pleasant months working on what finally become a~part of this thesis.
I~also thank to my family for supporting me during the plentiful years of my study,
-to my girlfriend Ani\v{c}ka for lots of patience when I~was caught by my work and
+to my girlfriend Ani\v{c}ka for lots of patience when I~was caught up by my work and
hardly speaking, to all the polar bears of Kobylisy for their furry presence, and
finally to our cats Minuta and Dami\'an for their mastership in hiding my
papers, which has frequently forced me to think of new ways of looking at problems
+I~have tried to stick to the usual notation except where it was too inconvenient.
+Most symbols are defined at the place where they are used for the first time.
+A~complete index of symbols with pointers to their definitions is then available
+in Appendix~\ref{notapp}. This appendix also describes the formalism of
+multigraphs and of the Ackermann's function, both of which are not defined
+consistently in the common literature.
+To avoid piling up too many symbols at places that speak about a~single fixed graph,
+this graph is always called~$G$, its set of vertices and edges are denoted by $V$
+and~$E$ respectively, and I~also use~$n$ for the number of its vertices and $m$~for
+the number of edges. At places where there is a~danger of confusion, the usual explicit notation
+is used instead.
So, my gentle reader, let us nestle deep in an~ancient wing armchair. The saga of the