%%% This file contains definitions of various useful macros and environments %%%
%%% Please add more macros here instead of cluttering other files with them. %%%
+%%% Switches based on thesis type
+\def\ThesisTypeTitle{BACHELOR THESIS}
+\def\ThesisTypeTitle{MASTER THESIS}
+\def\ThesisTypeTitle{DOCTORAL THESIS}
+\def\ThesisTypeTitle{RIGOROSUM THESIS}
+\PackageError{thesis}{Unknown thesis type.}{Please check the definition of ThesisType in metadata.tex.}
+%%% Switches based on study program language
+\else\PackageError{thesis}{Unknown study language.}{Please check the definition of StudyLanguage in metadata.tex.}
%%% Minor tweaks of style
% These macros employ a little dirty trick to convince LaTeX to typeset
%%% Various table goodies
+%%% TODO items: remove before submitting :)
--- /dev/null
+%%% Please fill in basic information on your thesis, which will be automatically
+%%% inserted at the right places.
+% Type of your thesis:
+% "bc" for Bachelor's
+% "mgr" for Master's
+% "phd" for PhD
+% "rig" for rigorosum
+% Language of your study programme:
+% "cs" for Czech
+% "en" for English
+% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
+% (Note: \xxx is a "ToDo label" which makes the unfilled visible. Remove it.)
+\def\ThesisTitle{\xxx{Thesis title} \X{as in the formal assignment}}
+% Author of the thesis (you)
+\def\ThesisAuthor{\xxx{Name Surname}}
+% Year when the thesis is submitted
+% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
+% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
+% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
+\def\Department{\xxx{Name of the department} \X{as per Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English}}
+% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
+% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
+\def\Supervisor{\xxx{Supername Supersurname} \X{+titles}}
+% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
+% Study programme
+\def\StudyProgramme{\xxx{study programme}}
+% An optional dedication: you can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor,
+% consultant, who provided you with tea and pizza, etc.)
+\X{You can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor, consultant, who provided you with tea and pizza, etc.)}
+% Abstract (recommended length around 80-200 words; this is not a copy of your thesis assignment!)
+\xxx{Use the most precise, shortest sentences that state what problem the
+thesis addresses, how it is approached, pinpoint the exact result achieved, and
+describe the applications and significance of the results. Highlight anything
+novel that was discovered or improved by the thesis. Maximum length is 200
+words, but try to fit into 120. Abstracts are often used for deciding if
+a reviewer will be suitable for the thesis; a well-written abstract thus
+increases the probability of getting a reviewer who will like the thesis.}
+\X{This is not a~copy of your thesis assignment!}
+% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces.
+% Keywords are useful for indexing and searching for the theses by topic.
+\xxx{{key} {words}}
+\X{usually 3 to~5 key words or phrases}
+% If your abstracts are long and do not fit in the infopage, you can make the
+% fonts a bit smaller by this setting. (Also, you should try to compress your abstract more.)
+%\def\InfoPageFont{\small} % uncomment to decrease font size
+% If you are studing in a Czech program, you also need to provide metadata in Czech:
+% (in English programs, this is not used anywhere)
+\def\ThesisTitleCS{\xxx{Název práce česky}}
+\def\DepartmentCS{\xxx{Název katedry česky} \X{podle oficiální organizační struktury MFF UK}}
+\def\SupervisorsDepartmentCS{\xxx{katedra vedoucího}}
+\def\StudyProgrammeCS{\xxx{studijní program}}
+\xxx{{klíčová} {slova}}
+\xxx{Abstrakt práce přeložte také do češtiny.}
\def\XXX#1{\par\smallskip\noindent \textcolor{red}{[#1]}}
-%%% Basic information on the thesis
-% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
-\def\ThesisTitle{Thesis title \X{as in the formal assignment}}
-% Author of the thesis
-\def\ThesisAuthor{Name Surname}
-% Year when the thesis is submitted
-% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
-% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
-% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
-\def\Department{Name of the department \X{as per Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English}}
-% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
-% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
-\def\Supervisor{Supervisor's Name \X{+titles}}
-% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
-% Study programme and specialization
-\def\StudyProgramme{study programme}
-\def\StudyBranch{study branch}
-% An optional dedication: you can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor,
-% consultant, a person who lent the software, etc.)
-% Abstract (recommended length around 80-200 words; this is not a copy of your thesis assignment!)
-Abstract. \X{Recommended length around 80--200 words. This is not a~copy of your thesis assignment!}
-% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces
-{key} {words} \X{usually 3 to~5 key words or phrases}
%% The hyperref package for clickable links in PDF and also for storing
%% metadata to PDF (including the table of contents).
%% Most settings are pre-set by the pdfx package.
+% Meta-data of your thesis (please edit)
% Definitions of macros (see description inside)
\chapwithtoc{List of Abbreviations}
\XXX{In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of abbreviations to the beginning of the thesis.}
%%% Doctoral theses must contain a list of author's publications
\chapwithtoc{List of publications}
\XXX{Doctoral theses must contain a list of author's publications.}
%%% Attachments to the bachelor thesis, if any. Each attachment must be
%%% referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments
%%% Title page of the thesis and other mandatory pages
-%%% Inscriptions at the opening page of the hard cover
+%%% Inscriptions at the opening page of the hard cover (PhD thesis only)
%%% Title page of the thesis
Supervisor of the bachelor thesis:&\Supervisor \cr
Study programme:&\StudyProgramme \cr
-Study branch:&\StudyBranch \cr
-% Zde doplňte rok
Prague \YearSubmitted
-%%% NOPHD
-%%% Here should be a bound sheet included -- a signed copy of the "bachelor
-%%% thesis assignment". This assignment is NOT a part of the electronic
-%%% version of the thesis. DO NOT SCAN.
-\XXX{Bound into the introductory part must be the form with signed approval of the thesis topic (a photocopy suffices). This is not a~part of the electronic version of the thesis, do not scan!}
-%%% PHDNO
%%% A page with a solemn declaration to the bachelor thesis
%%% Mandatory information page of the thesis
\vbox to 0.5\vsize{
\XXX{This information must be stored as PDF meta-data, too. Please refer to the {\tt README} file.}
+% In Czech study programmes, it is mandatory to include Czech meta-data:
+\vbox to 0.49\vsize{
+Název práce:
+Vedoucí bakalářské práce:
+\Supervisor, \SupervisorsDepartment
+Klíčová slova:
+%%% From this point on, pages shall be numbered