-%%% A page with automatically generated table of contents of the bachelor thesis
+%%% A page with automatically generated table of contents of the thesis
\XXX{Doctoral theses must contain a list of author's publications.}
-%%% Attachments to the bachelor thesis, if any. Each attachment must be
-%%% referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments
-%%% are numbered.
+%%% Attachments to the thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to
+%%% at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments are numbered.
%%% The printed version should preferably contain attachments, which can be
%%% read (additional tables and charts, supplementary text, examples of
%%% Allowed file formats are specified in provision of the rector no. 72/2017.
-\XXX{Attachments to the bachelor thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments are numbered.}
+\XXX{Attachments to the thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments are numbered.}
\XXX{The printed version should preferably contain attachments, which can be read (additional tables and charts, supplementary text, examples of program output, etc.). The electronic version is more suited for attachments which will likely be used in an electronic form rather than read (program source code, data files, interactive charts, etc.). Electronic attachments should be uploaded to SIS and optionally also included in the thesis on a~CD/DVD. Allowed file formats are specified in provision of the rector no. 72/2017.}
\section{First Attachment}
\centerline{\vbox{\halign{\hbox to 0.45\hsize{\hfil #}&\hskip 0.5em\parbox[t]{0.45\hsize}{\raggedright #}\cr
-Supervisor of the bachelor thesis:&\Supervisor \cr
+Supervisor of the \ThesisTypeName{} thesis:&\Supervisor \cr
Study programme:&\StudyProgramme \cr
-%%% A page with a solemn declaration to the bachelor thesis
+%%% A page with a solemn declaration to the thesis
\vglue 0pt plus 1fill
-I declare that I carried out this bachelor thesis independently, and only with the cited
+I declare that I carried out this \ThesisTypeName{} thesis independently, and only with the cited
sources, literature and other professional sources. It has not been used to obtain another
or the same degree.