%%% TODO items: remove before submitting :)
+% Parts marked as SPECIMEN are used for building the example PDF.
+% When the official template is generated by ./mkdist, all such parts
+% are deleted, as well as all calls of \X and \XXX macros.
+\def\XXX#1{\par\smallskip\noindent \textcolor{red}{[#1]}}
\usepackage{paralist} % improved enumerate and itemize
\usepackage{xcolor} % typesetting in color
-% Parts marked as SPECIMEN are used for building the example PDF.
-% When the official template is generated by ./mkdist, all such parts
-% are deleted, as well as all calls of \X and \XXX macros.
-\def\XXX#1{\par\smallskip\noindent \textcolor{red}{[#1]}}
%% The hyperref package for clickable links in PDF and also for storing
%% metadata to PDF (including the table of contents).
%% Most settings are pre-set by the pdfx package.