We will now sum the sizes of the lists over all vertices containing corrupted items.
At any given time, the heap contains at most~$n/2^{r-2}$ corrupted items.
\paran{Analysis of time complexity}
Now we will analyse the amortized time complexity of the individual operations.
-We will show that if we charge $\O(r)$ time on every element inserted, it suffices
+We will show that if we charge $\O(r)$ time against every element inserted, it suffices
to cover the cost of all other operations. We take a~look at the melds first.
The amortized cost of a~meld is $\O(1)$, except for melds induced by dismantling
which take $\O(\<rank>(q))$, where $q$~is the queue to be dismantled.
The real cost of a~meld of heaps $P$ and~$Q$ is the smaller of their ranks plus
the time spent on carry propagation. The latter is easy to dispose of: since
every time there is a~carry, the total number of trees in all heaps decreases
-by one, it suffices to charge $\O(1)$ on creation of a~tree. An~insert creates
+by one, it suffices to charge $\O(1)$ against creation of a~tree. An~insert creates
one tree, dismantling creates at most $\<rank>(q)$ trees, all other operations
alter only the internal structure of trees.
rank twice, because the ranks of right sons on every path from the root of the
tree to a~leaf are strictly decreasing. (This holds because melding two heaps
of the same rank always produces a~heap of higher rank.) Hence at most~$n/2^k$
-right sons have rank~$k$ and the total time charged to the leaves is bounded by:
+right sons have rank~$k$ and the total time charged against the leaves is bounded by:
\sum_{k=0}^{\rm max. rank}k\cdot {n\over 2^k} \le n\cdot\sum_{k=0}^\infty {k\over 2^k} = \O(n).
of the regular melds.
-To estimate the time spent on deletions, we first analyse the refills.
+To estimate the time spent on deletions, we analyse the refills first.
Every call of the \<Refill> procedure spends time $\O(1)$ amortized.
\>The total cost of all operations on the upper part is therefore $\O(n)$.
-It remains to analyse the rest of the \<DeleteMin> operation.
+It remains to examine the rest of the \<DeleteMin> operation.
Every \<DeleteMin> takes $\O(1)$ time amortized.
+Aside from refilling, which is $\O(1)$ by the previous lemma, the \<DeleteMin>
+takes care of the Rank invariant. This happens by checking the length of the leftmost
+path and dismantling the tree if the length is too far from the tree's rank~$k$.
+The leftmost path is however always visited by the call to \<Refill>, so we can
+account the check on the refilling. The same holds for disassembling. We then have
+to pay $\O(k)$ for melding the trees back to the heap, but since there are at most
+$k/2$ trees, a~subtree of rank at least $k/2$ must have been deleted. This tree
+contained at least $2^{k/2}$ vertices which are now permanently gone from the
+data structure, so we can charge the cost of the meld against these vertices.
+We must not forget that \<DeleteMin> also has to recalculate the suffix minima.
+In the worst case, it requires touching $k$~trees. Because of the Rank invariant,
+this is linear in the size of the
+leftmost path and therefore it can be also paid for by \<Refill>. (Incidentally,
+this was the only place where we needed the invariant.)
+Now we can put the bits together and laurel our effort with the following theorem:
+\thmn{Performance of soft heaps, Chazelle \cite{chazelle:softheap}}
+A~soft heap with error rate~$\varepsilon$ ($0<\varepsilon\le 1/2$) processes
+a~sequence of operations starting with an~empty heap and containing $n$~\<Insert>s
+in time $\O(n\log(1/\varepsilon))$. At every moment, the heap contains at most
+$\varepsilon n$ corrupted items.
+We set the parameter~$r$ to~$2+2\lceil\log (1/\varepsilon)\rceil$. The rest follows
+from the analysis above. By Lemma \ref{shcorrlemma}, there are always at most $n/2^{r-2}
+\le \varepsilon n$ corrupted items in the heap. By Lemma \ref{shmeld}--\ref{shdelmin},
+the time spent on all operations in the sequence can be paid for by charging $\O(r)$ time
+against each \<Insert>, which yields the time bound.
+\FIXME{Remark on optimality.}
+\FIXME{Example of use: pivots.}