\centerline{Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic}
+{\leftskip=0.5in \rightskip=\leftskip
+\noindent {\sc Abstract:}
+This article surveys the many facets of the Minimum Spanning Tree problem.
+We follow the history of the problem since the first polynomial-time solution
+by Bor\o{u}vka to the modern algorithms by Chazelle, Pettie and Ramachandran.
+We study the differences in time complexity dependent on the model of
+computation chosen and on the availibility of random bits. We also briefly
+touch the dynamic maintenance of the MST and other related problems.
\input mst.tex
\input ram.tex
+\unchapter{Table of contents}