+@inproceedings{ thorup:nearopt,
+ author = {Mikkel Thorup},
+ title = {Near-optimal fully-dynamic graph connectivity},
+ booktitle = {STOC '00: Proceedings of the thirty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing},
+ year = {2000},
+ isbn = {1-58113-184-4},
+ pages = {343--350},
+ location = {Portland, Oregon, United States},
+ doi = {},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+@article{ henzinger:lowerbounds,
+ title={{Lower Bounds for Fully Dynamic Connectivity Problems in Graphs}},
+ author={Henzinger, M. R. and Fredman, M. L.},
+ journal={Algorithmica},
+ volume={22},
+ number={3},
+ pages={351--362},
+ year={1998},
+ publisher={Springer}
This does not hurt the complexity of insertions and deletions, but allows for faster queries.
+An~$\Omega(\log n/\log\log n)$ lower bound for amortized complexity of the dynamic connectivity
+problem has been proven by Henzinger and Fredman \cite{henzinger:lowerbounds} in the cell
+probe model with $\O(\log n)$-bit words. Thorup has answered by a~faster algorithm
+\cite{thorup:nearopt} that achieves $\O(\log n\log^3\log n)$ time per update and
+$\O(\log n/\log^{(3)} n)$ per query on a~RAM with $\O(\log n)$-bit words. (He claims
+that the algorithm runs on a~Pointer Machine, but it uses arithmetic operations,
+so it does not fit the definition of the PM we use. The algorithm only does not
+need indexing of arrays.) So far, it is not known how to extend this algorithm
+to fit our needs, so we omit the details.
\section{Dynamic MSF}
to only edge deletions seems to be unavoidable. The invariant I3 could be easily
broken for many cycles at once whenever a~very light non-tree edge is inserted.
We could try increasing the level of the newly inserted edge, but we would quite
-possibly hit I1 before we skipped the levels of all the heaviest edges on the
+likely hit I1 before we managed to skip the levels of all the heaviest edges on the
particular cycles.
-On the other hand, if we decided to drop I3, we would encounter different problems.
-We have enough time to scan all non-tree edges incident to the current tree~$T_1$
---- we can charge it on the level increases of its tree edges and if we use the
-degree reduction from Lemma \ref{degred}, there are at most two non-tree edges
-per vertex. (The reduction can be used dynamically as it always translates a~single
-change of the original graph to $\O(1)$ changes of the reduced graph.) The lightest
-replacement edge however could also be located in the super-trees of~$T_1$ at the
-lower levels, which are too large to scan and both I1 and I2 prevent us from
-charging the time on increasing levels there.
+On the other hand, if we decided to drop I3, we would encounter different problems. The ET-trees can
+bring the lightest non-tree incident with the current tree~$T_1$, but the lightest replacement edge
+could also be located in the super-trees of~$T_1$ at the lower levels, which are too large to scan
+and both I1 and I2 prevent us from charging the time on increasing levels there.
An~interesting special case in which insertions are possible is when all non-tree
edges have the same weight. This leads to the following algorithm for dynamic MSF