+@techreport{ henzinger:twoec,
+ title = {Fully dynamic 2-edge-connectivity algorithm in polylogarithmic time per operation},
+ author = {Monika Rauch Henzinger and Valerie King},
+ type = {Technical note},
+ institution = {Digital Equipment Corp., Systems Research Ctr.},
+ address = {130 Lytton Rd., Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA},
+ number = {1997-004},
+ month = {12 Jun},
+ year = {1997},
+ url = {}
+@book{ overmars:ds,
+ author = {Mark H. Overmars},
+ title = {Design of Dynamic Data Structures},
+ year = {1987},
+ isbn = {038712330X},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
+ address = {Secaucus, NJ, USA},
+ series={{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}},
+ volume={156}
This does not hurt the complexity of insertions and deletions, but allows for faster queries.
+\section{Dynamic MSF}
+Most of the early algorithms for dynamic connectivity also imply $\O(n^\varepsilon)$
+algorithms for dynamic maintenance of the MSF. Henzinger and King \cite{henzinger:twoec,henzinger:randdyn}
+have generalized their randomized connectivity algorithm to maintain the MSF in $\O(\log^5 n)$ time per
+operation, or $\O(k\log^3 n)$ if only~$k$ different values of edge weights are allowed. They have solved
+the decremental version of the problem first (which starts with a~given graph and only edge deletions
+are allowed) and then presented a~general reduction from the fully dynamic MSF to its decremental version.
+Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup \cite{holm:polylog} have followed the same path: they have modified
+their dynamic connectivity algorithm to solve the decremental MSF in $\O(\log^2 n)$ and obtained
+the fully dynamic MSF working in $\O(\log^4 n)$ per operation.
+We will present a~new algorithm which will reach the same time complexity in
+a~much easier way, and which also behaves better when the set of possible
+weights small (of size at most $\poly(n)$). The algorithm is based on
+a~different idea: We will first observe that the dynamic connectivity algorithm
+described in the previous section can be used for maintaining the MSF in time
+$\O(\log^2 n)$ if only two values of edge weights are allowed. This will serve
+as a~building block in an~$\O(\log k\cdot\log^2 n)$ time algorithm for
+$k$~different edge weights. Finally, partial rebuilding of this structure
+will bring the $\O(\log^4 n)$ bound for the MSF with unrestricted weights.