\def\algostep#1{\hbox to \algolabelwidth{\hss #1~~}}
- \goodbreak
+% Penalties (changed at compatibility level 1)
+\newcount\preitemizepenalty \preitemizepenalty=0
+\newcount\postitemizepenalty \postitemizepenalty=0
\advance\leftskip by \nesteditemindent
\advance\rightskip by \nesteditemnarrow
+ \ifnum\preitemizepenalty=0\else\penalty\preitemizepenalty\fi
\advance\leftskip by \itemindent
\advance\rightskip by \itemnarrow
+ \ifnum\postitemizepenalty=0\else\penalty\postitemizepenalty\fi
\expandafter\let\csname ucwmod:#1\endcsname=\relax
+% Compatibility levels
+% We try to be backwards compatible as much as we can, so all changes in behavior
+% (except for addition of new control sequences) are versioned. By default, ucwmac
+% starts in compatibility level 0, which should produce the same results as historic
+% versions of ucwmac. Use \ucwcompat{level} to upgrade to a given level, or if you
+% do not care about compatibility, \ucwcompat\ucwmaxcompat.
+\chardef\ucwcurrentcompat=0 % Currently active compatibility level
+\chardef\ucwmaxcompat=1 % Maximum supported compatibility level
+ \ucwcurrentcompat=#1
+ \ifcase #1
+ % Level 0 (default): old ucwmac
+ \or % Level 1
+ \preitemizepenalty=-500
+ \postitemizepenalty=-500
+ \else\errmessage{Unsupported compatibility level #1 requested.}
+ \fi
%%% Epilog %%%
% Let's hide all internal macros