Many of the nice structural properties of planar graphs extend to
-minor-closed classes, too (see \cite{diestel:gt} for a~nice overview
-of this theory). The most important property is probably the characterization
+minor-closed classes, too (see \cite{lovasz:minors} for a~nice survey
+of this theory and \cite{diestel:gt} for some of the deeper results).
+The most important property is probably the characterization
of such classes in terms of their forbidden minors.
+@article{ jerrum:permanent,
+ title={{A Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for the Permanent of a Matrix with Nonnegative Entries}},
+ author={Jerrum, M. and Sinclair, A. and Vigoda, E.},
+ journal={Journal of the ACM},
+ volume={51},
+ number={4},
+ pages={671--697},
+ year={2004}
+@article{ kasteleyn:crystals,
+ title={{Graph theory and crystal physics}},
+ author={Kasteleyn, P. W.},
+ journal={Graph Theory and Theoretical Physics},
+ publisher={Academic Press, London},
+ pages={43--110},
+ year={1967}
+@article{ yuster:matching,
+ title={{Maximum matching in graphs with an excluded minor}},
+ author={Yuster, R. and Zwick, U.},
+ journal={Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms},
+ pages={108--117},
+ year={2007},
+ publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA, USA}
+@article{ mucha:matching,
+ title={{Maximum Matchings in Planar Graphs via Gaussian Elimination}},
+ author={Mucha, M. and Sankowski, P.},
+ journal={Algorithmica},
+ volume={45},
+ number={1},
+ pages={3--20},
+ year={2006},
+ publisher={Springer}
+@article {lovasz:minors,
+ title={{Graph Minor Theory}},
+ author={Lov\'asz, L.},
+ journal={Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
+ volume={43},
+ number={1},
+ pages={75--86},
+ year={2005}
and $\O(n^2\cdot t(n))$ by the computations of the~$N_0$'s.
+In cases where the efficient evaluation of the permanent is out of our reach,
+we can consider using the fully-polynomial randomized approximation scheme
+for the permanent described by Jerrum, Sinclair and Vigoda in \cite{jerrum:permanent}.
+We then get an~approximation scheme for the ranks.
+There are also deterministic algorithms for computing the number of perfect matchings
+in various special graph families (which imply polynomial-time ranking algorithms for
+the corresponding families of permutations). If the graph is planar, we can
+use the Kasteleyn's algorithm \cite{kasteleyn:crystals} based on Pfaffian
+orientations which runs in time $\O(n^3)$.
+It has been recently extended to arbitrary surfaces by Yuster and Zwick
+\cite{yuster:matching} and sped up to $\O(n^{2.19})$. The counting problem
+for arbitrary minor-closed classes (cf.~section \ref{minorclosed}) is still
\section{Hatcheck lady and other derangements}