--- /dev/null
+Data format:
+ The memory of the machine consists of 4096 37-bit words (the topmost bit
+ is always used as a sign). The 0th memory cell is hard-wired to 0, writes
+ have no effect.
+ Fixed-point numbers: sign and 36 significant bits
+ Binary floating-point numbers (from top to bottom bit):
+ sign of mantissa
+ 28 bits of mantissa
+ 1 bit unused
+ sign of exponent
+ 6 bits of exponent
+ Decimal floating-point numbers (used only for printing):
+ sign of mantissa
+ 28 bits of mantissa (7 decimal digits in BCD)
+ 1 bit unused
+ sign of exponent
+ 1 bit unused
+ 5 bits of exponent (2 decimal digits in BCD, the former one truncated to 1 bit)
+Generic instruction format: (by octal digits; some instructions deviate)
+sop mm xxxx yyyy
+ | | | |
+ | | | +--- operand2
+ | | +----- operand1
+ | +------ indexing mode
+ +------- signed operation code
+Indexing mode bits:
+ aa iiii
+ | |
+ | +---- index register: when non-zero, lower 12 bits of the memory
+ | cell #iiii are added to yyyy, next 12 bits are added to xxxx
+ +----- address extension (supported only on Minsk-22, not in our Minsk-2)
+For arithmetic instructions, the lower 2 bits of <sop> encode addressing mode:
+ 0?: arg_a = previous value of accumulator, arg_b = mem[x]
+ 1?: arg_a = mem[y], arg_b = mem[x]
+ ?0: store result to accumulator
+ ?1: store result to both accumulator and mem[y]
++00 NOP
++04-07 a^b
++10-13 Fixed-point a+b
++14-17 Floating-point a+b
++20-23 Fixed-point a-b
++24-27 Floating-point a-b
++30-33 Fixed-point a*b
++34-37 Floating-point a*b
++40-43 Fixed-point a/b
++44-47 Floating-point a/b
++50-53 Fixed-point abs(a)-abs(b)
++54-57 Floating-point abs(a)-abs(b)
++60-63 a << b (b may be negative)
++64-67 a << b (b may be negative)
++70-73 a&b
++74-77 a|b
+-00 HALT, store x to R1 and y to accumulator
+-03 Magnetic tape I/O -- NOTIMP
+-04 Disable rounding -- NOTIMP
+-05 Enable rounding -- NOTIMP
+-06 Interrupt control -- NOTIMP
+-07 Reverse tape -- NOTIMP
+-10 Move: mem[y] = acc = mem[x]
+-11 Move negative: mem[y] = acc = -mem[x]
+-12 Move absolute: mem[y] = acc = abs(mem[x])
+-13 Read from keyboard -- NOTIMP
+-14 Copy sign of mem[x] to mem[y]
+-15 Read code from R1 (obscure) -- NOTIMP
+-16 Copy exponent of mem[x] to mem[y]
+-17 Teletype I/O -- NOTIMP
+-20 Loop: uses the index register mem[i] for loop control:
+ mem[i] is divided to 3 12-bit fields nnnn pppp qqqq,
+ mem[y] is likewise diveded to fields rrrr ssss tttt.
+ If n=0, the instruction does nothing
+ otherwise, mem[i] is written back with:
+ n' = n-1
+ p' = p+s mod 4096
+ q' = q+t mod 4096
+ and jump to address x.
+-30 Jump: mem[y]=acc and jump to address x
+-31 Jump to subroutine at address x, store backward jump instruction to mem[y]
+-32 Jump by sign: if acc>=0, jump to x, else jump to y
+-33 Jump by overflow: if overflow, jump to y, else jump to x
+ (we always halt on overflow, so this is rather trivial)
+-34 Jump by zero: if acc==0, jump to y, else jump to x
+-35 Jump by keypress: if key pressed, jump to x, else jump to y
+ (no keys are emulated)
+-36 Interrupt masking -- NOTIMP
+-37 Tape I/O -- NOTIMP
+-40-47 Various I/O -- NOTIMP
+-60-61 Various I/O -- NOTIMP
+-62 Printing instructions, depending on x:
+ 0aaa put decimal float mem[y] at position aaa in the buffer
+ 1aaa put octal integer mem[y]
+ 2aaa put decimal integer mem[y]
+ 3aaa put decimal integer mem[y], leading zeroes changed to spaces
+ 4aaa put one Russian symbol stored in 6 topmost bits of mem[y]
+ 5aaa put Russian text in mem[y] (6 6-bit characters)
+ 6aaa put one Latin symbol stored in 6 topmost bits of mem[y]
+ 7aaa put Latin text in mem[y] (6 6-bit characters)
+ z400 print contents of the buffer
+ bit 0 of z: perform line feed afterwards
+ bit 1 of z: clear buffer afterwards
+ bit 2 of z: if 0, nothing is printed
+ Hence, 2400 just clears the buffer, 5400 is a linefeed with
+ no effect on the contents of the buffer etc.
+-63 I/O -- NOTIMP
+-70 Fixed-point a*b, take bottom part; result always to acc
+ (what is the sign? the book is silent...)
+-71 acc = a%b
+-72 Add exponent of mem[x] to mem[y], copy mem[y] to acc
+-73 Sub exponent of mem[x] from mem[y], copy mem[y] to acc
+-74 Addition in one's complement: mem[y] = mem[x] + mem[y]
+-75 Normalization: convert fixed-point mem[x] to floating-point mem[y]
+-76 Population count: set mem[y] to number of bits in mem[x]